USHGA Hang Gliding December 1988

Page 1

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EARTH & SKY ...................................... HARRISON ................. AR ... 501-741-2934

UP OVER THE SOUTH EAST ............. LENOIR ..................... NC ........... 704-758-9331

DESERT HANG GLIDERS .................... GLENDALE ................ AZ ... 602-439-0789

KITTY HAWK KITES INC .................. NAGS HEAD ............ NC ........... 800-334-4777

ARIZONA WINDWORKS ...................... PHOENIX ................... AZ ... 602-997-5364

MORNINGSIDE FLIGHT PARK .......... CLAREMONT ........... NH ........... 603-54 2-4416

ARIZONA WINDSPORTS ...................... TEMPE ........................ AZ ... 602-897 -7121

UP OVER NEW MEXICO .................... ALBUQUERQUE ...... NM .......... 505-292-0647

ACCELERATED FUGHT SYSTEMS ... SAN DIEGO ............... CA ... 619-481-74()()

MOUNTAIN WINGS INC ..................... ELLENVILLE ........... NY ........... 914-647-3377

HANG GLIDERS WEST ........................ IGNACIO .................... CA .. .415-883-3494

FLY HIGH HANG GLIDERS ............... PINE BUSH ............... NY ........... 914-744-3317

TORREY PINES FLIGHT PARK .......... LA JOLLA .................. CA ... 619-452-3202

GLIDER WINGS OF OKLAHOMA ..... EDMOND .................. OK .......... .405-348-8122

HANG GLIDING CENTER .................... SAN DIEGO ............... CA ... 619-450-9008

PACIFIC WING HANG GLIDING ....... OCEANSIDE ............. OR ........... 503-842-8657 2003 ...................................... BANGOR ................... PA ........... 201-475-2003 SEQUATCHIE VALLEY SOARING .... DUNLAP ................... TN ........... 615-949-2301 MICROFLIGHT PRODUCTS ................ IDXSON .................... TN ........... 615-843-1761 WASATCH WINGS ............................... SANDY ...................... lIT ........... 801-571-4000 SILVER WINGS ..................................... ARUNGTON ............ VA ........... 703-533-1%5 ALLEGHENY GLIDERS ....................... NEWPORT NEWS .... VA ........... 804-874-8317 CAPITOL CITY HANG GLIDERS ...... OLYMPIA ................. WA .......... 206-459-8389 USA LA MOUETIE .............................. PUYALLUP ............... WA .......... 206-535-0973 1 AIRPLAYlN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEATILE .................. WA .......... 206-467-8644 BIG BIRDS WINGS ............................... SEAITLE .................. WA .......... 206-523-2436

AIRTIME OF SAN FRANCISCO .......... SAN FRANCISCO ..... CA ... 415-759-1177 HANG FUGHT SYSTEMS .................... SANTA ANA ............. CA ... 714-542-7444 SANTA BARBARA HG CENTER ........ SANTA BARBARA ... CA ... 805-962-8999 NATURAL HIGH HG SCHOOL ........... SAN BERNARDINO .CA ... 714-880-3888 TRUE FUGHT CONCEPTS ................... SYLMAR .................... CA ... 818-367-6050 DELTA WING KITES ............................ VAN NUYS ................ CA ... 818-787-6600 WINDSPORTS INTERNATIONAL ....... VAN NUYS ................ CA ... 818-988-0111 BOULDER FUGHT ................................ BOULDER .................. CO ... 303-444-5455 LEADING EDGE AIR FOILS ................ COLO. SPRlNGS ....... CO ... 719-632-4959 EAGLE AVIATION ................................ GOLDEN .................... CO ... 303-972-l?A5 PENDULUM SPORTS ............................ SALIDA ...................... CO ... 719-539-3900 LOOKOUf MI'N. FLIGHT PARK ........ RISING FAWN .......... GA .. .404-398-3541


GLIDE PATI-1 ........................................... ZION ........................... IL ..... 312-746-1944

GEORGE BORRADAILE ...................... SURREY .................... BC ........... 604-574-7121

AEOLUS HANG GLIDING .................... GROTON .................... MA .. 508-448-5214

OTT HANG GLIDERS .......................... VICTORIA ................. BC ........... 604-478-0029

SKY SPORTS .......................................... HENDERSONVILLE .NC ... 704-693-3383

SKY SAILING ONTARIO .................... TORONTO ................. ONT ........ 416-621-2280


Volume 18


Issue No. 12

(USPS 017-970-20)



15 FAR 103- Simply Stated

by Region 3 Directors


Comments on a distressing incident during the Elsinore, CA fire.

by foe Greblo We are pilots, and as such are obligated to follow the Federal Aviation ReguJations. Here's what it all means.

19 The USHGA Safe Pilot Award Program


,.. _




Page 21


USHGA Reports

by Liz Sharp A report on the recent USH GA board of d irectors' meeting.

by Mike Meier Win a prestigious award for being a safe pilot. Tear out or photocopy both sides of this page. Complete instructions included.

Departments 6 10 11 31 41 47 47

21 A Hang Gliding History Lesson © 1988 by Dennis Pagen Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. Accident trends over the years.

Airmail Update Calendar of Events Ratings Classified Advertising Index to Adver tisers Stolen Wings

26 Bill Bennett Sets a New Endurance Record- 20 Years! by David Lynch Delta Wing's Uncle Bill celebrates his 20th anniversary in the hang gliding business. Here's the story and some amazing hang gliding history.

38 The First U.S. Women's World Team by Marc Friedland photos by Lauretta Klockers A muJtiple pilot profile. Meet the new team.

Page 38 COVER: Eric Raymond flying his UP Axis 13 over Mount Laguna in Southern California. Photo by Eric Jfaymond. CENTERSPREAD: A Pacific Airwave KISS of fall over North Carolina's Sauratown Mt Photo/pilot-Doug Rice. DISCLAIM ER OF WARRANTIES IN PUBLICATIONS: The material presented here is published as part of an information dissemination service for USHGA members. The USHGA makes no warranties or representations and assumes no liability concerning the validity of any advice, opinion or recommendation expressed in the material. All individuals relying upon the material do so at their own nsk.

Copyright @ 1988 United States Hang Gliding Associa tion, lnc. All rights reserved to Hang Gliding and individual contributors.



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Gil Dodgen, Editor/Art Dirtelor Jane Dodgen, Editorilll Assistant Dave Pounds, Design Consultant John Heiney, Doug Rice, Leroy Grannis, Bettina Gray, Photographers Harry Marlin, nluslrator

USHGA Regional Directors' Decision on the

Office slalf

Liz Sharp, Coordinator Joyce Isles, Ratings Lynne Patton, Member Servias Cathy Moyer, Member Smncts

USHGA Officers and Executivt Committee: Russ Locke, Prtsidmt Dick Heckman, Viet President Gregg Lawless, Secrttary Dan Johnson, Treasurer REGION 1: Ken Godwin. REGION 2: Ken Brown, Jay Busby, Russ Locke. REGION 3: Bill Bennett, Walt Dodge, Gregg Lawless. REGION 4: Bob Buxton, Jim 2.eiset. REGION 5: Mike King. REGION 6: Ron Kenney. REGION 7: John Woiwode. REGION 8: Bob Collins. REGION 9: Pete Lehmann, Jeff Simms. REGION 10: Dick Heckman, Mall Taber. REGION11: Carl Boddie. REGION 12: Pete Foumia, Paul Riker!. DIRECTORS AT LARGE: Dan Johnson, Dick Heckman, Mark Bennett, Joe Greblo, Dennis Pagen. HONORARY DIRECTORS: Liz Sharp, Mike Meier, Bob Thompson, Tom Kreyche. The United States Hang Gliding Association Inc. is a division of the National Aeronautic Association (NAA) which is the official representative of the Federation Aeronaulique Internationale (FAJ), of the world governing body for sport aviation. The NAA, which represents the U.S. al PAI meetings, has delegated lo the USHGA supervision of PAIrelated hang gliding activities such as record attempts and competition sanctions. HANG GLIDING magazine is published for hang gliding sport enthusiasts lo create further interest in the sport, by a means of open communication and lo advance hang gliding methods and safety. Contributions are welcome. Anyone is invited lo contribute articles, photos, and illustrations concerning hang gliding activities. If the material is to be returned, a stamped, self-addressed return envelope must be enclosed. Notification must be made of submission to other hang gliding publications. HANG GLIDING magazine reserves the right to edit contributions where necessary. The Association and publication do not assume responsibility for the material or opinions of contributors. HANG GLIDING magazine (USPS 017-970) is published monthly by the United States Hang Gliding Association, Inc., whose mailing address is: P. 0. Box 500, Pearblossom, CA 93553 (805) 9445333. Second-class postage is paid at Pearblossom, CA and al other entries. The USHGA is a membercontrolled educational and scientific organization dedicated to exploring all facets of ultralight flight. Membership is open to anyone interested in this realm of flight. Dues for full membership are $30.00 per year ($42 foreign); subscription rates are $29.00 for one year, $53 for two years, f17 for three years. Changes of address should be sent six weeks in advance, including name, USHGA number, previous and new address, and a mailing label from a recent issue. POS'IMASTER: SEND CHANGE OF ADDRESS TO: UNITED Sf ATES HANG GLIDING ASSN., P.O. BOX 500, PEARBLOSSOM, CA 93553.



VOLUME 18 IssuE No. 12

ELSINORE FIRE INCIDENT, 10/15/88 During a recent hillside fire near the Lake Elsinore, California flying site, at least two unidentified hang glider pilots flew their gliders in a manner which impeded the approach of fire-fighting aircraft. Flying in and out of the smoke for an extended period of time, these pilots limited fire-fighters' efforts to extinguish the large blaze which ultimately destroyed several homes and blackened more than 750 acres. A third (identified) pilot was also observed flying into the smoke, directly above the flames. His earliest description of entering the fire area included statements that the air was "violent," that he had difficulties with breathing and vision, that he was climbing 2,000-3,000 fpm and that he was "concerned" that the rising burning embers might set his sail aflame. He also acknowledged that his actions constituted bad judgement, but that he was careful not to interfere with arriving aircraft and violated no pertinent Federal Aviation Regulations. Most witnesses agree that this pilot spent very little time in the smoke (1-5 minutes), and that he quickly flew down and landed when he first saw the arriving aircraft. In addition to these three pilots more than a dozen other pilots launched from the mountain while the fire was in progress. These pilots used their gliders to evacuate themselves and their equipment from the path of the fire. They quickly flew down and landed, avoiding the fire and the smoke. What action should the USHGA take with respect to these pilots? Let's first look at the pilots' intent, and the damage ca used by their actions. All three pilots who flew into the smoke intended to fly into the smoke. It was no accident. In addition, their attempts to circle in the smoke shows a desire to remain in the vicinity of the fire for a longer period of time than necessary to get safely to a landing area. One of the three chose to land quickly after spotting approaching aircraft,

and therefore bears little responsibility for interfering with the fire-fighting activities. The other two, who chose to stay in the air for a longer period of time, were far more responsible for the resulting conflict. The pilots who chose to "evacuate" the launch area appear to have attempted to stayoutofthepathofthefire, and out of the way of the fire-fighting activities. Although they still interfered with fire-fighting efforts, their intent was clearly not to. This cannot be said of the two pilots who purposely flew into the fire and remained in the area. Flying into or over a burning area certainly requires more forethought than flying away from one. The damage done in this instance is very significant. A formal report has been filed with the FAA. The Forest Service is considering closing the site. Local police authorities were sent to the site to stop pilots from launching. The local newspapers ran stories suggesting that the homes may have been saved had the hang gliders been out of the area, although the Forest Service could not confirm this suggestion. Most significantly, valuable property was lost, and lives may have been threatened. In retrospect it can be said that many of these pilots exercised bad judgement in their decision to fly, and some pilots' judgement was worse than others. The USHGA has a procedure for rescinding ratings for pilot actions of this nature. This procedure, although not often implemented, can carry the message to our membership that we do have to exercise a reasonable amount of knowledge and judgement when we fly. This is especially true in and around large metropolitan areas. It is the decision of the local USHGA Directors that we pursue the identity of the two pilots who continued to fly in the fire area, and providing the facts remain the same, revoke their USHGA pilot proficiency rating for a period of one year. In the case of the pilot who flew into the 5

AIRMAIL smoke, but left when he witnessed the oncoming aircraft, we shall uphold the Examiner's recommendation to revoke his Advanced rating for a period of six months. We will issue a written statement to the pilot. This statement will acknowledge the fact that although his actions may not have violated any federal, state, or local laws, they did have the potential of causing injury to persons, damage to property, and jeopardizing the future existence of one of this country's most significant flying sites. In addition this letter will be forwarded to the Board of Directors of the USHGA with the recommendation that the Board take immediate action to bettered ucate the hang gliding community as to our responsibilities as airmen. Recommended actions will include requirements for instructors to educate their students about Federal Aviation Regulations, use of sectional aeronautical charts, and pilot responsibilities to persons, property, the USHGA and other agencies. With respect to the 12 or more pilots who chose to evacuate the mountain, landing in several fields below the launch, it is our decision to take no action, other than to attempt to include them in the dialogue, controversy, and educational processes planned in the future. Lastly, steps will be taken by the local Directors in an effort to minimize the impact of this incident on the Forest Service, the FAA, and other concerned agencies. It has been rumored that the Forest Service is considering closing this site to hang gliding, as this is the second major incident of this nature. We will be suggesting that the Forest Service develop rules, regulations, and a system of site monitoring as an alternative to site closure. Joe Greblo Greg Lawless Bill Bennett USHGA Region 3 Directors

SITE GUIDE REQUEST Dear Editor, I consider it an honor to be elected as a director. This job is very important to me. An extreme amount of time, energy and 6


money is expended by each and every director. This fine bunch of people is not only concerned about the direction of the USHGA, but also about programs designed for the individual member. In the latest survey you indicated that it would be nice to have a national site guide. This project is currently underway. Unfortunately, we have received only a handful of survey forms. This project can only be completed with your help. Please, if you are a site-contact person, or if you know someone who is, take the initiative and act upon this request. Survey forms were printed in the July issue of Hang Gliding. Copies are available by writing or calling me. Your quick response will be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all of you who have sent in a response.

Dear Editor, "Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow ... " is supposed to stop the U.S. postal service. Unfortunately theirown computers do this job quite nicely. We just found out that our local post office has been returning mail from our post office box as "undeliverable." Apparently their computer had a slight meltdown and American Wind wright dissolved right along with it. We have corrected the problem and apologize to anyone inconvenienced by correspondence being returned to them. We are alive and well and building Z's and Zoom's right here in Rohnert Park. In the future all correspondence and inquiries should be directed to the address below.

Ron Kenney Region 6 Director P.O. Box785 Elkhart, KS 67950 (316) 697-2577

Sharol Strickland American Wind wright, Inc. 631 Martin Ave., #3 Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 585-9429



Dear Editor, I think it's great. We finally have a women's world team. Why the U.S. has to be last in such things is beyond me. I also admire the ladies' money-raising efforts and applaud the people and companies like Airwave who are showing some support. As a dues-paying USHGA member I'd personally like to see some of my world team money going to the women's team. To be fair, I'd like to see at least a percentage that represents the dues paying female membership of USHGA. It would be even better if the U.S. World Team were composed of our best male and female pilots as Kari Castle suggests. Let's give the world a first. It's an exciting idea! If USHGA can't come up with some kind of plan for monetary support, I'll have to divide my world team donation in half, and maybe my next glider will be from Airwave.

Dear Editor, "Down under" in New Zealand we enjoy reading Hang Gliding magazine. However, to enable us to read publications from the northern hemisphere we sometimes have to invert them. It was a relief to find in the October issue that the title page photo for Dennis Pagen' s interesting article (on the Morningside glide ratio contest), was placed

Super Preflight your glide . . . for super safet When was the last time your qlider was checked out by a professional glider mecnanic7 Is anything bent? Are the holes elongafed? How's the sail holding up? Now's your chance to find out, with Lookout Mountain's "Super Preflight" inspection. We will:

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AIRMAIL the "right way" up. Also, it was exciting to see John Heiney the right way up with his unique perspective of Torrey Pines. Anyway, whichever way, congratulations; it's all good stuff.

tion Policy," was very well put. It prompted me to give up my status as one of the silent majority. I believe 98.5% of pilots agree. Enough said. Jim Goebl Oroville, CA

Verne Rule Auckland, New Zealand

OK, here's how that kind of thing happens. The printers lost the original photo so I submitted a replacement at the blueline. Unfortunately, I assumed they would check the stripping job against the replacement photo before going on the press. If you want a job done right .... -Ed.

THANKS TO REGIONAL DIRECTORS Dear Editor, With the Christmas season here you will be remembering friends and family. Whatever you do, be sure to remember your Regional Director. Whether you are a USHGA member or not, write a note of thanks to thank him or her £or the many hours and hard-earned dollars they spend to help the sport of hang gliding and to help you. They receive no compensation for their efforts, and they deserve your thanks!

Mary Dawson Seattle, WA BRAVO! RUSS LOCKE Dear Editor, Russ' article in the October issue entitled "Safety, Competition and Publica-

HANG GLIDING HEROES Dear Editor, As is the case in most of the country, the Marina Beach, CA flying season is drawing to a close. Before the winter doldrums set in and thoughts of summer are gone, I wanted to let the hang gliding public know about some incidents of the past summer and the kind of people who are typical of our sport. For those readers unfamiliar with the Marina flying site, it's a sandy ridge on the Monterey Bay famous for its consistent smooth lift and as the site of the Monterey Bay Steeplechase. The soft sand makes it ideal for training and the only real hazard to deal with is the surf, which students and advanced pilots alike are warned to steer clear of. One of the local pilots actually lost his glider to the ocean last spring, cutting free of it and having it sucked out in a riptide after making a series of bad decisions to wind up wet. There are two pilots still flying who would certainly not be if it weren't for the heroic efforts of some of the Marina regulars and that's what this is all about. I think their heroism should be recognized and applauded. Chris Crescioli and Mark Kline, both instructors at Western Hang Gliders,


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teamed up to cut a visiting pilot free of his glider and save not only him but the wing from deep water. If not for their quick and coordinated action, this pilot would never have had a chance and most certainly would have drowned, as his glider was heading out to sea. Not too many weeks later Carmella Moreno, a former Marina student and aspiring Hang III, actually caught a visiting pilot's glider by the basetube as it was flying out to sea, dragging the whole mess to the sand in ankle-deep water, and getting the pilot away injury-free and the glider out wet but intact. Her guick thinking and very brave maneuver saved another life. I think the USHGA owes these three people a hearty congratulations and a "thank you" for their actions, and I hope they serve as an example to all of us.

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USHGA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Oct. 22-24, 1988, Sunnyvale, CA by Liz Sharp C1vL delegate Dick Heckman reported that paragliders have been added to the FAI Sporting Code 7 governing hang gliding as "Class 3 hang gliders" (designated as "non-rigid hang gliders") and that the recent FAI General Session refused parawings their own committee. The international calendar of events includes: the 1989 Parawing Championships in Kossen, Austria; the 1989 World Championships in Fiesch, Switzerland; the 1990 European Championships in Yugoslavia; a possible 1990 World Air Games including a hang gliding tow meet in France; the 1991 Women's World Championships in England; and a decision between France and Brazil for the 1991 World Championships at the April 1989 CIVL meeting. The main Olympic hurdles: a) Demonstration sport status is still going to the highest bidder (water skiing and roller hockey at Barcelona games). The newly-created exhibition sport status is much the same: For $250,000 parachuting was an exhibition sport in Korea. b) Full-fledged Olympic sport status requires a minimum of 50 countries to be active. Another entre to the Olympics may be through regional preliminaries such as the Pan Am games. CIVL is trying to discourage air-to-air communication between team members as well as with peripheral flyers who spot thermals. The final decision on USHGA office relocation will be made at the spring board meeting and will be based on the following issues: Office staff/transition impact; management of the association's assets; relationships with other aero-organizations; cost of operations; and quality of life style. Colorado Springs, CO, Boise, ID and Palmdale/Lancaster, CA are still in the running. A spring issue of Hang Gliding will be aimed at beginner and student-rated pi-


lots. Matt Taber will investigate costs of two-color brochure for beginning pilots. A magazine index going back four or five years will be started. The Towing Committee will be simplifying the towing special skills for the spring '89 BOD meeting. The report by Pete Lehmann on the Ohio tandem towing accident leads to the probable scenario hypothesized by Rob McKenzie in his June, 1987 article. The Site Committee will work on the completion of a National Site Guide and update the site information manual. Two new radio frequencies have been approved. They are: 151.995 and 151.925 (in addition to the original 151.625). USHGA Observers are to administer a 20-question test (70% correct score required) and sign approval statement; pilot submits with $5 fee. Full details will appear in an upcoming issue of Hang Gliding and all Observers will receive a special radio package with the necessary forms and instructions. Once granted, the radio license will run concurrent with membership and not be prorated for partial years. There have been many changes in the tandem prog1·am. Tandem Instructors are no longer called 'Tandem II," they are now 'Tandem Instructors." The length of time a candidate for Tandem Instructor must hold an Instructor rating, before applying for the Tandem Instructor rating, has been eliminated and replaced by the requirement that the instructor must participate in an additional ten lessons, and therefore complete a total of 20 lessons prior to receiving a Tandem Instructor rating. A ''Tandem II" pilot must observe a Tandem Clinic. The official title of Tandem Observers is "Class I Tandem Observer." This yea1· USHGA will apply to Oshkosh for display booth to be manned by volunteers; the purpose of the booth

will be to promote hang gliding to the general public. It maybe possible to recoup some of the cost through sales of magazines, memberships and merchandise, but this is not the primary goal. The booth will also provide brochure space for USHGA certified schools. The Public Relations Guide will be updated by Lisa Tate. Copies will be available after December 15, 1988 at no charge. Chapters wishing to renew site insurance may be required to complete a site survey form to provide information for the national site guide; sensitive sites would not be listed in the guide at the discretion of the local chapter. The Insurance Committee reported that paragliding is covered by our insurance policy as long as the individual is a member of USHGA. USHGA will recognize the American Paragliding Association (APA) as the official U.S. regulatory body for paragliding. The AP A is to create and administer: a) a pilot proficiency program, b) pilot rating revocation policy and procedures, c) instructor certification program, d) observer recognition program, e) a system for qualifying and rating sites, and f) a proposal for equipment certification. The Safety and Training Committee recommended a change to Part 104 to allow pilots to earn ratings while flying tandem with an instructor; performance evaluation may be made from ground or glider. An annual glider inspection check list by Briggs Christie will be published in Hang Gliding and reprints will be available through headquarters. Recertifying Instructor candidates will be required to participate in presentation(s) of ICP material. The committee will investigate Joe Bostik's proposal that all USHGA instructors pass the FAA private pilot's written exam within six months.


USHGA REPORTS The board appointed Jim Zeiset team leader for the meet in Brazil. Tom Kreyche is to conduct a feasibility study for the U.S. to host an FAI World Championships. For the women, Alice Stapleton is to submit recommendations to the Women's World Team subcommittee on methods of ranking women pilots for future international team selection, and Connie Bowen is to submit recommendations on attracting women pilots to compete. This is to include a proposal for a women's meet. The Competition Committee is also trying to limit the use of radios in competition and will be using the FAI "photo turnpoint" definition. Provisions have been made for Class II gliders in USHGA-sanctioned competitions. The Women's National Champion will be the top female finisher at the Nationals. Only one bid has been received for the 1989 National Fly-In: Moore Mt., North

Carolina. Bid was missing an LZ photo. The decision on 1989Fly-In was postponed until the spring BOD meeting. The ultralight towing exemption and the tandem exemption have been renewed for two years. The Safe Pilot Award Program as described in the August issue of Hang Gliding is in force. (See elsewhere in this issue.Ed.)

Headquarters will soon have a FAX machine. Russ Locke was re-elected as president, Dick Heckman as vke president, Dan Johnson treasurer. Gregg Lawless will take over secretarial duties. Directors-at-large are Dan Johnson, Dick Heckman, Mark Bennett, Joe Greblo and Dennis Pagen. Honorary directors include Liz Sharp, Mike Meier, Jan Johnson, Bob Thompson and Tom Kreyche.

The next board meeting is scheduled to be held March 11-13, 1989 in Atlanta, Georgia.•

SAFETY WHEELS . . . Tired of bending downtubes? Protect yourself, your students or your passenger with BIG safety wheels, which give th~ best protection during minor mishaps on landing. -Sig

safety wheels should be mandatory for training, and are great for towing and tandem flights. Lookout Mountain is the U.S. Distributor of High Perspective wheels-the bestpriced effective wheel on

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Lookout Mountain Flight Park A full-time, full service dealer! Rt 2 Box 215-H, Dept. HG, Rising Fawn, GA 30738 (404) 398-3433 or 398-3541. LMFP" BROCHURE send $1.

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IMPROVE YOUR FL YING! Learn the secrets of the pros from hang gliding's most widely read author.

Hang Gliding Books by Dennis Pagen • HANG GLIDING FLYING SKILLS-DETAILS ON: BEGINNING FLIGHT * INTERMEDIATE SKILLS * AERODYNAMICS * GLIDER DESIGN • GLIDER REPAIR • SELECTING EQUIPMENT* THERMALING • MORE. $6.95 •FLYING CONDITIONS-THE-ROAD MAP TO THE SKY-DETAILS ON: GENERAL WEATHER* TURBULENCE• ROTORS • WIND SHADOW • SEA BREEZES * WIND GRADIENT • RIDGE LIFT *THERMALS• MORE. $6.95 • HANG GLIDING TECHNIQUES THE Lil-TEST BOOK FROM SPORT AV\ATl,,N P\JBL\CAT\ONS For the novice to advanced pi tot. this book continues the learning that began with Flying Skills. • Learn about thermal soaring - A full 31 pages on thermal techniques will have you soaring like an ace. • Learn about speeds to fly - the key to efficient flying whether in competition or cross-country. • Learn about cross-country flying - How to fly further with safety. Also: Perfecting turns • Handling turbulence • Flying at altitude • Using ridge lift • Design concepts • Parachules • Performance tuning • Cardinal speeds • Harness ad1ustment • Competition and much mere'

- - - - - - - - • ALSO AVAILABLE.__ _ _ _ _ _ __ POWERED ULTRALIGHT FLYING Powered Ultralight Flying will answer your questions and Improve your tlylng. This book is written for beginners to advanced pilots with over 125 photos and drawings to clearly illustrate even the more complex subjects. All our books are written from an ultralight pilot's point of view so you get the facts you need, not rehashed information from general aviation.


• POWERED ULTRALIGHT TRAINING COURSE This is the only training course written by an ultralight instructor. Eleven lessons and eleven related groundschools (twenty-two chapters\ make this an ideal text for self-teaching and training schools. Learn to fly safely in a carefully designed siep-by-step manner. This manual is used by safety conscious schools internationally.


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UPDATE 1989 NATIONAL FLY-IN BID REQUEST The third annual National Fly-In took place last July at Dunlap, California. We hope to continue the success and fun next year, and are calling for bids for the 1989 National Fly-In. The Fly-In is intended to bring pilots from around the country for camaraderie, fun and learning. Manufacturers and other professionals in the sport are invited to present interesting programs, with talks and demo gliders. Parties and fun contests are standard events. It is desirable (but not absolutely necessary) that an area bidding for the National Fly-In be able to accommodate Novice (and better) rated pilots and have multiple launch sites for variety and weather changes. Camping facilities, restaurants and a meeting area are also to be taken into consideration. Any site director wishing to nominate his area for the Fly-In should do so in writing to committee chairman Dennis Pagen at: RD 2, Box 355-P, Bellefonte, PA 16823. The National Fly-In committee will select the 1989 site at the spring board of directors meeting in March, 1989.

New Members Submitted by Businesses-October, 1989 Mission Soaring Center ......................... 34 Windsports International ...................... 28 Kitty Hawk Kites, East .......................... 16 Mountain Wings ..................................... 14 Lookout Mountain Flight Park ............. 11 Santa Barbara Hang Gliding Center .... 11 Hang Flight Systems .............................. 10 Southland Hang Gliding ......................... 7 Torrey Pines Flight Park .......................... 7 Airtime of San Francisco ......................... 6 Chandelle .................................................. 6 Hang Glider Emporium .......................... 5 The HG Center of San Diego .................. 5 Tm-Flight Concepts ................................ .4 Nova-Air .................................................... 4 Windgypsy ................................................ 3 High Adventure ....................................... 3 High Sierra Sports .................................... 3 10

Hang Gliders West ................................... 3 Aeolus ........................................................ 3 Raven Hang Gliding ................................ 3 Susquehanna Flight Park ........................ 2 Connecticut Hang Gliding Assoc .......... 2 Western Hang Gliders ............................. 2 Paragliding Review .................................. 2 Sail Wings .................................................. 2 The following schools/ clubs submitted one new member for the month of October: Maui School of HG - Southern Oregon HG - High Plains HG - UP over New Mexico Sky Sails of Arizona - Morningside Recrea tion Area - Ultimate High Aviation - The HG Shop of Ventura - Glider Wings of OK - Free Spirit Sky Surfing - South wind HG School - Hawk Airsports. Correction: Last month's issue listed the Santa Ana Hang Gliding Center as having submitted two new members during the month of September. The Santa Barbara Hang Gliding Center should have been listed. Sorry Achim!

NEW STAFF AT PACIFIC AIRWA VE Roger and Cheryl Coxon, both formerly of Kitty Hawk Kites East, have joined Pacific Airwave as production managerI test pilot and office manager, respectively. The Coxons worked at Kitty Hawk for 2-1/2 years--Roger as manager of hang gliding operations and Cheryl in reservations and group sales. Both bring great talent to their new positions at Pacific Airwave. When asked about their goals and aspirations at Airwave Cheryl replied, ''To insure our dealers' and customers' satisfaction through efficient and friendly service." Roger states, "I have always enjoyed Pacific Airwave products and will work towards constantly improving the quality and consistency of the best gliders on the market."

HANG GLIDING WINE Weston WineryofSunnyslope, Idaho is currently offering five varieties of their premium Idaho wines, featuring a fullcolor hang gliding scene and the USHGA

logo on the new 1988 label, and some descriptively entertaining history on the back. Weston Winery is the sole corporate sponsor of the USHGA and a percentage of the gross sales on this wine goes to the association. Varieties of wine offered are: pinot noir, chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon, Idaho blush and Idaho riesling. Gewurtztraminer will be available soon. Many of the wines have won gold and silver medals. Contact: Treasure Valley Hang Gliders, 11716 Fairview Ave., Boise, ID 83704 (208) 376-7914.


Mountains High is an hour-long VHS videotape by the producer of Telluride! Containing footage from the fly-in at Silverton, CO and the following week's festival at Telluride, the film is an exciting look at the Rocky Mt. High, and includes spectacular aerial footage. The film features glass-offs above Gold Hill, thermaling over snow-capped peaks, and a pilot's eye view of a launch from the back of a truck using an ATOL system. Includes highlights of the 1988 World Aerobatic Championships. Price $35 (plus sales tax in California) plus $3 shipping. Contact: Robert Reiter, 1539 63rd St., Emeryville, CA 94608 (415) 655-0615.

FLY AMERICA CROSSES THE CONTINENT! Fly America landed at the First Flight Airport, Monday, November 10, completing all but the final 1 /2-mile of their 2,700mile journey from Los Angeles to the Atlantic ocean. The last flight will have been completed by all three pilots-Ian Huss, Cindy Drozda and Greg De Wolf-by Saturday, November 12. They will ATOLtruck tow out of the First Flight Airport and land at the Atlantic ocean across from the Wright Memorial. The last flight has been scheduled to allow the media the opportunity to attend the historic conclusion of the first continental crossing by hang glider. Kitty Hawk Kites is hosting the press conference afterHANG GLIDING

UPDATE wards, Cross-country flying during the final month of the trip became more difficult due to deteriorating weather conditions and more restrictive terrain. However, a few memorable flights were made. Greg flew 44 miles from BarnsvilleBradfield Airport in Ohio across West Virginia to Garrison, Pennsylvania. This flight was spectacular because it ended a 28-day stay in the Buckeye State, the greatest amount of time spent in any state. Cindy lifted the team's spirits with a great 69-mile flight from South Boston, Virginia to Red Oak, North Carolina. Her three-hour flight made good use of the short daylight hours of mid-October. Ian continued his string of great flights on his SensorC model by completing an 83miler from Goldsboro-Wayne Airport to the Pamlico River, diving out of 300 up to put down on the last bit of land before the 30-mile stretch of Pamlico Sound. As the team completes its journey they want to thank all who helped to make the project possible. They will show their gratitude future articles in this magazine.

SEEDWINGS NEWS Bob Trampenau, Seed wings president, announces that with recent staff restructuring the company is now able to offer 24-

hour parts shipping service to dealers. This applies to in-stock, non-special order parts only. The company has also expanded their cloth color selection to include a number of fluorescent colors. They also offer the special shiny mylar cloth for leading edge applications on their Full-Race models.

Calendar of Events Jan. 1-13, 1989: New Zealand Hang Gliding Championships, Paeroa Range, south ofRotorua. Practice days Dec. 2931. Contact: Geoff Christophers, 24 Basely Rd., Rotorua, New Zealand tel. 57080. Jan. 9-16, 1989: Australian flatlands tow meet. Contact: Mid North Coast Gliders, R.M.B. Hannam Vale Rd., Lorne 2439 Australia tel. (065) 56 9692. Jan. 23-Feb. 4, 1989: Mt. Buffalo World Masters. Australian Nationals included. Entry $150. Contact: World Masters, cf o HGFA, Sports House, 508 I 161 Gloucester St., Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia. tel. (057) 551724.

1989 WORLD CHAMPIONS: THE UNITED STATES Sounds pretty nice doesn't it? And you can become part of this event. The Olympics of hang gliding are coming up again real soon. The FAI Hang Gliding World Championships are scheduled for July, 1989, in Switzerland. However, as with the U.S. Olympic Teams our own USHCA World Team receives virtually no government funding. Ours is one of the few industrialized nations which does not have a program of support for athletic endeavors, so it is left to supporters of the individual sport to assist in getting their teams to the competition arena. The U.S. team needs your help! Our team members have demonstrated a commitment to excellence through the time, energy and money spent to gain a berth on the team. They all wish to give their absolute best performances at this upcoming contest. Yet they cannot do it alone; they need your world team donations. Donations--not in this case something for nothing! There is a raffle featuring a number of great prizes donated by manufacturers, businesses and individuals. The grand prize is an HGMA-certified glider DECEMBER 1988

Seed wings wishes to congratulate Larry Bunner for his remarkably long flight from tow late this past summer. He flew the latest C model Sensor 175 miles in the heart of Region 7, setting distance records for the state, region, east of the Rockies, and from tow launch all in one flight!

Feb. 11-25, 1989: 11 American Cup 11 competition, Governad Valadares, Brazil. Contact: RuaJardim Botanico, 182/704, Jardim Botanico, RJ Brazil, CEP 22461 tel. (021) 220-4704 TELEX (21) 21818 HAEG. $300 includes retrieval, ride up hill and lunch. April 15-23, 1989: East Coast Championships, Sequatchie Valley, TN. 40 pilots max.Contact:G.W.Meadows(615)9492301. June 11-18, 1989: Delta Club Como 10th Lariano Triangle Championships. Contact:Tiberio Roda, ViaZoli, 18, 22030 Pusiano (Co), Italy,

of your choice from De !ta Wing, Moyes, Pacific Airwave, Seed wings or Wills Wing! The Maryland Hang Gliding Association has already set the pace by raising over $1,000. Yet our team needs $40,000, and with our current fund sitting at a rather modest $1,500, we need a lot of involvement from the USHCA membership. You can either participate in the raffle or you can organize a fundraiser as was done in Maryland. And any of the World Team pilots would be happy to try to make an appearance to speak and show slides or videos of past events. Listed below are the team pilots and their regions: Mark Bennett Joe Bostik Ted Boyse Bruce Case Butch Peachy Larry Tudor

Regions 2 &3 Region 2 Region 2 Region 7 Region 2 Various Areas

Larry, Joe, Mark and to a certain extent Bruce, have cause to travel and would be happy to try to accommodate your event. Call the USHGA if you have a specific request. Send in $10 and get a World Team pin. Thirty bucks gets you a sweatshirt. Every entry goes into the raffle drawing. One entry per member please.


Winter Clearance Sale NEW GLIDERS: Pacific Airwave Pacific Airwave Pacific Airwave Pacific Airwave

Magic KISS Mark IV (Custom) Mark IV(Invcntory) Genesis

USED GLIDERS: Pacific Airwave Pacific Airwave Pacific Airwave Pacific Airwave Pacific Windcraft Pacific Windcraft Pacific Windcraft Pacific Windcraft Moyes Delta Wing Delta Wing Wills Wing UP UP Flight Designs ProAir

Magic IV FR 166 MKIV 17 MKIV 17 MKIV 17 Eclipse 19 Eclipse 19 Eclipse I 7 Esprit 18 G1R 162 Dream 220 Dream 165 HarrierII 147 Gemini 164 Gemini 134 Demon 177 ProAir 142

LIST $3495 $2600 $2400 $2550

SALE $2995 $2195 $1995 $2195

$1995 $1795 $1750 $1750 $1495 $1195 $1295

$950 $1995 $1495

$1095 $950 $850 $795 $725 $595

SALE PRICES GOOD NOW THROUGH CHRISTMAS We will ship anywhere in the U.S. (add $5.00 frt./handling)

ACCESSORIES IN STOCK LIST Ball 652 Vario/Alt./Airspecd Deck ........ $640 Ball Wrist Vario ...................................... $295 Roberts Vario/Alt.{Clock Deck .............. $345 Lltek SE 10 ............................................. $179 Lltek Mini Vario ..................................... $179 WW Z2 Pod Harness .............................. $425 High Energy POD ................................... $360 Delta Wing POD ..................................... $340 Moyes POD ............................................. $395 High Energy Cocoon .............................. $283 Romer Helmets ....................................... $110 Romer Full Face ...................................... $115 Pac. Air. Helmets .................................... $58 Kiwi Helmets .......................................... $48 High Energy 22-Gore Chutes ................. $420 Pac. Air. 26' Chutes ................................. $380 Bullet Ballistic Chute .............................. $545 Pitchies .................................................... $135 Speed Rails .............................................. $80 VHF Radios (6 watt marine freq.) .......... $645 VHF Radios (3watt marine freq.) ........... $339 Bar Mits-4 different types .................... $40 Tekna Knives .......................................... $50 Revo Sun Glasses .................................... $116 Bogen Camera Mounts ........................... $80

SALE $595 $249 $295 $149 $149 $395 $339 $295 $295 $249 $99 $99 $49 $39 $395 $349 $445 $99 $59 $389 $188 $29 $39 $99 $69

Contact our service department for your annual maintenance super preflight and wash-only $50.00

WESTERN HANG GLIDERS • P.O. Box 828 • Marina, CA 93933 • (408) 384-2622

NEWS FLASH ... Is hang gliding a hot news item in your local paper? Please send clippings of stories, photos or articles to the Public Relations Committee through the USHGA office. We want to see your name, your club or your site mentioned in print!

USHGA - Public Relations P.O. Box 500 I Pearblossom, CA 93553

HEADLINES ... Have you made any lately? USHGA would like to see your name in print. Please send clippings of any local news articles or magazine stories on hang gliding to the office. The Public Relations Committee needs clippings to assess our image and catalog favorable writers on our sport. Good or bad, we need your news articles. Send to:

USHGA - Public Relations P.O. Box 500 I Pearblossom, CA 93553

Hang Gliding Lesson #1 Fly hard, fly safe, fly with High Energy Sports To reduce risk of bodily injury or death while hang gliding you need a complete safety system. From your glider to your hang straps you need to know you have the best system for you. We at High Energy Sports specialize in harness-parachute systems designed for the worst circumstances.

COCCOONS, PODS, PARACHUTES, etc. • Flat Circular Solid Gore Constrnction • Vent Cap Covering Apex Hole • 1/2" Tublar Nylon Reinforcement At Apex • All Seams Reinforced With Type III Webbing • V-Tabs At Each Line Attachment • Type XVIII Bridle • Parachute Safety Lock System • Continuous Webbing Sewn With Five Cord Thread • Each Harness Custom Sized • Safety Back Strap • Adjustable Padded Leg Straps • Two-Week Delivery • Custom Options • Your Choice Of Colors


2236 W. 2nd St. • Santa Ana, CA 92703 • (714) 972-8186


With the advent of the C-Model Sensor 5 I O our Variable Geometry (VG) range is the widest yet This means softer handling in the loose setting and better performance in the full-tight setting. The result is performance you can handle.


SEED\X/INGS 5760 Thornwood Drive Santa Barbara. CA 93 I 17 (805) 967-4848 FAX 805 967-3261 Dealer Inquiries Welcomed HGl\!1A Certified Catalog. Dealer List and Specification Sheets available

In order to optimize your flying style, Seedwings will custom-build your Variable Geometry 5 I 0-C in three different versions to perfectly match your individual needs :

SS: Our Super-handling sporting Sensor is for lighter pilots or those who place a premium on soft handling-without suffering the usual lack of speed/glide performance so typical of other "recreational-class" gliders.

ER: The Easy Race is for pilots who wish to strike a balance between great handling and world-class performance. Seedwing·s most popular glider. the ER both climbs very fast and efficiently cruises at speed with ease. FR: The Full Race is our highest performing glider. with which tough competitions are won. It is for pilots who desire to minimize compromises in the performance side of the handling/performance equation. yet who still demand a wide VG range for command of the glider in tight situations. The Sensor 5 I 0-C. in whatever version you fly. offers you outstanding custom-built quality. with performance you can handle and" genuine pride of ownership.

Pilot: Kevin Stowe

,------------, The Next : Generation. ... RocketDeployed Hang Glider Parachutes.


• Multi (4) tone coded squelch • Tone coded squelch • Two-tone sequential decoder • Speaker/microphone • Single and 6-unit desk top chargers Each Maxon accessory and component is built to the same exacting performance standards as Maxon radios. They are repeatedly inspected and tasted throughout our manufacturing process. Depend on Maxon quality!




Specifications VHF MODEL

B R S - 4 - H G Model INFORMATION • 1 • System designed and thor-

oughly in-flight tested by WorldClass pilot Bruce Case (in consultation with Wills Wing). •2• Rocket-fast, 2-second deployment with low altitude capability. •3• Less likely to entangle in a spinning or tumbling glider. •4• Safe pilot operation. •5• Integral, harness-only installation (no glider attachment!). •6• Protected against accidental deployment; system not "armed" until firing handle is pulled. •7• Resistant to handling abuse.


CP-051 O/CS-0510

Frequency Range




Channel Spacing

25or30 KHz



Operating Temp.

- 300 to + aooc

FCC Compliance: model CP-051 o

Part 15, 21, 74, 90

model CS-051 o

Part 15, 21, 74, 83, 90 Nickel Cadmium, 10.Sv, 450 mAh

Battery Nominal Dimension HWD

5112 x2%x 1~in.


16 Oz. (approx.)

Battery Life (90-5-5)

8 hours (typical)

Case Material



6 mos. parts & labor

RF Output


Prices start at $325.00 for single channel radio.



BRS, Incorporated 1845-HG Henry Avenue South St. Paul, MN 55075 612/457-7491-FAX 612/457-8651


13154 COUNTY RD 140 SALIDA CO 81201 719-539-39(X)

STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND ORCULATION (Act of August 12, 1970: Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code.) 1. Title of publication: HANG GLIDING 2. Date of filing: October 1, 1988 3. Frequency of issue: Monthly 4. Location of know office of publication: 12208 Pearblossom Hwy. Pearblossom, CA 93553 (Mailing Address: P.O. Box 500, Pearblossom CA 93553) 5. Location of the headquarters or general business offices of the publishers: 12208 Pearblossom Hwy. Pearblossom, CA 93553 (Mailing Address: P.O. Box 500, Pearblossom CA 93553) 6. Names and addresses of publisher, editor, and managing editor: Publisher: United States Hang Gliding Assn, Inc., 12208 Pearblossom Hwy. Pearblossom,CA, P.O. Box500,Pearblossom CA 93553. Editor and managing editor: Gil Dodgen, 12642 Dottie Cir., Garden Grove, CA 92641. 7. Owner: United States Hang Gliding Assn, Inc., P.O. Box 500, Pearblossom CA 93553. Its Officers are: Russ Locke, President, 868 S. Mary Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087; Richard Heckman, Vice President, 3401 Lookout Dr., Huntsville, AL 35801; Llz Sharp, Secretary, 5555 Bowron Pl. Boulder, CO; Dan Johnson, Treasurer, P.O. Box 144, Lookout Mt., TN 37350. 8. Known bondholder, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1% or more of total amounts of bonds, mortgages or other securities: none. 9. For optional completion by publishers mailing the regular rates (Section 132.121, Postal Service Manual) 39 U.S.C. 3626 provides in pertinent Part: "No person who would have been entitled to mail matter under former section 4359 of this title shall mail such matter at the rates provided under this subsection unless he files annually with the Postal Service a writter request for permission to mail matter at sud rates." In accordance with the provisions of this statute, I hereby request permission to mail the publication in Item 1 at the reduced postage rates presently authorized by 39 U.S.C. 3626. to. Extent and nature of circulation: (A) Total No. copies printed: 10,700 av./mo. preceding 12 mo.; 10,800 for Volume 18, Issue 10. (Bl) Paid circulation through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales: 1,650 av./ mo. preceding 12 mo.;1,900 for Volume 18, Issue 10. (B2) Paid circulation, mail subscriptions: 8,000 av./mo. preceding 12 mo.; 8,405 for Volume 18, Issue 10. (C) Total paid circulation: 9,650, av./mo. preceding 12 mo.; 10,305 for Volume 18, Issue 10. (D) Free distribution by mail, carrier or other means, samples, complimentary, and other free copies: 200 av./mo. preceding 12 mo.; 215 for Volume 18, Issue 10. (E) Total distribution: 9,850 av./mo. preceding 12 mo.; 10,520 for Volume 18, Issue 10. (Fl) Office use, left-over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: 400 av./mo. preceding 12 mo.; 100 for Volume 18, Issue 10. (F2) Returns from news agents: 450 av./mo. preceding 12 mo.; 180 for Volume 18, Issue 10. (G) Total: 10,700 av./mo. preceding 12 mo.; 10,800 for Volume 18, Issue 10. I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. Signed by: Joyce Isles, Office Manager.

Anyone who walks into a general aviation flight school is amazed at the volumes of federal regulations mandated by the FAA. Like most regulating agencies with over 50 years of experience they have "left no stone unturned." How is it then that the sport of hang gliding is governed entirely by three short pages in just one of those many volumes of bureaucratic legislation. The answer lies in the way Federal Aviation Regulation Part 103 is written. It's a well thought out, remarkably simple set of rules that incorporates relevant FAA rules into a single document under which we are required to operate. FAR Part 103 is based upon three principles. The first principle recognizes that participants in our sport have the right to subject themselvestoanyriskassociatedwithhang gliding, so long as we don't endanger other members of the public. I'm impressed by this. The government is not telling us that we have to have a license, or wear a helmet or parachute, although these may be wise ideas. They don't seem overly concerned about us failing to adequately inspect or maintain our equipment. They are, however, very concerned by Joe Greblo about how we affect the safety of the nonhang gliding public. I think most of us see some logic in this approach. The second principle is based on the assumption that hang glider pilots have an adequate central organization (the USHGA) that can educate hang glider operators as to the nature of these three pages of regulations. The third principle is their willingness to accept our contention that most of our members are willing to comply with this rather simplistic form of control, and that we can enforce our regulations through peer pressure, and rating and membership removals. In discussing Part 103 it is important to understand that it is always subject to change. The FAA has, in the past, and will continue in the future, to include more restrictions should they determine the need. In fact, it has changed several times since it was drafted several years ago. If you have not read a 1988 version of Part 103, then you are not aware of some important changes that affect you and your sport. This article will address even the most recent changes.

FAR 1 0 3 • 1 st t d simp y


Part 103.1 (Applicability) describes the types of vehicles governed by these regulations. There are two types of air vehicles included here-powered ultralights and unpowered ultralights (hang gliders). To keep things simple, we will discuss onlyunpowered ultralight vehicles. Keep in mind that both hang gliders and powered ultralights are grouped together under the same basic regulations. In order for your hang glider to qualify as an unpowered ultralight vehicle, and therefore escape the hordes of FAA regulations associated with other types of aircraft, it must meet certain criteria. It must weigh less than 155 pounds (thank God), and it must be used or intended to be used for recreation or sport purposes only. In addition, it can only carry one occupant (the FAA requires you to obtain an Exemption from them for tandem flight). Part 103.3 requires you, as an operator of an ultralight aircraft, to allow an FAA administrator or representative to inspect your hang glider at their request. In addition, at the request of the FAA representative you must furnish evidence that the vehicle meets all criteria qualifying it as an unpowered ultralight vehicle. Part 103.5 requires the hang glider pilot to obtain a written waiver from the FAA before deviating from any part of these regulations. Part 103.7 releases the pilot of a hang glider from any of the medical, aeronautical skill, knowledge, training, experience, minimum age, or certification requirements normally associated with general aviation. It also releases us from any responsibility to comply with aircraft airworthiness certificates, normally required for aircraft. In addition, according to this section, we are exempt from having to register our hang gliders with the FAA or put numbers or markings on our wings. This is a good time to put to rest a couple of wives tales and rumors. Is a hang glider considered to be an aircraft, or isn't it? Technically, the answer is YES. The FAA defines an "aircraft" to be "a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air." This definition allows the FAA to impose whatever restrictions on us that they choose. It also allows many insurance companies to exclude DECEMBER 1988


ANGELES TERMIN~ AREA d to use the Los Ange{e,s VFR Terminal Area nd below 12,500'. Termi al Area Charts ,; ii and clarity of informa on in conges.te'cl ·-:,,,

- - - GROUP I TCA-----.,..;/- - - - - '-1 AL CONTROL AREA ALTITUDE~ / / eiling of TCA in hundreds of.feet MSL


loor of TCA in hundreds' of feet MSL /

// E






claims involving hang gliders. On the other hand, because they (the FAA) have created part 103 and designated our gliders as "ultralight vehicles," we are not required to adhere to those Federal Aviation Regulations that are intended for certificated aircraft. SUBPART B-OPERATING RULES 103.9 (Hazardous Operations) is one of the "catch all" regulations. If you operate your hang glider in a manner which creates a hazard to anyone, or their property, you are in violation of this rule. Reckless flying, flying too close to spectators, and dropping objects are just some examples of creating a hazard to persons or property. 103.11 states that you can only fly your glider between the official hours of sunrise and sunset. Flying at night is illegal, even if your glider is adequately lighted. There is a provision here that will allow a pilot to extend this flight window 30 minutes on each side, providing the glider is equipped with qualified lighting and is flown outside of "controlled" airspace (controlled airspace will be explained later). Part 103.13 (Right of Way Rules). This part basically puts us on the bottom of the totem pole. The usual rule ofleast powered and least maneuverable aircraft having the right of way has been discarded. Hang gliders must yield right of way to all other aircraft except "powered ultralight vehicles." Remember this the next time you find yourself shaking your fist at the Cessna that flew through your thermal. Also, keep this in mind when you fly sites near airports, or when you are off on a cross-country jaunt. Perhaps the most overlooked part of 103 is section 103.15, Operations over Congested Areas. Strictly stated, you may not fly over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons. Fines of $1,000 per occurrence have been levied by the FAA against pilots flying over cities and events. Part 103.17 (Operations in Certain Airspace). This section requires the pilot to understand a little more about airspace designations, and also requires some knowledge in the use of sectional aeronautical charts, commonly referred to as "sectionals." These charts are available at all airports, and at many aviation-oriented shops and supply houses. We are presently excluded from operating in five separate airspace designations DECEMBER 1988

under this section of 103. I will discuss all five of these types of airspace. Airport Traffic Area (ATA)-(Figure 1) An airport traffic area is that airspace within a five-statute-mile radius of a "controlled" airport, up to 3,000 feet above the airport's elevation. ATA's are not represented on the sectional by any specific symbol, and all controlled airports lie at the center of an AT A. A "controlled" airport is designated on the sectional by a blue airport designation. This basically means that this is an airport with enough air traffic to warrant an operating control tower. Control Zone (CZ)-{Figure 2) Surrounding many airports on the sectional is a somewhat circular area designated by a blue dashed line. This area is often "keyhole" shaped to accommodate aircraft arrivals and departures. The control zone extends from the surface upwards to 14,500 feet MSL. Terminal Control Area (TCA)-{Figure 3) Only large international airports are surrounded by TCA's. The TCA exists within the blue shaded lines at the altitudes designated by the blue numbers within these lines. These numbers are expressed as a fraction as shown. Adding two zeros to both the upper and lower numbers (numerator and denominator) will give you the altitudes (MSL) you must not fly between. In the noted quadrant, you must not fly between 2,000 and 12,500 feet MSL. Airport Radar Service Area (ARSA) -(Figure 4) Designated by a dashed magenta line surrounding a controlled airport. Like the TCA, theARSAalso may have several areas with varying altitude restrictions. Flying below or above an ARSA is perfectly legal, providing you do not climb or descend into it, or violate any other federal, state, or municipal regulations. Positive Control Airspace (PCA) Positive Control Airspace is any airspace at or above 18,000 feet MSL over the continental United States. Even FAA licensed pilots must receive permission from the appropriate air traffic control facility before flying in this airspace. It is sometimes possible to receive prior permission for a "wave window" from the FAA for

altitude record attempts. Part 103.19 (Operations in Restricted or Prohibited Airspace). Hang gliders may not fly in these areas without prior permission from the air traffic control agency having jurisdiction. Part 103.20 (Proximity to Presidential Parties). The airspace above and around places that the President of the United States visits is restricted to operators of hang gliders. Although uncommon at our flying sites, we are expected to be aware of such occurrences. A cross-country flight could, in theory, passover such presidential airspace. In addition to the above restriction, from time to time, the FAA designates certain airspace as "off limits" due to space-flight operations. This information is provided to pilots through the FAA network of Flight Service Stations (FSS) in the form of Notices to Airmen (NOT AMS). A phone call to the FSS nearest your hang gliding flight route will quickly provide you with any NOTAMS concerning airspace restrictions. They can also provide the hang glider pilot with valuable weather information. Flight Service Stations are listed in the white pages of the telephone book under U.S. Gov't. Department of Transportation. 103.21 (Visual Reference with the Surface). Hang gliders must at all times maintain sight of the ground. This provision was added by the FAA to eliminate the possibility of hang glider pilots flying over cloud cover and then accidentally descending into it, creating a dangerous situation for other aircraft. 103.23 (Flight Visibility and Cloud Clearance Requirements). Hang glider flight in clouds and in low visibility is illegal. Since aircraft operating under Instrument Flight Rules commonly fly in the these areas, and since hang gliders do not possess the electronic navigational and radio aids to do so, it is understandable that we are not allowed in them. In trying to understand just how close to clouds we can legally fly, and what minimum visibility is required by the FAA, it is important to understand the term "controlled" airspace, and be able to recognize it on the sectional. Controlled airspace is that airspace where air traffic separation controls exist, and it is designated on the sectional by blue or magenta shaded "vignettes." These vignettes are clearly illustrated on the back cover of the sectional. Practically all of the United States, above 17




AIRSTREAM HARNESS The low drag profile harness ieatures • Ad1uslable C.G Faired parachute & ballasl conlainer • Ad1uslable fool sl1rrup • Cuslom sizes to fit all pilots. • Large choice of colors ...._._.__...__...__ _ _ • Pnce $395

Build your hang gliding experience this winter and have fun flying a variety of Southern California's premier sites.

A£~essaries 1,200 feet AGL, is now controlled airspace. It is perfectly legal to fly a hang glider in controlled airspace, providing that no other section of Part 103 is violated. The table provided in Part 103.23 clearly identifies the minimum flight visibility and minimum distance from clouds we must maintain both within and outside of controlled airspace. All hang glider pilots should study this table. CONCLUSION In the public comment period prior to the FAA' s adoption of Part 103 the USHGA petitioned for minimal regulations. We basedourrequestonseveralassumptionsnamely that we (the USHGA) could adequately educate our pilots as to safe, responsible aviation practices, and that we could control our members' flight practices to a reasonable degree. This year, the FAA has received an alarming number of complaints about near mid-air collisions, and TCA, ARSA, CZ and Restricted Airspace violations involving hang gliders. In most of these cases the FAA has been frustrated in its attempts to identify the hang glider pilots involved. I believe that unless we make significant attempts to educate ourselves in our responsibilities as airmen, and to practice our sport in a responsible manner, we will see our airspace and land use freedoms progressively diminish.

Here's what you can do to help! 1) Make sure you understand FAR Part

103. 2) Read FAR Part 91 (available from the USHGA and many dealers), as it will help you understand the general operating and flight rules of other aircraft. 3) Buy a "sectional" of your area and identify the specific airspace you must avoid. 4) Discuss it with other pilots in your area and help make it "popular" to fly responsibly.


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BULLET BALLISTIC RECOVERY SYSTEM The bullet 1s a ball1stically [spring) deployed chute that 1s easily attached to any glider. l\ vu1ually elimmates any chance of •chute ~ < •.·• ••Fastentanglement deployment 11me -i- __ - _-__---o,:' • 18 gore chute. ~ ~ • 20-4· canopy . · _ , _ • Total system wt 3 3 kg_ • Pnce $695 DELTA WING TRAINING WHEELS. A must lor all beginner and novice level pilots no more sudden stops with these high impact. urethane landing wheels Prevents injuries to hands. etc Less char.ce of damaging your glider wilh a hard landing_ • Lifetime guarantee_ • Dealers inqu1re aboul add1t1onal vol. disc • Pnce _ $40 INSTRUMENYS Ball 620H Vario/Audio S280.00 Ball 651 Vario1Audio-All1meter w/10 ft_ steps S495.00 8all 652 VanoiAudio-10 It Altimeter-Airspeed S590.00 Retrofit Airspeed to Model 651 S130.00 Ball 670 Airspeed_ 2.25 inch. 70 mph .$125.00 Ball M-20 Wrisl mounted Aud10,vario S200.00 $250.00 Ball M-20 wlearpllone iack S169.00 Litek VE 12 wrist mounted L1tek VE 12 wiearphone 1ack _ S179.00 _ $169.00 Litek VE 7 S198.00 Litek VE 35 $320.00 Roberts Vano & All 2150 Hall Windmeter

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Southern California has the most reliable winterflying and all sites on the tour have good launches and landing fields.

TRIP INCLUDES: • Guide Service • Radio Instruction (if desired) • Rating tests •Rides up and retrieval (4WD vehicles) • Accommodations-motel and camping fees • Glider demos available • FUN! SITES: Avenue "S" I Kagel I Crestline I Marshall I Lake Elsinore


In our sport, we like to think of ourselves as pilots, and we expect the right to share the skies with other types of aircraft. In doing so, we must understand and accept the responsibilities of knowledge and judgement that accompany that title. If we can't accept those responsibilities we don't deserve to share the skies with other aircraft, because, more than the earth, the sky can be a dangerous place. •

Traveling with a small group, you'll be introduced to all flying sites by a certified USHGA Advanced Instructor with local site knowledge. This gives you the best opportunity to avoid hazards, launch at the right time, plan landing approaches, etc.

For advanced Hang II thru Hang IV. Call for details. Cost $495.00. Glider Rental $350.00. Early reservations are recommended for out-of-state pilots since airline schedules fill up early. This trip is carefully planned, well organized and has been running annually for eight years. We will proudly supply references.


Western Hang Gliders P.O. Box 828 Marina, CA 93933 (408) 384-2622



USHGA SAFE PILOT AWARD PROGRAM by Mike Meier The USH GA Safe Pilot Award Program is underway. Following this article is the award application form. To apply for the award, simply photocopy the application and follow the instructions on the form. Any pilot who averages six or more flights a week should now be approaching the 100flight mark required for the bronze award. The mechanics of the program have been designed to be as simple as possible. The application process requires minimal documentation. This is for two reasons-to encourage pilots to participate and to minimize the administrative burden on the USHGA office staff. This simplification also opens the door to the possibility of abuse of the system. There is a somewhat fine line to be tread here. If pilots who crash and avoid injury only by virtue of extraordinary good fortune are given safe pilot awards, it undermines the credibility and effectiveness of the award system. On the other hand, if pilots who consistently fly without incurring injury are denied the award for reasons of local politics, or because their flying "style" offends their more conservative peers, then the system also suffers a Joss of credibility and value. I'm an idealist. I would like to think that a pilot who crashes his glider, and who knows he should have been seriously injured but by extreme good luck wasn't, will consider that flight as an unsafe one, and start his count over at zero. On the other hand, everyone can probably expect to bust up a glider in a flying mishap once in awhile, and not every minor crash carries the likelihood or implication of serious injury or possible fatality. Ultimately survival is the key criterion here. I would also like to think that a regional director, when considering an application from a pilot whose own personal limitations for safe flying extend beyond those of the director himself, would recognize that decisions about safe practices in flying are, and must be, personal decisions, and would not deny an application based only on such a personal difference of opinion. By the same token, I don't feel the program can require a director to approve an application for a pilot whom the director felt was clearly undeserving of an award for safe flying, just because the pilot had somehow managed to avoid a serious injury. Please note that the application form contains the provision for such a denial on the part of the director, and for an avenue of appeal by the pilot.

There is one other clarification I would like to make about the mechanics of the program. Each pilot will be eligible for only one award at each level. If you earn a bronze award, and then have an unsafe flight, and then make another 100 consecutive safe flights, you will not get another bronze award; you will merely be one-third of your way toward your silver award. The final design for the plaque and pin are not yet finished, and the exact costs to the pilot, if any, for the award have not been determined. I'm sorry to be behind on this phase of the program, I'm trying to get these details finished as soon as possible. Please don't let that stop you from making your application as soon as you qualify for your first award. Fly safely, and log your safe flights. USHGA SAFE PILOT A WARD The levels of the USHGA Safe Pilot A ward are as follows:


Consecutive Safe Flights

Bronze A ward Silver Award Gold Award 1st Diamond 2nd Diamond 3rd Diamond 4th Diamond 5th Diamond

100 300 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000

A SAFE FLIGHT is a flight which includes a launch (beginning from a full stop) and a landing (ending in a complete arrest of forward motion) which does not result in any injury to the pilot which requires (or would normally require, or would clearly indicate the need for) treatment by a licensed medical professional. Only logged flights occurring on or after August 1, 1988, where the log entry contains the date, location, and duration of the flight, may be counted towards the award. Any flight involving injury as described above, whether or not it is logged, terminates a string of consecutive safe flights, and re-starts the count of consecutive safe flights at zero.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLYING FOR THE USHGA SAFE PILOT A WARD 1) Complete the applicant's statement on the reverse of this form, listing your name, the award for which you are applying, and the date of the first and last flights which qualify you for this award. 2) After completing the applicant's statement, have three USHGA members who have known you personally during the time period shown on your application, examine your log book for the period shown on the application, read the instructions below, and sign the witnessing statement. 3) Submit this application and your log book to a USHGA director for review and approval.

INTRUCTIONS TO WITNESSES Read carefully the applicant's statement in application for the USHGA safe pilot award, and examine the applicant's log book for the period indicated on the application. Your signature on this form represents your statement that you believe the applicant does in fact qualify for the award on the basis of having made the number of consecutive safe flights (as defined above) listed. You need not have witnessed any or all of the flights indicated, however, you should not sign the form if you have any doubt that the indicated number of consecutive safe flights were made.

INSTRUCTIONS TO THE USHGA DIRECTOR Read carefully the applicant's statement in application for the USHGA safe pilot award, the witnesses signatures, and examine the applicant's log book for the period indicated on the application. Your signature on this form is the final approval for the applicant to receive the award indicated; do not approve the application if you do not feel the pilot qualifies. If you decide to approve the application, sign it and send it directly to the USHGA office. If you decline to approve the application, please make a brief written statement of your reasons for non-approval. Forward a copy of the application and your statement to the USHGA, and return the original application and your original statement to the applicant. The applicant will then have the right to apply for the award on an "appeal basis" directly to the USHGA safety and training committee.•


I , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • do hereby apply for the USHGA Safe Pilot Award, at the (applicant's name)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _level, based on my having logged _ _ _ _ _ _ _ consecutive safe flights during the period (# of flights) (award level) between_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.and_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I certify that during the period (beginning date) (ending date) of time shown above, I flew in a safe manner, I logged every hang glider flight I made, and I did not incur any injury as a result of hang gliding which required (or which to a prudent person would clearly indicate the need for) treatment by a licensed medical professional.

WITNESSING MEMBERS' STATEMENT (Read Instructions on reverse. Three USHGA member signatures required.) I certify that I have personally known the above named applicant during the period of time stated on this application, that I have examined his log book which lists the flights indicated for the time period indicated on this application, and that to the best of my knowledge the applicant's statements on this application qualifying him for the USHGA safe pilot award are true.

(member signature I printed name)



_____ /_________ (member signature I printed name)



(member signature I printed name)



USHGA DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT (See instructions on reverse)

!, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

, certify that I am currently a USHGA

(director's name) Regional, At Large, Honorary, or Executive Director, and that I have examined the log book of the above named applicant for the period shown above on this application. I believe that the statements made on this application qualifying this applicant for the award indicated are true, and I submit this application with approval for the award indicated.

(Director's signature)


let the memory of these accidents fade-be--·tl11c lcissc,n will be lost.

now-defunct manufacturer wus in Florida pn:im,oting the balloon of

cable m· twisted rope was the normal tachment line between the und balloon.The prol:)lcrn vmsth,ittl1q;lidlcrwo.uld twirl

The climb under tlw balloon went pliiruwc1, but when it came time to release

in his cxc:Jtemcint,

that others like them have occurred. These ne,:essarily freak incidents with them haJ:Jpcmu1g of these accidents ha1pp,~m:d to friends und some to former of these incidents would be humorous if not sad. If we l)EC:RMIH!R 1988

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off unhooked. (See last month's letters column and accident report.-Ed.) He landed belly down on the bar and eventually slid back to hang by his hands from the basetube. One hand released, then the other, and he plunged about a thousand feet. With the abundant lift at the extreme vertical site the pilot might have been able to crash back on top if he had eased to one side of the bar. One of the most horrifying spectacles occurred at the 1977 Nationals in Heavener, Oklahoma. A less-than-expert pilot attempted to take a young lady spectator tandem. In his haste he forgot to hook in and tumbled down the hill on his launch run, only to look up and see that his launch had been partly successful-the lady passenger was flying away in her first experience with a hang glider. In agonizingly slow motion the glider turned back toward the hill and crashed in brush that left our lady-in-distress unhurt. The outcome could have been tragic. What all these accidents have in common is poor launch technique. Hang checks are an important part of our launch technique. Pilots who "pop" the nose on takeoff should practice running at top speed on level ground with their gliders. Don't delaythisimportant practice. All pilots should adopt a rule to perform a hang check no less than 15 seconds before takeoff. UNFRIENDLY LANDINGS Landings have also presented us problems. Witness the experience of one pilot about ten years ago who landed in the midst of a rattlesnake colony. He claims to have practically relaunched from level ground while making his escape. Other pilots have not been so lucky. The golf course lake at Grandfather Mountain has swallowed several gliders. The pilots were flying with quick releases and so were able to escape (barely), but the gliders sank rapid 1y. Note that today's harnesses would greatly hinder such an escape. The ocean has claimed several of our fellows' lives. One pilot landed in ankledeep water pointing to shore. A wave came in and broke the glider down upon him. While he was struggling in the wreckage another wave drug him seaward. He was never seen again. This kind of accident has occurred enough to make the observation that there is a low chance of survival if you land in moving water. A hook knife is a must if a water landing is a possibility. The point to understand here is that landing anywhere other than the desigDECEMBER 1988

nated landing field can be dangerous or deadly. Water, rocks, crops, and trees present hazards that should be well considered before you venture a flight that presents such landing possibilities. HARD TIMES IN THE AIR Trees are probably the most common obstruction hit by pilots. Just this year two eastern pilots werethermaling near the top of a ridge and contacted trees with dire consequences. The first pilot caught a wing tip and was fatally injured when he dove in near the launch clearing. The second pilot was following a thermal too low, got spit out and couldn't make it to the front of the ridge. He hit the trees and fell down through the canopy to suffer paralysis. Many other stories abound about pilots who were injured or killed by falling out of trees. Trees may appear to be cushioning from above, but they are unreliable landing pads. Pilots are cautioned to give trees a wide berth when soaring on a slope, for they create rolling turbulence that tends to turn you toward them. One Pennsylvania pilot earned the nickname "Chimney'' from his mistake. He was flying near some plush houses when he spotted a nice figure sunbathing nude near a backyard pool. He flew over to take a look and in his ardor caught a wing on the lady's chimney, slid down the roof and crashed next to his victim. Needless to say, he was an unwelcome guest. Another pilot used up three of his nine lives in Washington State ten years ago. He was flying a site rated beyond his experience level and couldn't make the landing field. In his fixation on the field he didn't see the power lines that he duly hit. With sparks flying all around him his glider caught on fire and the burning debris ignited another fire in the dry weeds below. He couldn't last long in that inferno, but luckily fell about 15 feet to the ground in the midst of the lower fire. He managed to scramble out to safety and miraculously was relatively unscathed, despite the risks of electrocution, fire and the fall. The lesson to be learned from these foibles is obvious: We must always be aware of obstructions and maintain plenty of distance between us and the things that can reach out and grab our wings. One more scratchy thermal or even the view of a comely body isn't worth risking our lives. WHEN NATURE SAYS NO Although power lines have injured a

number of pilots perhaps the most electrifying experience comes from thunderstorms. Several pilots have been shocked when handling their gliders in stormy conditions. Sadly, one Ohio pilot was even killed when his glider blew upwards to contact a power line while he was trying to hold it down. Perhaps the worst story is that of the Albuquerque pilot who was warned not to fly from Sandia Peak because of thunderstorm threats. He flew anyway, only to be sucked up into a giant thunderhead. He was found a couple of days later busted up on the ground. It's hard to know if lightning, hypoxia, freezing cold or impact killed him. He was an intermediate pilot. In a similar case an inexperienced pilot insisted on flying in strong winds at an eastern site. He took off and was blown over the top. His body was found several miles downwind. Experienced pilots had warned him not to fly that day because the ground winds were gusting to 40 mph. But he had soared before and considered himself beyond needing unsolicited advice. These last cases bring us to the most important point of this piece. That is, none of us can continually flaunt our skills and taunt the powers of nature. There are some conditions that are beyond the capabilities of even the most expert pilot. The maturity of a pilot is marked by how much spread there is between his or her skill level and the demands of the day's weather. Another mark of a good pilot is how readily he or she can learn from the mistakes of others. Let's hope we all can carefully assess each new flying situation, and judge our ability to handle it safely, and if we can't, to extricate ourselves from the predicament. Let us all become positive statistics-the kind that denote many years of accident-free flying. •

Learn this winter . . . ... at Lookout Mountain Winter winds are great for training at Lookout. Localed 20 minutes from Chaltanooga, Tennessee, we're in the Sunny Soulh, wilh highs in the 40's and 50's most days. And ottseason is great for smaller classes more fli his each da and more individualized in struction. You'll learn a1 your own pace on grass¥ 1 gentlysloping training hills. And

f.~~ri-fa a~,L~~r6~ftlo~~1~{i 0

• USHGA-certified instructors • All levels, every day • All equipment provided

Lookout Mountain Flight Park A full-time, USHGA-certifled school Rt. 2 Box 215·H, Dept. HG, Rising Fawn, GA (404) 398-3433 or 398-3541.

30738 Send $1 for BROCHURE.

Year-round Lessons Sales & Service




ratios increased. Battens, de·· and rnach added to the comDl!C:EM!IER 1988

and dive recovery foatmes such as lines and washout Bill saw the

idea didn't

RATINGS BEGINNER RATINGS PILOT: City, State; Instructor /School Region 1 DONALD NOTTER: Grants Pass, OR; Wes Roberts Region 2 RALPH ACEVES: Mountain View, CA; David Yount/Mission Soaring Center - KATHLEEN COLLINS: Incline Village, NV; Ray Leonard/ High Sierra Sports - JOAN CRAGUN: San Jose, CA;Don Burns/MSC- KATHYDALTON:San Jose, CA;ChrisCrescioli- JOHN EGGLESTON: So. San Francisco, CA; Rob Engom/MSC- REY ESPIRITU: Daly City, CA; Jeff Greenbaum I Airtime of San Francisco- ROBERT FEATHERSTON: San Jose, CA; David Yount/MSC RALPH HALLETT, III: San Jose, CA; Rick Rickles/MSC- BOB KELLER: Santa Oara, CA; Rick Rickles/MSC - JEFF LEFFERTS: San Jose, CA; Rick Rickles/MSC - JIM MENDENCE: Ceres, CA; David Yount/MSC - JOHN MIDDLEKAUFF: Stanford, CA; Charlie Whitehill/ Chandelle - WILSON PRICE: Orinda, CA; Charlie Whitehill/ Chandelle - PERRY RAD ER: Mountain View, CA; Pat Denevan/MSC TIMUR RUONA: Petaluma, CA; Jeff Mott YATIN SARAIVA: Stanford, CA; Charlie Whitehill/Chandelle -KULJOT SINGH: Stanford, CA; Charlie Whitehill/Chandelle - KEVINN TAMM: So. San Francisco, Ca; Rob Engom/MSC- ROBERT YEE: Mountainview, CA; Rob Engom/MSC Region 3 LEONARD DIX: West Los Angeles, CA; David Engel/SouthlandI-lang Hang Gliding Hang Gliding - GARNETT HASSETT: San Diego, CA; William Henry /The I-I G Center of San Diego - PAUL HAUER: Rainbow, CA; William Henry /TI-IGC of SD - HAMILTON MORRIS: Imperial Beach, CA; William Henry /TI-IGC of SD-ANSELM PAULS: Paia, HI; Sam Nottage/ Maui School of I-I G Region 4 KENNETH SPRUELL: Glendale, AZ; Bill Holmes Region 6 STEPHEN CARPENTER: Lenexa, KS; Joanne Reynolds/Lookout Mountain Flight Park PEYTON COOPER:Tulsa, OK;GeorgeReeves/ Kitty Hawk Kites, East Region 7 ROBERT BARR: Milwaukee, WI; Matt Taber/ Lookout Mountain Flight Park - DONALD CRITES: Redford, MI; Buzz Chalmers/LMFPSTEPHEN KOURAKIS: Wauwatosa, WI; Brad Kushner/Raven I-I G School - BERND LICHTENBERG: W. Lafayette, IN; Rob Kreske ANDREW OLSON: W. Lafayette, IN; Rob Kreske - MICHAEL PEARN: W. Lafayette, IN; Rob Kreske - JOSE ROZA: Framingham, MA; John Hann us/ Aeolus-THOMAS SWISS: Lisle, DECEMBER 1988

IL; Brad Kushner /Raven HG Region 8 DAVID BELL: Tollano, CT; Alegra Davidson/ TEK Flight Products - STEPHEN CHALOUX: Norwalk, CT; Chris Thompson/Kitty Hawk Kites, East - SAL FALZONE, JR.: Revere, MA; TC Searle/ Aeolus - STUART FARRELL: Nashua, NH; TC Searle/ Aeolus - LEE ANN MAZZAFERRO: Needham, MA; Paul Voight/ Fly High Hang Gliding- LISA NATHANSON: Norwalk, CT; Chris Thompson/KI-IKE ROBERT NEUMAYER: Alfred, ME; Gordon Brown - KEN RENDELL: Dover, MA; Rob Bachman /KI-IKE- LUKEE HOWLEYTAYLOR: Acton, MA; Robert Hastings Region 9 LOIS BREDIN: Rockledge, PA; Buzz Chalmers/Lookout Mountain Flight Park - CLYDE FISHER: Waynesboro, VA; Roger Coxon ST ACEY FISHER: Waynesboro, VA; Roger Coxon - DAVID FROST: Pittsburgh, PA; Chris Thompson/KI-IKE - JEFF HOSTETTER: Lancaster, PA; George Reeves/KI-IKE - STUART LEVY: Oak ton, VA; Chris Thompson/KI-IKE JUAN CARLOS MARVIZON: Bethesda, MD; George Reeves/KI-IKE - RICHARD MYERS: Vienna, VA;Rob Bachman/KI-IKE-MARYWATERHOUSE: Scottsville, VA; George Reeves/ KI-IKE-ROBERTWEBER:Adelphia,MD;Roger Coxon - CHUCK WISE: Baltimore, MD; Chris Thompson/ KI-IKE Region 10 WAYNE GEHMAN: Harrisburg, VA; Chris Thompson/Kitty Hawk Kites, East - DIXIE GIBSON: Ki tty Ha wk, NC; George Reeves I KI-IKE - DAVID GISH: Milmer, GA; Buzz Chalmers/ Lookout Mountain Flight Park - ARMANDO GRISSINO: Palm Bay, FL; Buzz Chalmers/ LMFP - RICK HICINBOTHEM: Miami, FL; Buzz Chalmers/LMFP - JAMES JACKSON: Cary, NC; Chris Thompson/KI-IKE - PETER KELSEY: Atlanta, GA; Buzz Chalmers/LMFPSCOTT NEWELL: Carrollton, GA; Buzz Chalmers/LMFP - GLENN O'CLEARY: Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Paul Thornbury /LMFP - RICHARD PETERS: Atlanta, GA; Chris Thompson/KI-IKE - JOHN SINCLAIR: Marietta, GA; BuzzChalmers/LMFP - RICHARD ZAFRANI: Miami, FL; Chris Thompson/KI-IKE Region 12 CHARLES BELL,III: APO, NY; Gary Elhart ROBERT DRESSEL: Watervliet, NY; Dan Guido - DEBRA HIBBARD: Long Branch, NJ; George Reeves/Kitty Hawk Kites East - MICHAEL JACKSON: New York, NY; Greg Black/Mountain Wings - DOUGLAS MEYERS: Grahamsville, NY; Greg Black/M W - ARMAND MIMAR: New York, NY; Greg Black/MW STEVEN NEWMAN: Verona, NJ; Rob Bachman/KI-IKE - ALFRED PORTELL!: Astoria, NY; Greg Black/MW - KRIS SANGER: Rochester, NY; David Hoke - JOHN SAID: Astoria, NY; Greg Black/MW - MARK SCHLINDWEIN: Scottsville, NY; Bob McGovern • GRE-

GORY SCOTT: Nutley, NJ; Greg Black/MW· ROBERT SERGOTT: Rome, NY; Dan Guido· EUGENE TERRYLL: Mechanicville, NY; Dan Guido Foreign JAVIER BARRAGAN: Mexico; Chris BolfingSCHMIDT PETER: Zurich, Switzerland; Jeff Greenbaum/ Airtimg of San Francisco NOVICE RATINGS PILOT: City, State; Instructor /School Region 1 JERRY BAARS: Portland, OR; Daryl Magnuson • BRIDGET FISHER: Boring, OR; David Chadwick/ Airplayin' - HERB HOSTLER: Portland, OR; David Chadwick/ Airplayin' - ROSS MUECKE: Olympia, WA; Jim Reynolds/Capital City I-I G - SCOTT RAUCH: Bellingham, WA; Kamron Blevins/Free Spirit Sky Surfing MONTE WESTLUND: Snohomish, WA; Kamron Blevins/FSSS Region 2 PIERRE AUBIN:San Francisco, CA; Wally Anderson/Chandelle- DANIEL BOULWARE: San Jose, CA; Jim Woodward - CRAIG BURNETT: Fresno, CA; Mark Kline· STEVEN BUTLER: Pleasanton, CA; Dan Murphy RODNEY CHIN: Berkeley, CA; Eric Klementis - KA THYDALTON: San Jose, CA; ChrisCrescioli • DENNY DENNISON: San Jose, CA; Rob Engorn/Mission Soaring Center - PETER DREHER: Monterey, CA; Mark Kline- CHIP ISAAC: San Francisco, CA; Charlie Whitehill/Chandelle • SHARON JOKELA: San Francisco, CA; John Minnick • MICHAEL LELLA: Modesta, CA; Ken Muscio- RICHARD MARLIN: San Francisco, CA; Jeff Greenbaum I Airtime of San Francisco - MICHELLE MILLIS: Santa Cruz, CA; Chris Crescioli - ROBERT NEWBORNE: Rodeo, CA; Dan Bond- CLARENCE PRATHER: Modesto, CA; Ken Muscio - RICARDO ROSA: Santa Oara, CA; Don Bums/Mission Soaring Center- GR EC SLOAN: Vallejo, CA; Ken Baier/ Torrey Pines Flight Park- RON STEARNS: San Ramon, CA; Wayne Ostiguy - LAURA TANCONA: Berkeley, CA; Brian Smith - GEORGE THOMSEN: Pacifica, CA; Jeff Greenbaum/ AT of SF • ROSS WILLIAMS: San Francisco, CA; Jeff Greenbaum/ AT of SF- GERARD ZIMNY: Oakland, CA; Don Burns/MSC Region 3 PETER ARCIDIACONO: San Diego, CA; Ken Baier /Torrey Pines Flight Park- JOIHN BYLIN: Canyon Country, CA; Ted Boyse/Windsports International· BUDDY CLARK: Granada Hills, CA; Ken DeRussy /Hang Glider Emporium MARK GAGE: Lake Elsinore, CA; Paul Phillips - BILL HELLIWELKL: Westchester, CA; Henry Bittner - JERRY JOHNSON: Redondo Beach, CA; John Ryan/The Hang Gliding Centerof San Diego - RICK JONES: San Diego, CA; Ken Baier /TPFP • DA VE LONG: San Diego, CA;


RATINGS Ken Baier/TPFP- JEROL LOVE: Sunland, CA; Don Quackenbush/Tm-Flight Concepts TERRY MARTIN: Vista, CA; William Henry/ THGCof SD - VAROOJAN MIRZAJAN: Burbank, CA; Don Quackenbush/TFC- ROLAND NEBEL: San Diego, CA; John Ryan/THGC of SD- STEVE POTTER: Irvine, CA; Dan Skadal/ Hang Flight Systems - JOHN ROHLEDER: Victorville, CA; Debbi Renshaw/Natural High - RANDY SCHNEIDER: Honolulu, HI; Lani Akiona/Tradewinds - FRANK SETARO: Tarzana, CA; Henry Bittner - BILL ST ARK: Inglewood, CA; Roger Chase- LARRYWALLS: Anaheim, CA; Dan Skadal/HFS- STEPHANIE WOODWARD: Fullerton, CA; Dan Skadal/

HFSRegion 4 DAVID ANDERSON: Salt Lake City, UT; Oaudia Holbrook/Southwind H G - STEVEN BRIESKE: Englewood, CO; George Greer I Colorado H G Center - LINDA CROWLEY: Albuquerque, NM; Chuck Woods - JOE DELANEY: Gunnison, CO; Jim Zeiset/Pendulurn Sports - DAWN GRAVES: Boulder, CO; Oaudia Holbrook/South wind HG - TYLER PERKINS: Boulder, CO; George Greer /CHGC- RON SHAFER: Murray, UT; Kevin Stowe - DOUG STOTZ: Lafayette, CO; Scott Westfall Region 7 SCOTT EDWARDS: Madison, WI; Brad Kushner /Raven H G Region 8 JOHN DONOHUE: Lowell, MA; Bill Blood CHRISTY VANGEL: Fitchburg, MA; John Hann us/ Aeolus Region 9 TONY ALDERTON: Gaithersburg, MD; Chris Thompson/Kitty Hawk Kites, East- PHIL BISCOF: Pittsburgh, PA; Pat Brooks - KENNETH COLE: Richmond, VA; John Middleton/Silverwings - MATI FAGAN: Pittsburgh, PA; Pat Brooks-THOMAS FARRELL: Afton, VA; Chris Thompson/KHKE - RON FEUGUNT: Avonmore, PA; Pat Brooks - LARRY RIEBEL: Peninsula, OH; Mike DelSignore/North Coast HG AL PARKINSON, IV: Plymouth, OH; Ron Wilkinson/Eagles Nest - MARLIN SAVELL: Falls Church, VA; John West- MARK WALLNER: Indian Head, MD; Chris Thompson/ KHKE Region 10 MICHAEL BITTAR: Smyrna, GA; Joanne Reynolds/Lookout Mountain Flight Park- DAVID BROWN: Atanta, GA; George Reeves/Kitty Hawk Kites,East- CHRIS CARLTON: Rossville, GA; Greg Ball/LMFP - RANDY CARLTON: Rossville, GA; Greg Ball/LMFP- CAROL CO RBAT: High Shoals, GA; Greg Ball/LMFP- RICK GA TIO NE: Dunwoody, GA; Greg Ball/LMFP - RICK HIGINBOTHEM: Miami, FL; Joanne Reynolds/LMFP - MIKE HOFFMAN: Indian Rocks Beach, FL; Greg Ball/LMFP - JOHN LESURE, JR.: Lithia, FL; Tom Aguero/Thermal


UP - SHAWN LOCKLEAR: Columbia, SC; Ben Burril- KEITH LUDWIG: Oearwater, FL; Greg Ball/LMFP Region 11 LEO BUIS: Corpus Christi, TX; Buzz Chalmers/Lookout Mountain Flight Park Region 12 MA TIHEW CARBIN: APO, NY; Gary Elhart/ Nova-Air - DARRELL DA VIS: APO, NY; Gary Elhart/N A - MlKE HEDDEN: Rochester, NY; Kinloch Nelson - DAVE HOULTON: Llverpook, NY; Greg Black/Moun lain Wings - DON JUGLE: Penfield, NY; Tom Forster - WAYNE MOORE: New York, NY; Joanne Reynolds/ Lookout Mountain Flight Park - RUEDIGER SCHAUB: New York, NY; Greg Black/Mountain Wings - IAN STEWART: APO, NY; Gary Elhart/N A - CHARLES TETLOW, JR.: APO, NY; Gary Elhart/N A - BRIAN THERRIEN: APO, NY; Gary Elhart/N A Foreign RICK ROUSE: Alberta, Canada; Paul Thornbury /Lookout Mountain

WALTERS: La Habra, CA; Paul Burns/ Windgypsy Region 4 ROBERT BROCKMAN: Boulder, CO; Robin Hastings - SANDY BUCHANAN: Steamboat Springs, CO; Chris McKeage - JAY MORRISON: Flagstaff, AZ; Russ Gelfan - PAUL POLITE: Tucson, AZ; Gary Elhart/Nova Air CRAIG RISK: Albuquerque,NM; Chuck Woods - REX STAMBAUGH: Westminster, CO; Richard Annis - KEN STUMPE: Tempe, AZ; Russ Gelfan - CHIP VERRILL: Lakewood, CO; Richard Annis- JAMES WAGNER: Mesa, AZ; Bob Stout - THOMAS WOOD, JR.: Steamboat Springs, CO; Chris McKeage Region 6 ROD KRUSE: Hot Springs, AR; Lawrence Haney /Sail Wings Region 7 JOHN LICATA: Chicago, IL; Marty Bunner/ Glide Path

PILOT: City, State; Observer /School

Region 8 JOHN HEDEN: Nashua, NH; Jeff Nicolay I Morningside Rec Area - KENNETH LOEHLE: Lynn, MA; Jeff Nicolay /Morningside Rec Area - SEAN SARGENT: Franklin, NH; Jeff Nicolay /Morningside

Region 1 HASAN AKA Y: Aloha, OR; Dave Chadwick/ Airplayin' - LEN BARON: Seattle, WA; Dave Chadwick/ Airplayin' - JERRY ESTRIN: Pacific City, OR; Dave Chadwick/ Airplayin' COLLINS LOUPT: Chelan, WA; Buck McMinn - H WIPF: Medford, OR; Wes Roberts

Region 9 STEVE BOOTH: Newport News, VA; Richard Cobb - ADAM EISENBERG: Elkton, MD; Rob Bachman/Kitty Hawk Kites, East - DANNY IAQUINTO: Philadelphia, PA; Jim Keller GERALD KATZ: Brighton, MA; Jeff Nicolay/ Morningside Rec Area

Region 2 DON ALHONA: Sunnyvale, CA; Dan Murphy - WOODY CARROLL: Santa Cruz, CA; Dave Bowen/Dunlap Flight Park - MIKE MITCHELL: BurlingamE!, CA; Charlie Whitehill/Chandelle - FRANK PROCTOR: Carmel, CA; Jim Johns/Western H G - MARK RADMAN: Sacramento, CA; Jack Anderson - STEVEN RODRIGUES: Corralitos, CA; Don Bums/Mission Soaring Center- UR IAN STEWART: Sunnyvale, CA; Charlie Whitehill/Chandelle - RUDY VISAYA, JR.: Fremont, CA; Jeff Walker

Region 10 BERT BREITUNG: Summerland Keys, FL;Matt Taber /Lookout Mountain Flight Park - BRAD K[NCHELOE: Graham, NC; Tom Thompson NICK MOSTERT: Pompano Beach, FL; Matt Taber/LMFP


Region 3 BRIAN ALLIN: Pasadena, CA; Ted Boyse/ Windsports International- GARYBJERKE: Taft, CA; Steve Huckert - OSCAR CHURCHILL: Norton AFB, CA; Chris Armenta/Natural High - MAURICIO GIRALDO: Santa Barbara, CA; Achim Hageman/Santa Barbara HG Center CRAIG MURRAY: Carlsbad, CA; Ken Baier/ TorreyPinesFlightPark-ROBERTPELLETIER: Costa Meas, CA; Dan Skadal/Hang Flight Systems - RUSS SIBERT: Palomar Mountain, CA; William Henry /The Hang Gliding Center of San Diego- RAY VERMEULEN: Garden Grove, CA; Dan Skadal/HFS - JOHN WALTERS: LaHabra, CA; Paul Bums/Windgypsy- PAUL

Region 12 JEFF CLAYTON: Bedford, NY; Paul Voight/ Fly High - CURT DE CHOW: Fairport, NY; Robert McGovern - JOEL LEHMAN: Lindenhurst, NY; Greg Black/Mountain Wings ROBERT MOORE: Trenton, NJ; Paul Voight/ Fly High ADVANCED RA TINGS PILOT: City, State; Obs€rver/School Region 2 LARS AHLSWEDE: San Jose, CA; Pat Denevan/Mission Soaring Center- JACK FLOWER: Fremont, CA; Larry Wittenbaugh - ANDREW LONG: Forestville, CA; John Minnick - CHARLES RAB AUT: Pacific Grove, CA; Chris Crescioli - JERRY STEWART: Menlo Park, CA; Pat Denevan/MSC - LARRY WITTENBAUGH: Sunnyvale, CA; Jeff Walker HANG GLIDING





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RV\TINGS Region 3 HENRYBITINER: Van Nuys, CA; Ted &iyse/ Windsports International - JAMES GLOVER: Long Beach, CA; Debbi Renshaw /Natrual High - WERNER GRAF: Long Beach, CA; Ron Hurst Region 4 TADASHI ALKAW A: Boulder, CO; Brad KojiGERLAD BOND: Oracle, AZ; Russ Gelfan CRAIG BRADLEY: Lakewood, CO; &lb FarisEDWARD DUERKSEN, JR.: Denver, CO; Richard Annis - JOHN WILBER: &iulder, CO; &lb Faris Region 9 MICHAEL LYONS: Easton, PA; Gus Johnson Region 11 MICHAEL HOWELL: San Antonio, TX; Richard Wilson Region 12 THOMAS WISE: Oakland, NJ; Paul Voight/ Fly High

CLASS ONE TANDEM RATINGS PILOT: City, State; Observer/School Region 2 RAY LEONARD: Glen brook, NV; Ken Brown BOB MORKEN: Olympic Valley, CA; Ken

Region 3 B COLE STEVENS: Redlands, CA; Burns/ Bennett Region 9 B SANTOS MENDOZA: Vienna, VA; P. Lehmann Region 10 B G W MEADOWS: Dunlap, TN; D Heckman


Region 4 GEORGE HEWITT: Gunnison, CO;Jirn Zeiset/ Pendulum Sports CLASS TWO TANDEM Region 3 COLE STEVENS: Redlands, CA; Jim Zeiset/ Pendulum Region 10 G W MEADOWS: Dunlap, TN; Dick Heckman INSTRUCTORS Type PILOT: City, State; Administrator /Direc-

OBSERVERS Region 2 MICHAEL CARLYLE: San Francisco, CA; John Minnick Region 3 MATI SPINELLI: San Fernando, CA; Hardy Snyman Region 4 SCOTI SINCELAR: Phoenix, AZ; Bill Holmes Region 9 NANCI SMITH: Philadelphia, PA; Jeff Frelin Region 12 DANIEL WALTER: Elmira, NY; Robert Murphy


Foreign ARMAND ACCHIONE: Ontario, Canada; Ricardo Rouco

Region 2 B DARREL ROBBINS: San Bruno, CA; Johns/ Locke




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Mountains High is an hour long VHS videotape from the producer of TELLURIDE! about the 1988 hang gliding festivals at Silverton and Telluride, CO. Thrill to spectacular footage of flying in the snowcapped Rockies, with aerial footage of sunset glass-offs, thermalling over 14,000 foot peaks and a pilot's eye view of launching from an ATOL truck tow. Watch launches, landings and aerobatics 2 miles above sea level! To order acopy of Mountains High, send a check or M.O. for $35 (CA res. add state tax) lus $3 shi in to:

Robert Reiter 1539 63rd St. Emeryville, CA 94608 (415)655-0615


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Notify USHGA Early! Please Note: You must notify your post office that you will pay forwarding postage on your second class mail or you may miss an issue.








·. Buy a Thermaf TourRafffe ticket-$1It~O. · (or pay half price with the purchase of a Cross Country Subscription) 1st Prize : THERMAL TOUR OF YOUR CHOICE. znctprjzer :-CROSS COUNTRY LIFE:';<i': :r ,,t:/c.r•.1·M· c:/s·a·•· ssc·• .R.IPT. 1·0N··.< .· ,,::;: ·.; f":" .''::a~,..)i,;.j'./(• &.;.;.:!.. • •

EUROPEAN THERMAL TOURS (Switzerland, France & Italy) 1989 Hang Glidin~ World Championships


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AUSTRALIA kangaroos & cockatoos guaranteed




PAYMENT: CHECK TO: "Cross Country" MAIL TO: THERMAL TOURS 351 Pleasant St. Suite 175 Northampton, MA 01060 (508) 885-6073

With Thermal Tours Raffle ticket: Dadd $5. OD Raffle ticket alone: 0$1 o. DD

Skyl.ife ® Sweats The choice of: Pilots ; Launch Crews; Hangdrivers ; Batten Bunnies; the Folks Back Home ; and the 1988 USHGA ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ----, WORLDTEAM


Puff Printed Cotton Blend. Full Cut. Elasticized Cuffs, Drawstring Waist. $35.95 ppd . Complete S22.95 ppd. Tops Only N.Y Residents Add 8 1/ 4% Sales Tax P~? by~ -



RIO DE JANEIRO-DEC. 27-JAN. 3, 1989 $1295 New Year's Eve party in Rio. Gr~ r rental available. First class hotel.


VIRGIN ISLANDS-Jan. 14-28, 1989 $1995 A sailing/hang gliding safari on board a 44-foot yacht. Soar the trade winds, diving, spear fishing available. TANZANIA/KIUMANJARO-FEB.14-28,1989 $2595 Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Rifft Valley, Kilimanjaro. Photo/hang gliding safari. WARNING: THESE ARE HIGH-ADVENTURE TOURS. You ARE LIABLE TO GET SICK OR INJURED. No LIABILITY IMPLIED OR INTENDED.

Achim J . Hageman USHGA Certified Instructor 29 State St. Santa Barbara, CA 931 O1 USA (805) 962-8999



ERMAL TOURS" Two unforgettable weeks with Mark Chirico, French-speaking guide and Advanced USHGA Instructor

MAKE HANG GLIDING YOUR CAREER. POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE AT THE WORLD'S LARGEST AND BEST HANG GLIDING SCHOOL. WE'RE GROWING. Assist. Manager - $14,000 - $20,000 Tandem Tow Instructor/Manager $14,000 - $20,000 Tandem Tow Instructor/Mechanic $7 - $10/Tow or $100.00/Day Tandem Tow Instructors - $7 /Tow Basic Instructors - $6. 80 - $9. 00/ Hr. Assist. Instructors - $4. 75 - $6. 00/ Hr. ( We will train and certify.) Reservationists - $4.00 - $5.50/Hr. Send Resume To: John Harris Kitty Hawk . Kites P.O. Box 340 Nags Head, NC 27959

t h e

1 e g e n d

c o n t


n u e s

Zapht, SAPHIR AMERICA P. 0. Box 2343, New York, N.Y. 10009

Attention Wills Wing Pilots

Ron Hurst Jostenstr. 21 CH-8854 Galgenen Tel: 055/64 52 29 Visiting Switzerland? Europe? For quick easy flying May to September call or write. Direct dial from USA: 0014155 645229 -

The Hall Airspeed Indicator

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~t:i~~~t~;:::_;i Airspeed Indicator with Long Bracket

Control Bar Protectors

A precision inslrument for the serious pilot. Rugged, dependable and easy to read.

Airspeed Indicator . . Long Bracket

. $21.50 6.50

Foreign & C.O.D. Orders add $2.00 Control Bar Protectors 5" diameter ABS plastic wheels. Specify 1" or 1-1/8" control bar. Wheels - $20 00/pa,r Foreign & C.0.0. orders add $2.00 Hall Brothers P.O. Box 771-H, Morgan, UT 84050 MasterCard I Visa I COD Phone Orders (801) 829-3232

If you own a Wills Wing glider we urge you to send us a large, self-addressed envelope with your glider model and size written on it. In return, we will send you a copy of each service advisory which has been issued for your glider since it was manufactured. This will allow you to check and make sure that your glider is being maintained in an airworthy condition. Send your self-addressed envelope to: Wills Wing, Inc. 1208 H. East Walnut Santa Ana, CA 92701 And don't forget to write your glider model and size on the envelope.

Thank You Wills Wing, Inc.

BELOW: Lani Akiona.




When Sarah was 14 she took lessons to earn license but was unable to

or endless rules.


CLASSIFIEDS CONSUMER ADVISORY: Used hang gliders always should be disassembled before flying for the first time and inspected carefully for fatigue or bent or dented down tubes, ruined bushings, bent bolts (especially the heart bolt), re-used Nyloc nuts, loose thimbles, frayed or rusted cables, tangs with non-circular holes, and on Rogallos,. sails badly torn or torn loose from their anchor points front and back on the keel and leading edges. U in doubt, many hang gliding businesses will be happy to give an objective opinion on the condition of equipment you bring to them to inspect. ROGALLOS COMET 135 - Hali battens, v I g. DUCK 130, both well cared for. Low hours. $500 each/ offer (JrJT) 525-9698. DREAM 165 - New, late November '87. Low hours, great colors, wheels, $1100.00 (303) 434-9228, (801) 254-

7455. DREAM 165- Dark Blue LE/TE, rainbow colors, low hours, excellent condition. With knee hanger harness and helmet. Must sell - Best offer. Lou. hm. (805) 9489833, wk. (805) 277-3306. DREAM 165-Black/ red harness, low time, nice. $500. (509) 467-5647.

HP I - Beautiful white surf coat leading edge, spectrum upper, It. blue lower, white 4.8 oz. trailing edge, good condition $900.00 (916) 677-3673.

HP I - Excellent condition, no flutter. Low hrs. Red L.E., orange, yellow. New wires. Faired downtubes, speedbar. Recent annual. Must sell. $995. (505) 2935165.

SPORT EUROPEAN 167 - Rainbow colors. Hardly used. $1500, firm. (J14) 841-3329. SPORT EUROPEAN 167 - Excellent condition, fresh inspection and dealer test flight 25 hours. $1700 OBO. Call Jeff (805) 682-3666. SPORT 167 - Cherry, top, dark LE, rainbow bottom, belly bar, excellent condition, $2000 (412) 381-2284.

HP 2 - Full race, 10 hrs., large cross bar, red leading edge, $2200. Pod and chute, $400. (602) 893-1330. J AYELIN 168- Good condition. Beginner/ intermediate. Flies perfectly. $850.00 (805) 273-2918. LIGHT DREAM 185 - Six months old, beautiful condition, as new. Very low hours, color gold. House forces sale. $1700. (714) 952-8987. LIGHT DREAM 185 - 5 hours, excellent condition, harness, helmet, $1600 (812)·282-2014. MAGIC III 166-20 hrs. airtime. Rainbow sail, red L.E. $900. (313) 756-3653. MAGIC III 177 - Excellent shape, low miles, blue leading edge, white trailing, $1700 OBO. (J14) 6507782.

SPORT 167 - White with navy blue L.E., low airtime, excellent shape, $2100 OBO (818) 761-0085. SPORT AMERICAN 167 - All white with blue LE. 60 hrs. Very sweet flying glider. Must sell. A steal at$1600. Larry (J03) 989-7438 evenings. VISIONMARKIV- 17, less than2hrs. Extras,$1800.00 (415) 381-2129. TEN USED GLIDERS FOR SALE - All under $1000. Some under $500. Must sell. (919) 945-2327. SUNRISE HANG GLIDING 220 DREAM $2000 165 DREAM $1600 185 C-2 $ 400

MAGIC III 177 - V.G., full race, $800 (205) 722-0088.


MAGIC IV - Racer, 166, safe-edge d.t., excellent performance and handling. (810) 254-6141.

CASH FOR CONDORS (any condition) - and other equipment. Hang Glider Emporium. (805) 965-3733.

DREAM 185 - Mint condition, full pre-flight by Mission Soaring, sail black & red, a bit faded but not degraded, $900. Bruce (408) 722-4721.

MAGIC IV - Full race 177, excellent condition $1900. Tom (612) 866-0109.

STUDENTS, new pilots - Free helmet, harness, training wheels with every new or stock )(lider. Lowest prices. Colorado Hang Gliding, (303) 218-9566.

DREAM 220- New, August '87, custom sail, excellent condition, $1450. Call Michael, (215) 252-6020.

MAGIC IV 166-VG, 1/2 ribs, 4.4, white L.E., blue L.S., excellent condition. $1400 OBO. Pat (818) 332-36.39.

DREAM 220- Blue and white, very nice, $1250, OBO. Brad Kushner, IL. (312) 360-0700.

MAGIC IV 177 -F.R 1988. 10 hrs., total time. Half ribs, VG, MLE, 4.4 oz., speed bar, airfoil king post & down tubes $1800 (303) 259-5198.

DREAM 185 - For sale, black and red, completely tuned and pre-flighted. Sail a bit faded, but perfect flyer. $850.00. Bruce, (408)722-4721.

DUCK160-Veryclean,27hours, black&yellow. $800 (914) 794-8383, Bruce.

RAVENS 229 - two in stock. Excellent shape, rigged for tandem, multi-colored. Sequatchie Valley Soaring, (615) 949-2301.

NEW AND USED GLIDERS, FREETANDEM - with purchase for you or a friend. Call Rick, MSC (408) 2621055. WANTED - Used hang gliding equipment. Gliders, instruments, harnesses and parachutes. Airtime of San Francisco , 3620 Wawona, San Francisco, CA 94116. (415) SKY-1177. WANTED-Sail for Atlas. Mark Frasca (609) 397-2579.

SENSOR 510 B - VG, blue to yellow spectrum. 19 hours airtime, excellent condition. Must sell. $1600 firm, will ship, (603) 673-2616. SENSOR 510 B - VG, Full race, yellow & white, 34 hours airtime, excellent condition, $1700. Also selling C.G. 1000 harness, black$245, parachute$245, airstream helmet $40. Must sell. Mark (315) 445-9720. SENSOR 510 165 - White/red, XLNT, hardly flown, $750/best. AAS cocoon harness for 5'9" pilot w /kevlar chute, $300. Ball M20 vario $120. (702) 831-2784. DYER TANDEM GLIDER-309 efficient squares built strong with the latest safety standards. An advanced design - super slow takeoff and landing capabilities. $1500 firm - demo rides for serious buyers. Weight range 195-450 lbs. (916) 677-3673. GEMINI 134-White LE with mylar, spectrum middle, white main, good condition. $650 OBO. Call (209) 4854342 evenings.

COWRADO HANG GLIDING Demo Lt. Dreams 145, 205 ... $1600 and $1800 Demo Tandem Dream 240 .......................... $1880 7,9, 11 cell paragliders ................................... $1480

~tH';f:~r ~~~~.~~.'.~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ Steel Carabiner, Stubai 11,000 lbs. rated .. $16 Call Colorado Hang Gliding for lowest prices. All gliders checked; shipped anywhere. (303) 278-9566. THE HANG GLIDING CENTER

SKYHA WK 188 - Red/white, excellent condition, 11 hours, $1150, OBO (J14) 651-7187, Rick

SKYHAWK 188 - 18 hours, and UP cocoon harness $1500. (805) 928-1216.

150 Sport, full race ........................................ New 167 Sport, full race ........................................ New 167Sport, F.R demo .................................... $2475 167 Sport, spam F.R demo .......................... $2175 167 Sport, spam ............................................. $1900 HP 2, full race demo ..................................... $1975 Magic N 166, race demo ............................. $1975 Vision M IV 17, 19 .......................................... New

SKYHA WK 188-Low time, excellent condition, $800. OVR 165, clean, must see $300. <J14) 652-1031.

TORREY FLIGHT PARK, INC. (619) 452-3202

SKYHAWK 188 - Never flown! $1250, navy, red, rainbow, white, (213) 828-0987.

GENESIS 148-Like new, good condition glider. $1500,

will pay shipping. Harrison (919) 367-5461. GTR 162- Low hours, $1200. (303) 879-3935. GTR 210 -

$1700. Raven 229 $600. Dream 220, GTR 151, several others, Owens Valley Soaring, (619) 8720219 /872-0247.

GZ- White with yellow leading edge, great condition. $600 OBO. (503) 388-0752.


SPORT EUROPEAN - Very clean, $1800. Dream 240, $1750 or trade for 220. (714) 856.9773. SPORT EUROPEAN - Very good condition, $2000. 240 Dream, $1950 or trade for 220. Phoenix 60 165, $350. Lltek vario, $90. Free Flight parachute, $250. (J14) 589-0109.

WINTER SPEOALS All Airstream Harnesses 10% off. Ball Varlas 20% off with trade in. Dreams - we have all sizes new & used, 10% off. UP Axis 15 New $2800 New $2700 VG Mystic 155 Demo $23{)0 Lite Mystic 166


CLASSIFIEDS VG Mystic 177 VG Mystic 177 Super Dream 1&5 Super Dream 145

Used Used

$1800 $2100 $2300 $2100

WESTERN HANG GLIDERS USED AND DEMO GLIDERS PACIFICAIRWA VEMAGICIV FR 166 (DEM0) .. $2495 PACIFIC AIRW AVE GENISIS .............................. $1595 PACIFIC AIRWAVEMK IV 17 ............................. $1795 PACIFIC AIRWAVEMK IV 17 ............................. $1750 PACIFIC AIRWAVEMKIV 17 ............................. $1750 PACIFIC WINOCRAFT ECLIPSE 19 ................... $1495 PACIFIC WINDCRAFf ECLIPSE 19 ................... $1195 PAOFIC WINOCRAFT ECLIPSE 17 ................... $1295 PACIFIC WINOCRAFT VISION 20 ..................... $1195 P AOFIC WINOCRAFT ESPRIT 18 ..................... $950 MOYES GfR 162 ..................................................... $1995 DELTA WING DREAM220 .................................. $1495 DELTA WING DREAM 165 .................................. $1095 WILLS WING HARRIER II 147 ............................ $950 UP GEMINI 164 ...................................................... $&50 UP GEMINI 134 ...................................................... $795 FLIGHT DESIGNS DEMON 177 .......................... $725 PRO AIR PRO AIR 142 ............................................. $595 Will ship anywhere in the U.S. Call Western Hang Gliders (408) 384-2622. ULTRALIGHT POWERED FLIGHT FOR SALE ENGLISH ULTRALIGHT - Weight-shift aircraft. HiWay Demon wing w/Hornet trike, 330<:c, foils/pod, ASI/RPM, compass, elec. start, asking$2500. Tabb, VA. (840) 867-8396. SGIOOLS AND DEALERS ALABAMA LMFP - Two hours from Birmingham (see our ad under Tennessee. (404) 398-3541.

DESERT HANG GLIDERS, USHGA Certified School. Supine specialists. 4319 W. Larkspur, Glendale, AZ 85304. (602) 439-0789, 938-9550. ARKANSAS OZARK MOUNTAIN HANG GLIDERS-Sales, service and instruction. Dealer for Wills Wing, Moyes, Eric Raymond harnesses. 8 Blue Jay Way, Conway, AR 72032. (501) 327-0698. SAIL WINGS HANG GLIDING - Certified instruction. Authorized agent for Pacific Airwave, CG 1000. 1601 N. Shackleford #131-4, Little Rock, AR 72211. (501) 224-2186. CALIFORNIA AIRTIME OF SAN FRANCISCO - (formerly San Francisco Windsports), Gliders and equipment, sales, and rentals. Private and group instruction by USHGA certified instructors. Local site information and glider rental. 3620 Wawona, San Francisco, CA 94116. (415) SKY-1177. BRIGHT STAR HANG GLIDERS - Sales - service restorations. All major brands represented. Santa Rosa, CA (707) 576-7627. CHANDELLE HANG GLIDING CENTER- USHGA Certified school., "The best damn hang gliding shop in the world." Dealers for Wills Wing, Pacific Airwave, Delta Wing, Moyes, Seed wings and High Energy. Five minutes from Fort Funston. 488 Manor Plaza, Pacifica, CA 94044. (415) 3S9-6800. HANG FLIGHTS YSTEMS- USHGA Certified training program foatu.ring the combined talents of Dan Skadal and Erik Fair. We sell and service all major brands of gliders and accessories. New and used. S-MLG Sport, Skyhawk, HP II, Genesis Vision Mark IV, Magic Kiss. Demos available to qualified pilots. 1202 E. Walnut Unit M, Santa Ana, CA 92701. (714) 542-7444.

ARIZONA ARIZONA WINDSPORTS - Largest Hang Gliding center in the southwest. Certified Instruction utilizing the world's first man-made trainer hill. INEXPENSIVE prices on lessons and equipment. Dealer for Pacific Airwave, Wills Wing, Delta Wing, Seedwings, Moyes, High Energy, Ball and Seagull classic parts. 1327E. Bell De Mar Drive, Tempe, AZ &5283. (602) 8'{77121.

HANG GLIDER EMPORIUM - The best training hill in the west is in Santa Barbara, a hang gliding VACATION PARADISE. High quality PERSONALIZED instruction focusing on the skills that most affect your SAFETY. Call for vacation info and glider inventory. Tues.-Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4. 613 N. Mil pas, Santa Barbara, California 93103 (805) 965-3733.

HlGH ADVENTURE - USHGA Certified high altitude dual instruction program. Over 2,000 tandem lessons since 1980. Instructor Rob McKenzie. Rides, ratings, radio solos. (714) 883-8488. TIIE HANG GLIDING CENTER- Located in beautiful San Diego. USHGA instruction, equipment rentals, local flying tours. Spend your winter vacation flying with us. We proudly offer Wills Wing, Pacific Airwave, High Energy, Ball and we need your used equipment. 4206-K Sorrento Valley Blvd., San Diego, CA 92121 (619) 450-9008. MISSION SOARING CENTER - Serving the flying community since 1973. Complete lesson program with special attention to quality take-off and landing skills. All major brands of gliders, parachutes and instruments sold. Sail repair and air frame service available. 1116 Wrigley Way, Milpitas, CA 95035. (408) 262-1055. NATURAL HlGH HANG GLIDING SCHOOL Lessons, equipment, hang gliding jewelry. P.O. Box 23073, San Bernardino, CA 92406. (714) 880-3888.


I-------------------------------------------------------· I USHGA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ORDER FORM Section (please circle)




40 cents per word, $4.00 minimum. (phone numbers - 2 words, P.O. Box - 1 wor.d) Photos - $11.00 Deadline, 20th of the month, six weeks before the cover date of the issue in which you want your ad (i.e. March 20, for th~ May issue). Boldface or caps 55¢ per word extra. (Does not include first few words which are automatically caps). Special layouts or tabs $22 per column inch.

Rogallos Schools and Dealers Emergency Chutes Ultralight Powered Flight

Parts & Accessories Rigid Wings Business & Employment Opportunities Publications & Organizations Miscellaneous

Begin with _____ 19 _____ issue and run for _ _ _ __ I consecutive issue(s). I Prepayment required unless account established. I Please enter my classified ad as follows: My check _ _ _ money order _ _ _ is enclosed in the amount of I $~-~-----~--~-~~----~ I Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I I I Phone N u m b e r : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Number of words: - - - - - - - @ .40 = I P.O. BOX 500, PEARBLOSSOM, CA 93553 I (805) 944.5333







TORREY FLIGHT PARK, INC. - At the launch of the world famous Torrey Pines Glider Port, one of San Diego's highlights! Unmatched convenience for pilots and spectators. Refreshments and souvenirs at the Cliffhanger Cafe. Certified Training program featuring tandem soaring lessons. New, used, rental and demo equipment by Delta Wing and UP. 2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037 (619) 452-3202. TRUE FLIGHT CONCEPTS - USHGA certified inminutes from our struction, sales, and service. local Kagel Mountain flyingsite.1 243 Gladstone Ave., Sylmar, CA 91342. (818) 367-6050.


WINDGYPSY - Certified tandem instruction, daily, Nar-round. Only full service facility in LAKE El.SIORE. Gliders and Wuipment new/used from Delta Wing, Moyes, UP, ills Wing. MEXICAN HANG GLIDING SAFARIS 33041 Walls St., Lake Elsinore, CA 92330. Call Paul Bums, (714) 678-5418. WINDSPORTS, INTL-Hang Gliding School-Since 1974. Largest and most complete HANG GLIDING CENTER in Southern California. Large inventory of new and used gliders including Sports and Lite Dreams. Accelerated trainingprogram features Tandem instruclion and minimizes course time. 16145 Victory Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91406. (818) 988-0111. COLORADO COLORAOO HANG GLIDING - USHGA Certified School, dealer all brands. Lowest prices on new gliders. Bell helmets in stock. (303) 278-9566.

IDAHO TREASURE VALLEY HANG GLIDERS - USHGA certified instruction, complete service. Featuring Pacific Airwave. 11716 Fairview, Boise, 83704. (208) 3767914. ILLINOIS

l~~iiilllH Your hang gliding success company. Representative for Wills Wing, Delta Wing, Seedwings, Moyes and Padfic Airwave. State of the art training with mobile flight simulator and dual instruction. Let a USHGA CFI lead you to your flight success. 1600 Carmel, Zion, IL 60099. (312) 746-1944.

launchinJ and landing techniques. Dealer for all major brands. Hering expert sales and service with lowest price in area. Large mail order inventory. Tom Aguero, P.O. Box 347, Cragsmoor, NY 12420. (914) 647-3489. NORTH CAROLINA KITTY HA WK KITES, INC.- PO Box 340, Nags Head, NC 27959. 919-441-4124. Learn to fly over soft sand dunes just south of the site where the Wright Brothers learned to fly. Beginning and Advanced packages; complete inventory of new gliders, accessories and parts. Windsurfing sales and instruction also available. SAURATOWN KITES - Winston Salem (919) 9452327. Hang Gliding School w I certified instructor. Dealer for Wills Wing, Padfic Windcraft & Delta. New and used equipment. OHIO NORTH COAST HANG GLIDING - Certified Instruction. New & used gliders. Spedalizing in Pacific Airwave fiders. Mike Del Signore, 1916 W. 75th St., Oevelan , OH. 44102 (216) 631-1144.

MICHIGAN OKLAHOMA PRO HANG GLIDERS - Serving the flying community since 1978. Michigan's only USHGA Certified school, sAedalizing in towing. Step Towing available to quali ed pilots, given by Advanced Instructor, Examiner, Observer Norman Lesnow. Representing Wills Wing, Seedwings, Delta Wing. Contact 569 W. Annabelle, Hazel Park, MI 48030, (313) 399-9433.

OKLAHOMA HANG GLIDING CENTER- USHGA Certified instruction. Wills Wing, Seedwings, Delta Wing and other major brands. New and used equipmen!, instruments, parachutes, and service. OKC, (405) 943-5484. OREGON

NEVADA FLORIDA LOOKOUf MOUNTAIN FLIGHT PARK under Tennessee. (404) 398-3541.

See ad


HIGH SIERRA SPORTS - dealers for Delta Wing, Wills Wing, Pacific Airwave. USHGA certified training and ratings including tandem. Sierra tours and rentals available. Carson City and Reno locations. 2303 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89701. (702) 885-1891.

SOUTHERN OREGON HANG GLIDING - USHGA certified instruction. Our students have doubled their airtime since we started using a small A1V to pull the gliders back up the hill. Scenic lakeside training site with camping near Ashland, OR. (503) 479-9531. TENNESSEE

LOOKOUfMOUNTAINFLIGHTPARK-Seeourad under Tennessee. (404) 398-3541. HAWAil MAUI SOARING SUPPLIES-Guided rentals, Pacair, Genesis, Mark IV, Wills Wing Sport. Certified Instruclion. Box 780, Kula, HI 96790 (808) 878-1271. TRADEWINDS HANG GLIDING - dual instruction, rentals, equipment. (808) 396-8557.

We'll pay at least $500 ... Sell us your old glider! We will tve you at least $500 tradein toward any new or selecle

NEW YORK FLY HIGH HANG GLIDING, INC. - Serving N.Y. City/ A!bany,Jersey, Connecticut areas. (On Ellenville Mtn.) Area's exclusive Wills Wing dealer/specialist. Also all other major brands, accessories. Certified Instruction. 10 years experience. Quick repairs. Area's most INEXPENSIVE prices. ATOL truck towing! Contact:Paul Voight, RD 2, Box 561, Pine Bush, NY 12566, (914) 744-3317.

We want and need your the extra mile" to get and


• Satisfaction guaranteed

• All certified brands

• Financing available • We take trade-ins • Best in-stock selection

support, and we will ~go keep your business!

Lookout Mountain Flight Park We won't be UNDERSOLD!!

Rt. 2 Box 215-H, Dept. HG, Risi' Fawn, GA

30738 (404) 398-3433 or 398-3541. LMF BROCHURE send $1.

Year-round Lessons, Sales & Service


UP OVER NEW MEXICO, INC. - Instruction, sales, service. Sandia Mountain guides. Wills, Seedwings, Pacific Airwave, Delta, Moyes. Albuquerque, NM (505) 292-0647.

MOUNTAIN WINGS, INC. - Visit our new hang gliding center at the foot of Ellenville Mt. USHGA CFI with tandem training. Five training hills, factory trained repair specialists, area's exclusive Seedwings dealer/ specialist. Delta Wing, Padfic Airwave, UP with demo gliders. The cost complete line of hang gliding accessories in stock. Many new and used gliders. Mail orders, VISA, MasterCard and Discover Cards accepted. Greg Black, 150 Canal Street, Ellenville, NY 12428. (914) 647-

used glider. Why wait 2

months for delivery? We have brand-new ~iders ,n stock right now (immediate delivery on UP Axis's, ac Air Visions and the new Magic Kiss). And we have lots of ready-to-besold aliders on order (for auick del'lvery to you).


SUSQUEHANNA FLIGHTP ARK INC.-Central New York's Hang Gliding Center. Certified instruction, sales & service for all major manufacturers. Training hill O160', jeep rides, 600' NW soarable ridr, campin~tD 2, Box 432, Cooperstown, NY 13326. ( 15) 81,M;l .

HAWK AIRSPORTS - New and improved hang gliding! Attention Novice and beginners! New 360 degree training hill designed and built specificall~:lor you. Conveniently located. Fun! Fun! Fun! 0inch tn. - The longest ridge, two launches. The popular light wind indicator Windsok. Brochures available. Your satisfaction is the key to our continued growth and success. Hawk Air Sports, Inc., 251 North Boyd's Creek Rd., Sevierville, 1N 37862, (615) 453-1035. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN FLIGHT PARK - Since 1978, Southeast's largest USHGA-certified mountain flight school. Complete training, from grassy, gentlysloping training hills to soaring high above Lookout Mountain. Our specialty: getting you your first mountain flights. Lesson packages, USHGA ratings, glider and mountain bike rentals, camping, local site information. Largest inventory of new and used hang gldiers and mountain bikes, harnesses, helmets, instruments, T-shirts. Repair seivices. We buy used gliders, equipment! Send $1.00 for brochure, rates, directions, accomodations information. Twenty minutes from Chattanooia, Tennessee. Route 2, Box 215-H, Det. HG, Rising awn, GA 30738. (404) 3983541 or 39 3433. SEQUATCHIE VALLEY SOARING SUPPLIES Dealers for all major brands. Small training classes so you can learn to fly easily. Come fly over 100 miles of ridges and enjoy challenging thermals. Located next to the TTT Henson's Gap site. For personal service you can trust call Valley Soaring, Rt. 2, Box 210, Dunlap, 1N 37327 (615) 949-3384, (615) 949-2301.

TIIBRMAL UP, INC - Most complete ha;l gliding shop in area. Located on top of Ellenville ountain. USHGA Certified Instructor and Observer. Concen!rating on hang gliding instruction with emphasis on



lbs. $24.95. Extra 5/16 ball lock pin $10. Dealers wanted. Patent pending. Thennal, 19431-41 Business Center Dr., Northridge, CA 91324.

SWITZERLAND SWISS ALP HANG GLIDING SAFARI- For quick, easy flying May to October, call or write Ron Hurst, Jostenstr. 21, 88.54 Galgenen, Switzerland, Dir. Dial USA 011 41 55 645229.

BELL HELMETS - in stock. (303) 278-9566.

EMERGENCYPARAOfUTES Tired of being a test pilot? Move up to the finest in proven towing equipment. Info pack $2.00. Trust your airtime to the professionals, ATOL, Inc.! 501 82nd St., Lubbock, TX, 79404 (806) 745-9633.

ALL BRANDS - Bought, sold, and repacked. Inspection and repack $20.00 - Kevlar, nylon, s/ s, bridles installed and replaced. Airtime of S.F., 3620 Wawona, San Francisco, CA 94116. (415) SKY-1177. Hil(h Energy 20 or 22 gore parachutes $350. Colorado

AUSTIN AIR SPORTS-Still the one in central Texas, quality service since 1978. Instruction, sales, rental, and a complete airframe & sail repair facility. 1712 Waterston, Austin, TX 78703 (512) 474-1669


c. (303) 278-9566.


UTAH PRIMO AIR MITTS- standard with shiny Lycra exterior. $28.50 per pair. Plush or terry doth interior, $35/ pair. Shipping $2.00 per pair. Mitts in stock for fast delivery. 8 Blue Jay Way, Conway, AR 72032. (501)3270698.


TUBING, WHEELS, BOLTS, BRACKETS, DACRON plus much more. Free tubing price sheet or send $5 for complete catalog. Leading Edge Air Foils, Inc., 331 S. 14th Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80904. Phone (719) 632-4959.

THE CRUISE X-C SUPRONE POD - Total comfort FREEDOM WINGS SOUTH WIND HANG GLIDING SCHOOL & GLIDING FUGHT PARAGLIDING SCHOOL. Certified Instruction. Dealers for: Delta Wing, Seed Wings & Pacific Airnrave. (801) 943-1005 OR 561-5208 9173 FALCON ORCLE, SANDY, UTAH 84092 WASATOf WINGS, INC. - USHGA certified hang gliding school, dealers for Wills Wing and Pacific Airwave. Flight operations at Point of the Mountain. (801) 571-4000. VIRGINIA SILVER WINGS INC-Certified instruction & equipment sales. N. VA. (703) 533-1965.

and customized to your needs. For details contact: Steve Dyer, P.O. Box 4504, Federal Way, WA 98063 (206) 383-4675. Cocoon Harness -- High Energy, 1 year, mint condition. Black with rainbow, radio backpack, 02' 5'10" 6'1". $200. (303) 482-5754.

MAXON RADIOS - $2951 New hang gliding legal frequency (see July Issue). Includes charger, case and warranty. Best prices on Maxon radios and accessories plus fast, reliable service facility. Rocky Min, Glider Company, Box 281, Conifer, CO 80433. (303) 331-2841.

HANG GLIDER BAGS - Custom made. High quality. Prices start $85 prepaid. (916) 283-3046 or P.O. Box 804, Quincy, CA 95971.


RAYMOND STREAMLINER POD - harness, silver and gold, large, 5'9" - 6'1 ". Gean and pretty. $300. (513)

AIRPLA Y'N PRO SHOP & Hang Gliding School. The largest full time, full service hang gliding shop in Washington. All major brands sold and serviced. 800 Mercer, Seattle, WA 98109. (206) 467-8644.



LINDSAY RUDDOCK, PROBABLY THE FINEST INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE Standard features: volume control, lift and sink cut-in control, dual range, very sensitive and very stable, fully compensated altimeter, altimeter millibar setting, flight levels switch, 8 hr. batteiy warning, 1 year warranty, money-back guarantee. Uplion: total energy. Bob Fisher, 110030asis, Houston, TX 77096 (713) 728-4146.

SYSTEK VARIOS-Small, lightweight, rugged. Dual batteries. One model with altimeter. Pricesstartat$195. Contact Systems Technology, Inc. PO Box 585, Seymour, TN 37865.


THERMAL SNOOPER-The exciting new soaring instrument. Proven to indicate nearby thennals and more. For competition or just fun. Own one for just $98 check or money order to: Digi-Log Circuits, Co., 5711 Tannahill Circle, Huntsville, AL 35802. Satisfaction and 12 month warranty.

Distributor major brandshanggliders (Airnrave, Magic), instruments, parachutes. Tokyo 03/ 447/5560, Yugawara 0465/63/0173, Kurumayama Hang School 0266/ 68/2724 (April - November).2-19-63 Doi, Yugawaramachi, Kanagawaken, Japan 141. FAX 0465 636641. QUICK RELEASE CARABINER -


Breaking 10,000 HANG GLIDING


If you hook in at 225 pounds or more, you know the frustration of trying to compete with smaller, lighter pilots in marginal soaring conditions. Now there's a glider that offers competitive sink rate and climb performance for big pilots; the SPORT AMERICAN 180.


"No, look; here's what you tell them: 'I could always outrun 'em in the HP. Now, in the Big Sport, I can also outclimb 'em, even in weak conditions. If you don't believe me, ask Steve Pearson."'




Chris Price

Sport "At the end of the day, when the lift got light, it was always, 'There goes Big Joe, sliding in to the L.Z.' Well, not anymore! I'm having fun looking down on my friends."

American 180 Undergoes Testing On The Nitrous Oxide Equipped Wills Wing Test Vehicle.




6.6 200 LBS. - 300 LBS. USHGA INTERMEDIATE 72 LBS. - 74 LBS. $3100

17 ~ ~ L·.,,i . I\. ._ /7~ '/ __,, .

~;/"'"L7 1 -


Pitch Test



~ ~~

1208-H EAST WALNUT, SANTAANA, CA92705(714) 547-1344 FAX: (714) 547-0972

'Big Joe' Aldendifer


AIR TECH - seeks energetic sales reps nationwide. Excellent territories available. Send Resume to: Air Tech Electronics, Santa Barbara Hang Gliding Center, 29 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. W ANfED - Full-time shop I service employee, Mission Soaring Center in beautiful Milpitas, CA. Position available now! Mechanical experience a must. Glider maintenance experience a plus, but not necessary. Call (408) 262-1055. Experienced USHGA Certified Instructors needed NOW! Lots of students .... not enough instructors. Send resume to: Mission Soaring Center, 1116 Wrigley Way, Milpitas, CA 95035. INSTRUCTORS W ANfED - Prefer certified but will train qualified people. Advancement opportunities include tour guiding and management. Western Hang Gliders, P.O. Box 828, Marina, CA 93933. (408) 3842622. PUBLICATIONS&: ORGANIZATIONS

a self-addressed stamped envelope for assortment selection sheet to: Tek Flight Products, Colebrook Stage, Winsted, CT 06098.

'1 SOAR" - Bumper sticker, 3 colors with picture. $200 plus .50 cents postage/handling. Ron Smith, Box 394, West Frankfort, IL 62896. THEY'RE BACK! AIR BRUSHED THERMAL SHIRTS - At Sky Gear gift shop. 2 designs, winged, and mountain sunset with hang glider, deep earth tones and bright multicolors. Cost, $49.95 M, L, XL. Add $3.00 postage. Hand painted especially for you by Suzie Burke. Crystal Air Sports Motel, 4328 Cummings Hwy., Chattanooga, TN 37419. HANG GLIDING IN MEXICO- We do the organization, you do the flying. Enjoy country and people especially in winter. For information E. Heyer, Apdo. Postal 1416, Pueblo, Mexico. Cloudbase Software - Custom software for IBM compatible computers using MS-DOS: 1) GREAT CIRCLE Distance Calculator. Calculates distances and stores multiple flights for reporting. ($12.50)

FOR Christmas-Get the first 6 issues of PARAGLIDING REVIEW, 8125 Burthe Street, New Orleans, LA 70118.

2) FLIGHT ACTIVITY LOG and Data Base. Stores key flight data, calculates Great Circle distances, and reports information in various sorts. ($24.50)

BINDERS FOR HANG GLIDING MAGAZINE Brown vinyl with wire centerfold spines to allow library reference organization of your issues. Keeps up to 16 issues tidy and handy. Only $9.00 from USHGA, P.O. Box 500, Pearblossom, CA 93553.

Please include coordinates of six of your favorite sites (to customize yow· software) and $2.50 per program for packaging/postage with your order. Send Order to: Cloudbase Software, 4213 W. Villa Maria Dr., Glendale, AZ. 85308. Phone: (602) 43~3316.

SOARING - Monthly magazine of The Soaring Society of America, Inc. Covers all aspects of soaring flight. Full membership $35. Info kit with sample copy $3. SSA, PO Box E, Hobbs, NM 88241.

FLIGHTS, MOUNTAINS, BEACHF.5 - 9 days in a tropical paradise, VENEZUALA. Let's fly in winter. Enjoy fabulous beaches, tropical forests, and the cosmopolitan city of Caracas, our base; known for its beautiful women. Whether you like X-Country flights, or just to land on a sandy beach from high summits. Parrout tours, travels and expeditions, guarantees you an incomparable experience. Includes: Airfare for pilot and glider, luxurious hotels, one meal, bi-lingual driver, fully equipped car, insurance package, 3 one day tours, experienced pilot guide, and 7 days offlying included. 5 trips available from January to March 1989. Reservations 3 months in advance. Hang 3 required. Extra activities and special prizes for non-flyers. For more information call Lookout Mtn. Flight Park, (404)3983433, or (404)398-3541 for free color brochure.

MANBIRDS: SOON A COLLECTOR'S ITEM! Inside look at heyday of sport by professional writer Maralys Wills. Only $7.95 plus $1.00 shipping. 10 or more, $5.95 shipped. Write "Manbirds," 1811 Beverly Glen Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705. Also Hang Gliding romance "Soar and Surrender" $3.95 shipped. VIDEOS & FILMS PAUL'S VIDEO PRESENTS -Tom Tatum's "Daredevil Flyers" with Chuck Yeager featuring '82 aerobatics in Telluride,$45.00. '88World Meet 'USA in Australia" $40.00. '87 Telluride Festival & Aerobatics $35.00 P.O. Box 1662, Telluride, CO 81435. (303) 728-3217.

including postage). All shirts are 100% cotton and available in several colors. An original

X-C FLIGHTLOG SALE - Great Christmas stocking stuffer - 2 for $5.00, postage paid. Air Zone Mfg., 303 Sharpe Rd, Anacortes, WA 98221.

Need shirts for your hang gliding club or special event? I'll design and print T-shirts to your specs. If you've seen the '87 Nat'! Fly-In, '88 Nat'ls, '86 Masters shirts, you know my work. I'd love to do some shirts for you! Contact Gretchen Niver, (919)467-5262, 701 Northampton, Cary, NC 27513. COLLECTOR BOXES for Hang Gliding Magazine. Bluevinyl,heavy duty, with clear label inserts on spine. Holds up to two years issues. Only $9.75 from USHGA, Box SOD, Pearblossom, CA 93553. SAILMAKING SUPPLIES & hardware. All fabric types. MassachusettsMotorized,P.O. Box542-G, Cotuit, MA 02635. (413) 736--2426. CRYSTAL AIR SPORT MOTEL at Raccoon Mountain; Bunkhouse, private rustic rooms, regular & waterbeds, video in-room movies, private jacuzzi room, pool, sky gear gifts, fliers work program. FF!: 4328 Cummings Hwy., Chattanooga, TN. 37409. (615) 821-2546. Chuck & Shari Toth. PATCHES & DECALS- USHGA sew-on emblems 3" dia. Full color- $1. Decals-31/2" dia. Inside or outside application. $.25 each. P.O. Box 500, Pearblossom, CA 93553. TEE-SHIRTS with USI-!GA emblem $8.00 including postage and handling. Californians add 6% tax. Men's sizes in BLUE and TAN- S, M, L, XL. USI-!GA, P.O. Box 500, Pearblossom, CA 93553. (805) 944-5333. The rate for classified advertising is $.40 per word (or group of characters). Minimum charge, $4.00. A fee of $11.00is charged for each photograph or logo. Bold face or caps $.55 per word extra. Underline words to be bold. Special layouts of tabs $22.00 per column inch. AD DEADLINES - All ad copy, instructions, changes, additions and cancellations must be received in writing 1 1/2 months preceding the cover date, i.e. November 20 for the January issue. Please make checks payable to USHGA: Oassified Advertising Dept. HANG GLIDING MAGAZINE, P.O. BoxSOO, Pearblossom, CA 93553. (805) 944-5333.






• Always there when you need them • Warm, comfortable, durable, slide easily across control bar , Instant bare hand dexterity for launch, CB, chute, camera • Quality construction, 1/4·in. neoprene, nylon inside and out

• Available in red or blacks, M, or L only $32.50 dealer inquiries invited

HANG GLIDING CHRISTMAS CARDS - Unique hand-made in old black and white etching style. $7 for an assortment of twelve or $25 for 50. Plus 10% for shipping. Call Ale gra Davidson, Q03) 379-1668 or send



Your driver deserves more than a pat on the back! Buy him/her an Official Hang Driver "Get Radical" pocket T-shirt or tank top. Tanks are $8. T's are $10 (not

3900 Van Buren NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505)



CLASSIFIEDS STOLEN WINGS LOST - Large blue gym bag with brown strap. In It was a blue boulder cocoon harness with an odessey chute sewn lo the belly of It. Also a black nose cover. It fell off the top of my van, somewhere between the dunes at Cape Kiwanda Oregon, and Pacific City a few milessouth. Any info please contact Bruce Kissler al (206) 431-0929 home, or (206) 623-8572 work. RAYMOND POD HARNESS W/PARACHUTE Bright blue, rainbow stripe up both legs. White bell helmet. Litek vario held together by duct tape. Stolen August 2, Madison, WI. All In a bright blue brand new bag with black straps. Call Tammy Burcar at (608) 256-1599. WILLS WING SPORT 167 - Red L.E., yellow under surface, white T.E. Competition numbers 64 on glider, serial number 14095, smashed nose at the keel. Stolen in Oakland. Contact: Sarah Kurtz, 5809 Florence Terrace, Oakland, CA 94611, (415)652-0129. ECLIPSE 17 - Yellow LE., fiurple midsection, white T.E. Serial# EM6158. Stolen uly 20th, Marina storage area. Contact Steve Brown, (408)288-4130. HP I - Stolen Lake Elsinore, 6/16/88, white canvas bag. Black tursh, white top, yellow undersurface. Contact Dick Farnsworth, (714) 678-2021.

HIGH ENERGY - Cocoon harness, converts to back pack, blue with rain bow chevron stri~. 0d ysseytarachute with red brtdle, Ball vario 65 , SN 4588, I OM FM radio, model &: number OC02AT and SN 406-066115. White Bell helmet w /headset, blue ski jumpsuit. Canyon Lake, CA the weekend of June 4. Contact Tom Oeftering, (714) 843-0711. $300 reward if found. WILLS WING SPORT EUROPEAN 167 - Sertal Number 14034, orange leading edge, spectrum cloth, white rear body. Stolen 4/21/88 at Chattanooga, Tennessee, at the Nationals, from Super 8 motel, off Rich Pfeiffer's car, along with Steve Luna's W.W. H.P. II. WILLS WING HP II - Full Race, pacific blue leading edge, rest is white. 2 sets of competition numbers on the trailing edge. Stolen on 4/21 /88 at the Nationals, from the Super 8 motel in G-\attanooga, TN. $200 reward, no questions asked. Contact Steve Luna, (714) 980-2378.

INDEX TO ADVERTISERS AirWorks ....................................................... 46 Ball Varios ................................................... lFC BRS .................................................................. 14 Colorado Hang Gliding ................................. 7 Delta Wing .............................................. 18,BC European Thermal Tours ............................ 36 Flytec .............................................................. 33 Hall Bros ........................................................ 37 High Energy Sports ...................................... 12


Microflight ..................................................... 33 Morningside .................................................. 47 Moyes ............................................................... 4 Pacific Airwave ............................................... 1 Pendulum Sports .......................................... 14 Publitec ............................................................. 7 Robert Reiter .................................................. 35 Ron Hurst ...................................................... 37

TYPE:1WOSPORTS. #14396-magentaleadingedge, white top and bottom, white trailing edge. #14903 yellow tri-lam leading edge, green top and bottom, white metal trailing edge. WHERE: Long Beach, CA. WHEN: Friday, January 2. Stole Nissan Silver 4WD truck with gliders stowed on top. CONf ACT: Jose Fernandez, (213) 439-0874, home answering machine.


STOLEN WINGS are listed as a seivice to USHGA members. There is no charge for this seivice and lost and found wings or equipment may be called in to the office for immediate inclusion in Hang Gliding. Please do call to cancel the listing when gliders are recovered. Periodically, this listing will be purged.

~~~i:~~~·ti~~·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?t UP International ........................................... 48 USHGA ..................................................... 2,IBC Western Hang Gliders ............................ 12,18 Wills Wing ................................................ 37,45 Worldwide HG Safaris ................................ 36

EASY WHEELIN~ QUICK SAFE WHEELS No more hassles! No more excuses! • Snap On/Snap Off Anytime-Anywhere • Affordable/High Quality • Rugged/Dependable Safety wheels protect you and your glider from injury on that occasional stave' em up landing. A must for dealers with demo gliders. German made, thousands flying in Europe. 7" Diameter x 2-1/2" width Extremely lightweight Store in glider bag or harness Specify 1" or 1-1 /8" base bar $45.00 PER PAIR SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO:

Morningside Hang Gliders RFD 2 BOX 109 Claremont, NH 03743 603•542•4416 DEALERS WELCOME



• MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ~,, . . ·--------\\\ 111•r..., \\\



(Please Print)



--J___ __j




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D RENEW I USHGA #_ _ _ _ _ _ BIRTHDA TE_ _ _~ _ _

FULL MEMBER - - - - - - - · ANNUAL DUES: $39.00 ($42.00foreign). This accords me full membership in the United States Hang Gliding Assn., Inc., 12 issues of Hang Gliding magazine, effective with the current issue, liability and property damage insurance, and voting privileges. I need not be a rated pilot to be a member.


for one year. D $53.00 SUBSCRIPTION ($59.00 foreign) for two years.

Enclose check or money order for dues as indicated to the right. International checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars. Charge payments are subject to $2. 00 bank service charge. D MasterCard

FAMILY MEMBER ANNUALDUES: $19.50foreachFamilyMember, who resides in my household. Each will receive all Full Member privileges EXCEPT a subscription to Hang Gliding magazine.


THREE-MONTH MEMBER - - - - - - - - ·

D $29.00 SUBSCRIPTION ($32.00 foreign)

Charge my

SEX (M/F) _ __

3-MONTHDUES: $15.00.FullMemberprivileges, three issues of Hang Gliding magazine, liability and property damage insurance. I need not be a rated pilot to be a member.

0 FULL MEMBER ($39.00, $42.00 foreign) 0 FAMILY MEMBER(S) ($19.50 each) D THREE-MONTH MEMBER ($15.00) D SUBSCRIPTION, one year ($29.00, $32.00 foreign) D SUBSCRIPTION, two years ($53.00, $59.00 foreign)


CardNo,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ex. Date_ _ __

Charge Card Service Charge_ _ __

Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


U~~lr[E[D STATES HA~G Gl~lD~~G ASS~o? ~~Co P.O. BOX 500, PEARBLOSSOM, CALIFORNIA 93553 (805) 944-5333

revised 11 /88

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