Polaris 1985 USAF Academy Yearbook

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CONTENTS Changes and Memories... 2 Seniors June Week

Military Academics

Sports Cadet Life

Squadrons Farewell Index

8 136 152 200

248 360 440 532 536

Volume XXVII


United States Air Force Academy

The first class chose the Falcon as the Academy's mascot because it best symbolizes the combat role of the Air Force. Its



swiff ond

graceful flight, aggressiveness and

courage are qualities we look for in our officers. (U.5. Air Force Photo by Copt. Billy Birdwell)


Changes and...

Life itself is in o constant store of change, and the Academy is exception. By choosing to attend the Academy, each of us accepted the changes that the next four years would bring. Although the inprocessing process itself hos undergone little no

modification, then,


now, it

signals the beginning of one of

the most significant changes in o young person's life.




nor soon be forgorren. ^ 16 oirlifr... lore nighrs spei y bur rrogically. rhe Thum

Some things, however, will never change...

Leaders of Tomorrow Although the details change each year the mission remains the some. (This press release is from January, 1984.) U.5. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo.

The Air Force Academy's mission is to provide cadets with instruction, knowledge ond character essential to

leadership become Force.







officers in the U.5. Air

Each year, nearly 13,000



goal by seeking entry into the Academy, with approximately 1,500 gaining appointments. These appointees are intelligent and aggressive and know what they women try to pursue their


a career

in the United States Air






cadets participate in a number of extracurricular experiences. One example is

Assembly. The Assembly brings students from other colleges and universities to the Academy each year to discuss with cadets the major issues confronting the nation. Another exampie is the Distinguished Speakers Program, featuring a variety of guest speakers who have distinguished themselves nationally and internationally as military leaders and statesmen.

the Academy

Space has always been a part of the Academy curriculum. Since 1965, the Academy has offered a major in astronautics, America's only accredited





Physics Department also offers a major in space physics which deals with environmental problems in space. In addirion, the Academy offers cadets an in-

rerdisciplinary space sciences major. This major provides the necessary background for graduates to meet the of







Academy graduates also participate

in space research. Cadets developed the first completely successful student

experiments on a space shuttle flight. The experiments were carried on the Challenger's maiden flight in 1983. Another experiment is scheduled to be flown






Academy graduates are involved in the astronaut

program, including Col. Karol 1959 graduate who piloted the space shuttle Challenger.



Military studies are central to the Academy experience and distinguish it from other institutions of higher learning. Following Basic Cadet Training, new cadets enter the Cadet Wing and receive a four-year balanced program providing them with the necessary

knowledge, skills, values, and behavior patterns. Graduating cadets receive bachelor of science degrees and com-

missions as second lieutenants. Part of their military includes

variety of varsity sports. To date, approximately


cadets have been graduated from the Air Force Academy. Of this number, 486 The Academy has produced 26 Rhodes Scholars in its brief 30are women.






graduates commissioned in the Air Force entered pilot training, 1,181 entered navigator training, and 351 entered helicopter training. The Academy experience meeting new challenges every day.

Out "Leaders of Tomorrow.”


parachuting, sailplaning (soaring), T-43 navigation training and T-41 pilot orienration. The Academy's goal is for 70 per-

of each graduating class to be pilot-qualified. Under its "Soar For All” program, the Academy has acquired new powered sailplanes to afford every thirdclass (sophomore) cadet to cent

fly solo.

Graduating classes have described the

at the Academy soaring program as


of the most motivational facets of


curriculum. Positive rewards are found in all courses and each cadet is

given a glimpse of an operational flying unit and

a better understanding of the mission of the Air Force. The leadership under the

program, direction of the Commandant of Cadets,


the basic cadet without military experience into an officer prepared and

motivated to defend our nation. The athletic program makes a viral contribution to the preparation for Air Force leadership. All cadets in intramural

Cadets may



intercollegiate athletics.



recognized intercollegiate






lififSftftl* Atftft



f ft U ft ti Wi t! i;> $ -




Dingo Hillsboro, Ind. International Politics What's ro say?/ Five years of my life hove passed away./ What do

parricipared in many aviairon

I have ro show?/ Pain and a lor

endeavours ro include earning his privare pilor's license and

of myself gone ro where,/ I

don'r know?/ Bur even rhough I'm

French jumping wings while ar rhe Ecole de I'Air for rhe French Exchange program. Dan

if my experience/ was worrh rhe pain, I still have hope,/ I


still have fairh,/ and hopefully some love left ro


very proud of Mach One and his squadron mares, and he wishes

Baltimore, Md

all of rhem God speed in rheir

full of dreams/ worrh rhe

Human Factors

Air Force furures.


nor sure/ What I've learned or

give;/ ro a

brand new beginning,/ and a life





Jacksonville, Fla.

Cutes Nashua, N.H.




Electrical Engineering

rhrough four years ar USAFA, two things have been constant; rhe support of my fiancee, and rhe support of my parents. Heather and I have waited four and a half years for this and I think I was rhe only one who believed we would

make ir rhrough rogerher. We'll always remember rhe trials of BCT and rhe people we've met. Of course we'll especially remember Coast Guard and rhe Ring Dance. Next June 9rh!


Oceanside, Long Island, N. Y. Astronautcial Engineering Don began his coder career in Tiger Ten and became acrively involved in organizarions such as Carholic Choir. Ar U5AFA, he

Saratoga, Calif. Astronoutical Engineering He left. He even flipped rhe rear-mirror so that he couldn't see ir go. As rhe desolate road opened, unveiling his destiny, he thought of many things he hadn’t done, he hadn't forgotten his friends or rhe experiences. He hadn’t stopped dreaming of fighting rhe good fight. And he hadn't forgotten his dog, for he was

sirring in rhe front seor in

quiet anriciparon. Also rhe capirol of Nebraska is Lincoln.

Whittier, Calif.

Engineering Mechanics My five year experience here or USAFA has redifined rhe meaning of: Long night, bad odds, rough

workout, hard work, come bock,

good rimes ond good friends. I credit whatever I hove achieved

here to God, my family, rhe Wilkerson "family", rhe swim ream, my squadron ond Captain

Branr's rhe Turners and finally

to my very patient ond

friends. Thonk you for

loving believing

in me. ir has been very

good bur

rhe future is even brighter.



Dioblo/Peanur Los Vegos, Nev.

Dunheod, Buckwheat Columbia, Md.

Aeronautical Engineering

Humanities I hove met some people here I didn't know could exist. I'm thankful for these people becouse they have opened my eyes to life in many ways. The world is o tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think. For me it has been o combinotion of both. All thanks to: My family, my roomates, the soccer ream, and most of oil, Jesus Christ. He was there when others couldn't be.

Well five years have past since first conning to USAFA, but not without the experiences and memories. My two roomores were

great (Dancing Tod and Sleeping


Brad). I tried to keep o good


attitude while here and my

Old Soy brook, Conn. Mechanical Engineering It's nor what you do, it's who you're with. It's been fun, and I'll miss you oil. Remember,

parents support was never ending

soaring, jumping, flying, parties, trips, OPs AF there were o lot of great things that happened to me, and they ore the -

things I will remember for ever.

LARRY GLADBACK New Palestine, Ind.

Management Along with wanting to become on officer, I come to USAFA to get o chance to

fly. In the lost few

years I've mode some great

friends, and I've hod more experiences than I hod in 18 years of home. The Academy will be

something I'll never forger, ond I'll be proud to soy I mode it

through. I couldn’t hove mode it this for, though, without my friends, family, ond especially God.

there's a party tonight of Jim's



Operations Research After four long hard years, my interpretation of the Air Force Academy has guided me towards the following words of wisdom: "Mellow is the man who knows whot he's been missing” (Led Zepplin) and more importantly, "Nothing is critical."




Cedarburg, U/is. Chemistry



Fort Worth, Texas

Bimamwood, Wis.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot

Aeronautical Engineering The best things that I got from this ploce were my soaring insstructor rating, my Aeronautical

Military History In spite of whot anyone soys, we all hod o few good times. I just wish Steve ond Anterro were

Engineering degree, my entrance

still here. Drive on. I got the

to UPT, ond best of oil, my

desire to fly, but my brother got the eyes. Let s go four-

courage to change the

change, things I con, ond wisdom to know the difference."

fiancee Cindy. I never would hove mode it without my family, friends, and most of oil Cindy. -

wheeling. Pump Iron. Colorado needs o few reol trees ond

I thank you all for putting up

some lakes, just like God's

with me.

country. Thanks Mom ond Dad, I couldn’t hove mode it without you. "Keep up the fire."




Drowerville, Minn.


Civil Engineering "...If you con force your heart and nerve and sinew and so hold

Raphine, Vo. Civil Engineering

on when there is

my country, become on officer like my Dod, and work with the

except the will which says to

calibre of people I sow my Dod work with. I leave the Academy having accomplished those goals and more. If anyone needs to get


them: Hold on!' "...Yours is the earth and every

gave up social life most college students have, bur I've hod o chance to do things they con only dreom obout flying, soaring, jumping etc. Of course -

I've also hod to do things they would not dreom obout in their worst nightmares. Then again, who wants to go through life

fion, just look up Lieutenant McCarthy and you'll find me.

Seboeis, Maine

thing that's in it, and which is more you'll be o Mon, my son!" And you'll even graduate someday! Just remember, it could always be worse. God bless you







TERRY GUY SEAMAN Sea Dog Oak Creek, Colo. Civil Engineering I hove always wonted to come to the USAFA. And now that I hove almost mode it, I con say I hove learned quite o bit from my long journey storting in Ook Creek Colo. Many people hove said I'm o geek, but this is not true. Because the three people (Lorry Friend, Don Doiz, Chuck Streeter) who hove Inspired me the most said I'm too much of a true cadet to be o geek. Keep-um

in touch with me after groduo-

Joe Rock head

Fort Walton Bch, Flo. Basic Academics I finally mode it through the coder life of wine, women, and song, and if you believe that I’ve got o mountain cobin on o ski slope in Florida to sell you. I sum up me study habits in one quote "I hove so much to do that I om going to bed



first I'll go bug Opus." "Time for me to fly. I’ve got to set myself free." -R.E.O.

"Deorly beloved...Let's go Prince I love ploy.



nothing in you

I come to the Academy to serve

Military History The Academy is o trade-off. I



Basic Academics Take life os it comes and shoot for the stars!

Pittsburgh, Pa. Electrical Engineering

doing the some things as everyone else? Never let it be sold

that I passed up an opportunity




Horvey, III. Management Five long yeors ond I've leorned two things from coders ond officers. 1. You con treot people

professionolly. 2. You con be a totol loser. I chose the first but, sodly I know thor 40 per cent ond 10 per cent will choose the second. I'd like to thonk my roommotes parents, friends, ond the football team for guiding me to my decision ond God for pulling me through when I started to slip. Don't forger your veggies!


Savannah, Go.



Scanner Seven Hills, Ohio Electrical Engineering Do you know whor results when you start with four years, multiply by e to the sum of my demerits and confinements, then divide this by the number of about faces I've mode, ond integrate this over the interval from eight to five with respect to time (being coreful not to exceed 2400)? Neither do I you take core of the garbage ond I'll If hand could fly! my "you speak just gotta be good!" —


Opus the "Dancing Dear" Scarsdole, N. Y. Finance and Accounting It is so easy to lose perspective


forget why you come or whor needs to be accomplished. Many to

hove come before us


Frank, Colonel Netoniohu, Coproin


people who believed thor

"the person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight..is o miserable creature ond has no chance of being free." In moving forward, their vision must olwoys be present. For if I foil, their struggle has been in vain.

DAVID JOHN ADAMS Did Jim/Lurch Driscoll, N.D. Basic Academics Thanks to some good friends ond o lot of luck I mode it! The tribe

Digger Reading, Pa. Astronautical Engineering The RPMs reved high os he downshifted the "Rood Warrior," the gore guard merely o blur of the

post. Laughter kept his heart light and his patience from waning. His love for friends ond family wos, is, ond will olwoys be of the deepest sort, and life's experiences ore the best teachers. Remember, the

good guys olwoys win.


Schlep Redondo Dch., Calif.

Engineering Mechanics We've ployed the some gome for many yeors, but never ployed by

endures! It’s been such o long time, I think I should be goin, Time doesn't wait for me.

the some rules. I can remember oil the times I fried so hard, but you

It keeps on rollin,

ond the winner shall throw his hot

long, or a distant highway. I've got to keep on chasing thor

with pride.


dream. I've got to be on my way.


laughed in my face cause you held the cords. Well the gome is over,

thanks to oil my buds, my family,

the soccer team, ond the wheel you mode it oil come true. Live your dreams. God bless. .




Key Lorgo, Flo.

Los Alamos, N.M.

General Hisrory You've got ro hove FAITH FAITH in your God,

Organizotionol Behavior Service commitment, pride, ond faith ore the ideals to which Jock is

FAITH in your fellow mon, FAITH in yourself.

Remember: you con if you THINK you con. A speciol rhonks ro Mom ond Dod for olwoys being there; to Moj. T ,

Rondy R., Mike C., Steve G., ond Jon H. for giving me hope when hope seemed so for away; ond especially ro the Hubers for providing so many of us o loving home owoy from home. Thanks.


Olorhe, Kan.

Engineering Physics Speciol thanks to Rick Durgess, '82, Col. Rob ond Jenny Woodruff, Jeff ond Becky Loughlin, Brad

Feldmonn, '83, Rondy Price, '84, Tim and Cris Prater, Bill Wougemon, '85, Steve Woye, '85, George Day, '85, ond "'Shupemelsh” too, Todd Scott, ’86, ond of course, Tommy. I come here strong in the Lord, ond remain in strong rhonks to these

speciol people. Soon I II be o disciplemoker in the USAF, God willing. Hebrews 12:11-13


supporter on enemy turf with D ond D, and o sure footed tendor in Catholic Choir, Jock's selfless

CAROL ANNE NIEPES DEMANDANTE Guam Coniputer Science "With all its shorn, drudgury, ond broken dreams, it's still o beautiful

world, be cheerful, strive to be

concern ond dedication always

happy, smile."

shines through. Perpetual arrendonce or 0630 sessions fuel his idealism, which though strained,

There were times when there was no reason for staying, but even now, I'm starting ro miss this place.

was never shattered; a gray ascot

olone could never hide the motto etched in his heart "Wings to —

Soar." —

Maryberh Peterson

I'm probably leaving the most

important port of my life here, but if if was meant ro be, then

everything will work out. God speed, my friends.



Plymouth, Mich. Military Hisrory


Radcliff, Ky. Aeronautical Engineering The post four years hove been filled with times of tear ond cheer. From the first day I stepped off the bus to the day I threw my hot in the air, I will never forget. Thanks, family ond friends for oil the memories.


Jonesboro, Go

Psychology Don't ever give up your dreams..and never leave them behind. Find them; moke them yours, ond oil through your life cherish them. Eliza Constonzo


Humanities I used to be disgusted, now I just try to be amused. Elvis Costello —


London, Englond Aeronautical Engineering After endless encounters with the larelight engineering J.G. SFPOKK'S



checkrides, ond road-trips I

New Brighton, Pa. Aeronautical Engineering

Military life has proven extremely

recognize the key here is strength through adversity. Good plon! Thanks ro oil of the party paradise

demanding. I am proud ond happy

people, your strength and

Well, you think you've got it cosed, ond you think you know the score. No, you don't wont to listen. You

Jamaica Basic Science USAFA has been very good ro me.

that my classmates have chosen such an honorable profession. I'll be going bock ro civilian life in Jamaica


friendship gave me the strength I

can't be told no more. Bur, when


needed Thanks for the lessons learned in snowdrifts, Estrella, ond

you get out there, you better get it right! The streets ore lined with

ond let's hope years from now when I read this I will be os

Civil Engineering LIFE IS A HORSE; either you ride it or

things that kill ond they're hiding in the night. Expect no mercy! Go for

successful os I so much hod wished!

it rides you.

flightline. Thank you, Laurie! Remember: When the going gets rough, the rough get radical!!

Clarksdale, Miss.




Birmingham, Ala. Aeronautical Engineering

on the

Joe, Jomo, D.J.


Milpitas, Calif. Computer Science

Reno, Nev.

No more bottles with computers, no more nitpicking, now I con sleep in

Between letter ro the commandant

my bed. The four years ore finally To my classmates from 22,


especially Chuck ond Mike, thanks for showing me the light. My father told me the night before I come to USAFA, "Son, you con quit if it's not

General Engineering



Huntingtown, Md. Optical Physics It was said to be the best four years of your life, but college it was not, I

swearing 70 proof at BCT-PT, the

learned more than I'll ever

Wednesday night movie bodabag trips, waiting for MAC oirlines, half bock flips of A-Basin, ond parties at Don ond Nady's, Mike's kept USAFA interesting. Mike hos always

remember, ond hod more good

managed to bring a smile ro most people, but when he couldn't he's

mode it. Hey, you soys o lor, bur

for you but if you quit because if was too tough, don't come home."

always ready to be a true friend.

Well Dod, I wasn't beaten.

Mike, best of luck with your subs or

rimes than I'll ever recollect. Thanks

Heidi, Spiney, Fotmon, the Mon, and ro oil the support from "home"

(that's where the heorr is), we oil "hold on ro the dream" soys it oil!

whatever your career brings you.


8 15


Sarasota, Fla.


Engineering Mechanics There ore things I'll miss and things I

Hunringrown, Md. Optical Physics It was said to be the best four yeors of your life; but college it was nor. I

won't miss I won s miss academics or rhe

learned more than I'll ever recoil, met more people than I II ever remember, and hod more good rimes than I'll ever recollect Thanks

Aeronautical Engineering Gee guys, wasn’t this fun? A sincere

regular college life but I'm nor sorry


I come here. Thanks to rhe buds

Heidi, Spiney, Forman, The Mon,

Brent, Bob, Chris, Korn, Tim, Zip, The

Wayne, Wode, Geoff and GQ. I hore to leave you guys bur there's

V/aunakee, Wis. Aeronautical Engineering All rhe rime spent South of rhe border helped rhe year disappear

something better for us out there. Real life and someone special.

before my eyes. I learned a lor about life, when I hod rhe rime, but

Vicki, I'm half way there!

oil in oil, it really wasn't that great

thanks to Mom, Dod, Rachel, Aunty Donno, Dono, Don, The Core, Billy,

and to oil the support from "home''

Green Fridge, and oil rhe rest! I

(that's where the heart is), we oil

could hove never done it with our

made it. Hey, you soy o lor bur

yo. It’s probably o nice place to

"Hold on to the dream” soys it all!




suppresssed lifestyle, but I will miss my friends. I'm sorry I missed

that helped, especially Scott, Dick,



Chamblee, Go.

Jamaica, N.Y.

Congers, N. Y.

Aeronautical Engineering

Russian Area Studies "Make it Golden” were rhe words

Basic Academia A creation in life must occur in order to gain o survival instinct in space. This instinct, o learned experience, connor only be used to compere

my parents left me with when I boarded rhe plane to Colorado

Springs. If there is one thing that I have learned, it is golden value of comraderie to be cherished. Hove

among rhe angels of space but it must be passed to rhe creatures of rhe bubble whose mind and hearts

we done our best

trapped and see noway out unless someone touches their body and says it is not enough to learn

answer lies only within ourselves


and imitate but to learn, imitate,

wakeup and create.


JOEL KENT VER HOEF Ha warden, Iowa

'85? Have we committed ourselves to excellence? Have we made it golden? The and what we choose to do with our

unique experience.



RONALD JEROME DADSKI, JR. Dabs Pittsburgh, Pa. Engineering Mechanics Whether I'm upside down at 7000


feet or sitting in a low class,


My propective of USAFA has always been the some. Sleep


Applied Mathematics Wage your best. Do your best.



in class, don't do homework,


Colorado Springs, Colo. Human Factors Live your life as it is with a dream to give you direction. You con never know whot will happen but if you can shore it with someone it doesn't really matter whot does happen.

cram for tests and

Cozenovio, N. Y. Basic Academics I came here ro go to school, I

stayed here ro fly. Thanks Dad, and thanks to the rest of my family and friends, both here and away.

just basic-

Palm Day, Fla.

oily moke the most out of every social moment you can. The para-

Not even the elements con do better. For a raindrop con give

chute team has been my life blood and for that I thank God. Remember rendezvous, 100's night 1964, and end of the day Megablots.

only so much moisture,- o star only so much light; and o human being only so much productivity. Nature functions to its full

capacity, and so should man.






Fullerton, Calif.



San Antonio, Texas National Security The unexamined life is not worth

Basic Academics "Find the cost of freedom, buried in the ground. Mother earth will swallow you lay your body down." C5NY USAFA fought me that everyting in life has o price tog. The

Manchester, Md.

Duffalo, N.Y. Astronauticol Engineering

living. -Socrates

price to fly was four long hard

Electrical Engineering If our lives could lie before us/ Like o straight and narrow highway/ So that we could see forever/ Long before we took the ride/ We would never look ro heaven/ Moke o wish or climb o

years. But anything worthwhile doesn't come cheap. You hove to

mountain/ ’Cause we'd always know the answer/ To what’s on

pay the price.

the other side. Thanks to oil who kept me smiling. Mom, Dad,


Susie, Lynne, Marilyn, my friends, Henry David Thoreau, James Dean, ond my motorcycle. 85 best olive!

Astro, Chess club, Physics/ Astronomy club, AIAA, skiing, hockey refereeing, Spanish club, Photo club, ond Wing Medio were oil port of my life ot the

Academy; bur the thing I remember most about the four

toughest years of my life is the comrodery in the class of ’85. Onfe statement sums up my

gools ond ambitions. Space is the place ond Astro is the way; that is where I'm going on groduation day.



MARILYN HONORA GARCIA Redlands Calif. Inremorionol Affairs Yeah, whatever! Definitely a worthwhile stay, even better because of folks like Iss, Leslie, Downer, Wob, Pom, Keba, Kristin,

Rich, Jimbo, Moj Fujito, Ailso, Fussz, Summer and expecially Kansas, who else, but Mom, Dad,


AsrronauticaI Engineering


is life/ ...and then you die.

ROBERT LAWRENCE PICKRELL Thousand Oaks, Calif. Basic Academics

Oak Lawn, III. Computer Science I’ve had some good times (cellar

but who likes reality?!!

Graduation gleamed with brilli-

swear (or affirm)...

Moxbass, N.D

my lost two years in Cerberus three. Con I soy? It's been real

it’s nice/ For me/ it was EE./

all. / There were times to lough/ There were times to cry/ but so


people that hove never been there. In the four years I've spent here, I've been very lucky to hove hod great parents, great sponsors, and great friends. I'm on original survivor of attrition 34 and spent

Everything has a price/ for somethings it is BAD/ For others

homecoming '95! (years away) I, store your full name, do solemly


North Dakota. The only people that don't like it there ore the

Electrical Engineering

and the U.5. Postal Service? But look now, rime's finally here let's get on with it. See you or


I’m from the great state of

Merrillville, Ind.

once/ I put up with the bull/ I got my eduacarion/ My parents were always listening/ Whenever I would coll/ I mode lots of friends/ in Stolog and Cerberus


Engineering Mechanics


rats, Cerberus, Nov. Instructor, etc.), and I've hod some bod rimes (cellar rots, Cerberus, Nov. Instructor, etc.). But it was worth

it, so I've applied

for membership in the doss of



Haworth, N.J. Electrical Engineering Four years here has taught me

things: If it's nor one thing it's another, and they

o few

all combine to keep you behind

the almighty power curve.

True cadets never waste any effort whenever possible. Rock is the only woy to go. Finally. Its nor over till it's over!!


Greg Wichita, Kan. Aeronautical Engineering The day after my 18rh birthday I entered BCT. I did not know whot I wqs doing or why I was it. Bur I did it. Thanks

doing Debby.


Juv La Union, Philippines

Civil Engineering I’ve always counted on my MARK JOSEPH RANDOLPH

Cindy Loo Libby, Mont.

Biology The Academy is o red rot race. In the beginning the rots were

patience during my long four

winning. Now however, after four long years thanks to friends

years here. But I won't forger the moral support given to me

(ie 14'ers, 3'ers, Catholic Chior, Anna...) I hove regrouped

International Politics

by my relatives, my sponsors,

I don't think you con be forced

my close friends, and my class

to do whor you hove to do here

motes. They’re always there to

Somehow, you hove to wont to do

help me to do my best in everything. Of course, this wouldn't be o reality if nor for my two

counter attacked and won! Aren’t friends awesome? Just remember, "life’s bottles don’t always go to the stronger or the fastest

Lanham, Md.

it. You don't need family sup-

port but is certainly nice to hove. I thank my family for

supporting me.

DAVID WAYNE WILLIAMS Dove Del City, Ohio. Electricol Engineering The going hasn't always been easy. But then, oil sunshine and no rain mokes a desert, or so the Arabs soy The things I’ve learned ond the experiences I've hod I wouldn’t trade for the world. But the most valuable thing I’ve gained is friendships that will last a lifetime. As I leave this place, my goal remains to press on towards the mark and finish the race Christ has set before me.

all-rime favorites. Mom and Dod this is for you!


man, bur sooner or later, he who

wins, is the fellow who thinks he con." Go for if ’85 and God bless!!

THOMAS RODERT TIGHE Tom Tulsa, Olka. Engineering Sciences My friends and I hove been bonded together,/ with hopes ond dreams rougher than leather,/ Some things you must try,/ you know life...ond then you die./ The hardest things can come from

feather. / These four years hove tried my soul,/ they've given me much bur token their toll./ The chances ore great,/ bur I’ll

leave them to fare./ Why waltz when you can rock'n'roll?





Modisonville, Ky

Madera, Calif.

Engineering Mechanics

Generol Engineering I’ve met a lor of great people while being in Wolfpock and Fighrin’ Four. These are a lot of memories here, some bad (usually around Prog) and many good. Like those weekend keg parties at Beef's with "T",

What can you say about a guy who was first in his

major and last

in his class in MPA at the end

of his junior year? Maybe he’s

got his priorities screwed up? Or maybe not? One thing that you can say is that his was


"Go for the Bird!" and T

get by with a little help from my friends." thanks guys!

Crack, Crow, Stinky, Bergie,

Uncle Ed, and Fuzz. And the weekends at Vail. That’s not to say that U5AFA was that easy for me, but with the help of friends and family, especially Mom, Dad and Mark, we finally made it.




Rice Lake, Wis.


Topher Northridge, Calif.

my self pity, thank you all! "I hove clinched and closed with


the naked north I hove learned


ro defy ond defend shoulder to shoulder we hove foughr it our

Kansas City, Mo. Basic Academics I'm insone now.

CHRISTOPHER GERALD DAVIS Chris San Diego, Calif. Polirical Science Roll your dice, move your mice.


Four-wheeling with o beer ond friends found Brodly, Mike Roger and Pere leaving a yeor earlier. Hunting found more rhan wild gome when Maureen cured


Moville, Iowa Civil Engineering I was once told you take three things from U5AFA your diploma, your GPA, ond your friends. I feel the most im-

As president of Catholic Choir,

Chris rook o lor of hazing, but everybody really loved him. No one will forger him for the London trip, welfare nights, ond his announcements. To the man

portonr of these is certainly friends. Special thanks ro Mom, Dod, Nancy, Susie, and oil my

family ond friends for their letters, prayers, ond support.

yet the wild must win in the

who thought Greeley was ten miles north of Denver, thanks

end." Robert Service

for everything!




Las Vegas, Nev.

Mountainside, N.J.

Pembroke, N.H.

Computer Science/Humanities "The times they ore o-chongin" -Bob Dylan

Aeronautical Engineering Rob come here wonting ro fly,


Winners never quit, ond quitters never win.


"There is a rood, no simple highway, between the down ond the dork of night, ond if you go no one may follow; that path is

'cause it beats working for o

living. Being able to take to the air, with (or without) on

airplane around him, mode this place seem infinitely bearable along with the many friends and -

for your steps alone." -Garcia,

Hunter/ I've finally been able ro open my mind to new ideas. I

roommates. When opportunity

only wish I could have learned

knocked, he'd be standing or the door; hence trips to Brazil, Ger-


many, England, ond a lor of the U S. seemed ro foil in his lop.


Relax, keep an open mind take a chance and dream! "What I doing at a level of conciousness where this is real?"

-Thaddeus Golas






Gainesville, Fla. General Engineering The Academy has challenged,

Newark, Ohio


Basic Academics "Life is one big rood wirh lors of signs/ so when you're riding rhrough rhe rurs/ Don'r com-

Driftwood. Texas



Chicago, III. Human Factors Perhaps the besr rhing I will rake from here are good friendships. I've also learned ro

depressed and even resrricred me, bur wirh rhe supporr of my Mom, Dod and rhe Mohors,- rhrough ir oil, I have kepr rhe end

plicore your mind/ Flee from hare, mischief and jealousy/

Computer Science Of all rhe rhings I've goined from orrending USAFA, rhe mosr valuable by for ore rhe grear friends I've mode. I'll never forger rhe gong of '85 from CS-22 (32 in, 32 our), Hell Week

challenge myself; ro have rhe

in sighr. I come here wanring ro

Don'r bury your rhoughrs/ Pur

confidence ro endure much longer rhan I somerimes care ro. Thanks ro my family and friends, all of whom hove given me rhe supporr I've needed ro accomplish my dreams. Afrerall, dreams ore only goals rhor hove yer ro be

be a pilor, a good honesr friend and ro chose women. Now, I am

your vision ro realiry. Yeah!/ All rogerher now/ Woke up ond

headed ro pilor rraining wirh

live!'' -Bob Marley

my diploma, GPA, ond mosr imporranrly, many friends. From Cheryl’s ro J.D.'s we con oil

rime." I jusr hope rhe resr of my rime is half os fun as rhor

ond my 21sr birrhday parry (whor lirrle I do remember). Thanks -> everyone rhor helped

remember oil rhe parrying ond fun nighrs. God bless. See ya.

spenr here wirh my friends. Thanks Mom, Dod and T.



RONALD LYNN MARSELLE Ron Arvada, Colo. Computer Science I lifr up my eyes ro rhe hills. From whence does my help come? My help comes from rhe Lord who mode heaven and eorrh. Psolms 121:1-2. N.L.W. os



"Fun flies when you're doin'

'85 enrering a new squadron ond "breaking in" a new AOC (Mom),


me moKv

(God knows I needed

RANDALL JAMES ORNE Srormin Brartleboro, Vt.



Hanahan, S C.


International Politics

Bryan, Texas

Astronoutical Engineering

I never could hove lasred wirh-

Aeronautical Engineering

Upon groduoring from high school

our my family ond close friends.

Looking bock on rhe lifetime

Thanks Mom, Dad, Scorr -Tim,

me o

Tom, ond Doug!

ro be, ir is up ro me." This

"The rime we feel mosr stable,/ is rhe rime we’re coming off rhe wall;/ And there’s every indico-

I've spenr here, I see four miserable bur wonderful years. I've learned how ro succeed, and I've learned how ro foil. Bur I've also learned about rhe mosr

rion we may/ be heading for a

important port of life, rhe

fall./ So, let rhe problems start ond let/ rhe tension


rerired Air Force colonel gave plaque which read "If ir is

plaque has always imspired me ro keep going. I owe my family ond friends much love ond oppreciorion for rheir greor supporr

during rhese years. I will never forger rhe good rimes or rhe good friends I've mef here. "War is an ugly thing..."

grow;/ We'll be keeping ir ro

people around me. So when you ask God for o gift, be thankful if he sends nor diamonds, pearls

ourselves./ And while they're

or riches,

busy reaching conclusions;/ We'll be reaching for something else!”/ Saga

true friends. Thank you God...

bur the love of real




Duncanville, Texas International Affairs I owe everything to the inspiring

support of my family and close friends. Thank you. "If your mind is empty, it is always

ready for anything,- it is open to

everything. In the beginner's mind there ore many possibilities; in the expert’s mind there ore few." Shunryu Suzuki —




Derian, Calif. Aeronautical Engineering Since I did not moke it here my first I year out of high school, I thought would hove o very difficult rime. But with o little support from God, my family, and close firends, I stuck it out ond mode if.



Hayward, Calif. Aeronautical Engineering Take life less seriously ond enjoy it more. Go barefoot, climb more

mountains, swim more rivers and don't worry about paying the rent. Everything will work out in the end.

Orlando, Fla.



Electrical Engineering

God grant me the ability to change the things I con change,- The

serenity to accept the things I

change; And the wisdom to know that "You’ll get nothing ond like it!" If you love something, let ir/go. If it


comes bock to you, it's

yours./If it

doesn't, hunt if down ond kill it.


Waugs Detroit, Mich. Electrical Engineering Three things helped me make it through the Academy; God, family ond good friends. Thanks for your love.


The Kid Lake Arrowhead, Calif. Electrical Engineering In time I reflect on those things that matter, ond those that just don’t.

Letting the memories flow engulfs the moment with the rimes ond the

friends accent those times. The memories help me to realize that whot matters is to live for myself ond no other, to wont ond to get. And when the old times clear owoy, the hot foils ond I find myself

wonting again, ond again.



Gresham, Ore. Basic Academics I am proud of my accomplishments or rhe Academy and I will always cherish rhe friendships I hove mode here. I would like ro rhank everyone for rheir supporr: My coring family, my loving fiancee Chrisrina Burger, Prep School roommare Sreve Chervenak, Chickenhowk roommare Gary Jewell, Wolfpack roommare Dean Reily, Wolfpack alcovemare Marr Voile, oursranding sponsor's Major

SHERRY ALISON CURRIN Stone Mountain, Go. Humanities The snow flurries ro meer rhe ground. Flake by floke smorhering rhe eorrh wirh whire moisrure. Bur jusr os o blizzard is ineviroble in rhe winrer, So is rhe sunshine in rhe spring, And I hold my brearh rhrough rhe cold

Computer Science I hove experienced so many of rhose wonderful "character

builders" here or rhe Academy, Ac Prom, Hell Week, Inrermural boxing, no Airmanship, ere. Bur when I look bock on ir all, ir wos rhe people rhar made rhe Academy worrhwhile. Many lefr, bur more srayed and rhe memories I hove of will losr forever. Thanks Mom, Dod, Chris, George and Mory Lou and everyone else. I hove rruly found Paradise.

Always wirh hope for rhe flowers.

Herringron rhe Burger family, and

I hove nor been

MasrerCard. Time ro parry.

disoppoinred yer!



Greg, Gagutz Scarsdale, N. Y. ROBERT WAYNE HOLLAND

Rocky Polo, III. Astronouticol Engineering As wirh everyrhing else, I pushed rhis off ro rhe losr minure. To rhe WOBs remember ro fly fosr, dock hard ond rake deorh grips. Twenry years from now, I will srill hove more jumps fhon Bobs, and Spike will srill backslide. Thanks for rhe memories ond worch for my boll of flame. Chrisr is King.




Poulsbo, Wash.


Brooklyn Center, Minn.


Computer Science

Holtsville LI, N. Y. Astronouticol Engineering Well, campers, you asked for it,

Basic Academics

Colorado Springs, Colo. Humanities

In life fhere ore many pofhs one may choose. Unforfunorely only one may be chosen. When I chose

rhe Academy, I picked rhe righf one. The

Academy has provided

me wirh many

opporruniries, rhe mosf important one being rhe opportunity ro meer rhe best friends I will ever hove. I hope that my friends ond I continue ro pick rhe right paths and our paths cross often.

you got if; rhe complete guide of things ro remember os we cruise down rhe Nevada Ave. of life: 1. You’ll get nothing ond like it. 2.

Sometimes you just gorro soy ond moke your move. 3. We're oil just rock ond rollers wirh one foot in rhe grove. Wirh rhis in mind let's .



follow rhe Romones ond "Hey, ho, let's go!"

After five years it's over for rhe Los. He hod some rough rimes

especially without his number one fan, his Mom, bur rhe good rimes survived. Having passed oil his classes without opening o book, it's no wonder he become known for other things namely football, women's soccer, his coring nature, wigbusrers, Jonk holding, ond of course

throwing parties where he

pur rhe gravity effect into action. What can I say, he’s rhe greatest!




Lehighron, Pa.

Aurora, Colo.

Military History Four yeors ago I crawled our of the hills of Pennsylvonio, o former from o little town colled Lehighron. When I received my appointment to USAFA everyone in that town

knew; my parents and

grandparents mode sure of that. All through my stay everyone in that town wos behind me. I'd like to


Engineering Mechanics


thonk everyone, especially my parents, grandparents, family and friends for oil the support. Remember, Ops works for you.

Reils Des Plaines, III. International Politics I think I've learned a lor here, bur

people soy I still haven't grown up. I owe this to my friends, who kept me going when nothing else could. We'll oil miss this place. Remember if you hove three days, you con

Manchester, N.H.

I suppose that somehow in the few brief moments that stretch into eternity while my hot is suspended in the oir on its way down, I will reflect on whot I hove just done. I will try to recoil every memory, I

Colorado Springs, Colo.


Management I'm glad that I came here, I'm happier that I'm leaving. Now it’s

who wos always there. Thank you, Mom. Looking back on my four

years here, all I can wonder is "who would have thought. .

namely doting girls he

didn't even know, his sweet wit, o kind and understanding demeanor,

throwing parties, being "King of the



move on.




my Mom,

claims to fame were the other

come, I sow, I left."


to soy o special thanks to

Denver home, and managed to

major in Human Factors, bur his real

Girth," Jonkbusters, and of course football. Whot con I soy? He's the


There have been many times I hove doubted whether I would, or could, graduate from this institution. Fortunately, I hod family and friends who believed in me when I didn't. I love them oil. I would like

Human Factors Known first os Spot, rime quickly settled him os “the Jose.'' He commuted to school from his

moke the next Illinois Slomfest. "I

Houston, Texas

will feel both love and hote, there will be o bittersweet taste, and I will



off into the real Air Force. Just give me pretty

girls, a fast car, rock and

roll, and a cose of brew and I'll go anywhere. '85 "Best Alive"


Rudy Phoenix, Md. General Engineering Six years of college, down the drain. I don't know if I can handle the reality of graduation. Real life has no syllabus. (I could be in

trouble). I'm probably glad I came to the Academy, I just can't tell for sure right now. I love my friends and hope they will remember me. Most of all, thanks Mom and Dad, for everything. Hey rock, howz

that!? I'm gone in six.



Hell Week CIC, the squash team, the French exchange, the Ring Donee, and skiing the outer limits.


Aeronautical Engineering I feel lucky being so close ro home. It allowed me to keep my sonify. I


Civil Engineering

was able to return to

Alone or first, but soon o formation.

I hope the Physics Department will

to thank my parents, Bill, Jim,

let me read this at o UPT base

Irs, ond especially Kenny for the support. I come here for the education ond did I ever get one, academics, leadership, SERE, summer reseorch, airmanship etc.


Memphis, Tenn.

instead of in Vondenberg Hall. I didn’t think I'd ever soy it, but I

know I'll miss this place ond especially the friends I've mode. I

through goes to his sponsor and

don't know how I'll deal with the

good friends. See yo in

the O'Club.


Door Canal Fulton, Ohio


Most of the credit for getting some very



Hockessin, Del. Political Sciences Thanks ro four years of Poly-sc; and all-nighters. Griff limps into pilot training at the limit of the eyesight waiver. Too close for comfort. His best memories of USAFA ore choice selections from 3CT, AM-490, SERE,

inevitable civilian world: no one in that world wears name tags.

reality. I want Keith,

Now I need to go into the real world and figure out whor I learned. Oh well.




Engineering Mechanics

Then he waited, marshaling his

probably holding the record time to Pueblo. I figured the Academy would be o challenge ond it never once let me down. Now let's see if the Air Force can teach me to fly, one of those planes.

thoughts and brooding over his still untested powers. For though he was master of the world,

he was

not quite sure what to do next. But

he would think of something. Arthur C. Clorke

There's the fear of o tunnel, but that's the thrill ond you know your

grips ore strong. It wasn't easy to build and will always be remembered, but breakoff is now. Turn ond go, wove or o distance and press alone. Ride out the trash

ond never get caught short, then .



'vous me.


Arroyo Grande, Calif. History

Dallas, Texas

Ft. Walton Dch., Fla.

From o beach bum to o Millordo, and then to here. Can't believe I mode it this for, ond for making it this for I'll hove to thonk Mom, Dod, Pom and her folks. My greatest achievement os o cadet was

The exit is o shock. It's fast ond cold ond you search for o reference.

Now that it is oil over, was it worth if? Are you better off now than you were four years

ago? Well... I know that I'll never forger the

Academy, but someday I might forgive it! To soy, though, that four years were wasted would be o little horsh really! Where else con you learn how to roll your socks so that they smile bock at you?" .



Sierra Delta Bravo, # 1 take off leg,


VON MICOLE CAMERON Cole San Antonio, Texas Operations Reasearch "Some soy fhof we re reckless


they soy we re just to young! Tell us to stop!

Basic Academics We had some good rimes and

Before we've begun! We've got to hold our rill


groduorion rry ro hong on Maxine” Donald Fogon, 1962 Thanks for reocing me how ro hong on Mom and Dad, I love you! I'm sorry I can'r wrire whar I -

wonr ro wrire!!

less rhan good rimes, bur rhrough ir all, we never surrendered our idenriry. None of us were rrue individuals, rhough, each having in us a lirrle of

morher. I leave wirh much from

orhers, hoping rhey in rurn, leave with a liffle of me.




Arlington, Vo Engineering Mechanics Some good memories were reose parries, rhe mesh, rree-spike, rhe elemenr, nighr swims, rhe long run (1 0/4 hr), Bobby

Greenwood, N. Y

Operations Research I come ro rhe Academy from o small rown in New York wirh

high hopes ond a rwin brorher ro boor. I learned o lor abour myself rhese four yeors, buf more

imporronfly I've mode some of rhe grearesr friends anyone con

osk for. Thanks again Mom ond


McGee's, Phoenix, Monarch


Reading Mass. Engineering Mechanics

Badlands, you gorra live ir everyday/ let rhe broken heart stand as rhe price you gorro pay./ We ll keep pushin rill it's understood and rhese/ Badlands srarr rrearin us good./ Thanks ro my family and all my

friends, rhe cone, rhe elemenr,

TRACEY MARIE DZEMA Allenrown, Po. Basic Academics

and everybody else!


KIRK DAVID KEENE Wonder Mashpee, Moss. Operations Research Was ir worrh if? I rhink I'll know in abuf five yeors. I realized I’ve changed (hopefully grown) and learned, buf was if

blizzard, red, red wine (whear rhins and cheese), parry!, film

for rhe berrer? The rime for

club, Benz and Corrollo, Hoiloween, Cresred Boorie, museums in D C., and Alfa Borneo.

over. Whar's done is done.

quesrions ond recollecrions is I am

anxious ro be free and on my own two feer. Volley boll, OPs Besearch, my family, and rhe many

friends I’ve made keep me smiling. Their positive effects will never wear off. Thank you.



Peggy Weston, Mass. Electrical Engineering 64 ond rhen some but MIT was worrh if. Nothing like rowing on rhe Charles before dawn. Why did I come bock? To fly of course, bur rhen there's

something unique abur having been here ond I’m nor a quitter, ond most important, nowhere can you find berrer friends. ''Sir, Basic coder kasun is missing.” I’m still Thanks






Cocoa Bch, Flo.


Engineering Sciences

Prescott, Ariz.

I've always wanted to come to

International Politics

the Academy, and four years

When I think of my stay at the Academy. I will remember the many good rimes that I had here.

later I have no regrets. I've

experienced and learned so much, yet it doesn't seem possible

The ski trips, spring breaks in


that I'm already on my way out.

Hawaii, and of course oil the


My approach to life remains the

Beverly, Moss.


good rimes down at my sponsor's house. The most important thing

Aeronautical Engineering I can't really say it’s been

"In everything you do, pur God first, and he will direct and crown your efforts with you

Cuyahoga Foils, Ohio

worth if, but it's over and that’s something. Sometimes you

success." (Proverbs 3:6) I thank my God, family, and

Milirary History (This space intentionally left

friendships I have made. I will

just have to live right.

friends for helping me through.


parents I want to say, thanks.

scon LEE MCCREEDY Fond du Lac, Ms.





Summerville, 5. C.


Engineering Science

Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y


Spartonburg, S.C.

Four years ago I was an average high school kid. I came here

Basic Academics (Low) As I look back on the past

My Mom told me when I was a

Management To sum up my Academy

and learned what duty, discip-

several years I come to many conclusions about people, places and things. The common denomin-

doolie: life is fough, but you are tougher. I guess I proved

if, I was graduated. Yet, I had

I would have to say it was

tons of help from some very

life's far too

special people: my sponsor family, my home away from home family, Jim, a wonderful, tender man, and my supportive family back in S.C. For all that

tough. For the most part it was rewarding. If it had not been for ploying rugby and it would have been an even longer four years. The friendships I made here I hope to make last a life-

I put them through! thanks!

rime. To all the fellas, "Never

line, and honor were. I have been all around the world I've seen it at Mach 1.2 and upside down. There have been hard times and good times and hard times. Family, friends, and God helped me through. I do nor regret one minute of it. I will leave with many memories, my close friendships gained, and my high school

sweetheart, Sue.

ator is this


important to be taken seriously. I’ve chosen my friends accord-

ingly. I hope I never loose touch with myself or them.


I will remember and rake away from my four years here are the

cherish them forever. To my


let school interfere with your

educaron." Best of luck to yall. The Murph. Thanks Mom!


Computer Sciences


Jay Miami, Flo.


I never would've mode it if it weren't for oil the great

friends I hod. The good rimes we shored

really mode this place

worthwhile I hope we never lose touch. It rook o lor of courage, and hope that maybe

porience, someday I could start living my

life Now, there ore no excuses. I Thank God for strength and Mom, Dod, and John for your

doily love and encouragement.


Military History "The Warrior” I was born to live fast and

furious,/ I am destined to die swift and glorious,/ For mine is the life of the sword./ And when I die.../ I will hove no regret in my heart,/ And o smile upon my lips. -Jeffery Allen Moore

How con I sum up my USAFA experience? Four degree year means DCT with MadDog, wrestling and Stanley Canyon, Reese and Spiny, Hell Week (gone but nor forgerten) and Euben Eben. Three degree year means Myrtle Bch, love, ond the Dork Ages Two Degree year means

touring with straight,

coast guard with Don ond Clour,

Meeting Skuze, ond the Dong wagon II. First degree year means

forty days in Holland,

skiing, ond lasting friendships. Do if well or nor oil!!





Albuquerque, N.M.

Driontree, Moss.

Human Factors I wont to thank Joe, Bob, Steve,

Kolispell, Mont. Space Physics The Physicist

Electricol Engineering I always thought that if you

lose your individuality ond your own perspective on things then you lose it oil. Now I know. I remoin unchanged, ond to my friends I soy "Let's get the

down," Gous, Omor, Wolf, Alf,

Sheryl, Tuesday, Horse, Zip, Flem, Bunz, Geer, Chor, Grenz, Tree, Cole ond Murph, we did it

right, no matter whot they soy. Whor they don't know won't hurt them.

Bergie, Sliek, Thunder, Lorro, Juerg, Renard, Chuck, Dave, Jay, Spike, Mark, Whit, Donno, Al, Steve N., Theresa, Yogi, Miguel, Dove K., Dove W., Mike, Doug, George, Don, Morci, Liz, Sue, Char, Bang, Eric, Kirk, and Wolf for making it all worthwhile.

I was born to live fast and

frictionless,/ I om destined to die swift and scintillotingly,/ For mine is the life of the physicist./ And when I die.../ I will hove many questions left in my heart,/ ond a confused

look on my face.

CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL ST. CYR Hollisron, Moss. Astronouticoi Engineering

My four years ot the Academy

have been a highly rewording I hove learned alot

experience. about myslef, coupled o life-

time of wonderful memories, ond more than I hove



thought possible. But above

all, I will cherish the friends I hove mode the most, especially Brian, Jeff, Keith, Mark and

Tom. Now it is time for me to



Computer Sciences One simple concept has led me through the Academy, from BCT to June Week. Thar is you must olwoys ploy to win. I hate to lose and I con never quit. I thank my friends who’ve helped me through. We've ployed ond won. Together we've learned rhot sometimes you've just got to soy... Now os I begin my career os on officer,

I wait to view

the world from o cockpit that

reclines 30 degrees.


Cleveland, Texas Basic Academics I'll never forget the rime my father told me "There are some-

things you won’t like to do, but they hove to be done. There were times in Vietnam when I felt

like turning bock, bur I didn't. It wqs something that hod to be done." He was a pilot and what



he said struck home. If anything made me stay, it was what he said. Thanks Dad.




Denver, Colo.


Human Factors

Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Engineering Physics

I bet I come bock os on AOC.

DELBERT GAY CHRISTMAN Del Son Diego, Calif. General Engineering




La Grange, III.



Humanities "No one ever said it was going

Fairbanks, Alaska

El Dorado, Kan.

Political Science

The Academy has afforded me lots

I spent my first two yeors in

to be easy

the Wolf pock, active in D G B and in the Astro major My

diculous!" It's amazing how a progressive bunch of failures

second two yeors in 007 were

con lead to one final success.

of opportunities to grow both spiritually, mentally and physically. I'll always remember the things I've experienced here. The good: Washington D.C.,

Lord of my life and started living by His will. This was the

down and hove a few biz with some friends or Boch's Pub ond

Prep School and LOP, Ac Pro and Ap Pro; D's and T’s: Just o few "good" rimes I'll never forger. Two Cougars, A rodeo in Pueblo, and Florida to Hawaii on 50 bucks: The list goes on. A million memories ond o few

highlight of my Acodemy exper-

lough about oil this. I have

great friends bur no ring. To

wingstoff and the bod: three degree year, 465 and wingstoff!

ience to serve God always. I

served my four years to

Seagram's'86, "just soldier

I hope I’ve developed enough

thank Christ for getting me

get whot I want out of life. Now

on this one."

characrer'in my four years here

fhrough USAFA and blessing me in

it’s rime to live.


meaningful. I mode Jesus


but this is ri-

I hope that someday I can sit

the marathon, John and Steve and -

to lost me a lifetime,

oil I did Also thanks to Mom and

’cause I sure don’t wont to do this

Dod, ond Rob ond Ginny.


Col 3:16-17






Hilo, Hawaii


Medford, N. Y. International Affairs Has this been a waste of time???


Chemistry/Biology God is so good. Occasionally accused of being happy for no visible reason I hove enjoyed

Chesterfield, Vo. Inrernorionol Affairs

some great rimes and

eye while letting the bod pass you. I soy that rhe

made the

best friends of my life here or rhe Academy. And will miss them

oil greatly. Although o rock of rhe solid type, I am looking forword to rhe advent of o beautiful

Wolfpack. The support I received

sledgehammer in my life, knowing that rhe Lord will provide. Duty,

from my family was indispensable. God bless, Shako, and may we always run with the Pack.

portonr to me, but even more so my God and Lord, Jesus Christ.

honor, country will always be im-






Princeton, III.

Springfield, Va Aeronautical Engineering

Aeronautical Engineering

I thank rhe Lord for the time I

"Through many dangers, toils, and snores, I hove already come,

hove spent at rhe Academy ond rhe friends I have mode. 1 hove

Tis grace that brought me safe

mode one very special friend

thus for, and grace will lead me home.” Thanks be to God for

who I will moke my wife, ond I

Aeronautical Engineering I’d like to thank my family for without their support this would not have been possible. Also my friends Giff and Dove, who own the best sanctuary from cadet

everything and in everything. I

together. I look forward to my

am thankful most for my increase

career in the Air Force os I

life, Kristopher, who never foiled to remind me of what real

of foith and rhe many close

continue to serve my God and

college was like, Som, Bill,

friendships received. May oil of

my country.

Corinthians "Be alert, stand

Chris, ond Mur. Friends ulrimotely con know of rhe feelings and frustrations undertaken by

firm in the foith, be brave, be strong. Do oil your work in

students attending this fine Acodemy. I come, I saw, I...

us remember Paul's words to the



I hope never to forger any of the friends I've hod here, especially the guys in rhe real

Meridon, Idaho

pray the Lord blesses our lives

Huntington Dch, Colif.

"It was rhe best of rimes; it was rhe worst of rimes.” Keep your on God, and take the good


Academy changed me, bur rhe truth is that through God, I

changed for the better. I'm glad. Thanks, Buddy. "I lift my eyes unto rhe hills; from whence does my help come? It comes from God, rhe maker of

heaven and earth.”

MATTHEW EARLE MORGAN Coine Anderson, Colif.

Chemistry "And this, too, shall pass

away.” Abraham Lincoln -


DOUGLAS MICHAEL POLAND Duds Ludowici, Go. Engineering Sciences I left my home in coasral, southeast Georgia and needed a rronslorer for two years. Lorer I lost my P.Q. and found rhe leisurely life of o control

Lompoc, Calif. Management I would just like ro rhonk my fomily for rheir support and love through rhe years. I would

systems major. The things I will remember about rhis place are: DCT, Hell Week, Good friends, lore nights, Caprain Control, Doc

Huckabay, poor TV receprion, ond

Mode it Mom!

like ro rhonk my friends who

FORTRAN Here or USAFA, rhe Lord has looked over me, and I hope

And I give thanks, ro those who said I could and those few who

Son Antonio, Texas

ond proy He will continue.

said I couldn't.

Basic Academics






Astronautical Engineering In everything I have done so far, and all I hope to do in rhe


me get

through rhe rough

rimes here or U5AFA

We ore like bolls, only to be kicked and knocked around. We are like floor mots, only to be


Sierra Vista, Ariz.

Military History

Tulsa, Oika.

Engineering Mechanics We had some great times, in fact probably just we should



more than

have (if you're

future, I wish that a simple

checkin the grade book)! I made

stepped on by our peers and

three line epitaph will justify

some very

others. We all think that we ore

my existence. He has fought the good fight,

I want to thank them for keeping

rhe children of God. We oil ore not! God never created anything

imperfect. However, Satan must prove his point that he con create images of himself also.

He has finished his course, He has kept the faith.

good friends here and

things interesting. We never did run out of places to go (happy, Tx?) or things ro do (road trip) I experienced many things here (good and bad) I wouldn’t have been exposed ro anywhere else and that made if all worthwhile.


San Antonio, Texas

Basic Academics With the help of the Lord Jesus Christ and the support of Mom, Dad, Lisa, Linda, and a great bunch of friends, I managed to make it through rhe Academy. Thank you and God bless you. "Have I nor commanded thee? Be

strong and of a good courage; Be nor afraid, neither be thou

dismayed; for rhe Lord thy God is with thee whither so ever

thou goest'


-Joshua 1:9



Roswell, Go. Aeronautical Engineering I left college to come here becouse it was the only place I


MARK EDWARD BEAUCHEMIN Deshe Deacon Foils, Conn. Operations Research Pink Panthers to Eagles, Plotinum to silver, Vail, Copper, and Breck, o little red sports cor, McNichols, the

bonk, Red Rocks, the golden bee ond yard of beer. Four tough years hove given me o lot -fun times ond real friends. Most of oil, one very special friend who was always there when I needed her. Only the beginning.

could go where they would pay




to learn how to fly and not get

Groton, Conn.

stuck on o boot. I stayed becouse I couldn’t do any better anywhere else. My goal was flying, but by for the best thing about this place isn't flyng but the friends I oquired. "In war... it is people, not things, that ore decisive.”


JEFFREY LOUIS BREININGER Bird Lorgo, Flo. International Affairs The Academy has been quite on experience. The reality of Academy life was different than I expected, but I think I learned something. My dossmotes in the

Wolfpack os well os

my other friends mode it oil

bearable. Sometimes you can’t soy it oil with words, so I won’t try to make anyone

remember anything. I think they will anyway. Thank God for my family and friends. May we always run with the Pock...

rank is empty, but I’ve endured. Good times with friends


who hove wit will be remembered. Laziness isn’t o goal to be pursued. It’s o store of mind.

General Engineering "Our worst fault is our preoccupation with the faults of





It's the lost round ond the gos

Fort Collins, Colo.

Civil Engineering I know os graduation draws near ond my family ond friends join

Creightie Northridge, Colif. Engineering Sciences While life is one long struggle to think well of yourself, I’m

in the celebration of my occom-

not worried. The system is token

plishment I will be better able

seriously too often, but with o dog like Big Boy its easy to keep things in perspective.

to understand. I will be able to

put into words all the tears and

laughter, oil the frustrations and triumphs oil the apathy ond enthusiasm. As for now, my mind is clouded with a menagerie of emotions, for I hove many "miles to go before I sleep.” -Robert Frost.

Who cares! Life was mode to ploy with dogs, go skiing ond hove fun. Whot counts is Big boy will always be there when I need him. I just wish he didn’t smell so bod.


Brucey Doby Erie, Po. SHERYL LYNN CROOK Choch


5r. Cloud, Flo. Humanities I wouldn't do it ogoin for the world, but it was certainly worth it the first time. And I never could hove done it without the incredible friends I mode while I was here, and the love of my family bock home. Thonk God I was never alone. "Hove the courage of your desire."


Queens Village, N. Y.

Management "Immorality is the morality of those who ore having o better time." —

H. L. Mencken

Las Vegos, Nev. Electrical Engineering It's best to forget the bod,

remember the good, ond take lessons learned to heart. As Mom said, the stupid man never leorns. My education here didn't come from class; EE? The best port was friendships and foiling in love. "The secret of life is enjoying the passing of time." James Toylor —

CARMELO ABEL HERNANDEZ Carm Fairborn, Ohio Aeronautical Engineering Corm will be remembered for a lot of things here ot USAFA. The Catholic Choir Dining In bus ride, spaghetti on the wall, sponsor trip to Columbus, wrecking my parents

Don and Nady's, ond the O'course lore or night. But Corm car, parties at

was o true friend who could


be counted on, like when I had too much money and didn’t know whot to do with it. Mike

Electrical Engineering The Academy was definitely the best decision I've mode. It took me o little longer prior service ond Prep school, but I will never regret whot I've done or will do. A POW once told me "Hit the ground running.” It pj-oved to be good advice. I'll never forger the good friends, like the guys from the country club ond one really special person ond her friend Dudley. Thanks for the


Chester, Va. Basic Academics Thonk you to my family


people who helped me the most during the bad times, supported me the most when things were good, and made graduation a reality. I


love you.


ERIK ANDREW LARSON Eulee Mequon, Wis. Astronauticol Engineering I did desire instant duck and dawn, The Present day to vanish now tomorrow, Longed for tasks supplanted by mediocrity, Wished to forsake a portion of my time, Fractional suicide ruled while spirit was gone. From which explanation did I borrow Justification for this activity? Nevermore to suffer this


Lubbock, Texas

Management The day at Disneyland, Jolly old England, Son Francisco, and Monterrey, College station ond Nebraska. They all hold special memories. Take care and behave now that I'm our two

fast, die young!

kegs. Live

personal crime.


MICHAEL DAVID MALONEY Saratoga, Calif. Engineering Mechanics Most people think I’m crozy

Tampa, Fla.

becouse I went to two yeors of college before I come here. I guess six yeors of college is crozy, but

going to college before here wos worth it. I come here for two reosons: Play water polo ond fly. Water polo is almost over so I guess it is time for me to fly. "I'm finally out of the storting gate, cotch me if

you con!"


Aeronautical Engineering Four years ago, an idealistic high

Military History The most important lesson I’ve learned here is the ability to

for reasons I don't even remember. That same optimistic soul stayed for

school student walked up the romp

discriminate between what is valuable and what is not. My friends and their friendships are the most valuable thing I've found in this four-year endurance test. I only hope I'm ready for the choices that

reasons I don't fully understand. But


in doing so, I've learned to skydive,

Mr. P/B.N.

toured the Far East, ond learned to fly. But what mode if worthwhile was the friends I’ve found. They are what kept me here, and they are what I'll miss when I leave.

await me.

East Lansing, Mich. Operations Research Let's all hope these four yeors will pay off in the long run!








A. J.

Rancho Mirage, Calif. Basic Academics I think that in the end the system

Phoenix, Ariz.

Fergus Falls, Minn

San Antonio, Texas Basic Academics It has taken me five years to realize that only your true friends are there with you in the fourth quarter. Thanks to God, Mom, Dad, and my friends, I might make it. Smile!

and I finally came to an

agreement: it won’t miss me and I won't miss it. Thanks to the Major

and the best of friends my sanity is still intact. "Let’s just say I was

testing the bounds of reality. I was curious to see what would happen. That's all it was, just curiosity.” J. —

M. I’m outta here. No mas Jeffe.

Human Factors June 22,1981 Oh well, here goes! Thanks to the Lord, my family and Tammy Jo for always being there. I'll always remember: Hell —

Week; a midnight swim; a F hour almost; The phone call; stop out. Ring Dance; my first "A" as a firstie,.


plus more. From loose Hogs to Thunderbolts to Eagles. Thanks Steve, Jeff, and George. $125,000 a nickel at a time. 29 May 85 We're out’a here!


International Affairs




Gettysburg, Pa.


Military History "We shall not lease from

North Augusta, 5.C. Humanities


Through oil the victories ond oil the

and the end of all our exploring; will be to arrive where we started; and know the place for the first time." T. S. Elliot

defeats, I'll always remember the

"America I've given you all and now I'm Allen Ginsberg nothing”

"Beware the rood nor token. It

wouldn't trade the post four years for anything! Good luck everybody ond moy the Lord


leods to New Jersey.”

guard and guide

KEVIN GERARD CAVANAGH Cov Long Valley, N.J. Basic Academics I finally mode it through the Academy. Four years of long nights ond short weekends. I'm glad I never rook things seriously here or I would hove gone crazy a long time ago. The skiing was great and so were the girls! Thonks Mom and






Alexandria, Va. Aeronautical Engineering I think that Shakespeare summed it up well when he wrote, "Parting is such sweet sorrow." However the

San Antonio, Texas Basic Academics A man is o fool if he doesn’t leorn from bad experiences. I leave here o wiser man. I thank all my friends

Academy cannot be numbered

for helping me through those experiences ond special thanks to

among the things this passage

applies to. I'll be joining you guys a little late, since I took a semester off, but or least I'll be out of here before they get around to

publishing this. Good luck oil!

Daphne, Korol, Jon and Randy. And to Florit, I express my love because six years is o long wait. I keep you waiting no longer. Bye Daphne. Go Vikings.


Dad, Mrs. Fischer, Morfy, Kevin, Pom, and Rob for making it easier. This is just the beginning. Just

hearts won ond the friends mode. I con soy that I've

enjoyed every minute here but then again I —





Sleepy Hollow, III. Operations Research Success is failure turned inside out, The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, It moy be near when it seems so for; So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit, It’s when things seem worse, That you must not quit. Thonks to Mom, Dad, Quinn, ond oil the very special friends who hove made the hard hits land o little softer.

remember: "Every mon should believe in something, I believe I'll hove another.” Anonymous



Fred/Fredrick/Fredstone STEVE DONOVAN Colorado Springs, Colo.

Arnaudville, La.

General Engineering Four long years,- bur I finally mode it! It nearly rook me all four years to reolize whot mokes the Academy worthwhile mostly those things which were difficult like BCT, my four degree year ond especially Hell Week. Then there were Academics, the parries, wrestling ond the wing open. Of course I'll never forget the tours. But the one thing that it oil boils down to is flying and that is whot people like me

Not bod for o transplanted, stubborn Cojun. Well, I’ll never forget my classmates from Jedi and Viking 9, ond everyone else. I never would hove mode it though the Marine Military Academy and here hod if nor been for my Mom and Dod, especially Mom's letter writing, ond also the Alesch family. Thanks! I olso enjoyed working Allied Arts. Thanks Pete ond Fred. "Mellow is the man who knows whot he’s been missing."

ore for.


EMMA ARCEO CUILLERMO Emmie San Diego, Calif.

IRVING TOSHIO HIGA Iva Pearl City, Hawaii

Management The challenge is finally over! USAFA was full of good times ond bod

International Affairs Four years seems like a lifetime for this kid from the beaches of Hawaii. Grebo, Node, Paul, Kerih, Rich ond Alto, rhonks for helping me keep my sonify (ond for losing it, too). Psycho, Coff, T. P. ond T. C., its been o wild four years. Mom ond Dod, thank you for oil your love and support. I wouldn't hove mode it without your help. "I must be in the front row!”

CHARLES EDWARD JONES, JR. Ched Yardley, Pa. Astronautical Engineering Without constant pressure from


Anchorage, Alaska Basic Academics Talk about a rough time! These lost four years hove been filled with good rimes and bod rimes and much character building. I survived though ond I'm convinced anyone con survive here. Remember, it's never as bod os you think it is.

times. I would like to thank my

parents for helping me through the bod times ond my friends for

providing the good times. Special thanks to my best friend Jeff. I thought I would never see the day of graduation ond in four short years, I tossed my hot. God bless 1985. Remember the footprints in the sond.



school, competition in intromurols, the hassles of regulations and rimeconsuming extra jobs, my time of the Academy would surely hove been easier ond probably o lot more fun,

but l don’t think that the

experience would hove been nearly os rewording nor would I hove grown os much during my four years here. Good luck everybody, love always Cheddar. And, I do not floor.

JOHN MICHAEL GIER Grebs Kohler, W/s. Basic Academics It took four years to internalize but I hove survived.


Hampton Bch., N.H. Mathematics A tribute to Jock Daniel's ond special friends in the night club; I remember camping oil night,

Skinny dippin’ by the bright moonlight Diving off o ledge. Skippin' rocks across the water Fishing on on old troutline Giggin' frogs fill the eorly morning Smokin' dried crossvine!

Thanks, Falcon football, for o lifetime of memories!


Juice/Ne wt/Fig

Management What can I possibly write here which will hove meaning to me 25 years from now? The meaning is hidden in experience ond it hos been so varied ond exhausting. I trust the post four years have been

well spent. I've always been

Columbus, Miss.


Human Factors Although I haven't always enjoyed being here for four years, this place hos mode me realize how


Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Aeronautical Engineering

important friendship is. I always

set my boots next to the seventh

cherish the friendships that I made

pylon by the moilroom. Now it is

here, because they will lost o lifetime. Also, a special thank you to Momo, Daddy, Grom, ond

my turn to leave the safety of the Academy ond join those who come before us. I hope I never betray the ring or those who also wear It. I

It seems like only yesterday that I

content with my place in life ond I


ask no more than that of the future.


especially Kathy. I never would hove mode if through here without

Thanks for waiting. Holly. Now where to from here?

Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Basic Academics

your love ond support. I love you oil very much!




Gumby, Psycho



Riverside, Calif.

Boston, Moss.

Chattanooga, Tenn.

Military History


Well, this is it. And now it's gone.

"I'll tell you this, no eternal reword will forgive us now for wasting the Jim Morrison. "Thought: down.” Why does mon kill? He kills for food.

International Affairs "A 125 K, o nickel at o time. They sure weren’t kidding. The best decision I ever made was to leave on stop out. I'm looking forward to the future. I guess I'll always miss the people I’ve known here though. Special thanks to Potty.

Basic Academics "I don't feel no ways tired. I've

Hey, take things too seriously, ond the pain becomes unbeoroble.

And not only food frequently there must be a beverage" Woody Allen. Beware the "rood —

not token"



it leads to New


Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the


proy to God that I never forsake my honor or my integrity for o


come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me the rood would be easy. I don't believe He brought me this far to leave me." These words, and the fact that I’ve made it this far in my life, prove to me that I can do all things throuqh



JAMES GLYNN WRIGHT, III Jim Boswell, Go. Humanities I think I could turn ond live with the onimols, they ore so plocid ond self

Mohegon Lake, N. Y. Operations Research Way to go '85! We mode it! I couldn't have done it without o lot of help. Thonks to Mom, Dod, Nerd, Poch-Bear, and Silver-Bear. I love

contained. Still there was one thing

you oil. My love also goes to Todd and Al and the rest of the Pete Field gong, the Lum family and, of course, Wendy. We'll moke it babe you and I. Remember Dod. I'm

in those early days that was really irksome: my hobit of thinking like o

free man. My happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it. My

happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end. It is its own goal. ." It Beware the "Rood not token leads to New Jersey. .



Military History It's been real, ond it's been fun but it hasn't been real fun. The eternal optimist lived. I couldn't hove mode it without a positive attitude, surplus

energy supply, ond mountains of determination. I still liked the overcoots. Strange, but nothing some

masking tope and a

newspaper rock can’t fix. In 20 years, I'll never be able to pay bock the Academy for the growth they've given me. Thonks USAFA. Missle owoy ..! .

doing this all in memory of you. You'd better be watching. It’s oil in



o store of mind.

Electrical Engineering

BRUCE DALE COX Tinton Falls, N.J.



Juneall, Alaska

Military History


Rusty Albany, Ga.


We came; we sow; we survived. Today the Academy, tomorrow USAF and the world.

Basic Academics Good friends con moke the worst situation better ond they did o heck of o job with this one. For that, I'm grateful to each of them. Thanks to my family ond Leo, my best friend and fiancee. For their love, support, and understanding.



Sacramento, Calif. Basic Science In spite of the tours I morched ond the confinements I served, it wos fun. Going through it all wos rough but looking bock, I think it wos one of the greatest rimes of my life. I've done o lot of fun things and mode o lot of great friends. Thanks Mom ond Dod, I couldn’t hove mode if without you.


Springfield, Mo. Management

BRIAN JOSEPH LESHKO Possum Pardeesville, Pa. Civil Engineering Follow your dream take one .



step at o time ond don't settle for

less, just continue to climb. Follow if you stumble, your dream don't stop ond lose sight of your goal, press on to the top. For only on top con we see the whole view, ...

FRANK LURIA Chuck Indianapolis, Ind.

Astronautical Engineering I'd like to put in writing these events ond people I’ll always keep in memory. The Fiat Crew, The M.T., Thanksgiving '82, Evon ond Ezra the witch, Don's, the Davis', ond the support of my family and friends. Remember, if you find you don't

Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Basic Academics There ore two things you need to get you through USAFA. The first is one heckuva dream ond the second is friends. When your dreams start to fade, your friends

Friends who have the If you osk me, "Would I do this again?I'd soy

are there.

some dream os you.

Thanks for oil the help Mom, Dod, Anne Marie, Ter, Puppy, "We oil hove Kevin, Storbuck dreoms. You stuck to yours." yes but.






Dunbar, W. Va. Basic Academics

Pooky Independence, Ohio Physics We actually made it! Graduates of the Air Force Academy, ond officers in service of our country. Boy ore we good! Lieutenont Pooky, I like that. I thank God because He's the

guy who’s pulled me through this place. Thanks God for outstanding parents, tremendous friends, ond the strength ond qualities to succeed. My friends, thanks for oil you've given me. I hove but one prayer for you: "Peace be with Pook, Code VI you." —

ERIC JAMES PAUL Rick Solon, Ohio Basic Academics All that you touch, see, taste, feel,

love, hate, distrust, save, give, deal, buy, beg, borrow or steal. All you create, destroy, do, soy, eat, and everyone you meet. All that you slight ond everyone you fight. And oil rhot is now, gone or to

con we see whot we've done and

hove rime to relax ond be idle,

whot we con do, con we then hove

you're working too hard. Take core

come, and everything under the sun is in tune, but the sun is eclipsed

the vision to seek something new

oil, ond God bless you.

by the moon. Thonk God it's over,

Press on, ond follow your dream. Amondo Bradley .


but thank God I came.

TERRENCE LEE ROTERING Ter Milwaukee, Wis. Basic Academics "Class of 1985, you ore dismissed" The happiest and proudest moment of rfiy life. USAFA taught me courage, honor, and love of freedom. I'd die ro -


Welch, Minn. Basic Academics I'd like ro thank everyone who moke this possible ...especially


protect my God-given freedoms, and pity those who wouldn't. Thanks to my friertds ond most of oil Mom ond Dad, without you I couldn't hove mode it. 85, it’s oil on attitude, go out ond kick some butt! "If God be for us, who con be against us."



Garland, Pa Electrical Engineering As I leave, the thing I'll miss most ore the friends that I hove mode here. Friends that hove been forged with sweat from BCT ro

graduation. Here our paths

hove crossed, bur now we must

continue down that rood of life. As with any rood there ore many turns ond our paths will

again cross, ond we shall stop ond folk. Until then Jaa more. He who dares, wins.”-

MARC HENRY SASSEVILLE 5ass Lewiston, Maine International Affairs Four years of riding on emotionol roller coaster hove finally come to on end. Many things I learned ond experienced, of which some memories will be cherished ond others repressed Bubbles burst, friend-

ships formed, enemies generated, ond the sobering effect of reality's harshness. And what do you do when your hands ore tied? When your golden egg is hollow? When your lover cheats on you?

Never, never give in.




Concord, N.H.



Simi Volley, Calif. General Engineering This space intentionally left blank.

Computer Science

Enfield, Conn.

Hackensack, N.J.

Basic Academics

Doom, dispoir ond agony on me. I could never hove mode it

through here without my friends, family and Adolf. Thanks again.

Rudy Human Factors Let it be known I was no academic scholar, but I sure did know how to party. I probably won't miss school, but I definitely will miss the friends I've mode. Thanks Linda ond Mick for making me port of your

family. Still miss them Hillboys in Hackensack. The best times were the weekend ski

trips, the

wild times our ond "there's

always o party or Jim’s place,

This bud s for me!!"

FRANCISCO JAVIER AVALOS Cisco Tegucigalpa, Honduras Electrical Engineering


Kenny, Tex

Srephenville, Texas Civil Engineering Turn our rhe lighrs, because rhe parry's over. They say rhar all good rhings musr end. I can

Honduras, my home counrry, we’ve

kepr o silence similar ro srupidiry. The lighr or rhe end of rhe runnel is here ro show rhe

safely soy rhar I've had more ups and downs here, rhan you'd

beginning of onorher runnel Thanks ro my family for helping me moke ir here, rhonks ro my friends for helping me moke ir

ger in a liferime of eighr second rides. You jusr gorra

keep your head srraighf and

Through here, ond Moru and oil,

remember, rhor wharever happens, if's jusr a rhing!

SCOn ALAN DAKER Do/re Cashmere, Wash.

Milirory Hisrory The Academy hos been o rough ond



Murrysville, Pa. International Polictics I've hod some good rimes, and some

nor-so-good rimes. Looking

rewording experience ond whor on

bock on ir oil, I didn'r hove

experience ir hos been! Everybody should ger a chance to Try ir. I’m glod I hod my chance,

enough picrures.

ond I feel even berrer rhar I

ler's see whor desriny holds. I will see you somerime in rhe



Human Foaors

STEVEN MICHAEL CONNOLLY Con Plainesville, Kan. Operations Research Sreven was one guy rhar you knew could do anyrhing in life. Many people knew him ond his ployful, smiling qualify rhar never quif. Combine rhis wirh his occcomplishmenrs of "squod-com" ond

successfully complered ir. Now

all Suprs, ond certainly rhe Connolly will be heard again.

ir’s on rhe bigger ond berrer

The Thing's important ro "parry-

Things. UPT here I come!

iron” ore God, family, friends, skiing, TV, Nautilus, sports ond buying our rhe counrry of Korea.


Norcross, Go.

Physics I will always be grateful fo the Academy for the friends I hove mode while I’ve been here. I wish them oil the best of luck

ond hope I see them often.

scon RICHARD GREGORY Vermillion, 5.D. Computer Science "This only do I charge you: When the ice uncloses, come after us. Soil to that littoral which you



Eagan, Minn. Management If you're reoding rhis, it means I've been graduated, which means a warm

know, to seoreoch and brave coerci, the Grieve. If there we foil to meet you, or send word,

body could make it RONALD JOHN GENDRON

then the search foils to you. Do whor you must and do not feor. While one valiant heart yet de-


fends the earth, evil con never

Sunrise Bch, Mo. Aerospace Sciences

triumph utterly." -Stephan R. Donaldson



Tupelo, Miss. Physics

Sioux Foils, S.D.

"...And when you're looking for

Ed should be remembered os o

through, with a little help from friends. Thanks guys. By the way, since when has there been a McDonalds outside the south gate?


Fayetteville, N.C. Basic Academics



Pontiac, Mich.

Chestertown, N Y.



I came, I sow, I left., and I

why? Because I am destined to fly, fight, ond win. come bock,

I thank God and my family for

without them, I could nor hove survived. P S. Tell Mom, "I hove truely found porodise."

your freedom, nobody seems to core, ond you can't find the door, can't find it anywhere, when there's nothing to believe

in, still you're coming bock, you're running bock, you're

coming bock for more. So pur

highway and show me o sign, ond take if to the limit, me on o

one more time..." -The

Thanks Mom ond Dod!


Engineering Sciences very easy guy to get along with ond confide in. He has o


ability to take things in stride ond to look on the bright side of negative moments. He did well in all his endeavors here, but is now very glod to leave ond try something new. Important things in Ed's life are:

parents, Karen, friends, Seringuccio, Scabs, skiing, music, Ralph, and gee I don’t know,







Cincinnati, Ohio International Affairs The rime I spent here or rhe



Willow Grove, Pa. Astronoutical Engineering

Springfield, Va. Civil Engineering

I came, I saw, I survived! I would like to thank my Mom and

I lived in Virginia all my

Dod, John, Angela, Mary Ann, Jean, Matt, Eric and Gary (roommotes for life), Leo, Anno, Dave, Chuck, and all of my friends ond relatives, without

Now I can’t wait to leave. It’s time to do some real work and rime to start living. Live each

whom I could nor have made it

rhe world and see my brother

Academy has helped me to grow more than I ever realized.


most important port of this has


Bellevue, Neb.

for me. His yoke really is easier, and his load much

Humanities To try, ond fail, is by far better than never trying. Tis a shame, rho\ that a man fail often at rhe same attempt, but shameful to never allow o man a chance to try. Likewise, to hang such a price on failure as to make temptation unaffordable is


truly a sin against all of man.

been my growth and strengthened faith in Jesus Christ. But seek ye first Matthew 6:33 his kingdom and his righteousness; ond oil these things shall be added to you.” This sums it up '


through the Academy, during rhe good times and the bad. -Psalm 23 "Lord guard and guide.”



Moraga, Calif.



International Affairs

Leesville, La.


International Affairs What I’m going to miss most of

The past four years have been hell. They've been tough on my

oil ore all the great friendships and all the fun times that

brain and body, tough on old friendships, and especially tough on my ulcers, but I have to say that they’ve been worth

I’ve hod here. The old friends in Deuce (Pom, Greg, Mott, Ron) and all the new ones in Rebeleven

(Cheryl, Julie, Rich, Bill,

Ken) have all been really super

people and I wish the best to them ond everyone else here. Hove a happy and fun life!

it. The experiences have been

great, and the friendships I have made are ones that will last a lifetime. Good luck to all you bums.

life, until I came to Colorado.

day as though it were your last, it just might be. I want to see Mike, sometime while I’m in rhe service. Good luck Mike, Thanks

Dad, I love you, Jill. Hi Mom and Irwin.

GARY ROBERT RAFFERTY Raff New York, N. Y. International Affairs I mean it when I yell out my window, "I love it here!" I’m serious, the Academy was great! Look at my activities: Cheerleading, Bluebards, Catholic Choir ond Talent shows. I like performing, traveling and having fun. Happiness is a sickness I can’t shake. Even in class I can’t resist a good burp or nose blow to break the boring tension. Trust in God and a good sense of humor, got me through here.



Diwabik, Minn.

ROBERT LAWRENCE STEWART Dob Sr. Louis, Mo. International Affairs I come here on idealist. I leave o cynic. To my friends I soy solute! To my parents I soy I love you. Instead of o bureaucrat, I leave o warrior.

CURTIS RAY CARTER Curt Hill view, Ky.

Management The rood from 22 June 1981 seems to hove been o long one; ond looking bock on things, I con soy thot it's difinitely been on experience. I've goined o lot of book knowledge but more importontly I've leorned so much

about myself. I've done o lor of growing-up since thot first day of BCT, ond deep down inside I feel good about my accomplishments. Thanks everyone Thonks for the opportunity. —

Engineering Mechanics



JOSEPH EMMANUEL MARIAN CASTRO Joe Sr. Louis, Mo. Civil Engineering With effort, comes pride, with o

positive attitude, comes ease, with confindence, come success.

That’s oil.

Southgate, Mich. Basic Academics

For the post four years I hove hod so much character built that it's coming out of my ears. I just hope it was oil worth it. I come, I sow, ond it is about time I graduate ond go on to UPT.



Lumbo, Dillo Seattle, Wash.


Aeronautical Engineering The years spent here hove been tough. They hove also been fun. I'll take with me memories that I will never forget. But, whot hove I leorned? Firsty, I’ve leorned the value ond importonce of my family and friends, without whose support ond love I would hove never mode if. Secondy, I’ve leorned that in order to survive, you hove to work hard ond ploy equally as hard. Finally, I hove leorned to

lough or myself.

Grand Rapids, Mich. General Engineering It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. But through the grace of God, the support of my family, ond with o little help from my friends, I got by ond

reached the end of the long ond

winding rood


General Engineering

THOMAS EDWARD DOYLE Tom Orouille, Calif. Aeronautical Engineering Well, we mode it, but not with-

"...For better it is to dore

out the help of countless people

mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered

along the way. In particular,

Skiing was fun. Squash was o good time. Roodtrips were great.

I'd like to thank my Mom ond Dod ond Grandma os well os the rest of my family ond friends who

Chris, Joe, Steve, E.J., Bloine, Steve, Ed ond Scot. Going down-

DRAIN DAVID COX Nashville, Tenn.

by foilure, rhon to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the

hove given me on enormous amount

great twilight that knows neither victory or defeat.''

of strength ond encouragement

-Theodore Roosevelt



DEBORAH LYNN INGS Debbie Jackson, N.J. Aeronautical Engineering Well, I've got that behind me now... Lead the way, Lord.

Rison, Ark. Aeronautical Engineering It seems like we've been here forever, freshman year rooming with Doolies, the outrageous room and cord games.


year and giving Linden o hard time and especially the room.

Mike ond dreaming about cars. Two degree year isn't quite so distant. Steele ond the cor fiasco. Pulling through with o 2.00. And now I'm oufto here. Cars, music, girls ond comics; whot else is there? Porting thought if oil else foils, REBEL!

along the way. Thank you oil so


Orlando, Fla.



San Diego, Calif. Basic Academics I finally mode it!! Bur only because of oil the love ond support I got from my wonderful family, my beautiful wife-to-be, my cooch ond oil my friends. I hod more fun the post five years rhon the 18 years before I come to the Academy. I really thank the gee team for oil the fun ond loughs ond even for the stupid nicknames they gave me. Fly the blue skies. BOOOM!!!

I wish Harold, Terry ond Corl

could hove mode it! Looking bock it really wasn't that bad.

Everybody helped. Mom thanks to

town was fun. Hoping for Willy

probably get Vance. I guess that's alright os long os I don’t hove to drive. Does anybody wont to buy o Truimph?





Reno, Nev. As I reflect on my Academy ex-

Essington, Pa. Electrical Engineering I never thought I'd live to see

perience good things come to

the year 1985. I've learned a

mind. Good people, good times, good experiences. I am thankful for the opportunity I was given.

lot during my stay here; how to

I am especially grateful to

good training is pilot training, how to cut my vocabulary in half by using acronyms, ond much more

Aeronautical Engineering

Chief and "Chafe" for helping me to see if. I thonk you for your guidance and cherish your friendship. As the cadet area grows smaller in my rear view mirror. I will feel o loss but it will be time to move on.

march in snow, how to port my hair (zipperhead!), the only

than I core to remember. Couldn't hove mode if without the love ond support of many

friends, my parents, ond Louro. Let's blost outto here!



Lancaster, Calif. Electrical Engineering The Academy takes so much, yet leaves you with so much more.

Education, training, experiences, bur most of oil great friends. I couldn't hove mode if alone.

Without the greot companionship of my buddies and everyone else I would've fizzled long ago ond not been happy to be port of the


Electrical Engineering

program. Remember, hoppy ore


Through many blunders, successes ond trails, I con only hope that

Los Angeles, Calif. Engineering Mechanics


those who dreom dreams ond ore willing to pay the price to moke


them come true. I always will.

This definitely was nor UCLA!

God, ond my friend.


RHONDA RENEE STRICK Kansas City, Mo. Social Sciences

DAVID BRIAN SUMRELL Dave Colorado Springs, Colo. Basic Academics The only thing that worries me



Danvers, Moss. Aeronautical Engineering I probobly won't remember too

much Aero, but I will remember the way to Vail, 69 skydives with some of the best ond the mistake of giving it oil up,

roodtripping to Ku,

raking wing

in swimming, Dove's "fair

weather" Triumph, parties ot the

dive, room wars, the "big" favor I did for Blaine, airborne,

woterskiing the summers owoy and most of oil the


friends I've mode. Now it's off to follow T.G.'s lead...



Reno, Nev.

is being able to find my way to

the dinner table without o

Mitchell Hall waiter os my


I hove served well my master, my


Metairie, La.

Engineering Mechanics There were many things to learn while I was here, expeciolly about myself. My friends mode if worthwhile ond I couldn't hove done any of it without God's

help. I'm not sure I'd repeat the adventure even though I’m thankful for the experience ond oil it held. So much, so little.


Big Roy

JOYCE DENISE WASHINGTON HBF, JD Lompoc, Colif. Basic Academics "And maybe some misty day you'll waken to find me gone And far away you'll here me singin' to the down...” •Pippin coner of the sky

Doty City, Colif. Aeronautical Engineering After three years of enlistment, one at the USAFA Preparatory School, and four years of USAFA, my goal has come to on end. Thor light which we could hardly see at the end of the tunnel for four years, has become o real-

ity. In face, it has become my life, and it is up to me to moke something of it. Also I would like to thank my friends for their support.


KIT QUENTIN BOYD Upsilonti, Mich.



Buds Port Chester, N. Y.


Operotons Reasearch "You ain’t o beauty but, hey, you're alright.” Springsteen. Life wasn't meant to be token


Son Francisco, Colif. Operations Research

Nothing is os serious os it seems to be. Only those who dare truly live. It's been really good mainly because of the people, and if anyone were to osk me I would hove to soy,

"Yeah, it's worth it.”





Homestead, Fla. Computer Sdence I come hear to leorn, but learned for more than I hod


Georgia Spokane, Wash. TODD LEE CHANEY

International Affairs

Livingston, Mont. General Engineering

There comes a time to move on. It's time I'll miss rhe

I leave rhe Academy with a lot of great friends, many memories

and rhe satisfaction of having joined the line. Yah, I guess I'm sort of lucky. Thanks Mom, Dad, and Pam for all your support. Catch me if you can!


Shelby, N.C. Mathematics When in doubt, kill'em oil! Let God sort'em out.

Bulldawgs of B. And I'll miss my friends from Dirty Dozen. I'll miss you oil, but I will remember you oil with fond memories and no heartbreak, for rhe time has come to move on.


Albuquerque, N.M. Chemistry /Biology

General Engineering I hove done many things here that I would never hove done. I hove friends and experiences enough to fill most lives, which I would not hove hod I chosen another path. To my friends, I dedicate my life, to Suson, oil of my love and to Christ my faith. Because once I stood before two paths in o wood. He

led me down the one less traveled by. That, my friends, hos mode rhe difference!

CHRISTOPHER JUSTIN FERRY Silver Spring, Md. International Affairs Remember where you come from, Where you ore going, ond why you created the mess you got yourself into in rhe first place

-Richard Boch, Illusions

expected, for there is no educotion like that which one receives when pressed beyond his limits. This strength which I

hove found in myself would hove no foundation if nor for rhe

support of my friends ond

family. I dedicate my future endeavors to my wife, Rhonda, for together our lives will be a success, regardless of what becomes of me.


Wo/anoe, Hawaii Human Factors


KEVIN DAVID KETLELL Corks Summit, Pa. International Affairs The good times far outweighed the difficult; squadron trip to

Alpena, Mich.


Basic Academics I owe plenty to oil the people who helped me moke it through here. I'll never forger those who helped me when I wos in

Edgewood, Ky. Organizational Behavior always easy or fun, bur thanks to o supportive family, Amy's

George AFB, Operation Air Force in Hawaii, exchange trip to Sandi Arabia, BCT Logistics '83

academic trouble. The biggest plus for this place wos thor it

love and support, and the best friends a man could ever ask for I was able to endure these past four years. I walk away from the

and 84, SERE survival instructor '83 and '84, chairman of Ring Committee, 2nd Group deputy commander for support,

ways, did I enjoy myself? Did I improve myself? A good day is

Academy proud and confident. I

good rimes with the Bull Dawgs

when I do neither. USAFA has

and special moments with Andre!

opened the door for me to have

I pray that the Lord will guard

many good days in the future Thanks Mom and Dad for your unwaivering love.



together with some of

the greatest people I will probobly ever meet, os for the rest

And so the story ends, it wasn't



Albuquerque, N.M. Electrical Engineering I measure my success in two

when I do both, a bad day is

of if... I'm just glad it's

learned that motivation and

finally time to go fly jets! "The flome is gone, but the pain lingers on."

dedication can make anything possible Don't ever be content always work to become better!








and guide each one of you! See you at the top!

International Affairs

Roseville, Minn.

Lake Oswego, Ore.

Much is readily forgotton but friends and good rimes, never.

Asrronautical Engineering Freshman year was mixed, with flrsties like Adkins; friends like Jeff, Stu, and Rick. One

Aeronautical Engineering Here's to it and to it again. Damn those that can't do if when they get to it. If they can t do

infamous night at Odyssey brought us luck when Lorraine asked me to dance. I remember us

it when they get to it, they

Teaching Rich to play squash, he teaching me how to beat the Dean.

Winning Honor Sqoudron made my doolie year. Brian's kill-ocommie attitude. Brilliantly

planned spirit missions, and those philosophical dis-

in her Z-28

Sophomore year and

cusslons about space and rime.

stop-out taught me about CQ, alcohol, Europe, and college.

(Joe, if they only knew). Senior year brought the ring, new car

The ring, the car, and Linda sent my spirits soaring, but

and more women than the year

disappointments of everyday life shot them down. I won't look back.

before. Dink life had its moments but never


ought to be tied to if and made to do it. If they can’t do it when they're tied to if and made to do it, they ought to give if to us, ’cuz we're used to if.

ALBERT EDWARD ROBERTSON JR SCOn HILLARY REMINGTON Yonges Island, 5.C. Basic Academics In rhe post four years, I hove come to realize how very forrunare I hove been in amending rhe Academy. I will always cherish rhe friendships which I hove mode here. Through both rhe good and bod rimes, my friends and my family hove been rhere ro lend me rheir supporr. I wouldn'r rrode places with

GLEN SCOn PORTER H.C. Fort Smith, Ark. Basic Academics "...and Kill MiGs."

anyone. If is wirh rhem in mind, fhor I dedicore myself to serving our country in her Air Force.



Winchester, Ky.

Southbridge, Mass.

International Affairs It's been o long, hard rood. But it's finally over!

Military History "They troin young men to drop fire on people, but their


Skip Arlington, Texas General Engineering I'm really fortunate in that I'm getting the benefits resulting

from the very hard work of others who helped me through. Special thanks ro you, Mom and Dod for your continous support. Also, thanks to Alon for your help in getting me this oppor-

tunity. To oil of you in B, thanks for oil rhe great times and also for my new nicknameBluto. It’s been real and it's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun. "Lost we forget..."



Babylon, N. Y. Astronautical Engineering If you measure age by experience then I hove lived mony lifetimes. Whot I take from the Academy,

friendships, knowledge, some bod times but so mony more good ones, I shall cherish and keep

forever. I hove found rhe Lord

(or he me) and I hove faced myself victoriously. But for ahead rhe rood has gone and I must follow if I con. Until it joins some larger way and wither then? I cannot soy.

JOHN AU-YEUNG Los Angelos Calif. ,

commanders won’t allow them to write F on their airplanes becuose it's obscene" -


Apocolypse now




Dohnj Lingle, Wyo.

Bergie Rudolph, Wis. Operations Research The challenges ond struggles for outweighed the fun ond reloxo-

Basic Academics This ship of fools is one heck of o bunch ond they touch me in all aspects of my life. This hasn't been on easy ride ond I hove hod many a blue Sunday. However on graduation day, ot the end of the night, when the music's over ond the stereo's off, this unknown soldier can surely soy that this is the end of the most challenging chapters in my life. Good night Jim M.

tion, however no where else but USAFA could hove given me the

opportunity to gain so much pride ond self respect. Thanks to great friends like "T",

Stoneberg, Slick, Mo, Crock, Lou, Steve, Ed, Koss, Kyle, etc, and especially Pam, I mode it through. Mom ond Dad, I did my best!

ELIHU ROBERT BLACKMAN JR Trunk Akron, Ohio Basic Academics I can't soy that I have enjoyed myself, but I con say that I hove learned many things that I couldn’t hove learned or observed anywhere else. Especially how to deal with people who do things in my best interest, people who wont to moke me the best I con be ond, the toughest

people to deal with, social idiots. When oil foils, though, I refer to the phrase in my ring. I will be very proud to be on Academy graduate.



Burlingame, Calif. Astronautical Engineering "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Sir Winston Churchill






Dimar, Dimo Braintree, Moss.

Phoenix, Ariz.

Fairfield, Calif.


Inrernoironal Affairs

Basic Academics

Merritt Island, Flo.


”1 con be inspired to grow, but more often I grow because I hove

There ore so many things that I will never understand here. Like

whot's the matter with parting

been broken by certain unyielding realities. When I have once

your hair in the middle?!? I've realized in these four years that life is definitely too

again been made aware of my fallibility, I am then predisposed to learn.” -Hugh Prather

short to worry. It has been on

incredible four years, truly incredible. If I had to do it oil over again...No way!



Economics/Operations Research When I reflect back on my USAFA experience, I realize it was just that. I did things that I never

thought I would do ond

probobly hope that I will never do again, thank God. I won't forger the headaches from study ing too much nor the fun I had on the ski slopes. But most of all I won’t forget what it feels like to be a cadet.


Sarasota, Flo. Ed, Kos Alexandria, Vo.


Electrical Engineering

lor easier. And a special thanks to all rhe coders who rook rime

Every moment spent worrying about what one's life

our of rheir busy schedules ro

should have been is one more moment that it will not be. I've

correct my many "gross” de-


Marty Portland, Ore. Civil Engineering

WAYNE LESLIE MILLER Whole-Done Edison, N.J. Human Factors/Engineering I can't say its been great, but I’ve sure learned a lor about life and dealing with people. I've had some good rimes with rhe Rugby ream, and other friends that I'll never forger. Its been a lor of hard work and only rime will rell if it was worth it. UPT, here I come. Good luck ro everyone.


Mequon, Wis. Aeronautical Engineering I had ro learn rhe hard way, bur I'm glad I learned. "Do your

ficiencies, I am sure that I will be a better person and officer as a result. Thanks again guys! Bur remember I'm going inro rhe Security Police.

learned that most things worth having don't come easy. The post holds many fond memories, but



Lithonio, Go.

Phoenix, Ariz.

Oly Spooner, Wis.

Management All complaints aside, rhe Academy was rhe Academy. No

Basic Academics No comment; just turn up rhe

Basic Science After four years here its rime


ro move on. May all rhe

words can fathom rhe frustration. No experience can capture rhe moment. No apologies con made amends. No thanks can find all rhe livers. No emotion con sum up rhe feeling and no number can rally rhe friends.

Why try ro express what no one else con appreciate? You just hod ro be there. "It Is very hard ro be simple enough ro

be good.” -Emerson



Basic Academics Thanks to my family and friends who made being ar rhe Academy

the present is rhe hey to the


best. You can do no more. The rest will be taken care of. God said so.”



rimes be remembered and

cherished and may all rhe bad be forgotten. Hopefully everyone will have something ro remember.








Basic Academics

Highland Heights, Ky.

"Remember your faith ond keep if strong. Do nor expect to find o path ond be prepared to moke your own. When it is doy you must travel far, but when it is dork, then rest ond remember. Conquer the urge to panic ond run; for they insure you'll never return. When daylight comes, then rest not long ond

Biology No one con moke it through four years here olone and I was no

exception. Thanks to God who helped me through each day. To Mom, Dod and Beth, thanks for supplying the love to keep me going. Lastly, thanks to Mary ond Coproin Kent for being close whenever I needed help or encouragemenr. On May 29,1985, the seven of us were graduated!


Verbank, N. Y. Basic Academics When USAFA didn't try to reach me by redundancy, it tried to teoch me by giving me o task

that one usually would hove been

given o week to do ond told me to hove it done by the following morning. Realizing that one’s limits ore for beyond whor is normally conceived has o lor to do with the four years I've

quickly seek your way or you, like the leaves also decoy.”

spent here. The memories will be


rehashed over a drink by the

Auburn, Mich.

■Lt. Col. Nick Rowe

fire someday...



Sacramento, Calif.


Elkins, Ark.

Computer Science

Asrronoutical Engineering


Thanks to Mom ond Dod for

Achieveing goals is like reaching out and grasping o

talking me into coming here. Thanks to oil the friends I mode who kept me going.




Scortsdole, Ariz. Aeronautical Engineering I have experienced, been enlightened, experimented, and

applied while here. I learned things expected and unexpected. Did things I never would have been able to do anywhere else:

Jumping, and flying. I made it through with some hard work, a lor of luck, and with the help of friends and family. The great times were with Snakeman, "The

Boys," and Kathy. The bad times, well, they came naturally. Thanks Barry G.


Basic Academics While I've been living here,I hod to take my rime and change my style. Now I wonder is something is going to moke it all worthwhile? There ain't no feeling like finding the key. Now I’m reeling thinking of the things that I might see. Hod my doubts, but decided to wait. We rook our chances and now's our fore It doesn't hurt to soy goodbye, because now it's time for me to fly




Augusta, Ga.

Davenport, Iowa

Astronautical Engineering These three and a half years have taught me many things. Your honor is the only thing you have which can't be token away from you. Duty is not a word, bur a concept of living to be the best and doing what is right. A super attitude will carry you through when all seems hopeless. Remember me with a smile on my face and a "hello" soon to follow. Good Luck!


Palmetto, Ga. Economics I come for the education. I

enjoyed my stay, my parents enjoyed my stay, my girlfriend

much has happened here that con't be compressed into 75 words, but the one thing I liked best about the old blue U-SAFA is oil the onimols perhops. Nietzche soid it best: "Thor which does nor


THOMAS HERMAN MAAS 5r. Louis Pork, Minn. International Affairs I come, I lost, then I left.

Spike Montgomery, Ala. International Affairs

Fly clean, land soft, love hard, give beautiful memories. Thanks

if over again, I would. My folks

you guys.

would still be here, bur I would be o lot less happy. I've gotten o lot more than on education.

Copt. Billy Birdwell, Gory G., Matt, Mike, Rodor, Peggy, Susan, Astrid, or me.

to oil for the beautiful ful memories. I'll never

always there, but if it weren’t for my girlfriend, her house, her meals, her coring, I

Tron/Hibling Buffalo Grove, III. Computer Science John lived in the Medio Office more than in his coder room. Everybody will remember his "great" 'Pass in Review' articles and his infamous TALON covers (like Dork Ages, 1983!). He will never be forgotten by

kill me, mokes me stronger."

loved it. I guess if I hod to do were


Basic Academia Looking back in retrospect, I am reminded of the quote from the poet Rilke: "How much suffering there is to get through!" So







General Engineering

5ASS: water rowers at Columbus, then it rained! The lady at the MICHAEL THOMAS MACK

Kirkwood, H. Y.

Engineering Physics


Phoenix, Ariz. Astronouticol Engineering In this life, I think only one thing is critical: "God has given us eternal life, ond this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life,- he who does not hove the Son of God does not hove life.” Thanks, Lord, for the best Mom ond Dod I could wont. Thanks Rob ond Ginny, for being Mom ond Dad when Mom

bowling alley! SERE: great students. "15 runs group”. John, where's Charlie now?

CHRISTIAN PETER RAUSCHENDACH Torrance, Colif. Astronouticol Engineering "Oh!....I'm graduating now?”


Albany. Ky History

Management I'm gerrin' to know myself a little better. Going through oil the changes I mode so many mis-

Rodor wos another Medio person who foiled to write his own

rakes. Sometimes I think I was a little crazy, but we oil get o little crozy. You know, you've got to be so strong, even when you think your strength is gone. Well, it's cornin' together. I finally feel like o man. I

blurb, so we did it for him. Radar spent most of his life in the dork (room). He could only work alone and he always messed

up everyone else s chemicals Thar was okay, because he worked os fast os three

people: unfortunarely, he olso messed up more than any three people could hove! Thanks for everything,

thought I would be where I Whoo! I keep pushin on. R.E.O.

Radar, we couldn't have done it without you Mott and Mario


Mesa, Ariz.

Anchorage, Alaska

Electrical Engineering

Basic Academics

Everyone wos always telling me

never am.



how great it wos to go to the



Dod couldn't. The Lord is my




WANDA ARLENE WRIGHT Wicked Wanda Dover, N.J.


Sebastopol, Colif. Basic Academics


I thank my family for their sup-

Mom ond Dad, I love you. Thanks

port. I thank life for the

hunting. I thank Kevin for the hunting. I thank Rodney



Shelton, Wash.

for Ac-Pro. I thank Mike ond

Astronoutical Engineering I came here with a dream to fly rhe Space Shuttle someday. I've still got it! Now I want to go

Ivon for good times. I followed Horold Brown’s quote ond still

to Mors. UPT ond

things in perspective. I stayed

fighters here

I come. Advice from Astro 468

rocker launch ond design cource,

Relax, it goes up easier.


for being there. Spike, Mike,

Skinny Carl, Joey, Davy, JR, JP,

Greg, Chris, Eric (it was wild), Joy, Ivon, Wode, John, Steve, Todd, Tom ond Don, thanks for

taking core of me. I loved being the only girl. Major Higgin-

lived for rhe weekend, i learned nor to get tense ond to keep with my major oil four years.

bothom. Dove, it was fun while it lasted. Sue, Philecio,

Keep pushin’ on 'couse it just


doesn't matter.

Joyce, we hod fun didn't we!

Human Factors

I'll miss you oil-


Coraopolis, Po. International Politics When they osk you to write for

something like this, you never really know what to put down. All I con say is that I’m thankful I hod on opportunity to come here. I've met many new

people, hod some great experiences, ond mode o lor of new friends. I'd just like to wish everyone great luck.


Pasadena, Md. International Affairs USAFA holds many fond memories for me: cor no

impoundments, BCT, Thanksgiving leave, 12th

period finals, 0640 formations, and countless other benefits of


paid to go to school (o

nickel or o time!) but, the best time I hod at USAFA was the semester I spent a USNA?! D.B.,

keep twoppin! Forman! Airline orientation, here I come! Whaddya mean It's on rhe wrong side?

Ivon, beer is rhe solution! I love you Sharon!

Danielle, Monica, Colleen,


Alamogordo, N.M. Management The one thing that I will always remember about rhe Academy is the advice my Spanish 365 teacher, Major Angolo from Mexico, gave me about every-

thing I do or get involved in. He said, "Empieza bien, desconso en el camino y termino bein," which means, "Start well, rest along rhe way and finish well.''


Aeronautical Engineering Dut they rhor wait upon rhe Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings os

eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31); I'm leaving USAFA with many fine

memories, friends, and lessons learned; but more importantly I'm leaving. Dawn and I are looking forward to o great life

together. See you in the wild blue yonder.

JEFFERY KURT DEITERS Heine Chicago, III Electrical Engineering

Thanks for rhe good times,... Snapping our fingers on weekends and bipping and bopping down rhe road to see Marc and Rachell. Where did we get all those shirts, Dick? You know it was good when your feet hurt! You lost Spanky. But hey, rhe games finally over,...and I'm still smiling! You've always gotta be yourself The core, Burch,




Santa Cruz, Calif. Basic Academics

Healdsburg, Calif. Asrronauticol Engineering Well, it was a nice place to visit but... yea it was hard, but I have to say it was worth it as I leave. I can see rhe

many things I've gained by coming here. I've found many life long friendships, a love for flying, a special girl, and most importantly, knowledge of

Rugby ream and everyone else,...

myself and what I want to beI know I'm ready, but is the Air Force? ...3,2,1, blast

Thanks for the good times.


Bandit, Jake, Rich, the entire


I took the long way around to

get here from enlisted service. Those experiences along with those I gained from here will never be forgotten nor regretred. Just osk Booboo, Spanky,

Crash, Crow, Barnes, Biff, Boofer, JD, Grinch, Slick, or other spiders what it was like. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have made it through. Their commirment to becoming profession-

als of arms supported me in joining this elite group.









Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. Electrical Engineering I was born here so I guess I was destined to return. I wonder what Stanford would have been like? Actually, the four years have been worth it. I'm thirty years later and I hope I con

Gainesville, Flo. Basic Sciences Soon after his arrival here, He become affectionately known as Hugh. Few like him could stare for hours out of a window at their first snowfall. Times were tough or first, but after Digger and Moon Unit days hugh was left with a great firsfie year. He his cadet career playing began intercollegiate football and baseball and ended it playing the field. He will best be remembered for his landshark attributes, Good hunting.

Tacoma, Wash.

Farley, Iowa

Military History "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you rhe desires

Electrical Engineering

of your hear. Commit your way to


rhe Lord, trust also in Him and He will do it." -Psalms 37:4,5

spectrum of academy life. He

May the skills I learn and actions I train for never be

used in my lifetime so that I live in peace yet, if not I, that my children may. -

"I close my eyes only for a moment


and the moment’s

Kansas Jim has run rhe full

started with a massive chest cavity in BCT and went on to be an academic dynamo. Finally, he

mean as much to my son.


soccer has been a great release.

realized that it just didn't matter and become a ghost on weekends. If you asked, "Where's

I'll never forget all rhe good times and good friends. Thanks

Hird?” He was always there to make you laugh—like with rhe bulldog song or shock the

second parents, you've meant more than you realize.


Mike and Anne for being my

YVETTE PEREZ Brandon, Fla, International Affairs



Dirminghom, Alo. International Affairs I think someone once soid rhor if you don't hove friends, you don't hove anything. Well, I con honestly soy that if it wasn't for the friends I've hod out here, I would hove left long ogo. So I’d like to thank Zure, Joke, Jeffe, Steve and Adkins for making this place on easier place to live.

The past four years have been a rime of re-evaluation: My thoughts, my feelings, my faith.

Aeronautical Engineering Don't only concentrate on the bod parts of USAFA. Look for the happiness in every day and your

stay here con even be fun. thanks go to my uncle Jerry, without whom I never would hove known about USAFA, ond to Don Lindberg ond my sponsors for oil their love ond support. I wouldn't hove mode it without oil of you. Next for me is the realization of my dream to fly. God bless.

I've read that "these times when we feel lost and all around us seems to be

falling opart...We struggle ond try to recapture the security of what was, but almost in spite of ourselves,


emerge on the other side with o new understanding, a new

The Hun

awareness, a new strength.” Sue

Chicago, III. Civil Engineering



Mitchell you were there ..Anne..







Seattle, Wash.

Oxnard, Calif.

International Affairs


Astronautical Engineering I will soon forget the un-

Thanks to all who have helped me

I've spent almost one fifth of my life here. It’s a good place to be from.

pleasant times such os the late nighters but will remember most the important lessons I learned,

over the years,

Jim, Greg, John, Dave, Taters, Mat, Jay, Gary,

and everyone who made my stay a bit

the friends, ond graduation. If

better. Good friends are hard to come by and hard times,

there is one thing by which I

they are the only thing that

would want to be remembered it is my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, that being the most important thing in my life. I am looking forward to serving with pride the greatest country in the world Thanks Mom and Dad for your support.

saves you. Thank you once



Sandusky, Ohio General Chemistry From Larry Jones, to Digger to the moon, Hooter's gone through

everything USAFA could dish out Following the attitude of HUPE and MDC, he believed "Everything must pass.” As he goes into the Air Force, destined to study the water molecule, we thumb our noses at

pilot qualifications,

because he would have made the best fighter pilot in the U S A F.




Clearwater, Fla. International Politics "Nobody con moke you feel inferior without your consent." true fhot life is one damn thing

Grant, La. Electrical Engineering Too many times these days, people get for too tense about things that really don't mean squat in all of life's cycle. My

after another it's one damn thing over and over." (Edna 5t.

philosophy is "All things must pass." I remember hoeing water-

Vincent Millay)..."Courage is the price that life exacts for

melons after school until dork and thinking, "Someday this will

(Eleonor Roosevelt)..."It's nor -

granting peace" (Amelia Eorhort) "I don't know whot kind of mess I om getting into bur it's o mess I wont to be in" (Word, in o letter to my parents upon our


CLARITA OMEGA ABUYUAN Claire Fremont, Calif. Operations Research Tomorrow is o dreom that leads me onward...

Tomorrow is o path I've yet to choose/ It's o chance I've yet to take,/ A friend I've

yet to

moke, / It's oil the talent I hove yet to use. / Tomorrow is a dreom that leads me onward,/

Always just o step oheod of me./ It's the joy I've yet to know,/ The love I've yet to show, / For it's the person I hove yet to be. Koren Kovin —

pass, and I'll leave this Louisiono form." Now that I'm about to be

graduated. I'm finally realizing fhot this also will and I'll move on through pass, life to newer and better things.



Watertown, 5.D.

Computer Science My Grandpa soys there's o reason for everything we do.. My Dod agrees.. Now, I'm nor one to orgue with the truth, but sometimes I'd really like to know, why.. If you would, here's o little advice.. Be proud of who you are ond what you're doing. Tell the people you core for that you love them. But most of oil, never let go of that one fabulous dreom until you've become o port of it.

remembered for his quick smile

MICHAEL PATRICK CHALLMAN Mike Yorktown Hts., N. Y International Politics Perhaps the only distinction of my time here will be that I

and easy going manner, the


Academy has been one

Barnstormers, I'm still here).

Aeronautical Engineering For Don, who will always be

unpacked (thats right,


It’s true what they say; you

after another. Starting with

can have

improcessing, push-ups on the

you just want it badly enough, for me it's graduation and a chance to serve my country. It wouldn't have been possible with

assault course, Hell Week, and

SERE, to being a Soaring IP and

pulling more than one all nighter for Aero, and finishing with the French

Exchange and 29

May 85 But best of all have

been the friends he’s made. He'll never them.


anything you want if

out my family, my faith, and my

friends Thanks, guys, it s been real "This is the best part of the trip.”



Sleeper Tempe, Ariz. Engineering Sciences The Academy was just an investment in rime, and it's already

paid off through my friends. Larry taught me discretion. Jimmy taught me indiscretion. Tim gave understanding. Kevin taught me the meaning of true friendship, and Natalie showed me reality. I'm so glad I'm still friends with the first four. My parents and brothers were always there, and Mike and Tom never let distance change us. Let's enjoy our lives.






Dix West Covina, Calif. Human Factors The one thing that you rake from USAFA is friends. They moke your rime here worthwhile. They ore there when things are going bod and there to shore the good things in life The memories of the bod times will fade, but I will always remember the good

Auoca, Iowa Astronoutical Engineering After wondering for four years

Hollywood, Md.

rimes. I wont to thank Dooles,

Stain, Lors, Timmy Ducks, Dona ond the Lord for being there to

watch over me.


if this day would ever come, I


Chuckotuck, Va.

Computer Science I could never hove come this for without the love ond support of my family and friends. Thanks

Mom, Alan, Lynne, Steve, Niecie, Jock ond Lois. And here's to you I know you're watching! Pop —

feel relieved and happy I finally mode it. The most importont things that one con take from this place is their friends ond feeling that anything is possible with dreams ond o lot

Ruth, Sron, Dix, Flem, J.B.,

the force behind my goals. I admire you from J.J. to Denise. Thank you ond let this ""Butterfly” be free.

wet birds don't fly or night.

Akron, Ohio

Astronoutical Engineering

Altoona, Po.

General Engineering To get anywhere, God has to give

Should I ever become o father, the best wish I could hope for

Basic Academics Friends ore whot moke this

you the initiative, standards, ond drive to get there. Once you

is that my children hove fomily

place. Those who moke you lough,

hove the job, you owe it to


ore you to let the Lord or your-

self down by doing less than you

capable. I thank my family ond friends for supporting me os ore

I strive to meet the challenges

before me.

I stand in the shadows ond watch

Mike ond especially Mom, Dad, ond Amy, ond always remember


if not improve on them; never

moke me feel worm inside. I write to those I coll "friend.”

of hordwork. I wont to thank


yourself to keep those standards

pressing admiration is nor my strongest trait but you easily

you oil, shoring whatever feelings you hove. You have been


and friends os wonderful os my

Basic Academics Admiration. I might not show it bur I hove it for you oil. Ex-


those who moke you cry. Those with whom you have the best rimes of your life ond those

with whom you are graduated.

That's whot if is oil about. Life doesn't hove to be one long

struggle. Lough about those troubled rimes (which ore

numerous), pick yourself up and continue on because the ring on

your finger ond your hot in the sky ore worth it oil in the end.

PATRICK ALBERT MARSHALL Par Grand Rapids, Mich. Economics Never try anything unless you're willing to give 100 per cent. Sometimes you’re nor sure you wont to, ond you ne„ed o slight push to get you started Thor's where six of the most'important people in my life come in my fomily. Thanks Dod, Mom, Korhy, —

Barb, Robin, ond Marty. You've always been there, giving your love and support. You've helped me see whot I'm

capable of. I'll

always do my best. I love you oil.



Chicago, III. DOUGLAS ALAN MCCARTY Marshall, Texas Basic Academics If this ploce has instilled in me one thing, it is the reallizotion that there ore many, many people in this world who ore for ahead of me in know-

ledge and stature. But by the grace of God I shall always be the best or one thing -being myself. After oil, isn't that

whot freedom is oil about? Thanks, and good luck to oil!


Groves, Texas

Biology Funny thing

I woke up this

morning os o firstie. I hope I woke up tomorrow os on F-16 driver. Thonks Bill, Mark, Mo and your friendship mode the —

Civil Engineering I wonted to go to the Academy ever since I was o little guy while on family vocation in 71 The glamour, prestige and repurorion were captivating and I admit still ore! I came to USAFA wonting to fly, now I wont to do more; live! I love my country, my family and the best friends I've ever hod, Pete, Brooks,


Frank, Eric, John, Shep, Bill...

Napa, Calif.


Thanks Mom and Dod! Remember guys being "Geared for the


Woodbridge, Va Engineering Sciences


CONSTANTINE TZAVARAS Costa Essex Junction, Vt. Basic Academics It is inevitable that o Greek will moke it into space. After oil, who’s going to open the restaurant?

"It's been real...” P S. Con I hove my cor bock now?

JONATHAN WADE WAMPLER The Wamp Son Antonio, Texas Aeronautical Engineering I've been told that charater is the cornerstone to a successful person. With that in mind I came to the Academy and completed

long days short, and the hard


times easier. No more PMT, GRs,

four year character building obstacle course. Here's to the

SAMIs, Muph's, IRIs, ski weekends, AOCs, trips to Denver. Well worth the time, I'd soy.

Overall I'd quote o student, Suicide is o uniquely personal decision.” So is this.

character we've built and our

hopes for success.

Thanks Mom and Dod.


Ukiah, Calif.

Management When the champagne was poured, when the cold rains came, my friends were always there at my side, making the scenario real. Thanks to the swim gods who have gone before and goodbye to the ream which has been my number one for four years swim to win and remember, what goes on the road Thanks Mom and Dad, I'm ready. I'll try to be careful, bur the clock is running so why waltz? -




Liverpool, N. Y. Aeronautical Engineering The love and support of family and friends got me through. NCO clubs will olwoys remind me of Bruce ond Paris. I would like to thank Kevin, Pot, Kevin, Mrs. Fischer, Pom and Gordy for making cadet life more bearable. Thanks Mom, Dod, Mike, Melodi,

ond Mussy for the support from home. Morlu, you mode the whole five years worth while. I mode it! Now it Is time for me to get out of U5AFA ond live.




Hendersonville, N.C.


Astronautical Engineering

Riverside, Calif. Humanities I Never did quite overcome the cold, but at least I stopped the ''phone colls ot four" and was able to switch to o nontechnical major. Hod a good time with mount ond the men from ART. Thank you Jock ond Betsy.

STEPHEN DAVID ADRAMS F.5.-1 Roseburg, Ore. International Affairs

WILLIAM CURTIS DROWN W.C. Charleston, S.C. Basic Sciences



Astronautical Engineering

Management I think I’m gonna make it. I’m

pretty lucky to hove the best buds anyone could osk for, you guys ore the greatest. Thanks Mom and Dad for four years of fun; I never would’ve come if you hadn't threatened to cut off support. Seriously, I can’t thank you enough for the support. Finally, well Kara, we mode it; We beat the odds!


Springfield, III. Basic Academics You hove never lived until you olmost die. To those who fight for it, life ond freedom hove o flovor the protected will never know... I'd like to thank my family for all the love and sup-


Rock Hill, S.C. Civil Engineering

My four years here hove been a real experience. They weren't

port they gave me to help me get through this place. Here's to good friends: Skin, John, TC,


Art, who mode if olmost fun. Pomelo, I owe you so much -our parents weekend will never end

friends, Art, ond especially

forward to becoming a career

Sheri. It's oil or nothing so do what feels right ond hove o good rime!

officer in the Air Force, ond


HAROLD TODD KAPLAN Buck Son Diego, Colif. Orgonizorionol Behavior Buck is one of those people who wonts everything. Come to U5AFA not really knowing what to expect, but his goals were to graduate with a 3.0 GPA ond to be able to soy he hod a good time. However, he overlooked the social ond military ports of the mon hole ond got on probations, so Buck bought the farm ond found his good rimes didn't suffer much and Buck was

-Let’s do it-


Mayfield, N. Y. Basic Academics Dean hails from Mayfield, New

Hey, it wasn't real fun, but it was bearable thanks to


Aiea, Hawaii

hair, good notured humor, ond

Electrical Engineering Once when I was ot o circus, I sow o clown chose o spotlight. Each time the clown was about to step into the spotlight, it moved owoy from him. I often see

his ability to smile in the face of adversity. His hopes lie in

Whether I reach it or not is un-

York, where he spent oil of his life before coming here to study

languages. We will always remember Dean for his short

continuing his career os o chopper pilot...written on o bunker wall in Khe Sanh "for those who

fought for it, freedom has o flovor the protected will never know.”

myself os chasing o spotlight. important compared to shoring o bit of myself with, ond hopefully giving a little happiness to, the people I meet along the way. Thanks Mom, Dod, and friends.

easy either. I've learned o lor about myself and other people,

and value the experience. I look

doing my best always. See you there Johnny B. ond "Beast."


Dayton, Ohio Humanities I'd like to shore o poem my father wrote for me my freshman year. It’s helped me through oil four years: CINQUAIN for o Cadet... Unseat/ Stars with your high/ Ambition. Look,

coder!/ Fantasies, once scoffed, turn heads of/ Angels!/ -Norris Deon Hellwig



Brentwood, N Y. Internotionol Politics "Nothing critical." From the first parties ot Beefy's to beer and ding dongs for breakfast, rooming with Berg ond Crowdog, the teachings of Fin, the Fob Four, ond big glups with the boys from Mount, its oil been o "good rime Mom ond ”

Dod, thanks for oil your help. Always

remember, "sometimes you just gotto soy..."




Sunny Saint Petersburg, Fla. PETER COUGLAS MAHON Lancaster, Ohio Electrical Engineering

BRUCE HOMER MAGOON North East, Pa Astronouticol Engineering


I thank the Lord Jesus Christ

Don't ever give up your dreams., ond never leave them behind. Find them; moke them yours,

for bringing about in me the miracle of a new life in Him,

ond oil through your life, cherish them, ond never let them

and showing me how to wolk in His victory. It was by God's grace olone that I was able to be successful here! Glory to God! Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is o new creation. The old things passed away; behold, new things hove come. -2 Corinthians 5:17

go. Thank you Mom, Dod, Stasia, Stella, Suzon ond Stanley. I could hove never done this without you. I'd also like to thank

GUY CHARLES NEDDO The Beast Malta, Idaho Aerospace Science I entered the Academy in 1979 the six-yeor plan is definitely the way to go. All the push-ups you wont ot no extra cost. Live to fly, ond fly to live. "...Pur out my hond, ond touched the face of God." -

the mouse, dumplings, Jonic, Sue, Ace, Steve, and Hawk. USAFA cannot be described, it must be




Raleigh, N.C. Aeronautical Engineering From Athens to Anchorage, from Subic Boy to Seoul, thanks Air Force, but more importantly thank you Mom, Dod, ond trusted friends. Skiing, scuba diving ond sky diving, hot tubs ond

hang gliding were great...rake if low in the ground effect ond

lock the rudder in a toil slide. Aero's oll-nighters ond the

igloo's tours weren't the greatest, bur, "RDU approach N97LP S inbound. LBMPCLord be my



RODNEY DEAN MIDDLETON Rod Iron City, Go. International Affairs Rod come to USAFA from o little ol' Georgia town ond soon learned to hare the weather of Colorado. He fought with the Deon more than once ond somehow mode it through it oil. Friends helped out o lor. Todd was always

around to give o smile. Janet was the greatest thing that ever happened to Rod. Hopefully,

things will work out os planned for them in the future. Thanks to Momma ond Doddy.

CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM OVERMAN Chris Colorado Springs, Colo. Mathematics I was o member of Chorale for four years, worked Comp Group ond Weapons Committee, ond om really glod I come oil the way out here to USAFA to go to

college! Thanks Mom ond Dod and I love you, Peggy! How about a

jelly bean or two?


SUSAN LYNN ROSENTHAL Sue West Hartford, Conn. Aeronouticol Engineering Well, I probably might not hove learned my Aero os well as I should hove, that's why I chose to return. Thanks Mom and Dod (for understanding), Chad and Jeff (ex-84ers), Dorline (my friend and Mom), K.C. (84.51), and Roger (for always being there 2,000 miles owoy -when I need you.) "A foreigner is o friend I haven't met yet.” -

Speidel Des Moines, Iowa Operations Research I don't know what mode me do it. I wonted to quit for my first

Wow, so much has happened! After

surviving many cut downs on the beloved South, Pikes Peak Mt. late nights with C.E., no UDT,

being graduated. I hove to thank God, my fiancee, my family bock

and Airborne I think I con really soy I’ve done something. Besides the snow in September

home, my families downtown and my friends here for the support I've received. There ore many things I wonted to forget, yet many things I wont to remember. It's been on amazing four years.

Good luck and God bless.



Philadelphia, Pa.

Lubbock, Texas

Basic Academics


Well, I must soy that it is all over. I learned many feelings:

I will remember my four years ot

Sod, hurt, disappointment, boofed, shafted, and above oil

midnight movies, two years of hitchiking, Chi-Chi's, BF’s,

USAFA for. Leon G's for P and B,

laziness. It's rime to


move on to somewhere for, for

Nevada, Domino's Pizza, Joe and Emil, all-night SAMIs, Leather and Dan, Sonya and Linda,


Opelika, Ala. Civil Engineering

two years and now I'm finally

Lazy Master

owoy. For owoy. Go Air Force. Bear 75,120, six months if you


this place wasn't so bod, os

long as you don't worry about the trivial things in life. Special thanks goes to Paul T., Bryon B., Doryll T., my family, and most oil my folks back ot home. Roll Tide

THOMAS HUNTER COLEMAN TC Woodland Hills, Calif. Basic Academics If anyone would like to get my album, which consists of orginal

never know”,

International Affairs The beginning of a new end

only costs $6. The folks would

fix if,” the F.Lee

Colchester, Vr.

"why can't we fly"

education a nickel at a time.


rockabilly music representing,

brothers, Weber's food patrol, RC’s see me ASAP, and as a 150K



four years (or five if preppies) of hard work and dedication. Songs like "you got me", "you

and especially "hard stuff just write to: TC live, 5011 Claret Court, Woodland Hills, Calif. 91364. If would make a good memorium of USAFA, and if

Gregory C. and his "that's


love if. Good luck as officers.


ALFRED MAXWELL DORSEY JR Dorse New Jersey Human Factors So glod we hod this time together, just to hove a lough.. No, really first I'd like to soy good-bye to oil my Tarantula Buddies especially Boofie Simmons the first man to put o T-41 in orbit and Lorry B. who better jump on it. Next to all my playboy squodronmores who know it's like a jungle sometimes. Then to the WLC, who search for justice and whor they do find, and finally my parents ond sponsors who supported me.


Prescott, Ariz. International Ariz. I ll never forget all the good times I've hod ot USAFA ond with the gymnastics team. The best rimes. To the doss that mode spirit cheese fly and snowmen appear during parades, may we oil succeed in our endeavors. Thanks Mom ond Dod for the shoulders I cried on ond thank you Preston for carrying me through the bod times. You oil mode the difference. "Thanks God Almighty we ore free ot lost!" —

PAM GOODEN Waynesville, Mo.

Engineering Mechanics From freefall... soaring... SERE ...Wing Staff...scuba...Supr's.. marksmanship ribbon...mech major ...summer research...to T-41,

challenging opportunities never slipped post Pom. Through natural drive for ambition ond genuine persistence, she occomplished o great many things, and

yet managed to place top priorty in concern for others -through coring for her classmates ond

pride in her family.

MICHAEL JAMES MCINERNEY Crash Sayville, N Y. International Affairs These post three years were





Arcadia, Calif.

Belleville, III.

International Affairs

Electrical Engineering Mike has mode several occomplishmenrs over the post four


with my classmates on

either side ond the blankets

tied over our shoulders, we moved the rock slowly up the hill, and then hid beneath a bush ot our final checkpoint. After we cleaned up ond ordered

pizza, we showed the younger ones how to carry o rock. And

with o ring on, for the fourth

ond final time, we told those of us who hod died that we would never

of the few rimes we oil got


Waterloo, Iowa General Engineering I would just like to thank my

Toledo, Ohio

Chemistry My years or USAFA would hove

Mott's Party Paradise. (After

doesn't matter anymore!! Good luck to the Long Islanders I'm leaving behind

Joe, Steve ond the others; one


trips, stereo wars, ding-dongs,

forget the Ring Dance weekend How does it go again guys? Ringcor-friends-dote?? It just

"down to earth" kind of guy, he forget the Fourth of July of Memorial Pork with Brent, won t


been boring without my good friend Scort-Toy. We've hod

parties or Beef's. I'll never

his jump wings, ond landing o sailplane with the broke on, just to name a few. Alwoys o



great, hanging out with the Fob Four or Beef's. Crash, Spunky, Sped ond Crow! I'll miss my friends, ski weekends, rood ond beer for breakfast and keg

years. Like scoring o 37 on his second jump and still getting

some fun rimes

together. I'll

also miss everyone down of

oil, four bucks ond four bucks!) Thanks for the support of Ployboy 19 when I tried to get Brooke Shields for my Ring Dance dote. Oh well, it’s her loss.

Alwoys remember, "Whosoever would be a man must be a non-


family, the gymnastics team, roommates, and friends here and

back home.

EDWARD L. PARERO III Ted Myrtle Beach, 5.C. Mathematics

Hey. I'm a math major, more confused rhon anyone around me Confusion is enhanced by RC who's gonno line up his ducks, foil off the pumpkin wagon, shut rhe born door after the cows get out, and slom dunk you. Soy whor? I'd like to take the opportunity to endorse T.C.'s album. Regarding the Academy: I come, I sow, I kicked... Hey Mo, I mode it.

KRISR. SCHAUMANN Prior Lake, Minn. Basic Academics



Basic Academics


Ogden, Utah

I give thanks to God, my Mom, Dod, brother, and sister. They

Asrronautical Engineering

hove given me the strength and


knowledge to be successful and happy.

Pontiac, Mich.

Life is short, and the house

always takes o percentage.





Waukesha, Wis.

Henning, Minn.


International Affairs

International Affairs Well, it's been o long and difficult four years, but it s also been very rewording. I'll never

"The wise man knows that he connot know.'' -Socrates

Woodstock, N Y.

forget the good times, the

Operations Research Steam pressed shoes, no creased shirts, sterile cubicle, fraying magnet., howling winters, bloody

friends, and rhe very special

canvas, Romon boths, stereo

person I met while here ...may

wars, oil nighters,

oil our paths cross again soon..

dragging summers, Best Western,

ENG 330,

life offer tops, mosterdebt, out'r limits, 60-60-4 mos,

Mondy, o century in less than 74 words.



Kirkland. Wash.


Basic Academics "If ir wos meant to be, if will happen." I kept rhor in mind os I experienced rhe highs and lows

West Branch Mich. If ir wosn'r rhe roughest four


Management "My head is bloodied bur ..


TODD DAVID WICKLUND Wick La Crescent, Minn. Electrical Engineering Coming from God's country, I had o difficult rime adjusting. But then I listened ro rhe porentol units. Mom said, "Hove fun ond

be good.” so I rook Dod s advice "Hove fun bur don’t ger caught.” Naturally life got berrer. There were rhe rugby trips or the nighrs in Linda’s ond Steve’s jocuzzi. I hove left, bur I will always hove rhe memories ond friends. And remember too much is dangerous to your health.

JON ROBERT STEPHENS Oklahoma Cry, Ok la.

years rhe Academy ever sow. ir wqs rhe roughest four years I ever sow I rhank God for oil rhe friends I found here in borh coders ond officers. Irs only

Management "I did ir my way"

wirh rheir help rhor I con now soy. "I mode ir!”



Elgin, III.

Wallingford, Conn.

Asrronauticol Engineering At lost, graduation hos arrived! We starred 22 Jun 81 wirh 1407 days ro go, mode ir through doolie year, two degree com-

mitment, Ring Dance, firsrie year, 100s night ond ot lost 29 moy 85 ond 0 days. I hove many

good memories ond I’m hoppy I come here, but I never wont ro do it again! P S. Thanks Craig ond Kevin.



Biology The memories from this vast

place ore although many would proba-

bly be berrer off forgorren. I'll never forger my experiences wirh D G B: Tokyo, Hawaii, three degree parry in El Paso, two degree parry in Tacoma, ski trips ro Aspen, drummer's parries, os well as touching down in 17 of rhe great 50 stores.

Additionally, rhe friends I've mode ore terrific. It’s been a wonderful four yeors.

of life. I'm glod my friends ond family were rhere ro see me

through borh, so they con undersrand rhe happiness I’ll feel or graduation. Mom ond Dod, I love you.



Cos, Trash

Kingston, N Y.


Human Factors "The rimes hove been inrense


Honolulu, Hawaii Inremorionol Affairs I wont to rhank everyone who

mode rhis experience bearable. I will never forger the friends that I hove mode here, the people who I could ond will always be able ro rrusf. I hope everyone will remember me for rhe way I am: o person who loves ro sleep ond who doesn't hove ro work hard or being lazy.

"Gimme some slock.


-The Cars

DONALD RAY EDSALL JR Sweet Daddy Gunnison, Colo. Electrical Engineering Some rhings I'll be glad ro forger bur I hope I never forger rhings like: Finding people under rhe pool roble, painring

Cos, ond finding rhe woman I rruly love. Thanks to Nancy, Scremin, Kevin, Rusty, D Fish, Cos, Iggy, Wolfe, Joe, Ed, Zippy, Dimo, Horan-Horan, and Janel, for rhe good rimes and supporr.


Bishop, Calif. Human Factors They soy rhor if you rhink rhis

place was worth ir, you're crazy. But if you didn'r rhink ir was worrh ir and srayed, you're srupid. I'd rorher be crazy rhan srupid.

mainly because of rhe incredible friends I've spenr rhem wirh. If I ever felr down, I would coll Chris ond E.J., spend some rime or Jim's place which kepr rhings in perspective. Everything's

relorive ond life's full of rrade offs. The lows were lower and rhe highs were higher. Righr now I

reolly don'r know if ir

was oil worrhwhile. Talk ro me


in 10 years...Thanks Mom ond

Lawton, Ohio.


General Engineering






Gorham, Maine

Tyrone, Pa.

Franklin, Mass.

Basic Academics We busred our of class ro ger away from rhose fools. Tonighr I hear rhe neighborhood drummer sound. I con feel my heart begin ro pound no rerrear, no surrender you wind up like

International Affairs If you con'r look or rhis place


a dog rhar's been bear roo much. Till you spend half your life

covering up. Nor me USAFA, I'm roo precious.


offering somerhing rhor you

It s hard ro believe jusr how much

living has been crunched

wonr look or ir os a step-

inro four years. I remember

ping stone ro rhor which you want later. Many of rhe rhings we leorn abour our experiences

always being busy, always being behind ond always being tired But through ir oil, I wos always

aren'r leorned unril long afrer rhese experiences hove occured.

happy...Thank you Mike.



Hartford, W/s.


Asrronautical Engineering After two years of civilian college, I come to the Academy


seeking its immense opportun-


iries which ore many ond so ore rhe friends I hove mode. The Academy has revealed to me its


Parrorrsville, Tenn.

Management You ride the line of bolonce ond hold on by just o rhreod. You

get up ro get our or your next srop, bur they push you backdown in your sear. Your heart starts bearin’ foster so you struggle to your feet. You're out o that hole... -Springsteen

true nature: It’s o flower

orrongement representing cunning excellence. So remember oil you who struggle, rhe intangible hardships will wither ond the

tangibles you will reop, os you solute your classmate onward.

Electrical Engineering I’ve learned that taking the good with rhe bod always feels like rhe bod until it’s over, ond thank God it’s over. I’ve also learned it's not whot you know but who you know that

Cedarburg, Wis. Chemistry I guess rhe duty concept is whot got me through here. Although I

did o lor of "Dyin’ over here” I wouldn’t trade rhe friendships for anything, not even the prophecy. Well, "Perhaps not” that then again ""Perhaps." EMR

really matters, ond the people I've come to know here are some of rhe greatest I've met anywhere. I've successfully "Rolled with the changes,” ond now it is "Time for me to fly." The

Prophecy remains: Ring ond Ling.





Klippity Los Angeles, Calif.


Portville, N. Y.

Norwalk, Conn.

Mogadore, Ohio Engineering Mechanics An illusion for better or for worse? Whot I expected I never

Civil Engineering I come to USAFA anticipating, or

Electrical Engineering

the very least, learning new

most effective when it most

International Affairs Professionalism may be in for officers. But when I get that diploma it's gonna be 30 days of "Hey, bud


let’s party!”


Whot I got I come to

endure. I can’t soy whether I would do it again. Nevertheless, whot one learns here is not taught. Many have foiled in this regard. Hopefully, I will not. "If you hove ten thousand regulotions, you destroy oil respect for the low.” -Winston 5. Churchill

"Officership is strongest ond

things about myself ond life. How right I was new meanings

closely approaches the professionol ideal; it is weakest

for old words, new solutions for

ond most defective when it foils

old problems, new minimums for old standards, new punishments

short of that ideal" -Samuel P. Hungtington


for old crimes, new causes for

old habits. Now that it’s over, am I o leader? Perhaps. Perhaps nor. And I hove o degree, and lots of memories ond friends.

RAE ANNE NOYES Randi Rabbit Bethel Paris, Pa.


Chemistry "Off we go", inro whor I'm nor Bur I do know I’ll miss oil of you. You've shown me rhe


rrurh in rhese words: "There ore no limirorions in whor you con do excepr rhe limirorions in

your own mind os ro whor you connor do." -Darwin Kingsley Thanks Mom and Dod and rhonk

you Trolls. You’ve oil been

STEPHEN KENNETH MOULTON Sr. Marys, Pa. Aeronautical Engineering

rerriffic! "Til rhe nexr rime we soy goodbye, I'll be rhinking of you.’’ -Mick Jogger

Pede Benton Harbor, Mich. Basic Academics I never undersrood "raking rhings wirh a grain of salr" os much os I do now. In focr, afrer four years. I’ve gor enough salr ro fill oil rhe solr shakers in Mirchell Hall. Bur, I srill did ir ond if I con anyone con. Be yourself, rake ir one day or o rime,- hove a lirrle fun when you con; ond lean on your family ond friends. Thanks ro oil rhe fellas ond everyone else (especially Mom, Dod, Mary, ond

Greg, my family.)

ROBERT BRIAN POST Postman Old Bridge, N.J. Civil Engineering Yeoh, I'm from Joisey (exir 9). I’ve heard rhar for four yeors now, ond finally I’ll pur ir ro resr. I’m also o CE major (go ahead! lough!) How con o person odmir ro such rhings? Ir's actually o bit of foreshadowing. Ir hos always been my ombirion ro build my own exir on rhe N.J. Turnpike and live happily ever after by rhe shore. The mountains ore nice, bur...

JEFFREY ALLEN SIEGEL Captain Video Los Angeles, Calif.




Bradley, III.



International Affairs

Nothing's critical

Springfield, Ore. Operations Research

Carlisle, Iowa Astronuatical Engineering Academics ond 20rh squadron life has proven 10 lbs will fir in o 5 lb bog. I was slow or rimes (didn’t do o spirit mission unril I was o junior), bur evenrually I absorbed oil My friends mode everything much easier ro swallow Whor I

International Politics -


long os

Jeff was o charter member of rhe Belchfire Owners Association, o preppie (rhe few, rhe proud, ond

you hove your faith ro sustain you, your family ro support you ond your friends ro believe in

In rhe post four yeors, I hove lived rhe highest highs ond rhe lowest lows of my life. I’ve

getting fewer), ond o computer freak. His taste in hobbies, eccentric; his rasre in girls, oriental (whor else?); ond his toste in friends, questionable

you. Thanks Mom ond Dod, I owe ir oil ro you! And Cory, we've

done so much wirh so lirrle that I think I con now do anything

come quire a ways from rhor bonfire ond snowbank. Toke core.

wirh nothing or oil. Most imporrontly, I’ve learned to dis-

Lord guard ond guide us oil wirh

ringuish between whor is

rhe strength ond wisdom ro do whor we must. One day or o rime.

critical ond whor is nor At rhe Academy, nothing's critical

or best. Jeff will moke millions

in computer crime. "You'll nor

find o more wretched hive of scum ond villany...” -from me

Sorge (Barry Workman): I’m forever endebred to


ships mode rhere. Here’s ro good

learned most I was nor taught, bur ir seems others have learned this lesson os well. "If they give you ruled popoer, write rhe

friends...and pulling G's. I

other way." -Juan Ramon Jimenez

excepr the tremendous friend-

hove ro lough.

TODD ANDREW BURLEIGH Pfofftown. N.C. International Affairs Look Mom ond Dad, it’s been only


Darky Atlanta, Go. Basic Academics I om greotful that God gave me the ability ro lough or what


most people cry over.


Basic Academics

JAMES ROBERT CVANCARA J.C. Genesee, Idaho Internaitonal Affairs

I began with the ospirotion of

A roost to my friends who work

being o fighter jock with on oero degree. I’ve finished with o UPT prep major, but the sky

hard ond ploy hard, ond have an eternal sense of humor in keeping with reality. You're the best! Keep on optimistic

Corny Menomonee Falls, Wis.

still beckons. Thanks to Mom,

Dod, T.R.C.1, T.R.C.3, ond "Du-Du" for your unending support. "Charlie" my eternal -

source of inspiration.


is great: the only member of the

Rorec Flying Team to land thirty feet above ground Spring break in Texas? "Suzie", the block 280 zx.

Are we having fun yet?

view on life ond give it your

oil. Take the challenge.

six years. Just remember things will always turn out for the

best os long os you hove good

Worthington, Iowa

friends, good family, ond always

Human Factors It's good ro be the king. The

look on the bright side of life. USAFA wasn’t that bod, I might

only way I got here, though, was to keep the perspective ond to insure that people were always included in that perspecrive.



hove learned something. As

for my coder career, "Thus quoth

the raven, never more!" Now it’s rime for UPT, "So excuse me while I kiss the sky.”



Shalimar, Fla.

Fremont, Calif.

Electrical Engineering

Biology Major Verrochi was right, "This isn't Berkeley." Alex, it’s your

Having experienced everything

from choir trips to freefall, I certainly hove no regrets

coming here. Dorrel and Timbo, my room Commanders, ond Mike ond

Jon, my great motivators, hove

through the good ond bod rimes, though Mary Ann’s been seen me

"somethin' else", Jesus Christ is greatest in my life. And whether He sends me to fly or

support that effort, I look forward to on exciting future.

fault I come here, ond Al, it's your fault I come bock. Thanks, for some reason I'm glad I did I will never forger the friends

I've mode, especially Kevin, Al,

Lynn ond Bob. Without my family ond the Sparks, I never would

hove mode it. Thanks, Borky.

Remember Tim, Californio rules.

Bob, somehow it’s oil connected. Justice Sam, pure justice.


Lawrence, Mass. Electrical Engineering "Be true to yourself." Throughout four yeors here I leorned much about myself and of others whom I hove known and colled friends. The memories of this place will be o little brighter because of them and of the times we spent together.

Talking, joking and clowning MICHAEL SCOTT FERREIRA Dublin, Calif. Mathematics

around oil helped the time pass a little quicker toward graduation and the fulfillment of o dreom.


Engineering Mechanics The Academy is like o trip to Los Vegas, you con go with

nothing and come out os o winner


you con go with every-

thing and come our os o loser. I still don't know how much, or whether or not I hove won -bur could I rake this gamble again 7

Thank you, Pierre, my fiancee. Buddy and Pol, for making my

residency here so much more bearoble.


St. Elizabeth, Mo. Astronauticol Engineering "Few doors ever close."



Jackson, Miss.


General Engineering

Richard, Wash.

Engineering Mechanics To be o success you do not hove to reach the top or outdistance

others. You only hove to moke use of the abilities you possess. Your success os o person has no relation to the success or failure of anyone


BRADLEY ALAN MALONE Brad Westminster, Colo. International Affairs One light con illuminate the darkness of a thousand years, and one bit of wisdom can de-

stroy the ignorance of the thousand years. Never mind looking back to the past, always consider the future, and always make future thoughts good.


International Affairs Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail. So I hove tried to live, daring to question and be my own man. For that I have paid the price, but I have been true to self, because I will have to live with myself much longer than I will live with any other man.


Biology I hove less rhon 24 hours ro

JAMES ROBERT MECKOLL Jim Norco, Calif. Aeronautical Engineering "And you moy ask yourself, my God, whar hove I done?” -D. Byrne

RANDY JOHN PETTIT Teeter Fillmore, N. Y. Electrical Engineering Nor many people ger ro experience o place like USAFA. From Cobra 14 ro Blackjack 21, I've seen, done and learned more rhon I ever rhoughr could be possible in four years. There hove been many good ond many bad experiences, bur I would never rrade one. Norhing ever becomes real unril ir is experienced. I'm glad I did.


Coronsville, Md. Internotionol Affairs

finish ”rhe blurb" abour myself for rhe POLARIS. Thor is jusr like everyrhing else here, rushed and excired. I rhink,

rhough, rhar rhis is whar CHARLES PETERSEN

bur now ir’s rime ro fly

mokes rhe Academy survivoble. Well, ir’s done, good nighr

Fort Worth, Texas



Bosic Academics



Redford, Mich.

Northglenn, Colo.

It's been o rough four years,

Electrical Engineering Behind Timbo’s benevolenr smile is rhe unsroppable "Moror Ciry

Madman” He is o fierce fighrer who pushes himself wirh onimolisric drive. This mon was born ro fly. Timbo has never been o

lone eagle rhough. He has seen me

rhrough from freefall ro

weighrlifring ro Hawaii ond bock ond hos shown me, os well os mony orhers whor ir means ro

persevere. Wirh God os his flighr lead ond Nodine on his wing, srars ore on his horizon.

Internotionol Politics Before I come ro rhe Academy I mer o firsrclassman who was abour ro graduore. I asked him if he'd ever do ir again. He smiled or me ond laughed, jusr

laughed, norhing else. Now I know whor he meanr.


Jacksonville, Flo.

Economics/Mongement I remember college. Ir was fun, buf if wosn'r perfecr. And much more rhon o line from a movie

Dufy, honor, counfry. Ar ony rare, I hope my goals ore smiling or my, our, Academy experience. I guess success really is a journey, bur can we increase rhe

speed limir?


Dagger Govis, Calif. Aeronautical Engineering

"Caught like o sewer rot, alone


bur I soil/ Bought like o crust of bread, oh do I wail/ Seldom


Winchester, Mo.

Military History


God grant me serenity to accept

stumble, never crumble/ Try to tumble, life's o rumble/ Feel


the stinging I've been given/

Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii

Neverending, unrelenting/ Heart break searing, always fearing/ Never coring, perservering/ Soil

the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I

Operations Research I'll remember those of you who've shored with me and hope I've mode a difference to some

can, and wisdom to know the

difference. After 1439 fun

filled days, let me just say.troopers, you hod to be there. "Thor others moy live." ARRS


Space Physics I'm o man of few words.


of you os well. For helping me

on, soil on sailor" -The Beach Boys I come here to fly and I rhonk

become a better me. Moholo

God that's what I'll be doing.

THOMAS JEFFREY BROWNING Washington, D. C. General Engineering "Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours." This

ORLANDO LUIS CARTAGENA Rican Aguadillo, Puerto Rico Dasic Academics During my four years here you

GAIL GASNER Vacaville, Colif. Dasic Academics

quote from the book "Illusions"

could always count on your friendly neiborhood Ricon for something interesting.

was a theme for me to follow

these post four years. If you think that you ore doing the best that you con then you've

goals entirely too low. Good luck to my brother Steve in '86!

set your



Auburn, Ind.



Aiea, Hawaii Basic Academics

I came here, because I wanted someone to tell me what to do

with my life. Since I've been here I've learned to love my

Lorry Lafayette, Colo. Military History "Let the word of Christ dwell in

Dear Mom ond Dad, My only regret is that I hod to

you richly in oil wisdom; reaching ond admonishing one another in psalms ond hymns ond

move owoy from home to realize

country, cherish my family, and

how much I love you. I appre-

long to fly. Am I o product of the system? Maybe, bur I don't really core. Because the Academy has fought me to make my own decisions. Thanks to my family, Colonel Joe and Terry, ond my

ciare all your love, patience

friends. I love you oil.

Iko! Iko! Love Korolen

Military History


SCOn CHRISTIAN HOLSWADE Swades South Charleston, W. Va.



Electrical Engineering The best rime I hod was


Astronautical Engineering


Thor's one graduation for o

29 May 1985.

coder, one giant leap for mankind. Thanks Mom, Dod, Eric, ond

"Unless men like myself left these wonderful luxuries in this great land of American we would lose it oil forever. We were going to fight, ond many of us were to die, for just whot I hod here my wife ond family. To me they were oil that was real, they were oil thor I could understood. To me, they were American Col. Robert L. Scott

Roy Danville, Go.

ond devotion that helped me moke it through these five long years. If I've learned one thing here it is to live life well ond to party is the best


PaPaw for making me whot I om. I love you all! To my friends: You're welcome for the privilege of knowing me. Stay colm, relax, ond hove fun our there. Remember

he who loughs, lasts. I rook from the Academy whot I needed ond left the rest behind. It wos worth it. -John 3:16

spiritual songs, singing with


Frenchy Oroville, Calif.



Thanks, Mom ond Dod I love you both!

grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do oil in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God ond the father by Him.” -Colossions 3:16,17


Teaneck, N.J. Ancient Chinese proverb: "Anyone con leorn from their own

mistakes but it takes o wiseman to leorn from the mistakes of others." I myself, never claimed to be wise. If nothing

else, being here, I've learned three very distinct things: Life's too important to take

seriously. If it wasn't o

challenge it wouldn't be worth it. And most importantly a man's

wisdom is measured by how much dust he con find in o clean room.




Pennsylvania, Pa. Dasic Academics I now hove friends who would loy down rheir life for me, ond

I for rhem. Indeed, some hove died, bur I'm olive, ond free on American. And my greatest discovery is that Jesus Christ laid down His life for me. I —

was once a

good person, I prayed

I went to church. But now I'm a

Christian. I rejoice each day for the abundant life I hove

Done, Gumby Zaragoza AD, Spain Electrical Engineering "Two roods diverged in o wood, ond I?" I think I took the one


Lawrence, Moss.


Electrical Engineering

Drimfield, Mass.

I let Him roke control ond was

Engineering Physics Ready or nor, here I come. I

omozed ot whor we could do.

less traveled by. Along the way I learned o little about myself,

come to USAFA,

integrity ond what mokes other people go. I om sure I would do

along the way. Remember me for

it over again, bur I'm glad I've

surviving the only real major:

been through it once. Certain things I will not forget:

physics. Its our Air Force now,


I endured, and I

graduated, but I did my best

DGB, Joe's college, ond for

let's moke the best of if. God bless us oil and keep us safe

Alhmed, Flash, the Sr., the Rock, six weeks in Hawaii, Double Duece, Dye-Boy ond PK.

country: Sincerity, integrity,

Life goes on.

ond pride."

MARK VINCENT SHURMAN Shrum Chesterton, Ind. Aeronautical Engineering I can’t soy I enjoyed every minute, but I've learned much ond hod many of good times. Thanks to all my friends for

learned my lesson the hard

MICHAEL JUDE SPITZ South Dend, Ind. Aeronautical Engineering I'll admit that the Academy was indeed an experience that I'll look bock on. As I do reflect, however, I know I would hove never mode it without the prayers from my friends ond the support Christine gave me when times were bod. I love rhem



with Him. All things ore possible! I Corinthians 10:31


Ontonagon, Mich. Dasic Science Life con be lived two ways: with or without. With and you will be content. Without ond life will be lost, o series of actions with no meaning. In the post, ot times, I hove been

without, but no more. I hove

making good memories. I hope it was worth it.

in our endeavors. "Dufy, honor,

Many rimes through my stay here, there

has been only one set of foot-

prints in the sand. Thanks Buddy, for carrying me through those troubled rimes. I om ever thankful that our country has the freedom to praise you openly. "You may hove to fight when there is no hope of victory because it is better to perish than live os slaves."


Colorado Springs, Colo. Humanities I applied my senior year on o dare. The hometown class clown? They oil said I’d never get in.

So I got in. I d never finish

BCT. So I finished. My first SFO soid I was too dumb to moke it. So I mode it. Never give up it’s the try in’ that counts! Now they soy I II never fly F-16s expect me when you see -


boys, or I II wax your toil, too!


BRETT ALAN VONSIK Chief California, Pa.




I arrived back at rhe Academy

I came to rhe Academy expecting challenge What I found wos a

after a season of skiing in Steamboat. Definitely rhe best decision rhot could hove

happened to me. Some advice to everyone who envies the civilian college life: With the opportunities offered here, the grass is greener on our side of


JERRY LYNN VAUGHAN JR The Captain Alta Lome, Texas

struggle with rhe Academy and myself. I've changed since I've

Operations Research

rhe better. I have made many

I guess that someday. I'll think

friendships that were born of joy, fear, love, and need; all the things that are the

of this place and remember only

been here and I feel it's for new

rhe fence. I have set the reallistic goal of becoming rhe

rhe good times. There were good times and good friends. I'll

essence of mon ond the

ultimate being of rime, space

remember you all. After this, we'll all move on, but os

that, through my friends, have

and matter. But if I can't do that, I'll probably go on welfare.


Winston Churchill put if, it's only rhe end of rhe beginning



Aurora, Colo. Electricol Engineering It is truly amazing how much I actually learned here. I learned some from rhe Dean,

and some

from the Commandant, but mostly I learned to ovoid fanatics and

come to change me forever. My friendships will lost a life-

depend on my friends. I just hope there are fewer fanatics and enough friends in rhe future for


my classmates and me.




Bake, Dob


North Syracuse, N Y.

Hammonton, N.J.

Basic Academics The Academy and I came together with great expectations in June of '61. Looks as though rhe rhe Academy and I were both disappointed However, I learned some invaluable lessons and met some great people that I can always call friends. If I did get our with o commission there are two people that I am grateful to. One is God for providing me with the will. The other is me for providing the sweat. Later.

Basic Academics These post four years have been


a lor of

thoughts: At the Academy I've found friends to love and trust, I’ve discovered on unattainable idea to commit my life to, ond I've rediscovered my God to whon I bear my soul. I’ll be best

things. They have been some of the best times of my life, bur they hove also been the worst of rimes. Through it all though, I hove grown close to some people I can really coll friends and nothing in this world can rkae that away. It was

I’m inspired to mention these

remembered by the thoughts in these two quotes: "We ore mode

never easy, but I made it. Thanks Mom ond Dad for your

strong through the struggle ond


from Dune. "There is more to life

soft through peace and luxury."

than increasing its speed.


-Gandhi! Thanks Mom and Dod,


Ping Pong Kaneohe, Hawaii Human Factors From the moment they told me to get my chin in, I knew I wasn't

look or things that never were and osk: Why nor?" The good guys do always win and now I'm one

but while I've had the worst

of them...I'm a Zoomie. Ever

rimes of my life here and hove

since I strolled into DCT, I've

here, so if is with great

hod my moments

jubilation that I remember that

people I didn't like,

I’ve also hod the best times of


KENNETH CHARLES EVANS One Way Sacramento, Calif. Civil Engineering I wont ro be os positive as possible about my four years

going to like it. I was right,

met o few


RICHARD SCOn DAW Scott Rockville, Md International Affairs "Some people look or things the way they are and ask: Why? I

my life and have mode everlasting friendships. Thanks Dod, Mom, Sis, and Jeff! God bless.

but I'll never admit them. As I walk bock down the ramp, the way I come in, I con only think, three cheers for those we leave behind -

commencement represents both o

bright new beginning of the future os well os on end ro nosr.






Silverdole, Wash. Engineering Physics

Lowrenceville, Go.

Huntsville, Ala.

Edwards, Miss.

Engineering Mechanics

"I was born ro live fosr and

This post four years hove been different for me. I’ve grown ond

International Affairs "It was the best of rimes, if was the worst of times. Coming for o

Mathematics I mode it!!!

changed in ways that I never would hove imogined. I started

"committment to excellence,” I II admit it was pure hell most

Boron ond with Sron ond Tino

of the time. But, looking bock, the good times ore uncountable: CS-06, Nov trips, Russia, flying

furious,/ I om destined to die swift and glorious/ For mine is the life of the sword./ And when I die ./ I will hove no regret in my heart,/ And o smile upon

my lips." -Jeffrey Allen Moore


become o Barnstormer. I’ve hod some bod rimes here, but I also had some of the best times I'll ever hove

Looking bock I know

oil I’ll remember is "it was worth it.”


C-141s, ballgames, through four years of anything ro gain the

friends I've mode here -1 love you oil. Lord, guard and guide..



ROBERT KIRBY GONZALEZ Rob Dallas, Texas International Affairs Ir is nor the oufstonding ocodemic education, ir is rhe physical, menrol and moral condirion of these post four years I value rhe most. I hove learned my body con go beyond pain and fatigue; my mind con endure

pressure and intellectual dis-

ipline; my spirit con soar over banality and demorolizorion to believe and live by rhe ideals


Elk Grove Calif. ,

Computer Science Valhalla? What's o Valhalla? Buns and me in rhe bottled salad dressing days. Things were GORDON JAMES GRIGGS

rough then. Yyyeeeppp, yep, yep.

Gordy Los Angeles, Calif.

Then mediocre two three. I thought I was losin' good then

Basic Sciences

bur Woody and Lars taught me rhe


I hove no cotchy saying nor bit of good advice to give. Even if I did ir would probably foil

subleties. Jamming with rhe

Elmont, N. Y.

Eshbach brothers. Wing tennis

Basic Academics Some things just can't be explained in words. Now it’s time

with my lead guitar. Ooh. give Me throw cheese?

upon deaf ears. All I will soy

me somma that!

that hove mode this rhe sweet country I coll my own. Thank you

to you is enjoy yourself and

good luck in your future en-

Never What do ya say we tool on outa this place and fly a


deovors or USAFA.


ond dreams came true. Thanks Kirk for some good years.

STEVEN GLEN LEONARD Steve Kannapolis, N.C.

GREGORY MARSHALL San Jose, Calif. Basic Science



Kendallville, Ind.

Woody Evergreen, Colo. Management

to look forward to blue skies


Astronautical Engineering

I've had many of great roommates

And that day downed when he lay

while I was here at the Academy:

at the hub of the universe with

Mike, Chip, Dan boy, Woody, ond

the wheel poised to spin. I remember: 85 Lloyds, high gloss

Ralph. However, I'm looking forward to having rhe roommate I've wanted for the post few

shoes, rhe "Worm", twilight zone and keg, Group MWR, Morhios, Vail with the girls, Falcon

touchdowns, muddy ambulance, Aussie, dancing in Denver, ond duty, honor, country. Thanks to everyone at Home, USAFA, ond C.C. for your love, time, ond



Operations Research


Thanks to my Mom ond Dod, my brothers ond friends, I hove finally finished rhe hardest five years of my life. "And I’ve

got one more silver dollar.”




Houston, Texas Human Factors A sincere thanks to everyone who has mode these four years worthwhile. To those yet to graduate, try to keep in touch

Management I would like to first thonk God who gove me the ability to do oil I hove done. Thanks Mom ond

Dod. 1 still love you even

with what all this is for and

though I never said "Hi Mom" on

don't get burned out. Remember

TV. Thanks Stan, Tim, Jim, Woody, Little Jed ond Kevin for being the best friends I've ever


siii* MICHAEL LARRY MULDOON New Holstein, Wis.

Engineering Sciences

hod. Without you guys ond footboll I doubt I would have stayed. Too bod Dean couldn't stick it out.



Huntington Dch, Calif. Computer Science

Ed Fort Worth, Texas

Don't forget the pain we've endured. It's only through pain that we grow. And I'm surprised by what we’ve been able to do. Thank you, Michael for the precious gift of your love and friendship. You mean everything to me. Wendy, always remember; Diamonds are forever! To stew and the gang, thanks for the best times of my life. Victory makes


the pain all worthwhile. Practice like a performance ond remember Sink -


When I came to the Academy I had high expectations. I learned that leadership by example works. The friendships I made

that you will graduate and the only important things here are those that will make you a EDWIN DERRY POGUE

officer. Dill, Matt and Steve

Sunnyvole, Colif. Management

may you all find a place in the sky that you con call your home.

JOHN JACOD TORRES Zorro Enterprise, Alo. International Affairs Before I came here, I was told that getting the appointment was the easy part. The hard parr


would be making it through the

our Bake, Mudrob, Moe-pere, Lou,

four years. That person who fold me this was absolutely right!

Rolphus, and many others, I don't think I'd have made if. Dave Hickinbotham lives!

I've learned a lor and done a lot in four years time. It was tough; it was challenging, and

here will last a lifetime. With-

sometimes if was not my fcvorite

place. But now that I made I know I've accomplished sonvv thing. Thank Goodness.


Tacoma, Wash.


Military History Its o long bumpy rood bur rhere's no speed limir.



Le Sueur, Minn.

Douglas, Go. Diology "Don't be dismayed at good-byes.

Asrronautical Engineering "What I've dared I've willed; And what I've willed, I’ll do!" Whot o wonderful thing it is for dreams to become reality...A special thanks to the strengths that got me through my family, -

my friends, ond faith. I'm glad I got so much more than an

education, I got an insight to things greater than myself and a dedication to support their worth. Well, os for now I'll

keep dreaming.


Aeronautical Engineering It seems like it oil come together this lost yeor. You hove to work hord ond parry hord in order to moke it through this place. Saturday mornings ond Saturday evenings ore oil a port of this. Hoppy hours ore also! Just remember, "It just doesn't matter."


Wendy O., Grandma

A forewell is necessary before

you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.” -Richard Bach Thanks Mom, Dad, Roy, Vangie, Alec and everyone else who

helped me moke if through. And a special thanks to Wayne who brightened my life with his love ond made me feel so special! so, with no regrets. Off 1 go! See y'oll later.

MICHAEL BERNARD BLACK Huggy Dear Wahiawa, Hawaii Dasic Academics Sometimes the things that moke the most sense ore not the best way to do things. Thor is, if it mokes sense you better not do it. All in oil no matter how you look of it, it was definetly o

Aeronautical Engineering As on Aero major academics was important to me. Yes, studying was second only to God, skiing,

driving, sleeping. .1 con't believe it’s gone by so quickly, bur the friendships I've mode here will never end. I've grown in many ways but what I treasure most is that I’ve grown in the

Lord. I proise God for the

learning experience, no matter

chance to serve my country and

whor or how you learned.

Christ. Galatians 2:20


MARK EDWARD FISCHER Fish Las Vegas, Nev. Dasic Academics Yours is not to know the reason

Anaconda, Mont.

Computer Science Of all the blurbs I’ve ever written, this is one of them! I only wish that I didn't have to go through all this to reap the benefits. I've paid the fidler so where's the song? Remember Fido and the rest of '62 and how I hated if. Always remember, when the going gets rough, we'll give you 40/40. ...Baby we were... It’s a mystery.

why... Yours is to invert and multiply.


Palatine, III.

Computer Science Nothing in the world con take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with

GREGORY LAURENCE GIDDS Meestor Geebs Huber Heights, Ohio Basic Academics Blessed are those who expect nothing for they shall not be

Dosic Academics Eric, you've been a great friend. Don't let the commies


get you! -Mario



Management I come for the discipline.


talent. Genius will not; unre-

Dover, Del.

worded genius is almost o proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determinotion alone ore omnipotent.

Willmor, Minn.

Engineering Sciences Ever since the seventh grade, I’ve dreamed of attending and graduating from this institurion. Now thot this is fulfilled I must look of the reasons why I held this dreom. To fly and fight for that which others

take for granted: our freedom.

BRYAN FREDERICK MYERS Charles Redmond, Wash. Human Factors Entering the Academy seemed to be the best opportunity for me to fulfill my lifelong desire to fly. Now having endured four trying years, I leave this instituiton and move on to UPT, looking forward to both the time I will spend in the cockpit and the career I will serve in the Air Force. Thonks Mom ond Dod for without you, I could never hove mode it! -

JOSHUA JOSE Josh Newark, Calif.

Basic Academics "For the grace of God that brings soluotion has appeared to oil men. Remind the people to be subject to rules and authoriries, to be obedient, to be ready to do whot ever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward oil men.” Titus 2:11,3:1-2

FRANK PRICE OSTEEN II P.O.II Myrtle Bch S.C Basic Sciences How much growing up I've done the lost four years is deboroble. How much I've learned is not ond academics didn’t get in the way of my education. South of the border friends ore

irreplaceable. If it mokes sense count on the opposite. A


donee, o smile, ond minimal amounts of

knowledge will get

you anyplace you wont to go. And it's oil o matter of style

Thonks Mom I love you.


KEITH ROBERT POND Madison, Wis. Middle East History Those who know me know I om not the some person who entered or the some perosn who rook the commitment my two degree yeor.

I hung up my skotes, alcohol,

and women for o new hope. My friends stuck close; others fell owoy. I pray they oil sow the light in my new life, the light of Jesus Christ. Yes, Brian, it's the friends! Thanks



Deland, Fla. Human Factors

Four years ago I was o bright eyed, innocent beonheod. All of that has changed. Coll on Ace on


those who don’t. No mon is on

island, and no one con lead

There were many things to do,/

before first showing that his loyalty is unquestionable; his integrity, infolible, ond his

to leorn, to experience, to


remember/ There were rimes to is worthless because he


tegrity, ond selflessness ond

Basic Academics

Ace and a Diamond o Diamond no man

There ore two types of people in this world. Those who cherish of loyalty, inthe

lough/ To cry, to be happy, to

selflessness exhousroble. For then, ond only then, will you hove the faith, trust, ond unfaltering support of those you

get mod, frustrated/ And yet

Peopers, Phantoms, and OCF.

example of wahr not to do. If these two things ore indexed of education then by oil

Thonks troopers. God bless!

means I hove learned.

Such is life.








Middleborough, Moss.

Wohr con I say? I learned, laughed, ond cried. Along the woy, I hope I mode somebody smile.

Military History

con be on

Watch our, marine corps, he’s o live one!

there is still more out there

waiting,/ It’s only just begun./

Carteret, N.J. Astronoutical Engineering


Prospect, Ky. Astronautical Engineering It's been a long four years. I've endured o CDB, Academic board, and cor accident that could hove killed me. But even with oil rhor, I wouldn't give up coming to USAFA for anything. The friends I've mode here mean more to me than anything. Best of luck to Poblo, Shep, Whole,


Austin, Texas

There's no sense chonging the chonnel when the TV's not on.

Normal, III.

Mickey, ond oil my other friends. See yo in the Air

Electrical Engineering


Basic Academics First ond foremost, thank you Lord! I dedicate oil my efforts ond accomplishments to my father Lonnie B. Byrd Sr..God knows it was his influence that motivates me always. I also give thanks to my big brother Lonnie. Lostly I thonk those who rook rime out to write or coll no matter how busy they (thought) they were! Hong tough C.J.

CHARLES EDWARD CHAPMAN Chuck Salt Lake City, Utah Civil Engineering I think the best way to live with this place is to forget about it os often os possible. For this I thank sleeping ond eating which rook up half the rime here. Thanks to Mom, Dod ond Beth who loved me regardless of the fears, tears ond





Gettysburg, Pa.

Dristol, Conn.

Basic Academics





International Affairs Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember whor peace there may be in silence...enjoy your achievements os well os

your plans...fake kindly the council of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of

youth...beyond a wholesome discipline be gentle with yourself And whether or not if is dear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding os if should. Therefore, be at peace with God, -Deslderoto

Tess, Renard, Chuck, Tom, Wade, Sponky, Dean, Mott, Rob, Mike,

Geography All I con soy is "If the thunder doesn't get you then the lightening will." Gorcio —



Murphysboro, III. International Affairs I can’t say these have been the best four years of my life; bur they have given me two things that can never be taken away: A good education and a really

close friend thing Stan.


thanks for every-


Neola, Iowa Basic Academics My father's counsel, my mother s faith, and the encourogement of many friends. To my friends I send oil my hopes. You may hate it here and you may think you just can't stand another day, but at least you're nor one of these guys. If that boy with no

legs con get over to feed his blind friend, then you con do whot you have to do.

LORI ANN HOGAN Middletown, NY. International Affairs Eyes that have seen will know what I mean/ The rime has come

SCOn ALAN HENDERSON Vandenberg AFD, Calif. Asrronauticol Engineering I've learned that the last is

Centerville, Ohio

to rake the bull by the horns/

Economics/History I got plenty tired of learning how I would nor do things, but at least I learned something.

not always the least. Thanks to

We've been so downhearted.

U5AFA was bearable because of

my parents, my brother, Wade, Sarah, Dan and all my friends, I'm living proof. "Never measure


people. Someone blessed me with the best friends and for that

you have reached the top. Then you will see how low it was.” -D. Hemmerskyold.

been so forlorn/ If you don't know what to do about a world of trouble/ You can pull it through if you need to/ And if you believe that it's true/ It will surely happen... T.R.

Alice will she has to live with me...



Liverpool, N. Y. Physics

Brooklyn, N Y.

Whether you win or lose, walk or foil, get bock up and remember with o little faith and o smile, there ore no limits to whot you con do. Thanks Mom and Dad

I am o dreamer. As on Italian

the height of a mountain until


seriously they'll need much.


Marybeth Palo Alto, Calif.

Operatons Research from Brooklyn, I dreamt of on

I’m grateful. Good luck to them oil although I doubt very -


Academy graduate, and like

most cadets, I wonted to leave

USAFA, but I thought to myself that anything worth is


worth striving for, and any

dream worth ignoring is not worth dreaming. When my Mom died two years

ago, I knew that it would fake o lot of upstairs

help to survive. Well, I mode if! God bless you, Mom.



Management Whot lies behind us ond whot lies before us ore tiny matters

compared to whot lies within us.

THOMAS JAMES RITENOUR II Bones Salinas, Calif. Basic Academics "I was that which others did nor wont to be./ I went where others feared to go, and did whof others foiled to do./ I hove cried, pained and hoped... but most of oil, I hove/ lived rimes others would soy were best for-


Schnuffy Canfield, Ohio Astronautical Engineering As I pur on my gold bars, I take on the

responsibility of protecting this great country. Remember, set high goals, shoot for the stars. Freedom has o



high price tog, ond someday you or I may be asked to pay the

gotten..." -George Skypeck

Art/Mussa Charlotte, N.C.

It's oil whor you moke of it.

General Engineering

ultimate price so that others

You can't tell the story, you hove to live it! What o concept;

I arrived, I endured, I strug-

may live in freedom. May God help us not foulter when that

gled, I laughed, I fumed, I

time comes. Mom ond Dod, thanks

The Muffy, Humby, and Dones

learned, I grew, and I exper-

for your support ond under-


ienced. Mom ond Dod

standing. "The price of freedom."



Management "It's rough to see the picture when you're inside the frame." Thank you Colonel McHole, John, Tina, ond oil my friends. I'm doing it my way. Emily.




Bethlehem, Pa.

Woodland Hills, Calif.

Electrical Engineering The great thing in this world

Management There hove been lots of good rimes, lots of bod rimes, but five years behind high walls is enough Now it's time for me to fly. When I think of the Academy in days to come, I'll remember

is not so much where we ore,

but in what direction we ore movinc. -Oliver Wendall Holmes

the people I’ve known, the friends I've mode, ond I'll wear the ring with pride. To Mom,

Bob, Suzy, ond Pom, thanks for

believing in me, ond being there when I needed you. I love you.



Spokane, Wash. Astronautciai Engineering If you choose/ To leod must follow,/ Bur if you foil,/ You foil alone./ Bur if you srond/ MARK JAMES TESSIER

Minneapolis, Minn.



Then who's ro guide you?/ If I knew rhe woy/ I would roke you home./ And whor Scoff said.




Sunnyvale, Colif. Geography


Charlotte, N.C.

Griffin, Go.

International Affairs You con'f reduce four years info

Space Science

75 words. I've never hod such greor friends. Thanks.

For rhe supporr rhor I needed, I fhonk: my parenrs, grondporenfs, rhe Wolrer, Lisa and Bren, Aunr Dor and Uncle Roy, and Milro. Here ore some fhings I've learned I do nor wanr ro be:

Ignoranr, o trier, a good loser, passive, second place, incompassionate. I hove mode life-

long friends and commitments. I cannot forger "You con check our

any time you like...bur you con never leave." Keep'em flyin'

JOHN DOUGLAS WRIGHT J.D. Mount Lebanon, Po. Economics "Be nor o whisper rhor is losr in rhe wind bur rofher be o voice rhor is heard above rhe confusion of rhe srorms of life." -Moodameyorz

CHARLES EDWARD CATOE Charlie Powder Springs, Go. General Engineering It's nor rhe place I thought it was when I come. It’s no longer rhe place it wos when I arrived. I wonder whar it will be in 10 years. I’ve learned an awful lot, now rhe challenge is ro apply whar is useful. Thank you to everyone who helped me

through. I couldn't have made ir orher wise.


Heffermon, Holmes

Sunnymead, Calif.

rest of my time



A1F, Screamin Woodstock, Md.

Indionopolis, Ind. Electrical Engineering A quote by Korl Von Clousewitz sums up my feelings of whot the Academy is oil about,

NEAL BERNARD MCELHANNON Colorado Springs, Colo. General Engineering "God watches over me mighty dose." I would like to give special thanks to my father, family and friends I couldn't have mode if without them.

Aeronautical Engineering I mode it through the lost four years on three things: the support ond love of Mom ond Dod,

weekends worthwhile, ond most of

all, finding the lif fme friendship of the other 2/0 of "The Boys'' Don ond John. The

General Engineering The Academy has taught me o lor


Huntsville, Ala. Aeronautical Engineering I'd like ro thank everyone that has helped me through here bur now I realize perhaps I should have quit.

TERRY SUE CUTWRIGHT Corpentersville, III. Computer Science

the componionship of a variety of young ladies who mode the

Gilbert, Ariz.

married. Mom and Dod, couldn't hove done it without you Lord thonk you for helping me moke


Erhard, Minn.


about myself and other people. If has been on experience that I shall never forger, and hos given me confidence in myself and in my abilities. I will remember my friends, hell week, 29-my first squadron, ond oil of the other things that moke the Academy whof it is, I'm proud fo graduate, ond hope to spend the



Political Science Dull Six. Never will forget cool, Pump, KO Joe Piskopp Ando, Freddie, Bert, and fall boy Adams. God bless and good luck. See yo down the line! Boron foorbal romps! Loved boxing bur now I don't. To Lemon, the one and only! Can't

Engineering Sciences They said I'd hove some of the best ond worst times of my life.

They were right. Soy whot you will, but this place works. Thanks Stro -1 owe it all to you. To Sandy, Jim ond Soroh, you will never be forgotten; thanks for keeping me human.

wait to fly fighters. Dona I

love you! Can't wait to get

"...the rime is yours; whot its fulfillment will be, depends upon you..." I believe this exrends through all facets of life, throughout life.


Philosophy Keep your pretty -

three of us did our best to


ords ond poems, show me how

determine whot reolly gives our lives its flavor. I think we've found it., but I ain't rellin'!


i. If you lose yourself uu’ve lost it oil. Family ond

friends ore everything.



Warrensburg, N. Y. Management If I hod my life to live over I’d like to moke more mistakes next time. I'd relax. I would

limber up. I would be sillier than I hove been on this trip


I would travel lighter. I would take fewer things seriously. I would fake more chances. I would


eot more ice cream and less

Renick, W.Va.

beans. I would perhaps hove more octuol troubles, but I'd hove

Management Anything worth hoving is worth working hard for.


Phoenix, Ariz.

Engineering Sciences The thing that’s mode this worthwhile is the friends I've known and the times we've shored. No one deserves friends os good os you, and no one will miss you os much os I will. Moybe someday we will live the dreams thor hove carried us these years. Hopefully through it oil we will never forget us, or whot we did. From 31 to that lost bottle of champagne, to God only knows.

fewer imaginary ones.

-Nadine Stair, oge 85.

BRIAN ALLEN RENO Chemo Euclid, Ohio Electrical Engineering You know it reolly wasn't oil that big of o deal. .."And do one more ''vous'' for me.” Blue Skies!! -

CHRISTIAN MICHAEL PELOZA Pelores Awburn, Wash. Astronautical Engineering Nothing left to do bur smile, smile, smile.

RONALD DRYAN PERRY Ron Ontario, Calif. Engineering Mechanics If I hod chosen ony other path through life, I would nor hove been os challenged os I was. Conversely, the rewords would not hove been os great. But life is o rood of many twists and turns, and there is much still to do before I con look bock. With ability comes responsibilify. Though the Academy is in many if not oil ways unique” the friends I hove mode over the years ore the one thing I will remember most. '


Stuttgart, Germany Astronautical Engineering During my four yeor visit of the Acodemy, everytime I felt I wos in control of my life, I woke



up. One thing I've leorned is that if of first you don't succeed, try the approved solution. Despite the dietician I still managed to gain 15 pounds. While the reader’s thoughts reflect on the Acodemy my thoughts ond I ore for re-


Hendersonville, Tenn.

Darboursville, W.Va. Basic Academics I've hod olot of good rimes, ond I've mode some of the best friends anyone could hove. I also know that if I didn’t hove


moved ond lying on o sunny beach in Californio.

DAVID scon WILLIGROD GrodN Oklahoma City, Oklo. Engineering Sciences Golden memories. Skydiving was fun...now, it wos great! EFS ond then the dreadful rendezvous. Cuts like a knife. No more PLF, Vous, or skirt chasing. No more skydiving. Go for it! I om one. Boogie rill yo bounce ond then bounce bock. Next stop UPT.

my family, my friends, ond Lisa by my side, I wouldn't be writing this now.


Bend, Ore. Human Factors I got here the hard way, in the lost doss through Mrs. Millard's reform school, and left here the hard way, spending half of my firsfie yeor on probofion. Having the best friends anyone could osk for mode if bearable ond mokes looking bock easier. Even though the diploma will hove my name on it the

The Omock realized the nature of the gome, but chose instead to ploy by his rules; he did. The upperclassman, trained like povlov's dog, he then ployed properly...ond was further conditioned. It wos worth four years of my life.


RONALD BARRY TRUESDALE Ron Texarkana, Texas Engineering Mechanics On so many lonely days, I thought I would never graduate. But now that my turn has come, I con soy that I am glod I stuck to it. I wouldn't hove mode it without support from Scotty ond the Deerhunters, Greg, Joe, The Perrot's, Mom ond Dod, ond especiolly Jono. Thanks! As I head out the gore for the lost time,

I'll be happy to soy that it's finally oil behind me.

WILLIAM STEVEN COOKE Steve Greensboro, N.C. Basic Academics It's over!! Thanks to my

parents, Patty (my Bubbo), ond the Big Guys! I don't think I could hove mode it without you. These four years hove been the best and worst time of my life. Good luck to everyone, ond God bless. P.S. I mode it!!!

credit goes to family, friends, ond Sharon for the love ond support that mode if oil possible. Dare to dream



Rad(ical) Cornelius, Ore. ERNEST ANTHONY DIMUCCIO Mooch Greenville, R.l. Basic Academics I mode if. Thanks Mom, Dad, friends, and Sgr. Slaughter. Pandemonium has broken our. I'll always remember swampy and the

elephants. Airborne, J.D.'s, Dob and Paula's, and the Red Stang.

"What a long, strange trip it’s been."


Greg Sr. Louis, Mo. Civil Engineering I want to thank Mom, Dad, Steve,

David and Sue for all the letters and support they've given me these past four years. I'd really like to thank the Lord for always being there for More than anything I'll miss the friends I've made...I guess if was worth six years of

college. "Someday we’ll look

it! I am glad I come here and

back on this and it will all seem funny." Druce Springsteen

even happier to be graduating from the Academy.



Military History

Reidsville, N.C.

All "character building" insti-

Polo Cedro, Colif.

Aeronautical Engineering Here's to all the friends I made here, and will have forever. I've met the greatest people here, and the worst. I'm leaving without any regrets, four years were worth if...I wouldn't do it again. To fly, live, and die by the sword; it’s better to burn our, than to fade away...that’s all I ever really wonted from

Inrernorionol Affairs

be slightly unpleasant at rimes. Over time we forger how miserable we might have been and laugh at our misfortunes. Thanks to all my classmates, parents, and friends, I survived the ex-

perience. After four years I can say that everything turned out well-enough and that if I could do it all over again I'd probably take the easy way our.

here. I recieved that and a lot more. I have to laugh. AahOww!


Pump Siloom Spring, Ark. Basic Academics Thank God, I have finally made


Louisville, Ky.

tutions, like prisons, monosteries, and reform schools can


Human Facrors Soon after my arrival at USAFA, I found a quote which I have never found again: "A Christian cannot make a bod soldier." Since then, It has been my goal to prove this precept. I could not have attempted this alone. I would like to thank my God, and all of those who through their prayers, guidance, and friendship have helped me on my path. God bless you always.


The people I've met are too

special to say good-bye to, so I won't. I’ve made some great friends while I've been here, and I thank them for what life is all about! One chapter of my life is closing, bur another is

just beginning. I will miss you, my friends. ...I just keep movin 'cause it helps to ease the



Ookton, Vo. Astronautical Engineering "The gross is always greener on the other side of the fence, until you get over there ond find our it’s astro-turf." "Live fast! Die young!”




Torson, Ariz.

Rancho Cordova, Colif. Aeronautical Engineering There ore two doys no one should ever worry about: Yesterday and tomorrow. Four years of preporing to become on officer, o gentleman and a pilot have solidified that premise in my mind. But the time of preporo-

To the members of the Air Force

good times; ond to the spirit


tion is over...it's time for me

ond dedication that mokes it oil

''Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom"...now let's get out there and be vigilanr! Life awaits, ’85: keep on runnin', don't look bock, and, always, keep the faith.

possible. And to good friends, who know who they ore. Thanks

been working hard/ But will you always stay someone else’s dream of who you ore?/ Do what's good for you or you're nor good for anybody! -Billy Joel

TODD ALLEN MARTIN Taylor, Mich. Basic Academics Only with the help of God, parents, ond friends! Thanks

Good luck Edward, it won’t be

Mom, Dod, Unk, Joy, Nadine, Renea, Holly, AM, Rod,

JOSE A. MENA Costo Rico Electrical Engineering

DUANE RAY MOSHER Mosh Foirbury, Neb.

to fly.


Corona, Colif.

Biology Academy Coder Drum and Bugle

Corps,- post, present, ond future a toast,

both to hard work and

ond...good luck. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, ond His righteousness, and oil these things shall be added unto you.

Military History Somebody said that if couldn't be done, but he with a chuckle

replied that "maybe if couldn't," but he would be one who wouldn't soy so until he fried. So he buckled right in with the trace of o grin on his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing os he tackled the thing that couldn't be done,

ond he did if. -Walt Moson

Astronauticol Engineering Are you still in school, living up to expectations?/ You were so relied upon everybody knows how hard you tried./ Just look of whot o job you've done, carrying the weight of family pride./ You've been well behoved,


MICHAEL ROBERT MURCHLAND Murch Miromor, Flo. Basic Sciences Let your light so shine... -Mr. 516

CHARLES EDWARD OSTEEN Eddie Hendersonville, N.C. Humanities Justice has been done, it's oil over! Thanks Mom ond Dad, Bob ond Poulo, ond friends (you too, Kyle). Special thanks to the mystery lady bock home who I haven't hod o picture of in four years (but I still love her). Do the neetso, remember the

mayhem of the bootcomp match, ond Air-

borne. Pandemonium has broken out!




Spotsylvania, Vo. Electrical Engineering The purpose of the Unired Stores Air force Academy is to provide instruction ond expierience to

MICHAEL TERRANCE SEWELL Pocifico, Calif. Aeronuatical Engineering


Management "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..” This

quote sums up perfectly these last four years. I have never hared and liked a place as much as this one. At the end it was the good rimes that far outweighed the bad times. I would like to thank everyone that helped me these past years es-

pecially my parents who without their support I would never have reached this goal.


me so that I con graduate and become the best officer the Air Force has seen. After four years the happiest thing I can imagine is the image of USAFA in my rear view mirrow. My life philosophy is "He who die's with the most toys, wins!"


STEPHEN MARK VISEL Steve Hudson, III. International Politics "For unknowns con keep imagine-

Port Hueneme, Calif. General Chemistry I've learned so much here that I look bock ond see how limited in scope I was, ond am. The most

important things I've learned were not in ocodemics, bur in

tion trying journeying upward, striving tirelessly. Faith un-

human values and especially friendships, without which I

dying keep ideals true." -George Hupp, Jr. Steve was never o doer, always o get her. Get her here, there ond onywhere. Remember, in heaven

would nor still be here. My love and thanks to Mike, Joe,


George is punctual.

Lynn, Solly, Orlando, and Mary— the most awesome people I hove May they find hoppiness always.

ever met.




Brookline, Moss.

Anaheim, Calf

Aeronautical Engineering You are right, Dad, power is to the man who thinks he can. Things do happen for the best, Ma. I couldn't have done if without you, sweetheart.

Electrical Engineering I should be fine as long as I'm able to lough at myself. When the world becomes so serious that I'm unable to laugh about my problems then I know I'm doomed. Thanks to oil of you in '85 that have mode USAFA a bit more humorious and I wish you success in all your endeavours. A special thanks to my mother, for none of this would have been possible without her. Keep

rockin', Andy!

COLLEEN ADELE COLLINS CO Atlanta, Go. Basic Academics These years ar U5AFA have been

good for me. They hve helped me to understand the many faceted

nature of man. They have also

allowed me to understand that I connor go it alone. I am so very grateful that you were there for me, Susan and Patrice, when I

needed you most. I am forever in your debt. Thanks to my family and thanks most to you, God, for





Bladenboro, N.C.

Billings, Mont.

Aeronautical Engineering

Engineering Mechanics

I wont to rhonk God and praise


My whole rime here could be decribed os o struggle on and off

Him for allowing me to attend the Academy and giving me the

Ac.Pro. I would like to thank the friends and teachers who helped me get by with a special thanks to Dove for my survival in MECH 320. As for Mom and Dod, "If I ever get the urge to go

through the Academy experience


ogoin, hove me go lie down until the feeling goes away!"

Florence, Ala.

desire and strength to occomplish oil I hove in the post four years. Thank you so much Mom and Dod for your never ending love, understanding, and encouragement. Thanks to oil my true friends who mode life worth living and the Academy worth remembering. -Mott 6:33

Operations Research




Pensacola, Fla.

Chester, N. Y.



The first one I wont to thank is God himself, without whose love and blessings I would never hove mode it through here, I wont to thank my Mom and Dad for their

"The rood goes ever on and on/ Down from the door where it began./ Now for ahead the rood, has gone,/ And I must follow, if I con,/ Pursuing if with weory

support in oil I did and being there when I needed them. Thanks

feet,/ Until it joins some

especially to my sweetie, Pom, for adding that special something to my life. I om thankful for the friends I mode here like

Ski, Cou, Beorst, Hedgebrush, Jon (Ripples) and oil the others.

Moy God bless.

larger way,/ Where many paths and errands meet./ And whither then? I cannot soy." Thank you, Mom ond Dod, for keeping foith in me during the good rimes and the bad; for being my best friends during the long five years. I love you.

HOWARD CONRAD JUDD Jude Preston, Nev. Aeronautical Engineering The Academy didn't exactly meet my expectations ond I, the kid from nowhere, probably didn't live up to theirs. But I sur-


Bob/Kooch Newark, Del. Computer Science I can’t soy that I’ve enjoyed my stay here, but I sure did leorn alor about myself. There were rimes that I didn't think

vived. In the long run I know I've gained o great deal

I could get those 18 lessons done the night before the G.R.

friends from 18 and Magpies, fond memories, on Aero degree, and chance to prove myself in the cockpit. Thanks Mom ond Dad for making it possible. It’s only the rip of the iceberg. Always remember the big

bur somehow the machine



managed. I'm glad for what I'll be leaving this place with, bur I sure wouldn't do it again. No pain, no gain!!


Daleville, Ala. Basic Academics The best way for me to use this

KENNETH DART KLEINLEIN Bart Salt Lake City, Utah General Engineering Spent three years with the best in blue the class of 1982. Resigned and enjoyed three years as a civilian. Glad to be back with '85. Enjoyed being a soaring I P., working on my Z-28 and pushing 'Trons. Looking forword to UPT ond o fighter ossignmenr. Lord guard ond guide..

space is to say thanks to some very speicol people. To Mom ond Dod, David, ond Shon -thanks for the support. To Greg ond thanks for your true friendship. To Lt. Col. Anderson, John


Sgr. Foirchild, ond Moj. Morse JOSEPH LA MAGNA JR

LaSogna Wantagh, N. Y. Biology All things considered it could hove been much much worse.


Thanks for your advice ond guidance. This dream could not hove been accomplished without

you! I'm excited that it's over, but more than that, I'm excited that it's just beginning...


Braintree, Moss. Human Factors "If you con keep your head when oil about you..." The good rimes I've hod ond the the friends I've mode already compensate for

everything else. Brooks, Mike, ore you busy right now? Con you do me o big favor?








La Palma, Calif. International Politics

Eureka, Mo.

Drayton, N.D. Management

Thanks Lord, Dod, Mom, ond Missy. I couldn't have done it without you. I love you oil.

Physics Scott-Loy arrived or USAFA o meek ond mild Missouri boy, but after enrolling in the

Who would've thought that o small town girl from

exercise program he soon

North Dakota could hove ever survived four years here? I hod my doubts too! I'll never

adopted the motto "when the going gets tough, the tough get

forger these Academy experiences or the special people I hove

radical." His more radical achievements include carrier

been able to meet ond become friends with, especially Doug.

landings, belly flop champion of the world. If there's o way to apply quantum mechanics to flying choppers, he’ll find if. Thanks Mom ond Dod, ond to Bif: "Better ye than me, dude!"



Midwest City, Okla. Operations Research it surAn Okie girl ot USAFA prised Tim too! There ore somethings in life you con never be ready for. It hos been on eventful four years! None of which I could hove ever mode without the love of my parents ond Tim. Hope I con soy the some for the next 100 years. We need the red Fior bock ask Kin. —




Winona, Minn.

Berrer ro die on your feer rhon live on your knees.


Cowords die many rimes before rheir death. Do whar is righr because ir is righr, no orher reason is needed. Berrer a hearr full of love rhon o mind filled

My friends and a long loud lough or rhe end of the day got me Through. Also, I would like for

I walked o mile wirh pleasure;/ She charrered oil rhe way./ And lefr me none rhe wiser,/ For oil she hod ro soy./ I walked o mile wirh sorrow,/ And nor o word soid she./ Bur, oh, rhe Things I learned from her,/ When sorrow walked wirh me./

everyone ro roke this opporrunity ro skerch in some hair on my

-Robert Browning Homilron Sorry Bob, bur rhor's rhe besr i

rhe beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world wirhour end,


can recoil.





Voddog Asheville, N.C. **







Aeronautical Engineering I'm jusr looking for o lirrle jusrice in life.



Denver, Colo

There were many good rimes and

General Engineering As Thomas Epsrein once said "Wirh exrremely few, exceprions, norhing is worrh rhe trouble." I

International Affairs Life is roo short. Moke every

ro rhank my porenrs, friends,

S 5upporr 0

rrusr in rhe Lord. As ir was in


Alderson, W.Va.

and my besr friend J.M.W, for oil rheir conrinuous love and


inrelligence, pur all your


nor so good rimes. I would like




Newport News, Va.


wirh knowledge. Rely nor on your


never mode Dean's or Comm's bur

I mode ir Through! My regards ro rhe Cool Cars, warer fighrs across rhe

quod, gerring caughr wearing civies and hearing abour ir hell week, dropping beer our-

side C5-21 sq cmdrs door, choir

Trips, Mr. L., five SERES, indoor parries wirh Ron, having two extra roommares and oil rhe

friends I have come ro know

minute worthwhile.

DAVID PAUL BURNS AKA. Bunz Pittsburgh, Po. General Engineering Six years, I finally made ir! I could nor have made ir wirhour you. Mom and Dad. Lesson learned. "Jusr do rhe besr rhor you possibly can, and you haven'r


Jerry Florence, Ala. Aeronautical Engineering In June of ’81, a rrek began on which I would find rhe person I'd been searching for. I wos a two degree when I went ro Korea

cheared yourself...you ore o winner." My mosr valuable possessions ore my friends ond rhe memories. Live

ond sow through rhe eyes of on eagle. Porri got her ring ond I mine. Then come Gumby ond

fasr, die young ond ger naked-go Rugby! Shogowolloby! We finally mode ir Deb. Meer you dudes or rhe casrle for cockroils.

GT. I finally gor my T-41 ro land on rhe runway. Now comes UPT ond life. Thanks "It's jusr


DAVE CHARLES FEDORS Aushwitz Alradena, Calif. Engineering Mechanics I like ro rhink of pleasant things, for some remain ever

Waianae, Hawaii International Affairs

gor my



depressed, never understanding rhor o simple kiss con ulrimarely foster happiness. Things I enjoy, like my big blue pacific ocean, KROQ, sunshine,

Waynesboro, Pa. International Affairs When you ore joyous, look deep inro your heart and you shall find ir is only that which has given you sorrow rhor is giving you joy. When you ore sorrowful, look again inro your heart and you shall see rhor in truth you ore weeping for rhor which has been your delight.


LOUIS ANTHONY CASALE Guide Stratford, Conn. Basic Academics Well, Irsfunally over. Ir seemed like ir would never end bur ir did. I gained o lor while I wos here, especially rhe close friends ond roomores, bur mosr of oil, my fiancee. If I hod ro do ir oil over again, I would

do ir rhe some way. Goodluck ond God speed ro oil.

Honolulu, Hawaii

VICTOR C. HAYNES Ft. Pierce, Fla.


Human Factors Engineering

My Academy experience is one I will never forger for rhe rest of my life. I mer many great

people which I look forward ro

working with in rhe operational Air Force. The Academy also pro-

vided me wirh rhe opportunity ro

and summer. Thanks Mom, Dod, Paul, Cynthia, rhe Sunfire Gang,

visir distant relatives and friends. All I con soy, if I hod ro do ir oil over, I'd do ir rhe

ond oil my friends. Water sports

some way.





Wenonah, N.J.


Engineering Sciences Born and raised in East

Fairbanks, Alaska Aeronautical Engineering A spork of life o beot in -

rime/ A lonely light rhot longs to shine/ An open rood rhor knows no end/ A roy of hope around the bend/ You got o

Brunswick, N.J. I was lucky enough ro stumble across on Air Force brochure and inquire about rhe Academy. I say lucky because


Management It's finally over. We hove good


rimes ro remember, and hove



Billings, Mont. Computer Science This place has taught me much for which I'm grareful. I developed frinedships which will

opportunity ro learn. The good

things we never thought we could or would ever wont ro do again! I’ll remember this place for rhe good rimes ond rhe many friendships mode. Don'r forger rhe

your hearr you found o voice/ it's colling you to moke o choice/ reach for rhe sky

friends, good rimes and o sense

choir trips, rhe weekend CQ

two people very near and dear ro

of accomplishment hove mode oil rhe trials of rhe post four

shifts in Dirty Thirty, rhe lore night studying. Thanks Mom and

my heart. To rhe both of you: Hong in there! "Be yourself,

reach for rhe sky!/ -Billy

years worth while. D^fensores Liberratis.

Dod, for oil your loving supporr. Ploy rhe gome bur win.

give your free will o chance.





Hagerstown, Md. Aeronautical Engineering

B. Earl Colorado Springs, Colo.


Alexandria, Vo

Centerville, Tenn.

General Engineering

Aeronautical Engineering

Military History

you wanna fly/ You got on urge you can't deny/ Within dream




rhe experiences of rhe post four years hove raughr me more rhon mosr people will ever hove rhe


ro rhe Academy was rhe

fulfillment of o five year dream. So you really wont ro. It’s rime ro get our there ond work on new dreams. I rhank Trocie for her endless under-

standing and special place in my life.

Tim hod q flair for leadership (I'm serious!) bur he never forgor rhe lirrle people. Being o

military history major left

him rime during Ac call for foorball, Magnum, Simon and Simon, and Hillsrreer while still complereing his homework!

On rhe baseball field, he rerrorized rhose who would try ro steal second. Above all, I'll never forger rhe BYOC’s, air

bonds, and rhe greatest oir

gurrorist rhar ever lived!

lasr a life rime, bur there ore

You’ve got ro work ro succeed."


Honey Grove, Pa. Civil Engineering The Academy has been anorher stepping stone in my life to bigger and better things. I '


mentally, and most of all,

spiritually. As I continue to serve in the Air Force,

my pri-

oriries will always be God,

family and country.

remember a few things like the devastating bottle in my car,

standing and friendship My goal in life: win it big in a

and the mirror that everyone liked, bur most of all, let s remember the responsibility

lottery. Christ was a criminal

that we were taught.

I left.

Gumby Dossier dry. La Aeronaurical Engineering

thank God for the friends and family” I have acquired here and for the personal growth I have experienced

I completed the program, and what a rime I hod I II always

GIFFORD PATTERSON STEIN Gift Ogden. Uroh Mathematics Remember me for this: a few attributes shown to be useful: Knowledge, courage, under-



Evergreen, Colo General Engineering

in his rime, too. Sid vicious

died for you. I came, I saw.



A.K.A. Ugless


Newburg Pork, Calif.

Boston, Moss.

Dosic Academics I can t say the past four years


enjoyable. However, there are a few things that I'll never forget: Wrestling NCAAs, Ring

rirarion: Being a chem major

made it alone. Thanks to all who

(qualitative analysis, nuclear

kept me going including Fred and


Dance, Mazaland, Calif, road

trips. But most of all I'll never forger my buddies. Mom, Dad, thanks for always being

the're but never pushing.

Pete was a master of procras-

specroscopy, and other FM), seeing Pete up past 2 a.m. was no surprise (before the new schedule of calls). Training NCO and OPs officer in great twonine, had T-41 in the summer (got a 5). Should go to Sheperd and get an F-16. Remember, Pete, "Take care my friend, watch your

six, and do one more roll for me. Thar's a Roger!”



Albuquerque, N.M. Biology It's been a long hard road and I don't think any of us could have

Ian, two of the greatest roommares ever, Tina: and especially Mom, Dad, and Ali. I never would have made it without you. I hope I was able to return the favors. You made the worst rimes not so bad and the best times even

better. Stay close!



Eugene. Ore Engineering Sciences I kept thinking it was supposed to get easier! (Fallacy #1) Deepest gratitude goes to Mom


and Dad. with appreciation for the support from Wendy, Vaughn,

list, it's still easy to soy that it was worth it. I've

the Standleys and the Robersons.

learned a lor, especially when

'Don't limit yourself .your greatest is only measured by how

nor counting academics. I'll always be looking our for rranparent gloss ond giraffes coming

Jerry Alexandria, La.


in the window. Thanks Mom ond

International Politics

Fayetteville, N.C

Jon for oil your love.

Do ya' wanna' live forever?

Basic Acadmeics

hard you work, bur more importanrly how hard you dream.” Terminated. Tenure -

Gretna. La. Basic Acodemics After surviving the five year

plan and the Dean's







Memphis, Tenn.

Lebanon. Pa


Basic Acodemics What alone remains is "the lost

Electrical Engineering

Bladenboro, N C.

The past four years hove been full of good rimes, some not so

Civil Engineering

good, ond a whole lor of friends

is a concept of duty deeply instilled. "If I do my duty the rest will rake core of it-

Miami. Flo. Aeronautical Engineering Jim come here for the women and the money. He survived four

of human freedoms”. The ability to choose one’s attitude in o

degree year with the motto "Get

given set of circumstances.

I hope to see again. I am one of

in bed and act like you've

-Viktor E. Fronkl

the many here with big dreams, ond hope to get a chance to shore them with oil who help me

asleep.” His greatest achieve-

juggling two gorgeous dotes or Ring Dance and becoming o Vondenburg Hall 'Ghostbuster.' He also gave uniform grades to four degree’s in bikinis and ments were

practiced medicine on the side

(tope heals oil wounds). Thanks Mom and Dod, Sue and Pete, Lois ond Jock, Dill, and beware.

reach them. I am grateful for my loving and supportive family Laurely, Errol, Ed, Solly, ond Hank. Thank you for odding

happiness to my "college” years!

The one thing I leave here with

self.” I've learned that the little things really moke the difference. My thanks to Mom and Dod for their conrinuous support; George, Donnie, and the girls for "A home away from home;" but most of all to my friend Jesus Christ for di-

reefing my paths in spire of the darkness. Proverbs 3:5-6


Souri Delano, Calif. Aeronautical Engineering "This is the end./ Beautiful friend./ This is the end./ My only friend, the end./ Of all our elaborate

plans, the end./

Of everything that stands, the end./ No safety or surprise, the end./ I'll never look inro your eyes again./ This is the end." -J D Morrison


Camp Hill, Pa. Civil ENgineering "If there's one thing in my life that’s missing, it's the time that I spend alone, soiling on the cool and bright clear warer.

It's time for o cool change!" -LRB



Andy, Mule head


Drown Deer, Ms.

Chins were in at Wolfpack, bur it was still fun due to Lori, Philecio, Dove and the rest of the pock. Thirty meonr halfway, but due to Jamie, Clay, and class rings memories will nor

Chemistry I never figured our why I wos ond if I hod I probobly would hove quit. I guess I really wonted to fly, but dreams aren't everything. I used to lough ot squadron commanders I always lived for the weekends and then

that helped me reach my peak.

slept through them

But most of all, I've foiled, I’ve conquered, I've cryied, I've laughed, I've hurt, I've loved, I finished wifh the help of oil.

was somewhere with chorale.


unless I I

spent my best rimes with my

friends, especially those in cluster 4511. But I never could have done anything without the

support from Wisconsin.


International Affairs

Redlands, Calif.

stray. Running was my expertise, and it wos Gory, Joy and Coach


WESLEY ALLAN OLSON Wes Sr. Paul, Minn. Human Factors Wes doesn't know what to think of USAFA yet. He used to think "It just doesn't matter," but now he realizes some things do. Wes played boll o little,and met love. Wes considered TV Guide to be a literary classic. Wes hopes Mr. Porarohead will introduce him to happiness after graduarion.


Woodrugg, Ms. Computer Science


Downingrown, Pa. International Affairs I think my favorite pastime at the Academy wos comploining,

hopefully when I am graduated I con

exchange it for flying.




Meeker, Colo.




Terreron, Idaho General Engineering "Let me rell you two things: First of oil, no one con hurt me

Crescent City, Calif. Civil Engineering

unless the Lord wills ir or unless he's reody to coll me home. And if rhe Lord were to moke o choice between me and someone else who didn't know rhe Lord, I would hope rhe Lord would coll me home and give that other person more rime to come to know him/' Michale Ohler USMC COLOS5IAN5 3:17

"Whoever has rhe most rhings wins." Love

when he dies

I pur o lor of effort into this

wrestling 'cause I'm nor smart enough nor ro! Love flying

place; two years to get in and four years ro ger our, spending

'cause rhar's ir! And I love

rhe lasr year practicing rhe



Carey 'cause she's rhe something special in my life! Thanks tons

Las Vegas, Nev.

for rhe love and encouragement

Astronautical Engineering "There are people I have loved/

from my parenrs, family,

song "It's rime for me ro fly!'' Ir

Hypnotized by lies/ in defensive disquise/ some say protect and survive/ I say its over.''

supports my dreams! "Whar you are is God s gift ro you. Whar

is, indeed, rime for me ro fly.

-B Warson

gift ro God.”




rear window view.


I have ro say I could nor have made ir wirhour God, good

friends, care packages from Mom, and Reo Speedwagon who once

Coachie, Par, and everyone who

you moke of yourself is your

r ^


Scottsdale, Ariz.


Basic Academics

Rochester, N.Y. General Engineering "In order nor ro be completely overcome by rhem, a certain

strength of body and mind is required, which, eirher natural or acquired, produces indifference ro rhem.” -Ernest Hemingway


Hollywood Essex Junction, Vt.

Human Factors The best and worst times of my life hove occured over the post five years (USAFA Prep School). I owe the good irmes to the "Dig Guys” who helped me keep my sense of humor over these 1400+

days of justice. A big thank you to my family because without their support I never would've


marrying my beoutiful fiancee

to be the best we can be through

who stuck with me these five




Mineolo, N. Y. Civil Engineering Good beer, good friends, whor else could you osk for... Never again! Thanks Anne, Dob ond Poulo, Mom ond Dod, Ron ond

to motivate us

mode it. I lookforword to

years. Thanks Stephanie.


DURKE EDWIN WILSON Ed Montgomery, Ala. Electrical Engineering In my mind, it’s oil for one

experiences (both good and bod). Just trust in the Lord.


Kelli, see yo oil or Willy!






Bloomington, Ind.

Coventry, Conn.

Basic Academics

Shelby Shelby, N.C. Management


Engineering Mechanics It was the best of times, it was the worst of rimes, ond if you asked me if I'd do it oil again, I'd soy I really don't know. I've met some really good friends here that I hope I never have to tell goodbye, so I guess it was oil worth if. And like the man said, "I want to

fly jets."

I would like to think that I

kept my sonify after spending 1438 days of this institution. You have to keep o good sense of humor. I would like to thank my parents for their strong support, ond also thank the boys from CS-27 for the good rimes. Finally, I would like to give my Lord the glory. For without him on my side,

I would nor hove mode it. -Philippians 4:13


Wyalusing, Pa




Anaheim, Calif.

Champlin, Minn. Operations Research "What I see here is nothing bur

Astronouticol Engineering It took me three years ro figure



is invisible..." Friends. A

was ever easy,

Space Physics

Basking Ridge, N.J.

lifetime of unforgettable

I extend o fond farewell fo my comrades and casual acquainranees alike. It's been an unusual four years, bur I have

Basic Academics

memories. "Reality, for some

the rewards: Recognition, the car, the ring, and graduation.

Ir was a nice place to visit bur

people, is broader than it is for other, because they have

Tigers to Reapers, from begin-

no regrets.

See you all in



Long Reach, Colif. Astronouticol Engineering


it's good ro move onward and

especially upward. Thanks ro my parents, and friends for helping me make ir possible. Paydirt!

a shell. Waht is most


looked more,lived more, read

it out (I'm slow), but I actually liked ir here. Nor that it

but there were

From Doolie to Firsfie, from

more, experienced more and

ning ro end, I will dlways remember the best and forget the

thought more." "Today is mine."




Novato, Calif.

Corpus Christi, Texas Civil Engineering

Amoeboman/Sheepdog Sturbridge, Moss. Aeronautical Engineering

Well, in the final analysis,

"Go away”


did we learn academics in school, military on the pad, honor

everyday, or brutality on the field? Maybe, but it’s really been a four year initiation. A time to make our required

mistakes, big and small, go info debt, learn about love, do 21 shots. 5o, we made if, walked the line, slipped

through the net, and were graduared. Go forth and prosper.

Many things happen in life!

Engineering Sciences

PETER DAVID READ Pete Mace don, N. Y.

international Affairs In four years, the Academy has taught me a great deol, mostly concerning conformity. Yet, os on individual,


Easrland, Texas Basic Academics To know the end is to wait for the end. I chose rather to moke my luck and end.



I hove found no

truer words than those of Henry


David Thoreau: "If a man does nor keep pace with his componions perhaps it is because he hears o different drummer. Let him step to the music which he

Brooklyn, N Y.

Richardson, Texas

hears, no matter how measured

Basic Academics

or for


Electrical Engineering Frozen time and twisted reality combined to leave my mind the way it is. Oh well,...oil things take core of themselves. Just relax and don't strain yourself.


Chief/Otis Altus, Ohio.


Basic Academics


I started this brief adventure five

Trenton, N.J. Astronautical Engineering Dorn ond roised in Trenton, N.J. I come o long way for what I wonted I can't soy it has been the

long years ago. I mode it through countless class committees, ond

appeal boards. I learned

best rime in my life, bur surely nor the worst. I got o degree ond mode some great friends for life.

give up; never to quit. Above oil, I learned to trust God. never to

"WHAT you ore is God's gift to you

I skied,

comped-out ond hod nights out on


the town. But most of oil, I got a commission in the USAF. All I con


soy is reach for the stars, anything is

Mound, Minn.


Basic Academics



Festus, Mo. Civil Engineering


Washington, Pa.

Computer Science "I shall be yelling this with a sign somewhere ages ond ages hence: Two roods diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, ond that hos mode all the difference.” —

Robert Frost



What you moke of yourself is

your gift to God.'' If only the answers to life's many problems could be found in the library's "ROADRUNNERS”


approved solutions.

Florissant, Mo.


Computer Science

Management I would hove never mode it without you. Thanks Mom and Dod.




Mike New Brighton, Minn. Engineering Mechanics I’m nor exactly sure what it rakes ro get through this place, bur since you're reading this I

Columbus, Ohio Basic Sciences In retrospect, it was tough but well worth it. One of the best rewords here was working

must have it. I can't say that

for excellent instructors and

I've thoroughly enjoyed my stay here, but I've made the best of

commanders. I've learned much about doing whot's right ond I'll try to let that guide me

it. Nobody has gotten through

here oil by themselves. Personoily I hove oil of my good

friends, my porents, Shonno, and

in the future. From the jungles

of Panama ro the blue skies of Arizona, it's been o good four

thank. "What a long, strange

years ond I'm indebted to those who helped me along the way.

trip it's been."

Thanks to Mom ond Dad.

the guidance of my God ro



Dig Seattle, Wash. Basic Academics

Looking back I would have ro soy that many people hove mode the

post four years oil worthwhile.

My biggest regret is that More will not be there, among us, or

graduation. I would like to thank Bruce, the guys on the soccer team, ond the rest of

my friends for all the great times, but most of oil, I would like to thank my

family ond the Lord

for always being there.


Roppin/Rodney New York, N. Y.

International Politics In spire of the trying rimes here, which hove led to too many there hairs,have been more gray than enough wonderful people (even o few cadets) to help me when things got me o little down. My warmest appreciation is for my parents. Thank you for

hoving so much faith in me.


Portsmouth, Neb.

Engineering Mechanics The post four years have been full of memories. In time, only the good will remain. Thanks ro Kathy, Ron, ond all my good friends for making it possible, and the Lord for helping me through it oil.


Engineering Mechanics





Milton. Flo. Basic Academics


Houston. Texas

Smirhburg. Miss. Civil Engineering

Aeronourciol Engineering

"I was born ro live fasr ond furious. I om destined ro die

You only live once, so you'd

If you read this you’ll graduate because if I can make it anyand thank God I made

better moke the most of it

one can,

while you con. Live each doy

it! Prep School is where all the

ro the fullest and

memories began. Thanks ro some good friends there and at the Academy these five long years were made bearable. I hope I



JEFFREY LANE ISOM Indianapolis. Ind.

Mom and Dad for all their sup-


and guidance.

remember that you hove ro let go of the familiar ro reach for the stars. Work hard, play hard, and don't be afraid to follow your dreams, so that when it's all over, you can look bock with satisfaction ond say, "You only live once.”

DAVID JOHN KOSSLER Dove Columbus, Ohio Electrical Engineering



Watertown, Conn.

Operations Research

Missoula, Mo.

U5AFA has been a trying experience bur one that we can all

Aeronautical Engineering

Asrronaurical Engineering Be strong and do as you will. Let the powers of others set

swift ond glorious for mine is the life of the sword. But when i die there will be no regret in

my face and a smile upon my lips." I would like ro thank my

I gave it my best. If was hard. More than anything else, I

learned ro keep myself motivated each doy like today (Sunday)

when I have two labs and a GP, ro

prepare for tomorrow, And I'd rather watch football. I can’t name all of the people who have helped me these four years, but I would like ro thank some of them: my roommates, friends, instructors, my parents and above all, God!

port, and God for the strength

surpass. Memories and friendships are formed, which will

Becoming an Academy graduate a longtime dream of mine and yet only a bridge ro other dreams.

never be lost, but the most imporrant thing is ro find outlets

While at the Academy I tried to be a good cadet, faking advan-

that keep you sane, even if a rule or two are broken. Never

rage of the opportunities; Choir, an intramural boxing championship and a set of wings. Bur all the rime future dreams called from the end of the

give up your dream as you are

graduated and start a new life. 5o as the song sings! Off we go!!!

can stay out of trouble while

I'm in the Air Force. Thanks Mom, Dad and Sis for all the love, support and prayers.

your bounds -Ad Astra


if they catch on!

tunnel; dreams of jets and

spaceships to rake me ro new adventures far away.





Psycho Green River,


Engineering Physics "To see clearly one must seperofe from the group and view things or a distance. From within one cannot see rhe whole."

DONALD MARK ZIMMERMAN Donzo Grissom AFB, Ind. International Politics Who would believe rhor this mild mannered man, whom we, his besr friends, call Donzo, known for his bermudas, orgyles, and road trips in rhe steolrhmobile, could have such a significant impact on those around him? He's a racrful, influential man who is bound ro rear aparr Harvard just as he did West Point. Some may have thought his pride slipped our rhe window as a doolie, bur don't be fooled. His pride and trust in God is there.


Flagstaff, Ariz. Astronomical Engineering The pieces ore picked up, one

WiHiston Park, N. Y. Basic Academics My four years or rhe Academy hove raughr me that education mokes people easy to lead, bur difficult ro drive, easy ro govern, bur impossible ro enslave. Like our Folcon moscor, I have found rhe best


Dayton, Ohio Mathematics It's hard ro believe that four years could pass so quickly. We oil hove suffered through some bod rimes os well os en-

joyed rhe good. Friendships

by one. The board is folded and

reoson ro fly for rhe top is ro

have been mode rhor will lasr

put away. The silver player achieves the victory, and now, finally, rhe gome is over. Onward my friends. We've

simply look at those on rhe

liferimes. Through all rhe trials ond rribulairons, I

earned it.




bottom. To be whar I am, and ro become whor I om capable of

becoming, is my moin goal in

Hamilton, Mont Civil Engineering If you were to use a single word ro describe rhe type of person Bryon is, you would be forced ro use "unique". He is a direct definition of rhe opposite of a conformist His willingness to be different is easily apparent in his warm, bizarre sense of humor. Give him a chance to talk and he'll be funny. Even though he is his own person, he is a real team player. Good luck everyone. 2 Timothy 1:7

hove learned never ro quit,

keep fairh in myself ond ro chose after my dreams.

VINCENT E. BUGEJA Panama City, Panama Civil Engineering




Chevy Memphis, Tenn. Biology First, I'd like to give thanks to the Lord for giving me this opportunity, and for giving me a mother whose


Malod, Idaho

Cleono, Pa.

Engineering Sdence Although it took me six years to moke it through the Acodemy I finally mode it. The two years I took

Biology I rhonk my family for giving me the

encouragement, strength, ond letters to help me survive. Without

off to serve o mission in Chile were

them, I never would hove mode it.

enjoyable ond made the four years or the Acodemy o little more

dedication has truly mode this possible. I love you Momma! I also want to rhonk everyone who believed in me. I hove learned so much. I'm sorry that it took me so long to grow up, but I con promise that I won't ever forget what

shall dwell in the house of the Lord

you've taught




Terry Greenwood, N Y. Electrical Engineering If seems like yesterday that I was a high school graduate walking up

I also owe everything to Jesus Christ, who turned my life around. I

bearable. It also gave me o

wish everyone could hove the joy in knowing Him that I hove. My

greater appreciation of the

faith lies in the Lord, who "is my

Citizen and gave me the

Shepherd I shall nor wont. —



Psalms 23


Miromor, Fla. Aeronautical Engineering

ond I

privilege of being on American opportunity to meet a lot of neat

people, from both Chile and USAFA.


Computer Science Look around, ond choose your own

ground For long you live, and high you fly And smiles you'll give, and tears you'll cry And oil you touch, and all you see

Is all your life will ever be. —


Pink Floyd


Fete LoMoco Sparks, Nev.

SuperHuggy League City, Texas

Internotionol Affairs It's been a rough four years and I

Military History

owe my thanks to my

to think about because this


Life after the Academy seems hard


the Bring Me Men Ramp. These last

parents. Skydiving has given the

four years have gone by quickly. I would not hove mode it without my family, who are the greatest,

has given me so much. The friends I

friendships that will last forever, especially R.D. and Grod. Rendezvous' were hot, along with every TDY. Finally we always had

have made here will of course last

my grandparents, all of my

relatives, and most of all without my twin brother Tim. I salute all of the friends I have

mode that have made these last four years so enjoyable, and God Bless.

fun and will forever live to the slogan "Boogie rill ya bounce."

lifetime, but I have also gained a confidence in myself ond o sense of control over my life that would hove been difficult to attain elsewhere. I hove learned how to grow in all aspects of my life. "Find and then push your limits yourself past them.” a

JONATHAN DARNELL JORDAN J.J. Socromento. Calif. Basic Academics Ir hos been o long hord journey to this poinr in my life. I could nor hove mode ir on my own. The endless supporr of my fomily ond rheir influence on my achievements will never be forgotten. The value ond meaning of o true friend will never be token for granted. Most of oil, I

General Engineering In looking bock over the many, many, many years that I've been


Satina, Kan. Basic Academics I'd like to thonk my Mother ond Father for oil their support. Without

thank God for His infinite grace, without which, life os I know ir

here. I've gained some great friends ond hod some really good times. However, let's not forget the other side of the story. I would just like ro thonk my fomily for oil their

you I would nor hove mode it. It's omozing how much smarter parents seem ro become once you leave home. To my friends I hove

would not be possible.

support through those long years.

ro soy keep on pushing.


Kent, Ohio Asrronautical Eng. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change those that I con, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two." The only constant thing about here is change. If you can't do anything about it then take things in stride ond roll with the punch.



Ducky Palmdale, Calif.

DANIEL MARTINEZ Dan-O Dez Rio, Texas Computer Science From USAFA Prep, through 007, to the Ratz. I'll never forger oil my friends ond oil the good (ond bod) rimes we've hod through the

longest ond shortest best ond worst, hardest ond easiest five years of my life. As I look bock over these five years, I hod sometimes wondered if I mode the right choice. Bur, with oil the lasting friendships I mode here, I know I mode the right decision. God Bless.


Wheaton, III. General Engineering I come into the Academy os o

typical seventeen year old out of

straight high school. I om leaving os

entirely different person. I owe o lor of it to USAFA, but the real credit


goes to Jesus Christ, "therefore If any man be in Christ, he is o new creature: Old things ore passed away; behold, all things ore become new.” 2 Cor 5:17

KEITH ALVIN KNUDSON Pumkin Lynnwood, Wash. Outside I stretch the mind that hides within new pride, I lose four walls that keep me tied

Outside, I breathe new oir that reaches me. The Fixx


Smeg Palos Verdes, Calif. Civil Engineering I would like ro start this off by

thanking my parents ond fomily for the immeasurable support and

encouragement I received during

my four years here because without them I would nor have the

opportunities I hove now! And I leave you with this verse from

Dandy Don Meredith. "Turn out the lights The party's over!"





Ronny, Ron

Husrisford, Wis.

Winter Haven, Flo.

Management The spirit of comradship is the

International Affairs It con be soid that one purpose

one aspect of the

Acadenny which I hold dearest. I hove mode many

of life is to try constantly to

friends that I hope I'll never

think that USAFA has given me

lose. I owe much fo my family who always gave me needed sup-

port. "Do your best,'' they soid. Nobody con expect more from "

improve. I like to opportunities to do just that. Now, although I confidently await the jouney which lies

ahead, I'll miss the close



So I'll just go on being myself and os long os I'm

friends that hove mode my stay

blessed with happiness I'll do fine. "Lord guard and guide ."

to challenge myself and grow to


here special. I hope to continue my fullest potential.

Erie, Pa. Asrronoutical Engineering Reid David Reasor ADJ. 1. Easy going. 2. Dedicoted. 3. Without -

hoir. Reid's outgoing personoliry and highly reflective

forehead is sure to brighten anyone's day. Hoving much less wind resistance than other folks enabled Reid to be o successful four year decarholon man, olwoys ready to give a helping hand. We will remember Reid for his hearty laugh, o love for the thrilling things in life, and his trusty



Shepp Stanley, N. Y Management Somehow, someway the military has temporarily superceded this

former's priorities. Older Shepp and friend's contributions helped me

remain here the first two

years, ond I hold them responsible Among the storms, changes

ond friendships hove been mode

if nothing else

I’ll leave with them. Remember

life's story


and then you die.


Northvilie, Mich.



When all is soid ond done, I hope I can soy it was worth it.


But the point is irrelevant now.


As on old proverb soy, "Dwell


eye. Forger the past ond you'll lose both eyes.”


the post ond you'll lose on





Eagle Rock, Vo. Civil Engineering


I'll always hove many memories

Inrernarionol Affairs

of my four years here or USAFA. Being known as "Monster'' ro Tim

After four years here or rhe

General Engineering I wish I could soy I enjoyed it here, bur I con'r. I hope I con soy ir was o valuable experience moybe. But what I con truly say is rhor I am looking forward ro o productive career and ro

O'Brien and driving my monsrermobile, being "the rool” in water survival, rolling o huge boulder off o mounroin wifh Todd Brosz

go ro work. My stay here hosn'r always been smooth-sailing bur I rhink I survived. I just wanr ro take rhis opportunity ro

wish Chris hod wings because

or o doolie rerrear, fun on all

rhonk my friends who helped me

rhe Choir and Chorale trips,

our, especially Phil, Tim,

rhar's whar he really wonrs, nor OSI There've been so many

having rhe opportunity ro fly in F-4 and F-15, skiing, SERE DCO and ploying tricks on people

Sallie, Captain D., Major F„

changes! I wonder if there’ll

reaping the benifirs of my misery...oh and by rhe woy, keep


ever be o six week Beast or o

rhe club together gamers! Good

with Eric, my twin. Yowee!

and Roger. Thanks Mom and Dad. Pam, I couldn't hove done ir without you. I love you. Follow

Luck Klure!

Thanks for the memories.

your dream.



Phoenix, Ariz.

Academy. I rhink I'm ready ro

KENNETH ALAN DRAKE Drake Dig Spring. Texos Basic Academics I'll always remember everyone rhar helped keep me sane or one rime or another. I really

Hell Week again. I guess rhar Ir jusr doesn't

ofrer May 29






Stow, Mass.

Middleton, Idaho


Downsville, N. Y.

General Engineering

International Affairs

Hiles, Wis.

Operations Research Nothing we con soy con change anything now/ Because there’s jusr different people here now/ And rhey see things in different ways/ And soon everything we’ve known will jusr be swept away./ Bur rhey can'r touch me now/ And you can’t touch me now/ They ain't gonna do ro me/ Whar I watched them do ro you.


Williamson, N.Y.

"A wise man concerns himself far more with whether he does


or wrong than with whether he

lives or dies.’’



Geography "God grant me rhe serenity ro accept rhe things I cannot change; rhe courage ro change rhe things I can; and rhe wisdom ro know rhe difference.”

"Life’s berries don’r always go ro rhe

strongest or fastest man, bur sooner or later rhe one who wins

is rhe one who

things he can.”




Cozenovio, N. Y Astronautical Engineering I've been blessed wirh many of rhe good deals and some of rhe bod, and I've enjoyed my four years here, bur rhe longer I stay, rhe more I con'r wair ro leave gone flyin! -

STEVEN CLARK SHIMP Des Moines, Iowa Social Sciences

Humacao, Puerto Rico Computer Science Through ir oil rhe seed sprours and grows wirhour his knowing how ir happens. The soil produces of irself firsr rhe blade,

International Affairs Thanks ro oil rhe people who mode my life bearable here: Sleepy, Bronco, Mod Dog, Bob P. Ron R., Pere, Wendell, Ken and Monsrer. I also rhank Sod and my Dod for serring my sighrs

is ready he wields rhe sickle,

high and never lerring me sell myself shorr. I can'r soy a bod word obour rhe place, since ir gave me a chance ro fly rhar I

for rhe rime is ripe for

never hod elsewhere.

horvesr. Mark 4:27-29

wrong wirh helicoprers anyway?

rhen rhe ear, finally rhe ripe wheor in rhe ear When rhe crop


Military History Four years of U5AFA can blur lirerally and figurarively. I avoided rhe your vision

former by dumping rhe physics major, and rhe larrer by keeping

perspecrive on rhings (usually), I leave here a berrer o

person rhon when I come, and I know I've always Tried ro do whar wos righr. By now, I've gor my bars and I’m gone. Can I be onyrhing bur happy? "Ir don'r

ger much berrer'n rhis Cadayar.”

-Sgr Plunk


And whar's



Mililani, Hawaii Aeronautical Engineering Hove a nice day!

JAMES DAVIS TAYLOR II Jim Honolulu, Hawaii Mathematics I come on idealist, I became a cynic, and I'll carry away memories that will last forever. From the boys in four to "Killer Margariras'' at Rugilio's bar and parties that lasted until Jeff's feet hurt all that remains of the memory is the good. It's time to move on now that the Academy's lost its sense of

humor, but the friends ore still great, ond reality is os dangerous o concept os ever.


Milton, Fla.

Biology I leave U5AFA with three things I will always cherish: Memories,

friends ond my ring. And I thank my peers, superiors, and subordinates for showing me whot I am, whot I con be, ond whot I wont to be. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted ond shall put you to death but he that shall endure unto the end, he shall be saved." .






Muddy Cumming, Go. Human Factors This is o fine college you got here. You got your ivy walls, lecture halls, full dress bolls, ond you got Eddie for the nasty

DAVID WAYNE WRIGHT Dove Grove City, Pa. Operations Research This is to my insane friends who


helped me keep my sanity.

SUSAN PEARLINDA DESSELLIEU Sue Pawleys Island, 5. C. Humanities Goodbye USAFA. I am o better person now. To my parents, my sisters, the Stonsburys and everyone else who believed, thanks and God bless. To C.L. ond Colleen, you odd o new meaning to the word friend. I love you both, ond with o special love to Alexander, "keep me

by you! Let me race with you

to the for

fringes of the

clouds; let me stand silent beside you in postures of snow."






Johnny Claremont, Calif.

Columbus, Go.

Management Rise above./Find your limits./ Keep the dreom./You con never go home again,/But you con never leave, so/Rise obove/To return a better man./Meet the

challenges,/Accept the setbacks ond/Rise above/With the help of special friends/and supporting, unchanging loves,/Rise above.

Engineering Mechanics I've built o lot of character in the lost five years. I hope it's not too lore to recapture my old one. Cynicism aside. I'll love the Air Force Academy o few months from now.


Garden Cry N. Y Operations Research Now rhor I hove experienced

longest table in the world, con soy



Despomloaf/Birdman Porsippany, N.J. Asrronoutlcol Engineering Mark (olios: Despamloaf, Dirdmon, Deluca) is searching for himself


handing our laundry for

one yeor wos worth

getting it

bock for three The only things chonging foster than the Academy were my reasons for

"Am I o man or a bird.

being here.


love for Folcony is only sur-

Some good memories, friends, and help my cor, stereo, ond ringdrive, desire, and derermination. I can't soy it's oil been


fun, bur I con look bock ond

Boston Hollow, Po.

Mark's first two years were

Psychology "Keep the faith."

spent rooming with o guy named

Wayne, Minn.

Hupp, this could explain much.



possed by his love for chasing birds from Falcon Stadium Mark's




the good outweighed the


notoriety includes wrestling warerfighrs and Jersey accents. JEFFREY KEN FARMER




Soyville, N. Y

Plantation, Flo.

Clorksville, Ark.


Astronautical Engineering I learned much more than I


Operations Research

Denton, Texos

bargained for. And I gave up much more than I bargained for,

four years I'm amazed at how

I wouldn’t have stayed if the

good (jumping, soaring, SERE, astro, oero club, John and

friends) didn't outweigh the bod. I'll always remember that feor brings more pain than the

poin it feors, I go forth with renewed confidence and hope

As I think bock over the post

much I've learned about myself and the world oround me. Many trials ond challenges came my way and overall my successes for outweighed my failures. I could not hove done it by my-

self and for this reason I thank my parents, my friends, ond God. As I leave USAFA I feel well prepared to tackle anything that comes my way. Philippians 4:13

General Engineering Mac Davis was wrong when he said

"Happiness was Lubbock, Texas in his rear view mirror." I cannot wait to get on with the import-

things in life. "Fly jets and break hearts." ant


"Poppy" Sacramento, Calif.


Management "There are places I'll remember all my life




Nags Pompton Loises, N.J.

some have gone and

some remain. All these

International Affairs

places had

their moment with lovers and friends I still can recall: In my life I've loved them all.'' John Lennon and Paul

McCartney U5AFA is one of those places. I thank all the friends I've made over the post five years for helping me

through, making it a truly unique experience. "Don't be afraid to dream."


Mugo Reston, Va. Basic Academics Graduation would not hove been possible without a great supporting families and friends here, cast my five sisters, my parents and —

especially my brother Chris. It was experience that was occasionally amusing but always beyond belief. an






Hazleton, Iowa

McAlesrer, Okla.

Civil Engineering Bones, Bobo and MESM too, helped me enjoy my stay here. Dave, Randy, DeFrank and Tway. How I wish they all could hove stayed but Muffy was there with the quote of the day as R.B. stood by getting slammed my way. Shelly, Vooter and BCT: Squadron Commander hey that's nor ME! It wouldn't be the same without all my friends, as graduation approaches this is the END.

Physics And maybe some misty day. You'll waken to find me gone. And far

away, You'll hear me singing to the dawn. And you'll wonder if I'm

happy there, A little more than I've been. And the answer will come back to you, Like laughter on the wind

Pippen I'm laughing. Thank you Mama, Daddy, Mr. L., Joyce,

Teri, and Karl! I never could have done It alone and I can never say "I love you" often enough.

"The core from four." Who can

forget the good rimes, those rugby queens or Rogilio’s Bar pickups he always managed to have on his arm, or those endless weekends of

"oldswill." What will stick with us JOHN ALAN PATTISON. JR.

the most about Ed, is that whether it’s Korea, Vancouver, or the


Springs, you can always depend on

Fennville, Mich.

him to be there when you need him, and that's the mark of a truly great friend.


GEOFFREY HENRY SEWELL Whale Kings Park, N. Y. Basic Academics Such is life. We come, we go, time goes on. Friends are made and friends are lost, but the rime

together is something special. Soon comes the time to say goodbye, but the memories never fade. From the Prep School to graduation I

made it, five down five to go. Whor o

long strange trip it's been. Such is


I came, I saw




That's about it.


Somerset, N.J.

Computer Science When I came to the

Academy I wanted a challenge. Boy did I get it. In fact, hod it not been for the support from family and friends and for my faith in God I never would hove mode it. "Two roods

diverged in o wood and I, took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference." Frost







Des Moines, low a

San Antonio. Texas Civil Engineering

Management I cherish my experience here

I'll never know why I ever come

because of you, my friends. It all

When I come to U5AFA I wanted to

here rhe firsr rime ond sure don't understand why I come bock rhe

would have been worthless without you. Our country is so wonderful because she is comprised of people like you. You know who you ore Thanks. God bless you. I love you oil. Remember, the cup's half full big logs in bock!

do many things. Well, I've done most of them. I played hockey,

second. But osk me in five years if it was worth it. I hove to admit I've never mode rhe

kind of friends that

I've met here, and those friends are

rhe reasons I mode it through!



Chip Sayreville. N.J. Human Factors

learned to fly, ond didn't foil onyrhing along rhe way. I've mode some good friends and hove some great memories. Thanks Marty for keeping me here. Good luck 85!


Egon, III. Civil Engineering






Rocky Ford, Colo. Basic Academics

West Chester, Pa.

Salem, Oreg

Engineering Mechanics An obstacle is something you see

Biology/Engineering Science

when you take your eyes off rhe

rejoice in your success in life


accept rhe things I cannot change,

goal you ore frying to reach.

you cannot look bock to those to whom you owe graditude, or

rhe courage to chonge rhe things I

forward to those to whom you ought to afford protection, still it is



"If you hove no friends to shore or

no less

God grant me the serenity to

con, ond rhe wisdom to know the

incumbent on you to move

steadily in rhe path of duty: for your active exertions are due nor only to society; bur in humble gratitude to rhe being who mode you o member of it with powers to serve

yourself ond others."




Pleasanton, Calif.

Orlando, Fla.

Operations Research

Computer Science

Am I better off rodoy than I was

four years ago? Duty, honor, By oil means, yes. country —

Airborne, freefall, powerlifting. A

winning combination. I've lost many battles while I was here, but I was I've won the wor graduated. Thanks Mom and Dad. —

Thank you, D and B, for four incredible fun years. Go for 90 next year! You guys ore the only reason I'd wont to stay here! Thanks Darren, Keith, Rich ond Tina, for Celerus come olive. Thank


you, Mom ond Dod, for your faith,

support, and love. And to


I've learned that anything is ottoinoble if you wont it bod

McCreody ond Tino Therrien, the

enough. Moke your move, go for it!

all my love.

two greatest friends I found here,


ROBERT GREGORY D'ANTONIO Dante Dasye, Vo. Aeronautical Engineering At lost, the pay is not the some A Bonus! having flown the "Delta Nest" bock in '83, I was really lucky to wind up with such o great group of classmates. Many memories will remain with me, bur especially those joys, headaches, ond heartburn endured os OPS on the Gorney/Donte ticker. Finally, echoing the words of Alexonder Haig: Don't worry, I'm in charge now here!

Westport, Wash. Organizational Behavior

When it gets depressing. Smile. If it

of the most enjoyobly

isn’t worth working for, It isn't worth

my life. Thanks Mom ond Dod for

when he resigns momentarily from

much or oil. When you're really

the herd ond thinks for himself."

down, the only way to go is up. For

your support. The pains hove been great but the pleasures much


Cincinnati, Ohio Basic Sciences "The dissenter is every human


ot those moments of his life

Arch Bishop Mocleish "In Praise of


those who brought o little sanity to my life here, (or was if insanity)


The lost four years hove been some

frustrating of

"another beautiful day in Colorado." And in the words of one lieutenant colonel, "Hey, these

greater. I con honestly soy that I om proud to hove been ot the Academy. The experience I hove gained hos mode me o better person. The friendships I have gained will lost forever. "If it is to

aren't eagles!"

be, it is up to me."

thanks. Naturally it's always

Military History The words I saw everyday of my rot year or VMI helped me moke it

through the Academy. "You may be whatever you resolve to be." Thomas Stonewall Jackson. Thanks T.J.

JOSEPH CARL GORNEY Smokin Joe Temperance, Minn. International Affairs


CECIL GLEN DAVIS Cec Pea Ridge, Ark.


Morg/Slim North Highlands, Calif. Military History Jim will probably always be remembered os Mr. Allied Arts, os his friend's so often colled him. When he wasn't working lights for some show,

he enjoyed the solitude of the greot outdoors. He has followed one basic philosophy,

"many people complain life never gives them any chances. We ore we must take the given life "

chances. Jim is planning on going to UPT ot o Sheppard, ond


career out of the Air Force.



Salem, Wis.

RONALD JEFFREY SANDERS Junier Tallahassee, Fla.






Rumford, Maine

Pound Ridge, N. Y.

Some of us will go a long way for a little ice cream. I never

Military History Four long years, bearable by great friendships, spring breaks



really wanted to go to college,

in Florida, Winter Park, the

Loose Deuce, whor on antithesis, but we survived

Lah hailed from the well-known metropolis in New York called

bur I have many irreplaceable friends to thank for getting me

Pound Ridge, The last four years

through this one and making me

for this physics major


"Tea" room and the "place.” Not all of us made it, we lived life the only way knew; hard, fast and to win. We paid the price, dirtbags, AC Boards, OTF for

and the friendships remain. I'll never forget the world series only comes once o year, the balancing rock, did my comrades Thanks Mom and Dad and all who were close! If they can’t rake a


haven’t been the greatest, bur there’s the future Lah. Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream for ''tomorrow never knows.’’

halfway capable person. God speed to you all. Thanks above all else to the five people I

Cherie. No pain, no gain. Why

love and admire most: Mom. Dad,

step on the field if you're not

and the Father, Son, and Holy

playing to win! Remember it's


not the critic that counts!





Quahertown, Pa,

Denver, Colo.

Electrical Engineering

Astronouticol Engineering I put my life on hold for four

Why? The challenge, sense of achievement, and the opportunity for future accomplishments ourweigh the complacency and boredom I otherwise might have found. How? Family, friends, and the knowledge rhaf I was doing

years. I knew I should have made that left turn at Albu-

querque. "Stranger in a strange land."

something worthwhile made it all possible. Without these things I would have had to settle for

the boredom.






Petaluma, Calif.

Cadet X San Marino, Calif. Economics Duty, Honor, Californio. You too could be o hazardous sportsman.

Civil Engineering Just o few things so that both you and I con remember me by:


Cynthia Warwick, R.l. Basic Academics "Life is serious bur art is fun. It’s hard work and great art to moke life nor so serious.” Always remember; "You've got ro get obsessed and stay obsessed. You hove ro keep passing the open windows.” -John Irving I thank God for my family and


friends; so many rimes they hove eased me off the window ledge and bock ro my obsession.,

something. And they said high school was o party! Thanks for stopping by, I'll give you a

Sometimes you just gotta soy "What the heck?" I am what I om and what I am is what I chose to be. Success is a store of mind. If you wont it bod enough you will do whot it rakes. In this world you are either moving forward of falling bock, there is no such thing os standing still. I will do what it rakes ro move forward to wherever it



is I choose ro go!

Officer. Good luck to all my Moch One buddies, especially John, Jim, and Ken. And for oil of my classmates from 36.


TODD MICHAEL DANDUCCI Bandit Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Economics The inscription on my ring sums



Rusty Kings Mountain, N.C. General Engineering I recently fold someone special something that applies well here. I'll never forget the good

Walla Walla, Wash. International Affairs Robert’s first words...! want to fly jets! But these first words weren't uttered until two weeks before Prep School. Five years later he's off to UPT. But first (first things first?!) he marries Tish. Not bad for five years work...jets and Tish! Or is it the other way around?!

Stop by sometime, maybe


hove a little mineral water or

up my feelings os succinctly os possible, "I mode it!” I'll always be proud to be o graduate and will always cherish the life long friends I've made while here, but the key phrase for me is still, "I'm outra here!




times, I don't remember the bad, and I'll forever cherish those moments that were nothing less

than precious to me. To my friends I say keep faith and remember this; Though today be Friday, rake heart because Sunday is coming. If you don't understand that now I pray someday you will. Matthew 7:13-14

action photographer, freefoll 116 jumps, my strange study

habits and the all-nighters my two-degree year, ond holding the

jobs of ATS, TNG NCO, and the TNG



Aerospace Science/History

Humanities Originally I don't think I knew why I

try, bur my year of Morion was

come. So I left on stopout.

But I

come bock with o


Jacksonville, Ala. Humanities

Thonks, Mom Dod. I finally mode if. Can't forget my good friends Mr. J. Daniels and the King. Sheryl, thank you.

goal to be on officer. But the best things I gained on the way to that goal were friends ond family I gained Robert, my best friend. Then my brothers, Scott '87 ond Todd '88 joined me —


family affair. The immediate

goal was met but so much more is ahead. God is there!


Lawrenceville, Go.



Glendale, Ariz.

Richmond, Ky.

Civil Engineering Live every minute.

Engineering Sciences

I mode it to U5AFA on the second


Perrysburg, Ohio International Affairs I got here through the grace of

God, ond mode it through the some way. Thonks to Mom ond Dod at home, ond Mom ond Dod in

Denver for all their prayers ond words of encouragement. Proverbs 3:5-6

JESSE DODDRIDGE HAYES Coshise Houston, Texas Astronoutical Engineering People need people ond friends need friends, for o full life depends

invaluable for the perspective if gave me. Airborne was my biggest thrill, but CAP ond my S-1o Blazer kept me save. Thonks go to Mom, Dod, ond God for their support, and Janice for her love ond patience. I learned plenty, particularly that

you never stop learning. I can'r waif to join the AF! Fighters would

be OK with me.


Satellite Deoch, Fla. Aeronautical Engineering

Well, we'll oil be soying good-bye to this place pretty soon ond with it I'll soy good-bye to many friends.

I'll still hove the memories of my

friends, however, ond these dreaded nightmares of Aero. It’s been fun well, maybe not, bur .

we con









Lancaster, Pa.


Civil Engineering I rhank you all: God, Mom, Dad,

Dorhon, Sheri, Todd, Terry,

Dewey, and oil my family ond friends rhar helped me stay with ir. I can't soy rhor college wos o parry, I’d hove loved if if ir hod been. Srill I rhink we hod fun or rimes.

Anyway, I'm glad we mode ir, good luck, ond I'll be seeing you.


Helena, Ark.

Organizational Behavior Looking bock on ir oil, I'm srill not sure why I come ro USAFA, bur now rhor it’s over wirh I'm glod I finished. There were numerous

rough rimes -BCT,

Hell Week, finals week bur wirh rhe help of my family, -

great sponsors and terrific friends I mode if through them oil. I hope ro take from here many friendships that will lost for rhe rest of my life. '85 Besf Alive. -



Foorboll and flying broughf me here, friendship kepr me here. Being a "Clawman" ond "Mm" has

Management My friends I will remember you,/

meanr rhe world ro me, you guys

Think of you, proy for you,/ And when onofher day is fhrough,/ I'll srill be friends wirh you/

-John Denver This is for all fhe love and supporf I hove received from my friends and family. Thanks.

BARBARA ANN MAHON San Gabriel, Calif. Economics "You ore a child of rhe universe, no less than rhe trees ond rhe stars,• you hove a right to be here. And whefher or nor if is clear ro you, no doubt rhe universe is unfolding as if

should.” -from Desiderata

hove been my very closesr friends. Chrisfio, rhonk you for

being such o grear fravel parrner ond confidonr. A special rhonks ro roomies Greighron ond Don for living wirh me during "those days." Love ro Mom, Dad,

Scoff, and Krisrie.

Metairie, La. Basic Academics I'd like ro rhonk everyone who's me rhroughour rhese


four years wirh fheir prayers, lerrers, phone colls ond visirs, mosr norably Barbara, my parenrs ond brofher, my friends or USAFA ond of course rhe families who rook me inro rheir homes, rhe Hubers ond rhe Ramseys. I'd

like ro rhonk everyone or Firsf

Sourhern Bapfisr Church for loving ond ministering ro me over rhe post four years. PTL you were oil o blessing.


Mansfield, Texas Electrical Engineering THOMAS ALLEN O'BERG

Four yeors ogo, if wos only o dreom. You oil hove filled my thoughts with precious memories of dreoms come true. Though we've cried together mony times, the


Huntington Dch., Calif. Aeronautical I would like to list the names of all my friends who helped me through this ploce, but I can't. Instead, just look through the pages of this book

good rimes still remoin. Our volleys moy hove been the dorkesf, bur peaks hove been the brightest.


Warmest thanks to oil of my post roommates— Kevinpo, Gordo,


Goof, Derg, Dr. Jones, and

Los Vegas, Nev.

especially The Kid To my family, I offer oil my love. And we know




Layton, Ut.


Civil Engineering


Haddenfield, N.J.


Winning isn't everything but the

Engineering Mechanics It'sjust memories now, some good,

effort to win is

some bod,.Wos it worth if? There

At least you fried.

THOMAS MIRABELLO New York, N. Y. Aeronautical Engineering


and may God bless them. Pleose remember me os one who loved to live ond loved to lough and loved to fly. Argue for your limitations.


Sidney, The Shadow Philadelphia, Pa.


Humanities I remember that first day, standing

Operations Research

Falmouth, Moss. "Evil turns to statues form o line.

ond mosses

year with J.R., academics, oil those concerts I and that missed, great Colorado

in my new blues, saluting the flog

weather There wos also flying on

day when hots fly, my eyes will

But I know which way I'd run to if the choice wos mine; The post is knowledge the

F-15 ot Okinawa, good rimes with botes, beating Notre Dome three

turn inwords, ond I'll see that the

present our mistake

tears ore gone ond only

ond the future we always leave

rimes, the Bird, skiing, ond my friends. Yes if was worth it. Go Phillies.

determination remains. To love, to

too lore;

wos freshman

with rears in my eyes saying, "God,

whot hove I done?'' But, on that

provide, to help, to live ond let live.

I wish we d come to our senses ond

To oil, in peace moy we port,

see there is no truth

never to be

employed. Humanity, I

love you dearly.

In those who promote the

confusion for this ever-changing mood."




Dry Ridge, Ky. Civil Engineering


First, I'd like to thank God, my

Reading, Mass

family, and friends. I couldn't

Basic Academics Thank George Burns it’s over.

have made it without you. There were bad rimes, bur the good

It's over I'd like to soy it was fun, but 720 miles for

rimes were great! I hope we all remember as we go our into the

two beverages has left me tired.

real world that "you are the world's seasoning, to moke it tolerable. If you lose your

Don't be sod, this is nor o

beginning, bur an end. Thanks to all those who helped moke graduation a reality. For oil you future SAC guys and gals,

flavor, what will happen to the world? And you yourselves will be thrown our and trampled underfoot os worthless.” -Matthew 5:13


FREDERICK W. P. BUTTRELL Littleton, Colo. Basic Academics

Birmingham, Alo. Engineering Mechanics


try to remember: "it takes a second to soy good-bye ”

THOMAS WILLIAM GOFFUS Noon Township, Po. Aeronautical Engineering

People have come and people hove

gone, but some will never leave.

Amazed, appalled, away, aparhetic, escape, we contradict ourselves. He jests at scars, that never felt a wound. Nor profound just prolonged, another experience? The best and the

worst, they ore not forgot.



Doug Solano Beach, Calif. Basic Academics The four years here will hold some bod memories, but many good ones. The best will be of the great bunch of guys I hove come to know os friends. Thanks

for making it bearable. Thanks Mom & Dad, for everything.


Puddles, Pookie Livermore, Calif. Economics "What a long, strange trip it's been.” He's had a long fascinarion with lawnmovers and snow blowers, and he’s tangled with the best of them. He was a preppie (the few, the proud, and getting fewer) a liberterian. He's a good friend, he'll moke it.


Gordy Levelland, Texas GEORGE SAMUEL LONCHAR

History It's hord to believe these four yeors are drawing ro a close. How quickly rime flies when

you're having fun!? The Mirage bowl, snorkeling in Hawaii, miles of parades, Sunday pracrices, and sromping Navy are


Laredo, Texas

Chatsworrh, Calif.



Little did I know why I come here in the first place. Now I

"You may fool the whole world down the pathway of yeors, and

get pars on the back as you

know exactly what God had planned for me, and he gave me the best commission: "However, I

Lord, BBS, and the encouragement

pass, but your final reword will be heartache and tears, if you cheated that girl in the gloss." To the worst and best of rimes. J.D. care packages doolie year.

of my friends. I only want to be like Him. Blessed are the pure

A-course. Thanks Mick for being

if only I may finish the complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me -the task of testifying ro the gospel

there. Hey Pops, I gave it my

of God's grace" -Acts 20:24.

Dover, Del.

in heart.

best shot.

Yes Lord!!

Basic Academics

things I'll always remember about D&B. Bur so much more im-

portent were my

growth in the


Montesano, Wash. Human Factors I dunno. I just don't know.

consider my life worth nothing to me,

race ond



Muffin Man

R.D., Schmidty, Schmidrer

Willow Grove, Pa. Astronautical Engineering USAFA reminds me that: We the willing, led by the unknowing, hove done the impossible, for the ungrateful; for we hove done so much, for so long, with so little, ond so fast, that we ore now qualified, to do anything, with nothing overnight, and it

Lynnwood, Wash. Management The Academy has it all. The best, the worst and everything

will lost forever. While, Muffin comparability shows me that: the

knowledge that I have now is imperfect; but then I shall know as


in between. I remember 1985 was a dare in the very distant

future. I've done a lor of

growing, had a lot of invaluable experiences, gained many friendships and was fortuanre enough ro spend a major portion of my time making awesome dives with awesome people. "Blue sky


fully as I am known.



Waukegan, III.

CHRISTOPHER L. STREET Chris Berkeley, Calif. Basic Academics

Manogmenr The parties, rood trips, my good friends, the ladies (Lix, Kelly,

Congratulations to those who finished the five yeor plan. Five years has left some scars like too many friends gone. I won't forget my friends (the


"aggressively cool”, preppies,

Roxanne, ond Cliffy), chilling, Copenhagen, ond cold beer. These ore the things which helped me moke it through this place. I would just like to soy that even though I om o Centurion ond

clones, Fats, Julio and etc.( I

more, I was restricted to my

hope the path I took is right

room for over two-thirds my

in the end. Thanks Mrs. Nombe

ond Mrs. Morris; you mode it bearable for us oil.

coder career, ond that I was graduated from this place, I'll still moke o good officer.



Cupertino, Calif. Electrical Engineering The best of rimes, the worst of times. The years go by fast, the


days slow. The Academy is o beautiful place or times, ugly at others. The people you hote, you'll rhonk loter. It's the people "our memories of yesterday will lost o lifetime

long, long way from the dusty cornfields of southern Michigon to the dusty runways of Texas. "Mellow is the man, who knows what he's been missing." -R. Plant, J. Page



All I'll soy is that it is o


Desoto, Texas Basic Academics MARIA LOUISE MARZANO Chicago, III. Basic Academics SEAN PATRICK ROCHE

Delmar, N. Y.

Management ELLIS VANDERPYL Keesler AFB, Miss.

Human Factors






Joe V./Joe Vegas



Enon, Ohio Human Factors Here’s to the lost four years of my life in which I struggled,

Polatko, Fla.

Berhpage, N.Y.

foiled, succeeded, matured, traveled, loved, hated, laughred, and cried more than any time in my life. Here's to four seasons of winter, winter, winter, ond summer.

I salute graduates of

'85, especially the friends I made in the last four years, ond classmates that are now with God, Remember: Practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes



International Affairs But they that waid upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like

Human Factors

Laugh it off. Don’t let it bother you. Tha main concern is to go after what you want and

eagles; They shall run, and nor be weary; And they shall walk, and not faint.

hove fun in the process. There's been no problem so big a talk with family and friends or a

-Isaiah 40:31

trip to Murph's couldn't solve. After all, things can only get better. Tramps like us...




I fi



Penfield, N. Y.


Colton, Calif.

Aeronautical Engineering Ir's finally over; bur I can't

Chris, Babes Richmond, Va.

soy I'd hove done it any other way. Ir's probably the best

thing I could hove done with

Management Jesus is Lord! Why he loves us so much that he would give us

General Engineering Day-1. That’s my bed, desk and closet. You get the rest (mopheod). I knew Mike was going places. I hove shored moments

my life. Finally got me a little justice, Pib! Thanks first and foremost to my Mom and Dod,

eternal life I'll never know. The least I could do is praise him the rest of my life. Thanks

jumping, BCT, and ice cream


Pam and Dennis for telling me

to bore neccesities Mike is the

indispensable friends.. Jedd, Russel, Fit-Fit, Vendy, Cheeser, Hooly, Cheeko, Goror, Bobo,

about Jesus. Linda, I love you! I can't wait until you're my wife! I love you Mom, Dod, Potty,

one I hove

Zure, and Anne Marie and Koren.

Doug, Mary Ann, Pam, Dennis, and

See yo in my 15. Hey dor!

Paul. Thanks for your love. I

depended on. He gave strength with his courage and pride with his sense of friendship and duty. Thanks for being there when people needed

mode it! -Philippions 2:9-11

you. -RAS.



I'm o

from Prep school, Lacrosse,

throwing with him. When it comes





0 *





Susie, Odie Ferrell, N.J.

Mansfield, Mass.

Basic Acadmics Thanks Mom, Dod, Renee and Joey C. I couldn't hove mode it without your love, support and core packages! Special friends

I came I sow.


like Scotty, Mic, Bobby P., Jenny, Lody Di and Janet helped me keep this ploce in perspecThis five. As for Mr. McNulty —

is all your fault

rhonks! I'm

ready now to hove a good rime and enjoy life with the one I "Beam me up Scotty!” love —



SUSAN LYNNE CAVALIERE Susie "Odie Ferrell, N.J. Basic Academics Thanks Mom, Dad, Renee and Joey



C I couldn't hove mode it without your love, support and core packages! Special friends like

Scotty, Mic, Bobby P., Jenny, Lody Di and Janet helped me keep this place in perspective As for Mr. This is oil your fault McNulty Thanks! I'm ready now to have o good rime and enjoy life with the —

one I

love "Beam me up, Scotty!''


Management I hod o good time, see oil of you

jokers later.

LoVeme, Calif Humanities "One day or o time

with oil


were for more ond the life

Sutherland, Va Human Factors I wont to thank Mike, Vandy and especially my Mom and Dad To everyone who has come to mean so much to me over the post four Fair skies ond roil winds. years .



STEVEN ALEXANDER LAVELL Steve Fort Indianrown Gap, Pa. Economics The Lord blessed me with four hard bur wonderful years at USAFA. I've lived, learned ond loved with some of the best people in this country. I’ll miss oil of you. And remember, "Friends ore friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them” (Michael




problem or o rime Well, the days ond problems encountered here, the good rimes



friends pick-up along the way, PRICELESS. Now that I've passed

McAlesrer, Okla. General Engineering

this stepping stone, it's rime to go on to the next. I’ll be seeing you oil

I can t belive that I finally got o

in the

haircut ond a job!!

outto here!




Warren, N.H.

Operations Research

"Wild Blue Yonder,' I'm




Conroe, Texas

Management I'm glod it's over because I'm tired of school. Thanks to Uncle Cleto for

his guidance and the patience of my parents. I've mode the best of friends here, Steve, KooKoo, Craig,

Shop, Donko, ond Little Ted. It's time to fly jets ond break hearts.

Thor's whor I'm talking about. See you on the course.






Erie, Pa

Irvine, Colif. Civil Engineering Gosh guys, bock home I wos bur here or USAFA I wos nobody o Dink! Everybody colled me mister I become o true ond then sir winner! Gee, rhis is reality. I'd like to stay here with my coder buddies forever, but I got to go “outside''

Aeronautical Engineering

Coventry, R.L

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.'' There ore very few things

Basic Academics

in life o person does by himself and

forever. The memories, both good

where it is yuckie. Dye Donko,

Porsche(s), Smut Hounds, ruggers friends ond oil you other lunatics Thank you Lord. —

ore forever!

Thanks family. It wos the right coll.

SARAH JO SALLEE Elk Grove, Calif. Astronaurical Engineering When my grandchildren sir in my

lop ond ask me, "Did you really wear combat boots?”, “What happened in the last great Hell Week”; ond "Were you really a space cadet?” I ll tell them yes ond smiling; explain how it was oil worth if. But now "It's time for me to fly." I'll miss you oil, ond God bless you. Thanks for everything Sponky, Zoe, Jules, the Chicken Hawks, ond the Jedi Radicals,


It seems like I've been here ond bod, will last a lifetime. In the words of my favorite writer: "As I slide down the bonister of life, you'll always be one of its splinters. So,

for himself. Thanks to everyone who gave me the opportunity,

strength ond purpose to carry on. Goodbye to you friends who gave meaning to the meaningless. Perhaps we'll meet again (in a for, for better place). Thanks Mom. Koro

the best is yet to come be there. “All the world's o stage .





Act 1 is over."


Salt Lake dry, Utah

Organizational Behavior It took much too long, bur it's over now.

Thanks Mom ond Dod for

making it oil possible

I love you

"Everything to Excess, to enjoy the


full flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for Monks.


Mansfield, Moss.

Van Buren, Mass.



Organizational Behavior

I come, I sow.

I didn't make it here straight from

The leaves ore foiling oil around.

high school (Norwich forever), but I I hod lots

of help from lots of friends ond a

great family. I don't think I could hove mode it without them or

Jahnine. Thanks to oil! It's been o long five years, but I've learned something every step of the way, ond I sure got my

money's worth.

It's time I was on my way. Thanks to you I'm much obliged such o pleasant stay But now it’s rime for me to go The autumn moon lights my woy But now I smell the rain ond with it pain and it’s headed my way Oh, sometimes I grow so tired But I know I've got one thing I've got to do Led Zeppelin RAMBLE ON —


Jim, Spauldo Essex Junciton, Vr.

wos determined to stay.

we’ve finally made it!

both very much. See oil you boys ond girls later.


what mode if worthwhile? A very I love you ED special person



New Lenox, III.

Darlington, Ind.

Mathematics All rhis; ond money roo! Where else do you ger paid for folding

History STEPHEN MICHAEL URBANCZYK Choctaw Panhandle, Texas

Biology Bur nor oil men seek resr ond peace; some ore born wirh rhe

spirir of rhe srorm in rheir bood, resrless horbringers of violence ond blood shed, knowing no orher



Los Vegos, Nev.

Biology Anyrhing is possible, especially wirh rhe help of rhe mosf supporrive porenfs, rhe mosr coring girlfriend, ond rhe grearesr friends (The Big Guys, Thieves, ere.) now, berrer rhings awair us all, ond

remember, "once o

big guy, always o big guy."


I rhink God for purring me or

rhe Academy. He's roughr me so much abour himself ond abour myself here. I've mode friends who will be friends for life ond

your boxer shorrs inro 6X6 squares? For sroggering our of bed or 0637 1/2? For 20,20, ond

if rhe Lord's rhe Lord of rhem.) Whorever rhe furure holds. I wonr ro know Chrisr. All else is

0? For o two monrh vocorion ro Californio? For growing up, making liferime friends, ond serving your counrry? Bonsky and Apple Pie: I'm glad we decided

rubbish. -Phillippians 3:7-11.

ro sray.


Columbus, Ohio

on. (Friends ore friends forever

Management "When I was o child, I rolked like o child, I rhoughr like a child, I reasoned like a child. Bur now rhar I have become o man, I hove pur my childish ways behind me." -1 Corinrhians 13:11

WILLIAM A CASTILLO Electrical Engineering


DANIEL D COTTON Douno Colorado Springs, Colo. Astronouticol Engineering There's more ro rhis local boy rhan an unending smile beneorh an

unending schnozz. Danno is a

guy you remember your besr rimes wirh: parrying ar his house, a reciral of "Winkie" drums or

jusr sharing wirh him your

deepesr concerns. His coder career is srudded wirh


pins, milirary leadership,

insrrucring soaring and being an exchange srudenr. Danno, a leader who cares. "Thank




Greg Jacksonville, Ark.

Greenfield, Ind. History

Physics But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.

Blessed be the Lord, my rock who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for bottle. Some boost in

They will soar on wings like

chariots, and some in horses, but

They will run and nor grow weary They will walk and nor be faint.

we will boost in the name of the

Lord, our God. I con do oil things through Christ, who strengthens me. Credits: Mom, Dod, Surrogate Mom, Dod, Sue, Homey, milk, meat Rob, Ginny. Spiritual mentor, Ben Horvey confidence builder Invaluable love, prayers, Mike, Gordy, Greg. fellowship

Isoioh 40:31 I consider that our present sufferings


Diloxi, Miss. Astronauticai Engineering A long four years has come ond gone. I won't miss the place, bur I'll miss the friends. Special thanks go to my Mom ond to my Lord. Good

luck Ando, Hendy Dog, Crotch, and Doggie. "If you wont it, go get it."


Salem, N.H. Astronauticai Engineering



Greenfork, Ind. Civil Engineering

ore nor worth

From the first one to rhe lost With oil those close friends,

Romons 8:18

Present ond post. We only tried to survive

comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.



With special thanks to Beth, Gordy,

Doy by Day

Steve and especially Marti who mode it bearable.

And rhe good Lord knows


Thor o country boy con survive.



Parris, Calif.


San Bernardino, Calif. Operations Research I know that this doesn't sound very original but I really would like to thank my Mom ond Dod for their support ond guidance.

Organizational Behavior

Athens, Go. Human Factors I can t soy that I loved it here, but the Academy still holds some very

special memories to me: parachuting, T-41, hell week, mocus, leave, snow skiing, rhe Ring

Donee, ond most of all, the friends I've mode. It's been o long, hard four years. I must give credit where credit is due, I couldn't have mode it through here without the help of

God, good friends, ond my folks. Now, on with life!


RICHARD DUANE HURLEY Rick La Porte, Ind. Aeronautical Engineering It's been long ond hard but the end of the runnel is here. I con see the light of my future ahead of me. The brightness of it blinds me, but when I adjust to it I will find that the struggle wos worth it. The Academy taught me many things about myself ond other people; some good and some not. But

nonetheless, I learned. Now it's time to put this knowledge to work.

Corbin, Ky.

Operational Research God's grace is oil there is, ond that's oil I need: He gets the glory! He has given me great parents ond a great

family nor only in Kentucky, but


Bloomfield, Conn. Human Factors

JOSEPH MICHAEL McBREARTY JR. McD Colorado Springs, Colo.




Four years of "blood, sweat, and tears" could not hove been

Hove o great life, John Frame, I'll

accomplished without the undying support of friends and family. My experience in 39 ond 40 hove indeed shown me that they do save the best for last.

However, I

wont to give my greatest thanks to

Mom, Dod (the chief), ond Teri for their constant support, ond to '85,1

wish "Always the best in our career pursuits. Good luck to oil "





Monroe, La. Astronoutical Engineering


Anoheim, Calif.

miss you. Hello Jed! Enjoy today's gome ond go Air Force. Melcher get up on the boll! (Thanks coach

Hatfield.) Morlin, Melvin, Milton, Morvin, Myron, Mervin, Mas-rhe M G N club. Brian ond "the Clow” Irish foil, Ghosts ond oil. Moke the difference right there. Thonks Mom ond Dod, ond Mom Fitzgerald. I couldn't hove done it without you. Thonks for carrying me through, Lord.


Cooperas Cove, Texas Basic Academics I con do oil things in Him who

strengthens me. Philippions 4:13 —

So try me!

also here or U5AFA. To oil the wonderful people I've met here: I love you guys! You hove been by for the best part and mode it oil worthwhile.

STEVEN MICHAEL SCHNEIDER Schneids Arnold, Md. Aeronautical Engineering Four years ond o lor of memories. From attrition 34, ond The Wild

Caribou, to Shonoslom,

inappropriate memorobilio ond Marks. And the best night of my life, the Ring Donee. Life is better in Louisville. Thonks Chico, the first wos best. "Leave out conditions,

courageous convictions will drag the dreom into existence” Rush —


Fort Dodge, Iowa


Smitry Memphis, Tenn.

Academy my swear, old forms 10, ond bod grades.


"Dream whor you dare ro dream, go where you wanr ro go, be whor you wanr ro be...live." These words of Jonathon


were rhe

Livingsron Seagull guiding force during much of my

Civil Engineering Four yeors of rhe Academy reoches o person how to survive. The srruggle does nor end after Hell Week bur only changes. From

upperclassmen ro AOCs, regs, ond academics, oil ore trying ro keep you from your final goal of graduation. I leave ro rhe

International Politics

Academy career. They mean always striving ro reach rhe highest


Red Oak, Texas Electrical Engineering If you must fight, you must win.

Brooklyn, N Y. International Politics I con'r say I'll miss USAFA bur I sure will miss rhe friends ond families rhar mode rhe lost four yeors bearable (especially rhe lost year). A good friend once wrote me ond said in o post

ideals and goals, and I have

script, "life's truest happiness

always tried, although often

is found in rhe friendships we

stumbled in this quest. I must

moke along rhe way." I will never forger rhe friends rhar God blessed me with.

odd though rhar this search should be quided by rhe Lord's command ro "Seek rhe things which ore above."

"Take it ro rhe limit..." -The Eagles-


Management I con'r soy rhor I've enjoyed my entire four yeors here. AcPro, summer academics, ond knee

surgery my firstie year ohd its

drawbacks, bur they just made rhe good rimes all rhe better. I shocked everybody by making

dean's list, and realized whor

super friends I had when I had my surgery. Above all, I realized whor a super Mom I had. If if hadn't been for her support I never would have made it.








James Holley, '86 and Tami Conner

* •

...and Dance


Catholic concelebranfs




Organizational Awards

‘.IHJffTt HtHin i

DOB performs, for porents ond friends.


Left: Changing the command. Below: For the first rime, '86 appears on the class wall. Bottom: The firsries symbolically march away from the


Graduation Buffet

Mitchell Hall presenrs a meal to remember.


Distinguished Graduates Mark Carlyle Harfield,

Laurance Russell Reck,

John Jacob Torres,

Scorr Douglas Porter,

John Casimer Colombo,

Robert Christopher Dooley,

Mary Kathleen Manning,

Jeffrey Dean Groh,

David Charles Fedors,

William Henry Mott V,

William Charles Cota,

Neil Robert Billings,

Carl Richard Sovinec,

John William Ogle III,

Kevin James Fleming,

John Francis Hilbing,

David Dean Thompson,

Jerome Michael Pender,

Elise Marie Vander Vennet,

Charles Robert Morrison,

Gary James Gregory,

Wesley Allan Olson, Scott Christian Holswade, Thomas William Goffus,

Bruce Homer Magoon,

Paul Gregory Bell,

Glen Cammarano,

Robert John Digeronimo,

Steven Max Grupenhagen,

James Robert Cvancara,

Steven Alexander Lavell,

Greg Allan Finney,

Earl Ray Nason,

Robert August Kaucic Jr,

Howard Gist Jones III,

Brian Kevin Shelly,

Ian Robert Dickinson,

Stephen Glenn Uyehata,

Scott Lee McCreedy,

Daivd Alexander Reth,

Thomas Owen Markel,

Edward Brown Tomme,

Ronald Lynn Marselle,

Richard Allan Klumpp Jr.,

Matthew Earle Morgan,

Steven Gregory March,

Peter Johns,

Frederick Martin Koennecke

Douglas Boenn Rider,

Alan Akeshi Abangan,


Todd David Raines,

Wade Clifford Solomon,

Margaret Lynn Kirchner,

Ervin Geroge Scheets Jr.,

Roderick Lanksbury Cregier,

Scott Allen Moore, John Matthew Lyons,

Dale Robert Huhmann,

Steven James Depalmer,

Scott Alan Neumann,

Robert Lawrence Stewart,

Lawrence Micahel Martin Jr.,

Michael Ulisse,

Francisco Javier Avalos,

Samuel Joseph Bertling

Phillip Jay Beaudoin,

Donald Davis Wright Jr.,


Graduation Day at last March On

The Honorable Verne Orr,

Secretory of the Air Force


Hats Off!



Thunderbirds Greet New Lieutenants


The President

The Honorable Ronald W. Reagan


Chain of


Vice President: The Honorable George H. W. Bush

Secretary of Defense: The Honorable Caspar W. Weinberger

Secretary of the Air Force: The Honorable Verne Orr

Commandant of Cadets

Brig. Gen. Marcus A. Anderson



First Row: Paulette McCoy, Col. Philip D. Caine, Lr. Col. James Pinkerton Second Row: Moj. Jerry L. Melchisedeck, Lt. Col. James IV W. Titus, Lt. Col. Ben G. Dunn, TSgt. Roland Nono





First Row: Squadron Leader Peter R. Dixon, Moj. George M. Fleck, Moj. Jerald L. Straw, Moj. Edmund A. Ordzle, Col. Philip D. Colne, Lt. Col. James R. W. Titus, Janice A. Pelffer, Moj. William R. Craig, Moj. Wode J. Keorns Second Row: Copt. Dorlo M. Roberts, Copt. Stephen S. Whitson, Copt. Woodrow T. Howley, Moj. Eorl F. Phlppen, Copt. Joseph L. Brezovic, Copt. Milton

C. Nielsen, Copt. Roy W. Lower, Copt. Robert A. Sutley, Copt. Lawrence e. Ullo, Copt. Jessie L. Johnson, Copt. Michael J. Bradley, CMSgt William R.

Nopler Third Row: Copt. Patrick M. St. Romoln, Copt. Mario A. Garza, Copt. Neil F. Hosson, Copt. Gory J. Archomboult, Copt. Selichl Hashimoto, Copt. Roger L. Smith, Copt. Patricio A. Kerns


Bottom Row: B.J. Morinez, Moj. Gory A. Proesel, Moj. William H. Oldenburg II, Col. Philip D. Caine, Lt. Col. Ben G. Dunn, Moj. David E. Rennekamp, Kathryn K. Martin

Middle Row: Patricia J. Fox, Barbara L. Fedusko, Capf. Anthony L. Figallo III, Capt. Gregory W. Carson, Capt. William K. Frey, MSgt James W. Dunn, TSgt. M. Conard, S5gr. Joseph A. Miller, A1C Danny R. Lovette, Capt. Brett R. Mclntire, Capt. Joseph L. Dorris, Capt. James R. Dart, Gene V. Winger Top Row: Capt. Howard T. Horil, Capt. Armando A. Hernandez, SrA Dennis D. Chaney, Capt. William E. Lang, S5gt. Andrew Mueller, TSgt. Michael A. Baird, Capt. William R. Knellinger

50 ATS r


i fliigi


f! H# JPjy



;**•> **■


Jjj' j/kk|

Front Row: Capt. Michael P. Gegg, Capt. David L. Albert, Capt. James D. Wheeler, Capf. Wayne A. Schlefer, Moj. Randall E. Brooks, Moj Elizabeth A Koch Lt Col. James Pinkerton Jr., Col. Philip D. Colne, Copt. Kevin M. Martin, Lt. Richard J. McGrow, Virginia Ann Leopold, Judine M. Shutts Second Row: SSgt Robert E. Aldrich, SSgt Nathaniel A. Knight, Moj. Larry O. Anderson, Capt. Hector M. Martinez, Moj. George J. Geyer ^ Sat David W -lonaor, 7onHor MSgt Leonard L. Gauthier Jr., SMSgt Paul N. Fling Third Row: SSgt John H. Provencal, A1C Steven A. Zlogar, SSgt Steven D. Hickey, Capt. Glenn Vera, SSgt Richard D. Cheek, Copt. Darrell D. Gillespie Mlckev D Schmidt

Operation Air Force

'Mfcli'V ¥





and flight operations ore just some of the typical high points of the program.




'J3CT" and "Drill" sometimes seem ro be synonomous.


The Leadership Reaction course haircuts, and the Assault course are

of the highlights of DCT.

just some


Honging on for deor life! 162




Such o long woy down






Right: Awaiting areotow: Bottom: The airfield at dawn.



AM 490




Left: Checking the equipment. Above: Waiting for the Otter.


Wings of Blue at

The Academy team took 27 out of a possible 47 medals during the competition. Eleven medals came in the style

Ariz. They

competition, five in the accuracy and 11

petition, while taking second in the style

Academy's Wings of Blue parachute ream continued its dominaThe






Parachuting Championships, earning its 18th title in the last 20 years. Cadet First Class Paul G. Schmidt, of Lynnwood, Wash., led the ream to the victory, while earning the title of Absolute Champion. He placed first in the accuracy event and in the overall com




Marana Airport,


near Tucson,


broken down into three events: accuracy, style and relative work. Each event has four categories, master, advanced, intermediate and novis. The Academy contingent consisted of 19 are

competitors, only four of which were in the novice category.

in relative work.

The accuracy event entails exiting the jump aircraft at 3,000 feet and flying the canopy to a target measuring five centimeters

(about two inches). Cadet

Schmidt won the four-jump event with a total score of six centimeters. His nearest competitor came in with a 25 centimeter score.

Style is an event where a competitor has a set of pre-determined maneuvers he must complete in a set amount of time while free-falling. Relative work is broken






complete several formations while free-falling. The Academy set the collegiate record last year with which


22 formations. Coach Van Derau, of Dayton, Ohio, has coached Wings of Blue for the past two years. He came to the Academy from the Army's Golden Knights parachute ream, where he earned the

1978 individual national championship.

Coming in for the landing.



Leadership During ATC Leodership cadets help train basic airmen at the Air Force Basic Military Training School located at Lackland AFB, Texas During the cadets' six week stay at Lackland they are afforded opportunities to interact directly with both the basic airmen and the enlisted personnel who serve as instructors and supervisors. Cadets help to teach basic drill manuevers, dormitory arrangement and cusotms and courtesies to the enlistees. Events such as parades and retreats, culminatieng with the organization and performance of a cadet parade. The most rewarding aspect of the program is that cadets are treated, and expected to act as, junior officers in the Air Force. Left: Practice makes perfect. Below: Starting with the basics.



Jungle Warfare

(and you thought Recondo was crazy!)

Tropic Warrior (None other than Sam "the man" Derrick, '65)


Left: A friendly, family portrait. Below: Stopping for o rest In the woods.


Noon Meal Formation

Below: Assembling the troops.

Left: Greeting the tourists.


Saturday Morning


Right: "Bed could be tighter." Below: Not o doolie's room (note the





Left: The ever-present group groders.

Below left: Checking closer order. Below right:


Good morning, Ma'am.”




(Clockwise from left) Groduoron parade Store flag derail Brig. Gen. Marcus A. Anderson, Commandant of Cadets. A little spirit doesn't hurt. The ever-present falcon "Pass in Review" -







Project Warrior

Checking out the equipment.


Communist Memorobilio

Micros in the dorms

Now, AOC's con streamline the forms 10 process.








Left: Fitting the equipment.

Below: Testing the thin oir.


Squadron Sponsor Trip Below: F-16's on the flight line ot Hill AFB, Utoh.

Right: Inspecting on Engine. Bottom: An F-16 in for molntenonce.



1985 Presidential Inauguration.

Cerberus Frozen in Washington lr wos o lesson in ortic survivol for Cerberus III when they were sent to Washington, D.C. to represent USAFA as the number one marching squadron. As it turned out, the marching services of

third squadron were not required at the parade for the 50th Presidential In-

ouguration, due to subzero weather. Who would hove ever thought that cadets would be disappointed, because they were not allowed to march? The events started, January 12, with o march-off between squadrons 3, 20, 30, 37, which were the best marching squadrons in their groups. It seemed os though the weather that doy (snow)

foreshadowing of whot wos to On Saturday, January 19, with bogs pocked full of worm winter uniforms, the cadets of third squadron boarded a C-141 to Annapolis where they would spend the weekend with midshipmen. That wos almost as wos



unbearable os the cold weather itself, but it turned out to be on interesting experience. They showed their hospitality os they directed us to their company TV rooms, filled with many useful items: o





refrigerator, ond anything else o compony wos willing to purchase. Almost everyone did




sightseeing Saturday evening ond Sunday morning. The city of Anopolis wos two feet outside the Academy gate, so it was easily accessible by foot. Many others mode stops ot Georgetown, Washington, D.C., and the Smithsonian Institute. Everything wos very close, but you couldn't stand outside for more than 15 minutes without freezing. As the

temperature dropped below zero, it become apparent that frostbite would be a factor for Monday's parade. It wos for this reason that the Inaugural Parade wos

cancelled, ond many cadets were os they sow the words


flash over the screen Bowl.

during the Super

After it was oil over, we were bussed bock to Andrews AFB where we board-

The firsrles pause for a group shor.


ed the C-141 bock. However, the weather would hove one lost shot ot us, delaying our plane by several hours. We managed to hobble into USAFA of 2:30 a.m., Tuesday with classes storing us in the face within a few hours. All in oil, everyone hod o good time. We were a little disappointed with the weather ond the loss of o chance to be on national TV, but anything was better than having to go to Saturday classes.







Morning fun.


Soturdoy Morning Inspection




The March Bottom: Leoding the woy.

Right: Stopping for o breok. Below: Treoting blisters.




Above and Top: On the rood bock. Left: Raising the flog.


20 (3


Dean of Faculty

k Brig. Gen. Ervin J. Rokk'e


and Staff

Seoted: Mrs. Leach, Col. Wakin, Brig. Gen. Rokke, Col. May, Lr. Col. Doyle.

Standing: Copt. Evans, Lt Col. Lenders, Lr Col. Coulter, Lr. Col. Schaeffer, Moj. Anselmi, Lf. Col. Ayen, Moj. Stevens, Copt. Fitz. Not pictured: Lf. Col. McCann, Mrs. Owens.


Department of Aeronautics


Veditz, Copt. William Humphreys, Capr. Aaron Dyerley, Capr, Vayl Oxford, Capt Copt. Wayne Hallgren, Maj. Terry Hammond, Capr. Hernando Munevar, Capr. Jon Turner, Capr. Sreve Morris, Moj. row:


John Yarger, Capr. Efren Srroin,

Capr. Richard Juarez Second row: Trudy Pollok, Shirley Orlofsky, Capr. Neal Darlow, Norma Sreinhour, Capr. Richard Moore, Maj. Paul King, Maj. Vincenr Parisi, Maj. Randall Sriles, Capt Charles Spirler, Maj. Fred Gilliam, Maj. Felix Sanchez, Capr. Srephen Wallingford, Maj. Thomas Webb, Capt. David Chaffee, Capr. Gerald Allen, William Roberson, John Deverney, Larry Schaible, Clarence Scort, Maj. Dennis Daugherry Front row: Maj. Frederick Jonas, Maj. Robert Winn, Lr. Col. Thomas Yechout, Lt. Col Richard Oliver, Dr. William Heiser, Maj. Jack Mattingly, Maj. Charles Longnecker, Maj. Jay .



The Deportment of Aeronautics, hidden


those cadets missing a few braincells, and looking for a good no-risk


away in the H section of the sixth floor

of Academic Wonderland, fakes the op-

financial investment,


portunify of providing all cadets with an understanding of, and appreciation for, the basic principles of powered flight, and on introduction to the quantitative

Engineering major offers the chance to increase basic knowledge with o number of odvonced courses taught by

energy usage, with o great deal of pride ond professionalism. evaluation











Under current contract for expansion,

the department. These courses provide

lab is a superb reoseorch and teaching facility that provides cadets with the equipment ond guidance to perform reoseorch and further their education through the use of the sub-

strong background in the fundamen-

sonic and the trisonic wind tunnels and






flight mechanics, propulsion, aerodynamics and structures. One

the four engine test cells.

teaching of two core curses, Aero 311 ond Aero 312. Aero 311 provides the cadets with the basics of powered flight,


major to communicate and ploy gomes with "Billy Burroughs”, the computer

that the Aero majors has, how can he or

ond gives them the chance to increase

that will become the Aero major's best


their doolie

of the aircraft

ond only friend os progress is mode up

their minds, but this degree, without

with its ever impressive

the Aero course ladder. The Aero major

doubt is earned, not given away. The


on the terrozzo,

field trip. Aero 312,



taught by Captain

This gives cadets the chance to

their knowledge of modynomics, or why engines, refrigerators, etc. work.


is Aero

377, teaches the Aero

provides cadets with superior knowledge for future opportunities.





of the fantastic


she go wrong? Well, many cadets enter

Academy with an Aero degree in a

Aero Deportment wonts to produce pro-

fessionol Aero majors, but it takes emmense desire and dedication on the

While confining most cadets to the dor-

cadet's part to survive.

mitory and the computer center, the Aero major provides o chance for relax-

(Article by Blaine Rudock, '65)



The Asfronauficol Engineering Deportment grooms its graduates to cope with the technological sabre edge of the Air Force.


Shuttles, antisafellite weaponry, control systems, loser beams and photon torpedoes ore all Air Force projects begging on bended knees for the few Astro graudafes that escape the winnowing process of computer room weekends ond sleepless nights. The Astro Deportment also manges Engineering 430 near


o course

and dear to every senior's heart. A high percentage of the

430 projects contribute significantly to benefiting o handicapped

person's life. The best port about being an Astro major is that you con work on o

variety of projects. Humanitarian projects ore great, but it's

nice to know you'll get o chonce to defend our country in space.


Front row: Maj. Ronald J. Lisowski, Col. Robert B. Giffen, Maj. Harold 5. Rhoods, Maj. James A. Dovis Second row: Moj. doniel E. Mercier, Copt. Mitchell P. Slate, Copt. Poul R. Leuthouser, 1st Lt. Martin E.B. France, Copt. Rosario Nici Third row: Capr. Salvatore Alfano, SSgt. R. Michael

sowicz, Capt. Michael L. Delorenzo, Capt. John F. Anthony, Capt. Wiley J. Larson, Capt. M. Scott Trimboli, Capt. Richard A. Lucal, SSgt. Carl A.

Humble, SSgt. Angela A. Berry, SrA Lorraine M. Humphrey, Capt. Ralph H. Tare III, Capt. Jeffrey W. Hess Fourth row: Capt. Christopher J. Wor-

Holly L. Emrick Maj. Kenneth R. Wernle not pictured.



Standing: Capt. Linda K. Palmer, Capr. Salvatore Fazio, Patricia Knox, Maj. Robert 5. Fraser, Joan Aug, Capt. William A. Yucuis, Capt. .




BIOLOGY The Biology Deportment this yeor wos He leod by Lt. Col. William J. Coirney took over the Biology Deportment for Colonel Orwyn Sampson who is on sab.

boticol for two years. Colonel Sompson’s sabbatical is with the Jet Propulsion in Pasadena, Laboratory (J P L)

didn't go to the cookoff! The yeor also started with some excellent poster sessions by the biology majors who hod


the Codet Summer Reasearch program. At Los Alamos Notional Laboratories in


Distinguished Visiting Professor,


fitness. C1C John Pfaff and C1C Robert Bussion honed their surgical skills, iniarially learned cutting steak at Mitchell Hall, while working on a 499 project for Maj. Postlewaite on "Small Animal Surgery as a Research Tool”. The Biology majors were able to take advantage of some very interesting field trips this year. In Biology 383,

Biology Chili Cookoff.” The winner for the second yeor in o row was Major Hunt and his advisees. The loser wos oil of our stomachs ond the roomate that

New Mexico C1C Mark Deysher studied "Morphology of Rodent Macrophages”, C1C Joseph Andersen

Frank Cassel, presented a Biology 495 doss entitled "Philosophy of Biology”. In


this class Professor Cossel provided o stirring review of literary studies of major historical events which hove shaped the history of biology ond led to major discoveries. The codets in his class read from classic works in biological science. Toward the end of the semester the lectures and discussions related these works to the contemporary discipline of biology and emerging ethical ond moral issues. Professor Cassel, o specialist in animal ecology, has brought to the Academy o full ond vivid picture of our world. A picture he most avidly shored with the cadets and faculty. Our thanks and admiration ore extended to Professor Cassel. We started 1984 with o gastronomical delight that, probably, will nor, should the "Great not, con not, be forgotten

worked on "Arsenical Compounds os They Affect Live Tissues”, and C1C Stephen Higgins studied the "Toxicity of Oil Shale Compounds”. While out at NASA-Ames, Moffit Field Calif., C1C






observe an autopsy at a local hospital. Biology 420, Biokinetics, toured the Olympic Training Center in Colorado

Springs. The Field Ecology course rook many excursions of the wild Academy ground identifing the local flora and fauna. They also took a one day trip to the University of Colorado's Mountain Research Station at Niwot Ridge, Colo. On this trip the class had the opportunity to examine several alpine tundra comIsabelle munities, glacier, and the

"Muscle Robert Digeronimo studied Fetal Development Under Hypergroviry”, ond C1C Gordon Peters studied "Space Adaptation Sickness.” And all by herself ot the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, C1C Wendy Cook hod intensely reasearched an area of

facilities of the

University's research sta-


Biology 331, took a half day trip to

"Space Microbiology”. During the school year many cadets become involved in special research programs under Biology 499. C1C Chevalier Cleaves ond C1C Linda Sverdrup each put together an excellent 499 project



relating to "G" tolerance ond physciol

types of plants discussed in the course.






the and

where outdoor

gardens,conservatory working greehouses that are not normally open to the public. This trip provided on opportunity to see many of the different





jg mtaypap

Isf JItjot! H&4 iTS ^

J —

Ge,°'d '■

C ° P ' l' IChQrd r l'° ber,i

BACK ROW: Maj. John E. Peters,


' G '°" k 0—




.MisK ft j ||fl ;



J p

lessor. L, Co,. V,,,,o m J. Co„ney. u. Co,

COp ' '“ arn J """V m Wchort c. Postlewolre. Maj Joseph E. Toe*. John M Scupp



Moj. Darrel Hunt, Capr. J. David Andrews, Maj. Kent E Magnusson, Capr. W. George Cargill, Capr, James S. Kent Capr. R Patrick

McCreary, NOT PRESENT: Richard W. Stoops


^ *

mm C, TRSi 1



Biology Lab Technician


Behavioral Science







always been interested in psychology, and seriously contemplated being a Science He Behavioral major. thoroughly enjoyed his BS 110 class, but before he decided upon a 'fuzzy' major he needed to find out more about what the major could offer him. He decided he would go up to the Behavioral

Sciences ond Leadership Deportment and see what it had to offer.

Vinkmon. answered Captain "The 41 faculty members of

"Certainly'', Brothers, this

deportment teach three core approximately 1,600 cadets

courses to

every semester. At the some time, our deportment offers 15 other in-depth courses to our 170 academic majors. Our academic majors have three choices of tracks to specialize in: these ore



Discretely using on even numbered stairwell, he quickly got to the sixth floor of Fairchild Hall and found on organiza-


tional chart of the deportment. Studying the chart, Vinkmon said to hinnself, "The Deportment of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership is headed by Colonel John W. Williams Jr. and has 41 officers on the faculty. Now, I need to select o likely officer to ask a few questions.” After a minute or so, his eyes kept returning to the some name and he kept asking himself "I wonder if it's really her?” Noting the room number, he located it in less than two hours, oil the while thinking to himself, "Even the offices ore designed like o maze up here. I wonder if I am on unwitting subject in some

majoring in our discipline,” Vinkmon exdiverse.types of tracks, what types of background and experience does this deportment's faculty have?” "Our faculty comes from a multitude of backgrounds which include careers in

laboratory experiment?” He finally reported to the Instructor. "Come on in,” said Captain J. Brothers, "What can I do for you?” "Well mo'om, I'm looking for some information concerning the Deportment of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership. Con you fell me about the deportment and the three majors it offers?” asked




Engineering.” sure


many cadets

claimed. "With these

such fields as missile operotons, research and development, pilot, navigator, counseling and social actions,” said Coptain Brothers.


understood you




behavior and humon factors engineering. What else do your cadets do? Research is what I'm really interested in,” answered Coder Vinkmon, his eyes


widening. "Can you give me some examples?” "Usually 10-20 cadets ore involved in research each year. summer Some of our cadets have been to Research Center for NASA's Ames research on mental workload; Wrightcadet

work on the F-15/F-16 Aircraft Test ond Evaluation Phase.” "Are ony of your faculty involved with research?” The cadet asked. "You could always help the faculty with their research. Currently, our faculty is involved with nine different research contracts valued at over $90,000. For example, NASA is funding a research project in inissues in longflight. Also, we have o large

vesfigaring habitability

"Gee, there


Patterson AFB, Ohio, to work on pilot in workload the Flight Dynamics Laboratory; ond Edwards AFB, Calif., for

term space

project with the Defense Nuclear Agenstudying the impact of shiftwork on security police morale, health and percy

formonce. Of course, there others.



"These contracts hove allowed the

faculty to bring the latest developments in the areas of space station habitability, shift work, subjective pilot research, organizational structures, and soviet human factors engineering research to the






Psychology Symposium sponsored by the deportment.” In April 1984 more than 350 individuals throughout the U.S. attended the Ninth Psychology in the DOD Symposium ot the Academy. The guest speaker list included Dr. J. Richard a Hackman, highly quoted and respected Professor of Organizational Behavior from Yale University and Dr. Harry L. Snyder, Human Factors Engineering Department Head, Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Department of Civil


Front Row: Ms. Krakovsky, Ms. Zeine, Maj. Van Soun, Maj. Topper (Deputy Dept. Head), Col. Swint (Dept. Head), Moj. Uhlik, Maj. Wachinski, Moj. Riggs, Ms. Anaya, Ms. Gustin, Second Row: Copt. Brickell, Moj. Glavan,

SSgt Schwartz, Copt. Eddy, Copt.

Knox, Moj. Maride, Copt. Bean, Copt. Cullen, Moj. Reynolds, Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Wem-

mer, Bock Row: Copt. Boyce, Moj. Fravel,


Copt. Reynolds, Copt. Raralio, Copt Evons, Meadows, Mr. Solcum, TSgt Hamilton, Copt. Miller, Nor Shown: Kranich, Dr.




“We Bring Good Things To Life" Deportment of Civil Engineering,

in numerous activities in conjunction with

concrete skis ond o concrete frisbee con-

heoded by Col. David O. Swint, is proud to be the most active of all deportments. In addition to its regular faculty,

the students. In September, we travelled to New Mexico to try our hand or

rest were held.

surveying (night surveying actually) and finished second. The rivalry between the students and faculty also continued on the fields of friendly strife. Revenge is always obtained, for students and faculty alike, in our annual basketball



department has two visiting professors: Maj. Wayne Reynolds, USA, (to show us how it is done in the Army); the

ond Dr. Howard C. Dunn, Vice-Dean of Academics, U.5. Coast Guard Academy (the closest we hove to o civilian

instructor). The year started off quick with a dining-in involving the faculty ond CE majors. Our guest speaker was Moj. Gen. Clifton D. Wright (top Civil Engineer in the Air Force). His speech was very inspirational and started the year for us in the right frame of mind. Throughout the semester, the faculty has been involved

ond softball torunoments. The high point of the year, though always seems to be the regional conference. Once again we captured first place in the concrete conoe race ond, for the first time, the faculty won. The celebration was heavy (as the residents of Utah will otest). This year's conference hod many added challenges. In addition


the concrete





culminated with The Deportment




Engineering administers several outstonding programs. In addition to Summer Research, the deportment has its own Operation CE. This program allows one cadet to go to eoch major command for five weeks to experience oil facets of civil engineering. Last summer, 10 cadets attended the program ond went bases such os Ramsrein, Hickam, Andrews, ond Tyndall. As eoch year comes to on end, the to

Department of Civil Engineering looks ossess its growth, only to set higher goals for the years ahead. bock to

Chemistry The Deportment of Chemistry is heoded by Col. Harvey W. Schiller. It consists of 28 officers and six civilian personnel. Together they provide instruction ond



every fourth classman

who enters through the "Bring Me Men” romp by means of the core chemistry course.


In addition to this, they teach odchemistry courses for the

chemistry majors (ond a few envious biology majors). They are involved in their own research and research in con-

junction with the Frank J. Seiler Research Laboratory. In addition to academic and research pursuits, the faculty is also involved in public affairs such as conducting seminars, judging science fairs, and performing chemistry magic shows for local schools.




During deportment was in turmoil os "Seiler” began moving into chemistry deportyear,

port of the research lob modernization program, the Seiler chemistry lobs on the second floor of ment rooms. As a





Chemistry storage




being extensively time,



Deportment's prep ond being renovated.

rooms were

All this resulted in o loss of classroom ond for the deportment. No one lob


passed through those halls without noticing large amounts of lob equipment pited in the holl, chemicals in the closets, and instructors lost in 2C25. The Chemistry Club was more active this year than any other (in recorded history) due to the excellent advice and direction of Moj. Lorry Dovis The club's .

president, Cadet Firstclass "Roy” Paul Hamilton and Major Davis organized two foil field trips (one for the Chem 435 course and one for the Chem Club). The first wos to Kirtlond AFB, N.M., to see the Force Air of the branch chemical Weapons Laboratory ond the other wos

Eglin AFB, FI., to tour the energetic (explosives) materials lab. After burning their physical chemistry tests, some of the chemistry majors got to

involved with Seiler/instrucror research projects. C1C A. J. Domenichini ond C2C Kendall worked with Major Fife on solar energy storage systems. C1C Scott Moore and C1C Mott Morgan worked with Lr Col Mueh on the synthesis of organometallic compounds. C1C Mike mode Hoke heterogenous silicon catalysts (using the "hooter” method) C1C August Hein with Major Burggraf identified fungal Estivito C2C ond C1C pigments with Lt. Col. Wright Christopher Cossidy ond C1C Roe Ann Noyes worked on the snythesis of energetic materials with Major Avilo C1C Pete Whelan worked on FredelCrofts syntheses with Major Avila. C2C Benson worked with Major Sonobe doing research in photochemistry. C2C Dye studied some of the molten salts used in high density batteries with Dr. .



Wilkes. C2C


Knight spent the semestef some


instruments for

future use by Seiler lob personnel.

Computer Science Computer Science Deportment, composed of 22 members, is directed by Col. Joseph Monroe, Professor ond Heod, ond the Deputy Heod, Lt. Col. Kenneth L. Krouse The expertise of the deportment con be attributed to the quality ond level of educational backgrounds of its people. Twelve of ore members academy these groduotes, 10 from USAFA, one from The



Point, and



four others




from the Novol doctorates and













USAFA flying program to become future Air Force navigators. All members ore pqrticiponts or sponsors of the 25th Coder Squadron. Other special departmental activities include: sponsorship of the Computer Science Club which is to oil coders, hosting o notional symposium colled CRISYS (Computer Information Related Systems Symposium) each year, ond presentation of


awards to the top coder in each course


for both semesters os well os on annual award to the top coder in Computer

tional duties keep its members actively

Pondering Turbo



currently working



involved with cadets. Two members of


deportment teaches one core Beyond this introductory course, the computer science major may study courses such as: Database theory, networks, compiler construction, graphics, operating systems, embedded systems, ond software analysis and design. The The


major has been





ly developing field that it has almost unlimited potential for growth in the future. Whether you ore planning for computer science os o primary career specialty or os o secondary career choice, the opportunities in computer

years ond in this time the Academy has graduated approximately 700 cadets in

computer science. Presently there


45 majors in the class of 1985, 50 in the class of 1986, ond 60 in the class of 1987. Computer Science is such a rapid

science abound.



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m m

Maj. William E. Richardson, Lr. Col. Kenneth L. Krause, Col. Joseph Monroe, Moj. Lawrence G. Jones, Lr. Comdr William G. Borries, 2nd row: Mrs Annemarie Hammer, Copt. Alison Piorter, Moj. Gory E. Topping, Copt. Tom S. Wailes, Copt. Lorry W. Bryant, Moj. Jimmy D. Nilson, Copt. Robert L. Tomlinson, Copt. James P Joyce, Mrs. Gladys Dilorenzo, Top row: Copt. Clifford c. Gardner, Copt. James R. Heold, Copt. Dean W. Gonzalez, Copt. Avo N Monolos, Copt. Edword M. Carter, Copt. Paul D. Gilbert, Copt. DericK W Lopez, Seated:

Moj. Steven J Cristioni


English (— and a whole lot more) To





department the ENGLISH Deportment is almost on injustice. The name indicates emphasis on merely the English language (if this were the cose, we could integrate the English Deportment ond the Foreign Languages Department into the Languages Department). In reality, the Academy English Department









survey literature. The expanse of its core and enrichment offerings ensures that it plays a pervasive role in the academic life of every cadet. The skills

insights learned in English Departgreatly contribute to improved performance across the curriculum—yes, even in the engineering sciences courses. How? By emphasizing and

ment courses

clear and effective communication;


ing writing to clarify thinking; improving writing, speaking, and research skills; and—certainly a major contribution for future officer—guiding cadets in the reading and appreciation of literary masterpieces, works that can help








discipline into perspective. During the Fall and Spring Semesters, department members taught the standard



freshman composi-

sophomore speech/composirion, junior professional writing, senior survey of literature. Along with these courses, honors classes challenged qualified tion,

cadets at every level. Of course, Blue Tube remained a prized opportunity at the junior honors level.

Moj Rich Comer, Maj. Perry Luckert, Lr. Col Ed Dailey, Lr. Col. Tom Murewski, Col. Jock Shurrleworrh. Lr. Col. Dill McCorron Lr Col Steve Srolev Lt Col Terrv Donas Moj. Dennis Doroff. Moj. Doris Miller, Copt Darrell Mosrin, Copt. Mike Hole, Lr. Dill Dayman, Copt Jim Meredith, Copt Dob Cioffa, Moj. Tom Cookley. Copt Mark Noe Copt Steve Knapp, Copt 5reve Else, Copt Vicky Moore, Copt. Iva Walker, Copt. Kent Eskenshade, Copt. Tom Dowie, Copt. Dave Mozurowski Coot Herb Smith ^ McClure CQpr Donno Connol| y' Co P f Tim Martin, MQley Copt. Jock Show, Copr. Jon Cope, Copt. Sharon Roichelson, Copt, Kathy Crowe, Capt Dove




Enrichmenr classes




periences in language and literature: In the fall, Capr. Mark Faulkner taught an advanced speech class; Capr's Darrell Mastin and Jan Cope taught American Literature I; Capt. Mark Slown guided students in an original course called "The Bible and Modern Novels"; Capr. Dave Smith taught a course on classical

literature. The spring semester saw Maj. Dennis Doroff completing the American literature cycle, Maj. Rich Comer offering a stimulating and relevant interdisciplinary course—"Literature on Leadership," and Capr. Herb Smith in-

sfructing the ever-popular Shakespeare course.

class sections of cadets in the

mentioned what the department does for the Air Force at large, or the Defense

Department, or even the nation. editing reports for the Space


Command and other agencies like the National Defense University, the department has a team of instructors called the Executive Writing Team that travels all the world teaching high-ranking military and civilian personnel how to communicate in a clear and direct style. Some of the Academy's English instructors went to the White House this year over

White House officials with rher techniques. Lr. Col. Tom Murawski, a tenured professor in the English Department, even ap-

all these courses, the department managed the Cadet Forensics Club, directed the Bluebard's pro-


ductions, helped with the Cadet Film Club, and judged and compiled cadet



entries to publish "Icarus." One thing clearly above the call of duty was the

self-initiated program to instruct several Col.


to assist

In addition



computer word processing programs. All these activities, and I haven't even

Terry Dongs gives



gestures to on English 212 Speech class






December 1 984 espousing unobsfuscated writing (or in his words,

"encouraging 'just plain Engligh'"). Clearly, the English Department at the Academy teaches English, but they also do mush more.

Copt Mark Foulkner demonstrates some body English to his attentive speech students.



Engineering The



dynamic year for



another of


Electrical Engineering. Col. Erlind G. Royer led his staff of 32 officers, o distinguished visiting professor, and eight civilian support personnel in developing and refining a challenging and exciting curriculum for electrical engineering mojors courses as well os the two core EE 210 and EE 310. This curriculum placed emphasis on "The Electronic Air Force" and gave each coder courses:





explore basic and principles used


today. The staff of the EE Deportment was enriched by our Distinguished Visiting Professor, Dr. E. P. Most, on expert in

'loon' from the University of Illinois. The deportment also gained great benefit from the talents of our two exchange officers: Lt. Comdr. William H. Long, U5N, and Moj. Hubert De Quotrebarbes, French Air Force, who exposed the cadets to the experiences of officers from different services. Electrical Engineering majors participoted in the constant research performed by the deportment. Moj. Billy J. Stanton led o team of four officers and

in the

upcoming cadet dormitory comsystem), an interactive communicarions simulator (to be used by the Rome Air Development Center, Communications Command, and deportment communications courses), solid state device fabrication, computer-based education, and purer

robotics research.

researching speech synanalysis. This technology, when developed, will be used in future aircraft. Other deportment members and cadets worked on diverse projects

Deportment research projects were by no means the only ones involving cadets. Fourfheen EE majors participoted in the Summer Research Progrom ot locations ranging from Hawaii to New York. These projects included, omong others, speech research ond pulse-modulated Doppler radar

such as local oreo networks (to be used


10 cadets in



electromognetic field theory who is on

Front Row: Moj. Robert F. Phelps, Moj. Michael F. Guyote,

Schoell, Moj. Gory R. Hurst, Prof. (DVP) Edward P. Most

Moj. Frank D. Tiller, Moj. Dilly J. Stanton, Col. Erlind G. Royer, Lt. Comdr. William H.

Long, Jr.,, Moj. Paul W

Dock Row: Moj. Kenneth J. Sodo, Copt William P. Horben, Copt. David R. Robertson, Copt. Scott Von Tonninaen Coot Norhnn w K u, o k es Q uorre Copt. Joseph A Morgan, Copt Michael F. O'Sheo, Copr Stewart K Angell. Copt. Daniel L MarrinCaprJohnG Pennerr Co™ 'Ar ; A C°P D C N<? Moj. Roger F. Healy, Copt. John M. Santiago, Copt. Theodore J. Moody, Copt. Glen E Monaghan Copr Robert E Norris, Norris Moj. fhr sm h A°r r k k 9 Copt. A. K Robert Christopher Cross, Copr. Morrow Jr., Copt Donnie L Keeler, Copt David L. Calloway, Copt. Keith A. Lewis rut



Copr. Druce Pecor, Copr. Donno E. Peterson





EE 464, the course,


deportment's capstone design

allowed the first class W majors to ex-


and development of actual format which copies actual Air

systems in o Force systems development procedures. Addirionally, the cadets gained first-hand

knowledge of the talents of our four versatile technicians: Mr. Joyce, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Monn, and Mr. Mirterer. The


Deportment also devoted energy community service. Captains Calloway and Morgan ployed to rove reviews or local schools with their superb demonstrorions involving the deportment robotics systems, and Captain Moody devoted much time and effort into producing o smart' towards

wheelchair which serves os the

primary means mobility for a child afflicted with cerebral polsy. This choir being the most successful of our research projects hos provided o deserving of

child with o device not presently available on the open market. The Cadet Electronics Club (student chapter the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), with the help of Coproin Pecor, explored the latest developments in microelecof

tronic devices or INMOS, and got the true story of the relationship of such obtuse os wove


propagation from o vibrating body (loudspeokers), solid store theory (amps), and other enlightening phenomena associated with stereo systems.

In the 1984-1985 term, the EE

Deportment certainly o dynamic place to be The friendly but demanding atmosphere served to set the stage for a fun, but challenging year. was

The year has been most successful and hos culminated with the graduation of o class of EE

majors fully prepared to chart their future in the electronic Air Force.


Engineering Mechanics Affectionately




on increasingly more important field in aircraft design. In addition, future plans



Deportment'', oil coders ore exposed to this department vio Mech 210. This core course is designed to increase the coders' understanding of fatigue ond give new meaning to the words "stress” ond "strain.” "Enlightened”, the resilient coders with "right toughness” often decide to become mech majors. They may choose from two majors administered by the deportment: Engineering Mechanics, and Engineering Sciences. The first major is designed to give cadets o brood knowledge in fundamental engineering, with in-depth study of dynamics, aircroft structural analysis and design, ond materials engineering. The second mo-

coll for

adding o course in engineering graduates ore better equipped with the tools needed

economics so that mech


computer aided instruction has introduced





many ore also

mirted themselves to determine their ultimate strength. Moy oil who pursue our course of study never reach their

to evaluate the economic os well os the

engineering project.




point of failure.


Research continues to ploy a major role in the educational development of

The accompanying photos show Copt. Sullivan ond severol senior coders working on on Engineering 430 design project. The goal of the project was to design, build, ond rest o prototype concepr of an end effector capable of grabbing o fragile beam, truss assembly flooring in the zero gravity environment

cadets. Senior mech majors hove conducted independent study projects ranging from techniques used to manufacture composite structures to developing on inexpensive space furnoce used to study the formation of metol alloys in the zero gravity environment of space. This latter project is

jor allows cadets to pursue o brooder education in the engineering sciences-apreparation for effective performance in on engineering specialty. The deportment continually strives to improve the quality of education given to mech majors and all other coders taking courses administered by the deportment. In on effort to satisfy this commitbeen

academy mission, the Deportment of Engineering Mechanics continues to rest the durability of coders who hove com-

of space. "End effector” is what NASA coll the device attached to the end of

scheduled to go on board a future shut-

the space Shuttle's Remote Manipulator

tie flight.




shuttle missions

coll for in

using the manipulator arm to maneuver truss-type beams into posi-

The deportment interacts with coders other oreos besides the academic


For instance, the Mech


is squadron participant with the Squadron. Cadets interested in learning how the principles of mechanics ore actually used both in the military and civilian sector usually join the Mech Club (admittedly some cadets join just to go on near trips such os the one to Cope Canaveral to watch o shuttie launch). The club is run by coders with an instructor from the deportment serving os club Officer in charge. While performing its role in the ment





to insure graduates have the ocodemic training needed to tackle current and future engineering problems in the Air Force. For example a course in

composite materials hos been added this year to introduce students to






space structures. Balsa wood was used to construct a 20 percent scale model of q beam similar to the type that moy be used during actual construction of these


structures. In order to simulate the beam

"floating freely” in space, ballons filled with helium were attached to both ends

of the bolso wood beam. The criteria for

The end effector must grab the beam ond rigidly hold it as the beam is moved about. All of this must occur


without structurally damaging the fragile beam. The end effector shown performed successfully.

Jnsr H




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Front Row -Gory J. Durson, Major, John A Blind, Major, Terry L Schiessler, Major, August I DeRosa Moior Carv A Fisher mionoi Catherine Brown, Secretory, Caroline H. Groms, Secretory, William R. Captain Mark 5 Ewing Major Middle Row -Lex C Dodge, Captain, Mark N. Webster, Captain, Marvin L. Becker, Captain, David C Bonnerman Caatain John R C ° pr ° ia ^ * H ° m " K>n ^ Ron ° ld L De ° n C ° proin Sfeven * ^itehouse. Captain, Dorman










u Honsen M °J ° r M ° V '




Schmidt, Lab



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ufc ,

technician,°Robert ^

J- Nlcholls. Coptoin. An

The “End Effector"

Coders Robert D. Deckel, Jr., Dirk M. Hutchison, ond Michoel J. Mosucci work on the end effector model Coder Beckel hos inserted the end effector into the beam truss assembly. Cadet Mosucci has activated the controls which couse the end effector to inflate to the automatically size needed to proper the beam grab without structurally the beam.



Department of Foreign Languages

Although the Deportment of Foreign Languages does nor offer o major, it ploys an important role in the develop-

Gen. Lincoln Faurer, the Director of the Notionol Security Agency and a guest speaker at the Academy during the fall semester, stressed the importance of ment of future Air Force officers. Lr.

proficiency foreign languages. in other languages os very important to our notional security. Also our inability to speak foreign languages gives us a haughty, uncaring imoge in much of the He


world. The

deportment of Foreign Languages works hard to increase our proficiency by offering progroms in Spanish,









Chinese ond Japanese. This diversity allows us to pursue languages we hove studied before or to fry something new and challenging. While two semesters of language is mandatory, advanced

training is available ond encouraged. Besides increasing our longuoge obili-

ty, this instruction also exposes us to the cultures of the various countries. This familiarization is accomplished through readings, lectures ond the activities ol the various longuoge clubs. These ac tivities include visits to ethnic restaurant throughout the area, film festivals, one cultural evenings of the homes o various instructors.

Front Row: Copt William P. Baird, Maj. Vicror W. A Nell, Maj Duane E. Bright, Lr. Col. Marcelino Espinosa, Col. Ruben, A Cubero, Lr. Col. Daniel G. M. Hannowr Maj. Mary A. Marks, Maj. Gerald T O'Guin, Maj. Clifford R. Borofsky, Second Row: Bertold L Geiss, Virginia Lombrecht, Mariette B. Wells Third Row: Capt. J. Young Mayberry, Copt. Arthur R Edmonds, Capr. Richard G Mcdellan, Capt. Thomas T Cook, Capt. Robert L. B. Stevenson Mai David Schrupp, Capt Jose Tamame, Capr. Griffith S. Hughes, Capt. Charles D. Robertson, Capr. William P. Baird, Capr. Stephen H. Harris, Capr. Philip J. Westfall Capt Rich* L. Sutherland, Capt Leslie M. Keffel, SSgr Gary L Cauler, Capt. Robert J. Vosika, Carolyn S. McDonald Fourth Row: Capt. Robert F. Giardino, Copt Patrick V. Curton, Capt Henry K. Nakagowa, Capt. Julie B Brownell, Capt. Jill M Crorty, Capt Miguel Verano C< Howard M. Swarrz, Capt. Nancy J. P Lewis, Capt. Jose D Romero, Capt. So-Mai D. Lai,


Deporrmenr is olso blessed with exchange officers from our allied noThe

This year we were honored ro hove Lr. Col. Marcelino Espinosa from rhe Mexican Air Force, Lr. Col. George Von Graevenirz from rhe Federal Germon Republic's Lufrwaffe, and from rhe rions.

Spanish Air Force, Capr. Jose Tomome These officers add o grear deal ro our .

culrural educorion and also shore rheir

experrise ond poinr of view wirh orher deporrmenrs or rhe Acodemy. There ore olso exchange programs ro various foreign oir force academies giving coders rhe opporruniry ro experience orher culrures firsr hand. Every year












French Air Force Academy. This year six firsr classmen rook parr in rhis program. Also rhis year conringenrs from rhe orher







Germany, American


Saudi Arabia, Egypr, ond Japan. The language program is consranrly growing wirh rhe inrroducrion of compurer-assisred language rraining, video disk insrrucrion, ond plans in rhe near furure ro

broadcasr programs from

various counrries inro rhe classroom. The







improve will bring addirional



benefirs ro coders and rhe Air Force well.


Academy cadets spent three weeks studynig Russian intensively at Garnish-Partenkirchen, West Germany Here they are posing in a group shot wirh rheir instructors and rhe U5 Army Russian Institute's staff. Far Left: Captain Johnson, USA West Poinr Project Officer Center: Colonel Don O. Stovall, USA Commander, U5ARI C2C Jeff Henry Fourth From Lefr, Top Row C2C Scott Gorman In Front of Jeff Henry C2C Jerry Helkkinen Dehind Colonel Srovall, ro his lefr C2C Mark Deierle Third From Right, Middle Row -





Prepare for the future with


The Deportment of History believes the profession of arms ond the study of

history ore inseparable. The deportment's varied courses and rich programs instill in oil cadets an of

appreciation history and its role in the military profession.






post, future Air Force officers can better prepare for their future careers. To give cadets on understanding of the post, the department uses a wide



ranging History” to



"Modern World "The American Way of War.” But the deportment also offers several other programs that enrich the education of coders, such os the popular History Club. The club has






contacts for more than

400 members. The coders become familiar with many historical topics through club-sponsored

dining-ins, lectures, trips and films.


year the club even initiated a version of "Trivial Pursuit” for historians!

Another program that stimulates cadets' interests is the Harmon Memorial Lecture, which was begun in 1959 as o forum for a distinguished speaker to pre

on original lecture on military history. Dr. Harold C. Deutsch, from the U.S. Army War College, spoke this year on "Military Planning ond Foreign Policy: German Overtures to Two World



Dr. Deutsch gave both coders and officers a good understanding of the complex relationship between

foreign policy and military goals. Dr. Deutsch's lecture opened the Eleventh Military History Symposium, which is o series inaugurated in 1967 to provide o forum for military scholars from around the world. The topic, "Military Planning in the Twentieth Cenfury,” was highlighted by Admiral Bobby R. Inmon, USN (retired). In his bonquet speech, "Long-range Planning for the Intelligence Communtiy,” the former Vice-Director of the Defense Infelligence Agency ond Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency



provocative discussion


the future of the intelligence field.




Professionals in Residence Program. Speaking to small groups in the lectinor

classrooms, General Clark talked candid-

ly about professionalism ond answered many questions about the new coder honor code. His personal insight mode

history "real" for many cadets and enhanced their classroom studies. The Summer Research Program also enhances the cadets' preparation for their future careers and emphasizes the

importance of their historical education. This post summer, the department

sponsored four cadets for the program, sen-

ding them to o variety of Air Force offices: the Office of Air Force History, the Directorate

of Soviet and the


(Soviet Deputy Directorote for doctrine, Strategy and Plans Integration at the Pentagon. Awareness),


courses ond programs give codet o brood introduction to history ond its specific relation to the military profession. The deportment believes these programs help coders become better officers and prepare them for a successful approach to the future.



Superintendent, Lt. Gen. Albert P. Clark, USAF (retired), spoke to nearly half of the third classmen in the Distinguished

Top Row: Copt. Thomas E. Angle, Moj. Bernard E. Harvey, Capr. George W. Ballinger, Capr. Paula G. Thornhill, Capr. Michael R. Mark L Dues, 1Lf. Roy F Houchin II, Terry, Maj. David A Robertson, Maj Maj. Stephen D. Chiaborti Middle Row: Capt. Larry A Weaver, Maj. Bryant P Shaw, Copt Robert C. Owen, Capt. William L. Coode, John L Poole Coot Scott M Smirh Capr Pionrek Maj. Spencer Way, Maj. Dean E. Rice, ^ P T capt. Michael L. Wolfert, Capt. Mark K. Wells, P Dhiiin Charles H. Maj Richard J Mueller Mai Garv Sitting: Sq. Ldr. William Mulvenney (RAF), Maj. Hoe C. Dixon, Maj. E. Richard Downes, Lt. Col.Maj. R Harry Borowski, Col Carl W Reddel David A Tretler, Maj. Walter T. Hitchcock, oae1 Lt. Lr col. Col Ran Jr F i Lt Coli Roger B Fosdlck, Maj. Stephen L Orrison (USA) Persons Missing Capt Walter J. Cooner Jr, Copt Harold G McKinney




Left: Maj Stephen L Orrison, exchange officer from the United Stores Army, teaches History 303, "The United Stores in a Changing World: Critical Issues in the Twentieth Century," in the spring semester of 1985. C2C T. S. Honnus is the only coder showing any interest in what the major has to soy! Below: Squadron Leader William the Mulvenney, deportment's exchange officer from the Royal Air Force, expounds on 345, "Modern

History European History," to a class this spring. C3C Scott Atchison is awake if nor totally involved, bur C1C Randy Kersey is enlightening himself!

Knights from the Lore Middle Ages prepare to joust in o war-game set up by the Military Science Club, sponsored by the Deportment of History and the club's officer-in-charge, Copt. Mark K. Wells.


First row, seated: Sandy Knodel, Lt Col Edward C. Hume, Julie Volosin, Col Marcos E. Kinevan, Shoror Jensen, Maj Lake D. Holt III, Second row, standing: Moj Frank J. Spinner, Maj Frank S Dodge, Capt Cheryl L Nilsson, Capr Miles D Wichelns, Capr Joseph J Traficanri, Capr Joyce I. spisak, Capt Richard K Dowers, Dad row, standing: Maj Jerald W. Jackson, Capr Drenda J. Hollis, Capr Dartt J. Demaree, Maj Gregg H, Reinecke Maj William A, Hill, Maj Michael W. Schlabs, Maj Michael D. McGrath


Philosophy and Fine Arts We always thought that the prospects of a military career, a good education, the needs of the nation, no tuition, or

urging of a variety of wellintentioned relatives brought us to the Academy. In the core ethics course, philosophy 310, we find out that there was o deeper reason: our values. And it turns the


that values insist


affecting our

lives whether we like it or nor. A major, o spouse, a lifestyle, a career field, and even a war,






become port of all of these because of values. No wonder we are tasked to go through the soul-searching and endless questioning involved in examining those values. Sure, it's "fuzzy,” without any of the "school solutions” that would be so comfortable at final exam rime. But that's whor our most crucial life decisions are like, so there's every reason to

expect that an ethics course must be the some.

Receiving special emphasis in the Deportment of Philosophy and Fine Arts are moral issues of particular import to the armed forces: professional ethics and morality and war. These issues ore addressed




the core ethics course; but members of the department also address them os training or instructional issues


issues by tors


receive in

providing advisors and insfructhe variety of training we military ethics and the Honor

Code. Besides the required ethics course, the

deportment offers several other philosophy courses, including the always popular "Great Religions of the world.” The Fine Arts program would be the

envy sized

of just about any comparably educational in institution the




addition courses

to one





and one in visual arts there ore the American Art and Music course and the —

always enjoyable Fine Arts Studio. The

deportment also has token on responsibility of academic advising for the new Basic Academic Program, the so-called "no-major major.” This program now gives us the opportunity of seeking a brood, general education without having to add a specialty on the

top of it. Ultimate questions, moral values, professional obligations, and aesthetic sensitivity clearly the Deportment of Philosophy and Fine Arts provides crucial elements to our bored professional —


Front row: Lr. Col. James B Dixion, Visiting Professor Heinz C. Luegenbiehl, Col. Malham M. Wakin, Lt. Col. Kenneth H. Wenker, and Maj. Daniel J Cervone, Bock row: Sharon Kay Nightingale, Copt Timothy J. Gonnon, Copt. Ramon Martinez, Capr. Kenneth W. Kemp, Moj. Jerome M. Prodier, Moj. Charles W Hudlin, Copt Rodney J. Korba, 55gr Deborah J. Meisner, Cheryl R. Ross, and Copt Patrick R. Tower


Department of Mathematical Sciences

Row 1: Col. Robert R. Lochry (Dept Heod), Lr. Col. Daniel W. Litwhiler

Row 2: Mrs. D. Lynn Young, Ms. Julie Neuberr, Mrs. Laurie Pena, Mrs. Dora Z. Woods, Mrs. Maria A. Madigar Row 3: Moj. Dovid M. S. Lyons, Lr. Col. Peter L Knepell, Lr Col. John M. Field, Copt Gory W Hoenshell, Copt. George W. Fikus, Copt. Shirely J. Nichols, Copt. Mark L. Joyner, Moj. Harwood A. Hegno, Copt. Ramon Cortes, Copt. Barbara L. Pasierb, Copt. Robert I. Mitchell, Copt, Steven R. Copehort

Row 4: Copt. James F. Sheedy, Copt. Kenneth C Konwin, Moj. James C. McLeroy, Moj. Edward R Avila Copt. Kathleen M. Sparola, Copt. Louise A. Blanchette, 2nd Lt, Steven G. Seroka, Moj. John Petro, Copt. Ross E. Roley, Moj. Mark J. Kiemele, Copt. Stephanie K. Rohde, Moj. Tuiren A. Brorino, Moj. Stephen R. Schmidt, Copt. William L. James, Copt. Julius C. Hunter, Lt. Corl E. Crockett (USN) Row 5: Moj Thomas J. Pawlowski III (USA), Moj

Harry W. Gore Jr., Copt. Pomelo L. Peters, Copt. Michael A Norris, Moj. Robert W. Dunn, Copt. Gregory A. Keerhler, Copt. Richard W. Baker, Copt. James t. Kogler, Copt. John A. Ausink, Copt. Gerald Diaz, Moj. George C. Hughes, Moj. Mary E. Donohue, Copt. Gregg M. Burgess, Capr. Mark S. Briski, Copt. James C. Vetter, Copt. John R. Coss, Copt, Neil T. Cohoon, Copt Dovid J. Lowton, Lt. Col. William J. Riley, Moj. John H. Estes IV, Maj. James M. Crowley

(Not Pictured) Moj. Arthur J. Sherwood, Copt. Stephen C. Daniels, Copt. Richard F. Wildman



Captain Burgess has his head shaved after losing the Navy game bet with the Squids in his course

Regardless of their majors, all cadets through five core math courses

majors. For those who would like to try, the largest academic deportment or the

ranging from freshman calculus to probability and statistics. When these courses are finally completed, it is with

Academy offers the Mathematical Sciences major. The math major is divided into two categories: pure and opplied moth. Pure moth majors "oppredate the beauty of mathematical


relief that


cadets reflect



Math Department along with its graded homework, competency rests, board-

work and unrelated






seemingly objectives.

moth does prepare follow-on core courses in engineering and science os well os for





technical majors which require higher mathematics. For those who understand the above


inequality, yes you too can join the privileged (albeit thin) ranks of the moth

structure” and deal a lor with Greek let-

Applied moth majors learn the techniques of problem solving applied ters.


technical fields such




Electrical The



Deportment also offers the Operations Research (OR) major. OR majors learn to use statistics and simulation (among other things) to help model managerial and economic processes in order to understand how they are affected, how

they can be made more efficient, etc. Either way, cadets practice their ability to solve problems logically. Along with learning problem-solving techniques, moth majors benefit from o "flexible” major. The math major allows courses from technical fields os electives so that moth majors develop area of specialty. Those considering double-majoring can make use of this overlap. After graduation, graduates with a math degree have a good chance of getting a graduate degree program, but if they don't they will an

enter one of the many different career fields open to them. The Air Force will always need the analytical abilities of

the mathematician.


Department of

Political Science Polirices from


be far

the attention of lawmakers? How

ticket, the likely future courses of



do inreral Kremlin politics affect ex-






never seems











Democratic Parties, prospects for arms control,

way up yo international

negoriopolitics is the framework by which we try to understand just

federal judges feel is within the con-


stitutioonl sphere of rights of accus-

the future of social programs and the growing debates over the use

ed criminals? The questions we ask

of space.

how those in power distribute what

provide more than an understanthey often ding of the subject

It is toward space that policy makers have turned more often-




We sometimes

question how well politics provides

reveal much about our own biases


answers, but at the very least, we

and values.

expect the discipline to guide our

During any academic year, current events provide much meat for debate and study. The Deaprt-

advancing technology, the possibilities for the utilization of opce represent a significant policy challenge. Decisions about how best to pur technoloby to work for

In notional










Congress ond the president,

ment focused its efforts to take od-

recently. Because of rapidly

how parties and interest groups vie


for influence, and in the midst of all this where our voces os citizens and

presidential election of 1984 saw Ronald Reagan elected to a se-

soldiers fir in. In international politics,

cond term. If he serves out the en-


tire term, he will be

civilian space policy, basic decisions


struggle with the fact that coun-





only the se-

tries hove different and often con-


flicting vloues that contribute to fric-

down what many have described


Sometimes these


elements overwhelm attempts to find common ground. The nature of politics requires on


president since FDR to hold

os the world's

toughest job for a full

the national interest




Deaprtment's newest Space Policy. examines


military ond issues


treated. Visitors included such






eight year. In order to understand


the electoral


process better, the Deportment and the Cadet Forum

the focus

US Notional




General Director





Defense Initiative Office

and Dr. Colin

Gray, ond authority

it is a wide approach discipline. Thus the Department of

Club sponsored a Presidential Sym-


speakers like John Anderson and Jody Powell. They and others

space with traditional doctrines of


complement to the Space major in



prooch study perspectives. Wahr



psychology How












posium. The Symposium attracted





historic topics choice of a woman, Geraldine Ferraro,




strategic thinking who hos sought to integrate opportunities in


strategy. The new curse is on died the




A deportment grows from experiences gained outside academe.

Bothe cadets and officers



five well before the academic year bagon. To broaden knowledge and

experience, they filled various summer research positions throughout the Air Force ond the government. Some of the opportunities included






allow them to view political profirst hand os they occur. cesses Codets worked with such groups os the State


Deportment, Department the Deportment of


Engergy ond the Executive Office of

Once again, the year sow an extraordinarily successful Academy Assembly. The Assembly attracts

instituted what should become an annual dining-in for both Intof majors ond political science faculty. The

the country to

evening emphasized the rich heritage and excellence shown by previous graduates, and the tradi-

students from


discuss issues of importance to the United States. This year's topic was Canadian-American relations. The Deportment not only brought



ADM, ond

Point, in

Annapolis, Texas Washington DC. This

year also sow the opportunity open for future codets to participate in the

the President. This year also sow a resurgence of

Model United Nations Competition in

Forum Club. Not only was it heavily involved in the Presidential

study in political provides qualified students with thq opportunity to progress beyond the groundwork laid here at USAFA in pursuit of graduate degrees. In keeping with post years, several codets competed for and won prestigious scholarships to graduate schools across the country. This spring, the Department


Symposium, but it also collaborated with the Colorado College Political Union in activities to broaden cadet to different view on

exposure various

tipics. The Club



than a forum for intellectual activity; it served

os on

on occasional

effective vehicle for

dining-in for members.

year's grads ore heir.

students from other universities here,

but sent cadets to many different conferences across the notion. Codets participated in conferences

New York City. Advanced


of achievement to which this


Colonel os


Douglas Murray arrived




ond Head of the Deportment. In do-







thusiasm and professionalism of both faculty ond codets in the major. But realizing that political science at the

Academy must encourage reasoned judgment beyond mere knowledge of politics for the citizensoldier, he recalled Aristotle's


phasis on excellence: for the healthy democracy, "...the good citizen must possess the knowledge and copcity requisite for ruling os well os being ruled, and the excellence of a citzen may be defined os consisting in a knowledge of rule over free men.”

Dorrom row, from left to right: Mrs. Eunice Flercher, Mr. Don Romero, Moj. Ronald Sullivan, Lr.Col. Paul Viorri (Tenure Professor ond Deputy Head), Col. Douglas Murroy (Permanent Professor ond Head), Mr. Jim Hooper, Lt.Col. Richard Lothom, Moj. Joseph DeSutrer, Ms. Wendie Sumrell Second row, left to right: Moj. David Palenchor, Moj. Donald Cole, Copt John Birkhead, Copt. Joy Lorenzen, Moj. Gregory Harrison, Moj. Mike Nelson, Copt Payrow-Olia, Copt. Tennenboum, Moj. Dziedzec, Moj. Silvoni, Moj. Cloy Stewart, Moj. Wayne Silkett (USA), Moj. Al Maurer, Copt. Chuck Costonzo Third row, left to right: Copt. Jerrold Elkin, Copt. Jim Keagle, Copt. Tom Boldy, Copt. Henry Johnson, Copt. Dove Tunstoll, Moj. Schuyler Foersfer, Moj. Edward Wright, Copt Rick Boyd, LrJG Joseph Rallo (U5N), Moj. Ken Rogers Not .


pictured: Copt. Donald Jomes. Coder Forum Club on Public Affairs staff C1C Tim Healy C1C Ed Nogler C1C Brad Molone C2C Jeon MacIntyre C2C Lori Brown


Educating the Air Force Manager

Management A quick look of the wide ronge of courses offered by the Deportment of Management will confirm that management is becoming on increasingly complex discipline. To meet the challenge of the complexity, along with ever increasing advonces in technology, tomorrow's Air Force Manager whether commanding o tactical fighter wing or managing the —

ocquisfion of a major weapon system upon o variety of managerial skills.

will need to draw

remain critical over time. What is our mission? Whot is the real

problem? And ultimately, whot alternative courses of action must

be evaluated to optimize the decisions we face both to-

day and tomorrow? It is toward those fundomentol issues that the monogment curriculum is oriented. The objective remains constant: to provide tomorrow's Air Force officers o framework with which to

It is paradoxical but nonetheless valid that in on increasingly complex Air Force environment, it is ever more im-

manage resources ond o foundation on which to build.

Seated: Mrs. Peggy Raymond, Lr. Col. Charles J. Yoos II, Lr. Col. Dob Pizzi, Col. James Woody, Moj. Somuelson, Moj. Bud Baker Middle Row:


Moj. Lorry

Howell, Moj. Mike Evonchik, Moj. Don Thurmon, Moj. Rob Gocke, Copt. Tom


portont to focus on the fundamental issues, the questions that

III, Maj. Vernon Fronds Back Row: Copt. Rita Moore, Copt. Jeff Melorogno, Copt. Mike Reese, Copt. Bonnie Singer, Copt. Steve Clement, Copt. Zeneo B. Williams

Economics Front Row: Moj. Michoel S. Anselmi, Lr. Col. James D. Streets, Col. Kenneth H. Fleming, Lt. Col. William J. Wolsh Second Row: Moj. Eric J. Nickerson, Moj. L. Jmoes Cowordin Jr. (USA), Moj. John R. Brock Jr., Copt. Kenneth J. Reynolds, Copt. Bruce G. Linster, Copt. Jeffrey 5 Terrall, Moj. Jon M. Vetterlein Third Row:



graphs? "And I don't even understand what

they mean!!" These and similar comments are likely to be heard from core econ students who walk out of class and ore bewildered by the

multitude of graphs ond diagrams. Economics is not o subject that appeals to everyone, but there ore a few of us hordy souls who appreciate that economics does exist. For us it is o


Betty E. Jones, Copt. R. Theodore Roth, Moj. Kenneth O. Morse, Roman Yborro Jr., Copt. Mary M. Livingston, copf. Michoel G. McVoy,

Copt. Copt.

Douglas Nelson, Mrs. Joyce M. DeMeyer

challenge that gives us insight into the complex problems of our age. In fact, most of us chose economics os o major for the tools it gives us to analyze the behavior of both countries ond individuals. We wont to moke o contribution to our country ond the Air Force, and through our interest and knowledge of

economics, hopefully we con.


Geography The





Geogrophy is small, but offers o variety of courses. It is possibly the best kept Academy. It has the unique standing of offering o major with 11 totally different, yet related courses; without having a single core course. The diverse background and experience of the instructors enhances the courses and brings expertise in from o surprizingly large number of different assignments. This year has been mode more notable by the return of Lt. Colsecret




Mitchell, from 15 months



Commonder/Deputy Commonder in Izmir, Turkey. He has been joined ternporially by another Middle-Eastern specialist this spring: Distinguished Visiting Professor, Dr. John Kolors from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The combination of Lf. Colonel Mitchell, Dr. Kolors and Major Barnes provides several lifetimes of experience in the Middle East. The Soviet Union and For East hove been handled by Captain

Popirtis, while Copt. Slaydon has been responsible for Cartography ond Latin Americo. A new addition to the physical


Copr 5lQ don


M ' fChel1


structure of the office

sensing laboratory for with use Copt. Popirtis' course on remote sensing ond image interpreto-

tion, Geogrophy 382. Each of these courses offer the student a different aspect of Geogrophy.

They oil, however, provide the imporfont overall basis in which to analyze different regions of the world in terms of the physical, cultural, economic, and political structures. It is becoming more recognized os on important tool for Air Force career officers.

Roberro Chovez Dr. John Kolors. Standing: '

has been the crea-

tion of a remote

Moj. Barnes, SSgt Fink, Copt. Popirtis,

Phun with

Most cadets cringe at the sound of the



Impossible G.R.'s massive loads of homework problems, and hours of E.l. and just some of the

things thot instantly come to mind. Despite the adverse reactions the topic, each codet is required to take o three in Physics: Classical course sequence Mechanics Electricity and Magnetism, ond Modern Physics. Those who claim to be, physics majors odd around 11 more courses to the standard load.

Although it may hove o bod reputation, physics is truly the most basic of the basic sciences. All other science yes, even

biology to a certain extent consists

Physics of various applications of basic physical

principles. Chemists may hate to admit it, but oil that they are doing is applying physics at the molecular level. At least physics hos the class to haze upperclassmen rather than doolies... Seriously, though, it was o good year physics deportment (although some physics majors might tell you otherwise). With so many of its for the

members whisked upstoris to work for the Deon Col. May, Maj. Schrock, ond

Copt. Tollefson, the department has been regrouping just o little, but should recover just os long as a supply of personol computers is available.

From Row Moj Rolf C Enger, Moj. John C. Soriders, Moj. Al Greenwood, Maj. Richard E. Swanson, Lr. Col. David Evans, Maj. Carl R. Scheerer, Maj. Thomas Tascione, Middle Row: Capr. Philip Gronserh, Capr. Delores Knipp, Copt. Jerry Home, Maj. Thomas Gist, cjpat. Joseph Maj Raymond H Bloomer Moj. Wayne R. Sreinbach. Scott Capt Dave Lewis Maj David Neumann, Capr. Gary Lorenzen, Capr. Mark D. Stephen, Capt. Michael L. Crawford, Capt. Bill W. Mullins, Copt. Robert K. McNeal Back John Ruble. Row: B. Chris Ken R K. Westbrook, Maj. Capt. Olinger, Capt. Zeringue, Maj. Lee W. Schrock, Capr. Joseph Bassi, Capr Douglas Beoson Capt. Dale Donald Erbschloe, Maj. Armen E. Mardiguan, Maj. Larry Freeman, Capt. Frank Eng, Copt. Walter L. Atchison, Capr Steve R. Snyder, Capt. Mark V. Tollefson, Capt.

Copt. Gernot S. Pomrenke.


Behind the Scenes Movers:

DFSEA (Directorate of Audiovisual)




Seated: Mr. James Rodgers, Chief, TV Division, Lr. Col. Bruford Doyle, Director, Audiovisual Services, Mr. William Redding, Chief, Graphics Divisions, Mr. Renny Srrackany, Chief, Training Devices Division Standing: Mr. Ronald Hall, Chief, Audiovisual Support Division, MSgf Wilma Belvin, Chief, Production/Quolity Control Division, TSgr Michael Carter, chief Photo Division, SSgt Linda Boll, Chief, Instructional Technology Division, ond Mr. Don Perry, Chief, Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory.



Eric Olson








Directorate of Audiovisual SerDF5EA, led by Lt. Col. Druford Doyle, is composed of o highly skilled pool of nearly eighty enlisted members and civilians. At first glance, DF5EA doesn't appear to be very involved in cadet activities. As a support unit, DFSEA works behind the scenes, helping all Academy organizaitons meet their missions. But, although DFSEA doesn't respond solely to the educotionol need of The



cadets, DFSEA does do a lot for cadets. think of the audiovisual aids that your

overhead transparencies in Physics, the slide/tope presentation in History, and the films and videotapes in Military Training ore instructors




brought to you courtesy of DFSEA.



transparencies shown them




Graphics ship


the or

your instructor how to moke in the self help lobs. The

slide/rope presentation and the equipment to use it were obtained ond mainrained in the Support shop. Videotopes ore produced in the TV Division ond routed to your classroom by the TV Distribution Center. Engineering students get first-hand experience with one of DFSEAs largest divisions: Training Devices. As cadets work out the details of their engineering pro-

side-by-side with the Training Devices. And,

jeers, they




while the


Division takes

photos all over the Academy, some of their finest work involves publicizing cadet activities.

The posters ond recruiting material that got you interested in the Academy, the float in the Parade of the rockies, Blue Tube shows, ond so much


were produced by or with the help of DFSEA people. So, although all cadets moy not get personally involved with the activities in


DFSEA, DFSEA touches oil coders. The effects of the Directorate of Audiovisual Services ore felt Acodemy-wide. DFSEA moves behind the scenes, not always visible but always getting the job done.


Cadet Library

The Friendly Staff


A Quiet Place to Study..

(or sleep!)




27th Academy Assembly Complexities obound in almost all internarional interactions, and no less so os close countries between geographically, culturally ond historically os Canada and the United States. ''Canada and the United States” was the subject investigated by 120 cadet and civilian institution student delegates from both countries at the 27th annual Academy Assembly in March. Convened each year under the aegis of the Department of Political Science to

that represent real and potential points of contention between the long-time allies. The international system is continually changing—do both countries same perspective about particular phenomena? Countries are grow-

share the

ing share

interdependent—do we equally the risks as well as the


benefits that follow? Conclusions are difficult although the Academy




discuss different topics of importance to American policy makers, the Academy

recommended an increased sensitivity of each side to the needs and priorities of the other, as well as increased con-

Assembly draws

sultations about policies that affect both

on experts in a particualr field from government, academy and professional groups to draw conclu-

make recommendations. and Under the overall cadet leadership of C1C Greg Dell, the Assembly sponsored a series of panels that discussed topics


More than 120 college students ond coders from the U S. ond Canada participated in the 27rh

held in March, included students from more than 70 colleges ond universities.





of each other's goals ond values. Above all, the participants realized that the closeness of current awareness

relations should not gloss over concerns that merit serious attention.

Academy Assembly to discuss U.S.-Conodion relations. The conference,

Director of Academy Assembly and Staff: C1C Greg Dell, C1C Joy Warwick, C1C Scott Neumann, C1C Dob Cummings, C1C Georgia Collins, C1C Sherri Sims, C1C Tom Connelly, C1C Maurice Grosso, C1C Ed Nogler, C1C Elise Vonder Venner, C1C Wendy Link, C1C Rob Sedermon, C1C Ron Rotton


Counseling Center Do






familiar? You hove a 2.5 GPA ond need 2.6 to get into graduate school. You hove 1.8 MPA ond need a 2.0 to stay at the Academy. You are storting a relotionship and wont to ovoid post mistakes. These and many others ore oil areas that the Cadet Counseling Center o

con help effectively.





the Center, located on the second floor of Vondenberg Hall, offers o wide variety of services to oil cadets. For ex-

ample, your first ride in T-41 ended with on oir-sickness bog. Now you ore nervous about the second ride. Don't just sit there and worry about it! The Counsel

ing Center staff provides stress managment






typical stressors such os test taking or moth anxiety. Give them a try.

This post summer the Flight Specialist program wos developed, taught to DCT cadre ond commanders and put into practice for both BCT periods by the Counseling Center staff. Flight Specialists trained and counseled basics with on

emphasis on positive motivation along increased performance. The Positive Motivation Model (PMM) produced such rewording results for both with

codre and basics that the entire wing will eventually be fought the PMM skills. If you



yet convinced that

visit to the

Counseling Center con be worth our while, here is another reason. Their help may save your own or o frined's life. Do you know someone who con't seem to get o handle on their weekend drinking? How do you let him

know, as a friend, that he needs to step bock and take o look ot his drinking habits? What do you soy to someone who is so depressed that they may be

desperate? The Counseling Center staff helps you find answers to these types of questions. The Counseling Center is worth your time, even if you ore only looking for o little "synthetic silence” in their sound proof listening booths.


Foreign Exchange Trips

C1C Jeff Siegol enjoying himself on the Japanese exchange. C1C Keith Pond inspecting Saudi aircraft on Saudi Arabian exchange.

C1C Brian K. Shelly on the East German border with a German companion. C1C Shelly parficipared in the German Exchange.


Exchange photo Parachute Training: C1C George Pope, C1C Dan Bridges, C1C Deborah Charron, C1C E. Griff Vinton, C1C Dan Bader, Copt. Pandy James (French Exchange Officer stationed at French Academy) -

Looking back ...

and Ahead. Adopted from the Falcon Flyer.

The man who quides the Academy's faculty sow o year of progress for the

academic program. "Our fundamental approach of o boradly based core curriculum for oil cadets has served us well and will not change.'' explained Brig. Gen. Ervin J. Rokke, dean of faculty. "But that doesn't mean we stand still. The body of knowledge associated with every academic discipline we teach changes continually. Those changes are reflected in the content of our courses,



teaching ond learning tools ore chnging




enable to




with every other cadet microcomputer os well os with the faculty microcomputers

and the

Academy's large mainframe systems. Once completed, the MID project will give cadets a computer capability unsurpassed by any other college or university in the notion. But microcomputers weren't the only thing new in the academic arena. A computer


revised cadet Schedule of Colls was im-

Academy took o new direction January 1984 when the faculty received the first

plemented in the fall semester ond it has provided numerous benefits to both the cadets ond the Academy staff "Common exam” periods at 6:55 o.m. each day now enable instructors to od-

well. I don't hove to tell you that we live in the oge of the computer.” The integration of computers into the academic program at the Air Force






Microcomputers in the Dormitory (MID) project. While the end objective is to locate o microcomputer in each dormitory room, these first systems were infended primarily for faculty ond staff familiarization ond for development of prototype course materials. The plan to install o microcomputer in each

dormitory room is on track. What will put the Academy in o class by itself,

however, is the plan to interconnect oil of these computers through the instollotion of o local area network (LAN). This

minister the same examination to oil cadets in o course, where different exoms were previously required for cadets who hod the course on different days. The faculty now has fewer exominotions to write, and cadets hove hewer days when they must prepare for multiple examinations, additional

features of this new schedule include a two-hour study period each evening, with mandatory lights-out at midnight.

“We on the faculty aim to make it even better." Planning

for rhe future



great deal of the faculty's time. An in-

delegates from across the noiton lost March. Their four-doy discussion focused U.S.-Canadian relations. There

terdeportmentol working group studied


the ovoiloble facilities in Fairchild Hall and then compared them with woht each deportment needs to fulfill its mission into the next century. The working that more than concluded group 140,000 square feet of additional floor space was needed, and they hove recommended the construction of on addition to Fairchild Hall. Programming for this addition is well underway, and, when completed, the new facility also will correct deficiencies in the commondont's area, the cadet clinic, ond the dental clinic. Other studies initiated involve the feasibility of establishing on academic endowment program here ot the Academy, development of o manpower standard for the faculty, ond possible revisions to the core curriculum. While the faculty was busy planning the future, most time was in fact spent in the more traditional pursuit of excellence in undergraduate education. Cadet enrollments in individual courses now exceed 28,100, the highest

demand for foculty ond from outside research time cadet organizations, ond the Academy received almost $864,000 in research 1984. Research topics funds during

number in Academy history. the




Beyond foculty

many conferences ond symbroaden the cadets' educotional experience. The 27th Annual Academy Assembly attracted






ranged from growing microorganisms in to videodisc applications in foreign language educaiton. Finally, space some






research assignments lost summer spondifferent sored 15 by major

organizations. Numerous




any military organization, and the faulty is no exception. Three common


permanent professors were oppointed in the summer of 1984 and six new visiting professors joined the foculty for one year tours to replace the six who deported los spring. In addition 16 officers were granted tenure in 1984. "This really is o first rote institution,” soys General Rokke. "I'm speaking not only of our academic program, but of our military training program ond our athletic program os well. All things considered, there is no undergraduate innew

stitution in the United States that I would

consider better than the United States Air Force Academy. And we on the foculty aim to moke it even better.”




WAC Schedule

Provides Test The Air Force Falcons stomped the Son Diego Aztecs in a 3416 victory in the 1984 season opener. "This was on aboveFisher DeBerry. overage gome for us,” said head coach Brain Knorr, the offensive unit ocLed by


cumulated o total of 485 yards. Knorr hod eight completions out of 10 posses for 110 yards ond 34 yards rushing, while Pot Evans, fullback, bulled for 121 yards on 23 carries. Mike Brown, 1983's notional leader in overoge-yords-per-corry, rushed 55

yards, while Jody Simmons hod 79 yards. The fourth largest opening day crowd in Academy history (36,553 fans) watched the Falcons roll to an early 17-0 lead at Falcon stadium. The 17 points came in a span of 63 seconds. With o third touchdown and o 24-0 lead, the Falcons could offord to take it eosy. By halftime the Falcons were ahead 31-10. Also sparkling in the Falcon romp, was the defensive unit giving up no yards in the entire first quarter and allowing the Aztecs only o total of 216 yards in total offense with only 16

yards rushing. Three interceptions by the Falcons proved they were ready to ploy. "We were relying on the defense to hold us up for the first few gomes until the offense got on frock, and they showed everyone that they con, if we need them,” DeBerry said. The lone highlights for the Aztecs were a 47-yard touchdown pass and o 97-yard touchdown runback of on intercepted pitch-out. But os the Academy scoreboard said, "If just doesn't matter.” This was the ninth straight win for the Falcons, breaking a four-way fie for consecutive wins. Academy fourth classman hod to go through the push-up ritual, having to do 34 before the gome was over. Quarterback Brian Knorr (6) looks to unload a pass in action against San Diego Stare. Blocking on the play is center Dave Sutton (55).

Halfback Mike Drown (3) completes a halfback option pass against San Diego State.

Halfback Jody Simmons (25) breaks away during action against San State. Simmons rushed for 79 yards and scored a touchdown.



Linebacker Terry Maki (67) leads rhe charge ar New Mexico. In on the play are linebacker Scott Curtis (64) and defensive tackle John Ziegler (74).

Halfback Greg Pshsniak (38) escapes the hands of New Mexico's tackle Tom Bradford (74). Stopping Bradford is Dave Sutton (55).



3 In WAC

The first half didn’t look good for the Folcons during the New Mexico gome, but Air Force came back in the second to romp

Lobos in a 23-9 victory ot New Mexico Stadium.

over rhe

While the Folcons offense

was sputtering, the defense was ploying well enough to keep New Mexico out of the end zone. Two field goals by New Mexico in the first half put them in the

lead 6-3. "We told the players of halftime that the whole season and possible bowl bid were on the line," said head cooch Fisher DeBerry "They mode the commitment to themselves and each other to go out and win that gome." With 10 minutes left in the third quarter, New Mexico pushed its lead to 9-3, until Falcon quarterback Bort Weiss scampered 24 yards for touchdown and a 10-9 lead. John Ziegler, defensive end, intercepted rhe boll leaving rhe Air Force on the Lobo 45. Two ploys later, halfback Mike Brown hit paydirt on a 27 yard touchdown putting the Folcons ahead 17-9. Carlos Moteos, place-kicker, helped the Falcon’s winning score by kicking two field goals of 36 and 39 yards. Other players helping out the gome were wide receivers Ken Carpenter (two catches 44 yards), and Kevin Fleming (238 yards) and tight end Hugh Brennan (3-21 yards). They accounted for seven completions and 103 passing yards. Leading the rushing attack, Pot Evans, fullback rushed 110 yards on 18 o



Air Force's defense held New Mexico to 119 177 passing. The Falcons also

rushing yards intercepted two of New

and Halfback Greg Pshsniak (38) finds a hole in rhe line in action against New Mexico.

Mexico's posses. "We proved we con ploy with some of rhe best teams in the notion.

Before this


began nobody even gave

chance to hove o winning season. We proved well as hold our own against most teams,” said







RUMBLE School records were ser September 8, 1984, when the the Acodemy Folcons ran over the Norhern Colorado Bears in a 75-7 victory or Folcon Stadium. "We weren't trying to run up the score," said Fisher DeBerry

Air Force


"We ployed well, and things just seemed to go our way." Every Falcon player in uniform ployed in the gome. The second and third teams finished the gome after the first team left the field at the beginning of the second quarter, when the Falcons were already up 17-7. Folcon school records were set for most points scored in a gome, most points scored in a half, most points scored in the first half, most yards rushed (585), best average gain per carry (.4 yards), tied the number of touchdowns scored in a game

(10) ond most consecutive wins (10). Third team quarterback Kevin Polko made the longest run of the gome. Polko romped around the end and romped 56 yards to the end zone. Quarterback Brian Knorr carried seven times for 11 yeards and three touchdowns, and threw for

another to Ken Corpenfer, while Pot Evans hod o second consecutive 100-plus yards gome with 110 yards on seven carries ond one touchdown. Leading the defense was Chris Funk with 10 tackles,- one for o loss, one sock ond one pass break-up. One Bear drive was

stopped by Terry Maki's interception. The Bears could only amass a total of 144 offensive yards because of the Falcon's defense, 47 yards rushing and 97 yards in the air. The Falcons weren't giving the Bears first downs, only eight for the Bears compared to the Falcon's 25. "I still don't know exactly how good we ore," said DeBerry. "This kind of gome con be o tremendous confidence builder. biggest ploy against the Bears, in my view, was Scott Thomas' kick-off return for 63 yards, that turned the game momentum back around to us.


Fullback Pat Evans (36) scampers for nine yards against Northern Colorado while offensive tackle Kraig Evenson (65) makes room. Evans ran for a total of 110 yards against the Bears and scored a touchdown.

Defensive guard John Ziegler (74) sacks Bear quarterback Tom Aiello.


Plocekicker Carlos Mateos (1) makes one of his four extra points against Northem Colorado. Holding the ball is Kevin Fleming .

VALIANT EFFORT The Falcons had several chances to win in rhe October 20, 1984 game against Brigham Young University at Falcon Stadium, but BYU's defense rose ro the occasion resulting in a 30-25 Falcon loss.

"They played like they were a top-ten ream," said Falcon "But we played them close, which proved to me that we can hold our own with any team in the head coach Fisher DeBerry


nation." The Falcons had dreams of repeating 1982's last-minute miracle against BYU. Their dream ended when the Air Force got rhe ball with 6:13 left in the game, but they couldn't get the ball moving. Falcons punted on the fourth down, giving BYU the ball to run out the clock. BYU was rhe nation's top passing team and their quarterback, Robbie Boscoe showed why. He threw for 484 yards and four touchdowns, doing most of his passing outside the pocket,

mainly because of the pressure from rhe Falcon defense line. One of the main aspects of the game were third-down conversions. The Falcons converted seven of 14, while BYU converted nine of 13. "This was a great

college football gome," said DeBerry. "I'm very proud of our kids' efforts. We had a chance to win,

but just come up short." Pot Evans, Falcon fullback, led the team on rhe ground, picking up 104 yards on 20 carries, while quarterback Bart Weiss

completed six posses out of 10 attempts for 155 yards, with touchdown throw of 57 yards to wide receiver Kevin Fleming Fleming took the boll away from BYU defense and



raced info the endzone. However, BYU's defense held the Falcons to just 194 yards on the ground, more than 100 yards under its notion-leading overage. The Falcon rushing total dropped them out of the top spot, but they still ranked third with on average of 320.6 yords-per-gome. Linebacker Mike Chandler (60) gets ro BYU's quarterback Bobbie Bosco despite the efforts of Cougar's tackle Dave Wright (78).

Fullback Johnny Smith (37) finds his way through the BYU line for five yards.

Defensive tackle Chris Funk (96) and John Ziegler (on ground) puts the final stop to o Cougar runner.


FALCONS FLY Notre Dome may be Air Force's biggest rival, but that didn’t

stop the Air Force from crushing them in a 21-7 victory or the Notre Dome Stadium, October 16, 1984.

"Nobody in the nairon gave us a chance to win this ballgame. Nobody but the players themselves!’’ said Fisher DeBerry, Falcon head coach. This gome was played on the ground by the Falcons. They ran for 371 yard and only put the boll in the air six times. Notre Dome should hove fried the same. Out of 35 passes they only completed 12. With only a slim 14-7 lead, the Falcons mode the biggest ploy of the gome. Notre Dome fried to get a first down but 225-pound nose guard Lorry Nicklas stopped there tailback, giving Falcons the boll. Then Bort Weiss, quarterback, led the team 51 yards into the end zone for a 21-7 lead, driving any thoughts of comeback the Fighting Irish might hove hod. This victory put the Falcons at o 5-2 season record. Falcon quarterback Dart Weiss (4) penetrates a hole in the line of the Fighting Irish during the Falcons' 21-7 win over Notre Dame

Running back Jody Simmons (25) gains 28 of his 141 yards while Dave Surron (55) heads rhe way.


Leading the ground attack, halfback Jody Simmons rushed yards on 24 carries with one touchdown. At the same time, Weiss was reading the Irish defense perfectly. 141

Chris Vellanti (left) and Roger Teague (84) an extra

point against rhe Fighting Irish

arrempr block for Corlos Mateos for

OVER IRISH They were keying inside eorly in the gome, so the pirchout there,'' he soid. "In the second half they adjusted outside to stop us, and it opened the inside gome up. Everything we did seemed to work perfectly.'' "Weiss ployed the option os well os I've ever seen it ployed." DeBerry said. "Jody hod on outstanding gome, and he is becoming one of our big-ploy people. Anytime he has wos

the ball in his hands, he could wind up in the endzone.''

Some of the leaders in the gome were; Weiss, throwing the boll 2-6 for 27 yards, running 20 rimes for 69 yards ond a touchdown.

Fullback Pot Evans ran 54 yards on 13 carries, while halfback Greg Psniak gained 35 yards on seven carries. Fullback Johnny Smith bulled for 24 yards ond a touchdown. "The lead blocker got out in front and gave us the


needed almost everytime,” DeBerry said. This could have been the best defensive game the Falcons 207 played all season. Defense held Notre Dome to we



total offense. "We were outweighed by 40 to 50 pounds per the line, but our quickness nod strength made up for it," soid DeBerry. The following gome would be the lost Falcon home gome. "It will be our seniors home gome, ond they want to go out with o bong,” DeBerry said. "We're to beat in Falcon man on

though Stadium. We will be ready for this one. Really ready.”

Halfback Greg Pshsniok (28) finds room in the Irish defense.

Safety Scott Thomas (29) ond Terry Maki (67) put the stop on Notre Dome's Alon Pinkert The Falcons' held Pinkett to 76 yards and no touchdowns.

Defensive tackle John Ziegler 974) gives the sign of the "clow'' after socking Notre Dome's quarterback Scott Grooms. In on the play was defensive end Tim

Dekuyter (59).


FALCONS ROLL RAMS The Falcons put their two-game losing streak to o quick holt in the September

29, 1984 s gome in front of o homecoming crowd of 27,606 or Falcon Stadium. Air Force extended its unbeaten record in Falcon Stadium to


gomes in o 52-10 victory over Colorado Store University. Falcon's defense was sparkling, forcing seven turnovers.

Taking advantage

of CSU's mistakes, the Falcons turned four of the turnovers to points. The third longest runback in Academy history was mode or this gome when Falcon cornerbock Tom Rorello ran bock 76 yards on one the two CSU posses he picked off. Cornerbock Dwon Wilson added o pass theft and forced o fumble to be recovered by Falcon linebocker Terry Moki Another interception and fumble recovery were mode by safety Steve Sigler, while safety Scott Thomas odded o fumble recovery. "The hitting out there was trememdous," said defensive tackle Chris Funk .


One example of the hitting was when the CSU quarterback was knocked out of the gome with o concussion when Falcon A.J. Scott hit him with o blindside tackle. Falcons led of halftime 24-0, with second string quarterback Bart Weiss leading the teom. He was 8-13 for 112 yards and rushed for 20 more. Leading

the ream in rushing was Pot Evans, fullback, with 94 yards on 20 carries. Jody Simmons was another offense leader. He gained 93 yards on nine corries, plus two touchdowns on runs of 41 ond 29 yards. The offense romped for 417 yords in total offense, 304 on the ground. The defense held CSU to 317 yords, only 124 rushing.

Only having to punt four times, Mark Simon overoged 49 yords per kick. "The kicking gome was excellent, os usual,” said head cooch Fisher DeBerry "We hod 156 yords in returns to their two. Our kickers ore some of the best in .

the notion.” "We ployed

extremely well, the best 60 minutes of foorboll so far this

season," DeBerry said.

Falcon quarterback Bort Weiss (4) leads the Falcons to o 52-10 win over Colorodo State.

Quarterback Bort Weiss (4) gets owoy o pass during action against the Roms. Weiss completed eight of 13 for 112 yords ond a touchdown. Blocking for Weiss is Jody Simmons (25) ond Greg Pshsniok (28).

Folocn A.J. Scott (18) helps bring down Colorado State’s


right end Harper Lepel

NAVY SINKS The defense for rhe Commonder-in-Chief's

frophy opened in October 6,

1984's gome

when rhe Air Force bottled against Navy The Falcons won 29-22 or Falcon Stadium.

Novy suprised Air Force by scoring in the first

14 seconds of the gome.

The game-

kick-pff resulted in a 97-yard touchdown. Coming right bock to tie the score, quarterback Dart Weiss mode a fouryard run around the end to score, after the Falcons hod a 85-yard drive. After o pitch-out by Weiss, holfbock Jody Simmons scored on a 29-yard run, putting rhe

The second half started our better for rhe Falcons. Before 20 seconds hod passed, cornerbock Tom Rorell ran rhe kick-off bock 49

yards where fullback Pat Evans romped 36 yards to score on rhe second play. This put rhe Falcons ahead 21-13.


Falcons in the lead for the first time. Before

holftime, Navy mode two fieldgols, leaving rhe score 14-13 still in Air Force's favor.

It wasn't over yet. The middies come bock

get rhe lead by scoring o field goal and touchdown from o pass interception. After being held back by Navy's defense well into rhe third quarter and being forced to punt, Falcons recovered the boll on o Navy fumble. Evans scored his second touchdown of rhe game on a one-yard to

plunge, putting rhe Air Force ahead by five points. To moke the final score, Weiss kept

Fullback Par Evans (36) avoids the outstretched hands of Navy defender Kent Van Horn (73). Air Force went on to win 29-22.

again for rhe two-point conversion. The Falcon's defense wouldn't allow rhe cross mid-field for rhe remainder of the game, while Falcon offense kept the boll for 10:47 of the fourth quarter. Eight minutes of the clock were ore up when Weiss found wide-receiver open and threw him a middies to

16-yard pass. Carpenter's cotch kept a long drive olive. "Ken is o clutch receiver,'' said head coach Fisher DeBerry "He was there when we needed him the most." The Falcons won half the bottle to the Commonder-in-Chief's trophy. The next half of the bottle would be against Army in a few weeks. .

Fullback Pot Evans (36) continued to penetrate Navy's line while left guard Fred Duttrell keeps the middies linebacker Mike Taylor

(62) away.

Defensive tackle Chris Funk (96 left) and Tim Deruyter (55) colaborate to down a

Defensive guard John Ziegler (74) tackles Navy quarterback Dill Dyrne (15). Helping on the play is defensive tackle Chris Funk (96).


Navy receiver.

ARMY UPSETS FALCONS The first half looked good for the Folcons to keep the Commander-inChief's trophy for the third straight year. The second half the Air Force let it slip through their hands by losing to Army 24-12 ot Michie Stadium, November 3,

1984. The gome started with a mini disaster for the Falcons. On the first ploy, Army's

defense socked the Falcon boll carrier in the end zone for a safety ond a 2-0 lead. Army then mode o field goal by Corlos Motoes ond o touchdown by wide receiver Eric Phorris Pharris caught the 39-yard pass from Dart Weiss who .

threw three

straight completions after unlimbering his passing arm. The Falcons then drove the score up 12-5 when Motoes mode another field goal. Things looked good for the to

Falcons for the first half even though Army's defense hod held them bock to only 78 yards in total offense. Things went downhill in the second half. Army picked up on the Falcon's mistakes ond turned them into points. Air Force turned the boll over on four of its first five possissions, lost three fumbles

and a pass interception.

"Our defense ployed o good gome,"

Fullback Par Evans (06) rakes a handoff from quorrerback Barr Weiss

upser rhe Falcons 24-12.

said head coach Fisher DeBerry. "The defense kept Army out of the end zone the whole gome, with the exception of the




But when you

turn the boll over that many times in the

second half to a team os good os Army, I don't know of any woy to win. Their

kicking gome was outstanding. Our's wasn't, that's what won the gome.” Folcons did ploy o good passing gome. The quarterbacks threw for 231 yards. Army's passing attack netted just 23 yards, but its wishbone attack gained 245 yards on the ground to just 150 for the Folcons.

(4) in aciron againsr Army. The Black Knighrs

Falcon cornerback Mike Toliver (43) goes up high in an arrempr ro inrercepr a pass

againsr Army.

Fullback Par Evans (36) goes up rhe middle afrer raking a handoff from quorrerback Barr Weiss (4). Evans 39 on six carries againsr

gained Army.




CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: The final scoreboard or the Independence Bowl tells story—Air Force 23, Virginia Tech 7—giving the Air Force its third consecutive bowl gome win. A Falcon defenseman puts the stop to Virginia Tech's the

tailback, Eddie Hunter (45). Fullback Pot Evans (36) gains 13 yards against Virginia Tech in the 1984 Independence Bowl Evans gained 58 yards on 15 carries in the .




.r rr—r


Row 1: Colemon, Brown, Moson, Fleming, Oberdiech, Scoff, Buffrell, De Ruyfer, Nicklas, Kelly, Comeron, Simmons, Mofeos Row 2: Krukonis (MGR), Glifyke, Kiofoulis, Evenson, Weiss, Melcher, Rouse, Rofferfy, Funk, Bryonf, Willioms, Piffmon, Pshsnychniok, Streefer (MGR), Peffers (MGR) Row 3: Sforfs, Hawkins, Tomjock, Jeffcoar, Manion, Phorris, Knorr, Jones, Thomas, Vellonfi, Vernon, Browning, Evans, Brezinsky Row 4: Toliver, Porisi, Munogo, Rofello, Tarum, Kronenberger, Rorhsock, Honkomes, Kubes, Shufack, Soelens, Heiby, Simon, Weqrhers, Boyd Row 5: Allen, Molockowski, Duhovic, Donohue, Polko, Kinomon, Moki, Gorcio, Corpenfer, Sigler, Wilson, Colrk, Chandler, Wilson, Monson Row 6: Ruby, De Ruyfer, Cunninghom, Toughmon, Hendrekson, Sfoll, Howell, Spewock, Findoll, Forserh, Fine, Shwedo, Velren, Suffon, Glick Row 7: Teogue R, Jose, Ziegler, Curris, Schive, James, Brennan, Hellen, Guffromson, Sunderland, Donohue, Pickering, Morfin, Jones, Haines, Teogue J Row 8: Rucker, Grobe, McCombs, Sfeinmork, Conboy, Brown, Miller, De Berry, Russ, Broley, Gould, Bowman, Johnson, Weofherbie, Engo, Noblirr, Ellis

FOOTBALL The Falcons continued their pwerful ground atrock and defeated Virginia Tech 23-7 in the Independence Bowl, giving Air Force its third-straight bowl victory and on 8-4 record. The Falcons were the notion's second top rushing ream with 326.5 yeords per game. Air Force was also ranked among the national leaders with on overage of 426.5 yards per gome in total offense ond 31.5 points per gome in scoring. The Falcons defeated Novy for the third-straight year ond also scored its third-stroight victory over Notre Dome. Defensive tackle Chris Funk was selected WAC co-player of the year. —


Soccer Finishes 10-5-4

Lex Drockington, Shea Long, Dereck Toney, Tim Williams Bock Row: Tom Gilster, Juon Pena, Pot McKenna, Sung Cho, Kenny Korpack, Jeff Jacobs, Larry Friend, Dave Weintrab, Steve Jazoi, Helmut Derrs, Ken Sullivan, Row: Kim Schiller, Ted McDougal, Lou Sagasrine, Ron Graves, Sean Wright, Dale Bennett, Dennis Ryan, Bernie Nuno Greg Schiller, Paul Nowatry, Paul Olafson, Jack Casey, Capr. Steve Daniek, Capt.

"This team has






potential to become national contenders than any





Academy," said


Players not Everything


Sagastume prior to the 1984 varsity soccer season. The 1984 Falcons were characterized as confident, poised, strong, and very experienced as could be by thier five juniors. Their 10-5-4 record was a bit of a disappointment to have easily many, but the season had many highlights. The four ties could been wins as the Falcons lead nationally ranked teams such as the University of San Francisco, North Texas State, Eastern lllnois, and Southern lllnois. Air Force seen

bear Army and Navy for the second year in a row, and continued their seem-

ingly endless domination of Colorado College with a 3-0 victory. The ream will miss senior defenders Dale Bennett, Ron Graves, and Greg Schiller, midfielders

In 1979 the Academy started a new era on the soccer fields.

The Academy had decided to hire its first full-time civilian soccer coach, Louis Sagastume, a chrismaric young coach with impec-

cable credentials and a proven track record. With a heady goal of going for a national championship, Sagastume took the Academy's soccer reins. Soft-spoken, cheerful, gentle of manner, those bright, dark eyes nevertheless projected on intensity

Larry Friend and Tim Williams, and most of whom will go on to play for the USAF team in 1985. Larry Friend summed up the season by saying, "The

ond determination. At the oge of 12 years coach Sagastume started his American

games were great, the parties were better, and the friendships unforgettable."

soccer carrer with club competition in the

Bay-area. Sagastume

excelled in club play, and eventually moved on to the University of Son Francisco varsity. He earned All-American honors as the Dons' ploy-making inside forward and was captain of the 1966 notional championship team the first time a far west school had gone all the way. -

The Oakland Clippers of the North American Soccer League had taken notice, and made Sagastume their number-one draft pick the first time the Clippers had drafted an American citizen. -

Success was immediate, but frustration would not be far behind.

Playing time for a rookie was limited, and Sagastume became increasingly impatient. Soon Sagastume's involvement with soccer had found a new direction.

"I was beginning to realize that my success in soccer would be os coach, not a player.'' said Sagastume. Sagastume became a Spanish teacher and soccer coach at San Francisco's St. Ignotuis High School, and once again the success was immediate. St. Ignatuis won there city championships and placed second four times during Sagastume's seven year tenure. He built the program from the ground up, and soccer soon was established as a major varsity sport. A few years post by in which Sagastume took on different

positions in the soccer world before looking at the head coach position at the Academy. ”l came out just to look at the place, and I was impressed. The facilities were unbelievable. Football always had been king wherever I had gone, ond I always had to shore o field with the football ream. Here, there were enough facilities that I wouldn't have to directly complete with them. I hod wanted to coach at a Division 1 school, and this was a great opportunity. When the job was offered, I accepted ”


Co-coproin Lorry Friend uses those "magic feet” to beat a Navy defender.



Sogastume arrived in 1979, intent on building a national soccer powerhouse. The surprise was not o pleasant one. The Academy indeed supported Sagastume's soccer program, but footboll still was king. Soccer remained o major sport. Major or minor, athletics ore secondary to academics and the development of future Air Force officers. Soccer players first must be cadets. Soccer players must meet oil of the Academy's rigid odmissions standards, and all cadets must carry full loads of academic courses and military studies. The overage coder might carry twice the NCAA's minimum course load for varsity eligibility, and seemingly his every move will be governed by

military discipline. "This is probably the biggest challenge of my life,” Sogastume said, leaving his office for the practice field. "The Academy, with its academic and military standards, is one of the toughest places in the country to coach. If I ever get close to or win a notional championship with all those factors to overcome, it will be the greatest satisfaction of my


(A revised article of Karl Licis in the Sept 13,1984 cover seciton of the Gazette Telegraph revised by Gory Burg) -

Sweeper Sean Wright skys to win a head ball against West Point. Co-captains (left to right) Jeff Jacobs, Lorry Friend G senior Tim Williams look on.

Team MVP Roi

/ 264

Co-captions Dale Dennett (24) and Lorry Friend (center) with freshman starter "Nerf" Toney Smut down a Navy attack


Striker Ken beats an defender.





Friend threads a pass to midfielder Denny



/ 265


Mike Sowell, '85, provided some of the senior leadership for the Falcons this


Micky Testa, '87, the Cross Country Team's most valuable player paces the Falcons with another fine performance. Bert Morale, '85, works hard to pass on opponent on the

way to another strong finish.

BACK ROW: Coach Trego, C2C Joe Martin, C2C David Zabalowi, C4C Tyler Often, C4C Brian Klink, C3C Bruce O'Cain, C3C Blaine Holman, C2C Dave Carpenter, C1C Gerry Brown, C1C Mike Sowell, C4C Doug Seagraves, C4C Dave Hill, C3C Bert Morale, C2C Rex Gibson, C1C Ivan McKnight FRONT

The men's cross country team MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY finished seventh in the Western Athletic conference. The Falcons took second place in the Cornhusker Invitational at —

ROW: C1C John Wright, C4C Clarence Johnson, C2C Vinscent Savino, C3C

Micky Testa, C1C Tim Connell, C4C Alan Anzai, C2C Frank Rossi, C4C Doug


Lincoln, Neb., and finished fourth at Austin in the Texas Invitational.

Top runners during the year were senior John Wright, junior Joe Martin and sophomore Micky Testa.



Men’s Golf


Hall sinks a purr on rhe beautiful Eisenhower Golf Course. Below: Ed Givens fees off on another long drive.


John McDevitt on #6 dur-








Craig Holl

f 270


Top Row: Todd Sterns (Manager), John McDevitt Ed Givens, Glen Wiggy, Scott Bishop, Dove Wright, Von Gardner, Jeff Cliott, Copt. Vic Summers (Cooch) Middle Row: Bill Nelson, Joe Aldrion, Chris Palmer, Alex Gilbert, Larry Hoffman, Steve Cooper Bottom Row: Scott Krause, Eric Oisrad, Judd McGolhn, Craig Hall, Som Powell, Ricky Senn, Curtis Culver Perhaps the highlight of the year was senior Judd McGlohn's accomplishments. He finished second in the Tucker Invitational, third in the Falcon Invitational, and first in the WAC Championships. The WAC coaches voted him first Team All-WAC and WAC player of the yeor.

Judd McGlohn/Team Co-captain, 1985 WAC Cohmpion and WAC player of the year, compered in the 1985 NCAA championships. Judd also mode WAC 1st team honors." The Air Force Academy Men's Golf Team finished up their -

season with o fifth

place in the WAC; their highest ever. That

finish helped culminate o very successful yeor. They finished 9-0-1 for the yeor in dual match competition; the fie wos in

competition with Wyoming. Air Force lost the Rocky Moun-


fain Intercollegiate Golf Association Championship (13 teams from the Rocky Mountain Region) by one shot to the University of Colorado. The championship involved the total strokes from four 36-hole tournaments. "To lose by one shot wos very disappointing," said Cooch Vic Summers. "That's 576 holes of golf, but that shows how rough the competition wos. We were always within two or three shots of Colorado University at each tournament." Judd McGlohn took the individual RMIGA Championship ond wos voted to the AllRMIGA Team along with senior Croig Hall ond junior Sonford Balkan. In individual competition, seniors Croig Holl and Judd McGlohn placed ninth out of 26 teams or the Bluebonnet Bowl in Houston, Texas.


C2C Pollyonna Paddon demonstrates her chip shot.

A nice follow through by C2C Liso Logon

Team Captain: C1C Georgio Collins, practicing her putting ot the Academy's Eisenhower Golf Course.



Front Left: C2C Pollyonno Poddin, C3C Juli Joyce, C2C Vero Tu, C3C Teri Alesch Top Left: Copt. Court Bohn, Asstont Cooch, C2C Liso Logon, C4C Solly Doherty, Moj. Jon Stevens, Heod cooch, C1C Georgio Collins, C4C Beth Schissell, C4C Molly Quillin

Women's Golf: The Lody Folcons hod one of rheir most suecessful seosons ever, finishing 7th in NCAA Division II tion.


competiThey were undefeated in dual matches, and won their major college tournament, the 1984 Labor Day Lady

Falcon Invitational.

C2C Vera Tu was the 1984-85 women's golf MVP. She was one of the fop two positions in 12 of the team's 14 matches.

C1C Georgia Collins served as the women's team captain both this year and her second class year.


Front Row: C4C Abrigo, C3C LeGrond, Middle Row: C4C Dinger, C4C Tilley, C4C Hickox, C1C Moloney, C1C Anderson, C2C Crosby, C4C Drown, C4C MeColferty, C4C Duchonom, C4C Whinnery, Dock Row: Copt. Hogue, C4C Livesey, C3C Palmer, C2C Veldhuizen, C1C Hure, C2C Drown, C3C Hancock, C4C Chosen, C2C Harris, C1C Pickrell, (team captain), C4C Roh, Copt Heidmous (coach).

Despite its 10-12 mark, the polo team finished the season ranked 14 nationally. Highlighting the season was winning the Falcon Invitational and finishing second at the Midwestern Championships in Indianapolis, Ind.

C2C Frank Veldhuizen takes o shot

against Pepperdine.




Don Hancock, '87 (in white) stops UC-Davis player.

Coaches Jeff Heidmous and Jim Hogue talk strodegy during o rime out.

■HMHHiBni Fronk Veldhuizen, '86 mokes o ploy for the boll.

Goalie Tim Harris, '86 blocks against California-Berkley, the NCAA cham-


Air Force stocks it up in o gome against the NCAA champions California-Berkley.


Volleyball Rate 18th Nationally

Dock Row: Maj. Steve Orrison, Copt. Phill Piontek, C4C Reighn, C3C Ollig, C4C Coughlin, C3C Schlonge, C3C Hong, C1C Curtright, C3C Gorrowoy, Copt. Dill Peer, SSgr. Kristy Sims Front Row: Lr. Cheryl Roberson, C2C Martin, C4C Roberts, C3C Dare, C3C Heller, C4C Kimball, C4C Lovejoy

With a 33-16 record, the Women's Volleyball women's volleyball team won the Continental Divide Confrerence and was ranked 18th nationally in the NCAA Division II poll. Junior Barb Martin and sophomores Stacy Schlonge and Lisa Gorrowoy were selected to the 12 member all conference team. —



C3C Pom Houg digs o boll in o pre-gome drill


C3C Houg and C4C Coughlin go up for the block os teammate C3C on.

C3C Gorrowoy dinks the boll os teammates Houg, Martin, Heller, and

Schlange looks

C2C Dorb Martin bock sets to C3C Linda


Ollig cover.




I A winning vault by Tim Mills

Flying through the air in perfect form is Rick Dell Tim Mills shows perfect style in floor exercise.

1984-85 MVP and ream caprain Keith Morgan broke the Falcon Pommel horse overage score record.

C2C Pick Dell doing donble leg circles,

Top Row: Mqj. C. Kennedy, Lf. Col. Burkel, J. Mood, J. Kress, J. Watkins, P. Lobue, M. Scorono, M. Lawless, Moj. D. Ramsey, Middle Row P Stone F Shines P Kearney, R. Bell, C. Righrmer, K. Morgan, Andy Gorbonden, S. Gustafson, T. Mills, R. Trussel, Copt. T. O'Connell Bottom Row P Trinidad B Jonosen T Tovlor C .

Blackwell, K. McClure, J. Monroe


Men's Gymnastics The Falcon men gymnasfs ended their season with an 8-6 record. They were third in the Western —

Athletic Conference Invitational, scoring a high of 260.85. Junior Tim Mills turned in the best performance for the Falcons on the vault with o 9.4 score, good for o second-place tie. Team co-captain, C1C Keith Morgan mokes an iron cross look season




Top Row: Copt. Lompright, (Asst, coach), Cheryl Bofzong, (Heod coach), Karolen Fohrni, (Team captain), Vicki Rojas, Malia Bell, Stephanie Pfeil, Linda Rayl, (Team Manager). Bottom Row: Julie Northgraves, Heidi Steffan, Nichelle Tafoya, Cynthia Tallmadge, Marci McGlinn, Terri Coccia

Under The direction of o new Heod coach, Cheryl Borzong, the Women's Gymnastics team hod o fantastic season. The team finished 8th in Division II Notional standings and bettered 14 out of 20 school records. The Falcons were led by teom captain Korolen Fohrni who turned in a career best of 34.8 all around. Senior Morci McGlinn captured the Division II National Vaulting Cham-

Morci on the beam showing great poise.

pionship for the second time. Cynthia Tallmadge placed second



bars at Nationals and fifth in all around,

scoring o 35.00. Both gymnasts received All American status for the season's performances.



C1C Cynrhia Tolmoge demonstrates flexibility and grace


during her floor

C3C Vicki Rojos show great balance and poise.

C3C Milio

u°ss of




19Q$ Morci

1 /2


second notional NCAA


/ 283


Touche! C3C Carolyn Moore scores while her excited

(?) teammates watch.

Men's fencing Sporting a 15-1 record, the men's fencing team placed second in the Western regionols and finished 24th in the NCAA finals Three fencers qualified for the noitonols senior Irv Scheets mode the NCAAs in foil for the third year with a 66-7 record; senior Chris Ferry with a 50-19 record in epee and freshman Tom Guerro, with o record of 52-19 in foil. Women's Fencing This wos the first year that USAFA women fencers advanced to the NCAA norionols. Sophomore Carolyn Moore ond junior Sally Anschuetz were those first cadets. Moore, who has been fencing only two hod o season record of 59-20 in foil while Anschuetz hod o years, 65-15 record. The overall team record this year wos 13-1. —




tv\ary Hynaman, CuC Carolyn Moore C2C Chrissy Second Row: C3C Beth Rockman, C2C Solly Anschuetz C3C Michele Gincher, C3C Sueling Cho Bock Row: Maj. Walt Avilo C3C MichH^ Morris, Master Ed Richards, Coach Tom Worsdale


Junior Varsity Front Row: Maj. Walter Avila, C3C Dave Nardi, C1C Irv Scheets, C3C Dennis

Moore, C4C Pete Pochard, C1C Todd Martin Second Row: C1C Arnie Farbarik, C2C Hugh Stevens, C3C Dob Madril, C4C Tommy Guerra, C3C Den Rodarte, C1C Josh Jose, C1C Steve Visel Third Row: C2C Pete Dompton, C3C Phil Edwards, C3C Don O Connel, C1C Neil Dillings, C3C Paul Coltagirone, C1C Chris Ferry Fourth Row: Master Ed Richards, Coach Tom Worsdale, C3C Rafael Denirez, C2C Darren Neal, C3C Ross McNutt, C2C George Chandler, C3C James Hathaway .




Junior Varsity Front Row: Maj. Walt Avila, C3C Sue Kesler, C4C Rose King, C3C Kym Johnson, C4C Debbie Sells, C4C Heidi Doelfs, C4C Dee Merealf Second Row: C4C Dob Taylor, C4C Jay Wood, C4C Lawrence Otto, C4C Ken Turpen, C4C John Haghes, C4C Rob Redanz Third Row: C4C Eric Sakae, C4C George Ireland, C4C Chris Hauth, C4C Shayn Hawthorne, C3C Dave Pendergroft Fourth Row: C4C Todd Hensley, C4C Randy Ripley, C4C Al Duff, C4C Pete Grindle, C4C Mark Doss Dock Row: Coach Dill Lindsay, Master Ed Richards, Coach Tom Worsdale .




Hockey Finishes Strong MVP Frank Daldine rakes the puck to the net unassisted.

C1C Dill Andersen checks a Forest opponent C4C Jeff Verville the loose picks up puck. Lake where

Don Johnson ond Tom Zuccoro ream coproins




Frank Daldine wins the face off from a Lake Forest opponent.

Ice Hockey The Falcons finished the season with eight-straight wins to end with o .500 mark and o 14-14-1 record. Junior Frank Doldine was the —

top scorer with 28 goals and 16 assists for 44 points. This marks the thirdstraight season he has led the falcons in scoring. Top Row: James Alexander, Tom Hogon, Brad Lloyd, Ron Billiett, Joe Clark, Drex Kleber, Hoi McAlduff, Mike Mason, Don Dirrenkott, Bob Schaller, Jock Sundsrrom Middle Row: CMSgt. Bill Reed, Trainer, John Marchefrs, Headcoach, Ron Lobedz, Manager, Phil Gronseth, Asst. J.V. Coach, Levi Cor-

dovo, Equipment Manager, Copt. Stephen Jenozejec, Team doctor, Glenn Lotulipe, Len DeFozio, Chris Burke, Jim Brunkow, Keith Nightingale, Tom Zuponcich, Joe Chapman, Brian Roduenz, Jeff Verville, Mark Buck, Chuck Delich, Asst. Coach, Bob 5ullivan, Asst. Coach, Jordy Bowman, Asst. Coach. Sitting: Mott Crandall, Don Korhonski, Russ Quinn, Don Johnson, Joy Duchorme, Neil Jauve, Tim Hortje, John Klimek, T.J. O'Shonghnessy Kneeling: Bill Andersen, Charlie Morrison, Jim Andersen .


Basketball Under new head coach Reggie Minron, the Men's Basketball Falcons posted on overall 8-20 record and o 2-14 Western Athletic Conference mark. The season highlights included victories over Wyoming ond Hawaii and a WAC tourney win over Brigham Young. Leading the Falcons in scoring was junior Maurice McDonald with 12.6 point overage and was second in rebounding with a 4.8 overage. —

C2C Jim Gulsvig (54) and C2C Maurice MacDonald up for a rebound.

MacDonald hits another one from the corner.

/ 289

Hoopers Experience New Leadership

C1C John Jordon, this years MVP, goes over o DYU defender.

Reggie Minton 's first year as head coach of the Falcon basketball program was not as hoped at least record-wise. The new run and gun game plan was nor as effective as coach Minton had hoped but the Falcon's did manage to play almost all of their opponents close and were usually within a few points to turn their loss into a victory. Coach Minton was an assistant coach for the Falcons before heading to the East Coast to coach. After Coach Egan was releived of his head coaching duties for the Falcons the search was out for a replacement. Coach Minton was the likely choice. Having coached at the Academy previously Coach Minton could relate to his players immediately and establish a program that could fit his players abilities. The Falcon season was not without its bright spots. During the first round of the war tournement the Falcons rook it to DYU and beat the highly favored Cougars on their home court. -

Hopefully this will be an indication of next year's season -we can only hope and support our team to turn the fable on next year's outcome.

C2C Todd Deer drives to the bosket.


TOP: Mike Hammond, '88, goes up for two or the end of a fast break. FAR RIGHT: Jim Gulsvig, '86.

by a Doane College defender. RIGHT: Team captains Tim Lewis and John Jordon, both '85, led spins

the ream.



Standing: Head Coach Marti Gasser, Kelly Latimer, Cindy Stephens, mary Manning, Dawn Dunlop, Andrea Caddy, Theresa Bald, Asst. Coach Pat Swanke, Officer Rep. Karen Dunivin Sitting: Amy Hartfiled, Margaret Duffy, Raegan Roach, Kathy Benka, Marla Boggerly, Amanda Williams, Stacey Goss, Kristen Fosdick

WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Boasting a strong 20-8 overall record, the Falcons won the Conrinenral Divide Conference finishing 11-3. This is only the second rime in Academy women's basketball history a squad reached the 20-win plateau. The 1977-78 ream hod o 20-2 record. Junior Srocey Goss and senior Theresa Blad become only the third and fourth players to reach 1,000 points for rhier careers, while Blod also become the oiltime leading rebounder for the Falcons passing Pot Swanke's career total of 721 rebounds. Head coach Marti Gosser was named All-American Coach by the American Women's Sports Federation while Goss was on honorable All-West All-American selectee by the some organization. —

Mary pulling up for the short jump shot.


Stocey sfeols ond leods rhe fosrbreok for two points

Stocey Goss goes one on one ogoinst Abiliene Christian University for two points.

The Folcons get rhe rebound ogoinsr o Continentol Divide conference foe.

Mory Manning deflects o pass. The Falcons proved to be tough on defense.




Mary Manning (40) blocks a shot as Kristen Fosdick looks on. Some







women's ners

basketball championship banclutter Coder Field House and the

stands ore ore

pocked and 20-victory seasons commonplace, they'll look bock ond

point to Miami. That’s where it

happened, they'll soy.

Miami, Flo., home of sondy beaches, Don Shulo's



thousands of


hundreds Thor's where

of the

Academy moy hove soared to its greatest heights. In three days or the Miami Classic over Christmas vocation, the Falcons defeated their

biggest rival, Army (85-72),



team that ranked third in the notion or the

time, Florida Internotionol (65-52). The success at the Miami Classic proved both to themselves and the other teams that the Falcons were indeed o legitimate Notional


Collegiate II






coach Marti Gasser isn't sure which group was harder to convince.

Maybe it was the competition. "When we


was so




Internotionol everyone

surprised,'' Gasser recoiled. "It was







beating on the third-ranked ream in Divithought they were going to win by 20 points." But they didn't. And the pollsters come sion II?' Florida Internotionol


"From that day on we were ranked in the Top 20, anywhere from 12th to 16th,”

Gasser said. "And I’m sure it's because of the Miami tournament." The success in Miami hod the im-


pact on the players. who went through

They were the ones a




1983-84, Gasser’s first ct the Academy. "To be honest,” soid Gosser, one of the few civilian coaches at the them

awhile to


Academy, "it took




ond my

And although they owned o 4-2 record heading info the Miami Classic, the Falcons

conbreezed through the The Falcons received o ogoinst Northern Colorado when

practically ference score






Williams went down with an ankle injury, forcing her ouf of the lineup for four




Buf she season







second-leading scorer (10.5 points per game) and No. 2 assist woman. "Amanda did o fantastic job for us,” said

Gosser. "She penetrated well, was o great passer ond in o lot of respects she's o lot like Stacey. She has great court awareness, which is something you can't teoch.” The

point of the Falcons' CDC ogoinst Denver ond was a




73-62 loss ot Cadet Field House. "That was

tough loss for us,” Gosser said. "We were bothered by injuries ond I think the players o

mentally exhausted because of their schoolwork.” The Falcons rebounded with o pair of were

non-conference wins ond headed into series






needing just one victory in their final three league title. Just os important os the championship was o CDC gomes to clinch the berth in the NCAAs. Until the

they won again, each gome was




of the


The os




Goss (who

for the




else?) scored 32

points and senior forward Theresa Blod hod nine rebounds to pace the cadets to o 7972 victory.



ployed o big role in the conference



Folcons' all-time

Academy leader in gomes ployed (103), the 1983 CDC first-ream selection overoged 10 points ond 7.5 rebounds in 1984-85

ond finished her career os the Falcons' oiltime top rebounder (751) ond No. 3 scorer

(1,051 points). Unfortunately, Blod ended her career on o losing note. In o first-round NCAA playoff


gome, the Folcons hosted Abilene Christian before a large home crowd of 1,287 ond lost 82-61. Goss scored 19 points ond Blod hod on 11-point, 17-rebound performonce, but that wasn't enough. ——TOilFii7






loss ond

The Folcons shot just 31 percent from the field ond 45 percent from the freethrow line. In oil the Folcons missed 16 free





loyoff. The Clossic, which ran from Jon. 2-5, was the place where the tone for the upcoming Continental Divide Conference season

gome against Wisconsin-Green Boy.


"Stacy was the quarterback of our three-guord offense, so os she went, pretty

Claudio Schleyer got every one of them. A two-time All-American, Schleyer had 19 re-

much went the ream,” Gosser said of the

bounds to pace Abilene.




Gosser. "We



morning ond even-

(37), field goals (14), free throws (11) ond (11). Obviously, Goss hod o great

deal to do with the Falcons' 20-8 record in



shots we were missing."


something os o ream. "They were together for the first time off


"Our trip to Miami



key to the

season,” Gosser insisted. "There were no pressures from school ond the only thing on their minds was the team. We practiced twice o day




in the



the boskerboll court ond really clicked. It took more than o year, but I could finally

look or them ond soy, ’You're learning whot sports ore oil about.” They peaked

right then.” The Falcons lost the third gome of the tournament, although it was no fault of junior guard Stocey Goss. In the three

gomes in Miami, Goss scored 25, 25 ond 37 points, ond although only 5-foot-8, she led the team with 10 rebounds in the third


"The sod thing about the gome was that

Kansas City, Kan., native. Goss averaged 18.3 points, 3.9 steals, 5.4 assists ond 4.8 rebounds per gome. She also hod single-gome team highs for points

would be set.


it was such a big gome ond we hod one of our worst

showings of the year,” confessed were only down by about

three or halftime ond I told them we were to

be that close

despite oil the

Overall, however, the Folcons shot 45






Falcons could do. But the final acid rest was about to come. Upon returning to the

Academy, the



faced with

four gomes in five days. They won oil four,

percent from the floor, compared to just 40 for their opponents. In fact, the cadets performed




opponents in

every facer of the gome on their way to o No. 15 ranking lost season. No wonder

beating Alosko-Foirbonks ond AlaskaAnchorage both twice, with the final gome

Gosser can't wait for next season to start.

of the week


going into double overtime. Senior center Mory Manning hod o great week, three times leading the team in rebounding ond one night putting on o 21point, 11-rebound clinic. With a pair of exceptions, the cadets

"We hod seven freshmen ond I thought






Gosser, who was named top cooch in the CDC ond District 7. "Bur we hove a base now ond should be consistent over the next two or three years. I think we hove o chance to be Top 10 this coming season.”



Lr. Col. Mikki King cooches coder Jeff

Myer, '87.

The Air Force men's ream completed its season with o 13-5 record. On the way to sixth in the WAC



the Falcons set two school records. Junior Rich Sumroll placed fourth in the 100-yeard breaststroke with o 57:38 rime while the falcons were timed in 3:05.83 in the

relay, both school records.


400-yard freestyle




dWMkiUL Swim ream co-copfoins seniors Eric Deardorf and John William

C2C Jim Boegman comperes during WAC finals.


On the blocks is C2C Rich Sumroll WAC finalist in the 100 breaststroke.


Swimming MVP and WAC finalist C2C Jim Boegmon




CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE: On her way to a record in the

100-yard breast stroke is Beth Haney, '86


mie Butterfield, '88 and Nancy Fakult, '86 (far lane), off the blocks against Colorado. The 1984-85 MVP was Beth Haney, '86, who set school records in the 100 ond 200-yard breast stroke Team captain Troy Ellen Devine won the USAFA athletic leadership award for




Jeff Meyer prepares to dive.

Nurco Motchefrs, WAC finalist on the one meter board, does o forward dive 1

/2 twist.


Top: Coach Kirkland, Coach Jim Hogue, Voneve Hoskovic, Commie Butterfield, Jeon MacIntyre, Sharon Smith, Jennifer Wesfin, Tina Jurgielewicz Middle: Coach Micki Hogue, Niki DeVorey (mgr ), Beth Honey, Barbara Smith, Susan Bier, Nancy Fakulr, Michelle Papa, Troy Devine (Team Captain), Judy Hupp Bottom: Head coach Kelly Kemp, Shelley Harsh (mgr ), Jennifer Smith, Jill Mckeever, Martha McSally, Heather Moore, Blair Cribbs, Jackie Diederich. .


Top: Coach Jim Hogue, West (mgr.), Livingston (mgr). Bob Pickrell, Norm Tree, James Boegman, Rick Prior, John McGarrity, Rich Sumrall, Ron Lewandowski 2nd Row: Diving coach Micki Hogue, Trip Ashe, Joe Abel, Tony Washington, Cy Whinnery, Matt Olson, John Hickok, Joe Abrigo, Eric Deardorf (team co-capt) 3rd Row-. Alan Thurber, R.J. Bushanan, Mike Fleck, Marco Matchefts, Chris Lowe, Jeff Meyers, Dan Spires, Tim Carlson, John Williams (team co-capt.). Bottom: Head C Kelly Kemp, Mike Brown, Mark Crosby, Matt Gee, Franz Plescha, Tom McGinnis, Brad Johns, Doug Hannen.


Ml V\Ui Judy Hupp demonstrates her strong backstroke techniques.

a Pistol Team Rebuilds v


Left: Airpisrol competition during nationals on the lone. Below: Head manager Rob Willoughby monitors the line. -


Left: Coach Phillips (sitting on left) folks with shooters Brian Carsell, Greg Heli, ond John Masse Above: Sophmore Jimmy Graham .

takes aim.

Shooters (from bock to front) C4C More Haynes, C4C Terry Gibbs, ond C2C Angel Gonzalez listen os the cooch of the Citadel

/ 302

gives range instructions

Fronf Row: Brian Carsell, Jeff Sladko, Mike Mathews, Angel Gonzalez, Bill Martin, Marc Haynes, Terry Gibbs, Dave Mencer Robert Lucos, Greg Heli, John Masse, Gary Burg, Jimmy Graham, Rob Sara Coach Derek



Bock Row: Copt Kent, Kyle Reid,


Sporting a 13-4 record, the Falcon pistol team ended the with o fourth-ploce finish in standard pistol, a fifthplace finish in Air Pistol and seventh in Free Pistol or the Nofional Collegiate Championships. Individually, John Masse placed fifth in standard pistol while Gary Burg and Angel Gonzalez earned 17th and 18th places, respectiviely, in Air Pistol with identical 543/600 scores. The team also did well in the Texas A 0 M Invitation Tournament by taking first place in Air Pistol out of six team compering. With trips to Texas, West Point and the Citadel the team competed season

against some of the best reams in the nation. The team would like to acknowledge its thanks to Captain Kent, the






Roberts as a new OR to the team.


Top Right: Team captain Brian Carsell, shoots air at nationals

Right: Team captain for 1905-86 Gary Burg boosts a perfect target 50/50.



Rifle Finishes 34-4

Kneeling: John Fenske, Tommy Arthur. Front Row: Norhon NVotonobe, Ron Tinkam, Dill Toney, Jim Poulico, Dove LaVolley, Jim Edwards, John Huguley, Steve Todd, Pot Silvio, Dove Horton Bock Row: Dole Huhmonn, Ed Stonick, Joe Parish, Ed Souley, Mike Bump, Dob Morrill, Scott Bollard, Brian Miller, Torn Abell, Coach .

Gory Smith.


The Falcon rifle ream ended rhe season with the most a 34-4 record. For rhe second-srraighr season, rhe Falcons won rhe Colorado-Wyoming league and rook firsr —

wins with

Copt. Smith goes over technique with Torn Abell.


place in smallbore ond second in oir rifle or rhe Collegiare Rifle Secrionals. Falcon Joe Parish qualified for rhe narionals.

The equipment needed

by each Folcon shooter is the latest state-of-the-art.

Junior Joe Porish ond Freshman Tarn Abell take aim in the off-hand position. Parish led the Falcons during the season os the number one shooter.

Sophmore Tommy Arthur continued to excel in oir rifle throughout the season.

Team Captain Dole Huhmann finished his best season with the Falcons, helping the Falcons to one of thier best seasons ever.

A normal practice day entails shooting in oil three

positions: prone, off-hand, and

kneeling. Each shooter receives top notch equipment and instruction.

f 305


Defending chomp Duke Newbrough 139 lb division receives some strategy from cornerman

Woody McLaughlin.

Steve Greene (white) ond Steve Steadman (blue) square off in wing open finals. 165 lb division.

Jim Holley



(white) lands straight right os Chris Brooks (blue) moves in. 132 lb

Cregg Christmas (blue) defending national champ landed a hard jab against Bruce Brady (white) in 156 lb division finals.

Randy Gibb (blue) moves in on Pete Dolan (white) in 147 lb division



Kurt Berggren, Juan Dominguez, Steve Greene, prepared for competition during opening ceremonies of wing open.

/ 307


f '-41 ■







Wing Open Finalists (top row champions, bottom row runners-up.) Top Row: Lt. Gen. Winfield W. Scott, Steve Steodmon, Joe Wiggins, Steve Donovan Cregg Christmas Randy Gibb, Shown F ournoy, Jim Holley, Seon Amuon, Brig. Gen. Marcus A. Anderson Bottom Row: Steve Greene Juan Dominguez KurtBerqqren ^ 99 Bruce Brody, Pete Dolan, Duke Newbrough, Chris Brooks, Tom Groghon. .

El Blood, Sweat, and Tears




°2 CQdef Qets his e

Qrm fwisted in Q bout.

Two coders woir for rhe sionol ro beoin ^ ^

AnH k Krouzer Andy monoges ro ovoid o pin. Chris Findoll gers o par on rhe bock.


Graplers have good year.

Creaking his opponent down, Doug Wells is on his way ro another victory.

Steve Turner s match didn t lost

long. 5horrly after this Steve rook his opponent down for the pin.


Mike Cox has his Wyoming

Here we see Doug Wells

opponent in trouble.

turning his opponent, shortly before the pin.

Tom Sharpy is in control of o


Steve Turner getting the official nod to his


Ar 190 lbs, Mike Cox seems ro hove the situation in hand.

Although Terry Moki is outweighed by more than 40 pounds, he rigistered a superior

decision against this Wyoming Poke.


First Row: Eric Brown, Shaun Turner, Shown Parsons, Tom Sharpy, Steve Turner, Bob Pheifer. Second Row: Copt. Tretter (Asst Coach), SSgt. Jameson (Trainer), Kevin Houdek, Doug Wells, Jamie Whirely, Craig Mittelstodt, Mark Dumolt, Maj. Oeser (coach). Third Row: Maj. Schiessler (OR), Ed Turner (Manager), Mike Foyed, Scott Poffenrorh, Dirk Smith, Dove Ehrhord, Tony Seely, Steve Rafferty, Mike Cox, Terry Orner, Steve Greene, Maj. Sanchez (Advisor), Maj. Koch (Advisor).

WRESTLING After finishing the season a 10-9-0 record, the Falcon wrestling team finished fourth in the Western Athletic Conference championships, with heavyweight Terry Maki winning the WAC title in his category ond advancing to the NCAA nationals. Maki was also selected —


outstanding wrestler of the meet.

Mitch Honscom, (in the down position), is poised, ready to reverse his


Wyoming opponent

Terry Leary, Ken Wessels, Dan Shea, Keith Brown, Geoff Sewell, Jim Tillie, Hank Jeronimos, Jack Gladman, Joe Blenit, Joe Llewellyn, Jim Doronco, Steve Kelly, Croig Word, Tom Prebulo, Tom Sodlo, Mike Dimento, Floyd Dunston, Tim Foy, Paris Duronte, John Capello, Keith Kone, Pot Dimento, John Flonogon, Brian Zembroski, Mike Forte, Coach Scott Peroso, Tom Sexton, Mott Voile, Brent Frerichs, Joe Vasto, Bruce Gibson, Keith Driscoll, Tim Jock Hall, Coach Mike Hittle. Sipes,


With on overall 12-4 record, the lacrosse

captured the Rocky Mountain Intercollegiate Lacrosse championship. Offensively, the team finished fifth nationally in assists with 39. Goal tender Ken Wessels, finished the season ranked fifth nationally in ream

percentage. Named to the All-RMILL ream were Brian Zembraski and Joe Vasta on the attack unit and Mike Blouin and Brent Frerichs led the midfielder's group. Dan Shea and Jim Tillie were selected to the defensive team while Wessels was the league’s to save




finishes 12-4

Right: Keith Drown prepares to shoot ogoinst NCAA runner-up Washington College. Brent Frerichs and Craig Word await o rebound. Below: High scoring, All-League midfielder Mike Dlovin looks to pass to Brent Frerichs on the crease.


Above: All defense.

league midfielder Brent Frerichs gets o shot off dispite double reaming Whittier

Below: Co-Coptoin Joe Vosto pursues o ground boll. Vosto was the third leading scorer in the notion.

Joe Vasro dodges o defender on his

way to the goal.

Men’s Tennis

Dock Row: Moj. Rich Gugar, head coach, Lawrence Brudidge ; Erik Johnsen ; Mike Pererson ; Mark Arriola ; Rob Arkinson ; Capr. Bill Young, assistant coach Front Row: Skip HinJohn Sreimle ; Tom Barth ; Alex Torres; Scott Vipond, team captain; Maj. Steve Chiabotri, J.V. coach.

man ;

John Steimle led the ream with 28 wins. Here he displays a solid two fisted



The 1985 seoson saw the men's rennis team finish with on

outstanding 25 win 7 loss dual match record and o sixth place finish at the WAC Championships. Their 25s win gave the Falcon program its ninth consecutive seoson with 20 or more victories. Highlighting the -

season was a 13 match win streak which included such opponents os Col State -Fullerton, Nebraska, Colorado and Oregon. This streak was

finally halted by nationally ranked Californio Berkeley. The Falcons were led by three of the top players in AFA history. Junior Tom Barth posted a 24-7 record at #1 singles, sophomore John Steimle posted a team best 28-3 at #2 singles and senior team captain Scott Vipond went 26-5 at A3. Others making significant contributions to the Falcon's winning ways were freshmen Skip Hinman 24-8 and Alex Torres 19-8, and sophomores Mike Peterson 17-3 and Erik Johnson 12-4. With six of the top seven players returning next season, 11-year head coach, Rich Gugat expects the Falcons to continue their winning ways. -

Above: Alex Torres, who hod o solid ground gome, hits o picture forehand

Right: Scott Vipond going for another ole. Below: Tom Barth crunches o down the line backhand.

Women’s Tennis


R ht Sarah Beth Rhiddleho<> v er was a strong number five singles player. Top u Left. Number three singles player Sherry Currin reaches for a backhand volley. Above: Boasting the best record on the team this year was Kim Green a number four singles. Left: Following through on a backhand is this year’s MVP and team captain r


Tamaron Sharp.



Front Row: Anne Neubauer, Chris Blerbower, Mary Beth Keffer, Copt Bill Allen, Stacey Wilson, Sarah Beth Bhiddlehoover, Emily Whittaker Back Row: Sue McWhirter, Tricia Heller, Kerry Lombard, Sherry Currin, Tamaron Sharp, Kim Green Below: Outgoing coach Capf. Bill Allen poses with team captain C2C Tamaron Sharp.

The women's varsity tennis team finished it's foil season with a 1-3 won and lost record but rebounded in the

spring season with o 14-6 tolly, putting their overall 1904-85 record at 15 wins versus nine losses. They finished third in

the Continental Divide Conference and had three All-Conference selections in

Sherry Currin, Tamaron Sharp, and Tricia Heller. 1 seed Tamaron Sharp finished with a 14-12 record in singles and 15-6 in

doubles ploy, #2 Tricia Heller was 12-8 in singles ond 11-7 in doubles, #3 Sherry Currin was 16-8 in singles ond 11-10 in doubles. Freshman Kim Green the #4 seed was 16-10 in singles ond 18-3 in

doubles, #5 seed was junior Sarah Beth Rhiddlehoover 14-9 in singles, and freshman Anne Nuebouer was 16-3 in singles. Two more freshmen who saw

plenty of action were Terri Cove, who complied a 17-5 record at #2 doubles, ond Emily Whittaker, who posted on impressive 14-2 mark at #3 doubles.


Baseball Comes Close

Bob Holba lines a single ro center field.

Tom Coleman, team MVP, prepares ro knock one our of the pork oqoinsr Utah

Chip Skinner scores q run on a wild pitch in WAC


Scott Oss fires o curve boll in for o strike

Sports wrap-up BASEBALL Fininshing with an 18-27 overall record and 915 in the WAC, good enough for a finish in the Nor—


them Division, the Falcons were in the WAC race through the final week of the season. Air Force hit .346 os o team and senior Tom Coleman recorded the most hits in a season with 69. Junior Eric Pharris was the teom's leading batter with a .434

Chris Anspach with a sliding


overage including 53 hits, 14 doubles, two triples and seven home runs. The workhorse on the mound was junior Roch Rhineharr who threw 88.1 innings and hod o ream-high 55 strikeouts.

Team coproin Tim Phorris heads to first on a


single against Colorado Store





The men's outdoor frock finished with o dual record of 2-0 rhis season defeating Colorado Stare and Hostings in the Ram Invitotionol and finished in sixth place in the WAC championships. In the Rom Invitational, the Falcons won 12 of 19 events in the nonscoring meet. Another fine showing was in the Boulder Relays, where the Falcons broke two meet records. Shannon Sullivon broke the pole vault record with a 17 1 /4 feet and the 4 X 100 relay team of Jeff Lamb, Bill Shedd, Todd Scott and Ed Byrd were timed in 3:12.67, four seconds better than the old record. The Falcon women completed the season 2-0, defeating Colorado State and Hastings at the Rom Invitational. In the nonscoring Colorado Relays, the todies had o fine showing winning five, first places. In the Folcon Invitation, Air Force dominated the meet with five firsts led by Mory Manning, winner in the discus and shot put. The women's team qualified for the NCAA division II championships May 20-26 in Los Angeles.

Ending the season with a fourth-place finish at the Western Athletic Conference championships, the Falcons posted a 5-3 dual record. In the WAC meet, the Falcons took two first places. Mike Profit took the 60-yard hudles with a 7.45 mark while Ed Byrd won the 600-yard run with a time of 1:11.3. The women's indoor track team finished the season with o 3-3 record ond placed a strong sixth in the NCAA Division II notional championships at triple jump, Reneo Toliver in the 55 merer hurtles, Laureli Mazik in the 800-meter run ond Barb Fogel and Shelly Ginder os port of the 1600-meter relay team. Roberts and Mozik were also port of the relay team.

Reneo Toliver clears the high jump bor on her way ro o new school record Ed Norwesh gets off on excellent long jump during competition between AFA, University of Northern Colorado ond Adorns State College.

Joe Martin begins his kick for the finish line in the two mile run.


Junior Dove Carpenter finishes strong in the 5,000.

Freshman hammer thrower John Hardy completes his final throw.

Sprinter C4C Eric Jenkins digs hard for the finish line.

C2C Scott Turner finds himself boxed in

during this 800-meter run.

Ed Byrd the indoor track


Rob Eomon the outdoor frock captain



Track All-Americans Cathy Roberts, Barbara Fogel, Laureli Mazik, Renea Toliver nor pictured is Shelly Ginder

All American triple jumper freshman Cathy Roberts on her way to a new

school record


Both a track and basketball standout, scholar and arhlere.

Mary Manning received hiqh honors os o

Clearing the bar in a school record jump of 5'8" is freshman Shommon Avirell.

Versofile Corhy Roberts is neck ond neck in the 200 meters or the Falcon Invitational

Out of the blocks strong is Luch Drown.



















f 339









Dock: Andy Hechf, Mike Sondquist, Tim Early, Ian Dickinson, Darren Hara, Tim Gooley, Man Abangan, Ed Tanner. Front: Capr. Tim Gannon, Matthew Bridgers, Steve Sandoval, Mike Symock, Jodi Vernlund, Jim Dvorak, Lr.Col. Paul Maruyama.


Carry Williams, Glenn Shrebe, Dill Thomas, Terry Bryan, Cornel Gangleo, Mark Tirrell, Sonny La Masters, Chris Walker, Mike Viland, Don Voury, Andrew Kwasnik, Sue Weiland, Yolanda Wood, Kay Bryan, Sue


K KARATE Dill Thomas about to pummel his defenselss opponent.



Dock Row: Richard Mercado, Juergen Poehler, Jeff Drown, Carey Thompson,

Andy Carlson.




open runner-up. Miles Lansing,


Creighton Cook


Front Row: Miles Lansing, Joe Andersen, Scott Porter, Fred Word,


wing open chomp.


Right: Juergen Poehler


Rugby Handles Competition

/ 050

The bench press consists of lying on your back ond pressing os much weight os possible up to the extent of your arms. Cleon and jerk is picking the weight off the ground ond raising it above your head so the arms



deadlift which usually is the categories, consists of picking the weight off the ground ond raising it to hip level. "We hove several people who con get up into the 600-700 pound range,” Captain Maley said. "With the weight dosses we compete in, those kinds of lifts will are




be hard to beat.'' "The ream changes constantly, os some people just don't hove the interest to stick with it,” Captain Moley


Powerlifting is a sport of lifting os much weight os in three different categories. The cotefories bench press, clean ond jerk, and the deadlift. Powerlifting is different from pumping iron, said Copt. Chris Moley, team coach. "Our team members don't hove the bulging muscles that most people associate with weight-lifting. "We go more for actual strength than for the muscles you see in the Mr. Americo contests. Huge muscles don't necessarily mean o lot of strength, some people who look immense ore actually capable of lifting very little weight. They just work the muscles to look good, not lift.”



/ 352

WOMEN’S SOFTBALL Debbie Baggett, #12, leans back for a hard swing.

Second baseman Judy May rand and short stop Pot Craig watch the barter close.



The Falcon Intercollegiate athletic reams continued to excel against the top othletes in the nation ending the 1984-85 season with

djjht teams nationally ranked.

More than 800 athletes on 41

J |f Sr intercollegiate teams competed in 571 contests and came up with a winning average of 65.6 ,

H I m ^r During the 1984-85 school year, Falcon varsity reams competed in 492 contests, winning 314, losing 171 and 7 ties. men's and women's outdoor track and men s and women's golf. Four reams were undefeated during the season Several reams placed high nationally. Pistol placed fourth in standard pistol, fifth in air pistol and seventh in free pistol. Women's indoor track was sixth in the nation in Division II while women's golf was ranked seventh Women's cross country placed eighth narionally while women's swimming was also eighth of its championship meet The women's basketball team was ranked 15th and women's volleyball 18th in Division II. Football again brought national recognition to the Academy for the third-straight year, winning the Independence Bowl. Water percent.


Polo was 14rh in the National Coaches Poll

Although not a varsity sport, the boxing ream won its fifth national title in the last six years. Several athletes received honors from the Western Athletic Conference. Mike Profit won the conference track championship in the 60-yard hurdles and Ed Byrd took the 600-yards dash title while nine athletes were selected to the All-WAC football teams Named the WAC co-defensive player of the year and first ream was Chris Funk while Jody Simmons, Don Oberdieck, Mark Melcher, Fred

Burrell, Larry Nicklas, Terri Maki, Scott Thomas and Mark Simon were named to second reams. Senior Judd McGlohn won the individual WAC championship and was named WAC Golfer-of-the-year while Tim Pharris, and Eric Pharris, were named to the Northern Division All-WAC baseball ream. .f In its 29 years of varsity othletic competition. Air Force has won 5,710 contests, lost 2,857 and tied 74. for an overall percentage of 66.5.

A Note From The Editor-.

This has been my third straight year as sports editor for the Polaris. Over the years I have tried to improve the coverage of all intercollegiate reams and sports clubs. This year 16 additional pages were added to the sports section. I would like to add even more but I can't do if all alone. If your sports club was not covered (i.e. Bicycle, Bowling, women's Rugby, Rodeo. Handball, Trap and Skeer, men's Volleyball and Ski Racing) its your responcibility as a member of that club to set with Wing Media (Polaris Sports staff members). We at Wing Medio are more than eager to work with teams and clubs to provide the best coverage possible but we do not have the time nor the manning to research every club's acfivities. As far as the inter-collegiate section went this year, I would like to extend a special thanks to Lt. Col. Micki Hogue Assistant Athletic Director for Inter-collegiate activities and George Fox, assistant sports information director and their staff without whose help this section would never have been completed especially with the great qualify of work incorporated. Remember the Poloris is a cadet-run yearbook. Without people to give up their willing sparetime to cover sports events this section would not exist. If you would like to help work on the yearbook contact Wing Media. -

Sports Editor


Mr. Fisher D<

FootbMen's Cross Women's Cross C Women's Go Men s Golf Soccer j JV Soccer JjVater Polo

Lt. Col



Capt. Jim Trego Lt. Col. Ernie Cunliffe

Maj. Jon Stevens Capt. Vic Summers Luis Sagastume

Capt. Karl Olsen Capt. Jeff Heidmous Capt. Bill Peer Capt. Bill Allen

Volleyball (W)

Tennis (W) r


arsity Totals Overall Totals

Pet. .622 Pet. .646

Basketball (M)

Reggie Minton Maj. Mark Engelebretson

JV Basketball

\ V

Basketball (W)

Marti Gasser

Fencing (M) Fencing (W) Gymnastics (M) Gymnastics (W) Ice Hockey JV Ice Hockey Indoor Track (M) Indoor Track (W)

Capt. Thomas Worsdale Capt. Thomas Worsdale Maj. Dennis Ramsey Cheryl Botzong

Pistol Rifle

Swimming (M) Swimming (W)

|| kVorsity Totals Overall Totals













3 3

0 0 0 0 q 0

3 13 34 13 20 9

5 3 7

186 202

87 94


0 0

4 4



JV Baseball Golf (M)

12 0

Golf (W) Lacrosse Tennis (M) Tennis (W) Outdoor Track (M) Outdoor Track (W)



0 0 1 0




0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0









4 *




John Matchefts

Jordy Bowman

Maj. Steve Miles Maj. Steve Miles SSgt. Charles Phillips Capt. Gary Smith Capt. Kelly Kemp Capt. Kelly Kemp Maj. Jim Oeser Pet. .680 Pet. .681

Maj. Joe Robison Capt. Stu Pugh Capt. Vic Summers Maj. Jon Stevens Capt. Scott Petosa Maj. Rich Gugat Capt. Bill Allen Maj. Steve Miles Maj. Steve Miles Pet. .647 Pet. .613

Pet. .645 Pet. .656

Own, H,


IH> NOT mm kb


*rur}!i 3611

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with rhe parents of the class of 1988 os they Held on Labor Day weekend, rhe

greeted the fourth classmen during Parents' Weekend

event marked rhe first time the new class ventured off-base in mass, The welcome hugs

from Mom made rhe wait worthwhile.



It finally came

Labor Day Weekend when Mom and Dad could

visit. When the class of '88 could leave the

time. After hugs, kisses and fears, the

Academy for the first long wait was over.







Catch The Spirit!




For many rhe highlight of the snow season was the dramatic snowfall in October. For the first rime in more than 17 years, coder classes were cancellby the weather. During the unplanned holi-


day, cadets jumped off walls into snow drifts, im-

provised snow sleds and built snowmen and snow automobiles






Singles Survival

This year saw the beginning of the singles survival course. Taught by Edyrh Worley, the class showed first classmen the fundamentals of cooking and entertoining. During the course coders learned to purchose food, prepare it and serve it in casual, informal and formal settings.


Louise Drown, the Coder Wing Hostess, and






coders in

developing their social graces. The hostess office sponsored the Singles Survival Course, the

fashion shows and directed all the formal balls and dances in Arnold Hall. And of course, Ms Drown and Ms Mondel advised cadets in protocol and parry planning

Cadet Wing Hostess



A new roge gripped the Coder Wing this yeor bonds ond oir bond contests oil

os oir over.

sprong up

The groups showed their talents ot

parties, in the dorms ond in Arnold Hall.



The second onnuol

'Dress For Success" fashion show


rhe loresr in proper dress for new officers. The show highlighred pro-

fessional and cosuol civilian dorhes available through the Army and Air Force Exchange Service The Coder Wing Hostess, Louise Drown, developed rhe show to help first class coders prepare their social wardrobe. DELOW:

Andy Garboden


Shelly Gwillim


sophisticated fashions for rhe class of 1985. OPPOSITE PAGE: Korhy Patton models o cosuol dress.

cosuol and


Special Olympics


Competition...hugs...events...hugs...smiles...hugs...dancing, and more hugs. These things filled two full days in May os the Air Force Academy hosted the Colorado Special Olympics. Excorted by members of the doss of 1988, the Special Olympians participated in track ond field, gymnastic and swimming events. A donee in Arnold Hall copped the event. But throughout the Special Olympics people gave ond got and more hugs, hugs hugs.



TOP LEFT: The spectators enjoyed the Colorado Special Olympics os much os the participants. ABOVE: Participants and coder escorts break from the events on the steps of the Coder Field House. LEFT: Special Olympians and cadet escorts danced to the music of the Air Force Academy Bond during the Special Olympics donee held in Arnold Hall.


Superintendent’s Christmas Ball

Lavish decorations marked rhe annual Superintendent's Christmas Dali held in the Arnold Hall ballroom. The Air Force Academy Band provided rhe music after rhe first class greeted Lt. Gen. Winfield W. Scott Jr. in

receiving lines.



Spring Ball

The Commandant's Spring Ball,

sponsored by

Gen. Marcus A. Anderson, highlights the fourth class. The evening began with the traditional receiving lines followed by a dance in the Arnold Hall ballroom. The Air Force Academy Bond provided donee and rock-and-roll music for cadets and their dotes.



;'r -




Dean's Valentine Ball






February began with the traditional receiving lines. Brig. Gen. Irwin J. Rokke hosted the reception, aided by his staff. Cadets and their dares then danced to midnight to the music of the Air Force Academy Band's Blue Steel.


Finally rhe class of 1988 could practice their formal decorum lessons or rhe class dining-in. The function was held at Mitchell Holl during rhe spring semester.

Fourth Class Dining-In


Wing Commander’s Ball This yeor marked the return of the Cadet Wing Commander's Ball after an absence of several years. Hosted by '85, the Fall Wing Commander, the event included receiving lines and a dance. The ball occurred in the Arnold Hall Ballroom. ,


Third Class






”AHH...only o hundred wake-ups ro

go." Thus marked the begining of the final stretch to graduation for the class of 1985. The 100ths Night Celebration held in February began the final count down. The evening began with a dining-out in Mitchell Hall. Following the meal, Brig.

Gen. Richard Abel delivered an address followed by the traditional toasts. After the formal events, the first class cadets and their dates moved to Arnold Hall for their dance.

Meanwhile, fourth classmen followed another tradition: Redecorating the first classmen's rooms.

lOOths Night



Lr. Gen. Winfield W. Scott, Jr., fhe Academy receives a silver cap becoming

Superintendent, an

honorary member of the class of 1985.

lOOths Night










Burl Ives








Quiet Riot







Tim Settimi


Arnold Air Society


The Allied Arts society has a stage known os RATTEX; Rising Star, Allied Arts, Theater Variety Technicians. This group of cadets is responsible for crew






rear-down of shows, concerts, and other activities on the Academy. RATTEX is almost entirely of cadets,also three civilians and one NCO among the crew. Pete Romono heads up the crew with Fred Smith os his mode




assistant. Dud Griffin serves os the electri-

cion, while TSgt. Ron Domes runs securi-

ty and logistics. The coders that formed the corp of RATTEX for 84-65 were Fritz Koennecke '85, Jim Morgan '85, Co-CIC, Anthony

Frederick '85, Chris Herrmann '85, Roy Fullerton '86, Seon Rooney ’86, Steve

Hopkins '87, Mark Sakerlich '87, Noncy

Than Wands

Dalkus '88, Chris Route '88, and Than '88. Wands Throughout the year, another 100 or so coders worked on o


show-to-show basis.


programs that RATTEX worked on ore Allied Arts concerts, Theater Variety Series, and the Catch a Rising Star series. In addition to these The



his main ossitonts. The

were Anthony managers Frederick and Chris Herrmonn, with Roy Fullerton and Chris Route os their main







necessary to put on o show. The most visible job they do is spot light operator.


Most of the rest is behind the scenes. A

technical support for briefings, dining-ins, dances, and other special functions.

typical show day for RATTEX starts or 6 a.m., with the "in”, the set-up, going until 3 p.m. and final adjustments and repairs until 7 p.m. The show starts at 8 p.m., with the "out” going from the





Cadets work in three major


lights, sound, and stage work. The lighting director for RATTEX for 84-85 was Jim Morgan with Steve Hopkins '87 and Nancy Dolkus os his main assistants. The sound engineer for 84-85 wos Fritz Koennecke with Seon Rooney and

end of the show until 1 or 2 a.m.

Dy the time these coders graduate, they ore experts in the theater.

Allied Arts



lights, sound, stage and anything else

Besides helping with lights and sound, the Allied Arts crew helps the major rood shows with loading and






The tions

hosted the






year. In the fall they dinner theater in Arnold Hall. In


spring they performed



musical in Fairchild Hall.


RIGHT: Peggy Murphy, publications assistant, types material for all the cadet publications produced by Coder Wing Media BELOW: Capt Billy Birdwell edits a story for TALON magazine. This marked the first full year for computer use in cadet publications

Cadet Wing Media

"Coder Wing Medio" is rhe umbrella term for an office which coordinates o brood variety of publications and administrative work. Cadets know the office best however, through rhe printed matter that appears in rhe wing TALON magazine, the -

POLARIS yearbook, CONTRAILS calendar os well os rhe inhouse advertising for Arnold Hall related activities. Even the DODO is coordinated and printed through rhe Media office. With the exception of rhe DCT yearbook, work is done by volunteer cadets during their free time. (Although a few limired-on-season slots do help free up some additional -

moments). Under the direction of Captain Billy Birdwell, the Chief of Coder Wing Medio, rhe various publications enjoyed yet another successful year. The office is always looking for people (primarily cadets, although many of rhe better contributions have come from other members of rhe Academy "family”) who desire to take port in its publishing concerns, and eagerly accepts motivated individuals. In closing, your friendly ghostwriter wishes to thank Coders Mike Panarisi, '86, and John McDonnell, '87, for so competenly removing TALON from his concerns this post year...






Good Luck


John F. Hilbing, '85

Mike Panorisi, '86 shown with a representative of the Chamber of Commerce, received the TALON

editor's award

during the onnuol Medio Awards banquet held in May.

Morio Shelloborger, '85, shown between Mrs. Eleanor Larsen

and Mrs. Clara Porter of the Daughters of the Union Veterans

of the Civil War, received the POLARIS editor's award



Lr. Seibert, Francois, Gilbert, Rubush, Nieves,

Edge, Brindley,

Moore, Senef, Monroe, Derrelis.

Chess Club The

chess club hod its busiest ond successful year. An active and strong group of players earned the club most

overage of over $100 for each of six Colorado chess tournaments they ployed in. Brad Senef, '86 the



leading money winner, ond Lt. Seibert both earned more than $200 each. This year sow the continuation of the coder

tournaments ployed at the Academy along with the introduction of

the USAFA Quods. Another



tion to the schedule was the first interservice

Academy chess match. Air Force, without two of its top four boards, lost a close 3-5 match to West Point. The highlight of the year was the open. Lorry Brindley, '85 ond Peter Derrelis, '85 both tied for first, en-



the year in


way that


dicotive of their bottle against other over the past four years.




Cadet Competition

Flying Team


The Cadet

Competition Flying Team represents the

Academy ot regional and notional intercollegiate flying competition. Under the auspices of the notional intercollegiate Flying Association, cadets match their aviation skills against students from other colleges ond universities. Competition consists of flying ond ground events. Flying competition includes power-on ond power-off accuracy landings, instrument competency flight, VFR cross-country navigation and message drop events. Ground events inelude aircraft indentificotion, cross-country planning, flight simulator ond aircraft pre-flight. The 84-85 team hod 13 members headed by team captain, Kevin Frisbie, '85. Each team member hod a private pilot licence ond o minimum of 80 hours powered aircraft time ond was ex-

The Coder Explorer Club is the Acodemy's lioson between the Coder Wing and the local Scouting organizations. The club is open to oil coders who wish to get involved with the local

scouting orgonizofions. The post headed by their OIC Moj. Hancock ond this year's CIC Lee Hutchins '86, currently put together o new program ond local work with the two Boy Scout troups on base. They helped provide counceling and senior leadership to help scouts in those troups. They participated in several joint comping trips where the coders helped the boys to earn such merit bodges os comping ond orienteering. The post is looking forward to a very rewording year and renewed interest in the program. The year culminated with a

trip to Philmont High Adventure in the summer for many of the members.

pected to compete in both flying ond ground events. The year was o banner one for the flying team, for the first time they hod their own airplane, a Cessna 150, donated by the Association of Graduates, was outfitted with o 150 hp engine (normally 100 ond new in-



Since the team is under the direction of the 94

Airmanship Training Squadron, it was appropriate that the FAA allowed the

new aircraft to bear the toil number "94th." The team funded well at regional competition hosted by Oklahoma State University during the foil. They won first in the ground events and third overall, which earned them on invitation to nationals. The team also walked owoy with the Flight Safety Award.

The Mountaineering Club recruited several new members while helping old members polish their skills. Whether during o protice at the Garden of the Gods, or o long technical climb in the high Rockies, the club members stressed the greatest safety. Under the guidance of the officer in charge, Moj. Terry Deaton, the club experienced some of the post thrilling action of o lifetime.




Fine Arts Club

The Fine Arts Club is rhe youngest club ot the We try to enhance rhe cultural opportunities for cadets, maninly by pubicizing upcoming events here and in Denver in our monthly newsier-


ter. We work closely with rhe Information, Ticker and Tours Office in Arnold Hall, and hove mutually

arranged free tickers to the Colorado Springs Symphony, rhe Gates Showtime Series, and to rhe Colorodo Springs Dance Theatre. We also choose one particularly promising performance each semester and moke it a club activity. First semester this year

chose a

Ray Charles concert in Denver, which enjoyed by many club members. The monthly newsletter also features articles by



club members about items of interest, such as how to get to all of the concert halls in the area, or which



especially good. Club membership is

open to anyone, there ore

no dues. Our OIC this year was Moj. Cervone, DFPFA; the C1C was Neil Billings ; the Asst. C1C was Bob Stewart ; the

pie editor of the newsletter was Steve Byers.



Coder Wing Commanders James Lovell ond 5corr Dumbould receive congrorulorions from Brig Gen Marcus A Anderson during rhe Curriss Topping Ceremony The award is

presenred each year to rhe Coder Wing Commanders

CAP Tapping

Curtis Tapping

Coder Ion IT

Dickenson ond Brig. Gen. Marcus A Anderson rap" rhe plaque bearing Dickenson's name ro rhe Civil Air ParroTs Honor (Toll in Arnold Hall The award goes ro rhe former CAP coder who groduores highesr in rhe Academy's class. The CAP is o club ocriviry.



BELOW LEFT: A cadet falconer prepares a lure for use in training the falcons. BELOW: One of the young prairie falcons perches on a trainer’s hand.



Model Engineering

The two planes flew across the ridge, locked on the other's tail, ond the long streamers flying out behind eoch.

downtown clubs for whot they call a "fun fly''. That's where everyone takes their planes out and flies all day with

Suddenly the rear plane cut up, ottempting to cotch the other's streamers in his propellor, but missing by o hair. The front plane swerved ond come around hard, cutting the other's streamer neatly

everyone else. "Overall, it's

a really great club to join if you're interested in modeling, building ond flying model airplanes says

in two.


Aerial combat and the building and flying of model aircraft make up only two of the things that the model engineering club does olong with their remote controlled airplanes. They also



build normal models in their club room ond hove remote controlled vehicles ranging from boots to helicopters. The club is open to everyone, ond

experience is not important. Someone who has never built anything before will be taught to build and fly his own plane in no time. "The main reason people join the

club is just to hove o place to work their models instead of their room, said the club codet-in-chorge William A. Kliesh, '85 of squadron 21. The club hos oil the tools needed to moke models, os well os for painting them. One good port about the club is that anytime they wont, any club member con simply go to the command post and get the key to the club room. This provides access to oil members at any time they wish. The club meets regularly about once every two months to do business, ond these ore not even mandotory, according to Cadet Kliesh. The whole club gets together once every semester with three or four


Cadet Kliesh and the club OIC Copt. Yarger of the Aeronautical For the money ond for the opportuni-

ty to fly, even indirectly, the club cannot be beat.

TOP: A sharp blade and a straight edge help form the wings on a model airplane. LEFT: Cadets Willis and Kliesch prepare for aerial battle. PRECEDING PAGE: The model Engineering Club forms of the the roots venerable "F-41F" Fighting Mescalero.




Wing Commander Scott E. Dumbauld

Vice Wing Commander Paul David Johnson

Deputy Commonder/Operofions Sfeven C. Dye

Deputy Commander/Resources Douglas B. Rider

Deputy Honor Chairman Antonio M. Aponte

Command Post Chief

Assistant Command Post Chief

Thomas W. Connelly

Michael L. G. Ching


Wing Honor Chairman John A. Gibson, IV


Standards/Evaluation Officer Druce H


Executive Officer Yulin Greene


Training Officer Charles D. Jones, Jr.

Academic/Athleric Officer Margaret L. Kirchner

Resources NCO John D. Hunt

Academic/Athletic NCO Nancy G. Galley 442

Administration NCO Shelly J. Wile

Safety/Security NCO Michael A. Solorlo

MWRNCO Michael D. Balfony

Vice Wing Commander Mark P McCorrhv

Deputy Commonder/Operotions

Deputy Commander/Resources

Jome E. Lovell

Keith A. Dawkins

Michael A. Williams

Wing Honor Chairman

Assistant Honor Chairman

Command Post Chief

John A. Gibson, IV

Kenneth L. Yaphe

Richard H. Klodnicki

Assistant Command Post Chief Dryan F. Myers

Wing Commander



Executive Officer Brian 5. Drandner

Training Officer William P. Isler, Jr.

Academic/Athletic Officer

William C. Drown

Acodemic/Athletic NCO

Safety/Security NCO

MWR NCO Fred W. Gaudlip

NCOIC Command Post

Standards/Evaluation Officer

Jack L. Drlggs, III

David R. Whitt

Danielle L. Hatchett

Jeffrey P. Wagner


Group Commander

First Group AOC Lr. Col. Charles L. Buzze



James E. Lovell

Deputy Commander/Operations Scott L. McCreedy

Deputy Commander/Supporr Matthew E. Morgon

Standards/Evaluation Officer Scott D. Brockway


Training Officer Patricio L. MacGregor

Academic/Arhleric Officer Earl R. Nason

Michael F Lo Grande

Craig D Cady

Resources/MWR NCO Bonita L Soong

Administration NCO J. Scott Ladner

Safety/Security NCO

Standards/Evaluation NCO

Sergeant Major

Steven C. Cools

Training NCO

Bobby L. Robinson. II

Group Commonder Joy B Silverio

Deputy Commander/Operations Scott D Porter


Deputy Commonder/Supporr Anthony R. Frederick

Stondords/Evoluotion Officer Richard S. Debrock



Troining Officer Ronold J. Bobski

Academic/Athletic Officer Wendellyn C Link

Kevin M. Loroio

Resources/MWR NCO

Administration NCO Michael A. Comstock

Safety/Security NCO

John A. Lopes

Sergeant Major

Dovid A, Caldwell

Troining NCO Brian E O'Conner

Stondords/Evoluotion NCO Elizabeth A Honey



And next on the Gong Show we hove



Mach One!

MACH ONE Moj. Bruce A. Bront

Douglas W. Denron James A. Durron Craig D. Cady

SungJ Cho Kevin L. Davis Christina G. Dickerson Druce E. Francois Donlel J, Hoodley Andrew J. Hulsenrrulr

James M. Kelly Dovid M. Kitchens Jeffrey T. Llegl Vlcror J. Manges James F. McCrackln Bobby L Robinson, II Christopher L, Boeder

Dennis 0. Ryan Lone A, Seoholm

Dorleene E, Snider Steven E Struck Wllllom L, Thomos. Jr, Mark T, Tlpmongkol Edwin C Youngstrom


Melvin A


Orlondo Dorruroro Dilly Dob Drown. Jr Rondoll Drew Durke

Gory Lee Cooper. II

Michoel Lowrence DeCovolconre

Dovid William Ebner

Gregory Dean Falhn More Anrhony Grossie

Sreven Frank Hendrickson Wolrer Glenn Howard Robert Dole Hyde

Michoel Thomos McGuire

Patrick Jerome McKenna Eileen Thereso McKeon Thomos Leslie Remprer Jeffrey Michoel Rhodes

Ted Vicror Simmons Andrew Foster Smith

Peter Dino Sravros Patrick Juergen Stoll Carlton Lloyd Swaney Kenneth Thewes Thereso Marie Travis Eric John VanDorn Loszlo Andros Veres

Mach One. It's rhe Cinderella story. Naturally, having to work with an Army AOC Maj. Bruce A. Brant, we started with an immediate disadvantage. "If we don't want you, we’ll get rid of you!” Well, we lost a few in that purge, but we were able to retain (or was it retrain) most of rhe squadron. However, the Air we mellowed out some and were Force in us prevailed —







squadron, we used more business passes than most squadrons combined. Firstie meetings downtown were essential elements of squadron leadership. Especially productive were rhe C-2 firstie meetings and the firstie organizotionol meetings. "First Takes Care of its Own” is our motto, ond that we did.

Our "identity crisis” room resolved two separate identity problems into four. And when one firstie neglected to write his

yearbook picture blurb, well





graciously took core of

that for him. of course, the underclass often wondered where rhe firstie class was, but the intensity of our weekend command meetings (compliments of Rachael, the Tri-Delts, and others)

severely limited were


around when

presence. we


Then again, they knew we down with another "great”

squadron policy. It was fun being a part of the mystery squadron. Four out of rhe squadron five rumors surveyed concerned Mach One with the most form 10s, or the squadron with brevitt during foil semester. It’s funny how much con be accomplished (both good ond bad) with the help of a little imagination and good old fashioned gossip. Of course, it seems like there really is no —

substitution for hard work.

Timothy Dean Bollard Sam Clifford Barrett Brent Richord Baxter John Joseph Bula

Dean Edword Bushey Brod William Byers Leonard Anrhony DeFozio, Jr. Dovid Michoel DeMorios Fronds Nicholas Derorie Brendo Ann Engelsrod Christopher Micahel Ernondes Daniel Peter Genonnr

Anrhony Leonard Gizelboch, Jr,

Stephen Lamor Hoggard William Doniel Jonicki Richord Allen Johnson Timothy Pike LoQuerre James Gerord Leddy Michoel Brian Meyer Eric Michael Miller

Terence Burrell Mitchell Michael Joseph Nolerre Timothy Paul Rich Richord Aion Sonders Frank Charles Schmuck Robert Scott Senderling Michoel Smith Sue Ann Stallman

Kelly John Dorleon Leigh Ann Dorrley

Greg Michoel Coyon Stephen Grady Chambers James Corbin Davis

Lawrence Fohy Michoel Thomas Forsyrh Thomas Arnold Frank Freese

Brennan Glenn Gourdie

Srephen Vincent Gustafson Todd Patrick Harmer

Martin Lee MocNobb

Robert Matthews. Jr. Vonesso McCullough

John Patrick Montgomery James Edward Neechom Timothy Poul Neumann Lee James Pera

Brian Scott Pletcher Todd Jeffrey Scott Ronald Williom Simmons Fred Hilary Smith Darrell Anthony Strondberg David Raymond Whitt Karo Beth Worthington

Deuce greeted the new year with a new AOC, Capr. Duane Jones, and a new outlook. "Loose Deuce!” was out, "Deuce is on the loose!” was in. The squadron turned around its undesired bod reputation in o very short time. Fall squadron commander Joe Simpson started the squadron off and Deuce finished the semester with a high standing in group comperition. Constant improvement was a goal that we reached in the A.

first semester. Spring semester squadron commander Dob MeCoughon took over and led the squadron through until the end of the year.

David Marrin Boors Dovid Colvin Butler James Porrick Coshin

Gorrerr Lone Cohee Srephen Muniz DoSilvo Corson Andrew Elmore

Barbara Ann Fogel Joseph Franklin Ford Christopher Allen Gorrerr

Dovid Charles Glenn Williom Hollier

Jeffrey Dole Hawkins Kevin Robert Highfleld

Christopher Lee Jeffries Kristin Lynn Johnson Ronold Raymond Kero Frank Eldred Mallerre Thomos Williom Monion John Franklin Monney, Jr. Jeffrey Charles McConle

Keith Gregory Nylonder Delcy Michelle Polk

Venando Rodarte, Jr. Thomos Russell Stanley

Douglas Alan Stover Wayne Conrad Wilkins John Morrhew Wood

Eoch class hod o character oil its own. Even though the Firsfie:

"gelled” os o class (whatever that means), they got th« job done. The two-degrees had o lot of spirit; Delta Tou Deu« was bock with a vengeance. Although the banner didn't make it to Shreveport this year, it did moke appearances of all home gomes. The three-degrees started off not quite knowing who never

to do, but once they were given the ball, they ran with it. The four degrees will always be remembered for the quality o their skits. Deuce is again one of the best squadrons in the wing

Torn Monroe Abell David Todd Alumbough Mork Alio Anderson Moureen Ellen Cecilio Boillie

Dover Michael Bell Elizoberh Moude Boord Gerold William Brown Mork Alon Clanron Curris Noel Culver Mork Leon Honsen Thomas Francis Hogon Jennifer Lee Hornsren

Robert Russell Howe

Gregory Thomos Kiley Phillip Joseph LaSalo Gordon Cameron Lukehorr, III Matthew Edward Mongon Bryon Edward Miller Scott Robert Nelson John Eric Olsen

Juon Orlando Peno Christopher Jomes Quiroz Alexander Anthony Rossono Jomes Poul Solti Scott Allen Sullivon Michael Joseph Terneus Dwoyne Lloyd Wilson Brian Byungwook Yoo




Thomos Michoel Doiley Kennerh John Bortczok John Andrew Durotowski Dorren Trovis Chomplin

John Aylword Duchorme. Jr. Angel Doniel Gonzolez William Fulton Hoor

Jock Robert Holl Thomos Alon Hortung Williom Rush Hindes

Dimosolong Ferrer Junio

Kennerh Keith Kopko John Chorles Kress Richord Tod Mercodo

Orion Edword O'Connor Gene Albert Place Summer Eloine Scott

Stephen Laurence Seomon

Bradley Glenn Senef Courtney Leonord Smith Gregory Owen Stecklein Vero Ann Tu Denise Yvette Waters Dorrholomew Williom Weiss

Eric Alon Wickson

A new year and o new AOC greeted the Cerberus Warriors

August. Football weekends sow toilgote parties on Kansas's truck and cheering for Scooter and Brian. What was life like for the everyday Cerberae? Birthday nukings for Steve and Mark, and John (how long did if take to get that stuff out of our hoir), Luke Zel's bogel, Doley's weekly rendition of the "Cheers” rheme song, always being one gome away from on intramural "sweep,” wrestling with the back





Dean. Troildust parties in the And then there were sponsor visits Springs; T-38 rides at Beale; dining-in with Major General Anderson (on astronaut!); softball and volleyball picnics; Operation —


Drod Williom Dromigk Mark Evon Cline Marrhew John Crondoll

Margaret Mory Duffy Ritchie London Honsen

Christopher David Harness John Fernond Heisler Ronald Delle Johnston, Jr.

Douglas Jon Kieser

Michoel John Kraft

Gretchen Marie Krueger Todd Allen Lovell Scott Gardner Maw Williom Anderson Noce Dole Patrick Partridge

Dean Edmund Pfob

Philip Stephen Pulg Donold Chorles Starr John Virgil Teogue Ritchie Lorry West Mark Edword Wills


The highlight of the year hod to be "Cerbus in Washington!” a trip to D C. to march in the 1984 Inougurol Parade. It

started os just o cheer in September (thanks, Darren!) but became a reality in January. Old-man Winter accompanied us there for some record breaking, sub-sub zero weather that cancelled the parade and sent us to "sort-of a Reagan pep rally” instead. But we did miss two days of school for it!

graduating class heads out to the four corners (from Laughlin to Wheeler to NASA to San Antonio to the Philippines), they know that BCT and noon meal As the

Vance to Mather to

formations, SAMIs, IRIs and Standards/Evaluation will continue at the Academy,

but so will the Cerberus spirit!

Kevin Scorr Allen Sreven Hugh Bowman Theresa Lynn Cave Ronald George Daggerr Todd Allen Dierlom Joseph Drbohlov, 3rd

Edword Michael Edwards David Keirh Fagundes Gory Joseph Gortschall Christopher Scort Hermon Rondy Lee LaTcurelle David Blanron Longhauser Morllee Sue Loursen Brian Lewis

James Donald Marry David Jaime Moore Erika Ann Mouraw Michael Kerry Nieves Lawrence Gerord Orro

Chrisropher Rappa Tyson Allen Rhame David Troy Sanrarelli

Michael Anthony Socrano Hamish Alasdalr Stewart Smith George Lee Stamper, Jr Paul Bradford Vaughon Steven Alfred Vlasak Cyrus Clark Mackey Whlnnery Timothy Andrew Woods Carol Chris Yannorello


Thomas Rolph Armiok Kennerh Allan Arnold Serh Beaubien Gregory Lyndon Brooks

Sreven Chris Cook Demondonre Chorles Stanley Gersrenecker Dovid Andrew Howkens John Porrick Horner John Derek Hunt

Morie Angelique N

Frederick Michael Kennel Andrew Bohdon Krawciw Keith Richard Kreeger Perer Andrew Lee

Jerry Paul Morfinez Vicrorio Moroles

Liso Jacqueline Nelson Carolyn Morie Reed Kirk John Srreirmorer

Sterling Doy Underhill Rodney Gorth Vernon Scott Alon Wojtysiak


Whered if go?

Moj. Judy W. Lindsay 452

Duck-buck of its besr.

Vincenr Jerald Bochelier

Gino Bridgerre Baron Brerr Eugene Berg Thomas Borowiec

Michael Charles Bronche Clive Shun Hsiao Chi Kennerh Larry Cline Tina Mary Dara

Scorr John Erickson Danny Brenr Harris Karl Anders Hjerpe

Christopher John Hope Thaddeus George Knue Robert Krzeminski

Jeffrey Scott Kumro Steven Ward Legrand Erick Douglas McCroskey Jeffrey Raymond McDaniels

Ralph Edward Pisani. Jr. Mark Arnold Schweigerr

Steven Russell Slatrer David George Stomos David Martin Sullivan Philip Colton Templin Gemma Christine Wilmorrh

Our many thanks go ro our AOC, Moj. Judy W. Lindsay, who affectionately called mom. None of us will orgue that it wos her respect for the firstie class and her permission to allow the seniors to "run things” that ensured the squadron true excellence in all respects from a Qual 1 to athletic and academic distinction. Judy's kids were also o bit mischievous. Who will forget Lone Ranger Smith and Tonto Gresham? After all, where in the regs does it say one can't park horses in the quad. And we

what about Skow's

marching practice.





weren't that bod. Dead Head Doore and football star "little Mo

Drown,” definitely deserve the least visibility award. On the field however, Mike was certainly noticeable. As a class, we experienced good times and bod rimes. We

laughed, cried, and partied together. As o consequence we nor the Fighrin'

grew together. We will not forget each other, Fourth Squadron.

Aldru Todd Aaron Sreven Douglas Allen

David Scorr Argyle Chrisropher Alon Blackwell Michael Wallace Block

Carl Anrhony Burrs Marc Gores Cellery James Alan Dorr

Srephen Brown Dunn Lance Nicholas Fortney John Roberr Frankenfield Karen Denise Genneken Thomas Conrad Gilsrer

John Allyn Hickok Janene Marie Hoskovec James Allen Kelley

Paul Richard LaPoinre, Jr Raymond Keirh Lewis Paul Jay Malenke Douglas Richard Miller Gary William Olson

William James Parker. Ill Douglas Robert Patterson Russell Paul Reimer John Charles Schaeffer John Richard Trlckett George Laurance Villalobos Jason William Walls William Perry Wilkinson, II


Todd Andrew Brooks Dovid Arthur Clodwell

Croig Philip Compbell Michoel John Copone

Clinton John Dowes

Donny Richard Dimoggio Elizobeth Anne Honey Trevor Lowrence Hording Jeffrey Woyne Horing Bruce Wayne Hawkins, Jr. Gregory Josef Heli

Emilio Hernandez Villorrubio Jomes Mark Hogge Eric Richard Leidheiser Patrick C Molockowski Michoel Robert Meier John Charles Osorczuk, Jr. Thomas Joy Porterfield

Stephen Mark Porter Roch Howard Rhinehort Sonford Eugene Roberts, II Bonita Loro Soong Octovlo Louis Trlppe, III Joseph Angelo Vosro Pomelo Ann Zowodo


Phillip John Arvin Lee Williom Dishop Dryon Keirh Doyd Peter Doniel Concill Dorrel Toylor Dovis

Michoel Jomes Dolon Jomes Puol Golden Joner Louise Groms Kevin Doniel Holpin Tricio Ann Heller Gustovo Alonso Hernondez Gory D. Hicok Todd Corl Hoppe

Robert Nelson Johnson Dorin Hiroshi Koto Suson Mario McWhirter Williom Ermis Mengers Dovid Jomes Meyer Gregory Scott Mooneyhom Charles Goetono Muzio, Jr. Sondro Corol Niemi

Edword Lawrence Norwesh, Jr. Robert Williom Reimon

Christopher John Sabo Donold Lyle Shaffer Charles Kevin Thiboult Edword Eorl Turner Croig Andrew Word Mark Wayne Wilbonks

Fifth squadron returned this year to refinished rooms and a Air Officer Commanding, Copt. Mark Welsh, a 1976 graduate of the Academy. Paul Waters started us off as fall new

squadron commander, followed by Matt Valle for the spring semester. Wolfpack wasn't known as a powerhouse in all

areas, but our soccer team did well again this year and swimming racked up victory after victory this winter season. Our people are our most important asset, although the numbers did not always show it.

Fifth squadron welcomed new third classmen and a group of high-spirited fourth classmen into the Pack. Wolfpack had its share of squadron parties, also, including the infamous "Grad-

bash '85'' at the end of the year. Our second classmen spent their third year in the squadron, getting ready for their senior year and waiting for their coveted rings. Meanwhile, the first classmen counted the days down to 29, 1985. Good luck


to our

graduates, may they always "Run With the Pack."

John Lee Bergquisr

Somuel Robert Drevdeh Miki Renee Drown

Gregory John Campbell

Kevin Lone Chambers Jomes Douglas Cole Noreen Morie Coughlin Luther Kelly Dovis Kevin Patrick Dwyer Dryon Edward Edmonds Robert Avery Fobion Doniel Mark Gillespie

John Kenneth Horolson. Jr.

Kenneth Allen Haughawouf Kenneth Thomas Kilmurroy Williom Keith Lewis Richard Allen Moddox Michoel Aaron Mottke Paul Jomes Muzychok Jo Anne Pinney

Angelo Groce Roberts

Georgia Elizabeth Ruckle Dovid Arthur Schlichrlng

Dovid Ryan Srlmoc Graham Robert Tilley John Doptlsr Ullmen Mario Crlsrlno Ungsrod Doniel Michoel Wuchenlch


Louis Joseph Benoit

Dondi Enos Costin Kevin Lines Formolo Mortin Anthony Hilliord

John Henry Jercnimus

Dovid Nils Lorson Michoel Froncis Logronde

Robert Wesley Monsfield Michoel Timothy Morsholl John Gregory Miller

Juon Corlos Ortiz Michoel Poul Otis Joel Burton Schmick

Jimmie Dole Schumon, Jr. Morthew John 5hepordson

Brodley John Simmons

Noomon Michoel Simpson

Scott Alon Thomos Dovid Jomes Tubb Todd Dovid Woit Potricio Irene White Colvin Bernord Williams

Diversify of character was the prevailing feature among the seniors of Dull Six. Our squadron leaders proved that there are

different ways


skin the



We welcomed


Dovid Josef Amin Gerald Boczewski Eric Stephen Bartlett Jamie Lynn Callahan

Murray Roy Clark Robert Bryan Crone Bryon Andrew Keowe M Fujimoto Suson Jeonine Lobmeyer Kurt Horold Mallery Stuort Scott Moore

Randy Alan Noeve Somuel Poyon Preston Michael Pious Victor Lynn Rick David Leon Russell, II Stacy Doveen Schlonge

Nigel John Simpson Michoel Dovid Stacy Kenneth Ryon Theriot Brian John Tingstod Mary Carlo Tregllo Mark Andrew Worock


Mark "Happy" Hyatt, a fighter pilot turned AOC. (Why?) From wing leadership to the tour pad to intercollegiate sports, we were there. We lived, we were even graduated; time to fly!

Morrhew John Dohn Gregory Scorr Drewer Jomes Luis Cordoso

Colleen Leigh Chopin John Boyd Daniel

Dovid Avery DeBorger Jomes Joseph Dvorak

Dorryl LeMon Glenn Lawrence Marrin Hoffmon

George Wilkie Holr. Jr Kevin Jomes Hood

Timorhy Jomes M Huckoboy John Dixon Huguley

Kevin Michael Jones Mark Allen Kenredy

Cynthia Ann Kimroll Stacey Suzonne Maxwell Grady Otto Morton, Jr Ronald Edward Paul Deonne Cormody Reighn Randolph Eorl Ripley

Stuort Andrew Rodriguez Randall Albert Roy Edward Anthony 5ouley. Ill Patrick Christopher Sinnott Michael Peter Stopleron Mark Andrew Stephens Richord Warren Sweeten Frank Jomes Tews


David John Amdahl Porrick John Baranock Drenr Andrew Deecham

Richard Milo Clark

Scorr Patrick Conrey Timothy George Early Timothy Lee Eddins

Christopher Erwin Foreman Randall William Gibb

Johnnie Joel Graves

Timothy Stewart Honnus Kyle William Kuhn Ronald Frank Labedz Stuart Wayne Miller

Gregory Hugh Moore Donald Alexander Mumford Gory Edward Newbrough

James Russell Possaro Sarah Beth Rhiddlehoover Cosmo Anthony Rich, Jr. Terese Marie Schwartz John Stewart Shkor Porrick Duane Stockton, II

Well, Seagram's Seven survived another one, if not in name at least in spirit. This showed strongly during the football season in the squadron's unity in cheering on the team in the face of the rest of the wing's adversity to spirit ond support. A mark has been left in the introduction of the infamous Spirit Socks. Dirty boor socks always did seem to excite more spirit than American cheese and toilet paper. The flex-off was o highlight again this year. Yu-Jen, The Terror, the bookie's favorite, didn't even moke a


Wonders never cease. We were introduced to the simple life of country music ond porch parties by the ol' boys on the corner. Now if that don't beat contemplatin' your novel. We didn’t hove

very many orgonized parties, everyone seemed to hove o good time just ploying cadet. Well, maybe nor everyone, but that's life.

Joseph Thomos Arthur Joseph Laurence Clovin Jonathan Arthur Crerie Kevin Scott Dailey

Juan Corlos Echeverry Scott Anthony Fowoz Liso Morie Gorrowoy Thomos Raymond Keorney Thomos Joseph Krojci Frederick Paul Mahony Michael William Monion

James Robert Marrs Mark Scorr Maryok Miles Lloyd McGinnis Stephen Lomor Moffett Dovid Walter Myhre, Jr. Mark Joseph Ottlng Peter Howard Porsons Joseph H. Pennell. Jr.

Patricia Mory Ricclllo Adelio Beth Rockman Robert Keith Sounders Kenneth Charles Sersun Edson Chin Tung, Jr. Samuell Russell Veney Scorr Gregory Warren Christopher Ronald Woodhead


Flight dining-outs were the standard escape and if things ever got tough, D6D Cinema hod o matinee every doy. It's amazing


D.T. did os well os he did. We hod o great year in inframurals and

developed o lor of pride in the squadron. As for os academics go, it's doubtful we'll forget old W.W. flying around during ACQ hexing the noisy with her deadly WACQ spell. Our AOC, Major Michael "Bond" Singer, helped us out o lor ond really let the firsties get some honds-on experience, both good and bod. He offered a great deal of insight into the "real world” out

there but it's doubtful any of us ever listened to half of what

should hove (Lord help the USAF). As the soying goes, "Nobody does it better.” That was 007 this year, hopefully '86


con do os well when

it's their turn.

Trenr Dollos Dinger Drenr Allan Caldwell

Timorhy Scorr Carruth Jeffrey William Cow Jeffrey Joseph Cook Loro Ellen Cooper Erik Robert Demkowicz

Mary Anne Loretta Dolon Rebecca Lynn English Marrhew Eric Evons Korl Edward Fennell Michael John Ferrodor David Lamonr Haley Steven Basil Harrison Raymond Michael Janssen Mark Allen Koenig

Tyce Allan La Quey Richard Joseph Licaro Robert Burnside Lucas Eric Norman Mangelsen Christopher Charles McCann Tracy Lee Ording Benjamin Raphoel Poganelli Christopher Brian Poje

Curtis B Riedel

Cindy Dawn Stephens James Scott Tote Robert Eugene Tedstrom Cameron William Torrens Joyce Rozolla Vegh Joy Vaman Warovdekar

Gory Alan Whirled Noel Flenoy Williams Kevin Michoel Wolfgang


Alon Leon Dorrs Michael Scor Beany

Roymond Edword Dolond Scort Mocdonold Clowson Mark Anthony Downs Joseph Drior Elliort David Michael Harmon

Kevin Michael Loroio

John Anthony Lopes Jeon MacIntyre Terry LeRoy Mock II Sandra Ann Moscovic

Robert Jack Polfi Corlos William W Quitero Eric Stephen Stratton Christopher Mark Voldez Dovid Allen Wright


Eagles on the loose.

Moj. Arthur W. Schwoll


Tereso Mary Alesch Jeffrey Dean Derg David Manworing Conner

Jeffrey Scorr Cundiff Lauren Elizabeth Dare

Wayne Andrew Fisher

Douglas William Floreoni Michael Lee Foged Merrill Carlron Hoeksrra

Scorr Alan Howell

Sreven Ansgar Hubert David Lee Jensen Michael Scorr Joyol

Christopher Dennis Long Robert Allen McCrory. Jr Raffaele Anronio Monerri

Stephan Korl Otto

Franz Martin Plescha Janean Lucia Raymona John Michael Royter April Marlene Sullivan Arthur Lee Sumner Victor Joseph Valdez Dretr Colin Welty

The Eagles have always had the sort of underdog image, at the beginning of the year, that gets most people down. Perhaps it is due to the envy of all other squadrons at the excellent rapport we have with Maj. Arthur W. Schwall, or maybe because we fend to have so much fun as a whole. In any case,


level of performance, and therefore status, in the eyes of those who would suppress our we





good spirits. All classes seemed to adjust easily to the rough dorm life at USAFA and formed a type of brotherhood. Being on Eagle is on experience that will be remembered by all who live in these two halls and they count themselves lucky to have that .




Ann Morie Anderson

Mark Joseph Bores Mark Edword Doss

Terry Lee Bowman Liso Ann Boyce John Madison Breozeole

Lorry Wayne Cochron, Jr. Sreven Dwyer Conner Derrick Todd Doyle David Scorr Drinkard, Jr Perer John Emmerr Robert Scott Fulton David Alexander Gaines Rolph Russell Goletti

Shannon Dale Hoggerr Walrer Cloy Howerron

Jeffrey Roberr Hunr Perer William Husron Roberr Anderson Johns Carl Lonsing King Scott Timothy Laschkewitsch Michael Phillip Lund Melindo Lee McWhorter

Ellen Jane Newron Julie Ann Owings

Timorhy John Perkins Joseph Andrew Roh Michael Eric Ronzo

Henry Elliot Eoston Stish Timothy Scott Taylot Todd Morrhew Wilde Bernord Brownlslow Zadrowski


Lloyd Allen Dollord Michoel Alan Comstock Richard Hoi Cooksey, Jr. Robert Eugene Fitzgerald John Fronds Flonogon

Thomas Oren Hanford Eric Ofstus Hanson Andrew David Ingram

Christopher Dryont Jella Edword Lee Joslln Joon Marie Kinsey John Scott Lodner

Cecil Anthony Medlno

George Thomas Menker. Jr Daniel Robert Miller Todd Richard Moody Gory Lee Morey Kelly Mark Pittmon Derr Wayne Rogers

Crolg Richard Ruder Joson Martin Rudolph

Neil Thomos Souve Daphne Ellen Stinson Evon Charles Thomos Jose Luis Torres, Jr. Khanh Cong Tron


Timothy Rex Beavers Zochory David Berg Diane Mory Breivik

James Albert Brunkow Mark Harris Ernewein John Thomas Flakowski Thomas Richard Gallagher Pamela Jane Houg Ronald Cleveland Huffman. Jr. John Francis Joseph Kiesler

Henry Scot Lecy Rodolfo Llobet Patrick Joseph Lorzing David Arthur Malek John Michael Malyevac Eric Michael Mellinger William Peter Mueller

Jeffrey Steven Navioux Kevin Dean Parr David Larry Phillips. Jr. Michael Ray Pitt Andrew Romero Sean Robert Sullivan Thomas Warren Yarger, Jr.

Viking Nine hos been riding o steady ship this semester. Again under commanding officer, Capt. Joseph P. Stein, with Cadet Lt. Col. Cheryl Cleveland, we have had a fine year. While striving to reach our goals Vikings won't forget the fun they had along the way. A common relaxation between the classes, has been the sold out airband concerts featuring the BACKSEAT CREW and FIGURE FOUR as the top performers. If you're tired, bored or in that humdrum mood, then just

FELP it. The common way to party.

When the weather is good, Block Forest is the place to be.

Ultimate, fruit and a bit of the bubbly hit the spot. If it gets too

hot then just take a dip in the Palmer Flouse pool, any nightclubber con give directions.

So, as the Vikings are working hard, word to smooth sailing ahead.

Woyne Porter Armstrong Noncy Jone Bolkus Mark Alan Choplin

Shannon Michael Fitzsimmons

Bloke Anthony Gettys Michael Patrick Homes Zochory Troy Johnson

Stephen James Kone Constance Elaine Kee Krista Lee Koirzan

Joel Anthony LoMorte William Lee Mohony John George Niokoros

Christopher Emmons Plomp Anthony Mark Propst James Eriend Patrick Roberts Michael Dovid Rorhstein

Robert Charles Scholler, Jr. John Derek Lonls Scribner Dovid Barclay Sheriff Keith Alan Stephens Mark Raymond Swartz Michael Ivon White Ronald Somuel Withers, Jr.

they ore looking for-

Jomes Robert Dell

Rondy Scorr Drowley Victor Orion Chombers

Michoel Roy Cox Patrick Arthur Goodman Sean Scorr Haggerty Michoel Kiyoshi Klinkmann Thomas Jerome Mongner

Gregory Phillip Mozzarella

Cory William Montgomery William Louis Mouraferis Hiawotha Kelly Newton

Paul Noworny Lori Jean Ritter Samuel Lewis Rose Stephen Jomes Skotre

Shoron Ann Smith Armondo Solis Jomes Steven Tillie

David Weirrroub Dwown Elliot Wilson Ronald Dryon Woodard Paul Wayne Wright

For whatever reason each of us came here to USAFA, the great computer in CWD put us all together in Tiger Ten. If even


threw in




We've shored some good and bod times, fought and hod fun,

FB-111 pilot, Maj. Robert B.

Manning, who forgrip on reality (uncharacteristic of SAC people), and appointed Scott C. Rutherford and Jerry K. Weldon os cadet commanders for the first ond us




second semesters, respectively. Not for better or for worse, but to leorn o few things that may serve us well down the rood. Now, the Tigers may not be number one in the Wing or even in First Group, but it is in the hearts of more than o few. The

Thomas Albert Abascol

Deverly Lynn Allen Terence Scorr Andre Kenneth Anthony Arcoleo

Darren Eric Childers Robert Mason Coleman Thomas Edward Danek, Jr, Thomos Joseph Duggan, III Howard Elzie Eaton, III Robert Scott Foneuff Myron Keith Fortson

Michoel Joel Hornby Robert Ty Hankomer Stephen Michoel Hopkins Douglas Calvin Howe Michael Thomos Imbus David James Krueger

Ross Theodore McNutt

Kristen Morton Williom Douglas Norton

Cynthlo Morle Orms Potrick Victor Reid

Crolg Douglas Simpson Andrew Arthur Taylor Mark Henry Ustoszewskl


important port to us is that we come together o bunch of misfits, ond turned Tiger Ten info whot we wonted it to be. and day by day wrote the pages of "As the Tiger Turns." It has not o

star-studded cast, but is o story of o few plain


who, os in the proud tradition of our battle cry, leap forward inthe unknown darkness to preserve what we love and believe in. This last page of Chapter 85 is dedicated to those 24 who hove bided their time and now cross over to the other to


John Fronds Cloncy Michoel Anesris Colberr

Croig Wildbur Croreou

Jennifer Renee Dondo Mork Kirby Gleoson Druce Wendell Guenzler Dovid Alon Horhowoy Drion Dole Hunrley George Williom A Irelond

Jeffrey Allen Kosrol Albert Lehenbouer Vincent Poul Logsdon

Quinten Lee Miklos Mork Alon Potterson Christopher Poul Route

John Rondoll Rudd

Kris Lloyd Thompson Williom Morgon Toney, II Christopher Mork Veldmon Dui Thonh Wonds

Jeffery Clyde Whorton


Thumbs Up!

Sondy challenges the guys to o mud wrestling match.

All dressed up and nowhere to go.

Maj. Robert 3. Manning


Second Group AOC

Deputy Commander/Supporr

Standards/Evoluorion Officer

Lr. Col. Dovid A. Overcast

Kevin D. Kerrell

Michael J. Masucci



Training NCO Phillip J. Kauffman


Resources/MWR NCO

Administration NCO

Shelly A. Gwllllm

Alan T. Parmafer

Safety/Security NCO Pollyanna A. Padden

Standards/Evaluation NCO Louis J. Nolan

Group Commander Kevin J. Fleming


Depury Commonder/Supporr Richard A. Klumpp, Jr.

Srandards/Evaluarion Officer Raymond W. Weerh



Training Officer Michael T. Healy

Resources/MWR NCO Terrie A. McLaughlin

Administration NCO

Stephanie R. Holt

Safety/Security NCO Jyll E. Stiglich

Standards/Evaluation NCO Walton E. Miller


Wiley Virgil Allgood Benjamin Lee Auten Jerry Lee Barth, Jr.

Kevin Cornell Belton

William Kendrick Brogon, Jr. Robert Preston Butcher Don Durant Carter Tim Dole Hortje Stephanie Ruth Holt

Donold Leon Hudson Jody Lynn Jansen Karl Eric Jentoft Kenneth Lawrence Korpok Julie Patricio Martin David J. Nieuwsmo Louis John Nolan

Kevin Douglas Palko John Kent Patterson Gerald Martin Perkins

Horry Martin Ronsmon Karen Lynne Smith Scott Michael Turrer Russell Albert Wilson

Reb-Eleven, rhe squadron fhar traditionally just barely placed in the top fen squadrons in second group competition went o long way in the '84-85 school year. The rebellious cadets even went os for os winning the honor of Squadron of the Month. This omozing feat was accomplished through both many WACQ's ond extra hours spent working out for intromurols. In the fall, the Rebel intramural tennis team mode it os for os the wing semi-finals. By the time winter rolled around, the number of Rebel intramural teams to moke the wing ployoffs hod jumped to three. Two of these, wrestling ond bowling managed to go oil the way ond win the wing team champion-

Christopher Eric Anspach Scott Bradley Atchison Lawrence Alvin Brundidge

Edward Joseph Colemon Jomes Willard Crowhursr Shown Joy Donold

Horry Ellsworth Downing. Jr

Steven Andrew Dufkus Llso Michele Holmes

Douglos Wilbur Joquish Kyung Toe Kim John Fronds Kosmon Dovid Frank Krouse Michael Ayers Lewis

Doniel Dovid McMockin Richard Allan Moon Robert Dee Morrill Steven Adrlon Olmos Mlchoel Alan Psoromoris Donny Bloir Rose Randall Sutherland Rowe Robert Deon Rowe

Merrill Deon Patrick Schulz Isabella Schworz Charles Fleming Stebblns, Jr. Mlchoel Alton Stewort

Joseph Dewey Stinson Gregory Korl Tesch Scott Allen Vesper Bronwyn Soroh Wise


ships! The Rebel family spent a great deal of time together ot funcas Halloween parties, and Forish weekends. The

fions such

squadron even went on o wild, white water-rafting trip down the Arkansas River. And for the three-doy February weekend, rhe Rebels spent on awesome time at Steamboat Springs. Eleventh Squadron did much together throughout the year and even if we weren't always known for consistent first places in marching, or exceptional hair cuts during Standards/Evoluotion inspections, we proved that even o mellow squadron could motivate itself to great achievements.

Worren Lee Benjamin Perer Wai Ching Scorr Douglas Chownmg

Paul Kennerh Daly Gerald Richord Diorre. Jr Kevin Michael Elliorr

Parrick Rowland Emmerr Richard Kane Gannon Roberr Garrison Harvey Kennerh Scorr Hulrgren Richord Emery Jacobson Mark Shawn Jensen John Morrhew Larson Kimberly Sue Legere

Curris Chih-Shan Ling Sreven Richard Moll Keirh Parrick McKeon Porker Waldo Norrhup, III Michael Todd Plehn Damian Mark Rispoli Keirh Evererr Schusrer Milron Charles Spongier. Ill

Carol Louise Sruorr Mark Alan Srukel Kennerh Perry Turpen Hearher Rene Viesselmon Timorhy Shawn Webb Anrhony Wade Willis Marrin Georg Andreas Winkler Dennis Parrick Wolf


William Gerard Denre John Tullio Coppello Matthew Eric Eggerr

Norrhon Frederick Golden Ross Vincenr Gooding Jeffrey Horry Gusrafson Timothy Jomes Harris

Kevin Richard Houdek Lorry Lee Littrell

Lawrence Dovid Luke Sreven Jude Madere Michael Porrick Marrel

Richard Dole Metzger Krisrino Yverre Nyberg Pollyanno Anosrosio Podden Michael Keith Rogers

Daryl Rirchard Simon Ruthonn Kom Mui Siu

Christopher Mark T. Tuoson Michael Frederick Viland John LeConte Wode Susan Marie Wielond Jeffrey Neol Wood


If they could see me now.

Moj. George D. Pollord


Tailgate, USAFA style.

Mark Richord Arlinghaus

Mark Jon Arriola Alon Keirh Deary Wallace Jomes Cossady

Robert Myles Craig

Timorhy Eugene Dickinson Kevin James Glazier James Randolph Grey, III Amy Rose Horrfield Scorr Andrew Hatfield Lee Warren Heironimus John Mark Hillyer

Dlaine Somuel Holman Parrick Joseph Kearney Kerri Patricia Kirk Melissa Marie Lord Kevin Joel Mueller

Wayne Michael Ringelberg Charles Rubrighr Stoner

Glenn Leroy Strebe Brian Wayne Thompson Michael Keirh Toliver

John Alan Willcockson Jon Kevin Wisham Christina Marie Young Arthur Edward Zemke

C5-12 began the 1984-85 school year with a bong by winning squadron of rhe month for Second Group in September. Spirits were kept high os squadron commander Chris Nowland ond new AOC, Maj. George D. Pollard, a USAFA graduate, led rhe way early on to motivate the cadets toward excelling throughout the first semester. The firsties mode everyone feel the welcome, especially incoming three degrees, by throwing o party ond getting everyone acquainted. The firsties kept their B.Y.O.C. (Bring Your Own Cup) tradition olive by celebrating a different theme every Thursday night. As the first semester progressed, o Halloween party broke the lull along with various nukings by the four degrees to keep the morale of the

squadron ot its peak. These nukings carried over to the second Night in which

semester with the climax coming on Hundredths no firstie room was overlooked.

In February the CS-12 sponsors, rhe 437 MAW from Charleston AFB, South Carolina, visited the squadron for skiing

and tours ot the Academy. Also, rhe squash intramural team rallied to beat CS-08 in o grueling match to win the cham-


All in oil, the Dirty Dozen hod a terrific year in oil aspects of the Academy. Looking ahead to next year, the eager two degrees will successfully follow the firsties' lead and


inspire rhe Dirty Dozen to soar to greatness.

Brian Parrick Bell Robert Joseph Buckenmyer Marlon Gilbert Camocho Mark Alan Campbell

Thomas Joseph Corcoran

Shoron Rose Donchoe Richard Martini Frampron Donald Lee Jarvis, Jr. Denise Angela Kennedy Damon Lee Lockhart Scott Steven Manley Patricia Ann McCarthy Mory Lynetre McKeon

Eric David Meyn David Wayne Miller Gregory Scott Myers Franklin Allen Pugh Paul Rendessy David Paul SonClemenre

George Russell Savoy, II Doniel Charles Slayton

Scott Lee Smith Clork Jomes Thompson Jomes Tomollo, Jr. Rofael Alexander Veve Michael D'Anthony Walker Erick Douglas Wlkum Kermlt Theophllus Wyche Ancel Brock Yarbrough, II


Jesse Drown Ashe, III Richord Michael Basok William Michael Bumpus

Brian Taylor Burger

David Lance Corey Michael Dewey Edwards Nancy Jean Fokult Von Allen Gardiner

Douglas Eugene Gregory, Jr,

Parrick Michael Grogan

Craig Allan Hordin Robert Edword Hill Gory Kent Im Michael John Lackovic

Tommy Lynn Lombardo Timothy Robert Luce

George Andrew Niemann John Willlom Specht Mark Jomes Tlrrell Mark Austin Trudeou


Michoel Normon Ayorre Dovid Frederick Brisrol Miles Dovidson Dohlby Arthur Lee Dozier IV Michoel Scorr Gebouer

Scorr Alon Hoines Michoel Jomes Holl Michoel Porrick Honrohon

Andrew Gordon Hechr Jomes Puol Hodgson Morrino Horn Liso Jeonne Hummler Thomos Jomes Kourh

Vosilios Kiofoulis Sreven Michoel Kokoro Scorr Alon Krouse Mork Collender Luchs Dorm Kip Morgon Michoel Jomes Nurrer

Undo Koy Ollig Joseph Roderic Posner

Erik Robert Preus Lonce Ryon Schroeder Lowrence Poul Speer

Miguel Fronds Torreoldoy Robert Froncis Tyson Debbro Srorr Villeneuve Jerome Watkins Orion Porrick Zembroski

What can you soy about the Bulldawgs of '85? Well, we started the year out right. Massive FIGMO set in about MidAugust. But that didn't bother Silly Willy os he took command of the squadron ond let Dowk whip us into



semester, Marcus (flew the coop to Rhonda's) Cooper took over. He and his Ops, John Robinson spent a lot of rime searching for squadron goals. However, by this time it wos

And that we did, every chance we got. We tried hard to be like our AOC Copt oops, sorry Sir Moj. Jim Dotson, Jr. .






(that is, always out). We ran the gamut from Buck's break dancin' to Theo's friend-

ly demeanor. We were o right knit bunch. We'll miss the one we lost. Good luck Charlie. But most of oil, we're ready for the Air Force.

apparent that 85 had only one goal. "Let's get out of here!”

Mory Ann Dehne Mork Andrew Dissell

Margarer Mory Doldrick Eorl Deon Drown. Jr

Hugh Ryon Drown

Jeffrey Marrin Campbell

George Pool Rene Chostoin Allen William Chin Robert Keith Dovis

Dovid Alon Dickson Michoel Francis Dush Fleck Richard E Hortloub, Jr Kirk Porrick Johnson

Michoel Eugene Loromee

Christopher Dernord Moiocco Scorr MocVeon Manly Charles Edward Micholec William Dorron Miller, Jr.

Ricky Ron-Noy Murphy Elmon Dorst Myers, IV Sreven Walter Nessmiller

Kyle Douglas Reid Kathleen Jo Riley Jeffrey Alon Satterfield Mory Elizabeth Seiler Porrick Russell Silvio Kolwonr Singh Smagh Roberr Dovid Williams Peter Lowrence Zalewski

Orion Douglas Adorns Merrill Frederick Armsrrong Scon Christopher Blum

Joseph Michoel Clark Jeffrey Neil Dovila Mark Todd Dewey Patrick Michoel Dimenro Gerald Scon Gormon Kenf Lomarr Ingram

Douglas John Kuryno Orion John Lloyd Domon Lowrence MocDougall Michoel Shown Meoder Scort William Miller Robert Edmund Monroe Corlos Arturo Noock

Pedro Raul Oms Carol Ann Ptasznik

Timothy Howard Robinson Wesley Woyne Sechler Corol Ann Trovis

Timothy Douglas Word Dovid Partick Yingling

Once again, ir was the Cobra's year to break in a new AOC Maj. Hedy C. Pinkerton, 5'2", southern accent and red hair. The proof is left to the reader as to who broke in whom. Under the direction of Kyle Cunningham, the new year set soil —

without o hitch. Pot Stonehom dealt breaks almost os often os punishments ond Ed Koslow got the task of discovering whot Assistant Ops really does. Marty Granum "Gankin" sported excellent hairs for foil semester, Paul Jeffries was "sorry” to leave us ot Christmas.

Fall semester sow Liso Drinen marching with a butter knife, Dove Dimartinis "Yo” making the Cobras sweat and Russ "Voteman” pushing the doolies to second best bookworms in

Herbert Puol Adorns, III Shirrel Liso Coin Bradford Charles Dovis

Woyne Bryonr Douglas Floyd Wilson Dusron

Patricia Evans Paul Edward Follert Roy Dovid Gorcio Brody Michoel Gllck Jonathan Tyler Harmon Alain Louis Maurice Jones Jonathan Gray LaMar

Robert B. Lytwyniuk Thomas Craig Medara Craig Elvert Meyer Eric Jomes Miller Todd Richard Oliver Brent Gregory Polglose John Amborse Porembo

Lloyd Earl Ringgold, Jr. Brian Porker Smith Michael Angelo Testa Charles Herbert Tripp, Jr. Jami Rose VonDeGrlft Stephen Douglas Walters Monlco Mory Werlech

the wing. Fall semester was Lorry Gost and the Easter "Bunny” ond Wayne Miller "Bone” banging heads in rugby. Spring semester came in like o lion with Jim Moore os commander. We lost Mary Manning to group but

squadron hung on to Tom Bergeson "Berge” as Ops. Ben Beilis "Bonj” visited Mexico on spring break but returned with no souvenirs. Mark Neylond "Heyba” kept us in tune to Phil Collins and Monica Eady become o volleyball powerhouse. Bobby Blackmon picked up the reins os athletic officer ond Will Soger "Piiig” started round two as CTO. Woyne Olson "Ole” found new ways to total his Vette, John Au-Yeung played handball.

Nino Morion Armogno Scorr Keith Ballard Kris Lee Belcher William Floyd Broomheod

Robert Otis Buchanan John William Chopmon

Portick Woyne Christopherson

Christopher Michael Coovrey Charles Jude Deluise Melvin George Deaile William Scott Elligotr

Michoel Peter Forte

Jeffrey Edward Golden Harlan Keith Higginbotham. Jr.

Linwwod Joseph Jackson. Jr. Gerold Gene Jouert

Matthew David Kosrer Lee Stearns Kimball

Matthew Theodore Miller

Antony Michael Pockord

Douglas Patrick Reilly William Joseph Resnik Lourdes Maria Rivera Cristina Maria Romogoso Christopher Andrew Rose

Peter Charles Schulz

Christopher Bowen Sorenson Annette Marie Stephens Michelle Marie Syllo Mark Trofton, IV

Gory Ray Warren Don Richard Watson, Jr. Jennifer Anne Westin

Cory Madison Williams


Cobros, show us your fangs!

Moj. Hedy C. Pinkerton


Jon-Chose DeClerck Vincent Michael Dempsey Michael Joseph Egon. Ill Troy Michael Erwin

Morrhew Russell Fenton. II Andrew Trocy Gorboden Shelly Ann Gwillim

Robert Joseph Hampel Steven Walter Herman James Owen Holley John Otto Krouse

Angelique Marie Longley

Leon Lowman, Jr. Michael Sullivan Lynch John Thomos Massee

Emmonuel Mihoil Mavrokis Walton Edward Miller Darren Ingraham Neol Manuel Alfred Payne Jomie Edward Pettyjohn

Marcus John Quint Seon Michael Rooney

Nancy Marie Ryniok Jonathon Tyler Skardo Joel Scott Speight David Blaine Updegroff Jeffrey Paul Wagrer Reginald Holt Wolker

It was a memorable year for the Wareagles, with some fond

bod they couldn't go anywhere. And then there wos the

doss of '88

under the able leadership of the firsties. Who will ever forget "Recondo Block's” command voice calling the squad to often-

sions, but even

tion, or Tron's unique knack for knocking off his service cap during noon meol formation? The class of '86, the class that

"always does things better,” proved themselves to be quite a bunch of individuals, coming in second to none on the number of people on the Commandant's List. Could this hove possibly been the result of Quint's leadership? The three degrees turned out to be quite a classy bunch of dressers



Aoron Brerr Allen

Christopher Patrick Bokke Robert Allen Couser Potricio Morie Croig Jonathon Edward Fair

Shown Robinson Flournoy Jeffrey Michael Frient Steven Dwayne Glenn John Hardy Harris Dennis Martin Hester Michoel George Hickmon Pete Korle

Doniel Arthur Kosin Thomos Edword Lorson

Rip Douglas Lee Juon Antonio Copule Leoncio Scott Michoel Moser Peter Kenneth Mossa, Jr.

Joseph Ely McDaniel

More Edwordo Munafo Scott Fitzgerald Murray James Reginald W. Nelson Dovid Matthew Ryer James Robert Schmlck Michael Thomos Symocls Stacey Anne Wilson



memories that won't easily be forgotten. The squadron thrived




all they wonted was o chance to do spirit mismore

importantly, they wonted their posses

approved. All in all if was o great year for the squadron. We started the yeor by getting our ducks lined up and trying to do good. We hosted our sponsors from Little Rock in the foil, and they

reciprocated by making some of us sick on their C-130s in the spring. Always Wareagles, we got our lips ripped off o few times, but on the whole succeeded in our quest.

Troy Allen Asher Jomes Poul Duchonon. IV

Jeffrey Terrell Burler Kevin Dole Chopmon Vincenr Edword Eckelkamp Thomas Alon Eide

Trocy Anne Foore

Cindy Louise Grove Scorr Randol Hinkle Thomas Korl Huber

Charles Scorr Hoyeo Poul Edword Klehn Monre Jomes Klemon

Jorge Eduordo Losso Vorgos

William Dennis Marrin Jeffrey Alon Morrinovich Croig Evon Mays

Jonarhan Norhoniel Moore Mokie George Porodise Brian Deon Roduenz Lindo Lee Rayl Chrisropher Glen Schorenbrock

Theodore William Tokoi John Eric Terrell Sonriogo Alfredo Voco Poul Augusrine Valdez Roberr Joseph Vandal, Jr. Edword John Vongheem Roelond Alexander Von Opijnen Attilo Zolton Vorgo

i/anda plus escorts


William Charles Adelmann Jose Rolando Alvarodo-Avellon

Edward Anrhony Arringron Mork Lee Doggerly Sanford Harrison Daikon Paul Michoel Denson

Lorerro Ann Drown Andrew Robert Carlson

Scorr Anthony Cilley Dorboro Lynne Goble Rex Oscor Gibson Mark William Hort Suson Denise Horvey

Drion Scorr Kendoll John William Krofr, Jr. Ricky Alon Love Leon Christopher Moyfield Michoel Gerold Mercier Daniel Edword Norton Alon Todd Pormorer

Morquis Delofoyerre Pickett John Stephen Pusroy. Jr Richard William Scobee

Christopher George L Vellanri Charles Lowrence Wolloce, Jr Druce Alon Wosserzieher Lowrence Todd Wood


Moj. Loren C. Ainsworth



Alan Joseph Barys

Dorryl Joseph Beardsley Reid Robert Brisrow

Carl Clifford Carhuff Wesley Alan Correr Srephen Frederich Dorian Thomas James Feldhousen Thod Montgomery Flournoy

Thomas James Hopper Eric Joy Hunter

David Hiroshi Kaneshiro

Jeffrey Alan Lomb Mark Lorsen

James Robert McGinn Thomas Edward Miller Daniel Brooks Phillips

Bloke Charles Pierson

Antoinette Theresa Smith John Michael Sundsrrom James Michael Taylor

Peter Wesley Von Pelt More Emmirr Willis

Kenton Todd Wood

Ricky Gene Yoder

Yes, it's official

we're back to being "Chickenhawks” after being just "Hawks.'' The change, voted in by the squadron as a whole, has helped return the tradition in our squadron of having a relaxed atmosphere while still getting the job done. It's worked, os shown by our third place in the Wing academics standings, sweeping intramurals for the first time in years, and our high rankings in the squadron-of-the-month competition. While saying goodbye to Moj. Mooney, we welcomed Maj. a brief time of

Loren C. Ainsworth, a '70 Chickenhawk, to our squadron. He has yet to develop o taste for cut-off uniform ponts. With Tom C. ot the helm, and even with Jim H. of his side, we hove the

squadron mellowed again. Jeff J. comes out of the woodwork with Jim G. to write our final chapter. Amidst it all, we've come together and mode life-long friendships. But most importantly, we've come to realize that "nothing in life is critical.'' .



Eric Francis Alofito

Philip Anthony Basso, Jr. Dovid Brent Boysinger Hector Javier Corronzo

Sophelio Elon Cherry

Mark Andrew Chisholm

Gory Franklin Conner Alfred Richard Corrodo

Matthew Lee Cushman

Robert James Devers, Jr. Terry Woyne Gibbs Karen Lynn Gooran

Rhonda Ann Greenberg

Stephen Anthony Hajosy

Orock Robert Honrhorn Matthew Dovid Hayes David Earl Horton John Eric Kerns Mari Elizabeth Kuzmack Shea Bryan Long Kurt Richard Miller

Jack Paul Morowiec Albert Meir Passy, II Robert Allen Renner John Everette Steed, Jr. John Howard Sreele Robert Thomos Swonson, Jr Todd Charles Tofoure Michael Don Toney


Eric Adorns Beene Korhryn Anne Denka Andrew David Carter Raul Ernesto Cisneros-Daniel

Victor Jesus Dloz, Jr William Allen Ellis Brian Dovld Figie Tod Richard Fingol Edward Dominic Fronger

Reginald Percy Gage, III Jennifer Lynne Graham Wendy Marie Griffin

Donald Lee Kudym, Jr. Dovid Hansel Mahorrey, Jr. Roderick Courtney Mann Kathleen Morie Muench David James Older John Frederick Rued John Anthony Russ

Eugene Melvin Smith, Jr. Jooquin DuDois 5tukes Roger Wayne Teague William Joseph Veroski, Jr. Thomas Jude Vlnlng Arthur Henriks Zeile Alan Wayne Zwlck


Ronold Philip Deirle Ira Colyn Daryn Derry Patrick Lee Cheatham Sueling Cho

William Curris DeMoso Jennifer Louise Disco Michael Kevin Donahue Phillip Thomas Edwards John Andrew Ellis

Bradley Kennerh Fleix Jimmy Edward Graham

Bradley Joseph Hobig Sreven Michael Hubble James Tyron Jeffcoot Edwin Whirney Koler, III William Joseph Lamb Dennis Keith Moore Sreven Anthony Sandoval

Tammy Roe Seibert Walter Wayne Strader, Jr. David Neil Sunderland Raymond John Webster, III Peter John Weidner Robert Ross Woodley

Randy Zuehlke

Nesrled high in the western most corner of Vondenberg Hall the Seventeenth Cadet Squadron lived under the leadership of Maj. Jock R. Trimble. Major Trimble joined the Stolag family this year and has proven to be a dedicated team leader. He hos brought to 'Country Club 17' the experience of an operational Air Force o fighter squadron that is and a motto: When we squadron work, we work hard and when we party we party just as hard. Living true to this motto, Stolag hos grown together with a strengthened chain of command and o social schedule purposefully filled by our own squadron planning committee. Leading us along these paths hove been our future Marine Corps flyer, C1C More Powell and our bicep-building, girl-lifting C1C Pot Marshall. To remember: the last wing champion football team complete —

with C3C Kaler's broken ankle, the wing running-up swimming team, that raft trip in the midst of September when the Arkansas

River was sufficiently lowered from the water we personally transported back to the Springs, that Christmas party where we all had to buy ties in order to go where the freshmen proved that 'Stevie Puke and the Vomits' might have developed some —

where certain slides were bake sale bureaucratic form for a few consecutive weekends, ond, of course, the 100rhs Night when we held tightly to our dates just in case a blue-eyed, drink buying superior proved





tempting. In the Future: The class of '86 awaits the inheritance of Stalag responsibility. '85 wishes to these four year veterans of this sixth an floor habitat operational elevator on those weekend laundry afternoons. —

Deon Eric Bray Kevin Edward Burns

Korasak Colibo

Christopher John Cloy Morrhew Christopher Conrod David Gregory Didden

Jeffrey Paul Dietrich Hirom Paul Gates, III

Rimy Guerro James Watson Hailey

Douglas Andre Irvine Brian Scott Jonasen Kevin Carl Kaighn Robert Gerard Kilgore Gory Lee Krous, Jr

Donald Peter Lombardo

Scorr Christopher Long Christopher Michael Lowe Timothy Duone McDougald Edword Lee McKinzie Morie Josephine McShoin Ravi Brion Mhorre Kothryn Morgoret Porker Williom Robert Peorson

Timothy Morio Peshek David Walter Reed, Jr Peter Rochord, Jr. Barbara Ann Ruff Kurt Rondoll Schichtl Douglos Robert Smith Rondoll Williom Spivey Rlchord William Totem Gerold Woyne Waller


Dorboro Lynne Burgess Paul Raymond Calhoun, Jr Deon Robert Fair Michael Jomes Hody

Jeffrey Scorr Henry

Joner Morie Henson Edward Lee Hutchins

Winthrop Chopin Idle Stephen Clifford Joszoi Theron Eugene Johnson Andrew Herbert Jones

Phillip John Kauffmon

Terrence Aloysius Leory John Bernard McDonald, Jr William Jomes Nelson

Dovid M Outlaw

Bradley Wayne Price Croig Allen Reimers Keith Porrick Ross

Mark Edword Schieve

Laurie Jo Schuk Coerr Colvin Scoggin Charlie Stallings Jill Ewleen Stiglich Dovid Andrew Sutton Michael Woyne Wright

Our squadron commander, "Lips'' T. Linehan, starred the year rolling with his exclusive power principle. With his side kicks Too Cool Hamlin, Fog, and Thumper, they thought chili with o 90% garlic content would be o sure winner ot the chili

worth (only temporarily we hope) we'll miss him.


All in oil we managed to take first in group, the four degree's first in the PCE, ond we won't mention academics. The three

oops, Maj. Daniel Pererjohn always seemed to hove time to hear and solve any problem; that is if you hod on hour ond a half to listen to related tank stories. If you ever


squadron party he wos the one in the ton pants ond blue sweater, or if you're on the slopes he’s the one getting hit on the head with the choir lift. When he goes to Fort Leaven-

come to a

Timothy Joy Arnold Robert Bolha

Gregory Antonio Campbell William Compos Stephen Michoel Cook

Mark Dovid Delong Patrick William Evans Kenneth Eugene Gates Michoel Joy Genoy

Dovid Robert Edword Hollo Charles Kevin Hyde Slephon Korl Kojoh

Dovid Francis Kromer Stuort Duane Kroner

George Wesley Morchesseoult Kevin Charles Martin Morco Jomes Motchefts

Horold Jomes McAlduff

Jeshuo Tess Metcolf Dorrell Lee Morris

Timothy Alton Ness Robert Wllllom Peck Dlone Irene Provost Richard Olson Scott Stephen Thomos Spewock Mellsso Dorlo Mory Stimoc Noel Henry Tetreoult John Peter Wynne


And then there's the party that wasn't; Harold's wet ears; Wild Walter; Joanne's late night walks; broken engagements; and who doesn't march?

degrees offer o slow start, finally caught on os to what it takes to be o Nightrider. The two degrees ore eagerly awaiting the firsties exit. And the firsties well, good luck, and just don't get caught in Fort Leavenworth with P.J. .



Sronley Arthur Allen Stephen Doniel Armstrong Vicki Jeon Besecker Cheryl Lyn Drown Matthew Jerry Carfagno Dean Allen Doniel

Christopher Patrick Dobb Jesse Michael Duncan James Wesley Edwards Cynthia Susan Haney Cloy Edward Hubbs James Austin Hurley, III Celeste Lagomorsino David Patrick Langan

Andrew Craig Logan Patrick Jon Maes John Druno Makar William Jody Mondeville Rafael Teodoro Marrero-Pujols Virgil Alexander Marshall, III Gary Stephen Moser Jane Elizabeth Mullikin Patrick Shawn Murray

Kurt Matthew Overturf

Kreg Andrew Polko Ralph Leon Rose Thomas George Sadlo Allen Theodore Schmelzel Martin Franz A. Strirtmatrer Allan Wayne Teeples

Doniel Uribe Kevin Douglas Ward


The Nlghtrider Firsfies


Steven Scorr Allen

Solly Lynn Anschuerz Joseph Poul Dlewirr

Jomes Colvin Doyd. Ill Robert Doyne Drown Richard Westley Christie, III Donimic Poul Grozioli Stuort Phelps Johnson, II William Alon Lyons

Deon Patrick McLoin Terrie Ann McLaughlin

Douglas Doyd Myers Terrence John O'Shoughnessy Drian Keith Pickens Mork Allen Pokorny

Gregory Jomes Russo Michoel Leonidos Therionos. Jr. Monson Scott Turner Chorles Patrick Wonebo

Peter Lowrence York

George Anthony Zoniewski

Well, another year is over. For the firsties, it means going to the Air Force. The two degrees will take command, three degrees get cars, and the four degrees look forward to life in their new squadrons. All of us will carry the memories of this year together in Starship 19.

hall parties before SAMIs. How big is your speaker, Moc? Our trip to Eglin to visit our squadron was fantastic. The firsties ore finally out! We've hod some great times together, including Ring Dance, 100ths Night, Bennie's Cord Parlor, Raff's 9:00 bedtime, and Erv's duckwalk. We wish good

This wos o good year for "Playboy." We passed Standards/ Evaluation with a resounding Quol 1. (The first time.) Moj. Ran-

luck to the lower classes in the year to come. See you in the Air

doll R. Cantrell still can't figure out why no one wonted to be

"famous throughout the wing.” Who con forger the infamous

Agnes Suson Arvai Horidev Stephen Dasudev Eric Allen Doe Dyron K. Droussard Rondoll Wode Clork Jeffrey Correr Cliorr

Shirley Rebekoh Clinton Andrew Johnorhon Clyne Peter D'Amico Jomes Erhon Dovis Poul Dory Forrell Scot Drodford Gere Elijoh Andrevol Jones, III

Chorles Drodley Keorney, III Poul Rene Kronenberger Morion llpinskl Jomes Alon Morsholl Shone Lyol Merclof Michael Fronds Nohorniok Porricio Ann Okey

Christopher Grohom Polmer Dovid Ross Pendergroft Morthew Elliott Pltzel Kevin Deon Richards Joseph P Saulski Ezra Gene Vonce Andrew Copeland White



Robert Avon Aror, II Kurr Mehord Dozorrh John Kurtis Brock Elizoberh Anne Broxrermon Eric Alon Coffman

Roger William Creedon Jeffrey Louis Cyr Liso Marie Dixon Jonathon Timothy Drummond Bryon Adorns Hawkins Michael William Kometer David Martin Lange

Dovid Adorn Levy Rumll Villolon Lomiboe

Robby Allan Morr Paul Anthony Meyer Richord Dole Mooreheod Sondro Jo Morton Jomes Patrick Page

Corhy Rene Roberts Todd Miles Sosokl Poul Frnocls Schuster Jomes Denton Slsler Pedro Ricardo Suorez Denise Urbonskl George Houstoun Worlng V


Anrhony Lee Amodeo

Igor Firzgerold Deoufils Derek Christopher Drown

Gory Lee Burg Koren Sue Clork

Dersy Crayton Coley Robert John Ferroro. Jr.

Jeffrey Eugene Frankhouser

Richard Paul LeCloire Glen Scott Moore Constantine George Nifokos John Edward Peterson David Scott Prorher Morrhew Daniel Rorhsock

Hugh Kenny Saint Charles James Shoff Thomas Keith Smith. Jr. Stephen Frederick Tremoin Charles David Tuck Kevin Dean Yeomans


Hey, cadets, look this way.


Thomos J Brezinsky James Douglas Connolly Dovid Eorle Denr Michael Todd Friske Terence Joseph Gibson

Peter John Gworek Dorrin Wesley Harris Andreo Joine Henning Peter Gendo Huddle Howard Henry Huerta Kymberli Sterlene Johnson Daniel Keith Kassel

Michael Philip Moog Dovid Peed MocKenzie

Anthony Mogoletro Jeffrey Allen Martin Wolfgang Peter Miggiani Andreo Lynn Montgomery Bruce Eugene O'Cain

Nick Peter Rodovcich Kenneth Robert Rizer

Jeffrey John Sladko Dovid Robert Stoddard

Henry Carter Thompson Amy Louise Vick William Albert Yurek

There was a new attitude in 20th squadron this year. Maj. Stephen R. Martin allowed the firsties to run the squadron. They did so by having a good time while still getting the job done with the philosophy that "nothing's critical.'' The Trolls set goals, os all squadrons do, but most were surprised when we started achieving them. The Trolls managed right away to break info the top three in squodron of the month competition for the first time in over two years. The semester continued to go well with first place in every SAMI, first in group in foil intromurols ond in

marching. We even spent o Saturday marching in the snow


hopes of going to D.C. for President Reagan's inouguro-

tion. Trolls continued to dominate second semester in athletics

ond squodron competition with its second wing championship and winning squadron-of-the-month. Most








aginative excuses to hove dining-outs. And, let us not forget the firsties with a language all their own initiated by Roy 'Vhe right stuff" Hamilton. Anyway, best of Tuck to next year’s Trolls and remember that "nothing's critical.''

George Curtis Adkins Steven Louis Alfosi

Drodley Stephen Dennett Thomos Walter Collett William Jerome Doyle, Jr. Annmari Moe Duffy Patrick Woyne Ellis

Gatlin Woyne Essory Andrew James Feltet Thomos Carlisle Gilkeson, Jr James Richard Grohom More Duone Hoynes Harold Richard Hughes. II Andrew John Kronzer John Michael Lossolette

Chonning Licon Kenneth Dole Moduro Denton Joy Merritt Jeffery Eugene Newlin Cindy A. Petterson Wllliom Nell Plyler Kevin Paul Roberg Rlchord Wesley Russell

Pout Stanley Shurnos Stocy Jeon Sldor Dirk Dole Smith Edward Charles Stonlek Adorn Winston Strochon Korl Ann Thyne John O'Neill Turnoge, Jr Russel Mark Warner



Training Officer Jose A. Meno

Academic/Athletic Officer Richard D. Anderson


Group Commander

Deputy Commander/Operations

Jomes L. Setzer

Dino V. Lorenzini

Deputy Commander/Support Kristine D. Dyers

Standards/Evaluations Officer Jacqueline N. Charsagua


Sergeant Major Robert P. Givens

Training NCO Ivan G. Thompson

Standards/Evaluation NCO Bradley D. Harmon

THIRD GROUP Deputy Commander/Support Peter A. Whelan

Standards/Evaluation Officer Carl R. Sovinec


Training Officer Stephen M. Vlsel

Academic/Athletic Officer

Resources/MWR NCO

Administration NCO

Laurel M. Wittenberg

Michael J. Rarlck

5. Mark Rutledge



Sergeant Major Mark T. Beierle

Training NCO Michael T. Finnlcum

Safety/Security NCO

Standards/Evaluation NCO

Kimberly Lewis

Leland G. Sdfers


Leo Henry Averbeck III Brenr Forrest Breidenrhol Michoel Lee Brown Todd Andrew Copher

Robert Boyd Donehower Tereso Lynn Droughn Michoel Seth Fisher Brent Allen Frerlchs Edword Golen Givens III Jomes Louronce Griffith

Areolar Rosello Horrlson Jomes Wllllom Herron Wllllom Poul Knoll Roberr Dole Loncosrer Jomes Michoel LeFovor Rlchord Paul MocKeen Daniel John Miller Jr.

Rlchord Power Prior Jr. Molly Jeon Sulllvon

5rephen Mork Waller Chandler Dean White

Bryon Jockson Wiggins Dimitri Michoel Yollourokls Christopher Donald Zornlk


John Joseph Abboriello Rafael Anronio Denirez

Lucy Ann Drown

Stephen Randall Dyers Christopher Thomas Conte Richard Thomas Crouch Jomes Peter Emerick Dovid Darkley Farris Lawrence Michael Feltmon DeeAnn Michelle Fouts

Dovid Jomes Fulno Jr. Mark Todd Germann Carlton Ashley Glirzke Derek Reed Hoffnung Steven William Jacobson Timothy Michael Kubes Druce Anthony La Charite

Kurtis John McClure Phillip Russell Protzner Jr. Scott Richard Shutock

Lynn Catherine Sutter Raymond John Wright James Allen Zietlow

Shelley Zuehlke

Well, the year comes to o close and looking bock I'd hove to soy that the Blackjacks were never the squadron with the most discipline, but we hod to be the most disciplined. When we were not in trouble, the firsties were off at Noutilis and the Golden Bee, the two degrees kekpt themselves busy in search of the perfect party, while many of the three degrees brought the party o little closer to home, and for the four tok-

degrees, ing o keg or two from Arnies was never out of the question.

First semester we hod o squadron commander whose earings were slightly large. Second semester rolled around and we found ourselves with a squadron commander who hod impec-

cable sober manual. No matter who was in charge, that individual could only count on one thing for sure ond that wos, no matter how hard we tried, we always got lost place in the SAMI. As the year comes to o close, the light ot the end of the tunnel becomes o little brighter for each ond every one of us. We wish the class of '85 the best of luck ond always remember that we may not hove been the best in military nor best in academics, but the Blackjacks were always o squadron that others wished they were in. Two one in there. -

Philip Devil Dondy Rebecca Wonder Darrlne

Ralph Leslie Deom Anthony Edward Dufler Anne Elizabeth Chlnnery Jon Christopher Collins

Robert Wesley Correll Jeffery Kent Crain Tyler Word Eldred Theresa Maureen Flynn Elizabeth Anne Gonze Dovid Woyne Gorber Antonlno Herrera Jr. Dovid Drion Jensen

Michael Alfred Johnson Dovid Paul LoVolley

Gregory Thomas Lukasiewicz Richard Jomes Mondeville Leslie Martines Michael Dovid Montgomery David William Neville John Dovid Oliver II

Karin Marie Pacheco Peter Louis Poppe Michael Woyne Richey Michael Timothy Sewell David Mlchoel Smith Sean Mlchoel Southworth Donald Joseph Svec

Raymond Joseph Tegtmeyer


Michael Anrhony Abborr Frederick Childs Bocon Kevin Dewoyne Brooks

Dovid Allen Courchene John Patrick Dewine Arthur Dorrell Estovillo Andrew Ellsworth Hart Dovid Patrick Ingerson Joseph Michael Jose

Steven Todd Kuennen Bennett Korl Lorson Robbie Dole Martin Gregory Joseph McAndrews Pomelo Anne Reddick Dovid Barry Shannon

Barbara Jeon Spencer

Ivon Gerord Thompson Roger Deon Throsher John Frederick Vickers Michael Roymond Word

Lonnie Allan Worren Todd Corl Westhouser Lourel Melseon Wittenberg

This year the Tarantulas were a good squadron. We all did a good job. We hod some good people. We hod some good times. Mojor MacNiven is a good guy! Overall, it was a good

Dovid Newman Boker Jr Craig Andrew Barton Nicole Morie Berry

Doniel Jomes Birrenkott Shown Tyrone Bryon Bret Anthony Crenwelge Nothoniel Cunningham. Jr. Doniel Fronds Howkins Guy Albert Hocker

Brian Douglas Johnson

Phillip Douglas Luts Joseph Mark Lyons Timothy John Matson Potriclo Morie Micholcik

Timothy Jomes Mukodo Poul Bernard Olofson

Christopher Seon Simpson Genleve Moe Smith Chorles Frederick Topllkar Nhor Duy Tran

Regis Christopher White Steven Edward Willis Peter Fritz Zwlener


year. Good deals! Well, that's good enough for me!

Good Bye! (It can't be said we didn't hove a good sense of humor!!)

Lourel Ann Allen Morlo Roye Boggerly Chrlsrlon Peter Benedict Derrell Rondel Brockwell Mark Christopher Charlton Stephen James Dion

David Thomas Fohrenkrug Romono Denise Fulkerson Molindo Koye Hartley Malcolm Woyne Hicks Theodore Paul Hovorko

Joseph Clifton Lone Patrick Simon Lemoire Lonce Kirk Livesey John Robert Macdonald

John Frederick Mann Robert Anthony McEntee Thomas Horold McKenno Jeffrey Woyne Monroe Patrick LeMoyne Ogburn Paul Edward Pokorny III Eric Raymond Ritchie

Croig Bradley Snyder Bortolome Antonio Soriano

John Jude Stochnlk Bloke Chondler 5touffer Nicholas Anthony Volpe Christopher Sean W. Walker Joseph Brian Washington Nothon Kiyo Wotonobe Clifford Allen Westbrook Darryl Lynn Wilson Von Allen Wlmmer Jr.

ongrafulafons: You oil ooss Soock 101 frolnlnol 493

Rlchord Woyne Choncellor Edword Croig Chovez

Mork Albert Crosby Michael Theodore Finnlcum Curtis Lamar Green James Joseph Hawkins Anne Louise Johnston

Kirk Alon Leor

Lorishie Lee Mooney Robert Everett Porker Michael Dovid Pietrygo Kevin Jomes Raimer

Edword Joseph Rinke Jeffrey Joseph Smith Frank Theodore Veldhuizen Jr. Hugh Scott Vest Thomos Jomes Willard

The 'Srormers never forger how ro mix pleasure with business. For example, take their fall semester squadron commonder Ed Tomme please. His Thursday night study sessions provided the most enlightening educational experience available to those who really needed it. The AOC, Major Margaret M. Sranek, provided new meaning to the concept of "cookie motivation'' os Ed Tomme managed to wear more of her dilectobles than he ate. But for

Debro Ann Baggerr Matthew Weeks Bompton Mork Armond Bova

Worren Francis Brondow IV

Robert Joseph Covello Mark Paul Conrad Donald Edwin Evons Keith William Fletcher Donlel Brett Hancock Michael Manning Hanson Gregory Eugene Horbln

Scott Michael Hoverkote Dole Allen Holland John Henry Kofer Conrod Douglos Kipp Edword Harold Krafft Mark Lowry III Jomes John McGovern

Robert Michael Morse Kimberlel Anne Northrop

Woyne Robert Plerlnger Mark Woyne Shofer John Stephen Tomjock Jamie Scott Whitley Croig Douglos Wilson


$90 the shoe was on the other foot, or should we soy, the pie was on the other face.

Our strongest point os a squadron was the loyalty we felt toward each other and the close bonds of friendship that were built. Even though the Barnstormers may not walk owoy with honor squadron, we will walk away with good memories and valuable experiences.


Joseph Anthony Uy Abrigo Michoel Allon Adorns Bryan J. Bagley

Dovid Glenn Boll Steven Roy Bankston Michoel Joseph Bornett

Charles Lawrence Beomes Kurt Ulrich Colemon Michoel Eodes Dovis Thomas Lloyd Gibson Noncy Caroline Holler Bradley Deon Holloron Chod William Hennings

Porrldo Lynn Knepper James Matthew Lejeol Andrew Gerord Marckesano Todd D. Martin Randall Robert McCofferty Scott Michoel Moffat Timothy Edward Murray

Vivian Carol Nlenhogen Juon Eduordo Reto Peter Andrew Rldlllo Stephen Patrick Roberts Joseph Morlo Scollone Robert Lawrence Welgon Rlchord Reed Young


Joel Dovid Anderson

Jeffrey James Baldwin Kimberly Ann Baumonn Mark Thomos Belerle

Jomes Mlchoel Bonn Edward jomes Brewer Gordon Scort Campbell George Elmer Chandler II Lawrence Andrew Cooper Lee Kevin Depolo Kim Douglas Howfhorne

Deborah Lynn Johnson

Wesley Boy Jolly Alec Brenr Legg Steele Bichord MocFarlone Christopher Donold Maxwell Timothy Shown McDonald Kevin William McLuen

Bobert Mirondo Jeffry Jon Olson Ponlck Eugene Popperf George Goble Quirk IV Alison Leigh Smith Dovid Poul Wlegond Albert Clinton Williams II


Another punk party

Moj. Steven O. Smlthermon

And another


Rodger Croig Allem Mark Evons Beasley Kevin Charles Boyd Keric Blaine On Chin Stanley Frank Chumura Jr.

John Victor Dollln Robert Eugene Day Jr. Rolando Dloz Jr. Robert Lawrence Eskay Jr. Michele Sakuyoko Fincher Leslie Dorice Howell James Richard Joyce

Michael Loren Kosumovlc

Joseph Guy Kimball Christopher Joy Luedrke Robert Johnny Modril Fred Howard Morheine Jr. Byron Phillip Morhewson Michael Scott Metruck

Croig Stephen Mlttelstodt John Michael Patterson Tommy Phillips Laurie Ann Pozorski Wesley Spencer Randall James Brian Stewart Michael Sulek

The Phantoms were known this year for

being one of the military squadrons in the wing. We got off to o good start by being the first squadron in Third Group, ond only the second in the wing to get o Qual level 1 on foil standards/evaluation. We did work hard, but we ployed even harder. We hod numerous parties and mode more than $1000 ot our foil bake sole to fund them. Where did all that money come from?). One hod to be very careful when walking through the more

If one mode it post our ferocious security guard, there were still the ever-on-the prowl killer elephants to contend with.


Overall, under the reins (or is it reigns?) of Mike Block in the foil, ond Tim Roy in the spring, we hod much of fun and we look bock with o sense of pride. And if we con soy we learned anything, it is, "fly, fight, ond blow them to smithereens!”

James Allen Alexander

Tyler Smlrh Barth Wendell Romney Botes Michael Dennis Decker John Anthony Bellamy Sonny Poul Bllnklnsop

Gregory Poul Butler John Roman Dysrroff Wayne Howard Christensen III Lorelei Fober

Geoffrey Mlchoel Gibbs Drodley Goerge Groff Llndo Morle Griggs

Gregory Austin Harris Rondo Renee Helllg Roy Vicente Jomes Jones Dlplnder Singh Khurono Lorry V. Konhorst Corl Heinz Louer Glenn Duryl LeMosters Jr. Dovld Christian Lynch

Trocy Leo Martin Scott Thomos Mirth Alexander Leo Popowycz Peter Christopher Renner Jomes Mlchoel Rubush Matthew Sobolewskl Gilbert Gory Vondrlsko Jr Hiroshi WoJImo


Joseph Michael Dierz Vincent John Feck

Gory Gordon Foster

Jeon Marie Garvin Robert Peorce Givens

Drodley Douglas Harmon Lloyd Dotes Johnson III Anne Marie Ley Michael James Mores Martin

22nd Sq

Golen Wode McBride Michael Jomes McDonough IV

Joy Michoel Mosley

Christopher Ortiz Michoel Jon Rorick Anita Marie Rovenelle

Tomislov Zlorich Ruby

John Michoel Sepanski Doniel Christopher Sheo Steven Drent Silver George Walter Srlllmon Steven Richard Symons Reneo Lynerre Toliver

Roger Moore Vincent


Allison Ann Alexonder Eric Duane Drown

Jeffrey Gordon Drown Stephen Dole Cooper Dichord E. Donnelly

Corl Dorton Dorrs

Christopher Lynn Edwards Douglas Tod Guttromson Cory Alon Herrero Michael Robert Heyburn

Gregory Copelond Johnson Joner Joye Jueong

Lowrence Lind Michael Durnerre McGee Jr

Mark Laurence Miller Steven Edwardes Morley Marshall Todd Morrison Kenneth Michoel Olsen Eric James Payne

Mark Andrew Duse

Elsa Solozor Scott Dominic Shannon Gregory Scott Survil John William Taylor Jr Stephen Eorle Turner Jr. Dobert Wayne Willoughby

The spirit of the Redeye, Mr. Lucky, followed us throughout Whether it was the fiasco at Boulder or taking squadron of the month. The Redeye did everything with that extra flair that has earned C5-25 the nickname "those guys on the sixth floor, right?" The 109 members of the squadron hove hod o good year. Based upon o firm foundation of documentation, the leadership of Major Robert R. Weber (USMC) wos a continual the year.

presence in the squodron. Another highlight of the year was the filming of CS-25's favorite soap opera "As the Stomach Turns,” down at Mr. Murphy's fine establishment. From Cheers and Hill Street parties to the Silver Bullet party, the comroderie and fraternity of twenty-five were well known throughout the wing. We followed up well on the Redeye motto: "Hove another one on Mr.


Dorril Clork Dill Eric Block Michoel Joseph Donney Dennis David Doucher

Jomes Devin Dushe

David Douglas Donrzscher Eduordo C Delapeno Jr Robert Jomes Dltrus Deboroh Morle Edwards Thomas Dovid Eisenhouer Mark Patrick Gorst Mork Andrew Hinds

Michoel Anthony Kemp

Rosemary King Brian Joel Kllnk Peter Eric Monce Edward Woyshok Mongum Eugene Joseph Mazur Jr. Drendon Patrick Mikus Jeffrey Hess Porker

John Gibson Poyne Amodee Dene Willis Pepper Domon Lonce Pescolo Llso Ann Rosk Edword Rlx Michoel Wayne Shipley Grant Allen Snltker Jr. John Cartwright Vanderburgh

T. Worren Deogle Jr.

Ronold Martin Bryont Jr. Michoel John Chandler Seon Dovid Edwards Bruce Allen Ellis Jr.

Michoel Martin Hole Kennerh Bussell Hubbord Horold Huguley III Judith Morie Hupp Phung Due Le

Christopher Michoel Monocchio

Rondall Todd Maxfield Keith Edwin McCoy

Anthony Montero

Roger Edword Oerter Eric Michoel Pharris Lelond Glenn Scifers

Greg Andrew Semmel Kevin Dordon Tibbs

Dorrel Robert Warsek Joe Nathan Wilburn John Jacob Ziegler III Anthony John Fronds Zucco

Everything was simply wonderful in Snoopy land. Cadets going to class, ploying intramurals, cleaning rooms ond keeping the squadron safe from the danger lurking around the corner. Our happy little doolies scampered about at the wee hours while the cadets slept until first coll. All slept soundly until being awakened by the joyous shouting of the doolies, joyous because they knew their presence wasn't required ot the flog raising. If not for o few key injuries, this year might hove seen the football team lose o close one in the Wing Championships. The Borons were more inclined to watch the real team down at Falcon Stadium on Saturday. The abundance of inrercollegiares gave everyone on idol

Dovid Abercrombie II Dovid Jon Anderson Morie Anne Denovil Michoel James Corr

Dovid Allen Crocher Mork Roy Fitzgerold

Dovid Crosby Gould II Donold Clark Hickman Jennifer Lucy Jenner Donold Reynold Johnson Dovid Roymond Kohl

Poul Andrew Lewis Stephen Richard Miller Humberto Enrique Morales Morrin Herman Nelson James Eugene Palmer Jr, Tom Pacific Pho William Quinton Plott III

Mory Elizabeth Ponko Steven Mitchell Reid Robert Lawrence Rhyne Thomas Joseph Rotello Stephen Deronrd Schlfonl Jr, Fronk Allen Self Jr Timothy James Sipes


and kept the halls vacant all weekend. They sure missed some wild flicks in the TV room. All Borons love to recreate whenever they con. The early provided the best SAP, sledding in years. Those criminals involved hod the time of thier lives. It wos also the year of the oir bond ot USAFA ond everyone took port. We hod our own snow

groupies ond everything. Now you're looking bock after you've left the old snoopy

doghouse for good, walking down Air Force lone with your bowl turned upside-down on your head to keep from getting dumped on. Then suddenly you realize with o smile that it is no longer needed.

Kristopher Jon Alden Thomos Donold Drogon Bruce Frederick Browne Michael Brian Butler Timothy Patrick Coffin

Philbert Alderman Cole Jr.

Christopher Todd Dunlop Darrin Leeo Gomblin neol Dimitri Guri

Philipp Alfred Hoffemer Ml Bradley Thomos Hince Solly Jeanette Hirst

Betino Cera Jurgielewicz Kevin John Kerns Ricky JOhn LoCosrro Terrance John McCaffrey III Milron McElroy Jr. .Mark Kerr Millerlll Alex Jomes Postos

Michael Kelly Pendry Sondro Rhodes Thomos Chrisropher Riley

Bradley Joy Rogers Jon Andrew Rupp Timothy Paul Schultz

Gregory Scott Zehner



Jomes Leroy Andersen Lori Ann Angelillo Williom Henry Bosking III Michael Alon Burklund

Mark Wolter Conrrell

Shown Robert Fleming Morrin Lloyd Flournory

Gerrold George HelKkinen Jr. Geoffrey Horold Hills

Bloke Edward Konnorr Kyle Scott Kingsford Steven Lloyd Kwosf Catherine Mory Potton Russell Normon Reiling Jr.

Matthew Gorber Sonning Wode Anthony Tveter

Mogel Luis Velazquez Lorry Joe Walker Jr Jomes Lee Roy Wertz

John Tremaine Anderson

Kori Theresa Arts

Jeffrey Louis Crow Levenchi Larosa Dingle

Thomas Daniel Doster Dovid Gerord Ehrhord Alexander Parish Gilbert Alon Carmichael Harris

Anthony Maurice Houston

Susan Roe Kesler Williom Boylon McCormick Dovid Andrew Miller Scott Dovid Mundy Kevin Yole Munger

Henry Williom Polczer Patrick Vincent Reyes Kenneth Robert Slater

Cynthio Lynn Staples Scott Anthony Stork

Seon Michael Sullivan Patrick Harold Vetter Jennifer Lynn Wong Eric Morion Woodson Joseph Arthur Zohn


Jonorhon Lancaster Dowser Marcus Aurelius Doyd John Timorhy Dudd Scorr Alan Cory Jeffrey Scorr Combs Douglas John Crawford Joy Andrew Currrighr

Thomos Patrick Dennedy

Steven Reid Done Jr. Steven Cloy Elmore Kenneth Gerord Ernewein John Steven Fenske Glenn Lee Grohom Erik Lomonr Groves Sreworr Francis Greathouse

Stephen Noel Holl Dorren Alexander Hows Kathryn Ann Jackson Mark Robert Kirchhoefer

Srocey Todd Knutzen Orlondo Morio Mortinez Robert Lee May Jr. Robert Jomes McCullers

Teri Elizobeth McGroth John Woyne Moreheod Adorn Edward Nyerhuis

Erick Shone Peterson Liso Joy Preston

Jacqueline Desiree Von Ovosr Joel Leonard Witzel

Jeffrey Korl Yevcok


The Bathrobe Brigade

Clndv Sfaoles

Matt: Blackbird engineer

Maj. Robert C. Brown Jr.


Christopher Fronds Ackerson Michoel Dodds Dolfony Michoel George Deore Drever

Mark James Crowder Mihcoel Edward Dovis Edward Joseph Fociszewski Robert Eugene Fronklin

Kenneth Korl Knight

Richard Douglas McDee Robert Peter McCloy Walter Migdol Stephen Joseph Miholik Anthony Michoel Pipan

Robert Alan Rickert

Donald Henry Ridolfi Jr. Jon Alan Roop Michel Anthony Solorlo Crolg lamor Stafford Gory Mitchell Wolfe Thomas Fronke Zimmerman


Joseph Fronds Chopman Lovonson Crenor Coffey III Sean Richard Herr

Joseph Chrles Hickox Domon Mirchell Kuzemko Gerald Fronds Lonogan Glenn Lawrence Lofulipe Hons Cedric Louderboch

Jeffrey Scot Linn Terrese Corlo Moesras

Bruce Hubert McClinrock Kenneth Jomes McMonomy Michael Bartholomew Milroy Sean Patrick Murphy Brian Kenneth Parrish

Robert John Phillips Lori Michelle Reuben

Dwight Russel Sanders Charles Alden Sreeves David Ray Stilwell Brandon Elliott Sweat James Hunter Tighe II William John Vogt Jr. Jennifer Warder




we give credit where credit is due. academic officer, Denise Senn, took us from 39th in the wing to 5th in the span of one semester. Rumor hos it that she cost on evil spell over our foosball table: anyone ploying with below o 3.0 GPA wos suddenly turned into o wing staffer. If worked! Our AOC, Maj. Jomes E. Scully (the "Skull'' to us) thought he hod picked Vic Hedgebrush for squadron commonder first semester, but in reality, Vic's twin brother Rich wos in commond for most of the time. If that didn't mix things up enough, talking physics with o physician didn't help matters, either.



By ploying their music before each SAMI, the squadron’s very own rock bond, "Howie Judd and the lo Magpies'' helped each member of the squadron get "hammered” the

following morning by our associate AOC. When our resident linguist "Gentleman Jim” Von Meter finally got our twistometer working again, everyone was happy. But alas, when '85 deported, this useful "navigational” device

went with

them to their various bases. To the dosses of '86, '87, and '88 we wish you the best of luck in trying to re-invent

the wheel.

Arthur Weston Anderson

Matthew Dennis Beals Robert Bruce Brody David Paul Brior Purcell Norwood Brown Jr. Timothy Eugene Bush

Edword Shelton Conont Brlon Eugene Cross Albert Greenlaw Duff Jr. Richard Fray Edwards Donald Jeffrey Felce Christopher LI Fong Steven Joseph Fournier Patricio Lynn Fox Michael Edword Gantt

Richard Norman Holler Mirchell Allen Hanson Johnorhon Boyd Hughes Morcus Reed Koneshlro Mlchoel Andrew Klrchoff

Josephine Clore Kosfyro Nlcolette Ellse Lodoulls

Jeffrey Shee-Sun Lum Morio Liso McCoughey

Richard Roland McKinley Lawrence Wesley McLaughlin Mark Anthony Nodon

Wllllom M. Nix Bllllana Owens Steven Roy Rosenmeler Troy Louis Trujillo Deon Edword Webb Clark Bradley Wlerdo


Robert Anthony Borkocy Michael Carey Behne Adrian George Belinne Scort Charles Bishop John Charles Dordner

Robert Thomos Carpenter Jr. Thomos Glen Clemmons John Kevin Dunlevy Matthew Raymond Gee Stacey Roe Goss

Jeffrey Wayne Harrley Bruce Thomos Hellen Scott James Hower

Potrlc Day Jomeson Charles Michael Jones Kimberley Lewis Jeffery Robert Llnskens Douglas Edword Morse Robert Dole Newberry

Gregory Srephen Rou Ernest Henry Rodriguez

Vincent Sovlno Michael Derold Swift Jon Alexander Tovryfzky Mark Dovld Vljums Andrew Duron White III Shelly Jo Wile Peter Leonord Wilson Yolondeo Michelle Wood


Ion Gordon Archibold Victor Henry Arizpe Dovid Michael Bochler

Michael John Dlouin

Terrence Adrian Drown

Joseph Howord Cogle Poul Morthew Calrogirone Drendo Renise DeWitt Steven Andrew Dixon Howord Luke Eissler III

Gory Wayne Henderson Farrell Beotty Howell Jr. Drod P Lo Point Michael Richard Loughmon

Steven Philip Mous Douglas Thomos Michel Patrick Brian Olson

Michael John Ontiveros

Richard Steven Sobo Dovid Thomos Soelens Motthew Norman Smith James Michael Totro Roberr Keith Teague James Bruce Waltermire

Twenty-ninth squadron, the Black Panthers, began the year classes the thirdclass cadets and the doolies. They provided new faces and new ideas which blended well with the old to make for a good year. We worked hard and we played hard. Everybody enjoyed the squadron beerball with two


sale, while the doolies everybody's birthdays, engagements, and solos. games






Our squadron goal was simply to place among the top three in

everything. We started out rather slowly in marching,


tramurals, and academics, but we did improve. Of course, we

all had to get used to having all afternoon free and going to bed at midnight, but somehow we managed. Both of our squadron commanders and our AOC did a heck of a job in making this a good year. It was an especially good year for Copt. Thomas H. Saunders Jr. he made Major, so we brought in a singing Amazon woman to congratulate him. -

We had a unique bunch of people we called a squadron. We had our good times and our not-so-good times, but we all came

through these as better people.

Mark Dovid Apple Brynne Marie Bergsogel Richard Raymond Burton Alexander Defazio III

Granr Chrisfopher Dick

Chrisropher Evans Russell Alan Grafton

Kerby Haynes II

Douglas Robert Hill Matthew Louis Holrhoff

Bradley Wayne Hushaw

Joseph William Kortsch Tony Peter Mussl John Merrill Phillips Keith Yoncey Pope Robert John Poremskl Kenneth Aoron Roub Michael Andrew Rlghtmyer

Eric Todd 5okae Hazel Celeste Synco

Holly Jeon Vlctorio Gory Fronds Wagner Deonno Hlnghlng Chin Won Jerry Crone Wood Jr. Geory Roy Woolfolk

Ty Gorert Alexander David Wayne Allvin Elizoberh Odalia Almeida

Hugh Patrick Drennon Michael John Burkard

Philip Arnold Celesrinl James Joseph Cloy Tlmorhy Francis Fitzgerald Gregory Paul Gilerrl James Marshall Gulsvig Kennerh Paul Hale

Scon Michael Hammorgren Shelley Denise Harsh Robert Steven Holba Tereso Kay Hollingsworth Steve Douglas Hughes Randall Terry Jones Kennerh Mark Kirk

Keirh Alan Kudla

Richard Edward Meier Michael Gerard Nigl

Timothy Paul Perrishen Robert Otto Rau Jr. John Robert Schloss Eric James Stewart John Briscoe Taylor George Woltz Pollard York

The Knights of Thirt started off fresh this year. The flame wasn't around anymore to rummage through their overheads while they slept. No, this year we were lucky to hove Maj. William E. Crowe Jr., o Citadel grod, to lead the Knights. He wasn't too anxious to meet us though,seeing os he didn't show up for school until the middle of Septenhber. Just in time for oil of the action.

The now annual class of '86 fashion show was great. Michele Burkhard was such a doll, and Jimmy Gulsvig, soy guy! The Troildust will never forger our Intramural Banquet. Steak for o

hundred, pleose. We did pretty good in intromurols this year.

Bradley Dean Barrels Thomas William Behnke Richard Borraclough Cramer Eric Carl Dodson Robert Grantham Fiddler Jr.

Aaron Eugene Hattabaugh

Todd William Henning Joy Randall Hopkins

Sharon Anne Hullinger Keirh Frederick Kuhnsman Keith P. Mays Lisa Roe Miller

Daniel Joseph OConnor David John Palmer Morrhew Patrick Rlordan Joe Archie Rivera Kirk Alan Schneider Kerry Wayne Self William Keith Shedd

Steven Anthony Sigler David Thaddeus Srewarr Paul Rosorlo Toro Teresa Lee Travis Keith Charlton Wagner Jomes Thomas Wicker Michel Phuong Zumwalt


soccer team won the wing championship under the coaching of C2C Keith Kudlo Andy Mueller did well os squadron commonder first semester leading the Knights, but that's only becuose all of us tried our best not to "reflect poorly upon Andy.” Overall, the Knights of Thirt were a together squadron. To .

the firsties you've finally mode it and oil the hard work will pay

off on May 29. The class of '85 "Best Alive” will finally get to

experience the Air Force. GOOD LUCK, KNIGHTS.

Paul David Ago William Chris Agisorelis Michele Renee Barnerr Kelly Ann Bondaruk Christopher Demetrio Cheloles Anthony John Dennison III Scott Johnson Downey

Steven Edword Gurney Lorry Doniel Honrlo Down Michele Horner James Leon Jablonski II Corl Ivon Jenkins Clarence Johnson Jr. Michael Peter Korszen

Dorryl Evon Molok

Miren Merchonr Dorrell Cleophis Minter Michoel Dennis Murphy Mark John Perko

Douglas William Pohlmon Charles Doniel Reilly Steve Eli Sonchez David Jomes Schluckebier

Jomes George Schmehil Jr. Robert Andrew Skehon Stephen Thomos Sullivan Horry Maxwell Tipton Sebastian Stanley Trost Kenneth Cloyton Tucker Edword Clarence Wipson Jr. Norman Michoel Worthen


Af-~r U5A&


Fourth Group AOC Lt. Col. Robert A. Lowe

Deputy Commonder/Support Doniel D. Cotton


Training Officer Pomelo J. Lawson


Acodemlc/Athletic Officer Erik P. Stork


Standards/Evoluation Officer Peter R. Straight


Sergeant Major J. Steven Fuss

Training NCO Jeffrey R. Swegel

Deputy Commonder/Operotions Gordon D. Hendrickson


Deputy Commonder/Supporf William A. Castillo

Stondords/Evoluotion Officer George 5. Lonchor


Training Officer Michael A. Conino

Academic/Athletic Officer

Resources/MWR NCO

Administration NCO

Mark K. Vldmor

Jeanne L. Ottlnger

Robert G. D'Antonlo



Sergeant Major Sheilogh M. Kenney

Mark 5. Medvec

5ofety/Security NCO

Stondords/Evoluotion NCO

James D. Dyerly

Training NCO

James S. Drown

Rondy Soar Allen Kirk James Berggren Christopher Lemmel Brooks

Jomes Corl Cordinol

Terrence Allen Coskey John Alon Cmor Patrick John Frowley Roy Jomes Fullerton Jr.

Noncy Goye Galley Steven Allen Greene

Anthony Joseph Hogon

Jonothon Dovid Horn

Jeffery Dwoin Motchan Maurice Devon McDonald Steven Erik McTier

Dovid Donee Mulder Carlin Duone Myers Michoel Troy Ponorisi

More Ellsworth Potti Salvatore Paul Schomonte Borboro Juanita Smith Steven Christopher Tanner Stuart Hoys Walker Bruce Kenneth Woy Dovid Lester Zobolooui

The Grim Reapers were really in for a "good year" when they got their new AOC Copt. Norman W. Goodyear The spirits were high in C5-31 that first weekend bock or the annual John Elekes Woodmovie Lake Party. Of course John brought the watermelons. The party was over the next morning at the new good deal morining accountability formation. It was time .

to work.

With Gregg

"Shelby" Christmas os our first go commander, Reapers set our goals wisely. Shelby organized policy to allow more people to get involved in running the squadron. With this, the Reapers finished high in inrramurals and received the

Jeffrey Lewis Allen Kent William Borchelr Michoel John Boroski Sam Patrick Connoro

Manuel F. Carbollo Navarro Mork Scott Dlerlom

Kirk Edward Emig Timothy George Fay

Andrew Antonio Garrobo Timothy Jomes Holloron Orion Daniel Hendershot

Scott Brody Hoffman LeRoy Wilton Homer Jr. Jeffrey Robert Jocobs Julie Eileen Joyce Allen John Konkel Mork Dovid LoFond Jomes Andrew Leftwich

Suson Morle Loomons Peter John Monthey Michoel Joseph Miller Timothy Alfred Poige Jr. Cochlto Fusllero Porong

Ronald Kevin Story Mory Katherine Trovls


quol 1 in Stondords/Evoluotion. For R.R., the squadron hod its oirbond contests, wild parties and on interesting weekend ot Farrish. As the new semester come in, Rod os Cregier took a


commander of Reapers 31. Working hard and having fun was still the standard. 100's night come and went. Grup's fail-safe lock system didn't keep the four degrees out that

night, though. The firsties rook the nukings with o groin of salt because it comes with the territory. We hod o good time, mode a lot of frineds ond hove o lot of memories. Good luck and good-bye from '85.

jr. if

Brian Gregory Aiken Brian Theodore Bortell Charles Edward Desrord Andrew John Buescher Henry Leroy Canada Wade Keith Causey David Edward Crowe

Jon Francis Davis

Michael Thomas Delucia

William Conanr Dickey Richard Stephen Dols Patrick Herbert Encinas John David Fitzsimmons Jr. Robert James Goulburn John Glenn Holford Paul Gerard Joggl

Thor Ryan Joques David Adam Kauth Amanda Sophia Lodis Emily Eleanor Larocque Jomes Kelly Lee Bradley Allen Lloyd

Megon May Lovejoy Gregory Joseph Mang Thomas James McNamara

James Allen Mood II Julio Cesar Montoya Perez Marvin Peter Oik Christopher Alan Pike John Anthony Ramirez James Worth Schaeffer Robert Terrence Sullivan

Christine Rene Troxler Roy Cleveland Turk Jr.


Dovid Michael Bryant George Richard Bumiller Robert Anthony Colella Peter Jason Dolan

Cynfhio Ann Reese Durham George Paul Fuller IV Lloyd Levent Gencoy James Edward Good Jr. Doryl James Houck Timothy Mark Ingle

Ambrose Norn Hoon Kim

Christopher Gregory Knehons Scott Darren McCleon Corlos Benino Quintana Robert Henry Schrink James Thomas Schueler Jr.

Robert Sheldon 5loon Steven Howley Sreodmon William Ward Taylor Donald Webster Usry Tina Marie Willers

It's Dob and Doug McKenzie!


Let’s hit the rood!

Victor Lynn Dennett Ronald Allen Dilliet Donald LaRue Drown

Scott Thomas Crase Charles Joseph Cunningham III

Douglas Clinton Eoute Jr. Deborah Lynn Frelonder James Harold Hathaway Daniel January Hodgson

Harper Parham Johnson Carolyn Marie LaPointe Matthew Aoron Long Judith Louise Mayrand Gregg Eldon Miller John Michael Pegg

Roger Stuart Pierce Todd James Pospisil Raymond Severino Smith Rabano Franklin Pierce Shines Jr. Charles Robert Volker Christopher Robin Williams

Ir was the worst of times. It was the best of times. The class of '85 could finally see a flickering of light at the end of the runnel. The freshmen always had a clear view of the end of the tunnel. And several rimes through the year, the entire squadron felt the runnel caving in. However, even when it seemed like more doors were open than closed on Saturday nights, our beloved Major Garvey remained steadfast in his promise to let the firsties run the show. This task was by no means an easy one.

With too many second class coders imitating Mario Andretti and the three degrees archery or hours, our

practicing irregular squadron meetings looked like the weekly AA meeting. Nevertheless, we retained our commitment to duty first, with morale running a close, close second. All in oil, we learned the lessons already learned by the Black Sheep we learned to work together, play together, fast and hard, and above all, moke the Academy a little better place to live for the cadets of the —

notorious Rood Runners.

Ion Perer Diggins

Louis Maurice Durroughs III Timothy Edward Evans

Robert Valentino Garza

Timothy Simon Grordin Todd Allen Hensley

Dret Dwight Johnson Christopher Jude Kubick Thomos Robert Lone Christopher Lawrence Lofgren Joseph Charles Loperena Drett Arthur Martin Francis John Martini

Jeffrey Croig Mose

George Michoel Moy Dierdre Renee Metcolf

Avery Dole Mims Donald Joseph Olmsread Thomos Robert Rouls James Allen Regenor

Richard Alon Roberts Dernord Joseph Ruddy Beth Lynn Schissel Morthew Mark Schweitzer Michoel Kevin Tepley Jr. Julie Down Tope Anthony Michael Wederitsch

MichoelJohn Kalamaku Akiono Jock Leroy Driggs II Lex Brockington Keirh Douglos Brown Mork Anthony Bucki

Sean Homilron Cook Porrick Herbert Finn Stella Beni Groom Joy Postle Humelbaugh Jefferson D. Inmon David Michael Irvin John Joseph Lerch

Lawrence Joseph Mauch Sonny Noboni Peter Rudolph Oertel Dole Ernest Orvedohl Scott Atwater Paffenroth Julie Denise Pingry

Jeon-Poul Novoro Powell

George John Reyes Pedro Fermin Suorez Warren John Sullivan Richard Warren Sumroll John Dovid Sweeney Goylord Zone Thomas


Regis John Doldouff Robert Scorr Campbell Christopher Warren Coron Colin Neil Corr Brian Michael Corry

Bradley Lawrence Curris Lisa Morgariro Gummel Thomas James Kenney Sreven Edward Lawrence Terrence Wayne Maki Jr David Wayne Maples Jr. David Warren Marrralo

Patrick Joseph McGuire Karen Jeon Milligan Carolyn Ann Moore Mork Trejos Nunez

Christopher Alon Nusser Daniel Edward OConnell III Eric Jon Oistad

Michael Edward Peterson Don Lee Redford Peter Joseph Sweeney Richard Gordon Trussed II Troy Thi Waddell Kenneth Thomas Wessels Jr

Joseph Michael Yakubik

The end is finally near. After four long years, we've finally made it. These last two years have been memorable ones, from the Ring Dance to Hundred's Night to graduation. We have many memories that will last a lifetime. We worked hard and hard, but it all we



lost sight of our goals; graduation led by our sguadron commanders, Dave Knight and Keith Knudson. We always never

managed to have fun, bur got the job done. In the end, we'd like to forget these last four years, but we'll always


remember them. Good luck to all!!!

David Paul Baczewski Robert Neal Duss

Jeffrey L. Butler Aaron Braswell Chosen

Roben Dale David

Eric James Davidson David Wayne Delzell Garth David Dory Steven Edward Gates

Gory Gordon Gilbert Sreven Ralph Grovenella Vivian Korherina Harem Thomas Palmer Hestermon

Tracey Colleen Jones Stephen Link Kelly Timothy James Lawrence Crl Francis Maes Michoel Henry McAninch

Craig McCurdy Evan MacDonald Miller William James Miner

Alan James Murry

Robert Paul Predella Patricio Marie Rinaldi Sean Patrick Ryan Deborah Ann Sells Shaun Brian Turner Eric Eugene


Lee Hayward Wood

Somuel Burfict Dovid Scon Carpenter

Thomas Arthur Deon III John Steven Fuss William Caldwell Hanna

Thomas John Kobylorz Robert William Lucko David Allen Meyers Jeanne Lou Oftinger

Perry Joseph Peloquin

Robert Alon Rosenrhol Steven James Schlumpberger Joel Jon Schubbe Joson Joseph Spofford William Gary Tew

The Thunderbolts of CS-34 and their new AOC, Copt. Thomas E. Sconlin continued this year in the some winning spirit os lost. The two squadron commanders, Fritz and Mark, were able to command the squadron independently with the helpful guidance of Captain Sconlin. The 'Dolts continually pride themselves in superior achievements such os fop academic squadron in group. Our

outstanding training



Joseph Mark Aldrlon Jonathan Otto Beasley Robert Vonce Clewls I James Douglas Erwin

Percy Harold Perkins Eve

Gregory Brondon Fairbanks Michael Gordon Fine William Brou Gourier Robert Charles Harfwlg Lisa Ann Hayes Trocy Alon Jones Somantha Amanda Loros

Raymond Luna Joseph Allen Medlin Greg Allen Miller Kirk Adam Montgomery Mory Louiso Morlock Ronold Eric Porte Michael Joseph Russel

John Doyle Ryon Steven Patrick Snyder Denis Francis Steele Timothy Scott Sweterlltsch Patrick Coen Williams Dovid Lee Wineborger Douglas Andrew Woodbury




classmen still has the wing buzzing.

Our new sponsors proved quite appropriate. Based out of Myrtle Beach, S.C., The Green Demons of the 356th Tocticol Fighter squadron fly none other than the A-10 Thunderbolt II. Their overwhelming support for our squadron can be best described by any 'Bolt that attended the dining-in we held at the Raintree Inn.

Jorge Luis Arce-Lorrero Bryan Cy Barrlerr Kathleen Ann Collation

Tlmofhy Morris Capps Dorin Vincenr Colorusso

Stephen Roger Cook Matthew John Dickerson

Trlsho Lynn Garvin Anthony Peter Glongiullo

Craig Doniel Goodrich Perer Raymond Grlndle Joel Patrick Horveoux Kevin Scot Hill Mark Abraham Kassis Rlchord Doniel Kemp

Jomes Joy Klsch Robert Surherlond Maclean Michael Robert Matthews

Carolyn Meor Mlchoel Andrew Miller John Jocob Moes Mlchoel Thomas Morgan Jr Grant Arthur Morris

Thomos John Morherwoy III Edmund Matthew O'Riordan II Slonley Deon Pongroc II William Charles Revelos Rodney Leonce Sondoz II Mlchoel Luzjon Stoljkowskl Loro Suzanne Trexler Wade Hunter Vaught


Fritz Koennprk^


Richord Lee Dell Poul Edward Blanchi

Raynord Jamal Cook

Lori Anne Curl

Ernesr Trifon Demerriodes Kennerh Bryan Domenick

Glenn Charles Ely James Earl Fidler

Gory Keirh Godwin Srofford R. Goldsmirh Jr.

Ross Jon Hansen Melissa Jean Hardman Roberr Herman Sranron Haufman

Richard Frank Knapp Sreven Bradley Lawlor Jerry Carlron Lindh James Ennis McClain

David Alan Morgan Mark Douglas Oberly

Terry Michoel Orner Kent Ungene Martin Shin Jeffrey Roberr Swegel Michoel John Tombos

Jerry Lane Toms

Wild Wessel '85 sow some unforgettable moments in our finol year. We won some, lost some, got a new AOC, lost some friends, and survived it all while growing closer os our time come due. Surfin' Johnny led the way fall semester while Lynn handled Ops. Ozoo hod his bathrobe, Moris hod the birds, Doug fell in with o Porche and the Tigers won it all for Jeff. love —

Dogger, Jabbs, and Ski-Bum Chubber led a fun-loving group into spring. Steve got into med school. Z-man declared war on

Keith Louis Bearden Michael Porrick Berrner Dawn Antoinette Briseno Michael Canavon

Michoel Nathan Casias John Edward Coulohon Jr.

Louis Joseph Defidelro Keith Longford Driscoll Michoel John Folkerts

Bonnie Joy Haagenson Bradley Keiffer Hammer

Edward Lee Icenhour

Bradley Thomas Johns Keirh Alan Kaufield Michoel Allen LeClair

Steven Suk Lee Michael Glenn Lowry Trocey Michelle Meek

Christopher Edward Renner Thomas James Sharpy Robert F. Smith Kurt Townsend Spronger John Patrick Steimle

Mory Morgoret Vanderburgh Richard Marvin Warner

wildlife, Smitty kept us honorable, and Pete and Darrel kept on singing. As the magic doy approached, Ed led the glory-bound flickerball team, Volleyball spiked opponents, Chance went on to fly jets and break hearts, Mugo extended his realm in the kingdom another semester, and Scotty finally got out of trouble. We survived, hod much of fun, ond headed into the world with many lessons learned and a wish of luck to those who follow.

Kevin Douglos Drown Joon Porricio Durger Jomes Gerord Cygon

George Michael Degnon Jomes Hugh Dennedy More Christopher DiPaolo

Morgoi Elaine Falcon Walter Anthony Gagajewski Thomas Erik Goodnough

Craig Erich Heilmonn Jon William Hobbs Neil Frederick Huber

Eric Rolando Jenkins Andrew Jon Kenis

Richard Howard Lancaster

Patrick Daniels McAlister John Joseph McDonough III Timothy Don Moore Anne Marie Neubouer

Scott Douglas Oss Daniel Joseph Ourodo Robert Jomes Porker Daniel Andrew Puente Renee Michelle Richardson

Jeffery Wayne Rlddlebarger Lee Wayne Rosen Kevin Bruce Schneider

David LeFevre Smith Patrick Joseph Tierney Pedro Rafael Trinidad Jr. Scott David Vilter Terrence Van Wilson Curtis John Zoblockl


John Martin Augustine James David Byerly Kenneth Scott Carpenter Frank Rlchord Doldlne

Kellie L Dovilo-Mortinez Helmut George Derro Stephen Glenn Edwards Willie Yoncey Greenleo Kathleen Ann Hoeft

Douglas Eugene Jomes Andre Imre Kerenyi Janet Clare Kisner

John Ryan Leddy Dennis Peter McDevitt Jr. Mark Stephen Medvec Douglas James Patton Jonathon Ross Putney Bruce Nicholas Rodemocher Donald Joseph Raines Dwight Everett Robertson

Rickey Sylvester Rodgers Kathleen Schaeflern Ronald Wayne Schrupp Andrew Christopher Seglins

Daniel Richard Sny Ellhu William Stevens

Christopher Martin Veazle Darren Evan Wilson

Pink Panthers

Lr. Col


Lorry M. Chodwick

Don't move, don't move!

Fronds Xovier Amsler Jr.

Anthony Firzmourice Dornerr Kevin Andrew Derkes

Christopher Glen Burke

John Chorles Cordello

Angel Ahmed Dioz Gory John Ginocolo Timothy Dovid Golden Hugh Jomes Honlon Poul Christion Horper

Morsholl Allen Hugues

Sean Emmet Kovonogh Alon Poul Loursen

Lucy Limjoco John Hugh MacPherson

Peter Paul Moglione Jr

Lyndo Marie Merrymon

Patrick Xovier Mordente Melinda Kaye Sells Michael John Smith Thomas Alon Steinbrunner Morty Tatum Alexander Weeks Jr. William Allan Woodcock

The class of 1985 would like ro rhank 36rh squadron for the best year ever. This year our seniors pulled together os first classmen, tossing aside the labels of dirt bags and geeks. Will we ever hove os good a time as we did at the Deb's Doll? And how about the assassin gome, the trivial pursuit tournament, the ski trip and the generous of fermented amoeba.


We'll laugh when we look bock ot the broken engagements and the futile efforts of Steve Butler to deny his wedding plans. And those incredible squadron parties; we'll yearn for the days when we could relax and listen to Bob Marley at Cove of the Winds. As seniors at USAFA. we wish '86,'87, and '88 the best of luck in continuing the legacy that is the 36th squadron.

Michael William Allin Kevin Lee Berkompos Scorr Edward Brody Timothy Joseph Conklin Keirh Alon Cox Dorrin Boy Daniel

John Chorles Davis Stephen Jomes Dershem Karen Morie Eminerh Melisso Lyn Greer Hector Jose Guevoro Jr. John Henry Hardy Jr Normon Duggon Holmon Jr. Michael David Hurd Alvin Scott Jones

Timothy John Kilcommons Liso Koy Kruger Jonet Lynn LoRue James Nielson Mullin Shown Alden Parsons Dovid Edward Peters Stephanie Diano Pfiel Michael Scott Possedi Michael Keith Profit

Neil Wentworth Robinson Jr

Gregory Jomes Rosenmarkel Douglas Bryan Seogroves Poul Scott Story Doniel Raymond Strebel Robert Keith Toylor Michael Thomas Scott Gerold Werterhahn Mark Vincent Winschel

Sfephen Lee Aubrey Thomos Alfred Borth John Vicror Bode II

Bridger Beo Burton

Edword Brian Denholm Warren Delane Dennis Darrell Alon DuBose

Craig Spalding Esslinger Kenneth Allan Gorski William Douglass Hack James Mitchell Honscom

Marcus Ellsworth Hay Charles Dudley Jones David Alan Knight Richard Alon Metdaf Matthew Eugene Mitchell Joseph Eric Parish Peter Walker Scharfenberg

Todd Joseph Serres Tamaron Gail Sharp Joye Lynne Towe Mark Kyle Vidmar Jose Rafael Wall Wade Henderson Weismon Jr. David Thomas White


Porrick Dixon Berrlshofer

Chorles Anrhony Ciuzio Lyndo Lee Dovis

Ronger Wrighr Morrhew Due Joseph Jomes Foulise John Derek Flinr

John Terrence Galloway John Philip Glodmon Dorin Scorr Helgeson

Dennis Michael Howry David Leon Krai Michael Roy Lonce Robert Michael Levinson

Brendo Sersuko Lewis John Patrick McDonnell

Sean Moulton

Cynthio Lynn Mowery

Gregory Victor Olson Lauren Lynn Powers David John Roggio

Paul Dennis Rodolf Mark Andrew Sakulich

Rudolph Anthony Smith Jr. Paul Anrhony Srromme Hoong Nhu Tron Edward Thomos Venner Deon Norman Wrighr

The Skyraiders starred the year our right with a dining-in. Nor only this on effective welcome to rhe new third and fourth class, but it gave rhe squadron a chance to set up our new goals. The goals were set with sights on that No. 1 position in rhe wing. This included a long was

range dream of marching down Pennsylvania Avenue this January. The squadron has met most of our goals, which were to rank in the

top percent of everything. We hove monopolized rhe squadron of the month competition for fourth group. We have climbed to number 1 in

wing molonify points through maximum output from all members of the squadron. The second classman really took charge when they rook No. 1 in academics. Much to our dismay the first class didn't help the squadron in academic standing. We were led by rhe fearless

squadron commander, Rick Martin who spent most of his time preparing poems for the squadron meetings The squadron Ops officer

did his port

Then there


newly gain-

by spending his spore rime writing forms 10 rhe new third class who really wonted to show their

ed squadron spirit. Unfortunately they did it by in academics.

raking 37th in rhe wing

For rhe second straight year the Sky Raiders were commanded by Copt. David A. LaFave. Given rhe row materials, Captain LoFove ond the squadron staff mode rhe ports work and kept them working. When the captain isn't thinking about some way to improve rhe squadron, you could find him flying his B-1 around rhe office or giving if a doily dusting. With everything riding high, the Sky Raiders have focused in on that outstanding squadron patch which could ride high on their left


Christine Eloine Baker

Jorge Pedro Forres Borboso Christopher John Boeddy Michael Dovid Blalock

Horry Arthur Corlile Jr

Stanley Deon Crow Jr

William Edward Gerhard Jr Mark William Gilson Burce Richard Holl Trommel Andrew Kincoid Scorr Donold Logon

Benjamin Eugene Longocre Adriono Martino William Louis McCompbell

Modison McCulloch Jr. Seon Morris Merrill

Owen Porrick Morgan Che r yl Ann Pike

Joseph Timothy Popovich

Christopher Michael Robichaud Frederick Thomas Soinz

Roy Christopher Santos

Jeffrey John Schmidt Jennifer Ann Schwonz Doren Allen 5eors

Christopher Gerold Turk Anthony Morcel Washington John Kent Welch Jomes Howard Wise Dovid Allen Young

Douglas Kirk Adamson Ernesro Benavides V Robert Thursron Bents Suson Elizabeth Bier James Robert Boegman

Gordon Deon Bridger

James Sidney Browne

Dovid Todd Buckmon Charles Patrick Corley Lynn Marie Cwoch Mark Dorrell Espey Jomes Clifford Fogle Matthew Jomes Frondsen

Michael Samuel Houston Trevor Dovis Hoy Paul Eric Huffman

George Allen Jansen Jr. Barbara Joan Mortin John Francis McDevirt Jr.

Ronald Eulas Montgomery

John Avery Morgan Jr John 5tephen Ootes 5teven Bradley Porker

Tommy H. Smith Russell Eugene Toylor Antonio Willard Tillman

Edward G. Yong

We finally made ir. Four long, hard,

demanding years. For despite our personal differences. In each one of us we saw something unique or special. We remember those who began the struggle with us but didn't quite moke it. As we begin to branch out in separate directions, os we walk across the platform and solute each other, os we throw our hors info the air on the longawaited Wednesday, we cannot help but pause to reflect and two of those years we became a ream, a unit;


"Captain S. and his half-hits, thinking we really hod it tough. Second class parties ot Tops. Zoc and his air band concerts. Turning 21, ring payments, sending home for money. Brand new cars. The ring Donee, Rich Goffi and "Rich" Goffers. Fay's first dote.

Gerald Edward Afflerback James Terrence Allen

Timorhy Mark Applegate Dona Emery Barnes David Paul Blanks

Bradley Morshall Burke Jeffrey Kenneth Degler Alexander Vincent Giczy Christine Patricio Gilman John Alexander Habeich Amond Frederick Heck Robert Mason Howard III

Hiroshi Nicholas Ikeda Curtis Everr Johanson Nathan Gregory Lyden Todd Kevin Martini John Eric Meskel Dawson Scott Oslund Timothy Paul Press

Dole Duone Reynolds Jr

Victoria Ann Rojos

Jeffery Carter Scott Ion Peter Szczyglelski

Kenneth Leo Velten Williom Hayes Webber William Jeffrey Wilson


BCT, the new AOC, non-negorioble, motivation, from within. Hundred's night, rooms thrashed, but somewhere in the mess left behind o set of beautiful gold bars. Extended privileges instead of brevet. Hopes, dreams, some fulfilled, some left stranded on the wayside. UPT selection, orders, 42

receiving days, 41 days, 40 days We finally mode it Joe, Andy Tom, Joe V., Chris, Fred, Bruce, Steve, Fay, Kurt, Vern, Jess, Pom, J.O., Gordie, George, Mark, .


Paul, Homer, and Doug. Never forget: "If it is to be. it's up to

me." Moke it

happen. Set the world on fire. And wrap these four years up and place if in your heart or in the back of your mind, to be remembered on rare occasions and never, ever to be forgotten.

Poul Morio Avila Russell Wendell Barbour Jomes Aoron Domes Keith Allen Drohms Mlchoel Dryce Brand

Harold Dean Drown Jr.

Stephen Mark Drowning

David Joseph Burochio Dennis Ray Conn Patrick De Rock Michael Edward Dearborn Mara lleono Garcia Mark Arthur Gillispie Jonine Dominique Grahom

Lea Ann Hamilton Michael Robert Hebert

Jomes Michael Hynes

Shioo-Nung Didi Kuo Kenneth Robert Leeson Scort Cartwright Luck Mortm Raymond Marcolongo James John McWeeney Shaun Quincy Morris

David Edward Pollmlller Christopher John Regan Karo Lee Rosendale John Titus Seomon Calvin Bernard Speight Jomes Earl Springer Horold Aubrey Taylor Jr Scotty Lynn Walker Jim Wang

38 All Stars

Honorary All 5tars

Timorhy Lowronce Adorns Chrisropher Scorr Ausrin Perer Michoel Ploce Bompron Robert Scorr Curris

Juli Anne Dahnke Perer Fronds Dovey

Mory Elizoberh Donchue James Srephen Dye

Kroig Alon Evenson Michoel Seon Flannery

Fred W Goudlip

Dorr Andrew Gory More Harold Hanlin

Liso Morie Logon John Richard Mocrino

Corl Roy Marrin John Porrick McGarriry Jose Menchoco Jr.

Timorhy Jon Mills Richard Alton Nougle Reed McDowell Nelson John Thomas Socks Claude Einsrein Salcedo Sronley M. Soulny Jr. John Richard Williams

Inspired by rhe revolutionary spirit of their namesake, the Knights of 39rh squadron have dubbed themselves the "Campus Radicals." Despite this nickname the Jedi Knights have conformed satisfactorily to the standards of rhe Cadet Wing, making it through another year in fine form. We began the 1984-85 academic year with a new AOC. A graduate of the Citadel, Capr. Srephen M. Souther provided guidance and motivation in good times and bad. Cadets Mark Jedi

Arnold and Russ Quinn

squadron commanders.

were rhe first and second semester Under them we earned "Quality 1 "

Theodore Bradley Anderson Drodley Thomos Durcherr David Morgan Burris Edword Porrick Conroy Richard Mork Denron

Kevin Porrick Dill

Jerry Vicror Duhovic Mork Andrew Dumolr

Joseph Thomos Guosrella Jr. Michoel Wode Hofer

Corlos Leroy Honesty II Morcello Ann Housron

John Joseph Iwonski

Jeffrey Kozuo Komosaki Joseph Roberr Manson II Thomas A Morklond Michele Rene Morris

Anrhony James Murch David Ronold Nordi

Anrhony Lewis Ordner Josef Rudolf Prem

David Alon Ross Thomos Edword Scully Mark Oliver Simon Thomos Bernard Vichor II Todd Douglas Whire


standards Evaluation ratings during both semesters. The squadron has had good rapport with its Academy sor, the Mechanical


Engineering Department. A softball game, a bowling match, and a Halloween party were some highlights of our interaction with rhe members of rhe Mech Department and their families. Squadron parties and individual element sponsors were other means of contact. We have appreciated and enjoyed their sponsorship and look forward to a continuing relationship with them.

Drion Jomes Allison

Timorhy Hugh Ashley Jomes Keirh Berry Thomos Anthony Bouley Scorr Charles Cameron Daniel Boy Dennis

Mary Lee Hyndman Jomes Jui John Frederick Koss

Charles Henry Kowitz Douglas Owen Kugler

Jeffrey Wayne Lanning Corl Michoel Mognell Kevin John Missar

David Scott Mork Cori Anne Mosier

Galen Patrick Nelson

Mary Eugenio Noehl Sean Paul Parry

Larry Clark Payne Mark Vincent Peters Mork Boyd Earl Propp John Terence Quintas

Bryan Heath Shelburn Scott Terrance Smith Jay Michael Stone Andrea Denise Thompson Norman Lewis Tree II Brian Lee Upchurch Peter Dolven Vonderhyden Nichole Vernice Weaver Ronald Dale Whited Jr.

Jedi Knights

One big happy family.

The Pepsi generation.

Capr. Stephen M. Souther


Jeffrey Alon Blonk Derrick Keith Hudson Jeffrey Lond Hupy

Ausrin Dole Jomeson

Sheilogh Morie Kenney Chorles Patrick Kinomon Frank Edward Kozak John Gregory Levosseur Dennis John Molfer Jr.

Kora Morie McNeice Jomes Harlan Reynolds Jr Frank Joseph Rossi Lindo Elizoberh Secor Sran Alon Sheley Carlos Alberto Puentes Silvo

Horold Rohm Stillings Richard Christopher Stockton Frank Lazelle Von Horn Todd Wesley Vosper Worren Scott Wainner Nathaniel Joseph Wilson


Beth, Elise, and Friends.


Joshua Paul Auzenne

Srephen Monn Drowning Wendy Renee Carlson Greg Andrew Caurhron

Eve Fong Cheung Thomos Henry Deole

Timothy John Dornrrel Cronel M. Gangolea Lowrence Dean Groham Dovid Alon Hollenbach Joseph A. Holmes

Jara Nioll Johnson

Roe Done Jones Edward Arnold Kostelnik Jr Eric James Kreul Robert Woyne LeBlanc Jeffrey William Meyers Alden Gerord Peoples

Trent Allen Pickering

Timothy Jomes Place Jomes Alon Roulerson

William Scott Reynolds Timothy Avery Rollins More Steven Shaver

Dean Allen Steele

Mark Edword Allen

Katherine Marie Dly Daniel Curtin Dolond

Lorry Allgood Bruce Jr. Jonathon Ripley Burgwold Timothy Alexander Corlson Robert Riley Davis

Terrence Joseph Ennis Richard Kenneth Goodoll Donold Scott Griffin Kevin Fronds Hoyes Rodolfo Ignocio Herrera Jr. Mark Douglas Hughes

Jeffrey Alon Meyer William Henry Mundy Maurice Alcorn Newton

Robert Lloyd Percy

Koren Ginger Pio Wolter Jerold Redding Jr.

Dovid Michael Rehmeyer Steven Vincent Rutledge Carlos LeRoy Salazar Bernard Schwartz

David William Skowron Daniel Dwayne Tolly Kip Brian Turain Timothy Lee Wetsell Emily Ann Whittaker Mark Lee Woltas



Things Change... Things Remain the Same

A Aaron, Aldru Todd 453 ABANGAN, ALAN AKESHI 75,145 Abascal. Thomas Albert 464 Abbatiello. John Joseph 491 Abbott, Michael Anthony 492 Abel, Richard (Brig Gen) 398,401 Abel, Joe 300 Abell, Tarn 304,305, 449 Abercrombie II, David 500 ABRAMS, STEPHEN DAVID 62 Abrigo, Joseph Anthony (Uy) 300, 495

ABUYUAN, CLARITA OMEGA 59 Ackerson, Christopher Francis 504 Adams, Brian Douglas 474 ADAMS, DAVID JOHN 13 Adams, Michael Allan 495 Adams, Timothy Lawrance 528 Adams III, Herbert Pual 474 Adamson, Douglas Kirk 526 Adelmann, William Charles 478 Adkins, George Curtis 487 ADKINS, ROBERT ANTHONY 19 Afflerback, Gerald Edward 526

Aga, Paul David 509 Agisotelis, William Chris 509 Aiken, Brian Gregory 513 Ainsworth, Loren (Maj) (C) 478,479 Akiona, Michael John (Kalamaku) 516

ALABATA, ALAN OZOA 116 Alafita, Eric Francis 479 Albert, David (Capt) (L) 158 Alden, Kristopher Jon 501 ALDERETE, ELIZABETH ANN 97 Aldrian, Joseph Mark 271,518 Aldrich, Robert (SSgt) (E) 158 Alesch, Teresa Mary 273,461 Alexander, Allison Ann 499 Alexander, Gerald (Capt) (F) 208 ALEXANDER, DAVID JOHN 56 Alexander, James Allen 288,497 Alexander, Ty Garett 508 Alfano. Salvatore (Capt) 207 Alfasi, Steven Louis 487 Allem, Rodger Craig 497 Allen, Aaron Brett 476 Allen, Beverly Lynn 464 Allen, Gerald (Capt) 204,321,359 Allen, James Terrence 526 Allen, Jeffrey Lewis 512 Allen, Kevin Scott 451 Allen, Laurel Ann 493 Allen, Mark Edward 531 Allen, Randy Scott 512 Allen, Stanley Arthur 483 Allen, Steven Douglas 453, 484 Allgood, Wiley Virgil 468 Allin, Michael William 523 Allison, Brian James 529 Allvin, David Wayne 508 Almeida, Elizabeth Odalia 508 Alston, Clifton (Capt) (J) 220 ALTOBELLI, MARK ANTHONY 32 Alumbaugh, David Todd 449 Alvarado-Avellan, Jose Rolando 478 Amadeo, Anthony Lee 486 Amdahl, David John 458 Amin, David Josef 456 Amsler, Jr, Francis Xavier 523 AMUAN, SEAN CASTRO 32, 308 Anaya, Ms 212 ANDERS, GREGORY MICHAEL 17 Andersen, Bill 286,288 Andersen, James Leroy 502 Andersen, Jim 288 Andersen. Joe 348 ANDERSEN, JOSEPH LEIF 132, 208 Anderson, Ann Marie 461 Anderson, Arthur Weston 505 Anderson, Marcus (Brig Gen) 308 ANDERSON, DAVID KALA 75, 500 Anderson, Joel David 496, 500 Anderson, John T remaine 502 Anderson, Larry (Maj) (O) 158 Anderson, Mark Alio 449

Anderson, Richard D 488 ANDERSON, RICHARD DENNING 100

ANDERSON, TERRY GLENN 107 Anderson, Theodore Bradley 528 Andre, Terence Scott 464 Andrews, J (David) (Capt) 208

Andujar-Queipo, Melvin A 447 Angelillo, Lori Ann 502 Angell, Stewart (Capt) (K) 220 Angle, Thomas (Capt) (E) 226 ANGULO, JOHN ALEXANDER 82 Anschuetz, Sally 284, 484 Anselmi, Maj 203, 235 Christopher Eric 323,


Armagno, Nina Marion 475 Armiak, Thomas Ralph 452

Bartels, Bradley Dean 508 Barth, Thomas Alfred 318,319,


524 Barth, Tyler Smith 497 Barth Jr, Jerry Lee 468 Bartine. Rebecca Wonder 491 Bartlett, Bryan Cy 519 Bartlett, Eric Stephen 456 Bartley, Leigh Ann 448 Barton, Craig Andrew 492 Barys, Alan Joseph 479 Basak, Richard Michael 472 BASLER, CHAD J 107 Bassett, Marjorie M 208 Bassi, Joseph (Capt) 237 Basso Jr, Philip Anthony 479 Basudev, Haridev Stephen 484 Bates, Mark Joseph 461 Bates, Wendell Romney 497 Batts, Alan Leon 460 Batturaro, Orlando 447 Bauman, Bill (Lt) 218 Baumann, Kimberly Ann 496 BAUMGARDNER, CHARLES RUSSELL 122 Baxter, Brent Richard 447 Baysinger, David Brent 479 Beagle, Jr, T Warren 500 Beals. Matthew Dennis 505 Beam, Ralph Leslie 491 Beames, Charles Lawrence 495 Bean, Capt 212 Bean, Ronald L (Capt) 222 Bearden, Keith Louis 520 Beardsley, Darryl Joseph 479 Beare Drever, Michael George 504 BEASLEY, BARBARA EVELINE 32 Beasley, Jonathan Otto 518 Beasley, Mark Evans 497 Beason, Douglas (Capt) 237 Beatty, Michael Scot 460 Beaty, Alan Keith 471 Beaubien, Seth 452 BEAUCHEMIN, MARK EDWARD 32 Beaudoin, Phillip Jay 145 Beaufils, Igor Fitzgerald 486 BEAVDOIN, PHILLIP JAY 113 Beavers, Timothy Rex 463 BECKEL JR, ROBERT D 122 Becker, Marvin L (Capt) 222 Becker, Michael Dennis 497 Beecham, Brent Andrew 458 Beene, Eric Adams 480 Beer, Todd 290 Behne, Mary Ann 473 Behne, Michael Carey 506 Behnke, Thomas William 508 Beierle, Mark T 225, 489, 496 Beitle, Ronald Philip 481 Belcher, Kris Lee 475 Belmne, Adrian George 506 Bell, Brian Patrick 471 Bell, Greg 242 Bell, Dover Michael 449 Bell, James Robert 464 Bell, Malia 281,283 BELL, PAUL GREGORY 88, 145 Bell, Richard Lee 442,520 Bell, Rick 278,279 Bellamy, John Anthony 497 Beilis, Ben 474 BELLIS JR, BENJAMIN NEIL 51 Belton, Kevin Cronell 468 Belvin, Wilma (MSgt) 238 Benavides V, Ernesto 526 Benedict, Christian Peter 493 Benitez, Rafael Antonio 285,491 Benjamin, Warren Lee 469 Benka, Kathryn Anne 292, 480 Bennett, Bradley Stephen 487 BENNETT, RALPH DALE 13, 262, 265 Bennett, Victor Lynn 515 BENNETT JR, WALTER RUSSELL 56 Benoit, Louis J 443, 456 Benovil, Marie Anne 500 Benson, Paul Michael 478 Bente, William Gerard 470 Benton, Douglas W 446 Bents, Robert Thurston 526 Berg, Brett Eugene 453 Berg, Jeffrey Dean 461 Berg, Zachary David 463 BERGESON, THOMAS WILLIAM 51 Bergeson, Tom 474 Berggren, Kirk James 512 Berggren, Kurt 306,307, 308 Bergquist, John Lee 455 Bergsagel, Brynne Marie 507 BERGSTROM, RENARD WILLIAM 85 Berkes, Kevin Andrew 523 Berkompas, Kevin Lee 523 Berry, Ira Colyn (Daryn) 481 Berry, James Keith 529 Berry, Nicole Marie 492 Berry, Angela (SSgt) (A) 207 BERTLING, SAMUEL JOSEPH 72, 145 Bertlshofer, Patrick Dixon 525 Besecker, Vicki Jean 483 BESSELLIEU, SUSAN PEARLINDA 116 Bestard, Charles Edward 513 Bettner, Michael Patrick 520 Bianchi, Paul Edward 520 BICE, GREGORY WAYNE 14 Bier, Susan Elizabeth 300,526 Biever, Lawrence (Lt Col) 208 Biggins. Ian Peter 515


Armstrong, Merrill Frederick 474 Armstrong, Stephen Daniel 483 ARMSTRONG, TERRY WILLIAM 101

Armstrong, Wayne Porter 463 ARNDT, JEFFREY FRANK 104 Arnold, Kenneth Allan 452 Arnold, Mark 129,528 Arnold, Timothy Jay 482

Arrington, Edward Anthony 478 Arriola, Mark 318, 471 Arthur, R. Ed (Capt) 224 Arthur, Joseph Thomas 304, 305, 458

Arts, Kari Theresa 502 Arvai, Agnes Susan 484 Arvin, Phillip John 455 Ashe, Trip 300 Ashe III, Jesse Brown 472 Asher, Troy Allen 477 Ashley, Timothy Hugh 529 Atchison, Walter (Capt) (L) 237 Atchison, Scott 227, 468 Atkinson, Rob 318 Ator II, Robert Avon 485 AU-YOUNG, JOHN 50, 474 Aubrey, Stephen Lee 524

Aug, Joan 207 Augustine, John Martin 522 Ausink, John (Capt) (A) 230 Austin, Christopher Scott 528 Auten, Benjamin Lee 468 Auzenne, Joshua Paul 531 AVALOS, FRANCISCO JAVIER 41, 145 Averbeck III, Leo Henry 490 AVERY, DANIEL WILLIAM 104 Avila, Edward (Maj) (R) 214, 230, 284, 285 Avila, Paul Mario 527 Avirell, Shammon 329 AYCOCK, KENT DARRYL 10 Ayen, Lt Col 203 Ayotte, Michael Norman 473

B BA JR, RONALD JEROME 17 BABER, WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER 129 Babski, Ronald J 445 Bachelier, Vincent Jerald 453 Bachler, David Michael 507 Bacon, Frederick Childs 492 Baczewski, David Paul 517 Baczewski, Gerald 456 Bader, Dan 245 BAERST, ROBERT STEVEN 94 Baggerly, Mark Lee 478

Baggerly, Marla Raye 292, 493 Baggett, Debra Ann 354,355, 494 Bagley, Bryan J 495 BAILEY, KENNETH WILLIAM 69

Bailey, Ed (Lt Col) 218 Bailey, Thomas Michael 450 Baillie, Maureen Ellen (Cecilia) 449 Baird, Michael (TSgt) (A) 158 BAIZE, RICHARD A 44 Baker, Richard (Capt) (W) 230 Baker, Christine Elaine 525 BAKER, LONNY PAUL 97 Baker, Bud (Maj) 234 BAKER, ROBERT KAZUO 78 BAKER, SCOTT ALAN 41 Baker Jr, David Newman 492 Bakke, Christopher Patrick 476 Bald, Theresa 292 Baldauff, Regis John 517 Baldwin, Jeffrey James 496 Baldy, Tom (Capt) 233 Balfany, Michael Dodds 442, 504 Balkan, Sanford Harrison 478 Balkus, Nancy Jane 420, 463 Ball. David Glenn 495 Ball, Linda (SSgt) 238 Ballard, Lloyd Allen 462 Ballard, Scott 304, 475 Ballard, Timothy Dean 447

Ballinger, George (Capt) (W) 226 BALSCOCK, STEVEN LEROY 41

Bampton, Matthew Weeks 494 Bampton, Peter Michael 285, 528 BANDUCCI, TODD MICHAEL 122

Bandy, Philip Bevil 491 Bangs, Terry (Lt Col) 218, 219 BANICK, GERARD JOHN 84 BANKS, KENNETH 82, 326 Bankston, Steven Ray 495 Baranack, Patrick John 458 Barbosa, Jorge Pedro (Fortes) 525 Barbour, Russell Wendell 527


Barkocy, Robert Anthony 506

Anthony, John (Capt) (F) 207 Antoon, Fred A (Capt) 222

BARKSDALE, CRAIG MICHAEL 72 Barlean, Kelly John 448 Barlow, Neal (Capt) 204 Barnes, Dana Emery 526 Barnes, James Aaron 527 Barnes, Maj 236 Barnes, Ron (TSgt) 420 Barnett, Anthony Fitzmaurice 523 Barnett, Michael Joseph 495 Barnett, Michele Renee 509 Baron, Gina Bridgette 453 Barrett, Sam Clifford 447 Bartczak, Kenneth John 450 Bartell, Brian Theodore 513

Anzai, Alan 267 APONTE, ANTONIO MARCELINO 17.442

Apple, Mark David 507 Applegate. Timothy Mark 526 Arce-Larreta, Jorge Luis 519 Archambault, Gary (Capt) (J) 157 Archibald, Ian Gordon 507 Arcoleo, Kenneth Anthony 464

Argyle, David Scott 453 Arizpe, Victor Henry 507 Arlinghaus, Mark Richard 471

Bill. Darril Clark 499 Billiet, Ronald Allen 288,515 BILLINGS, NEIL ROBERT 69, 145, 285, 430 BINGAMAN, BRADFORD LEE 10

Binger, Trent Dallas 459 Birdwell, Billy (Capt) 424 Birkhead, John (Capt) 233 Birrenkott, Daniel James 492 Bishop, Lee William 455 Bishop, Scott Charles 271,506 Bissell, Mark Andrew 473 BLACK, ALLEN SPENCER 25 BLACK, MICHAEL BERNARD 82 BLACKMAN JR, ELIHU ROBERT 51

Blackmon, Bobby 474 Blackwell, C 280,453 BLAD, THERESA ANN 104 Blalock, Michael David 525 Blanchette, Louise (Capt) (A) 230 Blank, Jeffrey Alan 530 Blanks, David Paul 526 Blenit, Joe 315 Blerbower, Chris 321 Blewitt, Joseph Paul 484 Blind, John A (Major) 222

Blinkinsop, Sonny Paul 497 BLOCK, CARL HENRY 53 Block, Eric 499 Block, Michael Wallace 453 Bloomer, Raymond (Maj) (H) 237 Blouin, Michael John 315, 316, 507 BLUE, DONALD NATHANIEL 29 Blum, Scott Christopher 474

Bly, Katherine Marie 531 Board, Elizabeth Maude 449 BOCHMAN, ANDREW ADAM 126 Bode II, John Victor 524 Boe, Eric Allen 484 Boeddy, Christopher John 525 Boegman, James Robert 297,300, 526 Boelts, Heidi 285 Bohn, Court (Capt) 273 Bohn, Matthew John 457 Boland, Daniel Curtin 531 Boland, Raymond Edward 460 BOLAND JR, ROBERT LOWREY 82 Boldrick, Margaret Mary 473 Bolha, Robert 482 Bondaruk, Kelly Ann 509 Bonn, James Michael 496 Bonney, Michael Joseph 499 Boots, David Martin 448 Borchelt, Kent William 512 Bordner, John Charles 506 BOREN, BRYAN SCOTT 116 Boroski, Michael John 512 Borowiec, Thomas 453 Borowski, Harry (Lt Col) 226 Borries, William (Lt Comdr) 217 Bosking III, William Henry 502 Boss, Mark 285, 461

Botzong, Cheryl 281,359 Boucher, Dennis David 499

Bouley, Thomas Anthony 529 Bova, Mark Armond 494 Bowie, Tom (Capt) 218 Bowl, Independence 260 Bowman, Jordy 288, 359 Bowman, Steven Hugh 451 Bowman, Terry Lee 461 Bowser, Jonathan Lancaster 503 BOYCE, BRYON WILLIAM 110

Boyce, Capt 212 Boyce, Lisa Ann 461 Boyd, Bryan Keith 455 Boyd, Rick (Capt) 233 Boyd, Kevin Charles 497 BOYD, KIT QUENTIN 47

Boyd, Marcus Aurelius 503 Boyd III, James Calvin 484 Bozarth, Kurt Mehard 485 Bradford, Tom 251

Bradley, Michael (Capt) (J) 157

Brady, Robert Bruce 307,308,505 Brady, Scott Edward 523 Brahms, Keith Allen 527

Bramigk, Brad William 450 Branche, Michael Charles 453 Brand, Michael Bryce 527 Brandner, Brian S 443 Brandow IV, Warren Francis 494 BRANDUER, BRIAN SCOTT 53 Brant, Bruce (Capt) (A) 446,447 BRANYON,KYLE STANLEY 22 Bratina, Tuiren (Maj) (A) 230

Brawley, Randy Scott 464 Bray, Dean Eric 481 Breazeale, John Madison 461 Breidenthal, Brent Forrest 490 BREININGER, JEFFREY LOUIS 32 Breivik, Diane Mary 463 Brennan, Hugh Patrick 251,508 Brevdeh, Samuel Robert 455 Brewer, Edward James 496 Brewer, Gregory Scott 457

Brezinsky, Thomas J 487 Brezovic, Joseph (Capt) (L) 157 Briar, David Paul 505 Brickell, Capt 212 Bridger, Gordon Dean 526

Bridgers, Matthew 344 Bridges, Dan 245 BRIDGES. DANIEL REID 59

Brig, Duane E (Maj) 224 Briggs II, Jack Leroy 443, 516 BRIGNOLA, MICHAEL PETER 119 BRINDLEY JR, LARRY BOYD 88, 427

Briseno, Dawn Antoinette 520

Briski, Mark (Capt) (S) 230 Bristol. David Frederick 473 Bristow, Reid Robert 479 BRITT, RICHARD JAMES 132 Brock, John Kurtis 485 Brock Jr, John (Maj) (R) 235 Brockington. Lex 262,516 BROCKWAY, SCOTT DAMIEN 25, 444

Brockwell, Derrell Randel 493 Brogan, Thomas Donald 501 Brogan Jr, William Kendrick 468 BROOKE, SARAH SANDERSON 107 Brooks. Christopher Lemmel 308, 512 Brooks, Gregory Lyndon 452 Brooks, Kevin Dewayne 492 Brooks, Randall (Maj) (E) 158 Brooks, Sara 303 Brooks, Todd Andrew 454 Broomhead, William Floyd 475 BROSZ. TODD MICHAEL 82 BROTHERS. SANDRA ZOE 119 Broussard, Byron K 484 BROUSSARD, KERRI LORETTA 29 Brown, Cheryl Lyn 483 Brown, Derek Christopher 486 Brown, Donald LaRue 515 Brown, Eric Duane 314,499 Brown, Gerry 267 Brown, Hugh Ryan 473 Brown, James S 511 Brown, Jeffrey Gordon 348,499 Brown, Keith Douglas 315,316, 516, 521 Brown, Lori 233 Brown, Louise 379, 382 Brown, Luch 329

Brown, Lucy Ann 478,491 Brown, Mar^ Catherine 222 Brown, Michael Lee 20, 490 Brown, Mike 250,251,300 Brown, Miki Renee 455 BROWN, REGINA JEANISE 32 Brown, Robert Bayne 484 Brown, Terrence Adrian 507 BROWN, WILLIAM CURTIS 62, 443, 449 Brown Jr, Billy Bob 447 Brown Jr, Harold Dean 473, 527 Brown Jr, Robert (Maj) (C) 503 Brown Jr, Purcell Norwood 505 Browne, Bruce Frederick 501 Browne, James Sidney 526 Browning, Stephen Mann 527, 531 BROWNING, THOMAS JEFFREY 75 Broxterman, Elizabeth Anne 485 Bruce Jr, Larry Allgood 531 Brudidge, Lawrence 318 Brunkow, James Albert 288, 463 BRUNO, THOMAS JAMES 85 Brurdidge, Lawrence Alvin 468 Bryan, Kay 346

Bryan, Shawn Tyrone 492 Bryan, Sheryl K (Capt) 222 Bryan, Terry 346 Bryant, Larry (Capt) (W) 217 Bryant, David Michael 514 Bryant Jr, Ronald Martin 500 Buchanan, Robert Otis 475 Buchanan IV, James Paul 477 Buck, Mark 288 Buckenmyer, Robert Joseph 471 Bucki, Mark Anthony 516 BUCKLEY, TIMOTHY DARRELL 47

Buckman, David Todd 526 Budd. John Timothy 503 Buescher, Andrew John 513 BUGEJA, VINCENTE 110 Bula, John Joseph 447 Bumiller, George Richard 514

Bump, Mike 304 Bumpus, William Michael 472 Burachio, David Joseph 527 Buratowski, John Andrew 450 Burchett, Bradley Thomas 528 Burfict, Samuel 510,518 Burg, Gary 303, 486

Burger, Brian Taylor 472 Burger, Joan Patricia 521 Burgess, Barbara Lynne 482 Burgess, Gregg (Capt) (M) 230 Burggraf, Major 214 Burgwald, Jonathan Ripley 531 BURK, WENDELL CURTIS 114 Burkard, Michael John 508 Burke, Bradley Marshall 526 Burke, Christopher Glen 288, 523 Burke, Randall Drew 447 Burkel, Lt Col 280 Burkhard, Michele 508 Burklund, Michael Alan 502 BURLEIGH, TODD ANDREW 72 BURNS, DAVID PAUL 98 BURNS, DOUGLAS HOWARD 126 BURNS,GERALD 98 Burns, Kevin Edward 481 BURNS JR, BENNIE LEE 65 Burris, David Morgan 528 Burroughs III, Louis Maurice 515 BURT, RICHARD ARTHUR 41 Burton, Bridget Bea 524 Burton, James A 446 Burton. Richard Raymond 507 Bush, George (Maj) (W) 155,451 Bush, Timothy Eugene 505 Bushanan,R J 300 Bushe, James Devin 499 Bushey, Dean Edward 447

Buss, Robert Neal 517 BUSSIAN, ROBERT FOLEY 10, 208 Butcher. Robert Preston 468 Butler. Anthony Edward 491 Butler, David Calvin 448 Butler, Gregory Paul 497

Butler, Jeffrey L 477,517 Butler, Michael Brian 501 Butler, Carl (SSgt) (A) 207 BUTLER, STEPHEN DEAN 119 Butrell, Fred 358 Butterfield, Cammie 298, 300 Buttrell, Fred 257 BUTTRELL. FREDERICK W (P) 126 Butts, Carl Anthony 453 BUTTS, STUART LLOYD 85 Buzze, Charles (Lt Col) 444 Byerley, Aaron (Capt) 204 Byerly, James D 511,522 Byers, Brad William 447 BYERS, KRISTINE DIANE 98, 488 Byers, Stephen Randall 430,491 BYRD, EDWARD LEE 85, 325, 327,

Casias, Michael Nathan 520

Coakley. Ma| Tom 218

Caskey, Terrence Allen 512 Cass, John (Capt) (R) 230 Cassady, Wallace James 471

COCCIA, TERRI LYNN 117, 281 Cochran Jr, Larry Wayne 461 Coffey III, Lavanson Crenor 505 Coffin, Timothy Patrick 501 COFFLAND, CHRISTOPHER KEITH 29 Coffman, Eric Alan 485 Cohee, Garrett Lane 448 Colarusso, Darin Vincent 519 COLAS, KIRBY RAY 22, 349 Colbert, Michael Anestis 465 Cole, James Douglas 455 Cole, Donald (Maj) 233 Cole Jr, Philbert Alderman 501 Colella. Robert Anthony 514 COLEMAN, DONALD HERBERT


Causey, Wade Keith 513 Cauthron, Greg Andrew 531 CAVALIERE, SUSAN LYNNE 129 Cave, Theresa Lynn 451 Cavello, Robert Joseph 494 CAVUOTI, FRANK MICHAEL 117

Cayon, Greg Michael 448 Celestini, Philip Arnold 508 Cellery, Marc Gates 453 Cervone, Daniel (Maj) (J) 229, 430 Chadwick, Larry (Lt Col) 522 Chaffee, David (Capt) 204, 205



Byrne, Bill 258

Chambers, Kevin Lane 455 Chambers. Stephen Grady 448 Chambers, Victor Brian 464

Bystroff, John Roman 497

c Caddy. Andrea 292 Cady, Craig D 444,446 Cagle, Joseph Howard 507 Cahoon, Neil (Capt) (T) 230 Cain, Shirrel Lisa 474 Caine, Philip (Col) (d) 157,158 Cairney, William (Lt Col) 208 Caldwell, Brent Allan 459 Caldwell, David a 445 CALDWELL. ROY ALAN 14 Calhoun Jr, Paul Raymond 482 Calibo, Katasak 481 Callahan, Jamie Lynn 456 Callahan, Kathleen Ann 519 CALLAWAY, PETER ALLEN 107 Calloway, David (Capt) (L) 220 Caltagirone, Paul Matthew 285, 507 Camacho, Marlon Gilbert 471 Cameron, Scott Charles 529 CAMERON, VON MICOLE 26 CAMMARANO, GLEN 94, 145 Campbell, Craig Philip 454 Campbell, Gordon Scott 496, 517 Campbell, Gregory John 455,482 Campbell, Jeffrey Martin 473 Campbell, Mark Alan 471 CAMPBELL, TERRY GRANT 62 Campos, William 482 Canada, Henry Leroy 513 Canavan, Michael 520 Cancill, Peter Daniel 455 CANINO, MICHAEL ALLEN 129, 511 Cannata, Sam Patrick 512 Cantrell, Randall (Maj) (R) 484, 485 Cantrell, Mark Walter 502 Capehart, Steven (Capt) (R) 230 Capello, John 315 Capone, Michael John 454 Cappello.John Tullio 470 Capps, Timothy Morris 519 Carballo, Navarro, Manuel F 512 Cardello, John Charles 347, 523 Cardinal, James Carl 512 Cardoso, James Luis 457 Carey, David Lance 472 CAREY, SEAN KILLIAN 44 CARFAGNO, CHRISTOPHER JERRY 20, 483 Cargill, George (Capt) 208 Carhuff, Carl Clifford 479 Carlile Jr, Harry Arthur 525 Carlson, Andrew Robert 478 Carlson, Andy 348 Carlson, Timothy Alexander 300, 531 Carlson, Wendy Renee 531 CARNEY, WILLIAM SCOTT 65 Caron, Christopher Warren 517 Carpenter, David Scott 267, 326, 518, 522 Carpenter, Ken 251,252 Carpenter Jr, Robert Thomas 506 Carr, Colin Neil 517 Carr, Michael James 500 Carranza, Hector Javier 479 CARRELLI, ANTHONY JOSEPH 78 CARROLL, JOHN LEONARD 116 Carruth, Timothy Scott 459 CARSELL, CHARLES BRAIN 101,

302, 303 Carson, Gregory (Capt) (W) 158 CARTAGENA, ORLANDO LUIS 75 Carter, Andrew David 480 Carter, Edward (Capt) (M) 217 CARTER, CURTIS RAY 44 Carter, Don Durant 468 CARTER, KENNETH 0 53

CARTER, MIGUEL ANGEL 56 Carter, Michael (TSgt) 238 Carter, Wesley Alan 479

Cary, Scott Alan 503 Cary A Fisher, Colonel 222

CASALE, LOUIS ANTHONY 98 CASAVANT, MICHAEL PAUL 69 Casey, Jack 262 Cashin, James Patrick 448


Champlin, Darren Travis 450 Chancellor, Richard Wayne 494 Chandler, George 285 Chandler, Michael John 253, 500 Chandler II, George Elmer 496 Chaney, SA Dennis (D) 158 CHANEY, TODD LEE 48 CHANG, YU-JEN 29

Chapin, Colleen Leigh 457

Chaplin, Mark Alan 463 CHAPMAN, CHARLES EDWARD 85

Chapman, Joe 288 Chapman, John William 475 Chapman, Joseph Francis 505 Chapman, Kevin Dale 477 Charles, D. R (Capt) 224 Charlton, Mark Christopher 493 CHARRON, DEBORAH E 85, 245 Charsagua, Jacqueline N 488 CHARSAQUA, JACQUELINE NINA 79

Chasen, Aaron Braswell 517 Chastain, George Paul (Rene) 473 Chavez, Edward Craig 494 Chavez, Roberta 236 Cheatham, Patrick Lee 481 Cheek, Richard (SSgt) (D) 158 Chelales, Christopher Demetrio 509

Cherry, Sophelia Elon 479 CHESLEY, GARY DONALD 20

Cheung, Eve Fang 531 Chi, Clive Shun (Hsiao) 453 Chiabotti, Stephen (Maj) (D) 226, 318

Childers, Darren Eric 464 Chin, Allen William 473 Chin, Keric Blaine (On) 497 CHING, MICHAEL LUKE (GEE) 22, 442

Ching, Peter Wai 469 Chinnery, Anne Elizabeth 491 Chisholm, Mark Andrew 479 Cho, Sueling 284, 481 Cho, Sung 262, 263, 446 Choir, Catholic 426

Chowning, Scott Douglas 469 Christensen III, Wayne Howard 497 Christie III, Richard Westley 484 CHRISTMAN, DELBERT GAY 29 CHRISTMAS, GREGG LLOYD 104, 307, 308

Christopherson, Partick Wayne 475

Chumura Jr, Stanley Frank 497 CHUN, CARY COMPERIDO 120 CHUNG, STANLEY KUI (FONG) 79 Ciaffa, Bob (Capt) 218

Cilley, Scott Anthony 478 Cisneros-Damel, Raul Ernesto 480 Ciuzio, Charles Anthony 525 Cladwell, David Arthur 454

Clancy, John Francis 465 Clanton, Mark Alan 449 Clapp, Steven Eugene 492 CLARK, CHARLES KEVIN 123 Clark, Joseph Michael 288, 474 Clark, Karen Sue 486 Clark, Albert (Lt Gen) 226 Clark, Murray Ray 456 Clark, Randall Wade 484 Clark, Richard Milo 458 CLAUNCH, CHRISTOPHER LEE 114

Clavin, Joseph Laurence 458 Clawson, Scott Macdonald 460

Clay, Christopher John 481 Clay, James Joseph 508

CLEAVES, CHEVALIER PHIPPS 111,208 Clement, Steve (Capt) 234 Clemmons, Thomas Glen 506 Cleveland, Cheryl 463 Clewis I, Robert Vance 518 Cliatt, Jeffrey Carter 271,484 Clifford, RB (Ma|) 224 Cline, Kenneth Larry 453 Cline, Mark Evan 450 Clinton, Shirley Rebekah 484 CLOUTIER, MARK ALLEN 10 Clyne, Andrew Johnathan 484 Cmar, John Alan 512


Coleman, Edward Joseph 468 Coleman, Kurt Ulrich 495 Coleman, Robert Mason 464 COLEMAN, THOMAS HUNTER 65, 322, 323

Crenwelge, Bret Anthony 492 Crerie, Jonathan Arthur 458 Cribbs, Blair 300 Cristiani, Maj Steven (J) 217 Crochet, David Allen 500 Crockett, Lt Carl (E) 230 Crone, Robert Bryan 456 Crosby, Mark Albert 300,494 Cross, Brian Eugene 505 Cross, Maj Christopher (A) 220 Croteau, Craig Wildbur 465 Crouch, Richard Thomas 491 Crow, Jeffrey Louis 502 Crow Jr, Stanley Dean 525 Crowder, Mark James 504 Crowe, Kathy (Capt) 218 Crowe, David Edward 513 Crowe, William (Maj) (E) 509

Crowhurst, James Willard 468 Crowley, Maj James (M) 230 Cullen, Capt 212 Culver, Curtis 271,449

Cummings, Bob 242

Coley, Betsy Crayton 486


COLGATE, STANLEY JOHN 59 Collett, Thomas Walter 487 COLLINS, COLLEEN ADELE 95 COLLINS, GEORGIA ROSS 48, 242, 272, 273 Collins, Jon Christopher 491 Collins, Phil 474 COLOMBO, JOHN CASIMER 44,

Cundiff, Jeffrey Scott 461 Cunliffe, Lt Col (Ernie) 359


Combs, Jeffrey Scott 503 Comer, Maj Rich 218 COMI, DONALD JOSEPH 48 Comstock, Michael A 445,462 Conant, Edward Shelton 505 Conard, TSgt M 158 Conklin, Timothy Joseph 523 Conn, Dennis Ray 527 Connell, Tim 267

Connelly, Tom 242 CONNELLY, THOMAS WILLIAM 17,442 Conner, David Manwarmg 461 Conner, Steven Dwyer 461 Conner, Tami 138

Cunningham III, Charles Joseph 515

Cunningham, Kyle 474 CUNNINGHAM, KYLE PARK 51 Curl, Lori Anne 520

CURL, PHILIP ALDEN 120 CURRIE JR, TOM PAUL 57 CURRIN, SHERRY ALISON 23, 320, 321 Curtis, Bradley Lawrence 517 Curtis, Robert Scott 251,528 CURTIS JR, ROBERT LEE 114

Curtright, Jay Andrew 503 Cushman, Matthew Lee 479 CUTWRIGHT, TERRY SUE 89 CVANCARA, JAMES ROBERT 72, 145

Cwach, Lynn Marie 526

Cygan, James Gerard 521 Cyr, Jeffrey Louis 485

Connolly, Donna (Capt) 218 Connolly, James Douglas 487 CONNOLLY, STEVEN MICHAEL 41,62 Conrad, Mark Paul 494 Conrad, Matthew Christopher 481 Conrer, Gary Franklin 479

Conrey, Scott Patrick 458 Conroy, Edward Patrick 528 Conte, Christopher Thomas 491 Coode, Capt William (L) 226 Cook, Creighton 348 Cook, Jeffrey Joseph 459 Cook, Raynard Jamal 520 Cook, Sean Hamilton 516 Cook, Stephen Roger 482, 519 Cook, Steven C 444, 452 COOK, WENDY LEE 82, 208 COOK JR, CREIGHTON WILLIAM 32

COOKE, WILLIAM STEVEN 91 Cooksey Jr, Richard Hal 462 Cooner Jr, Capt Walter (J) 226 COOPER, JAMES DAVID 44

Cooper, Lawrence Andrew 496 Cooper, Lora Ellen 459 Cooper, Stephen Dale 271,499 Cooper II, Gary Lee 447 COOPER III, MARCUS FLEMING 48

Coovrey, Christopher Michael 475 Cope, Capt Jan 218, 219 Copher, Todd Andrew 490 Corcoran, Thomas Joseph 471 Cordova, Levi 288

Corley, Charles Patrick 526 CORLEY, DONALD MACK 126 CORNELL, TIMOTHY ROBERT 72 CORNS, TOIVONISE 107 Corrado, Alfred Richard 479 Correll, Robert Wesley 491

Corry, Brian Michael 517 Cortes, Capt Ramon 230 Costanzo, Capt Chuck 233 Costin, Dondi Enos 456 COTA, WILLIAM CHARLES 62, 145


Coughlin, Noreen Marie 455 Coulahan Jr, John Edward 520 Coulter, Lt Col 203 Courchene, David Allen 492 Couser, Robert Allen 476 Cow, Jeffrey William 459 Cowardin Jr, Ma| L (James) 235 COWELL, GILBERT LEE 29 COX, BRAIN DAVID 45 Cox, Keith Alan 523 Cox, Gary (Maj) (P) 226 Cox, Michael Ray 312,313,314, 464 COY, STEVEN D 104 Craig, William (Maj) (R) 157 Craig, Pat 355 Craig, Patricia Marie 476 Craig, Robert Myles 471 Crain, Jeffery Kent 491 CRAMER, MICHAEL KEVIN 23 Cramer, Richard Barraclough 508 Crandall, Matthew John 288, 450 Crase, Scott Thomas 515 Crawford, Michael (Capt) (L) 237 Crawford, Douglas John 503 Creedon, Roger William 485 Cregier, Roderick Lanksbury 145


120 D Antonio, Robert G 511

DeCavalcante, Michael Lawrence 447

DeClerck, Jon-Chase 476 DeFazio, Len 288 Defazio III, Alexander 507 DeFazio Jr, Leonard Anthony 447 Defidelto, Louis Joseph 520

Degler, Jeffrey Kenneth 526 Degnon, George Michael 521 DEINLEIN, BRENDA MICHELLE 120

DEITERS, JEFFERY KURT 57 DeJongh, Maj Jay 204 DELANEY, WILLIAM PHILIP 65 Delapena Jr, Eduardo C 499 Delich, Chuck 288

Delong, Mark David 482 Delorenzo, Capt Michael (L) 207 DELUCA. MARK EDWARD 117 Delucia, Michael Thomas 513 Deluise, Charles Jude 475 Delzell, David Wayne 517 DEMANDANTE, CAROL ANNE (NIEPES) 14 Demandante, Marie Angelique (N) 452

DeMarias, David Michael 447 DeMaso, William Curtis 481 Demetriades, Ernest Trifon 520

DeMeyer, Mrs Joyce (M) 235 Demkowicz, Erik Robert 459 Dempsey, Vincent Michael 476 DEMUNNIK, BRIAN DAVID 17 Denholm, Edward Brian 524

Dennedy, James Hugh 521 Dennedy, Thomas Patrick 503 Dennis, Daniel Roy 529 Dennis, Warren Delane 524 Dennison III, Anthony John 509

Dent, David Earle 487 Denton, Richard Mark 528 DEPALMER, STEVEN JAMES 17, 145

Depalo, Lee Kevin 496 DeRosa, Major 222 Derra, Helmut George 522 Derrs, Helmut 262 Dershem, Stephen James 523 DeRuyter, Tim 255, 258 DERUYTER, TIMOTHY JAMES 62 DeSutter, Maj Joseph 233 Detorie, Francis Nicholas 447 DETRICK, SAMUEL FORREST 108,510 DETTELIS. PETER FRANCIS 17, 427

Daggett, Ronald George 451 Dahlby, Miles Davidson 473

Deutsch, Dr Harold (C) 226 DEVANE, MARK WINTHROP 101

Dahnke, Juli Anne 528

DeVaney, Nicole Elizabeth 458 DeVarey, Niki 300 Deverney, John 204

Dailey, Kevin Scott 458 Daldine, Frank R 286, 288, 522 Dallin, John Victor 497 Daly, Paul Kenneth 469 Danda, Jennifer Renee 465 Danek, Jr, Thomas Edward 464 Damek, Capt Steve 262 Daniel, Darrin Ray 523 Daniel. Dean Allen 483 Daniel, John Boyd 457 DANIEL JR, GERALD ALLEN 101

DANIEL, S BADER, V 10 Daniels, Stephen (Capt) (C) 230 Dantzscher, David Douglas 499 Dara, Tina Mary 453 Dare, Lauren Elizabeth 461 Darnttel, Timothy John 531 Daronco, Jim 315 Dart, James (Capt) (R) 158, 453 DaSilva, Stephen Muniz 448

Daugherty, Dennis 204 Davey, Peter Francis 528 David, Roben Dale 517 David, C Bannerma (Capt) 222 David, J Nicholls (Capt) 222 Davidson, Eric James 517 Davila, Jeffrey Neil 474

Davila-Martinez, Kellie L 522 DAVIS, CECIL GLEN 120 DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER GERALD 20

Davis, Darrel Taylor 455 Davis, John Charles 474, 523 Davis, Jon Francis 513 DAVIS, KENNETH MARTIN 41 Davis, Kevin L 446 Davis, Luther Kelly 455 Davis, Lynda Lee 525 Davis, James (Maj) (A) 207, 214, 448, 484 Davis, Michael Eades 495 Davis, Mihcael Edward 504 Davis, Robert Riley 473, 531 DAW, RICHARD SCOTT 79 Dawes, Clinton John 454 DAWKINS, KEITH ALPHONSO 48, 443 DAY JR, GEORGE EVERETTE 72

Day Jr, Robert Eugene 497 De Quatrebarbes, Maj Hubert 220 De Rock, Patrick 527

Deaile, Melvin George 475 Deale, Thomas Henry 531 Dean III, Thomas Arthur 518 Dearborn, Michael Edward 527 DEARDORF, ERIC WALTER 76, 297, 300 Deaton, Maj Terry 429 DeBerry, Fisher 250, 251,252, 253, 254, 256,257, 259,359


Devers Jr, Robert James 479 DEVINE, TROY ELLEN 10, 298, 300 Dewey, Mark Todd 474 Dewine. John Patrick 492 DeWitt, Brenda Renise 507 DEYSHER, MARK EDWARD 111, 208 Diaz, Angel Ahmed 523 Diaz, Gerald (Capt) 230 DIAZ, DANIEL 11 Diaz Jr, Rolando 497 Diaz Jr, Victor Jesus 480 Dick, Grant Christopher 507 Dickenson, Ian R 431 Dickerson, Christina G 284,446 Dickerson, Matthew John 519 Dickey, William Conant 513 DICKINSON, IAN ROBERT 20, 145, 344 Dickinson, Timothy Eugene 471 Dickson, David Alan 473 Didden, David Gregory 481 Diederich, Jackie 300 Dierlam, Mark Scott 512 DIERLAM, TISH ANN 123 Dierlam, Todd Allen 451 Dietrich, Jeffrey Paul 481 Dietz, Joseph Michael 498 DIGERONIMO, ROBERT JOHN 72, 145, 208 Dill, Kevin Patrick 528 Dilorenzo, Mrs Gladys 217 Dimaggio, Danny Richard 454 DIMARTINIS, DAVID PAUL 51,474 Dimento, Mike 315 Dimento, Patrick Michael 315, 474 DIMUCCIO, ERNEST ANTHONY 92 Dingle, Levenchi Larosa 502 Dion, Stephen James 493 Diotte Jr, Gerald Richard 469 DiPaolo, Marc Christopher 521

Dirrenkott, Dan 288 Disco, Jennifer Louise 481 DISILVESTRO, LUKE JOHN 26 Dittus, Robert James 499 Dixion, James (Lt Col) 229

DIXON, KEVIN WILLIAM 60 Dixon, Lisa Marie 485 Dixon, Hoe (Maj) (C) 226 Dixon, Peter R 157 Dixon, Steven Andrew 507 Dobb, Christopher Patrick 483 Dodson, Eric Carl 508

Doherty, Sally 273 Dolan, Mary Anne (Loretta) 459 Dolan, Michael James 455 Dolan, Peter Jason 307,308,309 514

Dols, Richard Stephen 513



Domenick, Kenneth Bryan 520 Dominguez, Juan 307,308 DONA, EDWARDO PEREZ 98 Donahue, Mary (Maj) (E) 230 Donahue, Michael Kevin 481 Donald, Shawn Jay 468 Donchoe, Sharon Rose 471 Donchue, Mary Elizabeth 528 Done Jr, Steven Reid 503 Donehower, Robert Boyd 490 Donnelly, Richard E 499 Donovan, Steve 306,308 DOOLEY, JAMES KEVIN 42 DOOLEY. ROBERT CHRISTOPHER 20,145 DOORE, RICHARD JACKMAN 20 Dorian, Stephen Frederich 479 Doroff, Maj Dennis 218,219 Dorris, Capt Joseph (L) 158 DORSEY JR, ALFRED MAXWELL 66

Doster, Thomas Daniel 502 Dotson Jr, Maj Jim 472 Dotts, Carl Barton 499 Doty, Garth David 517 DOTY JR, JAMES HOWARD 101

Douglas, Wayne Bryant 474 Douglas L Miller, Captain 222 Downes, E Richard (Maj) 226 Downey, Scott Johnson 509 Downing Jr, Harry Ellsworth 468 Downs, Mark Anthony 460 Doyle, Derrick Todd 461 Doyle, Lt Col 203, 238, 239 DOYLE, THOMAS EDWARD 45 Doyle Jr, William Jerome 487 Dozier IV, Arthur Lee 473 DRACON, SCOTT EDWIN 95 DRAKE, KENNETH ALAN 114 Draughn, Teresa Lynn 490 Drbohlav, Joseph 451 DRINEN, LISA MICHELLE 51,474 Drinkard Jr, David Scott 461 Driscoll, Keith Langford 315,520 Drummond, Jonathan Timothy 485 DuBose, Darrell Alan 524 Ducharme, Jay 288 Ducharme Jr, John Aylward 450 DUDLEY, ROSS ALAN 92 Due, Ranger Wright (Matthew) 525 Dues, Maj Mark (L) 226 Duff Jr, Albert Greenlaw 285,505

Duffy, Annmari Mae 487 Duffy, Margaret 292,450 Duggan III, Thomas Joseph 464 Duhovic, Jerry Victor 528 DULANEY, JASON GRAIG 128 DUMBAULD, SCOTT E 123, 431, 442

Dumolt, Mark Andrew 314, 528 Duncan, Jesse Michael 483 Dunivin, Karen 292

Dunlap, Christopher Todd 501 Dunlevy, John Kevin 506 Dunlop, Dawn 292 Dunn, Dr Howard (C) 213 Dunn, Ben (Lt Col) 157,158 Dunn, Robert (Maj) (W) 158,230 Dunn, Stephen Brown 453 Dunstan, Floyd 315 Dunstar, Floyd Wilson 474 DUPRE, SAM TRUONG 129 Durante, Paris 315 Durham, Cynthia Ann (Reese) 514 Dutkus, Steven Andrew 468 Dvorak, James Joseph 344,345, 457

Dwyer, Kevin Patrick 455 Dye, James Stephen 528 DYE, STEVEN CLARK 54, 442 DZEMA, TRACEY MARIE 26 Dziedzec, Maj 233

Elligott, William Scott 475 Elliott, Joseph Briar 460 Elliott, Kevin Michael 469 ELLIS, DAVID FRANCIS 101 Ellis, John Andrew 481 Ellis, Dick (Lt Col) 359 Ellis, Patrick Wayne 487 Ellis, William Allen 480 Ellis Jr, Bruce Allen 500 Elmore, Carson Andrew 448 Elmore, Steven Clay 503 ELSARELLI, LEON ELSO 130 Else, Capt Steve 218 Ely, Glenn Charles 520 Emerick, James Peter 491 EMIG, BRUCE CHARLES 108 Emig, Kirk Edward 512 Emineth, Karen Marie 523 Emmert, Patrick Rowland 469 Emmert, Peter John 461

Emrick, Holly (Capt) (L) 207 Encinas, Patrick Herbert 513

Eng, Frank (Capt) 237 Engelebretson, Maj Mark 359 Engelstad, Brenda Ann 447 Enger, Maj Rolf (C) 237 Engineering, Model 434 English, Rebecca Lynn 459 Ennis, Terrence Joseph 531 ENRIGHT, ELIZABETH DAHL 105 Eoute Jr, Douglas Clinton 515 ERAZO, DAVID GREGORY 45 Erbschloe, Capt Donald 237 Erickson, Scott John 453 Ernandes, Christopher Michael 447

Ernewein, Kenneth Gerard 503 Ernewein, Mark Harris 463 Erwin, James Douglas 518 Erwin, Troy Michael 476 Eskay Jr, Robert Lawrence 497 Eskenshade, Capt Kent 218

Espey, Mark Darrell 526 Espinosa, Marcelino (Lt Col) 225 ESPLIN, TODD HOLT 111

Essary, Gatlin Wyane 487 Esslinger, Craig Spalding 524 Estavillo, Arthur Darrell 492 Estes IV, Ma| John (H) 230 Evanchik, Maj Mike 234 Evans, Capt 203,212 Evans, Christopher 507 Evans, Donald Edwin 494 EVANS, KENNETH CHARLES 79 Evans, David (Lt Col) 237 Evans, Matthew Eric 459 Evans, Pat 250,251,252, 253,255, 256, 257, 259, 260 Evans, Patricia 474 Evans, Patrick William 482 Evans, Timothy Edward 515 Eve, Percy Harold (Perkins) 518 Evenson, Kraig Alan 252, 528

Ewing, Mark S (Maj) 222


Fleck, Michael Francis 300,473 Fleix, Bradley Kenneth 481

Fleming, Kenneth (Col) (H) 235 FLEMING, KEVIN JAMES 69, 145,

251,252,253, 467 Fleming, Shawn Robert 502 FLETCHER, JAMES DUANE 79 Fletcher, Keith William 494 Fletcher, Eunice 233 Fling, SMSgt Paul (N) 158 Flint, John Derek 525 Floreani, Douglas William 461

Flournory, Martin Lloyd 502 Flournoy, Shawn 308,476 Flournoy, Thad Montgomery 479 Flynn, Theresa Maureen 491 FOELKER, JAMIE LYNN 101 Foerster, Schuyler (Maj) 233

Foged, Michael Lee 461 Fogel, Barbara 325,328,448 Fogle, James Clifford 526 FOLEY. THERESE MARIA 69 Folkerts, Michael John 520 Follett, Paul Edward 474

Fong, Christopher Li 505

Faheuff, Robert Scott 464

Fahrenkrug, David Thomas 493 FAHRNI, DAROLEN KAY 76 Fahrni, Karolen 281 Fahy, Lawrence 448 Fair, Dean Robert 482 Fair, Jonathan Edward 476 FAIR III, ELLIOT THEODORE 133 Fairbanks, Gregory Brandon 518

FARMER, JEFFREY KEN 117 Farrell, Paul Doty 484 Farris, David Barkley 491 Faulise, Joseph James 525 Faulkner, Capt Mark 219 Faurer, Lt Gen (Lincoln) 224 Fawaz, Scott Anthony 458

Fay, Timothy George 315, 512 FAYAN III. ERNEST JOSEPH 11

Fazio, Salvatore (Capt) 207 Feck, Vincent John 498 FEDORS, DAVE CHARLES 98, 145 Feduska, Barbara L 158 Felce, Donald Jeffrey 505

Feldhausen, Thomas James 479 Fellows, Danny Coy 492 Felter, Andrew James 487 Feltman, Lawrence Michael 491 Fennell, Karl Edward 459 Fenske, John Steven 304, 503 Fenton II, Matthew Russell 476 Ferrador, Michael John 459 Ferraro Jr, Robert John 486

FERREIRA, MICHAEL SCOTT 73 Ferry, Chris 284, 285 FERRY, CHRISTOPHER JUSTIN 48 Fiddler Jr, Robert Grantham 508 Fidler, James Earl 520 FIEDLER, WILLIAM KENNETH 123 Field, John (Lt Col) 230 Figallo III, Capt Anthony (L) 158 Figie, Brian David 480 Fikus, Capt George (W) 230 Fincher, Michele Sakuyako 497

GALLAGHER JR, FRANK P 123 Gallagher, Thomas Richard 463

Gonzalez, Angel 302,303,450 Gonzalez, Dean (Capt) (W) 217

Galley, Nancy Gaye 442,512


Galloway, John Terrence 525

Good Jr, James Edward 514 Goodall, Richard Kenneth 531 GOODEN, PAM 66 Gooding, Ross Vincent 470 Goodman, Patrick Arthur 464 Goodnough, Thomas Erik 521 Goodrich, Craig Daniel 519 Goodyear, Norman (Capt) (W) 512, 513 GOOLEY, TERRENCE MICHAEL

Gamblin, Darrin Leeo 501 Gangleo, Cornel 346 Gangolea, Cronel M 531 Gannon, Timothy (Capt) (J) 229, 344

Gannon, Richard Kane 469 GANTHIER, STEVEN DANIEL 133 Gantt, Michael Edward 505 Ganze, Elizabeth Anne 491 Garber, David Wayne 491 Garboden, Andrew Tracy 476 Garboden, Andy 279, 280,382 Garcia, Mara lleana 527 Garcia, Roy David 474 Gardiner, Von Allen 472 Gardner, Capt Clifford (c) 217 Gardner, Von 271 GARNER, MARK EUGENE 60 Garraway, Lisa 276,458 Garrett, Christopher Allen 448 Garrobo, Andrew Antonio 512 Garst, Mark Patrick 499 Garvey, Maj Patrick (K) 514 Garvin, Jean Marie 498 Garvin, Trisha Lynn 519

Gary, Bart Andrew 528 Gary III, James Randolph 471 Gary J Butson, Major 222 Garza, Mario (Capt) (A) 157 Garza, Robert Valentino 515 GASNER, GAIL 75 Gasser, Marti 292,359 Gast, Larry 474 GAST. LAWRENCE EDWARD 51 Gates, Kenneth Eugene 482 Gates, Steven Edward 517 Gates III, Hiram Paul 481 Gaudlip, Fred W 443, 528 Gauthier Jr, MSgt Leonard (L) 158 Gautier, William Brou 518 GEASEY, MICHAEL SCOTT 114 Gebauer, Michael Scott 473 Gee, Matthew Raymond 300,506

Gegg, Capt Michael (P) 158

Foote, Tracy Anne 477 Ford, Joseph Franklin 448 Foreman, Christopher Erwin 458 Formolo, Kevin Lines 456

Geiss, Bertold L 224 Genannt, Daniel Peter 447

Forsyth, Michael Thomas 448

GENDRON, RONALD JOHN 42 Genneken, Karen Denise 453

Forte, Michael Peter 315,475

Fortney, Lance Nicholas 453 Fortson, Myron Keith 464 Fosdick, Kristen 292,354 Fosdick, Roger (Lt Col) 226 Foster, Gary Gordon 498 FOSTER, MICHAEL WARREN 108 Fournier, Steven Joseph 505 Fouts, DeeAnn Michelle 491 Fox, Patricia Lynn 158,505


Frampton, Richard Martini 471 France, Martin (1st Lt) 207 Francis, Vernon (Maj) 234

Frankenfield, John Robert 453 Frankhouser, Jeffrey Eugene 486 FRANKLIN, RICHARD JOHN 111 Franklin, Robert Eugene 504 Fraser, Maj Robert (S) 207 Fravel, Maj 212


Early, Timothy George 344,458

Flanagan, John 315, 462 Flannery, Michael Sean 528 Fleck, George (Maj) (M) 157

Fagundes, David Keith 451


Eaton III, Howard Elzie 464 Ebner, David William 447 Echeverry, Juan Carlos 458 Eckelkamp, Vincent Edward 477 EDAY, MONICA JEANELLE 51 Eddins, Timothy Lee 458 Eddy, Capt 212 EDGAR, STEPHEN MEADE 69 Edmonds, Bryan Edward 455 EDMONDS, MARK JORDAN 57 EDSALL JR, DONALD RAY 69 Edwards, Christopher Lynn 499 Edwards, Deborah Marie 499 Edwards, Edward Michael 451,472 Edwards, James Wesley 483 Edwards, Jim 304 Edwards, Phillip Thomas 285, 481 Edwards, Richard Fray 505 Edwards, Sean David 500 Edwards, Stephen Glenn 522 Egan III, Michael Joseph 476 Eggert, Matthew Eric 470 EHL, CHARLES STEPHEN 26 Ehrhard, David Gerard 314,502 Eide, Thomas Alan 477 Eisenhauer, Thomas David 499 Eissler III, Howard Luke 507 Eldred, Tyler Ward 491 ELEKES, JOHN JOSEPH 105 Elkin, Capt Jerrold 233

Fitzsimmons Jr, John David 513 Fitzsimmons, Shannon Michael 463 Flakowski, John Thomas 463

Francois, Bruce E 446 Frandsen, Matthew James 526

Faltin, Gregory Dean 447


Fitzgerald, Robert Eugene 462 Fitzgerald, Timothy Francis 508

Faber, Lorelei 497 Fabian, Robert Avery 455 Faciszewski, Edward Joseph 504

Fakult, Nancy 298,300,472 Falcon, Margot Elaine 521

Eady, Monica 474

Findall, Chris 310 Fine. Michael Gordon 518 Fingal, Tod Richard 480 Fink, SSgt 236 Finn, Patrick Herbert 516 FINNEY, GREG ALLAN 133, 145 Finnicum, Michael T 489,494 FISCHER, MARK EDWARD 82 FISH, RICHARD NEAL 69 Fisher, Michael Seth 490 Fisher, Wayne Andrew 461 FITTER, JOHN LLOYD 130 Fitz, Capt 203 Fitzgerald, Mark Roy 500

Franger, Edward Dominic 480

Frawley, Patrick John 512 Frederick, Anthony R 420,445

Genay, Michael Jay 482 Gencay, Lloyd Levent 514 GEOGHAN II, THOMAS LEE 85 Gere, Scot Bradford 484 Gerhard Jr, William Edward 525 Germann, Mark Todd 491 Gerstenecker, Charles Stanley 452 Gettys, Blake Anthony 463 Geyer, Maj George (J) 158 Giangiulio, Anthony Peter 519 Gibb, Randall William 307,308, 309, 458 Gibbs, Geoffrey Michael 497 GIBBS, GREGORY LAURENCE 83

Gibbs, Terry 302,303,479 GIBSON, BRUCE ALLEN 114, 315 Gibson, Rex Oscar 267,478 Gibson, Terence Joseph 487 Gibson, Thomas Lloyd 495 GIBSON IV, JOHN ALEXANDER 11,442,443

Giczy, Alexander Vincent 526 Giffen, Col Robert (B) 207 Gilbert, Alexander Parish 271,502 Gilbert, Paul (Capt) (D) 217 Gilbert, Gary Gordon 517 Giletti, Gregory Paul 508 Gilkeson Jr, Thomas Carlisle 487

Gillespie, Darrell (Capt) (D) 158 Gillespie, Daniel Mark 455

FREEMAN, BROOKS LEE 95 Freeman, Larry (Maj) 237 Freese, Thomas Arnold (Frank)

Gilliam, Maj Fred 204

Frelander, Deborah Lynn 515 FRENCH, JONATHAN PAUL 76 Frerichs, Brent Allen 315,316,317,

Gilman, Christine Patricia 526 GILMORE, ROBERT EARL 79 Gilson, Mark William 525 Gilster, Thomas Conrad 262,453 GILYARD, REGINALD HAROLD



Frey, William (Capt) (K) 158 Friend, Larry 262,263,264,265 Frient, Jeffrey Michael 476 FRIGAULT, GREGORY THOMAS 85


Ginacola, Gary John 523 Gincher, Michele 284 GINDER, SHELLY ANNE 29, 325, 328

FRISBIE, KEVIN ROBERT 21,428 Friske, Michael Todd 487 Fuino Jr, David James 491 Fujimoto, Bryan Andrew (Keawe) 456 Fulkerson, Ramona Denise 493 Fuller IV, George Paul 514 Fullerton, Roy 420 Fullerton Jr, Roy James 512 Fulton, Robert Scott 461 FUNK, CHRISTIAN GRAY 42,252,

253, 256,258, 261,358 Fuss, J. Steven 510,518

0 Gable, Barbara Lynne 478 Gabriel, Gen Charles (A) 155 GABRYS, STEPHEN FRANK 79

Gagajewski, Walter Anthony 521 Gage III, Reginald Percy 480 Gaines, David Alexander 461 GAITHER, TIMOTHY JOSEPH 18 Galetti, Ralph Russell 461 GALIARDI, GREGORY CHARLES 23

Gillispie, Mark Arthur 527



Gooran, Karen Lynn 479 GORDON. ERIC LEON 83 Gore Jr, Maj Harry (W) 230 Gorman, Scott 225,474 GORNEY, JOSEPH CARL 120 GOSE, JEFFREY ROBERT 57 Goss, Stacey Rae 292,293,506 Gotski, Kenneth Allan 524 Gottschall, Gary Joseph 451 Goulburn, Robert James 513 Gould II, David Crosby 500 Gourdie, Brennan Glenn 448 Graff, Bradley Goerge 497 Grafton, Russell Alan 507 Graham, Glenn Lee 503 Graham, James Richard 487 Graham, Janine Dominique 527 Graham, Jennifer Lynne 480 Graham, Jimmy 302,303,481 Graham, Lawrence Dean 531 Grams, Caroline H 222 Grams, Janet Louise 455 GRANUM, MARTIN EDWARD 52 Granum, Marty 474 Grassie, Marc Anthony 447 Graves, Erik Lamont 503

Graves, Johnnie Joel 458 Graves, Ron 262,264 GRAVES, RONALD EUGENE 108 Grazioli, Donimic Paul 484 Greathouse, Stewart Francis 503 Green, Curtis Lamar 494 GREEN, JAMES ROBERT 57 Green, Kim 320,321

Greenberg, Rhonda Ann 479 Greene, Steven Allen 306,307, 308,314,512 GREENE, YULIN 114,442 Greenlea, Willie Yancey 522

Greenwood, Maj Al 237 Greer, Melissa Lyn 523 GREGG,RUSSELL BRYAN 70 GREGORY, GARY JAMES 83,145 GREGORY, SCOTT RICHARD 42 Gregory Jr, Douglas Eugene 472 GRESHAM, JOHNNY RAY 21 Griffin, Donald Scott 531 Griffin, Wendy Marie 480 Griffith, James Laurance 490


Griggs, Linda Marie 497 GRILL, KEVIN HOWARD 133 Grindle, Peter Raymond 285,519

Grogan, Patrick Michael 472 Groghan, Tom 308 GROH, JEFFREY DEAN 86, 145 Gronseth, Capt Philip 237 Gronseth, Phil 288 Groom, Stella Reni 516 Grordin, Timothy Simon 515 GROSSO, MAURICE GREGORY 30, 242 Grove, Cindy Louise 477 GRUBER, CHARLES EMERY 111 Gruber, David Powell 492 GRUDER, MATTHEW DEAN 80 GRUPENHAGEN, STEVEN MAX 105,145 Guastella Jr, Joseph Thomas 528 Guenzler, Bruce Wendell 465 Guerra, Rimy 481 Guerra, Tom 284,285 Guevara Jr, Hector Jose 523 Gugat, Maj Rich 318,319,359 Gulsvig, James Marshall 289, 291, 508

GINGRAS, JEFFREY LEE 89 Giovenella, Steven Ralph 517 Gist, Thomas (Maj) 237 Givens, Ed 270,271 Givens, Robert P 488 Givens, Robert Pearce 498

Gummel, Lisa Margarita 355,517

Givens III, Edward Galen 490 Gizelbach Jr, Anthony Leonard 447 GLADBACK, LARRY 11 Gladman, Jack 315 Gladman, John Philip 525 Glavan, Maj 212 Glazier, Kevin James 471 Gleason, Mark Kirby 465 Glenn, Darryl LeMon 457 Glenn, David Charted 448 Glenn, Steven Dwayne 476 Glick, Brady Michael 474 Glitzke, Carlton Ashley 491 Glon D Turner, Major 222 Gocke, Rob (Maj) 234 Godwin, Gary Keith 520 GOFFUS, THOMAS WILLIAM 126, 145 Golden, James Pual 455 Golden, Jeffrey Edward 475 Golden, Northan Frederick 470 Golden, Timothy David 523 Goldsmith Jr, Stafford R 520

280, 448 Gustin, Ms 212 Guttromson, Douglas Tad 499

GUNZELMAN, ERIC GEORGE 70 Guri, Neal Dimitri 501

Gurney, Steven Edward 509 Gustafson, Jeffrey Harry 470 Gustafson, Stephen Vincent 279,

Guyote, Maj Michael (F) 220 Gwillim, Shelly A 382, 466,476 Gworek, Peter John 487

11 Haagenson, Bonnie Joy 520 Haar, William Fulton 450 HAAS, LYNN CARRIE 117 Habeich, John Alexander 526

Habig, Bradley Joseph 481 Hack, William Douglass 524 Hady, Michael James 482 Hafer, Michael Wade 528

Haggard, Stephen Lamar 447

Haggerty, Sean Scott 464 Haggett, Shannon Date 461

Hagnes, John 285 Hailey, James Watson 481

Hauck, Daryl J 510,514 Haufman, Robert Herman

Haines, Scott Alan 473

(Stanton) 520 Haug, Pamela Jane 276, 463 Haughawout, Kenneth Allen 455 Hauth, Chris 285 Haverkate, Scott Michael 494 Hawkens, David Andrew 452 Hawkins, Bryan Adams 485 Hawkins, Daniel Francis 492 Hawkins, James Joseph 494 Hawkins, Jeffrey Dale 448 Hawkins Jr, Bruce Wayne 454 HAWKINSON, GREG LEE 54 Hawley, Woodrow (Capt) (T) 157 Haws, Darren Alexander 503 Hawthorne, Kim Douglas 443,496 Hawthorne, Shayn 285 Hay, Marcus Ellsworth 524 HAYASHI, KENNETH KAZUO 98 HAYDEN, JAMES CHARLES 57 Hayea, Charles Scott 477 HAYES, JESSE DODDRIDGE 123 Hayes, Kevin Francis 531 Hayes, Lisa Ann 518 Hayes, Matthew David 479 HAYMOND, JEFFREY ETHAN 45

Hajosy, Stephen Anthony 479

HAKE, FREDRICK MICHAEL 11 Hake, Mike 214 Hale, Mike (Capt) 218 Hale, Kenneth Paul 508 Hale, Michael Martin 500 HALE, RUSSEL CRAIG 123

Haley, David Lamont 459

Halford, John Glenn 513 Hall, Burce Richard 525 HALL, CRAIG WAYNE 45, 270, 271 Hall, Jack 315,450 Hall, Michael James 473 Hall, Mr Ronald 238 Hall, Stephen Noel 503 Halla, David Robert (Edward) 482 Haller, Nancy Caroline 495 Haller, Richard Norman 505

Halley, Jim 306

Hallgren, Wayne (Capt) 204 Hallier, William 448 Halloran, Bradley Dean 495 Halloran, Timothy James 512

Halpin, Kevin Daniel 455

Hames, Michael Patrick 463 Hamilton, Lea Ann 527 HAMILTON, PAUL DAVID 70,214

Hamilton, Mark H (TSgt) 222 Hamilton, TSgt 212 HAMLIN, HAROLD WALTER 63 Hammargren, Scott Michael 508 Hammer, Bradley Keiffer 520 Hammer, Mrs Annemarie 217 Hammond, Maj Terry 204 Hammond, Mike 291 Hampel, Robert Joseph 476 HAMPTON, WILLIAM GRIFFIN 63 Hamty, Michael Joel 464 Hancock, Dan 275 Hancock, Daniel Brett 494 Haney, Beth 298,300 Haney, Cynthia Susan 483 Haney, Elizabeth A 445,454 Hanford, Thomas Oren 462 Hankamer, Robert Ty 464 Hanlin, Marc Harold 528 Hanlon, Hugh James 523 Hanna, William Caldwell 518 Hannen, Doug 300 Hannus, T S 227,458 Hanrahan, Michael Patrick 473 Hanscom, James Mitchell 314,524 Hansen, James G R (Major) 222 Hansen, Mark Leon 449 Hansen, Ritchie Landon 450 Hansen, Ross Jon 520 HANSON, DANA GEORGE 60 Hanson, Eric Ofstus 462 Hanson, Michael Manning 494 Hanson, Mitchell Allen 505 Hanthorn, Brock Robert 479 Hantla, Larry Daniel 509 HARA, DARREN HIKARU 30, 344 Haralson Jr, John Kenneth 455 Harben, Capt William (P) 220 Harbin, Gregory Eugene 494 Hardin, Craig Allan 472 HARDIN, DWAYNE ANTHONY 42 Harding, Trevor Lawrence 454 Hardman, Melissa Jean 520 Hardy Jr, John Henry 326, 523 HARGIS, LAWRENCE AARON (WALTER) 76 Haring, Jeffrey Wayne 454 Harman, Jonathan Tyler 474 Harmer, Todd Patrick 448

Harmon, Bradley D 488,498 Harmon, David Michael 460 Harness, Christopher David 450 Harper, Paul Christian 523 HARRIGIAN, JEFFREY LEE 111 Harris, Alan Carmichael 502 Harris, Danny Brent 453 Harris, Darrin Wesley 487 Harris, Deborah L 146 Harris, Gregory Austin 497 Harris, John Hardy 476 HARRIS, RAYMOND CARLETON 76

Harris, Timothy James 275, 470 Harrison, Areolar R 488, 490 Harrison, Gregory (Maj) 233 Harrison, Steven Basil 459 Harsh, Shelley Denise 300,508 Hart, Andrew Ellsworth 492 Hart, Mark William 478 Hartfield, Amy Rose 471

Hartfiled, Amy 292

Hartje, Tim 288,468 Hartlaub Jr, Richard E 473

Hartley, Jeffrey Wayne 506 Hartley, Malinda Kaye 493 Hartung, Thomas Alan 450 Hartwig, Robert Charles 518 Harveaux, Joel Patrick 519

Harvey, Robert Garrison 469 Harvey, Susan Denise 478 Hashimoto, Capt Seiichi 157 Hasson, Capt Neil (F) 157 HATCHED, DANIELLE LATREASE 73

Hatchett, Danielle L 443 Hatem, Vivian Katherina 517 HATFIELD, MARK CARLYLE 114, 145

Hatfield, Scott Andrew 471

Hathaway, David Alan 465 Hathaway, James Harold 285, 515 Hattabaugh, Aaron Eugene 508 Hattemer III, Philipp Alfred 501

Haynes, Marc 302,303 HAYNES, VICTOR C 98

Hayres, Marc Duane 487 Hayres II, Kerby 507 Heald, James (Capt) (R) 217 Healy, Roger (Maj) (F) 220 HEALY, MICHAEL TIMOTHY 66, 467

Healy, Tim 233 Hebert, Michael Robert 527 Hecht, Andrew Gordon 344,473 Heck, Amand Frederick 526

Hedgebrush, Vic 505 HEDGPETH, RICHARD LEE 101 HEDGPETH, VICTOR LYNN 95 HEFFERNAN, PATRICK GUY 89 Hegna, Maj Harwood (A) 230 Heidmous, Capt Jeff 275,359 Heikkinen Jr, Gerrold George 225, 442, 502

Heilig, Ronda Renee 497 Heilmann, Craig Erich 521 HEIN, AUGUST SAMUEL 30, 214 Heinck, William R (Capt) 222 Heironimus, Lee Warren 471 Heiser, Dr William 204 Heisler, John Fernand 450 HELD, KURT CONRAD 126

Helgeson, Darin Scott 525

Heli, Gregory Josef 302,303, 454 Hellen, Bruce Thomas 506 Heller, Tricia321,455 HELLWIG, SARA ANNE 63 Hendershot, Brian Daniel 512 Henderson, Gary Wayne 507 HENDERSON,GREGORY MICHAEL 92


HENDRICKSON, GORDON BRENT 127,511 Hendrickson, Steven Frank 447

Henning, Andrea Jaine 487 Henning, Todd William 508 Hennings, Chad William 495 HENRY, CARL ALLEN 92

Henry, Jeffrey Scott 225, 482 HENRY, PAMELA DEE 105 Hensley, Todd Allen 285, 515 Henson, Janet Marie 482 Herman, Christopher Scott 451 Herman, Steven Walter 476 Hernandez, Capt Armando (A) 158 Hernandez Villar, Emilio 454 Hernandez, Gustavo Alonso 455 HERNANDEZ, HEIDI 14 HERNDON JR, HAROLD THOMAS 60

Herr, Sean Richard 505 Herrera, Cary Alan 499 Herrera Jr, Antonino 491 Herrera Jr, Rodolfo Ignacio 531 Herrmann, Chris 420 Herron, James William 351,490 Hess, Jeffrey (Capt) (W) 207 Hester, Dennis Martin 476 Hesterman, Thomas Palmer 517

Heyburn, Michael Robert 499 Hickey, SSgt Steven (D) 158 Hickman, Donald Clark 500 Hickman, Michael George 476 Hickok, John 300, 453 Hickox, Joseph Chrles 505 HICKS, CHERYL ANN 42 Hicks, Malcolm Wayne 493 Hicok, Gary D 455 Higginbotham Jr, Harlan Keith 475

Higginbotham, Bradley (Maj) (K) HIGGINS, STEPHEN WAYNE 117 208

Highfield, Kevin Robert 448 HILBING, JOHN FRANCIS 54,145 424

HILBUN, WILLIAM MARVIN 42 Hill, Dave 267 Hill, Douglas Robert 472,507 Hill, Kevin Scot 519 Hilliard, Martin Anthony 456 Hills, Geoffrey Harold 502

Hillyer, John Mark 471 Hince, Bradley Thomas 501 Hindes, Williiam Rush 450 Hinds, Mark Andrew 499 Hinkle, Scott Randal 477 Hinman, Skip 318, 319

HIOKI, REYNOLD TODD 48 HIRD, JAMES ALLEN 57 Hirst, Sally Jeanette 501 Hitchcock, Maj Walter (T) 226 Hittle, Mike 315 Hjerpe, Karl Anders 453 Hoadley, Daniel J 446 Hobbs, Jon William 521 Hocker, Guy Albert 492 HODGE, JON EDWARD 14 Hodgson, Daniel January 515 Hodgson, James Pual 473

Hoeft, Kathleen Ann 522 Hoekstra, Merrill Carlton 461 Hoenshell, Gary (Capt) (W) 230 HOEPFL, WILLIAM JOSEPH 80 Hoffman, Lawrence Martin 271, 457

Hoffman, Scott Brody 512

Hoffnung, Derek Reed 491 Hogan, Anthony Joseph 512 HOGAN, LORI ANN 86

Hogan, Bart (Lt Col) 488 Hogan, Thomas Francis 449 Hogan, Tom 288 Hogge, James Mark 275,300,454 Hogue, Micki 300

Humphreys, William (Capt) 204 Hunt, Jeffrey Robert 461 Hunt, John D 442, 452 Hunt, Darrel (Maj) 208 Hunter, Julius (Capt) (C) 230 Hunter, Eric Jay 479

Huntley, Brian Dale 465 Hupp, Judith Marie 300,301,500 Hupy, Jeffrey Land 530 Hurd, Michael David 523 HURE, MICHAEL TODD 102 HURLEY, RICHARD DUANE 134 Hurley III, James Austin 483 Hurst, Gary (Maj) (R) 220 Hushaw, Bradley Wayne 507 HUSSAIN, KOBIR 76 Huston, Peter William 461 Hutchins, Edward Lee 428,482 HUTCHISON, DIRK MAX 18 Hyatt, Mark (Capt) (A) 457 HYDE, BRIAN STANLEY 49

Hyde, Charles Kevin 482 Hyde, Robert Dale 447 Hyndman, Mary Lee 284, 529 Hynes, James Michael 527

Holba, Robert Steven 322, 508 Holland, Dale Allen 494 HOLLAND, ROBERT WAYNE 23 Hollenbach, David Alan 531 Holley, James 138, 308, 476 Hollingsworth, Teresa K 488, 508 Holman, Blaine Samuel 267, 471 Holman Jr, Norman Duggan 523 Holmes, Joseph A 531 Holmes, Lisa Michele 468 HOLSWADE, SCOTT CHRISTIAN 76,145 Holt, Stephanie R 467,468 HOLT, TY DICKENSON 89 Holt Jr, George Wilkie 457

Holthoff, Matthew Louis 507 Home, Jerry (Capt) 237 Homer Jr, LeRoy Wilton 512

Honesty II, Carlos Leroy 528 Hood, Kevin James 457 HOOLIHAN, MICHAEL WILLIAM 130

Hooper, Mr Jim 233 Hope, Christopher John 453 Hopkins, Jay Randall 508 Hopkins, Stephen Michael 464

I Icenhour, Edward Lee 520 Idle, Winthrop Chapin 482

Ikeda, Hiroshi Nicholas 526 Im, Gary Kent 472 Imbus, Michael Thomas 464 Ingerson, David Patrick 492

Ingle, Timothy Mark 514 Ingram, Andrew David 462 Ingram, Kent Lamarr 474 INGS, DEBORAH LYNN 45 Inman, Bobby (Admiral) (R) 226 Inman, Jefferson D 516 Ireland, George 285,465 Irvin, David Michael 516 Irvine, Douglas Andre 481 ISLER JR, WILLIAM PLEASANT 49, 443 ISOLA, EILEEN MARIE 95

ISOM, JEFFREY LANE 109 Ives, Burl 408 Iwanski, John Joseph 528 IWATAKE, WALTER TOSHIO 63

Hopkins, Steve 420 Hoppe, Todd Carl 455 Hopper, Thomas James 479 HORAN III. LANSING STEPHEN 70 Horii, Capt Howard (T) 158 Horn, Jonathon David 512 Horn, Martina 473 Horner, Dawn Michele 509 Horner, John Patrick 452 Hornsten, Jennifer Lee 449 Horton, Dave 304 HORTON, DAVID BRYAN 76, 479 HORTON, KEVIN TODD 95 Hoskovec, Janene Marie 453 Hoskovic, Vaneve 300 Houcek, Kevin Richard 470 Houdek, Kevin 314, 467 Houston, Anthony Maurice 502 Houston, Marcella Ann 528 Houston, Michael Samuel 526 Hovorka, Theodore Paul 493 HOWARD, RUSSELL CARY 11 Howard, Walter Glenn 447 Howard III, Robert Mason 526 Howe, Douglas Calvin 464 Howe, Robert Russell 449 Howell, Leslie Darice 497 Howell, Larry (Maj) 234 Howell, Scott Alan 461 Howell Jr, Farrell Beatty 507 Hower, Scott James 506 Howerton, Walter Clay 461 Howry, Dennis Michael 525 Hoy, Trevor Davis 526 HRNCIR, BRENT RUDOLPH 105 Hubbard, Kenneth Russell 500 Hubble, Steven Michael 481 Hubbs, Clay Edward 483 Huber, Neil Frederick 521 Huber, Thomas Karl 477 Hubert, Steven Ansgar 461 Huckabay, Timothy James (M) 457 Huddle, Peter Genda 487 Hualin, Maj Charles (W) 229 Hudson, Derrick Keith 530 Hudson, Donald Leon 468 Huerta, Howard Henry 487 Huffman, Paul Eric 526 Huffman Jr, Ronald Cleveland 463 HUGGINS, SAMUEL CHARLES 111

Hughes, Johnathan Boyd 505 Hughes, George (Maj) (C) 230 Hughes, Mark Douglas 508, 531 Hughes II, Harold Richard 487 Hugues, Marshall Allen 523 Huguley, John 304,457 Huguley III, Harold 500 HUHMANN, DALE ROBERT 73, 145,304,305 Huisentruit, Andrew J 446 HULETT, WHITNEY JONAS 99 HULL, DEAN WESLEY 63

Hullinger, Sharon Anne 508 Hultgren, Kenneth Scott 469 Humble, SSgt R (Michael) 207 HUMBLET, DAVID LEO 11 Humelbaugh, Jay Postle 516 Hummler, Lisa Jeanne 473

Humphrey, SrA Lorraine (M) 207

.1 Jablonski II, James Leon 509 JACK B CUMMINS, I114 JACK B CUMMINS, 1114 JACKMAN, DALE ALLAN 109 Jackson, Kathryn Ann 503 Jackson Jr, Linwood Joseph 475 Jacobs, Jeffrey Robert 57,262,

Johnson, Kymberli Sterlene 487 Johnson, Michael Alfred 491 JOHNSON, PAUL DAVID 45, 442 JOHNSON, RALPH EDWARD 42, 54

Johnson, Richard Allen 447 Johnson, Robert Nelson 455 JOHNSON, STEPHEN SCOTT 92 Johnson, Theron Eugene 482 Johnson, Zachary Tory 463 Johnson III, Lloyd Bates 498 Johnson II, Stuart Phelps 484 Johnson Jr, Clarence 509 Johnston, Anne Louise 494

Johnston, Jeffrey (Maj) (M) 208 Johnston Jr, Ronald Belle 450 Jolly, Wesley Ray 496 Jonas, Frederick (Maj) 204 Jonasen, B 280,481 Jones, Alain Louis (Maurice) 474 Jones, Alvin Scott 523 Jones, Andrew Herbert 482 Jones, Betty E 235 JONES, BRADLEY GEORGE 120,

217,510 Jones, Duane (Capt) (A) 449 Jones, Charles Michael 457, 506, 524

Jones, Betty (E) 235 Jones, Randall Terry 508 Jones, Roe Dane 531 Jones, Roy Vicente (James) 497 JONES, TAMMY SUE 21 Jones, Tracey Colleen 517 Jones, Tracy Alan 518 JONES, WESTON WILLIAM 124 Jones III, Elijah Andreval 484 JONES III, HOWARD GIST 86,145 Jones Jr, Charles D 442 JONES JR, WILLIAM ARCHER 134 JORDAN, DANIEL PATRICK 124 JORDAN, JONATHAN DARNELL 112


Jordon, John 290, 291 Jose, Joseph Michael 492 Jose, Josh 285 JOSE, JOSHUA 83 JOSEPH WIGGINS, JR 16 Joslin, Edward Lee 462 Jouett, Gerold Gene 475

Joyal, Michael Scott 461 Joyce, James Richard 217,497 Joyce, Julie Eileen 273,512 Joyner, Mark (Capt) (L) 230 Juarez, Richard (Capt) 204 JUDD, HOWARD CONRAD 95

Jueong, Janet Jaye 499 Jui, James 529 Junio, Dimasalang Ferrer 450

Jurgielewicz, Betina Cera 501 Jurgielewicz, Tina 300 JUSELL, JUDSON JOII77

264,512 Jacobson, Richard Emery 469 Jacobson, Steven William 491


Jaggi, Paul Gerard 513 JAGT, RICHARD DENNIS 99 JAHNS, PETER 109,145 James, William (Capt) (L) 230, 233,

Kafer, John Henry 494 Kahl, David Raymond 500

James, Douglas Eugene 522 Jameson, Austin Dale 530 Jameson, Patric Day 506

Kaighn, Kevin Carl 481 Kajah, Stephan Karl 482 Kaler III, Edwin Whitney 481 Kamasaki, Jeffrey Kazuo 528


Janicki, William Daniel 447 Jansen, Jody Lynn 468 Jansen Jr, George Allen 526

Janssen, Raymond Michael 459 JANSSON,PAUL BERNARD 18

Jaques, Thor Ryan 513 Jaquish, Douglas Wilbur 468 JARDIN, CHARLENE JOSEPHINE 26 Jarvis Jr, Donald Lee 471 Jaszai, Stephen Clifford 482 Jauve, Neil 288 Jazai, Steve 262 Jeffcoat, James Tyron 481 Jeffries, Christopher Lee 448 JEFFRIES, PAUL JOHN 52, 474 Jella, Christopher Bryant 462 Jenkins, Carl Ivan 509 Jenkins, Eric Rolando 327, 521 Jenner, Jennifer Lucy 500 Jenozejec, Capt Stephen 288 Jensen, David Brian 461,491 Jensen, Mark Shawn 469 Jentoft, Karl Eric 468 Jercnimus, John Henry 456 Jeronimos, Hank 315

Johanson, Curtis Evert 526 Johns, Bradley Thomas 300,520 Johns, Robert Anderson 461 Johnsen, Erik 318 Johnson, Bret Dwight 515 Johnson, Brian Douglas 492 Johnson, Henry (Capt) 233 Johnson, Clarence 267 Johnson, Dan 287, 288 Johnson, Deborah Lynn 448,496 Johnson, Donald Reynold 500 Johnson, Erik 319 Johnson, Gregory Copeland 499 Johnson, Harper Parham 515 JOHNSON, JAMES RAY 54 Johnson, Jara Niall 531 JOHNSON, JEFFREY CHARLES 123

Johnson, Kirk Patrick 473 Johnson, Kym 285

KANANEN, GUY MAX 14 Kane, Keith 315 Kane, Stephen James 463 Kaneshiro, David Hitoshi 479 Kaneshiro, Marcus Reed 505 Kannarr, Blake Edward 502 KAPLAN, HAROLD TODD 63 Karle, Pete 476 Karrak, Kenneth Lawrence 468 Karszen, Michael Peter 509 Kassel, Daniel Keith 487

Kassis, Mark Abraham 519 Kaster, Matthew David 475 Kasumovic, Michael Loren 497 Kato, Darin Hiroshi 455 Kaucic Jr, Robert August 145 Kauffman, Phillip J 466, 482 Kaufield, Keith Alan 520 KAUPANGER, SALLIE JEAN 23 Kauth, David Adam 513 Kauth, Thomas James 473

Kavanagh, Sean Emmet 523 KAVCIC JR, ROBERT AUGUST 95 Keagle, Capt Jim 233

Kearney, P 280, 471 Kearney, Thomas Raymond 458 Kearney III, Charles Bradley 484 Kearns, Maj Wade (J) 157 Kee, Constance Elaine 463 Keeler, Capt Bonnie (L) 220 KEENE, KIRK DAVID 26 Keethler, Capt Gregory (A) 230 Keffer, Mary Beth 321 KELLEHER JR, WILLIAM LOUIS 60

KELLER, RICHARD CARLTON 58 Kelley, James Allen 446,453 Kelly, Stephen Link 315,517 KELLY, STEVEN ANDREW 124

Kemp, Kenneth (Capt) (W) 229 Kemp, Kelly 300 Kemp, Michael Anthony 499 Kemp, Richard Daniel 519 Kendall, Brian Scott 478 KENDRICK, MARTIN THOMAS 23 Kenis, Andrew Jon 521

Kennedy, Denise Angela 471 Kennedy, C (Maj) 280 Kenney, Sheilagh Marie 511,530 Kenney, Thomas James 517 Kenredy, Mark Allen 457 Kenrel, Frederick Michael 452 Kent, James (Capt) (S) 208 Kerenyi, Andre Imre 522 Kerns, Patricia (Capt) (A) 157 Kerns, Kevin John 479, 501 KERSEY, RANDALL THOMAS 43

Kersey, Randy 227 Kesler, Sue 285 Kesler, Susan Rae 502 KETLELL, KEVIN DAVID 49 Keto, Ronald Raymond 448 Kettell, Kevin D 466 Khurana, Dipinder Singh 497 Kiafoulis, Vasilios 473 Kiemele, Maj Mark (J) 230 KIERNAN, KELLEYS 86 Kieser, Douglas Jan 450 Kiesler, John Francis (Joseph) 463 Kilcommons, Timothy John 523

Kiley, Gregory Thomas 449

Kilgore, Robert Gerard 481 Kilmurray, Kenneth Thomas 455 KILPATRICK, KEVIN LARRY 134 Kim, Ambrose Nam (Hoon) 514 Kim, Kyung Tae 468 Kimball, Joseph Guy 497 Kimball, Lee Stearns 475 Kimtall, Cynthia Ann 457 Kinamon, Charles Patrick 530 Kincaid, Trammel Andrew 525

King, Carl Lansing 461 KING, CRAIG KENTON 117 KING, KEVIN BRENTLEY 14 King, Mikki (Lt Col) 296 King, Paul (Maj) 204 KING, PATRICK MICHAEL 105 King, Rosemary 285,499 Kingsford, Kyle Scott 502 Kinsey, Joan Marie 462 Kipp, Conrad Douglas 494 Kirchhoefer, Mark Robert 503 KIRCHNER, MARGARET LYNN 26,145,442 Kirchoft, Michael Andrew 505 Kirk, Kenneth Mark 508 Kirk, Kerri Patricia 471 KIRKHAM JR, DONALD EUGENE 21

Kisch, James Jay 519 Kisner, Janet Clare 522 Kitchens, David M 446 Kladnicki, Richard H 443 Kleber, Drex 288 Klehn, Paul Edward 477 Klein, David (Major) (J) 490 KLEINLEIN, KENNETH BART 96 Kleman, Monte James 477 KLIESCH, WILLIAM AUGUST 73, 434

Klimek, John 287,288 Klink, Brian Joel 267, 499 Klirkmann, Michael Kiyoshi 464 KLODNICKI, RICHARD HENRY 43 KLUMAP JR, RICHARD ALLAN 70 Klumpp Jr, Richard Allan 145, 467 Knapp, Steve (Capt) 218 Knapp, Richard Frank 520 Knehans, Christopher Gregory 514

Knellmger, Capt William (R) 158 Knepell, Lt Col (Peter) 230 Knepper, Patricia Lynn 495 KNIGHT, DAVID JOSEPH 112, 524 Knight, Kenneth Karl 504 Knight, Nathaniel (SSgt) (A) 158 Knipp, Delores (Capt) 237 Knoll, William Paul 490 Knorr, Brain 250, 252 Knox, Capt 212

KNOX, JOHN WILLIAM 112 Knox, Patricia 207

KNUDSON, KEITH ALVIN 112 Knue, Thaddeus George 453 Knutzen, Stacey Todd 503

Kostelnik Jr, Edward Arnold 531

Kostyra, Josephine Clare 505 KOWALSKI, GENE MICHAEL 89 Kowitz, Charles Henry 529 Kozak, Frank Edward 530 Krafft, Edward Harold 494 Kraft, Michael John 450 Kraft Jr, John William 478

Krajci, Thomas Joseph 458 Krakovsky, Ms 212 Krai, David Leon 525 Kramer, David Francis 482 KRAMER, SUSAN LOUISE 99 Kraner, Stuart Duane 482 Kranich, Capt 212 Kraus Jr, Gary Lee 481 Krause, David Frank 468 Krause, John Otto 476 Krause, Kenneth (Lt Col) 216, 217 Krause, Scott 271,473 Krawciw, Andrew Bohdan 452 Kreeger, Keith Richard 452 Kress, J 280, 450 Kreul, Eric James 531 Kronenberger, Paul Rene 484 Kronzer, Andrew John 487 Krouzer, Andy 310 Krueger, David James 464 Krueger, Gretchen Marie 450 Kruger, Lisa Kay 523 Krys, Nathan (Capt) (H) 220 Krzeminski, Robert 453 Kubes, Timothy Michael 491 Kubick, Christopher Jude 515 Kudla, Keith Alan 508 Kudym Jr, Donald Lee 480 Kuennen, Steven Todd 492 Kugler, Douglas Owen 529 Kuhnsman, Keith Frederick 508 Kuhr, Kyle William 458 Kumro, Jeffrey Scott 453 Kuo, Shiao-Nung Didi 527 Kutyna, Douglas John 474 Kuzamack, Mari Elizabeth 479 Kuzemka, Damon Mitchell 505 Kwasnik, Andrew 346 Kwast, Steven Lloyd 502 KYGER, DAVID WILLIAM 49 KYRAZIS JR, GEORGE THEODORE 27

L La Charite, Bruce Anthony 491 LA MAGNA JR, JOSEPH 96 La Masters, Sonny 346 La Point, Brad P 507 La Quey, Tyce Allan 459

Labedz, Ronald Frank 288, 458 Lackovic, Michael John 472 Ladis, Amanda Sophia 513 Ladner, J Scott 444,462 Ladoulis, Nicolette Elise 505 LaFave, Capt David (A) 524, 525 LaFond, Mark David 512 Lagomarsino, Celeste 483 LaMar, Jonathan Gray 474 Lamb, Jeff 325 Lamb, Jeffrey Alan 479 Lamb, William Joseph 481 LAMBERT, STEVEN KEITH 96 Lambrecht, Virginia 224 LAMERS, JEFFREY JOSEPH 27 LaMotte, Joel Anthony 463

Lampright, Capt 281 Lanagan, Gerald Francis 505 Lancaster, Richard Howard 521 Lancaster, Robert Dale 490 Lance, Michael Ray 525 Landers, LtCol 203 Lane, Joseph Clifton 493 Lane, Thomas Robert 515 Lang, Capt William (E) 158 Langan, David Patrick 483

Koch, Maj Elizabeth (A) 158, 469

Lange, David Martin 485 Langhauser, David Blanton 451 Langley, Angelique M 443, 476



Kobylarz, Thomas John 518 130


Koenig, Mark Allen 459 KOENNECKE, FREDERICK MARTIN 115 Koennecke Jr, Frederick Martin 145 Koennecke, Fritz 519 Koennecke, Fritz 420 Kogler, James (Capt) (t) 230 Koirzan, Krista Lee 463 Kokora, Steven Michael 473 Kolars, Dr John 236 Kometer, Michael William 485 Konhorst, Larry V 497 Konkel, Allen John 512 KONNERT, GARY MICHAEL 112 Konwin, Capt Kenneth (C) 230 Kopko, Kenneth Keith 450 Korba, Capt Rodney (J) 229 Korhanski, Don 288 KORNMESSER, MARC JOSEPH 15 Korpack, Kenny 262 Kortsch, Joseph William 507 Kosin, Daniel Arthur 476 KOSLOW, EDWARD JOSEPH 52, 474 Kosman, John Francis 468 Koss, John Frederick 529 KOSSLER, DAVID JOHN 109 Kostal, Jeffrey Allen 465

Lanning, Jeffrey Wayne 529 LANSING, MILES TRACEY 49, 348 LaPointe, Carolyn Marie 515 LaPointe Jr, Paul Richard 453 LaQuerre, Timothy Pike 447 Laraia, Kevin M 445,460 Laramee, Michael Eugene 473

Larocque, Emily Eleanor 513 Larsen, Mark 479 Larson, Bennett Karl 492 Larson, Wiley (Capt) (J) 207 Larson, David Nils 456 Larson, John Matthew 469 LARSON, KYMBAL KAY 73 Larson, Thomas Edward 476 LaRue, Janet Lynn 523 LaSala, Phillip Joseph 449 Laschkewitsch, Scott Timothy 461 Lassalette, John Michael 487 Lasso Vargas, Jorge Eduardo 477 LaTcurelle, Randy Lee 451 Latham, Richard (Lt Col) 233 Latimer, Kelly 292 Latulipe, Glenn Lawrence 288, 505 Lauderbach, Hans Cedric 505 Lauer, Carl Heinz 497 Laursen, Alan Paul 523 Laursen, Marilee Sue 451 LaValley, David Paul 304, 491 LAVELL, STEVEN ALEXANDER


96, 280 Lawlor, Steven Bradley 520 Lawrence, Steven Edward 517 Lawrence, Timothy James 517 LAWSON, PAMELA JOAN 127, 510

Lawton, Capt David (J) 230 Le, Phung Due 500 Leach, Mrs 203 Lear, Kirk Alan 494

Leary, Terrence Aloysius 482 Leary, Terry 315 LeBlanc, Robert Wayne 531 LeClair, Michael Allen 520

LeClaire, Richard Paul 486 Lecy, Henry Scot 463

Leddy, James Gerard 447 Leddy, John Ryan 522 LEE, ALAN RONALD 124 Lee, James Kelly 513 Lee, Peter Andrew 452 Lee. Rip Douglas 476 Lee, Steven Suk 520 Leeson, Kenneth Robert 527 LeFavor, James Michael 490 Leftwich, James Andrew 512 Legere, Kimberly Sue 469 Legg, Alec Brent 496 Legrand, Steven Ward 453 Lehenbauer, Albert 465 LEHMANN, TIMOTHY ALFRED 89 Leidheiser, Eric Richard 454 Lejeal, James Matthew 495 Lemaire, Patrick Simon 493 LeMasters Jr, Glenn Buryi 497 LENERTZ, JOSEPH LEE 49 LENKE, MARC ANDRE 70 LEONARD, DANIEL PAUL 105 LEONARD, STEVEN GLEN 80 Leoncio, Juan Antonio (Capule) 476 Leopold, Virginia Ann 158 LEPCHENSKI, MICHAEL ERIC 58 Lerch, John Joseph 516 Leuthauser, Capt Paul (R) 207 Levasseur, John Gregory 530 Levinson, Robert Michael 525 Levy, David Adam 485 Lewandowski, Ron 300 LEWANDOWSKI, RONALD FRANCIS 86 Lewis, Brenda Setsuko 525 Lewis, Brian 451 Lewis, Keith (Capt) (A) 220, 237, 453, 455 Lewis, Kimberley 489, 506 Lewis, Michael Ayers 468 LEWIS, PETER ANDREW 92, 500 LEWIS, TIMOTHY PATRICK 83, 291 Lex Dodge, C (Capt) 222 Ley, Anne Marie 498 Licato, Richard Joseph 459 Licon, Channing 487 Liegl, Jeffrey T 446 Limjoco, Lucy 523 Lind, Lawrence 499 Lindh, Jerry Carlton 520 Lindsay, Bill 285

Lindsay, Judy (Maj) (W) 452,453 LINDSEY, WILLIAM EDWARD 60 LINEHAN, TERENCE 63 Ling, Curtis Chih-Shan 469 Link, Wendy 242 LINK, WENDELLYN CRAIG 30, 445 Linn, Jeffrey Scot 505 Linskens, Jeffery Robert 506 Linster, Capt Bruce (G) 235 Lipinski, Marion 484 Lisowski, Maj Ronald (J) 207 Littrell, Larry Lee 470 Litwhiler, Lt Col (Daniel) 230

Livesey, Lance Kirk 493 Livingston, Capt Mary (M) 235 Llewellyn, Joe 315 Llobet, Rodolfo 463

Lloyd, Bradley Allen 288, 513 Lloyd, Brian John 474 Lo Grande, Michael F 444 Lobmeyer, Susan Jeanine 456 Lobue, P 280

Lobymeyer, Sue 346 LoCastro, FTicky John 501 Lochry, Col Robert (R) 230 Lockhart, Damon Lee 471 LOCKIE, JANET CLAIRE 92

Lofgren, Christopher Lawrence 515

Logan, Andrew Craig 483 Logan, Lisa Marie 272, 273, 528 Logan, Scott Donald 525 Logrande, Michael Francis 456 Logsdon, Vincent Paul 465 Lombard, Kerry 321 Lombardo, Donald Peter 481 Lombardo, Tammy Lynn 472 Lomibac, Rumil Villalon 485 LONCHAR, GEORGE SAMUEL 127,511

Long, Christopher Dennis 461,481 Long, Matthew Aaron 515 Long, Shea 262, 479 Longacre, Benjamin Eugene 525 Longnecker, Maj Charles 204 Loomans, Susan Marie 512 LOPEMAN, ERIC ROBERT 27 Loperena, Joseph Charles 515 Lopes, John A 445, 460 LOPEZ, BETTY 115 Lopez, Derick (Capt) (W) 217 Lord, Melissa Marie 471 Lorenzen, Jay (Capt) 233, 237 LORENZINI, DINO VINCENT 92,

488 Loros. Samantha Amanda 518 Lorzing, Patrick Joseph 463 Loughman, Michael Richard 507 Love, Ricky Alan 478 Lovejoy, Megan May 513 Lovell, James E. 431,443, 444 Lovell, Todd Allen 450 Lovette, Danny (R) 158 LOVETTE, TRACY CHANCE 117 Lowe, Christopher Michael 300, 481 Lowe, Robert (Lt Col) 510 Lower, Roy (Capt) (W) 157 Lowman Jr, Leon 476 Lowry, Michael Glenn 520 Lowry III, Mark 494 Lucal, Richard (Capt) (A) 207 Lucas, Robert 303,459 LUCCI, FRANK ANTHONY 60 Luce, Timothy Robert 472 Luchs, Mark Callender 473 Luck, Scott Cartwright 527 Lucka, Robert William 518 Luckett, Maj Perry 218 Luedtke, Christopher Jay 497 Luegenbiehl, Heinz C 229 LUEKEN, RUTH ANN 124 LUETTE, GLEN 130 Lukasiewicz, Gregory Thomas 491 Luke, Lawrence David 470 Lukehart III, Gordon Cameron 449 Lum, Jeffrey Shee-Sun 505 Luna, Raymond 518 Lund, Michael Phillip 461

Luts, Phillip Douglas 492

Lyden, Nathan Gregory 526 LYN, WAYNE LESLIE 15 Lynch, David Christian 497 Lynch, Michael Sullivan 476 LYNDE, MATTHEW STEPHAN 99 LYONS, JOHN MATTHEW 93, 145

Mangner, Thomas Jerome 464 Mangum, Edward Wayshak 499

Manion, Thomas William 448,458 MANKUS, MICHAEL ANTHONY 89 Manley, Scott Steven 471

Manly, Scott MacVean 473 Mann, John Frederick 493 Mann, Roderick Courtney 480 Manney Jr, John Franklin 448 Manning, Mary (to) 474 Manning, Robert (Maj) (B) 464,465 MANNING, MARY KATHLEEN 52

145,292,293,328,467,474 Manocchia, Christopher Michael 500

Manolas, Capt Ava (N) 217 Mansfield, Robert Wesley 456 Manson II, Joseph Robert 528 Manthey, Peter John 512 Maples Jr, David Wayne 517 Marcelino, Lt Col 224 MARCH, SONYA LYNN 64 MARCH, STEVEN GREGORY 102 145

Marchesseault, George Wesley 482

Marckesano, Andrew Gerard 495

Marcolongo, Martin Raymond 527 Mardiguan, Maj Armen (E) 237 Mares, Michael James 498 MARGAN, KEITH WAYNE 66 MARGIOTTA, MICHAEL ANTHONY 66 Marheine Jr, Fred Howard 497 Maricle, Maj 212 Marinez, B J 158 Marinez, Jerry Paul 452 MARKEL, THOMAS OWEN 93, 145 Markland, Thomas A 528 Marks, Mary A (Maj) 224 Marr, Robby Allan 289,485

Marrero-Pujols, Rafael Teodoro 483

Lyons, Joseph Mark 492 Lyons, David (Maj) (M) 230 Lyons, William Alan 484

Marry, James Donald 451



Lytwyniuk, Robert B 474

Maag, Michael Philip 487 MAAS, THOMAS HERMAN 54 MAAS, THOMAS HERMAN 54 MACCARTHY, MARK PATRICK 30 Macdonald, John Robert 493 MacDonald, Maurice 289

MacDougall, Damon Lawrence 474 MacFarlane, Steele Richard 496 MacFarlane, Steele Richard 496 MACGREGOR, PATRICIA LEA 12, 444

MACHO, ROBERT LOUIS 102 MacIntyre, Jean 233,300,460 MACK, MICHAEL THOMAS 55 MacKeen, Richard Paul 490 MacKenzie, David Reed 487 MACKEY, ALAN BROWN 134 Maclean, Robert Sutherland 519 MacNiven, Major 492, 493 MacPherson, John Hugh 523 Macrina, John Richard 32, 528, 8242, 12373,17696, 17752, 20037

Maddox, Richard Allen 455 Madere, Steven Jude 470 Madigar, Mrs Maria (A) 230 Madril, Bob 285 Madril, Robert Johnny 497 Madura, Kenneth Dale 487 Maes, Carl Francis 517 Maes, Michael K 208 Maes, Patrick Jon 483 Maestas, Terrese Carla 505

Magaletta, Anthony 487 Maglione Jr, Peter Paul 523 Magnell, Carl Michael 529 Magnusson, Maj Kent (E) 208 MAGOON, BRUCE HOMER 64, 145,442 MAHAN, BLAKE CHRISTIAN 106 Maharrey Jr, David Hansel 480 MAHON, BARBARA ANN 124, 140 MAHON, PETER DOUGLAS 64 Mahony, Frederick Paul 458 Mahony, William Lee 463

Maiocco, Christopher Bernard 473 Makar, John Bruno 483 Maki Jr, Terrence Wayne 251,255


Malackowski, Patrick C 454 Malak, Darryl Evan 509 Malek, David Arthur 463

Malenke, Paul Jay 453 Maley, Chris (Capt) 218,352

Malfer Jr, Dennis John 530 Mall, Steven Richard 469

Mallery, Kurt Harold 456 Mallette, Frank Eldred 448 MALONE, BRADLEY ALAN 73, 233


Malyevac, John Michael 463 Mance, Peter Eric 499 Mandel, Karen 379

Mandeville, Richard James 491 Mandeville, William Jody 483 Mang, Gregory Joseph 513 Mangan, Matthew Edward 449

Mangelsen, Eric Norman 459 Manges, Victor J 446

Marrs, James Robert 458


MARSELUS, JOHN EDWARD 30 MARSHALL, GREGORY 80 Marshall, James Alan 484 Marshall, Michael Timothy 456 Marshall, Pat 481 MARSHALL. PATRICK ALBERT 60 Marshall III, Virgil Alexander 483 Martel, Michael Patrick 470 MARTIGNETTI, LISA 93 Martin, Barbara Joan 276,277,526 Martin, Bill 303 Martin, Brett Arthur 515 Martin, Tim (Capt) 218,220 Martin, Carl Ray 528

MARTIN, CHRISTOPHER ALAN 49 Martin, Joe 266,267,325 Martin, Julie Patricia 468 Martin, Kathryn K 158 Martin, Kevin Charles 482 Martin, Stephen (Maj) (R) 486, 487 MARTIN, MICHAEL JAY 80 MARTIN, RICHARD LEE 125 Martin, Rick 525 Martin, Robbie Dale 492 Martin, Scott Dehner 498 MARTIN, TODD ALLEN 93,487 Martin, Todd D 495 Martin, Tracy Lea 497 Martin, William Dennis 477 Martin Jr, Lawrence Micahel 145 Martines, Leslie 491 Martinez, Ramon (Capt) 229 MARTINEZ, DANIEL 112 Martinez, Orlando Mario 503 Martini, Francis John 515 Martini, Todd Kevin 526 Martino, Adriana 525 Martinovich, Jeffrey Alan 477 Marttala, David Warren 517

Maruyama, Paul (Lt Col) 344 Maryak, Mark Scott 458 MARZANO, MARIA LOUISE 128 Mase, Jeffrey Craig 515 Maser, Scott Michael 476 Mason, Mike 288 Massa Jr, Peter Kenneth 476 Masse, John 302,303 Massee, John Thomas 476 Mast, Edward P 220 MASTERS, STEPHEN GEORGE 112

Mastin, Darrell (Capt) 218,219 MASUCCI, MICHAEL JOSEPH 43, 466

Matchan, Jeffery Dwain 510,512 Matchefts, John 288,359 Matchefts, Marco 299,300,482 MATEOS, CARLOS LUIS 23, 251. 252, 254 Mathews, Mike 303 Mathewson, Byron Phillip 497 MATHIS JR. PAUL CHARLES 112 Matoes, Carlos 259 Matson, Timothy John 492 MATTERA, ANTHONY LAWRENCE 27 Matthews, Michael Robert 519 Matthews Jr, Robert 448 Mattingly, Jack (Maj) 204 Mattke, Michael Aaron 455 Mauch, Lawrence Joseph 516 MAUCHLY, THOMAS PETER 130 Maurer, Al (Maj) 233 Maus, Steven Philip 507 Mavrakis, Emmanuel Mihail 476

Maw, Scott Gardner 450 Maxfield, Randall Todd 500 Maxwell, Christopher Donald 496 Maxwell, Stacey Suzanne 457 May, Col 203

May, George Michael 515 May, J Young (Capt) 224 May Jr, Robert Lee 503 Mayfield, Leon Christopher 478 Mayrand, Judith Louise 354,355, 515

Mays, Craig Evan 477 Mays, Keith P 508 MAZIK, LAUREL1102, 325, 328 MAZUR, CHRISTOPHER ALLEN 24 Mazur Jr, Eugene Joseph 499 Mazurowski, Capt Dave 218

Mazzarella, Gregory Phillip 464 McAlduff, Harold James 288,482 McAlister, Patrick Daniels 521 McAndrews, Gregory Joseph 492 McAninch, Michael Henry 517 McBee, Richard Douglas 504 McBREARTY JR, JOSEPH MICHAEL 134 McBride, Galen Wade 498

McCafferty, Randall Robert 495 McCaffrey III, Terrance John 501 McGampbell, William Louis 525 McCann, Christopher Charles 459 McCann, Lt Col 203 McCarron, Bill (Lt Col) 218

McCarthy, Mark P 443 McCarthy, Patricia Ann 471 McCARTY, DOUGLAS ALAN 61 McCAUGHAN,ROBERT ARMSTRONG 15, 448

McCaughey, Maria Lisa 505 McClain, James Ennis 520 McCLARIN JR, DONALD GEORGE 70 McClean, Scott Darren 514 McClintock, Bruce Hubert 505 McCloy, Robert Peter 504 McClure, Jim (Capt) 218 McClure, Kurtis John 280, 491 McConie, Jeffrey Charles 448 McCormick, William Boylan 502 McCoy, Keith Edwin 500 McCoy, Paulette 157 McCrackin, James F 446 McCreary, Patrick (Capt) 208 McCREEDY, SCOTT LEE 27, 145, 444

McCrory Jr, Robert Allen 461 McCroskey, Erick Douglas 453 McCullers, Robert James 503 McCulloch Jr, Madison 525

McCullough, Joseph BENJAMIN 125 McCullough, Vanessa 448 McCurdy, Craig 517 McDaniel, Joseph Ely 476

McDaniels, Jeffrey Raymond 453 McDevitt Jr, Dennis Peter 522 McDevitt Jr, John Francis 270,271, 526

McDonald, Carolyn S 224 Mcdonald, Maurice Devon 289, 512

McDonald, Timothy Shawn 496 McDonald Jr, John Bernard 482 McDonnell, John Patrick 424, 525 McDonough III, John Joseph 521 McDonough IV, Michael James 498

McDougal, Ted 262 McDougald, Timothy Duane 481 McELHANNON, NEAL BERNARD 89

McElroy Jr, Milton 501 McEntee, Ftobert Anthony 493 McGarrity, John Patrick 300,528 McGee Jr, Michael Burnette 499 McGinn, James Robert 479 McGinnis, Miles Lloyd 458 McGinnis, Tom 300 McGLINN, MARCI LA VON 66, 281, 283 McGLOHN, JUDD WRIGHT 130, 358 McGolhn, Judd 271 McGovern, edward Joseph 27 McGovern, James John 494 McGrath, eugene james 73 McGrath, Teri Elizabeth 503 McGraw, Richard (Lt) (J) 158 McGuire, Michael Thomas 447 McGuire, Patrick Joseph 517 MclNERNEY, MICHAEL JAMES 66 Mclntire, Brett (Capt) (R) 158 Mckeever, Jill 300 McKenna, Patrick Jerome 262, 447 McKenna, Thomas Harold 493 McKeon, Eileen Theresa 447 McKeon, Keith Patrick 469

McKeon, Mary Lynette 471

McKinley, Richard Roland 505 McKinney, Harold (Capt) (G) 226 McKinzie, Edward Lee 481 McKnight, Ivan 267 McLain, Dean Patrick 484 McLaughlin, Lawrence Wesley 505 MCLAUGHLIN, RONALD PATRICK 80

McLaughlin, Terrie A 467, 484

McLaughlin, Woody 306 McLeroy, James (Maj) (C) 230

McLuen, Kevin William 496 McMackin, Daniel David 468

McManamy, Kenneth James 505 McNamara, Thomas James 513

McNeal, Robert (Capt) (K) 237 McNeice, Kara Marie 530 McNutt, Ross 285, 464

McSally, Martha 300

McShain, Marie Josephine 481 McTier, Steven Erik 512

McVay, Michael (Capt) (G) 235 McWeeney, James John 527 McWhirter, Susan Maria 321,455 McWhorter, Melinda Lee 461 Meader, Michael Shawn 474 Meadows, Charles R 222 Meadows, Mr 212 Mear, Carolyn 519 Meek, Tracey Michelle 520 MECKOLL, JAMES ROBERT 74 Medara, Thomas Craig 474 Media, Cadet Wing 424 Medina, Cecil Anthony 462 Medlin, Joseph Allen 518 Medvec, Mark S 511,522 Mehm, William (Capt) (J) 208 Meier, Michael Robert 454 Meier, Richard Edward 508 Meisner, Deborah (SSgt) (j) 229

Melaragno, Jeff (Capt) 234 MELCHER, MARK ALLEN (SOHL) 134,358 Melchisedeck, Jerry (Maj) (L) 157

Mellinger, Eric Michael 463 MENA, JOSE A 93, 488 Mencer, Dave 303 Menchaca Jr, Jose 528

Mongers, William Ermis 455 Menlcer Jr, George Thomas 462 Mercado, Richard 348,450 Merchant, Miten 509 Mercier, Daniel (Maj) (E) 207 Mercier, Michael Gerald 478 Meredith, Jim (Capt) 218 Merrill, Sean Morris 525 Merritt, Benton Jay 487 Merryman, Lynda Marie 523 Meskel, John Eric 526 Metcalf, Dierdre Renee 515 Metcalf, Jeshua Tess 482 Metclaf, Richard Alan 524 Metclaf, Shane Lyal 484 Metealf, Dee 285 Metruck, Michael Scott 497

Metzger, Richard Dale 470 Meyer, Craig Elvert474 Meyer, David James 455 Meyer, Jeffrey Alan 299, 531 Meyer, Michael Brian 447 Meyer, Paul Anthony 485 Meyers, David Allen 518 Meyers, Jeffrey William 300, 531 Meyn, Eric David 471 Mhatre, Ravi Brian 481 Michalcik, Patricia Marie 492 Michalec, Charles Edward 473 Michel, Douglas Thomas 507 MICHELL IV, JOSEPH FREDERICK 55


Migdal, Walter 504 Miggiani, Wolfgang Peter 487 Mihalik, Stephen Joseph 504 Miklos, Quinten Lee 465 Mikus, Brendan Patrick 499 Miles, Steve (Maj) 359 Miller, Brian 304 Miller, Bryan Edward 449, 476, 479 Miller, Capt 212 Miller, Daniel Robert 462 Miller, David Andrew 502 Miller, Eric James 474 Miller, Evan MacDonald 517 Miller, Greg Allen 518 Miller, Gregg Eldon 515 Miller, John Gregory 456 Miller, Lisa Rae 508 Miller, Doris (Maj) 218 Miller, Mark Laurence 499 Miller, Matthew Theodore 475 Miller, Michael Joseph 158,447, 512,519 Miller, Scott William 474 Miller, Stephen Richard 473, 479, 500

Miller, Walton E 467 Miller, Walton E 467 MILLER, WAYNE LESLIE 52, 458, 474

MILLER III, WALTER THOMAS 131 Miller Jr, Daniel John 490 Miller Jr, William Barron 473 Milligan, Karen Jean 517 MILLIGAN, RONALD LEE 30 MILLS, RICHARD CARL 45 Mills, Timothy Jon 278, 280,528 Milroy, Michael Bartholomew 505 Mims, Avery Dale 515 Miner, William James 517 Minter, Darrell Cleophis 509

Minton, Reggie 289, 290,359 MINTZLAFF, JEFFREY GENE 113 MIRABELLA, JAMES WILLIAM 86 MIRABELLO, THOMAS 125 Miranda, Robert 496 Mirth, Scott Thomas 497 Missar, Kevin John 529 Mitchell, Robert (Capt) (I) 230 Mitchell, Lt Col 236 Mitchell, Matthew Eugene 524 Mitchell, Terence Burrell 447 Mittelstadt, Craig Stephen 314, 497 Mo, William Henry V 15 Moack-Duran, Carlos Arturo 474 Moad II, James Allen 280, 513

Mock II, Terry LeRoy 460 Moes, John Jacob 519 Moffat, Scott Michael 495 Moffett, Stephen Lamar 458 MOJWID, MELINDA LOU 27 Monaghan, Capt Glen (E) 220 Monetti, Raffaele Antonio 461 Monroe, Joseph (Col) 216, 217 Monroe, Jeffrey Wayne 280,493 Monroe, Robert Edmund 474 Montero, Anthony 500

Montgomery, Andrea Lynn 487 Montgomery, Cary William 464 MONTGOMERY, JAMES MICHAEL 90, 491 Montgomery, John Patrick 448 Montgomery, Kirk Adam 518 Montgomery, Ronald Eulas 526 Montoya Perez, Julio Cesar 513 Moody, Theodore (Capt) (J) 220 Moody, Todd Richard 462 Mooney, Latishie Lee 494 Mooney, Maj 479 Mooneyham, Gregory Scott 455 Moor, Richard Allan 468 Moore, Richard (Capt) 204,218, 234 Moore, Carolyn Ann 284, 517 Moore, David Jaime 451 Moore, Dennis 285, 481 Moore, Gregory Hugh 458 Moore, Heather 300 MOORE, JAMES WILLIAM 52 Moore, Jim 474 Moore, Jonathan Nathaniel 477 MOORE, SCOTT ALLEN 66, 145, 214,456,486 Moore, Timothy Don 521 MOORE, VERNON LADON 127, 128

Moorehead, Richard Dale 485 Morale, Bert 266,267 Morales, Humberto Enrique 500 Morales, Victoria 452 Morawiec, Jack Paul 479 Mordente, Patrick Xavier 523 Morehead, John Wayne 503

Morey, Gary Lee 462 Morgan, Joseph (Capt) (A) 220 Morgan, Darin Kip 473 Morgan, David Alan 520 MORGAN, JAMES ARTHUR 120

Morgan, Jim 420 Morgan, Keith 279, 280 Morgan, Matt 214 MORGAN, MATTHEW EARLE 30, 145, 444

Morgan, Owen Patrick 525 Morgan Jr, John Avery 526 Morgan Jr, Michael Thomas 519 Mork, David Scott 529

Morley, Steven Edwardes 499 Morlock, Mary Louisa 518 Morrill, Bob 304 Morrill, Robert Dee 468 Morris, Steve (Capt) 204 Morris, Darrell Lee 482 Morris, Grant Arthur 519 Morris, Michele Rene 284, 528 Morris, Shaun Quincy 527 Morrison, Charlie 288

MORRISON, CHARLES ROBERT 99, 109, 145 Morrison, Marshall Todd 499 Morrow Jr, Robert (Capt) (K) 220 Morse, Douglas Edward 506 Morse, Kenneth (Maj) (O) 235 Morse, Robert Michael 494 Morton, Kristen 464 Morton, Sandra Jo 485 Morton Jr, Grady Otto 457

Moscovic, Sandra Ann 460 Moser, Gary Stephen 483 MOSER, ROBERT SCOTT 70 MOSHER, DUANE RAY 93 Mosier, Cori Anne 529

Murphy, Peggy 424 Murphy, Ricky Ron-Nay 473 Murphy, Sean Patrick 505 Murray, Douglas (Col) 233

Murray, Patrick Shawn 483 Murray, Scott Fitzgerald 476 Murray, Timothy Edward 495 MURRAY, VIRGINIA LYNN 46

Murry, Alan James 517 Mussi, Tony Peter 507 Muzio Jr, Charles Gaetano 455

Muzychak, Paul James 455 Myer, Jeff 296 MYERS, BRYAN FREDERICK 83, 443

Myers, Carlin Duane 512 Myers, Douglas Boyd 484 Myers, Gregory Scott 471 Myers IV, Elman Borst473 Myhre Jr, David Walter 458

Naboni, Sonny 443,516 Nace, William Anderson 450 NacNabb, Martin Lee 448 Nadon, Mark Anthony 505 Naeve, Randy Alan 456 NAGLER, EDWARD PHILIP 118, 233, 242 Nahorniak, Michael Francis 484

Napier, CMSgt William (R) 157 Nardi, David Ronald 285, 528 NASON, EARL RAY 12,145, 444

Naugle, Richard Allan 528 NAUMANN, MARK ALAN 12 Naviaux, Jeffrey Steven 463 Neal, Parris (Capt) (C) 220 Neal, Darren 285, 476 NEDDO, GUY CHARLES 64 Neecham, James Edward 448 Nelson, Bill 271 Nelson, Douglas (Capt) 235 Nelson, Galen Patrick 529 Nelson, James Reginald (W) 476, 482

Nelson, Lisa Jacqueline 452 Nelson, Mike (Maj) 233 Nelson, Martin Herman 500 Nelson, Reed McDowell 528 Nelson, Scott Robert 449 NESEMEIER, TIMOTHY LAWRENCE 74

Ness, Timothy Allan 482 Nessmiller, Steven Walter 473 Neubauer, Anne Marie 321,521 Neubert, Ms Julie 230 Neumann, Scott 145, 242 Neumann, David (Maj) 237 Neumann, Timothy Paul 448 Neville, David William 491

Newberry, Robert Dale 506 Newbrough, Duke 306,308 Newbrough, Gary Edward 458 Newlin, Jeffery Eugene 487 NEWMANN, SCOTT ALAN 109 Newton, Ellen Jane 461 Newton, Hiawatha Kelly 464 Newton, Maurice Alcorn 531 NEYLAND, MARK CHRISTOPHER 52, 474 Niakaros, John George 463 Nichols, Shirely (Capt) (J) 230 Nici, Rosario (Capt) 207 Nickerson, Eric (Maj) (J) 235 Nicklas, Larry 254,358 NICKLOS JR, PETER LAWRENCE 81

Nidegger, Doug 267 Nielsen, Milton (Capt) (C) 157 Niemann, George Andrew 472 Niemi, Sandra Carol 455

Nienhagen, Vivian Carol 495

Moulton, Sean 525

Nightingale, Keith 288 Nightingale, Sharon Kay 229 Nigl, Michael Gerard 508

71,349 Mourafetis, William Louis 464 Moutaw, Erika Ann 451 Mowery, Cynthia Lynn 525 Mueh.Lt Col 214 MUELLER, ANDREW MICHELL 102, 158,489

Mueller, Andy 508 Mueller, Kevin Joel 471 Mueller, Richard (Maj) (J) 226 Mueller, Wiliam Petter 463 Muench, Kathleen Marie 480 Mukoda, Timothy James 492 Mulder, David Dance 512

MULDOON, MICHAEL LARRY 81 MULLANEY, MARK LOUIS 118 Mullikin, Jane Elizabeth 483 Mullin, James Nielson 523 Mullins, Bill (Capt) (W) 237 Mulvenney, William 226, 227 Mumford, Donald Alexander 458 Munafo, Marc Edwardo 476

Mundy, Scott David 502 Mundy, William Henry 531 Munevar, Hernando (Capt) 204 Munger, Kevin Yale 502 Murawski, Tom (Lt Col) 219 Murch, Anthony James 528



Mosley, Jay Michael 498 Moss III, Tom (Capt) 234 Motherway III, Thomas John 519 Mott V, William Henry 145 MOULTON, STEPHEN KENNETH

Nylander, Keith Gregory 448

Nieuwsma, David J 468 Nieves, Michael Kerry 451 Nifakos, Constantine George 486

NIKOUITS, DAVID ANDREW 43 Nilson, Jimmy (Maj) (D) 217 NISSEN, DAVID SCOTT 55 Nix, William M 505 Noe, Mark (Capt) 218 Noehl, Mary Eugenia 529 Nolan, Louis J 466,468 Nolette, Michael Joseph 447 Norris, Robert (Capt) (E) 220, 230

Northgraves, Julie 281 Northrop, Kimberlei Anne 494 Northup III, Parker Waldo 469 Norton, Daniel Edward 478 Norton, William Douglas 464 Norwesh Jr, Edward Lawrence


Nowatry, Paul 262 NOWLAND, MARK CHRISTOPHER 46, 467

Nowotny, Paul 464


NOYES, RAE ANNE 71,214 Nunez, Anthony C (Capt) 222 Nunez, Mark Trejos 517 Nuno, Bernie (Capt) 262 Nusser, Christopher Alan 517 Nutter, Michael James 473

ROBERT 93 Murphy, Michael Dennis 509

Nyberg, Kristina Yvette 470 Nyerhuis, Adam Edward 503

O BERG, THOMAS ALLEN 125 OBRIEN, TIMOTHY JOSEPH 115 O Cain, Bruce Eugene 267,487 OConnel, Dan 285 O Connell, T (Capt) 280 O Connor, Brian Edward 445,450 O CONNOR, DANIEL SEAN 90 O Riordan II, Edmund Matthew 519 O Shaughnessy, Terrence John 288, 484 O Shea, Michael (Capt) (F) 220 Oates, John Stephen 526 Oberdieck, Don 358 OBERDIECK, DONALD ROBERT 106 Oberly, Mark Douglas 520 OCain, Bruce Eugene 487 Ocean, Billy 407 OConnell III, Daniel Edward 517 OConnor, Daniel Joseph 508 Oertel, Peter Rudolph 516 Oerter, Roger Edward 500 Oeser, Jim (Maj) 359 Ogburn, Patrick LeMoyne 493 OGLE III, JOHN WILLIAM 64, 145 Oistad, Eric Jon 271,517 Okey, Patricia Ann 484 Olafson, Paul 262 Oldenburg II, William (Maj) (H) 158 Older, David James 480 Olinger, Dale (Capt) (K) 237 OLIVAREZ, JEROME 134 Oliver, Richard (Lt Col) 204, 474 Oliver II, John David 491 Oik, Marvin Peter 513 Ollig, Linda 277, 473 Olmos, Steven Adrian 468 Olmstead, Donald Joseph 515 Olofson, Paul Bernard 492 Olsen, Karl (Capt) 359 Olsen, John Eric 449 Olsen, Kenneth Michael 499 Olson, Gary William 453

Olson, Gregory Victor 525 Olson, Jeffry Jon 496 Olson, Matt 300 Olson, Patrick Brian 507 Olson, Eric (SSgt) 239 OLSON, WAYNE RAY 52, 474 OLSON, WESLEY ALLAN 102, 145

Olympics, Special 384 Oms, Pedro Raul 474 Ontiveros, Michael John 507

Ording, Tracy Lee 459 Ordner, Anthony Lewis 528 Ordzie, Edmund (Maj) (A) 157

Orlofsky, Shirley 204 Orms, Cynthia Marie 464 ORNE, RANDALL JAMES 21 Orner, Terry Michael 314, 520 Orr, Verne 147,155 Orrison, Stephen (Maj) (L) 226, 227, 276 Ortiz, Christopher 498 Ortiz, Juan Carlos 456 Orvedahl, Dale Ernest 516 Osarczuk Jr, John Charles 454 Oslund, Dawson Scott 526 Oss, Scott Douglas 323, 521 OSTEEN, CHARLES EDWARD 93 Osteen, F Price 489 OSTEEN II, FRANK PRICE 83 OSWALD, WILLIAM KENNETH 24 OTT, MICHAEL JOSEPH 61 Otten, Tyler 267

Otting, Mark Joseph 458 Ottinger, Jeanne L 511,518 Otto, Lawrence 285,451 Otto, Stephan Karl 461 Ourada, Daniel Joseph 521 Outlaw, David M 482 Overcast, David (Lt Col) 466 OVERMAN, CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM 64

Overturf, Kurt Matthew 483 Owen, Robert (Capt) (C) 226 Owens, Billiana 505 Owens, Mrs 203

Owings, Julie Ann 461 Oxford, Vayl (Capt) 204

P Pacheco, Karin Marie 491 Packard, Antony Michael 475 Padden, Pollyanna A 273,466, 470 Paffenroth, Scott Atwater 314, 516 PAGAN, RANDOLPH ALLEN 96 Paganelli, Benjamin Raphael 459

Page, James Patrick 485 PAIGE, CLIVE ANTHONY 31 Paige Jr, Timothy Alfred 512 Palenchar, David (Maj) 233 Palfi, Robert Jack 460 Palk, Delcy Michelle 448 Palko, Kevin 252,468 Palko, Kreg Andrew 483 Palmer, Linda (Capt) (K) 207 Palmer, Christopher Graham 271, 484

Palmer, David John 508 PALMER, JESS DEAN 127 Palmer Jr, James Eugene 500

Panarisi, Michael Troy 424, 425, 512

Pangrac II, Stanley Dean 519 Papa. Michelle 300 Papirtis, Capt 236 Paradise, Makie George 477 PARERO III, EDWARD L 67 PARISH, GERALD JACKSON 12 Parish, Joseph Eric 304,305, 524 Parisi, Vincent (Maj) 204 Parker, Jeffrey Hess 499 Parker, Kathryn Margaret 481 PARKER, LAMAR DEWEY 67 PARKER,RANDALL CLAY 61 Parker, Robert Everett 494,521 Parker, Steven Bradley 526 Parker III, William James 453 PARKS, JENS 58 Parmater, Alan T 466, 478

Parong, Cachito Fusilero 512 Parr, Kevin Dean 463 PARRILLO, JOANNE 131 Parrish, Brian Kenneth 505

Parry, Sean Paul 529 Parsons, Peter Howard 458 Parsons, Shawn Alden 314,523

Partridge, Dale Patrick 450 Pasierb, Barbara (Capt) (L) 230 Passaro, James Russell 458 Passy II, Albert Meir 479 Pastos, Alex James 501 PATSY, JOSEPH PATRICK 28 Patterson, Douglas Robert 453 Patterson, John Michael 468,497 Patterson, Mark Alan 465 Patti, Marc Ellsworth 512 PATTISON JR, JOHN ALAN 118 Patton, Catherine Mary 502 Patton, Douglas James 522 Patton, Kathy 382 Paul, Ronald Edward 457 Paulica, Jim 304 Pawlowski III, Maj Thomas (J) 230

Payan, Samuel 456 Payne, Eric James 499 Payne, John Gibson 499 Payne, Larry Clark 529 Payne, Bettye (Maj) (J) 521 Payne, Manuel Alfred 476 Payrow-Olia, Capt 233 Pearson, William Robert 481 PECHIN III, FRANK SMEDLEY 102 Peck, Robert William 482 Pecor, Bruce (Capt) 220 PEDEN, JEFFERY CLAYTON 71 Peer, Bill (Capt) 276,359

Pegg, John Michael 515 Peiffer, Janice A 157

Peloquin, Perry Joseph 518 PELOZA, CHRISTIAN MICHAEL 90

Pena, Juan 262,449 Pena, Laurie 230 PENDER, JEROME MICHAEL 18, 145

Pendergraft, David Ross 285,484 Pendry, Michael Kelly 501 Pennell Jr, Joseph H 458 Pennett, John (Capt) (G) 220 Peoples, Alden Gerard 531 PEPIN, PETER ROGER 121 Pepper, Amadee Rene (Willis) 499 Pera, Lee James 448 PERCELL, DAVID SCOTT 43 Percy, Robert Lloyd 531 PEREZ, ANNETTE MARIA 43 PEREZ, YVETTE 58 Perkins, Gerald Martin 468 Perkins, Timothy John 461 Perko, Mark John 509 PERRY, DAVID FREDERICK (DOUGLAS) 40 Perry, Don 238 PERRY, RONALD BRYAN 90 Pescaia, Damon Lance 499 Peshek, Timothy Mario 481 Peterjohn, Daniel (Maj) 482, 483 Peters, Pamela (Capt) (L) 230 Peters, David Edward 523 PETERS, GORDON CHARLES 74,

208 Peters, John (Maj) (E) 208 Peters. Mark Vincent 529 PETERSEN, CHARLES 74

PETERSON,BRADLEY EARL 99 Peterson, Donna (Capt) (E) 220 Peterson, Erick Shane 503 PETERSON, MARY ELIZABETH 86

Peterson, Mike 318,319,486,517 Petosa, Scott 315,359 Petrishen, Timothy Paul 508 Petro, Maj John 230 PETROSH JR, MICHAEL JOHN 28 Petterson, Cindy A 487 PETTIT, RANDY JOHN 74

Pettyjohn, Jamie Edward 476 Pfab, Dean Edmund 450 Pfaff, John 208, 474 PFAFF JR, JOHN DAVID 53 Pfeil, Stephanie 281 Pfiel, Stephanie Diana 523 Pharris, Eric Michael 259,323, 358, 500 PHARRIS, TIMOTHY CHRISTIAN 99,323, 358 Pheifer, Bob 314 Phillips, Daniel Brooks 479 Phillips, Derek 303 PHILLIPS, JEFFREY BLAINE 43 Phillips, Charles (SSgt) 359 Phillips, Tammy 497 PHILLIPS, TIMOTHY JOHN 74,


Phillips Jr, David Larry 463 Phippen, Earl (Maj) (F) 157 Pho, Tam Pacific 500 Pickens, Brian Keith 484

Pickering, Trent Allen 531 Pickett, Marquis Delafayette 478

QUINN, RUSSELL JAMES 131 Quint, Marcus John 476 Quintana, Carlos Benino 514 Quintas, John Terence 529 Quirk IV, George Goble 496 Quiroz, Christopher James 449 Quitero, Carlos William (W) 460

PICKRELL, ROBERT LAWRENCE 18,300 Pierce, Roger Stuart 515


Pieringer, Wayne Robert 494 Pierson, Blake Charles 479

Pietryga, Michael David 494 PIIRTO, MICHAEL JAMES 103 Pike, Cheryl Ann 525 Pike, Christopher Alan 513

Pingry, Julie Denise 516 Pinkerton Jr, James (Lt Col) 158 Pinkerton, Hedy (Maj) (C) 474,475 Pinney, Jo Anne 455 Pio, Karen Ginger 531 Piontek, Philip (Capt) (T) 226,276 Piotter, Alison (Capt) 217 Pipan, Anthony Michael 504 Pisani Jr, Ralph Edward 453 Pitt, Michael Ray 463 Pittman, Kelly Mark 462 Pitzel, Matthew Elliott 484 PIZZARELLO, KEVIN JAMES 46 Pizzi, Bob (Lt Col) 234 Place, Gene Albert 450 Place, Timothy James 531

Plamp, Christopher Emmons 463 Platt III, William Quinton 500 Plehn, Michael Todd 469 Plescha, Franz 300,461 Pletcher, Brian Scott 448 Pious, Preston Michael 456 Plyler, William Neil 487 POEHLER, JUERGEN KARL 125, 348 POGGI, MICHAEL ANTHONY 15 POGUE, EDWIN BERRY 81 Pohlman, Douglas William 509 Poje, Christopher Brian 459 Pokorny, Mark Allen 484 Pokorny III, Paul Edward 493 POLAND, DOUGLAS MICHAEL 31 Polczer, Henry William 502 Polglase, Brent Gregory 474

Pollard, Maj George (D) 470,471 Pollmiller, David Edward 527 Pollok, Trudy 204 Pomrenke, Gernot (Capt) (S) 237 POND, KEITH ROBERT 84, 244 Ponko, Mary Elizabeth 500 Poole, John (Capt) (L) 226 POPE, GEORGE ROBERT 61,245

Pope, Keith Yancey 507 Popovich, Joseph Timothy 525 Popowycz, Alexander Leo 497 Poppe, Peter Louis 491 Popped, Patrick Eugene 496 Poremba, John Amborse 474 Poremski, Robert John 5C7 Porte, Ronald Eric 518 PORTER, GLEN SCOTT 50,145, 348, 445 Porterfield, Thomas Jay 454 Posner, Joseph Roderic 473

Pospisil, Todd James 515 Possedi, Michael Scott 523 POST, ROBERT BRIAN 71 POSTGATE, MARK STEVEN 131 Postlewaite, Maj 208 POTTER, GREGORY LYN 18 Potter, Stephen Mark 454 POTTER, TAYLOR GOHEEN 115 POWELL, ANNE DARLENE 15

POWELL, GARY WILLIAM 125 Powell, Jean-Paul Navaro 516 POWELL, MARC PAUL 61,481 Powell, Sam 271 Powers, Lauren Lynn 525 Pozorski, Laurie Ann 497 Pradier, Jerome (Maj) (M) 229 Praesel, Gary (Maj) (A) 158 Prather, David S 466,486 Pratzner Jr, Phillip Russell 491 Prebula, Tom 315 Predella, Robert Paul 517 Prem, Josef Rudolf 528 Press, Timothy Paul 526 Preston, Lisa Joy 503 Pretz, John (Major) (M) 527 Preus, Erik Robert 473 Price, Bradley Wayne 482 Prior, Rick 300 Prior Jr, Richard Power 490 PROCTOR, DOUGLAS WAYNE 118

Profit, Michael Keith 325,358,523

Propp, Mark Boyd (Earl) 529 Propst, Anthony Mark 463 Provost, Diane Irene 482 Psaromatis, Michael Alan 468 Pshsniak, Greg 251,255,256 Psniak, Greg 255 Ptasznik, Carol Ann 474 Puente, Daniel Andrew 521 Pugh, Stu (Capt) 359

Pugh, Franklin Allen 471 Puig, Philip Stephen 450 Pustay Jr, John Stephen 478 Putney, Jonathan Ross 522

Q Quillin, Molly 273 Quinn, Russ 288,528

Rabano, Raymond Severino

(Smith) 515 Radcvcich, Nick Peter 487 Rademacher, Bruce Nicholas 522 Raduenz, Brian 288,477 RAFFERTY, GARY ROBERT 43 Rafferty, Steve 314 RAFFERTY, STEVEN GERARD 67

Raggio, David John 525

Raichelson, Sharon (Capt) 218 Raimer, Kevin James 494 Raines, Donald Joseph 522 RAINES, TODD DAVID 55, 145, 466

Rallo, Joseph (LtJG) 233 Ramirez, John Anthony 513 Ramsey, D (Maj) 280,359 Randall, Wesley Spencer 497 RANDOLPH, MARK JOSEPH 19

Rappa, Christopher 451 Raralio, Capt 212 Rarick, Michael J 489,498 Rask, Lisa Ann 499 RATH, BRIAN MARK 90 Rathsack, Matthew Daniel 486 Ratton, Ron 242 RATTON, RONALD RAY 113 Rau, Gregory Stephen 506 Rau Jr, Robert Otto 508 Raub, Kenneth Aaron 507 Raulerson, James Alan 531 Rauls, Thomas Robert 515 RAUSCHENBACH, CHRISTIAN PETER 55

Ravenelle, Anita Marie 498 RAVENSWAAY, KENNETH JOHN 68 RAY, TIMOTHY MICHAEL 84 Rayl, Linda 281,477 Raymona, Janean Lucia 461 Raymond, Peggy 234 Rayter, John Michael 461 READ, PETER DAVID 106

Reagan, The Honorable (Ronald) 154


Redanz, Rob 285 Reddel, Carl (Col) (W) 226 Reddick, Pamela Anne 492

Redding, William 238 Redding Jr, Walter Jerald 531 Redford, Don Lee 517 Reed, Carolyn Marie 452 Reed, Bill (CMSgt) 288 REED, DARREN JEFFREY 67 Reed Jr, David Walter 481 Reese, Mike (Capt) 234

Regan, Christopher John 527 Regenor, James Allen 515 Rehmeyer, David Michael 531 Reid, Kyle 303,473 Reid, Patrick Victor 464 Reid, Steven Mitchell 500

Reighn, Deanne Carmody 457 Reiling Jr, Russell Norman 502 Reilly, Charles Daniel 509 Reilly, Douglas Patrick 475 REILY, DEAN ANTHONY 24 Reiman, Robert William 455 Reimer, Russell Paul 453 Reimers, Craig Allen 482 REMINGTON, SCOTT HILLARY 50

Rempter, Thomas Leslie 447 Rendessy, Paul 471 RENDINE, MICHELLE ANNE 131

Rennekamp, David (Maj)(E) 158 Renner, Peter Christopher 497, 520 Renner, Robert Allen 479 RENO, BRIAN ALLEN 90 Resnik, William Joseph 475 Reta, Juan Eduardo 495 Reth, David Alexander 145 Reuben, Lori Michelle 505 Revelos, William Charles 519

Reyes, George John 516 Reyes, Patrick Vincent 502 Reynolds, Capt 212, 235 Reynolds, Wayne (Maj) 213 Reynolds, Reginald James 458 Reynolds, William Scott 531

Reynolds Jr, Dale Duane 526 Reynolds Jr, James Harlan 530 Rhame, Tyson Allen 451 Rhiddlehoover, Sarah Beth 320, 321,458 Rhinehart, Roch 323,454 Rhoads, Harold (Maj) (S) 207 Rhodes, Jeffrey Michael 447 Rhodes, Sandra 501

Rhyne, Robert Lawrence 500 Riccillo, Patricia Mary 458 Rice, Dean (Maj) (E) 226 Rich, Timothy Paul 447 Rich Jr, Cosmo Anthony 458 Richards, Ed 284,285 Richards, Kevin Dean 484



Richardson, William (Maj) (E) 217 Richardson, Renee Michelle 521 Richey, Michael Wayne 491 Rick, Victor Lynn 456 Rickert, Robert Alan 504

Riddlebarger, Jeffery Wayne 521 RIDER, DOUGLAS BOENN 77, 145,442 Ridilla, Peter Andrew 495 Ridolfi Jr, Donald Henry 504 Riedel, Curtis B 459


Riggs, Maj 212 Rightmer, C 280 Rightmyer, Michael Andrew 507 RILEY, DAVID BRIAN 12

Riley, Kathleen Jo 473 Riley, William (Lt Col) 230 Riley, Thomas Christopher 501 Rinaldi, Patricia Marie 517 Ringelberg, Wayne Michael 471 Ringgold Jr, Lloyd Earl 474 Rinke, Edward Joseph 494 Riordan, Matthew Patrick 508 Ripley, Lt Col (sel) 208 Ripley, Randolph Earl 457 Ripley, Randy 285 Rispoli, Damian Mark 469 Ritchie, Eric Raymond 493 RITENOUR II, THOMAS JAMES 87 RITS, MICHAEL PAUL 100 RITTER, JOHN ALFRED 12 Ritter, Lori Jean 464 Rivera, Joe Archie 508 Rivera, Lourdes Maria 475 RIVERA, PAULETE RENEE 118 Rix, Edward 499 Rizer, Kenneth Robert 487 Roach, Raegan 292 ROBB JR, JOHN MATTHEWS 109 Roberg, Kevin Paul 487 Roberson, Cheryl (Lt) 276 Roberson, William (Maj) 204 Roberts, Angela Grace 455 Roberts, Darla (Capt) (M) 157 Roberts, Cathy 328, 329 Roberts, Richard Alan 208,515 Roberts, Stephen Patrick 463,495 Roberts II, Sanford Eugene 454 ROBERTSON JR, ALBERT EDWARD 50 Robertson, David (Capt) (R) 220, 226 Robertson, Dwight Everett 522 Robichaud, Christopher Michael 525 Robinson, Timothy Howard 474 Robinson II, Bobby L 444,446 ROBINSON JR, JOHN WELLS 50 Robinson Jr, Neil Wentworth 523 Robison, Joe (Maj) 359 Rochard, Pete 285 Rochard Jr, Peter 481 ROCHE, SEAN PATRICK 128 ROCKER, MARY JO 84 Rockman, Beth 284,458 Rodarte, Ben 285 Rodarte Jr, Venancio 448 Rodgers, Mr James 238 Rodgers, Rickey Sylvester 522 Rodolf, Paul Dennis 525 Rodriguez, Ernest Henry 506 Rodriguez, Stuart Andrew 457 ROE, KIMBERLY ANN 50, 466 Roeder, Christopher L 446 Rogacki, John R (Major) 222 Rogers, Bert Wayne 462 Rogers, Bradley Jay 501 Rogers, Ken (Maj) 233 Rogers, Michael Keith 470 Roh, Joseph Andrew 461 Rohde, Stephanie (Capt) (K) 230 Rojas, Victoria Ann 281,282,283, 526 Rokke, Brig Gen 203,246 Rokke, Irwin J 392 Roley, Ross (Capt) (E) 230 Rollins, Timothy Avery 531 Romagosa, Cristina Maria 475 Romano, Pete 420 Romero, Andrew 463 Romero, Dan 233 Ronsman, Harry Martin 468 Ronza, Michael Eric 461 Rooney, Sean Michael 420,476 Roop, Jon Alan 504 Rose, Christopher Andrew 475 Rose, Danny Blair 468 Rose, Ralph Leon 483 Rose, Samuel Lewis 464 ROSE III. LANSON CLIFFORD 58 Rosen, Lee Wayne 521 Rosendale, Kara Lee 527 Rosenmeier, Steven Roy 505 Rosenmerkel, Gregory James 523 Rosenthal, Robert Alan 518 ROSENTHAL, SUSAN LYNN 65 Ross, Cheryl R 229 Ross, David Alan 528 Ross, Keith Patrick 482 ROSS JR,ARTHUR 87 Rossano, Alexander Anthony 449 Rossi, Frank Joseph 267,530 Rotell, Tom 257 Rotello, Thomas Joseph 500 Rotello, Tom 256 ROTERING, TERRENCE LEE 40 Roth, R Theodore (Capt) 235 Rothstein, Michael David 463



ROUSE, JASON BENTLEY 24 ROUSSEAU, GLENN GORDON 77 Route, Chris 420 Route, Christopher Paul 465 ROUTHIER, KEVIN JOSEPH 77 ROWE, BRUCE CLYDE 127 Rowe, Randall Sutherland 468 Rowe, Robert Dean 468

Roy, Randall Albert 457 Royer, Erlind (Col) (G) 220 Ruben, A Cubero (Col) 224 Ruble, John (Capt) 237 Rubush, James Michael 497

Ruby, Tomislav Zlatich 498 Ruckle, Georgia Elizabeth 455 Ruddy, Bernard Joseph 515 Ruder, Craig Richard 462 RUDOCK, BLAINE OWEN 100, 205

Rudolph, Jason Martin 462 Rued, John Frederick 480 Ruff, Barbara Ann 481 RUMPH, MARK HERBERT 21

Rupp, Jon Andrew 501 Ruse, Mark Andrew 499 Russ, John Anthony 480 Russel, Michael Joseph 518 Russell, Richard Wesley 487 Russell II, David Leon 456 RUSSELL II. FRANK EUSTACE 106


Rutledge, Steven Vincent 531 Ryan, Dennis 262,263,265,446 Ryan, John Doyle 518 Ryan, Sean Patrick 517 RYDELL, MARK ROBERT 65

Ryer, David Matthew 476 Ryniak, Nancy Marie 476

Sabo, Christopher John 455 Sabo, Richard Steven 507 Sacks, John Thomas 528 Sacks, John Thomas 528 Sacranc, Michael Anthony 451

Sadlo, Thomas George 483 Sadlo, Tom 315 Saelens, David Thomas 507

Sagastume, Louis 262 Sagastume, Luis 359 Sager, Will 474 SAGER II, WILLIAM EMORY 53 Saint, Hugh Kenny 486 Sainz, Frederick Thomas 525 Sakae, Eric Todd 285,507 Sakulich, Mark Andrew 420, o25 Salazar, Carlos LeRoy 531 Salazar, Elsa 499 Salcedo, Claude Einstein 528 SALLEE, SARAH JO 131 SALOMON, JUVENAL QUESADA 19


Samuelson, Maj 234 Sanchez, Felix (Maj) 204 Sanchez, Steve Eli 509 SanClemente, David Paul 471 Sanders, Dwight Russel 505 Sanders, Richard Alan 447 SANDERS,RONALD JEFFREY 121

Sandoval, Steven Anthony 344, 345,481 Sandoz II, Rodney Leonce 519 SANDQUIST, MICHAEL DAVID 31, 344,345

Sanning, Matthew Garber 502 Santarelli, David Troy 451 Santiago, Capt John (M) 220 Santos, Roy Christopher 525 Sasaki, Todd Miles 485 SASSEVILLE, MARC HENRY 40 Satterfield, Jeffrey Alan 473

Sauley, Ed 304 Sauley III, Edward Anthony 457 Saulny Jr, Stanley M 510,528 Saulski, Joseph P 484 Saun, Van (Maj) 212 Saunders, Robert Keith 458 Saunders Jr, Thomas (Maj) (H) 506, 507

Sauve, Neil Thomas 462 Savino, Vincent 267,506

Savoy II, George Russell 471 Scalione, Joseph Mario 495 Scanlin, Tomas (Capt) (E) 518,519 Scarano, M 280 Schaeffer, James Worth 513 Schaeffer, John Charles 453 Schaeffer, Lt Col 203

SCHAEFFLER, SCOTT ALAN 96 Schaeflern, Kathleen 522 Schaible, Larry 204 Schaller, Bob 288 Schaller Jr, Robert Charles 463 Schamante, Salvatore Paul 512 Scharenbrock, Christopher Glen 477

Scharfenberg, Peter Walker 524 SCHAUMANN, KRIS R 67 Scheerer, Carl (Maj) (R) 237 Scheets, Irv 284, 285 SCHEETS JR, ERVIN GEORGE 67,


Schichtl, Kurt Randall 481 Schiefer, Wayne (Capt) (A) 158 Schiessl, Terry L (Major) 222 Schieve, Mark Edward 482 Schifani Jr. Stephen Beranrd 500 Schiller, Harvey (Col) (W) 214 Schiller, Greg 262 SCHILLER, GREGORY JOHN 103 Schiller, Kim 262 Schissel, Beth Lynn 273, 515 Schlange, Stacy 276,456

Shaffer, Donald Lyle 455 Shannon, David Barry 492 Shannon, Scott Dominic 499 Sharp, Tamaron Gail 320,321, 524

Sharpy, Thomas James 313,314, 520

Shaver, Marc Steven 531 Shaw, Jack (Capt) 218 Shaw, Bryant (Maj) (P) 226 Shea, Daniel Christopher 315,498 Shedd, William Keith 325, 508

Schlichting, David Arthur 455 Schloss, John Robert 508

Sheedy, James (Capt) (F) 230 Shelburn, Bryan Heath 529 Sheley, Stan Alan 530

Schluckebier, David James 509


Schlumpberger, Steven James 518 Schmehil Jr, James George 509 Schmelzel, Allen Theodore 483 Schmick, James Robert 476 Schmick, Joel Burton 456 Schmidt, Dorman 222 Schmidt, Jeffrey John 525 Schmidt, Stephen (Maj) (R) 230 Schmidt, Mickey D 158 Schmidt, Mr 212 SCHMIDT, PAUL GREGORY 127, 167 Schmuck, Frank Charles 447 Schneider, Kevin Bruce 521 Schneider, Kirk Alan 508 SCHNEIDER, STEVEN MICHAEL 134 SCHNOES, MARK JOSEPH 87 Schoell, Paul (Maj) (W) 220 Schr, David M (Maj) 224 Schrink, Robert Henry 514 Schrock, Lee (Maj) (W) 237 Schroeder, Lance Ryan 473 Schrupp, Ronald Wayne 522 Schubbe, Joel Jon 518 Schueler Jr, James Thomas 514 SCHUETTE, NICHI SUE 96 Schuk, Laurie Jo 482 Schultz, Timothy Paul 501 Schulz, Peter Charles 475 Schuman Jr, Jimmie Dale 456 Schuster, Keith Everett 469 Schuster, Paul Francis 485 Schutz, Merrill Dean (Patrick) 468 Schwall, Arthur (Maj) (W) 460,461 Schwanz, Jennifer Ann 525 Schwartz, Bernard 531 Schwartz, SSgt212 Schwartz, Terese Marie 458 Schwarz, Isabella 468 Schwarz, James L (SSgt) 222

Schweigert, Mark Arnold 453 Schweitzer, Matthew Mark 515 Scifers, Leland G 489, 500 SCLORSCH, THOMAS MICHAEL 28

Scobee, Richard William 478

Scoggin, Coert Calvin 482 Scott, A J 256 Scott, Joseph 237 Scott, Clarence 204 Scott, Jeffery Carter 526 SCOTT, JOHN PATRICK 55 Scott, Winfield (Lt Gen) 155, 308, 388,400 Scott, Richard Olson 482 Scott, Summer Elaine 450 Scott, Todd 325,448 Scribner, John Derek (Lonis) 463 Scully, James (Maj) (E) 504, 505

Scully, Thomas Edward 528 Scupp, John M 208 Seagraves, Douglas Bryan 267, 523

Seaholm, Lane A 446 SEALS, REGAN WAYNE 46 Seaman, Stephen Laurence 450 SEAMAN, TERRY GUY 12 Seamon, John Titus 527 Sears, Daren Allen 525 Sechler, Wesley Wayne 474 Secor, Linda Elizabeth 530 Sederman.Rob 242 SEDERMAN,ROBERT PAUL 125 SEELY, ANTHONY JOHN 103

Seely, Tony 314 Sefcik, Thomas J (Capt) 222

Seglins, Andrew Christopher 522 Seibert, Tammy Rae 481 SEID, HOWARD ALBERT 77 Seiler, Mary Elizabeth 473 Self, Kerry Wayne 508 Self Jr, Frank Allen 500 Sells, Deborah Ann 285, 517 SELLS, JOHN GREGORY 106 Sells, Melinda Kaye 523 SELVAAG, BRYAN KEITH 67 Semmel, Greg Andrew 500 Senderling, Robert Scott 447 Senef, Brad 427 Senef, Bradley Glenn 450 SENN, DENISE LYNN 96, 505 Senn, Ricky 271 Sepanski, John Michael 498 SEPESSY, JOSEPH SCOTT 91 Seroka, Steven (2nd Lt) 230 Serres, Todd Joseph 524 Sersun, Kenneth Charles 458 SETA, KENJI40

Settimi,Tim418 SETZER, JAMES LITTLEFIELD 97, 488


SEWELL, MICHAEL TERRANCE 94,491 Sexton, Tom 315 Shafer, Mark Wayne 494


SHELLY, BRIAN KEVIN 121,145, 245

Shepardson, Matthew John 456 SHEPPARD, JOHN THOMAS 113 Sheriff, David Barclay 463 Sherwood, Arthur (Maj) (J) 230 SHIELDS, MICHAEL ANDREW 67 SHIMP, STEVEN CLARK 115 Shin, Kent Ungene (Martin) 520 Shines Jr, Franklin Pierce 280, 515 SHINNICK, JOSEPH THOMAS 46

Shipley, Michael Wayne 499 Shkor, John Stewart 458 Shoff, Charles James 486 Shrebe, Glenn 346 SHURMAN, MARK VINCENT 77 Shurnas, Paul Stanley 487 Shutack, Scott Richard 491 Shuttleworth, Jack (Col) 218 Shutts, Judine M 158 Sidor, Stacy Jean 487 Siegal, Jeff 244 SIEGEL, JEFFREY ALLEN 71 Sigler, Steve 256 Sigler, Steven Anthony 508 Silkett, Wayne (Maj) 233 Silva, Carlos Alberto (Puentes) 530 Silvani, Maj 233 Silver, Steven Brent 498 SILVERIA, JAY BENTON 24, 445 Silvia, Patrick Russell 304,473 Simmons, Bradley John 456 SIMMONS, CEDRIC DEMETRIS 31

Simmons, Jody 250,254,256,257, 358

Simmons, Ronald William 448 Simmons, Ted Victor 447 SIMMONS JR, ROBERT M 84 Simon, Daryl Ritchard 470 Simon, Mark Oliver 256,358,528 Simonitsch, Janet Mary 514

Simpson, Christopher Sean 492 Simpson, Craig Douglas 464 SIMPSON, DENNIS JOSEPH 15

Simpson, Joe 448 Simpson, Naaman Michael 456 Simpson, Nigel John 456 SIMS, SHERRI SUE 71,242 Sims, Kristy (SSgt) 276

Singer, Bonnie (Capt) 234 Singer, Michael (Maj) (D) 459 Sinnott, Patrick Christopher 457 Sipes, Timothy James 315,500 Sisler, James Benton 485 Siu, Ruthann Kam (Mui) 470 Skarda, Jonathan Tyler 476 Skehan, Robert Andrew 509 Skinner, Chip 322 Skotte, Stephen James 464 Skowron, David William 531 SKOWRONEK, PAUL JOSEPH 21 SKRODZKI, MIRO 87 SLACK, DARREL GLEN 118 Sladko, Jeff 303 Sladko, Jeffrey John 487 Slate, Mitchell (Capt) (P) 207 Slater, Kenneth Robert 502 Slatter, Steven Russell 453

Slaydon, Capt 236 Slayton, Daniel Charles 471 Sloan, Robert Sheldon 514 Slocum, John L 222

Slojkowski, Mihcael Luzjan 519 Slown, Mark (Capt) 219

Smagh, Kalwant Singh 473 Smith, Alison Leigh 496 Smith, Andrew Foster 447 Smith, Antoinette Theresa 479 Smith, Barbara Juanita 300, 512 Smith, Brian Parker 474 Smith, Herb (Capt) 157,218,219 Smith, Courtney Leonard 450 SMITH, DANIEL LEWIS 135 Smith, David LeFevre 521 Smith, David Michael 491 Smith, Dirk 314, 487 Smith, Fred Hilary 420, 448 Smith, Gary 304 Smith, Genieve Mae 492 Smith, Hamish Alasdair (Stewart) 451

Smith, Jeffrey Joseph 494 Smith, Jennifer 300 Smith, Johnny 253,255, 259 Smith, Karen Lynne 468 SMITH, KIRKLAND ARCHER 81 Smith, Matthew Norman 507 Smith, Michael John 447,523 Smith, Robert F 481,520 Smith, Scott Terrance 471,529 Smith, Sharon 300,464 SMITH, TERRY VIRGINE 106 Smith, Tommy H 526 Smith Jr, Eugene Melvin 480 Smith Jr, Rudolph Anthony 525 Smith Jr, Thomas Keith 467,486

Smitherman, Steven (Maj) (O) 496 Smut, Toney 265 Snider, Darleene E 446 Snitker Jr, Grant Allen 499 Sny, Daniel Richard 522 Snyder, Steve (Capt) (R) 237

Snyder, Craig Bradley 493

Snyder, Steven Patrick 518 Sobolewski, Matthew 497 Soda, Kenneth (Maj) (J) 220 Solcum, Mr 212 Solis, Armando 464 SOLOMON, WADE CLIFFORD 55, 145

Solorio, Michael A 442 Solorio, Michel Anthony 504 Solti, James Paul 449 Sones, Duane (Capt) (A) 448 Sonobe, Major 214 Soong, Bonita L 444, 454 Sorenson, Christopher Bowen 475 Soriano, Bartolome Antonio 493 Soriders, John (Maj) (C) 237 Souther, Stephen (Capt) (M) 528, 529

Southworth, Sean Michael 491 SOVINEC, CARL RICHARD 97, 145,489 Sowell, Mike 266,267 Spangler III, Milton Charles 469 SPARKS, WARREN SHEPPARD 119

Spatola, Kathleen (Capt) (M) 230 SPAULDING, JAMES AVERY 131

Specht, John William 472 Speer, Lawrence Paul 473

Speight, Calvin Bernard 326, 527 Speight, Joel Scott 476 Spencer, Barbara Jean 492 SPENIK, ADAM GERALD 94

Spewock, Stephen Thomas 482 SPILLANE, STEPHEN RICHARDSON 87

Spires, Dan 300 Spitler, Charles (Capt) 204 SPITZ, MICHAEL JUDE 77

Spivey, Randall William 481 Spofford, Jason Joseph 518 Spranger, Kurt Townsend 520

Springer, Jaems Earl 527 ST CYR, CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL 28 ST MARIE, ROBERT ALAN 74 St Romain, Patrick (Capt) (M) 157 Stachnik, John Jude 493 Stacy, Michael David 456 Stafford, Craig Lamar 504 Staley, Steve (Lt Col) 218 Stallings. Charlie 482 Stallman, Sue Ann 447 Stamos, David George 453 Stamper Jr, George Lee 451

Stanek, Margaret (Maj) (M) 494, 495

Stanick, Ed 304 Staniek, Edward Charles 487 Stanton, Billy (Maj) (J) 220

Staples, Cindy 503 Staples, Cynthia Lynn 502 Stapleton, Michael Peter 457 STARK, ERIK PATRICK 121,510 Stark, Scott Anthony 502 Starley, Thomas Russell 448 Starr, Donald Charles 450 STAUFFER, KENNETH SCOTT 68 Stavros, Peter Dino 447 Steadman, Steven Hawley 306, 308,514 Stebbins Jr, Charles Fleming 468 Stecklein, Gregory Owen 450 Steed Jr, John Everette 479 Steele, Dean Allen 531 Steele, Denis Francis 518 Steele, John Howard 479 STEEN, JEFFERY WAYNE 58 STEER,LYNN MAY 77 Steeves, Charles Alden 505 Steffan, Heidi 281 Steimle, John Patrick 318,319, 520 Stein, Joseph (Capt) (P) 462,463 STEIN, GIFFORD PATTERSON 100

Steinbach, Wayne (Maj) (R) 237 Steinbrunner, Thomas Alan 523 Steinhour, Norma 204 Stephen, Mark (Capt) (D) 237

Stephens, Annette Marie 475 Stephens, Cindy 292,459 STEPHENS, JON ROBERT 68

STINE, LISA JO 87 Stinson, Daphne Ellen 462 Stinson, Joseph Dewey 468 Stish, Henry Elliot (Easton) 461 Stockton, Richard Christopher 530 Stockton II, Patrick Duane 458 STOCKWELL, DAVID THOMAS 91 Stoddard, David Robert 487 Stoll, Patrick Juergen 447 Stone, Jay Michael 529 Stone, P 280 STONEHAM, PARTICK MICHAEL 53, 474 Stoner, Charles Rubright 471

Stoops. Richard W 208 Story, Paul Scott 523 Story, Ronald Kevin 512 Stouffer, Blake Chandler 493 Stover, Douglas Alan 448 STOYLE, RICHARD THOMAS 28 Strachan, Adam Winston 487 Strackany, Renny 238 Strader Jr, Walter Wayne 481 STRAIGHT, PETER ROBERT 115, 510

Strain, Efren (Capt) 204

Strandberg, Darrell Anthony 448 Stratton, Eric Stephen 460 Straw. Jerald (Maj) (L) 157 Strebe, Glenn Leroy 471 Strebel, Daniel Raymond 523 STREET, CHRISTOPHER L 128 STREETER, CHARLES ANTHONY 13

Streets, James (Lt Col) 235 Streitmater, Kirk J 442,452 STRICK, RHONDA RENEE 46 Strittmatter, Martin Franz (A) 483 Stromme, Paul Anthony 525 Struck, Steven E 446 Stuart, Carol Louise 469 STUART II, JACK FREDERICK 135 Stukel, Mark Alan 469 Stukes, Joaquin DuBois 480 Suarez, Pedro Fermin 485,516 Sulek, Michael 497 Sullivan, April Marlene 461 Sullivan, Bob 288 Sullivan, David Martin 453 Sullivan, Ken 262, 265 Sullivan, Ronald (Maj) 233 Sullivan, Molly Jean 490 Sullivan, Robert Terrence 513 Sullivan, Scott Allen 449 Sullivan, Sean Michael 502 Sullivan, Shannon 325 Sullivan, Stephen Thomas 509 Sullivan, Warren John 516 Sullivan, William (Capt) 222 Summers, Vic (Capt) 271,359 Sumner, Arthur Lee 461 Sumrall, Rich 296, 297,300 Sumrall, Richard Warren 516 SUMRELL, DAVID BRIAN 46, 466 Sumrell, Ms Wendie 233 Sunderland, David Neil 481 Sundstrom, Jack 288 Sundstrom, John Michael 479 Survil, Gregory Scott 499

Sutley, Robert (Capt) (A) 157 Sutter, Lynn Catherine 491 Sutton, David Andrew 250, 251, 254, 482 Svec, Donald Joseph 491 SVERDRUP, LINDA FRANCES 19, 208

Swaney, Carlton Lloyd 447 Swanke, Pat 292 SWANN, DANIEL VINCENT 131 Swanson, Richard (Maj) (E) 237 Swanson Jr, Robert Thomas 479 Swartz, Mark Raymond 463 Sweat, Brandon Elliott 505 Sweeney, John David 516 Sweeney, Peter Joseph 517 SWEENEY III, JAMES ALOYSIERS 24 Sweeten, Richard Warren 457 Swegel, Jeffrey R 510,520 Sweterlitsch, Timothy Scott 518 SWIDEREK, THOMAS JOSEPH 103 Swift, Michael D 488,506 Swint, David 0 213 Sylla, Michelle Marie 475 Symock, Michael Thomas 344,476 Symons, Steven Richard 498 Synco, Hazel Celeste 507 Szczygielski, Ian Peter 526

Stephens, Keith Alan 463 STEPHENS, MARK TIMOTHY 22, 457


Stevens, Elihu William 522 Stevens, Hugh 285 Stevens, Maj 203 Stevens, Maj Jon 273, 359 Stewart, Bob 430 Stewart, David Thaddeus 508 Stewart, James Brian 31,497, 508 Stewart, Clay (Maj) 233 Stewart, Michael Allan 468 STEWART, ROBERT LAWRENCE 44,145

Stigllch, Jill Ewleen 482 Stiglich, Jyll E 467 Stiles, Randall (Maj) 204 Stillings, Harold Rohm 530 Stillman, George Walter 498 Stilwell, David Ray 505 Stimac, David Ryan 455 Stimac, Melissa Daria (Mary) 482

T Tafoya, Nichelle 281 Takai, Theodore William 477 TALLMADGE, CYNTHIA ANN 122, 281,282 Tamame, Jose (Capt) 225 Tambos, Michael John 520 TAN, DAVID WHEELER 13 TANNER, EDWARD JAY 28, 344 Tanner, Steven Christopher 512 Tascione, Thomas (Maj) 237 Tate, James Scott 459 Tatem, Richard William 481 Tatro, James Michael 507 Tatum, Marty 523

Tavrytzky, Jan Alexander 506 Taylor, Andrew Arthur 464 Taylor, Bob 285 Taylor, John Briscoe 508


Taylor, Robert Keith 523 Taylor, Russell Eugene 526 Taylor, Timothy Scott 280,461 Taylor, William Ward 514 TAYLOR II. JAMES DAVIS 116

Taylor Jr, Harold Aubrey 527 Taylor Jr, John William 499 Teague, John Virgil 450 Teague, Robert Keith 507 Teague, Roger 254,480 Tedstrom, Robert Eugene 459 Teeples, Allan Wayne 483 Tegtmeyer, Raymond Joseph 491 Templin, Philip Colton 453 Tennenbaum, Capt 233 Tepley Jr, Michael Kevin 515 Terneus, Michael Joseph 449 Terrall, Jeffrey (Capt) (S) 235 Terrell, John Eric 477

Terry, Michael (Capt) (R) 226 Tesch, Gregory Karl 468 TESSIER, MARK JAMES 88 Testa, Michael Angelo 474 Testa, Micky 266,267 Tetreault, Noel Henry 482 Tew, William Gary 518 Tews, Frank James 457 THEODOSS, GREGORY LOUIS 50 Therianos Jr, Michael Leonidas 484

Theriot, Kenneth Ryan 456 THERRIEN, TINA MARIE 81 Thewes, Kenneth 447 Thibault, Charles Kevin 455 Thomas, Bill 346,347 Thomas, Evan Charles 462 Thomas, Gaylord Zane 516 Thomas, Merredith 396 Thomas, Michael 523 Thomas, Scott 252,255, 256,358, 456 Thomas Jr, William L 446 Thompson, Andrea Denise 529 Thompson, Brian Wayne 471 THOMPSON, CAREY STEVEN 78, 348 THOMPSON, CHARLES FREDRICK 58, 466 Thompson, Clark James 471 THOMPSON, DAVID DEAN 31, 145 Thompson, Henry Carter 487 Thompson, Ivan G 488,492 THOMPSON, KIMBERLEE TEAL 110 Thompson, Kris Lloyd 465 THOMPSON, SANDRA JEAN 40 THOMPSON, WADE JEFFRY 88 Thornhill, Paula (Capt) (G) 226 THORSAS III. IVAN EDWARD 56


Thrasher, Roger Dean 492 THRONBOROUGH, JOHN MARK 128

Thurber, Alan 300 Thurman, Dan (Maj) 234 Thurston, Sidney (Maj) (R) 516

Thyne, Kari Ann 487 Tibbs, Kevin Bardon 500 TIERNEY, MATTHEW OWEN 97

Tierney, Patrick Joseph 521 TIGHE, THOMAS ROBERT 19

Tighe II, James Hunter 505 Tiller. Frank (Maj) (D) 220 Tilley, Graham Robert 455 Tillie, James Steven 315, 464 Tillman, Antonio Willard 526 TIMM, WILLIAM DEWALD 22

Tingstad, Brian John 456 Tinkam, Ron 304

Tipmongkol, Mark T 446 Tipton, Harry Maxwell 509 Tirrell, Mark James 346, 472 Titus, James (Lt Col) 157 TODD, MARK THOMAS 31 Todd, Steve 304 Tofaute, Todd Charles 479 Toliver, Michael Keith 471 Toliver, Mike 259 Toliver, Renea Lynette 325,328, 498

Tollefson, Mark (Capt) (V) 237

Tolly, Daniel Dwayne 531 TomalloJr,James471

Tomjack, John Stephen 494 Tomlinson, Robert (Capt) (L) 217 TOMME, EDWARD BROWN 81, 145,494 Toms, Jerry Lane 520

Toney, Bill 304 Toney, Dereck 262 Toney, Michael Don 479 Toney II, William Morgan 465 Toole, Joseph (Maj) (E) 208 Tope, Julie Dqwn 515 Toplikar, Charles Frederick 492 TOPP, DANNY JOSEPH 28

Topper, Maj 212 Topping, Gary (Maj) (E) 217 Toro, Paul Rosario 508

Torrealday, Miguel Francis 473 Torrens, Cameron William 459 Torres, Alex 318,319 TORRES, JOHN JACOB 81,145 Torres Jr, Jose Luis 462 Towe, Jaye Lynne 524 Tower, Partick (Capt) (R) 229 Trafton IV, Mark 475 Tran, Hoang Nhu 525 Tran, Khanh Cong 462 Tran, Nhat Duy 492

Travis, Carol Ann 474 Travis, Mary Katherine 512 Travis, Teresa Lee 508 Travis, Theresa Marie 447 Traxler, Christine Renee 513 Tree II, Norman Lewis 300, 529

Treglia, Mary Carla 456 Trego, Jim (Capt) 359 Tremain, Stephen Frederick 486 Tretler, David (Lt Col) 226 Trexler, Lora Suzanne 519 Trickett, John Richard 453 Trimble, Jack (Maj) (R) 480, 481 Trimboli, Scott (Capt) 207 Trinidad, P 280 Trinidad Jr, Pedro Rafael 521 Tripp Jr, Charles Herbert 474 Trippe III, Octavio Louis 454 Trost, Sebastian Stanley 509 Trudeau, Mark Austin 472 TRUESDALE, RONALD BARRY 91 TRUJILLO, EDWARD JOSEPH 24

Trujillo, Troy Louis 505 TRUMBLE, ERIC PERSHING 56 Trussel, R 280 Trussell II, Richard Gordon 517 Tu, Vera 273, 450 Tuason, Christopher Mark (T)470 Tubb, David James 456 Tuck, Charles David 486 Tucker, Kenneth Clayton 509 TULLY JR, KEVIN TIMOTHY 110 Tung Jr, Edson Chin 458 Tunstall, Dave (Capt) 233 Turain, Kip Brian 531 TURECHEK, STEVEN JOSEPH 103 Turk, Christopher Gerald 525 Turk Jr, Roy Cleveland 513 Turner, Jon (Capt) 204 Turner, Edward Earl 314, 455 Turner, Manson Scott 327,484 TURNER, MONTE DEAN 16 Turner, Shaun Brian 314,517 Turner Jr, Stephen Earl 312,313, 314,499 Turpen, Kenneth Perry 285, 469 Turrage Jr, John O Neill 487 Turrer, Scott Michael 468 Tveter, Wade Anthony 502 Tyson, Robert Francis 473 TZAVARAS, CONSTANTINE 61

IJ Uhlik, Maj 212 ULISSE, MICHAEL 107, 145 ULLMANN, GLENN MICHAEL 13 Ullmen, John Baptist 455 Ullo, Lawrence (Capt) (e) 157 Underhill, Sterling Day 452

Ungstad, Maria Cristina 455 Upchurch, Brian Lee 529

Updegraff, David Blaine 476 URBANCZYK,STEPHEN MICHAEL 132

Urbanski, Denise 485 Uribe, Daniel 483

Usry, Donald Webster 514 Ustaszewski, Mark Henry 464 UYEHATA, STEPHEN GLENN 128, 145


Veney, Samuell Russell 458 VENEZIANO, JOSEPH ANTHONY 128

Venner, Edward Thomas 525 VER HOEF, JOEL KENT 16 Vera, Glenn (Capt) 158 Veres, Laszlo Andras 447 Vernlund, Jodi 344 Vernon, Rodney Garth 452 Veroski Jr, William Joseph 480 Verville, Jeff 286,288

Vesper, Scott Allen 468 Vest, Hugh Scott 494 Vetter, James (Capt) (C) 230 Vetter, Patrick Harold 502 Vetterlein, Jon (Maj) (M) 235 Veve, Rafael Alexander 471 Vichot II, Thomas Bernard 528 Vick, Amy Louise 487 Vickers, John Frederick 492 Victoria, Holly Jean 507 Vidmar, Mark K 511,524 Viesselman, Heather Rene 469

Vijums, Mark David 506 Viland, Michael Frederick 346, 470 Villalobos, George Laurance 453 Villeneuve, Debbra Starr 473 Vilter, Scott David 521 Vincent, Roger Moore 498

Vining, Thomas Jude 480 Vinton, E (Griff) 245 VINTON, EVAN GRIFFITH 25 Viotti, Paul (Lt Col) 233 VIPOND, SCOTT McLEAN 68, 318, 319

VISEL, STEPHEN MARK 94, 489 Visel, Steve 285 Vlasak, Steven Alfred 451 VOGT, JAMES PATRICK 71 Vogt Jr, William John 505 VOGTMAN,RUSSEL SCOTT 53 Volker, Charles Robert 515

Volpe, Nicholas Anthony 493 Von Graevenitz, George (Lt Col)

225 Vondriska Jr, Gilbert Gary 497 VONSIK, BRETT ALAN 78 VOSKOVITCH, SCOTT RICHARD 16 Vosper, Todd Wesley 530 Voury, Don 346

w Wachinski, Maj 212 Waddell, Troy Thi 517 Wade, John LeConte 470 WADE, RICHARD EDWARD 65

Wagner, Gary Francis 507 Wagner, Jeffrey P 443 Wagner, Keith Charlton 508 Wagrer, Jeffrey Paul 476 Wailes, Tom (Capt) (S) 217 Wainner, Warren Scott 530 Wait, Todd David 456

Wajima, Hiroshi 497

V Vaca, Santiago Alfredo 477 Valdez, Christopher Mark 460 Valdez, Paul Augustine 477 Valdez, Victor Joseph 461 VALLE, CHRISTOPHER RONALD 40

Valle, Matt 315,455 VALLE, MATTHEW 24 VAN HAVEL, JEFFREY DAVID 128 Van Horn, Frank Lazelle 530 VAN METER, CHARLES ALLEN 97 Van Opijnen, Roeland Alexander 477 Van Ovost, Jacqueline Desiree 503 Van Pelt, Peter Wesley 479 Van Tonningen, Scott (Capt) 220 Vance, Ezra Gene 484 VANCE, PAUL DAVID 122

Vandal Jr, Robert Joseph 477 VanDeGrift, Jami Rose 474 VANDER VENNET, ELISE MARIE

135, 145,242 VANDERBERRY, ROBIN PAUL 122

Vanderburgh, John Cartwright 499 Vanderburgh, Mary Margaret 520

Vanderhyden, Peter Dolven 529


VanDorn, Eric John 447

Vangheem, Edward John 477 Varga, Attila Zoltan 477 Vasta, Joseph Angelo 315,317, 454

Vaughan, Paul Bradford 451 VAUGHAN JR, JERRY LYNN 78 Vaught, Wade Hunter 519 Veazie, Christopher Martin 522 Veditz, Leslie (Capt) 204 Vegh, Joyce Rozalia 459 Velazquez, Magel Luis 502 Veldhuizen, Frank 88,274,275 Veldhuizen Jr, Frank Theodore 494


Washington, Tony 300


Veldman, Christopher Mark 465 Vellanti, Christopher George (L) 254,478 Velten, Kenneth Leo 526

Wakin, Col 203,229 Walker, Iva (Capt) 218 Walker, Christopher Sean (W) 346, 347 493

WALKER, JOHN MICHAEL 46, 471 Walker, Donald (Maj) (L) 530 Walker, Reginald Holt 476 Walker, Scotty Lynn 527 Walker, Stuart Hays 512 Walker Jr, Larry Joe 502 Walkins, Jerome 279 Wall, Jose Rafael 524 WALLACE, KEVIN JOHN 135 Wallace Jr, Charles Lawrence 478 Waller, Gerald Wayne 481 Waller, Stephen Mark 490

Wallingford, Stephen (Capt) 204 Walls, Jason William 453 Walsh, William (LtCol) 235 Waltermire, James Bruce 507 Walters, Stephen Douglas 474 WAMPLER, JONATHAN WADE 61 Wands, Bui Thanh 420,465 Wanebo, Charles Patrick 484 Wang, Jennifer Lynn 502 Wang, Jim 527 Warack, Mark Andrew 456 Waravdekar, Jay Vaman 459 Ward, Craig 315,316,455 Ward, Fred 348 WARD, GEORGE FREDERIC 104 Ward, Michael Raymond 492 Ward, Timothy Douglas 474, 483 Warder, Jennifer 505 Waring V, George Houstoun 485 Warner, Richard Marvin 520 Warner, Russel Mark 487 Warren, Gary Ray 475 Warren, Lonnie Allan 492 Warren, Scott Gregory 458 WARWICK, JAY JACKSON 128, 242

Washington, Anthony Marcel 525 WASHINGTON, JAY DOUGLAS 56

Washington, Joseph Brian 493 WASHINGTON, JOYCE DENISE 47


Wasserzieher, Bruce Alan 478 Watanabe, Nathan Kiyo 304,493 Waters, Denise Yvette 450 WATERS, DONALD PAUL 25. 455 WATERS JR, HAROLD EDWARD 116 Watkins, J 280,473 Watsek, Darrel Robert 500 Watson Jr, Don Richard 475 WAUGAMAN, WILLIAM ARTHUR 22 Way, Bruce Kenneth 512 Way, Spencer (Maj) 226 WAYE, STEPHEN DALE 132 WEATHERSBY, GEORGE BRUCE 31 WEAVER, ANNE MARIE 59 Weaver, Larry (Capt) (A) 226 Weaver, Nichole Vernice 529 Webb, Dean Edward 505 Webb, Thomas (Maj) 204 Webb, Timothy Shawn 469 Webber, William Hayes 526 Weber, Robert (Maj) (R) 498, 499 Webster, Mark N (Capt) 222 Webster III, Raymond John 481 Weeks Jr, Alexander 523 WEETH, RAYMOND WALDO 47, 467 WEHDEKING, LAWRENCE 11 Weidner, Peter John 481 Weiland, Sue 346 Weinberger, Caspar W 155 Weintrab, Dave 262 Weirtraub, David 464 Weisman Jr, Wade Henderson 524 Weiss, Bartholomew William 251, 253, 254, 256, 257, 259, 450 WEITZER, CHRISTOPHER PAUL 16 Welch, John Kent 525 Weldon, Jerry K 464 WELDON II, JERRY KENNEDY 41 Welgan, Robert Lawrence 495 WELK, DOUGLAS EUGENE 100

Wells, Mark (Capt) (K) 226, 227 Wells, Doug 312,314 Wells, Charles (Maj) (H) 226 Wells, Mariette B 224 WELLS, MICHAEL JOSEPH 13 Welsh, Mark (Capt) (A) 454,455

Welty, Brett Colin 461 Wemmer, Mr 212 Wemmer, Robert A 222 Wenker, Kenneth (Lt Col) 229 Werderitsch, Anthony Michael 515 Werlech, Monica Mary 474 Wernle, Kenneth (Maj) (R) 207 Wertz, James Lee (Roy) 502 Wessels, Ken 315 Wessels Jr, Kenneth Thomas 517 West, Ritchie Larry 450 Westbrook, Clifford Allen 493 Westbrook, Chris (Maj) (B) 237 Westhauser, Todd Carl 492 Westin, Jennifer 300,475 Wetsell, Timothy Lee 531 Wetterhahn, Scott Gerald 523 Wharton, Jeffery Clyde 465 Wheeler, James (Capt) (D) 158 Whelan, Pete 214 WHELAN. PETER ANDREW 100, 489

Whinnery, Cyrus Clark (Mackey) 300, 451 White, Andrew Copeland 484 White, Chandler Dean 490 White, David Thomas 524 White, Michael Ivan 463 White, Patricia Irene 456 White, Regis Christopher 492 White, Todd Douglas 528 White III, Andrew Buron 506 Whited Jr, Ronald Dale 529 Whiteho, Steven R (Capt) 222 Whitley, Jamie Scott 314,494 Whitson, Stephen (Capt) (S) 157 Whitt, David R 443,448 Whittaker, Emily Ann 321,531

Whitted, Gary Alan 459 Wicker, James Thomas 508 WICKLUND, TODD DAVID 68 Wickson, Eric Alan 450

Widiger, Eric Eugene 517 Wiegand, David Paul 496 Wieland, Susan Marie 470 Wierda, Clark Bradley 505

Wiggins, Bryan Jackson 490 Wiggins, Joe 308 Wiggy, Glen 271 Wikum, Erick Douglas 471 Wilbanks, Mark Wayne 455 Wilburn, Joe Nathan 500 WILDASIN JR, LARRY EUGENE


Williams, John Richard 16,59,61, 300, 528 WILLIAMS, MICHAEL ASHTON 74, 443 Williams, Noel Flenoy 459 Williams. Patrick Coen 518 Williams, Tim 262, 264 Williams II, Albert Clinton 496 Williams Jr, John (Col) (W) 211 Williamson, Wayne (Maj) (R) 501 WILLIGROD, DAVID SCOTT 91 Willis, Anthony Wade 469

Willcockson, John Alan 471 Willers, Tina Maria 514 WILLETT, NICHOLAS ALLAN 68 William, John 297 WILLIAMS, ALBERT HARRY 122 Williams, Amanda 292 Williams, Calvin Bernard 456 Williams, Zeneo (Capt) (B) 234 Williams, Cary Madison 346, 475 Williams, Christopher Robin 515

York, Peter Lawrence 484 Young, Bill (Capt) 318 Young, Christina Marie 471 Young, David Allen 525 Young, D (Lynn) 230 Young, Richard Reed 495 YOUNGREN, ERIK JOHN 68 Youngstrom, Edwin C 446 Yucuis, William (Capt) (A) 207 Yurek, William Albed 487

Willis, Marc Emmitt 479 Willis, Steven Edward 492


Willoughby, Robert Wayne 302, 303, 499 Wills, Mark Edward 450 Wilmarth, Gemma Christine 453 WILSON, BURKE EDWIN 104 Wilson, Craig Douglas 494 Wilson, Darren Evan 522 Wilson, Darryl Lynn 493 Wilson, Dwawn Elliot 256, 464 Wilson, Dwayne Lloyd 449 WILSON, PERRY JON 59 Wilson, Peter Leonard 506 Wilson, Russell Albert 468 Wilson, Stacey 321,476 WILSON, STEVEN TRENT 132 Wilson, Terrence Van 521 Wilson, William Jeffrey 526 Wilson Jr, Nathaniel Joseph 530 Wimmer Jr, Van Allen 493 Winebarger, David Lee 518 Winger, GeneV 158 Winkler, Martin Georg (Andreas) 469

Winn, Maj Robert 204 Winschel, Mark Vincent 523 Wipson Jr, Edward Clarence 509 Wise, Bronwyn Sarah 468 Wise, James Howard 525 Wisham, Jon Kevin 471 Withers Jr, Ronald Samuel 463 Wittenberg, Laurel M 489,492 WITUSZYNSKI, MARTIN WILLIAM 62

Witzel, Joel Leonard 503 Woitas, Mark Lee 531

Wojtysiak, Scott Alan 452 Wolf, Dennis Patrick 469

Wolfe, Gary Mitchell 504 Wolfed, Michael (Capt) (L) 226

Wolfgang, Kevin Michael 459 Won, Deanna Hinghing (Chin) 507 WONG, JOHN WU 94 Wood, Jay 285 Wood, Jeffrey Neal 470 Wood, John Matthew 448 Wood, Lawrence Todd 478, 479 Wood, Lee Hayward 517 Wood, Yolandea Michelle 346,506 Wood Jr, Jerry Crane 507 Woodard, Ronald Bryan 464

Woodbury, Douglas Andrew 518 Woodcock, William Allan 523 WOODEN, THOMAS DAVID 25 Woodhead, Christopher Ronald 458

Woodley, Robed Ross 481 Woods, Dora(Z) 230 Woods, Timothy Andrew 451

WOODS, TODD KEVIN 13 Woodson, Eric Marion 502

Woody, James (Col) 234 WOOLEY, RICHARD ALLEN 94 Woolfolk, Geary Ray 507

Worley, Edyth 378 Worsdale, Thomas (Capt) 359 Worsdale, Tom 284, 285 Worsowicz, Christopher (Capt) (J) Wodhen, Norman Michael 509

Wodhington, Kara Beth 448 WRIGHT, DAVID WAYNE 116, 271 460, 464, 482

Wright, Dean Norman 525 WRIGHT, ELIZABETH CLAIRE 135 WRIGHT, JOHN DOUGLAS 88 267, 491

Wright, Lt Col 214 Wright, Clifton (Maj Gen) 213,233 Wright, Sean 262,263, 264 WRIGHT, WANDA ARLENE 56 WRIGHT JR, DONALD DAVIS 78 145

Wuchenich, Daniel Michael 455

Wyche, Kermit Theophilus 471 WYNN, ROBERT TODD 126 WYNN, THOMAS BRENT 28

Wynne, John Peter 482


Wilde, Todd Matthew 461 Wildman, Richard (Capt) (F) 230 Wile, Shelly Jo 442,506 Wilkins, Wayne Conrad 448 Wilkinson II, William Perry 453 Willard, Thomas James 494

Yong, Edward G 526 Yoo, Brian Byungwook 449 Yoos II, Charles (Lt Col) 234 York, George Woltz (Pollard) 508

¥ Yakubik, Joseph Michael 517 Yallourakis, Dimitri Michael 490 Yannarella, Carol Chris 451 YAPHE, KENNETH LEWIS 16, 443 Yarbrough II, Ancel Brock 471 Yarger, John (Maj) 204,434 Yarger Jr, Thomas Warren 463 Ybarra Jr, Roman (Capt) 235 Yechout, Thomas (Lt Col) 204 Yeomans, Kevin Dean 486 Yevcak, Jeffrey Karl 503

Yingling, David Padick 474 Yoder, Ricky Gene 479

Zabalaoui, David Lester 267,512 Zablocki, Cudis John 521 ZACCARDO, MICHAEL ANTHONY 128

Zadrowski, Bernard Brownislaw 461

Zahn, Joseph Adhur 502 Zalewski, Peter Lawrence 473 Zaniewski, George Anthony 484 Zarnik, Christopher Donald 490 ZAVACKI, PAUL 91 Zawada, Pamela Ann 454 ZECH, MICHAEL KARL (FRANK) 25

Zehner, Gregory Scott 501 Zeile, Adhur Henriks 480 ZEILMANN, KEVIN JEROME 75 Zeine, Ms 212 ZEITLER, THOMAS FREDERICK 110

ZELLERS, TONY RUSSEL 119 Zembraski, Brian 315,473 Zemke, Adhur Edward 471

Zeringue, Ken (Capt) (R) 237 Ziegler, John 251, 252,253, 255, 258

Ziegler III, John Jacob 500 Zietlow, James Allen 491 ZIMMERMAN, DONALD MARK 110

Zimmerman, Thomas Franke 504 Zlogar, Steven (A1C) (A) 158 Zondor, David (Sgt) (W) 158

Zqiener, Peter Fritz 492 ZUCCARO, THOMAS MARIO 107 Zuccaro, Tom 287 Zucco, Anthony John (Francis) 50( Zuehlke, Randy 481 Zuehlke, Shelley 491 Zumwalt, Michel Phuong 508

Zupancich, Tom 288 Zwick, Alan Wayne 480




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