Polaris 2016 USAF Academy Yearbook

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POLARIS 2016 Volume LVIII U.S. Air Force Academy Colorado Springs, CO 80840


On June 28, 2012, the members of the Class of 2016 showed up for inprocessing at the Air Force Academy amidst billowing smoke coming from the Waldo Canyon fires. Many of us had no idea what the next six weeks of Basic Cadet Training would hold, but we would come to learn the raging fires would be symbolic of the intensity to follow both in BCT and for the next four years, forging a bond among brothers and sisters that would last a lifetime.

Despite the fires, our class earned our fourth class cadet shoulder boards and we were accepted into the cadet wing. In the nine months that followed, members of the Class of 2016 withstood the rigors of the Academy’s curriculum, triumphed on the field of play and endured training at the hands of the upperclassmen.

Eventually, we arrived at Recognition, though not all of the members who arrived at in-processing had made it that far. Although it was a spring weekend, a spring blizzard rolled into Colorado. An intense year of training that began among flames culminated in record cold temperatures with snow and ice. The struggles we endured all year and

the bonds we formed were tempered by our Recognition.

This year laid the foundation for us all; it developed our character, strengthened our grit, and helped us grow and mature. It has propelled us to achieve; we have earned jump wings and soloed in aircraft, won championships and presented research, served the community and fostered relationships, learned to follow and learned to lead.

We’ve learned humility and teamwork, but to act with confidence in ourselves and what we can accomplish. We came together in times of sadness when our classmate, Jim Walsh passed, and celebrated together in times ofjoy and achievement.The years that followed our arrival haven’t been easy. We have all faced disappointment and failure, but we have all developed trust in each other, despite our differences, because of what we have endured together to lean on each other and get to the finish line together.

When we throw our hats in the air on June 2, we will look back on the journey and know we are ready for the challenges that lie ahead because together we have been forged in fire and tempered in ice.

Table of Military 12 Academics... 38 Cadet Life 54 Firsties 78 Squadrons 248 Fall Sports 372 4 INTRODUCTION
Contents Winter Sports 388 Spring Sports 410 Clubs 430 Congrats 444 Index 466 Commercial Ads 480 INTRODUCTION 5
Barack H Obama President of the United States Ashton B Carter Secretary of Defense Deborah Lee James Secretary of the Air Force
Gen Mark A Welsh I Air Force Chief of Staff
Wing Leadership SUMMER
ClC Daniel Alotta Commander C1C Blake McCown Deputy Commander C2C Krista Kelly Command Chief 2nd Period C2C Mitchell Rose Command Chief 1 st Period
C2C Peyton Milligan Command Chief 3rd Period

Wing Leadership FALL

Wing Leadership SPRING

C1C Mark Caldwell Commander n Douglass Chief C1C Matt Sprague Deputy Commander C1C Kristov George Commander C1C Zach Ankiel Deputy Commander
C2C Tierra Frankl Command Chief
- George McGovern

Basic Cadet TRAINING

Basic Cadet Training is the first experience appointees to the U.S. Air Force Academy have when they arrive starting with inprocessing day.

BCT trains appointees on standards and skills needed to be accepted into the Cadet Wing. It is cadet run with firsties and twodegrees holding leadership positions in the BCT Group. It is a six-week program starting in the summer and ending right before the start of the academic year. Training is divided into two parts, first and second BCT, with each emphasizing different skills.

First BCT started with I-day June 25. Parents said their goodbyes as appointees boarded the bus and rode off to the hill. Training kicked off with a running start when appointees chose to step off the bus and become basics cadets.

Training continued as basics attended briefings, learned to greet, took the Physical and Aerobic Fitness tests, learned standards for rooms and uniforms, and tried to stay out of cadres’ eyes as much as possible.

Intramurals allowed basics a few hours away from the training environment to get out and play team sports with other basics from their respective squadrons. First BCT ended with a rodeo in Colorado Springs, the first time basics were allowed off base.

“First beast was long and stressful, most of it is a blur to me,” said C4C Hannah McGowen. “It’s tough to remember everything that happened. I-day seems so long ago, but it was easily the most memorable.”

Second BCT started as soon as the buses arrived back at the Academy after the rodeo. The first part was spent in the Cadet Area continuing training begun during first BCT. Cadets were in bed at taps and awake at 0430 when reveille sounded each day.

The second week in, basics marched approximately five miles to Jacks Valley. Over the next week and a half, they completed new challenges like the assault course and leadership reaction course learning team building skills and confidence under pressure. Basics also kept themselves and their tents clean while continuing to learn and greet upperclassmen with respect.

Second BCT wrapped up with the Big Bad Basic finals and a demonstration from a CV-22. Basics were accepted into the Cadet Wing Aug. 4 in the Acceptance Day Parade.

“Second Beast was more physical than first beast, but also more fun,” said C4C Alexandra Cain. “It was easier to see the cadre as people and to connect with them. It was definitely a life-changing experience.”

A basic cadet eyeballs herself in C2C John Taylor’s sunglasses as the the upperclassman welcomes her to the footprints on I-Day June 25.
Photo by Arnie Spencer 16 MILITARY
I Basic cadets and cadre salute as Old Glory is raised over the BCT encampmenl in Jacks Valley this summer. Photo by Arnie Spencer (Left) Basic Cadet Isaac Jiminez cools down and rinses off dust after completing the assault course during second BCT. Photo by C3C Jasmine Jorden (Below) Basic Cadet Quinton Coleman accepts a fresh new cut courtesy of an Academy barber. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Basic Cadet Joshua Clark puts on an Academy-award winning performance during immunizations, but the seasoned medical tech isn't falling for it. Photo by Arnie Spencer
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(Right) The color guard stands by to present the U.S. Flag during the ceremony at the cemetery.
(Below) The Academy superintendent and Cadet Wing commander pause for a moment after placing a memorial wreath. (Right) The bugler stands at ease among flower-bedecked gravesites waiting for his cue. Academy Superintendent Lt Gen Michelle Johnson accepts a wreath from C'3C Logan Cowan which was positioned at the cemetery to honor the fallen. Photo by C3C Victoria Wright

Heritage MARCH

Cadets in long blue service coats and wheel caps fell in line, marching silently along Academy roads from the cadet area to the cemetery Nov. 13.

The annual Heritage March began in the fall of 2014. This year the weather was not as cold as anticipated but the uniform matched the solidarity and formality of the occasion.

The march has grown more meaningful each year and will continue to in the years to come. It represents unity in the cadets’ equally-measured steps, perseverance through a long-distance march, and respect as they focus on the destination ahead in honoring the fallen.

Upon arrival to the cemetery, the tone was set by Maj Gen Jack Briggs, Class of 1986, reminding cadets of the fallen from this year, to include a former faculty member and

aide to Academy superintendent, Maj Phyllis Pelkey, who passed away in an accident in Afghanistan in October. The Heritage March is intended to remind cadets of why they came to the Academy, why they stay, and why they fight.

“The march from USAFA to the cemetery is always quiet,” said C2C Jonathan Nguyen. “Cadets always know the importance of this march and respect the culture we are honoring.”

Through this event, cadets were given the opportunity to reflect upon the Academy’s past, present, and what may lie ahead. Cadets don’t know where their classmates will be in five, 10, or 20 years, but they know they are brothers and sisters in arms until the end, and the Heritage March is meant to emphasize that feeling. - C1CClare Sakovich

Wing leadership and a color guard lead the way on the Heritage March. Photo by C3C Michael Hurst
(Left) Graduates from the Class of ‘66 were on hand to remind cadets about the Long Blue Line to which they will belong. (Below) A drum line lays down a steady beat for marchers to follow.

Recognition WiiKIND

ecognition is the culminating event of the primary training freshman endure throughout the year. It is to prove to other cadets and themselves they are ready to take the next step towards becoming upperclassmen. This vital and traditional moment of the Air Force Academy cadet experience acknowledges that the fourth class has successfully and effectively met the military training requirements asked of them during the year.

Recognition consists of various activities including a leadership course, assault course, the Academy tour and “The Run to the Rock.” Each event seeks to challenge the fourth class to a higher and different level than before. The tests are set up to make cadets work together. Teamwork is integral to successfully completing the tasks.

“The hardest part of recognition for me was the full day of training with the Academy tour,” said C4C Kyle Woodward from Cadet Squadron 13. The Academy tour is a number of stations around the cadet area that are tied to Academy history, heritage, and lineage. At one station for example, forthclassmen gather

in front of the class wall where they receive a speech reminding them that many cadets before them have lost their lives in battle giving the ultimate sacrifice.

The idea is if fourthclassmen can push through the weekend, then they can accomplish anything. In addition to providing freshmen a challenge, Recognition gives other cadets an opportunity to develop leadership skills. The upperclassmen push the fourth class to its limits in hopes they will weather the storm.

“A lot of freshman rose to the occasion and really put in the extra effort to earn their prop and wings,” said C2C Julie Fleming from CS-13. “They knew that failure wasn't an option so they pushed through, finished strong, and culminated their freshman training. I was really proud of the freshman in my squadron for how hard they worked.”

Individual squadron ceremonies, decoration of freshman rooms with personal items, and the wing evening meal marks the end of Recognition. The Class of 2019 is proud to be a part of the wing as upperclassmen andthe wing is proud to have them. - By C3C Jasmine Jorden

C4C Matthew Sheikh attacks an “enemy” pylon with encouragement from Recognition cadre. Photo by Arnie Spencer Fourthclassmen work through some smoky jumping jacks during the post-retreat training session. Photo by C3C Michael Hurst
Freshmen and their upperclassmen cadre burn extra calories during the post-retreat training session portion of Recognition. Photo by C1C James Cardinal (Center and Left) Freshmen and seniors from Cadet Squadron 19 are part of the wing-wide formation for the Run to the Rock that celebrates the end of Recognition. Photo by Arnie Spencer, C2C Santos Jayagopal brings out the white gloves to inspect a freshman room.
Photo by ClC James

Tuesday, Sept. 11,2001, was 14 years ago now, and I’m willing to bet that the majority of cadets don’t remember the day. I was almost 8, and I recall being pulled out of school and watching my parents cry as they tried to explain to us three kids the horror of the evil that had occurred.

Every year at 9/11, as I know many of us do out of respect and as a way of commemoration, I take time to watch footage of the attacks, newscasts from the morning, and fellow Americans who would otherwise be taking their freedom for granted suddenly taken aback by the horror of tyranny and hatred touching us on our own turf. I see forecasts of a beautiful September day in New York City. Men and women walk their dogs in Central Park. The President joins an elementary school in Florida for a reading class. Then suddenly, and without warning, everything changes at 0846. There’s confusion, questioning, and chaos. Questions range from an internal explosion in the North Tower to an aircraft headed to LaGuardia having mechanical issues. By 0903, when the second plane careens over Manhattan into the South Tower, everyone suddenly acknowledges their greatest fear affirmed. The voices of eyewitnesses are filled with terror, not fear—horror, not curiosity. The President receives the word that “America is under attack,” and his smile fades.

I walk away from the footage with a myriad of emotions: I’m shocked, I’m enraged, and I’m anxious to grab my gun and go fight. For these reasons, I clench my fists. I shake. I sweat. Even now, as I write, I’m enraged. I’m trembling. But there’s one more emotion which I feel every time I see footage from

9/11 and the days thereafter - unmitigated, unfettered, and unapologetic pride.

For this reason, I cry. Every time.

When I watch the footage of the NYPD Cops and FDNY Firefighters suiting up to go inside of the World Trade Centers at 0850,1 see a lot more than someone doing their job. I see a young stock broker wearing a red bandana carrying and leading people down seemingly endless flights of stairs. I see pilots putting on their G-Suits, I see Marines checking their weapons, I see soldiers lacing their boots, and I see sailors hauling in tie-down ropes. I see brave men preparing themselves to fight evil at its source, knowing full well that the fight ahead will likely claim their lives.

9/11 may have been a victorious day for evil, but it was a somber, glorious day for all of us. It lit a spark in our national soul, which boiled into a flame for justice. Samuel Adams once wrote: “It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting the brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

We are that minority, now. If the brushfire of freedom is not ablaze in your mind, I beg you to reconsider your commitment. It’s so easy for us to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget why we’re here. I love each and every one of y’all, and I thank you for your service.

New York City, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, PA - We Will Never Forget.

- C1C Mark Caldwell, Fall Cadet Wing Commander (Open message to the Cadet Wing)

C 1C Ian Heffron plays Taps to honor the fallen. (Left) With the U.S. Flag at half-mast, cadets stand by to salute during the 9/11 memorial ceremony. (Below) A giant flag was unfurled during the National Anthem at the Academy football game the next evening. C3C Alan Lancaster pauses to honor the memory of those killed during the 9/11 attacks. The Academy 9/11 Memorial features an iron beam from the World Trade Center. Photos by 2nd Lt Cori Easter
C1C Ian Stringfield stands at the front of the Cadet Squadron 04 formation.

Airmanship DISPLAYS

There are a lot of cadet activities tied to home football games at the Academy. As squadron Morale Welfare and Recreation staffs transport and set up the tailgating gear, buses ferry cadets from the Core Values Ramp to the stadium parking lot. In another section of the stadium area, a different commotion builds as vendors and other groups set up displays and prepare their showcases.

Joining this group is the Academy Airmanship program that sets up static displays to showcase to the public the variety of mission elements working at the Academy. In addition to the Wings of Blue, that jump into the stadium before the start of the game, are the soaring squadron andthe unmanned aerial systems program. Each of these programs brings with it several airframes to assemble, for fans to view before and during the game. While the gliders are setting up on the north side of the bleachers, behind the cadet sections, the UAS program is demonstrating airpower at the south end of the stadium.

“The Academy offers a wide variety of activities and experiences for all the cadets in the wing and the statics allow cadets to showcase their talents and passions,” said C2C Leza Chapman.

The overarching mission of these displays is both to show the public the airpower assets of the Academy and to allow cadets to demonstrate academic proficiency in their program.

The chance to work with the fellow instructors encourages esprit-de-corps essential to the effective operation of these flying squadrons. The displays also attract high school and elementary school students who are interested in the Academy and flying in general.

“I believe that the airmanship static displays give us an opportunity to showcase our knowledge of aviation and show the public some of the great opportunities available to us,” said C2C Hanson Oxford. “We have a chance to reach a lot of people in the local community and bring interest to what we do here at the Academy.” - C2C Kenneth Tomlinson

C1C Cameron Kistler spots a potential recruit and talks to her about jumping out of airplanes as a member of the Wings of Blue. (From Left to Right)
Computer screens display video footage from cameras aboard drone aircraft. C2C Allyson Wells gives details on the UAS program to freshmen. A Wings of Blue member dressed as the Bird jumps into Falcon Stadium prior to a football game. Jump and other airmanship programs are on public display at home games. Photo by 2nd Lt Cori Easter MW
(From Left to Right) C1C Devin Pelletier thinks this young wouldbe-aviator might have the right stuff once the tyke can reach the pedals. A teenage fan of the Falcons tries on a parachute rig with instruction from C2C Jared Wesemann.


he Air Force Academy Cadet Honor Guard is a military organization dedicated to the development of outstanding future officers. The Cadet Honor Guard was founded in 1974 by Cadet Dan Jordan, a former member of the Texas A&M Fighting Aggie Fish Drill Team. It is an organization whose members strive to uphold higher standards of professionalism, performance, and leadership. More than just a club, the team is held together by a strong sense of pride, dedication, and purpose.

“I never trusted anyone more in my life than the men and women that I had the pleasure of being on this team with,” said C1C Jasmine Kim

These feelings stem from the common hardships and adversity endured by all team members prior to receiving the Cadet Honor Guard patch. To earn the patch andthe honor of serving the Cadet Wing, fourth class cadets must persevere through a year of rigorous training in addition to requirements established for the fourth classmen by the Cadet Wing. This training is both physically and mentally demanding. It focuses on developing the fourth class cadets through values

shared amonst the team such as precision, hardiness and self-discipline.

The Cadet Honor Guard performs various tasks for the Cadet Wing and the surrounding community, such as reveille, retreat, posting of the colors, firing parties, funeral details, and sabre arches for newlywed graduates. In addition, it also competes in collegiate exhibition drill competitions across the country and represents the Academy in several parades.

“The Cadet Honor Guard has given me some of the most unique, exciting, and rewarding experiences I could have ever asked for out of the Academy - from meeting the Vice President of the United States, to taking part in the funeral service of a fellow cadet,” said C1C Jacob Cable. “My time on this team has certainly been worth the countless hours of getting yelled at, preparing uniforms, and practicing the same performances over and over for competition.”

The mission of the Cadet Honor Guard is to represent cadets, graduates, and service members with pride, respect, and dignity for sacrificing their lives and serving the nation.

(Left to Right) A color guard unfurls the U.S.
Flag prior to presenting colors at a football game. Cadets train rigorously for the privilege ofjoining the honor guard. Having lowered the flag, cadets are about to step back to begin the folding ceremony. The rifle team stands in perfect unison ready to execute precise drill manuevers. Photos by 2nd Lt Cori Easter
(Left to Right) An honor guard cadet stands by to lower the flag for retreat. A flag detail ensures the U.S. Flag is flawlessly folded after retreat.


The Bulldog Program trains Academy cadets to successfully pass Marine Corps Officer Candidates School during their rising-firstie summer.

OCS, a six-week program held in Quantico, VA, is a requirement for cadets wanting to cross-commission into the Marine Corps upon graduation. Candidates are tested on leadership, physical capabilities and academic abilities. In order to have a chance at completing OCS, cadets must first complete at least one year of the Bulldog Program.

“The Marine Corps is a very different service from the Air Force,” said C1C Mark Caldwell, Bulldog Cadet-in-Charge. “It is our job to prepare USAFA Candidates for the immensely challenging tests they will experience in their leadership, physical performance, and academic proficiency at OCS.”

The Bulldog Program consists of weekly classroom sessions in which cadets learn skills and knowledge that will be tested at OCS, such as: night land navigation, fire team and squad tactics, Marine Corps history, and more.

In addition to the classroom lectures, cadets must complete an overnight screener near the end of the fall semester which is designed to test cadets’ commitment to the Bulldog Program, leadership presence, and physical stamina.

During the spring semester, the Bulldog Program ramps up with OCS only a few months away. Cadets take part in multiple field exercises throughout the semester which allow them to hone the skills they learned during the fall semester classes. - C1C David Higgins

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Cadets work practice land skills during training at Photos b Ci

CICs Higgins and Caldwell review the land navigation lesson for an evening of Bulldog training. (Left) Bulldogs plot points on a map and then use a protractor to find a grid azimuth. (Below) CICs Higgins and Caldwell earned the right to wear the Marine Corps uniform and the eagle, globe and anchor badge after completing OCS.
C1C Higgins is barely recognizable after getting down and dirty during the combat course at OCS.


Afull year of military training leads up to the annual end-of-year test called Polaris Warrior. This year’s event was scheduled in early April, but a typical spring blizzard belayed that order until later in the month where another storm left cadets facing the challenge in a chilly, icy and starkly beautiful environment.

“This was the event that almost didn’t happen. The winter Colorado weather would not leave us alone, even on our second try,” said Tech Sgt Leslie Cook, Cadet Squadron 40 Academy military trainer. “The cadets came back cold, wet, muddy, and tired. Overall, they had a blast and learned about leadership, followership, and being flexible.”

Seven courses challenged cadets’ knowledge of the Airman’s Manual on top

ics like chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives; self-aid buddy care; and unexploded ordnance.

A military strategic studies simulation had teams plan and coordinate an attack on a fictional target. Lastly, cadets hacked into a course computer to gather intelligence to predict when, where, and how a fictional terrorist attack would occur.

“Polaris Warrior is unique because cadets prepare and plan forit all year,” said C1C Alex Fairbanks, CS40 major training events officer. “From a squadron perspective, it brings everyone together and gives us a chance to show our warrior ethos. Because the teams are relatively small, it also gives upper-class cadets a chance to practice leading.” - C2C Rachel Curtis

(Above and Right) Cold weather had cadets eager to demonstrate fire-building skills. Cadets drift apart and fail to check six and 12 showing they need a bit more fire team practice. Photos by Jason Gutierrez
(Right) Cadets participate in the Cyber Challenge to gauge their preparedness for future cyber threats. Photo by C3C Michael Hurst

tempt to recall SABC training while the life of their comrade hangs in the balance. What will set in first, hypothermia or loss of blood?

Cadets Photo by Jason Gutierrez
(Center and Left) A cadet struggles to hold onto a frozen rope and avoid a fall in the snow. Photo by Bill Evans-, A cadet places iodine tablets in his canteen to get that “rugged warrior” taste. Photo by C3C Mercer Martin Cadet Squadron 9 pillages the hill in true Viking style during Noon Meal Formation.This squadron pride
CICs Stone Shoaf and Damon Kirkpatrick, fall and spring squadron commanders for Cadet Squadron 9, proudly stand by as the banner for 2016 Outstanding Squadron is added to the unit guide on. Presenting the award is Don Kidd, president of the local Air Force Association chapter. Photo by Mike Kaplan

Cadet squadrons, like many organizations, are outwardly similar. Each has a similar structure, a similar chain of command, and similar goals - to be the best. At theend of the 2016 academic year however, Cadet Squadron 9 stood apart from the rest as Outstanding Squadron at the graduation awards ceremony in Clune Arena May 31.

Squadron commander, C1C Damon Kirkpatrick, understood the secret sauce to a winning squadron was to build a great team while implementing a collaborative leadership style fostered around a family-oriented culture of servant-leadership.

“Our focus on taking care of people helped us achieve success in all areas of cadet life because people perform at their best when they feel they belong and their leadership and friends genuinely care about them,” Kirkpatrick said.

Theresults from establishing a culture of commitment and respect yielded many accomplishments, including #1 squadron (plac-

ing in the top 10 for all Outstanding Squadron scoring categories) and #1 Polaris Warrior. Flight commander, C1C Saphira Philson, highlights that family atmosphere with an observation that the squadron “wasn’t as cliquey as other squadrons” and “we held each other accountable.” That atmosphere translated into a strong corporate feeling where everyone was unselfishly invested in helping each other reach a common goal.

Fifty cadets assigned to CS9 shared the stage at this year’s Class of 2016 graduation ceremony, June 2, with President Barack Obama and Academy Superintendent, Lt Gen Michelle Johnson.

“It is an honor for my classmates and I to end our cadet careers with this achievement,” Kirkpatrick said. “The squadron is full of high-quality, high-performing, genuine people.”

The bottom line for the squadron’s excellence was to focus on the people in the squadron and put them first. - C2C Christy Allen

(Left to Right) Members of Viking 9 work together to accomplish Recognition training. Squadron seniors proudly display their top squadron trophy.
Courtesy Photos (Center and Left) The squadron remains at attention as they return from the Run to the Rock. Vikings sit among distinguished guests on the stage behind President Barrack Obama during the graduation ceremony June 2 in Falcon Stadium Photos by Arnie Spencer.


Atoast to the host give a moment of silence to three graduates killed in combat this past year: Maj. Adrianna Vorderbruggen, Capt. Jordan Pierson and Capt. Matthew Roland gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation.

Major Vorderbruggen was a 2002 graduate who went on to become a special agent with the Office of Special Investigations. She was killed Dec. 21, 2015, during a patrol in a village north of Bagram, Afghanistan.

“If her team was outside the wire doing a village assessment then that’s where she would be,” said Lt Col Pamela Alley, squadron commander. Major Vonderbruggen is survived by her wife, Heather Lamb, their son Jacob, her father and her brothers.

Captain Pierson was a 2010 graduate from Cadet Squadron 27 and a pilot. He and his crew were killed Oct. 2, 2015, after their C-130J crashed shortly after takeoff from Jalabad Airfield, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Jaime, his parents and siblings.

“We owe it to these warriors to complete the mission for which they gave their lives, to protect and defend the freedoms upon which our great nation was built. We must never forget them or the sacrifices they

made,” said Brig Gen Dave Julazadeh, 455th Air Expeditionary Wing commander.

Captain Roland, Class of 2010, CS35, was killed Aug. 26, 2015. He was a special tactics officer and was killed when two Afghan National Defense and Security Forces individuals fired on his convoy in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan. The captain was posthumously awarded the Silver Star for recognizing the imminent threat and giving a radio call about the insider threat to the rest of his convoy. Simultaneously. Roland put himself in the line of fire by moving the bus to protect his vehicles occupants.

“He was a titan among men,” said MSgt Jared Hodges, one of his special tactics teammates. “Captain Roland’s tactical knowledge was unmatched.”

Captain Roland was two weeks away from finishing his deployment to Afghanistan. He is survived by his parents.

These three graduates serve as a reminder of the dedication, professionalism, and service that is demanded of all Academy Graduates. They will be remembered as individuals who sacrificed their lives to ensure that others could live theirs. - Compiled from Air Force News Service reports

(Left to Right) Cadet Senior Portraits of Jordan Pierson. Matthew Roland and Adrianna Vorderbruggen.
(Left) Members of Capt Jordan Pierson’s unit speak during his memorial in Afghanistan. Maj Phyllis Pellgy’s casket is saluied-by.cade^ahce.drill. team members Is it is carried down the chapel steps. Photo by Liz Copan


The funeral service for Maj Phyllis Pelky, an Air Force Academy major who died in a helicopter accident in Afghanistan, took place Oct. 26 at the Cadet Chapel.

Major Pelky wasone of five killed and five injured aboard a British Helicopter that crashed Oct. 11 near Kabul, Afghanistan.

During her deployment to the 438th Air ExpeditionaryWing, Afghanistan, she managed personnel-support teams for hundreds of service members and civilians and local gender integration efforts for the Afghan Air Force.

Chaplain (Capt) Don Romero led the Catholic Mass of the Resurrection and Rite of Committal for Major Pelky.

At the service, Academy Superintendent Lt Gen Michelle Johnson spoke about the officer who, until her deployment to Afghanistan, served as her aide-de-camp.

“Phyllis was courageous,” General Johnson said. “Her inner strength resonated throughout her story. Over the days since we lost her, stories of her kind impact are pouring in from people touched by her positive spirit.”

Brig Gen Andrew Armacost, the Academy’s dean of the faculty, also spoke.

“Her commitment to General Johnson, to this entire institution and to her friends in the Foreign Language Department, was simply unmatched,” he said. “Phyllis and her amazing contributions to our Academy and to our faculty will endure. It is our job to ensure her legacy remains here forever.”

Major Pelky was born in Evergreen Park, IL, Feb. 13, 1970, to parents George and Dale Berlin. She earned a bachelor’s in education from the University of New Mexico and taught German language and humanities at Rio Rancho High School in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.

The Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States motivated her to apply to Officer Training School, said Dave Pelky, Pelky’s husband of 25 years.

She earned her commission as a second lieutenant in June 2004 and began her military career as a force support officer at Kadena AB, Japan.

Major Pelky is also survived by sons Zach and Alex and six siblings.

She was interred at the Academy Cemetery after the Mass. - Academy Public Affairs

(Left to Right) Lt Gen Michelle D. Johnson shakes hands after Major Pelky’s promotion. Photos by Mike Kaplan (Center and Left) Dave Pelky lays a rose on the casket of wife Maj. Phyllis Pelky Oct. 26, 2015 at the U.S. Air Force Academy.
Photo by Liz Copan\ A grave marker displayed at the Acadmey Cemetary honors Major Pelky. Photo by Mike Kaplan
- Anton Chekov

Majors' MOOT

Majors’ Night is an opportunity for the two lower classes to interact with all the academic majors offered at the Academy. Some underclassman are still on the fence for what majors they want to pursue while others are checking out almost every major to find the right fit. This decision may affect the rest of their professional lives so it is no wonder why so many cadets spend a great deal of time pondering the decision.

Instructors and declared upperclassmen help the lower two comb through the choices. These booths have hands-on examples of class projects, pamphlets and charts for explaining what the major entails.

Every major wants cadets to feel comfortable with their choice.The Academy has a wide variety of majors ranging from management, biology, computer sciences and aeronautical engineering. No matter the choice, the work will always be hard so cadets must be ready to take on their major’s load.

“Majors’ Night helped me narrow down my choices to one or two majors,”

said C3C Ryan Connors. “It was great to see what other cadets thought about the majors rather than just listening to what instructors thought.”

Throughout the first two years of cadets’ lives, underclassmen are given the opportunity to take many core classes which may help them choose a major. These core classes include basic engineering, chemistry, physics, and english. If they choose, underclassmen have a choice to move up a later core class like biology or management to help them decide.

“Majors’ Night was very beneficial to me,” said C3C Michael Sutton. “It allowed me to better understand all the possible majors the institution has to offer, as well as helped me decide what major I wanted to declare.”

The exposure to academic majors at Majors’ Night is important for the cadets to find what they are interested in and what upperclassmen seem to fit in their niche of friends and their potential loads for the future.

(Left to Right) C2C MatthewCrott conducts an experiment for cadets considering Aeronautical Engineering. C2C Nicholas Fernandez stands ready to tell underclassmen why his major is thebest. (Left to Right) C1C Ryann Anderson holds a lab rat, while explaining the Behavioral Sciences major to cadets.
Lt Col Nathan Watanabe and a group of underclassman discuss the finer points of selecting the history major.

Lt Col Kevin McCaskey, intructor from the Academy’s Department of Military and Strategic Studies talks about concepts of contemporary operations of air, space and cyberspace power.



Water survival, more commonly known amongst cadets as “water haze,” is a class required in the core physical education curriculum at the Academy.

The course covers a variety of scenarios Air Force members could possibly experience during joint operations across the globe.

The course challenges cadets to perform in minor water survival situations they may encounter in a water environment due to a failed flight over the coast, evading enemies through bodies of water or even crash survival on the open ocean.

Regardless of the situation, this physical fitness class helps cadets be better prepared and equipped with the knowledge for basic water survival.

“People always talk about the 10-meter scenario, but for me the real trouble was the 20-minute swim and the treading and drown proofing after that,” said C1CGrant

Hamilton. “That day reaffirmed that I was indeed a sinker.”

The class emphasizes the importance of the student being a life saver, not a life guard. It teaches students to remain calm and face fears in a most elementary sense to include: jumping off the 10-meter platform, swimming under water for 25 meters, rescuing a dummy, performing inflation techniques on ABU pants and blouse, and endurance swims. Most cadets are surprised with their new abilities and aptitude for overcoming fears.

“Water survival pushed me out of my comfort zone,” said C1C Magdalena Torres. “I was proud of my ability to grow and overcome my fear of heights in order to complete the class.”

While not necessarily a preferred class, it is one that is beneficial to all cadets. This physical education class promotes courage and remaining level headed in adverse situations. - C3C Madison Gray

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A cadet makes impact with the water after jumping from the 10-meter platform. After the jump, cadets swim under the bulkhead in one breath.On the other side, they self-inflating their ABLI’s to stay afloat because treading the water is prohibited.

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No time for swimsuits or beach fashion in the water survival class. Cadets simulate real-world situations where they are forced to take life-saving measures for themselves or others while in uniform.

A cadet takes his turn jumping from the 10-meter platform in the Cadct Natatorium. jump.”Ane 10-meter platform portion of water survival class is the most challenging for cadets with a fear of heights. Photos by 2nd Lt Corinne Easter (Left) Cadets practice water rescue procedures by swimming with weighted rescue dummies.
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(Below) A cadet inflates his Airman Battle Uniform blouse to assist with flotation. (Left to Right) C2C Kenneth Tomlinson and C3C Briana Chavez check coordinates for an upcoming RPA flight. Tomlinson and Chavez demonstrate the flight capabilities of RPAs currently in the Air Force inventory.
Cadets familiarize themselves with the hand controllers for the RQ-11 Raven unmanned aerial system. C3Cs Ben Cook and Chase Frankford review the lift capabilities of the quad-copter. Photos by 2nd Lt Corinne Easter

MMSS 201

any cadets cringe when they hear the words “Remote Piloted Aircraft slot” or “92T3 Specialty Code,” but some do not even know what the RPA career field is really about. There is a Military Strategic Studies class that helps cadets understand and relate to the RPA career field.

MSS 201 instructs cadets in the theory, context, and application of unmanned aerial systems in an operational environment.

Blending academic instruction with hands on weapon system training, the students learn to solve complex problems on the same platform currently in use by airmen around the world.

For many cadets, MSS 201 becomes the launching pad for leadership inthe Academy Unmanned Aircraft Science Center and for becoming certified instructors on the RQ-11 weapon system, the only system certification at the Air Force Academy.

“This classis the most Air Force applicable class I have taken at USAFA so far,” said C3C Ryan Connors. “I have learned the most about real Air Force operations here in MSS 201.”

In this class, students get to learn about many small Unmanned Aerial Systems and large RPA. Half theclass is focused in the classroom while the other half is actually training on the Academy’s UAS/RPA airframe the RQ-11 B Raven. In the end, students are offered the chance to spend their Ops Air Force training in Florida for certification on the Raven.

“I love learning about the different RPA air frames,” said C3C Briana Chavez. “This class has definitely piqued my interest for the RPA career field.”

This class is a grassroots way to get cadets involved in the RPA community. Many cadets lack the basic knowledge behind the program and find it hard to relate. Most cadets choose to stick with the USAFA UAS/RPA program to become instructor pilots and put in for a 92T3slot after MSS 201.

Regardless, the class offers cadets a skill set many of their counterparts going through other commissioning sources have not had. - C3C Benjamin Cook

Academy grounds.

C3C Ryan Connors tracks the flying pattern of an RPA over the


To help form partnerships in our military, the Academy offers two premier programs for culture and language immersion: the Cadet Semester Exchange Abroad Program and the Cadet Semester Study Abroad Program. The explicit goals of these programs are: to strongly develop cadet language skills, to form a deep understanding of specific cultures and the importance of culture in general and to promote robust relationships with other nations to serve the United States and its allies.

A CSEAP is a partnership with another nation’s military academy where we exchange a set number of officer candidates for a semester. The host nation pays for tuition, food and board of cadets in their care. Partnerships here include Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Spain, Singapore and Japan amounting to 27cadets in their two-degree or firstie year.

The CSSAP is similar to a traditional study-abroad program. Cadets are sent to civilian universities in foreign nations, but no one from that nation is sent to the Academy in return. Countries for this program include

China, Japan, Germany, Georgia, Morocco, Portugal and Mexico for 26 cadets.

When asked what one thing she will remember forever from her CSEAP to Germany, C2C Holly Martin recalled, “the German National Anthem has a very special place in my heart. I memorized the third verse of the German National Anthem and sang it at our squadron Christmas party at the end of the semester as a present to all of the incredible people who had influenced my life. It wasone of the most impactful moments of the semester for me.”

C1C Abbey Wolters expressed sentiments on the amazing experience of living not only in Georgian culture but also among a host of other exchange cadets and added her impression of “the feeling of Georgia...and the things [she] learned about [her]self will forever stay in her memory.

Selection is incredibly competitive and involves an extensive application and interview process, with some questions asked in the second language. In the end, less than one-third of the applicants are selected.

- C2C Casey Evans
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(Left to Right) C2C Kaitlyn Kent snaps a selfie outside her escola da lingua in Porto, Portugal. Cadets pose with the Beijing Olympics mascot while in China.
Cadets embark on a sunset ride into the Sahara Desert where they will be met by local Berbers to join them in a traditional meal. This experience is often one of the most anticipated by exchange cadets. Courtesy Photos
(Right) C2C Leza Chapman enjoys the local hospitality as she gets a shoulder massage with only a peanut as the charge. (Center) French CSEAP cadets with other international exchange counterparts in front of the academic building at the French Air Force Academy: (left to right) Luis Pan (from Spain), Marc Corey, Chad Rodriguez (from Canada), Julia Leithold, Alex Fairbanks, Rodrigo Escarza (from Spain), Sam Castanien, Kirsten Mattson, Laura D'Orso (from Italy), Casey Evans, Jeremy Jacobellis, Sam Claveau (from Canada), and Jordan McCook
(Left) C2C Holly Martin stands out amongst German Air Force Academy cadets during an airfield tour while on semester exchange.
C3C Jenna Gustafson pauses in her busy day to admire artwork created by her fellow students in the Permanent Professors’ Art Gallery. Gustafson’s fairy painting is among the works displayed. Photos by Amie Spencer


Surrounded by lectinars and coffeetoting cadets hurrying on their way to class lies the Permanent Professors Art Gallery. Throughout the year, artwork produced by cadets is put on display for anyone to observe and enjoy.

Artwork is rotated periodically throughout the year to present pieces from a variety of cadets with differing influences. Works from professional artists are sometimes displayed as well.

Cadets may take an art appreciation class as an elective that will introduce them to the fundamentals of artistic expression and provide them an opportunity to express themselves with a variety of media. The Air Force Academy is typically regarded as a very scientific and technically based school, but this opportunity for artistic influence provides cadets with the chance to explore a skill-set they might never have encountered before.

In an environment which applies constant stress academically, physically and militarily, and which emphasizes hard deadlines,

black and white conformity, and seemingly unending right angles, creating these artistic pieces allows cadets to stretch their minds and create something entirely their own, reflecting their individuality and personal perspective. The opportunity to create something freely, with thebarest of guidelines, may seem like a challenge at first to many cadets who are used to following instructions and solving problems, but can lead to improved critical thinking and creativity, emphasizing adaptability and the expression of oneself in a manner that does not require a solution or a correct answer.

The process of creating these works of art requires patience, flexibility, creativity, and diligence, all useful skills for aspiring leaders in the Air Force. Upon completion, many cadets will get to see their artwork posted on the glass walls of the Permanent Professors Art Gallery, where others will take breaks from studying to admire the works of their peers, and maybe find inspiration of their own. - C2C Morgan Fagnant

(Left to Right) Artist Lori Davis Perry’s take on “Medieval Made Modern.” A sign implores cadets to “be a whole person” and take one of the various art classes that the Academy offers. Self-made “Beat the Dean” posters hanging outside cadet rooms give an indication of finals success/ failure. This one shows an appreciation for American history. Photo byAniie Spencer (Below) As finals week begins to wind down, more and more cadets seek the refuge of the volleyball courts for some much needed social interaction. Photo by Brad Milliman Long hours, big books with few pictures and countless internet searches can be a great cure for insomnia especially when combined with a quiet library. Photo by C3C MichaelHurst
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(Right) Caffeine, hot, bubbly or frozen, is the cadets’ lifeblood during finals week test preparation. Photo by C3C Michael Hurst

Finals Week leads to many emotional responses amongst cadets, excitement that the semester/academic year is coming to a close - dread that they may not be prepared for what lies ahead or maybe uneasiness for freshmen because it’s their first experience with college-level final exams.

Each semester, the accumulation of 40 lessons amounts to one week of stress, unease and multitasking. Some breeze by while others dread the final 25 percent of their grade in every class. Some cadets are diligent about studying well in advance while a good handful find themselves cracking their textbooks open for the first time.

“I always study well in advance for finals, however, when the day comes, I always feel unprepared,” said C1C Connor Healy. “You never know what is going to be tested until the pamphlet is in front of you.”

Finals test each cadet’s understanding of the course material. For some, this may be in the form of projects or papers; however, the majority of finals are test pamphlets.

Seniors find they have very few finals their last year here while some freshmen are stuck herethe full week studying and testing. The sooner finals are over the sooner cadets can go home for the holidays, prepare for summer programs, or in the case of firsties, finalize plans for graduation.

“It’s great not having to stay the whole week for finals,” said C1C Nicole Gardner. “I get to go home a lot sooner. It is a sweet reward for making it this far.”

While cadets cram in the last bit of material they can pick up from a class, there is little doubt that finals week has the highest consumption rates for caffeinated and energy drinks.

During this testing period, academic rooms in squadron are always packed and dorm room lights stay on well past taps. The library offers extended hours andthe weekend before finals week is always free for cadets to do as much studying as they need. It’s an arduous week, but in the words of Kelly Clarkson, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

CICs Joseph Esswein and Kelley Kennedy dose up on snacks and energy drinks to study in Exemplar Hall. Photo by C3C Michael Hurst
Chess provides a bit of stress relief while continuing to engage the brain between tests. Photo by C3C Michael Hurst The Cadet of Steel, Caleb Guarino, prepares for a cold plunge. Photo by Arnie Spencer CICs Jesse Ramsey and Jed Lyon start pilot traing early as they fly into the fountain. Diving into the Air Garden fountains after completing spring final exams is a higly-anticipated senior tradition. Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Right) CICs Erin Giblin and Kassandra Stimpson soggily celebrate reaching the finish line together. Photo by Brad Milliman

Fountain JUMPING

Step 1: Finish Final. Step 2: Jump in Fountain. Step 3: Who cares, you’re done with USAFA Academics!

This is the moment all cadets truly look forward to. Sure they look forward to finishing up the cadet military and athletic requirements, but finishing academics, that is something that is undeniably desired.

Freshmen year, walking out of a chemistry or calculus final, head down wondering what just happened to you and why you can’t seem to form coherent thoughts. Then you look up to see seniors leaping joyously into the fountain. A little bit of hope rises inside you.

As sophomore year passes, you leave that physics final behind you and a little more hope wells up inside as you stumble past the same giddy scene.

As junior year comes and goes, you temporarily sate your anticipation with the arrival of your Academy Class Ring, and jumping in the fountain seems nearly in reach.

Finally, finally, it’s senior year and the cool water washes away all the worry you have built up over years at the Academy. You are free to live your life without the shadow of the Dean hanging over you!Congratulations Class of 2016, you beat the Dean, for the last time!

C1C James Cardinal (Left) CICs Savanna and Megan Whitaker, as well as Alyssa Boling rush back to thier rooms for a hot shower and dry clothes. Photo by Arnie Spencer
CICs Danielle Kaufman, Christy Cooper, and Binaca Franz abandon their study materials for the first swim of the summer. Photo by Brad Milliman
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A Mitchell Hall employee uncovers ingredients for cadets to use.


Cadets became chefs this fall, during a cooking lesson from a professional television chef.

A dozen cadets were given the opportunity to receive a cooking lesson from Carla Hall, professional chef and cohost of the daytime talk-themed cooking television program, The Chew.

Lesson one took the cadets by surprise: no recipe.

“I’m not going to give you a recipe,” she said to the cadets. “You don’t have to rely on a recipe.”

“I know, you’re military, you’re all about checklists. Well, cooking isn’t really about checklists and recipes,” she said. “I’m going to give you ratios. It’s really about knowing cooking techniques and knowing your palate. Do you want it to be spicy, or don’t you? Do you want it to have tarragon or Dijon mustard, or don’t you? I want you to be involved in the creation of your meal.”

On the menu for this lesson was a Dijon tarragon chicken, accompanied by a small salad and a hand-made vinaigrette.

“You can use any spice. I want to

teach them the technique to sear chicken and put different condiments on it,” said Hall. She concentrated her lesson on ratios and techniques, to build a foundation of cooking skill in thecadets.

“When they go home on leave or vacation, hopefully what I teach gives them the skills and simple techniques needed to start them on the road to being great at cooking,” Hall said.

Hall and thecadets received a healthy assist from several of Mitchell Hall’s top employees. Tommie Jones, Roxanne Baker and Kiem Guffin did the set-up for the lesson with other Mitchell Hall staff, and were onscene during the lesson to share expertise and technique with budding cadet chefs.

With the help from Hall and the Mitchell Hall professionals, a dozen different chicken dishes, salads and vinaigrettes were produced,

Hall was at the Air Force Academy Tuesday, as part of a USO tour to local military bases, giving lessons and cooking tips to Airmen and Soldiers around the Pikes Peak Region. -

(Left to Right) A cadet chops ingredients for the dish of the day. Mitchell Hall employees do some prep work. Pro chef Carla Hall and teaches cadets how to get away from “checklists” and focus instead of flavor ratios during a taping of ABC’s The Chew in Mitchell Hall this year. Photos by John Van Winkle
(Left to Right) Cadet cooks get a helping hand from a Mitchell Hall chef. Carla Hall speaks to a polite and attentive culinary crew. (Below) A volleyball attacker takes advantage of a hole in the block. (Right) The Knights of CS30 celebrate an intramural volleyball championship. Courtesyphotos C1C Keenan Meier picks up C3C Matt Salmon to celebrate a soccer victory for Cadet Squadron 27 on the terrazzo. Photo by C3C Kat Statesman r-fr
•) Cadet Squadron 26's 7.V. quarterback Rob Farley v^i stares down a defender from the shotgun during flag football. Photo by 2nd Lt Cori Easter

Intramural SPORTS

Intramurals are a great time for cadets to release stress from their hectic lives in an organized, team-based sport. The athletic department sets up multiple sports each semester to allow cadets to build relationships within their squadrons while athletically contributing to a team.

“Intramurals are a great time to escape from the stresses of everyday cadet life and form strong bonds within the squadron,” said C4C Jose Silva. “It’s a great way to get to know the upperclassmen outside of the training environment.”

Sports change each semester and are split into blocks so cadets can choose what sport and when they would like to participate. Included are soccer, basketball, volleyball, flag football and softball. Cadets compete with peers against other squadrons in their group in hopes to make it to playoffs. As an incentive to do well, squadrons have a chance to contribute points towards

the end-of-year Outstanding Squadron Standings.

Intramurals last about a month per sport and squadrons play every other day. Cadets officiate each sport as to allow for a fair and equal contest.

Many cadets played on amateur teams before coming to the Academy so they love the chance to be involved with a sport regardless of their status here at USAFA.

“I actually really enjoy intramurals,” said C1C Henry Baron. “As a student here who didn’t take the opportunity to try and walk-on to an intercollegiate team, having the opportunity to compete is very refreshing. My squadron’s (CS-09) flag-football team is very competitive this year and I’m excited to get out there and fight with them.”

Athletes playing on intercollegiate teams are not required to participate in intramurals and use this time to practice for their NCAA sports.

- 2nd Lt Cori Easter

(Left) A cadet drives through defenders to the hoops during basketball finals in Clune Arena.
Courtesy photo (Above) Caught between the bases a cadet tries to escape C1C Samuel Pearce during softball. Photo by C3C Michael Hurst



The Protestant doolie retreat this year provided an opportunity for freshmen to get out of the cadet area and experience the Frontier Ranch in beautiful Buena Vista, CO.

Doolies, alongside upperclassmen leaders, got a chance to relax and enjoy the many amenitiesthis camp offers including a hot tub, heated pool and waterslide. Cadets also went on the High Ropes Course featuring a zip line and several other obstacles. Additionally, there were hiking trails, a volleyball court and plenty of views for everyone to admire.

“My favorite part was the hike, hands down,” said C4C Stanley Ocheskey. “Being able to see other parts of Colorado was amazing. I had a great time and became closer with God.”

When it wasn’t free time, cadets

enhanced their spiritual strength guided by the cadet chapel protestant worship team.

On Saturday morning, SPIRE leaders led break-out groups where freshmen could choose which one they wanted to attend. Upperclassmen got a chance to lead small groups and meet during the weekend to discuss a variety of topics.

“It was a greatgetaway, which focused on the idea of putting God first,” said C4C Becky Layng. “I loved getting to know people and taking the time to look at the stars and enjoy God’s creation.”

The Doolie retreat provided a wonderful time of resiliency for cadets, so they could be refreshed and ready to come back and perform their duties at the Academy. Cadets also enjoyed the time that this weekend provided to practice their faith. - C4C Meghan VanderMaas

Junior Philip Strunk (right in plaid) leads an orientation briefing for the doolies, Freshmen discuss ways to strengthen their spiritual fortitude at the Protestant doolie §£ retreat in Buena Vista, CO. Photos by C3C Kat Stutesman
(Right) Junior Abby Specht enjoys a little peace and quiet while reflecting on the weekend’s lessons. (Far Right) Part of the weekend was getting to know yourself better through a personality self-assessment

Dodgeball was one of many stress-relieving activities available.

The weekend may have ended, but friendships were begun.

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Cadets form bonds of trust and friendship during official and unofficial squadron activities. Photos by C2C Nic Ouano (Below) and C3C Kat Statesman
C2C Matt Swanson takes on C4C Dean Risse in an upperclass vs freshman bean bag battle for Cadet Squadron 5. Comhole contests are a staple of squadron tailgate parties before Falcon football games. Photo by C3C Kat Statesman
doesn better squadron bonding over bacon, sausage and chocolate chip pancakes. Photo by 2nd Lt Cori Easter

More than 4,000 cadets make up the Academy Cadet Wing. These cadets are split into four groups. Each group has 10 squadrons. When cadets try to explain what a cadet squadron is to civilian friends, the most common comparison is a college fraternity or sorority.

Squadrons are the smallest functional unit at the Academy. The squadron has approximately 100 cadets split between four class years. Jobs within the squadron consist of a chain of command with public affairs, security, morale welfare and recreation officers and many more. Each cadet lives within the squadron in grouped dorms, so it is not surprising to say the “squadron life” plays a huge part in cadets’ daily lives.

Freshmen or basic cadets start off in one squadron for Basic Cadet Training and continue there for two years. As sophomores they “shuffle” into new squadrons for a fresh start and a new perspective.

“The squadron shuffle provides new challenges for the rising two degrees as they learn to embrace their new squadrons’ culture, heritage and traditions,” said C2C Kenneth Tomlinson of Cadet Squadron 13.

Squadrons hold various training activities for the freshmen class with involvement from every upper class. MWR officers host parties for morale such as pancake breakfasts, Halloween parties and football tailgates. Squadron halls hold study rooms for cadets to help each other study

and to work on group projects.

“The squadron is a great family dynamic, and an excellent opportunity to grow and develop as a cadet,” said C2C Richie Vitraelli, CS35.

Each squadron hosts its own celebrations for assignment drop night, 100’s night, Army/Navy week, commissioning and other special occasions. Cadets who may be having a difficult time with Academy life or struggling with issues not directly associated with the Academy can talk with PEER counselors - specially-trained cadets within each squadron. An air officer commanding and academy military trainer, active duty officers and NCOs, are in charge of each squadron helping cadets develop into officers.

“We’re here to train, lead, inspire, mentor and evaluate the future leaders of our Air Force and provide operational perspective,” said Maj. Charles Hansen, CS14 AOC. “We aim to facilitate opportunity, make sense of challenges, and enhance their experience amidst the officer development system. We’re proud to see and help them grow.”

One of the first questions alumni ask each other when they meet in the active Air Force is “what squadron were you in.” No matter where cadets go after graduation or who they become, some of the closest friends and strongest memories from the Academy always seem to be from their cadet squadron.

- 2nd Lt Cori Easter

C1C John Feeder and other Cadet Squadron 14 firsties search balloons for their post-graduation assignments. Squadrons often celebrate key milestones infun and creative ways. Photo by 2nd Lt Cori Easter

Every year, each service academy fights for the Commander-in-Chiefs Trophy.

The academies switch home appearances each year.

This year, West Point made its appearance in Colorado Springs. This special occasion attracts some of the Air Force’s leaders for Corona Week including Gen Mark A.Welsh III and Chief Master Sgt of the Air Force James A. Cody.

Exchange cadets from both service academies, here and at Army West Point, are the center of many freshmen spirit missions during this week. Pranks include forcing Army cadets to wear funny outfits throughout the day, dunking them in the showers and giving them frivolous tasks to complete.

“I loved Army Week,” said C4C Matthew Green. “It was really fun to experience this my first year here at USAFA. Best part about Army week? Beating them at everything.”

Besides the football game, many extramural events are set up for cadets to partici

pate throughout the day before Saturday’s football game. Cadets from both schools participate in flag football, ultimate frisbee, soccer and more. These games take place all over the Academy to include the Terrazo and the athletic fields.

“I loved watching all the spirit missions done to the Army exchange cadets,” said C4C Jennifer Chan. “They always had the best uniforms for the day. This was a fantastic week of friendly competition between these schools.”

Everyone gets hyped up for the big weekend as the events unfold throughout the week. Even Mitchell Hall gets prepared for the rivalry preparing cakes and candy bars branded with the phrase “Go Air Force, Beat Army!” The week’s events culminate with Friday night’sspirit dinner and bonfire on the Terrazzo.

No matter the outcome, this rivalry is for good sport and allows for clean, fun competition between two services once a year.C2C Ally Wells

Jeffrey Mourende De Morende leads Air Force as academies face off for a different kind of futbol game. Photo by Arnie Spencer


(Center and Left) Air Force and Army semester exchange cadets meet on the field for a “prisoner swap” prior to the football game. Ashlyn Paulson (#5) and her Air Force rugby teammates fight for possession of the ball. Photos by Arnie Spencer A giant bonfire blazes on the terrazzo during a pep ralley the night before the big game. Photo by Arnie Spencer
Force and Army cadets battle for posession in a spirited Ultimate match on the terrazzo during Army Week. Pho to by Arnie Spencer


Aibout 100 days before graduation is possibly the best time of the academic year. The end is near, but not so close that cadets have to stress about finals yet. For seniors, the light at the end of the tunnel is clearly no longer another train. Freshmen however get their own reward in the form of a 100’s Weekend.

A little more than three months before grad day, seniors flee the Academy for three days of fun. Most head to the mountains and other nearby attractions. Absent their leadership, the hallways of Sijan and Vandenberg halls are briefly taken over by the doolies.

“Hundreds Weekend was definitely one of thebest weekends of freshmen year,” said C4C Michael Grieg. “It was one of the few weekends where the freshmen didn't really mind staying at USAFA the entire time because everyone was at rest.”

Benevolent members of the Class of 2016 left behind candy and gave permission to play video games on their big projector

screens in their rooms. In return, the Class of 2019 did a little redecorating.

“For one of the senior’s rooms, we covered every square inch of it in tin foil. For our squad comm's room, we covered the entire floor with sand, put in a little pool, and made it look like a tropical beach,” said Grieg.

The more elaborate, which sometimes equals messy, the room design, the greater the show of appreciation to the senior who lives within. Anticipation mixed with a little dread was common among the soon-to-be-grads as they returned Sunday afternoon. Greeting them was a fourthclass proud of its work and happy to have enjoyed the rarest of rarities at USAFA, a relaxing weekend.

“We spent a good amount of time just hanging out in the hallways because we could and wearing PC gear to Mitch’s was a great feeling also,” said Grieg. “It was also the first time we were allowed to visit others’ squads. We could basically do whatever we wanted. It was pretty great.” - Polaris staff

(Left to Right) A senior is given a life-time supply of tin foil, carefully wrapped around every belonging for safekeeping. A cadet draws an iridescent maze for her firsties to solve.
% > i a >* 66 CADET LIFE
Doolies transform a senior's room into a fish tank, complete with fish, an octopus and other aquatic life for that true “underwater” atmosphere. Photos by C3C Michael Hurst (Right and Center) C4C Andrew Piper prepares the perfect trap to catch himself a firstie at the end of the weekend. If he can escape, himself. Doolies plant cacti in the new desert floor of a senior’s room.
(Center and Left) A cadet rethinks his use of balloons....only 2016 more. A doolie uses skills learned in Engineering 101 to construct a portion of a senior’s room.


Columbian Week is a 35-year-old tradition of cultural exchange between the Marco Fidel Suarez Military Aviation School and the U.S. Air Force Academy.

This September, the Colombian Air Force Academy sent 114 cadets from its graduating Class of 2015 and a contingent of officers on a 10-hour flight from Cali, Colombia, to Colorado.

A 20-person USAFA cadet staff was competitively selected to plan, organize and execute the event along with 114 USAFA cadets hosting the visiting Colombian cadets.

“I had a great time exchanging stories with my Colombian guest,” said host C3C Anthony LoGrande. “Getting a perspective for military service outside of the United States was an enlightening experience.”

The week’s events included a tour of the Colorado Academy focused on airmanship, training, athletic and academic facilities. This year also marked the second annual competitive soccer match between Colombian cadet soccer players and the

Academy’s club soccer team. Held on the terrazzo the South American guests enjoyed a 2-1 victory despite wing-wide support for the home team.

Other highlights included touring Colorado Springs, a trip to the Castle Rock Outlet Mall, a formal cultural dinner at Doolittle Hall, and a culminating cultural celebration at Hap’s Place in Arnold Hall.

“It was awesome to interact with a group of cadets from another country,” said C1C Rachel Ferguson. “We enjoy the same things, have similar training and laugh together. It’s great to have the reminder that we are not that much different from other countries in the long run.”

Ultimately, Colombia Week serves as a symbol for the partnership between the United States and Colombia through a rich and rewarding cultural exchange and educational event. The memories shared and bonds formed between the cadets of our academies are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that are fondly cherished.


C1C Rachel Ferguson guides the Colombian cadets through a demonstration showcasing the remotely-piloted aircraft program here.

(Left) Colombian Week staff and USAFA cadet hosts joined Colombian cadets for a fun night of dancing in Colorado Springs. (Below) Colombian cadets showcases their talent in a friendly pool competition at Hap’s Place, which provided USAFA cadets and Colombian cadets an opportunity to socialize and compare academy experiences. A Columbian cadet gets some hands-on learning about the Academy’s soaring program. Photos by C2C Nic Ouano
Columbian guests and the USAFA club soccer team enjoy some futbol. The visitors won 2-1.

Community SERVICE

Community service and leadership at the Academy is a great way for the Cadet Wing to give back to the local area. CSL is used as part of cadets’ developmental pillar for military. Students plan, organize and lead groups of cadets and civilians to better the community. Community service and leadership is voluntary and facilitates a healthy environment under the “Service Before Self’ core value.

This year has seen some incredible community service projects as a wing. Cadets helped organize 5K’s for the National Mill Dog Rescue andthe Race for the Cure, went door-todoor in the extended local area to help families prepare for fires and installed fire alarms in homes, and continued support in areas recently devastated by forest fire.

“I am proud of how the Cadet Wing can pull together and pull-off such great community service projects. Not only do cadets help out

in the Colorado Springs area, but some cadets even give up their spring breaks every year to help out their communities back home and communitiesall over the United States,” said newly-graduated 2nd Lt Cori Easter.

When humanitarian aid is needed somewherein the world, cadets often find a way to help. This can be as simple as collecting donations, but it’s not uncommon for someone to give up a vacation to do humanitarian aid under the Alternative Spring Break Program organized by the Center for Character and Leadership Development.

“It is so awesome that we get to physically get out in the public to change the community in a positive way,” said C3C Alicia Neuman, “it always feels so great to havethe chance to impact so many lives!”

No matter the task, cadets always find themselves front and center for their call of duty.

Cadets raise money at the Breat Cancer Awreness 5K Run by selling food items. Photo by 2nd Lt Cori Easter (Left) Cadets help to clean up and organize a local YMCA storage closet. Photo by C3C Michael Hurst (Below) A cadet stacks logs in Woodland Park, CO, to help reduce risk of wildfires. Photo by John VanWinkle (Left) A burnt house lostin the Black Forest fire is one of the work sites for cadet volunteers.
Photo by John VanWinkle
Who is helping who) C2C Amanda Smith sacrifices herself for a certain puppy’s nap while helping out the National Mill Dog Rescue. Photo by 2nd Lt Cori Easter (Right and Center) C2C
Morgan Fagnant hydrates during her work out at the Cadet Fitness Center thanks to supplies from Falcon Fuel. A cadet makes a selection amongst protein-rich snack options post work out. Photos by CIC James Cardinal

Falcon Fuel

Often up to a third of a cadet’s time is dedicated to the “gym life.” To recover from the energy drain that comes with so much emphasis on fitness, cadets now have the option to tap into Falcon Fuel.

With some of the finest facilities in the military, it is not hard to see why so many cadets love and use the gymnasiums so much. The new gym is only three and a half years old with new equipment arriving quarterly. Students also have cadet-run classes and training including aerobics, spin, and yoga classes.

Falcon Fuel is a dedicated service for cadets that provides healthy snacks and drinks to refuel their bodies after or during a workout.

“I always grab my Falcon Fuel on my way back to the dorms,” said C2C Ren Herbert. “It gives me the strength

to make it back up the stairs.”

During prime hours at the gym, a cadet mans the station and allows peers to take one or two items for themselves. This includes Gatorade, water, granola bars, fresh fruit and chocolate milk. Although the gym is open on a limited basis to any Department of Defense employee, this new service is only provided to cadets.

The Athletic Department works withMitchell Hall to provide food and to maintain the area. Falcon Fuel is set up right inside the north gym doors for easy access from all points: the gym, the pool and the athletic fields.

“I think it’s pretty neat to have Falcon Fuel,” said C2C Nick Bailey. We have never had anything like it before. I don’t think a lot of other universities have a free program like this.”

- C1C Gregory Search

(Left and Below) C4C Emily Graves hydrates while biking. A cadet grabs an electrolyte-rich drink. Photos by C1C Janies Cardinal A cadet records the Falcon Fuel items he takes after a tough workout at the Cadet Fitness Center. Photo by 2nd Lt Con Easter
A cadet’s ring is christened in Champagne prior to the exchange.
Cadets and guests cut loose at the dance held in Arnold Hall’s ballroom following the meal. (Right) C2C Natsuko Worrell and her date C1C Konner Moden endure one of many toasts during the Ring Dining Out Dinner. (Below) A cadet waits nervously hoping his date won’t be the first to accidentally swallow a ring. A cadet and his date dance off the remaining excitement after recieving his ring earlier that night. Photos by Antic Spencer

The week leading up to Ring Dance showed a forecast of thunderstorms the day of the big event. Many were worried a downpour would not only ruin outdoor photo opportunities, but also the formal attire everyone would be wearing. As 4 p.m. neared, the skies cleared and not a drop of rain fell. Hundreds of couples gathered across the Terrazzo, in the Air Gardens, on Spirit Hill and in front of the Cadet Chapel.

“It was awesome to see all my friends out there enjoying themselves with their dates and getting excited for this long awaited event,” said C2C Cameron Duley.

Men in their mess dressand women in their beautiful ball gowns shared laughter and smiles before heading into Mitchell Hall for the dinner and ring exchange. As the official party entered, emcees C2Cs Alec Hubbard and Alex Kronberger commenced the dinner by explaining the rules of the mess.

While dinner was being served, a surprise performance was provided by C2Cs Brett Hagan and Justin Johnson, where Hagan riffed on Taylor Swift in a rap for not saying yes to being his date for Ring Dance.

As dinner was nearing the end, it was finally time for the ring exchange. Per tradition, the majority of couples exchanged

their rings by kissing their dates, while other couples opted for a more modest exchange by placing the ring on each other’s fingers.

“When I looked down at my gorgeous ring, it hit me how close I was to graduating and how all of my hard work had finally paid off,” said C2C Lily Forlini. “It was a great feeling and a perfect fit.”

As cheering and excitement filled the dining hall, pictures were taken and hugs were given while cadets proudly showed off their shiny class rings. It was time to head over to the Arnold Hall Ballroom for thedance portion of Ring Dance. As the night drew to a close, couples filed out of the building and into buses and limousines, ready to usher attendees to various out-oftown locations to complete the Ring Dance weekend experience.

Described as one of the best weekends as a cadet at the Academy, the culminating event was unforgettable, gratifying, and a representation of commitment.

“The class ring symbolizes much more than being a part of the ‘Long Blue Line,’” C2C Averi Richert said. “It represents all the challenges that I never thought I could overcome, but have, and all the friends that pulled me up hills I couldn't get up alone.”

The Blackjack girls proudly display their rings moments after receiving them.



Walking past cadet rooms in Vandenberg and Sijan halls, especially after duty hours, it is not uncommon to see cadets showing school pride and wearing spirit gear...of other universities. With the geographic diversity present in the Cadet Wing, many cadets show their allegiance to schools other than the Academy with clothing, flags, pennants and other memorabilia. For most cadets it is a way to stay connected with friends and family back home, but for others there are bigger reasons at play.

C3C Shelly Spires of CS24 is probably the biggest supporter of the Alabama Crimson Tide football team in the Cadet Wing, and for good reason; her brother, Jacob Coker, was starting quarterback on the team this past season. Spires, a two-sport athlete at the Academy, said her family bonds around Alabama football during the fall and uses the team’s results to stay intouch.

There are also a number of cadets who are fans of schools they attended prior to coming to the Academy. One of these is C2C Andrew Klinger of CS16 who attended ROTC at Penn State for a year. Although Klinger isn’t a huge sports fan he still follows Penn State football and uses it to bond with

his friends from his previous school. Klinger faced a particularly difficult dilemma in his freshman year when the Penn State hockey team traveled to Colorado to face Air Force. He took a neutral approach to the weekend series.

“When people asked me who I was rooting for I told them it didn’t matter because my team would win either way,” said Klinger.

Both Spires and Klinger said friends were okay with their support of other universities as long as they don’t root against Air Force. Spires has actually recruited new Alabama fans in her time at the Academy.

“It’s really cool when people who aren’t necessarily Alabama fans are really supportive just because they know I have a sibling on the team,” she said.

However, even though many cadets throughout the wing cheer for other colleges, everyone in the wing can bond around Air Force sports.

“A great thing about rooting for Penn State is that they regularly play, and beat, Army and Navy, in a number of sports, and all cadets can cheer about that,” said Klinger. - C2C Phil Resnick

A cadet at the Doolie Retreat showsher University of Georgia pride. Photo by C3C Kat Statesman C2C Joshua McMillan suirounds himself in Texas Longhorns memo rabilia to keep the chainpions close by. Photo by C1C James Cardinal
(Center and Left) At an Air Force tailgate, cadets display their secret hometown team loyalties. Cadets and permanent party members bond during an Alabama game in Arnold Hall. Photos by 2nd Lt Cori Easter


President Barack Obama shakes hands with a firstie on the graduation stage in Falcon Stadium June 2. The commanderchief personally congratulated each graduate for “making it that far.” Photo by Amie Spencer Parents and family members cheer as they watch their cadet walk across the stage. Photo by C2C Phil Resnick C1C
Caleb Guarino fist bumps Gen Mark A. Welsh III, Air Force Chief of Staff, before meeting the President. Photo by Amie Spencer C1C Harrison Meyer leads Cadet Squadron 11 seniors into their places for the President Barack Obama addresses the graduation ceremony. Photo by C3C Michael Hurst Class of 2016. Lifetouch Photography
(Above) C1C Mateus Arcano happily displays the flag of the Philippines during a moment of recognition to all international cadets. Photo by Amie Spencer, (Left) C1C Samuel Sabin turns to look for his family as graduates take a moment to remember the people who supported them during their Academy career. Photo by C3C Michael Hurst


The Class of 2016 finally tosses their hats as the Thunderbirds roar overhead at the end of the graduation ceremony June 2 in Falcon Stadium. Lifetouch Photography C1C Domenic Troilo displays $20.16 carefully sealed in his hat, ready to be collected by a lucky kid following the hat toss. Photo by Amie Spencer
C1C Kaitlin Ellwein hugs her classmate with diploma in hand at the culmination of her cadet career. Photo by Amie Spencer Second Lt Corey Stader raises his diploma in victory to his family in the stands. Photo by Brad Milliman Cadets raise their right handsand confirm the Officers’ Oath of Office knowing they are moments away from the hat toss. Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Above) John Naginis and James Curlee celebrate the transition from cadets to second lieutenants with the rest of their classmates. (Right) Cadets change the rank on their epalettes at the ceremony’s end. Photos by Arnie Spencer





One of the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds crash landed June 2 in a field near Colorado Springs, CO, following the U.S. Air Force Academy commencement, which was attended by President Barack Obama.

The F-16 Fighting Falcon, the #6 jet in the formation, crashed about 5 nautical miles south of Peterson AFB at approximately 1 p.m., according to a Air Combat Command news release.

The pilot ejected safely and underwent medical evaluation as a precaution, the release said.

The Air Force will perform a thorough investigation into the causes of the mishap, and those findings will be released when the investigation is complete.

-Air Force News

Raptor family and friends fill up Polaris Hall as Cadet Squadron 22 held the first commissioning ceremony in the newly minted venue. Lifetouch Photography


(Above) The flying wedge formation at the Graduation Parade signifies the Class of 2016’s departure from the Cadet Wing and entrance into the operational Air Force. (Below) With its seniors now gone, Cadet Squadron 14 executes an eyes right maneuver as it passes the reviewing stand led by fall commander C2C Ren Herbert. Photos by Arnie Spencer
(Peft and Right) Senior members of the drill team perform prior to the parade. Firsties from Cadet Squadron 11 look back at the rest of the Cadet Wing as they pass the mantle of leadership onto the next class. Freshly graduated 2nd Lt Austin Ramsey poses with his sister in Falcon Stadium. Photos by C2C Phillip Resnick
(Above) Exuberent family members “sign” to their graduate on a mission accomplished. (Right) A proud grandfather looks on as his cadet moves on to the next stage in their life.

Bluebards perform Once Upon a Mattress for the graduation week visitors.

Photos by Arnie Spencer

(Clockwise from Above) Saber team members demonstrate precision and skill as they exchange blades with finesse prior to the Graduation Parade. Cadet a cappella singers, In the Stairwell sing with flair during an Arnold Hall show. The Cadet Orchestra and Chorale fill the Arnold Hall stage.





Outstanding Group: 1st Group

Outstanding Squadron: 9th Squadron

Academic Achievement Squadron: 35th Squadron

Drill & Ceremonies Competition Squadron: 26th Squadron

Intercollegiate Athletics Squadron: 20th Squadron

Intramural Athletics Squadron: 39th Squadron

Leadership and Scholarship Squadron: 22nd Squadron

Military Proficiency Squadron: 6th Squadron

Core Values Squadron: 8th Squadron

Athletic Excellence Squadron: 21st Squadron

Cadet Group Commander: C1CJarrod Wooden

Cadet Squadron Commander: C1C Joey Ching

Cadet Flight Commander: C1C Pawin Sarobol

Loyalty, Integrity, and Courage: C1C Stephanie Bossert

Airmanship: C1C Norman Hitosis

Parachuting: C1C Jasper Arneberg

Powered Flight: C1C Scott Lafferty

Soaring: C1C Daniel Sullivan

Unmanned Aerial Systems: C1C John Tougas Jr.

Cadet Honor Chairperson: C1C Alexander Olsen

Character: C1C Danielle Kaufman

Citizenship: C1C Denis Aurelius

Basic Sciences: C1C Jeffrey Herrala

Engineering: C 1C Andrew Phillips

Humanities: C1C John Stanley

Social Sciences: C1C Nicholas Liu

Most Valuable Athlete (Men): C1C Michael Barnosky

Most Valuable Athlete (Women): C1C Hannah Everson

Athletic Achievement: C1C David Higgins Jr.

Athletic Excellence: C1C Patrick Corona

Athletic Leadership: C1C Alexander Hansen

Military Performance: C1C Kemal Baksh

Academic Performance: C1C Jeffrey Herrala

Scholar-Athlete: C1C Douglas Gouchoe

C1C Kemal Baksh receives the Military Performance Award. Photos by Mike Kaplan
(Above) Top award winners receive an Eagle and Fledgling Statue symbolic for excellence at the Academy. (Below) CS 35 Fall and Spring squadron commanders, CICs Dennis Cook and Terry Lee, accept the Academic Achievement Squadron Award from Dean of Faculty Brig Gen Andrew Armacost.



"Be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Ian


"Vincent Van Gogh. Everyone told him, "You only have one ear. You cannot be a great artist." And you know what he said? "I can't hear you.'"

Sometimes we get lucky.

"Riley: I didn't think it would end this way. Christian: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. USAFA is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.

Riley: What? Christian? See what?

Christian: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

Riley: Well, that isn't so bad.

Christian: No. No, it isn't."- Christian Ferrarini

"Am I a pilot yet?’

Christy Leigh Cooper Granite Bay, CA Behavioral Science Aircraft Maintenance Maclaren Jarvis Davonte Brown St Louis, MO Systems Engineering Riley Denton Curnutt Arlington, TX Management Pilot Tram-Anh Victoria Bui Denver, CO Cyberspace Austin Lee Ellwein Smithville, MO Systems Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 01 93

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are nof willing fo do. Don'f wish if were easier; embrace if, grow fhrough it, and be better. - (Inspired byAmerican Entrepreneur Jim Rohn)

“If you wait until the last minute to do something, then it will only take a minute."

"We are called to be bold." - Joshua 1:9. Mom, Dad, Damian and Nadia thank you for supporting and encouraging my wildest dreams. I love you!

"For those who believe in victory, take nothing for granted."

- Pauline Ferrand-Prevot, AFTFE

7 just hope I still have hair after pilot training"

"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer

- Albert Camus, HBPB

Gregory Kane Franklin Danville, CA Management Pilot Bianca Brigitte Franz Evans, GA Behavioral Science Intelligence Andrew Jay Giezentanner Farmington, AR Management Logistics Augustus Lee Jensen Norman, OK Pilot Patrick Lee French Landisville, PA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Jake Edward Johnson Medford, OR

The past never comes back, so do not get occupied by it. You should always live in the present moment and never forget to plan for the future.


7 don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

“I know I don't look old, but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart.. .1 need a holiday.

A very long holiday."

David Hunter Kessler Littleton, CO Systems Engineering Space Operations "Question authority' James Gavin McDonald Centreville, VA Systems Engineering Pilot Marika Nicole Nemeth Palmdale, CA Applied Mathematics Pilot is hethat says farewell when the road darkens." Amer Nasri Obeidat Irbid, Jordan Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Madeleine Bennett Philpot Daphne, AL Behavioral Science Remote Piloted Aircraft 7 hope you prove me wrong." - Anonymous
Cadet Squadron 01 95
Kirk Christopher Stiers Lincoln, NE Political Science Intelligence "Brad still says no."


Attending Medical School

7 have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well." - Theodore

Remote Piloted Aircraft

I'd like to thank my parents, brother, and fiancee for helping me get through this place. Also haps.

Engineering Mechanics Pilot

In the end, I couldn't have done it without my Mom and Dad. I love you both, and always hope to make you proud.

Domenic David Troilo Harbor Springs, Ml History Pilot
is no try." - Yoda Send it. CS-02 DEUCE
Luke Joseph Villamaria Temple, TX Biology Roosevelt Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1 st Lt Monica Bray Dakota David Bottomlee Auburn, AL Law McClain Louis Cardoso Tampa Bay, FL

Thank you to my father, mother, and my brothers Tommy and Will for your incredible love and support which helped make my dreams come true. I love AFXC. I did it all for the MD Wood. Ball is Life. AMDG. “My career's like a how fo manual"- Drake.


Nothing spoils fun like finding out it builds character

Human Factors Pilot

7 can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

St Johns, FL

Aeronautical Engineering

Developmental Engineer

Just want to thank my entire family for their support. Every step of the way they were there for me. Never gave up on me. Never stopped pushing me. I can't thank y 'all or my Friends enough. Finally, it's the End! "Road to hell is paved with good intentions"

Operations Research

Shout out to the awesome people I have met here and the great friends I have made. Because of them, I would do it again.

Operations Research


No Comment Given

Patrick William Corona Fairfield, CT Economics Pilot Randy James Frost Anita Nicole Dunsmore Olympia, WA Physics William Raymond Hatton Whitehouse Station, NJ Intelligence Isaac Hunter Eilts Alexandria, LA Dalton Jacob Hayes Butler, PA
Cadet Squadron 01 -02 97

Thank you to all the people who have helped me make it this far; I am sincerely grateful for all your love and support. "Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."

- Khalil Gibran

Be the change you wish to see in the World.

On Error Resume Next

7 can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13

Thank you to everyone whohas helped me along myjourney to graduate from USAFA, especially my family.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. "The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams"

7 don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve."

Brian Michael Kruchkow Beckley, WV Humanities Pilot Rachel Yuantong Lo West Bloomfield, Ml Operations Research Operations Research Analyst William Henry Mott Spring Branch, TX Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot Jaren Thomas Rone Houston, TX Management Remote Piloted Aircraft Angelea Louise Ross San Antonio, TX Systems Engineering Acquisitions Darren Alexander Sency Peru, IN Political Science Pilot

Remote Piloted Aircraft

No Comment Given


Many thanks to my family, friends, and mentors who have supported me along the way, especially my mom and dad. I love you and hope to serve you well while continuing to making you proud.

",For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

- Jeremiah 29:11

"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
- Leonardo da Vinci

To all my family-Thank you for all your support. I couldn't have done it without you. Who's the Best?


"When is the year book quote due7'

Paul Jacob Solomon Albuquerque, NM Basic Sciences Angelia Marie Villarreal Sinton, TX Behavioral Science Personnel Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo byArnie Spencer Michael Willis Barnosky Cedaredge, CO Systems Engineering Cross Commissioning Navy Bradley David Belveal Peachtree City, GA Systems Engineering
Cadet Squadron 02-03 99

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil Engineering

You can never be too rich, too strong, or too good looking.


Space Operations

No Comment Given

Space Operations

"You live your life just once, so don't forget about a thing called love"- Above & Beyond

Legal Studies


My time at the Academy has been absoiutely amazing! I thank God for all of the amazing people I met along the way, the beautiful friends I have made, and the awesome people God placed before me on myjourney. The Class of 2016 is comprised of unstoppable individuals who make up one huge family, and I can't wait to see everyone succeed. One of the most important lessons I have learned is to put others before yourself and God before everything.

To my friends and family that have helped me get to this point, thank you! Mom, Dad, and Chase, thank you for your constant support and love. Here's to you. Blue Skies... 488.

"John 16:33"

DanielAllen Butcher Lucas, TX James Ryan Coyne Highlands Ranch, CO Management Tarina Lashay Crook O'Fallon, IL Brett Truett Dunn Sugar Land, TX Travis Lance Dutton Monroe, GA Economics Pilot Kaitlin Marie Ellwein Rapid City, SD Political Science Intelligence

Behavioral Science

Remote Piloted Aircraft

No Comment Given

Engineering Developmental Engineer

7 don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve"

Undecided "Engineering never dies"


As tough as the past four years have been, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I owe it all to my family and friends, especially my mom, pops, Johnny, and Jojo. Best wishes to my friends and classmates!

They told me to come up with a yearbook quote, I told them not to tell me what to do

Kegan Michael Garnett Spearman, TX Kyle Philip Harris San Antonio, TX Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot "CLEAR EYES, FULL HEARTS, CAN'T LOSE!" - Tim Riggins Jeremiah Ryan Hoffman Brainerd, MN Astronautical Meng-Chieh Kuo Tainan,Taiwan Systems Engineering Jesse Augustine Lannon Amesbury, MA Management Jacob Richard Lindell Greenwood Village, CO Operations Research Analyst
Cadet Squadron 03 101

Systems Engineering


No Comment Given



"There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth goincf' - BeverlySills. The journeythrough USAFA was one of the hardest things Tve experienced, but well worth it. To myfamily-Words are inadequate to express what you mean to me. Without your support in rough times, your advice when I needed help, or your relentless love, I wouldn't have made it. You're the redson I reached this point, and I love you forever! Here's to a new chapter of mylife, 02 and new adventures to come!

"Robin Olds was a pagan." - Brig Gen Robert “Earthquake" Titus

Social Sciences Pilot

No Comment Given

“I'm going to bed before either of you comes up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse, expelled." - Hermione Granger

Social Sciences

Remote Piloted Aircraft

/ am grateful for the privilege and opportunity to have been able to attend and graduate from the Air Force Academy. I look forward to carrying on the legacy of my Grandfather Major Tommy Ray Warren who flew the F-100 Super Sabre and F-4 Phantom. I want to thank my family and friends for providing me with the opportunity to serve in the finest Air Force the world has ever seen.

Jedrick Willis Lyon Grass Valley, CA Devin Reid Pelletier Windham, ME Systems Engineering Pilot Matthew Hugheston Seely Meeker, CO Amy Elaine Silverbush Springs, CA and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Kaitlin Mackenzie Stephens Fort Smith, AR Political Science Intelligence Stephen Andrew Warren Houston, TX Timothy Sinclair Wilson Lake Forest, IL Geosciences Pilot "I just wanna fly - Sugar Ray Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by Brad Milliman
FOURTH Robert Alex Blair Huntington, WV Management Aircraft Maintenance 'By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin Caitlin Elizabeth Bonner Dripping Springs, TX Management Logistics
Cadet Squadron 03-04 103
'Wake up each morning and
ass!" - Frank Bonner

"Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless. Like water. When you put water in a cup it becomes the cup... Water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend..." - Bruce Lee also Simple Tyson is Simple

Remote Piloted Aircraft

I want to thank my mom and dad for their love and support. I wouldn't have made it this far without you! “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do" - Bob Dylan

"Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where its going. I just hope I find it along the way." - Michael Scott

A huge thanks to my family and friends for their support!

"People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of."

“Don't be sad, God is with us all" - Prophet Mohamed (PBUH)

Special Investigations

Raising morale one otter pop at a time #ESET2015

Tyson Austin Bradley Ashland City, TN Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Taylor Phillip Christensen Fresno, CA Management Michael Francis Kwong Yeow Fan Pearl City, HI Geospatial Science Pilot Allison Marie Gahafer Plainfield, IL Operations Research Medical Service Corps - Paolo Coehlo Mohamed Salim Gallala Tunisia Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Ana Elisa Goddard Yucca Valley, CA Law


"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives" - Jackie Robinson


Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.


“If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow" - John Wayne

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston

"Ifs going to be Legen..."

Andrew Vicente Gojuangco Chula Vista, CA Management Victoria Ann Gullo River Forest, IL Humanities Intelligence Peace and love. Michael Larkin Hastriter Dayton, OH Computer Science Clayton Allen Logan Gosnell, AR Social Science Tyler Scott Hansen Traverse City, Ml Management Pilot Churchill Carson Hunt Lomas Pendleton, SC Aeronautical Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 04 105

"... wait for it.. I'd like to thank my family, friends, and the NSA for always being there through it all.


"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self."

- Ernest Hemingway
"We do not need magic to change the world; we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better." - J.K. Rowling
"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best."
- Tim Duncan

Political Science


Ryan James Rupel Greendale, IN Geospatial Science Sara Elizabeth Menke Murfreesboro, TN Operations Research Remote Piloted Aircraft Curtis Benjamin Staib Kathleen, GA Civil Engineering Civil Engineer "..DARY." Adam James Marcinkowski Ballston Lake, NY Political Science Pilot Omar Nasri Obeidat Irbid, Jordan Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Lucas Jon Stensberg Wilmette, IL Audere est facere

Systems Engineering

Remote Piloted Aircraft

I want to thank my family and friends for being by my side.

Space Operations

"Mischief Managed." - Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, Harry Potter and the Prisoner ofAzkaban

Computer Science

Remote Piloted Aircraft

"The question is not how far, but rather do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as is needed?'- II Duce




Electrical Engineering


The best ships are friendships, and may they always be. Blue Skies.. .503

Ian Mackay Stringfield Severn, MD Zoe Marie Van Wirt Monument, CO Biology Vincent Anthony Webbe Liberty, NY
Zachariah Richard Ankiel Morgan Hill, CA Systems Engineering
the Plane"
Jasper Thomas Arneberg Falls, Wl
Cadet Squadron 04-05 107


Andrew JosephBaxley Ocala, FL Aeronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer "Never Peak" - RGFC Kevin James Clink Sugar Land, TX Political Science Pilot "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in." Connor James Colas Temecula, CA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot in life worth doing is worth overdoing, moderation is for cowards." Alberto Jose De La Rivaherrera Naples, FL Foreign Area Studies Pilot "Hate.Love. I mean, those are just two flip-sides of the same quesadilla, amiga. The great quesadilla in the sky. Yeah." Dillon A Duarte Tomball, TX Geospatial Science Space Operations "but thosewho hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint' - Isaiah 40:31 Jacob Paul Fischer Fargo, ND Aeronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer Mischief Managed.


Civil Engineering

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totaly worn out and proclaiming, 'WOW, what a ride!!!'"anonymous.

Thank you to God and my family for always being with me.

Aircraft Maintenance

"I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder." - Steven Wright

Space Operations

Everyday is a gift, every meal - a banquet, and every friendship - a blessing.

Grad School

Thank you to my family for their continual love and support. Spent my fair share of time in trouble, but I leave with the experience of a lifetime and the best friends I could ever imagine having.


"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11 Thanks to my family and friends for being there every step of the way.

"Whatever you are, be a good one.

Jaclyn Kay French Malta, MT and Environmental Engineering Marcus Allan Hoof Plymouth, MN Biology Marlene Rose Hagen Cudahy, Wl Systems Engineering Christopher Michael Kiernan Star City, AR Engineering Pilot Collin Richard Hills Ipswich, MA Management Jordan James McCool Anderson, IN Economics Intelligence
Cadet Squadron 05 109

"Appealing workplaces are to be avoided. One wants a room with no view, so imagination can meet memory in the dark."

"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." - Leonardo Da Vinci Thank you to all my family and friends who have supported mydream from the start. You all mean the world to me and I owe my success to each and everyone of you. My success, future and present, is a byproduct of the amazing relationships I have in mylife. Here's to future success and prosperity.

"And sometimes remember it will lead to a story, which makes it forever. Thafs what stories are for. Stories are forjoining the past tothe future. Stories are for those late hours in the night when you can't remember how you got from where you were to where you are. Stories are for efernity, when memory is erased, when there is nothing to remember except that story." - The Things They Carried

“Just follow your heart and keep smiling." - Hayao Miyazaki

Remote Piloted Aircraft

On graduation day, Tm gonna have a roll of duct tape with me, and when I get my diploma, Tm taping it to my hand so nobody can take it away from me. I worked way too hard for that. See you at Map's. #IDGT

“Nearly ail men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." -

Lincoln #IWABR

Alexa Nicole Newiand Temecula, CA Political Science Pilot Erin Rebecca Oetting Muskego, Wl Chemistry Pilot Brian Takashi Reed Aurora, CO Operations Research Pilot Anthony Randall Sapell Cleveland, OH Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Corey Allen Stader Harrisonburg, VA Systems Engineering Alan James Vaillencourt Clarksville, TN Systems Engineering Pilot

"It is the greatest shot of adrenaline to be doing what you have wanted to do so badly. You almost feel like you could fly without the plane." - Charles Lindbergh

Operations Research

Aircraft Maintenance

Well, glad thafs done. Thanks tothose who helped me along the way!

Electrical Engineering


"So long and thanks for all the fish" - Douglas Adams


Mom and Dad, thank you both for your love and support over the years. I wouldn't be half the person I am today without your guidance and patience.""The soldier is the Army. No army is better than its soldiers. The Soldier is also a citizen. In fact, the highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one's country' - Gen George S. Patton Jr.

Matthew Robert Vaninger Littleton, CO Economics Pilot Meagan MarieWhitaker Paris, KY
Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1 st Lt Roed Mejia
Matthew Alan Bergstedt Carlsbad, CA Jordan Tyler Boone Ada, OK Economics
Cadet Squadron 05-06 111

"After each failure, ask forgiveness, pick yourself up, and fry again. Very offen whaf God firsf helps us fowards is nof fhe virfue itself butjust this power of always trying again." - C.S. Lewis

"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered" - G.K.

To my family, friends, teammates, teachers, mentors, and our Bull Six Ohana, I can't thank you all enough for your love, support, and guidance over these past four years, its been an amazing journey, and I couldn't have made it this far without you. "Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keephappy, and yourjoy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties."

“Love the Life you Live. Live the Life you Love." - Bob Marley

"What we do and think in our own lives, then, becomes of extreme importance as it affects everything we're connected to."
- Doiai Lama


Mom, Dad, Eric, thank you for your constant love and support throughout the years. Ifs been one heck of a ride, but you have been there every step of the way & for that i am forever grateful. Trust in the Lord with ait your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in ali your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" - Proverbs 3:5-6

Lauren Michele Brooks Kent, WA Systems Engineering Developmental Engineer Thomas David Frederick Woodstock, IL Political Science Pilot Chesterton Joey Lynn Ching Kailua, HI Political Science Intelligence Maxwell Alan Doak Fort Wayne, IN Management Cyberspace Dakotah Wayne Hogan Madisonville, KY Economics Financial Management Kathy Jisu Kim Fullerton, CA Law

Ubly, Ml

Financial Management Glory be to God!

I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. Special thanks to the

I've tried and failed countlesstimes on my journey, but the true measure of a man is how you recover and press on, creating success as a result of your failures.

"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen." - Michael Jordan


Daliin Michael Larsen Pullman, WA Political Science Pilot "Everybody likes they guy who offers them a stick of gum" - Michael Scott Alma 46:12 Marshall David Leipprandt Management Alex Patrick Ludowig Katy, TX Management Acquisitions Patrick Thomas Mackintosh Manlius, NY Operations Research Pilot MackinClan, BL, and Sponsor fam Daniel Robert Menendez Chicago, IL Management Acquisitions
Cadet Squadron 06 113
Bryan Jiwon Park East Brunswick, NJ Operations Research/Economics Pilot "Blue

Tough times don't last, tough people do

"Optimisfic people play a disproportionate role in shaping our lives. Their decisions make a difference; theyare inventors, entrepreneurs, political and militaryleaders - not average people. Theygot to where they are by seeking challenges and taking risks." - Daniel Kahneman. I want to thank my family, especiallymyparents, who raised me to find the positive in everysituation, and without whose love and supportI would not have the great 114 privilege ofbeing where I am today.

To the incredible family, friends, and team that have shaped me into who I am today, I cannot thank you enough, its been one wild ride and I can't wait to see where this journey takes us all next. Here's to you, the stories, the ships, and doin shows! Blue Skies...

Wings of Blue 481

"Well that was fun. Lets never do it again." To everyone that helped me get here, especially Rob and Erik, to Garrett, Ann, HP, Andrea, and everyone else that helped me make it through here, and of course, to Jam for being there every step of the way, thank you. I would not be who I am today without all of you.

Patrick Sean Richards Glendale, AZ Economics Pilot Dylan Kane Smith Valley Center, CA Operations Research Pilot John Curtis Stanley Lake Lillian, MN Humanities Cyberspace John Patrick Stark Frostburg, MD Management Pilot
1 I s
Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo byArnie Spencer


Ladies and Gentlemen, I stand before you now because I never stopped dawdling like an eight-year-old on a spring morning on his way to school. Anything con make me stop and look and wonder, and sometimes learn. I am a very happy man. Thank you.

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with youreyes turned skyward, forthere you have been, and there you will always long to return."

- Leonardo da Vinci

"Fight for us, O God, that we not drift numb and blind and foolish into vain and empty excitements. Life is too short, too precious, too painful to waste on worldly bubbles that burst. Heaven is too great, hell is too horrible, eternity is too long that we should putter around on the porch of eternity."

Thank you to my family and friends who helped me along the way. Your love and support means more than you know.

"Nobody said it would be easy but nothing worth having ever is."

- HarveyMacKay isaiah 40:31

"/ know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted"

- Job 42:2

SHADOW SEVEN Cody Lee Donahue Carmel, IN English Pilot Thomas McKenzie Allen Westerly, Rl Systems Engineering Pilot John Mitchell Boh Denver, CO Systems Engineering Developmental Engineer Amanda May Fanning Cypress, TX Management Acquisitions Derek John Fitle Cypress, CA Economics Missiles
Cadet Squadron 06-07 115


If I've learned anything during my time here, it's not to take things so seriously. See you ot Hop's.

Thank you to my family for supporting me. "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them."

Thank you Mom and Dad for everything that you have done for me throughout the years and providing me the opportunity to be successful in life. I also want to thank my grandparents for everything they have done for me these past four years. Wrifing letters, posting Facebook messages, or bragging about me around town, i know that you will always be there for me and I am truly blessed to have such a loving family. I will confinue to do my best to make you proud.

To my family for being the reason I came here, and my friends for being the reason i stayed, this experience would have meant nothing without your constant love, support, and encouragement."One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful"

Thank you to my loving family for their help and support, and to my friends for making these past four years so great.

"/ can do ail things through Christ which strengthened me." - Philippians 4:13

Eduardo Emanoel Teles Goncalves Brookline, MA Philosophy and Political Science Aircraft Maintenance Christopher Yooshin Jang Naperville, IL Engineering Mechanics Space Operations Caleb Guarino Diamond Bar, CA Management Space Operations Mary Catherine Kuegler Dunkirk, MD Biology Pilot Andrew Jacob Leach Cheyenne, WY Political Science Pilot History Combat Systems Officer Jared Blaze Hruby Wilton, ND

Remote Piloted Aircraft

LET GO AND LET GOD! There is no way I would have made it through the academy without Him.He has continued to put me in positions to prosper and make family and friends proud. If it is His will, it will be done. Also, I want to give a shout out to mom and dad for raising me to become the man I am today.My last shout out is for the homies, Nate and Tom. I appreciate yall being there for the boy throughout these past years. WE



Thank you mom, dad, family, and friends for giving me the courage and support to make my dreams come true. I would not be where I am today without eachand every one of you. USAFA has not always been easy but I have made friendships that will last a lifetime and can honestly say I have enjoyed the academy experience.

Hunter Evans McKinney Davidson, NC History Pilot

To myloving family and incredible Klepto friends, thank you for your unyielding support and encouragement throughout this humbling journey. “It is onlythrough labor and painful effort, bygrim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things."

Human Factors

Special Investigations

To my family, friends and heritage: Thank you for everything "I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity. MyNation expects me to be physicallyharder and mentallystronger than myenemies. Ifknocked down, I will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce ofstrength to protect my teammates and accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fight."

“Is it too late to go to Space Camp?'

Aircraft Maintenance

Thank you Mom and Dad. Your love, guidance, and encouragement have carried me through these four years. Thank you to all my friends.. without you guys I would have never made it. Thank you God, for I know I am never without Your love. Let not my will be done, but Yours. Life is less about you, and more about those around you. Don't be selfish. Help peopie. Ifs not about what you do, its about who you are. So, be excellent to each other. Cadet Squadron 07

Phillip Edward Mays Jr Memphis, TN Management Blake Wayne McCown Efland, NC Management Frank Montes de Oca Orlando, FL Ashley Nicole Moore Louisville, KY Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Steven Alan Neprud Billings, MT History

Behavioral Scientist

Thank you to my family and everyone who made this possible for me!

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about howhard you hit. its about howhard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. Thafs how winning is done!"

Computer Science


It would really be a shame if this worked... DROP TABLE quotes; -

It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child; well, it definitely took an Academy to raise an officer. Thanks to all my family, friends, instructors, and countless random people who made this possible; I certainly could nothave done it without your help! General George S. Patton said it best, "You are always on parade." Stay classy 2016!

"Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened." - Dr. Suess

Andrew Stephen Parks Austin, TX Behavioral Science Jacob Hannan Redito Melbourne, FL Systems Engineering - Aeronautics Pilot Ella Yuryevna Sidor Renton, WA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Zachary Thomas Todd Navarre, FI
Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1st Lt Andrew Bathurst



"If God is for us, who can be against us" - Romans 8:31

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard baffle." - Ian Maclaren

A big thanks to everyone who provided a helping hand over the last four years.

"And he, rebellious, asks for storms... as if in storms there is peace." - Mikhail Lermontov I am grateful to God for my parents, my siblings, my friends, my mentors, and for the United States Air Force Academy. Yes, this is a day of miracles.

EAGLE EIGHT Thomas Michael Cowie Harrison, OH Aeronautical Engineering Aeronautical Engineer Austin James Bolinger Creston, IA Computer Engineering Pilot Zachary John Eberl Olympia, WA Economics Pilot Akokwe Felicia Clement Long Beach, CA Management Aircraft Maintenance Jordan Bryce Garcia Richfield, UT Military Stategic Studies Intelligence
Cadet Squadron 07-08 119

No Comment Given

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers..- Henry V byShakespeare. Thank you to my family, my teammates, my squadmates, my friends, and my Baby Raptors for sticking by me and always being there to pick me up. This place and experience has meant the world to me.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9

Lets be honest, I was paid to earn a degree in educated guessing, travel the country, jump out of planes, workout, and create positive friendships, among other opportunities. Now, I am to be commissioned into the world's best Air Force.

For all the support and love I received during the highs and lows, i want to thank my dad, mom, brother, and fiance.

"Be true to your work, your word, and your friend." - Henry David Thoreau

Thank you to my family and friends for all of the love and support. "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Aldus Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"

Robert David Goodno Woodstock, CT English Pilot Jonathan Michael Graham Vienna, VA Systems Engineering Pilot Travis John Hodos Hillsdale, Ml Meteorology Missiles Grant Augustus Hamilton Idabel, OK History Pilot Erica Lynn Lewandowski Houston, TX Systems Engineering Cyberspace Lucas Aaron Guthrie Aurora, MO Civil Engineering Pilot



"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.. .Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide."

Thank you Mom for everything you did to get me here. Thank you Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Ej, Auntie Lisa, Uncle Vince, Kim, Uncle Andre, Kai, Lana, Zai. Love you guys. Si ydus mdase.

Geosciences Intelligence

"All's well that ends better." - The Gaffer

Biochemistry Air Battle Manager

"What we do now echoes in eternity' - Marcus Aurelius

Management Pilot

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness Charles Dickens.

Thank you to all my family (especially Mom and Dad), friends, and coaches that have helped, supported, and loved me along the way.

Remote Piloted Aircraft

Stumbled, but did not fall.

Behavioral Science


Be proud of who you are and what you do.

Rico Vicente Mendiola Santa Rita, Guam Shaun Scott Millar Kailua, HI Scott Alexander Reilly Stafford, VA William Calvin Robe Athens, OH Yohance Ajamu Salimu Los Angeles, CA Geosciences Olivia Mary Strom Fort Walton Beach, FL
Cadet Squddron 08 121

Legal Studies


"If you can dream it, you can do" Thank-you to all my family(especially my sis Joselle) for your love and support!

Ifs impossible that I could be here without the help of my family and friends. Thanks so much, I owe you guys everything. "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

Why be tired, when you can nap

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for the next generation to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - Ronald Reagan I can't thank my family enough for the constant love and support. To my brothers: Time to pay the man."Here am I; send me." - Isaiah 6:8"

Magdalena Mae Torres Fredonia, NY Eric Joseph Wardner Westfield, MA Computer and Network Security Cyberspace Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training, Photo by 1 st Lt Andrew Bathurst
Nicholas Krukonis Adams Parker, CO Computer Science Pilot Daniel Joseph Alotta West Islip, NY Management Pilot

"If you come to a fork in the road, take it."

To God and my family, thank you for everything: I will never forget your undying love and support, I'll continue to make you proud! To my Vikings, thank you for making our squadron the best; stay awesome! USAFA, its been wild, but I know that I'm now more prepared to do great and wonderful things in the Air Force. Thanks all, its been a blast'" Philippians 1:6

"The night is darkestjust before thedawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming." i don't think fve ever found a more perfect quote to describe the Academyexperience. Yeah, it gets reallytough but if you keep your head up and work to persevere, you will be successful. I want to thank all of myfriends and familyboth at the Academy and back home fortheir support and for sticking with me these four long years, its been one hell of a ride!"

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." -Leonardo da Vinci

"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide." -

There have been manyhighs and lows, but I cannot thank myfamilyand friends enough fa the love and supporttheyhave given me. I couldn't have done it without all of you.

The experiences and memories I have gained will never be forgotten. "One more dance along the razofs edge finished. Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriouslyalive, today, Death comes to us all; we can onlychoose how to face it when it comes." -


Cadet Squadron 08-09 123

Sean Michael Bapty Albuquerque, NM Electrical Engineering Pilot -Yogi Berra Henry Alan Baron Olney, MD Computer Science Pilot Nicholas Lee Bode West Linn, OR Management Pilot Jayna Marie Dodd Meridian, CA Foreign Area Studies Intelligence Anthony Joseph Franze Wading River, NY Systems Engineering Pilot Andrew Thomas Holba Chesterton, IN Computer Science Remote Piloted Aircraft



Springs, CO

Aeronautical Engineering

Developmental Engineer/ Aeronautical Engineering

"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved,"

- President Thomas S. Monson


Remote Piloted Aircraft

No Comment Given

Financial Management

To myfamily, my teammates, and myfellow Deucers and Vikings: thank you for your fellowship, your support and your love.

"From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remember'd: We few, we happyfew, we band of brothers. "Valhalla-holla!"

Benjamin Edgar Nicholson

Civil and Environmental Engineering Intelligence

"My middle name is 'Edgar"' - Benjamin Edgar Nicholson

Joseph Linwood Houston Asheville, NC Remote Piloted Aircraft GumbV - NC-019 Damon Oliver Kirkpatrick Colorado Robert Lei Richmond, VA Economics Pilot don't wanna sit around watching you 'give it your best.' Either stop sucking or get the hell out of the wa/' - Anonymous Mary Willa McElwee San Francisco, CA Management Christian Matthew Lahman Colorado Springs, CO


Space Operations

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go." - Dr Seuss Thank you to my family and friends for all of their love and support. I would not have made it without you! #WEMADEIT


Space Operations

We must never acquiesce, for it is together that we prevail.

Political Science Intelligence

7 have no special talent, i am only passionately curious." - Albert Einstein

I'd like to thank God, my family, my friends, and my supporters for pushing me to accept no limit in pursuing my goals. More importantly, to those of you who keep me honest in these pursuits and worthy of WimbroWs The Man In The Glass.

John 15:13

Saphira Yasmine Philson Naples, FL Jon Satcher Naples, FL Stone Eisenhower Shoaf Alamogordo, NM
Cadet Squadron 09 125
Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1st Lt Andrew Bathurst



Drake once said "Started fromthe bottom now we here" and we are indeed “here"

I am deeply humbled by the opportunities that lay in front of me and the tremendous support of my family and friends. From the first day of acceptance, I have never felt alone because of your love and support. Thank you with all of my heart. Isaiah 40:31.

LIFE is short live every moment. FORGIVE quickly. KISS slowly. LOVE without fear. lAUGFi uncontrollably, and NEVER REGRET anything that made you SMILE.


Behavioral Scientist

"Small interactions and effortless acts of kindness can mean the difference between failure and success, pain and pleasure- or becoming the people we loath or love to become. We are more powerful than we realize.." - The Other Wes Moore...

Thanks for everything, dad

"It's not enough to fight for a better world: we also have to live lives worth fighting for."
- Eric Greitens
TEN Vaughn Quintin Campbell Orlando, FL Systems Engineering Pilot Ariel Lynn Bingaman Fort Collins, CO Engineering Mechanics Pilot Stephanie Ann Bossert Military Family Behavioral Alexander Charles Crandell Penfield, NY Systems Engineering Pilot "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him" - G.K. Chesterton Sage Andrew Cunningham Reno, NV Foreign Area Studies/Geospatial Science Pilot



"Why are you not a doctor yet?' - Mom



Well, thafs the most funI've ever had, and I never want to hove it again! “Nowto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen."

- Ephesians, 3:20-21

Computer Science


7 have not failed. I've just found i 0,000 ways that won't work" - Thomas Edison

Systems Engineering Pilot

"The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greaterjoy than to have on endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."

- Alexander Supertramp Blue Skies...

Computer Science

Special Tactics Officer

The nation that will insist on drawing a broad line ofdemarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking done by cowards

Behavioral Science

"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place." - Unknown

Matthew Lawrence Duenes San Juan Capistrano, CA Brock Mitchell Flieger Winsted, CT Joshua Alexander Farris Hendersonville, TN Political Robert Owen Graves Brentwood, TN Thomas Jonathan Fitzgerald Juliette, GA Courtney Elisabeth Gunning Auburn, CA
Cadet Squadron 10 127

"You are on a warpath and at this rate you're not going to graduate."

- Major Granistosky, CS-34 AOC, Spring 2013


The shortest distance between any two points is currently under construction

I'd like to thank the most influential person in my life - myself. Without me, none of this would have been possible.

TX Management

Remote Piloted Aircraft

Momma didn't raise no quitter.

Bioenvironmental Engineering

"We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive." - CS Lewis

Behavioral Science


"It Ain't About How Hard You Hit.. .Its About How Hard You Can Get Hit and Keep Moving Forward." - Rocky 1 Cor. 10:31

Karl Matthew Hellwig Kalispell, MT Biochemistry Grad School Timothy Scott James Grapevine, TX Management Aircraft Maintenance Jacob Austin Kirkland Texarkana, Brendan Thomas Robert Mallory Yuba City, CA Economics Operations Stephanie Anna Ohms Lake Winnebago, MO Biology Taylor Brianne Parker Bozeman, MT

Everything that is yet to come has already been decided, all we have to do is play it out. You have to be a winner.

No comment available


I slipped the surly bonds ot Earth 482 times, but I never maxed the standing broad jump. Blue Skies...

7 know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, i'll go to it laughing.

- Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything. Now, bring me that horizon... RGFC'

"He has told you, O man, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you? To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8

Jason Anthony Sanchez San Antonio, TX Foreign Area Studies Pilot Marcial Antonio St John Gilbert, AZ Management Pilot Otto Dalton Sunday McAllen, TX Management Aircraft Maintenance Jaron Joshua Swinburn Rancho Cucamonga, CA Physics Pilot man ever steps in the same river twice, for its not the same river and he's not the same man." - Heraclitus Daniel Everett Sullivan Bettendorf, IA Civil Engineering Pilot Brian Lucas Tolle Murrieta, CA Astronautical Engineering Remote Piloted Aircraft
Cadet Squadron 10 129
Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1st Lt Lee Wise
Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1st Lt Andrew Bathurst



History Pilot

Someone once told me thedefinition of Hell: The last day you have on this Earth, the person you became meets the person you could have become.


Doylestown, PA Management Space Operations

"Been handlin' the game so long, my thumbs bruised" - Lil Wayne

Mechanical Engineering


"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." - Faramir; "Finally, from so little sleep and so much reading, his brain dried up and he went completely out of his mind." - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; 7 love lamp." - Brick Tamland; If I have 480 characters, damnit I'm using them all.

Thomas Christian

Chatham, NY Biology

Remote Piloted Aircraft

'T/d a pirate fm a saboteur" - Mark Lupfer

"They drew an eyepatch on my face and a hook on my hand and I can't get it off' - Mark Lupfer "Guys I can't find mypanK - Grayson Gist "Don't tell me where to park"- Alex Leaf "The goggles are to hold my glasses on my face" - Sean Richards "No I want MY twenty dollar bill back that one isn't mine"-Alex Leaf 7 going to kick everything as soon as you leave the room" - Alex Leaf "Tm not going any further- Cassie on Eagle's Peak

Meteorology Weather

"...The world ...Its a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. Its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. Thafs how winning is done!" - Rocky Balboa

Cadet Squadron 10-11 131

Daniel Richard Coutts Hawley, PA Colin Thomas Asbury Potomac, MD Davis Coleman David Ryan Fisher Peggs, OK

"It could be worse...You could be Gus." - Me



"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end."
- Ernest Hemingway

Piloted Aircraft

"Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn."

- C.S. Lewis

“How can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods?'
- Thomas Babington Macaulay

Mathematical Sciences

Space Operations

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. But sometimes life gives you grapefruits, and nobody likes grapefruits.

Joseph Peter Haug Rocklin, CA Operations Research Scientific Analyst Jacob Peter Jablonski Amherst, NY Geospatial Science Stephen Michael Jones Williamstown, NJ Management Remote Harrison Lee Meyer Somers, NY Geosciences Pilot are not Stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve, they are cathedrals where I practice my religion" Anatoli Boukreev Rachel Nicole Powell Watkinsville, GA History Intelligence Joshua Russell Quarderer San Antonio, TX
- Rondld Reagan
"Going in one more round when you don't think you can - thafs whatmakes all the difference in your life."
- Rocky Balboa


"Who's the best?'

Dana Elaine Sanelli Arvada, CO Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Don't sacrifice good enough on the altar of perfection." - Col Christ Christian Michael Soldau San Diego, CA Law Pilot 7 take my shirt off because the bad feelings make me feel sweaty' - Andy Dwyer Kassandra Jo Stimpson Ingleside, IL Economics Pilot GOODBYE Mitchell Hall Jacob Allen Tate Chesapeake, VA Physics Pilot you see, the character that takes command in moments of crucial choices has already been determined. It has been determined by a thousand other choices made earlier in seemingly unimportant moments. Because when life does get tough, and the crisis is undeniably at hand, we will find nothing inside ourselves that we havenot alreadyput there." Marcel Turner Colorado Springs, CO Behavioral Science Personnel Matthew Allen Walls Ellicott City, MD Systems Engineering
Cadet Squadron 11 133

Financial Management

7 have asked one thing from the Lord; it is what I desire: todwell in the house of the Lord allthe days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the Lord and seeking Him in His temple." Psalm 27:4


"Everything happens for a reason" - Mom

“So when's the next rave?'

Brooke Anne Wheeler Suwanee, GA Management 1 2th SQUADRON CS-12 DIRTY DOZEN Asia Domonique Williams Pflugerville, TX Behavioral Science Logan Marshall Braadt Des Moines, IA Aeronautical Engineering and Applied Math Pilot Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1st Lt Roed Mejia Matthew Stephen Burzenski Annapolis, MD Operations Research Pilot Stealth is the key to airpower and surviving the Acddemy.
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."



I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
"Either you run the day or the day runs you"

It makes sense if you don't think about it


“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—norlose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute Wrth sixtysecond^ worth ofdistance run, Yours is the Earth and everything thafs in it, And—which is more—yoUH be a Man, myson!"
- RudyardKipling

Aeronautical Engineering

Aeronautical Engineer

"Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own." - Elaine Maxwell.

Hunter Brouillette Corpus San Diego, CA Systems Engineering Pilot Daniel Deen Eichman Dubuque, IA Computer Engineering Developmental Engineer shall I send, and who will go for Us?' James Brandon Curlee Douglasville, GA Engineering Mechanics Pilot Matthew McGowan Fischer Whitehouse Station, NJ Systems Engineering Austin Campbell Duncan Dublin, OH Economics Logistics Muhammad Sahir Javed Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Cadet Squadron 11-12 135

They didn't let me do it my way.

"Once more into the fray... Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day." I did it for a day, I did it for a month, I did it for a year, and I somehow did it for three more. Never lose faith. C,C,R.

It was the most fun I would never want to do twice.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

"It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."
- Charles Dickens and Batman

Don't worry guys, I'll probably end up in Cyber eventually

Jared Scott Koch Lake in the Hills, IL Management Air Liaison Officer Jason Lee Linderman Bakersfield, CA Computer Science Pilot Mikaela Lee Lockwood Los Angeles, CA Behavioral Science Space Operations Walker Heyl Loeffler Medfield, MA History' Intelligence Caleb Scott Myhre Sago, WV Engineering Mechanics Army Infantry Justin Scott Niquette St. Petersburg, FL Computer and Network Security Pilot

"Unless someone like you cores a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.Its not." - Dr. Suess


Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so thatafter I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

Space Operations

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky

"I think we stay the same, but grow I guess a little bit..." To myM.S.I.C., in our rise to the top."





"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wing like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."- Isaiah, 40:31

Patricia Ann Pasque Clinton Twp, Ml Engineering Mechanics Pilot Zachary Christian Paulson Dublin, CA Computer Science Cara Jeanne Renaud Centennial, CO Behavioral Science Personnel you ask if I fall?' Oh my darling, What if you fly? Mary Margaret Sherrill Littleton, CO Management Pilot for the adventure-now go have a new one!" Natalia Pinto Coconut Creek, FL Geosciences Benjamin Nelson Stallmann Hartland, VT Geosciences Pilot
Cadet Squadron 12 137

"These things I have told you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory'

"If a man does nothave sauce, then he is lost. But you can also get lost in the sauce"

- Gucci Mane

"I'm not a rocket scientist. I'm not even any sort of scientist, nor am I a rocket' - Dom Mozzetti

Westley Lawrence Williams Savannah, GA Economics Pilot Konner David Witt Oak Harbor, OH Economics Intelligence Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1 st Lt Monica Bray
Kalon Lavon Baker Atlanta, GA Management Missiles Jackson Potts Bell Mt. Pleasant, IA Physics Physicist

“Even when the road is hard, never give up." - 2Pac "Strength

- SandhurstAdage

Stop reading this yearbook and go do something useful with your life!

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss: Thanks for everything Mom and Dad, and everyone else who made this possible!


"You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read."

"Find something you're willing to die for and then go live for it." - Miles Dahlby

"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required." James 12:48

Steven Louis Brandt Leonardtown, MD Political Science David Anthony Emanuel Jacksonville, FL Systems Engineering Developmental Engineer Michael Anthony Bourgelais Staten Island, NY Geosciences Special Tactics Over Technique" Rachael Margaret Bradley Powers Albuquerque, NM Management Logistics Soren Alma Christensen Operations Research Dentist Daniel Chase Dahlby Casper, WY Systems Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 12-13 139

"Ask yourself 'Can I give more7 The answer is usually 'Yes'" - Paul Tergat. - AMDG

I'm pretty sure there's a lot more tolife than being really,really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.


"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens" -


"Being so well-rounded, I feel almost pointless!"

Finallyretiring from school and could not be more excited! Time to slip some surliest

Good. Then we will fight in the shade

Joseph Michael Esswein Saint Louis, MO Law Pilot Caitlin Ann Faimon Nashville, TN Biology J.R.R. Tolkien Keith Reyes Garlow Garden Grove, CA Geosciences Intelligence Jeremy Joseph Gruszka Chicago, IL Computer Engineering Pilot Stone Alan Frankford Colorado Springs, CO Biology Alexander Gulua Tbilisi, Georgia Law Army Infantry
"Loyalty is a two-way street. If I'm asking for it from you, then you're getting it from me."
- HarveySpecter





"All you have to do to win is rise each time

Some of my classmates will fly, but I am Big Bird; I will soar. Documentation: Dane Richardson

Madness is somewhere in between chaos and having a dream

Kaylee Kostka Heyburn, ID Civil Engineering Civil Engineering pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Winston Churchill Kevin Paxton Mihalik San Diego, CA Military and Strategic Studies Missiles Anna Maria Olesinski Roswell, NM Behavioral Science Intelligence you fall." Robert Hunter Richardson Jefferson City, MO Systems Engineering Pilot Clay Steven Nordhaus Maumee, OH second mouse gets the cheese; work smarter, not harder. Lindsey Nicole Stimeling Chesapeake, VA Political Science Intelligence
Cadet Squadron 13 141

Developmental Engineer

Do engineers play with legos all day?


Pilot - Lithuanian Air Force

I didnt get lucky, I (simply) did it.

"Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." - Michael Scott

Brady Christopher Weaver Bridgeport, WV Management Acquisitions "Women. Can't live with em, can't live underwater either." - Dom Mazzetti Adam Joseph Wilkins McKinney, TX Chemistry Gytenis Borusas Naujoji Akmene, Lithuania Electrical Engineering Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1 st Lt Monica Bray Miranda Leigh Bray Madill, OK Systems Engineering Pilot

7 may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I ended up where I needed to be."

Thanks to my friends and family for all the love and support, I couldnt have done it without you; especially you, Daddieo. Wargamers, Hawgs, and Cobras, its been fun. Lets get out of here. "Ya gotta want if'

Sometimes its the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our tight, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We are all meant to shine, as children do. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln

/ want to thank my friends and family that have always supported me through this journey. I wouldn't have been able to do it without them being there for me. “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."

Timothy Dillon Bush Spokane, WA Systems Engineering Pilot Douglas Adams. Michael Tyler Canaan Fairfield, OH Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Jon Adam Feedar Williams Bay, Wl Astronautical Engineering Pilot Rachael Anne Ferguson San Francisco, CA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Marc Claren Corey Puyallup, WA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Nicole Marie Gardner Hastings, Ml Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 13-14 143

Social Sciences Combat Systems Officer

7 firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of baffle - victorious."

“In the dust of defeat as well as the laurels of victory there is a glory to be found if one has done his best." - Eric

"All which is necessary for the forces of evil to triumph in this world is that good men do nothing."

- Edmund Burke

and Environmental Engineering Grad School

Whimsy doesn't care if you are the driver or the passenger; ail that matters is that you are on your way." - Bob Goff

“For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has naught. To say the things he truly feels And not the words of one who kneels. The record shows I took the blows-And did it my way!"

“The Dude abides." -The Dude

“That Fireball whiskey whispers temptation in my ear, its a feeling all right Saturday night and thafs how we do it round here"

- Florida Georgia Line

Connor James Healy Castle Rock, CO Nolan James Mayhew Colorado Springs, CO English Logistics Liddell Robert Lynn Kephart Arlington, WA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Ryan Wilgus Kissinger Beckley, WV Civil Matthew Alan Medara Bellevue, NE Systems Engineering Pilot Eric Qing Meng Danville, CA Computer Science Cyberspace

"Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain" - Jack Kerouac "It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well."

"Oh, Johnny' - Borusas

American History

Remote Piloted Aircraft

“My teeth weren't that good to begin with, so hopefully I can get some better ones."

- Duncan Keith

"Being an RPA Pilot is not that bad!" -Tugboat "Do everything you need to do to keep the passion alive and never forget that it is a privilege to do what you love."

7 can't change the direction of the wind,

No Comment Given but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination" - Jimmy Dean AFTFE


Remote Piloted Aircraft

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows, it is a very mean and nastyplace. It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. Thafs how winning is done!"

"So it goes" - Kurt Vonnegut

John Joseph Naginis Sylmar, CA Systems Engineering Pilot John Paul Tougas Pawtucket, Rl Austin Trey Rohrer Concord, NC Systems Engineering Pilot John Paul Terragnoli Williamsville, NY Computer Engineering Pilot Anne Marie Von Seggern League City, TX Political Johannes Carl Weinberg Garden Grove, CA Engineering Mechanics Pilot
Cadet Squadron 14 145


"So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless."

1 Corinthians 15:58

Thank you Mom, Dad, Ben, and Anna for supporting me in every step of the way. I would have never made it this far without your love and motivation.

William Hunter Wright Boulder City, NV Systems Engineering Pilot "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory." - Indiana Jones "Who's the best?' Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1 st Lt Roed Mejia
John Reed Allen Jr Calhoun, GA Systems Engineering- Human Factors Developmental Engineer Nicholas William Belinski Aspen, CO Geosciences Pilot

My God can do ALL things as long as we are willing to ask. He blessed me with the perfect woman to serve as my mother and I am eternally grateful to have her by my side throughout the journey of life. Without those two vital parts, I am nothing. "Speak your dreams intoexistence and they will become reality." - Mama George

"May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields and, Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

No Comment Given

"Don't put something dumb for your yearbook quote," - Mom

""Sit tall in the saddle, Hold your head up high Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky And live like you ain't afraid to die And don't be scared, just enjoy your ride."
- Chris LeDoux"

7 hate college but love all the parties."

Kristov Subero George Melissa, TX Engineering Mechanics Developmental Engineer Ryan James Grimes Fairfield, CA Astronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer Bailee Nicole Harnett Birmingham, AL Management Intelligence Sutton James Hernandez Huntsville, AL Computer Science Pilot Sarah Allison Hill Elkhorn, NE Meteorology Weather O’Neil McClellan Hughes Bellevue, WA Economics, Management Pilot
Cadet Squadron 14-15 147


"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you maybe mature and complete, not lacking anything."

Yea though I walked through the valley of death. I feared no teachers. For my Wiki and my Thesaurus were with me. They comforted me and makethed me to lie down pages of stuff that really makes no sense.

"Learn the rules, so that you can break them well."


"If I were giving a young man advice as to how he might succeed in life, I would say to him, pick out a good father and mother, and begin life in Ohio."

- Wilbur Wright

Sweatin' out my blow out Sweatin' out my presses

This trick about to go off Mad 'cuz I'm so fresh Fresher than youuu

I'm fresher than youuuu Fresher than you, oh

- Beysus 7:11


No Comment Given

Commissioning Army

They said it would be fun

Min Woo Kang Camp Hill, PA Computer Science James 1:2-4 Christopher Michael Kolkowski Leroy, OH Political Science Calvin Perez Llarena South San Francisco, CA Behavioral Science Pilot Laina Jann McCroskey Kingston, TN Geosciences Intelligence Mitchell Andrew Melville Monument, CO Operations Research Tyler David Mergen Monticello, MN Management Cross
we are not."
"When you pull on that jersey, you represent yourself and your teammates. And the name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the back! Get that through your head!" - Herb Brooks

I thank God and Jesus Christ for the opportunities I've been given, my family for the support, I love you all, and my friends for being there and sharing the times we had.

"It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me." -
Benjamin Diego Pena Albuquerque, NM Economics Pilot is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when Death has come, - Epicurus Kevin Joseph Porath Tampa, FL Management Pilot Grace Elizabeth Rhea Panama City, FL Political Science Missiles Frank John Ricotta III Colorado Springs, CO Geosciences Pilot "Impossible is nothing" Steven Gaines Sauer Greensboro, NC Physics Physicist No Comment Given Steven Lee Trojan Mission Viejo, CA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 15 149
Bruce Wayne

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue, as a man of value, that counts. Become someone that others can trust and rely on and work hard to never look down on anyone unless you're helping them up"


and Environmental Engineering

Civil Engineering

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

- Jeremiah 29:11.

Laugh loudly, laugh often, and most important laugh at yourself.
- Chelsea Handler

It is what you make it.

Joshua Tyler Waugh Colorado Springs, CO Management Space Operations Carly Jo Wills Searcy, AR
Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1st Lt Andrew Bathurst
Naomi Arlene Wright Alston Fayetteville, NC Management Remote Piloted Aircraft Cody Mark Apfel Highland Village, TX Geospatial Sciences Pilot

“No one looks back on life and remembers all the nights they got plenty of sleep."

The best part of it all? If I couldback I wouldn't change anything.

If you find enemies, then you're going the right way.

I owe everything to my three sisters, Kailey, Krista and Kelley, who have been my motivation, to my parents who have been my inspiration and to my friends who have made every minute worth it and to the Man upstairs who continually blesses me. I wouldn't change a thing.'"Alyx! Lets go to haps!" #napstillhaps BTB.

“We were together, I forget the rest."

- Walt Whitman

It never changed, some days felt like years but the weeks always flew by. Mom & Dad, thank you for picking up every time I called & talking me through both the wins & losses. Payton,Bradyn & Drew, thanks for all the love & support. Thank you to the friends I made along the way & all the roommates that had to live with me, I wouldn't be here without you. BTB. “Kara, what could go wrong."

Well... I did it.

Rev 21:6. Thank God for His incredible sustaining grace which is the only reason I mode it this for. Thank you to myparents for constant support and care. Kendra, thank you for putting up with the challenges ofdistance and all the USAFAisms, always being patient, encouraging, and loving, you're the best! FT, shack on. “A pessimist sees the difficultyin everyopportunity: an optimist sees the opportunityin everydifficulty." Cadet Squddron 15-16

Craig Joseph Corato Keller, TX Aeronautical Engineering Remote Piloted Aircraft Kara Anne Crennan Springfield, VA Political Science Pilot Alyx Elaine Darger Sturbridge, MA Management Pilot Sean Braedon Gavan Cabot, AR Systems Engineering Missiles Cody Aaron Haggin Daytona Beach, FL Systems Engineering Pilot Jonathan Solomon Hart Akron, OH Aeronautical Engineering Pilot

Computer & Network Security


Col. 1:13-14. The greatest thing I can pass on is to remind you to love and chase after Christ with all your heart, mind, soul and strength: everything else will be taken care of for you. The Lord will put you on His path for your life: The greatest adventure ever.

Aeronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer

"That it will never come again Is what makes life so sweet." - Emily Dickinson"

Photo Not Available

Samuel Parker Highnote Columbus, GA Geospatial Sciences


No Comment Given



Echale Ganasi! its all you need to succeed!

DanielleNicole Kaufman Littleton, CO

Behavioral Science


No Comment Given

Aeronautical Engineering Pilot

Man's flight through life is sustained by the bliss of his ignorance.

Joshua Alexander Hayden Roswell GA Dylan Nicholas Hope Spring, TX Jason William Hoist Alhambra, CA Stephen Jacob Keisler Carthage, MO


Financial Management

I wanted to be a pilot,.. oh yeah and uh 2% club...



No Comment Given


Political Science Personnel

Its been hard, but I wouldn't change it for anything! Being a cadet has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. Can't wait to make it in the Big Air Force to serve and to learn all the more.


Thanks to my family and friends for helping me through the grind. "Lions don't listen to the opinions of sheep" Boys: "We Made If


Applied Mathematics Operations Research Analyst

"You have tolearn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." - Albert Einstein


"Wake up and young thug"

James Kenneth Lazas Nashville, TN Terryn Brittany Mills CO James Markus Morgan IV Richmond, VA Management Aaron Michael Mukoda DE Management Justin Ng Angeles, CA Paige Saxton-Getty Temecula, CA Management
Cadet Squadron 16 153



No Comment Given


Always soar with the eagles

"It ain't about howhard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward-how much you can take and keep moving toward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that..

"Home is behind, the world ahead, And there are many paths to tread; Through the shadows to the edge of night, Until the stars are all alight."

- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

CO Aeronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer

When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place."

- C.S. Lewis.

I want to thank myfamily and fiance and awesome group of friends for always being there for me during my time at the academy!!

Grant Douglas Simmons Overland Park, KS STALAG SEVENTEEN Darren Craig Tidwell Huntsville, UT Mechanical Engineering Pilot Kemal Feroze Baksh Virginia Beach, VA Biology Dentist Cecilia Tuma San Jose, CA Mechanical Engineering Pilot Layne Christian Barrett Colorado Springs,

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us."

- Coach Carter/ Merianne Williamson

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." - Andre Gide

'Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune, i have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration...In the woods too, a man casts off his years.. .In the woods, is perpetual youth." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Successful people make a habit of doing the things that unsuccessful people do not wish to do"

7 do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." - Faramir, Lord of the Rings

Civil and Environmental Engineering Remote Piloted Aircraft

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

Devin Emilio Bell Cypress, TX Biology Physician Christopher Jerome Differ The Woodlands, TX Aeronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer James Michael Cardinal Political Science Pilot Christopher James Edwards Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Joseph Christopher Detert Venice, FL Political Science Pilot Johnathan Patrick Eno Houston, TX
Cadet Squadron 16-17 155
"What is good..."


“Winning is a habit. Watch your thoughts, they become your beliefs. Watch your beliefs, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character"

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
- Albus Dumbledore RGFC
Maxwell Smith Hartner Greenwood Village, CO Management Space Operations "Keep the faith" - MarkHartner Nathaniel Lee Heldreth Charlottesville, VA Political Science Pilot DanielDalon Helm Sherrard, IL Political Science Pilot "...homes?' Tanner Douglass Housken Palm Desert, CA Economics Combat Rescue "its all mental" Spencer Scott Johnson Rochester, MN Aeronautical Engineering & Applied Mathematics Piloted Aircraft Hans William Kollar Tallahassee, FL Aeronautical Engineering Pilot

To me the Academy is like riding a carousel as a kid who's outgrown it. You feel anxious getting on and then immediately start questioning whether this was a good idea. Then you see that all of your friends are on the very same ride and once every time you go around you get to see your parents, smiling and waving at you, all of this making it worth it. By the time thecarousel comes to a stop you realize that, as ridiculous as it was, the ride was pretty awesome.


Civil Engineering

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough" - Colonel Christ Time to get a dog!

Space Operations

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

- Harvey Specter

Space Operations

"I'd rather take a contested shot than an open shot any day... Its kind of boring when you take open shots" - J.R. Smith


"On this night, we become legendary. Everything we dreamed of."

- Kanye West

John Utley Kornahrens Plymouth, MN Operations Research Pilot Veronica Eleanor Leddy East Islip, NY Environmental Engineering Luis Fernando Morales Queens, NY Management Amy Tsika Karimi Nyaga-Oglesby San Diego, CA Personnel makes a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little." - Edmund Burke Andrew Rodman Oehrle Indianapolis, IN Management Vaughn Joshua Pyne Las Vegas, NV Management
Cadet Squadron 17 157

Keep things in perspective.

To my friends and family- thank you for all of your love and support. I could not have done this without you!

Isaiah 40:31

Stephanie Banzon Sarabia Yuba City, CA Chemistry Missiles Forrest Joseph Schaffer Hoover, AL Chemistry Pilot Audrey Elizabeth Springer Chicago, IL Geospatial Science Pilot Heroes don't wear capes, they wear dog tags... and mom jeans! Documentation: I worked with Forrest J Schaffer on all aspects of the last four years. dies. Not every man really lives" - William Wallace Rachel Reed Zigler Big Lake, MN Behavioral Science Behavioral Scientist


I owe all of my success to my friends and family. Thanks for your love and support. "It is a curious thing, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find it to their own surprise that they wear it well."
- Albus Dumbledore

Munitions/Missiles Maintenance

"Trust God's plan and chase whatever sets your soul on fire." Thank you Mom, Dad, Robbie, Jaret, and Jake, I couldn't have gotten through this place without you. I love you!


"Excelsior, higher and higher, but only step bystep." - Daniel David Palmer

"Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity."
- Will Smith - LUSD
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."
- Bob Marley HOKA HEY
NIGHT RIDERS Ryann Elise Anderson Charlotte, NC Behavioral Science Dylan Thomas Bell Alvarado, TX Economics Christopher Robert Cecil Richland, WA Mechanical Engineering Pilot Douglas Kevin Clark Hancock, Wl Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Simon Adam Curiel Manvel, TX Behavioral Science Pilot
Cadet Squadron 17-18 159

Aeronautical Engineering Pilot/Engineer

To myFamily, thanks for your love & support. To myBull Six buddies, always remember, Once a bull always a bull. Nightriders, it was surely great having you around, especiallyleading the squadron. To my International buddies, Tm reallyglad we made it this far regardless of how hard things might have been. To all my friends, thanks for being awesome.

"Fie who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."

- Muhammad Ali

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"

- Dad - LUSD

Systems Engineering

Remote Piloted Aircraft

7 seldom end up where I want to go, but almost always end up where I need to be."

- Douglas Adam.

Thanks Mom, Dad and Sis, for everything!

Science Pilot

“I'm the smartest guy here and nobody knows it." - Steven Trojan.

Thanks Mom, Dad, and Andrew for always being supportive of me. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.

Mechanical Engineering Developmental Engineer

“As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen"

- Winnie the Pooh on the footprints

Mathematical Sciences Pilot

“My heart wants roots, but my mind wants wings. I can't bear their bickering.. - E.Y. Flarburg.

Thanks Mom, Dad, and Sydney... I know I complained a lot, but I wouldn't have made it this far without you. Love you so much!

Tony Gasana Kigali, Rwanda Norman Canopen Hitosis San Francisco, CA Military and Strategic Studies Pilot Maheep Singh Gill Caruthers, CA Grant Delmar Hemberger Rockville, MD Political Nicholas James Marco Hamburg, NY Taiylar Marie Mastey Becker, MN

'But man is not made for defeat.. .a man can be destroyed, but not defeated."

Ernest Hemingway

"Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."

- William Jennings Bryan. Thank you to my Mom, Dad, and Sister for everything. Thank you to my friends for making this place fun and memorable.

Thanks to my family, friends, and the Melvilles for their love and support. "Just because you are tackled doesn't mean you have to fall down."

Paul O'Connell

Remote Piloted Aircraft

We made it my angel, I love you Momma. You're my best buddy in the whole world, Dad. You answered my prayers, Andy. You saved our family, Kelli and Aiya. I will love you all forever and ever.

7 didn't choose the cadet life, the cadet life ch.... it was eitherhere or junior college." I Love you mama!

7 Love College" - Asher Roth

Zachary Thomas Morrow McCall, ID Geosciences Pilot Shane Kevin O’Connell Winslow, ME Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Nelson Chiedozie Onwuzu Tyler, TX Behavioral Science Cyberspace Travis John Osborn Pomfret Center, CT Biology Space Operations Benjamin Leelyn Rogers Thousand Oaks, CA Management Matthew Phillip Sprague Lawrenceburg, KY Management Pilot
Cadet Squadron 18 161

"Life is simple, you make choices in life and you don't look back. Thank you Mom and Dad for loving and caring for me the past 24 years. I hope that I have made you proud and will continue to make you proud in the future. I love you Mom and Dad! Emma, Thank you for being there for me and supporting me through mylast year ofjourney at the Academy. i can't think of anyone else better I would have gotten to know and had a chance to fall in love with. I love you Peaches!"

"Head Down, Chin Up"- Work hard, but keep a positive attitude. Thank you to my family and friends for your support and helping me reach one of my biggest goals. Love you!
"Everything I am and ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."
- Abraham Lincoln
Live Passionately."Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake."
- Henry David Thoreau

"Write your worries in sand. Chisel your victories in stone."

Forever You first. You've helped me ”make it that fab and will help me make it much farther. As for everyone else, you're all pretty awesome too.

Sung Woo Suh Oscin, South Korea Management Aircraft Maintenance Nathanael Jordan Szuch Boise, ID Engineering Mechanics Pilot Caitlin Rebecca Sullivan Bryn Mawr, PA Management Pilot Scott Henry Sultemeier Fredericksburg, TX Management Financial Management Rebecca Ray Vickers Houston, TX Political Science Space Operations Dustin Clay Weisner Meridian, MS Computer Engineering Pilot


great work of God:
it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done."
"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well."
- Theodore

Don't Panic

"There's no such thing as a life thafsbetter than yours; for there's beauty in the struggle and ugliness in success."
- Jermaine Lamar Cole

Yes it was.

Mark Andrew Adams Rockmart, GA Economics Remote Piloted Aircraft Myles Abb Barnes Minneapolis, MN Management Missiles Roosevelt Elizabeth Colleen Barrett Macon, GA Biology Missiles
in every
7 have found that
are three stages
- Hudson Taylor Thaddeus Paden Baxley Tampa, FL Behavioral Science Pilot Wyatt Jefferson Bertrand Lake Charles, LA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 18-19 163
"Our deepest




that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

A man is molded by his reactions to his surroundings. Rash changes may break the mold, but gradual pressures will onlystrengthen it.

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible. This I did." -

Lawrence of Arabia

Don't Be Dumb

/ am extremely grateful for all my family and friends who have helped me make it through step by step. Every little struggle is a step forward and the best thing you can do is keep going.

Daniel John Brown Mooresville, NC Systems Engineering Pilot Jacob Tyler Cable Grantville, GA Computer Science Pilot Jeffrey Allen Critchlow Carlisle, IA Political Science Financial Management Jordon Blake Huff Canton, OH Systems Engineering Space Operations Sweet Action! Brock William Mangum Lindon, UT Mechanical Engineering Pilot Lindsey Nicole McEvoy Parkton, MD Operations Research Operations Research Analyst



The best horse will run at the drivers well before it sees the shadow of a whip; the second best will run just before the whip reaches the skin; the third however, will run after the pain penetrates tothe marrow of its bones. If its impossible to be the best, we desire second best, but those who find great difficulties in practicing Zen will find more meaning in it. So sometimes I think that the best horse maybe the worse horse and the worst horse may be the best horse.



If you're reading this, I graduated.

Operations Research

Space Operations

"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that theyrespect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for fhe day when you go over the great divide."

Garrett Henry Nobley Phoenix, AZ



There are good ships...

Systems Engineering

Remote Piloted Aircraft


Space Operations

The Republic

"The beginning is the most important part of the work" - Plato,

Thanks to everyone who has made it possible for me to graduate. Special thanks to my mom, brother and dad!!

Mary Suzanne Meyers Shreveport, LA Sarah Elizabeth Neumann Corcoran, MN William Robert Pugh Salem, OR Jordan Patrick Read Sockets Harbor, NY Matthew Steven Rochell Atlanta, GA
Cadet Squadron 19 165

Success is simple, not easy its simple because all you have to do is work harder than everyone else, itsnot easy because very few people are willing to work that hard.

I must give a great dealof thanks to my friends and family. Without you, making it through these four years would nothave been possible. Mom and Dad, you gave up everything to raise me and I will be forever grateful. "Man's flight through life is sustained not by the power of his knowledge, but by the application of his knowledge."

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." - Galations 6:9

"Talk is cheap, Whiskey costs money, and Tomorrow is another day' -Billy Hill

Words cannot begin to express the gratitude that I have for all of my friends and family who have helped me every step of the way. Special thanks to my brother Zack for always pushing me to be the best I can be, and to my parents for always supporting me from day one. "Life is a grindstone; whether you are worn down or sharpened depends on what you are made of'

David Sanchez Harlingen, TX Behavioral Science Cyberspace Austin Tyler Smith Rock Hill, SC Management Remote Piloted Aircraft Joseph Quinn Stank Knoxville, TN Operations Research Pilot Christopher Kai Trotter East Brunswick, NJ Law Pilot
Matthew Philip Waldman South Salem, NY Systems Engineering Pilot Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo byArnie Spencer



Aeronautical Engineering

No Comment Given

"Adventure is out there!" - Ellie, Up" "We're all gonna die." - Mrs. Packard, Atlantis Thank you Jesus, Friends, and Family! Blues Skies...502

Mahalo me ke aloha la

"He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it."

- George Orwell, Shooting an Elephant to my Mom, Dad, Sister, Friends, and Sponsors: I can only hope the person I've become has made you proud. For the love, support, and excitement you've given me, I am forever thankful.

Mateus Arcano Manila, Charlene Darian Blair Cascade, MT Geosciences Pilot Taylor Brent Bodin Spring Creek, NV Electrical Engineering Pilot 'The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." - Thucydides Katherine Malia Case Wairmea, HI Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot Matthew Wesley Crader San Antonio, TX Physics Pilot
Cadet Squadron 19-20 167

Christina Elyse Gamble Decatur, GA Management Cyberspace

"Everything we do should be a result of our gratitude for what God has done for us."

- Lauryn Hill

We made it mom and dad!

Ashley Marie Olson Shippensburg, PA Systems Engineering Intelligence

”Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."


Kevin Travis Jackson Memphis, TN Management Cyberspace

7 am not going to allow myself not to perform welljust because I don't feel well. I am bulletproof to theextent that a lot of things can be thrown at me, but its about how much I am prepared to let them affect me."

- Ian Thorpe

Who's The Best?

Adam Philip Johnson Hamilton, MA History Intelligence

"Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude"

- Zig Ziglar

Thanks to my family, friends, and teachers that helped turn my dream into reality, I couldn't have done it without you.

Austin David Ramsey Richardson, TX Management Logistics

7 faced it all and I stood tall, and did it my way." - Frank Sinatra

Karson Allan Roberts Houston, TX Engineering Mechanics Developmental Engineer

"Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams."

- Ben Carson

Thank you to all of my friends and family that helped and were there for me along the way!




No Comment Given

"To live will be an awfullybig adventure."

-J.M. Barrier

Thanks Mom, Dad, and Mitchell for the amazing ride can't wait to see where the rest of the journey takes us.

Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot

"Years ofAcademy training wasted!" - Buzz Lightyear, ToyStory

Julian Rashan Thornton Angeles City, Philippines

Biochemistry Contracting

Was I the new queen bee?' - Mean Girls

"Our Greatest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?'

- Marianne Williamson

Financial Management

"Success is in the eye of the beholder" - Reed Markham

Andrew James White Chehalis, WA


Space Operations

7 know I'm gon get got. But I'm gon get mine more than I get got doe."

- Marshawn Lynch

Thomas James Schroeder Lincolnshire, IL and Environmental Engineering Ian Wade Taylor Los Angeles, CA Melaine Loren Valentin Huntington Beach, CA History Pilot Dominic Alexander Vallejo Laguna Hills, CA Management
Cadet Squadron 20 169

I would like to thank God, my family, and my friends for all of the support over the past four years. Go Bolts!

7 think its imperative to follow your heart and choose a professionyou're passionate about." Much love to my fiance, family, and friends.

To my friends, started fromthe bottom now we here. To my family, thank you for your support, even when I planned to grow up and be a Jedi. To my mom, this wouldn't have been possible without you. "See it's not enough to leave school andjust desire to succeed in this cold, cruel world. Because then you've simply become a part of it. You must also have the desire to change it. And to change it, you'll need your fine mind and good heart."

Brandtley Windham Wilson Beaumont, TX Management Missiles Jarrod Michael Wooden Williamsburg, VA Computer Engineering Pilot Michael Robert Zarate Detroit, Ml Management Missiles



"Humble enough to prepare... confident enough to perform"


There were good times, and there were bad times. All in all they were some of the best years of my life.

Rica Biology Intelligence So it goes


Lets get down to business, to defeat the Huns


Dover, MA

Behavioral Science

Personnel "Strength Over Technique" - Sandhurst Adage

William Michael Baker Jackson, MN Management Sharon Blum Atenas, Costa Aaron Jemel Clinton-Earl Milwaukee, Wl Management Peter Wesley Coote Rogersville, PA Management Jennifer Cutler
Cadet Squadron 20-21 171


"Someone once told me thattime was a predator that stalked us all our lives. But I rather believe than time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish everymoment because theyII never come again. What we leave behind is not as important how we lived."

- Captain Jean-Luc Picard I'd like to thank everyone who convinced me of this- friends, family, loved ones... I owe you so much.

"There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures."

"Fairytales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons are real, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

"Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women." - Ronald Reagan "Life sucks then you die" - Matt Beamer

Physicist/Nuclear Engineer

A mistake is only a problem if you made it more than once.

Any pizza can be a personal pizza if you believe in yourself

Jazmin Dahl Furtado Palm Desert, CA Operations Research Benjamin Thomas Kern Charlotte, NC Management Pilot Joshua Alan Key Wellborn, FL Physics Rachel Anne Matson Muskego, Wl English Pilot Chesterton Sam Benjamin Pearce Noblesville, IN Management Pilot Kayla Eckert Robertson Lancaster, PA Computer Science Intelligence

Thank you friends for being supporfive and giving me more Than I could ask for. Thank you USAFA for all fhe great opportunities I would never find anywhere else. The Thailand Tiger would like to wish everybody happiness and prosperity for all eternity.


"In my life I have found two things of priceless worth - learning and loving. Nothing else - not fame, not power, not achievement for its own sake - can possible have the same lasting value. For when your life is over, if you can say 7 have learned and 7 have loved,' you will also be able to say 7 have been happy.

- Arthur C. Clarke

"When things get tough, there are two things thatmake life worth living: Mozart, and quantum mechanics" - Victor F. Weisskopf'

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away; behold, the new has come." - 2 Corinthians 5:17

These two quotes helped to get through the academy: "Do not pray for an easylife. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - BruceLee and of course "...lam the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul." - William Ernest Henley. Thank you all for this unbelievable journey. See you soon.


"People will always look over your shoulder, and be critical. For they have the right to expect great things." #Blessed

Pawin Sarobol Bangkok, Thailand Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot Robert Benjamin Sellers Wheeling, WV Physics Pilot Adam David Tarantino Brigantine, NJ Management Intelligence Chad Gilbert Turney Louisburg, KS Foreign Area Studies Pilot Dust before you vacuum Fernando Gabriel Valencia Cadena Quito, Ecuador Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Dexter Xavier Walker Lawrenceville, GA Management Space
Cadet Squadron 21 173
If it
I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed."
- Michael
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
- Neale Donald Walsch

I would like to thank my family and friends for their endless support. I truly appreciate it, and could never thank you all enough.

Alexander Thomas Warden Glen Mills, PA Management Cyberspace Rule #76: No Excuses. Play like a champion.
Mitchell Robert Willis Lenexa, KS Mechanical Engineering Pilot was easy, everybody would do it. The hard is what makes it great. Brett Austin Dadiego Baldwin, NY Mechanical Engineering Pilot Jordan Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by Ist Lt Kyle Palko Madeleine Renee Dupree Anchorage, AK Law Remote Piloted Aircraft

"Going in onemore round when you don't think you can - thafs what makes all the difference in your life." - Rocky Balboa.

Thank you to my friends, family, and all those who have helped me along the way; I truly could not have been here without them.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, its the onlything that ever

- Margaret Mead

I will forever remember those of you who have changed my world. Myonly aspiration is to do the same for many others soon.

To my ever-loving family, mentors, and friends, I owe it all.

Blue Skies...

"The tree of libertymust be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrant."
- Thomas Jefferson
"You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat."
- Pink Floyd

"Theyre not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God." - Elwood Blues

"For those who believe in victory, take nothing for granted"
- Pauline Ferrand-Prevot

Grad School

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

Garrett William Ellis Cold Lake, Alberta Chemistry Pilot Collin Moore Fleck Phoenix, AZ Economics Pilot Joseph Anthony Gerner Prescott, AZ Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Jeffrey Robert Herrala Anoka, MN Biology Physician Andrew Louis Hood Franklin, MA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Mi Kyeong Jung Tacoma, WA Biology
Cadet Squadron 21-22 175

I'm thankful for all of it! The highs, the lows, the lessons, the setbacks, the comebacks, the love, the hate....everything.

"If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute to do." - Parkinson's Law

I would like to thank my family, friends and all who had an influence in my life and helped me to get to where I am and continue to inspire me into the future.

Go to the Academy, they said...

IfII be fun, they said...

For we know partially and we prophesy partially, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things (1 Corinthians 13: 9-11).

Shout out to Jesus, my family, friends, and Lo. its BEW-na, not BWAY-na.

"On second thought, lets not go to Camelot. It is a sillyplace."

I am eternallygrateful for my education and those who have encouraged me to pursue it. My friends, family, and beautiful fiancee are worthy of more praise and recognition than I could ever afford them. Life has challenged my expectations on several an occasion, and I remain oblivious to what will happen nextbut I am certain that I could not be happier.

"I think perhaps love thrives on chance and unlikelycircumstance. Life also thrives on these principles: - Brandon Boyd

Bakytzhan Yerkinuly Kalybekov Karaganda, Kazakhstan Casey Martin Keilbarth Tulsa, OK Mechanical Engineering Developmental Engineer Opportunity knocks, open the door Christopher Steven Kuennen Buena Vista, CO Political Science Intelligence Luke Emery Leathers Parker, CO Management Pilot Veronica Paris Morthorpe Eagle River, AK History Pilot
John Garrett Peterson San Diego, CA Management Missiles

I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.


“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: tis' dearness only that gives everything its value... the heart that feels not now is dead: the blood of his children will curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little might have saved the whole, and made them happy."

- Thomas Paine

I'd like to thank my family, friends, caffeine, Spotify, and caffeine.

"Figuring things out for yourself is the only freedom anyone reallyhas. Use that freedom" - Lt. Rasczak.

Remote Piloted Aircraft

I would like to thank my family and friends for all the support and help they have given me during my time at the academy, love you all.

To my mom, Wesley, Makenzy and Zack, thank you for making it possible. To my PTWOB brothers and sisters, thank you for making it awesome.

Much love and Blue Skies... - 489

Aeronautical Engineering Pilot

"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."

- Proverbs 11:2

“Do one thing every day that scares you" - Eleanor Roosevelt

Kassandra Nicole Prusko Chicago, IL Behavioral Science Pilot Shane Michael Riley Tucson, AZ Systems Engineering Pilot Tabitha Montana Sprankle Beaver Falls, PA and Environmental Engineering Pilot Chad Nicholas Sufficool Colorado Springs, Co Biology Pilot Timothy Joseph Shenk Cleveland, OH Management Nathanael Ryan Zillweger Phoenix, AZ
Cadet Squadron 22 177



"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

- Walt Disney

Thank you Mom, Dad, Turner, and the rest of my friends and family for all your support, I wouldn't be here without you all.

Electrical Engineering Pilot

"You don't have to be better than the person next to you. Just be better than who you were a week ago." - Unknown.

Thank you family, friends, mentors and the Lord above for your enduring support.

"Make it ripple"

7 am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday." - Unknown

Thank you mom and dad for all of the support and love that you have given me. Wouldn't have done it without you.

Civil Engineering Operations Research Analyst

7 don't know if we each hove a destiny or if we're all just floating around accidental like on a breeze, but I... I think maybe its both."

Alexandra Elizabeth Abies Peachtree Corners, GA Biology Joseph Oliver Campbell Eustis, FL Economics Cross Commissioning (Army) Yaira Diaz Queens, NY Management Missiles Kevin Christian Cabusora Lakewood, CA Jade Grace Noelle Diggs Las Vegas, NV
OR Humanities Remote Piloted Aircraft No Comment Given
Matthew Christopher Dirk Coos Bay,
Bradenton, FL Foreign Area Studies Pilot 7 HAVE SO MUCH POWER!!!!"
Edison Campbell
Colorado Springs, CO Political Science/History Pilot
you to my friends and family. Your love and patience has shaped the person I am today.
Christopher Michael Dylewski
Lucas Russell Emerson Smith Prineville, OR Economics Pilot "He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." - Muhammad AH
PA Political Science Pilot Keep us safe and protect us for all eternity.
Ellis Anne Field
Brian Galland Broadview Heights, OH Management Acquisitions
Determine Your Destiny. Thanks to all my family and friends, I wouldn't have made it where i am without you all. Cadet Squadron 23 1 79

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end." - Ernest Hemingway. Thank you to my parents, who fought me the value of service, my siblings for their unwavering support and love, and my friends for all the adventures we had and for dusting me off when I fell flat on my face.

HBPB. Best of luck to you 2016, can't wait to see you all on the other side.

"Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they are going to tell you that you can't do it. You want something, go get it. Period." - Will Smith

Thank you to all those that helped push me to this point but most of all thank you to my hero, my father, my strength, my mother, and thelove of my life Heather, I love you all more than I will ever be able to express.

There are fewer callings higher than service.

Thanks to Tino, Shane, Carson, KARS members, Major Do, Aero majors, professors, General Barlow, Dr.Scharff and all the USAFA friends who helped me along the way. Friends, I hope I can meet you somewhere in my country after the pilot training. Keep calm and carry on. (In British Accent)

'Could be worse. Not sure how, but it could be." - Eeyore

Hunter Her Lansing, Ml Computer Engineering Pilot Nicholas McNally Hughes Lansing, KS Political Science Pilot Benjamin Albert Juandy Petaluma, CA Military History Missiles John Colin Laskodi Haymarket, VA Political Science Pilot Sangmin Lim Seoul, Republic of Korea Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Marcus Joe Malecek Hammond, Wl Systems Engineering Pilot

"Normality is what weak people call living, I call it death." - Greg Plitt.

Thanks Mom, Dad, and Nitu for your love and support! Thanks also to my classmates and friends for all the laughs, roasts, drinking games, and sanity checks these last four years. Good luck to all of you!

It is difficult to fully appreciate a journey until you stand at the end, look back upon the road you have traveled and see how much God has blessed. I have learned a ton, made incredible friends, struggled through many things, and achieved many goals. This is not a place one accomplishes alone Thank you so much to all those teachers, mentors, friends, and family who have helped me through. One chapter closes, another begins. Soli Deo Gloria!

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.

”Take things as they are. Punch when you have to punch. Kick when you have to kick.. .1 fear not the man whohas practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times... Notice that the stiffest tree is easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind."

"Great moments are born from great opportunities." - Herb Brooks.

Thanks Mom, Dad, Chris, Ryan and the Swim Team for everything the last 4 years... Love you all - Ramps Activist!

Nivruth Reddy Maramreddy Plainsboro, NJ Computer Science Pilot Richard Sam Sutedjo Thousand Oaks, CA Aeronautical Engineering Combat Systems Officer Jenna Laureen Tasic Tinley Park, IL Management Pilot Brennan Powell Taylor Tyler, TX Engineering Mechanics Developmental Engineer Joshua Valentine Cibolo, TX Foreign Area Studies Pilot - Bruce Lee Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1st Lt Chris Pieper Cadet Squadron 23 181



Without family and friends, this would've been absolutelyimpossible. Especially to my parents, thank you for everything you have ever done, are currently doing, and will do.

Bye USAFA. 24, 34, and the 94th: RGFC, HSLD, TJ WWJD? Carpe Diem. Bringo! See ya out there!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
- Jeremiah 29:11


“What, like its hard?'



"You are part of the world's most feared and trusted force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon."

Allie Nicole Baumgarten Plano, TX Behavioral Science Pilot Shelton Lee Collier Atlanta, GA Management Pilot Hungry, Stay Foolish." - Steve Jobs Thomas Calvin Cooper Andover, MA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Summer Jeanette Getty Plymouth, MN Operations Reseach Operations Research Analyst Elle Woods, Legally Blonde Patrick Fields Gilwee Fullerton, CA and Strategic Studies Remote Piloted Aircraft - General “Mad Dog" Mattis

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is Freaks come out at night, the courage to continuethat counts."

- Winston Churchill.

I couldn't have done it without the support from Mom, Dad, Sis, Nana, Granny and all the friends along the way.

Theyre my trueheroes. Coop, WWJD?

"Oh brave new world, That has such people in't!"

Thank you Mom, Dad, Parker, Olivia, and all of my family and friends who have supported me.

Don't limit your challengeschallenge your limits.


Civil Engineering

Welt, its been a long ride. I couldn't have done it without all of the support from my family and friends. From all the crazy memories to the calm days spent camping/ hunting in the woods, Colorado has been a good second home to me, but I'm so anxious to explore what the rest of the world has to offer. Thank you again USAFA, now lets go play in some dirt.


Thank you to all of my friends and family that have helped during my time here. I could never have done it without you all!

Thomas Jay Goodin Kaneohe, HI Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Alexander Robert Hansen Oak Forest, IL Operations Research Pilot Zachariah Keith Jacques Biddeford, ME and Environmental Engineering Colin Daniel Lane Tampa, FL Engineering Mechanics Pilot Taylor Sierra Lanier Centerville, UT Computer Science Cyberspace Matthew Thomas Owen McCall Mission Viejo, CA Management Piloted Aircraft
Cadet Squadron 24 183


“To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift." - Pre

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right' - Henry Ford

Live Slow, Die Whenever

Well, thafs done. Can I start life now?

Science Intelligence

Dare To Be Remarkable

Jeffrey Jean-Jacques Mourende De Mourende Libreville, Gabon Civil and Environmental Engineering dos du chien esf habitue aux coups durs - Gabonese Proverb Michael Joseph Padilla Memphis, TN Computer Science Pilot Eli Victor Parsch North Branch, Ml Physics Pilot Casey Paul Peloquin Gig Harbor, WA Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Jacob Aaron Pond Lyons, NE Engineering Mechanics Civil Engineering Elizabeth Noelle Ramsey Larkspur, CO Political
"Being stubborn is a virtue when you're right; its only a character flaw when you're wrong."
- Chuck Noll

"They say the skies the limit, however I struggle to believethat when we have footprints on the Moon." - Various 2016, we're finally out of here! Five year Prep program, lets go! Good luck 2017,2018, and 2019! I can't wait to see you out there in the Operational Air Force! CS-25

"I need a beer." - Andrew.

"I'm looking to the sky to save me, looking for a sign of life, looking for something help me burn out bright, i'm looking for a complication, looking 'cause I'm tired of trying, make my way back home when I learn to fty

- The Foo Fighters

Aaron Christopher Stolze Somerset, KY Systems Engineering Pilot Andrew Martin Vanden Berg Grand Rapids, Ml Applied Mathematics Operations Research Analyst total darkness, even a small candle sheds a great light." - Yitshak Kreiss, former Israel Defense Forces Surgeon General. Kimberly Nicole Webb Dallas, GA Computer Science Pilot Erik Gunnar Burgin Sewell, NJ Geosciences Missiles Paul Thomas Dean La Crescenta, CA Management Pilot RED EYE give up. Don't ever give up" - Coach Jimmy V
Cadet Squadron 24-25 185

Engineering Mechanics


Strength over technique - Always




Remote Piloted Aircraft

7 guess i'll just wing if

Political Science


"Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten."

- Natasha Bedingfield. Shout out to the Family, thanks for everything.

Military and Strategic Studies


What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.

Mathematical Sciences Pilot

However, I continue to try and I continue, indefatigably, to reach out. There's no way I can single-handedly save the world or, perhaps, even make a perceptible difference - but how ashamed I would be to let a day pass without making one more effort"

- Isaac Asimov

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6

Christopher Michael Dryhurst Hanover, MD Carlos Alberto Hogan El Paso, TX
Erin Glynis Giblin Williamsburg, VA love has no one than this, that he laydown his lifefor his friends." -John 15:13 Zacchaeus Robert Graf Andover, NH Geosciences Jamal Alexander Johnson Decatur, GA Andrew Paul Lawrence Ponca City, OK

This place took entirely way too long!


Space Operations

7 never look back darling.

It distracts me fromthe now"

- Edna Mode

c A man can only be beaten in two ways, if he gives up or he dies."

Winners know there is no limit to a man, for what he will is what he can.

Who's the best?

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."

- Vince Lombardi

Oh, and soft hands wins the table

Jacob Ryan Lawson Minneapolis, MN Electrical Engineering Cyberspace Madeline Ann Midas Bainbrdige Island, WA Political Justin Alan Loutfy Mount Laurel, NJ Law Air Liaison Officer - Richard Machowicz. Kevin Duncan Mitchell Sunningdale, England Economics Pilot Brayden Ray Mickelson Nibley, UT Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Patrick Douglas Mohr Devils Lake, ND Economics Pilot
Cadet Squadron 25 187

Salt Lake City, UT Management Acquisitions

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts."

- Winston Churchill. Family First, Live for Others, Love Always.

Newton Falls, OH Management Logistics

"There is no limit tothe amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit' Thank you to my family and friends for all your love and support

Sarenna Marie Ortiz Del Rio, TX Behavioral Science Personnel

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

- Isaiah 40:31


San Antonio, TX Mathematical Sciences

Cross Commissioning (Navy)

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. - Wayne Gretzky'

- Michael Scott

Eli Quarles Spring Lockhart, TX History Pilot

"Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flowers at his feet:

- Jeremy Bentham

Biology Acquisitions

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And Whither then? I cannot say.

Alexander Daniel Olsen Joseph Paul Spletzer Mark James Williford Kingman, AZ Daniel Smith

"In this rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trails, so that the tested genuineness of your faith- more precious though it is tested by fire- may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ' - 1 Peter 1:6-7

The key to life is learning how to deal with your problems

In this imperfect life, find happiness in the imperfections

Abbey Clare Wolters Atwood, KS Operations Research Pilot
Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training, Photo by 1st Lt Kyle Palko Ethan Caleb Adamy Grand Ledge, Ml Civil and Environmental Engineering Remote Piloted Aircraft Ana Trouy Ekhaus Arlington, MA Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 25-26 189

Air Battle Manager

'We shouldn't be here at all, ifwe'd known more about it before we started. But I suppose its often that way. The brave things in the old tales; I used to think they were things the folk of stories went out looking for. But that's not the way of it with the tales that really mattered. Their paths were laid that way. I expect they had lots of chances, like us, of turning back, onlythey didn't, and if they had we shouldn't know, because theVd have been forgotten."

- Tolkien

Remote Piloted Aircraft

"When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is, remember the teacher is always quiet during a test'

Cross Commissioning (Marine Corps)

The only thing that matters is the next snap of the ball.


7 have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

- 2 Timothy 4:7

"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious"

Peachtree City, GA

Computer Science


No Comment Given

r i 190
Steven Michael Gaylord Milwaukie, OR Military and Strategic Studies DavidAllen Higgins San Clemente, CA Economics Eboni Bria Jackson Headland, AL Biology Vegas Marvin Johnson Glendale, AZ Management Eric Joseph Kaminski Noblesville, IN Geosciences Pilot Charlotte Elaine Kemp

No Comment Given

'is our children

Remote Piloted Aircraft

We did it, 2016! I couldn't have made it without my amazing mentors, friends, and family for all of the help and support along the way. I am forever indebted to you all for helping me get through this journey! Lets start the next one!

Iron sharpens Iron Management

Remote Piloted Aircraft

7 can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Phil 4:13

Cameron John Kistler Plano, TX Civil Engineering Pilot "Short-term sacrifice for long-term success" -Dad Scott Thomas Lafferty Medford, NJ Economics Pilot is the question asked, learning7" George W. Bush Steven Rigoberto Luna San Antonio, TX Management Mark Ralph Lupfer Los Angeles, CA Geosciences Intelligence Ronald Patrick Malloy Gavin Riley McHenry Mathematical Sciences Parker, CO
Cadet Squadron 26 191


"Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family."
- Anthony Brandt


Comment Given

Not all those who wander are lost, and not all those who are lost wander. What are you? Where are you going? Here's to another beginning, another step of the journey.

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yetinwardly we are being renewed daybyday. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

-2 Cor. 4:16-18. *IWABR*

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil Engineering

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." - 1 Corinthians 13:7

I wouldn't be where i am if it wasn't for the love and support of my family and friends.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me get to where I am today. I am excited to continue through this journey of life and see how God will use me next.

Patrick Joseph O’Shea Munster, IN Astronautical Engineering Sabin Park Dublin, OH Computer Engineering Pilot Andrew David Phillips Portland, OR Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Andrew Cole Rosenthal Troy, IL Systems Engineering Pilot Sandra Cecilia Suito Anaheim, CA Emily Ann Wagemaker Topeka, KS Behavioral Science Pilot

The accomplishments that I have attained in my life could not have been possible without the constant and unwavering support of my parents, grandparents, sister, and the special friends that I have made along the way. Through every success and failure, I have never felf alone.

"You just gotta keep livin', man."

Lamar, CO

Political Science Pilot

"Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue of small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you." - Jim Rohn

Thanks to everyone who has helped me get to this poiht! There are far too many names to list, but the love and support Tve received Zfrom you has truly made all the difference. To the Class of 2016, keep working hard, we're bound to do great things!

Plain City, OH Systems Engineering Pilot

To be the best you have to be willing to do what everybody else wont do

Giorgio Max Zendali Dallas, TX Management Cyberspace Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by Denise Garcia
Nolan Conner Anderson Denis Robert Aurelius
Cadet Squadron 26-27 193

"Life at USAFA is like having 10,000 spoons when all

Avid snorkler. ICs are the best. AFXC.Ball is life

No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep

"Every moment is a fresh beginning."
- T.S. Eliot

I want to give a big thank you to my family and everyone whohas helped me get to where I am and where I'm going. I love you all!

7 am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams."

- The Doctor

Matthew Edward Beamer Seabrook, TX Management Missiles you need is a knife" Ciara Janaii Davis Everett, WA Civil and Environmental Engineering Air Battle Manager Daniel Sorin Caddigan Chicago, IL Economics Pilot Tyler Jacob Dimson Valencia, CA Biology Cyberspace Jesse Jerome Calico New Orleans, LA Economics Pilot Aaron Michael Goins Beech Grove, IN History Intelligence

I'm up, they see me, I'm down


Take your responsibilities seriously, but yourself lightly

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"My heart and my flesh may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." - Pslam 73:26


you, Dad, Mom, Josiah & Jonathan for the love, support, and prayers. To my friends, thanks for all of those pictureperfect memories. WE MADE IT!

Thank you for your love and support Mom, Dad, and Jay! We made it!

Joshua Paul Harold Waxhaw, NC Political Science Pilot Alexander Philip Leaf Yorktown, VA Computer Engineering Pilot Keenan Louis Meier Alamo, CA Management Remote Piloted Aircraft Edman Burke Rick Edward Merchant Huntington Beach, CA Economics No Comment Given Judith Ruth Nainggolan Fontana, CA Systems Engineering Pilot Jerry Andrew Peer Cerritos, CA Biology Grad School
Cadet Squadron 27 195


Life's a garden, Dig if' - Joe Dirt


"I've had it with this dump! We got no food, we got no jobs, OUR PETS' HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!"

Space Operations

Mom and Rebecca: thank you for always believing in me and putting up with my nerd talk through the years.

Isaac: thank you for always being by my side. From sitting next to each other on the bus on l-day to walking across that graduation stage you have ALWAYS been thereto push me a little further. ...all the time, He is good!


"O mdnkind, We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of God is the most righteous of you. Indeed, God is All-Knowing and All-Aware."

- Qufan (49:13)

"At age 11,1 audited my parents. Believe me, there were some discrepancies, and I was grounded."
- Detective Allen Gamble, The Other Guys

Thankful for everything. The tough times can't last forever, and everything


for a reason.

Jesse David Ramsey Rogers, MN Economics Sevrin Graham Remmo Loveland, CO Management Rachel Alexis Sanchez Houston, TX Systems Engineering Wasim Wahab Soomro Columbus, OH Political Science Race Christian Southworth Dickinson, TX Management Financial Management Thomas George Takao Waikele, HI Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot


"If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards."
- Paul Bryant
",For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."
"The heavens declare the glory of God: the skies proclaim the work of His hands"
- Psalm 19:1

Well, that sucked.


Caroline Lee Bates Springfield, VA Astronautical Engineering Pilot Taylor Justin Burch Cooper City, FL Economics Pilot Deuteronomy 20:4 Benjamin Michael Carey Centennial, CO Management Space Operations Steven Alexander Frank St. Louis, MO Mechanical Engineering Developmental Engineer Whafs the stupidest animal in the jungle? Garrett Henry Fritzsche Monument, CO Mechanical Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 27-28 197
A: The polar bear.


"Well, I'm going through a little bit of a rough patch.Whole year, actually."



Computer Science


"If you are willing to look at another person's behaviour toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time cease to react at all."

Astronautical Engineering

Remote Piloted Aircraft

"The ultimate measure of aman is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."


"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the

- Sir Winston Churchill

Due tomorrow? Due tomorrow.

Benjamin Lloyd Goirigolzarri Roseburg, OR Operations Research Ian Carter Heffron Vancouver, WA Ryan Jerod Keller Alvaton, KY Monica Ann Kestermann San Antonio, TX Geosciences Pilot the minimum weren't good enough, it wouldn't be the minimum." Some Old Grad (otherwise known as Dad) Donald Domenic Macary Crownsville, MD Computer Science opportunity in every difficulty." Caleb Lee McCullough Mountain Home, ID Law Pilot

No Comment Given

Thank you to all of mi familia and friends for their support. Especially to Rachel who was able to help me through the million days of hard times here at USAFA.

God is good, all the time...

Live with no regrets.

“At the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

7 just wanna go on more adventures. Be around good energy. Connect with people. Learn new things. Grow

GarrettPatrick McElligott New Berlin, Wl Civil Engineering Pilot Isaac Nolberto Rivera Phoenix, AZ Systems Engineering Space Operations Justin Ryan Miller Waxahachie, TX Mechanical Engineering Developmental Engineer Carmela McChesney Rourke Upper Marlboro, MD Law Pilot - Theodore Roosevelt Cedric James Parker Chandler, AZ Management Pilot Andrew Joseph Ruechel Buford, GA
Cadet Squadron 28 199
Mechanical Engineering Pilot Bolt Brotherhood

Systems Engineering

Space Operations

Hurr Durr, Im Clurr! But really Vail, you've each given me a chance to lead, learn, be loved, be hated (ktests are fun, aren't they?!), and become more than I ever thought I could be. Day 0 they said we couldn't do it alone and that fact couldn't be truer. To my Mom, Dad, and Brother, you gave me every bit of support I could need and more. Thank you will never be enough to express my gratitude for my family at home and the family I found here.

Isaiah 40:31



St. Petersburg, FL Management

Remote Piloted Aircraft

"The future just ain't what it used to be"

- Yogi Berra

Ryan Mark Tagatac Lanai City, HI Geosciences


"Don't confuse comfort with happiness" - Dean Karnazes

Garden Grove, CA

Foreign Area Studies

Special Investigations

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. I think I have become that person thanks to my Mom, Dad, Sister, and this place. Dreams really do come true.

Christopher David Beasley Charleston, SC

Political Science


"No one can tell what lives inside you, itsnot for them to see, it's for you to find and that knowledge comes slow and painful and it comes through heartache and struggle, it comes from getting whooped long enough and hard enough until you realize you can't be broken by somebody else. Failure and success have the same origin, they come from within. This is the stuff of dreams. So be brave, be relentless, be your own hero."

Clare Elizabeth Sakovich Colleyville, TX Daniel Eric Salomon Rebecca Brannen Bates


Space Operations

No Comment Given

Thanks Obama


Space Operations

"Content to be but little known, Content to wander on alone; Here-hidden inwardly in Thee; Then-light in Thine own light to be."

- Jesse Penn Lewis

I love college, sko tales

Military and Strategic Studies

Combat Systems Officer

"I'm resolving to just wing it and see what happens."

- Bill Waterson

Aloysious Garrett Brown Marietta, GA Management Robert Allan Chado Littleton, CO Biology Chemist Joseph Patrick Connolly Northpole, AK Mary Clare Curtin Richmond, VA Systems Engineering Pilot you Mom, Dad, Kristin, Joey, Margaret, John Paul, and Peter. Couldn't have made it without you all! Jacob Taylor Gill Cincinnati, OH Engineering Mechanics Pilot Andrew Michael Jardetzky Los Gatos, CA
Cadet Squadron 28-29 201


Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Thank you to my God for any of my success and the strength to press forward everyday. To Dad, Mom, Sam and Kendra, thank you for never giving me up on me and being there every step of the way. Always fight to improve yourself, but don't forget to stop and take care of those around you. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle"

- Plato

When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.

To Mom, Dad, and Alex: Thank you for all of the years of loving support and always pushing me to follow my dreams. I would never have made it here without you guys!

ROTC would have worked too... But to Mom, Dad, Karly, Chris, and Sam: Thank you all so much for helping me realize my dream. I am so blessed to call you all family.

Light the Fire Within, have Faith & Never let go. I am overwhelmingly grateful for my Dad & Mom, Travis & Melisa, Clara & Rose, and my fiance Spencer for supporting me to follow my dreams through the good & bad. Without them I would not be where I am today. I am grateful for the blessings and talents God has given me. I will call upon Your name and keep my eyes above the waves, when oceans rise my soul will rest in Your embrace, for I am Yours & You are mine.

Bale some hay

Daniel Lane Jensen Stroudsburg, PA Engineering Mechanics Joseph John Lesar Renton, WA Economics Pilot BrettThomas Meyer Omaha, NE Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Rebecca Jean Murphy Carlisle, PA Chemistry Pilot Tirzah Wende Prince Provo, UT Biology Grad School
Kaleb Charles Rockwell Mount Perry, OH Engineering Mechanics Civil Engineering

Political Science


In the words of my brother, I always received my daily dose ofAYFKM. Big thanks to Mom, Dad, Adrean, Rachel, the Michalaks, the Elmores, and my bride-to-be Sarah.

Foreign Area Studies

Remote Piloted Aircraft

Mom, Dad, David, and Carol: I would have never made it through these last five years without the endless support yall have given me. I love you all, and know how blessed I am to have a family as amazing as you four!

Devin Blaine Rushing Desoto, TX Management

Space Operations

Get busy living, or get busy dieing.

Daniel Garrett Shellhouse Houston, TX



Some things in life are bad, they can realty make you mad, other thingsjust make you swear and curse. When you're chewing on life's gristle, don't grumble, give a whistle, and this'll help things turn out for the best... and always look on the bright side of life.

Joseph Matthew

Chandler, AZ

Social Sciences

Space Operations

No Comment Given

Alexander Tsang Chicago, IL


Munitions/Missiles Maintenance

I don't know if I made the best mistake or worst mistake of my life. But either way... I made a mistake.

Austin Boyd Rodemaker Dillsburg, PA Francisco Solano-Bloodworth Houston, TX Speshock
Cadet Squadron 29 203




Hansena Rhoda Vangen Rio, Wl Law Combat Systems Operator give up. Don't ever give up." - Jimmy V To my family, thank you for believing in me through thick and thin. OF THIRTY Kimberly Elizabeth Albanese Harrington, DE Geosciences Pilot "There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin Oscar Terry Bodden Laguna Heights, TX Management Cyberspace "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man." Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1st Lt Chris Pieper



Foreign Area Studies Intelligence

“Ifs not how much we give but how much love we put into giving."

- Mother Teresa


"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."

Dream big and dare to fail.. .RGFC

Luke McNeil Brantley Menlo, GA Operations Research Operations Research Analyst Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost Oliver Perry Carter Whittier, CA Civil Engineering Civil Engineering is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." C.S. Lewis Genevieve Marie Clemens Rockford, IL Shannon Marie Field Apple Valley, MN English Pilot "Void mon secret. II est tres simple: on ne voit bien qdavec le cceur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Le Petit Prince Ian William Goulet Pascoag, Rl Social Sciences Remote Piloted Aircraft year that passes rings you inwardly with memory and might. Wield your heart, and the world will tremble." Doran, the Siege Tower Kent William Greer Buffalo, NY Systems Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 29-30 205


Soli Deo

No Comment Given



"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
- Marianne Wiiliamson

Leave no doubt. It is when you make room for doubt, you make room for failure.


Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Chloe Susan Hurst Schoolcraft, Ml Management Special Investigations Kyle David Moore Salinas, CA Mechanical Engineering Developmental Engineer you come to a fork in the road, take it." - Yogi Berra Kyle Mason Jameson Walla Walla, WA Social Sciences gloria Emonna Nichelle Knox Prattville, AL Behavioral Science Aircraft Maintenance Gregory William Nordhues Kearney, NE Foreign Area Studies Emma Austin Pauken Stuttgart, BW Philosophy

I can't extend enough thanks to God, my friends, and family who have helped me make it this far. I am humbled to have known and met so many great people during my time here. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."


Its finally over

"You will not experience all life has to offer you or begin to experience life at its fullest as long as you are satisfied with mediocrity."
- Eric Thomas
“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth."
- Muhammad AH
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self."
- Ernest Hemingway
Clayton Daniel Reid Plainfield, Wl Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Erik Charles Thompson Columbus, GA Biology Cyberspace Ryan Edward VanGuilder Bradford, PA Computer Science Cyberspace can onlyappreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness." Scott Michael Wawrzyniak Toledo, OH Biology Pilot Matthew Tyler Valenzuela Goodyear, AZ Systems Engineering Pilot Glenn Jun Long Wong Singapore Economics Pilot
Cadet Squadron 30 207
Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by Denise Garcia


“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose."

- Dr. Seuss.

I want to thank God, my family, and friends for fheir support

"Fortune sides with him who dares."

- Virgi

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."

- Randy Pausch

I want to thank my family, friends, AOCs/AMTs, and instructors for helping me fhrough this journey. Fear the Reaper, I'm Closing for the Kill.

“It worked!" - J. Robert Oppenheimer

”Only a real risk tests the reality of a belief."

- C.S. Lewis

GRIM REAPERS Adam James Bilyeu Bartlett, IL Management Acquisitions Leighton Jared Blankenburg Phoenix, AZ Geosciences Pilot Shannon Rebecca Daily Leesburg, VA Biochemistry Chemist Hamza El-Saawy Hawthorne, NJ Computer Engineering Developmental Engineer George Mitchell Frank Jacksonville,FL Management Pilot
Cadet Squadron 30-31 209
"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
"Anybody can be a halfway man, but the one who rises above this class is the one who keeps everlastinglypushing."
- J. Ogden Armour
"It is better to lose your life than to waste it."
- J. Piper
Enrique Efren Garcia Springfield, VA Management Pilot The inner mechanizations of my mind are an enigma. Christopher Scott Hoffman Las Vegas, NV Economics Pilot Tertium non datur (no third way is given) Adam Joel Jackson Rosemount, MN Biology Medical School The friends I have made, the lessons I have learned, and the opportunities I have been given I will be forever grafeful for. Trevor Lee Muzzy Columbia, MO Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot Michelle Marie Isbester Littleton, CO Management Medical Service Corps Taylor Reid Pubins Peoria, AZ Management Acquisitions

"To all the GCs studs: I love you guys. You were the highlight of my time here, and I will miss you all."

"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever."

- Isaiah 40:8

Also, c2hvdXRvdXQgdG8gdGVhbSBkZWxvZ3JhbmQgOikgl2FpcnBvd2VylCNjeWJlcnRodWd6"

"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."

- Sigmund Freud

”Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter."

- Francis Chan

"What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise."

- Oscar Wilde

I wantto thank God, my family, and my friends for helping me to get where i am. #LUSD #FearThe Reaper #WoahBarons

I want to thank God, my family, and my friends for their support through the years and helping me on myjourney. Joshua 7 :9

Combat Systems Officer

"/ thank God I'm myself and for the life I'm given to live and for friends and lovers and beloveds, and I thank God for knowing that all those people have already paid for me."

- Maya Angelou

Evan John Richter Santa Rosa, CA Computer Engineering Cyberspace London James Smalley Derby, KS Computer Science Remote Piloted Aircraft Kaitlyn Louise Sanborn New Bern, NC Political Science Intelligence Allyson Nicole Swift Aledo, TX Biology Pilot Steel MacArthur Shoaf Alamogordo, NM Systems Engineering Pilot Julius Caleb Walker Springfield, NC Physics
Cadet Squadron 31 211


Remote Piloted Aircraft

No Comment Given

Eric James Wermuth Colorado Springs, CO Economics Pilot

"But if not..Daniel 3:17-18

Joseph David Wilkin Westerville, OH Cross-Commission (Army) Field Artillery

"Lets roll." Thanks to my family, my friends and my faith.

Leah Victoria Weber Bartonville, TX


"You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make."

- Gordon B. Flinckley I want to thank all those who have supported me and helped me through this entire experience.

"The onlyperson that can beat you is yourself." - Coach Turco

Mom, Dad, Katie and Meaghan, thank you for your unconditional love and support. I would not be where I am today withoutall of you! Friends and AFLAX, Thanks for making these 4 of the most fun years. Nancy and Greg, You're live savers and changers. Thank you for everything! Mitches knows the grind Indiwheatzas FTB AFLAX #26

Life "It ain't about how hard you hit. Ifs about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. Thafs how winning is done!"

Mom, Dad, Grace, and Jeffrey-1 love you and you will never know how much your unimaginable support and love has helped me through these tough and wonderful years. Thank you. And thank you, USAFA, for giving me more than I could have ever possiblyimagined.

"My name is Jeff' - Me

Thank you to Mom and Dad for your loving support and countless prayers over the last four years. I could not have made it through without you guys. Thank you to all my family and friends that supported me through this endeavor as well. Go Blue and Go Falcons!

ROADRUNNERS Christopher Mark Allen Hillsborough, NJ Management Financial Management Spencer Kent Baldwin Joseph City, AZ Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot Julia Faye Burns Palm City, FL Behavioral Science Personnel Javier Tamayo Arana Marysville, KS Biology Pilot Jeffrey William Christensen Gull Lake, Ml Aeronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer
Cadet Squadron 31-32 213

Civil Engineering

"It is the soldier..." - Father Denis Edward O'Brien, Sergeant, USMC.

Thanks Ellen for your unending love and support. To brighter days ahead! Also, to my Roomies... luh you!


With the right mindset, anything is possible.


Friends and family are going to help you through anything end everything. Thank you to my family and my boys 18,19, 23.



"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is work hard, at work worth doing."

- Theodore Roosevelt

Aircraft Maintenance

/ would like to thank first and foremost my family, who has always believed in and supported me. I would not be the person I am without them. I'd also like to thank my teachers, mentors, and friends, who have always been there for me whenever I needed them. The last 4 years have been a blast and I am truly grateful to have had this opportunity. On to whatever is next!

Evan Michael Fortney Arvada, CO Engineering Mechanics Gary Anthony Davis Mansfield, TX Management Joshua Brian Freidel Union, KY Management Intelligence Over Technique" - Sandhurst Adage James Gan Las Vegas, NV Engineering Spencer Lloyd Draws Columbus, GA Management Logistics Briana Nicole Dutcher Lakeport, CA Management


"The most important thing here is to make meaningful friendships. To Chad, John, and Billy, thank you for making every day here enjoyable in one way or another."

Matthew Carlin Jacobs

Laurel, MD

Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineer

7 firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fuifiilment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heartout in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious."

Thanks to my family, friends, and allothers I've loved along the way; I couldn't have done it without you!

Dakar, Senegal Systems Engineering Pilot

Vous ne pouvez pas mener a bien des changements fondamentaux sans un certain degre de folie.Dans ce cas, elle provient de la non-conformite, du courage de tournerle dos aux vieilles formules, du courage pour inventer le futur. De plus, il a fallu les fous d'hier pour qu'aujourd'hui nous puissions agir avec une extreme clarte. Je veux etre un de ces fous

Who's the Best?

Thank you to all of my family and friends for your love and support, you are the reason why I made it through these past four years.

Stephanie Ann Mallard

The Woodlands, TX

Computer Science Cyberspace

7 know now what the true meaning and purpose of life is. It is to be happy. To feel joy. That is why evil will always conquer itself in time."

Jordan Andrew Higgins Middletown, CT Management Boubacar Kane Justin David Katzovitz Oak Brook, IL Astronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer Per Aspera Ad Astra Sean Alan Ledford Sebastian, FL Astronautical Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 32 215

Sherry Lynn Meadows

Seoul, South Korea

Behavioral Science Personnel

"You can do anything in this world if you are prepared to take the consequences."

- W. Somerset tVlaugham

Thanks to all and my family whom I love and cherish very much!!:) CS-33 KING RATZ

Seth Aaron Taylor Davenport, OK English Cyberspace

7fs not about how hard you can hit, its about howhard you can get hit and keep moving forward! Thai's how winning is done!"

- Rocky.

I want to thank my mom and dad for everything they've done. Shoutout to Dylan. Thank you to everyone who prayed/supported me. I couldn't have done it without your help.

Matthew James Womacks Atlanta, KS Systems Engineering

Remote Piloted Aircraft

"The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves tothe task at hand."

Henry Adams Charleston, SC

Aeronautical Engineering Pilot

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
- Albert Einstein

Charles Henry Ballard

San Jose, CA

Military and Strategic Studies Pilot

/ would like to thank all of my family and close friends. I didn't realize it at first, but I could not have made it this far without your love and support.

"This is the perfect time to panic!"
"It is better to live one day as a lion, than a thousand days as a lamb."

I spent more hours in confinement than I did in the air, and I flew every other day for three years straight.

Ismail Mohamed Baumy Yorba Linda, CA Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot excuses get you 0% closer to your goals" Joseph Payne Campbell Akron, OH Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Talkis cheap, whiskey costs money, and tomorrow is another day." Hill Santos Delacruz Bonilla Wyandanch, NY Systems Engineering Special Investigations Woody, ToyStory Colby Michael Carr University Place, WA Political Science Special Tactics Tyler Vincent Brennan Valrico, FL Economics Pilot
Cadet Squadron 32-33 217
James Edward Connell Camas, WA Engineering Mechanics Aircraft Maintenance "Strength Over Technique" - Always

Systems Engineering

Remote Piloted Aircraft

"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, whatthe hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Sam Drake lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With thelemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

Management Logistics

Kelly Marie Dualan San Dimas, CA History Intelligence

"It will be the little things that you will remember, the quiet moments, the smiles, the laughter. And although it may seem hard right now it will be the memories of these little things that help push away the pain and bring the smiles back again."

- Anonymous Stephanie Marie Freeman Westlake, OH

English Pilot

"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

- Irish Blessing

Hannah Marie Everson Colorado Springs, CO Behavioral Science

Behavioral Scientist

“When you get to the end of all the light you know and its time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly."

Garrett Michael Griffin Louisburg, KS Management Munitions/Missiles Maintenance

"I've got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end."

Samuel Kerry Drake Valrico, FL Tobey James Fisher Tifton, GA "Iron Sharpens Iron"




Space Operations

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." Thank you to my family and friends that made it the best of times.

'Too much of anything is bad, but too much whiskeyis barely enough."
- Mark Twain

Meh, it was fine.

Ziqun He San Jose, CA not the dream, but the speed of its passing" Kelley Aaron Kennedy Coos Bay, OR Legal Studies Colby Richard McGinley Nebraska City, NE Engineering Pilot Michael Jeremy Potts Okinawa, Japan Geosciences Pilot worry about the cost; savor the experience. Nikole Lea Poupart Lac du Flambeau, Wl Geosciences Pilot Tyler Cecilio Rico Tucson, AZ Aeronautical Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 33 219

Geosciences Intelligence

"The mountains are calling and I must go."

- Muir



Remote Piloted Aircraft

"Years OfAcademy Training Wasted!" - Buzz Lightyear (Or Some RPA Pilot)

"Not all those who wonder are lost' - J.R.R. Tolkien

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because fhey live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

- Theodore Roosevelt Jacob D Berggren Overland Park, KS Management Logistics

"They can't stop me, even if theystopped me"

- Dwayne Michael Carter Jr.

Nicole Loren Taylor Porterville, CA Daniel Torres Jr Staten Island, NY Marcus Daniele White Colorado Springs, CO Systems Engineering Pilot Keenan Kristopher Andrews Lompoc, CA Systems Engineering Developmental Engineer

"Its the great mystery of human life that old grief passes gradually into quiet tenderjoy."

-Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Thank you Mom, Dad, Matthew and Zachary for your support and love. 2 Cor 12:9


Remote Piloted Aircraft

165/ 110/ 16 months 2LT

Sijan Tower, CO Biology


"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

- Albus Dumbledore Phiilippians 4:13"

Systems Engineering

Remote Piloted Aircraft

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair

- Tale of Two Cities

"The question isn't who is going to let me: its who is going to stop me."

- Ayn Rand

Thanks to all the people who helped me refine the 'wild' and make it through this place. It feels good to finally be able to say “Bye-bye; see-yai"

Computer Science

Cyberspace Looooooooooooosei

Joshua Mark Bradley Colorado Springs, CO Mathematical Sciences Pilot Randall Wilkins Cason Waco, TX Systems Alexander Steven Dials Hunter Reed Gillon Bowling Green, KY Madeleine Elyse Girardot Atlanta, GA Law Pilot Grant Logan Gombar Peoria, AZ
Cadet Squadron 33-34 221

“You go to Heaven for the climate and Hell for the company." I could not ask for better.

Thank you Mom, Dad, Nancy, Greg and AFLAX for getfing me fhrough this place, could nothave done it without you! Mitches knows the grind.... Indy Wheatzas for the Boys!

"Being realisfic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity."

- Will Smith

To my family and friends: thank you so much for the support you have given me throughout this amazingjourney. I could not have done it without you.

"Look Up, See Down." AISI.

Lead with courage in times of fear, and with humility in times of self-confidence.

If crying yourself to sleep is cool, consider me Myles Davis. #blessed

3/5 would recommend. Love to all my family and friends.

Ian Richard Goodbody Hermosa Beach, CA Computer Engineering Developmental Engineer Young June Hong Los Angeles, CA Law Security Forces Riley Huff Edmond, OK Aeronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer Douglas Albert Gouchoe Concord, MA Biology Doctor Michael Anthony Hyde Santa Fe, NM Engineering Mechanics Pilot Joseph Aaron Gould Ramstein AB, Germany Systems Engineering Pilot


This one is for you Mom & Dad!

You owe me big time for this one!

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail."


Four years of adversity, stress, and sleepless nights gave me lifelong friends, wonderful memories, and pride. Although I often thought there would be No Escape, the unyielding support from my family, friends, and mentors pushed me forward to the following day and reminded me to always keep it Loose.

For four years, I "have fallen but not been harmed, because the Lord upholds me."

All of my successes are due to the love of my family, Lauren, and my friends here; They taught me to work hard and be a bro. Thanks to them, I never settled for less either.

Blue skies... 492

""Take these broken wings and learn to fly. All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise"

- The Beatles

Grateful for all the incredible people in my life and all the experiences that have led me up be the person / am today.

"I'm a pirate...I'm a saboteur - Mark Lupfer

Jack Thomas McCullers San Marcos, CA Social Sciences Miranda Jayne Mila Weston, FL Economics Pilot Ralph Waldo Emerson Ellen Faith Munsil Scottsdale, AZ History Missiles "Speak truth to power"- Tuna Partha Swarup Naidu Plymouth, MN Computer Science Caleb Matthias Moore Elizabethtown, KY Systems Engineering Pilot Andrea Marie Perea Las Vegas, NV Biology Pilot
Cadet Squadron 34 223
"In a life and death struggle, we cannot afford to leave or destinies in the hands of failures."


"Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside - remembering all the times you've felt that way."

- Charles Bukowski. Thanks to everyone who helped me make it.

"All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible."

- William Faulkner

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13-14). I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith (2 Timothy4:7). Thanks toall my family and friends for the support, especially my wonderful fiancee, Deanna.

Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training, Photo by 1st Lt Ray Crone Brandon Arturo Barnes Oxford, NC Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot Taylor William Perkins Andover, MA Engineering Mechanics Pilot Clement Atlee. Fun and Games. Savanna Brooke Whitaker Paris, KY Operations Research Space Operations William Michael Armour Tupelo, MS Economics Remote Piloted Aircraft
"If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader."

"You are NEVER out of the fight..."

"Faith is the art of holding on to things in spite of your changing moods and circumstances."
- C.S. Lewis

It never matters how hard a task may be, only that

Joshua Andrew Bezold Greendale, IN Economics Pilot Alyssa Michelle Bollig Fort Collins, CO Behavioral Science Aircraft Maintenance be on your way up! You'll be seeing great sights! You'lljoin the high fliers who soar to highheights." Logan Robert Coffey Denver, CO Management Remote Piloted Aircraft Dennis Michael Cook Irvine, CA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot it come, let it go, let it flow. Doin' shows.." Troy Alan Dennis Centreville, VA Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Dale Andrew Duncan Kaysville, UT Pilot
Cadet Squadron 34-35 225
it is worth it.

“If you are ever in trouble: (I) Act Surprised; (2) Look Concerned; (3) DenyEverything; (4) Admit Nothing; and (5) Make CounterAccusations!" - Thumper

And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about. Thank you to every family member and friend who has helped me to 6 get where I am now.

“Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever." - Lance Armstrong

“...I think if you're growing, then you're changing."

To myM.S.i.C., in our rise tothe top."

I'll be honest with you. A lot of times, I have no idea what I'm doing. But they don't know that I don't know, and thafs next level.

"Soeurs eternelles, suivez vos reves vers les etoiles."

Gregory Sebastian Fox Helena, MT Computer Science Cyberspace Operations Jessica Leigh Horn Southbury, CT Engineering Mechanics Developmental Engineer Andrew James Koeller St. Libory, IL Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot John Douglas Kolbo Papillion, NE Law Remote Piloted Aircraft Tyler Scott Lannom Huntsville, AL Geosciences Pilot Here's to days I won't forget, with people I'll always remember...to the best ships. Claire Ann Latscha Portland, OR Aeronautical Engineering Pilot

Aircraft Maintenance

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."

- Robin Williams.

Behavioral Science

Remote Piloted Aircraft

"If you let people's perception of you dictate your behavior, you will never grow as a person."

"You are graduating from college. That means that this is the first day of the last day of your life. No, thafs wrong. This is the last day of the first day of school. Nope, thafs worse. This is a day."

- Andy Samberg

Remote Piloted Aircraft

Ifs a full time job. The boys know that. 18,19, 25, thanks for the journey.

Political Science


Be so busy loving life that you have no time for hate, regret, worry, fret, or fear

'There are two types of people- those who are humble and those who are about to be." Go Falcs!

Terry Lee Honolulu, HI Biology Robert Joseph Parati Wichita, KS Justin Rei Malone Humble, TX Management Pilot Alyssa Ann Ramirez Glendale, AZ Trenton Hampton Monaghan Coral Springs, FL Management Nicholas Ryan Reisch Denver, CO Management Pilot
Cadet Squadron 35 227

Foreign Area Studies Intelligence

",And He has said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.' Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me."

- 2 Corinthians 12:9



Middlebury,VT Computer Science Pilot

"Do you know what the Lama says? Gunga galunga... gungo, gunga-lagunga. So we finish the eighteenth and he's gonna stiff me. And I say, 'Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.' And he says, 'Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.' So I got that goin' for me, which is nice."

Evan Robert Allman Bethlehem, PA

Systems Engineering

Remote Piloted Aircraft

Hardly home, always reppin'. Thank you to my family and friends for all of the support over the years.

Chelsea Marie Cogswell Seattle, WA


Air Battle Manager

"Nolite te bastardescarborundorum... Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance: you have to work at it."

- The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood. "Knowledge is an art, attaining it should be uncomfortable and constant. Hold your own paintbrush, but always rotate masters and subjects. Abilities have no purpose if they are not applied to the benefit of the world. Do not put down your brush until you have given your last breath"

Carley Rexford Woodard Fredericksburg, VA Jacob Wulfson
Caddyshack Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1 st Lt Kyle Palko
"Life is tough, its tougher when you're stupid" - John Wayne

"What comes easy, won't last. What lasts, won't come easy."

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
- Isaac Asimov

"This is just the beginning of my road to more success. Bless up."

Adam Joseph Collamati Woonsocket, Rl Environmental Engineering Combat Systems Officer for yourselves, don't be sheep!" - Rick Derrin Fuat Gelston Guilford, CT Systems Engineering Pilot Sic Parvis Magna. Thank you to everyone who was along for the ride. Mackenzie Thomas Conrow Two Harbors, MN Civil Engineering Pilot Tyler Joseph Kapolka Springboro, OH Astronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer Timothy Jay Crain Tucson, AZ Computer Science Pilot Michael Antione Kelly Chicago, IL Computer Science Cyberspace
Cadet Squadron 35-36 229



"I need to complete my homework on time." - Maiala Yousafzai

Political Science Intelligence

“Argue for your limitations and sure enough... theyre yours."
- Richard Bach



"'But in heaven,' Socrates said, 'perhaps, a pattern is laid up for the man who wants to see and found a city within himself on the basis of what he sees. It doesn't make any difference whefherit is or will be somewhere.

For he would mind the things of this city alone, and of no other.'" - Plato's Republic, 592b. Remember, some things are worse than physical death.

General Science

Remote Piloted Aircraft

People said I couldn't, so I did

Sun Park


Airfield Operations

No Comment Given



"Once you knew what inquiry was for. There was a time when you asked questions because you wanted answers, and were glad when you had found them. Become that child again: even now."

Bethany Lynn Kenser Poplar Bluff, MO Kevin Michael Love Loomis, CA Martin Lawrence Martinez Colorado Springs, CO Robyn Nicole Mills Osceola, IN Northern Marianas Island Management Zachary Paul Perry San Antonio, TX

Well, that was fun.

"80% of success is showing up"

"Good. What else?' - Henry

I'm grateful for the support of my family and loved ones. I'm also grateful for my Heavenly Father, who has played an integral part in my time at the Academy. I have come to learn for myself that man's greatest happiness indeed comes when he is lost in the service of his fellowman.

What you lack in talent, compensate with tenacity

Heath Garrett Reichenbach Massillon, OH Economics Pilot Katherine Thea Smith San Antonio, TX Economics Pilot Smith Preston Kenneth Spaulding North Ogden, UT Systems Engineering Developmental Engineer Alexander Ross Warren Avon, IN Management Airfield Operations Sione Tufui Wolfgramm Anaheim, CA Engineering Mechanics Developmental Engineer Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training, Photo by 1st Lt TiffanyMcKinney.
36 231
Cadet Squadron


Couldn't have done it without family and the soccer boys. So glad to be done. FAS

Management Logistics

Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program

Behavioral Science

Remote Piloted Aircraft

Always let your faith be bigger than your fears.

When you're lying on your death bed are you going to look back proudly on the amount of money you saved or the experiences you had? Hey mom and dad! Thanks to everyone who helped me out along the way, I definitely could not have made it alone!

Mathematical Sciences

Operations Research

"Just because you're trash doesn't meon you can't do great things. Ifs called a garbage can, not a garbage cannot."

ANIMALISTIC SKYRAIDERS Jonah Gabriel Bacon Easton, ME Grayson Daniel Gist Kansas City, MO Computer Science Pilot Zachary Michael Hill Rollinsford, NH Foreign Area Studies Intelligence Gianna Marie Khoudary Missoula, MT Felix Jon Knutson Hubbard, IA

"Count your life by smiles" - John

"Around here we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

- Walt Disney

Thank you to my family and friends who supported me along the way!

I would not be where I am todayif I have not had the best support system in the world. My super hero mom that delivers babies on the side of the road, my dad who will never resist a game of backgammon, myinspiring brothers who showed me the way - and taught me a lot for UC class, and of course Dutch Willy who will bejoining me in making my second rap album right after I finish the first. Thank you.

Thanks to those that have been supporting me. Especially my Mom, Dad, sisters and grandparents. Thanks for helping me through thick and thin.

'Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding" - Albert Einstein

"People who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."

Julia Myers Leithold West Bend, Wl Politico! Science Pilot Sarah Elizabeth Miller Pittsburgh, PA Civil and Environmental Engineering Pilot Lennon Christopher Ryan Moroz Thomaston, GA Management Pilot Robert John Olesen Lexington, KY Physics Scientist Konnor-Lawrence Kolaukani Moden Boise, ID Management Pilot David Nathaniel Ortiz Lubbock, TX Systems Engineering Pilot
Cadet Squadron 37 233

"/ firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heartout in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of baffle - victorious."

No Comment Given

I'm a leader not a follower. Unless its dark, then you're going first. Thanks to my family, I couldn't have made it without you!

William Rip Price Colorado Springs, CO Management Pilot Matthew Carl Simpson Wylie, TX Astronautical Engineering Pilot “HYAAAH!" - Link Matthew Nicholson Robbins Tupelo, MS Management Pilot Ryan Lee Redhead Victor, NY Electrical Engineering Air Battle Manager Kevyn Lee-Anne Stinett Colorado Springs, CO Political Science Public Aftairs a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor." Christopher Dewitt Towns Chester, VA Systems Engineering Pilot "Be Smart About Being Stupid"

The Candy Man. T.S Eliots Wasteland. Just Call Him Siddhartha. Whafs in the box? Pain. You never read in English Class. You're big. I'm small. I'm a strange attractor in a parallel universe. You don't play an instrument that I haven't heard of. I thought that you would like that idea and be more cordial. Chords are just nooses. Don't dance with me. I never liked you anyway. Just chalk the whole thing up to the apathetic universe. Chris Farley.

Lookout Mountain, TN Law and Political Science Cross Commissioning Marine Corps

"What is man's chief end? Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever."

- Westminster Shorter Catechism

Brian Charles Yarbrough Rio Rancho, NM Computer Engineering Cyberspace The best weekends don't involve dish soap. Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by Denise Garcia
Madison Aimen Overland Park, KS English Missiles Mark Alexander Caldwell
Cadet Squadron 37-38 235
“Love the life you live. Live the life you love."
'Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
- Mother Teresa

Although I pretend to love the mech major, I suffer unimaginable pain and frustration through endless nights. Ryan is right, do NOT declare mech!I

Nothing comes easy.

Samantha Marie Castanien San Diego, CA Law Cyberspace Never, Never Give Up." - Churchill Samuel Ellis Hunt Huntington Beach, CA Management Security Forces Bob Marley Griffith Riffe Hiss Milton, MA History Pilot Makes Diamonds." - General George S. Patton Jr. Tyler Aaron Hudson Norco, CA Engineering Mechanics Pilot Susan Emily Hurtado San Antonio, TX Biology Aircraft Maintenance Michael John Loh Highlands Ranch, CO Aeronautical Engineering Pilot
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
- Walt Disney
"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for and extraordinary destiny..
- C.S.

USAFA is awesome. Appreciate it. Mechanical Engineering truly sucks. Do not declare it as your major.

'Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
- Winston Churchill

Aeronautical Engineering

Remote Piloted Aircraft

/ would like to thank everyone who has supported. To mybeautiful mother, thanks for teaching me success and kindness are not mutuallyexclusive. To my father, thanks for teaching me to really listen when others are speaking. To my wonderful sister, thanks for teaching me to always follow your dreams. To the countless others who inspired me, I hope I can exceed your expectations.

Krista Dyan McAloose Fort Myers, FL Management Pilot London Joseph Morrison Midland, NC Systems Engineering Developmental Engineer Lewis Ryan James O’Reilly Lansdale, PA Mechanical Engineering Pilot Alejandro Adonais Rodriguez Taos, NM Foreign Area Studies Pilot El triunfo no es ganar. El triunfo es poder levantarse cuando te caes eso es el triunfo. Travis Andrew Ryan Plouston, TX Flistory Pilot Gregory Fields Search Red Hook, NY
Cadet Squadron 38 237
"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
- Michael Jordan

“If girls always treated each other like we do when we'redrunk in the girl's bathroom, the world would be a much happier place"

Remote Piloted Aircraft

I'm just biding my time until I can grow a cool mustache. "It ain't no fun if the homies can't have none."

"Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength"

- Tyrion Lannister

Jeremy David Shimanek Wood Dale, IL Systems Engineering Pilot Austin Denniston Thompson Eagle River, AK Geosciences - Snoop Dogg Bryant Tran Beaumont, CA Computer Science Pilot
i r
Riley Elizabeth Vann Oswego, IL English Missiles


Political Science

Public Affairs

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love."


"Yard by yard life is hard, inch by inch life's a cinch"

- Brian Beasley.

Thank you to my family and friends for their unconditional support through my life journey! I love you all!


"Is this Senior Message mandatory?'

Behavioral Science Pilot

This place has been a ride. Keep your nose to the grindstone. Be resilient. Thanks mom, dad, and sis for always being there!

“We love because He first loved us."

- 1 John 4:19

Foreign Area Studies Pilot

"Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don't depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do, and he will give you success." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Thank you to my family and friends for your love and support! Blue Skies.. .495

JEDI KNIGHTS Faith Christine Brodkorb Peoria, IL Rebecca Christine Beasley Dublin, CA Management Lucas Adam Brown Athens, IL Levi Andrew Braley Kenna, WV Management Spencer Ryan Davenport Summerfield, NC
Cadet Squadron 38-39 239

Prior Lake, MN Astronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer

"The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program. And if we become extinct because we don't have a space program, ifII serve us right!"

- Larry Niven

Political Science


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

- Winston Churchill

7 love you Mom and Dad! -Min Jung Kim"

Space Operations

Jeremy is stilt a NARP.


Military and Strategic Studies

Remote Piloted Aircraft

"They don't think it be like it is, but it do"

- Oscar Gamble

Basic Sciences


"Great, Kid. Now don't get Cocky."

- Han Solo



"If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostorsjust the same; Yours is the Earth and everything thafs in it, And—which is more you'll be a Man, my son!"

-If - By Rudyard Kipling

William Hubert Jantscher Jasmine Kim Tacoma,WA Daniel Maurice Johansen Greenwood, IN Management Cameron Douglas Lindsey Simpsonville, SC Matthew Daniel Kellum Winston-Salem, Conner McKinney Lift Lancaster, OH

To my family, friends, and mentors, I can't thank you enough for your support! Through God, all things are possible. I am forever grateful and forever blessed to have had your support, and I could not have made it this far wifhout you!

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?

Then I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"

- Isaiah 6:8

"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne I love you, Mom, Dad, and Dalton! Thank you to friends and family who have been supportive along the way.
7 am a star. I'm a star, I'm a star, I'm a star. I am a big, bright, shining star. Thafs right."
- Dirk Diggler
Carson Wyatt Orwig Grove Hill, AL Behavioral Science Pilot James Hassan Salem Colorado Springs, CO Operations Research Pilot William Robert Maschmeyer GreensPurg, PA Systems Engineering Developmental Engineer "It doesn't take rocket appliances" - Ricky Katherine Suzanne Obluda Colorado Springs, CO Systems Engineering Pilot "The bad news is time flies, the good news is you're the pilot." Samuel Kenneth Sabin Tulsa, OK Management Pilot "Life guarantees onlyopportunity."
Cadet Squadron 39 241
Kyle David Russell Modesto, CA Biochemistry Pilot

"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it."

- Bill Gates CS-40 WARHAWKS

"Life before death, Strength before weakness, Journey before desfinafion."

"For all its material advantages, the sedentary life has left us edgy, unfulfilled. The open road still softlycalls, like a nearlyforgotten song."

“We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Braeden Alexander Sheets Rochester, Ml Astronautical Engineering Developmental Engineer Zachary James Stepan Zimmerman, MN Civil and Environmental Engineering Air Battle Manager Gautam Venkataraman Austin, TX Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Abby Marie Bierschbach Minot, ND Chemistry Space Operations - Chuck Palahniuk Grant Thomas Caswell Denver, CO Computer Science Cyberspace


"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams"

- Henry David Thoreau

Floedspruit, South Africa

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineer

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

- Nelson Mandela

Thank you to everybody that pushed me to failure, I would not be the same person without all of your challenges. Cheers


Wisdom precludes boldness



No Comment Given

Haymarket, VA

Geosciences Intelligence

“If yoUre not going to snort, why even laugh?'

Lewis Scott Gray Meridian, MS Biochemistry


No Comment Given

Staci Marie Colbacchini Coral Springs, FL Operations Research Craig Robert Dold Spencer David Crowe Louisville, KY Political Science Alexandra Nicole Fairbanks Nathaniel Clair Dickman Jr. Clinton Township, Ml Mechanical
Cadet Squadron 39-40 243

"Working for the weekend"

“Thafs whafs cool about working with computers: They don't argue, they remember everything, and they don't drink all your beer."

"If tomorrow wasn't promised, what would you give for today7‘

Legal Studies Contracting

“ifs never toolate to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."

and Strategic Studies Cyberspace

When the facts change, I change my mind.

Moer Flower Mound, TX Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering

I'm goin out with my boots on.

Connor Patrick Hagan Venice, FL Management Acquisitions Ryan Michael Keeney Coronado, CA Management Pilot Shannen Lee Kelly Phoenix, AZ Lucas Allan Lambrecht Sheboygan Falls, Wl Computer Science Pilot Nicholas Daniel Liu Alameda, CA Military Zachary Thomas

"The most important thing is that sometimes you have to go through hard times to get tothe good stuff'

- Abby Wambach

Thanks toall my friends and family for your support, and as always

#ThanksJillEllis #WeMadelt

“Just be yourself. And if that doesn't work, be somebody else."

- Bruce Foudriat

"Success consists of going from failureto failure without the loss of enthusiasm"

- Winston Churchill

With that being said, mattresses belong in rooms, not in the quad.

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, it is in rising every time we fail."

"You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it con crash. Become like water my friend."

- BruceLee

"Why, for example, should a group of simple, stable compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen struggle for billions of years to organise themselves into a professor of chemistry? Whafs the motive?'

Brianna Nicole Pauser Charlotte, NC Biology Pilot Kyle Walter Ragay Fayetteville, NC Foreign Area Studies Pilot John Taylor Rowan Owings, MD Civil Engineering Pilot Maximilian John Umland Garden City, NY Computer Science Pilot Arinze Enyinnia Uzo-Okereke Ladera Ranch, CA Management Space Operations Lucas Philip Villa Ventura, CA Biochemistry Pilot
Cadet Squadron 40 245

No Comment Given

"In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think its impossible to really understand somebody, what the want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves."

Nathaniel Keith Volk Champaign, IL Civil Engineering Pilot Douglas Wilson Wong Scottsdale, AZ Aeronautical Engineering Pilot Archived photo, Class of 2016, Basic Cadet Training. Photo by 1st Lt Kyle Palko
Photo by Arnie Spencer
k i* •f» ^gjopafE— - 't ■ j I A K rS 1 M I K' m L v< H US Kr B9
250 SQUADRONS I J ■ib,'A
C4C Michael Bullock does flut ter kicks under the supervision of C2C Lochlin Deeks during Recognition training on the terrazzo. Photo by C1C James Cardinal



Class of 2017 MIGHTY MACH ONE

Caleb Anderson Alex Atwood Christopher Carr John Console Austin Flues Meredith Garrett Madeline Gloss Bradley Haslam Eric Holm Andrew Horstman Justin Johnson Daniel Lara Cori McFadden Schaeffer McHenry Jessica McNeace Brady Miner Kaleb Nypaver Austin Oliver Junwoo Park Joshua Self Samantha Skold Spencer Smith Hunter Stephens Philip Strunk Not Pictured: Joseph F. Tuss McKall Turk Malik Washington

Class of 2018 MIGHTY MACH ONE

Calvin Berstler Nathan Brooks Skylar Brooks Michael Chado Ariana Cisneros Michael Dempski Sophia Fillmore Zachary Froembling CollinGrahl Jon Flobbs Michael Knab Monica Lubis Lake Lutes Dylan Martin-Abood Jacob Orner Stephanos Rahimzadeh Natalie Seitz Nicholas Seto Jeremy Touma Jamiel Trimble Jessica Um Trent Wiltshire Tyler Zabojnik Mary Zimmerman
Taewoo Kim Seo Ko Justin Kovich Emily Kuo Margaret Libby David Louthan Gabriel Martinez Quinon Aryn Maxwell Darion McElhannon Erin Nistler Spencer O'Donnell Samuel Rexroad Earljohn Reyes John Robertson Emma Strom Alan Villanueva Maxwell Wilde Marcus Abrams Samuel Barry Richard Evans Benjamin Flanagan Sofia Gilkeson Christian Hadden Cole Hansen Joshua Jalowiec Samantha Jones Emily Bleuel Zachary Carreon Kaitlyn Emerson
Class of 2019 MIGHTY MACH ONE


Class of 2017 DEUCE

Savannah Banyai Kirk Beaver Christopher Beck Max Benson Steven Brosy Andrew Buisson Anton Cebanu Avery Eckebrecht Jack Eichenberger Brady Gartman Sydney Graham Derek Hall James Jax Sage Keltee Nicholas Leggit Brian McSweeney Katharine Moeller Jacob Romitti Mikayla Scarboro Gordon Sitt Sterling Smith Nicole Sofet Hannah Sponseller Raymond Wayne

Class of 2018 DEUCE

David Acton Dylan Akin lainjames Armitage Denisha Bennett Tyler Blue Miriam Buda Charles Chimento John Despard Perresha Foster D'Andre Fraser Jonathan Gale Haylie Harbin Elvin Hernandez ArchiJason Holmes Hwi Kim Spencer King Isaac Koloditch Halley Martin Grant Parks Greggory Redman Gabriel Shepherd Brynn Skinner Roberto Sugars Nathaniel Trout Jordan Tyler Benton Washington Zachary Wolf

Class of 2019 DEUCE

Jeffrey Austin Caitlin Bowman Austin Box Quinton Coleman Alexander Colon Isabella Farrell Blake Gillund Alexander Hess Daniel Highland Chloe Hohman Natalie Ketner Blake Lawrie Victor Lee Michelle McGee Joel Montoya John Moody Olivier Mutabazi Charles Orahood



Class of 2017 DOGS OF WAR

Lt Col Tracy Bunko TSgt Scott Pennock Paul Amengual Victoria Bittleston Andrew Bragado Allen Caunitz Steven Choi Mark Cruickshank Stephen Cunningham Tyler Dietrich Wesley Jackman Dustin Johannsen Evan Locke Kenneth McGhee Robert Meza Kathryn New Jack Nordell Jocelle Rudico Jake Seratte Victoria Szala Ryan Thomas Jacob Tilley Lukas Waldron Ryan Worley Young Wu Shujie Yan

Class of 2018 DOGS OF WAR

Jennifer Breedlove Gavin Butler Matthew Coley Hunter Colvin Jeremiah Doyle Audra Garrigan
Michael Hannigan James Hejna Benjamin Hook Darien Johnson Thomas Kirby Jacob Kramer Jacob Lacoste Matthew Lee Jonathan McDonald Jill McLeod
Brianna Mount Trevor Noble

Class of 2019 - DOGS OF WAR

Devon Burger Ethan Chambers Charles Davis Jacee French Logan Frost Joshua Giorgio Sean Flarvey Jaren Hinz Gage Fiiseley John Joyce Sarah Kreiser Molly Laatsch Jacob Malloy Conrad McCarthy George Millard Kelly NguyenRodrigo Orellana Kehinde Osinloye David Ott Stefanie Polivka Nigel Sarrazin Logan Sharp Charles Stephens Braxton Stocking Michelle Thompson Christy Thorstenson Arlene Vill Parker Wilson Ryan Yoo Colin Zavislak



Class of 2017 FIGHTIN’ FOURTH

William Albyn Thomas Baron Von Vietinghoff-Scheel Brenden Bone Katie Britt Brandon Bylina Anna Cherry Markez Davis Derek Deiter Michael Hughes Zachary Kane Jessica Kelley Braden Laverick Andrew Lichtsinn Christian Linn Bradley Mokris Dominic Moore Elijah Nicholson Jeffrey Puhek Stephen Rudy William Shanley Khornwitpong Soonthonnitikul Dominick Speranza Hayley Weir

Class of 2018 - FIGHTIN’ FOURTH

Joshua Alsleben Michael Brady Anthony Brzezinski Caitlin Cherek Christian Constantino James Eason Cheyenne Gonzales Garrison Gosney Brittney Gregg Brooks Hardy Joseph Humphries Merrick Isley Alexander Lansink Kevin Ley Justen Linares Conner Mallet Patrick Pearce Zachary Petrie Steven Ringenbach Kristen Shimkus Bailey Smith Sierra Stopper Zachary Vaughn Caleb Vrancken
Class of
Dontai Anderson Daniel Bailey Lydia Byrom Chad Chreene Tadhg Collins Kaitlyn Enright Noah Eppinger Kyle Floyd Brennen Garland Mattie Germann Austin Guerrero Jared Henderson David Jones Matthew Kane Garrett Kauppila Abbie Lavin Caleb Mathes Scott McDill Cassandra McElwee Dustin Nethercutt Garrett Patnode Alexa Poveromo Gunther Prussing KateRandall Brandon Rockers Matthew Scherer Shane Starrett Leo Tanja Meriah Valk Andre Vertucio Trevor Westendorf



Wesleigh Bartels Nicholas Brandt Erik Brito Nathan Buxton Nicholas Carpenter Patrick Casa Lauren Casulli Stefan Curcic Angela Curtis Andrew Daughtery Jason Engel Cameron Georgi Jeremy Jacobellis Eric Johnston Tawnie Kerr Patrick Knittle Justin Myhre Terrance Oliveri-Williams Jessica Phillips Kevin Pina Colin Schnoes Samuel Sheikh Matthew Swanson Luke Toscano Scott Vande Vrede Robert Wlosek
264 Class
of 2018
Buti Al Kaabi Erik Baskin Justin Blumas Michael Bourdeau Oscar Chacon Patrick Coleman Peyton Cottingham Joshua Davis Matthew Hale Mackenzie Hayden Jordan Himley Noah Irons Michael Kearney Joseph Kincart Erik Lecy Falon Little Thomas Mandel Michael Mechikoff Andrew Mikulski Dylan Muramoto Alexandra O'Brien Elisha Phillips Cody Robinson Andrea Roblez Benjamin Stark Kathryn Stutesman McCord Thorley Matthew Walsh Ian Wilhelm Patricia Willigrod
Elliott Higgins Raina Cerniglia Seung Choi Andrew Gibson Ginnis Gooder Megan McCormick Alexander McLaughlin Paige Quaintance Kyle Ramage Ty Thede Janel Valerio Cody Donald Min Park Jericho Simmons Xavier Cardinal Antonio Garza Carson Kimball Justin Peterson Connor Suggs Christopher Clark Dean Risse Katelyn Walbridge Samuel Brenner Steven Griffin Joshua Mossing Aaron Boaitey Brett Decker Trenton Harper Elisa Nelson Jeremy Schwartz
Class of 2019 WOLF PACK

Class of 2017 BULL SIX

Robert Briggs Alexa Chacon Leza Chapman Jack Corriere Andrew Baker Damian Bordenave Ryan Dau Shayne Davern Denzel Dones Anthony Ermitano Saylor Gilbert Chad Gray Nathaniel Lauvetz Sydney Lawless Tyler Murray Devin Payne Brennen Poole Jordan Prado Riley Quinlan Emily Richard Jonathan Schiller Kyle Senn Taylor Smith London Walrod Karen Wolf

Class of 2018 BULL SIX

Joe Arguijo Meicie Bennett Daniel Campesino Kyle Cowman Donald Crabill Connor Brown Jaziel Crespo Bailey DeSaussure Pankaja Dissanayake Joseph Engelbrecht John Hagey Julie Hodges James Jacobs Andrew Johnston Jason Kyles Matthew Lawler Mackenzie Lerum Evan Loughlin Shaun Mize Thomas Molnar Cecil Moskowitz Jacqueline Parker Ethan Pike Riley Popovich Dane Robbins Natasha Rodriguez Joshua Roseler Noah Sternat Emily Teets Jackson Wannamaker

Class of 2019 BULL SIX

Spencer Adolph John Allen Sarah Antolik James Ayres Mark Brown Elijah Calloway Collin Cates Taylor Cobb Donald Coffin-Schiavon Andrew DeNicola Frederick Early Michael Gilmartin Michael Grieg Frank Hippier Isaiah Honable Mason Knox Amber Litteral Andrew McAdams Matthew Media Michael Plaza Quincy Prack Brittney Reed Alexandra Reveles Corben Rut Jerni Self Jacob Shaffer Samantha Shiftman Carter Thorne Sedacy Walden Ciera White



Class of 2017 SHADOW SEVEN

Christal Amar Joshua Bartness Zachary Blanks Austin Carter Emily D'Amato Zachary Eppinger Hayden Graham Mark Gruschka August Hein Lawton Huffman Grigor Kerdikoshvili Kojiro Kobayashi Geoffrey Kuhn Stewart Lange Alanna LoVetri Michael Mattson Seamus McCaffrey Jacob Polakowski Cody Ray KafeLyn Riechers Jacob Riley Heafh Rohr Alexis Thuli Eric Zielen-Ersing William Zimmerman

Class of 2018 SHADOW SEVEN

Anthony Bucci Yae-Eun Chung Cristian Cortes Nathan Creech Elizabeth Denton Jack Empey Matthew Evans Luke Farrell Jacob Hawkins Tiffanie Johnson Zachary Jones Tyler Koss Theodore Lingle Travis Maxwell Justin Morehead Dan Neghina John Oliver Molly Phillips Samuel Polachek Nicolas Russell Craig Siegel Madeline Slagley Joseph Stukey Tara Tryon Gearick Watt

Class of 2019 SHADOW SEVEN

Nathan Aday Desiree Allum Zoe Barnette Tucker Bone Clayton Bullock Jessica Chen Ryan Collinsworth Ross Connors Peyton Cooper Jackson Dunn Caleb Elms Jacob Erickson John Gnan Tyler Harris-Stover Matthew Hopkins Turner Howe Zackary Krieger Nicholle MacKeen Dylan Magness Stone Miller Matthew Moawad Robert Okeley Aaron Queen Moatasim Rana McKenzie Rosenthal Jose Silva Robert Simpson Shanon Teicher John Twomey Tyler Ullmann

Class of 2017 EAGLE EIGHT

Christopher Bloch Seth Bolon Richard Bush Samuel Coudret Connor Drenkhahn Rachel Duff David Elletson Katherine Fitzgerald Wesley Foudriat Alexandra Green Brett Flagen David Harris Nicholas Haskell Rhianna Daniel Kohn Tony Lee Jackson Locke Jennifer Luong Claudia Martinez Kenton McGuire John Scott Quincy Smith Talon Townley Timothy Tyson Paul Vasta

Class of 2018 EAGLE EIGHT

Kaitlyn Barry Nickolas Biancalana Charles Bruce Andrew Cha Christopher Delgado Sarah Domenichini Connor Ellis Manuel Figueroa Devlin Gilligan Ian Heffner Nathaniel Jostes Christina Kelvin Benjamin Kucera Andrew Loyack Delarrion Milner Ross Obenschain Christopher Perez Joshua Pope Jacquelyn Regan David Sargent Nevan Strobelt-McCann Levi Sylvester Den Tati-Mackaya Grant Temple Alexandra Vance Jordan Weum
Class of 2019 EAGLE EIGHT
Andrea Abel Kyle Abraham Hunter Ahlquist James Ankarberg Jonathan Banks Steven Bienlien Mafalda Brancal William Cooper Robyn Cully Veronica Dodds Braden Evers Shelby Feldman Christiaan Frost Lauren Heldt Ryan Howe Isaac Jimenez Joseph Lapiana Anna Maronick Logan Morrison Kristen Nye Matthew Philichi Ryan Ramseyer Stanley Skibo Graham Smith Thomas Stretch Roland Wheeler



Class of 2017 VIKING NINE

Maj Dustin Mowrey TSgt Janaea Warner Daniel Bogue Brett Bultsma Nicholas Blohm Ayana Cole-Fletcher Robert Doby Casey Evans Lucas Fumagalli Andrew Gibson Zachary Flodges John Jacob Daniel Kirmse Deraid Madson Emily Martin Rhea McFarland Joshua McMillen Ethan Moore Paul Mueller Conor O'Flara Janeka Perry Daniel Skoglund Jacob Ploschnitznig Taylor Schwenke Jonathan Turner Jeremiah Wells

Class of 2018 VIKING NINE

Harrison Anderson Emanuel Beer Ashlen Bible Brandon Cambio Collin Charles Noah Dart Simone Duryea Faisal Fogle Jonathon Fornoff Nicholas Forsythe Hannah Garcia-Park Nathan Katich Jamie Kirkland Sheamus Larkin Madison Lohman Thomas Malloy Clarke Niles Jasmine Okai Brooke Rittmann Miles Rivera Robert Schnall Matthew Sefton Jack Temple John Valentine Anya Wallace Benjamin White Christopher Yang

Class of 2019 VIKING NINE

Kim Agatep Trey Arnold Claire Badger Jonathan Bartlett Jacob Bilvado Michael Bonneau John Cannata Mark Coxen Steven Dinneen Laura Drapinski Domonique Gordon Graden Gribble Jennifer Hiddink Analise Howard Jake Hughes Nicholas Hurley Charles Leano Kyle Leland Shaun McNally Heidi Morrison Nicholas Pollack Grayson Reeves Brandon Sanders Georgia Sims Dylan Smith Dylan Tang David Warfel Peter Washer Jacob Yarnell
Claude Alexander Troy Berglund Noah Bradley John Diekel Sara Fishbein Collette Foster Jordan Glover Gilbert Gonzales Parker Hines Nicholas Jorgensen Alexander Laudadio Zachary Maginnis Roger Martel Samantha McCain Nolan Peters Alexander Pollack Sean McQuesten Anthony Mountain Jonathan Nguyen Cody Page Cydnee Reese Dylan Reid Jeremiah Revereza Kyra Schmidt Crosby Shaver Kynan Valencia

Class of 2018 TIGER TEN

Joseph Asenuga Michael Billingsley Natasha Blaskovich Dominique DaltonJohn Francois Gannon Gardner Eric Gershoff Ryan Fiarden Flenry Flill Tyler Ketron Alia Lemm Sean Lyons Max Marosko Jacob Oare Connor Queenan Tyler Rodriguez Ryan Schwartzkopf Jack Warmolts
Class of 2019 TIGER TEN
Yaquarri Adams Jason Anderson Cassandra Bell Alexandra Bochart Cristian Brunenkant Athena Eccher Sarah Escobedo Logan Feasline Cody Gessler Petrut Ghita Cole Grove Erik Isenberg Venessannah Itugbu Samantha Jackson Pierce Kassmeier Eugene Kim Trinh Lewis Colin Lilya Heron Lopez Mark Mueller Baily Nagle Austin Nelson Isaak Riesterer Charles Smith Zachary Socolofsky Joshua Turner Joshua West Jonah Whitt

Class of 2017 REBELEVEN

Maj Kristin Hubbard TSgt Reginald Brooks Nicholas Accardi Amelia Ahner Eric Anderson Tucker Axhoj Brandon Bradley Nicholas Carter Jesse Chasteen Ryan Doucet Reagan Fentress Tuaton Gbassa Jacob Goodwin Matthew Hernandez Eric Hoff Michael Johnson Zachary Kamai Matthew Krott Anna Meiusi Chandler Nan Joshua Osgard Hunter Robinson Nolan Sheahan Colleen Slein Andrew Steinemann Samuel Stronko James Washington Jordan Wesemann Valerie Westland
Class of 2018 REBELEVEN
Olufunmilayo Akinlosotu Andrew Antonetti Neal Bess Brennan Bosworth Andres Fedele Erin Fleet James Fuhrman Garrett Glaudini Nathan Gomez Nicolas Guerrero Fleather Hardcastle Ryan Jacobs Sean Jao Jeremiah Knipe Gwenevere Malisani Mercer Martin Joseph Matarazzo Jesse Ott Silvia Seraly Connor Severino Ryan Silva Tyler Steele Colby Stewart Jonathan Toves Peron Trotman Michael Winbourne

Class of 2019 REBELEVEN

Garrett Amy Kelly Blunt William Botterbusch Matthew CarterAbdiel Casanas Rosario Andrew Dampier Bailey Flansburg Veronica Gomez Riley Hater Tristyn Hanson Theodore Jantscher Kathryn Kampsen Yong-Hyun Kim Yaereem Lee Hsin Hsueh Liu Simon Lynn Anthony McLaughlin Kevin Mendez Emily Nole Dane Norman Matthew Oliver Zachary Riley Abigail Miksch Ariana Mosley Luke Robinson Matthew Stanley Justin Waligora Maverick Wilhite Erin Swain



Class of 2017 DIRTY DOZEN

Ryan Andrieux Samuel Byers John Cavassa William Cofield Adam Fly Marisa Grattan Kyle Hubert Jeffrey Keitel Moshiu Knox
Taylor Lopez Olijnyk Jesse Lubove Samantha Moody Alexandra Osborn Evan Papp Jacob Schenk Evan Seeley Seung Song Malachi Sparling Abby Specht Philip Sweet Robert Uebelacker Carissa Vaccaro Lucas Vowell Kevin Yalung

Class of 2018 DIRTY DOZEN

Daniel Arndt Jeremy Blunt Derek Brecht Katherine Burnham John Dever Knykia Franklin Michael Gallagher Justin Graham Alexander Grant Altin-Myka Hing Daniel Holobeny Balaussa Kameledenova Paul Kim David Koonz Liza Matson Jacob Maurer Todd Millard Collin Parsons Connor Reilly Shaun Silk Nicole Slavoski Michael Sutton Anthony Talosaga Daniel Tunitis
286 Class of 2019 DIRTY
Jaime Abelon Maurice Appleton Nicholas Bacogiannis Elisabeth Brechbuhl Andre Briere Milo Browder Francis Cooper Tessa Favo Thomas Hiltz Flarrison Floffman April Flood Nicholas Learn Allan Luk Robert Mahoney Sonya McLaughlin Joel Moss Ethan Nichols Logan Ormsby Elizabeth Pennington Sydney Phillips Garrett Potts Eric Rossillon Samuel San Marco Joshua Sommers Brett Stell Kendall Thomas Robert Waterman Joseph Woody Alexander Yantis


Class of 2017 BULL DAWGS

Richard Araya Riley Bigelow Lauren Bramblett Maxwell Edson Travis Edwards Christopher Flake Julie Fleming Nathan Foss Paul Hasegawa Hannah Hughes Clay Jessie Elias Johnson Tyson McQuerry Everett Montano Christina Nunley Ian O'Bryan Dylan Rehwaldt Arthur Rose Steven Snyder Zachary Stolze Emily Taylor John Testerman Donald Thornton Kenneth Tomlinsor Cindy Yie Andrew Zhao
Class of 2018 BULL DAWGS
Zachaiy Drury Kathryn Gaudette Martin Gleason Grayson Harber Stewart Holmes Stephen Hott John Johnson JasmineJorden Kaleb Kremsreiter Curtis Ladd Nathan Lee Brandon Lloyd Luke McGowan Macy Miller Sean O'Bryan Brandon Paulsen Karol Ramirez Thomas Riganti Deniss Sivohins Emily Snyder Neptaly Trujillo Whitton Valentine Grant Van Hoomissen Conner Wilburn Carter Wilson

Class of 2019 BULL DAWGS

Michael Bastian John Bowes Anthony DeAngelis Eduardo Diaz Malik Ekpenyong Anna Frick Conner Galbraith Jonathan Healey Ford Hossler Ronald JacksonNicholas Juhasz Megan Langas Jen-Liz Maldonado Conan Maltz Miguel Molas Collin Page Johnelle Parlagreco William Patterson Isaac Perez Andrew Piper Mikaela Pollock Liam Sax Dustin Stille Tyler Stout Kathryn Tomczak Deanna Washington Kyle Woodward Daniel Yook Zachary Zeltmann Heather Zimmie


Nicholas Bailey Pedro Barrientes Dana Call Kellen Cleveland Jonathan Cooper Michael Davis Kyle Eller Ryan Fulton Leah Gates Zachary Gerlach Ren Herbert Clark Jones Krista Kelly Sarah McClellan Robert Nero Bryce O'Connell Juan Orozco Heather Parcasio Nickolas Radosevich Viktor Rymniak Adam Sumait James Tunnell

Class of 2018 KILLER COBRAS

Christian Agmata Tristan Briggs Zachary Clay Benjamin Cook Samuel Eckholm Madison Gray Chelsea Grimison Michael Hurst Emmanuel Hurtado Raymone Jackson Anthony Logrande Alicia Neuman Oluwayemisi Orikogbo William Pepe Lyle Plummer Kimberly Soltero Bret Wagner Justin Westbrook Corbin Zachary Noel Zamot Christopher Graham Mormon Redd

Class of 2019 - KILLER COBRAS

Emmanuel Apea Alexandra Cain Nicholas Capella Nicholas Cheuvront Karter Cook Austin Esquivel Micah Fontaine Noah Gavenus Rebecca Gicewicz Kyle Haak Brett Hensel Isaac Kasten Maxwell Kemper Rebecca Layng Justin Maxwell Hannah McGowen Thomas Oh Kevin Patterson Cassaundra Preston Jonathan Quiros Darrion Sanders Karl Schluetz Marisa Sligh Meghan Vandermaas Jeffrey Wilson
George Beals George Calley Adrian Chiriac Bradley Diaz Taylor Germain Yongjun Kim Zachary Knoche Alexis Kronberger Joshua Leonard Kallie Leonard Kurtis Ley Madison Martin Genevieve Miller Mitchell Miller Peter Murray Nnaji Omenye Preston Peterson Carlos Plazas Meghan Plunkett Mason Thatcher Alexander Ververis Justin Weber John Wells Hannah Wilken Grayson Zuberer

Class of 2018 WAR EAGLES

Dakota Bowden Erika Chambers Nicholas Cousino Russell Ellis Matthew Greco Eli Harmon Piper Heineck Ryan Holloway Forrest Isenhour Brian Kelly Ryan Lee Kristin Mason Michael Mendez Evan Miller Cody Moorhead Dang-Khoa Nguyen Alexis O'Leary Tyler Pickhinke Mitchell Robinson Victoria Rodriguez Logan Statley Sydney Suite John Walsworth

Class of 2019 WAR EAGLES

Timothy Baker Ryan Brand Jacob Bricker Grace Chiarolanza Nicholas Clark Joshua Couse Austin DeWing John Donley Josie Epps Morgan Geneste Eric Gier Jacqueline Goodwin Jeffrey Hart Mark Hayes Jason Hightower Richard King Camille Leonard Zachary Lindsey Harry McMahon Alexander Mossing lliana Nakamoto Molly Olmos Rudra Patel Logan Pethtel Jordan Rivera James Schwerner Robert Smalls Cameron Sullivan Anthony Thomas Brienne Walker


Maj Andrew Clark TSgt Marlon Quitos Andrew Butler Dominic Celiano Kristen Chapman Mitchell Cochell Noah Davis Michael De Sousa Haji Dunn Kevin Fanter Dee Grimes Tyler Hajewski Justin Jones Caleb Kiesow Seo Kim Andrew Klinger Robert Lansing Dillon Launius Katherine Leo Garetn Price George Provost Anthony Rebollo Riley Richards Vanessa Unseth Dalton Welch Jacob Yarwood Leah Young

Class of 2018 CHICKEN HAWKS

Jared Brown Roma Cancio Samuel Chadwick James Davis Augustine DeMeulenaere Anna DeMoret Aubrey Duty-Tyson Colton Ervin Osama Farqaleet Matthew Haijsman Taylor Housken Nathan James James Kiesewetter Alex Lewit Jake Magness Jesse Montgomery Dakota Oligario Yelizaveta Patenko Nicholas Piontek Vivek Pranavamurthi Brendan Rodisch Alondra Rojas Casey Rothstein Kayla Tinucci Robert Ward

Class of 2019 CHICKEN HAWKS-

Beau Billingsley Desmond Capers Erin Cochran Chase Cohen HetDesai Ryan Dorris Abraham Eaton Stephen Giroux Johnny Griffith Monica Hart Christian Hedengren Soren Hoffman Rene Houegnifio Bailey Little Mitchell McCulley Eric Menser Walker Newell Chaise Poland Joshua Proulx Samantha Reed Tania Rivera Jacob Saucedo Eamon Shannon Logan Toucher Christopher Titus Jessica Tobias Miriam Trafford Jonathan Williams Rachel Wineman Tyler Younkers




Lt Col Darnell Roper MSgt Brinn Jackson Jexenia Bennett Kyle BrandtSean-Patrick Christo Meredith Daniels Lochlin Deeks Joseph Erdie Ryan Graf Matthew Grimm Peter Hahn Holly Harness Santos Jayagopal Jake Kiedinger Austin Kong Adam Lee Emeline Lochmaier Jacob Martin Brent Matherne William McEntee Patrick Mudd Laura Olson Joseph Pang Alan Reid Stephanie Robb Brian Sartz Vincente Tellez EvanWest
Alexys Akers Luke Amato Chance Baxter Jacob Booker Turner Crews Miguel Cruz Jewel Davidson Joshua Dugan Marshall Faulkner Daniel Johnson Todd Link Richard McCant Drew Morgan Blase Musick Douglas Ottino Hayden Owen Ryan Parino-Ramchara Cortney Porter Donald Sakowicz Alexander Schaffer John Sims Harrison Summerour Amanda Underhill Robert Walker
301 Class of 2019 STALAG SEVENTEEN
Alec Aguilar Ketanny Alves Nicholas Anapol Jeffrey Bailey Marcus Bennett Noah Berling Alonjahnae Brooks Michael Bullock Yujin Choi Liam Connolly Julia Corton Austin Cutting Chad Elton Francis Estacion Robert Goetschkes Natalie HawthorneNicolas Hillmann Jack Kulp Elizabeth Mahoney Nicholas Marron Malik Miller Hayden Molitor Symen Ooms Gregory Quesinberry Paolo Reyes Mackenzie Rudolph Trevor Siniscalchi Gareth Sitton Yelena Terry Jonah Urlaub



Class of 2017 NIGHT RIDERS

Kyle Barboza Jason Black Dylan Brown Zachary Campbell Laikyn Duffey Kenneth Ehrenberg NicholasFernandez McKenna Fox Stewart Harris Brodie Flicks Jacob Flolland Myah Jackson Alex Lee Lindy Long Ari Luzada Sarah MacKinnon Agnes Mutoni Christian Naumann Raymond Perniciaro Benjamin Protzman Kira Schlosberg Charles Seeber Jared Smithson Michael Stenger Joshua Valenciano David Wagner Benjamin Weaver

Class of 2018 NIGHT RIDERS

Brogan Abeling Mauricio Agudelo Bryan Anderson Andrew Beckwith Patrick Byrne Kyle Campbell Anson Cheng Tyler Dockum Natalee Dueber Benjamin Fisher John Gleason Jared Helm Aaron Joya Kylie Kester Lydia Kim Jacob Lutz Donavan Moss James Rast Caitlyn Renne Aaric Rogers Samuel Schell Matthew Szabo Joseph Taylor Giulianna Vessa Joshua Wheeler

Class of 2019 NIGHT RIDERS

Zachary Allen Jacob Barkley Reid Blair Tyler Buzzell Tamara Cardenas Matthew Coulter Maeve Daw Michael DeVries Michael Fahey Samuel Grayson Collin Green Marie Guerrero Sarah Heilman Joseph Johnson Jean Krige William Laingen Chanler May Matthew Moshea Tyler Rapp Addison Smith Jacob Stanley Tanner Stuart Adam Van Rens Wesley Ray Adam Wilmer

Class of 2017 WOLVERINES

Lt Col Todd Craig MSgt Michael Simon William Appelt Luke Brown Cody Byford Justin Caldwell Jordan Dahle Michael Ellbogen Taelor Eyre Austin Garcia Andrew Gikas Jordan Hanlin Oliver Harrison Benjamin Hightower Cheyenne Jones Nathaniel Kendrick Hunter Lewis Callum Long Eleanor Massar Andrew Mayerchak Jenjamin Miota Bailey Moreland Kyle Pater LesliePerez Kent Romnev Ak/Qcn Phillip Smart Joe Tan Sebastian Wermuth

Class of 2018 - WOLVERINES

Melissa Biel Jameson Borland Nathaniel Butler Sebastian Coburn Robyn Dyson Joshua Flores Nicholas Forrest Thomas Foster Chase Frankford Shane Garcia Marquis Griffin Chandler Heppe Brianna Kramer Tyler Ledford Daniel Manley Mira Marchioretto David Nolan Ross Prado Antanas Riskus Candice Roberts Brandon Rodriguez Nicholas Schultz Hudson Seman Conner Thigpen Mark Vlassakis Allyson Walls Ryan Whitlow Varun Yerram

Class of 2019 WOLVERINES

Johnathan Atsinger Christopher Boughton Liam Caplan Sara Cook Noah Crabbe David Culver Peter Curtin Deon Dodd Maria Dronen James Ferenczy Kaliyah Gorman William Griffin Joshua Husser Jennifer Huynh David Jenkins Joseph Lanclos Trent Meisel Jessica Mucci Joseph Mull Adam Pelter Matthew Reeves Grace Skidmore Simon Sneeringer Andrew Tankersley

Class of 2017 TROLLS

Jibraun Asaad Samantha Cabusora Seth Carozza Cody Davis Matthew Dorsey Nicholas Featherston Lily Forlini Connor GonzalezNicholas Heth Zachary Flevel Zachary Kocur Brian Kriner Benjamin Lynch Ciarra McCarthy Patrick Menzies Brian Min Taylor Nelson Cassidy Oshiro Kevin Pollard Colin Quitta Mikayla Robertson Nathaniel Romine Brendon Sands Megan Shenk Grant Starr Ashley Torres Daniel Weisz

Class of 2018 TROLLS

Byron Baker Phillip Benefield Raychel Blocher Evangeline Borngesser Andrew Carroll Monroe Dauwalder Andrew DeSilva Margaret Farrar John Fredericks Igor Gertsman Wongsai Fleur Donald Hiatt Jamie Lewis Mariano Long Connor Odneal Nicole Quattrociocchi Mickeal Quillman Drew Romero Maria Schroeder Lucas Scott James Shipley Nkozi Stewart Yu-Cheng Tsao Travis Wilkie Jaydevsinh Zala

Class of 2019 TROLLS

Emily Benston Mara Brown Nicholas Caban Spencer Cap Ronald Cleveland McKenna Ekholm Evan Feno Matthew Finley Michael Gibas Austin Gula Daniel Hummer Wesley Jackson Marissa Jacobs-Hofmann Esther Kim Eric Klein Koa Knitter Daniel Lindauer Christopher Lowe Jesus Maese Catherine Malone Christopher Nodland John Quinn Carl Rindahl Darelle Smith Hannah Springer Anthony Vaccaro Robert Whalen Thomas Whittington Dylan Soder

Class of 2017 BLACKJACKS

Lt Col Megan Schafer TSgt Joseph Garrett Austin Anderson Peter Barringer Robert Breen Drew Broadbent Glynn Cheeks Michael Ebert Morgan Fagnant Alexandra Feliz Alexander Fulton Darby Germain Taylor Flulslander Montreal Johnson Charles Keller Holly Martin Flaley Merrill Jez-Arvin Ramil Mitchell Rose Amanda Smith Zechariah Sparrow Weston Steelhammer Christofer Valasek William Vaughn Jesse Washington Caleb Winningham Maya Woody
Class of 2018 BLACKJACKS
Ryan Beveridge Jonah Bhide Spencer Brandon Kaitlyn Brown Andrew Chaidez Erika ChaDman Joycelyn Fordyce Austin Gadient Charles Goldstein Elise Hart Lucas Hernandez Benjamin Hockman Connor Johnson Brian Jung James Kniss Amanda Marcell Cole Matolka Colin McDermott JordanPaecht Matthew Sharpy Emily Shunk John Slosted Thomas Sullivan Noah Vincent

Class of 2019 BLACKJACKS

Keith Batista Brett Bixler Julia Boswell Nickolas Chew Tyler Cibotti Gerald Coleman Gabrielle Evey Nicholas Fleming Casey Guardia Jesse Haggerty Benjamin Harris Nicholas Jasper David Kop Nathaniel Kuypers Christine Lew Brian MackenzieGabriel Mendez William Merchant Kylee Miller Brianna Murray Seth Ollis Jacqueline Orcutt Josiah Riley Preston Roche London Roddenberry Wyatt Steele Emmie Swize Samuel Valleroy Joshua Wilhite


Class of 2017 RAPTORS

Ellen Barry Casey Born Sean Byrne Brandon Chitwood Jarrett Collins ShaneCulver Gabriella Gray Nicholas Harron Scott Hester Waverly Hock Darnell Jones Jose Martinez-Alvare Lucas McKinney Peyton Milligan Ashley Morgan Rio Sarmiento Samuel Schmidt Ashley Stanton Warren Taylor London Tomcho Timothy Wang MaryWeidman Daron Williamson

Class of 2018 RAPTORS

Jared Bogdan Monica Callan Jon Clegg Benjamin Gautier TannerHahn Ryan Holte Remington Hoyer Nathan King Alexander Kofskey Zachary Kosin Alexsandra Logan Morgan Mavroudis William McCollum Andrew Milliron Victoria Ostrom Jacob Parzych Joshua Renick Stephanie Slimp Gustavo Tarango Samuel Taylor John Toohey Stephen Turner Joyce Webster Jordan Weltzheimer Jacob Woodcock

Class of 2019 RAPTORS

Daniel Boutillier Conner Brown Gabriel Cavender Christopher Cos Maxwell Daniel Christopher Darcy Ann Marie Flatten Lucke Fransbergen Connor Hari Zachary Honnold John Jordan Kathleen Kohler Alexandre Lopouchanski Hunter Lunasin Grayson Malles Gabrielle Miller Rachapon Namluck Alvin Nix Abraham Nuno Jacob Orr Gabrielle Pinson Breahna Robertson Shaun Ryer Luke Sanderson Matthew Stenger Christopher Yong Lauren Stroud Eva Thomason Kyle Watford Eric Yandura
Casen Askew Gabrielle Briggs Jacob Cook Willie Curry Clayton Davis John Deaton Joshua Edelman Ethan Eiden Marlene Flescher Spencer Ganas Levi Hilgenhold Alexandra Hutchinson Zachary Johnson Kahleb Kelsey Roland Ladipo Alekos Michael Zachariah Morris Chandler Myers Kristina O'Sullivan Lauren Ossolinski Hanson Oxford Andrew Resweber Kyle Spratt Aleksandr Towne Maria Volodkevich Sean Zackrison
Class of 2018 -
Justin Bourgeois Patrick Butler Alexandra Cerise Ryan Connors Mark Duntz Katie Gibson Carina Gillespie Andrew Goodwin Nestor Hernandez Trent Holmes William Hubert Rodrigo Laguna Lagos Alan Lancaster Jason Lee Paul Love Aubrey Lowe Derek McGuckin Maxwell Olson Damon Payne Jarrett Rimel Aaron Sless Zachary Trujillo Trey Vandegrift Samuel Voss Alexander Williams Ethan Young

Class of 2019 BARNSTORMERS

Meilani Arucan Thomas Bruns Shanna Burns Jason Byers Juan Duque Daron Fanniel MadisonFroebe Ryan Girouard Robert Fleckman Matthew Jacques Meredith Laskey Alexander Lesar Michael Marsh Maria Martinez Nicholas McDaniel Andrew Molique Ryan Palmer Cole Pautsch Thomas Plasay Taylor Pond Kanchan Potter Robert Schaefer Albert Taglieri Kaden Taylor Zachery Thomley Lauren Truax MinjongYoon Daniel Zivney


Class of 2017 PHANTOMS

Tsali Bentley Christopher Bissing Clinton Black James Bradford Chase Cannon Zoe Casteel Joanne Cruz Timothy Cunningham Philip Davis James Demkowicz Alexander Elwers Connor Gannon Wooyeon Hicks Jay Kaslon Kaitlyn Kent Colin Klopp Brandon Kopp Ryan Nicholson Robert Pahissa Kyle Pasterski Montana Pellegrini Joshua Swartzman Brianna Ramey David Shald Garrett Turley Tyler Weaver Anne Werkley

Class of 2018 PHANTOMS

Daniel Barrett Steven Bradford Jillian Combs Tanner Cook Santo Coppola Isaac Egizi Joyce Gravdahl Jenna Gustafson Nicole Hahn Benjamin Hawkins Tyler Huston Mason Hyney Dezmond James Stephen Larson JaricMarton Ernest McQuade Cole Merseth Roman Petersen-Ruud Alicia Reese Ryan Robb William Smith Michelle Spires Alexandra Steighner William Waller Jordan Wiggins

Class of 2019 PHANTOMS

Nathaniel Beckstrand Benjamin Beier James Brahm Maria Carter Isaac Childers Mark DeMore Michael Fonteno Joshua Frometa Joshua Geerinck Darby Glaab Matthew Hahn Brett Herring Thomas Keith Michael Kemper Hillary Kiele Mara Leary Luke McFadden Caleigh McLean Adam Payne Taylor Price Nathan Sanders O'Shea Schroedl Esther Song Colton Stowe
William Tatum Mary Vedra
Gabrielle Bruner Mary Cavanaugh Peter Cheneler Asher Cutler Dylan Dempster Ryan Douglas Janilie Dysico Travis Foote Thomas Golding Kevin Kim Adam Kleman Mahlon Kruse Tracy Landram Tevin Manu Reed McGuire Matthew Miller Jared Olson Jacob Onyechi Patrick Phillips Nicholas Porras Spencer Reisbord Matthew Shisler Trevor Violette John White Briana Winslow
Class of 2018 RED EYE
Mohd Ameruddin Cody Bronkar DustinBrown Daniel Collins Jared Covert Micaela Cuneo Mitchell Embrey Abraham Gygax Claire Hickerson Zackary Hopkins Jacqueline Horton Nicholas Hruby James Jacks Elliot Knowles David Lee Brandon Mendez Lynch Sean Mishler Austin Morris Alyssa Nevis Brandy Oliver Brandon Pierce John Reynolds Orchydia Sackey Bennett Staton Sara Sweeten Nathan Ziegler

Class of 2019 RED EYE

Marcus Brinker Allan Brown Cameron Castleberry Clare Cholewa David Clement Justin Click Daniel Hilt Jared Jungquist Andrew Kinzinger-Petroski April Lewis Brianna Martinez Jacob Matkovich James McMahon Steffen Mount Victoria Perez Jordan Peterson Joseph Pham Jackson Pingree Elizabeth Read Carlos Rivera Corey Scully Isaac Swartzman Collin Thomet Alix Valcin Anna Weilbacher


Class of 2017 BARONS

Christian Arnold Andrew Barto Mitchel Bie Maxwell Brown-Bass Kourtney Cryder Pate Davis Gabriel Dawson Jacob DeVries Sydney Dole Robert Farley Brett Fogelberg Laurynas Galdikas Qian Gao Robert Grizzard Min Kim Jeffrey Layng Bryce Leiter Amanda Ley Dallas Moore Darius Quinn Garrett Rhynes Kathryn Richards Christopher Romero Ryan Sullivan Russell Williams Thomas Woodward Victoria Zinkus

Class of 2018 BARONS

Trevor Bills Naji Bseiso Sijia Chen Matthew Chumaceiro Wesley Crawford Krystin Demsher Austin Drabenstot Erich Drollinger Everett Estes Tylar Hanson Michelle Ingle John Jerome Lars Knutson Bradley Lewis Erin Lindsey Justin McManis Tristan Naranjo Riley Nix Meghan Pattillo Luke Piper Alexander Reiland Patrick Rovney Toby Ryals James Straub Taylor Tonnies Joshua Warren

Class of 2019 BARONS

Stephen Beresford Arthur Shune Lukas Texeira Trey Tollefson Arion Worthman Alexander Brown Brian Guerrero Emily Luers Darren Miller Shanleigh Conlan Jeremiah Hemme Alec Niederland Christopher Do Mitchell Hollman Christian Pung Cheyenne Wall Mary Willemin Jonathan Gizinski Jared Kreuzer Matthew Sheikh Jacob Ehrenstrom Michael Korta Jessica Rodriguez Jacob Cole Elizabeth Hartman
William Cook Connor Crilly William De Bord Katrina Domeyer Jonathan Earp-Pitkins Michael Ellsworth Giovann Escobar Marie Fleming Nicolle Foster Tyler Ginger William Hammond Trevor Hardee Christina Herrera Daniel Ives Noah Kwock Matas Leckas Virginia Long John Massey Gerald McGinty Bjorn Nielsen Jalen Robinette Amelia Roddenberry Michael Sauter Jaime Torres Nathaniel Woodford
Class of 2018 THUNDERBIRDS
Robert Anderson Jinan Andrews Richard Armfield Austin Beals Patrick Bordenave James Burleson Connor Crandall Ratael Darras Kaitlyn Dinwiddie Christopher Ferrario John Flor Laura Fowler Micah Hayden Ryan Johnson Alexandria Kahalley Samuel Kreimier James Long Xavier McElhannon Ryan Murphy Matthew Salmon Jaspreet Singh Joseph Pickert Marko Popovich Sarah Pruznick

Class of 2019 THUNDERBIRDS

Stephen AlexanderGina-Marie Arrabito William Beuker Andrew Burman Vanessa Campbell Abigail Costea Blake Dailey Nathaniel Enders Joseph Ernst Joshua Fortes Austin Good Jeneke Heerema Valentin Flinojosa Longoria Joseph Flouston Nicholas Kundrat Lauren Maine Paul Matthews Zephaniah Miller Thaddaeus Moore Joshua Rackham Rachel Russel Jason Sattler Logan Skinner Edward Smet Joanna Trevino Domenico Vacanti Jacob Volin


Class of 2017 BLACKBIRDS

Maj Jesse Caldwell TSgt Rashad Westry
12 # w ^ t
Barrett Anigian Darlene Bugado Benjamin Clements Eric Curia Rachel Eaton Andrew Faciszewski Nicholas Feely Jonathan Fernandez Kevin Foley Adam Groesbeck Rico Flilliard Dennis Hull Jeremy Koch Nolan Lamo Andrew Liang Hayder Mahdi Megan Maikell Amelia Mair Alexander Markos Devin McAfee Joseph Teed Connor Vargas
Class of 2018 - BLACKBIRDS
Chandler Beachy Matthew Blackburn Max Burnworth Paul Byszewski Sean Chi Mark Czerner MiltonDoria Kaitlin Dumont John Flory Drew Fressel Melvin Gowl Jacob Plenigman Susan Kwon James Lynch Johnny Potts Isaac Powers Ryan Reffitt Sean Rellinger Kiowa Richardson Jonathan Rudolph Clayton Talesfore Ben Thomas Edson Tung Ryan Vicek

Not Pictured: Casey Branin

Class of 2019 BLACKBIRDS
Katherine Anderson John Blasingame Anthony Cabri Jennifer Chan Kevin Cox Adrienne Debauche Reese Fairchild Bryant Falconello Chloe Gadsden Matthew Green Lionel Gumireddy Paige Harrison Robert Hugo Daniel Jones Jalil Kuku Tyler Lamb Samuel Lawrence Amanda Miller Connor Rayburn Melanie Shadix Benjamin Stanz Jaime Tijerina Charles Mowery Klinton Parker Daniel Vanderweide Andrew Wiss



Timothy Barbera Joseph Carl Cody Decker Benjamin Enterline Sarah Falvey Jacob Garza Connor Hedash Patrick Hennigan Brayden Hill Patrick King Kirsten Mattson John McCune MatthewMoilanen Eric Nagamine Noelle Noudewo Michael Palow Zachary Payne Naideli Pinedo Samuel Rouleau Robert Rudd Charles Smith David Sneeringer Derryk Stiner Kaylee Shalongo Allyson Wells

Class of 2018 BLACK PANTHERS

Forest Bell Bridget Bielski Lavanson Coffey Ryan De la Hunt Annika Edgington Steven Fox Patrick Franck Lance Fry Hyunjoon Garau Matthew Guida Dalton Hernblom Wyatt Kelly Samuel Lohnes Ross Mantey Samantha Mohammed Sean O'Sullivan Thomas Prinslow Nicholas Rodriguez Nina Rogers Luke Schumacher John Scowcroft Ryan Sharlow Madeleine Wawrzyniak Terrence Yi

Class of 2019 BLACK PANTHERS

Erica Barnett Charles Barton Richard Boone Mark Bozzo Ralph Carios Don Induru Dassanayake Melissa de Sousa Elizabeth Devine Olivia Durrence Luke Easton Cade Erwin John Ferguson Shawn Grinnell Madeline Hoft Andrew Huxhold Jarrett Joyner Rey Lira-Gonzalez Johnny Murphy Shannon Murray Patrick O'Hanlon Matthew Perry Evan Reiss Travis Shollin Jaci Smith Michael Snell Vinoe Tarray Jake Watkins Walter Wesley




Maj Jason Kaufmann TSgt Dana Austin Lloyd Evans Mark Filer Chloe Forlini Alex Goggin Chase Bockstruck Lefagaoalii Amosa David Gonzalez Kevin Hieronymus John Hrabovsky Jacob Hurst Katharine Kopinski Patrick Lavelle Dena McFadden Austin Merz Nicolas Ouano Jared Roberts Alexia Rochester Colin Sandor Mary Simonton Christopher Steele John Taylor Alyssa Torres-Sutterfi Isaac Wani Ryan Ward Zane Willburn

Class of 2018 - KNIGHTS OF THIRTY

Brett Baldwin Jonathan Belinski Philip Boje Sierra Borra Sarah Cantu Cameron Davis Shelby Fatcheric Joseph Gebhart Matthew Gingery Michael Graft Alexander Hill Cedric Hines Devin Houx Joshua Kisbye Jillian Little Kyle Mackey Aaron Martin Christian Oldham Jared Rackers Chloe Roze Cesar Saltijeral-Powe Jordan Schumacher Andrew Scott Reginald Slater Braden Smith Alexander Stromberg Kevin Tierney Ion Vremea John Wendt Josiah Williams Sarah Witzgall


Melissa Berger Tyler Cabrera Cameron Carter Caston Casey Rileyrmarie Clarke Marquis Cobb Kyle Daley Kelsey Elbel Hanson Finley Brittany Flanagan John Griffin Rylan Haag Austin Jacobs Elizabeth Jarvis Cindy Kim Sang Ko Matthew Koch Monica Mammah Luis Martinez Delfayeo Matthews Anna Nicol Zachary Norton Nicholas Ready Nicholas Risma John Soult Alyssa Staton Donald Stuffs Vito Valenzuela Benjamin Young
Joanna Antoniuk Billy Bautista Jordan Boyce Katherine Brechbuhl Caroline Cotton Renzo Delgado Cameron Duley William Farrar Brett Griffith Ryan Jacobs Blake Johnson William Joiner Connor Livingston Alexis Miles Christil Pasion Ethan Porter Daniel Reynolds Christopher Risma ryler Rostenkowski Wyatt Schoonover Joseph Shiver Alex Sisco Emilv Smithwick Inmh \/p>r'r'hin

Class of 2018 GRIM REAPERS

Jason Blasius Fletcher Braunton Jennie Bruggemann Alistair Chase Kyle DeSautels Erica Drakes Alex Forbes Lauren Fortney Ryan Gailey Grant Gould Christopher Hartman Joshua Holden Hayden Johnson Samuel Kim AlishaMartin Jack Matson Jacob McGraw Morgan Records

Class of 2019 - GRIM REAPERS

Brandon Boone Hagan Bottomley Curran Brandt Phyleoh Castaneda Dylan Clark Alex Danchi Leslie Fallert Grant Fox Dillon Hari Colter Henry Riley Hill Sean Jolley Rachel Kester Paul Lee Kathy Lim John Maggos Andre' Miller Presten Montero Ryan Olson Mary Pepper Quin'shay Perkins Roman Rohrbach Dean Ronsman Anthony Shea



Class of 2017 ROADRUNNERS

Eric Albers Stevan Bacchus-Grant Candace Bevilacqua John Boone Tyler Burns Wesley Chiu Howlett Cohick Jordan Cox Andrew Ermitano Kristopher Fortier Gregory Geueke Ashley Greco McCall Kerkman Jalen Lacy Djozelle Laureta Patrick Mayo Dylan Moore Colleen Staudenmaier Jared Sturdivant Mitchell Thomas Erik Whyte Natsuko Worrell Andre Young
Class of 2018 ROADRUNNERS
Ann Acevedo Steven Boger James Brittingham Christopher Brose Melissa Campbell Daniel Colella Alyssa Garmon Nicholas Gerlach DaneHankamer William Hontzas Desiree Hopkins Thomas Hurst Robert Kishaba Ryan Krahn Christopher Magera Jacob McCubbins Ashley McEneaney Shonte Moten Kaleb Naylor Christopher Patti Tyler Rickett Rudy Simpson Rebecca Smith Anthony Terrell Evan Ulinski Jacob Van Courtland White Tyler Williams

Class of 2019 ROADRUNNERS

Dillon Browne Rafaello Bucur Carter Chaloupka Christopher Culp-Cano Robert Dau Jacob Fresella Jacob Gilbert Benjamin Harris Logan Jostes Brooke Kunzelman Troy Mather Giles McGillick Ellen Miota Henry Okoro Thomas Osheka Joshua Santini Matthew Serratore George Staudacher Joshua Stilwell Madison Tung Edmund Wong Jing Yi Brian Yoo Hunter Zaniewski Samantha Fondacaro Madeleine Poisson Jacob Welborn

Class of 2017 KING RATZ

Javaughn Baltrip Andrew Banez Fisher Bertke Whitney Briggs Kuo-Liang Cheng Homer Davis William Eastwood Zachary Edwards Christian Eells Ryan Gor Dylan Hyder Brent Johnson Tyler Jones Emilia Kaiser Brandon Koltes Paul Michaud Nicholas Moll Christopher Newman Nathan Stanford Ryan Tetla Linzi Thomas Conner Thomsen Alexis Toro Seth-Mitchell Trambulo Dylan Vail Bridgett Wall

Class of 2018 KING RATZ

James Alexander Mario Bracamonte Madison Charland Noah Conrad William Duvall Tori Gilster Veniece Gomez Ryan Gorski Austin Hoover Gabriel Houston Forrest Lang Brandon Lau Joon Lee Austin Lyons Garrett McKenna Carla Nava Caleb Ringe Christina Santala Patrick Sluznis Haley Spletzer Christian Trujillo Benjamin Vandenbroeke Branden Ventura Geoffrey Wilson Jack Young

Class of 2019 KING RATZ

Dyllan Almeida Timothy Boyd Robert Bullard Carlyann Butz Luke Chapman Garrett Coalson Mason Dean Mikaela Dimaapi Lucas Echeverry Jared Flowers Erika Fulbright Peyton Galloway Nathaniel Graham Maxwell Fleefner George Jarvis Jonathan Kaltenbaugh Hailey Laub Bradley Martin Marisa McCullough Austin McDaniel Justin Mun Spencer Pangrac Daniel Payne Samantha Potter Mai-Lin Quinto Patrick Reid Adrian Scheppe James Sims Branson Taheri Michael Triner Mikela Tucker Pablo Vespasiano


Class of 2017 LOOSE HAWGS

Kenneth Allen Alexander Bollwitt Michael Borger Jensen Caster Anthony Ciccarello Daniel Darling Devon Davis Daniel DeMello Levi Fry James Goljan Anne Graft Phillip Hightower Megan Keohane Mark Kite Matthew Klump Taylor Marshall Warren Metcalf Aaron Nubine Gabriel Perez Hilary Perkins Phillip Resnick Kristopher Tillery Christopher Unger Connor Watson Jackson Wilson Katherine Yatko

Class of 2018 LOOSE HAWGS

George Aionesei Ricardo Arocho Travis Brooks Stephen Brown Tyler Cerge Tyler Coplen Parker Gray Carley Hatcliff Zen Ikehara Daniel Inman Jeffery Johnson Nicholas Letourneau Douglas Ludwig Timothy McVey Scoff Metzger Scoff Min Kelsie O'Brien William Phillips Trey Pujats Ciarra Robinson James Rogers Jacob Stafford Meghan Strang Trevor Walsh Joseph Wilde

Class of 2019 LOOSE HAWGS

David Bartholomew Connor Brazinski Micah Capra Kainoa Chun-Moy Gabriel Dohman Zachary Frontado Rachel Golding Michael Gray Matthew Hargreaves Dillian Hett Jarod Kester Griffin Landrum Anna Leland Sean McGinty Tyler Mortenson Mariana Murphy Nathaniel Pak Hudson Pearce Kelsey Puttkammer Devin Saunders John Thackrah Rebecca Wagner Cole Schwaegel



Class of 2017 WILD WEASELS

Not Picfured: Shelby Chapman

Maj Jennifer Alickson TSgt Ian Collins Samuel Burton Catherine Carrillo Chase Contreras Brandon Dumais Dane Grauer Christopher Haijsman Thomas Hardison AlecHubbard Keegan Jones Jin Kim Trager Kviten Austin Lasch Jacobi Owens Alex Pierstorff Kyle Post Meredith Reisinger Trevor Rogers Sean Ryan Anthony Smith Ethan Thomas Richard Vitraelli David Walker Kara Witgen

Class of 2018 WILD WEASELS

Sharee Acosta Aaron Bauer Timothy Brown Kailyn Cabrera Patara Charnvanichbori Tristan Conrad Logan Cowan Taylor Damann Peyton Dole Joshua Engel Kooper Hackmann Taylor Hill Tucker Jacobs Samuel Jaffe Caleb Kuehne Matthew Lerdahl Dominic Licerio Lucas Mireles Grant Mitton Nathan Montierth Hunter Morrow Joshua Oh Hunter Pace Michael Pieschl Michael Rieker Jonah Roop Steven Stein Tristan Walton Linette Westley

Class of 2019 WILD WEASELS

Zachary Arns Lucas Beissner Benjamin Brooks Isaiah Butcher Reece Clingenpeel Michael Davey John Dyckman Martin Gilligan Alexander Goirigolzarri Kayla Grainger Seth Hill Samuel Hinegardner Joseph Kloc Thompson Knox Nicholas Maxey Erik McMillan Zane Moxley Nicholas Pirovolidis Reece Pontious Paige Ramirez Audrey Reed Juan Rozo Gabrielle Rupard Erin Sagisi Parker Seale James Tatom Spencer Thompson Killian Valencia Kylie Wharton



Class of 2017 - PINK PANTHERS

Cecily Agu Christopher Amaddio Kyle Cotton Cara Curran Parker Davis Michael Downs Cinthya Elizondo Gamez Amy Ferguson Grant Garst Christopher Grove Shane Jones Teho Kim Andrew Levalley Kirsten Linnartz Darby Maier Christopher Masi Jeffrey McKnight Reagan Moore Averi Richert Max Rogovin Raquel Rosas Jonfranco Shattuck Austin Sneed John Stigall Tanner Thompson Daniel Villarreal Andrew Wyllie

Class of 2018 PINK PANTHERS

Cameron Elliott Emlyn Evans Bennett Hatfield Leif Joffre Hyunik Kim Jonathan Kopacka Nicholas Moorehead Antonio Nazario Alexander Norton Jonathan Parks Trevor Lyons Andy Millan Ashlyn Paulson Farley Pipkins Preston Rumsey Trenton Samaha Sarah Serrano Luke Strebel Jenna True Zack Watson

Class of 2019 - PINK PANTHERS

Joseph Bruno Brenna Chen David Collins Ryan Connelly Kaitlyn Cook Michael Cornillez Matthew Dunlap Griffin Gluck Corey Gutierrez Reagan Haverkate Chadney Hill Cameron Hoover James Knox Gordon Kowalkowski Zachary Lamarca Allyson Lusk Jace Miller Stanley Ocheskey Brian Poythress Kevin Puri Meghan Roche Thomas Sherwood Gabrielle Singler Nathaniel Thomas Thomas Toscano Kaileb Williamson Katrina Wood Demi Yurcisin




Lt Col Ricardo Lopez TSgt Christopher Ackerman Tyler Albright Clayton Archer Michael Aro Bowman Benge Micah Blakely Timothy Burgess John Cahill Kaylor Dolezal Bethany Dorian Bryan Driskell Anthony Esparza Tierra Franklin Hunter Hancock Alyssa Hofilena Gregory Howland Robert Landers Joshua Lightner Megan Marriott Sydney Rohlwing Samuel Scott Jordan Shields Ryan Stafford Jacob Taylor Lance Torres Jared Wesemann


Nathan Arnold Megan Barrick Jonathan Beck Benjamin Brown Jeffrey Burnett Michael Cunningham Rebekah Diotte Christopher Dukarm Jonas Fiant Omar Gardea Kristyn Gonzales Thomas Heckman Jeromy Jorgensen Angela Karamanos Evan Loosen Austin Meyer Riley Murray George Nifakos Ablay Orazkhanov Hunter Parnell Kasey Raia Nery Samayoa Karl Sapper Isaac Strever Noah Taylor Megan Upp Jack Weldon


Emily Bertrand Cole Biedermann Luke Boyle Silviu Burz Avery Chatmon David Cooper Lillian Costello Ryan Darby Thomas Ernst Charles Estep Avery Evans Virbon Frial Kyle Gordon Sydney Heithoff John Howe Charles Jax Daniel Kure Seren Marley Zachary Morris Gregory Nye Stephen Parker Dylan Raess Elianna Ryan Josiah Savoie Colin Skinner Daniel Soto Lucas Van Epps Timothy Ward Christa Young

Class of 2017 ALL STARS

Maj John York MSgf Christopher Lanchoney Benjamin Basham Benjamin Burmester William Duff Kaiflyn Ennis Alec Fetzer Kellen Hall Clarissa Humphrey Luigi Lorenzo Amirah Majied Scarleff Marshall Sawyer Martin Sean McCarty Garrett Newman Jesse Quandt Allison Schwartz Samer Sholi Ali Sumbundu Thomas Terrell Darian Titus Connor Webster Christopher Wilson Kyle Woolbright

Class of 2018 ALL STARS

Jackson Bednar Casey Bell Carlo Carson Austin Chitwood Jacob Darnell Hannah Durbin Garrett Fisk Justin Greene Christopher Henley Erin Kilbride Jennifer Lam Sean Lavine Christopher Mahoney Patrick Neff John Potthoff Stephen Redmon Carmen Riazzi Monica Riggs Hayden Schmitt David Tanthorey Andrew Tien Minh Vuong Christana Wagner Britt White

Class of 2019 ALL STARS

ScottBennett Clayton Bochow Adam Caldi Kathryn Clark Thomas Cox Bailey DeBerry Luke Dekker Mark Farlinger Ashley Gooden Derek Greenwald Daniel Han Hannah Hetzler ( i Timothy Hunt BrandonJones Jared Landry Fitzhugh Lee Ryan McKenna Kiele Mohre Steven Moyer Dominic Raymond Vincent Sabin Lauren Sides Jack Smith Sean Sutedjo Christopher Voltz Joshua Wojciechowski



Class of 2017 JEDI KNIGHTS

Maj Meredith Beavers MSgt Rosario Aguirre Keenan Allen Kyle Broekhuis Lawrence D'Agostino Anthony Denkinger Kaleb Estes Breanna Figuly Daniel Gaynes Patrick Halloran Cole Heer Robert Heriot Andrew Hollobaugh Graham Johnson Kelly Lujan Keith Mansfield Aubrey McCabe Sean McGlone Austin McWhirter Nikhil Nair Tyler Pennella Timothy Smith Liam Wells Kennisa Rafanan-Reynold

Class of 2018 JEDI KNIGHTS

Joseph Anderson Peter Carillo Colin Culver Richard DePaola Amanda Elliott NicholasFrancoeur Samuel Fuller Joshua Gallaher Prayant Hanjra Jarrod Hardrick Benjamin Herrick Calder Kempema Courtney Kunselman Garret Lynn Matthew Markwardt Nicholas Oakley Dylan Purdom Hannah Rogers Ja'mel Sanders Kevin Schuster Samuel Sentongo Maxwell Thompson Christopher Walsch Olivia Wiese Peter Yoon

Class of 2019 JEDI KNIGHTS

Elizabeth BarnickelYaroslav Borodenko Adam Brown Stephen Carter John Dabagian Sharon Dominguez Caroline Easley Hichem Felhi Cameron Ferrell Kahner George Michael Grindle ChristianKalustian Sowan Kang Tenzin Khangsar Alante' Lark Eric Leverenz Nick Lopez Caitlin Myers Christian Nasto Steven Plaskett Nikolai Rhodes Caleb Snow Charles Treadwell Brandon Webster Chance Wessel

Class of 2017 WARHAWKS

Nathanael Beveridge Calvin Boerwinkle Aaron Cetnar Rachel Curtis Daniel Fischer Aaron Fitts Sarah Fotsch Eric Flaack James Flanley Nathaniel Flarms Daniel Johnson Derek Kinamon Christina McMillan Kaiana Miller Anne Naseer Jonah Noeldner Marcello Peray-Genovese Isaac Reinert Samuel Sapita Alison Skidmore Troy St. Peter Robert Stelmack Brianna Strang-Lockhart Marcus Ward Katleen Ybarra

Class of 2018 WARHAWKS

Jacob Barnhorst Kai Billings Brittany Brookhiser Carson Casey Benjamin Delaney Molly Ferguson Craig Freeh Joshua Graham Joshua Hipps Evan Howe Tyler Jackson Adam Klein Brendan Leonard Lauren Llewellyn Nicholas Martin Josiah Oliver Joshua Radjenovich Nicolas Sanchez

Class of 2019 WARHAWKS

Ernest Alvino Brody Bagnall Sara Bertles William Christopoulos Martae Coleman John DeAndrade Kirsten Elliott Jack Flynn Ashley Gauthier Vladislav Gogulya Emily Graves Benjamin Jakeman Jena Johns Anthony Kim Demetrios Kostakis Griffin Lorenz Pervis Louder De'ahnera Manyfield Zachary Martinez Gavin McCord Moriah Niehaus Peter Nyfeler Joseph Redfearn Matthew Robbins Cayden Sparks Caitlin Stewart-Moore Dailen Sutton Marvin Vestil Noah White
Photo by Arnie Spencer

With all five runners placing in the top 21 overall, the 26th-ranked Air Force men’s cross country team captured the Mountain West Oct. 30 for the Academy’s first team title since 2003. The women also had a strong showing at the Montreux Golf Club in Reno, claiming third to record the program’s best finish in 12 years.

Senior Patrick Corona and junior Kyle Eller finished second and third, respectively, in the 61-runner men’s 8K event - marking the first time in program history Falcons have claimed two of the top-three spots at the MW Championships. Corona, who also earned a second-place finish at last year’s meet, clocked a time of 26:30.41, while Eller finished on his heels with a time of 26:30.52.

Senior Dan Caddigan joined Corona and Eller in the top 10, placing 10th in a time of 27:01.65. Junior Matt Dorsey finished 13th at 27:05.73 and senior Daniel Shellhouse was 21st-place at 27:34.16.

“Today was an incredible team effort, but it was by no means our best day,” said Corona. “The veteran guys stepped up and got the job done, particularly Caddigan and Shellhouse.”

Air Force registered 49 points to win the men’s team title - a total that matches the second-lowest in program history. It is the second Mountain West title for the men (2003) and the fifth overall, as the Falcons claimed three titles as members of the Western Athletic Conference (1991, 1994, 1996).

Registering the highest finish ever by an Air Force female at a conference championship meet, Hannah Everson continued her superb senior season placing third out of 83 runners in the women’s 6k race with a time of 22:12.11.

“I wanted to run a smart race and see how high I could place,” said Everson. “This conference is packed with talent this season, and placing third was great.”

All five of Air Force’s scoring runners finished in the top 31. Junior Samantha Skold clocked in at 23:54.56 to finish 17th, while sophomores Carina Gillespie and Katie Burnham placed 23rd (24:17.97) and 27th (24:30.64), respectively. Junior Lindy Long rounded out scoring runners at 31st (24:48.26).

The women earned their second-lowest total (98) since joining the Mountain West. Third is their best mark since the conference grew to 11 teams. - Athletic Media Relations

Hannah Everson (Left) Kyle Eller
(Below) Patrick Corona and Kyle Eller

The Air Force football team advanced to the Mountain West Conference Championship game for the first time since joining the conference. Although the team narrowly lost 27-24 to the San Diego State Aztecs, the MWC Mountain Division champions were tapped to play in the Armed Forces Bowl in Fort Worth, TX.

Facing a high-octane pass-happy offense led by future first-round NFL draft pick Jared Goff, the Falcons fell to the California Bears 55-36.

Karson Roberts threw for two touchdowns and had 69 yards rushing and another score for Air Force. Jacobi Owens, the leader of one of the nation’s best rushing attacks, had 83 yards and a touchdown. It was the Falcons’ 25th bowl appearance it’s eighth in the last nine seasons.

Air Force had seven players named to the all-Mountain West football team, according to an announcement today by the conference office. The Falcons had

four players named to the first team, one second-team honoree and two honorable mention selections.

Senior defensive lineman Alex Hansen and senior offensive lineman Sevrin Remmo, along with junior defensive backs Weston Steelhammer and Roland Ladipo were selected to the first team. Senior offensive lineman A.J. Ruechel was a second-team selection while junior running back Jacobi Owens and junior receiver Jalen Robinette were honorable mention.

Hansen leadsthe Falcons and is among the conference leaders in tackles for loss with 14.5 and quarterback sacks with 7.5. He has had at least one stop behind the line of scrimmage in 10 straight and 11 of 12 games this season. He has also blocked two kicks this season and five for his career which ranks fourth all-time and tops for defensive linemen in school history. This marks the second straight season Hansen has earned all-conference honors, as he was a second-team selection in 2014.

(Continued on page 379)

Teamdefense. Photo by C3C Kat Statesman Running back Shayne Davem breaks for daylight against Wyoming during a 31-17 win in Falcon Stadium this season. Photo by Arnie Spencer Jalen Robinette, wide receiver. Photo by Amie Spencer (Below) Roland Ladipo, defensive back. Photo by C3C Kat Stutesman
(Left) Karson Roberts, quarterback. Photo by Arnie Spencer

(Continuedfrom page 377)

Remmo has helped pave the way for the offense to rank second in the conference in total offense with a 462.1 per-game average. The Falcons lead the conference and rank third nationally in rushing with a 323.5 average. The Falcons lead the nation in sacks allowed with just two. This is the first all-conference honor for Remmo.

Steelhammer has been named to the first team for the second consecutive season, becoming the first Falcon since Reggie Rembert in 2009-10 to earn firstteam honors in back-to-back seasons.

Steelhammer leads the Falcons in tackles with 72 and interceptions with five. He also has 10 tackles for loss which is third on the team. He was named to the Thorpe Award and Lott Impact Trophy watch lists this season.

Ladipo is a first-time honoree in his first year as a starter for the Falcons. He is second on the team in tackles with 69 and leads the Mountain West and is ninth nationally in pass breakups with 16. He ranks second on the team in interceptions with three. Ladipo recorded his first-career interception and returned it for his first-

career touchdown in Air Force’s seasonopening win over Morgan State.

Ruechel is a first-time all-conference honoree.The Air Force offense is second in the conference and 35th nationally in scoring with a 34.4 average. The team’s 34.4 points per game, rushing average and time of possession (32:44) are the best in the Troy Calhoun era (2007-present).

Owens and Robinette have earned honorable mention honors for the second straight year. Owens leads the Falcons in rushing for the second straight year with 857 yards. He needs just 143 yards to record his second-straight 1,000-yard season. He moved to fullback the last six games, due to injuries at the position, and has averaged 92.2 yards and recorded three 100-plus yard games. Robinette leads the Falcons in receiving yards with 534 and is second on the team with 26 catches. His 27.2 yards-per-catch average is the secondbest mark in school history. He had career highs of seven catches for 210 yards earlier this season vs. Utah State, the third-most receiving yards in school history. - Athletic Media Relations

Brodie Hicks (18), defensive back; Ryan Watson, linebacker (Left) Luke Strebel, kicker; Josh Self, holder; (Below) Gang tackle.
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Quarterback Karson Roberts (16) pitches to running back Tim McVey during the bowl game against Cal. Courtesy « nhotos


Air Force men’s soccer concluded the home portion of its regular season with a come from behind win against UNLV, 2-1, in Western Athletic Conference action Sunday at Cadet Soccer Stadium. The Falcon’s regular season record is now 7-8-1 with a conference record of4-4-1. UNLV’s record is now 10-6-1 with a conference record of 4-4-1.

The Rebel’s Shota Takada would strike with the first goal in the 33rd minute with the follow of a deflection. The Falcon’s would hold the advantage in shots in the first half 16-3 but the half would end with a 1 -0 score.

The Falcon’s rallied in the second half with goals from Trey Pujats and senior Joey Haug. Pujats’ goal assisted by Ben Kem was a redirect from seven yards out in the 74th minute. Four minutes later, Haug would put the ball in the right comer of the net from 15 yards out with the assist coming from Austin Dewing and Kem.

Haug and Kem led the Falcons in shots with four apiece. Air Force held the advantage in shots (22-8) and comer kicks (6-4). UNLV goalkeeper Richard Gamess made eight saves while Rob Blair ofAir Force made two. Air Force was tabbed with 13 fouls while UNLV tallied 10.

“I was really proud of the way the team played today,” said head soccer coach Doug Hill.

“The way we started, I thought we’d be up by two or three after having that many opportunities but it didn't happen that way. When we came out in the second half, I knew if we maintained playing our game we’d get the win and we did.

“The way our guys defended in the second half was tremendous, I was extremely proud of them being able to maintain the ball and knowing how to close one out and win the game. I was especially proud of our seniors, they started the game and finished the game.”

Kem was named to the 2015 Western Athletic Conference Men’s Soccer All-Conference Team, announced by the conference office. Kem earned second team honors.

Kem was one of four Falcons to start all 17 matches for the Falcons. Kem led the team with four assists and ranked third in scoring with six points. The team co-captain played his best soccer late in the season, notching key assists in wins over Grand Canyon and two goals in a 2-1 win over UNLV.

Air Force capped the 2015 season with a 7-9-1 record. - Athletic Media Relations


this season and

on four goals tying for second most points on the team. He has been a mainstay on the squad for three years playing 17 and 20 games his junior and sophomore years.

(Left to Right) Oscar Chacon, midfielder; Abinadi Samayoa, forward Midfielder Tucker Bone battles a Runnin’ Rebel for the ball during a match here this season. Photos by Arnie Spencer Senior Profile
Ben Kem was a senior co-captain he assisted
(Left to Right) Rob Blair, goalkeeper; Danny Han, midfielder.


Air Force women’s soccer rallied to a 3-2 double overtime win against Colorado State (3-8-2, 0-3-1) in Mountain West Conference action Sunday afternoon at Cadet Soccer Stadium. The Falcons improve their Mountain West record to 2-1-1 and overall record to 4-7-1.

The Falcon’s would strike first with goals from Lizzy Denton and Angela Karamanos just after the 40-minute mark in the first half. Air Force tallied 15 shots in the first half. The Ram’s first goal came well into thesecond half of play from Hannah Gerdin at 84:30. The game tying goal would come from Gerdin yet again at the 88-minute mark, knotting the game and taking the Falcon’s to overtime.

After a scoreless first overtime, a diving header by Ally Swift off the assists from Christina O’Sullivan and Morgan Mavroudis would seal the game at the 107:13 mark in the second overtime period.

The Falcon’s held advantages in shots (24-17) and saves (11-9) as the Ram’s would tally more corner kicks (7-5). Angela Karamanos led the Falcon’s with seven shots and a goal. Freshman goalkeeper Jennifer Hiddink

tallied 107 minutes of playing time, making 10 saves for the team.

Swift and Karamanos earned Mountain West Women’s Soccer All-Conference honors, announced today by the conference office.Both players earned second team honors. Swift was Air Force’s leading scorer in 2015, accounting for six goals, including three game-winning goals. Just last week. Swift also earned academic all-district honors as a standout in the classroom.The Aledo, Texas, native wrapped-up a four-year career with 12 goals and 25 career points.

Karamanos was second on the team with five goals and 11 points. The sophomore led the team with 43 shot attempts and 23 shots on goal. In just two seasons at Air Force, the Los Gatos, CA, native has 12 goals and 27 points, the most by a current Falcon.

Air Force placed two cadet-athletes on the MW All-Conference team for the first time since 2002. Karamanos and Swift were the first all-conference players for Air Force since 2012.

The Falcon’s final MW record was 2-8-1 with an overall final record of 4-14-1.

- Athletic Media Relations

Taylor Cobb, forward (Left) Kristen Shimkus. midfielder; (Below) Morgan Mavroudis, defender
Alex Kahalley, goalkeeper Senior Profile (Right) Rachel Bradley Powers, defensive specialist; (Below) Sarah Heilman, setter/libero.
Taylor Parker (22) and Okokwe Clement team up to stuff an opponent’s kill shot on Falcon Court. The duo has anchored Air Force volleyball teams as middle blocker and outside hitter respectively for five years from Prep School through their senior year.

Okokwe Clement focuses in to pass the ball during a match on Falcon Court this season. The outside hitter killed an Academy record 1,501 balls during her cadet career.

ighlighted by a career-best 21 kills from sophomore Shelley Spires, the Air Force volleyball team captured its first-ever victory over Utah State Nov. 21 in Logan, UT. The Falcons downed the Aggies 25-22, 25-19, 23-25, 25-19, en routeto their third true road win of the year.

Two program records fell during the Falcons’ night on Kirby Court. Senior Rebecca Bates registered a season-high 29 digs to take over the program's Division I career record, while sophomore Piper Heineck recorded a DI single-match record 10 blocks (two solo, 10 assisted).

Spires, who recorded the second 20-kill match of her career, wasone of two Falcons to post double figures inthat category, as seniorAkokwe Clement accounted for 18 kills on a match-high .302 average (18k-5e-43a). Classmate Taylor Parker picked up a pair of service aces, while the freshmen setting duo of Sarah Heilman and Shanleigh Conlan each posted 22 assists.

The win was the Falcons’ first set vietory at Utah State since the opening of their 2013 contest in Logan.

Clement was named to the all-conference team and Spires earned honorable mention status.

Clement became the first Division I player in Academy history to capture all-conference honors in multiple years, as she also received all-MW accolades as a junior.

The senior was ranked third in the conference in both kills (3.83) and points (4.39), while her 28 kills against San Diego State is the conference’s second-highest single-match total of the season and her 27 kills against Army was tied for third. Clement accounted for 482 kills this year, en route to an Academy-record career total of 1,501. The Long Beach, CA, native added29 aces, 252 digs, 72 blocks (13 solo, 59 assisted) and a 189 hitting percentage to her final stat line.

Spires became the second Air Force player in as many years to earn all-MW honorable mention status after ranking among the conference leaders in kills during the conference season (3.08, sixth) and overall (2.91, 10th). The sophomore, who earned the second 20-kill match of her career with 21 against Utah State, collected 367 kills on the year behind .200 attacking. Spires, a native of Mobile, AL, added 45 blocks, 67 digs and five assists to her season.

Air Force finished the season with a 1221 overall record, which included a 5-13 conference mark. - Athletic Media Relations



iley Thomas scored four goals as Air Force beat California Baptist, 12-8, in the third place game of the Western Water Polo Association Championships, Nov. 22, at the Academy’s Cadet Natatorium. Air Force finished the season with a 12-17 overall record and a thirdplace finish in the WWPA tournament.

Air Force opened the scoring on Zach Kamai’s goal from the center at 6:46. After back-to-back shot clock violations on Cal Baptist, Thomas put the Falcons up 2-0 at 6:05. The Lancers scored the next two, but the Falcons answered with two goals in the final 2:01 for a 4-2 lead at the end of the first quarter. Thomas’ second of the quarter came at 2:01 and then Justin Harrison scored from center with 27 seconds remaining.

Junior Eric Curia opened thesecond quarter with a quick goal that deflected off a defender at 6:27. After a Lancers goal, the Falcons scored the next two. Edward Smet scored on a breakaway at 3:15 and then,just after an exclusion was called on the Lancers, Harrison set up Riley Quinlan for a 7-3 lead with 12 seconds left in the second quarter.

Air Force scored the first three goals of the third for a 10-3 advantage. Curia took a shot

that hit the post and Zach Kamai put back the rebound at 6:59. Thomas then scored his third of the game with a lob at 6:24. George Millard gave the Falcons a 10-3 lead with a skip shot on the counter at 4:09. After a Lancers’ goal, Kamai had a short-handed breakaway and was fouled on the play. On the ensuing penalty shot, Thomas scored his fourth of the game at 3:00. CBU scored with 1:56 left to cut the AFA lead to 11 -5 at the end of the third.

The Lancers opened the fourth quarter with a goal at 4:14, but the Falcons answered on the power play as Edward Smet scored from a sharp angle on the right side at 3:10. CBU rounded out the scoring with 1:45 remaining.

Thomas was named an honorable mention All-American by the Association of Collegiate Water Polo Coaches. He is the 21st Falcon in school history to earn All-America honors.

Thomas was a first-team all-WWPA selection and WWPA all-tournament selection. Heled the Falcons with 46 goals and was second with 26 assists and 47 steals. Thomas ranked sixth in the league in steals and 13th in goals. In three games in the WWPA tournament, he had seven goals, five assists and seven steals. - Athletic Media Relations

Riley Thomas, utility

(Left to Right) Max Benson, goalie; Garret Fisk (6), center, and Oliver Carter, driver. Garrett Fisk wrests the ball away from a defender during a match in the Cadet Natatorium this season. Photos by Arme Spencer







Air Force finished with a 14-18 season record and placed 10th in the Mountain West with a 5-13 mark. The team’s 14 wins ties as 12th most in the program history. Air Force was 12-5 at home.

The team’s 12 home wins tied for fourth in the Mountain West. Fresno State led the conference with 16, while Boise State was second with 14. San Diego State was third with 13. The 12 home wins is the most since 2012-13 when Air Force posted 13.

Air Force went 5-4 in conference home games this season andhad a four-game conference home win streak. Head Coach Dave Pilipovich has led the Falcons to a three winning home records in conference play, the most of any coach in school history.

The Falcons won the Air Force Classic, posting a 4-0 record with wins over Tennessee Tech, Mississippi Valley State, Robert Morris and New Mexico State. The Falcons finished the non-conference season with a 9-4 record. The team’s nine wins are the most since 2011-12 when the team won

10. Air Force finished the non-conference slate with an RPI of 107, fourth-best in the conference. The Falcons were one of three MW teams to win two non-conference road games. Air Force’s four non-conference losses came to teams with a combined 40-12 record (.769).

Junior Hayden Graham led the Falcons in scoring and rebounding with averages of 13.8 points and 6.3 rebounds. Sophomore Trevor Lyons was second with a 12. 7 average. Lyons missed the final 10 games due to injury. Junior Zach Kocur was third on the team in scoring and second in rebounding with averages of 9.6 points and 5.4 rebounds.

Graham was the lone Falcon honored with a post-season award, earning Mountain West honorable mention honors. Sophomores C.J. Siples and Jacob Van earned conference weekly player of the week honors once. Siples earned MW and Madness Mountain West player of the week honors while Van was Madness MW player of the week.

- Athletic Media Relations

Dezmond James, I’mrnl mis (mid imfnl/mi (Left) Hayden Graham, forward (Below) Zach Kocur, guard Kyle Broekhuis, forward
Zach Moer shakes his Army defender en route to the basket during a game in Clune Arena. Photos by Arnie Spencer


Air Force women’s basketball lost to UNLV, 55-42, in opening night action at the 2016 Mountain West Basketball Championships March 7 in Las Vegas, NV, ending the 2015-16 season.

In a defensive battle early on, it was UNLV that was able to pull away late. Air Force played tough, lock-down defense in the first half, holding the Rebels to 31.3 percent shooting. The Falcons went into halftime trailing by three at 26-23.

UNLV out-scored the Falcons 15-11 in the third quarter to go up 41-34. The Rebels extended their lead in the fourth.

Sophomore guard Dee Bennett led the Air Force offense with 11 points and sophomore guard Cortney Porter added nine points. Bennett also had a team-high five rebounds. Porter also had five rebounds and a team-high three assists.

Freshman Cheyenne Wall scored six points sophomore Sarah Cantu added five.

Senior Taylor Parker finished her Air Force career with 13 minutes played. Parker injured her ankle on a defensive play early in the third quarter and did not return.

The team’s lone win of the season came when the Falcons defeated Nevada, 59-53, in a Mountain West contest Wednesday night at Clune Arena. The win snapped a 32-game losing streak for the Falcons and gave head coach Chris Gobrecht her first win at Air Force.

Porter hit a three-point basket with 1:48 to go in the game to break a tie and put Air Force up 54-51. The Falcons sealed the game hitting five of six free throws to close out, giving the program its first win since Jan. 28, 2015.

Parker led Air Force (1-22, 1-11 MW) with 14 points and nine rebounds. Porter added 12 points, nine assists and six rebounds. Junior Sarah Fotsch scored nine points and pulled down seven rebounds. Bennett and freshman Venessannah Itugbu, pulled down nine rebounds each.

As the buzzer ending the game sounded. Air Force players erupted in celebration on the court.

The Falcons dominated the rebounding, with a 52-32 advantage on the glass. The 53 points allowed was also a season-low for the AFA defense. - Athletic Media Relations

to go over or through a Wyoming defender during a game in Clune Arena this season. The senior forward is a two-sport letter winner having earned distinction in volleyball for four seasons as well.
Taylor Parker is ready
Courtney Porter finds a way to squeeze a pass away while surrounded by defenders, during a game in Clune Arena.
Photos by Amie Spencei


Air Force fencing claimed three top-three individual titles at the NCAA West Region Fencing Championships here March 5. Cadets competed against fencers from Caltech, Stanford, UC San Diego and Incarnate Word.

In individual women’s foil, senior team captain Mary McElwee (8-0) claimed the championship title. Along the way, McElwee beat the No. 2 seed from UC San Diego, as well as fencers from Stanford and Caltech. Air Force wornen’s foil team was 16-8 against their opponents.

In men’s epee, freshman Cameron Sullivan (13-3) took second place against fencers from No. 10 Stanford. Incarnate Word, Caltech and UCSD. Men’s epee team finished 26-22 against all opponents.

Junior Alyssa Hofilena (8-3) took third in the women’s saber.

In the women’s events, freshman Lauren Sides finished 10th in women’s saber and sophomore Lydia Kim finished 12th. Sophomore Nicole Quattrociocchi placed fifth in women’s foil and junior Waverly Hock finished sixth. Junior Virginia Long placed 12th in women’s epee.

In the men’s events, senior co-captain

James Salem finished in ninth place and senior Robert Chado finished 14th overall.

Freshman Nicolas Pollack placed ninth in men's foil and freshman Morgan Geneste placed 10th. Junior Alexander Elwers finished 13th.

The four Air Force fencers in men’s saber were senior co-captain Ryan Redhead who placed sixth. Junior Ryan Andrieux finished in 10th place, while freshman Kainoa Chun-Moy finished 14th. Senior Matthew Bergstedt finished in ninth place.

McElwee was selected to compete in the NCAA Fencing Championships in women’s individual foil hosted by Brandeis University in Waltham, MA. McElwee is one of only two Air Force women to qualify for the fencing championships in four-consecutive years. Her run for the nationals started in 2013 when she finished 15th in foil. She competed in 2014 (18th) and 2015 (13th). In 2016, she was named Western Fencing Conference all-conference, and was the undefeated women’s foil champion at the West Region Championships. McElwee is one of the Falcons’ more successful women fencers with a 224-70 career record. She is a two-time all-region and all-conference twice. - Athletic Media Relations

Alexander Pollack, foil
Senior Profile
Denis Aurelius is rock steady on the rings in the Cadet Gymnasium. The senior was great on the road too earning a runner-up finish and AllAmerican honors in the event at the NCAA Championships this year. Eric Klein, twists through his parallel bars routine during a competition here. Photos by Arnie Spencer StfULT RINGS
Tim Wang, floor exercise


Highlighted by a mnner-up finish on the still rings from senior Denis Aurelius, three members of the Air Force men’s gymnastics team earned All-America distinction at the NCAA Championships April 16 in Columbus, OH.

Aurelius, sophomore Arinn Wade and junior Tim Wang all earned podium finishes at Ohio State’s St. John Arena - marking the first time in program history Air Force has accounted for more than one All-American in a single year.

Aurelius, who grew up just outside of Columbus, was the first competitor on the still rings. Scoring a 15.300 - his second-highest score of the season and the third-highest of his career - Aurelius held the overall lead for the next 42 performances, before Stanford’s Dennis Zaremski edged him on the night’s final routine.

Recording the Falcons’ best individual finish at the NCAA Championships, Aurelius is the third gymnast in program history to earn All-America distinction on the still rings,joining Greg Stine (2008) and Joel Miller (1992).

Wade and Wang became the first Academy teammates to earn All-America honors on the same event, as they both placed within the top-eight of their signature event - the pommel horse. Wade scored a 15.200 - his secondhighest score of the season - to tie with Illinois’ Logan Bradley for fourth, while Wang reached the 15-point mark for the fifth time in seven meets to finish seventh (15.000).

Wade’s fourth-place finish equals thebest pommel horse placement by an Air Force gymnast, as he matched Wang’s fourth-place mark from 2014. With his second top-eight finish in three years, Wang becamethe first Academy gymnast to ever capture multiple All-America honors in the same event and just the second to earn more than one award in a career (Stine, still rings and all-around, 2008).

With the addition ofAurelius and Wade to the Falcons’ all-time list of All-Americans, Air Force has had 11 individuals earn All-America honors a total of 13 times. - Athletic Media Relations



The Air Force women’s gymnastics team posted a team score of 191.450 to finish sixth at the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Championships March 19 in Sacramento, CA.

Kara Witgen was the Falcons’ top finisher on the floor exercise and uneven bars, earning finishes within the top half of the field on each event. The junior registered the team’s highest score and best finish of the night on the floor exercise, as she garnered a 9.800 to tie for 12th out of 36 gymnasts. She also paced Air Force on the uneven bars, tallying a 9.700 to finish 18th.

Freshman Mariana Murphy and sophomore Jamie Lewis used matching scores of 9.625 to lead the Falcons on the remaining two events. Murphy earned that score to tie for 21st on the balance beam, while Lewis collected that mark to finish in a tie for 24th on the vault. The sophomore also paced a trio of Air Force all-arounders in the championship meet, scoring a 38.400 to finish eighth.

Backed by top-five finishes from Murphy and sophomore Lewis, the women wrapped up the team portion of its season

April 8 in St. Charles, MO., during the first qualifying session of the 2016 USA Gymnasties Collegiate National Championships.

Tallying a team score of 191.600, the Falcons finished fourth in the afternoon qualifier. Bridgeport (195.550) and Seattle Pacific (194.750) finished first and second, respectively, to advance to tomorrow’s team finals, while Cornell (193.100, third) and Air Force rounded out the team standings.

Murphy posted the Falcons’ best finish of the day, as she tied for third on the uneven bars with a career-best tally of 9.800. She was one of three Air Force gymnasts to finish within the top half of the 32-gymnast field on that event, as freshman Brittney Reed tied for seventh (career-best 9.750) and junior Darby Germain tied for 13th (9.675).

Lewis equaled her season-high of 9.800 to tie for fourth on the vault, while Murphy also placed within the top-half of the field (career-best 9.650, 14th tie). Lewis, who finished sixth in the all-around with a score of 38.200, was also the Falcons’ top finisher on the floor exercise (9.750, 17th tie) and balance beam (9.600, 20th tie). - Athletic Media Relations

(Left) Chelsea Grimison, floor exercise; (Below) Kara Witgen, floor exercise
The team’s hardest worker award winner in 2014, Sarah Neumann twice battled back from injuries as a freshman and junior to score her career best (9.85) on beam against Alaska this season. As a sophomore she set career high in bars (9.5) and floor (9.8). Shane Starrette spreads out to defend the goal. The freshman keeper guarded the net in 33 of 37 games this season saving 689 shots (.924) as the Falcons finished 20-12-5. Photos by Arnie Spencer Senior Profile
(Right) Ben Carey started every game his final two years and tallied 25 points this season (two behind team leader Tyler Ledford). Carey had three game-winning goals as a sophomore and was the Falcons’ top freshman his first year.


Ben Carey made his final game in the Cadet Ice Arena a memorable one. The senior captain notched the game-winner on a breakaway just 29 seconds into the second period as the Falcons surged past the Canisius Golden Griffins, 4-1, in the Atlantic Hockey Conference playoffs here March 12.

For the second time in as many nights, Air Force raced out to a three-goal lead. With nearly five minutes gone in the first period on a Falcons’ power play, sophomore center Tyler Ledford carried the puck into the offensive zone and chipped a shot on net from the right circle. The Griffins’ netminder made the initial save, but Ledford followed his shot and slipped the rebound in to give the Falcons the early advantage.

left side of the ice, Ledford changed direction, drifting through the high slot before feeding Kucera who backhanded it in from the front of the net at 6:56.

Midway through the third, freshman Matt Koch controlled the puck behind his own net and sent it up the boards. Matt Serratore, yet another freshman, chipped the puck out to the neutral zone. Freshman winger Kyle Haak capitalized on the empty net at 17:55 to seal the 4-1 final.

Shane Starrett took the win in net for Air Force, stopping 23 of 24 shots faced. With 28 seconds left in the third, the Falcons replaced Starrett in net with senior goaltender Chris Dylewski who finished with one save.

Air Force added two goals in thesecond. Phil Boje spurred a shorthanded, end-to-end breakaway just seconds into the period. The sophomore defenseman advanced the puck to Carey who eluded a Griffins’ defender in the neutral zone and raced to the front of the net where he jammed home his second of the playoffs. Later in the period, Ledford setup linemate Ben Kucera. After skating the puck into the Air Force offensive zone along the

“This was the most enjoyable year I have ever had as a coach,” head coach Fmak Serratore said. “Now we go off to Rochester (NY) and it’s a one-game deal.”

In the next round, Air Forceheld a 1 -0 lead over Rochester Institute of Technology until late in the third period thanks to a freshman Evan Feno’s rebound score. RIT tied the game and took the lead though later in the period. Air Force finished with a 20-12-5 overall record. - Athletic Media Relations r

(Left to Right) Tyler Ledford, forward; Evan Feno, forward


The Air Force Rifle team wrapped up the season at the NCAA National Collegiate Rifle Championships March 12 in Akron, OH. In overall team standings, Air Force won fourth-place with a final score of 4,669. In the smallbore, Air Force finished sixth with a score of 2,309.

Freshman Spencer Cap was the team’s top shooter in both weapons. In air rifle, Air Force had a fourth-place showing with 2,360, Cap was the team’s top finisher in smallbore with a 580, and finished air rifle with a 592, which qualified him for the air rifle finals.

Fourth place is the team’s highest national finish under Head Coach Launi Meili. Air Force has qualified as a team or had an individual for the NCAAs four consecutive years. In 2013, the team placed fifth in the nation, and sent one qualifier in 2014, the team placed seventh in 2015.

“The team fought hard,” said Meili. “We went into the NCAA Championships in sixth place and moved ahead to finish in the fourth overall position. While it’s an

emotional finish for our seniors, they went in with big expectations and left it all on the line. Our freshmen went in with realistic goals and shot to their full potential in a national event. I'm proud of the team and how solid they have been all year.”

The team score of 2,360 was just five points under the air rifle champion (West Virginia). With a 592 (45x) Cap qualified for the air rifle finals and finished eighth, he scored a 77.8 in the finals. West Virginia also won smallbore with 2,338 points.

“I think Spencer gave it all up for the team, and there was just not enough left in the tank for the individual final,” said Meili. “Next year for sure.”

Air Force results for individual air rifle/ smallbore: Air rifle: Cap 592 (45x), freshman Anna Weilbacher (591), senior Tyler Rico (590), junior Ryan Jacobs (587) and senior David Higgins (578). Smallbore: Cap had a team high of 580 followed by Weilbacher (579), Jacobs (577), Higgins (573), and Rico (572). - Athletic Media Relations

Anna Weilbacher Kevyn Stinett (Below) Spencer Brandon Noah Kwock
Ryan Jacobs takes aim during pkiclice. The junior and his teammaics finished only five points behind 8 NCAA Champion West Virginia in team air rifle competition. Photos by Arnie Spencer

Men’s swimming and diving earned its first ever conference championship as the Falcons won the Western Athletic Conference title, Feb. 27, in Houston, TX. The Falcons posted 771 points to finish ahead of Wyoming (690), Grand Canyon (650), UNLV (578), North Dakota (344), CSU Bakersfield (309) and Seattle (183).

After finishing third in 2014 and second last season, the Falcons broke through this season with a deep team that went wire-to-wire, leading from day one all the way through the final event.

The Falcons started out the day by taking four the top five places in the 1,650 free. Junior Andrew Faciszewski won with a time of 15:01.73. Kevin Jackson was third (15:05.71), Garrett Glaudini was fourth (15:20.12) and Collin Green was fifth (15:24.06).

In the 200 back stroke, Kris Tillery was third (1:45.63) and Joey Gebhart was seventh (1:47.01). TheFalcons also had two qualifiers in the 100 free final as Jordan Dahle was sixth (44.37) and Steffen Mount was seventh (44.44).

Air Force had three qualifiers in the finals of the 200 breast stroke as Michael Bamosky was second (1:56.33), Kevin Fanter was third (1:57.53) and Zach Knoche as sixth (1:57.96). In the 200 fly, Sean Ledford was eighth with a time of 1:48.85).

In the final event of the four-day meet, the 400 free relay, the team of Devon Davis, Steffen Mount, George Frank and Jordan Dahle was second with a time of 2:56.48.

Along with the team championship, the Falcons cleaned up on the individual awards. Rob Clayton was named the WAC Coach of the Year, Stan Cumow was named the Diving Coach of the Year, Nathanel Zillweger was named the Diver of the Year and Michael Bamosky was named the Swimmer of the Year.

Zillweger won both the 1-meter and 3-meter and was second on the platform. He earned the Diver of the Year award for the second straight season.

Bamosky won the 100 breast stroke with an Academy, WAC overall and WAC Championship record. He was alsosecond in the 200 breast stroke and third in the 200 individual medley.

Cumow earned his sixth coach of the year honor while Clayton earned his third career coach of the year award.

Bamosky and Zillweger completed competition at the 2016 NCAA Division I Men’s Swimming & Diving Championships at the McAuley Aquatic Center on the campus of Georgia Tech, March 26. Bamosky, earned AllAmerican honors in the 100 breast stroke where he placed third. - Athletic Media Relations

Kevin Jackson’s time of 15:05:71 in the 1,650 free was good for third at the conference championships. He leaves with several top 10 times in the Air Force and conference record books in the distance free and individual medley races.

Senior Profile


The Air Force women’s swimming and diving team finished ninth at the Mountain West Championships, Feb. 20, in College Station, TX.

For the third consecutive season, junior Genevieve Miller won the 1,650 free with a time of 16:01.39. Miller broke her own school, conference and championship meet record. Senior Sara Menke placed third in the 1,650 free with a time of 16:31.47. For the third straight year, Miller won both the 500 free and 1,650 free at the conference championship meet.

Air Force had three swimmers make the “C” final of the 100 back as Emma Strom was 18th overall (55.43), Elise Hart was 19th overall (55.69) and Emily D’Amato was 23rd overall (57.38). In the finals of the 100 free, Jinan Andrews was 22nd overall (51.56).

Senior Jenna Tasic qualified for the “B” final in the 200 fly and placed 13th overall (2:03.62). Asia Antoniuk was 20th overall (2:05.47).

In platform, Jessica Horn was 13th with 231.50 points.

Three Falcons were named to the Mountain West women’s swimming and diving team, as announced by the league office. All-Conference honors were awarded to the top eight finishers in the individual events and top three relay team finishers at the conclusion of the championships. Menke’s performance in the 1,650 free earned her all-MW honors for the fourth year.

Hart broke the school record in the prelims of the 100 fly with an NCAA “B” cut time of 53.30. In the finals of the 100 fly. Hart placed second with a time of 53.59. The all-conference honor was the first of Hart's career.

Miller earned all-conference honors in the 200 free, 500 free and 1,650 free. She won the 500 free and 1,650 free conference championship for the third straight season and set Academy and Mountain West records in both events. Both her 500 free time (4:40.15) and 1,650 free time (16:01.39) were NCAA“B” cuts. She also placed sixth in the conference in the 200 free with a school record and NCAA “B” time of 1:47.58. Miller has earned all-MW honors all three years. - Athletic Media Relations

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Jenna Tasic, butterfly; Nina Santala, backstroke MAh* (Left to Right)
Gaby Miller, breastroke; Kathy Lim, butterfly

Genevieve Miller powers through a long distance freestyle race. The junior set Academy, Mountain West Conference and conference championships records for the third consecutive year in the 1.650 free. Miller earned all-conference honors in the 200, 500 and 1.650 free events. Photos by Arnie Spencer

Jess Horn was the Falcons’ top diver at the conference champioships finishing 13th on platform with 231.5 points. This concludes a four-year career in which she improved her personal best score in the event each year.

Senior Profile
Anthony McLaughlin, 184 pounds (Below) Alex Lopouchanski, 165 pounds
Drew Romero, 125 pounds


Air Force wrestling produced three place winners during Big 12 Championship action in Kansas City, MO, March 6. Senior team captain Josh Martinez led the Falcons with a fifth place finish while sophomores Michael Billingsley and Drew Romero finished sixth and seventh respectively.

Martinez squared off against Keegan Moore for fifth place. Moore startedthe match as the aggressor, getting a takedown in 36 seconds. In the second period Martinez took control of the match with two takedowns and a two-point near fall for the substantial lead. Martinez secured the 10-2 major decision over the Mountaineer wrestler for a fifth place finish.

Billingsley squared off against Luke Zilverberg for a fifth place finish. Billingsley struck first with a takedown at nine seconds left in the first period. Zilverberg would be the only one to score points in the final two periods, sealing the match at 4-2, giving Billingsley the sixth place finish.

Romero was slated to take on Zeke Moisey for seventh place but Moisey was unable to compete due to injury giving Romero the seventh place finish by medical forfeit.

Romero was then slated to take on Chasen Tolbert for the true sixth spot and an automatic bid into the national tournament. Tolbert was unable to compete due to injury, giving Romero the true-sixth finish and his first career bid to the NCAA tourney.

“We’re very excited about our NCAA qualifier, Drew Romero,” said head wrestling coach Sam Barber. “He showed a lot of toughness and grit when he got the call and he punched his ticket to New York City so we’re extremely proud of that.

“I’m pleased with effort and the fight the guys showed at the Big 12 tournament. We asked our guys to show up and wrestle to or above their seeds

and they did that in eight out of 10 weight classes.

At the NCAA championships, Martinez squared off against Ohio State's 10-seed, Johnni DiJuilius, in the second round of consolations. Martinez went on to score first with an early takedown and four near fall points in the first period.

The two would exchange takedowns and escapes in the second period, but Martinez would capitalize with a two point reversal.

Martinez went on to make the final takedown late in the third period; with riding time inhis favor, Martinez sealed the deal over the Buckeye with a 13-8 decision to advance to the next round.

In the third consolation round, Martinez met with Mason Beckman of Lehigh. Beckman proved to be the aggressor, scoring three takedowns in the bout. Martinez matched each takedown with an escape but was unable to find a scoring rhythm.

With riding time in favor of the Lehigh wrestier, Beckman sealed thedeal over Martinez with a 7-3 decision. Martinez’s elimination finalized his season record at 25-10.

Martinez joins the elite ranks of the four-time NCAA qualifiers list; an accomplishment that only four Air Force wrestlers have achieved in program history. Martinez finished the 2015-16 wrestling season with a 23-8 overall record. He went undefeated in dual action with a 7-0 record

Romero met with Cornell's, Dalton Macri, in the second round of consolation bouts. Romero would begin the match as the aggressor, earning takedown points early in the first period.

Macri struck back with a takedown, which led to a pin at 4:49 over Romero in the second period exchange.

Romero’s elimination capped his sophomore season record at 17-17 along with his first ever NCAA tournament bid. - Athletic Media Relations

Senior team captain Josh Martinez, 133 pounds, ended his Air Force wrestling career as one of four cadets to qualify for NCAA postseason competition in all four years.

"BASEBALL, IT IS SAID, IS ONLY A GAME. TRUE. AND THE Grand canyon is only a hole in Arizona."
- George Will


Air Force rising seniors Griffin Jax and Jacob DeVries were taken in the Major League Baseball Amateur Draft in June. Jax, a right-handed pitcher, was selected in the third round (93rd overall) by the Minnesota Twins and DeVries was selected by the Cleveland Indians in the 38th round. It is the first time in program history that Air Force has had two players drafted in the same season.

This is Jax’s second time being drafted. He was a 12th round pick of the Philadelphia Phillies in 2013. Jax is coming off one of the greatest seasons ever by an Air Force pitcher. He has picked up severalaccolades this season, including Louisville Slugger All-America (second team), Mountain West Co-Pitcher of the Year and FirstTeam All-MW. Jax posted a 9-2 record with a school-record 2.05 earned run average. He led the conferencein ERA and with 105.1 innings pitched. His nine wins and 90 strikeouts ranked second. Jax also owns school records with six wins and a 2.21 ERA in MW play.

DeVries is a hard-throwing lefthander that posted a 6-6 record with 55 strikeouts in 63.2 innings pitched.The Castroville, TX, native recorded a 5.09 earned run average in 13 starts and 14 total games pitched. DeVries broke out as a sophomore in 2015, when he posted a 5-5 record, striking out 80 in 84.2 innings pitched. - Athletic Media Relations

(Below) Tyler Jones, outfield; (Right) Russell Williams, first base Jacob DeVries, pitcher mm Griffin Jax slings an offering toward the plate. The junior right-hander led the conference in ERA this year and was selected in the third round of the Major League Baseball draft. Photos by Arnie Spencer

Fifth-seeded Air Forcebaseball (30-25) used three runs and solid pitching in the ninth inning to come-from-behind and knock off regular season Mountain West Champion and No. 1 seed Fresno State (36-21) 9-7 Thursday afternoon at Santa Ana Star Field, on the campus of the University of New Mexico.

In the ninth, the Falcons were behind 7-6 but scored three runs to take the lead for good. Back-to-back hits and a walk loaded the bases. Pinch hitter Justin Grahamthen drew a five-pitch walk to tie the game 7-7.The Falcons took the lead on the next play off junior Russell Williams’ twoRBI single to left center.

“It was a great job by the whole team on getting the guys on base that we needed,” said Williams. “We were really trying to take control and focus on the things that we can control.”

“It was great for our offense and I am thrilled,” said head Air Force coach Mike Kazlausky. “Our kids like coming down here to hit; the wind blows out and this is like a second field for us.”

After keeping the Falcons off balance in the first, Fresno State struck first with three runs off two home runs. Air Force answered with four runs of their own in the second on two singles, a Bulldog error and a sacrifice fly.

Fresno State tied the game in the fifth at 4-4 and went ahead after scoring three runs in the sixth off a single and a throwing

error by the Falcons. The Falcons answered for thesecond time, scoring two runs in the seventh to cut the Bulldog lead to 7-6.

Solid pitching paced the Falcons in the end. Junior right-hander Griffin Jax kept the Bulldogs scoreless in the seventh. He threw seven innings, while striking out five. Junior right-hander Austin McDaniel came in relief and allowed just one hit and struck out one in his single inning of work to pick up the win, improving to 2-2 on the season. Freshman Matt Hargreaves earned the save, his second of the year, as he came into the ninth to stop Fresno State.

At the plate, Air Force had five players with two or more hits.Its offense was highlighted by a 3-for-4 effort from sophomore Tyler Zabojnik and a 3-for-5 effort from senior Spencer Draws.

The following day the Falcons were eliminated with a 12-1 loss to No. 3 Nevada (33-27). The Falcons cap the season with a 30-27 record; its first winning season since 1995.

After Air Force scored the first run of the game, Nevada scored 12 unanswered runs over the next six innings. The game ended after the seventh inning due to the 10-run rule.

Air Force won 29 games against Division I opponents, surpassing the previous school record of 22, set just last season. The Falcons lose just one starter and two seniors off the 2016 team. - Athletic Media Relations


Three members of the Air Force boxing team claimed national titles on April 9, as the Falcons wrapped up competition at the 2016 National Collegiate Boxing Association Championships in Seattle. Senior Mateus Arcano, junior Adam Sumait and classmate Johnny Wells claimed individual titles, while Air Force finished second in the team standings.

Arcano captured his second straight NCBA title at 112 pounds, as he earned a unanimous decision over Oregon State’s Jon Pena. Sumait and Wells captured their first collegiate titles, as Sumait earned a 4-1 majority decision over Army’s Alan Alvarado at 119 pounds and Wells claimed a unanimous decision over UCLA’s Vlad Panin at 156 pounds. Sumait, who defeated the two-time defending champion en route to his first national title, was named the Outstanding Boxer for the lower weight divisions.

Air Force also accounted for three silver medals on the night. Senior Gytenis

Borusas dropped a narrow 3-2 decision to West Virginia’s Jeff Fuss at 175 pounds, while sophomore Den Tati-Mackaya and senior Yohance Salimu lost decisions at 195 pounds (Nevada’s Garrett Felling) and heavyweight (Army’s Jacob Conley), respectively.

The women added a pair of runner-up finishes in the national finals, as Heather Parcasio and Aubrey Lowe finished second in their respective bouts. Parcasio, who finished third at last year’schampionships, dropped a decision to defending champion Jacqueline Ines of Washington at 125 pounds, while Lowe, who received a bye into the finals, lost a 139-pound decision to Washington’s Lorin Lee.

Army captured the men’s team title for the seventh time in nine years, while Air Force and Nevada finished second and third, respectively. Washington earnedthe women’s title for the third straight year, while UC Davis and Navy rounded out the top three. - Athletic Media Relations

Mateous Arcano and Adam Sumait (blue) square off the 119-pount bout at the Wing Open March 9 in Clune Arena. Both boxers advanced to the national championships and won titles (Arcano -112 pounds). Photos by Arnie Spencer Heather Parcasio (blue) vs Alexandra Reveles, 125 pounds
(Right) Michael Fan; (Below) Brandan Bone (Below) Troy Berglund Sunwoo Choi surveys the green as he prepares for a putt at Eisenhower Golf Course this season.
Photos by Arnie Spencer

The Air Force golf team finished 10th at the Mountain West Championships, which wrapped up April 24 on the Catalina Course at OMNI Tucson National in Arizona. The Falcons shot a 10-over round of 298 on the final day to finish the three-day tournament with a 14-over par total of 878 (287-293-298).

Junior Sunwoo Choi, who shot a three-over par final round of 75, posted the Falcons’ best finish for the weekend, as he tied for 22nd with a one-over par score of 217. Classmate Brenden Bone carded a four-over 76 on the final 18 to finish the tournament in a tie for 28th at 218 (6874-76, two-over). Senior Michael Fan

posted the Falcons’ best concluding round (one-over 73) to finish tied for 39th with seven-over par at 223 (77-73-73). Freshman Bryant Falconello carded his lowest round of the tournament (two-over 74) to finish tied for 43rd with a three-round total of 225 (76-75-74, nine-over) and classmate Tate Tatom tied for 48th with a three-day total of 226 (72-76-78, 10-over).

Choi led all golfers with 42 pars, while Fan tied for fifth with 37. Bone finished the tournament with 13 birdies - a tally that ranked third for the tournament, while Fan tied for second in eagles after carding one on the 10th hole during Saturday’s second round. - Athletic Media Relations


Sophomore Andrew Tien found the back of the net 50 seconds into overtime to lift the top-seeded Falcons past Richmond 9-8 May 7 in the 2016 Southern Conference Men’s Lacrosse Championship at Robins Stadium in Richmond, VA.

The 12th-ranked Falcons, a SoCon newcomer in 2016, were 15-2 in the regular season and earned the league’s automatic berth to the NCAA Championship.

Tien’s unassisted sudden-victory score gave the San Diego, CA, native a hat trick to go along with an assist. Tien’s hat trick is the second on the season and marked his third four-point game in the last four games. Sophomore Nick Hruby also tallied a hat trick for Air Force, and freshman Cameron Carter scored

two goals on the day to lead the Falcons to the victory.

Junior attacker J.P. Forester netted four scores to lead Richmond, while teammate Jean-Luc Chetner scored a pair and assisted a pair in the losing effort.

It was Air Force that opened the game’s scoring, as Carter found the back of the net from close range at the12:36 mark of the first period. The Spiders countered with a 2-0 spurt. Air Force’s Chris Walsch knotted the contest at 2-all with 5:05 to play in quarter one by firing a shot that made the ball settle and eventually roll past the goal line.

Richmond stretched its advantage to 4-2 in the second quarter. Hruby provided a big response, pulling the Falcons even at 4-all by (Continued on page 420)

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Marcus Ward, midfielder Brandon Jones (#45) defender; Alex Warden (#20), defender; Austin Smith, midfielder Attacker Nick Hruby shields the ball from his Denver opponents. The sophomore was second on the team with 42 points on 27 goals and 15 assists. Photos bxArnie (Center) Andrew Tien, attacker; (Left) Doug Gouchoe, goalkeeper
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(Continuedfrom page 418)

scoring twice in the finalfour minutes.

Tien’s overtime heroics were set in a rainy and wild fourth quarter. Hruby sparked an Air Force assault with a diving score in front of the goal at the 13:01 mark. Carter then scored off an assist from Walsch 37 seconds later, and Tien gave the Falcons an 8-5 lead by firing one past Richmond goalkeeper Benny Pugh with 10:03 left to play. Walsch’s goal and two assists set the Air Force modern era single season points record (62).

Gouchoe, the SoCon’s Defensive Player of the Year, tallied 10 saves and a .556 save percentage on the day for Air Force. He earned Most Outstanding Player honors for the tournament.

Riding a 15-game win streak, the Falcons’ season came to an end at

the hands of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish May 14, in South Bend, IN. Air Force fell 15-7, in the first round of the 2016 NCAA tournament. The 2016 season marks the Falcons’ longest win streak and best season to date. Air Force finalizes their season at 15-3 overall with an undefeated mark in the SoCon.

Hruby, Walsch and Brown led the team with two points apiece; Hruby and Walsch netted two goals while Brown made a goal and an assist. Four Falcons logged goals on the game. Notre Dame outshot Air Force, 37-30, and picked up 28 ground balls to the Falcons’ 17. TheFalcons won nine of 26 face offs. Gouchoe logged nine saves while Dossmade 12. - Athletic Media Relations

(Below) Isaac Perez; (Right) Luke Sanderson
(Below) Max Olson


Third-seeded San Diego State defeated sixth-seeded Air Force, 4-0, April 29 in the quarterfinals in the 2016 Mountain West Men’s Tennis Championships at the Fertitta Tennis Complex in Las Vegas, NV.The loss ended the Falcons season.

San Diego State won the doubles point with 6-2 wins at No. 1 and 3 to open the match.The Aztecs picked up wins at No. 3, 4 and 5 singles to clinch the match. Senior Jack McCullers, who was named all-conference in singles earlier the in the week, won his first set at No. 1 singles over Freddy Gelbrich and the two were in the second set when the match ended. Freshman Tadhg Collins won the opening set and was leading in the second at No. 6 singles when the match ended as well.

Air Force fell to 7-18 overall. The Falcons finished sixth in the Mountain West

with a 2-5 mark. The team’s sixth seed in the tournament was its best since being fourth in 2005. San Diego State improved to 11-13 overall.

Air Force had two players earn allMountain West honors this season. MeCullers earned the honor in singles and was honored, along with freshman teammate Collins, with all-conference doubles honors. McCullers is among the team leaders in singles wins with 13 at the No. 1 spot. He has eight dual match wins. McCullers and Collins has a 3-2 doubles record overall, all in conference matches. McCullers is a team-best 17-14 overall in doubles, including a 12-8 mark in duals. Collins has a 14-22 overall doubles record and an 8-12 mark in dual matches. This is the first-career all-conference honor for both players.

-Athletic Media Relations

Andrew Parks cuts a backhand shot during a match here. Parks played for the Falcons all four years being named most improved his freshman year and earning the Rich Gugat “Attitude is Everything” award as a sophomore.

Jack McCullers celebrates with force during play on the tennis courts here. Photos by Amie Spencer


Ninth-seeded Utah State defeated eighth-seeded Air Force, 4-3, in the opening match of the 2016 Mountain West Conference Women’s Tennis Championships April 28. The match was played at the Wyoming Indoor Tennis Courts due to weatherin Fort Collins, CO, the site of the championships.

Air Force opened the match by winning the doubles point. Chloe Forlini and Jocelle Rudico defeated Monika Van De Vondel and Maggie O’Meara, 6-2, at No. 1. Mary Meyers and Elisa Nelson clinched the point for the Falcons with a 6-4 win over Sabrina Demerath and Ekaterina Tugarinova at No. 2.

The Falcons took a 2-0 lead behind freshman Elizabeth Barnickel, who beat Demerath, 6-4, 6-1 at No. 3 singles.

Tugarinova beat Meyers to get Utah State’s first point, 6-3, 6-4, at No. 2. Lily Forlini gave Air Force a 3-1 lead with a 6-4, 7-5 win over

Van De Vondel at No. 4. The Aggies won the remaining three singles matches at No. 1,5 and 6 singles to pull off the come-from-behind win.

Chloe Forlini earned all-Mountain West honors for singles. Forlini led the Falcons with a 29-12 overall singles record, including a 17-7 mark in dual matches. She moved to No. 1 singles midway through the season and has posted a 6-4 mark at the top spot. Her 29 wins are the second most in a single season at the Division I level in school history, trailing only the 33 she won last season. Forlini also led the team in doubles with a 26-11 overall record and 13-6 mark in dual matches. She combined with fellow junior Jocelle Rudico to post a 24-10 overall mark and 12-6 dual match record. The pair posted a 6-2 mark against Mountain West opponents.

Air Force finishes the season with a 13-12 overall record. - Athletic Media Relations

(Clockwise from Left) Chloe Forlini, Meredith Laskey, National Anthem sung by Jocelle Rudico

Mary Meyers played four seasons for the Falcons and the team enjoyed a winning record each year.

In her final event, the Mountain West champioships, she and doubles partner Elisa Nelson clinched the doubles point with a 6-2 over their Utah State opponents.

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Senior Profile

An amazing week of track and field competition concluded with the Air Force men capturing their third Mountain West title in five years May 14, in Clovis, CA. The Falcons combined for six event titles and four Academy records during the final day of action at the outdoor conference championships.

“This was the most overwhelming day I have ever been a part of,” head coach Ralph Lindeman said after a day that saw Air Force score in every event it contested. “It’s the most amazing performance I’ve ever had by a team. They did an amazing job. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The Falcons kicked off Championship Saturday with a bang, as the 4x100-meter relay of senior Gavin McHenry, junior Zach Johnson, sophomore Robbie Anderson and classmate Jamiel Trimble successfully defended the Falcons’ Mountain West title in that race with a blazing time of 39.92.

That quartet would continue to light up the scoreboard at Veterans Memorial Stadium May 15, as they combined for eight scoring finishes in three events.

Trimble claimed his first individual title

just 40 minutes later, repeating as the conference champion in the 110-meter hurdles.

Finishing with a career-best time of 13.80, Trimble posted the second-fastest time in MW Championship Meet history, matched an Academy recordthat had stood since 2004 and equaled the third-fastest time in conference history.

The sophomore picked up his third title of the day, as he won the 200-meter dash with an Academy-record time of 20.56. His victory in the 200-meter led the Falcons to four of the top-seven scoring finishes in that event, as Johnson (21.45), Anderson (21.46) and McHenry (21.58) finished fifth, sixth and seventh in the event standings.

Saturday’s dominance in the sprinting events continued in the 400-meter dash, as sophomore Tyler Koss became just the third Falcon to claim a title at that distance. Koss, who also posted the fastest time during qualifying, clocked a career-best time of 47.18 to win the conference title by 0.36 seconds.

With a clearance of 18’0V2”, senior Dylan Bell captured the pole vault title to mark the fifth straight year that a member of the Air Force squad has been atop the medal (Continued on page 428)

Taylor Smith, high jump (Left) Hannah Everson (fore ground) and Lindy Long, 5,000/10,000 meters (Below) Jamiel Trimble, 100/400-meter hurdles
Zach Johnson and Garrett Newman, 400 meters

(Continuedfrom page 426) podium in that event. Bell was joined on the awards podium by junior Kyle Pater, who finished second with a career-best clearance of 17’8 Vi' - a mark that is ranked eighth on the Academy’s all-time list.

The men received a staggering 23 points from the javelin throw, as Air Force finished second through fifth. Sophomore Donny Crabill paced the quartet with a runner-up finish (196’6”), while junior Taylor Hulslander finished third with a throw of 193’ 10”.

Senior Grant Hamilton finished second with an Academy record in the shot put on Friday. He repeated the performance the next day unleashing a program-best distance of 187’5” to take second in the discus throw.

Saturday also saw sophomore John Reynolds earn his third medal in just over 24 hours, as he placed second in the triplejump. Reynolds, who won the high jump and finished second in the long jump on Friday, registered a distance of 49'33A” to finish second in the triple jump Saturday.

Air Force amassed 202 points during the week to capture its third Mountain West title. The Falcons, which won the indoor title by just one point, posted a 26-point margin for its outdoor title. The conference title capped off the “triple crown,” as the men earned

Mountain West titles in cross country, indoor track/field and outdoor track/field during the 2015-16 academic year. It is just the second time since 2008-09 that one team claimed all three conference titles.

On the women’s side, sophomore Shelley Spires led the women’s team with a conference title in the high jump - marking the second time in three years Air Force has claimed a MW championship inthat event. Spires was perfect on first attempt clearances during her run, as she won the event with a height of 5’9*4”.

The women earned multiple scoring finishes in the 1,500- and 5,000-meter events. Sophomores Carina Gillespie and Giulianna Vessa finished fourth (4:27.01) and sixth (4:30.99), respectively, in the 1,500-meter run, while senior Hannah Everson and junior Lindy Long placed fifth (16:32.87) and sixth (16:40.72), respectively, in the 5000-meter run. Long, who medaled in the 10,000-meter run just two days earlier, clocked the thirdfastest time in Academy history.

Senior Angelea Ross capped off her Mountain West career with a season-best distance of 38’83A” to finish eighth. The women tied Wyoming for ninth, with 35 points. - Athletic Media Relations

(Right and Far Right) Dylan Bell, pole vault; John Reynolds, triple jump

Courtesy photos

Men’s track celebrates a triple victory after winning conference titles in cross-country, indoor and outdoor track.
v 11 mSU 3 1 « SPRING SPORTS 429
(Center and Left) Jamiel Trimble and Zach Johnson, 100 meters; Patrick Corona, 4x800 relay


(Below) Topped out after climbing at the Red Spire at Garden of the Gods, C2C Brandon “Brando” Kopp signals to onlookers below.
Traditional gear is laid out before climbing the 3rd Flat Iron in Boulder. This gear can add several pounds to a climb and consists of cams, nuts and lots of slings.
(Right) Members of the Mountaineering club use skis to get to the base of Longs Peak to bag a winter ascent. C1C Becky Murphy completes one of her final ice climbs as a cadet at Hully Gully. Hully Gully is one of the few waterfalls in Colorado Springs and is perfect for ice climbing in the winter. Photos by C1C James Cardinal


The goal of the Mountaineering Club is to help new and experienced climbers leam and build skills on all types of climbing. This includes hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, ice climbing, and occasionally all of these at once. While many people feel these sports are unusual and out of the norm, this club focuses on getting cadets to experience the outdoors in new and challenging ways.

Hiking and backpacking are two of the most endurance-focused activities the mountaineering club does. They take cadets to places where very few people have ever gone and expose them to challenges they might not ever face such as waiting out storms in a shaking tent hoping it doesn’t fall apart all while enjoying a cup of hot chocolate and playing cards.

Rock climbing is one of the most popularactivities the mountaineering club focuses on. The club often trains at the rock wall in the Cadet Gym. Cadets using the rock wall share a common bond of wanting to continually push each other to become more proficient. Some do this through working on increasingly hard routes; others do it to conquer their fear of heights. Despite spending the majority of time indoors (twice a week), the mountaineering club members pride themselves on their ability to climb confidently and safely outside.

“Being outdoors is great, but it brings a

whole new dynamic to rock climbing and tests your mental fortitude,” said C1C James Cardinal. “No longer are you in the safely padded practice room, your mistakes can have drastic consequences.”

Ice climbing is one of the most challenging activities the club does. Very few who come to the Academy have experience ice climbing; however, almost everyone who climbs ice immediately falls in love with the activity. Ice climbing is different not only because of the ice, but because of the gear that is used. It uses many sharp objects that, when climbing, can often make one think twice about falling.

“Personally, ice climbing is thebest type of climbing due to the skill and finesse that it requires,” Cardinal said. “Ice climbing isn't hard due to small holds or large moves between the holds. Every bit of ice is a hold, however ice can break off and can only be climbed with ice tools and crampons. You can’t just grab any piece of ice and the route continually changes as the day goes by and the ice melts.”

This constantly changing environment keeps the climber on their toes, literally. All of these types of climbing bring new challenges and require various skills. While climbing indoors is good training, there is no substitute to the pine scented challenges that the outdoors brings. - Polaris staff

Club members hike across a cold barren face to catch the sunrise on Pikes Peak.
C1C Quin Stank takes ice climbing to the next level as he mixes in some rock during his climb.

Asmall group of fearless cadets compete every year by strapping on to a bull and hanging on for an eightsecond ride that most people would never consider.

Many cadets are unaware the Academy has a rodeo team or that you can have the opportunity to ride a bull. The rodeo team recognizes bull riding can be dangerous but many find that is just why they love to do it.

“The experience of riding a bull is like the combination of feelings you have before jumping out of an airplane, diving off the 10-meter and going into your first boxing graded review,” said C3C Bret Wagner.

The team practices at the Tuff E Nuff Rodeo Company in Ramah, CO, an hour east of the Academy, where they have a wide range of practice equipment and can ride live bulls twice a week. Most competitions are held in Wyoming. The cadets spend a lot of their own

money to participate in these competitions.

“Riding a bull is the most thrilling experience I have ever had in my life,” said C3C Chris Graham. “The last bull I got on immediately bust out of the chute and started spinning. I quickly dug my spurs into his side and held on for a good six seconds before being flung to the ground.”

Many club members said they never feel the ground when they hit it. “Time slows down slower than a doolie running the strips,” said Graham. “Then the next thing you know you are on the ground and only thinking ‘I have to move.’”

Being on the rodeo team gives cadets the chance to make friends and share with them an experience that they can take with them for the rest of their lives. It teaches cadets to fight through to the very end and to push through the pain and struggle with a winning spirit. - C2C Clark Jones

(Above and Right) C3C Bailey Smith prepares for his turn on the bull by putting on a helmet.
The cowboy’s tools of the trade, rope, boots and spurs, come in handy. (Center and Left) Rodeo coach James Richardson teaches C3C Chris Graham how to practice roping on the El Toro training unit. C1C Clark Jones gets ready for live practice by warming up on a drop barrel.
C3C Chris Graham gets a wild ride on a bull named Cookres and Cream at the Tuff E Nuff riding center in Ramah, CO. Photos by Brian Gauck


This year RATTEX has been very active with a full schedule of events across the board, even in areas that no one may realize. The weekly movie showings that are mostly attended by the four degrees are set up and supported by RATTEX. They also support the Bluebards acting troupe with the technical support of lights, microphones, sound effects and props/sets, keeping them on their toes during the two biannual shows.

This year also marks a huge increased impact at tailgates where the club stays busy. RATTEX plays music, holds dance contests and gives away prizes before each game.

RATTEX has been on call for cadetonly events, including concerts like country artist Darryl Worley in addition to many other activities organized by Arnold Hall.

“The shear breadth of activities is what I find most appealing,” said C3C Josh Roseler. “Everyone has the opportunity to find their own niche, as personal or technical as they want.”

Throughout Basic Cadet Training, as well as the school year, the club lends a hand supporting behind the scenes for briefings, helping with microphones, slides and setup as well as getting to meet some interesting people including Medal of Honor recipients and leaders of the Air Force and the Academy.

“RATTEX has brought about a ton of unique opportunities,” said C2C Gareth Price. “This year I was able to work with Gen Mark Welsh III, Air Force Chief of Staff and was even coined by him, which was really awesome.” - C2C Alexander Fulton

(Above and Right) A microphone is checked before use during a CORONA briefing. C2C Alex Fulton changes the music selection on stage at an Air Force Tailgate. Photos by 2nd Lt Cori Easter
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(Center and Left) Cadets on the RATTEX team prepare the soundboard for a USAFA function.
Photo by Brad Milliman; C2C Katherine Brechbuhl and Bell set the stage for a Bluebards production. Photos by Amie Spencer C3C Forest Bell helps a member of the Bluebards get miked up prior to a show. Photo by Arnie Spencer


The cycling team creates an opportunity for cadets to pursue their passion of riding bikes.

Involved in road cycling, mountain biking, track cycling, and cyclo-cross, the team trains year-round to compete in the Rocky Mountain Collegiate Cycling Conference and qualify for the USA Cycling National Championships.

“Personally, I think it’s great that we get to show other colleges in the state and across the nation what the Academy is all about,” said cocaptain C2C Derek Hall.

Having lost six seniors graduates with the Class of 2015, the team brought on several young and talented riders. Individuals are welcome to ride and race for the team as either a recreational or competitive rider. Regardless of weather conditions the team rides around Colorado Springs and Rocky Mountain Region. For fourthclassmen, the cycling team provides a great way to train and explore the local area.

In the fall, the team had riders qualify to race at the nationallevel for both track and mountain biking. Hall and C3C Tyler Rickett represented USAFA at the track nationals, which were held at the U.S. Olympic Training Center Velodrome in Colorado Springs. In October, at Snowshoe Mountain, WV, C1C Caitlin Sullivan brought home four top-five finishes at collegiate mountain bike nationals, including third place overall.

One of the more impressive feats from nationals featured Sullivan single-handedly representing Air Force and beating Army West Point in points despite AWP sending seven riders.

In November the team hosted the Army Cycling Team for a mountain-bike race during Army weekend. This was the first year a mountain bike racewas held between Air Force and Army, and the teams now plan to continue the tradition every year.

“While it is not an officially sanctioned event there is no better experience then beating another service academy on your home turf,” said Hall.

(Above) C3C Erik Lecy lines up for the descent in the Army-Air Force short track mountain bike race. (Below) C4C Simon Lynn gets the hole shot and leads out at the start of the Army-Air Force short track mountain bike race. Photos by 2nd Lt Cori

Many cadets find solace in dancing at the Academy. For many years the Academy has sponsored fusion, blues and salsa dancing held weekly in the Arnold Hall Ballroom. Dancing helps relieve stress and block out the many difficulties in cadets’ daily lives.

“I love going to blues dancing because it is a great place to meet people,” said C3C Anne Stamer. “It’s how I met and became close to my friends outside of squad.”

With the help from all classes, dance partners teach all kinds of moves to each other in a professional environment. This is a great opportunity for cadets to learn how to teach one on one and to improve on a lifetime profession.

“Salsa dancing is a language in itself andthe fun that comes with all the movements makes you want to stay on thedance floor,” said C1C David Sanchez. “It’s an activity that you can participate in most of your life.”

This year, the Academy approved a swing dancing club. After gaining approval from the Cadet Extra-Curricular Activity Board in May of 2015, the Cadet Swing Dance Club is in “full swing” with its first year as a club. With an overwhelming interest from cadets and teachers, the club practices twice a week where dancers learn new styles of swing dancing. The styles include; East Coast Swing, Shag Swing Dancing, Lindy Hop, Charleston, and West Coast Swing.

Currently the club is recreational, but in the future the swing dancers hope to become a competitive club and to dance at competitions within the local area. The club has started practicing for competitions by holding their own dances here on the weekends.

With a pair of speakers, a good partner and some good dancing shoes, cadets can kick-back and relax as the music takes them away. - C2C Wesleigh Bartels

Cadets show their moves during the half-time show at a Falcon Football game. Photos by 2nd Lt Cori Easter (Above) Cadets practice various styles of dancing in Arnold Hall Wednesday and Friday nights. (Left) A cadet dances at a senior center to the music of a live band. (Below) More fun at half-time with the cadet band providin’ a swingin’ beat. Photos by 2nd Lt Cori Easter


The Cadet Archery Club is open to cadets of all levels of experience. There are numerous opportunities for members to improve on their own or as a team. Archery helps build selfdiscipline, patience, and promotes a sense of calm. Archery is based in form and style. The club helps cadets refine these skills. These skills help build focus on tasks without panic and minimal stress. Archery stresses precision and directed force, which relates to the Air Force mission.

“I love archery club because it is a great way to be outside in Colorado’s beautiful weather,” said C2C Dana Call. “I am surprised with how big our range is compared to others.”

The club is fully equipped to accommodate cadets without their own gear as well. At the Archery Range where members meet, the clubhouse has bows, arrows, quivers, armguards, gloves, and anything cadets might need for shooting. The range itself is one of the largest in the area and includes four walking ranges, a static range, and a 3-D walking range. These ranges encompass more than ten acres of Academy land, and it is all available to cadets.

“This club teaches patience and discipline,” said C2C Allyson Wells. “It’s really a unique opportunity to learn a different skill that isn’t necessarily offered at a lot of other schools.”

In building on the abilities of cadets, archery also relieves a lot of stress from being on the hill. The Archery Club also gives cadets the feeling of being off of the hill without leaving base. It is a nearby outlet that is available to all cadets. The Archery Club also hosts tournaments for cadets to show off their skills.

“Having a place to go outside of the cadet area and be outside in the forest, gives cadets a chance to clear their head after a long week of academies and military training,” said Wells. “Sometimes you even forget you are still on Academy grounds.” - C2C Christopher Grove

(Above) A cadet archer takes aim at a simulated wildlife target on the Academy archery range. Photos by C2C Christopher Grove
(Right) C2C Christopher Grove removes his arrow after suecessfully slaying a fake varmit.


Taekwondo loosely translates to “the way of hand and foot.” It is one of the few martial art styles present at the Olympics. Taekwondo teaches unarmed combat for self-defense and involves the skillful application of punching, kicking, blocking and parrying with both hands and feet.

While there are various forms of Taekwondo taught around the nation, the Academy taekwondo club follows the World Taekwondo Federation's structure and puts an emphasis on jumping and spinning kicks. Members practice kicking, sparring, proper form and technique for demonstrations, called poomsae, and board breaks.

The club represents the Academy in competitions with local taekwondo schools and against other universities in Colorado. The club also has inter-service competitions against Navy and Army.

“The Taekwondo club has allowed me to find a close-knit group of people with the same interest as me,” said C4C Gina Arrabito. “This club has allowed me to find an outlet for when I feel homesick and has allowed me to experience some of the normalcy I had at home.”

This team promotes balance, agility, stamina, self-defense, and general fitness. It highlights the importance of training in a respectful environment while allowing cadet to closely bond with their teammates. The training is a good extension of combative classes as it teaches cadets how to protect themselves it a situation where both parties are standing and able to move.

“Taekwondo teaches us to have respect, selfdiscipline, integrity, perseverance, and an indomitable spirit,” said C4C Vanessa Campbell. “Having this club at the Academy helps advocate these tenets not only in the sport, but in everyday life.”

(Clockwise from Above Left) Alves tightens Call’s protective padding prior to sparring practice. Call kicks high into Alves’ arm block. The combatants block and counter each other’s side kicks. C1C Dana Call narrowly missed a boot to the head from C4C Ketanny Alves during Taekwondo practice. Photos by 2nd Lt Cori Easter

So often cadets turn the radio dial, escaping from the same bland top 40 songs blasting through their speakers, hoping to find a radio station that has less commercials, more substantive music, and DJs worth listening to. KAFA radio is that station, the only station in Colorado Springs with no commercials, the most alternative rock, and some of the best shows in the area all put on by the Academy.

KAFA radio was founded in 1964, playing indie rock fully run by cadets, some of whom are now teaching at Academy. Cadets from any class are able to come to the studio and hone their sound, enjoying the music and free airtime.

Cadets usually host three-hour time slots throughout the week. They are able to express their personalities to a large audience both online and in the community. It provides a sense of unity with Colorado Springs and those grads that were DJs in their times, rocking out to the same type of music we play now.

“My vision for KAFA is to simply be the best Alt Rock station in Colorado Springs,” said Chris Cohn, KAFA advisor. “Our FM signal broadcasts all over Colorado Springs, not just the Air Force Academy campus which gives us an amazing opportunity to be a true competitor in the Southern Colorado radio market. We will continue to refine our music, build our air-talent and create entertaining content until we are considered among the best.”

Some of the cadet DJs on the airwaves inelude: Evan Loosen, Rachel Curtis, Phil Resnick, Ciarra McCarthy, Bryce O'Connell, Krista Kelly, Mark Demore, Victor Lee, Tim Tyson, Greg Fox, Eric Wardner, Michael Bastian and Lauren Ossolinski.

KAFA 97.7 has been a legacy for quite some time, though unknown by many, the music, the shows, and hilarious DJs provide USAFA with an incredible arena to showcase the more human side to all that is the Academy. - C2C Krista Kelly


C2C Phil Resnick’s “Crunch Time Sports’’ show is an Academy favorite for features on cadet athletes and commentary on intercollegiate sports. Photo by Michael Hurst
(Clockwise from Above(Retired CMSgt Bob Vasquez interviews inspirational speaker Simon Sinek during the show “Character Matters.” C3C Evan Loosen learns how to work the KAFA boards from station advisor Chris Cohn. Photos by Jennifer Rodriguez; C2C Bryce O’Connell and consultant Dave West cover graduation live from Falcon Stadium. Courtesy Photo


The Pacific Rim club promotes and unites various Asian American and Pacific Island cultures at the Academy through dance, music, professional and public outreach activities while encouraging ethnic diversity. The club provides cadets the opportunity to learn more about cultural aspects such as dance and various food traditions.

“The club does not just limit itself to cadets that are Pacific Islanders or come from a Pacific Rim heritage,” said C1C Cobi Brady. “I have been able to participate in luncheons where I have been able to learn dancesand partake in their delicious food.”

As a cultural affinity club at a service academy, Pacific Rim strives to provide leadership opportunities, which develop the character and work ethic exhibited by military officers. The club teaches many different forms of historic dances, traditional ceremonies, makes cultural foods and has meetings for support of all cultures. Pacific Rim frequently has meetings and luncheons to include cadetsand permanent party members of the Academy.

“I love dancing for the club and showing others how to dance,” said C2C Annie Amosa. “This is a huge part of my culture and it is great to show others what it means to me.”

Additionally, cadet dancers in the club participate in Luau’s and dance contests in the Colorado Springs area, which sparks a sense of competition and representing the Academy’s appreciation for culture and diversity. Furthermore, the club strives to provide a familiar and supportive environment for cadets who are living a great distance away from home. -

Jan Dysico

C2C C4Cs Robert Heckman, Nickolas Chew and David Kop form a ukulele trio. Courtesy photos C3C Dominic Licerio spins a Members of the Pacific Rim Club demonstrate how to prepare fire knife for a dance routine. sushi. C2Cs Janilie Dysico and Lefagaoalii Amosa teach members of Cadet Squadron 30 how to hula.
(Left to right) C2C Chloe Forlini, C2C Alexia Rochester and C3C Jillian Little enjoy food served by the Pacific Rim Club during their squadron luau.
2d Lt Christopher M. Alien 2d Lt Justin A. Loutfy 2d Lt E. Gunnar Burgin 2d Lt Niv R. Maramreddy 2d Lt Matthew M. Fischer 2d Lt BryanJ. Park 2d Lt William R. Hatton 2d Lt Adam D. Tarantino 2d Lt Stephen M. Jones 2d Lt Christopher K. Trotter
Finem, Ad Tempus 446 CONGRATS
2d Lt Scott T. Lafferty
CS-25 "Redeye" Mantua, NJ (Gloucester Co) CS-2 "Deuce" Whitehouse Station, NJ (Hunterton Co; CS-21 "Blackjack" Brigantine, NJ (Atlantic Co) CS-26 "Barons'


5s? \ 'Saltern MA USAFA Families Club Congratulates USAFA Class o so proud of yotf!
justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrenderthat freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us.”
Jefferson the Patriot post* WWW.PATRIOTPOST.US The Editors, Staff and National Advisory Board of The Patriot Post offer our congratulations to Cadet Wing Commander Mark A. “Mac” Caldwell and the USAFA class of 2016. Semper Fi! 448 CONGRATS Walsivorlb GREG STIMACK 1051 SOUTH FOOl HILL DRIVE IAKFWOOF), CO 80220 303 - 980-8364 303 - 807-6669 HOMF/OFFICE CELL

We are all so very proud of you

2nd Lieutenant Patrick Corona.

Everyone wishes you continued success and happiness as you enter the next phase of your Air Force career. All of your hard work, sacrifice and defermination has culminated in a lasting legacy at the US Air Force Academy with several all-time track records and the Triple Crown in NCAA Conference Championships. It was a very successful four years. You should be extremely proud of your accomplishmenfs. Congratulations and Godspeed at pilot training! We pray that God will always be your co-pilot.


James Ryan Coyne

Congrats James You did it!!

We Love you, Dad, Mom, & Sarah

Congratulations, Brett. We are so proud of you and love you verymuch!!


Kent Greer

Kent, at just 14 you declared you were going to be a fighter pilot. Dreams do come true with hard work and determination. You set your goals and achieved every one. We are so proud of you! Congratulations on your graduation for the USAFA and for being selected for ENJJPT!! We love you so much! Mom, Dad, John & Anita


2nd Lieutenant Caleb Guarino

Caleb, your whole family is so proud of what you have accomplished. Never any thing worth having comes easy. Be proud. You have grown into a special type of person. Smile much and love more. Keep God at your side in all you do. We love you more than you can imagine. Dad, Mom, Rachel, Christopher and Shannon (plus all the rest)

2016 Congratulations Carmela Rourke

Assignment: Pilot Training, Vance AFB

2nd Lt. Rourke, God has great plans for you! Soar High! We are so proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad, Gus and Mamie xoxo

Ethan Caleb Adamy


Second Lieutenant Ethan Caleb Adamy! Perseveranceyou stuck it out, toughed it out, and when it got hard, you pushed on through! Look where you started and how much you've accomplished! Job well done Ethan! I can't wait to see where you go from here! Luv u C! -


Ryann CONGRATULATIONS ! We are so proud of you. We know the future holds wonderful things for you.

Always have trust in God's plan for you. We love you so much!

Love, Mom, Dad, Robbie, Jaret, Jake

Ryann Anderson

Way to go Spencer Ryan Davenport!

Everything that has happened in your life, has prepared you for this...

We are so very proud of all your accomplishments! God has awesome plans in store for you (Jeremiah 29:11)!! We love you bunches, Mom and Dad

Congratulations on your commissioning and graduation! It's been quite the journey from getting your shoulder boards on Acceptance Day to saluting the President on Graduation Day. We are very proud of you!

USAFA 2016
Love, Mom,Dad,Keilly,Scott,Caite&Nadine
2nd LT Samuel K. Drake! Baby, then Teen, now a MAN, Oh My! Watching you grow has been such a blessing and watching you achieve your dreams is the greatest feeling any grandparent could have. You were able to keep your humorous and kind-hearted nature throughout the many obstacles you had to overcome. Your future is as bright as the sun on your shirt! xoxo 2LT Austin C. Duncan

Isaac Eilts

"To the Air Force Academy and beyond!"

We are very proud of you! As you enter this next stage remember the determination, focus, and blessings required to reach all of your dreamsand goals.

Wherever you go and whatever you do we know it will be great. Whether you are a little Buzz Lightyear or a big time pilot, we will always love you! Dad says, "Watch your bobber!" and "Keep the rubber side down" especially in MS!

Lots of Love, Mom, Dad, & Sarah

You started this journey four years ago. It is now at an end, where did the time go?

You're smart, pretty and work hard, We always knew you would go far.

You love your God, andHe loves you; It was His plan to attend the Academy and not TCU.

It is time to graduate, you're 21

Finally you can have some fun.

Your parents, brother and sisler too; want to say (biHjralulaUons because we love you!

Mandy May Fanning umiiiiii
Jessica Leigh Horn

Andrew, congratulations on your well deserved success. As you graduate, take all you've learned and apply it to what is yet to come. Honor your dream. Wherever you go, whatever you do... honor the dream inside of you. Congratulations, Andrew! We Love you, Mom, Dad, Meredith, Duke and Duchess

Sana, Shoot for the moon because oven if you miss, you'll land among the stars! You've come a long way— keep aiming high and you'll always be on target!

Liwe ifoutm, Menu, Odd, dtcwfte & Berea

"Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!"


your spirit soar bright! Let your dreams take flight!"

Congratulations Tiger! Class of 2016

Tyler Hudson 2016 Congratulations Tyler! You make your family and friends proud! Home Town - Norco, California Sara Menke Andrew Stephen Parks Patricia Ann Pasque Oh, the Places You'll Co!

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference - Robert Frost Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. - JFK

Zachary -

In elementary school you were always awarded the “diligence" award. That same trait has paid offfor you in spades. Your continual efforts and choices in life have made us so proud. You have not chosen the more traveled road and, yes, it has made all the difference. We know that these last four years have been tough, but you have not onlyfinished, you have excelled. You could have taken the easier path through the Academy, but that's not you. Now, here you are on the cusp ofgraduation and heading to grad school. You are a natural leader and with that comes great responsibility. AFIT awaits you.

Love - Mom, Dad, and Madison

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future - Jer. 29:11

Zachary Paulson

"I do no follow dreams, I hunt goals."

Andrea Marie: Very proud of you, always! Never stop hunting your goals. May more to celebrate!

Te amamos.

Mom, Dad, Jorge, Victor, Adia, Alyssa, Kaz.



There is genius in persistence. It conquers all opposers. It gives confidence. It annihilates obstacles. Everybody believes in a determined man. People know that when he undertakes a thing, the battle is half won, for his rule is to accomplish whatever he sets out to do. Orison Swett Marden (1850-1924)

2nd Lt Tyler J Spence

Congratulations! You made it!! You have learned more about yourself than you ever thought you would. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You have overcome challenges when you thought you could do no more. You have grown, physically and mentally knowing you have begun a wonderful journey. We love you and are so proud of you!

Love, Mom & Dad


Arinze Uzo-Okereke

We are blessed by your presence in our lives. It is amazing to witness your progression from the University of California Irvine Childcare to the solid 6'5" gentleman and an Air Force 2nd Lieutenant. We are very proud of you. In your quiet manner, you have shown that it takes dignity and fortitude to be successful in life.

As you graduate today, we want you to know that we love you immensely and unconditionally. We pray that Cod will continue to let his light shine upon you today and always.

Congratulations Lieutenant, and all the best in your new mission!

Dad, Mom, Dozie, Ezinwa, and Ada

2LT Ryan Lee Redhead

Ethan Adamy

Congratulations Ethan Adamy! We are so incredibly proud of you and what you've been able to accomplish! We know it wasn't easy, but you did it!! Woo-hoo, way to go Ethan!! We love you! Love, Mom, Jamey, Mackenzie, Ryan, Anne, Ross, Grandma McNutt, Grandpa Curtis and Teddy too!


You chose a difficult path and we have been amazed at your courage, determination and perseverance. We are so very proud of you. We know you are destined for great things and have proven you are capable of anything! May the Lord continue to guide, protect and bless you in all you do. Love Mom & Liz

Christopher R Cecil

We Honor and Salute You with your Outstanding Achievements, with all of your Ancestors that have served before you. You are an inspiration to our future generations to come, keeping the linage of our Family serving with Honor, Integrity, Courage and Pride. We Love You! Dad, Mom & Family



Dear Kelly,

We are all so proud of your extraordinary accomplishments. You have walked a tough and noble road with grace, unbreakable determination, and faith in Cod. Your decision to serve is a testament to your selfless and honorable spirit. We love you!

Love, Dad, Andrew, Katie, and Kristin


2nd Lieutenant Rebecca Beasley

You chose a difficult path and we have been amazed at your courage, determination and perseverance. We are so very proud of you. We know you are destined for great things and have proven you are capable of anything! May the Lord continue to guide, protect and bless you in all you do. Love Mom & Liz


2nd Lt. Dan Caddigan

There are no words to express how proud we are of your incredible accomplishments. We can't wait to see what the future holds for you. Aim for the stars!!!

Love Mom, Dad, Sara & Jess

Daniel Courts

Daniel, You're OK.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Squidd

Jon Feedar


Jonny! "Victory loves preparation"

On July 28, 2010 you LAUNCHED your dream & ACHIEVED it June 2, 2016 due to your COMMITMENT. On this 6 year journey you learned much about yourself & your capabilities, carry this knowledge in your heart & prepare yourself to lead. Give thanks. "I love you more than all the stars in the universe." Dad


Congratulations, now 2nd Lieutenant, Ben! You excelled through the tough challenges of the academy after the greatest loss any family can endure. Courage, character and heart carried you to this amazing benchmark in your life. Nick would join us in saying "we couldn't love or be more proud of you." Our love and Benjamin Goirigolzarri admiration, Dad, Mom, Alex,


2nd Lt. Jeffrey Herrala!

We have such pride in our hearts and we are SO proud of you! Best of luck on your next journey at Harvard Medical School. You have a wonderful personality and a very sharp mind. Continue to be a great young man. We love and adore you!

Mom, Dad and Stephanie

Michelle M. Isbester, our daughter


Michelle, Mom and Dad are

Summer J Getty Congrats! We are all so proud of you!

a ride it has been and we both believe the best is yet to come. You are amazing and we love you with all our hearts!!

Way to go Summer! Sending good vibes

Ian Heffron

Congratulations Ian! We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished at the USAFA. We are excited about the next chapter of your Air Force career and know you will be just as successful. "Off you go into the wild blue yonder!" We love you Ian! Mom, Dad, Sydney, Cadi and your entire family!

Congratulations, Christopher S. Hoffman

As you head into the future always remember Isaiah 40:31

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be faint." We are so proud of you!

Much Love, Mom, Dad, and Hailey

C^nqrfdts 2tt 6. Katie Fmnktin
We w»e ae pn&ad ef ifouf Lmjt, Dad. Mew, awd Gabby The Air Force will never be the same.
Second Lieutenant Charlotte "Charli" Kemp
USAFA Class Of2016

Congratulations 2nd Li. Hans Kollar

We are so proud of you! KEEP WINNING!

We love you! Mom, Amanda and all the Yerger/Kollar family!

2LT Claire Latscha, USAF

You have done yourself proud to get to where you are today, and we are beyond thrilled by your achievements! Now your tomorrows are stretching out before you, beckoning.

Grab them with gusto and don't forget to stop to hug the puppies. We love you! Mom and Stella


2Lt Christian Lahman!!

We are so proud of you and your accomplishments!! But more than that, we rejoice that you are a man full of integrity and humility. Congrats on a job well done. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for you! All our love, Mom and Dad

MikaePa, I am a© pnoad ©f tfouf

You have always represented yourself, your family, and now your country with dignity and grace. We all love you!

Mikaela Lockwood

Walker Heyl Loeffler

We're bursting with pride. Little did we know at age two, your "camo paint" was indicative of your true passion! Remember, character, courage, and resilience translates to confidence and leadership. We'll be cheering you on as you train to become an ALO. Stay safe and congrats. Love, Mom, Dad & Bryn

Second Lieutenant Steven A. Neprud

Congratulations Son! Our hearts are filled with endless pride in the man that you've become & this tremendous accomplishment of yours! As your future unfolds, remember to trust in the Lord your God wholeheartedly. Be strong. Be courageous. Boldy walk wherever he leads you.

We love you!!!

Mom & Dad


2nd LT Taylor Perkins

We could not be more proud of you and all your achievements at the AFA. You have become an incredible leader and we know you will use all that you have learned and experienced along the way to accomplish great things and to fulfill your dreams.

Love, Mom, Dad and Kelsey

Taylor Pubins

Congrats Taylor, weare incredibly proud of you!

Love, Mom & Dad

Jack Thomas McCullers

Congratulations Jack in keeping the family tradition of military service intact. Our family's heritage of service began with the Civil War and continued through Desert Storm. Now it will be your turn. As the first to graduate from a service academy our pride in your achievement is unparalleled.

Benjamin Pena

"Oh, I have slipped the surly hands ofEarth, and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings."

Que te Undi^a! Besos,. Dad, Mom, and Danielle

Tirzah Wende Prince - USUHS Medical School!!!

In the shadow of 9/11 as an 11 year old girl, Tirzah, performed in the 2002 Winter Olympics as a Child of Light on Ice. We are proud of and love our Air Force Academy graduate. President Bush stated, "we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world... keep that light...shining".

2nd Lt. Jacob Hannan Redito

We are so proud of you! You made it! Through your perseverance, your successes will be limitless! Savor your achievements and take time to celebrate! Wishing you a future filled with dreams come true. Dream Big, Fly High & Keep Aiming for the Stars! Love, Mom, Dad, Luke & Molly

The Lord bless you & keep you & shine His 462 CONGRATS
face upon you & give you peace. Numb 6:24

Cara Jeanne Renaud

"We're blessed with the opportunity to stand for something - for liberty and freedom and fairness - and these are things worth fighting for, worth devoting our lives to."

Ronald Reagan

We love you and are very proud of you!

Mom and Dad

Congratulations, Katherine Smith

There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask "What if I fall?"

Oh but my darling, What if you fly?

You've run the good race, Zach Todd!

Continue to develop your gifts as you serve others, and live to honor your God, your family, and your nation. We will be covering you with prayerful support as you pursue your AF career.We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Piper, Alex, Mawmaw, Pawpaw, Mimi and Duk

2nd Lt Andrew Vanden Berg

Congratulations, Andrew! We are so proud of you, your hard work, and your growth. May God continue to make your path clear. All our love, Mom and Keith, Dad and Shari, Claire, Zach, Brooke, Will and Carson

Frankie Ricotta

Never stop dreaming! Love Mom and Dad. Thanks for the support family, some by blood and all by blue. Ricardo Hernandez (79) Vincent Marrero (84) Darren Censullo (84) Al Milton (84) Juan Alvarez (96) Louis Gonzalez (02) Emily Arthur (06) Lorenz Madarang (08) David Emanuel (16) Jamal Johnson (16)

You did it!


We are so inspired by your dedication, determination and ability to tackle difficult challenges. We pray God continues to blessand keep you. We all know "You’re going to do great things." Love you forever, Mom, Dad & family.

Congratulations, 2ndlt.lohnTougas,lr

Jay, we are so PROUD of you for following your dream!! Sometimes you need to climb a mountain to reach the stars, but you will always shine. We love you, Mom, Dad & Matt.

Matt Vaninger

Congratulations, Matt, we are very proud of you! You went after your dream and accomplished it! We really enjoyed your years as a cadet, and your graduation week was a highlight for the whole family! Good luck at flight school, and throughout your career!

Love, Mom, Dad, Danny, Kristi and Zoey





You did it!!! Your dreams are about to become a reality. So proud of you holding on to your dreams no matter the

Sean Michael


Our pride in your accomplishments is only surpassed by our love for you. Go use your talent, wisdom and heart to

Dakota Bottomlee

Dakota, Congrats! We are so incredibly proud of you and can't wait to see all that God has in store for obstacles. Continue to aim high baby girl! The sky is the limit. We love you Dad, Mom, Joe, Steph and Niki.

Dan Caddigan


2nd Lt. Dan

It's been such a joy watching you grow through the years. am so proud of what you have accomplished. Good luck in the future.

Love, Grandma Caddigan

Enrique Garcia Congrats, Ricky!

We love you!

We are so proud of you! Live the AF Core Values and serve God always.

Love, Mom, Dad, Frankie, Mikey, Sofia, Carlos, Javi, Eni, Andrew, & Lil J.

Kevin James Clink

We're all so proud of your hard work and accomplishments while at USAFA the past four years! Continued success with your Air Force career! Mom & Dad

change the world. Love Mom, Dad & Sam you!

All our love!

Dad, Mom, Tyler & Aisley

Hansen, Tyler Congratulations!

We are proud of your hard work and perseverance. May Cod protect and watch over you forever. May all your dreams come true. Love Mom, Dad & Lauren

Alberto De La Rivaherrera Congrats on this special day, you did it D 14 !!

Your success is not a surprise. It's well deserved and will give you a chance to spread your wings. All the best and good luck for the future.

Jacob P. Jablonski

Congratulations Jake! We are so proud of you & all you have achieved! You are an inspiration to us all! We love you-Mom, Ben, Ian, Grandma & Grandpa

Madeleine Renee Dupree

You have what it takes to set a goal and see it through. We are so proud of you. Congratulations! With love and support always, Dad, Mom and Marshall

Tyler Kapolka

You did it! We are so proud of you! Continue to Aim High! All our love and prayers, Mom, Dad, Kelsey and Michael

2nd LT. Chris Kolkowski

Congratulations Chris!

We are so proud of your determination and reaching your goals! Aim High! Love, Mom, Dad and Katie


Jesse we are so proud of you and wish you all the best as you enter the next chapter of your life.

Cod Bless.

Love Mom, Dad, Johnny & Jojo

Jedrick W. Lyon

Born on the pot & tried to drown in the pond. Look at you now, Mr. Shining Shimmering Muscles! Maxmaxmaxrelax! So proud! We love you!


Kyle David Moore

Congratulations Kyle! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Love Mom, Grandma & Grandpa


2nd LT

Justin Scott Niquette

One of your dreams as a boy was to become an astronaut. You are on your way to achieve that goal. Congrats. We are so Proud.

Love Dad and Momma Na'

Logan Braadt

We are so proud! Aim higher than you think you can go you will surprise yourself! Love Mom & Shawn!

Congratulations Katie O.!

We love you, and we're so proud

2nd Lt.


Congratulations on your accomplishments J.J. We are so proud of you!!

Love, Memere & Pepere Blanchet and Memere & Pepere Tougas

James Cardinal

Good luck from your friends in Cadet Wing Media. It's been our pleasure to know you.

Taylor Parker

Matthew Waldman

Our Tremendous Pride in your accomplishments is only exceeded by our Love for you.

Always Aim High, Truly the Sky's the Limit!

Love, Mom, Dad & Zack




2nd LT John Paul Terragnoli



We celebrate your achievements and anticipate your future!

Joshua 1:9

Love you, Mom, Dad, E, F and G

Thaddeus Paden Baxley, You Did It! Congratulations You waited upon the Lord and he has renewed your strength. You "are" mounted on "Wings of Eagles."

Andrew Lawrence


2LT Andrew Lawrence

Proud of your past, Excited for your future Love, Mom & Dad

Carly Jo Wills

We are very proud and Joshua 1:9: "... the Lord is Our hearts overflow with of you!! Love you, Mom, Mr. know that you will make an with you wherever you go". love and admiration! You Howard, Andrew, and Will! outstanding officer and leader! Congrats, we love you! Mom persevered and you did it!

Katherine Obluda Love, Mom & Dad & Dad & family Philippians 4:13




INDEX 467 i



Abel, Andrea 274

Abeling, Brogan 303

Abelon, Jaime 286

Abies, Alexandra Elizabeth 178

Abraham, Kyle 274

Abrams, Marcus 253

Accardi, Nicholas 281

Acevedo, Ann 345

Acosta, Sharee 354

Acton, David 255

Adams, Henry 216

Adams, Mark Andrew 163

Adams, Nicholas Krukonis 122

Adams, Yaquarri 280

Adamy, Ethan Caleb 189, 459

Aday, Nathan 271

Adolph, Spencer 268

Agatep, Kim 277

Agmata, Christian 291

Agu, Cecily 356

Agudelo, Mauricio 303

Aguilar, Alec 301

Ahlquist, Hunter 274

Ahner, Amelia 281

Aimen, Madison 235

Aionesei, George 351

Akers, Alexys 300

Akin, Dylan 255

Akinlosotu, Olufunmilayo 282

Albanese, Kimberly Elizabeth 204

Albers, Eric 344

Albright, Tyler 359

Albyn, William 260

Alexander, Claude 278

Alexander, James 348

Alexander, Stephen 331

Allen, Christopher Mark 213, 446

Allen, Christy 33, 275

Allen, John 268

Allen Jr, John Reed 146

Allen, Keenan 365

Allen, Kenneth 350

Allen, Thomas McKenzie 115

Allen, Zachary 304

Allman, Evan Robert 228, 447

Allum, Desiree 271

Almeida, Dyllan 349

Alotta, Daniel Joseph 3, 8, 122

Alsleben, Joshua 261

Alston, Naomi Arlene Wright 150

Alves, Ketanny 301

Alvino, Ernest 370

Amaddio, Christopher 356

Amar, Christal 269

Amato, Luke 300

Amengual, Paul 257

Ameruddin, Mohd 324

Amosa, Annie 443

Amosa, Lefagaoalii 338

Amy, Garrett 283

Anapol, Nicholas 301

Anderson, Austin 311

Anderson, Bryan 303

Anderson, Caleb 251

Anderson, Dontai 262

Anderson, Eric 281

Anderson, Harrison 276

Anderson, Jason 280

Anderson, Joseph 366

Anderson, Katherine 334

Anderson, Nolan Conner 193

Anderson, Robert 330

Anderson, Ryann Elise 159, 453

Andrews, Jinan 330

Andrews, Keenan Kristopher 220

Ankiel, Zachariah Richard 9, 107

Antolik, Sarah 268

Antonetti, Andrew 282

Antoniuk, Joanna 341

Apea, Emmanuel 292

Apfel, Cody Mark 150

Appelt, William 305

Appleton, Maurice 286

Arana, Javier Tamayo 213

Araya, Richard 287

Arcano, Mateus 81, 167,414

Archer, Clayton 359

Archi, Elvin Hernandez 255

Arguijo, Joe 267

Armfield, Richard 330

Armitage, Iainjames Makanaokekai 255

Armour, William Michael 224

Arndt, Daniel 285

Arneberg. David 288

Arneberg, Jasper Thomas 92, 107

Arnold, Christian 326

Arnold, Nathan 360

Arnold, Trey 277

Arns, Zachary 355

Aro, Michael 359

Arocho, Ricardo 351

Arrabito, Gina-Marie 331

Arucan, Meilani 319

Asaad, Jibraun 308

Asbury, Colin Thomas 131, 465

Asenuga,Joseph 279

Askew, Casen 317

Atsinger, Johnathan 307

Atwood, Alex 251

Aurelius, Denis Robert 92, 193, 396

Austin, Jeffrey 256

Axhoj, Tucker 281

Ayres, James 268 B

Bacchus-Grant, Stevan 344

Bacogiannis, Nicholas 286

Bacon, Jonah Gabriel 232

Badger, Claire 277

Bagnall. Brody 370

Bailey, Daniel 262

Bailey, Jeffrey 301

Bailey, Nicholas 290

Baker, Andrew 266

Baker, Byron 309

Baker, Kalon Lavon 138

Baker, Timothy 295

Baker, William Michael 171

Baksh, Kemal Feroze 92, 154

Baldwin, Brett 339

Baldwin, Spencer Kent 213

Ballard, Charles Henry 216

Baltrip, Javaughn 347

Banez, Andrew 347

Banks, Jonathan 274

Banyai, Savannah 254

Bapty, Sean Michael 123

Barbera, Timothy 335

Barboza, Kyle 302

Barkley, Jacob 304

Barnes, Brandon Arturo 224

Barnes, Myles Abb 163

Barnett, Erica 337

Barnette, Zoe 271

Barnhorst, Jacob 369

Barnickel, Elizabeth 367

Barnosky, Michael Willis 92, 99, 404

Baron, Henry Alan 123

Baron Von Vietinghoff-Scheel, Thomas 260

Barrett, Daniel 321

Barrett, Elizabeth Colleen 163

Barrett, Layne Christian 154

Barrick, Megan 360

Barrientes, Pedro 290

Barringer, Peter 311

Bartels, Wesleigh 263

Bartholomew, David 352

Bartlett, Jonathan 277

Bartness, Joshua 269

Barto, Andrew 326

Barton, Charles 337

Basham, Benjamin 362

Baskin, Erik 264

Bastian, Michael 289

Bates, Caroline Lee 197

Bates, Rebecca Brannen 200, 385

Batista, Keith 313

Bauer, Aaron 354

Baumgarten, Allie Nicole 182

Baumy, Ismail Mohamed 217

Bautista, Billy 341

Baxley, Andrew Joseph 108

Baxley, Thaddeus Paden 163

Baxter, Chance 300

Beachy, Chandler 333

Beals, Austin 330

Beals, George 293

Beamer, Matthew Edward 194

Beasley, Christopher David 200

Beasley, Rebecca Christine 239, 459

Beaver, Kirk 254

Beck, Christopher 254

Beck, Jonathan 360

Beckstrand, Nathaniel 322

Beckwith, Andrew 303

Bednar, Jackson 363

Beer, Emanuel 276

Beier, Benjamin 322

Beissner, Lucas 355

Belinski, Jonathan 339

Belinski, Nicholas William 146

Bell, Casey 363

Bell, Cassandra 280

Bell, Devin Emilio 155

Bell, Dylan Thomas 159. 428

Bell, Forest 336

Bell, JacksonPotts 138

Belveal, Bradley David 99

Benefield, Phillip 309

Benge, Bowman 359

Bennett, Denisha 255, 393

Bennett, Jexenia 299

Bennett, Marcus 301

Bennett, Meicie 267

Bennett, Scott 364

Benson, Max 254

Benston, Emily 310

Bentley, Tsali 320

Beresford, Stephen 328

Berger, Melissa 340

Berggren, Jacob D 220

Berglund, Troy 278

Bergstedt, Matthew Alan 111

Berling, Noah 301

Berson, Tyler 357

Berstler, Calvin 252

Bertke, Fisher 347

Bertles, Sara 370

Bertrand, Emily 361

Bertrand, Wyatt Jefferson 163

Bess, Neal 282

Beuker, William 331

Beveridge, Nathanael 368

Beveridge, Ryan 312

Bevilacqua, Candace 344

Bezold, Joshua Andrew 225

Bhide, Jonah 312

Biancalana, Nickolas 273

Bible, Ashlen 276

Bie, Mitchel 326

Biedermann, Cole 361

Biel, Melissa 306

Bielski, Bridget 336

Bienlien, Steven 274

Bierschbach, Abby Marie 242

Bigelow, Riley 287

Billings, Kai 369

Bilvado, Jacob 277

Bilyeu, Adam James 209

Bingaman, Ariel Lynn 126

Bissing, Christopher 320

Bittleston, Victoria 257

Bixler. Brett 313

Black, Clinton 320

Black, Jason 302

Blackburn, Matthew 333

Blair, Charlene Darian 167

Blair, Reid 304

Blair, Robert Alex 103,381

Blakely, Micah 359

Blankenburg, Leighton Jared 209

Blanks. Zachary 269

Blasingame, John 334

Blasius, Jason 342

Blaskovich, Natasha 279

Bleuel, Emily 253

Bloch, Christopher 272

Blocher, Raychel 309

Blohm, Nicholas 275

Blue, Tyler 255

Blum, Sharon 171

Blumas, Justin 264

Blunt. Jeremy 285

Blunt, Kelly 283

Boaitey, Aaron 265

Bochart, Alexandra 280

Bochow, Clayton 364

Bockstruck, Chase 338

Bodden. Oscar Terry 204

Bode, Nicholas Lee 123

Bodin. Taylor Brent 167

Boerwinkle, Calvin 368

Bogdan, Jared 315

Boger, Steven 345

Bogue, Daniel 275

Boh, John Mitchell 115

Boje, Philip 339

Bolinger, Austin James 119

Bollig, Alyssa Michelle 225

Bollwitt, Alexander 350

Bolon, Seth 272

Bone, Brenden 260, 416

Bone, Tucker 271

Bonilla, Santos Delacruz 217

Bonneau, Michael 277

Bonner, Caitlin Elizabeth 103

Booker, Jacob 300

Boone. Brandon 343

Boone, John 344

Boone, Jordan Tyler 111

Boone, Richard 337

Bordenave, Damian 266

Bordenave, Patrick 330

Borger, Michael 350

Borland. Jameson 306

Born, Casey 314

Borngesser, Evangeline 309

Borodenko, Yaroslav 367

Borra, Sierra 339

Borusas, Gytenis 142,415

Bossert, Stephanie Ann 92, 126

Boswell. Julia 313

Bosworth. Brennan 282

Botica, Christopher 288

Botterbusch, William 283

Bottomlee, Dakota David 96, 464

Bottomley, Hagan 343

Boughton, Christopher 307

Bourdeau, Michael 264

Bourgelais, Michael Anthony 139

Bourgeois, Justin 318

Boutillier, Daniel 316

Bowden, Dakota 294

Bowes, John 289

Bowman, Caitlin 256

Box, Austin 256

Boyce, Jordan 341

Boyd, Timothy 349

Boyle, Luke 361

Andrieux, Ryan 284

Anigian, Barrett 332

Ankarberg, James 274 468 INDEX

Barry, Ellen 314

Barry, Kaitlyn 273

Barry, Samuel 253

Billingsley, Beau 298

Billingsley, Michael 279

Bills, Trevor 327

Bozzo, Mark 337

Braadt, Logan Marshall 134, 465

Bracamonte. Mario 348

Bradford, James 320

Bradford, Steven 321

Bradley, Brandon 281

Bradley, Joshua Mark 221

Bradley, Noah 278

Bradley, Tyson Austin 104

Bradley Powers, Rachael Margaret 139, 384

Brady, Michael 261

Bragado, Andrew 257

Brahm, James 322

Braley, Levi Andrew 239

Bramblett, Lauren 287

Brancal, Mafalda 274

Brand, Ryan 295

Brandon, Spencer 312

Brandt, Curran 343

Brandt, Kyle 299

Brandt, Nicholas 263

Brandt, Steven Louis 139

Brantley, Luke McNeil 205

Braunton, Fletcher 342

Bray, Miranda Leigh 142

Brazinski, Connor 352

Brechbuhl, Elisabeth 286

Brechbuhl, Katherine 341

Brecht, Derek 285

Breedlove, Jennifer 258

Breen, Robert 311

Brennan, Tyler Vincent 217

Brenner, Samuel 265

Bricker, Jacob 295 Briere, Andre 286

Briggs, Gabrielle 317

Briggs, Robert 266

Briggs, Tristan 291

Briggs, Whitney 347

Brinker, Marcus 325

Brito, Erik 263

Britt, Katie 260

Brittingham, James 345

Broadbent, Drew 311

Brodkorb, Faith Christine 239

Broekhuis, Kyle 365

Bronkar, Cody 324

Brookhiser, Brittany 369

Brooks, Alonjahnae 301

Brooks, Benjamin 355

Brooks, Lauren Michele 112

Brooks, Nathan 252

Brooks, Skylar 252

Brooks, Travis 351

Brose, Christopher 345

Brosy, Steven 254

Browder, Milo 286

Brown, Adam 367

Brown, Alexander 328

Brown, Allan 325

Brown, Aloysious Garrett 201

Brown, Benjamin 360 Brown, Conner 316

Brown, Connor 267

Brown, Daniel John 164, 421 Brown, Dustin 324 Brown, Dylan 302

Browne, Dillon 346

Brown, Ethan 288 Brown, Jared 297

Brown, Jarvis Davonte 93

Brown, Kaitlyn 312

Brown, Lucas Adam 239

Brown, Luke 305

Brown, Mara 11,310

Brown, Mark 268

Brown, Stephen 351

Brown, Timothy 354

Brown-Bass, Maxwell 326

Browning, Trevor 357

Bruce, Charles 273

Bruggemann, Jennie 342

Brunenkant, Cristian 280

Bruner, Gabrielle 323

Bruno, Joseph 358

Bruns, Thomas 319

Brzezinski, Anthony 261 Bseiso, Naji 327

Bucci, Anthony 270

Bucur, Rafaella 346

Buda, Miriam 255

Bugado, Darlene 332

Bui, Tram-Anh Victoria 93

Buisson, Andrew 254

Bullard, Robert 349

Bullock, Clayton 271

Bullock, Michael 301

Bultsma, Brett 275

Burch, Taylor Justin 197

Burger, Devon 259

Burgess, Timothy 359

Burgin, Erik Gunnar 185,446

Burleson, James 330

Burman, Andrew 331

Burmester, Benjamin 362

Burnett, Jeffrey 360

Burnham, Katherine 285

Burns, Julia Faye 213

Bums, Shanna 319

Burns, Tyler 344

Burnworth, Max 333

Burton, Samuel 353

Burz, Silviu 361

Burzenski, Matthew Stephen 134

Bush, Richard 272

Bush, Timothy Dillon 143

Butcher, Daniel Allen 100

Butcher, Isaiah 355

Butler, Andrew 296

Butler, Gavin 258

Butler, Nathaniel 306

Butler, Patrick 318

Butz, Carlyann 349

Buxton, Nathan 263

Buzzell, Tyler 304

Byers, Jason 319

Byers, Samuel 284

Byford, Cody 305

Bylina, Brandon 260

Byrne, Patrick 303

Byrne, Sean 314

Byrom, Lydia 262

Byszewski, Paul 333


Caban, Nicholas 310

Cable, Jacob Tyler 164

Cabrera, Kailyn 354

Cabrera, Tyler 340

Cabri, Anthony 334

Cabusora, Kevin Christian 178

Cabusora, Samantha 308

Caddigan, Daniel Sorin 194, 459, 464

Cahill, John 359

Cain, Alexandra 292

Caldi. Adam 364

Caldwell, Justin 305

Caldwell, Mark Alexander 9, 22, 28, 235,448

Calico, Jesse Jerome 194

Call, Dana 290

Callan, Monica 315

Calley, George 293

Calloway, Elijah 268

Cambio, Brandon 276

Campbell, Joseph Oliver 178

Campbell, Joseph Payne 217

Campbell, Kyle 303

Campbell, Melissa 345

Campbell, Vanessa 331

Campbell, Vaughn Quintin 126

Campbell, Zachary 302

Campesino, Daniel 267

Canaan, Michael Tyler 143

Cancio, Roma 297

Cannata, John 277

Cannon, Chase 320

Cantu, Sarah 339

Cap, Spencer 310

Capella, Nicholas 292

Capers, Desmond 298

Caplan, Liam 307

Capra, Micah 352

Cardenas, Tamara 304

Cardinal, James Michael 10, 53, 155

Cardinal, Xavier 265

Cardoso, McClain Louis 96

Carey, Benjamin Michael 197,400

Carillo, Peter 366

Carios, Ralph 337

Carl, Joseph 335

Carozza, Seth 308

Carpenter, Nicholas 263

Carr, Christopher 251

Carr, Colby Michael 217

Carreon, Zachary 253

Carrillo, Catherine 353

Carroll, Andrew 309

Carson, Carlo 363

Carter, Austin 269

Carter, Cameron 340

Carter, Maria 322

Carter, Matthew 283

Carter, Nicholas 281

Carter, Oliver Perry 205, 387

Carter, Stephen 367

Cartwright, Allison 288

Casa, Patrick 263

Case, Katherine Malia 167

Casey, Carson 369

Casey, Caston 340

Cason, Randall Wilkins 221

Castaneda, Phyleoh 343

Castanien, Samantha Marie 47, 236

Casteel, Zoe 320

Caster, Jensen 350

Castleberry, Cameron 325

Casulli, Lauren 263

Caswell, Grant Thomas 242

Cates, Collin 268

Caunitz, Allen 257

Cavanaugh, Mary 323

Cavassa, John 284

Cavender, Gabriel 316

Cebanu, Anton 254

Cecil, Christopher Robert 159,459

Celiano, Dominic 296

Cerge, Tyler 351

Cerise, Alexandra 318

Cerniglia, Raina 265

Cetnar, Aaron 368

Cha, Andrew 273

Chacon, Alexa 266

Chacon, Oscar 380, 264

Chado, Michael 252

Chado, Robert Allan 201

Chadwick, Samuel 297

Chaidez, Andrew 312

Chaloupka, Carter 346

Chambers, Erika 294

Chambers, Ethan 259

Chan, Jennifer 334

Chapman, Erika 312

Chapman, Kristen 296

Chapman, Leza 266

Chapman, Luke 349

Chapman, Shelby 353

Charland, Madison 348

Charles, Collin 276

Charnvanichbori, Patara 354

Chase, Alistair 342

Chasteen, Jesse 281

Chatmon, Avery 361

Chavez, Briana 44, 288

Cheeks, Glynn 311

Chen, Brenna 358

Chen, Jessica 271

Chen, Shanna 357

Chen, Sijia 327

Cheneler, Peter 323 Cheng, Anson 303

Cheng, Kuo-Liang 347

Cherek, Caitlin 261

Cherry, Anna 260

Cheuvront, Nicholas 292

Chew, Nickolas 313

Chi, Sean 333

Chiarolanza, Grace 295

Childers, Isaac 322

Chimento, Charles 255

Ching, Joey Lynn 92, 112

Chiriac, Adrian 293

Chitwood, Austin 363

Chitwood, Brandon 314

Chiu, Wesley 344

Choi, Seung 265

Choi, Steven 257

Choi, Sunwoo 416

Choi, Yujin 301

Cholewa, Clare 325

Chreene, Chad 262

Christensen, Jeffrey William 213

Christensen, Soren Alma 139

Christensen, Taylor Phillip 104

Christo, Sean-Patrick 299

Christopoulos, William 370

Chumaceiro, Matthew 327

Chung, Yae-Eun 270

Chun-Moy, Kainoa 352

Cibotti, Tyler 313

Ciccarello, Anthony 350

Cisneros, Ariana 252

Clark, Christopher 265

Clark, Douglas Kevin 159

Clark, Dylan 343

Clark, Joshua 17

Clark, Kathryn 364

Clark, Nicholas 295

Clarke, Rileymarie 340

Clay, Zachary 291

Clegg,Jon 315

Clemens, Genevieve Marie 205

Clement, Akokwe Felicia 119

Clement, David 325

Clement, Okokwe 385

Clements, Benjamin 332

Cleveland, Kellen 290

Cleveland, Ronald 310

Click, Justin 325

Clingenpeel, Reece 355

Clink, Kevin James 108

Clinton-Earl, Aaron Jemel 171

Coalson, Garrett 349

Cobb, Marquis 340

Cobb, Taylor 268

Coburn. Sebastian 306

Cochell, Mitchell 296

Cochran, Erin 298

Coffey, Lavanson 336

Coffey, Logan Robert 225

Coffin-Schiavon, Donald 268

Cofield, William 284

Cogswell, Chelsea Marie 228

Cohen, Chase 298

Cohick, Howlett 344

Colas, Connor James 108

Colbacchini, Staci Marie 243

Cole, Jacob 328

Cole-Fletcher, Ayana 10,275

Colella, Daniel 345

Coleman, Brenden 131

Coleman, Gerald 313

Coleman, Martae 370

Coleman, Patrick 264

Coleman, Quinton 17,256

Coley, Matthew 258

Collamati, Adam Joseph 229

Collier, Shelton Lee 182

Collins, Adam 288

Collins, Daniel 324

Collins, David 358

Collins, Jarrett 314

Collins, Tadhg 262

Collinsworth, Ryan 271

Colon, Alexander 256

Colvin, Hunter 258

Combs, Jillian 321

Conlan, Shanleigh 328

Connell, James Edward 217

Connelly, Ryan 358

Connolly, Joseph Patrick 201

Connolly, Liam 301

Connors, Ross 271

Connors, Ryan 45,318

Conrad, Noah 348


Conrad, Tristan 354

Conrow, Mackenzie Thomas 229

Console, John 251

Constantino, Christian 261

Contreras, Chase 353

Cook, Benjamin 45, 291

Cook, Dennis Michael 92, 225

Cook, Jacob 317

Cook, Kaitlyn 358

Cook, Karter 292

Cook, Sara 307

Cook, Tanner 321

Cook, William 329

Cooper, Christy Leigh 53, 93

Cooper, David 361

Cooper, Francis 286

Cooper, Jonathan 290

Cooper, Peyton 271

Cooper, Thomas Calvin 182,448

Cooper, William 274

Coote, Peter Wesley 171

Coplen, Tyler 351

Coppola, Santo 321

Corato, Craig Joseph 151

Corey, Marc Claren 47, 143

Cornillez, Michael 358

Corona, Patrick William 92, 97, 375, 429,449

Corpus, Hunter Brouillette 135

Correa, Matthew 357

Corriere, Jack 266

Cortes, Cristian 270

Corton, Julia 301

Cos, Christopher 316

Costea, Abigail 331

Costello, Lillian 361

Cottingham. Peyton 264

Cotton, Caroline 341 Cotton, Kyle 356

Coudret, Samuel 272

Coulter, Matthew 304

Couse, Joshua 295

Cousino, Nicholas 294

Coutts, Daniel Richard 131,447,459

Covert, Jared 324

Cowan, Logan 18,354

Cowie, Thomas Michael 119

Cowman, Kyle 267

Cox, Jordan 344

Cox, Kevin 334

Cox, Thomas 364

Coxen, Mark 277

Coyne, James Ryan 100, 451

Crabbe, Noah 307

Crabill, Donald 267

Crader, Matthew Wesley 167

Crain, Timothy Jay 229

Crandall, Connor 330

Crandell, Alexander Charles 126

Crawford, Brock 357

Crawford, Wesley 327

Creech, Nathan 270

Crennan, Kara Anne 151

Crespo, Jaziel 267

Crews, Turner 300

Crilly, Connor 329

Critchlow, Jeffrey Allen 164

Crook, Tarina Lashay 100

Crott, Matthew 40

Crowe, Spencer David 243

Cruickshank, Mark 257

Cruz, Joanne 320

Cruz, Miguel 300

Cryder, Kourtney 326

Cully, Robyn 274

Culp-Cano, Christopher 346

Culver, Colin 366

Culver, David 307

Culver, Shane 314

Cumming, Michael 275

Cuneo, Micaela 324

Cunningham, Michael 360

Cunningham, Sage Andrew 126

Curia, Eric 332

Curiel, Simon Adam 159

Curlee, James Brandon 83, 135

Curnutt, Riley Denton 93

Curran, Cara 356

Curry, Willie 317

Curtin, Mary Clare 201

Curtin, Peter 307

Curtis, Angela 263

Curtis, Rachel 30, 368

Cutler, Asher 323

Cutler, Jennifer Dorothy 171, 448, 454

Cutting, Austin 301

Czerner, Mark 333


Dabagian, John 367

Dadiego, Brett Austin 174, 451

D’Agostino, Lawrence 365

Dahlby, Daniel Chase 139

Dahle, Jordan 305

Dailey, Blake 331

Daily, Shannon Rebecca 209

Daleno, Dustin 325

Daley, Kyle 340

Dalton, Dominique 279

Damann, Taylor 354

D'Amato, Emily 269

Dampier, Andrew 283

Danchi, Alex 343

Daniel, Maxwell 316

Daniels, Meredith 299

Darby, Ryan 361

Darcy, Christopher 316

Darger, Alyx Elaine 151,448

Darling, Daniel 350

Darnell, Jacob 363

Darras, Rafael 330

Dart, Noah 276

Dassanayake, Don Induru 337

Dau, Robert 346

Dau, Ryan 266

Daughtery, Andrew 263

Dauwalder, Monroe 309

Davenport, Spencer Ryan 239

Davern, Shayne 266

Davey, Michael 355

Davidson, Jewel 300

Davis, Cameron 339

Davis, Charles 259

Davis, Ciara Janaii 194

Davis, Clayton 317

Davis, Cody 308

Davis, Devon 350

Davis, Gary Anthony 214

Davis, Homer 347

Davis, James 297

Davis, Joshua 264

Davis, Markez 260

Davis, Michael 290

Davis, Noah 296

Davis, Parker 356

Davis, Pate 326

Davis, Philip 320

Davis, Thomas Christian 131

Daw, Maeve 304

Dawson, Gabriel 326

De Bord, William 329

De La Hunt, Ryan 336

De La Rivaherrera, Alberto Jose 108, 464

De Sousa, Michael 296

Dean, Mason 349

Dean, Paul Thomas 185

deAndrade, John 370

DeAngelis, Anthony 289

Deaton, John 317

DeBauche, Adrienne 334

Delgado, Christopher 273

Delgado, Renzo 341

DeMello, Daniel 350

DeMeulenaere, Augustine 297

Demkowicz, James 320

DeMore, Mark 322

DeMoret, Anna 297

Dempski, Michael 252

Dempster, Dylan 323

Demsher, Krystin 327

DeNicola, Andrew 268

Denker, Courtney 357

Denkinger, Anthony 365

Dennis, Troy Alan 225

Denton, Elizabeth 270

DePaola, Richard 366

Desai, Het 298

DeSaussure. Bailey 267

DeSautels, Kyle 342

DeSilva, Andrew 309

Despard, John 255

Detert, Joseph Christopher 155

Dever, John 285

Devine, Elizabeth 337

DeVries, Jacob 326

DeVries, Michael 304

DeWing, Austin 295

Dials, Alexander Steven 221

Diaz, Bradley 293

Diaz, Eduardo 289

Diaz, Yaira 178

Dickman Jr., Nathaniel Clair 243

Diekel, John 278

Dietrich, Tyler 257

Diggs, Jade Grace Noelle 178

Dimaapi, Mikaela 349

Dimson, Tyler Jacob 194

Dinneen, Steven 277

Dinwiddie, Kaitlyn 330

Diotte, Rebekah 360

Dirk, Matthew Christopher 179

Dissanayake, Pankaja 267

Ditter, Christopher Jerome 155

Do, Christopher 328

Doak, Maxwell Alan 112

Doby, Robert 275

Dockum, Tyler 303

Dodd, Deon 307

Dodd, Jayna Marie 123

Dodds, Veronica 274

Dohman, Gabriel 352

Dohms, Edison Campbell 179

Dold, Craig Robert 243

Dole, Peyton 354

Dole, Sydney 326

Dolezal, Kaylor 359

Domenichini, Sarah 273

Domeyer, Katrina 329

Dominguez, Sharon 367

Donahue, Cody Lee 115

Donald, Cody 265

Dones, Denzel 266

Donley, John 295

Doria, Milton 333

Dorian, Bethany 359

Dorris, Ryan 298

Dorsey, Matthew 308

Doucet, Ryan 281

Douglas, Ryan 9, 323

Downs, Michael 356

Doyle, Jeremiah 258

Drabenstot, Austin 327

Drake, Samuel Kerry 218, 454

Drakes, Erica 342

Drapinski, Laura 277

Draws, Spencer Lloyd 214

Drenkhahn, Connor 272

Driggs, Rydder 325

Driskell, Bryan 359

Duenes, Matthew Lawrence 127

Duff. Rachel 272

Duff, William 362

Duffey, Laikyn 302

Dugan,Joshua 300

Dukarm, Christopher 360

Duley, Cameron 341

Dumais, Brandon 353

Dumont, Kaitlin 333

Duncan, Austin Campbell 135, 454

Duncan, Dale Andrew 225

Dunlap, Matthew 358

Dunn. Brett Truett 100

Dunn, Haji 296

Dunn, Jackson 271

Dunsmore, Anita Nicole 97

Duntz, Mark 318

Dupree, Madeleine Renee 174

Duque, Juan 319

Durbin, Hannah 363

Durrence, Olivia 337

Duryea, Simone 276

Dutcher, Briana Nicole 214

Dutton, Travis Lance 100

Duty-Tyson, Aubrey 297

Duvall, William 348

Dyckman, John 355

Dylewski, Christopher Michael 179

Dysico, Janilie 323, 443

Dyson, Robyn 306


Early, Frederick 268

Earp-Pitkins, Jonathan 329

Easley, Caroline 367

Eason, James 261

Easton, Luke 337

Eastwood V, William 347

Eaton, Abraham 298

Eaton, Rachel 332

Eberl, Zachary John 119

Ebert, Michael 311

Eccher, Athena 280

Echeverry, Lucas 349

Eckebrecht, Avery 254

Eckholm, Samuel 291

Edelman, Joshua 317

Edgington, Annika 336

Edson, Maxwell 287

Edwards, Christopher James 155

Edwards, Travis 287

Edwards, Zachary 347

Eells, Christian 347

Egizi, Isaac 321

Ehrenberg, Kenneth 302

Ehrenstrom, Jacob 328

Eichenberger, Jack 254

Eichman, Daniel Deen 135

Eiden, Ethan 317

Eilts, Isaac Hunter 97, 455

Ekhaus, Ana Trouy 189, 448

Ekholm, McKenna 310

Ekpenyong. Malik 289

Elbel, Kelsey 340

Elizondo Gamez, Cinthya 356

Ellbogen, Michael 305

Eller, Kyle 375, 290

Elletson. David 272

Elliott, Amanda 366

Elliott, Cameron 357

Elliott, Kirsten 370

Ellis, Connor 273

Ellis, Garrett William 175

Ellis, Russell 294

Ellsworth, Michael 329

Ellwein. Austin Lee 93

Ellwein, Kaitlin Marie 48, 82, 100, 455

Elms, Caleb 271

Cunningham, Stephen 257

Cunningham, Timothy 320

Curcic, Stefan 263 470 INDEX

DeBerry, Bailey 364

Decker, Brett 265

Decker, Cody 335

Deeks, Lochlin 299

Deiter, Derek 260

Dekker, Luke 364

Delaney, Benjamin 369

Drollinger, Erich 327

Dronen, Maria 307

Drury, Zachary 288

Dryhurst, Christopher Michael 186

Dualan, Kelly Marie 218, 459

Duarte, Dillon A 108

Dueber, Natalee 303

El-Saawy, Hamza 209

Elton, Chad 301

Elwers, Alexander 320

Emanuel. David Anthony 139

Entbrey, Mitchell 324

Emerson, Kaitlyn 253

Emerson Smith, Lucas Russell 179

Empey, Jack 270

Enders, Nathaniel 331

Engel, Jason 263

Engel, Joshua 354

Engelbrecht, Joseph 267

Ennis, Kaitlyn 362

Eno, Johnathan Patrick 155

Enright, Kaitlyn 262

Enterline, Benjamin 335

Eppinger, Noah 262

Eppinger, Zachary 269

Epps, Josie 295

Erdie, Joseph 299

Erickson, Jacob 271

Ermitano, Andrew 344

Ermitano, Anthony 266

Ernst, Joseph 331

Ernst, Thomas 361

Ervin, Colton 297

Erwin, Cade 337

Escobar, Giovann 329

Escobedo, Sarah 280

Esparza, Anthony 359

Esquivel, Austin 292

Esswein, Joseph Michael 51,140

Estacion, Francis 301

Estep, Charles 361

Estes, Everett 327

Estes, Kaleb 365

Evans, Avery 361

Evans, Casey 46, 275

Evans, Emlyn 357

Evans, Lloyd 338

Evans, Matthew 270

Evans, Richard 253

Evers, Braden 274

Everson, Hannah Marie 92, 218, 375, 427

Evey, Gabrielle 313

Eyre, Taelor 305


Faciszewski, Andrew 332

Fagnant, Morgan 49, 72, 311

Fahey, Michael 304

Faimon, Caitlin Ann 140

Fairbanks, Alexandra Nicole 47, 243

Fairchild. Reese 334

Falconello. Bryant 334

Fallen, Leslie 343

Falvey, Sarah 335

Fan, Michael 416

Fanniel, Daron 319

Fanning, Amanda May 115,455

Fanter, Kevin 296

Farley, Robert 326

Farlinger, Mark 364

Farqaleet, Osama 297

Farrar, Margaret 309

Farrar, William 341

Farrell, Isabella 256

Farrell, Luke 270

Farris, Joshua Alexander 127

Fatcheric, Shelby 339

Faulkner, Marshall 300

Favo, Tessa 286

Feasline, Logan 280

Featherston, Nicholas 308

Fedele, Andres 282

Feedar, Jon Adam 143,459

Feely, Nicholas 332

Feldman, Shelby 274

Felhi, Hichem 367

Feliz, Alexandra 311

Feno, Evan 310

Fentress, Reagan 281

Ferenczy, James 307

Ferguson, Amy 356

Ferguson, John 337

Ferguson, Molly 369

Ferguson, Rachael Anne 68, 143, 441

Fetzer, Alec 362

Fiant, Jonas 360

Field, Ellis Anne 179

Field, Shannon Marie 205

Figueroa, Manuel 273

Figuly, Breanna 365

Filer, Mark 338

Fillmore, Sophia 252

Finley, Hanson 340

Finley, Matthew 310

Fischer, Daniel 368

Fischer, Jacob Paul 108

Fischer, Matthew McGowan 135, 446

Fishbein, Sara 278

Fisher, Benjamin 303

Fisher, David Ryan 131

Fisher, Tobey James 218

Fisk, Garrett 363, 387

Fitle, Derek John 115

Fitts, Aaron 368

Fitzgerald, Katherine 272

Fitzgerald, Thomas Jonathan 127

Flake, Christopher 287

Flanagan, Benjamin 253

Flanagan, Brittany 340

Flansburg, Bailey 283

Flatten, Ann Marie 316

Fleck, Collin Moore 175

Fleet, Erin 282

Fleming, Julie 287

Fleming, Marie 329

Fleming, Nicholas 313

Flescher, Marlene 317

Flieger, Brock Mitchell 127

Flor, John 330

Flores, Joshua 306

Flory, John 333

Flowers, Jared 349

Floyd, Kyle 262

Flues, Austin 251

Fly, Adam 284

Flynn,Jack 370

Fogelberg, Brett 326

Fogle, Faisal 276

Foley, Kevin 332

Fondacaro, Samantha 346

Fontaine, Micah 292

Fonteno, Michael 322

Foote, Travis 323

Forbes, Alex 342

Fordyce, Joycelyn 312

Forlini, Chloe 75, 338

Forlini, Lily 308

Fornoff, Jonathon 276

Forrest, Nicholas 306

Forsythe, Nicholas 276

Fortes, Joshua 331

Fortier, Kristopher 344

Fortney, Evan Michael 214

Fortney, Lauren 342

Foss, Nathan 287

Foster, Collette 278

Foster, Nicolle 329

Foster, Perresha 255

Foster, Thomas 306

Fotsch, Sarah 368

Foudriat, Wesley 272

Fowler, Laura 330

Fox, Grant 343

Fox, Gregory Sebastian 226

Fox, McKenna 302

Fox, Steven 336

Franck, Patrick 336

Francoeur, Nicholas 366

Francois, John 279

Frank, George Mitchell 209

Frank, Steven Alexander 197

Fraser, D’Andre 255

Frederick, Thomas David 112

Fredericks, John 309

Freeh, Craig 369

Freeman, Stephanie Marie 218

Freidel, Joshua Brian 214

French,Jacee 259

French, Jaclyn Kay 109

French, Patrick Lee 94, 447

Fresella, Jacob 346

Fressel, Drew 333

Frial, Virbon 361

Frick, Anna 289

Fritzsche, Garrett Henry 197

Froebe, Madison 319

Froembling, Zachary 252

Frometa, Joshua 322

Frontado, Zachary 352

Frost, Christiaan 274

Frost, Logan 259

Frost, Randy James 97

Fry, Lance 336

Fry, Levi 350

Fuhrman, James 282

Fulbright, Erika 349

Fuller, Samuel 366

Fulton, Alexander 311

Fulton, Ryan 290

Fumagalli, Lucas 275

Furtado, Jazmin Dahl 172


Gadient, Austin 312

Gadsden, Chloe 334

Gahafer, Allison Marie 104

Gailey, Ryan 342

Galbraith, Conner 289

Galdikas, Laurynas 326

Gale, Jonathan 255

Gallagher, Michael 285

Gallaher, Joshua 366

Gallala, MohamedSalim 104

Galland, Matthew Brian 179

Galloway, Peyton 349

Gamble, Christina Elyse 168

Gan, James 214

Ganas, Spencer 317

Gannon, Connor 320

Gao, Qian 326

Garau, Hyunjoon 336

Garcia, Austin 305

Garcia, Enrique Efren 210,464

Garcia, Jordan Bryce 119

Garcia, Shane 306

Gardea, Omar 360

Gardner, Gannon 279

Gardner, Nicole Marie 143

Garland, Brennen 262

Garlow, Keith Reyes 140

Garmon, Alyssa 345

Garnett, Kegan Michael 101

Garrett, Meredith 251

Garrigan, Audra 258

Garst, Grant 356

Gartman, Brady 254

Garza, Antonio 265

Garza, Jacob 335

Gasana, Tony 160

Gates, Leah 290

Gaudette, Kathryn 288

Gauthier, Ashley 370

Gautier, Benjamin 315

Gavan, Sean Braedon 151

Gavenus, Noah 292

Gaylord, Steven Michael 190

Gaynes, Daniel 365

Gbassa, Tuaton 281

Gerlach, Zachary 290

Germain, Darby 311

Germain, Taylor 293

Germann, Mattie 262

Gemer, Joseph Anthony 175

Gershoff, Eric 279

Gertsman, Igor 309

Gessler, Cody 280

Getty, Summer Jeanette 182, 460

Geueke, Gregory 344

Ghita, Petrut 280

Gibas, Michael 310

Giblin, Erin Glynis 52, 186

Gibson, Andrew 265, 275

Gibson, Katie 318

Gicewicz, Rebecca 292

Gier, Eric 295

Giezentanner, Andrew Jay 94

Gikas, Andrew 305

Gilbert, Jacob 346

Gilbert, Saylor 266

Gilkeson, Sofia 253

Gill, Jacob Taylor 201

Gill. Maheep Singh 160

Gill, Ryan 325

Gillespie, Carina 318

Gilligan, Devlin 273

Gilligan, Martin 355

Gillon, Hunter Reed 221

Gillund, Blake 256

Gilmartin, Michael 268

Gilster, Tori 348

Gilwee, Patrick Fields 182

Ginger, Tyler 329

Gingery, Matthew 339

Giorgio, Joshua 259

Girardot, Madeleine Elyse 221

Girouard, Ryan 319

Giroux, Stephen 298

Gist, Grayson Daniel 232

Gizinski, Jonathan 328

Glaab, Darby 322

Glaudini, Garrett 282

Gleason,John 303

Gleason, Martin 288

Gloss, Madeline 251

Glover, Jordan 278

Gluck, Griffin 358

Gnan, John 271

Goddard, Ana Elisa 104

Godoy, Alvaro 325

Goetschkes, Robert 301

Goggin, Alex 338

Gogulya, Vladislav 370

Goins, Aaron Michael 194

Goirigolzarri, Alexander 355

Goirigolzarri, Benjamin Lloyd 198, 460

Gojuangco, Andrew Vicente 105

Golding, Rachel 352

Golding, Thomas 323

Goldstein, Charles 312

Goljan, James 350

Gombar, Grant Logan 221

Gomez, Nathan 282

Gomez, Veniece 348

Gomez, Veronica 283

Goncalves, Eduardo Emanoel Teles 116

Gonzales, Cheyenne 261

Gonzales, Gilbert 278

Gonzales, Kristyn 360

Gonzalez, Connor 308

Gonzalez. David 338

Good, Austin 331

Goodbody, Ian Richard 222

Gooden, Ashley 364

Frankford, Chase 44, 306

Frankford, Stone Alan 140

Franklin, Gregory Kane94

Franklin, Kane 460

Franklin, Knykia 285

Fernandez, Jonathan 332

Fernandez, Nicholas 40, 302

Ferrario, Christopher 330

Ferrell, Cameron 367

Franklin, Tierra 9, 359

Fransbergen, Lucke 316

Franz, Bianca Brigitte 10,53,94

Frunze, Anthony Joseph 123

Gebhart, Joseph 339

Geerinck, Joshua 322

Gelston, Derrin Fuat 229

Geneste, Morgan 295

George, Kahner 367

George, Kristov Subero 9, 147, 465

Georgi, Cameron 263

Gerlach, Nicholas 345

Gooder, Ginnis 265

Goodin, Thomas Jay 183

Goodno, Robert David 120

Goodwin, Andrew 318

Goodwin, Jacob 281

Goodwin, Jacqueline 295

Gor, Ryan 347

Gordon, Domonique 277

Gordon, Kyle 361


Gorman, Kaliyah 307

Gorringe, Allison 325

Gorski, Ryan 348

Gosney, Garrison 261

Gouchoe, Douglas Albert 92,222, 419, 421,448

Gould, Grant 342

Gould, Joseph Aaron 222

Goulet, Ian William 205

Gowl, Melvin 333

Graf, Ryan 299

Graf, Zacchaeus Robert 186

Graft, Anne 350

Graft, Michael 339

Graham, Christopher 291,435

Graham, Hayden 269

Graham, Jonathan Michael 120

Graham, Joshua 369

Graham, Justin 285

Graham, Nathaniel 349

Graham, Sydney 254

Grahl, Collin 252

Grainger, Kayla 355

Grant, Alexander 285

Grattan, Marisa 284

Grauer, Dane 353

Gravdahl, Jayce 321

Graves, Emily 73, 370

Graves, Robert Owen 127

Gray, Chad 266

Gray, Gabriella 314

Gray, Lewis Scott 243

Gray, Madison 11, 42, 291

Gray, Michael 352

Gray, Parker 351

Grayson, Samuel304

Greco, Ashley 344

Greco, Matthew 294

Green, Alexandra 272

Green, Collin 304

Green, Matthew 334

Greene, Justin 363

Greenwald, Derek 364

Greer, Kent William 205, 447, 452

Gregg, Brittney 261

Gribble, Graden 277

Grieg, Michael 268

Griffin, Garrett Michael 218

Griffin, John 340

Griffin, Marquis 306

Griffin, Steven 265

Griffin, William 307

Griffith, Brett 341

Griffith, Johnny 298

Grimes, Dee 296

Grimes, Ryan James 147

Grimison, Chelsea 291,399

Grimm, Matthew 299

Grindle, Michael 367

Grinnell, Shawn 337

Grizzard, Robert 326

Groesbeck, Adam 332

Grove, Christopher 356

Grove, Cole 280

Gruschka, Mark 269

Gruszka, Jeremy Joseph 140

Guardia, Casey 313

Guarino, Caleb 52, 116

Guerrero, Austin 262

Guerrero, Brian 328

Guerrero, Marie 304

Guerrero, Nicolas 282

Guida, Matthew 336

Gula, Austin 310

Gullo, Victoria Ann 105

Gulua, Alexander 140

Gumireddy, Lionel 334

Gunning, Courtney Elisabeth 127

Gustafson, Jenna 321

Guthrie, Lucas Aaron 120

Haag, Rylan 340

Haak, Kyle 292

Hackmann, Kooper 354

Hadden, Christian 253

Hafer, Riley 283

Hagan, Connor Patrick 244

Hagen, Brett 272

Hagen, Marlene Rose 109

Hagey, John 267

Haggerty, Jesse 313

Haggin, Cody Aaron 151

Hahn, Matthew 322

Hahn, Nicole 321

Hahn, Peter 299

Hahn, Tanner 315

Haijsman, Christopher 353

Haijsman, Matthew 297

Hajewski, Tyler 296

Hale, Matthew 264

Hall, Derek 254

Hall, Kellen 362

Halloran, Patrick 365

Hamilton, Grant Augustus 120, 428

Hammond, William 329

Han, Daniel 364,381

Hancock, Hunter 359

Hanjra, Prayant 366

Hankamer, Dane 345

Hanley, James 368

Hanlin, Jordan 305

Hannigan, Michael 258

Hansen, Alexander Robert 92, 183

Hansen, Cole 253

Hansen, Tyler Scott 105,464

Hanson, Tristyn 283

Hanson, Tylar 327

Harber, Grayson 288

Harbin, Haylie 255

Hardcastle, Heather 282

Hardee, Trevor 329

Harden, Ryan 279

Hardison, Thomas 353

Hardrick, Jarrod 366

Hardy, Brooks 261

Hargreaves, Matthew 352

Hari, Connor 316

Hari, Dillon 343

Harmon, Eli 294

Harms, Nathaniel 368

Harness, Holly 299

Harnett, Bailee Nicole 147

Harold, Joshua Paul 195

Harper, Trenton 265

Harris, Benjamin 313,346

Harris, David 272

Harris, KylePhilip 101

Harris, Stewart 302

Harrison, Oliver 305

Harrison, Paige 334

Harris-Stover, Tyler 271

Harron, Nicholas 314

Hart, Elise 312

Hart, Jeffrey 295

Hart, Jonathan Solomon 151

Hart, Monica 298

Hartman, Christopher 342

Hartman, Elizabeth 328

Hartner, Maxwell Smith 156

Harvey, Sean 259

Hasegawa, Paul 287

Haskell, Nicholas 272

Haslam, Bradley 251

Hastriter, Michael Larkin 105

Hatcliff, Carley 351

Hatfield, Bennett 357

Hatton, William Raymond 97, 446

Haug, Joseph Peter 132

Haverkate, Reagan 358

Hawkins, Benjamin 321

He, Ziqun 219

Healey, Jonathan 289

Healy, Connor James 144

Heckman, Robert 319

Heckman, Thomas 360

Hedash, Connor 335

Hedengren, Christian 298

Heefner, Maxwell 349

Heer, Cole 365

Heerema, Jeneke 331

Heffner, Ian 273

Heffron, Ian Carter 22, 198, 460

Hein, August 269

Heineck, Piper 294

Heithoff, Sydney 361

Hejna, James 258

Heldreth, Nathaniel Lee 156

Heldt, Lauren 274

Heilman, Sarah 304

Hellwig, Karl Matthew 128

Helm, Daniel Dalon 156

Helm, Jared 303

Hemberger, Grant Delmar 160

Hemme, Jeremiah 328

Henderson, Jared 262

Henigman, Jacob333

Henley, Christopher 363

Hennigan, Patrick 335

Henry, Colter 343

Hensel, Brett 292

Heppe, Chandler 306

Her, Hunter 180

Herald, Jordan 325

Herbert, Ren 290

Heriot, Robert 365

Hernandez, Lucas 312

Hernandez, Matthew 281

Hernandez, Nestor 318

Hernandez, Sutton James 147

Hernblom, Dalton 336

Herrala, Jeffrey Robert 92, 175, 460

Herrera, Christina 329

Herrick, Benjamin 366

Herring, Brett 322

Hess, Alexander 256

Hester, Scott314

Heth, Nicholas 308

Hett, Dillian 352

Hetzler, Hannah 364

Heur, Wongsai 309

Hevel, Zachary 308

Hiatt, Donald 309

Hickerson, Claire 324

Hicks, Brodie 302

Hicks, Wooyeon 320

Hiddink, Jennifer 277

Hieronymus, Kevin 338

Higgins, David Allen 28, 190

Higgins, Elliott 265

Higgins, Jordan Andrew 215

Higgins Jr., David 92

Highland, Daniel 256

Highnote, Samuel Parker 152

Hightower, Benjamin 305

Hightower, Jason 295

Hightower, Phillip 350

Hilf, Daniel 325

Hill, Alexander 339

Hill, Brayden 335

Hill, Chadney 358

Hill, Henry 279

Hill, Rhianna 272

Hill, Riley 343

Hill, Sarah Allison 147

Hill, Seth 355

Hill, Taylor 354

Hill, Zachary Michael 232

Hinz, Jaren 259

Hippier, Frank 268

Hipps, Joshua 369

Hiseley, Gage 259

Hiss, Griffith Riffe 236, 448

Hitosis, Norman Canopen 92, 160 Hobbs, Jon 252

Hock, Waverly 314

Hockman, Benjamin 312

Hodges, Julie 267

Hodges, Zachary 275

Hodos, Travis John 120

Hoff, Eric 281

Hoff, Madeline 337

Hoffman, Christopher Scott 210, 460

Hoffman, Harrison 286

Hoffman, Jeremiah Ryan 101

Hoffman, Soren 298

Hofilena, Alyssa 359

Hogan, Carlos Alberto 186

Hogan, Dakotah Wayne 112

Hohman, Chloe 256

Hoist, Jason William 152

Holba, Andrew Thomas 123

Holden, Joshua 342

Holland, Jacob 302

Hollman, Mitchell 328

Hollobaugh, Andrew 365

Holloway, Ryan 294

Holm, Eric 251

Holmes, Jason 255

Holmes, Stewart 288

Holmes, Trent 318

Holobeny, Daniel 285

Holte, Ryan 315

Honable, Isaiah 268

Hong, Young June 222

Honnold, Zachary 316

Hontzas, William 345

Hood, Andrew Louis 175,448

Hood, April 286

Hoof, Marcus Allan 109

Hook, Benjamin 258

Hoover, Austin 348

Hoover, Cameron 358

Hope, Dylan Nicholas 152

Hopkins, Desiree 345

Hopkins, Matthew 271

Hopkins, Zackary 324

Horn, Jessica Leigh 226, 407, 455

Horstman, Andrew 251

Horton, Jacqueline 324

Hossler, Ford 289

Hott, Stephen 288

Houegnifio, Rene 298

Housken, Tanner Douglass 156

Housken, Taylor 297

Houston, Gabriel 348

Houston, Joseph Linwood 124,331

Houx, Devin 339

Howard, Analise 277

Howe, Evan 369

Howe, John 361

Howe, Ryan 274

Howe, Turner 271

Howland, Gregory 359

Hoyer, Remington 315

Hrabovsky, John 338

Hruby, Jared Blaze 116

Hruby, Nicholas 324,419

Hubbard, Alec 353

Hubert, Kyle 284

Hubert, William 318

Hudson, Tyler Aaron 236, 456

Huff, Jordon Blake 164

Huff, Riley 222

Huffman, Lawton 269

Hilliard, Rico 332

Hillmann, Nicolas 301

Hawkins, Jacob 270

Gutierrez, Corey 358

Gygax, Abraham 324


Haack, Eric 368


Hawthorne, Natalie 301

Hayden, Joshua Alexander 152

Hayden, Mackenzie 264

Hayden, Micah 330

Hayes, Dalton Jacob 97

Hayes, Mark 295

Hills, Collin Richard 109

Hiltz, Thomas 286

Himley, Jordan 264

Hinegardner, Samuel 355

Hines, Cedric 339

Hines, Parker 278

Hing, Altin-Myka 285

Hughes, Hannah 287

Hughes, Jake 277

Hughes, Michael 260

Hughes, Nicholas McNally 180

Hughes, O'Neil McClellan 147

Hugo, Robert 334

Hull, Dennis 332

Hulslander, Taylor 311

Hummer, Daniel 310

Lacoste, Jacob 258

Lacy, Jalen 344

Ladd, Curtis 288

Ladipo, Roland 317

Lafferty, Scott Thomas 92, 191,446

Lagos, Rodrigo Laguna 318

Lahman, Christian Matthew 124,461

Laingen, William 304

Lam, Jennifer 363

Lamarca, Zachary 358

Lamb, Tyler 334

Lambrecht, Lucas Allan 244

Lamo, Nolan 332

Lancaster, Alan 23,318

Lanclos, Joseph 307

Landers, Robert 359

Landram, Tracy 323

Landrum, Griffin 352

Landry, Jared 364

Lane, Colin Daniel 183

Lang, Forrest 348

Langas, Megan 289

Lange, Stewart 269

Lanier, Taylor Sierra 183

Lannom, Tyler Scott 226

Lannon, Jesse Augustine 101,448, 464

Lansing. Robert 296

Lansink, Alexander 261

Lapiana, Joseph 274

Lara, Daniel 251

Lark, Alante’ 367

Larkin, Sheamus 276

Larsen, Dallin Michael 113

Larson, Andrew 291

Larson, Stephen 321

Lasch, Austin 353

Laskey, Meredith 319

Laskodi, John Colin 180

Latscha, Claire Ann 226, 461

Lau, Brandon 348

Laub, Hailey 349

Laudadio, Alexander 278

Launius, Dillon 296

Laureta, Djozelle 344

Lauvetz, Nathaniel 266

Lavelle, Patrick 338

Laverick, Braden 260

Lavin, Abbie 262

Lavine, Sean 363

Lawler, Matthew 267

Lawless, Sydney 266

Lawrence, Andrew Paul 186, 465

Lawrence, Samuel 334

Lawrie, Blake 256

Lawson, Jacob Ryan 187

Layng, Jeffrey 326

Layng, Rebecca 292

Lazas, James Kenneth 153

Leach, Andrew Jacob 116

Leaf, Alexander Philip 195

Leano, Charles 277

Learn, Nicholas 286

Leary, Mara 322

Leathers, Luke Emery 176

Leckas, Matas 329

Lecy, Erik 264

Leddy, Veronica Eleanor 157

Ledford, Sean Alan 215

Ledford, Tyler 306

Lee, Adam 299

Lee, Alex 302

Lee, David 324

Lee, Fitzhugh 364

Lee, Jason 318

Lee, Joon 348

Lee, Matthew 258

Lee, Nathan 288

Lee, Paul 343

Lee, Ryan 294

Lee, Terry 92, 227

Lee, Tony 272

Lee, Victor 256

Lee, Yaereem 283

Leggit, Nicholas 254

Lei, Robert 124

Leipprandt, Marshall David 113 474 INDEX

Leiter, Bryce 326

Leithold, Julia Myers 47, 233

Leland, Anna 352

Leland, Kyle 277

Lemm, Alia 279

Leo, Katherine 296

Leonard. Brendan 369

Leonard, Camille 295

Leonard, Joshua 293

Leonard, Kallie 293

Lerdahl, Matthew 354

Lerum, Mackenzie 267

Lesar, Alexander 319

Lesar, Joseph John 202

Letourneau, Nicholas 351

Levalley, Andrew 356

Leverenz, Eric 367

Lew, Christine 313

Lewandowski, Erica Lynn 120

Lewis, April 325

Lewis, Bradley 327

Lewis, Hunter 305

Lewis, Jamie 309

Lewis, Trinh 280

Lewit, Alex 297

Ley, Amanda 326

Ley, Kevin 261

Ley, Kurds 293

Liang, Andrew 332

Libby, Margaret 253

Licerio, Dominic 354

Lichtsinn, Andrew 260

Lightner, Joshua 359

Lilya, Colin 280

Lim, Kathy 343

Lim, Sangmin 180

Linares, Justen 261

Lindauer, Daniel 310

Lindell, Jacob Richard 101

Linderman, Jason Lee 136

Lindsey, Cameron Douglas 240

Lindsey, Erin 327

Lindsey, Zachary 295

Lingle, Theodore 270

Link, Todd 300

Linn, Christian 260

Linnartz, Kirsten 356

Lira-Gonzalez, Rey 337

Litt, Conner McKinney 240

Litteral, Amber 268

Little, Bailey 298

Little, Falon 264

Little, Jillian 339

Liu, Hsin Hsueh 283

Liu, Nicholas Daniel 92, 244

Livingston, Connor 341

Llarena, Calvin Perez 148

Llewellyn, Lauren 369

Lloyd, Brandon 288

Lo, Rachel Yuantong 98

Lochmaier, Emeline 299

Locke, Evan 257

Locke,Jackson 272

Lockwood, Mikaela Lee 136, 461

Loeffler, Walker Heyl 136, 448

Logan, Alexsandra 315

Logan, Clayton Allen 105

Logrande, Anthony 291

Loh, Michael John 236

Lohman, Madison 276

Lohnes, Samuel 336

Lomas, Carson Hunt 105

Long, Callum 305

Long, James 330

Long, Lindy 302

Long, Mariano 309

Long, Virginia 329

Longoria, Valentin Hinojosa 331

Loosen, Evan 360

Lopez, Heron 280

Lopez, Nick 367

Lopouchanski, Alexandre 316, 408

Lorenz, Griffin 370

Lorenzo, Luigi 362

Louder, Pervis 370

Loughlin, Evan 267

Loutfy, Justin Alan 187, 446

Louthan, David 253

Love, Kevin Michael 230

Love, Paul318

LoVetri, Alanna 269

Lowe, Aubrey 318

Lowe, Christopher 310

Loyack, Andrew 273

Lubis, Monica 252

Lubove, Jesse 284

Ludowig, Alex Patrick 113

Ludwig, Douglas 351

Luers, Emily 328

Lujan, Kelly 365

Luk, Allan 286

Luna, Steven Rigoberto 191

Lunasin, Hunter 316

Luong, Jennifer 272

Lupfer, Mark Ralph 191

Lusk, Allyson 358

Lutes, Lake 252

Lutz, Jacob303

Luzada, Ari 302

Lynch. Benjamin 308

Lynch, BrandonMendez 324

Lynch, James 333

Lynn, Garret 366

Lynn, Simon 283

Lyon, Jedrick Willis 52, 102, 464

Lyons, Austin 348

Lyons, Sean 279

Lyons, Trevor 357


Macary, Donald Domenic 198

MacKeen, Nicholle 271

Mackenzie, Brian 313

Mackey, Kyle 339

MacKinnon, Sarah 302

Mackintosh, Patrick Thomas 113

Madson, Deraid 275

Maese, Jesus 310

Magera, Christopher 345

Maggos, John 343

Maginnis, Zachary 278

Magness, Dylan 271

Magness, Jake 297

Mahdi, Hayder 332

Mahoney, Christopher 363

Mahoney, Elizabeth 301

Mahoney, Robert 286

Maier, Darby 356

Maikell, Megan 332

Maine, Lauren 331

Mair, Amelia 332

Majied, Amirah 362

Maldonado, Jen-Liz 289

Malecek, Marcus Joe 180

Malisani, Gwenevere 282

Mallard, Stephanie Ann 215

Malles, Grayson 316

Mallet, Conner 261

Mallinak, Robert 346

Mallory, Brendan Thomas Robert 128

Malloy, Jacob 259

Malloy, Ronald Patrick 191

Malloy, Thomas 276

Malone, Catherine 310

Malone, Justin Rei 227

Maltz, Conan 289

Mammah, Monica 340

Mandel, Thomas 264

Mangum, Brock William 164

Manley, Daniel 306

Mansfield. Keith 365

Mantey, Ross 336

Manu, Tevin 323

Manyfield, De’ahnera 370

Maramreddy, Nivruth Reddy 181,446

Marcell, Amanda 312

Marchioretto, Mira 306

Marcinkowski, Adam James 106

Marco, Nicholas James 160

Marco, Samuel San 286

Markwardt, Matthew 366

Marley, Seren 361

Markos, Alexander 332

Maronick, Anna 274

Marosko, Max 279

Marriott, Megan 359

Marron, Nicholas 301

Marsh, Michael 319

Marshall, Scarlett 362

Marshall, Taylor 350

Martel, Roger 278

Martin, Aaron 339

Martin, Alisha 342

Martin, Bradley 349

Martin, Emily 275

Martin. Halley 255

Martin, Holly 311

Martin, Jacob 299

Martin, Madison 293

Martin, Mercer 11, 282

Martin, Nicholas 369

Martin, Sawyer 362

Martin-Abood, Dylan 252

Martinez-Alvarez, Jose 314

Martinez, Brianna 325

Martinez, Claudia 272

Martinez, Josh 409

Martinez, Luis 340

Martinez, Maria 319

Martinez, Martin Lawrence 230

Martinez, Zachary 370

Marton, Jaric 321

Maschmeyer, William Robert 241

Masi, Christopher 356

Mason, Kristin 294

Massar, Eleanor 305

Massey, John 329

Mastey, Taiylar Marie 160

Matarazzo, Joseph 282

Mather, Troy 346

Matherne, Brent 299

Mathes, Caleb 262

Matkovich, Jacob 325

Matolka, Cole 312

Matson, Jack 342

Matson, Liza 285

Matson, Rachel Anne 172

Matthews. Delfayeo 340

Matthews, Paul 331

Mattson, Kirsten 47, 335

Mattson, Michael 269

Maurer, Jacob 285

Mavroudis, Morgan 315,383

Maxey, Nicholas 355

Maxwell, Aryn 253

Maxwell. Justin 292

Maxwell, Travis 270

May, Chanler 304

Mayerchak, Andrew 305

Mayhew, Nolan James 144

Mayo, Patrick 344

Mays Jr, Phillip Edward 117

McAdams, Andrew 268

McAfee, Devin 332

McAloose, Krista Dyan 237

McCabe, Aubrey 365

McCaffrey, Seamus 269

McCain, Samantha 278

McCall, Matthew Thomas Owen 183

McCant, Richard 300

McCarthy, Ciarra 308

McCarthy, Conrad 259

McCarty, Sean 362

McClellan, Sarah 290

McCollum, William 315

McCook Jordan James 47, 109

McCord, Gavin 370

McCormick, Megan 265

McCown, Blake Wayne 8,117

McCroskey, Laina Jann 148

McCubbins, Jacob 345

McCullers, Jack Thomas 223, 423

McCulley, Mitchell 298

McCullough, Caleb Lee 198

McCullough. Marisa 349

McCune, John 335

McDaniel. Austin 349

McDaniel, Nicholas 319

McDermott, Colin 312

McDill, Scott 262

McDonald, James Gavin 95

McDonald. Jonathan 258

McElhannon, Darion 253

McElhannon, Xavier 330

McElligott, Garrett Patrick 199

McElwee, Cassandra 262

McElwee, Mary Willa 124

McEneaney, Ashley 345

McEntee, William 299

McEvoy, Lindsey Nicole 164

McFadden, Cori 251

McFadden, Dena 338

McFadden, Luke 322

McFarland, Rhea 275

McGee, Michelle 256

McGhee, Kenneth 257

McGillick, Giles 346

McGinley, Colby Richard 219

McGinty, Gerald 329

McGinty, Sean 352

McGlone, Sean 365

McGowan, Luke 288

McGowen, Hannah 292

McGraw, Jacob 342

McGuckin, Derek 318

McGuire, Kenton 272

McGuire, Reed 323

McHenry, Gavin Riley 191

McHenry, Schaeffer 251

McHugh, Anthony 332 McKenna, Garrett 348

McKenna, Ryan 364

McKinney, Hunter Evans 117

McKinney, Lucas 314

McKnight, Jeffrey 356 McLaughlin, Alexander 265

McLaughlin, Anthony 283

McLaughlin, Sonya 286

McLean, Caleigh 322

McLeod, Jill 258

McMahon, Harry 295

McMahon, James 325

McManis, Justin 327

McMillan, Christina 368

McMillan, Erik 355

McMillen, Joshua 77, 275

McNally, Shaun 277

McNeace, Jessica 251 McQuade, Ernest 321

McQuerry, Tyson 287

McQuesten, Sean 278

McSweeney, Brian 254

McVey, Timothy 351, 379

McWhirter, Austin 365

Meadows, Sherry Lynn 216

Mechikoff, Michael 264

Medara, Matthew Alan 144

Media, Matthew 268

Meier, Keenan Louis 195

Meisel, Trent 307

Meiusi, Anna 281

Melville, Mitchell Andrew 148

Mendez, Gabriel 313

Mendez, Kevin 283

Mendez, Michael 294

Mendiola, Rico Vicente 121

Menendez, Daniel Robert 113

Meng, Eric Qing 144

Menke, Sara Elizabeth 106,456

Menser, Eric 298

Menzies, Patrick 308

Merchant, Rick Edward 195

Merchant, William 313

Mergen, Tyler David 148

Merrill, Haley 311

Merseth, Cole 321

Merz, Austin 338

Metcalf, Warren 350

Metzger, Scott 351

Meyer, Austin 360

Meyer, Brett Thomas 202

Meyer, Harrison Lee 81, 132

Meza, Robert 257

Michael, Alekos 317

Michaud, Paul 347

Mickelson, Brayden Ray 187

Midas, Madeline Ann 187

Mihalik, Kevin Paxton 141

Miksch, Abigail 283

Mikulski, Andrew 264

Mila, Miranda Jayne 223

Miles, Alexis 341

Millan, Andy 357

Millar, Shaun Scott 121

Millard, George 259

Millard, Todd 285

Miller, Amanda 334 Miller, Andre’ 343

Miller, Darren 328

Miller, Evan 294

Miller, Gabrielle 316,406

Miller, Genevieve 293

Miller, Jace 358

Miller, Justin Ryan 199

Miller, Kaiana 368

Miller, Kylee 313

Miller, Macy 288

Miller, Malik 301

Miller, Matthew 323

Miller, Mitchell 293

Miller, Sarah Elizabeth 233

Miller, Stone 271

Miller, Zephaniah 331

Milligan, Peyton 8,314

Milliron, Andrew 315

Mills, Robyn Nicole 230

Mills, Terryn Brittany 10,153

Milner, Delarrion 273

Min, Brian 308

Min, Scott 351

Miner, Brady 251

Miota, Benjamin 305

Miota, Ellen 346

Mireles, Lucas 354

Mishler, Sean 324

Mitchell, Kevin Duncan 187

Mitton, Grant 354

Mize, Shaun 267

Moawad, Matthew 271

Moden, Konnor-Lawrence Kolaukani


Moeller, Katharine 254

Moer, Zachary Thomas 244, 391

Mohammed, Samantha 336

Mohr, Patrick Douglas 187

Mohre, Kiele 364

Moilanen, Matthew 335

Mokris, Bradley 260

Molas, Miguel 289

Molique, Andrew 319

Molitor, Hayden 301

Moll, Nicholas 347

Molnar, Thomas 267

Monaghan, Trenton Hampton 227

Montano, Everett 287

Montero, Presten 343

Montes de Oca, Frank 117

Montgomery, Jesse 297

Montierth, Nathan 354

Montoya, Joel 256

Moody, John 256

Moody, Samantha 284

Moore, Ashley Nicole 117

Moore, Caleb Matthias 223

Moore, Dallas 326

Moore, Dominic 260

Moore, Dylan 344

Moore, Ethan 275

Moore, Kyle David 206

Moore, Reagan 356

Moore, Thaddaeus 331

Moorehead, Nicholas 357

Moorhead, Cody 294

Morales, Luis Fernando 157

Morehead, Justin 270

Moreland, Bailey 305

Morgan, Ashley 314

Morgan IV, James Markus 153

Moroz, Christopher Ryan 233

Morris, Austin 324

Morris, Zachariah 317

Morris, Zachary 361

Morrison, Heidi 277

Morrison, Landon Joseph 237

Morrison, Logan 274

Morrow, Hunter 354

Morrow, Zachary Thomas 161

Mortenson, Tyler 352

Morthorpe, Veronica Paris 176

Moshea, Matthew 304

Moskowitz, Cecil 267

Mosley, Ariana 283

Moss, Donavan 303

Moss, Joel 286

Mossing, Alexander 295

Mossing, Joshua 265

Moten, Shonte 345

Mott, William Henry 98

Mount, Brianna 258

Mount, Steffen 325

Mountain, Anthony 278

Mourende De Mourende, Jeffrey JeanJacques 184

Mowery, Charles 334

Moxley, Zane 355

Moyer, Steven 364

Mucci, Jessica 307

Mudd, Patrick 299

Mueller, Mark 280

Mueller, Paul 275

Mukoda, Aaron Michael 153

Mull, Joseph 307

Mun, Justin 349

Munsil, Ellen Faith 223

Muramoto, Dylan 264

Murphy, Becky 432

Murphy, Johnny 337

Murphy, Mariana 352

Murphy, Rebecca Jean 202

Murphy, Ryan 330

Murray, Brianna 313

Murray, Peter 293

Murray, Riley 360

Murray, Shannon 337

Murray, Tyler 266

Musick, Blase 300

Mutabazi, Olivier 256

Mutoni, Agnes 302

Muzzy, Trevor Lee 210

Myers, Caitlin 367

Myers, Chandler 317

Myhre, CalebScott 136

Myhre, Justin 263 N

Nagamine, Eric 335

Naginis, John Joseph 83, 144

Nagle, Baily 280

Naidu, Partha Swarup 223

Nainggolan, Judith Ruth 195

Nair, Nikhil 365

Nakamoto, Iliana 295

Namluck, Rachapon 316

Nan, Chandler 281

Naranjo, Tristan 327

Naseer, Anne 368

Nasto, Christian 367

Naumann, Christian 302

Nava, Carla 348

Naylor, Kaleb 345

Nazario, Antonio 357

Neff, Patrick 363

Neghina, Dan 270

Nelson, Austin 280

Nelson, Elisa 265

Nelson, Taylor 308

Nemeth. MarikaNicole 95

Neprud, Steven Alan 117, 462

Nero, Robert 290

Nethercutt, Dustin 262

Neuman, Alicia 291

Neumann, Sarah Elizabeth 165, 399

Nevis, Alyssa 324

New, Kathryn 257

Newell, Walker 298

Newland, Alexa Nicole 110

Newman, Christopher 347

Newman, Garrett 362, 427

Ng, Justin 153

Nguyen, Dang-Khoa 294

Nguyen, Jonathan 278

Nguyen, Kelly 259

Nichols, Ethan 286

Nicholson, Benjamin Edgar 124

Nicholson, Elijah 260

Nicholson, Ryan 320

Nicol, Anna 340

Niederland, Alec 328

Niehaus, Moriah 370

Nielsen, Bjorn 329

Nifakos, George 360

Niles, Clarke 276

Niquette, Justin Scott 136,465

Nistler, Erin 253

Nix, Alvin 316

Nix, Riley 327

Noble, Trevor 258

Nobley, Garrett Henry 165

Nodland, Christopher 310

Noeldner, Jonah 368

Nolan, David 306

Nole, Emily 283

Nordell, Jack 257

Nordhaus, Clay Steven 141

Nordhues, Gregory William 206

Norman, Dane 283

Norton, Alexander 357

Norton, Zachary 340

Noudewo, Noelle 335

Nubine, Aaron 350

Nunley, Christina 287

Nuno, Abraham 316

Nyaga-Oglesby, Amy Tsika Karimi 157

Nye, Gregory 361

Nye, Kristen 274

Nyfeler, Peter 370

Nypaver, Kaleb 251


Oakley, Nicholas 366

Oare, Jacob 279

Obeidat, Amer Nasri 95

Obeidat, Omar Nasri 106

Obenschain, Ross 273

Obluda, Katherine Suzanne 241,465

O'Brien, Alexandra 264

O’Brien, Kelsie 351

O'Bryan,Ian 287

O’Bryan, Sean 288

Ocheskey, Stanley 358

O’Connell, Bryce 290

O'Connell, Shane Kevin 161

Odneal, Connor 309

O'Donnell, Spencer 253

Oehrle, Andrew Rodman 157

Oetting, Erin Rebecca 110

Oh, Joshua 354

Oh, Thomas 292

O’Hanlon, Patrick 337

O’Hara, Conor 275

Ohms, Stephanie Anna 128

Okeley, Robert 271

Okoro, Henry 346

Oldham, Christian 339

O’Leary, Alexis 294

Olesen. Robert John 233

Olesinski, Anna Maria 141

Oligario, Dakota 297

Olijnyk, Taylor Lopez 284

Oliver, Austin 251

Oliver, Brandy 3243

Oliver, John 270

Oliver, Josiah 369

Oliver, Matthew 283

Oliveri-Williams, Terrance 26

Ollis, Seth 313

Meyers, Mary Suzanne 48, 165, 425

Morgan, Drew 300


Olmos, Molly 295

Olsen, Alexander Daniel 92, 188

Olson, Ashley Marie 168

Olson, Jared 323

Olson, Laura 299

Olson, Maxwell 318,422

Olson, Ryan 343

Omenye, Nnaji 293

Onwuzu, Nelson Chiedozie 161

Onyechi, Jacob 323

Ooms, Symen 301

Orahood, Charles 256

Orazkhanov, Ablay 360

Orcutt, Jacqueline 3137

O’Reilly, Ryan James 237, 447

Orellana, Rodrigo 259

Orikogbo, Oluwayemisi 291

Ormsby, Logan 286

Omer, Jacob 252

Orozco, Juan 290

Orr, Jacob 316

Ortiz, David Nathaniel 233

Ortiz, Sarenna Marie 188

Orwig, Carson Wyatt 241

Osborn, Alexandra 284

Osborn, Travis John 161

Osgard, Joshua 281

O’Shea, Patrick Joseph 192

Osheka, Thomas 346

Oshiro, Cassidy 308

Osinloye, Kehinde 259

Ossolinski, Lauren 317

Ostrom, Victoria 315

O’Sullivan, Kristina 317

O’Sullivan, Sean 336

Ott, David 259

Ott, Jesse 282

Ottino, Douglas 300

Ouano, Nicolas 11, 338

Owen, Hayden 300

Owens, Jacobi 353

Oxford, Hanson 317


Pace, Hunter 354

Pacheco, Jarren 330

Padilla, Michael Joseph 184

Paecht, Jordan 312

Page, Cody 278

Page, Collin 289

Pahissa, Robert 320

Pak, Nathaniel 352

Palmer, Ryan 319

Palow, Michael 335

Pang,Joseph 299

Pangrac, Spencer 349

Papp, Evan284

Parati, Robert Joseph 227

Parcasio, Heather 290

Parino-Ramchara, Ryan 300

Park, Bryan Jiwon 113, 446

Park, Junwoo 251

Park, Min 265

Park, Sabin 19

Park, Sun 49,230

Parker, Cedric James 199

Parker, Jacqueline 267

Parker, Klinton 334

Parker, Stephen 361

Parker, Taylor Brianne 128, 384, 392, 465

Parks, Andrew Stephen 118, 423

Parks, Grant 255

Parks, Jonathan 357

Parlagreco, Johnelle 289

Parnell, Hunter 360

Parsch, Eli Victor 184

Parsons, Collin 285

Parzych, Jacob 315

Pasion, Christil 341

Pasque, Patricia Ann 137

Pasterski, Kyle 320

Patel, Rudra 295

Patenko, Yelizaveta 297

Pater, Kyle 305 476 INDEX

Patnode, Garrett 262

Patterson, Kevin 292

Patterson, William 289

Patti, Christopher 345

Pattillo, Meghan 327

Pauken, Emma Austin 206

Paulk, Benjamin 258

Paulsen, Brandon 288

Paulson, Ashlyn 357

Paulson, Zachary Christian 137,457

Pauser, Brianna Nicole 245

Pautsch, Cole 319

Payne, Adam 322

Payne, Damon 318

Payne, Daniel 349

Payne, Devin 266

Payne, Zachary 335

Pearce, Hudson 352

Pearce, Patrick 261

Pearce, Sam Benjamin 59, 172

Peer, Jerry Andrew 195

Pellegrini, Montana 320

Pelletier, Devin Reid 25, 102

Peloquin, Casey Paul 184

Pelter, Adam 307

Pena, Benjamin Diego 149, 462

Pennella, Tyler 365

Pennington, Elizabeth 286

Pepe, William 291

Pepper, Mary 343

Peray-Genovese, Marcello 368

Perea, Andrea Marie 223

Perez, Christopher 273

Perez, Gabriel 350

Perez, Isaac 289

Perez, Leslie 305

Perez, Victoria 325

Perkins, Hilary 350

Perkins, Quin’shay 343

Perkins, Taylor William 224, 448, 462

Perniciaro, Raymond 302

Perry, Janeka 275

Perry, Matthew 337

Perry, Zachary Paul 230

Peters, Nolan 278

Petersen-Ruud, Roman 321

Peterson, John Garrett 176

Peterson, Jordan 325

Peterson, Justin 265

Peterson, Preston 293

Pethtel, Logan 295

Petrie, Zachary 261

Petty, Jenna 256

Pham, Joseph 325

Philichi, Matthew 274

Phillips, Andrew David 92, 192

Phillips, Elisha 264

Phillips, Jessica 263

Phillips, Molly 270

Phillips, Patrick 323

Phillips, Sydney 286

Phillips, William 351

Philpot, Madeleine Bennett 95

Philson, Saphira Yasmine 125

Pickert, Joseph 330

Pickhinke, Tyler 294

Pierce, Brandon 324

Pierson, Jordan 35

Pierstorff, Alex 353

Pieschl, Michael 354

Pike, Ethan 267

Pina, Kevin 263

Pinedo, Naideli 335

Pingree, Jackson 325

Pinson, Gabrielle 316

Pinto, Natalia 137

Piontek, Nicholas 297

Piper, Andrew 66, 289

Piper, Luke 327

Pipkins, Farley 357

Pirovolidis, Nicholas 355

Plasay, Thomas 319

Plaskett, Steven 367

Plaza, Michael 268

Plazas, Carlos 293

Ploschnitznig, Jacob 275

Plummer, Lyle 291

Plunkett, Meghan 293

Poisson, Madeleine 346

Polachek, Samuel 270

Polakowski, Jacob 269

Poland, Chaise 298

Polivka, Stefanie 259

Pollack, Alexander 278

Pollack, Nicholas 277

Pollard, Kevin 308

Pollock, Mikaela 289

Pond, Jacob Aaron 184

Pond, Taylor 319

Pontious, Reece 355

Poole, Brennen 266

Pope,Joshua 273

Popovich, Marko 330

Popovich, Riley 267

Porath, Kevin Joseph 149

Porras, Nicholas 323

Porter, Cortney 300, 392

Porter, Ethan 341

Post, Kyle 353

Potter, Kanchan 319

Potter, Samantha 349

Potthoff, John 363

Potts, Garrett 286

Potts, Johnny 333

Potts, Michael Jeremy 219,458

Poupart, Nikole Lea 219

Poveromo, Alexa 262

Powell, Rachel Nicole 132,384

Powers, Isaac 333

Poythress, Brian 358

Prack, Quincy 268

Prado, Jordan 266

Prado, Ross 306

Pranavamurthi, Vivek 297

Preston, Cassaundra 292

Price, Gareth 296

Price, Taylor 322

Price, William Rip 234

Prince, Tirzah Wende202

Prinslow, Thomas 336

Protzman, Benjamin 302

Proulx, Joshua 298

Provost, George 296

Prusko, Kassandra Nicole 177

Prussing, Gunther 262

Pruznick, Sarah 330

Pubins, Taylor Reid 210, 462

Pugh, William Robert 165

Puhek, Jeffrey 260

Pujats, Trey 351

Pung, Christian 328

Purdom, Dylan 366

Puri, Kevin 358

Puttkammer, Kelsey 352

Pyne, Vaughn Joshua 157


Quaintance, Paige 265

Quandt, Jesse 362

Quarderer, Joshua Russell 132

Quattrociocchi, Nicole 309

Queen, Aaron 271

Queenan, Connor 279

Quesinberry, Gregory 301

Quillman, Mickeal 309

Quinn, Darius 326

Quinn, John 310

Quinon, Gabriel Martinez 253

Quinto, Mai-Lin 349

Quiros, Jonathan 292

Quitta, Colin 308


Rackers, Jared 339

Rackham, Joshua 331

Radjenovich, Joshua 369

Radosevich, Nickolas 290

Raess, Dylan 361

Rafanan-Reynolds, Kennisa 365

Raia, Kasey 360

Ramage, Kyle 265

Ramey, Brianna 320

Ramirez, Alyssa Ann 227

Ramirez, Karol 288

Ramirez, Paige 355

Ramsey, Austin David 88,168

Ramsey, Jesse David 52, 196

Ramsey, Elizabeth Noelle 184

Ramseyer, Ryan 274

Rana, Moatasim 271

Randall, Kate 262

Rapp, Tyler 304

Rast, James 303

Ray, Cody 269

Ray, Wesley 304

Rayburn, Connor 334

Raymond, Dominic 364

Read, Elizabeth 325

Read, Jordan Patrick 165

Ready, Nicholas 340

Rebollo, Anthony 296

Records, Morgan 342

Redd, Mormon 291

Redfearn, Joseph 370

Redhead, Ryan Lee 234, 458

Redito, Jacob Hannan 118

Redman, Greggory 255

Redmon, Stephen 363

Reece, Joshua 276

Reed, Audrey 355

Reed, Brian Takashi 110

Reed, Brittney 268

Reed, Samantha 298

Reese, Alicia 321

Reese, Cydnee 278

Reeves, Grayson 277

Reeves, Matthew 307

Reffitt, Ryan 333

Regan,Jacquelyn 273

Rehwaldt, Dylan 287

Reichenbach, Heath Garrett 231

Reid. Alan 299

Reid, Clayton Daniel 207

Reid, Dylan 278

Reid, Patrick 349

Reiland, Alexander 327

Reilly, Connor 285

Reilly, Scott Alexander 121

Reinert, Isaac 368

Reisbord, Spencer 323

Reisch, Nicholas Ryan 227

Reisinger, Meredith 353

Reiss, Evan 337

Rellinger, Sean 333

Remmo, Sevrin Graham 196

Renaud, Cara Jeanne 137

Renick, Joshua 315

Renne, Caitlyn 303

Resnick, Phillip 11, 76, 350, 442

Resweber, Andrew 317

Reveles, Alexandra 268

Revereza, Jeremiah 278

Rexroad, Samuel 253

Reyes, Earljohn 253

Reyes, Paolo 301

Reynolds, Daniel 341

Reynolds, John 324

Rhea, Grace Elizabeth 149

Rhodes, Nikolai 367

Rhynes, Garrett 326

Riazzi, Carmen 363

Richard, Emily 266

Richards. Kathryn 326

Richards. Patrick Sean 114

Richards, Riley 296

Richards, Sean 415

Richardson, Kiowa 333

Richardson, Robert Hunter 141

Richert, Averi 356

Richter, Evan John 211

Rickett, Tyler 345

Ricotta, Frankie 463

Rico, Tyler Cecilio 219

Ragay, Kyle Walter 245

Rahimzadeh, Stephanos 252

Ricotta III, Frank John 149

Rider, Scott 258

Riechers, KateLyn 269

Rieker, Michael 354

Riesterer, Isaak 280

Riganti, Thomas 288

Riggs, Monica 363

Riley, Jacob 269

Riley, Josiah 313

Riley, Shane Michael 177

Riley, Zachary 283

Rimel, Jarrett 318

Rindahl, Carl 310

Ringe, Caleb 348

Ringenbach, Steven 261

Riskus, Antanas 306

Risma, Christopher 341

Risma, Nicholas 340

Risse, Dean 265

Rittmann, Brooke 276

Rivera, Carlos 325

Rivera, Isaac Nolberto 199

Rivera, Jordan295

Rivera, Miles 276

Rivera, Tania 298

Robb, Ryan 321

Robb, Stephanie 299

Robbins, Dane 267

Robbins, Matthew 370

Robbins, Matthew Nicholson 234

Robe, William Calvin 121

Roberts, Candice 306

Roberts, Jared 338

Roberts, Karson Allan 168, 377, 379

Robertson, Breahna 316

Robertson, John 253

Robertson, Kayla Eckert 172, 447

Robertson, Mikayla 308

Robinette, Jalen 329

Robinson, Ciarra 351

Robinson, Cody 264

Robinson, Hunter 281

Robinson, Luke 283

Robinson, Mitchell 294

Roblez, Andrea 264

Roche, Meghan 358

Roche, Preston 313

Rochell, Matthew Steven 165

Rochester, Alexia 338

Rockers, Brandon 262

Rockwell, Kaleb Charles 202

Roddenberry, Amelia 329

Roddenberry, Landon 313

Rodemaker, Austin Boyd 203

Rodisch. Brendan 297

Rodriguez, Alejandro Adonais 237 Rodriguez, Brandon 306

Rodriguez, Jessica 328

Rodriguez, Natasha 267 Rodriguez, Nicholas 336

Rodriguez, Tyler 279

Rodriguez, Victoria 294

Rogers, Aaric 303

Rogers, Benjamin Leelyn 161

Rogers, Hannah 366

Rogers, James 351

Rogers, Nina 336

Rogers, Trevor 353

Rogovin, Max 356

Rohlwing, Sydney 359

Rohr, Heath 269

Rohrbach, Roman 343

Rohrer, Austin Trey 145

Rojas, Alondra 297

Roland, Matthew 35

Romero, Christopher 326

Romero, Drew 309

Romine, Nathaniel 308

Romitti, Jacob 254

Romney, Kent 305

Rone, Jaren Thomas 98

Ronsman, Dean 343

Roop, Jonah 354

Rosario, Abdiel Casanas 283

Rosas, Raquel 356

Rose, Arthur 287

Rose, Mitchell 8,311

Rosedahl, Parker 256

Roseler, Joshua 267

Rosenthal, Andrew Cole 192

Rosenthal, McKenzie 271

Ross, Angelea Louise 98

Rossillon, Eric 286

Rostenkowski, Tyler 341

Rothstein, Casey 297

Rouleau, Samuel 335

Rourke, Carmela McChesney

Rovney, Patrick 327

Rowan, John Taylor 245

Roze, Chloe 339

Rozo, Juan 355

Rudd, Robert 335

Rudico, Jocelle 257, 425

Rudolph, Jonathan 333

Rudolph, Mackenzie 301

Rudy, Stephen 260

Ruechel, Andrew Joseph 199

Ruf, Corben 268

Rumsey, Preston 357

Rupard, Gabrielle 355

Rupel, Ryan James 106

Rushing, Devin Blaine 203

Russel, Rachel 331

Russell, Kyle David 241

Russell, Nicolas 270

Ryals, Toby 327

Ryan, Elianna 361

Ryan, Sean 353

Ryan, Travis Andrew 237

Rydjeski, James 256

Ryer, Shaun 316

Rymniak, Viktor 290


Sabin, Samuel Kenneth 81,241

Sabin, Vincent 364

Sackey, Orchydia 324

Sagisi, Erin 355

Schaffer, Alexander 300

Schaffer, Forrest Joseph 158

Schell, Samuel 303

Schenk,Jacob 284

Scheppe, Adrian 349

Scherer, Matthew 262

Schiller, Jonathan 266

Schlosberg, Kira 302

199,453 Schluetz, Karl 292

Schmidt, Kyra 278

Schmidt, Samuel 314

Schmitt, Hayden 363

Schnall, Robert 276

Schnoes, Colin 263

Schoonover, Wyatt 341

Schroeder, Maria 309

Schroeder, Thomas James 169

Schroedl, O’Shea 322

Schultz, Nicholas 306

Schumacher, Jordan 339

Schumacher, Luke 336

Schuster, Kevin 366

Schwaegel, Cole 352

Schwanebeck, Jessica 332

Schwartz, Allison 362

Schwartz, Jeremy 265

Schwartzkopf, Ryan 279

Schwenke, Taylor 275

Schwerner, James 295

Scott, Andrew 339

Scott, John 272

Scott, Lucas 309

Scott, Samuel 359

Scowcroft, John 336

Scully, Corey 325

Seale, Parker 355

Search, Gregory Fields 73, 237

Sebben, Julia 369, 398

Sedgwick, Alyssa 305

Sedore, Connor 369

Seeber, Charles 302

Sakovich, Clare Elizabeth 19,200

Sakowicz, Donald 300

Salem, James Hassan 241,395

Salimu, Yohance Ajamu 121

Salmon, Matthew 330

Salomon, Daniel Eric 200

Saltijeral-Powell, Cesar 339

Samaha, Trenton 357

Samayoa, Abinadi 380

Samayoa, Nery 360

Samloff, Alexis 365

Sanborn, Kaitlyn Louise 211

Sanchez, David 166

Sanchez, Jason Anthony 129

Sanchez, Nicolas 369

Sanders, Brandon 277

Sanders, Darrion 292

Sanders, Ja’mel 366

Sanders, Nathan 322

Sanderson, Luke 316

Sandor, Colin 338

Sands, Brendon 308

Sanelli, Dana Elaine 133

Santala, Christina 348, 406

Santini, Joshua 346

Sapell, Anthony Randall 110

Sapita, Samuel 368

Sapper, Karl 360

Sarabia, Stephanie Banzon 158

Sargent, David 273

Sarmiento, Rio 314

Sarobol, Pawin 92, 173

Sarrazin, Nigel 259

Sartz, Brian 299

Satcher, Jon 125

Sattler, Jason 331

Saucedo, Jacob 298

Sauer, Steven Gaines 149

Saunders, Devin 352

Sauter, Michael 329

Savoie, Josiah 361

Sax, Liam 289

Saxton-Getty, Paige 153

Scarboro, Mikayla 254

Schaefer, Robert 319

Shisler, Matthew 323

Shiver, Joseph 341

Shoaf, Steel MacArthur 211

Shoaf, Stone Eisenhower 32, 125

Sholi, Samer 362

Shollin, Travis 337

Shune, Arthur 328

Shunk, Emily 312

Sides, Lauren 364

Sidor, Ella Yuryevna 118

Siegel, Craig 270

Silk, Shaun 285

Silva, Jose 271

Silva, Ryan 282

Silverbush, Amy Elaine 102

Simmons, Grant Douglas 154

Simmons, Jericho 265

Simonton, Mary 338

Simpson, Brianna 342

Simpson, Matthew Carl 234

Simpson, Robert 271

Simpson, Rudy 345

Sims, Georgia 277

Sims, James 349

Sims, John 300

Singh, Jaspreet 330

Singler, Gabrielle 358

Siniscalchi, Trevor 301

Sipes, Trenton 258

Sisco, Alex 341

Sitt, Gordon 254

Sitton, Gareth 301

Sivohins, Deniss 288

Skibo, Stanley 274

Skidmore, Alison 368

Skidmore, Grace 307

Skinner, Brynn 255

Skinner, Colin 361

Skinner, Logan 331

Skoglund, Daniel 275

Skold, Samantha 251

Seeley, Evan 284

Seely, Matthew Hugheston 102

Sefton, Matthew 276

Seitz, Natalie 252

Self, Jerni 268

Self, Joshua 251,379

Sellers, Robert Benjamin 173

Seman, Hudson 306

Sency, Darren Alexander 98

Senn, Kyle 266

Sentongo, Samuel 366

Seraly, Silvia 282

Seratte, Jake 257

Serrano, Sarah 357

Serratore, Matthew 346

Seto, Nicholas 252

Severino, Connor 282

Shadix, Melanie 334

Shaffer, Jacob 268

Shald, David 320

Shalongo, Kaylee 335

Shanley, William 260

Shannon, Eamon 298

Shadow, Ryan 336

Sharp, Logan 259

Sharpy, Matthew 312

Shattuck, Jonfranco 356

Shaver, Crosby 278

Shea, Anthony 343

Sheahan, Nolan 281

Sheets, Braeden Alexander 242

Sheikh, Matthew 20, 328

Sheikh, Samuel 263

Shellhouse, Daniel Garrett 203

Shelmidine, Christopher 332

Shenk, Megan 308

Shenk, Timothy Joseph 177

Shepherd, Gabriel 255

Sherrill, Mary Margaret 137

Sherwood, Thomas 358

Shields, Jordan 359

Shiffman, Samantha 268

Shimanek, Jeremy David 238

Shimkus, Kristen 261

Shipley, James 309

Slagley, Madeline 270

Slater, Reginald 339

Slavoski, Nicole 285

Slein, Colleen 281

Sless, Aaron 318

Sligh, Marisa 292

Slimp, Stephanie 315

Slosted, John 312

Sluznis, Patrick 348

Smalley, Landon James 211

Smalls, Robert 295

Smart, Phillip 305

Smet, Edward 331

Smith, Addison 304

Smith, Amanda 70, 311

Smith, Anthony 353, 369

Smith, Austin Tyler 166,418

Smith. Bailey 261

Smith. Braden 339

Smith, Caitlin 258

Smith, Charles 280, 335

Smith, Conner Daniel 188

Smith, Darelle 310

Smith, Dylan Kane 114, 277

Smith, Graham 274

Smith, Jaci 337

Smith, Jack 364

Smith, Katherine Thea 231, 463

Smith, Quincy 272

Smith, Rebecca 345

Smithson, Jared 302

Smith, Spencer 251

Smith, Sterling 254

Smith, Taylor 266

Smith, Timothy 365

Smith, William 321

Smithson, Jarod 302

Smithwick, Emily 341

Smythe, Madison 332

Sneed, Austin 356

Sneeringer, David 335

Sneeringer, Simon 307

Snell, Michael 337


Snow, Caleb 367

Snyder, Emily 288

Snyder, Steven 287

Socolofsky, Zachary 280

Soder, Dylan 310

Sofet, Nicole 254

Solano-Bloodworth, Francisco 203

Soldau, Christian Michael 133

Solomon, Paul Jacob 99

Soltero, Kimberly 291

Sommers, Joshua 286

Song, Esther 322

Song, Seung 284

Soomro, Wasim Wahab 196

Soonthonnitikul, Khornwitpong 260

Soto, Daniel 361

Soult, John 340

Southworth, Race Christian 196

Spalding, Jackson 330

Sparks, Cayden 370

Sparling, Malachi 284

Sparrow, Zechariah 311

Spaulding, Preston Kenneth 231

Specht, Abby 284

Spence, Tyler Jackson 125, 458

Speranza, Dominick 260

Speshock, Joseph Matthew 203

Spires, Michelle 321

Spletzer, Haley 348

Spletzer, Joseph Paul 188

Sponseller, Hannah 254

Sprague, Matthew Phillip 9, 161

Sprankle, Tabitha Montana 177

Spratt, Kyle 317

Spring, Eli Quarles 188

Springer, Audrey Elizabeth 158

Springer, Hannah 310

St John, Marcial Antonio 129

St Peter, Troy 368

Stader, Corey Allen 83,110

Stafford, Jacob 351

Stafford, Ryan 359

Staib, Curtis Benjamin 106

Stallmann, Benjamin Nelson 137 Stanford, Nathan 347

Stank, Joseph Quinn 166,433

Stanley, Jacob 304

Stanley, John Curtis 92, 114

Stanley, Matthew 283

Stanton, Ashley 314

Stanz, Benjamin 334

Stapper, Sierra 261

Stark, Benjamin 264

Stark, John Patrick 114

Starr, Grant 308

Starrette, Shane 400

Starred, Shane 262

Statley, Logan 294

Staton, Alyssa 340

Staton, Bennett 324

Staudacher, George 346

Staudenmaier, Colleen 344

Steele, Christopher 338

Steele, Tyler 282

Steele, Wyatt 313

Steelhammer, Weston 311

Stefanovic, Bradley 343

Steighner, Alexandra 321

Stein, Steven 354

Steinemann, Andrew 281

Steiner, Stephen 256

Stell, Brett 286

Stelmack, Robert 368

Stenger, Matthew 316

Stenger, Michael 302

Stensberg, Lucas Jon 106

Stepan, Zachary James 242

Stephens, Charles 259

Stephens, Hunter 251

Stephens, Kaitlin MacKenzie 102

Sternat, Noah 267

Stewart, Colby 282

Stewart, Nkozi 309

Stewart-Moore, Caitlin 370

Stiers, Kirk Christopher 95

Stiles, Jordan 342

Stille, Dustin 289

Stilwell, Joshua 346

Stimeling, Lindsey Nicole 141

Stimpson, Kassandra Jo 52, 133 Stiner, Derryk 335

Stinett, Kevyn Lee-Anne 234, 403

Stocking, Braxton 259

Stolze, Aaron Christopher 185

Stolze, Zachary 287

Stout, Tyler 289

Stowe, Colton 322

Strang, Meghan 351

Strang-Lockhart, Brianna 368

Straub, James 327

Strebel, Luke 357

Stretch, Thomas 274

Strever, Isaac 360

Stringfield, Ian Mackay 23, 107

Strobelt-McCann, Nevan 273

Strom, Emma 253

Strom, Olivia Mary 121

Stromberg, Alexander 339

Stronko, Samuel 281

Stroud, Lauren 316

Strunk, Philip 251

Stuart, Tanner 304

Stuffle, Caleb 352

Stukey, Joseph 270

Sturdivant, Jared 344

Stutesman, Kathryn 11, 264

Stutts, Donald 340

Sufficool, Chad Nicholas 177

Sugars, Roberto 255

Suggs, Connor 265

Suh, Sung Woo 162

Suito, Sandra Cecilia 192

Sullivan, Caitlin Rebecca 162,295,438

Sullivan, DanielEverett 92, 129

Sullivan, Ryan 326

Sullivan, Thomas 312

Suite, Sydney 294

Sultemeier, Scott Henry 162

Sumait, Adam 290

Sumbundu, Ali 362

Summerour, Harrison 300

Sunday, Otto Dalton 129

Surver, Joshua 330

Sutedjo, Richard Sam 181

Sutedjo, Sean 364

Sutton, Dailen 370

Sutton, Michael 285

Swain, Erin 283

Swanson, Matthew 263

Swartzman, Isaac 325

Swartzman, Joshua 320

Sweet, Philip 284

Sweeten, Sara 324

Swift, Allyson Nicole 211

Swinbum, Jaron Joshua 129,463

Swize, Emmie 313

Sylvester, Levi 273

Szabo, Matthew 303

Szala, Victoria 257

Szuch, Nathanael Jordan 162


Tagatac, Ryan Mark 200

Taglieri, Albert 319

Taheri, Branson 349

Takao, Thomas George 196

Talesfore, Clayton 333

Talosaga, Anthony 285

Tan,Joe 305

Tang, Dylan 277

Tanja, Leo 262

Tankersley, Andrew 307

Tanthorey, David 363

Tarango, Gustavo 315

Tarantino, Adam David 173, 446

Tarray, Vinoe 337

Tasic, Jenna Laureen 181,406

Tate, Jacob Allen 133

Tati-Mackaya, Den 273

Tatom, James 355

Tatum, William 322

Taucher, Logan 298

Taylor, Brennan Powell 181

Taylor, Emily 287

Taylor, Ian Wade 169

Taylor, Jacob 359

Taylor, John 16,338

Taylor, Joseph 303

Taylor, Kaden 319

Taylor, Nicole Loren 220

Taylor, Noah 360

Taylor, Samuel 315

Taylor, Seth Aaron 216

Taylor, Warren 314

Teed,Joseph 332

Teets, Emily 267

Teicher, Shanon 271

Tellez, Vincente 299

Temple, Grant 273

Temple, Jack 276

Terragnoli, John Paul 145

Terrell, Anthony 345

Terrell, Thomas 362

Terry, Yelena 301

Testerman, John 287

Tetla, Ryan 347

Texeira, Lukas 328

Thackrah, John 352

Thatcher, Mason 293

Thede, Ty 265

Thigpen, Conner 306

Thomas, Anthony 295

Thomas, Ben 333

Thomas, Brayden 342

Thomas, Ethan 353

Thomas, Kendall 286

Thomas, Linzi 347

Thomas, Mitchell 344

Thomas, Nathaniel 358

Thomas, Riley 387

Thomas, Ryan 25

Thomason, Eva 3167

Thomet, Collin 325

Thomley, Zachery 319

Thompson, Austin Denniston 238

Thompson, Erik Charles 207

Thompson, Maxwell 366

Thompson, Michelle 259

Thompson, Spencer 355

Thompson, Tanner 356

Thomsen, Conner 347

Thorley, McCord 264

Thorne, Carter 268

Thornton, Donald 287

Thornton, Julian Rashan 169

Thorstenson, Christy 259

Thuli, Alexis 269

Tidwell, Darren Craig 154

Tien, Andrew 363

Tierney, Kevin 339

Tijerina, Jaime 334

Tillery, Kristopher 350

Tilley, Jacob 257

Tinucci, Kayla 297

Titus, Christopher 298

Titus, Darian 362

Tobias, Jessica 298

Todd, Zachary Thomas 118, 463

Tolle, Brian Lucas 129

Tollefson, Trey 328

Tollon, Aaron 369

Tomcho, Landon 314

Tomczak, Kathryn 289, 426

Tomlinson, Kenneth 24, 44, 287

Tonnies, Taylor 327

Toohey, John 315

Toro, Alexis 347

Toro, Robert 258

Torres, Ashley 308

Torres Jr, Daniel 220

Torres, Jaime 329

Torres, Lance 359

Torres, Magdalena Mae 122

Torres-Sutterfield, Alyssa 338

Toscano, Luke 263

Tougas, John Paul 92, 144, 463

Touma, Jeremy 252

Toves, Jonathan 282

Towne, Aleksandr 317

Townley, Talon 272

Towns, Christopher Dewitt 234

Trafford, Miriam 298

Trambulo, Seth-Mitchell 347

Tran, Bryant 238

Treadwell, Charles 367

Trevino, Joanna 331

Trimble. Jamiel 252

Triner, Michael 349

Trischitta, Jason 342

Troilo, Domenic David 82, 96

Trojan, Steven Lee 149

Trotman, Peron 282

Trotter, Christopher Kai 166,446

Trout, Nathaniel 255

Truax, Lauren 319

True,Jenna 357

Trujillo, Christian 348

Trujillo, Neptaly 288

Trujillo, Zachary 318

Tryon, Tara 270

Tsang, Alexander 203

Tsao, Yu-Cheng 309

Tucker, Mikela 349

Tuma, Cecilia 154

Tung, Edson 333

Tung, Madison 346

Tunitis, Daniel 285

Tunnell, James 290

Turk, McKall 251

Turley, Garrett 320

Turner, D’Angelo Marcel 133

Turner, Jonathan 275

Turner, Joshua 280

Turner, Stephen 315

Turney, Chad Gilbert 173,415

Tuss, Joseph F. 251

Twomey, John 271

Tyler, Jordan 255

Tyson. Timothy 272


Uebelacker, Robert 284

Ulinski, Evan 345

Ullmann, Tyler 271

Um, Jessica 252

Umland, Maximilian John 245

Underhill, Amanda 300

Underland, Reagan 330

Unger, Christopher 350

Unseth, Vanessa 296

Upp, Megan 360

Urlaub, Jonah 301

Uzo-Okereke, Arinze Enyinnia 245, 458


Vacanti, Domenico 331

Vaccarella, Nicholas 258

Vaccaro, Anthony 310

Vaccaro, Carissa 284

Vail, Dylan 347

Vaillencourt, Alan James 110

Valasek, Christofer 311

Valcin, Alix 325

Valencia, Killian 355

Valencia, Kynan 278

Valencia Cadena, Fernando Gabriel 173

Valenciano, Joshua 302

Valentin. Melaine Loren 169

Valentine, John 276

Valentine, Joshua 181

Valentine, Whitton 288

Valenzuela, Matthew Tyler 207

Valenzuela, Vito 340

Valerio, Janel 265

Stigall, John 356 478 INDEX

Valk, Meriah 262

Toscano, Thomas 358

Vallejo, Dominic Alexander 169

Valleroy, Samuel 313

Van, Jacob 345

Van Epps, Lucas 361

Van Hoomissen, Grant 288

Van Rens, Adam 304

Van Wirt, Zoe Marie 107

Vance, Alexandra 273

VanDeGrift, Trey 318

Vanden Berg, Andrew Martin 185, 463

VanDenBroeke, Benjamin 348

VanderMaas, Meghan 60, 292

VanderWeide, Daniel 334

Vande Vrede, Scott 263

Vangen, Hansena Rhoda 204

VanGuilder, Ryan Edward 207

Vaninger, Matthew Robert 111, 463

Vann, Riley Elizabeth 238

Vargas, Connor 332

Vasta, Paul 272

Vaughn, William 311

Vaughn, Zachary 261

Vaught, Tyler 343

Vecchio, Jacob 341

Vedra, Mary 322

Venkataraman, Gautam 242

Ventura, Branden 348

Vereen, Shaquille 285

Vertucio, Andre 262

Ververis, Alexander 293

Vespasiano, Pablo 349

Vessa, Giulianna 303

Vestil, Marvin 370

Vicek, Ryan 333

Vickers, Rebecca Ray 162

Vill, Arlene 259

Villa, Lucas Philip 245

Villamaria, Luke Joseph 96

Villanueva, Alan 253

Villarreal, Angelia Marie 99

Villarreal, Daniel 356

Vincent, Noah 312

Violette, Trevor 323

Vitraelli, Richard 353

Vlassakis, Mark 306

Volin, Jacob 331

Volk, Nathaniel Keith 246

Volodkevich, Maria 317

Voltz, Christopher 364

Von Seggern, Anne Marie 145

Vonzurmuehlen, Bryce 256

Vorderbruggen., Adrianna 35

Voss, Samuel 318

Vowell, Lucas 284

Vrancken, Caleb 261

Vremea, Ion 339

Vuong, Minh 363


Wade, Arinn 342

Wagemaker, Emily Ann 192

Wagner, Bret 291

Wagner, Christana 363

Wagner, David 302

Wagner, Rebecca 352

Walbridge, Katelyn 265

Walden, Sedacy 268

Waldman, Matthew Philip 166, 465

Waldron, Lukas 257

Waligora, Justin 283

Walker, Brienne 295

Walker, David 353

Walker, Dexter Xavier 173

Walker, Julius Caleb 211

Walker, Robert 300

Wall, Bridged 347

Wall, Cheyenne 328

Wallace, Anya 276

Waller, William 321

Walls, Allyson 306

Walls, Matthew Allen 133

Walrod, Landon 266

Walsch, Christopher 366

Walsh, Matthew 264

Walsh, Trevor 351

Walsworth, John 294

Walton, Tristan 354

Wang, Timothy 314, 396

Wang, ZhengXin 312

Wani, Isaac 338

Wannamaker, Jackson 267

Ward, Marcus 368

Ward, Robert 297

Ward, Ryan 338

Ward, Timothy 361

Warden, Alexander Thomas 174, 418, 421,447

Wardner, Eric Joseph 122

Warfel, David 277

Warmolts, Jack 279

Warren, Alexander Ross 231

Warren, Joshua 327

Warren, Stephen Andrew 102

Warren, Zachary 307

Washer, Peter 277

Washington, Benton 255

Washington, Deanna 289

Washington, James 281

Washington, Jesse 311

Washington, Malik 251

Waterman, Robert 286

Watford, Kyle 316

Watkins, Jake 337

Watlington, Caine 285

Watson, Connor 350

Watson, Ryan 341

Watson, Zack 357

Watt, Gearick 270

Waugh, Joshua Tyler 150

Wawrzyniak, Madeleine 336

Wawrzyniak, Scott Michael 207

Wayne, Raymond 254

Weaver, Benjamin 302

Weaver, BradyChristopher 142

Weaver, Tyler 320

Webb, Kimberly Nicole 185, 464

Webbe, Vincent Anthony 107

Weber, Justin 293

Weber, Leah Victoria 212

Webster, Brandon 367

Webster, Connor 362

Webster, Jayce 315

Weidman, Mary 314

Weilbacher, Anna 325

Weinberg, Johannes Carl 145

Weingast, Jeffrey 330

Weir, Hayley 260

Weisner, Dustin Clay 162

Weisz, Daniel 308

Welborn, Jacob 346

Welch, Dalton 296

Weldon, Jack 360

Welkener, Timothy Alexander 130

Wells, Allyson 10,64,335

Wells, Jeremiah 275

Wells, John293

Wells, Liam 365

Weltzheimer, Jordan 315

Wendt, John 339

Wengreen, Jordan 369

Werkley, Anne 320

Wermuth, Eric James 212

Wermuth, Sebastian 305

Wesemann, Jared 25, 359

Wesemann, Jordan 281

Wesley, Walter 337

Wessel, Chance 367

West, Evan 299

West, Joshua 280

Westbrook, Justin 291

Westendorf, Trevor 262

Westland, Valerie 281

Westley, Linette 354

Weum, Jordan 273

Whalen, Robert 310

Wharton, Kylie 355

Wheeler, Brooke Anne 134

Wheeler, Joshua 303

Wheeler, Roland 274

Whitaker, Meagan Marie 53,111

Whitbord, Chandler 258

Whitaker, Savanna Brooke 53, 224

White, Andrew James 169,333

White, Benjamin 276

White, Britt 363

White, Ciera 268

White, Courtland 345

White, John 323

White, Marcus Daniele 220

White, Noah 370

Whitlow, Ryan 306

Whitt, Jonah 280

Whittington, Thomas 310

Whyte, Erik 344

Wiese, Olivia 366

Wiggins, Eric 258

Wiggins, Jordan 321

Wilburn, Conner 288

Wilde, Joseph 351

Wilde, Maxwell 253

Wilfong, Robert 279

Wilhelm, Ian 264

Wilhite, Joshua 313

Wilhite, Maverick 283

Wilken, Hannah 293

Wilkie, Travis 309

Wilkin, Joseph David 212

Wilkins, Adam Joseph 142

Willburn, Zane 338

Willemin, Mary 328

Williams, Alexander 318

Williams, Asia Domonique 134

Williams, Jonathan 298

Williams, Josiah 339

Williams, Nicholas 343

Williams, Russell 326

Williams, Tyler 345

Williams, Westley Lawrence 138

Williamson, Daron 314

Williamson, Kaileb 358

Williford, Mark James 188

Willigrod, Patricia 264

Willis, Anthony 261

Willis, Mitchell Robert 174

Wills, Carly Jo 150

Wilmer, Adam 304

Wilson, Brandtley Windham 170

Wilson, Carter 288

Wilson, Christopher 362

Wilson, Geoffrey 348

Wilson, Jackson 350

Wilson, Jeffrey 292

Wilson, Parker 259

Wilson, Timothy Sinclair 103

Wiltshire, Trent 252

Winbourne, Michael 282

Wineman, Rachel 298

Winningham, Caleb 311

Winslow, Briana 323

Wisniewski, Charles 312

Wiss, Andrew 334

Witgen, Kara 353

Witt, Konner David 138

Witwer, Daniel 342

Witzgall, Sarah 339

Wlosek, Robert 263

Wojciechowski, Joshua 364

Wolf, Karen 266

Wolf, Zachary 255

Wolfgramm, Sione Tufui 231

Wolters, Abbey Clare 189

Womacks, Matthew James 216

Wong, Douglas Wilson 246

Wong, Glenn Jun Long 207

Wong Jing Yi, Edmund 346

Wood, Katrina 358

Wood. Robert 285

Woodard, Carley Rexford 228

Woodcock, Jacob 315

Wooden, Jarrod Michael 92,170

Woodford, Nathaniel 329

Woodward, Kyle 289

Woodward, Thomas 326

Woody, Joseph 286

Woody, Maya 311

Woolbright, Kyle 362

Worley, Ryan 257

Worrell, Natsuko 74, 344

Worthman, Arion 328

Wright, Victoria 11,369

Wright, William Hunter 146

Wu, Young 257

Wulfson, Jacob Ryan 228

Wyllie, Andrew 356

Wynder, Tatiana 341


Yacos, Spencer 258

Yalung, Kevin 284

Yan, Shujie 257

Yandura, Eric 316

Yang, Christopher 276

Yang, Paul Jin 208, 256

Yantis, Alexander 286

Yarbrough, Brian Charles 235

Yamell, Jacob 277

Yarwood, Jacob 296

Yatko, Katherine 49, 350

Ybarra, Katleen 368

Yerram, Varun 306

Yi, Jisung 258

Yi, Terrence 336

Yie, Cindy 287

Yoder, Zachary 307

Yong, Christopher 316

Yoo, Brian 346

Yoo, Ryan 259

Yook, Daniel 289

Yoon, Minjong 319

Yoon, Peter 366

Young, Andre 344

Young, Benjamin 340

Young, Chad 279

Young, Christa 361

Young, Ethan 318

Young,Jack 348

Young, Leah 296

Younkers, Tyler 298

Yurcisin, Demi 358


Zabilski, Matthew 261

Zabojnik, Tyler 252

Zachary, Corbin 291

Zackrison, Sean 317

Zala, Jaydevsinh 309

Zamot, Noel 291

Zaniewski, Hunter 346

Zanin-Banks, Aaron 261

Zarate, Michael Robert 170

Zavislak, Colin 259

Zeltmann, Zachary 289

Zendali, Giorgio Max 193

Zhao, Andrew 287

Ziegler, Nathan 324

Zielen-Ersing, Eric 269

Zigler, Rachel Reed 158

Zillweger, Nathanael Ryan 177, 404

Zimmerman, Mary 252

Zimmerman, William 269

Zimmie, Heather 289

Zinkus, Victoria 326

Zivney, Daniel 319

Zuberer, Grayson 293

- Shari Arison
THE BLUE YONDER MAY BE WILD, BUT MANAGING YOUR MONEY DOESN’T HAVE TO BE. A generation before the first U.S. Air Force Academy class was sworn in, USAA began proudly serving the financial needs of the military community. From your first PCS or deployment to long after you hang up the uniform, your financial success is our ongoing mission. USAA® Vc USAA Financial Center 1855 Telstar Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Local Phone Number: 719-244-9041 USAA.COM Membership and producteligibility and underwriting restrictions apply and are subject to change. USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. No Department of Defense or government agency endorsement. © 2015 USAA. 221129-0715

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oo REALIZINGTHE VALUE OF AEROSPACE POWER IN AMERICA’S INTEREST The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies For more information visit our website at: www.mitchellaerospacepower.org
COMMERCIAL ADS 489 ATMOSPHERIC TECHNOLOGY SERVICES COMPANY Supporting the Operations of the U.S. Air Force Academy Cadets www.atscwx.com 405 325.0056

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A PROPPER" FRANCHISEE PROUD TO DRESS THE MEN & WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES. 65th Infantiy Avenue 109 South Lajas, PR 00667 787-899-1707 “A CULTURE OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT" Wo nr er» Ow nedSm all Bus in es s Co fifnc* Ci's** mcrrrcrrn^mrrzm/jgrpr.corFi CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2016! Thank you for your service, dedication & support of our amazing country & for helping us save our freedoms. When you're in Las Vegas, please dine with us! Active& Retired personnel receive a 15% discount on their meal as a small token of our respect & sincere appreciation. ••• • ELEMENTS FINE CASUAL DINING & COCKTAILS 4950 S. Rainbow Blvd. #100, Las Vegas, NV 89118 (corner of Tropicana & Rainbow Avenues). 492 COMMERCIAL ADS
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Congratulations to the graduates of theUnited States Air Force Academy! Our country remains the land of the free because of your brave dedication.

LtCol Denny Weddle USAF (Ret), Owner/President of D3 Marketing is honored to spearhead the advertising for the Polaris. His pride in the USAF Academy is as strong as his pride of his years of service in the US Air Force. His positions as Chief Cadet Wing Media & Chief of Protocol at the Academy has allowed him an even stronger pride in the Academy. Our entire Agency is proud of the Academy graduates who have become a strong force in our Nation's freedom. For your dedication & loyalty, we applaud & respect you.

Thank you for your service!

LTC (Ret.) Denny Weddle, Owner/President of D 3 Marketing is is honored to spearhead the advertising for the 2016 Polaris. His pride in the United States Air Force Academy is as strong as his pride of his many years of service in the US Air Force. His positions as Chief Cadet Wing Media and Chief of Protocol at the Academy has allowed him an even stronger pride in the Academy. Our entire agency is proud of the men and women Academy graduates who have gone on to become a strong force in our Nation's freedom. For your dedication and loyalty, we applaud and respect you. Thank you for your service!

Marketing Solutions Las Vegas (Formerly Denny Weddle & Associates) 2300 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 950 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Phone: 702-296-8741 COMMERCIAL ADS 495

Colophon Polaris Vol. 58

Body Text: AWPCTimes

Captions: AWPCTimes, AWPCTimesItalic

Headlines: AWPCAvantGuardBold

The 2016 Polaris was produced and printed by Walsworth Yearbooks of Marceline, MO, with Greg Stimack as company representative. Walsworth designer, Justin Cantwell, was responsible for theme and page design. U.S. Air Force Academy employees Brad Milliman and James Rush handled editing and served as advisors to cadet writers and photographers, Maureen Welch supervised the production process as Chief of Cadet Wing Media.

Cover: The cover design includes a four-color lithograph cover depicting the theme "Fire and Ice" with a multi-level embossing on the front and back cover. A matte lamination was used to enhance the clear silkscreen applied over the theme elements. The front cover and spine also include a hot foil application. Navy Blue Foil was used on the spine and Brite Silver Foil was used on the front cover.

Endsheets: the Crest on the front endsheet includes a navy blue hot foil application.

InDesign CS5, Illustrator CS5 and Photoshop CS5 were the software programs used.

A total of 4,400 copies of the 2016 Polaris were printed.


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