4 minute read

Yllana Kaye J. Hortilano

Cold Heart

Alexa France Estalle


Trapped Sparkle

Yllana Kaye J. Hortilano

I saw what is happening to you, your heart scattered, every piece of you crumbles in the deserted land.

You may see yourself as a moving wisp this time, but for me — you are a faerie.

You are every flying life I can think of with your hopeless crushed relics. To me, you are a lady of freezing butterflies, waking up from the gentle warmth thawed by warm sunlight. To me, you are a peregrine, freed from the cage of an experience; skimming above the lively tides to find your place.

You are seeing a barren world, dark and dry, But I notice the familiar rainbows spilling from your broken self.

You have the whole spectrum of everything beautiful and powerful beneath your skull.

A crystal that has dulled in hibernation Saw you release a tear due to this isolation, I know that I found a faerie — and that is you.


Angel Octoso


Warble of billows circles upon the spectrum of the midnight galaxy. The astral symphony orchestrates the occupants that forge their heavenly vows. Passing through bridges of beginning and deaths gate, where yonder is eternal life. To the highest place, a ceremonial throne reigns of infinite saving grace.

Subtle breeze looms the vicinity upon that sky-light glow. White parasols glide up above, petals fading like virgin snow. In whispering chant; you spoke to my deafening heart. In ordinary words; you’ve touched my deepest part. Unbridle this shackle my valiant valentine. To you I offer my hand; on crimson skies and eternal time.

The long pensive storm ends; rain, thunder and voided webs. Reimagines of elusive songs; a phase from yesterday’s melody. This captive heart beholding sacred memories took free. Thus— every teardrop up above filled my empty space. The grays on my floors and walls slowly drifts away. A stronghold hope wanting to delve my fatal door. And at the rustic window— where my child-like faith exists. The first ray of morning light weaving through my inner core. The day drifts off to its slumber As I sat back and relive Memories echo I began to reminisce

My fingers began to comb Through these scrapbook pages

Thumbing through I invoke a smile A simple pleasure A fleeting glimpse

Sleek pages Of these cellulose fibers All filled with joy and victories But one

A single page Blank, torn At the center, but mended With a tacky tape

But as I caress through These empty page An unexplainable feeling Rushed to my spine

All the fleeting feeling Unfolded into anew I felt out of sorts Regretful, hopeless, bitter

Clueless, I scanned How can a single page Left me hanging dismal? Then it all unraveled

From the day we sat On an arched mistletoe To the day you told me I wasn’t the one you wanted anymore


Nico Julleza

The First Ray

Nico Julleza

The Spectrum in its Character SCRAPBOOK

Syrell Doanne V. Nietes

Stray Flower

Kendra Felizimarie P. Magsico

She danced and spun like a free-spirit on her first journey at Earth’s peculiar ground. She took territory over the dance hall as everyone failed to take their eyes off of her. A wildflower in a room of peonies, each step she took seemed too full of life. She danced along with the reflections of stained glass, Making it look like a perfect interlude to a romance novel. A powerful magnet that has the capability to pull people in. Her features are honestly as average as it can get, but her smile? Her smile contained galaxies of stars, the kind that could light up any dim room. And I? A man entranced yet can only look at you from afar.


Angel Octoso

Fractal Reminders

Kendra Felizimarie P. Magsico

The sun kisses the ocean, yet again. And the breeze murmurs its piece and leaves a gentle peck on my cheek. From the corner of my eye, your hair sways along the wind making it quite an amusing display. But your face leaves rather a tranquil story unknown to anyone. Hypnotized by your current state, I was quite surprised to find a hand that held mine, And a rock colored in translucent green. “Sea glass” you said and resumed quickly “a reminder that... No matter how exposed or broken you become, choose to be a sea glass, persistent and vibrant, honest and transparent”. Silence engulfed me by your sudden declaration, until the sound of waves slowly returned. And at that moment of profound consciousness I received a premonition, that none can be a brighter sea glass than you.

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