Bugle Boy May/June 2011

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The Bugle Boy www.southcom.mil/usag-miami/mwr.html

May/June 2011

Volunteering leads to Position With South Florida Military Access Portals for Supports and Services (SF MAPS) 1













United States Army Garrison-Miami Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation 9301 NW 33rd Street Doral, Florida 33172 305.437.2665 Sign up for FMWR E-mails and Send Your Customer Comments to: Mwrcustomerservice@ hq.southcom.mil


by Andrea McBride

As the spouse of a Reservist, it can sometimes be difficult to feel included in the military lifestyle and community. With my husband back from his third deployment, starting work at USSOUTHCOM last summer, and me getting ready to organize yet another military move, I realized I should be doing something more with my fellow military families. Once settled in Miami, I decided to contact Mary Ortiz, Volunteer Coordinator, after receiving our first issue of The Bugle Boy. Her description of services designed specifically for spouses immediately captured my attention. I thought, “This is it! I can make connections, network, do some good, and get out of the house for a few hours each week.” On my first day, I was greeted with open arms by the entire Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation department, and made instantly to feel welcome and part of the team. Mary and the staff helped me jump right into activities and education to parts of the military lifestyle that Guard and Reservists might not otherwise have access to. After a short time there, Joe Pagan, Employment Readiness/Transition Assistance representative, informed me he had received an e-mail for a job opportunity in which my background would be perfect. I was directed to the University of Miami’s Mailman Center for Child Development (MCCD) to assist military families with developmentally disabled children. “What a truly wonderful way to now serve the military community which has so humbly served me and our Nation,” I thought.

That is where I met Antoinette (Toni) Hill, MBA, Voluntary Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Director of Parent and Family Leadership, MCCD at the University of Miami (UM). She is a military spouse and the mother of a young adult with developmental disabilities, and knows all too well both sides of the fence when it comes to locating the health care, schools, recreation programs, and therapies that come with frequent military moves. Seeing a need she could help fulfill, she created SF MAPS stating, “There is a huge need in South Florida to help military families who have a child with developmental disabilities get the services they need and are entitled to.” SF MAPS is part of the Family Support 360 started by the Department of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD). SF MAPS Project 360 for Military Families was established in 2009 as a partnership between MCCD and U.S. Army Garrison-Miami. Working in conjunction with UM’s MCCD, the project is designed to help military families with a developmentally disabled child locate and connect with the resources and services they need. Funded through a 5-year Federal grant, all services are provided absolutely free of charge to families. Last year, TRICARE and UM joined forces creating a new network of more than 1,100 providers within South Florida. As we all know, frequent moves and recurring deployments are difficult enough. Imagine, then having a child with disabilities or chronic health care needs, and trying to continually locate community resources with each new move. The role of the SF MAPS program is to help bridge the gap between military services and community services. continued on page 4




Deadline for Islands of Adventure, $85/$75 COB

13 - How to Create an Effective Civilian Resume, Wednesday, 1-3:30pm, FSCR

2 - Newcomer Orientation, Monday, 8:45-11am, SOCSOUTH

11 - Trip to Islands of Adventure, Saturday

Deadline for Typhoon Lagoon, Wednesday, COB, $55/$48

4 - Thrift Savings Plan, Pay Yourself First, Wednesday, 1-2pm, Family Support Conference Room (FSCR)

14 - VA Benefits Briefing*, Tuesday, 9-11am, SOCSOUTH

14 - Managing Your Budget*, Thursday, 1-2pm, SOCSOUTH

6 - Military Spouse Appreciation Day, Friday

21 - Newcomer Orientation, Tuesday, 9:30am-2pm, FSCR

11 - Deadline for Busch Gardens, $79/$69 Wednesday, COB

22 - Interview/Salary/Dress for Success, Wednesday, 1-3:45pm, FSCR

16 - Trip to Typhoon Lagoon, Saturday

12 - Preparing for Separation/ Retirement, Thursday, 1-2:30pm, SOCSOUTH

23 - Back to School Child, Youth and School Services Brief*, Thursday, 1-2pm, SOCSOUTH

20 - The Wheels You Want, Successful Car Buying Strategies, Wednesday, 1-2pm, FSCR

Dream Big, Plan Now! Make Your Ideal Retirement a Reality, 1-230pm, FSCR

21 - SBP/VGLI Information Training, Thursday, 1-2pm, SOCSOUTH

24 - Miami Tour, Friday, 9:30am-3pm

26 - Newcomer Orientation, Tuesday, 9:30-11:30am, FSCR

14 - Trip to Busch Gardens, Saturday 14 - Military Spouse Appreciation Luncheon, USCG Base, Miami Beach


16-19 - Transition Assistance Workshop Monday Thursday, 8am-4pm, FSCR

4 - Independence Day, Monday

19 - Basic Investment Strategies, guest presenter, Thursday, 1-2:30pm, SOCSOUTH

7 - PCS/Smooth Move Workshop, Thursday, 1-3pm, SOCSOUTH

24 - Newcomer Orientation, Tuesday, 9:30am-2pm, FSCR 26 - Education Services Briefing, Thursday, 1-2pm, SOCSOUTH 27 - Training Holiday, Friday Golf Tournament (tentative) 30 - Memorial Day, Monday

27 - Spouse Interview Workshop, Wednesday, 9am12pm, FSCR 28- Southcom Community Information Meeting, Thursday, 10-11:30am, FSCR 29 - Miami Tour, Friday, 9:30am3pm

11 - Newcomer Orientation, Monday, 8:45-11am, SOCSOUTH

Classes and Events For more information or to register, call the Family Support Center, 305.437.2665. Trips - Reserve and pay for trips at the Information, Tickets and Registration (ITR) Office - Installation Services Building, 9301 NW 33rd Street, Doral, 305.437.1595

JUNE 6 - Newcomer Orientation, Monday, 8:45-11am, SOCSOUTH 7 - First Term Finance, Tuesday, 8am-12pm, FSCR 8 - Sponsorship Training, Wednesday, 9-10:30am, SOCSOUTH Resume Writing, 9am-12pm, FSCR

To report suspected child abuse, neglect, or spouse abuse, contact Family Advocacy

305.437.2346 After duty hours


WHAT’S UP IN SOUTH FLORIDA? BROWARD - www.sunny.org/calendar/ AN EVENING WITH THE S T A R S ASTRONOMY SERIES, June 17. South Florida Amateur Astronomers Association presents what is in the South Florida night sky along with basic telescope techniques and general astronomy information. 7-9 p.m. Free., Fern Forest Nature Center, Broward County Parks and Recreation Division, 954.357.5198.

MIAMI-DADE - www.miamiandbeaches. com/visitors/calendar.aspx2 L I V E MUSIC IN THE GARDEN, May 2829, Enjoy live music in The Garden featuring a multicultural mix of melodies. Relax and take in the sounds of jazz, bossa nova, world music, flamenco, classics, pop melodies, contemporary and Latin Grooves. 2-6 p.m. Village of Merrick Park, 358 San Lorenzo Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33146, 305.457.6254, www. villageofmerrickpark.com.

BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL AT GREYNOLDS PARK, June 5, This is a 1st Sunday of the month festival featuring a variety of talented Bluegrass artists. Bring a lawn chair. Food and cold drinks available. 12:30 5 p.m. Greynolds Park, Miami G a r d e n s Drive and NE 22nd Avenue, North Miami Beach, FL 33162, 305.358.1800, www.southfloridabluegrass.com. FEE FREE P L AY D A Y , Deering Estate at C u t l e r, June 18. Enjoy complimentary admission as well as hands-on eco-art activities, science discovery programs, and historic house tours – all for free. Guests can stroll through the Artist Village, where the Deering Estate’s artists-in-residence create and display works of art in their studios. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 16701 SW 72nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33157, 305.235.1668, ext. 233, www. deeringestate.org.


REDLAND INTERNATIONAL ORCHID SHOW, May 13, 10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Fruit & Spice Park, 24801 SW 187 Avenue, Homestead, FL 33031. The largest annual orchid show in the United States and an American orchid society judged event, featuring more than 50 educational exhibits and vendors showcasing various types of orchids, plants and unique supplies for sale. Admission: $10. POC: Laura Philips, 305.247.5727, http:// fruitandspicepark.org/friends/

MONROE (Florida Keys) - www.fla-keys. com/calendarofevents/ BATTLE IN THE BAY DRAGON B O A T F E S T I VA L Dragon Boat Racing again arrives in Marathon for the only beach-launch boat race of its kind. Bring a team or come and watch as boats race along a 400-meter course parallel to Sombrero Beach. Free to watch races, visit. For more info. contact: Karen Bowers 305-766-1053, www.battleinthebay.org/ Battle_in_the_Bay/Welcome.html, E-mail: lunarchik@ earthlink.net.

PALM BEACH - www.palmbeachfl.com DORAL - www.cityofdoral.com/ cityofdoral/ SOCIAL FRIDAY IN DORAL TROLLEY www.cityofdoral.com/cityofdoral/index. php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3 95&Itemid=588

FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER NEWS VOLUNTEERING continued from page 1 The SF MAPS program works with the Family Support Division (FSD) to help locate, educate, and refer families who could benefit from the MAPS services. The Family Advocacy/Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Manager, Joe N. Walker, ACSW, states, “To have someone in the community to help families with special needs and who understands the environment is vital to helping with the access of services. As the EFMP Manager, it is difficult to find resources in the community, assist families in identifying services, ensure the needed services are appropriate and in place to where they are comfortable. Our goal at the Family Support Center is to ensure that all military families receive top notch services and assistance; with SF MAPS in place, we have a better opportunity in keeping with that goal.” Now, here I am, a Systems Navigator for SF MAPS. I have recently helped my first family, and it felt

great! Had I not decided to contact Mary, things would be different. I would still be a volunteer, but it would be in a much smaller arena. I would encourage any spouse from any branch who feels as though they have the time, skills, and energy to not only help themselves, but also their military community to contact Mary and help make a difference. I am now able to serve on a much grander scale, and it all started from volunteering! For more information on the SF MAPS program, please contact Andrea McBride, MBA, MSHA at amcbride@med.miami.edu. If interested in volunteering, please contact Mary Ortiz, Volunteer Coordinator, at mary.ortiz@hq.southcom.mil.

“EXCUSE ME SIR, WHERE IS THE JOB MARKET?” The job market - an interesting phrase, conjuring up visions of a big-box store, shelves brimming with various forms of employment, where you may browse, ‘squeezing’ the many options, and then take your selection to the cashier as you head out the

door into your new career. For those of you coming up on retirement, or planning to get out of military service at the end of your current enlistment, I know you already realize that no such thing actually exists. But, if you do honestly believe in the existence of a ‘job market’, I’ve got a unicorn I’d like to sell you. Fact of the matter is, the absolute best jobs out there are found through networking. Many of them never even show up on any outplacement employment board or job search site, as they are created, or vacated, and then filled by people who know somebody who knows somebody. While that makes it sound like a clandestine “goodold-boy” network, the ‘somebody’ can be as simple as your next door neighbor, or a cousin, or the person sitting next to you at a lunch counter with whom you strike up an idle conversation over a tuna sandwich. Networking simply implies, letting people know that you’re in search of a job and then allowing them to provide necessary leads you can pursue to get that job. The absolute beauty of networking is, people are usually happy to help when given the chance. Which

means, you are actually doing the Samaritan a favor by allowing them to be of assistance to you – making it a ‘win-win’ situation. While much successful networking is accomplished with veritable strangers, you can actively plan out your initial network by drafting a list of: 1) all relatives, no matter how far removed; 2) all of your spouse’s family; 3) all of your service buddies who have successfully made the transition back into civilian life; 4) neighbors, friends of the family, teachers, old schoolmates, your Facebook community, and the sundry casual acquaintances who populate your life. How best to address possible network contacts? Send them e-mail, make phone calls, ideally search them out and address them in person. You should put together a 30 second commercial that you can easily roll off of your tongue when opportunities present themselves – seemingly impromptu and unrehearsed (although, in fact, it should be far from that.)

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Travel is more than just A to B. Travel should take you where satisfaction

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what your primary job field is, how much experience you have in it, and your contact information. “Hey, how’s it going? Just made the decision to get out of the (your service goes here) and will be a civilian once again as of (date). I’m kind of concerned about finding a good job. I’ve got thousands of dollars worth of training and (years) experience at (job field) and was hoping to find something along that line, but am totally flexible to trying something new. I’d sincerely appreciate it if you could let me know if you hear of anything that might be available. Here’s my card with my phone number and e-mail address. Thanks a lot!”

It doesn’t have to be detailed, but be prepared to expand on your skills and educational information if asked further questions.

This could be used with your cousin or with the person standing in front of you in line at the bank. It could be used with members of your congregation, your bowling league, or your AA meeting. It’s quick, concise, and explains your need. You can create a message that best suits your style, but be sure to include key facts such as

Your new job is out there, somewhere, you just have to employ some initiative both in locating it and in making it yours. Contact Joe Pagan at (305)437-2639 for more information on transition planning and job search skills development. GOOD LUCK!

Unlike many years past, the U.S. Service member is supremely respected by our fellow Americans today. People want to do good things for you and they want to see you succeed, out of respect for what you have done for our country. Give them a chance to help in securing your future.

We Serve Military Families Marriages, pre-nuptial agreements, child support/custody issues, divorces, domestic violence, contracts, military law, and more. Visit us at www.davilalawfirm.us or contact us at (305) 285-5899 for more information. Davila Law Firm, P.A. • Latitude One, 175 SW 7th Street, Suite 1602, Miami, Florida 33130 • Tel. 305.285.5899 • Fax. 305.285.5897 • www.davilalawfirm.com Maisie Wong

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The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. © Copyright 2011

A tandem jump with the Golden Knights for families of our Fallen Heroes

Homestead Air Station, the Golden Knights Team literally “jumped into action” and provided some ground school training in the morning. In the afternoons, surviving family members took a plane ride – not for sightseeing! Once at altitude, the Golden Knights each “Leap of Faith Seminar” took one of the group members and, hooked up to their special tandem Operation Support Our harness, jumped Troops is a national out the door of the group founded 8 years plane. The Knights ago by Deb Rickert. have been offering The main purpose of this truly exciting Operation Support Our and personal show Troops (OSOTIL) is to of support for several help family members years to show these cope with the loss of families their support a Service member. and to demonstrate What makes Operation that others never Support Our Troops forget the ultimate different from most sacrifice their loved other support groups is that instead of reliving Jim Frazier jumping with the Golden Knights. He is also a Gold Star Father. one has made for this country. the tragedy of their loss, the group is taught to embrace life without feeling guilt from moving on. Another difference they focus on is The intent of this initiative is the result of OSOTIL’s that there is more to grieving than going to memorials “America Has NOT Forgotten” Campaign to provide and that there are other ways to heal without feeling Families of the Fallen with an experience that empowers like they are letting go. OSOTIL holds regular family them to choose a life of purpose, joy and intention. support meetings. Members are given tools to help get The seminar includes grief counseling through positive them through the grieving process. psychology, traditional classes and ends with the The support group was in Homestead for their meeting tandem jump with the Army Golden Knights. By using and Leap of Faith Seminar. On February 22 and 23 at the tandem jump as a transformative experience,

the Leap of Faith Seminar successfully establishes a metaphor between their grief and the leap to life beyond that grief. This helps families feel safe, secure and cared for by America in general and specifically, the military by way of a “leap of faith”. This seminar takes place twice a year - once in Illinois and again here in Homestead. If you would like to attend the next seminar as a family member or would like more information on Operation Support Our Troops/ Leap of Faith Seminar, please call Maddie Husta, the Survivor Outreach Services coordinator at 305-4372178, e-mail Madhya.Husta@hq.southcom.mil or visit the Support Our Troops website at: www.osotil.org/ Excerpts extracted from www.osotil.org and www. usarec.army.mil/hq/GoldenKnights/.

Employment Readiness Program The Employment Readiness Employment provides assistance to individuals in acquiring skills, networks, and resources that will allow them to participate in the workforce and to develop a career/work plan. Information and resources are provided on employment opportunities, education and volunteer resources and support services which assist customers in making informed decisions. Customers are able to use Army Community Service computers with web and printer access, fax machines, telephones, copiers, and resource library which consists of more than 200 career books. continued on page 13

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WHAT’S UP IN FMWR ? Tribute to the Military 5K Run Congratulations to our winners of the Tribute to the Military Run, David Harris and Erik Vidal for placing 2nd and 3rd in the Overall Military Male category; and to Angela Ertel, 1st place, and Georgina Hammand, 3rd place, in the Overall Military Female Category! The Tribute to the Military run, held on February 6th at Merrick Park, Coral Gables, was a great success and turnout was phenomenal. The race included entertainment by SOUTHCOM’s Southern Sounds Band. Runners are already looking forward to the next race. Many thanks to the Tribute to the Military organization for the wonderful things they do for the Military community and the public.

ebook c a F n o I LIKE us USAG-MIAM WR M F EEMAF 08-0325 Bugle boy 11/17/08

12:46 AM Page 1

When planning your next meeting, think of the Embassy Suites Hotel Miami - Airport, where renovations have been completed, with you in mind. Our 12,202 square feet of state-of-the-art meeting facilities accommodate groups of up to 400 people. Along with newly renovated guest rooms and public areas, you'll appreciate the convenience of our new, complimentary business center and fitness center. Our overnight guests enjoy a spacious two-room suite, complimentary, full cooked-to-order breakfast and nightly Manager's Reception†.

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Open House Nearly 400 Service Members, Family members, civilian employees and contractors and guests attended the USAG-Miami Open House on 29 January. The day’s events began with the signing of the Customer-Employee Covenant, which embodies a promise of excellence to employees and customers of US Army-Garrison-Miami. Those who attended were treated to up close and personal experiences with feathered and scaly guests from Jungle Island, tours of the new Headquarters and Installation Services Center, the Bronze Man, (see photo, left) bounce houses and of course, food!

Many thanks to our Annual Sponsors, SAIC and Terremark Worldwide. for their invaluable support of Family and MWR events.

Door prizes and refreshments were graciously sponsored by Books & Books, Courtyard by Marriott Miami Airport West, Embassy Suites Miami International Airport, Homewood Suites, Jungle Island, Miami Seaquarium, Mutiny Hotel, Rusty Pelican, Shula’s, TownePlace Suites by Marriott Miami Airport West. If the customer comments were any indication, the Saturday event, which “should have been longer,” was a day well-spent and, “Outstanding HOOAH!” The Department of Defense does not endorse the sponsors.

FUNCTIONAL FITNESS Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) OPEN TO ALL SINGLE SERVICE MEMBERS! The BOSS program provides opportunities for single all Single Service Members, geographical bachelors and single parents. The mission of BOSS is based on three pillars: Community involvement, quality of life and recreational activities. BOSS plans a variety of activities throughout the year to support these pillars such as the angel tree program, mentorship for elementary students, focus group in the Military Family Action Plan, trips to local events and attractions, comedy clubs and fashion shows. BOSS conducts revenue generating programs to raise funds to offset the participation fees for all recreation activities.

For more information, go to http://www.southcom.mil/ usag-miami/sites/mwr/mwr-boss.htm, or contact Mr. Steve Ondriezek, BOSS Family and MWR advisor, 305 437-2726.

Monday-Friday 0600-0800 1130-1300 1500-2000 Functional Fitness focuses on personal fitness while encompassing weightlifting, body weight exercises, traditional cardio and much more.

GOING GREEN Water Filter Buying Guide Updated by Eliza Barclay for National Geographic’s Green Guide

ShoppingTips Though U.S. drinking water has been protected under the Safe Drinking Water Act since 1974, experts warn that tap water increasingly does not meet health-safety guidelines. A recent investigation by The New York Times found that, since 2004, some 62 million people in the U.S. have been exposed to drinking water contaminated with thousands of chemicals— albeit in low concentrations—that are not regulated under federal law. Of course, the best way to ensure clean and safe drinking water is to protect the source. Watersheds act as natural filters that remove chemicals, pollutants, and sediment. Citizens can also urge Congress and the federal government to update the Safe Drinking Water Act to include and regulate potentially hazardous new chemicals.

of water for every gallon (3.8 liters) filtered. What they remove: Chemicals carbon filters may miss, including perchlorate, sulfates, fluoride, industrial chemicals, heavy metals (including lead), chlorine byproducts, chlorides (which make water taste salty), and pharmaceuticals. 3. Ultraviolet light units disinfect water, killing bacteria. Countertop units can be found for under U.S. $100, but most whole-house units cost $700 and upward. What they remove: Bacteria. Experts recommend using them with carbon filters to remove other contaminants. 4. Distillers, probably the least practical home method, boil and condense water. While countertop units are available, distillers use lots of electricity, generate excess heat, and require regular cleaning. Explore filters or other alternatives to remove your contaminants, or, in a pinch, buy distilled water. What they remove: Heavy metals (including lead), particles, total dissolved solids, microbes, fluoride, lead, and mercury.

5. Chromium is a heavy metal typically pollutes drinking water via discharge from steel and pulp mills and erosion of natural deposits. In various forms it can affect the respiratory system, digestive tract, and circulatory system, among others.

8. Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE), a gasoline additive, occasionally leaks into groundwater from underground fuel storage, spills, and stormwater runoff, and may cause cancer.

If possible, check out your annual water-quality report—also called a consumer-confidence report—from your water supplier. Some reports are available on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Web site (http://cfpub.epa.gov/safewater/ccr/index.cfm).

Environmental Impact

The Environmental Working Group’s “What’s in your water?” tool is another useful mine of information on local water supplies. The nonprofit recommends that most people in the U.S. filter their tap water, www.ewg.org/tap-water/whats-in-yourwater.

Most U.S. citizens count on their local governments to ensure that their water is clean and safe. And with daily, mandatory testing, municipal water is actually more regulated than bottled water, which is usually only tested annually.

If you decide to purchase a water filter, experts recommend selecting filters certified by the National Sanitation Foundation, which tests products to ensure that they remove what is required by water-filter manufacturers.

Nevertheless, problems with municipal supplies, convenience, and simply good marketing has led many consumers to choose bottled water over tap water. But bottled water is associated with an array of environmental concerns, including the generation of billions of wasteful plastic bottles, the burning fossil fuels to refrigerate and transport those bottles, and the draining of aquifers and watersheds to fill the bottles.

1. Carbon filters include countertop pitchers, faucet-mounted models, undersink models (which usually require a permanent connection to an existing pipe), and whole-house or point-ofentry systems (usually installed in the basement or outside). Carbon, a porous material, absorbs impurities as the water passes through. What they remove: Lead, PCBs, chlorine byproducts (chloramines and trihalomethanes), certain parasites, radon, pesticides and herbicides, the gasoline additive MTBE, the dry-cleaning solvent trichloroethylene, some volatile organic compounds, some levels of bacteria (such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia) and a small number of pharmaceuticals. 2. Reverse-osmosis systems push water through a semipermeable membrane, which acts as an extremely fine filter. They’re often used in conjunction with carbon filters. However, these systems waste 4 to 9 gallons (15 to 34 liters)

4. Benzene is a known carcinogenic chemical emitted by the petroleum and chemical industries. It can taint drinking water via air pollution, leaking underground gas storage tanks, industrial discharges, and poor waste disposal.

7. Mercury, another heavy metal is produced in some industrial facilities; during coal burning, landfill, and agricultural runoff; and erosion of mineral deposits. Methylmercury, an organic compound of mercury, is a known human neurotoxin linked to harmful health effects in people, especially children.

The first step in determining whether a water filter might make your tap water cleaner is to find out what’s in your water, and if it contains any dangerous, unregulated chemicals.

No filter will remove every contaminant, in part because the list of risky chemicals keeps growing. But here are the most common types of filters and the major contaminants they are designed to trap:

3. Atrazine, a widely used pesticide, may cause hormone disruption, cancer, weight loss, muscular degeneration, and cardiovascular damage. Found in all 50 states, it’s most common in the Mississippi River Basin during spring runoff periods. see http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/02/100301atrazine-frogs-female-chemical/.

6. Lead, a heavy metal, can cause brain damage and developmental problems in children and adversely affect blood pressure, kidneys, and red blood cells.

In the meantime, many consumers are turning to home water filters for added peace of mind.

The foundation maintains an extensive database searchable by type of water treatment product, www.nsf.org/Certified/dwtu/.

are found in the Southwest.

At the same time, used water filters—often housed in plastic casings—aren’t recycled either. So test your water before investing in plastic filters that will ultimately get tossed in a landfill.

Human Health Issues Water filters remove common contaminants in city water supplies, ranging from the minor (taste and odor problems) to the serious (cancer-causing pesticides and pharmaceuticals that can contribute to bacterial resistance). Here are some of the most common chemicals found in city water:

13 Common Water Contaminants 1. Alachlor is a potentially cancer-causing herbicide applied to corn, soy, and sorghum crops in the U.S. Midwest that can run off from fields into drinking water sources. 2. Arsenic, a naturally occurring poison that can also cause cancer, is found in all 50 U.S. states, often in wells. Higher levels

9. Nitrate, which comes from animal waste in dairies, on cattle farms, and on feedlots, can cause “blue bay syndrome,“ which prevents blood from holding oxygen. It’s more common in rural areas. 10. Pathogens such as Cryptosporidium, E. coli, and Giardia, carried by animal and human waste, are linked to gastrointestinal illnesses. Cryptosporidium infection can be life-threatening for people with weakened immune systems. 11. Perchlorate, a contaminant from rocket fuel production, has leaked into U.S. drinking water due in part to improper disposal. The chemical harms the thyroid and may cause cancer. Currently, there is no EPA standard for perchlorate, but its risks are being assessed. 12. Radium-266 is a radioactive element usually found around uranium deposits. 13. Trihalomethanes (THMs), a byproduct of chlorine treatment, are linked to cancer, miscarriages, and birth defects. For more information, see the Natural Resources Defense Council’s report, www.nrdc.org/water/default.asp which lists more than 30 drinking-water contaminants and their effects on health.

Reprinted with permission from National Geographic’s Green Guide, www.thegreenguide.com.

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New to USSOUTHCOM? Take the Free Miami Tour Join us for a whirlwind tour of Bayside, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne, South Beach and more. Service Members, Family Members, Civilians, Call the Family Support Center to reserve your space 305 437-2665 Employment Readiness Program...contined from page 7 For customers interested in improving their job search skills workshops, seminars, or individual sessions are conducted or sponsored to empower job seekers. Workshops on resume writing, interview techniques, dressing for success, negotiating salary, job/employer/market research are facilitated. Information on cover letters, goal setting, career exploration, and at-work behavior are included. Who is Eligible? Available to spouses, military personnel, Department of the Army civilians stationed at U.S. Southern Command, retired military personnel and their family members; National Guard and Reserve.. How much does it cost? Like all services offered by the Family Support Center, participation in the program is free.


Where is the Family Support Center located? U.S. Army Garrison-Miami, Installation Services Center, 9301 NW 33rd Street, Doral, Florida, 33172, Telephone: 305 437-2665. How do I get more information about the Employment Readiness Program? Contact the Employment Readiness Program Manager at 305 437-2639, or e-mail joe.pagan@ hq.southcom.mil.

SPOUSES CORNER USSOUTHCOM Community Information Meeting (SCCIM) 2011 SCCIM meetings will be held 28 July and 27 October (tentative.) Zip Code Group Coordinators disseminate information from the SCCIM to the zip code groups. All spouses are encouraged to submit concerns/issues to your area zip code coordinator. The purpose is to share ideas and make living in South Florida an enriching experience. Meetings: 10 am, 9301 NW 33rd Street, Installation Services Building ACS Conference Room. For more information, call 305.437.2665.

Zip Code Groups DORAL, CORAL GABLES, MIAMI LAKES, NORTH MIAMI, NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Eva Raquel Cool, 305.510.4875, lotusflower_0308@yahoo. com; Mary Ellen Keen, 305.767.0304, keen_me@hotmail.com; www. doralzipcode.webs.com, doralzipcode@yahoo.com HIALEAH, coordinator needed, please call 305.437.2665 KENDALL, HAMMOCKS, PINECREST, PALMETTO BAY, surrounding areas. Coordinator needed, please call 305.437.2665 BROWARD COUNTY, Sabrina Bowman, scott_bowman1969@ yahoo.com; Nila Mistry, nilamistry1@yahoo.com HOMESTEAD & SOCSOUTH, Kris Rodriguez, sirkesojerdna@ hotmail.com; Fatima Bissonnette, fatimabissonnette@yahoo.com; socsouthfamily@yahoogroups.com

SPOUSES NEEDED TO COORDINATE the HIALEAH and KENDALL ZIP CODE GROUPS! Coordinators disseminate information from the monthly SouthCom Community Information Meeting (SCCIM) to spouses in their zip code area and present ideas, issues or concerns to the SCCIM. Zip code groups can organize and meet in a variety of ways, from monthly information socials to web groups, depending on the desires of the members. Programs such as music play group, 9/11 GI Bill briefing and the recent “Evening with TRICARE” are examples of recent collaborations between Army Community Service and zip code groups. New spouses are identified during Service Member in-processing but if you are interested in becoming involved in a group in your area, starting a group, or interested in coordinating, please call Vickie DuBois, at 305.437.2644.


Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)

One Stop Phone Number: 305.437.2642

Director - Sheryl Byrd, sheryl.byrd@hq.southcom.mil Administration - Vilma Lesesne, vilma.lesesne@hq.southcom.mil Financial Management Officer - Marisol Archibold, marisol.archibold@hq.southcom.mil Marketing, Sponsorship and Advertising - Helen Colby, helen.colby@hq.southcom.mil E-mail: mwrcustomerservice@hq.southcom.mil Toll Free Hot Line: 1.877.291.1604 Recreation Services One Stop Phone Number: 305.437.2642 Recreation, Better Opportunity for Single Service Members (BOSS) - Stephen Ondriezek, stephen.ondriezek@hq.southcom.mil Information, Tickets and Registration - Eric Ruiz, eric.ruiz@hq.southcom.mil Macarena Schmidt, macarena.schmidt@hq.southcom.mil Fitness Center, Jill Hauser, Recreation Specialist, jill.hauser@hq.southcom.mil Frank Same, Recreation Specialist, Francisco.same1@hq.southcom.mil Recreation Assistants: Erik Vidal, erik.vidal@hq.southcom.mil; Angelique Williams, angelique. williams@hq.southcom.mil; Elson Sanchez, elson.sanchez@hq.southcom.mil; Dolly Fernandez, dolores.fernandez@hq.southcom.mil;

Jose Fernandez, jose.fernandez@hq.southcom.mil; Martin Galvez, martin.galvez@hq.southcom.mil; Kevin Ruval caba, kevin.ruvalcaba@hq.southcom.mil; Joshua Corraliza, joshua.corraliza@hq.southcom.mil

Child, Youth & School Services (CYS Services)

One Stop Phone Number:


CYSS Director - Ileana Gonzalez-Posada, ileana.gonzalesposad@hq.southcom.mil Administration - Mary Gomez, mary.gomez@hq.southcom.mil Child Development Center Director - Denise Gonzalez, denise. gonzalez@hq.southcom.mil School Liaison Services - Franisco Brizuela, francisco.brizuela@hq.southcom.mil

Family Support Division (FSD)

One Stop Phone Number:


Survivor Outreach Services Financial Counselor - Ruddy Arguello, ruddy.a.arguello@us.army.mil Volunteer Coordinator - Mary Ortiz, mary.ortiz@hq.southcom. mil

Army Substance Abuse Programs (ASAP)

ADCO, Suicide Prevention and Employee Assistance Programs - Guy W. Drab, guy.drab@hq.southcom. mil, 305.437.3078 Drug Testing Coordinator (DTC) - Connie Sova, connie.sova.ctr@hq.southcom.mil, 305.437.2428 Prevention Education/Activities Coordinator (PC) Carmen Rivera, carmen.rivera.ctr@hq.southcom.mil USAG-M PublicAffairs - Arthur McQueen, 305.437.2685 arthur.mcqueen@hq.southcom.mil


Army Community Service Director - Victoria DuBois, vickie.dubois@us.army.mil Clinic Office hours: 0730-1630 Administration - Lydia Sanchez, lydia.sanchez@hq.southcom.mil For appointments call Consumer Affairs/Emergency Financial Assistance - Richard Services TRICARE enrolled members Zimmelman, richard.zimmelman@hq.southcom.mil TRICARE Service Centers Employment Readiness/Transition Assistance - Joe Pagan, Miramar or USCG Air Station Opa Locka joe.pagan@hq.southcom.mil Domestic Violence/Child Abuse Family Advocacy/Exceptional Family Member - Joe Walker, John Knoebel joe.walker@hq.southcom.mil john.knoebel@hq.southcom.mil Relocation Readiness - roxanna.acosta@hq.southcom.mil Family Counseling Center Relocation and Employment Readiness SOCSOUTH Housing Referral Gerald Havens, gerald.havens@socso.southcom.mil Education Service Survivor Outreach Services Support Coordinator - Maddie Carlson Wagonlit Husta, madhya.husta@hq.southcom.mil

305.437.3559 1.800.444.5445 305.437.3072 305.437.3086 305.437.2642 305.437.2287 1.800.579.6681


July 16 TYPHOON LAGOON Adult $55, Child $48

June 11 ISLANDS OF ADVENTURE Adult $85, Child $75 All trips depart from the East parking lot at Headquarters at 6 a.m. and depart from each attraction at 7 p.m. (unless noted otherwise.) Deadline to sign up for trips is close of business the Wednesday before each trip. All prices include transportation, parking, tolls and entrance to the attraction. Prices and times are subject to change. Tickets are available in the ITRO, HQ. # 1303A. Phone: 305. 437.1595. The Bugle Boy is a bimonthly publication of the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation, U.S. Army Garrison-Miami, and is published for members of the United States Southern Command. Contents of The Bugle Boy are not necessarily the official views of, or are endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the U.S. Southern Command. The distribution, mention or use of any sponsor’s products, services, or funds by the U.S. Southern Command does not express or imply an endorsement of the sponsor. All submissions are subject to editing. The appearance of advertising in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by the Department of the Army, the U. S. Southern Command or the U.S. Army Garrison-Miami Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Fund. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this policy of equal opportunity by the advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. To submit story ideas, articles, or purchase advertising, call the editor at 305.437.3149.

U.S. ARMY GARRISON-MIAMI Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation 9301 NW 33rd Street Doral, Florida 33172

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