USHGA Hang Gliding October 1977

Page 1

p Van California 91408 3) 787-6600 111 3) 785-2474 Telex 65 1425





EDITOR Rich Grigsby CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Carol Pnce EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Sharon Grigsby, PhH Warrender lLLUSTRATIONS & LAYOUT Mark Allfson STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS: W A Allen. Leroy Grannis, Bettina Gray. Stephen McCarroll OFFICE STAFF MANAGER Corot Velderr<Jln Cathy Coleman. Janet Meyer Danielle Della. Wendi Tu111e. USHGA OFFICERS PRESIDENT! Vic Powell VICE PRESIDENT; Vern Roundtree SECRETARY; J<oy Broke TREASURER· Uoyd Licher





The United Stoles Hong Glfdlng Association, Inc.. Is a division of the Notional Aeronautic Associa tion (NAA) whlcn Is the official U.S. rep resenta tive of the Federation Aeronoutlque Internationale (FAI), the world governing body for sport aviation The NAA. which represents the U.S. at FAI meetings. tros delegated to the USHGA supervision of FAl-reloted hong gliding activities such as record attempts and competition sanctions. HANG GLIDING mogoi,ne Is publlsl)ed for hong glfding sport enfhusio$ls to creole further Interest In the sport, by o means at open oommunlcollon and to advance hong gliding metnods and solely Contributions ore welcome Anyone tS ,n. vlted lo con1t1bute ortlcles. photos. and 111ustro hons concerning ~ong gliding octivllies If the molenol ,s lo be relumed. o stomped self addressed return envelope must be enclosed HANG GLIDING. magazine reserves lhe r,ght 10 edit conlrlb11hotiS where neC9$mry 1he Assoc,oOon and publication do not assume respons1bllllv for the moterlol or oplnlons Of conhfbvto~ HANG Gl1D1NG mogotlne ,s-publlshed Monthly by the l/n,ted SloJe• Hong Gliding Assoc,ot,on Inc whose moiling address ls PO Box 66306. Los Angeles Colif 90066 end whose omces ore tocoted ot 11312 V, Venice Blvd., Los Angeles. Calif. 90066. telephone 1213) 390-3065. Second-class postage Is paid of Los Angeles. Calif HANG GUOING mogozrne Is prinled by Sfnclolr Pnnllng & Utho. Alhatnbro. Coll! Subscrlptro" is ovoiloble only os part ot membership In the USHGA. o member-controlled educohonol ond sc,enM,c oroonlzotlon dedicated lo exalorlng all facets of u!troltghl tllgh!. Membership Is open to anyone interested In rn1s reolm offlight Duesforfull memb~lp ore S15 per yea ( Sl6 for foreign oddtessesJ, dues for Assooa1emembershlpare SlOperyear of w!iicti S7 ore desgnoled for sutlscnptlon lo HANG GUDlNG magazine Changes of address should be sent slx weeks ,n odvonce, lr,cludir,g nome. USHGA membership number prev1ous and new ,;,ddress, and o mo,hng tobel from a recent Issue.

Total paid c ircula tion fo r the Se p tember issue was 10,400

GOSSAMER CONDOR WINS KREMER PRIZE Poul MocCreody makes aviation history with a hang glider Inspired. man powered aircraft


by David Broyles

Moyes Boys sweep this tow kite classic.

USHGA REGIONAL DIRECTORS REGION 1· Vern Roundtree. Jeff Johnson REGION 2: Walley Anderson, Jon Case REGION 3: Trlp Mellinger. Dan Poynter, John Lake. Alex Dun.con. REGION 4. stave Thome. lucky Campbell. REGION 5, none. REGION 6: Jomes Cruce. REGION 7: Mike Zioskos. REGION 8: Don McCabe. REGION 9 Vic Powell. Dennis Pagen. REGION 10: Sl<lp Smith. REGION 11: David Broyles. REGION 12: Jim Aronson. DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE· REGION 2: Uoyd Ucher REGION 6: Kay Brake. REGION 8: Bill Allen. REGION 10: John Horrls. Harry Robb. HONORARY DIRECTOR; Hugh Morton. EX-OFFICIO DIRECTOR of USHGA as we ore a division of NM General Brooke Allen.




by Tom Peghiny

How ta spot land like the masters.



by Da vid Stanfield

A real Rocky Mountain high. this meet ranks with the best.


JAPAN BIRDMAN RALLY Redefining the term "experimentor these pilots take the leap with Imagination.



by Bob Dunham

A word to the w ise. so that nobody fries!



by Nick Voge

A flying tole.



By Brian Milto n

The British Open Hang Gliding Championships.

DEPARTMENTS 4 ULTRALIGHT CONVERSATION 4 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 10 WINDLINES 11 CALENDAR 16 USHGA REPORTS 35 WINDSOCK 46 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 55 FLYING BULL by Bill Allen 56 STOLEN WINGS COVER, Thermollng over Telluride. pilots Ketth Nichols (let!) and Joe Greblo (right] vie for position in close competttfon tor 1st place They ore obout lo be Joined by a 3rd pllot. Pele Osborne. Photo by Leroy Grannis. See complete story starting on page 24 Our sincerest apOfogles ore extended to Bettino Gray for not giving her photo c redit on September's cover photo of Brod White and the Mitchell Wing. CONSUMER ADVISORY· Hong Gliding Magazine and USHGA. Inc.. do not endorse or lake any responsibility for the products advertised or mentioned edltoriatly within these pages. Unless specifically explained. performance figures quoted In advertising are only estimates. Persons considering the purchase of a glider are urged to study HGMA standards. Copyright© United States Hong Gliding Association. Inc 1977. All rights reserved to Hong Gliding Magazine and Individual contributors.

know if I will he!lp IIH'rn sci ii upl The sludcnl lw; mel ,111 thc ''sl,w;" [mm 111,11 hclory ,md lecls like he will he "lN" if he buy;, dirC'Ctly lrom lhern. 111 srniw CdSl''., cl L1ctory fl\)cr hits eve1) 1dkcTi the stu dent off 10 the side ,rnd 111,rd<' ,1 DEi\[, wi1l1 him If ii sound:; like I ;1m cryi1\tJ ,ind bilchinq ii lie cc1usc l J\MII I lcel lhe m,11111liiclurcr;; sl1ould wc1I«' 11p ,md ii lhey c11c inlo this type of 111ilrke1i11g 1hl.'\I 'iliould reumsider llwir sellin,J policic>s If ,my r,1lwr dc,1lers in the lJS. lr<1vc Ilic s;mw feeli11qs I would ,ippreci;ite ii if v011 would wrilc lYl<' ;1 lcllcr l lhink !lie ,\I\SW<'r to form ,1 very slm11q lJ. S De,ilers l\','ioci, 11 ion Mike Miller l :lsin,,rc,

l Jmr FdiloL Bob Wills h,1,; le/1 u,;, ,1ml tllc\1\Y nic<' words liavu bel'n s,1icl ;rnd writlen illJoul lliis "e<1qle <1rno11q men " I le lived lo hcconw <1 k'<Jend, ,\l\cl ii<' de serves 1h<1i 1his le,Jrncl will be kepi ,ilivt?, l'lcc1se c1llow me lo sumiesl lh,,t llie {/SI!( ,I\ nc1rnr: ,1 yr:ilr ly h,m,i qlic\1er med after hi1n.'.ii11ce ill' undoubled

hi wc1s II 1c qrl'illcsl hi\n(l qlidcr pilol 1he world hc1,; ever sr'CIL rnc1yhe lhe (;r,mrll,illwr M;islcrs ol I Lm,1 ( ;lidinq Ch,1rnpionship wo11ld lie ilppm pri<1i<', If possiblC', 11w 11,nne could lw ch;mq" lo in cl11dc ''Bob Wills Mcniori,d ilcc,111s<' l1C' wc1,; Tl ff: MI\STU{ w;is1i't he'! SI cin I\. Fos,;u rn Norw,1y

Dc,ir Editor, I ,mi writi1v1 this lelll'r bvrnuse I j11st c;m'1 sil ,,nil ,my lonqer <1nd w,1lch wl1<1I h;ipptenillfl i11 il1e hrn1q <Jlidin,1 r<'l<1il bw;irwss I lvrc is 01 w cx;m 1ple of wli;1I I <1lll l<llkin<J i1bo11I. I have ;1 k,qilim,lle h,H1fl <Jlidin,1 slorc ,md c:omplele h,m'.l qlidinq school Th" Elsinon: V;1llcy 11,mq Cilidin'.l C<?nlcr ;icmss lhc slrccl from tlic lc1ndi11CJ iW!i\ in 1,;1ke Elsinore, C;1, The other mominq I w;1s in the 1,mdinq ;1rcil ,rncl noliced <1 qlidcr tli,11 is ;1 f<1irly new desiqn./\ftcr lookinq ii over Ilic pilot i1pproc1clred nw w1lli his :;ale:; pilclL ''I'll sell it to ,;ou for $2:'i 00 over cost ' I le did11'1 know I h;;rl ;1 store ;1crnss llw sln'ct I le ;md il fric,nd h<1d c;1mpcd ill ilw l,llHlinq Mm ovl!rni'.Jl11 ;md needed llw mor1ey lo '.WI lo ll1l' nexl flyin:J sile, Torrey l'incs This is nol ,m unc"rnrnon pr,ictice bl'C<lllS<' I've sec;n sirnilin insl,rnccs rn;rny limes l)(>lorl!. My poinl this hi ;1 leqitimatc slore proprietor h,1s lo stock $ I :,,000 lo $20,()()() wmlli of invcnlory ,md h;is $2J)()() lo $:lJ)()() <1 rno111h owrhmd (rnnL phone, s;il,1cius, r:tc.) To mc,ct lhis

ovurlw<Jd the de21ler rnus1 n1ill<c d re<1sonalile conunission un his sl1Jc:,_ If the cuslonwr

io <1

qood cb,lcr lw or slw will qel lhc IJern:fil,; 111ill <JO d!on~J with a sdk~ such i1s <1 re<1sont1ble rnnounl of time from Ilic de<1ler to ;iid the c:uslonwr i11 ;my wily 11ccdccL The flllY who ,;c:lls out of his v,in t,1kes 111c mo1wy and runs, om /1nollic,r wc1y ;1 clc,ilcr/sd1ool loses milrlllf<lc1urers sill" policy, l\fl<!r ;1 sl11denl has completed trnininci, lhc de,rler qives the sludenl lit erniure from 1he rn;m11f;1cl11rcr; for which tli<'y de21L M,my students will qo "check out" tlw 111,1r111 Jaclurer's f,Kililies, wl1ich l enco1.1r,11Jc I hem lo do Th<' next time I rny potenli,11 cw;tomer lhey h;wc ;1 new qlider, lrnrness ,md hdnwt ,md w,mt lo


Aeronaut Hang Gliders Inc


APD Flight Systems Arcadia Air Sports Bonnett Delta Wing Gliders Chuck's Glid01 Supplies

53 ..... IFC

. .44


Crystal Air Sports

Duncan License Plate Frames

... 17

[co«Nautics Inc Eipper


Dem hlilor,

Floctra Hyer Corporation.


This m,iy hilvc hc<'ll or still may be the beof llw p1:rso11;il inlcrcsls of Rich Piccirilli, Carl Boenish, Jim f /iu1dbury, and Brian Jolmson

Everglades Kites

Coil\[J il,Jilinst f'mk rng11lations and i\Jnorinq Rich CV(:ryorw's privileqe lo (ly the Nation,11 Jliccirilli piloted an ovvrsized Wills Winq SST off f f;ilf Dome for th<ll brief rnomenl of rilnry ()11 ,July :l, I C)Tl, c11 8:'.lO p. m , c1 h,mq glider w,1s observed sel up on lo1i of f lalf Dorne people W(:n: bllsily milkin~i l,1sl minute prepara tiuns while w;iilin,J for th<: down wind lo tum Hanqers on the V<1lley floor i1nd in Li11lc Yosemite Valley had notified ilncl little more could bl' done hul wait ,mcl w;1lch lhro11qh a 24" 1(!lescop1! mounted (]lacier Point. Tl 1e pilot was unknown ;1l lh,111irrn.', but I could well who ii rn;iy have lx:en, /\bout ;1 week prior lo llw flighl, Hich Piccirilli called to c1sk if he could off Half Dorne l fell that llw lime to exp,md the hm1g !Jlidin!l pro !JYarn may be: at hand, su I discussed the idea with th(, Chid PMk Rmsier. After !Jivinq ii clue con sidernlion, he expressed fcelinqs of stronq opposi lion to ,my expansion c1I this time, f ci:ll!ed Hi<:h ,rnd explained to him that try may, 1 could not swinri the clmrcmcc! for him lo fly the Dorne. lfo politely lhankc,d me for attPrnpt ;ind s,1icl he may be 11p soon to rly tlw I le Wi\S up soon, but 1101 ,ii (,lacier PoinL With

Fligl1t E,ag Mail Order Co


Fligllt floalities

Glider Hider . Go·G raphics ,


Hall Wind Meter

Hang Glider Shop

, ..... 14

Hang Glider Weekly


Kite Enterprises


Kitty Hawk Kites




M Company ,

. .49

Manta Products , Mohil Enterprises ,

...... 16

Morton Enterprises

.... '.16

Mountain 'N' Air Sports Pacific Gutt

Peregrine Aviation


...... 36 ... 45

Poynter Books

, fi2

FtSY Paragon

... .54

Sail Flight Inc ..

,8, 49

Seagull Aircraft

.13, 54

Sky Light Flight .

. .. , .. 50

Sky Sports , Steve Snyder Ent


' . ' .. .43

111e111 werC' two skydivers, ,Jim f lm1dbury, and Brian ,Johnson, with break<1wr1y h,m1esscs to pull

Southern California School of Hano Gliding


Sunbird IJl!raliglit Gliders


off wh,11 they t/1our1hl lo be lhc Stunl of the Yl'ar. l\s l 0:()0 i.1. m. ;1pproached, the qlicler was moved lo the cds;e, l,ist minute riggin\1 checks were~ rnade, Except for ,;low nn harness, the fliqhl seemed to uo very smoothly, I'm l'ic:cirilli hurriedly folded his ;1lidt!r al Mirror Like (lo beinq nabbed l,y !he lfanqers) he felt sdfisfoction for being able lo successfully pull off such ,r scmrL From Point I co11lcl the dolldr rin[J into Carl Boenish's thinking of what ,m c1ttrnctive addition lhis will be to his latest film

The Great Outdoors Trading Co,


The Hang Gliders Bible


Tim Happy Hanger

rranscinema Productions

' .50

Ultralight Flying Machines

.. .47

Ultralight Instruments


UP Inc. USHGA. Wills Wing Inc

Wimthaven Emergency Parachutes ,

.1 .5, 9,

15 ... 14

J only wish they rnuld haw felt tlw lmrn1nt of all the pilots who for so lonq h,1ve wanted lo fly the Point liul may never ,iel lhe cl1ilnc1>. lhe ,m11er of the people who worked so hard to opl'n the Parks, only lo hav<e the door sbmml!cl in their (;ice because of fom individui\ls lack of concern, The Federal reB11k1tions on hanq

OCJOfltf< 1977




Ol!IIIIIIN(I /\Nil su1111r:1 1,()()1( fllli 11/\11(; M1c!1dcl Mund(ilson I l1sto1y rnrnlels


c;cl1ool·; Sil\",

SKYSAII IN(; liy flick C,Hf>l'I

I Ii:.

1nd instr11c11011

!JV .la1nn1; M1a1uk rl1qht thco1y



by l(ui1h '.)lw1w111 ffr:;tory :rnd :nodurr1 anf1 crrn:;1der:it1un CONIIITIONS, llV IJOlliil'I l'aqeo iv11crnrneteoroloqy 1or plots 00 11111:; IJy i11ill1or NO! SIIUWN IIANC, CilllJINC ANIJ 11 YIN!, SKILi i; lly 1Je1111>s /\ 1nst111cl1on 111,rnu:il tur l11:q111rw s tu IIIJIIJI AIWONA, lly W1lso11 IJal<nr bO paqr,,; ,111d condit1oil'.> 101 1n Arvon;i 10 l'OPIJI All 11 SO CAI 11 OHNIA, lly ll Clr;ivr,larid I ?O 1»1r,, (IIJIIJI l (I IHlCiAI I II I 11(1111 0

r; (JO i) f)O

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;,IMl'I II II ll Pl Iii OIIMANCL 11 c,IINC: l1y .Jack Paris 1111 COMl'l 111 llOllK 01 11/\NC; 1;11DINC IJy II :; ll11l,1cy e'.,rH:c1<1lly \o by !Jan f rn hnq1111101'> /\1) to1n'.;trnctorso! ~"X I Al Sl'CIHI IN(, COili I rm l'1ov1ile'I lire 1eq11rre'lle'lll'i !or rccD1ds. ac/11nvc1nr;nl(; llar!qns. arnJ Wo1 lcl C/Jar11p1orisl1qy,

lbD 1 00

ITEMS !l'.~11(;/\[ MB! rM ·1 SHIHT 10(Yl/o t:D11on. l11qt1 q1J:1l1ty rnanqe cnlv Mu11·s I X l (11lnase Glrclc IJSHI,/\ IMlll IM llric 1,1/() 1,111 1111 IYI" w 11s1,c;A rnihlr.rn NAVY or O!lANGf circle IJSIIC,1\ :;1 WON IMlllJM i11,1111ctr,1 11111 (1cli 11r1il ora11(;1: 011 :1 yell()W Ofdfl(JP IJcJCk()IOlllH1 w hlacl< prll'1)

l!SHG/\ l)f:C/\!

'.) '.l(J 1 \




J',, d1,111w1e1 11111 color

IISll[IA I Mill LM l'I Nlli1N I ch,1111 WillCA llllllON'l'IN

3 ()\) d1;ime1n1, f1ill c:ilm

I ICI NS[ l'l Al I I IV1MI Blue :11H1 wl11te


' r'd r11llicr lie l111nq ql1d111q 1111



11'.,ll(iA OlflCl1\I COMf'I IITION 11111

? (JI)



No t;1x u11 r11:1q;11:nw;

lJy cin:linu 1s•;1H' nwnber


OCH/\l'lll ll Clll'II S I ? '.l t1.r) G / H 9, 10 ll CIJPll f; 1') ?O ?I, ?? ?:! ? I ?II :10 :1? :n

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tlirouql1 c11rrnnt 1'.>sur:;




ACC!lll NI ll[l'DHI l[l'1M (11 111)

IJSll[;A MrflCIIANDISI 01111111 IOHM (<i Iii

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IISll[l1\ 111 IINll!J\I AWA111l 1011M



/1113 Spf:cr!y 1eq1(Jn 11/\SIC liAITIY 111 GUIATIONS (l'AIII HJII) llciHGA IIANC, flAIINC, P1111C:HAM (PAIH 1(),11 allv11;ory Opinion,;

nor doe~;

do not r ecr.s a1 lly ref lee! lJ'.'·;11cl\ policy corii;t1tute endor:;(;m1:1it

c;sscncc thut no films ol hanq qliclinfi shilll be used for commercial purposes ilnd that no flicihts shall he made without the written permission of the Superintendent of the P,wk Wh,11 this is sayinq that l@,,J qlidini3 is not leual in the Na1ional Parks except when the Superintendent will so kindly ex lend this to those who meet the qualifica lions liy thl, established pro1Jr,1m. In Yosemite. the pilot required to cleilr l,ilch fliqht with the R,mqcr in d1r1rrw. No t;mdern fliqhls or stunt allowed ;rnd no flitJhts af1er 8:'.lO ii.m. must fly from c1 desiqnatc,d take off si1c and land in a clcsiqniltccl mci!clow These ;ire the conditions under which 11,c Superintendent will nllow this activity to continue. WiJh ,my violiltion nf these re51ulc1tions, lie (the Superintendent) has the pern11a!ive to discontinue the c1ctivity all louethcr. lf Yoscrnitc closed, ,ill other Ni!1iornli monunwnls. and recreational sites 1m1y also follow s11it. I woulcl holcl il very dim view for the future of hirng qliclin(J if the Federnl agencies retracted their permission lo fly on qovernment l,mcl J'm sure Piccirilli ,mcl friends must not h;iw taken this into consirforntion when th1,y 1rn1dc their flitJht. How could they with so rrn1cl1 to lose ,md so little to The bmtherhood is broken, m1cl Yosemite hanrJin,1 by ,1 stri1111 l hope that if sorneone is considcrin~J a rcf)eaJ perforrmmcc. that they think lieforl' th<!y leiip he c2n1se cnour{h straw is on the CdnwJ' s bdck D. l'i1sclMII Point Harnie1 YoscrnitC! Nzitiomtl Pmk


2000 feet

Dmr Editor /\s anotlwr i1drlitirn1 to the I ICM/\'s pro[Jrilm oi lcslin(l qliders ,md certifyinq them ";1irwortl,y," ti Hey should c1dd ,motlwr st<1lcemcnt to the plc1q11c on ,,,,ch qlider· C,u1tio11 I f,illinq 2000 leet c;in be h;izardous to your lw,ilih Eccovcerincily. ,Joshua Blue llur;mq<i. Colo

~urmort of

Dealer Dear Editor. I just fi11islwd m1dinq 11w ,July "I l/\N(; (,I.JD !NC" ultrnlinht convcrs,ilion section ,md Wi\s prompted lo write by Mr. Dave Fred's lc1tcr. I and my pmtn<!r are dl1alers/instruc1ors in the Euiicme, Ornqon cirna iincl h,ive been ilyincJ h,1ll<J ,Jliders for ovc,r three Ylliirs. We ;-in; both hanq four pilots and lJ.S.H.C, /\. obsc,rvers l hc)Vf! encountered si111lh1r si1ua1ions in being c, dealc,r !hill Mr. hed mentioned. c1s well some thal he did not mention. TherP are less than two lrnndn,d flyers in lhe entire stilt" of Orciion tlli\t 1 ,nn aw,ne of ,ind th,m thirty in tlw Eus1c1ie Mm, Not all of tlwsl.l flyers i\Y<! mcmbc;rs of the U.S.H.G/\. and no1 all of them have hanu mtil1sJs. The majority o[ the pilots arc around the Portland ,ired where there mmwrous cfoalcrs ,mrl a school or two for the beqinrwr. There arc one or two other deal<.?rs here in Euciciw and they do not actively promote instruction /or 1hc bl.'qinncr.


Don' I SJC'1 me wronq. 1hey arc not (to my know· ledsJc) scdlins1 qliders to ilnyonc who um "put up the bucks" and lc11in!] lhcm lci1p from nei9hborinq hills. Onc clcc1ler I !c1lkecl to feels 1hat is no1 pro, fitablc enot1qh lo [Jive instruction unless the s111, dent is buyinsi ;1 qlidcr from him due to the hi,ih cos1 of time, rm1intendnce, and effort that instruc lion rC'quircs. I have to a(Jrce with him about the hi,Jh cost to dc,ilers lo instruct people who mily never i1 ulider or 1hen qo to our compe1itors and buy ,Jliclers But if WC\ all felt lhi\l w,\y, the sport wouldn't lilst vl'.ry lono i\t all. I have folll1cl llm1 one of the rnost clifficull positions to be in is th,1! of the dealer/instructor. The rl'sponsibility of instmctinq sioes beyond ilw clollar sisJn and llw sur vival of our sport ckpt!nds upon ii urcatly It is very difficu It for clcillcr 1o main tilin shop when the sport in his own arc,1 is se,1somll and in lerest ,md response slow in grnwi11,1. I low c.m rrmnufocturers cxpcect their dt!21lcrs in lesser popu lated ,irnas lo s"ll mc1m1 qlickrs ,is those in biq mdropolitan cities and suburbs'! Perhaps this is one mason why there? me dealers operati11si from their 9ar,\9es, va11s, ;ind campcrs. I'm sure there arn some peoplt! who me just tryinu to make ;i filst buck ;ii 11w expense of lhe 11eophyte. but there ;irp f;ir more h,ml workinq strU,J(JlintJ dt!alcrs who VJi.lnt In see ilw sporl of li,m,J ,ilidin!.J qrow and prosper wilh it because they lovc it There is ,1 lot of room for criticism in the are,1 of dealers and schools, but let's not forget that there is Joi of room for pr,lisc mid qrn1i!i rdc also Rober I I,. Walters Brothers Of The Wind 1liinq C,lidin,J School Eugene. Oregon

Microwave Hazards Dem Fcli1<Jr. How ,lboul t,ilkinq about the dilnqers involved ill flyinq 11c,ir micrnw,we lowers placed strntqiical ly on lop of hills·! We c1ll know how efficient micro wave ovens arc, ,md how quickly heat can build up internally. Is there ;rny inherent dan9cr in flyimJ in 1he vicinity of thesC' micrc1wave cornmunin\tions towers'/ Since tlwv us11,llly plact!d on the most promint!nl points to qet best rnn!JC there is a pos, sibility of enco11ntcri111J such beams wl 1ile flyinsJ in mountilinom ilrms. /\n ,1r1icle in Hang G/idinq rniqht be ,ipprnpriate on the subject Hick Ci.lhill, tfcJ 14 Coluinbus. Ohio Your wislt is our commcmd. Tum to page 31/, "I?adar con be hozardous t.o your health," in this month's Han(] (31idinq cmd learn about some of I.he hC1?:ards of flying near radar or rnicmwcwe towers.

Failure to Hook Dem l:rlitor, I lurinq the Ni1tion;1ls two people /orqot to hook 11p l>dor" llvinq I w,1s one o( lhetn. The om' thin~] which made my liiilure tu hook 11p lot,ilh; inex cusudbl('. is 1lv11 I I idd a p11ssen~lPr with niu. My passen,ier ,rncl I h;id prepmccl lo lake off four tinws. incluclinq ,1 st,itic check the first time.Ei1ch time the wind died I llnhookcd while Cindv remai11cd ,1ttaclwd to the qlidc>r Th" last (contimied on poqe 8)


7 !Oil by IDEA

tirnc~ Wl..'. 1novecl ln1o posl1ion, l 1nr:Hi(~ sure she w<1s

ho<Jkcd in. then I s<>1 down nc>xt lo her. We wc1ited 21\Jout five minutes. 1111til 11w wind blew up the hill. We picked 111c qlider up ilncl I fel11hc tem;icm of llw l1,1rncss. only it wc1s the tension from her lwr 11css lh,11 I /c,Jt, 1101 mine. The tdlw of/ nm went qrcat ;md ;1irspccccl picked up r;ipidly. By the time I rc;ilized ,;omell1in"' w;is wron,J. Cindy wits llyin,J off ,1 ')()()' hill on her first solo flight. /\s I wiilcl wcl in horror. she rnrirlc ,1 porpoisin,J flhJhL ,1 tum. ;md tlwn rrnide il sc1fc lilndin,J. Slw suff<,;rc.d" few scr<1tches (u)d lht2 rJlidcr w;1s uncbn1dqed I want to c1poloqi1e lo the people of I le;ive11,:r. ;md everyboch; involved wi11, the nwel Im c1lmost leilvinq ;1 horrilile scdl' on lhe N21tiorlills. I especi;11ly want to cipolo,Jiw to Cindy for lc1ki11sJ her life inlo my h,mds ilnd lhc>11 commitlin!.\ such ,\ cilrcless c1mr I used lo s,iy such ;1 thin<\ could 11cvcr h,1ppe11 lo me, li11t now I know it Ciln llilppcn to <111yliody !,o everybody plc,1sc be c;irduJI N<1nw witl 1held bv request


for inri and shipping Please send length oi batten. Ouantity discounts are available.

3152 BALTI MO!i E BLVD. FIN l<SBU MD. 1048 )

Oear Editor. members and director,; concerned abo111 the new fee structurn for hanq rnlings. After considernblc thou!Jhl ;ind discussion, I hc1vc made ,1 motion modifyin,J this fee schedule th,1t Hang II r;itin[l would he $7 50, with Ii,msi lll and IV being $:i.00 This scl1edul<c follows the rulative cost of issuing the rc1tings more closely. Dennis ,ien, Vice Pn:sidcnt elect and Chc1innan of the committee rc:spon,;ible for hds seconded this ilS has Alex Duncan, Tre,1 surer ~elec1 cuH1 of tlH? executive con unil tee, and Trip Mellinger, USH(,/\ Dircctm This motion, with w,1s properly submitted tor c1 mail vote by the full bomd c1ccordin~1 to ,1 st,mdmd procedure of the USHC,/\. Vic Powell and later, Lloyd Lieber, asked Kay Brnkc, lo block this motion from bcinsJ distributed, knowinn full well that a lonB will nullify th,! effect of the motion. They sily thal the motion "is too contro~ and therefore not proper for 21 mail vote by the board Of issue is controversial if an executive cont

Gel !he total story 011: flying Techniques Flyer Physiology Top Models Analyzed Flight Performance @ Flying Qualities Aerodynamics Design Parameters Human Factors The Polar Curve

Dive Winds and Structural Materials Sails and Airframe Advanced Cmss-1:ountrv flistory and Technical Buyino Yourself a Hang Glider Plus, Seven Large Appendicies


mittee for nun-controversial matters. What they really sayinq is that they don't wc1nt your fnll board to decide this matter ;.md that they are able to slop any motion by 4 members of thc board This not the first time this sort of thinq has hap pcn<?d. Lloyd and Vern Roundlree, at the Robb, blocked the issuance of the competition rules for the Dog Mountain N,,tionills. then to not rnise would hurt the USH(,/\. Houndtree, iJC!ing c1lo11c, moved the dale the Dog Mountain Ndtionals into the rainy SC'ason tlrn of the competition committee, aqc1in asking not to hurt the US! !GI\ rnakinB the mqument public. However, when their ,1ctions resulted in a wet contest held without clear rules, the inevitabk1 chaos, they chose to away from themselves and onto others. This time therefore, l will not be quiet. This riroup of people, (r:iemcd to riowmrnent attitudes of operation and taxation). have had their way in the two Nationals ,md th,! results known. Now they arc followinq their s21nw course with the H,rnu

Ratinsi program. I fonsi ulider pilots me rwither fools nor arc they made of money. They am not ,Joing to understand why a H,rnq IV is 3 limes ;is cosily ,1s a Hang If. We cannot just s21y we need lhc money ilnd expect pilots lo pay as if they were taxpayers. The molion we I i;1ve made is intended to help with the budsict, but it is also desis1ned to keep the Hmri ffatinq pro,Jrarn We who have made this motion not just some ignorant fools from left field who arc to be kept under leash by i\ very few I creal(,d the pro,~rnm which Dennis PaBen has to improve. Alex Duncan, ;1s Treasurer elecl is aware of the finances involved /\t first the wc1s the price Now_ the issue has become this: a small group, some of whom were not elected by the memlwrship and who don't even fly hanq 9liders, continue to !ml the USHC,/\ by means of their priw,te clique methods") You, lJSHC,/\ members, should now know that many boilrd members ilre lryin~i to im prove thin(cls. We dre uointJ to pursue this motion. We hope th<1t in the next election that you will vote and elect directors who will rnstore the USJIC,/\ to the han~J ulidintJ sport. Before that election you will he informed of how the individual directors stc111d on this issue:. ,John I .ake He,iion :l Director The following response to John Loke' s lcttci-

from 1)oyd Licher. USHGA President.. John ond Trip were not of the lost nirectors' meetinu /only o bure mujority, of the Direc present) oncJ when !<?urned tors decision to inc:reos(e fo·es /01d J'onq /fotin.cis them to be too high, so initioted u motion for (l l!O/c of the entire Boord o/ Directors to lower The motion was not held up to silence John, nor die/ Vic Powell or myself ask to hmw ii blocked, u/iliough we were consulted by the Secretory concerning its appropriuteness for o mail uote. of this public forum to uent his frustrotion tainly not silent, ulthough I ""'"1,/rm,fpr· rhntcn,,,-,, in the maquzine be used for materiol thot might be more 110/uc to the members procedures for mail uotes by the Directm·s were udopted as policy by the Board. Tl1ev specify certuin limilotions of its omong other things, snying thot requirin!/ disc11ssion, or which controuersiol, should be bv the Secn,tw-u for considemtion only Directors' meetings. issue of Hang Rating fees wus believed to full in this rntegory so it will considPred ogain ot the next Boord meeting ( :onsic/emblc concern abo11t the proposed Hong F?ating fees was ot the last Boord ing ond there wns diswssion in depth, ubout the effect thev would have on the Hong Hating progrum, the uote wus token. There wus no motion ot thGt time to lower them. They purl of the ovem/1 schedule of increases for dues, mfoertising mies, fell necessory to trv und increose USHGA's income in order to continue with the present level of services and quolity und o/ Hiin~J (3lidinq mogozine. II severe operating loss hCJd been experienced/or the first half of 1977 and it wus detem1ined that such increCJses were re quired in order to pre1;ent um; further loss. If they not to the degree und there ulrcady imlirntion thut oduertising reuenue may full shor1 of tlmt bernuse of the in in ml rotes, then we will hcwe no recourse

OCTOBEf< 1977

hut to cut /Jock on semir·e cmd the sfunc.frmi


I 1,mq ( iliclinq rnoqnxine. We rnnno/ umtinw' to

/iuc lieyond mir mecms. The decision to fees 11;us not loken li<1l1tl1;. mid ony pmpo:;n/ lo olier the ones decided 11po11 will /11we tu discussed i11 de /oil by tlw director:; presenl ut /he next meetinq to whut the effc,:t would likely be, cmd whether or not we rnuld "ujford'' These ore not mid for ,John lo S/JV t/:ol ofjice1s ucored to ,11, ,uernrnen/ nttilwies mid tnxnlion influenced //,e decisions or hlockC'd his motion cm oppenl lo ernotiono/ism. I le /mows lhni l, cit /cost, mn 11 /i/,erturinn cmd 11hl1or lnxntion in w1y form. Tnxnlion imposed l,y 11 politico/ 11ouernmcnt with nn u/timute police power to it, /,indinq on c1wryonc, without 011 the other hond, t/1e I /emu lfotimJ fees ore pmpcrlv en/led, ore the foirest, noncocrcioe met/we/ of poying ndministrnti1w Tliis pmbuhlv the hest pince to c/cor up whut oppcrirs to lw u rnrnored 11/iscrmceplion, nwnc/y tho/ I he I lm1CJ !?citing fees nre w1 mmcml chorge; on t/1e con lmry, t/1ev men one-time tl1inq, chmged w/1e11 /he ruling f)r,;t upplied for, NOT enc:/ 1 when ncwinn one's nimnbership. /\nd thev d,.m't un into effect until ( kto/Jer so unvone who hod /wen puttinq off gettinq u mting for one rew,on or utlier lwd rm opportunity to obloin for the old fee We c/011'1

pi/()fs to /)(' fools, nor ,nnde

of money. mid with ,Jolin thnt thev likelv don't wunl to be t11xed; hrnvc1Jcr, we lie/ieve tlwt

ti wy rnn 1/Jink /or thernselues nnd evil/ likely he will to pol) their own woy in 011r proqmm of self

requlution //1c1/ hos uerv udrninistmti1Je costs Mw1v of ow rncrnhns u!rendv l1cwe //1cir mtings nmJ ii 's 1mfuir lo them and other mmf/1,1in,1 rnc'IYll>ers to s11/Jsidi,,e t/1c of the minoritv of members who 1uill he em71inc1 new rnlinq:,. We're

in/crested in the rnen1/JC'rship renction to I.lie new scher/11/es os pu/Jlished in the September issue of ! Lmq Clidi11,J. Tho! fecc//)(Jck will siq11ifirnntlv influence cm1sidcrnlim1 of ony n/ternlions lo the nl t/1e meeting. T/1osc opposed

to the new fees cun he C'Xpcctcd to o/Jjed, hut wc'c/ like to fro111 those who rcolizc they rn11st be nlso, otherwise the rcoction looks more onesidcd them it rco/h; So drop u note in with

with ,1 ccm1,1dcr,1ble ,11rn>1m1 ol dcc1m111L1tcd time '10 ll1dl when the fliqhl Wd', m<1cle. llw rln,n:i,l11>11•. collcctec!. ,111d ll1e sponsors pr"m1s,,,;

w,· rn;m,1qed \o 101111, up with $:J.()l) Oil, lo lo ll1e school

rJie CdV wc1s con:;Jdured il qrudt sticcc,'-is hv dll people concclmed The llyerc; qol lo flv ,11 HI di '.1<11ne 1llne v,,1e were dll dWdre thd1 we were

u:/1nteucr yn11 rnov /Je sc11din<J to t/1e office, or write

SOIIH'.11 iin!J not nn[y lo p11l,Jicil<' 01/Y Joc,1f h11t lo do sonwll1inq tc, l1elp' who will

spccin//y, ij rncmed. Thut's the hes! wuy to let uo1nre1m'Sc'ntot1ues know how yo11 'cl Ii/re t/1in11s to

fh; un !heir Dwn We ,1 clu\1 h"pe to 1\1<1kc ,m <1111111;;] ,1/f,1i1 ,rnd ,illlirn1ql1 Vv<' m,11; be ,il)II'


l<JI""""'' th<lli we whn c<1n osc nur help

/Joye/ l ISi /( JI\ !'resident

M,,jor.s J>ikc.s ['c!i,k 11,mq ( ;[idinq CJul,

11,e f'ikc>c; I'e,,k I Lrnq (;Jidin<J Cli1l1 <li Color,1tlo '.iprn1q,;. Colm,\Clo h<1•, ,1cco111plislwd whill we 1hi11k

c1 fir'.>I On ,lime

I 'JI/ the flyn;, qol lo

1wll1cr lo fi\1 for clic1rily The C:olorc1do ~ichool for

thu lle,;f c111cl lllind loc,,lecl in Colorc1do Sprin!J'i t:111-rrnl!y cxperi<'ncinq clifficullv wit\, Fedn,il ,mcl Sl;1lc fu11dinq /\s lhis school 01w of d very f(:w in tlw W{' felr it wt1s it worthv c<1usc to lry to c1dd om sm<1II hit lo I 1elp lh<'sc kids W(' /Jl<J,llli!Cd ti Ii' IY1e<'1 Sil [\i,il C,iC\, piJol WdS ru'1pnnsihle /or dctp !lrh 1q d(; n1<111v sponsor~ ,t'\ he \\ldS (1blc. wi1h ei1cl \ sp011sor dondtlnq in one of 1wo W1lyt;. Sprn isor,; could e\ther don;ite r1 specific <1mou11t f!i,3ht m i1 donation for liirw in ihc ,,ir dJHl tl1ev

!'11is left ti"' dub to decide on" hill !hill would ofli'.r d111,11irn1 fliqh1s well ,;cccl,Si\lJilily lo


rn,111y !li,il,t,, po';sible The dcJy of Ilic mc1cl c,1ch pilot drn1c1tt,d <1 $ I ()() entry fee ,mcl we ,ilso dsked

<1ll of tlw sp,,cl,ilms for " donc1lio11. The we,,lhcr til'ld ,1ll d<1y ,rnd pilllt rn,111<1q1ed lo m;i\w five Thi'.; yunr, sorne:whcno, f1anr1 ~;l1d(1t 111111,nal, and ily ouc of siqhl. Ii

Se11d $1.00 fm

rnsidonts add 5%



After months of detailed Ken Messenqer and attempt to h2mq glide, across English ch2mnel mel with both and near disaster. Launch from balloons in Dover, Enqland ,July 20, the two British pilots across the 27 miles of water Castle, France, Kem Mesflight was 21 success; Brian did not make ii. While Ken drinking the victory ch21mpaune Frnnce, Brian was warming up vodka on a Russian freighter pulled him out of the water. The idea for this han,J gliding rnrne from Bri,m's wife Fiona March. !for company, Fliqhl orqanized the event. included obt21ininq official and sponsorship, ar publicity, ,iliders, balloons, near, a helicopter, c1nd ground air crews. A hiqhly coordinated organi2r1tion bnilt to cope with geltin,J together on 1G hours when the weather was right. avoid air traffic, the launch winw,,s from dawn to 6:30 A.M. crew ,1ssembled for launch at 3 on August 201h. By dawn the (with ~Jliders in tow) wf,re and headin9 towilrcl Dover for release.

launchecl at lS,000' and France after 12 minutes. He through the clouds at and saw he had p,1ssed his

Chuck's (11ider Supplies (CGS), with Cleveland State Uni Mechanical Engineering recently completed the strain gauqe testing done on gliders. The purpose of the program was to determine ,,,1,~, N•I, ,,,1 Joads are beinH imposed an airframe in flight. With the test mounted on a truck, they the loads on the cross leadinfJ edsies, keel, control' flying wires and deflexer


landinn area. lfo f1(1w back to the designated spot and received hero's welcome when the siround crew ,mived by hovercrnft. Bri,rn bunched at 14,000' mid met with 1,000 fpm sink throu!Jh out the fli(JhL ) fo knew even before breaking through the clouds thilt he couldn't make it So Brian calmly Blided into the ch11nnel, remembering to inflate his w21ter winqs just he fore the water. From the cold waters the clwnnel, Brian w,,tched the three balloons driftinq high and dry lowmd France. Of coursl! the kite and instrwrnmts sank, ilr1cl Brim1 beg11n swimming. After 1 Y2 hours in the water hc was hauled aboard the Russian the EARCOPOL, hitrnled a of vodka, ,me! treated to hath and sauna. !·le rndiCH,cl Fiona, who, feminq for her husband's life, had called cJir/sea rescue. They ilr· rnnqed lo meet ill Boulogne, the ',,,;.,,,,,,,,. •· destination. !<ARCO POL rnptain spoke English, but never having ,1 hanq glider, h;,d great difficulty un· derstanclinn how fully-clothed man in helmet came to be swim minq the channel. After some confused conversation, Brian answered lo the Captain's "Are you a sportin[, and the record strai,iht Brian's disaster had material losses, but be· came an adventure all iis own rival inq even the best hang Hlidinq tale

The weckc11cl's favor21ble west winds wccled han,J ,.1lirler pilots from ,111 over New I::ngland who ,Jalhc1cd Auqust21, atMLCr,m more, where lhe ML Wc1shinqton V,1lley l l,rnq ( ;Udinq Ch,11npion ships were held. The 2 c\c1y anr1u<1l even I, co-sponsored by Cilrroll Heed Shops, !he ML W,1shin;1ton Valley Clrnmber of Commerce di Hi Sky P,mplc I fonq (;Jidinq School, attr,ictecl the top expcrl flyers from the region for il duration task ;ind c1 freestyle event On Sunday, sientlc zephyrs and sunshine made for the scco11cl dily of flying before an eslimated cmwcl of '/()() spectators. After compditiv<' flyinq h,id been completed, ;iw,mls were presented on the skirnobilc:

deck The final resulls were: 1st Place, Hc1y Couqhlin, followed by !he defendinri J ')76 Open Clilss Mt.

Washintiton Valley Cl,arnpion, Doug Wicks, :l:',, tlrnen, Massachusetls. There tliird pl,1ce tic betwee11 I St,rnd,ml Class Ch,.m1pi0Cl, Friel, 2'/, of Nc1sluc;1, New shire ,md Peler HilL :m, of Conwcly, New Hampshire J 1!21cc honors went lo ,Jeff 27, of Princeton, M,issachusetts, winner of tlw 197'/ New Soaring Clrnrnpionships held in al Mi. Attili.ish. In fifth plc1cc Doug Meehan, of Carlisle, sachusctts. Meehan himself with 21 /HJ in freestyle pelition and proved to he c1 crowd plc21s!'r. Cominq oul on lop w21s Couuhlin, 2€J, of Chi!tcnclcn, monl. lfoy, flying I l'lyer rizon, clinched ti ie number one with his fiiMI frcl!stylc fliqht. !'or

cables. Data analysis thus far has shown such focts as load reversals on of the members, ,md a direct cor relation between some of thc>irst;itic load and strain gauqe tests. lt encour..1,~ng to see the hang glidinq industry beinq able to utilize space technology. An articl(e on lhese strain gauqe tests will appear in next of I fong G/idinq.

OCTOBrn 1977

West just finished llan1i !ilminq a hc1lf hour h,m,1 i1lidin,1 dcx:umcntan; with William Shatncr to be ;1irnd 011 tclcvisicm in lhe 11cm future. Much of the flyill[J in \he proqrnm filmed in l under instruclion from Koehl er, owrwr of lfo11n Clidcrs

Wc:st. Both ;mcl Willimn nvr flew for c;mier,ts at Pope Val Icy, C,ilifomi,1

In cin efforl lo ,illcvi,1ic tlw

opcr;1licms ,it Torrey due lo the spe

of c onfw,ion surrn1rndinq the si\11,1 !i01 '1 d f , re >rrey l )il WS. here d CU l rrnl ,;tcilus report of ,l1liv I I ')Tl

cial use perm ii which lhc city is:,ll<", ;11111ually Wilhrn11 1J ,e pennil. lhc ,;ii,, will h<: ci()',ed. M,mv people h,1d

llllr;ilitJlil I ly,Ts Onpni1c1 Uon 1ne1nbcrship, which lids been n:qtl!red in tlic pr1c,;I, Jl() lon~1ur c1 pn;,rr:cp1isik lo Cll)(Jl/ilHJ the L111 111,;;ric '.·1ot1rinq i"!l.)dltihll' here lhl' mc1i11 rr'c1so11 U. l'O membership WilS req11irecl )11 I lie pdsf WdS lic1hili1\; insur,111cc. Now. due 111clinlv t1J Ilic cffmh of flill /\rmstron,1. 1hc rilv of

Ill<' i<IC'il Hui s111u' lhey h,icl lo p,l\/

rncmhers 11ip fee lo lit; c1l Trn 1ev· lhc llf() should "pmviclc· tl,e fliqhl director. crowd co11trnllc1 !.]lider inspector, clc The h<1rcl rec1lil1· th<1l the I J.l'O tot,1lh; depe11cle111 11po1; tl1c piloh lo 1equl<1le thc1n,;clves

Sc111 Dic<JO hds reco!Jni;ecl the c1c ,·,•pied lJ S. I I. c; /\ insurance rnv ('Yd~W dt TorrL)\/ Pinc:). No nne lil,,;ed tlcv sit11<1lion of confrontinq ,1 fellov: pdoL who wil'.) here for d d(H/ or two, c1rnl lc!llinci hi111 lie c011lcl11·1 fk unless he Joined llw l J.I () /\ lol of h,ml feeli11q1, were born of this ,mcl it's il rdie/ lo see i1 q01w. I loW('\IPL c1ll ol ll1e prnble1m d 1,0 cc1llccl "self req1ilc1ti,m" still remciin. Leqc1l Iv. ilw UI () ',iii! rcsp,m,;ihle frn

Tlw /\vro Cluh of Soulh ;rnnouncecl lh,1t the</ l1,1ve been to cancel the World H,111cJ (,lidinq Championships dw, lo of rdumlcd

Bill Moyes

an incredible

story ilnd photo

l>v Anqclina

Piavillet from Sydney, /\uslrc1lia K,m Batlle wds flyin\t his Vin l,mdin,1 conies! i:11 Stilnwell Svclney. Ec11 on the.


volt hi[Jh tension wires h,1rd c11011uh to force them



lnfietl1,n ,me! short

completely melted mid bml,e lhe and ,1llowecl to continue flt,lin[J, althouqh

blew c.l lml<' in 1hc off

kadinri ,md blew the the poles. The intl!rfcrvnce !<.en lo

1\w ,,pot. ,ilthousih he


Meet. Pilots will be towed to al· tilude, 101 distance. not required. purse. For more i1\formaf1on contact; Natonal try

of Co1mnerce. In addition to scheduled meets, demonstrations at Ailitash Recreation Area, ML Crnnmore and Pleasant Mt. 1mm June October

OCTOBER, Great R,;cn, Box Chatta· noona, TN 37409. Dates to be annoum,e<L OCTOBER 4 /\d vanced Ce1tifica· tion Clinic, Participants must Hang·4 and ba· instructor tor 1 year.

Limited to 20

r:or contact:

0Cf08ER 17,

the S0utl1lanct Assoc., 7:30

Water and 111 Nortt1 Hope St.,





CIVL Mee1in\J,




You don't have to be a l1ang Badge 4 pilot to gel I 0: l '"''''nr,n:rn,·p The Fledgling is suitable for the supervised beginning pilot 10 the Most advanced. The Fledgling features ultra-high ,,ndnrm·rn,··n and the S1rungc,t Wing geometry (sweep-wire) ;im1wt1erc Capabilities with absolutely positive The use of rudders. sets up as fa',[ as any g: Self-1,LLmchc:s. and folds as as ,1 Rogallo. Talk about CONVENI PE RFO RM/\NCE .... DESIGN I You're talkin' FLEDGLING.

Manta where every wing i, tc,t-1\own before delivery.




' •

At a high nnr1nrm::irwn 4 Docile and smooth yol aHorcls a and sink rns1rrnctoc1


TUES.-FRI. 11 :00-9:00 SAT. 10:00-6:00 SUNDAY: HYING LESSONS

Winter Thommen



DickCnrnptioll (ll~) gq~ 3H7





[ tt

f [


o/ r1 le,id curtain. The FAA is wailinn in the winris In view of the


own should:

A. /\ttend an FA/\ certifier! school. 13. T<1ke 2 hours of clw1! instruction in conventional ilircrnft. C. Reach lJSHCA ficiency level in the

D. II Instructors kachinr.l should: ln rnount,1in re~iions A.


run on lcvd with enqirn: turned off (il MPH heciclwind D. Tec1cl1

,md off.

with en13ine attilch<,cl but 1umed

I} with e11qi11c ,1t idle. J) wilh en51ine ,11 full 1hrnttle.

Follow the I

In Oat


I. Teach

to run with cnqinc al



low level

cornrnunilv wi1h the Ire·

engines to our


))f<JV:10(\S a much 9rcater chance of Confront·

inq conventiomil aircrnft in

Nem and

misses or accidents will end our !nee show like the


wi1l I en9ine ,11 throtllc wilh en(jinc ,11 fi111 lhrot11e.

mendous of scttin~i riutc1c:liries to insure the sc1fc operntion of foot launched nn111,,Ya,r1 crnfl.

TANDEM FLIGHT HEGIJLATIONS l. One rnernher of dual 1eam shall

be raled IV. II. The oilier rne.rnlwr of Ilic tcmn shall he rnled IL or· I1! The pair sh,111 nm on level al 1,1ehcd to the then move up lhc slope in the norrncil trnininq of <l b(!qin ner. AJtcr 1'1ke off ,incl is controlled. 1lw team can bunch from any Note that no rn<)Lllilt1or1s it1clividU(IIS Jhat ilYC ovnoYiO>>f'Ofi

i11crei1sinrJ control

H. Follow II/\ and IIC.

POWERED HANG GLIDERS In a recent reversal of the FAA lms decided Jo elirninale all qovernrnent tion of This le<1ves the

(FAA (,enernl Aviation Division.

Wash .. D. C.) slated bluntly that 121ndern in~i represents the '.lrcaler risk to the inq Tandem is therefore the

the USHC/\ Bilsic


bi ,rnmwl USHC/\ Hcqiom1l Direc

tors' n1t?ciin11s ,He lwctic. wearisome, rnaralhon affairs. ln rnaJter of few llw in the sport musJ be cle,1Jt with and handled in a mmmer bmwfit ling Jlw majority of rnembcrs. Cornmitlccs lwvc been formed to cc1cl1 situation iii question rmd drnft proposals for 1h8 bomd to vote on. The,11,n11r·""" been cunsicfcrcd r111cl 1hc board upon the. recommend<1tions of the and CornrniJ!ce.

deterioration of the airfrnrne in the prcse!lC(! of vibrntions and the of a spinninq foll on lilke off or Contdct those persons who sell powered units. Their ,\clvic8 ,me! 1hes8 c~uicl(elnies should your two.stroke as sisted climbs safe ,md roarinq successes. TANDEM FLYING In a conference wi1h Bill /\lien. Mike

i\rea mos1 1o initiate FAA involvcrnenl in the sport For this rcrlson and 1h(! foct th,,t m,my pilots clon'1 know the safest method of with a it was deemed ncccs s2mJ lo ,idcl rules concerning tandem to

B. () Director


due to civr121,mic Furthermore. !lie partici pant should be suspect of cnqine rcliilh ilil\J,

a ncl

turns ,mcl a student on a

non-powered M. Follow !IC~. The USl·K,A 21dvises all pmtics to use lreme Cd ution when us inti an engirw on

Very sensitive (te 10 fl/min) Always visible No electronic lag less 2·auart liners (grocery)

level or The main idea is to discour aqe 1118 of rides" to in 11ocent bystanders, deceived the ilppar en1 of our Site Directors and pilots in me well ,11.lvisecl 1o im· plernent these new rul8s. There licive bec11 r1 rn1mber of tandem m:cidents. Unforlunatc

Iv. the unsuspeclinri p,1ssimqer

often the


r1.c,cermv (al 1he end of the Nationals) c1 pilot chos8 to l21lw younq on a tandem She w;is noticeably nervous and 11r1 inilialed to the spor1, but she tr· ·,terl our ex

II 01111w:; /\In IIYING IIIGIIII, AND IONGH, 1111\N YOU ARI, /;11\ YIll Y()IJ Nffl) Bmrn CCJ'~ll/01 (1 1 YOlJI< /\Ill Sl'[[D A';K Y(llJli DI AU I< /\110Ul Tit!

AIRSPEEDOMETER Dual F~ange (0-25 mph) (0·60 mph) Functions AT and AFTER launch $27.50 Complete

MORTON ENTERPRISES 99-904 Lalawai Drive Aiea, Hawaii 96701



lyof' hornPs\, glidf'r, &

, CA. 90045


fric11d Tlw crn1dilions wen, vc1ri lhc co11ple llw u,;11,il·

ilw scll()ol n,rnH') 1vlio h,we ,1cliicvecl


I<1m witli

on fliil

wit Ii

t li1 i1 I Lrnq I 1

<J<'llinq 11 ,Hhl. !hen siltmq down lo w,1il The pilot 1111lionkcd to liettcr ler Fin,,lly Ilic conditio11 1; irn lioisll'd the felt tilt' hc1r rw1;s Im;. lhe111c111 inlo lhc lJ11fortun,1le h<1d lo rei!ll,1ch lii11helf ly. the ,mrl only fell tlw pull ol l1i1; hM lm,H;ine lhe l1onor of everyone prcsenl when lfi,,y saw the 1111 1;11.1;pecti11q ,1w<11; from lhe XOOft. 111rnmL1i11 1111,ic Sile l'Vl'ntur1llv lunwcl i11to the hill and crnshed in t lw lrc<'s below. r:.1,cc1pim 1 suffered in1ury. The ,me! 21 hroke11

II Oli1<1in" Imm Imm 1;our Eeqirn1i1l Di rector (<1 ,;elf c1cldrl'ssccl envelop,' ic, hl lpful). I ill lliis 0111 c111cl ,1il1111il with ()() to the { ISi IC1\ office



Ill cin /\dv,mcecl Cerlificrl In slnictor 1\/ ,1 loq of st 11dl'lll'; Lrnqhl V Fill out ,1ccide11I reporls, \II Tl ,llh willi Iii<' Offici,il l)Sl JC,/\ Ml'tliocl (oev IJelow) Tlw l ISi I(,/\ will li,;t ,ill ccrlificcl schools in its offici<1I 111 c1clcli1ion. c1 school ic; i11 ,1 less vul11cr,1hle position in the evenl of ;1 L1wc;11il if ii is c1 rlifiecl ,1s usi11,1 slc1tc of tlw ilrl met hods.

C MoVl' qr,1ilu;illy up llw slope I) Tei1ch turn cc1111rnls witl1 " sirn 11lc1lor or h,ivc st11dc11is priiclicc ,i ",)" move mcn1 wi1h li<111cls l>l'fore ,lC!11<1I fh;inq IV l'rovide qrrn mcl ,;cliool V Te,ich ii c,11ef1 ii \II

I ill 0111 11crnlcnl reports.



i<'sson. We slio1tlcl ,ill l)(' ,1w,ire 1h,li <1 IH', SC'll(l('f on ,l qliclcr 1·rn1trilrntcs to the

FOREIGN Whill' h,111q 1111s 1101 ycl been ,idoptecl !iv Ilic wt sci, ii h,1s <1tlr,ictcd c111 in J'o ,11To1 nrnoclc1te I lw incre,1sinq 1111mlwr of in lh<'

ll.S, we h<1vc inslituled ii lempomry r,1li11q proqrc1rn

of Ilic whole op11 Ydlion nnwli rnorc than w\lh ,my other vel1iclc. Tlic t)l)h/ s,11w

We ,in,

Io m<1ke sure I hc p<1ssemwr of his part. Two lives ,11 slcikc slirn ilcl w,nr,m1 lwice il:i 1rn1cli eciulion



ports lrorn ,1ro1111d !he couniry conccminq differc111 11wl hocl of tr<1inin(} we ,\tl' nner<Jill(l with i1 sel of prnclices th,11 eil her Licili1;11e or maximize Tli few \JUidclin b(:low l1;ivc been ilS the offici,1! US! IC,/\ mclhocl of i11slnwlirn1. This is bound to ,is eq11ip11wnl improves ,rncl our experience 1

/\s in ,111 leilchil 1q pursuits, !here qood ,md hdd qi lruclion The lJSI !(,/\ hils clcc:idcd lo rcwMcl those hrnwsl ,rnd cxperl



l. Use skib or whcl'is on control lmr (for prolec1ive covcrim,i 011 front on clown tubes. IL crn1lro] b,ir with one h,mcl up, 0111? down (011 hori1on1i1l) or bolli cHms mrn mcl r!ow11 tubes Ill I\ wilh no

pilot witl1 il v;i]id

passport provinq 111ilt lic di\ officiill resi ii<'lll of ,i crnmlry ollwr thr111 111c ll.S. c,rn receive 11 IC11iJHll'c1ry l1,u1q r211i1vJ ill ,my level

he chooses 111; mnirn1 the appropri<1te t,1sks for 1hilt l!1vel. There will he 110 w<1iti1hl period The visiim will be is st1cd 11 lcrnpor,1ry rc1li111J cerlifiuitc liy dl1 ob server (Observers can 11:;e Ilic old frnrn ,md m,irk ,11 the lop). Thb 1cmpornrv ccrlific,11c will lw villid lor h mo11ths. ,it which lime it rm 1st be renewed C\tizc11s from counlrics wi1h ratinrJ sysll 1 rn to the USl JC;/\ sy,;tem will lHc rnted with no J,isk req11irements. /\1 pwscnt, this ilicli1cles Ci1nad11 tl1c new riltinq S\Jstern) Offici11ls from other crnmlrics c1re invited to wrile ilic 11nd Cummitlcc ,rnd prcsu1t !heir r,ilinq pro w,1111:, for co11sidernliu11. ~

li,1bilil\J im;ur,mc<: medi11m for discu ,sio11 monthly publication, H/\N(; c;J ,JDINC, 1T1c1g21zinc "' H,rtcs pilots ,rnd cc1tifies i11strnctors S,111<:tions mcels for local. n,1tion,1l ,md interrwtion,il chmnpionships 1



HcC<J[!lliNs yrn1

fhJinci witl1 Otto Lilienthal i\w,mls c1nd interrn1tirnrnlly tl1ro11ql1 the N,itiondl i\C'ron,1utic /\ssn. (NAA).

i\em11,1utiq1w lntern,1tiun,1le (f:AI) li11sun bctw1;en pilot ,md the public

clivisio11 of the

i11q hilnq qlidinq ,rt c1overnrnent levels

I ,1pph; for liltcllllwrsliip i11 the lJnit<'d St11tcs 11,mq (ilidinq /\ssoci,ition, li1c



I include my check or morwy order for ;mnu,11 dues





full member you


of Hi\N(; (,I JDINC, rrl,HJilZine. pilot liability insurance, ,md all

l JS! IC,/\ membership benefits

Ml.MB[!~ ($16 foreiqn) lJSHC/\ mernhmship benefits S11bscription to 111\NC,


A:; ,m

rrn.'.111her you receive 12

formerly ( ,HOUND Sf<IMMFR


available ()NL Y

ilnd rnost

port of n1e1nhcrship in the Associt1tion



of aviation /\llcn, course. He w,is chcernd on crowd of newsmen, friends, avia1ion buffs, and photo1Jrnphc


l.ime ll1an other human aircraft combined. Construction

fli~Jht was the aspect of avia tion yet unchallenqecl. In 1959 he offered ::.i, 000 to the first British ef fort to attain sustained

team was confident of victory since lhe previous 211templ was

two feel. The statistics on the Condor arc impres· sive, to say the le<1st Its wing span is 96 fce1 than that of a DC 9. lt 30 feet 18 feet and 70 With a wing arei1 of 8:\fj sq. ft (in stabilizer) ,mcl of 207 1he Condor flies with an unl:wlievable win~1 of 0. 2b. The Condor jusli

tape. Successful attempts at were mete!<: in the 1930's, but the in MPAs came after 1959 when the firs1 offerncl. British inof

The Gossamer Condor floats along runway in the early morning hours at Shafter Airport near Bakersfield.


Dosigner Paul MacCready (left) discusses tile flight plan with pilot Bryan Allen.

mile ap,uL The requirements include a ten foot minimum altitude at the and end of the circuit. The award WdS doubled in 19G7 and to internatiorrnl conics!· ants; it increased to f>C),O(X) in I 97'.l, s prize. The idea ol aircrnft first came to Paul in I<J7(1, while he wc1tched hawks in flirjl1t and noticed their resemblance to Since the surface airfoil is

surface of zero thickness but with n fini1e nose radius the spar. l .aler, after cnmpu1er rnl· i:l short was added. The la1er swept win[J versions used a 1977

liqhtwoiql1/ internal structure of f/Jn om:sArnllf t/Je 00 ft sµan MPA 1s 70 I/ls, with


de the most efficient, yel

lo ericnJY ,ind ll1e environment

Dec:emlwr has hccn ti

and lo he n:m1cd


011 1fw cr(Jon1e1n (an which llll!c!SU power 1hrusl) and since lcis1

November, 1hl: crew hml le,m1ed some harsh lessons iilJOul belMvim of lmic,,1 of

Condor's lest

IC?ss wind nm I more

hcrnmc desirnhlc, so the opcmtio11 moved to Sl1i1ftcr ncm B,1lwrsficld, C11ifomi,1 h,id to be crn 1 ducted of still

, other nmncs 1l?d P,1t1l wilh crl!w included ,bck [ ,i\lllhi(, J<1ck f 1,mkli11 ,mcl

Hoh Heed,

,md since the was still 1111cl;iimed, dcrndc ol worldwide efforts, Paul




Withou1 a doubt, 11w classies1 meet in !he world is held in Winterhaven,

Florid21. Consider the reception for the and officials a band and dance floor c1s well the free drinks ,md hors cl' oeuvres. Or how about the i1w2mls

free ski show !\ times ,1 dens hc1s hosted towin1i cornpetilions for six years nmninq, ,md do it with il flair. to !he excitement and of the (,a rd ens event is the ever present /\us, trnlir1n con1inqen1 their reputation "the ones to beat" in 1owinti competition. /\n unf,ivornble front concli1ion made its presence felt mosl of 1hc meet by rrnmsoon,like winds ilnd rnins part of lhc compc1ilion schedule. one short it


were drowned rnins. hu1 even worse was an off shore wind condition which c,wsed about one ·half of ,1 sixteen man round lo lock out ,1bout 200 ft. after launch. I\ combirli11ion of aspect ra1io, fl,11 sail billow. ,1 down wind bunch condition, ilnd on skill but low on low launch experience Cilusecl more loci, outs in one round 1han had been seen in any previous rncc1 at 1he c;ardcns. Wh"1 was that the lmmch ,ue11 was shielded from the l,1il wine!, r1llowin':) th flyers lo launch sa However, the boat crew was very careful to ,ivoid 1he loo fast when tlH, ncm 1he Wi11er This to the downwind low combined with the sudden downwind condition led to

tip wh;ch c,rnsed 1he lo lurn and lockout. of the released ra1her than try to recover under tow. so as result, the meet was slowed by to 1he The lock ou1 recoveries were except for ouc, Dick Boone. out. Boone releasccl the 1ow line only to aro1 me\ one of the floats on dived into boa1 house

Bernuse of 1he we,·,ther conditions, lhc firs1 w,1s hallccl with 1wo 1;avin1J flown The prospect w,1s considered of lhe second wine!, which nol mused i1 bunch of loc:k,outs, but ,ilso c,rnsed condilions which OCTOBrn l9T/

dril!('r! almost everyone in I hl' CilllSimj lo1 of The second rli11; s flyinq stmlerl ,ii 7:00/\M ll(>nn,11ly excepl lor frcqw,111 r<1ins ,rncl lhe ominous rnm nf n111 in the !J,\Cl( pr,:l\11Clcr1 thr: piH1icip,mls i11

uf c1 ski both below c1s well ,\s

tlw mecl with Ilic cnlerl,iininq

sl1ow illiOVC' Willer:

schcdull' from venicd 11w mcel ,1drninislrdlnrs from ren111 ninq lite sr'crn1d tliqlil of lhl' hdorr\

so I hr,\J used ,m ,1pproxi rn,11\cm


corrcr:I llw frJr the condilio11s ,md continued on will1out 1he rn1m, llw lhird fliqhl M\1 :;horl of lime, so w,1s scl11:clulul lo lwqin ,HJilin ,ii '/00/\M llw 1wxt momi11q, l'Jic Lisi of lhe :;ccoml mund ,md ,111 of lhc lhirrl round third dc1y':; willioul ,;erirn1s hul Ilic omi11oi1s ro,us lw,ml ll1e rLn; before pilch ,\11rl nlcllcri,1lize:d over the

i11 llw Imm of two h,111si J,H:k l llllchc11son, "rnotori/ed ()uick, <1nd Flric111 Porter, wilh his Molor Ifr, were s1;1qi11u rnolor fly in durin11 1!1e noon ski show, ,ind cffoc:tivcly drowned 0111 the l'i\ sy,;tcm ,md else lm rnilcs ,n011nrl the crowd w<1s Wdlchin<J ,Lick c111d Bridll inste,1cl of the ski show, no one wilS bolhc:rcd by 1lw noise the lwo did rmrn1rkc1blc i111it,1lio11 of Frn:;1 ,111cl No shols wr,re

Uw ( ;rc,11 W,1lclo

!ired, bul ii WdS obvious lha1 the thm1 tlw C)11ick, /\II of lhe fun c<1111e to encl wl 1cn ,Lick fouled ;1 I le flew to

Ian Sut/Jerlanr/

s;rnlt 011 ,;pot ,1bou1 100 ft. m1 ll1e otlwrsicle nf 1hc line. /\ftcr the fir,;1 round of llw finals, led Ilic field ,1 comfortable mc1nJin, The second rnuncl Wi\S more of lhl: In Ilic third round, howewr, ,John qot ,1 llld<Jic: fli<iht, which Austrdli,m

for c;itchimJ ;1 Ihcnrn1l ov<'r wc1ler, ,111d turned turns, lhcn missed the t,irrict 18 ft. which put him within shooli11~i clislcrnr:c of

ln lhe Fourth round, bec,rnsr' even


liltle ;;lip c:osl him first place, l !owever, he <1

wc.nt uul irnd bkrw cvvrvone ilw,,y /\s i1 tunwd rn1I, even <1 0 i11 1hc fourth rnuncl would have him to four! h

two of lhe cc,mnc11t(1rs of heinq lnm:cl



The fii1c1I winners were, l st




211d :lrd ~ti,

,Jol111 ,l,wk\v Willi,111Nm

J,1n S11tt1erl,rnd

i\lJS lJ'.,i\ i\lJS

Moye', Move,, Mow,;


Torn ( loodmdn

t JS/\


111,111, the Citl1 illlllllill ,,,\,rm,;rss C,,mlen low ))('ltd

tfw med is now known hc1cl Q(1Ui\l


numlwr of firsts this

sl,mrliirr\s ('V<'ll



firs!, c111d pmbillJly not llw last, fixed wmri was flown in i\ lmnq !Jlider low meet Mo made !heir ,1pp<"i1r,rncc this ( )11e br,rnd of look ,ill of the

The meet was lhe first in the of the I>ell,1

in front of his eyes, ,bck did ,i nimble• 1mll up ,md ;m nimble r:rasl1 on the olfwr side of the only Iii;; control \mr c1nd f:lricJ11, 1101 lo be uutdnne, cul his ,md ,111 adroit he,1c:h l,md inq, much Io the ilm,1zc1rncnl of !he chicd !mry F:olib, ,rnd the chief Siew Mdlon,ild, who were expeclinq him lo e;it c1 scored ,rnol her first by

1urc of lowin~i WilS seen c1t the C1Mdens ilml out on L,ike Eloise, in lhe form of winch lo be mounlecl in built m l,md tow vt.d1iclc, which

re<J111i1tes I he low force lo ,1 presel

m,1ximum w1luc. for s,1foty ,rnd illlows il lo take ulf with :20() ft. of line, ,ind red out :2000 ft. or 111orc to ,m i\llil ude of I :iOO fl !\C,I,, There w"re dozens of non compcli tion i\t lhc.. meet lo l f'iOO ft or wilh no pnilllcn1s The Cc1rdens

wi1houl doubt the

cxislin~\ ,rnnual hanq mce1 in the lJ S and it Wilsn' I considered

in the mee1, howevc1 would low q11ile wc:lL /\I the end 10 ilnd l'l1oc11ix for the finills, wilh

h1r 1hc fin,1ls,

ill the prclirns, rn,my 720' !urns pos in lil~lwvvn

one :;idv of ,1 li11,:, followed



ill the meet who hc1ve flown in every C,mdens mecl si11cc lhe As cl result, the (~,miens l1<1s folk he.roes c1ll its own, ft one of the experiences around, am! ncxl

yciH promises lo be even belier, (l takes tlm time,

Newman a11cl Dick Boone were cc1ch

ninq their revenqc

they left.)


I "Pilot No. 43 Allan Paine is around the last pylon and is for the foul line. He's got the line made and is toward the target area. Allan looks a little he's to past the area, Look! No. 43 is to try and Oh no! Well there goes another control bar." The "Unsafe, bad Allan. rfow many times have you like that one? have you done not as important ,1s in the "crank and bank" contests of years ago. Back then scores were worth much 50\\'i of a flight score. are only worth 20 to 30%, but contests are much more competitive. So even though we all hate target are still very tant First of all there is no magic to target; the way anyone rnndcb,n hits the targel is to practice. The Wills) used to practice targets all the tirne. His because until an Australian named Steve on the Bob never rival. Bob and Steve had different of ders with amazing accuracy.

This is where the off Even if you are a can't second guess difancl may find yourat the target from behind the foul line.

effective attempt at the starts with proper aircraft type nn,rr.,,,,,, 1) This is done a crosswind Practice entering

Fig. I A typicnl aircraft type approach to tnrgot.

How Make ahead. maneuvers while in dead air. If your does not consult your local dealer on how to correct it remember watch the windsock the whole Don't wait until you on final to realize that off the wind line. note on the and vary your downwind or downwind distance


Fiq. If pilot encounters /IN on way to creep towar<i the

not to

oc1om:r:1 1977

Moyes mothoci of approach, recommencioc/ for high per/ormw1co i]lirlors.

11/\NC Cl.lDINC

Thoreau. The in rnind encumbered Hui in this this was the best nm meet of the mosl cstahlislwd

Jnvitalirnml. Sixteen rnanuli1cturcrs ol foot·launched flexible win~Js, <111 members of the J l c; M./\., sent four rmm te,1ms, with two pilots dl!owed in compelilion. and Jt <11! Cill11C 11H! ve1ernn !heir and soarinq 11bilities, with the' most fonncit ever cit unique and in competition. Scor in~1 points for clurntion ,md flew from one of the world's mosl notorious sites, Telluridf:'s Mamrnolh Slide. A sr,lid :J,000 feet above town, lhe slide


look slow, ,md its wc1t<0 rf,11l shears which have sent lhrce unsuspcclimi expert inlo forward rolls' The rnnw lo Telluric!c's awesome S,m ,Jmin Mountai11s with vmio meters, altirneters, 11;, imd oxy flf'll ,lust under the 12,000 fool cleVi1tion. i\1 timberline, where 1hc cvt'rgreen pines find ii difficull lo survive will1 liltlc oxysien mid such harsh weiltlwr, 111,11 where we will lm111ch into lhe of the J L c; M./\. Telluride lnvilillion,11

]~3th Mmrnnoth Slidv


,1 lrnnspor1 truck full of ,rnd n°i1dy lo fly. Don 2Ll

and Offici,11 ,11 1alw·off

Dusalko, loc;il

for !he mec1, w,1s c1slwd by Mike Ad<1ms (C<11if Wi11q) whf,rc cJII of those ilDI Tellmidc tliennal,; dH'. Don told him 1o do ,1 180 ,1fter lw li11 mchcd, ,mcl circle over the Rushwc1ckcr. dn ,1vi1lanche chute. Wilh il sarcastic lone to his voice, he silicl OKI'' I le then doubtfullv took off the lop, for his firs! ever fliqht from Mc1rnrnoll1. Within three minu les lw flew over li1ke off down, "This out ,rnd continuecl to fly for two homs. A week before the competition, Meet Of fici,11 Chris Dusa1ko1iot the r.A.A to issue an for 111c Tcllmide 21rcc1. All aircr.ifl were ,1skecl lo (Jive the h,111g meet ?.:i,000 fool and


mca, wouldn't you know ii. Ilie town has seen ,1 in weeks. I\ twin en!iine priv,1tv plc11H! circled M,rn,moth in 1l1e morning, then in the ilflemoon showed the mosl ridiculrn1s, un rnlled .for of fliDhL Two looked like old J<.orem1 Wm rejc,cts, the c1I ,m estirm1led


I, 000 feel ;;\Jove ti 1e Iown.

11th Tlwnrn1ls sli1rted

cit IO'.lO lhis morninu. Most lmmchil 1q before this time h,1d I rouble st,1yi11q ,iloft, bul most L.1u1 ,1fter l O:'.lO rec1clwcl cloudbase ill l!'J,000 feel by [),wicl Am1mliide il Cmnuli1s l 0, mid Stoll !Orn Bolh (cnnt11med 011 puqe 26!

OCTOfllR 1977

comsc, m;1xvd in both durnlim1 mid ()f moun1,iin 1cmcc, in ,1 COllt!lry Tlie Ihlmnals res11licd in sornl' hc,1ulif1 Ii clomls, b11t noon it to (ov(:r ,11Hl lhe c111irc ,1flemoo11 cl,1,mnenecl willi rain showers. Meet Direc 1o worn; dlmul the wca1hcr,

,1round ;1\iou I il pos .sible frn11 dr1ys of forcc,1st<,d rdin Munduv, (\ Mexic,m l lurriumc

the naml' of Do

rccn, hds

;1 fi 1!1 mile ,md

half in line hack lo the l,111cli11q field Keith N1clml:;, I C)7(J Natiorlill his 1 the firs! lo cloudb,1se,

tJ(l() cibovc Mc1mmo1h, ilnd peawcl twice the drn1cls_ Witl1 l (l!'i N,,rn,k•tr•, I !\eith has lwen llw one to

slHJw1nq just how c;moolh ,md 1111.cllow the> ;iir hi1s liccit /\ml thi,, i1ftemo01i',; rcsullecl in near idcnticonditions for two hours. mini way to cniise, with two rr:Lmd relurnincJ.

p,itlem for rid,: included.

,1flernoon' s conl.imwd Momlay, wifh crnilcs uccurrin\J quite often in the low currn1 lonirnbus clouds The Iown one pmly. lcrnpl to corrnlled them into tlw hm,; ,md Tclluride's rrniin The rain ilt1d winds willi variablt: direction didn'I deter d brec,k in the mid s,1iled off in smuolh

sled ride

found the m,1jorily of rcrnainint} in the nvnl,wi,,n the ,1 wheel fOi\ds ,,bove for those who w,111tccl 1o chance such 1rncl,, loaded with

19t/J lmrirnnc Doreen mowd inl,1nd ;me\ loiil lwr pu11ch_ The skies ,ire h,.,ni,minn to brc,1k 1i 1l: rnomintl window opcm'i The twenly·scvcn ye;ir old ciuilr1ris1 from l'milclisc, Q11ce111;J,111cl, Phil



he durnlion lime w,1s 21houl rni1111tes. The ;iflemoon e1n11ulus clouds, and wind co11clilions h,1vc mrivcd at Telluride, now lhe time for 11w pros lo do iii the of tl1cir lives, ,rnxicly rv,il'hcd moved closer lo his l&mch, !he hmi;on to ,John


l :\ :iOO' every pilo1 maintained ill rn:arly 21ll rccordc,cl hour all l,mded with

that he'd been in the for ;m hom c1r1d th,1t he should lic,1cl rn11 10 the dist,rncc• comse. D,ivid b,1ck th,11 he'd been in the air for no more thiln l minule.s, h111 de cidcd lo hcr1d clown he w,is cold The noticed very u11usu,d ,1ppro,1ch up 2() poinls, ,rnd hi~ love Iv friend silid lh<1I when he 1,mdvd he didn't know wh,11 w,h iioin~J 011- th,11 he cold, ,111d couldn't rerncrnlier anvthinq ,1bout lhv lliciht But his bic 5\Jrotlwr Sil\/S he':; like IIMt even; cve11 ,iflcr he flies off ,1 200 foot s,md hill

20111 The Cocmski11 Bowl rm·,uili1°<1 cnoucih 1lwrrm1l lift for ,1\Jout lcn lo hilw lcnclecl fliqhts in round m1mbcr seven. They looked like c1 swMm of horncl'i, very close 11bout 3.:iOO feet ,ibovc (lclc1 ,md e,ich lime bec,1me very cul( L lhcy losl of town the air bcc,1rnc while\ wet, ,ind turbulent. Brown c:,1ch w1rio needle I hat he lrncl to rn,1lw ,.1 conccn1rn1ccl effort to flv down ,md out of lhe cloud ;inrl finnl ro1 md of Imel rnosl peel eel. urnLiuntccl by Ilic l1('<1c! wimb and turhu


Jenee ,rnd

i1lnf1 fm


for the hiqhest of the ,1{ tcrnoon. Dever (Colo. Dcl1c1 rJmc1zccl lhe crowd well the pilots ,ii the field, so,1rin(l the south ldcinci rnd the wind hlvw up 1hc from the

west. Sirnlus b) (with LOO miles on ii) wound up

new !ruck Sporls),

(Utah ,J&L) r1ll nc<1chccl cloudlk1sc ilbovc the 12,(JOO foot smooth

had the cmtiw

The u11iqueness of lhis in the sinl))licitv of t lie rules. The competition was clesiqnecJ to be bir, ,rnd cmjoy,1blc_ four competition cbys, with 1wo day, and ll1e he,;,1

counted. patterns or spot lm1dincis. Thew were fom disic1ncc :m and {j() points, ,L,,v,n,linn

no Iiced him


/cori/inw'd from [)(l!JC



Will,; W111q. l·w r);J[l\;I !\n,L C,tlil

frrn n Sunld11cl, C,ili

.I & I I nlu1

hlh jlOillt'.)


;;r;;iqull Aircr;1ll, lnr

4 All1c1lross All111q11u1q11u N.M

,rnrl w;1s rew,mlnl with

;cm\ llis

bl? point:;

Mo111Cil. Cal1I

the WilV p<H1


4/ll pn111h

for ,rn hour

Thcrt' wc1,; c1 i llllls eve for spol lrnl ii in 110 wc1v ,ilfcclccl 11w


B M;rnta l)rod11c1 ,, l11e Oal<l:11111. C,1111




clorv11ed lJ\J l()(:,11

I lnclr,1 I lyu1 l\ll11.quu1qun, N M ff/ pu1nl';


''lrnll" tn•,itc:d lo free rlin rnovics, drinks ,rnd cllurid,,

sirn 1,11

whose 1,ililie'; ,mcl lwrnor ilddecl to Iii<' enjoy

The Movl's Mrn;e.,,. didn't ;1f ler

(which nwc1n,; rr1c1xi111urn per to

llw ship).

comill!J 1o

were warned about the r;1dical conditions

lirne1ers, <!own spent mucl1 of their wi1min!JS from Ilic Tow 1ips jusl i11 pmp,1r;11ion. /\ncl

iL bdwccn 1lw co111p,>1itio11 winclowr;, ,rnd



PYLON /.liSl:l!IC() Pylon Cirnlml one point, 60 muximu;n . points, 30 points, 10 pomts

Durn1ron Pylon

bassddor;1 oi

(1ordcm, ChMli<,





Foul filil(I (lancling l1fllcl)

Totrll Points

conv1mtional glider pilot

ft platform.






Thu foresail on this flying gnlleon pitches this pilot into failure

Tlw llnited '.,tc1tes I st,1tions ,rnd mi'iSilc

rncli,11ion rndi,1lion symp nol show up for two

sites on its M,1SSi\

yecirs." JI' rn lher micrownve

that and

closed to the cn1husiasL

there would for those who

sand dunes

newspaper, The Provincetown Advocot.e, ran front page National headline "Truro Cliders.'' F:ntz started out the editorial statin~l, "Powerful microwave transmissions sent out by three local radar units can injure or kill wbo wander into ,1ir space near the Nor1h Truro /\ir Force St,1tion." Leland Downer. one of the 1op of "Under the worst ficers of the combination of circumstances (cmd maxi· mum ,1 person could be by too close lo these radar domes. This exposure affect the eyes or the rnpro· cl uctive organs.'' I )owner with the could to death near those

who sails within 8CX) fod of our rad,H domes puls himself in possiam on the Lower and most of these Me controlled the National Seashore (Federal protection zone) or local town ordinances most of which off said cliffs. Both factions reasons areas.

ble equipment at Truro to detect the movement of any aircrnft up to 200 miles. The microwave trans·

missions similar 1o those we find in microwave ovens which cook meat from !he inside out This "radiation" rnuses to the internal organs in much the same way. well the base Various security commander slated rnine to be the

mea. However, since the Air Base is under

enthusiasts tage of the great for the sport, tmd the in 11ic ancl

say whether these been to m1y of the hazardous radiation to cause m1y to lhem-

zone extends ir\ an 800'

emissions goinfJ mos1


or even lmow the c;i11,;c of his 1mtil



snmc IO ll1C!FIW,1tts rnicrow<1vc r<1clii1tio11 which move; d ical to

the town of

or I orn down

hitcd hctwcc:n 9 /\M ,mcl BOVernmcnl property. so, it Ilic still ,11 odcls c1s to wlw111cr 1Nrn1ld he li,ll>le for ,my in111rics rl'ccivl'd

!Jlicler piloh, the Licl I h1' co11•;iclC'recl I n::,pil:;,;ers. Comm,111clcr

lc1ll sl,..\lcd I Ii.ii

This ancl bcdore sunb,,thcrs 2111d swimmers. Oilier towns m,.y hc1vc other ]\fr1lional

wrndcl lo come up


we c1ll know how

so ifs best check wil h 1he town office or the lwforc sioill!J off to launch some The N,,tional rules quite clc,ir and if this mticle hasn't i!lcrtccl you to the of loo dose to any this one here on


sicins in tl1e

the loc:c1l lowns have rclaxccl their stand recently On bcc1chcs controlled

then yon will lmve to r1cc:ept the possi ble consequences.


11m ALPINE hos been with quite

10 PREFORME1) ALUMINUM a "moximurn BATTE~•S. twor

and first class workmanship the most wc,iol·1t-shitl do,ig11 of 1976-77, hm given advanced fliers cross cmml·ry machine.

Pod fie Gull ALPINE, took off from Cerro Gordo Peak and flew for thrm::i

ond fifteen minutes lo

SPECIAL CAM.BERED RAiSED dislCT'.1cr, of 82 miles (131 • , •• • • l(EEL POCKET FOR climb above the moonfmn rcmgo to "cloud street" condt11011, m which clouds are TiONAL TURNS. way thol fifl in linear direcfion. Aflcr fol!o11vi~t!'.1 over·.-dc,velo1Jod c1Jmulo"·11imbus (thunderstorm) one! used this nrr•fr,,ninl Al this point he of 60% DOUBLE SURFACE PIEG COMPLETELY ABLE BAR WITH





of his


I hild

ii h,1d11'1 been

incredible talc

Jeff' he

Too wcMy lo the I nH'rl'il/ cl1cckcd doors ilnrl windows befme <ioin(; lo 111 1hil1 dcliciow; mDnwnl Just before sleep that it struck me, the door,; and windows h,HI all l)('Cll locked, from the in skid umc,ll, PVl'l\ no time to about the lwitchinq up in1o brief, lJllllClmq motor mou11ts for his

Needless lo which should have taken onh1 <111 hour or two touk lour. It w,h l l JO whe;n l fi reached home. 11 was funny, Iht!w We\,; the tiniest scent of sulfur in the cool niqh1 !\t the I merely it wc1s my tryin(J somcthinu new, 011 lmt I

S1rnhi ,me! rwcdwl some


Weis wrnn~J.

lien: ,1<Jc1in." /\li\11' s nanc11ivc into rm;

,md lw


"You needn't have gotten so dramatic wanted to have a li!tle talk last ninht I with you." "Oh, what ciboul'?" I said. little business l under· stood, l sat down with a thumf} "(Jo on" bul nel:'dcd no the deal was old as lime itself. a scrap of ment he showed me whew to sign. His alone, let no one you or 1;ou forfeil your and al the end ol you work for me." this he vanished in i:l of smoke." that chuckle Alan said this but one look into 1he truth. lfo was gazing towards the window, lost cJmons1 his memories like 11 child among his toys. With quiel, soft, almost feminine voice he continued. "Oh how can 1 tell you what joys were mine'? I followed the swallows to C2111adian snow qeese on their annual migrntion, soon l was soariuq the Atlantic!" and to All at once

II wasn't foir" he "Whal else could haw done"?" "What did you do?" I said.

would make the visit brief upon him and headed for the

like a demon (which he me the of ten and At fifteen thousand feet

liked the sound track. of material in J minutes .. 11


your film I truly is the bes! we have nk you very much.. It was very well ne. R

Man Dream" mecl 1hc modern demands of the prcsen1ing hang gliding in an c,isy lo understand wc1y, Done with a well rounded pcrspcc1ivc for the ultimate sti1dcnt 1 i1 is an ideal introduction !or ,md cqu,lily fm the

Chris Wills, first national proper <1r1d st,ills arc thcrmah and animation.


air, Them was a brilliant he hit the mountainside but when I reached the spot thew was nothintJ but a stench of sulfur. Did I di:lrn Had I freed from that accursed relief couldn't be demy power had vanished I with the hind me, ! looked forward to Wi:ls short lived. The rny morning when I looked into the mirror the face you before you stared back at me!! I had for my he had and pity I left him sob Whi:lt could I have do11e·1 He was an old man now, old and broken. Dawn was l drove away from Was it his words echoed in my worth onto 70 I fol lowed the signs to Hades mountain. ..,..


who the next round. In illl, rounds, ilnd that was one competition we did complete. There prises, with Manta beaten by om own unique machine, a Gryplwn II, which was in turn beaten by mere rogallos. A survived to lake on a Birdman Moon in the final, Keith Reynolds agninst Douhtfire, ,rnd Keith on lhe C,ryphon won. were all a British machine won, with a British pilot. me lwo flights, the first when Steve Moycss was beaten by Mick Hurst, by just cl feel, which Mick will dine out on for the next Second was the fli9ht of the Per· (,unnar Stenzvaa, from !I, with Reynolds on the thnt he waved as showing so mnch he went over lhe bottom marshalls, ancl Keith, as il rock, floating holding his machine as ourselves hoarse, past him while we all ,md the commentator wen\ wild on the PA had marslrnlls, a kite retrieval syslem, a good PA, big lots of TV inter· from local companies, and 20-minute slot on network television. We had spor1 feature writers from n11lional It was the breakthrongh, where hang chanried from being a pastime by to becom· a sport with lhe di9nily of competition none of the boring old questions abou1 safety. So why didn't the work'? It was a lovely site, at 300 bowl taking but due and, of saw a fresh northerly which was c1 bilch to fly which we flew any way to the TV interest ancl prny for better weather. the 27th, blow-out. Sunday wasn't much better, because the min had kept the crop from being cut, we ran elimination distance out over the uncut corn until dusk, that left one day lo run a national comJJclliti,:m. Come the the wind still wasn't quite right, but it was square on to the face to two take-of! areas and later three, so wasn't time when a kite wasn't flying; often there'd be two or three in the except when the parachutists were throu,Jh two a simple tight slalom plus spot. ln influenced by one of the Arrarnbide his comment in Gliding that he'd lost his place in the because of luck (he'd missed a thermal), being one of the better compeli\\on pilots year. I'm not about luck who wins or loses, a lhe best out, without a were c:hnncy

we wouldn't have conditions enough flights in one day !or natural chiss to show up. those who flew As for the slalom and better chance the early fliers. later had None of those who flew first ended · in the last 11, who had to through a sp,iecl-r,m,ie The of the speed-rnnge is ratio of slow-time to fast--lime, from hill, i1 was difficult to comrilele the course. Pilots had to fly away over marker, slow as possible to the next marker, 180 turn, and then fast possible hack a!)ain. foiled to com· the course, or hi1 (for which all their points). The remaining six pilots complete the course, bul the Australians were


able lo show


displily of durin[J the As one of


Our object

lo be at leasl you are. We've pr,oduced one really revolutionary glider, phon ll, which has no 13:1 degr(,e nose deflexors, a better 9lide than the and it (with nothing control bar) into a hang like the from Mpyes machine), (SST derivation), the Bird man (Moyes derivation), and the Skyhook \mru11r1a1J, which I believe, lake your on There's interest here in rigid machines, and none in class I. We have about and half who could lake on !he best yon have, in the will do that. The

il not better,

can devise, of compelilion a1 when the internationals we won't cop out because of

the article, meet director 5th. Brian tho same bloke in the English Channel crossing

Class lII was farce, and so was class I, and the blame goes to I'm afraicl. But with 700 launches in 2 some success. and the short competition lime are the I can use. But l is an artificial that to kill in this (the Lengue pilot on whatever machine he chooses). for Ill, the hasski of defining them, and the i;mall number interested, me,an we're likely to have pure competitions in the future. Al the l .ontJ flew class I, nine pilots class Ill, ancl JI; the figures speak for themselves. Competition in Britain is away from the artificial landin9 and limited-site slalorn cross-countries, of the lype your own Worthington wrote about a couple of a90. But we are stuck as well with the idea of han,i glidinq as public spectacle, and the need to limil it to a site, so the can what's happening. If the pnblic come, television won't eilh(ir, nor will a sponsor, so that means financing expansion from the of the pilots themselves. On the other if we nm il spectacle, and the TV and sp,.m,mrs, the pilots that competition reflect the that's actually goinq on There is no formula for example, and If competition real then competition suffers, because the of the pilots will refuse to come. But, like need outside money, and like 1o be considered as a sport, and a po,ssibility may be a little further along that

reading your understand and sympathise with some of hassles come up with in competition. Some of we're going throuHh ourselves, others we're lucky enough or we've taken a different appnJa(;h to to get through. We are beginning to treated We are the public in But these, in selves, The one may competitions run by fliers. All, bar one, of th<, compctitiom, committee competed in lhe ,John. The appeals chairman obviously fly, but h,i's a respected flier, with ence from the Lea9ue of coping with The director, Hill, is a enou[1h himself Leanue arm-twisting, bribery, and appealing to his sense of we've managed as chief competitions settles down and he can then compete. I fly, and when tasks are S(lt, difficult the fliers don't argue half as as they because know I have to fly what I'm setting them to and that's one I'm we're able to net

If the pilots, 11 succeeded in public relations; and the next competi· !ion, with fewer pilots, will work


enthusiastic crowd turned out pui'Jlicizedmeet. UPPER RIGHT: One of meny ,inm)vative British at the meet. CENTER Ashley Doubt/ire off his stirrup and levels the wings of his Birdman Moonreker, He scored a bul/siiyo. CENTER RIGHT: with a name John

OCTOf3ER °1977

complaint from the (,u\ls is the pilots du not always announce their i11 tended direction (either north or south) when \au11chins1- Again, c,rsil\/ solved The A.C.CSC. ,md U.CSD. use tlw cc,nicr of the window for sailplcmc \;runchinu and \andinq, as well their tow plane lanclinq approach lOfW. The hazilrds many ancl obvious. And sailplanes are not c1s forgiving ilS H/C's in mid-ilir. You will posted Ruic 1/ 1 which reads: "fL11HJ !J ii!Hl l JS! l.C,.A. liability insurance quired." The truth is, a Joi of the pi lo1s who fly Torrey on u regular b,.1sis arc not H,mq !J. pilots The 11,rnq !J there to protect the Ui'.O. and the site Obviously, a


Photo /Jy Peter Chiodo. Chuck Stahl Coro/ Boen isl, Chris Wills 4. Joe Faust Chuck Kocsis (, Joe Schneider 7 Dave Muehl 8 Lloyd Short 9 Peter Brock 10 /-fo/ Brock 11. Donnito !lo/land 12 13 Matt 14. Clark Green lS Keith /-Jolls 16. Richard Cheney 17 Mark ChideBter 18 Pat Conniry 19 Mike Huetter 20 Tom Peghiny

Dove Bou Wills Bob Dort Wenk Saoi/le

3S Fronk Coluer Bil/ Watson Burke Dan

39 Tom



(continued from pw.w 10)

{continued from />Oge I 1)

he received possible 11)_ the hiqhest ccived for freestyle durinq the meet. Winnin~J top hrn1ors was nol the only of tlw weekend for Coughlin. .ate Saturday afternoon he lmmclwd from lhe summit of Cranmore and somed for one hour and fiv<2 1ninules seltin11 new site duration record. Jt was il nrn, ·corn Jwtilivc flight, but ii c,1sily surpcissed the exislinq yc,dr old record of 2c;

/\ny time a pilot relies on someone cbc lo do tire Job, he places I lim self, the silc,. !he spcctalors, ;md lhc entire h,m11 qlidinsi community i11 ,1

,incl the flil\1 ,it the south end of tlw north focc, /\fter lmmchinq to th<." north, you may only pass throuqh i\w window lwaclin!J south to set up

very hi1zc1rdous position

south landinq approi1ch (used in <1 norlli wind condition.) If you liwnch to 1\w south, you may make OIH! pass ihrouHh the window 1o tlw north face and, if conditions neces up silate. one more pdss south to

minutes hr,ld by Bill Fi;,uerilo of C,mbridqe, Mc1ssilchusctts. And if Eay' s flight w,1s not spectacular enough, four other pilots, Doug Wicks, Metlrncn, Massc1chusetls; Peter Ifill, North Conw;,y, New llirrnpshire: Steve Pemson, /\naheim, California; ,md Torn Miles, Burnt llills, New York (ilnd two l1c1wks) illso slimed lhe sky at !J()(). 600 foe1 21bove the 1300 loot sum mit of Mt. Crnnmorc to the sheer of the many spectdtors al the

pilot who is 11ew to Torrey will not llilve gaim,d lhe experience to rcMI tlw local conditions consistently. The I lc111g 4 implies lhe expertise: lo hc1ndle oneself safely. On ii mellow, cr,mkin' day ( 15 20 knots_ wesler Iv) ,1dvam:eil Hang '.l pilots with cliff lmmch and rotor experience should find 110 problems skying out. But when tlw wind direction shifts l 5 dc;iirecs to :JO degrees north or south, the situation becomes rac\i. czr\\y different As with all sites, dis c11s;;inq procedure and conditions with i<JC<li pilots before you fly is the besl ins1mmce policy nvaibble. Wh,1! this illl corn es down lo is the responsibility of all to show a more i11lelliqent and realistic attitude lowtwds our sport our sites, and llH":' people W<.' sh,m, our sites with. The "self-resiulalion" ,1t Turrey exisls only in the minds of the pilots. There ,m occasional day when extreme com\itions and crowds brinq forth 2 or 3 volunteers to try and control !he But more often than not, everyone is in the and the bc1sic mies cire all thal keep lhinsis toqellier. /\I this point in time, the U.F.O. in my opinion is a defunct or,1,mi1a lion. The majority of the board members have resi[Jl ied, (myself in eluded) and a qeneral lack of re spect for the U.FO. prevails among pilots Where do we qo from here') If we don' I take; of each other, ,md our prioriticcs in a positive direction, we will lose rnuch more than just flying sites. I don't mean this to sound fatalistic, just rnc1\istic. The time is here for us to ~Jet our act lo9ether really tog1:ther. Conw to Torrvy. Sky out. I lilve a nreilt time. But keep in mind tlrill you may lw the one who upsets the c1pple earl, or, throuuh your attitude, creates m1 atmosphere of responsibility illlcl

tiw speclc1lor bmricade lo the soutl1,


qenernl r11les, and specific rules, posted ill Torrey, <111d contrilry to popul,ir belief, llH!y quite ,md l'.asy lo follow. Why ilwn clo so mam; potcnti,11\y clm1s1<m)Us ,md/ur obviously ,mtilHOnistic silua t\ons mise'i The fault lies upon ,111d lhc ,1tlitudes we take on the riround, well in the air. Some of the problems thal need irnn1edialt\ c1ttention require. minirn11m ,irnrnmt of forethouqhl and effort lo resolve. We sham this site with two other use permit holders; lhe Torrey Pines Gulls who operntc radio conlrolled gliders (R/C's), and the Associ<1tcd (3\idcr Club of So11thcm Cc1liforniil who opcrnle sailplanes. The Gulls havr! primmy use of the "window" (see rnilp). This mca is defined by

your lmrdinLJ- The reasonill!J behind this is to minirni;,e traffic in the win dow Mid air collisions between H/C' s and hirnq gliders ,1 common occurrence. In orrln lo create some sort of h,·irmony with the H/C operators, ,1 definite and permanent boundary had to be tab!islwd. So, if everyone would ini tiale their turns thal the oulside winq lip does not cross over the window boundary, shout ,1 loud warn ing if you must puss throurih, and just qenernlly st<1y out of lhe. window much ,rs possible, the problem would be solved. Another frequent

harmony Iha I we can enjoy now and in future years well. Timi's wl1ilt self re~iuliltion is illl about.




Fakon has been

months. We have addition of Alex Leusch distributors throughout the United Europe. These all hav(i one im,1rn,rt,mt desire to sell a that is of and need With a on the market today. ln1:01·po,ra,ted and quiet luffless sails are tlm the Qulkite(n) set·UJ> mle. ,have kite

intacL Ease . and convenilmc.e the ground

Blue, rr:d cind oranue. Cott1ed wires. Rlgqed prone. Har knee ,ind :sail feather. Bil(l included. $300

329-3863, after

(~08) 21}8.3071

Work, SEACULL VII. 20'

White. Shows it's been flown ;1 lot Like new. Wilh Flies super F/\L.CON V, 22'. New. Never flown liciht while

included 20' x J[i' Like new $b7:i. O'C,onrnm,

SUNB]fl.f) 17', Stancbrd Lxcdlenl condition Lillie use lndudcs hcnrwss, etc. Will trade for scuba or lx1ck p;1cking equipment Trim at (80'i) 985-2890

4r,:,. 29:l(i.

Wills 1,1) [ill l

Banlm1pt. Sellinq 197b National champ white, ~;o<trl!in windows, Bell l lc!rnet I imness, contillenl;,J lJ.S, (218)

or dented tubes,

(espec:iallv the heart bolt), or rusted ca tangs with non ·clrcul11r holes, on HoSJil.llos, torn or torn loose from their i111chor points front and the keel and leadin9 edfJes. lf in doubt, in any lvmq businesses will be to nive an objective oplnthc condition of you brlnB tlwm to

ba~t used 10 iimcs, excellent

WILLS lE' Hick,

FL.EX! II IN MOUNrAJN VIEW, CAI Silve money and trainei home

Sl IPER Fl .YFR (iood condition, ext ms Sunbird hdniess, <!xcdlent condi 7:iZ-0727

WIIY WAJTIII'!">'! Immediote and 11cccssorics from I lansi Pbccn1ld /\ve., Placc'nlia, (,:J() 7921

WILLS J./\HC;F XC I J;rnd pilinted Willsin,Julvisstw New $JOO() (71'1)

ASC, 2 !B. Custom air brushed sunbursts on sail in excel lent condition. Flown onlv l S times Cilider has 1'% x .OS3 cross tubes. EiO- lGS lbs. W/hoq. A steal@ $8:iO (714) 7S6-2H48






Bes1 offer over

CASY HISEES, P< lWl·l, RISEES. C,11 the exric,rienc·ed

Phoenix, A!,

ones al

$(,:iO with PACIFIC C,ULL HA -19. $3:oOWilh [30th in excdlent condition. (71~)

M,m, N.Y


FLED(31.INC, !\ Only used once. Like new .S700 ('!IS) 4T76J:,2


CIRRUS Ill, LLFCTHA-FLYER 'J months old condition. Pitts helmet and harness $700. Call {602) 6:U-4166

shape. Musi sell $t125. (213)


(/o Windhrwen H, JR

CUMULUS SB. 18 months old. New keel, clown lubes and edge. bottom frame is excd!eni has some tears, hut no wrinklEs Steve, 4il'l 6844, 8 S. $500

FLl:JX,LINU A Twist qrips. Like new Pl IOF:NIX 8, ,Jr (80b) 1Hl 2')74 ICARUS JIB. Excellent condition and wc,rk1nansl1ip. feet silider frn addition of il unit $')00 hox. Phone

PHOE>IJX 6B New $(,7:1. lnterrnedii\l<' and be[Jinner




of the Lds1

FI.EDC,LJNC, A $Ci9:, Mint condition I l;md ;incl se<>I rnnlrol. Utah. (80 I)

363-B626. Karl

CGS, SPITFIRE. 20 x 18. Brand new. $72,,. Witl, Golden Custom sail I hat flies r1reat. SUN Stancl;ml < ic,oclcc,nclitic,n. $300. Fxcdlent trainer. (717)6:i:l 46:i:l



information sheet Ken

(707) 822-6141. PO Box ~:l8:l, Arc;itd, Ci1

$:l'l:,. Tow kites

::iuncl;rnc:e B. nrnke offer

ICARUS V. Like nrew McCt>iloch 401 rind dssembly instruction~;, 2/J' covered

windows. $(/):, '.JOD·'l,'.JLO, ddyS

CUMULUS JO, old. Oranrie, 834 3494,


Best offer. hemonl. Ci

ICAHUS V NC'wly linil1 T,~st flow, 1 Nice work. Best offer (31Xl) 697<J:J7:l

bar and zipper ha~\


'f()() .. '.l2')')

DRAGONFLY M1{2. Blue anrl gecl supine. Includes bog. $625 ,,u, "·""u


Jwr Xt.J% rnrnrllel,,, I. Most all rn;1ter

121:i1 w I xm,,

reconditioned, sed1ed, 5~ood

SEACiUJ .LIV Bc@1tif11l Perfect condition. ~;:,'/,,. M,mli\



f{iscr, Icarus II kits, pbns. Li<Jhl,

aro1w111gs, prtrlt!lCI Dk. Brown



Navy on

Lt f+6 Sunset (Highlv


H-8 Rocket Man (Highly detailed full color)

MM'I 111:1:4111: S M L XL


Women'111l:ui11: 1111 L Shirt Color11: Lt. Blue, Yellow, and Beige

To Order: Please send check or money order. shirt type, size, name and numbflr, two "'"'rr ''"''" choices and your addrflss to: Go Graphics P.O. Box 3003

OCTOBl:J< 1977




lurtl1cr information: (;olden CO g()lj() L

HANC; C,LIDERS WFST DILLON BEACH FI.YINC 100! .. For the most complete line of I lanr; Gliders, (llHI ln the Area, !CA ccrtlfiecl instructors rmd Visit our



l !/\NC C,L!DERS, INC. Arizon,i's ONLY full lime, Han<.l major Instruclion frorn bc1sic: thru ddvm1ccd. Simulators and clilss room hours 1ncludcd with All frn 102[,0 N I 9th Ave , (602)

Sc1turday. Free Fridc1ys pilots arc welcome to come and try the liltcsl hiqh performance Aftvr the s,,le, il's the sl!rvicc thilt r:rnmts. l O11 I .i11 coln /\ve., San Ffofod, CA

to launch siles, local wind dum mies. PO Box 4011, Bishop, Ca. 'J'.l51 IJ. (7 I I)) W/:l 7:l!J')


invited. Write for list. ('.lO:l) Co. 80901) CEORC,IA

(,LIDEH ASCENSYLNS HAN(, c;Jll)!NC; SCH(XlL US! ICA instructors. S;,fcty/judqment first hours nin!J course w/~11d ueneration slandards. 1oo(x) record. Water towln~i Sales, service, rental. AtldnL1, (!J04) !J:i5 6042


ISLAND BlHD, extends the ultimate. Corne learn to fly with lhc bird from 9 io:,, lo l'ri,ldy, IO In b, P 0. Box

Guc1111 %'J!O al t177

SlJPEH Fl Y SKY SAIi M<rnt(1, Simhird and Eleclra brands available. Fly b(dorc you DemcJS dvallable. Co1nplete lesson


Boac(s SKYStJRI:IN(, SI l()I' Bcil1g one of the first cle<1I c11Hi ins!n1c:tors ln lhc U.~). helps me quality Jes

tlfied lnslructors, observers. Los Gi1tos, Ca. %o:l0 (IJ.()g) :l:i'.J,;!926


WINDHAVEN IIAN(; C,l JI l!NC, SCI lOOL, INC Servi11q SonHwrn Californii:'l line hcqinrn!.r lo advanred instruction instructors. \Ahlte !24'.l7 San Fernando Ed, Sylmar, 181').

r J:AF,

Products Om well certified Instruction:

11s to do the bcsl



1()()' lrninin;i slope. llcnnctl qlidcrs /\ccessorles, ap1)arc\L Your complete in Eastern Iow<'L It'll he love at with the of The Four Winds. Li. ('.\ l 'l) :l66 29'.!g Cedar KANSAS

rn,,m,,n1,1no Fort Funston. l 0 I!,) 7!,/,.()6:iO FLY OUR HICI l PFHFORMANCE STRATO HAN(, (3LIDFRS l·OR TRA!NINC OR SOAHING OVEH ACHES

Des Moines, take a Moose on <1 trnde in (I IAPPINESS IS Stt111drirds al dub fly.)ns.) schoo1 usin~{ 01n custom simul<1tor.

Elcclrn Flyer,

and aclwmccd lessons aw1ildble. 20

sons, exclusively on Phoenix kites. t1w1ilr1ble I :or les~:,ons with mC! or one of Iowa call Boaq

Tl IE FOlJE WINDS c;IJl)FH SPORTS Weekly wound


Distributors for Bennett


ARKANSAS (new and used), fliqhl dblc. Dealer inquiries c;rnnd, Forl Smith, Ark 72904 (:,OJ)


J,EADIN<; Ell<,!: AIR FOIJ ,S USI l(~A Ccrlificd lnstruc FHEE Fl .IC,! IT OF SAN D!EGO Expert instrnction the most rnfxlen1 ond safest equipment rwnHc1blc. 0888

l.D JO I (really bau. New ton, (20'))

write for

27S 'JriC<,



and Pliable Moose Kitc!S. outfiHin:J ;rnd sales for trips. Stop hy i\nd ,,hoot

way rndlos helwcen the ?ind :.;tudcnt Located jnst wcs1 of Denver al th<: foot of ()reen Mo11nt<1ln. Call or




To order your harness or for more information wr·ite


SUN BIRD GLIDERS 12501 GLADSTONE AVE., # A4 SYLMAR, CALIFORNIA 91342 361-8651 "' Please pilot height and weight when ordering by mail. A minimum $20.00 deposit must accompany <111 mail order·s. ONLY $69.50 f,o,b, Sylrnar, Californians add 6% sales tm, L)EALERS INQUIRIES INVITED




your harness or for

information write or call

SUNBIRD GLIDERS 12501 GLADSTONE AVE, #A4 SYLMAR, CALIFORNIA Please speciry pilot he:ight and weight when ordering by mail '" A rrnnirnurn $20.00 deposit must accompany all orders. ONLY $79.50 f,o.b, Sylrnar, Colifornians odd sales tax. DEALERS INOUIRIE:5 INVITED


fll I Fl lffN1 CONCLUSION fCl AN INNl:H llll\l: OF HArHJ l'UISTIC.

STH/\P,/\LlOW[l rMJY

fll /\SflC Sl"Af Sllt:11




l UP

tht: bree1.u !

Patk and

fliscr. US! !GA Certified inslructions. Owncr/rni11rngers of

Merriam Dr,

KS /,i,20:\ (9t:l)

the l lcmr1 c;Jidlnq Prf:'serve, soarahle

lift Wlw11 in lhe norlh


to advanced trainin~J ln the mountnins. /\sk about ot11 Paclwq(;' which includ(!S airfare, cm rental, need a sdcct one wl!ile Inventory. 1lw safest

with trarnwr1y our li11e

motel, meals, e1c. If


MONTAN/\ or writ(_) Shz,wnce Mission, Ks. 662M LD,CH>L:l•'+

THE l!/\NC,/\R

Now in our Gth yem of service with representatives in (lredt Butte~Anaconda and l .ivinssston. our shop offers ins1ruction with

MJ\SS/\CI llJSE'lTS BLANCHARD I HU . ,1pcn di1ily. hom NW of Boston di Dunstable. Cerlifled instruction: pilr1s: accessories: Eipper, Manta, Seedwinqs, Sky Sports, (6171 M'J.61:ff Try c1 HtEE Croton I !ills

Trainin~J Center, /\re.a, (Jroton, Mi\ mstructors c<ln safely and easlly, and arc certified

nm c:1t Aeolus


craft S:i:l N.E. Sth Street, Grnnts (SO'.l) 4'/'J-OS26, ask for Jeff

cmd Write forfrecinfonna1ion kit Box il'!il, North Conway, New

C,SI Certified 40 miles north of NYC Dealers for all Ftcglnners School with Manufacturers. l·:very1liinq for the beqinner, inlermedic,tc, and advdnced Dem ,James Aronson, Doukr1 Kakncs, to the movement. ('J MI 78:l C,7G l, 1'J Mine NY !O'FiO

MIDWEST SCf 100! OF I i/\NC GLIDlNC; /\II levels of instruction, locntcd ·;1q mile from W<uTcn one of the

in the U.S.! Ded!ers f:Jpper Albatross, Moyes, B('nrwtt and

COME FLY JOCKEY'S Rlf)C;r:1 If you live east of the Mi,"k,sinni and wont !o !enrn to fly a glider safely I<:itccS. Wilbur and here to into lhe soft Atlimtic breezes from e.xperience which will alwc1ys be stories hi1Jh. it the tallcsl sand We have safely !aught ov(,r 7,!,00 folks to fly people of all Hannglictingfrnrn lhcsoit sand dune is a of Hilwk

the new

l 0, and Moyes Stinqm

SOUTJ-!1:/\ST MIC! llC,/\N I IANC, C,UIJUl.S Wills Winq, dealer for Electrd ''Scrnffv'' for lessons, Mt. Clemens, Mi MINNFSCffl\ NOfnJlEEN SUN H/\NC, C,LIDEHS, INC. Distributors for Elcch·i\ Flyer. Wills Winq, Sun Sail, and UFM Edsy



END! .ESS MOUNTAINS 11/\NC, C,I.IDEHS Eleclr,1Flyer, Sports. Sales, servlce and instruction with dcl vanced Tom rm It l. Box :UA, LeRays ville, 18il2'J ('/ l 7)

UP-IT CO. H,mq ulidinq lessons, classroom and on site lfom,,sm,th,n cinht major manufacturers. Con1ilc1:C'Bsrn·1cs i\\ld 11 O:l Cottman Ave.,

722 8212. TENNESSEE CHYST/\1 /\JR SPOHT MOTEi . Male/female help l!, hours of work/wk in exchan~JC' for Call or write Cl,uck Toth, 43~fl Hwy., Air Sport Motel, Clii1tlc1nooga, TN (61 '.>)


buy. C,11




NEW vom<

ECO H .!Cl IT SYSTEMS, INC Distributor for Aircraft. Sc<1uull's "Scah<1wk" and" I Om" in stock for UFM Riser" Complete stock of s11pplies, instruction Sedgull's new , S<lil 8:,:!B Lilley Cmton, Mi. 1Brn7. ('.JJ:l)



more a11d Pleasant Mt

To INC, !lox 184,


Source for quallfittd instruction We reprcser1t Products, Sun Sail Corp., and now foalure

SKY PEOPLE SCJJOOLS, Skysports, Electrn Complete faclliti(;'S rl1 mountains·

Oren Saturdays and


radios, full line of Hlidcrs, parLs, t\Ccessorks rrnd and si!e cornpdent ll/\N information c1vai!dblc. !i'J801 C/\H, RT?s, Mull,111 Hd ,

Home of ORION AV Instruments. EJPPEH"''""crsrnu. SKY <,EAR /\p· where ifs

where lhe flyers sttiy. rninqs Hwy., CIMtt,rnuoga, 'IN THlJF FI.ICHT SOUTI


*** FLIGHT GUIDES*** Up-ToDatc

fllustra teci lnfiJ1·mation (;uaran tee cl Tu lmf)rove Your Flying



























$ 5.95 + 25< Postage for each book $10.95 + 50• Postage for both to:

DENNIS PAGEN 1184 Oneida St., State College, PA 16801

WOULD YOU Ul<E TO BE A PART OF THAT FILM? f·:or !11vnst1nnnl Info. Contact:




TRANSCINl:M/\ f'RODUCrlONS Rothwell n,J., nrnirrn, CA. D1 SciE ( 21 3) 881



,, I"

white, $gM fl

Distributors for Srn!rhwest

1%", I (('.i1lif H\sideni:,

!)(,tlh /\vu Vi1wdos.

Wf:ST/\m,1 Let II',

( JT/\11

lhe s<1ilplane scvne witl1 ultrllllte ('ovcir,1qe /\v;1ildblc v.1i1li /\s:,ocldte mc!rnbcr, $ 12/ve11r.) Info kit 150 Soclety of /\meric<1, Box


instruc!ion r\Vilild·hlc on new rnudd nur displ,1y 1td. Cil\ders in stock for

ddtvery ,mywherc in the Northwes!!


foot launchorl ultrnligl1t f11gl1t

FNC;[J\Nll WF/\Tl!FH ,md news /~ horn re (/,o:l)(816:l01

Bes1 <1.Vdilah!e

/\f11 luw 8220? I i\ve ,




Micl1ool l'rni(Jlfl Hobert florJl1ola

Ilic Nortl1wes! '



: )']: J//)/1 /

/I! / l f

I 1111

( )1 'I\/(',

'. )1 JIU'

u: J


i l( Ii:),

( './\.

/[ ;; ) / '.- )"1( ){ )[ ;

1%" 1 set (C;,liL rcsidenb SC,.1:i Ave Vi11edos,

TEXAS CALIFOHNIA Cl JDERS. Distrihutors for So111hwest Oklahomc1, New Mexico ,rncl

Tlle best aw1i!ablc-! Write for free details Scl1ools, Inc, l2~:l7 5<>11 F8m,mdo Rd, Sylmilr,

Cont,,ct Jim Thomas, (il 17)

J 991. Armadillo Avic1tio11, 2724Azle Ave., FL Wortl1, TX 76106.

El .ECTRAFI .Yr:H DISTf,IBUTOHS South Mid West8rn W!Sl'AIIK' Let


Wind!irwen !ms mfonnation on how you c;m start business. Wri1e for free lnfo.

Electra Flycc Sky

lrw, 12r1]7 San Fen1fl1Hlo


'7(,()J:l lJTAI I shop fec1tming: USI !GA \A/;nclll,w,I,

a complete i11structors, i1

11/\N(;JNG IN Tl /El?E $1,/y, Eicl1field MN :£>42:l.

demo and ren1al Cirnic; lIJ's ;-md ihe rledolino

ei:,o 1 Knox Aw South. lllustraied treasure! Box


O to 15,000'; 200' wom or1 wrists. Dimensions clial and needle. Also reads barometric pressure. Protective case included $19.95 f"leasc fincJ enclosocJ $




STA fl:

beautiful! Now you can fly!





21,000-fL free f'all before his he recently went to Hawaii to f1y !led

#A·1840. SAIL l'IITTERN: wl1ite, rnd leading White arrows in the rnrJ panel on each wing. WHERE & WHEN: Amarillo, Texas, June 22. CONTACT: ,James Raef, Flt. 3, Box 459, Amarillo, Texas 79107. (806) 335 1059. TYPE: 20' Cumulus I0. SAIL l'ATTERN: keel out: white, white, yellow, red, purple, dk. blue, purple leading edges, red keel pocket. DISTINGUISHING FEATURE: Blue anodized speed rail fittings on control bar. TYl'E: 20' Sun I O·A. SAIL PATTERN: keel out: red, red, orange, yellow, white, rerl leading edoes White keel pocket. WHERE & WHEN: Aspen, Colo., ,July 29. CONTACT: Bob Van Wagoner (30,1)

ate U H book for are really interested in learning to fly. 30

925·23B3 $100 reward, or Tim Johnson (for Sun 10), 2532 Lizbet11 Ave., Anaheim, Ca. 92806 (213) 635·4033

return of the Flyer, or .John F\eno, NV 89502.

surface glider SAil PATTERN: Orange and TYl'E: "U-2" designed by Oonnis Pimentel. WHERE & WHEN: Santa Rosa, Ca., May 15. CONTACT: Highster (415) 527-1324

TYPE: SST IOOB #819. . PATTERN: Red, orange, yellow, wl1itc. WHERE & Kitcher, Idaho, on January 18 or 19 CONTACT: Jerry %, Wills Wing Inc., 1208,fl [ast Walnut St., Santa Ana, 92701 (714) 547-1344.

TYPE: New Cirrus 111. SAIL PATTEllN: Keel out; dk. blue, It. blue, red, orange, yellow, with It. blue leading edges. TYPE: Seagull Ill. SAIL PATTERN: Keel out; purple, red, orange, yellow. WHERE & WHEN: Winnemucca, Nov. in ,January, 1977. CONTACT: Brad ,Jenkins, 1155 S.W. 11th St., Ontario, Oregon (503) 889-3484.

TYPE: Seagull IV. SAIL PATTERN: Purple leadin(J edges. Keel out; white keel pocket, yellow, orangc, lite IJl11e. Patches, 2ft. in length on the leading edges nearnose plate. CONTACT: Ray Arrington, 11626 E.D. Ave., Richland, Michigan 49083. TYPE: Seagull Ill Z-19. SAILPAITEFIN:Yellowsa1lwith black keel panel and black leading edqes. WHERE & WHEN: December, Wells, Nevada. CONTAGT: Freedom Sprts, 516 Idaho St., Elko, Nevada 89801

TYPE: Seagull IV, ft6435 SAIL l'ATIERN: Keel out; Blue, white, blue, white, blue. TYPE: Seagull Soahawk, IF7149. SAil PATTERN: Blue, gold, blue, oold, blue. WHERE & WHEN: Stolen from Wimll1aven in Van Nuys, Calif. in early Marcl1. CONTACT: Windhaven School, 1243? San Fer· nando Rd., Sylmar, Ca. (213) 367·1819. Cash Heward.

TYPE: Wills Wing SST, #807, without control bar. SAil PATTERN: All wl1ite wi\11 orange and yellow WHERE & WHEN: 27111, Sandy, Utah. CONTACT: Wings, (801) , TYPE: VII, new SAIL PATIERN: Lt. blue, white, yellow, with It blue leading edge. WHERE 1882 Michigan Ave., ,Joseph Siefker, Milan, Micl1. Taken '17390 Redman flrl., Milan, Ml. Tel. (313) 439-8261 or

TYPE: Manta SAIL PATTERN: Red leading edge, yellow trailing edge. bag and no tip rudders. WHERE & WHEN: Lexington r1eservoir, Los Gatos, Calif. in April '77. CONTACT: Super Fly Sky.Sails, 21383 Aldercroft Hgts Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95030. (408) 353-2926. Reward $100.


TYPE: Cumulus 10. SAIL PATTERN: Yellow sail with black leading edges. TYPE: Olympus. SAil PATTERN: All yellow on one side and golc1, red, purple, dark blue, ligllt blue, wllite, white, on side. WHERE & WHEN: Both kites were stolen out of Jolm 011nham's truck while in San Diego in early March. $100 reward offered by Electra Flyer tor tl1e

Asaservicotothe olicHngcornrnunity, HANG GLIDING Magazine is publishing information on stolen gliders. II your olider is us complete description along with your adclress phone number to: USHGA, Box 66306, Los Angeles, CA 90066.

onv rt y ur

- 25

USHGA the easy to understand, information in this manual.

'". ,.,,.4.45 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,,, 102°

Discounts to Clubs & Schools

Realities 1945 Adams Ave. San Calif. 92116 56



lo Three battens per side


Onco again, available in

770G by IO[A" ClllAl'HICf)


700 Comanche NE Alb·UQlleYCIUEl, NM 87107

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