Ursuline Associate Update

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Sister Cheryl Clemons to present “From Incarnation to Eucharist” on Associates and Sisters Day

With the nation’s bishops working on a multi-year National Eucharistic Revival, the Associate Advisory Board wanted someone who could speak at Associates and Sisters Day on both Saint Angela and the importance of the Eucharist.

Fortunately, Sister Cheryl Clemons said “yes.”

Sister Cheryl will speak on “From Incarnation to Eucharist,” as the first part of her talk on June 24, 2023. Following prayer, silent reflection and group sharing, she will discuss “Living a Eucharistic Life.” Within that, she will offer insights into Saint Angela’s

thoughts on the importance of the Eucharist.

“Angela doesn’t say a lot about the Eucharist, but she became a Third Order Franciscan so she could attend Mass more frequently and take Communion,”

Sister Cheryl said.

In Chapter 6 of her Rule, Angela urged her daughters to attend Mass daily. “Indeed, this will be a communion in spirit,” she said. In Chapter 7, she urged the community to attend Mass together.

“And then, every first Friday of the month, they will gather in this church and there, all together, receive communion from this same father.”

In the testimonies after Saint Angela died, people said that she spent four to five hours a day in church, going to multiple Masses, Sister Cheryl said.

Sister Cheryl will also discuss Saint Mère

Marie of the Incarnation, the first Ursuline Sister to serve in North America, who was one of the great Eucharistic mystics.

The first part of Sister Cheryl’s talk will focus on our understanding that all life comes from the Trinity. “It left the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist,” she said.

The second talk, “Living a Eucharistic Life,” will include ways to be intentional about preparing to receive the Eucharist, Sister Cheryl said.

“Henri Nouwen talked about the four verbs always associated with Jesus and bread – taken, blessed, broken, and given,” she said. “We become the body of Christ when we receive the Eucharist. The Last Supper was a culmination of all of Jesus’ meal ministry.”

Receiving the Eucharist is becoming Jesus, Sister Cheryl said.

“The point of the Eucharist is so we can live like Jesus,” she said. “That’s the Christian call, live like Jesus – taken, blessed, broken and given.”

Her talk and reflection time will lead into lunch. In the afternoon, we will honor the 40th anniversary of the Associate program with some of the responses to “How has my life changed since I became an Ursuline Associate.”

VOL. XXVII, NO. 4 MAY 2023 Sign up for the June 24th gathering on back page or online.
Sister Cheryl
Continued on page 2
Eight Ursuline Associates attended an Introduction to Centering Prayer program on Feb. 27 at Precious Blood Parish in Owensboro, Ky. Five Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph also attended, including Sisters Martha Keller and Rosanne Spalding who helped plan the event along with Associate Maryann Joyce. Pictured left to right, seated: Mary Alice Wethington, Susie Westerfield, Gloria Adams. Standing: Martha House, Tina Wolken, Therese Wilhite, Jennifer Kaminski, and Maryann.

From the Associate Office...

Happy Spring!

Can you believe that June is coming upon us so quickly, and Associates and Sisters Day will soon be here! I am getting so excited about seeing everyone again and hearing Sister Cheryl Clemons speak. I always love hearing her retreats, she is so knowledgeable. We have a few candidates who will be making their commitment this year, and we are very excited about their joining as new Associates.

I want to thank those Associates who sent in a response to the question asked in the February Update, “How has my life changed since I became an Ursuline Associate?” I want to ask you again to think on this question and send a response, so we have an idea of how your life has changed since you became an Associate. I know my life has changed for the better and I find myself doing more things in my community. Knowing that I am doing this as an Ursuline Associate gives me a sense of pride.

Again, I look forward to seeing you all on June 24 for Associates and Sisters Day. I am sure it will be a very uplifting day.

See you then!

Associate Update is published four times a year for the Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356-9999

Phone: 270-229-2006 Website: ursulinesmsj.org

Email: associates.msj@maplemount.org

Coordinator of UrsUline PartnershiPs: Doreen Abbott, OSUA

direCtor of Mission advanCeMent/CoMMUniCations: Dan Heckel, OSUA

CoMMUniCations sPeCialist/GraPhiC desiGn: Jennifer Kaminski, OSUA

direCtor of develoPMent: Carol Braden-Clarke

Mission advanCeMent assistant: Sister Mary McDermott, OSU

develoPMent assistant: Sister Amelia Stenger, OSU


We, the associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through the actions of our everyday lives. We commit ourselves to living the charism of Saint Angela Merici in union with and in support of the Ursuline community of Mount Saint Joseph.

Associates and Sisters Day

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Maple Hall at Mount Saint Joseph (or Zoom)




12:00 p.m. ...... Lunch

1:00 p.m. ......... “Celebrating 40 Years of the Associate Program”

1:15 p.m. Honoring Jubilarians of 2023

1:45 p.m. Recognizing Associate Anniversaries

1:50 p.m. ......... In Memoriam & Happy Faces Videos

2:00 p.m. ......... New Associate Commitments

2:30 p.m. Closing Prayer

Front: Susan Scott, Suzanne Reiss, and Charlotte Paez. “Overall, it was just good to be together again,” Reiss said. Photo by Debbie Walker (inset picture top left).


from page 1

The always popular trivia returns to honor the 14 Ursuline Sisters celebrating jubilees this year, and then we will recognize the many Associates celebrating anniversaries in 2023. Following the “In Memoriam” and “Happy Faces” videos, we’ll welcome several people making their Associate commitments.

All of the day will be held in Maple Hall –which we used to call the Mount Auditorium. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. Please fill out the registration form in this issue or online at www.ursulinesmsj.org/associates-sisters-dayregistration.n

a.m. ......... Registration
a.m. Welcome and Opening Prayer
a.m. Keynote
by Sister Cheryl Clemons: ...............................
Incarnation to Eucharist”
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Associate Doreen Abbott shows Sister Suzanne Sims some Irish dance steps at a St. Patrick’s Day party in the dining room on March 16 The Louisville, Ky., Associates held their first in-person meeting since Covid on March 11. They did a formation session and discussed Catholic phone apps. Left to right, back row: Marilyn Beam, Pauline Goebel, Marian Pusey.

Dear Friends,

As I have imagined what I was supposed to be saying in this letter and have reflected on its possible content, I was distracted a bit by the sounds and sights of the massive excavating equipment out here at Mount Saint Joseph as we began the deconstruction of our Academy and Conference and Retreat Center.

As I watched, the giant articulated metal arm and claw reached across what had been the Madonna Room and grasped an entire wall and – seemingly ever so gently –simply pulled it away from its foundation and toppled it onto the rubble heap. “How easily it is destroyed,” I lamented. But as I looked again, I realized that much of the interior framework still remained and would take a more concerted effort to bring down. There was strength in the old lady yet.

So how does this relate to the Associates? Well, for almost 150 years, the interior structure, the foundation of the Academy and Center, was hidden from view, doing its work without particular notice. We Ursulines celebrated the “miracle bricks” we could see that provided the visible face of the Academy and, later, the Center; but so much more, not necessarily visible, was happening inside – both structurally and spiritually.

The Associates of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph have reached their 40th year, and will celebrate this “ruby” anniversary at Associates and Sisters Day this June, with a keynote address from Sister Cheryl Clemons –“From Incarnation to Eucharist: Living a Eucharistic Life” –which will remind us of our interior foundations.

Over these 40 years, the outer face – the appearance and shape of the Associates – has changed. Perhaps bits and pieces of this façade have fallen away or gained a radically different shape; the numbers, the locations, the practices of many Associates are different now than when we first began 40 years ago. But the interior structure of the Associate heart and the Associate program retains its original manifestation – focused on the teachings and mission of Saint Angela to share the love of Christ throughout our lives. Both change and stability.

May we move forward daily embracing the fluidity of change and life around us, while celebrating the constancy of the deep structure and life within. May we cherish both.

Blessings of peace,

Memorial bricks from the Academy/Retreat Center available Associates Day

Associates and Sisters Day will be an opportunity for anyone who would like to preserve a piece of Mount Saint Joseph history by donating to the Ursuline Sisters to secure one of the “miracle bricks” that Father Paul Joseph Volk created to build Mount Saint Joseph Academy in 1874.

The bricks — now 149 years old — began to disintegrate in recent years, making the original building and its additions unsafe. Demolition of the buildings is underway, but before the deconstruction of the 1874 building, 500 bricks were saved for posterity.

For a suggested donation of $25, a brick will be reserved in your name. There will be other designated days in the summer of 2023 when the bricks can be picked up, but Associates and Sisters Day is the first opportunity. The bricks will not be shipped, they must be picked up in person. Each person may order a maximum of three bricks. The bricks will come with a certificate of authenticity.

You can secure a brick by writing a check to the Ursuline Sisters and mailing it to:

Academy Brick

8001 Cummings Road Maple Mount, KY 42356

Or you can make your donation online at: https://ursulinesmsj.org/mount-brick/

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Renee Schultz expands students’ minds, hearts

Renee Schultz works as a full-time campus minister at Cristo Rey, a Catholic school in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Previously, she spent 10 years as a campus minister at Bishop Miege High School, in Mission, Kan.

“High school is a crossroads in the lives of teenagers – mentally and emotionally mature enough to make their own choices of the faith,” Renee said. “If they have questions, I can provide a safe space for them.”

Renee is modest about taking any credit for inspiring students and working with Water With Blessings. While at Bishop Miege, Schultz invited Sister Larraine Lauter to share information on her Water With Blessings ministry. One student was so touched, she did a fundraiser for the people of Honduras.

It changed students by “brightening their worldview and helped them to see the needs around the world,” Renee said. “I like to empower young people to know that they can make a difference.”

Renee experienced a proud moment this year at Cristo Rey when her students partnered with the KC Welcome Alliance to welcome a group of asylum seekers from Mexico to Kansas City. The students helped with English/Spanish translations, and helped the refugees with English by making flash cards and welcoming them. They gave from their hearts. Some of the students are from families who immigrated to America, and they wanted to give back.

Renee and I witnessed Saint Angela’s influence at work at one of our Ursuline Associate gatherings. Renee expressed the need to find saints of color for role models at her culturally diverse school. I shared that ValLimar Jansen was traveling and giving presentations for sainthood for four Servants of God. Jansen is a highly regarded singer, composer, recording artist, university professor, worship and prayer leader, and workshop presenter across the United States.

Renee wasn’t satisfied looking at the YouTube video. She decided to contact Jansen and arranged for Cristo Rey to partner with two other Catholic high schools in the Kansas City area – St. Thomas

Aquinas and Bishop Miege – to have her come to their schools as a part of Catholic Schools Week and to kick off Black History Month.

As Jansen explained the lives of the nominees for sainthood who were people of color, and who rose to societal challenges as people of faith, I was able to witness the change in demeanor of the student body to engagement and excitement. There was Renee smiling and clapping and inviting the young people around her to participate and shout for joy. Tears flowed with joy as I witnessed the Holy Spirit in action.

Jansen’s presentation also offered healing. The student body and faculty of one school were hurting from a racially biased post about other students that occurred earlier in the year. Jansen explained to the student body why it hurts. As a representative of the African American Black Catholic Congress, she helped to form a healing moment for the community.

For Renee, meeting together with Ursuline Associates helped bring about these experiences. “It matters that we meet and share,” she said. For me, it was as Saint Angela advised, “Do something, get moving, risk new things, stick with it, get on your knees, then be ready for big surprises.”

Since Renee has become an active member of our Ursuline Associate group, I am truly amazed by what an Associate can do. Her spirit and passion uplifts and motivates us all. And when the big surprises happen, I am not surprised at all.n

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Kansas Associates and Sisters met on Jan. 21 at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Gladstone, Mo., to celebrate (early) the Feast of Saint Angela Merici. Clockwise from left: Associate Joanne Thompson, Sister Michele Morek, Associate Lillian Cloughley, Associate Pam and Bob Knudson, Associate Rita Wilkus, Sister Angela Fitzpatrick and Associate Carol O’Keefe. Photo by Associate Renee Schultz. Associate Renee Schultz, left, brought singer ValLimar Jansen (front) to Kansas City for Catholic Schools Week/Black History Month.

ReflectiveMoments Reflective Moments

Belonging to each other

Occasionally, a bird finds its way into the Motherhouse Chapel when the community is gathered for prayer. It’s hard to helplessly watch as it crashes into the stained-glass windows as it tries to find a way out. And then there’s the collective groan from all of us when the bird just misses getting though the door held open by a brave Sister.

You might be as surprised as I was to learn a bird’s brain and a human brain are more similar than we previously thought. It’s nice to know “bird brain” is now considered a compliment. When I was in high school, my family began to trade books with each other. A book recommended by my father on birdwatching quickly went back on the shelf once my brother introduced me to a particularly good outdoor adventure writer. I became slightly obsessed with articles on the behavior of experienced adventurers who found themselves lost in the wilderness or at sea. Recently revisiting my obsession, I read an article claiming that day-hikers who are seriously lost in a forest tend to walk in circles. The hikers believe they are on an exit route but are actually just moving in circles like the confused bird trapped in our chapel.

As many of you who reflect on the daily scriptural readings know, there are a number of lectionary readings that deal with entrapment and imprisonment in the final weeks leading up to Holy Week. There is the ensnarement of Queen Esther, a foreigner, married to a despot and left without protection or influence; Susanna, harassed and trapped by men of power, and the woman taken in adultery as part of a malicious plan. As the danger closes in, there is the sense they are further removed from the community. Queen Esther cries out in her famous prayer, “Help me, who am alone and have no help but you.” The reader becomes aware that these women are far from alone. The people have fasted for the restoration of Queen Esther; the young Daniel arrives to vindicate Susanna; and Jesus springs the trap that sets the woman free from the plot to stone her.

Reading these Scriptural narratives through the lens of community, we acknowledge the larger sense of belonging to each other. The hikers most likely to get lost are alone on the trails. And how does a trapped bird escape alive without a door held open and a community cheering that it will follow the light to freedom?

Something to Consider

The attentiveness to the presence of God dwelling in the heart is a practice we often find in the lives of the Saints. While Saint Angela stressed this encounter with the Divine, her prayer always led her to “bring others into the divine embrace.”

Question: In my encounters and relations, do I offer heartfelt availability to people?

What makes you happy?

In 1938, Harvard researchers began an 85-year study of what makes people happy. They surveyed people worldwide every two years and found that positive relationships are the key to happiness. I see evidence of positive relationships each year at Associates and Sisters Day. It is great to see the smiles and the hugs as people gather with friends and Sisters. It is touching to see the genuine care people have for one another. If there are people who make you happy or who you care about, consider sending them Kindness cards. For $50, we will send a monthly card for one year with an inspirational message, words of encouragement or just a laugh to someone you care about. Watch our Facebook page or go to our website for more details. Another opportunity to gather with friends or family, or make some new friends, is on Sunday, Sept. 10, for Quilt Bingo. At the conclusion we will have the 53rd Mount Raffle drawing with the grand prize of $10,000. Tickets will go on sale for $5 a chance. Your support makes us happy to see how much the Sisters have made a difference in your lives.

Sunday, Sept. 10

1 p.m.–4 p.m.

Mount Saint Joseph Maple Hall

8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, Ky.

Play bingo to win quilts!

$25 per person includes lunch. $1 games for small quilt prize and $2 games for large quilt prize. Seating is limited. Sign up online: ursulinesmsj.org/quilt-bingo or mail a check payable to Ursuline Sisters, Development Office, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount KY 42356

Don't forget your $5 raffle tickets!

You could be our lucky $10,000 winner! Or you could win $5,000 • $2,000 • Quilt

Order tickets online: ursulinesmsj.org/mountraffle Drawing takes place on Sept. 10 at 4 p.m.

For more information, contact Carol Braden-Clarke 270-229-2008 • carol.braden-clarke@maplemount.org


Page 5

Happy Birthday ASSOCIATES!

2 Gary Mesnier

Karen Wells

4 Lina Trujillo

5 Paula Graves

6 Jeff Goldsmith

Martha Little 8 Doreen Abbott 9 Keith Hudson

10 Bobby Joe Christian

Ramona McConnell 16 Mary Alice Wethington 20 Rebecca Leonard 22 Donna Favors

Fr. John Vaughan 26 Perla Pike Karen Siciliano 27 Phil Dees

Suzanne Reiss

28 Tony Butel

Gabriela (Gaby) Mora

Raynell Prado

Susie Westerfield

Daytime Associate meetings

to be offered using Zoom

Remember during Covid, when there was no chance to meet in person, so we tried to gather online via Zoom? No one misses those days.

20 Sister Ann Middlebrooks, SEC

Father Joe Nangle

21 Debbie Lanham



Maryann Joyce

Larry Denton

25 Suzanne Gochenouer

Kay Howa

Claudio Olea

We would all rather meet in person, and we are encouraged that some of our groups are doing that again. But we also know that there are limitations for some of our Associates ever getting to meet with others in person. Some people don’t drive at night, some live too far away to join a group, and there are many other reasons why attending meetings is a struggle.

That’s why we are bringing back a chance to gather online via Zoom. We’re hoping that since it’s a choice – and not the only option – this will appeal to some of our Associates and perhaps some of the Ursuline Sisters as well. We all are energized by sharing our focus on Saint Angela and the Ursuline mission.



Sarah Bowling

Gloria Adams

Nanette Foley

Debby Ludwig

Gustavo Paez

Marilyn Paul

1 Marilyn Mischlich

3 Bob Beam

Patricia (Pat) Gregory

5 Betty Medley Wallace

The Owensboro Associates meet monthly, and we will use the same program we use at those meetings for our Zoom gatherings. Our first Zoom meeting will be at 10 a.m. (CDT) on Thursday, May 25, 2023. The meeting will last no more than an hour.

Is this the best time to meet? We hope you’ll let us know. Nothing is written in stone, so we can always change the time for future meetings.

We want to encourage all of our Associates to continue gathering in person, but this is a monthly opportunity for those who don’t have that chance.

Sara Scully

Don Speaks

16 Mary Danhauer

Dan Heckel

Chico Irizarry

17 Jean Dowdy

Jean Simpson

Ruth Bittel-Nunez

6 Lisa Day 8 Stephanie George 9 Bob Lawrence 11

Bonnie Marks 12

Wilma Howard

Cabezas 16

Shirlene Quinn

Marcia Stoller

17 Michael Bufalini 18

Carol Hill

Meghan Payne 19

Pam Brickler

Please contact Doreen Abbott at 270-229-2006, or doreen. abbott@maplemount.org to let her know if you would like to join and she will send you the Zoom link.

We hope to see you online and during Associates and Sisters Day on June 24th!n

In Loving Memory...


Joyce York

Brenda Busick

Kris Mango 28

Juanita Burke

Pat Riordan

Joanne Thompson 30 Jean Murphy 31

EVELINA SALAS, 91, a member of the founding group of Casa Ursulina, died in Chillán, Chile, on March 5. Throughout her life, Evelina was an active presence in her neighborhood of Tejar. She organized women’s groups for obtaining government benefits for the needy – funds for repairing roofs, or ramps for wheelchairs. She was influential in contacting immigrants. She reached out to everyone and inspired everyone, especially young people. Sister Mimi Ballard remembers that “Evie learned Tai Chi at Casa Ursulina and – at age 80 – was teaching it to her neighbors. She participated at Casa Ursulina as long as she could.” Evelina’s survivors include her daughter Pilar, three sons, nine grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. In a published tribute, Virginia Bruna Contreras – a teacher and friend –remembers Evelina as “a tireless fighter for social justice,” whose “convictions were brought to fruition without her raising the tone of her voice.”

2 Ione Deken
4 Donna Karcher 5 Janice Lawless Arth
Fr. Carl McCarthy
Fr. Ray Goetz
Lela Buettmann 5 Joan Teder 6 Philomena Bollinger David Henderson Christopher Walls 7 Barbara Boatner 8 Fr.
Shonis 9 Shirley Eckert Mary Jo Johnson 10
Jack 11
19 Trudy Peak
15 Erica
21 Bruce Blandford 23 Lawrence Guenther 24 Sid Mason 25
Risë Karr

In Loving Memory...

SISTER CLARENCE MARIE LUCKETT, 92, died Feb. 14 at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 72nd year of religious life. A native of Greenbrier, Ky., she served wherever she was needed and witnessed the love of Jesus to all those she met. She was a teacher for 30 years in Kentucky, then ministered to Hispanics and served in parish ministry and outreach. She made more than 50 beautiful quilts for the Ursuline Quilt Club. She led the craft room at Maple Mount from 1985-92. She was the contact Sister for Associates Stephanie Render and Janet Matyk, and deceased Associates Mary Leda Rice and Betty Stone. Survivors include the members of her religious community; her brother, Benjamin Luckett of Louisville; and nieces and nephews. Donations in her memory may be made to the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356.

DON HOBBS, 81, of Cadiz, Ky., died Feb. 14. He made his Associate commitment in 1988, with Sister Maureen Griner as his contact sister. Don retired as a metallurgist from Eaton Axle in Henderson, Ky. He was a member of St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church and was a 4th degree Knights of Columbus member. He is survived by his sons Charles and Chris Hobbs, his daughter Beth Raleigh, three grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.

VIOLET HAMILTON, 86, of Leitchfield, Ky., died Feb. 17. Violet graduated from Mount Saint Joseph Academy in 1954 and joined the Ursuline Sisters for two years. She became an Ursuline Associate in 2004, with Sister Mary Matthias Ward as her contact sister. Violet loved to visit the Mount, and was a devoted volunteer, especially for the Mount Picnic. She was a member of St. Augustine Catholic Church. She worked at JC’s Cigarette Outlet and Smitty City Store. She enjoyed watching hummingbirds and cooking and canning for her family. Violet is survived by a son, Robby (Dionalyn) Hamilton; a brother, Jim (Carol) Sims; two grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

LEON DONAHUE, 93, of Bardstown, Ky., died Feb. 8. He made his Associate commitment in 2001 with his late wife Sue, with Sister Mary Beatrice Donahue as their contact sister. His second wife, Betty, made her commitment in 2016. Leon was a retired employee of Ford Motor Co. after 34 years and was a U.S. Air Force veteran of the Korean War. He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and American Legion Post 121. He enjoyed making rosaries for

We extend deepest sympathy to:

• Doreen and Sam Abbott, whose mother/ mother-in-law Carol Elmer died Jan. 26.

• Sister Mary Henning, whose brother Tommy died Feb. 1.

• Pauline Goebel, whose sister-in-law Sandy Wethington died March 9.

• Sisters Marie Goretti and Clarita Browning, whose nephew Kevin Watts died April 9.

• Debbie Dugger, whose brother Larry Maglinger died April 24.

many years. Aside from his wife, Betty, he is also survived by daughters Diane (Joe) Hughes and Sandra Renee (Keith) McGaughey; sons Kent (Shawna) Donahue and Jeffrey Leon Donahue; stepdaughters Mary “Peggy” Greenwell and Gail Robertson; stepsons Robert Eugene (Mary Ann) Greenwell Jr., Richard Carl (Freida) Greenwell, James Earl (Martha) Greenwell and Joseph Paul (Deborah) Greenwell; sisters Doris Gorman and Carol Tuttle; brothers Thomas (Rose) Donahue, Jim (Betty Sue) Donahue and Larry Donahue; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

DOLORES J. POLSON, 92, died Feb. 3 in Collinsville, Ill. Dolores was a retired bookkeeper for Lombardi Interiors and later worked at the Wooden Bench in Lebanon, Mo. She was a former member of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church and Altar Society in Granite City, Ill., and St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church in Lebanon, Mo. She enjoyed sewing and quilting. She became an Ursuline Associate in 2001, with Sister Renee Monaghan her contact sister. Surviving are her three children, Pamela Olmstead, Teresa Burns and Scott Polson; four grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren.

BETTE CURTIN, 79, of Kansas City, Kan., died Aug. 18, 2022. She became an Ursuline Associate in 1992, with Sister Jane Falke as her contact sister. Bette earned a degree as a medical assistant and served from 1976-92 with Drs. McFarland, Lehner, Nickell and Lopata. In 1992 she moved to St. Luke’s Internal Medicine on the Plaza, working as a medical assistant until her retirement in 2007. Bette was a member of Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church for 35 years. She served on the parish council, liturgy council, women’s club, as a Eucharistic minister, sacristan, funeral dinner coordinator and with the St. Mary’s food kitchen. She most loved teaching religious education to children and taking communion to the homebound. She is survived by siblings Robert (Sharon) and Mary K (Jim); children, Steven, Danny (Wendy), and Brenda; and grandchildren and great grandchildren.

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Saturday, June 24, 2023 – Mount Saint Joseph Maple Hall

Registration 9:30 a.m. CDT. Event begins at 10 a.m.

Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone (________)_______________________Email _________________________________________________________

Special needs (dietary, handicap accessibility)___________________________________________________________

Registration is required for Associates and Sisters Day. Note: Maple Hall is the former gym/auditorium. q Box lunch needed for in-person attendance on Saturday, June 24

Please provide a $10 donation to help defray costs.

Accommodations: There is a limited amount of space in the Guest House on a first come, first served basis. q I can’t attend in person but please send me the Zoom link so that I may watch online (no charge).

Please return this form by June 16, 2023, to this address:

Office of Ursuline Partnerships, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount KY 42356

Or you may register online: https://ursulinesmsj.org/associates-and-sisters-day

Questions? Call 270-229-2006 or email associates.msj@maplemount.org


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