Polaris 2017 USAF Academy Yearbook

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POLARIS 2017 Volume LIX U.S. Air Force Academy Colorado Springs, CO 80840

The Class of 2017 has become part of the long blue line. We face goodbyes, uncertainty, and immense responsibility. In this strange new future, we are each a zooming flash of blue lightning - azure, topaz, cerulean, sapphire - that creates the broader landscape of Air Force members before and after us. We began our journey just as any other class and have reached the various markers of a cadet career like any other.

Respect All, Fear None was, and is, our motto. Four years have introduced us to seven classes. Over this time our aspirations have shifted from never fearing the challenges given by our predecessors to remembering to respect those who in their turn follow us.

This is not what makes the Class of 2017 unique however. Our uniqueness lies in the people who make up our class.

While we are a single unit represented by a year, we each havehad a different odyssey at USAFA.

There is unity in knowing you are different. When you own your specific brand of uniqueness, the result is no fear in being yourself. When you then face the dragon of adversity, you become the hero determined to defeat the monster. You can believe in yourself.

Cadet life is marked with what seems to be insurmountable adversity. At the same time, while you fight your personal war, every cadet can look beside themselves and see someone else locked in battle. The great hero Beowulf’s final battle was won with help from another warrior who was facing his own struggle.

We gain the beauty of our unity by sharing ourselves with others to make a grand tapestry that cannot be replicated, duplicated, or counterfeited. Every class at USAFA has its own variation of uniqueness built within the reflecting and refracting walls of its individual members. Our blue is the silvery blue of evening, 2018 is the blue at the edges of sunset, 2019’s blue touches the midday sun and 2020 shines with the new blue of a morning sky.

As we all cross together into the next turn of the cycle, we know we have nothing to fear because in shared respect for our differences lies unity and in our unity lies the ability to overcome any obstacle. Aim High. - ClCs Ayana Cole-Fletcher, Casey Evans and Natsuko Worrell

TABLE OF Military 10 Academics 34 Cadet Life 50 Firsties 64 Class of 2017 Photo 76 Squadrons 262 Pall
CONTENTS Winter Sports 384 Spring Sports 406 Clubs 422 Congrats 442 Index 464 Commercial Ads 478
Donald Trump President of the United States


Superintendent Retires

Lt-Gen-Mkhtelle Johnson.retired in Fall2017 aftef f<bu| years of leacling the Air Force Academy as superintendent.

Gene "al Johnson is an Academj'distin-guishi|d graduate from 1981 and'varsity basketball player. She is known for an impressive collection of “firsts" including:

First female cadet to command the Cadet Wing p

First female Rhodes from the Asademy

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Thegeneral is also a command pilot with more than 3,600 hours in different aircraft...She.began duties as Spperinten Polaris staff dent in August 2013.

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C2C Michael Hurst associate editor C2C Katie Corcoran associate editor C1C Jacob Hurst associate editor C1C Natsuko Worrell Firstie Section C1C Casey Evans Firstie Section C1C Alexia Rochester Firstie Section
C1C Ayana Cole-Fletcher Firstie Section C1C Alexis Thuli Academics editor C1C Ciarra McCarthy Military editor C3C James Brahm Academics assistant C2C Victoria Wright Cadet Life editor C2C Kathryn Stutesman photojournalist Isaac Kasten photographer

Training event tests cadets’ physical, military skill, squadron effectiveness

Cadets' physical stamina, teamwork, and warrior ethos face a rigorous test one weekend each year as they take on the Commandant’s Challenge.

Commandant of Cadets Brig Gen Stephen Williams hosted the 2016 event. Methodology may change from year to year, but the intent is to test cadets through a variety of military skill, physical and squadron effectiveness challenges.

“Commandant’s Challenge was able to provide an environment where cadets could not only push themselves as individuals but [also] work as a team to accomplish the mission,” said C2C Kai Billings, Cadet Wing NCO-in-charge of the Commandant’s Challenge. “Cadets bonded and grew closer together throughout the weekend, and I hope that moving forward we can continue to see a positive atmosphere in the Cadet Wing.”

Commandant’s Challenge involves training that engages leadership within each squadron at different levels to complete the events. It encourages all four classes to come together and work towards one common goal. People will struggle individually, but that is when their teammates step in and help them succeed. Through this, the individual, squadron and wing grow.

“It was a good opportunity to have the entire squadron working together in an environment that fostered collaboration and teamwork,” said C1C Samantha Cabusora, Cadet Squadron 20.

The training weekend opens with a retreat formation on the terrazzo and a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter rescue simulation. The intensity of the air power demonstration sets

the tone and mood for the challenges ahead. Much like the Airmen that come out of the helicopters, each squadron must be focused and ready to adapt to what is to come.

The first competitive event consists of a fitness relay where all members from each squadron compete in a series of physical tests for the best time. The course is approximately the length of a football field and requires cadets to change between bear crawls, sprints, and a variety of partner carries, with pushups and other physical exercises in between for transitions.

The second set of military training involves marching to Jacks Valley and spending the day competing in the well-known courses from Basic Cadet Training like the Obstacle and Confidence courses. Once complete, squadrons race back to thecadet area. Return times are not recorded until everyone from the squadron finishes.

After two long, hard days of competition, the Cadet Wing gathers on Spirt Hill as the commandant announces the top squadrons. Regardless of what the numbers reflect, each cadet can take pride in what they accomplished over the last two days.

“[The Cadet Wing] got a taste of being a team, and how working together makes us better in our Air Force. All classes, 2017, 18, 19, and 2020, all working together made this event happen, so I hope they look back on this with fond memories of something that was tough, meaningful and made them better. I am very proud,” said General Williams at the conclusion of his 2016 challenge. - C2Cs Katie Corcoran and Victoria Wright

C4C Fred Susuico drags Cadet Squadron 2 squad mate C4C Maria Viviano during one of several partner carry relays. A UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter crew demonstrates search and rescue procedures on the terrazzo at the start of Commandant’s Challenge. Photos by Arnie Spencer
QQIOI Q00UD BiBllill 0□□ ms&sm (Above) C4C Conley Walters of Cadet Squadron 29 vaults over one of the Obstacle Course's many challenges. (Left) A cadet lines up the Black Hawk’s side gun on an imaginary target

Summer training regimen shapes basic cadets into cadets, cadets into leaders

Basic Cadet Training tests all who are involved. Cadre and basics who go through it come out a little more mature and a little more tired. It is the Academy’s largest summer program and involves roughly 1,500 cadets.

For basics, long days are filled with briefings and physical challenges which are broken up by marching. Trainees sharing this experience develop trust in each other and an understanding of their classmates’ abilities and shortcomings. This helps them work together to get through freshmen year academics and the daily grind.

“The friends that I made [as a basic cadet] helped keep a smile on my face and push me to my limits,” said BCT cadre C1C Michael De Sousa recalling his basic training experience.

Basic training, also called “Beast,” builds bonds that continue well beyond the summer for some.

“The relationships I made were what got me through freshman year,” said C3C Rodrigo Orellano. “I met my new family, an awesome group of brothers and sisters that I feel blessed and privileged to interact and work with every single day.”

Teaching basics is challenging as well. Cadre lead all physical training and are expected to do it with better form and faster than trainees. Furthermore, they wake up earlier and go to bed later than the basics, actions which engrain the idea of service before self in these young leaders. Upperclassmen may seem hard and demanding, but their focus is on trainees’ well-being. Cadre will go to great lengths to ensure that basics are taken care of well.

“Their ability to push us as a group forced us to bond together through the adversity, and enabled us to succeed as one unit instead of as individuals. I learned to rely on my teammates through the process of basic training,” said C4C Donald Szlachetka.

The influence of military training instructors from Lackland AFB, TX, is a new addition to BCT for the Class of 2020. The same professionals who turn civilians into active duty Airmen trained and certified BCT cadre. MTIs set weekly training objectives and conducted cadre evaluations.

Another change this year was the Wingman Route - a path for freshmen to conduct themselves to medical appointments without supervision. In addition, training focused on motivation rather than physical sessions, increased competition such as marching drills between squadrons, and teaching Academy heritage. - C1C James Cardinal

(Right) Thisbasic cadet looks scared, but her warrior ethos, honed on the Confidence Course, helps her make it down the rope. Photo by Arnie Spencer Basic Cadet Abigail Perkins is de termined to beat the monkey bar on the Obstacle Course in Jacks Valley. Trainees’ test their physical and mental strength against several challenging courses durin the second portion of BCT. Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Top) One Hellcat carries another across the lacrosse field in the guerilla relay competition during Field Day. Photo by ClC James Cardinal (Bottom) C4C Spencer Martin runs a gauntlet of congratulations as Cadet Squadron 26 fourthclassmen celebrate Acceptance and the end of BCT. Photo by Arnie Spencer

AA cadet watches as his fingerprint appears on screen as part of submitting for a security clearani

CACs immediately become integral to Academy lifestyle

This one card is the card that can rule them all. It allows access to buildings, bases and even the occasional military discount. The common access card is the final piece to transition from basic to full-blown cadet.

Basics are eager to receive their CACs due to the new freedoms that come with them, most importantly access to computers. This single card is one of the most important items issued. Without it, cadets are leftwithout access to school work, dormitories and most importantly e-mail.

“After getting their CACs, the basics have taken another responsibility in the wing [Operational Security],” said C1C Austin Kong, Demons Squadron cadre. “With CACs, they are given the ability to access areas that are blocked off from the public. It is now their responsibility to police each other to make sure that intruders are not allowed in the cadet area. CACs are also used in accessing the Academy’s network which opens up another realm of responsibilities in keeping our Academy safe.”

The path to getting a CAC begins with a security check during the first few days (continued on next page)

Cadets must use their CAC to log on to their computers and access the Academy’s computer network.

4C Anna Nich metric data can be stored on her

of basic training. Basics’ fingerprints are logged into the system. Each cadet is called individually into an office with a fingerprint scanner. Gone are the days of ink and stained fingertips. They enter personal information and physical characteristics, then scan each finger for their entire hand. This information is logged into the military database.

The next step is to get pictures taken and enter social security numbers at the personnel office. Here basics will later return as fourthclassmen to be issued their CAC as well as choose a pin number. The latter is needed to access computers.

If they are lucky, they won't have to revisit this office until graduation where a new CAC will be issued with their officer credentials.

“After getting my CAC, it feels like I have so much more freedom. It’s also a sign that I have more responsibility. If I lose this card, the rest of the Academy, even the Air Force, could be threatened,” said C4C Emily Roeder, Cadet Squadron 17. - C 1C James Cardinal

The process also requires finger printing a whole hand as well


" A German proficiency badge hopeful uses the backstroke to conserve energy during the lOO-meter swim. At the end of the swim, cadets must remove their uniforms before climbing out of the pool. Photos by Arnie Spencer s
A fourthclassman takes aim as he shoots during the marksmanship test
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C3C Joshua Stilwell and CIC Trevor Rogers concentrate as they hold on for the flexed arm hang of their basic fitness test.

Cadets earn coveted uniform adornment via partnership challenge with key ally

The German Proficiency Badge Program is cadet-run and tests cadets and permanent party on some of the skills of the Bundeswehr, the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany. The badge is a frequent sight on cadet uniforms.

“It is one of the most desired foreign awards due to the fact it is preapproved for wear by cadets but also can be worn on mess dress even after a cadet commissions,” said C2C Kai Billings, one of the cadets involved in the GPB testing program.

To earn the badge, cadets must pass six challenges: a basic fitness test, a first aid test, a hazardous environment protective gear test, a 100-meter swim, a marksmanship test and up to a 12K ruck.

The cadet cadre responsible for the GPB program made a couple changes in 20162017 which led to more people earning the badge. Permanent party members at the Academy were invited to qualify this year and the testing schedule was changed to give

freshmen a chance to qualify as well.

“More than a hundred cadets and Airmen have completed the many arduous tests demanded of them to earn this coveted award,” said C2C Anthony Willis of the GPB Program. “The success of this program is all due to the cadet staff. Without them, the availability and fluidity of testing would not be possible.”

Completing six months of service is required to attempt the challenge. Previously, this limited the ability of fourth class cadets to earn the badge, but by increasing the number of opportunities to test, the program was able to award the badge to more proud freshmen than before.

“I wanted to have a sense of accomplishment which I received by working through the German Proficiency Badge Program. I was also able to do a few things that Fve never done before which helped me get out of my comfort zone and meet new people,” said C4C Sara Hill. - GPB Program

A pair of cadets double-time it to the finish line of the 12K ruck march.

stest C4C Matthew Herbig is off to the races as he starts the UO-meter shuttle run for the basic fitness test. (Above) Basic trainees stand at attention during noon meal formation as a cadre inspection ensures they are properly aligned. (Right) Cadet Squadron 1 approaches Mitchell Mall. Cadet Squadron 38 salutes as the U.S. Flag passes by borne by the Cadet Color Guard. Photos by C2C Sarah Serrano


Cadet Wing endures Colorado’s whimsical weather to demonstrate military capability

It s precisely 11:30 a.m. and the Cadet Wing is in a rush to drop off backpacks in Mitchell Hall, the Academy dining facility named for aviation pioneer Maj Gen Billy Mitchell. The cadets have only five minutes to make it to their Noon Meal Formation spots. Visitors line the Class Crest Wall eager to view an aspect of cadet life. The chaos of the wing settles as every cadet falls into a rank amongst their squadron, with leadership in front.

All 4,000 cadets surround Spirit Hill in a matter of minutes and size into ranks - tallest in the front and shortest in the rear.

“We do noon meal formation to thank the public and show them that we take care of business. We are the future of our military and noon meal shows that our future is in good hands,” said C1C Gabriel Perez, Cadet Wing Drill and Ceremonies officer.

“Reeeeeeeport!” orders the Cadet Wing commander, asking for the number of cadets absent from formation. Group commanders quickly reply. While accountability is taken for every formation, the number of cadets “absent” spells out the graduating class number. First group reports in “two cadets absent sir.” The other three groups follow suit reporting in 0, 1, and 7 absent cadetsspelling out “2017.”

One of the biggest complaints amongst

cadets involves the NMF grading system. Rain or shine, cadets will more than likely be marching to lunch with permanent party and wing drill and ceremonies staff grading them. Each squadron is rated on dress and cover, which entails how well they maintain spacing to the side and in front of them.

Cadets must also be in the right uniform; however this detail can be changed until 10:30 a.m. depending upon weather conditions. Colorado’s ever-changing climate often leaves cadets with little time to don the proper items.

“With the short notice to have the correct items, squadrons often have a mixture of uniforms and it doesn’t look as professional as it could,” said C4C Anna Claire Tuma of Cadet Squadron 16.

Gusting Colorado winds test the strength of every guidon, unit colors and flight cap. The Drum and Bugle Corps begins to play the Air Force Song. The wing snaps to strict attention as the first note is played and the Cadet Wing command tripod begins the procession toward Mitchell Hall. A change of tempo comes with a more modem song and the rest of the wing comes to life. Slowly, in a rhythmic manner, four groups and 40 squadrons make their way to lunch. - C1C

(Left) The Cadet Color Guard handles flag duty as a crowd watches. (Far left) C4C Idkerria Sanders and Drum and Bugle play the Air Force song for the marchers. C3C Avery Chatmon and C2Cs Roberto Sugars and Steven Fox welcome you to “The Rave Room," one of several Recognition theme rooms. The upper classmen act out scenarios which teach freshmen about challenges they will face as cadets and Airmen. Photo by C2C Kathryn Stutesman (Above) C4C Daniel Veideman revisits the strict dining protocols of basic training during lunch. Photo by C2C Kathryn Stutesman Cadet Squadron 18 fourth classmen team up to flip a giant tire with some help from a senior squad mate during Recognition here. The annual event is a major milestone for freshmen and seniors alike. Photo by Arnie Spencer (Right) Fourth classmen lean on one another for support at the end of the Run to the Rock. Photo by Arnie Spencer

Freshmen, seniors rejoice but for different reasons at completion of annual milestone

Recognition is the training event of the academic year. It’s a huge milestone for freshmen and everyone takes part because it holds so much meaning for the Cadet Wing.

The event starts on a Thursday afternoon. Upper class cadets prepare their squadrons, changing lights and setting up theme rooms where fourth class cadets will endure physical training and military knowledge challenges. Recognition officially begins after a retreat formation on the terrazzo, but the tone for the weekend is set early in the morning when the upper three classes temporarily stop talking to the doolies.

“Recognition means something different to everyone. This year. Recognition was extremely rewarding because as an element leader I was able to participate more than last year and look out for my four degrees,” said C2C Jacqueline Parker.

Without giving too much away, the rest of Thursday involves too many push-ups to count, some sweat and a lot of soundingoff. Friday, fourth class cadets compete in courses throughout the day with their upperclassmen. Knowledge of the Air Force major commands is tested on the Drop Night Course and fourth class cadets show sheer strength on the Special Operations Course. This year, like last year, the Cadet Wing conducted the Maltz Challenge - a tough workout that honors fallen heroes.

While these courses and PT challenges

are fun, at least for the trainers if not the trainees, Fridaynight may be the most mentally and emotionally challenging. Key among the night’s events is a scenario in which the freshmen see the importance of the Code of Conduct acted out. For many fourth classmen, this is where the reality of joining the military sets in.

Saturday morning includes another basic training style wake-up, a room inspection, a string of personal appearance inspections covering each uniform variation, and the Run to the Rock. For the Run, four degrees and firsties form up together and head out of the cadet area into the woods to look for the squadron charge (a beam decorated by each unit). The Run is the culmination of Recognition training for four degrees and a time to reflect for firsties as graduation approaches.

Both classes march back from the rock and join the rest of the squadron for the Prop and Wings Ceremony. Each fourth class cadet picks an upperclassman who impacted them to affix the Prop and Wings pin to their service dress uniform lapel. These pins are later worn on flight caps, service dress and parade dress uniforms cadet careers.

“Recognition made me see the purpose of four degree year,” said Brynn Lunaas.

“I'm so glad we went through it and it’s an experience I'll never forget.” - C1C Ciarra McCarthy

C4C Benjamin Brockman stands rigidly at attention as a mentor from Cadet Squadron 12 pins on a Prop and Wings insignia.

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Photo by C2C Kathryn Stutesman

Cadets pause to honor grads, other servicemembers

The Cadet Wing honors graduates and other service members with a five-mile heritage march from the cadet area to the Academy Cemetery each year. The march occurs on a Friday near Veterans Day.

The wing lined up in two columns at the Core Values Ramp, squadrons 1 through 20 on one side, 21 through 40 on the other. Leading the way was Cadet Wing Commander ClC Sara Fishbein, her vice wing commander and director of operations.

“We always talk about being a part of something bigger than ourselves, but the Heritage March gave us an opportunity to take time out of our day to really reflect on what that exactly means,” Cadet Fishbein said. “I think the thing that really affected me the most was seeing the entire Cadet Wing gathered with Air Force Academy Graduates and leadership. It’s easy to lose sight here about the history of USAFA, and standing next to it was something we don’t see every day.”

Academy leadership and members of the graduate community met the cadets at the cemetery. Gravesites were decorated with small U.S. Flags and a wreath was presented by Cadet Fishbein and Academy Superintendent Lt Gen Michelle Johnson.

The cadet drum and bugle corps and honor guard were part of the march as well. Honor guard member C3C Jarod Kester gained new appreciation for the event after

Miniature U.S. Flags are placed on each gravesite at the Academy cemetery for the memorial ceremony that follows the heritage march.

learning the story of his air officer commanding’s brother, a U.S. Army infantry veteran.

“It reminded me that the connection to service, is ever-present here, even in places we may not know,” Cadet Kester said. “For me it [was] the simple truth of people caring for both you, and the importance of what the day meant and the communication of that compassion which really made this last Veteran's Day one to remember.” - C2C Kathryn Stutesman

ClC Michael Johnson stands vigil behind a wreath which was placed to honor veterans. (Right) Squadron U cadets bow their heads during a prayer (Below) C2C Emily Bleuel plays Taps as the Cadet Wing salutes. Photos by C2C Kathryn Stutesman

Allies bond through military academys’ exchange program

Some say a semester exchange is like pretending you go to school and being on vacation for a semester.. .the French Exchange contingent 2016 will not disagree, however that does not mean it did not overcome challenges, work hard and build some lifetime bonds while at l’Ecole de l’Air in Salon-deProvence, France.

The semester-long exchange between the U.S. Air Force Academy and l’Ecole de l’Air has existed since 1969 and is one of the longest standing exchanges our military has. The exchange represents the bondbetween American and French Air Forces that dates even earlier to World War I. Due to the history of the exchange, it has a deep meaning for both French and Americans. French officerswould often tell the American contingent about fond memories they had while on exchange to USAFA or with the American cadets at

the French Air Force Academy.

“It was not only great to be integrated into the French Brigades, we really felt like we were part of their family but we were also part of a big group of international cadets. They showed us how different cultures are not a barrier to cooperation,” said C2C Andrew Carroll.

USAFA cadets at l’Ecole de l’Air, took academic and physical education classes, participated in some of their military training and competitive sports, made friends with the French cadets and other interna

tional students at the French Academy and enjoyed the ability to travel around France. Highlights of military training included static line jump (although jumping was cancelled due to wind) and a three-day small unit tactic training exercise!

A typical school day started with a breakfast of bread.. .something the Americans had to get used to and a military formation. Classes started at 0800 and went to 1800 with a lunch break around 1200. Each class period consists of a two-hour lecture period. A pleasant surprise was learning there is minimal to no homework for the cadets at l’Ecole de l’Air. After class the group was free to head to the gym, off base for groceries or to hang out with the French cadets. On weekends, hopping on the train to anywhere in France was easy and a great way to see the country.

Being on exchange meant the USAFA team missed a few things on the homefront such as job drops and the ever famous Mitchell Hall Christmas Dinner. The hosts did their best to bring a little bit of U.S. tradition to France though by throwing a Thanksgiving dinner party.

The French dining hall prepared a traditional Thanksgiving meal and ClC Ben Hightower acted as the DJ for the night playing classic American country music and line dances. It was an evening of American culture shared with the entire French AFB. - ClC Ciarra McCarthy

C2C Andrew Carroll and ClC Ryan Douglas can’t hide their joy after seeing a French Mirage fighter aircraft up close and personal. Courtesy photos The Patrouille de France flies over the U.S. Air Force Academy with color shared by both countries. An exchange cadet goes through jump training in France. CiCs Dylan Dempster, Ryan Douglas, Chris Steele and Ciarra McCarthy celebrate the announcement of their Air Force jobs while in France.

B-2 pilot, ‘93 grad commands Cadet Wing

Brig Gen Kristin Goodwin became the Air Force Academy’s newest Commandant of Cadets during a ceremony May 15 on the terrazzo.

General Goodwin graduated from the Academy in 1993 with a bachelor’s of science in mechanical engineering. She’s a command pilot with more than 3,000 flight hours in various aircraft, including the B-2 Spirit. She previously served as senior military assistant to the secretary of the Air Force.

She’s the first woman to com-

Brig Gen Kristin Goodwin talks with the Cadet Wing’s top three cadet officers shortly before the assumption of command.

mand the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base, LA, and served as vice commander of the 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman AFB, MO.

As Commandant of Cadets at the Academy, Goodwin commands the 4,000-member Cadet Wing and a staff of more than 300 airmen and civilians who manage cadets’ military training, logistics and facilities and daily activities, including participation in the Academy’s Airmanship Programs. - Academy Public Affairs

(Clockwise from top) The Cadet Color Guard performs a pass and review during the change of command ceremony. Photos by Jason Gutierrez
General Goodwin gives her opening remarks to the Cadet Wing.

Back row: ClC Emily Taylor, ClC Meghan Plunkett, ClC Carissa Vaccaro, ClC Emeline Lochmaier, ClC Raymond Perniciaro, ClC Cheyenne Jones

Not pictured: ClC Colleen Slein, ClC Ren Herbert, ClC Benjamin Lynch

Front row: C1C Alec Hubbard, C1C Sara Fishbein, C2C Tyler Rodriguez, C1C Alexia Rochester

Second row: C1C Anna Meiusi, C1C Mark Gruschka, C1C Bjorn Nielsen, C1C Everett Montano, C1C Dominick Speranza, C1C Christina McMillan, C1C Michael Mattson

Third row: C1C Hilary Perkins, C1C Jessica Phillips, C1C Katleen Ybarra, C1C Nolan Sheahan, C1C Leslie Perez, C1C Ryan Nicholson, C1C Chloe Forlini, C1C Rhianna Hill, ClC Christopher Amaddio

Back row: C1C Shelby Chapman, C1C Leah Young, C1C Nathaniel Romine, C1C Timothy Barbera

Not pictured: C1C Russell Williams, C1C Brandon Chitwood, ClC Garrett Rhynes, C1C John Jacob, ClC Kira Schlosberg, ClC Robert Landers

Front row: ClC Robert Farley, ClC Mitchell Rose, ClC Andrew Liang, ClC Jan Dysico

Second row: ClC Jacob Devries, C2C Sheamus Larkin, ClC Drew Broadbent, C2C Zach Fromeling, C2C Benjamin Hawkins, C2C Jacob Booker, C2C Amanda Elliot

Back row: ClC Bryce Leiter, ClC Amelia Mair, C2C Mason Hyney, C2C Jason Lee, C2C Jason Blasius, C2C Steven Bradford, ClC Min Kim, ClC Ethan Eiden, ClC Virginia Long, ClC Barrett Anigian

Front row: ClC Jacob Yarwood, ClC Megan Shenk, ClC Alex Kronberger, ClC Lucas Vowell
i i. ■ ^ -.1. 1 it

Front row: C1C Catherine Carrillo, C1C Brent Johnson

Middle row: C1C Whitney Briggs, C1C Howlett Cohick, C1C Billy Bautista, C1C Tierra Franklin, C1C Isaac Reinert, C1C Kelly Lujan, C1C Ethan Thomas

Back row: C1C Reagan Moore, C1C Jordan Boyce, C1C Sawyer Martin

Not pictured: CIC Kenneth Allen

Front row: C1C Young Wu, CIC Jacob Yarwood, C1C Howlett Cohick, C1C Meghan Plunkett

Second row: C2C Anya Wallace, C1C Myah Jackson, C1C Timothy Barbera, C1C Kevin Hieronymous, C1C Hunter Lewis, CIC Samer Sholi, C1C Cydnee Reese

Third row: CIC Rhianna Hill, C2C Andrew Carroll, CIC Kara Witgen, C2C Samuel Sentongo, C2C Samuel Polachek, C2C Joshua Oh, CIC Anna Meiusi, C2C Chloe Roze, CIC Jessica Phillips

Back row: C2C Madison Lohman, CIC Gabriel

Perez, C2C Tyler Despard, C2C Mauricio Agudelo, C2C Luke Farrell, C2C Jacob Kramer, CIC Alexander Ververis, C2C Nicholas LeTourneau, CIC Robert Uebelacker, CIC Shelby Chapman, CIC Garrett Rhynes, CIC Ryan Nicholson, C2C Aaric Rogers, CIC Alexander Fulton, C2C Chad Elton, CIC Emily Smithwick

Front row: CIC Riley Quinlan, CIC Zachary Kane, CIC Devin Payne, CIC Michael Mattson

Second row: CIC Tony Lee, CIC Jeremy Jacobellis, CIC Alexandra Green, C2C Victoria Wright, CIC Victoria Bittleston, CIC Elijah Nicholson, CIC Victoria Szala

Third row: CIC Jennifer Luong, C2C Alexander Reiland, CIC Seamus McCaffrey, CIC Jacob Riley, CIC Junwoo Park, ClC John Diekel, C2C Trey VanDeGrift, C2C Elizabeth Denton, C2C John Valentine

Back row: C2C Cecil Moskowitz, C2C Ryan Jacobs, C2C Justin Westbrook, C2C William McCollum, CIC Avery Eckebrecht, C2C Benjamin Fisher, C2C Josiah Oliver, C2C Jonathan Belinski, C2C Michael Bourdeau, C2C Maxwell Olson

Not pictured: CIC Christopher Carr, CIC Steven Brosy, C2C Michael Sutton

C1C Amelia Mair, ClC Cody Decker, C1C Jose Martinez, ClC Anthony McHugh

Second row: C2C Riley Popovich, C2C Robbie Toro, C2C Jared Helm, C2C Jason Lee, C2C Luke Amato, ClC Will DeBord, C2C James Eason

Third row: ClC Anne Werkley, ClC Amanda Smith, C2C Hwi Tae Kim, ClC Alekos Michael, ClC Joey Carl

Not pictured: ClC Alyssa Torres, ClC Amanda Ley, C2C Bailey Smith, C2C Dee Bennett, ClC Eric Curia, ClC Glynn Cheeks, ClC Jeffery Layng, C2C Jill Combs, ClC Jim Bradford, C2C Jinan Andrews, ClC Kevin Kim, C2C Logan Cowan, ClC Logan Long, C2C Naji Bseiso, C2C Nick Shultz, ClC Peyton Milligan, C2C Stephen Larson, ClC Tracy Landram, C2C Xavier McEhannon, C2C Zach Trujillo

Front row: C1C Zach Gerlach, C1C Eric Anderson, C1C Col Rich Araya, C1C Kellen Cleveland

Second row: C2C Justin Greene, C1C Riley Richards, C2C Brock Crawford, C1C Kira Schlosberg, C2C Christina Kelvin, C1C Jacob Goodwin, C2C Prayant Hanjra

Back row: C1C Jesse Chasteen, C2C Donovan Moss, C1C Carissa Vaccaro, C2C Andrew Beckwith, C2C Riley Murray, C1C Carlos Plazas, C1C Ryan Andrieux, C2C Karl Sapper

Second row: C2C Carley Hatcliff, ClC Christopher Newman, ClC Jacob Vecchio, C2C Christopher Walsch, ClC Ryan Gor, C2C Matt Evans, ClC Samuel Burton

Third row: C2C Faisal Fogle, C2C Connor Reilly, ClC Christopher Unger, ClC Phillip Hightower, ClC Jeffrey McKnight, ClC Whitney Briggs, ClC Alexis Samloff, C2C Taylor Tonnies, C2C Joshua Hipps

Back row: ClC Linzi Thomas, ClC Luigi Lorenzo, C2C Oscar Chacon, C2C Julia Sebben

Front row:
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Front row: ClC Patrick Mayo, ClC Sarah Fotsch, ClC Kelly Lujan, ClC Kellen Hallr

Blue cap symbolizes cadets’ readiness to train incoming class

“Don your berets,” instructs the Academy Commandant of Cadets and with a swift motion, the entirety of the Basic Cadet Training cadre removes their patrol caps and places their cadre berets on their heads, during a ceremony on the terrazzo June 2. Training is over. It’s time to get serious as it is only 27 days before the new basic cadets in-process.

The commandant, Brig Gen Kristin Goodwin, expressed pride for the cadets’ hard work preparing for the responsibilities that come with training the next class of cadets.

“General Goodwin walked by me, stopped, turned around, and, said 'Macdonald.’ are you ready?” said C1C John McDonald, assistant commander for Hellcats D Flight. Hearing a hearty “Yes, ma’am,” in reply, the general moved on to speak with other cadets as she moved past the ranks.

Cadets serving on BCT cadre this summer have worked hard through trials like their own basic training and recognition. Many have committed to finishing their studies at the Academy and have earned their class rings. Now, they accept the challenge of shaping the Class of 2021.

The beret ceremony is a transition point where those who were once basics become cadre. It marks the acceptance of leadership by the Classes of 2018 and 2019

Cadets stand at attention with their blue berets at the ready waiting for the order “Don your berets” to come from Commandant of Cadets Brig Gen Kristin Goodwin.

over the incoming upperclassmen bear the responsibility for ensuring the new recruits will be ready for Acceptance in the Cadet Wing at the end of training. A rigorous two-week course load prepared them for the upcoming task.

"I am very proud of all the cadres’ hard work up until this point and cannot wait to see them execute during Basic Cadet Training,” said C1C Casey Bell, BCT group commander. - C1C Vivek Pranavamurthi

eral Goodwin inspects ranks of cadre during the beret ceremony.
(Right) Cadre for the 2017 Barbarians salute during pass and reivew. (Below) Executioners cadre exchange their regular uniform cap for their blue berets. Photos by C2C Kathryn Stutesman

Road runners finish year with ‘worst to first’ success story

The 2016-2017 year will be remembered as one of the greatest underdog stories in the Academy’s long and storied history. It is the tale of the 103 “Roadrunners” in Cadet Squadron 32 who dragged a squadron that only a year before sat dead-last in the rankings and went from worst to first.

Ascending thirty-nine spots wasno small feat; it took the blood, sweat, and tears of all four classes of CS 32 and earning Outstanding Squadron honors placed them among the VIPs on the graduation stage. They rubbed elbows with graduation speaker Gen Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Dr Heather Wilson, Secretary of the Air Force.

“We were sick of under-performing so we started from day-one at a fast pace and didn’t stop,” said Fall Squadron Commander C1C Howlett Cohick. “We were doing it because we wanted to.”

The four-degrees of Guts, Bravo Flight, battled through an excruciating basic cadet training to earn their place in CS 32. Cadet Cohick and C1C Stevan Bacchus-Grant led the way BCT cadre.

When spirits got down, in the hallways or in Jacks Valley, doolies like C4C Johann Johnson rallied cadets with his battle-cry, “No door can stop us, Bravo Flight!” During the academic year, the four-degrees battled into the Wing Knowledge Bowl twice and powered through Recognition to join the upperclassmen.

“We started with the basics, and did them well, daily, until it became the culture,” said Maj. John Powell, CS 32 air officer commanding. “Whether it was noon meal formation or morning accountability, we came together and showed the Wing what right looked like.”

The three-degrees bounced back from a tough doolie-year to lead their supervisees to greater heights. Not wanting a repeat of the previous year, the three-degrees poured their hearts into helping the

to Academy life.

“When I met [C4C Michael] Moxness, he was kind of quiet, but by the end of the year he had become confident and really broke out of his shell.” said C3C Jacob Welbom.

The two-degrees migrated in from all across the wing, but united under a common vision: if we are going to do it. let’s do it best. From squadron parties and pancakes, courtesy of C2Cs Peter Yoon and Michael Kearney, to the Commandant’s Challenge ruck march, headed up by hardcharging C2C Clarke Niles, the Class of 2018 stormed into their new squadron.

“At the end of the Challenge, when we

had earned second place, we were all highfiving and laughing. It feltlike everyone wanted to be a part of what our squadron had become,” said C2C Michelle Ingle, who has been selected as squadron commander for the summer.

Credit for leading the Roadies to vietory goes to the Class of 2017. Squadron commanders, Cadet Cohick and C1C Andrew Ermitano were at the top of the cadet command chain.

“We could have done the bare minimum but we chose to work hard and succeed,” Cadet Ermitano said. “If you want to make your life better, you have to put in effort. That’s what we did.” - C2C Samuel Taylor

C3C Samantha Fondacaro and Cadet Squadron 32 Fall and Spring commanders stand by as the Outstanding Squadron ribbon is added to their guideon May 22. Photo by Mike Kaplan freshmen adjust (Above) Roadrunners freshmen Alexander Samaniego, Angelina Robledo and Angela Buch take some time to get away from the Academy and enjoy each other’s company. (Left) C4CS Daniel Linso and Alexander Dye pose with the trophy for the Wing Open track and field competition. Courtesy photos

General Armacost talks on academic, leadership trends facing cadets today

Brig Gen Andrew Armacost has been Dean of the Faculty for four years. However, he first started teaching here in 1995. The general, well known for his approachability, took time to sit down and discuss important academic and leadership trends facing cadets. Major topics included the institution of a new schedule of calls, course content, academic curiosity, the yearbook theme, and what motivates General Armacost. He also offered a bit of advice for the graduating class.


In an effort to ensure cadets receive the best possible education, there is a new proposed schedule of calls. This has caused discussion, confusion, and uncertainty.

The confusion and uncertainty comes from not knowing when the new schedule of calls will be implemented. The implementation date depends on when the proper software arrives and how long it takes to test, according to the general.

The discussion “is based on how radical do they want to change the schedule of calls, if at all, and what the philosophical ramifications can be. The big piece of the new schedule of calls is to deliver education in a modern way that allows faculty members to conduct those courses in the right way,” General Armacost said.

A survey shows 68 percent of faculty would like the ability to change the schedule from 53 minutes every other day. The scheduling structure would depend on academic discipline. For some courses 53 minutes is more than enough and students are left with an overload of information, but in other disciplines the discussion is just getting started at 53 minutes. Additionally, the new schedule of calls may allow for evening classes.

“The new schedule of calls may even put cadets in control of when they attend

may eventually be empowered to organize their own schedule,”


General Armacost believes the Academy has operated under the same concept of broad overarching education since he was on faculty here in 1995. The faculty will offer core classes with closer ties to the nine institutional outcomes, beginning with the Class of 2021.

“The structure is similar, but the content is more crafted to the outcomes,” he said.

General Armacost speaks with yearbook Academics Section editor ClC Alexis Thuli during an interview in his office.

“We continue to develop content that brings in real-world context and that relates classroom concepts to ideals which affect the Air Force today.”

Also, capstone projects, which have grown significantly during his faculty tenure, are something the general wants to see more of and in greater variety because of their ability to integrate experiences from across various academic disciplines.


The general feels his passion for learning tits well with the yearbook theme, “No

Dean of the Faculty Brig Gen Andrew Armacost high fives basic cadets returning from Jacks Valley training. Photo by Jennifer Rodriguez classes and hopefully other duties. Cadets the general said.

ji Fear.” It is a love of developing an appreciation and understanding of diversity and this ideal must be developed in the classroom, according to the general.

“We should be able to have difficult discussions under academic freedom and really be able wrestle with ideas. No fear equals an appreciation for academic arguments, and demonstrates thatclassrooms cannot avoid the discussions we need to be having as teammates,” he said.

He expands this to include the other element of the Class of 2017 motto, respect.

“It applies because the principles of re-

spect must be present in the classroom. There must be a supportive environment where faculty members know their cadets in an intimate and personal way. Faculty and cadets must have an understanding and appreciation of each other’s backgrounds,” he said.


As theClass of 2017 graduates, General Armacost urges cadets continue to work hard and “love your people."

“Work hard because there is an opportunity to do amazing things within the Air Force and outside. One needs to be pas-


sionate and persistent,” he said. “Passion and persistence create ‘grit,’ and those who are most successful put their heart and soul into what they do. There must be a constant quest to learn new things.

“This is a desire not to give people whatever they want, but to respect and care for them in a professional and personal manner. It is the sign of a deep commitment to take care and do what is best for those above and below in the chain,” he said. “Love your people encapsulates everything it means to work hard and be a leader of character.” - ClC Alexis Thuli

(Left) General Armacost talks with C2C Tyler Jackson. Photo by Jason Gutierrez; (Below) The general speaks at the awards ceremony for the Class of 2017 in Clune Arena. Photo by Mike Kaplan Even a foot injury can’t keep the general from meeting with ClC Julie Fleming to hear about her research into robotics. Photo by Jason Gutierrez
Dr Paul Macdonald gives gives his most persuasive ar gument for studying philoso phy to a freshman listener. Photo by C4C SierraErnst PHILOSOPHY (PlAOOOlDi love ofwisdom C4CS Jessica Frederick and Kathryn Odom are awestruck by the academic possibilities before them, (courtesy photo) (Above) C2C Alexys Akers tries to appeal to zombie cadets hoping to draw them into studying behavioral sciences. Courtesy photo; (Right) C4C Shelby Fletcher considers a legal-oriented education. Photo by ClC Alexis Thuli


Majors’ Night helps cadets wrestling with choice of which academic path to follow

Perhaps no decision affects how a cadet will spend their time at the Academy more than their choice of Academic major. Third and fourth class cadets take mostly core classes. This allows them to sample several departments, but Majors’ Night is crucial for giving under class cadets the perspective needed to select from among the Academy’s varied programs.

The Academy offers cadets more than 30 majors. Twice each year, each has at least one booth where instructors and declared upper class cadets run demonstrations and enthusiastically share details about their chosen major with four degrees and undedared three degrees.

“Majors’ Night is important because it allows undeclared cadets to see what a major is really like,” said C3C Morgan Wagner from behind the computer science booth,

after a long night feuding with all the other majors that start with “computer.” According to Cadet Wagner, she ultimately chose computer science to satisfy her love of solving problems and writing code.

Exposure to each major is important because when cadets declare, they are often committing to four years studying their chosen field.

“I came to the Academy without really knowing what I want to do, and Majors’ Night is a great way to learn what I am really interested in,” said C4C Curtis Smith.

Many three degrees and a growing number of four degrees have declared their area of study by the end of the Fall Majors’ Night. For those who haven’t, a second opportunity is held in the Spring semester. Student from the Academy’s prep school attend the event also. - C3C James Brahm

C4C Monique Burgess reaches out to grab something present only in the virtual world that surrounds her. (Courtesy photo)


Cadets turn Academy education into springboard to post-grad med school

About 15,000 students apply to medical school every year in hopes of achieving their lifelong dream of helping those who are in need. The process is grueling and often times those who intend to become a doctor end up dropping out. At the Air Force Academy, these altruistic-minded students are not alone on this long journey.

The Pre-Health Professions Club was founded in 2015 with the goal of bringing together cadets from various majors to learn about the process of applying to medical school. Club members also work together on community service activities.

“We have planned out visiting kiddos in the oncology wing at the Anschutz Hospital up in Denver, volunteering with a program that provides recreational ski days for children with disabilities, and working with local high schools to promote pursuing health career fields and majors in the sciences,” said C2C Kelsie O’Brien who will lead the club next year.

The Academy has 18-24 spots for cadets seeking medical school. Club co-founders CICs Kaleb Kiesow and Karen Wolf are among those in the Class of 2017 to earn one. The process involves many difficult and

challenging courses. Long nights are spent studying classes such as organic chemistry, anatomy and physiology, which include the full dissection of two cadavers. Once students meet the prerequisite courses, they can be considered for one of these slots.

Even this is no guarantee though. Cadets are required to take a six-hour pre-medical exam called the Medical College Admission Test.

Cadets must also complete at least 40 hours of medical shadowing along with a variety of community service involvement. While it is not required, many students obtain an advantage if they have previous research experience under their belt. To top it off, they must fill out numerous applications in hopes for an interview invitation from a school on their list.

All this is done in the hope of receiving a phone call in early May with notification of acceptance into medical school.

“When the Dean of Admissions called me and told me that I had gotten accepted into their school, I tried to play it cool but on the inside I could not contain my excitement,” Cadet Kiesow said. - C1C Chloe Forlini

(Above) ClCs Chloe Forlini and Megan Shenk work together on a biology project.
(Right) C3C Kaitlyn Enright places a chemical sample for analysis during an organic chemistry lab. Photos by Arnie Spencer
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(Above) Biology instructor Maj Carl Wilson reviews slices of a cadaver kidney with Cadets Tetlaand LoGrande. (Left) C3C Preston Roche connects tubes to conduct an experiment in organic chemistry. Photos by Arnie Spencer ClC Ryan Tetla removes a kidney from a cadaver as classmate C2C Anthony LoGrande observes. Human anatomy and other scientific courses prepare cadets for post-graduate medical school Photo by ClC Chloe Forlini

Capstone design brings cadets to formula race track

Some cadets learn to build satellites. Others train for high speed action as pilots. The Academy’s formula racing team enjoys the best of both worlds.

The Engineering Mechanics Department sponsors this cadet-managed and run club and capstone. Every year, a new car is designed in a process that takes most of the fall semester to complete with two briefs made to the Engineering Mechanics Department updating them on our design and analysis.

“This design process includes analyzing how each part on the car functions, and how to optimize them so they are as efficient and lightweight as possible. This design process also isused to ensure that none of the parts fail during the needed life of the car,” said team member C 1C Daniel Kirmse.

Building the car typically takes about three months which allows one month for testing before travelling to the Michigan International Speedway during finals week, where they compete against 120 other colleges from all over the world.

“To compete against all those other teams and to beat a good portion of them in the different events is a fantastic feeling that only reassures all the hard work and late nights that were spent to make the car be successful,” Cadet Kirmse said.

Cadets from all four classes take part in the program. The majority are firsties however as this is an engineering mechanics capstone project. Even still, the team is comprised of cadets from other majors such as aeronautical engineering, systems engineering, operations research, and electrical engineering to name a few.

Team members typically spend about 15 to 20 hours a week working on the car in the garage located underneath Fairchild,

training on the team’s driver simulator, or physically testing the car on either the dynamometer located within the garage or at the parking lots by the field house.

Results for the various events at the speedway competition were not immediately available; however the team expects good news. It is certain they beat Navy for the first time in five years though. A game plan is in place for next year as well. The team wants to cut down on the car’s

weight, add an aerodynamic package and mitigate issues causing trouble this year.

“Overall, we are feeling very confident for next year,” Cadet Kirmse said. “The three lower classes on the team are a solid group and were vital for our success this year. The team would also like to thank all of the lab technicians who helped us out during the manufacturing and building process, as they too greatly added to the success of the car.” - Formula racing team

ClC Daniel Kirmse competes in the Skid Pad event at the Michigan International Speedway Brooklyn, Ml. (Right) The team makes adjustments to the engine and drive train during testing on the dynamometer inside the garage under Fairchild. (Below) The team makes final checks on the car before C2C Scott Rumsey competes in the Autocross event.

Special camera gives non-invasive tool for blood flow diagnosis

Diabetics and others troubled by narrowing arteries may benefit from a non-invasive circulatory diagnostic tool developed by cadets using hyperspectral imagery.

Patients diagnosed with Peripheral Artery Disease suffer from limited blood flow to the extremities caused by arterial restriction. Symptoms include pain while resting, open sores and gangrene which can lead to amputations. Treatment often involves performing angioplasty during which an angiogram is done to determine the effectiveness of the procedure.

“The problems with the angiogram are it is invasive, it is expensive and it does not show empirical data,” said C1C Santos Jayagopal. “Dye is inserted during the operation every time the operator wants feedback. Doctors must visually judge whether the blood flow has increased.”

Cadet Jayagopal and BioTech Capstone teammates C1C s Andrew Gibson, Sydney Graham, Laurynas Galdikas, and C2C Aaron Bauer, are working together on a capstone project funded by Spectanetics, a medical tool design company. Researchers at the firm discovered hyperspectral imaging, or HIS, can identify differences between oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin.

At the heart of the project is an HSI imaging system which takes pictures using near-infrared wavelengths which harmlessly penetrate the skin.

“Because it uses near-infrared wavelengths, the camera has the ability to take pictures of the arteries, vessels, and capillaries near the surface of the skin,” Cadet Galdikas said. “The penetration of the wavelengths coupled with the different signature of oxygenated blood holds promise as a real-time diagnostic tool to judge the effectiveness of an angioplasty.”

The cadets surveyed potential users

in the fall to determine requirements and generate design ideas. These became two competing prototypes which are being evaluated for ease of integration in an operating room and ability to capture the necessary images.

“There are three main arteries in the leg that spread into three different areas of capillaries in the foot, causing ulcers in different areas. The camera must have the ability to capture a picture at each of those

places,” Cadet Gibson said.

For now, angiograms are the only way doctors can tell if angioplasty procedures are working.

“If this becomes successful, it will be a huge impact on the medical world. It will also be super useful for diabetic patients, old veterans, and many others with bad circulatory system. We may not have to amputate another leg in the future,” Cadet Graham said. - BioTech Capstone Team

(Above) ClC Sydney Graham zooms in for a test shot of a dummy foot while testing the hyperspectral camera that is the key component of her team's capstone project. Photos by Arnie Spencer (Right) ClC Santos Jayagopal updates information on the rough schematic used by the team. (Below) A data cable connects the camera to a laptop which is used as a viewfinder and for image storage. ClC Christian Arnold test fires a hybrid rocket motor demonstration. The display is a popular sight at Majors’ Night and sparks cadets’ interest in astronautics. Photo by ClC Alexis Thuli ClC John Hilgenhold performs maintenance and preparatory work on antennas used by the ground station to communicate with FalconSATs during orbit. Photo by Arnie Spencer ClC Megan Maikell tests circuit boards for the next FalconSAT.
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Photo by Arnie Spencer rnnAr

FalconSAT program sets sights on space flight through inter-disciplinary capstone

Sky high isn’t enough for some Academy cadets. Those involved in the FalconSAT capstone program cast their gaze upward even further as they “learning space by doing space” per the Department of Astronautics motto.

The course has a cadet team act as a satellite system integrating contractor. The spacecraft bus, with all supporting subsysterns, is designed, built and tested to meet the requirements of real-world Department of Defense payload and mission requirements.

“This has been one of the more challenging and rewarding academic projects during my four years at USAFA. Every day was a new challenge,” said C1C Levi Hilgenhold. “The most rewarding moment was connecting to FalconSAT-3 for the first time in over a year. Seeing it operating perfectly after over a year of operator contact is a testament to the quality of work put into the satellites.”

FalconSAT cadets have been in the satellite design process since the early days of the space shuttle program. FalconSAT-6 will be the sixth cadet-built, free-flying spacecraft. It is slated for a September 2017 launch aboard Space-X’s Falcon Heavy from Cape Canaveral, FL.

The objective of FalconSAT-6 is to mature pervasive space technology that is relevant to the DoD. As an example, FalconSAT-6 is flying a next-generation solar cell that improves the efficiency of solar cell technology and hopefully leads to increased power generation on all DoD satellites.

rThe year-long capstone is where FalconSATs are designed, built and tested. Taking part are first-class cadets from a variety of academic majors including astronautical engineering, systems engineering, mechanical engineering, computer engineering and computer science, physics, management, and more. The experience applies well-beyond the classroom though.

“The deadlines often meant more than just a lower grade. If we didn’t get our work done in time, it meant that the program and our colleagues would suffer in some way,” said C1C Daniel Reynolds. “Capstone for me was practice for the demands and responsibilities that one gets from working on a real-world project.”

Cadets in any year and from any major can take part in the Cadet Space Operations Squadron side of the program. CSOPS cadets train to fly the satellites using the Academy ground station. Operators are currently flying FalconSAT-3, which is achieved its 10th year on orbit in March 2017.

“Flying a satellite is an incredible experience,” said C2C Kai Billings. “To think that as a cadet you can do something that makes an impact and mirrors active duty operations, shows the significance of the airmanship programs.”

CSOPS cadets can earn basic, senior and master cadet space wings after going through the space operations training sequence. The program provides summer leadership opportunities and technical training in space operations that mirrors the active duty Air Force. - FalconSAT team members

ClC Connor Crilly works on the wiring harness model for FalconSAT-8. Photo by ClC Alexis Thuli

Icarus staff provides creative outlet for poets, painters, writers, photographers PHOTOGRAPHY

Chief Editor: Travis Foote

Advisor: Capt Sean Purio

Cadet Editors: Macy Miller, Jack Matson, Lillian Costello, Jillian Little, Abbie Lavin, Amanda Underhill, Katherine Burnham, Victoria Wright, Kaileb Williamson


Photo by C3C Christopher Do Heart of a Galaxy Derelict Destiny Photo by ClC Jeremy Revereza
Photo by C3C John Bowes

Everything I need

Painting by C2C


Why I hate (Most) Vegetables

If put a wire in a potato And attach my phone to the other end Could also pretend enjoy its conversation And when it replies “OK” Do have to keep asking questions Or could stop peeling my own skin In a wasted effort for connection Andwhen we’re lounging on the couch All snuggled up, the spud and me Do you think it can offer any suggestions About a restaurant or a decent recipe...

The Host

or pain

To give or to gain

It shadows the title

Deceptions name

It lies in the dark

It lies in the deep

Be wary your thoughts You’re mind it will keep

To tell a lie, to risk the stain

To feel the way you’ll slowly wane

As this lie becomes your silver cane Your limp grows strong as you grow weak And you forget the buried truths you keep...


Painting by C2C Jenna Gustafson


Small Things

“Baba,” a child panted next to his ear, “Baba." A small hand pushed his shoulder, light like a book falling open. Ishmael turned his gaze from the runway surrounded by green trees on green mountains and a white-lettered sign he later knew read “HOLLYWOOD” and look at his son.

“Baba, again. Stop reading and play.”

Ishmael considered the small boy with slanted eyes. “Please Baba.” He reached for the red disk.

“Look my son,” Ishmael said, “Look close.” He held up the rim ofthe disk to the slits.

“What Baba?” his son said, legs bobbing with impatience.


Then his son’s eyes grew wide so that Ishmael could see his green irises. He held out his hand to the rim of the disk. A ladybug walked towards his fingers, onto his nails. He giggled. Ishmael smiled at his son.

“Small things are incredible, no Sa’id jan?”...



When was young, I would go to my grandpa’s houseand run around the grassy hills of Indiana with my cousin; we’d attempt to catch butterflies until the lightning bugs began to glow. My grandpa gave me as many jars as wanted so could hold the beautiful insects captive.

“Poke a hole in the top for them, dar They need air too!”

I’d get worried about them and put flowers inside each jar to “feed” them. In my innocence, probably stunted their growth or nearly suffocated them. But none of them died before released them. And as far as I knew, was a loving owner. On my eighth birthday, grandpa gave me a bug catching kit. discovered later that the kit came with an entire butterfly house. It was amazing. Beautifully colored screen compartments with hinge locks were connected at a joint that hooked into a handle, which used to carry the whole thing. Grandpa could tell it was my favorite gift. He always seemed to know exactly what I’d want, so he’d get me the very best of whatever it was because he loved me so much...

Finals Week symbolizes end of year for most, but for some, their cadet careers

It is the best of times; it is the worst of times. Finals Week represents both the glorious culmination of a semester of lessons filled with graded reviews, homework, and papers and the brutal recall requirements of those 40 lessons of graded reviews, homework, and papers.

“Finals are an emotional rollercoaster,” said C2C Remington Hoyer. “I am super stoked for the exciting times that follow finals because summers are the best, but prior to finals is another story. Ultimately, I decide to push through and hope the Dean takes an easy on me.”

Each class in some way tests cadets' understanding of course material. While some have a written final, other courses have a final project or paper. Finals are typically worth 25 percent of the grade for the course, so the stakes are high. While some cadets respond to the pressure by diligently preparing, sometimes even weeks in advance, other cadets hit the books mere hours before their finals.

A constant sight in the cadet area during Finals Week is cadets studying in a variety of locations. The library adds special hours to allow cadets to study late into the night.

and squadron activity rooms are often packed with cadets reviewing for the same class. Some find more creative places to study.

“My favorite place to study for finals was at the top of Eagle’s Peak, because it is far far away from people” said C1C Gareth Price.

Other features of finals week is the increased consumption of coffee and energy drinks as well as the creation of “Beat the Dean” posters, which depict a variety of combat situations between cadets and their finals, represented by Dean of Faculty Brig Gen Andrew Armacost.

“Taking Aero as a second semester English major firstie is not recommended. But I'm 99% sure I’m going to graduate. So that’s good” said C1C Leah Young.

A highlight of Spring Finals’ Week are the splashes of firsties celebrating their last academic duty by leaping into the air garden fountains, often wearing their class-colored caps.

“I’m just glad they sent out ROEs for how to jump into a fountain, I wouldn’t have known what to do otherwise” said C1C Rachel Eaton after her Number Theory final.

James Chemistry majors from the Class of 2017 added a secret ingredient to thefountain to make a their leap a little spooky. Photo by James Rush Serious-minded cadets tackle one of their end of year finals in Fairchild Mall. For some, this test may be the last hurdle to clear to end the academic year. Photo by ClC Alexis Thuli Star Wars fans among the faculty welcomed the test takers with a little bit of humor. Photo by James Rush C4C Kira Sikora and another cadet spend a little down time between tests with a canine remedy for finals-related stress in the library. Photo by James Rush C2C Tara Tryon tries rubbing her head to shake loose answers from an overloaded brain. Photo by ClC Alexis Thuli

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Seniors, freshmen jointly celebrate one of Academy’s memorable annual milestones

The Academy and its cadets like numbers. Upon arriving for in processing, each class is bombarded with numbers - how many classes have come before them, how many people are entering in their class (and various break downs of the class) and more. This is also the day they begin their countdown to graduation. They have their class year plus infinity days until commissioning into the Air Force and joining the long blue line of graduates.

The true countdown to the light at the end of the tunnel starts on 100s night, the milestone which marks 100 days until graduation. After starting with more than infinity days, 100s night can seem unachievable. Yet, every year this day comes faster than expected.

“I can't believe it’s our night already. I feel like our exemplar dinner was yesterday” said C1C Leah Young. “It’s a night that the four degrees look forward to almost as much as we do.”

On Feb. 22, the Class of 2017 attended the traditional formal dinner of steak and four-cheese tortellini in Mitchell Hall before departing for the three-day weekend. At the conclusion of dinner, firsties headed to the nearby mountains and cities across the country to celebrate.

“I don’t remember much about the weekend. I’m sure the speaker was fantastic, but I do know that I went to Las Vegas and had a good time,” said C1C David Wagner. In addition to finally being able to see the finish line, this year firsties also received their first base assignment.

“When I received my first assignment, I was incredibly excited because it meant I was one step closer to commissioning and getting out there and putting my training to use,” said C1C Samantha Cabusora. The weekend isn't all about the graduating class though. Four degrees get a taste of freedom - no walking at attention on the right side of the halls, no confinement to their squadron - and a chance to unleash creativity as they decorate a firstie’s room.

"Hundreds weekend was easily one of the most memorable weekends I have had here in USAFA. It allowed me to see the light at the end of the tunnel, as I was able to get a taste of some of the many privileges that upperclassmen receive after their first year,” said C4C Enrique Gazmin. “I decorated my squadron commander's room with a sports team theme. I remember turning his bed into a pool table and leaving a plate of hot wings on his desk all while playing a highlight clip from one of his favorite sports teams.”

Room decorations show the close bond between the classes, and commonly depict favorite places, memorable moments, inside jokes and more. The more decorated a room, the more liked the firstie. The biggest insult is a room left untouched, or put into inspection order.

“I remember leaving for the weekend and wondering what I would come back to. Sunday night I walked into Bikini Bottom with a Spongebob pinata hanging from my ceiling, it was perfect,” said C1C Gabriel Perez. - C2C Victoria Wright

Freshmen take a breal setting up an amphibic assault augmented by turtle pinata. De ideas are often inspire the personality of the occupying the room. F by Arnie

C4C Haeley Deeney drapes ribbons throughout a senior's room.
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Falcon baseball players pose with Minions, Academy firefighters and a Make-A-Wish family after a game here. Photos by C2C Kathryn Stutesman Corey Santiago eyes the ball as he swings (with help from his dad). Corey’s sister sprints down the baseline.

Minions (probably) crush firefighters in Make-A-Wish baseball showdown

Minions versus firefighters baseball and a young boy earning the Mr Octobernickname added up to a fantastic Make-A-Wish dream come true at the Academy’s field Oct 25.

Corey Santiago, hard-hitting leader of the Minions, arrived in style aboard an antique firetruck as a good sportsmanship gesture by the 10th Air Base Wing Fire Department. Greeting him were the Wings of Blue and crowded stands filled with friends and cadets.

“I heard that there was a Make-A-Wish Event going on so I wanted to come down and check it out,” said C2C Monroe Dauwalder. “I felt extremely moved by how motivated the baseball team was to make this event real for Corey.”

The Minions probably won by a lot of runs. Corey led the way hitting a home run in each of the four innings, finishing the

game with a grand slam.

“Being involved with this game was really cool and a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said C4C Bailey Ishler, a freshman on the Falcons varsity team who played outfield for the Minions. “To be a part of something bigger than yourself and put a smile on someone’s face. I don’t know how to describe it, but it was a team effortfrom everyone on the team to plan the game. It was an experience I wish everyone could have been a part of. It was extremely humbling.”

Approximately 500 cadets and even more civilians packed the stands, sporting yellow shirts and waving yellow spirit flags to cheer on Corey’s mighty Minions. “People came together to make him feel special. It means a lot,” said Nichole Santiago, Corey’s mother. - C2C Kat Stutesman

(Left) Goofy can always be counted on for a friendly hug. (Far Left) ClC Bailey DeSaussure shows one of the Academy’s mascot birds to kids. (Above) C2C Michael Brady, ClC Angela Curtis and C4C Patrick Burke march with trumpets at the ready. Photo by C3C Emily Bleuel. (Right) Mellophones sound off during a parade. Photo by C3C Leslie Fallert

Cadet Drum & Bugle celebrates Mardi Gras playing at New Orleans parades, ballgame

The Cadet Drum and Bugle Corps marched, played, and yes, danced its way through New Orleans, LA, as part of the city’s Mardi Gras festivities this year.

Touching down in nearby Baton Rouge on a Thursday evening, the Corps was ready the next morning for the first of back-toback parade days. First up was the marching with the Krewe of Cork, a Carnival walking parade that takes to the streets of the French Quarter eleven days before Fat Tuesday. The cadets joined approximately 11,000 of the people for the march down Bourbon Street.

“D&B has given all of us so many great opportunities. Marching down Bourbon Street and receiving so much support from the crowd was something I’ll never forget. I can’t wait to see where D&B takes me in the future,” said C2C Erin Fleet.

The Corps was back at it Saturday for

the five-mile Parade of Pontchartrain in downtown New Orleans performing for a crowd of more than 600,000 people. That evening they enjoyed a well-deserved night off on the Mississippi River via a dinner cruise on Steamboat Natchez. Entertainment featured live jazz music and an opportunity to do a little swing dancing on the back deck of the Natchez.

“The food was great but the jazz was better!” said C1C William Hammond.

Drum and Bugle met up with the Falcon baseball team Sunday at the Alex Box Stadium in Baton Rouge. Air Force was in town to play against Louisiana State University and the Corps got things started with a rousing performance of the Star Spangled Banner for a patriotic crowd. Sticking around to cheer on the Falcons, a small Corps combo performed God Bless America for the crowd as well. - C3Cs Leslie Fallert and Emily Bleuel

Drum Major C3C Domenico Vacanti strikes a heroic pose after debarking from the military air flight.

Mellophone and trumpet players dance around to "Squid.” Photo by C3C Emily Bleuel Photo by C3C Leslie Fallert.

Flat Stanley gets V.I.P. treatment, tours Academy, meets canines, cadet athletes

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Flat Stanley visited the Air Force Academy this year on behalf of his friend Cameron. Excerpts from a letter back to Cameron are printed below.]

Dear Cameron,

It’s only my first day at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and I've already been on a lot of adventures! I’ve met some really nice people! They are taking me places and letting me do a whole bunch of cool things. My first morning here, I got to be on the Air Force Academy’s cadet radio station 97.7 KAFA! We played some really cool music and I met some of the cadet DJs. The cadets are really nice and have been showing me all kinds of neat things!

I got to read through a bunch of the yearbooks here and leam what cadets do every day while they go to school here! They even let me wear an actual Air Force Falcons football helmet. Although it was a little too big for me!

Friday I met with some Military Working Dogs and their handlers. The dogs are big and have lots of teeth so it was a little scary at first. But, I listened carefully to Technical Sergeant Bums’ instructions and when she told me it was OK to say “hi,” I went up and pet the dogs. Then she had one do all sorts of neat tricks on an obstacle course. He was really friendly too, but he did drool on me a little.

That night I went to my first college hockey game and boy it sure was fun. I got to meet a bunch of the players, they were really nice guys and they even let me sit on the bench with them during the game for a little while! The mascot and the cheerleaders took pictures with me. I guess I’m becoming quite the celebrity! During one of the intermission, I rode on the Zamboni ice replacement machine and the cadets all cheered for me! My new cadet friends were really fun to be with. One of my best friends is named Issac. He’s a cadet here and he was the one who let me hang out with him andthe hockey team

Friday night. They said I must be the teams good luck charm, because the team won 5-0 and is tied for first in their conference.

My adventure continues with Cadet Victoria. She took me to the Wings of Blue Parachute Team practice session. I learned that the Wings of Blue has a demonstration team and a competition team. They travel across the country to perform at airshows, sporting events, and other places to represent the Air Force in precision parachuting. They would not let me parachute with them because they thought I would fly away and get lost so for my safety I stayed on the ground watching them dance in the sky! Now to get ready for next adventure,

The next day I arrived early and ready to fly in a glider at the airfield! I was treated like all the cadets here and got briefed. I learned about the spins and aerobatics they do. My new friends put on their parachutes but I didn’t need one because I am flat. Since gliders don't have engines, another airplane with an engine pulls the glider into the air. And off we went! Right away I could see the Air Force Academy from the blue skies. I saw where the cadets marched played sports, the Chapel with pointy silver spikes and old airplanes parked on the grass. I even saw tiny cadets walking to class. They were the size of ants from where I was looking.

The tow plane kept pulling the glider higher and higher into the air until the pilots were ready to SOAR!! We were 12,500 feet above sea level or 4,000 feet above the ground. All I could hear was the wind rushing by, WHOOOOSHHHHH! It was amazing! My pilots started doing their training which included spins, loops, turns, and dives. I was really nervous at first but I knew I was in good hands because the cadets study hard and practice a lot. even though I was really nervous at first, I realized that pilots work really hard to fly safely and take care of the people riding in their planes and that the Air Force pilots are the best at what they do! - Polaris Staff

Robert Rush, head equipment manager for the Air Force Hockey team, makes sure Flat Stanley has a front-row seat for a game at the Cadet Field House. Photo by C3C Isaac Kasten Stanley checks out the recently-won Commander s-in-Chief’s Trophy. Photo by James Rush



(Left) Hard-working ladies from security forces and their canine partner give Stanley a our of the working dogs kennels. Photo by James Rush (Above) Stan KAFA radio. s is as a guest DJ on 97-7 by Jennifer Rodriguez (Above) Hip hop artist B.o.B. gets up close and personal with cadets during a performance in the theater.
if, jj /JO b£HR€ .L. i " * if A f * V ^ \~ S C
(Right) C3C Bailey DeBerry in white and C4C Erica Lee act during a Blue Bards show in the theater. Photos by Arnie Spencer Cadets challenge each other in a big ball course as others line up for food on the Arnold Hall patio. The facility offers a theater, ballroom, sports bar, fastfood dining and coffee shop. Photo by C2C Katie Corcoran

A-Hall serves as hub for entertainment, relaxation, alternate dining, socializing

Whether it’s working on school assignments or enjoying the latest game, Arnold Hall provides cadets a space to do so. This building serves as a cadet student union and a central location for many cadet needs.

The facility is consideredsomewhat of a safe haven for four degrees pre-recognition. There they can talk with each other and socialize without the constant scrutiny of upperclassmen.

“Arnold Hall was the place where we could come together as friends from outside of our squadron, enjoy some food, and relax. It was a special place to spend time with friends,” said C2C Madison Gray, recalling her freshman year.

Entertainment options also include movies in the theater, usually on weekends, and on special occasions, plays produced and portrayed by cadets. Cadet Entertainment, a club whose motto is “By cadets for cadets,” provides other activities and events. This includes concerts, fun extracurricular classes, sporting event parties, and holiday events for cadets and families that live on base.

Perhaps this year’s most notable concert was a performance by popular hip hop artist B.o.B with C2C Garrett Glaudini as an opening act.

“The B.o.B concert was awesome,” said C4C Troy Slatkavitz. “The opener was a fantastic sample of cadet talent and it got the crowd pumped for B.o.B. I never thought I would be on stage dancing with B.o.B having such a memorable time.”

Also included with ArnoldHall is Haps, a place specifically for the upperclassmen age 21 and older. Beer and wine are offered along with shuffleboard, pool tables, poker nights and other distractions giving cadets a place to release stress.

“I feel that the relationships we build here are more essential to our future careers and officership than any class we can take,” said C2C Aaric Rogers. “I like building friendships, meeting new people, and having a laugh. Haps is the best place to do that.”

Numerous televisions make it a good spot to watch sports as well and designated drivers aren’t necessary for getting home safely. - C4C Reagan Batson

(Above) C4C Vito Marchino plays piano as classmates Manzi Masozero and Joseph Saucier sing along. (Left) Cadets and guests dig into a winter potluck. Photo by Arnie Spencer

Three long years’ of waiting finally ends as Zamperini Class finally gets its class rings

Cadet life is measured through milestone events leading up to graduation. One of the biggest takes place just before graduation, but is all about the junior class - Ring Dance.

Nothing wouldruin this day, May 19, for the Class of 2018, not even a persistent, frigid wind or a high of 41 degrees Fahrenheit. With Spirit Hill covered in snow, shivering hands captured pictures of smiling 18ers on the terrazzo as they documented their last few hours without class rings.

“Looking back at all the pictures from that day, you’d never know we were all freezing with chattering teeth and numb fingers, just wishing the photographers would hurry up so we could put our jackets back on. We had been waiting for that night for three years, so we weren’t about to let the weather stop us,” said C2C Kristin Mason.

“It was so cold that I couldn't even use my phone to take them,” said C2C Kayla Tinucci. “A friend followed me around with a blanket that I used in between every picture to attempt to keep warm. It was freezing, but the snowy pictures came out great.”

The Louis Zamperini Class entered Mitchell Hall and made its way to squadron assigned tables. While doing so, cadets stuck peeks at the front tables where air

officers commanding placed class rings.

The legacy class, which is the class of 1968 for 2018, shares every milestone with the cadets, and this was no exception. Cadets tried to listen as Lt Col (Ret) Carl Janssen spoke to them about what this moment, andthe ring they were about to receive, meant. Remembering his own time as a cadet, he kept his speech short knowing he was the only thing standing between roughly 1,000 cadets and a moment they had waited three years for.

“Even though we didn’t have the old ring exchange, it was still pretty awesome getting my ring. It was surreal finally wearing it and ittook a little while to get used to seeing it on my finger,” said Cadet Mason.

With red champagne flutes, class engraved shot glasses and flasks, and other small tokens of the night in hand, cadets made their way to Arnold Hall for the dance portion of the night. Once inside the ballroom, mess dress jackets came off, party sleeves were displayed, and the celebration of having rings to knock commenced.

With designated drivers behind the wheel, the class slowly dispersed into mountainous cabins to continue the celebration into the rest of the weekend. - C2C Victoria

C2C Joshua Roseler sports his party sleeves as he and C3C Jordan Peterson dance away the night in Arnold Hall. Photos by Arnie Spencer (Above) The Class of 2018 crest on display.
(Left) Permanent party leaders bring the cadets rings to the dinner in Mitchell Hall.


Dr Heather Wilson speaks to the Class of 2017. Photo by Arnie Spencer ClC Michael Downs listens attentively. Photo by Arnie Spencer ClC Ciarra McCarthy leads a row of cadets as C4C Tyler Wright from the saber team performs before the ceremony. Photo by Darci Ibidapo the graduating class prepares to sit. Photo by (Above) Cadet Squadron 28 ClCs Amelia Mair, Devin McAfee and Jessica Schwanebeck happily line-up to take the stage and accept well-earned congratulations from the guest speaker and other distinguished visitors. Photo by Darcie Ibidapo (Left) Dean of the Faculty Brig Gen Andrew Armacost leads his academic procession. Photo by Mike Kaplan Austin Flues, Chris Carr and Caleb Anderson celebrate and dodge falling hats as the Thunderbirds fly overhead. Photo by Darcie Ibidapo (Above) Lily and Chloe Forlini are triumphant in their final doubles appearance at Academy. Photo by Arnie Spencer
(Right) Christina McMillan hugs the cadet who followed her in the graduation precession at the base of the exit ramp from the stage. Photo by Arnie Spencer Waverly Hock signals to her fan club i Photo by Arnie Spencer. stands, getting the diploma in hand is what it’s all about. Brody Hicks snaps a second lieutenant board on Tyler Weaver's shoulder. Photo by Mike Kaplan Guest speaker Gen Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, salutes a graduating cadet.Photo by Darcie Ibidapo Seo Hyun Kim and Justin Jones rejoice together. Photo by Arnie Spencer Photos by Arnie Spencer






ClC Bryan Driskell from Cadet Squadron 37 raises his handand repeats the oath of office. Photo by C2C Kathryn Stutesman (Above) ClC Morgan Fagnant hold back emotions as family members pin on her lieutenant boards. Photos by Arnie Spencer (Right) A poster keeps CS21 cadets from losing their place while repeating the oath of office. ClC Jensen Caster uses a lure to catch the interest of a mascot falcon during a pre-parade show. Photo by Arnie Spencer (Above) Twin UV-18 B Twin Otters fly over Stillman Field. Photos by Darcie Ibidapo (Right) Seniors march in an inverted wedge as they formally leave the Cadet Wing. Following this, the Class of 2018 is responsible for leading the wing. (Above) A cadet-flown glider leaves a smoke trail to show its path during an acrobatic demonstration. Photo by Arnie Spencer (Below) Commandant of Cadets Brig Gen Kristin Goodwin presents a saber to ClC Wyatt Kelly, summer commander of the Cadet Wing. Photo by Darcie Ibidapo C4C Kayla St Pierre focuses intently on hersaber routine. Photo by Arnie Spencer Firsties from Cadet Squadron 21 salute the Cadet Wing. Photo by Arnie Spencer
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(Right) ClC Jacob Yarwood salutes his classmates and the crowd after shaking hands with the guest speaker. Photo by Darcie Ibidapo (Far Right) ClC Rachel Duff quickly wipes away a bit of happiness leaking from her eyes. Photo by Arnie Spencer (Above) Four, sometimes five, years of hard work pays off with earning second lieutenant bars. (Left) Cadets hug at the base of the ramp where they left the graduation stage. Photos by Arnie Spencer (Above) ClC Arthur Rose holds his diploma high for allhis friends and family in the stands to see. Photo by Darcie Ibidapo (Left) ClC Dena McFadden shares the moment via a phone call after the hat toss. Photo by Arnie Spencer



Summer Wing Commander:

Riley Richards

Fall Wing Commander: Sara Fishbein

Spring Wing Commander:


Outstanding Group: Group 1

Outstanding Squadron: Cadet Squadron 32

Drill & Ceremonies Comp: Cadet Squadron 32

Military Proficiency: Cadet Squadron 32

Core Values, Cadet Squadron 3

Academic Achievement: Cadet Squadron 35

Leadership and Scholarship:

Cadet Squadron 19

Intercollegiate: Cadet Squadron 20

Intramural: Cadet Squadron 6

Athletic Excellence - Supt's: Cadet Squadron 21

Jacob Yarwood

Group Commander: Santos

Jayagopal Squadron Commander:

Whitney Briggs

Flight Commander: John Deaton

Loyalty Integrity Courage:

Reagan Fentress

Honor Chairperson: Brandon Chitwood

Character: Timothy Barbera

Citizenship: Andrew Liang

Airmanship: Min Kim

Parachuting: Min Kim

Powered Flight: Christopher Beck

Soaring: Ashley Torres

Remotely Piloted Aircraft:

Heath Rohr

Basic Sciences: Evan Locke

Engineering: Young Wu

Humanities: Jeremy Jacobellis

ClC Santos Jayagopal

Social Sciences: Alyssa


Athlete (M): Weston Steelhammer

Athlete (W): Genevieve Miller

Athletic Achievement: Bradley Haslam

Athletic Excellence: Jordan Dahle

Athletic Leadership: Chloe Forlini

Military Performance: Tierra Franklin

Academic Performance: Young Wu

Scholar-Athlete: Lucas Fumagalli

Order of Graduation: Young Wu

il i i I I
ClC Young Wu
ClC Chloe Forlini



"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

Thank you to my loving family and all thosewho supported me through this journey at USAFA.

/ would like to thank my family, friends, and everyone who has supported me throughout my four years here at the Academy. It was a great experience and I am so glad that I decided to take on this challenge. Never forget that the key to life is happiness. Surround yourself with the people that you love, take advantage of every opportunity you get, and enjoy every minute of it.

/ have learned that happiness only comes with success-, that success is not given to the most able, but attained by the most ambitious; and that ambition is not an attribute, but a choice. Those people who seek change, the ones who work to improve the environment around them, are the most happy in the end.

"My favorite college experience was probably leaving college." - Marshawn Lynch

Christopher Devin Carr Annapolis, MD U.S. Navy Caleb Joshua Anderson Bel Air, MD Remotely Operated Aircraft Alex Burke Atwood Castle Rock, CO Pilot John Russell Console Carlsbad, CA Developmental Engineer Austin Wayne Flues Hillsboro, OR Civil Engineer
Cadet Squadron 01


"It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
- Sir Edmund Hillary



I'd like to thank my sponsors: Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar, Folgers, and Maxwell House for their continued support throughout the sleepless years. I wouldn't be standing here without you guys.

Air Battle Manager

“Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." - Bull Durham

Bradley William Haslam Lakeway, TX

Remotely Operated Aircraft

“America is too greatfor small dreams."

- Ronald Reagan

Lewis Center, OH

Remotely Operated Aircraft

Nobody said it was going to be easy but we made it. Through the good and the bad we persevered despite all odds and we are stronger because of it.

Los Angeles, CA

Force Support

Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, its not the end ...l would like to give a big shout out to my GOD and my FAMILY!

Meredith Marie Garrett Yukon, OK Madeline Ann Gloss Gilbert, AZ Eric Holm MN Andrew Philip Horstman Justin Alexander Harold Johnson

*Love is limitless*; "Be curious, not judgmental.”

- Walt Whitman;

a tree, and then maybe you'll see, a little further*


So there’s that. "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.”

"Ours is the responsibility to keep our lights brightfor others to see and follow."
- Thomas S Monson

8e thelion you were born to be, stay true to yourself, and wherever you are, be all there.

Thank you Mom, Dad, Blake, Calli, Joe, and Mike. Without your examples to follow, your support I could rely on, and love I grew up with, this life of mine would be very different indeed.

Daniel Manuel Lara Loveland, CO Force Support *Climb Cori Morgan McFadden Schaeffer Ann McHenry Victorville, CA Naples, FL Combat System Operator Pilot Jessica Nepherti McNeace Gaithersburg, MD Weather whirls have little whirls, That feed on their velocity; And little whirls have lesser whirls, And so on to viscosity.” - Lewis Fry Richardson Brady Lance Miner Idaho Falls, ID Pilot Kaleb Daniel Nypaver Cincinnati, OH Pilot
& Cadet Squadron 01

Remotely Operated Aircraft


“Keep calm and watch the

"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
- Sir Edmund Hillary

"Our deepestfear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepestfear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. ...And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - Marianne Williamson

I would like to thank my friends and familyfor helping me get to this point in my life. Mom, Dad, and Jacob, I love you all and cannot thank you enoughfor your unconditional love andfor supporting me throughout my time here.

Remotely Operated Aircraft and I got away with it all

Austin Josiah Oliver Dallas, TX Raymond B Wayne Junwoo Park Northridge, CA Pilot Samantha Skold Evergreen, CO Cyberspace Operations Broncos win.” Spencer John Smith Cameron, Wl Cyberspace Operations Joshua Lee Self Coppell, TX Pilot Hunter Ikaika Stephens Agana Heights, Guam

I have no recollection of the event in question

"The power of excellence is overwhelming. It is always in demand and nobody cares about its color.” - Gen Daniel S "Chappie”

“But those who trust in the LORD willfind new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." - Isaiah 40:51; Here's to all the miles I have run and all the jumps that allowed me to soar. Blue skies...

Logistics Readiness

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

- Martin Luther King Jr

Philip Strunk Evanston, IL Pilot Malik Rashad Washington Algonquin, IL Pilot James Jr McKallHelen Turk Olympia, WA Pilot Joseph Tuss Las Vegas, NV
Cadet Squadron 01




Was it easy? Nope. Worth it? Absolutely.

Thank you to everyone who has helped and guided me along the way, l could not have made it through without the unwavering support and love of my family, teammates, coaches, sponsor family, andfriends.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

'You don'tneed to debug an essay."

- Braden Laverick

“All you have to do to win is rise each time you fall.” -

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Savannah Elizabeth Banyai Chandler, AZ Intelligence Kirk Justin Beaver Pittsburgh, PA Christopher John Beck St Louis, MO Pilot
to all the miles I have run and all the jumps that allowed me to soar.
Max Benson
Ann Arbor, Ml
Remotely Piloted Aircraft
The Race
Steven Michael Brosy Fort Myers, FL
Blue skies...

Don't follow your dreams, follow my snapchat @anton.cebanu and instagram

“It is all mental"

And now, let us step out into the night and pursue that

temptress, adventure.

Alas, earwax.

As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

- Marianne Williamson

1 Cor 1:27

Andrew Tam Buisson Arlington, TX Pilot “Live and Learn." - Pop Anton Cebanu Moldova @nikogda Avery Jon Eckebrecht Mission Viejo, CA Pilot Jack Leo Eichenberger West Chicago, IL Pilot 'You can catch a lot offlies with honey, but you can catch more honeys being fly." - Unknown Brady Dean Gartman Forsan, TX Operations Research Analyst flighty Sydney Graham Albuquerque, NM Developmental Engineer
Cadet Squadron 02

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

I didn’t sleep welllast night so 1 made my coffee this morning with Red Bull instead of water. I got half way to work before I realized I forgot my car.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

USAFA has been my goal since I was a young kidand having made it through here is a dream come true. With a little hard work, dedication and the support of your loved ones, anything is possible.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Remember the times when you wanted what you have now.

Derek Mall Mesa, AZ James Griffin Jax Phoenix, AZ Acquisition Manager HAGS Nicholas James Leggit Frederick, MD Pilot "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill Brian Michael McSweeney Tampa, FL Sage Locke Keltee Cambridge, OFI Civil Engineer Katharine Moeller Orange, CA

“I'm just ‘bout that action boss." - Marshawn Lyncb

The most important things I learned at the Academy is to live life to the fullest and never be afraid to reach out first.

"The only thing
is for good men to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory

“Our deepest fear in not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." -

Marianne Williamson

Thanks to all my friends and family that have helped me get this far. I love you guys. “It always seems impossible until it's done."

Jacob Romitti Tucson, AZ Civil Engineer Gordon Sitt Carbondale, IL Pilot Bradford Lee Rupert Stafford, VA Pilot necessary for the triumph of evil Mikayla Morgan Scarboro North Pole, AK Pilot Nicole Sofet Kennesaw, GA Remotely Piloted Aircraft Hannah Leah Sponseller North Pole, AK Civil Engineer
Cadet Squadron 02
of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive CS-03 DOGS OF WAR
David Amengual Queensbury, NY Pilot "Not all those who wander are tost." - J.R.R. Tolkien
Lynn Bittleston
NC Force Support “Wherever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius
"Any day you don't get better is a wasted day."
- Will Smith

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." -

'You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
- Wayne Gretzky." - Michael Scott

Logistics Readiness

Thanks for the love, care and support Mom and Dad. Love you!

Thank you to my friends and familyfor making this a great experience, and thank you Christen for being with me every step of the way.


"Great moments are born from great opportunity, and that's what you have here tonight, boys. That's what you've earned here tonight. One game; if we played them ten times, they might win nine. But not this game, not tonight. Tonight, we skate with them. Tonight we stay with them, and we shut them down because we can. Tonight, we are the greatest hockey team in the world."Herb Brooks, 22 FEB 1980

Drew Bragado Colorado Springs, CO Pilot Allen Thomas Caunitz Colleyville, TX Pilot Steven Sunwoo Choi Dublin, CA Mark Thomas Cruickshank Rockford, Ml Pilot Charles Dickens Stephen Cunningham Cuyahoga Falls, OH Systems Engineer - Human Factors Tyler Matthew Dietrich Leesburg, VA
Cadet Squadron 03

Thanks mom and dadfor the constant support. Good luck Christi, you're killin it! Make the most of it while you’re here.


"America must win this war. Therfore I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I willfight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone."

"Whatever makes you happy do it as often as possible." - Shonduras

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.” - Ernest Hemingway

If it is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well. If God is with me, who could be against me? Therefore, l choose to be with God.

Wesley Bryan Jackman Redding, CA Developmental Engineer - Project Dustin Joseph Johannsen Fort Collins, CO Pilot Evan Locke Castro Valley, CA Medical Kenneth Anson McGhee Tucson, AZ Pilot poppity give me the zoppity." - Michael Scott Robert Meza Falcon Heights, TX Pilot Kathryn Ann New Mosca, CO Pilot

Graduatingfrom USAFA is the realization of a lifelong dream, and / owe the experience to my mom and dad for teaching, challenging, and inspiring me in its pursuit. To Sophie, Lily, and especially Tom- thanks for always being there when / needed you most.

“Defend the weak, protect both young and old, never desert your friends. Give justice to all, be fearless in battle and always ready to defend the right." -

Brian Jacques

“It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but a good amount of it actually is." I cannot express how grateful I am for the love and support I have received from my family and friends over these last four years. I would not be where I am without y’all - especially Mama. Love you most.

/ would not have made it through the Academy without my family, my teammates, and my closest friends. Thank you to all of those whohave made this experience memorable. I will remember these four years for the rest of my life.

"I'm surprised you're graduating." - Mom

This was harder than JROTC Joshua L9

Jack Carson Nordell Canon City, CO Pilot Jocelle Ann Rudico Duncanville, TX Space Operations Jake Ryan Seratte Cache, OK Pilot Denique caelum Victoria Lynne Szala Schertz, TX Behavioral Psychologist Ryan McLane Thomas Lancaster, OH Logistics Readiness Jacob Bryce Tilley Kingsport, TX Aircraft Maintenance
Cadet Squadron 03

‘Ifyou are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.”

- Patrick Rothfuss

Thank you to my family, friends, and all who have helped me get to where I am today. You got me through the thick and thin.

"A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same."

- Brock

Lukas N Waldron Fort Valley, VA Pilot Ryan Samuel Worley Carpinteria, CA Combat Rescue Officer Young Wu San Jose, CA Pilot ShuJie Yan Shanghai, China Logistics Readiness Don't ever stop SMILING! Class of 2017
Cadet Training Photo Archive




What's your class rank?

Answer: 92TO

William Albyn Centennial, CO Remotely Piloted Aircraft

“If I live the life I’m given, I won't be scared to die."

- Avett Brothers. "Music, the great communicator/ Use two sticks to make it in the nature." - Red Hot Chili Peppers. Shout out to my beautiful mother

von Vietinghoff-Scheel Buena Park, CA U.S. Navy

‘You try you fail, You try you fail, But the only true failure, Is when you stop trying" - The Haunted Mansion

Britt Lockport, NY Maintenance

“What we do for ourselvesdies with us; what we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." - Albert Pike

Love you all~ thank you to my family, friends, and mentors, but especially to my Baby Rads.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother." - Shakespeare

Fly hard.

Brenden Scott Bone Phoenix, AZ Thomas Christian Baron Brandon Jan Bylina San Jose, CA Pilot Katie
Cadet Squadron 03 - 04


"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss



Assalamu Alaikum. Always and forever.

Space Operations

"Great works are performed, not by strength, but by Perseverance." - Samuel Johnson

Operations Research

"It is not wise to violate the rules before you know how to observe them.” - TS Eliot

Operations Research

Thank you to God, my family, and friends for all the love and support along the way



"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing." - Mark Twain. I want to thank my family and friends, without them I would have never made it through this place, especially my dad for being an inspiration to me, and for guidance along the way. Thanks to the academy for all the cool experiences including letting me help build a satellite. "SPACESHIP! SPACESHIP! SPACESHIP!" - Benny, Lego Movie

Anna Maria Cherry Durham, NC Markez Jamarus Davis Holly Springs, Derek Thomas Deiter Frisco, TX Jessica Rochelle Kelley Schuylkill Haven, Michael Scott Hughes Ledyard, CT Zacahry John Kane Doylestown, PA

Network Operations

‘You don't have to debug an English assignment." - me circa fail 2015.

“I gotta talk to God even though he isn't near me Based on what I got it's hard to think that he don’t hear me” - Drake Shout out to the B&KBDC, the CNS crew, and my parents for helping me through these four years.

"Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering." - Theodore Roosevelt


“Stay humble, stay hungry."anonymous


"Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow.” - unknown; Thanks to my parents, brother, and friends who supported me alonq this journey, I love you all. Isaiah 40: 50-51


In the end, it was all worth it. I left a better person than I was.


/ want to thank all my friends and family for helping me get this far. Can’t believe I made it.

Psalm 121

“Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you, no one would believe it." - unknown

Braden James Laverick Clymer, PA Andrew John Lichtsinn Green Valley, AZ Christian Mayes Linn Cartersville, GA Bradley Mokris Warner Robins, GA Pilot Dominic Tyrell Moore Kapolei, HI Elijah David Nicholson Hayesville, NC
Cadet Squadron 04


VA Space Operations

I would like to thank my Mom, Dad, Danny, Betsey, Jamie, DSmallBoy, Kevin, Hannah, and Nicole. It is because of you, my friends, and my faith that I am the person I am today. I am so gratefulfor all the love and guidance I continue to receive from you all.

The sun is out, the golf course is green, there's fresh powpow on the mountains, and the markets are looking good.

Elizabethtown, PA

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

"For l am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

- Romans 8:38-39

William Irby Shanley Cincinnati, Ol-I Pilot


Subdue the dragon; tame the tiger

Look Up See Down

Helena, MT Operations Research

"Those who say it cannot be done should get out of the way of those who are doing it." - unknown

Highlands Ranch, CO

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

"Dear past: thank you for all the lessons. Dear future: I am ready. I hope you are too." - unknown

Jeffrey Michael Puhek Station, Khornwitpong Soonthonnitikul Thailand Stephen Benjamin Rudy Dominick Valentino Speranza Hayley Weir



“There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask "What if I fall?” Oh but my darling, What if you fly?"

- Erin Hanson

"Life is a great adventure... Embrace it as such.”

- Teddy Roosevelt

I'd like to thank my family, friends, squadmates, and teammates; I couldn't have made it without your help. It's a blessing and an honor to serve you all on the long blue line.

“We may not be great thinkers or world leaders, we don't read a lot or run very fast, but darn it! We can eat!" - Joey

I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who helped me survive the roller coaster these last four years have been. I especially want to thank my family for all of their support; I would not be where I am without them and I can only hope to try and be worthy of all they have done for me.

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

- Thomas Edison

Wesleigh Raquel Bartels Peachtree City, GA Pilot Erik Antonio Brito El Paso, TX Pilot Baby! Nathan William Buxton Wilmington, DE Pilot Nicholas Jeffrey Brandt Clear Spring, MD Pilot Tribbiani Nicholas Carpenter New Braunfels, TX Pilot
Cadet Squadron 04 - 05

Remotely Piloted

“Ifyou can walk away from a landing, it's a good landing. If you can use the airplane the next day, it’s an outstanding landing.” - Chuck Yeager

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” - James 1:2-4

“Never do today what you can do tomorrow" - Dominic Casulli

The Goat made it.

My 4 years at USAFA... "And I knew exactly what to do. But in much more real sense, I had no idea what to do." - Michael Scott


Logistics Readiness

Thank you to my friends and family for all your support over the past couple years. I am grateful to be a part of your lives and thankfulfor such great support. Special thanks to the men of AFXC; if it wasnt for you I wouldn't have made it. "Nobody cares about the bronze or silver medQ Is." -

Patrick Greg Casa Las Vegas, NV Aircraft Angela Lee Curtis Norman, OK Pilot Lauren Ellis Casulli Ardmore, PA Pilot Andrew Holt Daughtery Bakersfield, CA Pilot Stefan Stanimir Curcic Iselin, NJ Pilot Jason Peter Engel Santa Margarita, CA

Mom and Dad, words cannot express my thanks for all ofyour love and support. I love you both. I want to thank God, my family and friends. I would not have made it this far without you. On to the next chapter.

"Don’t give up. Don't ever give up." - Jim Valvano

"Sometimes she goes, sometimes she don't." - Ray

Thank you so much to all my friends and family for supporting me during this challenging and rewardingjourney!

"Man's goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.”

- Nelson Mandela

“Tant qu’on n’a pas tout donne, on n'a rien donne..."

- Georges Guynemer

"I’ll try anything once.”

"So perhaps the best thing to do is to stop writing introductions and get on with the book.”

- A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

/ want to thank everyone who helped make this 6 yearjourney possible especially my family for all your love and support that kept me going and my friends for your incredible friendship that makes it all worthwhile. It is an honor to serve with you.

Cameron Matthew Georgi Fort Wayne, IN Pilot Tawnie Jacqueline Kerr Missoula, MT Pilot Jeremy Austin Jacobellis Windsor, CT Public Affairs Patrick C Knittle Yakima, WA Pilot Eric Matthew Hoyung Johnston Abingdon, VA Pilot Justin David McWhirter Myhre Henderson, NV Pilot
Cadet Squadron 05

Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.

'Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
"Everyone you fight is not your enemy, and everyone who helps you is not your friend."
- Mike Tyson

"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom!" - Gen George S

Thanks to all my family and friends for helping to make my dream a reality. I couldn’t have done it without your love and support!

Dear my girl Leah, I love you forever. "Love suffers long and is kind...Love never fails...And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13

Terrance James Oliveri-Williams Philadelphia, PA Remotely Piloted Aircraft Jessica Ann Phillips Dacula, GA Pilot Kevin M Pina Tucson, AZ Pilot Patton Colin Bernard Schnoes Valley, NE Remotely Piloted Aircraft was fun. What happens next?"anonymous Luke Toscano Kings Park, NY Acquisition Manager Scott Richard Vande Vrede Belvidere, NJ Civil Engineer


"In Northeast, OH, nothing is given. Everything is earned. You work for what you have."
- LeBron “The King" James
"So do not fear, for I am with you,do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
- Isaiah 41J0
Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive Andrew Garrett Baker Warren, 01-1 Remote Piloted Aircraft Damian Bordenave Pueblo, Combat Rescue Officer
Cadet Squadron 05 - 06


If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too

Dad, Mom, Kelly, thank you so much for the support you've given me over the past 4 years. I wouldn't have made it through without you. IxE,



"But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth ofknowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. 1 consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is throughfaith in Christ." - Philippians 5:7-10


Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You’ll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't.


Robert Briggs Jr Inverness, FL Jack Brady Corriere Denver, CO "Very nice." - Borat Sagdiyev Alexa Frances Chacon Colorado Springs, CO Ryan Dau Hudson, Wl
Leza Marie Chapman Fayetteville, NC Shayne William Davern Carlsbad, CA
Remote Piloted Aircraft Rise And Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions

'You can't fall if you don't climb. But there's no joy in living your whole life on the ground." - unknown

To all my friends and family, thank you for the support you have shown me over the years. I would not be who / am today without you.

“My brother is awesome." - Andrew

Mom and Dad, thank you for being my rocks, without you graduation would have been impossible. Dad, "l love you to the stars andback.” Mom, 7 will forever love you more." Patches, all I have to say is "Hey, I’m proud ofyou." To the rest of my family, thank you for being a constant model of how a family should love one another.

To my family, friends, and mentors, I can’t thank you enough for all of the love, encouragement, and guidance. Mom and Dad, you have carried me through these four years and l am eternally grateful to have you in my life.

You re on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where to go..." - DrSeuss

Chad Gray Topeka, KS Pilot Anthony Neal Ermitano Tamuning, Guam Pilot Ermitano Nathaniel Bradley Lauvetz Stillwater, OK Pilot Saylor Masotti Gilbert Castle Pines, CO Health Services Administrator Sydney Marie Lawless Grants Pass, OR Aircraft Maintenance
Cadet Squadron 06

"Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction. We did not pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be foughtfor, protected and handed on for them to do the same."

"If a man does not havethe sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can be lost IN the sauce."
- Big Guwap

"Beneath the clothes, we find a man... and beneath the man, we find his... nucleus."


"There’s nothing we can't do if we work hard, never sleep, and shirk all other responsibilities in our lives."
- Leslie Knope

Does this mean I'm a grown-up now?

Tyler John Murray Williamstown, NJ Developmental Engineer HAGS Devin Payne Memphis, TN Office of Special Investigations Jordan C Prado Odessa, FL Pilot Nacho Libre (2006) Riley Quinlan Los Altos, CA Civil Engineer Emily Kathlin Richard Katy, TX Intelligence Jonathan David Schiller Weston, FL Developmental Engineer

"That's what i do. I drink, and I know things."

- Tyrion Lannister

“Monotony is the awful reward of the careful."

- A G Buckham



She survived because the f re inside her burned brighter than the fire around her.

I want to thank my family and friends for supporting me through this challenging journey. You have truly made me the person I am today!

"The best is yet to come." - Frank Sinatra

Thank you to all the family and friends that stuck with me along the way. Always remember to Nonor those who have gone before, and leave a Legacy for those who will follow.

Kyle Garrett Senn Walkersville, MD Pilot Landon Walrods Eudora, KS Acquisitions Karen Michelle Wolf Murrieta, CA Physician Christal Danielle Amar Baton Rouge, LA Force Support Joshua Douglas Bartness White Bear Lake, MN Civil Engineer
Cadet Squadron 06 - 07

I'dlike to thank my family and friends for all of their love and support. I couldn't have done this without you.

/ would like to thank my wonderfulfamily and friends for all of their love and encouragement throughout this incredible journey. A special thanks to my mom, dad, sister, and brother; without you all, I would not be the man I am today, and I cannot express how grateful I am to call you my family. As one chapter of my life comes to a close, l cannot wait to see what God has in store for the next.

"We don't have enough left in the tank towin this meet."

Big thanks to my friends and family, especially my mom, dad and brother. Shout out to my swim ladies, thank you for teaching me the true meaning ofloyalty and hard work. To the Bullpups, thanks for putting up with me from the beginning and to the Shadows, I'm glad to have finished this race with you all. Here's to the next adventure!

Trying hard only counts up till third grade after that we want results

“I've failed over and over and over again in my life... And that is why I succeed."

- Michael Jordan

Well, its been fun, but it's time to move on to new things. Much thanks to my family and friends who supported me all the way. Shout out to my Flying Team homies and squadmates who made this place a blast! If USAFA has taught me anything it's these three things.- Work hard, have fun, and be good to others. It's a good way to live. See ya, I'm outta here!

Zachary David Blanks Ogden, UT Operations Research Austin Drake Carter Hendersonville, TN Pilot Emily Marie D’Amato Springfield, VA Force Support Zachary Scott Eppinger San Antonio, TX Developmental Engineer Hayden Colby Graham Austin, TX Force Support Mark Gruschka Belmont, CA Pilot

Thank you to my family, friends, teammates, classmates, teachers, leaders and everyone else that has helped me through the Academy.

"Let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out." - Teddy Roosevelt

Thank you to so many: mom, Dad, Todd, Susan, my Academy classmates, my Brother Ratsof VMI, and all of my friends.

O God Thy sky is so great, and my craft so small.

When does a hill become a mountain?

“Disturb us Lord...”

"Iffish is spoiled, don't eat it." - Dr Common

I want to thank everyone for all the support they gave me throughout the past 4 years. I especially want to thank my family for pushing me to be the best person I could be. Thank you to all of my friends / made here at USAFA, and l look forward to serving with you in the future. “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

August John Hein Annapolis, MD Pilot "Nothin' Maja" Lawton Paul Huffman Weston, MO Pilot Grigor Kerdikoshvili Republic of Georgia Sense Kojiro Kobayashi Manchester, ME Security Forces Geoffrey Martin Kuhn Doylestown, PA Pilot Stewart James Gerrard Lange Seattle, WA Intelligence
Cadet Squadron 07

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."Second time's a charm!

7 firmly believe that any man's finest hours - his greatest fulfillment of allthat he holds dear - is that moment when he has worked his heart out in good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious." - Vince Lombardi

"For those to whom much is given, much

is required." - John F


7 can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon."

- George W Bush, Sept. 14, 2001

“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
- Aldous

Force Support

“Just deal with it" - 5-year-old Jordan

Alanna Marie LoVetri Novato, CA Airfield Operations Michael Lee Mattson Palmyra, VA Pilot Seamus Patrick McCaffrey Queens, NY Pilot Jacob Ronald Polakowski South Milwaukee, Wl Civil Engineer Cody Zaire Ray Miami, EL Acquisition Manager Huxley KateLyn Christine Riechers Union, MO

“Ifyou can keep your head when allabout you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you...

Ifyou can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostorsjust the same...

Ifyou can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch... Yours is theEarth and everything that's in it, And-which is more—you'll be a Man, my son!"

It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.” -

“Check Beacons.” "I see red/green." “One honor second..." Well, that was a fun 4 years; the rest of you marker sniffers and operators made it bearable, now pass the Rip-it and watch this! There are not enough thanks that can be given to all who have helped me through the "Zoo". Here's a special thanks to my Family, mentors, and close Friends (especially you honorable ones), I'll always be there for yal Proverbs 3:5-6

Thank you to my family for always being tremendous role models, without their unfailing love and support I truly would not have made it to this point. "The nation doesn't simply need what we have. It needs what we are.”

"Compound interest is the most powerfulforce in the universe" - Albert Einstein

Thank you to my family, friends, instructors, AOCs, and AMTs that invested in

Jacob Michael Riley Minerva, OH Pilot Heath Rohr Montezuma, IN Maintenance Alexis Rose Thuli Rio Rancho, NM Space Operations Eric Lee Zielen-Ersing West Falls, NY Pilot Helen Walton William K Zimmerman Santa Barbara, CA Pilot
Cadet Squadron 07



"Ifyou don’t have the mental capacity to be that obsessed about what you're trying to get...then ************ yOU Qin'f never gonna have it." - CT Fletcher

Matthew 5:9

Psalm 23:4

Revelations 6:8

I want to thank my friends andfamily who helped push me to be the best version ofmyself and supported me all along the way.

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." - Randy Pausch

"Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." - Michael Scott

And I said we said... I said, 'Are you strong?’ They said, Tm strong if you strong.' I said, We strong, then.'” - Jameis Winston

The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall."Vince Lombardi

EIGHT Richard Allen Bush III Palm City, FL Pilot Christopher James Sebastian Bloch Columbia, SC Acquisitions Samuel Philip Coudret Newburgh, IN Civil Engineer Seth Andrew Bolon Sioux Falls, SD Pilot Connor McLean Drenkhahn Tucson, AZ Pilot

There are two quotes that characterize where I have come from and where I am going: “I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference," by Robert Frost and, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? ‘Here I am,’ I said, ‘send me!'" - Isaiah 6:8. Mama, Daddy, Ben, Hunter, and Anna: I couldn't have done this without your love, support, or belief. Friends-. I'll miss you so much!

Luck is the last dying wish of those who wanna believe that winning can happen by accident, work on the other hand is for those who know its a choice

Don't ask someone to do something, you wouldn't do yourself.

“Life is so uncertain: you never know what could happen. One way to deal with that is to keep your pajamas washed." - Haruki Murakami, IQ84

Thank you everyone for all of the love and support to get me where I am today. “Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail."


Leadership isn't rocket science. Just be a bro.

Rachel Lauren Duff Dickson, TN Pilot David Warner Ramsey Elletson Eagle, ID Remotely Piloted Aircraft Katherine Sullivan Fitzgerald Great Falls, VA Developmental Engineer - Electrical Wesley Foudriat Saugerties, NY Pilot Alexandra Green Pensacola, FL Pilot Brett Hagen Wahpeton, MN
Cadet Squadron 08


Blessed and highly favored

Cyber Operations

I apologize that you were all forced to buy this yearbook.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

“To those of you who are graduating this afternoon with high honors, awards and distinctions, l say ‘Well done.’ And as I like to tell the C students...you too can be president."


Wiesbaden, Germany

Combat Systems Officer

Thank you to my mom and dad, l literally wouldn't behere without them. I am also grateful to my sisters, without them I wouldn't have learned the patience to deal with some of the challenges here. And thank you to all my friends. I love each and every one ofyou!

"I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party."

U.S. Army - Infantry

"What is this? What is this?

me at the USAFA

Financial Management

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."

David Harris Cedar Hill, TX Nicholas Francis Haskell Wantagh, NY Rhianna Renee Hill Daniel Stefan Kohn Sterling Heights, Ml Tony S Lee Oakton, VA Jackson Locke Santa Cruz, CA

Live life to the fullest, Laugh often, Love much

Developmental Engineer - Project

Thank you so much to my family andfriends for all the support! "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall / send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'" - Isaiah 6:8

Space Operations

7 haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list."


Kenton Douglas McGuire Vancouver, WA

Logistics Readiness

This one time in class I answered a question right, and then my teacher was like ‘‘Woah you're super smart Kenton!" and then everybody started chanting "KENTON!! KENTON!! KENTON!!"... well that never happened but it would of been pretty sick. #College

Logistics Readiness

“Well, they're going to have to stop all of us. You feel me? I'm a piece to it, but we've got some dogs." - Marshawn Lynch

Talon Ayres Townley Kansas City, MO

Developmental Engineer - Astronautical Effort is meaningless unless it leads to performance.

Jennifer Hong Diem Luong Des Plaines, IL Intelligence Claudia Annette Martinez Azusa, CA John Patrick Scott Richardson, TX Quincy Montgomery Smith Vienna, VA
Cadet Squadron 08




"Remember what they say There's no shortcut to a dream It’s all blood and sweat And life is what you manage in between"
- Broken Bells, October

To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust Him in the dark- that is faith." - Charles Spurgeon Mom, Dad, & Family, thank you for all your help, prayers, and support throughout my Academy journey. And to my husband-to-be, I can't wait to marry you- my best friend! -.) I Love you all!


wasn't just a gorilla"- the enlightened of our nation
Timothy Augustine Tyson Stoughton, Wl Remotely Piloted Aircraft counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog." - President Dwight D Eisenhower Paul Michael Vasta Salem, OR Pilot Christy Rene Allen Niceville, FL Force Support Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive Nicholas Gregory Blohm Mukwonago, Wl U.S. Navy - Seal

"/ Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me." - Philippians 4:15

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” - John 15:15

Missile Operations

“A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." - Maya Angelou; Just as music captures joy and sorrow; your song is the hardiness oflaughter but also the unpredictable sob. Do not let being unable to read music or missing a few keys ever mess up your song.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

"Did you know that photons have mass? I didn’t even know that they were Catholic!" - Woody Allen

"This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, yourjob is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world - ‘No, You move.'" - Captain America

To my parents, David and Kathy Doby, USAFA Classes of '82 and ‘83.

Daniel David Bogue Beresford, SD Pilot Brett Alan Bultsma Traverse City, Ml Pilot Ayana Natasha Cole-Fletcher Albuquerque, NM Caroline Elizabeth Cotton Phoenix, AZ Remotely Piloted Aircraft Michael Adam Cumming Lemoore, CA Physicist Robert Douglas Doby Algonquin, IL Intelligence
Cadet Squadron 08 - 09

Thank you to all who made these swashbuckling four years worth it. And to those out there still struggling: I hate to spoil the ending, but it's going to be okay. So just don't give up.

It's been a long, hard struggle; a labor of ages, but... it is a privilege to fight! I know I'm all the better for the trials USAFA has put me through and I'm going to keepfighting to be the best man I can be. Thanks to Mom and Dad, my emotional support; Nich, who always gets a rise out of me; and to Christ, my anchor in the storm. I'll pursue the title ofphysician with all my vigor and skills honed at USAFA. DON’T PANIC.

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."
- Leonardo Da Vinci

Fly High Chris

"The Task Ahead Of You, Is Never As Great As The Power Behind You."

- Ephesians 6:10

Be Strong In The Lord, And In His Mighty Power

Logistics Readiness

“Why accept failure when success is free?"
- Kevin Gates

If its worth doing, its worth doing adequately." - Joe Murray

Casey Gail Evans Bluewater Bay, FL Pilot Lucas Adrian Fumagalli New Braunfels, TX Pilot Andrew Hunter Gibson Atlanta, GA Pilot Zachary Huey Hodges Gainesville, FL Medical School John Mclaren Jacob Houston, TX Daniel Patrick Kirmse San Antonio, TX Pilot

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Thank-you to my parents and to all of my friends who helped make this 4-yearjourney that much better, Thank-you to the officers, cadets, and per-

"Life only comes around once, so do whatever makes you happy and be with whoever makes your heart smile."

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

It's hard being Beyonce in a school full of Michelles... sonnel at the 94th FTS and Academy Airfieldfor all the flying adventures, and Thank-you to all of the instructors who have given me an outstanding education. I intend to make the best out of the opportunities I havebeen given.

Officeof Special Investigations

"A true champion is not judged by how much he or she is admired, but by howwell they can stand at the face ofadversity." - John Cena

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.


your hats fly as high as your dreams."

- Michael Scott
Rhea Inez McFarland Winter Garden, FL Derad Lee Madson III Zanesville, 01-1 Emily June Martin Gilbert, AZ Pilot Joshua Andrew McMillen San Antonio, TX Ethan Thomas Moore Gallipolis, 01-1 Pilot Paul Mueller San Antonio, TX Pilot
Cadet Squadron 09

"I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it."

- Thomas Jefferson

Pittsburgh, PA Air Liaison Officer

"Tie who conquers other is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty." - Lao Tzu

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9 Thank you Mom and Dad and my entire family I could not have made it without your love and support.

"There are no pacts between lions and men."

I would like to thank my friends and family for all of the support they gave me these extremely long four years. Guys, I made it that far!

When you are with me, I'm free, I'm careless, I believe. Above all of the others, we'll fly. This brings tears to my eyes. My Sacrifice.

“What's important isn't whether you can see the future or not. It's the will to make a choice, and the strength to seize your destiny! Our time has come. Our destiny is our own!"

- Shulk, Xenoblade Chronicles

Conor James O'Hara Farmingville, NY Contracting Jacob Ploschnitznig Taylor Alexis Schwenke Centreville, VA Space Operations Daniel David Skoglund Webster Groves, MO Developmental Engineer Jonathan Turner Woodbridge, VA Operations Research Jeremiah Harold Wells Columbia, SC Pilot



Remotely Piloted Aircraft

"Pain is a byproduct of life. That's the truth. Life sometimes sucks. That's true for everyone. But if you don't face the pain and the suck, you don't ever get the other things either. Laughter. Joy. Love. Pain passes, but those things are worth fighting for. Worth Dying for." -

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm uou, plans to qive you hope and a future."
- Jeremiah 29J1


It is hard to believe that 4 years have gone by so quick. At times, I did not think I would make it (Mitch's Ninjas), but god am I glad that I pulled through. Steven and B, thanks for having my back and being great friends. I cannot thank my family enough for sticking by my side through thick and thin. You could not be better role models, and for that l want to say thank you and that I love you all very much. Dales by 50.


7 hated every minute of training, but / said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." - Muhammad Ali

"If not me, then who..." - Travis Manion

Claude Wilbur Alexander III Woodstock, GA Pilot Troy Richard Berglund Pittsburgh, PA Noah Jacob Bradley Huntsville, AL John Robert Diekel Whitehall, NY Sara Jessica Fishbein Greenville, OH Pilot
Cadet Squadron 09 -10

Collette Christine Foster El Paso, TX


"If you ain't first, you're last." - Ricky Bobby

Parker Hines

Ellsworth, Wl

Civil Engineering

"Rise and Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions"

Jordan Alexander Glover Athens, GA Pilot

"Ratber than love, than money, than fame, give me truth." - Henry David Thoreau

Dear Mom & Dad, Thanks for making me go to college. It wasn't that bad.

Love, Jordan

Gilbert Michael Gonzales East Los Angeles, CA Pilot

"A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble."

- Charles Spurgeon

Huge thank you to my mom and dad, my family and friends, and all others who have been with me throughout the academy. The adventure hasjust begun.

Nicholas Ryan Jorgensen Minnetonka, MN


Thank you to my family and friends for all your continued support and prayer. Without you I couldn't have made it through. You made a huge difference in my life and helped make me into the man l am today. I learned a lot through this experience butwhat I learned the most was how important you are to me so thank you for everything.

Alexander Laudadio Allentown, PA

Electrical Engineer

"One day, in retrospect, the years ofstruggle will strike you as the most beautiful." - Sigmund Freud A big thank you to everyone that helped me through this place, it was quite the journey.


And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Tlere am I! Send me." - Isaiah 6:8

Put your faith in more than steeldon't store your treasures up, with moth and rust, wherethieves break in and steal.

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible." - T E Lawrence

"Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.” - Franklin P Jones

Anthony Morgan Mountain

Springfield, MA Pilot

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don’t let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heartand intuition." -

Papa—l hope I've made you proud.

Nolan Peters Waverly, MO

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Zachary Ryan Maginnis Rockwall, TX Pilot Sean Daley McQuesten Anaheim, CA Pilot West Jonathan Nguyen Fort Mill, SC Pilot Cody Page Zanesville, OFI Pilot
Cadet Squadron 10

You must be very proud, mom. Thank you for watching over me. RIP.


I wouldn't have made it without the love and support of my family and friends. I met great people, saw places I never thought I'd see, and did things I never would have imagined doing.

For that, I'd do it all over again.

"I've learned that people willforget what you said, people willforget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

- Maya Angelou

Mom, Dad, Scout and Vaeda...l couldn't have done it without your endless love and support. I love you all so much! It's been a crazy four years, good luck to all my friends!

"l-le who has a why to live can bear almost any how." - Nietzsche

"Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

Alexander David Anthony Pollack Jackson, GA Finance Cydnee A Reese Kansas City, MO Remotely Piloted Aircraft Dylan Elizabeth Reid San Antonio, TX Pilot Jeremiah Joseph Revereza Philippines Aspera Ad Astra" Kyra Louise Schmidt Round Lake, IL Mechanical Engineer Crosby Shaver Wayzata, MN Pilot



Thank you to all of my friends and family for helping me through this place, could not of done it without you. Hitches knows the grind.... Indy Weetzahs for the boys!


"The significance of our lives and our fragile planet is then determined only by our own wisdom and courage. We are the custodians of life's meaning. But knowledge is preferable to ignorance. Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable. If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."

Nicholas James Accardi Rocky Point, NY Amelia Rose Ahner Southlake, TX
Cadet Squadron 10 -11

“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don't even know where it’s going. Ijust hope I find it along the way." - Michael Scott

7 can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:13

"Tell your heart that the fear ofsuffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of thesearch is a second's encounter with God and with eternity."

Thank you Mom, Dad, Loyd, and Chris for all of the times you have pushed me beyond what l thought possible. Your love, support and guidance is the world.

Eric Anderson Colorado Springs, CO Intelligence Tucker Nielsen Axhoj Charlotte, NC Civil Engineer Brandon James Bradley Arlington, TX Pilot Nicholas Christopher Carter Detroit, Ml Aircraft Maintenance Either you love me, or you don't know me. Jesse Todd Chasteen Blowing Rock, NC Cyberspace Operations Credit to Joshua 1:9, my family, and friends. Ryan Doucet San Jose, CA Cyberspace Operations

Logistics Readiness

"To appreciate beauty, to find thebest in others, to leave the world a bit better, to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Thanks to my family andfriendsfor all of the love and support throughout the last four years. Can’t wait to start the next journey with y'all!


“Trust in the Lord with all your heartand lean not on your own understanding; Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

- Proverbs 5:5-6

I couldn’t have done it on my own.


"Whether you are shivering with cold or too hot, sleepy or wide awake, spoken well of or badly, dying, or doing anything else, do not let it interfere with doing what is right. For whatever causes us to die is also one oflife’s processes. Even for this, nothing more is required of us than to accomplish well the task at hand.'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." - Proverbs 5:5-6

“l couldn’t have done it on my own."

James LI2

Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way.

Remotely Operated Aircraft

“I'd rather be hated for who l am, than loved for who I'm not." - Kurt Cobain

Reagan Deeon Fentress Shady Shores, TX Matthew Kenichi Hernandez Torrance, CA Shout out to my day ones! RIP Raymond Wayne Tuaton Sarah Gbassa Nigeria Eric William Hoff Nashville, TN Pilot Jacob David Goodwin Folsom, CA Michael Joseph Johnson Pensacola, FL
Cadet Squadron 11


Thank you Mom, Dad for pushing me to come to the Academy. Thank you Kyndle for all the loving support during the years I havebeen here. Thank you everyone on the water polo team from Class of 15' to Class of20'. You made my experience on the team the best.


"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place."

- Unknown

Thank you to my family andfriends for your unending love and support. I couldn't have made it without you!

“Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.”

- W B Yeats

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 5:5-6

It's not the critic who counts

“Loyalty is the only currency you can count on."
- Paul Zara
Zachary Akelina Kamai Irvine, CA Chandler Suzanne Nan Auburn, IN Matthew Jacob Krott Cincinnati, Ol-I Astronautical Engineer Joshua Blaine Osgard Colorado Springs, CO Pilot Anna Grace Meiusi Excelsior, MN Pilot Hunter Bryan Robinson Fort Collins, CO Pilot




"LiveFree or Die.”

Thank you to my family for the endless support, and thank you to my friends who made this experience so much more than I could have imagined.

FL Pilot

Cadet Steinemann, please come back down to the airfield immediately...

To Wendy, who has been by my side and supported me through it all. I love you and can't wait to fly away with you on this journey together!

Live and give like no other.

Faith Family Freedom

Missile Operations

When life puts you in a tough situation, don't ask, "why me?" say, "try me!"

Nolan Mitchell Sheahan Santa Rosa, CA U.S. Marine Corps
a man nothing more, nothing less but none the less lived his life with every drop he bleeds." - The Bollox
Colleen Elizabeth Slein Salem, NH Pilot Andrew Chapman Steinemann The Villages, Samuel Stronko Woodbridge, VA
miss 700% of the shots you don't take. - Wayne Gretzky." - Michael Scott
Jordan Scott Wesemann Castle Rock, CO Pilot Valerie Rakel Westland Fountain, CO
Cadet Squadron 11

1 2th SQUADRON CS-12



Thank you to my family, especially my Mom, Dad, and my brother for all your love and support through my military career- enlisted and at the Academy. I love you so much and / couldn’t have done it without you. Also, ayy Imao

PA Pilot

There is one promise I can make to you-, there will be a time wherethe whole world tells you it's an impossible situation, but you have to standfirm. It is your duty to stand your ground, use God as your rock and strength, andfight back with all your might. It doesn’t matter if the entire world is against you. FIGHT.


"Most cats don’t want the fight, so you gotta go give it to ’em." - Tim Cross, Storm Drain


Denver, NC

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Yfes, there is in fact another Denver outside of Colorado.


Do more. For others and for yourself, but mostly for others. Love is the hill we die on. Blue Skies...514

John Martin Cavassa Tualatin, OR Ryan Patrick Andrieux Reading, Cofield Samuel Allan Byers Kingston, WA Adam Michael Fly Greensboro, NC

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

"Think about how your life would be ifyou’ve never met the person who changed everything."

- unknown

Aircraft Maintenance

Excel in your present assignment. Call your mama. Call your sisters. Read Psalms 91, and say your prayers. I kept my eyes on the prize.

Blessed is what I am, Praise is what I give, and Love is what I have for everyone.

Kyle Hubert Shippensburg, PA Cyberspace Operations

"Roger sir I have the aircraft." “Have you learned nothing of the stubbornness of Dwarves?" To the band ofbrothers (and sisters) that helped me get through USAFA, I can't thank you all enough. It’s been a tough four years, but I wouldn't trade any of the late nights, early mornings, Rip-lt runs or off-site landings for the world. You guys are my operators and its been a honor serving with you. Scooby out.

Jeffrey Jordan Keitel Effingham, IL

Finacial Management

"Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?Hell no!”

John Belushi, Animal House

Thanks for all the love and support from my parents, family, and friends on helping me get to this point.

"When was that due?" Blue Skies...5l0

Jesse Sanford

Los Angeles, CA Intelligence

"/ don't like work-no man does-but I like what is in the work-the chance to find yourself. Your own reality-for yourself not for others-what no other man can ever know." - Joseph Conrad

Marisa Anne Grattan Loomis, CA Moshiu Tomonata Knox Cleveland, MS Taylor Lopez Olijnyk Madrid, Spain Pilot Lubove
Cadet Squadron 12

‘"For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm uou, plans to qive you hope and a future.’"

“'Still alive?' ‘Still alive. The Gods must have a sense of humor.'" - Gladiator

“A strong woman knows she has strength enoughfor the journey; but a woman ofstrength knows that it is in the journey where she will become strong." - Luke Easter

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

7 think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it's like to feet absolutely worthless and they don’t want anybody else to feel like that."

“It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hitand keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

- Rocky Balboa

/ dedicate my success to my friends and family and thank them for where I am today. For if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be standing where I am, enjoying the success / have worked hard for or have the direction and reason to keep moving forward.

Samantha Diane Moody Fleming Island, FL Space Operations Jacob Schenk Flemington, NJ Aircraft Maintenance Alexandra Jane Osborn Lilburn, GA Pilot Evan Parsons Papp Dighton, MA Evan Austin Seeley Colorado Springs, CO Pilot Seung Hyun Song Palisades Park, NJ Acquisitions

"Well sir, we were going to this bingo parlor at the YMCA, well one thing led to another, and the instructions got allfouled up..." - John Candy, Stripes

"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands." - Psalm 63:3-4

I am so thankfulfor the opportunities I've been afforded throughout my life. 7 lift up my eyes to the mountains-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven andearth." - Psalm 121:1-2

In all circumstances give thanks 1 Thess 5J8

"Ifyou’re going to doubt something, doubt your limits." - Don Ward

Thank you God, Grandma, Grandpa, Dad, Mom, Jackie and all my friends. I couldn't have done it without you.


oderint dum metuant


"Be humble, for you are made of earth. Be noble, for you are made of stars." - Serbian proverb

Malachi Philip Sparling Marion, OH Civil Engineer Robert Joseph Uebelacker III Port Charlotte, EL Pilot Abby Christine Specht Littleton, CO Physical Therapy School Carissa Lee Vaccaro Williamsburg, VA Pilot Philip Jay Sweet La Vista, NE Pilot Lucas Andersen Vowell Greenfield, IN
Cadet Squadron 12

Today, I gave my all. That, which I did not give, I have lost forever. TCF, and thanks for the great memories, USAFA!

San Diego, CA

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

“Gods of war..." - Rod Kimble

(Please proceed to ClC Zach Stolze)

Kevin McCormack Yalung Bainbridge Island, WA Pilot secret to my success was that somehow i always managed to live to fly another day." - Chuck Yeager Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive
RichardAlan Araya Queens, NY Pilot Riley James Bigelow

"Whatever you are, be a good one."

- Abraham Lincoln

“A man needs his rest.” - Uncle Iroh

Thank you to my friends for making my time here awesome. Thank you to my siblings for all the support. And especially, thank you to my parents for, well, everything; I would be nothing without you.


Big Gulps, huh? Alright... Welp, see ya later!

I've spent almost four years here, growing and changing and making dioramas.


"Vou can'tjust turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood. What mood is that? Last-minute panic." - Calvin and Hobbes (and cadets, probably)

Thanks to USAFA for encouraging me to put the pro in procrastination, love naps, and bleed blue. Myfamily and friends are the reason why I made it "that far". Shoutout to Sam Finneran and Stephanie Quito, who will always be honorary members of 2017.

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Lauren Bramblett Marietta, GA Operations Research Analyst Max Edson Hermosa Beach, CA Travis Michael Edwards Stuart, FL Pilot Christopher Raymond Flake Concord, GA Pilot Julie Nadine Fleming Tucson, AZ Nathan Foss Carver, MN Pilot
Cadet Squadron 12 -13

"I want to go home and rethink my life."

Thank you friends and familyfor your support and guidance these past years! I couldn’t have done it without you. We made it!



Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.

Adversity causes some men to break, others to break records.


"What, so everyone's supposed to sleep every single night now? Y-you realize that nighttime makes up halfof all time?"

Paul Hasegawa Agoura Hills, CA Pilot Hannah Elise Hughes Columbia, MO Intelligence Clay Alan Jessie Hot Springs, AR Civil Engineer Elias Bradley Johnson Pleasant View, UT Developmental Engineer - Mechanical "...If God is for us, who can be against - Romans 8:31 NIV Tyson Joel McQuerry West Des Moines, IA Cyberspace Operations unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates Everett Michael Montano Jr Placentia, CA Pilot - Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
"Nostalgia is truly one of the great human weaknesses...second only to the neck."
- Dwight Schrute

Acquisitions / Intelligence

Determination pays off. I got rejectedfrom USAFA 5 times. It is only by God's grace l am what I am.

"When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place." - C S Lewis

Thankfulfor the ride, wouldn't have it any other way. Praise Godfor new beginnings, unbroken promises, and a hopefulfuture.

Further up, Further in - Aslan

‘Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." - Ralph

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln

"May your hammer be mighty." - Kevin Powell

(Please see ClC Riley Bigelowfirst)

Christina A Nunley Plymouth, MA Aircraft Maintenance Arthur Joseph Rose Lima, Peru Ian Michael O'Bryan Tomball, TX U.S. Navy Dylan Alexander Rehwaldt Park Rapids, MN Pilot Waldo Emerson Steven Curtis Snyder Walkersville, MD Pilot Zach Stolze Somerset, KY Pilot
Cadet Squadron 13


"The unknown can inspire adventure." - Col (army ret.) Douglas Macgregor

You can always take a late grade on a homework assignment, but if you skip an opportunity to influence a life, that moment is lost forever.


“This is life people. You got air coming through your nose; you got a heartbeat. That means it's time to do something!" - Kid President


of 2017

Emily Kayleen Taylor Salmon, ID Aircraft Maintenance John Mitchell Testerman Davis, CA Pilot I be excusedfor the rest of my life?" - SpongeBob SquarePants Donald Patrick Thornton Taylorsville, GA Civil Engineer I can’t wait to see everyone again at the reunion! Kenneth Lund Tomlinson Huntington, VT Remotely Piloted Aircraft Cindy Yie Longmont, CO Maintenance
Huge shout out to the 7-ring circus for getting me through 21 years oflife. Love you like crazy. Basic
Cadet Training Photo



Dana Call New Braunfels, TX

Officeof Special Investigations

"Knowledge will give you power, but character respect." - Bruce Lee

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, l used everything you gave me." - Erma Bombeck

I wouldn't be anywhere without my friends and family, thank you guys.

Pedro Daniel Barrientes Jr


Remotely Piloted Aircraft

"Ele who kneels before God can stand before anyone." - unknown Thank you mom and dad for supporting me every step of the way! It was a longjourney, but I made it!

"Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards.” - Shane Patton

Shooter ready... Stand by...

Nicholas Fane Bailey Parker, CO Pilot Mercedes, Kellen Daniel Cleveland Wheaton, IL Pilot Jonathan Christian-Evan Cooper Fountain Inn, SC Pilot
Cadet Squadron 13 -14

Cyberspace Operations

It was his hat Mr. Krabs! He was number one!


Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this experience, especially my family and the OCF staff.

Class of2017 **wemadeitthatfar




'As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17

Michael Anthony Davis DeSoto, TX Leah Elizabeth Gates Grand Junction, CO Pilot wonderful to climb the liquid mountains of the sky, behind me and before me is God and I have no fears." - Hellen Keller Kyle Francis Eller Lowell, IN Flea Trainer Zachary R Gerlach Redlands, CA Pilot shall I send? Here I am. Send me!" - Isaiah 6:8 Ryan Edward Fulton Pittsburgh, PA Ren Joseph Herbert Glendale, AZ Pilot like a peacock, you gotta let me fly!" - Terry Hoitz, The Other Guys

“Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them.'' - Targoe

/ am thankfulfor all that have helped me on this longjourney. It may have been challenging, but I was able to get through by having Godfirst and family second. 7 can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not." - The Lorax; Thank you to my family, my best friend Leah and love of my life, Cody for reminding me that fighting for the right thing is never a lost cause. This celebration and accomplishment is yours. I love you.

Thank you to everyone who helped me through my four years here

“Time is too slow for those who wait, too swiftfor thosewho fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.” - Henry van Dyke

"Mountains are not stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve, they are the cathedrals where l practice my religion." -

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."

Clark Trestan Jones Colorado Springs, CO Pilot Krista Marie Kelly Woodland Park, CO Aircraft Maintenance Sarah Joan McClellan Fort Myers, FL Combat Systems Officer Robert Joseph-Denzel Nero DeRidder, LA General Engineer Bryce Jacob O'Connell Edmond, OK Office of Special Investigations Anatoli Boukreev Juan Carlos Orozco San Diego, CA Operations Research Analyst
Cadet Squadron 14

Psalm 46:10 / Galatians 6:9 / Romans 8 / 1 Corinthians 10:51

Thanks for a crazy chapter USAFA, always happy to be here.


Tough times don'tlast tough people do.

Thank you Jesus, Mom, Pop, Bigsis, Hanz and Pogil We made it we made it.

"Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” - Mark

To my friends, my mentors, and especially my family, you've helped make this dream a reality. Without your undying support, l wouldn't be where I am today. It has been a longjourneygetting here, but I cannot wait to see what the future holds...

"It's a magical world, Hobbes, ole buddy... Let's go exploring!” - Calvin

"Today, I go for the gusto.” - Calvinand

Heather Sumiko Parcasio Salinas, CA Logistics Readiness Nickolas James Radosevich Temecula, CA Pilot Twain Adam Jordan Sumait Torrance, CA James Blaine Tunnell Athens, GA Pilot Viktor Alan Rymniak Pittsburgh, PA Pilot Hobbes Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive



‘Until you hit retirement, the payofffor all your hard work is usually more hard work." - Me

Thank you to everyone who helped get me this far.

Life is hard. It's harder when you’re stupid. I should of went Management, haha. But look at me, I made it!

But for real though


"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl

I'd like to thank my family and friends for the support they have given me throughout my life and, especially, my years at NWP and USAFA. Without them, I don't think I'd be who I am, or where I am, today.

EAGLES George Daniel Beals Aurora, CO Security Forces George Weston Calley Middleburg, VA Developmental Engineer Adrian AurelChiriac Bradley Diaz Romania Queens, NY Pilot Space Operations Taylor “TJ” Germain Orange, CA
Cadet Squadron 14 -15

"Surprise Yourself.” - Jack Garratt


Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Who's the best?


Aircraft Maintenance

Can you please repeat the question?

Aircraft Maintenance

Just remember it all starts within...find the heart and the guts to keep going.

Force Support

I'lljust ask one question. What if what if l?

Yongjun Daniel Kim Osan Air Base, South Korea Cyberspace Operations Zach Knoche Kansas City, Alexis Joe Kronberger Pleasant Mill, Joshua Leonard Falcon, CO Pilot "Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and mu finqers for battle." - Psalm 144-.1 Kallie J Leonard Boise, ID Kurtis Anthony Ley Elida, OH


Mom, I love you to infinity & beyond, & you will always have a friend in me. Dad, from 77’ to 17’ I am proud to be following in your footsteps. I love our adventures, yet the more I see the less I know. But I know one thing, I love you. Lauren, Alana, Megan, thank you for being my strongest support system & always having my back. Rylie, you tangibly defined love for me & I am proud to be your aunt. Just keep swimming.


Carrying on the Murray tradition 30 years later. Couldn't have done it without my family and friends. Love ya'll. Shoutout to the WTW crew Pat, Petey and l for making it through.


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

- Winston Churchill

Thank you to my wonderfulfamily and incredible team! I wouldn’t be where I am today without your unwavering love and support.

Matthew 6:25-34


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

- Mahatma Gandhi

Birmingham, AL

Nuclear and Missile Operation

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5,6


Great moments are born from great opportunities.

Proverbs 16:9

Madison Gene Martin Charlotte, NC Genevieve Miller Winston-Salem, NC Mitchell Joseph Miller Walkersville, MD Peter Fitzgerald Murray Fairfax, VA Nnaji Emeka Omenye Preston Peterson Willmar, MN
Cadet Squadron 15

“There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience and alertness, you willdecide if you are a hunter or a victim."

- Gen James Mattis (USMC)

"There are old ships, there are new ships, there are ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships and may they ever be." - Irish Proverb

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
- Henry David Thoreau

“Let us labor diligently; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle ofclay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God."

- Moroni 9:6

I am proud to have carried on a family legacy. USAFA will always be home to some of the best (and worst) memories. Apollo is better than Ace. "No you fool were following orders. We were told to comb the desert so were combing it."

- Dark Helmet

I treasure the memory of my past hardships. It has added more to my bank offortitude."


Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me along the way. Special thanks to my Dad and all of my friends.

Carlos Andres Plazas Miami, FL Aircraft Maintenance Alexander James Ververis Nashville, TN Pilot Meghan Plunkett Peachtree City, GA Medical Doctor Justin Weber Kailua HI Remotely Piloted Aircraft Mason Thatcher Salt Lake City, UT Intelligence John William Preston Wells Colorado Springs, CO Pilot
"Nope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”
- Shawshank Redemption


"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."
- John Wooden
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
- Ferris Bueller

“I know these will all be stories someday. And our pictures will become old photographs. Well all become somebody's mom or dad. But right now these moments are not stories. This is happening

In this moment I swear, we are infinite."

- Stephen Chbosky
Hannah Wilken Eagan, MN Dentist CHICKEN HAWKS Grayson Patrick Zuberer Louisville, KY Pilot Andrew Butler Lewiston, ME Pilot Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive Dominic Theodore Celiano Manasquan, NJ Network Operations
P Cadet Squadron 15 -16

7 never look back, darling. It distracts from the now." - Edna Mode

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

My Level is somethin you might not never know nothin about


There are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, may they always be.

SC Project Engineer "FREEDOM!" - William Wallace


Hidden Springs, ID Pilot

Just keep pushing!

Kristen Eve Chapman Mount Shasta, CA Pilot Michael Alexander De Sousa El Paso, TX Mitchell Cochell Toledo, OH Noah Augustus Davis Anderson, Kevin Scott Fanter Haji Nasani Dunn Rancho Cordova, CA "Lil Ole Me Trinna Survive in this Big Ole World"

"It is not the critic who counts"

Just livin' the dream with the boys on my team, Benders for life. Nuge thanks to all the family andfriends that helped me through this place.

I can't thank all my friends, family, teachers, and officers that got me here!

"To whom much is given, from him much is expected"

“I want to create passion in my own life and with those I care for. I want to feel, experience, and live every emotion. I will suffer through the bad for the heights of the good." - Pat Tillman

"The authority by which the Christianleader leads is not power but love, not force but example, not coercion but reasoned persuasion. Leaders have power, but power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve."
- John Stott


"I can do this all day!" - Captain America

Dee Grimes Lubbock, TX Aircraft Maintenance Tyler Kennedy Hajewski Grass Valley, CA Pilot Justin Brett Jones Colleyville, TX Pilot Caleb Weiss Kiesow Waupaca, Wl Medical School Seo Kim Overland Park, KS Remotely Piloted Aircraft Andrew Steven Klinger Camp Hill, PA Security
Cadet Squadron 16

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

As my grandfather once told me when I tried to kiss him good-bye: Don’t you ever do that again!” That sums up the Academy pretty nicely, the most fun you never want to have again.

Network Operations

“Today we did what we had to do. They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong."

Ronald Reagan

Survive and advance


"Some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all-in which case, you fail by default."



"Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until theu have revolutionized the fishinq industry."

/ m a native Texan, but was raised in SC. Before too long, I hope to head back to one of those two places, which I'm proud to call home. Sadly, my old bloodhound, Bella, wont be there to greet me and she will be missed. Before I left for Colorado, a friend saw me with her and asked, “Do it chase deers? I told him that she did and, somehow, somewhere, I'd like to think that she still do.

Robert Brodbeck Lansing Albany, NY Gareth Thomas Price Richmond Hill, GA Dillon Mitchell Launius Austin, TX Pilot Katherine Anne Leo Rochester, NY George Jake Provost Anaheim, CA Operations Anthony Ernest Rebollo Blythewood, SC Pilot
"Nave I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." -

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear ofdeath, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home... If it's worth doing, do it right.

"Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand."
- Proverbs 19:21

Thank you Papa.

"Big dreams turn into big things." -
Riley Jane Richards Durant, OK Pilot Joshua 1:9 Vanessa llidia Rodrigues Unseth Shakopee, MN Logisitics Dalton Michael Welch Clovis, CA Pilot Meek Mill Jacob Brian Yarwood Bartlett, IL Pilot Leah Nicole Young Pittsburgh, PA Public Affairs Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive
Cadet Squadron



Sean K Christo Brooklyn, NY

Space Operations

Thank you to Lt Col Craig, Lt Col Roper, Lt Col Swayne, Ms. Robinson, Prof Hertel, Maj Smith, and my fiance KIA for your immeasurable help.

Jexenia Melissa Bennett Algonquin, IL


We are an accumulation of our experiences, be they good or bad. Mine may not have always been pleasant, but together they have made me stronger andfor that, I am grateful.

Kyle Patrick Brandt Medford, NJ

Security Forces Ijust work here.


RiM takes care of their own.

Meredith Rose Daniels

Annandale, VA

Network Operations

“Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - Winnie the Pooh

Lochlin Hulme Deeks Portland, OR


“We are so fortunate!" - Sean Byrne Forever thankful to mom, dad, Dalton, Egan, and Connor.


To my Mom, Dad, Family, and Friends, thank you for helping me survive and thrive over the last four years. I could not have done it without your love and support.

And to think I almostjoined the Navy.

Wow, that was really fun.


Looks like we can finally say "We made it that far."

/ would like to personally thank all of my friends and the American people who made the past 1427 days of my life meaningful. I'd take a bullet for each and every one of you. Thank you. Now get back to business.

Joseph Christopher Erdie Half Moon Bay, CA Pilot Ryan Thomas Graf Charles Town, WV Acquisitions Matt Grimm Marker Heights, TX Developmental Engineer Itsumo Peter Hahn Gulf Breeze, EL Remotely Piloted Aircraft Holly Harness Livermore, CA Logistics Readiness Santos Jayagopal Malaysia
Cadet Squadron 17

Isaiah 40: 28-31 God Bless America

“The road goes on forever and the party never ends." - Robert Earl Keen

"In normal life we hardly realize how much more we receive than we give, and life cannot be rich without such gratitude. It is so easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements compared with what we owe to the help of others.” -

I was having a great day until...

“When the son of the deposed king of Nigeria emails you directly, askingfor help, you help! His father ran the freaking country! Ok?"

"The only thing that's capital-T True is that you get to decide how you're gonna try to see [the world]. This, I submit, is the freedom of a real education, oflearning how to be well-adjusted. You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn't. That is real freedom. That is being educated.” - David Foster Wallace

“I've always believed that all you need is one man to make a difference. To stand up when others are told to sit down. To speak loudly for those who have no voice. And to fight the goodfight." - Steve Rogers

Jake Kiedinger Prosper, TX Project Engineer Austin Sebin Kong Los Angeles, CA Pilot Emetine Claire Lochmaier Chattanooga, TN Chemist Dietrich Bonhoeffer Jacob L Martin Blackhawk, SD Pilot Adam Lee San Antonio, TX Pilot Brent Anthony Matherne New Orleans, LA Pilot

"Life does not stop and start at your convenience.” - Walter Sobchak

“Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

- Dylan Thomas

If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if were apart... I'll always be with you.

-A. A. Milne, Author of Winnie the Pooh 2 Corinthians 12:9

“Sometimes you gotta work a little, so you can

Never give up on something you can't

“Whether you think you can, or you can’t, ball a lot.” - Tom Haverford, Parks and Recreation go a day without thinking about. you're right." - Henry Ford

William Shaw McEntee Chapel Hill, NC Operations Research Analyst Patrick Dean Mudd Prescott, AZ Pilot Laura Olson Bothell, WA Intelligence Joseph Hee Soo Pang Alan (AJ) D Reid Jr Stephanie Ford Robb Cerritos, CA Lakeville, MN Granville, OH Pilot Acquisitions Behavioral Scientist
Cadet Squadron 17

“My only measure of success is how much time you have to kill.” - Taleb


“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud ofsmoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, 'Wow! What a Ride!” - Hunter S Thompson

“Don’t be mad cause I’m doin’ me better than you doin you.”- Childish Gambino...

To the big man upstairs, my family, friends, and to anyone else who has supported me, thank you for your love and inspiration. I would have never made it without you guys.

Brian Dean Sartz Fort Walton Beach, FL Pilot Vincente Tellez Santee, CA Network Operations Sic Semper Tyrannis Evan West Storrs, CT Remotely Piloted Aircraft NIGHTRIDERS Kyle R Barboza Lovell, ME Pilot Jason Stanley Black Clovis, CA Financial Management


"Roads? Where we’re going we don't need roads."

- Doc

Aeronautical Engineer

I have learned two things here. First, no matter how dark a situation can look, as long as you believe that you can make it out alive... you will. Second, don't tear rifle racks off the wall.

Zachary J Campbell

Philadelphia, PA

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because Cod’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Noly Spirit, who has been given to us.”

- Romans 5:3-5

Special shout out to all those who’ve been a part of my journey since the Prep School.

Baltimore, MD Intelligence

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on."

- Robert Frost

Agua Dulce, CA

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

On School:

“l would like to document Chegg for this Engineering degree"

On Leadership:

"Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." - Michael Scott Love you Mom and Dad!

Health Professions Scholarship Program

I have loved my time at the Academy! Thank you to everyone who helped make it such an incredible experience. "...man are, that theu miqht have joy."

2 Nephi 2:25

Dylan Kilbride Brown Milford, PA Laikyn Jewell Duffey Kenneth Michael Ehrenberg Paramus, NJ Nicholas Leon Fernandez McKenna Elise Fox Alpine, UT
Cadet Squadron 17 -18

“A day may come when the courage of men fails... but it is not THIS day." - Aragorn

Peace is a lie; there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power l gain victory. Through vietory my chains are broken, The Force has freed me. - The Sith Code

Thank you Mom Dad WillGrandma Grannie and Granddad; I couldn't have done it without you. It was one heck of a ride.

1 Cor. 16:13-14

Force Support

I AM BLESSED! To my wonderful parents, family, and friends I cannot thank you enough for your constant love and support over these 5 long years. I couldn't have made it without you. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will keep your path straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6

Falcon, CO Civil Engineering

“Wait!! Don't shoot!!" - Harambe

Gulfport, MS

Health Professions Scholarship Program

"You miss 700% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky." - Michael Scott

Alex Lee

Arcadia, CA

Office of Special Investigations

"Being chosen is the greatest gift you can give to another human being."
- Trevor Noah, Born a Crime.


Aircraft Maintenance

"The Lord is my strength and my song” Exodus 15:2

Stewart Henry Harris Billings, MT Intelligence Brodie Foncha Hicks Jacob Keese Holland Myah Janae Jackson Jacksonville, FL Lindy Autumn Long Newnan,

Ari Luzada

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Glide Establish, Handle Pull;


There is no justice. Timing is everything. Better to be lucky than good.


"Whatever you are, be a good one.”

- Abraham Lincoln

Agnes Mutoni Rwanda

“The biggest disability is failure to love and believe in yourself. When you feet you are not enough, you seek external validation from family, friends, coworkers and even teachers. But remember you cannot bully yourself, beat yourself and be your own enemy and expect to mount to anything." - Sean Stephenson.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

- Thomas Edison


“Start smart, finish with your heart."

- Lyle Moeller HBPBz

Stockton, CA Sarah Katherine MacKinnon Monterey CA Christian Joseph Naumann Huntingtown, MD Raymond James Perniciaro Queens, NY Benjamin Grant Rogers Protzman Norfolk, NE
Cadet Squadron 18


"To survive as a human being is possible only through love." - Chris Hedges


Charleston, SC


"Here am I, Send me." - Isaiah 6:8

Thanks to my Mom, Dad and Savannah, I couldn't have done it without you guys

St Petersburg, FL

Special Tactics Officer

A king does not abidewithin his tent while his men bleed and die upon the battlefield. A king does not dine while his men are hungry, nor sleep when they stand watch. A king does not command his men's loyalty through fear nor purchase it with gold; he earns their love by the sweat of his own back and the pain he endures for their sake. That which comprises the harshest burden, a king lifts first and sets down last.


"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his lifefor his friends." - John 15:13

Thank you to God, my family, andfriends for everything they have done to help get me through here, couldn't have done it without y'all. Special shout out to my parents for always being there for me and being the best parents out there, I love y'all mom & pops!

Grandpa and Leonard, I hope I can make y'allproud.

"There will be a point when the mountains tower over you, the oceans obstruct your way, and the masses tell you no... PERFECT! I'm fighting for separation, walking into what most avoid in pursuit of a return that most can only dream of" I could not have done it without all of my family andfriends supporting me. I love you Mom and Dad, thank you for all that you have done.

Alma 43:45

Scientia est Virtus

Kira Bryanne Schlosberg Aledo, TX Charles Seeber Jared Charles Smithson Phoenix, AZ Pilot Michael Stenger Joshua Rene Valenciano San Antonio, TX Pilot David Alexander Wagner Montreal, Canada Pilot

We are chosen, blessed, and broken - to be given.

Columbus, TX


When God throws a curve-ball, don't duck; you just might miss something.

Colorado Springs, CO

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

The unwavering support from my family and friends has made the past four years far greater than I could have imagined. "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." - Proverbs 19:21

I'm incredibly thankfulfor the opportunities and experiences I have had and am excited for what is ahead. Blue Skies...

Benjamin Kurt Weaver New Holland, PA Civil Engineering Kyle Appelt Luke Addison Brown
Cadet Squadron 18 -19

"Gum would be perfection. Could have said, gum would be nice, or, I’ll have a stick, but no no no no. For me, gum is perfection.” - Chandler Bing, Friends

I have nothing profound to say

5 years later and I am still an idiot.

“Who's the best?"

Pressure makes diamonds.

Remain humble. Don't worry about who receives the credit. Never let power or authority go to your head." - Richard Winters

Cody Alen Byford Round Rock, TX Logistics Readiness Justin T Caldwell Lawton, OK Aircraft Maintenance Jordan Dahle Holladay, UT Pilot Michael Ellbogen Casper, WY Weather Taelor Aupaia Eyre Long Beach, CA Acquisitions Austin Wilder Garcia San Dimas, CA Pilot

“Andy crawled to freedom throughfive hundred yards of crap smelling foulness I can't even imagthe, or maybe I just don't want to. Five hundred yards... that's the length offive footballfields, just shy ofhalf a mile- crawled through a river of crap and came out clean on the other side."

- Red, Shawshank Redemption

Couldn't have done it without my family, friends, and Cod.

James 1:2-4


"Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards.” - Shane Patton; The greatest thing I have learned in my 4 years at the academy is to trust in the process and to love the journey Psalm 23, 7 Corinthians 13:4-8 Will forever be FTB

"It all seems so very arbitrary...But, no matter how you get there or where you end up, human beings have this miraculous gift to make that place home. Let's do this.” - Creed Bratton Mom, this one is for you.


“What about second breakfast?"

- Peregrin “Pippin" Took II

"Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close ofday. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

- Professor Brand, Interstellar A^WA. A -Mom

"Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind ofevil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference ofgood men."

- Monsignor (The Boondock Saints)

Andrew Gregory Gikas Bloomfield Hills, Ml Pilot Benjamin Edward Peden Hightower Mobile, AL Jordan Robert Hanlin Rocklin, CA Oliver Scott Harrison Senatobia, MS Pilot Cheyenne Nicole Jones Olathe, KS Pilot Natahniel Kendrick Columbus, MS Pilot
Cadet Squadron 19

Project Engineer

Thanks to my family andfriends who have supported me along the way!

Callum Long Flagstaff, AZ


‘You played an expanded game and won."


Eleanor Marie Joan Massar Ventura, CA

Logistics Readiness

"I am not afraid, I was born to dothis."

- St Joan of Arc

To my two heroes-Mommai and Daddai-thank you for your unwavering confidence in me in the best and the worst ofdays. To my sister, Abigail, for always being my “sunshine.” And to my incredible teammates, squaddies, and friends-The Academy hasn't always been easy, but it has always been worth it.

Never give up. Ever. Strive for the hard stuff because that's what makes you better. And when you're at your absolute worst and you don't know where to turn, God will always come alongside and provide some sweet action to get you through!

“This isn’t flying; this is falling with style."
- Buzz Lightyear

Bailey Nicole Moreland Toledo, OH


Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

- Jerry Rice

Hunter Lewis Louisville, KY Andrew Gordon Mayerchak St Michael-Albertville, MN Combat Systems Officer Benjamin Shoichi Miota Coloma, Ml Pilot

Financial Management

“It's not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts." - Zig Ziglar; Thank you Mom and Dad for your constant support and encouragement, I could not have made it without you.


Looking back, there is no place I would have rather gone for my undergraduate education. I will never forget the friends, the adventures, the experiences of my 4 years. Thank you to Mom, Dad, Sarina, Mikayla, and everyone else who has supported me along the way. I made it that far. Here’s to Lt Life. Giddy up.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph ofevil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Leslie Anne Perez Fayetteville, GA

Information Operations

"Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

Thank you Mama, Papa, and Christine for all of the love, support, and inspiration along the way. Evoke change through passion.

Kent G Romney Alpine, UT Intelligence TIoexajiH." - Yuri Gagarin

Phillip Smart

Ozark, MO


“Our deepestfear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepestfear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine."

Joe Tan


Never Let Chasing Your Jubilance Be Vehement Longing!

Kyle Michael Pater San Diego, CA Alyssa Lauren Sedgwick Chandler, AZ
Cadet Squadron 19
Sebastian Michael Wermuth Miami, FL Pilot
is proof that, given the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible."
Rickenbacker CS-20 TROLLS Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive Jibraun Hasan Asaad Stockton, CA Pilot "I know I'm going to get got. But I'm going to get mine more than I get got though."
Marshawn Lynch
Jane Cabusora Lakewood, CA Pilot Thank you to my friends and family! This would never be possible without your support and love. Isaiah 40:31.

That wasn’t so bad...

I love my mom, my dad and my brother. But I really love my sister. Thank you Chioe for making this place feel like home.

Seth Carozza Rockford, Ml Pilot Cody Lee Davis Haysville, KS Remotely Piloted Aircraft "Mandatory" Matt Dorsey Indianapolis, IN Pilot Flea Trainer Nicholas Robert Featherston St Louis, MO Logistics Readiness "Ifthey can make penicillin out ofmoldy bread, they can sure make something out ofyou." - Muhammad Ali Lily Alexandra Forlini Roseville, CA Pilot Connor Gonzalez Louisville, KY Pilot
Cadet Squadron 19 - 20
"Why would you want to take finance from someone who doesn't lift?"

"The cake balls are not the reason everyone got sick." - Major Agnew

"Happiness is not a limited resource, and when we devote our energy and time to trivial matters and chose to stress over things that ultimately are insignificant, from that point we perpetuate our own sadness and we lose sight of the things that really make us happy and rationalize our way out ofdoing amazing things." - Christopher Aiff

Endless thanks to my mom, dad, sister, the Morganfamily, and my day one friends.

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."' - Muhammad Ali

"So do not fear, for l am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10

Big shout out to my family and friends. I couldn’t have done it without you guys.

This adventure is YOU.lt will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and every miniscule grain of your being will fall in love with it. Just as you are excited to face the world, dont lose that life, your adventure, is made of instants and the best thing to do, the only thing to do, is express gratitude, serve others and face each instant with the same passion as when you first realized how exciting life can be. John 3.-30.

Nicholas Heth Cedar Falls, IA Acquisitions Zachary Hevel Basehor, KS Pilot Zachary James Kocur Centennial, CO Pilot Brian Paul Kriner Las Vegas, NV Pilot Benjamin Thomas Lynch Reston, VA Pilot Ciarra McCarthy Plymouth, Ml Pilot

"When you do things right, people won’t be sure you've done anything at all.” - Futurama

It is never too good. It is never too bad. I'm always awesome.

"Life will put many red lights in front of you, but sometimes you must push on the gas and trust god." - Kendrick Lamar


“The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela

Thanks Mom, Dad, Sydney, Avery, and Chandler for your endless support andfaith in me over the last five years. I truly couldn’t have done it without you all and I'm so blessed to have you. Love you so much!

Thanks to my family and friends for having my back, and specifically to my Mom, Dad, and Sister for always being therefor me.

"Never Die Fasy.” - Walter Payton

PatrickAlexander Menzies Apex, NC Intelligence Brian Yong Min Harmon, Guam Pilot Taylor Linne Nelson Colorado Springs, CO Contracting Cassidy Oshiro Aiea, HI Logistics Readiness Kevin CharlesPollard Fairhope, AL Pilot thebest? Colin Steve Quitta Smithville, TX Civil Engineer
Cadet Squadron 20


Thanks Mom & Dadfor loving & supporting me through everything, thanks Max for letting me borrow your car when I come home, thanks Tori & Lan for bringingjoy & vulgarity into my life since Day 1, & thanks Jared for signing up to pick where we eat for the rest of our lives, I apologize in advance. It's been a huge blur offun & craziness & I would maybe do it all over again.

Thank you Mom, Dad, Michael, and Weston for all of the love and support these pastfour years, I couldn't have done it without you!


"And Hey Bub, I'll tell you what, if I took a test on M-day, and you're a T-day Guy. Get the Hell away from me! - TC

Brendon Tyler

Lighthouse Point, FL Operations Research

"I'll tell you how I feel about school, Jerry: it's a waste of time. Bunch ofpeople runnin around bumpin' into each other, got a guy up front says, ‘2 + 2,’ and the people in the back say, '4.' Then the bell rings and they give you a carton of milk and a piece of paper that says you can go take a dump or somethin’. I mean, it's not a place for smart people, Jerry." - Rick

I am so thankfulfor the incredible support and encouragementfrom my mom, my dad, my friends, and my family. I could not have gotten through this place without my /am at the 94th and the JAM.

Mikayla Renee Robertson Menomonee Falls, Wl Nathaniel Alton Romine Upland, CA Sands Megan Michelle Shenk Philadelphia, PA Pilot “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." - Dr Suess Grant Starr Ashley Marie Torres Hudson, Wl Newburgh, NY Combat Systems Pilot "Years ofAcademy training wasted!" "Guard your heart above all else, for it deter- Buzz Lightyear mines the course of your life." - Proverbs 4:23


“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be." - Zig Ziglar

To my baby Blackjacks, I'm so proud of you guys you dont even know! Keep it up #Wheremykillersat Baby Trolls we finally made it!



'You know, pools are perfectfor holding water..." - Dave

Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive
Austin Maxwell Anderson Charleston, SC Peter Aaron Barringer Monument,
Cadet Squadron 20 - 21


"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." - Teddy Roosevelt. "To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose oflife." - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Life motto. So many people to thank and too much gratitude to capture. Know l delight in the work before me. Deo et patriae.



"Losers Always Whine About Their

Fight the stupid!

Robert Breen Chambersburg, PA Pilot 6ydmo e Sypax ecmb noKou - Muxaun JlepMOHmoe Drew Quentin Broadbent Overland Park, KS Pilot Astra Per Aspera Morgan LeeAnne Fagnant Eldersburg, MD Pilot Alexandra Jane Feliz Colorado Springs, CO Pilot journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzo Michael Paul Ebert West Salem, Wl Pilot Best." - Sean Connery Alexander Perry Fulton Colorado Springs, CO Cyberspace Operations

“Life's three rules: Be Joyful, Pray Often, Give Thanks...and ALWAYS Remember who you are."

- Jesse Germain (with some help from Lion King)

IL Pilot

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4J3

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man."

- Heraclitus


Cobb County, GA Developmental Engineer

"Guys! Ijust had the craziest dream... So I'm standing on these footprints when

I am thankfulfor my faith, and my family and friends who have supported and encouraged me throughout this incrediblejourney at USAFA-to God be the glory! “I can do all things who Christ who gives me strength." - Philippians 4.73

- Armor

"Never fart in an elevator" - Dad

Darby Diana Germain West Point, NY Personnel Charles Alexander Keller Effingham, Taylor Matthew Hulslander Kalispell, MT Pilot Johnson Holly Mae Martin San Antonio, TX Pilot Haley Dawn Merrill Grand Rapids, Ml U.S. Army
Cadet Squadron 21


Remotely Piloted Aircraft

It’s beauty in the struggle

Much mahalos to my family and friends. I would not have made it this far without all your love, help, and support.

Aircraft Maintenance

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

- Colossians 3:17

Mitchell Adam

Garnet Valley, PA

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

"Success isn't owned, it's leased. And rent is due everyday." - J J Watt SAFTB

Aircraft Maintenance

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh; "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?"

- Captain Jack Sparrow


“Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God. He closes doors no man can open and He opens doors no man can close." - unknown; Thank you Mom, Dad, Ashleigh, and Megan for all the love and support. I couldn't have done it without y'all.


Impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. I am the greatest. I said that before I knew I was. I figured that if I said it enough, l would convince the world that l was great." -

Jez-Arvin Queja Ramil Kihei, Zechariah DeVere Sparrow Anchorage, AK Rose Amanda Marie Smith O’Fallon, IL Weston Garrett Steelhammer Shreveport, LA Glynn Anthony Taylor Houston, TX


William Cody Vaughn Villa Rica, GA Contracting


- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jesse Washington Houston, TX


"Infinite striving to be the best is a man’s duty; iti is its own reward. Everything else is in God’s hands." - Gandhi

Cyberspace Operations

"Leader... ship. The word ‘ship is hidden inside the word ‘leadership,’ as its derivation. So if this office is, in fact, a ship, as its leader, I am the captain. But were all in the same boat." - Michael Scott

Christofer Thomas Valasek Saginaw, Ml Pilot
lies behind us, andwhat lies before us are small matters compared
to what lies within us."
in the Lord with all your heartand lean not on your own understanding,• in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
- Proverbs 5:5-6
Caleb David Winningham Seaside, CA
Personnel Love isn't an energy it's a person Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive Cadet Squadron 21
Maya Heolelomekealoha Woody Murrieta, CA




'We are so fortunate!" - Lochlin Deeks

Thank you mom and dad for always being there; under the umbrella in the cold rain at all of my sporting events growing up. You guys are the reason I am here today. Thank you Natalie for being the best little sister in the world. And thank you to the rest of my family and friends for all of your love and support!

‘When the spirits are low, whenthe day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking." - Sherlock Holmes

God, my family, my friends, and so many others were, and are, vital to my success - thank you for thelove and support.

Isaiah 41:10, Colossians 3:23, Psalm 57:4

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts."

- Sir Winston Churchill

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn

Jeremiah 29:11

Nuclear and Missile Operations

"The trouble with opportunity is that it alway comes disguised as hard work."

- Herbert V Prochnow

Sean Gabriel Byrne West Linn, OR Brandon Michael Chitwood Tifton, GA Pilot Jarrett Austin Collins Miramar, FL Ellen Ashley Barry Elmhurst, IL Pilot Casey Alexander Born Glendale, AZ Pilot


A huge thank you to the people who have stood by my side through it all, but a bigger thank you for those who didn’t.

"And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.”

Albus Dumbledore

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Proverbs 16:26

Special thanks to my Mom and Dad, Mike, Jenn, Joseph, Ellis, Wesley, and James for all of their love and support. Go Falcs and Roll Tide!

"Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you.”

- Count of Monte Cristo

Syracuse, NY Network Operations "DON'T PANIC." - Douglas Adams

"You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants." - Stephen King

Never take life too seriously...spread love, be daring, laugh, and then laugh again.

MD Air Liaison Officer


all in the reflexes." - Jack Burton
Shane Patrick Culver Corpus Christi, TX Gabriella Marcella Gray Denver, CO Pilot Nicholas Harron Scotts Wesley Hester Birmingham, AL Waverly Karena Aguon Hock Shreveport, LA Pilot Darnell Allen Jones Waldorf,
Cadet Squadron 22

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories ofyour loved ones. I am not afraid."

Space Operations

“There's no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talentdoes no exist, we are all equal as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that is that. I am not talented, I am obsessed."

No matter how tough your day is going, somewhere someone is going through something worse. Don't complain. Keep your head up, and keep moving forward. Love you Mom and Dad

Lucas Ross McKinney Detroit, Ml

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

“I know it seems hard sometimes but remember one thing. Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out, keep ya head up.... and handle it."

“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard"

This down, moon next. As hard as this was, it was worth it. Big thanks to my biggest blessings in life.


Space Operations

“Where there is no struggle, there is no strength." To my family and friends, I am eternally grateful for your endless love and support. Thank you God for the path you have blessed me with.

Dakota Marquis LaPorte Diamond, 01-1 Peyton Channing Milligan Lee's Summit, MO Jose Augusto Martinez Claremore, OK Pilot Ashley Elizabeth Morgan Friendswood, TX Pilot Rio Tadio Sarmiento Parker, CO
said that if you are a racist, I will attack you with the north... and those are the principles that I carry with me in the workplace." -
"If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster."
"There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need to change your life, or you are the one that will change theirs."
- Angel Harefa

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Thanks to my family. I love you guys. Saturdays are for the boys. Good luck Willie.

"When life puts you in tough situations. Don't say 'Why me?' Just say ‘Try me.'"
- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

My name is Mary Kim!

Samuel Richmond Schmidt Concordia, MO Pilot Lincoln once Michael Scott Landon George Miley Tomcho Noble County, Ol-I Developmental Engineer Clint Eastwood, The Rookie Ashley Dale Stanton Dell Rapids, SD Medical Service Corps Warren Thomas Taylor DeLand, EL Timothy Wang Riverside, CA Finance Mary Kim Weidman Reston, VA Force Support
Cadet Squadron 22
is like poetry. And most people hate poetry.” - overheard at a Washington, D.C., bar


longest way round is the shortest way home." - C S Lewis
Daron Troy Williamson Paris, TX Pilot make ripples when you can make waves, build broad shoulders but a broader mind, and never skip the gym on Monday." - me
CS-23 of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive
Class Casen Ray Askew Texas City, TX Network Operations "Truth Gabrielle Sierra Briggs Salina, KS Pilot "The Thank you to my family and friends who have supported me through the USAFA journey, I could not have done it without your continuous support.

It's all about the fellowship

Aircraft Maintenance

I want to thank my mom, dad, and sister for being supportive of me during my time at USAFA. I want to thank my family and friends as wellfor the support.

"He's in the Air Force? But l thought he was smart?” - My mom's friend

“He must become greater; l must become less.” - John 3.-30


Thank you to my family as I would not be where I am today without you. You're the most important people in my life, your love and support is everything to me, and you inspire me every day to be a better me!


fight is won or lost far away from witnesses

behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those

- Muhammad Ali

Remote Piloted Aircraft

Thank you to my family and friends -1 owe it all to you.

Willie Curry Enterprise, AL Nuclear and Missile Operations Josh Edelman Milford, PA Clayton William Davis Hot Springs, AR Pilot Ethan Randal Eiden Chanhassen, MN Pilot John Logan Deaton Mason, OH Pilot Marlene Rose Flescher Sebastian, EL
Cadet Squadron 22 - 23

"But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."

- Galatians 6J4

"If you want to change the world, start offby making your bed." - Adm William l-l McRaven”

"I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you've actually left them."

- Andy Bernard

To my family and friends whohave helped me along the way, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has been the experience of a lifetime and / cannot wait to see what the future holds!

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then / said, “Here am I. Send me!” - Isaiah 6:8

Alexandra Hutchinson Dearborn, Ml Biomedical Laboratory Officer

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

- Albus Dumbledore

I'm a peacock! You gotta let me fly!


/ m pretty much an astronaut now."

- Roland Ladipo to The Gazette

Spencer Ganas Baltimore, MD U.S. Navy John Levi Hilgenhold Tell City, IN Pilot Zachary Forrest Johnson Farmington, NM Acquisitions Kahleb Isadore Kelsey Mariposa, CA Pilot Roland Olasupo Ladipo Pickerington, OH

“It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream ofyesterday is the hope oftoday and the reality of tomorrow." - Robert H Goddard

"Void mon secret. II est tres simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery I am so gratefulfor the opportunity to serve, love and grow during my time at USAFA. There is no replicating the fellowship and relationships I have built here, and the Lord knows I would not have made it through without the support of them and my incredible family.

Romans 12:1-2

Its not how high you fly, its how high you bounce.

Aircraft Maintenance

In life, if you work hard enough, you can achieve anything...but you’ll never be as good as me.

"Success is not fnal, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
- Winston Churchill

Space Operations

"Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?" - Gimli

Thanks be to Jesus Christ for bringing me to this point. Without Him, I am nothing. To Pops, Mom, Bear, Boo, Hez, my crew dogs, the marker sniffers, and all who dared call me friend- Your support gave me the footing to keep pushing.

Start the recorder and pass the caffeine. RiM takes care of their own. Psalm 27:4.

Cadet Squadron 23

Alekos Jethro Michael San Ramon, CA Pilot Zachariah Drake Morris Flagstaff, AZ Pilot Chandler Avery Myers Garland, TX Lauren Elizabeth Ossolinski Colorado Springs, CO Force Support Kristina Natalie O’Sullivan King of Prussia, PA Aircraft Maintenance Hanson Edward Oxford Socorro, NM

"We seem to be made to suffer. It’s our lot in life." - C-3PO

Thank you to my mom, my dad, my brothers, my fiancee, my friends, and everyone else who helped me and will continue to help me in my journey ahead.

"Change your thoughts to change your world."
“A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended." - Batman
"Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out."

- Anton Checkov

Andrew Paul Resweber Swarthmore, PA Pilot are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, may they always be!"... Thanks Mom and Dad! Kyle Michael Spratt Nineveh, IN Pilot Aleksandr Raymond Towne Clifton, VA Developmental Engineer Maria Irene Volodkevich Sammamish WA Intelligence Norman Vincent Peale Sean Marry Zackrison Grand Blanc, Ml Munitions and Missile Maintenance
Class of 2017 Basic Cadet
Photo Archive



Tsali D Bentley Blairsville, GA Pilot

I would like to thank my parents, my sister, and my friends for the continued support over the past four years. Most importantly, I give God the gloryfor my ability to serve this Nation. The past four years havebeen a great experience, and I look forward to the years to come.

Christopher Robert Bissing Colorado Springs, CO Finance

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” -

We tell ourselves things every day. There is power in this internal dialogue. It fuels our imaginations, and thrusts us to infinite heights. “Blue skies." Truly, we are the pilots of our own destiny.

“And I knewjust as



as clearly,

that life is not a work of art, and that the moment could not last." - Norman Maclean

Chase Andrew Cannon Louisville, TN Logistics

A big thanks to all who have helped shape who I am in the past 4 years, as well as those who helped me remember why I am here.

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man-, true nobility is being superior to your former self" -

Clinton Michael Black Fairfax Station, VA Pilot James Michael Bradford Louisville, KY Pilot
Cadet Squadron 23 - 24

General Engineering

I definitely couldn't have done this by myself. Thank you Goodin family for being my home away from home. Thanks Mom, Dad, and Ivy for supporting me through the good and the bad and constantly reminding me to "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

- Joshua 1:9.


Isaiah 40:29-31

29 Tie gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but thosewho hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Cyberspace Operations

"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."

Most of the Generals I've had the opportunity to talk with said they spent most of their time at USAFA on academic probation... So I guess I have that going for me.

“Had a dream I was king, I woke up, still king."

- Eminem

Life isnt a race, but is sure is more fun when you're passing people.

Zoe Marie Casteel Orange, TX Joanne Quicho Cruz Fremont, CA Timothy Davis Cunningham Lake Villa, IL Phil Davis Waterford, Wl Air Battle Manager James Michael Demkowicz Colorado Springs, CO Pilot Alexander George Elwers San Diego, CA Pilot

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.”

Henry David Thoreau

"To those of you who received honors, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And to the C students, I say you, too, can be president of the United States." - George W Bush

Excited to see what God has plannedfor my future!

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered byfailure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.”

Shout-out to GodChasers! Love you guys! Eph. 6:10-12

"It alljust disappears doesn’t it? Everything you are, gone in a moment like breath on a mirror... We are all different people all through our lives and that's okay, that’s good, you've got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear.” - 11

“But the servant who did things that deserved a beating without knowing it will receive a light beating. Much wilt be requiredfrom everyone to whom much has been given. But even more will be demanded from the one to whom much has been entrusted." - Luke 12:48. Here’s to giving back for what God and my parents have given me. I love you mom and dad.


“Better to illuminate than merely to shine, to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate." - Thomas Aquinas

Wooyeon Hicks Enterprise, AL Pilot Jay Maxwell Kaslon Omaha, NE Pilot Kaitlyn Nicole Kent Mooresville, NC Pilot Colin Packard Klopp Columbia, MD Pilot Brandon Kopp Egg Harbor Township, NJ Pilot Ryan Raymond-James Nicholson Americus, GA
Cadet Squadron 24

Well if you can read this, I guess I made it "that” far. Thank you to everyone that has helped me through this place and no, I’m not cross commissioning to the Navy...

As was said by one of the greatest movie franchises of our time, "If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now."

- Master Shifu

So I guess it’s time to go learn how to breathe underwater

You never know what you will accomplish until you dare to try. Thank you to my parents, friends, family, and God for your unwavering support the past four years.

"You can live through anything if Magic made it." - Kanye West

To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid.

Aeronautical Engineering

Don't forget to bring a towel.


"Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for reward, save that of knowing that l do your will."

- St Ignatius ofLoyola

Robert Anthony Pahissa Carson, WA Medical School Kyle Richard Pasterski Roseville, CA Pilot MT Rae Pellegrini Federal Way, WA Pilot Brianna Lillian Ramey Pulaski, TN Pilot David Michael Shald Lafayette, CO Joshua Patrick Swartzman Canandaigua, NY

Cyberspace Operations

.fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth ofdistance run." - Rudyard Kipling

“I know


gon get got, but I'm gon' get mine more than I get got doe." - Marshawn Lynch


"I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to an y person so wholly unconnected with me." - Elizabeth Bennet


"Would 1 rather be feared or loved? Umm...easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." - Micheal Scott

Financial Management

"She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."

- Proverbs 5125

Garrett Turley Dublin, OH Tyler David Weaver Conyers, GA Pilot Anne Wilma Werkley Howell, NJ
Gabrielle Leigh Anne Bruner Weatherford, TX Mary Catherine Cavanaugh Arvada, CO
Cadet Squadron 24 - 25

'You wanna make Coffee?" Thank You Mom, Dad, Katie, and Drew! You have all helped me graduate!"

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!"' - Isaiah 6:8

I tried too hard and cared too much, but I'll be damned if it wasn't worth it. TRIA

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there's no telling where you might be swept off to." - J R R Tolkien

"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different..." - C S Lewis

A second chance is only as good as what you decide to do with it. Thank you to the classes of 12, 15, 14, 15, 16, and 17 for your leadership. Thanks to my family for believing in me and making that always be enough.

Peter Joseph Cheneler Annandale, VA U.S. Navy Ryan Christopher Douglas Salem, OR Pilot Asher Edward Cutler Plattsmouth, NE U.S. Marine Corps Dylan Harper Dempster Rancho Cucamonga, CA Pilot Janilie Anne Dysico Las Vegas, NV Force Support Travis Kaiau’kela Foote Hemet, CA Pilot

Munitions and

I doubt my wedding day will be happier than graduation


Aircraft Maintenance

“...what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love" - Marcus Aurelius.

Huge thanks to all of my friends and family for helping me get this far and for making these past couple ofyears an especially precious privilege.

Fort Jennings, Ol-I U.S. Army

"Free at last, Free at last, thank God Almighty I'm free at last." - Dr Martin Luther King Jr


/ would like to thank my family, friends and mentors for helping me achieve my dream ofgraduating from the Air Force Academy and pursuing a career asa pilot afterward. I am looking forward to starting the next chapter of this journey. “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." -


Logistics Readiness

High Five For Five!

I would like to thank my Parents, Brothers, and Grandparents for helping me get here, I could not have made it without your continuous support.

Force Support

Give God your weakness and He'll give you His strength

Thomas Guy Golding Chelsea, Ml Missile Maintenance Kevin Jun Kim Northridge, Adam Kleman Mahlon Rudolf Cottrell Kruse Smithville, MO Tracy Annettee Landram Belfair, WA Tevin Tamalii Manu Meridian, ID
Cadet Squadron 25


Thanks to my friends and family and those who remind me that nothing worth having comes easy.

Special Investigation

"All men dream-, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers ofday are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”

- TE Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph

Be great!

/ want to thank all of my friends and family who have helped me get where I am today. I couldn’t have done it without you.

"Weapons Hot"

Play like a champion today.

Matthew Miller Smithtown, NY Pilot Patrick Thomas Phillips Nazareth, PA Pilot Jared Alexander Olson Warwick, NY Officeof Nicholas Joe Porras Lowell, IN Pilot Reed Jackson McGuire Douglasville, GA Contracting is the point ofbeing alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable?" John Green Jacob Onyechi Sugar Land, TX Developmental Engineer

Aircraft Maintenance

Twenty-Five Hundred Seventy-Seven Days Down


"Drop the idea that you are Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders. The world would go on even without you. Don’t take yourself so seriously."

- Norman Vincent Peale

Operations Research

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."
- Steve Prefontaine

Trevor Violette Portsmouth, OH

Financial Management

“There are an infinite number of worlds because there is an infinite amount of space. Not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. This follows that the average population of any planet must be zero. This means the population of the Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet are merely the products of a deranged imagination.” - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Aircraft Maintenance

"Anything's possible ifyou’ve got enough nerve."
- J K Rowling
Spencer Hale Reisbord Katy, TX Matthew Peter Shisler Felton, CA John Michael White Indianapolis, IN Briana Martin Winslow Syracuse, NY
Cadet Training Photo
Cadet Squadron 25
of 2017 Basic



‘‘Keep your mild cheddar to yourself!"
- Capt Brian Kester
"Vou may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the worldfor you." - Walt Disney

I am so gratefulfor my wonderful, caring family, my incredible mentors and my friends. I never would have made it here today without their influence, encouragement and guidance.

Let us step out into the night and pursue that temptress, adventure. - Albus Dumbledore

Mitchel Raliegh Bie Cincinnati, OH Pilot HBPB Christian Michael Alexander Arnold Abilene, TX Computer Engineer Maxwell Brown-Bass Long Beach, CA Logistics Readiness Andrew Barto Orlando, EL Pilot Kourtney Gene Colleen Cryder Littleton, CO Pilot

7 woke up today and got excited about the fact that it was Thursday.” - Maj Ben Hartlage

"YEAH, BABY!! YEAH!!!" - Austin Powers

Thank you to all my family andfriends for helping me every step of the way.

Flying for HIS glory Thanks Mom and Dad, I wouldn't be here without you!

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they wilt walk and not be faint.” - Isaiah 40:31

Castroville, TX


Shout out to all the buis that helped me get through here - Dirty D

"Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." - Mark 11:24; I've prayedfor this for years so I'd like to give ALL the praise to the Most High, first and foremost. Second, shout outs to-. Mom, Dad, Gran-Goose, Kenya-Benya, Kai, Aunt Tookie, Unc Hilton, Aunt Stephie, Keith, Gav, AKI, Boog, Haddi, Maj Couture, and Lt Col Elleby. WE DID IT!


“It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me." - Batman

Pate Wallis Davis Aledo, TX Pilot Gabriel Ryan Dawson Lake Jackson, TX Pilot Jacob DeVries Sydney Ann Dole San Diego, CA Pilot Robert Alonzo Farley Neptune, NJ Pilot Brett Anders Fogelberg Merced, CA
faZW Cadet Squadron 26
“If they can make penicillin out ofmoldy bread, they can sure make something out ofyou."
- Muhammad Ali

Earn Everyday

When nothing goes right...go left

“Life is like topography, Hobbes. There are summits ofhappiness and success, flat stretches ofboring routine and valleys offrustration and failure.” - Calvin & Hobbes

“A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

Ifhistory only remembers one in a thousand of us, then that future will be filled with stories of who we were andwhat we did. But until that day comes, we will stand, and we will look death in the eye and we willfight!


The two things in life you are in total control over are your attitude and your effort."

- Billy Cox

Laurynas Galdikas Lithuania Min Je Kim Colorado Springs, CO Pilot Robert Blake Grizzard Heflin, AL Pilot Bryce Armstrong Leiter Villa Park, CA Qian “Millie” Gao Irvine, CA Contracting Jeffrey McClelland Layng State College, PA Pilot

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect ofintelligent people and affection of children; to learn the appreciation ofhonest critics and endure the betrayal offalse friends; to find the best in others; to leave the world a little bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived- this is to have succeeded."

"Whether we bring our enemies to justice, or bringjustice to our enemies, justice will be done."

- George W Bush

7 wish there was a way to know you're in the good old day before you've actually left them.”

"And because, in all the Galaxy, they had found nothing more precious than Mind, they encouraged its dawning everywhere."

"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Demand to see life's manager!"

Amanda Terese Ley Centerville, UT Weather Dallas Jacob Moore Crestwood, KY Intelligence Darius Ali Quinn Jacksonville, NC Personnel Garrett Wilson Rhynes Pottsville, AR Acquisitions Kathryn Marianne Richards Livingston, MT Space Operations
Cadet Squadron 26
Christopher Vincent Romero Valencia, CA Pilot dust.


Thank you to my family and friends for your love and support!

"Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever." - Psalm 25:6

“Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you always.” - Joshua 1:9


“l find no fault with you when it comes to standing against your enemy with courage. However, very few have the courage to sheathe their sword once it's out. Fear is not evil. It tells you what your weakness is, and once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as kinder.” - Unknown

Ryan sullivan Nashua, NH Russell Howard Williams Mckinney, TX Pilot Thomas Woodward Plano, TX Victoria Renee Zinkus Charleston, SC Aircraft Maintenance



Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way.

-"Perfection is the price we pay for the ones we love, our own success and the destruction of our enemies."

-"Strength over Technique"

I'd like to thank my Dad, older brother, Chris, and younger brother, Thomas, for preparing me for life and motivating me to get through and excel here. Special thanks to who has been the best mentor and has helped me more than he knows. Lastly, thanks to Jimmy and Vicki, the Rhymers, and the Does for their support and care! I made it!

"Failure defeats losers, but inspires winners."


"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." - Abraham Lincoln

William Sail De Bord Combat Rescue Officer Wayne, IL William Thomas Cook Billerica, MA Pilot Jonathan Zane Earp-Pitkins Levittown, PA Intelligence Connor James Crilly Clifton, VA Pilot Robert Kiyosaki Michael Edmund Ellsworth Colorado Springs, CO Hospital Administrator
Cadet Squadron 26 - 27

“I'm pretty tired... I think I’ll go home now."

- Forrest Gump

- this is what people keep saying; but let us live well and times shall be good. We are the times. Such as we are, such are the times." St Augustine of Flippo

'You are spreading your ignorance like a plague!”

- Maj Brian Kester

Developmental Engineer

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill


"If you want to be a lion, you must train with lions.” - Carlson Grade

For Dad, Mom, and TGE: I owe everything to you. For Ian M. Brotnov, SMSgt Debra A. Sheppard, and Lt Col Geoffrey S. Fukumoto: t couldn’t have asked for better mentors. You all taught me so much and I am forever grateful.


"Don’t ever ask for it to be easy."

- Maj Dana Lyon, 2016

Thank you Momma Bevz, Papa Chris, Cayden, & Nibs for supporting me every step of the way; couldn't have made it this far without you all!

William Chase Hammond Chagrin Falls, OFI Remotely Piloted Aircraft Trevor Elliot Hardee El Paso, TX Nicolle Faye Foster Acworth, GA Marie Erika Fleming Tucson, AZ Tyler John Ginger Danvers, IL Finance times, hard times Giovann Alberto Escobar Pearland, TX Pilot

"The only time you should look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don’t look in your neighbor’s bowl to see if you have as much as them.” - Louis C K

Two quotes come to mind when thinking about military service and oath. First one is a partial quote by Agis II ofSparta, recorded by Plutarch: “...do not ask how many are the enemy, but where are they.” The second was told to every Lithuanian officer during the interbellum as he received his commission and his sword: “Be reikalo nepakelk, be garbes nenuleisk!”

“The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.” - Gilbert K Chesterton


To my family, friends, mentors, coaches, and instructors, I am truly gratefulfor all that you have done for me to help me become who I am today. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories we have shared together, the profound life lessons you have taught me, and the neverending love and support you have shown me. I will strive to repay your gifts forward by making this world a better place.

Four years can do a lot to a person's soul and sanity, but I’m glad it turned out the way it did. Thanks Mom, Dad and the rest of my friends and family for being the greatest support system out there. I would not have made it through here without you guys. Love y'aIII

“There's no better day than today.”

Christina Marie Herrera Cypress, CA Aircraft Maintenance Daniel Hunter Ives Centennial, CO Pilot Matas Leckas Vilnius, Lithuania Virginia Logan Long Huntersville, NC Pilot Noah Frederick Kwai Heen Kwock Honolulu, HI Developmental John Patrick Massey Reno, NV Pilot
Cadet Squadron 27

"It always seems impossible until it's done. - Nelson Mandela

Thanks to my family andfriends who helped me along the way. I will cherish the memories made here for the rest of my life.

"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourselfif you forget the errand.”

- Woodrow Wilson

/ am forever indebted to my God, and to my family who raised me and have been with me every step of the way. I love you all! Excellence is the expectation.

"Cut ifyou will...Cut if you must...Cut.Cut.Cut"

- Derek Lewis

A very special thanks to my parents, brothers, family, andfriends for all the love and support that they’ve given me over the past four years.

Whether its faith, family or friends, you never go through tough times alone. "When you go through deep waters, I will be with you."

- Isaiah 43:2

Bjorn Christian Wuethrich Nielsen West Lafayette, IN Pilot Michael Joseph Sauter El Paso, TX Pilot Jalen Devon Robinette Columbus, OH Logistics Jaime-Fransisco Javier Torres Westminster, CO Pilot Gerald Thomas McGinty III Colorado Springs, CO Pilot Amelia Kate Roddenberry Thomasville, NC Pilot

Astronautical Engineering

To my father, Todd Woodford, who taught his children to Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States.


Air Liaison Officer

Thank you Mom and Dad for helping every step of the way.

"Let’s kick the tires and light the fires."

- Independence Day

Pearl City, HI Pilot

Dad, Mom, and Devin: Thanks for teaching me that life is neither easy nor perfect... but with the Aloha spirit, life is good.

Nathaniel Todd Woodford Pearland, TX Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive
Barrett Wick Anigian Dallas, Darlene Angelica Bugado
Cadet Squadron 27 - 28

“This too, shall pass."

"Ifyou are going through hell, keep going."

“Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.” - Michael Scott

“Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.

Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."


2 Corinthians 4:1, 16-18

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will always long to return." - Leonardo da Vinci

Ben Broox Clements Friendswood, TX Pilot Andrew Faciszewski Bluffton, SC Pilot Winston Churchill Eric Curia Naperville, IL Civil Engineer Nicholas Feely Tampa, Florida Intelligence Officer Rachel Perry Eaton Gorham, ME Network Operations Jonathan Alexander Fernandez Pine Mountain, GA Pilot

I would like to thank Mitchell Hall and its stafffor the delicious food, not sure what l will do without Greek night and spicy chicken sandwiches next year.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

“Immature is a word boring people use to describe fun people." - Will Ferrell


I'm humbled every day by the people I've met here and the opportunities I've been granted. I can't thank enough those who have helped me get this far. Now let's get out into the real world and kick some ass.

All things accomplished through greater effort.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

- Jeremiah 29J1 NIV

“All we need is Love." - Rico Hilliard C Squad Dayroom 73

Security Forces

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

- Winston Chuchill

Kevin Reid Foley Charlotte, NC Pilot Adam Groesbeck Turlock, CA Rico Hilliard Oxon Hill, MD Pilot Dennis Hull Globe, AZ Jeremy Michael Koch St Petersburg, FL Pilot Nolan Connor Lamo Ojai, CA
Cadet Squadron 28

Thank You Google

7 am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end." -Margaret Thatcher

To my family and friends who have supported me this far-thank you. I love you all!

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go.

You can either pay now and play later or play now and pay later.

Andrew Christopher Liang Baltimore, MD Pilot "Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride." - Hunter S Thompson Hayder AbdulKareem Mahdi Iraq Translator Megan Nicole Maikell Falcon, CO Astronautical Engineer Amelia Dawn Mair Cheyenne, WY Intelligence Alexander Stephen Markos Conroe, TX Acquisitions Devin James McAfee Grand Junction, CO Pilot

I keep telling myself to stop talking to weirdos but then I wouldn't have any friends left. I'm talking about all the boys on the wrestling team, you guys Rico, Groes,CS-28, the baseball boys, and well, all the other friends I have made at the Academy. All of the weekends we lived how we felt, the unforgettable spring breaks, and the nights we had nothing to do. It's been real. Anyways, see ya USAFA.

Came for the free education, stayedfor the view.

"The meaning oflife is to find your gift. The purpose oflife is to give it away."
- William Shakespeare

To all the friends I've made and the people I met here, Thanks for a fun time, eh!




Anthony Thomas McHugh Lewis Center, OH Operations Research Jessica Christine Schwanebeck Ellsworth, NE Force Support Christopher Allen Shelmidine Lorraine, NY U.S. Army Madison Ashleigh Smythe Glendale, AZ Acquisitions Joseph Arthur William Teed Longmeadow, MA Piloted Aircraft lines facing north" Connor Henry Vargas Roseville, CA Pilot
Cadet Squadron 28
Faster, Quality Better"




Contracting l-lere it is, your moment ofZen.

Power Hour is never just an hour

To all those who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself, thank you. To all those who picked me up mymy boot laces and dragged me along when I didn't want to continue, thank you. Mom, Dad, Ally, I love you all more than anything, and this couldn't have happened without you.

Respect All, Fear None!

Psalm 97-. 1-6


"I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind, the God ofangel armies is always by my side." - Chris Tomlin

Remember you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine." - Snow White

Romans 5:3-5

A big thanks to my family for all the love and support you have given me these last five years! I love you team!

Cody Brett Decker Random Lake, Wl Remotely Piloted Aircraft man on top of the mountain didn't fall there." - Vince Lombardi Timothy Michael Barbera Beavercreek, OH Benjamin Thomas Enterline Green Bay, Wl Pilot Joseph Carl Lodi, CA Pilot Sarah Elizabeth Falvey Plymouth, Ml

"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment."

- Gandalf the Grey, The Lord of the Rings

"What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a soreAnd then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?" -

"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, and difficulty..." - TR

"What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.”

- Nans Urs von Balthasar

Logisitics Readiness

"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." - Theodore Roosevelt

Jacob Jorge Garza San Diego, CA Developmental Engineer Connor Mitchell Hedash Slatington, PA Financial Management Patrick Casey Hennigan Westlake, LA Civil Engineer Brayden Ayrton Hill Manoa, HI Pilot Mahalo Momz and Dadfor all the love and support. Shout out to my braddahz. nBoltBrotherhood - Daniel 5:25 Patrick William King Irvine, CA Pilot Kirsten Leigh Mattson Aurora, CO
Cadet Squadron 29

I don't know if I've made the best mistake or worst mistake of my life. But either way... I made a mistake.


"Dadmeel silencio, el agua, la esperanza. Dadme la lucha, el hierro, /os volcanes." - Pablo Neruda I look to the mountains everyday and remind myselfof the hope l am promised here, and now the time ofstruggle is over and the living can begin.

"The difference between iron and steel is fire, but steel is worth all it costs. Iron ore may think itself senselessly tortured in the furnace, but when the watch-spring looks back, it knows better."

- Maltbie Babcock.

Good game USAFA. Good game.

Eric Koji Nagamine Honolulu, HI Operations Research Analyst Family first.

Thanks to my mom and familyfor their support. Get that salute hand ready chief


Colorado Springs, CO Pilot

Too strudel, toaster strudel, ballin' on your poodles -RiffRaff

Thanks for everything Mom and Dad

John Joseph McCune Valley Center, KS Developmental Engineer Noelle Marie Noudewo Alexandria, VA Matthew Dale Moilanen Gwinn, Ml Air Liason Officer Michael William Palow Yorba Linda, CA Pilot Richard Payne

Eternally gratefulfor my family and those whose became like family over the years. Mom and dad- thank you for your unwavering support and love. Bryan Clevenger- thank you for being my friend and mentor (and ensuring I never settle). Mitch Dobson- thank you for never sugar coating anything and being a true friend. To my Glaineethank you for being the most encouraging sister I could ask for. Love you all. Matthew 28:20

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Oh all the money that e'er I had I spent it in good company

And all the harm that e'er I've done

Alas, it was to none but me and all theharm that e'er I've done Alas, it was to none but me

And all I've done for want of wit

To memory now l can't recall

So fill to me the parting glass

Good night andjoy be with you all.

"The Parting Glass"

"If we goin' do it then, we do it big then."
"Fly you fools." - Gandalf the Grey, I could not have made it through this place - Jameis Winston The Lord of the Rings without the love of my family, friends, and most importantly God. Thank you everyone.

Thanks Mom, Dad, and Erik.

One Love Crew

Naideli Margarita Pinedo Pickens, SC Combat Systems Operator Samuel Gray Rouleau Avon, CT Pilot Life In Every Breath. Robert Ross Rudd Pensacola, FL Charles Austin Smith Jonah Sneeringer Derryk Kyle Stiner Golden, CO Scott Depot, WV Bellevue, NE Acquisitions Manager Remotely Piloted Aircraft Intelligence
Cadet Squadron 29


Nuclear and Missile Operations
Allyson Wells Swansboro, NC
lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." - Winnie thePooh
KNIGHTS OF THIRTY Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive
Pago, American
Nuclear and Missile Operations O le ala i le pule o le Tautua
Lefagaoaliifaasilitofo Vaiosiliafai Anuilagi-Tasi Matautia Lelalelei
Annie Amosa Pago
MN Pilot If it is to be, it is up to me." - William H Johnson
Chase Bockstruck Grove Heights,

"Find a way, that's what winners do." I couldn't have made it through this place without my twin sister and my tennis babes by my side! Also, thanks to my parents and my brother for their constant support and endless love.

I'll miss you USAFAH

Thanks Mom and Dad for all the opportunities you gave me.

/just want to thank Tri-Care for always having my back.

Thank you to all my family and friends that supported me through the years. Mom, Dad, Thomas, Michael, and John without you I wouldn't have made it where I am today and I can never thank you enough.

Thank you to my parents for everything. They have given me the opportunity to become who I am today.

You may be whatever you resolve to be.

Chloe Elise Forlini Roseville, CA Force Support Alex James Goggin Lindenhurst, IL Financial Management David Allen Gonzalez Fort Worth, TX Nuclear and Missile Operations Kevin Robert Hieronymus Colorado Springs, CO Acquisitions John Joseph Hrabovsky Hummelstown, PA Network Operations Jacob Hurst Virginia Beach, VA Electrical Engineer
Cadet Squadron 29 - 30
"We are not born for ourselves alone; a part of us is claimed by our nation, another part by our friends."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Thank you and Jeremiah 29:11

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy."

Katharine Rose Kopinski Roslyn, NY Pilot Austin Merz St Louis, MO Pilot Patrick James Lavelle San Diego, CA Pilot "You can't fight these big waves." - Big Z Nicolas Nino Ouano Cooper City, FL Pilot Dj Johnson Roopville, GA Logistics Readiness Dena Kay Healy McFadden Victorville, CA Pilot is Good." - Faber College

Came for a free education,

with a wife. #karma

Nuclear and Missile Operations

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

- James

"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he plannedfor us long ago."

- Ephesians 2:10


Blood in, blood out.

Nuclear and Missile Operations


- Alex Supertramp

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

How many days till graduation?

Jared Calvin Roberts Springboro, OH Pilot left Mary Kathryne Simonton Sharpsburg, GA 1:2-3 Soli Deo gloria Alexia Krystine Rochester Virginia Beach, VA Intelligence Colin Michael Sandor Carmel, IN Financial Christopher Cole Steele Aiken, SC John Brent Taylor San Antonio, TX
Cadet Squadron 30

Mom and Dad, thank you for everything you've done for me. I never would have made it this far without you. I love you both!



Piloted Aircraft
Dios Te
Alyssa Nicole Torres-Sutterfield Chula Vista, CA
Bendiga." - Abuelita Torres
Piloted Aircraft
Ryan Ward Frisco,
These Things
Zane Aaron Willburn Mancos, CO
Developmental Engineer
Billy Martin Santos Bautista Brandywine, MD
work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard...L.A. here I come!"
Jordan Lucius Boyce Leavenworth, KS
what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what other can't." - Jerry Rice.
this far.
Thank you to everyone in my life, especially my parents,
helped me get

"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing-, it's when you’ve had everything to do, and you've done it."

- Margaret Thatcher

Concluye una nueva experiencia llena de gratos recuerdos y enserxanzas aprendidas. Gracias a mifamilia y a todos /os que confiaron en mi durante este largo camino lleno de esfuerzos y buenos amigos. Viva el Peru!

"Real G's move in silence like lasagna."

- Weezy F Baby

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that's why it’s called the present.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

You can live in a car, but you can't race a house.

Thank you Mom and Dad, I would likely be living on the street without your guidance. Spencer, buy a motorcycle we've got a road trip to go on.

Katherine Brechbiihl Norwich, VT Pilot Renzo Marel Delgado Peru Pilot Cameron Robert Duley Roswell, GA Pilot William Levi Farrar Milan, Ml Aircraft Maintenance HEY, BUD!!! Brett Michael Griffith Johns Creek, GA Pilot Ryan Scott Jacobs Gresham, OR
Cadet Squadron 30 - 31

“The world was all before them, where to chose Their place of rest, and Providence their guide; They hand in handwith wand'ring steps and slow, Through Eden took their solitary way."

- Paradise Lost

I love you Mom andDad!

Live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart... Blue Skies... 506

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” -

Thanks for all your support Mom, Dad, Amanda, Abby, and Annie. I couldn’t have made it through without you.

Colossians 5:17

“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.”

- The Great Gatsby

“It's not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years."

Thanks to all my family and friends that continue to make life count.

Jeremiah 29J1

To the Best ofShips. Blue Skies...516

Blake Daniel Johnson Norman, OK Intelligence William Everett Joiner Atlanta, GA Acquisitions Connor Livingston Lone Jack, MO U.S. Army Alexis Miles Mahtomedi, MN Pilot Wendy Mass. Christil Kalena Lynn Pasion Longwood, FL Civil Engineer Ethan Michael Porter Wake Forest, NC Pilot


not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for t am your God; I will strengthen you, l will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10


in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." -



Daniel Christopher Reynolds Aschaffenburg, Germany Pilot Ad Astra Per Aspera, Matthew 5:9 Christopher Kenneth Risma Westminstser, CO Pilot Tyler Grant Rostenkowski Bloomingdal, IL Aircraft Maintenance the Process."anonymous Wyatt Schoonover San Diego, CA Logistics Readiness "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx" Joseph Blake Shiver Thomasville, GA Space Operations Proverbs 5:5-6. Alex Ian Sisco Hasbrouck Heights, NJ Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Cadet Squadron 31
was the last time you did something for the first time?

Nuclear and Missile Operations

"Don't be afraid
Because it sharpens you, it challenges you, it makes you stronger; and when you run away from fear, you also run away from the opportunity to be your best possible self." - Ed

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

"When we longfor life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure."
- Peter Marshall


"Always protect the McNuggets." - Cheeseburger Eddy

Emily Sims Smithwick Jacksonville, FL Pilot Pride, Teamwork, Success - 1LT Sierra B Richardson Jacob William Vecchio St Francisville, LA Ryan Watson Conyers, GA Tatiana Anece Wynder Yorktown, VA offear. Nelms
Oakley, KS Pilot "In life there is often a roll call. That's when you have to make a decision.- to be or to do.” - Col John R Boyd
Eric Joseph Albers
Bacchus-Grant Fort Worth, TX Remotely Piloted Aircraft Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal. Great memories and Great friends. Clear Eyes, Full Flearts, Cant lose.
MA Contracting "Well that was fun. Let's never do it again" Thanks to all my family and friends, especially my Dad who has been my #J supporter from day 0.
Candace Morgan Bevilacqua Boston,
Albuquerque, NM Pilot Thank you to family and friends for the support. Philippians 4:6-7
John Thomas Boone
Colorado Springs, CO Developmental Engineer - Human Factors “Give 'em hell." - My Grandpa Cadet Squadron 31 - 32
Tyler Joseph Burns

Cyberspace Operations

Many thanks to my family andfriends for supporting me through all the ups and downs while here. I could not have made it without them!


We do not face any problems, only challenges, which are nothing more than opportunities. Challenges are what make life meaningful and overcoming them creates a history of success. Even after we have overcome a challenge, we are not satisfied. The day you are satisfied is the day you die, for every challenge is not met perfectly, but should be met with excellence.

Challenge me.


If you will not fightfor right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precanous chance ofsurvival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. Churchill

Cyberspace Operations

Ifyou're going through hell, keep going.

Phil 4:15


Better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn't smile back." - unknown

Wesley Yeuan Chiu Irvine, CA Andrew Nathan Ermitano Tamuning, Guam A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. Howlett Donald Cohick San Antonio, TX Pilot Jordan Matthew Cox Madison, AL Kristopher Fortier Ashburn, VA Ashley Ann Greco Colorado Springs, CO

I want to thank my mom and my family for always supporting me and pushing me to be the best person that I can be. And to my dad, thanks for the words ofencouragement, love you too.


"/-/ere / am, send me." - Isaiah 6:8


"There is no such thing as I can't." - Papa

You win some, you lose some.


"If you are given a chance to be a role model, I think you should always take it because you can influence a person's life in a positive light, and that's what I want to do. That's what it's all about."- Tiger Woods

McCall Aaron Kerkman Boise, ID Pilot Jalen TroyLacy Cataula, GA Logistics Readiness Djozelle Joone Francisco Laureta O’Fallon, IL Operations Patrick James Mayo Plant City, FL Pilot excellent to each other." - Bill and Ted Dylan Thane Moore Newton, KS Remotely Piloted Aircraft Colleen Michelle Staudenmaier Mt Zion, IL Maintenance
Cadet Squadron 32



Thank you Momma, Dadda, Hana, and Taka for supporting me through all of my ups and downs in life, I love you guys. I want to also thank all my friends, family, and Konnor for being their for me throughout my academy experience!

Jeremiah 29-.ll

- Bill Gates
"The average is the borderline that keeps mere men in their place. Those who step over the line are heroes by the very act. Go."
- Henry Rollins

“For you, a thousand times over. - The Kite

Jared Douglas Sturdivant Mitchell Ian Thomas Erik Gordon Whyte Bridgeport, TX Wauwatosa, Wl Irvine, CA Pilot Developmental Engineer - Computer Systems Pilot Valor There Is Hope I’d had some set idea of a finish line, don't you think l would have crossed it years ago?” Runner Natsuko Anna Worrell Oviedo, FL Andre Young Colorado Springs, CO Pilot




To my friends, family and future wife, l am indebted to your support. It's been a helluva ride, but thanks for being there, love you all. I can't wait to finally be an ociffer...


"Imma sucker for cornrows and manicured toes.” - Nelly

Anchorage, AK

Navigator/Combat Systems

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!' - Isaiah 6:8

Germantown, Wl Air Force Physician

Oh, the places you'll go!

I need something stronger than coffee.

Javaughn Christian Baltrip Houston, TX Andrew Ryan Banez Fisher Brian Bertke Dublin,
Die on
die on
more into the Fray... Into the last goodfight I'll ever know.
this day... Live and
this day... - Jon Treloar
Whitney Michelle Briggs Kuo Liang Cheng Taiwan
Cadet Squadron 32 -33

“It had long since come to my attention that people ofaccomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” - Leonardo da Vinci


5 years later, it's absolutely worth it. What’s next? #AdventureTime

Thank you to my family and the baby fighter 17ers for getting me through this wild ride

“He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right."

- Confucius

This is just a reminder that the Golden State Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA finals... Go Cavs

William O Eastwood V Jamul, CA Pilot Ryan Phuoc Gor Keller, TX Zachary Lane Edwards Columbus, NJ Pilot Dylan Allan Hyder Yelm, WA Operations Research Analyst Christian Johannes Eells Monument, CO Pilot Pro Deo et Patria Brent Nicholas Johnson Cleveland, OM Pilot

“I can't complain about having a lot on my plate when my goal was to eat.” - unknown

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." -

Thanks to my family, friends and squadmates who have helped me make it to this point!

‘‘Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason." - unknown

Project Engineer

"A true leader has the confidence to stand atone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs ofothers. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.” - Gen Douglas MacArthur

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” - C S Lewis

Tyler Michael Jones Coppell, TX Pilot Emilia Kaiser Leslie, MO Pilot Brandon Taylor Koltes Lubbock, TX Paul Lee Joseph Michaud Fort Walton Beach, EL Pilot Ernest Hemingway Nicholas Robert Fisher Moll Houston, TX Air Force Physician Christopher Carl Newman Tampa, FL Pilot llligitimi non carborundum
Cadet Squadron 33

"May your hats fly as high as your dreams.”

- Michael Scott

"The strongest of all warriors are these two-Time and Patience." - Leo Tolstoy

Thank you Mom, Dad, andall of my family and friends who have supported me in this journey so far. CJ, I am honored to join you in the Long Blue Line, bro. Blue Skies.,.517

"Do what you do and mean it every second of the day. If you don't, you’re living someone else's life."


Corey Taylor

Thank you to all of my friends and family, since without them, I would not be where I am today.

"Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense offear and no concept of the odds against them." - Robert Jarvik

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5

The journey at USAFA has been long and hard but I will always look up back on the past 4 years and remember them as the best years of my life.

"Never let a stumble in the road be the end of yourjourney." - unknown Jeremiah 29JI

Nathan Kyle Stanford Memphis, TN Weather Ryan Daniel Tetla Fort Walton Beach, FL Air Force Physician Linzi Gail Thomas Guthrie, OK Acquisition Conner Nicholas Thomsen San Clemente, CA Intelligence Alexis Christine Toro Parker, CO Pilot Seth-Mitchell Tamayo Trambulo Colorado Springs, CO Pilot
"If I am in a fight with a bear, you betterjump in and help thebear.” -George W Bush

Thank you to my family and friends for helping me get here.

"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service ofyour God." - Mosiah 2:17.

Thank you to my brothers and sisters, father, and angel mother. / couldn't have done it without your example, love, and support!

When I'm sad, I stop being sad, and be awesome instead!

Dylan Mark Vail Friendswood, TX Pilot
Bridgett Lee Wall Cranston, Rl Pilot Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive Kenneth Gary Allen Perry, UT Pilot Alexander Jerid Bollwitt Bradley, IL Pilot
Cadet Squadron 33 -34

Aircraft Maintenance

'You can make it happen.” - Mariah Carey

"Gawd loves a gunnerman, andGawd will keep him safe even if he ain't got no sense hisself" - unknown

Jensen Kate Caster Marietta, GA

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Albus Dumbledore

Mom and Dad I couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you to all my family and friends for helping me make it through this place. Ya'll are the best! When in doubt I always remember: “let go andjust be", Numbers 6:24-26, and the Guardian Angel Prayer. They make anything possible!

Anthony Michael Ciccarello McDonough, GA

Aeronautical Engineer

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaiah 40:51

“Do. Or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

Colorado Springs, CO

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Who’sThe Best?

Round Rock, TX


This place is odd. A lot of things you like, a lot of things you hate. But you still wouldn’t go anywhere else given the chance.

Michael Alan Borger South Elgin, IL Daniel Reep Darling Greenwood, SC Combat Systems Officer Devon Arthur Davis Daniel DeMello


"The worst thing about prison was the dementors." - Michael Scott

"The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it." - Thucydides


Should have done management

Public Affairs

“Tley Chicago what do ya say..."

"Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer." - Rainer Maria Rilke; To my family and friends, thank you for supporting me on this journey and helping me have the courage to "live the questions" every day. I love y'all so much!


"77s but a scratch." - The Black Knight

Levi Fry Wichita, KS James Goljan Boylston, MA Anne Louise Graft Barrington, IL Phillip Michael Hightower Sierra Vista, AZ Pilot Megan Catherine Keohane Hurst, TX Pilot Mark Ashley Kite Zionsville, IN
Cadet Squadron 34


7 am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." - William Ernest Henley

“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood...and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

- Theodore Roosevelt

“I’m an early bird and a night owl. So I'm wise and I have worms." - Michael Scott

Acquisitions Pilot Airfield Operations

You + Motivation Success

Just keep swimming -Dory


-Bill Gandy

Matthew Stephen Klump Ocala, FL Taylor Adam Marshall Estes Park, CO Pilot Warren Ward Metcalf Greer, SC Pilot Aaron Nubine Gabriel Anthony Perez Phillip Michael Resnick Midwest City, OK Santa Clarita, CA Kensington, MD “Noooooo Juice!!" - Lil Boosie This Too Shall Pass.
OK to not be OK It’s Not OK to stay that way.

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mom, Dad, Katie, Kyle, Kerry, and Tyler, thank you allfor your unending support and love throughout this journey. I love you all with all my heart.

Who's The Best?

“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."

"Long you live
high you
And smiles you’ll give and
you’// cry And all you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be."

"Breathe” By Pink Floyd

Remember who you are

No comment given.

Kristopher Phillip Tillery Albuquerque, NM Pilot Christopher Dennis Unger Military Family Contracting
Connor Hugh Watson Waterloo, IA Pilot Jackson Sinclair Wilson Rochester, MN Nuclear and Missile Operations - Theodore Roosevelt Katherine Emily Yatko Memphis, TN Personnel
Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive Cadet Squadron 34



Public Affairs

"Time is very slow for those who wait, very fast for those who are scared, very longfor those who are lament, very short for those who celebrate, but for those who love, time is eternal."

Space Operations

Dum Spiro Spero

"Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?" - Mulan; thanks USAFA 1976.


Adversity introduces a man to himself


A special thanks to my family, my friends, and Kayla for all of your love and support along the way. You all made this dream possible, and I can't thank you enough!

Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford

Samuel James Burton Arlington, VA Catherine Marie Terese Carrillo Albuquerque, NM Intelligence Shelby Marie Chapman Clarksville, TN Chase Contreras Dixon, CA Brandon Taylor Dumais Hudson, NH

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Aircraft Maintenance

Thank you to my family andfriends who have helped and pushed me this far; Sic transit gloria mundi... but isn't something amazing to behold


“I was once asked if a big business man ever reached his objective. I replied that if a manever reached his objective he was not a big business man."

- Charles M Schwab

Aircraft Maintenance

"First and second grade were easy, but Social Studies, Division... this is gonna be tough."
- Billy Madison

Financial Management

If you sleepfor 12 hours a day, you only have to be here for 2 years.

Financial Management

“A job is a job is a job"

Dane Austin Grauer Killingly, CT Alec John Hubbard Springs, CO Christopher Michael Haijsman McClelland, IA Keegan James Jones Palm Grove, IA Thomas Wade Hardison Leesburg, GA Jin Kim Lawrenceville, GA
Cadet Squadron 35

To my father; God gave you wings before the Air Force gave me mine but I'll use the ones I get to visit from time to time.

Bowling Green, EL

Aircraft Maintenance

I'd like to thank my family and friends for the unwavering support that was given to me throughout my time here because I couldn’t have done it alone."What doesn't kilt you leaves you with terrible coping mechanisms and a dark sense of humor." “What would Alec Hubbard do?""

MSS: Marker Sniffing Studies" Psalm 23:4

Austin Michael

Milwaukee, Wl Pilot

Who's thebest?

North Las Vegas, NV

Aircraft Maintenance

"I'm just 'bout that action boss."

- Marshawn Lynch

Kyle Alexander Post Knoxville, TN

Munitions & Missile Maintenance

"We have to remember what's important in life: friends, naps, and school. Or naps, friends, school. But school has to come third."

Meredith Leigh Peisinger

Virginia Beach, VA

Civil Engineering

Thank you to my family and friends who helped me along the way! Your unconditional love and support means more than you know. "Never forget where you came from. Never lose sight of where you're going. And never take for granted the people who travel the journey with you."

Trager Anders Kviten Marietta, GA Pilot Alex Logan Pierstorff Lasch JaCobi Sanoy Owens

The unspoken laws of Mechanical Engineering: the first, "Your partner(s) instantly become less intelligent and more lazy once you agree to work with them. Have fun doing 90% alone.”

The second, "all homework and projects must be completed the night before. NO exceptions." And finally, "Senior design is more Systems than actual engineering. Yes, you took thermo fluids and dynamics for nothing. Say hello to customer needs!"

"Ifyou'll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives."
- Vince Lombardi

"There are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them. That's what you don’t understand. This isn't about me.”

'You miss 700% of shots you do not take."

- Wayne Gretzky

“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure." - Mark Twain

Trevor Scott Rogers San Diego, CA Pilot Matthew 6:55. Isaiah 40:29-51. Isaiah 41:10. Colossians 5:25 Sean Patrick Ryan Iron Mountain, Ml Pilot Anthony Mitchell Smith Brighton, CO Pilot Ethan Jordan Thomas Wapwallopen, PA Developmental Engineering Richard Leonard Vitraelli Clearwater EL Remote Piloted Aircraft David Jeffery Walker Prole,IA Acquisition
Cadet Squadron 35

“For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever. So we don'tlook at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.”

- 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18


- Napoleon Hill
"Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit."
"Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary...That's what gets you."
- Jeremy Clarkson
Kara AnnMarie Witgen Romeo, Ml Force Support PINK PANTHERS Cecily Chimelu Agu Santa Clara, CA Developmental Engineer Chris Amaddio Beachwood, OH Civil Engineer

Developmental Engineer

/ couldn’t have made it without my family and friends...thank you Mom and Dad, I love you both! P.S. a little luck never hurt anyone either haha, "Continuous luck is skill," - Casey Cotton. Love you too Casey! And lastly thank you God, you've guided me my whole life-. Ephesians 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him.

Cara Ann Curran Lone Tree, CO Office of Special Investigations

"Life is a journey, not a destination.” - unknown

"America must win this war. Therefore I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, / will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.”

7 don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies; I don't care where they're from. Because the strong man who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value ofstrength, and knows... compassion. Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man."

- Captain America

Dedicated to My Family Micah 6:8

Thanks to my family and friends who have helped me on this journey, I would not be here today if it were not for you. Huge shout out to my parents who have always supported me in everything I do and have always given me the best advice. Thanks to all my friends for making this place enjoyable! On to the next one fam! Si todo fuera fac'd, cualquiera lo lograrla. Hay que echar toda la carne al asador.

"Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing." -Dr. Seuss To the best ships...

Kyle Nolan Cotton Ridgway, CO Michael Phillip Downs Monument, CO Pilot Parker Lee Davis Dodge City, KS Pilot Amy Kathleen Ferguson Lakeville, MN Pilot Cinthya Elizondo Gamez Aurora, IL Pilot
Cadet Squadron 35 - 36


Thank you to family, friends, and AFXC.

‘‘For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

- 2 Timothy 1:7

"Some who have read the book, or at any rate have reviewed it, have found it boring, absurd, or contemptible, and I have no cause to complain, since I have similar opinions of their works, or of thekinds of writing that they evidently prefer."

- J RR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Norco, CA Civil Engineer Stay Smooth!


Nightriders for life.


There are good ships and wood ships, and ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, and may they always be." - unknown

Grant Dean Garst Inman, KS Teho Kim Bloomington, IN Pilot Was released from his 4 year sentence. Christopher Joel Grove Cumming, GA Pilot Shane Zephaniah Jones Andy Stones LeValley Salina, KS Engineer Kirsten Linnartz Phoenix, AZ


"The living at leastknow that they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are they remembered. Whatever they did in their lifetime-loving, hating, envying-is all long gone. They no longer play a part in anything here on earth. So go ahead. Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this!” - Ecclesiastes 9:5-7

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

No comment given.

“Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it."

There are more planes in the ocean than there are planes in the sky. Work hard, be a bro.

"I'm pretty tired, I think I’ll go home now.”


“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” - Dr Seuss

Max Rogovin

Developmental Engineer

Tis better to have chugged and puked than never to have chugged at all.

Darby Joel Maier Missoula, MT Christopher Joseph Masi Wallingford, CT Pilot Jeffrey Sean McKnight Cambridge, OH Pilot Reagan Alexander Moore Mansfield, TX Averi Justine Richert Seattle, WA White Plains, NY
P- Cadet Squadron 36

Information Operations

To my family, friends, teammates, instructors, and mentors, thank you for your unwavering guidance and support.

"Only in the darkness can you see thestars." - Martin Luther King Jr

Jonfranco Shattuck Bonsall, CA Remotely Piloted Aircraft tsaaat

Austin Ballantyne Sneed Knoxville, TN


"Strength and Honor"

"Work hard, be a bro” -The A-10 Guy

To all my friends and family who helped me get to this point, thank you. I couldn't have done it without your love and support.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Phil 4:15 "Work hard and be a bro" The A-10 Pilot

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J R R Tolkien

Daniel Villarreal Medford, OR

Cyberspace Operations

"Muscle sinks, fat floats, chest flys." - Dorn Mazzetti

Shouts out to the family as well as the Manus for helping me make it! Tevin.- 2D40 <5

Raquel Renee Rosas Huntington Beach, CA John Eron Stigall Paducah, KY Pilot Tanner Cruz Thompson Elizabeth, CO Pilot


Sometimes you find out what you are supposed to be doing by doing the things you are not supposed to do. Learn from your mistakes and always take life head on!

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming."

Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive ANIMALISTIC SKYRAIDERS Tyler William Albright Lincolnton, NC Remotely Piloted Aircraft Clayton Archer Monterey, CA Combat Rescue Officer
Cadet Squadron 36 -37

Mistakes were made

My sword is sharp and terrible. It is the mightiest of things when the pot of war boils fiercely... I am the noble warrior, I am the sword ofAllah, I am Khalid bin Walid.

Thank you friends and familyfor helping me through this journey.

'You have a brain in your head And feet in your shoes, You can steer yourself In any direction you choose."

- Dr Seuss

Thank you to my family and friends who helped me get this far! Isaiah 40:31.

7 may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."

- Luke 15:11-32

WY Remotely Piloted Aircraft

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor."


Elon Musk

Michael Alan Aro GrossePointe Park, Ml U.S. Army Bowman Kenan Benge Hockessin, DE Combat Systems Officer Micah Aaron Blakely Brookfield, MO Finance Timothy Dale Burgess Florissant, MO Pilot John Patrick Cahill Simsbury, CT Intelligence Kaylor Tate Dolezal Mountain View,


Cadet life is very intense, but it’s done and I'm excited to see what else life brings. Enjoyed my major, the comradery with other cadets when commiserating about our schedules and duties, going to Blues Dancing, and weekends when I could sleep in until noon. Each year, things changed, yet the Academy didn’t really. Overwhelmed at times, someone always helped me regain my center; my thanks to them and everyone who helped.

“But Mama I ain't done yet, your son rise, kick back and - J Cole

sit back and watch know your son set."

Space Operations

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice." - Bob Marley

Aircraft Maintenance

"Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty offailure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won’t. It's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere."

"Hey bro, snap this pic of me real quick."

Ifyou're going to be weird, be confident about it.

Bethany Marie Dorian Richland, WA Engineering Bryan Lawrence Driskell McKinney, TX Pilot Anthony Jacob Esparza Chandler, AZ Tierra Renee Franklin St Louis, MO Hunter Joseph Hancock Waco, TX Public Affairs Alyssa Gabrielle Hofilena Long Island, NY Personnel
Cadet Squadron 37

Civil Engineering

"This is a very complicated case, Maude. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-haveyous. And, uh, a lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder’s head.”

- The Dude

“Be strong and courageous...for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

- Joshua L9b

"Most men stop when they begin to tire. Good men go until they think they are about to collapse. But the very best know the mind tires before the body and push themselves further and further, beyond all limits. Only when these limits are shattered can the unattainable be reached."

- Dr Mark Mysnyk

Civil Engineering

Never Try, Never Fail


“It is something great and greatening to cherish an ideal-, to act in the light of truth that is far-away and far above; to set aside the near advantage, the momentary pleasure; the snatching ofseeming good to self; and to act for remoter ends, for higher good, and for interests other than our own.”

- Brig Gen Joshua Lawrence Chamberlai

"It’s just not that hard." - Paul

Gregory John Howland Jr Macon, GA Robert Mitchell Landers II Royse City, TX Megan Christine Marriott Woodbridge, VA Army Corp Of Engineers Sydney Anne Rohlwing Parker, CO Missileer "Great kid! Don't get cocky." - Han Solo Joshua Hudson Lightner Reading, PA Samuel Edwin Scott North Little Rock, AR Finance Blair

“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him."

- Lamentations 5:21-24

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face-, now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

- 1 Corinthians 15:12

"They laughed at Louis Armstrong when he said he was gonna go to the moon. Now he's up there, laughing at them."

- Chazz Michael Michaels, Blades ofGlory

“There is a way oflosing that is finding. When souls overmasters sense. When the noble and divine self overcomes the lower self. When duty honor and love, immortal things, bid the mortal perish. It is only when a man supremely gives that he supremely finds."

- Brig Gen Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. Faith, Family, Freedom.

No comment given.

Jordan Tobiah Shields Beaverton, OR Missileer Lance Torres Culpeper, VA Pilot Ryan Stafford Cabot, AR Finance Jacob Taylor Dallas, TX Pilot JaredMichael Wesemann Logan, UT Pilot
Class of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive Cadet Squadron 37


Thank you to my family andfriends

There is No Place Like Nebraska

"Thanks for the adventure - now go have a new one! Love, Ellie" - Up

Thankfulfor everyone who continues to provide me with love and laughter in this life, especially my little brother and sister who have always reminded me to look at things from a different perspective.


If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: Void on!'

...Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And-which is more-you’ll be a Man, my son!” - Rudyard Kipling, If

Ben Harrison Basham Hawesville, KY Pilot Benjamin Neal Burmester Pender, NE Pilot William Boyd Duff Pittsburgh, PA Aircraft Maintenance it to make it" Kaitlyn Marie Ennis Cincinnati, 01-1 Force Support Alec Brian Fetzer Cleveland, OH Liaison Officer

"A place belongs forever to whoever claims it hardest, remembers it most obsessively, wrenches it from itself, shapes it, renders it, loves it so radically that he remakes it in his own image.” - Joan



"/ hope that my achievements in life shall be these-that I will have fought for what was right and fair, that I will have risked for that which mattered, that I will have given help to those who were in need, and that l will have left the earth a better place for what I've done and who I've been." -

C Hoppe Sco Fa/cs/

Kellen Drake Mall Shreveport, LA Finance isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!" - Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes Patrick James Mealy Castle Rock, CO Acquisition you forget your roots, you've lost sight of everything." - Walter Peyton Clarissa Humphrey San Angelo, TX Intelligence God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:2 Luigi Angelo Lorenzo Daly City, CA Intelligence Didion Scarlett Ann Marshall San Antonio, TX Remotly Piloted Aircraft I look better in person. Sawyer David Colton Martin Clifton Park, NY Pilot
Cadet Squadron 38

As much as I love being at the Academy, I am lookingforward to sleeping normal hours and not having an endless pile of homework. For anyone who struggles socially, hang in there because / made it, and I could not socialize my way out of a paper bag when I inprocessed. Thank you everyone who helped me get through the Academy and especially my parents for listening whenever I needed to talkand being there unconditionally.

Work hard, do yourjob, and never stop learning. The opportunities to lead are everywhere. You just have to look close enough. Good Luck and Godspeed!

"The bravest are surely thosewho have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it." - Thucydides

Life is a plane ride, you are the pilot, so take off and fly with it; but prepare yourselffor all the turbulence along the way.

"When you want something in life, you just gotta reach out and grab it."

- Christopher McCandless

A link is only as long as your strongest chain."

- Ricky

Sean Ryan McCarty Bristol, TN Civil Engineer Nicolas Paul McLaughlin O’Fallon, IL Pilot Jesse Stuart Quandt Forsyth,IL U.S. Marine Corps Allison Nicole Schwartz Quincy, IL Pilot Garrett Newman Oregon, IL Pilot Sam Sholi Sandwich, MA Pilot

"/ traveled 8,000 miles for this."

"Well, here at last, dear friends, on the field comes the end of our fellowship in USAFA. Go in peace! I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil." - J RR Tolkien (slightly modified)


‘‘Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth."

Space & Missile Operations

Thanks for everything, Jose. "Good times become good memories and bad times become good lessons.”anonymous


“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.” - 1 Corinthians 16:15-14

Logistics Readiness

Ducks Fly Together

Ali Sumbundu The Gambia Thomas Dwight Terrell Hope Mills, NC Darian Takeshi Titus Tacoma, WA Connor Webster Lebanon Township, NJ Developmental Engineer Christopher Ross Wilson Ashburn, VA Kyle John Woolbright Trabuco Canyon, CA
Cadet Squadron 38


I'm not fat, I'm cultivating mass

In the years to come, as we look back at ourselves, I pray that we findjoy in how far we have come, humility in where we are, and hope for where we are going.


"For / am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes..." - Romans 1:16

'I'm just gonna sit here and stare at you, while you stare at me." - Marshawn Lynch

Seeking the approval of others leads to the happiness of others; following your own path leads to your own happiness. I think that's an easy choice. Don't change for someone else. Be your authentic self.

JEDI KNIGHTS Keenan Dee Allen Southaven, MS Pilot Kyle Broekhuis Colorado Springs, CO Lawrence D’Agostino Highlands Ranch, CO Pilot Anthony Robert Denkinger Des Moines, IA Logistics Readiness Kaleb Benjamin Estes Hartselle, AL

With GREAT relief I’ll be able to say that we made it, but certainly not without the help from all the unrecognized heroes back home and those along the way. I hope one day I can be there for others as you all were there for me. For my parents and my crew ofsiblings, the lyrics live on...

"Life is too short, so love the one you got cause you might get run over or you might get shot."


"You can do anything you set your mind to."

- Mom

"The meaning oflife is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves." - Alan W Watts

Thanks Everybody!

/'of like to thank my parents, without them, I wouldn't have gotten this far.

"No man can walk out of his own story." - Rango

Many years ago, Malcolm Forbes was asked, “What was the greatest single piece of luck that he had in his life?” and he said "I chose the right parents."

Breanna Denali Figuly Wylie, TX Remotely Piloted Aircraft Daniel Edward Gaynes Middleburg, FL Civil Engineer Patrick D Halloran Fairfax, VA Pilot Cole David Fleer San Jose, CA Pilot Robert Scott Heriot Gulf Breeze, FL Intelligence Officer Andrew Blake Flollobaugh Westerville, OH Pilot
Cadet Squadron 39

Cyberspace Operations

“Someone once told me the definition of Hell: The last day you have on Earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become." - unknown

Logistics Readiness

"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight ofglory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."

- 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18

"Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks." - Phillips Brooks

I'm Just a Kid

Cyberspace Operations

If you hold a Unix shell up to your ear can you hear the C?" - unknown

Graham Michael Johnson Petaluma, CA Aubrey Paige McCabe Johns Creek, GA Pilot "Beautiful things don't ask for attention." - James Thurber Kelly Lujan Reno, NV Sean Thomas McGlone Port St Joe, FL Pilot Keith Wesley Mansfield Parker, CO Pilot Austin McWhirter Spring Hill, TN

Nikhil Nair Naperville, IL U.S. Navy

"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. / have envied a great many people who led difficult lives andled them well."

Theodore Roosevelt

My deepest love and appreciation goes to my parents, Ramesh and Bhuvana Nair, and sister, Meg, for unconditionally supporting me in life.


Pennella Fountain Valley, CA

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

"O me, O life? That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?” - Robin Williams, Dead Poet's Society

"You must never give into despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." - Uncle Iroh

Kennisa Maile Rafanan-Reynolds Mililani, HI Personnel

"The darkest hour ofnight is right before the break ofday...You just have to make it through the night." - CSM Reynolds aka The Greatest Father in the World -.)

"To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks, but a special heart that listens." - Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” - John Wesley

I promise to try my very best to fill some big shoes. Thank you to my family and friends who have supported me along this journey. Praise be to God.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft

To my friends and family, you're the reason / made it.

James Alexis Rachel Samloff San Diego, CA Pilot Kaylee Shalongo Litchfield Park, AZ Aircraft Maintenance Timothy Smith Clinton, Ml
Cadet Squadron 39
"If you don't like how the table is set, turn over the table."
- Frank Underwood

7 knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do."

- Michael Scott

Thank you to my family, the Hawgs, the Hawks, and the Melvins.

Liam Stuart Wells Covington, LA U.S. Marine Corps Lord, let me not prove unworthy of my brothers CS-40 WARHAWKS Nathanael Raymond Beveridge Anchorage, AK Scientist - Mathematics Calvin Gregory Boerwinkle Flagstaff, AZ Pilot

7 have fought the goodfight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” - 2 Timothy 4:7

‘‘Just keep swimming,just keep swimming..." - Dory Ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

- Luke 12:48

“For my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die."

- Sir Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Aaron William Cetnar Broadheadsville, PA Aircraft Maintenance Rachel U’ilani Curtis Yorktown, VA Pilot Dani Joseph Fischer Gillette, WY Combat Rescue Aaron Albert Fitts Cairo, Egypt Pilot Sometimes nothing can be a pretty cool hand. Sarah Elizabeth Fotsch Brookfield, Wl Pilot whom much is given, much is expected." Eric James Haack San Francisco, CA Pilot
Cadet Squadron 39 -40


I had an argument with one of the seven dwarfs, /-/e wasn't happy.

"The meaning oflife is to find your gift; the purpose oflife is to give it away."

It has been the longest, shortest four years of my life, but not a single day has felt wasted. I couldn't have gotten through this place without my incredible family, friends, and mentors. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn - blessed to have been granted so many amazing opportunities and to join the world's best Air Force!

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

- Winston Churchill

"Whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day."

-Alma 36:5

Iwakuni, Japan

Nuclear and Missile Operations

Mother Nature only lets things grow until they are perfect. Some of us didn't take as long as others.

James William Hanley Stone Mountain, GA Nathaniel Paul Harms Batavia, IL Pilot Derek John Kinamon Peachtree City, GA Pilot Christina Muire McMillan O’Fallon, IL Pilot Kaiana Mauliola Miller American Fork, UT Financial Management Anne Mariko Naseer

“Were all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?" - Doctor Who

"Anything worth doing, is worth doing right." - Hunter S Thompson... I want to say thank you to all of my family and friends for helping me make it through this journey. A special thanks to my Mom and Dad. I would have never finished this without you.

Thank you to my family and friends for supporting me and helping me to get to this point and I look forward to continuing on this journey together. “I'm not sure what I’ll do, but-well, I want to go places and see people. I want my mind to grow. I want to live where things will happen on a big scale.” - F Scott Fitzgerald

God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.

“Ifya had fun ya won!" - Marisa Grattan

Thank you to my family and friends for the constant support, especially Po and Bailey. I love you all!

"Everything that’s difficult you should be able to laugh about." - Louis C K

Jonah Daniel Noeldner Owatonna, MN Pilot Marcello Peray-Genovese San Francisco, CA Pilot Isaac John Reinert Greeley, CO Acquisitions Samuel Joseph Sapita Dayton, OH Acquisitions Alison Delaine Skidmore Novato, CA Force Support Troy Joseph St Peter Fremont, Ml Scientist - Mathematics
Cadet Squadron 40
is no time for caution.
Robert Alexander Stelmack Wayne, NJ Pilot
Network Operations
Turgor, NO LOVE!" - Dr
Brianna Marie Strang-Lockhart Myrtle Beach, SC
Bob Noyd
Marcus Jamaal Ward New Albany, OH Pilot
take life too seriously, you’ll never get out of it alive.” - Elbert Hubbard
Katleen Rose Ybarra Tampa, PL Pilot
of 2017 Basic Cadet Training Photo Archive
you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory." - DrSuess


A memorial service was held for ClC Kaleb Estes May 18 in the Cadet Protestant Chapel.

Authorities continue to investigate Cadet Estes death; he died May 7 in a commercial skydiving accident near Ellicott, CO.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of Kaleb Estes and our thoughts are with his friends, his classmates and loved ones,” said Lt Gen Michelle Johnson, Academy Superintendent. “We are ready to support Cadet Estes’ family and

well as his Academy family through this difficult time.”

Estes, 25, was assigned to Cadet Squadron 39. He is survived by his father, Keith, and mother, Melissa Estes. - Academy Public Affairs

Lt Col Gino Sarcomo 4 ,M Group Commander Lt Col John Dietrick Deputy Commander Lt Col Steven Glendenning Deputy Commander Lt Col Ryan Funkhouser Deputy Commander Deputy Commander SMSgt Thomas Riggsbee Superintendent MSgt William Shaffner Superintendent SMSgt Debra Sheppard Superintendent SMSgt Michael Thomas Superintendent Lt Col Casey Tidgewell 1 st Group Commander Lt Col Jarod Hughes 2 nd Group Commander Lt Col Maria Roberts 3 rd Group Commander Nathaniel Butler Sarah Cantu Alistair Chase Jon Clegg Tristan Conrad Jewel Davidson Kathryn Gaudette Matthew Gingery Matthew Guida JustinHarrison Ian Heffner Nicholas Hruby Jack Weldon Justin Westbrook Marcus Abrams
Squadron 01
Samuel Barry Emily Bleuel
266 2019 continued from pg. 265
Zachary Carreon Margaret Libby Spencer O’Donnell Maxwell Wilde Sean Castillo Joshua Jalowiec Taewoo Kim Seo Yoon Solomo Ko Justin Kovich Emily Kuo David Louthan Gabriel Martinez Quinones Aryn Maxwell Darion McElhannon Erin Nistler Manzi Masozera Casey Miller Ashlyn Newman Frederick Padilla Kellen Rau Ghaigiseize Said Nazar Grant Steffens Andrew Voydat Connor Webster CS-02 DUECE LEADERSHIP Sierra Borra Paul Byszewski Lt Col Jay Parsons MSgt WilliamNewcomb Daniel Cinnamon Zachary Clay Russell Ellis Mitchell Embrey
Cadet Squadron 01 - 02
Benjamin Eisher Jenna Gustafson
268 2018 continued from pg. 267
Dezmond James Susan Kwon Andrew Loyack Thomas Mandel William McCollum Johnny Potts Monica Riggs Craig Siegel Jonathan Parks Trevor Walsh Conner Wilburn VarunYerram Mary Zimmerman Austin Box Quinton Coleman Alexander Colon Isabella Farrell Blake Gillund Tucker Jacobs Jacob McGraw Brayden Thomas Jeffrey Austin Alexander Hess Michelle McGee Stephen Steiner Bryce Vonzurmuehlen Paul Yang Zachary Bailey Ryan Born Kayla Brown Melissa Brunkal Harris Cannon Sean Chieves John Cottam Chet Dunstan Nathaniel Lavery Randy Meneweather Aaron Moore Jessica Ojala Victor Osinloye James Rice Benjamin Shu Leanne Singleton-Comfort Liam Smith Fred Susuico
Cadet Squadron 02
Quynh Tran Maria Viviano


Dogs of War

Lt Cdr David Sagunsky Christian Agmata Jackson Bednar Katherine Burnham Emlyn Evans John Flory PerResha Foster Nicholas Francoeur Nathan Gomez Ryan Gorski Nicolas Russell Den Tati-Mackaya Jordan Wiggins Tyler Williams Chad Young Sean Harvey Conrad McCarthy Nigel Sarrazin Parker Wilson Lauren Buras Elizabeth Frakes Jaren Hinz Gage Hiseley John Joyce Sarah Kreiser Molly Laatsch George Millard Kelly Nguyen Rodrigo Orellana Kehinde Osinloye Stefanie Polivka Charles Stephens Braxton Stocking Michelle Thompson Christy Thorstenson Arlene Vill Ryan Yoo Colin Zavislak Timothy Barber Justin Bowen Kyle Cox Deion Crisostomo-Fetui Ashley Davis Daniel Dombrowski Ryan Dyson Collin Gwaltney Cyrus Hoang Bryce Johnson Rita Koenigbauer Haydn Lewis
Cadet Squadron


Fightin Fourth


272 2020 continued from pg. 271
Kayla St. Pierre Mateusz Szelazek Albert Thieu Coen Williams Sarina Wyrick Maj Justin Pendry TSgt Rodney Simpson Daniel Arndt Trevor Browning Collin Charles JacobDarnell Rebekah Diotte Everett Estes Garrett Fisk Jason Kyles Macy Miller Dan Neghina Josiah Oliver Jarren Pacheco ^UjKchumacher Natalie Seitz Trey Vandegrift Robert Ward Jordan Weum Josiah Williams Daniel Bailey Lydia Byrom Chad Chreene Tadhg Collins Kaitlyn Enright Noah Eppinger Matthew Kane Garrett Kauppila Abbie Lavin Caleb Mathes Cassandra McElwee Dustin Nethercutt Garrett Patnode Alexa Poveromo Kate Randall Brandon Rockers Matthew Scherer Shane Starrett
274 2020 continued from pg. 273
James Barney Elijah Evers Matthew Lovetri Christopher Romero CS-05 Wolf Pack Matthew Blackburn Juanita Garcia Andrew Hammond Cody Jones Kevin Khamphoumanivong Elizabeth Lashelle-Phillips Barrett McDonald Zachary-Scott Neal Griffin Peene Olivia Pittman William Ragland Andrea Cristiano Seazzu Jenna Suid John Wirth Autumn Wolfgramm Daniel Woo Maj Walter Goss TSgt Daniel Burkhart Courtney Kunselman Todd Link Brandon Lloyd Travis Maxwell Oluwayemisi Orikogbo Hayden Owen
276 2019 continued from pg. 275
Jericho Simmons Ty Thede Janel Valerio Katelyn Walbridge Abigail Anderson Kristian Barr Dominic Calhoon Hannah Cerny Tricia Dang Abby deVarennes Hunter Doster Isaiah Sanders Seth Schober Jacob Wilbers Kevin Yoshimoto


Taylor Yucus Bull Six LEADERSHIP Lt Col ChrisHubbard MSgt Christopher Dooley Mauricio Agudelo Daniel Barrett Forest Bell PatrickBordenave Christopher Brose Kaitlyn Brown Daniel Cook Wesley Crawford
278 2018 continued from pg. 277 to eut 30 uCN
Elijah Calloway Matthew Media Benjamin Paulk Victoria Rodriguez Cesar Saltijeral-Powell Shaun Silk Jerni Self
Rebecca Smith Steven Stein
Spencer Adolph John Allen Sarah Antolik James Ayres Mark Brown Collin Cates Taylor Cobb Donald Coffin-Schiavon Andrew Denicola Frederick Early Michael Gilmartin Michael Grieg Frank Hippier Isaiah Honable Mason Knox Andrew McAdams Michael Plaza
w w fT*
Quincy Prack Brittney Reed Alexandra Reveles Corben Ruf Jacob Shaffer Samantha Shiftman Carter Thorne Sedacy Walden Ciera White Garron Ireton Zane Kessler Zachary Kornblatt Jonathan Lin Mary Luking Benjamin Oldemeyer William Rehbock Kyle Richbourg Sydney Rickert Lavelle Scottie Thomas Hazelwood Vito Marchino Christyna Sealy
Cadet Squadron 06
Isaac Turner
Milton Doria Nicholas Forrest Craig Freeh Grant Gould Dalton Hernblom Ryan Jacobs Balaussa Kameledenova Robert Kishaba James Long Mercer Martin Ashley McEneaney Michael Mechikoff Tyler Harris-Stover Matthew Hopkins Turner Howe Zackary Krieger Nicholle MacKeen Dylan Magness Stone Miller Matthew Moawad Aaron Queen McKenzie Rosenthal Jose Silva Robert Simpson
Cadet Squadron 07
Cage Campbell Charles Carr Christen Dahl Abigail Davenport Michael Delatte Daniel Dodson


Eagle Eight


282 2020 continued from pg. 281
Matthew Schwartz Charles Scott Mark Simpson Sidney Tomes Cydney Uzzell Harry VanGeison Maj Maritzel Castrellon TSgt Shirley John Michael Bourdeau Kyle DeSautels Christopher Dukarm Simone Duryea Alex Fernandez Joshua Gallaher Michael Hannigan Jon Hobbs Alyssa Nevis Kelsie O’Brien Maxwell Olson Samuel Polachek Joshua Reece Carmen Riazzi Anthony Smith Sydney Suite Michael Sutton Jack Temple Nicholas Vaccarella AndreaAbel Kyle Abraham Hunter Ahlquist James Ankarberg Jonathan Banks Steven Bienlien Mafalda Brancal William Cooper Robyn Cully Veronica Dodds Braden J. Evers Shelby Feldman Logan Morrison Kristen Nye Matthew Philichi Ryan Ramseyer Stanley Skibo Graham Smith Thomas Stretch Roland Wheeler
Cadet Squadron 07 - 08
Travis Amsbaugh Joseph Belina Hannah Bergman
284 2020 continuedfrom pg. 283
Brian Brown Cade Cavanagh Haeley Deeney Jacob Dimmitt Jessica Fernandez Steven Gardner Alizabeth Hardy Koby Hinnant Joffre’ Hunter Erich Jaeger William Kordenbrock Joe Laniado Samuel Legarreta Cassidy Ley-Han Clarke McCollum Celine McNabb Khanh Nguyen Nicholas Pingel Mary Rohrer Daniel Smith Andrew Stant Grant Theil Thomas Walker Shelby Watson Nicolas Wells Elijah Woolum
Maj Brie Vihlen MSgt Janaea Warner MSgt Jared Rinderer Sharee Acosta Erik Baskin Austin Beals Justin Bourgeois Anthony Bucci Matthew Coley Zachary Drury Shelby Fatcheric Nicolas Guerrero James Kniss Matthew Markwardt Timothy McVey Dang-Khoa Nguyen Hunter Pace Farley Pipkins Connor Queenan Cody Robinson Madeline Slagley Nkozi Stewart Anthony Talosaga Kevin Tierney Jenna True Branden Ventura William Waller
286 2019 continued from pg. 285
Kyle Leland Shaun McNally Heidi Morrison Nicholas Pollack Grayson Reeves Georgia Sims Dylan Smith Dylan Tang David Warfel Peter Washer Jacob Yarnell Arnaud-Marquez Luke Nimmo Tin Pham Luke Pontzer Heidi Schellin Curtis Smith Donald Szlachetka Madison Wilson
Tiger Ten Maj Andy Allen MSgt Zachary Marshall Kaitlyn Barry Jonathan Belinski
288 2018 continuedfrom pg. 287
Kooper Hackmann Matthew Hale Dane Hankamer Altin-Myka Hing Ryan Holloway Hyunik Kim Brendan Leonard Cecil Moskowitz Ashlyn Paulson Mormon Redd Alexander Reiland John Reynolds Braden Smith Peron Trotman Evan Ulinski Megan Upp Alexandra Vance Joshua West Jonah Whitt Athaliah Abriel Youssef Abubaker Joseph Anderson
Cadet Squadron 10
Izaiah Laduke Danallen Lee Kendall Lewis Morgan McGirl Brian Milla Madeleine Morlino
290 2020 continuedfrom pg. 289
McCabe Wartick Karlee Xander Bridget Bielski Charles Bruce Tanner Cook Joseph Asenuga Calvin Berstler Donald Crabill Natalee Dueber Joseph Engelbrecht Garrett Amy Kelly Blunt William Botterbusch Matthew Carter Abdiel Casanas Rosario Andrew Dampier Bailey Flansburg Riley Wafer Tristyn Hanson Theodore Jantscher Kathryn Kampsen Abigail Miksch Ariana Mosley Dane Norman Matthew Oliver
jsaud Cadet Squadron 10 -11
Zachary Riley Luke Robinson
292 2020 continued from pg. 291
Steven Lamoureux Grant Livingston Rosalyn Mikel Noah Miller Anna Nicholson Kevin Perez Ortega
Dirty Dozen Andrew Beckwith
^ «*■
Andrew Johnston -sa-, it* Sean Mishler Mitchell Robinson Isaac Williams Brittany Brookhiser Michael Chado Christopher Ferrario Mackenzie Hayden Zachary Jones Jeromy Jorgensen Alexsandra Logan Mira Marchioretto Ryan Murphy Riley Murray Alexander Norton Mickeal Quillman Robert Schnall Robert Walker Zack Watson Joseph Wilde Jisung Yi Jaime Abelon Maurice Appleton Chance Baxter Raymone Jackson Michael Mendez Brooke Rittmann Alexander Williams
Cadet Squadron 11 -12
Nicholas Bacogiannis
Logan Ormsby Elizabeth Pennington Sydney Phillips Garrett Potts Eric Rossillon Samuel San Marco Rao Abdul Hannan Bridger Barker Micala Bruce Rosalie Bruns Chandler Claterbaugh Patrick Gresham Joseph Crisostomo Christopher Daniels Cole Edwards Kealaonaona Eichholz Derrick Jochmans Rebecca Kholos Josiah Klingenberg Kyle Lewis Jared Mitchell
Stephen Moore Robert Sood Joshua Souza David Svitek David Mottice Grace Orahood Juan Ramos Philip Rich Garett Scheer Maya Slavin CS-13 Bull Dawgs Maj Brian Low TSgt Melissa Lange
Cadet Squadron 12 -13
Ricardo Arocho Monica Callan
296 2018 continued from pg. 295 ¥
Xw ce
Jason Holmes Desiree Hopkins Brian Kelly Lars Knutson Mackenzie Lerum
mm ** *• fDs f. 1 f; ^ f % ■ ,y/
Aaron Martin Colin McDermott Tristan Naranjo Joseph Pickert James Rogers Maria Schroeder Andrew Tien
30 d<N
Michael Bastian John Bowes Anthony DeAngelis Anna Frick Jonathan Healey Ford Hossler Ronald Jackson Nicholas Juhasz Megan Langas Jen-Liz Maldonado Conan Maltz Miguel Molas Johnelle Parlagreco William Patterson Isaac Perez Andrew Piper Mikaela Pollock Daniel Yook Zachary Zeltmann Heather Zimmie Jared Barnett Summer Buckshaw Jordan Escamilla Jessica Frederick Jonathan Hsu John Ireland Benjamin Johnson Cheyenne Krampitz Austin Logan Eric Long Noah Nagle Kathryn Odom
Cadet Squadron 13
Alec Opsal Kaitlyn Patterson


298 2020 continued from pg. 297
Zebulon Wilson Killer Cobras LEADERSHIP Maj Daneta Harrington MSgt Daniel Gatdula Kailyn Cabrera Alexandra Cerise Christian Constantino Robyn Dyson John Flor Jonathon Fornoff Benjamin Vandenbroeke Jeffrey Weingast John Wendt Robert Wood Matthew Zabilski Nicholas Capella Nicholas Cheuvront Karter Cook Austin Esquivel Micah Fontaine Noah Gavenus Rebecca Gicewicz Kyle Haak Brett Hensel Isaac Kasten Maxwell Kemper Rebecca Layng Darrion Sanders Karl Schluetz Marisa Sligh Meghan Vandermaas Jeffrey Wilson
300 2020 continuedfrom pg. 299
Taylor Morris Ryan Nelson Matthew Pelton Mikhayla Polivka Mason Royse Francisco Solorio

CS-15 War Eagles

Maj Martin Poon MSgt David Coles Ann Acevedo Tristan Briggs Matthew Correa Kyle Cowman Micaela Cuneo Mark Duntz Devlin Gilligan Michael Graft Jack Matson Jordan Paecht Karol Ramirez Alicia Reese Nicholas Rodriguez Preston Rumsey Nicholas Clark Joshua Couse Austin DeWing Morgan Geneste
Cadet Squadron 14 -15
Jacob Bricker Grace Chiarolanza
302 2019 continued from pg. 301
Eric Gier Jacqueline Goodwin Jeffrey Hart Mark Hayes Jason Hightower Richard King Rudra Patel Logan Pethtel Jordan Rivera James Schwerner Cameron Sullivan Anthony Thomas CS-16 Chicken Hawks LEADERSHIP James Alexander Jameson Borland Lt Col Andrew Clark MSgt Jeffrey Bulthuis Travis Brooks Miriam Buda Kathryn Corcoran Nathan Creech
Squadron 15 -16
Austin Drabenstot Grayson Harber
304 2018 continuedfrom pg. 303
Madison Lohman Lake Lutes Halley Martin Kristin Mason Nicholas Moorehead Brandon Paulsen Abraham Eaton Andrew Germann Stephen Giroux Johnny Griffith Holden Hardcastle Walker Newell Chaise Poland Joshua Proulx Samantha Reed Jacob Saucedo Eamon Shannon Jessica Tobias Miriam Trafford Jonathan Williams Rachel Wineman Logan Taucher Christopher Titus Adam Farah John Forbes Enrique Gazmin Matthew Ghering Aimee Guillot Matthew Helmich Michael Jacoby Dorta Cassandra Jehly Lawrence King Patrick Lagator Connor Loo Brynn Lunaas Benjamin Martin Logan Shytle Jonathan Olson George Rittenhouse
Cadet Squadron 16
Elizabeth Rivenbark Daniel Rosenfeld
Jfi & w/ ** h ® ^ -Mil,
Stalag Seventeen Donavan Moss Connor Odneal Roman Petersen-Ruud William Phillips Alexandra Steighner Corbin Zachary Alec Aguilar Ketanny Alves Nicholas Anapol Jeffrey Bailey Marcus Bennett Noah Berling Alonjahnae Brooks MichaelBullock Liam Connolly Julia Corton Austin Cutting Chad Elton Francis Estacion Robert Goetschkes Natalie Hawthorne Nicolas Hillmann Jack Kulp Elizabeth Mahoney Nicholas Marron Malik Miller Hayden Molitor Diana Meyers Symen Ooms Gregory Quesinberry Paolo Reyes Mackenzie Rudolph Trevor Siniscalchi Gareth Sitton Jonah Urlaub Bradlee Ang
Cadet Squadron 16 -17
Augustus Bates Reagan Batson Andrew Boebinger Riley Carson
Tia Massa Brenden May Adam Munekata David Peterson Emily Roeder Owen Sedej Zachary Petrie John Potthoff Isaac Powers Natasha Rodriguez Tyler Steele Jacob Barkley Reid Blair Tyler Buzzell Tamara Cardenas Maeve Daw Michael DeVries Michael Fahey Samuel Grayson Collin Green Alexandra O’Brien Joseph Stukey Aaron Zanin-Banks Matthew Coulter Marie Guerrero Matthew Moshea
Cadet Squadron 17
310 2019 continued from pg. 309
Tyler Rapp Matthew Agugliaro Payton Chester Ashlee Salato Nicole DeMoret Tyler Doane Mariah Forde Benjamin Hofmann Jonathan Kordes Timothy Lloyd Brian McCormick Kristen McKenney Alexander Nguyen Marco Pirozzoli Michael Smith Trevor Stone Jacob Turner Nicholas Walker Alexandra Weisler D’Morea Wicks

CS-19 Wolverines

Tyler Berson Molly Ferguson Cody Moorhead Alexander Stromberg Steven Boger Jennifer Breedlove Patrick Butler Cameron Davis William Duvall Christopher Hartman Nestor Hernandez Tyler Huston Erik Lecy Nicholas Martin Jonathan Toves Tara Tryon Anthony Willis Charles Wisniewski Zachary Wolf Johnathan Atsinger Christopher Boughton Liam Caplan Sara Cook
Cadet Squadron 18 -19
Noah Crabbe
312 2019 continued from pg. 311
William Griffin Joshua Husser Jennifer Huynh Joseph Lanclos Trent Meisel Jessica Mucci Joseph Mul Adam Pelter Matthew Reeves Grace Skidmore Simon Sneeringer Andrew Tankersley Zachary Warren Joseph Alter Danesh Bam Nicholas Beane Jack Beebe Prince Jones Samuel Krebs Maxwell McDonald Sara Hill Makenzie Hockensmith Christopher Hoppe


Daniel Mcllhenny Glenna Miller Salmaan Noorani Sterling Pickett Trevor Pratt Tristan Schluderberg Kayla Wofford Connor Smith Kyle Temple Alec Walter LEADERSHIP Benjamin Waters Trolls Maj Douglas Huttenlocker TSgt Reginald Brooks Ryan Manning George Nifakos Molly Phillips Greggory Redman Michael Rieker
Cadet Squadron 19 - 20
Ja'mel Sanders
314 2018 continuedfrom pg. 313
McKenna Ekholm Evan Feno Matthew Finley Austin Gula Daniel Hummer Wesley Jackson Marissa Jacobs-Hofmann Esther Kim Eric Klein Koa Knitter Daniel Lindauer Christopher Lowe Luke Andres Heidi Borgerding Jaren Boykin Kyle Bundesmann Christian Busuttil Matthew Chang Alexander Laville Kevin Lecours Yi-Cheng Lee Zane Lewis
w?.- »
Juanita Londono Henao Michael McLaughlin David Miller Theresa Morris Gail Muggill Zachary Rail Ryan-Aris Ramil Sarah Schwartz Connor Spencer Brady Tomlak
Cadet Squadron 20
Charles Wasz Adrienne Yoder
316 CS-21 Blackjacks Lt Col
Megan Schafer TSgt Eric Hagfeldt Minh Vuong John WalsworthMadeleine Wawrzyniak Andrew White Eric Wiggins Keith Batista Brett Bixler Julia Boswell Nickolas Chew
Tyler Cibotti Gabrielle Nicholas Jasper David Kop Nathaniel Kuypers Christine Lew Adrianna Lutu Brian Mackenzie Gabriel Mendez William Merchant Kylee Miller Brianna Murray Seth Ollis Jacqueline Orcutt Josiah Riley Preston Roche Landon Roddenberry Emmie Swize
Cadet Squadron 21
Samuel Valleroy Joshua Wilhite
318 2020 continuedfrom pg. 317
Nathanial Misra Patricia Nieves Rosich Ashley Nimmo Harold Pena Stephen Reynolds Anna Salamone Jillian Combs Isaac Egizi John Fredericks Zachary Froembling Piper Heineck James Kiesewetter Lydia Kim Brandon Mendez Lynch Nicholas Oakley John Oliver Ablay Orazkhanov Candice Roberts Daniel Boutillier Conner Brown Gabriel Cavender Christopher Cos Maxwell Daniel Christopher Darcy Annmarie Flatten Connor Hari Zachary Honnold John Jordan
Cadet Squadron 21 - 22
Kathleen Kohler Alexandre Lopouchanski
320 2019 continuedfrom pg. 319
Jacob Orr Gabrielle Pinson Breahna Robertson Shaun Ryer Luke Sanderson Matthew Stenger Ashley Cameron Michael Chuck Jonathan Cole Grayson Davis Juan DeJesus Collin Dwornicki Joshua Morris Patrick Moso Garrett O’Shea Cassidy Osgood Brendon Richardson Keila Rivas Jose Rocha Cameron Smith Gregory Soukhamneut Ryan Swan-Ford Amanda Whitley Tyler Wiederholt

CS-23 Barnstormers


Brogan Abeling Joseph Anderson Maj Jonathan Anderson MSgt Paul Piper Justin Blumas Timothy Brown Austin Chitwood Jeremiah Doyle Aubrey Duty-Tyson Knykia Franklin
Cadet Squadron 22 - 23
Jonathan Gale Cheyenne Gonzales Tanner Hahn Benjamin Hockman Tiffanie Johnson Wyatt Kelly
322 2018 continued from pg. 321 W: so* 30 dcs
Jordan Schumacher Christian Trujillo Mark Vlassakis Benjamin White
$ y/ fW " \f'rA ’ft- |
Malik Abbott Meilani Arucan Ryan Girouard Maria Martinez
m ,> 3
Minjong Yoon Thomas Bruns Shanna Burns Jason Byers Juan Duque Madison Froebe Robert Heckman Matthew Jacques Nicholas McDaniel Andrew Molique
X "'X
Meredith Laskey Ryan Palmer Alexander Lesar Michael Marsh
,N V
Cole Pautsch Thomas Plasay Lauren Truax Daniel Zivney Tyler Barnett Zachary Bradley Hayle Carlile

CS-24 Phantoms


Eugeniu Cernenchi Dominic Haight Grange Nagy Madison Charland Kevin Cox Dominique Crisostomo-Fetui Marx Davis Jose Figuera Hernandez Antonisha Gaston Colin Jonasen Kyle Kauffman Ziporah Krolikowski Carl Loida Zachary Lyle Daniel Pagano Jacqueline Pepper Austin Rochester Thomas Sanchez Loriann Santos Sarah Stinson Alex Wang William Wing Daniel Campesino Carson Casey Maj Robert Montgomery TSgt Eldon Pagaragan Gardea Ryan Harden Logan Cowan Jonsen Crandall Michael Gallagher
Cadet Squadron 23 -
324 2018 continued from pg. 323
Carla Nava Christian Oldham Sean Rellinger Matthew Salmon Emily Shunk Rudy Simpson Bennett Staton Ion Vremea ZhengXin Wang Joshua Warren Spencer Yacos Michael Fonteno Joshua Frometa Joshua Geerinck Darby Glaab Matthew Hahn Brett Herring Adam Payne William Tatum Alexandria Bellas Jordan Garivay Robert Lubisco Marc Rees Taylor Price Nathan Sanders O'Shea Schroedl Esther Song Colton Stowe Patrick Burke Mary Carson Aaron Crozier Kyler
Cadet Squadron 24
Ehm Nicholas Fasoldt
326 2020 continued from pg. 325
Tyler Wright Claudio Yambao Christopher Clement Patrick Coleman Cristian Cortes Luke Farrell Gannon Gardner Marquis Griffin Jake Magness Richard McCant Jesse Montgomery Marcus Brinker Allan Brown Cameron Castleberry David Clement Justin Click Dustin Daleno Ryan Gill Alvaro Godoy Allison Gorringe Jordan Herald Daniel Hilf Jared Jungquist Andrew Kinzinger-Petro April Lewis Brianna Martinez Jacob Matkovich James McMahon Steffen Mount Victoria Perez Jordan Peterson Joseph Pham Jackson Pingree Elizabeth Read Corey Scully Isaac Swartzman Collin Thomet
Cadet Squadron 24 - 25
Alix Valcin Anna Weilbacher
328 2020 continued from pg. 327
Rose Fredericks Jayden Glover Garret Gwozdz Colton Hayes Keith Kocher Jedd Lebrilla Kirsten Linz Alexander Lytle Rhett Myers Jonathan Novak Mayra Rodriguez Joseph Saucier Justin Scilufo Lily Swope Tate Troxell Alejandro Villanueva Garcia Brendan Wood Edward Zhou Justin Zimmermann Courtney Denker Carina Gillespie Tyler Jackson Hwi Kim Jasmine Okai Damon Payne Richard Armfield
Barons Jared Bogdan Charles Goldstein Dylan Martin-Abood Scott Min
Maj Todd Zielinski TSgt Joseph Scalise Dustin Brown Rafael Darras Matthew Greco Jared Helm Liza Matson Xavier McElhannon Noah Dart Joshua Holden Jonah Bhide Nicolas Sanchez Nicholas Schultz Kimberly Soltero Haley Spletzer Thomas Sullivan Linette Westley
330 2019 continued from pg. 329
Mitchell Hollman Michael Korta Jared Kreuzer Emily Luers Darren Miller Alec Niederland Christian Pung Jessica Rodriguez Arthur Shune Lukas Texeira Trey Tollefson Cheyenne Wall Mary Willemin Arion Worthman Santiago Apodaca Stephanie Athanas William Boyd Justin Saylor Nicholas Searcy Joshua Simpson Jazmine Tapscott Jessica Tuttle Sean Underhill CS-27 Thunderbirds LEADERSHIP Maj Alexander Winn TSgt Joseph Garrett Dylan Akin Brett Baldwin V- Jared Covert Benjamin Delaney Kaitlin Dumont Joshua Flores
Squadron 26 - 27
Tyler Blue Jared Brown
332 2018 continuedfrom pg. 331
Evan Loughlin Luke McGowan Collin Parsons Tyler Pickhinke Tyler Rickett Michelle Spires Jordan Stiles Meghan Strang Clayton Talesfore Robert Toro Jayce Webster Blake Dailey Nathaniel Enders Joseph Ernst Joshua Fortes Austin Good Jeneke Heerema Valentin Hinojosa Longoria Joseph Houston Nicholas Kundrat Lauren Maine Paul Matthews Zephaniah Miller Thaddaeus Moore Joshua Rackham Rachel Russel Jason Sattler Logan Skinner Edward Smet Bryant Ashe Kayla Beale-Vickers Paxton Boyer Jacob Caparella Olivia Davis Jacintha Dillemuth Esther Lee Kale Leisey David Mazza Brock McArdle Gabrielle McClelland
Cadet Squadron 27
Zachary Nelson


334 2020 continued from pg. 333
Eric Ward LEADERSHIP Maj Alan Haedge TSgt Rashad Westry Jeremy Blunt Amanda Elliott Lavanson Coffey John Dever Jaric Marton Alexis O'Leary Sarah Warner Blackbirds Patrick Byrne William Hontzas larnuolino l-Jr*rfr»n ^aminal Wm\m\e±r Jacob Booker Joshua Graham Max Marosko Daniel Manley
m-., m J <7 \7' *
Joshua Renick Alondra Rojas Kayla Tinucci Jennifer Chan Matthew Green Samuel Lawrence Jaime Tijerina Kevin Cox Adrienne DeBauche Reese Fairchild Bryant Falconello Chloe Gadsden Charles Mowery Klinton Parker Connor Rayburn Melanie Shadix Benjamin Stanz
2020 continued from pg. 335
Grace Biagetti Cara Dileo Cody Doll Brad Ellis Jeremy Fejedelem Tamara Fumagalli Michael Geraghty Regan Hefner Ryan Holec Cameron Johnson William Jones Edward Lopez Camaren Ly Scott McClendonGordonMcCulloh Anna Mendenhall Kishan Patel Samuel Pisney
Jonathan Wyatt


Black Panthers Steven Bradford Thomas Heckman
Richard Boone Maj Jamie Johnson TSgt Pamela Aguirre Harrison Anderson Jinan Andrews Adam Collins James Eason Sophia Fillmore James Fuhrman Benjamin Hawkins Lucas Hernandez Jordan Himley James Jacks Jennifer Lam Justin McManis Yelizaveta Patenko Riley Popovich Trey Pujats Stephanos Rahimzadeh James Straub Jason Trischitta Amanda Underhill Erica Barnett Charles Barton
Olivia Durrence Jarrett Joyner Travis Shollin Reily Bolton James Jones Rey Lira-Gonzalez Johnny Murphy Shannon Murray Patrick O’Hanlon Evan Reiss Jaci Smith Michael Snell Vinoe Tarray Jake Watkins Walter Wesley Aidan-Lemuelle Ascio Dionisio Bautista Jack Bell Kobi Betts Josiah Bierle Matthew Claar Nicholas Drinhaus Jack Gibbons Whitney Hoermann Joe Houston Maxamillian Morales Ludvig Oliver Randall Pietersen Matthew Pryor Jordan Schrink Noah Smith Jake Thornally Conley Walters Laura Wood Evangeline Borngesser Max Burnworth Sijia Chen John Despard Alyssa Garmon Igor Gertsman
340 2018 continuedfrom pg. 339
Hanson Finley Brittany Flanagan Rylan Haag Austin Jacobs Elizabeth Jarvis Cindy Kim Sang Ko Matthew Koch Monica Mammah Luis Martinez Delfayeo Matthews Anna Nicol


Jacqueline Hamby Taylor Howe Bradford Isenhour Payton Lafrentz Joshua Leaser Hailee Macias Micah Mackaly Nicholas Melville Parrish Murphy Laura Na Prince Ngoga Eric Nunez Cooper Ramos John Sponaugle Bryce Town Sean Weathersby Lucy Zimmerman CS-31 Maj Bryant Bevan TSgt Wayne Woodard
342 2018 continued from pg. 341
Heather Hardcastle Merrick Isley Douglas Ludwig
mi ^
Justin Morehead Jacob Orner Ryan Parino-Ramchara Tristan Walton CourtlandWhite Sarah Witzgall Christopher Yang Brandon Boone Hagan Bottomley Phyleoh Castaneda Dylan Clark Alex Danchi Leslie Fallert Grant Fox Dillon Hari Colter Henry Riley Hill Sean Jolley Rachel Kester Paul Lee Quin’shay Perkins Jacques-Philipp Calixte Kyle Johnson Victoria Nojaim Megan Simpson Roman Rohrbach Dean Ronsman Anthony Shea Bradley Stefanovic Tyler Vaught John Connolly Austin Dreyer William Gorczynski Michael Higgins Andrew Jekel Samuel Lanier Amani McDowell Michael Miller Ian Moffett Caleb Morris Tatiana Oberley Jake Polumbo Jacob Rice Alex Shah
Cadet Squadron 31
Peter Shannon

CS-32 Roadrunners

Maj John Powell MSgt Jonathan Phillips Philip Boje Jennie Bruggemann Andrew Cha Santo Coppola Erica Drakes Jack Empey Jonas Fiant Benjamin Gautier Jacob Fresella Jacob Gilbert Benjamin Harris Logan Jostes Brooke Kunzelman Robert Mallinak Joshua Santini Matthew Serratore George Staudacher Joshua Stilwell
Madison Tung Jacob Welborn Edmund Wong Jing Yi Brian Yoo Hunter Zaniewski Jacob Boswell Angela Buch Eve Fowler Scott Huda Johann Johnson Lydia Knutson Jacob Ksiazek Ashleigh-Nicolle Lehotsky
Squadron 32
James Brittingham Allison Cartwright Tyler Coplen Connor Crandall Turner Crews Matthew Evans Faisal Fogle Patrick Franck Daniel Holobeny Darien Johnson Alexandria Kahalley Calder Kempema Chloe Roze Hayden Schmitt Julia Sebben Matthew Sefton Samuel Voss Christopher Walsch Ryan Whitlow Dyllan Almeida Robert Bullard Carlyann Butz Luke Chapman
Michael Triner Mikela Tucker Pablo Vespasiano Adam Barnette Trey Bell JulianFlores Samantha Gaumer Makayla Gilliam Nathan Jones Asia Keomanivong Alison Kruse
Joshua Alsleben Brennan Bosworth Lt Col Jacob Raser TSgt Brooklyn Greenwood Jayce Gravdahl Wongsai Heur Emmanuel Hurtado Jeremiah Knipe Brianna Kramer Alan Lancaster Tyler Ledford Victoria Ostrom Jesse Ott Thomas Prinslow
Cadet Squadron 33 - 34
Miles Rivera Kevin Schuster
Brianna Simpson Trenton Sipes Deniss Sivohins William Smith Britt White Jack Young David Bartholomew Connor Brazinski Micah Capra Kainoa Chun-Moy Gabriel Dohman Zachary Frontado Rachel Golding Michael Gray Matthew Hargreaves Dillian Hett Jarod Kester


Christabel Chai Benjamin Jury William Newman Daniel Thoreson CS-35 Wild Weasels Miguel Cruz Logan Kahler Keanu Komar Erica Lee Jordan Lukow Price Morgan Patricia Patterson Pierce Pluemer Cassidy Prusak David Rochester Matthew Schickling Patrick Timmons Joshua Weishuhn Renae Wilson Jiyoung Yi Nathaniel Young Bailey DeSaussure Thomas Foster Hannah Garcia-Park Joseph Gebhart Martin Gleason Cadet Squadron 34 -
352 2018 continuedfrom pg. 351
Scott Metzger Andy Millan Jacob Parzych Brandon Pierce Andrea Roblez Drew Romero Matthew Sharpy Kristen Shimkus Robert Wilfong Zachary Arns Lucas Beissner Alexander Goirigolzarri Kayla Grainger Seth Hill Samuel Hinegardner Joseph Kloc Thompson Knox Juan Rozo Gabrielle Rupard Erin Sagisi Parker Seale James Tatom Spencer Thompson Mack Galvin Tia Gaumont Kelly Grier Ashton Haythorne Brandon Hobbs Robert Kesling Renato-John Leon Kelsey Linzmeyer Ethan Maertz Kenneth Oberlin
Cadet Squadron 35
Colton Parton Krisanna Reynolds


Pink Panthers Maj Scott Bradley MSgt William Fundling Byron Baker Christopher Botica Sebastian Coburn Krystin Demsher Tyler Dockum Joshua Dugan Jacob Henigman Michael Hurst Matthew Dunlap Griffin Gluck Corey Gutierrez Reagan Haverkate Chadney Hill Cameron Hoover James Knox Gordon Kowalkowski Zachary Lamarca Allyson Lusk Stanley Ocheskey Brian Poythress Kaileb Williamson Katrina Wood Demi Yurcisin Keith Billiot Nicholas Blessing Daniel Carpenter Sequoia Chun Erinne Curtin Jarod Delsorbo
Cadet Squadron 36
Thomas Forrester Matthew Gaiter


Animalistic Skyraiders

356 2019 continuedfrom pg. 355
Christopher Simpson Jennifer Urbaniak James Van Der Linden Ashley Wright Monroe Dauwalder Michael Dempski Hannah Durbin Steven Fox Andrew Goodwin John Hagey Ryan Reffitt Kathryn Stutesman Roberto Sugars David Tanthorey Ryan de la Hunt Lillian Costello Ryan Darby Thomas Ernst Charles Estep Avery Evans Virbon Frial Colin Skinner Daniel Soto Lucas Van Epps
Cadet Squadron 36 - 37
Timothy Ward Christa Young
Kailin Davis Noah Diamond Iriolexis Encalada Evan Gabrielsen Alina Hake Vanecek Heath Hilton Benjamin McCloskey Kate McHenry Tuan Nguyen Cory Philpott Hunter Reid Kaytlin Rogers Daniel Colella Richard DePaola Peyton Dole Shane Garcia Collin Grahl Chandler Heppe William Hubert Lauren Llewellyn Ross Mantey Jacob McCubbins Ernest McQuade Dylan Muramoto Brandy Oliver Christopher Perez Luke Piper Dylan Purdom Sarah Serrano Clinton Siples Jr. Thomas Cox Bailey DeBerry
Cadet Squadron 37-38 J
Luke Dekker Ashley Gooden Derek Greenwald Daniel Han
360 2018 continued from pg. 359
Kiele Mohre Steven Moyer Dominic Raymond Vincent Sabin Lauren Sides Jack Smith John Arnold Ashton Barnes Aidan Bermingham Caitlin Bitting Austin Carlman Daniel Christensen Allison Dickerson David Doran Zachery Erickson Chandler Gerhold Fernanda Gonzalez Rebecca Hetrick Lee Hollenbeck Adonis Johnson Hayden Kovarik Ryan Lynch
Amanda Madrid


Rose Middleton Joshua Miller Due Pham Trenton Pohl Katherine Scheibner Aidan Smith Patrick Sullivan Patrick Walker Stephanie Williams Jedi Knights LEADERSHIP Maj Meredith Beavers TSgt Joshua Holder Megan Barrick Meicie Bennett Mario Bracamonte Stephen Brown Oscar Chacon Daniel Collins Cameron Elliott Andres Fedele Adam Klein Jacob Maurer Jonathan McDonald Hunter Morrow
Cadet Squadron 38 - 39
Meghan Pattillo Joshua Pope
2018 continuedfrom pg. 361
Yaroslav Borodenko Adam Brown Stephen Carter John Dabagian Sharon Dominguez Caroline Easley Hichem Felhi Cameron Ferrell Michael Grindle Christian Kalustian Sowan Kang Tenzin Khangsar Teague Bredl Michael Cloninger Paul Dudunakis Samantha Ellis Owen Gibson Mary Hood Brandon Hoy Adam Kratt Jake Kurzhals Victor Kyle Alestra Lask Garrett McGinty Kennedy Milliron Esther Min Jonathan Nicholson Dustin Priaulx Colton Priest Joseph Puglisi Madeline Schultz Michael Smith Preston Tippett Deric Wanland Hannah Wyatt
Cadet Squadron 39 - 40
Peter Carillo Charles Chimento Yae-Eun Chung Ryan Connors Joshua Engel Audra Garrigan
364 2020 continuedfrom pg. 363
Caleb Kuehne Evan Miller Sarah Pruznick Thomas Riganti Dane Robbins Reginald Slater Isaac Strever John Toohey Caleb Vrancken Christana Wagner Benton Washington Ernest Alvino Brody Bagnall Sara Bertles William Christopoulos Martae Coleman John DeAndrade De’ahnera Manyfield Zachary Martinez Gavin McCord Moriah Niehaus Joseph Redfearn Cory Campbell Kevin Chen Tristan Dunbar Kate Everts William Finley Scott Hattok Chandler Howe Ben Isley Francesca Kleine Daniel Laird Christian Mallard William Metcalf Hannah Michitsch Payton Myers Zachary Othon Kendall Rate Stephen Rumsey Timothy Santos Rachel Shelton Joseph Tyran Matthew Robbins Michael Glasgow Trey Lervick
Cadet Squadron 40
Justin Weber


Air Force Women’s Cross Country shows patriotic unity during the playing of the National Anthem. Courtesy photos Shanna Burns on the left


Jaci Smith leads women’s 6K runners to 25th place finish at NCAA Championships

Backed by a top-50 finish from sophomore Jaci Smith, the No. 20 Air Force women’s cross country team capped off the 2016 season with a 25th-place finish at the NCAA Championships Nov. 19 in Terre Haute, IN.

Smith clocked a 6K time of 20:30.0 to finish 48th out of 248 runners during a cold and blustery day at the LaVern Gibson Championship Cross Country Course. With that time, Smith made her second appearance on the program’s all-time top-10 standings (ninth).

The Falcons placed two additional runners in the top half of the national field, as senior Samantha Skold finished 74th in 20:42.1 and junior Carina Gillespie took 121st with a time of 20:55.3. Senior Lindy Long crossed the finish line in 21:21.6 to take 187th, while freshman Lindsey Blanks rounded out the Falcons’ scoring lineup with a time of 21:50.3.

“Just because we go to the Academy does not mean we cannot compete with the best athletes in the country; we have proven that,” Long said. “We have truly set the bar high for women’s sports at all the service academies.”

Juniors Giulianna Vessa and Katie Bumham also competed in the meet, finishing 237th (22:26.6) and 243rd (22:52.8), respectively.

The women, competing at the NCAA Division I Championships for the first time in program history, tallied 527 points to finish 25th in national championship race. No. 12 Oregon captured the 2016 team title with 125 points.

“When I was a freshman, the women’s team would not have been competitive in D2,” Long said. "The growth, passion, drive and grit of 2016’s Air Force women's

cross country team will be something that I will cherish for the rest of my life.”

Prior to nationals, Air Force placed second at the Mountain West Championships and third at the Mountain Regional.

“Every other team in the conference views us as a really tough competitor now so we need to use this as motivation to aim even higher for next year and surpass expectations despite losing two key seniors,” Gillespie said. “But with the prospective recruits we have joining us next year, we are projected to be even stronger.”

In the men’s 10K championship, junior Andrew Johnston finished 144th with a time of 31:11.4.

“Andy gained some valuable experience for his individual development and took a big step in his running career,” Head Coach Ryan Cole said. “Being familiar with the dynamic of the NCAA meet will be valuable as Andy will be someone we look to next year to lead our men's team. And I know there is nothing he'd like more than to have six teammates on the NCAA starting line with him next fall.”

Women’s cross country also earned All-Academic Team honors for the 2016 season. To qualify as an All-Academic Cross Country Team, the program must have had a combined team grade-point-average of 3.00 or better.

“The team and individual Academic AllAmerican awards were the cherry on top of an unforgettable season,” said Smith who is among individual honorees.

In order to qualify for an individual academic citation, athletes must have a cumulative GPA or 3.25 or higher and finish within the top-25 (or 10 percent) at the regional championships or earn All-America honors at the national meet. - Athletic Media Relations

Carina Gillespie and Katie Burnham
Pre-game hype. Photo by C2C Kathryn Stutesman Jesse Washington, defensive back. Photo by Arnie Spencer


Air Force regains possession of highly coveted interservice academy trophy

The Air Force Falcons reign supreme among service academy football for the 20th time beating both Army West Point and Navy to secure the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy in the 2016-2017 season.

Arion Worthman passed for 195 yards and one touchdown and rushed for 63 yards and another score, and Air Force beat Army 31-12 on Nov. 5.

Worthman displayed his multiple talents giving Army fits all afternoon, scrambling out of trouble when he had to and hitting the Black Knights time after time with key plays. After an even-fought first half, he gave the Falcons some breathing room on the first possession of the third quarter, scrambling right on a pass play when protection broke down and hitting wide-open Jacobi Owens for a 46-yard touchdown.

“There are much, much prettier football teams, but we do a super job when it comes to playing together in a group that’s just unrelenting in terms of preparation,” said Air Force coach Troy Calhoun, who is 9-1 against Army. “We’re just a gritty, feisty, overachieving (team). It’s unlike anything I’ve ever been around.”

“He has great instincts,” Calhoun said

of Worthman, who found out Friday he was starting. “He’s just one of those guys. He really fits into this group.”

Back on Oct. 1 against inter-service rival Navy, tailback Tim McVey scored twice, including a 62-yard touchdown catch, and safety Weston Steelhammer intercepted two passes as Air Force beat Navy 28-14.

Jalen Robinette had five catches for 163 yards for Air Force, which extended its home winning streak to 15 straight. His 75yard scoring catch late in the third quarter broke open the game.

“They got after us,” Navy coach Ken Niumatalolo said. “I was really impressed with Air Force. I thought theyplayed a really good game.”

The Midshipmen averted a shutout on a 6-yard TD run by Shawn White with 8:33 remaining. The option-oriented team finished with more yards passing (260) than rushing (57). For that matter, so did Air Force (257 yards passing, 173 on the ground).

Steelhammer made his presence felt by picking off a Will Worth pass with Navy driving in the third quarter. He had another late in the game. - Athletic Media Relations

Lead blocker D’Andre Johnson (#3) clears the way for backfield mate Timothy McVey during the Navy game here Oct. 1. McVey scored twice in the game. Photo by Arnie Spencer
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jMT (Far left) Jacobi Owens, running back (Left) Team unity. Photos by Arnie Spencer

Falcons' goal-line stand denies rival Boise title chance

Air Force’s 10 wins in 2016 include a spoiler win over No. 19 Boise State, reclaiming the Commander-in-Chief Trophy for a record 20th time after beating Army West Point and Navy, and a bowl victory.

The regular season finale against Boise State ended with Air Force holding strong at the goal-line for a 27-20 upset that denied the Broncos a chance at the Mountain West title. The Falcons held from first and goal forcing a fumble on the fourth down play.

“Thank goodness they didn’t run wide,” said safety Brodie Hicks, who forced the fumble. “We put all our marbles inside.”

Fullbacks D’Andre Johnson and Shayne Davern combined for 25 carries and 111 yards up the middle. Johnson scored on a one-yard plunge in the first quarter and Davern on an eight-yard run in the third.

Special teams played a key role as well. Brett Baldwin broke through and blocked a punt just before halftime. Tyler Weaver caught the ball and ran it 11 yards giving Air Force a 17-7 lead. Luke Strebel was good from 36 and 30 yard for field goals.

“You don’t know how much it meant to go out and win this way,” Hicks said. “We as seniors had to leave behind something to be remembered for.”

(continued on next page)

Weston Steelhammer closes in on Hawaii quarterback Dru Brown, in Air Force’s only home loss in 2016 Steelhammer was named second team All-American by The Sporting News and Associated Press. Photo by Arnie Spencer

“We wanted to go out with a win and what better than to do it than against a ranked team,” said senior wide receiver Jalen Robinette.

This was the third consecutive year Air Force has stopped Boise State. The win propelled Air Force to its ninth bowl game since coach Troy Calhoun took over in 2007.

This was Air Force's first win over a ranked team since defeating No. 21 Colorado State 27-24 on Nov. 29, 2014, at Falcon Stadium.

The Falcons beat South Alabama 45-21 in the Arizona Bowl, Dec 30 in Tucson, AZ. Navy fell 28-14 in Falcon Stadium Oct 1 and Air Force beat Army 31 -12 at West Point, NY, Nov 5.

Air Force placed nine players on the 2016 All-Mountain West football team as voted on by a panel of coaches and media from each school. Weston Steelhammer (DB) and Ryan Watson (DL) were each named first-team. Robinette (WR), Hicks (DB) and Strebel (PK) were each named second team. Seniors Haji Dunn Jr. (LB), Colin Sandor (OL) and Dylan Vail (OL), along with junior Tim McVey (KR) were all named honorable mention.

- Polaris staff

Lochlin Deeks, defensive line. Photo by Arnie Spencer Luke Strebel, kicker. Photo by Arnie Spencer Jalen Robinette, wide receiver. Photo by C3C Isaac Kasten

Cadets run away with Arizona Bowl title

Air Force took the lead with a 75-yard touchdown reception by wide receiver Jalen Robinette at the start of thesecond half and never looked back in a 42-21 Arizona Bowl win against South Alabama Dec. 30.

Quarterback Arion Worthman’s scoring connection with Robinette wiped away any remnants of an 18-point deficit in the first half. The Falcons had trailed 21-3 about a third of the way into the second quarter. Air Force's offense stagnated early on due to South Alabama’s determined run defense.

“They really were committed to the run and forced us to throw," said Worthman, who also had 71 yards on 21 carries. “We were able to hit some passes early and throughout the entire game.”

The comeback started after Air Force completed a couple mid-range passes. That loosened up the defense enough for wide receiver Ronald Cleveland to score on a 14yard scamper.

Defensive lineman Santo Coppola recovered a fumble soon after to set up a twoyard end zone plunge by Owens. Worthman hit Robinette for a two-point conversion to tie the game at 21 as the half ended.

Robinette finished with two receptions for 124 yards and a touchdown. Worthman threw for 207 yards including the scoring bomb. Running backJacobi Owens notched a pair of touchdowns and 74 yards rushing on 17 attempts.

“[South Alabama] shocked us to a degree,” Air Force coach Troy Calhoun said. “No matter how well you try to prepare, their speed in the open field and their defensive front knocked us on our heels a little, too.”

Wide receiver Tyler Williams and Owens breached the end zone in the second half from six and 22 yards respectively. Kicker Luke Strebel split the uprights from 25, 22 q nrl 77 VQrrlc Pnloric

Arion Worthman, quarterback Celebrating good times
Wide receiver Tyler Williams looks for an opening downfield during Air Force’s 42-21 Arizona Bowl win Dec. 30 over South Alabama. Photos by Bill Evans


Renewed drive after hard loss to rival fuels success as players put more focus on team

A devastating 3-1 loss to Army West Point made for a silent plane and bus ride back to the Academy for men's soccer at the start of the 2016.

Coaches hammered each player individually in the ensuring film session and made it clear, out of all the variables leading to success, this team would be known for one: heart. For the remainder of the season, having more heart would lead this team to greatness.

“West Point was a wakeup call. Once we started playing for each other, the floodgates opened,” said sophomore and leading scorer Austin Dewing.

The next seven games produced 17 goals and five wins. TheFalcons played with heart, pride and passion and it was leading to immense success. Each player rallied around what the coachessaid in that first film session and helped produce one of the best soccer seasons in Academy history.

“The wins on the road helped us realize how talented this team really was. We built

off that confidence to make it to Conference Finals,” said junior midfielder Trey Pujats.

With a record of 12-6-1 going into Conference playoffs, the team was poised to break more records.

Two games led to two more victories, and the birds were on their way to the Western Athletic Conference Finals. What would be the final game of their season was heartbreaking; an opponent who barely edged them out in a previous game snuck a few goals in and won the conference.

“We fought for 90 minutes and played until the last whistle,” said senior team captain Cameron Duley. “That is whatthis team was all about this season. We came up short on that one goal, but I couldn’t have asked for a better group of guys to play with.”

TheFalcons ended their season with an overall record of 14-7-1, the most wins since 1996 and one shy of the program record (15) set in 1980 and 1993. - CICs Hunter Robinson and Tucker Axhoj

(Above) Tucker Axhoj, forward; (Left) John Wendt, goalkeeper
(Above) Angela Karamanos, center midfield

Sunny SoCal, top-ranked opponents prime Lady Birds for

great regular season success

Catching rays in Southern California during the pre-season powered women’s soccer to nearly twice as many wins this season as the previous year. The team finished 7-9-2 and credits much of its success to the foundation laid during a pre-season road trip.

The Lady Birds found themselves having two-a-day practices, fitness tests, and some pretty intense tan lines while listening to the song of the summer, “Closer” by The Chainsmokers, under the California sunshine. They were at Cal State Long Beach, preparing to take on the host’s soccer team in two days, and USC, a top-10 ranked team, two days after.

Head Coach Larry Friend came out ready with his safari hat and sunscreen, while assistants Kiha Sutta and Missy Strasburg laughed as they rolled their sleeves up to get some sun while setting up drills and cones.

“Of course we were all skeptical of living in houses together, cooking food for one another, and learning to play with each other. But it was awesome,” said center midfielder Kaylee Shalongo. “The pre-season California trip had lasting effects through the whole season. As players and a team, we gained confidence quickly. We showed ourselves that we can play with top teams in the country.”

Through freshmen initiation, to competitions about whocould make thebest breakfast, and lots of time at the beach and the pool, the Academy’s women’s soccer team was making memories and enjoying their bonding time.

Fast forward to Friday night, and the Lady Birds played an incredible three, 45-minute periods against Cal State Long Beach resulting in a draw. Seniors Meredith Reisinger, Ashley Greco, Alison Skidmore, Kristina O’Sullivan, and Kaitlyn Ennis stepped out on the pitch and played their hearts out for their final pre-season weekend.

In great spirits, the team saw their potential, determined to make this season a successful one. A little cool down and prep practice on Saturday and the team was back out on the field Sunday against USC the eventual national champion. Air Force lost 4-0, but the players came away with increased self-respect after holding their own against top-ranked teams.

“... we were able to solidify our formation and build confidence playing together; this experience gave us the best preparation we needed to successfully enter into conference play,” said goal keeper Alex Kahalley. “It was a great opportunity for individual players and our Air Force program.” - C2C Natalee Dueber

Kaylee Shalongo, center midfield
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(Above) Sarah Heilman (#2), setter, and Elizabeth Pennington; outside hitter; (Right) Heilman HSit


Air Force sweeps through New Orleans tourney; opens year winning

Air Force volleyball won eight of its first 10 matches in 2016 during three preseason tournaments. Most memorable was the trip to New Orleans, LA, where they were crowned champs after winning all three matches.

First to fall was Nicholls State, 3-1, in the opener Sept. 2. The second match of the day put the Falcons against the home team, the Ragin’ Cajuns, of Louisiana Lafayette. eing one of their first home games of the year, the Cajuns crowd was “huge and rowdy” according to outside hitter Elizabeth Pennington.

The Falcons are a young team, with only one senior and one junior, andhad not experienced something like this before. The noisy fans definitely did their job, as Air Force was beaten easily the first two sets, 15-25 and 12-25.

“We were a little shaken up, as the crowd could still be heard from the locker room,” said defensive specialist Julia Boswell, during the 10-minute break between sets two andthree.

“We had a good talk from our coaches, got back into the right mindset, and came out of the locker room determined to play

eight of lO

harder,” said setter Sarah Heilman.

The Falcons surely changed something, as they came out after the break and beat the home team 25-13, instantly quieting the crowd. The fourth set was a little closer, but Air Force still took the set 25-22.

With the match tied at two sets apiece, the two teams played a fifth set to 15 points to determine the winner. Emotions were high and the crowd was beginning to get back into the game. After fighting a long, hard battle with many lead changes, the Falcons clinched the victory beating the Cajuns 15-11.

“It was such an awesome feeling for us to come back from a 0-2 deficit and pull out a win, especially in the last game of the day against the home team and their big group of fans,” said middle blocker Piper Heineck.

Air Force went on to beat Alabama A&M the next day to win the tournament. It was the first time in a long time Air Force Volleyball had won a preseason tournament. After winning the tournament, the team headed down to New Orleans to enjoy the city and have a nice local dinner. All in all, it was a great trip and even better to come back with a trophy. -

Middle hitter Piper Heineck splits the San Diego State block. She returns for her senior year in 2017 after recording 108 kills and leading the Falcons in blocks with 111. Photos by Arnie Spencer C3C Julia Boswell (Far left) Savannah Banyai, defensive specialist (Left) Head Coach Marc Swindle and team

Falcons overcome heart-breaking losses to gain honor in consolation championship

Seven returning seniors should have meant a return to the title game for the 2016 water polo team. Instead, the team had to overcome the disappointment of being close but settling for a secondary prize.

“This year was one of the hardest years to play. Through the heartbreak of the season, I never once wanted to let my team down,” said senior, Zach Kamai.

This year’s team set a record with six overtime matches and falling in five of them. Many of the early-season losses were by one point.

“While the team had a lot of seniors, we never really could put together full games,” said senior Eric Curia, third on the team in points. “We had a tough time in overtime throughout the season and at some point, I think we psyched ourselves out. Our talent would only come out in spurts, but close to the end of the season we started putting complete games together.”

The team came back from the early heartbreak winning five of its last seven games before the conference tournament. Momentum had them primed for a first round upset.

Air Force fell behind early andthe score was 4-7 by the end of the third. Fired up and with their backs against the wall, the Falcons came out in the fourth quarter and tied the game at 8-8 with two minutes left in the game.

The game winner came on an outside shot from Loyola Marymount University at the end of the shot clock. The ball bounced off two Air Force defenders and trickled toward the net. It inched past the goal line with five seconds left handing the

Falcons the altogether too familiar feeling of another one-point defeat.

It was not how the Falcons wanted to end the season, off a tipped ball. Having had enough disappointmentearly on in the season, the team fought back to win the remaining games and honor their seniors with the consolation championship. Air Force was the only team in the tournament to break seed as well.

Junior Riley Thomas saidthe season ending will fuel next season’s drive to hopeful success.

“I remember my sophomore season when we had a heartbreaking game to the WWPA champions. This year feels a lot like that,” he said. “We have been so close to being a great team for two years now and all I can think about is taking home the trophy for my last year here.”

Riley Thomas, attacker Riley Quinlan, utility
Coach Jeff Heidmous and team Attacker Edward Smet uses his left arm for an assist against Santa Clara. Smet was one of the team leaders in assists with 18. Photos by Arnie Spencer



Hoopsters build 25-O lead, cruise to easy win in conference tournament opener

There’s no telling what was more shocking, an opening-round win in the Mountain West Men’s Championship by a No. 10 seed, or the way it happened. Air Force held No. 7 seed Wyoming scoreless through the first 9:36 to open a 25-0 lead, and cruised to an 83-68 victory March 8 in Las Vegas, NV.

“I joked with our staff and I said I would coach the first 25 points of the game and then they could take it from there. So I think we got off to a good start,” Air Force coach Dave Pilipovich said. “For them to come out with that intensity and effort and enthusiasm to start the game, it’s a credit. That’s who our cadet-athletes are at the Academy, and I’m so proud of them. And we get to live for another day.”

One more day was it though. The Falcons (12-20) fell to second-seeded Colorado State 81 -55 March 9. The 26-point margin of victory is the third largest in Mountain West tournament history, so Air Force understandably would rather remember the previous day’s win.

Against Wyoming, Jacob Van led four

Ky|e BroekhuiSi forward Falcons in double figures, with 18 points, including 10 of 10 from the free throw 2014. The Falcons’ 48 first-half points were line. Hayden Graham had 15 points and six the most they scored in a tournament half, rebounds; Lavelle Scottie added 13 points eclipsing their previous high of 40. and Frank Toohey had 11 points and nine Air Force is the lowest seed to advance rebounds for Air Force. to the quarterfinals, while it marks the first

“We emphasized it throughout practice Mountain West tournament win by a 10-seed Sunday and Monday and leading up to this in four attempts. game - defense was an emphasis for us,” The Falcons won away from Colorado Graham said. “We had to jump out, talk Springs for the first time since a Dec. 19, more, communicate. We told everybody our 2015 victory at UC Davis (67-60), snapping defense would lead to our offense and that’s a streak of 23 consecutive losses away from what changed everything.” home.

During their game-opening spree, Air “If we had to win one game away from Force forced seven turnovers and got bal- Clune (Arena), I'd want it to be this one beanced scoring, with six different Falcons cause it builds momentum going into the next scoring during the run. one,” Jacob Van said. “And we have the conAir Force’s 25-0 run to start the game fidence now, and we’re not looking behind tied a Mountain West tournament record, us, we’re looking ahead of us.” - Athletic set by Boise State against San Jose State in Media Relations

(Above) Ryan Manning, forward (Below) C.J. Siples, guard Jacob Van weaves through the Denver defense for a contested lay-up. The junior guard led the team in minutes played (944) and assists (93). Photos by Arnie Spencer

Falcons to return nearly all of squad which quadrupled previous year wins

Air Force women’s basketball ended its season dropping a 46-40 contest to Utah State in opening round action the 2017 Mountain West Women’s Basketball Championship Tournament March 6 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, NV.

The game was a hard-fought, back-andforth battle that came down to the final minute of play. Trailing for most of the game, the Falcons managed to take a lead early in the fourth quarter and tie the game twice, including a 36-36 tie with 3:36 to go.

It was a two point game with 1:10 to play, but the Falcons could manage just one bucket, while Utah State closed with 6-2 run to pull away.

Mariah Forde led Air Force with 14 points. She was named to the MW AllFreshman Team and finished the season with 320 points, second-most ever by an Air Force freshman. Forde hit three three’s and went 5-of-6 from the free throw line. Her 57 three’s on the season is the third-most in the Division I era.

Cortney Porter finished with eight points and led the team with 10 rebounds, four assists and three steals. Porter, a junior guard, caps the season as Air Force’s Div. 1 era leader in career assists and steals.

Freshman Kailin Davis and junior Erika Chapman added five points. Junior Dee Bennett added four points, nine rebounds and a team-best two blocked shots. Sophomore Venessannah Itugbu had four points, six rebounds and three steals.

“Dee did a great job on the boards and Mariah delivered some much needed offense for us,” Air Force head coach Chris Gobrecht said.

“I’m very proud of how my team played. The thing I admire the most about them is their toughness. We lost a lot of key players due to injury, but this team responded and did what they needed to do to compete. We just kept scrapping and clawing and trying to find ways to get it done. The steps we took this year are significant


and we have a lot to look forward to in the

Air Force quadrupled its wins from last season, Gobrecht’s first at Air Force, and loses just one senior. All five starters return next season. - Athletic Media Relations

Mariah Forde, guard Kailin Davis, guard/forward future.” Junior forward Dee Bennett drives to the basket against a Northern Colorado defender. Bennett posted a career high 14 points in the game. Photos by Arnie Spencer (Above) Ifeoma Emeka, guard (Left) Cortney Porter, guard

Freshman fencer claims NCAA sabre title to lead Falcons

Air Force fencing competed at the NCAA West Regional at Erickson Courts in the Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation on the Stanford University campus in Palo Alto, CA, March 11. Freshman Leanne Singleton-Comfort led the way claiming the women’s saber title.

Singleton-Comfort was one of three Falcons to claim all-conference honors.

Joining her was sophomore Cameron Sullivan and freshman Helen Landwehr.

Sullivan was Air Force’s top finisher on the men’s side, placing third in men’s epee. Landwehr, a Colorado Springs native and Air Academy High School graduate, placed third in women’s epee.

Air Force had three top eight finishers in men’s epee. Joining Sullivan were freshman Travis Amsbaugh, who took seventh and junior Nathan Lee at eighth.

The Lalcons had two top eight finishers in the women's saber. Joining SingletonComfort was sophomore Lauren Sides.

In men’s foil, freshman Jordan Griffith led Air Lorce with a sixth place finish. In women’s foil, freshman Allison Wong also placed sixth.

The regional win took Singleton-Comfort to the women’s saber finals at the 2017 NCAA Fencing Championships March 25-26 at the Indiana Farmers Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN.

Singleton-Comfort, who is a freshman academically at Air Force but a sophomore

in terms of competition, placed 14th at the end of the second day. She won three headto-head matchups on day two to finish with a 9-15 overall record.

“I know I can do better, and my goal to keep moving up the national points lists motivates me to work harder,” SingletonComfort said.

Singleton-Comfort earned the Falcons 89 points over the two days to put Air Force in 22nd place as a team. - Athletic Media Relations

(Right) Coach Abdel Salem and fencers (Below) Leanne SingletonComfort on left Jacqueline Orcutt on left Kate Walbridge

Air Force marksmen claim eighth place in NCAA championship

Air Force finished with a two-day total of 4,653 and finished eighth in the nation at the 2017 NCAA Rifle Championships in Columbus, OH, March 10-11. West Virginia claimed its fifth-straight national title. This was the fourth team appearance for Air Force at the NCAA Rifle Championships.

On day one, the Falcons finished with 2,307 in smallbore. Sophomore Spencer Cap had the Falcons’ top individual score (581) in the event. Sophomore Anna Weilbacher also scored a 581, but with more center 10s, Cap finished ahead of her. Senior Ryan Jacobs finished with a 572, and freshman Logan Ogden had a 573. Sophomore Nick Learn, who also shot in the championships, finished with a 569. Day two saw the air rifle squad finish with 2,346. Jacobs led the Falcons with a 591. Ogden finished with a 590, while Weilbacher had a 578. Cap scored a 586

and Learn finished with a 579.

The Falcons concluded a remarkable season, setting and breaking school-match records, as well as some individual career and season bests. The team finished 19-9 overall, eighth in the nation, and fourth in the Patriot Rifle Conference.

Two Falcons earned three medals a monthlater at the National Junior Olympic Shooting Championships April 10 and 13 at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs.

Freshman Logan Ogden secured gold

in the men’s 10m air rifle competition followed closely by sophomore teammate Spencer Cap the silver medalist.

“I actually wasn't expecting this,” Ogden said. “I just got a new suit two days ago and just got to practice with it twice beforethis match. I was going into this thinking I wouldn’t be used to the new suit, but it worked out for the better—everything aligned!” Cap won his second silver in the 50m three-position rifle three days later.

“[Ogden and Cap] just thrive under pressure,” said Air Force Rifle head coach Launi Meili. “Even though they feel it differently, they channel it into the right momentum for a match. If they shoot some bad shots, they don't lose focus and just use it to build momentum.” - Athletic Media Relations

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Anna Weilbacher
40-Shots Avg. 1.8 ^ 1 Saries 1.0 Q1. KU* ^ 2. 10.2* 3. 9.5 is' 4. 10.4* ^ 5. 9.9 ^ Shot 5: 9.9 2.4 ^ 0.9422 22 22 21 48 0 0 0 Tty-
Spencer Brandon

Army, Cal fall to men’s team; Wang earns

All-American in parallel bars, all-around

Air Force men’s gymnastics continued its long track record of national excellence this year, recording nationally competitive scores on a weekly basis and featuring some of the top gymnasts in the country.

The Falcons finished the season ranked 11th in the nation with wins over national powerhouses like Cal and Army. The team also won its first Mountain Pacific Sports Federation meet in more than a decade.

The highlight of the team’s season was their victory over Army and Navy at the All-Academy Championships; the Falcon’s victory at the meet marked the team’s seventh consecutive time the team has won the event, the longest win streak in the history of the competition.

“It was an incredible experience to carry the legacy of the classes before us and win the all-academy and USAG championships,” said senior Aaron Nubine. “It was an experience that I will never forget and that I will cherish for the rest of my life.”

While the entire team contributed to the program’s success this season, a few team members also had incredible individual seasons as well. Sophomore Lucas Teixeira and junior Jonathon Fornoff both reached the finals in individual events at the NCAA Championships, and senior Tim Wang became the most decorated gymnast in Academy history when he was named an all-American in both the all-around and on the parallel bars to bring his career total to four all-American awards.

Wang, who had previously earned two separate all-American designations on the pommel horse in his freshman and junior years, also became just the second gymnast in program history to win multiple all-American awards in the same season. However, Wang attributed all of his success to the team effort this season.

"There are no individuals at the college level so everything has to do with the team. And everyone worked hard for the team,” Wang said. - C1C Phillip Resnick

Fletcher Braunton, pommel horse Jonathon Fornoff, parallel bars Tim Wang defies gravity on the rings. The senior became the Academy’s most decorated male gymnast ever earning his third and fourth All-American selections at the NCAA chapionships this year.
Courtesy photos Brittany Reed fliies during here floor routine. The sophmore scored her career best (9.750)in the event at the National Championships Qualifier. Courtesy photos Mariana Murphy, uneven bars Chelsea Grimson, balance bea KITI0WU OttlWOW

Despite high turnover, Falcon gymnasts

continue successful run with new coach

Losing several of last season’s seniors to graduation and gaining a new coach didn't keep Air Force women's gymnastics from continuing their recent success with a great record this year.

The team recorded a number of signature wins on the season, taking down rivals like Seattle-Pacific and Winona State in dual meets. Average team scores saw significant this season, besting last year’s mark by nearly two points.

“We really improved this past season. Our new coach Jen Langley was instrumental in our team's performance this year,” said Mariana Murphy, one of the team's top all-around competitors.

The team peaked at the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Championships claiming fourth, the highest finish at the event in program history. Entering the meet with high hopes, the cadets delivered one of their best performances of the season.

“Weknew what we were capable of and we knew that by having fun and letting our minds and bodies do the work we would meet our team’s goals,” said senior captain and team most valuable player Kara Witgen. “By the end of the season our team slogan was ‘make records, break records’ because we were able to continue to improve and build upon what we had accomplished.”

The team has even higher hopes for next season. It graduates only two seniors and has eight new freshman recruits entering the Academy in this summer. As a result, many are optimistic about their chances to do even better next year.

“Hopefully all of the new freshman, as well as returning team members, will allow us to improve even more next season,” Murphy said. “Hopefully we can make it to the team finals at USAG nationals next year.” - C1C Phillip Resnick

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(Left and far left) Jamie Lewis, vault

Conference title, 27 wins propel ice hockey to #11

Air Force hockey finished the 2016-17 season with its highest national ranking in the final poll in school history. In the final poll, the Falcons were ranked 11th by USA Today/USA Hockey Magazine and 12th by USCHO.com.

Previous high rankings in the final poll were 14th in the 2008-09 USA Today/USA Hockey Magazine poll and 16th in the 2010-11 and2011-12USCHO.com poll.

Air Force won the Atlantic Hockey Conference Championship for the sixth time in the last 11 years and earned its sixth berth to the NCAA Tournament. The team finished the season 27-10-5 overall record, the second most wins in school history and the fewest losses in 20 seasons under Frank Serratore.

Junior Dylan Abood earned three of the team’s top eight awards at the annual Air Force hockey banquet held April 2 in Colorado Springs, CO. This included the Vic Heyliger Award, the Iron Bolt Award and co-recipient of the Jim Bowman Award.

The Heyliger, voted on by the team, is the cornerstone of Air Force hockey. It is awarded to the player whose dedication, character, leadership and work ethic exemplifies Falcon hockey and is named after the Falcons’ first coach. The Iron Bolt Award goes to the team's most diligent worker in the weight room. The Bowman recognizes the team’s top scholar athlete and is named for the former coach and athletic administrator.

Senior team captain Johnny Hrabovsky (continued on next page)

Dan Bailey looks to pass the puck to a teammate. The sophomore had 5 goals and 11 assists in 39 games played. Photo by Arine Spencer

joined Abood as co-recipient of the Bowman Award. Hrabovsky, a defenseman from Hummelstown, PA, is a finalist for the Senior CLASS Award, recognizing excellence in the classroom, in the community and on the ice.

Sophomore goalie Shane Starred earned the Chuck Delich Award, voted on by the team, as the team’s most valuable player, for the second straight season. The award is named after an Academy

grad, the Falcons’ third head coach and all-time leading goal scorer in NCAA hockey history.

Other awards went to sophomore Dan Bailey, Most Improved Player Award; Brady Tomlak, John Matchefts award for the top freshman; and senior Tyler Rostenkowski, Larry Cronk Award for most inspirational player.

Junior Phil Boje won the Defensive Player of the Year Award. - Athletic Media Relations


Air Force sophomore goaltender Shane Starrett has signed a two-year NHL entry level contract, as announced April 10 by the Edmonton Oilers Hockey Club. He is the first Falcon to sign an NHL contact while still at the Academy.

In two seasons with the Falcons, he played 70 games andhad a career saves percentage of .924 with a career goalsagainst average of 1.96. Both his goals-against average and saves percentage are school records among goalies that played more than 35 games. He posted nine career shutouts, the fourth most in school history. He was named team most valuable player both seasons as he helped lead the Falcons to back-to-back trips to the Atlantic Hockey Final Four, including the 2017 conference championship.

As a freshman, he earned first-team all-conference honors and was an all-rookie team selection. Starrett earned five Atlantic Hockey weekly awards and two monthly awards. He ranked 11th in the nation with a 1.92 goals-against average, the second best in school history and the second best in the nation by a freshman that season. His .924 saves percentage that season was the fourth best in the nation by a freshman and is the third best in Air Force hockey history. - Athletic Media Relations

(Top to bottom) Shane Starrett, goalie; team celebration; listening to coach.


Cadets topple Western Michigan in NCAA opener, nearly pull off upset against Harvard

Kyle Haak scored two goals and No. 15 Air Force held off a late rally by eighthranked Western Michigan for a 5-4 win over the Broncos in the 2017 NCAA East Regional, March 24, at Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, RI.

Just 56 seconds into the game, the Falcons jumped on the board. Matt Koch's shot was knockeddown in front leading to a scramble. With WMU goaltender on the ice, Jordan Himley lifted the puck into the net for his team-leading 21st of the season.

Midway through the period, Air Force took a 2-0 lead with a short-handed goal. With the Broncos breaking out of their own end, Kyle Haak stole the puck from a Bronco defenseman at the top of the circle. Haak skated in uncontested and snapped a wrister through at 11:02 for his first shortie of the season. Later in the period, WMU got on the board with a put back off a rebound cutting the Falcon lead to 2-1.

Early in thesecond period, the Falcons took a 3-1 lead as Haak netted his second of the game and14th of the season. Kyle Mackey fired a shot from the right point that was saved, but the puck was free in front. Haak picked up the loose puck and slid it past at 5:05. Air Force dominated the period, outshooting the Broncos 17-5.

The teams combined for five goals in the third period. The Falcons took a 4-1 lead just 3:58 into the period on the power play. Phil Boje’s slap shot from the point came from Himley and Koch and put Air Force up by three. The Broncos roared back with two goals in a span of 23 seconds to cut the lead to 4-3 though.

Air Force answered with a goal on the rush at 6:45. A.J. Reid carried the puck into the zone and, after beating a defenseman, fed Tyler Ledford in the middle of the ice. Ledford made a move around the goalie and netted his seventh of the season at 6:45.

Air Force outshot Western Michigan, 3026, in the game. Air Force was l-for-5 on the

power play while WMU was 0-for-2. Shane Starrett made 22 saves for the Falcons.

“The turning point for us was getting that fifth goal and we sure needed it,” head coach Frank Serratore said. “I could not be happier for our guys or more proud of them. Your best players have to be your best players in big games and they were tonight.”

Air Force nearly toppled second-ranked Harvard the next day falling 3-2. The Crimson leaped to a 3-0 lead, but goals from freshman Brady Tomlak and Jordan Himley got Air Force close again.

Harvard outshot Air Force, 30-29. Air Force was 1 -for-2 on the power play while Harvard was 1 -for-4. Starrett made 27 saves in the game.

“Wetook their best punch in the second period and it didn't look good for a while,” Coach Serratore said. “All season we have been able to come back, but not tonight. I couldn't be more proud of our guys.”

Air Force finished the 2016-17 season with the second most wins in school history (27) and the fewest losses in the Frank Serratore era (10). The Falcons earned an NCAA victory and reached the Elite Eight for just the second time in school history (2009). The Falcons bid farewell to the senior class of Johnny Hrabovsky, A.J. Reid and Tyler Rostenkowski who combined to win 84 games, tying the third most by any class in school history. The Falcons led the nation with a school-record 16 road wins and led the nation in penalty kill at 89.7 percent.

Two Falcons were named to the alltournament team, sophomore forward Kyle Haak and junior defenseman Phil Boje. Haak had three points (2-1-3) in the two games while Boje had two (1-1-2).

“We knew we were never out of it,” said Abood, the Falcons' junior team captain. “We never stopped believing. 1 am so proud of this team. We stayed with it and never got out of the fight. I'm ready to get back to work tomorrow. We'll be back.” - Athletic Media Relations

Falcons reach for the Atlantic Hockey Conference trophy after securing the 2017 title. Winning the championship propelled the team into the NCAA tournament for the sixth time.

Birds fly well in water, win conference title for second consecutive season

Air Force Academy men’s swimming and diving won the Western Athletic Conference Championship for the second consecutive year, holding off Wyoming, Feb. 25, in Houston, TX.

Air Force finished with 794.5 points. Wyoming was second (754), followed by Grand Canyon University (563), UNLV (525.5), North Dakota (357), CSU Bakersfield (300) and Seattle (220).

The night opened with the final heat of the 1,650 free. Air Force held a narrow edge putting pressure on the three Falcon milers to earn points. All three scored led by senior Andrew Faciszewski who earned silver with a time of 15:05.70. Collin Green placed fifth with a personal best of 15:25.77, while Garrett Glaudini took sixth in 15:29.61.

“I basicallyjust turned my brain off and focused on scoring to help set us as far ahead as possible before Wyoming swam their better events,” Faciszewski said. “It was awesome to take silver but... the depth and strength of our team keeps us ahead, and watching each other swim fires us up so that we're having fun no matter what.”

All four Falcons in the 200 breaststroke final were under two minutes, each improving their standing on Academy’s Top 10 list. Silver went to Zach Knoche in 1:56.48, earning him the second fastest time in school history. Kevin Fanter took bronze (1:57.28) and maintained his third fastest time on the list. Zach Nelson was fourth with a personal best of 1:59.57, capturing the fifth fastest time in school history, and Derek Brecht (1:59.59) took seventh with the sixth fastest 200 breaststroker in Academy history.

“We were expected to do well in the event based on previous times,” Knoche said. “When I saw everyone’s times from prelims, I was glad to see that Kevin and I had done a little better than expected, but what was even more exciting was seeing the non-seniors step up and swim lightning fast at a time when we really needed the points.”

Steffen Mount broke broken a school record in the 100 free. With three Falcons swimming in the final heat. Mount tied for silver with a time of 43.22. Jordan Dahle placed fifth with a personal best of 43.71 good for third fastest in Air Force history.

In the 200 back final, Kris Tillery earned a fourth-place finish in 1:46.21 and Joey Gebhart took seventh in 1:48.79.

The divers finished with a powerful performance on platform. In finals, Avery Eckebrecht took silver with a score of 302.35 and not far behind was Nicholas Piontek in fourth (291.55).

“[Getting] second and fourth place on tower was a huge statement for us as a program,” Echebrecht said. “We had the best attitudes, team spirit, and good sportsmanship out of any other team there.”

The Falcons secured the team victory and conference title with a bronze finish in the 400 free relay. Mount, Hannigan, Dahle and Davis touched at 2:55.20. - Athletics Media Relations and Polaris Staff

A.J. Eckebrecht Andrew Faciszewski is once again in the lead. The senior posted Air Force's fastest times this year in the 500 1,000 and 1,650 freestyle. Photos by Jason Gutierrez



Miller leads four Falcons among conference best

Four members of Air Force women's swimming were named to the 2016-17 Mountain West all-conference team.

Senior Genevieve Miller also earned the Mountain West Senior Recognition Award andthe MW Championships Swimmer of the Meet award. She was named all-conference in the 200 free, 500 free and 1,650 free. Miller is the first swimmer in conference history to win two events all four years, taking the title in the 500 and 1,650. She placed third in the 200 free this season. Miller broke her own school, Mountain West and conference championships records in the 500 and 1,650 this season’s meet.

Two juniors and a freshman complete the Falcons’ all-conference roster. Jinan Andrews and Elise Hart will be among the team’s leaders next season. Andrews placed sixth in the 100 free (50.24), second fastest in school history. Hart place eighth in the 100 fly with a time of 54.76. Firstyear Falcon Lydia Knutson placed fourth in the 50 free, breaking her own school record with a time of 22.69.

Air Force set nine school records at the conference championship meet Feb. 15-18 in College Station, TX. Miller set records in the 200, 500, 1,000 and 1,650 free. Knutson broke the 50 free record for the fourth time this season while Emma Strom tied the school record in the 100 back stroke.

The Falcons set records in the 200 (continued on next page)

and 400 medley relays free relay. Air Force also posted six swims that were the second fastest in school history. Fourteen swimmers scored in the meet, the most in school history.

“Our swim team has a lot of talented swimmers and potential to grow,” Andrews said. "We have more depth in each event than ever

and 1 expect to see many of the school records to be re-written next season. I believe the sky is the limit for our team and I’m looking forward to what the future holds for our ‘swamily.’”

As a team, the Falcons placed 10th with 479 points. Boise State won the team title with 1,130 points. - Athletic Media Relations


Air Force senior Genevieve Miller was named the Mountain West Conference Swimmer of the Year. March 23.

Miller was the first swimmer in Mountain West history to win two different events all four years, the 500 and 1,650 free. She holds the Academy. Mountain West and Mountain West Championships records in both events.

The senior from WinstonSalem. NC. earned honorable mention All-America honors for the second straight year in both the 500 and 1.650, placing 13th in the 1.650 and 16th in the 500 in the 2017 NCAA Championships in Indianapolis, IN.

At the Mountain West Championships, Feb. 15-18 in College Station. TX, Miller was named the MW Swimmer of the Meet and earned the MW Senior Recognition award. At the conference meet, she won the 1.650 with a time of 15:58.06. the first sub-16-minute time in league history. She won the event by more than 19 seconds. She also won the 500 free with a school and conference record time of 4:38.98. Miller also earned all-conference honors in the 200 free, breaking her own school record with a time of 1:47.19.

- Athletic Media Relations

(Clockwise from left) Genevieve Miller, freestyle; Elisabeth Brechbuhl, freestyle; Tianna Jorgenson, butterfly; unknown, backstroke Falcon wrestler Zen Ikehara tries to tip North Dakota State’s Tyler McNutt during a match at 184 pounds. Photos by Arnie Spencer

Grapplers don't shy from challenge of Big 12 conference, top-25 ranked teams

Air Force concluded the 2016-17 wrestling season at 6-6 for a .500 mark in dual action and a 1-4 mark in Big 12 duals. Eight Falcons earned individual tournament titles, while the team posted 54 place-winning finishes over nine tournaments this season. Head coach Sam Barber now holds a 20-20 career record at the conclusion of his third season at the helm of Air Force wrestling.

TheFalcons met with four top-25 programs and five Big 12 Conference foes on the dual slate. Air Force posted dual meet wins over UNC-Pembroke, Simon Fraser, Cal Baptist, Western State, Cal Poly and Northern Colorado. Cal Poly and Northern Colorado brandished five top-20 wrestlers.

Air Force fell to No. 9 NC State, Utah Valley, No. 20 South Dakota State, No. 21 Stanford, Wyoming and No. 25 North Dakota State.

Senior team captain Jerry McGinty consistently competed at a high level for Air Force, placing in four-of-five major tournaments and starting in all Div. I dual meets. He placed as high as second in three tournaments to include the Cowboy Open, Wolfpack Open and the All Academy Championships. McGinty, a three-year starter for Air Force, made it to the second day of action at the Cliff KeenLas Vegas Invitational and the Big 12 Championship; both are considered to be highly competitive tournaments. The Colorado Springs, Colorado, native concluded the season with a 19-13 overall

mark while going 4-4 in duals. McGinty competed in over 100 career matches; he boasts a winning career-record of 66-49.

Anthony McLaughlin led the Falcons in the dual slate, going 6-0 overall with a 3-0 mark in conferencedual matches. Four Falcons posted one fall in dual action, led by Dylan Hyder’s fall over Utah Valley’s Jarod Maynes in 1:59. Drew Romero led the team with two technical falls in dual meets, while John Twomey led with two dual-meet major decisions. Hyder registered 15 bonus points in duals, the most on the team. Zen Ikehara, Twomey and Romero logged the most dual starts with nine-of-twelve each. The 197 class produced the best dual meet record going 8-4 on the season.

Freshman 165-pounder Tyler Wiederholt led the team with 22 overall wins for a .647 win-percentage. Freshman 174-pounder Randy Meneweather posted the highest win-percentage (.700) with a 14-6 record. Freshman 125-pounder Alec Opsal led the team with nine falls; he registered 76 bonus points for the most on the team. Freshman heavyweight Kerry Powers led the team with four technical falls, while freshman 133-pounder Garret O’Shea tallied five major decisions to lead the team. The fastest fall was registered by senior-141 Anthony McHugh, who pinned an opponent in 36-seconds. Six Falcons tallied wins by fall in less than a minute. - Athletic Media Relations

John Twomey, 133/141 pounds Catcher Rob Dau braces for impact as he tags an airborne base runner. The sophomore caught every game for the Falcons this season. Photos by Arnie Spencer

Air Force makes it back-to-back


seasons; four make All-Conference team

Air Force posted a 27-26 record in 2017 for its first back-to-back winning seasons since the 1993-95 teams went over .500. In the 2016 campaign, the Falcons ran their record to 30-27.

The Falconslanded four players on the 2017 Mountain West Baseball All-Conference Team, announced by the conference office. Seniors Adam Groesbeck and Bradley Haslam earned first-team honors, while sophomore Nic Ready and senior Tyler Jones earned second team honors.

The Falcons tied the 2016 team for most all-MW selections in a season for the program. Jones earned his third-career all-MW honor, becoming just the second player in Air Force history to do so, joining Garrett Custons. Groesbeck, Haslam and Ready earned their second all-conference honors.

Groesbeck led Air Force with a .410 batting average and 91 hits. The senior set a school record with a .458 batting average and 60 hits in conference play. Groesbeck wasone of the top table-setters in the conference, scoring 60 runs out of the leadoff spot, adding eight home runs and 42 RBIs.

Haslam batted .380 on the season, leading the team with 63 runs scored. The third baseman set a school record with a 44-game hitting streak earlier in the season, which is also sixth all-time in NCAA history. Haslam hit 10 home runs and had 51 RBIs. His .371 career batting average was thebest at Air Force in 16 years.

Jones overcame a high-ankle sprain suffered early in the season to lead the team with 14 home runs and 58 RBIs in just 43 games. Jones, who played primarily this season at designated hitter, led the NCAA with a 53-game reached base streak, reaching base in all 43 games in 2017. His 43 career home runs is second all-time at Air Force. His 55 hit by pitches and 195 RBIs are Air Force records.

Ready cameon strong late in the season to post 11 home runs and 53 RBIs to go with a .340 batting average. The first baseman hit six home runs over his final nine games of the season. Ready batted .380 in conference play, leading the team with eight homers and a school-record 35 RBIs in MW play. - Athletic Media Relations

Seventh marks Air Force’s golf’s best result in three years at conference championship

Air Force golf posted its best conference finish since 2014 as the Falcons placed seventh at the Mountain West Championships, Sunday, April 23, at the Omni National Golf Club in Tucson, AZ. The result tied as the fourth-best finish in school history.

The Falcons shot a three-round total of two-over par 817 (296-286-289), the team's best 54-hole score of the season.

UNLV won the Mountain West team title with a three-round score of 846 (-18) while Colorado State was second (-17), Boise State was third (-16), San Diego State was fourth (-15), New Mexico was fifth (-14) and Nevada was sixth (+2). Wyoming was eighth (+8), San Jose State was ninth (+13), Utah State was 10th (+13) and Fresno State (+20).

Falcon senior Sunwoo Choi was the top Falcon, finishing in a tie for sixth place overall at six-under 210. After an opening round 72, he shot 68 on day two and 70

in the final round. Andy Germann shot a two-under 70 on the final day and tied for 22nd overall with a three-round total of 217 (+1). Freshman Josh Wu tied for 36th at 221 (+5).

The high point of Air Force’s season was a fourth place finish in the 18-team Colorado State University Ram Masters, Sept. 20. at the Fort Collins Country Club, Fort Collins, CO. The finish and 858 team score mark the best ever for the Falcons in the annual CSU Tournament.

Colorado State won the 54-hole toumament with a team score of four-over, 844. Nevada was second (851) while Wichita State was third (853).

Air Force senior team captain Brendan Bone tied for second with a three-underpar, 207 (69-68-70). Fellow senior Choi tied for ninth with a two-over-par 212.

Junior Todd Millard tied for 28th with a 217, followed by Wu (226) and Bryant Falconello (228). - Athletic Media Relations

Brendan Bone pitches it towards the green on the Academy’s Eisenhower Golf Course. Bone had two top lO finishes and once cracked the top five in 11 events this season. Photos iencer rme Howe and Cho nwoo rom rner

Air Force bests Richmond for second year to win conference championship

The top-seeded Air Force Falcons defeated the second-seeded Richmond Spiders, 9-6, for the second consecutive year in the Southern Conference Championship at Robins Stadium in Richmond, VA. Sophomore Air Force defenseman Brandon Jones, who nabbed a game-high seven ground balls in addition to one caused turnover, was named the championship’s Most Outstanding Player after leading the Falcons’ defense in holding the Spiders to just six goals on the day.

With today’s victory, Air Force (12-5, 6-1 SoCon) earned the league’s automatic berth to the NCAA Championship. The Spiders close the season at 12-4 overall and 6-1 in SoCon regular season games.

Junior attackman Andrew Tien, who scored the game winning goal in last year’s SoCon Championship game between Air Force and Richmond, led the Falcons’ offensive effort after notching his third career hat trick with a total of three goals, tying the game high.

Air Force opened the game’s scoring as junior attackman and SoCon Player of the Year Chris Walsch found the back of the net on an assist from the Jones just 36 seconds into the game. Tien notched his first of three goals exactly one minute later on an unassisted goal to give Air Force an early 2-0 lead. The Spiders would even up the score, 2-2, heading into the second quarter.

Air Force stretched its advantage to 4-2 in the second quarter, which would be the beginning of a 6-0 run for the Falcons that would run into the third period. With the Spiders short-handed after a penalty for holding, Air Force’s Jack Flynn netted his first and only goal of the game on an assist from Walsch, taking advantage of the manup situation with 10:41 left in the half. Tien would score the final goal of the half with 9:31 remaining in the second period, giving the Falcons a two-goal lead entering the locker room at halftime. Air Force led the Spiders in shots on-goal at halftime, 11-7.

After three minutes of play in the third period, Tien claimed his third career hat trick off a high-to-high shot that snuck past the helmet of the Spider goalkeeper. To make matters worse for the Spiders, following Tien’s third quarter goal, Falcon faceoff specialist Trent Harper won the draw and scooped the loose ball. Avoiding multiple Spider checks, he and fired a shot on-the-run that got through to the net.

Air Force maintained its momentum as senior midfielder Austin Smith found the back of the net on pass by Walsch. Harper would again win the faceoff following Smith’s goal, picking up the ground ball and throwing a behind-the-back pass to teammate Jeremiah Hemme, a sophomore longstick midfielder, who found an open Matthew Schwartz cutting across the crease who buried it. - Athletic Media Relations

Austin Smith, midfielder
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Junior attacker Chris Walsch drives around a Marist defender. Walsch led Air Force with 36 goals and 28 assists this season. Photos by Arnie Spencer (Above) Jack Flynn, midfielder (Left) Marcus Ward, midfielder

Men's tennis notches huge win on road in Boise

Air Force men’s tennis peaked on the road with a 4-2 win against Boise State April 9 in Boise. ID.

The bottom of the Falcons’ singles lineup keyed the team’s first conference victory of the season. Mack Galvin, Luke Sanderson and Tadhg Collins each won in straight sets at No. 4-6. This combined with the doubles point earned by Collins/Max Olson and Galvin/Lucas Fumagalli gave Air Force the win.

The Falcons were backin Boise for the Mountain West Championships April 28. Seeded seventh. Air Force lost to Fresno State 4-0. The loss put the season record at 8-17.

Fumagalli received two post-season honors from the Intercollegiate Ten

nis Association. The ITA/Rafael Osuna Sportsmanship Award goes to a Division I men’s player who displays sportsmanship, character, excellent academics and has had outstanding tennis playing accomplishments. He also earned the ITA/ Arthur Ashe Leadership and Sportsmanship Award for the Mountain Region.

The senior played in every Air Force Academy dual match in his career from 2014-2017. He was named all-conference in doubles in 2015 and ranked as the No. 4 doubles team in the Mountain Region in 2015. He played in every position in the line-up throughout his career and finished with a 46-33 career dual record in doubles and 32-50 career dual record in singles.Fumagalli

posted 18 singles wins this season which ranked second on the team. Hehad 15 doubles wins this season which also ranked second on the team.

Fumagalli is a two-time academic All-American, a three-time Mountain West scholar athlete and three-time Mountain West academic all-conference selection. He was the team’s captain this season.

He was on the superintendent’s list all eight semesters at the Academy which recognizes excellence in academics, military training and athletics. Fumagalli is a distinguished graduate from the Academy and finished with a 3.85 GPA in mechanical engineering. - Athletic Media Relations

Max Olson KYYV David Mottice Lucas Fumagalli smashes a serve on his home court. The senior earned two post-season awards from the Intercollegiate Tennis Association. Photos by Arnie Spencer

Conference semis, 20 wins make for memorable 2017

Air Force women’s tennis notched its first 20-win season in Division I with vietories over Colorado State and Fresno State at the Mountain West Conference Tournament April 27-29 in Las Vegas, NV. This put the Falcons in the conference semifinals for the first time where the team fell to San Jose State.

The seventh-seeded cadets trailed 0-2 against second-seeded Frenso, but senior Chloe Forlini and sophomore Elizabeth Bamickel evened things with wins at No. 1 and No. 3 singles. The Bulldogs took another point, but freshman T.J. Fumagalli and senior Lily Forlini were better at No. 2 and No. 5 securing a 4-3 win.

“To not win the doubles point and come back and win four singles matches against the no. 2 seed was amazing,” said Head Coach Kim Gidley. “To have the match come down to our senior, Lily Forlini, was just fitting. For four years she has played her best tennis at the conference tournament. She is Miss April for sure.”

Fumagalli rebounded from dropping the first set to record her 40th singles win of the season against three losses. She is the first player in school history to post 40 wins in a season. Lily Forlini rebounded after losing the second set to win a thrilling third-set tie-breaker, 6-3, 1-6, 7-6 (9) to clinch it for the Falcons.

Air Force had an easier time against Colorado State winning 5-1. Barnickel/ Fumagalli and L Forlini/Nadeen Lieberman secured the doubles point. Singles wins by both Forlinis, Fumagalli and Jocelle Rudico locked up the team victory.

“Everyone won a match, which made it special for the team,” Gidley said. “It was even more exciting with the three seniors clinching the last three singles matches. (continued on next page)


Lily had lost to her opponent the previous two times they played and Jo Jo [Rudico] lost the first set. They would not be denied. Chloe, our senior team captain, led the team getting on and off the court and never letter her opponent in the match.”

Chloe Forlini and Rudico earned recognition from the Intercollegiate Tennis Association for the Mountain Region. Forlini earned the ITA/Arthur Ashe Leadership and Sportsmanship Award while Rudico earned the ITA/Cissie Leary Award for Sportsmanship.

Forlini is the winningest player in school history. She posted 198 career combined wins to easily surpass the previous record of 170. She is No. 1 in school history in career singles wins with 108. Forlini ended her career with a 108-41 singles record and a 90-46 doubles mark.

Rudico served as a tri-captain this season. She finished the season with a 24-15 overall singles record, including an 18-7 mark in duals this spring. She won a career-best 31 overall doubles matches, posting a 31-14 overall record and 15-8 mark in doubles. - Athletic Media Relations

(Left) Chloe Forli, most wins in program history, ITA/Arthur Ashe Leadership and Sportsmanship Award winner (Below) Jocelle Rudico, ITA/ Cissie Leary Award for Sportsmanship single season wins in school history T.J. Fumagalli, first to post 40
Chip White speeds up to she that Falcons fly faster than Buffaloes run in the 400-me ter hurdles. White qualified for the NCAAs in this event and the 4x400-meter relay. Photos by Arnie Spencer (Above) Zach Johnson, TOO meters, 200 meters, 4xlOO-meter Koss, 400 meters, 4x400-meter relay


Men dominate Mountain West for fourth time in six seasons; second straight year

Air Force men’s track and field captured its second straight Mountain West title May 13 as it wrapped up action at the 2017 MW Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Logan, UT. This is the team’s fourth outdoor title in six years.

The Falcons collected fiveindividual event titles, while the women accounted for one of the best team performances in program history.

Junior Jamiel Trimble captured a pair of individual event titles, while anchoring the 4x100-meter relay to its third-straight conference title. Trimble, joined by freshman Terrell Bradford, senior Zach Johnson and junior Robbie Anderson, opened championship with a winning time of 39.70 - the second-fastest mark in Academy history and a new Ralph Maughan Stadium Record.

Less than one hour later, Trimble earned the conference title in the 110-meter hurdles for the third-straight year, as he clocked a time of 13.72 - a wind-legal time that shattered the program's junior class record by 0.43 seconds and broke the stadium’s 18-year-old mark. He also defended his conference title in the 200-meter dash, as he ran a MW Championship Meet record time of 20.33 to claim his 10th individualtitle at a conference championship meet.

Sophomore Sedacy Walden paced the Falcons to a one-two punch in the 400-meter dash, as he clocked a 46.21 - the secondfastest time in Academy history, the fourthfastest time in MW Championship Meet history andthe fifth-fastest time in Mountain West history - to earn the Falcons’ second title in as many years in that event. Junior

VTyler Koss joined Walden at the top of the awards’ podium, as he clocked the thirdfastest time in Academy history - 46.41 - to finish second.

Air Force collected its sixth-straight title in the outdoor pole vault, as senior Kyle Pater cleared \T6V£' to earn the conference championship. Pater, who became the third Academy vaulter in as many years to sweep the indoor and outdoor titles in that event, was one of two Falcons to medal in the championship meet, as freshman Connor Stevens cleared 15’73A” to place third.

The men registered 218.50 points to win their fourth outdoor title since 2012 - and their sixth overall title in as many years (indoor titles in 2012, 2016; outdoor titles in 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017) - by a 53-point margin.

For highlights on the women’s side, junior Shelley Spires improved her own Academy record in the high jump and bettered the conference's previous all-time and championship meet records as she cleared 6’ l!/2 to finish second in the overall standings.

The 4x400-meter relay of freshman Kelsey Owens, sophomore Kaliyah Gorman, senior Alexa Chacon and freshman Megan Irvine finished third capturing the program's first-ever medal in an outdoor sprint event.

The women accumulated 59 points, the second-highest total in program history, to finish seventh and account for the secondhighest team finish ever. San Diego State won the meet with 159.50 points, while Colorado State took second with 134 points.

- Athletic Media Relations

Air Force sends program-record 31 bids to

regional track, field contest

Air Force track and field earned a program-record 31 bids into the West Preliminary of the NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships. The Falcons, who qualified athletes in 23 different events, travelled to Austin, TX, May 2527 for the opening round of the national meet.

The 31 selections are the most for the Falcons since Regional Qualifying began in 2003, easily surpassing the previous highs of 26 (under the four-region setup, 2003) and 25 (under the two-region setup, 2013).

In addition, 18 men selected for individual events is a new program record, while the eight female qualifiers are the most since the 2003 team also sent eight athletes to the regional meet. - Athletic Media Relations


lOO-Meter Dash: Zach Johnson

200-Meter Dash: Jamiel Trimble, Zach Johnson

400-Meter Dash: Sedacy Walden, Tyler Koss

800-Meter Run: Michael Rhoads

1,500-Meter Run: Matt Dorsey

5,000-Meter Run: Jacob Bilvado

10,000-Meter Run: Andrew Johnston, Kyle Eller

HO-Meter Hurdles: Jamiel Trimble, Micah Fontaine

400-Meter Hurdles: Chip White

3,000-Meter Steeplechase: Andrew Milliron

4xlOO-Meter Relay

4x400-Meter Relay

High Jump: John Reynolds

Pole Vault: Kyle Pater

Shot Put: Darby Maier

Javelin Throw: Taylor Hulslander, Donny Crabill, Eric Hoff


400-Meter Dash: Megan Irvine

1,500-Meter Run: Carina Gillespie, Giulianna Vessa

5,000-Meter Run: Lindy Long

10,000-Meter Run: Lindy Long, Jaci Smith

High Jump: Shelley Spires

Pole Vault: Kathryn Tomczak

Discus Throw: Cydnee Reese

Kathryn Tomczak, pole vault
(Above) Robbie Anderson, 4xlOO-meter relay (Left) Cyndee Reese, discus throw
i *








Fast Pitch Softball, 426, 441

Judo, 428

Lacrosse, Women’s, 425, 435

Marathon, 433


Rugby, Men’s, 435

Rugby, Women's, 430

Ski, Alpine, 431

Ski, Nordic

Ski, Freestyle/Snowboard Team Handball, 433


Ultimate Frisbee


Water Polo, Women’s, 436


Academy Concerts, 438 Aikido


Arnold Air Society, 438




Boxing, Women's, 439

Cadet for a Day

Cadet Outfitters



Combat Conditioning

Eagle's Club

Falcon Club (BB/BS)

Fitness, Powerlifting

Fitness, Bodybuilding

Fly Fishing

Golf, Women's Ice Hockey, 428


Model Engineering

Mountaineering, 439


Paintball, 434 Rodeo, 437

Ski Club

Soccer Club, 437

Social Dance Club

Sports Climbing, 429

Swimming Open Water

TACSIM (Airsoft)

Tae Kwon Do

Trap and Skeet

Volleyball, Women's



Battlefield Airman

Chorale, 434

Combat Shooting, 430

Drum & Bugle, 431 EMT

Falconry, 432 Honor Guard, 432

In The Stairwell, 429

Media (Cadet) Orchestra


Security Club


Show Choir



Hispanic/Latino Club KARS

Native American Heritage, 440 Pacific Rim

Spectrum, 440 Way of Life



Business Leaders


Chinese Club

Cyber Warfare

Eisenhower Scholars



Innovation Club

Mock Trial


Operations Research


Peer Tutoring

Portuguese Club, 441


Slavic Studies



AFalcons top National Team from Japan; reach top-5 ranking

Finishing fourth in league, fifth at nationals and handing the Japanese National team a 9-8 loss made 2016-17 a great year for women’s lacrosse. The win over the Japanese took place at the Santa Barbara (CA) Shootout, the country’s largest club lacrosse tournament.

“The girls on the team are amazing and we have such a blast together,” said Maeve Daw, a cadet on the team.

Three players earned All-Conference honors this season. Goalie Crosby Shaver had more than 80 saves this year. Attacker Bridget Bielski led the team with 32 points. Defender Kyra Traino, the center of the defense, led the team in forced turn overs. All placed on the first team for their outstanding play. Additionally, Shaver and Bielski ranked nationally for saves and assists, respectively.

“I’m so glad I played lacrosse this year and got to meet and bond with such an awesome group of girls,” Traino said.

Off the field, the cadets were active in the Colorado Springs community, mentoring a local youth team. The young players came to watch the Air Force team play and chat with the cadets after the game. In addition, the team coached a practice for this local team receiving great feedback from the girls, parents, and coaches.

The team lost only two players to graduation. With the talent in the classes

rvt ■4-S^

• « I

of 2018,2019, and 2020, next year’s squad has great potential to be a contender on the national stage in the upcoming season. Players plan to give the enthusiastic home crowd plenty to cheer for as they seek a return to national.

“We really loved and appreciated all the support we received this season from the Cadet Wing at our home games and would love to see even more people come out for our games in the 2017-18 season,” Bielski said. - Club lacrosse team

(Right) Team cheer. (Below) Attacker Kate Anderson aims for the top corner of the net. Photos by C2C Kathryn Stutesman Cheyenne Krampitz, midfielder Bridgett Bielski, midfielder Kendall Lewis reaches over the top to elude the tag. Photos by Arnie Spencer (Above) Kayla Simmons; (Right) Kendall Lewis


Fast-pitch team wins eighth conference title; reaches #5 nationally after beating Florida

Five talented newcomers joining a team that didn't lose any starters to graduation had women's club softball set for a great 2016-2017 season.

The team is a part of the National Club Softball Association playing in the MidAmerica Region and has won their conference title for the past eight years.

“USAFA’s club fast-pitch softball team is a group of devoted and talented girls that competes at the national level all while still managing to have some fun along the way,” said team captain Madeline Gloss.

The well-travelled team competed across the country from San Jose, CA; to Dallas, TX; to West Point, NY.

Of particular note was winning the NCSA spring break tournament in Plant

City, FL. Air Force defeated the University of Florida, winner of the last four years, in the championship game earning a bump to fifth in the national standings.

“Winning against UF was an indescribable feeling. Our team clicked together like we’ve never had and this is the team I’ve come to love,” said outfielder Sharee Acosta.

This team came up a little short at regionals placing third and failing to earn a bid to Nationals. There’s reason to hope for more success next season though.

“The team is full of talented girls who have improved and matured so drastically since the beginning of the season,” Gloss said. “I believe they are going to go really far next year being a stronger team than ever.” - Fastpitch Club Softball

(Above) Sarah Cantu (Left) Brittany Flanagan
Front row: Josh Swartzman, Russell Ellis, Josh Bartness, Matt Doudnikoff, Branson Taheri, Jeff Hart, John Gnan, Andrew Beckwith (co-captain), Danny Linso Back row: Kyle Brandt, Jim Roberts, Dan Barrett, Matt Hahn, Corey Gutierrez, Connor Webster 1.0, Sean Ryan, Ryan Sharlow, John Boone, Cole Grove, Caleb Kiesow (co-captain), Ryan DeLaHunt, Luke Amato, Kyle Abraham, Mike Plaza, Jared Jungquist, Jim Andersen (coach), Tim Hartje (coach) Not pictured: Doug Gutierrez, Connor Webster 2.0, Shaun Silk, Troy Slatkavitz, Connor Spencer Front row: Mary Hood, Madeleine Poisson, Sam Burton Second row: Jedd Lebrilla, Renato-John Leon, Jennifer Chan, Esther Song, Dillon Fowler Back row: Katie Sell (coach), Shane Garcia, Robbie Hugo, Garron Ireton, Jacob Barkley, Jordan Garivay, Matt Simmons (coach)


Front row: Josh Jalowiec, John Testerman, Adam Barnette, Ryan Douglas, Zac Hevel, Thompson Knox Back row: Josh Surver, Mercer Martin, Mac Lerum, Mormon Redd, Kaileb Williamson, Bram Gygax, Colin Klopp, Ben Hightower, Jared Bogdan Front row: Jonfranco Shattuck, Dominick Speranza, Cassandra Sartain, Cole Biedermann, Molly Olmos, Cole Schwaegel, Hunter Pace, Nick Juhasz, Maj Anna Gunn-Golkin, Jason Lackey Back row: Steven Stein



yjy-- "• Front row: Kelsie O’Brien, Lauren Fortney, Rhea McFarland Second row: Joy Fordyce, Kaylee Eskeli, Sarah Stinson, Orchydia Sackey, Abigail Perkins, Tatiana Wynder, Noelle Fleiser, Maria Carter, Britian Rogers, Mary Rohrer, Domonique Gordon Second row + (on the right): Haeley Deeney, Erika Fulbright Back row: Amy Rusert, Jaqueline Hamby, Ashlee Salato, Devin Doyle, Simone Duryea, OluFunmilayo Akinlosotu, Sara Cook, Zoe Barnette, Meghan Guinee, Molly Brabant, Kristen McKenney, Scott Mears, Skip Shackelford Front row: Jon Cooper, Jake Seratte, Austin Hoover, Stephanos Rahimzadeh, Dillion Hari, Cameron Johnson Back row: Jack Dabagian, Matthew Iverson, Ryan Parino, Daniel Johnson, Dylan Magness, Brett Hensel, Luke Amato, JD Dyckman, Capt Rondell Seratte (Lawton Police Department) Not pictured: TSgt John Sinner, James Eason, Hank Anderson


Sopranos: Emily Bleuel, Michael Brady, Aaron Brooks, Rosalie Bruns, Patrick Burke, Sean Castillo, Angela Curtis, Rachel Curtis, McKenna Ekholm, Samantha Ellis, Jordan Escamilla, Leslie Fallert, Ignacio Lara, Austin Mak, Lauren Ramey, Sean Underhill, Joshua Weisleder

Baritone/Euphoniums: Jexenia Bennett, Michael Borger, Benjamin Enterline, Casey Evans, Christopher Shelmidine, Kynan Valencia, Micaela Cuneo, Adam Klein, Matthew Markwardt, Zachary Vaughn, Samuel Voss, Sarah Antolik, Adam Caldi, Killian Valencia, Jacob Boswell, Kevin Chen, Nadia Chreno, Jared Mitchell, Grant Steffens, Sean Weathersby

Tubas: Nathan Buxton, Joshua Jalowiec, Kealaonaona Eichholz, Jefferson Sesler, Rocco Caputo, Matthew Kuhn, Erin Fleet, JonathanOlson

Mellophones: Ikerria Sanders, Ashley Davis, Juan Dejesus, Austin Ahern, Irene Liew, Caroline Easley, AnnMarie Flatten, John Jordan, Matthew Green, Tanner Thompson, Drew Broadbent

Drumline: Collin Grahl, Chase Hammond, Justin Blumas, Donald Coffin-Schiavon, Ryan Schwarz, Nathan Sanders, Benjamin Shu, Tricia Dang, Matthew Fleckenstein, Ashton Haythorne, Hannah Michitsch, Morgan Robinson, Rachel Shelton, Maya Slavin, Krisanna Reynolds, Erica Drakes, Darius Quinn

Drum Majors: Mary Vedra, Domenico Vacanti, Lauren Ramey

Director: Scott Crump

NCOIC: MSgt David McCormick


Front row: Aspen Suite, Anna Meiusi, Erin Swain, Kira Si Back row: Dominic Calhoon, Nicholas Bailey, Andrew Mikulski




James Barney with Oblio, Sean Weathersby, Joe Kloc with Ace, Ben Delaney, Mara Brown with Ziva, Jensen Caster, Mr Sam Dollar (master falconer), Justin Webb, Casey Miller with Karena, Bailey DeSaussure, Justin Waligora with Apollo, Kate Gaudette, Kaila Baca with Zeus Front row: Sowan Kang, Christina McMillan, April Hood Middle row: Francisco Solorio, Hanna Guckenberg, Jarod Kester, Matthew Moawad, William Cofield, Michael Korta, Austin Aitro, Chandler Gerhold, Richard Araya Third row: Breanna Figuly, Dustin Brown, William Pepe, Gearick Watt, Harry VanGeison, Danesh Bam, Kooper Hackmann, Alexander Urn Back row: Noah Vincent, Logan Cowan, Brian Poythress, Cade Cavanagh, Santos Jayagopal, William Duvall, Jonathan Quiros
Not pictured: Christian Arnold, Stewart Harris, Robert Heriot, Liam Wells, James Jacobs, Eric Leverenz, Frankie Austin, Christian Sylvester



Front row: Camaren Ly, Jestyn Roberts, Grace Biagetti, Angela Buch, Shannon Bonner Middle row: Jordan Boyce, Vincente Tellez, Elizabeth Phillips, Justin Bowen, Collin Gwaltney, Victoria Perez, George Crist, Zachary Socolofsky, Josh Hipps Back row: Erik McMillan, Riley Murray, Vito Marchino, Hayden Kovarik, Erik Isenburg, Mark Mueller, John Connolly, Logan Jostes Front row: Coach Mike Cavanaugh Middle row: Trevor Walsh, Nick Featherston, Logan Ormsby, AJ Miller, Austin Faulkner Back row: Peter Murray, Troy St. Peter, Capt Kirk Palan, Bjorn Neilson, Richard Vaughn, Steven BacchusGrant, Dylan Moore



Front row: Thomas Hiltz, Alexys Akers, Sam San Marco Back row: Gavin McCord, Steven Boger, Isaiah Moss, Anthony Kim Front row: Gary De Kler (director), Leah Gates, Alexis Thuli, Christina McMillan, Morgan Wagner, Elaina Wang, Capt Jeff Copeland (officer-in-charge) Second row: Sarah MacKinnon, Holly Martin, Beth Hartman, Angelica Schumacher, Rachel Russel, Rosalyn Carlisi, Alyssa Garmon, Val Westland Third row: Matthew Herbig, John Walsworth, Andre Vertucio, Josiah Savoie, Taylor Tonnies, Katelyn Miller Sydney Eismeier, Kenneth Tomlinson Back row: Pankaja Dissanayake, Jon Healey, Kaileb Williamson, Sean McGinty, Benjamin Stark, Kyle Hubert, Bob Goetschkes, Cooper Ramos


Third row: Benjamin Weaver, James Hanley, Johnny Griffith, Evan Reiss, Christian Busuttil, Liam Smith, Joey Carl, Braden Smith, Dylan Brown, August Hein, Thomas Cox, Andy Lichtsinn, Christian Agmata, Alex Williams, Brady Minor,


Front row: Chase Bockstruck, Han Zhang Second row: Dalton Welch, Koby Hinnant, Marquez Davis, Hunter Hancock, Donovan Moss, Mitch Cochell, Alex DAgostino, Casey Rothstein, McCord Thorley, Jason Kyles, David Bartholomew, Ryan Connelly Alex Goirigolzarri, Lt Col Joe Dan Cox Back row: Coach Denny Meredith, Curran Brandt, Jackson Pingree, Noah Nagle, Brad Ellis, Elliot Higgins, Nick Waterman, Michael Mechikoff, Nathaniel Lavery, Tate Troxell, Austin LyonsBob Goetschkes, Cooper Ramos Front row: Cydney Uzzell, Bela Salazar, Cheyenne Krampitz, Lauren Benedict, Mikaela Vega, Ester Lee, Shelby Fatcheric Middle row: Lauren Buras, Kourtney Cryder, Ann-Marie Acevedo, Lexi Miles, Maeve Daw, Mackenzie Rudolph, Megan McCormick, Kate Anderson, Ally Anderson, Bridget Bielski, Mikhayla Polivka
Back row: Stephanie Polivka, Jenn Breedlove, Sarah Warner, Brynn Lunaas, Crosby Shaver, Rose Middleton, Kyra Traino, Reily Bolton



Front row: Beth Abzun, Jillian Combs, Reagan Fentress, Sarina Wyrick, Justina Kim, Juanita Londono, Catherine Malone Middle row: Zachary Kamai, Jordan Schumacher, Rosalyn Mikel, Leanne Trump, Kelly Grier, Haylie Harbin, Cassaundra Preston, Christopher Brose Back row: Natasha Blaskovitch, Alanna Lovetri, Hannah Rogers, Katherine Brechbuhl, Eleanor Massar, Emily Kuo, Rachel Kester, Robyn Cully, Laura Wood Front row: Eli Sanchez, Sean Sutedjo, Seren Marley, Leah Gates, Amanda Smith, Ashley Stanton, Tristan Naranjo, Meilani Arucan, Annie Ewbank, Wedgide Bourdeau, Kayla St Pierre
Back row: AnnaRe Mendenhall, Cole Merseth, Hunter Ward, Bret Crew, Griffen Laird, Ryan Connors, Brandon Ventura, Tyler Wright, Quincy Prack, Joe Belina, Tim Hunt, Ryan Born Front row: Bobby Lubisco, Joey Lanclos, Will Eastwood, Sam Schell, Tyler Burns, Stephen Alexander, Mauricio Agudelo Back row: : Eric Rossillon, Delarrion Milner, Mike Hughes, Chris Patti, Alex Bollwitt, Nick Black, Dan Skoglund, Matthew Szabo, Grayson Reeves, Jordan Paecht, Bobby Sood, Paul YangRamos Not pictured: Caleb Anderson, Demetri Kostakis, Evan Locke, Tim Barbera
Front row: Will Finley, Shannon Murray, Hailee Macias, Carli Ashley, Hannah Wyatt, Kristen Nye Back row: Jesus Maese, Brendan Walsh, Griffin Gluck, Jack Smith, Kallie Leonard, Bailey Smith, Kate Everts, Jacob Cole, Anna Maronick
Front row: Kevin Puri, Alex McLaughlin, Lionel Gumireddy, Kevin Mendez, Diana Myers, Chris Hoppe, Sara Butler, Christina Kelvin Back row: Connor Mari, Justin Peterson, Will Pepe, David Lee, Ryan Olson, John Maggos, Luke Nimmo, Tyler Martin, Jacob Fields Not pictured: Maj Jamie Johnson Front row: Back row: Connor Webster, Ivanna Sosa, Renae Wilson, Antonio Nazario, Grant Steffens, Dillon Fowler Not pictured: Gabriel Houston, Devon Berger, Loriann Santos, Antonisha Gaston



Front row: Nicholas Cousino, Trent Wiltshire, Richard Evans, Monroe Dauwalder, Jason Holmes, Michael Chado, Tyler Cerge Middle row: William Kordenbrock, Trey Walker, Luke Robinson, Lucas Scott, William Smith, Nathaniel Trout Back row: Benjamin Roberts, Alexander Grant, Phillip Benefield, Connor Brazinski
^T\ oc o 10k
Not Pictured: Jacob Kahn Front row: : Monica Mammah, Heather Parcasio, Madison Wilson, Abigail Aldecoa, Adrienne Yoder, TSgt Reginald Brooks Back row: SMSgt Debra Sheppard, Laura Drapinski, Victoria Rodriguez, Veronica Dodds, Aubrey Lowe
Front row: Morgan Robinson, Michael Borger Middle row: Rhianna Hill, Jacob Garza, Capt Susan Collins, Domonique Gordon, Gabrielle Pinson
Back row: Madison Martin, Katherine Kopinski, Jillian Little, Steven Fox, Camille Leonard, SMSgt Deb Sheppard, Rachel Curtis
K/ur'Ull™ I r'L..- l: -r„. -mi Cl d 1 L U II d if \~s W 11 111 11 1— i\i y r\ia a w 111 i, ill Iblldll II UIJIIIU 440
Holly Williams, Brig Gen Stephen Williams, Matt Hale, Bob Yeske, Dr Maxine Fawcett-Yeske, Caroline Cotton,



Front row: Samantha Gaumer, Gabby Pinson, Madeline Gloss, Sharee Acosta, Kait Barry, Brittany Flanagan, Back row: Kendall Lewis, Kaitlin Greene, Kayla Simmons, Sarah Cantu, Sarah Witzgall, Kanchan Potter, Christa Young, McKenzie Rosenthal, Katie Kampsen, Ginnis Gooder, Jessica Mucci
444 AEsflMp metue * Congratulations, Class of2017 )f The Georgia Parents Club Honors and Congratulates ^ 115tv its Georgia Member Second Lieutenants ^ r M fill L IN GOD WE TRUST **** Respect fill, Fear Norte Coh George Everett “Bud” Day 2d Lt. Wesleigh Bartels Peachtree City Pilot Training 2d Lt. Tsali Bentley Blairsville Pilot Training 2d Lt. Brandon Chitwood Tifton Pilot Training 2d Lt. Nicolle Foster Acworth Personnel Officer 2d Lt. Andrew Gibson Woodstock Pilot Training 2d Lt. Jordan Glover Watkinsville Pilot Training 2d Lt. Brett Griffith Johns Creek Pilot Training X 2d Lt. James Hanley Stone Mountain Contracting Officer 2d Lt. Anthony Ciccarello McDonough Grad School - Aeronautical Engineer 2d Lt. Jonathan Fernandez Pine Mountain Pilot Training 2d Lt. Christopher Flake Concord Pilot Training 2d Lt. Lauren Bramblett Marietta Grad School - Operations Research 2d Lt. Jensen Caster Marietta Remotely Piloted Aircraft
2d Lt. Thomas Hardison Leesburg Dental School 2d Lt. Gregory Howland Jr Civil Engineer 2d Lt. William Joiner Atlanta Acquisitions Officer 2d Lt. John Kinamon Peachtree City Pilot Training 2d Lt. Trager Kviten Marietta Pilot Training 2d Lt. Jalen Lacy 2d Lt. Christian Linn 2d Lt. Connor Livingston Cataula Cartersville Greensboro Logistics Officer Acquisitions Officer U.S. Army Infantry 2d Lt. Alexander Pollack Marietta Financial Management 2d Lt. Meghan Plunkett Peachtree City Medical School 2d Lt. Gareth Price Richmond Hill Cyberspace Operations Officer 2d Lt. Joseph Shiver Thomasville Space Operations 2d Lt. Aubrey McCabe Suwanee Pilot Training 2d Lt. Lindy Long Newnan Aircraft Maintenance Officer 2d Lt. Alexandra Osborn Lilburn Pilot Training 2d Lt. Leslie Perez Fayetteville Grad School - Information Operations 2d Lt. Mary Simonton 2d Lt. Nicole Sofet 2d Lt. James Tunnell 2d Lt. Ryan Watson Sharpsburg Kennesaw Athens Conyers Nuclear Mission Operations Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot Training Acquisitions Officer

Manasquan, NJ

Williamstown, NJ


Hasbrouck Heights, NJ


Columbus, NJ

Belvidere, NJ


Paramus, NJ

2d Lt Kyle P. Brandt 2d Lt Tyler J. Murray 2d Lt Dominic T. Celiano 2d Lt Alex Sisco 2d Lt Zachary L. Edwards 2d Lt Kenneth M. Ehrenberg 2d Lt Anne W. Werkley 2d Lt Brandon M. Kopp
Uj^ oa to oar or//o/rr Aerwlee to our eou/nft
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2d Lt Robert A. Stelmack

2nd IT Ryan PatrickAndrieu^

2nd IT lauren Ellis Casulli

2nd IT Connor M. Hodash e>

2nd IT ZacharyJohn Kane

itJessica Rochelle Kelley ,

2nd IT Geoffrey Martin Kuhn 1

2nd IT Aleznder Laudadio a£|j|p

2nd IT Joshua H. lightner* A

^2nd IT PatrickThomas Phillips,

2nd IT Honathan Zane Earp-Pitkins

2nd IT MitchellAdam Rose

2nd IT Kristina Natalie O’Sullivanl^^S


2nd IT Megan M. Shenk

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South Eastern Pennsylvania AirForceAcademy


Jeremiah 33:3

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

We are proud of you. You went for it and did it. God blesses graduates like you who have so much to give to this world... So always believe in the power of your dreams and know you can make a difference!

Lots of love from your family

Christal Amar


We are incredibly proud of you, son, and all your successes at the Academy. YouVe faced your challenges with a steady mind, a calm spirit, and a fierce determination.

Take those with you, our fearless Eagle, as you take off for the “Wild Blue Yonder"

Just remember, your Army Mom & Dad will always have your “6"!



Congratulations on your commissioning and graduation from the USAFA Class 201 7! I

You were born to be a r leader so good luck in your Air Force career, we are so proud of you. Mi

Love, f Mom and Dad , *

▼ J K, mk V 1 m JH mlpQ |% 1rfV? n
7 451 t Congratulations Second Lieutenants / i USAFA Precision Flying Team l * ^ ^ 2LT Wes Foudriat - Saugerties. NV: 2LT Kage Allen - Perry, UT * £Hg 2LT Chris Beck - St. Louis, MO: 2LT Paul Mueller - San Antonio, TX 2LT Tsali Bentley - Blairsville. ©A: 2LT Mark ©ruschka - Belmont. CA 2LT Paul Vasta - Salem. OR: 2LT Lawton Huffman - Kansas City, MO 2LT Alex Fernandez - Pine Mountain. ©A inaez *!,A !!■■■■ ■Mill *5? w Eastern MA USAFA Families Club Congratulates USAFA Class of 2017 We are so pfpud of you! 9 * ^ t • fJgESPECT ALL, pEAft NONE
Congratulations from USAFA Parents Club oj Metropolitan St. Louis CiC Christina McMillan CiC Colleen Staudenmaier CiC Timothy Burgess CiC Christopher Beck CiC Daniel Skoglund CiC Amanda Smith CiC Djozelle Laureta CiC Allison Schwartz CiC Nicolas f McLaughlin CiC KateLyn Riechers IP** t CiCAustin ^f If / Jp jSS * Ur .-Mm ye 11k. il£3L HBk 1 SSJMi CiC Nicholas HS [rafpi Merz gig M | WBk ’’SBSmmL BpTFeatherston
bysuperior ability,special
heroicUeeU 452
Achievement:Somethingaccomplished, especially

Congratu lations, Paul! UPT next!

To our graduate who rode away on an R6, keep pushing for excellence in all you do! Future Cadet (age 3), USAFA Aero major, USA Weightlifting Collegiate Nationals! We are so proud of you!

May God Bless and protect you, and USAFA '17?

Mom and Dad ( Dawgs, USAFA Class of 1981] Cherith and Josiah


We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. Celebrate! Your hard work has resulted in extraordinary opportunities for your future. As you begin your journey through Med School, keep God first in all you do.

We are so happy for you and love you more than you could ever imagine!

Dad, Mom, Nicholas (and so many more)

Proverbs 3:5-6

Zach Hodges

Congratulations to our


Alyssa Hofilena. We love you and are proud of you.

May God watch over you and protect you always. Daddy, Mommy, Mark and Smuggs

Kaitlyn Kent

Congratulations KK! Can't wait to see where your next adventure takes you!

Kaitlyn, We are so proud ofyou and all that you have accomplished. From a statement in 2nd grade to a dream come true, you continue to amaze us with your passion and perseverance. Keep reaching for the stars. Follow your heart. Be led by your faith. We love you! Mom and Dad

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

new Lieutenant

Congratulations ChrisII

Your entire family and all your friends are very proud of all your amazing accomplishments while at UCAFA.

Good luck at Sheppard AFB and pilot trainingl Love. Your Family

"To most people, the sky is the limit. To those who love aviation, the sky is home"


Christopher Masi Committo the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans - Proverbs 16:3 Congratulations 2nd Lieutenant Adam Jordan C. Sumait!

Through countless push-ups. memorizing page after page ot Knowledge,jumping out of airplanes, and enduring plenty of othoi obstacles, you continued to pursue your dream.I'm so proud ot you and can't wait for you to start your new adventure in Boston!

Lovo you! Befforg

Ktffe, C^Hqnatufalimf Wp owe A5 p/veucf d t/euf Keep befievinq m if©u*Aeff and i/wjw c^eomi, w&nkinq hand, and H»1fa*Hq p«m Atop (|eu_M»t eiiett Piqhtninq within 5. We ~thanh 6ed f«w» iptil

We Podp t/eul M&wt, Dad, fV/icfe, Weattoe/r, flip B/r«HCftWiAttiPWAki FawiPipA awd tfie Mp»up«P(/ CfrPUt

Tyler, during your four years at the Air Force Academy, I have observed your intellectual, academic, mental, and physical maturation. You have developed leadership techniques and have learned what it means to be a leader. The foundation on which you will build upon for the rest of your life has been established by this arduous journey.

It is now time for you to go forth into the world and utilize your newly acquired skills. You control your destiny and I know you will succeed in doing great things. Son, you have made me proud! Love, Dad

"Greater love has noone than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13 Tyler Burns Ty-Ty! In the blink of an eyo. you transformed from that little guy who was so excited to see The Bird at football games to that strong, confident 2nd Lieutenant marching into Falcon Stadium. You have never given up on your dream of going to the Air Force Academy and your passion and drive haspaid off. Tyler Burns
Tyler Bums
ever tinceyou came info par am, (feahave been ipeaabfo ut. Wehave (jfAhuup. ycu are mh a trearnedpartof curfamUjf. It Mh an hcncr foput cn ffcur2nd LP ban We (eveipcu!
Grandma Burr
You crushed it! Congratulations 2LT Jordan Dahle! We are so proud Your commitment to serve affirms life and all that is good! We support you, wish you well, and send love and positive thoughts whenever and wherever you may need them. We love you!
Mom, Jill, Billy, Janie and Brandon
Tyler, your
made us so
of your many accomplishments over the last few years, topping it off with your graduation from the United States Air Force Academy.

CongratuMonsf We are soproudof the man you havebecame - one oft unrelenting(pth, uncompromisiny integrity, andundeniablehonor to our country which you havepledgedto serve DuringyourAcademyyears, you have been testedandwillcontinue to be, time andagain asyou venture on in the academicandaeronauticalpath you so valiantly have embraced. Ourprayers upon the armor oftyourfaith will andman of,character. We look forward to whatGodhas in storefaryou in the nextchapterofyour lifa. Go confidently in thedirection ofyourdreams!

Philippiani 4:13, Joshua L-9

Love, hugs, andprayers, bad, Mom, Cameron, & Ben

Lucas McKinney,

Who woulda thunk it? That a regular family from Michigan would go 3FOR3 graduates of USAFA?

Austin (2010) was the cake.

Connor (2013) was the icing on the cake.

Lucas (2017)- you are the cherry on top!

Love, your proud parents: Blaine & Becky McKinney

Congratulations 2nd Lieutenant Jordan Glover

The hardest thing I’ve done as a parent was wave bye to you as you left for basic training. For 18 years, I cared, loved, sheltered and sacrificed for you; then you were gone. Many years ago, I realized you will make a difference in this world. I had to let go to let that happen. I’ll always be proud ofyou. Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goals to be proud ofyourself. Be proud of every step taken toward reaching your goals. Continue to be fascinating, wise, happy, loving, a man ofhonor and compassion. I am lucky God picked me to be your mom.

Love, Mom & Eric


Silver Wings and Roaring Engines headed somewhere in flight...You are off on an adventure of a lifetime. May good fortune follow you wherever you go.

We are all very proud of you and the man you have become. We love you! Mom, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Harry, Grandma and Grandpa

458 Rmn, Ryan Douglas
Gabe Perez


Fly the skies with freedom and calm winds. May the wings of the angels ever guide you safely in the clouds and on the ground.

With Pride and Love, Mom, Dad, Dominic, Alexandra


Punkin' ChidcadiSitjkins

Hello. BaautSfulI


...may you continueto SOAR in everything that you do!

Caclly I bu okachamma!

Vou have earned the privilege of seeing that hard work pays off. Vou deserve to feel proud of yourself for all that you have done; for all that you are. Vou have made us proud. Congratsl Mom. Dad. Connor & Reese

Stinky Mazpf Toi
mud molt.
Whenpa mre hern, we knew pa were en
iemetkng being a leaderI Vea’ve alwapdanced »par own tone. We are hepndproudand leek forward
allpurendeavor*. loi»( jjof
no Ftfitidadwl
Conner Thompsen
Conner. Congratulations onan AWESOME four years...
couldn’t be any prouder of you and look forward to what’s sure to be a very exciting future! With love. Mom and Dad
Nick irstime to letyour dreamstake flight.
Bailey With Love. Mom. Dad. Luke

You must believe it before you can achieve it.

Believe all things are possible with God’s help. Never give up! You have the ability to do so many good works. Accept life challenges with a positive outlook. Life verses Psalm 100 and Proverbs 31. Continue to make a joyful noise. We are proud of you.


Love from your family.


2LT Grant Dean Garst!

We are so proud of you. Your faith and extraordinary determination will take you far.

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 91:1

Love, Mom and Dad


Phillip Hightower

Look how far you have come! Keep achieving your goals. And so the adventure begins, the sky is the limit!

Love, Mom and Alexa

Charles Keller

Congratulations Alex We are so proud ofyou!

You have overcome challenges when you thought you could not do more. You have grown, physically and mentally. You have learned more aboutyourselfthan you ever thought you would.This is the beginning of a brightfuture. Love, yourfamily



You did it! Congratulations on your graduation from USAFA! We are so proud of your hard work and perseverance to obtain your years long dream of going to the Academy and pilot training. Next stop Vance - blue skies ahead! We love you! Mom, Dad and Maddie

Robert Grizzard

Congratulations Blake!


Some people follow their dreams, while others wake up and make them a reality.

Love, Dad, Mom,& Sarah

Congratulations 2nd Lt. Levi Hilgenhold 2016 Cadet of the Year Fall 2016 Squadron Commander Superintendent's List 8 semesters Graduated 5th Rank Good Luck at ENJJPT Pilot Training


2 Lt. Braden Laverick!

We are so proud ofyou! Your graduation from USAFA is just the first step in a future full of opportunities and adventures. We wish you and the Class of 2017 all the best that the future holds and pray for you as you serve our great nation in the United States Air Force. May God bless you always!

Ayana Cole-Fletcher

Congratulations, Dylan Moore!

We are incredibly proud of you for choosing the difficult path. You’ve worked hard. You’ve persevered. Now, get that goal you’ve set in the skies.

We love you!

Dad, Mom, Afton, Landon, and Hana!!

Marcello Peray-Genovese

We are so Incredibly proud of you!

love you tons, Papa and Angelique

Daniel David Skoglund

Daniel, we are so proud of the man you have become. There is greatness within you, and you can accomplish ANYTHING you imagine. You are loved beyond measure!

Love Always, Dad, Mom, Caroline & Gretchen

2nd LT Joseph Arthur William Teed You had a dream, overcame obstacles, made it happen Kaizen

Your first time home from prep year Dad asked "What did you learn, grades, classes"? You answered "How to live an honorable life" You have Congratulations We love you! Mom Dad MJ Ray


we are so proud of you.

Mif qnomddfruqfcten APvxis SftlitWf

o!couldn't te mate [noadofyou, SBahy! cJ loot you oeiy much! 'Siandma

Congratulations Hannah Sponseller

We are so proud of you, all that you have accomplished and whom you have become as a person. We wish you the best as you start the next chapter of your life. May your next adventure be exciting and successful. Know that your family will always be there for you!

Love You, Mom, Dad, Eli & Jess


2nd Lt Vincente Tellez

We are so proud of you! Let this be the beginning of a wonderful and successful journey.

Love Dad, Mom and Anica.

Michael Palow eevtqMfetUfcfttiettA


2nd Lt. Ashley M. Torres

Congratulations Ashley on your graduation from USAFA. You set goals for yourself over the past four years and achieved them with hard work & dedication. We are so very proud of you and all that you have accomplished. We love you very much!


Paul Vasta!!

You have worked so hard, for so long, and have realized your childhood dreams. I don’t think any parent could be prouder of your accomplishments, and the young man you have grown into. We wish you strength, safety, and fulfillment, as you serve our country. With Gratitude and Love, Mom and Dad

Zachary Blanks


2Lt Blanks

We are so proud ofyou & your success!

Looking forward to allthe adventures ahead!

Love Ya - Mom, Dad, Adam & Ginger

Janilie Dysico

With much love & pride, congratulations, J Dysico

You took an amazing & less traveled journey. Continue to climb & aspire excellence. Always follow your dreams & believe in yourself. Mom and Dad

2nd Lt. Timothy Burgess

Wow, our happy little guy, now an amazing man, completing such a challenge & off to flight! May you continue to hope in the Lord. Isa 40:31

Congrats, It. Tyson!


2 LT Stevan BacchusGrant (BG)

Through challenges that stretched beyond your limits, strength from weakness, you join the Long Blue Line. We are so proud ofyou and God bless you.

Baron von VietinghoffScheel, Thomas

Congratulations Thomas! Your hard work and dedication has paid off. Enjoy the Navy, explore the world, and have lots offun.

Mama, Papa, and Stefan

David Elletson

2LT ElletsonYou Made It Son!

David, I have told you often how proud I am, I tell you daily I Love You. Know this for the rest of your life, I am always with you Son- Love Dad

Congratulations USAF 2nd Lt. Cody Byford!

Failure was never an option! An indefatigable attitude enabled you to persevere through it all and you made it! Wow!

Love, Dad, Mom & Hannah

Anthony Esparza

Congratulations AJ! We are so proud of you

You did it Son! All the hard work in high school and the Academy has paid off. Now Medical School! May all your dreams come true. Love Mom & Dad

Proud of You

2nd LT Chase Cannon

Always Aim High!

Don’t worry about anything; pray about everything. Tell God what you need & thank Him... Then you will experience Gods peace. Love Dad, Mom, & Cayla

Congratulations, 2nd Lt. Derek Kinamon

We are so proud ofyour hard work in reaching your dreams and earning a pilot training slot!

May God Bless you always! Mom, Dad, Tori, Duke,Dane,Kona

Tyson |
I con do dUwtlrfo fttCftjtfcAi me. Ik % \jM* '■pDlppianl 4; 13 Ihi nottil ay o{ fit iifil (ijit ftvtit Uy o{ # * tit {(jltinti* Tfmmjj. utt oU ot* g f>4ood jjoM lotd u»o4b ond dedication. tyod tontlnoi'to i/tU c^oo. IEooi "Mom. *Ood and


We are beyond proud ofyou, Sawyer, for fully embracing and learning from so many incredible opportunities and experiences at USAFA. Wishing you wisdom and grace, joy and fulfillment as you “slip thesurlies” and follow your dreams. Love, Mom, Dad, Trevor, Spencer & “the boys”


Lt. Taylor Schwenke

We are so proud ofyou!

Congratulations! You worked so hard and we look forward to seeing you conquer the next phase of your military career! M,D &K

Kenneth Tomlinson. We praise God for your success.

Ps 145:3-4: Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised...One generation shall praise thy works to another, andshall declare thy mighty acts.

Congratulations, 2nd Lt Montano!!!

Congratulations, Everett!!I am soo proud ofyou. I see great things in your future!! Love you!

Mom Everett Montano

Tyson McQuerry

Congratulations! Your hard work and dedication has paid off. We are so proud ofyou and look forward to your next adventure. Enjoy the journey! Love always, Dad, Mom & Olivia

Congratulations, 2nd LT

Kyle Garrett Senn!

Our hearts burst with pride for you! May God continue to guide and protect you as you begin UPT at Vance AFB! Jer 29:11 Our love always, Mom & Dad

Joshua Valenciano

Congratulations, you did it!

We are so proud ofyou each and every day. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for ones friends.

John 15:13

Love, mom & dad Jacob Ploschnitzig

Congratulations Jake. We’re so proud. Stay strong-never quit! Pro Deo et Patria.

Love Dad, Mom, JT, Joey, Katie, and Panzer

Matthew Moilanen



We couldn’t be more proud ofall that you have accomplished. You have a bright Air Force future in front ofyou. Enjoy the journey.

Love, Mom & Dad


“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty oftheir dreams”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Congratulations Roo, “You Got This!” Love, Mom and Kevin Ellen Barry

Congratulations Jackie!

So proud ofyou EB! In the future, continue to remember: “What is Ellen?”

Love you, Mom & Dad


2d Lt Patrick W. King!

“Mans flight through life is sustained by the power ofhis knowledge” Austin Dusty Miller

l ow Mom

Fly High Warren! We are proud of you! Congrats! Celebrating! Giving God the glory for all the things He has done! Love from all your family!


Samantha Moody

Fly high Sam! Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!

We are proud ofyou! Love, Dad, Mom, and Michael

Congratulations Tanner C. Thompson

Tanner as parents all we could do was point you in the right direction. You have navigated yourself down the right path. You will go far and high

Warren Taylor

2nd Lt Christopher Flake JOB WELL DONE!

Have respect for those you lead, for they reflect the vision of their leader. Love, Mom & Dad

Devin McAfee

Congratulations Devin, job well done!!

Your journey continues, stay the course. Love and Best Wishes, Mom, Dad & Shayne

2LT VALENCIA, Kynan Michael Miller

From all of us, Congratulations to Class of‘17 RAFN! What the Bluecoats lost is the D&B Corps gain.


Abbott, Malik 322

Abel, Andrea 283

Abeling, Brogan 321

Abelon, Jaime 293

Abousaud, Munear 291

Abraham, Kyle 283, 428

Abrams, Marcus 265

Abriel, Athaliah 289

Abubaker, Youssef 289

Abzun, Beth 351 436

Accardi, Nicholas James 125

Acevedo, Ann 301, 435

Acosta, Sharee 285

Acton, David 308

Adams, Roderick 281

Adams, Yaquarri 288

Aday, Nathan 280

Adolph, Spencer 278

Agabon, Lois 288

Agatep, Kim 285

Agmata, Christian 270

Agu, Cecily Chimelu 238,459

Agudelo, Mauricio 30, 277

Agugliaro, Matthew 310

Aguilar, Alec 307, 431

Ahern, Austin 325

Ahlquist, Hunter 283

Ahner, Amelia Rose 125

Aionesei, George 318

Aitro, Austin 310, 432

Al Kaabi, Buti 313

Akers, Alexys 38, 311 434

Akin, Dylan 331

Akinlosotu, Olufunmilayo 293 430

Albers, Eric Joseph 221

Albright, Tyler William 243

Albyn, William 95

Aldecoa, Abigail 302

Alexander, Austin 363

Alexander, Christian Michael 194

Alexander, Claude Wilbur 121

Alexander, James 303

Alexander, Stephen 332

Allen, Christy Rene 116

Allen, Connor 333

Allen, John 278

Allen, Keenan Dee 252

Allen, Kenneth Gary 30, 229

Allum, Desiree 280

Almeida, Dyllan 347

Alsager, Sidney 353

Alsleben, Joshua 349

Alter, Joseph 312

Alves, Ketanny 307

Alvino, Ernest 365

Amaddio, Chris 29 238

Amar, Christal Danielle 107 448

Amato, Luke 31, 318, 428, 430

Amengual, Paul David 90

Amerson, Nicholas 273

Ameruddin, Mohd 339

Amico, Marcus 361

Amosa, Annie 212

Amsbaugh, Travis 283

Amy, Garrett 291

Anand,Joseph 335

Anapol, Nicholas 307

Anderson, Abigail 276

Anderson, Allyson 279

Anderson, Austin Maxwell 171

Anderson, Caleb Joshua 68 81,437

Anderson, Eric 31,126

Anderson, Harrison 337

Anderson, Joseph 289

Anderson Jr, Joseph B 321

Anderson, Katherine 335 425

Anderson, Robert 308, 421

Andrade, Shelby 302

Andres, Luke 315

Andrews, Jinan 31, 337

Andrews, Michael 325

Andrieux, Ryan Patrick 31 130 447

Ang, Bradlee 307

Anigian, Barrett Wick 29 203


Ankarberg, James 283

Antolik, Sarah 278

Antonetti, Andrew 316

Aoyama, Shinryu 361

Apodaca, Santiago 330

Appelt, Kyle l6l

Appleton, Maurice 293

Araya, Richard Alan 31. 134 432

Archer, Clayton 243

Arenson, Myles 358

Arguijo, Joe 274

Armfield, Richard 329

Armitage, lainJames 311

Armstrong, Jordan 292

Arnaud, Antoine 310

Arnaud-Marquez, Jean-Paul 286

Arndt, Daniel 272

Arneberg, David 274

Arnold, Ashley 328

Arnold, John 361

Arnold, Nathan 318

Arnold, Trey 285

Arns, Zachary 352

Aro, Michael Alan 244

Arocho, Ricardo 295

Arrabito, Gina-Marie 332

Arucan, Meilani 322

Asaad, Jibraun Hasan 166

Ascio, Aidan-Lemuelle 338

Asenuga, Joseph 290

Ashe, Bryant 333

Ashley, Carli 305

Askew, Casen Ray 180

Athanas, Stephanie 330

Ator, Robert 289

Atsinger, Johnathan 311

Atwood, Alex Burke 8l

Austin, Frankie 310

Austin, Jeffrey 268

Axhoj, Tucker Nielsen 126, 377

Ayanyemi, Asia 266

Ayres, James 278

BBaca, Kaila 279 432

Bacchus-Grant, Stevan 221 433 462

Bach, Ulysses 286

Bacogiannis, Nicholas 293

Badger, Claire 285

Bagnall, Brody 365

Bahn, Ji 299

Baietto, Nicholas 317

Bailey, Daniel 273 396

Bailey, Jeffrey 307

Bailey, Nicholas Fane 139, 431 459

Bailey, Zachary 269

Bair, Jared 266

Baker, Andrew Garrett 103

Baker, Byron 354

Baker, Timothy 301

Baldwin, Brett 331

Baltrip, Javaughn Christian 225

Bam, Danesh 312, 432

Bandhu, Darrien 335

Banez, Andrew Ryan 225

Banks, Jonathan 283

Banyai, Savannah Elizabeth 86 381

Barbera, Timothy Michael 29 30,208

Barber, Timothy 271

Barboza, Kyle R 156

Barker, Bridger 294

Barkley, Jacob 309, 428

Barnes, Ashton 361

Barnette, Adam 348, 429

Barnett, Erica 337

Barnett, Jared 297

Barnett, Tyler 322

Barnette, Zoe 280, 430

Barney, James 274 432

Barney, Jonathan 325

Barnhorst, Jacob 313

Barnickel, Elizabeth 362

Baron von Vietinghoff-Scheel, Thomas Christian 95, 462

Barr, Kristian 276

Barrett, Daniel 277, 428

Barrick, Megan 362

Barrientes Jr, Pedro Daniel 139

Barringer, Peter Aaron 171

Barry, Ellen Ashley 176, 463

Barry, Kaitlyn 287

Barry, Samuel 265

Bartels, Wesleigh Raquel 99 435 444

Bartholomew, David 350

Bartlett, Jonathan 285

Bartness, Joshua Douglas 107 428

Barto, Andrew 194

Barton, Charles 337

Bartschi, Dean 353

Basham, Ben Harrison 248

Baskin, Erik 285

Bastian, Michael 296

Bates, Augustus 307

Bates, Quentin 286

Batista, Keith 316

Batson, Reagan 307

Bauer, Aaron 298

Bautista, Billy Martin Santos 30, 216

Bautista, Dionisio 338

Bawell, Mitchell 358

Baxter, Chance 293

Beachy, Chandler 313

Beale-Vickers, Kayla 333

Beals, Austin 285

Beals, George Daniel 143

Beane, Nicholas 312

Beaver, Kirk Justin 86

Beck, Christopher John 86 451 452

Beck, Jonathan 318

Beckstrand, Nathaniel 324

Beckwith, Andrew 31, 293

Bednar, Jackson 270

Beebe, Jack 312

Beer, Emanuel 316

Beier, Benjamin 324

Beissner, Lucas 352

Belina, Joseph 283, 436

Belinski, Jonathan 287

Bell, Casey 339

Bell, Cassandra 288

Bell, Forest 277

Bell, Jack 338

Bell, Trey 348

Bellas, Alexandria 325

Belyeu, Tyler 310

Benedict, Lauren 358

Benefield, Phillip 347

Benge, Bowman Kenan 244

Bennett, Denisha 31, 318, 388

Bennett, Jexenia Melissa 152

Bennett, Marcus 307

Bennett, Meicie 362

Bennett, Scott 360

Benson, Max 86

Benston, Emily 314

Bentley, Tsali D 185, 444 451

Beresford, Stephen 329

Berger, Melissa 340

Berglund, Troy Richard 121

Bergman, Hannah 283

Bergstrom, Brett 351

Berling, Noah 307

Bermingham, Aidan 361

Bermudez, Howard 351

Berringer, Triston 286

Berry, Amanda 317

Berson, Tyler 311

Berstler, Calvin 290

Bertke, Fisher Brian 225

Bertles, Sara 365

Bertrand, Emily 357

Betts, Kobi 338

Beuker, William 332

Beveridge, Nathanael Raymond 256

Beveridge, Ryan 341

Bevilacqua, Candace Morgan 221

Bezdek, Breeana 310

Bhide, Jonah 329

Biagetti, Grace 336, 433

Biancalana, Nickolas 316

Bible, Ashlen 364

Bie, Mitchel Raliegh 194

Biedermann, Cole 357, 429

Biel, Melissa 265

Bielski, Bridget 290, 425

Bienlien, Steven 283

Bierle, Josiah 338

Bigelow, Riley James 134

Billings, Kai 313

Billingsley, Beau 304

Billingsley, Michael 341

Billiot, Keith 356

Bills, Trevor 339

Bilvado, Jacob 285

Birdow, Corey 363

Bishop, Justin 279

Bissing, Christopher Robert 185

Bitting, Caitlin 361

Bittleston, Victoria Lynn 90

Bixler, Brett 316

Black, Clinton Michael 185

Black, Jason Stanley 156

Black, Nicholas 53 289, 437

Blackburn, Matthew 274

Blair, Reid 309

Blakely, Micah Aaron 244

Blankley, Raily 286

Blanks, Lindsey 312

Blanks, Zachary David 108, 462

Blasingame, John 335

Blasius, Jason 29

Blaskovich, Natasha 316, 436

Blessing, Benjamin 328

Blessing, Nicholas 356

Bleuel, Emily 26, 265, 431

Bloch, Christopher James Sebastian 112

Blocher, Raychel 341

Blohm, Nicholas Gregory 116

Blue, Tyler 331

Blumas, Justin 321

Blunt, Jeremy 334

Blunt, Kelly 291

Bluth, Jack 281

Bockstruck, Chase 212 435

Boebinger, Andrew 307

Boerwinkle, Calvin Gregory 256

Boesiger, Nicholas 363

Bogdan, Jared 329, 429

Boger, Steven 311

Bogue, Daniel David 117

Bohrer, Nicholas 363

Boje, Philip 344

Bollwitt, Alexander Jerid 229, 456

Bolon, Seth Andrew 112

Bolton, Reily 338

Bombero, Joshua 317

Bone, Brenden Scott 95, 411

Bone, Tucker 280

Bonneau, Michael 286 Bonner, Emma 363, 433

Bonner, Shannon 289, 433

Booker, Jacob 29, 334

Boone, Brandon 342

Boone, John Thomas 221, 428

Boone, Richard 337

Bordenave, Damian 103

Bordenave, Patrick 277

Borgerding, Heidi 315

Borger, Michael Alan 230, 434

Borland, Jameson 303

Born, Hanna 340

Born, Ryan 269, 436

Born, Casey Alexander 176

Borngesser, Evangeline 339

Borodenko, Yaroslav 362

Borra, Sierra 267

Boswell, Jacob 345

Boswell, Julia 316

Bosworth, Brennan 349

Botica, Christopher 354

Botterbusch, William 291

Bottomley, Hagan 342

Boughton, Christopher 311

Bourdeau, Michaei 282

Bourdeau, Wedgide 343, 436

Bourgeois, Justin 285

Boutillier, Daniel 319

Bowden, Dakota 347

Bowen, Justin 271, 433

Bowes, John 296

Box, Austin 268

Boyce, Jordan Lucius 30, 216, 433, 44<

Boyd, William 330

Boyer, Paxton 333

Boykin, Jaren 315

Index A

Boyle, Luke 357

Bozzo, Mark 337

Brabant, Molly 365, 430

Bracamonte, Mario 362

Bradford, James Michael 31,185

Bradford, Steven 29, 337

Bradford, Terrell 340

Bradley, Brandon James 126

Bradley, Noah Jacob 121

Bradley, Zachary 322

Brady, Michael 56, 364, 431

Brady, Teresa 266

Bragado, Drew 91

Brahm, James 9, 324

Brakefield, Elizabeth 292

Bramblett, Lauren 135, 444

Brancal, Mafalda 283

Brandon, Spencer 326, 391

Brandt, Kyle Patrick 152, 428, 446, 456

Brandt, Nicholas Jeffrey 99

Branin, Casey 335

Braunton, Fletcher 308, 392

Brazinski, Connor 350

Brechbuhl, Elisabeth 294, 403

Brechbuhl, Katherine 217

Brecht, Derek 359

Bredl, Teague 363

Breedlove, Jennifer 311

Breen, Robert 172

Brenner, Samuel 275

Bressi, Sabrina 317

Bricker, Jacob 301

Briggs, Gabrielle Sierra 180

Briggs Jr, Robert 104

Briggs, Tristan 301

Briggs, Whitney Michelle 30, 3T 225

Brinker, Marcus 327

Brito, Erik Antonio 99

Britt, Katie 95

Brittingham, James 347

Brittingham, Trent 343

Broadbent, Drew Quentin 29,172

Brockman, Benjamin 211, 358

Broekhuis, Kyle 252, 386

Broil, Jessica 343

Bronkar, Cody 272

Brookhiser, Brittany 293, 435

Brooks, Aaron 348, 431

Brooks, Alonjahnae 307

Brooks, Nathan 313

Brooks, Skylar 318

Brooks, Travis 303

Brose, Christopher 277, 436

Brosy, Steven Michael 86

Broussard, Jordy 274

Browder, Milo 294 Brown, Adam 362

Brown, Alexander 266

Brown, Allan 327

Brown, Benjamin 265

Brown, Brian 284

Brown, Colby 289

Brown, Conner 319

Brown, Connor 280

Brown, Dustin 329, 432

Brown, Dylan Kilbride 157

Brown, Ethan 316

Brown, George 292

Brown, Hunter 286

Brown, Jared 331

Brown, Kaitlyn 277

Brown, Kayla 269

Brown, Lesean 365

Brown, Luke Addison 161

Brown, Mara 314, 432

Brown, Mark 278

Brown, Stephen 362

Brown, Timothy 321

Brown-Bass, Maxwell 194

Browne, Dillon 345

Browning, Trevor 272

Bruce, Charles 290

Bruce, Micala 294

Bruggemann, Jennie 344

Brunenkant, Cristian 288

Bruner, Gabrielle Leigh Anne 189

Bruns, Thomas 322

Bryant, Rebekah 320

Brzezinski, Anthony 308

Bseiso, Naji 31, 318

Bucci, Anthony 285

Buch, Angela 33,345,433

Buckshaw, Summer 297

Bucur, Rafaella 345

Buda, Miriam 303

Buell, Christopher 289

Bugado, Darlene Angelica 203

Buisson, Andrew Tam 87

Bullard, Robert 347

Bullock, Clayton 280

Bullock, Michael 307

Bultsma, Brett Alan 117

Bundesmann, Kyle 315

Buraglio, Dominic 299

Buras, Lauren 271

Burchill, Matthew 340

Burger, Devon 270

Burgess, Jaylen 317

Burgess, Monique 39, 297

Burgess, Timothy Dale 244, 452, 462

Burke, Patrick 56, 325, 431

Burleson, James 357

Burman, Andrew 332

Burmester, Benjamin Neal 248

Burnett, Jeffrey 359

Burnham, Katherine 270, 369

Burns, Shanna 322, 368

Burns, Tyler Joseph 221, 437, 456, 457

Burnworth, Max 339

Burton, Samuel James 31, 234

Burton, Sara 348

Burz, Silviu 357

Bush, Richard Allen 112

Busuttil, Christian 315, 435

Butcher, Isaiah 352

Butler, Andrew 147

Butler, Gavin 298

Butler, Nathaniel 265

Butler, Patrick 311

Butler, Sara 274

Butz, Carlyann 347

Buxton, Nathan William 99

Buzzell, Tyler 309

Byers, Jason 322

Byers, Samuel Allan 130

Byford, Cody Alen 162, 462

Bylina, Brandon Jan 95

Byrne, Patrick 334

Byrne, Sean Gabriel 176

Byrom, Lydia 273

Byszewski, Paul 267


Caban, Nicholas 314

Cabigas, Acierto 289

Cabrera, Kailyn 298

Cabri, Anthony 335

Cabusora, Samantha Jane 166

Cahill, John Patrick 244

Caldi, Adam 360

Caldwell, Justin T 162

Calhoon, Dominic 276

Calixte, Jacques-Philipp 343

Call, Dana 139

Callaghan, Dennis 302

Callan, Monica 295

Calley, George Weston 143

Calloway, Elijah 278

Cambio, Brandon 352

Cameron, Ashley 320

Campbell, Cage 281

Campbell, Cory 366

Campbell, Jacob 353

Campbell, Kyle 316

Campbell, Nicole 346

Campbell, Vanessa 332

Campbell, Zachary J 157

Campesino, Daniel 323

Canales, Hannah 305

Cancio, Roma 287

Cannata, John 286

Cap, Spencer 314

Caparella, Jacob 333

Capella, Nicholas 299

Caplan, Liam 311

Capra, Micah 350

Caputo, Rocco 340

Cardenas, Tamara 309

Cardinal, Xavier 275

Cardwell, Cayne 292

Carillo, Peter 364, 431

Carios, Ralph 337

Carl, Joseph 31, 208

Carlile, Hayle 322

Carlisi, Rosalyn 299, 434

Carlman, Austin 361

Carozza, Seth 167

Carpenter, Daniel 356

Carpenter, Nicholas 99

Carr, Charles 281

Carr, Christopher Devin 68, 81

Carreon, Zachary 266

Carrillo, Catherine Marie Terese 30, 234

Carroll, Andrew 30, 341

Carson, Mary 325

Carson, Riley 307

Carter, Austin Drake 108

Carter, Cameron 340

Carter, Maria 324, 430

Carter, Matthew 291

Carter, Nicholas Christopher 126

Carter, Stephen 362

Cartwright, Allison 347

Casa, Patrick Greg lOO

Casey, Carson 323

Casey, Caston 340

Castaneda, Phyleoh 342

Casteel, Zoe Marie 186

Caster, Jensen Kate 74, 230, 432, 444

Castillo, Sean 266, 431

Castleberry, Cameron 327

Casulli, Lauren Ellis lOO, 447

Cates, Cameron 351

Cates, Collin 278

Catlett, Joseph 358

Caunitz, Allen Thomas 91

Cavanagh, Cade 284, 432

Cavanaugh, Mary Catherine 189, 432

Cavassa, John Martin 130

Cavender, Gabriel 319

Cebanu, Anton 73, 87

Celiano, Dominic Theodore 147, 446

Cerda, John 292

Cerge, Tyler 270

Cerise, Alexandra 298

Cernenchi, Eugeniu 323

Cerniglia, Raina 275

Cerny, Hannah 276

Cetnar, Aaron William 257

Cha, Andrew 344

Chacon, Alexa Frances 104

Chacon, Oscar 31, 362

Chado, Michael 293

Chadwick, Samuel 349

Chai, Christabel 351

Chaidez, Andrew 287

Chaloupka, Carter 345

Chambers, Erika 357

Chambers, Ethan 270

Chan, Jennifer 335, 428

Chang, Matthew 315

Chanthavane, Spence 341

Chapman, Erika 270

Chapman, Kristen Eve 148

Chapman, Leza Marie 104

Chapman, Luke 347

Chapman, Shelby Marie 29, 30, 234

Charland, Madison 323

Charles, Collin 272

Charnvanichborikarn, Patara 316

Chase, Alistair 265

Chasteen, Jesse Todd 31,126

Chatmon, Avery 24, 357

Chavez, Briana 326

Cheeks, Glynn 31

Chen, Brenna 355

Chen, Sijia 339

Cheneler, Peter Joseph 190

Cheng, Anson 270

Cheng, Kuo Liang 225

Cherek, Caitlin 349

Cherry, Anna Maria 96

Chester, Payton 310

Cheuvront, Nicholas 299

Chew, Nickolas 316

Chi, Sean 295

Chiarolanza, Grace 301

Chieves, Sean 269

Childers, Isaac 324

Chimento, Charles 364

Chimmee, Peemmawit 299

Chiriac, Adrian Aurel 143

Chitwood, Austin 321

Chitwood, Brandon Michael 29,176, 444

Chiu, Wesley Yeuan 222

Choi, Anastasia 330

Choi, Seung 275

Choi, Steven Sunwoo 91, 411

Chreene, Chad 273

Chreno, Nadia 302

Christensen, Andrew 286

Christensen, Daniel 361

Christopoulos, William 365

Christo, Sean K 152

Chu, Chipu 266

Chuck, Michael 320

Chumaceiro, Matthew 274

Chun, Sequoia 356

Chung, Yae-Eun 364

Chun-Moy, Kainoa 350

Cianfaglione, Kristen 328

Ciaramella, David 312

Cibotti, Tyler 316

Ciccarello, Anthony Michael 230, 444

Cinnamon, Daniel 267

Cisneros, Ariana 316

Claar, Matthew 338

Claeys, Mackenzie 353

Clancy, Connor 317

Clark, Christopher 275

Clark, Dylan 342

Clark, Nicholas 301

Clarke, Rileymarie 340

Claterbaugh, Chandler 294

Clay, Zachary 267

Clegg, Jon 265

Clement, Christopher 326

Clement, David 327

Clements, Ben Broox 204

Cleveland, Kellen Daniel 31,139

Cleveland, Ronald 314

Click, Justin 327

Clifton Smith, Cenada 346

Clingenpeel, Reece 352

Cloninger, Michael 363

Coalson, Garrett 348

Cobb, Marquis 340

Cobb, Taylor 278

Coburn, Sebastian 354

Cochell, Mitchell 148,435

Cochran, Erin 304

Coffey, Lavanson 334

Coffin-Schiavon, Donald 278

Cofield, William 130, 432

Cohen, Chase 304

Cohick, Howlett Donald 30, 222

Cole, Jacob 329, 437

Cole, Jonathan 320

Cole-Fletcher, Ayana Natasha 8,117, 460

Colella, Daniel 359

Coleman, Martae 365

Coleman, Patrick 326

Coleman, Quinton 268

Coley, Matthew 285

Colizzo, Alexander 266

Collins, Adam 337

Collins, Dalton 346

Collins, Daniel 362

Collins, David 355

Collins, Jarrett Austin 176

Collins, Tadhg 273

Brunkal, Melissa 269

Bruno, Joseph 355

Bruns, Rosalie 294, 431

Cannon, Chase Andrew 185, 462

Cannon, Harris 269

Cantu, Sarah 265, 427

Chen, Jessica 281

Chen, Kevin 366

Chen, Shanna 313

Collinsworth, Ryan 281

Colon, Alexander 268

Colvin, Hunter 318


Ellis, Brad 336

Ellis, Connor 306

Ellis, Joshua 353

Ellis, Russell 267, 428

Ellis, Samantha 363, 431

Ellsworth, Michael Edmund 199

Elms, Caleb 281

Elton, Chad 30, 307

Elwers, Alexander George 186

Emanuel, Katherine 289

Embrey, Mitchell 267

Emeka, Ifeoma 297 389

Emerson, Kaitlyn 266

Empey, Jack 344

Encalada, Iriolexis 358

Enders, Nathaniel 332

Engel, Jason Peter ioo

Engel, Joshua 364

Engelbrecht, Joseph 290

Ennis, Kaitlyn Marie 248

Enright, Kaitlyn 273

Enterline, Benjamin Thomas 208

Eppinger, Noah 273

Eppinger, Zachary Scott 108

Erdie, Joseph Christopher 153

Erickson, Zachery 361

Eriksen, Nolan 351

Ermitano, Andrew Nathan 222

Ermitano, Anthony Neal 105

Ernst, Joseph 332

Ernst, Sierra 348

Ernst, Thomas 358

Ervin, Colton 341

Escamilla, Jordan 297

Escobar, Giovann Alberto 200

Escobedo, Sarah 288

Eskeli, Kaylee 315, 430

Eslinger, Kristin 341

Esparza, Anthony Jacob 245 462

Esquivel, Austin 299

Estacion, Francis 307

Estep, Charles 358

Estes, Everett 272

Estes, Kaleb Benjamin 252, 26i

Evalle, John 312

Evans, Avery 358

Evans, Casey Gail 8 n8

Evans, Emlyn 270

Evans, Matthew 31, 347

Evans, Richard 266

Evers, Braden 283

Evers, Elijah 274

Everts, Kate 366

Evey, Gabrielle 316

Ewbank, Anne 266, 436

Eyre, Taelor Aupaia 162


Faciszewski, Andrew 204 400

Fagan, Kevin 353

Fagan, Madison 292

Fagnant, Morgan LeeAnne 72,172

Fahey, Michael 309

Fairchild, Reese 335

Falconello, Bryant 335

Fall, Blake 279

Fallert, Leslie 342

Falvey, Sarah Elizabeth 208

Fanning, Emily 317

Fanter, Kevin Scott 148, 401

Fantini, Michael 300

Farah, Adam 305

Farley, Robert Alonzo 29,195

Farqaleet, Osama 275

Farrar, William Levi 217

Farrell, Isabella 268, 402

Farrell, Luke 30, 326

Fasoldt, Nicholas 325

Fatcheric, Shelby 285

Faulkner, Austin 276

Faulkner, Marshall 287

Faurot, Noah 341

Favo, Tessa 294

Feasline, Logan 288

Featherston, Nicholas Robert 167, 433,452

Feldman, Shelby 283

Felhi, Hichem 363

Feliz, Alexandra Jane 172

Feno, Evan 314, 398

Fentress, Reagan Deeon 127 436

Ferchiou, Mohamed 279

Ferenczy, James 312

Ferguson, Amy Kathleen 239

Ferguson, John 338

Ferguson, Molly 311

Feria, Eufemio 320

Fernandez, Alex 282

Fernandez, Jessica 284

Fernandez, Jonathan Alexander 204

444 451

Fernandez, Nicholas Leon 157

Ferrario, Christopher 293

Ferrell, Cameron 363

Fettig, Isaac 289

Fetzer, Alec Brian 248

Fiant, Jonas 344

Fields, Jacob 302

Fifita, Mosese 315

Figuera Hernandez, Jose 323

Figueroa, Manuel 308

Figuly, Breanna Denali 253

Fillmore, Sophia 337

Finley, Hanson 340

Finley, Matthew 314

Finley, William 366, 437

Finnegan, Riley 302

Finnesand, Shayle 269

Fischer, Dani Joseph 257

Fishbein, Sara Jessica 29,121

Fisher, Benjamin 267

Fisk, Garrett 272

Fitts, Aaron Albert 257

Fitzgerald, Aislinn 294

Fitzgerald, Katherine Sullivan 113

Flake, Christopher Raymond 135, 444, 463

Flanagan, Benjamin 266

Flanagan, Brittany 340, 427

Flansburg, Bailey 291

Flatten, Annmarie 319

Fleck, Chloe 286

Fleckenstein, Matthew 328

Fleet, Erin 362

Fleming, Julie Nadine 37,135

Fleming, Marie Erika 200

Fleming, Nicholas 317

Flescher, Marlene Rose l8l

Fletcher, Shelby 302

Flor, John 298

Flores, Joshua 331

Flores, Julian 349

Flory, John 270

Flowers, Jared 348

Floyd, Evan 328

Floyd, Kyle 273

Flues, Austin Wayne 68, 81

Fly, Adam Michael 130

Flynn, Jack 365

Fogelberg, Brett Anders 195

Fogle, Faisal 31, 347

Fogle, Grant 353

Foley, Kevin Reid 205

Fondacaro, Samantha 33 345

Fontaine, Micah 299

Fonteno, Michael 324

Foote, Travis Kalau’kela 190

Forbes, Adam 279

Forbes, Alex 287

Forbes, John 305

Ford, Johnathan 330

Forde, Mariah 310, 388

Fordyce, Joycelyn 287, 430

Forlini, Chloe Elise 29, 40 68 213 417

Forlini, Lily Alexandra 68,167, 416

Foster, Nicolle Faye 200 444

Foster, PerResha 270

Foster, Thomas 352

Fotsch, Sarah Elizabeth 31, 257

Foudriat, Wesley 113, 451

Fowler, Dillon 266 428

Fowler, Eve 346

Fowler, Laura 316

Fox, Grant 342

Fox, McKenna Elise 157

Fox, Steven 24, 357 440

Frakes, Elizabeth 271

Franck, Patrick 347

Francoeur, Nicholas 270

Francois, John 362

Frankford, Chase 295

Franklin, Knykia 321

Franklin, Tierra Renee 30 245

Fraser, DAndre 313

Frederick, Jessica 38, 297

Fredericks, John 319

Fredericks, Rose 328

Freeh, Craig 280

French,Jacee 270

Fresella, Jacob 345

Fressel, Drew 308

Frial, Virbon 358

Frick, Anna 296

Frierson, Matthew 330

Froebe, Madison 322

Froembling, Zachary 29, 319

Frometa, Joshua 324

Frontado, Zachary 350

Frost, Christiaan 283

Frost, Logan 270

Fry, Levi 231

Fuhrman, James 337

Fulbright, Erika 348, 430

Fuller, Samuel 349

Fulton, Alexander Perry 30,172

Fulton, Ryan Edward 140

Fumagalli, Lucas Adrian ll 8 414

Fumagalli, Tamara 336,417

Funk, Jacob 308 G

Gabrielsen, Evan 358

Gadient, Austin 313

Gadsden, Chloe 335

Gailey, Ryan 275

Gaiter, Matthew 356

Galdikas, Laurynas 73,196

Gale, Jonathan 321

Gallagher, Michael 323

Gallaher, Joshua 282

Galloway, Peyton 348

Galvin, Mack 353 4M

Gamez, Cinthya Elizondo 239

Ganas, Spencer 182

Gao, Qian 196

Garau, Hyunjoon 272

Garcia, Austin Wilder 162

Garcia, Juanita 274

Garcia-Park, Hannah 352

Garcia, Santiago 300

Garcia, Shane 359, 428

Gardea, Omar 323

Gardner, Gannon 326

Gardner, Steven 284

Garivay, Jordan 325, 428

Garland, Brennen 273

Garmon, Alyssa 339, 434

Garrett, Meredith Marie 82

Garrigan, Audra 364

Garst, Grant Dean 24O, 460

Gartman, Brady Dean 87

Garza, Antonio 275

Garza, Jacob Jorge 209

Gbassa, Tuaton Sarah 127

Gebhart, Joseph 352

Geerinck, Joshua 324

Geneste, Morgan 301

Georgi, Cameron Matthew lOl

Geraghty, Michael 336

Gerhold, Chandler 361,432

Gericke, Kyle 286

Gerlach, Nicholas 275

Gerlach, Zachary R 31,140

Gerlica, Jeffrey 279

Germain, Darby Diana 173

Germain, Taylor 143

Germann, Andrew 304

Germann, Mattie 273

Germann, Timothy 317

Gernhard, Nicholas 341

Gershoff, Eric 308

Gertsman, Igor 339

Gessler, Cody 288

Getlinger, Megan 300

Ghering, Matthew 305

Ghita, Petrut 288

Giaimo, Anthony 312

Gibbons, Jack 338

Gibson, Andrew 275

Gibson, Andrew Hunter Il8 444

Gibson, Katie 290

Gibson, Owen 363

Gicewicz, Rebecca 299

Gier, Eric 302

Giesler, Evan 317

Gikas, Andrew Gregory 163

Gilbert, Jacob 345

Gilbert, Kylee 325

Gilbert, Saylor Masotti 105

Gilkeson, Sofia 266

Gill, Ryan 327

Gillan, Reese 315

Gillespie, Carina 329, 369

Gilliam, Makayla 349

Gilligan, Devlin 301

Gilligan, Martin 352

Gillingham, Olivia 276

Gillund, Blake 268

Gilmartin, Michael 278

Gilster, Tori 275

Ginger, Tyler John 200

Gingery, Matthew 265

Gingras, Sarah 302

Giorgio, Joshua 270

Girouard, Ryan 322

Giroux, Stephen 304

Gizinski, Jonathan 330

Glaab, Darby 324

Glasgow, Michael 366

Glaudini, Garrett 277

Gleason, John 349

Gleason, Martin 352

Gloss, Madeline Ann 82

Glover, Jayden 328

Glover, Jordan Alexander 122, 444, 458

Gluck, Griffin 355, 431

Gnan, John 281, 428

Godoy, Alvaro 327

Goetschkes, Robert 307, 434

Goggin, Alex James 213

Gogulya, Vladislav 365

Goirigolzarri, Alexander 353

Golden, Connor 267

Golding, Rachel 350

Golding, Thomas Guy 191

Goldstein, Charles 329

Goljan, James 231, 451

Gomez, Nathan 270

Gomez, Veniece 349

Gonzales, Cheyenne 321

Gonzales, Gilbert Michael 122

Gonzales, Joshua 351

Fornoff, Jonathon 298, 392

Forrester, Thomas 356

Forrest, Nicholas 280

Forsythe, Nicholas 316

Fortes, Joshua 332

Fortier, Kristopher 222

Fortney, Lauren 313, 430

Fedele, Andres 362

Feely, Nicholas 204

Fejedelem, Jeremy 336

Foss, Nathan 135, 460

Foster, Collette Christine 122

Foster, Marshall 28l

Gaston, Antonisha 323

Gates, Leah Elizabeth 140, 432, 434, 436

Gaudette, Kathryn 265

Gaumer, Samantha 349

Gaumont, Tia 353

Gauthier, Ashley 365

Gautier, Benjamin 344 Gavenus, Noah 299

Gaynes, Daniel Edward 253 Gazmin, Enrique 305

Gonzales, Kristyn 341

Gonzales, Zechariah 362

Gonzalez, Connor 167

Gonzalez, David Allen 213

Gonzalez, Fernanda 361

Good, Austin 332

Good, Reagan 292

Gooden, Ashley 360

Gooder, Ginnis 275

Goodpaster, Steven 318

Lagator, Patrick 305

Laguna Lagos, Rodrigo 265

Laingen, William 309

Laird, Daniel 366, 436

Lam, Jennifer 337

Lamarca, Zachary 355

Lambert, Ryan 267

Lamo, Nolan Connor 205

Lamoureux, Steven 19, 292

Lampkins, Madison 300

Lamy, Reed 318

Lancaster, Alan 350

Lanclos, Joseph 312, 437

Landers, Robert Mitchell 29, 246

Landis, Ricardo 333

Landram, Tracy Annettee 31, 191

Landrum, Griffin 350

Landry, Jared 360

Landwehr, Helen 325

Langas, Megan 296

Lange, Stewart James Gerrard 109

Lang, Forrest 265

Laniado, Joe 284

Lanier, Samuel 343

Lansing, Robert Brodbeck 150

Lansink, Alexander 352

LaPiana, Joseph 283

LaPorte, Dakota Marquis 178

Lara, Daniel Manuel 83

Lara, Ignacio 359

Lark, Alante’ 363

Larkin, Sheamus 29, 324

Larson, Andrew 277

Larson, Stephen 31, 321

Lasch, Austin Michael 236

LaShelle-Phillips, Elizabeth 274, 433

Lask, Alestra 363

Laskey, Meredith 322

Laub, Hailey 348

Laudadio, Alexander 122,447

Launius, Dillon Mitchell 150

Laurel, Jake 302

Laureta, Djozelle Joone Francisco 223,452

Lauvetz, Nathaniel Bradley 105

Lavelle, Patrick James 214

Laverick, Braden James 97, 460

Lavery, Nathaniel 269

Laville, Alexander 315

Lavin, Abbie 273

Lavine, Sean 298

Lawler, Matthew 265

Lawless, Sydney Marie 105

Lawrence, Samuel 335

Lawrie, Blake 268

Layng, Jeffrey McClelland 31,196

Layng, Rebecca 299

Leano, Charles 286

Learn, Nicholas 294

Leary, Mara 324

Leaser, Joshua 341

Lebrilla, Jedd 328, 428

Leckas, Matas 201

Lecours, Kevin 315

Lecy, Erik 311

Ledford, Tyler 350

Lee, Adam 154

Lee, Alex 158

Lee, Danallen 289

Lee, David 334

Lee, Erica 351

Lee, Esther 333

Lee, Fitzhugh 360

Lee, Jason 29, 31, 332

Lee, Matthew 282

Lee, Michelle 359

Lee, Nathan 357

Lee, Paul 342

Lee, Ryan 309

Lee, Taylor 276

Lee, Tony S 114

Lee, Victor 268

Lee, Yaereem 291

Lee, Yi-Cheng 315

Legarreta, Samuel 284

Leggit, Nicholas James 88

Lehotsky, Ashleigh-Nicoll 346

Leisey, Kale 333

Leiter, Bryce Armstrong 29,196

Leland, Kyle 286

Lemm, Alia 355

Leo, Katherine Anne 150

Leonard, Brendan 288

Leonard, Camille 302

Leonard, Joshua 144

Leonard, Kallie J 144

Leon, Renato-John 354

Lerdahl, Matthew 270, 428

Lerum, Mackenzie 296, 429

Lervick, Trey 366

Lesar, Alexander 322

Lescas, Gianna 302

Letourneau, Nicholas 30, 326

LeValley, Andy Stones 240

Leverenz, Eric 363

Lew, Christine 317

Lewis, April 327

Lewis, Bradley 290

Lewis, Haydn 271

Lewis, Hunter 30,164

Lewis, Jamie 355, 395

Lewis, Kendall 289, 426

Lewis, Kyle 295

Lewis, Trinh 288

Lewis, Zane 315

Ley, Amanda Terese 31,197

Ley, Kevin 309

Ley, Kurtis Anthony 144

Ley-Han, Cassidy 284

Liang, Andrew Christopher 29, 206

Libby, Margaret 266

Licerio, Dominic 347

Lichtsinn, Andrew John 97

Lieberman, Nadeen 267

Liew, Irene 310

Lightner, Joshua Hudson 246, 447

Lim, Kathy 342

Lin, Jonathan 279

Linares, Justen 316

Lindauer, Daniel 314

Lindblad, Nicholas 320

Lindsey, Erin 304

Lindsey, Zachary 302

Lininger, Austin 330

Link, Todd 275

Linn, Christian Hayes 97, 445 Linnartz, Kirsten 240

Linso, Daniel 33, 346, 428

Linz, Kirsten 328

Linzmeyer, Kelsey 354

Lira-Gonzalez, Rey 338

Little, Bailey 304

Little, Falon 357

Little, Jillian 301

Liu, Hsin Hsueh 291

Livingston, Connor 218, 445

Livingston, Grant 292

Llewellyn, Lauren 360

Lloyd, Brandon 275

Lloyd, Timothy 310

Lochmaier, Emeline Claire 29,154

Locke, Evan 92, 437

Locke, Jackson 114

Locke, Jordan 282

Logan, Alexsandra 293

Logan, Austin 297

LoGrande, Anthony 41, 277

Lohman, Madison 30, 304

Lohnes, Samuel 355

Loida, Carl 323

Loitz, Garrett 349

Long, Callum 164

Long, Eric 297

Long, James 280

Long, Lindy Autumn 158, 445

Long, Mariano 301

Long, Virginia Logan 29, 31, 201

Longor, Valentin Hinojosa 332

Loughlin, Evan 332

Louthan, David 266

Love, Paul 309

LoVetri, Alanna Marie HO

Lovetri, Matthew 274

Lowe, Aubrey 298

Lowe, Christopher 314

Lowe, Riley 300

Loyack, Andrew 268

Lubisco, Robert 325

Lubis, Monica 326

Lubove, Jesse Sanford 131

Ludwig, Douglas 342

Luers, Emily 330

Lujan, Kelly 30, 31, 254

Luk, Allan 294

Luking, Mary 279

Lukow, Jordan 351

Lunaas, Brynn 305, 435

Lunasin, Hunter 319

Lundy, Christina 331

Luong, Jennifer Hong Diem 115

Lusk, Allyson 355

Lutes, Lake 304

Luther, Nathan 276

Lutu, Adrianna 317

Lutz, Jacob 282

Lutz, Kevin 302

Luzada, Ari 159

Ly, Camaren 336, 433

Lyle, Zachary 323

Lynch, Benjamin Thomas 29,168

Lynch, Ryan 361

Lynn, Garret 357

Lynn, Simon 291

Lyons, Austin 334

Lyons, Trevor 324

Lytle, Alexander 328


Macias, Hailee 34T 437

Mackaly, Micah 341

MacKeen, Nicholle 28l

Mackenzie, Brian 317

Mackey, Kyle 326

MacKinnon, Sarah Katherine 159, 434

Madrid, Amanda 361

Madson, Derad Lee 119

Maertz, Ethan 354

Maese, Jesus 314

Maggos, John 342

Maginnis, Zachary Ryan 123

Magness, Dylan 281, 430

Magness, Jake 326

Mahdi, Hayder AbdulKareem 206

Mahi-Lyons, Shanasty 272

Mahoney, Christopher 352

Mahoney, Elizabeth 307

Mahoney, Robert 294

Maier, Darby Joel 241

Maikell, Megan Nicole 44, 206

Maine, Lauren 332

Mair, Amelia Dawn 29, 31, 206

Mak, Austin 356

Maldonado, Jen-Liz 296

Malisani, Gwenevere 352

Mallard, Christian 366

Malles, Grayson 319

Mallet, Conner 309

Mallinak, Robert 345

Malloy, Thomas 357

Malone, Catherine 314, 436

Maltz, Conan 296

Mammah, Monica 340

Mandel, Thomas 268

Manley, Daniel 334

Manning, Ryan 313, 387

Mansfield, Keith Wesley 254

Marley, Seren 358, 436

Maronick, Anna 283

Marosko, Max 334

Marquez, Colin 287

Marriott, Megan Christine 246

Marron, Nicholas 307

Marshall, Megan 282

Marshall, Scarlett Ann 249

Marshall, Taylor Adam 232

Marsh, Michael 322

Martin, Aaron 296

Martin, Alisha 277

Martin, Benjamin 305

Martin, Bradley 348

Martin, Brett 308

Martin, Emily June 119

Martin, Halley 304

Martin, Holly Mae 173, 434

Martin, Jacob L 154

Martin, Madison Gene 145, 440

Martin, Mercer 280, 429

Martin, Nicholas 311

Martin, Ryan 300

Martin, Sawyer David Colton 30,249,463

Martin, Spencer 17, 331

Martin, Tyler 356

Martin-Abood, Dylan 329

Martinez, Brianna 327

Martinez, Claudia Annette 115

Martinez, Jose Augusto 31,178

Martinez, Luis 340

Martinez, Maria 322

Martinez, Zachary 365

Martinez Quinones, Gabriel 266

Marton, Jaric 334

Masi, Christopher Joseph 241, 455

Mason, Kristin 304

Masozera, Manzi 61,267

Massa, Tia 308, 436

Massar, Eleanor Marie Joan 164

Massey, John Patrick 201

Matarazzo, Joseph 277

Matherne, Brent Anthony 154

Mather, Troy 345

Mathes, Caleb 273

Matkovich, Jacob 327

Matson, Jack 301

Matson, Liza 329

Matthews, Delfayeo 340

Matthews, Paul 332

Mattson, Kirsten Leigh 209

Mattson, Michael Lee 29, no

Maurer, Jacob 362

Mavroudis, Morgan 355

Maxey, Nicholas 353

Maxwell, Aryn 266

Maxwell, Justin 299

Maxwell, Robert 282

Maxwell, Travis 275

May, Brenden 308

May, Chanler 309

Mayerchak, Andrew Gordon 164

Mayo, Patrick James 31, 223

Mazza, David 333

McAdams, Andrew 278

McAfee, Devin James 206, 463

McAnany, Cameron 318 McArdle, Brock 333

McCabe, Aubrey Paige 254, 445 McCaffrey, Seamus Patrick HO

McCann, Nevan 265

McCant, Richard 326

McCarthy, Ciarra 9, 27, 67,168

McCarthy, Conrad 271

McCarty, Sean Ryan 250 McClelland, Gabrielle 333 McClellan, Sarah Joan 141

McClendon, Scott 336

Leland, Anna 350 472

Loo, Connor 305

Loosen, Evan 306

Lopez, Edward 336

Lopez, Heron 288

Lopez, Nick 363

Lopouchanski, Alexandre 319, 404

Lorenz, Griffin 365

Lorenzo, Luigi Angelo 31, 249

Lorrin, Kyle 331

Louder, Pervis 365

Mantey, Ross 360

Manu, Tevin Tamalii 191

Manyfield, De’ahnera 365

Manzano, Matthew 282

Maratea, Jenna 356

Marcell, Amanda 324

Marchino, Vito 61, 279, 433

Marchioretto, Mira 293

Markos, Alexander Stephen 206

Markwardt, Matthew 285

McCloskey, Benjamin 359 McCollum, Clarke 284 McCollum, William 268

McCord, Gavin 365, 434

McCormick, Brian 310

McCormick, Megan 275

McCubbins, Jacob 360

McCulley, Mitchell 304

McCulloh, Gordon 336

McCullough, Marisa 348

McCune, John Joseph 210

McCune, Mackenzie 361

McDaniel, Austin 348

McDaniel, Nicholas 322

McDaniel, Tevin 318

McDermott, Colin 296

McDermott, Ryan 287

McDonald, Barrett 274

McDonald, Jonathan 362

McDonald, Maxwell 312

McDowell, Amani 343

McElhannon, Darion 266

McElhannon, Xavier 31, 329

McElwee, Cassandra 273

McEneaney, Ashley 280

McEntee, William Shaw 155

McFadden, Cori Morgan 83

McFadden, Dena Kay Healy 214

McFadden, Luke 324

McFarland, Rhea Inez 119 430

McGee, Michelle 268

McGhee, Kenneth Anson 92

McGillick, Giles 345

McGinty, Garrett 363

McGinty, Gerald Thomas 202

McGinty, Sean 350

McGirl, Morgan 289

McGlone, Sean Thomas 254

McGowan, Luke 332

McGowen, Hannah 299

McGraw, Jacob 268

McGuckin, Derek 298

McGuire, Kenton Douglas 115

McGuire, Reed Jackson 192

McHenry, Kate 359

McHenry, Schaeffer Ann 83

McHugh, Anthony Thomas 31, 207

Mcllhenny, Daniel 313

McKenna, Ryan 360

McKenney, Kristen 310, 430

McKinney, Lucas Ross 178, 458

McKnight, Jeffrey Sean 31, 241

McLaughlin, Alexander 275

McLaughlin, Anthony 291

McLaughlin, Michael 315

McLaughlin, Nicolas Paul 250,452

McLaughlin, Sonya 294

McLean, Caleigh 324

Mcleod, Jill 306

McMahon, Harry 302

McMahon, James 327

McManis, Justin 337

McMillan, Christina Muire 29, 68, 258432, 434 452

McMillan, Erik 353,433

McMillen, Joshua Andrew 119

McNabb, Celine 284

McNally, Shaun 286

McNeace, Jessica Nepherti 83

McQuade, Ernest 360

McQuerry, Tyson Joel 136, 463

McQuesten, Sean Daley 123

McSweeney, Brian Michael 88

McVey, Timothy 285, 371

McWhirter, Austin 254

Mechikoff, Michael 280

Media, Matthew 278

Meisel, Trent 312

Meiusi, Anna Grace 29, 30,128, 431

Melville, Nicholas 341

Mendenhall, Anna 336, 436

Mendez, Gabriel 317

Mendez, Kevin 291

Mendez, Michael 293

Mendez Lynch, Brandon 319

Meneweather, Randy 269

Menser, Eric 304

Menzies, Patrick Alexander 169

Merchant, William 317

Merrill, Haley Dawn 173

Merseth, Cole 352

Merz, Austin 214, 452

Metcalf, Warren Ward 232

Metcalf, William 366

Metzger, Scott 352

Meyer, Austin 355

Meyers, Diana 307

Meza, Robert 92

Michael, Alekos Jethro 31.183

Michitsch, Hannah 366

Middleton, Rose 361

Miguel, Alexis 338

Mikel, Rosalyn 292, 436

Miksch, Abigail 291

Mikulski, Andrew 339 431

Milatz, Paige 287

Miles, Alexis 218,435

Milla, Brian 289

Millan, Andy 352

Millard, George 271

Millard, Todd 306, 4H

Miller, Andre’ 342 433

Miller, Casey 267, 432

Miller, Darren 330

Miller, David 315

Miller, Evan 364

Miller, Gabrielle 319

Miller, Genevieve 145 403

Miller, Glenna 313

Miller, Joshua 361

Miller, Kaiana Mauliola 258

Miller, Katelyn 338, 434

Miller, Kylee 317

Miller, Macy 272

Miller, Malik 307

Miller, Matthew 192

Miller, Michael 343,463

Miller, Mitchell Joseph 145

Miller, Noah 292

Miller, Stone 281

Miller, Zephaniah 332

Milligan, Peyton Channing 31,178

Milliron, Andrew 357

Milliron, Kennedy 364

Milner, Delarrion 280 437

Min, Brian Yong 169

Min, Esther 364

Min, Scott 329

Miner, Brady Lance 83

Miota, Benjamin Shoichi 164

Miota, Ellen 345

Mireles, Lucas 344

Mishler, Sean 293

Misra, Nathanial 318

Mitchell, Christopher 325

Mitchell, Jared 295

Mitton, Grant 277

Mize, Shaun 270

Moawad, Matthew 281, 432

Moeller, Katharine 88

Moffett, Ian 343

Mohammed, Samantha 344

Mohre, Kiele 360

Moilanen, Matthew Dale 210 463

Mokris, Bradley 97

Molas, Miguel 296

Molique, Andrew 322

Molitor, Hayden 307

Moll, Nicholas Robert Fisher 227

Molnar, Thomas 355

Montano Jr, Everett Michael 29,136, 463

Montero, Presten 342

Montgomery, Jesse 326

Montierth, Nathan 290

Montoya, Joel 269

Moody, Samantha Diane 132, 463

Moore, Aaron 269

Moore, Dallas Jacob 197

Moore, Dominic Tyrell 97

Moore, Dylan Thane 223 433 46l

Moore, Ethan Thomas 119

Moore, Reagan Alexander 30, 241

Moore, Stephen 295

Moore, Thaddaeus 333

Moorehead, Nicholas 304

Moorhead, Cody 311

Morales, Maxamillian 339

Morehead, Justin 342

Moreland, Bailey Nicole 164

Morgan, Ashley Elizabeth 178

Morgan, Drew 268

Morgan, Price 351

Morlino, Madeleine 289

Morris, Austin 337

Morris, Caleb 343

Morris, Joshua 320

Morris, Taylor 300

Morris, Zachariah Drake 183

Morris, Zachary 358

Morrison, Heidi 286

Morrison, Logan 283

Morrow, Hunter 362

Mortenson, Tyler 350

Moshea, Matthew 309

Moskowitz, Cecil 288

Mosley, Ariana 291

Mosley, Christian 276

Moso, Patrick 320

Moss, Donavan 31, 306, 435

Moss, Joel 294, 434

Mossing, Alexander 302

Mossing, Joshua 275

Moten, Shonte 347

Mottice, David 295, 416

Mountain, Anthony Morgan 123

Mount, Brianna 282

Mount, Steffen 327

Mowery, Charles 335

Moxley, Zane 353

Moxness, Michael 346

Moyer, Steven 360

Mucci, Jessica 312

Mudd, Patrick Dean 155

Mueller, Mark 288, 433

Mueller, Paul 119, 451

Muggill, Gail 315

Mull, Joseph 312

Munekata, Adam 308

Mun, Justin 348

Muramoto, Dylan 360

Murphy, Johnny 338

Murphy, Mariana 350, 394

Murphy, Parrish 341

Murphy, Ryan 293

Murray, Brianna 317

Murray, Peter Fitzgerald 145 433

Murray, Riley 31, 293

Murray, Shannon 338

Murray, Tyler John 106, 446

Musick, Blase 280

Musselman, Christopher 303

Mutabazi, Olivier 269

Mutoni, Agnes 73,159

Myers, Caitlin 363

Myers, Chandler Avery 183

Myers, Payton 366

Myers, Rhett 328

Myers, Winston 272

Myhre, Justin David McWhirter lOl


Na, Laura 341

Nagamine, Eric Koji 210

Nagle, Baily 289

Nagle, Noah 297

Nagy, Grange 323

Nair, Nikhil 255

Nakamoto, liana 302

Namluck, Rachapon 319

Nan, Chandler Suzanne 128

Naranjo, Tristan 296, 436

Naseer, Anne Mariko 258

Nash, Nicholas 349

Nasto, Christian 363

Naumann, Christian Joseph 159

Nava, Carla 324

Naylor, Kaleb 270

Nazario, Antonio 321

Neal, Zachary-Scott 274

Neff, Patrick 326

Neghina, Dan 272

Nelson, Austin 289

Nelson, Elisa 275

Nelson, Logan 325

Nelson, Ryan 300

Nelson, Taylor Linne 169

Nelson, Zachary 333

Nero, Robert Joseph-Denzel 141

Nethercutt, Dustin 273

Neuman, Alicia 357

Nevis, Alyssa 282

Newell, Walker 305

New, Kathryn Ann 92

Newman, Ashlyn 267

Newman, Garrett 250

Newman, William 351

Newton, Marc 276

Ngoga, Prince 341

Nguyen, Alexander 310

Nguyen, Dang-Khoa 285

Nguyen, Jonathan 123

Nguyen, Kelly 271

Nguyen, Khanh 284

Nguyen, Tuan 359

Nichols, Ethan 294

Nicholson, Anna 18, 292

Nicholson, Elijah David 97

Nicholson, Jonathan 364

Nicholson, Ryan Raymond-James 29 30,187

Nickle, Mackenzie 303

Nicol, Anna 340

Niederland, Alec 330

Niehaus, Moriah 365

Nielsen, Bjorn Christian Wuethrich 29, 202

Nifakos, George 313

Niles, Clarke 344

Nimmo, Ashley 318

Nimmo, Luke 287

Nistler, Erin 266

Nix, Alvin 319

Nix, Riley 265

Noble, Trevor 321

Nodland, Christopher 314

Noeldner, Jonah Daniel 259

Nojaim, Victoria 343

Nolan, David 280

Noorani, Salmaan 313

Nordell, Jack Carson 93

Norman, Dane 291

Norton, Alexander 293

Norton, Zachary 340

Noudewo, Noelle Marie 210

Novak, Jonathan 328

Nubine, Aaron 232

Nunez, Eric 341

Nunley, Christina A 137

Nuno, Abraham 319

Nye, Gregory 358

Nye, Kristen 283, 437

Nypaver, Kaleb Daniel 83


Oakley, Nicholas 319

Oare, Jacob 347

Obenschain, Ross 277

Oberley, Tatiana 343

Oberlin, Kenneth 354

O’Brien, Alexandra 309

O’Brien, Kelsie 282, 430

O’Bryan, Ian Michael 137

O’Bryan, Sean 347

Ocheskey, Stanley 355

O’Connell, Bryce Jacob 141

Odneal, Connor 306

Odom, Kathryn 38, 297

O’Donnell, Spencer 266

Ogden, Logan 272

Oh, Joshua 30, 311

Oh, Thomas 299

O'Hanlon, Patrick 338

O’Hara, Conor James 120

Ojala, Jessica 269

Okai, Jasmine 329

Okoro, Henry 345

Oldemeyer, Benjamin 279

Oldham, Christian 324

O’Leary, Alexis 334

Olijnyk, Taylor Lopez 131

Oliver, Austin Josiah 84

Oliver, Brandy 360

Oliver, John 319

Oliver, Josiah 272

Oliver, Ludvig 339

Oliver, Matthew 291

Oliveri-Williams, Terrance James 102

Ollis, Seth 317

Olmos, Molly 302, 429

Olson, Jared Alexander 192

Olson, Jonathan 305

Michaud, Paul Lee Joseph 227

Morris, Theresa 315

Newman, Christopher Carl 31 227

Olson, Laura 155

Olson, Maxwell 282 415

Olson, Ryan 342

Omenye, Nnaji Emeka 145

Onigbanjo, Ifenioluwa 346

Onyechi, Jacob 192

Ooms, Symen 307

Opsal, Alec 297

Orahood, Charles 269

Orahood, Grace 295

Orazkhanov, Ablay 319

Orcutt, Jacqueline 317,390

Orellana, Rodrigo 271

Orikogbo, Oluwayemisi 275

Ormsby, Logan 294

Orner, Jacob 342

Orozco, Juan Carlos 141

Orr, Jacob 320

Ortega, KevinPerez 292

Osborn, Alexandra Jane 132,445

Osgard, Joshua Blaine 128

Osgood, Cassidy 320

O’Shea, Garrett 320

Osheka, Thomas 345

Oshiro, Cassidy 169

Osinloye, Kehinde 271

Osinloye, Victor 269

Ossolinski, Lauren Elizabeth 183

Ostrom, Victoria 350

O’Sullivan, Kristina Natalie 183, 379 447

O’Sullivan, Sean 298

Othon, Zachary 366

Ottino, Douglas 347

Ott, Jesse 350

Ouano, Nicolas Nino 214

Overpeck, Samuel 331

Owen, Hayden 275

Owens, Jacobi Sanoy 236, 371

Owens, Kelsey 325

Oxford, Hanson Edward 183


Pace, Hunter 285

Pacheco, Jarren 272

Pack, Julia 346

Padilla, Frederick 267

Paecht, Jordan 301, 437

Pagano, Daniel 323

Page, Cody 123

Pahissa, Robert Anthony 188

Pak, Nathaniel 350

Palmer, Ryan 322

Palow, Michael William 210 461

Pang, Joseph Hee Soo 155

Pangrac, Spencer 348

Papp, Evan Parsons 132, 451

Parcasio, Heather Sumiko 142

Parino-Ramchara, Ryan 342,430 Park, Junwoo 84

Park, Min 276

Parker, Jacqueline 311

Parker, Klinton 335 Parker, Stephen 358 Parks, Grant 326 Parks, Jonathan 268

Parlagreco, Johnelle 296

Parnell, Hunter 298

Parsons, Collin 332

Parton, Colton 354

Parzych, Jacob 352

Pasion, Christil Kalena Lynn 218

Pasterski, Kyle Richard 188

Patel, Kishan 336

Patel, Rudra 302

Patenko, Yelizaveta 337

Pater, Kyle Michael 165

Patnode, Garrett 273

Patterson, Kaitlyn 297

Patterson, Kevin 299

Patterson, Patricia 351

Patterson, William 296

Patti, Christopher 342, 437

Pattillo, Meghan 362

Paul, Eric 282

Paulk, Benjamin 278

Paulsen, Brandon 304

Paulson, Ashlyn 288

Pautsch, Cole 322

Payne, Adam 325 474

Payne, Damon 329

Payne, Daniel 348

Payne, Devin 106

Payne, Zachary Richard 210

Pearce, Hudson 351

Pearce, Patrick 355

Peene, Griffin 274

Pellegrini, Montana 188

Pelter, Adam 312

Pelton, Matthew 300

Pena, Harold 318

Pennella, Tyler James 255

Pennington, Elizabeth 294 380

Pepe, William 355

Pepper, Jacqueline 323

Pepper, Mary 342

Peray-Genovese, Marcello 259, 461

Perez, Christopher 360

Perez, Gabriel Anthony 30, 232, 458

Perez, Isaac 296

Perez, Leslie Anne 29,165, 445

Perez, Victoria 327 433

Perkins, Abigail 16, 349 430

Perkins, Hilary 29

Perkins, Quin’shay 343

Perniciaro, Raymond James 29,159

Perrin, Stefawn 276

Peters, Nolan 123

Petersen-Ruud, Roman 306

Peterson, David 308

Peterson, Jordan 327

Peterson, Justin 276

Peterson, Preston 145

Pethtel, Logan 302

Petrie, Zachary 309

Petrovitch, Samuel 333

Petty, Jenna 269

Pham, Due 361

Pham, Joseph 327

Pham, Tin 287

Philichi, Matthew 283

Phillips, Elisha 280

Phillips, Jessica Ann 29 30,102

Phillips, Molly 313

Phillips, Patrick Thomas 192 447

Phillips, Sydney 294

Phillips, William 306

Philpott, Cory 359

Philson, Maximillian 297

Pickert, Joseph 296

Pickett, Sterling 313

Pickhinke, Tyler 332

Pierce, Brandon 352

Pierce, Sarah 292

Pierstorff, Alex Logan 236

Pieschl, Michael 357

Pietersen, Randall 339

Pike, Ethan 357

Pina, Kevin M 102

Pinedo, Naideli Margarita 211

Pingel, Nicholas 284

Pingree, Jackson 327

Pinson, Gabrielle 320

Piontek, Nicholas 334

Piper, Andrew 296

Piper, Luke 360

Pipkins, Farley 285

Pirovolidis, Nicholas 353

Pirozzoli, Marco 310

Pisney, Samuel 336

Pittman, Olivia 274

Pittman, Reagan 325

Placke, Sarah 366

Plasay, Thomas 322

Plaskett, Steven 363

Plaza, Michael 278, 428

Plazas, Carlos Andres 31,146

Ploschnitznig, Jacob 120, 463

Pluemer, Pierce 351, 398

Pluger, Jason 290

Plummer, Lyle 311

Plunkett, Meghan 29, 30,146, 445

Pohl, Trenton 361

Poisson, Madeleine 345, 428

Polachek, Samuel 30, 282

Polakowski, Jacob Ronald no

Poland, Chaise 305

Polivka, Mikhayla 300

Polivka, Stefanie 271

Pollack, Alexander David Anthony 124,445

Pollack, Nicholas 286

Pollard, Kevin Charles 169

Pollock, Mikaela 296

Polumbo, Jake 343

Pond, Taylor 322

Pontious, Reece 353

Pontzer, Luke 287

Pope, Joshua 362

Popovich, Marko 344

Popovich, Riley 31, 337

Porras, Nicholas Joe 192

Porter, Cortney 339 389

Porter, Ethan Michael 218

Post, Kyle Alexander 236

Potter, Kanchan 322

Potter, Samantha 348

Potthoff, John 309

Potts, Garrett 294

Potts, Johnny 268

Poveromo, Alexa 273

Powers, Isaac 309

Powers, Kerry 276

Poythress, Brian 355, 432

Prack, Quincy 278, 436

Prado, Jordan C 106, 459

Prado, Ross 334

Pranavamurthi, Vivek 362

Pratt, Trevor 313

Press, Kristen 325

Preston, Cassaundra 299

Priaulx, Dustin 364

Price, Gareth Thomas 150 445

Price, Taylor 325

Price, Xavier 349

Priest, Colton 364

Prinslow, Thomas 350

Protzman, Benjamin Grant Rogers 159

Proulx, Joshua 305

Provost, George Jake 150

Prusak, Cassidy 351

Pruznick, Sarah 364

Pryor, Matthew 339

Puglisi, Joseph 364

Puhek, Jeffrey Michael 98

Puhek, Kevin 289

Pujats, Trey 337

Pulver, Matthew 303

Pung, Christian 330

Purdom, Dylan 360

Puri, Kevin 356

Puttkammer, Kelsey 351


Quaintance, Paige 276

Quandt, Jesse Stuart 250

Quarderer, Matthew 289

Quattrociocchi, Nicole 321

Queen, Aaron 281

Queenan, Connor 285

Quesinberry, Gregory 307

Quillman, Mickeal 293

Quinlan, Riley 106, 382

Quinn, Darius Ali 197

Quinn, John 314

Quinto, Mai-Lin 348

Quiros, Jonathan 299, 432

Quitta, Colin Steve 169


Rackers, Jared 311

Rackham, Joshua 333

Radjenovich, Joshua 362

Radosevich, Nickolas James 142

Raess, Dylan 358

Rafanan-Reynolds, Kennisa Maile 255

Ragland, William 274

Rahimzadeh, Stephanos 337, 430

Raia, Kasey 265

Raines, Allison 276

Rail, Zachary 315

Ramage, Kyle 276

Ramey, Brianna Lillian 188

Ramey, Lauren 303

Ramil, Jez-Arvin Queja 174

Ramil, Ryan-Aris 315

Ramirez, Karol 301

Ramos, Cooper 341 434

Ramos, Juan 295

Ramseyer, Ryan 283

Randall, Kate 273

Rapp, Tyler 310

Rast, James 355

Rate, Kendall 366

Rauff, Robert 289

Rau, Kellen 267

Rayburn, Connor 335

Ray, Cody Zaire HO

Raymond, Dominic 360

Ray, Wesley 310

Read, Elizabeth 327

Ready, Nicholas 340

Reat, Cole 292

Rebollo, Anthony Ernest 150

Records, Morgan 311

Redd, Mormon 288, 429

Redfearn, Joseph 365

Redman, Greggory 313

Redmon, Stephen 357

Reece, Joshua 282

Reed, Audrey 353

Reed, Brittney 278

Reed, Samantha 305

Reese, Alicia 301

Reese, Cydnee A 30,124, 421

Rees, Marc 325

Reeves, Grayson 286

Reeves, Matthew 312

Reffitt, Ryan 357

Regan, Jacquelyn 290

Rehbock, William 279

Rehwaldt, Dylan Alexander 137

Reid, Dylan Elizabeth 124

Reid, Hunter 359

Reid Jr, Alan D 155

Reid, Patrick 348

Reiland, Alexander 288

Reilly, Connor 31, 342

Reinert, Isaac John 30, 259

Reisbord, Spencer Hale 193

Reisinger, Meredith Leigh 236

Reiss, Evan 338

Rellinger, Sean 324

Renick, Joshua 334

Renne, Caitlyn 316

Resnick, Phillip Michael 9, 232

Resweber, Andrew Paul 184, 447

Reveles, Alexandra 278

Revereza, Jeremiah Joseph 124

Rexroad, Samuel 266

Reyes, EarIJohn 266

Reyes, Paolo 307

Reynolds, Daniel Christopher 219

Reynolds, John 288

Reynolds, Krisanna 354

Reynolds, Stephen 318

Rhoads, Michael 354

Rhodes, Nikolai 363

Rhynes, Garrett Wilson 29 30,197

Riazzi, Carmen 282

Rice, Jacob 343

Rice, James 269

Richard, Emily Kathlin 106

Richards, Kathryn Marianne 197

Richardson, Brendon 320

Richardson, Kiowa 342

Richards, Riley Jane 31,151

Richbourg, Kyle 279

Richert, Averi Justine 241

Rich, Philip 295

Rickert, Sydney 279

Rickett, Tyler 332

Rider, Scott 339

Riechers, KateLyn Christine HO, 452

Rieker, Michael 313

Riesterer, Isaak 289

Riganti, Thomas 364

Riggs, Monica 268

Riley, Jacob Michael ill

Riley, Josiah 317

Riley, Zachary 291

Rimel, Jarrett 290

Rindahl, Carl 314

Ringe, Caleb 316

Ringenbach, Steven 342

Risma, Christopher Kenneth 219

Smithwick, Emily Sims 30, 220

Smythe, Madison Ashleigh 207

Sneed, Austin Ballantyne 242

Sneeringer, Jonah 211

Sneeringer, Simon 312

Snell, Michael 338

Snow, Caleb 363

Snyder, Emily 304

Snyder, Steven Curtis 137

Socolofsky, Zachary 289, 433

Soder, Dylan 314

Sofet, Nicole 89, 445

Solorio, Francisco 300, 432

Soltero, Kimberly 329

Sommers, Joshua 294

Song, Esther 325, 428

Song, Seung Hyun 132

Sood, Robert 295

Soonthonnitikul, Khornwitpong 98

Sosa, Ivana 323

Soto, Daniel 358

Soukhamneut, Gregory 320

Soult, John 340

Souza, Joshua 295

Spalding, Jackson 335

Spangler, Samuel 289, 431

Sparks, Cayden 365

Sparling, Malachi Philip 133

Sparrow, Zechariah DeVere 174

Spearman, Parker 359

Specht, Abby Christine 133

Speer, Erin 346

Spencer, Connor 315, 428

Speranza, Dominick Valentino 29 98,429

Spight, Romel 306

Spires, Michelle 332, 420

Spletzer, Haley 329

Sponaugle, John 341

Sponseller, Hannah Leah 89, 461

Spratt, Kyle Michael 184

Springer, Hannah 314

Ssozi, Denise 306

Stafford, Jacob 339

Stafford, Ryan 247

Stamenov, Jane 267

Stanford, Nathan Kyle 228

Stanley, Jacob 310, 393

Stanley, Matthew 291

Stant, Andrew 284

Stanton, Ashley Dale 179 436

Stanz, Benjamin 335

Stark, Benjamin 355 434

Starr, Grant 170

Starrett, Shane 273 397

Statley, Logan 280

Staton, Alyssa 340

Staton, Bennett 324

Staudacher, George 345

Staudenmaier, Colleen Michelle 223,452

Stavig, Kasey 297

Steele, Christopher Cole 27, 215

Steele, Tyler 309

Steelhammer, Weston Garrett 174 372

Stefanovic, Bradley 343

Steffens, Grant 267

Steighner, Alexandra 306

Steinemann, Andrew Chapman 129

Steiner, Noralisa 349

Steiner, Stephen 269

Stein, Steven 278, 429

Stell, Brett 294

Stelmack, Robert Alexander 260, 446

Stenger, Matthew 320

Stenger, Michael 160

Stephens, Charles 271

Stephens, Hunter Ikaika 84

Sternat, Noah 304

Stevens, Connor 346

Stewart, Colby 265

Stewart, Nkozi 285

Stigall, John Eron 242

Stiles, Jordan 332

Stille, Dustin 297

Stilwell, Joshua 20 345

Stiner, Derryk Kyle 211

Stinson, Sarah 323, 430

Storey, Duncan 336

Stout, Tyler 297

Stowe, Colton 325

St Peter, Troy Joseph 259, 433

St Pierre, Kayla 75 272 436

Strang-Lockhart, Brianna Marie 260

Strang, Meghan 332

Straub, James 337

Strebel, Luke 316, 373

Street, Hunter 292

Stretch, Thomas 283

Strever, Isaac 365

Strohlein, Michael 318

Stromberg, Alexander 311

Strom, Emma 266

Stronko, Samuel 129

Stroud, Lauren 333

Strunk, Philip 85

Stuffle, Caleb 351

Stukey, Joseph 309

Sturdivant, Jared Douglas 224

Stutesman, Kathryn 9 357

Stutts, Donald 340

Sugars, Roberto 24, 357

Suid, Jenna 274

Sullivan, Cameron 302

Sullivan, Patrick 361

Sullivan, Ryan 198

Sullivan, Thomas 329

Suite, Sydney 283, 431

Sumait, Adam Jordan 142 455

Sumbundu, Ali 251

Summerour, Harrison 355

Sundahl, Melanie 300

Sunday, Armis 343

Surver, Joshua 280, 429

Suss, Josephine 325

Susuico, Fred 12 269

Sutedjo, Sean 361, 436

Sutton, Dailen 365

Sutton, Michael 283

Svitek, David 295

Swain, Erin 291 431

Swan-Ford, Ryan 320

Swartzman, Isaac 327

Swartzman, Joshua Patrick 188, 428

Sweat, Margarita 276

Sweet, Jacqueline 303

Sweet, Philip Jay 133

Sweeten, Sara 275

Swenson, Connell 346

Swize, Emmie 317

Swope, Lily 328

Sylvester, Christian 346

Szabo, Matthew 301, 437

Szala, Victoria Lynne 93

Szelazek, Mateusz 272

Szlachetka, Donald 287 T

Taglieri, Albert 322

Taheri, Branson 348, 428

Talesfore, Clayton 332

Talosaga, Anthony 285

Tan, Joe 165

Tang, Dylan 286

Tanja, Leo 273

Tankersley, Andrew 312

Tanthorey, David 357

Tapia, Thomas 325

Tapscott, Jazmine 331

Tarango, Gustavo 309

Tariq, Ahsan 318

Tarray, Vinoe 338

Tarwater, Houston 297

Tati-Mackaya, Den 270

Tatom, James 353

Tatum, William 325

Taucher, Logan 305

Taylor, Emily Kayleen 29,138

Taylor, Glynn Anthony 174

Taylor, William 349

Teed, Joseph Arthur William 207 46l

Teets, Emily 309

Teicher, Shanon 281

Tellez, Vincente 156, 433 46l

Temple, Grant 319

Temple, Jack 283

Temple, Kyle 313

Terrell, Anthony 335

Terrell, Thomas Dwight 251

Testerman, John Mitchell 138, 429

Tetla, Ryan Daniel 228

Texeira, Lukas 330 393

Thackrah, John 351

Thatcher, Mason 146

Thede, Ty 276

Theil, Grant 284

Thieu, Albert 272

Thigpen, Conner 309

Thomas, Anthony 302

Thomas, Ben 345

Thomas, Brayden 268

Thomas, Ethan Jordan 30, 237

Thomas, Kendall 294

Thomas, Linzi Gail 3L 228

Thomas, Mitchell Ian 224

Thomas, Nathaniel 356

Thomas, Riley 382

Thomas, Ryan McLane 93

Thomason, Eva 320

Thomet, Collin 327

Thompson, Ben 325

Thompson, Maxwell 335

Thompson, Michelle 271

Thompson, Spencer 353

Thompson, Tanner Cruz 242, 463

Thompson, Vance 300

Thomsen, Conner Nicholas 228 459

Thoreson, Daniel 351

Thorley, McCord 360, 435

Thornally, Jake 339

Thorne, Carter 278

Thornton, Donald Patrick 138

Thornton, Joseph 298

Thorstenson, Christy 271

Thuli, Alexis Rose 9 m, 434

Tien, Andrew 296

Tierney, Kevin 285

Tijerina, Jaime 335

Tillery, Kristopher Phillip 233

Tilley, Jacob Bryce 93

Timmons, Patrick 351

Tinucci, Kayla 335

Tippett, Preston 364

Tippit, Cole 289

Titus, Christopher 305

Titus, Darian Takeshi 251

Tobias, Jessica 305

Tollefson, Trey 330

Tollon, Aaron 337

Tomcho, Landon George Miley 179

Tomczak, Kathryn 297 420

Tomes, Sidney 282

Tomlak, Brady 315

Tomlinson, Kenneth Lund 138, 434, 463

Tonnies, Taylor 31, 360, 434

Toohey, John 365

Toomey, John 276

Topacio, Michaela 318

Toro, Alexis Christine 228

Toro, Robert 31, 332

Torres, Ashley Marie 170, 462

Torres, Jaime-Fransisco Javier 202

Torres, Lance 247

Torres-Sutterfield, Alyssa Nicole 31, 216

Toscano, Luke 102

Toscano, Thomas 356

Touma, Jeremy 314

Toves, Jonathan 311

Town, Bryce 341

Towne, Aleksandr Raymond 184

Townley, Talon Ayres 115

Triner, Michael 348

Trischitta, Jason 337

Trotman, Peron 288

Trout, Nathaniel 362

Troxell, Tate 328

Truax, Lauren 322

Trudeau, Jazmyn 349

True, Jenna 285

Trujillo, Christian 322

Trujillo, Neptaly 360

Trujillo, Zachary 31, 340

Trump, Leanne 279 436

Tryon, Tara 49 311

Tsao, Yu-Cheng 296

Tucker, Mikela 348

Tuin, Garrett 354

Tuma, Anna 306

Tung, Edson 280

Tung, Madison 345

Tunitis, Daniel 309

Tunnell, James Blaine 142 445

Turk, McKallHelen 85

Turley, Garrett 189

Turner, Isaac 279

Turner, Jacob 310

Turner, Jonathan 120

Turner, Joshua 289

Turner, Maxwell 306

Tuss, Joseph 85

Tuttle, Jessica 331

Twomey, John 281, 405

Tyler, Jordan 342

Tyran, Joseph 366

Tyson, Timothy Augustine 116, 462


Uebelacker, Robert Joseph 30,133

Ulinski, Evan 288

Ullmann, Tyler 281

Um, Alexander 298

Um, Jessica 298, 432

Underhill, Amanda 337

Underhill, Sean 331

Underland, Reagan 362

Unger, Christopher Dennis 31, 233

Unseth, Vanessa llidia Rodrigues 151

Upp, Megan 288

Urbaniak, Jennifer 356

Urlaub, Jonah 307

Uzzell, Cydney 282 V

Vacanti, Domenico 57, 333

Vaccarella, Nicholas 283

Vaccaro, Anthony 314

Vaccaro, Carissa Lee 29 31,133, 450

Vail, Dylan Mark 229

Valasek, Christofer Thomas 175

Valcin, Alix 327

Valencia, Killian 353

Valencia, Kynan 125

Valenciano, Joshua Rene 160, 463

Valentine, John 280

Valentine, Whitton 340

Valenzuela, Vito 340

Valerio, Janel 276

Valk, Meriah 273

Valleroy, Samuel 317

Van, Jacob 291 387

Vance, Alexandra 288

VanDeGrift, Trey 273

Vandenbroeke, Benjamin 299

Van Der Linden, James 356

Vandermaas, Meghan 299

Vanderweide, Daniel 335

Vande Vrede, Scott Richard 102,446

Vanecek, Alina Hake 358

Van Epps, Lucas 358

VanGeison, Harry 282, 432

Van Hegewald, Karl-Erik 331

Taylor, Jacob 247

Taylor, John Brent 215

Taylor, Joseph 291

Taylor, Kaden 322

Stocking, Braxton 271

Stolze, Zach 137

Stone, Trevor 310 476

Taylor, Noah 355

Taylor, Samuel 345

Taylor, Warren Thomas 179, 463

Trafford, Miriam 305

Traino, Kyra 343

Trambulo, Seth-Mitchell Tamayo 228

Tran, Quynh 269

Treadwell, Charles 363

Treptau, Thomas 303

Trevino, Joanna 333

Van Hoomissen, Grant 280

Van Rens, Adam 310

Vargas, Connor Henry 207

Vasta, Paul Michael 116, 451, 462

Vaughan, Andres 303

Vaughn, Harry 308

Vaughn, Richard 333 433

Vaughn, William Cody 175

Vaughn, Zachary 340

Vaught, Tyler 343

Vecchio, Jacob William 31, 220

Vedra, Mary 325

Vega, Mikaela 300

Veideman, Daniel 24, 359

Ventura, Branden 285, 436

Vereen, Shaquille 345

Vertucio, Andre 273, 434

Ververis, Alexander James 30,146

Vespasiano, Pablo 348

Vessa, Giulianna 314

Vicek, Ryan 340

Vikupitz, Connor 336

Vill, Arlene 271

Villanueva, Alan 266

Villanueva Garcia, Alejandro 328

Villarreal, Daniel 242

Vincent, Noah 314, 432

Violette, Trevor 193

Vitraelli, Richard Leonard 237

Viviano, Maria 12, 269

Vlassakis, Mark 322

Volin, Jacob 333

Volodkevich, Maria Irene 184

Voltz, Christopher 361

Vonzurmuehlen, Bryce 269

Voss, Samuel 347

Vowell, Lucas Andersen 29,133

Voydat, Andrew 267

Vrancken, Caleb 365

Vremea, Ion 324

Vuong, Minh 316


Wagner, Bret 291

Wagner, Christana 365

Wagner, David Alexander 160

Wagner, Matthew 292, 434

Wagner, Rebecca 351

Waguespack, Kade 287

Walbridge, Emily 308

Walbridge, Katelyn 276, 390

Walden, Sedacy 278

Waldron, Lukas N 94

Waligora, Justin 291, 432

Walker, Bianca 325

Walker, Brienne 302

Walker, David Jeffery 237

Walker, Nicholas 310

Walker, Patrick 361

Walker, Robert 293

Walker, Thomas 284

Walker, William 336

Wall, Bridgett Lee 229

Wall, Cheyenne 330

Wallace, Anya 30, 265

Waller, William 285

Walls, Allyson 291

Walrods, Landon 107

Walsch, Christopher 31, 347, 413

Walsh, Brendan 287, 437

Walsh, Trevor 268, 433

Walsworth, John 316, 434

Walter, Alec 313

Walters, Conley 13, 339

Walton, Ethan 308

Walton, Tristan 342

Wang, Alex 323

Wang, Timothy 179, 392

Wang, ZhengXin 324, 434

Wanland, Deric 364

Wannamaker, Jackson 327

Ward, Eric 334

Ward, Marcus Jamaal 260, 413

Ward, Robert 273, 436

Ward, Ryan 216

Ward, Timothy 358

Warfel, David 286

Warlick, Zachary 349

Warner, Sarah 334

Warren, Joshua 324

Warren, Zachary 312

Wartick, McCabe 290

Washer, Peter 286

Washington, Benton 365

Washington, Jesse 175, 370

Washington, Malik Rashad 85

Wasz, Charles 315

Waterman, Robert 294

Waters, Benjamin 313

Waters, Mariah 359

Watford, Kyle 320

Watkins, Gabriel 359

Watkins, Jake 338

Watlington, Caine 265

Watson, Connor Hugh 233

Watson, Ryan 220, 445

Watson, Shelby 284

Watson, Zack 293

Watt, Gearick 345, 432

Watts, Garrett 343

Wawrzyniak, Madeleine 316

Weathersby, Sean 341, 342

Weaver, Benjamin Kurt l6l, 435

Weaver, Tyler David 189, 69

Webber, Daniel 354

Weber, Justin 146, 366, 432

Weber, Ryan 300

Webster, Brandon 363

Webster, Connor 251, 428

Webster, Connor D 267, 428

Webster, Jayce 332

Weidman, Mary Kim 179

Weilbacher, Anna 327, 391

Weiler, Elliott 349

Weimer, Natasha 295

Weingast, Jeffrey 299

Weir, Hayley 98

Weishuhn, Joshua 351

Weisleder, Joshua 279

Weisler, Alexandra 310

Weiss, Andrew 318

Weisz, Daniel Emil 171

Welborn, Jacob 345

Welch, DaltonMichael 151, 435

Weld, Megan 336

Weldon, Jack 265

Wells, Allyson 212

Wells, Jeremiah Harold 120

Wells, John William Preston 146

Wells, Liam Stuart 256

Wells, Nicolas 284

Wendt, John 299 377

Werkley, Anne Wilma 31,189, 446

Wermuth, Sebastian Michael 166

Wesemann, Jared Michael 247

Wesemann, Jordan Scott 129

Wesley, Walter 338

Wesolek, Nicholas 292

Wessel, Chance 363

West, Evan 156

West, Joshua 289

Westbrook, Justin 265

Westendorf, Trevor 273

Westland, Valerie Rakel 129, 434

Westley, Linette 329

Weum, Jordan 273

Weyand, Lucas 318

Whalen, Robert 314

Wharton, Kylie 353

Wheeler, Joshua 291

Wheeler, Marshall 343

Wheeler, Roland 283

Whitbord, Chandler 296

White, Andrew 316

White, Benjamin 322

White, Britt 350

White, Ciera 278

White, Courtland 342

White, John Michael 193

White, Noah 365

Whiteside, Trevor 343

Whitley, Amanda 320

Whitlow, Ryan 347

Whitteker, Jake 295

Whittington, Thomas 314

Whitt, Jonah 289

Whyte, Erik Gordon 224

Wicks, D’Morea 310

Wiederholt, Tyler 320

Wiens, Caleb 321

Wiggins, Eric 316

Wiggins, Jordan 270 Washington, Deanna 297

Wilbers, Jacob 276

Wilburn, Conner 268

Wilde, Joseph 293

Wilde, Maxwell 266

Wilfong, Robert 352

Wilhite, Joshua 317

Wilhite, Maverick 291

Wilken, Hannah 147

Wilkie, Travis 275

Willburn, Zane Aaron 216

Willemin, Mary 330

Willett, Daniel 346

Williams, Alexander 293

Williams, Coen 272

Williams, Isaac 293

Williams, Jonathan 305

Williams, Josiah 273

Williams, Nicholas 343

Williams, Russell Howard 29,198

Williams, Stephanie 361

Williams, Tyler 270, 375

Williamson, Daron Troy 180

Williamson, Kaileb 356, 429, 434

Willigrod, Patricia 296

Willis, Anthony 311

Wilson, Christopher Ross 251

Wilson, Geoffrey 319

Wilson, Jackson Sinclair 233

Wilson, Jeffrey 299

Wilson, Madison 287

Wilson, Parker 271

Wilson, Renae 351

Wilson, Robert 308

Yalung, Kevin McCormack 134

Yambao, Claudio 326

Yan, ShuJie 94

Yandura, Eric 320

Yang, Christopher 342

Yang, Paul 269

Yantis, Alexander 294

Yarnell, Jacob 286

Yarwood, Jacob Brian 29, 30,151

Yatko, Katherine Emily 233

Ybarra, Katleen Rose 29 260

Yerram, Varun 268

Yi, Jisung 293

Yi, Jiyoung 351

Yi, Terrence 319

Yie, Cindy 138

Yoder, Adrienne 315

Yong, Christopher 320

Yoo, Brian 345

Yoo, Ryan 271

Yook, Daniel 297

Yoon, Minjong 322

Yoon, Peter 345

Yoshimoto, Kevin 276

Young, Andre 224

Young, Chad 270

Young, Christa 358

Young, Ethan 296

Young, Jack 350

Young, Leah Nicole 29,151

Young, Nathaniel 351

Younkers, Tyler 305

Wilson, Zebulon 298 Yucus, Taylor 277

Wiltshire, Trent 304 Yurcisin, Demi 356

Winbourne, Michael 296

Wineman, Rachel 305 z

Wing, William 323

Winningham, Caleb David 175 Zabilski, Matthew 299

Winslow, Briana Martin 193 Zabojnik, Tyler 301

Wirth, John 274 Zachary, Corbin 306 Wisniewski, Charles 311

Wiss, Andrew 335 Zala, Jaydevsinh 296

Witgen, Kara AnnMarie 30, 238 Zamot, Noel 309

Witwer, Daniel 329

Zaniewski, Hunter 345

Witzgall, Sarah 342 Zanin-Banks, Aaron 309

Wojcik, Mark 303

Wolf, Karen Michelle 107

Wolf, Zachary 311

Wolfgramm, Autumn 274

Wong, Allison 346

Wong Jing Yi, Edmund 345

Woo, Daniel 274

Wood, Katrina 356

Wood, Laura 339, 436

Wood, Robert 299

Woodford, Nathaniel Todd 203


Woodward, Thomas 198

Woody, Joseph 294

Woody, Maya Heolelomekealoha 175

Woolbright, Kyle John 251

Woolum, Elijah 284

Worley, Ryan Samuel 94

Worrell, Natsuko Anna 8, 224

Worthman, Arion 330, 375

Wright, Ashley 356

Wright, Tyler 67, 326, 436

Wright, Victoria 9, 63, 280

Wu, Joshua 300

Wu, Young 30, 94

Wyatt, Hannah 364

Wyatt, Jonathan 336

Wyllie, Drew 243

Wynder, Tatiana Anece 220, 430 Wyrick, Sarina 272, 436

Xander, Karlee 290

Yacos, Spencer 324

Zackrison, Sean Harry 184
Wlosek, Robert John 103
Joshua 303 Wofford, Kayla 313
Colin 271 Wojciechowski, Joshua 361
Angel 306
Zeltmann, Zachary 297
Zhang, Han 303, 435
Zhou, Edward 328
Vladyslav 279
Wollman, Vann 300
Nathan 291
Eric Lee
Lucy 341
Mary 268
Wood, Brendan 328 Zimmerman, William K 111
Heather 297
Victoria Renee 198
Daniel 322 Woodcock, Jacob 355
Jeb 354
Dylan 306
Kyle 297 Zuberer, Grayson Patrick 147


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We are family serving family, and we bring a sense of community to military installations.

The Exchange is a lifeline for troops in far-flung places. We volunteer to serve alongside you in remote and hostile conditions. More than 4,558 associates have voluntarily deployed since 9/11 to provide the necessities and comforts of home to troops serving around the world. Annually we outfit 1.5M troops with combat uniforms, ensuring they were properly fitted for duty.

For three years in a row, the Exchange has been named a “Best for Vets” employer. 12% of our associates are Veterans and nearly 6,000 of our associates’ family members who are military spouses are able to take their Exchange career with them as they move with their Soldier or Airman to new duty stations.

Overseas, we bring you a taste of home through 7 plants to deliver fresh-baked, American goods and bottled water to service members and their families. Name brands such as Wonder and Nature’s Recipe are produced on site for fresh delivery to commissaries, Exchange Express locations and Quality-of-Life programs.

We also provide 3.2 million school meals each year to children of service members below cost.

It is our honor to serve Soldiers, Airmen and theirfamilies, every day, everywhere they serve.

We are #FamilyServingFamily!

100% of Exchange earnings support Soldiers, Airmen and their Families.

Your purchase makes a difference. In the last 10 years, the Exchange returned $2.4B in earnings to the Army and Air Force to fund important Quality-of-Life programs and are reinvested on installations to improve the shopping experience in Exchange facilities.




Load Bearing Equipment

•Canteen Cover, 9MM Pouch, Grenade Pouch, Assault Vest, 40MM Double Pouch, Rucksack with frame, Shoulder Strap and Waist belt

Navy Working Uniform (Coat and Trouser)

•Rip-Stop Airforce Battle Uniform (Coat and Trouser)

Flyer's Summer Glove

Extreme Cold Weather Mitten Set

Filson Commercial OutdoorCompany

Coats, Jackets, Vest & Trousers

Shipboard Coverall

Fire Retardant Environmental Ensemble (FREE)

Operational Dress Uniform (Coat and Trouser)

Airman Battle Ensemble (ABE) Coat and Trouser

Lightweight Hard-shell Coat and Trouser

USAF APECS Parka and Trouser

Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) Coat and Trouser

USMC APECS Parka and Trouser

USMC Packs

FROG Combat Gloves

Fire Resistant Organizational Gear (FROG) Coat andTrouser

Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform (MCCUU)

ECWCS Gen III Coat and Trouser Level 5

ECWCS Gen II Level 6 Jacket

Army Combat Uniform (ACU) Coat and Trouser

Type &Type III

Fire Resistant ACU Coat and Trouser


We currently operate with 490 skilled and well trained operators.

•We have two facilities (M&M I 37,484 and M&M II 26,167 sq. feet) capable of accommodating 750 employees to meet any surge demand.

•M&M is certified by W.L. Gore Company and has the machinery and equipment to handle complex contracts and insure quality and ontime delivery.


"In M&M Manufacturing, LLC we are committed to customer satisfaction by making uniforms and other military and commercial products of excellent quality. We continually strive to improve our processes and our people


Over 33 Years of Federal Government contracting experience workingfor you.



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Visit afaphotos.com to order BCT / Polaris yearbooks and BCT/Graduation DVDs Check out Cadet Wing Media photos at: d Facebook.com/KAFAradio https://Flic.kr/ps/3lopMx r

Colophon Polaris Vol. 59

Body Text: AWPCTimes

Captions: Neutraface Text Book

Headlines: Neutraface Display Titling

The 2017 Polaris was produced and printed by Walsworth Yearbooks of Marceline, MO, with Greg Stimack as company representative. Walsworth designer, Justin Cantwell, was responsible for theme and page design. U.S. Air Force Academy employees Brad Milliman and James Rush handled editing and served as advisors to cadet writers and photographers. Henry Shaffer supervised the production process as Chief of Cadet Wing Media. 4400 copies of the 201 7 Polaris were printed.

Cover: Custom designed angled quarterbound cover with classic white and rich matte black cover materials. A blind sculptured embossed image of graduating cadets is featured on the front cover. Bright silver hot foil and black silkscreen were used on the front cover and spine

Endsheets: The crest on the front endsheet is applied using a bright silver hot foil on a Mohawk Solutions feltweave endsheet stock.

InDesign CS5, Illustrator CS5 and Photoshop CS5 were the software programs used.


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