A111omalic billow con1pnr1sator doulilni;urlace
Mnchnnical leadin9 edge, batten stops
supportnd lmr fur pnn w f;hout con11ol
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end $4.95 per shirt plus S 1.00 per shin for postage & hand ling. Send check or mone y order to Aerie Design . P.O. Box 36. Asheville. C 28802.
Hang Cliding
OFFICE STAFF: MANAGER: Carol Velderratn Janet Meyer (Advertising). Wendi Tuttle (Membership). Kil Skradski (RenewolsJ. Amy Grav (Hong Ratings) USHGA OFFICERS: PRESIDENT Lloyd Ucher VICE PRESIDENT Dennrs Pogen SECRETARY Jon Cose TREASURER Alex Duncan
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Lloyd Lrcher Alex Duncan Jon Cose USHGA REGIONAL DIRECTORS REGION 1 Joy Roser. Michael Pnngle REGION 2 Jon Cose. Wotloce Anderson REGION 3 Tom M ilkle. John Lake, Michael Riggs. REGION 4 Lucky Campbe11. Ken Koerwlll REGJON 5 none. REGION 6: Jim Wilson REGION 7 Thomas Holey Ron Chris· Jenson REGION 8 Don McCabe. REGION 9• Dennis Pogen. Bob Mortin REGlON 10 Dick Heckman. Jerold Welch REGION 11 . Dovld Broyles. REGION 12· Craig Mavis. Horry Sudwiseher DIRECTORS·AT·LARGE REGION 1 Alex Duncan REGION 2 Uoyd L1cher. REGION 7 David Anderson. REGION 10. John Horris HONORARY DIRECTOR Hugh Morton. EX-OFFICIO DIRECTOR of USHGA os we ore o div1s1on of NAA Vic Powell CIVL DELEGATE. Hor1y Robb. The United Slates Hong Girding Assoclohon. Inc.. Is o div1s1on of fhe Naflonol Aeronout10 Assocroflon (NAA) which 1s the official U.S represenlohve of lhe Federo· hon Aeronaulique Jnlernot1onole (FAI). the world governing body tor sport aviation lhe NAA which represenls 11,e al FAI meetings. hos delegated to the USHGA supervision of FAHelated hang gliding activities such as record attempts and competition sanchons.
HANG GUDJNG magazine rs published for hong girding sport en!huslosts to creole further lnleresl In Iha sport. by a means of open'Communrco11on and to advance hong gliding method$ and safety Confr,butlons are welcome Anyone Is lnvlfed to contrlb<Jte ad1c1es. pho1os. and lllus1ra11ons ooncern,ng hong gilding ochvitle~ If lhe mole11al Is to be returned, a stamped. sell-addressed relurn envelope mus1be enclosed HANG GLIDING mooozlne reserves the right to ed I contributroru where necessary The Assoc1ahon and publieo· lion do not assume responsiblhty for the moter,ol or opinions of confrlbulors HANG GLIDING magazine ts published monthly by the UnHed States Hang Gliding Assoclotron. Inc whose moiling address 1s P.O Bo• 66306. Los Angetes Calif 90066 and whose offices are located 01 11312Y, Venice Blvd.. Los Angeles, Collf 90066, lelephone (213) 390-3065 Secondclass postage ,s paid al Los Angeles, Colli. HANG GLIDING magazine is printed by Sinclair Printing & Lrtho, Alhambra Calif The USHGA ,so mf;lmber controlled educotlanot and sclentlllc organtzotfon dedlaofed to e~plorrng all facets of ullrotlght 111ght. Membership is open lo anyone Interested In lnis realm or Hight Dues for lull membersh,p ore S20 per year (S21 for foreign addresses); subscrlpllon roles ore S15 for one year, S26 lor two years. $36 IOI three years An lnlroduOlary six-month lriol ls ovolloble tor s 7 50, Changes or address should be sen1 six weeks Ir, advance. Including name, USHGA membership number. previous and new address. and a moillno label tram o recent Issue
16 19 20
24 34
40 41
BOOMERANGS! by M.J. Hanson A DREAM COME TRUE ON A QUART OF GAS by George Alexander TENNESSEE TREE TOPPERS ArticleandphotosbyPaul Burns OPEN ENDED OPEN by Pork The Palomar Open ANTARES - Eipper Product Report byEdCesor PILOT AS HERO byMorkSchwinge TOWING, LAKE WHALES, FLORIDA Article and photos by Paul Burns THE EARL CHRISTY BENEFIT FLY-IN byNoncyDonahue HANG GLIDER SHOPS: ArtlcleondphotosbyDonApodaca RICHES OR RAGS? PICO INTERNATIONAL HANG GLIDING INVITATIONAL Article and photos by Paul Burns
DEPARTMENTS 5 5 11 14 18 56 61
COVER, Pico lnvitotlonol champion Fritz Braunberger challenges the treacherous winds of the Golden Gale Bridge, Son Francisco, CA. with a J.L Enterprises Stratus V. Photo by Craig Zurkey. CONSUMER ADVISORY: Hang Gliding Magazine and USHGA, Inc., do not endorse or toke any responslbl!lly for the products odVertised or mentioned editorially Within these pages. Unless specifically explained. performance figures quoted in advertising ore only estimates. Persons considering the purchase of o glider are urged to study HGMA standards. Copyright re, United Stoles Hong Gliding Association, Inc. 1978. All rights reserved to Hong Gliding Magazine and individual contributors.
Nose Angle Sail Billow
110' 1" ,5.2 8 to 1 220 FPM 16,18 MPH 1n\ 1?5,1 /0 Lbs 48 Lhs 30 Ft 18'6" 11 Ft
110" 1'
10'6" $940
5 15 8 to I 220 FPM Hi,18 MPH
207 150,220 Lhs 50 Lbs
32,/, Ft 19'9"
1? Fi 10'6" $960
IN EUROPE CONTACT: Para-Fun lnlernational Juan Garcia Norrebrogac1o 14fl 2?00 Copenhagen N Denmark 0 I fl3 85B6
Ac11n I ~; 'l 11 lS /rer1c1I l eclin1qucs /11;11rn<1111 ll,111q 1;1,11c, s 1111: A.,r:;illu 1111 Sporls 1]1;11111:ll lll'll,I W111q 1;11(i()IS Hurtul:;011 l:l1t1r:k •; lil1d111 ,;11ppl1c•; C1 y:,WI /\11 ~~poi L, l'•'.·,I< 1\11 r:1.tll f Ci) l~dliliCS 1111 I 11ipc1 I !1rct1 ii I lye, Corp I h11111rc V.illrry I Iii 111 lil1il111q C1r11ter
111:.1, ?'.l :JI, Ji ,11, l1 i Ill 1
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Cll1tler /\cr:l!'.-,Sl)I
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~lnor1w111q', c,11ar111II /11111 dll '.)l<v (l111pl11c'; Sky :iil1p ;_;1<y Spor1s
II !1!1 !1B 1111 I; ~ J
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;,,; 111) :l'l >I
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~;() Cit '.dwol ol 11:mr; Ci1i1111q
Steve S11vdc1 l·nt Inc I lw (i1u11111111111101 •; I 1111l111iJ Co l lw 11111111 li11(if:i,; ll1l11c lr111lw1111!1; IJll1111,1lcll1 1.11111111() 1'101111111s
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Iii ~) (]
li•1 ,, ? I :lll Ill >I/ I I) Ii() lib
CA 91408 65·1
John Brandt Dear Bill, i::ir:,,~r:,r,11111 went over the falls and the worst pos,s101e turbulence:: whict1 resulted broken lied my at 450' and within seconds on the nrr111n,1 ! That I love it I owe I have no hesitation in Please wear a B.U.S. With one can never tell how h or what cond may be en· countered and I recommend lots wcrnr one at ALL times. I ly will N fly n witr1out my B.U.S. Yours c::inf'c,,·r:,111 ,Jack
Thank John
I 2 B.U.S. MKIIA (100·180 lbs)
B.U.S. MKIIB (150·250 lbs)
20 Lines to Skirt
22 Lines to Skirt
Weight 6 Lbs.
Weight 71/4 Lbs.
Inner Envelope
Inner Envelope
5.00 WiH1 Container
$330.00 With Container
' II
of this letter of the that includes f only someone who this t mining had been able to n:ach , he might have been of this letter should just stop for one minute and think, "What if fellow had serio11s accident and I was the first or only person to reach him. Would know what to do?" mge all to sign up type or rirst aid course that incl11dcs Tomorrow could be too late. Your of what to do can make the life and death of your that wm,n't he posit ion somebody 011 you and you don't
Bob I layman !artsdale, N . .
in the hard
Mechanics magacdition is the earliest or and I believe the last ( WO
rid,:r, alone.
in the Smith
• M,'squit
Only $1
Low ha1tcity dr;11n up only audio. SlNK mounted controls dnn·t l1ql1t wn1ql1t 11 1 Iii;;)
/\UCU:;J 19/tl
Ill Ill •
Let's face it Most of us don't paid to fly; we fly for fun. And the ALPHA is a glider that's just plain fun to fly.
and Most gliders that are easy to fly sacrifice performance. Until ALPHA Not only does ALPHA intermediate and pilots the relaxed and positive handling they can on; but it also features an sink especially while cranking a tigf1t turn in a small thermal. And ALPHA's high performance is excellent too, insuring good penetration r1nd competitive cross-country capabilities.
I 111111
Controlled Washout Pulley Quick-Deploy Applied Pockets.
well-integrated ALPHA ... it's easy. IN THREE Comp1otc w1t11 snilp hi1fJ
(21/;, wookr; delivery)
the lowc:ir range and making it ideal for In ALPHA you'll soon discover just how enjoyable and easy soaring can be. Standard ALPHA features include: r'cv~H,,vn
·1208-H East Walnut Santa
CA 92701 "' (714) 547··1344
8I weekend in Sall ,ak c lJI all, the Nori I! (Widowmakcr) cold front had just passed the ra1 with well-formed thermals and beautifully unstable conditions, had landed afl er a tcsl looked up and in 011
toward I
earth under a broken Phoenix lt saw it the was broken just behind the I was spinning in ever indivt\ i\flcr three or that it tumbled
about above open everyone brcal lied easier, ahoul 1,200 fl before and eel well behind rhc ridge arrerwards \Jul landed t111hur1, close inspection of the glider and much dclibcrat ion, decided that I he lead
from He didn't into his so the have been Iliat
400/o cord
pilots who were thal al1hou1\h
strong, they not the "ca1111011ball" type that trash lhc to creek
that most like 10 ditiom were 1101 borderline, In my the sll()uld not have
and a thorough before it failccL I know 1lia1 Bcnnctt st ringcnl
t WO
1ificatio11 rcquircmenls and deal of respect for I Boone but there no guarantee that
I he
1ypcs of loads that ive what the talking believe lhat any , I past the
bar ncgat ivc loa,L There has been tremendous progress lhc
the proper lesls lo simulate in-flight loads, should do to
in power 10 come up wilh the additional to alleviate this kind of problcnL still procrastinat Incidentally, if you a parncl1111e, maybe this in you to re-evaluate in favor I'm certainly believer ill having a
recorded on rnhmil world rccorcL
Flighl tests arc now in progress for lhis fully can1ilcvcrcd, high pcrforma11cc flying The end result of over three years
development, the JJl .. 2 is stress 4 Controls arc fully ulilizing clcvalors and LID is in excess of 15/1. pounds. Ship has been flown at l 10 mph More information will follow at the complclion of the night test program.
from the
Gary Valle for the HGMA ·crlification ·ommillcc
The management of Bill Bennett's Delta Kites and Gliders woulcl like to
munity the true facts grounding of The
As a result or the recent nigh! incidents involving Rich and John Bran!, Phoenix Mariah while piloting Della 170's, the HUM/\ held a Ccrtifkation Committee mecl l 978. The following actions were taken. Information available to Ille Committee, concerning the incidents, was reviewed and on the basis or this information the c·ommittce voted that there was a "Question of Compliance" per Section I of the HGMJ\ Airworthiness Standards. The original Record of Compliance was then reviewed and, by a majority vote, compliance wi1h the current Airworthiness Standards verified. I fowevcr, it was noted that one of the was a batten of a different lypc than that specified in the certificntion and that the compliance of this modification had not been eslablishcd. Following this review, Delta Wing presented documentation con· ccrning the addendum of a dcikxor cable modification to the Record of Compliance. The Commitll:c voled that the docurncnta· lion was in accordance with the current Standard. lt should be noted that ncit her this vote, nor the complianc'.C vcrifica1ion vote imply that the HGMA Certification Committee has determined the cause or the incidents and/or lhc effects of any subsequent modifications. Al this time
insufficient information concerning pitchovers is available and any statement would he premat urc. However, Section 1.23 docs allow for "conditions or characlcristics not adequately considered in the Airworthiness Standard," ancl stat cs I hat "l'ormal recommendation will be made to the HGMA Board concern the modification of the airworthiness standard so as to proclnclion gliders.'' om rccommcndat ions arc: 1) Test Grigsby's Mariah 170 with both ba!lcn types 011 several other test vehicles to establish correspondence between Delta Wing's follow-up tests and various manufacturer's test vehicles. 2) Research lhe problem of pitchovers by a) flight tcsb b) continued vehicle lcsts c) in airplane dynamics in order to iuformat ion the critical variables the likelihood of pitch-overs. affect 3) Assimilate all available information resulting from this research and at the earliest possible dale formulate preliminary guidelines and tests concerning the possibility of pitch-overs, in orclcr that these may be included ill the standards 110 later than January 1, 1979. 4) Restate the need for manufacturers to apply for an addendum to the Certificate of Compliance if the is modifa:d
I he !'acts arc these. Rich after flying for about ten minutes in conditions clc,,cribcd him as being very choppy, with and thermal lift at Ncwmans Mountain, CJ\, entered a turn and was suddenly pitched nose down at about a 120° to 130° The broke in a ncgat ivc di rec·· tion at the comprcss',on strut junction caus· to roll on its back; recovery ing the being impossible, he let go of the control bar and deployed his parachute. Opening in I imc, his chute a safe The glider Rich was flying was fitted with the battens; more new about this later in the test explanation. The second incident occurred when .I ohn Brant was pract for the at Palomar. To quote John, "I was in really turbulent air when I was suddenly slammed from behind, harder than in my l have ever The went over the falls so that l knew something had lo break The fell at this altitude a excess of 50 mph when the leading it impossible for 1hc glider broke, mak to recover. Almost im,1a11tly the chute deployed and I lauded softly aud News of this incidcn1 reached Delta Wing at 3: 1 p.m. Friday, and the decision was made to telex and telephone the world that Mar·· iahs were grounded until we could investigate this incident l·vcryonc flew into action at the Delta factory. and after thoroughly debrief. the Dick Boone realized that the problem was one of structural integrity after severe and unusual conditions, so he set about rectifying the problem. Monday morning at 7 a.m. the crew was already the modification at Weisman Airport in Sylmar. Load test, positive and and pitching moment tests were carried out and recorded. Evcryt hing proved 10 be well HC,MA certification so the production kit was to the started and the green Mariah flyers wailing at Palomar for the
/\IJCUS I 19 ! fl
l'crc11ccs bet ween kites and h,irncsses, it is !lot possible to design in detail a device common to all But the
In the Fchrn:1ry issue of llang (i/irling there wa, a icllcr system using st rel chcd ac1w,s I he cont rnl bar 'onncct irn t me pnrticularly aware of the tragic come qucncc, of failinp to hook up: thcrcf'orc, any efforts 10 reduce accidcnls from that cause arc of interest. lJnfor11111atcly, the device described ha, some problems. II appears to be lo me, is not a permanent part of the kite, and in commo11 with all other ;,chcmcs tlial have been proposed to date, 1he flii:r lo remember to reactivate the means ,1ftcr each flighl or period or The most met hod in the world cannot protect if thLTl: is ,o much bother involved that it iL, use. ;\11y system that aims to protect from lapse of' memory is ddicicnl if' it requires you to remember lo make it work. rlic following proposal will remedy some or these deficiencies. Because of the dif
the same and ,:an vidual needs. The basic idea shown in figures l and l shows a Io launch who has forgo11c11 to hook up. The flier made aware or this a (a) that is at level obstrncling the VICW. When Ihe 11icr lllloked up as shown ill figure the warn· (a) has bccll elem ol' the The met hod whereby I his accomplished is he 011 the drawstring hook (b) and ;1ltaches it lo the harness or the drawstring (c) The the mast (c} back such that the ends up out of the flier's unhooks rrom the vision. When the kilc, he must alsn unhook himself from the hook (b). Since the mast (c) tltat carries the 1s biased, it will snap back down to I he warning 1011.
The location of the mast on the keel and the and local ions of the have to he' found by trial and error. Bui there one point that is critical. The top or the flag should be at about eye level with the pilot in the launch posit ion. This is Io make sure I hat in a
stiff brcc!(\ the docs not blow above one's head and oul of Figme :l shows I he warning flag assembly st owed for Willi some kites, such as the Dragonfly, the warning flag mast cannot be permanently moumcd on I he keel because it would interfere with scl,up. In such cases, the mast ha<, Io be made removable, hut the entire assembly can still be permanently attached to the kite by the which is I ied Io I he control bar. i\ , but somewhat kss cffcclivc crnbodimcnl of this system (sec c;m he made by the rnasl by a length of cmd with a wc:ighl ,11 ii, end. The weigh I serve, I he ,amc purpose a, the ,prinp in that it restore, the lbg 10 ii, warning pmition after unhooking and ii at level in a hrcu.c. rhc device I have clcscribcd is nol foolprnol, and while ii cannot ,ubstilulc for pcr,onal judgment and respomihilitv, it would no doubl reduce the han1rd of foq1.c11in!' 10 hook 11p. Frnic !!oilman I IANC CLIDINC
rn J> Arn NEW
' 'Ill
pilol li<1hilitv 1:1surc111n· monthly publicalion H/\N(i CUDIN(; m,1q,11irw Provides (1 1ned1urn for discussion vit1 pilot<) c1nd in•.;h uct<n') rnee1s for loct,L ni.1t1on<1l t111c! mtcrnation;:ll ch<1n1pionsliip'::i r,ecu,3ni!(''I rn1lst.111di11u flyi11q with Otto Lil1l'11th<1l i\wdrd, you n,11ion,1llv ,md i11tcrm1t1on,1lh; tlnouqh the N,it1rn1c1I /\crnn,111tic i\ssn (Ni\/\), ,, divh1on Fedvr,11 i\eron,mtique lntc111c1tirn1c1lc IH\I) Tll li,Nrn hetwe<'n pilot ,rnd the public inq h,1rni qliclm<J <1t government levels
I :1pply for rnemhnship 111 lhc lJrnted
H.mq C,lidin<J
lONl (
fm ;mrmal A,, c1 lull nwrnlwr you
AUGU\l 19lcl
pilot li,1bilily
When Ute wind dies ...
M .H Some arc apt to tell st orics, some Oil and Oil, some go to sleep, some glide down anyway, some wait, some do yet another check. It was l m.p.h. at the lmltom you swear Don't waste time, throw a boomerang .. from one branch or aero· dynamics to another. Ideal boomerang throw· calm. H the wind
Boomerang Association. John McMahon of claims consecutive catch record of 389 cat chcs and l, 166 yawns. The late l'rnnk Doncllan used 10 blindl'olc! himself, launch a boomerang and knock an off his own head a la William Tell. Joe cnn catch boonwnmgs with his feet.
The dis Iancc record st ands at 108 yards there, and 108 yard, back by I lcrb Smith or Sussex, llcn Ruhe of D.C. hokb a boomcnmg school and a well attended conll'.,I each year al the Smith· son ian ! mt it ut ion Next time the wind dies then... ..,_
no real
even hunch or grapes can rel urn! Boomcnmg., (returning type) arc prctly machines. They've been thrnwn by bushmen sincc times. There arc and left lrn11ded versions. Those or a cack·handed nature view I lie (not the writing) i11 a mirror A lcfl ·hanclc:d i., the mirror image of a right hanclcd one. the copter's rotor in a vertical it forward mid at the same time the lop mm moves through the air f'asler than the lower one and generates m01T lifl This would I ilt the The over if ii weren't fact that it docs causes it to act like a gyroscope and instead of Iill ing over it pre· ccsscs, i.e., it turns to the left (from a bird's eye view). As the l'light continues the boom .. crang spins less so to im:rcasc the upward lift cmnpoucnt the "lies down," , converts lo spinning in a hmizontal Al'tcr about ten seconds it should end up spinning just above your hcacl and drop into yom hands. The rate of aboul 10 r and forward when ii leaves the thrower about 80 f.p.s. They do work. To convince yom· self take two I f't. rulers and clast ic I hem t ogct her . Othn boomerangs an: shown. good q ual it y birch Launch as you would a tennis serve. Give plenty or spin. If the wind sup to m.p.h. start a move to your glider, it for throwers tend 10 tl1c ccccnl ric. l ,orin Hawes for i11s1 am:c was a al I .os Alamos. lie gave ii nuclear up, moved down under and became of the Mudgccraba Creek Furn
r1 ing
a rm harnlcd
/11JCU!, r 19 7fl
JULY 29AUCUST F.AA llyin and motor l1ang qlicJn1 activitins. Hmim on r:rap· Winq flight. Or;l1kosl1.
by local businesses will for 3 dciys. Fo1 111010 111formation contact Bay l.oonarcl, Box 10:,47 Zupily1 Nevada 89448
AUG. 4·7, 1::ourt11 Annual Mt
S[PTLMBf:R 1·1 MoatJ World lnv1tat1onal H311q Gl1cJ1ng "Tournament, Moat! Utah
f;wansea, lnverrnere, f3ritlsf1 Colurnhia,
AUGLJS'I 7 1978 Mountain !nvitational at Grou~:;e Mountain, Vancouvm. Eoritish Columbia AUG Fiftl1 Arrnual World Boat 1ow Mteet, Cypress Gardens, r::lorida. AUG. 17·1G, Fourth Annual [loat Tow Meet, Chicago Illinois. AUGUST 17·20, Fourth Annual felluriclo Ma11ufacturors In· vitational. foll111iclo, Colo raclo,
AUGUST l'l ,~ ?O.
tition rrwet c\ G , Lake Tahoe HancJ Glidmq Tow Tournament Cove
6 7
B40?ll. (flO I) :,71 4044 SU'T[MBl:H 2 1978 tors of Hang Gl1cl1nc1 Cham p1onsh1ps at Crandfat!ier Mtn lrw1tat1onal USHGA ,;a11cl1orwci l'or lurtl1er in· formation. wnte Box 1?8. l.1nv1llu, NC 2tl64G 2, 3rd Annual $500 casl1 Chattanooga. noqistration and $1 entry foe Air Space, Clrnttan· Inc., ooga, SEPTEMBER 16· 17, Mid Colurnllin Gorge (31icJors' 3rr1 Annual Pitt Open, noar l<lickitat, Washing ton. Troplli0s: tlyors' tireakf,1st, and lots rnoru. For write or call: Alba 13arl l1otomuw, P.O. 13ox Klickitat, Wn 98628, (Li09) 3(l9 4892.
OCTOBEF\ 1922, Tim Arm:ri Cup. lnlornatiomil cornputition. Cllattanooqa,
Sponsored Inc.
H DECEMBER 16·17, Wriqht Bro· tllors 75111 Anniversary Sale. Soaqull sorvico clinic. Motorizocl fly.in.
SEPTEM B[:R (). to, Hano Ill rat inq clinic. Orville Wrigt1t 1911 Orville,
inn seminar.
ig AUGUST ~·7, Auqu,;t (Beat,rtw· Heat) Splash·ln AUGUS1 19 & 20, Wornen,ln Seminar (IC or Women ancJ i0 ilots of tlie Lighter Winq LoadirHJ Pnr suaf;ion) SEl'TLMBER Tl1ird Annual Lal)or Day Fun Fly·ln SEPT/OCT ?9 ?, Crosf,·Cour,try Seminar with Snec1c1I Guest rn ConJ(mct1on witl1 the Greil! Flace
OCTOBFR 28 & Hollowoen Costumo Ffy.fn; Unusual competition NOVEMBFH 24·2G, Thanl,s, Turkey Fly·ln, Brown's Store l"ree Flyer Feast DECEMBFFl 2~·31, Christmas/ New Year's Fun 1:1y.Jn.
Wasl\inqton State Winq, ... Dealc;r inquirius ir1vi\c,cl
Scrv1ncJ tlie Creat Nort11wcsl'
J\UCUS I 197 fl
1 Alm mt every act ivc hang gli(kr pilot has heard of the Tennessee Tree Toppers. Many have listened to pcrsonnl acconnls from roppcr members, of the memorable flying experienced at one or the roppcr
for a SIICC('.SS l\il program in a given area. It hard working people, organization and determination to reach Through the example or few hard workers in a club,
alone is not
Don Guass
established flying sites in the 'lrnttm1ooga, Tenn. ,m:a. One may hear of smooth ridge lift, cross.country rlying, or 4,000 ft. thermal gains, or possibly a scenic sunset "wonder wind" soaring flight. Geographically, the Chattanooga area is ideally suited to hang gliding, with long regular lines ranging in elevation from 1,000 ft to 2,000 fl., cxlcnding for many miks without major gaps. But geography 2()
lion in becoming pilots. The first information about hang known 10 these business partners and long time Tennessee residents, was t It rough I he news media; accounts of early aelivities
Dick Stern
the stimulaled to work together with a strong sense of direction and pride in their organization. So it with the Tennessee Tree Toppers; two men who represent major contributors to the Tennessee Tree Toppers' ('TTT) existence and continued success arc Don Guess and Dick Stem. The story of the evolution or the TTT cannot he presented without parallel story or Dick and Doti's evolu-
in California. Their curiosity aroused, the pursncd gathering more infor. mation about 1his imriguing form of flight, and their efforts were rewarded with an ad from Free Flight. Little time passed before 1he purchase price of a Free Flight 18 ft standard kit was pooled; and an order in the mail was made to the California based company, along with a request for all information available on hang T'ht: H/\NG GLIDING
nol scheduled, but
drawn to
,oolwut to meet the Dw11cr then being med ,ha trash du111p above Trenton, Mr was very receptive to the 1Tquc,1 for 1hc,1' men to hang from hi, prnpert even offered his wife: if one of the pilot, w:111tccl to lake her for lamlcm (dual) 1 The Wilh Wing had been 011 the rn:11,kc1 for :1whilc )ick and Don had 'cm, a11d the flyer, soarnblc conditiom with About thi, 1in1c the i11crc:1,i11µ and tT;,ul,ir meetings in en joyed csl:1hlishc·d
or bluff proper!
prohahlv The
and Dick travckc!
firs I thcv lllll\Tcl IO :111
vnion·d th,'ir 1·ir,1 dose of allitudc. !he 1m1111:d rcali1atio11 thal their ,kill, , :111d their quc,t fo1 lunger timr",, ,pawned a fm hiplw1 hill Imm 11hi,·li to lh !hr· Im llwir cllorh !!ill ill tion for mile', anl1md rl\l', ,mcll c11fr,,iom dmiug c:irlv mining da1, in ·01\Jwr Hill clc1a1ion, with I landing 011 a ,h:dlm1 portion ,if 1hc· c,lupc, a hon· the h:hc. ,lidc pnlorn1. :rn.:,: of 1hc ha11g glider w,h lhc ck1crmi11. f:i,·1or in ,·hoo,in12 lhc l:111dim?. area. holl)'h ·oppcr I Jill w:h highc1 lhan the prcviow, 'lcvcland ,,itc, Ilic pair anted more altil11de, I
a shml
I Cllll '
two !'or
back it in
o the
know how rlew co11ld", divinp 180° lurn field, barely making ion from which
I hem con f'idcnce indeed hang glider pilots! weekend found lhc pair 1 h frit'nd and fellow Conditions were quite day, with the wind blowing into tile face or the mountain al I mph, ins1cad of the to mph winds rncrnmtcrnl Ihc week Trcmbk sci his glider up a,, the remainder 01· the group checked condi1iom. ' noticed ii (the 11ind) w:1s up 0111 in front of the t oil", said iucss, "but we did11'1 anything about launches; you imt had to nm harcl and JJCIIC· tlat the 1crtical :tir "Ric hacked up Crnm 1l1v hlufl as 1v:h posc,i\Jlc before bt:ginning his u1kc-off nm, some 10 feet [he result 1\:1, :1 cl:1,si,. · stall and blow hack, i11juri11g pilot lrcmblc Nat ur , 1hi, 11ch a ,crirnh ".?I hack for Did :ind D(lil il' 11 :h :1 1 en· good friend, The rr·trcalc'd hack Ill Cn·,tal C:\\crn, 10 holll' their thi11!' ,kilh, :me! t lic'i1 k ll(l\\ lcd,•c of micTomct,:oroloµ1 turn" in the "killer lriccl, and few knew !he mancu--
tricd before he k
glider transport of pilots top of the 810 fl.
advantage of the next to test the new lt workcd 1 Soon Stern also mastered the and 360° turns big part uf each rliglit, rurthcr confirming their claim of being "pilots", and increasing I enthusiasm for the sport. ':ulv m 197,, AUCU'.,T 197il
t'igurc i11 tlic Toppers' dcvclopmc111 umoo12a by thi.s time, act pilot, P11hlishcr). brought orpaniza11on and bu,im',, ,cnsc high kvcl ol to the loppers motivation contagious, and :1ffrc11:cl many of the local members Things stalled to happen. new take off ramp erected on the .ookout site, the nf take off\ in all wind l(naus,, and an insuran,:e program 11p, a, saf'cl ha, alway, a primarv concern for the ub. Progress w:1sn't alway, smooth lor the a, the 11,11al flying incidents !tampered pmgrcss, accompanied by :it least one unusual i11ci dent. the launch ramp al the I .ookout Mt, 'artv B111fl site con strnctcd from wood Slwnlv after it,, crnnpktion a local "nut" torched the strnc· I lrnrncd it to the F11nds made available from the for the con•,tnrctioll of a
new ramp of concrct c. I didn't have The
and Don were
the locals
, with foreign mem Soul Ii and !'mope. ,·lmngc in safely rcgula· tiom complving with currclll state of the art kJ1owlcd1!c and li:1, been swift and dcfinit the a trnly cnctH1raµi 111 1 sa 1·c1 y pasl record 01· !IC\\ ,itc,, drncc that Ilic ,:l11b is living up to its motto: existing sit create ne1, flvill!' ;,itc, and promote the prn.12n:s,ion of lianp ?licli11.1c, Ii 1hrcc of her,, frnrn
compc1i1io11 fi1fr,hing o I ,1 field of 300 of
"I never thought it would get this no wav!" and hl? added, "l wanted 1rnod si1cs to N(m lots of 11thcr people arc rlyi11!' 1hcn1 a,, well!" Gucs.c, is happy w i Ih I he Jen 11c"cc Tree Toppers' progress a, a "hole. and he and I )ick St crn arc rct1i11 2, their altitude in dmcs llcc1mc ol their gcncrom and 011tgoing pcrsonali1ic',, Don (iuc,s and Dick Stern knc met hundred, of new friends, through their i111ol\l:mcn1 with hang glidi1w The 11,,·111lin, or the club have bcncfitccl from the· work clone b\' thc,c men dircctlv, as \irtualh C\ site in the Chat their effort,. \1orcmcr, hang .ulidin,;, in gcncrnl c,1n ,a1 thanks to these men, became, when \Oll plan 10 1i,i1 ( ·11a11:mooga to fil·, riv \llll \1ill m1 friend, Did and Don and the rc11nc,,c,: free I oppcrs han' ,ccn to that'
5 sizes to choose from 15 sq. feet
• 155 to
.. ......... 4.45 . ''. ' ... ''. '' ''. 102°
Min sink ........ ,, . ,, ....... , . 275 ft/min
Three battens per side
. $5.95 Womer1's Tops.
Add $1.00 postage & handling per shirt '(5().50 inlorlock knit)
H-2 Clouds
(Line drawing printed on Beige and Yellow, Navy on Lt. Blue.) H-6 Sunset (Highlv detailed full color) H-8 Flocket Man (Highly detailed full color) f+10 High F'lying (Highly dntailed full color) MM'li 11lz1111: SM L XL (f'rinted on Back) Wom@n'l!l 1111:res: S ML (Printed on Front) Shirt Color11: Lt. Blue, Yellow, and Beige
To Order: Please send check or money order. Specify shirt type, size, design name and number, two shirt color choices and your return address to: Go
PO. 92672
Californians add
Send check or money order to: 101 Dealers'
CA 90250
Allow 3 weeks for IIANG GLIDING
The Palomar Open, delayed ror weeks by unusual rains and flooding in Soul hem California, got off to a faltering start on MonJune 19, 1978. Like a green thoroughbred, it found the wrong pace and burned out in the stretch, barely crossing the finish line before it collapsed. With only 54 pilots entered in the US!!CiA sanctioned regional competition, it was no record breaker, but some lkrcc onc-orHmc flying showed 11ashes of promise ancl excitement for spectators and pilots alike. Among the pilots present al the Monday morning were t hrce who had suffered the narrowest of escapes. Within a fortnight of the meet, Rich and John Brant had their gliders tuck and break. Bolh deployed parachutes and walked away from their accidents. Just call me tmnbles," grinned Bran! lold me he'd struck a !rec and made a sland-up land Jon Lindburg, a former Hawaiian pilot with over l ,000 hours of air I ime, made the classic mistake of gctt too close 10 the cliff at Torrey Pines I he Thursday before the meet. Spun against the side of the north face, .fern's glidc:r fell and wedged ii self into a crevice, saving the life of its pilot, who then had a hard time getting clown. When he did get down, he took some hard words 24
from his concerned brother Judge Chuck Stahl announced at that firs! meeting Monday that only I pilots had registered for the pro class. There was talk of refunding I he pro monies, and ii was decided to finish the regionals off before st art the pro meel. "Today is practice with competition," said mcel organizer Bill Armstrong. There was considerable grumping. Rich and Joe Greblo lhreatcned to go home. "My opinion," said Jerry Jacobson, "is that nobody knows what I doing. Bui that's okay because nut hing's happening can't make it to the anyway. And nationals, cit her." An hour later, up al lhe two launch plat forms, pilot picked practice opponents. A light breeze angled in from the or lhc west and a pair or ravens circled in the skinniest or lhcrmals. A curlyhaired novice compel ii or, San Dicgan Bill Floyd, made a swooping launch wilh his Starship from lhc favored sixteen by eight foot cast platform. Would-be competitors Dave Beardslee and Marty Waller were told in regional compelilion they couldn't because Bcardslee's Alpine (the same one he'd flown in two seasons of sanctioned competition) and Waller's Fledgling were
not certified. These were among the smaller problems encounlcrcd by producer Armstrong. Tuesday morning, the first day or official competition, found Armstrong a mile short of officials and flag-wavers. Ten had promised to come, but only two made it. Spectators were even harder to come by. Cows were much more common lhan people in the landing area. The remot c site and the June heat likely accounted for that, since Armstrong had expended considerable effort the news media to attend. "Sure, said Bill, "We've got problems. But we're dealing wi1h them as they happen, one al a time. The view from the top of Mt. Palomar that clear Tuc:sday morning was sizable, from a few thin white cirrus clouds over Laguna Peak and Big Black Mountain to the southeast, across green and rocky hills with San in the soul hwest ern dist ancc, under a darker smudge tlial marked the Pacific, around and out lo the west where the blue water lay under a low haze. The sky was bluest above the broken of Palomar, and conditions seemed righl for the meet to begin. Luck of the draw found Jones HANGGUDING
.am1ch dircclor
any! irnc hi., counldown to open the window. counted, nnd launched his Mcmlji-paintcll Mariah. with his brown 011 his Grigsby cleared lhe mou111 or ran and !kw oil with sinking. roule, found himself firsl on lhc grnnnd, with au
importm1L a pilol high and quickly his lask was 10 make: many an he c011ld, people waved flags, within landinv. I hat did not visibly damage pilot glider it Grigsby, Brant and Und/)//rg
Ii kcly I he champion would be among I hose wil hout ddcal. They were:
Kellogg M icl iacl /\dams Jacobson
Joseph Boynton Bill Floyd Joe (,rcblo
superior pilot skills. Once I hings 1;01 morning, the doublc-climinat ion
flying one to
weekday flew their
Thursday's start !Jy down wind condil ions, and lat er the fflL'CI held up winds in the afternoon.
allowed then, during Ille hours of in the hul we11I
for I c:almed down,
Thursday morning few pilo1s The double elimination pilot lo take and !Jul at this poinl it AUCU:;r 19/il
and assisting before
for business or personal Fenn was 011c or I hcsc. disc:nchanlcmcnl with the nationals. eouldn'1 back there even ii' place," said and loss. take the time from work. /\nd after the cm1di1ions last year,
conditions thal held Ille mccl up 1m1il p.rn. Temperatures that day got lo 100 in the landing 1.onc. Ille round or compctilion lhal found hard to dcfc.it Bill
who was flying his supine. shear set them on their tails descended near called Japanese Mtn. !'he returned Jerry (with now f'or mis;;ing heat) gol an 1111mm1l tic with Bruce Morton, and bnt Ii advanced with a win. It was for both pilots to lose a heat, too. That when Jon Lindburg couldn't make lhc landing and his opponent failed to make the landing circle. At Ille end of the day only nnd Boynton, an , remained unbeaten. Saturday I he las I of the regional The scheduling showed lhat Un:blo and Boynton, with four sl raight wins, would 1101 fly togcllier. (,rcblo made another startling but lost 011 points to !'au! Robinson. The same hot, gusly I hcrmals blew through the lm1diug Palomar's ridged slopes Morion became the firsl lawaiian lo qualify from the Soulhcrn California in turbulent condi1ions, Tim Joseph flew against Boynl011. Both took
Don Partridge lands his ASG 2/·C
from the air, and Boynton appeared the winner as the rest of the pilot waited on top. Around five in the afternoon Boynton flew against Greblo with a chance to win the contest, as Boynton was the last unbeaten flyer He preceded .Joe to the course by two minutes and seven seconds. Both pilots had the same number of turns, and Boynton seemed to have the meet won, but despite a careful approach he dragged his XC's left tip in the bushes and landed out of the circle, sending the meet into at least two more rounds. Action in the sixth round saw the l qualifiers flying against one another Back in the fifth round, overcame a hard landing to beat Paul Robinson, 14 turns to Robinson's I Bill Floyd's Starship outsank Robinson' Phoenix int he sixth. Floyd stayed up longer but had fewer Iurns and the novice would have lost had Robinson failed to make the landing circle. Don Partridge broke a set of dcflcxors in the overheated landing zone, but even with 50% of his score lost for Don eliminated Jerry Fenn's . Sterling Stoll put Tim Joseph out when .Joseph had a bad landing. All heal six 26
J'lycrs who were awarded the cast course wm1. In the late afternoons lhe sun offered that side an advantage. There were five winners, and drew a bye for heat seven. On Sunday it came down to t hrec Oreblo and Partridge. This time Don drew the bye as business partners Grcblo and flew to eliminate each other He watched as Cireblo amazingly with through the first half or the course. "I was worried for a while," said "That wast he first time somebody was over me." Halfway out, however, Rich hooked a thermal with a good right turn and negated .Joe's advantage. Then he requested from his glide and pulled ahead, to the course about 20 seconds before Grcblo. alone would have won for but the former Han[; G'!idin[; editor gol more turns than partner Greblo, and Joe finally blew a landing to end their tough but friendly competition. In the same move that got his 10 meter so far intn the meet, Joe lost his speed from a cont rolled slip and slid in short or the circk.
Take-off from platform
Only a few pilots entered the pro meet. First prize was to be $1 and second plac<; earned a weekend for two in a cabin on Lake Henshaw. Both sides of the course were open to the contestants, allowing them 10 make better use of thermals as 1hey competed to make the greatest number of figure 8's, 360° turns. Duration time was a factor, but was to be used only in the event or a tic. /\s and Part waited for launch conditions and headwinds to improve, the pros new. Armstrong got off some 20 turns the first contestant. While Arm st Heron was in the air, Jack Martin failed to make the landing area for the second Several 01 her pro pilots soared the top, including Dave Beardslee and Bill Floyd, but came down with rewcr turns over the course, as lift conditions deteriorated on the top and bottom of the mountain. Floyd's tactics below the launch earned him a duration time well in excess oft wo hour;,. The 4 p.m. clcacllinc found Floyd and several 01 hers near Paloand conclusive flight of the HANG GLIDING
Inc (;n:blu
llill l·lovd Stul111g StDll Jcrt\' .lacolhon lc1r\' h . ·11n
lwo 1111·
Vvnltn:1, ( ·a
D<lH' Bov11tun
Sarn~1 H.irliara,
I 1
Mike Jon,·, Brnl'C 1V1orton
l)onl 1 a1trid11v
AS<; 21 (
Bill Anw,! ronv llill l lovd l·cnn
I I 1978
I 0111•. llcacl1, ( ;\
;\,1!1:llacl i\d;111h S<t!ll<l Barbara, Rc,cda, ( ·;\ Bill ll'Connrn
Now it could head ror the barn.
()1c111gc, Ci\
I irn Jo\cph Paul Rohin\ull
Ste\ en I uiia
Ridianl c;riv'>h:,- ('hat\\\·or!h, ('/\
V,111 Nlly,, San ]))ego, long fkacl1, Ci\ (mla:Vk,;i,(
0 (
llCCl!llO!l!f,i1 1 ( ' ; \
Scap.llll lOVI S1 a1.,llip Scar1ill lOM :11ariah Spvdn Plioc11i\ 8
M111i;iil PlllWlll\ 8 J1
Yorba I inda,
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f)ll'gt), (,\ San Diq.w,
011111gc, (
lkron Star,l1ip Spvdc,
Lessons ~ Sales
Flight Accessories Airbrusheci T-Sh,rts
C. (). D, ACCEP'r[m
;u5. oo
92064 71
PHOENIX SllPER-B the easy-to-fly Supership
Nose angle
Able to rise on a brnath of air . penetrates gale with equc1I .. No wonder the PHOENIX SUPEfl·8 11as becorne thc:i rnosl glide:)r ot all time. Not only has the HGMA fully c,,rtlfit,d this for 1978, tt1ere fistful! ot nt~w wllich make it even bEitter than before . ~
Leading edge ~·"";,c..,_,........ ,......._,.....+.a""""'· ·-·-····-.. .,_.,.........1••=:,~.--········-..·--···· ..•,
KEJe! Sail area Aspect ratio
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Internally adjusting stainless steol <ieflector
Improved droop lips. WE)'VfJ l<~ipl thE) 01 i[linal fef)fJlKl.
which made
P.O. Sox 483, Van Nuys, California 91408 2131785·2474 • 213/787•6.600 •
1111· CUMPIFI[ OUlfll !INC ANII so1mu 1300K I C,fl IWIG GLIDINC M1c!1anl Mn11dulsrrn ll1shll'V 1·1rn1i;ls <Hc:r":
'-;ur1f:'; 11 Y
scl10oh sitfJ'; SKYS/\IUNC t1y Hick Cc11 r1cr arvl 1nst111cl1on hy Jar1ws Mra10K I l1ql1t t11eory
13 3
7 9:l
J Gh
a11d rneteoroloqic;il d:i1il
HANG f"( IC/11 l)y Jot: /\dlcsnn and /11ii Wrll1arw; l h1rd 1:d1t1on
II ~
instrnc11oi1 1na1111al
udit1on 11' ! t1as1c
tiy Korth Shor win li1 1;tury t111Cl rnor1r1 n ;ind cons1derat1on CIJNOI !IONS llenn,s l',iqe11 M1cror11c1eorolooy to1 p11o1:. 90 illw; tiy NO[ s1mWN !l/\N(i GUO ING /\NO FI_YING SKI[ IS lly fkllrll'., r>:1qen I\ 1nstr11r-t1or1 :n;mt,al for twu11111eh lo (,UlfJI AfillONA. IJy Wilson llakr,i :,Cl f,l(!CS
ll 7 llR
ll 9
G bO
111 /\111ona
D /-!
S C 50
!Jy !Jofl S.k 1nDI' r inri
ll-11 $111 9:i
P1ctrmal l11sto1y pilot CO'rH1wn1s f)11otoi, MANNI ll KIi ING. !Jy IJ;in l'OY'liUr
SIMl'l 1/ lf/J ITWOllMANCI ll'SI/NG l>y J,irk l'ark
) ?O
ll 14
liANG [;I IIJINI, I OG IJOOK J? [l11Cj8'., 1Ji,1,1qncd r.c;per,dlly 10, pilots 4' i' X I HAN(, (ii lll!NC MANUAL AN!l I 0(; hy [)a11 for IJC(J!l1')Cl'I
1 (~)
/\11 cl'>'.)Ct 10 111S11 l1Clors :11
l /\I Sl'O!HING COi)[ Prov1ilWi ti ,I' rnq1wcrne11l'~ 1or records. dcilmverncnls !l;Hlqes am! World C!\;nnprons1110:,-
1 no
ITEMS lJSIIC/\ rMf31JM T-SillPl 100% cottor1, illC)!I (l!idli!y Ord'lq() onlv Mens :;_ M. ! X-l (please circle IISIIGA [ Milli M CAI' llnc SI/C fits 1nl IY/X' W IJSll(iA e111hlc111 NAVY ill OIIANGI circle color) 1 lJSllG/\ srw-ON EMBU-M llldl1H:tc1 1ld COior (rer1 ,Hid oran(it: on a yc1iow-oranq1! !J;1ckqrn1rnd w l)lacK
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cl,amcter l'cwter w c;1lvc,
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drd1nrrer lull coiu1
· icl 1<111,nr \)(' nanq ql1d1nq
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Mrnc11ANDIS[ Sll[l lClAI Caiilo1111ans acid
HANG GLIDING/ GROUND SKIMMER BACK ISSUES Speedy by circling 1ss1H' nu1)1!)e1
MAIL WITH CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: USHGA, Box 66306, Los Angeles, CA 90066
1'111N!T11 COPIES 19 ?O. 11 ??
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ORDERING INFOFlMATION Enter quantity and price of each item ordered. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Thank you for your order'
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llM;rc SAil IY ll[GIJIAIIONS (f'AII[ 100,
IJSHld, I'll Ill PIIOIICII NCY i'IIO(;IIAM il'Alll 1041 Con;;umer ddv1sory Op1rHO'IS I\Of dOC'
adl101s 0 1 /r'itf;d /JOCJ><S do not necessarily reflect USIICA rol1cy constitute enclo1serncnt
011 the market 10
myslcrious litllc mom the . t stays sh 111 most of
t imc.
record tlrnl it warrants atten· al
you with the a ssocia I cd What [ will do how I he Antares flies point of view. one before you p111 that line. I glider 10 bore
, or i II our
ly in line with in front of the noscplatc. looked to that tube hold t
in automobiles do.
humlrc<b 01· homs and protol modi fical ions. the
now has
011 positive and m:galivc all prototypes. In one or the will note load scale wilh the and the left one (lhc 1,750 lbs. This load t csl 'or a 1,900 lbs.
between lhc sail loft and the shop is
The set up time is as that of conventional
You should
and tightens up COiii iOi l /8 in. and the t stronger than :1 rounded lower base tube.
Antares has static takc,off, with the nose remaining at1it11dc unt lilt-off nose pop 011 launch. also ill higher winds.
to level your The 19ft
. ft.)
ft., but it feels like rt inertia that "heavy out there. The controls arc and sensitive with the proper control pressures I hat tell you tile limit oft he craft The most popular that have the charact crist ics. The no
will not and
is even. After the turn is initiated,
Breakdown can if you follow the manual's procedure for wire storage. With the additional wires it can a bit until you'v(; flown it a few times.
:ondusion to the maximum extemion of your arms, the ;\11tan:s will 1101 stall. 1.:vcn at low I here is st ill good
at spiral
movcrncnl i,, st nose won't fall
hang rntat ing up for landing, push out fully and insuring that all forward
of convcnliorrnl
The th firs I American t rnly radical depart urc from convent ion al design. st resscs I hat :i glider can be built to possess any number of desirable characteristics, but to have them in proper to meet the needs of J'licr The Antares into with highf you happen one, or your dealer has be worth your while Yon could be
man has looked skyward, be to fly Phoenix VI-C Prmenix VI C"' with its docile but h igr1ly characteristics, ""'""'""'""'" even the most unruly pilot into refined expert Reco1rn111er1de1d for the student as wel I Phoenix truly glider to grow with.
All of the the superships Cambernd Billow cut sails Triple tubular deflexers Fully battened radials High enerl)Y FUN!
sail superships Unique handling suitable for ,;1u,u,:,11u; The glider to grow
your Jes.sons!
Dollar Man demeanor Flashing dcfkxors blind the -filled spectators, 'arahincrs dick Helmet, atop sort heads; securing st mp'; dangle down Io shoulders, moment ol' rcvcrcnt silence while the small crowd t lic hcrnic
"I could be live l hat
voice breaks the silence: "Mommy, whu t hL:sc silly why arc they wi;aring those costumes?" ;\ recent stmly ol' suggests that both Navy and aviation pilot claim certain trails clrnractcrisl of the stereotyped ' hero," Romani
tl1cse pilots that hi,torically finch his way to the silver Two universities administered the Edwards Personal l'rcl"crence Schedule to Navy pilots, general aviation pilots and non-flyer adult males, The results arc (sec chart), The two pilot gruups int had remarkably similar scores in each of 16 areas of interest and motivation, Navy and aviation pilots indicated that their lop five interest in order, arc dominance, hct croscxualit y, acl iievcmc11t, change and rndmancc, In contrast, the male (a statistical abstraction, typical U of course) ranked his top five interests as cndurnnce, 11urturancc, achievement, order and abasement, Using this information, Professor or M,1so11, aviation psychology instructor at nivcrsity of Southern California's Institute of and Systems concludes: "Because of the consistency of measure when aviation pilots and Navy jct it is safe to assume that all pilots will have fairly similar profiles and will differ from the J, male
answers) all
l'finn that yo11 really should have been the key stuntman for Air Dare, Incorporated, real Ii fc, many dimensions from stand tu
in the sarnc direction and to sirnilar
There you arc, " km" is written in type across your face, You knew it all of course; even as a child, you were wonderful and courageo11s and speciaL to fly these hero in you just nosed surfaced, cream atop the skim, The applause, the pretty the questions
Clark cnt met weekend? Nol the Public contrasts with opinions, !\notlicr survey, taken in a middle-class berg on the west coast wcll-indoctrinal eel by media coverage of the sport, indicates that the p11blic views as something other than heroic When asked, "Do you cousidcr to be either a) heroic ordained roods, c) suicidal maniacs, or human beings, no one in the group of in from 7-65) responded to choice "a;" no one considered glider pilots as heroic J 8, 111/o proclaimed pilot ordained roots, while 111/o thought them suicidal maniacs, Only 4,Stl/o had 110 opinion, The response by far was that hang glider typical human to68,J 0/oor1hose surveyed, Verbal responses to the survey from "(iet away from me" question to "They're damnccl fools, I know!" stand to by pcripat ct ie circus acts, neighbors lean across fences in la1 c afternoon and over dirty laundry: "Oh yes, John, pilot, a you know," "Oh, I'm sorry, "Couldn't he helped, I le was born left handed, too, The wife was in labor four Strange John is," people just blink and stare, More slowly withering with pilol HANG GLIDING
om own privalc 8mm
slowly unwind 1i1lcs co11stan1ly flash
of I
I Sun'(')'
informal/On courtC.\Y of N.1clwrd krengel, H'e\fem Regwn, i'crlcml ;11·iarion /ldminr\lratwn (FA/I)
16 7
' My l'irst introduction to the world
' in different !'actors con!ri hulcd to this reeling. Unlike lhc frantic action a mountain where scl·UJ1 and breakdown is itself, and a ride to the
down ror lransport, lo in another the tow flier ' ' the kite and grabs a sandwich, or a cool drink, relaxes until the next round of a to Ille casual lcrnpcrnturcs and blue skies. was lhe terrific
near such an incredible ralc! ralher informal tow Lake Whales, Fla., J began to low
with the apparent itself. There were no
;\t a rcccnl
Wind conditions and direction, oft he tow scqucm:e; and yet I he prol'icient
borrowed kite, over I minlltcs on a thermal· out over the lake ilself! Uh, but sink o\lt there thought there was over the water! tlw low pilols cxhibiled deadly accuracy 011 the target, with many the r:arlier rounds were accomplished hy straight low, on 1,000 ft. of rope. The last round of was flown on the conditions became strong and gusty the late afternoon hours. The winch of the and release allitudc also increased. The tow boat and winch were Richard Johnson. During the course of the afternoon the crowd wil ncssed a powered flight demon stration performed Dan O'Neil from the Miami area. Dan made a couple of wil h his soarmaster powered fledgling after taking off from a remote area across the lake from the 1owing Late in the afternoon Dan made a nice landing near the target t!l'ca lo allow interested parties his machine. an opportunily 10 Fool launched pilots historically have shied away from I with grumblings about Don't be too surprised to ils own advancements, paralleling !hose or ils fool launched counlcrparts. I was a hit about prior 10 atlcncling the Lake Whales meet; hut since my attitude , you can bet on my next visit has to the Sunshine Slale, I'll be up 10 altiludc to and search for a thermal. Remember, after you release, ii flying, not
AUGUSf 19/8
objectives. pilots and alike t hcmsclvcs and consmncd consider. able amount or II became evident this gathering the wages I hat the workers of the fly-in would gain. The feeling of total togetherness, of helping one another 0111 and devotion to common cause all helped to bring the gliding community together. To look around at all 1hc lomato shirts and happy never that some of had vowed never to enter the same room at the same time. All of l hat was irrelevant now. The
lo begin their Erect the tent and concession booth, pick up ice and soda, set up fish bowl, signs, barracades, chalk largcls; the list went on and on. By 10 am, all was ready, but the black cloud still hullg overhead. Then, almost mysteriously, first hole appeared, and the pa/ch, then on. sun shone through, The fly-in Almost al once, began gathering. Tickets were sold foster than could be filled out In spite of the chill in the air, turning blue fast with snow cone juice. Overhead came the first faint buzzing of lhc motorized hang
from a
, out of a
small foam of a knee injury, he donated his time and made two jumps. World champion motorcycle jumper Rex Blackwell was a pilot at 1he fly.in. Rex and Spanky many autographs. At I :30 pm the All Atncrican Divers t cam made a spectacular jump. Three of the jumpers made the field female diver in the team hit the hull's eye). The fourth jumper landed in a construction yard and the crew had to find ihc owner to gel the key and let him out. The jump team
Earl Christy with girlfriend, Donna Ingle
group was one unit working toward one goal. Everyone kfl the Spaghetti Fest, ready to lake on the diallcngc ahead. Only about $2,000 had been raised by sponsors. The bulk of tltc goal would have to be achieved at the fly-in through raffle ticket sales and the concession boolh. The morning ahead would prove eventful. And with a forecast of 90°/o chance of rain and a very overcast sky, it was a long night, The one thing no one had though/ of, no one could control was hanging over in one black cloud.
April 8, 1978, 6 arn. Rcd-cyccl people started arriving at US I lang Gliders, Inc.,
being rlown in, and flyers began their quest for the bull's eye, Soon the sky was filled wilh many unusual kites, not oflcn seen in Phoenix rlying silcs. An cxpcrimcn/al "Graphite Kite" flew down and was set up for display. Mark Clarkson flew his Quicksilver, which he hacl used at the same flying sight years earlier to set the altitude after takC···Off and cndunmcc rccorcL Many flyers from Earl's home town came. And Earl himscll', along with other patients from his floor were brought oul in a special van to wilness ihc evc111. The entcrtainrncnt was I here, 100. Holly-· wood stuntman, "Spanky" Spangler jumped
presented Earl wilh a wall plaque. Almosl as it had begun, the hole in the clouds suddenly closed and with grcal force, the wind had T-shirts and papers strewn all over the ground, and one of Ari1:011a's famous dust storms sent everyone 11111,·rumo home. Rain came gently down and so came down the tent, the concession booth, the fish bowl and lhc kites. The fly-in is over now, and only a few seal tcrcd rnps lend evidence to the event thal had taken place. But many new friends have been made, everyone involved has a deep feeling of satisfaction, and most of all, Lari has his new wheelchair. H/\NG GLIDING
111\NC Cl llllN(: tr11: f11st llllok c11 111u 1;0D1l liih l1uu11 11prL1t(:(1 B 11111(:'.; dli(I IIIIW 1111:111:lr:1; ,i 1;11cr:1;il st:i:!11111 Oii llllllOII/UI I llli J:ilJ 1ll111;t1;111111h ir\1111
I ?O 000 solrl'
ll111 lr1
\iJ\!VI! COllliJ:iCI
w1tl1 I IHI Tlw 11101;1 :1111111:11 (:(1111111!1'. IIO'iipli:li: d!lil l1Jil!il l!X[ll:11';1,;p Us1:rl I tr:i11111HJ text I :10 po1:t1Jii1rl I Cc1l1l111111111r;
11.11:ir: fi1ql1! 1mrm1! dVdliJl1!u
1:r:l1011ls wrn lrlwrrlr;
MM~NI ll i<I I IN(; I ly t11c ll,1tl,111:l1: w1tl1 lt11; 0111y 11001< or1 low l11u11cl11;cl ql1i1111q Str:p IJy str:11 1111;11111
I/) I
1/;i I
fl() I
$1050.00 'lncl11cl0s
AUCU:3 '19/fl
I 1 140 200 IIJS 1050 00
9 I :I
190 220 lbs $1050.00
Dack by popular c1ornand' T110
ol 111(1 1978
II 1 Evon the best must improve to throughout tho year Now a series
on top. Seagull Aircraft ha,; continued irnprovornonts thoroughly tested and proven
and dcvclopcrnont n0ady for you
new applied leading pockcl dramatically tho 10 Meter's already romarkallle porforrN111co fho double surface in tho critical 1/4 cl1orct provicJes big oa111s at Lioth cmds of lho spcecJ ranrJe This, combined with many irnprovernrmts in thr, fully cc1111llorod ilatlonnd sari, msults in m1 even 1owcJ1 sink rate Slow to crawl, float upwards 1n the weakest ll1ermal, and lhen lo the, nr,xt Once: uqain 11H1 Seagull O tho ship everyone will look up to ir1 1978
high and onjoy do1110 itl A ,;ulillo rosl1up1no of tho tloatinq keel pockot will rn1r olmacJy frnnous l1andlin(J leqrmdary. f 1nqer1ip prnssum, 111sta11t response and unequalled stah1lity put tho fun tlack 111 fly1nq for 1l1e ir1trnrnecJ1a10 to expert pilot You'll notice other improvo1111;nts for ll1r'! '1 O Meter tli1s year A complotoly re(i()isonoc1 illll1 streamlinc)d cJefloxor system with intc,rnal adjustment rno,ms lastor sct,up : ind loss drao 1he turnllucklos are also qono from tho top riooing Quick fastrn11no trms1or1ers rnuan loss time prnp:irino or1 thc qround, more time pmforn11r1q in tho rm ll1n 10 Meter, Tl1n
now even hotlor
I /\rr ((IIC()I() 11ppl)ill:tllU
/\ftm 11 qro;il pr,rlorm1111cr, lliMI l1r,r,11 111:irir!
1111 IIICIP(i1hln prnloml()I
llr11,11 l11rlrl IIVl!I fD1 1\1711 ll11t rn:iny 1rnportinl cli11riq11;1
11111 ll1q rH,wr; 1111'1 y1rr11 11 f1,;1111w r1m111;illy lr11mrl only or1 urlvrmu:c111llr11IHJl1t11 11 flrnl1111CJ krnrl poi:kr11 Wli11l l1i1!l 1111'.I donr, Im :in illrcwly qnii1l l1:111rll111q :;l1q(I Clnly llir, t,n111 1/\Ii of IIH, lr:1rl1tron:1l 1ndlow l11H11Jl1nq 11:111 11111111 rct,illH!rl 1·1 ,1cicJ1t1rn1 1111: ql1r1r·r roll:; w1tl1 rn11cl1 qrc1;1tcr cc11111 Yrn/11 t1r1 c1l1ll! to tl1crmc1I w1t·1 rm:r1:;i11<'rl confrc1cr1cc, ,mri ()vcm offrnt 110w Wl1ull1111 r1Dv,cr1 1111i:1111c1rlral1, or rrxpcrt. you'll rr,:1lly 11111oy fly111q w11t1 11111
l'mforrn,mr:n ir1cmr1,;c:1; p:111 of t11r' New lc::Hi1nq r:elqr, r:urvcr:1,, 1ril'lrnq urlqr: cut c111d lllljllOV(ICJ Cilff11J()(IIH] 1111) prnl of till' l(?il'.1011 yor/11 ()Ul l11ql1m lrll'.l Yllilr I Im fll)W fully [Jilttc111r1d 11(111 (JIV()S yor1 (HI i:Vl:11 l11ql11,1 top spurn I or1r:r1 yuu vr1 1r:i!cl1cr1 tlH1 tori o1 ti 11, lrfl 1111ri l1u1HJ rn11 /\rliliiiCJ COllV"111Ul1CL, ii ll()W fillll 111111110111111w111cr11 OIi tlir; uppm ll(JClllll] (]()is yorr Ill Iii() (Ill llilOlll)i (lil'J illllll111il1Uil trm1l,11cklrcs ll1r· nr,w rl<1f1r1xrn 111110 11111km; 11111 up qr11cku1 /\'.; 11 llir,; wmr,ri't c:r 1rn 1ql1 tlm crn111n11r,:; tu ollm 11t:111rlarrl wl 1al ot11r,r:1 c:l lilliJI: r1xlr11 lor ilpplrrnl ln:1rl11111 ndqu pnckr1I, I ;Y lm;akrlown f1,;it11rc :rnrl r:011lc1iJ cal1l1,1; 11111110 11111nt1011 !11w11\11 of t1111; 1111ri 111rH<J for nl your rlr,11lrn 1orl11y !Iii)
/\n ulrJ frrcm1 w1ll1 11i;w p11rforrnrmr11,
1orl:1y 1
Air cushion vehicles
stamped envelope
D11() lo our
succns::;, AEHIAl Tf:CHNIOLJr:s
now 1n u po:;ition to 0tfn1 ot /\nrial ruch
you a11otr10r honofit YounD. national cornrnt1to1 and nnw n1quw:;, ;mnrnrncn;., n rww 111ternwd1atc 1:l1n1c
l unc,day ,rnrl
fo1 tho
of nricl1 mon\11. 1 Ile
accoptcd only boon l1and to qivn Pilots wllo s1q11 up for (!Ur cl1111c will bu <1hln to :Hivarll:tf)o oi our inventory o1 nnw MH1 11sud 111termed1a\H and relattid lh1s offnr ~;houl(; not lH: nvnrlnoked by any tlic noar lut1nn, O' l)y the diffnrn11t pnrtornKrncn:; n no cost to ~d11donts fhn $ lb daily feD, lo Ovn1rnuht ;,rranqcrnnr11s can lrn rm1do c:1)vnr 1nstructor's r~osl!>, IJO to thn :Hircha:w ot a new nlidCTr in stock, 01 n dnposil on 1110 ol1cer of ymn Call us 101 fu1Uwr details and rcservat1on(s fm nxc1t1110 2 d.Jys 1n Fllnnville. (81tll Ho11to ?.OD [llerw1lln NY 124?B
If YOU I IAVr A Cl Ill! H
YOU ~)IJOIJI !JI IAV! A lJl1A(; Cil\11 r
f /\flCLT l.ANDINC.'.l CAN NOW ll! A Plf
01 CAKL Wll 11 HlJMMING["llnm~· /ff fHACl Alll l. DfMn
nnnd,; ii lilll" lwlp I" (J<:I yo11 down inlo h111 you clon't likl) IIHi icJUil of ii or,,, slwl rln wi 111 ;r iliil'I ch 11111, 1lwn cor11;idnr I 1/\I' Cl I /\1°S. offi,r you il Vllliahlr;, on/ofl cm11rol will1ou1 stylri. I ,irn ,111 ;ipron/ iH1cls
111111; I /\I' Cl
lrlill UHi
ht: Cllilll(Jf!ri fly
;idrl i Ii tlllill rlrnq I or a car1 !Hi slim,rl i 11 yrnH hilck
pt1! on <1f1l:t your fuHl'H)'.;s
Available in onrnrrioncy orange H IP,STOP nylo11. pair W.O.W. PHODUCTS 10Ei Locust, Santa Cruz, C/\ m1060
YOU NO t ONG! fl f1AV[_ lO HI UNC[-H rAIN AHOlJ r I ANOlt~(l IN AN AllSOl l/ 1L M\J:ll l OH cnos:, COUN l lW I! YIN(/ /\NIJ I AHm J I
'./,1b 00
inorP complell: ll:rnq ql1der shui's
/\CRIAL TECllNIQUES HD JI) 49MINf rm • U14)1il:l(i/'1I Invited
l 1;,1\\ 11:11wl" t1, ,h, llllllnrnl.111' tlw 1 lwlilck md l\d! \',111\1111\'lt'l', ,'ltd t)l\ 1
jj] ,\ll' ,l\ddd1]1' ,il,,11
17081 l l:. W:il11u1
Do you wanl 10 make rnoncy don't open At is the consensus of I he managers and owners talked to Besides I he usual delay in srnall business out of the red, must contend wilh slow deliveries, t seasonal inclement weather (remember last and a hosl of otht:r and minor problems that all add up Io more debits, less credits. Of' course af1cr an initial year of sett up business and wolf from the door, those survive can do well. Io Dick Snyder, owner or Arcadia Air Sports, is currently at 100°/o a year, so fut urc excellent. And of COlll'SC
or own a
oul if your business try to learn from the others.
in business from tlw that was a liltk le the "The majority ol hang glider shops don't take bookkeeping and that 95°/o of the re;1son most businesses fail because or of sales." Popov states: rich as distributor think that ii' you can salary then you preltywC'II."
f'or over month. manager Rick Osler like closed
from these from
factors may be more lhan products, however Boris Popov's shop at the Northern Sun Hang Preserve in Minnesota and ohn Hallantyne's branch of the Southern California School of l !ang near de! Rey arc both excellent examples or what real estate experts say is the most important factor involving property value . LOCATION.
All his part or the country is blessed wilh an abundance of 300400 ft. mv1wr Boris Popov's business is mostly by another item that comes with the 1crri I ory the wcatlH.:r There is no bctwcc11 November and March .
whatever else the Malibu natives will pmchasc rrom I heir
without sonH>
ups and weather patterns. I is such makes most other occupations But if you arc t into the business yourself', you should first cont the words of' John "Opening glider 4B
dcrson's business powered .ike many other shop owners, Alderson
considered by many lo be the best i'lying site in the Northern rvlidwcst. owns H/\NC CLIDIN(;
ll ()
tile impm t lie l'i r,I
ortltcfly rated
/\UCU'.;J 4
Signal Ki!-·SSK,1
contains Kit, Sk,/bl,Jze,rn
• Altitudes to 400 feet Visible over 20 miles 20,000 Candlepower
Waterproof Floats
Weighs ONE ounce sportsman
$ 1ll 50 Prune
HALL BROTH Box 771,M, Morgan, Utah 84050 Dea/or fnq11ir1es Invitee/
C.OD. Pt10r10 Ord(m; Welcome (801) B29·3232
111,r \,11 ()',(ll 1
! )''I\/(
I :/\
! 111 Ii II
Tnulwtnds t. UJl/!'U l!
J ·,
I,. l 11 ,1 /
/1DAY! l/1/,l Kl l
ANJ !HCJr;mmr:, I H·\l r.wr NI)'...,
J l)f H)'
Fl CATI(l/1'.l 1,:!,00 !01 l
The first annual Pico Internal ion al Hang (,tiding lnvitati01rnl i,, history. It hilled the ''biggest" purse in root··launchccl competition history. The meet drew top pilots from lhc U.S., Canada, Soulh ica and Europe. The International Jnvita· tional was the main cvcnl for a scheduled lcn-day hang gliding cxlrnvaganza held at the Pico Peak area ne;ir Kil!inglon, Vermont. Tlli<, meet had all the earmark,, nC being simply greal rnmpctition, according to the pre-meet organization and publicity. ·n:dil goes to Chapin Pratt and Don McCabe and the i'cstivnl or the J\rts at Killingto11. The advertised $10,000 cash purse attracted lots of well known pilots: names like Tom Pcghiny, Dermis Pagc11, Tom Hadden, Jeff Burnett, Jerry Felice, RcVll()lds, Scan , Charlie Baughman, and on and 011. The list of entries read like ln addition, a who's who of hang a couple or legendary figures in tile sport showed up, named Dick (iilmarlin, and the ong1r1au.ir or the Dick
The set ling, Pico Ski is a com111c1c ski area witl1 ample parking, lodge, food & dri11k concessions and even a bar wlial a seH1p! Trnnsporlation 10 the top was by chair lift, for both pilots and gliders. The mountain itself is a 2,000-fL vertical drop and is about five to one from take-off to landing St ccpncss of Ihe slope varies considcrahly rrorn top lo bot10111. From quite ,1cq1 at the s1m1111it, to nearly flat midway down; in an arcn which comprise, nearly hal r· the l10riw111 al distance Near the base or from take-off to Ilic rno1111tai11 thc slope steepens aguin drop ping a few hundred feet vcrt ically. The landing area consisted or two parking lots. One adjacent to the ski lodge "primary" land buildings ing approach ,ccondary northwest by sm111lcast landing area was available. icncrally speaking the landing area bit 011 the snrnil side. Trees, power lines and buildings, combined to cflcctivcly fmther reduce tile of the areas. Variable wind conditions,
and !ht: landing task for some the crowd few t rec somcw hat 01· tradition in cm flying activities. Fortunately only the pilot's pride and/or cq11ipmcnl were damaged. No pilot scrio11sly in cil her t lie Region 8 quali ficr or the mai11 event com pct ii ion. A few powered addecl flnvor Io the meet with hol air balloons and even a powered hang glider balloon drop! thrilled the spectators with some power 011 360° !urns around the launch balloon. Chuck Slusarczyk and Eel Sweeny, in the 1ruc spiril of comr>ctiitic,n put on a tug or war with their units. Chuck with llis Easy Riser, using 1hc power with reduction, wa, decked out in World War I flyers tumc lo match the camourlagc paint job on his Riser. fa.! Sweeney equipped with Fledge !! with control har-mmmtcd twin engines. Chuck the eventual winner, alt hough it was very close, and it interesting to note that Chuck was pulling with the wind. I guess whoever was f,)r hamlling the invitations to the meet mus I have neglected to invite the wind winds were uncooperative for tl1c main event, only two days 0111 DJ' a nlcm11cd seven day program were flyable, blew down and across the launch Afternoon cumulus cloud ovcrdcvclopmc111 responsible for afternoon t lnrndcrst orn1s few tainly must felt as though someone picking on llim, !tis glider was struck by lightening. serious enough to render 1m flyable, and he lucky to borrow another glider to finish competition. n1c flyable days al Imeted crowds and mild tempera! mes. activity was warmly by the visitors, and each pilol enjoyed a warm round or applause upon landing. One woman with a heavy New York accent pe;.uerny exclaimed "What a sport, what a sport I " I ass11mcd she was referring to the
Don McCalJ,J, meet organizer HANG GLIDIN(;
war. Hight: Keith Nicflols.
glidi11g yet rPtain, d,!sirpd by ,ill pilots.
V, enjoys dll incredibly rdnge, bt•en
in of :50 mph lo d,lle, yt>t .ilso mainlains ,in excellPnt sink rate. ThP V1 rnad<• d dt Lookout Mountain in TPm1. to 1he point ,rnd b.i, k in miml\Ps. (JhistirnPwould h,ivpw.ilk· ed away with second dt t hP !)
introduction response has been acclaim doesn't still For
Other features that make the Mo·· Glider power include:
Consider thew facts wlw11 at (rn first) high perforrn,rnce 108
w. 22 mph
depPnding on wing load plus 200 f.p.m.
is the result of The falcon h,iustive studies on drag reduction. It\ basic cornpulPr plan· sirnilM to that its tlw Fc1lcon but th,it's where it emh. Tlw hilcon incorporalPs the e,isy charact,0 ristics come to expect from Chuck's range and
ne age
There's more, but 11sual wilh Ornck's Gliders, the
mdtion, call Clide1 that exceptional quality mam:e do exist in one glidPr ... the Falcon .5 Vi.
to tell of the
I 111: I /\GI I I IH Ml I MOUNT[IJ Vl\f110MI 11 f11i;1c; rnarlD possil1ln ;1ltit11rln 111 ovnr 0110 mile iJll(J 11:i:01 il,;Dtl1110 i:1111"1 ll1c1l1t:; 1011 llclmn1,Mounleli w1,11: 11s1:rl l(c111011;111 111 1111; fl 000 It (J,1in, 9(i mile ll1ql1t 11 orn i:1:1111 C111 do 1111: I /\Cl I V/\1110MI 1111 lho 11111st s1111:;1t1v1: pell1:t V,1110 Ill thn II is 11s s1;1'siliv1, 1:l1;ct11c varios, 4 times 1t:111111:i: anrl is Sl:IISIIIVC ilO 11)()() its lower c1,11v1:1111:111 111 11 is no matlor 111 1hr: pri::11:nu, 111 i:nnine vihrnlions Wl11i1: w1: lli111k 1111:I 11l1le, llllt p1loh 1111111< 99 ()04 I alawai 1l11v1: /\1e11, ll11w11r1 DG/0 I
AUCUSI 19/11
ICARUS V McCULLOCH 10 I ENGINK Flys well. Box, skids. $69ti. Dave, (80/5) 9ti2,,!lG88, days 962-6461, eves.
So11tlicrn ( ·alifornia. ( ·ompletc li11c glid to advanced instruction. USHGA nrn1,rn1cL11rs. Write or call, Fernando Hd., Sylmar, Ca. 91
12437 (21:l)
W.O.W. (WINGS OH WHEEl ,8) SANTA CRUI':. Distributor for WILLS WING gliders and accessories. Sales and service for all major makes. Demos available for sale. USHGA certified school. Downtown Locust at Garden Mall. (408) 423,4442, 95060. CANADA
ARIZONA "~"-'""'
IN UL'I'RALIGH SOAHJNG INSTRUCTION. U.S. Hang l02GO N. 19th Ave., Phoenix,
WESTARK! Call or write the pmfessionals. Parts, gliders, all major brands (new and used), available. Dealer 3109 Grand, Fort
and accessories, ccrlifiml instruction: advanced leSBons available. 20 of comhined experience us Lo do the job for of tb,1 For!. Funston. l Blvd., Daly City, CA 14. (415) 7 56-0650.
CUMULUS JO. 20'. Colom gold, 2-yellow, 2·-white, dition. $800. Call (805) 1:1,:i,,.,jq\}14, F'LEXI 17'. With colored sail, harness and trainer. (213) 691-83'76. FLEXI ll. 20'. With bag. Excellent condiEves, (21:l) 355-89:JO, Days, (213) EIPPER.FORMA NCK 17' std. Handli,s like new. $200. (213) 335-9611.
DARK STAR RNT plete. CGS & Moody 204 E. Imperial 322-4438 or HANG GLIDERS OF' CALIF'ORNlA, INC. USHGA certified instruction from to expert levels. All brands ofinstrurmmts & equipment are information or cata .. log, write or call: Hang Gliders of California, Inc., 24]() Lincoln Blvd., Santa Monica, CA. 90405. (218) 3!>9-53 !5.
OWL. Flown one time. Brand new. White complete with hag. $900. Call evening: (301) 363-0840.
at the foot of Green Mountain. information. orn:n 278-9566. Golden, Co. 80401. LEADING EDGE AIR FOILS, !NC. USHGA Cer· tified histructors. 1ti <l,000' sites. tributoni for Chuck's quiries invited. Write for w11ou,su1e list. (:103) 6:12 .. 4959. Co. 80904. CONNECTICUT 'I'EK FLIOHT
p1lo1 1s ao111g 10 tow up, catch It rrniy !w yo11. [SP p1epan:d to
~onwwhm(;, il lic1no nnd fly out of
FLATLANDS! what over you tly, Kile
(415) Cirrus Ill complete with Cirrus V). UP pmne harness. ,m,'.H>Sl:1". $100(),
Inc. Featuring F:leclra line l'P1CHOT>!111'l.l•f11eF:IFIOns
THE HANG GLIDER SHOP For the largest in stock inventory. USHGA certified and much morel Call 1:J!\1 Beach La Habra, CA.
your lrnng glider,
Cornri!elc with f!oflts nliders 7f)
point pt1!luy bridle
$ :io $ 30
Send $1.0l) fm 11ito1nwt1on pockaue. wx, all orders 1nqu1rn bO'Yr, deposi1. rPs1de111g add
1:xccllcnt, 9 rnonth,
SCHOOL OF HANG and most complete Angeles. Sun bi rd, all other demo. ''78' model gliders to advanced instruction with Instrud;ors. MOTOR.. GLIDINfl and instruc1.ion available. Van Nnys, Ca. 91411.
ninhts (214) 4:l8-1G23
includes harness and hag. ""''*"'"H1u. Toni.
20. Good be-
SUPER I<'LY SKY .. SA!LS, INC. Dcaler for r:ipper, Manta, Sunbird and Electra Flyer.
,·ct 1ificd in
I b1n1' I <111<1 \1ni1·tnr" \\
( 'om
kS lb,,. I hr thl
new ;rnd
4Xl/1l, llrnsl\illr,
srnoN1;111 111/\11
SIMl'I.I IN~li\11 i\llUN lffMO\J/\1
A pr,wt11·,il ~1/i' 1 (jmbtninq both peifnrr11,111( e ~
i\Nlli\lJ,llJSIMI NI
/\nn,d! qu<1l1tv h,nrlw<11v us(•d tlnouqho1J!
/\uto1n<1t1( r'ti(jllH' •,hu1of1 (1n r d'>i' of Lill 011 1dr(eoff or Lnidmq) d(",1qncd 11·(1)
rlH' •,1dnd,H(I enq11w 1s 1!\e fc1rn1JU, M(:/\ l)J (l(HJfJJ (lel1,11'r111q uw·r
llldX\11\Ulll ( [1m\J 1hl\1',l
I\ t(•durllon ',l)',1\'m
f\111(>1 \
('tliJl1H' r1111'J <11 m<1x1mu1n pov..1c1
l lw <1\,fltl<1hlv
rn1e11lw1 s1;·,km
( dr1 lw ,,tdrted ('<1,ilv 111 tlw .i1r tuhmq (!'1 ]'\()) used for t'Mh cnq111(' rnmmt
/\l.lGUST 19 I g
Hl', c1uise thrust
• - : ,•••
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ioaamg. Most others offer only two sizes. edge shape. No distortion, no edge sleeves, which stretch and distort he1:t11v,,dut11 travel bag with twist fasteners. total cost more than the - compare '"""""'r'" strenoth 4H~Q.c;hr,ome-nnoty tr·1 ••111r11t deflexers for maximum leading
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