B u s i n e s s D i r e c t o r y
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Go v e r n me n t Co n t a c t si nU. S . a n dA z e r b a i j a n A z e r b a i j a n ' sI n v e s t me n t P r o s p e c t s P o t e n t i a l B u s i n e s sP a r t n e r s
APubl i cat i onoft heU. S. Az er bai j anChamberofCommer ce
The International Bank of Azerbaijan is a universal bank and fullservice financial services company. IBA is a National Development Bank, contributing significantly to the strength, stability and transparency of Azerbaijan's banking system. This status ensures shareholders' and people's trust in the Bank both domestically and globally, and assists in the country's socio-economic development.
Baku | Moscow | Tbilisi | London | Frankfurt | Luxembourg | New York | Dubai 67 Nizami Street | Baku Azerbaijan | AZ1005 | +994 12 493 0091 | www.ibar.az