2024-25 USA Girl Scouts Overseas Annual Guide

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Note from Our Executive Director

Welcome to the start of another exciting Girl Scout year! First of all, thank you for being here and for continuing your Girl Scout journey with us. We have so many great things on the horizon, and we are glad to share what is sure to be a wonderful year with you!

Did you know that 2025 marks the 100th anniversary of USA Girl Scouts Overseas? This big celebration will propel us through the next year as we recognize our history and celebrate our accomplishments over the last century.

You- our volunteers, girls, families, alums, community partners- are a big part of our story, and now is the time to make sure you pull a seat up to the table as we venture into the next 100 years of this global sisterhood. Your dedication, your support, your enthusiasm and determination are important pieces as we go forward together into our future. Here’s to a great year!

Stay up-to-date with announcements, programs and more through The Globe newsletter, which goes out the first Wednesday of each month. Not subscribed to receive our e-mail communication? Contact us!

Have questions about transferring a membership, Girl Scouting in your local community, retail or program inquiries? You can contact us at overseascustomercare@girlscouts.org or 001-800-467-0070.

Follow us on social media!


Now is a great time to be a Girl Scout!

With USA Girl Scouts Overseas, the adventures are just beginning when you register to join us. Discover the wonders of space, explore the outdoors from unique locations, make new friends from around the world and so much more!

Be sure to mark your calendars for our membership promotions and follow us on both Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date on specific campaigns. You can also learn about specific community promotions from your Membership Manager.

Save $5 on your Girl Scout membership now through September 15!

August 1-September 15, 2024:

Take $5 off all Girl Scout memberships (new or renewal). Bulk registrations or renewals are not eligible.

September-November 2024:

Troops with 10 girls and two adults who complete a roster review will receive fun patches for their girls and a special treat for troop leaders.

January 2025:

Invite a friend to join Girl Scouts!

Enter our Early Bird Patch Design Contest for Spring 2025

April 2025:

Volunteer Appreciation Month: $10 off volunteer renewals from April 1-30

Volunteer Appreciation Week: April 21-25 and Leader

Appreciation Day April 22

Early Bird Renewal begins April 1 and runs through June 30

Lifetime Membership

You can champion the next generation of changemakers by investing in Girl Scouts and becoming a Lifetime Member. By becoming a Lifetime Member, you're joining a group of like-minded supporters and contributing to Girl Scouts’ mission. When you sign up as a Lifetime Member, $25 of your contribution automatically funds a year of membership for a Girl Scout in an underserved community in your area.

A Girl Scout Lifetime Membership costs $400 or, for alums under age 30 and currently registered volunteers with 10 or more years of service, the cost is $200. Your lifetime membership donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Support USA Girl Scouts Overseas

Are you a member of our Giving Circles? As we head into the next century of USA Girl Scout Overseas, your support is more important than ever. Any gift truly makes a difference in the lives of girls around the world.

Give 100 Fundraising Campaign

Make a donation of $100 to celebrate each year of our remarkable journey, and your gift will directly support Girl Scouts Overseas. We aim to engage every member of our community! No matter the size of your gift- $10 or $1,000- your support is crucial in helping us achieve our goals and expand our mission. Give today!

Celebrating 100 Years of USAGSO

Girl Scout Spotlight

Lady Baden-Powell

Olave Baden-Powell was the only person to ever hold the title of World Chief Guide. She helped her husband, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, and Girl Scout founder, Juliette Gordon Low, build the Scouting Movement and formed what became the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).

World Thinking Day, which is celebrated by Girl Scouts and Girl Guides every year on February 22, celebrates and remembers the work of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell with a different theme each year. February 22 was also both of their birthdays.

Lady Baden-Powell Award

In 1959, Lady Baden-Powell visited Panama and created the Lady Baden-Powell Award to be earned by three groups: Las Muchachas Guias (Girl Guides of Panama), the International Girl Scouts of Panama and the Canal Zone Girl Scouts of the USA. Lady Baden-Powell conceived the idea for an International Friendship Award based upon the 5 "C's" - Communication, Community, Camping, Crafts and Culture. The award still bears her name today and is called the Lady Baden-Powell Award, exemplifying international friendship and encouraging Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to work together in the spirit of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting.

Want to learn more about this award? Visit our website to begin your application and download the award guidelines.

Girl Scout Cookie Program

The 2025 cookie season will be the final season for the Girl Scout S’mores cookie!

Be sure and stock up!

Are you ready to unleash that unstoppable Girl Scout drive and ingenuity to make amazing things happen and reach your goals? Of course. You’ve got this! There’s no limit to what Girl Scouts can achieve, and we know you’re excited to get started and Embrace Possibility this cookie season.

You can earn the Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin as you and your family learn more about all the skills you are building. Check out the USAGSO website for all your cookie resources!

Important Dates February 7-March 23

In-person & Digital Cookie sales

Let’s Get Ready for Cookie Season!

This cookie season, USAGSO encourages eligible cookie selling Overseas Committees to host their own Cookie Rally! Be sure to check out Little Brownie Bakers' resources, in particular this year's Rally Guide! To help communities have a successful Cookie Rally, USAGSO is excited to offer Cookie Rally Kits and cookie patches for sale at the Cookie Patches and Cookie Rally Kit Online Store, which is live online now!

Hosting a Cookie Rally in your community? New this year, we will host communities' Cookie Rally registrations* on our USAGSO Eventbrite site and promote your event on our website and social media channels.

* Your Cookie Rally must be open to all USAGSO members. Submit your form at least six weeks prior to your event.

Celebrating 100 Years of USAGSO

Girl Scout Spotlight

Samara S. is an 11-year-old Girl Scout Cadette in Girl Scout Troop 44533 who lives in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. During the 2024 cookie program, Samara sold 1,352 boxes of cookies, making her the top cookie seller for USAGSO. She credits Girl Scouts for her excellent customer service and business skills in selling so many cookies.

Samara Santos USAGSO Top Cookie Seller

“I love Girl Scouts because of the many experiences and opportunities we’re exposed to. I especially like communicating with other girls around the world and have exchanged postcards and SWAPS with girls in Germany, California, Texas and Pennsylvania.”

Girl Scout Highest Awards

The Girl Scout Highest Awards are the highest achievements Girl Scout Juniors and older can earn, teaching them how to go above and beyond to make a difference in their communities and the greater world. Girl Scouts should connect with their Overseas Committee Management Team (OCMT) to find out about any local highest award requirements before they begin their project. Unsure if you have an OCMT? Contact us at overseascustomercare@girlscouts.org

Girl Scout Bronze Award

When Girl Scout Juniors team up to make a difference in their community, they learn important leadership skills, discover new passions and watch how seemingly small actions make a big difference.

Download the Bronze Award guidelines here.

Girl Scout Silver Award

When Girl Scout Cadettes focus on an issue they care about, learn the facts and take action to make a difference, they gain the confidence and skills that will catapult them to lifelong success. Download the Silver Award guidelines here.

Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors who earn the Girl Scout Gold Award tackle issues that are dear to them and drive lasting change in their communities and beyond.

Download the Gold Award guidelines here.

Bronze Award Process

Visit our Girl Scout Bronze Award webpage and submit the Final Report to USAGSO.

Silver Award Process

Visit our Girl Scout Silver Award webpage and submit a Silver Award proposal to your OCMT or to USA Girl Scouts Overseas before you begin. After completion, be sure to submit the Final Report to USAGSO.

Gold Award Process

The Girl Scout Gold Award requires USAGSO approval before beginning work on the project. First visit our website to learn more about the Gold Award, then use Go Gold online to apply for the Gold Award (gogold.girlscouts.org).

Celebrating 100 Years of USAGSO

Girl Scout Spotlight


Madeleine Albright was an American diplomat and political scientist who served as the 64th United States Secretary of State from 1997 to 2001. She was the first woman to hold this post.

Madeline was a Girl Scout in Czechoslovakia before coming to the United States after World War II. She stayed involved with the organization as an adult, especially while her daughters were schoolage. In 2000, she helped introduce a new badge for Girl Scout Juniors called Global Awareness. The badge was developed by USAGSO and asked girls to learn about other countries and how they get along with one another.

Your Year of Travel

Are you ready for a new adventure?

Join the USAGSO Globetrotter program (formally Travel Troop) for an exciting trip- all designed by you! USAGSO hosts these trips 1-2 times per year, with previous destinations including Croatia and Amsterdam. Girls meet virtually for a few months, learning vital travel skills as they plan their activities, meals, transportation and more. These trips are open to Girl Scout Cadettes and older.

This spring’s Globetrotter trip will be held April 12-16, 2025. Girls will get to choose their destination: Northern Italy, Sicily, Lisbon or South France! More details will be announced on September 1, with an information session happening in September and registration opening in October.

Can’t attend in April 2025? No worries! Dates are determined around school breaks and announced about six months in advance, so keep an eye on The Globe and our online calendar for our upcoming trips. Questions? Reach out to Carolyn Hicks, Membership Man


Girl Scout Destinations are the ultimate adventure for individual Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors. Push past your comfort zone by applying for a trip on your own and make new friends from all over the world as you travel with new Girl Scout sisters. There’s a unique, life-changing experience just waiting for everyone! Limited financial assistance is available thanks to the annual D-Pass grant.

Send your stories to: bit.ly/4cq2UGu.

Has your troop recently traveled somewhere? Are you working on a service project? Did you complete a new badge at your last troop meeting? Share your Girl Scout news with us to be featured on Facebook and Instagram pages in our #WhereintheWorldWednesday posts!

Your Year of STEM

USAGSO’s STEMinist series provides both virtual and in-person STEM activities led by STEM professionals. Each session is an enriching, ageappropriate, interactive STEM adventure!

Join us the second Saturday of every month as we participate in virtual activities that are strategically aligned to STEM badges. Each program session is led by an Everyday Superhero—a woman working in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM). All Girl Scouts who participate earn the STEMinist fun patch.

In 2024-2025, girls can also participate in LIVE sessions. Spend the night at the European Space Center in the fall of 2024 or attend a STEMinist day in Europe or Asia and earn your Programming Robots badge! These in-person programs are all about Girl Scouts making connections to real-world careers, tackling problems and identifying solutions.

Virtual STEMinist Series

All sessions take place at 8 a.m. EDT / 2

September 14

October 12

November 2

December 14

January 11

February 8

March 8

April 12

May 10

Celebrating 100 Years of USAGSO

Girl Scout Spotlight Sally Ride Astronaut

Sally Ride was the first American woman in space. A Stanford-educated astrophysicist, she made her journey into history on June 18, 1983 as one of five on the Challenger STS-7 crew. She served as flight engineer during the mission.

Throughout her life, Sally broke barriers and worked to ensure that girls and women felt encouraged and empowered. She served on several boards in her lifetime, including the Advisory Board of the National Women's History Museum.

After many years working for NASA, Sally co-founded the Girl Scouts mentorship program called Camp CEO.

In-Person STEMinist Programs

Discovery Mission Overnight

Euro Space Center

Brussels, Belgium

November 9-10, 2024

Bravo! Space mission boarding is now ready! The Euro Space Center is expecting the Girl Scout crew on the launch pad for an out-of-this-world overnight, November 9-10! Girl Scouts will earn their Space Science Badge and a fun patch.

Together with our Girl Scouts from around the world, enjoy two days of unlimited access to the indoor and outdoor park and earn your first astronaut stripes! Your Orion Mission includes:

Two days of unlimited access to the Euro Space Center with activities led by Girl Scout volunteers and Euro Space Center staff

Overnight stay in a space room

Hands-on powder rocket activity

Movie night in the large auditorium

Euro Space Center T-shirt

Full board at the Voyager Café (from Saturday lunch through Sunday lunch)

Girl Scout STEM fun patch

And much more space fun!

Find registration information here!

Robotic Adventures

Girl Scouts in Europe and Asia can join STEMinist host, Erin Twamley, for a day of designing, building and programming robots. It’s time to get curious, ask questions and problem-solve!

These in-person events will focus on robots and have girls experimenting, tinkering, learning and problem solving as they design and build their own robot to take home.

Attend a session near you!

Kadena Air Base

Okinawa, Japan

December 7, 2024

9 a.m.- Noon

Camp Humphreys

Seoul, South Korea

December 8, 2024

1-4 p.m.

Paris France Winter 2025

Details for this program coming soon!


Mons, Belgium

Fall 2025

Stay tuned for additional information, including registration details, later this year.

Your Year of Discovery

As a Girl Scout with USA Girl Scout Overseas, the opportunities are endless! There are so many ways to participate, while discovering your passions, helping your communities and building lifelong friendships. Check out some of the exciting programs coming your way this year and discover how you can make a difference as a Girl Scout.

Save the Date April 26, 2025

100th Anniversary Gala

This virtual event will be a celebration you don’t want to miss! Help us celebrate our past as we look toward the next 100 years of USA Girl Scout Overseas. This event will include recognition of our girls and volunteers and so much more. Stay tuned!

Resilient. Ready. Strong. Life isn’t always easy, but dealing with tricky emotions doesn’t have to be so hard. Try activities from the Girl Scouts: Resilient. Ready. Strong. program to unlock a patch and strengthen your mental wellness.

Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Challenge

You don't need access to a national park or the woods to enjoy the outdoors! Get creative and put yourself outside and participate in our Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Challenge.

Download the free activity sheet with 50+ fun activities to see what's possible right outside your own front door!

Girl Scout Tree Promise

Join Girl Scouts to make the world a better place as we plant, protect and honor trees with the Girl Scout Tree Promise. Learn how to solve community problems and use team-building skills to sow seeds of change with family and friends today!

Girl Scout Climate Challenge

As climate change affects our planet, it’s up to us to do what we can to protect our Earth. When you participate in the Girl Scout Climate Challenge, you’ll get outdoors to learn about climate science, connect with your community and spread awareness of the issue to make a difference.


Did you know… Citizen Science is one of GSUSA’s (inter)national service projects?!? USAGSO is excited to help our girls explore citizen science and contribute to Alzheimer’s research by partnering with Stall Catchers throughout the year. Be a part of our Stall Catchers Team and and join us for the 2024 Catch-A-Thon happening November 25- December 2. You can find all the details on our website. We can’t wait to see who makes our Hall of Fame list this year!

Celebrate Month of the Military Child with us!

USA Girl Scouts Overseas and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University are excited to continue our partnership as we celebrate Month of the Military Child together in April 2025.

Join us on Saturday, April 12 as we partner with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as we learn about asteroids, NASA’s planetary defense missions and the science behind asteroid redirection! This event will be virtual, with opportunities to attend an in-person watch party with other Girl Scouts.

Find all the details on our online calendar.

Celebrating 100 Years of USAGSO

Girl Scout Spotlight

Taylor Swift


Get Outside and Lead

Everyone’s favorite Taylor Swift grew up in Pennsylvania where she was Girl Scout. She has even been known to provide free tickets to her shows to Girl Scouts.

Through her hundreds of lyrics and catchy songs, she has truly become a global superstar and is recognized as one of the most influential artists in contemporary music. She is also the first artist to win the Grammy for Album of the Year four times!

Her Eras Tour is the first concert series to surpass $1 billion in revenue, making it the highest-grossing tour in history and earning her a Guinness World Record title.

Back by popular demand, USA Girl Scouts Overseas will once again offer leadership development weekends for Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors! During this intensive training weekend, Girl Scouts will complete the USAGSO Program Aide course (middle schoolers) or Volunteer-in-Training course (high schoolers). We’ll take a short break from training to enjoy an onsite activity such as camping, high ropes or hiking.

Leadership Weekends

May 2025: Japan September 2025: Germany

Girls in Aviation Day

Saturday, September 21

7 a.m.- Noon

Kadena Air Base

In partnership with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA Girl Scouts Overseas is excited to present the second annual Girls in Aviation Day on Kadena Air Base. Spend the day with Girl Scouts from across Okinawa on the Kadena flight line touring three aircrafts and talking to the male and female aviators who work on them. We’ll also be doing some fun activities in an aircraft hangar! Snacks and water will be provided. This event is free, but space is limited. All Girl Scouts must be accompanied by at least one parent/caregiver. Tag-alongs are welcome!

Fall Day Camps

Saturday, October 5

10 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Okinawa- Torii Beach

All-Day: $25 / Half-Day: $10 / Adults: $5

Join us on Torii Beach for a day of fun in the sun! Girl Scouts from Kinser, Kadena, Camp Foster and Camp Courtney, and our Japanese Girl Scout sisters, are invited to earn their Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors badge. We will be making bird feeders, planting small gardens, learning about mindfulness and more. This event is open to Girl Scouts of all levels. For our younger Girl Scouts, a half-day option is available.

An additional Fall Day Camp is being planned for Mainland Japan. Stay tuned for registration details on both events on our online calendar.

Virtual Film Screening

She Rises Up October 25-28, 2024

Join other Girl Scouts from around the world for this exclusive viewing!

She Rises Up chronicles the remarkable journeys of three women who are helping to lift their communities out of poverty through the local businesses they fight the odds to maintain. Girl Scouts can register and attend on their own, with family or friends or even host a watch party! We encourage you to use our Activity & Discussion Guide to help highlight the themes from the documentary with your Girl Scouts. Register here to be a part of this exciting film history!

Celebrating 100 Years of USAGSO

Girl Scout Spotlight

Girl Scout Troop 82

Earlier this year, Singapore's Girl Scout Troop 82 recently travelled to Laos in Southeast Asia. Many of these girls have been in the same troop for 11+ years, and they’d been dreaming of traveling together for a long time.

Each Girl Scout led a different badge during their trip. From Outdoor Art at temples to learning about the importance of the Mekong River and the challenges it faces, this was one epic Girl Scout adventure!

Your Year of the Outdoors

USA Girl Scouts Overseas is excited to offer three amazing camp opportunities for Girl Scouts in 2024-2025.

Mini Camps

Three-night camps in multiple locations around the world, designed to prepare Girl Scouts for our full, week-long overnight camps; open to Girl Scout Daisies through Cadettes.

Adventure Camps

Three-night camps in multiple locations around the world, featuring outdoor adventures unique to each destination; open to Girl Scout Juniors through Ambassadors.

Week-Long Overnight Camps

Six-night camps in multiple locations around the world- this is your “classic” Girl Scout camp experience in unique overseas locations; open to Girl Scout Brownies through Ambassadors.

Mini Camps


July 12-15, 2025

Jugendherberge Oberreifenberg in Schmitten, Germany

July 25-28, 2025

Mini Camps are designed to give Girl Scouts an introduction to the outdoors and camping, and these programs are guaranteed to be an ageappropriate adventure for all! Over the course of three nights and four days, Girl Scouts will experience favorite camp traditions like SWAPS, tie-dying and s’mores. Our days will be packed as we sing songs, cook outdoors, make local crafts, play games and more.

Find all the details about Camp USAGSO programs, including travel and transportation information, on our website.

Along with exciting outdoor experiences, girls who participate in Adventure Camps will also develop important mental health skills like healthy coping mechanisms, participate in facilitated discussions about issues facing youth today and learn about their own unique leadership style.

Winter Fun in Kitzbühel, Austria

December 6-9, 2024

Girl Scouts will spend a long weekend having fun in the snow! Activities will include snowshoeing and ice skating. Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors will go ice climbing and Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes will go tobogganing. Please note that activities are dependent on snow/ice levels and may be modified to meet actual weather conditions.

Find all the details about Camp USAGSO programs, including travel and transportation information, on our website.

Island Adventures on Jeju Island, South Korea

March 28-31, 2025

Set your watches to island time for this adventure camp! Girl Scouts will spend the long weekend chasing waterfalls, exploring the local folk village and learning about underwater life at Aqua Planet, Asia’s largest aquarium. Other activities include hiking, watching the sun rise from a 5,000-year-old tuff cone and learning about the local culture at a museum or two.

Fun in the Sun in Albufeira, Portugal

June 27-30, 2025

Kick off your summer adventures in sunny Portugal! Activities will include a dolphin and cave boat tour, plus other local experiences voted on by the campers. There’s so much to do in Albufeira – exploring the old town, visiting the Zoomarine park, tasting local seafood specialties –campers will be spoiled for choice! Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors will go surfing and Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes will go on a mountain safari.

Mountain Adventures in Tolmin, Slovenia

July 11-14, 2025

Summer mountain adventures await in Slovenia! Pitch a tent beside the emerald green Soča River and listen to the sounds of nature. Activities will include outdoor cooking, a visit to the Soča River Fun Park, high ropes course, hiking and whitewater rafting.

Find all the details about Camp USAGSO programs, including travel and transportation information, on our website.

Whitewater Glamping in Minakami, Japan

July 22-25, 2025

Raft the river in style during this summer adventure in Minakai, just a little over an hour outside of Tokyo! Settle into your glamping yurt before setting out to explore the many outdoor adventures that await. Activities will include outdoor cooking, whitewater rafting, exploring a local hot spring and canyoneering.

Outdoor Adventure in Hokkaido, Japan

August 1-4, 2025

Round out your summer adventures in the Daisetsuzan National Park! Activities will include hiking and water sports, plus other local experiences voted on by the campers. There’s so much to do in Hokkaido – visiting an onsen, mountain biking, high ropes, exploring nearby lavender fields and more – campers will be thrilled with all the options!

Find all the details about Camp USAGSO programs, including travel and transportation information, on our website.

Week-Long Overnight Camp


June 14-20, 2025

Each day at camp will begin with an opening ceremony and breakfast. Campers will participate in a variety of activities each day including:

Outdoor activities such as hiking, archery, knots, orienteering, fire building and outdoor cooking

Art and performance activities such as tie-dye, songs, theatre/improv

Team building and leadership development activities such as high and low ropes courses

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) activities

Our Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors will also participate in off-camp, high adventures, in addition to on-camp activities.

Find all the details about Camp USAGSO programs, including travel and transportation information, on our website.

Your Year of Learning

Our volunteers are the heart of USA Girl Scouts Overseas, and they are the ones who provide critical support and help us make it possible to provide the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to so many girls around the world. We couldn’t do it without you! We have several exciting programs planned where volunteers can come together, learn from one another and grow their skills. We hope you’ll take advantage of these great opportunities!

Stay up-to-date on all things USAGSO during Overseas Updates!

Want to know what is happening with USAGSO? Join our Overseas Updates, a monthly virtual meeting where you can hear directly from USAGSO staff and meet other volunteers from communities around the world. Register for sessions here.

October 1, 2024 | January 14, 2025 March 11, 2025 | May 13, 2025

Join us for a Volunteer Retreat!

Join USAGSO volunteers and staff from around the world to network and grow in your Girl Scout roles. Through a mixture of training sessions, networking opportunities, and of course, a little bit of fun, we will all leave the retreat refreshed and ready for an amazing Girl Scout year.

Cost: $300 for the full weekend | $75 for a Saturday-only day pass

Tama Hills, Japan- October 18-20, 2024

Jugendherberge Oberreifenberg, Germany- October 18-20, 2024

Nuestra Cabaña, Mexico- July 12-14, 2025

Help us celebrate our 100th anniversary by nominating someone for our 100 @ 100 Honorees list!

Know someone - girl or adult - who has lifted up USAGSO? Nominate them for our list of amazing people who have made Girl Scouts great in your Overseas community. We can’t wait to hear all your amazing stories!

Required Trainings for Volunteers

As a volunteer with USAGSO, you must complete several trainings within gsLearn before working with girls. Need to know how to access gsLearn? This helpful resource will guide you step-by-step in finding the courses you need.

Troop Leaders Training Roadmap

700 Troop Leader Onboarding

700 Child Protection Training

700 Overseas Updates

Additional Enrichment Trainings in gsLearn include: Outdoor Training Certificate; Juliette's Pearls of Wisdom, etc.

OCMT Training Roadmap

700 OCMT Onboarding & OCMT Planning Packet

700 Child Protection Training

700 Overseas Updates Positions Trainings include:

700 OCC Training

700 Secretary Training

700 Registrar Training

Girl Scout Climate Challen

700 Treasurer Training

700 Cookie Manager Tra

700 Recruiter Training

Additional Enrichment Trainings in gsLearn include: Adult Awards; Navigating Conflict with Confidence; Transition Planning, etc.

Overseas Volunteer Partners are here are to help you!

Does your Overseas Committee or troop want to host an epic in-person program, but don’t know where to start with planning? Or do you want to take girls camping, but would like a training weekend to brush up on your outdoor skills beforehand? Do you just need someone to help audit your finances and help create a budget? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, our Overseas Volunteer Partners are here to help!

Overseas Volunteer Partners (OVPs) support the unique needs of USAGSO volunteers and staff by tackling operational, training and program development challenges, resulting in long-lasting transformations enhancing the Girl Scout experience. If you’re interested in requesting OVP consultation or service for your Girl Scout community, submit your request here.

Interested in being an OVP? You can find position descriptions and FAQs on our website.

Girl Scout Spotlight

In spring 2024, Girl Scouts in Chisinau, Moldova had the amazing experience of meeting United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, during his visit to the U.S. Embassy Moldova. One Girl Scout Daisy in particular was excited to show off her extensive collection of fun patches!

Shop with us today!

Visit us at the Girl Scout Shop! Camp Zama, Japan

Schedule an appointment with us 24 hours in advance.

You can also shop 24/7 using our online shop.

Free Girl Scout Kit Bag with every $50 purchase of uniform items Styles of bag will vary, while supplies last

Check out this new Adventure Pack! Perfect for when you are heading off to Camp USAGSO or when you just want to explore the outdoors near you. Get yours today!

Items include flashlight, duffle bag, mini notepad, water bottle and fun patch of your choosing!

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