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Weekend College An exciting degree completion program from University of Richmond for busy, adult students.


Contents 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 19 21

Weekend College Overview Weekend College Curriculum Tuition Cost Financial Aid Payment Plan Flexible Ways to Earn Credit Resources for Distance Students Next Steps Contact Information Application Transcript Request Form


Overview Weekend College offers students full-time study with part-time convenience. University of Richmond’s Weekend College is an excellent degree completion program for working professionals who seek to broaden their skills and enhance their promotability. Our courses teach skills universal to success in the real world. Weekend College is designed for those who want an interdisciplinary liberal arts degree. Students will be exposed to some of the best thinking from around the world through a broadly-based educational experience. Graduates will have the opportunity to develop their ability to write well, communicate effectively, work with groups, engage in problem solving, and think critically—timeless skills that are applicable to every part of life. Weekend College is also a great option for students who wish to improve their career opportunities. Many employers seek individuals with a broad educational background that focuses on writing, analyzing, evaluating and reasoning. These skills are integral to the course work in the Weekend College program. Weekend College also responds to the growing need in the corporate arena for leaders who are trained in problem solving and conflict analysis, whose approach to complex matters of business and commerce is less vocational and more sophisticated, while remaining vigorously practical. Over a two-year period, students take two courses each fall and spring semester and one course during summer school. Classes are held on Friday evenings and Saturday during the day. Class work is supplemented with a weekly, online components.

scs.richmond.edu • (804) 289-8133 • Toll Free (877) 543-3602



Curriculum The Weekend College curriculum consists of ten interdisciplinary, six-credit hour courses. The courses have been designed to meet the current and emerging demands of the business and professional communities. Students take one course at a time.

Knowledge Management Examines ways of becoming a lifelong learner and a better thinker and problem solver. Is accompanied by a component on academic research.

The History of Ideas Covers the scope of human progress, how change occurs, how reform and renewal take place, and the critical role of innovation.

History of Human Expression Gives an opportunity to explore and discuss various forms of communication that illustrate the power of the written and spoken word and the visual arts.

Understanding the Global Village Looks at the diversity of world cultures and the international issues confronting decision makers.

Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship Deals with the critical issues of power, influence, governance, and what it means to be a responsible citizen in a changing global economy.

The Role of Science and Technology Examines how the sciences and the information revolution are driving change in business and society.

Business Literacy Provides a grounding in the principles of economics, finance, marketing and accounting—how the world of business works.


UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND School of Continuing Studies


Curriculum Leadership and Ethical Decision Making Covers the broad issue of moral judgment and how to make sound, defensible decisions in an age of complexity.

The Examined Life Explores the psychology of the human condition–what makes people different and unique.

Capstone Course A culminating experience in which students take part in experiential learning opportunities, examining and reflecting on issues in their interdisciplinary study of the liberal arts.

scs.richmond.edu • (804) 289-8133 • Toll Free (877) 543-3602



Tuition Cost Earning a college degree is more valuable than ever. So you can’t afford not to continue your education. The Department of Labor reports that jobs for those with bachelor’s degrees grew by 1.8 million during the past 10 years compared to a loss of nearly 700,000 jobs for those with only a high school diploma. Additionally, a bachelor’s degree can be worth millions of dollars over the course of an adult’s working years. Additionally, salary.com, a technology leader in compensation management, says that the quality of your education can affect your salary. Earning a degree from a top school or program typically has a positive influence on pay.

Estimated Tuition Costs Based on an estimated tuition rate of $365 per credit hour for the 2009-10 school year, the cost for Weekend College breaks down as follows: Fall 2009 12 credit hours @ $365/credit hour Anticipated VTAG Fall term1 Tuition to be paid by student

$4,380 –$1,600 $2,780

Spring 2010 12 credit hours @ $365/credit hour


Anticipated VTAG Spring term (1) Tuition to be paid by student

–$1,600 $2,780

Summer 2010 6 credit hours @ $365/credit hour VTAG is not awarded for Summer School Tuition to be paid by student Fall 2010 12 credit hours @ $365/credit hour (2) Anticipated VTAG Fall term (1) Tuition to be paid by student


$2,190 $0 $2,190

$4,380 –$1,600 $2,780

UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND School of Continuing Studies


Tuition Payments Spring 20111 12 credit hours @ $365/credit hour (2) Anticipated VTAG Spring term (1) Tuition to be paid by student Summer 2011 6 credit hours @ $365/credit hour (2) VTAG is not awarded for Summer School Tuition to be paid by student

$4,380 –$1,600 $2,780

$2,190 $0 $2,190

1. Note: VTAG regulations state, “The exact amount of each academic year’s [sic. VTAG] award is determined by the funding amount appropriated by the General Assembly and the total number of eligible applicants. If funding is insufficient to fully award all students, it is possible that some students will receive no award (SCHEV Bulletin 11-20-00), or, that the full amount may be paid in the fall and a lesser amount, if any, in the spring. Grant requests must be processed by July 31 in order to incur a ‘Category 2’ priority for funding established for new students to the VTAG program.” We’ve based this amount on awards made to SCS students during the 2007-08 school year. 2. Although we anticipate a modest tuition increase each academic year, future rates have not yet been established, so we’ve based this estimate on anticipated tuition rates for the 2009-10 academic year.

Tuition Payments Full payment or plan of payment is due to the Student Accounts office by the end of the first week of the term or you will be dropped from class. You will still be responsible to meet all payment deadlines even if you do not receive a bill. You may pay in one of the following methods: 1. Online payment with MasterCard, Discover, American Express or electronic check. Pay online (see the Student Accounts website listed below for the link). There is a convenience fee for using this credit card service. 2. Check. Make payable to the University of Richmond. 3. Cash. Must be paid in person at Richmond’s main campus. 4. TUITION PAY Payment Plan. Details are included in this packet. For details on tuition, payments and payment options, contact the Student Accounts Office of the Bursar’s Office at: controller.richmond.edu/tuition/scs.htm

scs.richmond.edu • (804) 289-8133 • Toll Free (877) 543-3602



Financial Aid A chief concern for adult students as they consider returning to school is “Can I afford it?� The University of Richmond School of Continuing Studies is committed to helping adult students with their investment in higher education. The goal of all of the financial resources at Richmond is to reduce the factor of the cost of college so that the decision to enroll can be based upon what really matters: attending the school that is the best academic fit. Financial assistance, in the form of scholarships, grants, and loans, is available to School of Continuing Studies (SCS) students who need help with their educational expenses. Students must be enrolled in a degree or certificate program at Richmond and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. All SCS degree and certificate programs are eligible programs for financial aid consideration EXCEPT for the Liberal Arts and Leadership certificate programs, and the undergraduate certificate in Performance Coaching Skills. Specific enrollment requirements and application processes vary depending on the aid program and are outlined below. Most applications are available on line at: http://oncampus.richmond.edu/financialaid/

Scholarships Several scholarships are available for School of Continuing Studies students who are actively pursuing a planned program of study and who have completed at least 12 semester hours in the School of Continuing Studies. Call the School of Continuing Studies at (804) 289-8133 or toll free at (877) 543-3602 to request an application (leave your name, address, and zip code). To download an application, visit the following page on our website: scs.richmond.edu/finances/aid/index.htm Deadline for applications is July 1, 2009 for the 2009-10 school year.


UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND School of Continuing Studies


Financial Aid Loans Federal Direct and private loans are available for students who are enrolled in a degree or certificate program on at least a half-time basis (6 credit hours/term). Contact the Financial Aid office at (804) 289-8438 or toll free at (877) 543-3602 or finaid@richmond.edu for application information. Financial Aid applications and Loan applications must be submitted at least six weeks prior to the start of the term for funding to be available by the time classes begin.

Federal Pell Grants Pell grants are available to needy students enrolled in an undergraduate degree or certificate program for at least three credit hours per term. You must qualify per the federal need analysis formula. Contact the Financial Aid office at (804) 289-8438 or finaid@richmond.edu for application information. Financial Aid applications must be completed at least six weeks prior to the start of the term for funding to be available by the time classes begin.

Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (VTAG) Virginia residents enrolled full-time (12 credit hours/term) in a degree program may apply for VTAG. Contact the Financial Aid office at (804) 289-8438 or finaid@richmond.edu for a VTAG application. Deadline is July 31, 2007 for 2008-09 academic year. (VTAG applications may be submitted after the deadline but will only be considered if funding is available for late applications.)

scs.richmond.edu • (804) 289-8133 • Toll Free (877) 543-3602



Tuition Payment Plan The University of Richmond has made a tuition payment plan available through TUITION PAY. If a deferred payment plan is desired, the University of Richmond has arranged to make available the services of Sallie Mae. This is a summary of the program. A brochure is available upon request from the Office of Student Accounts.

What is Tuition Pay? Tuition Pay by Sallie Mae is an educational financing company that provides families and students with a low cost plan for budgeting tuition and other education expenses. The Tuition Pay Monthly plan is NOT a loan program, therefore no debt is incurred. There is no interest or finance charge assessed by Tuition Pay on the unpaid balance due to the college. The only fee to budget payments through Tuition Pay is a $35.00 per semester non-refundable enrollment fee. Payments made through Tuition Pay are considerably less expensive than the cost of obtaining loans, paying with credit cards, or budgeting through other interest or fee-charging payment plans. There is no credit search or qualifications necessary to use Tuition Pay. One of the reasons why the cost to budget with Tuition Pay is so affordable is because payments through Tuition Pay are made by using automatic payments from your bank. The automatic payment helps you budget tuition payments in a convenient way which ensures that the college will receive dependable and consistent tuition payments. With Tuition Pay you never miss a payment and you save the time and expense of writing and mailing checks.

How does the automatic payment work? Automatic payments are simply payments that you authorize your bank to make on your behalf on a specific date each month. The amount paid by your bank is a predetermined amount that you have authorized. Your bank will make these payments from either your checking or savings account, according to the instructions you have provided on your agreement with Tuition Pay. Payments will be made until the total amount due to the college is paid in full. Automatic payments are used to pay mortgages, life insurance premiums, car payments, utilities, and other types of bills. When you use Tuition Pay to pay your school tuition, your bank sends your payment on the 5th of the month directly to the bank that Tuition Pay uses to collect tuition payments. Before any payment is made, Tuition Pay provides evidence of your 10

UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND School of Continuing Studies


Tuition Payment Plan authorization for tuition payments to your bank. Your bank will usually verify this authorization with you and then set up the payment schedule. It is important to remember that Tuition Pay and your college never see your bank account or have any direct access to your account. You never lose any control of your account. The automatic payment process is strictly controlled by state and federal laws. With Tuition Pay your payments are made on the 5th of each month.

Budget Period To qualify for the 3-month payment plan, Tuition Pay must receive student applications by August 10th for the Fall semester or December 10th for the Spring semester. The budget period is August through October for the Fall semester and January through March for the Spring semester. The Tuition Pay payment plan is not available for courses offered during the Summer semester.

How to Apply for Tuition Pay To enroll in the Tuition Pay Monthly plan simply go to their website at www.tuitionpay.com and click on “enroll now”.

What if I have questions about my account? There is always an account representative who can answer questions about your Tuition Pay account once it has been established. You can call 1-800-635-0120 and speak to an account representative. You may also contact the Student Accounts Office at (804) 289-8147.

Can changes be made to my account? Yes. Notify the Student Accounts Office at the University of changes resulting from additional Financial Aid, course additions, deletions, etc. Call (804) 289-8147.

scs.richmond.edu • (804) 289-8133 • Toll Free (877) 543-3602



Flexible Ways to Earn Credit Because Weekend College is a degree completion program, students should have earned 45-60 transferrable credit hours of previous college credit. The School of Continuing Studies has a liberal transfer policy and matriculated students can earn credits toward their degree through examination College Level Examination Program (CLEP), American Council on Education (ACE), Advanced Placement Program, independent study, or through portfolio assessment of prior learning. Consult your academic advisor for details.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) The School of Continuing Studies awards credit based on acceptable performance on specified tests of the College Level Examination Program. Generally, a student may not attempt credit by examination for a course in which a failing grade was received or for a basic course in those areas in which acceptable college credit has been earned at a more advanced level. For information about general and subject examinations, contact the School of Continuing Studies.

American Council on Education (ACE) ACE’s College Credit Recommendation Service (CREDIT) reviews and offers college-level credit recommendations for many training courses, apprenticeship programs and examination. An official ACE Credit Recommendations Transcript must be submitted directly to the School of Continuing Studies for review of the equivalency and transfer. For more information on ACE or to order a transcript contact the web site at http://www.acenet.edu.

Advanced Placement Program (AP) The School of Continuing Studies participates in the Advance Placement program of the College Board. Students who successfully completed AP examinations prior to


UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND School of Continuing Studies


Flexible Ways to Earn Credit their entry in a college-level program may have official scores submitted to the University for review. Scores submitted within ten years of completion of the examination will be considered for the equivalency and transfer of credit. To order test scores contact www.ETS.org.

Independent Study An independent study is a course taken with faculty supervision for knowledge enhancement beyond the courses offered in a particular area of interest. In rare cases, when scheduling or other conflicts exist, a regular course may be taken as an independent study. Independent study courses may be used in the Areas of Study and General Distribution and may be used to enhance courses in the major. Consult with your academic advisor before applying to earn credit by independent study.

Transfer Credit Courses offered in transfer will be evaluated for acceptance provided the work was taken at an institution accredited as degree-granting by a recognized regional accrediting body for higher education at the time the course work is completed. A grade of, or equivalent to C (2.0) or better, must have been earned in the particular course. Course work accepted in transfer shall be applied to specific degree requirements subject to the discretion of the School of Continuing Studies. Transfer work will be accepted during the final semester of a program only with prior approval. CLEP exams are considered transfer credits. Additional information on our transfer policy is located in the current edition of our catalog.

scs.richmond.edu • (804) 289-8133 • Toll Free (877) 543-3602



Resources for Distance Students At SCS, you will be challenged to excel and reach your full potential. To help you succeed, the University offers a wealth of student resources to assist you in making the most of your experience.

Ready Minds Ready Minds is a distance career counseling organization. Eligible students are those who: • are admitted to a pre or post-baccalaureate certificate, graduate certificate, associate, bachelor or master’s degree-seeking program; • have completed 12 semester hours at the University of Richmond; • are in good academic standing. More information about Ready Minds is available on the School of Continuing Studies website scs.richmond.edu.

The Writing Center The Writing Center provides individual tutoring in writing for undergraduate and graduate students in any course or academic discipline. SCS students may also use the Online Writing Lab for virtual tutorials with a Continuing Studies Specialist. For information visit the Center’s Web site at writing.richmond.edu.

Libraries Resources & Services The University of Richmond Libraries provide services that suit the needs of all learners–whether on campus or hundreds of miles away. These include: • the library’s “Connect from Home” Web page, which provides instruction on


the use of the proxy server for access to licensed databases. It also provides a link to the IS page providing download and installation instructions for establishing a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection; the “Ask a Librarian” Web page, which lists multiple ways to use various communication technologies to seek one-to-one assistance from a reference librarian;

UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND School of Continuing Studies


Resources for Distance Students •

the netLibrary collection of electronic books available to the UR community which now numbers more than 44,000 titles. These are accessible both through the UR libraries online catalog and the netLibrary Web site at http://www.netlibrary.com (visit the list of Online Databases and select the netLibrary link to enter through the University’s subscription); • the library’s list of online databases which provides access to nearly 200 databases selected to support the university’s curricula. • a guide to online reference sources which links students to helpful free resources; • the research guides by subject which are available on the library Web site and provide lists of resources, in print and online, organized by academic subject; • the online catalog and the Journal Locator which provide access to print and electronic resources in the libraries’ collections; • the “Research Express” page which offers tips to students not sure of how to get started in their search for information; • self-help tools which are available through the Library and Information Skills Tutorials page. And be sure to check out the Library's delivery service for distance learners! As a service to SCS Distance Education students and faculty, UR Libraries will supply library-owned materials via FedEx ground and email to eligible faculty and students in Weekend College.

scs.richmond.edu • (804) 289-8133 • Toll Free (877) 543-3602



Next Steps Congratulations on your decision to continue your education. Thank you for letting us help. We are pleased that you are considering the University of Richmond School of Continuing Studies as the next step in completing your degree. This checklist should help you have an easy transition to becoming a Weekend College student.

Step 1: Complete an Application Apply to the School of Continuing Studies by completing the application form in this packet or in the middle of our catalog.

Step 2: Forward Your Application to Us Mail or fax your application to Lois Willis, our Office Campus Student Advisor, at the School of Continuing Studies. Her contact information is found on page 18.

Step 3: Official Transcript Requests Send a request(s) for official transcripts to previous colleges or universities. A copy of a transcript request form is located in this packet, in the middle of our catalog and on our website. Photocopy, complete and forward this form to all colleges and universities you’ve attended. Transcripts should be mailed directly to the School of Continuing Studies as noted on the Transcript Request Form.

Step 4: Student Advising If you have a question about transfer credits or details about the program requirements, you can make an appointment with a student advisor. Contact Lois Willis at (804) 287-1810 or lwillis2@richmond.edu to schedule an appointment. You can also communicate with our student advisors via phone and e-mail.


UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND School of Continuing Studies


Next Steps Step 5: Financial Aid and Tuition Payments Ensure all loans, financial aid, and payment arrangements are in place. Please note that all Financial Aid forms need to be turned at least six (6) weeks before the start of the fall semester. For more information: Financial Aid (804) 289-8438 Student Accounts (804) 289-8769

Step 6: Registration Once you’ve been accepted into the Weekend College program, you’ll register for courses online on BannerWeb at: https://bannerweb.richmond.edu. You’ll receive more information before registration begins.

Step 7: Buy Your Books Contact the Weekend College Academic Coordinator for more information: Elisabeth Wray, (804) 289-8348 or ewray@richmond.edu

Step 8: Attend Class After you register, BannerWeb will confirm the location of your class. You will not receive a printed copy of your schedule from the University of Richmond. Students enrolled at the University of Richmond main campus must check BannerWeb to confirm the location of their classes. Students enrolled at extension sites should contact their Weekend College site coordinator or Lois Willis for class location.

scs.richmond.edu • (804) 289-8133 • Toll Free (877) 543-3602



Contact Information Area Site Coordinators Danville Area Stephanie R. Ferrugia University of Richmond Weekend College Site Coordinator Danville Community College 213 Wyatt Building 1008 South Main Street Danville, Virginia 24541 [phone] (434) 797-8586 [e-mail] sferrugi@richmond.edu

Fredericksburg Area Marie Hawley University of Richmond Weekend College Site Coordinator Germanna Community College 10000 Germanna Point Drive Fredericksburg, VA 22408 [phone] (540) 891-3021 [fax] (540) 891-3060 [e-mail] mhawley@richmond.edu

Off Campus Student Advisor Lois Willis School of Continuing Studies Special Programs Building University of Richmond, VA 23173 [phone] (804) 287-1810 [fax] (804) 289-8138 [e-mail] lwillis2@richmond.edu


UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND School of Continuing Studies

School of Continuing Studies

Undergraduate Application/New Student Information Form Student Information

Unless noted, all fields are required. Please print.


I would like to begin courses in: FALL 20

SSN will be replaced by an ALTERNATE ID number, which will be used as your primary identification.















E-MAIL Virginia City

Virginia County


Other State or Country

US CITIZEN ! Yes ! No If no, see note on page 2.

IS ENGLISH YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE? ! Yes ! No If no, have official TOEFL scores sent directly to the University of Richmond (School Code: 5569). If you have taken the TOEFL and requested that a score report be sent to the University of Richmond, please indicate the month and year that you took the TOEFL: __________________


Employer Information EMPLOYER







Other Information Have you ever taken courses in or been accepted into any program at the University of Richmond? ! Yes ! No If yes, give dates:


Name when you attended

Have you been dismissed from a college or university within the last year? ! Yes ! No Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation? ! Yes ! No If yes, please explain: As of July 1, 2006, Virginia law requires all public and private two-and-four-year institutions of higher education to electronically transmit information about applicants accepted for enrollment at each institution to the State Police for comparison to the Virginia Criminal Information Network and National Crime Information Center Convicted Sexual Offender Registry. If the University is notified that an admitted student has committed a sex offense, the admitted student is subject to the admission being revoked.

Signature of Applicant (Required)

For fastest service, fax your completed form to (804) 289-8138. Mailing Address University of Richmond School of Continuing Studies Undergraduate Admissions Richmond, Virginia 23173


If you are pursuing a degree at this time, please check this box and continue with PART 2 on the next page. rev. 11/08

School of Continuing Studies


Undergraduate Application/New Student Information Form Program of Study (Check one) Human Resource Management ! Bachelor’s Degree Information Systems ! Bachelor’s Degree–Information Systems ! Bachelor’s Degree– Information Technology Management ! Certificate–Information Systems (bachelor’s degree required) Paralegal Studies ! Bachelor’s Degree

! Certificate (bachelor’s degree required)

Liberal Arts ! Associate’s Degree ! Bachelor’s Degree ! Weekend College (Accelerated Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies) Location (select one): ! Danville ! Fredericksburg ! Richmond

! Roanoke

Leadership Studies ! Certificate in Applied Studies in Leadership (bachelor’s degree not required) Emergency Services Management ! Bachelor of Applied Studies in Emergency Services Management (indicate Minor) Minor (select one): ! Emergency Management ! Business Continuity

! Homeland Defense

Students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree and are seeking admission to the Teacher Licensure Program should call (804) 289-8428. Have you applied for financial aid?

! Yes

! No

! No

If not, do you have a GED certificate?

Education Information Name of High School Attended Your name when attended Did you graduate?

! Yes

! Yes

! No

If yes, name on certificate Names of ALL Colleges Attended

Did you graduate? Degree Earned ! Yes

! No

! Yes

! No

! Yes

! No

! Yes

! No

! Yes

! No

Your Name When You Attended

We must receive official transcripts from all colleges or universities where you have attempted college work. Please have official transcripts mailed directly to: Undergraduate Admissions School of Continuing Studies University of Richmond University of Richmond, VA 23173 If you have NOT attended any colleges or universities, please request that official high school or GED transcripts be mailed to the School of Continuing Studies at the above address. A student who is not eligible to return to another college or university may not be admitted to any SCS program, even with unclassified status, until a minimum of one semester has elapsed. Official transcripts from all institutions previously attended by such student must be filed in the Office of the Dean.

scs.richmond.edu • (804) 289-8133

rev. 11/08

Request for Official Transcript Date: Name of Institution: Last Name:

First Name:


Street Address: City:



Name used when attending the institution listed above: Last Name: Date of Birth:

First Name: Social Security Number or Student ID Number:

Number of official copies requested:

Please mail the transcript(s) to the following location: University of Richmond School of Continuing Studies Special Programs Building University of Richmond, VA 23173

A check for $________ is enclosed to cover transcript fees.

Student’s Signature



Apply Today


UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND School of Continuing Studies

University of Richmond Weekend College Now offered in cooperation with Danville Community College Germanna Community College John Tyler Community College

scs.richmond.edu (804) 289-8133 • Richmond Metro (877) 543-3602 • Toll Free Outside Richmond

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