USHGA Hang Gliding October 1989

Page 1

USHGA Merchandise Order Form BOOKS Right Stuff for Hang Glider Pilots by Erik Fair. Reprint of columns from Hang Gliding magazine. Light humor, overview of sport, launch/landing techniques, personalities .................................. $7.95_ _ __ 1988 USHGA Calendar. 12" x 12" full-color pictorial. Big date squares for notes, appointments ..................................... $5.00_ _ __ 1989 USHGA Calendar.12" x 12" full-color pictorial. Big date squares for notes, appointments ..................................... $9.95_ _ __

BOOKS-BASICS AND CLASSICS Manblrds by Maralys Wills. Entertainingly takes the reader from hang gliding's past to its soaring present. 150 black and white photos, 8 pages color, 40-page appendix ........................................................................... $7.95_ _ __ USHGA Instructor Manual. Complete requirements, syllabus, teaching methods ........................................................... $5.00_ _ __ Hang Gliding by Dan Poynter. 8th edition. Basic handbook on hang gliding .................................................................... $7.50_ _ __ Flying Conditions by Dennis Pagen. Micrometeorology for pilots. 90 illustrations ........................................................... $7.50_ _ __ Hang Gliding Flying Skills (NEW EDITION) by Dennis Pagen. Beginner to Intermediate instruction manual. ..................................................................................................................... $9.95_ _ __ Hang Gliding Techniques by Dennis Pagan. Intermediate to Advanced pilots, covering cross-country, competition and powered flying ................................................................................................................... $7.50_ _ __ Manned Kiting by Dan Poynter. Handbook on tow-launched hang gliding. Methods, equipment. ................................... $4.50_ _ __ Federal Aviation Regulations for Pilots, 1989 edition. Required study material for ratings ........................................... $7.95_ _ __ FAI Sporting Code for Hang Gliders. Requirements/procedures for record attempts .................................................... $3.00_ _ __ USHGA Record Attempt Kit with FAI Sporting License. (Birthdate Birthplace ................................................................... $10.00_ _ __ Hang Gliding Manual and Log by Dan Poynter. For beginners. An asset to instructors. 24 pages ................................. $1.50_ _ __ Deluxe Log Book published by Lookout Mt. Flight Park. 72 pages, pilot ID, ratings, rules of the air, glider inspection and maintenance history, parachute inspection and repacking records ... more ........................... $4.95_ _ __ USHGA Flight Log Book .................................................................................................................................................. $2.95_ _ __ X-C Flight Log Book. Very clean, 64 pages. For those who want to document their flights ............................................. $3.95_ _ __ Site Information Manual. Advice, letters, examples on how to open new or protect existing sites .................................. $3.00_ _ __

APPAREL and ACCESSORIES Magazine Collector Binder. Brown vinyl. Wire inserts for 12 issues. Build a reference library and protect issues all at once ...................................................................................................... $9.00_ _ __ USHGA Wallet. Royal blue nylon with white logo. Velcro closure, photo/card insert, machine wash ............................... $8.95_ _ __

APPAREL and ACCESSORIE~LASSICS USHGA "Hang Gliding" T-Shlrt. Horizontal color bar chest design. Circle color/size. WHITE or TAN. Sizes: S M L XL ...................................................................................................... $8.00_ _ __ USHGA Emblem T-Shlrt. Our original. 10" circular chest logo. Circle color/size. Men's only. LIGHT BLUE or TAN. Sizes: S M L XL. ........................................................................ $8.00_ _ __ USHGA Emblem Baseball Cap. Foam Front, white mesh back, adjustable size. Circle color choice. NAVY, ORANGE, GOLD, RED ................................................................................................... $5.00_ _ __ USHGA Belt Buckle. Solid bronze, sculpted relief, custom design. 3-1/4" x 2-1/4" ........................................................ $12.00 _ _ __ USHGA Sew-On Emblem. Embroidered logo for blazers, flight gear bags, etc. 3" circle ................................................. $1.25 _ _ __ USHGA Emblem Decal. Full color, water transfer decal for inside or outside surfaces ...................................................... $.25_ _ __ License Plate Frame. "I'd rather be hang gliding." Blue lettering on white plastic frame .................................................. $5.50 _ _ __ HANG GLIDING BACK ISSUES All issues prior to 1982, as available, $1.50 each. 1982 to current are $2.00 each. Back issues are listed separately. Request an issue listing with check mark at right. O


o Membership Application o Rating Application. Circle H1 H2 H3 H4 o Merchandise Order Form O USHGA Basic Safety Regulations-Part 100 o Lilienthal Award Application o USHGA Pilot Proficiency Program-Part 104

o Accident Report Form o Public Relations Guide

Payment must be included with your order-check, money order or card account billing authorization. Charge my VISA or MasterCard account ($2.00 service charge): Subtotal $ Account# Colorado Residents______ Expiration Date:_/_ _,/__ 6.5% tax $______ Signature___________________ Shipping $~2=·=25~--Ship To: ($1.00 shipping for orders $2.00 and under) $_ _ _ _ NAME_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _USHGA# Charge Card ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _STATE_ _ _ ZIP_ _ __ Total Enclosed $_ _ _ _ __ United States Hang Gilding Association, P.O. Box 8300, Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 632-8300



Produced by men and women on the cutting edge of hang glider design and technology, Pacific Airwave creates gliders with only the finest quality materials available. Special patented fittings have been developed to allow us to create the most "user-friendly" gl iders on the market today.

Performance Serv•ice With World Championships and world cross-country records under our belt and an average customer satisfaction rating of 9.5*, it's no wonder our gliders are recommended by more professional flight schools and instructors than any other glider manufactured today.

CONTACT YOUR AUTHORIZED PACIFIC AIRWAVE SERVICE AND SALES CENTER TODAY • Based upon customer response forms for 1988 - 1989.

One of the most important considerations in the production of gliders is service. We take service seriously as a way of doing business. As a result, we have the best service record in the industry. The company with the first word in quality is the last word in service.


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6595 ODELL PL, SUITE C, BOULDER, CO 80301 (303) 530-4940


KITIT HAWK KlTiS is a full service hang gliding school and dealer offering you:

• A WIDE SELECTION OF GLIDERS. Select the moqel and color that's right for you. We carry a wide selection in stock or available for quick delivery. • A COMPLETE INVENTORY OF PARTS. For your convenience, we carry most glider parts so that you donft lose flying time waiting on delivery or pay astronomical freight,tharges. • A LARGE INVENTORY OF ACCE$SbRIES. State-of-the-art helmets, harnesses, p~rachutes, variometeri{altimeters and other immediate selection and purchase.




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EASY WHEELIN~ QUICK SAFE WHEELS No more hassles! No more excuses! • Snap On/Snap Off Anytime-Anywhere • Affordable/High Quality • Rugged/Dependable Safety wheels protect you and your glider from injury on that occasional stave' em up landing. A must for dealers with demo gliders. German made, thousands flying in Europe. 7" Diameter x 2-1/2" width Extremely lightweight Store in glider bag or harness Specify 1"or 1-1 /8" base bar $45.00 PER PAIR SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO:

Morningside Hang Gliders RFD 2 BOX 109 Claremont, NH 03743 603•542•4416 OEALERS WELCOME

Volume 19


Issue No. 10

(USPS 017-970-20)



17 Cover StoryWorld Record In Wyoming #3


USHGA President

by Russ Locke Russ discusses site management.

28 Viewpoint

by Kevin Christopherson

by Vic Powell

Kevin recounts the story of his incredible 287.449-mile flight from Whiskey Peak. Page 17

24 How To Become A Certified Tandem Dude

Vic writes in about some controversial USHGA concerns. President Russ Locke responds.

51 Product Lines

by G. W. Meadows

by Dan Johnson

Everything you always wanted to know about becoming a rated tandem pilot.

Too many goodies to list.

32 USHGA's Hang Gliding Directory


We publish our completely-revised directory of hang gliding resources. Help us keep it up to date.

Page 24

35 Parachutes-A Form of Life Insurance Where the Insured is the Beneficiary

5 Airmail 10 Accident Reports 14 Update 22 Ratings 42 Classified Advertising 48 Index to Advertisers 48 Stolen Wings 50 Calendar of Events

article and photos by Bob Thompson Bob describes an unusual incident involving friend Hans Heydrich. Some interesting lessons to be learned.

38 A Golden Anniversary In Hang Gliding At Age70 by Dick Newton Former Region IX Director Dick Newton tells how he got into hang gliding after retirement.

0cTOBl!R }989

Page38 COVER: Kevin Ouistopherson flies the Kiss in which he set the new record over Whiskey Peak, Wyoming. Photo by Kevin Christopher-

son. CENTERSPREAD: Another Ra)'.lllond Cassie. Eric Raymond over the Owens Valley, CA. Photo by Eric Raymond DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES IN PUBLICATIONS: The material presented here is published as part of an information dissemination service for USHGA members. The USHGA makes no warranties or representations and assumes no liability concerning the validity of any advice, opinion or recommendation expressed in the material. All individuals relY1;1lg upon the material do so at their own nsk. Copyright e 1989 United States Hang Gliding Association, Inc. All rill.hts reserved to Himg Gliding and individual contributors.


It's Here! The 1990 USHGA Hang Gliding Calendar

Our best calendar yet. It's a big 12" x 12" full-color, quality product. A great gift that shows off the sport you love! Please rush me _ _ _ 1990 USHGA Hang Gliding Calendar(s) at $9.95 each. Shipping Charges Quantity

U.S. 1

2-4 5-9 10

Shipping $2.00 $3.00


Calendar Subtotal._ _ _ __ Colorado residents add 6.5% sales tax._ _ _ __ Postage._ _ _ __ Total Enclosed (Checks payable to USHGA) _ _ _ __


Foreign (Surface rate-multiply by 3 for airmail)

1 2-4 5-9 10

$5.00 $7.00 $8.00 $10.00

NAME_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


ADDRESS._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

CI1Y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _STATE._ _ _ZIP_ _ __

Mail to: USHGA, P.O. Box 8300, Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 632-8300

GIi Dodgen, Editor/Art Director John Heiney, Doug Rice, Leroy Grannis, Bettina Gray, Photographers Harry Martin. Illustrator Office Staff Jerry Bruning. Executive Director Chris Soulard. Member SeNlces P.J. More. Office Operations Patti Gamara. Member Services Jett Elgart, Merchandise SeNlces

USHGA Officers and Executive Committee: Russ Locke. President Dick Heckman, Vice Preskient Gregg Lawless, Secretary Dan Johnson. Treasurer REGION 1: Gene Matthews. REGION 2: Ken Brown. Jay Busby. Russ Locke. REGION 3: Bill Bennett, SandyKing,Gregglawless.REGION4:Mark Macho. Jim Zelset. REGION 5: Mike King. REGION 6: Ron Kenney. REGION 7: Marty Bunner. REGION 8: Bud Brown, Jr. REGION 9: Pete Lehmann, Jeff Slmm5. REGION 10: Matt Taber. REGIONl 1: Carl Boddie. REGION 12: Pete Fournla, Paul Rikert. DIRECTORS AT LARGE: Dan Johnson, Dick Heckman, Mark Bennett, Joe Greblo, Dennis Pagen. HONORARY DIRECTORS: Llz Sharp, Mike Meler, Bob Thompson, Tom Kreyche, Jan Johnson. The United States Hang Gliding Association Inc. is a division of the National Aeronauttc Association (NAA) which Is the official representative of the Federation Aeronauttque Internationale (FAI). of the world governing body for sport aviation. The NAA. whlchrepresenls the U.S. at FAI meetings, hos delegated to the USHGA supervision of FAl-related hang gliding acttvltles such as record attempts and competition sanctions. HANG GLIDING magazine is published for hang gliding sport enthusiasts to create further Interest In the sport, by a means of open communication and to advance hang gilding methods and safety. Contributions are welcome. Anyone Is Invited to contribute articles, photos. and Illustrations concerning hang gliding activities. It the material is to be returned, a stamped, self-addressed return envelope must be enclosed. Notlflcatton must be made of submission to other hang gilding publications. HANG GLIDING magcilne reserves the right to edit contributions whE. • necessary. The Association and publication do not assume responsibility for the material or opinions of contributors. HANG GLIDING editorial offices: 6950 Aragon Circle, Suite 6, Buena Park. CA 90620 {714)


HANG GLIDING magazine (USPS 017-970) is published monthly by the United States Hang Gliding Association. Inc., whose mailing address Is: P. 0. Box 8300. Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 6328300. FAX (719) 632-6417. Second-class postage is paid at Colorado Springs, CO and at other entries. The USHGA Is a member-controlled educational and scientific organization dedicated to exploring all facets of ultralight flight. Membership Is open to anyone Interested In this realm offllght. Dues for full membership are $39 .00 per year ($42 foreign); subscription rates are $29.00 for one year, $53 for two years, $77 for three years. Changes of address should be sent six weeks In advance, Including name, USHGA number, previous and new address. and a malling label from a recent Issue. POSTMASTER: SEND CHANGE OF ADDRESS TO: UNITED STATES HANG GLIDING ASSN .. P.O. BOX 8300, Colorado Springs, CO 80933. 0cTOBBR 1989

VOLUMB 19, IssuB No. 10


Dear Editor, Further to Mr. William Hemphill's letter regarding his broken nose catch, I would like to add my own words of caution regarding the continued use of this part. I have considerable familiarity with plastics in product design. The material '1exan," or rather polycarbonate, with which this part was molded, is a tough engineering plastic with excellent impact resistance (in the absence of what are referred to as stress crack-promoting chemicals such as cleaners, degreasers, some types of greases and oils, and oil propellants [CFC's)). Since contact with such chemicals is not all that unlikely, I would hesitate to trust my life to such a part, since there is no warning associated with such failures. In my opinion the use of this plastic is unwise for this part. To back up this opinion with an actual case history, I refer you to the May/June 1987 issue of Plastics Design Forum, page 71 (in this case it was a motorcycle brake lever). This case history did not conclude with a happy ending, and it is my intention to say that two unhappy endings to the same kind of story would be too many for me. Lou Fedan 28 Watson Rd. Belmont, MA 02178

See the Update column in this issue for news from Moyes.-Ed.


Dear Editor, The Cajun Hang Gliding Oub has been marketing Ultraline tow line for two years. It has come to our attention that there are other tow lines on the market using the Ultraline name. These are not the same quality tow lines that we sell. True Ultraline is a unique copolymer extrusion fiber which looks similar to polypropylene but is far superior. It is 5% lighter, 30% stronger, and has 50% more abrasion resistance and UV protection. Ultraline is only manufactured in South Louisiana. It is always orange with one strand having red and green threads which are the Ultra!ine trademark. If you are being sold a product without these colors it is not Ultraline. The Cajun HG Oub and our west coast dis-

tributors, High Adventure, have proven Ultraline by performing thousands of tows with it. There is definitely no track record on any type of imitation. Victor Toce, President Cajun Hang Gliding Oub


Dear Editor, First, I must apologize for not completing my promised third article on measuring hang glider performance. The old time and enthusiasm problems we all deal with leaves it half completed. I am presently planning a winter in Australia, so I do not see it being finished in the near future. The following may be of some interest to other aerodynamics hackers out there. I would just like to clarify a point about my "Drag and Hang Glider Performance" articles, brought to light in Frederick Stoll's interesting article on the effects of wing twist on hang glider performance. My analysis did take into account the wing twist, although not in quite as sophisticated manner as Frederick's analysis. All my polars were generated with 14° of linear twist from root to tip (a perhaps optimistic estimate of a full race Sport with lots of shims), instead of the two panel (better) method in his analysis. When you compare my results with the equivalent points on his graphs, our numbers agree quite well. This is encouraging in that we used different techniques, and different airfoil performance estimations, to arrive at essentially the same answer. Perhaps theoretical performance estimates are better than most of us supposed. Kevin Caldwell Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Dear Editor, I am sick to death of accident reports, safety award programs, improper instruction, advanced gliders and all the other excuses and "promote safety" ideas we keep hearing and reading about. Safety is a product of confidence. Confidence cannot be taught. Facts can be taught. Facts apply to skills and because you have one doesn't mean you have the other. Skills cannot be taught. They are acquired. Ac-



Site Management by Russ Locke


Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors recently canceled the Wings of Rogallo' s permit to hang glide at Ed Levin park in Milpitas, California. They stated that our national insurance coverage didn't adequately protect them and they wanted to see some changes in the policy. This may, on the surface, look like a Northern California issue, but as civilization closes in on us and land becomes more valuable, more and more we will have to look to taxpayer-supported recreational areas for our flying sites. The real issue is perceived liability. The management of any recreational area must minimize the liability of the owners of the area, and in this country most people make a direct connection between death and lawsuits. There have been four deaths in the last dozen years at Ed Levin, and this was the focal point of the Board's concerns. (fhey weren't particularly interested in the part about the tens and maybe hundreds of thousands of safe flights that have occurred over that period.) The problem was further complicated by our relationship with the park. We know that some people die every year in the county parks system in boating accidents, drownings, etc., but those activities don't require any use permit. The parks are set up generically for those activities to take place. If hang gliding were a generic activity in the park-like horseback riding, mountain biking, windsurfing, etc.then any individual showing up with any kind of hang glider could attempt to launch on any launch under any weather condition. However, I think that it's obvious that in most cases, that lack of management would allow things to happen that would eventually close the site. The short-term solution obviouslyis to make the necessary adjustments 8

to the insurance policy, but longer term we need to do a better job of educating the people who make use decisions for the public properties, so that future changes to our insurance policy won't be necessary. There is also another tool which at some point we must consider. There may come a time when we have to fight fire with fire and actually use the very same legal process that everybody is avoiding. I mention it because should that situation ever arise, the likelihood is that the local pilots involved won't have enough money to secure the proper legal representation. Their only hope may be to raise money from pilots outside their area or to have some, as yet to be created, national fund to draw from. I hope the time never comes when this is necessary, but the time is here now to consider the possibility and likewise consider possible resources. If we work at doing a good job of educating our public officials, the current trend of sites opening up on public lands will continue. I doubt that there will ever be a situation where we are allowed to hang glide in public areas without some sort of management control, nor .do we probably want it. The solution is to get the regulatory agencies that own the lands to recognize that we are capable of operating safely if control is put in the hands of experienced local pilots. This won't happen because the USHGA does all kinds of wonderful things with the FAA or because we have some great insurance policy. These things help, but the best tool we have is our string of successes at the local level and our willingness to help each other with site problems. The kinds of things being done by the Cloudbase Country Club, Wings of Rogallo, Tennessee Tree Toppers and many other chapters and schools across the coun-

try is our real strength. Our challenge for the future will be to provide more support for the chapters and create a better information network between them, so that we can use each other's successes to leverage from in future negotiations. There is a footnote to all this. The USHGA office and Director Ron Kenney have received a number of angry phone calls over the list of sites slated for inclusion in the USHGA site guide as published in the August issue of the magazine. In a nutshell, those callers wanted to know how we got information on "their" sites and what right we had to publish it. We've been talking about this site manual for years, but the stumbling block has always been that some pilots want to know about all the sites as long as their own pet site isn't made public. I think it's time we grew up on this issue. Local pilots are afraid that visiting pilots will do something stupid and cause enough concern on the part of the owners of the site (see above) to have the site shut down. The list of "stupid" things is endless and includes littering, dusting the hikers on the way up the road, or just plain falling out of the sky and killing yourself in front of an audience. However, trying to ''hide" your site from other pilots actually increases the probability that, sooner or later, someone will do something to jeopardize the site. First, the pilot who will try to fly a site without contacting the local pilots tends to be the type of "individual" more prone to cause problems and, second, the less data made available about a site the higher the likelihood someone will do something wrong. If a site can only handle two or three flights a year or if the landowner will only allow specific pilots to fly the site, say so, and say so in writing so that there is a minimal chance of misund~rstanding among all the pilots who may hear about the site. The site guide, if done right, will become as important a site management tool as our insurance policy. It will be more than a list of places to fly. It will be a reference manual showing who has negotiated which sites with different kinds of landowners/public agencies and what kinds of rules are in place to protect the site. It will be useful in negotiations for new sites, etc. It's time we get this manual done.• HANG GLIDING

At SEEDWINGS, H igh Technology Began Over a Decade Ago ...

Pilot: Nelson Howe. Photos: Bob Trampenau

Look where it:S going today! Flying a Sensor, you'll experience tremendous lifting forces under your control. The reward for years of refinement along the leading edge of hang gliding 's evolution-51 O C with powerful performance you'll love to handle.

New developments in our soaring technology • New, optional wing tip rib • New more effective tail fin • Fixed-Position "Pigtail"rear control bar wires On your way up, you'll be glad you chose the glider that has a climbing reputation . At Seedwings, building soaring machines is our only business.

Our advanced technology Sensor 51 0-1 60 a landmark design began in 1982 Seedwings on-going research resulted in a Sensor design that made all previous and most following gliders obsolete. The 51 O proved itself by winning national championships, five manufacturer's league championships and the admiration of competitors around the world . The Sensor 510160 became the glider all others were measured by. Today, we're still setting the standard .


Dealer Inquiries Welcomed

SEEDWINGS 41 Aero Camino, Goleta. CA 93117 • (805) 968-7070 • FAX /805) 968-0059

HGfv11\ Certified Product Sheets Available

,------------, The Next Generation . ... RocketDeployed Hang Glider Parachutes.

ACCIDENT REPORTS compiled by Doug Hildreth There have been 4 fatalities so far this 7ear, They are listed here so that if you know o any others that do not appear here, you will send them ln: Pilot: Robert COMPTON Location: Alpine, California Event: Cross-country out-landing ln high winds. Pilot: Location: Event:

Randy HOFFMAN Walthena, Kansas In-flight scratching stall with tum back in to hill.

Pilot: Location: Event:

Leonard TONNANCOUR Lake Holcombe, Wisconsin 60-year-old with 25 years of boat tow experience-hit tree.

Pilot: Location: Event:


Dunlap, California

Fast low approach, caught wing tip and nosed ln. We have essentially no information on Tonnancour. Any help would be greatly appreciated. We would also appreciate it greatly if there were no more fatalities for the rest of the year. This means you! Event Improper Assembly Experience: Advanced Injuries: Multiple serious injuries. Comment: Experienced pilot was anxious to soar with friends. Conditions were excellent. Pilot set up very rapidly, did quick or no preflight and launched. Soared for an hour and came into landing zone on final approach. At 50 feet when pilot went upright to the down tubes, control bar apex came loose, rotated forward and glider folded. With wings still partially extended, glider dove to the ground. Event Improper assembly In juries: Bumps bruises and minor laoerations. Comment: Intermediate pilot with several years of experience had one good flight and hurried back to launch for second flight to soar with friends who were in the air. Hurried setup. Umited preflight. Control apex pin had been placed through glider keel hole but not through the hole in the control bar apex. Therefore the control bar apex remained wedged in place initially. After a few passes a metallic pop was heard and lower wires seemed slack. Unaware of exact problem, pilot headed to landing zone. At 50 feet the apex came loose completely. Pilot was able to hold basetube/lower wires under tension and crash land the glider in a tree. This exact event of improper assembly of the control bar apex has occurred about ten times over the years. There has been at least one fatality (on my own local hill). There have been some very severe injuries. Some gliders require assembly of the control bar apex and olliers leave It attached. For those models that leave lt attached, failure to ueemble will not occu,r; except that. almost all



gliders will disconnect to allow them to lie flat on the ground. In all work and sports activities it is recognized that if something can be omitted or done incorrectly, it certainly will be. Education alone will not usually reduce the number of these incidents. So the only other thing that can be done to reduce the probability of this incident occurring is for the manufacturers to make assembly as fail-safe as possible. If the apex Is al ways attached to the keel, the chances of someone forgetting to attach it are nil. The serondary causes of failure to assemble properly are virtually identical to those causes for failure to hook In: 1) Distraction, 2) Huny· ing, 3) Excitement. 4) No Preflight Distraction Is of course the basic culprit. We may be in a hurry to get In the air. We may be talking to friends or wuffos. Our minds may be elsewhere. We may be showing off just a little (or a lot). We may be fatigued. The bottom line is that we are not paying attention to what we are doing. We need to teach new pilots and remind experienced pilots that hang gliding Is very serious business and there are times when we MUST pay 110% attention to what is going on. That, oI course, does not mean we can't have fun or that we can't relax and enjoy the flying. We need to concentrate on some thirigs at certain times. A pilot must not allow himself to be distracted during setup, but If it is unavoidable then concentration NUST be employed during preflight. There is no room to think that, "I've done this a thousand times and can do it on remote control." Without terra firma it is impossible to reassemble a glider. Launch Is another time when complete concentration is demanded. There is no room for a casual approach or nonchalant attitude. There are too many variables: hooking in, checking wind direction, cycles, and gusts, listening to wire crew input, checking for pitch and wings being level, running aggressively until airborne, and gaining flying speed. There must be no distractions during setup, final or touchdown. There are times when we must be attentive, if we are going to minimize accidents, and save YOUR life. There is no joy in writing these articles each month, and I'm sure you'd rather read about someone's successful flight than someone's death. •


$ 29.95







8 R S - 4 - H G Model INFORMATION • 1 • System designed and thoroughly in-flight tested by WorldClass pilot Bruce Case (in consultation with Wills Wing). •2• Rocket-fast, 2-second deployment with low altitude capability. •3• Less likely to entangle in a spinning or tumbling glider. •4• Safe pilot operation. •5• Integral, harness-only installation (no glider attachment!). •6• Protected against accidental deployment; system not "armed" until firing handle is pulled. • 7 • Resistant to handling abuse.

- .. //~

BRS, Incorporated 1845-HG Henry Avenue South St. Paul, MN 55075 612/457-7491-FAX 612/457-8651

'-'------------"' HANG GLIDING

The Future of Hang Gliding


• • • And It's Available Now from

-..,.,,Lu·.,~Nti Introducing the Wills Wing HP AT 158 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

level and a minimum annual flight experience of 50 hours per year.

Positive 30 Degree Ultimate Load Test Speed: Negative 30 Degree Ultimate Load Test Speed: Negative 150 Degree Ultimate Load Test Speed: 45 Degree Bank Roll Reversal VG Loose 1. 7 Seconds VG Tight 2.1 Seconds Maneuvering/Rough Air Speed: Speed Never To Exceed:

Wills Wing is proud to announce the long awaited release of the HP AT 158 high performance glider. A direct descendant of the highly successful HP II, the HP AT represents the next generation in advanced hang gliding technology. The HP AT incorporates a unique lever and cable actuated two position VG system, which allows the pilot, quickly and easily, to optimize the glider tuning configuration for climbing flight or gliding flight. With the VG in the loose setting, the HP AT provides exceptionally light and responsive handling for situations in which immediate and reliable response is imperative. In the VG tight adjustment, the HP AT still provides positive control authority, along with an extra measure of glide ratio performance for penetrating through sink or headwinds. The positive engagement two position system insures that the pilot will always find the glider's handling to be consistent and predictable. This innovative VG system is backed up by an equally original bridle adjustment compensator system, which connects the bridles directly to the crossbar center through

an internal system of cables and pulleys inside the kingpost. This system maintains precisely the correct bridle adjustment regardless of crossbar setting, without the excessive slack in the front to rear wire loop found on other compensator systems. The result is positive bridle compensation and a more connected feel to the handling. Also unique on the HP AT is a revolutionary new leading edge construction, in which a light weight, extremely strong and highly rigid front leading edge of 60 mm (2.36") diameter 7075 tubing telescopes down to a more flexible 50 mm (1.97") diameter 7075 rear leading edge, providing for unprecedented control of the distribution of strength and flexibility along the leading edge with an extraordinarily light weight structure. Finally, the HP AT incorporates new, smaller section, easier to handle streamlined downtubes, streamlined fairings to enclose the wing tips, and a completely new hardware system for the top and bottom of the control bar and kingpost, features which are also included on the new AT models of the Wills Wing Sport 150, 167 and 180.

Span Area Aspect Ratio Nose Angle Weight Pilot Weight Pilot Skill Airframe

34'7" 158 Ft 2

7.5 130 Degrees 69 Lbs. 150 - 250 Lbs. (Hook In) USHGA Advanced* 7075 T6 (Main Spars, Washout Tips & Battens)

*Wills Wing recommends a minimum USHGA Advanced proficiency

79 MPH 52 MPH 38 MPH

46 MPH 50 MPH

See your Wills Wing dealer about the new ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY gliders from:

....,.,,,LU""W'INti 1208 H. East Walnut• Santa Ana, CA 92701 • Phone: 714-547-1344 • FAX 714-547-0972

control vortices which enhances per-· formance and high Unlike most Swift is fold able since the carbon fiber ribs fold flush with the D-tube. The sail can from Robert 800 Heinz St. CA 94710 (415) 649--8111


Individual Women and certificawill be available to IV

lever is not necessary to attach front cables on The above shows the of tests which that 7x7 3/32" cable bmaks before the catch.

New Mexico 87123 (505)



Owens Swift 144 sq. ft. 36 ft. 9.0 132°

10G @ 350 lbs. NACA


Place Pilot 1. Kari Castle 2. Lani Akiona 3. Sarah Kurtz 4. Tove Vikhamar 5. Anne Strachan 6. Lisa Tate 7. Sue Christie 8. Nikki Driver 9. Carmela Moreno 10. Louise Cawthon

Glider Kiss

Axis CTR

Genesis Vision Mk IV Comet IV

Teams 1. Kari Castle I Mark Gibson 'Team Owens" 2. Sarah Kurtz I Howard Osterlund "Team Kiss" 3. Lani Akiona I Mike Benson "Team lfawaii" 4. Nikki Driver / Mark Bennett 'Team NorCal" 5. Anne & Stretch Strachan 'Team Mendocino" 6. Tove Buas-Hansen I Mick O'Dowd 'Team Overseas" 7. Lisa Tate I Martin 5"

8. Carmela Moreno Sue Christie "Team FUN" 9. Louise Cawthon / Victor "Team Yellowstone"

from Mt. near Southern Idaho. Weather by cloud into late afternoon and some crosswinds on the west launch. Tasks 14


in his future

r,n,1""""'"" and thank him for his years of service to our association.



AIRSHOW STUNT Rick Rickles sends us this photo of an airshow stunt he has performed. The pilot is Don Burns and the "wing walker" is Rick. Photo by Bob Cambell. After takeoff Rick down a ladder to the last his harness into ladder prong on the way down and has a line tied to the main of his harness. at the

his knees and pulls out two streamers to hold in his hands. Rick 12 feet below the glider The ladder is made of rope aircraft alumi-· num. It is attached to the hook-in point and both sides of Don's harness to damp motion. Do not try this in your own

WILD WILD WEST REGIONALS llere are the results of the II by the Sierra Sky at McClellan Peak which overlooks the Washoe Valley about 20 miles south of NV.

touring beginning January 4, 1990. The 7-day tours are designed for fivepilot groups. This year Safari Mexico is pleased to announce that all gliders will be supplied by Pacific Airwave of CA. Included are 5 Magic Kisses and 3 Vision MK IVs. Price is $495 (including glider) plus airfare. Contact: Welcome Aboard Travel (800) or John Olson (702) 849-26] 8.





2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

9) 10) Bill Vogel

BOARD MEETING REMINDER The Fall USHGA Board of Directors will be held the weekend of November 10-12, 1989 in San California. Those needing accommodations should contact Lawless at (619) 566-· 4686.

SAFARI MEXICO TOURS The Ford From Hell returns to Mexico with a leisure tour in Colima Nov. 2-1){:,•c. 15, and moving Bravo for 12 weeks of X-C

HG PROFESSIONALS MEETING There will be a hang gliding sionals on Thursday, November 9, before the meeting. Those interested should contact: John Ryan (619) 4509008.


by a 12-volt akku source. The system, which





Keith Lamb Michael Haddis Retro Schaeri Tim Arai Nick Thomas


UPDATE USHGA RAFFLE-FINAL RESULTS As reported in our last issue Thom Veer, of Fairbanks, Alaska, won the glider of his choice from Wills Wing, Seed wings, Moyes, Delta Wing, Pacific Airwave or UP International. Other winners were: MEL YOUNG III-Birmingham, AL JOHN FLA TTE-Ft. Smith, AR ALAN PAYLOR-DMAB, AZ MARK EV ANS-Thousand Oaks, CA LINCLON WALWORTH-Alameda, CA JOEL CRAIG-Truckee, CA LEROY GRANNIS-Carlsbad, CA STUART ANDERSON-San Oemente, CA WALT NIELSEN-Mill Valley, CA DAVID JENNINGS-Port Hueneme, CA BRYAN JOHNSON-Cupertino, CA GREG TETTEMER-Redondo Beach, CA CRAIG EVEREST-Bishop, CA PHIL FLEISCHMANN-Mountain View, CA JOANNE MARTINIS-Del Mar, CA EDWARD GAMA-Oakland, CA ERIC BECKMAN-Sausalito, CA MARTIN WENZ-Huntington, CA JOHN LEUCK-Crestline, CA RICK HAMILTON-Sacramento, CA MICHAEL MOACANIN-Camarillo, CA VICTOR LANDRY-San Jose, CA GEORGE SESSIONS-Goleta, CA DAVID YOUNT-Livermore, CA LARRY SCHUERMAIA-Truckee, CA A.J. KOZLOFF-Irvine, CA TODD SNYDER-Lancaster, CA BETTINA GRAY-Rancho Santa Fe, CA RAYMOND MULLER-Boulder Creek, CA RUSS GARRISON-Arroyo Grande, CA RUSSELL ZIMMERMAN-Suisun, CA RUTH COMPTON-La Jolla, CA JOE BROWN-Kentfield, CA ROBERT LAUKKA-Thousand Oaks, CA STEVE B M LLA-San Diego, CA DAN SKADAL-Santa Ana, CA JOSEPH MATYK-Vail, CO JESSICA WRIGHT-Telluride, CO JAMES SHAW-Arvada, CO JAYNE RENSHAW-Lakewood, CO MIKE WARDEN-Dinosaur, CO ROCKY MTN. HG.- Lakewood, CO ROBERT LOWE-Wash., D.C. PHILLIP KOON-Cocoa Beach, FL SHAWN KENNEDY-Altomonte Springs, FL DAVID BRANDT-Cedar Falls, IA LARRY KORN-Prospect Heights, IL ROBERT BUCK-Carpentersville, IL RICHARD STEINER-Kyoto, JAPAN BRIAN KOWALSKI-Shutesbury, MA GREG BASRAK-Baltimore, MD WILLIAM ROBERTS-Hanover, MD BOB SHATI'LEROE-Garden City, MI MIKE FITZGERALD-Minneapolis, MN RICHARD LINDSKOG-St. Paul, MN TIM OBRIEN-Minneapolis, MN G. BRUCE CARLSON-Eden Prarie, MN LAURIE AUSTIN- Duluth, MN JOHN PHILLIPS JR-Raytown, MO DOUG OLESON-Gladstone, MO CORY IZETT-Whitefish, MT






Kevin soars his

Peak, the site from which he set the


my record weather had turned to monsoon conditions with east winds. I manOcTmrnR 1989

one decent flight, but that was cut at 120 miles by severe overdevelopment and tornado warnings. All in all, it was depressing watching the long of summer get shorter and not being able to for 300 miles. the first week of August brought the windy conditions that arc conducive to Jong flights. Due to work obligations I missed out on the first Wednesday was overand blown out, but the forecast was looking very promising, so I decided to travel to Rawlins that eveto visit my and get a start in the morning.

I had made arrangements for my mom, Violet, to meet me at the Muddy Store, to once again be my driver for the We met at 8:20 a.m. and headed up the hill. When we got to the top at 9:00 a.m., the wind was already blowing in at 25 mph, and I immediately started up. I knew that if I was going to the air I would have to hurry. was no doubt that it was going to blow out soon. Haste was necessary, but it almost cost me my record. Just before moving up to launch I got a nagging k-eling that I had trmrrnttd'n something, and dt>cided to unmy barograph and check it. Sure enough, I had neglected to turn it on. That would have been a disappointment 17

at the end of the With that and was on launch at 9:40 a.m. what I mean by a launch because on the at Whiskey we choose our launch a bit Instead of for a thermal to increase the the wind, we wait for a lull. When it comes, you can't waste any time it. I chose a suitable and blasted 9:45 into the "'"'"""°''~" winds I had flown in so far this an more th<.! tim<.l. On my last record I had l<.!ft th<.! mountain at 11:00 a.m. It was now an hour lat<.lr than and I was still stuck on the hill time and Clouds had started to form <.!V<.lryaround and at I called mom on Um radio and "I have no idea what is here!" She offered to come me up if I was tired and should land. That made my me mad and more d1:,>1:em1ined to away from that mountain. thermal that after thousand-foot knew that if I left with

arrival of a thermal. Sure felt the familiar powerful surge of lift and knew that I was leaving the mountain, no matter what. I 3,000 feet in that thertwo and a half hours of tension in that high-wind, no-lift stuff, I was relieved to be off the mountain and on course. Due to the lack of thermals in front of I didn't myself much air. But after 1,500 and to find a solid my was that thermal finally gave me time to relax and my situation. I was an and twenty minmy last world record time, the and if the lift held out, I it in the air a little later this time. I was but I still had chance at 300 miles. I the lift out at 15,000 feet and wasted no time downwind. Mom was beneath me on the and noticed that after ten miles tion relative to me hadn't to how fast she was and That translates to I found my 35 miles out. As it turned out, it would be over four hours and 2.00 miles later before I would that low

me stantam,.'Ous readings that need to work light lift. I knew that I was going to need that vario later on in the flight, so I came up with an idea to revive it. I carry a spare battery for my radio that uses the same AA batteries that my Colver docs. It

north, 200 miles into the Time: 4:20 p.m.


would be but I had to the new batteries in. It would be too


the clouds from overbut it was possible to fly up to which I estimak><i to at least 20,000 feet. I reached 19,000 twice but decided it would be a waste of time to take it any farther as the lift was slowed the inversion. The clouds were thin and sometimes sparse. But where there were there were thermals. And where there were no there were still thermals. I was following the same track that I took on my 246-mile flight, so mom had a

idea where I was. I had no worries sinking out, so she decided to take around through and which made it much easier her. But even without having to deal with the back she still fell far behind. the I Mule at at the 200-mile mark south 4:20 p.m., which meant that I the first 200 miles in four hours flat! That translates into 50 miles per hour average That is definitely the fastest

was ten miles farther downup. With little I found core, and headed up at a thousand feet per minute. I looked at my watch and was amazed at the with which I was

enced the most incredible conditions ever flown in. The winds at altitude were at least 40 and the lift was classic. I of at least 1,000 and didn't encounter any notable sink. With the lift I was able to feet and

OcTrnrnR 1989


200-mile ever recorded in a I also with, my last world time by ten minutes. As I 200 miles I started vn,,rir,i:r,," """".-,the south to avoid to cross the Black Hills I was worried that there would be lack of lift behind as there was last time. I to the right over Angrn,tmra voir. The wind was still blc>wing same dir·1:..-clti01n, had one road in front of me, and that was an area that stretcht.>d for at 30 miles in which I couldn't see any roads or houses. I was in sink and had

to make

was di1xic1tlv

oc:;iuc~, what did I have to

held the World


I wanted

Ten minutes later I was about 20 miles southeast of landing site, and down to 6,500 with little hope of findanvHting, It was the same scenario as last as soon as I the Black passing over Hills the lift had quit. the reservoir I'd lost over 10,000 feet witha bump. I had entered the l'irte l•(idJ~e Indian Reservation but still had bcmeatllr me. A river stretched out distanrce, hinting possibilities of civi'""'""'"11, but with no lift at my altitude there was no chance of it. If I couldn't find lift soon, I would faced with the of a long walk out, with no witnesses. were comer gl!mi,se of movement out of The adrenaline rushed as I recgolden ogr1iz(id the thfirrrtal. I wasted no and pulled in right

I can't describe the I had when l folt the solid thrust of that thermal. At this point I was farther than any man had ever flown in a hang going up in a strong thermal and it with what could only be the spirit an ancient Indian warrior. I spent the next five minutes soc1rin1g with the And then, just as n11·it'lcllu as he had come, he was and was to continue the flight As I climbed out I felt invincible, and was greedily looking at a nice cloud street that had formed above me. If I could up to it I would have an excellent chance at 300 miles. And for a while it looked as if it were pointment, H "<A,m <:. nnHn 15,0(X) k-et the lift and although I spent quit() a bit of time looking for it, I found nothing and was forced to head downwind. I remained on my northeast heading for awhile. The cloud street stretched out HANG GLIDING


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in that direction, and I hoped to work it for some more lift. I did find some 0-0 to work and spent ten minutes in it, drifting a few miles in the process. But when it petered out I decided to change my heading to straight east toward a town I could see in the distance, as the northeast track led into more roadless badland country. The time was now 6:18 and I was at 11,000 feet. The wind had slackened considerably and the clouds were dissipating. I still had hope of finding another thermal, but I was far enough now that landing near witnesses had to be my number one priority. I wasn't sure just how far I was. I am usually a good judge of distance, but the visibility behind me was poor due to the lowering sun and haze in the air. I knew that I had averaged50 mph for the first 200 miles, but I had slowed down from that. By how much, I didn't know. I could only hope that a final glide from here would take me close to 300 miles. If I was lucky, I would make it. The air turned out to be buoyant and I was only losing 100 fpm. As I got closer to the town it became obvious that I would make it past it a ways. A lake to the north of town showed no signs of wind and it was clear that the day had shut off. I spotted a farmhouse east of town along a road 0cTOBER 1989

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that I knew I could make, and contacted mom one last time to let her know my position. I overflew the town and arrived over the farmhouse with 1,000 feet of altitude to spare. For a second I debated whether to fly up the road and get a few extra miles. I knew I was close to 300, and every mile would count. But I also knew I had to have a witness, so I decided against it. I circled the farmhouse several times shouting to get someone's attention, and landed at 6:40 p.m. in a field next to it. I introduced myself to the owner of the farm, Mr. Bob Faulk, and he let me use the phone to call in. I left a message with the answering service as to my location and headed back out to break down the Kiss. Mom checked in a bit later and got my position. She had taken a road that led northeast and was 40 miles away, but once she found out where I was she had no problem finding me. When she arrived we thanked Mr. Faulk, loaded the Kiss, and started the long drive home.

I measured the distance of the flight on an aviation sectional map and came up with 289 miles. Great circle calculations, using the coordinates taken from the maps







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I obtained to verify the record, later shaved two miles from the distance, making it 287. The National Aeronautic Association has verified the distance at 287.449 miles. The total time for the flight was 8 hours and 50 minutes, with an on-course time of 6 hours and 20 minutes, giving me an average groundspeed of 45.66 mph. My average altitude for most of the flight was 15,000 feet and thermal strength averaged about 1,000 fpm. I have been flying Whisky Peak and the flatlands of Wyoming for four years now, and judging from what I have observed and experienced, this flight is not even close to what is possible. I have been saying for years that a 350-mile flight can be made, and I am more convinced now than ever. In order to get a 350-mile flight everything is going to have to come together. I had everything this time, except an early start. If I had been able to leave the mountain at 11:00, like I usually do, I would have been pushing 350 miles. In answer to the question I've already heard too many times, "Why didn't you just fly another 15 miles?" all I can say is, if I could have, I would have. I may not yet be the first person to fly 300 miles, but you haven't heard the last of me. •


RATINGS LILIENTHAL AWARDS BRONZE BARRON MCKINLEY KONRADKURP DEANNA EVANS DENNIS HARRIS SILVER DAVID BASH JAMES FRANKLIN KONRAD KURP GOLD MEL GLANTZ BEGINNER RATINGS PILOT: City,State;Instructor I School Region 1 JIM GARDNER: Anacortes, WA; K. Blevins. EDDIE NAGEL: Steilacoom, WA; J. Reynolds. Region 2 GEORGE BERENBROK: Fremont, CA; R. Palmon. - MICHAEL MCCOLL: San Leandro, CA; T. Ellis. - JANEEN SENK: Milpitas, CA; R. Palmon. - FRANK PEEL: Santa Oara, CA; C. Crescioli. - ROBERT MCCLUSKEY: Los Altos, CA; J. Greenbaum/ Airtime of San Francisco. Region 3 KEVIN CUNNINGHAM: Los Gatos, CA; R. Palmon. - TIM HUBBS: San Bernardino, CA; D. Renshaw-Armenta/Natural High Sports. TIM FISHEL: San Diego, CA; J. Ryan/Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. - IV AN GOMEZ: San Diego, CA; J. Ryan/Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. - EARL BROWN: Santa Cruz, CA; P. Denevan.- ROD CLURE: La Canada, CA; J. Greblo/Windsports Intl. - JOHN WICKHAM: Los Angeles, CA;J. Greblo/Windsports Intl. Region 4 LEIGHTON FISK: Phoenix, AZ; B. Holmes/ Sky Sails of Arizona. - PAUL WITCOMB: W. Sedona, AZ; B. Holmes/Sky Sails of Arizona. KEN PRITCHARD: Evergreen, CO; G. Greer/ Colorado Hang Gliding. - PHILIP UMBREIT: Boulder, CO; G. Greer/Colorado Hang Gliding. - MIKE LYITON: Salt Lake City, UT; G. Pollock. Region 7 PHILLIP LASKO: Buffalo Grove, IL; B. Kushner /Raven Hang Gliding. - PETER GREIS: Madison, WI; B. Kushner /Raven Hang Gliding. - WARREN SIEPMAN: Fox Lake, IL; B. Kushner /Raven Hang Gliding. - DEARL BROWN: Elkhart, IN; V. VonRosen. - DAVID SHUTE: Chicago, IL; R. Kreske. - BILL MCAULIFFE-SCHROEDER: Madison, WI; B. Kushner /Raven Hang Gliding. - KEITH SCHILLER: Madison, WI; B. Kushner /Raven Hang Glid-


ing. - MARC PALMER: Madison, WI; B. Kushner /Raven Hang Gliding. - MIKE LANE: Milwaukee, WI; B. Kushner/Raven Hang Gliding. Region 8 EUGENE BUCHIERI: Fayville, MA; T.C. Searle. - BARBARA CHRISTOFFERS: Newtown, CT; R. Hastings/Morningside Hang Gliders. ANDREW SMART: Lincoln, RI; R. Hastings/ Morningside Hang Gliders. - PHIL ANGELL: Duxbury, MA; T.C. Searle. - JONATHAN A1WOOD: Burlington, MA; T.C. Searle. DAVID BRIDGHAM: Wakefield, MA; J. Hannus. - JESSICA LALLY: Windsor, CT; R. Hastings/Morningside Hang Gliders. ROBERT FRASER: Pawtucket, RI; R. Hastings/ Morningside Hang Gliders. - FREDERICK TERPE: Norwich, CT; G. Black/Mountain Wings. Region 9 JOHN ZINCK: Virginia Beach, VA; G. Reeves/ Kitty Hawk Kites. -ALEXANDER MACNUTT: Bishopville, MD; S. Wendt/Kitty Hawk Kites. WALKER KEMPER: Cincinnati, OH; G. Reeves/Kitty Hawk Kites. - STANLEY GORSKI: Haverford, PA; S. Wendt/Kitty Hawk Kites. - CA THERINE LIGHT: Suffolk, VA; G. Reeves/Kitty Hawk Kites. - MICHAEL OMORI: Pittsburgh, PA; S. Wendt/Kitty Hawk Kites. - CHRIS TODD: Columbia, MD; G. Reeves/Kitty Hawk Kites. - PAUL SERICE: McLean, VA; S. Wendt/Kitty Hawk Kites. RANDY SEE: McLean, VA; J. Middleton/Silver Wings, Inc. - DAVID HOWELL: Norfolk, VA; R. Bachman/Kitty Hawk Kites. Region 10 STEVEN LACHNICHT: Pembroke Pines, FL; M. Taber/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - EDWARD CANLER: Chattanooga, TN; J. Reynolds/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - ALLEN WARD: Birmingham, AL; J. Reynolds/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - VERN STRICKLAND: Athens, GA; M. Taber/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - SUZANNE SPEARS: Mount Holly, NC; J. Hagemann. - GREG HALFAKER: Miami, FL; J. Reynolds/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. Region 11 ROY MOZINGO: Longview, TX; R. Chase/ Ultimate High Aviation. - JUAN GARCIA: Houston, TX; R. Whitsitt/Lookout Mtn. Hight Park. - JOHN FORSBERG: Dallas, TX; D. Broyles. Region 12 TOM CHIN-NAN TSAI: Woodside, NY; G. Black/Mountain Wings. - VINCENT VALETUTTI: Irvington, NY; G. Black/Mountain Wings. - GIL PAUL: New York, NY; G. Ball/Kitty Hawk Kites. - TODD CRONIN: Wayne, NJ; G. Ball/Kitty Hawk Kites. - KEVIN GOODSPEED: Millbrook, NY; G. Black/Mountain Wings. - JIM BROSKA: East Aurora, NY; J. Ingersoll. - J. ANDREW ZIOLO: Williamsville, NY; G. Black/Mountain Wings. LESZEK PILAT: Brooklyn, NY; T. Aguero.

NOVICE RATINGS PILOT: City,State;Instructor /School Region 1 ERIC SHORTT: Anchorage, AK; R. McKenzie/High Adventure. - BRUCE MOODY: Portland, OR; R. Tworoger. - DONALD HODGES: Arlington, WA; J. Estrin/ Airplay'n Hang Gliding School. - PHIL BIEHL: Tigard, OR;J. Estrin/ Airplay'n Hang Gliding. - BRUCE LARSEN: UnA!aska, AK; J. Estrin/ Airplay'n Hang Gliding. - DARRELL DUNCAN: Seattle, WA; J. Estrin/ Airplay'n Hang Gliding. - JERRY FROST: Seattle, WA; J. Estrin/ Airplay'n Hang Gliding. Region 2 JAMES PEAKE: Marysville, CA; D. Freeman (3/2/89). - JEFF GRUVER: Beale AFB, CA; S. Perry. - MICHAEL HEANEY: Berkeley, CA; E. Klementis. - JOHN HEFTI: Berkeley, CA; B. Smith. - RAY SPEAR: Roseville, CA; W. Anderson. Region 3 SANTA CRUZ ARTURO: Southgate, CA; J. Greblo. - ERICK ALDRICH: San Oemente, CA; D. Engel/Southland Hang Gliding. ROGER ARMSTRONG: Anaheim, CA; D. Skadal. - LARRY AINBINDER: San Diego, CA; J. Ryan/Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. KLAUS KOEPFLI: Tehachapi, CA; D. Armstrong. - SUSAN GUY: Murrieta, CA; J. Ryan/ Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. - FREDERICK GUY: Murrieta, CA; J. Ryan/Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. - ROD CLURE: La Canada, CA;J.Greblo/Windsports Intl.- JOHN WICKHAM: Los Angeles, CA; J. Greblo/Windsports Intl. - GREGG KELL: La Jolla, CA; J. Ryan/Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. SCOTT GOETZ: Santee, CA; M. Fleming. LORRAINE DELETTO: Spring Valley, CA; William "J.B." Henry. Region 4 BARTON GOLDER: Sandy, UT; M. Knowlden. - DIMITRI STONE: Denver, CO; T. Hackbart/ Golden Wings. - WILLIAM ROBINSON: Aurora, CO; T. Hackbart/Golden Wings. - CRAIG HESSE: Telluride, CO;C. Holbrook/South wind Hang Gliding. - CONNIE CHAMBERS: Phoenix, AZ; B. Holmes. :. JIM BUNCH: Boulder, CO; G. Pollock. - STEVEN HA YNES: Boulder, CO; G. Greer/Colorado Hang Gliding. - ANDREAS BATTIG: Northglenn, CO; T. Hackbart/Golden Wings. Region 5 DALE LARSON: Boulder, MT; G. Elhart/ NOVA AIR. Region 6 F. MICHAEL LONG: Little Rock, AR; L. Haney. - JIM ALBERTSON: Royal, AR; L. Haney. Region 7 PHILIP HALL: LaPorte, IN; A. Mantou. - PAUL FINKEN: Earling, IA; G. Elhart/NOVA AIR. HANG GLIDING

RATINGS PAM HAAS: New Carlisle, IN; R. Kreske. BUFORD LUNDY: Evansville, IN; M. Taber/ Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - MARKUS SCHIPPRACK: Morris, IL; B. Kushner /Raven Hang Gliding. Region 8 WINSTON RAND: Beverly, MA; J. Reynolds/ Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. Region 9 STEVEN ZRONEK: Athens, OH; B. Hawk. MARK SZARA: Lexington, KY; R. Whitsitt/ Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - BENJAMIN JACKSON: Wilmington, DE; M. Taber/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - BARR ATTAWAY: Annapolis, MD; R. Hastings/Morningside Flight Park. - MIKE AMICK: Lewistown, PA; R. Cobb. - RICK GORDON: South Euclid, OH; M. Taber /Lookout Mtn. Flight Park.- SHAWN LOUDERMILL: Fairmont, WV; J. Rowan. Region 10 MIKE HERLERICH: Lutz, FL; P. Thornbury/ Sequatchie Valley Soaring. - DON NETILOW: Land O' Lakes, FL; P. Thornbury /Sequatchie Valley Soaring. - KATHY WORD: Maryville, TN; B. Hawk. - DAVID SIZEMORE: Woodstock, GA; J. Reynolds/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - STEVEN LACHNICHT: Pembroke Pines, FL; J. Reynolds/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - MICHAEL DOOLITTLE: Hapeville, GA; M. Taber/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. STEVE ROBSON: Athens, GA; M. Taber/ Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - PHILIP VANZYL: Ft. Pierce, FL; J. Reynolds/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - RICHARD VAN ZYL: Ft. Pierce, FL; R. Whitsitt/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - ALLAN LIGON: Erin, TN; M. Taber /Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - STEVEN SHINE: Atlanta, GA; J. Reynolds/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - ALLEN WARD: Birmingham, AL; J. Reynolds/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. Region 11 JUAN GARCIA: Houston, TX; R. Whitsitt/ Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - ERIC AASLETTEN: Austin, TX; S. Burns. - KEITH BROWN: Dallas, TX; D. Broyles. Region 12 LA WR ENCE EDWARDS: APO, NY; G. E1hart/ NOVA AIR. - DOUGLAS DYKSTRA: APO, NY; G. E1hart/NOVA AIR.- MARK MURPHY: APO, NY; G. Elhart/NOVAAIR.- RAYMOND SEELY, JR.: APO, NY; G. Elhart/NOV A AIR. LESZEK PILAT: Brooklyn, NY; T. Aguero. DARREN VIGILANT: Kinnelon, NJ; D. Guido/Susquehanna Flight Park. - DON PTAK: New Hartford, NY; D. Guido/ Susquehanna Flight Park. - RALPH BERDYCK: APO, NY; G. Elhart/NOVA AIR. - STUART SPARK: Woodcliff, NJ; C. Whitney /Sequatchie Valley Soaring.

0cTOBER 1989



PILOT: City,State;Instructor /School

PILOT: City,State;Observer /School

Region 1 THOMAS STRATFORD: White Pass, WA; K. Blevins.

Region 2 ROBERT MARKERT: Berkeley, CA; R. Reiter. - NATHAN WHELCHEL: San Jose, CA; J. Johns.

Region 2 EDWARD GROSSMAN: Bishop, CA; K. Klinefelter. - SALLY KIMMEL: Concord, CA; T. Low. - DAVID SHANKS: Redding, CA; A. Oark. TORREY LYONS: Martinez, CA; K. Schenk. THOMAS TUFTS: Sacramento, CA; J. Anderson. - ROD CHIN: Berkeley, CA; B. Smith. MIKE DO NOV AN: San Bruno, CA; W. Anderson. - CHIP ISAAC: San Francisco, CA; W. Anderson. - BOB FENER: Reno, NV; R. Leonard.

Region 3 CHRISTOPHER WORLEY: Saratoga, CA; G. Loyns. - DAVID LONG: San Diego, CA; K. Baier. - ROD MITCHELL: Escondido, CA; J. Ryan/Hang Gliding Center of San Diego.

Region 3 FRANCISCO ZUNIGA: Santa Barbara, CA; A. Hageman. - DAN FOLTA: Trabuco Canyon, CA; D. Engel/Southland Hang Gliding. ROBERT COMPTON: La Jolla, CA; J. Ryan/ Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. - BRADY NORTON: Laguna Beach, CA; D. Skadal. Region 4 RANDALL KERCHILL: Tucson, AZ; A. Barton. - KOREY CURTIS: Bluffdale, UT; C. Holbrook/Southwind Hang Gliding. - TYLER PERKINS: Boulder, CO; G. Greer/Colorado Hang Gliding. Region 7 BILL BRYDEN: Columbus, IN; G.W. Meadows/ Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. - JOHN MITCHELL: Hammond, IN; B. Kushner /Raven Hang Gliding. Region 8 MARK REESE: Lincoln, MA; G. Brown, Jr. DANIEL WALKER: Providence, RI; G. Black. Region 9 JOHN PESCH: Damascus, MD; E. Logan/PennAerie. Region 10 TODD BRADEN: Merritt Island, FL; G.W. Meadows/Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. ROGER BRADEN: Merritt Island, FL; G.W. Meadows/Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. ROBERT HOLLAND: Anna Maria, FL; M. Taber /Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - BILL VANCE: Rome, GA; M. Taber/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - RICK GAITONE: Roswell, GA; M. Taber/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. - BRUCE DANCE: Norcross, GA; M. Taber/Lookout Mtn. Flight Park. Region 11 Region 12 WILLIAM KEATING: Montville, NJ; T. Aguero. - NORBERTO SOTO: Brooklyn, NY; G. Elhart/NOVA AIR. - EDWARD WHITLOW: Oneonta, NY; D. Guido/ Susquehanna Flight Park.

Region 4 GREG ZOELLICK: Sandy, UT; C. Holbrook/ Southwind Hang Gliding. - ROBERT JACKOLA: Phoenix, AZ; D. McManus. - MICHAEL MARKGRAF: Phoenix, AZ; K. McOure. Region 6 ROSS FOLKERS: Mustang, OK; S. Greenawalt. Region 8 PAUL GIBNEY: Chicopee, MA; J. David. Region 9 RON COFFEY: Staunton, VA; K. Fleet. Region 10 STEVE DUMMIT: Sanford, NC; T. Thompson. MASTER RATINGS Region 4 BILL MURDOCK: Albuquerque, NM; M. Mocho FOREIGN CAPT. SHUKRAN RAFIQ: Cherat, PAKISTAN; G. Reeves/Kitty Hawk Kites. - WALTER A. PALMER: La Hulpe, BELGIUM; G. Elhart/NOVA AIR. CLASS ONE TANDEM RATINGS PILOT: City,State;Observer /School Region 3 DAVID SWANSON: La Crescenta, CA; J. Greblo/Windsports Intl. Region 4 JOHN ZADIK:Tempe,AZ;J. Ryan/Hang Gliding Center of San Diego. Region 10 CLARK HARLOW: Dunlap, TN; G.W. Meadows. EXAMINERS Region 4 RAY ATTIG: Draper, UT; M. Mocho. NOTE: If you would like your school to receive recognition for the students you certify, please put your school's name on the USHGA rating sheet. Thank you!


iar with the of this ""'""'!J"'uu, and must have their tandem of the in their po:sscss1on, to the The current October 1990.


to become a Tandem 1


must: 1) Have the

zero-wind iauincnes with 2) Have five successful wing of 3) ::iuc«:ess!u

are to some rules and determine who can tandem and to insure that it is in the safest manner !JU',,"'""· HOW YOU BECOME A RATED TANDEM PILOT? To be a candidate for any tandem ratmust: Be a current USHGA Advancc~da minimum


to become


men ts. The Tandem 1 with other rated have laminated iv,,:nnnnrr,,t, Since you

Tandem Inslruclor The Tandem Instructor foes for tandem and with passengers who HANG GLIDING

possess the USHGA temporary rating carci. To become a Tandem Instructor you must fulfill all the requirements for the Tandem 2 rating and: 1) Be a current USHGA certified instructor, and submit a list of names and addresses of students taught during 10 instructional days. OPERATING RESTRICTIONS AND LIMIT A TIO NS In addition to the above rating requirements there are also a number of operating restrictions and limitations that must be adhered to. These are listed below. Pilots may fly tandem utilizing the launch method for which they are tandem rated: P.L. = Platform Launch. F.L. = Foot Launch. 1) For Tandem 1 and 2 pilots the maximum allowable hook-in weight of the passenger is 120% of the pilot. For the Tandem Instructor this is a recommendation and is not mandatory. 2) For Tandem 1 and 2 pilots the maximum allowable wing loading is 2.0 lbs. per sq. ft. For the Tandem Instructor this is a recommendation and is not mandatory. 3) It is recommended that the pilot in command fly on the side which allows for the unobstructed throw of the back-up chute with his dominant hand. 4) When present at a flying site a Tan-

dem Instructor, in the absence of a Oass 1 Tandem Observer, shall personally ensure that all tandem flying requirements and the site requirements are being strictly met. He shall personally inspect the USHGA ratings of both passengers and pilots, and shall have the authority to halt those tandem flights that are in non-compliance. Non-compliance shall be reported to the Regional Director. 5) Possession ofFAA's Part 103, FAR GRANT OF EXEMJYI'ION #4271, is mandatory while flying tandem. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS There are also equipment requirements. These are listed below: 1) You must possess at least one backup chute (minimum of 22-gore) on all tandem flights of more than 100 feet vertical descent. 2) Appropriate helmets are required for both occupants during flight. 3) Separate main suspension straps and a combined back-up strap are required on all tandem flights. 4) Although choice ofotherequipment is up to the individual pilot in command, an HGMA-certified glider, control bar wheels and knee pads are recommended. SUMMARY We have been givenachancetoprove to the FAA that we can efficiently regulate

ourselves, in an area where the Feds feel strongly enough that they originally prohibited it. And as pointed out in this article, this exemption can be rescinded at any time. It is up to each individual tandem pilot to make absolutely sure that he is flying within the limits of the program. Pilots should not only make sure that they always fly within the limitations set forth by the FAA, but almost equally important, by the USHGA. The reason the tandem program is so important to the FAA is the fact that we sky gods, who are fully aware of the dangers involved in our sport, have the opportunity to take the unsuspecting and uninformed public up and smear them across a mountainside. So you can be sure that they will be keeping tabs on how we are conforming to the program. There is a phrase that has been overused by the yuppie generation: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Well, I personally don't agree with that philosophy. There is such a thing as preventative maintenance, and some things cannot be repaired after they're broken. Let's keep this in mind when we're considering bending the rules "just this once." Feel free to ask your local hang gliding school or your Regional Director for more information on tandem flying, and how you can become a certified tandem dude.•

Hang Gliding Lesson #1 Fly hard, fly safe, fly with High Energy Sports To reduce risk of bodily injury or death while hang gliding you need a complete safety system. From your glider to your hang straps you need to know you have the best system for you. We at High Energy Sports specialize in harness-parachute systems designed for the worst circumstances.

COCCOONS, PODS, PARACHUTES, etc. • Flat Circular Solid Gore Construction • Vent Cap Covering Apex Hole • 1/2" Tublar Nylon Reinforcement At Apex • All Seams Reinforced With Type III Webbing • V-Tabs At Each Line Attachment • Type XVIII Bridle FAX (714) 972-1430 • Parachute Safety Lock System • Continuous Webbing Sewn With Five Cord Tluead • Each Harness Custom Sized • Safety Back Strap • Adjustable Padded Leg Straps • Two-Week Delivery • Custom Options • Your Choice Of Colors

RIO DE JANEIRO FL YING TOUR August until December - open Minimum of 2 persons - For Hang II thru IV PRICES INCLUDE: • First-class hotels with private • Transportation bath, sharing double occupancy. • Rides up • Breakfast included • Retrieval • Bi-lingual guide service • GLIDERS PRICE U.S. $90 PER DAY CONTACT: Patrick Bredel barao de jaguaripe 323/3 lpanema Rio de Janeiro RJ 22421 Brazil (21) 259-0159 FAX (21) 239-7339

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Airspeed Indicator with Long Bracket

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{801) 829-3232 FAX (801) 829-6349



Your Vote Can Help Refocus USHGA by Vic Powell The more I consider the move of USHGA headquarters to Colorado Springs, CO the more uneasy I become about the future of the Association. In my view the organization's shaky outlook makes the coming election for regional directors to the board of directors very important. Colorado Springs is headquarters for the U.S. Olympic Committee and a number of associations that participate in the Olympics. Participation in Olympic games requires huge expenditures on the part of associations supporting the individual sports. The associations have found that fund raising is a difficult and full-time process requiring dedicated effort by professional people. There is much interest among certain members of the board that hang gliding become an Olympic sport. I believe their rush to achieve Olympic status will adversely impact USHGA. If their goal is achieved USHGA, as the sport's national association, will be expected to assume fund-raising efforts similar to other supporting organizations. USHGA could not count on financial help from any of the sporting associations in Colorado Springs; they are busy with their own areas of interest. Taking on a financial commitment of this magnitude, having hang gliding participating even as a trial sport in Olympic competition, is well beyond the Association's capability. USHGA would quickly become bankrupt. It seems to me that board members seeking Olympic status for hang gliding are willing to ruin the Association, financially cripple and distort it to the point that basic services would be halted to 98% of the members, those who do not participate in any sanctioned competition. ABANDONING RESPONSIBILITIES USHGA is in no position to assume huge new financial obligations. In fact the board, which is charged with fiscal responsibility for the organization, does not know


the financial condition of USHGA. I base this statement on the association not having the services of a full-time bookkeeper, and the fact that during terms of the current leadership there hasn't been an accurate financial statement issued to the Board of Directors or to the membership. I've never known a business to cure itself financially by operating with inaccurate and incomplete books. Its quite likely that the Association's financial condition is getting worse. Relative to this matter I bring to your attention that Liz Sharp, serving as office "transition" coordinator, became uneasy about inadequately documented expenditures associated with the headquarters' move to Colorado Springs, said so, and was dismissed by the leadership. Meanwhile USHGA members are being handed a substantially larger bill to operate headquarters. A recent memo from the president to the board said the move to Colorado Springs has added $13,000 annually to the Association's salary costs. Leadership memos are intimating that the Association assume unbelievable debt by purchasing a building in Colorado Springs, locking the organization into the area if its financial house of cards doesn't collapse first. All this points to USHGA leadership that is out of control. The Board of Directors has responsibility to assure the organization's financial integrity, but the large majority of its members seem either disinterested or are supportive of its reckless leadership. The Board's actions in getting the Association into this mess indicates that the majority of its current membership cannot be relied upon to stop the distortion and return the Association to serving the majority of its members. The board's majority have abandoned their responsibilities and are willing to subject the association to intolerable risk and ruin to accommodate the agenda of the present leadership.

WHAT CAN BE DONE I believe the situation is such that there is one effective way to correct it; change board membership by electing responsible people who know that the purpose of the Association is to serve its members-not the board-and will act to financially preserve the organization, thereby helping assure the sport's future. Needed action is for each member to make certain that they l) know the views of their regional director candidate in the upcoming elections, 2) know whether the candidate will vote at board meetings to refocus the Association to efficiently and effectively service needs of the majority of members, and 3) vote for that individual in the coming election for Regional Director. If the candidate is an incumbent I suggest questioning the individual closely. WHAT YOU CAN DO Ask your chapter to invite the region's director to a meeting and find out how the director's votes were cast on the Colorado Springs office move, whether the record shows that they have spoken out against the fact that the Association does not have a full-time bookkeeper and cannot produce accurate financial reports. Is your region's incumbent candidate a part of the problem? Find out. Then cast your vote for the candidate best representing your views about refocusing USHGA services on the majority of its members. Hang gliding needs a strong national organization. Whether USHGA is financially ruined or struggles back from the brink will require action by voting members that will return the Association to serving the majority of members. Let those who would serve on the Board tell us what actions they will take to repair the damage inflicted by the current leadership. Take action in your region. Speak up at your local club meetings about the leadership and financial trouble facing USHGA, and ask the club's leaders to voice concern to members. To stand aside and do nothing will hasten arrival of the death knell of a beautiful sport. YOUR VOTE CAN HELP SA VE USHGA Let's all work together to assure that the sport is refocused on serving the majority of its members, and that there is a USHGA existing one year from today. Cast an informed vote in the elections. Let's refocus USHGA. • HANG GLIDING


Response by USHGA President Russ Locke ~e's letter touches on a number of issues that deserve a little more discussion. Some of his opinions are just that, and not facts as he presents them, but that is to be expected from someone who hasn't had much contact with the Board of Directors this last couple of years. First of all, I'm not sure where he gets the information that "certain members of the Board" want hang gliding to become an Olympic sport, and that this has been the motivator behind moving to Colorado Springs. A great deal of groundwork toward becoming an Olympic sport was laid by Joe Bulger a couple of years ago, but since that time there hasn't been much discussion on this subject. I don't recall the subject even coming up at the last three Board meetings. We've been in Colorado Springs now for about six months and I'm not aware of one contact we have had with the U.S. Olympic Committee. We have, however, received a lot of help from other similar sporting associations, in particular the Colorado Amateur Sports Association, as we've worked to bring our business processes under control. There will be more detail on that when we do a year-end report. Without doubt, 1989 has been a pivotal year for the Association. Vic's comment that we haven't had an accurate and complete financial statement in the last few years is true, but more than that, to the best of my knowledge we haven't had a good statement from which we could manage as far back as I can see (well into the mid-1970's). That includes Vic's tenure as Association President. The problem, however, is not as simple as just having an accountant process our deposits and checks. Our accounting system has, to my knowledge, never been set up by someone who understands basic accounting principals and statements, as well as understanding how our office processes and business flow work. The two need to be in sync before statements generated make any sense. Simply put, we've had a "garbage in-garbage out" process for a long time. While we have struggled with these inaccuracies, we have put some stopgap measures in place that have given us good 0cTOBER 1989

enough data to manage the Association in the short term. Since we discovered in the early 1980's that we were in real trouble and instituted some measures to tum that around (raise dues, advertising rates, cut expenses, etc.), the money we have on deposit has steadily increased. The move to Colorado Springs has afforded us a long overdue opportunity to stabilize our business by hiring and training fully qualified personnel and stabilizing internal office practices. With the help of a full-charge bookkeeper, with whom we contracted shortly after we moved to Colorado Springs, we have set up an accounting system customized to our business and have been loading data into that system for the last six months. The system is PC based and the software is called Profit Wise. The bookkeeper will continue to be associated with the office until employees are completely trained and the processes are stabilized. We're still tweaking on our first half report, but the bottom line is healthy. By the time the board meeting rolls around in November, we will not only have a fairly accurate financial statement, but a report that allows us to plan how and what we are going to spend our money on. On the subject of Liz Sharp, she accepted a difficult responsibility as transition coordinator. She, along with the help of others, orchestrated the move to Colorado Springs and performed quite commendably in that area. There were some problems that arose after the move, but the bottom line is that the events surrounding Liz's employment separation are completely different than Vic would have you believe. As I've stated in the past, the criteria for the move to Colorado Springs revolved around business issues. After starting with twelve cities, the Board, through the committee process, narrowed down the choices to Boise and Colorado Springs. For the record, the vote went as shown. Vic has taken some information out of one of my memos to the Board referencing rising salary costs. Again, for the record, we chose to hire an experienced professional manager to manage the Association's business. Our previous experience

Col. Springs


Abstain (or not present}

Gene Matthews Ken Brown Russ Locke Jay Busby Joe Greblo Jim Zeiset MarkMocho Dan Johnson Pete Lehmann Dick Heckman Matt Taber Carl Boddie

Bill Bennett Gregg Lawless Sandy King Mike King Marty Bunner Dennis Fagen G.W. Meadows Paul Rikert

Doug Hildreth TomKreyche Mark Bennett Mike Meier Bob Thompson Liz Sharp Ron Kenney Gordon Brown Jeff Simms Pete Fournia Jan Johnson

of hiring a good, well-intentioned, potentially capable person ended in failure because of that lack of a strong business background. We chose not to make that mistake again, and made a conscious decision to hire people in Colorado Springs whose basic skills were stronger than our previous set of employees. Our annual budget is approaching a half a million dollars and we now have a much better foundation on which to build our management processes. All of the above is good information, however the real message I want to impart is two fold. First, I agree wholeheartedly with Vic's suggestions that the membership hold the Board of Directors accountable, that they invite the Directors to meetings, solicit their viewpoints, ask them to represent the clubs' I chapters' interests, etc. Second, however, I find the whole tone of Vic's letter deplorable. There are many people in this sport with whom I have disagreed, and as often as not I've found their ideas to be better than mine. I have spent many long hours in board and committee sessions and listened to many sides of lots of issues, but it's almost always been obvious that the people fighting on either side of those issues have believed that their position was in the best interest of the sport. Vic's letter questions whether or not the right things are happening, but it doesn't stop there. He goes on to accuse elected officials who have volunteered their time and money to work on hang gliding issues of "abandoning their responsibilities." Vic gave up his right to work within the Board structure several years ago, and now he sits on the sidelines and goes beyond questioning the actions of the Board (which is his right and obligation) and attacks their integrity. I believe that, in this instance, it is not the Board who is acting irresponsibly. Judge for yourself. •


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• MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION • 1[11··--------,



(Please Print)






SEX (M/F) _ __


D RENEW I USHGA # _ _ _ _ _ _BIRTHDA TE _ _, _ __, _ __




ANNUAL DUES: $39.00 ($42.00foreign). This accords me full membership in the United States Hang Gliding Assn., Inc., 12 issues of Hang Gliding magazine, effective with the current issue, liability and property damage insurance, and voting privileges. I need not be a rated pilot to be a member.

ANNUAL DUES: $19.50 for each Family Member, who resides in my household. Each will receive all Full Member privileges EXCEPT a subscription to Hang Gliding magazine.



0 $29.00 SUBSCRIPTION ($32.00 foreign)

3-MONTHDUES: $15.00.FullMemberprivileges, three issues of Hang Gliding magazine, liability and property damage insurance. I need not be a rated pilot to be a member.

for one year. D $53.00 SUBSCRIPTION ($59.00 foreign) for two years.

Enclose check or money order for dues as indicated to the right. International checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars. Charge payments are subject to $2.00 bank service charge. Charge my

0 MasterCard

NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D NEW MEMBER

D RENEW I USHGA # _ _ __

D FULL MEMBER ($39.00, $42.00 foreign) D FAMILY MEMBER(S) ($19.50 each) D THREE-MONTH MEMBER ($15.00) D SUBSCRIPTION, one year ($29.00, $32.00 foreign) D SUBSCRIPTION, two years ($53.00, $59.00 foreign)


CardNo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ex. Date_ _ __

Charge Card Service Charge_ _ __

Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Total_ _ __

u~~l[E[) SlAl[ES HA~G Gl~[)~NG ASSNo~ ~NCO P.O. BOX 8300, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80933 (719} 632-8300

revised 11/BB

HANG GLIDING ORGANIZATION DIRECTORY Send additions, deletions and changes to: USHGA, P.O. Box 8300, Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 632-8300 NAME ...................................... CONTACT ......................... ADDRESS .............................. CITY ..................... STATE/ZIP ...... PHONE Alaska Sky Sailors Assn ........... Jim Egger, Pres ................... HC02 Box 7334E .................... Palmer ................... AK ..... 99645 ..... (907) 745-8255 N. Alabama H.G. Assoc ............ Duane Ridenhour ................ Rt. 1, Box 228-C ..................... Union Grove .......... AL ..... 35175 ..... (205) 498-3454 Ozark Mt. Hang Gliders ............ Lyle C9_gbill ........................ 10411 W. Markham #120 ....... Little Rock ............. AR ..... 72032 ..... (501) 221-7245 Sail Wing_s ............................... L!llT)'. Haney ....................... 1601 N.Shackleford#131-4 .... Little Rock ............. AR ..... 72211 ..... (501) 224-2186 Arkansas H.G. Assoc ................ Ken Sandifer, Pres ............... 916 W. 27th ............................. Pine Bluff .............. AR ..... 71603 De.sert Hang Gliders .................. ~ob ~ompson ................... .4319 W. Larkspur ................... Glendale ................ AZ ..... 85304 ..... !602l 938-9550 Araona H.G. Assoc .................. Jun Gnssom, Pres ............... 4319 W. Larkspur ................... Glendale ................ AZ ..... 85304 ..... 602 939-1076 Sky Sails o.f Arizona ................. Bill Holmes ......................... 15866 N. 18th St. .................... Phoenix .................. AZ ..... 85022 ..... 602 493-1216 Ar12ona Wmdsports .................. Doug_Gordon ....................... 1327 E. Bell De Mar ............... Tempe .................... AZ ..... 85283 ..... 602 897-7121 So. Arizona H.G. Assoc ............ John-Fowler, Pres ................ P.O. Box 43722 ....................... Tucson ................... AZ ..... 85733 ..... 602 7494320 Hang Gliding Promotions ......... Max Pachenko ..................... P.O. Box 5580 ......................... Balboa lsland ......... CA ..... 92662 ..... (714) 835-5654 Moyes California ....................... Steve Moyes ........................ 22021 Covello Street ............... Canoga Park .......... CA ..... 91303 ..... (818) 887-3361 Cloud Strf:,Ct Gang ..................... James Crosley, Pres ............. 3549 Esplanade #514 .............. Chico ..................... CA ..... 95926 ..... 916 893-5807 Dunlap_Flig_l!~ Parle ....... :............ Dave Bowen ·: ...................... P.O. Box 13 ............................. Dunlap ................... CA ..... 93621 ..... 209 338-2422 Enterpn~e .Wmgs, Amenca ....... Dave or <;::onrue ~owen ....... P.O. Box 299 ........................... Dunlap ................... CA ..... 93621 ..... 209 338-2422 Hang Glidmg Hanger ................ Dan or Tim Flemmg ............ 1446 North Van Ness .............. Fresno .................... CA ..... 93728 ..... 209 264-7627 Seedwin_gs ................................. Bob Trampenau .................. .41 Aero Camino ...................... Goleta .................... CA ..... 93117 ..... 805 968-7070 Natural High HG School ......................................................... P.O. Box 193 ........................... Green Valley Lk .... CA ..... 92341 ..... 714 867-7961 Torrey Pines Flight Park ........... Bill Bennett ......................... 2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Dr .. La Jolla .................. CA ..... 92037 ..... 619 452-3202 Pu):>litec ...................................... Magg_ie Rowe ...................... P.O. Box 4342 ......................... Laguna ~each ........ CA ..... 92652 ..... 714 497-6100 Wmdgypsy .... :........................... Pa~l Bums ........................... 33041 Walls ~t. ....................... Lake Els!]lore ........ CA ..... 92330 ..... 714 678-5418 Ultralight Soaring Software ...... Enc Raymond ..................... 33274 Baldwin Bl. .................. Lake Elsmore ........ CA ..... 92330 ..... 714 678-3931 UP International ...................................................................... 560-4 Birch St. ........................ Lake Elsinore ........ CA ..... 92330 ..... 714 674-7005 Eastern Sierra H.G. Assoc ......... John Reilly .......................... P.O. Box 1588 ......................... Mammoth Lakes ... CA ..... 93546 ..... 619 872-0319 Western Hang Gliders ............... Jim Johns ............................. P.O. Box 828 ........................... Marina ................... CA ..... 93933 ..... 408 384-2622 Marin County HG Assn ............ Bob Reiter, Pres .................. P.O. Box 785 ........................... Mill Valley ............ CA ..... 94942 ..... 415 649-8111 Mission Soaring Center ............. Pat Denevan ........................ 1116 Wrigley Way .................. Milpitas ................. CA ..... 95035 ..... 408 262-1055 Wings of Rogallo :..................... c/~ Pat Denevan .................. P.O. Box 361-885 .................... Mipitas .................. CA ..... 95035 ..... 408 262-1055 Motlier Lode Skynders ............. Tun Morley, Pres ................ P.O. Box 4763 ......................... Modesto ................. CA ..... 95352 ..... 209 523-6652 Silent Fli~_Hang Glidil}g ........ David Thomason ................. P.O. Box 1206 ......................... Mt. Sh!ista .............. CA ..... 96067 ..... 916 938-2061 Thermal- 1ck Release Biner ... Robert Kalember ................. 19431-41 Bus. Ctr. Dr ............. Northndge ............. CA ..... 91324 ..... 818 701-7983 Chandelle .G. Center .............. Wally Anderson .................. 488 Manor Plaza ..................... Pacifica .................. CA ..... 94044 ..... 415 438-0480 Albatross Aeronautics ............... Colin Perry .......................... P.O. Box 1473 ......................... Palo Alto ................ CA ..... 94302 ..... 408 744-1223 Ultim~te Ht Aviation ................. ~oger Ch~p ........................ 13009 Acton Ave .................... Poway .................... CA ..... 92064 ..... 619 748-1739 N. Cal1f,om1a Skvmasters .......... Jun Dowling, Pre~ ............... P.O. Box 628 ........................... Reddmg ................. CA ..... 96099 ..... 916 243-6384 No. Calif. H.G. Assoc ............... Randy Austin, Echtor ........... 2552 La Crescenta Dr ............. Rescue ................... CA ..... 95672 ..... 916 677-5555 Coastal Condors ........................ Briggs Christie .................... 612 Andina Circle ................... Salinas ................... CA ..... 93905 ..... 408 757-9924 Pacific Airwave ......................... J.M.13emasconi ................... P.0. Box 4384 ......................... Salinas ................... CA ..... 93912 ..... 408 422-2299 Dragonwing Sail Repair ............ John La Torre ...................... P.O. Box 6651 ......................... Salinas ................... CA ..... 93912 ..... 408 754-1055 Crestline Soaring Society .......... Juanita Jackson, Pres ........... P.O. Box 1628 ......................... San Bernardino ...... CA ..... 92402 ..... 714 887-9275 Pine Crest Air Park ................... Juanita Jackson .................... 6555 Pine Street ...................... San Bernardino ...... CA ..... 92407 ..... 714 887-9275 High Adventure ......................... Rob McKenzie .................... 4231 Sepulveda ....................... San Bernardino ...... CA ..... 92404 ..... 714 883-8488 John Heiney, Photogr!lpher ..................................................... 125 W. Cordoba Ave .............. San qemente ........ CA ..... 92672 ..... 714 361-0169 H.G. Center of San Diego ......... John R_y~ ............................ 4206-K Sorrento Valley Bl. .... San Diego .............. CA ..... 92121 ..... 619 450-9008 Sl!Il _Diego H.G. Asso_c .............. Cindy Windsor, Pres ........... P.O. Box 81665 ....................... San Diego_ .............. CA ..... 92138 ..... 619 582-6951 Airtime of San Francisco .......... Jeff & Kelly ......................... 3620 Wawona Street ............... San Francisco ........ CA ..... 94116 ..... 415 759-1177 Fort Funston H.G. Assoc ........... Michael Mc Garth, Tres ...... 172 Portola Drive #4 ............... San Francisco ........ CA ..... 94131 ..... 415 826-5834 Wills W_ing, Inc ......................... Meier, Kells, Pearson .......... 1208-H E. Walnut ................... Santa Ana .............. CA ..... 92701 ..... 714 547-1344 Hang Fhgnt SysteJns ................. Dan Skadal .......................... 1202-M E. Walnut. .................. Santa Ana .............. CA ..... 92701 ..... 714 542-7444 Higfi Energy SP9rts ................... Betty Pfeiffer ....................... 2236 W. 2nd Street.. ................ Santa Ana .............. CA ..... 92703 ..... 714 972-8186 Orange County H ..G. Asso~ ....... Jose Fernandez, Pres ........... P.O. Box 15151 ....................... Santa Ana .............. CA ..... 92705 ..... 213 439-0874 Foot-Launched Flight Service ... Robert Brown ...................... P.O. Box 22343 ....................... Santa Barbara ........ CA ..... 93121 UCSB/Cal Poly H.G. Club ........ Achim Hageman ................. 29 State Street ......................... Santa Barbara ........ CA ..... 93101 ..... (805) 962-8999 SB HG Center/Air Tech ............ Achim Hageman ................. 29 State Street ......................... Santa Barbara ........ CA ..... 93101 ..... (805) 962-8999 HG EmPQrium/SBHGA ............ Ken deRussy, Examiner ...... 613 N. Mil2as .......................... Santa Barbara ........ CA ..... 93103 ..... 805 965-3733 Roberts Glider Instr................... Gilbert Roberts .................... 3340 Cliff Drive ...................... Santa Barbara ........ CA ..... 93109 ..... 805 682-1088 Cloudbase Instruments .............. Mark Kroot .......................... 2464 El Camino Real #513 .... Santa Clara ............ CA ..... 95051 ..... 408 729-4860 Sonoma \Yings .......................... Ralph ......................... 1803 Austin Way ..................... Santa Rosa ............. CA ..... 95404 ..... 707 528-0726 Fly Amer1ca.: ............................. Greg De '?'olf ...................... Box 865 ................................... Seal Beach ............. CA ..... 90740 ..... 213 595-5195 A Plfil:e ofWmgs ...................... Gregg PuJol .......,. ......,. .......... 1484 Falcon Ct. ....................... Sunnyvale .............. CA ..... 94087 ..... 408 736-1222 Truefhght Concepts ................... Ouackenoush/Spmelh ......... 13243 Gladstone Avenue ........ ~lmar ................... CA ..... 91342 ..... 818 367-6050 Tahoe-Sierra Wave, Flyers ........ Craig Beck, Pres .................. P.O. Box 79 ............................. Tahoe Vi~ta ........... CA ..... 95732 ..... 916 583-6136 H.G. Manufacturer s Assn ........ Mark.West ............................ SR 3, Box 4400-111 ................ Tehachapi .............. CA ..... 93561 ..... 805 821-2613 Southland Hang Gliding ............ Joel Gregor .......................... 28882 Woodspring Circle ....... Trabuco Canyon .... CA ..... 92679 ..... 714 589-0109 Windspo,rts In~emation!i) ........... J~ Greblo ........................... 16145 Victory Blvd ................. Van Nuys ............... CA ..... 91406 ..... 818 988-0111 Delta Wing Kites & Ghders ...... Bill Bennett ......................... P.O. Box 483 ........................... Van Nuys ............... CA ..... 91408 ..... 818 787-6600 Hang Glider Shop of Ventura ... Jim Woods ........................... 8887 N. Ventura ...................... Ventura .................. CA ..... 93001 ..... 805 649-2470 Colorado Wind Park .................. Jim Elwell ........................... 5226 So. Pitkin Court .............. Aurora ................... CO ..... 80015 ..... 303 762-6505 Ball Variometers ....................... Mark Ferguson .................... 6595 Odell Place, Suite C ....... Boulder .................. CO ..... 80301 ..... 303 5304940 L/D Entf!!P.rises ......................... Cindy Drozda ...................... 5000 Butte #183 ...................... Boulder .................. CO ..... 80301 ..... 303 440-3579 Boulder Flight ........................... Scott Westfall ...................... 101 MeadowLook Way ........... Boulder .................. CO ..... 80304 ..... 303 444-5455 Leadil!g Edg_e Air Foils ........................................................... 331 14th St. Dept HG .............. Colorado Springs ... CO ..... 80904 ..... 719 632-4959 Pikes Peak H.G. Club ................ Tom Dermody ....................................................................... Colorado Springs ... CO ..................... 719 548-8517 Eagle's Nest .............................. Ron & Sheena Wilkinson .... P.O. Box 25985 ....................... Colorado Springs ... CO ..... 80936 ..... 719 594-0498 Crested Butte ~oaring Soc ........ Tony Brown, Sec ................. P.O. Box 1451 ......................... Crested Butte ......... CO ..... 81224 ..... 303 349-5802 ·Golden Skv Sails ....................... George Greer ....................... 2435 W. 33rd ........................... Denver ................... CO ..... 80211 ..... 303 278-9566 4 Comers H.G. Assoc................. Denms l;faley ....................... P.O. Box 2032 ......................... Durang9 ................. CO ..... 81302 ..... 303 247-2065 Front Rang_e Hang Ghders ........ Bob FarIS ............................. 1621 Wagon Tongue Dr .......... Ft. Collins .............. CO ..... 80521 ..... 303 482-5754 Colorado H.G. Center ............................................................. P.O. Box 1423 ......................... Golden ................... CO ..... 80402 ..... 303 278-9566 Golden Wings ......................................................................... 1108 Miners Alley .................. Golden ................... CO ..... 80401 ..... 303 278-7181

NAME ...................................... CONTACT ......................... ADDRESS .............................. CITY ..................... STATE/ZIP ...... PHONE Colorado Wind Park ................................................................ P.0. Box 94 ............................. Hartsel ................... CO ..... 80449 ..... !719l 836-2240 Rocky Mtn. H.G. Assoc ............ J!lyne ~enshaw .................... P.O. Box 28181 ....................... Lal\:ewood .............. CO ..... 80228 ..... 303 985-5340 Pendulum Sports ....................... Jun ............................ 13154 County Rd. 140 ............ Salida ..................... CO ..... 81201 ..... 719 539-3900 Storm Peak H.G. Club ............... Rod Williams ...................... P .0. Box 770808 ..................... Steamboat Sprgs .... CO ..... 80477 ..... 303 879-5068 Connecticut H.G. Assn .............. Wayne Ripley, Pres ............. P.O. Box 517 ........................... Glastonbury ........... CT ..... 06033 ..... i203~ 633-6817 Northwind H.G. School ........................................................... 8 Strong Ave ........................... Rockville ............... CT ..... 06066 ..... 203 875-1964 Tek Flight Products ................... Ben & Alegra Davidson ...... Colebrook Stage ...................... Winsted ................. CT ..... 06098 ..... 203 379-1668 MAP of Gainesville .................. Mike Pleskovich .................. 1031 NE 20th Ave ................... Gainesville ............. FL ...... 32609 ..... (904) 376-4367 Southern Air Time, Inc ............. Doug_Lawton/Matt Taber .... 2405 Pruett Rd ......................... Duluth .................... GA ..... 30136 ..... l404l 47 6-5446 J°...<?okout Mtn. Flight Park .......... Matt Taber ........................... Rt. 2, ~ox 215-H ..................... Rising Fawn .......... GA ..... 30738 ..... 404 398-3541 Flight Eng. & Development ...... Hefl!Y Ch.erry ....................... 2453 Liberty Church Rd ......... Te.mple .................. GA ..... 30179 ..... 404 562-3512 Cloudbase .................................. Chris Smith ......................... Box 620, Rt. #1 ....................... W1kfwood .............. GA ..... 30757 ..... 404 398-1226 Tut Skiers & Kites Fliers .......... Frances Tut Woodruff ......... P.O. Box 1470 ......................... Clayton .................. GA ..... 30525 ..... 404 782-9908 Hawaii ~ani Hang G!iqing ........ Jeff~ry 1-Joff ......................... 73-4228 Loloa Way ................ Hawaii ................... HI ...................... f808~ 325-7586 Tradewinds Hang Gliding ......... Lam Akiona ......................... 380-H Haleloa Place ............... Honolulu ................ HI ...... 96821 ..... 808 396-8557 Maui Soaring Supplies .............. David Darling ...................... R.R. 2, Box 780 ....................... Kula ....................... HI ...... 96790 ..... 808 878-1271 Hawaiian Aiisports ................... Neil Kjar ............................. .41-014 Ehukai St ..................... Waimanalo ............ HI ...... 96795 Air Magic .................................. Gary Newt ........................... 1200 Adeline ........................... Debuque ................ IA ...... 52001 ..... (319) 557-1855 Treasure Valley H.G ................. Mike and Lisa King ............. 11716 Fairview ........................ Boise ...................... ID ...... 83704 ..... (208) 376-7914 S~trum Hang Glidjng._............ Angelo.Mantas .................... 1733 W. Altgeld ...................... C~cago ................. IL ....... 60614 ..... 312 929-1547 qucago H.G. 9tgaruzat1on ....... Greg Fisch~ ........................ 10035 S. Western .................... Ch1cag? ................. IL ....... 60643 ..... 312 281-3338 High Ex~tal1ons HG .............. Dan Hartow1cz ................... .400 Touhy Lot 76 .................... DesRlames ............ .IL. ...... 60018 ..... 312 699-8545 Reel HG Pilots Assn ................. Peter Birren ......................... 502 Shadywood Ln ................. Elk Grove .............. IL ....... 60007 ..... 312 640-0171 Raven H.G. School .................... Brad Kushner ...................... 300 N. Green Bay Rd. #405 .... Waukegan .............. IL ....... 60085 ..... 312 360-0700 Glide Path .................................. Martin Bunner ..................... 1600 Carmel Blvd ................... Zion ....................... IL ....... 60099 ..... 708 746-1944 Airborne Sails of Indiana .......... Richard Sacher .................... 6 Sr Ivan Lane .......................... Jeffersonville ......... IN ..... .47130 ..... (812) 288-6597 Midwest HG & UltalightCntr .. Rob & Betty Kreske ............ 4612 E 700 N .......................... N Rolling Prairie ... IN ..... .46371 ..... (219) 778-4974 Adrian Aviation ......................... Ron Trobaugh ..................... 5202 Bell Ave ......................... Portage .................. IN ...... 46368 ..... (219( 762-5365 Prairie Hang Gliders .................. Ron Kenney ......................... P.O. Box 785 ........................... Elkhart ................... KS ..... 67950 ..... (316) 697-2577 Dave's Glider Shop ................... David Chitwood .................. Box 223 ................................... Haviland ................ KS ..... 67059 ..... (316) 862-5404 Cajun H.G. Club ........................ Victor Toce ......................... 110 Kent Circle ....................... Lafayette ................ LA ..... 70508 ..... (318) 981-8372 Aelous H.G. Inc ......................... G.McDonald, C.Searle ........ Martins Pond Rd., Box 744 ..... Groton ................... MA .... 01450 ..... !508l 448-5214 European Thermal Tours .......... Ronald White ...................... 10 Power St. ............................ Spencer .................. MA .... 01562 ..... 617 885-6073 Mas~. Motorized West ................................ :........................... 162 Bowles Park ..................... S_pringfield ............. MA .... 01104 ..... 413 736-2426 Skynders of New England ........ James David, Pres ............... 11 Texas Rd ............................ Westford ................ MA .... 01886 ..... 508 692-3492 Maryland H.G. Assn ................. Brad flays, Pres ................... P.O. Box 1031 ......................... Hunt Yalley ........... MD .... 21030 ..... (301) 239-8939 Capitol H.G. Assoc ................... Bobbie Servant, Pres ........... P.O. Box 8808 ......................... Rockville ............... MD .... 20856 ..... (301) 942-7242 Maine HG Assn ......................... Bob Bradley, Pres ............... RR 1 Box 314 .......................... Yarmouth .............. ME ..... 04096 ..... (207) 846-6009 Pro Hang Gliders ....................... Norm Lesnow ...................... 569 W. Annabelle ................... Hazel Park ............. MI ...... 48030 ..... (313) 399-9433 Ron Hurst's H.G. Safaris .......... Ron Hurst ............................ c/o 245 W. Michigan Ave ....... Jackson .................. MI ...... 49201 Traverse City HG ...................... Bill Fifer .............................. 2027 Haaland Rd ..................... Traverse City ......... MI ...... 49684 ..... (616) 941-7044 Ballistic Recovery Systems ....... Dan Johnson ........................ 1845-HG Henry Ave ............... South St. Paul ........ MN .... 55075 ..... (612) 457-7491 Paradise Gliders ........................ Dan Gravage ........................ P.O. Box 212 ........................... Livingston ............. MT ..... 59047 ..... (406) 222-7240 Freedom SP9rts ......................... Steve Coan .......................... Ch~ Tree Farm .................... Creston .................. NC ..... 28615 ..... 919 385-6711 First Flight Society .................... Gene O'Bleness, Dir ........... P.O. Box 1903 ......................... Kitty Hawk ............ NC ..... 27949 ..... 919 441-3761 Fly America ............................... Greg_DeWolf.. ..................... P.O. Box 1021 ......................... Kitty.Hawk ............ NC ..... 27949 ..... 919 480-1124 The Buzzard Club ..................... Trav!S Bryant.. ..................... 1246 Cedar Rock Rd ............... Lenoir .................... NC ..... 28645 ..... 704 758-9331 Grandfather Mountain ............... Hugh Morton ....................... P.O. Box 128 ........................... Linville .................. NC ..... 28646 ..... 704 733-2013 Kitty Hawk Kites, Inc ............... John Harris .......................... P.O. Box 340 ........................... Nags Head ............. NC ..... 27959 ..... 919 441-4124 Sauratown Kites .............. :......... Jake Alspaugh ..................... 3708 Woosle_y Rd .................... PfuTf~wn .............. NC ..................... 919 945-2327 NC HGNSauratown Soaring .... Tom Thompson ................... Box 274-Cl,TV Tower Rd ..... Westfield........... NC ..... 27053 ..... 919 983-9064 A,irh~d Windsports .................. Hugh A. Martin ................... 939 S. Hastings Ave ................ Hastings ................. NE ..... 68901 ..... (402) 463-6255 Sidewinder Tow Systems ......... Boo Hladky ......................... 217 E. 23rd Street. ................... Kearney ................. NE .... -.68847 ..... (308) 236-5892 Morningside Flight Park ........... Jeff Nicolay ......................... RFD 2, Box 109 ...................... Claremont .............. NH ..... 03743 ..... (603) 542-4416 Water Gap H.G. Club ................ Paul Golas, Pres .................. RD 1, Box 621 ........................ Oxford ................... NJ ...... 07863 ..... (201) 689-0904 Rio Grande Soaring Assoc ........ Kent Robinson, Pres ............ 906 Spruce ............................... Alamagordo ........... NM .... 88310 ..... 505l 437 -7644 The Airworks ....... :.................................................................. 3900 Van Buren NE ................ Albuquerque .......... NM .... 87110 ..... 505 884-6851 Up O,ver Ne:,v MeX1co, Inc ........ Check Woods ...................... 9500 Palomas Ave., NE .......... Albuquerque .......... NM .... 87111 ..... 505 821-8544 Sandia Soanng Assoc ................ Check Woods. Pres ............. P.O. Box 14571 ....................... Albuquerque .......... NM .... 87191 ..... 505 821-8544 Delta Wing of Ruidoso ............. Riker Davis ......................... P.O. Box 2599 ......................... Ruidoso ................. NM .... 88345 ..... 505 257-2873 High Sierra Sp<>rts, Inc .............. Ray Leonard ........................ 2303 N. Carson St. .................. Carson City ........... NV ..... 89701 ..... !702 885-1891 Hang Gliding, Inc ...................... Karl Eamhart ....................... 849 Shrubbery_Lane ................ Las Vegas .............. NV ..... 89110 ..... 702 452-5554 Sierra Skvsuners ....................... Paul Hantilton ..................... 10950 Silver Knolls Blvd ........ Reno ...................... NV ..... 89506 ..... 702 972-3518 Second Chantz Recov. Sys ........ John Dunham ...................... P.O. Box 12671 ....................... Reno ...................... NV ..... 89510 ..... 702 829-2077 High Sierra Sports ................................................................... 2205 1/2 E. Glendale ............... Sparks .................... NV ..... 89431 ..... 702 356-6622 Center of Gravity Harness ......... Jay Gianforte ....................... Rt. 173 ..................................... Chittenango ........... NY ..... 13037 ..... ~315} 687-3724 Thermal Up, Inc ...._. ................... Tom Aguero ........................ P.O. Box 347 ........................... Cragsmoor ............. NY ..... 12420 ..... 914 647-3489 S. New York HG Pilots Assn .... Tom Aguero ........................ P.O. Box 347 ........................... Cragsmoor ............. NY ..... 12420 ..... 914 647-3489

NAME ...................................... CONTACT ......................... ADDRESS .............................. CITY ..................... STATE/ZIP ...... PHONE Ultralight Flight Systems .......... Bob Murphy ........................ 15 Dean Street ......................... Deposit .................. NY ..... 13754 ..... 607 467-3110 Mountain Wings, Inc ................. Greg_Black .......................... 150 Canal Street ...................... Ellenville ............... NY ..... 12428 ..... 914 647-3377 Free Spirit flight HGCI ............ Jim K~lynich ....................... P.O. Box 13 ............................. Elrn.ira .................... NY ..... 14902 ..... 607 739-1062 SouQtem .Tier Skysurfers .......... Ron Kittredge, Pres ............. 1004 Prescott Ave ................... Endicott ................. NY ..... 13760 ..... 607 785-2043 Elmira Arr Sports ...................... M~ Dodge ....................... 3025 Vargo Rd ........................ Hprseheads ............ NY ..... 14845 ..... 607 796-2633 Condors H.G. Club ................... David Althoff, Pres ............. 8010 Henry Clay Blvd ............ Liverpool ............... NY ..... 13088 ..... 315 662-9664 Susquehanna Flight Park ......................................................... 35 Catherine St. ....................... Mohawk ................ NY ..... 13407 ..... 315 866-6153 Sky Life ..................................... Erik Eklund ......................... 345 W. 21st Street ................... New York .............. NY ..... 10011 ..... (212) 929-4379 Saphir America ......................... Hans-Josef Frings ................ P.O. Box 2343 ......................... New York .............. NY ..... 10009 ..... !718! 855-7058 Aerial. Adventures....................... Peter Fo.urnia ....................... 28 Woodlyn Way .................... P~eld ................. NY ..... 14526 ..... 716 377-0535 Fly High Hang Gliding, Inc ...... Paul V01ght ......................... R.D. 2, Box 561 ...................... Pine Bush .............. NY ..... 12566 ..... 914 744-3317 Rochester Area Flyers ............... Larry Space, Pres ................ 11 Littlebrook Dr .................... Pittsford ................. NY ..... 14534 ..... 716 381-8251 Ohio Flyers H.G. Assn .............. Dave Pigott Pres .................. 1940 l!gypt Pike ...................... Chillicothe ............. OH ..... 45601 ..... ~614~ 775-3632 NorthCoastH.G: ...................... Mik~De1Signore ................ 19l6W.75piS!, ..................... Cleveland .............. OH ..... 44102 ..... 216 631-1144 Skyward Enterpnses ................. Mario Manzo ....................... 2259 S. Snuthv1lle Rd ............. Dayton ................... OH .... .45420 ..... 513 256-3888 O~lahom!I H.G. Assoc .............. Ross Folkers, PJ:es ............... 725 N. Pine B_ranch Way ........ Mustang ......:.......... OK ..... 73084 ..... !405! 376-1185 Glider Win_gs ............................. Stephen Michalik ................ 4501 North Villa ..................... Oklahoma City ...... OK ..... 73112 ..... 405 943-5484 Oklahoma H:G. Center ............................................................ 6717 N. St. Clair ..................... Oklahoma qty ...... OK ..... 73116 ..... 405 943-5484 Oklahoma Airwave ................... Scott Greenawalt ................. 11325 #D North May .............. Oklahoma City ...... OK ..... 73120 ..... 405 751-3460 Valleyville H.G. Assn ............... Gerald Clark ........................ 3616 Gilham Road .................. Eugene ................... OR ..... 97401 ..... 503 344-5144 S9. Oregon Hang Gliding .......... Wesley Roberts ................... 1406 S~hutzwohl Lane ............ Grants Pass ............ OR ..... 97527 ..... 503 479-9531 L1tek .......................................... Chuck Knavale .................... 4326 Fish Hatchery Rd ........... Grants Pass ............ OR ..... 97527 ..... 503 479-6633 Rogue Valley H.G. Assn ........... Doug Hildreth, Flight Dir .... P.O. Box 311 ........................... Medford ................. OR ..... 97527 ..... 503 779-5420 Rogue Va)ley H.G. f.ssoc ......... Mark Holiday, Pres ............. P.O. Box 311 ........................... Medford ................. OR ..... 97527 ..... 503 772-3823 Oregon Airwave Gliders ........... Russell Tworoger ................ 11775 NE Garrett Mt. Rd ........ Newburgh .............. OR ..... 97132 ..... 503 245-2636 Oregon H.G. Assoc ................... Tim Wuest, Pres .................. P.O. Box 897 ........................... Oreion City ........... OR ..... 97045 ..... 503 656-8004 Air N' Pl~ ofOregpn ............................................................. P.O. Box 663 ........................... Pacific City ............ OR ..... 97135 ..... 503 965-6469 Oregon Airwave Gliders ........... Russell Tworoger ................ 545 SW Vacuna ...................... Portland ................. OR ..... 97219 ..... 503 245-2636 Ligfit Flight ............................... Bill Arras ............................. 7843 SW 77th St. .................... Redmond ............... OR ..... 97756 ..... 503 389-8739 D!!edelus H.G. Club .................. Pat Brooks, Pres .................. c/o 318 Oakleaf Dr. #128 ........ Saxonburg ............. PA ...... 16056 ..... (412) 352-3730 Nittany Valley H.G. Club ......... Denms Pagen ....................... RD 2, Box 355P ...................... Bellefonte .............. PA ...... 16823 ..... (814) 383-2569 Sky High School of HG ............ Bill Umstattd ....................... 733 Stoke Rd ........................... Villanova ............... PA ...... 19085 ..... (215) 527-1687 S. Carolirla HG Assn ................. Mike Williams ..................... # 11 Carriage Ct. ...................... Greenville .............. SC ...... 29609 ..... (803) 834-5067 Aero Sail ................................... Dennis Van Darn ................. 1617 W. 40th St. ..................... Chattanooga .......... TN ..... 37409 ..... 615 821-5945 Crystal Air S_ports Motel ........... Chuck & Shari Toth ............ 4328 Cummings Hwy............. Chattanooga .......... TN ..... 37409 ..... 615 821-2546 S~uatchie Valley Soaring ........ Cliff Whitney ...................... Rt. 2, Box 80 ........................... Dunlap ................... TN ..... 27327 ..... 615 949-2301 Microflight Products ............................................................... 1109 Copperwood Road .......... Hixson ................... TN ..... 37343 ..... 615 843-1761 Tennessee Tree Toppers ............ CliffWhitney ...................... Rt. 2, Box 80 ........................... Dunlap ................... TN ..... 27327 ..... 615 949-2301 Memphis Air Sports .................. Phil Vance ........................... 382 Washing ton Ave ............... Memphis ................ TN ..... 38105 ..... 901 526-0790 Hawlc AirSports, Inc ................. Bruce Hawk, Pres ................ 251 N. Boyd's Creek Rd ......... Sevierville ............. TN ..... 37862 ..... 615 453-1035 Systems Technology, Inc .......... Chris Pyle ............................ P.O. Box 585 ........................... Seymour ................ TN ..... 37865 ..... 615 577-1018 Ligh~ W4ig Aviation ................. Jerry Kitchens ..................... 1300 Paisley Dr ....................... Arl~ton ................. TX ..... 76015 ..... 817 465-1450 Austin. Arrs~rts ...................................................................... 1712 Water~ton ....................... Aust!-11 .................... TX ..... 78703 ..... 512 474-1669 Red River Aircraft ..................... JeffHunt ............................. .4811 Red River ....................... Austin .................... TX ..... 78751 ..... 512 467-2529 West Texas H.G. Assoc ............ Dave Duecker ...................... 613 E. Fir ................................ Denver City ........... TX ..... 79323 ..... 806 592-3138 Pack Saddle Soaring Assoc ....... Mark DeMarino ................... 6354 Limestone ....................... Houston ................. TX ..... 77092 ..... 713 956-6147 Total Air Sp,orts ......................... Mark DeMarino ................... 6354 Limestone ....................... Houston ................. TX ..... 77092 ..... 713 956-6147 Houston H.G. Assoc .................. Mark DeMarino ................... 6354 Limestone ....................... Houston ................. TX ..... 77ff)2 ..... 713 956-6147 Lindsa_y Ruddock Instr .............. Bob Fisher ........................... 11003 Oasis ............................. Houston ................. TX ..... 77ff)6 ..... 713 728-4146 North Texas H.G. Assoc ........... Georg_e Waller, Pres ............ 6619 Aintree ............................ Dallas .................... TX ..... 75214 ..... 214 987-4774 Air Time of Lubbock ................ Jerry Forburger .................... 2013 68th St. ........................... Lubbock ................ TX ..... 79412 ..... 806 745-9633 Utah H.G. Assn ......................... Pete Biesel, Pres .................. 2394 E. Willow View Way ..... Sandy ..................... UT ..... 84ff)2 ..... 801 572-6313 Hall Brothers ............................. l,,arry Hall ............................ P.O. Box 771 ........................... Morgan .................. UT ..... 84050 ..... 801 829-3232 Southwind Hang Gliding .......... Claudia Holbrook ................ 3314 W. 11400 South ............. South Jordan .......... UT ..... 84065 ..... 801 254-7455 Wasatch Wings ......................... D&JRodriquez ................. 6SunwoodLane ..................... Sandy ..................... UT ..... 84ff)2 ..... 801 571-4000 Windrider Wind Sports ............. Kevin Stowe ........................ 9118 South 170 East ............... Sandy ..................... UT ..... 84070 ..... 801 566-7197 Freedom Wings ......................... Dana Byerly ........................ 9173 Falcon Circle .................. Sandy ..................... UT ..... 84Wl ..... 801 943-1005 Silver Wings, Inc ...................... John Middleton ................... 6032 N. 20th St. ...................... Arlington ............... VA ..... 22205 ..... 703 533-1965 Southwest Virginia HG Assn .... Ken Frampton, Sec.{fres .... 212 Harding Ave ..................... Blacksburg ............ VA ..... 24060 ..... 703 953-1854 Central VA HG Assn ................ Edward Dale, Pres ............... 878 Locust Ave ....................... Charlottesville ....... VA ..... 22901 ..... 804 979-7862 Eland Sports .............................. Edward Dale ........................ 878 Locust Ave ....................... Charlott~sville ....... VA ..... 22901 ..... 804 979-7862 Scott Airpark ............................. J. Scott ................................. Rt. 1, Box 239 ......................... Lovettsville ........... VA ..... 22080 ..... 703 822-5504 Allegheny Gliders, Inc .............. Dave Deming ...................... 136 Parker Ave........................ Newport News ....... VA ..... 23606 ..... 804 930-0356 Vennont HG Assn ................................................................... P.O. Box 282 ........................... Randolph ............... VT ..... 05060 ..... (802) 728-5486 Capital City Hang G~iders ......... Jim Reynolds ....................... 5915 J~ison Ln. SE .............. Qylrnpia ................. WA .... 98503 ..... 206 459-8389 Rattlesnake Hang Gliders .......... Byron Jones ......................... 48 Cosnuc Lane ...................... Richland ................ WA .... 99352 ..... 206 627-3624 ~se~ Soatjng Club .................. Jim Str~up ........................... 2369 Davison Ave ................... Richland ................ WA .... 99352 ..... 509 375-4271 Big Brrd Wings ......................... L.W. Fitzgerald ................... 1203 NE 82nd ......................... Seattle .................... WA .... 98115 ..... 206 523-2436 Airplay'n H.G. School .............. Dave Chaawick ................... 800 Mercer .............................. Seattle .................... WA .... 98199 ..... 206 467-8644 Parapente {!S{Thermal Tours .... Mark Chirico ....................... 2442 NW Market St. Box 31 .. Seattle .................... WA .... 98107 ..... 206 467-5944 Spolcane Arr Craft ..................... Larry Strom ......................... E. 2017 Sharp .......................... Spokane ................. WA .... 99202 ..... 509 534-1249 Air Magic .................................. Neil Roland ......................... 1533 Avon St. ......................... LaC~osse ................ WI ...... 54603 ..... f608~ 782-3163 HooferH.G. Club ...................... c/o Hoofers, 800 Langdon St ............................................... MadISon ................. WI ...... 53706 ..... 608 274-0153 Madison H.G. Club ................... Dave Allbright, Pres ............ 1006 Magnolia Lane ............... Madison ................. WI ...... 53713 ..... 608 255-9687 Mountaineer H.G. Assoc ........... Tony Smolder ...................... 219 Waverly Way ................... Clarksburg ............. WV .... 26301 ..... (304) 622-4475 Eagle Air Sports ........................ Jim E. Bowman, Jr .............. 778 Pass Creek Rd .................. Parkman ................ WY .... 82838 ..... (307) 655-9848

(one was so if ever nccdcd--fraudulent or has trouble his chute out while the about. The before they

nr.<21!·1"m PV!nt'1'1nl,rn

With YOU

you, too, will be"""'''"'"'"'" if the need ever arises.

size of the parachute.

downwind---cven factor.



more thermals and made it to Rainbow the eastern of the valOcTOJJER 1989


some He was hanging his with the

we mellow which took us over Estrella Mountains at about feet above the

over and all was smooth. forces so great that the was Then about onemile east it smooth air, his HP II nosed over and What follows is our best ""'"'''t'up Hans hung on and to out, but it continued

everywent around TJery about five m· so seconds I had no control whatsoever and could not tell from nor where I was headed. admit I was scared all this and once my some control I headed east to escape the nonsense, my to Hans. was about 200 north of

South Mountain, About a minute later I hear from "MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! has broken and I'm gonna throw my chute." The wind noise in his mike was loud. H was he and I was in Hans had



east in

he fell onto the keel or was thrown into it, most likely it in half then, and the sail was torn in from the trailing up to within two inches of the nose. Instantly there was lots more wind noise and his flying world went to hell. With battens bent 90+ at opposite his broken and ripped glider to rotate around a atHvery two or thrCli revolutions second. The G forces were stucamera was sticking out from his the world was a blur. the only thing he could find-·what ended up a flying wire--to himself with right hand as he for his chute with his finally it and throwing it toward the ccnso as to not it in him down for which was quite dii;conoerti it blossomed. I had turned back around when the MAYDAY! was sounded and saw his dart toward the and

is a very powerful man 45. match him 18-21 year old. But powall erful or not, the forces were so the way down that he could not pull self up to untangle his trapped hand. Nor could he see the ground, as it was a rotating blur For a few seconds I pondered down to a phone for help or to near Hans. As the stuffed as dose to his zone as possible, and handily the winds floated him almost five miles cast toward me at ,;u"~'""' over lots of nornr,,,r11r>r1 about 1 / 4 mile befeet

wind, turm'<I . it disconnected and --,, '·'"·-" time Jgot to him HANG GLIDING

trying to get his hand out of the wire, and get his pod unzipped. What a relief to see he was alive! It was a very emotional time. We hugged. His life insurance (parachute) had worked and he was the beneficiary. Although this was the first chute deployment in the state in eight years, we can see the value of repacking on a regular schedule. And, as his Type 18 bridle had been partially cut by a wire or broken tubing, Hans was very relieved that he had had

his tubular nylon bridle replaced and Vtabs sewn on a couple of years back. Hans is OK but will be out of flying for a while. Injuries include one cracked rib, bruised thigh, whacked nose, a very strained wrist, plus lots of assorted sore spots. His instruments flew off some time during the aerial nonsense, and his glider is very well ripped up, partly from what went on in the air and partly from the tremendous impact with the desert. The

keel and one leading edge were broken, all the rest of the tubing and battens were bent, and the sail is not really repairablea total loss. Lots of bad luck happened that day, but lots of very lucky things happened too. He was prepared, his insurance policy worked, and a guardian angel put in some overtime. Our good friend and super pilot Hans is still with us. •


Chute Deployment. My harness is custom made so that the chute pocket opens from the bottom, that is, I pull up on the deployment handle and this leaves my arm cocked and ready for a hard throw. There was no hurry, however, as I was at 7,600 feet and it was more important to get the chute clear of the spinning glider. Whatever I did it worked, but I don't remember any opening shock. When Bob radioed that the chute had blossomed I was relieved somewhat, but by now my immediate worry was my wrist. Everything still spun like crazy.

tumble went past 90°. In this way perhaps I could have minimized the G-load and let the positive pitching moment bring the glider back to a normal dive attitude. Recovery would have to be made with body weight still far forward to avoid positive G failure because very high speed would build up. Glider: The spar failure is right next to a small ding in the leading edge, caused by a prior hard landing. Could the failure have been initiated by such a ding? The moral is: after a bonk in rocky terrain, the spar(s) should be removed from the glider and closely inspected. Under normal flight loads a ding is no problem. But this was a lifethreatening situation where every ounce of margin is needed. Another confession: I have been flying this glider with a 3/4" spacer between luff lines and kingpost hook. I did this two years ago in an attempt to reduce the high bar pressure when flying with the bar stuffed. Because of the still high bar pressure, I did not think I had hurt stability significantly. But what if it had made the difference between a 90° dive and a 120° dive? Surely this modification was a stupid move, showing how far we will go to satisfy our competition0piqued ego. Lesson: Don't monkey with the certified configuration of your glider even if the English gliders are certified to a lower pitching moment, and even if the racing boys do it. The glory ain't worth a premature funeral. Parachute: The chute worked as advertised. However, the high sustained spin about a vertical axis twisted up the bridle and proceeded to shorten the shroud lines. The discomforting possibility exists that, if I had had more altitude, the situation might have deteriorated with unhealthy results. Have any of the chute makers considered putting a swivel in the bridle? Attitudes: Strangely, when Bob and I were doing a wingtip-to-wingtip ballet at 150 feet above the cotton fields, I remember being very tense and snapping over the radio at my wife Meng. Why? The big-shot pilot was in danger of prematurely sinking out and this was a tense situation. Later in a real life-and-death situation I was (apparently) much more calm. I think this says something about how we Jet competition screw up our priorities. From now on I'm going to do more flying for the enjoyment of flying!•

by Hans Heydrich Why did it happen?What happened? What did I do wrong? Why was one wing all twisted up? Where was the rear flying wire bolt? What could I have done better? Why did the right leading edge fail negatively? As the days passed after the accident my mind began to clear, and by piecing together what I can remember with what Bob saw, and the evidence in the mangled remains of the glider, I have a plausible scenario. But it is only thatone plausible explanation of the sequence of events.

Over The Falls. The pitchover was very rapid and happened in less time than it took you to read this sentence. I have been dumped many times before in this glider and I had confidence that it would recover after picking up some speed; This time, however, the pitchover continued, in one smooth movement and I felt my body get light and my feet contact part of the glider (but not hard enough, in my opinion, to do any damage). As it went past 90° I got worried and clamped onto the bar with a death grip (strained forearm muscles hurt for two weeks). I stayed glued to the bar when something very violent and fast happened. I have no recollection of wlult happened at that time. At the end of it I knew I was spinning madly to the left and that something major had broken. The rapid pitchover into the 120° dive probably caused enough negative G loading to break the right leading edge just inboard of the crossbar sleeve. The sudden loss of lift on one side would then have caused a violent snap roll, which snapped my body sideways into the rear wires, and either broke the rear bolt or stripped the nut. (1be lower wire tang hole is elongated and twisted. The wires were not attached to the rear keel and the bolt was nowhere to be found; an extra visit to the crash site did not turn it up.) After this, the keel had no support and it failed aft of the kingpost. During the flailing around I must have also broken the instrument pod mount and my vario and altimeter must be resting quietly in a hole in the desert near the Estrella Mountains. (A tell-tale paint smudge from my pod was on the left leading edge of the glider at mid span.) 0cTOBER 1989

The Impact After struggling and being unable to release my wrist, the pain just had to be endured. r still had the perception of falling fast and the spin, though diminished, still felt like about one revolution per second. I was worried about what kind of shape I would be in when I hit the ground. I focused upward on the chute, past the glider. It looked pretty small! Surprisingly, while I saw the glider, it looked totally unfamiliar, and I am unable to remember what it was that I looked at. My mind only focused on those things that mattered for survival during those tense minutes. Fortunately, I could not focus on the ground; I saw only concentric circles and I thought I still had several hundred feet to go when I impacted. Being unaware, I was not all tensed up and this probably saved some bones. I tell you, I was very glad to find I could pick myself up after I got some air back into my lungs. Lessons Learned Conditions: What caused the rapid pitchover? I did not see Bob's encounter with rough air that he describes and I felt nothing that I haven't previously tangled with-a rough but workable thermal. Was it a rotor? (I was 3,000 feet above a 3,500-foot AGL mountain.) Was it thermal-induced turbulence? Could a thermal have lifted a rotor up with it? Was it wake turbulence from the aircraft. (I remember seeing a 737 climbing out and then a commuter. Could I have climbed up into a residual tip vortex?) Whatever it was it served to shrink my head about "I can handle anything." You bet I'll be much more wary from now on! Pilot Action: If my scenario is correct (i.e., negative overload of the spar) then I might have been able to alleviate this by getting my weight as far forward as possible before the


and Joe Davies on one of their aJ"e fo1mer presidents of the

retirement. me physibut it was the thrill and challenge a new sport that would add zest to my old age. A few months after retirement, while enjoying a of tennis with Bob Gambino at Nags North our wives returned from shopping and mentioned we wantto hang gliding, which we"'""""''""' Hawk Kites. Jim Johns issuL'<i in 1978. Bob and I

my canoe, old model and to occupy my minimal leisure time. I saw four years active in World War II in some .30 multiwarrior years after the war as I also earned my commerand land and sea. the dream I


gliding alto me, no·rh,,n., to many cnces, but being able to on an with guys who could be my sons

only added to ...,,•.,.,,•. and exdtemenL the fulfilling, honest and comhave never tri<~d but they me any on twery hang of my wife's lessgliding flight. than-enthusiastic support, she became an driver up and down the treacherous mountain trails and across the In addition to she ""'rv"''""'""'r1 wire and once~, while onto pilot's glider, had a one-foot flight in a dust devil. Ninety-nine of the time I found the other pilots (guys and friendly and The following flight exJJCriences are more prominent ones indelible marks on me. Raccoon Mountain, Chattanooga, Tennessee. After climbing up one-third of the way twice and completing two flights, Don Johnson finally let guy go from the top for his first mountain flight. I had successive flights for the rest of the my 1~fforts """'"'"~- when I found a ""'""'~"'" makas a be HANG GLIDING

(into a barbed wire tum, a Uf11'<Y ,h•cHY bent downtube not my In

was onuu~u,co,uy had me in the trees. I climbed the bar

been most sk1:!ptic£1Iabout my abil· make it, came over

su1;gc:stcd that my

was on launch conI kiddingly chided beicatrne there were 16 or waliti1ng. Some 30 or 40 "wuffos" really gave me boos when 1qY111.,u, "Please dad, don't make me

nmm in my excitement about the

near-tree encounter made an indelible hn·· tree

pr1Ju<ilv state or encoun-


found me about 800 feet everyone else as headed for the LZ one by one. But as I 200 foet over launch I air effect. "mluucu, non-sink air at some 30 feet over allowed me to stay aloft a half all the had such satist,iction! feet 0cTOIJER 1989

over launch. I froze to death and recalled with amusement how I had scoffed at who had told me that there had been times when "couldn't out of the lift." That I had to work at it to get out of lift! Then twice on my landing I encountered a strong thermal carried me back up over launch! My first flight of about 40 miles was a thrill but entirely unplannc>d. I had never X-C intentionally, satrntied with local challenges, wa,ntiing home (two hours so my wife wouldn't worry. howe,ver, the cloud strc,cts were phenon1erial, and as my vario seemed to I said out loud, Mr. me 4,000 feet over launch and I'll go over the back to the school." The lift continued, and once over the school I saw no one had landed said aloud, "Thermal me 6,000 fo<it and I'll I was on my way up again, ern~ap,tm:ect I just kept circling, cn1joyin11; the thrill of new nl,1"1Mrr around for was subsidrmma1ii;ecta stand-uplandin one of many possible landing areas. While folding up my young in a trnck and ofa ride. was 75 miles to the launch road and worth every penny of

Stew Smith, I were thermal hunting, that I finally had "arrived" as I Stew and 1,500 feet or so above But minutes much to my l found him far above me where he remained. On another day at Dickics Ridge I was ba,ctg,~rc,ct into joining Ed Murphy who was taunting me from above. I considered con·· ditions to be and it was a tough half-mile walk on a winding trail in the woods. Bereft of my better judgement I launched and fought to 100 feet, only to find that Ed had gone out toward the LZ. Now the was and the wind becoming str,on1:i;er more altitude and also but it was obvious I'd have to find a closer alternate field. Unfortunately the only one I could reach was behind a row of trees, and now the mist had turned to rain and sleet. On I dropped my foet out of the harness at about 30 feet; at the same time I encountered what must have been a combination of wind sheer and rotor, and as I cried out, "Oh rr--" the bottom dropped out and the bar hit the ),HJui,u. My right arm went back and I sustained my only hang gliding dislocated shoulder. The


fast time. Ten minutes later I raced down the hill, the ham(~ss boot as I do and mclo--a

remember the cheers of some 50 or more of my realized that old Dick had

Included in thls Kit

1140 sq. in. Wing Area Power Pod Option (.049 or larger) Channel


Molded EPS Foam Winos Formed I .oad1no Edoos

"' FIHxiblo Push Hods f/ Pro·cut Wood Snrvo Mounts


High \rnpae\ Nose Cone

.. \-Hoh marl Li.wnch Hook


Olo Cul Keel Section

.. Special Harc!warc


"' Injection Moldod Powor PocJ


Comp!nto Instruction Manual

/\pt. II




Amount t:nclosod (Adli 6% trix only 1f del1verocJ 111 foxas) -

Allow 2 to 3 weeks tle!ivory

SO!I(\ lo



Southern California Flying Tour December 26 to January 1

Build your hang gliding experience this winter and have fun flying a variety of Southern California's premier sites. Traveling with a small group, you'll be introduced to all flying sites by a certified Advanced Instructor with local site knowledge. This gives you the best opportunity to avoid hazards, launch at the right time, plan landing approaches, etc. Southern California has the most reliable winter flying and all sites on the tour have good launches and landing fields. TRIP INCLUDES: • Guide Service • Radio Instruction (if desired) • 4WD Rides and Retrieval• Motel and Camping Fees• Glider Demos, FUN! SITES: • Avenue ·s· • Kagel• Crestline • Marshall • Lake Elsinore• Otai • Little Black • Big Black

For advanced Hang II and up. Cost: $595. Glider rental $350. Early reservations are recommended for out-of-state pilots, since airline schedules fill up early. This trip is carefully planned and has been running annually for nine years. We will proudly supply references.

(408) 384-2622 P.O. Box 828. Mcrina, California 9.39.'.l.'.l

For details and reservations contact: " - Heang liliclng t.nNI' of 1M WNt

CLASSIFIEDS CONSUMER ADVISORY: Used hang gliders should always be disassembled before flyinJ for the firs! lime and inspected carefully for fatigu , bent or denied downfubes, ruined bushings, bent bolts (es~all y the heart bolt), re-used Nyloc nuts, loose thim !es, frded or rusted cables, tangs with non-ci1'cular holes, an on Rogallos, sails badly tom or tom loose from their anchor points front and back on the keel and lea~ edtes. If in doubt, many hang gliding businesses · be appy to give an objective opinion on the condition of equipment you bring them to inspect. ROGALLOS AXIS 15-Beautiful, full race, perfect condition, $2100. Ed (303) 499-8236. COMET 165-1984, 1/2 ribs, T.E. Cord, Low Hours. $500. Tenn. (615) 843-0851. COMET 165 - Good condition. Red, white with bag $500. (916) 221-36.54. DREAM 205 - Excellent condition, like new. $875. Harness available (916) 265-9284. DREAM 220 - 8 hours airtime, perfect condition. $1900. (602) 935-6255. DREAM 220- Great condition, $1,250. firm. Brad (312) 360-0700. NEW, LIGI-IT DREAM 185-5 hours only, beautiful condition, gold. $1550. (714) 242-7578. Leave message. ATTACK DUCK 160-Low airtime, nice colors, great deal at $450., (602) 774-1654. DUCK 180- January 1988 centerspread, low airtime, excellent condition, built in camera button, $950. (209) 221-7428. 160 EXCEL - New condition. Only 2 hrs. Purple edge, red,5-ellow, white. $1,600. Cocoon harness wI chute for '9'Jailot, never ~P~· $400. Complete, $1,900. Call ark at (214) 1- 25. 180 EXCEL - New condition. Airstream harness &: parachute, Hall Vario, Three new harnesses, new pitchy, 5 watt CB, C-2 still flies good, magazines and other extras. $3,000 OBO Steve Christie (619) 367-4237. 167 FULL RACE EURO. SPORT - Excellent condilion, 5 months old, speed bar and faired downtubes included, must sell $2,300. call Tiki (818) 352-7336. GTR 162 FULL RACE - Good condition red LE, yellow wedge, $1400. w /new matching Moyes Pod $1675. (615) 949-2301. HP 1 - White with black leadinf edge. Safe edge down tubes. Immaculate. $900 Kar (206) 524-6559. HP 1-1/2 - $900.+; Sport 167 Euro. full race $1,650. (602) 683-2002. HP 2 - Full race - Hlijh Performance for half the price of a new wing. 1 88 with 15 hrs. TT. Blue &: magenta. Perfect shape with pad set and ti£ fairin&. Must sell $1,800. or best offer. Call Matt, ays ( ) 441-0403, nights (404) 476-5446. 1988 HP 2 - Full race, faired downtubes with one spare, all white sail, sweet handling and fast. $1,800 OBO, call Robert (805) 4%-1705 or (818) 983-1462. HP 2- Full race- great condition. Recent annual with two new leading edges! This glider performs! $2,000. OBO. Rick (619) 328-1737. KISS - New, test flown only. Free harness with~urchase, will split shipping. Byron Jones (509) 627- 24.


LIGI-IT DREAM 165 - Gold leading edge, s ~ , white trailing edge. Extra sef of new down tu . Leaf knee hanger harness, purchased new from Instructor I Dealer. New condition. $1,000 OBO, Region 9 (412) 847-0513. LIGHf DREAM 185 WTIH WHEELS- excellent condition, 15 hours. Hi Enerffi:' Cocoon, new Hi Energy Chute. Smokin' Deal. $120 . Greg (602) 233-3389. MAGIC 177 Standard -1988- Under 30 hours, clean. Cocoon harness, 26' chute, lark vario, helmet. Asking $1,800. for package. (406) 622-5677. MAGIC IV - 155 Full race w/everything. surfcoat L.E., &5 total flight hours. Good condition, ye~ in~on just comJleted. Spare parts, must sell, $1, . C I Rick at (7('f7) 62-9704 or (415) 282-7019. MAGIC IV - 177 All race features, excellent condilion. W /W cocoon harness with new 22 gore chute. Ball #651 vario, all for $1,895. (319) 236-0109. 166 MYSTIC- Excellent condition, VG, faired tubes, speed bar, etc. $850. (818) 963-1909. NEW GLIDERS - At discount&,rices! Pacific Airwave, Wills Wings, UP, Seed wings, !ta. Silver Wings (703) 533-3244. Raven 149-In excellent condition. Knee hanger, harness, wheels, gear bag, helmet. $650. (916) 283-3046. Days. RA VEN 209- Ve~ood, Low hours, $600. Robertson Cocoon w/chute, . Litek Vario, $75. Bell Helmet, $15. Whole outfit, $850. (805) 295-1571. SENSOR510A 180- Excellent condition. Blue leading ~e, rainbow undersurface, white tof. Sacrifice. First 0. Arizona Windsports. (602) 897- 121 SENSOR 510C PLUS- Double Battens, white sail, 15 hours total time. (505) 846-0005. $2500. SKYHAWK168-Goodcondition,willdeliverNorthem California, $850. (916) 335-3132. SPORT 150 - Full race - New, April 1989. Pristine condition, no kidding. Has full set (plus stare!) custom faired down tubes (not usually available or Sports). $2,600. Scott (619) 322-9214. SPORT 150 RACER $1,795. (714) 492-8192.

Perfect, many extras, Chris,

1986 STREAK 180- Like new, custom colors, 6 mos. airtime, $800. - 1985/1986 PROST AR 160, Llke new, custom colors, 8 mos. air time, $900. - HANDBURY 22' parachute, $250. - BENNE1T Custom prone harness, size 5' 11 ", $150. - INSTRUMENT Pack aircraft altimeter and Litek vario, $200. Call Rick at (213) 4982617. SUNBJRD NOV A JI 230 WANTED, good condition. For sale, Nova control bars, make offer. Dave Broyles, (214) 996-7706 or (214) 727-3588. 185 SUPER DREAM - Gold, orange, yellow, white. Less than 20 hrs. airtime. This stable and predictable ~ider got me from the trainin~ hill to a razor ~ · ustom bag. big wheels inclu ed. $1,500. (517) 1126.

VP GEMINl 184, Rainbow. VP COMET II 165, Med. size. Harness and parachute, alt. and vario. (Bo.5) 5411275.

VISION MK IV 17 - Unused/New, Tri-lam LE metal cloth main body, factory installed heavy plates at LE and X-tube swivel points. Dipole antenna inside wing. $2000. (307) 733-1586. VISION ECLIPSE 19- Blue and Gold, low time. Excellent Condition. $1095 (408) 646-2538. VISION MARK IV 17 - NEW!! High han~int, 2 camera outlets, white trilam leading edge. white with rainbow underside. Paid $2650. Sell $1875. (408) 578-2615. VISION MARK IV 17 - Good condition. $1200. Call Forrest (615) 227-2925. VISION MK IV-17- New, $2100, Silver Wings (703) 533-1965 VISION MARK IV 19-PurchasedJan 1989. Excellent sha);i. Trilam LE, beautiful magenta undersurface. $17 . Call Bill at (813) 726-9258. VISION MK IV 19-1989 Model less than 30 minutes airtime and 3 hrs. U.V. exposure, stored inside. Absolutely like new. Supine with new harness and Tl' tarachute. Job prevents flying. $1,995. Al Litzow, ucson (602) 743-0909 evenings. YARNALL STATIONARY WINCH- 3,000 ft. towline. Hydrootatic drive. Adjustable speed and tension. Mounted on trailer, $1,995. Cincinnati (513) 553-6299. WANfED - Sail for 165 Comet I, call anytime (313) 239-0874. WANTED - Used hang gliders and accessories in good condition. Action Soaring Center (209) 368-9665. W ANfED - Used hang gliding equipment. Gliders, instruments, harnesses and parachutes. Airtime of San Francisco, 3620 Wawona, San Francisco, CA 94116. (415) SKY-1177. OWENS VALLEY SOARING 210 GTR ....................................................... $1500 HPII ............................................................. $1800 220 Dream ................................................... $1250 151 GTR ....................................................... Demo 162GTR ....................................................... New (619) 872-0247 or 872-0319 COLORAOO HANG GLIDING New name brand chutes ........................... $350 25 Used gliders ........................................... $500-$1,800 Used 20 and 22 gore chutes ...................... $250 Paragliders .................................................. $1,860 Bell Helmets ................................................ In stock $125 Steel carabiner ............................................ $14.80 All equipment ~aranteed, inspected and shipped anywhere. (303) 8-9566. 24 hrs. COLORAOO HANG GLIDING Comet 165 .................................................... $500 Javelin 208 ................................................... $600 Lt. Mystic 177 .............................................. $1,300 Lt. Dream 185 .............................................. $1,380 Duck 160 ...................................................... $900 Skyhawk 188 ............................................... $900 All inspected and in excellent shape. Will ship anywhere (303) 'l:18-9566, 24 hrs.

TRIKE - Foxbat with black 160 Streak wing: $1200. Don aoS> 254-3288. UP GEMINI 164- Very clean, $700. Moies Mars 150 Great glider for light pilot, $800. (714) 5 -0109.


CLASSIFIEDS THE HANG GLIDING CENTER Magic Kiss ................................................... New 150 Sport, full race 63" CB ......................... $2400 167 Sport, full race ..................................... New 167 Sport perfect shape ............................. $1775 HP II FR excellent shape ........................... $1850 HP II FR bitchin' glider ............................. $1900 Magic IV 166, almost new ......................... $1900 Vision MK IV 17,19 .................................... New Visions 17,19 used demos ......................... Call 4206-K Sorrento Valley Blvd. San Diego, CA 92121. We have all kinds of new and neat stuff! (619) 450-9008.

ULTRALIGHTS TRADE - Flying Quicksilver ultralight for complete hang gliding setup. Colorado (719) 486-1427.

AIRTIME UNLIMITED-SOUTHLAND HANG GLIDING SCHOOL- Pacific Airwave gliders in stock. Tandem instruction, ATOL towing. We need your used glider trade-ins. 28882 Woodspring Circle, Trabuco L'.anyon, CA 92679 (714) 589-0109.

SCHOOLS AND DEALERS ALABAMA LMFP - Two hours from Birmingham (see our ad under Tennessee.) (404) 39S.3541.

CHANDELLE HANG GLIDING CENTER- USHGA Certified school., The best damn hang gliding shop in the world." Dealers for Wills Wing. Pacific Airwave, Delta Wing. Moyes, Seedwings and High Energy. Five minutes from Fort Funston. 488 Manor Plaza, Pacifica, CA 94044. (415) 359-6800.


Single Surface 185 Dream .............................................. $900 185 Gemini ............................................. $800, $750 165 Dream .............................................. $800, $700, WJO Double Surface 170 Mission w/ alum. nose catch ....... $1900 Delta Wing Xcel ..................................... $1300 HPII ........................................................ $2100 160 Sensor B FR ..................................... $1700 160 Sensor C FR ..................................... $2225 USED: cocoon, spaghetti, knee hanger, training type harnesses, varios (4), altimeters (3), chutes (3) ... call for availability and pricing. All glider come w I manual, batten guide, and tune-up. Annual w I inspection sheet ... $50 plus hardware. RRA-Austin, TX WINDSPORTS SOARING CENTER (818) 988-0111 Sport Euro 167 full race, like new ............ $2400 Sport Euro 167 FR, low hours .................. $2200 Sport Euro 167, xclnt cond ........................ $1800 2 Sport Euro 150, FR, low hours .............. $2200 Magic Kiss, new ......................................... in stock Magic Kiss, demo ....................................... $2500 Vision MK IV 17 full race, new ................ in stock Vision MK IV 17, 3 fllghts ......................... $2300 Dream 220, 1989 model, low hours ......... $1900 Comet 2 165, xclnt cond ............................ $800 Javelin 168, 10 hrs ....................................... $1000 All gliders include complete sail removal, inspection, side wire replacement, hang strap replacement, predelivery test flight ($200.00 value). Also: BRS rocket systems, chutes, harnesses, Ball varios. Personal service you can trust since 1974.

ARIZONA WINDSPORTS - Largest hang gliding center in the southwest. Lessons utilizing the world's first man-made trainer hill. Dealer for Pacific Airwave, Wills Wing. Seedwings, Moyes, UP, High Energy, Ball and Seagull Oassic parts. 1327 E. Bell DE Mar Dr.,Tempe, AZ 85283. (602) 897-7121. DFSERT HANG GLIDERS, USHGA Certified School. Supine specialists. 4319 W. Larkspur, Glendale, AZ 85304. (602) 439-0789, 938-9550. ARKANSAS

OZARK MOUNTAIN HANG GLIDING-Sales, service and instruction. Dealer for Wills Wing. Moyes, Eric Raymond harnesses and Maxon radios. 10411 W. Markham, Suite 120, Little Rock, AR 72205 (501) 6815656.

HANG FLIGHT SYSTEMS- USHGA Certified training program featuring the combined talents of Dan Skadal and Erik Fair. We sell and service all major brands of gliders and accessories. New and used. S-MLG Sport, Skyhawk, HP II, Genesis Vision Mark IV, Magic Kiss. Demos available to qualified pilots. 1202 E. Walnut Unit M, Santa Ana, CA 92701. (714) 5427444. HANG GLIDER EMPORIUM - The best training hill in the west is in Santa Barbara, a hang gliding VACATION PARADISE. High quality PERSONALIZED instruction focusing on the skills that most affect your SAFETY. Call for vacation info and glider inventory. Tues.-Fri 10-5, Sat. 10-4. 613 N. Mil pas, Santa Barbara, California 93103 (805) 965-3733.

SAIL WINGS HANG GLIDING - CertiJied Instruction. Agent for Pacific Airwave, C.G. 1000. Soar 600' Haney's Point! 1601 N. Shackleford #131-4. Little Rock, AR 72211 (501) 224-2186. CALIFORNIA ACTION SOARING CENTER - In Lodi Near Stockton. Personalized USHGA Certified Instruction, sales, and service. Emphasis on special skills and technics, T.O. &: L. Major brands of gliders & accessories carried. 1689 Armstrong Road, Lodi, CA 95242 (209) 368-9665. AIRTIME of SAN FRANCISCO - Hang Gliding and Paragliding Lessons - Sales - Service - Rental. Delta Wing. UP, Pacific Airwave, Seedwings, Wills Wing. High Energy, Raymond, plus more. Large selection of 2nd hand equipment. Certified Instruction (USHGA and APA). Next to Fort Funston. 3620 Wawona, San Francisco, CA 94116 (415) Sky-1177.

HIGH ADVENfURE-Full service facility located on site at Southern California's famous mile high mountains, Crestline. From sand hill to XC thermal flying. our 20 tandem accelerated training program is quick and thorough. Instructor Rob McKenzie. Dozens of new and used gliders for sale or rent. Other services include, weather information, mountain shuttle, towing seminars, XC trips, repairs, ratings. (714) 883-8488.

,--------------------------------------, I USHGA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ORDER FORM I 40 cents per word, $4.00 minimum. Boldface or caps $.95 per word. {Does not include first few words I which are automatically caps.) Special layouts or tabs $22 per column inch. I {phone numbers-2 words, P.O. Box-1 word) I photoa-$25.00 line art logos-$15.00 I Deadline-20th of the month, six weeks before the cover date of the 1


issue in which you want your ad to appear {i.e., June 20 for the August issue). Prepayment required unless account established. Please enter my classified ad as follows:

II Number or words:

Section (please circle) Rogallos Emergency Chutes Parts & Accesson·es Business & Employment Miscellaneous

Rigid Wings Publications & Organizations

Begin with 19_ _ issue and run lo r consecutive issue{s). My check o, money order O, is enclosed in the amount of


NAME: ADDRESS: @ .40 =

Schools and Dealers Ultralights




L _________ USHG~.O. Bo~300, Colorado Sprlng~O 809~719) 632-8300 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J 0cTOBER 1989


· he COMET Ill is the latest addition to the UP family of gliders. It features the newest technology in sail and frame design producing an extremely stable and predictable glider. Easy landings, incredible low-speed handling and improved glide characteristics make this the ideal glider for the pilot who wants top performance without sacrificing good handling. For the advanced pilot, the AXIS is the high performance glider to fly. UPs' exclusive design, locating the control bar mount behind the king post suspension point enables the pilot a substantial increase in flare authority and control on landing. Available in two sizes, 13m 2 and 15m 2, the AXIS has the speed and performance that world-class pilots demand and the best climb rate in the business. Test a COMET Ill or AXIS today and learn what the best pilots have known for years .. .

CLASSIFIEDS THE HANG GLIDING CENTER- Located in beautiful San Diego. USHGA instruction, equipment rentals, local flying tours. Spend your winter vacation flying with us. We proudly offer Wills Wing, Pacific Afr. wave, Hilsh Energy, Ball and we need your used equipment. 42ll6-K Sorrento Valley Blvd., San Diego, CA 92121 (619) 4.50-9008.

WINDSPORTS SOARING CENI'ER - Los Angeles' largest and most complete school since 1974. We specialize in personalized tandem instruction, sales and repair. Spend your winter vacation flying with us! 16145 Victory Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 9880111. "Professionals You Can Trust." COLORADO

MISSION SOARING CENI'ER - Serving the flying community since 1973. Complete lesson program with special attention to quality take-off and landing skills. All major brands of gliders, parachutes and instruments sold. Sail repair and air frame service available. lll6 Wrigley Way, Milpitas, CA 95035. (408) 262-1055. NATURAL HlGH - Hang Gliding School. Personalized instruction and tandems. Aircraft maintenance. Dealer for Delta Wing, Moyes gliders and Wills Wing. HANG GLIDING JEWELRY - Each piece contains 1 full gram of 14K Gold. Pendant $30,Tie Tack $35,Earrings $65,Shipping $2. P.O. Box 193, Green Valley Lake, CA 92341 (714)8677961.

COLORADO HANG GLIDING - USHGA Certified School, dealer all brands. Towing and paraglider inst. Bell helmets. (303) 27S-9566.

MICHIGAN PRO HANG GLIDERS - Serving the flying community since 1978. Safety conscious, individualized, CB assisted, USHGA certified lessons. Beginner-Foot Launch-Novice-Towing, Intermediate-Advanced. Step towing, ground assisted XC goals, fulfilling your complete needs. Offering all brands of gliders, service, equipment. Contact Norman Lesnow, 569 W. Annabelle, Hazel Park, MI 48030 (313) 399-9433. NEVADA

COLORADO WIND PARK - "Come up for Air!" Sales, service, complete instruction on our 500-foot, 360-<legree training hill. $10/day lodging. Dealing all brands. P.O. Box 94, Hartse!, Colorado 80449. (719) 836-2240 or (303) 692-6505.

HlGH SIERRA SPORTS - dealers for Delta Wing, Wills Wing, Pacific Airwave. USHGA certified training and ratings including tandem. Sierra tours and rentals available. Carson City and Reno locations. 2303 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89701. (702) 885-1891.

EAGLE'S NEST School of Hang Gliding - USHGA certified school. Dealer for Delta Wing, Pacific Airwave and Wills Wing. P.O. Box 25985, Colorado Springs, CO 80936 (719) 594-0498.


OWENS VALLEY SOARING - Dealers for Wills, Moyes, Airwave, etc. Parts & supplies. Tandem instruction. At Bishop Airport. (619) 872--0247 or 8720319.

GOLDEN WINGS -Sales, Service, Instruction. Dealer for Wills Wing, Delta Wing, Pacific Airwave. 1108 Miners Alley, Golden, CO 80401, (303) 27S-7181/2797951

PINE CREST AlR PARK - Landing area for Crestline launch. Info. for schools, lodging, area flying sites. Contact Juanita Jackson evenings at (714) 887-9275.

L/0 ENTERPRISES - Frame and sail repair; Parts and accessories, Cindy Drozda, 5000 Butte #183, Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 440-3579. CONNECTICUT MOUNTAIN WINGS- Look under New York. FLORIDA LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN FUGHT PARK under Tennessee. (404) 39S-3541.

See ad

UP OVER NEW MEXICO, INC. - Instruction, sales, service. Sandia Mountain guides. Wills, Seedwings, Pacific Airwave, Delta, Moyes. Albuquerque, NM (505) 292--0647. NEW YORK AAA FLY ELLENVILLE MOUNTAIN - Visit our new hang gliding center at the base of the mountain, between launch and landing. Five exclusive training hills, area's only flight park. Exclusive dealer for Seedwings, Pacific Airwave and Delta Wing with demo gliders and rentals. Full line of accessories, new and used gliders. Mail orders, VISA/MasterCard accepted. Stop and pick up your gate combo and flight pass at: MOUNTAIN WINGS, INC., 150 Canal St., ELLENVILLE, NY 12428 (914) 647-3377.

GEORGIA LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN FLIGHT PARK ad under Tennessee. (404) 39S-3541.

See our

HAWAII WORLD WIDE HANG GLIDING SAFARIS - New 2.ealand, Jan. 15-29, 1990, $1,995. Tanzania/Riff! Valley, Feb. 15-30, 1990, $2,695 (including airfare). TransAndes Safari, Chile and Argentina, 1990, $1995 (including airfare). Virgin Islands, March 15-25, 1990, 50 ft. yacht, $2,195 (includes airfare from New York). SANTA BARBARA HANG GLIDING CENTER. USHGA Certified School. Achim J. Hageman. 29 State St., Santa Barbara, CA. 93101 (805) 962-8999. TORREY FLIGHT PARK, INC. - At the launch of the world famous Torrey Pines Glider Port, one of San Diego's highlights! Unmatched convenience for pilots and spectators. Refreshments and souvenirs at the Cliffhanger Cafe. Certified Training program featuring tandem soaring lessons. New, used, rental and demo equipment by Delta Wing and UP. 2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037 (619) 452-3202. TRUE FLIGHT CONCEPTS - USHGA Certified Instruction, Sales & Service. Become a better pilot in less time with our small personalized classes & tandem instruction. Our head instructor has over 12 years teaching experience. Only minutes from our local Kagel Mountain flying site. 13243 Gladstone Ave., Sylmar, CA 91342. (818) 367-6050. WINDGYPSY - USHGA Certified school specializing in personalized tandem flight training. Full service sales & repair facility in Lake Elsinore - call for site info. Wide range of new & used gliders & flight accessories in stock. Mexico Hang Gliaing Tours. Paul Burns, 33041 Walls St., Lake Elsinore, CA 92330 Phone (714) 67S-5418; FAX (714) 67S-5425. 0cTOBl!R 1989

MAUI SOARING SUPPLIES-Guided rentals, PacAir, Genesis, Mark IV, Wills Wing Sport. Certified Instruction. Box 780, Kula, HI 96790 (808) 87S-1271.

AERIALALTERNATIVES-FLYHJGHHANGGLIDING, INC. Serving S. New York, Connecticut, Jersey areas (Ellenville Mtn.). Area's EXCLUSIVE Wills Wing dealer/specialist. Also all other major brands, accessories. Certified school/instruction. Teaching since 1979. Area's most INEXPENSIVE prices/repairs. Excellent secondary instruction ... if you've finished a program and wish to continue. Fly the mountain! ATOL towing and tandem flilshts. Contact: Paul Voight, RD 2, Box 561, Pine Bush,NY 12566, (914) 744-3317.

IDAHO SUSQUEHANNA FLIGHT PARK TREASURE VALLEY HG - USHGA CFI, service/ sales, Pacific Airwave, UP, American Windwright, La Mouette. 11716 Fairview, Boise, ID 83704, (208) 3767914. ILLINOIS


NY. Certified Instruction, Sales and Service for all major manufacturers. 40 acre park, 5 training hills, jeep rides, bunkhouse, camping, hot showers, 600'NW ridge. We have the best facilities in N. New York state to teach you how to fly. 35 Catherine Street, Mohawk, NY 13407, (315) 866--6153. THERMAL UP, INC. - Most complete hang gliding shop in area. Located on top of Ellenville Mountain. USHGA Certified Instructor and Observer. Concentrating on hang gliding instruction with emphasis on launching and landing techniques. Dealer for all major brands. Offering expert sales and service with lowest price in area. Large mail order inventory. Tom Aguero, P.O. Box 347, Cragsmoor, NY 12420. (914) 647-3489.

Your hang gliding success company. Representative for Wills Wing, Delta Wing, Seedwings, Moyes and Pacific Airwave. State of the art training with mobile flilsht simulator and dual instruction. Let a USHGA Cfl lead you to your flilsht success. 1600 Carmel, Zion, IL 60099. (312) 746-1944.

NORTH CAROLINA KITTY HAWK KITES, INC. - P.O. Box 340, Nags Head, NC 27959 (919) 441-4124. Learn to hang glide on Jockey's Ridge, the largest sand dune on the east coast, just south of where the Wright Brothers' first flight took place. Beginner and advanced lesson packages and camps offered. Advanced tandem tow instruction, 1500 ft. plus up. Dealer for all major brand gliders, complete inventory of new and used gliders, accessories and parts.


CLASSIFIEDS The rate for classified advertising is $.40 per word (or group of characters). Minimum charge, $4.00. A fee of $15.00 is charged for each photograph or logo. Bold face or caps within the text $.95 per word. Underline words to be bold. Special layouts of tabs $22.00 per column inch. AD DEADLINES All ad copy, instructions, changes, additions and cancellations must be received in writing 11/2 months preceding the cover date, i.e. November 20 for the January issue. Please make checks payable lo USHGA: Classified Advertising Dept. HANG GLIDING MAGAZINE, P.O. Box 8300, Colorado Springs, CO 8093.3 (719) 632-8300.

FOUND - at training hill for over a month. Appears to be abandoned. CJ827- yellow white & red old standard. CSB, possible Cirrus, mgfd. by Electra Flyer, Albuquerque NM. Was recovered at Latrobe, CA near Sacramento, CA Contact Wind Gypsy (916) 743-6293. ATIACK DUCK-- DZ, 180, 68 lbs., bright red leading edge, tan canvas bag. Stolen May 26, 1989 from Denver CO. Contact Richard Davis, Jr. (303) 978-1984 REWARD. DUCK 180 - Black w/spectrum colors, stolen near downtown Crestline, CA on 7/15/89. If found, contact Pat Troy at (213) 424-0201.

STOLEN WINGS FOUND: Sleeping bag at Casa Yolanda, Fiesch, Switzerland. Left by American pilot in July. Contact: Dave Lynch (818) 884-2512. STOLEN: Three old, retired Seagull III training gliders, in various stages of disrepair. None have basetubes. All have C2 type down tubes and hardware. COLORS: #1) 1/2 blue, 1/2 green with red LE; #2) purple, white, black (mint condition!); #3) all sky blue. Stolen from storage in Highland Park, IL along with a TICA windsurfer. CONT ACT: Brad Kushner at Raven Hang Gliding Co. (312) 360-0700. STOLEN: LEESBURG, FLORIDA - 5 miles south on northbound 27. July 8, 1989 an AXIS 15 - green, pink, and white with top surface all white, SER #A1510169 was stolen. Also, a blue Flight Designs harness with a G.Q. Security parachute - white with blue center. Contact: Al Sasser, 4627 Princess Anne Lane, Jacksonville, Florida 32210 (904) 388--0844. RAVEN 149, RAVEN 179 - Stolen at Guadalupe Dunes. Contact: John Newstead (805) 962-8999.

STOLEN: LAKE ELSINORE AREA - Ball 652 total energy probe. Deluxe Package, serial #14338. Keith Lamb (714) 679-8994. TWO COCCOON HARNESSES- 1 green, 1 black. 22gore parachute, white. 1 helmet. WHERE: On Highway76 across from Pauma Valley Golf Course, Pauma, CA. WHEN: April 22, 1989. $150 reward for info/ return. Contact: Melvin B. Asher (213) 949-2113 x255. RAYMOND EQUALIZER POD HARNESS - Black and White with rainbow chevron, size 5'7", 135 lbs. Ball flight deck #652 - S/N 7067. Odyssey parachute, red, 24 feet, S/N 1536. Bell helmet, 10 years old. All in large tan flight bag. Stolen Feb. 26, 1989, Wheatridge, CO area. Contact: Harry J Geisler, 6890 West 3.3rd Ave., Wheatridge C0,80033. (303) 2n-2976. HP I - Black L.E. Yellow undersurface, white top and paucha insignia on under wing, alone forever sticker on right undersurface. Orange flight bag, w /black flight designs. Cocoon harness, yellow Romer helmet, flight suit. Stolen along with truck on Nov. 15th, 1988.

Staff Wanted for Torrey Flight Park in San Diego, California We will pay top salaries for... 1) Chief Instructor with Tandem II Rating 2) Advanced and Basic Instructors 3) Paragliding Instructor These are permanent positions in the best climate (with the best flying!) in the U.S. Includes stock options, commissions and bonuses.

MAGIC III 177- Gold L.E. (small tears on L.E.) Blue undersurface. Small blue wedge on main body. Stolen in Portland, OR, in August 1988. Contact Oregon Airwave (503) 245-2636. RAYMOND POD HARNESS W /PARACHUTE Bright blue, rainbow stripe up both legs. White bell helmet. Litek vario held together by duct tape. Stolen August 2, Madison, WI. All in a bright blue brand new bag with black straps. Call Tammy Burcar at (608) 2561599. STOLEN WINGS are listed as a service to USHGA members. There is no charge for this service and lost and found wings or equipment may be called in to the office for immediate inclusion in Hang Gliding. Please do call to cancel the listing when gliders are recovered. Periodically, this listing will be purged.

INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Advanced Air Technology .................. 30 AirWorks ............................................... 48 Ball Varios ............................................... 2 Big Wing ................................................ 40 Blow-by-Blow ....................................... 49 Brede! Tours .......................................... 25 Ballistic Recovery Systems .................. 10 Delta Wing ................................. 41,48,BC Hall Bros ................................................ 25 Hang Gliding Center of San Diego . IBC Hign Energy Sports .............................. 25 Jig ~aster ............................................... 10 Kitty Hawk Kites .................................... 2 Lindsay Ruddock Varios .................. IBC Lookout Mt. Flight Park ..................... .40 Morningside Hang Gliders ................... 2 Moyes ..................................................... 52 Pacific Airwave ....................................... 1

~~hsti~;~t·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::rn~ ~~ifei~-~~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·4~ Sport Aviation Publications ................ 30 Safari Mexico ........................................ .49

UP International ................................... 44 USHGA ........................................ IFC,4,31 Western Hang Gliding ....................... .41 Wills Wing ................................... 11,12,13

~tfFwfJ~ H~~s·c·iidi~s·s~i~~i~·::'.'i~ FINGER FAIRINGS

l ·~.:c.,.:\~

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• Always there when you need them • Warm, comfortable, durable, slide easily

Send resume to, or contact: Scott Gressit Torrey Flight Park 2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Dr. La Jolla, CA 92037 (619) 452-3202

across control bar

• Instant bare hand dexterily for launch, CB, chute, camera • Quality construction, 1/,-in. neoprene,

nylon inside and out • tii.~~ble in red or black S, M, or L only dealer inquiries invited




3900 Van Buren NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505)



STRONGER THAN TURBULENCE ••• FASTER THAN THE WINO ..• ABLE TO LEAP TALL MOUNTAINS IN A SINGLE THERMAL-that's todays' hang glider pilot. And, when ii comes lo quality sports weor, penguins,

tige11, alligaloB, polo ponies-low life-just won't do. The SkyUA!i knit shirt, featuring the SkyLJA!l emblem, celebrates a heritage of over 100 yea11 of progress in mankind's oldest and purest form al flight. The shirt itself is made from a sah and !hide 100% cotton pique that washes and weo11 well without losing its shape and without any permanent creases. The tail is rut long , the nedc and shoulder seoms are reinforced, and it's tailored to lit reol pilots whose arms, shoulde11, and bodes are flexed to extremes. And it's good enough to be worn in public! $32.95 PPO, $30.95 each for 2or mare, add $1.00 for white (metallic gold emblem), N.Y. residents add 8~% tax. © 1989 SkyLife® 345 W. 21st St. New Yor1c, N.Y. 10011 Tel: 212 -929-4379 men women jade navy white green yellow blade magenta s 34-36 8-10 name M 38-40 12 street L 42-44 14-16 city/s late/zip XL 46-48 18 phone I I

SAFARI MEXICO The Adventure Begins When You Land Pilot I Photo Larry Schuerman

Site: La Cumbre, Colima, Mexico

NOVEMBER-MARCH Weekly Flying Tours Include: • Seven days of flying • Gliders from Pacific Airwave • Hotel Accommodations • Transport &retrieval Leisure tour-Colima &Tapalpa November 2 - December 15, 1989 X-C tour-Valle de Bravo January 4 - March 29, 1990

$495 + Airfare Contact: Welcome Aboard Travel: (800) 824-2584 or (702) 786-3944, FAX (702) 831-5535


Calendar of Events Oct. 7-9: 12th Annual International Intercollegiate Fly-In at Morningside Flight Park, Claremont, NH. Camping and showers. Contact: John Donahue (508) 458-3945. Oct.14-21, Oct. 21-28: Hang gliding camps. Week-long instruction. Nov. 1-2: Annual instructor fly-in, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. Contact: Kitty Hawk Kites, P.O. Box 340, Nags Head, NC 27059 (919) 441-4124. Oct. 14-15: 3rd Annual Gary Lagrone Memorial Fly-In, Point of the Mt., Utah. Bomb drop, spot landing, out-and-return. Proceeds to Save the Children Foundation. RSVP by Oct. 7. Rain date Oct. 21-22. Entry $15. Contact: Valerie Carroll, 11982 S. 700 W., Draper, UT 84020 (801) 572-5869, or Bob Schick (801) 487-5881.

Oct. 21-22: Instructor Certification Program, $150. Oct. 28-29: Tandem Clinics. Tandem I candidates $125. Tandem II/Instructor candidates $250. For info and registration contact: The Hang Gliding Center, San Diego, CA (619) 450-9008. Oct. 27-29: Cape Cod Seagull Chase at Sea Scape Motor Lodge, N. Truro. Contact: George & Beth Cooper (203) 651-8278. Nov. 2-Dec. 15: Safari Mexico leisure tour, Colima & Tapalpa. Jan. 2-March 29: Xe tour, Valle de Bravo. 7-day tours include glider. Contact: Welcome Aboard Travel (800) 824-2584. Nov.18-19: 2nd Annual Lake Huron Ridge Run. Fun fly-in, bomb drop and duration. Winch tow backup in case of no wind. Sponsored by Pro Hang Gliders. Contact: Norm Lesnow, 569 W. Annabelle, Hazel Park, Mich. 48030 (313) 3999433.

Nov. 26: Parachute clinic. BRS demo. Lookout Mt. Flight Park (404) 398-3541, 3433. Jan.-Feb., 1990: Mexico hang gliding vacation tours. Contact: Windgypsy Adventures, 33041 Walls St., Lake Elsinore, CA 92330 (714) 678-5418, FAX (714) 6785425. Feb., 1990: Governador Valadares X-C Meet. Entry $80 includes transportation, retrieval, T-shirt. Contact: Av. N.S. De Copacabana, 680-GR 404, 22050, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, tel. (021) 255-5590. Feb. 24-March 4, 1990: Sixth International La Victoria Competition, Venezuela. Contact: Alejandro Riera, Apartado 51.552, Caracas 1050-A, Venezuela, tel. 58-2-7811002, FAX 58-2-329884. May 15-24, 1990: 6th Himalayan Hang Gliding Open, Kangra Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. Cash prizes. Novice and X-C competitions. Contact: Tourism Development Corp., Ritz Annexe, Shimla-171 001 tel. 3294.


$600*: 8 days, 7 nights includes all ground

------- _______ .. ----- ._..... ,._, ._. -..-~ ._._, ..... _.,.~ .., ._... --

.. .. ...- .-. .-,..





33041 Walls St. Lake Elsinore, CA 92330

(714) 678-5418 50

transportation, bi-lingual guide service, hotel accomodations, sightseeing, refreshments at flying site and plenty of flying. Non-pilots welcome. *Airfare and glider rental not included.


ST. PAUL, MINN - Right away, hearty congrats are in order to Kevin Christopherson, for his magnificent accomplishment of not one record-setting distance mark, but two. The most recent of them on August 3rd, smashed through the 250-mile barrier and eclipsed all prior marks of Larry Tudor, making real the goal of a 300-mile flight in a hang glider. Kevin flew 289 miles (462.4 kilometers-!!) while piloting his barograph-equipped Kiss. It is thus likely to be declared the longest flight in the world by the FAI in France (distance computation not yet confirmed). Even more amazing, this flight did not happen in the Owens. Christopherson flew from Whiskey Peak, Wyoming to Kyle, South Dakota. The full story should be told in the pages of Hang Gliding, or you can wait for the movie. I've covered some of Kevin's flying exploits over the years. His sheer determination suggested to me that we might one day read about a record flight by this able pilot. Attaboy Ke.Yin! ... Some Illinois fellows didn't go the distance, but they attracted larger crowds. Members of the Reel HG Pilots Ass'n flew in the Chicago Air & Water Show, an annual lakeside event that draws literally millions of spectators. A month before the festival, the same group revealed hang gliding to thousands more at the Chicago Boat Show. While so many pilots think all the good action happens in California or Tennessee or New York, the truth is these guys are staying very active using towing. I believe we are finally seeing the long-heralded emergence of towing as a viable way aloft (such as has been forecast since the early '70s). Jerry Forburger's benchmark accomplishment in proving truck-launched or platform towing has been the key towing event of the decade. ... In Huntsville, Alabama my friend and former partner, Tom Phillips, has worked with a group of Alabamians to procure a dedicated truck whose sole purpose is to get these pilots aloft. They reside less than 100 miles from the southeastern hang gliding Mecca of Chattanooga, yet find they get more airtime by towing .... All this is not deterring the two Chattanooga-area hang glider shops from

competing in "Newsletter Wars." Lookout Mtn. Flight Park began with their slickly produced Lookout Mountain Flyer. It carries a very professional image and eight pages chock full of news and promotional material plus a "Director's Report" from owner/regional director Matt Taber. Not to be outnewslettered, rival Sequatchie Valley Soaring put out their own Sequatchie Valley Soaring News. Both are computer-based, laser-printed documents prepared with state-of-the-art page layout software. Both look typeset. Both bring people news and product news (depending on what each shop sells-LMFP reviewed the Kiss; SVS announced the HP-A.T.). SVS has a brand new shop near the famous Tennessee: Tree Toppers' radial ramp at Henson Gap. LMFP operates the internationally-renown Lookout Mountain launch and continues to upgrade their facility. It may be a battle, but the sure winner is the flying customer who visits Tennessee .... In California, the 1989 Nationals at Dunlap should be over as you read this, both determining our new USA Champ, but also ending the major competition season for '89. Team America didn't fare so well in the world of contests, but North America turned in a stunning share of long flights, including those by Kevin (above), Canada's Grand Old Man, Willi Muller (206 miles), and even a new rigid wing world mark (Randy Bergum's 79 km Distance to a Goal} .... Another North American nation is Mexico, an increasingly common destination for Yankees seeking warmer climates and good flying as summer ends and winter approaches. Another old partner of mine, Paul Burns, will be running his Windgypsy Adventures again during January and February in the new year. Yet another old partner-Chuck Toth, of Chattanooga's Crystal Air Sports Motel-went with Burns and troupe last year to bring home reports of an excellent, thoroughly enjoyable time with good flying. Interesting to me, Mexico seems to be only recently coming into newfound popularity. ... Say hey gang! Space is gone again. So, got news or opinions? Send 'emto: "Product Lines," 8 Dorset Rd., St. Paul MN 55118, or call (days) 612/457-7491. THANKS•

© 1989 by Dan Johnson 0cTOBBR 1989


Ssuccess continues The worldwide success story keeps going for the incredible XS , this year's most consistently winning glider, as shown by these latest results: 1st. Noel Bertrand XS French Nationals, St Jean , Montclar. 1st. Mark Newland XS US Manufacturers Meet, Mt Pine , Oregon. 1st. Danny Scott XS Sky Sports Festa 89 , Osaki , Japan. 1st. Danny Scott XS Descente Bird man Cup , Japan . 1st. Eiichi Tanaka XS Japan Masters, Japan .

In Kossen , Austria, Drew Cooper XS , broke 2 unofficial world records for 150 km triangle with a 157 km triangle and speed over a 157 km triangle.

XS's did exceptionally well in the World Championships leading most days and taking out 2nd place in the individual and 2nd place in the team competition. There were 4 XS's in the top ten confirming the opinion of the world's top pilots ihat the XS is consistently the best glider. Become a success story, fly an XS. Moyes Delta Gliders P/l. , 173 Bronte Rd.Waverley 2024 N.S.W. Australia.Tel. (02) 387 5114 Fax: (02) 387 4472 Moyes California 22021 Covello St. ,California 91303 .Tel. (818) 887 3361 Fax: (818) 702 0612 Moyes lcaro 2000 S.R.L. via Santa Caterina, f 5 1/21038 Leggiuno Reno (Va) ltaly.Tel.(0332) 648335 Fax (0332) 648079

The Champions GHder.

Moyes Japan 124·6 2F Mukougaoka, Takatu·KuKawasaki-Shi Kanagawa Ken-213 Japan. Tel. (044) 8775044 Fax (044) 8557242

Lindsay Ruddock announces an instrument to take you through the next decade .... The new LR3 has the same world-famous electronics, a stronger streamlined case and more features including .... • 15 second average climb rate display • two batteries for remote terain flying • separate battery compartment • weak-link in the clamp to minimise crash damage Standard features on LR vario altimeters include adjustable cut-in points for sound on up and down, barometer, flight levels switch on altimeter, altimeter millibar reference adjustment option, volume control, 10 hour low battery warning, radio interference screening, long battery life and ...... TRULY OUTSTANDING SENSITIVITY AND STABILITY

SPORTSWEAR &TOURISM BRAZIL Yoursports and travel agent in Brazil. Hang RIO Gliding, Tandem Flights, Paragliding, ULM, Paralpinisme. Hotel reservations, car and equipment location, experienced guides (pilots). Tours to best flight locals. POPSTAR VIAGENS E TURISMO (TRAVEL AGENCY) AV. N. S. de Copacabana, 680-S. 404 22050 - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Tel. (021) 255-5590 Telex: 2137157 PTVU Fax: 005521 - 255-3644

Ron Hurst Jostenstr. 21 CH-8854 Galgenen Tel: 055/64 52 29 "The top of the stack" Russ Douglas, Milpitas, CA "Enhances your XC posibilities" Jakob Schwaiger, Clarendon, VT Flown by 7 of the top 10 UK pilots and the vario of choice of Dennis Pagen . ...... and all for the same price as the competition. For more information, contact Bob Fisher, 11003 Oasis, Houston, TX 77096 Tel. (713) 728 4146

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA & MEXICO WINTER HANG GLIDING SAFARI Dec. 1-7 • Jan. 12-18 • Feb. 1-7 Arc you tired of spending your winters dreaming about flying? Well, this year treat yourself to the best winter flying north of the equator. Let The Hang Gliding Center take you to Southern California's most famous sites including Lake Elsinore, Crestline, and Torrey Pines. Plus we'll take you to some exceptional and exotic sites located in Northern Mexico. All transportation is via our Hang Gliding "Limousine." Included in this fun-filled Safari is: All Transportation (4 WO) Lodging (double occupancy) Site Guides FM Radios Seven days of dreams come true for only S549 (glider rentals available). Specifically designed for Hang Ill through Hang V. Participation is limited, so sign up soon and treat yourself to the most consistent winter flying in the



(j AS



(619) 450-9008 4206-K Sorrento Valley Blvd. San Diego, Ca. 92121

Visiting Switzerland? Europe? For quick easy flying May to September call or write. Direct dial from USA:


New Zealand: January 15-29, 1990-$1,995 Africa (Tansania, Kilimanjaro): Feb. 15-30, 1990-$2,695 Virgin Islands: March 15-25, 1990 (6 pilots only)-$2,695 Argentina & Chile, the Andes: Dec. 4-19, 1990-$2, 195 WARNING: THIS IS A HIGH ADVENTURE TOUR. YOU ARE LIABLE TO GET SICK OR INJURED. NO LIABILITY IMPLIED OR INTENDED.

Four good reasons to hook into a

DREA HANGI love at . rs flight! From the very first time your LITE DREAM lifts your feet off the ground, you'll be amazed at how responsive and easy to fly she is. You'll know it's the beginning of a lasting, exciting relationship.

As you 1::,row accustomed to your LITE DREAM, you'll notice how quickly your flying skills improve. You'll delight at how the LITE DREAM is maneuverable as she is forgiving as you advance rapidly through the learning stages.

ee-hing toward higher altitudes, your LITE DREAM still amazes. performing with grace and ease As you perfect your talents, the LITE DREAM is ready to · accept new challenges. even aerobatics'

HANGIV Many a @nee pilots choose to renew the learning cycle by introducing newcomers to hang gliding with a thrilling tandem flight. The easy handling 220 LITE DREAM (the ONLY glider HGMA certified to 400 lbs hook in weight), maximizes the excitement and safety of tandem flying.



LIGHT WEIGHT LONG-LASTING VALUE HANDLES LIKE A DREAM P.O. Box 483, Vcln Nuys, CA 91408 • (818) 787-6600

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