MAY 1978 $1.50
Mechanical batten
Full floating fixed washout
lly Dnlta Wing
Lido, 500
, 514/384-3489
Compintc: with snnp hrl\) (?I/, wonks dPlivory)
OFFICE STAFF MANAGER: Carol Velderra1n Janel Meyer (Advert.sing), Wendi Tuttle (Membership), Kit Skradski (Renewals). Anw Gray (Hang Ra11ngs) USHGA OFFICERS: PRESIDENT Uoyd Llcher VICE PRESIDENT Dennis -Pqgen SECRETARY· Jan Case TREASURER: Alex Duncan EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE· Uoydllcher Alex Duncan Jan Case
The Unlled Slates Hong Gliding Association. Inc Is a d1v1slon of the Notiono1 Aeronau11c Assoc1atlon (NM) which Is lhe officio U.S representative of lhe Federation Aeronautique lnterno1Jonole (FAI) the world governing body for sport ovlohan The NM. which represents the U S. al FAI meehngs. hos delegated to lhe USHGA supervision of FAI related ho ng gliding ac11vllles such as record attempls and compehtion sancllons HANG "'UlllN\3 mogozme 1s published to, hong ·,R]1r- lullhEH lntP.!PSt
1n 11,e spoil bv a mean~ ol .;;pen comrnumcot,on and 1,,odvonce hong 1hd1ng methods ond 50fers, Conl11bu11ons ere welcome Ar;yone 1s 1nv,1eo to
cor tr1bdle orltcles
USHGA REGIONAL DIRECTORS REGION 1 Jay Raser. Michael Pringle REGION 2: Jan Cose. Wallace Anderson REGION 3 Torn Mllk,e. John Lake. Michael 1?1ggs. REGION 4. Lucky Campbell. Ken Koerwitz. REGION 5. none. REGJON 6: Jtm WIison. REGION 7· Thomas Haley Ron Christenson REGION 8· Don McCabe REGION 9 Dennis Pogen. Bob Martin REGION 10 Dick Heckman. Jerold Welch REGION 11 David Broyles REGION 12 Craig Mavis. Horry Sudw1scher DIRECTORS·AHARGE REGION 1 Alex Duncan REGION 2 Lloyd Ucher REGION 7 David Andecson REGION 10 John Horris HONORARY DIRECTOR· Hugh Morton EX-OFFICIO DIRECTOR of USHGA as we are a division of NAA· V10 Powell CIVL DELEGATE Horry Robb
gll<i!ng ')POTI enthuMd\f~ lt"I
ohofo5 ono ,ltustrotrons
<.0n1Cern1ng hor,g gltcJing aC11v111es II lht' material
1~ I be relt;ir,eo o ·,lomp.,rj si,11 addressed ,e,urn envelope mu!I be enclosed HANG Gl ~NG rnogo1,ne reserves lhe rir;,n1 lo ed11 contrfbut1ons wt,e,e nece&orv 1he Assoc1ohon end nub11co ho<1 do nol ow,m~ r.»pan~iblhtv tor the moteuol or or,1n10ns ot contr,outors HANG GLJ[)ING muqo1lne Is published month!\ nv lhe United ~101es 11ang Gilding Assoc 011011 ,nc whose ",oil,ng oddr~s.s •s P () Box 00306 los Angel"'s Calif 90066 and ,mose offlee$ ore 1ocoled 01 11312'. Venice Blv l cs Angeles. Coli! 0001>6 lelai ,t,oOA (21 31 390 3065 Second clu,s p -stoqe Is po•d 01 Lns Anoetes Cohl HANG ,l !DING magazine is r,rmted by S1ncloo1 Punting & t11ho .l\lhambro Col1I Tr1e USHGA 15 o 1'i'l<1mber ornrollec1 ed11col1ono 1 ono sc en1,1,c JTgon,zolio" ded,carea 1c µ,plorn,y 011 lai-,,ts of uflrollgel flight MemlJel'Sh1p Is oper, 10 onyor,o 1nleresteo ,n tn,s 1001rn of l11gn1 Dues lo• lull memoersh10 ore S20 ner yea, (S21 for foreign ".lddres,es) su~11pt1on ro1es o,e S15 tor oni- vaor S26 lo1 lwo yoo« S36 lo1 fhree'leors An ,ntroduc le,•·, s,;.montt, lrlol ls ovolloble tor S7 50 Chorige, of adores, shoulo I e sen! six wee~s In oovonce ,r1clud1ng poms I.JSHGA n,emoe1Sh1p 111,1mber r1ev1=, ond new odd1ess ona o ma,11ng lobe• from r.J 1ACen1 Issue
28 30 32
36 40
PTERADYNE FLIGHT by Richard Miller GEORGE WORTHINGTON'S 2nd ANNUAL L/D CONTEST by Pork 1978 NATIONALS An Introduction by Dennis Pogen THE CONQUEST OF CERRO GORDO Article and photos by John Lires CERRO GORDO SAFE OR UNSAFE? by George Worthington BUYING A GLIDER by Poul Burns SOARING MARATHON BIii Armstrong sets 11-hr endurance record
49 50 52 59
by Seagull Aircraft by Dennis Pagen by WIiiiam Pregler by Doug Friddle
6 6 11
Cover· Mike Meier pllo1 s Wills Wing's new Alpha at Elsinore. California CONSUMER ADVISORY: Hang Gilding Magazlne and USHGA. Inc.• do not endorse or toke any responsibility for the products odVertised or mentioned editorially w11hin these pages. Unless specifically explained, performance figures quoted In advertising o re only estimates. Persons considering 1he purchase of a glider ore urged to study HGMA s1ondords. Copyright © United States Hong Gliding Association. Inc. 1978. All rights reserved to Hong Gliding Magazine and Individual contributors.
in fact, fiilly.
Inc Amo1m11 H,rno Ar'D Fliqlil Syst1m1s Arcadia Air fl,11 I larnASS Bonnell llelt;i Wino Gir1ms Cl1uck's (ilirJor Supplim; CloudlJJse Crystol Air Sports Cuslom lieplrcos fco·Nautics Inc Eippo1 rlyo1 Corp Glider fMor Co·Grapllics Hall Wrnd Motm lli(JIIS18J Kite 1·111nr p11so,1 La1nr11a1 Loadinq l:rlqo Arr Foils I ilek MCompany Mania Producls Ma11lm llarnoss Mollrl f:ntorpriso,; Mnrton Fntorprrsc,; Never Kinks Pagon l'alrnont Vario Paraqon Per eqrino Aviation Power r;1id111, Inc Poynto1 Books f10101: Seodwrngs Soaqull /\rrcrall Sky Sl1ip Sky Spurts
ILIC 1'.l
GI g fi:l
GR 4? 71
11:, 1?' l'.l (i7
1:J ?1 (ii
48 :34
S11y11m f11I , Inc S1111hirrl Gliders Hie 1;1oa1 0111n1101 Iraninq Co Tlw llang l,lrdms llil1le Ultirrnle Higl1 Ultrali()ht Hyinq Machines llltraliqlit Products
1~ i (j(
:1,1 ((i
i·)c; (i7
ll!,IICA Volmer A1rr:1af1 VSI Va110 Wills Winq, Inc Winrll1avo11
tion with the
possible conditions, fered to
the equipment being
I personally would fascinated by interviews wit Ii or articles about the wide variety of people well 01 hers you the sail!) The possibiliendless. inlo them. Thanks, Fair
windy cliff launch blown launch site) and back into the mountain, sustaining broken right leg and One or the
Only $130,00
with other people
srnuc di fl"icult y in bending alumi11m11 stirrup later, when of told up with an idea which
point I'm driving at percentage of hang glider pilots weekend warriors con st rictcd by
expanding frontiers, hot new machines and Ihe for fame, fortune, nnd recognition, That's bad wcckcndcrs have lost our since ours is and significant lose. any I believe lhat the main publications and represent the feelings of all the people endeavor. and Glider of the sporl's horizons, the personalities of full--lime and pro pilots, the competitive meets and the lcclmical of the machines, clements and dated with hang gliding. I think there room for an of especially in kinds of people What are the about? What do they currently hand in the sport? (The direction of compclilion, publicity, finding and legalizing new sites, maintaining old ones, How about watch, photograph and fans, people who like otherwise
the fool-launched flight? consider the people who have been into and dropped out of the sport, people who thinking about into it, people who jusl
finished their lesson, people who just for their first time.
of life due to
slrnng regional up there, and many supine lo prone. In
almost every noted, they attach their harnesses directly to the control bar (no unless they arc forced to While this may eliminates inadvertent failmc to hook up. It's worth 1hinki11g abouL l personally a quick (webbing loop) and check it religiously launching, bul am going back to the direct hook-up method. Any comments'/ Finally, if every pilot, supine, prone seated, would get in the habit of lirting themselves into a tiptoe (lifting up on lhc position by their glider until the suspension lugs on their shoulders) before lau11ch c:rn eliminate these tragic and sl upid safer rlying. Robert S1nith 9
Dear Editor, I watched the ski championships in Germany on television, and just before ABC went off the air a hang glider with the pilot on skis soared off ski jump, That brought back some very pleasant memories because nearly 50 years ago, in 193 l lo be exact, whik l was the ski pro at Buck Hill Falls, Pa, another Norwegian and friend, Halvor Carns and I decided that skiing with wings would great fun, had learned to fly in 1919 and who went to the University of Darmstadt, Germany was both conventional and hang glider pilot The Versailles treaty did forbid Germany to build motor driven airplanes after their sur, render in World War so to bypass that clause they went in for motorlcss airplanes gliders, Wasscrkupfc became such a famous glider center thal glider schools there nourished, I wa,s mi the of going to one of their glider schools but my mind and to the you will from the picture our glider was bi-plane equipped with ailerons and clcvalor. Tirc 14 and I feet
lion to the Olympics and financed the cost of building another glider. This one built of durnluminum and and
ii on on 2()(J.fl, rope, It rose bcautil'ully, With the at higli SfX.'Cd thrill and he decided lo the onlookers pulled the slick hack and went into a very steep climb, when bang, the rope broke, He stalled, wen! into a spin and that ended our dream of soaring off the big ski jump prelude to the Olympic ski jumping meet, In retrospect l doubt if our lilt le venture would have ignited much interest in hang gliding in those days, We were deep depression and the :1via1ion industry strnggling, Now of the picture is cnl different and personally I felt, and still feel, that hang gliding conic! become an Olympic event, approached the association with this in mind couple of years ago hut the idea obviously cold shouldered, It's true Ihat conditions for an Olympic hang glider meet would probably have better weather in the summer than in the winier, but lo offset I hat the sites for win !er Olympics mountains and hills which would in my humble opinion make hang gliding fit in pcrl'cctly without added l it l certainly be no With regard to "Reacli for the flying that it with the clements rncchanical which had no <.od, right to invade Ilic domain the birds, or the great pride of having conquered Maybe the old adage lhc an, to our original venture into Carl Mcsscll
who have read about ! he nrr,nc,,•,v! wri1tcn letters indicating 1hcir
follow;;: violation equal to
rogallos plus their
11p Ilic hill 10 the 1akc-off pilot will be required
has competition
to 150.
II 1
Back tJy popular domandl lllo
or Ilic, 197B
tho 11111st improvE, throuol1out thu yow Now
devnlcipurncJnl macJy lor you
lnadino pocket dramatically inc:re,,1sc,s 111 tho cnt1cal Y:, cl1ord combined with rmmy improvements 111 the fully results 1n to cmwl, float upwards 111 the thmrnal, and 111cm speed to the next. OncrJ the sl1ip uvoryone will look up lo 111 19 /8 will rnukn oi11 cJlrc:ady fnrnous liancllint:i stallil1ty put tl,o 11111 llncl< 111 fly111~J fm tl1e
You'll 11ot1co other 1rnprov10rnrc1n1s wit11 intrnrial m1Justmenl Quick fa:,t(Jl1111(J fPflQ,0r\0,<c
com1:,1c,to1v rodoisqnml cmri stroamlinnrJ deflexor dr,10 tumt1uckles also from 11111 top prcip,mn,q rn1 111n rJrouncJ, rnme tinm 111 tlm IIOW (JV()[! tlettm
An /!11corc :1ppr,;.11 :mcu l1y a11 111crorl1hlu pr:1lorrnrn
l\()cn hnlcl ovrn lor 19 m llut m:111y 1111prnlrn11 cli:mcJos
q10:1t p1,1lorm:mc:r,
havu hrnm rnmln
l1iq 11nw1; liw: yc:111 1c: lu:1l11rc Immel only rn1 :iclvancm.l ullrnl1ql1l'.1 tlo:1t111q kod pm:lmt Wl1<it 11:is tlw; cJrnH: tor 1m 11lre11cly urrc:1t l1:mdl111q Only llm lim;tl /\11 of lho t1ml111on11l mollow har11ll1111J l1a11 IJ()(111 101;11111,d 111 rnld1t1011 1110 ql1ilur 101111 w1ll1 rnucli ()mntm You'll h11 Dille lo thnrrnol w1tl1 111cro11sod crlill1drn1cn nflorl 1mw Wl1r1llim 11ov1c11. 111tr,rrnoci1ntD, or nxpr1r\, you'll really 11111(1Y lly111q w1tl1 11111
r'orfi>m11incu 1nc:11::·1.9c:·: :1lso p:111 ol il r: Now lr1nclin1J 1,clc)(! c11rv11c: tra1i111CJ udqD cut and 11y1provrnl c11111l1rmr1q p1irt of tho ru:irnn you'll qr,t l11(Jl1m t111:; your f hu rn:w lully rlatlmmrl sail CJIVl:c you 1111 lJVm1 h1r1IH,i top !·Ill()()(! tlm top of tl1l, 11ft n:1d l,crnJ out 0
l\clclinq co11vrn11llr!Cll, 11 now t11mlJ11ckll,;; l11u 110w
;;ystr,rn or1 1110 uppm 11qq1nq qut:~ you 111 lhn :111 ,;om1er ;ind ol1rn1natec; 11p q111ck1,r
ii \Iii,; wrmm'I nnouql1 t11r1 crn1t:r1ur1s to offrn stamLmJ wl1at otlim,.; cl1mcio 11xlm for lndrlrnn urlr)(' pockc1 I ilrunkclowrr fe:ilurc; and cables Jii'.lt lo 1mm11011 iJ few' All of tr1,c1 and mow for your dr1r1lm tmlc1y
/\11 olrl Immel w1tl1 new pmforrnanr;()
Bill BcnncH's Delta Wing Kites and Gliders, Inc., m1nmmccs the availability of a lwo piece washout
tip kit for the and Phoenix 8 gliders. The cost per kit and they quick and simple to install. They arc highly rccom· mended for owners who wish to use an engine.
Saturday, January , 1978, a group of members of the Florida Flight Association loaded up their kites early in the morning and headed for a small Indian Florida called Indian Town, for a of flying. or course brought our with us because the flying site lO fl level. The mountain is "Bennett Winch," which had
Book ql World Records airplane. It reported Cub with
glide ratio of 15 to L Speed range
engine. and ft. chord lhc wing Quicksilver The machine information contact: Birdman Aircraft, Box 9190, Daytona Beach, Fla.,
sunny clay with good t henna! knew lhat wrong. Not only thick overcast 2,000 agl and tempera" turc Too cold for most of the group pilots to fly, waited awhile i r I here would be change, but by noon it was obvious that the weather wasn't going to change. had traveled 100 miles and had nothing lo do anyway, started to set up to fly. Richard llcnson, president of the Florida Flight and Jim Theiss, the to check the weigh up pro" pcrly at were using 175 lbs. out line and
dose to the
our newest ready to
hasn't had checked him out for two earlier.) The first night of the afternoon, wind and wincli dummy titk went to Roland, the pilot the lnmch, NeiL On his first flight, he climbed to fl altitude, his variomcter all through while on tow. llis climb 800 fL minute.
llll1cpr111t~; Now /\v,ulnlJIO
ll1pi1 Wllld I I illy controllatilo 111 mw; World's Irr:;! 111011 pmlm1mrnco ilc!IICJ l)llilOf Smid for l1tmatu11\ ar1cl pl1otourapl1
swim in the air as what the
all this with little or no wind in the winter ., and 7,000-fl. Sound familiar'/ are similar
is environment in such way as to minimize the of will use
structure your
USHGA is up to at least 28 Chapters now with the addition rif a group in upstate New York (haven't received the name or a report yet). We're starting 11/f this month's column with the .first newsletter received from Santa Barbara, Cal!f whose club just hecame Chapter 1126. Other organizations are talking ahout USHGA Chapter status. Capitol HG.A. Sky Line CO· editor Marilyn Boehly just editorialized asking members to "get ciff your apathy" in all club matters. And th!! Feil. '78 Oregon H. 's Newsletter reprintl!d some features from Hang Gliding, including one of these columns, to demonstrate some of the advantages C\f ifs rnembers also becoming USHGA members, which would help to quafi/)1 Ol/GA as a Chapter.
contribntc ncgatory vibes to the sport of hang gliding or the SBHCJA, good buddy. These candidates will have demonstrated throngh dili· gcnce, perseverance, poor judgment, blind fate, bad luck, karma, or passing by gross stupidity, that he or she is merely passing lhrough a difficult period of transition from imp<:rfoct to something better, hopefully enlightenment. He or she must wear the Turkey of the Month shirt to club functions, and during tlyi11g times. And now, it's 11ominations time, members. The envelopes, please.
"Plymouth's White Cfilf1· to /Je Sold for llouse Lots" ( 1-2178 issue) Newspaper clipping telling about the sale of the While Cl/ffv near Plymouth, Mass., which wi/1 probably stop flying al this site which refared when people Cod, although it is not on the Several photos appear in this issue, showing J7ying during 1977 at what is the closest to Pines or Funston 011 the east coast.
RJDGF.RIDER New Rni,:laml H.G. Assn. Newton Higlnhmds, MA 02161
Santa Barbar~ H.G. Assn, (-26) P.O. !fox 411114 Sant11 D11rb1m1, 93103 "Board Meeting-· Feb. by Jon Bastian, (2· 78 issue} The Second Official Old.Time Anything or Anyone Can Fly Anything or Anyone from the Pier Rally is to he held in July. Requirements: Resurrect an old !fatso or Saffold bamboo bomber, or build anything that may fly, but do not use Dacron, aluminum or graphite tubing, or metal cables, and dare to fly ii off the Biltmore Pier and defy Newton's earthbound falling apple. Santa Barbara Skateboards may donate of their hotdog specials. Chairperson Scott Billups lots of categories. flapping machine, best yellow zonker, most logical, most gutsy, most innovative, the nicest try, etc. KEYT coverage. Fly·A·Thon, to be held April rain date April Fund to benefit Santa Barbara public organization for handicapped children. This is to be ihe SBHGA Biggie fund project for I his Sponsors needed who will pledge money for air lime. Someone must contact lhe Boy or Girl Scouts who will crowd control monitors. Turkey and Eagle of the Month Award. This a new one. the first on your block project to win pitcher or Old Milwaukee beer or box of hygiene products. Each month out of the swelling ranks the SBHGA two likable so11ls will he selected, for their contributions lo the sport of hang gliding the itscl(', to have the the award-·rnpic doll, pitcher of the honorary T·shirt. On the other hand, however, the other highly respected "Turkey of the Month" award will be bestowed upon the person or persons who
"The Paper Chase" (l ·2/78 issue) January's meeting was the scene some strange acrnbatic happenings. pile of styrofoam packing and some scotch tape appeared, the thermal generators (wall mcmntcd heaters) were t11rned 011 and were ready to go. Competition with the L/D event. Initial n. range from an ft. Doug Mcehan's 30 in. slow flying slyrofoam wondcrwing achieved the longest flight of about 46 ft. in the ft. hall, but ruled illegal by feeble-minded offidaL Im Bliedcn's solid keel styrofoamer tied with one of Lew IBM card models for second place. Next event. Contes· !ants launched choir loft with an aver. launch being I ft. above the floor. The successful l ./D craft to be modified to turn, or else they'd nm into the curtain the hall's end. Doug couldn't 1nodify his design in time 10 take this resulting in a clean sweep by the Factory Team. tt:n by various people flying Aguilar tossed Lynn LcPclley took secoml pair also involved
balcony launches. The scoring was entirely in the lrnnds of lkklc judges, and "Sorry, didn'I sec it" was heard numerous limes. Lew was awarded I st, Doug 2nd and Dave 3rd. A highly coveted Dishonorable Mention was awarded to Jim "Spearchuckcr" Raymond. 72·in. wingspan model sailplane went to Lew as overall winner. "Cape Residents of Military Radar is Growing" ( I ·2/78 issue)
Newspaper clipping telling about a new radar to be started up soon at Otis Air Force Base which will detect missiles launched 3,000 miles out to sea (compared lo 250 miles for the radar that flyers now encounter al Truro), and which will sul~jec/ many residents to cons/an/ radiation higher than the level which caused an intemationalfurore when the Russians beamed microwaves al the US. embassy in Moscow. Southland Flyer S011llilaml H.G. Assn. (#7)
"Minutes of (1 ·78 issue} The (Peninsula Soaring '?-eel.) has merged with us and given us all their assets. Elsinore Valley will our first affiliated local club. The Elsinore landing area is in danger of becoming a housing development. "Sources for llomebuilders" (1·78 issue) Chatsworth Prods. 9833-HG Deering Ave. #A, Chatsworth, 91311. Industrial tools at extreme reductions, such as multi .. spccd industrial drill from$ I Calif. Fritzcn Propellor 20820,HG Main St., 90745. SHCJA member Bob Bowen uses one of their props on his powered Quicksilver Grish Bros. Inc., Box 248,H(,, St. John, IN Excellent source of low.cost props for model airplanes and hang gliders. All Acft 1667l.JICJ Roscoe Blvd., Sepulveda, This company's motto is "everything for the airplane and pilot," and they don't miss by far. Available materials here include AN bolts, cycbolts, cable shackles, tools, instrnments, Ccconile brand aircraft cloth, butyrate dope, aircraft books, Velcro and many other items of interest 10 the homebuilder They also have an excellent 143. is free. Specialty Box 424·HG, Fullerton, airframe parts, hardware, metals, products, and more. Just organized catalog ($2.00} is an education in homebuilding possibilities.
The two motorized above the little hill and the erowd. The haze
180 170
crossbar, John 163 180
effect to than 600 feet. The Phoenix Mariahs made consistently
I We have a "We" refers to the Directors of the USHGA and every pilot that wishes to large scale, open competition continue in the The is de 1,el;Jping the 1978 Na1ionals into a meet that is and beneficial to everyone involved, To meet this we need the support of every USH:GA rnembcr, whether he is interested in or noL This is asking a lot, since Nationals have been disappointments for the promoters and competitors alike, However, I feel have an of past inadequacies and a organization for avoiding them at this year's meet
points, A national competition presents worthwhile challenge: for many pilots. Thirdly, the beauty and excitement of our sport can be exhibited to the public have perfect record in USHGA sanctioned meets). This is good for pilot. When property owners and insurance comr1an1cs recant their sensationalisl prcssbcliefs, will be more acquired and maintained. Of course, slandards.
companies make those individuals any mannfac .. lurer's involvement in our competitions. lowever, if we conscientious in designing lasks that the demands of then manufacturers will be compelled to everyday needs. How can we successful meet? Milkic of Anaheim, tor. He will be
need a national meet has been posed. In light of the aggravation, lost money and reputation suffered by the USHGA before, this is a legitimate consideration, However, the can be resolved if we review the arguments and reveal our serves four purposes, First, it provides a forum an exchange of ideas, and new clcvclopme:nt:,. There no substitute for the process that takes when pilots from all over the country to demontheir flying skills and display their equipment ln addition, the social sharing the flying experience with is reward that be mc•e1s:111'r•rl Secondly, pilot compare his abilities with "state-of..the-art" pilots. will cover his weak points along with his
pilot a real chance how gliders compare well which
results, The
at least lwo tasks for flyable wind condition, Furlhcrmore, the will test many of skill Our goal to fun meet that provides fair measure of pilot ski!L We intend to utilize the heal system, This divides pilots into groups of five or fewer for each round. Each heat is scored separately to minimize the effects of in lift. (A one.on-one competition is po:ss1llJle if the stat c allows additional launch site clearing,) Due to the large number of com., 11c:tllU'"', there will be at least two separate groups. we will consider is
alternate This will constant demands of Free for the off day pilots could take place between events and during meal Another aimed at past is to select an ombudsman 10 acl as liaison between pilots, scorekeepers and Pilots need to know their and too busy at tend to the pilots' requests. The ombudsman could obtain the and correct cross-country fonnat has been reciuc:stc:cl l'or the Nationals. where pilots take off whenever they want and they envisioned. Then: cornpctition is not Nationals. we
1,hUt()ff(ln d,•al11,w<ih>lnNd",yel,m.
of fall on htl,.pofl
U\i-.Y illSU/ MO!JN"J 117 J/\f'J H !, BY (TlMPHJ S~lJ()N J f:'fJNCS j'() Jill ;,mON(;! H HI /\H :,rnlJ]') Pl{(i\/]J)[ j) l:'-,1',!/\l I flrION HJ MO\//\! /\ND /\l\Jli',!MI J\rl
',IMP! l
California converged in the Owens for long weekend of and cut short
miles to the east over the Inyo Mountains, had seen this phenomenon before, and 1o those low, asked in town on
N 1M
I am disturbed and concerned
the lack
As this is
have not yet
of creditable in format.ion on Cerro Gordo's
read Don Partridge's account of
degree of safety. The thousands of pilots who read Hang deserve the best possible information about Cerro Gordo so that they can make an mt.eJ11gt)nt decision about whether or not 10 fly there. don't need of relatlvelv 1v"'""'·ipr·,r,,c1 thermal/mountain pilots, who have never flown at Cerro Gordo. The issue of an interview with John in which John stated think who fly rogallos Gordo over the White Mountains asking for it. flown those rnountains and have gotlen thrashed pretty hard. I still think, even with the highrv•·rfn,nr1:n,r" kites, that control is minimal." The fact is, John Lake has never flown or hang at Cerro Gordo. certainly don't blame John an opinion. en tit Jed to I heir opinic,ns. But would blame you, the if you gave such an much credibility. Let me give you several facts about Cerro Gordo. I have always been able to reach the valley floor for I have never had a sail inversion in the lnyos White Mountains. I have been over onto my "back," been into a steep dive. I have never flown through rain and under very black overcasts. On single that have driven to the Gordo laum:h site have launched. And now, my The thermals, and thrashicst air flown through, at Blaek Mountain and Canyon in the area, have rougher to me than !he worst Gordo. I felt while
the area of the Owens Valley. encouraged Don to write such an article, because he alone has the greatest amount of hang experience there. So J will, even before reading his recommend that you read and study it. And Don's article in·cluded the Cerro Gordo area, it was not exclusively concerned with one site. This article you are now reading), cm,cstion about whether
my Gordo has and very safe flying there. At the same time, feel that the lnyos and White Mountains are to fly for Without the in mountain/thermal would urge you not to fly there.
( l) dependent on confidence, and Therefore this final or "no you whether your Gordo safely within the limitations of
from and I certainly have the most eross--eountry miles flown in the Owens And yet, J would argue that I am far from the safety expert Cerro Gordo. . arc only and because of my experience in aviation, soaring in sailplanes, might suited of you with different and experience. example, how can measure the "'"'"""' value" of the thousands upon thousands of hours spent studying the weather? Weather is vital factor in hang gliding safety. No of about weather can the actual
in mountain in Two of the three have only flown Gordo a few times. a value in their opinion.s, because they are fresh gathered from their first few flights and the memory of these first is still very fresh. The of others who have flown the site will also be valuablt:, but in a different way, because it's become and blase about the uu11gt:rs, when you've faced them over and over, and when you've learned to your earlier mistakes. I asked Bill rrm;trn,ng, Howard Mitchell their opinions of Gordo is for hang how safe what they wrote:
When write s01rnet111ng Gordo, asked me
me to
to get cold, real cold, get down, get get thirsty, get wet, aud go far.
get get to stay lost. have you wished you
we drawn personal experience where the final decision is always yours, yours alone. If and when consider up the mountain. mountain, testing Mountains found all
OU:>llAtll ' t'.\ over a hulf liour hard r;Drci hnnq ql1d1110 1n 1Gmrn c:ulrn Maclc !1y 111r!r:-1 101 flier:, and tr10:,n VJho ,1pprr!c1at(; ;;l;iyinq up and ontt1nn h1qhnr mo:;t ()f llw iww ~~h1p'.>. m;:my of uiuntry '.:> he:-;( pilot:, t·lyirHJ at !)est <1! Hl from k11e·rnoun1efJ ~;l)(J\s '.),000 ft abovn a NrvN mlqo to c1wn~;omu 1>ucd1r; :;oa1111q Arna11n(J t:ompar1~,on'.> tn '.loc1r1nq /\awk•; ;,oarinq, 1irnn·lapsn ;ui rnovi;rrwnt. ;rnd q1uat :,rnmcl 1n(;lude;;. oriq1nd! :;ynt!H:'.·il!<'r :;(;Of() Sp;ice tl11t1 No old t1ns;1tn dC:11v1tie'.J Lxcclle:n1 puhl1( df(\ al!(!,Hly (Jrc!r;r1nq r;op1t'~, hanq ql1d1nq co1rnnun1ty 1:; rn (m
$1050.00 "lncludns cover
national competition rncets is reproduced it the of competition affecting the greatest n11mbcr of the opportunity for pilots coun1ry to participate in line with organization of most national sports.
the Nationals. Rids from clubs or other organizations in the appropriate section the will be considered by lhc Board at the mid-summer mt'C1ing only from groups which have organleast two sanctioned 4.
USHGA Official Competition Rules for 1978 now in their third edition. As usual, the mid-winter meeting of the of Directors considers the recommendations of the Competition and Rules Committee which holds day-long session at the meeting. All Directors with serio11s interest in the of a!tcml the working session lo critique the rules and the proposals prepared hy the chairman or the commit Ice based on the work the mcm· of tire commit!ce to incorporate from lhc competition experience of the past Suggestions from competitors, from origa11izcrs or the many and from the officials of those meets are solicited and disc11sscd 10 improve lhc guidance contained in the Official Cmnpctiton
Rules. From the standpoint of the cost to of the publication revised of rules each , it probably unfortunate that the wri1lcn production of the main body of rules plus the 11ine sections in the appendix amounts to 30 pages. is fortunate that many of the details and problems of organizing and operating a somewhat complex syslcm of compc· tition can be solved by and he reduced to rules and regulations that can attempt lo provide fair atmosphere for tlu: competition Admittedly, all three clernents of competition mcct···"cximpetitors, organizers and officials·nccd guidance for their efforts, and they also need protection from each other in interpreting the requirements their parlidpation. The rules should be able to accomplish this objective, and the Official Competition now providing this They should continue to be revised to respond to the needs of all the people involved in 1his important and interesting of hang gliding, even though it costly wasteful 10 to publish completely version each H more competitors will talk to their Directors during this competition perhaps produce an even better next year that will last for a couple of those who may remember that the World Champ"· ionsbips in Austria in 1976 had only two flight tasks--duration and accurm:y landing·"with no standard procedures for launching, and little guidance for rmmy other details of the competition, it should indicate that the rules will the
M,1tXir11mn regional quota, based on current membership of the region: Region J.7 Region
provides flying capability of each competitor pre-requisite entry qualification the level of national competition. Points for participation in follows: for winning placements total number or meet entries in accordance wilh the following table:
40-1 I
30 l
regional mccls. for all competitors.
Region <J".<J Region JI).(,
Region I Region Toi al
allowable regional quota shall based on 20% of total entry list, shall be Compctifion exempt shall he the competitors with the highest number of points in the national competition qualification point system, including the top places in Class in the prior Nationals, or
Thru Place Thru 20th Place Thru 18th Place Thru 15th Place Thru 131h Place Thru J0th Place Thru 8th Place point for all other competitors in the top 50% or placements. points shall be awarded in meets with than
comr•clilio,n in which competitors competition in can meet to improve flight skills in a comprchenmcet to name national champion in hang gliding such the
pionships lishing an of rules world,widc lot of work, and lot of getting""'""''' ,,, .. by a lot of different people. speed up this The major in th,) rules this only be understood by reading the 1978 t:dition which has been published and distributed to all
Based on follows:
prior to
Nationals SubCommittee to equitable choices. b. 10 entries in competition Class first by the organizers prior to be from any region and do not need to qualify regional quota entries in competition combined with l, shall be chosen from the upper 33% of in the regional competiThc competition qualificalion for 1hcsc placements shall the points for the year competitors, and the quota for maximum or adjusted allow able calculated, shall be filled from the top of the final list of competition qualification points, in accordance with I.he cligibilily interviews follows: Eligible pilots will be interviewed conclusion of the regional meet
Vermont "f hird /\nrmal Fly In
furthor 111fonnation and obtain-
4th ,JLIIY 1!i Tuninq
Holloweon Fly In: Umrnual competition
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As:;oc1<1t1,on, Inc
Sail Billow
lhcrmalling ability while rclaining the same maxi· mum glide ratio to l ).
Span up with two
allows washout improves span efficiency). has improved by the addition of more l1cxible tips deflcxor system in addition to reducing weight the tips. All these changes reduce dampening inertia in roll control. The glider is much more flexible, thanks to bridle system connecting I he primary (side) dcflcxors. This differential dcflcxor system acts like billow shift to simulate aileron controls. Adverse yaw is minimized by careful bowing of the leading edges. In turn, I he Sirocco II requires very light pitch pressure (forward push) and seems to find a to carve an effort less The revolution in integrated circuit technology has directly aided the Sirocco devclopmenl Terry and Rick Roelkc have taken advantage of the dramatically lower prices of today's electronic equipment purchasing a small computer. They use this computer to generate optimization curves for constraints. timizcd for
airfoils. mean camber in the root in rearward moving high point from the root. This again helps prevent tip stalls by evening out the lift distribution. The for the high is
$1140.00 imagine yourself at the top of your favorite soaring silc ready up. You open the front half of your cover, separate the control bar uprights, fold the horizontal in place and complete the the bar with bolt already all ached). Fasten the control bar in the bracket usual with a pip pin. Now turn the glider and stand it on the trol bar (note that your sail has not touched the ground), tail into the wimL Remove your the rest of the take one wing and pull it oul. The will slide the ground so that bolh open at the same time. Open the window beneath the sail, pull the ing crossbar ba<.:k all the baucns per Sound simple? reduced considerably. Other fine include dcflexor system (which strength and affords hassle bubble batlcn (it is opened); permanent (these cables which
control washout
off the
bar they 110 to be connected); and cleaner batten attachments (both the front original
Sports performance line up completely new sign. It to the pilot Ihat the highperformance possible withoul the complexity and pilot skill associated with the superships. The occupies the "sporting class" I recently had to play with the Cape Cod. I launched into 8 mph winds with slcps. I made a along the dune face and flew level until turn took out narrow lift band. I then put the glider through by and shallow turns, and various landing
what stability of the glider, mil my cat·-likc balance).
account left in 1he available $800 ()()
I O" I"
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15() .. 2()() 48 lbs. ft.
double,.surface skin, and these
air brakes.
easier take-
first time a convenience that didn't The ultimate cross,,couni.ry machine was at hand·-almost! The little ahead of its time, It was looked, flew handled apart from the norm.-and its was different, While almost everyone else worked the low airspeed end of the the Fledge sized and for the best minimum sink and its it relied on "stable" airfoil that utilized ribs, Everyone else's were flexible, while everyone relied on had control surfaces. came from a where take-off could be mushed off the hill.
turning 3) Better
you could
if you need. 4) Increased top end eel 5) Easier 6) All with no increase in set-up time. The airframe the we didn't its , and the spar construction made it foundawould tion build upon. The be in the sail itself. Unlike most is built around !he airframe used to the sail, the built around the saiL the until there is the exact dihedral and sweep .. swaged off and the has to worry about the
and relo,,
The tolerances therefore have to be very close. To maintain this close-tolerance HANG GLIDING
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no sleeves, which stretch and distort fasteners. compare
I IHIIIWi M,I IIYI 111(;1111, /\Nil IONc;rn fll/\~I YUII 1\1\1, l\i\/\YHI YOII ~II[[) lllTlrn C(WIIWI 111 Y()lll, I\ 11! Sl'fTll. I\ SK Y01W 11 I /\I 111 I\ 110111 1111 fl\[111
it's because we "the latest news from the """'"'"' carries around current it's because we t1ave a tabloid format. Whatever the reason, at least 50,000 orc1so,ect1ve about Rider! We think it's about time is much more than a "'"" "'"' to ttie head, sport aeronautics. We're nirin,o,pnnn different from the Stone is from Time phenomenon the midwife of new of sport with little tradition. overlook, avoid, printing stuff the others But it's that we're w11nninn nn,nf1ir awards from the establishment attrac:tm,Q readers in 46 countries. Here's
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I sorncorrn vvli o total freedom.
nd st
'I,; ',:11
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Cornplo1n wilh llaq (1 nvailalllo
If you can fly any And when you other
two weclk dtJlivo1y)
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I i\C;1 I 1111 Ml i ·MOUNTED VMIOMI rm l1as marln possilJln ol ovi:r one mile and Bev1:ral 1eco11k1elt11ic1 cross llel11111t-Mounte11 in:11n111w111s wcr11 w111d 111 l1is IIJIOO It qain. 9G mile ll1ql1t lro111 C1:11 o Gordo 11\1,1 I V/\IWJMLT 1110 mos1 snrdt1v1: pcllni v;11io 111 the wo1 Id time,; its p11c1: anrl to its lower co11vrni1:11t to 11s1: 1t is no mat1er 111 tlw prcsenrn of e11oine vihratl<lllS,
D'.I 904 I alawa1 ll11vc l\it:il. lliiWilll 96!0 I
contm witl1 windows, l1luo. white, yellow. IJ011qlas I 011L La llivinra !Jr !/!M, C,1 SJ:iB?fi (91fi) :w:l 4319 (H) ('11G) 4:,?0111 (W1 01 1101;1:ville Hd No1tl1 H1gt1l,1mh. Cal1I 'l:JGliO.
IJinqcr WimJs Wllincr and Sacramento, f 19/U Wl11unr, lm1w11 msllil w1tl1 oranqe lmrdr:r Supm 90, p1J1 ~le
l Milford, (AUNS) Howdy! Bull" completes its first this installment, lt only missed the December calendar ii dignified enough lo spend it's an off-the-wall column, introduced last with an explanation on my helmet, inspired by the artist originally to another title and byline written The editor that although the flying Indian by an astrological sign, April being my month, it's to a pcn,and,ink rcnaition by of her painting, the Great Blizzard of the Northeast has been blessed with
associated sponsor now not, Ihere still smaller sponsors who will put up $5,000, Tentatively there is new $1 in prizes to motorized hang glider event. If you haven't write immediately to Festival of the Killington, VT, l You will an application kit completed with inl'ormation on your background. Don't up against big names for invitation, Competition records count, but, make I his meet interesting as possible to the public, I'm fold there will an effort to fill out the entrant ranks with ladies and people of various backgrounds and regional areas. Englanders, about to their big meet near home, will have an edge through the B Qualifier, This will give them sornc equality with those in other who have had the benefit of relatively close for some Because many "lilllc people" arc still flying tion and will HGMA-ccr1ified, the tion will not be required craft glider not have controversial Ski Arca, Bennington, N,H. is "warm up" for the above official connection with the Vermont activity, but Pko is not open for 11ying), another the Nationals (again, no connection) on July north and may he handle northwest more info, write to Al Coach Amherst, Kevin has called and written about National opened Mount ft, vertical facing NW. and pilot rating required, and only winter, out of tourist when lhe they bogs and lakes of the year. late now, but note that one maybe for next winter while, Kevin has mellow bowls (still talking about sites), tall beach cliffs all the by road, but