CONTENTS Richmond's Quiet Renaissance Nature's Gallery of Shells Nobody Wants to be a Loser The Spider's Web Business School Launches MBA Program Around the Lake People in the News Awards Recognize Alumni Achievement Classnotes Westhampton Classnotes
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Constance Semple , editor Susan Grayson , assistant editor Louis M. Markwith, 8 '67 , classnotes editor Jane S. Thorpe , WC'58, Westhampton editor Maxie Mason , art director Cover: Photographer Robert Llewellyn captures "the classic design" of the chambered nautilus, one of 5000 shells in a new university collection. Credits: Robert Llewellyn, pages 1-11, 13, 14; Ed Thorsett, pages 7, 13, 32; Gary Putnam page 12, 20; Fred Kozub page 17; DementiFoster page 21.
The UR Magazine, of which this publication is Volume 39, Number 4, Fall issue , is published quarterly by the University of Richmond , Virginia. Second-Class Postage Paid at University of Richmond, Virginia 23 I 73.
THE HUMOF BUZZ SA ws, the whirr of drills, the tap of hammers and the hiss of acetylene torches have become commonplace on the uncommon campus of the University of Richmond. Alumni may miss some of the beautiful trees that have been uprooted in the name of progress; but further analysis shows that were it not for the occasional falling pine so loved by all, students would not be experiencing the great advantages afforded them by the magnificent facilities that have mushroomed. The recently completed addition to the Boatwright Memorial Library and the University Commons are treasurers of a wealth of knowledge, the value of which cannot be measured by the architecture alone. We think that far from resulting in the proverbial parking lot ob literating advancement, the new program has been tastefully planned and efficiently completed. We recommend all alumni return to Richmond this year, if they haven't been back for some time, and become witnesses to the dramatic change of our time.
Richmond 's Quiet Renaissance
by Constance Semple
.. A metamorphosis so profound that it may modify the character of Richmond forever.
It was during the era of student actw1sm and my first year as vice president for student affairs. The students were upset about something, although now I can't recall what, and had decided to meet at IO PM one fall evening in front of Freeman Hall. I had driven out to the campus and parked my car in the parking lot overlooking the lake and adjacent to the library, in case I was needed. As I sat there in my car, I observed a dark campus. There were few lights, and it gave me the impression that it was dead-nothing to stimulate activity and involvement. I began to reflect upon student life at the university, and it occurred to me that the best a student had offered to him was a student shop, serving dried-out hamburgers and cokes. I remember thinking that a university had to be more than this, because, in our society, the worst fate for someone was to have nothing to do. - Dr. William H. Leftwich, vice president for student affairs, reflecting on events taking place fall semester 1971. Today, the campus is almost like a supermarket. There is so much going on that most of us have our tongues hanging out to keep up. That is the way it ought to be. - Dr. William H. Leftwich, vice president for student affairs, 1976. As bulldozers replace bullfrogs with buildings, the University of Richmond is emerging from an educational middle age. Though the most visible sign has been the immense and strategically important campus construction, bricks and mortar do not necessarily "a univer sity make." The past five years has also witnessed a dramatic evolution in the attitudes and lives of students, faculty memb ers and administrators - a met amo rphosi s so profound that it may modify the character of Richmond forever. Students, faculty and administrators have taken a fresh, objective view of each other. The result has been a more flexible and innovative educational program, geared to treating college students as "maturing adults" and to recognizing faculty members for their ability to bring a mean-
ingful experience to these students. From athletics, curricula, career planning to daily food service, the thrust has been to involve the student in a challenging and productive college experience, without sacrificing the short-term objectives of good scholastic performance. Vanguarding the general shift in attitudes has been a change in the complexion of the faculty. A major faculty study, completed in 1973, confirmed that the faculty has improved. Today , 76 percent (13 percent higher than in 1971) hold doctoral degrees, though the average age has dropped. A larger number (about 30 percent more) are publishing actively, and the university has been granting about twice as many sabbaticals as five years ago. These results are the product of more careful recruiting , retention and higher salaries, which, though several years ago were below the 50 percentile, are in the 70 percentile in the nation . "Every position," says Dr. Charles E. Glassick, vice president and provost, "is based on a national search. A greater effort has been made to acquire and hire the best and, by more seriously considering promotions and tenure, to keep them ." This new faculty has brought with it a fresher classroom approach, and, more importantly , has extended its student contact beyond the confines of the classroom. Previously, the faculty established the Center for Psychological Services under the direction of Jean Dickinson, associate professor of psychology. Staffed by professors trained in personal and vocational counseling, it has been expanded recently to include an academic skills program, which aids the student in identifying his scholastic aptitudes . Faculty-counselors are also in the dormitories. Helping students overcome their reluctance to make formal appointments, they have been giving informal mini-talks on the types of problems that might prevent the student from reaching his potential in college. The relaxed atmosphere of these meetings has appeared to reduce the student's temerity to seek advice, and has provided a better understanding between teacher and
student both on and off campus. Scholastically, the school's long-range objective is to remain "conservative." Based on the traditional concepts of the liberal arts, the academic program incorporates heavy requirements, solidarity and rigor. "Doing the tried and true can be good," says Dr. G lassick. "There is nothing new under the sun in academics; we don't have to be unique to be good." Nevertheless, the existing programs have been improved, allowing greater flexibility through innovation. Richmond's commitment to be a teaching institution has spearheaded a current study for curricula revision. Through departmental review, the faculty has made changes within the departments of political science, psychology and mathematics. Expanding the techniques for instruction of foreign languages, they use computers. The university is among the few schools on the East Coast affording students the opportunity to participate in faculty research projects. This year, students are eligible for grants which give preference to student-faculty research where the student is the primary, not junior, researcher. While the university has broadened the academic program, it has also sought to increase the diversity and quality of the student body . Greater emphasis has been placed on recruiting students and identifying Richmond's attraction. "There hasn't been a decline in applications," says Dr. Glassick. "In fact, applications are up," with more students from outside Virginia seeking admission. The motivation to strengthen the faculty and student body, has led the university to more definitively outline the concept of coordinate education. Though in recent years it has caused apparent apprehension for some Westhampton College alumnae, "Coordinate education is not a revolutionary idea ," says Dr. C. J. Gray, dean of administration. It was clearly expressed in the 1914 Charter of the University of Richmond. While the particular identity of Westhampton has remained strong, that of Richmond College and the university have become almost synonymous. Where ob-
vious overlapping of services exists, operations have been consolidated and improved, as long as quality and reputation of the various colleges and schools have not been sacrificed. Administratively, the university is making major revisions in student services, enhancing their effectiveness. "Students are more career-oriented," says Dr. Glassick. Last year, the individual division's placement offices were consolidated into a full-time university-wide office, bringing career planning to the freshman level. The results have been noticeable: more firms last year recruited on the campus than ever before. "Career days" were arranged in cities around the state. And a new program trained selected students to travel to larger cities-Atlanta, New York, Washingtonto meet with well-established alumni, encouraging them to visit Richmond when recruiting. "Until I came," says Dr. Leftwich, "there was no university-wide office for student affairs. Now, we have the first director of student activities, Max Yest, who works with students in planning their activities." Even though University Commons opened its doors this year, the new director is having difficulty scheduling all the events and programs sponsored on campus. Students are inundated with numerous activities available to them. The University of Richmond is a small university with big programs and facilities. There are over 40 active organizations and clubs on campus in which students have the opportunity to become involved - choir, orchestra, band, yearbook, student newspaper. Last year, law school students established their own newspaper, Juris Publici. Once approved by the FCC and the Board of Trustees, the university radio station, WCRC, will modernize its equipment, enabling it to expand its radio broadcast beyond the campus. Fraternities, which for several years experienced declining interest nationally, are gaining momentum. Approximately one-third of the men have joined one of the 11 Greek fraternities. Through their active participation on university committees, students have been afforded the greatest opportunity available
Students heighten their goals while the faculty probes to broaden the student's experience.
Notwithstanding runaway operating costs, the university has not had a budget deficit since 1895.
for voicing their opinions. "Two students were appointed to the search committee for the new Westhampton dean ," says Dr. Leftwich, "and their presence has not been just in representation ." The students have been taking on new responsibilities at all levels, from campus concerts to food service. Though few schools escape the severe criticisms of the "institutional food" they serve, most students simply endure the fleeting hardship with sporadic grumblings. However , encouragement from University of Richmond students was a factor in bringing a new food service to campus this year. Where possible, the university extends maximum responsibility. The change in social rules and regulations demonstrates university administrators and the Board of Trustees confidence in students ability and good judgment to shape their lives and experiences . The University Student Union (USU), which sponsored entertainer Bob Hope's appearance at the Robins Center last spring , was the work of some 80 students . Several even received credit for their work , which involved months of preparation and meant making assignments, meeting deadlines and managing the budget. It was also the students idea to play Virginia Commonwealth University in basketball this past year - the first time in the history of Richmond College. There has been a great intensity and involvement on all levels of athletics. Before the Robins Center was built , about onethird of the student body was active in sports . Now, 60 to 70 percent are involved in one or more intercollegiate, club or intramural sport. There are nearly 30 sports for men and almost as many for women to choose from. Recently the Board of Trustees approved a new assistant director of athletics for women, and the creation of the Fanny Crenshaw Scholarship for young women in athletics was awarded for the first time this year. Richmond has always had the traditional intercollegiate sports-football, basketball, baseball and track and field-but in recent years it has added wrestling, swimming and diving and, last year, soccer. Club sports,
under the direction of Chuck Boone, assistant director of athletics , now offers rugby, soccer , water polo, ice hockey and lacrosse . Intramural participation has increased dramatically. In 1974-75, approximately 700 men participated in basketball, 400 in team hardy ball, 375 in volleyball and 300 in soccer ; last year , there were 44 softball teams . Each year the number of students participating in sports grows . Increased facilities, programs and services have meant increased spending. In the past five years the budget has risen from $8 million to $ 16 million , of which university salaries represent about 60 percent. Ironically, the net cost of athletics has actually gone down in recent years . "The gross expenses have increased, " says Louis W. Moelchert Jr., vice president for business and finance and treasurer, "but this has been offset by income-producing programs. Playing the University of Georgia in football, for example, produced considerable incom.e. The Robins Center is one of our greatest assets and well worth whatever it takes to run the facility." The building program has been , of course, the necessary and functional catalyst for some of the changes. The new wing of the law school enabled library and curriculum expansion to accomodate an increasingly larger faculty and student body. A Master of Business Administration program began this fall. A Bachelor of Music and Master of Music was initiated last year. And of immense importance is Boatwright Memorial Library's new addition , tripling the size of the original building and incorporating a Learning Resources Center. "There have been major cost increases in almost all areas of the budget ," says Moelchert, "particularly for utilities, currently three-quarters of a million of which electricity represents $450,000 ." The cost of water has risen nearly 90 percent in two years . But where possible, economies have been taken. Coal, costing about 30 percent less than fuel oil, is burned in as great a quantity as is allowable. "But," he says , "the Environmental Protection Agency curbs its consumption, since burning coal produces more significant amounts of particle emission than oil. "
Since the Robins Center was built, twice as many student s parti cipate in at least one sport.
Coordinate education reflects an environment for fundamental and universal need. communicating-a
Met with rising costs, the university has managed to remain in the black, which it has done successfully for over 80 years. "We are not squandering large amounts of revenue in any area," says Moelchert. Yet, "Were it not for the Robins gift and the effect it also has had on the endowment income, the educational program at the University of Richmond would not be the quality it is now," he says. It would cost $ 1000 more each student approximately than the current $2600 tuition bill. In an era when higher education is at a premium and a college education a luxury for many students, the University of Richmond has attempted to keep the cost at an affordable level. Instrumental in this curtailment has been the "Our Time in History" development of Richmond 's program . Characteristic commitment to maximum efficiency without overstaffing is the university relations staff, which, compared to other private institutions of similar size, is surprisingly small when considering the magnitude of its commitment to raise $50 million. "It has never gone over budget, " says H . Gerald Quigg , vice president for university relations. "Through the campaign, we have averaged spending six cents for every dollar And according received in contributions." to the American Association of Fund Raising Council, if an institution keeps its expenses under ten percent, it is doing well. Perhaps more importantly "are our volunteers , the university 's greatest natural resource," says Quigg . "In the last four and a half years, over l 0,000 people have been involved in one way or another in the success of this institution." Two years ago in the city campaign about 2500 volunteers hosted luncheons , alumni activities and made fund-raising calls. Says Quigg , "It is simply not possible for President Heilman , Carlyle Tiller (campaign chairman) and me to make all the calls necessary. " This quiet , yet forceful , spirit among Richmond 's loyalists has motivated the spiritual change and permeated the physical facelift of the university 's renaissance . And it is just beginning.
Beginning this year, undergraduates are eligible for research grants.
Nature's Gallery Of Shells
by Susan Grayson
A RECENTLY ACQUIRED SHELL COLLECTION at the University of Richmond contains a touch of Ripley's Believe It or Not. Listed in the famous book of natural phenomena is a shell that , after tangling with a ball of nylon fishing wire, became malformed . Continuing to grow, the shell absorbed the twine and tiny barbs of wire dart in and out of its hard surface like miniature antennae . This is just one of over 5000 shells gathered from around the world and included in the new collection. Valued at $25 ,000 , it is the gift of Lora M . Robins and is on display in the Lora Robins Gallery of Design from Nature in the new addition of Boatwright Memorial Library. The collection was originally housed in the Nautilus Museum in Virginia Beach , whose owners, William and Zida Kibler, toured the world to assemble a series of shapes, sizes and color combinations, which run the gamut of nature's invention. The most famous place for shells is the tropics , but mollusks, the inhibitants of shells, can be found as far north as the polar regions. Hatched from eggs , mollusks immediately begin to secrete a substance that surrounds their soft vulnerable bodies and hardens to the consistency of marble . They add these layers of protection every few days, weeks or with the change of seasons . For food , mollusks are foragers , consuming seaweed and dead fish. "They are the garbage disposal of the sea, " explains Dr. Willie M. Reams Jr., professor of biology , who is assembling the collection . Inhabiting the sea shell is a form of mollusk known as the gastropod. Each gastro-
pod possesses a foot to provide a gentle push along the ocean floor, but travels are limited by the size of his shell. Those who carry too heavy a load to transport remain stationary, while others may hitch a ride on a piece of floating debris. At the first sign of danger, the gastropod withdraws his foot and slams the door. Depending on the species, the door or operculum may resemble a thin disk, a button or a slice of marble. The snail , another gastropod, avoids conflict by ducking back into the house he carries on his back . While the university collection contains fossils dating back 25 million years , "mollusks have not changed much during that time," Dr. Reams says. "They are the oldest known animal form of which we have fossil records." In the new collection, rare agatized formations from Tampa Bay glow like jewels in translucent gem colors. Shells with rare colors mingle with albino shells, which are equally as scarce. Even the animal inside the albino shell was once pure white and one may discover only a dozen albino shells out of many thousands, Dr. Reams says. Also on display , are miniature sea shells whose microscopic proportions escape the naked eye . Others suffering genetic mutations or wounds during the growth process can be found in varying shapes and sizes including a super shell from the Polynesian Islands, the size of a watermelon . Deep water specimens, certainly a rarity to the average beachcomber , come to the surface in the UR collection , gathered from 50 fathoms below in the Gulf of Mexico. The chambered nautilus, perhaps the most famous and legendary shell in the sea,
The worm shell, Vermetus spiratus , can grow to three or four feet in length.
Conchs are the fabled shell trumpet used by the Tritons.
Used for food, ornamentation, currency or tools, shells have served mankind for centuries.
occupies a prominent place among the collection 's treasures . The shell is one of the most popular for its perfect , intricate geometric patterns, but it is not rare, says Dr. Reams . "It is valuable for its mother-ofpearl surface, which is revealed by chipping off a dull outside coating." Other objects of high value in the collection are a group of pearls created by unlikely pearl producers. Clams and oysters are known for the gems they create by secreting a substance that envelops foreign particles trapped inside their shells . But these pearls are gathered from conch shells, the most common sea shell, which emits " the roar of the ocean ." An evolutionary series traces the development of pearls in the mercenaria clam, with some in the series as large as 16 millimeters or slightly over one-half inch in diameter. Not only prized for their beauty and value , some shells possess colorful histories. Land snails, which live in moist greenery or trees , are served as the delicacy escargot in France. Land snails in the UR collection come from the Hawaiian Islands, where they were planted by the Japanese as a source of food IO years before the invasion of Pearl Harbor. While shells are often used as ornaments, the Calusa Indians from the DeSoto tribe in Florida , fashioned them into hoes and spades . Trumpet shells were a source of communication for natives of the Polynesian Islands. But perhaps the most famous role of the shell was its use as popular legal tender among primitive races in America, Asia, Africa and Australia. Even today , traces of shell money have been found among tribes from remote Pacific and Indian Ocean islands . At one time, tribes in interior Africa strung large shells together as a sign of personal or tribal wealth . While it is true that shells are no longer legal tender, all assets cannot be measured in terms of purchasing power. To appraise the collection , one must recognize the shells, complete with accurate scientific identification, serve as a teaching tool and their unique shapes and forms make art as well. Such a combination, both artistic and enlightening , borders on being priceless .
The spiny back of the pink conch shell, Strombu s gigas, discourages attack s fr om predat ors.
Each reflecting a year of growth, the chambered walls of Nautilus macromphalus contain small holes through which the animal's cylindrical body passes.
Nobody Wants to be A Loser
by Dr. William E. Walker
Motivation to compete ranges from a desire to win to a fe ar of losing.
AN OLYMPIC YEARIS UNNECESSARYfor seal- basketball) expressed negative attitudes toing the bond between the people of the ward school and academics . They thought United States and athletics. Sport and comteachers and administrators less tolerant petition are firmly ingrained in our daily and "down on them more than other stulives . And with big time sport providing the dents." Small school athletes, on the other impetus for great changes in our economic hand, believed teachers supportive and unpicture, social customs and personal habits , derstanding of missed classes and problems athletics and entertainment become almost with practice . synonymous . Major sport athletes, especially non-talConsequently , Americans harbor a great ented players, in large schools scored low fear of inve stigating athletics and programs, academically . Though the talented athlete almost as if fault-finding results might pre- showed a higher scholastic aptitude, cipitate less use of some of our finest facili- achievement lagged. There were exceptions, ties and playing fields. We are bombarded nevertheless, where achievement coincided with statements purporting the advantages with a high-aptitude, but these academicof athletic participation . Yet, after decades minded athletes reported it difficult. of organized sport in our country, we are unAlthough overall differences in self-concertain about whether it does indeed build cept were not found in small or large, wincharacter . When witnessing the intense ef- ning or non-winning schools, program diffort and necessity to win, common sense ferences were striking. The talented athlete should tell us something is wrong. The in the large school had a better opinion of study of athletics and its effects on particihimself than the non-talented. The latter in pants as a method for improving the situawinning programs developed lower selftion should not pose a threat. After all, one concepts, and many who feared being cut supposed strength of physical competition from the team reported anxiety. This was is the teaching of self-evaluation and im- untrue of students in non -winning proprovement. grams and players in small schools , which If organized athletics have a positive ef- more frequently emphasized team effort. fect on the development of our youth, we Students excluded from athletics, because might expect differences between those who of insufficient development or just not being participate and those who do not. Program good enough, were more likely to suffer variations might also affect differences. severely in terms of self-concept. The exA recently completed study of eight high perience tended to foster a distaste for schools in Kentucky and Tennessee reveals participation altogether. some distinct ch aracteristics . The schools According to psychologist Louis Alley's chosen vary in size (large, 1600-2000 stu- research, the program that emphasizes dents , and small , 300-600 students) and athwinning and excludes the least talented is a letic reputation . Students were selected randestructive force . Alley fears that students domly from each school and , based on who fail to make the team might suffer in ratings of coaches and outside personnel, social development. Moreover, the diswere grouped as talented or non-talented in ruption of academics might threaten educatheir respective sport. Over a three-year pe- tional goals. riod, each participant was evaluated on selfAnd just as not all high school students concept, attitudes toward school , in- go to college, not all high school athletes go volvement in other school activities and ac- there either. However, a larger proportion ademic success. of participants in minor sports (golf, tennis, Analysis showed that while students in track and field) wind up on university camsmall schools demonstrated greater athletic puses. And when major sport athletes, reparticipation than those in large schools , cruited for their prowess on the playing the y were generally less talented . They were field, do attend college, they typically have more involved in other school activities and lower aptitude levels than other students. shared similar positive attitudes toward acA I 975- 76 study analyzed high school ademics with students who did not particiathletes entering college immediately after pate in sports. secondary school. Four colleges were used ¡ In the large schools , however, athletics, -two large (8,000- I 5,000) and two small particularly in the major sports (football, ( 1,400-2,500) .
The results indicate that the sports participant who decides before college not to tryout for a team has greater confidence and , therefore , performs better academically. This is also more characteristic of the athlete who fails to make the team in a minor sport than his counterpart in a major sport, simply because he loses less self-image when failing at a relatively unknown sport. While a number of individuals are truly shocked when cut from a minor sports team after holding a high position on a secondary school team , the student from a small high school adjusts more readily . He will more likely participate in intramurals at no great loss of self-image, particularly if the college is small. For the athlete from a large high school, the effects of failure apparently last longer, no matter what size the college . Academically, minor sport participants succeed more than major sport participants if they come from large high schools . But this does not hold for small high school athletes and is probably reflective of aptitudes. Athletes in large colleges exhibit poorer attitudes toward school than most students, and feel pressure from their peers not to achieve more than necessary. Major sport participants in the smaller colleges show similar feelings . The good high school athlete who mamtains that posture in college benefits greatly from participation . He has a high self-image and knows his decisions are important. Since he is already respected by others for his athletic achievement, he is as comfortable with bad grades as good. To him , academics are "just not that important." Ideally, participation should guarante e benefits to the competitor, regardless of outcome . However , because our society is oriented to winning, distinct reactions to victory or defeat are overlooked , unless eventual rewards from losing are evident. We convince ourselves that losses build character and begin pinpointing weaknesses which can be erased before the next competition. Recent research indicates distinct reactions among athletes to wins and losses. The loser is likely to deviate enormously from his daily schedule and his appetite and personal relations suffer. The effects are
even more drastic if he had expected to win . Unfairly negative about his opponent , the loser is reluctant to practice after the event and longs for solitude. A notable exception exists , however , when the athlete has a high self-concept and believes he can benefit from the loss and seeks out a coach or other expert figure for critical evaluation . Individuals who experience a series of losses usually feel helpless and show loss of confidence . They are motivated to compete , not because of a desire to win but from fear of losing. Eventually, this fear may become so great that the sport lacks appeal. A series of wins , on the other hand, most assuredly produces strong self-image. Losses sustained after this series might cause abrupt shocks, but they soon wear off, since the strong self-image is apparently more dominant. From an investigation of secondary school athletes, the player with a high selfconcept is usually a good student and talented in other areas . Although his parents are sport enthusiasts and enjoyed participating in athletics , they are unconcerned with their offspring's winning in competition, and do not "hassle coaches and officials." The results of a few studies cannot answer all of the questions we have about athletics and its effects on participants . A number of problems make interpretation unclear. Prominent among them is that we cannot control participation in sports to precisely study the effects . However, we must realize that athletic participation does not represent the ideal experience once endorsed. We seem to believe that studying the adverse effects might deny us the benefits of enjoying winning both as participants and as fans. Yet , studies might enable coaches to do a better job in making athletic competition in schools and colleges an educ ational experience . What we fail to realize are possible benefits-not the least of which is the participants ' greater enjoyment.
Dr. Walker , assistant professor of psychol ogy at the University of Richmond, began to study the effects of athletics while instructing undergraduates in physical education . He has also coached the Spider tennis team for the past three years .
A thletic part icipation importanc e.
has psyc hological
Spider's Web Oct. 16. In addition, this year's events include a radio-controlled sailboat race on University Lake, tours of the new addition to Boatwright Memorial Library and the new University Commons, musical entertainment and a late afternoon social hour sponsored by the Richmond Club of the Westhampton Alumnae Association and the Richmond Metropolitan Alumni Chapter. For more information contact the public information office, 804-285-6252.
Sports Be a Spider spectator. Season tickets for the University of Richmond home football games are now on sale at the Robins Center. Watch the Spiders tackle VMI, Sept. 25; University of Tennessee at Chattanooga , Oct. 30; East Carolina University , Nov. 6; Virginia Tech , Nov. 13; and William and Mary , Nov. 20. All games begin at 1:30 pm in City Stadium . Season tickets are $35, individual game tickets $7, with the Virginia Tech game $8. Call the Robins Center ticket office for more information, 804-2856363 .
Parents' Weekend. Arriving on campus on Friday, Oct. 30, parents will be wined and dined at a student reception followed by dinner in university dining facilities. On Saturday, Oct. 31, parents can learn "Where Your Dollar Goes for Higher Education," take tours of the new addition to Boatwright Memorial Library and the University Commons, sample a box lunch and attend the football game at 1:30 pm in City Stadium where the Spiders meet the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga . Halftime festivities include the crowning of the Homecoming Queen and entertainment by the Woodbridge High School Band, winner of the I 975 Band Day competition . A special worship service will be held for students and parents on Sunday at 11 am in Cannon Memorial Chapel. For more information contact the public information office, 804-285-6252 .
Homecoming Spider Club. The special pre-Homecoming Spider Club for members and their wives will be held on Monday, Nov. I, at 12 noon in the Holiday Inn, 6531 W. Broad Street , Richmond .
Universityevents Kickoff. The University of Richmond launches its Annual Giving Program and the final stage of the climb to $30 million in the "Our Time in History" development program on Saturday , Sept. 25 . The day 's events include a general meeting for the campaigns ' I 20 volunteers , a President's Pregame Buffet, special busses to City Stadium for the VMI vs. UR game and a social hour following the game. University Hospitality Day. A day of activities revolves around the Robins Centeropen especially for alumni on Saturday ,
Spirit Bash. Students celebrate Homecoming with a Thursday night bonfire, dance and pep rally sponsored by the University Student Union. Tourneys. Friday , Nov. 6, the first day of the official Homecoming Weekend features an alumni and an alumnae tennis tournament on the Richmond College and Westhampton tennis courts. In the Bogle Open Golf Tournament, alumni will tee off at Mill Quarter Country Club in Powhatan County. Consult your Homecoming brochure or call the alumni office, 804-2856281 , for registration information .
Westhampton Alumnae Dinner. On Friday, Nov . 6, the Westhampton Alumnae Association will have a Homecoming dinner in the Westhampton dining hall. Contact the Alumnae Association at 804-288-3 I 19 for reservation information . Concert. Alumni can march to the tune of the U .S. Marine Corps Band during two benefit performances in the Robins Center on Friday, Nov. 5. Proceeds from the I pm matinee and 8 pm evening performances will benefit the University Music Scholarship Program and a learning disabilities center. The concerts are co-sponsored by the University of Richmond music department and the Kiwanis Club of James River. Tickets are general admission. Matinee : $2.50. Evening: $5. Contact the Robins Center ticket office for more information , 804285-6363. SBA Breakfast. School of Business Administration alumni will meet in the Refectory at 8 am on Saturday, Nov. 6, for the annual SBA Breakfast. Charles Maxwell , noted financial analyst, will speak. Cost is $2.50 per person . Consult your Homecoming brochure or contact the alumni office, 804-2856281, for reservation information. Joseph E. Nettles Alumni Breakfast. Richmond College alumni will meet in the multipurpose room of the University Commons to honor Joseph E. Nettles , alumni secretary, emeritus, and hear Representative David E. Satterfield III, an alumnus and trustee of the university, analyze the recent results of the Presidential and Congressional elections. Cost is $2 .50 per person.
Consult your Homecoming brochure or call the alumni office, 804-285-6281, for reservation information. Take a tour. Homecoming tours of the new addition to Boatwright Memorial Library, the University Commons, and the newly renovated Cannon Memorial Chapel will be conducted for alumni between IO and 11:30 am on Saturday, Nov. 6. Luncheon. A Homecoming Luncheon for all alumni will be held in the multi-purpose room of the University Commons between I 1:30 am and 12:30 pm. Homecoming football game. The Spiders will play East Carolina University at I :30 pm in City Stadium. Band Day, featuring competition between Virginia high school bands, will be the half-time entertainment. Call the Robins Center ticket office, 804285-6363, for ticket information. Meet and greet. A Homecoming social hour for all alumni will be held following the football game in them ulti-purpose room of University Commons. Worship. A special Homecoming worship service will be held at 11 am in Cannon Memorial Chapel. A brass ensemble will accompany the University Choir and Schola Cantorum who will perform in a special ceremony to rededicate the Chapel after recent renovations .
Alumnitours Travel. The University of Richmond is sponsoring trips to Rio de Janeiro, Switzerland and the Carribean this year. After flying to Miami on February 8, alumni and friends will board the French liner Renaissance for a 12-day cruise, which includes stops at Puerto Cortez and Portau-Prince. Rio de Janeiro is the site of another trip, February 11-19. And in May, the university is planning a tour of Switzerland. For more information about UR Alumni Tours contact: Louis M. Markwith, director of alumni affairs, University of Richmond, Virginia 23173, 804-285-628 I .
TheArts Paintings and photographs. During the month of September, acrylic paintings by Donna Harden Nicholson are on display in Marsh Gallery I of the Modlin Fine Arts Center and Douglas Higgins Ill displays photographs in Marsh Gallery II. Drawings and crafts. Regan Rieves exhibits drawings in Marsh Gallery I of the Modlin Fine Arts Center during the month of October combined with a craft exhibit by Bonnie Biggs . "Art and Science" is the topic of two lectures on Tuesday, Oct. 12, by Gyorgy Kepes, artist-writer-lecturer. A former Guggenheim Fellowship winner, artist-inresidence at the American Academy of Art in Rome, director of the Center of Advanced Visual Study at MIT and now a professor at Rice University, he will give a lectureseminar at 3 pm in Room 207 of the Modlin Fine Arts Center, and at 8 pm in Keller Hall. A reception in the Marsh Gallery, Modlin Fine Arts Center, will follow the evening lecture . Both lectures are open to the public and all are invited to attend the reception. For more information call the art department, 804-285-6371 . Acrylic paintings. Roy Woodall of Williamsburg displays acrylic paintings in Marsh Gallery I of the Modlin Fine Arts Center beginning Nov. I and continuing until Thanksgiving . Organic objects and stuffed mirrors. Oil paintings of organic objects by Jeanne Begien Campbell, University of Richmond assistant professor of art and Marsh Gallery curator, will be on display from Thanksgiving until Dec. 18 in Marsh Gallery I. Simultaneously Chuck Scalin will display constructions and stuffed mirrors in Marsh Gallery 11.
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie opens the University Players' season. British actress Maggie Smith won an Academy A ward for her film portrayal of a romantic but misguided Scottish schoolteacher who is betrayed by one of her pet students. Directed by Dr. Ronald Vigneault, assistant professor of speech communication and theatre arts, the play will run Thursday through Saturday, Oct. I 4- I 6. Curtain time is 8: I 5 pm in Camp Memorial Theater. For ticket information call the box office, 804-2856397. The Firebugs. The work of a Swiss playwright, The Firebugs will be presented by the University Players on Nov. I 8-20. The play concerns the guilt and refusal of someone to take responsibility for an action until it is too late. The metaphor is a group of terrorists, the firebugs, burning a town with no one to stop them. Dr. John D. Welsh, associate professor of speech communication and theatre arts, directs. Plays begin at 8:15 pm in Camp Memorial Theater. For ticket information call the box office, 804285-6397. Season tickets for University players are available. See inside back cover of this magazine for coupon .
Etcetera Books and things. Opening in University Commons is the new University of Richmond Bookstore. Expanded facilities provide space for more than 3000 titles of non required readings, including children's books. A wide assortment of glassware, clothing and speciality items are ava ila ble with University of Richmond , Richmond College or Westhampton College seal. Special orders are encouraged on items not in stock. For further information , contact Mike Kane , manager , University of Richmond Bookstore , 804-285-6256 .
Business School Launches MBA Program
by Randolph
R enovated classrooms complement ins1ructional techniques for new program .
WHEN DR. W . DAYID ROBBINS, dean of the School of Business Administration, became convinced that the University of Richmond should offer a Master of Business Administration degree , he followed the same guideline he used to build a first-class School of Business Administration . He constructed a program that he knew the business community and businessmen would need and want. The jaunty cigar-smoking dean spent two years pulling together the necessary information and consulting with experts in the field. He devised a curriculum he sees as valuable and useful and assembled a faculty he describes as "one of the best anywhere ." The new MBA program assists business firms by developing management personnel and enables individuals to become professional managers. It meets "a critical need and worldwide shortage of professional managers who have the training and ability to evaluate , organize, plan and inspire the work of others ," Dean Robbins said . • He selected a young and talented professor to head the program. Dr . Robert W. Phillips, associate professor of finance, directs a "strong and uniquely qualified faculty, which represents a broad spectrum of excellent universities. Eighteen members not only have the PhD degree, but they have wide business and counseling experience," according to Dean Robbins . The first woman to serve on the School of Business Administration faculty joins the MBA program this year. Dr. Jeanne M. Lynch , who recently received her PhD from Harvard Business School, is a veteran consultant in business , specializing in communications and marketing . Other University of Richmond professors with established reputations in their fields instruct students in the new program. Among them are Dr. Richard S . U nd~rhill, formerly director of the Institute for Business and Community Development ; Dr. David C. Ekey, chairman of the management systems department; Dr. Robert T. Partain , chairman of the finance department ; and Dr. Richard C. Chewning, professor of business administration . The strong faculty combined with small classes of probably I 2 or 13 students on the average , but certainly not more than 20 students , are part of the program that Dean Robbins and Dr. Phillips assert is
H. Walker Jr., RC'60
one of the best. "Our solid curriculum, restrictions on the enrollment, excellent faculty and small classes give us an edge on providing superior education," Dean Robbins said. Designed for the full -time employee, the MBA program offers courses in the late afternoon and early evening . "This will enable almost everyone to find a convenient time to take the courses without taking time from the job," he explained, adding that a student may pursue a degree on either a part-time or full-time basis. Dean Robbins stressed that the program does not exclude those students who have recently received the bachelor's degree, but business experience is considered in the selection of applicants and may be credited toward some of the prerequisite courses. Prerequisites in the program include principles of accounting, economic analysis, principles of marketing, quantitative methods for business, legal environment of business, organization and behavior and corporation finance. The core courses include managerial accounting and control , managerial economics, advanced marketing management, operation research , advanced financial management and business policy. In addition to taking the 18 core courses , the student must complete 12 semester hours of graduate level elective courses . He may select courses in the areas of finance and banking, management science and marketing . A total of 30 semester hours are required to complete the program . The emphasis on quality has extended to the classroom setting as well as the curriculum and faculty. Two classrooms were renovated this summer to give maximum use of the case approach of teaching in the MBA program. In addition to the usual painting and other decorative touches, new swivel chairs on three levels enable students to view speakers from various parts of the room, Dr . Phillips explained. "The education of a professional manager is a complex task, " Dean Robbins concluded . "I think we have developed a degree program which will reflect favorab ly upon those who earn it as well as the University of Richmond as the years go by."
Mr. Walker is director of public information at the University of Richmond.
Universityof Richmond
"Our Time in History'' A MESSAGEFROM DR. HEILMAN The Councilfor FinancialAid to Educationreportedrecentlythat in additionto more than $26 millioncontributedby donorsto all causesin 1975, an additional$26 million was contributedin goodsand servicesby a vast groupof volunteers.In fact, the free, private enterprisesystemin the nonprofitsectordependsentirelyuponvolunteerleadershipgiving and workingfor the causeof theirchoice. At the Universityof Richmondwe too dependupon the gifts and servicesof volunteersto achievethe University'seducational goals. Without the resourcesand adviceand counselof scoresof individualsand otherorganizations,the Universitywould not continuefor long as a viableuniversity. In this, The 1975-1976 Report of Gifts, I am pleasedto recognizethegifts,grantsand servicesgiven to the Universityof Richmondduringthis past academicyear. This is a very specialyear in that the resultsof five yearsof planningare comingto fruition. • The $4.0 millionadditionand renovationof the F. W. BoatwrightMemorial Library will be completein Septemher 19 76. • The UniversityCommons,costing$4.6 million,will openin the fall. • Constructionhas startedon the $8.0 millionScienceCenter. • The Lake Beautification Projectis well underway, stimulatedby the specialgifts of many friends. • CannonMemorial Chapelis now beingrenovated. • During this year the Universityreceiveda majorscholarshipgrantfor the dramatic artsdepartment; a gift to purchasea new harpsichord for themusicdepartment; a granttoassistwith thepurchaseof scientificequipmentfor thechemistrydepartment; and a majorgift tosupportf acuitysalaries. Volunteersplayed a key role by seekinggifts, serving on various boards, hosting at Universityeventsand providingthe administration with valuableadviceand counsel. It is difficultin a few shortparagraphs to expressappreciation, to telleachof you - alumnus, parent,corporateexecutive,foundationdirectorand VirginiaBaptists- just how meaningful yourgifts areto the well-beingof the Universityof Richmond.Be assured,we takenothingfor grantedand we shallcontinueto makeourcasefor supportto eachof you. Thank youfor yourcontinuinginterest. Respect[ ully,
E.BruceHeilman President
University of Richmond FROMTHESTAFF
As of June 1976, the University will complete over four years of intensified campaigning. The Annual Giving Program has continued to grow, with a record number of donors pledging support to the University in 1975-76. "Area Campaigns" have been conducted in over 35 geographical areas throughout the United States, bringing new dollars and valuable contacts to the University. All of the above activities and results reflect the work of thousands of volunteers who believe in the University of Richmond and its future. Among the most rewarding experiences of educational administrators are contacts and associations with alumni and other friends. Because of the fine people we, as a staff, have the privilege to work with on the "Our Time in History" Development Program, the hard work is all worthwhile. Thank you for your dedicated efforts and for the fine support we received during 1975-1976.
This 1975-76 Report of Gifts has been prepared for alumni and other friends by the University's Alumni-Development Office and the Westhampton College Alumnae Office. It includes only gifts received during the period of July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 Great care has been taken in the preparation of this Report to assure complete and accurate recording. However, if errors and omissions occur, we express our sincere apology and ask that you bring them to our attention.
DEVELOPMENTPROGRAMRESULTS July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 (Cash gifts only) THE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Alumnae Alumni Associates Bequests Corporations & Businesses Faculty & Staff Foundations Gifts-in-Kind Parents Specials Trustees TOTAL GIFTS
$ 65,328.59 114,793 .98 73,006.42 61,231.07 572,725.00 25,730.08 65,300.00 41,989 .80 2,030 .00 651,646.60 253,809.65 $1 ,927,591.19
Lewis T. Booker, RC'50, Rector of the Board of Trustees, told a group of alumni recently that he had been on the campus 7 5 times between September 1975 and May 1976 for various meetings and events. Such activity demonstrates the commitment and dedication of University Trustees. The role of the Board of Trustees will continue to play an important part in the overall success of the Development Program. Theodore F. Adams Raymond F. Allen Reuben F. Alley .William Hugh Bagby Lewis T. Booker W. R. Broaddus Jr. Ms. Virginia L. Carter William V. Daniel Lynn C. Dickerson Charles Grantland Fuller John H. Garber L. Dudley George Floyd D. Gottwald Sr. Floyd D. Gottwald Jr. Garland Gray Miss Ellen T. Gwathmey W. Barker Hardison H. Hiter Harris Jr. Mrs. Ann Carol Haskell W. Tyler Haynes E. Bruce Heilman Clyde V. Hickerson Joseph A. Jennings Robert C. King Sr. Thomas C. Leggett
M.M.Long Ms. Carolyn 0. Marsh Robert T. Marsh Jr. T. Justin Moore Jr. W. Dortch Oldham Warren M. Pace R. Clayton Pitts Edward H. Pruden James E. Rayhorn Richard S. Reynolds Jr. Kenneth L. Roberts E. Claiborne Robins E. Claiborne Robins Jr. Charles H. Ryland David E. Satterfield Ill John 8. Siegel Jr. Ken McFarlane Smith Leroy Smith Harold F. Snead Mrs. Frances Stallard William 8. Thalhimer Jr. F. Carlyle Tiller James T. Tucker Stephen J. Wright Mrs. ElaineJ. Yeatts
THE WESTHAMPTON COLLEGE ALUMNAE FUND Alumnae $ 66,129.71 OTHER DESIGNATIONS Associates Corporations & Businesses Corporate Matching Foundations Parents
$ 32,343.39 265,057.18 24,784.88 141,176.43 16,023.00
GOVERNMENT GRANTS AND RESEARCH $215,865.00 TOTAL OF ALL SUPPORT 1975-1976: $2,829,859.25
The Board of Associates is a nonlegal group formed in 1971 to assist the University in the areas of Development and Public Relations. Forty-eight distinguished alumni and other friends are now members of the Board. The group meets on campus once a year in order to know the University and to be fully informed. Louis S. Booth D. Tennant Bryan Paul D. Camp Leslie Cheek Jr. Edwin S. Cohen John N. Dalton Ashley D. DeShazor Paul W. Duke Max H. Goodloe William 8. Graham Leonard Kamsky Howard A. Kress William J. Leidinger Sydney Lewis Mrs. Elizabeth Robins Mayer
Ralph P. Moore Edmund A. Rennolds Jr. Richard S. Reynolds Ill Charles S. Robb Mrs . Lora M. Robins S. Buford Scott 8. Franklin Skinner Henry F. Stern Morton G. Thalhimer Jr. MacEldin Trawick C. Porter Vaughan Jr. Clinton Webb Marcus M. Weinstein W. Bernard Whaley
University of Richmond Fellows Six years ago, three levels of giving were created at the University of Richmond to seek donors at the $100, $500 and $1,000 level. These three categories are all under the canopy known as the University of Richmond Fellows. The Rector's Club, to honor donors of $1,000 or more, began with a membership of nineteen and passed the two-hundred mark this year. Other levels of giving are $500 donors, the President's Club, and $100 donors, The Centry Club, have also seen significant growth during the past six years. The University of Richmond Fellows continues to be the foundation for giving at the University. We are proud to list the names of this year's donors below.
RECTOR'SCLUB Mr. and Mrs. Irvin G. Abeloff J B. Adams Anne Freeman Adler Anonymous I G. Randolph Babcock R. Harwood Bagby A. Conrad Bareford Lewis Thomas Booker Thomas C. Boushall Samuel T. Bowman Mrs . Oliver Brown Robert L. Burrus Jr. Leslie Cheek Jr. Mary Tyler Freeman Cheek G. Warren Chukinas Charles M. Clement J. Harwood Cochrane Louise B. Cochrane Edwin S. Cohen Mrs. James T. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Elliott T. Cooper Jr. Walter W. Craigie Sr. Thaddeus T. Crump Carle E. Davis C. E. Denoon Jr. Mrs. David D. Dexter John W. Edmonds Jr. John W. Edmonds Ill Alan Fleischer J. Smith Ferebee Rives Fleming Jr. James W. Fletcher Richard E. Fogg William P. Frazer Jack Gary Jr. L. Dudley George II Max H. Goodloe Robert L. Gordon Jr. F. D. Gottwald Sr. Floyd D. Gottwald Jr. William B. Graham William A. Grant Jr . Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Gray Garland Gray Thomas W. Green Dennis Wilson Hartz James T. Hatcher Wilbur M. Havens E. Bruce Heilman Duval Q. Hicks Jr. Mr . and Mrs . Edward M. Hudgins Moreland Irby Dr. and Mrs . C. Leon Jennings Jr.
Joseph A. Jennings Carl W. Johnson J. Rodney Johnson Leonard Kamsky Thomas C. Leggett Edwin L. Levy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lewis John A. Long M. M. Long Ben H. McGehee Thomas H. McVay Jr. Mr. and Mrs. RobertT. Marsh Jr. Watson M. Marshall Elizabeth Robins Mayer Dr. and Mrs. George M. Modlin S. D. Roberts Moore T. Justin Moore Jr. Stanley R. Navas W. Dortch Oldham Warren Pace James M . Parrish Mrs. Raymond 8. Pinchbeck Richard Rakes Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Robb Mr. and Mrs. E. Claiborne Robins E. Claiborne Robins Jr. E. Eugene Rorrer Gilbert M. Rosenthal Charles H. Ryland W. Harry Schwarzchild S. Buford Scott Leroy Smith Harold F. Snead Mr. and Mrs. John Spurbeck Henry F. Stern J. Sherwood Strum Charles L. Sweeney James J. Sweeney F. Carlyle Tiller Mrs. Verser Todd MacEldin Trawick James T. Tucker Robert S. Ukrop Milton H. van den Berg Carole M. Weinstein Marcus M. Weinstein W. Bernard Whaley Charles Wheeler Ill William Earle White Edward 0. Whitt John J. Wicker Jr. E. Carlton Wilton Thomas M. Winn Jr.
PRESIDENT'SCLUB Watkins M. Abbitt David Arenstein Antionette W. Blankingship Dr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Boyd Jr. J. Wesley Boykin W.R. Broaddus Jr. Jacob Brown Paul D. Camp David S. Clay G. Frank Clement John R. Congdon Mr. and Mrs . W. Gordon Cousins John I. Crews
James B. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. John Dankos Ashley C. DeShazor Edward L. Dunford John W. Edmonds Ill Donald P. Falls S. Douglas Fleet John W. Fussell James L. Gardner Mary Louise Gehring Edmund Gibson Aylett W. Goode Jr. Bruce C. Gottwald
John T. Grigsby Edward E. Haddock Garland D. Haddock Garth Hancock Jr . Ross A. Hotchkiss Alton E. Hodges Jr. Miles Cary Johnston Julian 0. Kay Robert G. Kendall Wildman S. Kincheloe Jr. William Haven King William H. Leftwich Eugene W. Mccaul Richard L. McRee A. B. Marchant Lewis C. Markel Charles G. Motley Simon Moughamian Jr. John E. Norfleet Leonard A. Paris P. Henry Poehler
Oscar A. Pohlig Jr. Richard C. Rakes Edward E. Ralston William J. Rhoads Jr. W. Thomas Rice Paul H. Riley W. David Robbins Kenneth L. Roberts Barry E. Saunders Alvin Lee Sheffield Henry A. Shockley Stuart Shumate 8. Franklin Skinner W. Eldridge Smith Fletcher Stiers Jr . Richard E. Strauss A.N. Thompson Jr. Theodore W. Troy Sam 0. Ukrop Seeman E. Waranch Arthur 8. Wolan
CENTURYCLUB William A. Acree Theodore F. Adams Dr. W. B. Adams Jr. Miss Susan Elizabeth Agee George L. Ailsworth Jr. Dr. Andrew T. Aitcheson Jr . Spencer D. Albright Mr. and Mrs. George R. Aldhizer Jr. Dr. Raymond F. Allen Dr. Robert W. Allen Robert W. Allen Truett E. Allen Dr. Reuben E. Alley Dr. Hilton R. Almond David R. Ames Joseph A. Amrhein Jr. Alex P. Ar,1our Harold K. Anderson P. L. Anderson Jr. James J. Andr!i Dr. H. Pearce Atkins Robert S. Atkins Clarence P. Avery Jr . James 0 . Avison Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Bain Mrs. George Bains Jr. B. B. Baker Ill The Honorable E. Ballard Baker Mr. and Mrs. James G. Baldwin Robert N. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bank A. Conrad Bareford Mr. and Mrs. John V. Barnes Sidney Barney Dr. Paul B. Barreras Mr. and Mrs . Harold I. Baumes W. Sherwood Beavers Arthur C. Beck Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David F. Bell Jr. Clyde H. Bellamy Jr. Joseph B. Benedetti Archie C. Berkeley James W. Berkeypile Sidney L. Berz Dr. and Mrs. D.S. Bickers Rev. Floyd Thomas Binns Edwin N. Black Ill Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Black Paul T. Blackhurst William M. Blackwell John D. Blackwell Mrs . Betty Tredway Blake Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Blankenship Winston R. Blenckstone Robert S. Bloxom E.D. Booker Larry Eugene Soppe Miss Claire E. Born Lewis H. Bosher Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boswell Dr. Dudley P. Bowe Mrs. Ruffin Bowen Gamble M. Bowers II Dr. Bragdon R. Bowling Samuel T. Bowman Jr. Herbert R. Boyd Jr. J. Wesley Boykin William H. Branch Cary L. Branch Dr. Charles W. Brandt Michael Brelick Mrs. J. Alfred Broaddus Allen Brockenbrough Ben W. Brodkenbrough C. Fair Brooks Edgar L. Brown Forrest W. Brown Jr.
Larry E. Brown Otis Lee Brown Wesley W. Brown Mr. and Mrs . Arthur S. Brinkley Jr. Joseph C. Bristow William G. Bruce David V. Buchanan Ted R. Buckner William J. Bugg Jr. BobS.Bulls Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Burkholder Cary W. Burkholder M. W. Burnett Robert B. Bush Dr. George F. Bushnell Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Butch F. Elmore Butler Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Butterworth Dr. Thomas R. Butterworth Jr. John F. Butterworth Ill Dr. John A. Byrd L. Paul Byrne Mr. and Mrs . Allen Bynum Jr. Dr. Edward G. Cale Dr. John G. Cametas John E. Campbell Judge B. L. Campbell John E. Campbell Ben F. Campbell Charles E. Caravati Robert W. Carlson Louis Cornelius Carlton Judge John F. Carroll Jr. Grote D. Carson Dr. Aubrey R. Carter Charles B. Carter Charles E. Carter William J . Carter Dr. James E. Carver Dr. Merton E. Carver Stephen E. Catlett Dr. Frank Allen Cavedo Jr. Roy S. Cayton N. Donald Cecil Miss Augusta S. Chapman Dr. George E. Chapman Jr. James H. Chamblin John R. Cheatham Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Chemnitz Dr. Clarence C. Chewing Jr. L. E. Chittum Charles A. Christopersen William A. Clark Dr. Woodrow W. Clark Richard E. Cloe Mrs. Harvey M. Cloud Mrs. Thomas F. Cocke Haywood Cockrell Mr. and Mrs. Hunter G. Cockrell Jr. John Collie Jr. James L. Colvin Henry A. Conner Jr. Columbus Contractors, Inc. Dr. Samuel L. Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Cooke Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Coor Jr. Dr. Vincent Cornetta Frank S. Cosby P.A.Covey Herman P. Coward Dr. Samuel C. Cox William P. Culler William C. Cunningham Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Curtin Bobby R. Curtis H. Powell Custis Warren F. Cuthriell
Walter W. Craigie Jr. C. Richard Cranwell William E. Crawford Jr. Gordon L. Crenshaw John I.Crews LTC Clifford D. Crofford Randolph Cromwell Jr. Ralph R. Crosby Jr. Dr. J . Leo Crosier Arthur B. Crush Jr. Dr. Virginius Dabney Mr. and Mrs. H. Addison Dalton Gerald F. Dalton Dr. W. Harrison Daniel William V. Daniel Sally C. Daniel John E. David Linwood W. Davis Frederick J. Dean Ill Donald K. Deane Frederick Deane Jr. Dr. William D. Deep Dr. Anthony A. Deep Jr. Frank D. Deets Mr. and Mrs. David M. Deitz Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Della Donna James L. Dellinger Jr. Stanley E. Deutsch Thomas W. Dew Jr. Dr. Lynn C. Dickerson Alfred J. Dickinson V. Earle Dickinson Richard H. Dilworth John M. Dirom James L. Dodson Dr. William S. Dodson William P. Dooley Rev. and Mrs. Thomas W. Downing Vernon L. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. J. Earle Dunford Jr. Randolph L. Dunham William W. Dunkum Jr. W. Vaughan Dunnavant Jr. Robert M. Dun ville Jr. Edward C. Durell II Dr. Garland Dyches Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Early Jr. Joseph B. Eastman Francis T. Eck Felix E. Edmunds Robert W. Edwards Dr. Charles M. Edwards Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Ellett Frank C. Ellett E. L. Elliott 111 Ralph A. Elmore II Dr. Milton Ende Samuel C. Epes Harold R. Evans Robert H. Evans Edgar M. Everett Dr. W. J. Fallis Howard P. Falls James Peyton Farmer William C. Farmer Samuel Feinberg John J. Feland E. Reese Felts Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fennie Walther B. Fidler Edward L. Field Jr. Dr. John R. Fitzgerald Dr. W. Bateman Fitzhugh Lt. Col. and Mrs. R. A. Flavion Dr. Herman J. Flax Chaplain Edward A. Flippen Jr. Richard I. Florin John M. Folkes William V. Ford Vernon T. Forehand Michael M. Foreman John D. E. Fortna Mrs. Garland Scott Francis Dr. Albert A. Fratrick J. Curtis Fray Dr. Marshall R. Frazer Dr. Arthur B. Frazier Dr. Ivan Graham Freed Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman John L. Fugate Watkins Fugate Fred 0. Funkhouser John W. Fussell Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gaines Wilbur K. Gaines Mrs. William J. Gaines W. Roland Galvin Joseph E. Galloway Jr . Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Garber John H. Garber Dr. Edgar C. Garber Jr. Edward C. Gammon Dr. William Y. Garrett T. Jack Gary Jr. Richard L. Gary
Reginald N. Jones William N. Gee Jr . William H. Jones Jr. Richard L. George L. Alex Jordan Jr. W. Barry Gibrall Thomas D. Jordan Edwin C. Gillenwater R. Joyner Ulysse~ Carl C. Gillespie Jr. Sam G. Kapourales George G. Gillespie Jr. Ashby W. Kay Joseph P. Gillette Floyd S. Kay Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gillette Mercer Kay Robert E. Gilliam A. Stan Kellam J. Spencer Gilmore Charles H. Kelley Goldsmith Family Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kelly C. W.Goochlll Dr. Robert G. Kendall Read F. Goode Hugh L. Keyser Mrs. S. L. Goodman J. Kohler Winfield Solomon Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Klaus Jr. Goodwyn W. Hilton James C. Knibb William T. Gordon Billy Knott James W. Gordon Jr. Frank G. Kress E. Sherman Grable Ill Howard Kress Dr. Max C. Graeber Aubrey Kidd J. Patrick Graybeal Leonard V. Kielpinski Dr. Thomas W. Green Mrs. Leonora D. Kilby Norvell R. Green Wildman S. Kincheloe Jr. Dr. Waverly S. Green Jr. Dr. C. Sidney King Norwood Greene George T. King Ill Dr. Edward W. Gregory Jr. Mrs. George T. King Ill Dr. Austin E. Grigg Dr. Barry V. Kirkpatrick Jerold D. Gruber Phillip H. Kirkpatrick George P. Gruber Mrs. Evan H. Lacy Jerome Gumenick Dr. E..Willis Lacy Dr. Garland O. Gunter Dr. James Laster Alvin Guttag Winnen B. Leake J.B.Gwilym Mr. and Mrs. T. Eldred Lee Jr. Dr. Woodford B. Hackley Robert E. Leitch Mr. Garland Haddock Mrs. Morton W. Lester Samuel D. Haden Jr . Rev. F. Bernard Lesueur Jr. Hagood J. William Dr. and Mrs. Roger W. Leverton Aubrey C. Hall Jr. John H. Locke Dr. James H. Hall Jr. William H. Lockey Jr. Newman Hamblet Kenneth A. Lombart Harold W. Hamlett Jr. M. M. Long Jr . Judge Lloyd H. Hansen H. George Longaker Jr. Mrs. Tucker Hargrave Dr. Robert C. Longan Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Hargraves Jr. Richard W. Lowery Edward S. Harlow Dr. Mann T. Lowry Joel W. Harnett Dr. W. Rush Loving James A. Harper Jr. Hon. James M. Lumpkin Jr. Harper W. Preston Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Lumsde H. Hiter Harris 0. A. Lundin Jr. Dr. Malcolm H. Harris Harvey S. Lutins Thomas A. Harris Dr. Athey R. Lutz Grant V. Harrison Mrs. Alice Clark Lynch Henry T. Harrison Jr. Maddrea, Joyner, & Woody Arthur Paul Hartz Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Magee David E. Hartz David H. Magid Dennis W. Hartz Mr . and Mrs. Walton Mahon Mr. and Mrs. A. Ransone Hartz D. Walton Mallory Jr. Robert V. Hatcher Jr. Gus D. Mandaleris John S. Haw Jr. Harry L. Mapp Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hayford Arthur S. Maris T. J. Headlee Mickey N. Markos Rev. Frank J. Hendrick Mrs. Wirt P. Marks David S. Henkel Morton Marks Jr . Dr. Elizabeth B. Hesch Louis M. Markwith Or. and Mrs . Clyde V. Hickerson R. L. Marschak Claude E. Higgins Jr. Robert T. Marsh Jr. John J. High es Jr. Homer Wilson Marshall Jr . Mrs. John H. Highfill Ill Robert R. Martin R. Braxton Hill Jr. Thomas E. Hill Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Hogg Dr. Robert Lee Mason H. Stuart Massie Jr. Dr. B. C. Holtzclaw Theodore E. Masters Jr. A.B. Honts Dr. Emmett C. Mathews Dr. and Mrs. Chevis F. Horne Col. N. S. Mathewson Dr. Farrar W. Howard Judge Harold Cobb Maurice Kenneth D. Howard Ernest E. Mayo Joseph Adams Howell Jr. Howell Ralph P. Mayo Julian Murry Mrs. Virginia F. Mays William K. Howell Edwin J. Merrick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoskins C. Whitlow Miles James E. Hubbard Alvin H. Miller Emmett L. Hubbard G. Kenneth Miller Robert W. Hudgins Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Miller Joseph B. Hudson Jr. R. Morton Miller Jr . Harvey L. Hudson Stephen B. Miller Lt. Col. G. L. Huffman USAF (Ret.) L. Peyton Humphrey Willi13mR. Miller William P. Hundley Dr. George M. Modlin Dr. P. G. Moerschell Jr. Judge W. Moscoe Huntley John Moncure Capt. Jerome lmburg, U.S.N. Jack A. Moody Mr. and Mrs. Arnold lsken Dr. John R. Moody Alexander Jacobs Mrs. Roderick D. Moore E. Ralph James Jr. Ralph P. Moore Dr. Thornton S. Jennings Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Jennings Jr. W. Smithson Morris J. J. Jewett Philip B. Morris William A. Julian Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Morris Mrs. Dorothy W. Johnson Ashton D. Mountjoy ¡ Joseph P. Johnson Jr. Rev. Branson L. Mozingo John E. Johnson Jr . John J. Muldowney Dr. Fitzhugh Mullins Joseph R. Johnson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Jones Dr. Robert S. Murphey Cyril B. Myers Walter R. Jones Jones Dr. David A. McCants Tunnicliffe C.H. Miss Deborah McCarthy Arthur E. Jones Jr.
William A. McCarty Dr. B. J. McClanahan Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McClintock Mr. and Mrs. William W. McCurdy Mrs. Ralph McDanel Richard McDearmon Mrs. George McDorman Jr. C. Coleman McGehee Dr. Donald H. McGlory R. B. McNeil Dr. Donald H. McNeil! Jr . Mrs. C.J. McWhorter Mrs. Mildred E. Neasmith Thomas H. Neathery Mrs. Gordon V. Nelson Mason New William R. Newhouse Mr. and Mrs. James Newlin Mrs. James A. Newton Joseph W. Newton Richard B. Nichols Jr. N. Andre Nielsen William J. Noell Edmund B. Norman Jr. Harry G. Norris A. Israel November Randolph W. Nuckols Miss Josephine Nunnally Dr. Clyde G. O'Brien Mrs. William A. O'Flaherty Miss Ellen Douglas Oliver Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Overton Dr. Fletcher B. Owens Jr. Ralph M. Owen William C. Parkinson Leonard A. Paris Thomas P. Parsley Dr. and Mrs. John R. Parsons Buford M. Parsons Jr. Donald N. Patten William T. Pearson Dr. Eugene G. Peek Jr. Charles L. Pendleton Dr. F. Elaine Penninger William Perkinson Stewart W. Percy W. Frederick Perrine Herbert C. Peterson Dr. William Pettus Jr. Robert M. Phillips Albert L. Philpott Owen B. Pickett Mrs. Victorine B. Pierce Mrs. Virginia Gotaas Pinney Clyde B. Pitchford Sr. Dr. R. Clayton Pitts Malcolm U. Pitt George H. Poffenberger Mrs. Oscar A. Pohlig Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton M. Pollard Dr. Joel R. Poole Dr. J. H. Poteet Elmer B. Potter Major Leland W. Potter Jr . Dr. N. G. Poulos Gerald Press Joshua Pretlow Jr. Mrs. Madison Price Dr. Gordon Prior Mrs. David B. Propert Dr. David B. Proper! Peter D. Pruden Ill J. Waveryly Pulley Ill William R. Pully H. Gerald Quigg Bernard G. Ragland Albert F. Ragozzino Harvey L. Ramos Elliott M. Ramsey James E. Rayhorn Charles L. Reed Walter W. Regirer Arthur George Reid Dr. and Mrs. David A. Reid James W. Renney John L. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Reynolds Jr Dr. 0. William Rhodenhiser John R. Rhodenhiser W. Allen Rhodes Paul Coleman Rice Dr. Nolan E. Rice Dr. Marion L. Rice Jr. H. M. Richardson Herman M. Richardson Jr. James S. Richardson Jr. James H. Ricks Jr. A. Thomas Riddle Jr. Dr. John R. Rilling Dr. and Mrs. George G. Ritchie Jr. Roland C. Robins Dale G. Robinson James B. Robinson T. Burwell Robinson W. Lafayette Robinson
G. W. L. Robinson John G. Rocovich Jr. Walter E. Rogers Dr. Philip A. Rosenfeld CharlesJ. Ross Andrew N. Roupas Samuel J. Rowland Donald S. Rubenstein Thomas L. Ruffin J. Lee Rush Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Ruth Michael K. Ryan Robert T. Ryland Jr. George W. Sadler 0. P.Sadler Dr. James A. Sartain Homer S. Saunders R. H. Saunders Jr. Dr. Thomas A. Saunders Joseph L. Savage Jr. Julian Esters Savage Ruth M. Saville Dr. Walter J. Schwartz Stuart Schwarzchild Mrs. Russell C. Scott A.K. Scribner Jr. Dr. Talbot R. Selby Robert L. Seward Ill Edward H. Shaia Mr. and Mrs. James D. Shisler Alvin Lee Sheffield LTC Henry A. Shockley W. Spilman Short Roy R. Shotwell William P. Simmons Mitchell F. Simmons W. Christian Sizemore Wilbur L. Skinner Mrs. Mildred F. Slater Mr. and Mrs. William P. Slaughter Dr. Robert F. Smart Alvernon Smith Mrs. Elizabeth Camp Smith Miss Gladys J. Smith Ken McFarlane Smith J. Westwood Smithers Mrs. Ellis Pollard Snead Harry L. Snead Jr. John A. Snead Sherman F. Sosnow Dr. Roscoe Spencer Gerald M. Spivey Nelson L. St. Clair Jr. James G. Starnes Mr. and Mrs . Warren A. Stansbury Alan Stein Mrs. H. S. Steelman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Steingold Mrs. G. Carl Steinhardt Dr. John E. Stephens Jr. Elmo L. Stephenson H.F. Stern Wallace Stettin us C. Daniel Stevens Vernon H. Stevenson Nicholas D. Street Mrs. Thornton Stringfellow Claiborne H. Stokes Kenneth Gordon Stoudt John 0. Stover Joseph M. Straughan William J. Sturgill James C. Sutherland Michael Suttle Mrs. Robert L. Swain William J. Swanner Ill Randolph Tabb Mrs. David R. Talbott II Mrs. C. Maury Tatum Mrs. G. Thomas Taylor Charles S. Taylor Jr. Dr. Gervas S. Taylor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Teter James Lee Thacker Morton G. Thalhimer Mrs. Phoebe D. Thiermann Claude G. Thomas Edward Aubrey Thomas Ned R. Thomas Paul C. Thomas Judge Harold Thompson C. W. Throckmorton Jr. Laura Thornhill Gordon W. Thurston Mr. and Mrs. George Frank Tidey Dr. Vincent S. Tiller Mrs. Rex F. Tillotson Fred H. Timberlake Keith L. Tinkham W. Warren Townsend Jr. Chesley M. Tredway Dr. and Mrs. James R. Troxel J. Edwin Trader Mr. and Mrs. William Troxell Grayson E. Tuck
W. Marshall Tuck Walter D. Tucker William 0 . Tune Jr . Edgar L.,Turlington Jr. Ralph W. Turner Jr. Ralph G. Turner Mrs. T. Preston Turner Mr. and Mrs . Arthur Tuttle Rev. R. Wm . Tyndall Mrs . Ruth P. Tyre e Stuart E. Ullman Dr. Frances A. Underhill J. Durwood Usry Mrs. J. G. VanAusdall Jr . Archer G. Van Den burgh Mrs. Barbara H. Vann Frederick J . Vaughan
E. D. Vicars Harry B. Vincent Billy B. Vincent Jr . Dr. Meyer Vitsky Dr. John R. Walke Dr. Earl E. Walker Jr. Richard C. Walden Ill Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Wallerstein Mrs . R. E. Walsh R. Edward Walton Mrs. William F. Warrinner Dr. Russell G. Warren Mrs . D. Dortch Warriner Robert G. Watts Dr. William G. Way Milford A. Weaver John B. Weaver
Clinton Webb Dr. Paul D. Webster Ill Michael W. West John J. Westbrook Ill Dr. Fred W. Wenzel Jr. James H. Wheatley James 0. Whelan Jr. Dr. Charles H. Wheeler Ill William B. Wheeler Corbin B. White Henry P. White John D. Whitehurst Charles P. Wilbourne Dr. George L. Wilkinson Kenneth H. Willard Dr. Carroll M. Williams Stuart Lee Williams
Donald B . Williams Ebb H. Williams Ill B. 0 . Williams Herbert T. Williams Ill Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John M . Willis Lawrence H. Willis J . Martin Willis Mr . and Mrs. J. Blacklock Wills Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley F. Wills James M. Wilson Ill Mr . and Mrs. Homer S. Wilson Jr. Dr. C. Ray Wingrove Julian 0. Winn Dr. Thomas M. Winn Jr. Dr. W . C. Winn Vincent H. Witcher Ill
John G. Tarrant James T. Tucker
Charles W. Kent Martin J. Logan C. Yates McDaniel T. Kenneth McRae Robert W. Neathery Jr. Albert F. Ragozzino Herman M. Richardson Lester E. Thorpe Verser Todd* Fred W. Wenzel Jr . T. Eugene West John D. Whitehurst Jr. Marvin G. Williams T. Fowler Wood
D. Chris Withers Mr , and Mrs. William R. Wood H. aranc h Wood T. Fowler Wood Mrs. Dana Dewey Woody Boyce C. Wornom o-r.James E. Worsham "'1r. and Mrs. Boris Woytowicz pha rles W. Wray Dr. Stephen J . Wright William A. Wright WWBT12 Jack H. Wyatt Mr . and Mrs. Thomas C. Yeaman Mrs. Jesse M. Yowell J r.
Richmond College 1908 Number in Class - 4 Number of Contributions Participation - 25% Total Dollars - $50.00 Eugene P. Wightman 1909 Number in Class - 8 Number of Contributlons - 1 Participation - 12% Total Dollars - $100.00 Roscoe Spencer
1918 Number in Class - 18 Number of Contributions Participation-39 % Total Dollars - $2,450.00 H. D. Anderson Charles M. Clement Malcolm H. Harris Ashby W. Kay R. L. Lacy Malcolm U. Pitt Archer G. VanDenburgh
1911 Number in Class - 6 Number of Contributions Participation - 50% Total Dollars - $50 .00 John W. Decker Paul E. Hubbell Wilmer L. O 'Flaherty
1919 Number in Class - 14 Number of Contributions Participation - 21 % Total Dollars - $80 .00 Edmund H. Rucker Robert T . Ryland Wilbur H. Ryland
1912 Number In Class - 13 Number of Contributions Participation - 23% Total Dollars - $150.00 C. Fair Brooks Allan R. Hawkins E. P. T . Tyndall 1913 Number in Class - 7 Number of Contributions Participation - 14% Total Dollars - $1,630.00 John J. Wicker Jr . 1914 Number in Class - 11 Number of Contributions Participation - 27% Total Dollars - $203 .00 George A. Jord an Samuel J . Rowland C. W. Throckmorton Jr. 1915 Number In Class - 14 Number of Contributions Participation - 36% Total Dollars - $300 Dudley Pleasants Bowe Frank C. Ellett R. Inman Johnson John A. Ryland Chester A . Tuc ker 1916 Number in Class - 13 Number of Contributions Participation-34 % Total Dollars - $220 .00 John H. Garber Wistar Hamilton Jr . R. C. McDanel L. Bland Taylor 1917 Number In Class - 18 Number of Contributions Participation - 50% Total Dollars - $1,525 .00 Lucian W. Bingham Sr . Hubert W. Charlton Lynn C . Dickerson Leonard C. Hubbard Lewis M . Latane J. H. Poteet Howard G. Privott Harry A. Russell William Earle White
1920 Number In Class - 30 Number of Contributions Participation - 33% Total Dollars - $2,131.00 Samuel T . Bowman Jr. W . R. Broaddus Jr. D. W. Charlton Meyar E. Cooper Joe Willis DeJarnette Clyde V. Hickerson A. B. Honts James T. Knight Cothran G. Smith Malcom Thompson
1924 NOmber in Class - 44 N1,1mberof Contributions Participation - 27% Total Dollars - $1,652.00 W. Linwood Ball Joseph C. Bristow J. Curtis Fray Thomas A. Harris Floyd S. Kay William R. Keefe F. E. Manning E. H. Puryear Irwin Rifkin Elliott M. Ramsey Chesley M. Tredway Henry P. White 1925 Number in Class - 41 Number of Contributions Participation - 20% Total Dollars - $1,525.00 John R. Cheatham Jesse E. Davis Charles M. Edwards Jr . W.C . Elliott Aurthur R. Lutz Blake W. Meador Edward H. Pruden Harold F. Snead
1922 Number in Class-37 Number of Contrlbutions-10 Partlcipation-27 % Total Dollars-$1 ,450.00 Reuben E. Afley Robe rt S . Atkins T . S. Dunaway Jr . R. Ve rnon Ellett V . Carney Hargroves R. T . Marsh Jr . Branson L. Mozingo 0 . P. Sadler Roy R. Shotwell Richard C. Walden Ill
1926 Number in Class - 66 Number of Contributions Participation - 42% Total Dollars - $1,790.00 C. P. Anderson Howard L. Arthur Aubrey R. Carter James E. Carver Jesse L. Charlton Harry E. Cornpropst Jr. Reade W. Corr Warren F. Cuthriell E. Reese Felts Frank Flemming Field William B. Fitzgerald W.R. Galvin Norvell R. Green Thornton M. Hill C. Earle Hoshall Thomas N. Hunnicutt Jr . Thomas A. McNickle Richard B. Nicholls William E. Norman George E. Pankey Francis J. Pease A . A. Rogers A. Stephen Stephan J . Chester Swanson Rudolph C . Thomason Meyer Vitsky Kennon C. Walden Alfred L. Wingo
1923 Number in Class - 39 Number of Contributions Participation - 31 % Total Dollars - $4,020.00 R. Harwood Bagby Stuart L. Billups Louis C. Carlton Curtis W. Garrison L. Dudley George II B. T . Gunter Jr . J . Warren Hundley Edgar M . Johnson B. French Johnson Frank J . Manhart
1927 Number in Class - 68 Number of Contributions Patticipation - 35% Total Dollars - $2,665.00 Temple W. Broaddus Samuel L. Cooke Winston F. Dawson Menter P. German Norwood Greene John W. Hash Theodore J. Hoffsinger Thornton S . Jennings F. Overton Jones Leslie L. Jones
1921 Number in Class - 22 Number of Contributions Participation - 46% Total Dollars - $3335.00 Morton G. Billups Kenneth E. Burke W. J. Franklin Jr . Garland Gray Dennis W. Hartz W . Rush Loving Randolph W. Nuckols Thomas L. Ruffin Marvin L. Skaggs G. Keith Taylor
1928 Numbet in Class - 78 Number of Contributions Partlcipatll>n - 28% Total Dollars - $1,335.00 Edward G . Cale W . E. Cullers Robert W. Edwards Emanuel Emroch Grant V. Harrison Arthur Paul Hartz James C. Harwood Jr. David J. Herman William P. Hundley John W. Kincheloe Jr . 0 . A. Lundin Jr. George H. Moody Garland E. Moss Ashton D. Mountjoy Roland C. Robins Joseph A. Robinson Homer S. Saunders Wilbur S . Sheriff W. Lee Smith P. Ennis Taylor Aubrey S. Tomlinson Raymond Wilkinson 1929 Number in Class - 75 Number of Contributions Participation - 35 % Total Dollars - $2,215.00 David V . Buchanan Ernest P. Buxton Jr. Lloyd H. Caster Joseph H. Cosby William F. Creath C. Hopkins Crowder Lawrence C. Dale Herman Benjamin Dixon James L. Dodson Edward W. Eanes R. H. Fowlkes Wilbur K. Gaines Charles W. Givens Jr . Arthur W. Harrison Ralph P. Johnson Joel T . Kidd E. Willis Lacy N. S. Mathewson C . B. Myers R. Clayton Pitts Elmer B. Potter Charles J. Ross Lee C. Sheppard Benjamin L. Sowell R. Edward Walton Clinton Webb 1930 Number in Class - 95 Number of Contributions Participation - 32% Total Dollars - $2,685.00 William A. Acree Harold 0 . Bartlett John P. Batkins
Walter H. Bennett Jr. A~fuhie C. Berkeley Ja es J. Booker Jr. Willitlm F. Carter Samuel C. Cox Arthur E. Dance Arthur T. Ellett Robert H. Evans Lee 0. Gaskins Edward S. Harlow Malcolm D. Harris Aubrey Vivan Kidd Winnen B . Leake Lucien Lofton Russell T. Mann Emmett C . Mathews Carroll Ryland Minor 22 Joseph E. Nettles Philip W. Newton Edmund B. Norman Jr. John E. Nott ingham Jr. Clark W. Powell Alex W. Schoenbaum Charles R. Stevens James Bailey Wilborn H. Branch Wood Thomas C. Yeaman
1931 Number In Class - 68 Number of Contributions Participation - 34% Total Dollars - $6660.00 Lonnie 0. Bolton Edwa rd Carbone William H. Chapman Jr . Clarence C. Chewning Jr . Thomas E. Duke Garland Dyc hes Thomas H. Eubank Paul J . Forsythe William P. Frazer T. Jack Gary Jr. Ray A . Harned Gerhard C. Henricksen Luther A. Irby Jr. John E. Johnson Jr . H. G. Kincheloe E. C . Nininger Cyde O'Brien Edward F. Overton E. C. Robins A. Frank Robinson Hohn R. Stiff A . J . Villani W. C . Winn 1932 Number In Class - 87 Number of Contributions Participation - 28% Total Dollars - $1,570.00 J. Ross Atkinson Floyd themas Binns Robert I. Booth Robert G . Bremner Thomas P. Carr L. E. Chittum Blake W. Corson S. L. Elfmon Watkins Fugate William Y . Garrett George L. Huffman Samuel P. Kayne Clarence L. Kent C. Lawrence McRae Lou is Morewitz Charles P. Parker Edward C. Peple Walter R. Rob ins Jr. T. Burwell Robinson Edward L. Ruffin George W. Schools
V. Goodwyn Welsh John M. Wiatt Jr. Emmett A. Williams 1933 Number in Class - 87 Number of Contributions - 24 Participation - 28% Total Dollars - $4,805.00 Edward L. Bennett E. Derwin Booker Gamble M. Bowers ii Cary W. Burkholder Edwin S. Cohen John A. Currie Howard P. Falls J. Spencer Gilmore Clarence J. Gray Victor C. Halsey David S. Henkel Marbry B. Hopkins Jr. Ashby E. Hunter Wildman S . Kincheloe Jr. A. Fraser Lapsley Thomas H. Neathery William H. Pettus Jr. Charles R. Rice Samuel S. Taliaferro Henry Vranian H. J. Whalen Jr. George F. Whitley Homer S. Wilson William A. Wright 1934 Number in Class - 89 Number of Contributions - 26 Participation - 29% Total Dollars - $19,870.00 Robert W. Allen J. Talbot Capps Beverley B. Clary Curtis P. Cleveland Stuart W. Cook Clarence E. Denoon Jr. Robert C. Diedrich W. Halder Fisher Roger W. Grant Jr. Edward E. Haddock W. Kenneth Haddock Alvin E. Holland Herman Koslow Sandor B. Kovacs Paul W. Nye Carlyle H. Palmore William Earl Pritchard Leroy Smith Varnon H. Stevenson James W. Stone B. D. Taylor William P. Terry Charles T. Tinsley Jr. MacEldin Trawick Harold Van Allen William W. Wright
1935 Number In Class - 82 Number of Contributions Participation - 34% Total Dollars - $2,210.00 Eugene M. Baroody Richard F. Bates James M. Booker Beverly L. Britton W. Roger Buck Ill Hugh L. Cardoza John F. Carroll Jr. Woodrow E. Carter R. L. Chadwick William F. Clarke G. Winston Crenshaw Charles W. Dickinson Ill Robert C. Dongan James T. Francis David N. Frazer Kenneth E. Godfrey Harry C . Hubbard A. Wade Lamb Jr. Barton G. Leahey Roger W. Leverton W. S. Morris John E. Norfleet John N. Pastore P. Henry Poehler John T. Scarborough A. Taylor Seay Jr. J. Westwood Smithers Frederick J. Vaughan 1936 Number in Class - 107 Number of Contributions Participation - 32% Total Dollars - $5,515.00 P. L. Anderson James G. Baldwin Howard A. Bass
1939 Number in Class - 98 Number of Contributions Participation - 43 % Total Dollars - $4,710.00 Stuart R. Allen G. Randolph Babcock Kenneth C. Bass Jr. James W. Berkeypile Bragdon R. Bowling T. Nash Broaddus Allan Brockenbrough A. M. Clement J. J. Cortopassi Frank S. Cosby H. Powell Custis Samuel C. Epes Samuel A. Irby H. S. Jackson Leonard Kamsky Julian 0. Kay H. Calvin Kibler Robert E. Leitch A. B. Marchant Robert R. Martin William H. Martin Grover B. rv,cClure Jr. William E. Morrison J. Davis Mottley Jr. Roy M. Newton Everett Lee Noble F. N. Norvell Jr. R. L. 0' Flaherty F. Byron Parker Moses Payton Grover C. Pitts John D. Sanford R. H. Saunders Jr. Russell N. Snead Reed F. Taylor James Lee Thacker Maurice S. Vitsky A. C. Walker Jr. Corbin B. While R. McLean Whittet Jr. M. Eugene Wills Jr. M. Henson Wood Jr.
1937 Number In Class-89 Number of Contributions-28 Participation-31 % Total Dollars-$2, 170.00 R. Buford Brandis Jack M. Bristow E. Parker Brown A. Broaddus Gravatt Jr. Alfred J. Dickinson Jr. Jerome L. Epstein D. B. Ford Horace L. Ford Bernard A. Gilman A. E. Haydon Jr. L. Howard Jenkins Jr. Robert Lee Mason Robert Bolling McNeil Joseph E. Orschel R. Carrington Paulette H. Hudson Price James H. Ricks Jr. Donald S. Rubenstein Edward M. Schaaf Jr. John E. Stevens Jr. Lester R. Stuart A. L. Tobins Stuart E. Ullman John T. Walke West Michael Paul G. Wiley Carroll M. Williams Harry A. Young
1938 Number in Class - 93 Number of Contributions Participation - 47% Total Dollars - $4,210.00 Frank R. Alvis Jr. John T. Arenpall J. Wesley Boykin Walter L. Brock Jr. George E. Ch.aimers A. M. Clement Charles W. Crowder Willlam P. Dooley William W. Dunkum Jr . Lawrence J. Edberg J . A. Fergusson William S. Gordon Jr , Randolph J. Grammer Clyde T . Hardy Jr. Robert T. Harris John S. Haw Jr. W. R. Hudgins John Thomas Johnson Leonard V. Kielpinski Dr. James Laster Edwin L. Levy Jr. Alfred W. Maner Eugene W. Mccaul Edward M. Miller Ralph P. Moore John Q. Peers William Perkinson H. E. Phillips George R. M. Rumney Samuel T. Schroetter Jr. Stuart Schwarzchild W. H. Seward Paul S. Siegel John G. Staples Richard G. Stoneburner
Bruce P. Van Buskirk C. Porter Vaughan Jr. Arnold F. Watts Russell K. Wood C. Frederick Wortham
Joseph M. Straughan D. W. Thornhill Daniel M. F. Thornton Ill Edwin C. Thornton Jr. W. Warren Townsend Jr. Donald E. Trump J. Richard Willis Shanks M. Wilson Robert Woolfolk Jr .
Hilaire Emil Beck Jr. E. Guthrie Brown Jacob Brown Kenneth J. Cherry D. Ralph Childress Woodrow W. Clark Herman P. Coward Frank D. Deets John Clifton Edwards W. J. Fallis Stanford C. Finney Herman J. Flax Fred 0. Funkhouser E. Chaisty Garrett W. Linwood Haden Jr. Frank A. Jett Jr. Vernon C. Kibler David H. Magid Sidney T. Mathews Allen G. McCabe Jr. Sidney L. Merkle Charles H. Ryland Robert L. Saville Jr. John T. Scarborough Randolph Tabb G. Thomas Taylor Robert P. Thistlethwaite Fred H. Timberlake Braxton Bryan Townsend W. Bernard Whaley George S. Woodson
1940 Number in Class - 107 Number of Contributions Participation - 46% Total Dollars - $8,022.00 Sidney Barney Raul B. Barreras Arthur C. Beck Jr. Henry W. Black T. H. Bruno W. J. Cash Jr. John I. Crews Rawley F. Daniel Enders Dickinson Ill Milton Ende William V. Farley Edward L. Field Jr. James M. Frederickson Kenneth F. Garrison Harolo J. Gordon Jr. Austin E. Grigg Garland D. Haddock Samuel D. Haden Jr. Robert D. Ham Thomas D. Jordan John B. King John Korman Jr. Clyde B. Lipscomb John A. Long M. M. Long Jr. Gus D. Mandaleris Edwin J. Merrick S. Grant Morton Eugene G. Peek Jr . Allan J. Phaup Jr. George M. Pollard W. H. ReMine George Rochkind Zane Gray Ross Julian D. Sanger 0. Edward Snowa Claiborne H. Stokes Seabury D. Stoneburner John 0. Stover Paul C. Thomas Vincent S. Tiller William Troxell T. Stanford Tutwiler
1941 Number in Class - 99 Number of Contributions Participation - 32% Total Dollars - $5,384.00 Gordon H. Andrews Louis R. Broughman Ashley D. DeShazor John A. Dumlele Robert W. Durrett Elmer P. Embrey Jr. W . Bateman Fitzhugh Edgar C. Garber Jr. Oscar G. Gilbert Jr. William A. Grant Jr. Waverly S. Green Jr. Harry E. Griffin Nathanael B. Habel R. Stuart Grizzard James R. Harris M. Clyde Hawkins Richard E. Humbert William H. Jones Jr. John H. Locke G. Edmond Massie Ill William R. Maynard Jr. Thomas H. McVay Jr. Charles H. MillE!r ' William P. Morrissette W. Dortch Oldham Harold G'. Owens Albert L. Philpott Dr. Marion L. Rice Jr. George H. Shackelford William H. Snyder Jr. James A. Wagner Charles A. Watkins Jr. 1942 Number in Class - 106 Number of Contributions Partlcipailon - 53% Total Dollars - $5,144.00 Richard L. Adams Joseph A. Amrhein Jr. Caleb L. Batten W. H. Bingham Robert S. Black Austin B. Clark Bernard G. Cline Jr. George E. Cox Robert A. Gary Ill Aylett W. Goode Jr. Thomas W. Green John M. Hardman Derek Hayley George G. Haynes W. Paul Hepler Leland Higginbotham R. Braxton Hill Jr. Emmett L. Hubbard Harvey L. Hudson Richard W. Kardian A. Stan Killam H. Eugene King Edward M . Klein Sydney Knipe Charles W. Krause George B. Lamm Mann T. Lowry Clarence E. Major Alvin H. Miller Robert S. Murppey Edwin F. Pauli James L. Peters
Robert M. Phillips Robert E. Piper Jr. Leonard A. Purdy Stanton C. Richards William L. Roberson Donald K. Robertson Charles Robinson L. T. Saunders Jr . Robert H. Sease L. B. Sheffield Jr. Ephraim Steinberg Gervan S. Taylor Jr. Jackson J. Taylor Harding L. Thomas A. N. Thompson Jr. Roy J. Washer Philip D. ')/Veaver F. E. Wheeler Bolling G. Williams Stuart Lee Williams Thomas N. Williams Lawrence H. Willis Julian 0. Winn Roy P. Wymbs
1943 Number in Class -113 Number of Contributions Participation - 29% Total dollars - $4,785.00 J.B. Adams Carl R. Bogese S. S. Britt Jr. Rowland H. Burns A. Snead Camden R. G. Coor Jr. H. Addison Dalton John L:. Decker John M. Elmore Robert J. Filer John R. Fitzgerald Ivan Graham Freed John L. Gayle William B. Graham Robert M. Hathaway Linwood T. Horne Alexander Jacobs Hugh L. Keyser C. Sidney King William A. MacKenzie B. Judson McClanahan William H. Metzger Jr. Joseph B. Michaelson G. Kenneth Miller Richard B. Nichols Jr. Richard C. Owen Oscar A. Pohlig Jr. George W. Sadler Wilbur L. Skinner Philip Spahn E. Leslie Spence Ill James R. Thistlethwaite Elmer S. West Jr. 1944 Number in Class - 77 Number of Contributions Participation - 32% Total Dollars - $3,077.00 John L. Adams Ray Franklin Adams W. B. Adams, Jr. Alfred F. Baroody Forrest W. Brown Jr. George P. Gruber Charles G. Hall James T. Hatcher F. Bernard Lesueur William H. Lockey Jr. Richard W. Lowery W. A. Macilwaine
1934 1950 1940 1949 1931 1948 1958 1955 1936 1941
$19,870 10,795 8,022 7,541 6,660 6,260 5,600 5,535 5,515 5,384
Ail Classes are Richmond College
William J. Mears J . Ralph Noonkester John P. Oliver Jr. Lewyn Oppenheim Ryland 0 . Reamy Bill Rhodenhiser Thomas A. Saunders Edward H. Shaia Warren A. Stansbury H. R. Steiglede r Preston J . Taylor Chester L. Wagstaff Robert F. Wyatt
1945 Number In Class - 59 Number of Contributions Participation - 32% Total Dollars - $1,829 .00 Harry W. Baldw in Jr. Carlos S. Berrocal George F. Bushnell C. W. Caulkins Jr . J . Powhatan Co x William M. Deck er Richard H. Fisher Joel W. Harnett Philip R. Hart Kenneth D. Howard Jerome lmburg C. F. Kingery Courtney F. Lawler Charles G. Motley George G. Ritchie Jr . Norman Rolfe Wilbur M. Sims W. Emory Trainham William W. Walthall Jr . 1946 Number In Class - 58 Number of Contributions Participation - 26% Total Dollars - $1,900.00 James H. Barnes Herbert R. Boyd Jr . John A. Byrd William C. Cunningham James 8 . Dalton E. Gordon Donklin Frederick W . Gantt James E. Hubbard Ellis E. O'Neal Jr. Heth Owen Jr . George M. Pence Jr . Leslie H. Phillips Jr . M. Moseley Powell S. S. Richardson Jr . Philip D. Weaver 1947 Number in Class - 105 Number of Contributions Participation - 29% Total Dollars - $3,671 .00 John Atkinson Jr . Ray A. Baird Douglas 0 . Brown Jr. Martin F. Clark Paul Duke Roland J . Elliott Douglas Goforth Arthur E. Jones Jr. Spencer M. King H. George Longaker Jr . Robert J . Lumpkin D. W. Mallory Jr. R. Mccutcheon Jr . Robert L. McDanel Louis L. McGee Donald H. McGlory Mike Michaelson Brooke M. Moffett William E. Newby George E. Reynolds James R. Richman Gilbert Rosenthal Bernard M. Savage Harry L. Snead Jr. Frank D. Stoneburner Gordon W. Thurston Philih L. Weinstein Gordon P. Williams James E. Worsham Jr. Lawrence M. Yoffy 1948 Number In Class - 120 Number of Contributions Participation - 39% Total Dollars - $6,260.00 C. 0 . Alley Jr . Dwight H . Anderton J r. Roland 8. Anderton Jr. Clarence P. Avery Jr . Loniel 8 . Bagby Jr .
Donald L. Ball Melvin G. Berman Sidney L. Berz Chester A. Bishof David W. Branch Ben W. Brockenbrough John F. Butterworth Ill Crote D. Carson Frank Allen Cavedo Jr . John H. Chamberlayne Ill Richard A. Chandler Thaddeus T. Crump V. Earle Dickinson J . Earle Dunford Jr . Harry E. Dunn Herman V. Fleming Jr. William L. Flowers Philip L. Goldfarb Hilton W. Goodwyn Jr . Wallace B. Gordon Gerald A. Harbaugh Frank J . Hendrick Thomas W. Herrmann Julian B. Jacobs L. C . Jensen Jr. J . J . Jewett William S. Kirk R. Pierce Lumpkin Guerrant A. Perkins William 8 . Pond William R. Pully James E. Rayhorn Corbett M. Roberts J . Lee Rush Jr . Houston Sizer Fletcher Stiers Jr . W. L. Stigall Jr . F. Carlyle Tiller William A. Walton Jr . William H. Warren George L. Wilkinson James R. Wright
1949 Number in Class - 244 Number of Contributions Participation - 32% Total Dollars - $7,541 .00 Sattler B. Anderson W. R. Anderson James 0 . Avison Walter B. Barger Marvin A. Bayles John J. Bayton Walter L. Bradley Donald W. Calder Elliot W. Calisch Charles E. Caravati William E. Carter Jr . Morris E. Cather Jr. Thomas H. Caulkins David S. Clay Gordon E. Conti Huestis Cook Jr . William L. Corder W. Gordon Cousins Jr. John E. David Cyrus I. Dillon Jr. Bernard Dolsey J . Thomas Edmonds Donald B. Fendler John D. E. Fortna Joseph E. Galloway Jr . Edward C. Gammon William N. Gee Jr . Ernest John Goetz William Dew Gresham Charles P. Harwood Robert W. Hays C. P. Henderson Edward T. Hooper Farrar W. Howard Bernard J . Hulcher Jr . Charles D. Jenkins Joseph A. Jennings Joseph R. Johnson Jr . L. Alex Jordan Jr . Mercer Kay George T. King Ill Daniel H. Kruger Berlin B. Lineberry Jr . Saul M. Luria Harry M. Markhoff Morton Marks Jr . H. Stuart Massie Jr . Aubrey M. Matthews Charles D. Mattox Jr. Roderick Dhu Miller James A. Moncure John Moncure William J . Noell Stuart E. Nunnally Andrew L. Oberg Robert H. Parks Ill Roy J . Rakes
Edward E. Ralston James 8 . Robinson Philip A. Rosenfeld Warren E. Rowe W. E. Satterwhite Alton R. Sharpe Jr. Robert R. Shotzberger William T. Smith Jr . F. Morr ison Smither Bernie 0. Snoddy Mansfield M. Snyder Sherman F. Sosnow James J. Sweeny Charles R. Talley George A. Terry Claude G. Thomas James L. Tompkins Ben Triplett Richard C . Whitehead Douglas W. Wiley Thomas Wilkinson Walter H. Williams
Samuel L. Smith D. Jessop Skewes Theodore W. Troy J.E. Turner William G. Way B. 0. Williams Arthur 8. Wolan
1952 Number In Class - 130 Number of Contributions Participation - 20% Total Dollars - $1,567.00 David J. Abrams Leonard Berman J. Vernon Brooks Thomas R. Butterworth Jr . William A. Deane Anthony A. Deep Jr . Lynn C. Dickerson II Hugh E. Fraser Jr . J . Patrick Graybeal Panos G. Gregoriou Wellford N. Haddon William F. Herget Page Hudson William H. Leftwich Fitzhugh Mullins Wilbur A. Parker N. G. Poulos H. Malcolm Robbins Robert 8 . Spiers Jr . Elmo L. Stephenson Robert Storm Lewis C. Waid Paul D. Webster Iii Carroll Bell Weich Mason D. Wood W. Randolph Young
1950 Number In Class - 200 Number of Contributions - 42 Participation - 21 % Total Dollars - $10,795.00 James J. Andre D. L. Baxter Clarence Beebe Lewis Thomas Booker Thurman S. Cash Jr. William P. Chappell Wesley J. Curlier Jr. Henry J. Decker Jr . Thomas W. Dew Jr. Robert K. Duley Edward L. Dunford John P. Elliott Jr . H. Aubrey Ford Philip Frederick Jr . David Layne Gee Darrell K. Gilliam Edgar C. Goldston William J. Hargis Jr . Henry T. Harrison Jr. Leonard P. Hellerman Walton Mahon Donald H. McNeil! Jr. T. Clark Moody Peyton H. Moss Jr. E. V. Philpotts Julien C. Picot Jr . William A. Pierce Hale E. Powers Joseph Purcell Aubrey J . Rosser Sr. Hansford H. Rowe Jr. James Richard Sease Robert 8 . Shaw William Tucker Stubbs Charles J. Townsend R. C. Turner Samuel D. Ukrop E. Malcolm Wilkinson Jr. Wirt H. Wills Jr. Thomas M. Woo James H. Young
1953 Number in Class - 144 Number of Contributions Participation - 17% Total Dollars - $2,423.00 George R. Aldizer Jr. Charles J. Arrington Jr. Gene Carlton Bayne Donald B. Beaman G. Robert Brown Sidney E. Brown Haynie W. Crafton Jr . Robert Edward Creasy John W . Edmonds Ill Richard L. Fisher Seymour Horwitz A. E. Dick Howard Cecil E. Marsh N. Andre Nielsen Philip L. Og lesby Ralph Eugene Peachee J. Sydnor Phillips Jr. Thomas N. Pollard Jr. Herman M. Richardson Jr. Hugh M. Smith Charles A. Tulloh Seeman E. Waranch Steve White Thomas W. Wiley
1951 Number In Class - 174 Number of Contributions Participation - 21 % Total Dollars - $3,210 Edward G. Altman Warren G. Anderson James 8 . Bourne Jr. Winston M. Browne Jr . William G. Bruce William A. Cassada Jr. William T. Coppage Melvin L. Crane Cary W . Davis Gilbert F. DeBiasi W. Draper Richard Fitz Jr. William V. Ford Arthur 8 . Frazier Paul R. Garber W. Marshall Geoghgan Jr. John K. Griffin Welford L. Harris Walter R. Jones William C. Martin Jr . Albert D. Murden Fletcher 8. Owen Jr . Ralph M. Owen Willie M. Reams Jr . Donald R. Roth Robert T. Ryland Jr. Gerald B. Schates Donald P. Schalla James S. Seay William Spilman Short Sr.
1954 Number In Class - 120 Number of Contributions Participation - 25% Total Dollars - $3,588.00 Spencer D. Albright Iii Truett E. Allen James R. Brier Irby B. Brown Ying Ho Chen Jabe F. Cooper Jr. Hector Davis Ill Thomas W. Downing E. L. Elliott Ill Charles G. Fuller V. Allen Gaines J. Vaughan Gary Jr. Ambler R. Goodwin Howard 0 . Haynie Gus V. Jackson Eugene Jefferson Randolph C. Kientz Thomas C. Leggett Robert S. 8 . Ossman C. Ballard Pierce Timothy T. Pohmer Walter Powell David 8. Propert John L. Reynolds E. Eugene Rorrer Robert B. Scott Alvin J . Southworth Edgar L. Turlington Jr . Gunars Vilcins William R. Wooten Jr .
1955 Number In Class - 105 Number of Contributions - 28 Participation - 27% Total Dollars - $5,535.00. Don Loring Anderson Joe S. Sage Robert Baldridge Henry Brown Robert L. Burrus Jr. Dwig ht W. Cumbee William D. Deep Park P. Dickerson John B. Dorsey Albert A. Fratrick James L. Gardner Robert L. Garian Harland R. Getts Charles M. Graham Jr. Charles L. Jennings Jr. Richard M. Keith Lester L. Lamb Donald Lee Morecock John Thomas Mullins Edward R. Noble Madison R. Price Barry E. Saunders Alvin Lee Sheffield Felix E. Shepard Henry A. Shockley Jefferson D. Stephenson John F. Swanson James M. Wilson Ill 1956 Number in Class -P 187 Number of Contributions - 40 Participation - 21 % Total Dollars - $1,870.00 Francis E. Bishop Jr . Ctiarles W. Brandt John E. Brooks Otis L. Brown Kenneth Byron F. Edison Cleland George W. Davis Jr . Joseph J. Edwards James Peyton Farmer S. William Finley II Edward A. Flippen Jr. Philip A. Flournoy L. Arnold Frederick Sidney E. Friedenberg William T. Garnett Jr. Richard H. Gascoigne David I. Harfeld Lacey M. Jacobs Jr. John F. Kelley William J. Kerr C. H. Keville Phillip H. Kirkpatrick Robert H. Leavelle Jr . John B. St. Leger Walter P. Lysaght Donald E. Lytal Louis G. McClellan Jr. Thomas L. Mitchell Gilbert E. Moran Frank J. Pajaczkowki Paul Coleman Rice James F. Roland Robert L. Sgro David L. Shelky Jr . John E. Snead Jr. Lindsay S. Tucker James H. Wheatley Theodore M. Whitefield Alvin D. Whitley Edward B. Willingham Jr. 1957 Number In Class - 148 Number of Contributions - 29 Participation - 20% Total Dollars - $1,670.00 David R. Bitzer J. Maurice Briggs Alfred L. Burkholder R. Stuart Carlton George E. Chapman Jr. John A. Clodfelter Jr. Thomas H. Collins Henry A. Conner Jr. Thomas Cullen Dalton A. Dabney Harvey Thomas S. Hatz Sam P. Jones Jr. William A. Julias Jay A. Kaplan Sam G. Kapourales L. W. Mason Samuel A. Nixon Stanley F. Norman Hugh W . Owens Nickolas Pazinko Jr . W. Reams Perkins
Robert S. Phipps Jr. Joel R. Poole William P. Tuck Donald B. Vaden Will E. Wade William J. Welstead Jr. R. Kenneth Wheeler Waverly K. Winfree 1958 Number In Class - 181 Number of Contributions Participation - 23% Total Dolars - $5,600.00 William F. Abernathy Clifton E. Barton Kenneth A. Blick Michael Brelick Shelby M. Broughton Kenneth A . Burnette Richard R. Butterworth G. Warren Chukinas J. Philip Clark Richard E. Cloe Hunter G. Cockrell Jr. Frank E. Eakin Jr . Earley M. Ellman Edmund B. Gibson Leslie H. Giles Charles H. Glisson Lee R. Gordon Anthony R. Hage Cline E. Hall A. Ransone Hartz Robert G. Kendall Billy Knott David A. Mccants Charles B. Moran Jr. Leonard A. Paris William D. Payne Charles K. Polly Jr. Patrick T. Quisenberry Gerald Ruth Nelson L. St. Clair Jr. John R. Scanlon Frank G. Schwall Jr. Frederick C. Scott Olen Herman Sikes William P. Simmons Roger W. Staley Robert T. Steele Charles R. Tolbert F. William Tyndall Phillip E. Welker John J . Westbrook Ill John B. Wiggins Jr. 1959 Number In Class - 199 Number of Contributions Participation - 17% Total Dollars - $3,768 .00 Andrew T. Aitcheson Jr. Edwin N. Black Ill John L. Blackwell Robert S. Bloxom Russell E. Booker Jr. Sherwood C. Butler Jr. David E. Carmack Charles A. Christophersen Roger Evans Clarke Jr. Clifton S. Collins Phillip W. Crews Jr. J. Leo Crosier Samuel L. Fisher Jr . David L. Henry Ulysses P. Joyner Jr. Robert C. Lackey Jr. Harvey F. Lively Bruce MacCowan Homer Wilson Marshall Jr . Robert L. Martin Theodore E. Masters Jr. Julian C. Metts Jr . William W. Nicholls A. Keith Overstreet Thomas R. Ryan Ill William P. Slaughter John M. Smith William R. Speer David C. Tribby Robert G. Watts Bobby Douglas Willis C. Ray Wingrove Thomas M. Winn Jr . 1980 Number In Class - 196 Number of Contributions Participation - 15% Total Dollars - $1,575.00 Thomas H. Atkins Tommy P. Baer Charles S. Boone Edward R. Briggs Jr. William J. Bugg Jr.
Robert F. Cavedo Jerry Wayne Cheadle Ronald W. Crawford Frederick H. Creekmore Linwood W. Custalow William P. Fitzhugh Jr. Paul A. Gross Aubrey C. Hall Jr . Jerry E. Haney S. Harold Horowitz Donald H. Kent Douglas P. Millar Lowry J. Miller Luis W . Morales Richard C. Moschler Jr. Ervin H. Mueller Jr. William F. Myers N. Leslie Saunders Jr . W . Christian Sizemore John Wayne Traylor Robert H. Wainwright Dan B. Wallace John D. Welsh F. Llewellyn Welstead Kenneth R. Woodruff 1961 Number In Class - 200 Number of Contributions Participation - 17% Total Dollars - $1,465.00 Hilton R. Almond S. Wyndham Anderson James M. Barker Jr. Richard E. Brewer W. Ivey Bridgers Thomas W . Buschman Bruce E. Byer Joseph C. Cox Jr. Albert C. Dawson Wallace S. Edwards Leslie T. Flunn Joseph P. Gillette T. Chris Hassel Jr. W. L. Hawkins Jr. Marvin C. Hillsman Jr. Robert E. Hyman Thomas S. Jones Jr . George B. Morewitz John J. Muldowney Gerald T. Patton Edward C. Peple Jr. Richard Lewter Pond Jr. Gordon Prior David A. Sandridge Donald H. Seely John L. Spain Jr . Claude W. Staggs Jr . Wallace Stettinius Carey E. Stronach Russell L. Watson Jr . Raoul L. Weinstein Joe Ney Wiggins Ebb H. Williams Ill Raymond Arthur Young 1962 Number In Class - 177 Number of Contributions Participation - 19% Total Dollars - $1,690.00 Raymond F. Allen David R. Ames Jerry W. Baker Paul Brickner Robert B. Bush H. Thomas Callahan William A. Clark Elmo Fletcher Cordle Randolph C. Cox Jr . Richard E. Davis Marvin H. Everhart Jr. Ronald Lee Floyd Marshall R. Frazer Charles V. Franzman Ill Samuel Genderson Bradley H. Gunter James E. Jarrell Jr. Paul S. Jones Jr. William S. Kerr Barry V. Kirkpatrick WIiiiam W. Leroy Jr. Marvin E. Miller Jr . R. C. Newlon Dalton A. Parker David A. Reid Robert E. Roberson William E. Russell Norval D. Settle Harold L. Smith L. Winston Smith Aurthur Grey Staples Jr. C. Daniel Stevens Leonard E. Walcott Jr . Edward H. Weber Jr.
1963 Number In Class - 155 Number of Contributions - 26 Participation - 17% Total Dollars - $1,990.00 Philip J . Bagley Ill Norborne P. Beville Jr. James J. Booker Ill N. Stephenson Boykin Jr. Michael M. Foreman John L. Fugate Robert E. Gilliam Stuart V. Grandis R. Baxter Griffith Jr . Jackie F. Hodges James W. Hosier Ill Ross A. Hotchkiss Frank G. Kress Edwin L. Lamberth Jr. Howard W. Love Harry P. Macintosh Albert E. Millar Jr . C. Lee Ouzley Jr. Charles L. Pendleton Dale G. Robinson Walter J. Schwartz Thomas C. Smith Ernest Scott Strother 34 John W. Vaughan Jr . James F. Watts G. Curtis Womble Jr . 1964 Number In Class - 200 Number of Contributions - 39 Participation - 20% Total Dollars - $1,755.00 Alan S. Balaban Jerome D. Becker William M. Blaylock John T. Burch Jr. William H. Caldwell John G. Cametas E. Olen Culler James A. DeAngelis Jr. Robert M. Dunville Jr. Robert R. Everett Floyd Thomas Fallen G. Mallory Freeman Jr. Barry A. Goldin Charles A. Hartz Thomas E. Hill David W. Johnson Joseph J. Kessel James P. Lawless Steven J. Macik Larry J. Maran gos Wesley R. Monflacone John R. Moody John N. Moreau Donald N. Patten Gordon B. Porter Jr. Rudolph L. Raymaker Charles M. Rosenberger Thomas G. Seccia William T. Sommers Charles S. Taylor Jr. William 0. Tune Jr . John M. Vittone 34 Leslie S. Webb Jr . Terry M. Welborn John M. Whitehurst Thomas J.C. WilliamsJr. John H. Willis Ill Andrew W. Wood Archer L. Yeatts Ill 1965 Number In Class - 223 Number of Contributions Participation - 13% Total Dollars - $1,231.00 Michael D. Andrews Lawrence E. Brett Jr. Stephen S. Carpenter John F. Carroll Ill John W . Courtney Ill Barry David Crawford Earl R, Crouch C. F. Demo Sr. C. Henry Dickinson William B. Early Jr. Burrie E. Eaves Ill Jefferson D. Ewell Ill Wayne Fuller Richard J. Hankinson Thomas W. Hash Reginald N. Jones Kenneth R. King Richard L. Korink Terrance D. Lerch Jesse B. Lumsden Ill Richard H. L. Marks Howard S. Marley Roger H. Meachem Jr. Ryland L. Mitchell Ill
Stuart M. Motley Ronald E. Mynes David C. Nelson Leland W. Potter Jr. Gordon L. Price Jr. James W. Robertson Anthony D. Sakowski Wilbert L. Sawyer John M. Sewards Barry G. Sharp John E. Snead Jr . B. David Traylor Stanley C. Tucker Winston N. Williams Dana Dewey Woody 1966 Number In Class - 224 Number df Contributions Participation - 11 % Total Dollars - $1,235.00 Robert W. Allen Donald W. Barnes Winston R. Blenckstone Larry G. Browning James H. Bush James T. Carr Gerald F. Dalton Karl M. Doetsch Richard W . Fischer Kenneth S. Gray William I. Greenwood Jr. Claude E. Higgins Jr . Norman D. Hunt H. David Ingram Hunter A. McAllister Jr. Joseph W. Newton Arthur N. O'Brien Jr. Arthur F. Richardson Christopher M. Sieverdes William J. Solari Everett C. Stratton Jr. William L. Tomlinson Peter H. Tsou Robert E. Williamson 1967 Number In Class - 229 Number of Contributions Participation - 11 % Total Dollars - $912.00 Douglas L. Anderson Bailey R. Ashworth Robert N. Baldwin Donald Ray Broughton R. Neill Carey Frederic A. Clark Jr. A. Wayne Coley Francis I. duPont Ill J. Durwood Felton Ill Fitzhugh L. Godwin Jr . George R. Grubbs Jr. John C. Loving R. Morton Miller Jr. Edmund E. Mullins Jr . Robert L. Newins Harry 0 . Patteson Stewart W. Percy Samuel E. Perry Jr . R. A. Saville K. Richard C. Sinclair Michael J. Strawser Keith L. Tinkham George W. Todd Jr. Sandy T. Tucker 1968 Number In Class - 264 Number of Contributions -
Participation - 13% Total Dollars - $1,087.00 William 0. Antozzi Jr. James Ashby Ill David J. Brobst Stanley J. Buchwalter Richard E. Carter J. Donald Casper James Townsend Cheney Jr. Robert Thomas Colley Clinton B. Corry Jr . Richard P. Cunningham Linwood W. Davis James L. Dellinger Jr. Gary Danton Shelby C. Dickerson Marshall L. Ellett Robert Allen Faulkner Benjamin Franklin Ill Wallace T. Graham Paul 0. Hagenmuller Jr. Charles L. Hill David J. Kalassay James B. Marshall Jr. Frank T. McCormick Lance A. Morrell Robert S. Murphey William R. O'Brien Charles E. Poston Howard L. Pugh Jr. J. Waverly Pulley Ill Eugene J. Rumney David H. Steger Jr. John J . Turner Ralph W. Turner Jr. John Stanley Virkler Michael M. Weise 1969 Number in Class-332 Number of Contrlbutlons-20 Panlclpatlon-6% Total Dollars-$495.00 Robert C. Bode Paul Bradshaw Robert E. Frank Dwight Frazier Virgil H. Goode Jr. Terry H. Hoy Richard W. Hulcher James R. Hutcherson Woodliff L. Jenkins Jr. Donald W. Major H. Eugene McAuliffe Ill Robert L. Musick Jr. Joshua Pretlow Jr . Robert S. Ricks Davis L. Smith Jr. Kenneth Sprague Richard W. Stephenson Jr. Roy M. Taylor John B. Thornton Francis T. West Jr. 1970 Number in Class - 280 Number of Contributions Participation - 6 % Total Dollars - $730.00 Edwin A. Bischoff Charles E. Boltwood Weldon A. Bradshaw Robert B. Brown Bruce E. Dozier David D. Frazer John M. Garrison E. Sherman Grable Ill Franklin A. Massey Jr.
Class 1949 1942 1940 1948 1938 1939 1950 1958 1956 1964 1965 1951 1968 1972
Number 79 56 49 47 44 42 42 42 40 39 39 37 35 35
All Classes are Richmond College
John H. Herbig Bruce Franklin Herndon Dwight W. Inge Thomas N. Innes Spencer L. Lauterbach Jr. Thomas E. Lee , Ill James H. Stanley John D. Terry Jr. Stran L. Trout Donnie Paige Ward Malcolm D. Wells Kenneth T. Whitescarver Ill
John G. Mizell Jr. Marvin Keith Monroe Sterling H. Moore Mark M. Neale Jr . Albert Lee Philpott Jr. Cary A. Ralston Richard H. St. Clair George D. Varoutsos David S . Whitacre 1971 Number in Class - 221 Number of Contributions Participation - 11 % Total Dollars - $553.00 Ted A . Bergman Jr. Thomas 0 . Bondurant Jr. John S . Booker Brian Kant Britton Benjamin A . Burrell Kermit Marshall Cook Robert W. Cook Jr. H. Douglas Cunningham William S. Custis Thomas B. Fernald J . Darrell Foster Thomas C. Gibbs Jr. James W. Harris Jr .
25 1972 Number in Class - ¡276 Number of Contributions Participation - 13% Total Dollars - $397.00 Walter H. Aikens Leonard M. Alley Jonathan M. Apgar Donald A. Baxter John W. Bevis L. Anthony Bottoms Ill W. Larue Boyce Jr. H. Glenn Chewning Timothy J. Evans Richard L. Ford
David E. Furrer Barry N. Greene Duane E. James Thomas C. Givens Jr. Paul S. Hatfield Michael S. Hawkins Barry L. Jett Larry T. Joynor Douglas H. Lees Earl W. Lewter Jr. Ralph R. Uniado M. Curtis Miller Ill David M. Moore Steven L. Nock Ronald B. Overstreet Norris A. Partridge Edward H. Pruden Jr. Leslie William Rose Ill Michael J. Rufe James R. Schneider Walter G. Schocklin Robert B . Seward John H. Speegle Claude A . Taylor Ill William T. Webb
Number of Contributions Participation - 7% Total Dollars - $420.00 George P. Blomquist James F. Brooks James Campbell Ill Daniel V . Cantrell Thomas B. Dix Jr . Elwood V. Elliott UoydJ.Ellislll Clinton B. Faison Jr . Edward G. Hilldrup Jr . Jeb Ralston Hockman Bruce F. Hubbard David Owen Janney Robert E. Johnson Robert Curtis Led J . Langdon Moss Jr . G. Stan Pope James C. Ruehrmund Jr. Arthur B. Sadler Allison K. Scribner Ill Alvin M. Stenzel Jr. Hoa Dinh Tran Joseph N. Webb Vincent H. Witcher Ill
1973 Number in Class -
1974 Number in Class -
Number of Contributions Participation - 5% Total Dollars - $265.00 Joseph J. Basgier Jr. John Walter Denzler V Louis H. Hite George S. Hughes Jr . Thomas Helm Jones Ill R. Mci lwaine Keever Jr . Ron Martin Samuel Thomas McNeny II C. Richard Napier Roland A. Niles Thomas Kirk Pretlow A. Thomas Riddle Jr. John H. Wilton Jr . 1975 Number in Class - 200 Number of Contributions Participation - 4% Total Dollars - $75.00 John P. Carman Malcolm S . Covington Robert S. Henderson Thomas C . Hurst Michael L. Roberts Charles L. Sharpe Charles C. Williams
School of Business Administration 1950 Number in Class - 86 Number of Contributions Participation - 27% Total Dollars - $4,370.00 Roland M. Avery Jr. Arville H. Browder W. C . Carrington Richard A. Claybrook Louis A. Creacioli Samuel W. Crews William C. Farmer K. V . Flora Wayne A. Freeland C. V. Giannini Jr . George G. Gillespie Jr . W. Preston Harper Jr . Elbert R. Hines A. Dale Hulce , Jr. Winfield J . Kohler Edward Louis Kurtz Francis C. Martin G. W . McCall Jr . John R. Rhodenhiser Grayson E. Tuck Milford A. Weaver Archie 0 . Wells Harold E. White 1951 Number In Class - 76 Number of Contributions Participation - 36% Total Dollars - $1,516 .00 Joseph E. Brooks Wesley W. Brown W. M. Claytor Henry Pollard Cobb John Collie Jr . William H. Cox Jr. A . D. Dodd R. W. Duling Richard L. Gary J. Harry Hastings Wilbur T. Hawks Herbert L. Jeffords Jr. Robert E. Johnson B. Frank Lew is Jr. Adrian L. Loftin Jr. C . E. Minter Lewis F. Mock Thomas 0 . Mo rris William R. Newhouse Peyton M. Pollard Robert S. Stephens Dewey C. Sturtridge Jr. Bowlman G. Taylor John Boyd Weaver Edward S. Whitlock Jr . Clyde E. Woodson Boyce C . Wornom 1952 Number In Class - 53 Number of Contributions Participation - 38% Total Dollars - $1,760.00 James E. Beck Samuel P. Cardwell Roy S . Cayton Eaton E. Cosby Jr.
Richard I. Florin Newton 0. Fowler Jr. Andrew C. Garnett Robert A. Gollwitzer Robert S. Gooch Hervey S. Jones Charles H. Kelley Simon Moughamian Jr. J . Donald Parcell Sam W . Parker R. Forest Persons B. Franklin Skinner George R. Trotter William B. Wheeler Jerome A. Wilson Jr. C. Norman Woerner 1953 Number in Class - 60 Number of Contributions Participation - 30% Total Dollars - $2 ,593.00 William J. Carter Ronald H. Davis Frederick J. Dean Ill Randolph L. Dunham Willie E. Fergusson Henry M. Harris David W . Hartz William K. Howell Robert W. Hudgins Ronald G. Mann Joe C. Philpott George H. Poffenberger Arthur George Reid Henry E. Rubin Walter D. Tucker Edward 0 . Whitt A. Melton Williams Jr. Donald B. Williams 1954 Number in Class - 42 Number of Contributions Participation - 14% Total Dollars-$720.00 A. Wallace Agee Fred B . Bisger Thomas C. Leggett Margaret B. Overby Preston P. Purdum Jr. Norman H. Serwitz
1955 Number In Class - 52 Number of Contributions Participation - 25 % Total Dollars - $890.00 Walter T. Brown Jr . Ted R. Buckner Bruce A. Carlton William F. Dunbar Ill Charles W . Howard Jr. W . B. Ingersoll John Van Norman Irvine George G. Johns Parke D. Pendleton Irving S. Schiff George Frank Tidey W . Marshall Tuck Henry B. Ward
1956 Number In Class - 55 Number of Contributions Participation - 29% Total Dollars - $1,900.00 Harold K. Anderson A. Conrad Bareford Clyde H. Bellamy Jr . W . K. Cardoza W. Vaughan Dunnavant Jr. Talmadge K . Durham Render P. Hammond Edmund G. Harrison Lewis M. Harrison John N. Marriot Thomas Z. Mills Bernard G. Ragland Jack A. Runion Edward Aubrey Thomas Robert E. Winckler Benjamin F. Winffield 1957 Number In Class - 66 Number of Contributions Participation - 22% Total Dollars - $450.00 Howard L. Arthur Jr . John M. Atkinson B. B. Baker, Ill William P. Culler Samuel Cutchins E. Preston Grissom Joseph H. Harman Jack N. Kodrich Leo N. Lampros Robert S. Murphy Joseph H. Nolte Jr . Richard L. Shumate Charles F. Taylor Emory P. Weisiger Jr.
1958 Number in Class - 90 Number of Contributions Participation - 24% Total Dollars - $2,193.00 W. Sherwood Beavers James F. Briggs Jr. Lloyd E. Brozman Jr. Charles H. Carter Jr. Arthur L. Clark Jr . Douglas W . Conner Wiley R. Davis Jr . Donald K. Deane Harold W . Hamlett Jr. Richard V. Jennings Richard A. Maxwell Philip B. Morris Louis E. Nelson William J . Owen Jr. Buford M . Parson Jr . Hartwell T. Rainey Ill Robert L. Seward Ill Robert W. Taylor Jewell H. Thompson Robert P. Turner Charles P. Word Jr. Charles W. Wray 1959 Number In Class -
Number of Contributions Participation - 21 % Total Dollars - $680.00 Ryland Thomas Barden John R. Chisholm Ralph W. Cromwell Jr. Richard Dasher Maurice B. Duling Robert W. Gay Jr . William W. Hamner William Edgar Layne Jr. Alexander Z. Matzanias Roger E. Miles Edwin S. Neal Robert L. Stevens Jr. Walter A . Steach Orion L. Wiley Jack H. Wyatt 1960 Number in Class - 6 Number of Contributions Participation - 24% Total Dollars - $3,018.00 Julian M. Alley James G . Atkins Robert S. Boss Jr. Charles 0 . Boyles Philip W. Craig Bobby R. Curtis David M. Deitz Henry S . Flannagan Richard L. George Bernard F. Harris John Maclin Harrison John Hardy High Carl W. Johnson Charles G. McDaniel John B. Phillips J. Sherwood Strum J . Edwin Trader Charles P. Wilbourne 1961 Number in Class - 76 Number of Contributions Participation - 15 % Total Dollars - $1,177 .00 Thomas R. Evans Donald P. Falls John J. Hughes Jr. Sidney J. King Joseph L. Lewis Stephen F. McCormick Michael K. Ryan William V. Shelton Billy B. Vincent Jr . James 0. Whelan Jr . Thomas L. Willis Jr. 1962 Number In Class - 71 Number of Contributions Participation - 13% Total Dollars - $780.00 Stephen H. Catlett John G . Christian Bruce L. Engle Charles E. Fagan II Morris J. Jones Arthur W . McGee S. Lee Richardson Jr.
Barry E. Saunders Carl E. Woodard 1963 Number in Class - 62 Number of Contributions Participation - 26% Total Dollars - $465.00 David K . Baker Russell C. Baur Jon N. Bolling John M. Dirom James E. Hildenbrand Charles E. Jenkins Charles C. Laber Moultrie S. Lanier II Paul A. Lewis Stephen B. Miller James M. Paxton David R. Rutherford James H. Sprouse Robert H. Trent Kenneth W. Wren
1964 Number In Class - 91 Number of Contributions - 21 Participation - 23 % Total Dollars - $1,145.00 Willie J . Behnken Larry Eugene Boppe Donald A . Douglas Jack R. Evans George F. Green Ill Robert A. Holsten William J. Howell Mickey N. Markos George H. McNeal Edward M. Newman William M. Noonan George W. Paynter Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Peterson Harey L. Ramos William E. Savage 0. Martin Shorter Ill Gerald M. Spivey William J. Strickland James L. Thacker Jr. Russell G. Warren Gary R. Wright 1965 Number in Class - 78 Number of Contributions Participation - 20% Total Dollars - $540.00 Russell E. Allen T. Daniel Birchett Jr . Bob S. Bulls Edward S. Dunn Jr. Larry W . Duty Read F. Goode Melvin Ray Harris William H. Howell Ill Harry L. Hutcherson Jr. Paul M. Kessler Robert L. Mallard Ill Clifford V. Parrish Joseph A. Sabatini Kenneth Gordon Stoudt Donald R. Wendt
1966 NumbeT in Class - 85 Number of Contributions Participation - 7% Total Dollars - $90.00 Bob Davis Ronny P. Fretwell Thomas A. Garrett Russell C. Trout Larry D. Wallace Leslie K. Yonce Ill 1967 Number in Class - 89 Number of Contributions Participation - 12% Total Dollars - $335.00 Michael S. Ferguson James G. Hail Frank H. Hurst Kenneth M. Joyner Loren T. Lumaude Louis M. Markwith Kevin W. Quinn Glenn A. Reynolds Harvey W. Roberts Walter G. Schnee Ill Ralph E. Sutton 1968 Number in Class - 91 Number of Contributions Participation - 13% Total Dollars - $560.00 Frederick H. Combs Lawrence T. Darby Ill James E. Harris William 8. Litton Kenneth A. Lombart Steven A. Mannina William A. McCarty L. D. Metcalfe James F. Murphey Beth B. Pruden Peter D. Pruden Ill Philip G. Tibbs 1969 Number in Class -
Number of Contributions Participation - 18% Total Dollars - $1,935.00 Camilla Ann Beck Herbert L. Clem Adolphus D. Davis Daniel A. Doherty Ill John S. Estes W. Barry Gibrall Joseph J. Harding Ill Joseph T. Hodges Thomas E. Howard Ray 0. Hummel Ill Steward H. Marley Allen C. McGehee Brian M. Menzel James P. Mullins Ronald C. Oleyar W. Frederick Perrine Bernie T. Quinn Hugh A. Richeson Jr. Steven W. Solomon Robert S. Ukrop W. Lee Wallace Morton V. Whitlow Ormand R. Young Jr.
1970 Number in Class - 110 Number of Contributions Participation - 15% Total Dollars - $443.00 Frank B. Bradley Ill Reggie Burner James F. Cerza Jr . Charles S. Hopkins Jr. William M. Kephart Garnett 0. Lee, Ill Ralph L. Lyons Joseph C. Macphail Jr. Stephen S. Ogg Paul Tucker Scott Julian 0. Smith Jr. Julian R. Snell Robert L. Soles Charles w:Tysinger Charles W. Wienckowski Jerry F. Williams
1971 Number in Class - 132 Number of Contributions Participation - 22% Total Dollars - $929.00 Larry E. Brown Samuel Lake Cowart Jr. Barry C. Drewes Edward C. Durell II Charles J. Ferneyhough Ill F. Dudley Fulton Michael W. Garrette Michael D. Hammond James B. Harris Douglas B. Hassell Robert W. Hundley Philip R. Leslie Leslie L. Lilley Weldon Keith McClure Harry G. Norris Thomas T. Palmer Richard E. Patteson John G. Powers Michael D. Pratt Thomas E. Redford Ill Brian Lee Rice William B. Ritt Jr . Duane H. Roberts Marvin N. Schiff Gordon F. Scott Gene Smith Jerry 0. Taylor Gregory A. Williams Steven D. Womack 1972 Number in Class - 102 Number of Contributions Participation - 18% Total Dollars - $325.00 John V. Bellis Ernest T. Carson Richard W. Cobbs Edwin Patrick Garrigan Jr. Kingsbery W. Gay Jr. R. Kenneth Heskett John W. Leggett Jr. Leon W. Livesay
Kenneth R. Nichols Charles R. Perkins Jr. Moffett E. Skinner James G. Starnes Temple M. Stratton Richard W. Tassell Robert E. Taylor Jr. William C. Tucker Jr. Jerry L. Wilhoit John Elliotte Williams Jr. 1973 Number in Class - 100 Number of Contributions Participation - 22% Total Dollars - $240.00 Daniel Martin Anderson Thomas Michael Atkinson William T. Barbar Jr. Margaret D. Baskette William Roger Bowles Derril! Scott Butler Michael Ray Carper J. Stephen Crooks Ronald Nelson Douglas Cole Ware Gammon Jr. Wilson Booth Grier William R. Hawkins Charles P. Inman Jr. Robert T. Kline Jr. Joseph L. Lam Edmund M. Lewandowski Walter E. Prillaman William A. Schneck Daniel Spencer Smith William A. Stratton Jerry D. Thurman Howard M. Turner 1974 Number in Class - 126 Number of Contributions Participation - 17% Total Dollars $340.00 Dennis Curley Baich Russell Lee Bowles Jr. William A. Daly Ill Roy S. Deford Jr. Davis W. Durrett Ill
Margaret H. Ennis Kenneth L. Goodman Jerry R. Green David N. Groseclose William E. Jeffress Everett Kalaftis Gilbert R. Leake Ill Cecil D. Ligon Gary J. Moore Thomas J. O'Connor Ill R. Lee Pearson Paul W. Sacra Louis W. Shockley Jr. Claudia E. Stewart Ronald W. Studer Joseph Chris Thomas Jr. D. Kent Weaver 1975 Number in Class - 135 Number of Contributions Participation - 16% Total Dollars - $391.00 Paul T. Blackhurst Peter H. Coley Joseph D. Freiburger Bruce D. French Bruce B. Gray Chester M. Hart Jr. Robert W. Horuff Carroll D. Hurst Fayette R. Irby Russell L. Madison Kevin W. McMann G. Ernest Mowbray Ill Mrs. C. Richard Napier Richard N. Partin Peggy M. Richards Thomas L. Savage D. Scott Showalter Charles R. Talley Jr. Paul A. Tuttle Jr. William Steve Tuttle WilliamR. Via Wilfred G. Wilmot Jr.
The T.C. Williams School of Law The Law Annual Fund had significant increases in participation and total gifts during the fiscal year. The theme for the program was to increase the Principal of the Muse and Barnett Scholarships which will assist deserving students in need of financial aid. The dedicated support and effort contributed by this year's Fund Committee have resulted in 4 7 5 gifts, an 18.6 percent increase in donors and a total of $23,811, a 36 percent increase. Every phase of the campaign was a success because of the leadership of Ralph L. "Bill" Axselle Jr., general chairman; Herndon P. Jeffreys Jr., and Eugene W. Mccaul, special gifts cochairmen; John W. Fussell, Harry Shaia Jr. and Archer L. Yeatts 1910 Number in Class - 1 Number of Contributions Participation-100 %
Total Dollars - $19,792.00 M. Melville Long 1915 Number in Class-1
Number of Contributions - 1 Participation-100
Total Dollars - $15.00 Wilmer L. O'Flaherty 1916 Number in Class - 3 Number of Contributions - 1 Participatlon-33 % Total Dollars - $1,630.00 John J. Wicker Jr. 1921 Number in Class - 5 Number of Contributions - 2 Partlcipation-40 % Total Dollars - $510.00 W.R. Broaddus Jr. George C. Richwine 1923 Number in Class - 8 Number of Contributions Particlpation-12 % Total Dollars - $325.00 W. L. Robinson 1924 Number in Class -
Number of Contributions - 2 Participatlon-67 % Total Dollars - $150.00 Felix E. Edmunds James T. Knight 1926 Number in Class - 12 Number of Contributions - 4 Participation - 33% Total Dolars - $260.00 J. Hamilton Hening W. Moscoe Huntley D. Gardiner Tyler Leon Wahrman 1927 Number in Class - 8 Number of Contributions Participation - 38 % Total Dollars - $190.00 ThomasJ. Headlee S.J. Hilton John C. Williams
1928 Number in Class - 14 Number of Contributions - 5 Participation - 36% Total Dollars - $225.00 John W. Fussell B.T. Gunter Jr. Leonard R. Hall Samuel K. McKee Wilbur H. Ryland
Ill, class agents chairmen; Joseph B. Benedetti and Edgar L. Turlington Jr., phonathon chairmen; and M. Steven Weaver, young graduates chairman. Each man dedicated himself to the total campaign goal. We wish to express our sincere appreciation to each of them and to the mahy unnamed volunteers who served as Class Agents and Phonathon volunteers. The outstanding support given by almost one-third of the graduates of The T.C. Williams School of Law has further strengthened the financial aid program. We are taking this opportunity to list the names of those generous men and women who have made this year's program a success:
1929 Number in Class - 11 Number of Contributions - 3 Participation - 27% Total Dolars - $1,385.00 Temple W. Broaddus Thomas P. Parsley Harold F. Snead 1930 Number in Class - 3 Number of Contributions - 2 Participation - 67% Total Dolars - $50.00 John H. Powell Cliff R. Skinner 1931 Number in Class-10 Number of Contributions - 4 Participation - 40% Total dollars - $884.00 Watkins M. Abbitt Norman V. Cavanaugh W. S. Cudlipp Jr. Emanuel Emroch John D. Whitehurst 1932 Number in Class - 14 Number of Contributions - 5 Participation - 36% Total Dollars- $410.00 Louis C. Carlton David R. Levin Martin J. Logan
J. Westwood Smithers H. Branch Wood 1933 Number in Class -12 Number of Contributions - 3 Participation - 25 % Total Dollars - $215.00 Archie C. Berkeley Theodore P. Mathewson Harold C. Maurice 1934 Number in Class-16 Number of Contributions - 6 Participation - 38% Total Dollars - $600.00 John A. Currie Vernon L. Duncan Richard McOearmon William C. Parkinson E. Harold Thompson Lawrence R. Thompson 1935 Number in Class - 15 Number of Contributions Participation - 20% Total Dollars - $200.00 Anthony J. Baroody James A. Betts Jr. William M. Blackwell 1936 Number in Class - 23 Number of Contributions Participation - 35 %
Total Dollars - $1,460.00 George E. Allen Jr. 8. L. Campbell Charles W. Givens Jr . John T. Grigsby Charles W. Kent J. Spencer Gilmore William H. King Arthur R. Kingdon 1937 Number in Class - 15 Number of Contributions - 6 Participation - 40% Total Dollars - $255.00 Samuel R. Buxton Jr. A. Fleet Dillard Lewis W. Martin Walter E. Rogers James L. Warren Donald D. Williams 1938 Number in Class - 11 Number of Contributions Participation - 55% Total Dollars - $310.00 Ernest H. Dervishian Richard T. Elmore Fred H. Timberlake E. D. Vicars Esther S. Weinberg Benjamin F. Woodson 1939 Number in Class-12
Number of Contributions-a Partlclpatlon-67 % Total Dollars-$1,385.00 Martha B. Conway James C. Knibb Wilbur M. Lewis Samuel J. T. Moore Jr. Charles H. Ryland G. Thomas Taylor Braxton Bryan Townsend E. H. Williams Jr.
Participation - 62% Total Dollars - $1,310.00 David Arenstein E. Ballard Baker Thomas P. Bryan Clyde Y. Cridlin Lester L. Dillard Alvin Guttag C. Berkley Lilly Albert L. Philpott
1940 Number In Class - 18 Number of Contributions Participation - 39% Total Dollars - $2,843.00 William P. Becker E. Parker Brown James W. Fletcher Wildman S. Kincheloe Jr. James L. Mclemore Jr. Elio J. Nannini Gerald P. Rowe
1941 Number In Class - 17 Number of Contributions - 6 Participation - 35% Total Dollars - $910.00 Leroy E. Brown Ill Melvin B. Gaskins James W. Gordon Jr. Eugene W. Mccaul Mr. & Mrs. John W. Pearsall Ill Moody E. Stallings 1942 Number in Class - 14 Number of Contributions Participation - 29% Total Dollars - $475.00 Ralph A. Elmore II James H. Montgomery Jr. F. Bryon Parker Joseph L. Savage Jr. 1943 Number In Class - 9 Number of Contributions Participation - 56% Total Dollars - $1,770.00 Mrs. Charles A. Appel Edward L. Field Jr. Duval Q. Hicks Jr. Harry L. Lantz Bascom S. Pribble Jr. 1945 Number In Class - 5 Number of Contributions Participation - 40% Total Dollars - $105.00 Albert M. Heiler William J. Mears 1946 Number In Class - 15 Number of Contributions Participation - 33% Total Dollars - S280.00 Gordon H. Andrews Robert W. Berry J. Frank Church Samuel Feinberg Carlyle H. Palmore 1947 Number in Class - 13 Number of Contributions -
1948 Number In Class - 33 Number of Contributions Participation - 33% Total Dollars - $850.00 Jenn M. Elmore John L. Gayle L. D. Geiger R. E. Gibson Solomon Goodman Ray Hughes Edward E. Lane George W. Sadler Wilbur L. Skinner Howard G. Turner Stuart L. Williams 1949 Number in Class - 39 Number of Contributions Participation - 33% Total Dollars - $1,285.00 Cary L. Branch Fred A. Crowder Stanley K. Deutsch Walther B. Fidler Joseph B. Hudson Jr. Paul A. Jamarik Robert J. Lumpkin William R. Miller G. Clinton Moore Samuel T. Nicastro Walter W. Regirer Julian E. Savage Virginia S. Simms 1950 Number in Class - 77 Number of Contributions Participation - 18 % Total Dollars - $945.00 Martin F. Clark T. Jack Bondurant L. Paul Byrne T. Taylor Cralle Lawrence W. Latane Walter H. Lockowandt Thomas H. Oxenham Jr. Robert E. Pembleton Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Smith Jr. Harry L. Snead Jr. Joseph F. Spinella W. Bryan Stockdon Alvis Raymond Young Gordon P. Williams 1951 Number in Class - 26 Number of Contributions Participation - 35% Total Dollars - $1,770.00 Charles L. Apperson Mr. & Mrs. F. Elmore Butler John E. Campbell William E. Carter Jr. Arthur B. Crush Jr. Dorothy D. Ferguson
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Class 1910 LS 1915 LS 1924 LS 1930 LS 1939 LS 1947 LS 1943 LS 1938 LS 1955 LS 1942 RC 1911 RC 1917 RC 1952 LS 1957 LS 1960 LS 1921 RC 1940 RC
Percent 100 100 67 67 67 62 56 55 55 53 50 50 49 48 46 46 46
Vernon T. Forehand Richard C. Rakes J. Martin Willis
1952 Number in Class - 46 Number of Contributions Participation - 48% Total Dollars - $1,435.00 James H. Barnes Sidney L. Berz William 0. Bivens Jr. Charles A. Blanton II Charles E. Carter Richard H. Catlett Jr. G. Mason Connell Jr. Bennie L. Dunkum Meredith A. House Joseph R. Johnson Jr. James M. Lumpkin C. Whitlow Miles Willard J. Moody Elmer J. Nochta Jesse R. Overstreet H. Clyde Pearson Lewis S. Pendleton Richard R. Ryder Clyde M. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. C. M. Weaver Archie 0. Wells Thomas A. Williams 1953 Number In Class - 29 Number of Contributions Participation - 28% Total Dollars - $385.00 Harrison C. Eacho Jr. Willard Finney L. Walter Given Jacob H. Kelly Ill William H. Martin Jr. Jack A. Moody Hugh A. West Charles H. Winberg
1954 Number in Class - 31 Number of Contributions Participation - 19% Total Dollars - $1,947.50 Carle E. Davis Harvey S. Lutins Richard D. Mattox James C. Roberson Harld Shaffer Boyce C. Wornom 1955 Number in Class - 20 Number of Contributions Participation - 55% Total Dollars - $1,127.00 Arthur B. Daniel Jr. Nettie S. Draper J. J. Jewett Harry L. Mapp Jr. J. D. O'Bryan Jr. Owen B. Pickett James W. Renney James D. Rowe Joe C. Weatherspoon Steve White Herbert T. Williams Ill 1956 Number in Class - 31 Number of Contributions Participation - 31 % Total Dollars - $1,205.00 William Cabell Michael R. Caprio Jr. Frederick J. Dean Ill John W. Edmonds Ill James A. Eichner Norman D. Ferrari Jr. Frank L. Fleenor Jr. Seymour Horwitz Charles Skonski Linwood E. Toombs 1957 Number in Class - 25 Number of Contributions Participation - 48% Total Dollars - $1,000.00 William W. Coppedge Herbert I. L. Feild Carl C. Gillespie Jr. Lloyd H. Hansen James A. Harper Jr. M. Ray Johnston James W. Morris Ill Joseph R. Riggs James C. Roberts Marvin A. Rosman William Spilman Short Sr. Harry B. Vincent
1958 Number in Class - 31 Number of Contributions Participation - 29% Total Dollars - $765.00 Daniel E. Bray Jr. Robert L. Garian Ernest K. Geisler Jr. Robert A. Gollwitzer J. Patrick Graybeal Donald R. Howran Sidney Barney N. Andre Nielsen Gerald Press 1959 Number in Class - 33 Number of Contributions Participation - 24 % Total Dollars - $545.00 Robert P. Beaver Joseph B. Benedetti Jose M. Cabanillas James Peyton Farmer Thomas S. Hatz Oliver A. Pollard Jr. Thomas Stark Ill Edgar L. Turlington Jr.
1960 Number in Class - 31 Number of Contributions - 15 Participation - 48% Total Dollars - $2,020.00 Robert E. Bailey A. Conrad Bareford E. Beale Carter Jr. Henry A. Conner Jr. G. Warthen Downs Lee R. Gordon E. Preston Grissom E. Ralph James Jr. Graham T. Jennings Joseph P. Johnson Jr. William A. Julias Philip B. Morris Thomas L. Newton Jr. Donald B. Vaden Richard S. Young 1961 Number in Class - 33 Number of Contributions - 8 Participation - 24% Total Dollars - $2,640.00 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Conner F. James Jefferson Charles E. Mervind Jr. S. D. Roberts Moore E. Carter Nettles Jr. Nicholas D. Street A. T. Witherington Thomas S. Word Jr. 1962 Number in Class - 45 Number of Contributions Participation - 27% Total Dollars-$1,257 .50 William G. Boice Charles 0. Boyles Charles A. Christopherson Frank N. Cowan Ulysses P. Joyner Jr. Conrad C. Lewane Dennis F. McMurran Leonard A. Paris Buford M. Parsons Jr. L. Wallace Sink Frank W. Smith Jr. Roland W. Williams 1963 Number in Class - 37 Number of Contributions Participation - 32% Total Dollars - $1,075.00 William I. Bandis Frederick H. Creekmore Mack T. Daniels R. W. Duling A. J. Fitzpatrick James W. Gilliam Donald H. Kent T. Rodman Layman N. Leslie Saunders Jr. William J. Sturgill Mr. & Mrs. George F. Tidey George M. Trible Ill 1964 Number in Class - 52 Number of Contributions Participation - 42% Total Dollars - S1 ,087.50 Edward H. Bryant Jr. Boyd F. Collier James D. Davis
Ralph M . Goldstein Charles W. Hawks Jr. Marvin C. Hillsman Jr. George R. Hinnant Robert E. Hyman Joseph L. Lewis Albert J. Lilly Jr. 0. Leland Mahan Arthur S. Maris Alexander Z. Matzanias Jack C. McClung Charles A. Ottinger JohnE. Pappas Edward N. Roundtree William J. Swanner Ill R. Kenneth Wheeler Ebb H. Williams Ill Francis L. Wyche Jr. William A. Young Jr. 1965 Number in Class - 60 Number of Contributions - 22 Participation-37 % Total Dollars - $1,755.00 Alfred Bernard Ill James D. Simson Marvin H. Everhart Jr. John M. Folkes Samuel Genderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Gillette Stuart Davis Glasser James L. Hutton Mr.& Mrs. Jerry H.Jones Mr. & Mrs. William S. Kerr Frank Edmund Lynch Watson M. Marshall William R. Marshall Jr. Alfred J. Owings Charles A. Perkinson Jr. John P. Rawlings Joseph C. Russell Harvey E. Schlesinger Robert L. Sondej Hayward F. Taylor Ill Russell L. Watson Thomas F. Williams Jr. 1966 Number in Class - 53 Number of Contributions - 19 Participation - 36% Total Dollars - $582.00 John A.Amos John T. Burch Jr. Paul I. Burlage Thomas B. Davidson Jr. James G. diZerega William G. Ellyson Dudley J. Emick Jr. James L. Guill Holmes C. Harrison J. Jerry Kantor Kenneth R. Klaffky Roderick B. Mathews Lewis T. McDaniel Walter A. Mcfarlane John W. Moore Ill George A. Nea Jr. Louis A. Rosenstock Ill Arthur Grey Staples Jr. C. Daniel Stevens 1967 Number in Class - 50 Number of Contributions Participation - 42 % Total Dollars - $1,050.00 F. Bruce Bach Robert Coppock John C. Cowan Patrick M. Growling Jr. E. Olen Culler William G. Davis Francis M. Fenderson Jr. Robert F. Haley II Davis G. Heatwole Anthony F. List Lowry J. Miller Carleton D. Powell Robert A. Pustilnick Charles M. Rosenberger Grayson M. Sandy Jr. R. Carter Scott Ill Walter W. Stout Ill William 0. Tune Jr. Maury B. Watts 111 Andrew W. Wood Archer L. Yeatts Ill 1968 Number In Class - 66 Number of Contributions Participation - 35% Total dollars - $1,570.00 William F. Binford Jr. John Paul Causey Jr.
Barry S. Comess C. Richard GranweH James F. Dalton Jr. William Birch Douglass Ill William L. Dudley Jr. Edwin C. Gillenwater George W. R. Glass Robert L. Gutterman G. Blair Harry Charles A. Hartz L. Peyton Humphrey Edward F. Johnson Jr. Reginald N. Jones Thomas 0. Jones Howard S. Marley Theodore J. Markow Patrick M. Mcsweeney Jon C. Poulson John G. Rocovich Jr. W . Marshall Tuck Murray M. VanLear II
1969 Number In Class - 45 Number of Contributions Participation - 29 % Total Dollars - $440.00 Isabel H. T. Atlee Richard Y. Atlee R. Franklin Belote Jr. Emanuel A. Bertin Theodore J. Burr Jr. Gerald F. Dalton Francis T. Eck Andrew D. Gleason Russell W. Jordan Ill Dennis Patrick Lacy Jr.
Roger L. Morton Ronald M. Plotkin Charles Allen Riggins
1970 Number In Class - 50 Number of Rontributlons - 16 Participation - 32 % Total Dollars-$565.00 Robert N. Baldwin Thomas W . Blue Everette A. Felts Michael S. Ferguson Fitzhugh L. Godwin Jr. Michael T. Goode Barry H. Hackney John R. Haymes, Jr. George H. McNeal Laurena Satoris Mildred F. Slater William J. Strickland Charles Kent Trible Sandy T. Tucker Stephen Wainger R. Rupert Winfree 13 1971 Number In Class - 62 Number of Contributions - 18 Participation - 29% Total Dollars - $385.00 Richard E. Carter James H. Chamblin Clinton B. Corry Jr . Richard P. Cunningham Aubrey M . Davis Jr. Marshall L. Ellett William E. Evans
J. Durwood Felton Ill William K. Grogan Peter A. Mikas Gordell M. Parvin Jerry M. Phillips Terrence E. Reideler Philip D. Rome Harold E. Starke Jr. William L. Sturman George E. Talbot Jr. Michael M. Weise
1972 Number In Class - 50 Number of Contributions Participation - 24% Total Dollars - $550.00 Archibald C. Berkeley Jr. Larry G. Browning James H. Dandridge Brian K. Miller James T. Moore Ill James L. Polley Joshua Pretlow Jr. J. Waverly Pulley Ill C. Jeffers Schmidt Jr. Richard W. Stephenson Jr. John M. White-Hurst Charles F. Witthoefft 1973 Number In Class - 91 Number of Contributions Participation - 36% Total Dollars - $567.50 Charles E. Ayers Joseph E. Blackburn Jr. Robert C. Bode
Lawrence M. Cardon William R. Cawthorn Frederick H. Combs William S. Davidson Bruce E. Dozier Robert S. Ganey Paul F. Gluchowski James Carney Hawks Greer P. Jackson Jr. James Hatcher Johnson Richard C. Kast John L. Knight David Storey Mercer William E. Moore Sterling H. Moore Norman Morrison William W. Muse J. Morris Newlin Thomas T. Palmer J. Daniel Pond II James H. Price Ill Wilbert L. Sawyer Charles E. Schelin L. Neil Steverson James Tredway Ill John Dirffie Tyler George D. Varoutsos Kenneth R. Weiner David S. Whitacre James S. Yoffy
1974 Number in Class - 64 Number of Contributions Participation - 38% Total Dollars - $415.00 Edward A. Beck Ill
William A. Beeton Jr. Edwin A. Bischoff Robert A. Blount Richard H. Boatwright Thomas 0. Bondurant Jr. James A. Butts Ill Larry C. Catlett Stephen L. Comfort Kermit Marshall Cook James R. Ennis Gregory D. Foreman James Monroe Hite W. Richard Kay Jr. Dennis 0. Laing Frank D. Lawrence Ill Ronald E. Mynes Westbrook J. Parker William R. Pumphrey Cary A. Ralston Grant A. Richardson John A. Snead Stran L. Trout F. Dixon Whitworth
1975 Number in Class - 60 Number of Contributions Participation - 12 % Total dollars - $95.00 Hugh T. Antrim Albert D. Bugg Jr. C. Felix Cross Ill John H. Herbig Stuart R. Kaplan Nina K. Peace Robert S. Ricks
Graduate School 1912 John W. Decker 1918 Leonard C. Hubbard 1931 Samuel K. Dodson 1932 Mr. & Mrs. E. C. Nininger 1933 Luther A. Irby Jr. Carroll Ryland Minor 1934 Edward G. Tiedemann 1935 Stuart W. Cook C. E. Denoon Jr. Ray A. Harned 1936 Sandor B. Kovacs 1938 Lyndele A. Pitt Eugene A- Talley 1939 Frank R. Alvis Jr. Alfred J. Dickinson Thomas E. Hill W. R. Hudgins 1941 Garland D. Haddock 1942 M. W. Burnett John M. Lukeman
1947 Mr. & Mrs. H. Addison Dalton William K. Easley Austin E. Grigg 1949 Mr. & Mrs. John Howard Garber 1951 Floyd D. Gottwald Jr. William J. Hargis Jr. 1952 Julian Murry Howell
1960 Kenneth A. Blick 1961 L. D. Hogge John B. St. Leger 1962 Duval S. Adams Robert F. Joch en Phillip H. Kirkpatrick Edward N. Odom Gumars Vileins
1954 Clarence Beebe Arthur E. Jones Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Miller
1963 L. Winston Smith James M. Wilson Ill
1956 William H. Leftwich
1964 Ted R. Buckner William P. Fitzhugh Jr. James G. Frazer James W. Hosier Ill Morris J . Jones Charles W. Krause John J. Muldowney
1957 Donald B. Beaman Kenneth Byron Donald E. Furr Mercer Kay Thomas C. Leggett John Thomas Mullins
1967 James M. Baylor Bob S. Bulls William H. Caldwell R. Stuart Carlton Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Crawford Richard L. Keriak Roger H. Meacham Jr. 1968 Clifton S. Collins John L. Fugate Mr . & Mrs. James E. Jarrell Jr. William V. Shelton John Wayne Traylor 1969 Carolyn F. Baker Philip E. Cordran Mr. & Mrs. J. Earle Dunford Jr. William E. Goode George F. Green Ill James A . Sartain Suzanne P. Wiltshire 1970 Floyd Thomas Fallen John P. Henderson Jr. B. Frank Lewis Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William P. Slaughter Mrs. Herbert Wyndham
1965 James A. DeAngelis Jr. Donald P. Falls Robert W. Hudgins Carl W. Johnson Stanley F. Norman Thomas C. Smith Robert A. Weir Sr. Charles P. Word Jr.
1971 Randolph W. Cromwell Jr. Mary Helen Jordan John N. Moreau
1966 Patricia B. Coukos Homer Wilson Marshall, Jr. Ernest Scott Strother
1972 Thomas B. Fernald D. Downs Little John N. Marriott
1966 L. Wayne Creasman James W. Mercer Audrey H. Nelson Henry Vids
Barbara H. Meharg Page N. Melton
John K. Sheranek
1968 Charles Kent Trible
1971 Milton Dartouzos R. Stephen Gresham Catherine M. Outland John G. Pollard
1956 Wayne A. Freeland Mrs. Marion M. Hormachea Frances S. Leftwich Mrs. Evelyn M . Markwith Donald Lee Morecock Philip L. Oglesby Charles A. Tulloh 1959 Cline E. Hall
James Boyd Spencer Robert Stisitis F. E. Wheeler Leslie K. Younce Ill
1973 Joseph Burlock Clifford D. Crofford Jane Griffin Dorothy Thornton Hunter Margaret W. Jefferson Richard K. LeRoy Stanley I. Lisowski 1974 Leonard M. Alley Ann Archer Jerry W. Baker Lawrence E. Brett Jr. Don M. Douglas Mary Louise Oneil Samuel E. Perry Jr. Edward H. Pruden Jr. 1975 Mrs. Betty P. Ekey W. L. Hasty Ill Mr. & Mrs. Hervey S. Jones Mrs. Barbara H. Vann
University College 1949 John Howard Garber Jr. 1963 Samuel S. Kemp Gerald B. Scates 1964 William R. Hodge
1970 Robert A. Brewster II
1972 William F. Collins Garth Hancock Jr. Robert R. Staples Ronald P. Watson 1973 Hugh D. Garnett
1975 John L. Butner
Westhampton College ALUMNAEFUND With the efforts of an active Annual Fund Committee and the loyalty and support of our alumnae, the total of our giving to the Annual Fund surpassed expectation . Not only have we contributed a total of $75 ,114 .71, but have achieved a higher percentage of alumnae participation - 36 percent. Our appreciation to Charlotte Forrester, co-chairman and Leslie Booker, Wren Hill, Kathy Kirk and Peggy Ware who made personal contacts with alumnae and transmitted information concerning the Annual Fund and the College . In addition to the special givers' tea, the national telethon, the young givers telethon, and the Annual Fund Day tor class agents, a new activity was introduced - a special newsletter dealing with many aspects of alumnae giving. Behind all the successful efforts of the committee is the dedication of our Alumnae Secretary, Jane Thorpe . Above all, it is the generosity of Westhampton alumnae and friends tor which we are gratefu l. We are proud of their active
participation in the "Our Time in History" campaign and of the total gifts to the university that have been generated by alumnae of Westhampton College . Elaine Johnson Yeatts, '64 Alumnae Fund Chairman
SUMMARY Number of contributors to Annual Fund Number of contributors to Our Time in History Total number of contributors Number of alumnae contributors Alumnae participation Amount contributed through Annual Fund Amount contributed through Our Time In History Amount from corporate matching gifts Total result from alumnae gifts
1299 330 1629 1599 32% $75,114 .71 74,440.75 1,535.00 $151 ,091.46
Ruth Wallerstein Thal!')imer
Elizabeth Chapman Wilson
Jeannette Freeman Bettle
Elizabeth Camp Smith
M. Elizabeth Elsea Dorothy Sadler Corprew Glenna Loving Norvell
Elmira Ruffin Bowen Ethney Selden Headlee Camilla Wimbish Lacy Louise Beck Morris Ellen Douglas Oliver Ruth Powell Tyree
Helen Ellett Horne Mildred Louthan Shepherd
Virginia Lesueur Carter Ruby Vaughan Carson Mildred Lois Gambill Jo Frieda Hull Mitchell
Rector's Club
May Thompson Evans
1922 Thelma Hill Marsh
Ruth Watkins Cloud Anne Temple Gordon Steward 1924 1930 Norma Coleman Broaddus Frances E. Cake Agnes 8 . Jones 1932 Louise Wilkinson Morton V .. T bb M 1925 irginia a oore Gladys Wright Cocke 1935 Cathryn Henna Mary Anne Guy Franklin Estelle Myers Thornhill Mary Mills Freeman Martha Lipscombe Walsh Gladys Smith Tatum Isla Babb Wood
Jane Little Gray
Mildred Harrell Clinkscales
Jacqueline Barnes Wolf
Rosellen Hoffman Via
Annie Rene Powell Carey Louise Fry Galvin Mary Little Watson
Joyce Bell Cody
Hannah L. Coker Dora Ransone Hartz
1928 Frances Anderson Stallard
1929 Anne Elizabeth Smith Labino
1931 Frances Kerr Barnett
Louise Wiley Willis Betty Leigh Stembridge Leggett 1948 1967 Helen Church Pohlig Gale Hodkinson Cooper 1954 Ann Carol Robins Haskell El' b th Fie t Schmutz iza e e
Gothic Circle R.F .l.•W .C.R. Ruby Stoltz Bagby R.C. Co-Eds Edmonia Lancaster Metcalf
1929 Helen LeGrande Butler
1933 Ann Dickinson Welsh
Anne Gibson Hill
1955 Jacquelyn Kilby Brooks
PinesOub 1919 Virginia Jones Snead
1941 Mildred Howerton Jones Eleanor Kindell Miller Anna Marie Rue Stringfellow Mary Alice Smith Tillotson
1942 Jean Grant Andrews Gene Woodfin Steussy
1927 Catherine Bell Frances .Burnette . Jean Wright Woodfin
Althea Johnston Black • Helen Herrink Fix Marguerite Shell Ritchie Georgie I. Simpson Barbara Lewis Talbott
Martha Jordan Chukinas
Irene White Bain Amy Hickerson Dalton
Catherine A. Branch Mary Richardson Butterworth Virginia Ruth Haverty Adeline Richardson Muller Virginia Perkins Yeaman
Gladys Holleman Barlow
Katherine Tyler Ellett Dorothy Epperly Goodman Frances Willis Overton Gladys J. Smith Dorothy Abbott Wood
Elizabeth Hickerson Butterworth
Georgie Philpott Ingram Katharine Wicker Long Margaret Brinson Reed Dell Williams Smith
Annie Loie Walker Seacat Mildred Cox Goode Mary Alderson Graham
Cynthia Feldman Ruth
Margaret English Lester
1942 1944
1939 Virginia Shuman Marchant
Billy Jane Crosby Baker Ann Burcherstanbury
Estelle Kemper Butler Deborah McCarthy Mary Denmead Ruffin
Douglas Gee Baldwin
Elizabeth Darracott Wheeler
Elizab~th Sherman Cale Gay Minor Nelson Virginia Pleasant Robertson Elnora Hubbard Robinson Nora Turpin Turner Mary E. Jenkens Warinner
Miriam Figgs Rankin
Elizabeth Gaines Gaines Mildred Lewis McDanel Hester Tichenor Warfield
1931 Virginia Beck Hargrave Margaret C. Leake
1944 1945 Jane Wray Bristow McDorman
1947 Carolyn 0. Marsh
1948 1949 Betty Ann Allen Doub Frances Robison King Marilyn Alexander Kubu Julie Moller Sanford
Frances Shipman Sutton
Mary Louise Trice Mitchell
Kitty Rosenberger Garber Alice Clarke Lynch Barbara Covington O'Flaherty Virginia W. Sims
1920 Camille Robinson Hess Leonora Dorsey Kilby Theresa Pollak Lucille Karnes Steinhardt
1922 Leslie Sessoms Booker Jeanette Henna Claudia Patrick
1932 Virginia Ferguson Mays
1935 Helen Caulfield Hoffman
1936 Louise E. Callison Mary Elizabeth Puette Francis Mildred Crowder Pickels Alice Turner Schafer
Jane Ellis Babb Betty Tredway Blake Martha A. Carpenter Ann Rogers Crittenden Helen Elizabeth Luke Helen Blackwelder Scott
1952 Jane Ozlin Given Marian Lacy Mahon
1954 Susan Perry Downing Nancy E. Lay
1955 Patricia Minor Aldhizer Elizabeth Ann Allen Renee Gartner Diamonstein Maritza Garrido McManus Joy Winstead Propert
1956 Jane Andersen Jennings Dorothy Stiff Price
1957 Rosalind Allen Barker Margaret Graves Butterworth Mary Pratt Glennon Joyce Garrett Tidey
1958 Nancy Jane Cyrus Bains Betty Bruce Harris Bones Marilyn Yates Burkholder Jean Anderson Farmer Carol Brie Griffiths Carolyn Moss Hartz Barbara Jenkins Warriner
1959 Jean Gardy Deitz Elizabeth Ramos Dunkum Shirley Gordon Highfill Jane Lee Sanford
1960 Alice Clement Boone Laura Moss Nelson Evalane Green Slaughter Sandra Motley Swain Rebecca Grissom Van Ausdall Patricia Hunt Worthington
1961 Betty Wade Blanton Jones Emily Brown McCoy Elizabeth A. Warner
1964 Elaine Johnson Yeatts Joan Hoch Yowell
1965 Linda Holt Lilly Susan Gunn Quisenberry
1967 Nancy Ussery Karam
1969 Susan E. Agee Mary Sue Terry
1970 Claire E. Born
1971 Emily White Zehmer 1973 Laura Anne Denny Barbara Hayes Vann 1975 Loretta Fox
Gifts In Memory Nancy Bain Elizabeth Williams Bell Althea Johnston Black Miriam Thalenberg Bricker John Archer Carter Mrs. David R. Coker Sallie M. Davis Mr. S. L. Goodman Pearl Kline Gross Henrietta Sadler Kinman Ethyl Onida Lassiter Kay Weber Mclellan Effie Buzhardt Marsh Maie Collins Robinson Hilton Rutty Margaret Miller Smith Virginia Reese Withers R·C· Co-Eds Number In Class - 18 Number of Contributions - 8 Participation - 44 % Total Dollars - $729.68 Audrey Dillon Arnold Virginia L. Coghill Sadie Engelberg Amy Kratz Margaret Glendon Lee Frances Trevvett Matthews Edmonia Lancaster Metcalf Alice Spiers Sechrist 1915 Number In Class - 8 Number of Contributions - 3 Participation - 37.5% Total Dollars - $40.00 Celeste Anderson O'Flaherty Sara Thomas Hambrick Louise Goepfarth Schaaf 1916 Number in Class - 4 Number of Contributions - 1 Participation - 25 % Total Dollars - $15.00 Lillian Harding Bixby 1917 Number in Class - 11 Number of Contributions -6 Participation - 54% Total Dollars - $200.00 Eleanor Copenhaver Anderson Gladys Holleman Barlow Mabel Henderson Crabtree Florence Boston Decker Anne-Ruth Harris Margaret Michie Robinson 1918 Number in Class - 17 Number of Contributions-15 Participation - 88 % Total Dollars - $2,545.00 Elizabeth Brockenbrough Estelle Kemper Butler Lois Rogers Butler Martha H. Chappell May Edmonds Elizabeth Waddill Emerson Jennie Phillips Le Sueur Deborah McCarthy Eleanor B. McCarthy Mary Porter Rankin Mary Denmead Ruffin Elizabeth Camp Smith Alice Cook Weyhgandt Elizabeth Ellyson Wiley Edith Neblett Wilson 1919 Number In Class - 23 Number of Contributions Participation - 61. 7 % Total Dollars - $1007.00 Elvira Miller Abernathy Juliette Brown Carpenter Lillian Robertson Carter Margaret Laws Decker • Isabelle Feild Dewling Elizabeth Gaines Gaines Esther Sanford Jett Mildred Lewis McDanel Margaret Semmes McKillop
Virginia Jones Snead Elizabeth N. Tompkins Audrey Colonna Twyford Hester Tichenor Warfield Virginia Karnes Wright 1920 Number in Class - 19 Number of Contributions - 7 Participation - 37% Total Dollars - $540.00 Jeannette Freeman Bettle Anna Lee Willis Eppright Jeffries Heinrich Ruth E. McEwen Frances Shipman Sutton Martha L. Walden Katherine Vaughan Willis 1921 Number in Class - 25 Number of Contributions - 15 Participation - 60% Total Dollars-$2400.72 Catherine Little DuPuy Katherine Spicer Edmonds M. Elizabeth Elsea May Thompson Evans Helen Ruth Henderson Camille Robinson Hess Mary Blackwell Hudnall Leonora Dorsey Kilby Virginia E. Lane Ruth Hoover Lide Gladys Lumsden Mccutcheon Theresa Pollak Lucille Karnes Steinhardt Alice Williams Whitley Mary Hart Willis Winfrey 1922 Number in Class - 40 Number of Contributions - 19 Participation - 47% Total Dollars - $853.00 Elva McAlister Berrey Leslie Sessoms Booker Edith Newton Eakes Mary C. Fugate Narcissa Daniel Hargroves Jeanete Henna Elizabeth Hoover Hilda Lawson Jecklin Zola Hubbard Leek Thelma Hill Marsh Rebekah Lawson McReynolds Claudia Patrick Irene Summers Stoneman Louise Story Stella Hubbard Taylor Ruth Wallerstein Thalhimer Alice Garnett Thomas Mary Louise Bristow Thompson Eva Timberlake West 1923 Number In Class-61 Number of Contributions - 25 Participation - 41 % Total Dollars - $8,405.00 Elmira Ruffin Bowen Leila Ellis Briesmaster Hannah L. Coker Dorothy Sadler Corprew Altha Cunningham Ada Arthur Deacon Margaret Ostergren Edwards Virginia Epes Feild Mamie Smith Fitzgerald Dora Ransone Hartz Eva Banks Haycox Ethney Seldon Headlee Camilla Wimbish Lacy Virginia Kent Loving Mary S. Lynn Louise Beck Morris Glenna Loving Norvell Kate E. O'Brien Ellen Douglas Oliver Kathleen Prentiss Perrin Elizabeth Hill Schenk Rosa Sanders Thomas Ruth Powell Tyree Eloise McEwen Ware Janie E. Wood 1924 Number in Class - 44 Number of Contributions - 22 Participation - 50 % fotal Dollars - $785.00 Mabel R. Allen Katherine Kirk Bain Hilda Booth Beale Bernie Whitlock Bowles Norma Coleman Broaddus Margaret Fugate Carlton Mary Taylor Gills Copenhaver Mary Myrtis Cox
Joanna Savedge Ellett Louise Vincent Flanagan Virginia Gregory Inez DeJarnette Hite Elinor Holmes Johnson • Virginia Clore Johnson Agnes B. Jones Hazel Walker Maxey Louise Wilkinson Morton Mary Anna Powell Eva Mildred Sanders Kate Harman Wahlin Carlene Broach Watterson Wilhelmina Wright 1925 Number In Class - 48 Number of Contributors - 26 Participation-54 % Total Dollars-$1533.00 Elizabeth G. Abernathy Elma H. Ashton Alpha Gordon Atwill Susie Blair Rebecca L. Brockenbrough Grace Puckett Burruss Ruth Watkins Cloud Gladys Wright Cocke Margaret Cake Davies Susan Brown Graham Marjoire Rhodes Hall Mary Elizabeth Mason Hamrick Cathryn Henna Muldred C. Jones Eunice Gill Norville Idaline McVeigh Ratcliffe Wilma Spangler Rogers Gladys Sanders Emeline L. Stearns Anne Temple Gordon Steward Estelle Myers Thornhill Ruby Foster Tyree Martha Lipscomb Walsh Mary Hall (Polly) Drinkard Walton Nellie Ruth Hoover Willisms Isla Babb Wood 1926 Number in Class - 47 Number of Contributions - 37 Participation - 79% Total Dollars - $2,230.00 Evelyn Abrahams Eugenia Edmondson Barney Florence Mae Booker Mabel C. Britton Margaret Lazeny Brown Dorothy Walker Bryan Dorothy E. Campbell Annie Renee Powell Carey Nelda Anderson Cotton Lila Crenshaw Mary Ellenor Armentrout Darden Mary Virginia Daughtrey Margaret W. Dorsey Murtha Brown Felter Louise Fry Galvin May Rudd Harris Lucile Sutton Henley Margaret Harlan Hilton Inez Cutchin Kollock Virginia Walker Lee Mary Woodward Pilcher Eliza Miller Reams Allene Booker Richmond Elizabeth C. Salle Margaret Miller Smith • Mary Dandridge Payne Smith Eddie Soyars Swanson Virginia Ballard Syer Alice H. Taylor Kate Rucker Thomas Marguerite Roper Tuggle Emma Huntley Turnbull Mary Little Watson Kathleen Stinson Williams Page Williams Harriet Sharon Willingham lone Stuessy Wright 1927 Number in Class - 63 Number of Contributions - 21 Participation - 33 % Total Dollars - $810.00 Dorothy Daughtrey Anderson Kathleen Privett Bahen Catherine Bell Frances Burnette Mildred Breling Busch Cecyle Loving Heckendorf Margaret Saunders Haile Elizabeth G. Hudson Dorothy V. Knibb Ruth E. Lawrence Alice Lichtenstein Dorothy Bagwell McDannald
Isabel Dickerson Norman Janet Hall Parsons Eleanor Waters Ramsey Evelyn Bristow Robert Janet Hutchison Sanford Helen Gasser Sheppard Dorothy Head Thomas Eleanor Sanford Turner Jean Wright Woodfin 1928 Number in Class - 52 Number of Contributions - 22 Participation - 42% Total Dollars - $2,047.00 Ethel Pond Brinkley Elizabeth Sherman Cale Hazel Anderson Carpenter Annabeth Cash Mary Payne Copenhaver Louise Massey Crisp Gray Robinson French Helen Hutchison Marks Helen Covey Milius Gay Minor Nelson Louise Figgs Nicolls Buckner Fitzhugh Pannill Virginia Pleasant Robertson Elnora Hubbard Robinson Lucy Williams Seaton Frances Anderson Stallard Elise Stephenson Nora Turpin Turner Mary Jenkens Warinner Mildred Anderson Williams Margaret Gillespie Willis 1929 Number in Class - 59 Number of Contributions - 30 Participation - 51 % Total Dollars - $2,650.00 Louise Black Louise Hardaway Boswell Catherine A. Branch Virginia Bell Burruss Mary Richardson Butterworth Frances Elmore Clift Lilli,m Elizabeth Brown Cornell Frances Sykes DeHart Roma Lackes Gustin Elizabeth Hale Virginia Ruth Haverty Rosalie Gore Hinson Ruth Cox Jones Anne Elizabeth Smith Labine Lina Page Light Marguerite Stuessy Mattox Aleta Downing McNeal Helen C. Moon Adeline Richardson Muller Agnes Peters Nolan Miriam Figgs Rankin Margaret T. Rudd Violet Cervarich Simpson Willie Jane Smith Thelma Pruden Stanton Naomi Williams Thomas Willie Grey Tyree Clare Johnson Wayt Mary Ella Wright Virginia Perkins Yeaman 1930 Number In Class-39 Num bar of Contrlbutlons-26 Particlpatlon-67 % Total Dollars-$1375.00 Frances E. Cake Shirley Gannaway Campbell Elinor Bell Camper Alice Richardson Connell Sallie Belote Copes Katherine Tyler Ellett Sarah Cohn Ettenheim Dorothy Epperly Goodman Dorcas Hooker Herthel
Thelma Bryant Hutton Helen Bowman Lieb Priscilla Kirkpatrick Millea Elizabeth Jones Newton Frances E. Noblin Frances Willis Overton Helen Harwood Parr Dorothy Gwaltney Peters Lucy Ann Wright Pitts Janie E. Ruffin Margaret Oliver Saunders Margaret Billings Sentz Gladys J. Smith Dorothy Smith Stone Virginia Saunders Thomas Cornelia Ferguson Underwood Dorothy Abbot Wood 1931 Number in Class-57 Number of Contrlbutions-18 Participation-32 % Total Dollars-$665.00 Frances Kerr Barnett Anne Jones Berkholtz Aileen Nucko ls Brumfield Leone A. Cooper Nancye Buxton Cowan Virginia Beck Hargrave Johnnie Adams Irby Mary Edith Faulkner Jordan Margaret C. Leake "., Sara F. Leslie Maude E. Mahaney Elizabeth Gill Minor Hattie Habel Moschler Louise Waller St. George Lucie Francis Samuel Nina Bremner Smith Nora Page Cauthorne Spellman Laurretta Taylor Sullivan 1932 Number in Class - 70 Number of Contributions - 32 Participation - 46% Total Dollars - $1,975.00 Mary Anne Hall Anderson Edna Noffsinger Ballou Elizabeth Captaine Beaty Helen Le Grande Butler Marie Davis Deatelhauser Helen Pollard Deck Frances Gottlieb DeDan Olga Pitts DeShazo Eleanor Pillow Ewell Mary Ryland Fessler Bertie E. Flippo Anne Sadler Garrett Juanita Bush Glover Jane Little Gray Tyler Hogg Harris Inez Hauke Hartley Nelle M. Johnson Valerie LeMasurie r Jones Alice Sallee Lyons Catherine Foskett McCloud Mary Elizabeth Hodnett Mathews Mary Louise Trice Mitchell Virginia Tabb Moore Elisabeth W . Newcombe Virginia Jones Pharr Helen L. Redford Anne Louise Sanford Mildred Anne Ferguson Smith Geneva Bennett Snelling Jean Peatross Thomas Jessie Miller Jones Turner Ruth Cole Weber 1933 Number in Class - 45 Number of Contributions - 24 Participation - 53 % Total Dollars - $697.00 Mary Elizabeth Madison Bowen
1 2
'71 '75 '69 '73 '64 '58 '61 '66 '72 '59 '26
3 4 5 6 7
53 45 45 43 42 42 40 39 38 37 37
Elizabeth Frazer Burslem Catharine Dawson Cox Helen Travis Crawford Gertrude B. Dyson Archie B. Fowlkes Frances Smith Justice Edna Earl Clore Kincheloe Margaret Baptist Lears Matilda Tisinger Massey Jane Reynolds Merchant Marguerite Neale Moger Etta Whitehead Nachman Marjorie Canada O'Riordan Adelaide Holloway Patterson Camilla Jeffries Patton Carolyn Cutchin Powell Mary Louise Tyler Prichard Rose Thacker Schwartz Florence E. Siebert Marian West Stocker Phoebe Drewry Thiermann Vivian Barnett Warr Ann Dickinson Welsh 1934 Number in Class - 46 Number of Contributions - 22 Participation - 48% Total Dollars - $410.00 Lucille Oliver Beane Virginia Sanford Brian Elizabeth Claybrook Bristow Helen E. Wilkinson Buchanan Ellen Ahern Daffron Frances Folkes Duncan Virginia Watkins Ellenburg Mary E. Goodwin Henderson Ammye Herrin Hill Helen M. Hulcher Marian Cochran Knobloch Virginia Ferguson Mays Dorothy Grantham Morgan Katherine Sergeant Newby Louise Messick Porter Virginia McIntosh Puckett Hazel Hemming Seay Margaret Tilman Trent Katherine Brown Van Allen Frances Lundin van Heuveln Gene Newton West Anne. Wood 1935 Number in Class - 59 Number of Contributions -19 Participation - 32% Total Dollars-$1,160 .00 Susie Anderson Ackerman Marjorie Puryear Carwile Margaret Brown Dixon Hazel Weaver Fobes Mary Anne Guy Franklin Mary Mills Freeman Margaret Taylor Gallaway Katherine ctuValGrace Mary Harper Heisler Helen Caulfield Hoffman Alice Harrington Hunt Margaret Walker Knowlton Mary Patteson Early Love Nan Byrd Owen Manning Vida Elsea Norvell Martha Marston Sadler Gladys Smith Tatum Harriet M. Walton Susan Whittet Wilson 1936 Number in Class - 56 Number of Contributions - 31 Participation - 55% Total Dollars- $1,165.31 Lucy Blackwell Alexander Alice Pugh Bartz Sarah Poole Batkins Louise E. Callison Susan Bonnet Chermside Mary Watkins Brock Clevinger Elizabeth Conwell Mildred Ellyson Court Anna Castelvecchi Del Papa Helen E. Falls Kathryn Ellis Fox Mary Elizabeth Puette Francis Margaret Bowers Gill Virginia Ingram Guest Florence Marston Harvey Rae Norford Hess Mary Burfoot Hill Helen Denoon Hopson Ruth Parker Jones Virginia Kirk Lennox Martha Riis Moore Frances Williams Parkinson
Mildred Crowder Pickels Martha Cosby Rucker Ann E. Kincannon Rutherford Alice Turner Schafer Judith Hodges Schulte Mary Ellen Stephenson Marjorie Pugh Tabb Elizabeth Chapman Wilson Lou White Winfree
Charlotte Dickinson Moore Byrd Boisseau Perkinson Margaret Brinson Reed Dell Williams Smith Hilda Batten Starkey Mary Crabtree Sutherland Saddye Sykes Williams
1937 Number in Class - 48 Number of Contributions - 18 Participation - 37 % Total Dollars - $388.00 Margaret Harris Bradner Betty Allison Briel Conway Moncure Collins Marguerite P. Hall Helen Ellett Horne Jane Lawder Johnston Katherine Broyles Kerr Nancy Lee Riley McFall Grace Elliott Olsen Nancy Chappell Pettigrew Marion Miller Peyronnet Win~red L. Schenck Mildred Lothan Shepherd Jane Carroll Slusser Pollyanna Shepherd Tierney Margaret Isbell Vaughan Constance Fleming Warwick Margaret Hulvey Wright 1938 Number in Class - 68 Number of Contributions - 18 Participation - 26% Total Dollars - $767.50 Douglas Gee Baldwin Johanna Fisher Baldwin Jo Ann Kent Bouchard Mildred Harrell Clinkscales Josephine Mallory Cosby Virginia Hudson Cosby Betty Wright Crisp Frances J. Flick Helen S. Gray Edith Crostic Grigg Emily Parker Kendig Olive Messer Lewis Margaret Lockwood Nolting Nancy Orthey Rowan Catherine Leake Slaughter Henrietta Harrell Smith Elizabeth Darracott Wheeler Edna Loving Young 1939 Number In Class - 59 Number of Contributions - 20 Participation - 34% Total Dollars - $510.50 Charlotte Ann Beale Jane Langley Boley Martha Elliott Deichler Lavinia Winston Edmunds Marian Wiley Ellett Elizabeth Burch Fowlkes Agnes Deaton Freeman Cassandra Harman Hite Elizabeth Ashbrooke Jackson Anne Scott Campbell Jacobs Sarah Hoover Jones Elsie Bradshaw Kintner Paula Smith Mackey Virginia Shuman Marchant Lois Lyle Mercer Hermine Hoen Philips Charlotte Saxe Schrieberg Christine Duling Sponsler Elizabeth Conrey Van Buskirk Dorothy Shell Wood 1940 Number in Class - 75 Number of Contributions Participation - 31 % Total Dollars - $778.00 Lucy W. Baird Margaret Ligon Bernhart Ruth Latham Gravatt Ethel O'Brien Harrington Annabel Lumpkin Hessel Georgie Philpott Ingram Dorothy Grant Ivey Bella Herzberg Jacobs Thais Silverman Kaufmann Doris Ann Hargrove Kibler Katharine Wicker Long Katherine L. Lyle Virginia Dennis McGee Emma Parsons Mallory Janet Gresham Manson Harriett Yeamans Mercer
Mary Eubank Barnes Meta Hill Boynton Rita Muldowney Copley Juanita Tiller Elmquist Ann Thruston Filer Mildred Cox Goode Mary Alderson Graham Dorothy Monroe Hill 1941 Gene Shepard Keever Number in Class - 86 Mary Duryee Howe Kirk Number of Contributions - 25 Ellen Mercer Clark Maxwell Participation - 29% Helen Curtis Patrick Total Dollars - $825.00 Elizabeth R. Rice Mary Owen Bass Ann Burcher Stansbury Elizabeth Cardwell Brown Mary Moore Warner Stephenson Margaret Brittingham Curtice Katherine Hanely Wery Jean Neasmith Dickinson 1945 Elizabeth Acker Gillespie Number in Class - 72 Dorothy B. Harshbarger Number of Contributions - 26 Lois Campbell Herlong Participation - 36% Mildred Howerton Jones Total Dollars - $545.00 Kathryn Leviston Krug Martha Tucker Bass Helen Martin Laughon Doris Colley Berger Eleanor Kindell Miller Ellen Brooks Blackwell Louise Morrissey Moyer Elizabeth Parker Cone Thelma Seldes Nieder Betty Lawson Dillard Josephine Fennell Pacheco Mary Erina Hinchman Petersen Elizabeth Yonan Grubbs Madge Arbogast Henderson Marion Yancey Petroff Ann Clark Howe Elizabeth Holden Slipek Ansley Hulfish Margaret Purcell Spindler Alma Rosenbaum Hurtwitz Catherine Hoover Stone Marguerite Boehling Irving Mayme O'Flaherty Stone Ann Seay Jackson Anna Marie Rue Stringfellow Alice Rawlings Johnson Mary Alice Smith Tillotson Ruth Hiller Johnson Jeanne Huffman Waite Marianne Waddill Jones Betty Woodson Weaver Hollie Garber Kenyon Antoinette Wirth Whittet Anne Fisher Keppler Ruth M. Latimer 1942 Ann Twombly Leland Number in Class - 84 Number of Contributions - 26 Jane Wray Bristow McDorman Anne Lee McElroy MacKenizie Participation - 31 % Wanda Walton Pace Total Dollars - $1,028.00 Mary Campbell Paulson Jean Grant Andrews Betty Anne Richards Warner Frances M. Badenoch Jen Lea Guthrie Yancey Ethel Levine Bass Lillian belk Youell Clarine Cunningham Bergren Esther Wendling Cline 1946 Laura Jenkins Cornell Number in Class - 74 Janice Lane Darlington Number of Contributions - 21 Frances Hood Deyerle Participation - 28% Emmy S. Fountain Total Dollars - $1,597.00 Frances Williams Garnett Irene White Bain Ann Gwaltney Harwood Lois Bradley Baker Lillian Jung Jeanne Yeamans Baxter Jean Beeks Marston Patricia Husbands Berton Jayne Maire Massie Barbara Richie Branch LaVerne Priddy Muse Amy Hickerson Dalton Anne Smith Palazzo Frances Sleight Elliott Grace Norris Reese Jeanne Pebworth Gammon Kathleen Abernethy Riley Cora L. Chaffee Goldsborough Hortense Winston Ruddick Betsy Mathews Hanckel Mary Louise DuVal Sawyer Caroline Goode Jackson Annie Loie Walker Seacat Naomi Hall Kingery Betty Ann Petzinger Shackelford Marion Lawton Kinzey Gene Woodfin Steussy Marguerite Berryman Overton Mary Grace Scherer Taylor Betty Scherr Parker Rosellen Hoffman Via Jean White Robeson Bernice Hargrove Wood Cornelia Reid Rowlett Anne Beverly Ryland 1943 Lillian Frances Newman Stevens Number in Class - 62 Jacqueline Hodges Walker Number of Contributions - 22 Jacqueline Barnes Wolf Participation - 35% Total Dollars - $1,050.50 1947 Peggy Jeanne Kyle Anderton Number Class - 65 Audrey Foster Ashburn Number of Contributions - 26 Althea Johnston Black • Participation - 40% Elise Allman Cage Total Dollars - $522.50 Helen Herrink Fix Isabel Ammerman Allin Helen Ridgley Gallagher Mary Edmonia Cox Anderson Lois Dorsey Garwood Betty Tinsley Andrews Kaye Wray Godfrey Martha Henley Berkie Lelia Gardner Hathaway Anne Higgins Borger Priscilla Poteat Humbert Beverley Patton Browne Rosemary Ives Sara Frances Young Derieux Louise Cardozo Long Virginia C. Ellett Virginia Delp Ogg Nancy Richardson Elliott Marguerite Shell Ritchie Dorothy Hughes Freitag Anne Williams Roberts Verda Sletten Hobbs Jeanice Johnson Roberts Mildred Daffron Horigan Maxine Williams Rogers Elizabeth McLaughlin Krix Georgie I. Simpson Marie Walthall LeSieur Barbara Lewis Talbott Frances Coles McClennan Rose Koltukian Wallace Carolyn 0. Marsh Leone Wicklund Marion Huske Moomaw Louise Wiley Willis Mary Elizabeth Brown Parsons Carolyn Storm Pattie 1944 Mary Louise Coghill Poland Number in Class - 58 Number of Contributions - 16 Doris Pitman Rainey Helen Cole Richardson Participation - 27% Lena Thornton Small Total Dollars - $620.00 Santina Clauter Stapleton Billy Jane Crosby Baker
Ollie Menefee Stirling Margaret Goode Vicars 1948 Number in Class - 91 Number of Contributions - 20 Participation - 22% Total Dollars - $892.00 Hannah Barlow Bain Jean Brumsey Biscoe Margaret Sabine Brizendine Elizabeth Hickerson Butterworth Elizabeth Koltukian Cowles Margaret Stone Cunningham Doris Moore Ennis Patricia Fuller Gatlin Alice C. Goodman Beth Chambliss Holcomb Anne Gill Manning Norma Polk Miles Margaret Elliott Ownby Josephine Hoover Pittman Helen Church Pohlig Virginia Herndon Pugh Maria Carter Satterfield Arleen Reynolds Schaefer Judith Barnett Seelhorst Jacqueline Jeter Shock 1949 Number in Class - 111 Number of Contributions - 24 Participation - 22% Total Dollars - $953.00 May Lee Yook Chung Elizabeth McNeal Claybrook Elizabeth Pahnelas Dellis Betty Ann Allen Doub Caroline Lynn Doyle Peggy Hassel Ford Barbara Rodewald Forrest Joyce Roberson Goforth Frances E. Hix Beverly Hofer Huyett Frances Robison King Marilyn Alexander Kubu Elizabeth Hsu Lee Lou Winn Mccutcheon Ann Elizabeth Morano Ida Eanes Patrick Harriet Smith Powell Julie Moller Sanford Jean Harper Sellars Catherine Wyatt Townes Jean Moody Vincent Virginia Shaw Warren Ruby Lee Patterson Weber Mary Ann Peddicord Williams 1950 Number in Class - 123 Number of Contributions - 27 Participation - 22% Total Dollars - $922.50 Margaret Alexander Anderson Barbara White Balderson Agnes Feild Burke Joyce Gustafson Crawford Kitty Rosenberger Garber Ida Smith Hall Marianna Rounds Holloway Gene Hart Joyner Joanne Waring Karppi Frances Chandler Long Alice Clarke Lynch Jean Tinsley Martin Martha Harris Matthews Margaret Wells Meador Barbara Covington O'Flaherty Frances Sutton Oliver Marjorie Parson Owen Elizabeth Givens Pierce Clarice Ryland Price Louise Covington Randall Lenore Greenberg Siegel Virginia W. Sims Barbara Brann Swaim Maud S. Tyler Miriam Weddle Whitt Louise Hickerson Wiley Elizabeth Rowse Wilson 1951 Number in Class - 94 Number of Contributions - 28 Participation - 30% Total Dollars - $1,011.00 Jane Ellis Babb Jocelyn Hyche Baulch Betty Tredway Blake Martha A. Carpenter Jeanne Goulding Cheatham Barbara McGehee Cooke Ann Rogers Crittenden Piret Koljo Cruger Gwendolyn Priddy Donohue
Helen Carol Jones Nancy E. Lay Linda Goodman Lewis Billie Bryan Mackey Claire Millhiser Rosenbaum Elizabeth Fleet Schmutz Ruth Zehner Seibold Betty Garter Smith Felice Abram Stem Barbara Bull Tull Nancy Baumgardner Werner
Katherine McRae Dudley Lee Keiter Gardner Jane Slaughter Hardenbergh Beulah Johnson Hooper Alma Rice Jeffreys Patricia Smith Kelley Helen Elizabeth Luke Ann Jones Moffatt Anne Jackson Morledge Shirley Hall Murphy Irene Blackburn Pierce Charlotte Herrink Rigler Shirley D. Robertson Anne Plunkett Rosser Helen Blackwelder Scott Elizabeth Munsey Spatz Mary Frances Arrighi Tonacci Eleanor Wright Weston Elizabeth Gill White 1952 Number In Class-93 Number of Contributions - 29 Participation - 31 % Total Dollars - $1,857.00 Nina Landolina Byrd V. Claire Carlton Barbara Cawthorne Clarke Joyce Bell Cody Adelaide Eicks Comegys Georginna Mc Teer Cooke Elizabeth Edmonds Dunn Charlotte Babb Edmonds Jane Ozlin Given Jill Lobach Graybeal Eleanor Persons Hays Anne Gibson Hill Jeanne Hootman Hopkins Frances McEver Hutcheson Marianne Shumate Jensen Harriet Willingham Johnson Hermina Hochman Kolchin Jacqueline Gerson Lowenstein Marian Lacy Mahon Helen Want Miller Jane Camlin Miner Jacqueline Vaughan Rector Marilyn McMurray Rishell Desiree Stuart-Alexander Clarice Underwood Thompson Anne Simpson Turner Jacqueline Jardine Wall Drucilla Marshall Waring Sarah Barlow Wright 1953 Number In Class - 104 Number of Contributions Participation - 32% Total Dollars - $948.00 Velda Harrell Agee Natalie Mandel Aron Carolyn Carter Birdsong Jacque lyn Gustin Boeh Patricia Shoma Bradshaw Elizabeth Carpenter Browne Meth yl Young Bruce Nancy O'Neill Camden Ruby Vaughan Carson Virginia Lesueur Carter Betty Davis Cocke Nancy Fling Fowler Mildred Lois Gambill Faye Kilpatrick Gillespie Gayle Mepham Hensley Virginia Lee Hunt Geraldine Kantner Jones Ola Hill Krueger Betty Montgomery Marsh Carla Waal Marston Betty Lear Miller Jo Frieda Hull Mitchell Arcadia D. Phillips Ruth Entsminger Pierson Betty Williams Potter Jane Wilson Rolston Grace Williams Selby Peggy Dietrich Shackelford Jane M. Sheema Patricia Moran Talley Gladys Tatarsky Carolyn Orange Watkins Mary Hurt Winslow
1954 Number in Class - 82 Number of Contributions - 17 Participation - 21 % Total Dollars - $710.00 Sallie A. Homer Black Marcella Hammock Bullock Mary Lu Gilbert Dorsey Susan Perry Downing Mary Alice Wagner Grebner Nancy Graham Harrell
1955 Number In Class - 89 Number of Contributions - 26 Participation - 29% Total Dollars - $2,395.00 Patricia Minor Aldhizer Elizabeth Ann Allen Jacquelyn Kilby Brooks Renee Gartner Diamonstein Ann Pettit Getts Alice McCarty Haggerty Jean Crittenden Kauffman Betty Jean Parrish Knott Betty Stembridge Leggett Margaret English Lester Phyllis M. McGhee Maritza Garrido McManus Anne Shirlee Garrett Maxson Jean Ruddle Migneault Carole Straus Morrison Dorothy Smoker Nielsen Helen Thompson Olstad Virginia Thomas Phillips Joyce Winstead Proper! Virginia Swain Saunders Margaret Armstrong Tluszcz Hope Ida Garaldi Wallace Nancy Johnson White Barbara Turner Willis Myra Embrey Worrnald Grace Phillips Wright 1956 Number In Class - 90 Number of Contributions - 21 Participation - 23% Total Dollars - $655.88 Carolyn F. Baker Helen Crittenden Culbertson Mary Lu James de Saavedra Sylvia Grigorowitsch Dickerson Virginia Scott Dillon Ann Peery Frederick Anne Stuart Hartz Garnett Shirley Evans Hart Betty Brinkley Hayward Thelma Flynn Helm Carol Brooks Jennings Jane Andersen Jennings Anne Pope Kitchen Mary Lou Watson Lamb Mary Moore Mullin Mowery Charlotte Henley Oberg Dorothy /3tiff Price Charlotte Hart Simpson Lillian Stephenson Stroud Edna Wagstaff Warncke Betty Lou Kendall West 1957 Number In Class - 94 Number of Contributions - 24 Participation - 25% Total Dollars - $835.00 Nancy Lee Archbell Rosalind Allen Barker Margaret Graves Butterworth Elizabeth Hinton Callahan Mary Pratt Glennon Anne McRee Godley Anne Byrd James Mary Katherine Parr Jenkins Katharine Clark Kersey Carolyn Temple Moore Marcia Slaven Moss Jennie Sue Johnson Murdock Barbara Gilliam Phipps Nancy Moore Plonk Ruth Tipton Powers Nancy Bertsch Ratchford Grace Bloxsom Raveling Ann Lee Hines Reamy Beverley Ambler Richardson Patricia Reisman Sporn Shannon Bryant Starke Joyce Garr~tt Tidey Helen Melton Vandermark Angeline Pettit Willingham 1958 Number In Class - 105 Number of Contributions - 42 Participation - 40%
Total Dollars - $1,500.00 Betty Lou Sutton Anthony Margarite A. Arrighi Nancy Jane Cyrus Bains Elinor Delong Belk Betty Bruce Harris Bones Eugenia Borum Marilyn Yates Burkholder Carolyn Butler Dorothy Wiltshire Butler Jacqueline Ryerson Cockrell Marilyn Bambacus Costas Mariett Ayers Eggleston Jean Anderson Farmer Rebecca Branch Faulconer Jean Hudgins Frederick Dawn Irvine Freese June Gray Carol Brie Griffiths Carolyn Moss Hartz Carolyn Quinn Higinbothom Nancy Goodwyn Hill Edwina Knipling Lake Dorothy Goodman Lewis Frances Gray Mark Kay Ownby Susan Hudson Parsons Jeanne Jones Patterson Betty Blair Rhodes Gail Carper Russell Cynthia Feldman Ruth Betty Jean Watkins Saunders Annette Masters Scheel Gay Winslow Shulman Cora Sue Elmore Spruill Elizabeth Smith Steele Virginia Beale Swallow Jane Stockman Thorpe Kay Crawford Trimble Peggy Maxwell Ware Barbara Jenkins Warriner Suzanne Prillaman Wiltshire Laura Green Winship 1959 Number In Class - 122 Number of Contributions - 36 Participation - 30% Total Dollars - $1,533.33 Marian Gates Breeden Eleanor Dickson Campbell Jo Barker Campbell Martha Jordan Chukinas Mary Frances Coleman Peggy Powell Daniel Jean Gardy Deitz Lilalee Guerrant Dollard Elizabeth Ramos Dunkum LaVeme Watson Edwards Beverly Eubank Evans Cary Hancock Gilmer Carolyn Nash Haga Eileen Cordle Harris Bonnie Lewis Haynie Carol McAnally Haynie Margaret Spencer Hernandez Shirley Gordon Highfill Ruth Adkins Hill Jean Rice Hodder Eileen Mccutcheon Hollans Nancy Kipps Hughey Carolyn Hedgepeth Kidd Frankie Richeson Macgowan Glori11Strickland Major Peggy Shearin O'Brien Sylvia Olney Jolien Edwards Mierke Susan Payne Moundalexis Nancy Hopkins Phillips Mary Carolyn Marlowe Price Nancy Taylor Rowe Jane Lee Sanford Caroline Massey Shreve Mary Lee Fountain Ward Jean Anne Martin Wyndham 1960 Number in Class - 106 Number of Contributions Participation - 32% Total Dollars - $1,107.41 Clare Earle Ahlers Nancy Taylor Baker Alice Clement Boone Kay Lacy Brinkley Jane Morris Dobyns Katharine Whitby Fiege Mary Frances Gibbs Irvin Elizabeth Graham Jenkins Martha Ann Kellogg Emelyn St. Clair Key Linda Morgan Lemmon Jeanne Kosko Light Miriam Rothwell Livermon Laura Moss Nelson
Tucker Smart Paxton Joanna Elle! Pickering Sylvia Brown Pond Judith Carpenter Rabenold Diane Light Rifler Sandra Britton Saunders Margaret Taylor Sheldon Judith Trunzo Anne Clodfelter Tucker 1963 Number in Class - 131 Number of Contributions - 34 Total Dollars - 26% Total Dollars - $570.50 Margaret Brower Almond Judith Barlow Bolling Sandra Dixon Bowen Margaret Dillon Bowles Nancy Hootman Clemmer Claudia Dodson Elizabeth Jones Ellington 1961 Sarah Eugenia Harrison Fisher Number In Class - 152 Grayson Foy Number of Contributions - 40 Gail Marcus Genderson Participation - 26% Patricia Brumble Gracie Total Dollars - $941.00 Frances Pitchfo rd Griggs Joyce Smith Allison Nancy Page Hudson Hall Ruth Reynolds Barger Mary Benton Hummel Sarah Willis Blair Mary Ellen Armstrong Hunter Gail Morrison Brooks Aleta Goodwyn Jenkins Judith Vanderboegh Carroll Dona Spencer Link Barbara Spiers Causey Claire Hudson Matthews Janet Harwood Collins Catherine Barron Moreau Mary Catherine Sellers Dunn Judith Cooke Moseley Barbara Goodwyn Eggleston Mary Jane Newton Mary Levering Evans Elizabeth Stafford Nolan Katharine Borum Fitzhugh Archer Randlette Parkerson Cynthia Deatelhauser Foltz Patricia Rich Pastor Mary Ellen Deckelman Fraley Patricia Ann Kirby Percy Mildred Gilman Gilmore Nathalie Harwood Perkins Patricia Cluverius Goodman Carolyn Anthony Powers Carolyn Green Mary (Kakki) Elmer Rogers Luella Peters Hall Nancy Berkowitz Sokol Minna Wilson Hall Peggy St. Clair Stevens Cary Bell Harris Jo Anne Hardy Thomasson Anne Coleman Jarrell Jean Robertson Thompson Betty Wade Blanton Jones Barbara J. Wilke Kathryn Gill Langley Ann Doss Hurd Wilson Jane Pitts McAllister 1964 Emily Brown McCoy Number in Class - 165 Martha Wallace Michael Number of Contributions - 42 Mary Owen Miller Participation - 25% Catherine Thorburn Neale Total Dollars - $764.41 Mary Burks Pipes Constance Burke Amistadi Gwynn Barefoot Raper Frances Mayer Arehart Ruth Reynolds Robinson Patricia Stinson Beardsley Joyce Slavin Scher Joyce Sanford Brittingham Patricia Chandler Smith Frances Mitchell Brooks Jacqueline Thomas Thomas Madeline Crenshaw Bulls Suzanne Foster Thomas Glenda Nicholas Burke Nancy Tingle Traylor Jacqueline Everett Carpenter Georgia Lingle Waldrop Elizabeth Ann Robinson Warner Elizabeth Edwards Cox Patricia Dabney Denton Anne Pultz Waters Elsa Queen Falls Betty Mae Pritchett White Mary Louise Moschler Forte Virginia Needham Whitfield Brenda Council Griffiths Gloria Harris Leber 1962 Lucille Phillips Lebold Number in Class - 108 Number of Contributions - 22 Nancy Loughridge Lowe Letty Lee Sloan Mallery Participation - 20% Billie Lynn Lassiter Mercer Total Dollars - $442 .52 Nancy Holland Miller Betty Morris Blankenship Charlotte Pringle Opsahl Barbara Davies Brewer Ann Widmer Parker Bessie Burrus Brooks Anne Sartorius Payne Jane Shapard Confrey Ann Keech Phaup Sherry Ratcliffe Crawford Barbara Ann Powell Julie Perkinson Crews Joy Schmidt Prince Joyce C. Gamer Rachel Jean Biscoe Reid Dale Boatwright Griggs Jacqueline Gates Richardson Charlotte Adams Higgs Doris Joyner Robertson Barbara J. Kelly Hedy Bernard Rosenstock Jane Thompson Kemper Julia Whitlock Sheranek Ellen Kayne November Elaine Robertson Snyder Sharon Alderson O'Connor
Joyce Birdsall O'Toole Laurel Burkett Patterson Nancy McCulloch Pickands Phyllis Jenkins Polhemus Audrey Nuckolls Reynolds Bonnie Clarke Rice Frances Holtzclaw Shuford Evalane Green Slaughter Elizabeth Gathings Snook Catherine Waddell Spencer Sandra Motley Swain Eleanore Tyrrell Rebecca Grissom Van Ausdall Mary Lou Walden Wagner Lanetta Ware Meurial Webb Jeanette McWilliams Welsh Lynn Mapp Wiggins Patricia Hunt Worthington Elizabeth Thompson Zimmerman
1 2
'23 '67 '29 '18 '21 '55 '26 '28 '32 '52
$8405.00 5825.00 2650.00 2545.00 2400 .72 2395.00 2230 .00 2047.00 1975.00 1857 .00
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ellen Clute Starkey Nancy Blake Svendson Gay Frith Thompson Ann Hardwick Tognetti Elizabeth T. Uhl Diana Davis Ward Carolyn Wiltshire Webb Mary Frances Wright Webb Marcia Roider Williams Elaine Johnson Yeatts Joan Hoch Yowell
1965 Number in Class - 133 Number of Contributions - 34 Participation - 26 % Total Dollars - $673.00 Wanda Fearnow Birch Araminta Rowe Boatwright Phyllis Grasty Bristow Eleanor Mills Bradshaw Brown Margaret Brittle Brown Jacqueline Harper Burrell Anne Poindexter Carter Diane Rose DeShazo Janet Taylor Fuller Bettie Lee Currell Gaskins Rachel Norman Graves Anne Askew Jones Marionette Parker Jones Grace Collins Leary Pamela August Leicht Linda Holt Lilly Jackie Branch Murphy Anne Wren Dawson Olivier Phyllis Corker Palmore Susan Parrish Patrick Mary Ellen Kyle Philen Jane Lasley Quinn Susan Gunn Quisenberry Suzanne Smola Reynolds Cheryl Kerr Stevens Linda Webb Taliaferro Sandra Horner Thompson Pattie Wood Tillar Marvine Lanier Tyler Barbara C. Vaughan Mary Smith Watson Anne Grant Williams Nancy Curtis Wood Judith Swingle Zimmerman 1966 Number in Class - 149 Number of Contributions - 39 Participation - 26% Total Dollars - $683.86 Mary Ellen Vandenberg Blevins Anne Dixon Booker Judith Eastman Britton Carol Hinrichs Buskirk Nancy Hilliard Campbell Betty Lee Smithson Carpenter Carol Lynn Dunville Carpenter Lois Pollard Collins Billie Grigsby Cone Constance Chappell Corsino Martha Daughtry Carolyn Dean Mary A. Draney Julia Trent Elliott Mary Dutrow Emerson Joanne Dew Flanagan Sherry Dixon Fleet Mildred Kaiser Fleetwood Phoebe Meade Flinn Eileen Ford Mary Ann Biggs Furniss Mimi Proctor Games Kedron Davis Jenkins Betty Highfill Joyner Diane Ridgeway McEwen Jane Nuckols Motley
Kay Ramsay Parrish Elayne Parsons Powell Stephanie Birckhead Powell Anne Carlyle Roberts Jane Norman Ryland Barbara Veno Schei! Eugenia Henderson Schutt Charlotte Grove Smith Faye Dixon Taylor Barbara Ruscus Thompson Harriet Mann Tomlinson Jo Ann Jamison Webster Jane Neely Wright
1967 Number in Class - 133 Number of Contributions - 31 Participation - 23 % Total Dollars - $5,825.00 Anne Pomeroy Baltzell Helen Cross Barnes Patricia Brown Bayliss Dolores Kirkpatrick Carroll Barbara Evans Clements Joan Odland Cocker Gale Hodkinson Cooper Mary Beth Sheldon Elsey Donna Dickson Fried Sydney Williams Graff Linda Orrison Griffith Jean Clodfelter Gulick Ann Carol Robins Haskell Elizabeth H. Hummel Suzanne Ivey Nancy Ussery Karam Joyce Jones Maxwell Anne Vaughan Moore Ann Taylor Myers Patricia Callis Noonan Carolyn Cobb Penniston Kathleen Wills Pirone Nancy Keith Rosenberger Judy Dollenberg Sterling Ronnie Richardson Thornton Brownie Sales Tucker Karen Barnes Visser Judith Crowell von Seldeneck Charlotte L. Waldrop Karolyn McKimmey Whiteley Virginia Southworth Yohn 1968 Number In Class - 141 Number of Contributions - 23 Participation - 16% Total Dollars - $345.00 Jane Bohannon Atkinson Virginia Griffin Bryce Janice Hart Carter Margie Romm Cohen Patricia Shaw Cottrell E. Meade Ferguson Mary Coleman Gearing Foster Claudia Bell Grundman Susan Lee Harris Carol M. Henry Barbara Beane Hurst Frances Mann Lockwood Karla Brownmiller Morrell Robbie Shreve Musick Dale Patrick Jane Chewning Prugh Judith Parrish Ratcliffe Elizabeth Welsh Robinson Patricia Anne Smith Susan Blake Thomas Margaret Anne Byrn Tucker Elizabeth Cross White Shelley Clarke White 1969 Number In Class - 177 Number of Contributions - 45 Participation - 25%
Class '18 '26 '30 '19 '21 '36 '17 '25 '33 '29
Participation 88.2% 78.7% 66.6% 60.9% 60% 55.4% 54.5% 54.2% 53.3% 50.8%
Total Dollars - $924.75 Susan E. Agee Linda E. Bonn Anne Holland Burch Linda Graham Butler Sandra Rice Childress Annie Lee Jacobs Congdon Catherine Harvey Cooney Edith Paulette Crouch Anne Larson Ferguson Shirley Crowder Flournoy Marcia Smith Gellis Florence Tompkins Grigg Charlene Stringfellow Grogg Virginia Holman Guthrie Patsy Blackard Hallett Susan Parker Hapgood Rebecca Saunders Hayes Anita Martin Henry Betty Lou McClanahan Hill Julie McGarry Holswade Dulce Maria Lawrence Nancy Jo Srb Lowry Rebecca Riddell Magee Marian F. Mann Karen Dyer Morano Patricia Taylor Morrison Cheryl Browning Nunnally Betty Carson Pitts Alice Justice Retzer Emily Adams Rock Patricia Mallory Row Catherine Hardy Sakowski Mary Ellen Peterson Saville Carolyn Shepherd Scanniello Suzanne Johnston Sellner Linda Neblett Smith Susan Quance Snellings Elizabeth Smith Stobie MarySue Terry Katherine Jordan Timberlake Kate Donnahoe Vaughan Penrose Ware Kate Barham Welch Betty Robinson Williams Vincette Richards Zagurski 1970 Number in Class - 141 Number of Contributors Participation - 13% Total Dollars - $350.00 Patsy Lewis Barr Claire E. Born Patricia Connell Brady Cynthia Nitsch Contract Emily Davis Dale Lynn andrews Epps Corinne Henry Hill Elizabeth Willis Katt April Jureit Major Kate Crowell Myrick Jo ann Russell Nicholson Anne Marie Park Kathleen Taimi Pamela Firebaugh Turpin Cynthia Norris Vogel Linda Tomasek Wallace Juliet Walls Ann Marie Pearson Wood Marcia McCoy Wyatt 1971 Number in Class - 129 Number of Contributions Participation - 41 % Total Dollars - $907.11 Anne MacNeill Allport Linda Dix Brawner Marilyn C. Bray Rachel Crocker Brown Gale Burrow Patricia R. Burton Sharon Phillips Bushkar Lisa C. Byers Jane Alphin Davis Ruth Terry Dickerson Anita Walbeck Edmunds Linda Niemann Evans Carole Bailey Frantz Paula Hammett Gibbs Mary Elizabeth Gilman Ann Leigh Hawkes Lynne Mallory Herbert Carol Ann Barker Hindley Ann Graff Hodges Lelia Baum Hopper Cheryl Blankenship Jenkins Paula Lynn Galbraith Keller Janet Rumney Koester Julia L. Lancaster Susan Stansbury Leslie Deborah Powell Mandycx Elizabeth Poston Martin Virginia Black Mathewson
Adele Affleck Medved Sara Bridges Metz Mary Morekis Mitchell Anne Carter Moore Metta Harris Nickerson Teresa O'Neil Nott Alice Graube Nuckols Nancy Osgood Katherine Gail Patterson Alice Elizabeth Presson Maryann Makowsky Robertson Beverly Black Shelton Judy G. Strouser Lindsay Struthers Betty Conner Vandeweghe Sally Harmanson Wallace Janice Weeks Wedd Linda Fries Weirich Katherine Neal White Margaret D. Williams Donna Holmes Willis Pamela Thompson Wilson Marian Deans Witter Linda May Yeatts Emily White Zehmer
1972 Number In Class - 145 Number of Contributions - 38 Participation - 26% Total Dollars - $548.00 Susan Pace Adams Mary Lee Weaver Cosby Ellen Hoffmann Cunningham Gwendolyn Fletcher Duncan Harriette Turner Evans Julia Bergamo Ganzer! Nelle Haag Gardner Mary Lucile Gates Dianne Glascock Kathryn Wray McDorrnan Goyne Faye Patteson Green Ellen Temple Gwathmey Betty Lou Hamlet Katherine Anna Kirk Nancy Byrd Manning Knight Anne Zuver Korby Barbara E. Lange Donna Abbott Livesay Ann Stewart McDow Linda McIntosh Madieth Malone Patricia Ann Mason Lucy Bone Orgain Deborah Lynn Pearson Catherine Dowd Pemberton Ruth Schweitzer Pratt Rachel Pierce Price Mary Kathryn Reynolds Catharine Ryland Nancy Clevinger Sara Lynda Lou Smith Janet Stanton Linda Christopher Swartz Susan Tarkington Thomas Ann Greene Turner Ann Wilkerson Janet Utley Wimmer Cathy Johnston Woolcott 1973 Number In Class - 138 Number of Contributions Participation - 31 % Total Dollars - $702.00 Janet Murray Allensworth Barbara Lynn Baker Carol Gail Baker Lynn Moncure Barber Catherine Lee Barlow Robin McKean Batten Barbara Ann Bonn Sharon Foster Burdick Jean Taylor Burnett Betsy Davis Bushkar Gayle Goodson Butler Jillayne Elise Corbin Laura Anne Denny Patricia Jennings Dolan Anne Ferrell Draper Padgette Stone Evelyn Elisabeth Anne Fisher Ann Cover Freeman Linda Gayle French Linda Jeanne Gooding Elizabeth Rodman Harris Elizabeth Trent Hill Anne Ogden Hillsman Donna Kingery Hudgins Cheryl Stout Hurley Margaret Graham Kemper Ruth Dee Lerner Penelope Barlow Lewis Susan Petersen Mclaughlin Rosanna Painter Myers
Sheila Moore Overstreet Pamela Floyd Pulley Jane Pope Rigot Stephanie Roberts Nancy Hardy Ross Diane DeJesus Schneck Patricia Stringfellow Nancy Lee Jones Trimble Barbara Hayes Vann Sally Ann Voris Ann Warren Watlington Linda Darlene Wilkins Debora Wornom Williams
1974 Number in Class - 136 Number of Contributions - 28 Participation - 21 % Total Dollars - $233.00 Jane Stevens Brantley Frances Chalkley Wendy Church Ruth Clemo Linda Joyce Fernald Eileen Foster Anita Garland Alison Wagner Hegamyer Julia Donohue Higgins Martha Ann Johnson Juanita Belle Jones Mary Ann Liggan Susan Louise Lindler Ellen Early Lusk Diane Macllroy Moncure Cheri Wren Neal Cindia Lynn Nunis Rosalyn C. Reed Carolyn Faye Ridgeway Deborah Pierce Sacra Carolyn Allen Saunders Paula Suzanne Shroyer Katherine Jessee Small Sandra Ruth Sperry Nancy Rae Wilkin Barbara Ann Williams Micheline Pinzolo Woolfolk Susan Freeman Younce 1975 Number In Class - 138 Number of Contributions - 45 Participation - 33% Total Dollars - $425.00 Martha Valz Anderson Beverley Ann Oliver Baird Linda Gayle Bambacus Melissa Page Calisch Cynthia Barbara Creasy Rita Annabelle Daley Deborah Rae Dean Judy Conley Diehl Nancy Norton Dow Helen Page DuVal Loretta Fox Susie Buhrman Gibbs Suzanne Eden Heffner Bobbie Lynn Heilman Julia Johns Lynne Stanley Kessler Marcia Rhea Lehman Debra Susan Lew is MaryJane Loizou Cnythia Anne Lowe Carolyn Lee Luttrell Ann Fleming Martens Elizabeth Ann Mitchell Harriet Anne Moncure Margaret Wardlaw Morris Jean Anne Panko Anne Witt Perkins Linda Lee Phillips Anne Regina Powers Barbara Lacks Pritchett Kristin Marie Ramkey Rachel Anderson Renfro Martha Jane Schoonover Elizabeth R. Shannon Sydney Sowell Sara Kate Stanton Jane E. Stringfellow Ellen T. Taylor Doralea Staton Thurston Beverly Maie Tisdale Helen Regina Toomey Elaine Voight Ellyn Watts Carole M. Weinstein Sharon Ann Zinkham 1976 Susan Grimm RFI-WCR Number of Contributions Total Dollar1>- $772.00 Ruby Stoltz Sagby
Irene Baughan Butterworth Virginia Baughan Butterworth Bessie Taliaferro Carter Ophelia Nelson Cooley Fannie Thompson Ellis Clara Becker Epps Clarice S. Hening Oneita Adams Houge Uldine V. Krug Christine McGeorge McClintic
Elsie L. McGeorge Liz Otey Newman Nannie Hall Norwood Betty Bobbitt Rex Helen Binford Sydnor Rea Martin Walker Helen Starke Warringer Other Donors
Constance M. K. Applebee
Rae Smith Axelson E. Ballard Baker Bonney Home for Girls David Burhans Business and Professional Women's Clubs Mr. and Mrs. W. Murray Carr, Jr. Mrs. John C. Cooper Fanny G. Crenshaw Anne Smith Davis
A. C. Epps Mary Louise Gehring Frances Gregory Highland Springs High School Anne F. Johnson W. L. Robinson W. H. Small Marion Jeffries Stokes Bernice Varner
W.C. Foundation John M. Willis Class of 1924 Class of 1936 Class of 1950 Charlottesville Alumnae Club Peninsula Alumnae Club Richmond Alumnae Club Tidewater Alumnae Club
PARENTS $18,053.00 The parents of our students are one group who have direct and personal interest in the University . This year, as in no other, they have demonstrated their interest and support for our program. University of Richmond parents contributed $19,023 to the Parents Annual Fund and the " Our Time in History" campaign-91 percent more than last year . The increase in total donors was more significant, 501 contributions, or three times the previous year's total. The Parents Fund was directed by Mr. W. Gordon Cousins Jr., a parent and alumnus of the class of 1949 . Through his Col. Robert L. Adcock Mr. George L. Ailsworth Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Akers Mr. and Mrs. William H. Akers Mr. and Mrs. D.S . Allen Mr. and Mrs. George H. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Alley Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Amowitz Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Argabright Mr. and Mrs. c. E. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. John Atkins Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Orvis J . Auerswald Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Austin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Axtell Mr. and Mrs. L. Baggett Jr. Mr . John B. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. A. c . Ball Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm p. Ball Mr. and Mrs. William J . Bank Mr. and Mrs. John V. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. J . M. Barnhardt Mr. and Mrs. V. Kenneth Bass Mr. Robert E. Bax1er Mr . and Mrs. W. L. Bayne Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Bean Mrs. I. C. Beaton Mr. and Mrs. James A. Beck Dr. and Mrs. David F. Bell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bell Mr. and Mrs. R. Bennighof Dr. and Mrs. D.S. Bickers Mrs. Audrey Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Blandford Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. F. Z. Blevins Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Boswinkle Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Boyd Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton G. Branscome Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Brown Mr. Eugene M. Brown Mr. Jerome Brumberg Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bruno Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Bunn Mrs. L. E. Bunn Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Bunting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burch Mr. Taylor Burke Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Burkholder Mr. E. Ray Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Bursch Mr. Ambler H. Burton Mr. Leo Alfred Buss Mr. and Mrs . F. Elmore Butler Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Butch Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bynum Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Allen Cadd Mr. and Mrs. John D. Call Col. and Mrs. William M. Calnan Dr. Frank A. Carroll Mrs. Josephine N. Carter Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Carter Jr. Mr. Thurman S. Cash Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William A. Cassada Jr. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Caulkins Jr. Mrs. Irene Chafin Mr. John R. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Chemnitz Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Cherry Mrs. R. C. Christian Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Churn
Mr. and Mrs. Austin B. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Clements Dr. Erwin G. Cogen Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Coggins Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Coiner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Colantuont i Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Cole Mr. and Mrs . H. T. Collins Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Colver Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colvin Mr. James L. Colvin Mr. Charles M. Conver Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cook Mr. and Mrs . Leonard H. Cooke Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Coor Jr . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Copes Mr. K. B. Copes Mrs. James T. Copley Lt. Gen. and Mrs. Charles A. Corcoran Dr. Vincent Cornetta Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordon Cousins Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Covington Mr. and Mrs. Willis A. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Austin H. Crawford Mr. William E. Crawford Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Crescioli Jr. Mr. Victor A. Cullen Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Curtin Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dale Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Daniel Jr . Mr. and Mrs. John Dankos Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Darby Jr. Dr. Emory Davenport Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davenport Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Deane Mr. and Mrs . J. G. Debusk Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Della Donna Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dinsmore Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Docherty Dr. William S. Dodson Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Dotterer Mr. and Mrs. R. Peter Drennan Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dulany Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Earle Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Early Jr. Mr. Joseph B. Eastman Mr. Ralph W. Eberly Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Eckstine Dr. and Mrs. Conley L. Edwards Mrs. Irene W. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Edwards Jr. Mrs. H. E. Elder Mr. Thomas C. Elder Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Emory Kenneth H. Epple Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Evans Mr. Harold R. Evans Mr. James E. Falls Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fancher Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fennie Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Finnell Mr. Paul R. Fiorita Lt. Col. and Mrs. R. A. Flavion Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fleming Jr. Mrs. J . A. Folkes Mr. and Mrs. S. 0 . Fowler Mr . and Mrs. R. E. Fox Mr. Robert L. Frackelton Lt. Col. and Mrs. Albert H. Francis Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Francis Jr.
dedicated efforts and the efforts of many volunteers, significant contributions were made to strengthen the educational program of the University of Richmond. We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the parents of the students of Richmond and Westhampton Colleges , the School of Business Administration, University College and T. C. Williams School of Law. Because of their generous contributions and dedicat ion, the University will become "one of the best small private universities in the country." We gratefully acknowledge the following parents for their support .
Dr. James M. Fredericksen Dr. and Mrs. James M. Fredericksen Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Fugate Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Furstenburg Mr. Peter D. Galanides Mrs. Helga M. Gallaher Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Galliford Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gates Mr. H. Hamner Gay Mr. and Mrs. John Gehrett Mr. Clarence H. Geiger Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James E. Gibbs Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gill Mr. and Mrs. Darrell K. Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gilmore Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Glakas Mr. T. L. Gombar Mr. C. W. Gooch Ill Mrs. W. C. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gordon Dr. E. C. Green Dr. Thomas W. Green Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grim Mr. and Mrs. Rexdel E. Grimm Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Grizzard Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gronn Mr. and Mrs. William H. Groseclose Capt. and Mrs. E. A. Grove Mr. F. T. Grove Mr. Jerold D. Gruber Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guynn Dr. and Mrs. William J . Hagood Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harding Jr. Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Hargroves Jr. Mrs. Frances W. Harper Mr. George W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. J . M. Harrison Mr. Edward P. Harrow Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Harvey Dr. Charles C. Haskell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hatfield Mr. Robert C. Hausner Mrs. Nancy P. Haydon Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hayes Mr. and Mrs . w. J. Hayford Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hazzard Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale Head Mrs. Amos Healy Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hefner Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Heinzman Mr. and Mrs. Ned D. Hemric Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Henry Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Higgins Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Hogg Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Holderness Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Holt Jr . Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Horsmen Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Hoskins Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Hourihan Mrs. Helen Howerton Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Huff Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hunt Mrs. Anne C. H1,1rley Mr . and Mrs. George W. Huss Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hutter Capt. Jerome lmburg MC Mr. and Mrs. W. B. lngersall Mrs. Fayette R. Irby Mr. and Mrs. Arnold lsken Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jett Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. 0 . F. Johnson Mr. C. H. Tunnicliffe Jones Mr. and Mrs. William Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. G. Lawson Jump Mr. William F. Kampf Capt. and Mrs. J. G. Kamrad Mr. and Mrs. L. Loren Kee Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Keeling Mr. Daniel S. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Keener Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Kempsell Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Kinsey Mr. James S. Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kitchen Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Knapp Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Knighton Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kopec ky Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Krantz Mr. and Mrs. J . R. Kreider Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kreilis Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Lambert Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lawrence Ill Mr. Walter L. Lawrence II Mr. Thomas H. Lawson Jr. Mr. and Mrs . Robert L. Leach Mr. Robert F. Lederer Mr. and Mrs. T. Eldred Lee Jr . Mr . and Mrs. F. J. Lees Mr. Raymond J . Lenhart Mr. and Mrs. C. M. LeSieur Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Lesueur Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Lesueur Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. James Liska Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Locklier Mr. and Mrs. William D. Lorenz Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lowers Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lucke Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Lumsden Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Macilwaine Mr. J . Duncan Maclean Mr. and Mrs. R. M. MacPherson Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Magee Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Magness Mr. and Mrs . D. W. Mallory Jr. Mr. John E. Mann Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Mann Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Marsh Dr. and Mrs. L. V. Marshall Mrs. Maria C. Marshall Mr. and Mrs . P. W. Marth Mr. Paul W. Marth Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Martin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Mason Jr. Mr. James F. Massie Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mawyer Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Mayer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. McAvoy Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McCall Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mccardell Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McCauley Mr. and Mrs . C. E. McClintock Mr. and Mrs . William W. Mccurdy Dr. and Mrs . Robert M. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McElligott Mr. James McKown Ill Dr. and Mrs. H. T. McPherson Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mc Williams Mr. and Mrs. Marshall P. Melton
Mr. Howard H. Mercer Mr. Jeffrey S. Meyers Dr. and Mrs. William H. Michaels Mr. and Mrs . Bernt Midland Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Milam Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William L. Mitchell Mrs. Gabriele S. Mladenoff Dr. P. G. Moerschell Jr. Mr. Arthur H. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. James L. Morris Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Morris Mrs. J . S. Morse Mrs. Margaret Morton Mr. and Mrs . William H. Mosley Mrs. Mary E. Mullinix Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Murdock Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Murray Dr. and Mrs . I. Slaydon Myers Mr. and Mrs . Paul C. Nassetta Dr. and Mrs. Ross L. Neagley Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Neis Sr. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Nering Mr. and Mrs. James Newlin Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Newlon Dr. Richard B. Nicholls Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nichols Mr. and Mrs . F. Dean Nichols Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nininger Dr. and Mrs. Warren V. Noble Mr. H. W. Noles Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Norado Mr. and Mrs. R. 0 . Obenschain Rev. and Mrs. John O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Orben Jr. Col. and Mrs. Jack O'Reagan Mr. Orlando Orifice Jr. Mr. and Mrs . Kenneth R. Ovenden Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Oxley Mr. Ara Oztemel Mr. Joseph B. Packett Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carter N. Paden Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Page Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Panko Dr. and Mrs . M. E. Panzer Dr. and Mrs. John R. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. William L. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. William A. Patton Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Peake Mr. William T. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Pedigo Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Perdew Mr. and Mrs. W. Perez Dr. and Mrs. Hary W. Pfanz Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Phillips Mrs. Paul Phillips Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Philpotts Mr. and Mrs. J. Pignato Mr. and Mrs. Brooks C. Pinnick Mr. Clyde B. Pitchford Sr. Mrs. Carleen M. Pleasants Mr. and Mrs. John Poindex1er Mr. and Mrs. Peyton M. Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Heath F. Pool Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pope Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Poston Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Potter Mr. and Mrs . T. G. Powell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Prince Mr. and Mrs. John S. Prince Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Purkrabek
Mr. Barton P. Quaintance Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ragland Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Rasmussen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ravelli Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Reasor Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Reda Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Redd Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Reed Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Register Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Reynolds Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Rhodes Dr. and Mrs. Louis E. Richard Mr. and Mrs. John E. Riley Dr. and Mrs. J. Fuller Robinson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Colin C. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rogers Rev. Aubrey J. Rosser Sr. Mr. H. John Rowland Mr. and Mrs . Gerald J. Ryczek Dr. and Mrs. John B. Sanford Mr. Wesley H. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Schroeder Mr. A. K. Scribner Jr. Dr. Warren W. Sears Mr. and Mrs. William E. Seager
Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Serodino Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sgro Mr. Faiz Shaheen James R. Shearon Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. K. Shimizu Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Shumate Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Silbert Mr. and Mrs. William M. Simich Mr. Mitchell F. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Slagle Mr. and Mrs. G. Maxey Slater Mr. William Massie Smith Dr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Somers Mr. Morton Spector Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spicer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dannie L. Steele Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Steere Mr. Edward Stehl Ill Mr. Sherwin W . Steiger Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Steigleder Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Steingold Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stewart Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Stockstill Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Straith
Mr. and Mrs. Willys R. Strickler Dr. and Mrs. Anton Strohhofer Mr. Michael Suttle Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Swain Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Swanson Mr. Charles L. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Sweet Mr. and Mrs. John F. Swenson Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Swilling Maj. Gen. and Mrs. G. H. Sylvester Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Terry Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Teter Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Thomas Jr. Mr. Ned R. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas Mr. and Mrs . G. R. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. 0. Thorp Jr . Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Timberlake Mr. and Mrs. Carll K. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Travers Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Turner Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Turner Mr. Ralph G. Turner Dr. and Mrs. David S. Unger Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Upshaw Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Utley
Mrs. F. S. Van Davelaar Dr. Kenneth R. Vander Venne! Mr. James A. VanDyke Mr . and Mrs. William H. Veazey Dr. and Mrs . Francis X. Veit Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton F. Vick Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Vick Mr. and Mrs. William Volz Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vranian Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wacker Dr. and Mrs. C. Wagstaff Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Waguespack Mr . Kinro Wakabayashi Dr. Earl E. Walker Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. James Wallin Mr. and Mrs. John K. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy C. Watkins Dr. John C. Watson Mr. and Mrs. C. M . Weaver Mr. Archie 0. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Wermuth Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. West Mr. and Mrs. James F. West Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D. White Mr. and Mrs. G. T. White Mr. and Mrs . J. G. White Jr .
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. White Mr. and Mrs. Emerson G. Whiteside Mr. and Mrs. Leo 0. Whit low Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Whitmore Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Williamson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blacklock Wills Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley F. Wills Mr. Wilfred C. Wilmot Mrs. David P. Wilson Mr. Jerome A. Wilson Jr . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson Ill Mr. and Mrs . S. W. Winston Mr. and Mrs . William R. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Woodside Mr . and Mrs. Leroy Woody Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Woolard Mr. and Mrs. Boris Woytowicz Mr. and Mrs . T. R. Wyant Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Wyrick Dr. and Mrs. William N. Young Mr. and Mrs. W. M . Yowell
ASSOCIATES $105,349.81 Friends of the University, other than alumni, corporations, foundations, parents and trustees, are individuals and organizations identified in the Report as Associates. This year, Associates Irvin G. Abeloff Dr. and Mrs. Spencer D. Albright Jr. Reuben A. Allen Jr. Alpha Psi Omega, Eta Chapter The Ambassador Club W. G.Ammen Mrs. Willard W . Anders Harry P. Anderson Isabel Scott Anderson Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Anderson Nora Lee Antrim Mrs. H. K. Archibald Alex P. Armour H. Pearce Atkins Mr. and Mrs . Carl E. Bain Mrs. Terry R. Ballou Joseph Bandrofcheck Fay M. Barrow Mrs. Hamilton M. Baskerville William R. Bates Jr . Mr. and Mrs. Harold I. Baumes Mrs. Harold Bayles Major and Mrs. W. M. F. Bayliss John T. Baylor Julia Craig Baylor SamT. Beale Arthur C . Beck Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Beckmann Adrian L. Bendheim Azile Berry Virginia Bibos Mrs. Horatio Bigelow Mrs. Pearl W. Blackley John D. Blackwell Antionette W. Blankingship Martha B. Blanton John C. Boggs Jr. MarliseBok Bonney Memorial Scholarship Fund Frances B. Booher Lewis H. Bosher Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boswell Thomas C. Boushall Dr. and Mrs . Herbert R. Boyd Jr. McGuire Boyd Mary V. Bradley William H. Branch Mr . and Mrs. Arthur S. Brinkley Jr. William W. Brock Jr . Charles M. Browder Edgar L. Brown Mrs. Oliver Brown John Stewart Bryan Memorial Foundation David Tennant Bryan Jacqueline T. Buchanan Mrs. Fred H. Bunnell R. H.Bunzl Dr. and Mrs. David D. Burhans Mrs. James Burke S. A. Burnette Paul D.Camp Ben F. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. H. I. Cardounel Robert W. Carlson Cathleane Carter N. Donald Cecil
Canadian Studies Center at Duke University Virginia A. Carter Merton E. Carver Mrs. Maxwell Caskie Augusta S. Chapman Leslie Cheek Jr. Mrs. R. A. Childress Kate Roy M. Christian Mr. and Mrs. James Clancy Lucie T. Clark G. Frank Clement Jim Clift Mrs. Carlton C. Cobb J . Harwood Cochrane Louise B. Cochrane Haywood Cockrell Gale H. Cooper William E. Confrey Mrs. Henry A. Converse Margaret Sue Copenhaver Mrs. Oswald H. Coty Mr . and Mrs. D. A. Coulson P.A.Covey Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Cox Virginia Craft Lloyd L. Craighill Walter W. Cfaigle Jr . Walter W. Craigie Sr. Guy R. Cramer Gordon L. Crenshaw Alice C. Crosby Ralph R. Crosby Jr. Eugenia S. Culpepper Virginius Dabney Sally C. Daniel W. Harrison Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Byrd W. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Roy W . Davis Kenneth E. Dawson Frederick Deane Jr . Mr . and Mrs. 0. D. Devine Mrs. David D. Dexter Kim-Tucker Dexter Mrs. James L. Dick Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dillard Richard H. Dilworth Helen M. Draney Mary Read Drewry Mr. and Mrs. James E. Duckworth Sam Dudra Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Early David C. Ekey Elks Department of Education Mr. and Mrs. Tazewell Ellett Ill Archie Ellis Mrs . Maynard R. Emlaw William H. Emory Dr. and Mrs. Bruce V. English James Erb Charles W. Evans Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerold W, Evans Josephine 8. Evans Edgar M. Everett Mrs. Hugh M. Fain Jr. Sidney Faison John H.Fay
listed below made unrestricted gifts or restricted gifts for current scholarships, book funds, memorial funds and scholarships and special projects .
John J. Feland Orion M. Felland Dorothy H. Felts A. E. Finley & Associates of Va. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Fischman Lelia S. Fitzpatrick S. Douglas Fleet Rives Fleming Jr. Eloise B. Florance Gary Fogel Richard H. Fogg Robert Mitchell Fore Mr. and Mrs. John W. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Friend Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fulgham Nora C. Fuller Dr. and Mrs. William J. Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Galeski Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Garland Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fleetwood Garner William R. Gatewood Sarah Geer Gayle Ed Gibson Jean E. Gilman Lynn Gillette Lillian N. Goddin H. Cornell Goerner Rebecca D. Goldsmith Max H. Goodloe Robert L. Gordon Jr. William T. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Morton E. Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. E. Sherman Grable Dr. and Mrs. Max Graeber Bruce C. Gottwald John S. Grant Mary Agnes Grant Dr. and Mrs. E.W. Gregory Jr. Frances W. Gregory Ruth C. Green Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Gross Marsden Gresham Austin E. Grigg Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Guedri Jr. Jerome Gumenick Mr. and Mrs. Garland 0. Gunter Mrs. William 8. Guthrie Jeanne 0. Gwathmey J.8.Gwilym Woolford B. Hackley Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hager Newman Hamblet Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Harris Carolyn R. Harvey Robert V. Hatcher Jr . Wilbur M. Havens Clarice S. Hening Elizabeth B. Hesch Helen Hill Dr. and Mrs. William R. Hill Muriel K. Hinckle Malcolm H. Hines Mrs. Odis 8. Hinnant Frances W. Holladay Maggie H. Holland Benjamin C. Holtzclaw Robert J. Horgan
Joseph Adams Howell Jr. Edward M. Hudgins Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hughes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hughey Hunton, Williams, Gay & Gibson Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hutchens Mary W. Irving Hanna S. lzenstein Thomas Jefferson Ill Helen C. Johns Dorothy W. Johnson Miles Cary Johnston Jimmy Jones Mr. and Mrs. J. Watkins Jones Amanda Bryan Kane Mrs. H.J. Kennard Helen F. Kershaw Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kessler James J. Kilpatrick Rita J. Kinder Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. King Mr. and Mrs. Randolph E. Kirby 8.C . Kirk Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Klaus Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein Margaret A. Knowles Howard Kress M. Elizabeth Kuhn Eugene N. Langan Henry V. Langford Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lantor Mr. and Mrs. Jan Laverge Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Lebow Page K. Levien Danny Lewis Eurith W. Lewis Thursa 0. Lewis Mrs. Luther Libby Jr. The Lincoln Foundation Frank R. Lock Lonesome Pine Alumni Chapter Louisa County Jaycees Dr. and Mrs. Alan S. Loxterman Alfred F. Lundy Mr. and Mrs. Angus H. Macaulay Mary Earle Mackall R. J. Mairs Ill Rose Marie Marcone Mrs. Wirt P. Marks Weaver M. Marr R. L. Marschak Frances Martin Ernest E. Mayo Ralph P. Mayo William H. McCarthy J . Moody McDill Margaret W . McElroy .. Randolph W. McElroy James McGraw, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mclaughlin Barbara H. McMurtry Richard L. McRee Mrs. C. J. McWhorter C. Coleman McGehee Martha W. Meek Frank F. Merker
Gene Dorr Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Messinger Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Midgett Mr. and Mrs. Carson L. Milan Dr. and Mrs. George M. Modlin Carolyn M. Moffett Richmond Moore Jr. Louise W. Morton Neale Mucklow W.D.Munn Jackie B. Murphy AliceH. Muse Stanley R. Navas Mildred E. Neasmith Dr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Neumann Mason New Mrs. James A. Newton William L. Nichols Mary D. Nocerino Peter F. Nolan Ill Mrs. William C. Noland C. R. Norment Jr. Isreal November Nellie E. Oliver JamesOuld Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pace Marie B. Packett Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Parker Margie G. Parker Mr . and Mrs. Harold A. Parks James M. Parrish Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Partain Mrs. Maude P. Pate Dorothy Pauley Mary L. Payne Frieda Elaine Penninger Estate of Florence Peple Petersburg Methodist Home for Girls Rudolph M. Peterson Dr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Petrasy Victorine B. Pierce Mrs. Raymond Pinchbeck Virginia Gotaas Pinney Mr. and Mrs. Heath F. Pool Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean Pope Margery T. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Potts Charlotte M. Powell Dr. and Mrs. W. Allan Powell Drew Proctor Mr. & Mrs. H. Gerald Quigg Eva S. Ragland Betty M. Ragsdale Mary M. Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Turner Ratrie Charles L. Reed Virginia S. Reynolds W . Allan Rhodes Mr . and Mrs. William J. Rhodes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan E. Rice W. Thomas Rice James S. Richardson Jr. Richmond Chapter of the Association for Systems Management Richmond Academy of Ballet
Paul H. Riley W. David Robbins Joseph C. Robert Mrs. Walter S. Robertson H. N. Robinson Dennis E. Robison Mr. and Mrs. S. Wyman Rolph Ill lnezG.Roop Mr. and Mrs . James M. Rose John H. Rose II William 0. Rosser Andrew N. Roupas Mrs. Garnett Ryland Mrs. David E. Satterfield Jr. Dorothea 8 . Savage Jane H. Sawyer Elizabeth C. Schneider Charles Schwarzschild Mr. and Mrs. W. Harry Schwarzschild W. Harry Schwarzschild Jr. Sidney Buford Scott Dr. and Mrs. George W. Scura
Mrs. E. L. Sechrist Mrs. Thomas J. Seward J. Timothy Sexton Mrs. L. R. Shadwell Joel S. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. James D. Shisler Stuart Shumate Laura R. Sitt Mrs . J. L. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Simpson Jr. Mr. and Mrs . W. Maynard Simpson Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smart
Mrs. H. S. Steelman Jr. Alan Stein Henry F. Stern Wallace Stettinius Marion Jeffries Stokes Mr. and Mrs . James E. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. William W. Stover Richard E. Strauss Barbara W. Sudler James C. Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sweeney Helen S. Taylor R. Lee Taylor
Alvernon Smith H. Dixon Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Smith Mr . and Mrs. Frank Soden Mrs. Harriet L. Snead Mr. and Mrs. James N. Sotack Southern States Cooperative Catherine W. Spencer Clarence E. Sprouse Mr. and Mrs. John Spurbeck
Morton G. Thalhimer Mrs. Clifton C. Thomas Fannie Bell Thomas H. Timothy Thomas Ralph S. Thomas Theodore R. Thompson Laura Thornhill Eugene R. Thurston Margaret C. Tinsley Sally L. B. Todd
Frances C. Toms Emma Gray Trigg Mrs. Marvel B. Tripp Dr. and Mrs. James R. Troxel Dr. and Mrs. Weir M. Tucker Lillie S. Tureman Pauline Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tuttle Sam 0. Ukrop E. Massie Valentine United Virginia Bankshares Inc. J. Durwood Usry Milton H. van den Berg Ellena M. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Wallerstein Richard F. Wambach Mrs. Selden H. Watkins Pam Weed Weinstein Associates Mr. and Mrs. Warwick R. West Jr . Dr. Adelaide E. Weston Scholarship Fund Charles Wheeler Ill
Mr. and Mrs. George F. White Jr. Mrs. John J. Wicker Jr. Mr . and Mrs. Erwin H. Will Kenneth H. Willard Doris L. Willett Mr. and Mrs. Fielding L. Williams Mary P. Williams Mrs. Roy H. Williams Jr. E. Carlton Wilton Carlyle L. Wiltshire Jr. Mr. & Mrs. D. Chris Withers Betty G. Woolcott William S. Woolcott Women's Auxiliary, Nassau County Medical Society Ethel P. Womble Carlyle L. Wooten Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Wren Mr. and Mrs. L. Peter Wren Jean Gray Wright Stephen J. Wright Mrs. Calvin C. Young Wilda L. Young Lawrence W. Zinski
There are over 600 companies across the United States which match employee contributions to educational institutions. We are deeply grateful to the 85 Matching Gift companies listed below tor their support. The list continues to grow as more and more
alumni, alumnae and parents take advantage of this type of giving. All match dollar-tor-dollar, except Exxon and Quaker Oats which match 2-tor-1 and 3-tor-1 respectively.
Aetna Casualty Company Allied Chemical Foundation Allied-General Nuclear Services Alumax Incorporated American-Home Products Corporation The American Tobacco Company Anaconda Company Arthur Anderson and Company The Arthur Young Foundation Atlantic Richfield Foundation AT&T Long Line The Bendix Corporate Contributions Committee Bethlehem Steel Corporation B. F. Goodrich Company Burlington Industries Foundation C. Arthur Weaver Company Incorporated Chase Manhattan Bank CIBA¡Greigg Corporation CIT Foundation Connecticut General Insurance Corporation Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Continental Corporation Foundation
Ingersoll-Rand Company Interlake Foundation Interpace Foundation Irving Trust Company Johns-Manville Corporation Johnson & Higgins of Virginia Incorporated Mack Trucks Incorporated Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company McGraw Hill Incorporated Merek Company Foundation Metropolitan Life Insurance "Company Mettler Instrument Corporation Midland-Ross Foundation Minnesota, Mining, & Manufacturing Company Incorporated Mobil Foundation Incorporated Montgomery Ward Foundation NCR Foundation Northwestern Mutual Lile Insurance Company Occidental Petroleum Charitable Foundation Incorporated Pacific Mutual
Dow Badisch Company Dun and Bradstreet Company Foundation Incorporated Edmund B. Gibson Inc. Equitable Life Assurance Society Ethicon Incorporated Ethyl Corporation Exxon Educational Foundation Exxon USA Foundation Federated Department Stores Incorporated First & Merchants Corporation FMC Foundation Ford Motor Company Foundation Fulton Federal Savings & Loan General Electric Foundation General Foods Foundation Incorporated General Public Utilities Corporation Grace Foundation Incorporated Gulf Oil Foundation Hercules Incorporated Hoffman-La Roche Foundation Honeywell Foundation IBM Corporation
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Foundation Philip Morris Incorporated Price Waterhouse Foundation The Prudential Insurance Company of America Quaker Oats Foundation Reliance Insurance Company Reynolds Metals Company Richardson-Morrill Incorporated Rockefeller Family and Associates Rockwell Incorporated Rohm and Hass Company Shenandoah Life Insurance Company Stone and Webster Incorporated Sun Oil Company of Pennsylvania Tenneco Incorporated Towers, Perrin, Forster, & Crosby Incorporated Transamerica Corporation Travelers Insurance Companies United Virginia Bank Warner-Lambert Company Whirlpool Foundation
Growth in foundation giving appears to have stabilized since 1970. The poor performance of the stock market in the early 1970s had a definite bearing on grant making. Proposed further tax reform continues to cloud foundation philanthropy. On the Aetna Casualty Company Allied Chemical Foundation Allied-General Nuclear Services Alumax Inc. American Bar Association American Home Products Corporation AT&T Long Lines American Tobacco Co. Amica Mutual Insurance Company Anaconda Company Armstrong Foundation Arthur Andersen & Co. The Francis Asbury Educational Fund, Inc. Atlantic Electrical Supply Corp. Atlantic Richfield Foundation Dow Badizche Co. L. G. Balfour Co. Bank of Virginia Baptist General Association of Virginia Bassett Salesmen's Memorial Foundation The Bendix Corporation Best Products Co. Inc. Bethlehem Steel Corp. Binswanger Glass Co. Joseph W. Bliley Co. Inc. Belle Bryan and John G. Hayes Jr. Trust Brenco, Inc. Brenner Foundation Inc. Broaddus, Epperly, and Broaddus
Arthur Floyd & Mildred Morris Brown Scholarship Fund Donald S. Brown Foundation Lucille R. Brown Foundation Bryan Trust Fund IBM Foundation Ira C., Bertha J., and Nancy Hopkins Bryan Trust Fund Burlington Industries Foundation CIBA¡GEIGY Corporation C&P Telephone Co. Central National Bank Chase Manhattan Bank Chemical Publishing Co., Inc. CIT Foundation , Inc. Clark Scholarship Trust Colesville Baptist Church Columbus Contractors, Inc. Concrete Structures, Inc. Connecticut General Insurance Corp . Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. Continental Can Co., Inc. Continental Corporation Foundation Coopers and Lybrand William G. Davis Charitable Trust The Benjamin Dennis Foundation Dubose Buick, Inc. Dun & Bradstreet Companies Foundation, Inc. E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co. The English Foundation Elks National Foundation Equitable Life Assurance Society Ernestine Matthews Trust Fund
other hand, both national and local corporations responded generously this year to the University. We are particularly grateful to the local corporate community tor leading the way. Ernst & Ernst Estes Foundation Ethicon, Inc. Ethyl Corporation Exxon Education Foundation Exxon USA Foundation Farley Foundation Farmers Union Central Exchange Federated Department Stores, Inc. A. E. Finley Foundation, Inc. First Baptist Church Endowment Fund First Jersey National Bank First & Merchants Corporation First & Merchants Foundation First National Bank of Emporia Alan G. Fleischer Foundation FMC Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund Foreign Mission Board Franklin Federal Savings & Loan Association HB Fuller Company Fulton Federal Savings & Loan Association General Electric Foundation General Foods Fund, Inc. General Public Utilities B. F. Goodrich Co. Mabel Goode Estate Grace Foundation, Inc. Granville P. Meade Scholarship Greater Richmond Community Foundation Gulf Oil Foundation
Hampton Foundation Heilig Meyers Co. Hercules Inc. Lottie L. W. Hines Scholarship Hoffman-Le Roche Foundation Holstein Scholarship Fund Home Beneficial Life Ins. Co. Honeywell Fund Household Finance Foundation Hub Uniform Co. of Virginia, Inc. IBM Corporation Ingersoll-Rand Co. Interlake Foundation Interpace Foundation Irving Trust Co. James River Bus Lines Johns-Manville Johnson & Higgins of Virginia LBJ Family Foundation Lea Industries, Inc . The Lincoln Foundation Lind Lawrence Foundation Mack Trucks, Inc. Maddrea, Joyner & Woody Markel Service Mars Foundation Marsh & McLennan, Inc. Charlotte & Raymond W. Marshall Fund Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. Massey Foundation Ernestine Matthews Trust McCormick & Co., Inc.
McGraw-Hill, Inc. Joseph Mcsweeney & Sons, Inc. Media General Merck Company Foundation Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Metropolitan National Bank Mettler Instrument Corp. Midland-Ross Foundation Miller & Rhoads Foundation Million Dollar Round Table Foundation Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. Mitchell, Wiggins & Co. Mobil Foundation, Inc. Montgomery Ward Foundation Moore Business Forms, Inc. Morgan Trust The NCR Foundation New England Mutual Life Insurance Newport News Bar Association Auxiliary Northern Virginia Bank Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Occidental Petroleum Charitable Foundation, Inc. Old Dominion Truck Leasing, Inc. Olsson-Chesapeake Foundation Owens, Minor & Bodeker, Inc. of Virginia
Pacific Mutual Frank E. Page Educational Fund E. R. Patterson Educational Foundation Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Foundation Philip Morris, Inc. Pleasants Hardware PPG Industries Foundation Price Waterhouse Foundation The Prudential Insurance Co. of America A. M. Pullen & Co. Quaker Oats Foundation Reliance Insurance Companies Research Corporation Reynolds Metals Co. Richardson-Merrill, Inc. Richmond Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc. Richmond Corporation Foundation Richmond Engineering Co., Inc . Richmond Motor Co ., Inc. Richmond National Bank Richmond Newspapers, Inc. Robertshaw Controls Co. A. H. Robins Co. Lora and Claiborne Robins Scholarship Fund Robins Foundation Rockefeller Family & Associates Rockwell International
Ralph L. and Rose F. Rogers Foundation Rohm and Haas Company Ruffin & Payne, Inc. William H. and John G. and Emma Scott Foundation Sears Roebuck Foundation George J. and Effie L. Seay Foundation Second Baptist Church Security Federal Savings & Loan Association 7 -Up Bottling Company Shell Companies Foundation Shenandoah Life Insurance Co. Shoney's W. Eldridge & Elizabeth Camp Smith Trust Society of the Cincinnati in the State of VA Solite Corporation Southern Bank & Trust Co. Spinella, Spinella & Owings Sun Oil Co. of Pennsy lvania Stone & Webster, Inc. Sybron Corporation TastyKake Tenneco, Inc. Morton G. Thalhimer, Inc. Thalhimer Foundation
The Titmus Foundation, Inc. The Travelers Insurance Co. Towers, Perrin, Forster & Crosby, Inc. Transamerica Corporation United Virginia Bankshares, Inc. Virginia Linen Service, Inc. Virginia Electric & Power Co. Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges Virginia Trust Company WWBT-12 Warner-Lambert Co. C. Arthur Weaver Co., Inc. WEET Radio Station Welcome Aboard Travel Agency Western Electric Wheat Foundation Whirlpool Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Whitehurst Paving Co ., Inc. Wiley & Wilson Inc. William Byrd Press Women's Missionary Union J. W. Woodson Trust Fund Wyatt & Crews Inc. The Arthur Young Foundation
FRIENDSOF THEBOATWRIGHTMEMORIALLIBRARY $2,449.00 During its fifth year of operation, the University's special friends, interested in the Boatwright Memorial Library, had a number of accomplishments. The Friends of the Boatwright Memorial Library, under the leadership of Mrs. Charles F. Wiltshire, sponSpencer D. Albright Jr. Reuben W. Alley Ann Archer Judge and Mrs. E. Ballard Baker Mr. and Mrs. James G. Baldwin James M. Baylor Mrs. Guy 0. Beale Lewis T. Booker Beverley L. Britton Mrs. J. Alfred Broaddus Forrest W. Brown Jr. Irby B. Brown Otis L. Brown Cary W. Burkholder Grace P. Burruss Mrs. James T. Catlin Jr. Norman V. Cavanaugh H. Glenn Chewning Richard E. Cloe Mrs. Harvey M. Cloud Hannah L. Coker Mrs. Richard G. Connell Patricia B. Coukos Frank D. Deets Mr. and Mrs. Enders Dickerson Ill Lynn C. Dickerson, II Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Dickinson Ill Gertrude B. Dyson Joanna S. Ellett Mrs. Stiles H. Ellyson Sadie Engleberg James 8. Erb Miss Archie B. Fowlkes Miss M. L. Grayson Foy Mrs. G. Mallory Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Galvin Mildred Lois Gambill William Cabell Garbee Jr. Anita H. Garland Richard L. Gary Darrell K. Gilliam Charles Glassick Dr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Gray Bradley H. Gunter Garland D. Haddock David W. Hartz James C. Harwood Jr. T. J. Headlee Mrs. Thomas J. Headlee Clarice S. Hening Cathryn Henna Jeanette Henna Cluyde V. Hickerson Thornton M. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Hulcher Jr. Ashby E. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. L. Howard Jenkins Jr. Richard V. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Hervey S. Jones Leslie L. Jones Mary Helen Jordan Samuel S. Kemp Edward M. Klein Edward L. Kurtz Margaret C. Leake Edwin L. Levy Stanley I. Lisowski Katherine L. Lyle Frank J. Manhart Robert T. Marsh Robert R. Martin Mrs. C. P. Mcclintic
sored a number of events with library emphasis. With the new addition and renovation to Boatwright Library, it is expected that this special circle of friends will continue to widen and have an even greater impact on the library life in the community. Elsie McClintic R. McCutcheon Elsie L. McGeorge Samuel K. McKee Mrs. A. Carlton McKenney Mrs. Howard H. Mercer Dr. and Mrs. George M. Modlin Mrs. Roderick D. Moore Charles G. Motley William F. Myers Mrs. Henry Nachman Josephine Nunnally Edward N. Odom Thomas H. Oxenham Jr. John N. Pastore Laura Burkett Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Peple John B. Phillips Robert M. Phillips Lyndelle A. Pitt Thersa Pollak Mrs. Donald W. Retzer Irwin Rifkin W. Lafayette Robinson Dennis Robison Mary Denmead Ruffin Michael K. Ryan Anne Louise Sanford John R. Scanlon George W. Schools Constance G. Semple Alton R. Sharpe Jr. Jane Sheena Reid A. Simmons Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smart L. Winston Smith Harold Snead Catherine W. Spencer
Ruth P. Starke Fletcher Stiers Jr. Bowlman G. Taylor Ruth W . Thalhimer Dr. and Mrs. William E. Trout Jr. Pauline Turnbull Stanley C. Tucker Nora T. Turner Donald B. Vaden Robert P. Van Buren Barbara Vann Bell Pat Walford Harriet M. Walton Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Weinberg Carole M. Weinstein John J. Wicker, Jr. Dr. and Mrs . J. H. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Alton W. Williams John C. Williams Suzanne P. Wiltshire Waverly K. Winfree Mrs. Matthew L. Wood Jean Gray Wright Life Members Reuben Alley Mrs. John H. Bocock Mr. and Mrs. Warren Chappell Mrs . Harvey M. Cloud Mrs. John C. Haskell Jr. Moreland R. Irby Jr. M. Melville Long 0. A. Lundin Jr. Mrs. Boatwright Lynch E. Claiborne Robins Jr. Mrs. William 8. Shinnick Alfred T. Smith David Nelson Sutton
The University expresses deep appreciation to those listed below who supported the University through Memorial gifts: Irving G. Abeloff Dr. & Mrs. Spencer D. Albright Dr. & Mrs. Spencer D. Albright Ill R.S.Alley Mrs. Isabel Scott Anderson Estate of K. Brooke Anderson Miss Nora Lee Antrim Charles L. Apperson Mrs. H. K. Archibald Isabel Atlee Richard Y. Atlee Mrs. Hamilton Baskerville Mr. & Mrs. W.M.E. Bayliss Azile Berry Emanuel A. Bertin William F. Binford Jr. Lucian W. Bingham Sr. William 0. Bivens Jr.
Mrs. Antoinette W. Blankenship Kenneth A. Blick Thomas W. Blue John C. Boggs Jr. T. Jack Bondurant Mrs. Frances 8. Booker Mr. & Mrs. Lewis T. Booker William G. Boice WiUiamJ. Boice Mr. & Mrs. William 0. Boswell Samuel T. Bowman N. Stephenson Boykin Jr. Mary V. Bradley Carroll F. Bray Jr. Joseph C. Bristow William W. Brock Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Brooks Donald S. Brown Foundation
Lucille R. Brown Foundation Larry G. Browning David Tennant Bryan Thomas P. Bryan Mrs. Fred H. Bunnell R. H.Bunzle S. A. Burnette Dr. & Mrs. Ernest P. Buxton Jr. H. Thomas Callahan Paul D.Camp Morris E. Cather Jr . John Paul Causey Jr. Leslie Cheek Jr. Chemical Publishing Company Incorporated Kate Roy M. Christian Mr. & Mrs. James Clancy Miss Lucie T. Clark
Henry A. Conner Jr. Martha 8. Conway Mrs. Henry A. Converse Mrs. Gale H. Cooper Guy R. Cramer Clyde Y. Cridlin Mrs. Louis Crisp Mrs. Alice C. Crosby Mrs . Eugenia S. Culpepper Mr . & Mrs. H. Addison Dalton Sally C. Daniel W. Harrison Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Davis James D. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Byrd W. Davenport Frederick J. Dean Ill Mrs. Florence B. Decker Frank D. Deets
Mr. & Mrs. 0 . D. Devine Mrs . David D. Dexter Lynn C. Dickerson II William Birch Douglas Ill R. W.Duling James A. Eichner Mrs. Maynard R. Emlaw Mrs. Joanna S. Ellett Mr. & Mrs . Tazewell Ellett Ill M . Elizabeth Elsea Or. & Mrs. Bruce V. English Equitable Life Assurance Society James Erb The Estes Foundation Josephine B. Evans Herbert I. L. Feild Norman D. Ferrari Jr. Mr. & Mrs. S. J. Fischman James W. Fletcher Ms. Elouise B. Florance Robert Mitchell Fore Vernon T. Forehand Michael M. Foreman William P. Frazer Mr . & Mrs. J. Curtis Frey Mrs. Andrew Fudala Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Fulgham Mrs. Nora C . Fuller Mr . & Mrs. Fleetwood Gaines Mr. & Mrs . William J. Gaines Mr . & Mrs. Edward W. Galeski Mr. & Mrs. Roland Galvin Charles H. Gardner Jr . John C. Gayle Mrs . Sarah G. Gayle L. D. Geiger R. E.Gibson Edwin C. Gillenwater Mrs. Lillian N. Goddin Fitzhugh L. Godwin Jr. H. Cornell Goerner Ariel C. Goldburg Goldsmith Family Mabel Goode Estate James W. Gordon Jr . • Mr. & Mrs . Morton E. Gottlieb E. Sherman Grable Ill William 8. Graham Thomas W. Green Or. & Mrs . E.W . Gregory Jr. Marsden Gresham Mr . & Mrs . Elbert Gross Garland 0 . Gunter Robert L. Gutterman Garland D. Haddock Mr . & Mrs . John H. Hager James A. Harper Jr. G. Blair Harry Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Harris Dr. & Mrs . Philip R. Hart Miss Carolyn R. Harvey James T. Hatcher Belle Bryan & John G. Hayes Jr . Trust John K. Hames, Jr . Thomas J. Headlee Or. & Mrs . William R. HIii S. J . Hilton Ms. Magg ie H · Holland
Benjamin C. Holtzclaw Seymour Horwitz Donald R. Howren Mr . & Mrs. Edward M. Hudgins Mr . & Mrs . J . 0 . Hughey Mr . & Mrs . C. L. Hutchens Mrs . Mary W. Irving Mrs . Hanna S. lzenstein Thomas Jefferson Ill Thomas Jefferson High School Helen C. Johns Mrs. Dorothy W. Johnson J. Rodney Johnson Mr. & Mrs. J . Watkins Johns Laura F. Jones Mrs. Amanda Bryan Kane Jacob H. Kelly Ill Mrs . H.J. Kennard Charles W. Kent Mrs. Helen F. Kershaw Mr . & Mrs . Harold Kessler Aubrey V. Kidd James J. Kilpatrick Wildman S. Kincheloe Jr. William H. King 8 . C . Kirk Mr . & Mrs . 0 . W. Kirkpatrick Dr. & Mrs . Arthur Kleen James T. Knight Winfield J . Kohler Ms . M. Elizabeth Kuhn Eugene N. Langan Harris L. Lantz Lawrence Latane T. Rodman Layman Or. & Mrs . Stanley J . Lebow Mrs. Eurith W . Lewis Mrs . Thursa 0 . Lewis Mrs . Luther Libby Jr. Albert J . Lilly Jr. Anthony F. List William H. Lockey Jr. W. Rush Loving Alan Loxterman James M. Lumpkin Miss Mary Lynn Mr. & Mrs . Angus H. Macauley Mary Earle MacKall Harry L. Mapp Jr . Arthur S. Maris Mrs. Wert P. Marks Howard S. Marley Lewis W . Marlin Jack C. Mcclung Ralph C. McDanel C . Yates McDan iel Lewis T . McDaniel Richard McDearmon J . Moody McDell Mrs. Margaret W . McElroy William J . Mears Ms . Barbara H. Meharg Frank F. Merker Mr . & Mrs. Al B. Midgett William R. Miller Million Dollar Round Table Dr. & Mrs. George M. Modlin James H. Montgomery Jr. Jack A. Moody
James T. Moore Ill Richmond Moore, Jr . Sterling H. Moore Louise W. Morton Mrs . Alice H. Muse WIiiiam W. Muse E. Carter Nettles Jr. Mr . & Mrs . Joseph E. Nett les Dr. & Mrs . Freder ick C. Neumann Mrs . James A. Newton C.R. Norment Jr . Mr. & Mrs . Andrew L. Oberg Mr. & Mrs . Wilmer L. O'Flaherty Mrs . Nollie E. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Parker Mrs . Margie G. Parker Westbrook J . Parker Thomas P. Parsley Ms . Maude C. Pate Mr. & Mrs . John W. Pearsall F. Elaine Penninger Or. & Mrs . Edward C. Peple Phi Gamma Delta Graduate Chapter Leslie H. Phillips Jr. Albert L. Philpott Mrs. Victoriene B. Pierce Mrs . Raymond 8. Pinchbeck Mrs . V. Gotaas Pinney Mr. & Mrs . Robert Dean Pope J. H. Poteet Mr. & Mrs . Kenneth F. Potts Mrs. Margery T. Porter John H. Powell Richard C. Rakes Mr . & Mrs. S. Wyman Ralph Ill Mary M. Randolph Willie M . Reams Jr . Edmund Rennolds Jr . Mr . & Mrs . Richard S. Reynolds Jr . Mrs . Virginia S. Reyno lds Richmond Academy of Ballet Richmond Rotary Club Mrs . Walter S. Robertson Mr. & Mrs . E. C. Robins Ann H. Robins W. Lafayette Robinson Dennis E. Robison Mrs. Inez G. Roop Leslie William Rose Ill Charles M. Rosenberger William 0. Rosser James 0 . Rowe Charles H. Ryland Ms . Barbara W. Sadler Mrs. David E. Satterfield Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jan Savage Robert L. Saville Jr. Ruth M. Saville Harold Schaffer Harvey E. Schlesinger Elizabeth G. Schneider Mrs. Samuel T. Schroetter Jr . Charles Schwarzschild Thomas J . Seward Mrs. L. R. Shadwell Joel S. Shapiro Mr. & Mrs . Ralph A. Shaw Mrs. J . L. Simpson Mr. & Mrs . J. L. Simpson Jr .
Mr. & Mrs . Maynard Simpson Cliff R. Skinner Mrs. Mildred F. Slater Mrs . Elizabeth Camp Smith Frank W. Smith Jr. H. Dixon Smith Jr . W. Eldridge & Betsy Camp Smith Scholarsh ip Fund Catherine W. Spence r Mr . & Mrs. James M. Sotack Mrs . Frances A. Stallard Miss Elsie Stephenson Fletcher Stiers Jr. Mr . & Mrs. James E. Stokes Mr. & Mrs . Richard P. Stone Nicholas D. Street Mr . & Mrs. Randolph P. Tabb Jerry L. Tarver R. Lee Taylor William Griffith Thomas Laura Thornhi ll C. W. Throckmorton Jr. Mrs. Margaret J . Tinsley Mrs. Sally L. 0 . Todd Mrs . Verser Todd Mrs . Frances C . Toms Linwood E. Toombs Mrs . Emma Gray Trigg Mrs . Marvell 8 . Tripp Or. & Mrs . W. M. Tucker Miss Pauline Turnbull Mrs . Lillie S. Turlman Howard G. Turner Mr . & Mrs . Art hur Tutt le Dr. & Mrs. John C. Tyree E. 0 . Vicars Stephen Wainger Russe ll G. War ren Mrs. Selden H. Watkins Arnold Watts Clyde M. Weaver Clinton Webb Pam Weed Weinstein Assoc iates John D. Welsh Fred W. Wenze l Fred W. Wenze l J r. Dr. & Mrs . Charles H. Wheeler Ill Mr. & Mrs. Geo rge F. White Jr. William Earle White Mr . & Mrs . Emerson G. Whiteside Mrs . John J . Wicker Jr. Mr . & Mrs . Erwin H. Will Donald 0 . Williams Mr. & Mrs . Fielding L. Williams John C. Williams Ray H. Williams Jr . Lawrence H. Willis Mrs . Suzanne P. Wiltshire Woman 's Auxilary J . W. Woodson Trust Fund Mrs. Dana Dewey Woody William S. Woolcott Carlyle L. Wooten Mr . & Mrs . Boris Woytowicz Miss Jean Gray Wright Archer L. Yeatts Mrs . Calvin C. Young
The University of Richmond has strong bonds with the Virginia Baptists, who founded this institution 146 years ago. Through the years, the Baptist General Association of Virginia has generously supported the current operating budget of the University. This year, the Virginia Baptists increased their support by more than $92,000 for which we express our sincerest appreciation.
This year the University of Richmond received government grants for research and other purposes amounting to $215,865 .00 .
BEQUESTSAND ESTATEGIFTS $61,231.07 Estate gifts were received by the University of Richmond from: The The The The
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Gordon 8 . Brown John E. Cole Elizabeth M. Hodk inson Samuel W. Holdcroft
The estate The estate The estate The estate
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John M. Hughes, RC '04 Elizabeth Howard Nelson Frances West Reinhardt George W. Sadler , RC ' 10
THEVIRGINIAFOUNDATION FORINDEPENDENTCOLLEGES $139,113.93 The Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges continues to bring the University of Richmond important support from businesses throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia and the nation. Gifts received each year from the foundation are used in support of the University's operating budget.
GIFTS-IN-KIND $41,989.80 Donors who made gifts of books , transcripts, instructional equipment and other items to the University during the last fiscal year are listed below. We thank them most sincerely . Amica Mutual Insurance Company Mrs . Harold Bayles Mrs. Pearl W. Blackley Beverley L. Britton Linwood W . Davis Mrs. James L. Dick Dubose Buick Inc. Mrs. Lelia S. Fitzpatrick Charles E. Friend John W. Fussell Garland 0 . Haddock Claude E. Higg ins Jr . Mrs. Helen Hill Edward M. Hudgins Jimmy Jones WIiiiam H. Leftwich Edwin L. Levy Jr .
Alan Loxterman Mrs . C. J . McWhorter Neale Mucklow Mrs. William C . Noland Philip Morris Incorporated W. Allan Rhodes Richmond Chapter of the Assoc . for Systems Managemen t Joseph C . Robert Mrs . Lora Robins Mrs . E. L. Sec hrist William Spilman Short Sr. Mr . and Mrs . John Spurbeck Charles L. Sweeney Miss Fannie Bell Thomas Charles Whee ler Ill
Around the Lake UR shines in the "Big Apple." University of Richmond graduates may have done a doubletake while strolling down Third Avenue in New York this spring . A window display at the national headquarters of the TIAACREF (Teacher Insurance Annuity Association-College Retirement Equities Fund) featured the University of Richmond as "College of the Month ." This is the second time in three years the University of Richmond has been chosen because of its outstanding volunteer support, receiving the honor over 2,200 institutions across the country. Jeanne 8. Campbell , assistant professor of art, designed and assembled a unique plexiglass display .
Majorettes, missionaries and lords. The University of Richmond resembled a three-ring circus this summer, juggling an assortment of summer camps and conferences. At the Band Front Camp, majorettes marched on a University of Richmond campus which rang with cheers from a clinic sponsored by the International Cheerleading Founda tion. At sports camps, athletes tumbled in a gymnastics clinic while players practiced in football, basketball, baseball and swim camps. One hundred tennis players turned out for a coed junior championship tennis tournament sponsored by the Middle Atlantic Lawn Tennis Association. Others concentrated on physical fitness at the Sports Fitness Camp. The Richmond Canton of the Society for Creative Anachronisms held a jousting match on the Westhampton Green . Members , who come from all walks of life, dressed in medieval garb and sported leather armor and helmets made from discarded freon cans . The society of over 10,000 members nationwide has a strong interest in the Middle Ages and its meetings try to recreate the courtly life. At the conference on Moral Rearmament, participants explored "a new way of doing things ," striving towards honesty and unselfishness to keep peace in the world . Other visitors came to the campus for scheduled conferences on alcohol education, estate planning, group relations, parole and probation and retailing. College age students prepared for work as summer missionaries in black ghettoes, mobile parks, institutions and as per-
The new $4.7 million University Common s overlooking the lake opened with a flurr y of student activity .
Aroundthe Lake
forming revival and drama teams throughout the state of Virginia. The Historical Commission and Historical Society of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention for the Deaf met on campus along with 100 pastors attending the 47th annual Pastors School.
Fashion parade. Sears fall fashions came to the University of Richmond July 22 as cam era crews moved in to make a commercial on the University of Richmond campus. The commercial , to be shown August 15 through November 15 in the central Virginia region, took six hours to film . While cameras rolled, sleek female models braved the 90 degree heat in heavy coats and boots . The Jenkins Greek Theater and the Science Quadrangle green were the filming sites . The crew, from the advertising firm of Lindsey, Battle & Johnson, responsible for producing Sears commercials in a multistate area, came from Chattanooga , Tenn., to do the filming .
A full- time student body of 2800 students includes 650 fr eshmen attending the university this f all.
Straight from the huddle. For the first time in three years, Jim Tait did not rebuild a major part of his University of Richmond football team . Going into their opener at Skelly Stadium at the University of Tulsa, the Spiders had 28 lettermen returning from last year 's 5-6 Southern Conference championship team and of those 28, 17 were former offensive or defensive starters. "We had a good nucleus of players back ," said Tait. "We had to replace Rodney Elam (offensive tackle) and John Palazeti (fullback) who were outstanding for us during the past three years . But with adequate replacements, we'll have a good solid football team. " Nine regulars on offense are led by senior quarterback Larry Shaw , who threw for 900 yards last year. He will work behind a strong offensive line and will direct an outstanding corps of running backs and receiv ers. Senior Doug McGee, a 6-1, 245-pound Canadian , is the kingpin in the offensive trenches . McGee will play either the strong or quick tackle position and should have an outst anding final year . He will be flanked
by sophomore center Dick Adams, guards Cubby Pritchard and Lou Bonato, and either senior Rex Kipps or sophomore Dennis Blomquist at the other tackle position . Defensively the Spiders should be improved . Last season 's players have matured and eight starters return to the lineup. The only gray area is who is going to play linebacker. Last season, the Spiders began with three top flight linebackers, but all three were injured. All but one missed spring drills, so the coaching staff is waiting to make a final determination . The line is about set with All-Southern Conference choices Mike Copley and Dick Childress holding down the right end and middle guard positions, respectively. Last spring, senior Gary Edwards was moved to tackle and should be at home there . The other end position will be handled adequately by sophomore Ray Chase or junior Garland Branch , while the remaining tackle spot goes to sophomore Billy Cheshire . Three of last year's four defensive backs return, but there is experience available at every position. Sophomore Jeff Nixon anchors the backfield from his free safety position . Nixon, who was second on the squad in tackles his freshman year and led UR with four pass interceptions and three fumble recoveries, is flanked by senior Mike Andrus at strong safety, Dave Sylvester at one corner and sophomore Ricky Crawford at the other corner. As a combination, the duo of John D . Call and Rickey Brown gives the Spiders two of the best receivers in the South . Both are experienced seniors . Brown, who led the squad with 33 receptions last season, ranks seventh on the all-time University of Richmond list. Call is Richmond ' s long distance threat, catching 26 passes last season for five touchdowns . The return of 6-4 senior tightend Tim Manwaring gives quarterback Shaw another good pass catcher on the line . The runningb ack position is deep with lettermen . Senior Ed Kreilis, the workhorse of the staff, who gained 736 yards rushing in 1975-the third player in the school's history to carry the football that far in one season is back . He will be spelled by senior Al Newby, junior Buster Jackson and sophomores Demetri Kornegay and Henry Jefferson. The only question mark on the offensive
unit is the fullback slot. The Spiders lost both Palazeti and Bob Allen, two four-year lettermen from last year's team. This spring, the staff took a long look at junior Milton Ruffin, a converted quarterback and Dickie Carey, who also plays linebacker. One of those two will get the starting nod, with junior transfer Joe McCray serving as a substitute. In general, the Spiders should have a pretty solid football team. "Our weakness again is a lack of overall depth," said Tait. "We cannot afford injuries to key players with a tougher schedule."
Alumni boost UR. Financial support for the University of Richmond totaled $3.1 million for the fiscal year 1974-75, according to a recently published report by the Council for Financial Aid to Education. The survey ranked UR fourteenth of 454 private co-educational institutions reporting total dollars of support. This placed the university in the top three percent. Other institutions in the same category were: Colgate, $1.6 million; Davidson, $2.3 million; Furman, $2.3 million; Franklin & Marshall, $1 million; and Oberlin College, $2 million. The University of Richmond reported $1.7 million of its total support to be alumni dollars.
Student writers win scholarships. Robert J. Osborne, a Richmond College senior, took top honors in a short-story competition sponsored by the Washington chapter of the National Society of Arts and Letters, to win a $ l000 scholarship to graduate school. David E. Howard, a Richmond College junior and editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper, The Collegian, was awarded a $500 scholarship by the Richmond chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi. Osborne, who "never really tried writing before this year," submitted the two stories at the suggestion of creative writing teacher Maura Stanton Cecil, a prize winning poet and professor at the University of Richmond. In "Train to Soweto," a black African worries about his reception as he travels to Johannesburg, South Africa,
while a trooper narrates a Civil War event in the "Hemp Cure." Osborne, an economics and sociology major, will use his scholarship for graduate work in creative writing and his stories will be considered for publication. Howard hopes to pursue a career in journalism and is sharpening his skills as a summer intern for the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Besides editing The Collegian, Howard delayed entering college to work on a New Hampshire radio station following high school graduation. He will use the $500 award to defray tuition costs during his senior year.
Campus briefs. Berndt H. Bohm, RC'70, G'74, a former operations analyst with First and Merchants Corporation, has been named assistant to the dean of University College and an adjunct instructor in speech ... Dr. Frederick C. Neumann, professor of music, will be a visiting professor of music at Yale University this fall ... Walter von Klein, director of student records and registration at Tulane University in New Orleans, has been named registrar at the university ... Arthur C. Beck, associate professor of organization development, is the new director of the University of Richmond's Institute for Business and Community Development ... W. Hamilton Bryson, assistant professor of law at T. C. Williams School of Law, has been appointed to the editorial board of the American Journal of Legal History ... Dr. Homer Rudolf, former instructor of musicology at the University of Texas, is the new chairman of the department of music .... An annotated bibliography, English Drama to 1660, by Dr. F. Elaine Penninger, chairman of the Westhampton English department, was published in July by the Gale Research Company ... Dr. Robert J. Horgan, associate professor of political science, has completed a research project for the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission. Dr. Horgan, who directed "Housing Market Analysis for the Richmond Urban Region," was assisted by research specialists Dr. Clarence R. Jung Jr., professor of economics, and Dr. David A. Whitaker Jr., associate professor of economics.
University College initiates dance program with internationally known ballet artists Oleg Briansky and Mireille Briane.
People in the News
Dr. S tephanie Bennett appointed Westhampton dean.
Westhampton has new dean. Dr. Stephanie Lee Mitchell Bennett, a member of the Albion College faculty who was named Michigan's Outstanding Young Woman for 1974, is the new dean of Westhampton College. "The 1970s are the most exciting years, certainly in my memory, for the education of young women ," said Dr. Bennett, who as Westhampton dean plans "to work towards the creation of the best possible total learning environment." Dr. Bennett is no newcomer to coordinate education, since she attended Sophie Newcomb College, the women's division of Tulane University, as an undergraduate before earning a bachelor 's degree in 1963 and a master's degree in 1966 at the University of New Mexico . She received her doctoral degree from the University oflowa and has been an associate professor of English at Albion College since 1968. She previously taught at Loretto Heights College in Denver, a private women's college, and in community colleges . She has had extensive counseling experience at Albion, the University of New Mexico and the University of Iowa and has conducted numerous workshops and institutes . In addition, she served as chairman of the Women 's Studies Committee of the Great Lakes College Association, a consultant for program design and development at American University in Washington, D .C ., secretary -treasurer of the American Studies Association of Michigan and as a member of the Michigan Division of the Amer ican Association of University Women 's Committee on Higher Education. She also was a member of the Michigan Department of Education Bicentennial Advisory Committee and chairman of a publication subcommittee . Dr. Bennett was nominated for the position by a Search Committee headed by Dr. William H . Leftwich , vice president for student affairs. One member, Mrs. Archer L. Yeatts III , a Westhampton alumna who is a member of the Board of Trustees, "is delighted with the appointment of Dr. Bennett. The committee was impressed with her academic qualifications, her leadership capabilities, her enthusiasm and her positive
ideas for Westhampton College ." Miss Bettye Scott , a student member, believes "the students will respond to her open personality" and is confident that the new dean will succeed . Dr. Bennett replaces Dr. Mary Louise Gehring, who resigned to take a new position at Baylor University.
President Heilman receives honors. As recently elected president of the Association of Southern Baptists Colleges and Schools, Dr. Heilman will direct an organization of 71 Baptist educational institutions from Florida to California. In addition, he will serve as a member of the Steering Committee of the North American Council of International Association of University Presidents . The worldwide group, composed of six regions besides North America, strives to increase cultural and study abroad programs and internationalize college curriculums . Dr. Heilman now heads a committee to advise the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in accrediting and fund-raising matters. The five-man committee will consider educational planning assistance to private colleges, legal assistance, cooperative programs, the establishment of a regional data bank for continuing education units and the future role of institutional regional accreditation . He was honored as Distinguished Alumnus for 1976 at Campbellsville College in Kentucky , receiving an honorary plaque at commencement exercises.
Five graduates elected to Board of Trustees. Five newly elected trustees bring a variety of talents and expertise to the University of Richmond Board of Trustees . Otis L. Brown , RC'56 , is currently a member of the cabinet of Virginia Governor Mills E . Godwin Jr. As Secretary of Human Resources, he has responsibility for planning, coordinating and supervising health care services throughout the State of Virginia . In his public service career , he has been director of the Virginia Department of
Welfare and Institutions and serveq as county executive, the chief administrative officer, of Albemarle County. A member of the executive committee of the National Council of State Welfare Executives, he is chairman of the Governor's Manpower Planning Clinic and serves on numerous boards and commissions. He is past president of the Richmond College Alumni Association, past chairman of the University of Richmond Alumni Council and currently heads the university's Lake Society, a new organization which welcomes returning graduates to campus. Dr. Martha A. Carpenter, WC'51, is an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Virginia Hospital. Receiving training at the University of Virginia Hospital and Children's Hospital, Boston, Mass., she has been an American Academy of Pediatric Fellow, American College of Cardiology Fellow and is listed in Who's Who of American Women. In addition, she is chairman of the board of directors of the W. J. Carpenter Co. and managing director of the 0 . F. Carpenter Co. William 8 . Graham, RC'43, president of Insurance Management Corporation and Mutual Insurers, Inc ., of Richmond, rejoins the board after previously serving a oneyear term as an alumni trustee in I 974-75. Graham, who was national chairman of the university's Annual Giving Program in 1972-73, serves as president of the Metropolitan Richmond YMCA and on the boards of Trinity Methodist Church, the Robert E. Lee Council of Boy Scouts and the United Givers Fund. Another new trustee, Robert D. Kilpatrick, RC'48, is president of Connecticut General Life Insurance Company. A native of Louisiana and a Navy veteran, he is retired from the Navy Reserves with the rank of commander. Kilpatrick joined the insurance company in 1954 and was appointed vice president and senior administrative officer at Aetna Insurance Company, the property and casualty affiliate of Connecticut General, in I 968. In 1973, he was named senior vice president of Connecticut General before assuming the presidency last April. He is a graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Ad-
ministration Advanced Management Program and serves on the board of directors of several organizations . Clinton Webb, RC'29, is retired senior vice president and trust officer of First and Merchants National Bank, Richmond. He is currently a registered representative and stockbroker with Davenport and Company, of Virginia, Inc. and a director-vice president of Southern Railway Supply Co ., Inc. He serves on the board of directors of many charitable institutions in Richmond .
Professors win fellowships to Harvard. Two University of Richmond professors hope to enhance their teaching methods this year by studying, ironically, each other ' s fields. Dr. Thomas R. Morris, assistant professor of political science, is the winner of a Fellowship in Law and Political Science, which enables humanities or social science teachers to gain a better understanding of legal concepts through a year of study at Harvard Law School. James M . O' Fallon, a T. C. Williams School of Law professor, is the recipient of a Fellowship in Law and Humanities. Supported by a gr ant from the National Endowment for the Humanities , it is designed to provide a law professor with a year of study in the humanities . During the academic year, Morris plans to take both first year and advanced level law courses. "It is an opportunity to be exposed to the law school approach of teaching , especially the case study method," said the professor, who plans to introduce legal concepts into political science courses. The co-author of a recently published book, Virginia Government and Politics : Readings and Comments , Morris plans to identify research topics for articles in professional journals . Through a study of American social and intellectual history , O'Fallon will trace the intellectual roots of American law . He is the author of a University of Richmond Law Review article , "School Desegregation in Richmond: A Case History ," which will soon be published in a book sponsored by the Institute for Judicial Administration . "The basic thesis of the fellow ship is that
Otis L. Brown (top ) and Robert D. Kilpatrick named to Board of Trustees.
People in the News
law school tends to become too technical," he said. "Professors need to incorporate additional insights into the study of law to enable students to understand the full complexities of social problems."
University trustee named UVB chairman. Joseph A. Jennings, a member of the University of Richmond Board of Trustees and a 1949 graduate of the School of Business Administration, has been elected chairman and chief executive officer of United Virginia Bankshares. Jennings, who serves as chairman of the Board of Trustees' investment commitee, began his banking career with State-Planters Bank, the forerunner of United Virginia Bank, in I 938. He returned to State-Planters in 1946 after serving four years in the U.S. Air Force and was elected president and chief executive officer of United Virginia Bank/State-Planters in I 971, which became United Virginia Bank . Jennings was named vice chairman of the holding company, United Virginia Bankshares, in 1972 and became president and chief administrative officer one year later. A member of several banking groups, he is past president of the Richmond Society of Financial Analysts and former director and executive vice president of the Financial Analysts Federation. Jennings serves on numerous boards of directors including Commonwealth Natural Gas, Life Insurance Company of Virginia, Universal Leaf Tobacco, The United Way, St. Christopher's School, Richmond, and Union Theological Seminary.
Fellowships enable James M . O'Fallon (top) and Dr. Thomas R. Morris to study at Harvard.
Professor fashions arts awards. Bronze sculptures designed by Demetrios Mavroudis, associate professor of art, were recently awarded to 41 corporations for significant contributions to the fine and performing arts. This is the fourth year Mavroudis has created original sculptures for the "Business in the Arts" awards, sponsored by Esquire Magazine and the Business Committee for the Arts. Twelve of the winning corporations donated over $1 million in 1975 for such projects as an eco-
nomic impact study of the arts in a single city, an overseas tour of the Metropolitan Opera Company, a major new dance work and a bicentennial music program distributed in 29,000 American schools. The only foreign company to win was the ChubuNippon Broadcasting Company of Japan, which made a grant of over $2 million to bring 325 artists and auxiliary personnel of the Metropolitan Opera to Japan for a three-week performing tour. Following the presentation at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, recipients were the guests of First Lady Mrs. Gerald R. Ford at a White House reception.
Dean Wren resigns. Harold G. Wren, dean of the T. C. Williams School of Law, has resigned to become dean of the University of Louisville School of Law this fall. During his tenure, Wren, who succeeded the late Dean William T. Muse at T. C. Williams in 1972, has enlarged the full-time faculty from 4 to 16, expanded the curriculum, increased student enrollment from 200 to 425 and improved the physical plant. A legal scholar, he is an expert in the field of estate planning. His two-volume work, Creative Estate Planning, is considered by many to be one of the best in the field. The author of three other books and numerous articles, Wren received his doctorate in law from Yale Law School in I 957. He has taught at the University of Mississippi, University of Oklahoma, Southern Methodist University, Boston Law School and served as dean of the Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark College in Oregon before coming to the University of Richmond. During his years of teaching, he has been a Fulbright Research Scholar at Waseda University in Japan and a visiting professor at Northwestern University and the Universities of New York, Texas, Missouri and California at Berkeley. Since 1958, he has been listed on the panels of the American Arbitration Association and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service and has been an arbitrator in many cases as well as a reporter for the Uniform Probate Code since 1962.
Awards Recognize Alumni Achievement WINNERS
Distinguished Service A wards come from all walks of life. Whether company president, social worker, judge or coach , they represent the best in alumni achievement. In an outstanding career spanning 40 years, Elma Hope Ashton, a 1925 graduate of Westhampton College, has been a pioneer in the field of social work. She has been recognized for her work with the United Nations, the Red Cross, the Emergency Relief Administration, and the Department of Human Resources and was named the Outstanding Social Worker in 1973 by the National Association of Social Workers. Listed in the first edition of Who's Who of American Women and a female student at Harvard as early as 1926, she received her master 's in social work from the University of Pennsylvania in 1940. After breaking with Southern tradition to successfully merge black and white relief services into one agency during the depression, she went on to create the United Nations Fellowship Program. As director of the Department of Human Resources in Washington, D.C., she aided her staff in serving homeless, neglected and mistreated children and their disturbed parents. Retiring in 1974, she continues to work, supervising social work students at Gallaudet College for the Deaf. "One of Virginia's outstanding jurists," Judge Ray M . Doubles, has been associated with the T . C . Williams School of Law for over 50 years. Doubles spent his first two years at the law school as a night school student. After a year spent obtaining a doctor of laws degree at the University of Chicago, he returned to T. C. Williams to teach criminal law as its third full-time faculty member. "Called a giant in the classroom," he served as dean of the law school from 1930 to 1947, when he was appointed judge of Hustings Court, Part II. In 1965, he returned to teaching and also served as president of the Legal Aid Association of Metropolitan Richmond. He retired in June 1971, and is dean of law and professor of law emeritus . Another recipient, Mary Anne Guy Franklin directs the division of telecommunications for the Virginia State Department of Education . A 1935 graduate of Westhampton, she has been a television consultant for the Richmond Public Schools where she developed an educational television project reaching 185,000 pupils in 54 counties and cities . She has served as vice president and program director for WCVE/WCVW-TV. As winner of a Fulbright Fellowship, she spent one year in
Thailand developing English programs and broadcasting weekly English lessons on the Royal Thai Army radio. A member of the University of Richmond Board of Trustees and a Virginia state senator for over 30 years, Senator Garland Gray is a 1921 graduate of the University of Richmond. In addition to his duties in the Senate, he has been a successful banker, lumberman and industrialist and a member of the board of directors of First and Merchants National Bank. He is past president of the Alumni Council and the recipient of the honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Richmond in 1964. Gray Court dormitory on the Westhampton campus is the gift of Senator Gray in memory of his late wife, Agnes Taylor Gray, a 1923 university graduate . "One of the most colorful and beloved gentlemen ever to grace a university's faculty ," is Dr. Ralph C. McDanel. A 1916 graduate of the University of Richmond , he joined the university faculty shortly after World War One . Known to appear in campus dramatic productions and as an ardent baseball fan, Dr. McDanel's history lessons were laced with tall tales and dry humor. To ]:ionor the outstanding professor, who retired in I 967, students formed the Ralph C. McDanel Historical Society . Dr. McDanel has served as a past president of the Virginia Baptist General Association and on the board of trustees of the Religious Herald and Crozer Theological Seminary. He is a former president of Omicron Delta Kappa, the national campus leadership society . A man who took up coaching " because I consider it a calling next to the ministry" is Coach Malcolm U . Pitt, who served 37 seasons as the University of Richmond baseball coach, 20 years as the university 's basketball coach and 25 years as athletic director. Upon his retirement from coaching in 1971, the "Grand Old Man of the Southern Conference, " was honored at every school on the conference schedule during his final season. He is the member of six athletic halls of fame including the American Association of College Baseball Coaches Hall of Fame and the University of Richmond Athletic Hall of Fame . Another who has contributed to the lives of many is Dr. William H. Remine , a 1940 graduate of the University of Richmond and professor of surgery at the Mayo Clinic . Dr. Remine, a 1943 graduate of the Medical College of Virginia, received his MS in surgery at the University of Min nesota and served his residency as a fellow
in surgery , Mayo Gradu ate School. Author and editor of over 159 ar ticles and films, he has been a visiting professor at several universities and hospitals . He is a past president of the Minnesota Surgical Soci ety, serves on the Commission on Cancer and the Motion Pictur e Committee for the American College of Surgeons, the editorial board of Journal Lancet and the Review of Surgery and the executive council of the Central Surgical Association . When E. Claiborne Robins, a 1931 graduate of the University of Richmond , received his degree from the Medical College of Virginia , School of Pharmacy in I 933 he faced an uncertain business future. In 1878 his grandfather had founded A . H. Robins, which in the early 1930s was marketing a cold remedy developed by Robins' father. After his father's death , his mother tried to hold the company together and in 1933 her son E. Claiborne Robins borrowed $300 to keep the company going . Today, A. H. Robins is one of the country ' s major pharmaceutical and drug research firms. But Robins talents are not confined to the corporate spectrum . He has served the community on a wide range of boards and committees, received three honorary degrees and won over 11 awards for humanitarian and civic service. He has also been philanthropic, setting the University of Richmond on its way to becoming one of the best small private universities in the nation with a gift of $50 million in 1969. The final Distinguished Service Award recipient is Catawba College Presid ent Dr. Martin Luther Shotzberger. Receiving his bachelor's and master ' s degrees from the University of Richmond School of Business Administration in 1948 and 1949, he served as assistant professor of business administration and director of the school 's evening division . He earned his doctorate from Ohio State University in 1960 and was dean of University College from 1962 to 1968. During his tenure, Catawba College , located in Salisbury , North Carolina, has seen an unprecedented expansion in the quality of the academic program , faculty enrichment , faculty and staff compensation and benefits , student rights and student participation in the governing process plus significant growth in the physical plant and ass ets . A profe ssion a l managem ent consulta nt, Dr. Shotzberger is a member of the board of directors of the Security Bank and Trust Company in Salisbury and serves on the executive committee of the North Carolina Center for Independent Higher Education .
10s Dr. Joseph L. King, R' 13, professor emeritus of Engli sh a t Deni son , received a n honorary Doctor of Humane Lett ers degree from Denison University during the 135th annual Commencement May 29. Tay lor Coleman, R ' 18, is now retired and lives in a ver y old Yankee house on 105 acres in Sharon , Conn. , a fter working for many years in busines s in N ew York.
20s Dr. Charles M . Caravati, R'20, has recently ha d published Medicine in Richmond , 1900-1975. Floyd S. Kay. R '24, retired from Rockbridge County as superintendent of the school system. He ha s the honor of having Rockbridge County 's Vocational-Technical School named after him. Dr. Theodore M . Whitfield, R '26, is living in Westminster , Md ., and is retired but working in business with his wife. William E. Norman, R '26, has just returned from a sta y in the hospital. He is enjoying his va rious assignments as Grand Organist for Grand Lodge of Virginia and other chapters. Dr. C. P. Anderson Sr. , R'26 , writes that he is enjoying serving as associate pastor of the Calvar y Bapti st Church , Richmond , Va. Dr. Richard B. Nicholls, R ' 26, is still practicing at Norfolk Gen .era! Hospital and teaching gynecology. His son , George , is now at the University of Richmond. Rob ert W. Neathery , R '27, is president-elect of th e Philadelphia Science Council and first vice pr esident of Engineering , Scientific and Technical Societie s Council , both organi zations devoted to ca reer guidance and science education for young people .
30s Rev . George R. M. Rumney, R ' 38, retired from the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Chase C ity, Va. , in Januar y. He is now residing at 535 Brightwell Drive , Danville , Va.
40s Dr. ¡Virginius Dabney. H '40 , recei ved one of the first honorary Doctor of Human Letters degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University. Ashl ey D. DeShazor , 8 '41 , has been elected to the board of directors of Montgomery Ward, Chic ago , Ill. Sy dney H. Knipe Jr. , R '42, has retired from IBM , after ser ving 29 years in data processing equipment sales. Robert M. Hathawa y, R '43 , returned to Richmond in Febru a ry to join Cecil , Waller and Sterling, Inc . Richard W. Lowery, R '44 , enjoyed attending the first alumni chapter meeting in Chicago this May . J. Frank Church, L'46 , is retired and enjoying a life of leisure with activities such as golf and fishing .
Rev. L. L. McGee, R '47 , of the North Carolina Baptist Hospital was recently elected chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Region of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education. Dr. Robert L. Gibson, R '48 , has been promoted to associate professor of anesthesia at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University.
50s Dr. Herbert R. Blackwell, R ' 50,G ' 55, received Longwood College's Faculty Recognition A ward for " professional excellence and devoted service to students. " Dr. Arnold P. Fleshood, R ' 50, is in a new position as associate vice president for academic affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Beverly Carson, R 'S! , has recently purchased the Jones Drug Company in Franklin , Va ., and has moved to Franklin with his wife and three children. Roland C. Houghton, R'5l ,G'63, has been appointed director of regulatory and statistical services in the accounting and control department of VEPCO. William T. Coppage, R ' S I, was elected to a two-year term as secretary of American Association of Workers for the Blind. He has also been elected to the executive committee of the Board of National Accreditation Council. James A . Taylor, R'52, has been elected associate counsel of Lawyers Title Insurance Corpo ration , Richmond. Donald R. Thompson , L'53 , has rejoined Hay Associates , Management Consultants in Pittsburgh, as senior principal. Gunars Vilcins, R ' 54, has been elected presi dent of the Virginia-Carolina Section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy for the I 9761977 term. Lester L. Lamb , R ' 55, has been elected to the board of directors of the Virginia Hospital Association. In January, he was elected president of the New River Convocation of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Virginia and also serves as president-elect of the National Alumni of the VCU-MCV Department of Hospital and Health Care Administration . Godfrey E. Lake, B'57 ,G '69, has been elected to a one-year term as chairman of the National Assocation of Freight Payments Banks. Godfrey is with the Bank of Virginia, Richmond. Reverend Charles Chilton , R'57 , sends news about his missionary work in the Philippines. Things are progressing with his church work and his family is in good health. Reverend Frank G. Schwall Jr. , R ' 58, has been named assistant to the president of the Southern Baptist Convention Annuity Board. Bruce MacGowan, R'59 , is working for the Memorial Hospital in Sarasota , Fla., Publications Department. Joseph B . Benedetti, L' 59, was selected as the Knight of the Year for Virginia at the annual state convention of the Knights of Columbus. He was chosen from among 9,000 knights in the Richmond and Arlington disoceses .
60s Kenneth R. Woodruff, R'60, was promoted to manager of Human Factors Engineering Division in Systems Research Laboratories , Inc . He was elected president, Southern Ohio Chapter, Human Factors Society for 1976-77 year and Vice-President of Beavercreek , Ohio SER TOMA Club for 1976-77. Joseph P. Barker, R '60, will be moving to Atlanta , Ga. , for a promotion to director of manufacturing , Manufactures Housing Division of Boise Cascade Corporation . Charles G. McDaniel , B'60, was elected to a two-year term as director of United Van Lines, Inc ., at the company 's annual shareholders meet -
ing in St. Louis. Carey E. Stronach, R'6I , completed his PhD in physics at the College of William and Mary in December I 975 and is now associate professor of physics at Virginia State College. Leslie T. Flynn , R '6 I, sends word from Ontario , Canada , that he is presently manager of the Ottawa branch of SED Systems, Limited. His wife, Shirley Satterfield Flynn , WC'59 , just completed a year 's graduate study in education. They have three boys and enjoy living on two acres of land amidst a farming community. Steven W. Pugh, 8 ' 6 I, is co-director of the Center for Management Development at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College . Paul Brickner , R '62, has resigned as an assistant United States Attorney in Cleveland , Ohio. He is now engaged in the general practice of law in Painesville , Ohio . He is a candidate for Lake County Prosecutor in the November election. Dr. Randolph Cox, R'62 , has been awarded a grant for summer study by the National Endowment for the Humanities . Lee Paul Lewis, R'62 ,G'7 I, sends word that he is attending Southwestern Seminary , Fort Worth , Tex. His wife, Barbara, is a registered nurse. They have two children . William A. Clark, R '62, was recently promoted to marketing programs manager of the Southeastern District of IBM . He is headquartered in Washington , D .C. James H. Sprouse, 8'63 , and his wife have a new daughter, Marilyn Gwen . Russell E. Rabb , R'63, was promoted to assistant vice president (retail division) at United Virginia Bank's Commerce Road branch. Norman E. Lassiter Jr., R '63 , was awarded the Doctor of Ministry degree from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago , Ill. Thomas G. Seccia , R'64 , sent a note telling us he has four children: Beth 11, Thomas Jr. I 0, David 9, and Maria 2. John N. Moreau , R'64 , was elected president of the Virginia Independent Schools Development Association for 1976-77. David M . Fuller, R '63, has resigned from Lincoln National Sales Corporation in Cleveland , Ohio, to become regiona l vice president for Financial Industries Sales Corporation of Florida. Reverend Harold Carter Lewis, R'62, will be in the I 975-76, First Edition of Who's Who in Religion . There will also be a biographical inclusion on Reverend Lewis in the special thirteenth edition of The Dictionary of International Biography, 1976-77, to be published in October 1976, in Cambridge , England. Andrew W. Wood, R'64 ,L'67 , is practicing law with the firm of Wood & Schmidt , Richmond, Va . Major Leland W. Potter Jr. , R '65, was promoted to Major in January . He is currently commanding A Company 96th Civil Affairs Battalion .
Walter A. McFarlane, L' 66, works in the State Highway and Transportat ion Division as Deputy Attorney Genera l of Virginia. He and his wife, Judith, have two children. Winston J. Hellems, 8'67, has been appointed as assistant accounting manager for the Richmond central division of VEPCO Robert C. Mullen Jr. , 8'68, has been promoted to leasing 0fficer by NCNB Leasing Corporation in Richmond. Wilson L. Faris Jr., R'68 , and his wife announce the birth of a daughter, Kathleen Leigh, on March 27, 1976. Capt. Don R. Carfagna, R'68, completed his master's degree in human relations at Webster College while stationed with the U . S. Army Recruiting Command at Ft. Sheridan, Ill. He has started a 13-month tour in the Republic of South Korea . His family will remain in Richmond. Clarence E. Garner, R '68, and his wife , Ann, announce the adoption of their second daughter, six-month old Mary Edwards Garner , on June 17, 1976. John Elwood Owens, M.D., R'68, has been assigned to two years Army duty at Fort Benning, Ga .
John S. Barr, L'70 , has become a partner in the law firm of Maloney, Yeatts & Balfour. Henry Owen Patterson, R ' 70 , was awarded a master of arts degree January 9, 1976, from Bucknell University. Richard R. Paulding, R ' 70 , received his master of arts in teaching from the University of Vermont. James H. Horton, R ' 70 , has been appointed supervisor of chemistry at the North Anna Nuclear Power Station for YEPCO. Garnett 0. Lee !II , 8'70 , has joined Wheat , First Securities, Inc. as a registered representative. Dr. Kenneth A. Powell, R ' 70, and his wife announce the birth of their second child, Erik Cole, on May 26, 1976. S. L. Lauterbach Jr., R ' 71 , is now employed by Systems Engineering Corporation in the Automated Computer Service Division. Geoffrey D. Cahill, R'7 I, has been named a career representative of the District of Columbia / Jackson general agency of National Life Insurance Company of Vermont. He also will continue in his present position of vice president of the McLean Insurance Agency, Inc. , in McLean . William B. Ritt Jr. , 8 ' 71, and his wife announce that David Benjamin arrived April 3, 1976, and weighed in at 8 lbs., 9 ozs. Dan H. Nix, G'71 , is a co-director of the Center for Management Development at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College. The Reverend John Speake Keller , R ' 72 , has received the degree of master of arts from the Presbyterian School of Christian Education. He .was ordained into the Priesthood in the Episcopal Church at Saint Thomas' Church , Richmond , and will continue work as the curate in charge of the youth and educational programs. John S. Gee Jr. , R ' 72 , was named the Outstanding Jaycee in Virginia. He is presently branch manager of United Virginia Bank ' s Wa shington Street office in Petersburg. Timothy J. Evans, R ' 72 , was named the recipient of the Charles Bell Elliott A ward for excellence in teaching English at the University of South Carolin a . Steven L. Nock, R ' 72 , writes to tell us that he will receive .his PhD in sociology from the University of Massachusetts and will begin teaching at Tul a ne University as assistant professor of sociology. Earl W. Lewter Jr. , R ' 72 , informs us that he has been married for three years, and is working for the Government Printing Office in Alexandria Ya Jeffers Schmidt Jr., L'72 , is practicing law with the law firm of Wood & Schmidt , Richmond , Ya . Claude A. Taylor, R ' 72 , is Department Head of the Dry Roest Packaging and Processing Department for l'lanters Peanuts in Suffolk , Ya. Donald A. Baxter, R ' 72, is a pharmacist for Peoples Drug Store in Norfolk , Ya. Richard Orgain , R ' 72 , is a third-year optometry student at Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tenn., and was elected to the Board of Trustees of the college by a vote of the student body. R. W. Tassell, 8'72 , and his wife announce the birth of a son on March 29 , 1976 . They named him Patrick Wayne. Walter E . Prillaman , 8 ' 73, is working for Prudential Life Insurance Company. He has purchased a home in Richmond. G. Stan Pope, R ' 73 , is teaching and coaching football and track at Central Sussex High School. His track team just won their second consecutive district title. Jeb . R. Hockman , R ' 73, married Charlotte Rebecca Conway on March 6, 1976 , and is currently employed as Broadcast Advertising Representative , Southern States Coop., Richmond. Robert Hughes Yates, R'73, announces that he has married Trudy Woodell and moved to Lynchburg , Ya .
Daniel S. Smith, 8'73 , received a job promotion to assistant manager of General Medicat's Richmond Division. A daughter, Whitney Lee , joined their family on October 31 , 1975. L. Kenneth Newsome, G ' 73, has been named branch officer and manager of United Virginia Bank ' s Commerce Road branch. C. W. Gammon Jr., 8 ' 73 , and his wife announce the birth of their daughter , Joanna Kerrie , on April 27 , 1974. SP5 Eldridge B. Reynolds, R ' 73 , has been selected as the Outstanding E-5 for the U.S. Army Communications Command Thailand. Gilbert R. Leake Ill , 8 '74 , passed his CPA exam in No vember I 975. Davis W. Durrett !II , 8'74 , is a sales representative for Gold Bond Building Products , a division of National Gypsum Company. Louis W. Shockley Jr., 8'74 , has accepted the position of office manager for J. W. Shockley & Son , Inc: in Snow Hill , Md. , after working for a year and a half as an accountant for the DuPont Co. in Wilmington, Del. Lt. Col. Carlo W. D 'Este , G ' 74 , has been assigned to Burtonwood Army Depot , England, as director of services. D. Kent Weaver, 8 ' 74 , married Nancy Faith Nelson on June 5 , 1976. Paul W. Sacra , B' 74 , was mistakenly reported . in the summer issue to be marrying Barbara Cross , WC'74. He married Debbie Pierce , WC'74 , on July 24 , 1976. Edwin A. Bischoff, R ' 70,L ' 74 , and his wife announce the birth of Barbara Anne on January 30 , 1976. Willaim A. Beeton Jr., L'74, is with the law firm of Arthur , Harvey & Eller , Altavista , Ya ., and has recently been appointed town attorney. Bill and his wife , Anne , are the proud parents of a second daughter , Courtney Mabry , born January 2, 1976.
Deaths William H. Cardwell, L' I 6, Richmond , Ya ., December 20, I 973 . W. Crowder, R'33 , Emporia , Ya., March 9 , I 976. Rev. Hubert S. Cummins, R ' 23 , Gretna , Ya ., March 26, 1976. Dunton J. Fatherly, R ' 16, Weirwood , Ya. , attorney-at-law, April 28, I 976 . A member of the American and Virginia Bar Associations , he served on the State Bar Council and was a former Vice-President of the Virginia Bar Association. In Northampton County , he served as county judge , chairman of the Democratic party, commissioner of accounts and a Commis sioner in Chancery. He was a member of the board of directors of the Eastern Shore Historical Society, a former member of the board of directors of the Eastern Shore Fire Insurance Company and a former president of the National Bank of Northampton in Nassawadox , Ya . Rev. Goodwin Frazer, R'02 , Waynesboro , Ya. Kenneth B. Lewis , R ' I 6, Bedford , Ya. , April 14, 1976. Wirt C. Mallory Jr., R'37 , Richmond, Ya ., December 11, 1975. Mrs. Ellen M. McClellan, L' 57 , Ashland, Ya. Randolph P. Mills, a member of the class of 1920, Montreal , Canada , mining executive , June 28, 1976. He developed vast ore operations in Labrador and northern Quebec and was a prime mover in the development of Quebec in Iron and Titanium. He was instrumental organizing Copper Rand (Patino) , Campbell Chibougamau Mines and Canadian Merrill in Chibougamau . In the early I 960s , he became interested in the development of the Jones Wet Magnetic Separator, a machine which used strong magnetic fields in liquid medium to separate minerals. The machine is widely used on many ores , beach sands and experimentally to produce pharmaceutical grade barite. He was president or chairman of the board of com-
panies including Cuvier , Bruneau and Bulora Corporation , Baker Talc , Canadian Faraday and Magnetics International and served as a director of numerous other companies in the mining field. Douglas Spotswood Mitchell , L' 33, Walkerton Ya. , commonwealth ' s attorney for King and Queen Count y for 39 years , after a long illness , February 29 , I 976. He h a d been Democratic chairman for King and Queen County for 40 years and practiced law privately until he cofounded the Mitchell and Trible law firm in West Point , Ya ., four years ago. He served as director and attorney for South side Bank in Aylett. Dr. James F. Parkinson Jr., R ' 36 , Chester , Ya ., physician ; April 7, I 976. George G. Popp, L' 63 , St. Paul , Ya. Frank K. Thompson, B'49 , Doswell , Ya. , April 15, 1976 . Rev. Samuel B. Tucker , R ' 20 , Madison Heights , Ya., January I, 1976. Rev. J. Ernest Wrenn , R ' 18, Newport News , Ya. , retired minister , May 3, I 976 . Dr. William W. Wright, R ' 31, Richmond , Ya. , dentist , after a long illness , April 29 , I 976. He opened private practice in Richmond in I 933 , and continued until he became ill last year.
Faculty Deaths Dr. Larry D. Flora, associate professor of education at the University of Richmond , died of cancer this June. He was 43. Receiving a bachelor ' s degree from Bridgewater College in 1954 and master ' s and doctoral degrees from the University of Virginia, he joined the University of Richmond faculty in 1967. Previously , he was an assistant professor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and taught at Lynchburg College . Dr. Flora , a native of Boones Mill , Ya. , was a member of national and state education associations and fraternities and a U.S. Army veteran.
E. Elwood Ford, R ' 27 , L ' 31, Richmond , Ya. , a former Richmond city councilman and retired University of Richmond accounting professor , April 15, 1976. An assoc .iate professor of accounting at the University of Richmond School of Business , 1955 to I 974 , he was a certified public accountant and past president of Bodeker Drug Co. , which later merged into Owens , Minor and Bodeker , Inc.
Dr. Austin E. Grigg, RC ' 40 , G ' 47 and dean of the Graduate School at University of Richmond, August 19. He was 57. After serving in the U.S. Air Corps during World War II as a psychologist , he completed the MA degree and joined the UR faculty. Receiving the PhD degree a~ the University of Iowa , he taught at the University of Texas before returning to the ,,Richmond faculty in I 960. He was chairman of the psycholog y department in 1964, named dean of Richmond College in I 967 , and appointed dean of the Graduate School in 1974. The first psychologist at the Virginia State Department of Corrections and for the Mental Hygenic Clinic at the Medical College of Virginia , he was an expert consultant to the Social Security Division of the Department of Health , Education and Welfare on disability claims for neurolog1cal and psychological disorders . In addition to consulting for numerous business firms, hospitals and schools , he published more than 50 article s in psychological and scientific journals . A former president of the Virginia Psychological Association , former treasurer of the Virginia Academy of Science, first chairman of the Riclimond Metropolitan Advisory Board of the Science Museum of Virginia , he is listed in Who's Who in America and American Men and Women of Science.
Club & Class News LynchburgAlumnae Club Juanita Phillips Reynolds, president Route 1, Box l22AX Evington, Virginia 24550 The Lynchburg Chap ter of the Westhampton College Alumnae Association met on May I 5th for a salad and dessert luncheon. Mrs. Judy Von Seldeneck was our speaker. Mrs. Jane Thorpe was also present and brought us up to date on Alumnae Activities. New officers for the chapter are Mrs. Juanita Phillips Reynolds '64, president; Mrs. Kitty Candler Martin '46, vice-president; Mrs. Sue Ramsey Aylor '34, secretary; Mrs. Shannon Rives Freeman '69, treasurer; Mrs. Mary Ellen Deckelman Fraley '6 I , historian . A coke party was held for present and new students in August.
Peninsula Alumnae Club Mary Alice Revere Eastwood, president Route 3, Box 16A Gloucester, Virginia 23061 We were pleased to have Dean Mary Louise Gehring as guest speaker at our spring luncheon on April 10. New officers are President Mary Alice Revere Eastwood ' 58, Vice-President Anne Atkinson Chisman '62, Secretary Nancy Jones Trimble '73, Treasurer Nancy Jane Cyrus Bains '58, Historian Anne Higgins Borger '47 , Publicity Virginia Scott Dillon '56.
Richmond Alumnae Club Tucker Smart Paxton, president 7454 Tanglewood Road Richmond, Virginia 23225 The seniors were given a "Coke and Pizza Break ," during exams in April. It could not have been held in a more fitting location than the Tower Room, 9 to IO pm. Clarice Ryland Price and Jean Tinsley Martin were chairmen of this event. On August 24, 7:30-9 pm, the executive board entertained loc al incoming freshmen, transfer students and counselors for a "S undae Party " at the home of Elizabeth Ramos Dunkum. Everyone had a good time making their favorite ice cream sundae. Beverly Eubank Evans and Brownie Sales Tucker headed thi s up. Calendar sales began in August. The price was $1 and they were sold at school by Chairmen Anne Dixon Booker and Elizabeth Booker Wilson. Pecans will be going on sale soon. In case you are not called, phone in your order now to Mimi Proctor Games , 272-9530, or Linda Bahen Parker, 288-5893. They will be delivered around Thanksgiving. An exciting children's Christmas party is being planned for early December. The children will enjoy seeing Mr. Claus again. We look forward to seeing you at the many activities of the Richmond Club this year. Be sure to mail in your dues early.
Tidewater Alumnae Club Thais Silverman Kaufmann, president 1655 While Lane Norfolk, Virginia 23518 The Spring Meeting was held at Coleman's Nursery, Portsmouth . We had a delicious cov-
ered dish luncheon served by our gourmet cooks and decorations were in Bicentennial theme. Twenty-one members attended. Five incoming freshmen were our guests. Jane Thorpe presented a delightful program with slides of the history of Westhampton . Lisa Tremper , Anne Seeler, and Susie Keever came from the college to talk with the incoming students. The club presented Jane Thorpe with two checks , $300 each, one for the Lake Beautification Project and one for the Catherine Bell Scholarship Fund. Nancy Loughridge Lowe reported we had 52 paid members and were in sound financial condition. Marian Gates Breeden reported pecan cookbooks , stationery and 1,440 pounds of nuts (pecans, almonds , and walnuts) were sold. 1975-76 was our most successful year to date. 1976-77 officers installed were: President, Thais Silverman Kaufmann; Vice-President , Joan Saunders Kennedy; Secretary, Linda Holt Lilly; Treasurer, Elizabeth Wilson Atkinson; Librarian, Nancy Bell Pries1ly.
R. C. Co-Eds Ruth Thomasson Clark who served as secretary for the Richmond College Co-eds died in 1974. The following tribute to her is sent for our class notes by (Lilly) Frances Trevvett Mat/hews. Ruth Thomasson Clark lived in Richmond where she received her elementary and high school education. She entered Richmond College in 1909 and graduated in I 91 I. Her native intelligence , knowing how to study, how to learn, and her industry put her in the forefront of the students, women and men at Richmond College. She was interested and active in the life of the Co-eds at Richmond College. She started the Student Government Organization and became president of the same. After graduation she married Kenley Jesse Clark, an alumnus of Richmond College. They lived in Mobile , Ala. where her husband became superintendent of schools. Following Mr. Clark's death, Ruth entered the field of education actively and taught in the schools of Mobile until her retirement. A person of charming self-confidence , highly flavored with gracious modesty , an able mind, a zeal for work and love for others, Ruth had an appreciable share in fostering the future growth and development of Westhampton College.
Jeannette Freeman Bettle 44 Marcotte Lane Tenafly, N. J. 07670
Jeffries Heinrich attended a reception for the reunion of the 1916 John Marshall High School class on June 24th at First Baptist Church. She is now living at Westminster Canterbury. She says "Anyone considering entering a retirement home couldn't find a nicer one. While it is operated by Episcopalians and Presbyterians it is by no means closed to applicants of other denominations." Kitty Vaughan Willis who had been vice president of that I 9 I 6 John Marshall High School class also attended the reunion. She had lunch with Jeffries at Westminster Canterbury and saw Miss Crenshaw who lives there also . Kitty 's oldest grandchild, John Philip, was graduated with honors in the history department at Princeton in June . Daughter Sallie , her husband and three children live in Princeton and are taking son Richard to a sailing camp where some school work is given. Son Clodius H. Willis Jr. is moving his family to Prince Edward Island to be language co-ordinator of one of its four school districts. Kitty plans a nice long stay at her Willoughby Lake cottage in northern Vermont. The families take turns at the lake . Kitty continues to study conversational French and this fall she may seek permission to attend Princeton lectures on
the Modernization of Russia . She joined fifteen UR people in the university's Russian tour in April and found it exceedingly interesting-four days in Moscow and three in Leningrad, well conducted. Anna Lee Willis Eppright's husband had a very successful operation on his hip. Kathryn McG/othlin Odell writes "Thinking back over the year one of my most enjoyable experiences was attending a seminar at Furman University on Ethics in Contemporary Society. It was a mind-stretching seminar." Philena Vaughan Allen 's sister, Thelma, informed me that Philena suffered a severe stroke on her left side in January. After a hospital stay, she was moved to a nursing home. As for me and my husband most of our usual activities have been curtailed by my dependence on four-hour hemodialysis treatments at a nearby hospital three times week. My daughter, her husband and four children live in New York City and drive out for a visit once a week. My son and his wife and their two sons live in Tenafly and drop in often. 1 have lived here since 1926 so we have many friends in the area, but we miss our traveling.
Irene Summers Stoneman 'Varina on the James,' Route 14 Richmond, Virginia 23231
Aren 't we glad that Leslie and Book could have the wonderful six weeks in Europe this summer and have visits with Constance, Don, the grandchildren and their many friends? Their oldest grandson enters Harvard in the fall and his hope is to study law later as did his father and grandfather. Eva Timberlake West enjoyed a trip to Germany, Holland and Switzerland in the spring. Later, both she and Charlie had to be in the hospital for several days but both are at home now and well on the road to recovery. Eva's daughter , Sarah, is coming back to Richmond from Ohio to work with the Henrico Red Cross. Rachel Newton Dickson attended part of the Southern Baptist Convention in Norfolk and saw a friend she had known in China. She continues to do much church work, and has been to the Women's Correctional Center in Goochland with Leslie and Jeanette. She and Edith Eakes, her sister, visited their brother on the Eastern Shore for a week and both will spend most of the summer at Ridgecrest , where the children and grandchildren will join them. Edith's son and his wife came from California for a visit, which was really enjoyed. Jeanette Henna still makes cookies and does many nice things for friends but says she has done nothing exciting. Virginia Moncure and Juliet Woodson are well but have no news. Virginia lost her only brother some time ago and to her we extend sympathy. He attended VMI , received his law degree from T.C. Williams School of Law, was a past president of the Richmond Bar Association and was a senior partner in the Moncure, Cabell law firm. Muriel Sanders still has walking problems and uses a wheelchair most of the time. Ruth Wallerstein Thalhimer and her husband will celebrate their 56th anniversary in October. Their son, daughter, and their families have done well and they have nice grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Morton Jr. has been honored as an outstanding Richmond citizen; currently he is president of Neighborhood Theaters, Inc. and has served on numerous boards of Richmond area civic and service organizations. Four generations of their family have served on the board of Sheltering Arms , two or three on the board of Richmond Memorial Hospital, also with the Williamsburg Restoration, the Museum, the Richmond Toll Road-really one of our most outstanding families in every way. Louise Story and her brother have almost finished restoring their large old house in Court-
land . Louise still does Red Cross work and takes part in local activities. Dorothy Winfrey Couble 's two daughters were with her for Mother 's Day. The younger daughter is a consulting dietician in two hospital s and also works in a clinic for pregnant women. Dorothy 's second grandson will enter the University of Delaware in the fall , the older one goes to college and also h as a job. Mary Bristow Thompson and her husband do not take long trips anymore since their home was broken into two years ago. They enjoyed a visit from his sister and her husband who lived in Ma ine , their first visit south of the Mason-Dixon Line . Rebekah Lawson McReynold s and a friend toured Florid a on a Trailway bu s trip. They left from Washington, went to Key West visiting Di sney World , Busch G a rdens , Cypress Gardens and Ernest Hemingway 's home , and had a bo at trip on the inland waterway. Hilda Lawson Je cklin had a Christma s swim at Deerfield Beach, Fla. and was looking forward to the usual Wisconsin visit with her son during the summer. She and her husband hope to go to Winnipeg , visit a nephew in Milwaukee and her brother in Detroit as they journey home . Hilda has been to many interesting Bicentennial exhibits, living in Arlington has man y advantages. Stella Hubbard Taylor 's son, Washington Taylor III, who is with the Harvard Planning School of Architecture , his talented wife and their two childr en had a wonderful trip to Euorpe. While in London , Mrs. Taylor gave a concert in Wigmore Hall. Her last concert of the season had been in C a rnegie Recital Hall and the New York Times write up was the very best , said Stella. She had spent a few days in Cambridge with them after their return from Europe . I have nothing to say about myself-only about my family and I' ll try to be brief. The fourth granddaughter , Irene Ellis , who was an honor graduate from high school will enter VPI this fall , represented Virginia in Kentuck y in June at their 4H State Congress and later at the state meeting in Blacksburg was elected 4H president for the coming year. Last yea r, she won a trip to Chicago and this year her sister will go as a state winner with the health projects. It is with much sadness I write of Elsa Wallerstein Gerst who died June 7 in Norfolk . She had become well-known as an artist and participated in man y a rt shows in Norfolk , Richmond ., and Winston-Salem . Fortunately , she did not have a long illness . She visited her daughter in Albany and spent a week in Richmond with relatives a nd friends but had not been really well for some time . A very lovely memorial service for her was held at Kaufman Hall of Temple Ohey , Norfolk. Elsa was a wonderful person and to her family we extend our deepest and most sincere sympathy . Late notes from Mary Fugate and Nar cissa Daniel Hargraves have just arrived. Mary is a member of the board of deacon s of First Baptist Church in Danville , is chairman there of the Family Ministry Committee and stays quite busy. In May she enjoyed a trip to Penns ylvania with friends and also visited relatives in Solebury. During the summer, she will go to Emerald Isle, N .C ., to visit her brother and his fam-ily. Narcissa and her husband have enjoyed having visits from North C arolina relatives and catching up on friends and relatives at home . They visited relatives in Weldon and attended the Southern Baptist Convention in Norfolk , where Carney has man y relatives whom they saw and enjoyed. She says Philadelphia is exciting now!
Margaret Fugate Carlton 1503 Wilmington Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227
Last January , Graham , our daughter , Claire ' 52, and I went to St. Louis for a visit with our daughter , Jeanne '48 , and her family . Jeanne and
Joe ' s daughter Sherry was ma rried Janu a ry 3 I to Robert Alden McKelvey , both Decemb er grad uate s of the U niver sity of Mis so uri. W hile there, we also had the plea sure o f seeing our second gre a t-grandd a ught er chri stened. It was a won derful experience-one I wo uld like to wish for all grandmothers! Since then , our so n-in-l aw Joe has been tran sferr ed to Atla nt a and th ey will be mo ving in the late summer. Of co ur se th is make s all of us ver y ha pp y, as th ey will be so much closer to Richmond. I know you will be as sa ddened as I was to hea r of Elinor Johnson 's sudden death at her home o n June 1. I wrote to her sister , A nn e, expr ess ing sympath y from our clas s. I had a long conversation with M ary Pepl e in May and as usual she was in wond erful spi ritssay s she is having the best time she has had in her life. She has a hou se and ya rd full o f flowe rs, even the white m arigolds , which a re new thi s year. M a ry told me of Hilda Booth Beale's mo ve to California. She and Lou ise Wilk erson Morton went to see her before she left Ri chm ond . She will be near her daughte r, Ma ry Eliza beth , a nd her famil y, who live in San Ma teo. Hild a's so n lives in Baltimore and he has jus t received hi s PhD. Anna Hardawa y White and Jes se had th eir 40th wedding anniver sary in June and thei r two gir ls came home for the celebrati o n. Inez DeJarnette Hite a nd O sca r a re go ing on another trip! This time to Hon g K ong with th e Mac Pitts. We wish them a won de rful vaca tio n and a safe return . They will leav e in late A ugust. Joanna Savedge Ellett and Vern o n h ad a n Eas ter visit from their daughter a nd he r fam ily. T heir grandson , Ken , is 7 and little Sa rah is 3. Norma Coleman Broaddus saw Lou ise Wilkerson Morton a nd her da ught er rece ntl y a nd she spoke of what a lo vely girl Jea nne M orto n is. She is junior editor for a publi sh ing comp a ny in New York a nd she and he r moth er get tog eth er for vacation trip s and holida ys frequ entl y . Yo u may remember that Jeanne was th e winn er of th e ba by cup in our class. Loui se was in Ho uston, Tex ., in Ma y for a two-week visit with he r so n a nd hi s family. Part of the time , she staye d with her grandchild ren , while thei r p arent s wen t to Sa n Franc isco on a bu sine ss trip . Agnes Jones had a fall in th e ea rly spr ing, which resulted in a broken a rm . With Lo uise as a close neighbor , her sister's help a nd th at o f friends , she man aged quite well an d is fine now. She had a bic entennial trip to P hiladelp hia in Ma y with a friend . Did you rem emb er th at Ag nes worked in Miss Keller 's office fro m I 925 to 1937? Re centl y she was inter viewe d and a ta pe was made about life at We stham pto n dur ing those years-comp a ring the ch a nges th a t h ave co me in the past 50 ye ars . Other s assoc iat ed with West hampton 's early day s wer e also inte rviewe d an d th ese tapes will be used in writin g a hist o ry of the co llege sometime in th e future . Ruth Lazenby M cCulloch ha d pl a nn ed to come for a visit with us during Alumn ae W eek in May . She had made reservation s for the Boa twr ight dinner and for the lunche on on Saturd ay and we were so sorry she was sick and co uld not be w ith us. I am glad to report th at she is m uch bet ter now . All of you whose n a mes do not a pp ea r h ere, please write me some news by Decemb er, when I will have to send in my next lett er. I kn ow lots of you are doing things in whi ch we wo uld be int erested. It is alway s good to hea r from o ld frien ds.
May Rudd H arris Box 804 Tappahannock , Virginia 22560
After our delightful 50th reuni o n du ring which so many fascinating activiti es were recount ed , it is hard to know where to begin. A nd , had I known it would fall on my shoulders to be wr iting about them , I surel y would have ta ken so me notes . For those of you who wer e not there, th e
stor ies wo uld have made good reading ; they certa inly ma de goo d listening. F irst o f a ll, we were taken into the Boatwright Soc iety on F riday night. T he fo llowing morning a ll 23 of us who had come from fa r and near ga the red in th e Tea Room for a succu lent breakfast. O ur spec ia l guest, Dean Gehr ing , filled us in o n pro gress at West h ampton during her ten years . O ur meet ing was the last official gathering to be held in the Tea Room. Changes, changes , chan ges ! But th ey say that if you don 't change yo u do n't grow , so-! Mee ting someone after 50 years (some of us hadn 't see n eac h other for that long) is someth ing of a jo lt at first. Recogni tion comes slowly. First th e na me, th en, as conversation progresses with remini sce nces of schoo l events, the years fall away, and th e face we knew so well is suddenly there, th e same. So by the time we had made the ro unds, we were all schoolgirls once more. T he ca mp us tour, visit to the President's home a nd banq uet a t the Hol iday Inn on Saturday n ight concl uded the weekend's activities-unmitiga ted fun and la ughter for us all. Send in yo ur news to me an d help keep " that ole even spirit " a live!
Louise Massey Crisp 2 IO College Circle Staunton, Virginia 24401
T hose of our class who have received the latest class ro und robin started by Margaret Willis in A pril a pprec iate Margaret's faithfulness in repo rti ng to the UR Magazine since our 45th reunion. I'm pinc hhitting for Margaret for this issue, using ite ms from the letters wh ich Margaret return ed to me. T hey will continue on so that those fart her dow n t he list can add their news items , hopefully in time for the spring issue. Those not o n th e list sho uld write Margaret, P. 0. Box 576 , C ulp eper , Va. 22701 , if they wish their names added . H elen Covey Mi/us still " lives the life of deadlines for advertising and articles " as her husban d's business associate. Their daughter graduat ed from Swarthmore and is interning in hort icultu re whi le exploring graduate degree progra m s. He len wrote that she got to see the Queen in C har lottesv ille. She and Tom had three weeks in F lor ida , following the death of her mother in R ichm ond. After years of writing for maga zines and newspapers , Helen was involved in " researchin g a nd writing a highway marker to be publi shed in so lid metal " and placed on a state highway. He len ca lled Frances Anderson Stallard and learned the following: Frances ' sister , Mildred Ande rson Williams, has retired as food editor of th e Richmond News Leader after 30 years , but will continue writing feature articles. He len Hutchinson Marks , who has retired from a long service as a teacher and counselor in co unt y schools near Richmond , attended UR cla ss reun ions in '76 . Frances Anderson Stallard was aw arded an hono rary Doctor of Humanities degree at UR 1975 commencement and is now serving on the Execu tive Committee of the UR Boa rd of T ru stees, the first woman to have this honor and respons ibility. We were saddened to hear that Emerald Bristow Stradley 's death was reported in recent necro logy no tes. Anot her pu bl isher in our class , Agnes Peters No lan, is a member of the National Pen Women. Ag nes he lped p ublish a book on Delaware and Ma ryland landmarks 13 years ago and last spring edite d a Bicent ennial edition of the same book , which was p ublished by the Delaware Society , Da ught ers of the American Colonists. Lois Frayser, MD, has been a practicing inte rn ist in Seattle, Was h ., from 1948 until recent ret irement. She misses her patient contacts , alth o ugh she cont inues to make medical rounds at th e Un _iversity , does some clinical teaching of gra du ate nurses, and serves on the Medical Advi-
sory Committee of the Visiting Nurses Associaartist, and her daughter teaches in New York. tion. Lois had a trip with North Carolina friends On May 28, Henry Lundin van Heuveln reto Florida, by way of Richmond , but had to rush ceived certificates for two years of study at John back to Seattle for an arboretum plant sale in Tyler Community College. Frances enclosed a which over 500 women and men were"involved. wedding announcement of Hazel Hemming Ruth Bishop Dailey lives in Greensboro, NC., Seay's son , James T. Coleman, to Deborah Dane having retired from teaching in I970. Her last Petitjean at St. Giles in Richmond. Hazel is still four years of teaching were in the Rabun Gap working, part-time, for Virginia Department of Nacooochee School in Rabun Gap, Ga. Ruth Health, as a psychologist. Husband Taylor is was there at the time Eliot Wigginton arrived to very busy with volunteer work in Kilmarnock. teach English and conducted an experiment She wonders what they did without him before with the magazine, Foxfire, from which evolved they moved there. They love their retirement the book Foxfire I, II and III . In addition to her home , love the people, land and water. church work, Ruth helps with medical records at Katherine Sergeant Newby with Ed took a trip Cone Hospital and teaches a group of 50-year old around the world last fall. Ed retired from Public "young" women once a month. Ruth enjoys her Health Service in March and is now in private own apartment and frequent visits with her three practice of ophthalmology in Chesapeake, Ya. children and six grandchildren, in Virginia, Flor(three days a week). "Semi-retirement is wonderida and North Carolina. ful. " Belly Sherman Cale and Ed have lived in WinVirginia Sanford Brian and John came here for ter Park, Fla., since Ed's retirement from U.S. her mother's birthday (this is the 88th), and for Foreign Service. Betty finds gardening successthe wedding of her niece, daughter of Isabel Sanfully "on this sand dune called Florida" a chal- ford Rankin, WC'52. They drove 400 miles on lenge, swims almost daily, and works each week five interstates from Austin, Tex. John's hobby is with "Meals on Wheels." They visit one daughter lapidary work and he has made handsome jewin Ca liforni a every two years and travel to Washelry for her. Their son, Dr. John B. Brian Jr., is a ington, Princeton and Boston regularly for visits dentist, L.C.D.R., in the Navy. For the next two with their son, other daughter and friends. years he will be doing graduate work at the UniCecelia Hunt Wight, whom I visited last fall in versity of Texas dental branch in Houston. He Cairo, Ga., is very active in her church, and has a son and daughter. Other son, James San attends retired teachers' and Delta Kappa ford Brian, lives in Houston , is C.P.A., and fiGamma meetings, in spite of her handicap since nancial vice president of Transpo Co. Virginia breaking her hip and a long illnes s in 1971. Ce- and John kept the 2- and 4-year-old little ones celia's oldest son is an internist-cardiologist in while James and his wife went to Spain. Tifton, Ga., and has two children; her daughter Our card came to Puff McDanel Shelburne the lives in North Chicago, three children; and day after a family picnic. To quote: "Our eldest youngest son lives in Stone Mountain, Ga., with son brought his wife, 5-year-old son, and wife and two children. 8-month-old daughter from Durham where he Rose Marie Lake called me recently from New teaches at Duke Medical School. Our second son York. She has lived in New York City since I946, brought his wife and 17-month - old son from doing individual tutoring. Whiteville, N.C., where he works for Waccamaw Flora M. Hutzler, who lives with her sister in Bank and Trust Co. Our youngest son brought Richmond, is happy in her retirement from the his wife from Durham, where he has just comU. S. Post Office. She enjoys the Virginia Mupleted his second year of medicine at Duke. Dan seum, symphonies, watching golf on TV and and I have lived in Raleigh for 23 years now. It is raises exceptional African violets. home. There is no way to describe our grandLucy Williams Seaton is proud of the ac hievechildren. They are a joy. Our daughters-in-law ments of great nieces and nephews. One, her have added so much to our lives, bringing their namesake, has almost completed her PhD at special interests to our family. I can name on one Cornell; another niece is assistant dean of women hand the Westhampton graduates who have visat the University of Kansas. A nephew now atited me in Raleigh. Do wish more would come tending UR makes the fourth generation of and call (Mrs. C. Daniel Shelburne)." Lucy 's family to attend our Alma Mater. Your substitute for Barbara Walters won a triOne night last fall I had dinner with Sarah color in Tuckahoe Art Exhibition. Same protrait Cudd Gaskins and Lee in Spartanburg, S.C. They received popular vote. had just returned from a long trip in which Sarah had shared the driving of their enormous camper with Lee. In May, one Sunday afternoon afte r attending the 100th anniversary program of the Virginia Kirk Lennox church my family once attended in Suffolk, Ya., I 23 Pine Street had a grand catch-up session with Ethel Pond Oxford, Pennsylvania 19363 Brinkley and her husband, Dutch. I do wish some of you would stop by for a visit with me in Staunton, since I rattle around in a house alone. The 40th reunion last May was an absolutely My son is still working in Vienna, Austria. fantastic affair. To all of you who attended I can certainly say, "my contemporaries grow younger. " Special thanks go to Marjorie Pugh Tabb, Helen Denoon Hopson , and Margaret BowAmmye Herrin Hill ers Gill for their untiring efforts on our behalf. 6421 Handy Lane Frances Williams Parkinson worked with this Richmond, Virginia 23226 group also, and our humble thanks and deep sympathy are extended to Frances, who was un able to attend the reunion-her dedicated docVirginia McIntosh Puckett's name and resume tor husband died in April. Marjorie reported is included in the Outstanding Teachers Exwith pride that after all bills for the reunion were cep1ional Education, the first international bio- paid there was an excess of $50.3 I, which was graphical index of teachers of eminence in ex- sent to the Westhampton College Alumnae Assoceptional education. Her new granddaughter, ciation "by the class of 36" to be placed in the Julie Ann, was born February 18 to Mabel Ann Catherine Bell Fund to help students who need and Jack Wootton in Costa Mesa, Calif. financial aid in college. Cooperative Frances Lundin van Heuveln Regarding the reunion, of special note, I think , sco uted these bits from Helen Hulcher: Virginia was the memorable evening at the home of MonWatkins Ellenburg and Lloyd, with Virginia's nie Bowers Gill and Wilfred on Saturday and the mother, Mrs. Watkins, visited relatives in Chardelightful breakfast party in our honor hosted by lotte , N .C., during April, and continued on down Florence Marston Harvey on Sunday. The grand to Charleston, S.C. One of Virginia's many interfinale and source of great pride to all of us was ests is active membership in the DAR. Polly the Baccalaureate service Sunday, May 9, at Cochran Knobloch is a welfare director in Finwhich Helen Falls gave the sermon, followed by castle, Ya. History is her hobby. Her son is an Helen's receiving the degree of Honorary Doctor
of Divinity at the Commencement exercises in the afternoon. What a thrill for Helen and for all of us! Another accolade goes to Lou White Winfree, who undertook the monumental task of assembling the 1936-1976 scrapbook. It makes wonder ful reading and brings us up-to-date on the news of those of you who could not attend and were sorely missed . Sue Bonnet Chermside has made copies of all the letters sent to Lou, and has graciously offered to send those you might like to have to anyone sending her a request. Did you know that Lucy Blackwell Alexander and husband Paul celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary at a dinner hosted by Helen Denoon Hopson and Billy shortly after the reunion? Lucy and Paul 's daughter, Sue, has been awarded a fellowship for continuing study in art history . Jackie Warner is working hard on the program for child abuse, lending her considerable social service experience to tackling this national problem. Alice Pugh Bartz had lunch with Sarah Covey Hurst in Philadelphia, where Sarah attended some work-connected meetings . Mary Ellen Stephenson is chairman of the department of modern foreign languages at Mary Washington College. Judith Hodges Schulte has a daughter living in Brazil. Boo Owens Page is almost as much a world traveler as Helen Falls. And her daughter, our baby cup recipient, is a beauty queen and an actress, as well as the mother of three children. Mary Holt Car/Ion is active in N.O.W. Sue Bonnet Chermside is a professional genealogist. She spent part of the summer in Iowa gathering more inside information for what many of us hope will be a book. Quoting Lou Winfree, "We are all busy . Aren 't we thankful we can be?" This busybody will be happy to pass along the news. Keep it coming.
Lucy W. Baird 1600 Monument Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23220 Mildred Gustafson Donohue 30 Glenbrooke Circle, West Richmond, Virginia 23229
Sympathy to Myra Ann Gregory Crump in the death of her husband, Willard. Congratulations to Jane Davenport Reid for her contribution to the Virginia Museum, conducting lecture tours. Congratulations to Dot Duke Madden and to Maude Smith Jurgens for having sons graduate from William & Mary and VPI, respectively. We have learned that Madge Aycock is in social service work in Kinston, N.C. Our recent foreign travelers have been Katharine Wicker Long to Germany, Charlotte Ann Dickinson Moore to England and Ethel O'Brien Harrington to Europe.
Molly Warner Stephenson 1645 Palmetto Street Clearwater, Florida 33515
We are sad to report that May Gunter Endonds died early in the new year. Our sympathy to Evermond Hardee Daniel and Gene Shepard Keever, both of whom lost their mothers this past winter. Ellen Mercer Clark Maxwell and Keith spent his fall sabbatical in Caracas, Venezuela. Gene Shepard Keever's oldest son is at T.C. Williams Law School. The other two are still at UR and her Susie has been president of her sophomore class. Gloria Typer Robertson's daughter, Tobin, finished at Wake Forest this year and is headed for law school.
Dot Monroe Hill's son, Bob, has taken a job with the State department of Mental Health in Richmond. Dot and Stonie have been taking an art class. She writes that she hopes Lois Kirkwood North will be in Norfolk for a visit during the summer and to sit on Betsy's bench. Our summer vacation this year is tied up in a new boat. All the children are enthusiastic about water skiing and fishing.
Margaret Elliott Ownby 8015 Thom Road Richmond, Virginia 23229
In my January letter I failed to mention the marriage of Jack and Betty Hickerson Butterworth's son, John, to Susan Hellams last August. Susan attended Westhampton this past year and plans to enter medical school in the fall. John is a sophomore at MCV, and daughter Anne, is at Duke. Betty told me about her youngest daughter, Elizabeth, who broke her arm, leg and thumb but fully recuperated in time to be a bridesmaid in John's wedding. I also learned from Betty that Emily Smith Power's daughter, Pam, will be a junior at Chowan this fall. Judy Barnett Seelhorst's oldest son, Rick, is in Richmond this year. He spent a year working with his father after graduating from college then decided to go back to school, and has been a part-time student at UR. Her second son is a junior at Kentucky Wesleyan College, and her youngest a freshman at the University of Kentucky. Lois McC/anahan Garrett's daughter, Carol Beth, had planned to go to graduate school when along came a job offer to teach Latin at Albemarle County High. She accepted the job and is now living in Charlottesville. I read recently in the paper that Faye Hines Kilpatrick's husband, Bob, had been appointed to the Board of Trustees of the University. A very attractive friend of Margaret's was a recent guest in our home. Her name was Carey LeSieur, and I learned that she was the daughter of Marie Walthall LeSieur, '47. Another classmate is Laure Brophy, daughter of Blair Porter Brophy. Margaret is eagerly awaiting the opening of school in August when she will be a junior counselor and serve on the advisory board. Russell and I both had boys graduate from high school this June. Her son, David, will be going to Ohio State, while my Ralph III plans to attend Washington and Lee . My next deadline is January I. Please let me hear from you.
Virginia Sims 1211 W. 45th Street Richmond, Virginia 23225
Joyce Betts Pierce's daughter, Linn Krechman, had a son on January 3, 1976. Joyce is happy teaching. Her husband, Jack, is busy keeping water pollution under control for much of the state. Her oldest son , John Stanton Pierce, graduated from Hampden-Sydney in June 1976. He is a close friend of Libby Givens Pierce's son, John, who was graduated from Wakefield College . Joyce's second son, Warren, graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School. He was elected by the coaches to be a goalie on the first team of the All Virginia Soccer League. He entered University of Richmond Summer School. Joanne Waring Karppi and husband enjoy playing tennis with Bar Coleman Augustine and husband. Joanne does substitute teaching in Spanish. Her husband is a Scoutmaster in his spare time. Her oldest son, Bill, entered Annandale High. He is a counselor at Goshen this summer. Steve is in junior high and Ed is in the fifth grade.
Tish Earll Pfanz's oldest son is at the University of Richmond. Emma Tilman Kay's daughter, Leslie, is a sophomore at Westhampton majoring in music education. Ruth Morrissey Bain's daughter, Martha, is also a sophomore at Westhampton. Marjorie Parson Owen's second son is a sophomore at the University of Richmond. Last year he made varsity baseball. Sympathy is due Janice Brandenberg O'Halloran whose mother died in January. Win Schanen Mitchell's oldest daughter, Karen, was graduated from the University of Georgia in June. Paul is a freshman at University of South Carolina. Laura is 15. Win missed the reunion because she attended the wedding of her niece, Jean's daughter. Win works in a bank. Ellen Largent Per/man's husband, Al, was selected by USIA to attend a year of school at the Royal College of Defense Studies in London. Ludie Hickerson Wiley and Doug gave an open house to celebrate their 25th anniversary. Their daughter, Martha, and Karl Thies plan to marry on March 13. Kay Mallory Loudermilk is teaching math at Greenbrier Junior High School. She was selected as an outstanding Secondary Educator of America last spring. Her husband, Don, has numerous responsibilities as Area Minister and Minister of Christian Education. He serves a three-year term on the Board of Directors of Marshall University Alumni Association. He enjoys piloting a single engine plane. Son Tim is a psychology major at Marshall University. The younger son, Jeff, is a political science major at Marshall University. Jeff enjoys singing with the choir. Bea Covington O'F/aherty's husband, Bill, is recuperating from major surgery. He hopes to return to work in June. Her daughter, Deedi, was graduated from the University of South Carolina and married Patrick K warta this June . Bea was thrilled that Agnes Feild Burke and husband, David, were in Richmond from Alexandria to attend Deedi's wedding. Louise Covington Randall has moved to Wyoming. She wonders if there are any alumnae in that state. Her oldest daughter, Jane, enters her second year at Southwestern College. Jennifer was graduated from high school. She is inter ested in nursing. Jon is in the 10th grade. Jean Tinsley Martin's daughter, Cathy, was graduated from Douglas Freeman. Gene Hart Joyner's oldest daughter, Debbie, was graduated from MCV School of Nursing. Now she is working at Chippenham Hospital. Gene's youngest daughter, Celeste, finished her freshman year at William & Mary. Makey Rounds Holloway 's husband, Dick, and youngest son, John, went to Bermuda the first part of June . They enjoyed golf and Dick attended a National Selected Morticians meeting there. John has finished his freshman year at Elon College where he was selected president o; the sophomore class. Ric, the oldest son, was graduated from Salisbury State College this May. Barb Beattie Fanney's oldest son, Rich, graduated from high school this year. Daughter Julie is a sophomore in high school. Youngest son Keith, a high school freshman, is interested in football. Since moving to Connecticut, Barb has been busy rebuilding and redecorating their new home. Terry Noble Vawter's oldest son, Robert, was graduated from VCU this year. Her I 8-year-old son attends a military academy. Terry was delighted to go to Bermuda for five days in May. Terry raises dogs to sell, and is a kindergarten teacher at the Richmond Cerebral Palsy Center. Doris Lee Reeves Childress has entered the real estate business of Harold J. Lawler Co. Doris Balderson Burbank is working on her master's degree in learning disabilities at the University of Richmond. Kitty Rosenberger Garber's son, John III, married a Westhampton graduate of 1976 on June 19, 1976. John graduated last year. Ginny Brinson is recuperating from major surgery. She will resume her duties as school superintendent in the fall. As class president, Doris Lee, received an inquiry last January from the chairman of Alumnae Awards Committee asking ifwe wished
to nominate a class member for the distinguished alumnae award. Since our sponsor, Miss Rudd, was being nominated for her contributions as an educator and writer, we decided to support her nomination. We have many members who made outstanding contributions in their own right both professionally and in community service. If you know of any of our class members whom you feel should be considered for recognition, send name and supporting data to me now.
Mary Ann Coates Edel 618 Overhill Road Birmingham,Michigan 48010
Nina Landolina Byrd asks permission to share her daughter's accomplishments with us this issue and I am happy to do that. Carol graduated from Westhampton College summa cum laude with a BS degree. She was a member of Mortar Board, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities and Phi Beta Kappa. While at Westhampton, she served on honor council four years, as a pierdes , junior counselor and was elected to the spring court. She was the only student to represent the college at the ground breaking for the new science building . Carol enters MCV in August. Understandably the Byrd family is proud and we send our congratulations! Their son, Ray, will enter Hampden-Sydney this fall. He was co-captain of his high school football team and is in the Beta Club. Their daughter, Mary Catherine, received the seventh grade science award and a basketball award. Laura will go to kindergarten in the fall. Ray and Nina stay busy and both play tennis . They visited Jane Oz/in Given and Fred in April. Jeanette Given will be a sophomore at Westhampton this fall. Anne Holmes deCastro, Alex and the three children went to Austria to ski at Christmas. They were in Mexico for a short time two years ago. News from Harriet Stubbs Johnson came from Addie. Marshall is studying architecture at the University of Minnesota and Scott interested in law at Carleton. Both boys have busy summers doing lifeguard work and as swimming instructors. The girls enjoy specialty camps-Linda by horse and Carol by canoe. Again , Marshall lead a group of his peers through the Bridger Wilderness in Wyoming and Scott managed a small group exploring Montana's Beartooth Wilderness. Harriet and Dave did an overnight tour of southwestern Minnesota , focusing on the Indian origin-Pipestone Monument; a camping trip along the Wisconsin shore of Lake Superior and a three-day motor-canoe trip in the BWCA . Tennis, the Minnesota Orchestra in its new hall , and the Institute of Art provided additional diversion for Harriet last year. The Johnsons took the girls to Florida over Christmas. Our daughter, Cary, will be entering Mary Baldwin this fall.
Nancy BaumgardnerWerner 1601 LauderdaleRoad Richmond, Virginia 23233
Billie Bryan Mackey and Jim have bought a house in Silver Spring, Md . In June , Billie attended some Endocrine Society meetings in San Francisco. She and her mother went sightseeing in California after the meetings. Ruth Zehner Seibold and I are active as org a nizers of the Women 's Bank. The Bank will offer special services for women and will serve both men and women. Ruth is also vice president of the Home Builders Wives ' Auxiliary. Husband Harry is a general contractor. They recently moved into a new house. Their daughter, Caroline, is in the fourth grade. Beverly French Dunn lives in Richmond and works for Proctor Realty. Barbara Moor e Flannagan's husband "Flats" had open heart sur-
gery in April. He is recovering nicely from the operation. Nancy Graham Harrell and Walter were traveling again in the spring. They visited Paradise Island in Nassau. Scenery was "beautiful." Their daughter, Patty, has been selected as a flutist in the Richmond Youth Symphony. I will continue to teach at VCU School of Social Work and am now a member of the Board of the Y.W.C.A.
Anne Stuart Hartz Garnett 3848 Brook Road Richmond, Virginia 23227
Those of us who attended our twentieth reunion in May had such a fabulous time that we are already making plans for the twenty-fifth in 1981 and hope you will do the same. Alumnae College, the general alumnae meeting and reception for Dean Gehring, and the alumnae luncheon were for all alumnae. Special events for our class were beautifully planned by Joyce Still Gibson, Helen Melton Lukhard, and Ann Peery Frederick . On Friday evening, Sylvia Grigorowitsch Dickerson was hostess, in her home near the campus, for a covered-dish dinner prepared by the Richmond Girls. The Fredericks, Ann Perry and Phil, entertained '56ers and husbands for a picnic at their home in Windsor Farms on Saturday night. After dinner on Friday evening, a business meeting was held. The following officers were elected for the next five years: Co-chairmen, Helen Melton Lukhard and Ann Peery Frederick; Co-sectetaries, Ann Carol Yeaman Malcolm and Anne Stuart Hartz Garnett. Fund-raising chairmen, Anne Jennings Vaughan, Doris Huffman Moore and Charlotte Hart Simpson. Also at the informal meeting around the tables after dinner Dr. Frances Gregory, who honored us by accepting our invitation, expounded briefly and impromptu, at our request on "Westhampton Then and Now." Each girl present brought us up to date on her family and activities. I didn't write it down , girls, so please give it to me in writing for a future issue. Mrs. Eunice Foy, our class sponsor, now lives in Lynchburg. She wrote that she was unable to be with us but asked to be remembered to each girl. Others who sent regrets were Julia Hubbard Nixon, Mary Lou Watson Lamb, and Edith Borjes Greer. Julia wrote of a busy year in which she commuted to Charlottesville as a full-time doctoral student in educational media and reading. Husband Sam, director of media services for Henry County Schools, and Julia were planning to be in Charlottesville for nine weeks of summer school, during which she expected to complete her course work and take the comprehensive. Three active teenagers and budding musicians, Sam Jr., 17, Arden, 14, and Juliana, 13, round out the Nixon clan. On a more somber note, we report the accidental death of Carol Brooks Jennings ' husband, Curly, while on duty in Korea. We express our sincere sympathy to Carol and sons, Lee, 18, and Brooks, 10. Mary Moore Mullin Mowery and husband Al came from Potomac, Md., bringing lovely pictures of children, Mark , 18, Leighton, 16, and Cindy, 13, and their sailboat, which the whole family enjoys sailing on the Chesapeake Bay. Janet Knobel Jones from Roanoke Rapids , N.C., reported that she is teaching first grade and raising plants and tall sons. Stephen, 19, is 6 feet 4 a nd a student at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College in Richmond. Gary, 16, is 6 feet 6 a nd active on his high school basketball and tennis teams. In the spring he went to France and England with the French Honor Society. Husband Morris, with VEPCO, is just 6 feet 2. Pm Eanes Jackson, Roy and sons Steve, 14, and Dave , 11, enjoyed a visit from Bev Drake Shull, Owen and children, Bob, 16, and Linda, 13, for reunion weekend. Pat, Bev, and children were joined by Helen Melton Lukhard and
daughters, Martha, 16, and Laurie, 12, for lunch and a sightseeing trip on Saturday. Reportedly, the children delighted in making fun of their mothers. Bev's and Helen's oldest daughters, Sue Shull, 19, and Lindsay Lukhard, 18, have been classmates at Virginia Tech. Lindsay has now transferred to Westhampton. Ed and I had a short but relaxing trip to Nags Head, N.C., in June while children, Anne, 16, and Stuart, 14, were attending Youth Week Conference at Eagle Eyrie Baptist Assembly near Lynchburg, Va. Anne is a cheerleader and pitches for the girls' softball team at Chickahominy Academy, where she was named outstanding girl athlete of the sophomore class for 1975-76. Just over 6 feet tall and still growing, Stuart is the tallest and richest member in our family. He is in the grass cutting and car washing business. I have completed 14 years as a fifth grade teacher at Lakeside School in Henrico County. A call from Ann Peery Frederick just beat the deadline. She wants everyone to know that the plaque is in place on the painting which our class had put in Keller Hall in memory of Martha Boatwright Rice. Also to complete the memorial, the movie "Art of the 60's," a documentary film to be used for teaching at the university, has been ordered. Ann said that she would be teaching art history at the university for the l 976- 77 session. She also reminded me to mention Eliza Hubble Severt and Jim's wonderful trip to Italy last spring. Eliza has been appointed by the Martinsville City Council to serve on the West Piedmont Planning District Commission. Eliza is the first woman commissioner. Ann Carol Yeaman Malcolm will be writing the news for the spring issue. Please send yours to her at R.D. #l, Sunbury, Pennsylvania 17801, by the first week in December.
Nancy Goodwyn Hill 11733 Dewberry Lane Chester, Virginia 23831
Bobbie Wilson Crumpton and Gene are living on board a houseboat in Jordan Point Yacht Haven in Hopewell. Since she is no longer working and both children have left home, Bobbi enjoys a life of leisure. Gene is rear commodore of the Yacht Club. Ka1hryn Smith Ford has become a part-time teacher for St. Catherine's School. This past year she taught two classes in Latin at St. Christopher's. Mary Alice Revere Eastwood is president of the Peninsula Alumnae Club for the next two years. She was in Richmond for Alumnae Weekend and attended the Tea Rooms's sale with Mariett Ayers Eggleston and Carolyn Moss Hartz. Carolyn Moss Hartz, a member of the junior board and volunteer at the Museum of the Confederacy on Clay Street, was asked recently to give a tour of the museum to a group of 8th to 12th grade students composed of one boy and one girl representative of each of the thirteen original colonies. Imagine Carolyn's surprise in learning that this group was formed as a project of Nancy Day Anderson '57 and that four children of Westhampton or University of Richmond alumni were in the group, among them Eddie Knipling Lake's son, Doug. Carolyn, also on the junior board of the Historic Richmond Foundation, is serving as chairman of the Children 's Tour Committee. Jean Hudgins Frederick, Arnold and children spent a week in Hawaii in January on a University of Richmond alumni tour. Pat (Reh) Steckman Shiflell, who is in school administration in Chesterfield County, has the distinction of being the first female president of the Virginia Association of School Executives, has been taken into Phi Delta Kappa, an honorary education fraternity, and is listed in four "Who's Who" registries. On Saturday mornings this spring she taught a four-week class for gifted fourth through sixth graders.
Becky Branch Faulconer is serving as president of The Friends of the Lexington (Kentucky) Public Library. In May, she and Harold attended a medical meeting in New Orleans where they had a great time enjoying the shops, seafood and jazz. Emily Damerel King and Bob attended a state meeting of Ophthalmologists and Otolaryngologists in Williamsburg this spring. They saw Suzanne Kidd Bunting and Dick, and noted that Suzanne had worked on some of the arrangements for the conference. Kay Crawford Trimble now has her own sculpture studio and foundry and is making bronze busts of Washington and Jefferson in a limited edition for the American Bicentennial celebration. These busts are made in her studio by a very intricate process described in a brochure about her, as sculptor, and the process. They are on display and for sale at the state Bicentennial centers in Charlottesville and Yorktown. Also Kay's l 5-year-old son, Todd, who is an advanced math student, is taking calculus this summer at UR.
Emelyn St. Clair Key 2632 Devonwood Road Richmond, Virginia 23235
Dodie Tyrrell has been elected a director and officer in the Opera Associates of the Los Angeles Music Center. She is helping to organize a resident opera company in Los Angeles. Dodie's exciting career in brain research depends on grants and contracts so at the time of her last letter she was eagerly awaiting news of what projects were to be funded. Jeanie Chou Lee's husband, Tun, received his master's degree in June and is now working for the Jet Propulsion Lab at Cal. Tech in Pasadena. Jeanne has been taking classes in oil painting and has sold some of her work. We extend our sympathy to Betsy Gathings Snook, who lost her father last year, and to Meurial Webb, who lost her uncle. Jane Morris Dobyns, Meurial Webb, Jeanelle Mc Williams Welsh and I represented the class of l 960 at the Richmond Club luncheon held in April at the Commonwealth Club. The program was a most enjoyable and educational travelogue presented by Jack and Jeanette Welsh. The slides included scenes of their cold water flat in England plus side trips to Scotland and Jack's overland excursion to Greece where he studied drama and met with Greek actors and directors. The Key family enjoyed a most needed and refreshing vacation in Disney World in March. We saw Becky Grissom VanAusdall and family.
Judith Acree Hansen I 8 I Longstreet Avenue Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
Nancy Richardson is working at Boston University as campus minister and is also teaching at Andover-Newton Theological Seminary. Last summer, she went to Africa, visiting and traveling with one of her housemates. Shirley Kell DeRoco and family have returned to Virginia and are now living in the Norfolk area while Al is staff communications officer stationed in the Philippines until September l 976. Chris, 4, and Teri Lynn, 3, have "helped" Shirley set up the new house. Many of our classmates write with variations of the same refrain: "We're busy with the children's activities!" For instance, J. C. Sheppard Confroy and her three oldest Billy, 12, Sally, 10, and Wirt, 7; Pam Koch Fay and daughter Beth's, 8, activities in addition to her own graduate work in guidance at University of Richmond; and Patsy Chewning Young's child-related activities for Alice, 9, and Billy, 6, in addition to her own work with music. Bell Burruss Brooks writes that oldest son, Ed-
die, entering junior high, is active in scouts and does a lot of hiking-as does the whole family. They recently took a trip to Florida to Disneyworld. In my household, probably the biggest news of the year was our sigh of relief in January when Dick completed his dissertation and was granted a PhD in English from Duke. And topping us all, perhaps, for pure activity is Anne Nunnally Nielsen in England. Since this is their last year in that post, they have traveled extensively: skiing in Austria; springtime in Scotland; "Oktoberfest" in Munich; a November week in Greece; Winter Olympics in Germany; and Italy in the spring-an exciting itinerary . All this plus tennis, sailing, soccer and yoga, in which various members of the family are variously involved.
Beverly Davis Walters 4303 Waumsetta Road Richmond, Virginia 23235
Linda Averill Ventura and family recent ly moved from Texas to the small town of Medford, N.J. Their home is on a lake and their three children enjoy fishing, canoeing, and swimming. Linda has "retired" from teaching. Carole Bradley is spending most of the summer in England and Wales. She is a vocal music teacher in the Henrico County Public School system. Carole also served as a counselor at the Massanetta Music Camp in June. Lisa Coleman Rose and her husband recently returned from a trip to Acapulco and Mexico City. Lisa is teaching sewing lessons both privately and at the Senior Center. Mary Bruce Ford Wood has taken several interesting classes for enrichment during the past year, among them a course in woodworking . Bill and I have been very involved in the organization of a new church in Richmond called Christ Communily Church, where we are serving as Sunday School Superintendents and where Bill is an elder. This has been quite a challenging and exciting experience. I've also been teaching piano lessons and have had the delightful privilege of playing the piano with a country and western gospel band.
Joye Gadker Ledford 7107 Pinetree Road Richmond, Virginia 23229
Our 10th reunion was a huge success under the chairmanship of Faye Dixon Taylor and her nine-member committee. Fifty-five alumnae, that's over one-third of the graduating class, at tended at least one of the two evening functions. On Friday night, May 7, alumnae met at the home of Anne Dixon Booker for dessert and coffee and a renewal of old friendships. On May 8, a catered cocktail dinner party was held at the ho-me of Joan Miller Hines. Joy Davis Smith lives in Richmond where she is a homemaker and mother to her two children. Her husband is treasurer of Standard Paper Company. Joy likes redecorating, gardening and playing bridge with several other classmates including Carolyn Poor Fleet, Brenda Ellis Nuara, Jane Nofsinger, and Brenda Bishop Wilkerson. She writes that Brenda Wilkerson teaches elementary school music for Chesterfield County. Jane Nofsinger is co -editor of the Ame-Bulletin Monitor in addition to being in the printing business and holding her real estate license. Fran Stewart Starr and her family live in a 65-year-old house in Charlotte, N.C., that they have been redecorating. Fran enjoys tailoring, dressmaking and does free-lance work for a firm where her husband is an interior designer. Betsy McIntosh Taylor is owner o( The Mulberry Tree, a shop specializing in antiques and quilts in Savannah, Ga. She did postgraduate work at William and Mary and graduate work at
N.Y .C. University. Her activities include Historic Savannah, Junior League, Savannah Symphony Guild, Telfair Academy of Arts and the Cancer Society. Her husband is manager of ITC Shipping Co. Faye Dixon Taylor is busy with her two children Ashley, 4, and "Trey," 2, but has time to enjoy karate, sewing, yoga, art, bridge and piano courses. She and her family live in Chesterfield where her husband, Vernon, is a chemist -project engineer. Barbara Ruscus Thompson of Springfield, Va., has two boys, Joseph, 6, and Paul, 4. Prior to becoming a full-time homemaker, she was a field engineer for C&P Telephone Co. in Washington, D .C., which is how she met her husband who is also a field engineer! Carol Simpson Todd teaches Sunday School, sings in the church choir, is on the board of Ginter Park Preschool Centers, and is a PT A member in Richmond. She and her husband, a Virginia State Penitentiary teacher, have two boys, Chuck, 7, and Cliff, 4. Charlotte Grove Smith completed her MS in I 970 from U. Va. and now lives in Wallingford, Penn., where she is an analyst-programmer and her husband is a teacher. She has lived in Colorado and Denmark and has mainly done computer work and college teaching. Harriet Mann Tomlinson is married to a meteorol~gist and lives in Grafton, Va. She keeps busy with her two children, Susan, 9, and David, 7, teaches macrame. Patricia Culbertson Traynham lives in Hendersonville, N .C., where her husband, Tony, is an oral surgeon and she is a homemaker and mother to Britt, 6, and Laura, 4. After leaving WC, she taught second grade at Ginter Park while Tony finished MCV dental school. Then she spent three years in Hawaii. Betsy Spencer ¡ Townsend has two children, Danny, 8, and Kelley, 4, and has taken several education courses and shorthand since graduation. She plays tennis, knits, enjoys church work and plays some tournament bridge with her husband, Dan, a chemist for American Tobacco Company. Irene Sheppard Trego resides in Montgomery, Ala., and is the wife of a personnel officer, AF Reserve. She has two children, Todd, 6, and Alison, 6. Edie Burrows Ulrich has her master's in business administration from Columbia University and is manager of employee benefits for Bloomingdale's Department Store in New York City. Her husband is an investment banker at Morgan Stanley & Co. Mary Catherine Ware earned her MS from Syracuse University in I 970 (Instructional Communications) and is near completion of a PhD at the same institution. Living in Homer, N.Y., she is a college professor, teaching audiovisual courses in the School of Education, State University College in Cortland, N.Y. Beth Booker Wilson of Richmond is a homemaker, mother of a son, David, 6, is married to a teacher and coach. Brenda Bishop Wilkerson of Richmond is married to a maintenance supervisor at DuPont and has a daughter, Wendy, 8. She team teaches mu sic in four elementary schools. Lou van Heuveln Wrenn has two children, Mary, 8, and Ben, 6, lives in Richmond, and is married to the vice president of Frick, Vass, and Street, painting contractors. Jenny Neely Wright is a homemaker and mother to two children, Chris, 4; and Jeff, 2, and lives in Roanoke. Her husband is head of the service department for .General Medical. . Bonnie Lush Y ospin lives in Amelia and her daughters, Shawn and Kelly are now 6 and 4. She and Jerry, a sales representative for women's clothing, like skiing and horseback riding. Carolyn Tietze Zetes of Uncasville, Conn., has two girls, . Deborah, 8, and Karen, 6, and is married to a U.S. Navy submarine officer. She sings with a group of officer's wives and sails. Pat Davis Elliott is a "domestic engineer" as she puts it and a busy mother to Wyatt, 4, and
Asher, 2. She earned her MEd in Guidance and Counseling from U .Va. and loves tennis, needlepoint and gardening . Her husband is an attorney and delegate to the Virginia House of Delegates. They have been remodeling Richard's boyhood home in Campbell County. Billie Jean Grigsby Cone and Paul have bought a house outside Baltimore in Pasadena, Md ., and are enjoying boating.
Linda Powers Massaro 8523 Betterton Court Vienna, Virginia 22180
Janet DuVal Gaffney wrote from Atlanta, Ga. to fill us in on her experiences since graduation. Janet has been married to Michael David Gaffney of Gaffney , S.C., for seven years on July I 9. Mike is an advertising writer and vice president and cooperate creative director of Cargill , Wilson and Acree Advertising Agency. This year he was elected to the "Top I 00 Creative People in America." Janet has been working as a free-lance stylist for commercial photography and television commercials speciali zing in food styling. Last fall they vacationed in London and Paris. Janet wanted to know if Martha Dorman Clark and her family moved to New Zealand in March as planned. Does anyone know? Susan Lee Harris said that she ran into Natialy Walker. Natialy is now living close to Washington, D.C. Susan 's husband has a new job with Hawker Siddeley Aviation Inc. Karla Brownmiller Morrell and I both lost our fathers in the last year after long illnesses. I have another new job as a management analyst in the Manpower Management Division of the Headquarters Naval Material Command. Our vacation this summer was a two-week trip to Hawaii.
Linda Tomasek Wallace 8124 Sawmill Road Richmond, Virginia 23229
Ann Marie Pearson Wood was recently promoted to supervisor of the Rating and Statistical Department of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of southwestern Virginia. Her husband, Reggie, is working for Travelers Insurance Company and plans to set up his own agency this fall. Rin Henry Hill is enjoying the role of being a full-time mom , having "retired " from the Highway Department. Her husband , Hal , completed his accounting degree at VCU and is working for Arthur Young, Inc . Joann Russell Nicholson and Bill bought a home near Sony Point School. She is still teaching the second grade at Chalkley Elementary School in Chesterfield County; Bill is a pharmacist. Penni Chappell is living in Lexington, Va. , and is working for the state welfare department. Mary Lou Johnston Cregan and her husband, who is a lawyer, now make their home in the Washington, D.C., area. Christy McAllister Dillman and Jim bought a house off Jahnke Road in Richmond. Christy is teaching science at Clover Hill. Carolyn Smith Casey and Tommy live in Richmond 's West End , where Carolyn is an assistant manager at a fabric shop in Parham Plaza. Jo Burnett now lives in Berkeley , Calif. She works in a friend 's boutique, teaches art, does volunteer work and is writing her thesis. I am still teaching biology and chemistry at the Steward School in Richmond 's West End. Laura, now six-years-old , is in the first grade. Jane Thorpe from the alumnae office informed me that our class has a bank account in its name with the grand sum of $49.23. The bank would like further information concerning the status of the account. Any suggestions , treasurer? Notify me or the alumnae office.
Sister Carroll o¡Donnell is working with parents and teachers in Belmont, Mass. , where they a re setting up a high school Sunday School program. Gwen Fletcher Duncan is a computer programmer at the Division of Motor Vehicles and has been enjoying coaching girls'_ basketball at River Road Baptist Church. Greg 1s_not only w_orkmg full-time at nights as a proJect supervisor at Beaumont School for Boys but also is studying graduate clinical psychology at VCU and staying busy with the Navy Reserves. I was surprised and happy to hear from Mary Marshall Taylor recently. She is living in Alexandria and is working as a secretary for the European Bureau of Policy Planning at the State Department. . . Sallie Hart Stone received her MD m May from MCV and hopes to do some research in cardiovascular medicine. Marshall has been appointed as an assistant Attorney General at the Cap itol in Richmond ; his job has recently taken the two of them on a short vacation to the Homestead. Lucy Bone Orgain and Ricky are in Memphis where she works for the telephone company and is pursuing a master's in math while he is in optometry school. Harriette Turner Evans is doing computer programming in Columbia, S.C. and Tim is at USC working toward a PhD in English. Alice Martin was featured in the Washington Star on Saturday, April 24. She was in the first class to graduate from the Interfaith Metropolitan Theological Education, Inc . (Inter-Met) in D.C. in June. She will be ordained in mid-September when she becomes pastor of a Church of the Brethren in the Champaign/Urbana, Illinois area . As you can see, we will have a new address. Steve will pursue an LLB at Queen 's College, University of Cambridge. If you get to London durirrg this next year, we are only 54 miles away and our phone number is Cambridge 56078.
The University of Richmond may be the answer for someone you know. Help us find the student who wants big university offerings in a small university atmosphere. Please send information about the University of Richmond to:
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Rachel Pierce Price 26 Eltisley A venue Cambridge, England CB 3 9JG
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Mary Ann Liggan 7106 River Road Richmond, Virginia 23229
Carolyn Ridgeway and Tina Marston have moved into their new apartment in Richmond's Fa n district below Linda Fernald, Sarah Hopkins and Susan Lindler. Carolyn vacationed in New Eng la nd and Tina traveled to California for a training course offered by IBM. Janet Ferrell is a lso with IBM a nd shares an apartment with Charlotte Chapman, WC'75, not far from Carolyn a nd Tina. Also nearby are Betsy Ray and Grace Robinson. Congratulations to Betsy who recently received a promotion at United Virginia Bank. Grace is a paralegal at McGuire , Woods a nd Battle. Cindy Nunis and Jean Dagenhart soaked up the sun at Myrtle Beach, S.C. Cindy moved into an apartment near Diane Macilroy Moncure, who celebrated her first anniversary with a second honeymoon in Sea Island , Ga. Faye Ehrenstamm is a third-year law student at T. C. Williams, where she is editor-in-chief of Juris Publici, the TCW newspaper. Faye is also on the Moot Court committee. Debbie Guyton received her master 's degree in math from Virginia Tech and is now working on her doctorate. Martha Griswold and Sallie Lucas are third-year medical students at the Medical College of Virginia. Third-year medical students at the University of Virginia include Barbara Phillips and Judy Owens Hopkins. Judy and "Hop" ride ambulances with the local rescue squad.
Bev Harper Folds and Walter moved to sunny Sarasota, Fla. Kathy Jessee Small and her husband have bought a house on Richmond's Southside. Margaret Shugart Hutton and Bill bought a condominium in Stonewall Manor in Richmond . Margaret is with the Life of Virginia Insurance Co. in their new Brookfield office. Charlotte Bareford is with Virginia Mutual Insurance Co. in downtown Richmond. Shirley Meadows Austin and Mike traveled to Hilton Head, S.C. Shirley teaches world history at Douglas Freeman High School in Richmond. Clemmie Williams Lankford and Harvey enjoyed their vacation in the West Indies . Clemmie is a research chemist with Reynolds Metal Co. and Harvey is an intern at MCV. Jennifer Roberts Creasy is a computer operator for the Virginia Agriculture Department. Julia Habel teaches English at Henderson Middle School and enjoys writing on the side. Chris Torres Palmer and Tom work at the Haymarket Dinner Theater where Tom is directing "Purlie" while Chris designs costumes and is the stage manager. . Anne Draine attends Lake Erie College in Painesville, Ohio, and is in her last year in her horsemanship course. Nancy Wilkin teaches biology at Covington High School, where she is junior class sponsor as well as science club sponsor. Nancy has moved into her own small apartment on a hill overlooking Covington. Nita Jones lives at home in Ashland and is a respiratory technician at MCV. Anita Garland is assistant director of admissions at Randolph Macon College. Sandy Sperry is program director for the YWCA branch in Richmond and attended the 27th National Convention in South Bend , Ind . where the YWCA unanimously voted lo support ERA. Sandy and Roz Reed attended the summer Olympics in Montreal, Canada, in Jul)'.. Kam Mclain Hatcher and Don hve m northern Germany where Don is a second lieutenant in the Army's Finance Corps: . . I am a medical technologist m the bacteriology laboratory at MCV, and play on the basketball team from our lab.
Marriages 1970 Marianne Toms and Peter E. Broadbent Jr. 1975 Suzanne Heffner and Thomas McCarty Moncure Jr., June 26 , 1976. 1976 Katherine Ann (Kitty) Kelly and Bollin Madison Millner, July 24, 1976.
Births 1964 Mr. and Mrs . Leslie Mayo Baker Jr. (Suzanne Borum) , a daughter , Leslie Margaret. 1966 Mr. and Mrs. J. Rex Britton Jr. (Judy Eastman), a daughter, Pamela Elizabeth, April 11, 1976. 1969 Mr. and Mrs. Carl'B. Heckel (Dixie lee), a daughter, Martha Lee , April 28, 1976. 1970 Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Hill Jr. (Rin Henry), a son, Harold Clifton III, June 23, 1975. Mr. and Mrs . Siegfried Luskin (Joanne Herrington) , a son, Michael Weldon , April 17, 1976.
Deaths R.F.1.-W.C.R. Mrs. Sue Wolfolk Bascom died May 14, 1976. 1919 Mrs. Margaret laws Decker of Arlington , Va. , died April 18, 1976. 1922 Mrs . Elsa Wallerstein Gerst of Norfolk, Va. , died June 14, 1976. 1924 Miss Elinor Holmes Johnson of Richmond, Va. , died June 1, 1976. 1931 Mrs . Edna Royal Davis of Alexandria, Va., died June 15, 1976. 1933 Mrs. Adelaide Holloway Patterson of Opelika, Ala., died April 26, 1976. . 1936 Mrs . Patricia Sheain Schreck of Richmond, Va., died April 25, 1976. 1943 Mrs . Althea Johnston Black of Richmond , Va ., died June 13, 1976. Mrs. Kathleen Weber Mclellan of Garden City, N. Y., died February 28, 1976.
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New Subscription
Regular Season Ticket for Theatre: $7.50 Alumni -Faculty-Staff Ticket for Theatre: $6.50 Student Season for Theatre : $5 .00 Name -------------------------
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The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie; October 14, 15 and 16, 1976
The Firebugs; November 18, 19, 20, 1976
Lysistrata; February 24, 25 and 26, 1977 Beware: This classic sex comedy is bawdy and explicit.
A Sigh of Relief or the Happiest of the Three; April 14, 15 and 16, 1977
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