safer .. . stronger .. . more fun BALANCE BEAM
This new Balance Beam (16' 5" long) develops poise, coordination, confidence. Steady, stable base. New Quik-Lok height adjustment for maximum safety.
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Quick . . . simple . . . strong .. . safe. Just lift the "Lok-Lever" .. . then depress the "Double-Lok" .. . adj.u st position. Exclusive with Porter.
Offers more gym class "use" hours. Rugged, durable, safe. Contoured black leather body, adjustable wood pommels. Steel base. New double safety Quik-Lok. Meets Olympic specifica tions.
New, stable base design grips floor for safer, surer vaulting. Contoured black leather body. New Quick-Lok height adjustment adjusts every 2 inches from 38 to sS inches.
Flexible steel-core rails. Super-sta- ·..... ble base. Safe, simple Quik-Lok height and width adjustment. Easily trans ported.
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IVrile today for colorful litertltuft! on POfter basketball, gymnasium and playground equipment.
Division of Waco-Porter Corporation
9555 Irving Park Road
Schiller Park, Illinois
TROPHIES especially designed for lhe United States Gymnastics Federation
Designers & Manufacturers SINCE 1912 of Pins, Medals, Trophies & Awards
let us help you design Gymnastics awards for YOUR MEMBERSHIP, or YOUR COMPETITIONS.
P·S9 GYMNASTIC PANTS. New imported lightweight knit fabric, made from imported yarns with elaiticized weaving. Half the price of other imported pants! Zipper on side, and elastic waist· band. Crease sewn in. Special formed ankle cuff with elastic strap in offwhite only. State waist and inseam measurement when ordering. Available in waist sizes 24" 26" 28" 30" 32", 34" and 36". ' • • , Price prepaid ..... .. ........................... $11.50
~~ /-
# 1. UNICYCLE _.............. ..... $35.00 Projessional curv ed seat, heavy industrial
bearing , 20" wheel , durable enamel finish , instructions.
Soft·but·tough lampwick ma· terial provides protection and relief from sore. blistered and calloused hands . Com· plete with straps . LH HAND· GRIP, prepaid , per pair. .$1.50
Made . o f 1" heavy nylon handstraps . Features an aircraft-type buckle that adiusts t o all sizes.
Bedard - A name long known in the field of gymnastics .
Long,wearing leather sale. Heavy duty canvas top . 3" ·wide elastic instep strap keeps shoes extra snug. Available in white only. no half sizes . S·6 SHOE, pre· paid. per pair ...................,$2.40
#3. INDOOR SPOTTING RIG (10' ceiling). .............. ......... $22.50 (15' ceiling) ........ ....... _...... $24.50 (20' ceiling). .. ............ _..... _ $25.50
LEATHER HANDGRIPS Heavy duty two· piece hand· grip with buckle and rivets. OB HANDGRIP, prepaid, per pair .............................. $1.50
Includes pulleys, ropes, snaps, belt . (send approx imate height of ce iling)
#4 . TRAPEZE ..... .... .......... ... $12.95 This is a professional bar and includes ey e bolts , steel hooks, wrapped bar , podded ends , 5 / S" cotton rope. Standard length 7 ft .
IMPORTED CHALK Finest impcrted. soft and light type preferred by gym · nastists and athletes every· where. Eight 2·oz. bars to the lb . CM2 CHALK. per lb. plus postage ...... ..........$1.50
#5. LEAPING TRAMPOLINE (with springsL.. ...... ............. $22.95 (cable) ................. ....... ...... $29.95 Strong steel frome, 2 ft . square ny lon weh bed, spring or exercise coble.
tipped .
SEND FOR FREE CATALOG This 48·page buying referen~e __ shows you where to find every 2 hard·to ·locate gymnastic item. ' Saves you time. Saves you .'
NOTE : With each piece of equipment you get a brochure containing instructions for beginners . . . and how to core for the equipment .
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GYMNASTIC SUPPLY CO., INC. 250 W. Sixth SI., San Pedro. Calif.
All Equipment Prices F.O.S. Von Nuy s, California
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Send P·57 Pants . Size _ _ _ _ . LH Handgrip . S·6 High Score Shoes. Size _ _ . OB Handgrip. CM2 Chalk. Ibs.
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There's quite a difference in gymnastic apparatus and you'll see this difference if you compare Nissen Medart's new nickel-chrome line with ordinary gymnastic apparatus. Gleaming, maintenance-free nickel-chrome finish, strong oval-shaped steel tubing construction (in place of cast iron), finger tip adjustment, easy portability, and traditional Nissen Medart performance make this new line your best buy. Nissen Medart gymnastic apparatus conforms to Olympic specifications, too. Can you afford less than the best when it costs no more than ordinary apparatus?
930 27th AVENUE S.W., CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA Phone: 365-7561 Area Code 319
SEPTEMBER, 1963 No. 6
Volume V
CONTENTS Notes From The Editor .... ... ..................... .... ...... 5 Chalk Talk .. ......... ..... .... ....... ......... ........ .............. 6 Ames Recreational MeeL ... .... ....... ....... .. ... .... .. .. 8 Sokol Championships ............ .. ............ ... ... ........ 9 USGF Directors Report ... ..... ........ ..... .. .... ... .. .... .. 10 Gymnastic Course .................. ... ......... .... ... ..... .... 14 German TurnfesL ......... ....... ....... ........... .. ........ 16 Gym nastic Gimmics ..... ...... ... ........... .... .... .. ....... 22 Helpful Hints .. ............. ..... ...... ...... ... ... .............. 23 Trampolining ... ... ....... ....... ... ..... .. ...... .... .. ....... . 24 Gymnast ics in Physical Education .. .. ... .. .... ......... 26 Di ligence of Larisa Laty nina ... ... ...... ... ..... ... .. ..... 29 Gym Fitness .................... .. ..... ... ............... ·... .. .. .. 30 Questions and Pointers .... ... ................ .... ..... ...... 32 What's The Score ............ ...... ..... .... .. .... . .... ........ 34 New Products...... ..... ........ ...... ...... .......... .. ......... 35 Letters ........ .. .. .... ......... .. .... ....... .... .... ... ...... ... .. 36
THIS EDITION: we welcome two new contributors to the M.G.- j ~ss Robinson who will be handling and editing the Trampolining news and instruction section, and Jeryl Wright with his "Whats The Score" column will cover meet results and statistics ... . Also take special note of the USGF Olympic Games Tour to Tokyo. This will be a great event and we hope many will be able to take advantage of this special offer .. . Don't wait, sign up now! -l-:-
REVISED OLYMPIC COMPULSORIES: The USGF has printed up and ready for mailin g the revised Olympic compulsories for men with listings of faults and deductions. These are printed on long sheets on one side only · making them ideal for mounting on the bulletin board. Make sure yo u are registered with the USGF in order that yo u receive yo ur copy promptly.
SPECIAL OTE: Irwin Volze the grand old man of Turner Gymnastics in So. Calif. is back home from his long sta y in the hospital and would like to thank all the gymnasts and officials of the area who donated the much needed blood to help him through his operation . .. For Irwin's friends around the world who were not in a POsition to help . . . we are sure a card or a note to his home would be appreciated during his recovery. ( Irwin Volze, 344 Jefferson , Los Angeles, California). ¥.-
COVER : Pictured on the cover thi s edition are Margaret Korondi and her daughter Greta . Margaret (1952 Olympic Medal winner from Hungary) is helping to prepare apparatus and fitness programs for the USGF . Donna Schaenzer, 1963 USGF Notional Womens All-Around Chomp is now attending So. lIinoi s Univ. (More about that in the next M . G.). The American and the USGF Flog carried by the USGF Trampoline Champions as they join in the big Tunfest parade in Essen , Germany .
FEATURE CONTRBUTORS: A Bruce Frederick , Fronk Bore, Bud Beyer, J im Farkas, Art Shurlock, Kurt Baechler, Dr. Gohler, Bob Freemon , Jess Robinson, Jerry W. Wright, Bill Meade and Margaret Korondi.
THE MODERN GY MNAST is published in the U .S.A . by AMERICAN Physical FITNESS Research INSTITUTE, Inc. , nine issues for $3.00, SOc the single copy. All pictures and manusc ri pts submitted become the property of THE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return , request and sufficient postage are included . Published material becomes the property of THE MODERN GYMNAST. Copyright 1963 by AMERICAN Physical FITNESS Research INSTITUTE . Inc., 410 Broadway, Santo Monica , Caifornia.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: We will not go into all of the extenuating circumstances that caused us to be a bit late with this edition, we will not even try to justify it. But, we will say this, this "Bigger and Better than Ever" M. G. takes a lot more time, effort and money to produce. We have the time, effort and improved facilities to work with, but only you the coach, gymnast or official can add that little something that will make the big difference in production . . . SUBSCRIPTIONS . .. Coaches, get several subscripti ons for yo ur school, gym, library, your team . members and yo ur own . .. Gymnasts, make sure yo u en'courage all of your pals to subscribe and officials, order subscriptions for some of yo ur old competition buddies, they'd probably like to know whats going on in gymnastics . . . We will Help You ! ! ! If you are a paid up subscriber, just send us your name along with the name of a friend (who has never subscribed) and we will send a Free copy of the M. G. to your friend as a token gift from yo u to interest them in subscribing. Each one Get One (or two or three or more, but DO IT NOW!
______ ... __ .••. __ _. ____ ...•....... . Pubilsher ...... ..... ... ..... .. .. Editor
IEXT EDITION: Reports on summer Gymn Ca~ps and Clinics ... Santa Monica Sports Festival Invitational . .. lew Triple fly-a-way club ... more instruction and a further report from the European Championships and the Swedish Gymnastic Festival ... The Japanese overwhelming gymnastic victory at the World University Sports Championships in Brazil . . . plus the winning rOl!t~r:Pr;:.
so well that he can decide wi th a fuJi de;r.ree of co nfid ence wh e ther or not to have them repeat a compulsory routin e. £. Th e gy mnasts give the coach th e cooperation , and security he needs in order to make the tactical plans which are so necessa ry for winnin g top hon ors in today's tel-lIll gy mnas tics !
Academy Director Ted Kneeland , GrLlce Kaywell , )0 Anno Kneeland, Bill Meade and Herb Vogel.
and knowled ge, a nd we're ge tting real r t · suIts by employin g what we learn ed. All of us in the fi eld owe a real vo te of th ank s and a de bt of gratitude to Mr. Frank Hal e for his genero sity ill making th e trainin g session finan cially· possibl e. We had splendid acco mm odation s, great food fr om " Frenchi e" the cook, fine trainin g fa ciliti es at the Imperial Studios, rea l so uth ern hospit ali ty at the hand s of the Kn eeland s and their secretary , Miss Chapman. And a very special thanks to Mrs. Gra ce Kaywell and the USGF for settin g up the progr am an d contributing so mu ch to it. I wish it co uld be poss ibl e for every Am e rican gymnast to have THRE E WEEK S I N PALM BEACH.
Keport by Bill Meade
Sound good ? It wa s good. But we we re n't the re to vacRl inn. Our purpose th ere was to learn th e " Kn eela nd Syste m for .Ballet Trainin g." And , th ank s to the ge llerosity of Mr. Frank 1. Hale, (be tter kn ow n as : :Mr. Palm Beach") we had th e opportunity to learn this at the ha nd s of th e Masters th emselves, Mi ss J oA nn a, a nd Mr. Ted Kneela nd. And, learn we did. Some days found us hard a t it for ten and eleven hours-eve ry minut e of whi ch was well· spent. It isn't poss ibl e to recount in bri ef what the Kn ee land System .in vol ves, as th e breakd own a reas dealing ' with the ph ysica l, psychological , and philoso phical. We were exposed to such new animal s as : Recoi l. demip oint , audio- ton al rhythm , control zone, ba lan ce point, diaphragmati c brea th· in g, stretch exe rcises, and go up to go down . The gy mnasti c li ons (5 boys ; 7 girl s ) chewed on th ese mea ty morsels, threw 'e m back , go t them tosse d right back It them-a nd behold ! di gestion took llace with o ut standin g res ults. It was diffi· :ult in th e beg innin g for us who had neve r Jee n exposed to an y trainin g in the area Jf ballet to envi sion what carryover there wo uld be into our fi eld of gymnastics und er thi s new system. It wa s a real credit to the gy mnasts and th e Kn eelands that such real pat ience and und erstandin g was ex hibit ed on both parts to get th e job done. Movi es of parts of th e gy mna sts' -exer· cises were taken their first day a t th e S tudi os. Aft er 18 days of trainin g, these same routin es were execut ed again and th e vast improvement wa s plainly ev id ent to all. I feel that th ese gymn asts have gain ed a tremend ous advantage and . th a t th e things th ey can do with thi s knowl ed ge in the future will continu e to benefit th em. From th e coac hin g standpoint , I kn ow that 've have ga in ed very · va lu a bl e techniqu es
M. G. VISITOR Form er Japanese Olympian Miss Suzie Seki who had 'participated in the 1056 Olympic in Melbourne and the 1958 World .•Gymnastic Championships in Moscow visited the M.G. offiJ:e with Mr. Frank Endo recently. Miss Seki has attended the Northwester State College in Louisiana where she had assisted in teaching gymnastics whil e attending that school for her Master Degree. Miss Seki dropped by the M.G. office to give tha nks for the assistan ce rendered in the past M.G. article making it possible for her to come to the U. S. to study.
REPORT FROM EUROPE By Kurt Baechler. An European 's Thou ghts about American Gymnastic Chances in Tokyo. Sin ce I am acquainted with both th e fin e Am erican Gym nasts and the on es on thi , sid e of the ocea n, I belive I can sPl'ak with in sight and I think the USA buys ha ve as good a chan ce to win top pl ace~ in th e 1964 Ol ympi c Games as their . Track a nd Field coll eagues ! IF. a. They perfect their routin es ( both e'Jm pul sory and op ti onal) absolutely and cOl1lp let ely. b. They devel op the compul sory rou Inw,; to 9.5 avera ge (which in my opinion is definit ely poss ibl e.) e. Th ey reach the point of makin g each sim ple and singl e move in both co mpulsur ie, and optionals so meth in g s pecial. d. They can become so sure and certain of their routin es that they can play with each move, t9 do it lik e a fin e and wonderf ul piece of mu sic. t'. Th eir coach gets to know hi s team
As I mention ed many veal'S ago. it is Ill y beli ef that Armand o Vega ha s "Gold" in hi s arms and bod y . . . if, he know s how to master his temperam ent . . . if , he thinks as hard as he works .. . and if, at all times he uses hi s fine happy go lu cky head! Smil e, boys, gYl1lnasti cs is no work , it is a privilege to be abl e to use yo ur wh ole body ( including the head) th e way yo u do ill gymnasti cs ! Now realize thi s, the Olympic Gam es do not start in Tokyo, they have already start ed with your trainin g in th e gy m· na sium. .\t least once a week durin g your train· in g sessions do yo ur exerci ses as if yo u w ~ n: already in Tokyo, performin g your rOlltine before thou sands of roaring spectators and the world 's best and toughest j ucl !;es . . . and if you say, I am goin g to do th e whole rout ine then do it!! (co m· plete with proper approach and exit) , nevel stop without ha vin g acco mpli shed yo ur full a"d compl ete routine, otherwi se yo u cheat only yo ursel£. Yo u have to learn right now to do \Vh"t yo u have to do in Tokyo. Jf you think , oh, I'll do it in T okyo," it will be too late. Then do not just fi ght in order to mak e the team , many gymnasts do that. But fight and learn to fi ght right now , as ha rd as you ca n. Fight again st the slight est Inb·:take of fonn, of rno veln ent , pose, grace,
rhythm and flow of routin e wh enever you or yo ur co ach say, " OK, le t's do your rou· tin e." H ow to fi ght fa rperfection of your tn!al rout ine is as important in trainin g as it is to learn any difficult indi vidua l I11(1 Ve ment.
Also, to know yo ur weakn esses. Make a 1I0te about th em. Find out right now how to overcom e them . . . do not avoid the weaknesses and difficulti es til an other tilll e . . . correct and master them now! Cymnasti cs is in my opinion the best edu cator in life : it teaches you the right wa" in life, how you should .li ve - clean and hard working as well ha ppy and friendly! T okyo is your bi g chance, Tokyo is the bI g step to th e top for U.s.A. gymnastics ! 1 khow you know it 'and many oth ers all aI','" the world know it too. Don't be afraid of the though t that you can be among the bes t and that you have a rea l chance to win. I know thi s thought cuu ld make you nervous. Get over thi s nerv( usn ess, get used to it, go ahead , just pla;' wi th th e thought that you ca n win , tran , form your nervousness into drive, a lii'lll will to give everything for this pur· pose ! .. . I SAY EVERYTHING! You will be alon e in Tokyo on the sccr·.e. ver y lonely in th ose few last seconds before you start your routine, this is wilen you prove that yo ur training, yo ur physical and psychical training was right. Try to learn about thi s lon elin ess now , in yuur trainin g, so you will not be alon e on the podium . . . that before yo u start you know you are mentally as well as phy sically confident you tra in ed to reach th" great moment and are prepared to pel'form what ever is expected of YOUI one hlll.dred per cent. .
THE RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL LIAISON COMMITTEE National Gymnastic Clinic & ,National Association af College Gymnastic Coaches (N .A.C .G.C.l
B'v DR, GOHLER TEAM CHAMPION OF ' FRANCE MEN : PU,TEAUX 1. Lazha r i ........ 55. 10 2. A ndiu ............54.50 3. C h a r l es ........ .. .................................. 53.50 WOM EN: MOUTCEAU
] . Brisep ie rl' C' 2. Hug-e n ............ .... .... ........ .
3. Bobin
CHAIRMAN: Dr. Hartley Price, Fl orido State University, Tallaha ssee, Fl o rida . ANNOUNCEMENT : Th e f o llowing awards wi ll again be offered this year . GYMNASTIC RESEARCH AWARD S FOR ( 19 631964) at the Nati ona l Gymnastic Clinic at Sarasota , Fl orida. 1. Th e C. H . McC loy Honor Research Award of the National Gy mnas ti c Cl in ic $100 . (President , Fra nk Cumiskey, RFD Westwood, Rockleigh , New Jersey) Decided at Sarasota . 2 . Two Ho nor Research Awards of the NACGC (National Association o f College Gymnastic Coaches $100 each . An extra award is made this ye ar becau se the winner o f the 1962 award did not com plete hi s stu dy. (P resident, W ill iam Meade, Gymnastic Coach , Penn Sta t e Univer sity, Univer si t y Park, Pennsylvan ia ) T emporaril y approved at Sarasota. Final approva l by t he Execut ive Board of NACGC at the NCAA Champio nships . At the Gy mnast ic Clinic at Tu cson, Ari zona : I . The Gym Master ,Company Research Grant $200. (Director , Mr. Sam Boilie , Uni versity of Arizona , Tuc so n , Arizona. CR ITERION OF COMMI TTEE : The comm ittee w ishes t o stress that studies that benefit a large group ra ther than a small g roup w ill be fa vor ed. PROCEDURE OF CANDIDATES: Candidates cannot submit their outlines t o bo th clini cs. A cho ice must be made . I. A prospectus o'f the problem m ust be submi tt ed by Novembe r 1. a . Studies f o r considerati o n f or the Honor Research Awards of the National Gy mnastic Clinic or the N ACGC (Na t iona l Association of Co llege Gymnastic Coaches) m ust b e submitted t o Dr . Hart ley Price, Fl orida State University, by November 1. The prospectus will then be passed on t o the sub-committee of the Research Award Committee in order t o decide the winning ca ndidates. It will
.... 36.7 0 .................. .. 35.75 ............... .35.20
2. Bouc h o u net 3. G uiffl'oy 4. T ouc h e 5. Ibba 6. C harl es
...... 111.20 .... 109.40 ....... 109. 15 ......... " ... 101 .30 ...... 101. 35 .......... 100.65
WOMEN : ......... 72.999 1. Bael deu 2. Di eu donn e ........ 72.831 3. Ayma r .. ........................... " ... "..... .. .. 71.03 2 .. ... 69.39 8 4. L eto u l' u eul' . 5. Bru s t ea u x ............ 69.2 80 6. Gnade r .... 67.680
CHAMP IONSHIP OF USSR (Kowno) MEN : 1. K e rd e m eli di
2. Grolll o ,,' 3. S t o jda 4. L i si tzki
........ 111 .10 ......... 110. 95 ......... 109. 75 .... ... 109.60
TURNFEST OF SW ISS (Lucerne) 1. Feuz
.............. ....... .. ...... 113.70 ........ 111.00 :\. Fass l er .... .. 109.60 4/5 . Fah ..... 109.00 H efti ...................109.00 6. Eggel' ..... 107. 80 7. Dubach ....... 107.40 8. G. J osse v el .107.30 9. C. J ossevel ............ ................. ............ 107 .10 ...107.00 10. Bru ellm an n .......................
2. . MiGh e l
1. I{oe ni g ........................... ......... 113·.S9 2. Mosc h e l' .. 109.22 3. W a i b el ....... 107.57 4. Kli e n .. ............................ 107.19 5. Stu c hlik .... 106.64 6. Sch mid .......... ..... 106. 38 WOMEN : 1. 'Parz e r ................. " ...... ................... 76. 80 2. R e i tt e r .... " ......... 74.57 3. Hae m m el'l e .......... 74.10 4. Houd ek .. ............ 72.71 ...................... 72 .31 5. Ti schli n ger 6. Re initze r .......... .. ... 71.47 (T h e n o t es d o n o t h ave Internati o nal quality)
N,H,K, - POKALTURNEN (Tokyo) MEN: 1. End o ................................. " ................ 114 .35 2. Yama shita ................................... .. .. 114 .20 3. On so ..................... .... ........................... 113.95
4/ 5 Nagasa \Va
.... 113.00
H ayata .................. .. .......... 113.00 Ai h a ra ................................. 11 2.60 N akayam a ............. .. ... .. ........ 111. 85 Aiba ............................................. 111 .70 T su rumi ......... 111.55 Kat o ............ 111 .45 WOMEN: 1. T s uj i ....................... 75 .764
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Z. A buk awa .............. __ .... ... __ ._. . .. _.. _ 75. 62~ 3. Nak a mura ......................................... 74.297 4. T s urumi .............. 73.76 5 4. Shib u ya ............................................ .73.765 6. Kand,o ri ...... ..................... .72.76 4
JAPAN - EUROPE (Munich) J a p a n 228 .80 1. O n o 2. Yanul s hita 3. Ce r a" ·1/ 5. Fu e r s t A ih ara
6. 7. 8. 9.
DEUTSCHE TURNFEST (Essen) V1 EN: I . St uart (G r ea t B ri tain) .................... 112.1 5 2. Fuerst ........................... .. ......... 111.70 3. J asch ek ................................... 110.90 4. Bi sch o f .... .. ... :...... 109.95 5. Fri edr i c h ..... .... ...................... .108.20 6. Simo n ................................ .......... 106.50 t. M a tth es .......................... 105. 75 S. G la ser .................. ....................... 105.60 ~. Sc hl enk er ................ 105.15 ............... 105.10 10. H o fman WOMEN:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Sc h ep an Huth
.......................... __ .___ 75 .75
............ 75. 25 ... .... ........ ___ ................ ...................... 72. 70 Ludemann ............ 71. 85 Va l e nta ........... 71.50
I{l e in
Go ll er .................................. .. ............... 7 1.1 S
................... 57.40 ................... 56.30 ............. 56.20 .............. 56 .20
Nagasawa ,_ ........... ___ _... . __ ............. ......... 56.05
Kestol a .... 55.7 5 M . Wata na be ........................................ 55.25 F e uz ....... .. ............................... 55. 15 (Europe h a d o n l y 4 m e n ) 226.90 - 24{) .30 Yama s hita .... .... ........ .4 8.35 Ono .............. ..... .4 8. 30 Nagasaw a .. .. ....... .. 47.90 A ih ara ........................................... 47.70 T a kada .................................... .47.3 5 Stoff e l .......... 46.90 Wata n a b e .............................................. .46. 75 F euz . ......... ................... .. .................. 46 .75 Guiffroy ... ................ .. ...... .. .. 46. 35 Stef a n e lti ....................... .. . ................. .45. 85
fa ci litate matters if several copies o f the pros pectus are sent to me. .
VlEN: • 1. K ocs t c (G e l'man y) .. ........ ................:. 57.20 2. 'Neb el' (G e rm any .......... 56.30 3. Do lli ng (Germany) .......... 56. 10 4. Stuar t (Gr eat B ri ta in ) ...... 55 .55 S. Tippe l t (G erm a n y) ............................ 55.50 6. Kub i c k a l ( C h eclwsl ova ki a) ............ 55.40
b . St ud ies for co nsideration f o r the Re-
285.90 -
5th CUP OF EUROPE (Belgrad)
1. Cerar Mil'osJav (Ju) 2. Schaklin Boris (SU) ,3. Kerdemelidi Valeri (SU) . 4. Menichelli Fr~ (It) 5 . Carminucci ' Giovanni (It) 6. Pradanov Nicola (Bu) 7a, Fiille Richard (ODe) 7b ·~tny Jaraslav (CSR) 9. lti1lia- Premyl (CSR) ·10, K~ Otto (Fi) i1a. Kailsasov Velik (Bu) lIb. Rakosa' 'Alex (po) 13. Csany , Ramund (Un) 1"4, Wigaard Harald (No) 15. Stuart Ylray .(GB)
............ 58 .50 ............ 57 .nO ........... 57. 30 ... 56.90 .. .56 .85 ........... 56.80
Dr .
" ::::.'" ""c.."
9,60 9,5r 9,7u 9,80 9,50 9,35 9,40 9,45 9,40 9,40 9,20 9,15 9;10 9,10 9,3Q
9,85 9,60 9,65 9,45 9,45 9,50 9,40 9,50 9,40 9,00 9,35 9,55 9,15 9,60 9,35
9,70 9,65 9,50 9,55 9,40 9,35 9,35 9,35 9,55 9,35 9,65' 9,15 9,50 9,30 9,20
9,45 9,45 9,45 9,35 9,40 9,40 9,40 9,30 9,80 9,40 9,15 9,25 9,20 9, 30 8,?5
9,30 9,65 9,50 9,55 9,70 9,35 9,40 9,35 8,90 9,25 9,05 9,40 9,25 9,20 ~,?~
Roby ,
th e research.
282, 10
4. Kap saso f 5. C inluag hi 6. Ada m o f
b . The dead line f or the prospectus f or thi s year 's award w ill be: November 30, 1963. c. Indicate th e prog ress that has been made up-to-date o n .the resea r ch. d . The members o f the sub-committee wil dec ide what ca ndidat e w ill rece iv e the award after studying the prospecti. Th erefore, t he prospecti shou ld be v ery complet e. 3 . A rep ort of the w inners of all awards w ill b e made at t he N .A. C.G .C. Annual Meeting at t he N .C.A.A. Gy mnastic Champio nshiP!' at Los Angeles, Cal ifornia.
ITAL Y - BULGARIA R( ome) 2. Ca rnlinu cc i 3. Prodan o f
su bmitted
(I) Outl ine t he prob lem ; (2) State the hy potheses; (3 ) Indicate the methods t o be used; (4) Rep ort th e b ib liog raph y that was used in approaching the prob lem ; (5) Justify
1. G . Carminucc i ( Ita l y) ...... 57. 85 2. M a kurin (USSR) ........... 57.20 :1. Stastny (CSR) ......... ...... .... 57.00 4. Kub ec ( C SR) ........................ 56.80 5. Ga jdos (CSR) ... ................. ..... .. ...... 56.65. 6. Ta r a sjuk ( U SSR) .............. 56 .60 7, C imn aghi (Ita l y. .. .............. 55. 75 R. Marzo ll a (Ita l y ) ................................... 55 :30 n. Sk aca (Yu g os la v ia ) .. .5 ~.4 :) 10. St r asuga r (Yugosl av i a) ................54.1 5
1. :\o1e n i c h ell i
search Award at Tucson, Arizona, must Arizona. 2. The Prospectus of the Research :
BRAGLIA - MEMORIAL (To rino - Italy)
Europe 223 .4{) ............ 57. 55
EAST-E UROPE - JAPAN (Luxemburg) 1. 2. :l . 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. n. 10.
Stewa rt
Z5 .;:: '" c
9,85 9,80 9,65 9,30 9,50 9,60 9,40 9,40 9,20 9,50 9,30 9,20 9,45 9,10 9,25
51,75 57,65 57,45 57,00 56,95 56,55 56,35 56,35 56,25 55,90 55,70 55,70 55,65 55,60, 54,95
~~----------- ~
Pictured. a bove are membe rs of the Ames Gymnast ic Clu b, coached by Ed Ga gnier
g y mna st Ics co ach at
Iowa State Uni versiry.
B y Ed Gagnier The firs t Ames City R ecreati onal Gy mnasti cs l\'f eet, h eld at the LS.U. gy m on Ju ly 13, 1963, wa s attended by ove r 250 specta tor s and p erform ers. The fi fty finalists co m peting for top honors wer e but few of the 30 Ames youn gsters who had performe d th e req uired r outin es, numbers of ti mes, in efforts to qu alify for thi s m eet. All fin alists, bein g in alm ost top condi tion , performed their ro utines excepti onall y well. In mos t cases, the co mp etition was so keen th at the specta tors co ul~ h ardly be expected to tell tha t some of these yo un gs ters were performin g in their first gymn astics mee t. Awards were plentiful " an d anyon e not winnin g an offi cial place award was present ed a special a ward for their abil ity to have qual ifi ed for the fin a ls. Th e highes t hon ors were WO R . by Donna Chalm ers and Dave W ilcox. Donn a Ch almers, who was th e only tri ple firs t place winn er, won the senior girl s all-a roun d event , tumb ling and fl oor exercise. Da ve W ilcox won the senior boys all-aro un d event and also placed first in tumblin g. A nn Ca rney and Lind y Bu ck ea ch di d excep ti onally well in th eir d ivisions, bo th of whi ch won t wo gold trophies . T en yea r old An n Carn ey' won sen ior girls ba la nce beam with a spect acul ar bra nie d ism ount , and also ' bounced to a fi rst pla ce on tra m polin e . T hirteen year old Lindy Buck won th e fl oor exercise even t and then wen t on to cap ture the firs t place trophy on
pa rall el ba rs by executin g an extremel) well performed back-som er sault dism ount. The mee t h avin g turn ed out to be such a fin e su ccess will no doubt be sched uled as a r egul ar event again n ex t year as part o f th e s ummer recr eation program in Ames, Iowa.
AMES RECR EATIONAL MEET RESULTS July 13, 1963 J u ni or Boys T ra mp olin e : 1. J oe l Wilcox; 2. J ay ~T a llin ; 3. ~Talt L ovely ; 4. T a m R ich a r ds; 5. Ma r k F or em a n . Ju ni or Boys Horse Vau lting : 1. Bob Thomas; 2. Joel W il cox; 3. Mar k For e man ; 4. Tom R icha r ds; 5. Jay Walli n. Se ni or Boy s T ram polin e : 1. Mark ,Vilcox; 2. Dave , Vil cox; 3. Robb ~ra ll i n . Sen ior Boys Fl oor Exerc ise : 1. L ind v B uck; 2. Robb , Vallin ; 3. Stewart B u ck. Se ni or Boys Tumbling : 1. Dave W il cox : 2. Stewa r t B u ck; 3. R obb Wa llin. Se n ior Boys P ara ll el Ba rs: 1. Lindy B uck; 2. Dave W ilcox ; 3. Stewar t B u ck . Se ni or Boys Horse Vau lt ing : 1. Mark ' Vil cox; 2. Dave Wi lcox; 3. L indy B u ck . Se n ior Boys All- Aroun d : 1. Dave W ilcox; 2. Mark W ilcox; 3. Li ndy B u ck . 路J u ni or G irls Tr a m p ol in e : 1. Shery l Hall :
2. Jan e Peterson; 3. Glori a R ich ards; 4. Karin Everso n; 5. Co nni e Is rael.
Jun ior Gi r ls Horse Va ult ing : 1. Su e Sc hl ebecker, 2. R ita MacBrid e ; 3. Ma ry McCaffrey; 4. Beth Ann Stone: 5. Kath:,' Matuseski. Seni o r Gir ls T ram poli ne: 1. Ann Ca r n ey;; 2. Donna Cha lmers; 3. Gra ce Eve rso n.
Se ni or Girls Fl oor Exerc is e: 1. Do nna
Cha lmer s ; 2. Susan T h om as; 3. Ann Car ney. Se ni o r Gi r ls T u mbling: 1. Do nn a Chalm e l'S; 2. An n Ca r ney;] . Susa n Tho Jll as.
Se nior 'Girl s Balillic e ' Bea m : 1. Ann Car"ney; 2. S usan T h om as ; 3. Ma ry Ever son. Seni or Girls Hor se Va ulting: 1. J a nn Steel ; 2. Do nn a Ch a lm er s ; 3. Ann Carney. Senior Girl s All - Around: 1. Donna Chalm er s; 2. Ann Carn ey; 3. Su e Thom as. Winners of the First Ames City Recreationa l gymnastics Meet . Back Row: (L to R) Bob Thomas, Joel Wilcox, Jano Steel, Ma rk Wilcox . Front Row: Lindy Buck'; ' Dave Wilcox, Donna Ch a mbers and Ann Carney.
SOKOL CHAMPIONSHIPS On May 11, 1963, Sokol U SA conducted its annual Junior and S enior Championships_ About 50 gymnasts competed in the high est division of competition the Sokol has to offer. On a whole, routines wer e more difficult than they had been in the past; the junior boys showing a gr eat in crease in difficulty and execution_ Cheryl Giannini from Monessen, Pa_, completely dominated the junior "girls division to win the all-around title_ Cheryl is a ninth grade student and shows mu ch promi se for the future. Ronald Sitar from Binghampton, New York , had to show a steady performance to earn the all-around title for Junior boys. The tremendous show from the junior boys from Binghampton, N_ Y_ and Homestead, Pa_ , made the meet very close and interesting_ The n ew Sokol women's champion , Barbara Moonis, from McKeesport, Pa_ , has shown great improvement since h er 2nd place junior finish last year. Barbara, on ly sixteen years old , shows promise of being one of the best gy mnasts produced by the Sokol. Milan Trnka , men' s champion has won the title four times previous_ His fine sty Ie and execution gave him al1l early lead whi ch he never gave up_ Th e meet was very well run by Melvin Cernicky and Steve Banjak_ Head judge for m en was Rudy Bachna and for women, Marv KRdrik_ Barbaro Mannis
Milan Trnka
SOKOL CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS SENIOR MEN Long Horse Vault: L Milan Trnka, Chicago;2_ Ignac io Perez, P ittsburgh; 3. Jim Mulvih ill , Homstead , Penn. Floor Exercise : L Ig n acio Per ez; 2. Mi la n Trnka; 3. Jim M ul vihill. Side Horse : L Ed Sti rn , Homste ad , Pa.; 2. J im Mu lvihill ; 3. Milan Trnk a. Rings: L Ig n ac io P erez; 2. Milan Trnk a; 3. Ed S tim. Parallel Bars: L Ed Stim; M ila n Trnk a; 3. Ignac io Perez. Horizontal Bar : L Jim Mu lv ih ill ; 2. Thomas Misage, Hom s tead, P a . ; 3. Ed Stim. All-Around : Milan Trnka, 53 .65; 2. Jim Mu lv ihill, 52.12 ; 3. Ignacio P er ez , 52.0U. SENIOR WOMEN Side Horse Vault : L Barbara Bazzone, Clevela nd , 0.; 2. Sh erry Schau er , Clevela nd , 0.; 3. Barbara Moonis, McKeespo r t, Pa. Ba lance Beam: L E ll en Babuska, New a rk , N . J. ; Sherry Schau er ; 3. Wanda Zu c h owski . Rossford , O.
Floor Exercise : L Barb a r a Moon is; 2. Sh erry Schauer; 3. Barba ra Babuska. Uneven Par a llel Bars: L Bar bara Moon -is; 2. S h e rr y Schaver; 3. Ba rbara zo n e. .
All-Around: L Barbara Moo ni s, 36. 80; 2. Sherry Scha ue r , 36.70; 3. E ll en Bab usk a, 35.85. JUNIOR GIRLS Side Horse V,!ult: L C h er yl Gian nini ; 2. Il ona Klimc hak; 3. Pat Swan ick. Ba la nce Beam: L Ch er yl Giannini; 2. Pat Swanick; 3. Fra n Salotti. Floor Exercise: L Ch ery l Gia nnini , 2. V icky Ker ek es ; 3. Cath y Giann ini. Uneven Parallel Bars: L Pat Swanick; 2. Cat hy Giannini , Ilona K lim chak, ti e . All-Around: L Cher y l Gia nnini ; 2. Pat Swan ic k; 3. Ilon a K limch a k. JUNIOR BOYS - Ages 13 - 17) Long Horse Vault: L Ronald Sita r; 2. B l aze Blasko; 3.
~1ichae l
lVlil c h a n owsk i.
Floor Exercise : L Blaze Blasko, Ronald S itar, t ie; 2. M ich ael Mil ch anowski. Side Horse: L B laze B lasko ; 2. Rona ld Sitar; 3. Michael Milchanowski. Rings: L Mich ae l Milch anowski; 2. Ronald S ita r; 3. R Ol1,ald Sop ata. P ara ll el Bars: L Ronald Sitar; 2-. Mic h ae l l\if il c h ano,vsld; 3. Ronald Sopata.
Horizontal Bar: L Ronald Sitar; 2. B laze B lask o; 3. IVUch ael M ilch a n owski. All-Around: L Rona ld S itar; 2. Micha el M il ch anowsk i ; 3. B laze B lasko.
By Frank Bare The PA~M BEACH TRAININGSESSIO I ... regret· fully had to end, as do all good things, but not before an outstanding group of young gymnasts gained a great deal of help from the instructors at the Imperial Studios. This represented the first time such instruction was of· fered a group of American gymnasts and the perform. ances of the athletes in attendance were greatly improved. Such .events never come about with just the snap of a finger . . . they take work, cooperation, and help from many people and above all a sincere desire to help good athletes get even better. It takes financial help too . . . and this entire venture was made possible by Mr. Frank J. Hale . . . let there be no doubt that what he has done will never be forgotten by 14 great young performer:s. We needed equipment there and the PORTER ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT Company flew it there so we co uld have it on time to get the program underway ... the GYM-MASTER Company sent their special High.Bar and Still-Ring combination so the youngsters could work on. the air·conditioned stage of the beautiful Ro yal Poin· lClana Playhouse. HERB VOGEL, BILL MEADE, BROWNIE WRONA . . . all pitched in to help with the apparatus coaching ... and a very good resume of the training session was submitted by Bill Meade for this issue of the M.G . . . . so I'll drop that subject with a final "THA NK YOU" to all concerned with the even t · . . May it become an annual affair. This is the y~r of the DEUTSCHE5 TtJRNFEST ' ... that great German Turners Festival, which is ' held t;very five years. Last one was in Munich in ' 1958 and this year's TURNFEST was in Essen from July 15·21st. It was sight to behold and Glenn Sundby (representing the M.G. and the USGF) and I had the good fortune to attend and take the top three trampolinists from our USGF lATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. Three great performers . . . DA INY MILLMA I (1st Place ), FRED SANDERS (2nd Place) and GEORGE HERY (3rd Place) did an excellent job of presenting the kind of appearance that was a credit to not only the SGF but the United States as well. I can do little justice to the DEUTSCHES TURNFEST · . . and thanks to Glenn's picture taking ability the pictures will speak for themselves . . . it was truly a magnificent affair to witness. It was almost unbelievable to see 60,000 athletes on the field at one time . . . and still have 100,00 spectators in the stands. Colorful £lags · .. thousands of marchers in the parade ... Flags every· where ... two beautiful stadiums ... side by side ... the Grugga Park area with approximately Nine (9) gymnasiums being used at one time. 7,000 people jamming the main GruggaHalle day after day to see the winners of each event for Men and Women perform. Every store window in the City of Essen carried from one to twenty posters and pictures about the Turnfest and gymnastics. The great J AP ANESE TEAM was there for exhibition purposes. Great athletes from NORWAY, SWEDE I, E GLA D and GERMA Y all competing under the fla g of the DEUTSCH TURNER BUND (Ger-
USGF Trampol ine Team and Director Frank Bare wi th Turnfe st A ll - A rou nd Champ Nick Stewart .
man Gymnastics Federation) and all in great spirits, friendly and cooperative. The All·Around wi nn ~r ... NICK STUART of ENGLA TD ... who by the way celebrated his 37th birthday during the Turnfest and was awarded a bouquet of flow· ers by the D.T.B. during one of the exhibitions. Approx· imately 300 trampolinists took part in the competition and compulsory rou tines were used in Men's and Worn· en's events. The winning team in the trampoline event was from Berlin. I heard from one of the officials at the Turnfest that there are now more than 2;000 trampo· lines in Germany. One thing I assu're you there is a great deal of apparatus in Germany. In one area at one time we saw 24 Parallel bars . .. 30 Trampolines . .. an equal number of horses, beams . . . at every turn one would find a dozen pieces of gymnastic equipment stored or being used ... as I stated earlier it was quite a sight to behold. The trip began with a Lufthansa German Airlines 720 Jet in Chicago and eight hours of flying to Frankfurt;' Main, Germany . A short hop to Cologne and then a drive to Essen through the beautifully landscaped German countryside. Six days in Essen attending the Turnfest. At every opportunity (which was daily) our yo ung trampolinists helped the European gymnasts to learn the more advanced work being done here in the U.S.A. They appeared on German regional Television and marched in the huge Parade with a U.S . FLAG and our new SGF FLAG. From Essen we drove back to Cologne and spent three days at the SPORTHOCHSCHULE ... a beautiful and extremely large Sports High School . .. which specializes in courses in all areas of Physical Education. Two members of the Japanese team trained there and gymnast and teachers were present from Ghana, Egypt, Norway, Belgium, South Africa, Spain and the U.S .A ... . it was a pleasure to meet BOB FREEMAN, who was meet di· rector of the 1962 National Y.M.C. A. Championship (if memory serves me correctly) . . . Bob was attending the school and acted as interpreter for us at the exhibition our team put on · for the school. From Cologne it was off to Paris for a two day look at the "City of Light" and a short (but definitely up -hill ) walk to the second stage of the Eiffel Tower. We took the team to see the Tower, the Aroh de Triumph and had the great good fortune to literally bump into tARRY 11
Scenes from the British Army Physical Training Schoo l exhibition which the USGF Trampoline Team olso t ook part in .
.. one of our nation's foremost professional trampolinists (all-time great ) while visiting there_ From Paris to London_ ENGLAND and here the team performed at the famous Army School of Physical Training at Aldershot . . . and they were warmly received. The pictures in this issue of the M.G . will show more of the high-lights of the trip than I could possibly cover. Suffice it to say here that it was a great trip ... there will be more in the future for the many deserving coaches and athletes of the U.S.A . ... and we have much to learn from the E~Fopeans and likewise our coaches have much to offer them. We need many more such trips in the future . _ . sending different coaches and athletes almost every year.
A LOOK TO THE FALL - 1963 The WESTERN GYM NASTIC CLINC .. . Tucson, Arizona . . . Dec. 26th-30th, 1963. Clinic Director Sam Bailie has informed me the clinic plans are well under way and that this should be the best ever ... plan now on attending. The U.S.G.F. Executive Committee will be up for a meeting in early September . . . and making plans for the next USGF GOVERNING COUNCIL meeting. Members of the Executive Committee members are appointed (as representatives of their member organizations) on a yearly basis. Every National Organization that is a member has representation on the Governing Council and the next meeting should take place in January, 1964. The U.S.G .F. began formal operations in January, 1963. The USGF NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP will be held earlier in the year in 1964. Approximately 2-3 weeks after the N.C.A.A. and bids are still being received for that meet with a firm date and location to be announced probably in October or early November. There are some new areas of gymnastics springing up all across the U.S.A. and look for many new clinics and competitions to be held in areas that previously had not 'held such events. We'll keep you informed as to where and when through the M.G . and the USGF Newsletter. It should be a great year for gymnastics in 1964 and I hope as many of you as possible investigate making a trip to TOKYO , JAPA N for the OLMPIC GAMES (October, 1964). If you do plan on going begin now to make your plans . .. reservations are practically impossible to get even now. If the USGF Office can help you with such plans or information , just drop a line. The U.S.G.F. is the sale American Gymnastics OrganiZlition with the primary" objective of helping the sport of gymnastics to grow. May every young American gymnast get a fair chance to tryout for and qualify for our 1964 OLYMPIC TEAM. 12
The U.S.G.F. welcomes a new member . . . and welcome is the correct expression for the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION (AAHPER ) . The U.S.G.F. office received a letter from Dr. Ben W. Miller, indicating that the AAHPER had taken action to join the federation . I was quite impressed with the letter and wish to pass on to you some of it's contents. Dr. Miller stated, " Our association believes in the basic concept of a unified national effort to in.crease and improve the opportunities for more people at the school and college level to have the advantages of appropriate competitive experiences. We also feel that our membership on the Governing Council of. the United States Gymnastics Federation will give us an opportunity to have our views for enhancing the work of the federation objectively considered. " There is little that I need to say relative to how pleased the entire membership of the U.S.G.F. is to have the AAHPER as an active and much needed member. "Unified national effort" says a great deal, doesn't it?
-: -
Dr. Hartley Price I Florida State Univ. ) writes this office that the Research Awards will be presented at the Western Clinic and the Florida Clinic again this year. If you have a research stud y and wish to submit tha t study for consideration , write Dr. Hartley Price, Professor of Physical Education , Fla. State Univ. , Tallahassee, florida.
Mr. Bill Meade, Sect. for the Board of Directors of the National Summer Gym Clinic at East Lansing, Michigan, writes that ISO-plus ea ger gymnasts, coaches and physical education te~chers pulled into Landon dormitor y at Michigan St. University on August 18th for the start of a most successful clinic. Twenty-one staff members (and the list of instructors is very impressive ) welcomed the clinic registrants and after an evening of movies and planning the work began. Two competitions were conducted. Movies, chicken fr y, square dance, swimming and a " Nite of Stars" added zest to the clinic. It sounds like it was a great annual events in the Mid-West. This clinic carries a U.S.G.F. Sanction . . . and certainly deserves it! The U.S.G.F. has no financial or administrative coritrol or influence on this activity, however, it should be stressed that the clinic contributes considerably to the growth and development of the sport and this is our primary goal. To all those connected with the event . . . keep up the good work! -l-:.
I have received word that Eastern Montana College at Billings, Montana , is in search of a Gymnastics Coach.
Interested parties might write for ' infor mation to: Dr. Harold S. Alterowitz, Director of Athletics, Eastern Mon· tana Co llege.
We have written much on the Federation stand, ob· jectives and reasons for the Federation movement in Gymnastics. However , Gymnastics is not alone in this for. ward Federation movement and a recent column by the sports editor .of the Milwaukee J ournal captured so well several pertinent thoughts on the subject that we have reprinted the article below. We hope yo u will enjoy the comments of sports editor Oliver Kuechle and perhaps get a better overall. picture of the Federation concept.
The 'C. S. Olympic Committee h as set the ten tative dates for the 1964 Olympic Gymnastic trials for men and wome n as August 24th 8; 25th , 1964 at the World's Fair Assembly Area , in New York. -::.
-me · O~1iiwaUUkete TI
Ta Ik r
JO fUlO·nal
. The ·n e w federations Ii,? Yet the AAU wants none ' of n ; track, gymnastics and basket-. this . The AAU jealously wants l' ball now merely seek the same ) the lone voice in nine sports .in B OLIVER E. KUECHLE, 5"ort. Edito, and they shall get it-~f neces· ~nternational councils. T~e AAU " 1/ _ sary over the. AAl! go deaq IJealously .wants the big club I, . . ' . ' . b.oc:IY. They are m thiS to the': over all. /; AAU and NCAA to Shatter Summer Qmet .fmlsh and no. Lo!d BUr~hley~ There comes to mind in this, l • . . . of .England III mterna~lO~al l as the perfect example ofAAU . ; ' SCHOOLS will shortly be openea agam and the qUIet of the, track, . or no so and. so m m·! blundering when it swings the ' summer months in the war between the Amateur Athlet-· ternatlOnal. g~mnastl~s or no club, the incident in basketball t' . i k basketball and so and so m mternatlOnal bas·: a · few: years ago . A . Swedish . . d h f d IC Umo~ an t e new e era IOns III r a c , . . : ketball, is going to tell them ' national team arranged to play; gymnastics for control of t~e~e sp?rts at the mte~at~ona1 wh~t they can or cannot do j college teams' in this country, level will be shattered. The fmng will be heavy. Ahead IS aIlj on mternalpro?lems. made all travel arrangements, 01 ' If only cicadas ' . = .. .. '. ) ~- ~ ~ The AAU did serve. a p u r . . · ymplc year. ,. It is the basic philosophy of I pose at one time. It was the ' and then found at the last mm· have broken the summer .s qUiet,. educational institutions that policing body, the sanctioning . ute that it couldn't play be. though, . the mfonth~ hhave not they and they alone deter· body, the controlling body i cause the AAU had not been I evens . maneu'_rI mme ' ' ~t. h wh'l ' c lb ' th El ;iproperly . ,' Jbeen . Without • t h e cours.e 0 f t helr I e a thl et IC u s we~e consulted. The ' maHer venngs behmd the Imes, par letl' c programs The educatIOn. hubs of amateur athletic ac. . i ' l i b h' d th AAU 1" . .. . . . ' came to the attentIOn of FIBA, tlCU ar y e III e mes al institutions have chosen to tlVlty m thiS country and whll~ ' . I lin New York where harassed d ." m coil eg e programs generally ImternatlOnal basketball federa· IAAU leaders have come at last .suPPt°rt t~e fe 't~ratlon 1I ave· consisted of football, track and tion, and the AA U was ordered , men - umversl les, co eges, k h 11 .h . . , ,to realize what a thin line they high schools. ba~ ct a. Today, Wit ex- I to reimburse the Swedes $7,000. 'I hold and what a powerful force It is an evident right that , pa~~ ~d programst:verywhere, : The AAU paid. they face. . they who control 85% or 90% With schools controlling mos i So the wa r will shortly open I Appealmg letters have gone . of the men in track, basket- of the athletes, coaches and · aga in and there can be only I out from AAU President Louis. ball, and gymnastics, the " facilities, the AAU as. the in lone result, if not this year then I Fisher to all university presi. schools, that they who ha.v~ ' ternationalrepresentatlve fo , th n xt r th t Th AAU I · dents, probing for . ape a: c emost of the coaches and facIl!· . . " e e a e nex: . e. . .. fes should have more than a nme sports has .outlived ItS as we ha ve known It IS IIcked" (which can't be~. H: IS t~e lIttIet t~k~n whisper in the councils qsefulness. Each sport should Th~ high schools~ colleges and ~an who earlIer m thiS wa~l affecting policy or relations in ' hi a v e its own international ullivers~tIes of thiS country are j likened our educators who suPt- 1 international affairs i ' . ,. not ·gomg to back up m thiS I ported the federation movement · · .. . . . . representative. ;:flght. . . .1 And It IS Just a little abo I ' to Mao of Red Chma and Castro, surd that the AAU should ; Place for AAU ,----------; of Cu~a. !he ~e",: York presS'[':'h ave international jurisdiction ' AAU m Its thmkmg not only in . ten sports (track, swim- :THE federation movement is The , from A to U but from A to Z ,:: mIng', boxing, gymnastics, bas. I not unmindful of what the. and even "ZZZ," has lambasted >k e t b a II, bobsledding, judo, IAAU has done' or unmindfur the movement without knowing ' handball, w res t lin g and !that the AAU may be well : what it is all about. The Ama- ' weight lifting), but not in 2~ 'equipped to handle the affairs : teur Athlete a magazine con- otl1ers. Why only these ten. . involving athletes out of school. I trolled by th~ AAU, has .spoken . T~e 21 others, s~ch In each of its administrative · 1 . gI f h AA W h ! as soccer, sklmg, bIcycling, ' t " t h . I d d ' g ow?m y 0 t e U. 0: Jiglg'i! s}(.!l~ing, ~pe.e~ .s~atJ~g,. struc ureS, :l as mc u e . a , else. . ' . r have their own direct repre- fair ·place for the AAU or some ' The qUiet, though, Will soon sentation at in t ern a t i 0 n- comparable organization with l i al councils and are doing control over open athletes. In · , end; The firing will begin. I right well-th.ank you. the case of track, the govern· ment council, of 28, for instance, '. Different World : is composed of four representa· N ITS frantic desire to pro- f OC ey evo tives of the National Federation REGISTER WITH THE long the status quo, the AAU QNLY some 10 or 15 years of State High School Athletic U.S.G.F. just can't get through its head, ago, the United States Ice associatiorts, four of the armed STUDENT & GYMNAST: or refuses to get . through its . H?ckey asso~iation, f e'd up forces, six . representa tives at! (annual rate ) head, a few simple facts: ' . With the mismanagement It lar~e, seven'<;>f the Na~lOnal Col. : USGF PIN & Kegistration . . . ' had to accept, broke away leglate AthletIC aSSOCiatIO n and ' Card ........ , ... $I.OO ThiS' is a .dlfferent world from the catchall AAU and in seven of the AAU or a compar· , Sen~ Nf'lf'Y''' and a dd ress to: from the ope in whi'ch the a dragdown fight won' direct able organization. The structure I lISGF, P.O. Box 4699, AAU was organized in 1888" affiliation for itself with the obviously doe snot give the . TUCSON, ARIZONA. and in which, in truth, it did . International Hockev federa- schoQ)~ 'a dominant position. It serve a 'purpose. tion. . glv,e!!.:t:hem? only .~ fair: on~. . 1' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _
H k
Spo rts Schoo l, Cologne, Germany
OLYMPIANS CONDUCT GYMNASTIC COURSE By BOB FREEMA N Helmut Bantz, Kasuo Ab e , ' T akoshi M itsokuri and Bob Freeman,
Fre d )ounders
M illman
Frank Bore,
wi th
Storh oug
Takashi M itsakuri, Kasuo Abe and Hel· mut Bantz tea med up to give one of the most informative advance gymnastic courses this writer has attended. M itsakuri, member of the Japan ese teams of both 1960 Olympic Games and 1962 P rague World Games a nd Abe, member of th p- ' Pra gue W orld Games T eam assisted Helmut Bantz, Germ any's last gy mnastic go ld medal winner (1952) with their val· u2. ble demonstrations and teaching tech· niqu es, THEME OF THE COURSE " Who can swin g can do gym nastics." Th is was basically the approach of the whole' co urse. Proba bly the best exam ple of loi s approach was on th e parall el bars, Th ~ swin g wa s covered from all three po· siti ons, support , upper arm support and hun g. F irst fr om su pport: the em phasis was to have the shou ld ers remain directly ov', r the hand s on the front swin g. Also, th e chest shou ld be li fted sli ghtly, and sht,uld be a .minimum of piking action on th!' fr ont swin g. From thi s start it was de monstrated how such moves as the back s",,'ersa ult a nd stutz kehre are easily exe· cul f·d once the proper swin g is developed. The studen ts in the class lea rn ed the swin g ' lid how to s po t the back somersault. With Ie assistan ce of on e a nother the entire Im.s work ed on back so mersaults. Next /a.; the swin g from the han g und er the JU I'S. The class learn ed ho w th e back swing l evelops into a kip to a supp ort, the fr ont swin g to a cast and the cast to a " peach baske t." Mitsa kuri and A be concl uded th e fin' t lesso n on th e parallel bars by demon· slratin g and teachin g how th e back and front upri ses are developed from the basic upper arm swing: HORIZONTAL BAR The three in stru ctors emphasized that ti1c most imp ortant fundam ental was the correct swing. To this elementary movement was ad ded the half·turn on the front swin g. Bantz pointed ou t that whatever th e grip , a ll giants turning on the front swing are th e offs prin g of thi s basic swing with a l.ali·turn. The next two moves tau ght were a tll ck f1 yaw,ay and back giant (Japanese tca('hing method ). In following lesson s the stud ent s learn ed teachin g and spottin g techniques for other mo ves such ' as the German Giant, Dislocate Giant, etc. Bantz C("1cluded by sayin g th at, "The better yo n learn th e fundam ent al swin g, th e less yo u nee d the over head safe ty belt for teachin g tl' e~e ad vanced moves."
SIDE HORSE Th e introd uction to the side horse toda y is no lon ger through sin gle leg cuts! This is th e present German thinkin g as ex· pr essed by Bantz. He wen t on to say that th ey now teach movements which intro· duce early the idea of swing and weight shift in the straight arm support position. FLOOR EXERCISE The en tire class follow ed Mitsakuri and Abe through a tumblin g r outine. Essen· tiall y it is as listed below: (Note the op· position, for every forward mo vement there is a ba ckwa rd move ment. ) Pass No . 1. Forward roll jump, forward roll jump half or full turn ; 2. Back roll (kn ees straight ); 3. Hand stand forward rolh> (knees straight ) .; 4. Back _extension rolls ; 5. Front head springs; 6. Roundoff half-turn , di ve roll , half·turn , back s piin g; 7, Front hand sprin gs; 8. Roundoff back so mersault ; 9. Runnin g front so mersault ; 10. Roun d off backhand springs and variation s. STILL RINGS Again the instructors demonstrated' how il'1po rtant th e swing from the han g was and how it develops into back·uprise handstand , and upshoots to hand stand LONG HORSE VAULTING It was interestin g to note that Bantz beli eves vaults from the cr oup are exe· cuted basically the same as vaults from th e neck; the only differen ce is that on croup, va ults are don e in the air and after fli ght over the horse. Vaults from the neck a re just the opposite, U. S. TRAMPOLINE TEAM One of the highlights of the entire International Summerschool was t he demonstra· tiew by 3 American trampolinists from 'the United States Gymnasti c F ederation . For everyon e here in Europe this was the first tim e we had seen a triple back somersa ul t and quad·twi sting back somersault. It was wond erful and all were thrilled by th e;r performance.
Pictured a t right o re sce nes fr om the Spo rts School training sess ions and e vening informal workouts,
Above one of the many large halls used for Gymnastics at the Turnfest . At left: Th e very papular Rhonard (wheel) used for fun exercise and competition .
Lowe r left: Dr . Joseph Gohler and vis iting Japan. Below: M . G. subscri ber Dr. Reinhard daughter Heide (Dr. Becker feels we should photos in the M.G. and less group shots). and o f " Reuther Board" fame.
Gentlemen from Becker and his use more action Richa rd Reuther
One of the many Trampo line exhibiti or'ls at the-Tumfe5t_.
Winner s o f the Tram·po line competition. Right t o left : I . Dieter Schultz , 2. Klaus Foerster , 3. Al o is Hertle and 4 . Chr is N etherton .
Ni ck Stewart , Tunfest AII •.Around Champ .•
! (
Right: 'Grugga Hall wher·e the main competitions and exhibitions
Gy mnastic
w ere he ld .
f On the foll owing 4 pages are photos o f the M en's and W omen's Gymnastic exhi bi ti ons end i ng with the finol parade and stod ium program .
Ir BBays
8-11 Rebound Tumbling
. Junior A Boys 12-IYMar Tumbling
Junior A Royt; 1}1111~cbou -~ J
1 ~
J George Nissen and Bud Be ye r looking over the Elimination T ou rn ament Chart.
I d on 't think that
anyo ne will deny that now and th en we ha ve diffi cult y in ohtaining just ice in gy mnasti c mee ts. When you think se rio usly aboH t how gy mnasti cs meets are run, yo u m ust agree that we do not achieve pe rfec tion in awanlin g pla ces where th ey belon g. Quit e oft en decis ions are mad e in a snap sort of a wa y because we
try in g
man y
yo un gs te rs
throu gh a meet. The res ult of thi s snap judgm ent i inju sti ce to so me of the yo un gs ters. r think we ca n say , on the whol e. we deal o ut justi ce in most inc路tan ces but even a little bit of inju sti ce is a bad thin g so we s hould examin e o ur method of runnin g mee ts and see if we call come up with anoth er wa y to o btain judg ment. A t the Ni ssen Medart fac tory in Ceda r Rapid s, Iowa. wh ere expe rim ent s in new des ign for apparatu's take place daily, Mr. Geo ~ ge Nisse n . th e Pres id ent of th e co m路 pan y, s ugges te d an e xperiment in Tunn inl!
gymnasti cs meets: Out of thi s, cam e a new inte res tin ~ co ncept in th e runnin g
of gy mn asii cs mee ts and it "has ~O "l(' me nt s wh ich we sho uld meas ure. T h e point is not th a t we sh o uld adop t this but that thi s id ea shou ld se rve to s timu, la te oth er id eas -ab out th e poss ibilit y of ob ta inin g a square dea l for gy mn asti cs co m pt> t i 1( reo Here is the pro ce dure in .t;..i s路 ne w expt'l'im enl. Before we ~'O an y furth e r. IV " " h .. uld me ntion that thi s mee t- wa s in"olve :1 with onl y two event s but we did l' a vl' a con s id e rab le number of boy a nd g irl age g roupin gs: Fi n't of a ll. an ~ Iimin atio n tournam ent wac run in th e us ua l way. The yo un gster s were co mp etin g in tumblin g and in Tra mp路 " linin g a nd out of a fi eld of about 30 in each a ge class ifi cation for ea ch eve nt , eight boy s or girls were chosen. Th e second s tep , was to place th e eight qualifi e rs in each class ifi ca tion on a double eliminati on bra cke t a s show n in th e illustrati on . !\II'. Geor ge N issen is pointin g to thi s parti cular doubl e e liminati on to urnam e nt set up wh ile Bud Beye r is lookin g on. The co m pe tit ors ' we re placed on th ese d uubl e e limin a tion brackets in acco rd a nce with th e ir place wnn in the e lim inati on tournam ent.
Th e third ste p wa s to beg in runnin ~ th e yc" lll gs te rs through th is doubl e eliminat ion se t up. Ob vio us ly, th e judge onl y ha d to cl1t:C)se betwee n two individual , in ea ch case as the do uble elim ination competition progressed. F oll ow in g res ults are note wc: rth y : 1. Each yo un gster sudd enl y rea lized tha t in stead of all hi s or her hopes bein g pinn ed on one co mpetiti on , he or she wa~ go ing to have se veral chan ces to meet md . beat hi s o ppon e lJ;~s . The competit or
Left : Winners in the experimental meet in T rampo l ining fo r boys 8 - It At Right : W inners in the experimental Tumbling meet f o r q irls ..12 - t4 .
wo uld have hi s first cha nce in th e regul a r e li m in a , ion mee t a nd the n seve ra l ch ~n ces throughout th e eliminati on bra c k ~ t. 2. All meet ner vo us ness left the yo ungs ters a nd their performa nce im proved as th e mee t progresse d . 3. Th ey acq uired mee t exper ien ce equi val ent to s ix or seve n o f th e us ual mee ts. 4. Th e jud gin g was de finite ly just- in th e elimin a ti on porti on of th e mee t it was onl y necessary to designat e th e winn er uF two-man contests.
5 . Th e judges fo und th eir dec isions easy and th ey liked thi s kind of a mee t. 6. The s pectat ors found thi s ea sy to fl )!! o w and ve ry excitin g . We mu st, ho wever, in order to be fa ir, c. IJse r ve
seve ral
di sad yanf agps :
1. The mee t tim e is leng th ened 'su it wl. uld be limi ted to one a nd tw o event mee ts' un less we co uld think up another way o f doin g thi s. 2. There is so me diffi c ulty en co unt e red i!l placing the eight qualifiers in th e de uble elimination bra cke t, but thi s is not an in s urm ountabl e diffi culty. Th e main id ea h er e is that ther e may be othe r ways of runnin g a gy mn as ti cs mee t. W e kn ow yo u are all familiar with th e man to man co ntes t that we som etim es ha ve in gymnasti cs in the gy mnasium. P e rhaps someon e can come al ong' with a noth er id ea that is workable . H ere, a t lea st, is so me ori ginal thinkin g al o ng th e lin es of givin g more justice to youngsters in a gy mnastics m ee t and it is comi;icndab!e.
Helpful hints by "lim" Farkas, In stmctor 0/ Physical Education,
The Milwaukee Turners, Wisconsin
LEARNING THE IISTREULI II Alm ost every gy mn ast enco unters needl ess difficulties and dan gers when fi rst attemptin g to learn the "Streuli " or " Back Kip " on the rin gs. This diffi culty is posed by th e fa ct that althou gh th e gymnast may possess the necessary skills ( havin g done the for e· exercises) at the fir st attempts he will need to use such strength tha t only advanced gymnasts command. It will take a long tim e before one effectively can use wrist and arm technique to transfer from suspension to sup port without the use of excess ive strength. Bu t th ere is a " tri ck" wh ich will ena bl e even beginn ers to start lea rnin g th e "Streuli" shortly after th e lea rnin g of the " hi p· pull· over" on the H orizontal Bar. Sin ce we recognized the similarity of these two moves, we can assume that the streuli wi ll be easily lea rn ed if we elimin ate th e difficult wrist action and crea te a situation whi ch is sim ilar to that on a Horizontal Bar. Th e secret is in a special grasp in g of the rings (low rin gs! J Fig. A. Hints: Gra sp th e rin gs as illustrated; Keep them close together throu ghout the move; Do not allow th e move ment of th e rings until th e legs and hip have been eleva ted, then let them rotate until yo ur hands settle in the bottom (Fig. B.)
Spotting: This approach is quite safe, but it will furth er shorten th e lea rnin g process if th e legs are supported in a horizontal po· siti on while the rotation of the r in gs takes place. Advantages: Eliminates th e need for advanced strength , which wo uld be required with a regular grasp on the rings; The suspension starts on a co nsid erably higher point then it ends in a sup port, thus it gives a wider margin for corrections; T he most demandin g forea rm , and wrist action, needed for the transfer from suspe~ si o n to support happens automatica.))y, thus assuring the proper kin es thetic sensa ti ons without the interference of failure. As soon as the im age of the move has been materiali zed in correct kinesthetic sensa tions, it is safe to assume now th at th e streuli can be approached eff ectively also with a regul ar grip. Th e gymnast can now fully concentrate on th e technique and timing of the wrist·fore·arm action. Aft er the move has been successfully perform ed on low rin gs, then it can be attempted with sw in g, on th e hi gh rin gs too.
B. I.
Winners ot the Trampoline event ot the
USGF National Championships in Chicago (Frank Hale awarded Medals). Saunders, Millman and Hery . Millman and Hery were trained by Jess Robinson .
EDITOR'S NOTE:The Modern Gymnast will publish an article each issue written by Jess Robinson, n'ote d trampoline authority. Members of j\ll r. Robinson's trampoline club have dominated the Southern California, trampoline competition for the past four years. This ye ar, four of th e five first place winners at the first U.S.G.F. N ational Championship meet in Chicago were trained by M r. Robinson. Lei me rell you about Charl ie . . . H e taught me . a lesson early in my teaching career-"If you have a desire to succeed, you will succeed." I had often heard thi s but didn't honestly beli eve it appli ed to trampolinists. Charlie was a scrawny fourteen-year-ol d when he came in for his first tram polin e lesson and was probably the IIMlst cautious student ever to set foot on a trampoline. H e wouldn' t attempt a stomach or back drop and spent the' entire hour perfecting a seat drop. At the end of the long, futile lesson then; was no doubt that this was not Charlie's sport. Charlie wasn't thinkin g along these lil!es. H e had enojyed doing what little he could do and had the desire, if not the courage, to learn more. H e continued to work on the trampoline illmost every day and slowly, very slowly, he began to learn a few tricks. As the months passed he learned a minimum amount of fundam entals, had developed a rea sonably good front flip and was inquiring about a barany. I recall thinkin g " if this boy learns a barany, there isn't a a man alive that can't do one." So I gained a sudden respect for him when he not only learned the barany, but also a 1* front somersault and a back flip with a full twist. Charlie only worked on the few tricks he liked, but as soon as he mastered a new one he would swin g into anel out of it day after day, using every co mbin ation possible. It was about this time when Charl ie's dad came in to see Charlie's home away from home. Charlie's dad was a stern路 faced man who was once a gymnast and after seein g Charlie perform said "you ough t to have a doubl e back." At thi s point Charlie had joined our line of thinkin g. A dOl\ble bJl ck_ ,-v.a.~ _ a_very, .advanced 路 trjck for him . But Charlie admired his dad and
against his better judgement asked to be held in the belt. In a month 's time, working every day , Charlie learn ed his double back. Then he learned to swin g in and out of it. Gymnastic season was upon us again and Charlie had put together a respectabl e routine. It was agreed that competition would be good for him and he asked to join our ~o mp e ting team. The judges seemed to enjoy hi s routines because I recall them smiling. However, they were firm in their belief that good form was all important in a gymnastics mee t and didn' t .take into considerati,on that it was just short of a miracle' that Charlie was even there. Charlie didn't do very well that year but the competition threw new coals on the fir e and he se t himself a new goal. At one of these meets Charlie met Harvey Plant; one of the nation's top trampo路 linists. Harvey maintain ed the belief that if you couldn 't do a trick with good form yo u shouldn't do it at all. Harvey's form was fla wless and Charlie got the message. Charlie's knees straightened , his toes pointed, his arms started to lift correctly, he began pikin g out of twisters and the change was unbelievable. Another change had gradually been taking place in Charlie. The con tinual exercise had developed his muscles. deep breathin g had expanded his chest and his legs were strong and powerful. Even his personality had changed and he showed it. By next spring he was ready. H e ,placed high in every meet and in the bi g meet or the year, finale of the Gymnastics season, Charlie placed second, defeated only by Danny Millman, this year's national champion.
Trampoline Program
My success in trainin g top trampolinists is due largely to my tra(npoline program. Once a stud ent starts this program it maintain s his interest by continually off~ring a half dozen different tri cks to challenge his ability. In addition, sin ce each tri ck has a point value, it allows him to compare his progress with others. Points are given for sin gle and multiple . so mersaults and twi , ts performed fon'Vard and backward from the stomach, _~ack and feet. Points
are alSO given for somersaults done in form positions. Once a student has acquired points for learnin g a trick he may receive furth er points by usin g the trick in a routine . This is excellent training for com petition . Information Please
For years we have heard about Nard:" tranlpoline school in Texas and Larry Anderson's school in Hawaii. Lately trampoline activity is reported on the upswing in Florida and Louisiana. There is talk aLout great strides forward in this event in Europe and Jap an . What we are reo ques ting now a're cards and letters from these areas and elsewhere in the world giving information of interest to traffiJJolinists. This news will be passed on in thi s column. News from trampolin e manufacturers will also be welcomed and published. Please write to J ess Robin son, c/o Trampoline, Inc., 4207 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, California.
Interesting fea tures of this column will be "Record of the Month" and "Unusual Stunt or Wild Routine." Again we're askin g for your help. We have heard rumors of unbelievable tricks bein g performed and records being broken so we are Ipoking for fir st person or eye witness reports of these evcr-ts. To be sporting, let's report only tricks, routines or records performed out of the, belt. To give you an example we will start off with a couple that I have witnessed . . . Record of the Month
24 back pullovers (back somersaults frOll] back d,r op position to back drop -position ) performed in Burbank by Steve Lern er of Los Angeles on a 6 x 12' 1" web bed. Unusual Stu~t or Wild Routine
Four Bounce Routine : (1) Triple back somersault (2 ) Barany out fliffi's (3) Double back somersault (4) Back somersault with a triple twist- performed in Burbank by Delvin DuMey of Clinton, Wisconsin. Delvin is a high school student. Next month's record will be swing backs. Let's hear from anyone who has beaten Dar Robinson's local record of 125.
Too often the progression us" d by the un supervised beginner in preparation for a back flip is : seat drop, stomach drop, Lack drop, front somersault to seat, and then back flip. This foolish progression is used because the beginner does not know what else to do. Needless to say, a back flip attempted at this early stage ( unl ess performed in a belt ) is ex tremely dangerous and could result in serious in· jury. For many years we required students to learn forty or fifty fundamen tals as groundwork for advance trick s. In performing these fundamentals the student gains balance, timing and- coordination. H e also learns how to jump, twist and land corrcctly. Last year a local school district asked if we could supply them with a list of fundam entals point valued accord ing to difficulty. It proved to be a very interesting task. Using a chart form to work the trich out (see below) we discovered 143 '. tiifferent tricks, the most difficult of which can be performed only by top trampolinists. There are, however, many easy tricks that auy beginner can learn.
there are YU tTicks wi th lesser amou nts of points, students should certainly be capable of performing the somersault by the time they work up to it. To test the chart start with th e low numbers and work up. If the low numbers are too easy keep goin g-i t ge ts rugged. Puint value for each trick should be ob· tained by performing the trick twice in suc:cession without mistake. Qualifying should begin and end on the fee l. (Example: to obtain nine points for "from SEA T to BACK" the landin g position!' arc, FEET, SEAT, BACK, FEET.) Since points are obtained by performin g trick s only twice correctly, they should be done with good form, all landing straight with thc trampoline bed. For the convenience of class instru ction we have listed these tricks on three sheets according to number. Space has been allowed for studen ts names. These sheets are available at no charge by sendin g a stumped, self-addressed envelope to Jess Robinson, c/o Trampoline Inc., 4207 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, Calif.
Starting the chart we chose seven land· 'ing positions: fe et, knees, hands-&·knees, se at, stomach, back and corpse. (We used the corpse, or flat back as it is often called, because it is SUfficiently different than the back drop and considerably more difficult to work out of.) These landing positions put together in twos gave 41 tricks. Using twists in fundamentals makes twistin g somersaults easier to learn, so we added the half and full twists to the land· ing positions giving another 71 tricks. The somersault portion of the chart is limited but gives several progress ion steps to the front and back somersault. Finally, we rounded out the chart with 15 form tricks. To determine point values we first gave poin ts to the basic drops, two for the knee drop, five for the hands-&·kn ees and seat drops, ten for the stomach and back drops, and twenty for the corpse. Each other trick was then performed (starting and ending on feet) and its difficulty was rated in comparison to the basic drops. Lowest points allowed on head under tricks (somersa ults) was 28 for a hands· &-knees front sommersault to back. Since
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--- -- - -
BEGIN AND END ALL TRICKS ON FEET Copyri ght T rampoline Clu b Man .
~lt44tte~ tie
Alth ou gh the reade r will find nothin g of a so phi stica ted nature in th e s uggestion be low, pl ease bear in mind th a t id eas that scor e are oft e n the brain child of a pass in g whim and as s uch fall int o that grea t unknown area kn own as creat ivity. Systems of dan ce notation , for example Labanotation , are o f littl e value to th e untrain ed performer or teacher. Th ese sys tems, whe n learn ed , enable us to prese rve for eve r certain moveme nt patterns, routines if yo u will , in a m inimum amount of s pace . W e shall s uggest no subs titut e for th ese syste ms here. W hat we are offerin g is a pra cti cal , usa bl e tec hnique for beginn ers at choreography. It is exp erim ental at present but it ca n be improved and ma y develop into a mo st use ful aid to gy mna sts. W e ask that yo u simply try to " draw" mu sic. Yo ur own creative touch . will de termin e th e stru cture and outco me of yo ur wor k. Let us start with a simple, well-known tun e, "Mary had a littl e lamb." H er e is h ow one " authority" wo uld " d raw " it. Draw the hi ero glyphics in Fig. 1 at a fairl y niode rate pace pausin g sli ghtl y when the pau se sy mbol is indi cated . Yo u may use a pencil, s tick , or ot her ob j ec t. Any thin g whi ch will mak e a so und as yo u " draw " wi ll do. If " drawn " as shown , th e r esultant 'o 'lnd shou ld be su ggesti ve of the tun e.
No w, how does- all this fit in to a gy mn as ti c prog ram ? M usic selection for women's free ca li s th eni cs prese nt s a real challenge. At som e futur e date there are those who believe men may too use music. Proper selecti on of mu sic may mak e the d iffe rence between a winner and a lose r. Adapting typical gym nastic movements to the mu sic is also ano th er major task. If th e mu sic selected is simpl y to be use d as background . the to,a l exerci se is immediately pull ed down . " Drawin g" mu sic ma y thu s be o f value in solvin g th ese two bas ic problem s. Us ing the techniqu e described above : 1. Select the mu sic you wish to use. (Varyin g tempo, li vely, noti ce able pauses as well as so me sharp hold s or pea ks I .
Fig. 1 "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
III -~ /! ~ VI
Signs like this indicate a pause. They may be small or large depending on the pause or rest in the music. Now attempt to draw the marks found in Fi g. 2 and try to g uess what pop ul ar tune it suggests. You shou ld be able to "e t it in one or two trys. Th e an s wer wi ll be found at th e end of the article. (If you don't get it at first, " d raw " a littl e fa ster. To prove that all of the forego in g is not comp lete folly, the write r has tes ted over 1,000 elemen tary school chil dren by givin g th em simi lar scribblin g to decod e. An overwh elmin g majority we re able to un scramble th e patterns a bove plu s a fe w mor~ which. wer e sli ghtl y more comp li ca ted.
2. " Draw" th e music. Draw lin es, dots, dashes, ' mountain s. rolling hill s or an y design whi ch seems to fit. 3. Li sten to the music and wa tch ' yo ur initial drawin g. Make correc tions and im provements. 4. Repeat s tep three unt il yo u are happy w ith you r interpretation. S. Adapt your exercise tu con for m to parts of yo ur drawin g as foll ows :
Fig. 2
t III ~.
1/ (
k 1111 .......
I [PV r I
(· II~
Dots simply imply a tap. Do not take time to draw; simply tap.
D. Loo k for abrupt stops. I At thi s point yo u Illi ght ti me a leap, snap into a Yogi hand s tan d or perform so me othe r Impressive movement tim ed with th e pau se in the music. ' E. Yo u will di sco ve r other designs whi ch are s uitabl e for man y oth e r form s of move ment expression. Le t us kn ow abo ut specific pattern s whi ch yo u work oul. 6 . W rit e th e nam es of s pec ifi c moveme nts on th e " drawin g" itself. 7. Try yo ur exer cise and mak e necessa ry revi sions. It 's one
A. Indi cates smo oth , fl ow in g music anel similar mo ve ment s shou ld be worked out. (Turn s, slow lim bers, ca rt wheels, scal es,. etc. ) B. Indi cates s peed. I Tumb lin g move ments, quick turnin g movem ents, e tc.) C. Look for r epea tin g pattern s. (See Fig. 1 and co mpare lin es) . 1£ yo u find th at yo ur drawin g cons ists of a sin gle, r e peated patt ern it 's a pretty good bet th at th e music yo u have selec ted is not particu larl y good for yo ur exe rci se d evelopment. A good se lec ti on may ha ve a fe w, we ll· defin ed pattern s, howeve r. Leroy And erso n's "Sa ndpaper Ball et" is good for a s tart.
thin g to draw: anothe r to pe rform. R e me mbe r, "NIu s ic is no t
ba ckgroun d.'.' M .G. Ma y) un e, 1963,
16, (Fig. 2 is " J in gle Be ll >" ,.
,0 .-'
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V '
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by Leroy Anderson
Decca ED 1201 (S- 1867)
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do ne b y th e iVlil wa uk ee Turn e r " Tu",bl eweed s," I iVI1lts a l ri g hl a n gles ),
A com pl e te sec t ion on SII!!!!c" ted rul e, fo r cO llipe t iti on is inelu d ed ' with th e tl:o ug ht th a t class wo rk mi g ht also be -" va lua ie :1 in li lL ht o f , ta nd a rd s o f ('xce l· k n('e wll ic h have bef' n ,e t d ow n by int e r· llaJ iLna l g y mn as li (' ~ aLlth o riti c~ .
GYMNASTICS GUIDE A me ri can A ssocia ti on fo r H e alth , P h ys ica l E du ca ti Oll a nd R ec rea ti on . Division o f G irl s- and W ome n 's Spo rt s 1201 16 th S t. , N . W. , Wa shin g ton 36,
:' t'c t ;ons uf th e I( uid e a re a lso d evo ted to) lia bilil y in gy nll;as tics . te rm ino log y and IH. l lt· ~ . 1\ fa irl y co mpl e te bibli og ra ph y has been pre pa red . I A more co mpre he ns ive bi bli t'g ra ph y is ava il a bJ e thro ug h Ihi s d e· pa ri me nt o f th e iVLG . for lOcI . Th e prepa ra ti on o f th e G uide was a cl'lll mill ec res pon s ibilily a nd it in c luded t:art ic ip a t ion o f th e foll ow in g me llibers: Dorot h y Ma cLea n, Ch. U., of Washin g ton ; E rn es tin e H.. Ca rt e r, La ns in g, M ic h . ; iVl a r y Cave, San Di ego S ta le Coll ege; Kay Ma r· :! t' rum , W es l C heste r S ta te Co ll ege; D ow· IIll' Martin. Ba It im o re, M d .; Ma rg are l _\r ill ar. P a li l' rSOn , N .J. ; M a r y Sa r ve r. Sea t· li e. Washin g ton: Marjori e So ud e r. U. of Illin o is; Av is Ti e be r. U. of T exas; No r ma Z,;!Jka . Hunt e r Co ll ege; iVl a rga rct Brow n. E. Or a n!!e. N.J. a nd Lo ui ,(' [{" Ioff. _\'r ac· .\furray C:o ll '-'IL'" .
D.C. Sl.OO. t S toc k No. 243·075461.
Thi s e xce ll e nt a cl-d iit on to th e pop ul a r series of o ffi c ial g uid es p u bli shed by th e Am eri ca n Assoc iati on for H ea lth , Ph ysical E d ucation a nd R ec rea ti on a tt ests to reo newe d int e res l in gy mna sti cs in th e sch ools of the Unit ed S ta tes. As in othe r g ui des p ublish ed by th e Division of Girl s a nd W ome n 's Spo rt s, to " cons ult a nt s have co nlribut ed a rti cles o f c u r re nt int e res t whi ch a re h o ped to fill kn own ga ps in the teachin g aspec ts o f gy mn a sti cs . The writ e rs d o n ot pre tend that ihese a rti cles w ill sol ve a ll th e prob· ie ms but in s tea d la y a so und foun da ti on tor g uid es in thi s acti vit y a rea whi c h will be writt en in th e futtlr e. Th e G uid e has fo r th e first tim e g iven lilu ch a tte nti on to pra c ti ca l tec hniqu es o f te achin g gy mn asti cs and th e re i, a d e· cided lea nin g towa rd , ma n y o f th e not· "o· we ll ·kn own E uro pea n prac t ices whi c h will - he lp improve o ur teachi ng . F un da · mc nt a l ba ll e t te r ms are exp lain ed. prin c i· pI es o f m ov e me nt re la ted to gy mna sti cs s bows th e re is so me int e res t in th e En g· lish prog ram a nd inle rn a ti ona l rul es 'are c(> t do wn with a ppropri a te ex pl a na ti ons . The most imp ress ive o f th e arti cles in the rev iewe r's o pin ion is th e one on sid e horse va ultin g: by Za bk a . It is a ppa re nt th at M iss Za bk a h a s a ri c h bac k g roun d in Ell rc pea n prac ti ces a nd tra inin g a nd th e t<"x t o f h e r a rticl e is vc r y like th e one publi shed b y th e Euro pea n a uth orit y, La y, so me tim e ago. I t is re fr es hin g to kn ow th a t we a re fin a ll y ge ttin g some o f th ese impo rtant , contin e nt al pr ac ti ces dow n in E n g li sh so th a t we do n llt ap pea r as il2:nnran t as we mu s t have in yea rs pas t.
~ T he g irl s will be int e rested to kn ow th a t th e un eve n ba rs we re use d in Ge r· ma n y as earl y as t he lat e 1800s a nd th a t Dr. Rud o l ph Gasch d esc ribes e xe rc ise" on t:1(' un even ba rs in seve ral ed iti on, o f Uell!sche Volks· Tllrn bllcher in 1901. Th e i ru e ori g in o f un e ve n pa ra ll el ba rs may. in fac t, be traced bac k to J a hn hilll ,elf who is c redit ed with th e in ve nli on o f th e pa ra ll e l ba rs I Barre n I .
by Ji m Attila Far kas Gy mnasti c In stru ctor· Mil wa uk ee Turn e rs Thi s film has bee n a proj ect o f the .\1 i·lwau kee T urn e rs a nd is prese nted to edu ca to r.; in ho pes th a t it llIi g ht be o f val ue in th e d e velo pm enl o f p,y m nasti cs in the Un ited S ta tes . T he directo r, Jim Fa rk as, h as a ri c h back g round . Hi s tra in· in g in clud ed wo rk a t th e fam ous Coll ege JI Ph ys ica l Ed uca ti on in Hun g ary w he re he was award ed the d egree, Ma ste r o f PI, ys ica l Edu ca ti on . L a te r h e wa s ass ista nt Prufesso r o f Gy mn asti cs a t th e sa me in sti· lu liu n . In add ition to coach in g Hun ga r y's O lympi a ns he al so he ld a pos ition as a Ill e mbe r of the M e th od s Cu mmitt ee o f th e I: u ua pest Board o f Ph ys ical Edu ca ti oll and S pu rt s. Th e film r in gs o f th e E uro pea n a p pr oa ch toJ gy mn as ti cs in th a t one may see rea · I lire' o f th e co ntin e ntal prol! ra m whi ch I, ave been d esc ri bed b y foreig n a uth ors " "e h as Ku nz le a nd S ta ld e r. The wa rm · up e xe rcises sh o uld be es peciall y usef ul lo 10
ha ve
a se t
and rig h t).
.:\'ole : A n illl po l'ta nt f eatu r e of th e fi l m i,-; t h nt al l 1110v eme n t s a l'e shown Pl'il Cticpd to t h e r igh t a n c1 le ft w h e n n ec:essa l' v.
6." H a m st ri ng ::i ll 'e tc h ing e x ec ises : 7. \"i go r o u s h ip bendin g fl D Ill st r add le ~ta nd a r lll s swing for e downwa rd and bnck b e tw ee n l egs; S. Sid e bending e x e rci se:-;; H. Kkki ng' to h a nd:-; tand ; 10. Sp l it s pJ'acli ce. PART /I . TUMBLING FORWARD J. F'a n nu'c] roll; 2. I·teacl stancl; 3. Di\'e 1' 0 11 (Layo u t pos i t ion); 4, l( ip s - Sh o wi n g' d e ve lopment of I11ctxinull ki ppi ng' fOI'l" e:-; by ex ec u t ion starting' fro l11 an ext en sion o f t h e body: 5. Linlb el' 1',")l'w<1rd; 6" KijJ fr o l11 h ea dstand: 7. H ea d spring: X. H a nel !-'tnnc1 : 9 . ' Valk i ng o n h a nd !";; 10 . Jumping' forward o n hands kn ee fl e xi o ll and pxt e n sion for maximulll h e ig ht: 11. F'OI"ward h andspring; ] 2" Hand spring" step out (S i m il a r to ti n se l'ca); 13. Di,"ing h an d sp rin gs ( t wo foot ta k e -o f f); 1·1. F'o r wa r d somersault; ] 5. Sta n d in g pos ition, jump and imm ed iat e !='o ll1 e r sault: ] 6" i-Iand:-;pJ' in g", so m er sa ult (Fo l'wa r d) ; ] 7. C ontinuous fo r ward some r!-' a ult!-> <Som e l' ~ault se ri es f orwa rd ).
o ne - ha tf tUI'l1; 9. P irou e tt e ro ll oUl ; 10. Cartwheel; 11. Ho uncl o ff; 1 2 _ FOI',,-a I'd
wh o wh:: h
a n ce b ean1 a .s a .so rt o f ballet balTe . . . A . L eg- Bw i ngs fo rwa rd; B. Leg' s win gs bacl{wCl r cl; C. Leg' s win g's sid e ward ( L e ft
PART til· TUMBLING BACKWARD 1. 'fu I'n ba c kwarcl l'OIt : 2. Pi l, e bac l,\\-arc1 r oll ; 3. Ha el, 1'0 11 with full e xt ens ion of bod~r pas!j ing t hrough h a nd stand ; 4. B ac k h ands pri ng- lead - u p stunt~; 5. H;\nc1stand, sna p -clown; 6" Bac k be n d wa l k o'- el'S; 7_ Ba c k h andspring in be l t; S. Pl oo l' pirn u e tt e - ,,' j(; k to hand stand and
l hust:'
PART t • WARM·UP AND PREPARATORY E X ERCISES 1. Run n ing; 2. S id e ::;le pping' - Done at a f as t pa ce w i th a b.~ unt:ing a ct ion: 'J. Skip pin g - Do ne sw i ng'i ng th e a r m !:) i n oppo~ iti o n to th e legs. gxc.:e ll e n t trai n ing' fOl' t h e a ll - impor ta n t ski p - step i n tunlbl in g; 4 . Squnt j ump s fo r wanl swing'illg' (h e anns app r op r iat e ly; il. -Us in g' th e ba l-
whi ch
I,a rt ic ul a rl y ad a p ted lo gy mn ast ic d e ve lu p· Ill e nt. T he o nl y lackin g fea ture is th e d i· rec to r him sel f. S in ce th e film is s il e nt , uil e ca nn o l o bt a in fro m m e re ly view in g ii , enli g htenin g co mm ent s by its produ cer.
For thi s reason, we ho pe il may no t be Ivu lon g b ~ ru r e th ese comm e nt s a re pub· li shed In so me fashi on . Th e fo ll ow in g o utlin e -is d escriptive of th e conte nt o f th e film . It is a pprox im a tel y 60 fee t in le n g th a nd co pi es may be o b· ta in ed frolll th e p rodu ce r a t a cosl of S6 0.00. ( Write to J . A. F arka s, 23 16 N. 44 th St., Milwauk ee 10, Wi sco nsin , ) Th e film o pens with so ni e j:apid tumblin g
hand ~ p l 'ing (ste p out), J'ound o ff; 13. Bael.;: h al1c1 ~ i) rin g-s in bell ( ~e l'i esJ; 1 4_ Back hand sp r i ngs. Note: Pe ri od icall y th l'u ug h ou t t h e !'il!n ap p rop l'iate sl ow m o tio n f il mi ng of ce r ta i n st u nts cont ri butes to H Inore thoJ' o ug h , -isu a l ana l y~i s .
J 5. Bad, same l'sau tt ; 16 _ Hound off , fl ip (back han c1 s pl'ing-J. somes au tt: 17. A tt e rnat el-:l
(Bac k wHI'd) ;
so m er -
sa ult ",ith a one- ha lf tw ist: 20_ Back fu ll t\\" isling" Homer:-;all i t - S h o\\" n f l"om se,"el'a l <tng'le!j a n d a lso i n slow mol ion 1'1 Y> 111 sid e an d i n f r ont o~ t lllllb le l'. S h ows a r m act io n a nd h ead po~ iti o n (" Iea rl y: 21. .IJollncl e l' ~ backward (s er ies of }):lc:1< so m e r sa ult !:;). PART IV . MISCELL A NEOUS E X ERCISES AND FLOOR EXERCISE S 1. C r ad l e (Back h andspring start t o neck spl'ing fin i ~ h): 2. Cartwhee l (O ll f' h and): ::. A eri al ca r twh eels a nd som e l'~all l t:-:: 4" Car tw h ee ls ; 5" Cartw h ee l , :-:icl e sl)me l'salll t, <.:a l't w h ee l ; G. Ki p ,"a r iati on:-:; ., C h es t 1"0 11 "a r iatio n s; ~ . J ump iJac l<\\" a rc1 one-ha l f twi s t to') r oll -out; !I, F r ont walk o '" E' r: 10. Bac k wa ll<f)'" e l': 11. V;tlclez: 12 . I.-eg (' il' ele~ (Single): n. 11011 ('onlbinali o n:-:: 1-1. Serlle , "a r iation s; 15. Sp li t!-':
lG .
Sing-Ie leg- (' il'(' le
tn handsland:
l l<lndsta n cl pr es:-;e~; ] S" K nee boull (:t: til h ;. t Ilcl ~ t;l n<1: 1fl . On e a r m h :l IHl ,..;tand~ ( 1. C' g·~ e l o~ed a ncl leg"s o p e n); 20. lJac l< ,nl ll.;:o'·f'l" to ~ pli t: 21. F'i1 11 int o spli t f tT nl h i1 n cl .... ta ncl: 22" From h ancl~tan(l , low €' r to
st""ddle s tand to ,,'''. s it. F ino I' Exe rc ise by Na n cy Schult z ( T yp ica l o f g irl's Ol ym pic wo rk ) . Fi oo r E xe rcise by Gary S illl a ndl Ad va n ced boy's ro utin e. Throug h out the film , s tunts a re pe r· form ed by bOlh boys a nd g irl s. Boys a n d g irl s a re also used to de mons tra te those stunt s whi ch are pec uli a rl y masc u lin e o r k minin e. Thi s film sho ul d be e xtre me ly I'a lu a bl e to edu ca tors t S ta te direc tors a n d cit y s uperv iso rs 1 who a re seekin g a to p notc h film on basic tumblin g .
Larisa Lat y nina
LAURELS CROWN DILIGENCE OF LARISA LATYNINA By Anatolij Cajkovskij Translated jrom the Czechoslovakia gymnastic publication-" Sportovni Gymnasticka" by Mildred Prchal, Dire ctor oj Women's Gymnastics 0/ the American Sokol No one of those who write about Larisa Latynina forget, in their articl es, to menti on that the absolute champion of the world and Olympi c victor loved ballet from the beginnin g. This is the r eason for her lightn ess and grace of movemen t so ad· mired by thou sands upon thousand s of onlookers. Whil e still in school , ( Latynina graduated school in th e Ukranian city of Cherson ) she att ended ball et classes. Afterward , in the 6th grade, when Latynina was 13 years of age, she saw a gy mnastic competiti on and in stantly and ever after, was in lo ve with this sport. It is tru e that she likes sw immin g in summ e r and skiing in winter, but these are more res t peri ods than trainin g .
Often I visit durin g Latynina's trainin g period s. Thi s is her program: Durin g the first 15 minutes yo u are likely to see her befor e a great mirror warming up with va rious ballet elemen ts. Th en she begins for actual trainin g. The sequence from one apparatus to a noth e r is changed by Lat ynina and her train er, Alexander Misakov, each trainin g period. On an average, close to one hour is devo ted to exercise on the beam. This is a diffi cult and demanding event and La· tynina has several special exercises that help to develop stability. Vaultin g, usually, does not take' u p too much of her time. Durin g a half hour she does 20 to 25 various vaults and passes to other apparatus. The followin g one and one·half hours Latynina devo tes to bars and cali stheni cs. It is of inter est that her training always begins with apparatu s upon wh ich she wishes to concentrate most of her attention for that day. Thi s is, of course, natural
beca use in th e beginning Latynina is always fr esh and energeti c and most alert. Finally. Latynina does several exer cises for leg strengthenin g, such as jumps on the s prin g board and in place. Special exer· cises for strengthening hand s are not neces· sa ry, her heason being that her hand s are sufficiently strengthened through her training on apparatus. Ballet elements are always included in her warm ups. Besid e thi s, she not onlv attends ballet productions but fairly ofte~ attends ball et classes and ballet corps rehea rsals of the K yjov opera. She considers her lessons with th e best Ukrainian ballet masters very beneficial. So far , we have spoken of her regu lar training. Durin g th e days preceding competitions, however, the character of her trainin g chan ges. During the preparation period Latynina studies new elements and devo tes mu ch attention to all around physical preparation, to maintain good form. On the day before competition, she only "goes through" her exer cises in their entirety and req ues ts judgin g. Opti onal fl oor exercises and those on the bars she does 2 or 3 times; exercise on th e beam up to 5 times and no more than 10 vaults. Optional cali sthenics are composed by Lat ynina to gether with her trainer, and teach ers of artistic gymnastics and ballet. The grea test part, however, is composed by Latynina herself. She devotes a great deal of tim e to style and character of th e routine. She loves floor exer cises best of all. They are ri ch in leaps, pirouettes and va riou s dan ce elemen ts-in these she has always showed her greatest talent. Presently, together with Misakov, she has prepared a new working program. Thou gh she will work on new elements she will adhere strictly to her favorite principles, as she has in the "past. Larisa Latynina's first trainer was a Cherson gymnastic authority, Michail Sotni cenko. Since the tim e when Latynina
moved to Kyj ev (she succeeded here, in fini shing her studies at the physical culture in stitut e and is now preparing herself as "aspirant") Alexander Misakov is her train er. He is a recognized authority in the fi eld of gy mnasti cs. Among others, lVlisak ov has one more famou s protege, abso lute Ol ympic victor and ex -champion Boris Sachlin. Misakov ha s many out standin g trainin g method s. He likes ind epende nce in his pupils and endeavo rs to in still crea ti ve thinking. Latynina , at one tim e, repro ved him saying, " Why do you not, Alexandre Semjonovic, give me more of yo ur attention ?" It was, of co urse, meant in jes t. How~ er , nothin g escapes Misakov's keen observa ti on ; he sees each and every small error in technique. Latynina and Misakov are" very g.90d friend s. The crea tive qualiti es of tralll er and pupil res ult in the best, most ex qui site and s parklin g ma sterpieces, those ind escribably bea utiful rout ines we see Latynina execut e upon th e gy mna sti c podium. Recentl y, I asked Latynina how 10Jlg she wou ld co ntinu e to compete. She answered that oot long ago she th ought she would desert the gy mnastic podium after the Tok yo Alympiad , but now she has changed her mind ; she cann ot an swer precisely. She was hea rd to give her opinion about the spo rt: " Gymnastics are leadin g in the right directi on and will continue to improve. Accord in g to my opinion optional flo or exel cises are on th e right path. However, 1 should judge that excessive partiality to acrobat ics in the futur e, (as the trend of some gy mnasts indi cate) is not right because 1 minute and 20 seconds should include artistic grace and artistic skills and if gymnasts will execute only. serioes of acrobatic combinati ons, they will not be capable of includin g all of th e above in the allotted time. After all , a woman should remain a woman."
NIany parents do not r ealize that th eir children do n ot have th e over all exercisin g Physical Education in school that they need. In my opini on ever y child should start at the age of 4 attending a phy sical fitness, gym na sti c class. Gymnastics is th e s port that in volves the whole body and gives a good foundati on of health. Parents usually say : my child is so active, he is running and jumping all day, h6 sure does not need to enroll in any classes. Yo u are wrong - dear mother -! It is true children are active, but still th ey do not ge t the right kind of exerci ses by onl y doi ng t he thin gs th ey pi ck ' up by th emse lves. In a gy mn asti cs cla ss we generally in -
hand s and one pa rtn er I:oll s. from the sittin g position to her ba ck , then up for ward as the oth er r oll s down to the floor. H elp the child to do a BACKBEND: Child should lie o,! her back th en place both hand s on fl oor beside ears above should ers, with feet a littl e apart; bend knees and pull feet close to se at, now lift se at , back should ers off fl oor by arching and straight enin g arms. Mother places her arm und er th e child 's wa istlin e. Thi s exercise will in crease fl ex ibility as well as strength and posture. T o build strength in upper body a nd arm s do th e WHEELBARROW exer cise: Child places hand s on flo or keep in g elbows strai ght , moth er lifts child 's legs and hold them, no w th e child is ready to walk on her hand s.
GYM By MARGARET KORONDI Olymp ic Gold Medal Winner
elude: calestheni cs, tumblin g, apparatus wotk (parall el bars, un evens, balance beam, rin gs, hori zontal bar, va ultin g, etc. ) r ope climbing, so me ballet and mod ern dance and of co urse for children lots of games. Th e child will learn di sciplin e, crea ti veness, co mpanion ship and skill s, a nd will improve his enduran ce, strength a nd coordinati on. Gymna sti cs also improves th e se nse of balance a nd rhythm and will build as well as develop such mu scles he can not get elsewhere. Children will learn to lik e these classes and th ey will carry that " lik e" and habit of exer cisin g throu gh their life. By bein g raised thi s way th ey will not have problems of fat bul gin g tummy , so ft thi ghs, out of shape hips, tiredn ess in th e middl e of the day (as most of you have pre sent , moth ers and dadd ies. I So why not g ive your child a goo d start a nd introduce so me simpl e exerci ses as follow s : Yo un g children lik e to imitate animals and th ese a re wonderful exe rcises to impro ve their strength a nd coo rdinati on. .Vl ake th em wa lk like ducks, running lik e do!!s, jumping lik e fro gs or rabbits . H ere are
exe rci ses yo u ca n do "'ilh yo ur
chil d - hy helpin g him (o r her I it wil' be a great er expe ri ence and more fun 10 th e child if yo u have more children th ey can work togeth er. ROWI NG with feet apa rt : lVIot her and child sit 0 11 th e fl oo r fa cing each oth e r with fee t a par t. Th e child places her fee t again st the mother's legs. The two joi n
For yo u mothers, who did not learn the importance and benefit of gymnasti cs in your childhood, and now have problems, her e are some exer cises yo u should sta rt doin g ri ght away. Of co urse always start with yo ur all around exerci ses. " K ee p fit daily dozen" and after that work 5-15 minutes on yo ur " weak spots". Be sure to be on a diet if you have to lose weight , and consult, your doctor before you start it. Do not forget to tak e multi vitamin pills eith er! 1. For flabb y tummy, try the followin g exer cise : Sit on the floor in a semi-sittin g position, elbows bent , pull both kn ees close to your chest. (to es pointed and 1 in ch off fl oor ). By keep in g yo ur fee t toge th er strai ghten kn ees and lift legs upwards. Hold it for four co unts then return to startin g position. Repeat 5 times, then work it up gradually until yo u can do 25-30 with out interruption. 2. To improve fl exibility and st re tch ti ght mu scles: S it with feet wide apa rt on th e flo or, kn ees straight, arms at shoulders' heig ht, kee p back strai ght , then bend forwa rd and touch yo ur left toe with your ri ght arm , left arm swings backwardboun ce 4 times givin g yo ur thigh a hard er stretch th en continu ously touch yo ur right leg with yo ur left arm , thi s tim e yo u swing you r right ann backward and bounce 4 aga in . Alternate th e e'ercise for about 30 second s, th en gradu all y work it u p to 2 minutes.
UNEVEN PARALLEL BARS Th e un even bars are for women and was fir st introdu ced at th e 14th Olympics at H elsinki in 1952. The measurements of the un even bars are : heights of the high bar from the floor to the top of the bar is approximately 7' 6" and the height of the low bar is approximately 5'. The width between bars is adju stable 06-18 inches) to suit the individual gymn ast requirements. A beat board for mounting is permitted. The exercise should be perform ed continuously and should contain a mount, turnin g combinations, circles, stunts (th e gy mnast has to use both bars and the between area as well) and a dismount. Working on the unevens results in specifi c values lik e : 1. Develops strength and endurance in th e arms and upper body. 2. Develops confidence and self-reliability as well as ability of controlling th e over all body. 3. Develops timing and sense of balance and creativity. Being able to learn the skills, turn s, stunt s and circle movements on th e uneven bars, first you should be prepared. Different strengthening exercises on the floor and on stall bar are recommended. Low horizontal bar work is also ve ry important! Learn the basic mounts, turns, circles, kips on the horizontal ba r. Do strengthenin g exercises, and yo u will be able to do an un even routine very soon. Prepa ring exercises on th e stall bar follow . . I . Hang with ben t elbows on the t op b ar , hold it for 4 counts then slow ly, slo wl y let yourse lf down to a straight arm hang. 2. Hang with straight arms o n the n pull yo urse lf up (c hin - up ).
the t o p bar,
3. Hang w ith straight arm s (bac k to the bars) pul l yo ur knees to chest, h o ld it for 2 counts then straighten legs t o fr on t , ho ld it ago in , th en slowly return to starting position.
4 . Slar ti ng pos iti lSlr:l the same as b ef ore; lift str a ight legs together t o 90 degree angle, then slowl y return to starti ng pos it ion. You may stop a t 45 degree ang le for 2 cou nts.
1 1 I
1 5. Hang with straigh t ar ms, t hen slowly lift stra ight leg s, tog ether al l th e way up tr y ing to t ouch the t oes t o the top ba r I then return to starting position.
I !
6. Place hands on the floo r a ppr ox . I in fro nt of st oll ba rs , c l imb up wi th fee t J.:'landstond position. Hold it for 4 cou nts, slowly bend elb ows (but do not touch
f oo t to a then fl ool
Repeat all ex ercises 4 - 5 times f or the
co up le of weeks, gradual ly wo rking it u p until you can perJ o rm 15 - 20 with ease. w it h yo ur head ) and str a ighten a rms again t o
to handst and.
I !
Start with rea l simple exercises on th e low horizontal bar! (or low bar of parallels) . 1. Mount straight arm support. Stand fa cing t he low bar with th e han ds gra spin g th e bar with a regular grip. (Fingers over th e top with the thumbs und ern eath ). The gy mn as t th en jumps up toward the bar to a strai ght a rm support positi on . Be sure to li e with you r hip s on the bar, arm s strai ght ; body arched, legs straight, toes pointed. Do t.hi s 10·15 tim es every tim e yo u start work in g on the low hori· zont al bars. 2. Mount to strai ght arm support , th en le t your fee t swin g under the bar, push away fr om the bar a nd d ismoun t. Repea t that 10-15 ti mes . 31
" QU ESTI ONS AND POINTERS" By Art Shurlock Dear Mr. Shurlock, I am primarily a side horse enthusiast, but I keep running into quite a bit of dif· ficulty when I work on the side horse fo\· a half hour or so. I start to get a pain in my forearm ; usually my left forearm. Some· one calls them "pommel pains," but what· ever they 're called . I would like to know someway to stop them or ease the pain a bit. Double led circles on the end .of the horse with one hand on the pommel give me quite a lot of trouble. My double leg circles in the center are fairly good but when I move to the end I can't keep up the motion once it's started. Also how should the hand be placed on the end . I want to compliment you on th e height of your scissors in the picture on page 33 ·of the July· August Modern Gymnast. Any hints on how to attain scissors that high would be extremely appreciated. Thank you for your trouble . Sincerely, Greg Estes Lawrence, Kansas
3. Back puilover mount. Face the bar, hands grasp the bar in overgrip, pull toward the bar and lift on e leg up and over the bars, following imm~diat ely with the other leg. Help ·pulling with arm s and complete the back hip circle so that the body fini shes in a straight arm sup· port position. You can use this later for .your mount on the unevens, also to go from the lower bar to the top bar. 4. Single leg swing up. Face the bar and put hands shoulder width on the bar. Jump into air and bring one leg in tuck position between the arms and circle the bar with your legs. Let the body swing down under the bar, with the return swin g whip the free leg downward forcefully and pull with the arms. Continue the circle so the body rides up to the top of the bar with one leg in front and the oth er behind and the panels are supporting the body. 5. right leg over bar, to arm support on the bar position. After you completed your knee swing to a scissor fash ion arm support, continue by lifting right leg up and over the right side of the bar, change left hand grasp and place right hand on the other side of the bar, then contmue the turn with your right leg, so you will end up in a straight arm support position facin g the other direction. . We will continue with low hOrizontal bar exercise and basic un even mo unts stunts, circles, kips, combination s, dis· mounts, in our next iss ue .
CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? If so p lease notify us 6 weeks in advonce. Supp ly us with both you r old a nd new a dd ress, incl ud ing aldress labe l fro m curren t issue if possible. Cop ies we ma il to your old add ress wi ll not be del ivered by the Post Off ice un less you pay them ext ra postage. MA IL ADDR ESS CHANGE
TO: THE MOD ERN GYMNAST, BOX 611 , SA NTA MON ICA, CALIFORNIA . Be su re to include you r ci ty postal zone or Z ip number. HOW 'S Y OUR FI GUR E ?
you· need fast help , to r edu ce th e
s iz e of se lec ted a reas o f y our fi g ure, with r eal Inu scle finl1ing, slimnling'
exer cise - Rilex -A- Sizor, the electrical pulsat in g device is the so lution for yo ur problem.
IVlan y actresses, 1110dels a nd athl etes
a re using it successfull y. Send for yo ur free illustrated copy of " Figure Inlprovenl ent a nd
Care" .
Ril ex -A -Sizor: Rilex-A-Sizor, Dept. 20-604 98 0 N . La Cie nega Blvd., L.A. 54, Ca L
Nanl e ....... ... .___... _.... ......... .... ________ ... __ ..
Address Cify ..
State ..
Dear Greg: Y'ou can stop or prevent " pommel pains" or " wrist splints" very simply . For one , develop more strength in your arms by doing repetition dips on the parallel bar!;. Secondly, when you feel pommel pains again, stop working the horse immediately and force yourself to wait 2 days before YOLL u10rk it again. Y aLL will find that YOLL will be able to practice on the side horse for a much longer period without pommel pains. If they do occur again immediately stop practicing and follow the same procedure. Eventually you will build LLp a tal· erance· that will prevent pommel pains. Double leg circles Ion the end of the horse are not much more difficult than dOLLbles in ~he center. Downhill doubles (clockwise) require you Do push more vigorously with your right arm ( ojf the porn· mel), and to extend your body more fully sideward as y ou pass under your lejt arm. Uphill dOLLble leg circles require you to regrasp very quickly ajter you pus-h off with tTfe right hand (this is because you nde or support your body longer on the right hand when perjorming uphill doubles) . I Your hand should be fa cing diagonally backwards when you do dJouble leg circles on the end of the horse. The heel of ~he hand is on the top surface , and the fingers are on the curved surface of the side horse. There are probably two prime factors necessary for obtaining high scissors on the side horse . One is extreme flexibilit y oj the legs and hips. Twa is strong hip or leg abductor muscles (muscle that move the legs sidewards). Read the 111larch·April edition of the M. G. in the letters section ~here I gave a reply to Mr. Hirschfield about developing leg and hip flexibilit y . When this fl exibility is ascertained or developed the performer throws his leg high in,to the air on the scissors action which is followed by a vigorlous hand push and hip extension sideward, and a fast hand grasp preparatory to scissors on the opposite side. Look at as many pictures oj Cerar oj Yugoslavia as possible. He has his leg above his ,h ead before he ever releases the pommel with hiS' hand. This is . where and wh y extreme fle xibility of legs is necessary for high scisMrs. A .S.
Dear Sirs: I wondered if you could recomm end some exercises that would help prepare for German and eagle giants on the horizon tal bar. I would appreciate any help that you co uld give me. Sincerely, J ohn Cheney Dear l-ohn: This le,€er was rejerred to me by !\11 r. Slindby. J will attempt to give YOlL some help on YOM question. The German gLant and eagle giants are similar in several ways, in that they both require strong abdominal, posterior deltoid "( muscle located at back of shoulder) , and spinal " erector (muscle to straighten and arch back ) muscles. " A bdominal muscles can be developed by hanging on the horizontal bar and pulling the jeet quickly up to the bar with the legs straight, or by lying on the floor and pulling the body quickly intlO a V-sitting position with several repetitions. Posterior deltoids can be developed by holding a barb~ll behind the legs while standing in a piked position. The barbell is then lifted or swung backwards until it is straight above the head (the body remains in a static piked position throughout the exe rcise). Stdrt with 20·30 lbs. and do abola 10 repetitilons. To develop the erector spinal muscles lie on a table with your upper body ai/ the table and bent toward the floor. Have somebody secure feet tightly and' "then straighten and arch body as Jar backwards as possible. "Do sO.m e repitions
hl:Jld your body in all. arch with your hands extended in jront oj yOLi. This exercise will strengthen YOM back muscles and give power tothem. The eagle and German giants also require good piking and should~r .flexibility. Deve lop piking flexibility by bending jorward and pLilling your head into your knees. Develop sholtlder, ann, and wrist suppleness by practicing the dislocate m\:Jvem.ent on a broom handle, trying to move your hands as close together as possible while perjorming the dislocate action. For technical advice on the mechanics of these movements rejer to KLinzle's book o~~ the horizontal bar. He adeqLiately and expertly explains the correct actions fiar these movements, along with good se quence photos of the German and eagle giants. A.S. Dear Mr. Shurlock, Our Gymnastic Team at Wheaton Hi gh School, Maryland, is -only two years old and being this young we are going through the growing pain era. Actually what we lack in knowledge we make up in enthusiasm and desire, but there is one exercise that we are having a lot of trouble with and that is the " peach baskt." Two of the boys can get to the shoulder han g but where can ge get the height required for a strai ght arm support position? Sincerely, Bernie Muchil i Gymnastic Coach P.S. Your articles are excellen t and placed on our bulletin board.
Dear Bernie: The peach basket to sLipport is not mLich more dijficult than the peach to Lipper arm hang. It reqLiires the performer to extend his hips (or legs) sooner, and Do han g on longer with his hands. II'! r. SLindby has taken th ese sequence photos 0/ me performing the peach basket to straight ann support. NOTE the hand and body position at the start 0/ " the mOllement, th e qLiick piking action as my ' jeet leave the mat, the early e"xtension 0/ th e hips (and quite jorcefully) , and th e late hand release. You can speed up the knowledge process in gymnastics by obtaining as much injormation about gymnastic movements and skills as possible. Some good SOLirces oj in/ormation are ; Kunzle's books on jreeex, horizontal bar, and side horse; Takemloto's pamphlets and books with se"quence photos _(ordered through !ran/.: Endo 0/ L. A.); Mr. Farkas' "Helpjltl Hints" in the M.G. ; the Gymnast magazine from t-'ngland ; (;ymnast~c ILlIns 01 natwna!, world and Olympic championships ; and 'your (Twn nn/lagging analysis of 6he mechanics and esthetics oj gymnastic movement. Try to develop strength, power, and jlexibility in eve ry area of the body as quickly, and as ~ys temati cally as possible. Yon will find that this will tremendo'usly aid the acql. isition of new moves since YOLi will have the physical elements ne cessary to per/ann and control these gymnastic movements. A.S.
I. To equal ize the pressure on the two fin gers wh ic h support the hand gua rd ,
yo ur hond guords ho ve loops o f different sizes. T o get them on remember t wo things:
hav ing
tapes running along it goes against yo ur
hand . (Smoothest s ide of the guard goes ogainst the bar .) B. The long loop goes on you r longest or middle finger. 2. A lwa ys ti g hten t he wrist strop enoug h
so thot you r hand is forced into cupped
complet ely
you r hand .
slight canr.ot
preven t s the fab ric fr om bunching whe n you grasp th e ba r and prevents an unsafe grip. 3.
(G / m
.last 's 'Cha lk ' ) very liberall y the firsl time yo u. tr y your guo rds. Put the cha lk on the back and fr ont of the guard, a ll ow ing it to absorb the chalk dust. Chalk your hands as wel l. This coun terac t s pe rspi ration excellently,
4. Now wo rk caut ious ly at first u ntil you o re accusto med to t he guards. Th ey w ill b reak in and f it the contour of your hand after a practice o r t wo. These gua rds ho ve been used by nati ona l champions.
5. The Tear- Free Hand Guard will wear slowly and thi s wea r ing qualit y is your protection aga in st a shiny, slipper y and
unsofe guard. Check them frequently so th9t when they wear too thin for safe ty you can replace them immediatel y.
Plea se send me _ _ ~_PQi r o f Nissen
order for Send th e Hand Gua rds to: (P leose print plainly) Name
Stree t and Number _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ City and State ___________ .
GREETI NGS: You are, o f co urse, p re parin g for a n o l he r gy mn a s tics n by n ow and the J\tIODERN GYMNAST, n ot to he o utdon e , is a lso makin g pre para tions for th e new season - as can be evid enced by thi s n ew co lumn_ 1t w ill bc tb e future o bj ecti ve of Ihi s colu mn to ass is t in s l im ulat ing t h e grow th and de ve lop m ent o f th e s port of gy mna sti cs on the co m p e titi ve le ve l. In following th rough w ith thi s ide a a very s imple poli cy will be establi s hed and carrie d o ut in this co lumn in that all ch amp ions hip mee t r esult s th at are brought 10 Ih e atte nt io n of e ith e r myself (J e rry Wri g ht ) or the Edilor (G le nn S undb y) wi ll be p u blished in thi s sec ti on of the IvIODERN GYMNAST m ee ts _from .the n ov ice l evel on up .th ro ugh the Na ti ona ls' In add iti on to thi s, a n attem pt will be mad e to establis h and ma inta in . on a c urre nt bas is, a s tati s tical ra n king -o f gym nas ls thro u g h o ul the Uni te d Sta tes. From time to tim e inte r es ti ng littl e s ideli g hts w ill be n ote d s u ch as : " Did yo u kn ow th at in _a s h ort p e riod of five years, from 1937 to 1941 , G e orge Wheeler captured 25 Na ti onal champi on s hip s and that in 1938 he won s ix o f seven a ll -aro un d
All lll ee t r eb uits w ill be scnt to J erry Wright , Gymnastirs Coach , San F ran cisco S tat e Co ll ege, 1600 H o ll oway Avenu e, Sa n Fran c isco , Ca lif orn ia 94127, w here th ey will be processed and pre pare d for pub li cat ion. If it w ill be III ore co n ve nient for th e mee t resu lt s to be sent to t he Ed i tor. i.e. , encl osed in a le ller addressed to th~ ed itor) they will be sen t on to San Francisco S tate Co ll ege. Pl e a se a ss is t u s b y sen ding in your repo rt in so m cw hat Ih e sa lll c mann e r as th e ~0110w i n 9 _samp le,
MARITIMt GyMNASTIC CHAMPIONSH IPS Hol ifax YMCA, May 11 th , 1963 There w e r e si:,: co mpeting t eams i n this ~1aritinl e
P. Rob:so n.
S. H o rs e : 1. B . C urr ie; 2. E . Blak e n ey . All-Around: 1. E. B lakeney ; 2. D . Archibald; 3. P . Delan ey. Te am: l. Y.M .C.A_; 2. Sidney Ste ph e ll . 3. Prin ce Arthlll路. SENIOR Free Ca l. ; l. J. l-Wy le ; 2. T . Hirschfe ld : :.:L HalTi so Jl .
Vau lting : 1. Ca rl eto n; 2. D. 13I'OWI1; 3. I~ irsc hfe tcl. St. Rings: 1. J. Huy le; 2. T. Hir,chfeld ; ". B . Mann. H igh B a r: 1. J. Hoy le; 2. J . I-r an cock ; T.
eve nt.s?"
y e ars
C h a mpion s hips ;
Pl"inc e
Arthur , Sidney Stephen H igh, Dartmouth YM, Camp Ga.getown, Ha li fax YMCA and St. Pa.ts High Bc hoo!. The Hatifax "Y" won th e team championship w ith Ca.m p Gage town pl a c ing seco nd. S idn ey Stephe n ~c h oo l \Von th e Juni o r r.r ea nl (L. R. I-layt er) Troph y : The Halifax won the Int e rrn e diat e, Barb:; Sh ak hlin Trophy; Ed-
Ca rl eto n. Par a ll e ls: 1. J. Hoyl e; 2. T . Hirsc hfe lcl ; 3. B. Brown . .j.
6Side Horse: 1. J. l-Ioy lc : 2. T. l'lirsc hfc ld: :l. B. Mann. A ll - Around: 1. J. Hoyl e ; 2. T. Hirs c hfe ld; 3. Cp l. Ca r le ton. In ot h'er word s, pre pare a short conc ise, write- up naming th e highli g ht s, ou ts tandin g gym nas t, top Iri ck , top rout inc, e tc., a nd lis t the event winners for th e first fiv c places. AN D AWAY \'i/E GO ! ! !
MICHIGAN HIGH SCHOOL CHAMP IONSHIPS For the th il' d yea r in success Ion St . C la ir 'High Sc h ool cap ture d t h e M ichigan High
Sc ho ol
Gy mna st ics Ch aillp ionships
w ith 144 .5 po ints . Ann Arbo r ,,"a s secon d w i t h 110.5 foll owed by I on ia w it h 94 A lpena - 68, Portage - 60 and Hill s dale ~ 21. Oth e r sc h ools r ep r ese nted were : N . Farmington, Mu s k egun Hts. , All e n Pari, : Hanoy e l'-f-{orlon , lUilan , Quincy, Sttll'g is ,
,\Vhit e hall and Roc h es t e r. IVli ch ig-an
L oke n , prese nts t h e C h ionsh ip Tealll Trophy to St. C lair H ig h School coach ~d B en gsto n and hi s teanl. .
Tear- Free Ha nd Guards ot SI.94 per pair. $1.65 per po ir when ordered by the dozen. ($ 19.80 per doz.) please
Gymnastics Coach San Frall cisco State College
w in l; takeney wo n th e I nte rmed iate AIIAround , Taka s h i On o Trop h y ; J a m es H_o.v le the Senior All-Ann und, 1\,[ ~~(j\- Ta-
Nissen Tear-Free 93 0 - 2 7th Ave. S.W. Cedar Rapids, lowo
l{ e lllotfl Trophy a nd Th e H a liiax YM CA wun th e Janl es I-Ioyl e- Sen ior T eanl Tro ph y Hnd th e J oseph Stall1e l' B es t (' lu I) Trophy. Event p lacers w e re as fo ll o w s : T YRO Free Ca l. J. Gill) e rt; 2_ Gih e l路 t: ". D . Wat e rfi e ld. R in gs: I. H. Gilb e rt ; 2. n. Hing: ~. l;. "Volfe . Va ulting: 1. R. Gilb e rt; 2. B. yVal e rfi e ld : :3. S. I , e r ~ h. A ll -A round: I. R. Gilbert; 2. D . Ring ; 4. B. ,\Va t e rfi e ld . Te a m : 1. Pr inc e Arthur: 2. Y.M. CA. JUN IOR Free Ca l,: 1. E. Patrick; 2. .~ 1. D o u cet t e : 3. \\r Bm ilh . Long H or se: 1. M . All e n ; 2. ,\V. SllIith: 3. M. Douc e tte. St. Rings: I. W. Bmith ; 2. iii. A ll e n; 3. B. H o lJ ,on . High Bar: 1. B. Barnes, 2. An'hi bald: 3. B. H o b~on. P al'. Bars: 1. ,\V. Roberts; 2. E. Patrick; :to M ..-n o llcette.. A II -Aro un,d: 1. v\'. Smith ; 2. M. Allen ; 3. M. Dou ce tte . Tea c : 1. Sidn ey S t e p h e n ; 2. Y.1VI.C.A.; 3. P rin c e Art h ur. INTE RMED IA TE Fre e Ca l. : 1. B. B takeney; 2. P. D e la ny : 3. D. A r c hib a ld. Vau lt ing : 1. P . D e ta ney ; 2. D. Cu ni e , P. Robso n . St, Ring s: 1. K B lake ney; 2. D. Archi bald; 3. D. O'Conne tl. H igh B a r : l. D. Archibalrl; 2. P . R o bson . P. Bars : l. E . Bla k e ney; 2. B . C urrie;
~ ~YM~~~~I~n~~!e~TS . ~ _ _";", I .~ .. I
L'\f . r .
\-l\1 ~o~~lrs.SCh~~~ orpri~~~ a ll budgets . \
\ \ \
New f or elementar y and junior-high schools is the Junior Gym Master Uneven Paralle l Bars. Absolute ly safe-won't tip or sway. Ut il izes t h e same design features as the full-size unit.
o r sway -
ever! Performi ng ba r is 5' wide,
The same base, bars, neck and adjust er are
adjusts in h eigh t fr om 3' 10" to 6%' . Features the same su re -set calibrated lock adjustment as on the full -s ize off icial m ode ls. D ismant les i n minutes into easy-ta-handl e sect ions for compact st o ra ge . W hen fully assembled, the unit fo lds f lat to move easily out o f the way against a wal l.
used for both the regular and uneven para ll el ba rs. On ly additi on is a simp le exten sion sleeve and brace. H eight adjusts fr om 44" t o 68Vi' . 8' hardwood rail s adjust from 14" t o 19", Unit disma nt les in m inutes into easy-tohandle sections. Gym Master Co., 3200 So. Z uni St., Englewood, Colorado .
GYMNASTIC PANTS European styling and tailoring. Mad e fr om our ow n famous helenca stretch nyl o n or stretch faille '. Many sty les to c hoose from a t prices you can af· fo rd . Now being used by hundreds of maior
One o f th e most popular and m os t por tab le Junio r -s ize gymnasti c units is Gym Master's Junio r H o ri zonta l Bar. Absolu t ely wi l l not tip
by leading authorities in the gymnas tic field . Made of our 0 w n helenca stretch nyl on, or soft cotton d ure ne knit. Availab le in
organ iz ations.
Made in
U.S .A.
cj MadeAo~dh!:~W~i!h~
'. e nc a stretch nylon or cotton wit h te rr y liner. . Styled from famous European garments. Used by teams repre se nting the U.S.A. in man y ma jor meets . Guaranteed for wear, fit and comfort . Available for women, and c hildre;, also, in a multitude o f colors.
Cambridge' 'Continental"
No ot he r le otard like it in the world! Made with six sepe rate p a n-
bust line. Gi ves perfect fit for ease of motion.
See your local d ea ler, o r write us for free ca talo g show ing en· tire line .
Newt I.oken' s FORM IMPROVING SLIPPERS N ow with Newt Lo ken 's Form .Imp r ov inq
Slippers you con solve the constant prob le m of
Gvmnasts -
That of keep ing
~ogeth l:· r!
Th ese slippers hove a spec ial adhesive pad attached t o the inner sides which will h o ld th e feet together and vet allow freed om of separation when desi r ed. Developed t hroug h
a year of use a real p roducer of " Feet Together" gymnastics! An ideal aid for each practice session. (Pa t ent Pending) Order now f or your full· t eam at $3.60 per
John G. Hagner, 11652 Gateway Blvd:, Los Angeles 90064, Calif
pair . Indi cate s ize. Newt Loken, 1521 Glen Leven Ann Arbor, Michigan
CAMBRIDGELTD. -Div. of GILBERT Manufactu ri ng Corp. ~ -- ------ - ----------------- .
Send To : Cambridge Ltd . 21 1 N. 5th St. Columbus 15 , Ohio NAME STREET CITY
ture M . G . edit ions .
For a starter here are some vit a l st a -
THE M. G. BOOK SHELF OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC SERIES by G. C. Ku nzle I . Vo lume I FREE STANDING (FREE X) 96 pp . 25 line illustrotions 13 pp. photographs.. . ... .. $2 .95 2. Vo lume II HORIZONTAL BAR 272 pp .• 74 pp. photographs.. : ... $5 .95 3 . Vo lume III THE POMMEL HORSE (Side H or se) 184 pp., 26 pp. photographs , m any
lin e
tistic s o-n' tw o t o p .gymnasts from Japan .
illustrations ...... ..... . .. .. ...... $4.95
4. THE BODERN GIRL GYMNAST on the Uneven Parallel Bars by Walter J . Lenert ,. 56 pp . depicting 67 stunts ranging from fundamental work to stu nt s o f
Chomplo nsh ip calibre ..................... ... . ,$3 .00 5 ... EXERCISE AND FITNESS
Colloqui um on Exercl.s e and Fitness 235 pp. , 20 art icles... . .. $3 .00 6 . HEALTH AND FITNESS IN THE MODERN WORLD . 400 pp ., collection o f papers pr":sen ted at the Institute of Normal Human AnatOO1 Y, 44 papers on health and ph ys ifitness ... $4 .50 7 . HOW TO IMPROVE BOOKLETS Pub li shed by the ATHLETIC IN STITUTE 0 .' ADVANCED TUMBLING by Loken .... $.50 b . APPARATUS ACTIVITIES, N . Loken .50 c. GYMNASTICS FOR WOMEN by E. Wachtel .50 d. TRAMPOLINING by N . Loken .50 e. TUMBLING by N . Loken .50 8. GYMNASTICS AND TUMBLING Official manual for U .S. Naval Institute 403 pp ._ ... ............... .... . ............ $4 .50 9 • .MODERN GYMNAST PHOTO BALANCING COURSE, Illustrates different press-ups t o handstands , how t o do Tiger -bends, One'
hand balances, Pirouettes and
Planches .... .................. . .......... $1.00 10. BACKYARD BOUNCING by Ri ch Harr is 33 pp. book let w it h illu strati ons, fundamentals of reb ound tumbl ing .. .. ........ $ 1.00 II . THE' GYMNAST. Officiaf magazine o f the Amateur Gymnastic Assoc. of Great Bri-
tain . a . Volume 2 b . V olume 2 c . Volume 2 d . Vol ume 3 e. Volume 3 f . Volume 3 12. Back Issues
No. 2 1962 ..... .............. $.25 No. 3 1961 ........ .25 No. 4 February 1962 ..... 25 No . I May 1962... .... .25 No. 2 September 1962 .25 N o. 3 Rebruory 1963 .25 of THE MODERN GYMNAST
CORRECTION D ear Mr. S u n db y, I wo uld lik e to call to youI' atte ntion t h e credit lin e on page 5, and th e w rite up on page 20 in th e M ay -Jun e 1963 Modern Gymnast in r eganl to John C r osby . . J o hn works out at B rookly n Centra l YMCA a nd r e prese nted us at the "Y" Nationalsi n Sch nec tady. Appa rently there has been a mistake made in the co py by the ed itoria l staff 01' t h e indiv idual w h o s ubm itted th e origina l mater ia L He did not represent Q u ee n s Central. Tha nk yo u. S inc erely yo u r s , William R . Arm e t Associate F h ys ica l Di r ec tor
BEnER SYSTEM ? M r . Ai't S hu.doc k Santa Monica D ear Art, I co uld -not h e lp but t o b u r s t (J ut in la ujihter when I r ead you r acco unt of ho\Y- yo u h ave tried that forw . s oml e to r egj'as p on th e H. Bar.-It w as run n y . J was , h owever, \vo nd e rin g why yo u ~lid n ot tlunk a bout t h e m os t o bvi ous ~ I utlon in case yo u \v rap you r self Into t h e r o pe!:) w h e n atte mpting a n y s tunt. S im p ly yo u h ave to calc ulate th e direc tion and th e nUlllbe r of rota tion s you pla n t o 1l1ake, a nd then avo id th e r op es b y . . · w rapin g t h e lll a r o und y.:) u co n trary t o th e d il'ec ti o n you . 4tte ln pt to m ove. Th is way, \vhil e doing"' th e s tun t , you a c tua ll y f l'ee yourself from th e rop es instead of getti n g e ntangled into th e m. T r y n ext tim e .
Age-24 Heig ht-S feet, S inch es Weight- 138 pounds Age when started gymnastics-1S How did he get interestedTakashi had a background in many dit fe re nt sports .(ba seball, basketba ll, judo, etc.), but after see ing gymnastics he deci ded that thi s is a sport that off e red an unusual chall enge. The re are an infinate number of things to learn and this is what was so appealing . Started with what eve ntHe started with all six a t the same t im e.
Whic h eve nt wa s an ear ly fa vor iteHori zonta l bar W hat eve nt is hi s favorite todoySide ho rse and horizontal bor. Training program3 ho urs a da y, 6 da ys a week (o ne day is light, on ly 1 hou r workout!.
Jim F aXM s
M il wau k ee
P.O. Box611
. Santa Monica, Calif.
M.G. Back
Editions COlliplete Set of ,4,11
"'' 'C!.
PublislgeEl te Date iP'lelueiP'l§ 9rigiP'lel C9FP'lJ3 . E:eitisR . ..
~A1:;f Supply limited to
J;e6 sets
Complete set of :
$4.00 $4.00
Vol I Vol. II 1,\(,,1
ED . We have a pl~nche exercise article planned for publicat i on in a near future edition of the M . G . The Isometric train ing exerciser can be obtained fr o m the
Nissen Corp. , Cedar Rapids , Iowa.
$4 lUI
Vol. IV
Dea r Sir : If it is at a ll pos s ibl e, wo uld you p lease p lace a n al't iC' le in yo ur lllagazine on t h e h e ig hts, we ig h ts. and ages o f so m e of th e 111l:11'e prol11 in e nt gY l11n a sts. Respec tfull y yo u r s,
Single back copies Comp oand 11-9 -
$1.00 each
'Vol II-I;. Vo! 111-4 &,Xand Vol. IV-9 a vailable in volume sets onl y.
M. G. BACK EDITIONS P.O. Box'll Santa Monica, Calif.
D ea r MI' . Sundby: I was jus t brows ing th l'oOu g h m y botck editions o f !VI. G. a n d noticed a very interes ting a rti cle b y R ich HalTis on " iso m e tric co ntraction, " (it was in t h e Jan.Feb. doubl e e ditio n). I w o rk· out ever y day a nd would lik e t o a dd isometric tra ining to lllY program, Could yo u publi s h or se nd m e som e inf Ol'nl a tion o n \V h a t iso m e tric exel'c i se~ wo uld h elp .m e obta in s uch tric k s as pl a n e hes, iro n s, etc. I fe e l t h a t a n a r tic le s uch as this w o ul d b e of great b e n e fit t o M. G. readers. Also could you tell m e wh e r e I ca n bu~ o r \\'ho Blak es t h e exer c iser p ic tu r e d with Mr. Harr is ' a r ti c le . Thanks for your h elp. Gy mn as ti call y Yn uI's, M ike Powell 10333 J o rd a n Ave .. Chatswo rth , Cali f.
Petel' Ra Inl Ne\v Y o rk
Dear Mr. S und by : Th e local gym nasts wis h to r e q u est th at yo u d evo te one p age to t h e bi ograp h y o f a n I nte rn atio n a l gymnast or a full page photo of sam e. Yours tru ly, Secretary :\'o\-a Sco ti a Gym n asti c Assoc iatio n ED. We have had many similar requests therefore space and material perm i ttinq we will make it a regul a r featu re of fu -
KASUO ABE Age-28 He ight-S feet, S inc hes We ig ht-1 19 pound s Age when started gymnastics-18 (Before he was a table tenni s player) Ho,," did he get interestedHe did wel l on a hi ghsc hoo l physical educ ati on exam on the horizontal bar. Hi s teacher to ld him he shou ld take up gymnastics because it was better for his phvsical fitne ss than table tenni s. He has been doing gy mna stics now for 10 years. Eve nt-early fa vo ri te-naturall y ho rizont-:J I ba r. Fa vo rite event today-Parallel bars.
~tute!1 ~ymuu!itir!l
Executive Offices: P. O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona
OCTOBER 8, 1964 AND OCTOBER 15, 1964
The U.S.G. F. is designed to be of service to all of its members . In 1964 the XV III Olympiad will be held in Takyo, Japan. Th e month of October will see a mi llion peop le trovel ta that city to witness the grea t est spo rts spectacle , of our time. One of the services we will offer is that of coordinating a tour for U.S.G.F. Members and individ. lOis
wi th
o rganizations.
In order to offer a tour specificall y des igned to all ow Coaches , Teachers and Administrators to make a trip which takes place during the Fall semester , we have designed the Coaches Specia l Tour. Two weeks, over-all , with emphasi s on the Gymnastics Compet ition o nl y. Th e other tour will be the General Tour and provides fo r arrival in Tokyo to see the opening ceremonies. I sincerery hope that as many of you as possible will make on
effort to see this magnificent event. Perhaps this tour will ma ke it possib le for you. Frank L. Bore Executive Director, U.S.G.F. 18th Olympiad -
rOKYO 1964
Ceremon y
Gymnastics Closing Ceremony
October 10th - 24th, 1964 October 10 October 18 - 23 October 24
OKYO 1964
MEMBERSHIP COUPON Pre fered De parture Date From Los Ang e les Please submit this form with $100 registration fee for transporta-
Los Angeles -Tokyo R"undtrip . . . $783 .
tion only.
To :
For further details or reservations apply to:
Both Groups Will Return October 29, 1964 Independent Returns May Be Arranged .
o o o
. Please Send Descriptive Folders am Interest'ed in' Tr~nsporfation' Only~, am Inte rested in a Package Program to "Include the Games. am Interested in Travel Arrangements Following the Games
Hong Kong
Oth er _
U.S.G.F., P. O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona FRANK l. BARE, Executive Director - EAst 5-4946
700 Ibs.
Olympic Regulation Uneven Parallel Bars __ 675.00
750 Ibs.
Olympic Regulation Parallel Bars
Olympic Rails for above __
140.00 pro
Olympic Regulation Horizontal Bar._
200 Ibs.
Olympic. Regulation Side Horse
250 Ibs.
50.00 pro
35 Ibs. pro
piece. Send chest measu r ement . O rder f r om:
BALANCE BEAMS : 16 f t. lo ng, so lid and stu rdy, a diust ab le 30" t o 4 7", $ 140 _00_ Contact Am i Leso, Box 41 0 A, Mo rgan Hill ,
DEMONSTRATOR & USED EQUIPMENT Unit Descript ion P rice Mat Cover. 22' x 22' vinylgood condition ____._ 65 .00 Parallel B,u Ralls, 10' new, slightly warped .._........ _...... ..... _ 19.95 Parallel Bar Ralls, 11'-S" steel core , demonstrators ___ ____ ... ____ ______ 40.00 Offic ial Climbing Ropes, lS 'manila No. 282, slightly use d ____ 14.00 Twisting Belt No. 41 5, d e monstrator .... ___:_____ ___ 75 .00 Horizontal Bar, Combined N o 180 w I noor pl a tes (re g .· $150) _._ _ 90.00 Official Para llels No . 151 with 11' -S " I'alls ____ 4-10.00 Re uth er Boar d (O ffi c ia l size)__ 58.00 Trampoli"n e , Otricial-Flas hfold w l web b e d , cables, and r o ll e r ~tand s . d e l110n:s trator (Reg. $510 ) 395.00 Gymnastic - Pants N o. P ~ 5 S -( cot"ton) Slightly ~oiled (reg_ $5 .80) State in~eam length ______ ______ .____ ._ ___ 3.00 Gymnas tic Pants NO. P-57 (knit) Slightly s oiled (reg. $9 .50) State in s e a m length ________ __ __________ __ 5.00 All He-ms F .O. B . S a n Pedro <.:a llf. and subjec t to ' prior s a j e . Satisfaction Guaranteed on All Items GYMNASTIC SUPPLY COMPANY, INC . P_O. Box 1470, Son Ped ro, Ca lifornia
beg inners t o ac h ieve ha ndt ime_ Adu lt or ch ild_ Small , Lorge, $5_ BA LANZA Pot. any place_ Pract ice every
BA LANZA, P_ 0 _ Box 103 , Von Brunt Station , 9 t h St ree t , Brook lyn 15, New York , N. Y_
M.G. BILLBOARD BALANZA : Enables sta nd in half the $3; Medium , $4; 2855201_ Corry
Ca l if ornia.
"GYMASTICS JACKETS" Western Gym nast ics Clin ic Pac kets , I 00% ny lon , M _ G: Billboard Special":"S6 .9 5_ Small & med ium s izes a nly _ Write : Sam Bailie, Gymnastics Coach Uni v _ o f Arizo na , Tu c h on , Arizono.
THE GYMNAST : The Oific ial Ma g az ine of t he Amate u r
Bri t ain. and
Assoc iation
G reat
Fill ed with News, Resu lts , Ph otos
In str uct io n
g y mnast ics
Bri ta in and t he Continent. Pub lish ed q uarte rl y_ Send $ 1_00 fo r a ye a r's su bscrip tion to: J _ P _ PRESSTI DGE , Glenwood, The Park , Sidcup, Ke nt , Gre a t Britai" . Order si ng le copies fr om : M_ G_ BILL BOARD, Box 6 1 1,
"FOR USE ON ANY FINGER" Used exc lu s ively by the gymn as ti ('st eam of Unive r s ity o f Ca lifo rnia, lle r.k e ley. a nd at th e ,,"orth _Ca liforni a Gy mn as ti c Ca mp C ltm c. $1.65 pr o ppd_ $18_00 doz . ppd Siz es S m a ll , A verage, o r L arg e_ Pa l. Pen d_ A I"a i~l·glllat i oll S ide Ho r se b oci i e ~, • $150.00 (w it h l ight "- e igh t c-ente l- ba se ), $250. 00 _____________ _$250.00 BalanceUeams ______ $350.00 .. p " Bars (a ll with <: hl'<llll e d bas e) O J·d er f ro lll Louis Perschke 616 Richmond St. EI Cerrito , Ca lif .
San ta
SKILL : The J ou rnal o f Athlet ic Tech nalogyWe ig htlifting, Circus, Ha nd ba la ncing Instr uction,
Ka rate,
Fi g ure
Wrest lil)g , Bod y-B uild ing featu res.
Publ ish ed
<;o urse,
Boxi n g ,
a nd ma ny o the r Ke n
Woodwa rd
Schoo l o f Ph ysical Cu lture, 61 Ta lbot Rood, Blac kpoo l, La nca sh ire, Eng la nd . 4 issues fo r $ L50, 8 issu es fo r $3 _00 . In U. S_A_ o rde r fr om Sport she lf, P _ O. Box, New Roc h e ll e, Ne w Yo rk _
M.G. BI LLBOARD M. G. BILLBOARD: Do you ha ve sameth ing _ t o sell? New o r Used . Pla ce on a d in the M _ G. BILLBOARD f or quic k results, J us t $2 _00 a li ne (Minimum Ad $6 _00 ). M. G. BILLBOARD, Box 611 , Santo Moni ca _
Your School's Physical Fitness Program Begins With The All New
The JR. ALL-AMERICAN" Gymnastics Equipment is BEST for Your Elementary and Junior High Program -- Here's Why! II
IT'S SAFER - Each piece designed specifically for this age group. IT'S STRONGER Built entirely of Lifetime Steel. Can be used outdoors. Attractive IT'S DURABLE Aqua Blue capaloid coating protects each piece of equipment. IT'S PORTABLE - Two students can move any piece easily .. . slips through any standard door. IT'S ECONOMICAL to buy and mairtain . Order functional, health-building All-American gym equipment now'
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