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Ballet For Gymnastics Manual for Class " B" Record # 1010 (Stepping Tones) contains 52 pages with over 240 photographs and Illustrat ions ... written by Grace Kaywell For Your Copy of ... BALLET FOR GYMNASTICS Manual # 1010 Send $4 .00 to : Ballet for Gymnastics P.O. Box 777, Santa Monica, California
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IGM UNIFORM SUPPLIERS for 1964 United States Olympic Gymnastics Team 3256 North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647, USA
The finest oil-a round g y mnastic can v a s shoes a vailabl e today. Worn by U.S. and Internatio nal Champions. Elastic strap~ across the top provides for that perfect .~ nug fit and appearance. Soles mode of long-wea r ing white rubber . Orger same
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ning ro ut ines and po rt io n of the beaut ifu l Opening Ceremony. Women ' s film-o pt ional routines o nly . Men-400 ft . (35 min.) $29.00 ppd. Women-I t O ft. (15 min.) $14 .00 ppd .
FOR TH E LADI ES MADEMOISELLE GYMNAST is a quarterly publication available by subscription only .. . The first regular subscription edition, Winter '66, is now off the press. It will be followed by Spring, Summer and Fall issues to complete the first volume . . . . MADEMOISELLE GYMNAST emphasizes Educational Programs, Instructional Aids and current International Trends in Women's Gymnastics.
MADEMOISELLE' GYMNAST P. O. BOX 777 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA - 90406 Please send me a Subscription (4) issues) of MADEMOISELLE' GYMNAST l -Year @ $3.00 Foreign - $3.50 Per Year Please ' find $. . . . . . . . for Gift subscriptions to be sent to the names enclosed .
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THE MOP ERN GYMNAST P. O. Box 611 Santa Monica, California 90406 Please send me a Subscription to the Modern Gymnast
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NOV. - DEC., 1965 VOL. 7
No.'s 8 & 9 CONTENTS
TWELVE FOR '66 THE MODERN GYMNAST editions. Not 10 issues as we but 12 issues for just $5.00 toward these many years will GYMNAST . . . Every Month.
is go ing all out in 1966 with 12 big stated in the last edition of the M.G. a year. What we have been working be a real ity in 1966 . . . A MODERN
• • •
With th is big double edition of the M.G. Nov.· Dec . Vol. VII, Nos. 8 & 9 we wind up 1965 and our pleasant past association with the AMERICAN PHYSICAL FITNESS RESEARCH INSTITUTE INC. (APFRI INC.)
RESEARCH INSTITUTE INC . have separately grown beyond the point where one person can serve both as Editor of the M.G. and the Director of the A.P.F.R.I. Inc. As of December 31st, 1965 I will have resigned as Director of A.P.F.R.I. Inc . and as a member of the Board of Trustees . (Mr. Max J. Ruderian , Pres. of APFRI Inc. will announce t he name of my successor at the Institute early in 1966.).
• • •
Your editor will now devote full time to editing and publishing THE MODERN GYMNAST, MADEMOISELLE GYMNAST and other Gymnastic books and re lated materials under the New trade name of SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS 410 Broadway, Santa Mon ica , Califo r· nia 90406 . . . Telephone 451-4211
• • •
As you read t his make su re you r subscription is up to date, because the January edition for '66 is about ready to go to press and will be in the ma il the f irst pa rt of the mon t h . .. and . . . a new M.G. every month therafter f illed with news, photos, sequence pictures (there will be more Olympic sequence pictures in the Jan. M.G.), inst ruct ional art icles and reports from allover the world .
• • •
Remember the new rate is JUST $5 .00 a year for 12 Big issues of the M.G . ($6.00 foreign) Spec ial rates of $9.00 for a two year subscription and ONLY $12.95 for a t hree year subscript ion . .. So 1 ... 2 .. . or 3 keep your M.G. subscription up to date and you will not miss a single action filled edition.
NOTES FROM THE EDITOR ................ 5 CHA LK TALK •. __ .......... ........... _........... 7 3rd ANNUAL SANTA M ONICA GYMFEST .. _.......................... __ ..... 8 USGF DIRECTORS REPORT ................ 1 1 CANADIAN REPORT .......................... 12 RESEARCH AND FITNESS .. __ .. _........... 18 EUROPEAN CHAM PIONSH IP . ____ ... _... _. 20 HOW TO PUBLIC IZE GYMNASTICS .. 22 U.S. TRIALS AND INT ERNATIONAL MEET REPORT ............................ 24 M ENICHELL I . __ ....... _................ _._ ........ 26 SOKOL CENT ENN IAL SLET ................ 28 NATIONAL SUMM ER CLINIC _._ ......... 30 CENTRA L ATLANTIC GYM CAMP .... 32 EASTERN CAM P CLINIC ......... _.......... 3 3 FIRST IN THE WEST .......................... 34 CAMP MAN ISON ......... _....... _._. __ ....... _. 35 OKLAHOMA W ORKSHOP ......... _......•. 35 CAMP MALMAHED ............................ 36 HELPFU L HINTS ................. __ ............. 37 GYMNASTICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCAT ION .............................. 3 8 NOTES FROM A NEUROTIC JUDGE ... _......... __ .............. _......... .42 V IC SAYS ..... _................... _............ ..... .43 TRAMPOL INING _....... __ _........ ___... ___ . __ 44 WH AT'S T HE SCORE? ....................... .4 6 LETTERS ................................. __ .... _... .4 8
COVER: Greg Weiss top All A round USA scorer at t he pre-Olympic Games in M exico City. MG Ektachrome X photo taken at the USAF Academy, Colorodo Springs, Colo. with the beautiful new chapel in background.
GLENN SUNDBY ........ ...... Editor-Publisher ASSOC IATE ED ITORS
A. BRUCE FRED ER IC K .................. ___ ..... Educatien
DR. JAMES S. BOSCO ........ __ ._.............. __ Research
~~\A~~~~Y ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i.:,~~(~~tti~~ J ERRY WR IGHT .............. ____ __ .......... __ Compet ition FRANK L. BARE ___ .......... ___ ._. __ ... ___ ._... _______ _._USGF JESS ROBINSON . ___ ......... _____ ................ Trompol ine ROY DAVIS ... _................................... ___ .... Judging JACKIE KLEI N UPHU ES ........ __ ....... _........ Women GRACE KAYWELL .... _.... ,................. _........ _. Ballet KEN LEONARD .... ___ ....................... __ ............ Photo INTERNATIONAL JOHN NOONEY ..... ___ ....... _........................ Canada Kurt Bach ler ................................ _.. ____ _._ .... Europe JIM PRESTIDGE .............................. Great Britain HELMUT ROHNISCH .. ... ___ ___ _........ ____ Scandinavia YURI SAB IROV ............... _.............. ___ ____ _.... Russia THE MODERN GYMNAST is published by Sundby Publications, 4 10 Broadway, Santa Monica , Californ ia. Second class postage paid at Santa Monica, Calif. Published monthly. Price $5.00 per year. SOc sing le copy: Subscription correspondence, THE MODERN GYMNAST, P.O. Box 6 11, Santa Monica, Cal ifornia. Copyright 1965 © all right reserved by SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS, 4 10 Broadway, Santa Monica, _ California . All pictures end manuscripts submitted become the property of TH E MODERN GYMNAST unless a ret urn request and sufficient postage are included.
U.S.G.F. MEETING At the USGF Annual meeting held in Denver in connection with the Coaches Congress, Dick Clausen past Sec.·Treas. of the USGF was elected as the new Presi· dent. Retiring USGF Prexy Don Boydston was presented a placque by USGF. Director Frank Bare in recognition of his leadership as President during the important past formative years 'of the USGF.
New USGF President Dick Clausen
COACHES CONGRESS The first Coaches Congress was held in Denver, Colorado on Nov. 26th and 27th, 1965 and hosted by the Colorado Coaches Association. The Congress proved to be a very enthusiastic gathering of Coaches discussing Gymnastics without the past usual meeting pressures of competitions going on at the same time. So successful was the meeting that the largest group pre· sent representing Gymnastics from all sec· tions of the USA voted unanimously to return to Denver for the second annual Gymnastic Coaches Congress in i966 in· stead of waiting the two years between Congress meetings as originally planned. Pictured below are some of the delegates from the 1st Gymnastic Coaches Congress who bravely left the warm meeting rooms to come out in the cold and snow to pose for this M.G. Photo. Past USGF Dan Boydston receiving placque from Frank Bare
USSR REPORT by Yuri Sabirov USSR vs. JAPAN USSR and Japan met for a duel meet in Kiev on October 20th to 22nd, 1%5, This competition was very exciting and the most tense I have ever seen. You may come across many new names in the USSR team, most of which are very young but who, in spite of their youth and. lack of Interna· tional experience made a very good showing. It goes without saying that our young gym· nasts have improved greatly since the Tokyo Olympic Games. TEAM MEN: USSR ........................................................ 288.50 JAPAN ......................................................288.45 INDIVIDUAL ALL·AROUND S. Diomidov, USSR ............................ 58.26 M. Voronin, USSR ............................58.00 S. Tsurumi, JAPAN ........................57.90 T. Katoh, JAPAN ............................57.85 T. Mitsukuri, JAPAN ....................57.80 V. Leontev, USSR .............................57.60 A. Nakayama, JAPAN ....................57.55 V. Kerdemelida, USSR ....................57.50 M. Watanabe, JAPAN ....................57.00 V. Medvedev, USSR ........................56.90 n. 1. Auba, JAPAN ................................56.30 12. V. Saskin, USSR ................................55.50 TEAM WOMEN: USSR .......................................................... 192.1 JAPAN ........................................................ 190.5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9. 11. 12.
INDIVIDUAL ALL·AROUND Drizinina, USSR ................................ 38.85 Kuchinskaya, USSR .......................... 38.50 Kontsora, USSR ................................38.35 Adachi, JAPAN ................................38.25 Podourckaya, USSR ..........................38.20 Subuja, JAPAN ................................ 38.05 Nakamuka, JAPAN .......................... 38.00 Furujama, JAPAN ............................ 37.95 Buruchera, USSR .............................. 37.80 Rara, JAPAN ....................................37.80 Fsurumi, JAPAN .............................. 37.70 Surmeneva, USSR ..............................36.95 MISS DF1AWARE IS GYMNAST TOO!
NATIONAL ASSOC. OF COLLEGE GYMNASTICS COACHES (N.A.C.G.C'> TO: All College Coaches FROM: Clair Jennett, Sec.-Treas., Men's Physical Ed., San Jose State College, San Jose, Calif.
The executive committee wishes to encourage all college gymnastics coaches to belong to N.A.C.G.C. We need your support, and we hope you need the assoc iation. If you have not paid your 1965-66 dues ($2.00), please forward them to me ey detaching the form below. Enclosed is $2.00 for membership dues for N.A .C.G.C. for 1965-66.
Miss Kathy Grandell (Miss Delaware) vf Wilmington, Delaware and a former State Gymnastic Champion now belongs to that rare group of gymnasts who have performed like champions and are bf'auties besides. Two others we know about are Miss Sally
Noble of Michigan and Miss Amanda Whitman who was a former Miss Tennessee. Kathy has made an appearance on "To Tell The Truth" and is currently studying languages at Stetson University in DeLand, Florida:.
----------------~ 3rd Annual Santa Monica ( Gymfest
TO: Clair Jennett, Sec .• T,ccs., Men's Physical Ed ., San Jose State College, Son Jose, Calif. Name ____________________
Address_______________________ City_________________________ State ______________ Zip ________ College____________.___________
."'----- -
3rd Annual Santa Monica Gymfest By Dick Criley Even those fami li ar with th e permanent setup of Santa Monica S tate Beach were a little surprised to see a full·blown gym· nasium with bl eachers set up on the beach September 5, 6, and 7. The Santa Mon ica Open and Invitational competition s were held Labor Day weekend with th e largest number of entri es to date. Saturday's open competition featured all th~ Olympic events except long horse for specialists and all·around men. A large crowd was attracted Sunday, des pite cloudy weather (yes fan s, California does have one or two cloudy days a year, but never before on Labor Day). The women's op en competition in floor exercise, beam and uneven parallel bars was suppl emented b y special events, the trampolin e, mini,tramp, sw in ging rin gs di smounts, and qua,d bars. - Both days of open co mpetition brought togeth er aspiri ng and accomplished gy m· nasts from southern Cal ifornia and from as far away as Carbondale, Illin ois. Plaques were award ed the top t hree compe titors in each event and trophi es to the all· around winn ers. In addition special award s were made to a male and female gymnast as showing great gymnastics potentiaL A crowd of 400 saw invited gymnasts and winn ers of open competi tion events in the In vitational meets on Labor Day. Th e fin e co mpetition was surely a stimu· lation to the growin g interest in gymnas· ti cs in southern California. At left: Photo oct ion from 3rd Annual Gymfest with A ll Around winner Bob Diamond in the center surrounded by other meet participants. Top: Gy mfest awards and ring dismount action .
SANTA MONICA MENS INVITATIONAL Sept. 5th, 1965 ALL-AROUND: (5 even t s, no Long Horse) Bob Diamor;d-42.8S; Fred Dennis-42 .80; Brent Hal e--42 .3 S; Rick Tucker- 40.8S; Gary Diamond-40.70. FLOOR EX'ERCISE : Bob Diamond-9.00; Gary Diamond-8.60; Paul Mayer-8.SS; AI Luber Fred Dennis, Jeff Bennon . SIDE HORSE : Fred Siebum-9 .3S; Brent Hale--8.60; Fred Dennis-8.40; Paul Mayer W a yne Marcus, Rick Tucker. PARALLEL BARS : Bob Diamond-9.0 S; Br ent H a le--8.60; Rick Tucker-8:40; Gary Diamond Fred Siebum, Paul May er. HIGH BAR :' Fred Denn is-9.l0; Brent Hale--9.0 5; Rick Tucker-8.9S; Bob Diamond , Gary Diamond , Mark DaVIS. . STILL RINGS : Chris Evans-9.40; Skip Johnson-9.3S; Fred Dennis-9.0S; Bob Diamond, Michae l Chaplan, Pat Arno ld . SANTA MONICA MENS OPEN Sept. 3,d, 1965 ALL- AROUND: Dennis Sulliv an-39.6S; Rick Tucker-38 .S0; Brent Hale--38 .00; Fred Dennis, Don Klob & Paul Mayer. FLOOR EXERCISE: Jeff Bennon-B .6S Pau l Mayer-8 .6"O; Bob Ly nn, Keith Ahone & Rick Tucker. SIDE HORSE : Fred Siebum-8 .8S; Dennis Ramsey-8.2S; Bob Lynn-8.00; Wayne Marcus, Brent Hal e & Dennis Su llivan. PARALLEL BARS : Fred Siebum-9.00; Bob Diamond-8.20; Martin Carranza7.75 , Denni s Su llivan, Rick Tucker , Brent Hale. HIGH BAR : Rick Tucker-9 .0S ; John Morrissey-8.7S ; Mark Dav is-8 .7S; Fred Dennis, Brent Hole, Denn is' Su ll ivan. STILL RINGS : Skip Johnson-9.40; Chris Evans-9 .30; Michael Chaplan-8.6S ; Pat Arno ld-8.6S; Fred Dennis , Denni s Su lli van. TRAMPOLINE: Chris Castner- 8.7S; Dennis Sulliv an-8.40; Rich Stova ll- 7.30 . MINI TRAMP : Bob Diamond- 8 .8; Chris Castner-8 .6; John Evans-8.3. SHORT RING DISMOUNTS : Louis West - 9 .3; Juan Sanchez-8 .?; Gary Diamond - 8.3.
At right : Johnny Robinson demonstrating on the Quad Bars Lower Right : Informal shot photo of some of the judges and participants Belows : Invitationa l All Arou nd winners· Fred Dennis, Bob Diamond and Brent Hal~
SANTA MONICA GIRLS INVITATIONAL Sunday Sept. 4th, 1965 ALL-AR'O UND (Three events) Cathy Rigby 26 .5 W endy Cluff 25 .5 Beverly Ml'rquette 24 .5 FLOOR EXERCISE W indy Cluff 8.8 Cathy Rigby 8.3 Susie Singrin 8.2 BALANCE BEAM Cathy Rigby 9.0 Windy Cluff 8.6 Lisa Nelson 8.0 UNEVEN BARS Cathy Rigby 9.1 Beverly Marquette 8.7 Wendy Cluff 8.6 Also in the competition wer e: Diane Zorick, Sheila Marti n, Dorthy Perschke, Ellen Persch ke and Roche ll e Einstoss.
Above Left : Girl s waiting t o compete in Gy mfest Above Right : All Around winners; Wendy Cluff, Beverly Marquette and Cathy Rigby At Left: Li sa Nelson, special awards winner At Right and Below : Competition action
FRAN K L. BARE Executive Director
The 1966 season with a series of truly fine annual events in various parts of the U.S.A. This fall has already seen some of the areas of our country sponsoring clinics and developmental competitions. All too often, I feel compel~d to notify readers of the rather poor treatment our sport receives from the organization that has been in charge internationally for a good many years. It is unfortunate, I believe, that this organization has continually placed Amerca's worst foot forward in-sofar as officials of that group are concerned. The latest word is that the FIG representative from lorth America has been ousted (by pressures) due to the fact that h e lost favor with his sponsors who placed him there initially. It must surely impress foreigners that this battle ra ges between members of the recognized (internationally) body and has absolutely no bearing on the vast majority of American gymnastics. It will soon be a new year and with the coming of 1966, the U.S.G.F. wishes to announce a new reporting policy, at least as far as this series of articles is concerned . It it 'my opinion that even though the A.A.U. remains recognized by the F.LG., that they have ceased to be even remotely concerned with developing gymnastics here at home in the U.S.A. In Germany, last September. they firmly proved that they would rather beat the USGF politically if possible than have American athletes take a proper first place internationally (see last issue of MG). By the way, in my last report I mentioned this incident and made a mistake in reporting. I stated the two AAU entries in the FahrbachSchuster Cup placed fourth (4th) and (10th) . . . and I have been informed from Europe that I was in error. They finished sixth (6th) and about 20th. Sorry! Last yea r the USGF h ad one Regional Meet . .. in the West. In 1966 we have firm dates and sites for three such Regional Meets ... MIDWEST ... SOUTHERN . . . and WESTERN .. . and we look forward to eventually having eight (8) such meets on an annual basis, in the very near future. In the coming season we will have an official USGF Sanction on more gymnastics meets in the USA than we have had in the first two together. The sport grows and improves and a 11 of us working together will see the da y when gymnastics is one of the best known and most appreciated spectator sports in the nation.
New 14 x 20 poster f or special events available from USGF office with your meet o r exhibition ad imprinted . (contact USGF office for further information)
Did you know that in the first year of publication the AGE-GROUP GYMNASTICS WORKBOOK (by Turner Jim Farkas) this office has placed over 2,250 copies in schools, colleges and YMCA's in the USA, Canada and more than a dozen foreign lands? It is rapidl y becoming the basis for a national age-group gymnastics program that will one da y make us a country to be reckoned with in this sport. As 1965 draws to .a close we find more than 500 coaches registered as TJSG F members and the gymnast cards reach into the 3,675 range. There seems to be a feeling amongst the membership that the time has come to for get the A.A.U. and move right ahead with a positive gymnastics developmental program the likes of which th e United States has never had. This feeling is evidenced in man y letters, phone calls, and comments during my travels. Most feel that with the exception of a handful of AAU officials, who seem destined to make every trip ... select athletes from their own teams (if they coach) to make trips without formal trials . . . that very little influence is exerted by the AA U on th e sport nationally. With this feelin g in mind we consider moving ahead, as we have in the past, with our national program and concentrating on bringing to the coaches and athletes every possible means of assistance and information they might need to advance their technical knowledge or skill. If the A.A.U. desires to con tinue to fi ght amongst themselves as they did in Vienna and in Tokyo such is surely what they will continue to do. It is our desire to prevent this useless in-fightin g they continue to demonstrate from having an ill-effect upon a truly great activity that is enj oyed by man y thousands. Could be an entirely new era in gymnastics is just around the corner and we'll see our sport grow not to spite the AAU but rather in spite of them. A happy 1966 to the readers of the world's most beautiful and complete gymnastic magazine. 11
CANADIAN REPORT by Johnny Nooney
HERE N THERE ;rhis year's A.A.U. Canadian Annual Convention will take place at the Hotel Georgia, Vancouver, B.C. from November 3rd to November 6th. Jim Mc Pherson, Port Colbome High School, was elected Gymnastics Chairman of the Ontario Federation of Secondary Schools. Jim is a dedicated worker for Gymnastics and I know he will carry on the good work started by his predecessor Joe Krar. Stuart Burbine of Athena High School, Prince Edward Island has been appointed Chairman of a committee, to promote Gymnastics in the Schools of this great Province. The Schools are really getting active here in the East. What about the West? Doug Reed, Elementary School, Physical Education Supervisor, Toronto Township is going to Coach, "Gordon Graydon Collegiate. Doug Reed came to Canada from En gland a few years ago and is really promoting this Sport at the Elementary school level. Now he is giving his time to the Hi gh Schools. Good for you Doug. Attending the Gymnaestrada in Vienna M r. and Mrs. Raymond Gagnier, Mr. and Mrs_ Frank Vidlak, Mlle. Cecile Grenier, Mr. Albert J_ Mettler, and Mr. Doug Kerr. Canada can be proud of its representatives. Talking about the Gymnaestrada Doug Kerr took many fine rolls of film and having previewed the film I can only say . . . magnificent job Doug. I know Doug will be showing these excellent films at OSGCA Clinics this season. Wilhelm Weiler informs me his book should be published in a few months. He was as usual, performing on behalf of the United Appeal Fund, ably assisted by Rick Kinsmen of the R.C.A.F. UNIVERSITY MEETS Inter University Meet (Quebec and On· tario) at the University of Montreal, Feb. 5th, 1966. Tri Meeb - R.M.C. Kingston, Queens University, University of Toronto, at Uni· versity of Toronto, Jan. 29th, 1966. University of Toronto, Dual Meet Eastern Michigan, Ypsilanti, at the University of Toronto, March 4th, 196. INTERNATIONAL GYMNASTICS News from Raymond Gagnier A.A.U. Chairman indicates, a "full Team Men and Women for the Pan Am Games, but for the Olympics in Mexico 1968 only 4 Gym· nasts. Raymond suggests we fight now , 1st, by making a resolution at the Annual Convention, to increase the participation to a full Men's and Women's Team and 2nd to improve the calibre of our Gymnasts so mu ch, that it would be impossible to prevent them from participating. The Danish Gym Team will be Tourin/!: the Maritime Provinces in November. 12
I hope in the next issues to cover their Tour in more detail. CLINICS Al Warrick of the Physical Education. Staff of the North York Board of Educa· tion was recently appointed Director of Clinics for O.S.G_C.A. He has assembled a Clinic Team, of Physical Education specialists and intends holding Gymnastic Clinic in High Schools and Recreation Centres. Some dates are still open. For further information contact the Sec. of O.S.G.C.A. Mr. Hugh Rodgers, 22 Arkley Cres., Weston, Ont. George Harlow of York Memorial Collegiate, Toronto informs me he learn ed many new teaching techniques at the Michigan State Summer Clinic. George strongly recommends this Clinic to his fellow educators in physical education. Last month over 67 Instructors, Men and Women attended a Gymnastic Clinic held at McCormick Recreation Centre. This clinic was sponsored by the City of Toronto Parks and Recreation Centres. The Clinic was under the direction of Mr. Ian Thompson, Programme Co-ordinator and his assistant Mr. Don Gordon. I was Programme Lecturer and was amazed at the Gymnastic ability of some of the Instructors attending. The City of Toronto will hold their own Meets this year and this will give many boys and girls their first introduction to Gymnastics. Me Donald Collegiate, Scarborough will hold a Clinic in Girls Gymnastics under the direction of Mrs . Stephena Johnson for the High Schools of the District on January the 15th. PROMOTION DEPARTMENT In August I attended the National Track and Field Clinic at Guelph University (Ontario) to be with some of myoid friends from Great Britain Geoff Dyson, Geojj Elliot, Lionel Pugh, Tom Din· sley and Stuart Robbins. Most of the forementioned are on the staffs of the Universities of British Columbia and Alberta. It was a genuine pleasure to recall past memories. Over 300 coaches and teachers attended the clinic given by Geoff Dyson and his splendid staff. Geoff's book "The Mechanics of Athletics" has been translated into 6 lan guages. MG readers will have noted that this book has been placed on the "Golden List" of gymnastic books. Geoff and I discussed at length the gymnastic picture in Canada and he offered me his personal assistance as alec· turer. As the Director of the Canadian Legion's National Sports Training Programme, Geoff endorsed the MG by offering to assist in its promotion. Thank you Geoff. Alex Peepre, the host convener, arranged to have the Ontario School Gym-
nastic Coaches' Association Newsletter distributed to all coaches. Alex remains at Guelph University next year. Squadron Leader Harry Kerrison, from Command H.Q., Ottawa, discussed with me th e Armed Forces gymnastic picture and promised the full co-operation of the Public Relations Department. At this year's Annual Convention a discussion will take of the possibility of organizing a Coaches Clinic with the Canadian Legion_ As I was the initiator of this move at the National Track and Field Clinic this year at Guelph, I sincerely hope the delegates in Vancouver will see the value of such a move and that some amiable arrangements can be worked out. Mr. Don Eagle, Harrison House, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick writes, I am anxious to have some Meets for my Gymnastic Team. Any American or Canadian Universities wishing to contact Don please do so. It's good to see the upsurge in the last year or so of our Universities. Anyone, who would like the College schedule, if you write to me I would be glad to give you one. I am hoping to have a total of 18 Meets this year. PROPOSED NATIONAL A.A.U. GYMNASTIC ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION Received a Copy this morning. I was closely associated with the drawing up of this Proposed Constitution from its very inception, and would like to cite the work done on it by John Tutte and to pass this comment. ("Long overdue and necessary in this Constitution.") CALENDAR OF EVENTS TO COME North American Championships 1%6 Eastern and Western Championships 1966. Canadian Championships and Trials for the World Championships 1966. Canada - U.S.A. Meet Canada - West Germany at the World Championships (Possibility) Quebec Winter Games (February 1967) Now Official. Canadian Championships and Pan Am Trials 1967. Pan American Games 1967.
Geoff Dyson and John Nooney checking over Canadian report in last MG. \ \,.>-,,'-'\ - - ~.< '"",,-, - '. - - ' \ .
A YEAR IN GERMANY by Barry Brookers Having been a member of the Toronto German Harmonie Club, and being an incurable gymnast, I finally completed plans to visit the ocuntry and people I had heard so much about, and take part in the world of European gymnastics. After arriving in August, 1964 in Cologne, Germany and then spending a month brushing up my high school German, and visiting the famous gymnastic "Sporthochschule" where Abe and Mitsukuri teach, I moved to Oppau. Oppau has been a longtime stronghold of German competitive gymnastics, and is situated near the industrial centre of Ludfigshafen and just a motor bike ride from fabulous H eidelberg. There, I had the opportunity to work out with the well known and excellent gymnast Phillip Furst and the en tire team of that club. We began working on the compulsory exercises for the World Championships which will be held next year in Dortmund. These Championships, incidentally, look and promise to be better than ever; After the retirement of several of the club team members shortly after the Tokyo Olympiad, I visited many of the beautiful small towns along the winding Rhine River valley, from Koblenz southward. About the beginning of a crisp F ebruary, I found myself in the town of Heusenstamm near Frankfurt. Gymnastics in Heusenstamm typifies the go al. of the German Gymnastic Assoc. (D.T.B). In this town of 8000, Gymnastics is more than a word, it is a living tradition, here the meaning of fri endship and coopera tion are as much a part of a practice session as giant swings and handstands. Into this group, I was accepted and welcomed as a gymnastic brother, and no less help was given to me than to any other member of the club. This spirit of willingness to help and share gymnastic knowledge was found by me in coaches in the National Association including H einz Hof and Hardy Frenger and the new national Trainer and coach Eduard Friedrich. With gymnastic knowledge in hand and sadness in heart I left H eusenstamm and my gymnastic brothers there and returned to Canada to pursue further studies. To my friend s in Germany I wish happin ess and success in life and in gymnastics and hope that we meet again soon.
CANADIAN Y.M.C.A.'S IN CANADIAN GYMNASTICS The following report written by Frank Szucs, Director of Physical Education, Saskatoon Y.M.C.A. is thought provoking and many of his comments are timely and needed saying. Thank you Frank. CANADIAN Y.M.C.A.'S IN CANADIAN GYMNASTICS The past six years in Canada have seen great progress and upsurge in the sport of gymnastics. Canada has sent gymnasts to international events where our gymnasts performed well above expectations. For the average Canadian, the sport of gymnastics is a spectacular event of which he knows very little. To most of these newly acquired fans of gymnastics, it is a new sport in Canada. However, top level
performance of Canadian gymnasts in international competitions such as the last Pan American Games might be n ew but gymnastics has long been a part of Canadian X.M.C.A. Physical Education program. This is neither a pat on the back nor a demand for belated recognition. This is ,imply recalling the history of gymnastics in Canadian Y.M.C.A.'s and the present role played by the Y.M.C.A. in the development of this sport in Canada. It isn't known to many Canadians that less than 35 years ago gymnastic events were combined with track and fi eld events in competItIOns. Approximately 25 years ago, Canadian Y.M.C.A.'s Senior Leader Corps held, at that time, high calibre gymnastic competitions. The sport of gymnastics has played a major part in every Y.M.C.A. program for boys. However, due to the lack of a nationwide, strong gymnastics organization to co-ordinate amateur gymnastics, the sport itself is heavily confined to the Y.M.C.A. The reason for it is very simple, the Y.M.C.A. have always had gymnasiums, equipment, and leaders. One might raise the question why the European immigrants have not organized the traditional gym clubs such as the German Turners, or the Czech Sokol Movement. The reason for it, I believe, is that they could find fulfillment, satisfaction and acceptance in the Y.M.C.A. gym clubs. The post-war development of gymnastics and the new emphasis placed on physical fitn ess again emphasized the importan ce of gymnastics. There have been numerous plans from Junior development programs tl> five-year plans in gymnastics to train international cal i b r e gymnasts. Th e Y.M.C.A. National Council has introduced the four- star intermediate level gymnastic program for boys from 12-16 years of age. This program includes the six Olympic events and trampoline. Each star has four movement series to be performed. The purpose of this program is to give good all-round fundam entals including and leadin g up to back uprise to free hip circle on high bar and glide kip upstart to hand stand on parallel bars. I used these two samples to indicate that the purpose of this intermediate level program is to teach movements of reasonably high calibre. Those who show exceptional ability and interest can be trained at a greater speed for modern, up-to-date competitive gymnastics. The saying, "The wider is the pyramid, the higher you can build it" holds true in this case. Mass participation in gymnastics under skilled, dedicated instructors will guarantee top gymnasts for Canada in future gymnastic meets. Unified teaching methods, exercises, gym meets at regular intervals, training of judges and communications can be handled through the Y.M.C.A. with the greatest speed. The Y.M.C.A. Physical Directors are full-time professions. They teach full-time and consequently, they can plan ahead and see their programs through. American gymnasts are more fortunate because of the greater emphasis placed on gymnastics in American high schools. However, starting gymnastics in high school is too late. Canadian Y.M.C.A.'s are fortunate enough to have thousands of boys between the age of 10-14 years as Y.M.C.A. members, consequently, their's is the greatest and best opportunity to reach the largest group of this age for promotion in gymnastics. However, we re.alize our limitl,ltions and the greatest
problem presently lies in the lack of continuity for high school age, intermediate calibre gymnasts. This age group should be handled either by high school gym clubs or community sponsored, laymen coached gym clubs. To accomplish this, I feel A.A.U. sponsored coaches clinics, summer gym camps held in Canada are needed. The Physical Education curricula of Canadian Public Schools and High Schools should include gymnastics with very definite goals set for the Physical Education teacher. Canadian Y.M.C.A.'s National Council Leaders' Training Camp, which has been in operation for 9 years, trains leaders in gymnastics. However, the number the camp can handle is limited and I am sure this is the only camp of its k ind. This article is not meant to be selfappraisal or offering a cure or a quick remedy to the problems in Canadian gymnasti cs. However, the Y.M.C.A. has been working towards better Canadian gymnastics a nd with better A.A.U. , Y.M.C.A. and community co-operation, I believe we can all look forward to better ctrganized Canadian gymnastics in the future.
Welsh v dulting plus group naestrada
at the Gym-
CANADIAN OBSERVER Mr. Doug K err, President of the Ontario ~cltool C;ymnastic Loacltes Association sent me the following repurt of his trip to the Gymnaestrada. Doug has worked long and hard fo r the sport anll I know that this trip was' the highlight 0/ his association with Gymnastics. Thank you Doug jor a most informative report. MEMORIES OF A CANADIAN OBSERVER AT THE VIENNA GYMNAESTRADA 1965 What an unforgetable event! Vienna proved to be a most gracious host city and provided the gymnasts of the world a grand reception. These included special rates on public transportation, reduced fares on tours fr om the city, passes to some of Austria's great museums and many oth er advantages. In all, there were 315 excell en t performan ces given in seven major centers of the city. These demonstrations were given 13
by 10,000 superb gymnastic devot ees who hail ed from more than 30 countri es. The prese nt ations varied from solo' work by in dividual stars to mass demonstrations in th e stadium s. It was imposs ible for a person to see all the performances and most "affi ciados" had a probl em deciding just wh at mi ght prove to be the most interestin g.
Th e " piece de resistance" of course was th e evening performance in the Stadhalle of the Olympic Champions_ All th e movie cam era buffs were very grateful to the Gymn aestrada committee for providing a well lit cen tre floor. Th e cameras ground out their quiet purrin g by the hundreds as each cham pion perform ed his winning routin e. The Stadhall e sea ts approx im ately 10,000 and it was com pl etely sold out about 5 month s in advance. On the di staff sid e, the Czechoslovakian mod ern dan cers under the direction of Mrs. D. Paclova were in a class by themselves. They performed beautifully usin g hoops, balls, ropes and gaily coloured r ibbons. Th e Scandinavians were very impressive. A cas t of thousands varying III age from 7-70 thrill ed large audiences both in the Stadhall e and ou tdoors. The Swedish girls from lVlalmo wh o performed at the New York World's Fair and in Canada were favourites. An act which I thought exception al wa s a marvellous display on 9 pommel horses se t路 up in a large "V" formation . This presentation was by 54 elite side-horse men from Czechoslovakia. They never mad e a mi stake and my movies will prove it! All the performances which I saw were accompanied by piano music and this seems to be an essential for crowd pleasing and perfect timin g of gym nasts. Another amazingly "good show" was that by a troop of 8 Portu gese men. They worked flawl essly for twenty minutes on fl oor exercises, tumbling, vaultin g and han d-balancin g. Their durability and precision was awe inspiring. A German team gave a grand show on th eir 4 sets of wheels called " Banen". These pa irs of wheels are abou t 7 feet in diame ter and are welded together with abo ut 2 feet of separation . The gy mnast sets hi s feet in clamps and holds on with his "hand s as the wheels turn . What a craze they wo uld be if in troduced into North America. P eople would soon forget about th e " hoola hoo p", "Skate Boards" and "Yo-Yos". The Yugoslavs gave very capabl e perfonn ances in ed ucational gymnastICS. Yo uth groups worked ingenous skills with secti ol)s of vaulting horses, logs etc. A group of yo un g boys and girls gave one of the fine st displays of tumblin g and free exercise at the Gym naestrada. The American team with very little reo hearsal tim e sparkled in tumbling and free exercise "A merican Style". They also showed the rest of "the world how t o use the trampolin e. Th ere were many trampolin e shows in Vienna but non e compared to the class of the "Yanks" so me of whom did tripl e somersa ults in almos t a casual mann er. I've go t to hand it to th e Russians who gave the most impressive over all show ing. They march ed in to stirring music arms cross-sw in gin g behind the fl ags of their 15 Soviet States. All of these fla gs were Upper left: Charles Thaeni , FIG President opening address at the City Hall Plaza ; Girls rh ythm ic gy mnastic group ' German girls in the gym wheels and Ger: man boys w ith medicine balls. ~iving
Endo of Japan
Shaklin of USSR
raised very ceremoni ously on one ,!ligh standard. T hey performed in a most profess ional" mann er, worked on all the Olympic appara tu s and thrilled th ousand s in the Danube H al l. Despite a temperature of ab out 100掳 inside this "Greenhouse-' no one thought of giving up their place for some fresh air. All the business at the FIG meetin gs was carr ied on in the French and German languages and several of th e " uneducated" observers路 li ke myself had to depend on interpretors. T he Gym naestrada travel comm ittee arranged tou rs to neighbourin g co un tries behi nd the I ro n Curt ain . The bus I traveled on to Hu nga ry was fill ed with a very cos-
You can read with pride the belated Olympic R eport below, written by Richard Kihn. On behalf of all CanadianS', Thank Y ou, Rick, Willie and Gil, you we re a credit to this great Nation. Thank you Rick for the report. (John )
Caslavska of Czecholovakia
mopolitan "gang" from about 10 different countries. This bus load in cl ud ed a charmin g group of Israeli gy mn asts and th eir advisors. W hat sin ging ! I t was great ! In Budapest and Lake Balaton we foun d the Hun gari ans were very kind and hosp itable. My room mate on thi s junket was a retired German school master who spoke no English and I n ot one word of Germ an. We go t on fam ously though and I lea rned that he liked to go "Schwimmin" in La ke Balaton before breakfast and d o some heavy "schl aHin" in the hotel in th e aftern oon. Th e Gymnaestrada was a grand lesson for the world in International Goodwill. Gu llburg of Sweden Ex h ibit io n group f ro m The Netherlands
On October 24, 1964, the colorful Closin g Ceremon y brought the greatest Olymp ic Games, the XVIII Olympi ad in Tokyo 1%4, Meth any, 9.35; Gleason, 9.3; McDonnell & to an end _ I'm sure the days in Japan, th e excitement of the Olympi c competition, our shoppin g, sightseein g and other acti vities in Tokyo and Yokohama left us memori es, which non e of us will ever forget. In my humble opini on the organization of these Olympi c games came as close to bein g perfect as anything can ever come. Except for a few rainy days it seemed, as if the Japan ese even had an offi cial in heaven to control th e weather conditions. I still remember the last few days before the Op enin g Cer emon ies wh en the wea ther was terrible until on October 10, all of a sudden even the last cloud had disappeared and t he sun was shining through a blue sky, as th e 8000 athletes from 94 countries march ed in to th e packed Na ti onal Stad ium for the Openin g of the Games. On October 1st, ' 1964, I left from Torontos' Intern a ti onal Airpor t, where a few farewe ll speeches were m ade by Mr. Davis, Ontario Minister of Ed ucation , Mr. Given s, Mayor of Toronto, Mr. Alan Lamport, Controller. With th e best wishes of all th e peo pl e at the airport we departed at 9:30 a.m. on a nice sunny day. Gil Larose was already on board the chartercd fli ght for the Canadian Olympic T ea m which started in Montreal. Our first and on ly stop was in Van couver , where the rest of the Olympic team members were pi cked up. In Van couver, I finally received my olympic un iform from Chuck Se bes tyen, our Manager. Aft er a few more speeches fr om B. c. offi cials we took off fo r our fli ght across the Pacific Ocean. F lying over Alaska we were able to see the snow covered mountains and then w e 15
saw nothin g but clouds and ocean for th e next 8 hours. We arriv ed a t Tokyos' Airport at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon on October 2, 1964. Instead of ridin g on th e famou s Monorail as we had all hoped we were picked up by bu ses whi ch took us through T okyo a nd over the newly built ex pressways to the Olympi c Vill age, whi ch was to become our home for th e next four weeks. As soo n as we passed through th e gates of the village we saw the many athletes from other co untries who arrived earlier in their colourful track suits. We could picture every one on the Canadian T eam wearing a different suit , that is, if he brought on e. But a few days later our di sappoint路 ment was correc ted, when we received a very nice r ed with white stripes on the sides track suit. Then we were issued quarte rs and the gymnasts occu pied one house toge ther wi th the Wei ghtlifters and our .I udo men. Larose, Weiler and myself had one room for ourselves, which was very nicely furni shed. Althou gh we received meal s on board the plane we were hungry again and as soon as we r eceived our meal ti cke ts we ru shed over to the huge dinin g hall. Thi s hall was divided into 6 large dinin g rooms to accommodate gr oups of nati ons which care for th e sa me foo d. F or every meal one had a choice of about 5 different meats, so up , all kind of salad s, po tato es, beverages, bread or rolls, deserts and I must say I liked all th e foo d. Ususally we took a bit of everything and before we kn ew it , ther e was no more room on the plate. Of co urse one could eat as ~1Uch and as often as one wanted. We were entitled to a daily practice in one of the eight especially r eserved and eq ui pped gym nasiums to which we were tak en and returned by buses a t specified tim es. We were always accompan ied by so me Ja panese gymnasts who were to as路 asist us in our practice. Fat every gymnasium ther e wer e different Japanese gym路 nasts to accompany us. We soo n found out, that no matter what gymnast we had , they all coud do the co mpulsory exercise mu ch better than we. We wanted to fill up the mi ssin g three members on our team with some Japa nese gy mnasts but our applica tion was not accepted . We did not practice every day because non e of us really were used to a daily work out, and to overdo it shortly before the co mpe tition would have ~x hau s te d us. Some tim es we had a whole gy mnasiwn for the three of us alone, other times we practiced together with gymnasts from other co untri es, usually from Switzerland , Norway, Luxemburg, U.S.A. , France, Argentina etc. A few times we attended the work outs of the Japanese and Russian teams, which rea lly impressed us and gave us an id ea of the tough competition these two teams wer e to give each other. It was a maz in g, how these gymnasts were able to do the very difficult compulsories over a nd ove r again wi thout gettin g tired. But I suppose that is what a year r ound, daily practi ce wo uld give you. On Octo ber 16, two days before the compe tition we had our last practi ce in the T ok yo Gym nasium , which was to be somethin g lik e a r ehea rsal for the com petition, especially for the warm-up a nd the changin g from one even t to the other. Then finally on October 18, 1964, was .the big day of our first Olympic Competiti on. It was arranged to gym 3 events in the morning a nd 3 events in the afternoon .
For us the morning events were high bar, fl oo r exercise and pomm el horse in that order. Th e other five teams that gy mned with us a t the same tim e were from the U.S.A., Taiwan, P oland , Finland and a mixed team with gym nasts from Iran, Great Britain and Philippines. To our surprise Canada was allowed to march in and compete as a full team 0/ its own, while other countries such as France and Sweden who also only had th ree members, were put together with some ot her indi vid ual gymna sts to make up a full team of six. At 11 :30 sharp th e six teams marched in behind their res pective country nam e plate whi ch was carried by a Japan ese gymnast, foll owed usually by one gymnast of the tea m carryin g the fla g. In our case we let Weil er carry the Canadian Flag, and myself, Larose a nd our coach Chu ck Sebestyen followed. We had a five minute warm-up startin g a nd endin g at th e sound of a chi me. For us thi s wa s suffi cient time since we were only 3 gymn as ts. Everyon e already had one hour work out behind him anyway on exactly the sam e apparlU s in the practice gy mna sium.
S in ce we were three gy mnasts and there were six events we decided amon g ourselves who would gy m first on each event. Everyone was also entitled to be last man t wice. Weiler picked high ba r to be fir st man and so he was the one to start our co mpetiti ton. H e went nicely through the comp ulsory on the high bar except that he still co uldn ' t do th e proper change after the German giant and . did a fl y-away with a straddl e after th e last giant swing in stea d of the fly路away with straight legs as required . 8.15 with a goo d score for that. I was next and went through the exercise with no mista ke but must have shown poor form, because I only r eceived an 8.55. Larose broke in th e middl e of the routine and re.pea ted but did a better job the second lim e. He received- a score of 8.65. At the so und of the chime and accompanied by li ght piano m usic we mar ched to the floor exercise area while all other teams changed to their next events. Th e Floor area was so nicely padded but yo u still had a firm stand that I often said , if I had such a floor area in all my future competitions I probably would keep on competin g for awhile. But this is usu-
all y my worst event or at least in Canada I always received my lowest score here; I picked this event to gym last on and hoped . to be a ble to rai se my score tha t way a bit. To our biggest surprise it even worked. H owever I must have also done a goo d exercise because my score of 8.95 topped Weilers 8.90 and that of Larose 8.85. Both are usually better on the fl oor than I. I think this really gave me a bi g lift for I didn't ex pect more than 8. On our nex t event, pomm el horse, I gy mn ed last again , because it is my best event. I went through the routin e as good as most times and was disappointed by the sco re of only 9.10. Weiler sli ghtly missed a nd received 8.45 and Larose had an 8.80. That end ed our morning competition. S in ce we kn ew how much better the other gy mn asts were and t ha t we would have no chan ce for any of the top places, we made this more or less a competition of our own, trying to do our very best to beat each other. Our standin g after three compul sories was: Kihn 26.60. points, Larose 26.30 points, Weil er 25.50 point s. My overall standin g after these three even ts was 86th place. Th e aftern oon competition started th e sa me way. We had about one hour workout before th e six teams marched into th e gy mnasiuln again. J had to start on th e rin gs and received 8.45 , followed by Weiler who received 8.40 a nd Larose at 8.75. Next was the Lon g Horse Vault where we all hoped W eiler wou ld be abl e to make the Finals. He received a 9.50 for the compulsory "Stoop Vault" whi ch he executed very well, but it just wasn't good enough for the fina ls. We later learn ed that about a nother 25 gym nasts had that score or more on the long horse. I received a 9.20 and Larose had a 9.25. With the scores on the parallel bars of Kihn 9.25, W eiler 9.10 and Larose 9.05 we concluded the first half of our olymp ic competitIOn and our total scores for the compulsory exercises were: Kihn Larose W eiler
53.50 points 53.35 points 52.50 points
On October 19, the wom en whi ch The competition started for us on
84th place 87th place 93rd place
was the competition for gave us a day of rest. of the optional exercises Oct. 20, at 8:30 in the
mornlll g on th e hi gh bar. Weil er started wi th an 8.90, a nd r rece ived onl y 8.70 whil e La rose had 9.00, whi ch nave him th e a ll aro und lead , with 0.15 ah ead of me. I kn e w th a t he wo uld norm a ll y in crease on th e next eve nt: Floo r e x e rc i ~e . But to our sur pri se aga in as in th e co mpul so ry exercise on th e fl oor r had th e hi g hest sco re wi th 9.25, wh ile Larose had 9.15 a nd Weil er 9.00. Larose wa s still a head of me with 0.05 points. Our last eve nt for th e mornin g was th e pumm el horse where l wa s abl e to recap ture th e lea d with a cl ea n exe rcise an 9.15; Weil er had 8.65 and Larose, who mi ssed hi s di smount onl y had 7.85 po int s. Larose wa s too fa r back now to threaten my leadin g pos iti on but Weil er still had a goo d chan ce to over ta ke me, es peciall y wi th hi s strongest event , long horse, still to co me. Howeve r he was still 1.55 behind , wi th onl y 3 event s to go, a nd r wo ul d ha ve to mi ss so mewhe re if he wa s to tak e over the lead. We started at 2 :30 sharp on our final round. j went through my rin g routine safe but not quit e as good as usua l a nd only rece ived 8.65; Weil er with hi s impress ive d ismount , doubl e somersa ult , had 9.00 and La rose started with hi s " H echt" for whi ch mea nt th a t th ey had bot h narrowed the margin . Larose was 0.85 behind me now a nd Weil er 1.20. It all depend ed now on how mu ch I wo uld lose on th e long horse. La rose start ed with hi s " Hecht " for whi ch he rece ived a 9.50 and as hi s second vault he did a "Yamashita " but d id not com e to a stand . Therefore the 9. 50 rema in ed hi s score. I reme mbe red th a t I onl y had a 9.10 in our Ol ympi c Tri als in Vancouve r a nd al so th a t I lost a fun po int for reach· in g int o th e penalty zon e on th e co mpul· so ry vault two days before. All this crossed my mind wh en I started my run fo r my first va ult. I d id a " Hecht" and it must ha ve bee n th e bes t one l eve r did . I r ece ived a 9.45 and that in th e Olympic Ga mes. Th en it was Weil ers turn. For him there was still a chan ce to make th e final s. He kn ew th a t too a nd put everythin g into that fir st va ult. And what a va ult it was. I have Ile ver see n him jumping better. 9.70 wa s hi s sco re a nd I beli eve this was th e hi ghest sco re a Canadian eve r reached in an Olym pic Co mpetiti on. We we re all ve ry happy. As we found out lat er, th ere were only three va ult ers bett er than that in the optional s. Unfortunately his co mpuso ry score of 9.50 wa s not hi gh enough to mak e him qualify for the final s. He was n ow .95 hehind me a nd I had it all fi i1:u red out.
I nt·,· ded a t leas t an 8.6S on th e pa rall .. l I>ar;_ to kee p my first pla ce of th e Ca nadi an gYlllll a5 l s. I had to sta rt and na tura ll y was a bit nervo us. Chu ck Se bes tyen promi sed a bee r to a nybod y ge ttin ~ mort' th an 9 point s. I wen t through my exercise per ha ps a bit too ti ght , but hl' ld my on e a rm ha nd stand long enou gh a nd ca me to a fa ir sta nd af ter my front some rsa ult. No bod y was more a nxious to th e scorc a nd th e 10 second s it too k we re alm ost unb ea rab le. Th en fin all y th e sco re boa rd fl ashed a 9.25. Ha ll' happ y I was, beca use now I kn ew neith er Weil er nor La rose co uld ca tch up. La rose rece ive d a 9.00 a nd Weil er d id an excell ent exe rcise to rece ive a 9.40, th e re by b e atin~ Larose by 0.25 po int s in th e all aro un d sco re. Our Ol ympi c Co mpeitio n was over. The total sco res· a nd fin al standin g wa s as follows :
Kihn Weil e r Larose
107.95 point s 107.15 point s 106.90 points
82 nd pla ce 86 th pla ce 92nd place
We were as happy as if we had won th e co mpe tition wh en we finall y marched b ehind the " Canada" sign and our Nation al Fla g out of th e gymnasium for the la st tim e. E ven th ough we some tim'es did not agree with th e Ju dges, but in general the sco res we re fair. We also kn ow th at with a co mpl e te tea m th e three of us wou ld have made th e nin e a verage, whi ch I mi ssed by on ly 0.05 poin ts. However I doubt if we had co me hi gher than pl ace 14 as a team ; whi ch wa s tak en by Switzerland. W e proba bly wo uld have bea ten th e remainin g tea ms fro m C uba, A ustralia, T a iwan , India. Th e U.S.A. ca me 7th , fo ll owed by Finla nd , H un gary, Bulgaria , Y ugoslavia , Rumania. Th e fir st six pla ces of co urse were ta ken by J apa n, Russia , Germ any, Ital y, P oland , Czechoslova ki a. It ha s been a tremendou s ex peri ence. I onl y wish th a t every body who trai ns and practi ces ha rd for yea rs would ha ve a cha nce and be rewa rd ed with an Ol ympi c co mpetition. It is so me thi ng nobody wi ll eve r forget. W ith our co mp etiti on over and th e tension go ne we started to enj oy our stay in J apa n. Unfortun a tely no sight seein g trips at a ll we re plann ed a nd orga nized. Also mos t other teams toured J apan afte r th e Gam es were over and put on di splays and even had other co mpetiti ons all across J apa n. Canada r eturn ed home th e mornin g after th e closin g cer emony.
· Late 'RefuJ'tt • NORTH AMERICAN GYM NASTIC CHAil'lPIONSHIPS The word out of Vancouve r ( National A.A.U. Convention ) is that the North American Championships are slated for Montreal in F e bruary; also two other Championship Meets one for Winnipeg July 1966 and an Eastern Meet in Montreal, also in February. Any furth er informati on can be had by writing to Mr. Raymond Gagnier, 515 2e Ave., No.3 P ointe aux Trem bles P.Q. CANADA'S FUTURE GYMNASTS Here are some excerpt s from a letter r eceived from Don Eagle University of New Brunswick Gym Club. Concerning our situation here at U.N.B. F or three years myself and a small group
of Gy mnasts have been tryin g to establi sh Gy mna sti cs. We have won se veral Provincial and l'I'laritim e titles but so far no Intercollegiat e Co mpetiti on . Thi s year with a bit of lu ck we expect to have an Int er colleg iat e Meet with Onta rio or Quebec Co lleges. The Tea m me mo bers are willin g to s pend th eir own mon ey to achieve thi s end . Now th a t I have r ereived all the na mes of peo pl e from you, I hope we shall be abl e to arrange a n Int erco ll eg iat e Meet. As to the future, thin gs look good h ere. Each year one or two more keen Gymnasts arrive here. So when I graduate thi s year th ere will be someone (A STUDE NT STILL) to continu e. J\'1r. Jim Han cock will be takin g over next year. He, like myse lf, is a P hysical Education student and I S keen on promoting Gymnastics. We had the Danish Gym T ea m he re. As you kn ow they gave a Clini c for us and we learned so me moves and made A LOT OF FRIENDS. YORK UNIVERSITY Spent a very interesting time as the guest of Dr. Bryce Taylor Direc tor of Physical Educat ion. Dr. Tayl or kindly showed me all the plans of his De pt. and outlin ed some of his Gymnastics Program . Dr. Bryce Taylor is a graduate of Sprin gfi eld University of Mass. and The Univer· sity of British Co lumbia. He informed me he would be interested in hostin g some of our National events and International event s at hi s Camp us. The Gymna sium can seat about two thousand people. Six se ts of equipment, large dressin g rooms, everything that is necessary to hold an Int ern a tional event. It is great to see the int erest today for Gym nasti cs in our Un ive rsities. Thank you Dr. Taylor, for th e time you spent with me. COMMENT Now that we are beginnin g a New Season. This may be a good time to refl ect on th e use fuln ess of our membership in our Association s. Someone has said that memb ership in any association is made up of jour kinds of bon es: There are the wish -bones who spend their time wishing som eone else would do the work. Th ere are the jaw-bones who do all th e tal king but very little else. Th ere are the knuckle-bones who knock eve rything that anyone ever tries to do . There are th e back-bones who get unde r the load and do the work. Which one are you.? GOOD FRIENDS DEPARTME NT Mr. Hu gh Rodgers (Toronto) The Secretary of O.S.C. C.A. A dedi ca ted Hi gh School T eacher an d Gymnastic Coach at T. L. K ennedy Collegiate, Cooksvill e. Hugh is a Chri stian Youth Lead er as well as a fin e Gymnasti c Coach. This Summer he directed a Christian Lead e rship Camp for Ontario and he co mbined his Gymnastics interest and his R eli gious interest to have what I consider on e of the fin est Summer Camps any Boy or Girl might want to attend. Hugh bein g a Scotsman brin gs to his int eres ts th e tenacity, dedica tion that is usually found in the Scottish people. His Gy m T eams and his Reli gious Youth Groups, refl ec t thi s dedication. The Sport of Gymnastics has a good fri end in Hugh Rodgers. 17
JAME S S. BOSCO, Ph . D. - SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE, San J ose , Califo rnia
This is 1he second oj a series oj articles dealing with research on kinesiological and cinematographical analysis oj gymnastics activities. Articles jor this series are still being accepted. Because oj the nature of this area, pictures should be included with written material. The type oj information included in this article should serve as a guide for prospective contributors. Please send all questions, comments and materials to the above address. VANIS, George John "A Cinematographic Analysis of the Yamashita Vault over the Long Horse", Urbana: M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois, 1965. PURPOSE To attempt to analyze scientifically the Yamashita vault over the long horse, and to discover the factors necessary for the correct execution of this vault. METHOD A Bell & Howell "Eyemo" camera was used to photograph six gymnasts while they performed the Yamashita vault at least three times in succession. The gymnasts were then categorized into the following groups: excellent, good, and fair. The criteria used to classify a subject into his particular skill level were: height over the long horse, placement of the hands in the correct zone, the length of post-flight holding of the piked position, landing, and general form while employing the correct technique. A synchronous clock was placed in view of the camera to record the elapsed time (in hundredths of a second) per frame. This clock also served as a scale object because it had been mounted in a three-foot square frame. Once these films were developed they were analyzed on a Recordak microfilm reader. Tracings were made of the selected vaults onto Dietzgen graph paper (20 squares to the inch). The center of gravity was estimated at contact and release for each phase of the vault (hurdle, pre-flight, and post·flight). 'Oten, the center of gravity during flight was calculated. Body angles in the take-off and landing frames of each phase were determined by measuring the angle formed by a line drawn between the center of gravity and the base of support using a protractor with 0° on the horizontal axis. The horizontal velocity and vertical velocity were de· termined for each phase. The expected force at the board and horse were also figured. A comparative table was com· piled showing the different values for all six subjects. A composite picture of the most excellent performance of the Yamashita vault was prepared. 18
RESULTS Upon preliminary examination of the films, only one of vaulters coultl be classified as "excellent". Three of the subjects were categorized as "good", and the remainin o' two termed "fair". The best Yamashita vault done by each performer was selected to be more thoroughly analyzed. The subjects' results were then compared and conclusions were drawn as to the factors necessary for the proper execution of the Yamashita vault. CONCLUSIONS Analysis supported the following conclusions: 1. A strong horizontal velocity or fast preliminary run as the vaulter approaches the hurdle phase of the Yamashita vault is desirable. . 2. In the hurdle phase the arms should be up and to the side, not back. 3. The Reuther Board should be hit to yield maximum spring (avoid hitting too low) . 4. Take-off from the hurdle should not employ too much forward lean (an angle of 98 ° proved most effective ) . 5. The vaulter should avoid a significant backward lean on the Reuther Board (an angle of about 73 ° seemed most effective) . 6. The take-off from the Reuther Board should be as fast as possible (.04 seconds on the board yielded maximum results) . 7. A severe bending of the arms upon contact with the long horse should be avoided. 8. If velocity is sufficient, it will not be necessary to exert much force on the horse. 9. The arms must be released from the horse neither too soon nor too late (an angle of 96 ° from the center of gravity to the point of contact with the horse proved to be best) . 10. Once the arms release contact with the long horse, they should be raised as quickly as possible, close to the sides and high above the shoulder level, diagonal to the legs in the piked position. 11. During flight over the horse a tight pike should be maintained and straightened gradually toward the end of the post flight. 12. The vaulter should avoid dropping hack his arms as he descends to the mat in the post-flight phase. 13. A landing of approximately 57 0 is desirable at the conclusion of the post flight phase.
(El , MITCHELL) 19
Results of 6th European Championships Antwerp, 1965 Vaul t
Par .
H .B.
Tota l
2 Li sitsky,
9 .60
57 .50
9. 60
9 .70
9 .75
1 Menichelli
4 5 6 7 8 8 10 10 10 13 13 15 15 17 18 18 18 21 22 23 24
Italy Victor U.S.S.R. Diamidov, Se rguei U .S.S.R. Cerer Mi ros lov Yugoslav ia Storhaug, Age Norway Kubico, Wilhe lm Poland Cormi nu cc i, Giovanni Italy. Koppe, Er win A ll emagne R.D. Kubico, Nicolai Po land Sta stn y, Joros lav Czechoslovakia Guffroy, Christian France Laiho, a lii Fin land . Lindgren , Evert Sweden Jaschek, Wi lli A ll emagne R.D . Adamov, Gueorgui Bulgaria Heinonen, Raimo Fin la nd Foerster, Lotha r Allemagne R.D . Brodnik, Janez Yugoslavia Krbec, Prem ys l Czechos lova kia Deu za, Christian France Janssen, Christer Sweden Muller, W alter Swi t zer land Pus;z:toi , Laj os Hu nga ry Belonguer, Aime Spai n
S.H .
9 .05
9 .35
9 .25
8 .85
9 .65
9 .25
9.1 0
9 .25
9. 10
9 .30
9.5 0
9. 10
9 .1 5
9 .00
8.90 ' 9.40
9 .25
9 .20
9 .35
9 .00
9. 15
9. 50
8 .85
9 .30
9. 15
9 . 15
9 .30
8 .95
9. 15
9 .15
54.75 54.55
9 .30
8 .90
9. 15
9 .10
8 .55
Photos by Alan Burrows of Great Britain Storhaug, 4th Floor Exe rci se
DiaMidov, 3rd Parallels Menichelli , 1st Floor Exercise
PUBLICIZE GYMNASTICS By Dick Criley Recently an executive sports editor for a large metropolitan newspaper was a sk ed how he would write up a minor sport, such as gymnastics, to attract public interest. His answer? "I would try to do a conscientious job." I am sure this sportswriter does not view our sport as so many think of it: handstands, push-ups, jumping-jacks, or think that the horizontal bar is for chin-up. But you mi ght be surprised at how many people have exactly this ima ge when gymnastics is mentioned. We would like to have the public think of our sport in terms of its aesthetic value and appreciate it for the technical difficulties it poses the gy mnast and applaud th e sport for what it can offer above and beyond the spectator sports featuring blood and guts. This article, th en, is intended to suggest way s and means of publici zin g gymnastics whether for competition or exhibition so that the publi c can become better educated and more appreciative. Let us assume right now that we do have a team or competition or exhibition that' is worth the time and effort it takes to publicize it. We have to have the quality to erase th e old notions of push路up, chin-ups, etc. Many of the publicity sources cost money; others are free. F or a given area , one must decide where the money can be best spent. On college campuses there are many student services ava ila ble to aid publi city att empts. However, for scholasti c and gy mn asti c clubs (YMCA 's T urn er's Sokol's, etc. ) the effort s to publi cize beyond the immediate group involves a great deal of legwork and careful planning. A lot of imagination can go into your publicity. If sports in themselves were not already pretty well incorporated into the public scene, Madison Avenue would have a fi eld day. Exhibition s as half路time shows for "major" sports afford exce llent opportunity to educate an aud ience if not handled like a
circus and if a careful script is prepared for oral presentation at the same tim e. Or, did you ever think of hi ghway billboard s ( President Johnson notwithstandin g)? Here are some of the more conventional publicity techniques : POSTERS : Whether professional printed posters or dittoed, mimeographed, or Xeroxed posters are used, the message mu st be simple, neatly presented and a ble to catch the passer's eye in the less than a tenth of a second he is likely to be exposed to it. Women's gymnastics have a certain advanta ge here as photographs can be used with great eff ectiveness. Mak e use of color in your poster designs. Aid in drawin g up posters whi ch catch the eye and are also effective in presentin g yo ur event can be given my many peo pl e with artisti c bent and a little kn owledge of publi city technique. The posters should not be put much more than on e week ah ead of the event as th ey lose their effectiveness when longer exposure is given. Obtain permission to use bulletin boards when longer exposure is needed. Many stores make available som e window space for worthwhile events; all yo u need do is ask. BANN ERS: Prominent loca tion s on a campus or at a local meetin g place such as the YMCA, firehouse, or community buildin g sometim es provid e display space for banners or large signs. On ce 'aga in, don't try to put too much on your di splay medium . It is necessary, of course, to pr ovide the essential information as to what , where, and wh en, but to overdo it and list the names of everyone in volved or decorate the bann er with littl e designs is to dilute the message you are try in g to get across. Here's another hint : if you are usin g poster paint to decorate a store wind ow, mix a little so ap with th e paint and it will come off more easily when you return to clean up.
RADIO: In addition to its use as a medium to present the so und s of our time, radio al so offers n ews, fea tures and advertisements. Find out who is in charge of a given aspect of radio opera tion a nd talk over with them your needs. If you want spot ann oun cements (10-40 seconds) and are going to wri te them, the station will give whatever help you need if you req uest it. Be sure to incl ude the sponsoring group, the date, time place, cost and whatever else is needed. Many stations have a public service period and your exhibition can rece ive free publicity here.
Programmed radi o coverage incl ud es features and interviews with the co ach , team captain , all路 around men, or some-one di rectly connected with th e pur pose of the exhibition or compet ition. Many camp us and community radio stations do have regul ar sports programs in which thi s sort of thin g is done and woul d pro bably be glad to talk about somethin g else besides basketball and foo tball.
CAMPUS SERVICE: Most athletic departments have their own sports publicists who specialize in _ this sort of thing and have the necessary contacts outside the university to get a story in a newspaper or on the air. Your best bet is to cooperate with him in providing the angles of interest and information which he needs to do his job. He can also give you tips on other ways to get gymnastics in the public eye. {Other gymnastic groups can tap the resources of their membership or the experience or th e parents of the competitiors in much the same way. In addition, student activities offices, university public information departments, faculty and alumni newsletters, and campus events calendars are effective. The key thing to remember is to see the people connected with these media early. Give them time to schedule the space you need to do a good job. A one-liner saying there will be a gym meet at such-and-such a place on such-and-such a date is not going to attract much attention. PLAN AHEAD. Don't be afraid to borrow ideas! Observe other groups in action. Go through your old issues of the Modern Gymnast and see how others have successfully promoted gymnastics in their areas. One such idea is to have the outside of your envelopes printed with an advertisement of the event and then to use these in all your correspondence. NEWSP APERS: Probably the most overforked and most useful publicity sources are the newspapers. The two chief ways in which you can use a newspapers for publicity are to buy space (advertise) or print a story. Newspapers operate on the principle that if it is news they will use it even if it is publicity but they would like to disguise the publicity part with an angle. ADVERTISEMENTS: In some cases very effective use has been made of trick ads, cleverly worded to attract attention, in the classified section. Obviously this would not be effective in an ad section the size of the TIMES but in school and college newspapers these ads receive close attention. Use simple announcements with lots of space (if you can afford it) . Illustrations and photographs can be used in larger ads to catch the reader's eye. You can often find ways to do this cheaply, particularly if you use some clear photographs cut out of the MG which have already been screened. Your printers can give you a better idea of what they can use if you tell them what you have in mind. ARTICLES AND NEWS STORIES: The journalist looks for an angle of interest, something he can latch onto as a them e, someone to feature, some unique aspect of your story. Gymnastics is full of angles of interest, but, as for our previously mentioned sports editor, you have to point these out. After all, if the reporters knew what they could be doing they would be doing it now. There are several ways to get your story in the paper. Usually you contact the sports editor far enough ahead of time for him to assign someone to you or you try to write up the story and submit it to him. Most newspapers are jealous of their prerogative and would rather have you give them the outline and let them do the writing. Fine, cooperate and don't be too pushy; thehy know better than you do how to present something. On the other hand, sometimes a columnist may welcome specific suggestions and then go on to develop them in his own style. The problem is to get a columnist to think about something besides the major leagues and the top 10 college teams in the major sports.
Assume for a moment that you are going to write up your own story for publicity purposes. What approach do you take to be sure that it will be accepted for print ? Whole journalism courses are devoted to this sort of thing and boil down to thi s : tell Who (spelling is important ) , What , When, Where, and Why (if not obvious like a competition or exhibition ). Disgui se the publicity aspect with an angle. Know the paper's deadline and get it to them well in advance. Your name and phone number should be placed in the top corner of the "news release" as you will bill it so that any questions the editor may have can be quickly answered. Type your copy, double- or triple-spaced, one side of the page only. Number the pages if there are several. Proofread for spelling, grammar, punctuation and make the corrections before the typesetter gets the copy. A reporter contacting you may have littl e or no idea about what gymnastics is and your suggestions can prove useful in leading him to write the story you want told. Over a long season, the reporters learn their own angles but here are some you could suggest: How to enjoy gymnastics. (Or as one headline .put it, " Wanna Enjoy Gym Meets? Read This). What goes on in each event ? Outline some of the fine points, requirements on an event, and generally give him and the reader a better understanding of the sport. Judging. How is a meet won or lost ? How do judges score ; what is their basis; and particularly this year, what are some of the changes. Write up individual performers, the all.around men, the seniors who are about to graduate, etc. Play up rivalries with other schools. Mention the " big guns" of the other team s, th eir strengths. Give the reader a chan ce to kn ow something about the men (or women ) he is watching. Tie in with the Olympics and national competitions. Feature the coach. How is a routine planned? Academic strengths. Colleges may wish to publicize the NCAA system for this year. There have been so many changes in college gymnastics that even season ed spectators become somewhat confused. PHOTOGRAPHS : An experi enced photographer can take the best shot s for publicity purposes. If you do tak e your own, be sure to provide for good contrast and an uncluttered background. Use photographs in which the gymnast is identifiable and good form is displayed. Prints should be sharp and contrasty for reproduction. If you know
what size a sin gle, double, or triple column shot is, you can have the prints made to size-for a price. Provide accurat e information in the caption but kee p it short unless the photo is to se rve in place of th e 1,000 words and you still have to mention your event, time and place. A final suggestion for dealin g with newspapers : If you know someone with influence take advantage of it. In every publicity effort be sure to let the publi c know the bas ic who, when, wh ere, and costs of admi ss ion if any , and present these so they can not be overlook ed. If we can get pepple to see gy mnastics, they will return again, but to create that good fir st impression we mu st make use of every method at our di sposal from publi city befor e the meet , a smooth job of runnin g the meet, and top performances from each gy mnast to prompt publicity of th e results after the meet or exhibition via press and radio to heighten interest in the next tim e.
In summary :
neat, express your message clearl y and simply, use colar, be timely-o week's notice is usually enaugh e x cept for the large special events.
RADIO: Make use of the servi c es the station has to offer; know who to talk to obaut ads and features; make use of sport announcements, interviews and features; plan carefully what you want said. NEWSPAPERS: They want to know: Who What When Wh e re Why Angles of interest If you write your own: Keep it simple Avoid adjecti ves, cliches Avoid technical terms Proofread, prune out deod phrases Type, double- or triple-space One side of page only
PHOTOGRAPHS: Clear, uncluttered, natural, unposed if poss ible. ' Action shots are fine if understandable. We have a beautiful sport in which photography can be used to excellent advantag e . Use MG photos as idea stimulators. Contact photographer well in odvance of the occasion; this includes newspapers and professionals. Finally, PLAN AHEAD. A good job of publicity takes time.
Above: Pre Ol ympic trial com petiti 0ns : 1st Lt . Greg Weiss, Don Tonry, Bob Lynn , Arnold Lasca r i, Terry Higgins , Jim Amerine, Jayce Tannack , Kathy Gleaso n, Kathy Carrigan, Kathy Carro ll and Debbie Bailey
Below: Cadet Terry Higgins, Joyce Tannack, Kathy Carroll and Arnold Lascari.
USA TRIALS AND INTERNATIONAL MEET REPORT Bob Peck, Director Sports Information, USAF Academy The American male gymnast s, se lec ted a t th e Air F orce Academy trial s to re present the United States in the I" l ex ico City Littl e Olympics, placed high' in the all -aro und . an the int ernational meet held in Mexico City. 1st. Lt. Greg Weiss, physical educa tion instruc tor at the Academy , Arnold Lascari from Sacramento State, Calif., and First Class Cadet Terry Higgins of th e Acad emy, fini sh ed third, sixth and eighth place, respectively. TRYOUTS The three women gymnasts, selec ted here at the Cadet Gymnasium durin g the preoylmpic tryouts, put on an excellent exhibi tion which showed the parti cipating coun tries that the United States will be strong contend ers in the 1968 Olympics. The top gym nasts in the United States competed here on Oct. 10, 1965 in the preolympic tria ls be fore a packed house of m ore than 2,700 spectators. In the men's divis ion , in which six of the top male gymnast s competed, included two A ir Force Academy personnel. They wer e 1st. Lt. Greg Weiss of Ri chfi eld, N.J. , who is a physical education in structor, and First Class Cadet Terry Hi gg ins of R eseda, Calif. H iggins is a m ember of the Air Force varsity gymnasti cs team who could be selected for All-Ameri ca honors this year. Competing in the men's division were : 1st. Lt . W eiss, Cadet Higgin s, Lascari, Don Tonry of Yale University, Bob Lynn , University of Southern California, and Jim Am erine of West Point. Cont estants in the women 's division were : Kathy Corrigan of Weymouth , Mass., Kathy Gleason of Buffalo, N.Y., J oyce Tannack of Seattle, Wash. , Kathy Carroll and De bbie Bailey both from Oklahoma City. In the mens' division , Lieutenant Weiss took first place in the side horse with a 9.5 , and路 surged ahead for the lead in the all-around after the second event with 18.3 points. The 23-ye ar-old Air Force officer and phys ical education in structor then took second in th e hi gh bar, long horse and still rin gs to fini sh the meet with 55 .70 points and first place. Arnold Lascari garnered a total of 52.20 points to fini sh second. Lascari took first in the hi gh bar and fini sh ed second in the parall el bars and still rin gs. Cadet Hi ggin s moved into th ird place, after the third event, and fi n ished with a 52 .25 points in the all -around. His total was .05 points ahead of Bob Lynn for the third place fini sh . In th e women's division , Kathy Corrigan and Kathy Gleason ran neck and neck un til the last event. Kathy won th e uneven hars to give h er a total of 3.3.72 for fir st place. K a th y Gleason took fir st in th e balan ce beam , s ide horse vault, and seco nd in the fl oor exercise and uneven hars, for a second pl ace fini sh, with a total all-around po ints of 32.65. J oyce Tannack fi nished third place ,in all eve nts and garnered a total point s pread of 30.05 t o win third place in th e women 's eve nts.
Armando Vega coach of the Mexican team with gymnasts; A. Garcia, A. Va ll es. Sanchez, Men ichelli , Gunthard (Italian Coa ch), Cimanghi , F. Valles, E. Garcia and Vargas
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO OCT. 14- 15 & 16, 1965 R eport by Armando Vega Gymnasts fr om the USA, Ital y, Ru ss ia, Cuba and M ex ico cam e toge th er in a PreOlympic competition in M exi co City , Octoher 14-16. Franco Menichelli of It aly took the to p honors and was by far th e best gymn ast. H e perform ed well on alm os t every event with hi s lowest score (9.55) on the Sid~ Horse. On the fin al day Fran co did mi ss for th e individual awards on the S ide Horse and Long Horse. Go in g into the final s he was first in both event s. In the All-Around one could say th at he didn 't have any com petit ion at all. Yuri Titov looked very good on some event s and not so good on others. H e mi sse d badly on the Parallel Bar and Side H orse. Hi s P . Bar . routine is new and very good exce pt that he just couldn't seem to do it. There was a youn g Ru ssian gy mnast her e who is really u p and coming. His name is Victor Kimenk ov and he is only 16 years old. He is a little weak phys ica ll y, because of hi s yo uth , but is really good p otentially. His technique is tremendous and shows the promi se that Ma koto Sakamoto did at that age. One difference is that Victor looks tall and is lean. L u igi Cimnaghi took 2nd place in th e All-around behind hi s count ry man Menich ell i. Lui gi is good on all event s but not terrific on any'. H e was the most consistent perform er throu ghout - th e meet, not ha vin g any breaks. H e h as all of th e r equirement s on a ll events, but his moves are basically easy. When I say this, I am co mparing him to Titov a nd Meni chelli. Mexico and Cuba were th e only nation s with a full tea m compet ing. Mexico for the first tim e beat Cuba as a team. Cuba 's tea m like Mexi co is r eally progr essin g. The U.s. did pre tty well co ns id erin g that it didn't se nd its bes t gymnasts. Greg Wei ss took 3 rd in th e All-Aro und and made a good showin g. r h ope that in th e futur e the U.S. will send a stronger tea m for it s own good. I don ' t be lieve that th e U.S .A. will dominat e th e Pan Am Garn es th e way
Mex ico
58 .40 57.40 56 .65 56 .35 56 .00 55.70 55.55 55 .3 5 54 .00 53 .80 53 .65 51.85 51.45 51 .25 5 1.20 5035 50.10 48 .9 0 48 .9 0 19.60 19. 15 19.15 19. 10 19.05 18 .55 19.05 18 .25 17.95 17.50 17.20 16 .65 19.80 19.60 18.65 18.60 18 .60 18 .00 19.2 5 19.15 19. 10 19. 0 5 19.05 18.80 19.50 19.30 19.25 18.8 0 18.75 18. 6 5 19.65 19.45 19.05 19.05 18 .65 18 .60
Pictured here are scenes from the SOKOL Centennial Slet and festival held in Chi cago June 24-26 .
Instructors and participants at the 8th Annual Notional Summer Gymnastics Clinic at Michigan State, East Lansing, Michigan.
8th Annual National Summer Gymnastic Clinic Michi gan
Universitv. August 22路2 7
Close to 250 participants a ttend ed fro m 27 stat es a nd Canad a. J ack Carr developed and condu cted an ex cell ent program. P aul Fina was th e director of the show and was ass isted by Di ck Ri chter. Th e show was well done with many of the talented clini c parti cipants performing. It was th e clima x of an outstandin g clini c. Along with Carr and Fina th e oth er members of the board are J oe Schabacker, Op era ti ons Dir. ; Bill Mea de, SecTreas.; _and George Szy pul a, Clinic Director. Th e clini c will be held again nex t yea r a t M ichi gan Stat e on August 21-26.
Olympians Lind a Metheny and Ru sty Mi tchell were on th e sta ff along with Di ck M ul vihill, Ernestin e ( Russell) Carter and Grace Kaywell. Also on the staff were Ed Bengtson, J ohn Brodeur, Don Chestnut , Carl and Louise Engstrom, Jim Farkas, Don Leas, Ju dy Barr, T om Darlin g, Di ck Ri chter, Jun e Szy pula, Paul Uram and Dick Zuber. Fine co llegians on the staff were Gl em) Gailis, Iowa, Sally No ble, Jan Ri chter, Dave Arn old , T ed Wilson all of Michigan State and Frank Schmitz, Bob Dvorak and S teve Whitl ock of Southern Tllin ois.
Winners of Achi evement Award : Raeanne Miller, Junior Girls, Hastin gs, Mich . ; Deana Lqrentzen, Senior Girls, Albuqu er路 que, New Mexico; Thomas Hindert, Juni or Boys, Kalain azoo, Mi ch. ; Mickey Uram, Seni or Boys, Butler, P enna. The bi g winn er of all th e co mpetiti on was Mi ckey Uram who won th e All -A round and th e Olympic events in junior boys co mp etition. John Tobler of M inneap olis almos t duplicated thi s feat in the men's co mpetition, but he lost out to Stan Wilkes of Wayne, Pa. on the Parallel Bars. Denni s H arl an of Sprin gfi eld , Ill. and Scott Ru ede of J ackson, Mi ch. were th e winners on Trampoline and Tumblin g in juniors. Th e men's winners were Geo rge Huntzicker of Ann Arbor, Trampolin e and Al Sa nders of Detroit in Tumblin g. In junior girls Colene M ul vihill of Champaign, Ill. was th e winner in All Around , Balance Beam and Uneven Bars in a large entry_ Barb Bauer of P alos Heights, Ill. won Vault and Tumblin g whil e Vicki Bollinger of Springfi eld won Fl oo r ex and Trampolin e. In seni or girl s Barb McKenzie of R omeo, M ich. won All- Around , Floor Ex and th e Uneve ns_ Jill Schulze was a double winner on Balan ce Bea m and Tumblin g. Indi vid ual winn ers were Ca rol K ra tchoff of Detroit on Vault and Helen Content of L~n s in g on Trampoiin p
Photo ac tion scenes o f National Summer Clinic
CENTRAL ATLANTIC AREA GYMNASTIC CAMP August 22nd throu gh 29th, 1965 by Dick Taj/e The fifth Annual Central Atlantic Area Gymnastic CamP proved to be a successful proving gro unds for th e U.s.G.F. Age· grou p workbook program, which was used as the basis of program while at cam I): The Maryland camp, s ponsored by the Y.M.C.A., served as trainin g area for 140 boys and girls from Pennsylvania, New York, New J ersey, Delawa re, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. -COACH! TGCoachin g for the CAA camp ranged from regular gy mnastic teachers, to stu · dents of the sport. Vern Elder of Wash· ington, D.C.; J erry Krawitz, lVIarvin Spei· del, Cliff and H elen Sjursen, Bob Gras, and Ceorge Puglia of New J ersey; Bernie :'I'Iichels and R. J ames Wylde of Mary· land; Lloyd Warner, Robert Norris, Lloyd Capwell and Doris J. Gibb of Pennsyl· vania; and Erni e Furbler and J oan M. J oedi cke of New York , formed th e well round ed coachin g staff of the Edgewater, :'Ilaryland camp. Cuest gymnast Ike H el· ler from Iowa State University, and coun· se lors Sue Thomson, Betsy East, Barbara Krawitz, Marc Fischell, Al Gatti, Jim Lewis, Larry Posey, Bill Thompson and Di ck Taffe, assisted with the U.S.C.F. workbook instru cti on. The staff wives mann ed the store. performed secretarial serv ices and provided supervision of the girls at night. -WORKOUTSEarly in the camp week, gymnasts wer6 given basic tumbling tests in order to be classified into ability groups. U.s.G.F. workbook training covered most of the gymnast's morning, with the afternoon s opened for workouts or boating and swim· mingo Optional workouts were again held each evening after dinner, climaxed with p.ither a campfire, movie. vaudeville show
or dance. Special sessions in basic tumbling were required each afternoon for those gymnasts placed into the lower tumblin g classifications. Workout areas were always open to gymnasts during the day, with the exception of mealtimes. -U.S.G.F. WORKBOOKSEaeh ca m per received a standard U.S.G.F. age group gymnastics workbook prior to arriving at Camp Letts. They were to have selected an exercise in each all around event to be tested on at the end of the camp week. Campers were tested on their abiltiy to learn the routin es, their general presentation, and th eir participa· tion and overall attitude while at camp. The scores were individually recorded and given to each gymnast. J e£f Rogers, 16, and Sue P ettinato , 15, both of Bethesda, Maryla nd, received highest overall . test scores for the 1965 CAA Gymnastic Camp. -EQUIPMENTRain or shine , workout conditions were made possibl e by the ampl e am ount of eq uipment at camp. Two complete sets of all apparatus were se t up inside the camp mess hall , including a resolite floor exer· cise mat. Trampolines, uneven bars, and rings were se t up among the trees, with a football fi eld suitable for tumbling mats and vaulting horses nearby. Our thanks to the Nissen and Gym Master Companies for use of their equipment. Each evening, after traditional "taps", camp staff met to review and exchange id eas on the day's progress. Teaching and spotting techniques were discussed over hot coffee, interspersed with tall tal es by George Puglia and Bob Norris. ORGANIZATION Gymnastic camp organization was built around th e element of self·government. Few workout demand s upon the cam pers mad e for a more productive and progreso sive camp week. During workbook work· shops each morning, gymnasts would choose the event that he or she wished to work during the session. He could move on to another event if so desired , understanding
that he would be required to know the compulsori es in all events by the weekend testin g. This apparatus Jreedom gave the gymnast the chance to concentrate on his weaker event. CAA gymnastic campers are preferably interm ed iate gymnasts between ten and eigh teen , with an intense interest in gymnasti cs and having strong character. Eaeh appli cation for camp enrollm en t must be signed by a coach or instructor, to prove that the camper would make a con tribu· tion to camp life. Though sponsored by th e }'.~!.C.A., the camp is not restricted to Y members. If interested in CAA Gymnastic Camp or wish to be put on the mailing list of th e camp, send nam e and address to Vern Elder, Commissioner or Gymnastics, Cen· tral Branch Y.M.C.A. 1736 "G" Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Presently, th e camp has a 200 gymnast limit, but th e construction of cabins to accommodate 120 more campers will be underway in the near future. Below are· the winn ers of the recognition awards at camp. (All around only) Boys AII·Around Ages 10·13 : Walter Sju rsen, Scotch Plains, NJ; David Gozek, Scotch Plains, NJ; Robert Rlkle, Bethesda, Md . Ages 14·15: Paul Harris, Scranton, Pa.; Tommy Worsley, Silver Spring, Md.; Billy Ruyle, Scotch Plains, N.J. Age 16: Jeff Rogers, Bethesda , Md.; Jim Sunquist, Arlington, Va .; Danny Worsley, Silver Spring, Md. Ages 17·18: Kern Strickland, Falls Church, Md.; Larry Estep, Dalton, Pa .; Darrell Dav ies , Ridgewood, N.J. Girls AII·Around Ages 11·12 : Debbie Nichols, Alexandria , Va .; Clara Petrini, Annapolis, Md.; Elizabeth Ard, Elizabeth, N .J. Ages 13·14 : Betsey Roberts, Bethesda, Md. ; Mary Etta Port, Bethesda, Md .; Maria Mills, East Patersan, N.J . Age 15 : Sue Pettinato, Bethesda, Md.; Judy Mehaffy, Silver Spring , Md.; Lynda Byer, Washington, D.C. Ages 16·17 : Cindy Coulsan, Carlisle, Po.; Josephine McKee, Silver Spring, Md:; Rebecca Hunt, Carlisle, Pa. Above and Below: Campers and action at Central Atlantic Gymnastic Camp
Ab.ove : Dick Toffe on the Rin gs A t Ri g ht : Ike Hell er e n the H ig h Ba r
Below : Jos ephine M cKee on Balance Beam with Coach Helen Sjursen stan d in g b\ ·.
Eastern Gymnastic Camp Clinic M . Donald Adolph, Dire ctor A merican Gymnastics Association It was my privilege to visit the Eastern Gymnastics Camp Clinic a short time ago. (September, 1965) . Obviously, all teach· ers and coaches of our Sport in their ob· servations of a Clinic or for that matter even when called upon to judge a routine will naturall y pick out sli ghtly different deta ils as strikin g and signifI cant. But, apa rt from this wide divergence and vari· a ti on in the choice of details, most will san s doubt generally vi sualize and get the total impression and react appropriately. The Eastern Gymn astics Camp Clinic, at Camp Deerhead, French Woods, Han· cock, New York is pl aying a major role in developin g top gymnastic competitors. Through the cooperation and idealism of Clin ic Director, William Coco and with th e " heart" of his staff we were dee ply moved by what we saw and learn ed. This was the Summ er's second camp clinic. The first session was held during the last week of Jun e. The staff of thirty included nine physical educators from university and secondary school levels. The others in clud ed co aches from club teams and in· ternational competitors. The more familiar on th e staff were Muriel Grossfeld, Jan et Bachn a, Michael Coco, Ginny Coco, Don Tonry, Marie Walth er, Ginny Sherriff, J oel Baba, Freddie Rol and , Bob Stout , and Chu ck J effry. (A bie was at the Macca biah Games in Tel Aviv, Israel, representin g th e United Stat es). by
The clinic attracted 215 boys and girls who ranged in years from seven to eighteen. They came from the Philadelph ia area mainly, though we met youn gsters from Tennessee, and Illin ois, and New York. The assembled group was ori ented; sc reened, tes ted, and assigned to develop· ment groups accordin g to their basic abili· ties and skills, i.e., beginners, inter medi · ates, and advan ced. In his ori entation, Willie Coco, pointedly said , "Gy mnasts of good quality often take longer than a city to bu ild . . . . onl y hard work, coupled with good atti tud es and lots of des ire, will cause your skill and und erstandings to grow. As it is true in all buildin g, ' the broader the foundation, the better the stru cture.' Now is your opportunity to increase your gym nasti c fo un da ti on. H ere at the E.G. C.C. we have provided you with th e tools. It is up to you to do the buildin g." My visit was excitin g, exhilarating, r eo wardin g, and filled with satisfactions .As the hours went by the cam pers enthusiasm, receptivity, and appreciation beca me increasin gly recognized. Their achi evements of new skills, difficult at first , brought them inflated desires to try an · other and an other skill. I did not need to be convinced of the value and import of well organized and well plann ed Clinics. Each ca mper at E.G.C. was sup pli ed with an 8% x 11" ruled co mpositi on pa per bookl et for instructional memos and valued lea rnin g hi ghli ghts. The cover of the bookl et had the camper's name and a stencil ed fi gure of a female gy mnast in a "s plit" fr ont position. The booklet con la ined all of the clinic rul es and regulations, the daily " workout" schedules of class sessions (on e hour each, two in the morning and three in the afternoon ), staff list, and a general plan of the Camp's facilities. It also contained one of the fi nest listin gs of four seri es of skills of women's gymnasti c progressions for the un even parallel bars, the balance beam , the side horse vaultin g, and the tumblin g and fl oor exercise "stunts". The progressions were compiled and edited by the Program Director, Mrs. Muriel Davis Grossfeld. It is to be regretted that Olympian Muriel and others, unfortunately, too, who know better, continue to use thi s "circus· ori en ted conce pt" in their trainin g and learnin g of educational skill s of artisti c gy mnasti cs. (See M.G. for Feb. 65) . Olympian Don T onry, who has been on the E.G.C.C. staff sin ce its in cepti on , three yea rs ago, zealously remarked, " thi s is the best clinic that I have ever partici· pated in, and you know, that I've been in many. Th e size of the classes are seldom more th an fifteen ; thus enablin g the parti cipants to get individual attention and guidan ce for the six full days of concen tra ted all·aro und activity." All instruction was supplemented by lecture·demonstra ti on , by movies, by charts, and other regalia. I was happy to note the absence of competition of any kind in this quality learn ing environment. I was hap py to note the anim ati on and rapport and mutual und erstand ing durin g the informal sessions at unassigned peri ods of th e day. I was happy to observe the interchange of ideas and the read iness to help th at exi sted among the staff for the benefit of a ll. Th e E. G.c.c. truly up graded the Sport of Arti sti c Gymnastics. My hat is hum bJ' doffed to the director and his staff knowl edgeable instructors.
Girl Gymnos of New Zealand: Theodore Hill , Claire Chadwick, Judith Hookham, J an Swinburne, Ann Bellwood and Coach Mrs. Emmy Bellwood.
"FIRST IN THE WEST" Gym Kamp 1965 Report by Bud Marquette
Quietly nestled at the foot of picturesque Mount Si, approximately forty odd miles east of Seattle, Washington, some 270 gymnasts, co unselors and staff members took part in a well coordinated and individualized gymnastic program. A high· ly skilled instructional staff make it again possible to keep classes small and assure a maximum of personalized in· struction. The campers were divided according to skill levels, into groups of ten or less and were assigned a head instruc· tor with Junior counselors as assistants. Mr. Jack Mackenroth, coordinator. of Physical Education for the Highline 'Public Schools served as camp director, with Mr. Ev Woodward of Highline Junior College as Chief Program Director.
The Senior counselin g staff included University of Washington students who receive college credit for their work and for the gymnastic course conducted by Dr. Eric Hughes of the University staff. Dr. Hal Alterowitz, Athletic Director of Eastern Montana State College headed up the boys program while yours truly co· ordinated the girls activities. The daily schedule was instructional rather than recreational with six one·hour classes held each day for: three levels of ability. The boys apparatus area is located under the beautiful tall Douglas fir trees with all spotting rigs high among the pines. The girls apparatus area is located along the banks of the Snoqualamie River shaded by gigantic pines, Alder and Maple trees. Aside from the r egular class work, many special functions were conducted which provided variety for the campers. Day and overnight hikes were scheduled and climbing the well known "haystack" of 5,000 foot St. Si again delighted all campers. Kamp
Barbara Caok and
A special feature of the 1965 camp was the four day Olympic Meet. Each camper was assign ed to represent a specific nation and no matter what the ability level of the gymnast, everyone had the opportunity of taking part. Climaxing a most successful and exciting two weeks in the beautiful north woods was a two day visit by the Gymnos Touring Team. These girls constituted the first team ever to represent New Zealand officially on a world wide jaunt. Their main mission was the Vienna "Gymnaestrada". They demonstrated many of their modern rhythmic compositions and also some of their competitive routines. They in turn were deeply impressed by the caliber of all the young gymnasts and the facilities of the camp. Mrs. Emmy Bellwood, coach of the group presented the official New Zealand badge of honor to both Mr. Mackenroth and Mr. Woodward. Also from New Zealand was Mr. Martin Gotz, who remained as a member of the staff and will never be forgotten by the 1965 Gym Kampers.
CAMP MANISON 5th Annual Gymnastics Camp and Teacher-Training Workshop by Edsel Buchanan Gym Camp Manison opened on Sunday, June 20, 1965, with 69 campers Leing registered for the Gymnastics Program. The great majority of the campers were resident campers and the balance of the group was made up of commuters and teachers taking the gymnastics course for college credit. Camp Manison is located at Friendswood, Texas, which is 20 miles south of Houston, Texas, and is only a short 5 miles from the new NASA Manned Space·Craft Center. Camp Manison has two large air con· ditioned dormitories which will house some 150 campers, two large air conditioned lodges for indoor instruction and dining purposes, and within the 250 acres available for outdoor teaching, there is a complete outdoor gymnasium located under the cool shade of wonderful South Texas timber. Although this was the 5th Camp Manison Gym Camp, it was the first summer that a teacher·training workshop was offered in gymnastics. This was a fully accredited three hour course offered through the Extension Division and Physical Education Department of Tex as Technological College in Lubbock, Texas. The primary instructor for this course was Mr. Edsel Buchanan who is an Assistant Professor of Physical Education at Texas Tech. T eaching with Mr. Buchanan was Mr. Sam Bailie, Gym· nastics Coach at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Assisting Mr. Bailie and Mr. Buchanan was Mr. Ernie Geibel of Chicago, Illinois, a nationally recognized tumbling and acrobatic instructor. Mrs. Grace Kaywell of the United States Gymnastics Federation was scheduled for instruction in women's gymnastics and ballet for gymnastics. Unfortunately an untimely illness and possibility of surgery prevented her from being present. During the three weeks of the Gymnastics Camp, the students registered for Physical Education 4331 of Texas Technological Col-
Gymnastic action at Camp Manison
lege (Lubbock, Texas) had the opportunity to observe students performing in all of the recognized gymnastic activities. This included those activities which are developmental in nature' as well as all of the official events for both men and women, boys and girls. Their teaching experience was unusually awarding in that they had the opportunity to observe students ranging in ages from six to eighteen as they performed under the guidance of several dif· ferent instructors in all of the different gymnastic activities. The range of ability of the campers varied from novice to elite with the majority being rather inexperienced but extremely eager and willing to work. The teachers also had the opportunity to perform the skills themselves and to teach and spot for any event in which they were interested, felt qualified, or needed more specific experience. It was unfortunate that Mrs. Kaywell was unable to be there for this did leave somewhat of a void in the woman's area. However, Mr. Sam Bailie did an outstanding job of filling in through his rich background in women's gymnastics. The area most lacking was the ballet area. Gymnastics Camp for the campers was a genu ine success and was rated by Geibel and Buchanan (present at all previous camps) as the most successful in the hi3tory of the five camps. Undoubtedly one of the highlights was the teachertraining workshop in gymnastics which enable the teacher campers to develop teach· ing skills in gymnastic activities for boys and girls at both the elementary and secondary levels. Texas Technological College and Camp Manison will continue to offer thi s three hour credit course each summer. The course is entitled Physical Education 4331 and complete details regarding it may be se· cured through Mr. Edsel Buchanan of Texas T echnological College. The dates for 1966 have been set and they are as follows : June 19 through July 7, 1966. Special rates are available for teachers enrolled for workshop credit. Complete details may be secured through Mr. Tom Manison, Director of Camp Manison at P.O. Box 148, Friendswood, Texas 7754<1.
Summer Gymnastics for the Advanced Gymnast by Sam Bailie Although there were only a few gymnasts of advanced ability at Camp Manison this summer it was evident that the interest in this area was there and that the number will increase each year. With this knowledge a great deal of time and effort was spent in equipping an entire gymnasium that would be worthy of tbe fine st athlete. The gym is out doors and all apparatus meets olympic standards. I feel sure that this camp will become one of the growing number of training camps that will lie utilized in the development and training of our future olympic gymnasts.
OKLAHOMA CAMP WORKSHOP Report by Sam Hester The first Tulsa Oklahoma Camp Workshop was held from July 26th to 30th. The camp was conducted on a non-profit basis under the direction of vol un teer instructors, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hester, Wendell Mason and Miss Janie Speaks. The Gym Camp Workshop was held in conjunction with the Tulsa West side YMCA Daycampt thanks to Mr. Jay Logan "Y"
director. The Workshop featured all phases of gymnatics as well as other camp; swimming, waterskiing, horseback Tldmg, crafts, campnights and cookouts. ' The first Tulsa Gymcamp Workshop was a big success and will become an annual event.
summer elite
session at Camp Malmahed, Sweden(USA gymnasts Jim Mills, Marshall Claus and Bob Hall attended)
Helpful hints by "Jim" Farkas, Instmctor 0/ Physical Education , 0/ The Milwaukee Turners, Wisconsin
"Free R ear-Hip circle Forward" with hip extension and dislocation to suspension_ This is an essential maneuver on the Horizontal Bar_ Despite its advan ced nature it can b e tau ght quite easily on low horizontal bar_ The assignment is to start the "stoop-or " sq uat through" from a position-related to a forward giant swing from where it normally would start_ Prior to the illustrated exerci se one should have e~pe ri en ce i~, "Fo:war~ Rear-Hipcircle"-s (Illcorrectly: seat-circle , because one does never sit on th e bar) from a rear-support, then with careful spottin g the first tries can be attempted_ The jump to support is done with an "under-grip" (fi g_ 1.) _ On e may sq uat first. later stoop through between the arms (fig_ 2_) into a rear support with the hips bent
to such an extent that the back s of the legs stay distant路 away from the bar and the back of the kn ee-joint is approximately opposite to the bar (fig. 3) . Keeping the arms ex tended and maintaining this position one dives with the shoulders under the bar and through a "bent-inverted-hang" (fig. 4) circles forward, upward toward rear-support (fig. 5) .-At thi s point the hipextension forward begins while the arm s are forcefully guidin g the bar toward ex treme rear position. It is quite frequent that this hipex tension will be started too early by a beginner and as a consequen ce the gymnast would plun ge backward, down IIgain. Because an under-grip is not adequate for a backward rotation the hand s could not control the backward fall, therefore spotting must be concentrated primarily here (jig.
5 & 6).! Spotter "A" makes sure that the hipextension and the clearing of the bar will be successfuL At the instant the vertical proj ection of th e shoulders passes over the bar, and the momentum- initiated by the rear-hipcircle -still maintains the hip-extension ahead and above the bar, the '"dislocation" of the shoulders begins by the sliding of the hands to a wider rear-support, through which the sinking of the shoulders will not be difficult or unpleasant (fig_ 7) .-At this point Spotter "B" takes over to maintain the high position of the legs and hip s while the shoulders sink into dislocation_ Finally Spotter " B" (who may be reinforced by a third spotter on the opposite side) brakes the downward swinging of the body (fig- 8) and facilitates a soft landing (fig. 9) .
q. 37
THE VAULTING CONTINUUM by A. B. Frederick Wh en Giulio Lay, the prominent Italian women's coach, first let it be known that he int ended to write a seri es of books on gy mna st ics for girls and women, incrudin g one on vaulting (10), hi s colleag ue, ]\'l rs. Andreina Gatto Sacco, a member of th e Women's T echnical Committee of F.1. G. wrote, "Begin with va ultin g which is lit· tIe kn own a nd practices less." Her words have been echoed by other foreign aut horiti es and occasionally by U. S. gym nast ic leaders who r egard vault· in g as one of the primary, fundam ental areas of gymnast ics. Touring foreign team s characteristically fea ture va ultin g. In Olym· pi c comp etition, vaulting is one of two eve nts which is on both th e men's and the women's program. In a r ecent U.s. tex t by Babbitt and Haas (2), vaulting elemen ts are in clu de d in th e very first chapt er. No doubt thi s was due to th e German influence of Haas. We concl ud e that va ultin g is very important in our gymnasti c programs. It is, in fact, an ex cellen t activity for children and should he included often in programs of physical edu cation . In English speaking co untries "vaultin g" refers to any number of physical skill s where a body passes over an obstacle with hand support. We call the very impressive balance beam mount of the Russia n Olympian, Latynina, a vault; men vault in the middl e of their parallel bar or hori zo nta l bar routin es. Vaulting is done on th e uneven parallel bars in a variety of mounts and interm ed iate movements. But mainly we think of vaulting as a grad ed program of hand-assisted jumps over a standard piece of apparatus such as the Swed ish box , long horse or side' ( broad ) horse. These kinds of movements are not simply vaults . . . Lhey are jumping vaults. So me of our top perform ers may be overheard to say, "Good jump!" They may have been influenced by international competitors who use the expres· sion, "J ump-Vau ltin g." Therefore we must be concerned with jumping. Leaders in track and field can help us with this aspect. If we wo uld study their techniques of teaching jump-
in g, we will ultimately find that we are in stru cted to teach running. So there it is. T o teach side-horse vaulting we teach jumping; \ to teach jumping, we teach runnin g. Pretty fundam ental isn't it ? Grossly neglected isn't it? Have you ever seen runnin g taught at a gymnastic clinic? If you have, chan ces are that it was in connection with sidehorse va ultin g. More frequently we may see weak-armed girl s bein g helpfully forced through a bent-armed hand stand resulting in an insecure landing (though thoroughly spotted ) on th e mat s. You've seen that. Would a lesson in runnin g have been a better choice? Somewhere be tween the age where one tak es his fir st runnin g step until he reaches gym nastic maturity (30 years of age more or less) we might place th at person on a continuum . . . ladder if yo u like. Each run g of th e ladder is co mposed of elements to be developed pro. gress ively by the creative teacher. The last page of thi s paper is the writer's attempt at developing such a program in vaulting. International or Olympic side-
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horse vaultin g, is near the top of the continuum . Let's start at the bottom, develop a philosophy of approach and later apply it at the upper levels. You will find some notes below which have a "C" designation. They refer back to specifi c levels of the continuum on the final page. The continuum principle in movement education is well presen ted by Cratty (3) and the need for a philosop hical as well as a so und theoretical approach to learn in g ha s been r ecently seen in print by Meirhenry (12) and Weber ( 18 ). Meirhenry asks us to join in the search for basic pa ttern s of subj ect matter. He would then have us form a strategy or plan of attack in the application of such patterns in our teaching. The first three rungs of the ladde r are most important. Without at least some minimal experience in running and the performance of va ult-related steps and jumps, the gymnast will have predictable kind s of diffi culty in compe titi ve vaultin g. Girl s have some 's peci al diffi culties with running accordin g to Broer. ( Broer, Marion, Effi ciency of Human Movement. Phila.: W. B. Saunders Co. 1960. p. 120.) She st ates . . . " Girls freq uently have difficulty in r unning because th ey attempt to run with a minimum of kn ee lift. In order to move the fo ot forward without ~ftin g the knee, th e thigh must be rotatea inwardly and the foot and lower leg thrown out to the side and around. They (girls) also tend to rotate the shoulders outward . 'hugg in g' the upp er arm s and elbows to : the body and allowing the lower a rm to ' fla p' out at the sides in response to the decided rotation of the hips. Girls may have some mechani cal di sadvantage in running be· cause of the angle of th e femur resulting from a broad er pelvis." Doherty (4) em phasizes the prin cipl e of naturalness in runnin g. If a girl seems to be a naturally good r unn er, littl e sho uld be done to change her style of running. A hands off policy is preferred. Since the short es t distan ce between two points is a straight line, all runnin g and runnin g for vaulting in particular should be direct to the target or apparatus. Any deviation will result in a loss of horizontal velocity. Doh erty also emphasizes Overall Action - RUIlll er is smooth and relaxed with littl e up and down action. Body Angle - Concentrating on a spot some distance away fr om the runner wi ll hel p sta bilize a posture which is aestheti-
cally and mechanically correct. Farkas (7) recomm end s that a vaulter look at the spot on th e board she will hit during th e hurdle whil e ·running. He adds that as soon as the hurdle step is initiated she then look at the spot on the horse where the hand s will push off. Arm Swing - Arms work in opposition with the legs. This prevent s acute rotation of the hips about the lon g axis of the body. As an arm swin gs forward , the for earm may swing in a bit towards the lin e of run but this is natural. Tense arm movement s, however correct, seem to have a small bearing on speed. Naturalness is emphasized here as in all aspects. FO(lf Placement In the vaulting run as in sprinting, weight is first taken on the toes, followed by foot fl exion and extension. This is especially true of run s for some of the morF difficult ten-rated vaults. Flat·footedness is to be avoided as I S an habitual turn·out of th e feet. Rear Leg Lift The rear leg bends sharply during the run to effect a quick recovery. The writer has seen some girls run with the legs held straight which reo suits in an awkward run. Length. of Stride - It is important to establish stride length early in the train· ing of a runner (or vaulter). Dyson (5) joins Doherty in emphasizing a natural stride which has no grotesque foot exten· sion. Since elite side·horse vaulting will require from 12-16 strides, attempt to de· velop some interesting ways for students to test them selves on the consistency of the length of their runs for a given num· ber of strides. These activities can be suggested after corrections m runnin g form are made since the correction will have ·a bearing o~ the amount of distance required. The writer has described one method for practicing vault-running on a mass basis. (8) Give each girl a piece of masking tape. A partner can then mark the spot where the last stride (the one before the hurdle) is completed. Once the vaulter can r epeat her run and come consistently near h er mark she should record the distance for use later. The length of hurdl e and board location can be worked out following this important aspect.
1. The hurdle step from a stand. Sim· pl y sw ing one leg forwa rd and as the jump is made join th e feet and land supply. 2. H oll ow jumps. Jump arching the back. (No t a cheer-leader's jump ) 3. Ski p step and hurdl e 4. Jumps from various kinds of sprin g apparatus with a jump from the ap· paratus or with a sin gle step. 5. Run and hurdl e step. 6. Combining a com petiti ve vaultin g run with a hurdle step.
C·3 LA NDING WITH CONTROL Landing with control is one of th e major skill s of vaultin g. Sim pl e jumps from the floor should be the first expe ri ence in such c.ontrol. Later, th e teacher can progress with int erestin g variations emphasizin g landing control as students att empt to jump down from levels which get progressively higher. Emphasize quietness. "W ho can make the least amount of noise? " We might now expect to see some good combinations of th e run , hurdle, jump and landing. The creative teacher ca n always challenge a group at this level in the jump phase. By varyin g the kinds of jumps, handling th e body at the landing phase becomes progressively more secure. C4 CREATIVE COMBINATIONS OF
Babbitt and Haas (2) and Edmundson and Garstang (6 ) have suggested crea tive ways to arrange existin g apparatus of all kinds for elementary vaulting experiences. The development of agility through such arrangements is a hopeful outcome of such experiences and the sh eer fun of thi s kind of this activity assures its des irability at all levels. Though we do not have the German Lun eberger·Stegle or the multipl e adaptability of Swedish gym nast ic ap· paratus we should be able to crea te many fine and challen ging courses. A felt board or so me other type of visual aid can assist th e teacher in develop· ing with her classes creative arrangements of existing apparatus. Simply cut out small replicas showin g the top view of the apparatus. Place th ese true to scale cutouts on th e felt board whi ch should be in scale with the teachin g station.
Young children often have trouble with a two foot take·off. They should be given many opportunities to run and jump with the landing on two feet.
Tumblin g offers many early opportuni· ti es for hand and arm supported skill s. In particula:, will we emphasize here
some of the vault·related tumblin g move· ments. Successful performance of th e dive and roll which in final progression becomes th e layou t dive·roll, indi ca tes that a girl can manage her weight for a majority of the standard va ult s don e in competitive gym na stics.
The forward hand sprin g progression is valuab le as lead-up movement in teach· ing fli ght. (Both on fli ght . and off fli ght ) To be able to assist an intermediate per· former in th e execution of th e handsprin g is a skill which should be developed by each girl. It will be ext remely valuabl e in ad va nced va ultin g. Th e elements of the handspring progression ha ve been sin gled out below. 1. The ski p step 2. Momentary hand stand 3. Brid ge 4. Kip series 5. Hand stand limb er to brid ge 6. Assisted combination of skip step and the qui ck execution of the hand· stand limber. (Emphasis on early stretch and kick of trailing leg.) 7. Unassisted hand sprin g 8. Layout handsprin g. (To do thi s pro· perly, the gy mast will demonstrate her ability to develop off fli ght even on the floor.) 9. Handspring from low heights to th e fl oor. (W ith and without sprin g ap· paratus) . 10. Dou bl e bea t handsp rin gs.
Th e development of a layo ut for advanced vaultin g has been di scussed by Lay (10), Takemoto ( 16 ), Ti eber (1 7), Yeager (19 ) and Zabka (20 ), All of th ese auth· ors are consistent about the prerequisite of a suitabl e run and hurdl e step as di s· cussed above. Further, the run and hurdl e step should be automatized at thi s point of the continuum so that concentration may be given to the layout. Farkas (7) speaks of two power foun· tain s. These are th e horizontal and verti· ca l velocities. In order to get adequate horizontal velocity, the gymnast must start her run far enough away from the apparatus so that maximum speed will be attained from three to four strid es from the board . Vertical velocity is at a maximum only when th e coordination of body and arms with the return sprin g of th e board is perfected. The fli ght to hand support on the vault· in g apparatus shou ld be d ev ~ oped pro-
gressively. This can be accomplished in several ways. 1. Through tumbling (double beat springs) 2. By regulating the height of the vault· ing apparatus 3. By usin g spring apparatus with pro· gressively less recoil In the writer's opinion , the more a gymnast can rely on her own ability to vault without spring apparatus, the better are her chan ces at vaulting excell ence. Therefore the writer prefers the back· ground of tumbling and adjusted apparatu , heights in progressive training. A travelling overhead spotting ri g with a twi stin g belt attached is a valuabl e ap· paratus at this level. It is seldom avail· able, however. It is suggested that when a girl is proficient enough in the elements of fli ght, the teacher or trained spotters can stand between the board and the horse to assist the flight to hand support. Two spotters may be required at first to in· still confidence but one of these· may shortly be removed and hand spottin g will become progressively easy as the skill develops to maturity. Another technique mentioned by Lay (10) and which is frequently seen as an isolated activity is the performance of swan dive over an obstacle from a spring ap· paratus. Performers are caught just below the shoulders or high on the chest to pre· vent a " belly flop." An advanced spotter might attempt the catch somewhat closer to the center of gravity but this takes fine skill. You may also use a trampoline to replace active spotting. The trampoline is a very valuable vaulting aid. Its use will be demonstrated a little more thoroughly during the vaulting session at the Institute.
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A list of vaults may be found in almost every source on gymnastics for girls and women. In order of difficulty, they may be classified into the following patterns. 1. Vaults in which the hands are lifted individually once support is purchased. 2. Theif vault (This is the only standard foot·first vault.) 3. Bent hip vaults 4. Vaults to the handstand, followed by various drops. 5. Layout vaults where there is a change in rotation about the horizontal axis of the body. (Hip to hip axis) 6. Layout vaults where the rotation in the horizontal axis does not change. 7. Hecht type vaults. It is the writer's opinion that once the vaulter masters the combination of a con· sistent and natural run·hurdle-flight pat· tern, she may very well perform most or all of the ten-rated vaults. Her selection of a competitive vault will be the result of current style and her ability in off flight. The latter will be determined many times by strength and coordination. Rest assured that Vera Caslavska, the Olympic medalist in vaulting, can perform all of the vaults. Her Yamashite vault will un· doubtedly set the style for the next year or so and possibly until 1968. In one sense, the international style of vaulting for women is now very close to that of men. Some foreign female com· petitors actually practice long ·horse vault· ing. For this reason, vaulting may eventu· ally fall into international disfavor due to the characteristically male effort in some of the long on flights and push·offs. Board placement will depend upon the difficulty and type of vault to be per· formed. If the layout is to be performed the board must be at least a body length
from the horse. This is measured from the point of take-off to the near edge of the horse. One of the best evaluations of vaulting faults is given by Lay (10). He empha· sizes that an incorrect approach will do Ihe greatest damage. In addition, he points out . . . 1. Stiff run; stride too short or uneven; trunk too upright. 2. Take·off spot constantly a mystery 3. Insufficient thrust from board; poor coordination of body and arms with the return spring of the board. 4. Failure to inhale at the take·off 5. Insufficient layout or stretch of body; body not elevated upon achieving sup· port making push·off difficult. 6. Incorrect push with the hands to af· fect off flight 7. Attempting too difficult a vault. 8. Compares good stretch in vaulting to a good shaving cream in shaving. What of some of the practical techniques of teaching? Farkas (7) tells us that the horse is not a landing platform ; Yeager (19) describes off flight as the second stage of a two stage rocket. These are colorful phrases to use when teaching boys and girls. The French Gymnastic Federation of· fers to its instructors some of the most carefully worked out pedagogical materi· als the writer has seen to date. (13). One is reminded of the work of Skinner and all of those who are currently engaged in programed learning. Materials are worked out in carefully selected steps which are intended to result in student success. This in oIurn keeps motivation high. The lin ear program also emphasizes re·inforcement of concepts and continual self-testing. The writer has attempted above to incorporate
thi s philoso phy in a vaulting continuum . Be tt y J ea n Maycock, a top U.S. gymnast, has also experimented wit h some unusual techniques. (11) She describes the positi on of the arms aft er the va ult landing and stretch to stand as being in an "eagle catch" position. She has tape reo corded the so und pattern of her vault s in an att empt to get a total kin es theti c " feel" of the vault. Th e writer will present a variation of the use of the tape recorder at the In stitut e. The well coordinated body sin gs a silent song of movement (ca ll ed audio·tonal rhyth m by some). Any techniqu e which will help a gymnast avoid discordant notes it worth the effort it takes to present. Prominent track coaches such as Doher· ty and Dyson stress naturalness. Doherty (4) quotes the following poem of unkn own origin . It is presented here with the hope that it might instill a philosophy of approach with respect to vaulting as well as running. "A centi pede was happy quite Until a fro g in fun Said,"Pray tell, which leg goes after which?" This worked her ioto such a pitch She lay di stracted in the ditch, And kn ew not how to run ." THE VAU LTIN G CONTINUUM C- 1 Running (The first thing a judge sees.) A. Style of running B. Size of Stride C. Naturalness? C- 2 Developing the Hurdle Step C- 3 Landin~s (The last thing a judge sees.) C- 4 Creative Combinations 01 the Run, II urdle, and Jump
C- 5 R elated Tltmbling A. Hand support skill s B. Kip skill s C. Di ve and roll D. Hand spring progress ion with associated spo ttin g technique C- 6 Vaulting Ove r H uman Apparatus C- 7 Vaulting Ove r L ow Objects C- 8 Jump ing Oli Apparatus to a Good Landing C- 9 Jump on Apparatus With an Imm ediate Jump Off ColO Elementary Vaults on Side or Slant Hors e C-ll Deve loping a Layout C-12 Double Beat Vaults (On mats, with trampoline and on long bu ck ) C-13 Elementary and In te rm ediate, Vault s on Side Horse with Reuthef Board C-14 Trampoline Vaulting (A ll 10 vaults) C-15 T en-rated Vau lts on th e Side Hors e C·16 Long Horse Vaulting VAULTING BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Allison, Jun e, Advanced Gymnastics for Women. London: Stanley Paul, 1963. 2. Babbitt, Diane and Werner Haas, Gymnastic Apparatus Exercises jor Girls. New York: The Ronald Press, 1964. 3. Cratty, Bryant, 1., Movement Behavior and Motor L earning. Philadelphia: Lea & Febi ge r, 1964. 4. Doherty, Ken, Modem Track and Field. En glewood ,Cliffs, N.J.. PrenticeHall, Inc., 1963. 5. Dyson, Geoffrey, . The Mechanics 0/ Athletics. London : U. of London Press, 1964 (3rd Ed.) 6. Edmundson, J oseph and Jack Garstan g, Activities on P .E. Apparatus. London: O1dbourn Publishers, 1962. 7. Farkas, James, " Hints About Takeoffs." The Modem Gymnast, J an. , 1962. 8. Frederick, A. B., "Basic El ements
and Progressions in Vaulting" The Modem Gymnast, Nov. -Dec., 1963. 9. Giardin, Yvan, " The Relationship Between th e Ab ility to Perform Selec ted Tumbling Skills and th e Ability to Diagnose Learning Difficulti es in these Same Skills." Unpublished Master's Thesis, Uni· ve rsity of Mary land , 1964 (Copies avail· ab le from U.s.G. F . -P.O. Box %99, Tuc· so n, Arizona.) 10. Lay, Guili o, Th e T echnique of Vaulting (Bi.Lingual- French/Italian ) Prato, Italy: Stabil imento Grafico Com merciale. 11. Maycock , Betty J ean, " The Side Horse Vau lt." Mimeo. n.d. 12. Me ierhenrey, W. C. " Implica tions of Lea rnin g Theory for In structi ona l Technolo gy." Phi Delta Kappan, May, 1965. 13. Pedagogical Materials (Fren ch Gy mn asti c Federation) 15 Rue Lafayette, 15, Paris ge, France, n.d. 14. Prestidge, P a ulin e and Jam es Prestid ge, Your Book oj Gymnastics. London : Faber & Faber, 1%4. 15. Stewart, Nik, Competitive Gymnastics. Lond on : Stan ley Paul, 1%4. 16. Takemoto, Masao, llIust..rated Women's Gymnastics. (Frank Endo, Distributor, 12200 S. Berendo, Los Angeles, Cal.) 1958. 17. Ti eber, Av is, " Developin g the Layout in Vaulting." DGWS Gymnastic Guide (1%5-1967) Washin gton, D. C.; AAHPER, 1965. 18. Weber, C. A., "Do Teachers Understand Learnin g Theory ?" Phi Delta Kappan, May 1%5. 19. Yeager, Patrick, A T eacher's Guide jar Women's Gymnastics. Mimeo. Th e Author - Georgia Southern College, Statesboro, Ga. 20. Zabka, Norma, "Introduction to S. H . Vaulting" DGWS Guide 1963-1965.
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2. Parall el Bars a. What is a " doubl e back Czec h"" b. What is a cross supp ort ? What arc th e va ri ous hand stand sup ports? c. Wh y is a peach basket to the up· per arms th e same ratin g as to sup· port ? d. What is a " hi gh front al"? A "sid ewa rd
IINOTES FROM A II NEUROTIC JUDGE by Roy Davis A uth or's not e : This is the second in a se ri es of articl es devoted to an eva luati on of th e AA U tran slation -of the FIG Code 0/ Points and Annex_ The present article examin es th e di//i culty tables in an attempt to point out the ques tionabl e ratin gs and poorly worded or poorly tran slat ed_ secti ons_ A_ Expl anation L Th e explanatory para graph on page 29 (pa ragraph 2 ) is vague and uncl ea r. Bad writing_ Paragraph 3 also is vag ue.
2. Th ere is no definition of "palmar" and " dorsa l"; no definition of neck and croup. 3. Th e li st of term s is quite compl ete, but diagrams would eliminat e much co nfu sion thro.ughout the whol e book expl anation s on the left , drawings on th e right. 4. Tn some desc ription s, there is no men· ti on of the exact placement of the hand (i.e., "shift left hand to ri ght bar and di smount forward. . . ." in fr ont of right hand or in back of it ?l . The rea l probl em here again is definiti on of terms. From a hand stand what is "forward " and what IS " backward"; what about co unter· movements such as a straddle or stoop dismount from one bar as opposed to a si mple fall in th e other direction but with the same hip motion? 5. Paragraph 9 and paragraph 14 are very confusing. It seems as if para· graph 14 i s a pivot cartwh ee l though paragraph 14 is labeled a H olla nd er and paragraph 9 is labeled pivot cart· wh eel! ?? 6. " Arabian jump" omits a startin g positi on; wh ere does th e " arm pu sh" co me from ? 7. Paragraph 14 "Dut ch" suggests a "swing forward to momentary hand· stand" hah! Show me? Anyone proof· read ? 8. Th e explanation of sid e horse com· binations leaves mu ch un answered. How do we treat co mbination s in term s of counting the number of moves ? How about interpreting com·
binations as part s of several over·lap· ping co mbination s. Jud gin g sid e horse has not on ly beco me diffi cult , but genuinely distasteful. The only accurate evaluati ons are awarded the gy mnast who has an ob viouS' ten point exerci se i.e., where diffic ulty does not have to be evaluated. 9. Definiti ons : Throu ghout the explanatory prefa ce and the tabl es themselves, the rul es never attempt to clarify or furth er define turnin g movemen ts from different posi tion s, i. e., on the feet, in a hand stand , swin gin g, or movin g sid eward. 'owhere is a " momentary hand stand" or a " mom entary free front support" defin ed. These are critical but overlooked. 10. The fr amers of th e revi sed FIG di splayed woeful inconsistency in chan ging the ratin gs. A " hecht" dismount on th e hi gh bar beco mes a B part, but a fl y-away with a 1f2 twi st on rin gs remain s a C. A Russian . 'I oore on sid e horse beco mes a B, thu s plac· ing it in the sam e ca tegory as a simpl e Moore, which rema in s un · chan ged. B. Rating Tables In additi on to the confusion in terminol· ogy, the diffi culty ann ex also li sts man y qu estionabl e ratin gs which do not see m consisten t with subj ective and/or experien tial stand ards of difficulty. It appears as if in an event and between events rat· in gs have been adjusted out of proportion to th eir actual diffi culty. Thi s sentiment has been echoed by out standi ng American coaches and gy mnasts alike. What can we do about thi s arran gement ? By event , the foll owin g clarifi ca ti ons are necessary:
1. Free exercise a. What is the difference between a " hand stand" and a " mom entary hand stand " ? b. Is a forward jump a lea p ,hop, or dive? Off of two fee t or one? c. Does " foll owed by" mea n " at th e termin ati on of" or " durin g"? d. Why is a flip flop , back somie ( B mo ve) a C combi nation when pre· ceded by a forward roll ?
turn "?
e. Wh y is a simple "straddl e off" di smount on one ba r a B move? f. A high frontal dismount (so mew hat lik e a doubl e rea r ?) is mentioned as both an A and B dismount. Is so meone co n fu sed? 3. Horizonta l Ba r a. Why is a "stem up , stoo p to sea t circle" a C move? Beca use a stem up is a B ? Th en both should be lowered. 4. S id e H orse a. H ere the dilemma is one of num · bers; because the ratin gs depend so heav ily on co mbinati ons, the val ue of a routin e is diffi cul t to assess due to overlapp in gs of parts in wh ich one move ment can be consid· ered as a part of as many as 3 combinations. Th e total numb er of moves may be ten, but th ere may be onl y six combi nations. Consider the followin g as an ex· ampl e : I. Stockli (kehre kehre in)
2. Side
4. Side
'/4 6 . '/4
tift turn
,I'i:\ ? )V
;3 6
13 i1
turn to
7. Side 8.
3., Kehre
side lift
9. Inverted stockli 10. Czech 11. Czech
12. Side l ift ~
A in Is thi s example suffiCIent to demonstrate th e cu rrent problem? Surely there are ri ch gy mnastic mind s to either so lve this problem directly or apply sensibl e and logical rul es to thi s choati c disorder. Good Luck! 5. Rin gs a. Why is a di slocate sho ot handstand a C move? Should thi s be from a handstand (back giant )? b. Why is a flyawa y a C? Should thi s be a doubl e fl y away? c. Under dismowlIs, is a "Support turn rea rward and dismount to stan d" a back so mersa ult fr om support or a hip circl e di smount ? C. Summary: In co mparin g th e AAU and Nissen·Mont· petit versions of the FIG rul es, I not· ice d so me signifi ca nt differences, omi ssions, and additions. Whil e this fa ct can be co nfu sin g, it a lso can a id in clarifying so me points. The prin cipal difficulty in th e FIG rating ann ex li es in in consistent ratin gs and confusin g co mbin ati on values. If these judgin g areas were clear and logi cal, th en the m ethod of judging wo uld be less relev ant. At present however , the method is an area of conce rn . The next articl e, fo cusin g on the method area, will includ e a discu ssion of the American vari· at ions in assignment of judges, duti es of judges, and related chan ges in the di stri· butipn of points. 13 . Double
VIC SAYS by Victor C. Josselyn, New York City ROPE CLIMBING I certainly feel that Paul Davis's effort to ge t th e rope climb reinstated in gymnastic even ts should rece ived everyone's full· support. Hi s point that it is related to man's an· cestral activities is well taken. Every boy alm ost instinctively envies th e ability. Mu ch of " Tarzan's" popularity was due to his ability to escape dan ger by goin g up a handy vin e at high speed. Incid entally. non e of the movie Tarzan s I have seen have been too good at it, though one or two fair- I haven't kept up with the later ' . Tarzari s. It seems, in general, to be a vanishing: accomplishment in part, perhaps, due to ' the increasing size of the modern gen· erati on. A man who climbs a rope on a boat or construction job with moderate ease is viewed with admiration. Yes, to repeat Davis, it is a basic athletic event easily und erstood and largely admired. Elsewhere in the March iss ue are com· ments on the ·difficulties of fair judging of complicated and precise gymnasti c events. The rope climb is happily free from this problem. Highly important, think, from the viewpoint of spectator appreciation, is the fa ct that it is a . " race". Like it or not, neither professional nor amateur gymnast· ics are popular spectator sports in Ameri· ca - lackin g an obvious . competitive element and the niceties being diffi cult for the untrain ed eye to appreciate. But everyone reacts with interest to a race even if It IS only pushing a peanut with the nose!. And who can fail to be impressed by ·the high speeds achieved by modern climbers? It seems to me that the ellcitement of the competitive climb might well be the high point of a gymnastic meet. Davis seems to think that perhaps the excellence of the Los Angeles climbers has discouraged competition. Actually, I should consider this more' likely tp sp ur advancement of climbing style and compe ti tion- with ·t he proper encouragement. If the challenge could get started it might be the best thing that could happen to reinstate rope climbing. Not to be overlooked is the fact that the rope climb r eq uires no complicated or expensive apparatus, nor expert instruction, and could become a popular back-yard sport and bring alon g a lot of young fellows to support it. The first "steady job" my brother ever held, age 14 (51 years ago ), financ ed a rope-twenty-odd feet of one-inch diaII)e t'~ r hemp which an amused and ,indulgent .' merchant let him have for a d011ar ( which wasn't inflated, however). We hung it in a ' tree in the back yard. It Il)oved with us from place to place and served for many years, and was· passed along to" an9th~.r boy after we were grown, still serviceable. I've been observing professional acrobatics, with a critical eye, for over 40 years, and n ever ' see a circus performer hand-over-hand to his rigging without special attention. I have yet to see one satisfy me ' completely. My brother wa~ the best I ever saw a.t smooth climbing- he scorned the kicking and scrambling. He co uld chin with either hand while holding a 25-pound boxcar sprin g in the other, and in rope climbin g pushed down with the lower hand un til it reached the level of his abdoinen. This eliminated all jerk and too k him up the rope at an unvarying speed as if pulled by an invisible wire.
In . the April issue Bill Marti,n thinks the rope climb lacks artis~i <; appeal. In addition to a "free style", l, :': would like also to see a rope climb includin g smoo thn ess and O'race among the criteria . If ;ou are still with me, Ipaybe yo u will stay for a few rambling comm ents'?, Anything concernin g th e " rope should in clude a few words, or traditions, about "J asper"- I . know him by no other name. Met him once in Bothner's gy m but didn' t see him perform. Most of what I kn ow, or have heard , of him comes fr om Lloyd Crowfoot, form er . professional " gymnast and now' instructor in a New York gym. I cross my fin gers when I speak of him , but even allowing for all the exaggerations th ai creep into the stori es, judgin g by the impression he made "Jasper" must have been Qne in a million. The least I ever heard that he could chin with on e hand was 15 tim es. Mike Gen try, an able profess ional, says 3~! He looked me right i'1 the eye and said, " I counted them!" Gentry is a 190-pound tumbler so I didn't argue. Lloyd claims "J asper's" favorite trick was to take a small boy in one hand and chin with the other - varying sizes ! H e chinned, with two hands, 14 times with Lloyd (about 130 pounds) hanging . on him. My brother thought it pretty good to chin ten times with no pounds held in the crook of his kn ees. Once they hung a lot of \~eight on "Jasper" - they "thought" about 250 poul)ds - and he chinned with it. No, I don't think so either. He could , they say, "go to sleep" in a front plange. Weight on his feet ? Oh yes, but I won't say how much. I've seen Charlie Schaeffer do a front plange with a medium sized medicine ball bet\veen . his ankles, but on "J asper" rhey claimed to hang dumbbells ! They consistently elaim "Jasper" co uld front the bar slowly with his arm s straight, though personally I don't see how it is mechanically ' possi ble without a bit of cheating, which might have gone unnot· iced. H e could climb the rope with one harid as · 'Gould my brother (with the rope anchored) ·. A favorite trick, they say, was climbing the rope in a front plangewhich Ringlin g want ~ d to feature, I have heard, but "Jasper' declined . His legs, though light, were strong and serviceable. Lloyd Crowfoot says he n ever saw anyone "His muscles muscled like " Jasper" were hard all the time". The rope climb is consid ered strictly masculine, 'but I expect Lillian Leitzel in her heyday ·c<;mld surprise us. As for ti:le muscles used in rope climbing, the better anatomists remind us that it is somewhat more a . matter of pulling the elbow down than fl exin g the arm. The latissimus begs for attenti on, but the better placed teres major is the key · muscle in pulling the elbow down. And while the bi ceps, visible and well known , usually ge t the publi ci ty for arm fl exion, th e underlyin g brachial is is said to be much more important. A brok en bicep leaves surprisingly little im pairment. Muscles of co urse work in complex coordination, and besides several others involved directly, still others supply foundation to th" se producin g th e movement. Speed·climbing techniques sound as if they mi ght involve a great deal more. Possibly ropes should be varied in dia· meter for hand size, or for weight if the "sprin g" of the rope is utilitzed. Summing up, I think it is shortsighted and in fact near tragic to eliminate this basic event. and echo Davis in his "Let's ge t it back".
By Jess Robinson ANYONE FOR RATING TRA NPOLINE STUNTS? Lik e th ey say . . . everybody's trying to get int o the act. The act in thi s case is rating trampoline stunts. We have in front of us six different ways to rate trampolin e stunts, three that list stunts as A, B, and C and three that give stunts point values. A, B, C Ratings Th e 1966 N.C.A.A. Official Gymnastics Rule Book lists approximately 30 moves on trampoline and terms them " Examples of A, Band C Parts." Also listed are half a dozen combination examples. They list so me front and back somersaults, twistin g back so mersault s and front and back codys, but no mention is made of mo ves from th e back, either forward or backward nor of forward twi sting somersaults. Frarn the ex amples it is difficult to determin e wh eth er a barany in, barany out or even a back-fullback fliffi s is a B or C move.
From Newt Loken, University of Michiga n, we rece ived a list of more than 50 moves and combinations whi ch in addition to being listed as A, B, and C, were also mark ed as plus and minus. Most moves used in com petition were on the list either se parat ely or in combinations, but there are so many combinations available Ne wt could probably have listed another 50 had he wanted. Third approach to rating A, B, C moves is from Gordon Maddux of Cal State Los Angeles. He feels consideration should be given to a simplified formula for rating moves. Gordie suggests any somersault should be at least an A move. B moves then would be -any somersault with 1112 or more twists or moves containing 1112 or more somersaults. C moves wOllld be single so mersaults with more than two twists, double somersault with one or more twists and moves with 21/2 or more somersaults. Point Rated Stunts Steven Johnson, Colorado State University, submitted a list of 58 trampoline stunts with diving ratings. He allowed 1.0 fbr a front or back somersault, 3.1 for a triple twisting double back with all other stunts falling in between. Piked and layout somersaults were also listed and given greater values than tuck somesaults. Steve did not indicate how he planned to use this rating system. The rating system we have used here at Trampoline Inc. also begins with 1 point for front or back somersault but goes as high as 31 points for a triple twisting double back. We list over 100 different stunts, about 50 form tricks and the list is topped off with almost 150 of the "most common"
doubles and triples with twi sts. For the beginnin g tramp olinists we have point rated fundamental s, about 140 of them, up to a front and back somersault. These funda mental s are rated from a basis of 2 points for knee drop, 5 points for se at drop, 10 points for stomach or back drop on up to 100 points for the front or back so mersault. Latest addition to our accumulation is Bob Bollinger's rating system. Bob has use d a very interesting formula for his ratings and went to a great deal of trouble researching it. He sent a questionnaire to many top trampolinists and oth er coaches askin g them to rate several stunts. He indicated that a stomach drop should be 1 point and a triple twisting double be 14 points and others should fall in between. He then compared these ratings with ratings obtained from his formula. Bob's formula allows 1 point for half twist and 1 point for a quarter somersault which makes a somersault 4 points, a back with a full 6 points, etc. WHY RATE STUNTS? The way we see it, there are two reasons to rate stunts-for teaching and for judging. We have had good results using point rated stunts as a teaching aid. When a stude-nt can swing into and out of a somersault we allow him the point value of the middle stunt. This not only teaches swinging stunts but allows the student to compete with other students for points. If we were to remake our point rating system we would probably go to the Bob Bollinger system because it allows additional points for every quarter of a somersault and every
In keeping with our summer camp theme of this edition of the MG, here are a couple of nice trampoline ph o tos from Ca mp Manison Texas. They ha v e both pit and regulation trampolines f o r the campers with
Edsel Buchanan former Nat'l champ as instructor.
half twist. A stu dent would th en have man y more o pportuniti es to obtain poi nt s. Usi ng our prese nt system we all ow 3 point s for a back kab oo m (or .pullove r). With th e Bol· lin ge r system a kaboOI11 would be 2 point s perform ed to stomach, 3 point s to fee t and 4 poin ts on to back or a total of 9 point s. T he student wo uld ha ve to swin g out of the stunt fr om stomach, fee t and ba ck to obtain th e points but thi s would be more of a chall enge to him th ereby maintain ing his int eres t. Com petiti on Th ere see ms to be three co mpletely different way s of com peting on tramp oline, two of which require stunt s to be rat ed. Here in th e Unit ed Sta tes most trampolin e co mpetition s are judged as a gy mnasti c event and stunts are rat ed as A, Band C moves. Th e difficulty portion of score given a competitor can be a maximum of 3.4. In order to obtain 3.4 for difficulty th e routin e must have at least six A moves, four B moves and one C move. On ce thi s is accomplished the competitor mu st rece ive at least 3.4 with balan ce of score bein g divided 1.6 for co mbination of moves and 5.0 (o r 1/ 2 ) for manner in which it is perform ed. The German method of judgin g meets has n ow been adopted for some international compe tition s. We are not cer tain as to how this works now but recall that routin e mu st be written in advance and each stunt is given point values. If rout in e is not perform ed as written performer is penalized. It seems that the majority of the score is stilt based on execution, however. Third method of judgi ng co mpetitions does not require difficulty ratin g to trampolin e stunts. We are speakin g of th e man· ner in which the first two World Amatuer Trampolin e Championships were judged. In this type of co mpetition there are two trampolines end to end (or side by side) and two competitors perform one imm ediately after the other. Jud ges co mpare routin es and indicate which of the two is bes t. Both winner and loser go on to more co mpetition s, the loser must lose twi ce to be el iminat ed and the winn er mu st co ntinu e to perform until other competitors are eliminated. Thi s is a bit strenuous as it may reo quire the winn er to perform his routine six or more tim es before the tournament is compl eted. W e have n ever witnessed this type of competition but understand from those that have that it is by far th e easiest type of trampolin e competition for spectators to understand , easiest to judge, and most excitin g for competitors. So if you are confused as to which is the best way of givin g values to stunts or judging competiti ons, don't worry. In this growin g sport we're not certain anyon e knows what the ultimate outcome will be. FROM AUSTRALIA J ohn LeHunt , registrar of trampolini sts for the Vi ctoria A matuer Trampolin e Assn ., wrot e a long interesting letter about trampolining in Australia. P erhaps the portion of the letter most interestin g to our read ers is how tramIJolinin g started in Victoria Mr. Merv MacK ay was head teacher at a hi gh school and also president of a swimmin g pool club, which , in ciden tall y, had no swimmin g pool. So Mr. Mac, as th ey call him , purchased a trampolin e and use it to rai se fund s for a pool. There becam e a great int eres t in the trampolin e, so much so that Mr. ]\<[ac started competition s. Th en a local youth club bou ght a trampoli ne and from th en on the sport mu shroom ed.
A PROBLEM ? Oli ve r All en, who teaches math and trampolin e in a pri vat e hi gh school in Crot on. Conn. , has a probl em. He ha s a boy nam pel Doug DiStasio who is lea rnin l! too ra pidl y. In just over one month Doug ha , l" arn ed a fr ont , back . bara ny , ba ck with full twi, \. cody and 13,4 fron t so mersault. Ollie say , hi s p'robl em is holdin g DOll 1! back . Thi , kind of probl em we would lik e to hay ... TRAMPOLINE TERMS We wou ld li h to th ank V. C. J M;;e lyn for submittin g additional informati on ahout trampoline term ,. H e writes: Th e " Boralli" was lIam ed aiter Joe Bora",' in th e late 1890's. I cO l1ldll'i swe ar to th e s pellin~ though . Lou Wills (w ho is 86) knew him well alld says that was th e way. III m y yO/ I I1s/ heard it refe rred to as a brann y or a be-ralillY though , as rOll remarked, I ha ve heard it called eve rythill g. Th ere used to be a few spe cialists ill rast boranis done with a TIIn and cove rin g .lam p 15 l ee t or so. Th ey jacknifed th e feet down at the last mom ent and landed with the head low to the floor. I haven't see II aile don e in person or on TV for a good mall ." years. Sig Meely of Welsh, Meely and Mon trose is said to have fi rst done th e Rudolph ill Woods gym somewhere around 1901 or 02. " Scream" Welsh , the co mic in th e act, called it a Rudolph but Ii.o one knows wh y. I neve r saw many done even in the years w hen I was exposed to a lot of tumbling th ongh I knew a few m en who did them easily. Th e iliffis or fli/fu.s seem s to have fir st been nsed by th e flying return acts (t1!on~h I couldn't swear to this). I rarely heard tnmblers nse the phrase and neve r saw on e done on the floo r. It was usually refe rred to as "hal/·twisting double" if someone mentioned it. Done from trap to catcher it did not look like mnch and was rath er hard to analyse . Th e " Jonah" was so named in-so·far as I know simply becanse tumblers said- Leave it alone, that trick is a "Jonah!" It was a hal! twisting gaining kick·over back. I saw very few do it. By far th e best was a man named Shelton-first name jorgotten . He was ronnd shonldered and consumptive looking bnt from an acrobatic famil y and l ance saw him do a round-off, jlip·flop fnll twisting back in a light overcoat as a show -ojf trick to (Jther tnmblers) . H e tucked his Jonah like a steel trap, knees up aronnd his ears and dropped ant of it. Of conrse it do esn't matter a great deal what a trick is called bnt of all the misused term s the worst is "back handspring." There ain't no such animal! There are back dives, monkey jnmps, etc., and of conrse flip flops but N OT back handsprings. RECORD OF THE MONTH 61 Back with Full Twist- 23 Front with 11/2 twist ( Rudolphs) by Rick Saye rs of Burbank, Calif. These two records with previ ously listed 250 Baranys, 5 Rudolph s, 17 Back with Double Twist and 7 Back with Triple Twist should complete the twi stin g sin gle somersa ults. (Unl ess Dal e Hart wants to add 2 Back ~ith Quad Twist. He is capable of this feat if bas basn't done it already.) At Right : George Her y coming in for a landing at the Tucson Clinic "S ee you there"
November 6, 1965 Donna Chalmers of the Ames Gymnastics Club and Jeff Walder of the Cedar Rapids Gymnastics Club captured top honors in the Junior Olympic Meet sponsored by Iowa State University. Ames gymnasts won 33 of the 100 total awards, including 12 gold, medals, Miss Chalmers, 15 year-old, captured six gold medals, by making a clean sweep of all girls events in the senior division. Stewart Buck,
also from the Ames Gymnastics Club added three first pla,!:es in the junior boys competi-
Jeff Walder, currently ranked as the best high school performer in the state of Iowa, captured the .all-around title along with high bar and rings in senior boys. Meet Director, Ed Gagnier, gymnastics coach
Above: Donna Chalmers, ISU Jr, Olympic Champ Below: Scenes from the Chico State, Calif. Gym Clinic
Feb. 26-Pacific Northwest Championships (co llege ), Eugene, Oregon. March 4-5-Denver High School Inv itational, Univ. of Den ver , Col. Ma rch 4-5-Big Ten Conference Championships, Indiana Uni vers ity, March 4-5, Eastern Intercollegiate Conference Ch'Ompionships, Univ, of Pitt, March 11-12-Rocky Mountain Open, Univ. of Denver . March 11-12-Big Eight Conference Championships, Univ. of Kansas. March 12-Far Western Con ference Champion ships, Chico, Calif, March 12-0regon State High School Championsh ips, Eugene, Oregon. March lS-19-NAIA National Championships, Western Illinois Univ., Macomb, III. March lS-19-NCAA Eastern Regional Qualifications, U,S. Navy Academy. March 25-26 NCAA Mid-West Regional Qualifications, Ft. Collins, Colo, March 25-26-NCAA Western Regional Qualificati ons, Los Angeles State. April 1-2-NCAA Uni v ersit y Di v ision National Championships, Penn State Univ. April 15-16-U,S,G,F, National Championships, Slippery Rock State Teachers Coil., Pennsylvania. April 16-lowa State Championships, Cedar Rapids, Iowa . April 2S-World Trampoline Championships, Univ. o f So, West Louisiana , Lafa y ette, La. May 5-6-7-National AAU Championships , Bartlesv ille , Oklahoma.
at Iowa State Uni versity, was most encouraged about the increased number of entries in the senior boys division. Total entry in the meet included 193 com pet itors representing 16 teams fr om the state of Iowa ,
TO M.G. READERS I am a little stalled right now on getting informaiion to finish my Thesis for my Master's Degree and I am calling upon 'the M.G. readers for assistance in getting the following information . ' My thesis is "A History of Men's Competiti ve Gymnastics in the United States" and included in the paper is an appendix containing Olympic, National and regional
champions sush as: A ll time Big Ten Conference champions of each event. All time Southern Intercollegiate conference champions for each event. All time NCAA champions and ali-Americans. All time NAAU champions and ail-Americans. All time New York Metropolitan Association Senior champions. All time Southern Pacific Association Senior champions (I have 011 of these already), I need more information for the following meets: Pasadena National Invitation al , all events 1949, 1953, 1954, 1960. North-South champions Sarasota, Florida 1953 through 1956, 1962, 1963 , 1964. Southern Interco llegiate champions all events, 1956, through 1962. Pacific Coast Conference champions (USC, Wash, UCLA etc) prior to 1929 and 1931, 1934, .1936, 1935, 1940, 194$., and 1956, Big Ten Champions prior to 1926. Ea stern Interco llegiate Conference champions prior to 1930, al so 1933 , 1936 . 1935, 1939, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1962, and 1963 . Interstate Intercollegiate Conference champions prior t o 1964, , ' New York Metropolitan AsSOCiation Senior meet-I have on ly scattered results-would appreciate all results since first meet around 1904. All time National , Turner s and Sokols all events., I hqv e ve ry 路few. All time Mid-West open champions I have only a scattered few, I hav e all the National YMCA champions and all Southern Pacific association senior champions but 1 would oppreciate any informati q n from other associations throughout the country-the more complete the information the better, I would be more than happy t o put these results on a ditto and make them a v ailable t o anyone else in the futu're, I am looking for wa rd t o a lot of response because I believe a record of this type could add a lot to the background of our sport.
Jerry Wright
OLYMPIC PRODUCTS IMPORTED GYMNASTIC SHOES AND UNIFORMS. Gymnastic Pants All-Wool $14.00 Nylon stretch $11 ,00 Exlann & Cotton $5.75
Gymnastic Shirts All-Wool $6.75 Nylon stretch $6 .00 Exlan and Cotton $3 .75 Options: all colors shirts-trim on neck, button, step-in or hook crotch. ponts-susPenders, toe-piece, stripes
DRESS WARMUPS NYLON STRETCH or KB (vinylon, acrylic fiber) ($18 .00), All colors, any trim, full-holf zipper, choice of collars, sewn in crease, ankle zipper, rear pocket.
Gymnastic Shoes White canvas uppers, composition soles All- leather-crepe rubber sole cutouts
$2 .25 $3,75
RESILITE MATS FOR TUMBLING - APPARATUS 468 Rockaway Avenue Volley Stream, N.Y.
Superior Quality Handguards (lampwick Type)
PALM-SAVERS 416 Ha wkeye Village Iowa City, Iowa 52241 $1.40 per pair Small - Med. $15.00 per doz. Larg e - X-Lorge
DISTRIBUTOR WANTED No Competition. T o service and set up new accounts in exclusive territory. Investment secured by fast moving inventory of amazing plastic coating used on all types of surfaces interior or exterior. Eliminates waxing when app lied t o any t y pe of floor. Eliminates all painting when appl ied to ),{ood, metal or concrete surfaces. Minimum Investment-$500. Maximum Investment-$12,00Q. For details write or call: Phone: 314 AJ< 1-1500 Merchandising Division P.O . Box 66 St. Ann, Missouri 63074
is reopening its doors after being closed for more than a year. Special introductory offer: Heavy 2" nylon webbing spottin g belt with hand ropes . Belt adjustabl e to fit any size. $8.95. Other acrobatic equipment made to specia l order. Brochure sent on reauest. BICKMORE ACROBATIC CO. 7436 TROOST AVE. NORTH HOllYWOOD, CALIF,
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al'1Y of the above items from Box 777, Santa Monica, California 90406.
Dear Editor: Referring to the article in the Sept.-Oct. issue of the M.G.-"Southern Intercollegiate Gymnastics League"-I am happy to see that son1eone relllenl bered \ve are still here in the south. I am shocked at the referral to our judging system as being the same as that used by the Big Ten-the "Bauer" system. This system is the S.I.G.L.'s own-de.v eloped here at Tech by Coach Lyle Welser and put into use in the S.I.G.L.'s a year before the "Bauer" system was used by the Big Ten! The last M.G. made this c lear - I thought-in the article by Coach Wels er-sonleone is either misinformed or not reading his M.G. Mr. Bauer deserves the credit for the system used by the Big Ten but not for the S.I.G.L.'s. That credit is Coach Welse1r ' s.
It desturbs me to see a man who has given his life to the sport again lo sing credit for another of his contribuUons to the sport he loves and has h elped so much. From Tech there may never come a na.tional champion, but speaking for the Team we feel we have something f ar man! Important in Coach Welser and want to at least set things straight as to whom deserves the credit for this great judgIng system--a.t l east we as competitors feel it is great! Sincerely; Jim Williams Capt. Ga. Tech Gym Team
Deal' Mr. Sundby: I know ':Mode!"T1 Gymnast" is v itally interested In promoting the va lu e of teaching tumbling and gymnas tics in a physical education program a.nd w e here in the YMCA of Tulsa, Okla. hav e contributed our small part by recently con du c ting a clinic for teachers in the school system. Lester Griffin, Gymnastics C.oach at the Dalla.s Athletic Club and coach of the U. S. Women ' s Gymnastics Team in the 1963 Pan American Games, directed the clin ic wh ich was路 attended by 62 teachers and pa.rticipants.. He was as sisted by Janie Speaks, a member of the U.S. Women's Gymnastics Team in the ' 64 Olympics. Other promising young gymnasts assisting in clude: Laurie Har ris, Shelly Cale, and Bernie Van N etter all of Dallas Athletic Club , plus Bob Mackey of the Fort Wol'th YMCA. The enclosed pic ture is one of Janie spotting young gymnast through a back walk over . Sincerely, Wendell l\ofason Assoc. PhySical Dire c tor Central YMCA Dear Glenn: My Beginner's Book of Gymnastics published by the Appleton-Century-Crofts c.ompany, 440 Park Avenue, South, N ew York City, N ew York, will be a.vailable afte r November 1st. The book is com pletely illu strated and is to the college student taking a beginner's course of gymnas tics in the physical education program. Also, the Southern U.S.G.F. Regional Gymnastic Championships will be held at North east. Louisiana State College, Mon110e, LOUISIana on February 18th and 19th, 1966. Further information may be obtained by writing to me. Best wishes. Sincerely, Barry L. Johnson Gymnastic Coach North east Louisiana State College Monroe, Louisiana
MG-PE MAJOR De'll' Glen n : H e r e is a c h ec k fo r 35 new subsc riptho ns to th e greatest m agaz in e in the wo rld . . . Th e Mode rn Gymnas t . . Sincere l y, J oeseph G iallombardo, New Trier High School 'West Cf\ mpu s, No r t hfi eld, JIIinoi ,
SOUTH DAKOTA D ea r Mr. Sundby: Thi s is not California or Michigan but South Dakota. We are behind many other states in gymnasti cs and we will be the first to adm it it. Our coach, Pete Torino, is d,o ing his best, trying to build a compe titive gymnastics team. The few of us who are interested in gymnastics w o rk hard and we have a rea.1 great time. In the future I hope th at gymnastics will be recognized in South Dakota as in other s tate s . V ery s incerely, Pat Sheppard So uth Dakota Sta te Univ. Brookings, South Dakota PRESS TIME Dear Glenn: If you haven't g;on e to press with the D ece mber (ChrLstmas Issue) o f th e Modern Gymnast, here' s some info that you might like for the Tucson C linicGIRLS CLINIC (a t Tucson-Dec. 26-30). Direc t or: Bob Peavy, Hillsdale High School-San Mateo, cal if. Instructo rs: Rose Ann Saylor-Ballet, Dance: Chic JohnsonApparatus and tumbling: Roy Davis-Apparatus and tumbling: Bob Peavy-Tumbl. ing and trampoline. This will be the "pa id staff" -others who are expected t o be there and assist with the girls program are D ick Beckner (Coach at Unive~. of Calif. ;it Irvine), Ruth Ann Toth (Director of the National Summer Pal aestrum in Michigan), De ana Lorentzen (Gymnast from University of New Mexico) and many other top coaches. This w ill be -by far-the best instruction, best organized, .most complete girls clinic ever offered at Tucson. ROSE ANN SAYLOR has her own dance studio (for quite a few years) in Menlo P ark, Calif. One of her outstanding proteges is LARRY BUTTS-the fabulous ground tumbler for the northern Cal. area.
Dear Glenn: I '1m having my gymnastic c lasses h e r e a.t th e U ni versity of T exas s ub scrib e to Th e M odern Gymn as t. Enc losed is th e list o f 25 4 n ew s ubscripUon s. No t ex t, th f\ t I know o f , can gi ve s tudentR as good a g e n e r a.l knowled ge of c UlTe·nt gy m nastics as t h ey can rece ive b y r ead ing your fin e 111
a.gaz 1 ne . . . .
Sirrcere ly, George J. V a n is, Head ic Coach Un ive rsity of T exas, Au s tin , Tex. Dear G le nn: En c losed is an addition",1 li st o f 55 n e w Rubsc rip t ions to be added t o o ur growing li st h e r e at C hi oo State. . . . Sincerely, C hi c J ohnson , Gymnf\s ti c Coach C hico Stat e Coll ege Ch ico, California ED. These are just a few of the many coaches and instructors who have put the M.G. to use as a text or instructional aid for their P . E. majors or gymnastic classes. How about you? Why don't you join the M. G. Teacher Boosters who are helping themselves and classes to be up to date on the latest and best in GYMNASTICS. The More the P.E. majors know about Gymnastics the more they will be inspired to go out and teach it. The more Physical Ed ucators we have teaching and pushing thiS wonderful Sport the faster we will become a world power to be reckoned with in Gymnastics in all its many phases .
since he was twelve years old-is one of the finest all-around prospects in northern Calif. Rose Ann has also done an outstanding job of instruction at the Northern California Gymnastics Camp and many, many clinics in the area. CHIC JOHNSON is the instructor of gymnastics at Chico State College in northern Calif. Chic is one of the fine girls instructors in the western states, has been a leader in apparatus instruction at the Northern California Gymnastics Camp . . . Ch ic recently ran a state wide gym nastics clinic during . the middle of November. It was an outstanding affa ir. ROY DAV IS-n atio nally respected Judge, authority on vau lting-fine gymnast personally . Roy is teaching at Mission San Jose High School presently and is a leader' in gymnastics in the Northern Calif. area. Roy will be affilited with both mens and womens gymnastics while. at Tucson . BOB PEAVY-instructor at Hillsdale for the past four years. I plan to have the womens championship meet December 28th in the eve n ing along with an age group meet during the afterno·on of the last day . I nstruction will be the most important thing that we ' ll be doing . There will be plenty of assistants this year a nd we guarantee every student maximum time on the apparatus. Special movies, spotting sessions and w orko ut time will be the rule rather than the exception. Th a nks for your c oo p e ration. I h ope to see yo u a t Tucso n if yo u ' ll be th e r e . Bob Pea.vy , Belmo nt, Cali f. ED .: Will try to make it.
WRONG COACH The Modern Gymnas t Mr. Jerry Wright Dear Jerry: Many thanks f or your fin e co verage of t h e N. Y.S . S ectio n 5 meet in the Ma:y Jun e "Modern Gymnas t. " Th e r e is one c l ari fica tion t h at should b e Inad e, h o , vever:
I a m not the coach of Harvey S ilver s t e in as it may appea r in th e a r t ic le . H is coach is L ew Szeles o f Fra nklin High S c h oo l. H e a lso tra ins und e r Dion 'Weissend o f the Rochester Turners. I am s ure t h ese m e n w o uld a pprec ia te rec e iv ing th e ir du e c r e dit. Sincerely. C la.y ton Bush (Sec tio n 5 Gymnas tics C hairma.n) Webster, New York PUZZLED D ear Mr. Sundby: ' V hil e r ev iewin g some .rece nt editions of the Mo d e rn Gy mnas t (July-Augu s t '65 ), I was a bit puzzle d by c hart N o . VI of Dr. Bosco' s Resea r c h a nd Fitness a rtic le (pg. 25), what happe n ed t o c hart s IV a.n d V ? Afte r c loser st ud y I was r easurred Dr. Bos 0 ::> h ad not r eso rted to r e p o rting in Greek or s o m e other la ngu a g e that wo uld st ill be Gree k t o 1H e, i t 'vas a nlirro r inlage of c h a rt IV . . . Perh a p s it was printed on th e wrong s id e of the paper ? B ill McLean, Sidn ey, A u s tralia ED . F or those who care and did not t>ake time to place a mirror to the page to read the chart, here is a corrected reprint.
TRI-FLEX HORIZONTAL BAR Now·-after years of experimentati on, Gym Master has developed a truly new concept in horizontal bars-flexible uprights! The supreme f lex ibility of the bar itself, combined with the two flexible uprights, result in the ultimate performance! This is the horizontal bar that will improve even the best gymnast. Has been used and acclaimed by lead ing coaches and gymnasts as one of the greatest developments in horizontal bar design . The performing bar is I Va" in diameter, official width of 94 V2" between pivot points, no cast iron fittings are used . Complete with fl oor plates for wood floor installation .
4LL-0IJI' TllEA DlUlJ.
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OLYMPIC TYPE HORIZONTAL BAR This new Gym Master Olympic type horizontal bar is for superior to o ld-sty le designs! It is the only Olympic type bar that the height adjustments are made at the top of each upright which eliminates the necessity of dismantling the entire unit or changing the cable lengths. Height adjustments from 6'8 " to 8 ' 6 " are accomplished by safety locking extension sleeves in the uprights at the top. There is never a protrusion above the bar, regardless of height setting. The performing bar is I Va" in diameter , official width of 94V2" between pivot points ,no cast iron fittings are used. Complete with floor plates for wood floor installation .
UNIFORM SUPPLIERS for 1964 United States Olympic Gymnastics Team 3256 North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647, USA
of the
No. 1000
ClllSS C
SlDt A
No. 1010
Class B SIDE A
CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? If so please notify us 6 : ';:'eeks in advance . Supply us with both yo ur o ld and new address, including aldress label from current issue if poss ible. Copies we mail to yo ur old address will no t be delivered by the Post Office unless you pa y them extra postage. MAIL ADORESS CHANGE TO : THE MODERN GYMNAST, BOX 611, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA . Be sure to incl ude your city postal zone or Zip number .
No. 1020
Class A
SIDE A "ONCE UPON A TIME" (3/4) (Jennye McGriff-Jay Lee) 2 Bar Intro. 62 Bars Time 66 secands S Rehearsal Bands "Light And Airy" (Johnny Finke) (4/4) Bar Intro. 8 Bars (4 / 4) 16 Bars (3/4) 路32 Bars (2/4) Time 71 seconds S Rehearsal Bands "MAZURKA'" (3 / 4) . I Chord Gliss. 69 Bars Time 68 seconds 5 Rehearsal Bands
I-DANCE OF THE COMEDIANS (2/4) 76 seconds 2-TALES OF THE VIENNA WOODS (3/4) 73 secon~I!,t:芦iI#II 3-RHUMSA RHYTHM (4/4) 6S seconds 4-MY OLD KENTUC'KY HOME (3/4) 68 seconds S-SKIP AND' HOP (4 / 4) 64 seconds 6-VALSE BRILLIANTE (3 / 4) 81 seconds 7-FOSTER MEDLEY (2/4 & 3/ 4) 7S seconds 8-FUNICULI-FUNICULA (6/8) 60 seconds 9-HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY NO.2 (2/4) 90 seconds . IO-THIS IS THE BLUES (4/4) 79 seconds II-CARMEN (2/4) 90 seconds 12-RAGTIME (4/4) 64 secands
Record # 1000
"FOR USE ON ANY FINGER" A Good One P ieee Leath er Handguard Pat . #3, 178,724 Can be used on any finger. Shapes it self t o fit your hand . Used b y National and Olymp ic Champions. Sizes: Small, Medium and Large. $1.85 ppd.- $21.00 per dz. ppd . Wr ite: Handguards, 1149 9th St. , Santa Manica, Califo rnia .
California 90064
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Al ligator, exper t ly stuffed by' native South American Taxidermists, Average length- 2 f ee t long' Wi ll last a lif etim e. Skin has appea ran ce o f expensive handbag ' Only $4.95 Postpaid. Hones tly worth $$$ more ! Breath takingl y e xciting and attracti ve . Pe rfect for wall decOoIotion, mantelpiece, amidst plant life, back of car. Send $4.95 t oday t o Al exander, 98 Riverside Drive, Suite 8H-ZR, New Yor.k, N.Y.
N EVER. a compromise on design or quality! Always consult Nissen first! You choose gym equipment for its basic value. Equipment that works smoothly in every way, offers proven high level performance, and is built for long, tough service, usually gets your nod. Why take a chance on an unknown quality to save a few pennies? Few schools or organizations do. In fact, more of them buy Nissen gymnasium apparatus than all other
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27th AVE.