USHGA Ground Skimmer March 1976

Page 1




Full control at a greater range of air speeds. Directional stability. Controlled lift distribution on wing surfaces.




t' Inherent Yaw Characteristics t' Penetration problems. Truncated Tips (less control in rough air).

19 X 12 June '75

18 X 9 April '75

Batten Stabilized Inflated Tapered Leading Edge l'rn~•<ot~

18 X 14 March '75

Hang gliders of the future will very probably be similar to the Phoenix VI, so why wait 'ti/ then? Contact your nearest Delta Wing dealer or write for our free brochure.

PHOENIX IV January '75

.. .. I;[llaximum wing are range'! for the sheer fun of flying and ultimate performance.

Write To: 13620 Satir.oy

Box 483 · Van Nuys, California-91408


Amount enclosed Name

ISSUE NO. 38 MARCH, 1976

EDITOR· Arch Grigsby LAYOUT & DESIGN: Mark Allison EDITOR IAL ASSISTANT· Sharon Grigsby

OFFICE STAFF MANAGER : Carol Velderrain Chon Aranda. Susan Bischof. Ronda Leggett USHGA OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Vern Roundtree VICE PRESIDENT: John Lake

GROUftD ,HlfflffllR fflAGAZlftl

SECRETARY· John Harns TREASURER· Lloyd Lrc her


USHGA REGIONAL DIRECTORS REGION 1 · Vern Round tree. Gil Dodgen REGION 2: t.,ee Sl e rios, Joh n G r ace. REG ION 3: Lloyd Licher, Dan Poynter. John Lake. Chris Wi lls. REGION 4: Don Beuch. REG ION 5: Gary Osaba. REGION 6 : Darryl Smith REG ION 7: Mike Ziaskas. REGION 8: Tom Peg hiny, Dan Chapman. REGION 9: Vic Powe ll. Chuck Slus arczyk. REG ION 10: John Harr is. REG ION 11 : Dave Broyles. DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE: REG IO N I : Bil l Johnson. REG ION 3: Kaz Delisse. REGION 8: Al Mulazzi. REGION 9 : Dennis Pagen. REG ION 10 : Harry Robb. REG ION 11 : John White. CONSUMER ADV IS ORY : GRO UND SKIMMER and USHGA, Inc . do not endorse or take any responsibility tor lhe produc ts advertised or mentioned within these pages. Please consult the HMA or pilots and dealers in your area. GROUND SKIMMER 1s published lor hang ghd1ng sport enlh1Js1asts to create lu1ther 1nte1est ,n the sport, be a means or open cornmurncation and to advance hang gl 1d 11 1g me thods and salety Con tributions are welcome Anyone 1s rnvned to cor1111b· u te a111ctes. photos. and rllusirat,ons concerning 11ang gliding actMties. If !he matenal ,s 10 be returned. a stamped, sell· addressed return onveropo must be enc losed GROUND SKlMMER 1eserves 1110 right to edit contnbullons whe1e necessary rhe Associations and pub1tca11on do no1 assume respons1b1hty 10, tt,e mare1oa1 or opinions ot contr1bu101s Tt1e only torm ol monetary payment rs $5 to, the photograpt1 01 1t1us· tratron !hat rs used on the 110111 cover GROUND SKIMMER 1s pubhsned monthly by the United States Hang G hd1ng Association, Inc. whose ma1hng ad dress 1S P O Box 66306. Los Angeles. Cahf 90066andwhose ottices are located a t 113 121'.!Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, Calit 90066 . telephone (2 13) 390-3065. Second-ctass postage 1s paid a t Los Angeles. C alif GROUND SKIMMER 1s p r,nted byS1ncla11 Pnn11ng & L1th0. Alhambra, Cahl. Subscr,puon ,s available only as part ot membership rn USHGA. a non-p<0ti1, member-controlled educat,onal and sc1er,t1llc organ1zat1on dedicated to exploring all lacets o1 luet-tess, sel1,launched ullrahght flight. Membersh,p 1s open to anyone 1nteres1ed on this realm of ll1gh1. Due! are $10 per yea, ($ 11 tor foreign addresses) ot wl11ch $4 ate designated tor SJbscflpl1()(l to GROUND SK IM MER Changes ol address shou1d oe sent six weeks 1n advance. ,ncludong name, USHGA memb e1sh1p number, p revious and new add1e ss, and a ma1t1ng label trom a recent 1ssuo












1976 NATIONALS by John Lake




DO A GOOD TURN by John Lake









fHE COVER: Jack Martin soars in a "Wind Gypsy" above Black M t.. San Diego. Calif. Photo by Bettina Gray.









, IJ·I ::,LID1S"5

For let us is a ridge 100 miles long with only one spot for a super hang glider with an Dear Editor, LID oflG to land take off. So the guy I enjoyed ing about Bruce in this super duper ship takes off from Morton's fantastic flight in the January the spot on the he can launch GS. I wish that l could have hceu ahlc to from whicl1 happens to in the best fly along;with him bu twill have to settle li!l the ridge has to offer. He flies .50 for flyiug; along; with him in th<) pages of m ilcs to one end of the docuGround Skimmer. ments his turn flies the length of documents his 2nd turn His story and his letter to the eclitorin the the November GS brought up some point, Hies hack lo his takeoff point, things that w<1rc inaccurate and might lands his 120 pound hang glider on its his reliefhottle before influence the of GS to think in a skid, and hack on its direction I would not like lo sec hang putting; his hang trailer. gliding go. Bruce claims that Bob Wills went 25. D The second gny is Joe Rogallo pilot miles for his unomcial Bob I who hikes bis to one end of the measured the distance from wlwrn his lhroug;h a thick launching feet left the gro11ncl to where they from a outcropping into what is not lot1checl down, and came up with 26.4 the best lift on the but as far as he miles mcast1recl in a straight line on a possibly can away from his chosen landlJ. S. Geodedie Topographical Map of site. He works his way down the Oahu. lt is not really Bruce's fault that and gets just as liigh as the snpcr he miscalculated Boh' s flight, hut bcforn duper ship i11 the good Jill in front of he sent thn letter to the he S11pcr takeoff point. has the should have asked Bob where he took same sink rate but only 2/3 the glide off. Bob should also have documented really it his flight heller. Bruce's error comes over some gaps that Hew from the fact thal Boh took off from a over with ease, Jou Rogallo lands in a lower portion of the ridge forth er to the muddy fleld !00 miles from southeast of the Bruce thought his foet left the ground. Boh launched frorn and where Bruce .In my opinion, only one of those pilots hirnsclflaunched for his distance flight. flew 100 miles. This next poiut really has nothing to Bruce Morton used an aerial or do with Bruce Morton's 1111olncial world turn point to set his record. lf you take record or Boh Will's hriefclaim away his mile and orn, . . half lw to it, lmt has to do wilh the dilforencc from using tlic he still heat Bob hy between hang and foot-launched a teuth of one mile. So I am Bruce sailplanes. Due to the foot-launched na- to reconsider his unofficial record. ture of the I feel that the Bruce would still have gone further ifhe record should he calculated by a had chosen to take off from where Bob line starting from where the did, and could have easily. You, the left the ground to where they touch which way is more when lie lands. Ifaerial arc i1 record. BII t will rnakc it easier for a foot-launched foe! that Bruce's tree landing is the kind sailplam) to hold the dist:mcc record. of'thing world records in is ( continued 011 page G)

MAFlCH, 197fl


Blueprints Now Availabl(1

VJ-24 Sunfun • Airplane controls 8 All metal, except fabric. • Easy to build. • Semi-cantilever, monoplane hang glider. illll Send $2 for brochure.

VJ-23 Swingwing

e Has been soared for 42. min. on 34'-high hill, 23-slope, 17 mph wind. Takes off and lands in 2 steps in a 15-mph wind. e Fully controllable in 3 axis. • World's first high performance hang glider. • Send $2 for literature, 3··view, and color photo


all ahont. He could have turned right and landed on the beach safoly and no! have set his record and saved me the trouble of writing this letter. Chris Price alias, Joe Hogallo pilot Tustin, Calif.

Dear Editor, The loop has heen the maeho maneuver in aviation since the beginning of time. Many of early aviation died trying to do it. As soon as early glider pilots thought that they could loop, the big contest began to see who could do the most in one flight. This resulted in one pilot towing to 10, (){)() feet, releasing and looping all the way to the ground; he drifted several miles from the airport, landed off field, climbed out of his and foll Hat on his hack from dizziness. Is this what we have to look forward to in hang gliding? The maneuver the mainland publie called a loop was aetually a high bank ,360 tnrn. The hank angle in this turn is sornewhat past vertical hut not totally npside-down. Please don't he misled by rumors that there are people in Hawaii doing loops; there aren't. H you have visions of doing loops in your f11ture Hying, please do it in a more appropriate machine. Hoy A. Honolulu, Hawaii

Dear Editor, Rec.:ently Dave Starhuck, president a Philadelphia area cl11li, Dermis Chairman of and Training, and l headed to a nnivcrsity to speak with a profossor of' Aerodynarnic.:s. We wanted to interest him and his students in research into Hogallo wing characteristics and safoty parameters. I !is enthusiastic response was exhilarating. Already Dave is getting a complicated oC computer work doue to tell him the propeller angle and thrnst needed for installing a molor into a Hxed wing craft. The engineering librarian is conducting an information search on Hogallo papers already written. And the professor folt


VJ-11 So-lo • Build the world's first fully controllable hang glider. II Standard aircraft controls. o Fully engineered. • Can be built in 6 weeks spare time. • Material cost approximately $400 1111 Send $2 for literature, specifications, and photo

Plnns & Brochures



Kits & Materials


that many academics woul<l be interested in helping one easy way would be stress testing hy a mechanical s<.:icnccs clcpartmenl. The idea for this venture resulted from readings about the work of lhe ]ntennediate Technology Development Group, which has motivated British imivcrsihes to researeh some of its projects, whiel1 arc unrelated to hang glicl-· ing. In fad, it looks like the campus is a very good tool for those with problems which would be aided by the scienliflc approacl1, for free. Sylvester Johnson Cheyney, Pe11n.

Dear Editor, Hang glidi11g, I believe, is a sport where you must take total individual responsibility. :\1ost people never have to take total individual responsibility in their daily lives. Bnt in hang gliding yo11 nrnst. You cannot depend on anyone hut yourself'. Yon must decide when yon fly, where you fly and how you fly. You eannot hase yom decision on the fact that someone else is flying. You must be honest with yourself ahout yom f1ying ability. This is not a sport where you ean afford lo let yom ego become involved. A warped ego with foolish competition can he fatal. Too many hang gliding pilots suffor f1·om what might he called "the karns Symlrornc", hut insleacl of flying too close lo the sun, as Iearus did, many hang glitlcr pilots in their eagerness to fly forget to take the responsibility that tlicy mnst take. They fly because someone else is or they hastily set 11p their kite because !heir eagerness to get inlo the air. :\1any very good pilots have died because of' these errors. The responsibility for hang gliding the moment you decide to beeome involved in the sport. The responsibility is totally yours. You cannot necessarily believe that a rna1111fact11rer's kite is safo and welltested. There are no established vcrifled tests that man11factmers must put their kites through. There are probably modiBed hang gliders on the market today with errors whieh could prove fatal if the hang glider is put into acer .. tain maneuver.


( continued on page ll)

MNlCH, 1976

Mnllow Handling, Mellnw thn !n rnol!ow winds, m provnd nnjoyrnoni and :;ntoly for this it cornJition'.; Gt1dden!y frorn rn!ld to wild.

High Wind Capability nclvancoc! Rogc1!los in hn11dlin£1 und is clu~,lnnod to mph (1 kinph) for nxporioncnd ily(ns. Here it~ iin clonsn' t ju~;t lonvo you h,rngi11g

dews ponotrn1o.

f'n11ntr.1tion it crnnplm< s11hject wiih rnany variahilit si ~nonpnoss nnd hniuht, l.1rn!nwr or tt1rhulor1t flow, you1° individual trim, ;u1d tt1ninq your rnind to avoid hnd 1novos, rotors, and 1noro c:xporinncnd r\Jports snarinq l,ls l<ustrul withot11 difficulty at ono krnph) winds. /\t t other uxtrcirnc, hn snyi; ho wouldn't fly in winds rnuch n1otmu1in !; for low-wind soarino [down to 8 rnph (·J 1<1nphl I rho ndvnn of vvidn effect ivt: spcwcJ ranoe. Ymi won't rwnd fly i11 flurric.1nc;s rlqh1 up thoru with other hioh pnrform,rnc:c floqallos i1 ym1 do occasionally need noo<I

Whitman, Mass

Telephone (6l/) 4413773 Factory, (203)


ror more ir1lorrnillior1, send $1 00 lor orrr information kit.

In rnid.fobrumy lhc new hcmq qlidinq compolilion wm kicker! off rrnditionnlly with the :ilh World Snow Flyin9 l<ile Chcrmpion ,,hips CJI Kimherlc,y, Brilish Colurnl)iCL Alwoys clifficull meet wcuthcr·rrncl lrc,vel·wise, ii neverllwlcss !ms otlrcrcted mcrny tho sport's ncrmes 197'.l. Sky proud lo rnmounce lhot the 19/(, wos won wilh c, Keslrel flown by .Joe Crd,lo, un msislnnl rncmnqer of n 1nu/ti-thucllt:r crnnplex cmd on of 1llc Southern Culifornio Scl100! of lkrnq Glidinn. !his wns no exccp1ion for rouiJ!i condi1ions (md only one fliuht eve111 wos scored, "It wos downwind," .Joe reports, "snowing, cmd cloucfod up. ' Cornpctitors ski·lmmchcd ut I ,!:JOO llhovc lhe lrn1di1HJ, skimmed tl,e slope ot oL,out 1 00 fr. for 1/1 % miles, ,md then <wnc 01JI over t!1e tnr9r:1 ul nl>out 600 fL The ldc;o wos in rnony ]6U's ns poss/hie ond then for o !cmdin9, J°'' c;reblo c111d l<e,trnl did nine turn,; und lcrncled lo thc bull•, eye [but losl l,mdinq poinls fo, droppintJ lhe bcrr) Second plCJcc; went for Jurns ond hi1tinr3 dewJ c011tc;r the Kr;:;1n:I "!ins extremely C'osy lwnclllng rl1c1ructcristics l.tumins;.J cmcl lur h\/!1:nce. 11',, just pleosun; 1o f-ly." Well, you urn'1 pound yotH 100 rnuch over !oking n on(; hut o nice wny for lo s!nrt ! Flyina CJ K()Strel is n t woy to stnr1 your yeor, !oo

(mk Im "NI, /6. I") on the Kimberley incul unJ his impressions in cie111;rul

foe c, copy of

uhou1 the: Kns1reL

much emphasis on qualily dealers on decent price. We depend on tlrese good people /\l<1ska fl.il11wr l!1qh f\:11orm,mce 1(111:s of AL\'.;ka; [{11:k lle1mk:

rcµrescnt our products and lo lrclp tile customer. All Sky Sports clcalers ofter instruction. Many cmry !Jooks and and accessories. And some offer other of equipment mind). So contact tire ue;irest one about whatever need. lo compare quality and price· we think you'll Sky Sports. {)1)11)? /1111[;()


I 111vilk 17114)

rnon /~!) 4/!d)

Ca!1forr1t<1 Van So Cid. Si;l1. ol llanq ()l1d11\q; l\1cli

G1ee1\ Mountain Sky Sports; Cilrl

{lilJ3) IB/ G3 l:i0l Inc.; Jolin

111:1: 11\cl li)()(J Peunsylvnnia Cnr\rnrdville Clnan '/\i1 /\viation; Don Nocito; (71 !,) 1:i!l 1<11


(211:ll ?1; (hlJI, H/7 Milford So. Conn. Sril. of lli/1/y K11si:l1, (?IJ:\I Ill I il!inoi\ Skokie hrncrutt l\ir Norum; (11 /)

Inc.; Conrad Aute;

Spokarw (!,Oil)

Con11ec11rnt nloo1nLeld


l11rnrlas, Ontario;

New Yori<

Corp.; A1n1H


lfo11lel (illders of M1 /\brwn; J1Jn liobiller; {11J/I ll?1 ?18'.I

!sland IJ1xrnn's Cl1d1:1 Supplies; Bet1y ((11G} ti BB 7'.1f1/ MonrnP /\(ir1ai Trichn1q1ws; Jim /\1011snn; (!1111 /113 fi/:,IOl


Pittsford Hocliestiir l 01n f rutiqer, (/ 1G)

CJl1ders, lnr.,


Inc.; Paul l alilH!! l11;

LJurrnany, Wtist B Gar misch P;

Harknr ti

Srain··lfomes-Ocnlls, Beethoven 12 Garcnlona 1

fl; 7ll!JOD8ll; 11uman Camps1J116

Hhotle lslaml Providnnce (4011

/\l/\rrle111n; 6 Bobcat ti trninining


Mnssachmctt~ /\mh1m1

I co H1oilt; Hob :;1ewart; (413)

Chattanouua AsliPvilln I r('erlum Spu1ts; Bob frestrnan;


$ Kestrnl demonstrator

Mang glider shop

I hcli<ivc that tl1c F.A.A. slionlcl lie. conw involved in tlic development ol' hang glid on a limited basis, if the sport is to <"volv<' properly. (I) The F. /\. A. sho11ld have a snies of' flight lll,lllC'IIVC'J'S tlrnl the kilc lll!IS[ pn, form i11 wind conditions which lllllSt he oh'i(']'\'('d Irv the F.A.A mid doc1111w11tcd, perl1aps on the gro1md. Such tests arc possible: There arc low speed wind l1rn11els available and also a new lcsti11g proccd11rc. \Vith a pilot, the kite is hooked liv lllcans ofa low lmr lo a trnck filled with i11stnmH'11ts wliich de .. tcnni1w !light charncleristics. \Vin•s rnn li·mn the inslnm1cnt in the trnck up tlie tow bar and arc connc<'l('.d to diffon,11l parts of' tlic kite The trnck is driven al various speeds lo d<'icnnin(' the lliglit charnclcristics of the kite at 1hose speeds. Other val11ahlc data is also gai 11ed. The F.A.J\. should rate major hrnig gliding area, as lo d('gJ'('(' or dillk11lt1· and wind conditions. This ral wo1iJd lw a Wa\' fo t]l(' pilots which areas lie is capable of'flving at tlit' tirn<'. (:)) Th<' F.A.A. should l'i!hcr ral<'


pilots as to their lcvt'l of skill or insist that the nia1111fact mers do this. Tl1c F. A. A. should ha vc avail ah le a S\'S{Clll to check Jiang gliders aft('!' SO 11mm' lt011rs of'11sc or years ol'owncrsldp. To cli<'ck for wear, fatigue material and damaged parts wliicli need to he rcplnced. It wo,ild lie i1npossihlc to en .. force this. The F.A.A. slio11ld onlv nrnkc s11rc that iii<' pilot knows IH' sho11ld lrnvl: tlie: kite <'licckcd periodirnllv, nol insist Oil it. Thl' F. A.A. sho,ild co11strnct a flight co11rs<' for lwginning pilots lo lake. The\' slto1ild rcq1iire the rn,m11fod1rn·1· to adrninister this ('011rse. Tlic !lving co11rsc or lessons slio11ld he incl11dcd i11 i lH' p1irclrnsc of' the kite. (G) The F.A.A. should require the 111a11ul'act11rcr to pnt out colllplctc spccil'ications and information with llw kill:, Tlie manuCtd11rcr slio11ld also s11g .. µ;('st wltat. ir1a1H'11vcrs can and ('a1111ot he 1wrf<ll'lll('d with th(' kite. The VA.A. sl1011ld have lo i11s1wd a11d approve all materials and proc<' dmcs 11sccJ in the ('OliSll'llCtion o!' th(' kite. I hcli('VC tlH'se suggestions arc fair to

hotli the pilots and the mannfaclmcrs. \1odi!Jccl hang gliders arc im:n)asing rapidly i11 a lwpliazard way. As in most sports, ii' you do not do as well as yon tl1ink yo11 slio11ld, it. is hccausc of' yo11r cq11iplllcnt In tennis, yo11 need a new racq11ct; in hang glidi11g, ycrn nccd a new 111mlilkd hang glider.· tlw lll:nrnl\l(• .. tmers prod11cc rnodiflcd gliders which have not been doc11rnc11tedly tested. Some arc tested, sOlll<' are not. I low do we know which ones an) !cslcd W<'ll and which ones arc Hot tested well? \Ve m11sl he g11arantecd tliat tl1c prndnct we arc hnying is nwchanically saf'c and so1111Cl. The n1anufact 1irers 11111st lake ihcir rcsponsiliility as the pilots 11111st. I believe that co11scicntio11s liangglicl· ing rna11ufacl1ll'crs will agree with these s11ggcslio11s. They havci mueli to gain 1!·0111 tlw cmTcct evolvc111c11l of' hang gliding. l .arry Sherrer Larkspur, California

(next to Disneyland) Hang Gliders, Ultralights,

JUNE 21, SHGA membership meeting, 7:30 PM Dept. of Water and Power auditorium, 111 N. Hope St. Los Angeles.


Gliders, Sailplanes, Homebuilts, Helicopters, Gyrocopters, Flying Wings, Parachutes, Bal· loons, Powered Hang Glider, Jet and VW en .. gines, Pilot Supplies, Accessories, Parts, Sup.. plies, Construction Kits, and Materials. For Booth write 305 S. State College Blvd. Anaheim, 92806.

MARCH 5.. 7, Hang Gliding Meet, Escape Country, Trabuco Canyon, CA 92678. For more infor· mation call (714) 586-7964. MARCH 15, S.H.GA membership meeting, 7:30 P.M., Dept. of Water and Power Auditorium, 111 N. Hope St, Los Angeles. APRIL iQ .. 18, 1976 World Open Hang Gliding Championsh:ps, Escape Country, Trabuco ca.. nyon, CA 92678. For more information call (7! 4) 586-7964. APRIL 10·11, S.E. Championships at Caverns Flight Park, Ctiattanooga, Tennessee. For further information call (615) 821-0097. APRIL 19 S.HGA membership meeting, 7:30 P.M., Dept. of Water and Power Auditorium, 111 N. Hope St., Los Angeles. MAY 7-9, WORLD'S LARGEST INDOOR AIRCRAFT SHOW-Anaheim Convention Center

MAY 8-9, Hang Gliding Meet at Crystal Caverns Flight Park, Chattanooga, Tennessee. For further information call (615) 821-0097. MAY 15.. 16, USHGA Regional Qualification Meet for U.S. Nationals. Escape Country, Trabuco Canyon, CA 92678. For more information call (714) 586 .. 7964. MAY 17, SHGA membership meeting, 7::30 PM Dept. of Water and Power auditorium, 111 N. Hope St. Los Angeles, CA. MAY 29 ..,JUNE 5, 4th Annual USHGA National Championships, Dog Mountain, Morton, Washington. JUNE 1976, The Albuquerque Invitational. For more information call (505) 256-9511 or (505) 821-6660.

l!m)e something on your rnindµ CS we/. conies letters to the editor. Please arlrlress your letters to Ground Ski1m11er, '10 ( IS/ !CA. Box 66:J06, I ,os , CA 900/'iG.

JULY 2.. 4 Fireworks! Hang Gliding Meet at Crystal Caverns Flight Park, Chattanooga, Ten· nessee. For further information call (615) 821-0097. ,JULY 9-·11, 2nd Annual Molsons Invitational Hang Glider Competition at 1100' Mt McKay Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. $4,000. purse. For more information contact: Northern Sun Hang Gliders, 240 N. McCarrons Blvd., St. Paul, MN. 55113 (612) 489-8300. AUGUST 12-15, 3rd World Delta Championships, Boat Tow Launch Hang Gliding. Contact Pat Callan, Box I, Cypress Gardens, Florida 33515. (813) 293-2111. AUGUST 14-15, Hang Gliding Meet at Caverns Flight Park, Chattanooga, Tennessee. For further information call (615) 821-0097. SEPTEMBER 4.. 6, Hang Gliding Meet at Crystal Caverns Flight Park, Chattanooga, Tennessee. For further information call (615) 821-0097.

JUNE 5.. 5, Hang Gliding Meet at Crystal Caverns Flight Park, Cllattanooga, Tennessee. For further information call (615) 821-0097.

MNlCH, 1976

administered the Hc:irional who in [11111 may call upon nv,.... m·irn•"""f as mnch as needed. A brief organization of' the school is as foJ .. l.

Demonstration of clements of' mane11vcrs by the ccrlifieation instruclor.and


structor. :j. Actual nr,i1~f)P(•fH11'

Dear Please find cneloscd a copy of a letter sent to our slippery friend Mr. Everhardt, temporary director of the National Park Service by Carl and myself.

I say 'temporary' director as I believe this is what he should and will he if onr voices are raised loud cnongh to have him removed from that office. I strongly urge all persons to renew the defense ofour right, not privilege, to fly in OUH national parks. At the least have your congressman or eleetcd officials write him and demand an cx111anation. Yours very trnly, Bill Bennett

To: Mr. E. Everhardt Director, National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Washington, D. C. 20240 Dear Mr. Evcrlmrdt His my considered opinion that yonr new proposed amendment to 36 Chapter 1, Part 2, is not a satisfactory modification of your previous proposal. In fact I foel that the proposed prohibition of hang gliding is at least equally of basie human freedom as the first proposal. I furthermore am shocked that a man in your position would use the dishonest and misleading tactic seeming to capitulate to public pressure while in fact making no substantial modifieation to your original plan. Our freedom is slowly being eaten away by unprineiplcd people such as yourself who nsc the techniques of confusion, stubbornness, and privileged position to their own selfish and biased regulations made into law. This use of bureaueratie red tape and



confusion to make a uniformed opinion into law is intolerable to me and all other trne Arnericans. Our laws should he passed afh,r pnhlic debate by etc,elf)C1 11ot by the SlllTC'[)tJlllons stroke oFa secret pen buried in page 57695 of the Federal ofTlrnrS··· Decem her ! ] , H)75. I sincerely hope that an informed publie will see thnmgh yonr ,11 lhfr,rhH11, and will eontinue to overwhelm you and yonr follow with protest as long as yon continue to resist the will of the majority. You have no to another prohibition. that yon acc1mes(.:e demand that

andTrust Omaha, Nebraska to: The Hon. Gerald H. President The Hon. Carl T. Senator The Hon. Homan L. H


of the i llStrllCtOr

!lie group as students. 4. Free and ,...iti,,,,,,,. Written and oral exams. The instrnetor' s Ccrtif'ieation M mrnal published by the USCA provides the hackgronnd nrnterial for the above tasks and tests. u an order the fnstrnctor's Certiflcation Manual from: lJSII Box Los CA 90066. The cost is 2.00 each. It will be mailed third elass unless extra postage money is rccicved with order.) Other so11rec material will he by the eomrnittee to enhance the pr,osJ)e<:h,,c instruclor's ,,,,.,.n,11w There will he two levels of inslrnctor the Basic Jnslrnclor and the Senior Instructor. The Basic lnstrnctor will he the only level issued for the Hrst year. The are a hang rating of at least passing the certiflcation school and holding a current Atlvaneml First Aid Certificate. The Senior Jnstrnctor nrnst be a JV pilot, practice one year as a Basic and pass a written and oral test. It will he the dnty of all instrnctors to hook of students taught as a as attend a refresher eonrse at least. onee a year to remain current.

U.S. Senator

The Hon. John Y. MeCollister, Member of Ccin~:re:ss

This new program is meant to set a minimum standard of instrnetion throughout the co1mtry, unify and Hpgrade teaching methods, and provide an exchange of ideas hetween instrnctors. As of July 4, all present instructor cards will be voided. All future USHGA instructors will quired to attend and pass a eertiliCDLticrn sehool. The certification sehool will be

3 al Fort Cron forther information write to Jan Instruetor 10 Hillside Blvd, California 94011.

MARCH, 1976

lnsflt photos by Rich

t WIN , INC.



We're smious ar)out our business and we're serious about Our record proves that. The of our firm is the first individual classc)cl to cornCalifornia who an expert at mecca of that the purpose ""rm,inn and our kites over others and

We feel that it shouldn't cost you an into the nation's arm and a leg to Neither should it fastest growing Consider thesE3 cost you quality or features:

group You can be assured that each is assembled witt1 pr·ecision and at that would be impossible to achieve system Our sails /'f'\f')Q1c,tor,tlu attained a of to that to establish the hold' Our kites winning records that fly well b(~cause we build them well After all, we've been and building since

the sails seam or various loads flight. This smooth sails

firm using 4.2 ounce dacron orc,ducli<)n models. Although it costs us much lhe 3.0 ounce sailcloth, ii form anee and drnrnbili!v. Moose sails are ,.,,..,,,,,111, cul lo produce a airfoil" you more Iii! per

results in whisper through

The lrames in the industry ... con· structed 1 ·5/8"x .058" 6061 T6 double and triple reinforced at all points receiving stress.

A finish

o!. c:rri""·h•1r and black steel

hardware wires enable turnbuckles to lune your by !he

Call We'll direct you to one of more than dealers that can you with sales, c.-.,,.,ir·o there's no re1:>reise,nt1c1ti1ve in mediate area, we'd like to diS,CU!SS with you. the world's

u SaH Area Pilot Weight: 100 lbs 155 lbs Assembled Woight· J5 lbs

$895 Features· Sail is sewn doubly reflexed and fully battened The undersurface, which is c1it in arcs, covers 6b% of the main surface and provides in these areas


Kansas 67214

6) 262-2664

Write or call for tree pictures, specifications and performance, data,

Alter taking sailplane lessons and soloing in the Schweizer 2-,13 and l-26, my younger brother Craig and J got interested in a less expensive and more natural form of flying and investigated the various kinds of ultralight gliders. Having liad brief experience with Rogallo /light (2 kites), we wanted a glider better control charaetcristics and better perfrlrmance than om big 17', black polyethylene cov<:red kite. VVe kept our cars and eyes open and found out ahout the learns II and V. A1 this time 1 was working as a draftsman 16

rl uring the summer to earn some college money. Bnt the flying bug hit and I soon visitnd Larry aml Frankie Mauro of Ultralight Flying Machines. I wanted to gel the but .I was about $.500 short. J,arry suggested that it would be better bcgilming with the learns II before progressing to the V. So I settled for a II and luckily got it two weeks before the kit price was $JOO. 11 was completed 4 weeks later wit It white and blue polyester coveri11p;, Now ... the Schweitzer 2<l:3 and learns I.I are two difli:1rent birds ... how do you fly an Icarus II?

.In the s111mncr of'74 with a flyahlc n, we called Larry Mauro and made arrangements to meet Jack Bamlmrg at Marina Beach near Monterey where we would get om first nltralight glider lcs·· son. We had three to fom short flighls, or facsimiles thcrno( each near the bot·· torn of' the sand dime. Om enthusiasm soared after watching P.rian Porter hover effortlessly and soar his 11 over the takeoff area! Tl 1at' s incredible considering the size of the dunes at Marina. By Fehrnary of built a JI from scratch (and a lot ol' alumin11m) i11 preparation ltir the World Open al Escape Country. All the learns 11 ai rcrnFl entries from the San Franeisco Area were securely packed in the back ofa Hyder lrnck whieh drove lo T'ralrneo Canyon. On our way south we talked aho11t John Moody from Milwaukee who has been !lying his powered Iearns I I. 'The coll·· versalion a "to do" in my mind. What eould lw more natural than to a hi rd its mnselcs. Also, during that trip Craig mentioned his idea about making a glider which would have higher pcrforrnance than the 11 and would have hctter takeoff and ground handling cliaracterislics lkm the V. Tlrns, two ideas were gcnninale<l for further cultivation. 'J'hc World Open came and went with Santa Ana wiuds, torn tents, and hori .. zontal out honsns, hut with learns Ir pilots making an impressive showing, especially Sh\VC Patmont' s 5th place against a field of' many, many Hogallos. An objective ohsmvcr has said that the learns IT demands and gets attention when in flight. Craig sold his red and white striped ll lo Chris Wills before we left for the Bay Area the day hdi:ffc Easter. The next day I layccl out the airfoils for monowing. On 17, we flew it at Marina doing fast flights to 40 mph airspeed. H was st1bseqnently flown progressively slower and cased it to a pre . rlie!ml stall speed of Hi mph for a 160 lb. pilot and reeovercd with an altitude loss

of' Jt5 feet. the building and flying of the rnonowing, now ealled the 41/er, the possibility of building a powered glider ree11rrcd to the point where ] sold my learns II to put a down payment on a MARCH, 1976

hookslore and li Afler two methods, ii became evident that

IOI, J hp. anotl1cr 11 kit from When finished h om latest 11 we borrowed a fr,w h11cks and got om oul of'll()ck. now had the craH and the power sl ill 11(:<:ded a way lo convert the power to thrust. hdtJrn1at ion for Olll' llrst propeller was takr,11 from various EA lwndhooks. laminated two of white and carved a I 1 1 ( I ianw·· ter Our fotlicr 111achi1wd a propeller huh, I estimated the cc,nlcr of'

graphical calc11llls was the needed tlrnt this proC'css wonld hav(' to be reiterated until I the desired snit primarily 55-60 lbs. of'thrnsl. Personally, I don't enjoy lei calcuJa .. lions this sort, especially when a corn .. puter isn't available. So what next? I looked over the EAA hand hooks and my notes and discovered that a simple aritlm1dic error was made in


corn pu ting l he propeller pitch. So I goofod! huilt ot1r propeller and it put out perhaps :3:3 lhs. of thrust, enough In maintain level t. We brought the 11 along with 11s to Pismo Beach al tl1c rigid l]y .. in,

and placed the it didn't fly too well. test pilot, tried his h<:st lo get the JI off from a slope in \1 ilpilas. Thal rlifHc11lt when yon haw only lbs. oC tlirnsl while the plane l1ad a small ten .. to arc into the he

or a means lo get at

fore U1kcoff Back to the

Yo11 see, at this stage oftl1c de .. I didn't think to realize that a result nose down 1110111(:ll l WOI


iJd OC('l lJ' abo11 l t lw C('ll [er Of' it was obvious after our

with this propell<;r that

an adequate cd ucation in propelis and design. Those EAA

handbooks can't !ell yo11 everything. I st rn lied hooks pcrli ncnt to pro pc ller from tlie San Jose State

I hat people would show interest. I hat it was a fly. in,

ckcidcd to do just that, in. lie lkw down the l1cach for ahou1 a mile ancl a half at heights of 10··20 with the aid of' an 8. 10 sea hn)czc. It was a lot off1111. The first two propellers rcprcscn my efforts as a propeller 11p lo


Power is supplied a McC11lloch 10 I, J hp engine approximately .I lbs. Witl1 a c11stom made propdkr, the engine delivers aro11nd 55 .. (l() lbs. of thrnst.



The powered Icarus IJ can take-off on l<ivel gro11nd in zero wind i11 less than 50 fi, Tit(• 7,5 JI>, naH can also land as casilr as any, learns I I,

that point, Please keep in millcl that I started from scratch; just me, my draf\ing pencil alld calculator, Still W<) were lacking about J 0-15 lbs, of needed thrnsL Digressing briefly, while taking a physics class at DcAnza College, l met Mr, Hein hard Lah de, a11 acrodynarn ics cons11ltanl who was auditing the course, We had met many times before to dis-, cuss aerodynamics, physics, and of comsc hang gliders, Hein hard is a very interesting man to Lalk to arnl I' rn imlcbtcd that I met him, Uc specializes in aero and hydrodynamics, control systems, and stmctural analysis, I le did the mathematical analysis for om third propeller, From this mecling came two important cale11laltions: propeller pitch and mean chord al 70% propeller rad ins for the engine we were using, For the third limn, I went back to the drawing hoard and compressed the Clark,,y airfoils which were meant for a 8 fr, diameter propeller, The tips were brought to a taper which has proved effective, Craig, the craftsman Olli' family, h11ilt our third propeller in one day's time, Amazing! You sec, hy this time Craig was getting lo be very good al making propellers, Since then, Craig has flown eight times at Sky Sailing Airport with this new propeller, We get approximately 150 l1m1 climb rate, Craig has huilt a fourth propeller with square tips and the climb rate with this propeller is only I 00 f1m1, so we arc sticking with the third propeller design, Persistently, built the filth

prnpdln with the same design as above except this time lw spent a little more time than 11sual, approximately 8 ho11rs to completi011, I le did a fantastic job of polishing the finishing resin down until it was as smooth as glass' Om father designed and hnilt a llt'W propeller lrnh lo ('liminal<' the m11fllcr manifold which was rohhing tl1e engine of some of'its power, We were now able to tune the engine, wilho11t having to sacrifice our fingers, unlil the engine was screaming\ Finally, afier ;f months of patience and dedicated effort, om powerplant will deliver 150 f1m1 climb rate, Om powered learns II can atlain (i()() foct of al titmlc in one circuit at Sky Sailing Airport in Fremont, California, Spot landings arc easy whcll equipped with a lc>ol throttle, The weighing only 12 lhs,, can he easily r<!slart('d during flight The learns Ifs performance as a glider when the engine is turned off is unchangecL Fnel economy is also good,



A pilot's view ofa new form of' motor.,gliding,

has consistently made 1.5 mirrntc !lights with one quart of' f'11eL Obtaining a license is simple, You need a U, S, ldcntHkation nrnnhcr to he displayed on the 011tlioanl side of both tip drnggcrs, airerali registration, airworlhilwss ccrU{kak, a J)lacard indicating operating lirnilations, an "EX· PEHl\1ENTAL" decal to he p11t on the wing, a tliircl class medical certificate which has a sf11(lc11t's license form on the n\vcrsc side, a logbook to record your flights, and a loghook for the powerp· lanL \Vhcn yom student's license is signed by an F,A,A, certified /light instructor, yon will he able to lcgallv fly yom powered learns II provided that you have completed all of the ahovc requirements, Ym1 are restricted to a 25 mile radius from any point of departure within the United States, Until 75 lioms are logged of pow('n,d flying, you cannot flv over residential are;1s, W<' are presently developing a new powcrpaek for the learns II and V with much better pcrformmH·e, We arc hoping for a 250 f1rn1 cli111h rate, I hclievc that it will he onlv a matter of time before learns pilots will he fl~·ing lih· the birds, What we now have is a 75 lh 11],, tralight powered glider which can he held on the srna11 of yom hack It can take off in zero wind Crom level ground in less than ,50 foct Yon can use it for sport and pleasure flying, or as a means of getting you and your wings to al tit udc where soaring conditions exist, MARCH, 1976




overcome in the

TOP: Taras Kiceninl( warms his hands in the morning desert air while awaiting last minute preparations for the llrst test nm of recenily mmpleted MPA. IIOTI'OM: With the canopy removed, the cockpit imd mechanism are revealed. Note the careful attention to streamlining throughout. Photos eourtesy Soaring Manazint,.



The USHGA Competition Committee consists of John Lake Chairman, Dennis Pagcn, Tom Peghiny, Robb, Chris Wills and D,rn Poynter (ex-officio). The Site Selection Cornmittee was John Lake, Tom Pcghiny and Chris Wills. The representative for tlw Dog Mountain site sponsors is Dave Freeman of PNHGA. Information is best ohtained l'rom Carol Veltlerrain al the USHGA office. As always, there are many rumors JloaUng around. The top place winners at the Nationals will be sent to Austria for the FAI lnternationals in September. In addition, top winners will qualify for Mike Barker's World Cup Meets in E11rope, with thousands in prizes, which immediately follow the FAT Meet. These will he in addition to the JO pilots separately selected for the World Cup Meets. My present best guess is that about J 5 to 17 of the pilots at the Nation"" als will have a chance at Europe with varying amounts of the expenses paid. The following pilots arc presently pre-qualified for the H)76 Nationals: Mike Arrambide, Charles Baughman, Steve Coan, Dave Cronk, Sean Dever, John Dunham, Burke Ewing, Hoy gard, Doug Heath, Peter Hill, John Lasko, Bob McCaffory, Mitchell, Dave Muehl, Larry Newman, John Oshornc, Steve Patmont, 'fom Pegldny, Chris Price, Robert Reed, John Sears, Terry Sweeny, John Volk, Chris Wills and Bob Wills. These 2,'5 were chosen on the basis reeent contest results. 75 places still open will be Hllcd on the basis of q 11alifying contests to he held at Grandfather Mountain, Dog Mountain, Escape Cmmhy and otliers. Presently qua!H1ed pilots, flying in these meets, will not he considered· as eompeting for qualification.


Beeansc of inadequate snow pack in tlw Northwest, it secrns probable that the Nationals will have to star! May 29 instead ol'Junc] 2. No one wan ls this. H will be definite, one way or the other, March 15. A set of mies for the Nationals and other sanctioned contests is ahont ready for printing. A few highlights need men"tioning now. There will be three classes: 1) FA l Standard In our con tests, leading edge cables may be used 011ly to the point of keeping the lt\ading straight. They are not allowed in E llrD[)C. 2) Class hang glider without a f'ixcd trailing edge or rear spar that can be carried up the hill and flown by the pilot alone in reasonable conditions. :3) Unlimited Any hang glider which is taken off and landed on the pilot's foet and which requires no more than one assistant for take off in reasonable conditions. Tasks will be selccl:cr1 from six and a flight may he a comhination of more than one. The tasks have been designed to test abilities important in recreational IJight.

1. Maximum l)D A measure of cffcctivc glide angle over the ground related to ground speed as in cross counhy flight. Scored by relating speed (minimmn time) with altitude remain-ing or with distance, if not, a multiple task flight. 2. Minimum Sink A measure of ability to maintain minimum sink while performing soaring maneuvers. Scored by relating maximum time with number of tnrns alternating left and right. Note: #1 and #2 combined are last year's task.

A 1neasurc of abil to :3. Slow fly at minimum airspeed without stalling. Scored hy timing flight along a straight ground track JOO yards (meters) long withonl regard to glide angle. The wing tips will be n\quired lo stay 011 each side of a ground line so that width of the track is one wing span. 4. Slow Maneuvers A meas-" ure of ability to control the glider at rninimmn airspeed. Scored hy relating time and mun her of left and right B0° turns through a conrsc 100 yards (mctlong and 30 yards (meters) wide. The pilot's body will lie the re fore nee. Note: if #4 is used, then #3 probably wouldn't. 5. Distance A measure of'j mlgenwn1 in which the pilot will fly away from the landing as far as he thinks possible and then turn back across the foul line. It will be scored hy distance tlmmgh a course away from the foul line. This task would not normally be used in corn bin a-" tion with #6. 6. Spot A measnre ofohility to land at a pn'"-dctcrrnined point 011 the ground. There will he a 4 inch (10cm) center spot. The flight score will be reduced l 1Jf, pcryard outsidethecemer11p to 50% where the fo11l li11e will lie. Any landing on any flight outside the fonl line will result in a zero score. An "unsafe" landing will be scored if any part of the pilot eon tacts the ground during landings other than his foet. Any unsafo landing will red nee the flight score 50%. The glider is not considered part of the pilot. Weather permitting, all pilots will fly the eut1re Nationals. They must be at least Hang Three and USHGA members. Gliders entered must have at least 5 !lights and I hour flight time prior to the contest.

DY J HN L 20

MAl~CH, 1976



/11 J,975. It has proven to he .1·oamh!c ahout lwlf thr: time 11:ith The 11101mtain has a 1500' 1wrfir:af dmr! willi a mile road lo the IO/!. the lawu:h to the.flats IJefow is ahoul 1500'.fiiran overall slope ofa111mn.

The horizontal distaru:e LI. Tfw fa1111ch is fi·o111 11 flat setup area down a ,/5° dear mt facinf~ wes/--so11thwesl. The to 11 mm1-11wde lake with low water leoels winier and It lir1m1il11mt sm1111ier, the arcafro111 :J:50 ruTes to the siw ofa/1JOtlmllf1eld !Jl;fa/1. lo the site as ii chm111efs tfw 1Dindfiir miles lo tlie 11w1m/a/r1, This nm cleans up !lie winrl anrl smooths out the hu111;Js.

The 111ounlai11 is


U.S. l'lywood. Through uegofiaticms, the fi1!/mi:in1.! pilots nwsi lw1;e lio/;//itu insurance.

onlu on week


There is a locked /!,rtle al !lie hol/0111 woods

pilots 11111st

mini11u1111). 4) [\.fountain do.l'!:rl toj7,;ing

11wunt11i11 for which U.S. l'l1Jwond has lite 011/r; kelJ. The

1111/ocks it on his 1cm1 lmck lo the mill and doses ii .\1011rlm; A :'1. the week of National Chmnpiouships). It a7Jpeclr's that competitors in the 1976 Sationol.1· lnr·rnr.,rrl lo another meet 1cifl1 fluing and lwa11ti/id sce11a11. Scott Price

SUMMAHY Performance comparisons arc made between all types of hang gliders, The basis of simple performance cale11lations is given, and the importance of span and parasite drag emphasized. From the perspective of hang tl1c details of the airfoil becomes relatively unimportant making the corn-plexity of rigid wings hard to justify. The Supcrkitcs (the high aspect vehicles which have cvolvccl from the Hogallos) and the Controlled--- Collapsililes (the versions of wing hang glidnrs whicl1 can he completely disassembled and which use control surfaces) seem to offer special advantages as the hang gliders for the next period, Even now their performance, in the terms of stalling speed, minimum sinking speed, and maximum gliding angle, rivals that of many soaring birds, Performance still has lower priority than the factors of stability, control and structural strengtli, which determine safoty,

JNTROI)UCTTON Hang gliders provide a focns and stimulus fcJr invenliveuess, since, in coutrnsl to sailplanes and powered air22

Paul Jr, holds a !'Id) from Caltech in aeronautics, One of his specialties is rle1>eloping instrwnent systcn1s for powr:red a nrl sailplanes, JI is research, puhlicalions and inventions ore well !mown in the aviation world. For three uears he held the National C lwmpionship !w( Inlernational Champion in JD.56, Tiu: j1Jl/owis an excerpt fi-0111 an invited paper on u!trali.ght rescan:h Feb, R i11 Denver jcJr the National Convention, The princi]111l fl11<:rs in his }rm,,, ily are Parker and Tuler, and the study was stimulated hy "t.he searr;I, jiir safe vehicles jiw them," craft, a new can be quickly and inexpensively turned into an actual test vehicle. The , I Ground Skimmer the hang glider directory issue showed how this inventiveness has flowered, More than 100 hang gliders were described, a mind,, boggling Both the potential purchaser of a glider and the aerodyuarnicisl would have di/:, ficnlty assimilating such a mass of in for,, mation, This paper seeks to distill the

essence from the performance data in the directory issue, and 11se the rcsu l ts as a basis for suggesting where

the field should lw headed, PEHFOHMANCE COMPAIUSONS The performance of a glider is conventionally as a curve of sink,, speed (w) vs forward speed (v). Thn basic prohlcm in making total cornpari,,. sons is to put all the complete performance enrves for all the diverse hang glider onto some s11mmary plots plots so simple that the analyst can actually draw sorn<, 11scfol conclusions from them, Fortunately, for hang some gross simplif'ications ean he used to initial comparisons practical. Comparing w min (the mininrnm descent values shows the slow flight eapahility, while comparing max (the maximum glide ratio) treats the high range and speeds can he able to ignore speeds in stems from the have one thing in off and land at slow so as to make self launch/land feasible using the lot's feet. This MAFlCH, 1976

The poi11 ts 011


for a conscqiwncc of lhest' consideraf'inds the various vehicles lend rather similar W rni11

Tlinc is a class of nl gliders which or mon· and invol\'c SOlllPlillH'S j' strnct11re mon· comparahll' to that of and have normal thr<'l'·axis controls These arc foot la1mcliahle when there is some wind to carry t lie Ex(dlc111 pcrfonnm1cc can lH' ohtai1wd with such but al a cost mid complcxitv in construction and which p11ts them outside the range interest of the study. This cla11 i11d11dcs the S1rn F1rn. and Superfloater in the iss1w, and arskc' \;lonarcli Vcl'lor I for !JI) 18) dcscrilicd in hies are not 11S<'<l for struts soml'lin1cs arc.


low altitude llH'nnalli11g. I l1crc arbitrarily

ralli<,r similar

t lian assu 111 <'d gl idcrs lrnve h11! the di{~


esli111a!cs, and lhP estimates arc from not disinlcrcsled. For valt1e can lw derived

with keel ,is long as ,is well as I he newer ions willi keel shorU'ncd as nrn('li as


still with c011 .. eight shif'I and conslrnclion, h11l with despans, and higher as· , Kcst reL ion.

;il Ill

Io lie

<·am mt

and lateral control augm<'nied by <·onlrol s1ufaces: lc,irns I and V, Swii1ger, S1111sced, I etc.

F11lrnar l'ctrcl and ii The load ol'hirds tends gliders no doubt heca11sc hotli of' soar.. crcal11rcs, hirds and hinlmc11, need



lateral control witl1 lip n1dclcrs or


or nonnal rudder, ai1glllc11 l ..

I shows what perfonnamT is ohtainablc. llere we sum111arizc wliat pcrforrnarn·e is needed, and what of vehicles nwct tlie needs.

shift, hut are eollapsiblc in

' Fl


ad1iev<' lift codlkicnl heir airfoils cannot achieve in wind lunncls. that the lfirnph most often is mon· rncasun~llH'nl, and if' based on measurement the stal. hcen measured an indicator located where it reads low al of attack. The cqllilihrium stall is probably fost<:r JG frn1 land· and takcolls





aml takcofls table






Foot Operation All hang glid ers, by definition, fly slowly enough for safe foot-launch and foot-landing. W2

Controlled Glides front Hills This re qui res an J)D of over 3 to he prac-· ti cal. All presently manufactured vehicles exceed this minimum. Slope Soaring The main needs here can be summarized as w min less than 6 fr./sec.hviously in special cases virtually any vehicle can slope soar, bnt experience the selected sink rate permits on many slopes in winds low enough to be safe. A JI but the poorer versions of the Standard Hogallo meet this criterion. Soaring suggests that the need is for w min less than ,5 ft/sec, in order to be able to soar often at typical hang glider sites. Standard Hogallos can barely do this, hnt virtually all the more advanced hang gliders can. Cross Country Thermal Soaring Here a minimum sink of 5 fr/sec or better should be coupled with an JJD exceeding 7 so that the pilot has a C Ji ancc Of speedi 11 g efficicn t ]y through the downc111"rcnt to the next thermal. The higher performance versions of Superkites and of Controlled-Collapsihlcs, and all the Rigid Wings, can tlo this. FUNDAMENTAI,S OF PEHFORMAN(:E An overview of hang glider perfor1nanee is rather simple if one notes tha1 the sinking speed w is the sum the sinking speed Wp due to the drag not associated with lil'l (we here call it parasite drag) and the sinking speed w1. associated with lift. Fignrc 2 gives the formulas for WP and WL and plots the formulas. Wis weight (which we take as 200 pounds for the plots). pis air density (we take the sea level of 2.:3 x l()-3 slugs/ft. a). A1 is effoctive flat plate area (in ft. 2 ), e is wing lifting efficiency (we assume 0. 9 in the caleulations), and his span (in ft~et). AR denotes aspect ratio. We assume an area of 160 fr. 2 ; area does not appear in the equations, but was eonsidercd in estimating the wing's contribution to A 1.












12.7 ft.

w (l

200 lbs. 0.9


Wr ·I WL

w, (ft/sec)








The formula for WP assnmes A1 is a constant, independent of angle of of the wing. Aetually A1 increases somewhat at the lower speeds and higher angles. The formnla fiw wr. assumes the lifr eomes from an elliptieal lifr distribution aeross the The factor (or fudge factor) "e" in the formula usted to compensate for for wr. can be the fact that the real lilt d istribntion is non-elliptical. 1t can even he adjusted downward more to eompcnsate for noring, in the Wl' formula, that A1 increases with angle of attack. Here we have assumed a high value ofe, which is appropriate as long as we b as an effective span rather than a real span. The WP equation shows that weight decreases sink (more means more potential energy as the sonrce of power), and that the sink increases horrendously with (aetnally as doubling the speed 8 times the


sink). The w1. equation shows weight increases sink and velocity it. Note that the equation docs not consider aspect ratio or lift coefficient. The ean only control the cffrictivc flat plate area A 1 to work on w1•, or the span h to work on w1 .. For a hang glider A1 is rather about the equivalent of opening a car door perpendicular to the wind. The need for wires and tubes and exposed pilot eanses the main tronhle. Using a more (low drag) airfoil makes little difference, streamlining tubes and using the prone position A1 ean be decreased, perhaps event11ally even to half the values assumed. This will make difforence at slow but help greatly at high For w1., the only way to achieve low values at low speed is to use large effcctivti span. At high WL is small so the choiee of span is unimportant, hut at low speed the span is the key factor. MAf~CH, 1976

kites and Controlled ihlcs (which also 11s11ally have somewhat higher wingloadings) have a real performance advantag<!. The arc very lilllc morn complex than Stall(lard llogallos, and cvenl11ally there may be little cost difforcntial between them.


Tlrns the f'11ture of the Snnc\rkifes Controllcd-Collapsibles seems t h<~y offer satisfactory (cspccrnlly avoidm1cc of the 111irccovcrablc and i11 a stall nol falling off quickly on a tip or pitching clown abcontrol fast lateral and s!mctmal integrity. The stability situation of most (lmt not S11 and Controllml-Collapsiblcs is report eel to he satisfactory, and is generally prolmhly helter than of many Standard There have bc<)ll n11011gh tests to cslahlish that the control for hoth for normal flying can he rn:idc

The lateral control of np1·k1les creates considerable discus-







V (mph)


shows what underlies pcrcalculations. prestotal c,irvcs. The down to a stall at e011Tcsp(m<.lmg to

lift coe/B-

rnprcsent tnw mancc, hut

for Some mon• realistic dashed


and 3 can he 1nlPrnc,,1,,,r1 su;~g<,stlng that the airfoil characteristics arc not very important in dctcrmin-· performance may he, how, in determining stability). Theimnn>ve·in<)nl from a low airf,Jil is 1min,nrni'l:11n1 when against the contrihntions to parasite drag from Thus with an there



1..,cm1ro11ie1~1----···t,<1,1ia.psHHc with a

mt,cnisllnr! to uotc that onlv

an emcient hang ~mlGFlOUND SKIMMEFl

sion about the superiority of truncated tips, or ofhattc1wd sharp or ofbat·teucd trnncatcd a disc11ssio11 which is not I ikely to he resolved soon. ,)l!{;Jll~lll is cspeciallv a f'1mctio11 how fast a vehicle will flown, since the from rna11euvering or from gust loads, increase I with Flight speed should he limited to the prevailing conditions to preclmlc gcttmg 1wi.rat1vc "C's". ;\ t thc present stage of hang glider the best answers ahout Ilic safoty aspects of a particular will come from exhaustive tests, and even the safest hang will be unsafe in the wrong hands or in the wrong conditions.



The performance improvement docs not seem to the cost and inconvenience. The also suggest that some real hcneHts do accrue from increasing tl1e effective span beyond that of the average Standard Hogallo. The

The next fow years will continued improvement in the kites and the Controllcd .. Collapsihlcs hoth in performance and in From the starnlpoi nt of rnancc, J hdicvc that fairly soon Winin :1.0 ft/sec and L/1),,,", LO will he achieved with a of 33' span, while still having adequate strnclmal strength and controllahility for gc1wra1 flying. J believe that a flying sion of Controllccl-Collapsihle wilh a span of abo11! .'38 foe!, may even 2.:1 ft/sec and 1)1).,,.,, cnc,,.,11,<t hi rds will have lo look up bir·tln,er:mris overhead,

easier than smooth, straight and level flight. Fear, mon' than any other faclor, rcdnces the 1wophylc's ahilil~ 1 lo make safo lnrns, This btr largclv t'()S11lts from ignorance :md inacc11ralt~ folklore, The first step in learning to llv is to rid yo11rs(df' of' the lilc,tirn<' lrnliit thinking i11 terms of' the gnml](L Yo11 arc IJying in the air and VOil lllllS{ fly ycrnr cran not the ()artJi, "Positive" refors to the glider, Keep tlrni clearly in mind, Secondlv, while /lying, relax and think Dm,'t be in loo great a hurry, Heme,nl)('r this: Ir you don't have lime lo do ii right, yo11 won't have lime lo lry il twi<'Co The roll control a!!ou:.1' a I 11rn it clocs not cause ii, J\ gentle lmnk allows a gcntk lmn, A sh'CJ) hank allows a light tnrn, Neither, in itself, l11rns yon, l'itc!t r·ontrol is 11sed lo turn, Pilots fly everyday who arc miawarc of this fad, Thc)1 will argue the poinl to exhaustion, bu\ they don't k11ow wat !hey arc talking alio11L All turns contain the following three el('mcuts: L lnitialio11 Holling the nali into a hank 2, T11n1 Applving positive pi!t'li, l)c it ever so slight, so Ilic nos(' sweeps around tlw t11rn, In a hang glider that lfl('ans pushing hack an amou11l proportionate to the hank,




Tl1is orticlef1rst appeared in GS in the April-June '71/ issue, We are reprinti11g it n.01c in response to n11111<Tous req11esfs,

This art iclc is writ \('11 !cir pilots, not tlworetici:ms, Too many aC'cidcnls arc occt11Ting when pilots al!clllpl turns, A stalc11w111 describing the crucial clcrncnls of a !urn is ll('(~clc<L I hope this will help lo III! this need, In OJH' sense, ttll'ns ar(' Fig. IA&B shows 2 views of' a pilot in a "neutral" position, "Neutral" implies the glider is flying straight, is trim, and flying at a masonahlc speed, In Fig. 2A, the pilot rolls the craft into a shallow hank, Ile moves his weight to one side of the control bar keeping his body parallel to the kccL As I he pilot begins to foe! the airspeed increase he puslws out on the har (applies positive pitch) to maintain the desired airspeed 213), As long as the pilot maintains this position(Fig, 2A&B) ll<' will continue to turn, Ifthc pilot decides lo <·arvc a steeper turn, he moves farther to one side, increasing the hank angle (Fig. :3A), Again, as speed begins to \)lli\d, the pilot pushes hack on the control har to maintain the desired airspeed :JH), HemPmh<\r, the steeper the hank the more the pilot must push hack to control ai rspcecl, In tight turns, the glider will want to hank progressively steeper unless the pilot compensates hy moving baek lo the ccntPr of the control har, As long as the pilot remains in this position (Fig. 4A&H) he will co11tir111c to turn at a constant rate, To complete the turn, the pilot must now roll the crafr out of a turn, lie moves his weii,;hl to the opposite side of the control bar (Fig, 5A) and as speed decreases he must also pull !inward (Fig, 5H) until he achieves the same position as in JA&B, Now once again the pilot is flying straight and leveL



:-;, Completion Holling level while casing off the positive pitch pn,ssme, Y011 don't !ly the numbers, It shonlcl all !low smoothly loge I lwr (('oord inatcd), 11 ow<,vcr, wh ilc learning, you s ho,ild

28 MAFlCH, 1976

lhcsc distinct (:lemcnts i11 mi in order to prolilc1!ls and illitia!c ('OJT('CI r('sponscs for ('OJTCd reasons. ('(Jlltrol d turns is dcsiralil('. 111 nornwl turns of :10° bank, stall sp<'ed is 011lv aho11t 10'/i grcatn tl1an in level 11 don't liavctodiveo1!1 of'tlw . lftlii1 a little slowa11d soggy, lliC'rc is pknlv ,·m1 c.111 doahonl it. lfvo11 want to pi!cl1 aro1llld tlw s.une turn, simply hank a lillle sleqwr and, if visllalizing tl1c glider's sit1ialion I S('C that !1<rn'll lw in a slightly glide. If yo11 don'I want to hank more, or, ifvo11 suspect a stall, j11sl ,·asc off the pushing liack. The turn ml<' will slow a11d ,·011r will Jl11/, if yon cln!cl1 11p and pnll forward while still !lie turn will ccas(' and vou'II t·11ler ti!(' start ol' a That' the way a lot of people havP lw<'ll hml i11 Now that you know it is llw ling hack that vou won'I p1ill lrnrd forward and to l11rn while doing ii. ,('t describe a :3(i0 as flown a tvpical i11!t·1·mcdiale l1ang pilot. I le ass111ncs lic turns IH'ca11sc he moves hirnscl!'to one· side. I le is apprehensive alio11! stalls and" stalls. Lei's sav lie rnov<)S over to Ilic krt, al'ler picking np a fair hit ol'cxlrn The hanks lo the left and l11rns a lilt le to the lei'! d11(' to ind11('cd yaw. (I tl1row in llw "ind11ced for acc11 racv. It 1101 importanl to dwell 11pon al lliis time.) lie lw Ii<'V<'S 11(' is 111 ni ing, but in fact lie is a rolling or spi rn l div<'. I lis builds. 1l<i pnslics hack a litlle to slow liis a<·<dcrnlion. Tllis helps. i\nxi011s lo gt'l around the turn, II('


owro11 tl1e Jell ol'tlH' control liar, falselv think tlrnl t1mii11g hi111. Instead, it starls lo slid<· lii111 0111 ol' th(' Things an· to go wrong and 11(' I to worn ahont "t stalls ,md o!l1ndark l1a1,inls. I le d('cidcs lw ll<'('ds speed so lie pulls fonv;ml This slows or his lmnii1gand lie is lial'k to a roll di\'('. \Vlwt l1:1pp('l!S ll('Xf is a matl('r ol' forllllH' or 111isfo1'11111(', heC'a11s<' IH' is 110\\' a li11rll ohjcd. Olien the 011rusliin,l.( grnu11d for<'cs lii1n to do tlil' 11 thi11g and he p11slws hack. I le thi11ks h(' did :1no and illld('r sta11ds wliv llJall\ suggest al least 1,000 liTI ofallit11de l>efore 011c. B11I, in the hack ol'l1is mind, lw 11111st \\'Under how expert do it in 50 lc'l'I or less. scan do it lH·r·a11sc liavc learned the clcrn1·11ls of a l11rn, ('itl1cr l1v inslrnclion or quite ;J [i·w lrnirv dives Oiil the Th<, cl11e to learning a :l(i() or any other turn is lo ice ~)O's and l l11rning111c(IIJ from tlic liill 1mtil ,·011 roll iii and 011i s111ooilily, mailltaini11g constant air,spced all till' time. I ,earn to do gentle as well ;is l11rn,. :cn!lc turns are lo11gli to do properlv and rcq11irl' a soft to1wh. Steep t11rn ill11slra!e positive and ohvio11s control n·q11i1TnH·nls. TIIC'\ both il'ach. \York al lH'in,1~ r<'laxed. T11rns ;m· l11r11s. The :{(iO j11st t,ikcs more lim<', allowing mistakes i11 !t'('llll lo be-


come more oll\'io11s. fl'l nC!rl \i1'.r, tJ I(' 1'<',Ji danger ill ii :·)Ci0: J'arl of i] 1(' I 11rn involves flving dmvmvincl towards 111<' l1ill T11rns arc11'1 dangerous, lrnl flvi111~ into a hill downwind s1m· (':ill lw. Cet away from tlie hill and moid windv da\'s.

Ihis issue to may not have all of !IH' dahi acciden1 hnt we have lo reach some op,lJ rmstlc conclusions. fl appears t ltat IU75 was t lw y<,ar when of age in cmiscionsncss and turned the corner on accident rat<,. talw a look al the and thc11 can commnnt on what Th(: table covers all fatal have any docnnwntation or cn,dible in1iorm,1ti,:m, broken down inlo towing and foo1 launclicd catey<:ar. The in represent accidents ontsidc the United States and arc included in llw othnr of the 10 fatal accidents on which W(' have data occmTrnl outside the


Total (!)




:i (l)

IO ( l)


4:3 (l l)

0 l


l 10

The was, of co11rsc, ii looked like the worm was l>c1!irrning


WO\!Jd nr,.rl ,"'" or the rnany associatio11s. you can onr realized and llie numhcr nCfatalifit,s went down, at least in the United States. The number of deaths he same in the U. , lrnt the nmnhcrol"foot launched deaths decreased from ,16 to a s1g:m!t1c;mt 1mrmJV()rnen 11ndcr all of the circumstances. I do uot suffor from the illusion that I have data on fatal accident that invlolved a in the world in or in the no reason to hclievc that the number of fatal accidents HJ71. ff this is true, the actual rate at l( in the , and it"''·"''""" more if accept the that there were more in I 975 than there in 38/GFlOUND SKIMMEFl

hoth in the U.S. and abroad. I know orno way to document this assmnption, but I hclicve lhat most or you would share it, and that the total rrnmhcr of hang rruurnfocturcd and sold d11rii1g Hl75 cxccccled the nrnnhcr for 1971, have not tabulated the m1mhcr of nonfatal acci·· dents for the two years, hut in sheer volume of rnports, the trm1d seems to have hcc11 consistent there as well. 'l'hcrc were simply more accidents !974 than in yd we believe that t lic was at least as good in l if nol better. You can draw your own conclusions as to the reasons for the downward trend in hang glider accidents hang accident reporting), but I can assure you from reading a many puhlications oflhc regional cluhs and associations that the rnaction 1o the ID74 accidents was a universal and a vocal emphasis 11pon The and the oli1vi1:n1:slv became aware during 197,1 of the of the sport and in 197.'5 this awareness simply paid off. Another factor which r hdicvc contributed to the trend is the improvement in the quality the kites and people arc see not pcrformancc kites in the air th(~se !J11t kites that am better made and better kstcd. One of the at least for me personally, in ,u,.,uy~" during the past two years has equipment failme or dcfocls has been a factor in fatal accitfonts. I had always assumed that the vast of accidents were caused by pilot carelessness and jw:lg,en1ei1t error, but yon will see that the during 1975 involved or defective equipment H is this author's prediction that the newer kites will not only increase hang all over the world the new of high nPrln,nrrnrw,-• kites makes al intermediate sites, like on a nmtinc basis and shonld upgrade all over the world hut they will also reduce accidents more responsive and more reliable. time will tell on this. One more before I go into a breakdown of fatal aeeident I'm sure we do not have information on a nmnher of f'atal accidents overseas for hoth 1971 and


197:5. For

I am told of a fatal accident



instructor in Ccrmany and two other fatalities in Canada dming H)75 (\1ains1Ield and Walley), and a high tension wire accident in New Zealand in 1974 (Walsh), hut I do not have enough information to make up cards <m these fatalities, Nevertheless, assuming that I am missing approximately the same number of fatalities for both years, we do sec an increase in the foreign foot-launched fatalities from seven to ten in H)7;5, This could be bm:ausc the rate of participation overseas has increased sharply in 1 compared lo the U, S, \1 y thesis is that some of' tlw foreignmade kites arc still not l1·cc of' design dcfocts and also the safoty consciousness in some of' the other co11ntrics has not reached the level we saw in the U,S, in 197,'5, I have a focling that we hav(: data on most of' the lJ,S, fatalities in W7'1 and I lrni we could he missing q1iitc a fow overseas, Turning now to hroad categories of cm1scs of 1975 fatal acciclcnls, I rc<'ognizc that perhaps the greatest risk in acciclcn1 analysis is ovcr-simplifkation for the p1irposc of categorizing accidents, Ncvcrthclnss, f offer the following broad categories of apparent or probable cause for !he lfl7[i fatal accidents,

1, Jfonwm.ade, altered, or def1xtive kites or Zwcrncrnan, John Smith, Kliatami, Turco, Waggoner, Thiemann, Wilson, Mike Moore, Dencvan, Kuhlman David \1oore, \1attlicws, Fitddcr,

2, [,ow altitude .36'0: St11art, I !owe, Barker, Brock, Zaza, ,'3, Final approru:h dive, witlwut flare: Kruk, Andrews, 4, lnsufl'icicnl skill for r:ongested landing area: llanfl, Longycar, Mullly, 5, Equipnumt prohlem.s durin{!, flight: Frnhwald (couldn't find foot stirrnp) Amor (boo! hooks caught in flying (-i, Plain old pilot carelessness or juclgenumt error: Purviance (flew into wires taking pictures, etc,) I lolrn (jack-Im ifo stunt) Draheim (landed in Lake Michigan) Tiemens (dive and whip-stall under tow)

7, Stall on takeofTorfaif11re to penetrate

hack into hill:

Bloomlleld, C:rermc,

R, Excessive ton: speed: Pack, I 9, Freak accident: De Clrnstoncy (running with kite, hcad/Jrst into ditch) David Moore (hang<)cl hy rope noose around neck excess scat rope) Lee landing, asphyxiation from hlood from scalp wound)

10, Cause uncertain: Dickinson, Lee, !locker, Campbell, Gallicho, James Baker ("Yahowha"), Stauffacher & Topol (apparent tandem accidcn l at Aspen)

J make no representation that these are unirnpeachahlc, and if you have quarrel witli them or have information which wo11ld allow categorization of those under "Cause Uncerlain," lhe it at me, I would particularly

11Hm, information on the Anthony \1attlicws Slcamlioat :\fainsf'icld I


at I ,yons, Colorado California, J1me

lo lhosi: of yo11 who li,ive writl<'ll wliicli have g01w 111 do not have !lie time to the mail and n:q11csts for lmpl' that arc answered sooner or later i11 I hesc with the pass:1gc of lime, mosl of' the

can < lrnt we now know where the and what we would like is some sort of air liag nwchanism that can be inflated immcdi.t!clv before impact wi!Jirnit the hands from the COlltrnJ har. f you ions 111 this area, we w01ild love to lo know that your has "arrived" lo the nxlcnl that it is covered in the mortality statistics of The receives so1rn) comnwnls and statistics under cnti in halloons, blirnps, in tropolitan Lir Stati

200 lcc1 o I lilm 1cd lo llclp 1he student 1111dcrsLind how to 111akc <1 hc111g glidc1" "lly" IJcforc his lirsl actu,il flight It is short ,rnd to the point, with the same diril.y d 0111" book (;uidc to llo I h,1vi11g one ol the fir1t sclwoh in the cou11t1"y, and one ol lhe most act ivc /lying sLdls d we have experienced flight hot Ii c1s karncrs ,uHI <1s teachers, I l1c11 is Lhc we n:licd on rm the hook and now Im the lilm. St eve everyone It covers h<1sic flying t both scc11cd aml prnnc, with lhc CMllCl"d mounted 011 the kite as well ,is <111 excellent high II I lie cost per copy ii, f!S, Plcc1sc writ fo1" rnorc informal ion, LJJl)I JORO(;/\UOILICIIJ a 11cl our H/\ NC CLIDINC; LOC ( ;i1c c1iso dl lt!C ,Hldi"CSS. B/\S IC (

COMPUTE CA[/\LOG or ;ill rn11 procluch, from ,1ir hrn~hcd lothi11g,

lrndWdl"C ,llld plclc wing~



~; I

first $IO 01dc1

FLICHI RI .MIT lfS I lJ!J /\d,1 m~ I\ venue Si!n I)

Calilorni<l 9211 Ci

(I I !J)

I <JiJ2

1 '

Them arc vario11s types of' hang gliding flights; the white knuckle ride thnmgh lmlrnlc11ce, the sil,h:H.+·and-relax flights in smooth s<:ashsorc lilt, or the competition flights requiring intense concentration and liming. There arc also those Jlights that arc so mcrnorahlt, that they deserve more than just a line in the log hook, those exceptional !lights tat are an adventure i11 tlw'mst:lvcs. What follows is the story ol'onc s11cli advc11tmc tlw firs\ flights from the cast face ol' Mt. Washington, the highest mo1mtai11 in the northeast an<l the greatest vertical desemit cast ol' the Mississippi (,'l:lO(J'). Mt. Washington lies in the scenic While Mo11ntains of New l larnpshirn. The G:300' smnmit comrnands a spcctaculm vit,w of the s111Tm1mling stales. The 1wak area, above llw tree line, is made up mostly ol' liclwn covered rocks, patches of moss and low shrnhhcry. The rno1111lain is known no! only for its scenic hcanty, hut is inl:1m011s for its treacherous wcalhcr. Bccai1se of anomalies of the gc,ography and weather systems in the northeast, the weather al the peak can change very s11ddcnly, often wilhout warning. The highest winds ever recorded anywhere 2:31 rni/hr, occmTccl tlwre bleP). Meteorologists say the rn01mtain seems lo generate its own weather. II' s no! uncommon lo <mco1mtcr Hcrce elcclrical s!mrns packing 70 mi/hr. winds al tlw peak, while the weather elsewhere in the motm· tairts and valleys is mild. Even in .June, s11owstorms hit the summit and trap 11nwary hikers. The weather being what it is, lite mmmtain is considered flyable only during the rniclsnmmcr months. Tl1c west face has been llown and soared (:3000'), h11t the cast face (4:300') has always hccn regarded with awe due lo 11m1s11ally violent cast winds and the rugged terrain. From om summit launch point on the east side, a sharp 50° rock slope drops fi()()' lo a broad, wide, and flat ledge that extends outward li·om the base of the slope lo tlw lip of the immense Tuclwnnan' s Havine. flerc there is a sheer drop of almost 4000' to the valley lloor he low. Enclosing the ravine on either side are two long ridges, creating what looks like a huge box canyon. A Clidcrsports Infernalional instrn~tors workshop, organized by Don McCabe, hrough t together 50 advanced pilots to Mt. Cranmore, just a fow miles down the road from Mt. Washington. Friday and Saturday were scheduled as workshop days, foll 12 hour days of flying, instruction, and demonstrations. By Saturday night most of us wen: pretty well exhausted. Sitting anrnrnl the Alpine Bar we got the idea of giving the west face of Washington a try come morning. As is oll:en the easn, nothing was decided 11pon.


At a.m. I stmnhlcd over to Al Mulazzi's van. "!Icy Al", I called out, heating on !tis window, "what ahout Washington r" H11hbing the sleep from his <\yes, he peered out !he window into a brighi early morning srni. "Call the weather station at llH! sn rnmil." he said, tossing me a hand fol of' change. Waking Al for the second time I gave him the report: winds al the summit 9 mi/hr from the northeast, visibility excellent, weather expected to he mild all day. W<' got tog<·lhcr with two other pilots, Pa11l l ,aliherle and I ,on Acosta to disenss the possibilities of <loi ng the east foce. It was decided that Paul, l ,011 and myself would leave immmliately for the s11 rnmit and Al would organize the other pilots and leave

later. We would watch wind conditions at the summit and 111akc a lly or no .. /ly decision. As we pulled 011! ol'thc parking lot of'Mt. Cranmore we could sec the excitement and activity in tlw (·amping area. "Mt. Washington the East Face!" the word was spread. ing quickly. Ten miles 11p the highway we came to the base ol'Tuckerrnan's Havinc. Four miles distant and 4:300' above us stood the bald and rocky snrnmit, with nothing between bnt solid forest. "That I loward Johnson's wc just passed," Paid said "looks to he the closest landing area.

"No power lines alongside the highway, and looks like jmt enough room between the pavement and the trees j11sl in case" Lon

MARCH, 1976

:11 m,· m inirn11111 put ii in lo max for the area.

tlw fon,st lloor mer ,1()()()' below. \Viii!(,



silelll'<' for a f<·w minu1cs I white patches or SIIOW at the ol'thc ravine. Th<' [50 Far oil' i11 the

distam·1• \Nas a hlaek asphalt rililion tlw 11p t lie Bonlcri 1111, it W('r<' lwo a1ras, like 11H:n' postage stamps 011 tlie lil11c-gn,e11 forest c11

l'a11l r:Jised liis arms. "Coining

lie said ol' ill(' wi11d. "I ,('i's

W1• sd np then ecu11c together for ,1 l'i11aliz:1tio11 or plans. \Vinds aloli, as i11dic,Jlcd liv clrn1d lllOV('· 111(•11t ,rnd wPn' norlll(',lSI. \Ve dise11ssed the ol' a rnlor over Ilic belm1 11s. lhal all 011r obsenations indicated little tmh1ile11(·c and all (J11r

lwd a

dential Ha11ge.

\Vildcal \lmmtai11 Ski Arca. :rowds we1T gal A1 had just arrived wi IIi I hrer· \'all loads ol' The new ii arri1·1•d lim11 a scrn icirck be-· liind l':11il and I,011, l,otli nowadj11sti11gthcir 11:mwsscs. TIH·rr· was a tremendous amrnlllt ol' ncrvrn1s c1wrgv and l'Xl'itc11w11t in Ilic air. There were woups or pilots line and lhnc wi11ds, l11rli11lc11ce, plans,

lot was almost empty arnl I knew make it. /\ t 700' m·cr I Ii<· cidcd lo lwad north for iii(' :wd P:rnl l1ad landed in. headwind and not gctl i 1111, 11rncli I lo gel as l'losc lo the i]r, and tlil'11 put il down next to lot as

"1 l(' look ol'l1" so111cmH' \Ve turned to watch P:llll what lo lw smooth lil't. ;\ 1ni1111(c later Lon took off. Again ii looked smooth as silk. \V(' had walcl1 011 thc111 and I rni1111les later saw them both do :mo's and Lrnd Iheir Plwe1iixcs i11 t lw lot :Jt \Vild<'at \fountai11.

11w and pulled me aside. I is

s111111nil we discussed tlw wind and 1crrai1L sites, cllicrge11cv procc and t lie car often Wi!l(k \Ve lcll!11d llw wind to he consistent with lhc su1rm1i1 reporl obtained earl It w:1s d<'cidcd 11iat Paul, hccaus<, of his rnmmtain expertise, wo11ld he f'irsl off ,011 and [ would watch his I and decide whPlhcr or not would go. vVe ro1rnded tlw last hend and


lot al tlw

exposing t lw (:asl face.


in his !racks.

awe at tl1e immense ravine


away lo


0111 over tlw down the center of' !II(' ravine lo tlw I miles dislant and thcn 11orlh about 'h 111ilc to llic lot al the liase of


corn nwnted Dmin/,( tlic drive up !lie auto road to the

had nol a l<iot si1l('l' Like off. T11rn ing arn1md I noticed that was about 1000' 011t from the lake ollpoi11t and at least level wit Ii it l lilr a lllOllll'lll :1Lo11t a fi·w passes ill the lilt, lrnt \'('t(wd t lH, idea. Ir thl're was a captive roto1· above Ilic I did JIO! wan( lo Iakl' the cl 1,lllCl' of d('SC('ll(j. ing inlo it. llrcaki11go11t over the lipofll1(: losl tl1e lif'I and r·1llcrcd s111oolh, ch a11 air Iv enjoying tll(' Tlw scr·1H:ry W,IS !H'a11lil'11I. Fo11r 1lio11saml fc·cl l1clow 111(' was the vast lr -carpc·t1•d floor of T11cken11an's Havi11<'. I looked north to llie cragg1· s11111111ils of I. Adams and \lt Fiwnliowcr, two other i11 the !'resi(

lll inor ('OJT(TtiOllS for wind dri

it Wl'rl'

111c on a path towards the

[l('sta11ra11t. The

tra,,ekd 111all lHdJlilcs the of hot air rising off tl1e dark aspliall road gave me " lit ti,, ol' I il't. watehed l'a11I :md J ,011 walk out 011 till' lo slop cars. I saw could make it i11 lwtwec11 the road and the fon,sl. descended lH'neatli the tall trees in srnootl1 011 l he air :ind flarPd 0111 f<ir an <easy sho11lder of the road. ;citing iii tl,e shook liatHls and talked l''.JW sr,c /\l's p11rplc :ind

('l'<'S W('rc like alarlll clocks; ht• was grinning

011! 01·r,r till: ravine. I le also chose the road

l'ro111 r•ar to (',Jr. "I ,ct's go for it" II(' said. \V1· l11ialized l wmdd lake offflrst in a slarnbrd and !wad 0111 the middle ol' the ravine for the If I had to pul it down, wmdd ){O in JH·xt to the liiki11J!; trail tl1al lc:id 0111 lo th(: ro:id. Al would lake off l)('hi11d IIH' with ]GO' of rnp(' lied on to his crJ11trol liar. Tlic arca looked very far away and I lie t n:es were tall. I liook(:d in and Al gm•c Ill(' rnw last pre-

way and had a smooth 11ne1T1ilfid mi th(' do11hlc Jcf'I the Slllll· next lialf'lim1r, f'ivc 1110n· 111it, all safe lwl\vcr·n tlw res1m1rant and vVildcat \lounl:lin. Ten m i1111ks allcr t lw las I pilot ldi t lw top, liluc-black tliundcrlicad clouds dar· lwned the The wa., socked in. liolt of light11inii split lhe and tlrnndcr


"!!ave a 11 , Dan" he said still grinning. I look<'d al the L111di11g area, if

rmnhled down [!!(' "The smiled on us for a moment"


war off.

"and then slam Jn('d tlw door "

r cased tlie nose out into the lil't and lr·lt ii

in the base lodge bar as each a round and n·co1mtcd 1lw de.

t lie sail up I look two steps forward. The tliird one 1wvcr landed. I was carried out in smooth moderate lilt the lmr oul, little hy little. 1111til reached minimum si11k I downward at the ground away I)('-

Al smmned it 11p well for all sitting 4000' above the floor, in smooth air, willi a hc:rn1if1il view of the rnmm!ains, wind in my l:1<·c knowing there was 110 plac<' else in th<' world l would rnthn he!"

looked a

of 11s. "


Seventeen of the 25 USIIGA Direetors allencled the January I7-18th Board meeting in Dallas, plus Honor ary Director I I ugh Morton and a number of' mcmhcr,wwsls, Deliberations over a lengthy agenda consumed all of' holli days, Minutes of the meeting will he reproduced for distribution th nmghout the hang gliding cornrn1 rnity and any nwmbcr may obtain a copy upon request to lhc USHGA ollke with a self~acldressed envelope, For the henefh of all members a summary of the disc11ssions and significant actions taken is presented here, HEPOllTS President Vern Ho1mdtree reported verhally on his and the Executive Com mittec' s activities since the previous meeting, Treasurer Lloyd Liehcr explained the Financial and Operating Statements for Fiscal Year 1975 which ended 011 December :31st, noting that a net gain of' $12,5.'50 had been realized, raising the Association's net worth to $0,370, This in spite of liavin/; written off 363 in bad debts, mostly fc1r advertising in c;nOUNlJ SK/MMEH, Cash llow for the year totalled $12G, 700, Office , Carol Velderrain reportccl thal there were 5,705 members on Decemhl!r 31st, New mcrnlwrs in 1975 numbered 201], an average of212 per month, The office staff consists of four persons, an equivalent of 3,2 litll time, but an increase to :3.8 was authorized, Administration of the llang Rating Program has become one of the most importan l functions of the staff The rental of'ha11g gliding films is increasing, also, and in order to keep it a sclf~snstaining program it was voted to set the fllm rental fi:)c at plus Brst,dass postage, for one showing in a two-week period, additional showings in that period to he each, The Editor of GROUND SKTMMJW, Hich Grigsby, scrihed recent improvements in the magazine and its publica, tion schedule, Anothm to be completed hy ,1 guest editor, was authorized to further advance t be schedule, Verbal reports were given by chairmen of the various USHGA committees, all of'whom were urged to commit them to writing to supplement the official minutes. Tlw cmnmittces have been very active aud are doing mueh good work on he half of the Association and hang gliding, Their recommcn,, dations ancl requests for action were considered hy the Directors during the meeting, many of which arc included in the report, CJVL REPORT The FAI eornmittee fcir hang gliding had elected the U S, delegate, Dan Poynter, as President so the lJSH GA Directors named Vic Powell as the new lJ, S, delegate, with I Hobh as alternate, is the new for C[VL, also, At

their Novnm lier meeting in Paris the ClVL approved a Sporting Code for hang gliding, copies of'which sho11ld be available soon, The Code deOncs requirements for international profl, cic11cy awards, world (and national) records, ancl World Championships, In this country, USHGA will have the responsibility for aclm inistcring the Code, as a Division of the N al ion al Aerona11tic Association, The NAA Division foe for USHGA is $1500 for 1976 bnt is scheduled to he $5000 or more for most Divisions in 1977, CNSUHANCE Attempts to obtain individual pilot liability insurance for premiums of less than for a mandatory program had hee11 1msucccssfuL It was voted to seek such coverage with $!00,000 limits for a $10-$ prcmi11m, 011 an optional has is, to be supplemen led hy lo make available liability insnrance for sites themselves, As soon as such a program becomes available ii will he ann01mced in GHOUNJ) SKlMMEH and hy a special form letter to key addresses in the hang gliding cornmunity, INSTHUCTOH CEHTJFICATJON PROGRAM The Safety and Training Committee, Dennis Pagcn, annomH·ed formalization of a USII GA lnstrnctor Ccrtifkation Program, Qualificalions for two levels ol'instrm'tors were cldincd, Basic and Senior, Basic Instructors must hold a ll rating, go through an Instructor Ccrtifkation School, and have the equivalent of an Advanced First Aid CertiHcatc, Senior Instructors must hold a I Hating, be a Basic lnstrnctor for 011c year, and pass comprehensive written and oral exams, Instructor Certification Schools will he set up in each USIIGA Region hy USJ !GA Hcgional Directors as often as demand warrants, hut at least once a year, Guide for the sehools will be the Fl ,ICIIT INSTHUCTOH CEHTIFI CATION MANUAL recently p11hlishcd by US I copies of which are available for 00 each, RATINGS FOH FLYING SITES

'fhe and Training Committee also a111101mct!d guidelines for the rating of llying sitr)s, ( ;ornpletc details will he puhlishccl elsewhere hnt in essence are as follows: J: 150 foot maximum altitude drop, open launch area, gradual slope, no obstrnction~ in landing arna, 800 foot maximum, easy launch, no obstructions, No altitude limit, easy launch, no obstrnctions, No altitude limit, difficnlt launch, All sites can be rated higher in special conditions, HOUSTON SITE PHOSPECT John White told of' serious int('rest hy the Commissioners of' Houston, in establishing a new kind of public (r011tirwed on page :36)


MARCH, 1\176





18 B











INDICATOR Ultralite Products

MPH Model. Bracket. Mountinq Brnckct. (rleosc specify 9lidN rnfqr-,type ond



'.J900 Canlerbury,Al21,Culvcr




6'18 3710 days

Windlord Flight








Flex i

FI yer



! vrrnrnJN(,



(,l ]I)! R

Eipper -formcmce

Soaring Helmet light Weight Strong Rated Comfortable Unrastricted Visibility & Hearing



HMA. lltMI\ SC O C Approvod

LI 11661 Sorrento Suite D, San Diego

Rd. 92121

l:l free

brochure I



92075 7000

Developed especially for flying prone in hang gliders, ·the Simpson Prone Harness is the ultimate in comfort, and minimum drag.

• Allows the pilot to fly comfortably prone, seated or standing. • Special design lowers the pilot to the proper seated position. •

Full body support with no pressure points, stress areas, or body bend.

• Completely Padded for Support and Comfort. •

Foam Filling Aids Floatation for Water Landings.

Extremely lightweight. With Only Three Streamlined Support

o Adjustable flying angle when prone. • Adjustable seated height when seated.

S, M, L, XL. • Five sizes for proper fit; • Assorted colors to match kite; Red, Blue, Gold, Yellow. • Complete with Carabiner, Foot Stirrup and Attachment • Sewn Equipment.

for Wills Wing by Simpson

Price: $72.50

Carrying Bag for Harness & Helmet


Send Height, Weight and Two color choices to:



1208,H E. Wo,lnu1, Sant·a Ana, CA 92701 (714) 547. 1344


park for the flyingofhang gliders and balloons. Jfpursned, the Flight Park will feature a 200-400 ft. high star-shaped hill for hang gliding, to be constructed of the trash, as it accunmlates. NATIONAL PARKS PROBLEM A proposed regulation that would prohibit hang gliding in National Parks except where allowed hy the local Park Superintendent had been published in the FEDERAL HEGISTER with a deadline of January 12th for public eomment. US HGA President Vern Ho11ndtree submitted the Assoeiation' s response, asking for an extension of the deacll inc and a eonforcnce with USHGA representatives to work out a 1norc positive regulation. Direct contacts with the Chairman of the Parks Suheommittee of and the Direetor of the National Parks will be made to l1y and have the NI'S cooperate in this manner. FAA PROPOSED REGULATION WITHDRAWN Vie Powell reported that a proposed regulation that would include hang gliding under the Federal Aviation Regulations for paraelrnting had appeared in a recent FAR review eonforenec. It was withdrawn after USHGA representatives met with FAA officials to explain the inapplieahility of sueh a move. FAA' s position is still to not try to regulate hang glidiug, although an updated Advisory Cireular on the subject is likely. PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM Direetors approved a two-part program to increase USHGA membership and the eirenlation of GJH)UND SKIMMJ~H. The first involves a rebate to hang gliding sehools who "free introductory lessons/llights to persons who join USHGA on the spot, who have never been rnemhcrs hcfi)re. The rebate will he for each new rnember whose $10 dues accompany a speeial application fonn attesting to his having reeeived the lesson/flight. If only 50 sehools participate and sell fonr memberships per weekend, it would amount lo 10,000 new members per year. The seeond program ealls for increasing 11ewsstand distribution ol' GHOUNJJ SKIMMEH signifieautly. The eover was increased to $1. 00 and a six-issue large press nm was authorized if the distribution ean he assured after the publieation schedule is advanced by another special issue. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Sites and dates for the 1976 U.S. National Hang Gliding Championships were conHrmed and are in the Calendar of Events. The classes to be llown were defined as FAJ Standard Hogallo (modified to allow single external cable bracing to keep tubes straight), Flexible Unsupported Sail, and Wing (2 or more spars, or Hxed airfoil). It was voted that there be no overall National Champion, just elass National Champ .. ions, because of difference in class performanee. Hules for the Nationals and other USHGA sanctioned contests were ex .. amined in detail and approved. to the 1976 Nationals will he limited to those who plaee in the top HY.Yo of Hang.:3 and pilots en tcred in US H GA sanetioned eontests held Januaiy l, 1975, and May 1976. For snbsequent Nationals there will be a priority entry system that ranks pilots on the basis of their performance in previous Nationals and Regionals. The USHGA Competition CommitMAFlCH, 1976

of 6 inches/ sc:cond This is more sink

learn for the I 1)7 fi World would consist of tlw top available 3 flnishcrs in each class in the ID76 Naticrnals who are The fourth available to go, and med the finisher in each class may accompanv the team at his own learn mcm!Jcr is 1mahlc to expense an alternate in

Directors selected

Houndtrcc to he the Team

m Leader and learn of! lie team. Total cost but some ol' that may he contrilmtions. No funds will he usecl for team expenses so will have to IH' covered contributions for that purpose or the team memhcrs tlwmsclves. All I nwmbcrs arc to can for the team. conlrilJlltion forms !NJ) SKIMMIW from llOW until , and decided that the

sliould select Team Coach to he to send the learn ccrnld be as much as

tance, altitmle· halloon---lmrnch allitml,, and tl1e other was for dnration. 11 was

!'cit that duration had al

the time of not in the 11orrnal rl'alm such voted lo not


T,,rnc,"mmi 3/ 4 X 2" meter

is suspended g'' in fronl of

above one's line of

Air chnmbers (2

Visual referral to a moving control bm

liner (available at uromry stores)

$:,2.tiO (Californians add

sirnplc instructions supplied


detem1inatkm of the followin\J: and direction 3. Minimum sink speed 11 M,1xim11m 1./D speed h"1mcl mount, $2:i.OO (Californians acid


or the

battonsf pocket,



Weight shift control.



21 day freri room

$6,000 in trophies

$10,000 cash

new Italian Sportscar.




CALIFORNIA· USA· (114) 492-0670

The HA Series is the most versatile Rogollo mode, With on L/D of 6:1, the HA Series is suitable for the because of our variable airframe, Our extruded wing slider and riser system allows variable sail billow and our custom reinforced stainless keel channels allow control bar reflex and st,ated or prone I ball-lok pins are wired on flying in seconds with no tools. with snap pins to inst,re fail-safe and usage, All hardware is and tested for hong gliders Pacific Gull and meet or exceed all HMA All units ore test flown, balanced and come with on extensive instruction book, A detailed seven page brochure with soil cloth color and location of our nearest available for one dollar to cover and handling,


Aspect Ratio

rothers' ition /,-;,


Five-color designs, as well as the famous Kitty Hawk Kites two-color design on high quality 100'% cotton hi crew T-shirts.

T-Shirl Color and Visor Color

Size (circle one) Small, Medium, Largo, X-Large

First choice: light blue, yellow, beige (circle one) Second cl1oice: rod, whitG, orangG, tan, green, (circlG one) Design (circlG one) Fly A Kite (5 color design) Surf the Sky (5 color design) Get High Fly A Kite . . ...... $4.25 (5 color design) Kitty Hawk Kites .... ......... $3.75 (2 color design)

for T-shirts or visors 1 enclose $1.00 postage and handling for each shirt and 50¢ for each visor. NC residents add 4% tax. Total enclosed$ ORDERS PROCESSED DAY OF RECEIPT

Name Address City

Send to: Kitty Hawk Kites P. 0. Box 386, Head, NC 27959 $1 for poster/catalog

This proven, time-tested design formula emphasizes a versatile yet controllable speed range. Essential to this concept is the *Low -profile 3.50 l/ail *1 keel differential nose angle 5 aspect ratio ..... yielding a low-drag, penetrating wing that offers "reat:hh1g" capabtlity with tighMadius efficiency. WRITE FOR YOUR 14th Street/Oakland,


( dealer inquiries inJJited) · 536-1500

Dan Poynter's HANO GLIDING has 200 faet /'ii.led pages and arm outstanding pl1otograplls and drawings on foot launched flying. IGndorsed by every major dealer and school, over 100,ooolui;ve bccm sold i,nd now its been completely revised. Available in bard cover or soft, this HOW-TO, WHEH/,,'-TO encyclopedia is truly "the basic handbook of skysurfing". Covers basic to ttdvanced flying, design, materials, construction, history, tlle law and lists every major l,ite and glider on the market with its deseription, photo, performance speciJ'ications and source. The book,1tnd its I ist of over ~300 rrrnnufacturns, dealers, clubs and scllools,is updated a.ten.ell printing· and been through l,he press six ti.mes! Whether you're building·, designing, flying·, shoppin1{ or just, looking into the fastest growing sport, this first and only complete reference book on tlle subject is a must.


SOF'T COVJ;;Jt: $fi.9fi postpaid (Californians add :36¢ s,tles tax) HAHD covgn: $H.Bfi postpaid (Californians add 60¢ sales tax)

Kl'l'ING is a new book with 100 pages and lGO illustrations on tow .launched hang gliding. It wa.s wri I.ten ospccially [or the flu,tland flyer <1nd those who find their hi.lls covered with trees. J'(l'l'ING covers tow launched ultralight flight in depth: launching in shallow water, deep waler, jump starts and doek starts. Step by stop instructions carefully guide the noviee through taxi pru.ctice, towed flight and release to free flight. 'l'he histor,y and legal chapters are some of the most interesting while the book goos into a great detail in the design and construction of towed g·J iders ns well as t110 required towing equipment. Like HANG GLIDING, K ITINCJ not just a tra.ining manual but, 1111 encyclopedia of reference material. ,JUST: $3.9fi postpaid (Californians ,tdd 24¢ sales tax)

SATISFACTION GU/\HANTv;mJ. See your nearest dealer or send today to: Dan Poynter, Box 4232-0, Santa Barlia.ra., CA H!HO:l



5077 Kingston Street

Denver,.Colorado 80239 Telephone


l" OD .090 wall x 204" x .049 wall x 107 . 3; 4" J.1/2" x .049 wall x H/.2'1 OD x .049 wall x 11/2" OD x .049 wa.11 x 154-15/16" 1-1/2"00 x .049 wall x 164-1/2" l~l/2" x .049 wall x 174-1/1610 H/2"00 x .049 wall x 209" OD x .049 wall x 1·1/2"00 X .049 wall x r3/ 4" OD x .049 wall x 113-3/ 4" 1-3/ 4" OD x .049 wall x 173-1/2" 1·3/ 4" OD x .058 wall x


$6.09 .3.30














BRITTON (213) 943 1014 Bu lldl n1 E

THE BELL SOARING HELMET IS AVAILl~BLE THFWUGH YOUR LOCAL RELL DEALER. Distributed world wide by Eipp()r·Fonmrnce, Inc, Torrance, CA 90501

't Worl



and Aerial Slallom n11,1n·;:,inti:;,II!; that this exc:itin1a to

The intricate courses of the event will be the


Gate Pass

Pilot's Friends - Full

Pass $10.00

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ llllllllil _ _ _ _ _ _

I iiiI Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ U.S.H G.A. SANCTIONED EVENT


I I II Make of Kite _ __ I Number of Guest Passes I Qualification Day Preference (Please Circle) I April 10-11-12-13-14-15 Order and Blank To: I Mail Check or Mon9y Trabuco Carwo111. Ca. 92678

_J;iubjec1 to lJ.S.H.G.A. Sllfcty lm1pcctlon]



The SUNDANCE has been the leader specialized field has yielded today's stop there. We believe one shouldn't have to hassle mance. This is what makes the SUNDANCE so It is as light and simple as a Rogallo, is nine minutes without tools, and breaks down

In performance, stability, control, and quality qt. standard in ultra ligJ,t 9evelQpment.

All th1s means S\)I\IDANC.~ other. Why fly anything else?

Sink rate Pilot weight Bag length when disassembled

CONSUMER ADVISORY: Used hang gliders should be disassembled before flying for time and inspected for fatigue bent or dented tubes, ruined bent Nyloc bolts (especially the heart bolt), or rusted cables, nuts, loose thimbles, and on Rogallos, with non-circular torn or torn loose from their anchor points front and back on the keel and leading If in doubt, many gliding businesses to an objective opinion on the thernto

Case included ·18 ft Standard Eipper, white sail, with case and harness. Needs right wire replaced. $325. 90° 19- 16/3.5 Cal Glider, custom color sail, rigged seated, includes cast~ and seat. $4!i0. Wind Gypsy 106° White sail, gold edges, black tail, rigged prone, case included. To see gliders, or for additional information, call: 452·0351.

$875. lnludes wheels and cover. Extras are soaring wing tips, ailerons, air indicators, meters, altimeters. Also, 4 fixed wing school special, $75. Contact: Earl Manning, 323 N. Euclid# 140, Santa Ana, CA 92703. 554-0877. ICARUS II Excellent condition, fully test flown at high altitudes. Dark blue wings, light blue rudders, built from U.F.M. kit Asking $675. or $750 box. Call 666-5489. with ICARUS II Blue polyester cover and trailer that will carry it in two halves. $650. Calvin Morgan, 907 Mockingbird, Atlanta, Texas 75551 (214) 796-6167 After 4. '"''""'""'''''''-

ICARLJS 11-8 Excellent condition, built by experienced builders from a UFM kit Call Tim (415) 642-8801. SF

BENNETT, New, $425. Tow 14112' Stars & Stripes; Used Manta, $425 17' purple, blue, white; Icarus II Kits, $395. D&D Skysailing, 987 Fennwood, , ML 49445, (616) 744.4::188. CAN we help you get into the air? Do fly, but are short of funds? We will anything to help you fly. Contact Delta Wing Kites & Glid· 787-6600. DRAGONFLY Purple center w/orange second panel & leading white wing panel. Flown 6 times! bag $900. Dave Freeman (206) 524-5470; 5521 25th Ave. N.E., Seattle, Wash. 98115.


NEW ROGALLOS $300! LIMITED OFFER while supply lasts! We are going out of business and must all remaining stock of 15' and 16' Flogallos. Tt1ese are brand new gliders being sold at manufacturers cost! Price includes swing seat harness, blufJ/white camber-cul Dacron sail, vinyl-coated cables, stainless fittings, more. Clean, clean, clean! immediately, collect, from stock. Want more infordeposit for mation'? Send stamp. Sportwings Box 1647, IN 47902.



PACIFIC GULL Red '"1,m,nm,R, 20x17 custom shop 1'75·220 other with harness used l~ites available. Ask for (213) 328-9100 St. EIPPEf~·FORMANCE 19' and seat included. Exlnt shape. cover. Sail: yellow, blue. $415. Doug Thompson, Rt 5 98, Chico, CA. 95926. (916) ~'!43·1883. ELECTRA-FL YER Pathfinder, 20-20-20, cover and seat Colored sail. $500. Calvin 907 Mockingbird, Atlanta, Texas 75551 796-6167 After 4. ···-··•'''""

FREE-FLIGHT 19' Sierra, ft control bar, blue and gold, sail bag and prone harness. $375. or best offer. 299-5451. all UP equip· men!, coa!Eld under wires, and extra control bar $325. 487-1351 GLIDEl'.:lS FOR SALE: WHOLESALE. All 1m:inAf'tAr1 by California frame, early Albatross sail, red and prone. included. $225. 17 ft multicolored sail, prone.


ICARUS V -Mint condition ·· Will demonstrate. Built from FF Kit Custom built all aluminum box and trailer included. $1500. N.Y. (51 681-8738. ICARUS V

New factory built, outstandin~J quality materials and craftsmanship time by purchasing already assembled. Buy from tt1e most experienced rigid wing mfg. For info write UFM Box 59, Cupertino, CA. 95014. 732-5463 ICARLJS V Free Flight Kit Built by experienced craftsman. Complete ready to fly with carrying box. $1500. or Best Offer. Will deliver within reasonable distance. of Fresno, PO Box 589, Fresno, CA 93726. 222 .. 8111 or (213) 439-4796. QUICKSILVER

Standard, 4 mos. old. Good condition. Adjustable rigging for prone or seated. Custom sail, all ultralite parts $325. Call 355-3197. ' " " ......



PLIABLE MOOSE 18' 3 harnesses, bag. Prone/seated wires, control bars. 4th Frankfort $400. No damage. Larry Rt 4 154A, Traverse ML 49684 SEAGULL Ill or best offer.

condition. $425. 00:)·'1:~oo after 6.

QUICKSILVER-8 1974, Near new, in custom 737-1951. --·--···

QUICKSILVER, assembled to fly; tested. Sacrifice, to college, must sell $500. Call 349-8731. after 7 -

SUNBIRD 18' Well cared for. You have to see it 5 color sail by Henco; clean & quiet. $450. (Includes sailfeatller, carrying bag). $50 more will buy Bell helmet and soaring harness. Call (213) 998-9753,

QUICKSILVER B Beautiful sail pattern, kingpost cable tightener, only flown on Sundays by a little ol' instructor. Brand New! $700. Call

SUNBIRD 18'·-light blue, excellent flyer. $400. Call (213) 886·3452.

QUICKSILVER B Beautiful light blue and lime. 1974, goocj condition, tuned. Adjustable king and custom housed trailer incl. $550 or best. 426-2790.




Now is the time to get the best Conquest will never be less! $1295 1975 Demos on sale now for

SUNDANCE FOLDABLE WING Excellent condition, $700. complete. For more information 10th Street, Tucwrite: Torn Kreyche, 1101 son, AZ. 85719.


sale. 30% completed by an expert craftsman. You can easily finish assembly. $600. (714) 642·8584. Newport Beach. Talk to Mel. VJ·24 Sunfun Material Kit - Complete with most sheet metal and machining work done, one boom tube, just needs a lot of time to cornpl,3te, $1,000. Call after 4:00 (714) 4o!H·H1ot:i VJ,24 525·7282.

First $500. (,'03)

Blvd., La Habra, CA 90631, (21 ~'l) 943·1074 Corne in, visit, and see our displays featuring Gliders, parts, and other through Friday, CANADA AUFlORA ROGALLO INC. Dragonfly, SRT 20x16 RT 19x17, RT 18x16 Ill and IV, glidHr hardware, sales, ser· vice, and instruction. Box 91176, West Van· couver, Canada V7V 922· 7275. KANSAS

The most complete Hang Glider facility in Northern California. Free les· sons with of a wing. USHGA rated instructors. to advanced IHssonsssss. Soaring seminars at Fort Funston. Corne and check out tile new Manta Windlord and tile Fledgling. Call Gary at (415) 453·7664 or Banana at 669-1162, 906 Sir Francis LEARN TO FLY with USHGA rated instructors. n1e SOUTHEFlN CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF HANG GLIDING offers all levels of instruction. All training for novice to for all major brands of gliders. For the Hang ;3.4 in· terested in flying high performance offer demonstration flights on: trel, Cumulus, Phoenix VI, Sunbird Learn or serni·private les· how to thermal soar, sons available.

Pliable Moose, Eipper and Blackhawk Kites. Weekly instruction. Complete outfitting and sales for backpacking, canoe and kayak trips. by and shoot the breBze! VoyagBur's Pack anrJ tage 5935 Merriam Drive, Merriam, Kan· 262-6611 MICHIGAN ······•·············

Delta KitBs of Indian Lake, 7844 Shaver Rd., Michigan 49081. Tow flight school, cornpllete stock of or custom work. 8 a.rn.··5 p.m. or

LeMieux (313) 791-0614 Mt. Clemens, Michigan. MINNESOTA For the largest SCllection and lowHsl tact: MIDWEST HANG GLIDER SPECIALJSl 4 ·11 OMeadowlarkLane, Eagan, MN 55122 (612) 454-8229. NEW JERSEY AuU1orizCld SKY ACTION SPORTS INC dHaler for Manta and Eipper·Formance. Gliders and in stock including cable and tubing. of information for to: SKY ACTION INC., 16 Weir Place, NJ 07456 ·-········-·············

NEW YORK Bennett Delta Wings, Standard or high performance models in stock, new and used, repairs, tube straightening and instruction. Mark Flight, Ltd., 104 GClttystJurg, Buffalo, NY 14223 (716) 836·3939. WINDBORNE HANG GLIDERS Dealer for EIClctra Flyer. New and used kites. Parts, accesand flight instruction. 159-11 Expwy, Flushing, NY 11356

Michigan and Midwest Enthusiasts Eco-Flight Systems, Inc. Eco Standard Wings, Ready·lO·fly Highest Quality. Kits $455-$575. Michigan distributor for Seagull. Complete stock of supplies, instruction, sailrnaking. 2275 S. State, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. (313) 994·9020. Send $.50 for information pack·

Hang Glider parts, Utah Flyers and Visitors repairs and instruction. Free lessons Wing. The Kite Shop at when you buy a Nature's Way, 9th So. 9th East, SLC, Utah 84102

WANT TO FLYTHE ULTIMATE? FLYTHE NEW SST! Contact: Southeast Michigan Hang Glid· ers. Your local Wills Wing dealer. Supplies, lessons and USHGA ratings. Ask for Jirn (Scruffy)



Foils, 214 West Colo Ave., CoL Spgs, B0903 PH 632-4959 white vinyl $.20 ft Uncoated$. 15 ft. Nicos $.07. Thimbles SS $.09; $.60. % $.10 1L Send for UP sheet S!,II discount! BIHD Pac. Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA. 90265. CLEAR acrylic pellet variometers. Fast sponse, only 2x1 x1/2 inches. Silent, no batteries needed. Standard (single scale) model $65. Deluxe model has greater sensitivity to weak lift or sink than tr1e standard model, while showing scales. au .. conditions on ctuJ""''"'\clneeded. 15. sw1nci·aV11av boom mount M.O. pre

· standard SOSK one foot dif'fenmtiat

80SK2 · two foot differential

or 7876600.

SEEDWINGS ESTABLISHING ADVANCED FORM SUNSEED proven 12-1 fast folding doublc0 surface 50 lbs. AR plans $20. 455 61st St, Oakland, information 52¢ CA 94609 Kits information Box


many ,nore. For a copy of this one of a kind 35 minute movie with synchronized soundtrack, send $100. to Larry Flewelling, "10 Truckin' Inc., Sugarloaf Mt Maine 04947. !:iat1sf1:1cti,m Guaranteed. We can put any siw or sail. Also, now or company logo on your available, step-by .. step information on how to paint and protect your sail. For prices and cletails, write or call Karen and Bill Torell, Sail .. Brush 283 Flower St., Costa Mesa, CA. 92627 (714) 645-7323. PATCHES & DECALS USHGA sew .. on emb .. lems 3" cJia. Full color $1. Decals, 3W' dia. Inside or outside application. 25¢ each. Include and handlin9 with each order. 13¢ for Box 66306, CA 90066. TEE-SHIFlTSwith USHGAemblem $5.50 includand handling. Californians add 6% tax. sizes S, M, L, XL. only. USHGA, Box 66306, Los 90066.

Flash·--· ,Join th,1 of Poly-Tube furniture builders. Write or Finishing Company, 7844 Shaver Rd., Portage, Michigan 49081. 327-3075 X66. -·-------····-·

sp,icifi,callv df,signed inexpenremove from car to carry several Rogallos at accommodate most to 526 lnqlewc>od. CA. 90301.

FL YING is free at Pismo Beach! West end of 166 at ocean. Dune buggy rides every weekimd for $1 . Bring your own food and water. For more information call 832-3740. ....................................... Mouse.

I love

35 minute Sup,ir 8 Movie with cassette soundtrack. Great movie for clubs, scl1ools, or an ,wenentertainment! Filmed Endless Summer Includes all the original east coast flyers, Pf)ghiny, Sweeney, The Bushwackers, and

I Glider system has been th1)rnumYzlv ae1ret,me·a to insure the best in reliable ha11diing entrine•ers and util'izif11g are assured be,11;ininers, there is the economy .~ystem sclwc1Jtr11K tr.rim1ediat,etv at minimum cost. For the more the ultimate in and who a .~vstem. Solo parts and accessories are available at local dealers • ask may write to the address below

Member of

Glider Manufacturers Association W. Katella Ave. Orange. CA.



(714) 997-0701

MAflCH, 1976







2nd AND 31·d





Dealerships Available Write for I nforrnation

13000 Bellevue-Redmond Road Bellevue, Washington 98005 206/455-3950


• lilf.l!





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