USHGA Hang Gliding September 1985

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, . September 1985 $2.50


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I HAVE ENCLOSED A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: USHGA, BOX 66306, LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 D FULL MEMBER ($39.00, $42.00 foreign) D FAMILY MEMBER(S) ($19.50 each) D SUBSCRIPTION, one year ($29.00, $32.00 foreign) D SUBSCRIPTION, two years ($53.00, $59.00 foreign) D SUBSCRIPTION, three years ($77.00, $86.00 foreign) D TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION, six months ($14.50, $17.50 foreign) D Enclosed is an extra dollar for TOTAL for the World Team fund. I understand that USHGA will Charge my [1 MasterCard Cl VISA match my contribution. USHCA will ONLY accept foreign checks payable on a U.S bank in U.S funds. (U.S dollars or International Money Order.) Allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing.

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P.O.Box 66306, Los Angeles, California 90066 USHGA Item #4

Revised 4/85

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Features 12 Tower Jumpers

Columns 7 USHGA President

by Jack Lambie Jack ventures to France to help film a scene for the upcoming IMAX film On The Wing.

by Steve Hawxhurst Reflections on the Association's recent difficulties and what has been done.

15 Glider Evaluation Airwave's Magic IV by Paul Burns Paul reviews the British manufacturer's design.

8 Towlines Page 12

24 Part 103 Explained

by Rob Kells Rob presents an accident report on the aero towing accident that took the life of worldrenowned pilot Chris Bulger.

10 The Right Stuff

©1985 by Dennis Pagen A section-by-section explanation of FAR Part 103 which governs ultralight aircraft operations.

Lookout Mt. Flight Park instructor Tom Phillips tells the new pilot how to turn a hang glider.

20 The Answer Man

27 The Best Nationals Ever

by Mike Meier A discussion of ground effect and wind gradient.

article and photos by C.J. Sturtevant That's what the pilots said. Head Launch Mamma C.J. tells the story.

34 USHGA Reports Page 15

by Vic Powell Each year your Association presents awards to those who have made the biggest contributions to the Sport. We need your nominations.

36 Competition Corner by Jo Bathmann Meet director Bathmann discusses the recent World Meet in Kossen, Austria.

Departments Page 27

COVER: French stuntman Mario Luraschi leaps from a tower into a pile of cardboard boxes during the filming of On The Wing. Photo by Dori Matsuyama

CENTERSPREAD: John Heiney banks up his Delta Wing Streak 160. Photo by John Heiney. CONSUMER ADVISORY: Hang Gliding Magazine and USHGA, Inc., do not endorse or take any responsibility for the products advertised or mentioned editorially within these pages. Unless specifically explained, performance figures quoted in advertising are only estimates. Persons considering the purchase of a glider are urged to study HOMA standards. Copyright © United States Hang Gliding Association, Inc. 1984. All rights reserved to Hang Gliding Magazine and individual contributors.


4 Airmail 6 Update 32 Ratings and Appointments 40 Classified Advertising 44 Stolen Wings 44 HGMA Certified Gliders 44 Index To Advertisers


Gil Dodgen, Editor/Art Director Janie Dodgen, Production David Pounds, Design Consultant Leroy Grannis, Bettina Gray, John Heiney, Staff Photographers

Erik Fair, Staff W,·iter Harry Martin, lllr1srrator Office Staff·

Amy Gray, Manager Joyce Isles, Ratings Mary Marks, Membership

USHGA Officers: Steve Hawxhurst, President Dick Heckman, Vice President Hardy Snyman, Secretary Gary Hodges, Treasurer Executit1e Committee: Steve Hawxhurst Dick Heckman Hardy Snyman Gary Hodges REGION l: Ken Godwin. T. Michael Bovie. REGION 2: Russ Locke, Gary Hodges. REGION 3: Stnc Hawxhur!>t, Ken dcRu~sy. REGION -4: Jim ZciseL

!lob Thompson. REGION 5: Mike King. REGION 6: Ted Gilmore. REGION 7: Dean Batman, John Woiwode. REGION 8: Robert Collins. REGION 9: Bill Crisie, W.W. Richards. REGION 10: Dan Johnson. Steve Coan. REGION ll: Hardy Snyman. REGION 12: Ken Zuchara, Paul Riker!. 1984 DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE: Dennis Pagcn, Dick Heckman, Eliz.aberh Sharp, Vic Powell, Mark llcnneit. EX-OFFICIO DIRECTOR: (Wirh Vore) NATIONAL AERONAUTIC ASSOCIATION Evcrcll Langworthy. HONORARY DIRECTORS (Without Vote) elected to 12131185: Bill I3cnnetl, Mike Meier, Doug Hildreth, Rcnina Gray, Erik Fair. The United Slate.<.

Hang Gliding Association Inc., is a division of the National Aeronautic Association (NAA) which is the official U.S. representati\'C of the Federation Acronauriquc Internationale (FAI), 1hc world gm'0rning body for sport avia-

1i0n. The NAA, which represents the U.S. at FA! Mcc1ings, hus delegated to 1he USHGA supervision of FAT-related hang gliding activities such as record aucmpls and compc!ition sarn.::tions.

HANG GLIDING magazine is published for hang

gliding sport enthusias1s to create further interest in the sport, by a means of open communication and to advance hang gliding methods and safety. Contributions arc welcome. Anyone is invited to contribute articles, photos, and illustrations concerning hang gliding activities. lf the material is to be returned, a stamped, self-addressed relurn envelope must be enclosed. Notification must be made of submission to other hang gliding publications, HANG GLIDING magazine reserves the right to edit contributions where necessary. The Association and publication do not assume responsibility for the material or opinions of contributors.

HANG GLIDING magazine is published monthly by the United States Hang Gliding Association, Inc. whose mailing address is P .0. Box 66306, Los Angeles, Calif. 90066 and whose offices are located at I 1423 Washing1on Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90066; telephone (213) 390-3065. Second-class pos\age is paid at Los Angeles, Calif. HANG GLIDING magazine is printed by Sinclair Priming and Lithographers. The typesetting is provided by 1st Impression Typesetting Service, Buena Park, Calif. Color Separations are provided by Scanner House of Studio City, Calif. The USHGA is a member-controlled educational and scientific organization dedicated to exploring all facets of ultralight flight. Membership is open to anyone interested in this realm of flight. Dues for full membership are $39.00 per year ($42.00 for foreign addresses): subscription rates arc $29.00 for one year, $53.00 for two years, $77.00 for three years. Changes of address should be sent six weeks in advance, including name, USHGA membership number, previous and new address, and a mailing label from a recent issue. issue. POSTMASTER: SEND CHANGE OF ADDRESS TO: USHGA, P.O. BOX 66306, LOS ANGELES, CA 90066.





Dear Editor, Just thought I'd write to congratulate all who contributed to the July issue of Hang Gliding magazine. It's a masterpiece! Very professionally presented, good photography, and most importantly, the articles were interesting, pertinent, and well-written. Congratulations on your "Maggie" and keep up the good work.

Dear Editor, In response to Andy Millat's article "Flying The Peak" and the question raised about Colorado Springs pilots pioneering the Peak, well, you would have to go back to when there was no USHGA, when pilots were flying Chandelles and Suns. As one of the original "pioneers" I take offense to the phrase calling the Springs pilots "wimps," not wanting to wrestle with the gnarly mountain thermals. If you have questions about the pilots in the "Springs" just go to LEAF or Golden Sky Sails and ask. I, myself, can tell you a few things about the Pikes Peak Hang Gliding Club as a former Vice President, about hang gliding in Colorado Springs, some of the Gold Hill Boys and the air junkies of the past. I could go on about the Parks Department's meeting after meeting with nothing but closed doors. What became of this was pilots taking off Mt. Baldy, Cheyenne Mountain, Rampart Range and Captain Jacks (Gold Camp Road). And yes, you've got it right, fly up to the Peak, don't drive. Congratulations on your flight and article but anyone who lives and flies in Colorado Springs or Colorado is far from a wimp, but are just true pioneers.

Paul Allen Pocatello, Idaho

HG COMMENTS Dear Editor, First let me say that the July issue of Hang Gliding was the most useful and interesting issue I have read since I joined the organization. I believe, as a marketing expert pointed out in a previous issue, that this publication is the most cost effective tool we have in promoting the sport. I am worried that all of the potential for good that exists in the excellent articles will be overshadowed by the negative and acrimonious tone of many of the letters to the editor. This general tone of unhappiness can only serve to discourage those considering entry into the sport as they pour over every word in this magazine. I think a forum is needed where readers can express their opinions without fear that acidic rebuttals will be published in the following issues. Those writing to the editor should also realize that a positive and constructive note will always accomplish much more than sarcasm and derogatory criticism. In addition, I would like to offer a home remedy for motion sickness that I learned from a deepsea fishing guide. He suggested that a teaspoon of salt taken before departure will prevent seasickness. I never believed him until years later when before a flight I took half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in water to calm my heartburn. In addition to the gastric relief, I noticed that the turbulent flight that followed caused no problems with my usually hypersensitive inner ear. I now take dissolved baking soda each day I intend to fly and it has worked without fail. As a student of physiology, I have no explanation of how or why it works, but for me it does. If any readers suffer with motion sickness and don't have problems with sodium sensitivity, I suggest they give it a try. Charles B. Romein Rock Hill, SC


Joe Bill Little Rock, AR

WORLD TEAM THANKS Dear Editor, A very special thank you to the National Team members-to the pilots, their wives and girlfriends, to their sponsors, and to the crew that supported them. In a strange land, with even stranger rules, you endured when many would have left; 1987 is not far off. One more time!

. searching library shelves for hang gliding literature what one finds is old and outdated. I'm sure that some people who read this old information think that's what hang gliding is all about. What's worse (although it appears to be coming less frequent) some may even attempt to learn to fly using a "self-teaching manual" - some of which leave much to be desired! Up to date and accurate information would be highly desirable. This would be best met by a current Hang Gliding magazine. To do my part I'm donating a subscription to the local library - I urge clubs, schools/instructors and individuals to do this at libraries in their areas, or donate your copy if you don't collect them. Hang Gliding on a magazine rack would get great exposure compared to a book stuck away on a she! f. Then more people would read about hang gliding and see that it is a safe and respectable form of aviation. This would also help direct people to the right resources. This can only add up to a better public image and possible growth to the sport through the interest generated and new members. Jim Stroup Richland, WA

MORE ON STANDARDIZED SIGNALS Dear Editor, I'm writing this letter to correct some misinformation printed in the July issue in the Airmal department under the heading "Standardized Signals." The writer of that item expressed "surprise that there still remains confusion over how to successfully indicate wind direction from the ground to a pilot. The standard and recognized international signal is as follows:" He closes by saying, "You've all


Dick Cassetta Sacramento, CA

I LIBRARY INFO Dear Editor, I found my way to hang gliding through a local library. Although the information was outdated, with some searching a contact was made with someone still involved with hang gliding and in reasonable proximity. It seems that more often than not when

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AIRMAIL seen this at airports as traffic is directed by ground crews. Do the same at your landing fields." Well, the signal he described is a standard international signal used by ground crews to direct traffic but it has nothing to do with wind direction. It is a signal used by ground crews directing traffic on the ground to indicate to a pilot to "come ahead" in a straight line toward the signal man. The same signal using one hand and pointing left or right with the other hand indicates a turn in that direction. As a hang glider pilot, how often do you need a signalman to direct you to the takedown area as you taxi in? We as hang glider pilots unregistered by the FAA have a responsibility to conduct ourselves in a responsible manner and not endanger other pilots while in the air. This we accomplish through our skill as pilots and our knowledge of correct procedure. Hang glider pilots are not required by the FAA to complete a ground school course in proper aircraft procedures but there is nothing to stop anyone

from taking such a course on their own. Ground school courses are available from any flight school and are separate from their flight instruction courses. They are inexpensive and can be attended days or evenings depending on the school's schedule. Most courses cost between $80 and s;160 - the more expensive course usually guarantees that you will pass the FAA written exam. Since you don't need to actually pass the exam the less expensive course would save you some cash. If you don't want to attend a flight school I strongly urge you to at least buy a pilot training book (such as the Zweng Manual) which are available at airport flight schools and an Airman's Information Manual, which contains invaluable information to anyone flying anything. The AIM also contains complete information on airport operation hand signals and emergency visual hand signals. Unfortunately, there is no standard signal to indicate wind direction. However, under the visual emergency signal guide you can indicate the preferred direction to land to a pilot by

holding your arms forward horizontally and squatting while pointing in the direction you wish the pilot to land. Of course, if the pilot doesn't know the signal he'll probably think you're doing deep knee bends. Alan Kundl Maryland Heights, MI MAGIC COPY Dear Editor, England, Airwave Gliders U.K. has recently received information that a company in Van Nuys, CA is currently marketing a glider bearing great similarities to the Magic line. This company has not been given a license or the manufacturing rights for any Airwave products. We feel it is important that people realize that any claims made by this company indicating similarities to Airwave products are a "mistake." Airwave Gliders U.S.


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This is the only training course written by an ultralight instructor. Eleven lessons and eleven related groundschools (twenty-two chapfers) make this an ideal text for self-teaching and training schools. Learn to fly safely in a carefully designed step-by-step manner. This manual Is used by safety conscious schools Internationally.









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Reflections by Steve Hawxhurst One of my fellow directors pointed out to me recently that this column was beginning to show signs of somber overtones. "Somber?" I responded with some surprise. "You mean that just because I wrote in 'Six Thousand and Counting' that there were very damn few of us and then followed with 'Minutes in the Meeting' and alluded indirectly to the famous Peter Principle that I'm being somber?" "Yep" he replied, "Some of that did have a little 'here we go over Niagara Falls in an uncertified barrel' feeling about it." Hmmmm ... I suppose he might be right. I suppose I forgot to mention that six thousand "cornball kamikazis" jumping off the available high places in our land still might succeed in being one of the most productive and responsive sporting organizations that anyone could ask for. It might also be true that after spending a day wrestling with all of the problems major and minor that our association faces I come home deadbeat tired and sit down to write a column about our problems, concerns and bright red bottom lines. It could be that I forget to mention something of importance to us all: We're doing something about it. We did something about it, all of us, when we contributed to the Association's fund raising drive for the World Team and the general fund. We bought ourselves the time we needed to stop the luff dive, to reorganize, and to launch the programs we need to ensure a healthy future. Most of you who contributed received cards or letters thanking you for your support. If you didn't get such a card or even if you did let me reiterate: Thank you on behalf of all of us who fly hang gliders for realizing that what we do is worth supporting, is worth preserving, is worth fighting for. Thank you on behalf of the office staff for your patience and your realization that they do the best they can in some pretty tight circumstances. Thank you most of all for continuing to do what I know each of you is doing in some way. For saying to the world, "This is good stuff, this hang



gliding, this is fun! I learned to do it and you can do it too. It doesn't need to be dangerous and it can change your life if you let it." Everyone I've ever met who flies expresses that thought in some fashion, has made a personal statement just by the fact that they fly about what life can be all about. And that ain't somber! Looking back on it I suppose that "Six Thousand and Counting" was my sort of backhanded way of predicting a turnaround that each of you has contributed to. True, there are not a whole lot of hang glider pilots in the United States at this time. From this point forward I expect the number to grow rather than decline. The most positive result of all of the crises and "humps" we have faced is that the whole chain of events has caused us to really sit up and take notice of our situation. It might seem to many of you that "yeah, we've got some problems which we've been hearing about for the last two years but what the heck are we doing about them?" The answer? Complete modernization and reorganization. Within a month or so those of you who are renewing your membership will see a membership card with a new look. A new computer will print the card and record your ratings or special skills. Most importantly, the card will, in most cases, be sent to you on the same day we receive your application in the mail. The USHGA office, hard as it tries to be responsive and efficient, has some "work jokes." One of the most common ones concerns the occasional member who calls frantically and says, "Where the heck is my new card? I needed it last week and I sent the money tomorrow!" From now on the perpetrators of such statements can address their calls to U.S. Postal Service c/o Uncle Sam. One of the best aspects of the new system is that it will actually save us money in addition to time. Reducing the number of manhours needed to process memberships and ratings should result in improved service in other areas such as

merchandise, insurance and the production of the magazine. The more we are able to improve these areas the more attractive the Association will be to pilots throughout the country and we will indeed be "Six Thousand and Counting." If Pete Brock will forgive the expression, we'll be counting UP!

GOODBYE CHRISSIE In spite of my efforts to be upbeat and positive in the first part of this column I now must come to a subject that saddens us all. As many of you have heard, Chris Bulger lost his life during the U.S. Nationals in a towing accident. The details of what went wrong will probably appear in these pages and we will learn new lessons, as we have in the past, through tragedy. But I'd like to reflect a bit on what kind of a guy Chris was and what he meant to us all. He was a threetime member of the United States World Team. He flew in his first World Championships in Japan at the age of sixteen and proved his skills so convincingly that he was voted onto the team that flew in Tegelberg in 1983. He represented us in Kossen in 1985. He was twenty years old. One of his fellow team members told me today that Chris was one of the very few pilots in the world who had the capacity to rise above the rest of the field and join the ranks of the true champions, pilots like Steve Moyes, John Pendry, Rich Pfeiffer and Rick Rawlings. Most importantly, however, Chris represented the best aspects of a true team member. He was always enthusiastic, excited to be doing what he was doing and ready to contribute in any way he could to the sport. It's always hard to deal with the passing of a friend. I only knew him briefly. Many of you knew him only through his reputation and his achievements. I can assure you he was a friend to us all. Goodbye Chris, we wish you well.•

photo by


July l7 you and I lost one of the most pilots who has ever been involved in the sport of hang gliding. Chris Bulger started flying at age thirteen, and had racked up thousands of hours in hang gliders, hundreds in trikes and many in airplanes. The guy was a pilot's pilot; one of the world's best, and as the saying goes, he could have flown a nic table. The following is a brief summary of what happened during the tow flight that cost Chris his life. It is presented here with the hope that all who aero tow will not repeat the mistakes that were made; we know that Chris would want it that way. I was not at the airport that clay so what follows are my conclusions af'ter talking with many of the who were there and personally the equipment that was being used, after the accident. It was late in the afternoon, and the conditions were smooth. A number of successful tows had been made that clay without mishap. Brown, Mitch MeAleer, and Jeff had each had clean tows to approximately 2500' While Chris was John Pendry they climbed to between l,000 and 1,500 feet. Chris made a fairly sharp right turn which caused John to lock out to the left. John was on high tow at the time and was fighting to get back behind the tow vehicle. At one point he started to recover from the lock out and then folt a "bump" (hard pull on the line). The trike tumbled, the strands of 505 leech line that went from John's shoulder straps to the three-ring broke one at a time, and presumably the shackle pulled




TOW LINES out of the trike release at the same time the second strand of 505 gave way. The trike tumbled a second time, and broke a leading edge, and then on the third tumble Chris was thrown out and fell approximately 500' to his death. Ewctly what happened will never be known but studying the physical evidence suggests several observations:

THE WEAK LINK: It was one continuous strand of 205 leech line looped through the ring on the three-ring circus release (glider pilot end) and the tow rope, and fastened together with a fisherman's knot. This material is rated at 125 lbs. per strand by the manufacturer. The strength of the weak link would figure to be 4 x 125 = 500 lbs. minus the loss in strength due to friction and the knot. I have done several load tests with this material and duplicate hardware and found that the "weak link" was good for at least 400 lbs. Chris was telling me at breakfast that morning that Thevenot, when towing at the factory, doesn't use a weak link. In any case the weak link that was being used did not break. It is recommended that you never use a weak link good for more than 150 to 200 lbs. I have been using for years a single loop of 205 with three overhand knots and two bowlines to tie the ends together. Its breaking strength is between 210 and 215 lbs. It has always broken when necessary, but sometimes a little more time was required than I was comfortable with. If you're towing, USE A WEAK LINK and test its breaking strength on numerous samples. Be sure it is breaking consistently at UNDER 200 lbs.

THE TRIKE RELEASE: The trike was manufactured in Australia by Ricky Duncan. The trike release had been tested by the manufacturer for a straight pull of 300 lbs. They had always used 150-lb. weak links and had never had a release failure. Due to the increased load with this weak link it appears that the release on the trike die! malfunction. It was a steel pin on the end of a cable that went through two



bolts with a shackle fitting in between. The cable was routed to a foot peddle at the nose of the trike. The trike inspection revealed that the pin was bent above the bottom bolt making release from the trike encl impossible, and the cable was broken away from the foot pedal, indicating that Chris was trying hard to pin John but was unable to. So a release that was tested to 300 lbs. proved inadequate for a 350-lb. plus load at an angle up and to the side. It is of course also possible that the release was damaged on the ground by an impulse load caused by the rope snagging on something.

THE GLIDER: The glider was a Moyes GTR 180 which had been modified to increase wing area and airframe strength for the purpose of using with a trike. This particular glider configuration had not been vehicle tested, and this particular glider had undergone continuing modifications as late as the day of the accident. There is no evidence that the glider was a contributing factor in the incident, but at the same time there is no data on file which establishes its level of airworthiness.

PILOT RELEASE: It is my understanding that John did not have a lot of aero tow experience. He was locked out and was putting everything he had into recovering. It's tough to let go when you're locked out and it has usually been the case that the better the pilot the more attempt is made to recover rather than release. It seems advisable to release well before a lock out becomes severe, especially when on high tow. THE PILOT RESTRAINT SYSTEM: The pilot restraint in the trike was a single lap belt of two-inch webbing with a pinch-type buckle. Both pieces of webbing are movable within the buckle, so when open you can actually take the buckle right off. I think the buckle would be OK if it were clamped down fully but it seems too easy to misuse this system. I believe in four-point harnesses in all ultralights. It is all too easy to deploy a chute or tumble and then be

thrown out of a lap belt. The appearance of the trike suggests that Chris may have survived had he stayed in the trike.

NO PARACHUTE: Chris had no parachute. They had one in the trailer, but they were too anxious to get towing to take the time to put it on. In view of the fact that Chris came out of the trike it would not have helped him unless it was the type that attached a pilot harness to the chute and the trike.

NO HELMET: Chris wasn't wearing a helmet. It may not have mattered in this case, but it could have. A pilot cannot clo much to help himself if he is knocked out· in the air. Hang glider towing has been around since the earliest days of foot launched hang gliding itself. It has long been felt by many that towing has the potential to open up hang gliding to a much wider potential market of pilots. The major stumbling block through the years has been safety; towing has always been more dangerous, both inherently and statistically, than foot launched flying. Recent advances involving improved winches, the center-of-mass bridle system and the use of relatively weak "weak links" have offered new promise of increased safety in towing. The development of aero towing has made towing feasible from smaller fields, once more promising to extend the range of patential flying sites. However, Chris Bulger's accident should serve to remind us that the dangers involved in towing are still very significant. There are few pilots in the world, if any, more skilled than John Pendry. Chris Bulger was both a highly skilled hang glider pilot and a very experienced trike pilot. They were towing in mellow, ideal conditions. They made a few seemingly innocuous mistakes, and it cost Chris his life. NEVER underestimate the danger in towing, and never shortcut or ignore any safety procedures. Let's not let Chris Bulger's tragic death be for nothing.•



How To Turn A Hang Glider by Tom Phillips

Dear Erik, Here is an article that I wrote for our students, to be included in a student package with some other articles reprinted from your column and other sources. I thought that you might be interested in using it in your column. It's not as humorous as most of your stuff but maybe you can come up with some of those great cartoons to spice it up. If you do want to use it wea only ask that you credit Lookout Mountain Flight Park as the source. Judging from our experience, "turning" needs more discussion to clarify the concept for new pilots. Tom Phillips LMFP Training Coordinator P.S. I'll forego the two pitchers of beer if you'll plug our school. Dear Tom, It's a deal! I'm happy to plug Lookout Mountain Flight Park. I'm happy to plug any USHGA certified school whose instructors are willing to share valuable instructional information with the rest of us. Thanks! Erik Fair

Wriy turn? Because the glider is not going the way you want it to. The glider will "fly" without your input. Hands off, the glider will fly at "trim speed" until something stops it. It will not, however, avoid obstacles, find its way into lift or to an appropriate landing area.


DIRECTIONAL CONTROL Once a student has demonstrated that he can take off, regulate airspeed safely and land, he is allowed to move up the training hill for higher and longer flights. It soon becomes necessary to also control the direction of the flight. Uncontrolled turns resulting from crosswind gusts, thermals or less than perfect launches can, at best, cause ungraceful landings. The criterion for advancement then becomes how well the student directs the glider to a preselected landing spot. Turning a hang glider is very much like turning many other recreational devices. Surfboards, skateboards, wind surfers, bicycles, motorcycles, roller skates, and water skis all turn when you shift your weight to the side you want to turn toward. In order to turn a glider you have to roll the wing into a bank. When the wing is level the glider flies straight, when the wing is tilted the glider turns toward the low wing. Looking straight head on at a glider imagine it as a balance scale. To bank the wing, or turn, you must put more weight on the side you want the glider to turn to. Just as with the scale, when you add more weight to one side it drops. In a glider we call this motion rolling. BODY POSITION The pilot of a hang glider hangs from the wing as a pendulum; this is what makes hang gliders unique among aircraft. Displacing his weight from the center is how the pilot controls both speed and direction in the glider. The control bar is used by the pilot to move his body as the bar is rigidly fixed to the wing. The bar is the pilot's frame of

reference. You must move your body relative to this bar in order to effectively control the glider. The pilot's body is supported by a harness. The harness has main suspension straps attached at the pilot's waist or hips. Relative to the glider you can think of the pilot's weight as being concentrated at this point. So, to control the glider in roll you must move your hips to the side you want to turn to. The problems most students have with their turns have to do with the fact that their arms are attached to their shoulders and not their hips. They use their hands and arms to move their head, shoulders and chest over to the side, but because the harness allows the body to pivot, most of the weight stays centered. Or worse, their feet and legs go .the other way, for no effective input at all! One way of looking at this is to observe that in the human anatomy, the head and chest are filled with air and the heavy stuff, the meat and muscle, are in the hips, butt and legs. So, if you want a turn, you've got to move the meat. In turns, lead with your feet. To effectively control a glider you must understand that to change the direction or heading of the glider you roll or bank the wing which allows it to turn. Then you unroll, unbank or level the wing to stop the glider from turning. Done correctly, you are now heading in the direction you wanted to go. What, you went too far? Well start your "roll out" sooner next time. So, a turn has two parts, roll in and roll out. But each of these has two parts also. When you roll in you move over to the side and the glider starts to roll, it


THE RIGHT STUFF will continue to roli" steeper and steeper as long as you stay to the side (you could imagine the glider rolling right over on its back, but it won't). Therefore, you have to center yourself again to hold the desired bank. Some gliders require that you hold yourself up on the high side of the bar slightly, to keep the glider from steepening its bank. How steep you bank the wing has to do with how tight and fast you want the turn to be. The glider will continue to turn now for as long as you want it to, from a few degrees to multiple 360's. When you want to return to straight flight, you must level the wing again with the nose pointing the right way by shifting your weight to the opposite side to start the wing rolling out. Do this just before you are headed where you want to go so that when the wing levels out you are pointing the right way. As the wing comes level you again center your body to resume straight

"Leo.._rn 11")

flight. Note that because of inertia there is a finite amount of time required to both get the glider rolling and get it stopped rolling. Account for this by thinking ahead and planning your turns.

AIRSPEED Most hang gliders do not respond immediately to roll input! There is a lag time, from input to response. This lag is dependent on such things as tuning (how tight it is adjusted), pilot weight, glider model, and others. One factor that significantly affects how fast a glider turns is airspeed. The slower the airspeed, the slower the glider will respond to roll input. If you are flying slowly, for whatever reason (for example, to minimize sink rate or because you are tense and gripping the bar), and you want a turn, you probably won't get it (no matter how far




you move over to the side), until long after you wanted it ... if at all. Some pilots of very tight, "high performance" gliders have observed that we now seem to be flying ;'shift wait" gliders; you shift over and wait for the turn. The obvious way to get that turn now is to increase your airspeed. How much you "pull in" depends on how badly you need the turn and how high you are. Remember, flying very fast also means a steeper descent; you don't want to go diving into the ground. Another cause of problems is the tendency to "push out" as well as "over" when attempting to turn. This is related to tension as well as the arm-to-shoulder attachment mentioned earlier. Again, pushing out while attempting to roll the glider into a tum will not get you the desired turn. Indeed, if you are trying to reverse an unwanted turn you will only aggravate the situation. You will in fact cause the glider to turn more, tightening the unwanted turn.

COORDINATED TURNS All of the turns discussed so far have been inefficient slipping or uncoordinated turns. That's because the glider loses more altitude in a turn than it does in straight and level flight. The way to conserve some of this altitude is to coordinate the turn. You coordinate a turn in a hang glider by pushing out in the turn. That's right, "in" the turn. After you have rolled the wing to the desired bank angle and recentered your body you then push out to reduce your airspeed. Actually, rolling the wing does not really cause it to turn, it simply directs the lift of the wing toward the desired turn. By raising the angle of attack (pushing out) you create more lift to pull you around the turn and stop the slip effect. How much? Good question. Too much push out and you're going to stall! The rule of thumb is: Shallow bank = a little push ow. Steep bank = a lot of push out. I know that's vague but it's the best that we can do. How much really de(continued on page 39)




often from a movie This article is about an which pays trihute to those who many centuries ago. the camera is looking up to man on the of the tallest tower of a medieval town. He lif1s his arms. attached to man-nmdc mimthosc of an who circles over this to his domain. The man looks past his feet at the peasants from 150 feet hclow. On the walls and battlements

sound to an·

nounce the event. A last look at the in defiance and The man shakes his jumps. The man,bird flies cottage sec him from into us. Like a shot bird he hm·,m,1rli shed the roof. htirst from the thatched farm building. The crowd of watchers runs from the approach the small barn walled fearful of what His smashed and tattered, his face bruised and ap· pears at the door, staggers a fow steps and falls unconscious. crowd around and we look up at them through the eyes of the as he awakens. He looks beyond them and we look up to follow his It is the above. comes below


of the birdman's. It is a The watchers have modem clothes. He runs a fow steps, dives from the tower and soars into the The and lands on over beautiful Thus nms a scene from the IMAX film On The about flight from ancient kite in China to airlines. It will be shown at the Smithsonian Avia·

essary to nm the In Los it will be at the Museum of of 1986.

after their brief mystery and frustration over not to fly was so great it was a make emulating a bird or bat and so the jumper could start from a high learn to fly on the way down. it was a blindly forlorn that if the jump were miracle would ages, before anyone had flown, it must have taken blind courage to with your own J remember my in the 19:iO's and 1970.

with 1ny partner, Dori took a Pan Am 747 to Nice and a train to Car·· in Southern France where the scene would he filme.d. The 13th century was carcfolly like our Williamsburg, except hundreds of years older. It was but southern France and all of the worst we were told.

the sun was out and the air calm. The tower sequence, which will a few minutes, cost over nm a hundred thousand dollars. It used 78 costumed extras, a built thatched farm with $900 of balsa wood in the roof for the tower to smash A famous French stunt man, Mario Luraschi, was hired to make the fall into the roof. Like any movie the action was done in steps and the scenes put the First the nmn was filmed on the tower with the Then several were spent do· crowd scenes with the costumed sants." Most of the extras were citizens of Carcassone who were to join in the fun and panoply of movie The IMAX camera was carried to the top of the tower and hung over the to the of view. Then it was pnt on a cd by a crane. The camera was swung down on the house and spun to a falling point of view of into the house. We also pulled the camera from the top of the house up as it spun around. Later the film would be nm backwards so it would look like it was down. We from the crane a cable and put his chest on the camera. pulling him up off the camera as il ran and then the film it would seem as if he were fall-

sense of and reverence 1hat I recreate the tower jump scene. got a call to make a for a man· bird device for a movie Francis the mem· Inc. was orablc 1b in shown at IMAX theaters. shown in my aviation from Leonardo Vinci and and made two multifeathered strap·-on sets of for the birdmen or "Hammes Oiseau," as say in France. In with the medieval motif the main frame was of laminated wood and covered the feathers of aluminum with cloth to teak quills. A wood frame and leather harness attached it to the man. We the in bike boxes and

S!1JYrEMBER 1985

below. The film will be run ABOVE: Bird-man Jack


the roof he dove from foet which was filled with cardboard boxes to rest his crash Our stunt man, ''Cascadeur" in believer in the

fall into a air--filled mattress, but the person must land flat Boxes allow the to land in any and yet crush to absorb the fall and not hurt

Tb make the of the top of the Pinte Tower at Carcasonne was constmcted in the lot near our hotel, which was next to the walled boxes so The part where he staggers from the that ched and falls ruined the several times. We were up at dawn for the shoot. Dori and I al so used parts from the crash set used in the fall I he roof. lt was all great fun. The crowd of costumed extras lent an unreal to lunches on location at the base of the tower. It was like a time inachine. catered food (as anyone who has been to France will con-

ambulance arrival from a few kilometers away took over minutes. Their was that the call was for someone who had "fallen down" in the lot. Poor John crushed two ver·· tebrae, broke his and dislocated shoulder. was moved, by chartered jet, to Paris 800 miles north for an to his

and treasure and our past and it a part of the present. It was great fun and an honor lo work on the tower sequence On The


to or not is yet we felt a little respon I didn't

shot the crowd and tower to nm off the tower over the camera. set up the and was lifted to the 1.5-foot wall. The camera was set under it to catch him off. We assembled a of cardboard boxes but John felt the and that the boxes were only in ease he botched the takeoff and fell off the wall. In no wind ! didn't think one could launch modern in four steps from 15 feet but John was convinced that he would He waited for the two to three wind After two hours ran off drifts to out. The never got hard on hill seat, bounced onto his shoulder and smacked headfirst onto the pavement.


from such a short nm. But John seemed so and convinced he could didn't say folt because I should have. The direc· felt had caused him he wouldn't if it were not

scenes. Dori and I weut to the Cannes film fostival after our part over. I would movie for !MAX on how the

rwo week Delivery


OPTIONS: W', %", or I" Foam !lacing 13001 No Foam Siecl Cara!Ji11e1 rllFHMA/11'" l11s11lal1on Hadio Holr1cr flallasl llrot Stasll Pooch [xtra Pockets 111,rnins ll1nqe Fly 'lap Clievron Stripes You N111nc ltl Tw1) Wonk Delivery

went by train and to de Garcia Venice, Florence and the Italian Air Force Museum at de Bracciano near Rome, and the used in those races. l!'s wonderfol that wc


by Paul Burns

recently, my exposure to the Airwave line of gliders was limited to what I had read in various publications and my inspection of the accompanying photos. Fact is, I've only seen a couple of Magics in the air, and those belonged to visiting pilots. My first flight on the Magic IV 166 came at the "E" launch above Lake Elsinore, California, a site I have become very familiar with over the past few years. On this day the weather was a bit out of the ordinary. A weak tropical depression over Baja, Mexico had positioned itself to pump sub-tropical moisture and associated unstable air into Southern California. This resulted in midmorning cumulus activity that built to overdevelopment and thunderstorms by early afternoon. The first takeoff with the Magic IV was uneventful. As I glided toward the first house thermal, the Magic provided a smooth, stable ride into the turbulent lift. A pleasant surprise was in store as I rolled the wing to initiate a 360° turn. The Magic responded quickly and smoothly with little control input. Although this thermal remained moderately turbulent for 700!800' above ground level, the wing remained cored in the lift with little correction, or effort. Operating SEPTEMBER


at times at bank angles of 45 °, the Magic displayed an ability to climb quickly, while its slow airspeed capability allowed 360° turns at a small diameter essential for working those punchy thermals at or near the ground. Topping out in the first thermal at 2,500' above launch, I pulled the variable geometry string tight and began gliding to a developing cumi. Bar pressure in pitch seemed quite tolerable at speeds to 40 mph, and the wing remained easily directionally controllable without noticeable yaw instability. Arriving under the cloud at 4,000' MSL, I began circling with the V.G. still pulled tight. Although an increase in bar pressure was noticeable in roll, and initiation was slower, the Magic remained quite controllable and reasonably responsive. This prompted me to leave the V.G. string pulled in for the majority of the flight. I had managed to reach cloudbase and climbed another 500' on the windward edge of the cloud when a strong developing cycle threatened to envelop the Magic and me in cloud. Pulling in on the speed bar, I moved toward an area of blue sky. On this glide I accelerated the Magic to 45 mph (indicated) and again was impressed with the Magic's ability to maintain

a straight course. For nearly an hour I engaged in cloud hopping, flying from one developing cloud to the next. Soon local overdevelopment shut things down as the shadow cast by the clouds prevented further heating of the surface by the sun. I turned on a course for the landing zone and glided for a couple of miles through mild to moderate sink and turbulence. Arriving over the LZ with 1,500' AGL, the air continued to be mostly sink and turbulence. As I descended, I checked the windsock in the LZ. I could see the conditions were quite variable as far as wind speed and direction. Then I found a bump of lift and began to work it at about 500' above the ground. This thermal proved to be spotty and weak at low altitude, but after gaining 1,000' the thermal increased to a comfortable size, smoother and easier to work. Climbing to 6,000', I was able to extend the duration of my flight by another hour. However, once again a new cycle of cloud development shut things down. Again I flew out over the LZ. This time the air was very buoyant, and at 3,000' above ground level, it seemed everything was going up. Suddenly I noticed traces of wind lines on the surface of Lake Elsinore. Looking upwind, I saw a well15

OPPOSITE: Author Paul Burns launches the Magic IV. ABOVE: Streamlined upright/base tube junction detail. ABOVE RIGHT: lFioating crossbar tensioning detail.

developed squall line that seemed to be approaching. The gust front was now causing white caps on the lake. I found some sink and cored it while maintaining an airspeed of around 40 mph. The combination produced a sink rate of about 300 fpm. Winds were 10-15 mph and gusty on the landing, but the Magic IV delighted me with a perfect no-step landing. The next day again found me setting up at the "E" to enjoy my second flight on this design. Conditions appeared to be similar to the previous day. Again the thermals were punchy and turbulent at low elevations, and cloudbase remained at 7,000' MSL. This day, however, overdevelopment proved more widespread. After an hour and a half, I found myself over the LZ coring sink to get down in the face of an approaching thunderstorm. Again, my approach to the LZ was turbulent through areas of alternating lift and sink and gusty winds. I was glad the Magic responded quickly and predictably. providing a near perfect landing. A third flight was logged on the Magic from the "E" launch site. On this day the weather proved to be more typical. A higher barometric pressure and the return of our usual Southern California inversion layer, 16


Span Aspect ratio Optimum pilot weight Glider weight #ribs (top surface) #battens (bottom surface)

155 sq. ft.

166 sq, ft.

177 sq. ft.

32.8' 6.2 140-160 lbs. 64 lbs.

35' 6.84 175-200 lbs. 71 lbs.


34,8' 6.8 155-175 lbs. 66 lbs.* 6



6 2

*69 lbs. with V.G.

Frame Components: All tubing is 6082 T-6 seamless, anodized aluminum. All rigging is 3/32" ss w/vinyl coating. Leading edges are 1-3/4" x .049 w/inner and outer sleeves. Cross tubes 2-1/2" x .049 w/milled ends. Keel 1-3/4" w/innersleeves. Streamlined kingpost 1-1/16" x 2-3/4" x .035 w/7/8 x .035 innersleeve. Streamlined control bar uprights - same as kingpost. Control bar (round option) 1-1/16" x .065 includes all cable mount hardware All ribs 3/8 11 aluminum tube w/solid fiberglass shaft ends, 1/2" nose rib. All hardware (nuts, bolts, etc.) AN standard American Sizes.

Standard features include: Streamlined kingpost and control bar uprights, breakdown leading edges, zippered inspection pockets, nose cone, storage bag. Extra cost options: Control bar speed bar, mylar (surfcoat) leading edge pockets, spring loaded wing tips, rainbow sail cloth, exponential sail cloth, sandwich cloth trailing edge, all colors in 3.8, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 ounce stabilized dacron sailcloth.


with the ceiling at 7,000' MSL, brought a more stable quality to the air. Climb rates were generally slower this day, thermals more isolated, and areas of sink larger and more prevalent than the two other days. After topping out in a thermal the wind shear at the top of the inversion proved turbulent. This turbulence persisted several hundred feet below the inversion's ceiling. Although I had an anxious moment now and then, the Magic's stable flight characteristics instilled confidence, even in the "thrashy" air. Landing on this day was more of a normal exercise with the usual downwind condition at 10-15 mph and 500 fpm sink. Once again the Magic gave me a near-perfect landing in spite of the mild to moderate turbulence. Due to deadline limitations, only one more flight was completed on the Magic IV. This occurred at Marshall Peak near San Bernardino, California. This day turned out to be a bit on the strong side with 500!800' fpm thermals rising to the inversion ceiling at 6,500' MSL, accompanied by winds to 35 mph at higher elevations. Trying in vain to stay low for photos, I found a good thermal and climbed to a 3,000' gain. Flying a triangle course from Marshall Peak to Crestline to Pine Flats and back to Marshall (a distance of six miles), I found the Magic IV retained impressive glide performance and sink rate at speeds to 40 mph. Landing on this flight allowed me the only opportunity to perform this maneuver in "normal" air. Approach was smooth and uneventful as I turned on final. I lined up on the target, levelled the wing in ground effect, and then greed took over. I stretched as far as possible toward the target, a late flare, and ... the Magic deposited me on the ground with no steps required, and only a few feet short of my goal. (But at the expense of dropping a wing tip slightly.) Any pilot who has ever set up a Comettype hang glider will have little problem with the Magic IV. Unzip the storage bag and extend the uprights. Attach the base tube, stand the glider on control bar and remove the bag and all the ties. Spread the wings to about % extension. Attach the rear landing wire and bridle lines at the top of the kingpost. Install top surface ribs (six per side). Tension the wing through the keel pocket and pull back to the rear keel anchor pivot and secure with a pip pin. Install the bottom surface battens next (two per side). The wing tips are next and they may present some dif-


ficulty on the first attempt at mounting. They have a compression spring built into the shaft. A hook is mounted on the leading edge tube. To install, place the flat end of the tip into the closed pocket at the trailing edge of the sail and pull the front section of the rod

': .. It is safe to say that based on the Magic IV's impressive competition record, its range of performance in both sink rate and glide ratio are in the top category." to compress the spring far enough to engage the hook. (By the third set-up I found this installation relatively easy to accomplish.) Now install the nose cone and the front fly-

ing wires at the nose with a pip pin; preflight, and you're ready to fly. This task can be accomplished by one person in 15 minutes. The Magic IV flown for this report was equipped with a streamlined kingpost and control bar uprights, speed bar base tube, variable geometry, surfcoat leading edge pockets and spring tips. Although I did not have the opportunity to conduct any performance comparisons with other current models, it is safe to say that based on the Magic IV's impressive competition record, its range of performance in both sink rate and glide ratio are in the top category. Add quick handling response through light bar pressure, excellent turn coordination for effective thermalling, variable geometry for high speed, and the Magic IV presents a versatile, highly refined competition and cross country machine. Yet its easy handling qualities make it fun to fly .•

AIRW AVE'S MAGIC IV BOX SCORES (Scale of I to 5) Set-up time/ease ....................................................... 5 Ground handling ...................................................... 4 Static balance ......................................................... 5 Frame hardware/finish ................................................. 5 Sail quality /craftsmanship ............................................... 5

FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS Handling - low airspeeds .............................................. 5 Handling - high airspeeds .............................................. 5 Bar pressure - roll .................................................... 5 Bar pressure - pitch .................................................. 4 Roll control initiation .................................................. 5 Roll reversal (45 °-45 °) ................................................. 5 Yaw stability ......................................................... 5 Turn coordination ..................................................... 5 Speed range . . . . . . . ................................................... 4 Sink rate performance .................................................. 5 Glide angle performance ................................................ 5

LANDING CHARACTERISTICS Flare authority ........................................................ 5 Parachutability ........................................................ 3 Directional control at mush speed ........................................ 4 166 Magic IV @ 69 lbs. (73 lbs. in bag) Pilot weight @ 170 lbs. equals 1.4 lb./sq. ft. wingloading Stall speed with V.G. loose 17 mph; tight 18 mph Top speed with V.G. loose 46 mph; tight 48 mph Pilot proficiency required: Hang III and above Suggested retail price is around $2,500



Ground Effect And Wind Gradients by Mike Meier

Dear Answer Man, As a good pilot, I know that there are differences in a wing's flying characteristics when in ground effect as opposed to not being in said effect. I have heard that the vo11ices are ''damped," but that doesn't really explain much. What (in simple terms) is happening? My other question refers to two potential dangers. I was told in my fledgling days that it is easy to stall a glider when passing through a wind gradient. I put my feeble mind to the task, and came to the conclusion that if one pays attention to the ground speed, it would seem as if one 1vere flying faste1; thereby a not-sohot pilot may want to push out, however, more "knowledgeable" pilots told me that that is not the case. If not, what is going on that would cause a glider to stall in a gradient? Furthermore, is a wind shadow a type of gradient? ls there much difference between a wind gradient and a wind shadow in their effects upon gliders?

speed is 25 mph. You are at 50 feet above the ground. Your speed of forward motion over the ground below you would thus be five mph. As you descend along your glide slope (which is fairly steep relative to the ground because of your meager groundspeed), you descend into a region of lesser wind speed. Let's say that as you descend through an altitude of 30 feet, the windspeed drops relatively abruptly to 10 mph. Now, with a groundspeed of five mph into a headwind of only 10 mph, your airspeed is only 15 mph, and you are stalled. The glider will try to respond by drop-

ping its nose, and picking up airspeed, and it will eventually recover. The problem is that the recovery trajectory will probably intersect the ground before the recovery is complete. In other words, you will crash. Of course one doesn't stall because of too low an airspeed, but rather because of too high an angle of attack. In the example above, it's easier to understand what's happening from the point of view of airspeed, but the situation can also be looked at from an angle of attack perspective. While the glider is descending, the angle of attack is determined by the

Sincerely, Mitchell 11mtura Dear Mr. Ventura, I'll take your second question first, because it's easier. Ther term "wind gradient" refers to the fact that typically the speed of the wind relative to the ground becomes slower as you get closer to the ground. Imagine yourself making a straight final glide, into the wind, on landing approach. Imagine that the wind is blowing 20 mph, and that your air-








THE ANSWER MAN combination of the glider's pitch attitude and the direction of the relative wind. The direction of the relative wind is a combination of the wind velocity vector (horizontal), and the relative wind due to the glider's path relative to the ground below. If the wind velocity vector suddenly becomes much smaller, the relative wind direction will become more heavily determined by the glider's path of travel, which will increase the angle of attack. If this increase is great enough, the glider's angle of attack will be above that of the stall. The greatest danger of a wind gradient induced stall occurs when the change in the windspeed happens most quickly. A wind gradient which is severe enough to cause a severe stall would probably qualify as a wind shear; the term shear referring to two horizontal layers of air which are "shearing" or moving relative to one another in the horizontal plane. A wind shadow is simply a gradient which is caused or made more severe by the existence of an obstacle, such as a line of trees, which helps to slow the windspeed at altitudes below the level of the top of the obstacle. There are a number of things one can do to avoid a stall when descending through a gradient. Probably the best is simply to make your approach with as much airspeed as possible. In the exampie above, if the glider's airspeed had been 35 mph when above the gradient, it would still have been 25 mph after descending through the gradient, and no

stall would have occurred. It is also a good idea to monitor your groundspeed and the windspeed at ground level (watch the windsock) so you'll know when to expect trouble. If you are barely pene!rating over the ground on your upwind final, while the windsock in the landing area is hanging almost limp, you'd better climb over the bar and get your speed up or you're going to stall and slam in. With regard to your question about ground effect, and the effects on a glider's flight characteristics, I'm not sure I can give you an explanation that will be both simple and correct. You might think of it this way; as a wing moves through the air, inclined at some angle of attack, it tends to "bunch up" the air beneath and in front of it and "stretch out" the air above and behind it. The reaction forces of the air pushing back from below and in front and pulling from above and behind are the forces we call lift and drag. One result of this process is that the air pressure below the wing is higher than normal, while the pressure above the wing is lower than normal. At the boundaries of the wing, the air is free to flow from the higher pressure region to the lower pressure region, and it tends to do just that, particularly at the wing tips. One result is a continuous rolling vortex of air movement at each tip. These are known as the tip vortices. They are the major components in what aerodynamicists call induced drag. There is a substantial amount of energy invested in those large

swirling masses of air, and the loss of this energy from the glider requires the glider to continuously descend (lose gravitational potential energy) in order to maintain flying speed (kinetic energy of motion). When a glider flies within a few feet of the ground, the ground interferes with the formation of these vortices. The result is less energy lost to induced drag, and a higher LID (glide ratio). In terms of what you experience, as you fly down to within a few feet of the ground on your landing approach, you notice that the glide ratio of your glider goes way up, and that you can sometimes glide for hundreds of feet at the same altitude with only a very small loss in airspeed. Or, if you are trying to land on a downhill slope, you may find you can glide at a constant speed indefinitely on a slope that is much flatter than your glider's normal LID. If this explanation (which I believe is reasonably correct) isn't simple enough, you can think of it another way. Your wing, in moving through the air, pushes the air below it downwards, and uses the resistance of the air to being pushed to provide the necessary lifting force. When you are only a few feet off the ground, the ground gets in the way of the air you are pushing downwards, and as a result the air pushes back harder, giving you more lift. This explanation sounds fine to me, although I suspect it might cause a conventional aerodynamicist to wince a little.•

Looking for compact, simple, stowab/e pitch control ? Get a Speed Rait:M 1'' Reduced pull-in effort. Flat body attitude for less drag. Static load tested to IOG's. $ 1aoocomplete. Available from:



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Part 103 Explained ©1985 by Dennis Pagen

Let's take a few moments to talk about basic principles. You know that a closed line defines an area. Moving such an area through a given distance or height defines a volume. Now take as the closed line the perimeter of the continental United States and with a height of 10,000 ft. you have defined the airspace for the majority of general aviation operations in our country. It is, sadly, a limited volume. The second principle is simply stated: no two objects can occupy the same point at the same time. This may seem obvious, and yet occasionally objects such as aircraft try to do just that. Imagine a little hang glider and a big 747 trying to violate this second principle. In such a case both aircraft usually suffer the same fate. The third principle comes to us from the bad dreams of Franz Kafka. To wit: a bureaucracy is self-perpetuating. Such a bureaucracy is the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). In order to preserve jobs and elevate salaries, the FAA must continue to expand its influence by making new laws. You can already see where this is heading. Our final principle is one that should be familiar to all readers: hang glider pilots tend to be free spirits. Add this principle to the preceding three and you have potential conflict. Despite well-reasoned arguments to the contrary, a couple of years ago the FAA grew anxious over the first principle, fretted over the second principle, and proved the third principle by passing a law called Part 103. Part 103 governs all hang gliders flying in the U.S. The FAA left it up to us to conciliate this law with the fourth principle. So far we've done a pretty good job. However, everywhere I go I talk to pilots who are unaware of some of the laws that govern our flying. There have even been articles published where the author describes a flight that involves violating Part 103. Each infraction is liable to a $1,000 fine that may be levied with very little evidence (read between my lines). You can defend yourself if you wish to spend several thousand on a


lawyer. It is better to understand Part 103 and live within the law (I don't like it either, but I refuse to donate needlessly to bureaucratic salaries). To facilitate this understanding, we offer this review and explanation of Part 103. Also included is a comment on 103.20 which was added last fall. Our background material is Advisory Circular 103-7 which the FAA published to help explain Part 103.

APPLICABILITY Section 103.1 of FAR Part 103 defines an ultralight vehicle. It turns out that hang gliders are unpowered ultralights according to the federal government. There are several criteria we must meet as listed below: a) Single occupancy. Hang gliders can carry one person only except under the exemption the USHGA, later applied for and received. To fly tandem legally you must meet certain qualifications and achieve a special tandem rating. Write the USHGA office for the forms and procedures. b) Recreation purposes only. You cannot receive compensation for your flying in any way. However, situations that do allow you to make money are instruction, rental of equipment, sporting events, authoring books and receiving discounts on equipment. Aerial advertising is specifically prohibited. You can fly with a company logo and may even get a free glider in the deal, but you cannot enter into an agreement that specifies the location, number or pattern of flights. You cannot fly for hire in airshows or public exhibitions. c) Airworthiness Certificate. If you want to fly for hire or otherwise avoid some of the rules of Part 103, you may obtain an airworthiness certificate from the FAA. This will take some doing, but it has been accomplished on several occasions. Write the FAA for Advisory Circular 20-27C. cl) Weight limits. A hang glider must weigh less than 155 pounds. That sort of leaves all you 450-pound pilots scrambling for smaller gliders. Other rules in this section apply only to powered ultralights.

INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Section 103.3 says that you must allow an FAA official to inspect your glider for compliance with Part 103. Furthermore, you must provide any documentation necessary to prove this compliance. In the field, if an FAA official approaches you with specific requests of this nature, we suggest you exercise courtesy, for they have the power of arrest and the usual human reactions to questions of their authority.

WAIVERS AND CERTIFICATES Section 103.5 says you can only conduct operations that deviate from Part 103 by obtaining a written waiver. To obtain such a waiver, contact your GADO (General Area District Office). Remember, you are dealing with masters of reel tape, so you need patience and luck. However, many of these officials are curious about hang gliding and may go out of their way to help you. Section 103.7 says that our gliders are not required to meet any federal government airworthiness standards nor are they required to be registered or bear markings. Furthermore, pilots are not required to be licensed or have any experience, knowledge, age or medical qualifications. Since the above section was written, however, the FAA has pushed for the voluntary compliance with a three-part program: vehicle airworthiness, vehicle registration and pilot registration (presented in Advisory Circular 103-1). The USHGA has been charged with administering this program for hang gliding. The USHGA uses the HOMA standards for airworthiness, your membership and rating card for pilot registration, and offers a system of registration numbers to be displayed on the keel of your glider. As of now these programs are voluntary. However, if enough pilots don't participate the FAA has indicated that they will be made mandatory.

HAZARDOUS OPERATIONS Section 103. 9 prohibits operations such as flying or dropping of objects so as to create a hazard to persons or property. The inter-


pretation of hazard is vague - intentionally so - so that you can be fined if your actions are perceived as a threat to the public. Certainly, diving at spectators on launch, crashing into someone's car or landing in a mature corn field could lead to a fine under this ruling.

DAYLIGHT OPERATIONS Section 103.11 states that you can only fly from sunrise to sunset. That's legally defined sunrise and sunset which may be found in your local newspaper or an almanac. All those moonlight flights or my favorite pastime of watching the sunset from the air are hereby prohibited. The only exception to this rule is a 30-minute extension before sunrise and after sunset if you display a blinking anticollision light which is visible for three miles and you remain in uncontrolled airspace (below 1,000 feet above the terrain in most places).

RIGHT-OF-WAY RULES Section 103.13 determines who has the right-of-way in ultralight operations. Simply put, hang gliders must yield right-of-way to all aircraft except powered ultralights.

CONGESTED AREA OPERATIONS Section 103.15 prohibits flying over a congested area of a city, town or settlement or an open air assembly of persons. This is another catch-all ruling. In the past, a congested area has been defined as one house. Thus, if you make it a habit to fly over a nude sunbather in the privacy of their back yard, they can complain and have you fined. Skirt habitations on your way to a landing field and avoid landing in city parks that require you to fly over buildings.

OPERATIONS IN CONTROLLED AIRSPACE Sections 103.17 and 103.19 prohibit the operation of hang gliders in certain areas of controlled airspace. These are Airport Traffic Areas (a cylinder 3,000 feet high with a five mile radius around airports with an operating control tower), Control Zone (an area around high volume airports that extends up to 14,500 feet above sea level), Terminal Control Area (around large airports), Positive Control Area (above 18,000 feet), Prohibited areas and Restricted areas (the latter two are usually around military operations and national monuments). You can get a waiver to operate in any of these areas but you'll need some luck in many cases. SEPTEMBER 1985

VISUAL REFERENCE WITH THE SURFACE AND CLOUD CLEARANCE Section 103.21 states that you must maintain visual reference with the surface at all times. Simply put, that means you cannot fly in clouds or even above a stratus layer or extensive fog bank. Section 103.23 defines the cloud clearance requirements. There is some logic to this: pilots flying airplanes on instruments have their eyes glued to the panel when they zip through the clouds. They exit horizontally, so it may take a good distance before they focus on their environment and start looking for other air traffic. You wouldn't have a chance if an airplane popped out of a cloud and aimed for you from a hundred yards away. The other considerations are that cloud bottoms tend to be fairly level while the tops tend to billow. With these three criteria you can remember the cloud clearance values as: 2,000 feet horizontal, 500 feet below and 1,000 feet above. This holds true except above 10,000 feet and outside controlled airspace (below 1,200 feet in most areas). Outside controlled airspace you must remain clear of clouds and visibility must be at least one mile. In all other areas visibility must be at least three miles. Again we note that cloud flying is illegal (and dangerous). Also, getting to cloudbase is likewise an illegal act.

NOTAMS Section 103. 20 requires all pilots to be aware of notams (notices to airmen) by calling Flight Service (see the phone book under Federal Government, FAA). These notams may restrict airspace in the vicinity of important personages. An example of this is a prohibition of flying near the President's ranch north of Santa Barbara, California when he is in residence. From the preceding you can see there are several ways to end up having to spend your lunch money on insidious fines. The most likely rules you'll run afoul of are hazardous operations, flying over congested areas and cloud flying. As yet, I know of no hang glider pilot who has been fined. However, I know of several poorer powered ultralight pilots due to their ignoring these rules (one to the tune of $7,000). The FAA has assured us that they do not have agents hiding in the bushes looking for infractions, but will investigate all complaints. The lesson here is obvious. Maintain good relations with the communities in your flying areas and for

Pete's sake don't brag about thermaling up over the Los Angeles Coliseum and entering a cloud at 10,000 feet. I was personally involved in drafting the USHGA official response to the original Part 103 proposal. The FAA didn't change any of their basic rules, but the subsequent massive letter campaign postponed the adoption of Part 103 for about six months. This campaign let the FAA know how concerned and organized we hang glider pilots were at the time. Only good will came of this. Part 103 has been in effect since October 4, 1982. The next phase in a year or so will be tightening of the requirements for powered ultralights. Sympathetic voices within the FAA have indicated that hang gliders will not be regulated further at that time (perhaps they don't want to read all those letters again). To help make this a reality, fly within the limits of Part 103 so that the FAA doesn't perceive us as a threat to air traffic or the public. I'm willing to do this if I can avoid the hassles of licensing, testing and medical certificates that plague other forms of aviation.•



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Top glider on the 1985 U.S. World Team flown by Mark Bennett. Winner 1985 Manufacturers Meet flown by Stew Smith.

Pilot: Stew Smith

BETTER HANDLING - With a higher pilot suspension point, the roll pressm:e is reduced and the rate is faster. The landing flare is also easier and when you pull in your body stays flatter to the wind. MORE LID -

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5760 Thornwood Drive #3 • Santa Barbara, CA 93117 (805) 967-4848

The proven Sensor 510 160 sail and planform.


That seemed to he the almost unanimous opinion of pilots, meet director, and ground crew, about the 1985 National in Chelan, "Who's write this up for I asked Walt as wc drove out to Reardan on the last "You arc!" he in his official meet director,-no arguments voice, Well, "Head Launch Mama" and assistant to the I know how everybody started out and where ended up each Add to those facts some of the quotahle comments from the pilots' landing and that undefinable something that made this meet so special will come through for those who couldn't be there,



H ever there was a meet run by amateurs, this was it. our meet director, Walt had years of practice ordering around pilots and ground crew, and our meet Mark Kenworthy and Lee Fisher had lots flying in competitions, Their attention to details everything smoothly until we newcomers caught on to the system, Each morning pilots and crew would at the grassy field by Lakeside about 9:30, to load gear and on the Uchytil Glider Transport Truck (you 'II have to see pictures to believe itl) and bodies on the cattle truck, to head up to launch, The first day the pilots started up as soon as they arrived on top,

before the

got a devils

clothing, Walt catches on fast; from then on first, then set up, That level The highlight of each was the weather report by Harold Locke, in-famous Seattle sailplane and hang pilot and cxpe1i weather interpreter, Each day he'd call the for the latest weather information, explain what all those numbers meant in terms of up and and help Walt and the rest of the committee decide on an m,m,,,m,rn1" the day, Harold's forecast was on each clay, and before long he'd earned the title "Dr, we Seattle Weather," vince him to do this for us at our closest-to-home site! The first day, Saturday, the task was the Wilbur about 60 miles away by air. Walt sent me and Jean Dawkins "a and a pregnant Jean quipped the pregnant lady) out there to set up the goal posts, In of our total about what an official should look like, we managed to get up the and and put out tarps to make it more visible, before Randy of Canada came streakfollowed by John The fastest time of the who flew the 60 miles in hours and 40 minutes; the average time for the 14 finishers was hours and 15 minutes, Those were 14 happy guys out there, in the shade of the tarp and beer nntil the goal closed and the

illustration by George Sturtevant






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GS headed back along the retrieval route. The folks who landed short didn't have it quite so plush; there's not a lot of shade out on the Flats, and even water cooled by high altitude flying warms up in a hurry in the 100 degree sun. At the end of Round I, Chris Bulger was in first place, Randy Haney was second, Rick Rawlings was third just seconds ahead of Joe Greblo, and John Pendry was fifth. On Sunday, Walt and Dr. Weather decided to send the troops back to Wilbur. Conditions on launch were difficult, to say the least - light, cross, squirrely wind kept everyone on the hill until almost 2:00. Since Walt had declared the launch window would close at 3:00, those in the back of the line, 24 pilots in all, were unable to get off before the window closed. The goal closed at 6:30, as it had the previous day, but because of the late launches only 13 of the 28 finishers arrived before the closing. Rich Pfeiffer was the first to cross the goal, and John Pendry had the fastest time. Chris Bulger made it within yards of the airport, but was too low to cross the goal line. At the end of round II Randy Haney was in first, John Pendry was second, Joe Greblo third, Steve Moyes fourth, and Bruce Case fifth. Rick Rawlings had dropped to seventh, and Chris was eleventh, right behind Gerry Uchytil, the only Sporting Class competitor to place in the top ten. Matt Wagner and Doug Lawton, who eventually tied for first place in the newly-established Leisure Class, pinpointed their landing as "the Jacuzzi at Campbell's Lodge, cold beer in hand." Monday's pilots' meeting was long and controversy-filled. Many pilots were concerned about the safety factor when a large number of pilots are forced to leave the hill in a short time to avoid a penalty. Walt solved 28

that by deciding the launch window would remain open until the last pilot launched. Walt also felt he had erred in calling for a 6:30 closing of the goal, and suggested counting all those who made it to the Wilbur Airport as having finished. Quite a number of pilots objected to that, saying that they had altered their flying tactics to make the 6:30 deadline, and had landed short when they could have made goal had they known they had more time. The 6:30 closing time was not changed for Sunday, but all future closing times were sufficiently generous to assure that no one would fly the distance and arrive too late. On Monday, Walt and Dr. Weather decided on an out-and-return to Sims Corner and back to the Chelan Airport, a total of about 59 miles. The pylon folks drove out to Sims and set up six white tarps behind a big barn; the pilots were to fly beyond the barn and note the configuration of the tarps, then return to the airport and describe what they saw to the goal timers. This sounded simple as it was explained on launch, but in practice several pilots found it difficult to see the pattern from 11,000'. Once again Chris Bulger had the fastest time to goal: 2 hours and 15 seconds. Randy Haney held on to his first place position, Bruce Case moved up to second, and Rick Rawlings was in third. Chris's smoking time moved him up to sixth, and Gerry Uchytil continued way out ahead of the rest of the Sporting Class, seventh overall. Tuesday was, in the estimation of Dr. Weather, a 100-mile day, so the goal was set at Reardan, just over 100 miles away as the glider flies. No one hung around on launch this day; by 12:30 the lemmings were on the move, and the last one had leaped by 1:15. The launch timers rejoiced in the opportunity

to free fly or swim, but it was a long, hard day for pilots and goal crew. Kevin Bye, in particular, found it rough going; he and his ProDawn happened upon one of those infamous Chelan "killer thermals," which tumbled the glider and broke the leading edge. Kevin deployed his chute and landed unharmed just north of Almira, about 50 miles out from the butte. Rick Duncan from Australia was the first to arrive at the Reardan Airport at 5:33, but Chris Bulger once again had the fastest time, making the course in 4 hours and 29 minutes. A total of 9 pilots cross the goal, the first time a 100-mile task had been called and accomplished in a U.S. National Competition. Bruce Case, with a time of 4 hours 55 minutes moved into first place, while Chris had streaked his way back up to second. Rack Rawlings was third, followed by Randy Haney and John Pendry. Gerry Uchytil's consistently strong performance kept him in seventh place overall, still way out ahead of the rest of the Sporting Class. Jeff Huey flew 10 miles and landed along the Waterville Road, "mistaking a tin T-hangar for the airport cafe in Reardan." Mike King, a Leisure Class pilot who signed Jeffs landing form, agreed it was an honest mistake; Jeff probably thought he had streaked out to goal so fast the timers hadn't had a chance to set up the poles and tarps. Luckily no one told these guys this was supposed to be a serious competition! Wednesday was a "rest day," a chance to sleep in, enjoy the lake, or fly for fun. For most of the pilots and crew, the first order of business was the aerobatics display over the city park. Chris Bulger and Ricky Duncan started the show with a "fly-by" in their trikes. They did some crowd-pleasing maneuvers, then just buzzed around until the HANG GLIDING

have some new tricks to teach us! was out to Reardan and everyone was on the way. The ad committet: had call·

under canopy out Mansfield. Davidson's ProDawn had been tumbled in a dust devil several thousand feet above the she had lost hold of her con·


him enough points to move ahead

of Bruce Case, who landed at the top of McNeil

so the final


Place, Pilot


Lamb and Ren Davidson understood, and landed within throw of the restaurant, about 20 miles short of had some time to make up, and covered the 100 miles in 4 hours and

first JOO.mile with zillions of If our meet offered him new, that's pretty Meanwhile, back at the butte, Dan Mor· risson was "one of those with incredible skill and the Wuffo unable to wu ff, or even a hat. then landed in "his" field, below the butte by the river,

lo her foot, and she was taken by ambulance to the Chelan . She was tranforred to Wenatchee, and about a week after the meet ended she flew home to Conncctieult for surgery on her foot. Instead of the arrangement of tarps behind the ham as on the Sims Corner task, the pilots this time had to row of silos from the east that had flown past the half the made it out Corner and part way back, but a head wind and some cirrus clouds that Dr. Weather had not put many on the between Sims and the rim of the and Rick Dun·

were unable to make before the off. Rick ,,a·w lllH,, less than a mile short; all Rick had to do was stick with John to stay ahead, and all the way to the that's what he did. completion did


l st Rick 2nd John 3rd Rmcc 4th


5th Rick Duncan 6th

World GTR

HP World

IV World

HP World


Uchytil 7th Rich Pfeiffer 8th Kevin 9th Joe Grcblo !0th Lee Fisher ! Ith Steve 12th Rich Sauer 13th John Woiwode

World Sensor World World World

IV World GTR

The awards ceremony was held Chelan available diver

were not you can't win!

of the Sims and return task. This would get .. w''""''""' back in the area in time for the awards ceremony Launch condi· tions once and difficult, and no one got off before 1:15. Instead of the usual nosc·tO··tail rush, there were several minutes between launches as the waited for decent wind to launch in· to at a time when those out in front were not into oblivion. ended up last in line, and broke a downtube on a stuffed launch. "You don't even have to to take first in the " Walt out, hut said, "There arc fom other guys ahead of me!," and borrowed and was on his way. About 4:00 heard radio that a 30


gliders launched from the butte. Steve Alford, Randy Haney, Rob Kells, Mitch McAleer and Aaron Swepston awed the spectators with their aerial maneuvers and perfect landings in a small area sprinkled with evergreen trees. Rob, Aaron and Mitch used smoke, which really highlighted their performance. Many of us have stood on the ground shouting, "Loop it! Loop it!," but had never seen a full over-the-top loop before. It was heart-stopping, and beautiful. The event was marred by Chuck Dugan's tree landing (no damage to pilot, broken leading edge on a brand new GZ) and a sail landing (Larry Strom punched a large hole in Mitch's custom glider), but the overall impression was definitely favorable. There were also several gliders set up in the park, an old Standard, a single-surface glider and a Magic IV. The spectators crowded around for a chance to pick up the gliders and hang in the harnesses, and to ask questions about anything and everything. In spite of the landing mishaps, it was a good day for improving the image of our sport. As most of you know by now, the day ended on a tragic note. Chris Bulger had taken his trike out to the Chelan Airport, and had done several tows during the afternoon and early evening. John Pendry was under tow when he locked out and was unable to release. The "weak link" was perhaps 400 lbs., too strong to break, and apparently Chris's release in the trike did not function properly. It was not until the tow line tore free of John's harness that the two aircraft separated. John was able to regain control of his glider, but the trike tucked and tumSEPTEMBER


bled, and Chris was thrown out several hundred feet above the ground. Without a parachute or helmet, he did not survive the impact. The 9:30 gathering on Thursday was subdued, and Walt asked us all to join in a moment of silent prayer or meditation in honor of our fallen sky brother. He then announced that there would be no competition that day. A number of pilots objected, feeling that the best way to ease the pain would be by flying, but Walt pointed out that most of the top placing pilots were in no condition to compete. Quite a few pilots opted to fly, others took a quiet day to rest their bodies and their spirits.

On Friday it was business as usual. Walt called a 90-mile task to Davenport Airport, and the first pilot launched shortly after noon. Once again the launch timers could take off for flying or swimming before 3 :00, as the pilots hurried to get on their way and catch the best lift out on the Flats. Rick Duncan was the first to arrive at Davenport, closely followed by John Pendry, whose fastest time for the day put him in first place. Bruce Case dropped to second, Rick Rawlings was third, and Ricky Duncan moved up to fourth. Randy Haney landed short of the goal, setting him back to sixth place, and Gerry Uchytil held on to his seventh place slot. Twenty-three pilots completed the task, and when the goal closed at 8:00, many of them headed for a barbecued ribs dinner in Creston. Meanwhile, Lawton and Wagner were fighting it out for first place in the Leisure Class. Doug's landing slip showed he had a clear understanding of the task: "race to the lake for a cold beer and to chase the 14-yearolds." He recorded his 7,000' altitude gain, and pinpointed his landing at the Chelan junkyard, beside his car. Matt Wagner "did launch from Chelan Butte without a launch time (or assistance) and thermal - yea verily I did know several thermals and found them chilly. Henceforth, my instincts spake to me. 'Land by the river, my son.' So it was and I was with beer and date before 8:00. And that's the way it is!" We've all been watching and learning from the World Class pilots for years, but perhaps these Leisure Class com-

TOP: Steve Moyes comes in for a landing at the Reardan goal. ABOVE: loading up the Uchytil Special Glider Transport Truck.


the Flats for downed pilots, and scorekeeper George Sturtevant was able to compute the final standings by 8:00. The etched glass trophies, set on a table against a background of mountains and evening clouds, were truly impressive. Two cans of Bud sitting beside the trophies looked like clutter someone had neglected to remove, but Walt soon demonstrated their significance: these were the trophies for Matt Wagner and Doug Lawton, winners of the newly-established Leisure Class. Dr. Weather was awarded a N ats T-shirt signed by all the pilots, there were hugs and applause for the ground crew, the Sporting and World Class trophies were awarded, Rick Rawlings took home a second trophy as the National Champion (most CPS points) of 1985, a meteor streaked across the darkening sky, and the best Nationals ever came to an official end. What made this meet such a success? The site, of course. Chelan Butte gave us 10 days of consistently excellent flying conditions. Harold "Dr. Weather" Locke's expert weather interpretation was a major contribu-

Rick Rawlings

tion; without his input Walt would have had difficulty calling a task that was possible and appropriately challenging. Walt made it all come together. He had the experience we organizers lacked at the beginning, and the intelligence and sensitivity to deal with problems in a way that left everyone reasonably satisfied. George Sturtevant, the man with the computer, kept refining the scoring pro-

gram (with some expert advice from Mark Kenworthy) until by Friday he could crank out the standings in less than two hours. But probably most of all it was the pilots, wonderful people all to work with. These were serious competitors who, in spite of the intensity of the competition, took the time to thank the support crew, express their appreciation to the locals, pick up their litter, put a little humor in their landing forms, and in general make us Chelan regulars feel like they were grateful for our efforts and had the same fondness for this site that we do. I've always felt the warmth and affection among our Northwest flying family, and after this meet I know that family extends all across the country, in fact all over the world. I'm sure I speak for all the meet organizers and ground crew when ! say we learned immeasurably from this experience, and loved it 1 Will we do it again? You bet!! Just give us some time to rest up and rehydrate, and we'll be ready to start putting together a Chelan happening for next summer. It was a lot of work, but worth every minute.•

5735 ARAPAHOE AVE. BOULDER, COLORADO 80303 PHONE (303)449-2135



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Available through dealers and manufacturers_ Dealer inquiries invited. SEPTEMBER



RATINGS AND APPOINTMENTS Timothy J. Clapp Joseph Sunday



Raymond H. Laford George F. Runnels Ken P. Ahnemann Lani Avilla Benjamin Johns K.L. Miller, Jr. Kevin S. Purcell Jeffrey J. Walker

Olympia, WA Seattle, WA Redwood City, CA San Jose, CA Saratoga, CA Pleasanton, CA Oakland, CA Milpitas, CA

Al Gibson Roger Hanson Wally Anderson Charlie Whitehill Jim Johns Jeff Mott Rob Engorn Chuck Staedler

Stuart Anderson Taras Bazyluk Scott Birdsall Angelo Colantino Hyman Crippen James DeLear Robert L. Hanie Robert Lintz l"aul L. Romano

Long Beach, CA Honolulu, HI Visalia, CA Alhambra, CA Huntington Beach, CA Venice, CA Newhall, CA San Diego, CA Schafield Barracks, HI

Joe Greblo Sam Nottage Dan Fleming Joe Greblo Dan Skadal Michael Helms Joe Greblo Steve Hawxhurst Lani Akiona

Brent Bitikofer Tom Wright

Kansas City, KS Roland, AR

Mike Russell Dave Dunning

Jeffrey Bernard John McAward Milton Gary Campbell Phil Hartman John E. Lane, Ill James O'Brien, MD

Beverly, MA Needham, MA Locust Grove, VA Langhorne, PA Alta Vista, VA Danville, PA

Rob Bicknell Rob Bicknell Steve Wendt Jeff Nicolay Jake Alspaugh Jeff Sims

l"at Rogers

Greenville, NC

Steve Wendt

Linda Trueblood

Spring, TX

Karl Mueller Sam Wallach

Saratoga Springs, NY Florham l"ark, NJ


Oneonta, NY Ringwood, NJ

-12 l2

Dan Guido Thomas Aquero


1 2





James G. Conrad

Brookings, OR

Joseph Bova

Ralph Brick Michael E. Curl Mark S. Denzel Peter M. Lloyd Richard Neumann Bob Ortiz Robert L. Simon

Strawberry, CA San Francisco, CA Sunnyvale, CA Orinda, CA Los Gatos, CA El Sobrante, CA Santa Cruz, CA

David Bowen Jerry Sorenson Dan Murphy Connie L. Bowen Jim Johns Wallace Anderson Thomas 0. Gill

Thomas A. Driscoll Brad "Bubba" Elze Wiley Gilreath Robert McGinnis Frank Ridlon

San Diego, CA Lake View Terrace, CA Simi Valley, CA San Diego, CA Etiwanda, CA

John Ryan Jerry D. Kern Michael Helms Dan Sutherlin l"aul Burns

Erik Kaye Ken Young

Boulder CO Sandy UT

R.A. Godman Gary Lagrone

Brenton Blake Mark E. Modeen Peter B. Stark

Amherst, MA Marlboro, MA Amherst, MA

Rob Bicknell Rob Bicknell Rob Bicknell


Teri Neyman

Westchester, PA

Marty Dodge

Bill Misiaszek


Thomas Phillips Jeff Nicolay

l2 l2

Gregory A. Ball Chris Crescioli Robert Mason William T. Richardson

Kill Devil Hills, NC Kill Devil Hills, NC Kill Devil Hills, NC Laurel Bloomery, TN

Steve Wendt Steve Wendt Lawrence Battaile Matt Taber

IO 10 10 IO

Greg Chastin

Lancaster, TX

Gary Scheer


9 9 9




Charlie Conklin Michael Donovan Steve Lawson

Cupertino, CA San Bruno, CA Mountain View, CA

Ron Hess Charlie Whitehill Ron Hess

Douglass Miller Clyde Trego, Jr.

Tempe, AZ Steamboat Springs, CO

Gary Waugh Gary Lagrone

Kevin Wolf

Missoulla, MT

Roger Lockwood

Matthias Scott

Windsor, WI

Bob Kreske

Scott Conklin Shirley Purvis

Bridgeville, PA Baltimore, MD

Daniel DeMaree Eric 0. Logan







Rodger B. Hoyt Richard Wallick

Rogue River, OR Renton, WA

Joseph Bova Mark Kenworthy

Mike Beck Andy Fawcett Terry P. Healey Charles S. Rebert Robert Reiter l"atrick B. Sharp W. l"age Stegner William Townsend

Lompoc, CA Palo Alto, CA Redding, CA Menlo l"ark, CA Berkeley, CA Santa Cruz, CA Santa Cruz, CA Redding, CA

David Bowen Daniel Hegglin Phil Sergent Ran D. St. Clair Weegie McAdams Steve Espinosa Russ Douglas Phil Sergent


2 2


RATINGS AND APPOINTMENTS Robert Trampenau Bob Varanai

Santa Barbara, CA Tehachapi, CA

Betty Moyer Greg LaMadrid

Bryan Hill

Flagstaff, AZ

Russ Gelfan

James Gaither

Great Falls, MT

Dan Gravage

William J. Henry

Little Rock, AR

Dave Dunning

Greig Ballantine

Lakeville, MN

John Wai wade

Mary Kesslak

Andover, MA

T.C. Searle

William Umstattd

Villanova, PA

Marty Dodge


Bob Cummings

Dallas, TX

Chuck Hall











Chris Bulger

Seattle, WA

Steve Hawxhurst

John Scott

Sharon, PA

William Criste






Steve Alford John J. Bennett Kent Hudson P-aul Jarmillo Merle Roberts Becky Whisman

Kirkland, WA Chughiak, AK Girdwood, AK Anchorage, AK Electric City, WA Girdwood, AK

Mike Daily Mike Boyle Mike Boyle Mike Boyle George Alexander Mike Boyle

Darrell Burt Dave Capron Ernie Reguly Rich Romero Chris Short

Orangevalle, CA Escondido, CA Sunnyvale, CA Yosemite, CA Orangevalle, CA

Steve Perry Walt Nielson Russ Locke Russ Locke Steve Perry

Jerry D. Kern

Sylmar, CA

Erik Fair

Jeffrey Nicolay

Claremont, NH

Jeff Nicolay

Robert Beck

Tamaqua, PA

William Criste


2 2 2



BRONZE AWARD with NOVICE RATING Christel Achmus Stuart Anderson Robert Bennett David C. Bohning Maitland Gunderson Dr. Greg Marks Gene Matthews Robert Stetler Richard C. Tenan

Our tine prover. inetrur'.lent is no"" in a wrist-nount package, The VE12 has the fol101Jing features: - Price is only $169,00 - Available with the -OV option (earphone jack) at 179,00, - Adjustable sink alarr:i tri.p point,

- Large easy to read t:eter face (we are kno1om for that already) 1o1ith the saoe dial face as before, - The zero setting, sink alarr:i trip point, sensitivity calibration

and volume of optional earphone jack are all adjustable fro~ outside of tht: unit, There is never a need to disassenble it, - Body of unit is 3-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 1-1/2", - Can be upgraded to -OV option at later date. - Can be glider oounted - Long battery life as before, - Uses the saa:ie proven circuitry "We have used for i::.any years so it responds as quick and stable as previous c-adels, VE12 variorneter 169,00 V£12-0V variometer 179,00 VE7 varioCJ.Ster 169,00 VE35 variometer 198.00 -OV Earphone Jack retrofit kit 16. 75 The Earphone Jack can be installed by you {needs a soldering iron) or by us on any varioneter we made, It consists of a postage stal!'!p size PC board with parts and 2 Yires on it, \le charge 5,00 for 24 hour installation,





7/8 11 X .058 X 12' . . . . . . . . . 1.65 ft. 1 11 X .049 X 12' . . . . . . . . .1.75 ft. 1-1/8 11 X .058 X 12' .... 2.22 ft. 1-1/8 11 X .095 X 12' ............. 2.90 ft.



331 14th St., Dept. HG Colorado Springs, Colorado 80904

(303) 632-4959 33


Call For Nominations by Vic Powell Chairman, Awards Committee

Each year the United States Hang Gliding Association presents its major awards to individuals and organizations who have performed significant service in advancing the sport of hang gliding in this country. The awards are a method whereby the national association publicly says a "Thank you' to the people who are representative of all those who work at making hang gliding a successful and rewarding outdoor recreational sport. The Awards Committee is issuing its call for nominations. Any member may submit a nomination directly to the USHGA office. The five awards are:

PRESIDENTIAL CITATION Recognizes an individual, group, or organization that has made a significant contribution to the sport. The contribution need not have occurred in the current year. It is USHGA's highest, most prestigious, and oldest award with a history dating to 1972. It was previously known as the Ed Guardia award. Past recipients are:



Recognizes the member who has provided the most outstanding volunteer service to USHGA at the national, regional, or local level during the current year. The award is delineated from the Presidential Citation which recognizes service to the sport of hang gliding. Exceptional Service focuses on a member's service to the Association, and is USHGA's leading award for such service. Past recipients are: 1983 ................ Vic Powell 1984 ................. Erik Fair

Recognizes a member who has in the current year exhibited volunteer service to USHGA that is of excellent quality and of significant importance to the Assocfation. The volunteer work may have begun prior to the current year, but must be ongoing or have been completed this year. The award was established at the 1985 spring meeting of the USHGA board of directors.

CHAPTER OF THE YEAR Recognizes the USHGA Chapter considered to have conducted in the current year the most outstanding programs in various activities which reflect in a positive manner upon the Chapter and the sport. Activities include beginner and novice programs, site procurement, safety, membership development and retention, USHGA membership development, and civic service. Past recipients are: 1983 Capitol Hang Glider Association and Maryland Hang Gliding Association 1984 Tennessee Tree Toppers

1972 ............. Volmer Jensen 1973 ............. Francis Rogallo 1974 ... Bennett, Dickerson, Myers 1975 ............. Richard Miller 1976 ............... Lloyd Licher 1977 ................. R.V. Wills 1978 ................ Bill Bennett 1979 ............... not awarded 1980 ................. John Lake 1981 ............... not awarded 1982 .... Pete Brock, Roy Haggard 1983 .............. Dennis Pagen 1984 ............ Donnell Hewett


HOW TO SUBMIT A NOMINATION A nomination must cite the actions or activities of the member or organization for which they are being nominated. Provide accompanying material, such as at least three different samples of a newsletter, or additional information that supports the nomination. Include dates, locations as appropriate, name, address and phone number of the person or organization you are nominating. Remember, the only information the Committee will have available to consider is the nomination you provide. Communicate, help them understand the significance of events cited. Deadline for RECEIPT of nominations is November 30, 1985. Send the nomination to: Awards Committee, USHGA, P.O. Box 66306, Los Angeles, CA 90066.

NEWSLETTER OF THE YEAR Recognizes the most outstanding hang gliding newsletter series in the current year that has been supportive of the sport and the sponsoring Chapter's activities. Consideration is given to member service, layout, article variety, safety promotion, and pictures. Past recipients are: 1983 Windwriter, Houston Hang Gliding Association 1984 Air Times, North Carolina Hang Gliding Association

RESULTS During the month of December the Awards Committee will consider nominations and forward its recommendations to the board of directors for vote. Those selected by the board will be notified and invited to receive the award at a presentation ceremony during the spring meeting of the board. Here's your chance to help your Association say 'Thanks' to your Chapter or someone you know who deserves to be considered and recognized for their outstanding work in the sport.•


1986 REGIONAL DIRECTOR NOMINATIONS SOLICITED USHGA is issuing its tenth annual call for nominations to the National Board of Directors. Eleven positions are open for election in November, 1985 for a two-year term beginning January 1, 1986. USHGA members seeking a position on the ballot should send to headquarters for receipt no later than September 30, the following information: name and USHGA number, photo and resume (one page containing the candidate's hang gliding activities and viewpoints, written consent to be nominated and that they will serve if elected). Candidates must be nominated by at least three USHGA members residing in the candidate's region. Nominations are needed in the following regions. The current Directors are listed and their term expires December 31, 1985. Ballots will-be distributed with the November issue of Hang Gliding magazine. USHGA needs the very best volunteers to help guide the safe development and growth of the sport. Forward candidate material for receipt no later than September 30 to: USHGA, P.O. Box 66306, Los Angeles, CA 90066.



Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 9 Region 10 Region 11 Region 12

Vacant Russ Locke Steve Hawxhurst Jim Zeiset Mike King Ted Gilmore Dean Batman William Richards Dick Heckman Hardy Snyman Ken Zachara

The following form is for your convenience.


I hereby n o m i n a t e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - {Please print name, address and phone number)

as a candidate for Regional Director for Region# ___ . I understand that his/her name will be placed on the Official Ballot for the 1985 Regional Director Election, if three nominations are received by September 30, 1985.

I have notified the above person and he/she has accepted the nomination. N a m e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - USHGA # _ _ _ _ _ _ Region # _ _ _ _ __ Mail to: Elections, c/o USHGA, P .0. Box 66306, Los Angeles, CA 90066.

in Kossen, Austria set new standards for all tasks the oppor·· to use soarahle conditions as existed. for each kilometer flown and unobtainable courses that allowed to until sunset The evaluation should show the connection between the thermal and the achieved on those days. To evaluate thermal "Checklist which was Manfred list or 20 items used by to evaluate 300+ in the checklist was modified for the Dr. Panosch and if each item with a "

true and the condition docs not exist, five or fower minus points mean a day is to he expected. a pronounced official between this checklist and distances flown started to show, the meet directors the information that of conk! result the first in 180 kilometer was not achieved because the competition to !au nch due to difforent tactics. Still, Chris (USA) flew 170 kilometers and 11ew a world record of 150 kilometers with an average of 30 Km/hr.

The shows the best and the mances of each group, each "thermal to that day. Remember, the "thermal score" was determined each at 7:00 AM before anyone left to go

Differences in distances and thermal due to local transpor(four sites were used each with 60 pilots at each site) and sometimes tactical decisions within a group. Often groups as wind dummies on the got up and went on course; none of the top wanted to lead other contcn· dcrs on the course. On June 2nd the cut was made a short course. The takeoff marshall was conecrned pilots woulµ run out of film so the window late, then a thunderstorm and shut the clay down. The scored a 6 thermal score and the distances do not reflect this due to the late window. Days scored with a IO appear to be senseless and at least don't cant results to the meet was scored on a I ,000


(all previous World Mcels were, as well as the '85 US Nationals) "bad ' pilots could place significantly (May 28th and June 7th). weather some pilot is going to be and find the only thermal, pull from the rest by twice the distance with a 1,000 point system he will an over-evaluated winner of the The others would have no chance follow regardless of pilot skill. The the weather, the more questionthe 1,000 point system. We wanted find the world's best pilot and chose score relative to the weather; good many points, weak days few During the few days before the com· began some rules were changed. of these was that any flight landing would be scored a"O" clue to the of international /lights. On day l while Pfeiffer flew to The new rules were not posted after that day. This

SEPfEMllER 1985

consequences, with the constant between hope and the many protest discussions throughout the entire week, may the low mance of the American pilots who flew very well in and the

Curvature of 850 Mb with auu··,,y1,11u111" movement Wind direction Mb variable Wind 850 Mb Curvature 700 Mb with movement Wind 700 Mb less than 15 knots Wind direction at 500 Mb W, N, or also 850 Mb difference between temperature and between 6 ~JO °C 500 Mb greater than JO Barometric pressure at the Mt. Station !Mb/3 hours pressure Innsbruck 6:00 1023 Mb pressure at south side of Mb Wind direction at Mt Station 6:00 AM at Mt Station 6:00 at ML Station at 6:00 AM greater than Cloud cover at 6:00 AM than half of the and Mt


The final results show the top 20 many of whom have in this world class for many years, to be distance in front of the rest of the the top two a distance from the top 20. Back to weather. The shows the closeness between the "thermal score" every and the distances flown later that Not an ideal line between these


the between 6:00 and 6:00 difference between 850 Mb 500 Mb, less than

TOTAL Indicator to (desert) winds but usually stronger and more disastrous) difference between Bozen difference over 14 °C


strong fohn

Mb weak fohn

to the

two has to be the fault of the meet . Reasons can be: poor tasks, poor launch window, or incorrect weather evaluation. Future will have to be measured score/distance middle line. The rated mf't('(·,rnl

Service has competent that could probably be made available as are to sailplane meets. These prove necessary to ensure a meet as successful as this World Meet. tasks also may maintain The World Meet in Kossen was a





RIGHT STUFF (continued from page 11)




Distance Thermal Score (How To Turn)

(Note: 4 preliminary groups-winner of each group) Chris Bulger Rich Pfeiffer Larry Tudor Rob Sinclair


5-26-85 5-26-85 5-26-85 5-26-85

170 156 112 136

3 3 3 3

Finzel Gunter (tie) Jochen Zeyher (tie) Chris Bulger Rich Pfeiffer Steve Moyes

BRD (West Germany) BRD USA USA AUS

5-27-85 5-27-85 5-27-85 5-27-85 5-27-85

158 158 149 154 82

4 4 4 4 4

Heini File Rick Rawlings (tie) Paulo Coelho (tie) Jose Gates Rich Pfeiffer (tie) Mark Bennett (tie) John Pendry (tie) Steve Blenknsop (tie) Ian Jarman (tie) Miguel Gutierrez (tie)


5-28-85 5-28-85 5-28-85 5-28-85 5-28-85 5-28-85 5-28-85 5-28-85 5-28-85 5-28-85

51 58 58 31 37 37 37 37 37 37

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Rich Pfeiffer Rick Duncan Chris Bulger Gunter Finzel


5-31-85 5-31-85 5-31-85 5-31-85

103 108 83 52

7 7 7 7

Thut Daniel Don Miller Hartmut Gfollner Stew Smith

CH (Rep. of China) CND Austria USA

6-1-85 6-1-85 6-1-85 6-1-85

84 54 49 48

6 6 6 6

6-2-85 6-3-85 6-4-85 6-5-85 6-6-85 6-7-85

16 104 188 105 73 14

6 6 2 5 5 -12

FINALS Steve Moyes Ian Jarman John Pendry Steve Moyes John Pendry Otfried Heinelt


championship of the pilots. We are proud that 220 pilots from all around the world and 24 wind dummies flew without any accidents over 50,000 kilometers! This was done using four sites each day over an area of incredibly mountainous terrain, transportation and retrieval being supplied by the organizers. We can't forget this would not have been possible without the support of the Austrian Civil Aviation (their FAA equivalent) and many unnamed helpers.



Next year the '86 Tyrol Masters will again be held in Kossen and again be a pilot's championship. The tasks will be equally as good with some being improved or expanded. Dr. Kurt Panosch, admired for his extremely accurate predictions was named Mr. Typhoon due to his dynamic appearance. He has already agreed to prepare the weather for next year's meet. The meet will be from May 24th to June 7th and Dr. Panosch already predicts great weather!•

pends on so many factors that for a given pilot, glider, and flying situation it's going to vary. It's up to the pilot to figure out what works best. This is why we don't talk much about coordinating turns on the training hill, better you should lose some altitude on the hill than be flying slowly in low turns and risk a stall at an unrecoverable altitude. As you fly the mountain though, you need to be conserving that altitude you worked so hard for. Efficient turns often make the difference between soaring for hours and a quick trip to the ground. On the other hand, deliberately slipped turns are a good way to lose unwanted altitude. When used as part of a landing approach, beware of the rapid increase in speed as you dive these turns toward the ground.

REVIEW 1) Shift your weight to the side you want the glider to turn toward. 2) You must roll the glider into a bank to get it to turn. 3) Your weight is centered in your hips so move them to turn. Lead into your turns with your feet. 4) When you roll the glider to turn, you must unroll to fly straight. Remember, you start unrolling the glider before you get to your desired heading. 5) To hold a desired bank, you must center yourself on the bar, possibly even move slightly to the opposite (high) side of the bar. 6) There is a lag time in the response of the glider, plan for it. Initially make a smaller input and wait a second; this will help you figure out the lag time. 7) The glider will not respond if you are flying too slowly! Learn to feel your airspeed, it is the foundation of all your other skills. 8) Coordinate turns for more efficient flying by pushing out, but use caution when close to the ground.•


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CONSUMER ADVISORY: Used hang gliders always • should be disassembled before flying for the first time and inspected carefully for fatigue - bent or dented tubes, ruined bushings, bent bolts (especially the heart bolt), re-used Nyloc nuts, loose thimbles, frayed or rusted cables, tangs with non-circular holes, and on Rogallos, sails badly torn or torn loose from their anchor points front and back on the keel and leading edges. If in doubt, many hang gliding businesses will be happy to give an objective opinion on the condition of equipment you bring to them to inspect.

Rogallos DELTA WING'S NATIONWIDE NETWORK OF DEALERS can help you get into the air. Alternative financing plans available. For further information and the address of your nearest dealer, contact: DELTA WING, P.O. Box 483, Van Nuys, CA 91408 (818) 787-6600. C2-185 - Blue and white. Low hours. Ex. cond. Must sell, sacrifice $1000. (916) 587-1221. USED UP GLIDERS-Comet l65 I's & II's, Condors 224 & 269, Mosquitos 166 & 196, Spyder 192: All cheap!! Call UP (714) 676-5652. C2-165-Excellent shape, low hours, spectrum sail. Keller harness + large chute. $1200, 080. Must sell. (714) 689-1849 or 785-4797. COMET I 165-Very good condition, low hours, clean wrinkle free sail, will ship $600. Near new Raymond cocoon $100. (619) 789-5312. 1984, 180 ATTACK DUCK-Red, gold, & white, 2 flights, 2 hours airtime. New, must sell. $1500. Clinch Mtn., TN (615) 828-4343. 160 DUCK-Great condition. Low airtime. $950. (503) 253-2309. 160 DUCK-Good condition, black, yellow, white. Too small. (209) 632-0526. $600. 180 ATTACK DUCK - Excellent condition. Wills Team Glider ('84). Winner of 1984 L.A. Regionals. $1000. (818) 445-1406. GEMINI 184 - Rainbow sail. (805) 541-1275. HP 170-May '85. Low airtime, OV cloth. $1700. 185 Comet OVR ll, improved handling (like C2), good cond. $800/080. Two FM radios, Icom. booster, headsets for $400. UP cocoon, large $90. Matthias Krantz (801) 581-7919.

MOYES MAXI Ill - Great tandem glider with tandem bar. Good cond. $500. (916) 587-1211. UP FIREFLY 181 28-Good condition, rainbow tip to tip $350. ASG 21 all white except LE & KP $150. Eddy (805) 646-6544. HARRIER I-Parting out. New WW Flylite harness and chute 5 '10" to 6 '3" $250. (209) 377-8294. GEMINI 164 M MODEL-Black LE with mylar, rainbow spectrum, black TE, excellent condition. $995/080. (206) 383-1134.

Rigid Wings TUG RALLY 3-Flown once, crashed once, very repairable. No engine $1200. Consider glider in trade. (904) 481-3322. FLEDGE lll-Good condition, $1400 or best offer, '85 model. Rick (213) 827-7913. MITCHELL B-10-50% complete. All materials to complete wing. $1500 (303) 443-5736.

Schools and Dealers

'84 MAGIC Ill 155-15 hours (racer), surfcoat sail, ball tips, speed bar, faired, $1500. (518) 792-1772.


MOYES MEGA 11-1980, VGC, 172 sq. ft. White and light blue, harness and helmet. $900/offer. Chicago (312) 495-0262.

DESERT HANG GLIDERS USHGA Certified School. Supine specialists. 4319 W. Larkspur, Glendale, AZ 85304 (602) 938-9550.

MOYES MEGA 11-1980, 172 sq. ft. Blue and white. Perfect condition, little flying time. $600. L.A., CA (213) 207-4743. 185 MOYES MISSILE 1982-Excellent condition, must sell. $800/or best offer. (315) 245-1555 NY

CALIFORNIA BRIGHT STAR HANG GLIDERS Sales - service restorations. All major brands represented. Santa Rosa, CA (7ITT) 584-7088

PRO DAWN 177-New condition, very low airtime $1400. Lazor JI 195, 50 hrs. $400. Kevin O'Brien, P.O. Box 761, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 (717) 421-9040.

CHANDELLE HANG GLIDING CENTERUSHGA certified school. "The best damn hang gliding shop in the world." Dealers for Wills Wing, Delta Wing. Five minutes from Fort Funston (415) 359-6800.

RAVEN 179-Rainbow colors, with wheels, $400, great novice glider. U. P. knee hanger with parachute mounted, $250. Litek vario $100. Helmet $10. Harness bag $20. Except glider, all virtually new. Prices firm. Jim (201) 342-8894 anytime.

HANG FLIGHT SYSTEMS - Certified instruction program. Featuring Wills Wing and Ultralight Products gliders and accessories. Duck, Comet II, Skyhawk, Gemini demos available to qualified pilots. 1202 E. Walnut, Unit M, Santa Ana, CA 92701. (714) 542-7444.

RAVEN 209-Excellent condition $550. Nice colors (805) 687-3119 Akim.

HANG GLIDER EMPORIUM-Quality instruction, service and sales since 1974. Full stock of new and used Wills Wing, Delta Wing, and UP gliders plus complete accessory line including harnesses, helmets, varios, and spare parts. Located minutes from US IOI and flying sites. 613 N. Milpas, Santa Barbara, California 93103 (805) 965-3733.

RAVEN 209-Gold with brown LE. Excellent cond. $250. (213) 534-0573. STREAK 180-Low airtime, rainbow lower surface-$750 or best. Vario/altimeter/airspeed$235. (619) 286-5604. U.P. 165 OVR-With U.P. cocoon harness and chute. Less than 10 hrs. on both $1500. (818) 334-3761. VISION 20-Flies great $900. (805) 968-6737. WANTED - Used Hang Gliding Equipment. Gliders, Instruments, Harnesses and Parachutes. HANG GLIDER EQUIPMENT CO., 3620 Wawona, San Francisco, CA 94116 (415) 731-7766.


S~steJr Vario I Altimeter 0-15,000 FT Altlmeler


The Hall Airspeed Indicator

Dual Batteries

A precision instrument for the serious pilot. Rugged, dependable and easy to read. Airspeed Indicator ................. $21.50 6.00 Long Bracket Airspeed Indicator with Long Bracket

5" diameter ABS plastic wheels. Specify 1" or 1-118" control bar. Wheels - $20.00/pair Foreign & C.0.D. orders add $2.00


Knoxville, TN 37933 Control Bar Protectors


Foreign & C.0.D. Orders add $2.00 Control Bar Protectors

Hall Brothers P.O. Box 771·H, Morgan, UT 84050 C.O.D. Phone Orders (801) 829·3232





Instruction, sales, ser-

SAN FRANCISCO WINDSPORTS - Gliders and equipment, sales and rentals. Private and group instruction by USHGA certified instructors. Local site information and glider rental. 3620 Wawona, San Francisco, CA 94116. (415) 753-8828. SANTA BARBARA HANG GLIDING CENTER Certified instruction, glider and equipment sale. 29 State St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101. WINDSPORTS INT. since 1974 (formerly So. Cal. Hang Gliding Schools). Largest and most complete HANG GLIDING center in Southern California. Largest inventory of new and used gliders, ultralites, instruments, parts and accessories. Complete training program by USHGA certified instructors. 16145 Victory Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 988-0111. CONNECTICUT CONNECTICUT COSMIC AVIATION - 14 Terp. Rd., E. Hampton, CT 06424, c/o Bart Blau, Lynda Blau, (203) 267-8980. Hang glider dealer for Wills and UP. Ultralight also available. USHGA Certified Instructor. Been flying since 1975. Call me where to go in CONN. HAWAII MAUI SOARING SUPPLIES - Certified Instructors. Sales, sen°ice and rentals. R.R. 2, Box 780, Kula, HI 96790 (808) 878-1271. IDAHO TREASURE VALLEY HANG GLIDERS - Service - USHGA Instruction - dealers for all major brands, accessories - site info, ratings - Box 746, Nampa, ID 83651 (208) 465-5593. ILLINOIS MIDWEST GLIDER SUPPLIES - Dealer for Sensor 510, flight accessories, and a complete line of skyting components, 2638 Roberts, Waukegan, Illinois 60087. (312) 244-0529.

INDIANA ALPHA AIRCRAFT-USHGA, AOPA and FAA certified instruction. Dealers for all major nonpowered and powered brands. 145 E. 14th St., Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317) 291-6406 or (317) 636-4891. MINNESOTA



cessories and parts. Ultralight training and sales available as well as windsurfing sales and instruction. SAURATOWN KITES - Winston Salem (919) 760-1390 or 983-3570. Hang Gliding School w/certified instructor; dealer of Seedwings, Wills Wing & Della; new and used equipment. OREGON

NORTHERN SUN, INC. Dealer for all major nonpowered and powered brands. USHGA certified instruction. Owners/managers of the Hang Gliding Preserve, soarable ridge with tramway lift. When in the North Country stop by and test our line of gliders and enjoy the sites. 9450 Hudson Blvd., Lake Elmo, MN 55042 (612) 738-8866. NEW MEXICO UP OVER NEW MEXICO INC. - Certified instruction, sales, service, Sandia guides. Albuquerque, NM (505) 292-0647.

EASTERN OREGON ULTRALIGHTS - Cenificd instruction. New and used. Wills Wing specialists. PO Box 362, Pendleton, OR 97801 (503) 276-7462. PENNSYLVANIA SKY SAILS LTD. Hang Gliding School. USHGA certified instructors. 1630 Lincoln Ave., Williamsport, PA 17701. (717) 326-6686 or 322-8866. UTAH FLY UTAH WITH

NEW YORK ELMIRA AIR SPORTS-Instructors and dealers for the finest flying equipment: Wills Wing HP and Skyhawk and UP demo gliders available. Five free soaring sites and training slope within IO minutes of shop. Check in first. (607) 732-1490. .\-IOUNTAIN WINGS, INC. - 6 miles from Ellenville. Five training hills, five mountain sites, USHGA certified instruction and towing. We are now the area's only Wills Wing dealer, also Delta Wing, Pacific Windcraft, Seedwings and Manta. Sail, airframe repairs on all makes, RIC equipment. Main St., Kerhonkson, NY 12446 (914) 626-5555. NORTH CAROLINA KITTY HAWK KITES, INC. - P.O. Box 340, Nags Head, NC 27959 1-800-334-4777, In NC, 919-441-4124. Learn to fly over soft sand dunes just south of the site where the Wright Brothers learned to fly. Beginning and Advanced packages; complete inventory of new gliders, ac-

Delta Wing Products, certified instruction, 9173 Falcon Cr., Sandy Utah 84092 (801) 943-1005. WASATCH WINGS, INC. - USHGA certified hang gliding school, dealers for Wills Wing. P.O. Box 397, Cedar Valley, UT 84013. (801) 768-4500.


I I USHGA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ORDER FORM I 35 cents per word, $3.00 minimum. I (phone numbers - 2 words, P.O. Box - 1 word) I Photos - $10.00

I Deadline, 20th of the month six weeks before the cover date of the

I Issue In which you want your ad (I.e. March 20, for the May issue). I Bold face o"r caps 50e per word extra. (Does not Include first few I words which are automatically cape). Special layouts or tabs $20 per I column inch. I Payment for first three months required In advance. I I Please enter my classified ad as follows: I I I

Section (please circle)

Rogallos Schools and Dealers Emergency Chutes Ultralight Powered Flight

Parts & Accessories

Rigid Wings Business & Employment Opportunities

Publications & Organizations Miscellaneous

Begin with _ _ _ _ 19 _ _ _ _ issue and run for _ _ __ consecutive issue(s). My check _ _ money order _ _ is enclosed In the amount of $ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name:------~----------------Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


I I Number of words: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @ .35 • _ _ _ _ _ __ I I

Phone Number: P.O. BOX 8830e, LOS ANGELES, CA 900&8 I (213) 390·3Ge5

L-----=------=--------------------------------------------1 SEPTEMBER 1985



PTERODACTYL ASCENDER-Very low time, many extras, excellent for ptug. $2,000. Nites (602) 992-3183.

International Schools & Dealers

Business Opportunities



~~~ Distributor major brands hang gliders (Airwave Magic), instruments, parachutes and ultralights, Tokyo 03/433/0063, Yugawara 0456/63/0173, Kurumayama Hang School 0266/68/m4 (April-November). SWITZERLAND SWISS ALP HANG GLIDING SAFARI - For complete documentation of this high adventure alpine tour send $5.00 to cover airmail postage to: RON HURST, Im Brunnli 10 CH-8152 Opifikon, Switzerland. Airmail.

Emergency Parachutes NEW RAPID DEPLOYMENT B.U.S. FLY AWAY CONTAINER SYSTEM is the world's newest, fastest and most reliable system. By the originator of hang gliding parachutes. Bill Bennett Delta Wing Kites & Gliders, Inc., P.O. Box 483, Van Nuys, CA 91408 (213) 787-6600, telex no. 65-1425.

San Francisco Windsports (formerly H.G. Equipment Co.) For all your hang gliding needs. We are dealers for all major brands. Send $2.00 for price list - 3620 Wawona, San Francisco, CA 94116 (415) 753-8828.

CRYSTAL AIR SPORT MOTEL at Raccoon Mountain; Bunkhouse, private rustic rooms, regular &

waterbeds, video in-room movies, private jacuzzi room, pool, sky gear gifts, fliers work program. FFJ 4328 Cummings Hwy., Chattanooga, Tenn. 37409 (615) 821-2546. Checi & Shari Toth. CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR WANTED. - Partnership possible. Send resume to Santa Barbara Hang Gliding Center. 29 State St. Santa Barbara, CA 93101.




~.-:,i:) . i

. ~~

MICRO-DECK-Includes Winter airspeed, aircraft compass, Ball clamp. $169. 96. Removes in seconds. Same except airspeed/10,000' altimeter wlbaro $239. 95; compass/altimeter $173. 95. Hugh instrument inventory. Free catalog. Microflight Products, ll09 Copperwood Rd., SW, Hixson, TN 37343 (615) 843-1761.

Publications & Organizations SOARING - Monthly magazine of The Soaring Society of America Inc. Covers all aspects of soaring flight. Full membership $28. Info kit with sample copy $3.00 SSA, P.O. Box 66071, Los Angeles, CA 90066. MANBIRDS: Now really affordable! Authentic history of Hang Gliding. Over 100 photos and input from Hang Gliding's greats. Inside look at heydey of sprat. By professional writer Maralys Wills, and first U.S. Champion, Chris Wills, M.D. Only $7.95 plus $1.00 shipping. 5 or more, $4. 95 plus $1.00 each. Write "Manbirds," 1811 Beverly Glen Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705.

Miscellaneous SAILMAKING SUPPLIES & hardware. All fabric types. Catalog and colorful samples. $1. Massachusetts Motorized, PO Box 542-G, Cotuit, MA 02635.

ALL BRANDS - Bought, sold, and repacked. Inspection and repack $20.00 - Kevlar, nylon, sis, bridles installed and replaced. S.F. Windsports (formerly H.G. Equipment Co.) 3620 Wawona, San Francisco, CA 94116 (415) 753-8828.

Parts & Accessories PHOTOGRAPHIC OUTFIT-$129.95. Includes Ansco 1080 35 mm electric film advance camera, bogcn clamp, arm, swivel head and 20' remote shutter control. Money back if not satisfied. VISA/MC/COD/Check. Add $3.00 shipping. Clamp, arm and head $59.95. Hugh instrument inventory. Free literature. Microflight Products, 1109 Copperwood Rd., SW, Hixson, TN 37343 (615) 843-1761.

T-SHIRTS--''! (heart) HANG GLIDING" Navy lettering with red heart. Glider design on back. Yellow, tan, blue, silver, pink. S,M,L,XL. $9.00 postpaid. Larry Haney, 1601 North Shackleford #131-4, Little Rock, Arkansas 72211 (501) 224-2186. PATCHES & DECALS ~ USHGA sew-on emblems 3" dia. Full color - $1. Decals, 31/,'' dia. Inside or outside application. 25c each. Include 15C for postage and handling with each order. P.O. Box 66306, Los Angeles, CA 90066. BUMPER STICKERS - "There's No Place Like Cloudbase" $2.00 postpaid. Flight Realities, clo 1830 Clove St., San Diego, CA 92106 (619) 455-6036. TEE-SHIRTS with USHGA emblem $8.00 including postage and handling. Californians add 6% tax. Men's sizes in BLUE~ S, M, L, XL. Limited supply of ORANGE, sizes S, XL. USHGA, P.O. Box 66306, Los Angeles, CA 90066.

QUICK RELEASE CARABJNER - $24.95. Dealer inquiries invited. Thermal, 19431 Business Center Dr. #41, Northridge, CA 91324. RAY.BAN WINGS-Sunglasses at discounts up to 40%. FREE CATALOG. Write. L&J Sales, Box 605, Dept. D, Fairport , New York 14450.


DESIGNER has a few helmets used only for testing and sales demos. $49.00. Some short versions (30 cm) also available. Jack Lambie, 209 Adams, Orange, CA 92667 (714) 532-4908.

Ultralight Powered Flight COSMOS AERO-TUG-Low hours, excellent condition, $4,500. Will consider terms. Wasatch Wings (801) 254-2242.

The rate for classified advertising is 35C per word (or group of characters). Minimum charge, $3.00. A fee of $10.00 is charged for each photograph or logo. Bold face or caps SOC per word extra. Underline words to be bold. Special layouts of tabs $20.00 per column inch. AD DEADLINES - All ad copy, instructions, changes, additions and cancellations must be received in writing 1V, months preceding the cover dare, i.e., November 20 for the January issue. Please make checks payable to USHGA: Classified Advertising Dept., HANG GLIDING MAGAZINE, P.O. Box 66306, Los Angeles, CA 90066.


r, ·. \

..,." ._ 'f \;"' . -

At last! A new book for pilots!


Hang Gliding According to Pfeiffer: Skills For the Advancing Pilot

HANG GLIDING HEIMETS High Quality Hang Gliding Helmets. Reinforced fiberglass meets D.O.T. standards. Lightweight. Available in Red, Yellow, Black, White, Lt. Blue.


Flight Realities do 1831 Clove Street San Diego, CA 92106 (619) 455-6036

Now available ... the most comprehensive guide around for pilots seeking to expand their knowledge and skills. With 244 pages, 125 illustrations and photographs, loads of TRUE stories, and a complete subject index. You'll learn .. . About -r1ng: Ridge, thermal, wave and other types of lift. Locating likely lift sources. "Reading" clouds. Soaring techniques for various kinds of lift. About CroN<ountryftylng: XC potential of your area. Training and supplies for your ground crew. Advance planning. When THE day arrives. During the flight. About competition flying: Competition formats and scoring systems. Psych-out techniques. Evaluating opponents. Strategies. Specific flying techniques. About equipment Choosing, caring for, and making best use of a glider, harness, parachute, instruments, and other equipment. Sail cloth tips. About apeed--to-fty calculatlona: Dolphin vs. classic flight. Your glider's polar. Techniques for gliding furthest, fastest. Speed rings. Please rush me _ _ _ copies of H8ng Glldlng According to Pfeiffer: Skills For the Advancing PIiot at $9.95 each, plus shipping and handling: $1.00firstcopy, $ 25each additional (airmail $2.50 first copy, $1 .00 each additional). Californians please add $ .60 sales tax per copy. Total enclosed: $ - - - - - - - Name : - - -- - - - -- - - - - Street: - - -- - - - - - - - - - City: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - State/ Z i p - - - - - - - - - - - - ••• Dealer inquiries invited -

Make check payable to Publitec and mail with form to: Publitec Editions, P.O. Box 4342, Laguna Beach, CA 92652, USA.

714/ 497-6100 •••

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Stolen Wings TYPE: Olympus 160, red & yellow w/windows, black Litek vario, black harness w/blue chute container. WHERE AND WHEN: Roadside near Hwy. 1, 30 miles south of Carmel, CA on 2126185. CONTACT: Peter Rosen, (408) 667-2345 TYPE: Sensor 510-180 #165. WHERE AND WHEN: Outside Galeana Mexico, near Saltillo, April 29, 1984. PATTERN: Reddish brown LE, orange undersurface, remainder dirty white. Logo on top right panel #3. CONTACT: Stephen Rudy, 5309 Roosevelt, Austin, TX (512) 467-8078. TYPE: Sensor 510 180. SAIL: Blue LE, Bayberry double surface, white main body. Many rips in LE. Was not in bag when stolen. WHERE AND WHEN: Hart Park, Bakersfield CA May 6, 1985. Was seen leaving the bottom of the hill on a small red hatchback car! CONTACT: Larry Broad (209) 784-4618. TYPE: Orange Wills Wing Harness with blue bag, Advanced Air 26' chute. WHERE AND WHEN: Roadside, 20 miles SE of Dallas, TX June 3, 1984. CONTACT: Mark Wadsworth (817) 777-5174 or 292-1578. $100 reward. TYPE: Ball 651 vario, Robertson cocoon harness (red exterior, gold-black-gold chevron), parachute and Bell helmet. CONTACT: Robert Fullam, 551 Jean St. #302, Oakland, CA 94610. TYPE: 165 Demon. SAIL: Brown LE, orange TE. Disconnected nose batten, slightly ripped velcro on underside. CONTACT: Scott Nichols, Box 3035, Aspen, CO, 920-1295. TYPE: UP Gemini 164, '81, #164053. Orange leading edge and keel pockets, white sail, no mylar. FROM: hangar at Morningside Recreation Area, Claremont, NH. WHEN: Sometime in November, 1983. CONTACT: Jamie Burnside, 12012 Broadway Terrace, Oakland, CA 94611, (415) 654-4539. TYPE: Comet II 165 #1650 and Robert cocoon harness (red) with blue parachute container, and Litek vario (red) in blue bag. WHERE AND WHEN: Livingston, MT along highway, Feb. 11, 1984. PATTERN: Red LE, spectrum dbl. surface, white main body, white keel pocket. CONT.ACT: Bill Snyder, 3751 S. 19th, Bozeman, Montana 59715 (406) 586-1840.



Index To Advertisers Airworks .............................. 4 Ball Varios ........................... 31 Bennett Delta Wing Gliders

.... 2, 43, BC

Flight Realities . . .

. .......... 43

Hall Brothers . . . . .

. ...... 40

High Energy

1982: Duck 180, 160, 200 (and DHV) Prostar 160, 130 Streak 160 Moyes Missile 170 Breez 180 Sensor 510-165 Vision V-18

.. 14, 25


.......... 21

...... 33


.......... 33

Mission Soaring ....... .

Pagen Books .................. . Para Publishing ..... , . Publitek.

............. 43

Seedwings ....... .


Streak 180, mo Duck 130 Comet II 165, 185 Attack Duck 180, 160 Missile GT 170, 190 Mars 170 Prostar 160

1984: Skyhawk 168, 188 Light Dream 161, 185 Comet II 135 (and 135, 165, 185 with 112 battens) Pro Dawn 155 HP 170 Sensor 510-160 VG Moyes GTR 162 VG


........... 44

... 26 ............. 40

Systems Tech USHGA.

.... IBC, IFC

Wills Wing.

...... 18, 19

Ad Deadlines All ad copy, instructions, changes, additions and cancellations must be received in writing IV, months preceding the cover date, i.e., Mar. 20 for the May issue.

The Alpine Experience. Hang Gilding Travel Service WORLDWIDE:

Para Publishing Books by Dan Poynter Post Office Box 4232-314 Santa Barbara, Ca 93103 Telephone: (805) 968-7277

Send For FREE Brochure

All Safaris include airfare, accommodat1ons. transporlalfon. expert tour guide and a maximum of air· lime

NEW ZEALAND 21 days - $1995.00 EUROPE - 5 countries 21 days - $1695.00

You can't get a belier deal! Our experience saves money and gives. you more airlime

HAWAII - Makapuu Pt. 8 days - $779.00 CALIFORNIA - Owens Valley 2 weeks - $979.00



SANTA BARBARA HANG GLIDING CENTER 29 State St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 687-3119



B-2 B-3 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13



-;r "'" I





MAHBIRDS by Maraiys Wilis. Entertainingly takes the reader from hang gilding's past to its soaring present. 8 pg color. 150 Bik & Wht photos, 40 pg appendix. USHGA IHSTRUCTORS CERTIRCATIOH MAHUAL. Complete requirements, syllabus, teaching methods. HAHG GLIDIHG by Dan Poynter. 8th Edition. Basic Handbook tor skysurting. FL YIHG COHDITIOHS by Dennis Pagen. Micrometeroiogy for pilots. 90 illustrations. HAHG GLIDIHG AHO FL YIHG SKILLS by Dennis Pagen. Beginners to experts instruclion manual. HAHG GLIDIHG TECHHIQUES by Dennis Pagen. Techniques for cross-country, competition & powered flight. MAHHED KITIHS by Dan Poynter. Handbook on tow launch flying. MAH.POWERED AIRCRAFT by Don Dwiggins. 192 pg history of flight. Features flight of Gossamer Condor. FEDERAL AVIATIOH REGULATIOHS FOR PILOTS. 1983 Edition. Hang gliding pertinent information. FAI SPORTIHG CODE FOR HAHG GLIDIHG. Requirements for records, achievements & World Championships. HAHG GLIDIHG MANUAL & LOG by Dan Poynter. For beginners. An asset to instructors. 24 pgs. USHGA OFFICIAL FLIGHT LOG. 40 pgs. Pocket size, skills signofts (all levels), glossary of terms, awards .



$ 2.00 S 7.50 $ 7.50 $ 7.50 $ 7.50 $ 4.50 $ 6.50

$ 4.50 S 1.00 $ 1.50

$ 2.95




F\.UlKT \.(IQ~ "-.. i ITEMS 1-1

.. HEW., USHGA 'HAHG GLIDING' T-SHIRT. 100% heavyweight cotton. WHITE or TAN. Men's sizes: SM L X-L (CIRCLE ONE). USHGA EMBLEM T-SHIRT. 100% heavyweight cotton. TAN or LIGHT BLUE. Men's sizes only. S M L X-L (CIRCLE SIZE & COLOR) USHGA EMBLEM CAP. One size fits all. Baseball type/USHGA emblem. NAVY ORANGE GOLD (CIRCLE ONE) .. NEW" USHGA BELT BUCKLE. Solid bronze, custom design, relief sculpture. 31/, x 2114. USHGA SEW-DH EMBLEM. 3" dia., full color (red wings, sunburst w/black print). USHGA EMBLEM DECAL. 3W' dia., lull color. LICEHSE PLATE FRAME. "I'd rather be hang gliding." White on Blue. WALLET. Nylon, velcro closure, mach. washable, water resistant. ROY AL BLUE color.

1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-8 1-9

$ 8.00


S 8.00

$ 5.00 $12.00 $ 1.00 .25 $ 5.50 $ 8.95



20. 21. 22, 23, 24. 25. 28, 29. 30. 32. 33, 34. 36. 37. 38, 41. 42. 43. 44, 45, 47. 56, 58, 59. 60. 61, 62. 63, 64, 65, 66. 67. 68. 69. 70, 71 72 73. 76. 77. 78. 80. 82. 83, 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 96. 98, 99. 100. 101. 102. 103

$ 1.00

S 1.50


105 - 14-11

S 2.00



S 2.50

Current Issue



Ordering Information: All pnces include poslage and handling (Prices subJect to change without notice } Enter quantity and price of each item ordered. Allow 3-4 weeks delivery (8 weeks for Foreign) All orders are malled by the cl1eapest available rate If you wish to receive your order faster. please include sufl1c1ent postage funds No C 0.0 ·s

MERCHANDISE sue TOTAL (Catiforntans add 6% tax on merchandise only)

Foreign Orders. USHGA will ONLY accept foreign checks payable on a U.S bank 1n U.S. funds

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Wing span 32 .8 ft Aspect ratio 6.72 Glider weight 641bs Optimum pilot body weight 140-160 lbs Packed length



34 .1 ft

34.8 ft 6.84

6.8 661bs 155-175 lbs 19.8 ft

71 lbs 175-200 lbs 20.4 ft

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