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Your Editor has given 10 years and thousands of dollars to keep the MG rolling . .. What has it meant to you personnally? to your career as a coach? ... as an official? ... as a Gymnast ? ... has it helped or have our efforts been in vain? ...
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HOW IS YOUR STATE DOING ON THE MODERN GYM· NAST SUBSCRIPTION RATING LIST? If you do not have at least 100 subscribers from your state we both need help. We need your subscriptions to keep the MG rolling and you need the MG to get Gymnastics rolling in your State.
MG STATE NEWSLETTER: We have started an MG Newsletter in several states, California, Montana, and Mi nnesota receiving Newsletters this edition with Massachusetts, Ari zona, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Kansas and Texas to start next edition. If you have a Gymnastic Association or individual who would li ke to edit a MG Newsletter for your State to be included with each Modern Gymnast contact our offi ces for detai ls. It is our hope that these Newsletters will help stimulate Gymnastic interest and growth in each State taking part in the program.
We have made many pleas for more subscriptions in the past. THIS IS NOT A SUBSCRIPTION PITCH! This is a plea for HELP _ .. A CONTRIBUTION ... A DONATION ... GIFT ... LOAN ... Anything you want to call it to keep The Modern Gymnast gomg (I'm not proud, I'll even beg to keep the MG alive).
IS IT LEGAL? I don't know if it is legal or not to ask for help this way but if people can leave thousands of dollars for cats and dogs, I am sure we can try to raise a few dollars to make sure the voice of GYMNASTICS will continue to be heard throughout the land.
WHAT? WHY? HOW? The Modern Gymnast has been operated in the red ever since it started ten years ago. The History of the MG has been of one crisis after another, but one way or another we have been able to keep going and growing until WE ARE NOW JUST ABOUT BREAKING EVEN. However, our past is catching up with us. Our special Olympic edition cost over a thousand dollars more than it brought in. Our color covers, larger magazine and more type along with other improvements not to menti.on growing inflationary costs of printIng, mailing, taxes and other expense increases common in running any business anywhere today in the World, have just kept us behind. Just more subscriptions is not the answer (right now) WE NEED MONEY ... money to cover past bills, money to keep the MG rolling and MOST IMPORTANT, MONEY FOR WORKING CAPITAL ... TO GROW WITH. We are all set to reach out (like the big magazines do ), schools, libraries, clubs, institutions throughout the USA to PUSH GYMNASTICS and it takes money we don't have ... We need YOUR HELP!
SMALL BUSINESS LOAN? We would much rather get a Small Business Loan than to ask our readers to help in this down on our knees way . . . but it seems we do not qualify for a SBA loan, they just do not give them to magazine publishers . . . Dedication or the " GOOD YOU MAY DO" or the "NEED YOU MAY FILL" does not seem important ... I guess it's another case of " Our wheel doesn't squeak loud enough, so we don't get the oil." WE could pay debts, expand, improve the MG and easily pay off a long term SBA loan, but we can't get it, so we call on YOU TO HELP. SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRING? For many of our readers whose subscrip· tion expires with this edition we hope you will get the message and RUSH RETURN your resubscription envelope as a VOTE OF CONFIDENCE for The MODERN GYMNAST and perhaps _as suggested put in something extra as.. t an insurance deposit guarantee on a brighter L-_ ........ .. . r.VI.lll.t'"T
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YOU HAVE TO ACT 1. Send a gift, contribution, donation, loan, anything to The Modern Gymnast. (Remember it is not TAX DEDUCTIBLE). 2. WRITE OR WIRE PRESIDENT JOHNSON ... YOUR CONGRESSMAN, SENATOR, STATE, COUNTY, DISTRICT. Make a noise for GYMNASTICS and the MG. Tell them "We just have to keep the MG rolling". 3. "DO A HANDSTAND-lN.", BUILD A PYRAMID ON MAIN STREET, get your picture in the paper, get on Television, cause a scene for Gymnastics (but do not get arrested or do any harm to people or property). Tell them it is for GYMNASTICS and the Modern Gymnast in particular. 4. Go to every newsstand in town and ask for The Modern Gymnast and be tru Iy shocked when they do not have it. 5. FLOOD US WITH LEITERS ... In the past ten years has the MG done anything to help Gymnastics? Help You? Then write and say so. Get your coach to write and all the team to sign it! Get the Athletic Director to write, the Principal, the librarian, Officials, your folks ... Coaches, Officials and Gymnasts flood us with letters and I am sure we can put them to good use to: Bankers, Congressmen, Newspapers. Somehow we'll do it. 6. Run a special MG Invitational Gym Meet, an Exhibition, have a rummage sale of old medals and trophles (or MGs) anything to raise funds for the MG. 7. Got a "GOOD IDEA", Invention, a Rich Uncle, a Gold Mine, a "Hit Record" to help the MG? Let us know it. 8. Whatever You Do HAVE FUN and "SHOUT OUT" for GYMNASTICS and The Modern Gymnast. Who knows we may wake this nation up to the fact we have always known, that "GYMNASTICS IS GREAT". They may even hear us at the White House (wouldn't it be something if the White House received 10,000 or more postcards and letters saying, "GYMNASTICS and The Modern Gymnast, let's keep them Going and Growing"). We may even be heard in Mexico in the next Olympics with GOLD MEDALS ... 9. If I have you all aroused and worked up "SHOUTING OUT FOR GYMNASTICS" and you get in trouble ... blame me (Glenn Sundby) NOT GYMNASTICS. 10. I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM EVERY SUBSCRIBER TO THE MG .. . WITH A GIFT, A DONATION OR A LOAN OR IDEA, NOW! RIGHT NOW, TO KEEP THE MG ROLLING
NOTES FROM THE EDITOR DID YOU KNOW we have 700 feet of Sequence routine photos of the World Games top finalists just waiting to be published? TJlAT WE had 14 more pages ready to go to press than we had room for in this edition? THAT WE HAVE large 4 color Gymnastic Posters at the printer just waiting for the $$$ to go ahead? THAT WE have "THE BEST FROM THE MG" over the past ten years ready for the printer? THAT WE have material for instructional books and pamphlets being prepared for publishing? INSTRUCTIONAL FILMS to be produced? PHOTOS FOR COLLECTORS of the Top Gymnasts' of the World, men and women? PLUS many other items such as Gymnastic Jewelry, and Way-out Gymn~~tic T and Sweatshirts you'll go ape about Just waiting for the MG to get on balance so we can go ahead . . . HOW ABOUT THAT! Let's hear from you soon. * * * . THIS EDITION: More on the World Games .. . But no "LET'S GO ALL AROUND", as Art Shurlock got married recently and was a little late getting nis article to us, but it will be in the NEXT EDITION along with some more World Games reports, Judging articles, Gym. in P.E., No. Calif. Summer Camp report and many other interesting articles. Watch for it in your mail box.
CHRISTMAS GIFT TO THE MG I have never asked for a Christmas gift in my life . _ . but it would sure make one 01' editor happy if EVERY Subscriber and friend of Gymnastics sent along a Christmas Gift, not to Editor but to the MG. We will publish the name of everyone that sends in a gift of one dollar or more in the next edition of the Modern Gymnast . . . plus any thoughts, progress reports or unusual happenings related to enthusiastic or over enthusiastic supporters of our pitch.
WHAT WE WILL DO If everyone takes action, we will use the capital to bring you the Best Gymnastic magazine in the world ... IF YOU DON'T ACT . . . There may not be another MODERN GYMNAST magazine ... This is not a threat, it is a fact ... I just may not be able to keep it going no matter how hard I try.
10 YEARS + $ + WORK
PS: Although as we stated this is not a pitch for subscriptions, but a gift to keep the MG rolling, that does not mean we would not welcome more subscriptions . . . the More the Better. THE MODERN GYMNAST is published by Sundby Publicot ions,. 410 Broadway, Santa Monica , California. Second class postage paid at Santa Monica Calif. Published monthly except July a nd September which are co,,!,bined with the previous month's issue. Price $5 .00 per year. SOc single copy: Subscription correspondence, THE MODERN GYMNAST, P.O. Box 611, Santa Monica, California . Copyright 1966 Š all rights reserved by SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS, 410 Broadway, Santa Monica, Cal ifornia. All pictures and manuscripts submitted become the property of THE MODERN GYMNAST unless 0 return quest and sufficient postoge are included.
NO. 12
CONTENTS HOW MUCH WOULD YOU GIVE? ............................ NOTES FROM THE EDITOR ................Glenn Sundby CHALK TALK ............................................................ SWISS REPORT ..................................Kurt Baechler THE STAMP AND GYMNASTICS ........ Harry Johnson COLORADO GYM CAMP ............................Art White CANADIAN REPORT ............................John Nooney WORLD GAMES REPORT ........................Herb Vogel "Y"-NEWS ................................................Ken Hollis RESEARCH AND FITNESS IN GYM ......... .Jim Bosco TRAMPOLINING ................................. .Jess Robinson PARALLEL BAR SKILLS ............................Don Tonry WHAT'S THE SCORE ............................Jerry Wright CONDITIONING FOR COMPETITION ........Dick Wolfe HELEN'S CORNER .............................. Helen Sjursen LETTERS .................................................................... 1968 OLYMPIC COMPULSORIES ..............................
4 5 6 6 7 7 8 10 18 20 22 24 24 25 27 28 30
COVER: World Games All-Around winners and Team Champions. GLENN SUNDBY .................................... Editor-Publisher ASSOCIATE EDITORS: A. Bruce Frederick, Dr. James S. Bosco, Dick Criley, Jim Farkas, Jerry Wright, Jess Robinson, Roy Davis, Kenneth W. Hollis, Jackie Uphues, Grace Kaywell, John Nooney, Kurt Baechler and Dr. Joseph Gohler.
MORE WORLD GAMES NEWS The British Amature Gymnastic Association publication THE GYMNAST edited by Jim Prestidge has a fin e report on the World Games in its' current edi tion . You can receive a copy by sending SOc to our MG office . or by sendinll; $2 for a subscription to: "THE GYMNAST" "Glenwood", The Park, Siilcup, Kent, ENGLAND. We are sure you will enjoy the report and photos of the World Games as reported by Nick Stewart and Jim and Pauline Prestidge. Order now as the current issue of THE GYMNAST contains some wonderful photos of the World Championships by Alan Burrows and as an extra bonus there is a loose photo insert of World All-Around Champion Mikhail Voronine and one of Vera Caslavaske Womens All-Around Champ.
NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL GYMNASTIC TEAM VISIT TO SEA TILE It is not very often that the United States is able to host an athletic team from another country. In Europe where countries are small and distances are short international competition is quite common. The Seattle area was very fortunate to have the New Zealand gymnastic team visit in Seattle on their way home from the World Gymnastic Championships in Germany. Arrangements were made for this VISit by Coach Hughe. and the members of the Husky Gymnastic Club during ·their month long tour of New Zealand this summer. This return visit provided a grand opportunity for the Huskies to r enew some of the friendships that had been established in New Zealand.
MG 100 CLUB MG 100 CLUB . . . Are theree 100 people in the USA (just 2 per state) interested enough in Gymnastics and the MG to pay $100 for a lifetime subscri ption to The Modern Gymnast? Join the MG 100 CLUB and insure the future of the MODERN GYMNAST. Be the first from your state to join the "MG 100 CLUB" the most exclus ive and dedicated Club in Gymnastics. We are sure you receive many solicitations from organizational publications just as we do. We have many on our desk that do not hesitate to ask for $50, $100, $500 or a thousand dollars to help sponsor a quarterly pUbl ication (4 issues) and this is usually just for one year .. . OUR MG 100 CLUB is for life, so it is a pretty good bargain when you figure how much you will be helping Gymnastics .. . AND EVERY CLUB MEMBER becomes an honorary member of the Modern Gymnast board of advisors with a voice and vote on future policies. 6
SWISS REPORT By Kurt Baechler Jack Gunthart's "Mexicans" win against W. Germany 271.45 : 265.80. For the first time, in a Junior competition, Jack Gunthart's Mexico-probables had the opportunity to show what they have learned in the last few months under their new coach. The result is most flattering for them and also for Switzerland, which for the last 8 times has lost this competition against W. Germany. Winning was not only surprise, the facts show that with the exception of the long horse (lost to W. Germany by 05 / 10 of a point ) Switzerland won all the other events, "delivered" in each event the highest mark with four of their 6-man team placing 1, 2, 3, 4, all-around. Oh, we do not think that they are already tops, our young youngsters, but they are coming and what they have with their coach in common and with us, they believe in the future. Mexico is nothing but a mark in the development of J ack Gunthart's long range plan. The world championships in 1970 will have to prove whether the Swiss are really back again. In the meantime, and without the help of the government, but everybody else helps, Rudi Balsiger has been nominated socialcoach (or better money-scratching manager ) and he does such a wonderful job, J ack practically does not have to worry about the future, money-wise. The employers also help, by giving the boys twice a week one half day free for the additional 4-hour trainin g with Jack, time which the boys of course have to compensate for on the other days. All the gymnasts from all over Switzerland are spending money in order that Jack's program can be financed and fulfilled. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. 9.
2. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12.
Switzerland Max Bruhwiler Ro land Hur zeler Peter Rohner Paul Muller Peter Aliesch Hans Ettlin West Germany Bernd Effing Erich Hess Hermann Hopfne r Wolfana Hopfner Heiko Rein emer Ulrich Ott
Pictured above are just some of the coaches who were o n hand for the 2nd Annual Coaches Co ngress held in Denver, Colorado over the Thanksgiving weekend. (Bob Peavy has promised us a report on the Congress for the next MG.)
COLUMBUS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTIC CLINIC REPORT By John Hinds, Gymnastic Coach On November 12, 1966, Columbus Senior High School and Nissen Corporation eon· ducted a Gymnastic Clinic for Indiana high schools. Over 200 gymnasts, representing 17 high schools, were in attendance. The gym· nasts were ably directed through their work· outs by a staff of 20 outstanding gymnasts and coaches. Members of the clinic staff included: Jim Curzi, former Michigan State gymnast and a NCAA champion; George Szypula, Michigan State Coach and 1966 Coach of the Year; Dr. Otto Ryser, Indiana University Coach; Jim Brown, Indiana University Assistant Gymnastic Coach; Roger Counsil, Indiana State University Coach; Tim Phillips, Nissen Representative; Indiana University Gymnasts; and Indiana State University Gymnasts. As a result of the superb effort of the staff and the active participation of the gymnasts, this first Indiana high school gymnastic clinic for competitors was de· clared by all to be a resounding success. To say the least, the gymnasts left inspired to develop their routines for the first state meet to be sponsored by the Indiana High School Athletic Association on March 25, 1967, at Warren Central High School in Indianapolis.
still P. H. free long side total bar ex. horse ho'~ e rings bars 9.40 9.30 8.70 8.90 9.20 8.90 54.40 9.00 8.85 9.35 9 .20 8.75 9.20 54.35 9.20 9.30 8.85 9 .00 8 .90 8.95 54.20 8.70 9.05 9.00 8 .95 9.10 9.25 54.05 9.20 8 .75' 9.25 8.20' 8.50' 8.80 52.70 8 .00' 8.90 8 .70' 9 .20 9.10 8.40 52 .30 45.50 45.40 45.15 45.25 45.05 45 . 10 27 1.45 8.95 9.20 9 .30 8.70 8.70 8.95 53 .80 8.40' 9. 15 8 .85 9.10 9.15 8 .85 53.50 9 .15 9.10 8.80 8.75 8 .50 8 .70 53 .00 8.75 8.95 8.90 8 .60' 8.60 8.50 52.30 9.15 9.05 8.90 8.75 7.90' 8.05 51 .80 8.50 8.70' 8.70' 8 .65 9.15 7.60' 5 1.30 44.50 45.45 44.75 43.95 44 .10 43.10 265 .80
By Harry Johnson South Eugene H.S. , Eugene, Oregon The problem of artists' conceptions of gymnastics was mentioned in the introductory article of this series. The stamp sets this month illustrate one of these "artist errors". A German giant across the parallel bars would truly be an interestin g move, yet this is what is shown on the Kuwait stamp. Czechoslovakia has issued a variety of styles of gymnastics stam ps. Those illustrated this month give a good sampling of this variety. Descri ptions: 1. Ajman #31, #36 a. side horse b. 18th Olympic Games (Tokyo, Japan) c. 1964 d. two stamps in a set of ten 2. Czechoslovakia #1207 a. long horse b. 18th Olympic Games (Tokyo, Japan) c. 1964 d. one stamp in a set of six 3. Romania #1670 a. balance beam b. 18th Olympic Games (Tokyo, Japan) c. 1964 d. one stamp in a set of eight e. imperforates in a different color exist 4. Czechoslovakia #955 a. women's fl oor exercise b. 2nd National Winter Sparticist Games c. 1960 d. one stamp in a set of three
5. Czechoslovakia #958-960 a. wom en exercising with ball (#958) b. women exercising with hoops ( #960) c. man with wand (#959) d. 2nd National Summer Sparticist Games e. 1960 f. full set of three stamps
6. Kuwait #220-221 a. parallel bars (#221) b. still rings (#220) c. Arab School Games d. 1963 e. two stamps in a set of eight
Next month: Eight diamond shaped stamps from several countries with emphasis again on Hungary.
e.G.A. GYM CAMP R eport by Art White The Colorado Gymnastics Association annu al camp is held in the Colorado Rockies 13 miles west of Boulder, Colorado at an established co-ed ucational camp, Trojan Ranch which is owned and operated by Mr. G. S. Walker. The 1966 camp was co- directed by Art White, Coach at the University of Colorado and by Don Robinson the Aurora Central High School Coach. The program is designed to give instruction to begi nning, intermediate, and advanced gymnasts, both boys and girls. The directors would like to develop not only a desire and a proficiency in gymnastics but also a good wholesome character and moral strength in the participants of the camp. The camp has been very successful and will continue to grow beca use of the excellent instructors and interested people involved.
A t r ight: Beautiful phot os b y Tra cy Rogers of the Co lorado Gymnas tic Association Gymnastic Camp held at Tr oja n Ranch high In the Rock Mountains (sorry we did not h ove the spoce t o p ub I ish them full size, Tracy). Dan Smith , Ken Macau ley and Hal Hal v erson on the Low P-Bars : Terry Sendegrath holding Debb ie White: o n th e Bea m , Debbie in a knee scale and Ken Macau ley in a rocky " L".
CANADIAN REPORT by Johnnv Nooney 18 Lavington Dr. Weston. Ontario ME N'S COACHES REPORT (WORLD CAMPIO NSHIPS) By Al Dippong My report will deal mainly with the team work·oUts, competition and r esults. The Gymnasts representing Canada were as follows : Sgt. W. Weiler, Canadian Forces, B.c.; A. Simard, Montreal, Quebec; R. Kin smen, Canadian F orces, Ontario; R. Dion, Quebec City, Quebec; B. Brooker, Toronto, Ontario ; G. Gannon , Victoria, B.c. Our Hotel was in Bochum which is 10' cated 15 miles from Dortmund, and left a lot to be desired, nam ely we did not get enough heat, no hot water so we were un· able to take showers. Our Manager, Ray· mond, tried desperately for two days to get a better hotel but had n o success whatso· ever. The food was not so good at the be· ginnin g but later after a couple of days we managed to get used to it. The workout Gym was located beside the Arena where th e competition took place; it was quite different and rather a large hall. In this hall they had six com· plete se ts of apparatus set up for work· outs. Each Nation had six pieces of apparatus and 2112 hours time to practice; fortun ately we could practice lon ger be· cause of the quantity of space and appal" atus. The apparatus was all new and each pi ece cam e from a different manufacturer, the horse was made by Mitufa. All the ap· paratu s had been tested and approved by F.I.G. and the same apparatus was used in the competition. We departed from Montreal on Monday, September 12th, and arrived in our H otel in Bochum on Tuesday afternoon. We un· packed and got settled into our rooms. The team was understandably tired after the journ ey so we decided not to work out that evenin g, but it was decided to see where the Gym was located so we went into Dortmund. The Organization Committee had transportation arran ged for the Gym· nasts. There were about 21 Nations who had full teams and 12 Nation s who had only a co uple of individuals, altogether 143 gym· nasts took part in the competition. The organization committee divided all the gymnasts into groups whi ch totalled 5 groups. Canada was in group " B" toge ther with Italy, East Germany, Bulgaria and the individuals from Denmark and Portugal. The groups had their practice period at different times each day and a different part of the Gym. We had our first work·out Wednesday and the boys were all eager to work after a day 's rest from the apparatus. We had fo ur work·outs in the bi g gym usin g all six apparatus. We could start on what piece of apparatus we wanted, and we co uld work on any piece of th e apparatus for as long as we felt was necessary. On Friday and Sunday we had the work·o uts in the Arena where the competition was to take pl ace. They had the apparatus
mounted on platforms and the Judges and Competitors were seated below. The work· out in th e arena was quite different to the one in the gym. We had to start with the event we were going to start the competi· tion with and then we rotated from one event to the next. The whole group was on th e one set of apparatus. We had only 20 minutes practice on each event and th en we had to move on. (The day before the compulsories, the opening ceremonies took place) . We did not work out on thi s par· ticular day. The boys did not look especi· ally good, they look ed a little beat. It is too bad that we in this rich Country can· not afford what the poor countries can , such as Gym camps before departure for the National Team, so that they may get used to hard work and good work·outs every day with the coach and a full team. F our to six days is not enough ti me to warm up and get used to order. I h ad hoped a day's rest would do the team some good and that · they would be in shape for th e co mpulsori es which started on Wed· nesday for the 21st of September ; for the team it started at 10 :30 in the morning. I don 't know whether it was coincidence or not but 4 years ago we started on the sid e horse in Prague. As you probably know the side horse is our worst event and unfortun ately we had to start with the side horse. We had four repeats and the best five scores out of six included a 6.85, 7.25 and 7.50, the highest score 8.15 from Weiler and an 8.00 from Brooker gave us a total of 37.75, for the team . In Prague it was 40.00 with only 5 men on the team and a 5.75 which had to count towards the team total so here we did not do so well. Next event was the rin gs. We did a little better here. We had no repeats but two low scores, a 7. 10 and a 7.50 counted to the team total of 39.65. In Prague the score was 40.85 with a 6.55 in the 5 best scores. Th e Long H orse Vault, our best event , had two scores over nine; Di on 9.1 and Weiler 9.2 and 8.40 to count to the team total of 43.60 compared with Prague 43.70, still less th an 4 years ago. P arallel Bars we usually do pretty well on . We had only one repeat but two scores below 8 a 7.90 and a 7.15 from Dion. The highest score by Weiler an 8.65 brought the total up to 39.90 less than an 8 aver· age. In Pra gue th e total was 44.00 with the lowest score of 8.25, and now we had four scores whi ch were under 8.25, which co unted towards the team total. Horizontal Bar, we had four r epeats and all four gymnasts had fall en off by the sam e movement, stoop in and dislo cate. In the workouts it seemed to be all right but on th e pl atforms it was different. Two scores under 8, one 7.90 and a 7.00 from Dion held the total low. The highest score was by Weiler an 8.60. The team total of 39.05 compared with Prague's total of 38.25. We have improved a little. On the fl oor exerci se all our scores had been between 8.40 and 8.70 for Kinsmen. All the boys had tried to be as clean as possible but the judgin g was very strict and the Judges penalized every fal se little step, bent arm or leg. Team total 42.60 compared with Prague total of 42.10, so again an im provement. With the fl oor we concluded our com· petition on th e compulsories exercise. The difference between Prague and Dortmund po int wise: 248.90 in Prague and 243.80 in Dortmund . But there is another sid e to the story, the exercises have been more diffi· cult, the stand ard of Gymnastics interna· ti onal have improved, and we had to break for lunch. We had to fini sh all the events in 21f2 hours time, but I still think that
with more practice and harder work we could have a better performance from the team. The next day we had a rest and watched the girls com pete and cheered them on. Our girls lookyd very good from the stands and they did a much better job than we did I must say. It was noticeable that they had been workin g togeth er for 3 to 4 week s before Dortmund. Friday the 23rd of September we had to compete in th e evening whi ch was much better than the morning. We started at 8 :20 and th e first event was one of our goo d and forw ard events, the parallel bars. On th e parallel bars we all had a good warm·up before and were all happy to start and show what we can do. All five scores were counted towards the team total of 42.80. All scores were over 8.00 with the highest score by Weiler of 9.00. The next event was the h orizontal bar. We had one score under 8.00, a 7.90 for Simards, routine highest score for Weilers routine 9.05 team total 41.85 on horizontal bars. I had not expected much better. Floor exercise was the next event. The boys did fairly well. All the scores were between 8.55 and 8.85. Hi ghest score for Weiler was 8.85. The team total of 43.50 was satisfactory if we would not have got· ten so much of our weak events we would ha ve been pretty good. And n'ow back to the bottom again, side horse. On this event we really did very poorly, not only poorly but very bad. That was our lowest team total score, it was worse than the compulsories by 0.3 of a point, so one six and three sevens counted to the total which was 37.45, the highest score only 8.20 for Weiler routine. Every· one had a bad break on the side horse. Still rings was the next event. We did well on the rin gs. Everybody went through his routine withuut too much trouble. The lowest score of 8.45 was not too bad at all , highest score from Simard 9.05 and the scores 8.60, 8.70 and 8.80 lifted our team score to 43.60. A nd now let's move to the last event of th e day and our last event plus the last event for the men's competition in the Olympic twelve events for the 1966 world championships. On horse vaulting we are usually very good on vaultin g and we have proved it again here. The scores are the lowest 8.90, then 9.00, 9.10, 9.35 and 9.40 for Dion, Weiler had 9.35 and the team total was 45.75, our highest of the compe· tition. On sid e horse if you remember we had 37.45, that is 8.30 less for five m en on one event. It comes out to 1.66 per man, boy, do we have to improve on the side horse. So the competition ended for the men's tea ms and may I say a couple of words in regard to the judging. Some gymnasts and coaches might say that they have been un · derscored and if they could have had another name or came from another coun· try he would receive more points for his performance. There is very little truth in this. On each event the judges are from different countries. East and west mixed and to be able to beat a world champion you must be noticeable much more than he is. He will always receive 0.10 more for his name, and there is nothing you can do about it. Let's fac e it, the Judges are human too and sometimes they get biased and prej udiced. RESULTS Co m pul. Optional 287 .05 287.30 285 .00 285.90 276 .55 273 .05 U.S.A . 254 .95 243 .80 Ca nada 250. 10 Au stria 242.55 2 17. 10 New Zealand 212 .05 150.3 0 221.20 Mexi co
Tea m Com pet. 1. Japan 2. Rus sia 6.
18 . 19. 20. 2 1.
Tota l 575 .15 570.90 550.40 498 .75 492 .65 429 .15 371 .50
AFTER THE TWELVE EVENTS SIDE HORSE 1. Cerer, Yugos lavia 19.45 2. Voronin. Russia 19.25 3. Laiho, Finland 19. 10 14. Sakamoto, U.S.A. 18.75 39. Matsuda, Japan 18.00 93. Wei ler, Canada 16.35 11 5. Brooker, Canada 14.80 1 16. Dian, Canada 14.65 1 18. Kinsman , Canada 14 .50 123 . Simard, Canada 14.15 126. Gannon, Canada 13.75 143 . Jury, New Zea land 2 .50 On the side horse on ly 39 gymnasts had a 9.00 or better sco re on routines and between the 7th and 40th gymnast on ly 1.00 point difference 18 .95 - 17.95. RINGS 1. Varon in, CCCP 19.70 2. Nakajama, Japan 19.50 3. Menichelli, Ital y 19.35 17. Cohen, U.S.A. 18.90 50 . Leng weiler , Swiss 18 . 10 81. Simard, Canada 17.45 83 . Wei ler, Canada 17.30 98. Brooker, Canada 16.85 117. Gannon, Canada 15.95 123 . Dion, Canada 15.95 136. Kinsman, Canada 14.20 143 . Valles, Mexico 6 .00 All the gymnasts in the worl d are better on r ings than on the side ho r se, h ere the first gymnast had a 9.00 average or better. Cerer was 12 w ith 18.95 and Mudrick 51 with 17.95. th~rne point less had put him 39 places furVAULTING 1. Matsuda, Japan 19.50 2. Kato, Japan 19.35 3 . Tsuromi , Japan 19.20 10. Weiler, Canada 18.55 26. Dian, Canada 18 .50 103. Gannon, Canada 17.40 112. Simard, Canada 17.30 113 . Kinsman, Canada 17.30 116. Brooker, Canada 17.25 142. Valles, Mexico 8.05 No. 7 was Mitsohori with 19.00 points wh ich he received 9.50 f or both of his va ults the gymnasts had received 9.00 for both h i~ vaults he became 57th with 18.00 points so can you see there where 50 gymnasts in one point difference. PARALLEL BARS 1. Diamodiv, CCCP 19.60 2. Voron in , CCCP 19.40 3. Cerer, Yugls. 19 .20 19. Sakamot o, U.S.A. 18.80 66. Weiler, Canada 17 .65 94. Brooker, Canada 16.85 100. Simard, Canada 16.65 115. Kinsman, Canada 16.10 121. Dian, Canada 15.60 135. Gannon, Canada 14.60 143 . Jury, New Zealand 6.50 T he first 59 gymnasts in the world had 9.00 or better average on bars. T his event seemed to be the best and easiest of them a ll. HORIZONTAL BARS 1. Endo, Japan 19.60 2. Nakayama, Japan 19.55 3. Mitsukuri, Japan 19.45 13 . Sakamoto , U.S.A. 19 .10 57 . Tepa sie, Germany 18.00 69. Wei ler, Canada 17.65 108. Kinsman, Canada 16 .50 1 1O. Brooker, Canada 16.45 113. Simard, Canada 16.20 123. Dian, Canada 15.20 130. Gannon, Canada 14.30 On horizontal bar the Japanese proved that they are the best on thi s event. The routines they performed were fantastically d one. 57 gymnasts had 9.00 or better average on this event. na~~~e are' the overage scores of our gymCompo Optional Total Average Weiler 8.58 8.87 17.45 8.725 Simard 7.88 8.50 16 .38 8.190 Brooker 8 .1 2 8.25 16.37 8. 185 Dian 7.61 8.47 16.08 8.040 Kinsman 7.75 8.25 16.00 8.000 Gannon 7.50 8.05 15 .55 7.775 The overall average score of the Ma le Gymnast was 8.1025. The individual places being as follows: 1. Voronin 77; Wei ler 106' Simard 110' Brooker 117; Dian 118; Kinsm~n and Ganno~ 128 and the last gymnast was Garcia, Mexico with 143.
RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations should be started and acted upon to improve our sports of Gymnastics at low and high levels alike. 1. Summer camps for gymnasts 2 or 3 weeks of duration with a coach and a prepared program.
2 .A selection for an international team should be made as follow s : (a) The first qualifying meet should be the national or the trials. ( b ) The first 8 or 10 should be chosen at that meet. (c) 2 or 3 weeks before the departure of the team there should be a second trial for selection of the six who will represent Canada at the International Games. 3. When our team is working out it should be a team effort to start the work-out with the proper joined warm-up, after these any individual wishing some ex tra should do so on his own. 4. At no level a competitor should try or do a part of an exercise unless he is one hundred percent sure he can perform it with no mistakes, if he does a move very poorly or even stops while he is doing it, can bring him unnecessary point deduction. 5. To have more competitions at senior level at least once a month if not a competition at least an exhib ition, so the gymnasts get used to performing in front of an audience. The reason for this is to overcome the nervousness that some gymnasts feel, and so the gymnast will gain confi dence to perform in public. 6. The sen ior gymnast should practice 2 to 3 hours, 3 to 5 times a week about two weeks before a big competition. The gym nast should at least try to go to all six events doing his routin es to get the endurance which will carry him through the competition , all these in a time period of 2 to 2J.f2 h ours maximum. The reason for this is to be able to compete in the big games where the time limit is just about the same. 7. All senior and junior gymnasts should work out more and be more concerned wi th flexibility exercises. All our gymna.9ts seemed to be too stijf at the last competition. 8. In the event that the national team is competin g in a big game the following four points should be a must; (l) to represent our country the best way we can (2) each individual gymnast, shall do the upmost of his ability to contribute towards the common cause (3) to act and behave like a team (4) to obey the orders of the coach. 9. And at路 last our results have shown that we have a lot of work to do over on everything but especially side horse, rings and high bar compulsories should be practiced more often because only two of our gymnasts had over 8.00 average. 10. In the future we should continue to send full teams of competitors to all possible international meets to learn more, get more experience and be able to teach our juniors to become good international competitors, under the full teams of competitors and officials; I mean the followin g: 6 men, 6 women athletes, 1 man's coach, 1 women's coach , 1 men's judge, 1 women's judge, 1 technical representative for men and one technical representative for women, 1 pianist for women, 1 chaperone and of course the manager. Believe it or not 21 person gymnastic representatives are vitally important and necessary for further advancemen t of gymnastics in Canada. It is a must. To summarize the whole trip, it was very nice. We had the opportunity again to compete with and to see the world's best gymnasts. We have learned a great deal,
World A ll - Around Champ Mikhail Voron in
all of us have been very busy and we have tried ou r best. I must thank the wonderful cooperation of the other off icials and especially Raymond Gagnier our Manager who worked the hard est. Thank you Raymond and thank you all. TEAM MANAGERS REPORT (W ORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS) By Raymond Gagnier The group departed from Montreal IVIonday the 12th of September on Flight 870, Air-Canada at 7: 15 p.m. After a flight of 6 hours, we arrived in Paris for a few hours and then took off for Dusserdolf where we arrived one hour later. Then, we rented a bus to go directly to our assigned hotel at Bochum, This hotel did not appear inviting either from th e exterior or the interior. We decided to stay there anyway since everybody was tired. Later we looked for another place for two full days without any success and finally habit and an improvement in conditions prevailing (hot water, fa ster service for meals, etc.) we decided to stay there. The training hall for men was as big as an airplane han gar (300' x 240') where six complete sets of gymnastic apparatus were set up, to permit six teams to practice simultaneously. For women, there were two gymnasi ums where two sets of equipment were set up, so that four teams could train simultaneously. Timetables for training were distributed to each nation: each day the Men's team could train 2J.f2 hours while the women's team could train 2 hours, or J.f2 hour for each piece of apparatus. In this timetable, at least one day was reserved for training in the official competition hall this to permit gymnasts to familiarize themselves with t.he premises. Thanks to a good transportation organiza tion, we could avail ourselves of cars and / or busses (with chauffeurs) to drive us from Bochum to Dortmund which was a good 25 kilometers away. The fact that the hotel was out of Dortmund and that we always needed transp ortation made us depend on this service and this sometimes ca used us some embarassment since the chauffeurs would not always know their way and would brin g us late to the rendezvous. But altogether, the Organization did its very best to help us. At the Opening ceremonies, Canada (especially th e girls in their tartan suits!) was very well received. Even on TV the continued on page 26
DORTMUND FINAL TEAM SCORES Uneven Side Horse Parallel Bars Vault Team CZECHOSLOVAKIA 48.066 47.632 C 48 . 166 47.999 0 96.232 95.631 T 2 RUSSIA 48.098 47.364 C 48 . 199 47.699 0 96 .297 95 .063 T 3 JAPAN 48.397 47 .300 C 48.532 47 .299 0 96 .929 94 .599 T EAST GERMANY 4 47.033 47.298 C 47.898 47 .697 0 94 .931 94.995 T 5 HUNGARY 46.998 45 .832 C 46.998 46.332 0 93 .996 92.164 T 6 U.S.A. 45.799 45.532 C 45 .897 46 .699 0 91.696 92 .231 T 7 FRANCE 46.232 44 .665 C 45.990 45.897 0 92.222 90.562 T 8 BULGARIA 45.932 44 .298 C 46.666 45 .832 0 92.598 90.130 T 9 SWEDEN 45.866 44 .899 C 46.233 45 .965 0 92.099 90 .864 T 10 WEST GERMANY 46.098 44 .765 C 46.232 45.498 0 92.330 90.263 T 11 POLAND 44.865 45. 165 C 45 .399 45.665 0 90.564 90 .530 T 12 NORWAY 42.565 43.466 C 44.798 45.500 0 87.363 88 .966 T 13 YUGOSLAVIA 43 .332 43.431 C 42.999 44 .265 0 86.430 87 .597 T 14 NETHERLANDS 43.73 1 44 .565 C 44 .098 45 .933 0 87 .829 90.490 T 15 CANADA 43 .733 43 .298 C 43.690 43 .365 0 86 .988 87 .098 T 16 ISRAEL 41. 166 43.132 C 44.365 44.332 0 85.498 T 87.497 17 GREAT BRITAIN 41.431 42.465 C 41.799 44.632 0 83 .230 87.097 T 18 NEW ZEALAND 41 .433 42 .064 C 42 . 198 44 .532 0 83 .631 86.596 T 19 SOUTH AFRICA 42.765 40.364 C 42 .398 42.466 0 T 85 .231 82 .762 20 CUBA 41.232 42 .133 C 40 .932 39.232 0 80.464 83.065 T 21 FINLAND 42.298 41.099 C 42.332 42.465 0 84.630 83.564 T 22 AUSTRIA 43.499 36.798 C 41.932 43 .898 0 87 .397 78.730 T
1966 WOMEN
Balance Beam
47 .531 47 .933 95.464
47.766 48.532 96.298
190.995 192.630 383.625
47.598 48.032 95.630
48.298 48.299 96.497
191.358 192.229 383.587
47 .265 46.299 93 .564
47.932 47.899 95.831
190.894 190.029 380.923
46.799 46 .798 93 .597
46.364 47.931 94 .295
187.494 190.324 377.818
47. 199 47 .299 94.498
46.498 46.733 93.231
186.527 187.362 373.889
45.231 45.999 91.230
45.798 46.665 92.463
182.360 185.260 367.620
45.831 44.532 90 .41 3
46.465 46.798 93.263
183. 193 183.225 366.418
46 . 132 44.732 90.864
46.332 46.431 92.763
182.694 183.661 366.355
45 .798 44.099 89 .897
44 .855 45.365 90.220
181.429 181.662 363 .091
44 .932 44 .665 89.597
45.298 45.464 90.662
181.093 181.859 362.952
45.432 45 .965 90.397
45.064 45.365 90.429
180.526 182 .394 362.920
43.431 44 .665 88.096
43 .665 44.999 88 .664
173.127 179.962 353.089
43.331 42 .899 86.230
44.031 45.365 89.396
174. 125 175.528 349.653
42 .265 41 .532 83.797
42.099 44.765 86.864
172.660 176.328 348.988
42 .965 41 .565 84.530
43.466 44.065 87.531
173.46 1 172.693 346.154
41.432 42.490 83.922
42.932 43.465 86.397
168.662 174.660 343.322
39.432 42.264 81 .696
41.965 44 .665 86.630
165 .293 173 .360 338.653
42 .297 40.032 82 .329
42.665 43 . 131 85 .796
168.459 169.893 338.352
4 1.699 39.265 80.864
43 .865 42.632 86.497
168.693 166.761 335.454
42.431 41.297 43 .728
43 .098 43 .565 86 .663
168 .894 165.026 333.920
41.499 40.366 81 .865
41. 165 41. 132 82 .297
166.061 166.265 332.356
40.365 41 .098 81.463
40.566 41.897 82.463
161.228 168.825 330.053
WOMEN'S ALL- AROUND O-Opti ona l C-Compulso ry Side Horse Uneven P-Bars Vault 9.800 9.766 C
Caslavs ka (Czech.)
Koutschinskaya (Russia)
Ikeda (Japan)
Zuchold ( E. Ger man y)
Sedlackova (Czech.)
3. 4. 5. 6.
Pet rik (Russia)
Kra jci rova (Czech .)
Kubickova (Czech.)
Shibuya (Japan)
10. II.
12. 13. 14.
0 T C T C T C T C T C
0 T C
0 T C
0 T C
Drougin ina
Laty n ina
I kenaga (Japan)
0 T C
A stakho va (Russia)
Striegler (E. Germany)
Kharlova (Russia)
Rimnacova (Czech .)
M itsukuri (Japan)
0 T C
0 T C
0 T C
18 .
Kostalova (Czech.)
T ressel (H ungary)
Furu yama
0 T C
0 T C
0 T C
154 .
0 T
9.666 9.800 19.466 9.666 9.833 19.499 9.600 9.466 19.066 9.533 9.266 18.799 9.566 9.600 19.166 9.600 9.700 19.300 9.466 9.500 18.966 9.400 9.433 18.833 9.533 9.100 18 .633 9.366 9 .500 18.866 9.500 9.466 18.966 9.500 9.200 18.700 9 .466 9.533 18.999 9.366 9.366 18.732 9.333 9.433 18.766 9.400 9.600 19.000 9 .266 9.333 18 .599 9.433 9.400 18.833 9.400 9.500 18.900 9.266 9 .200 18.466
9.800 9.900 19.700 9.766 9.900 19 .666 9 .633 9.666 19.299 9.566 9.666 19.232 9.600 9.633 19.233 9.700 9 .600 19.300 9.300 9.533 18.833 9.533 9.800 19.333 9.533 9.533 19.066 9.666 9.800 19.466 9.600 9.533 19.133 9.500 9.500 19.000 9.533 9.466 18.999 9.466 9.733 19.199 9.566 9.466 19.032 9.433 9 .633 19.066 9.566 9.600 19. 166 9.400 9.566 18 .966 9.400 9.400 18 .800 9.700 9.600 19 .300
39.032 39.266 78.298 38.865 39.232 78.097 38 .599 38.398 76.997 38.265 38.3 3 1 76.596 38.099 38.366 76.465 37.966 38.400 76.366 37.999 38.333 76.332 37.933 38.300 76.232 38.232 37.933 76.165 37.831 38.333 76 .1 64 38.099 37.999 76 .098 38.266 37.733 75 .999 37.965 38.032 75.997 37.665 38.265 75.930 37.93 1 37.965 75.896 37 .599 38 .266 75.865 37.765 38.099 75 .8 64 37.732 37.966 75.698 37.733 37.866 75.599 37.932 37.666 75.598
9.766 19.266 9. 133 9.266 18.399 8.900 9.133 18.033 9.233 8.766 17.999 8.866 8.966 17.832 9.033
8 .73 3 9.566 18.299 9.033 9 .300 18.333 9.066 8.933 17.999 9.266 8 .900 18 . 166 8 .566 9.300 17 .866 9.133
8.933 9 .266 18.199 9.200 9.433 18 .633 9.166 9 .233 18.399 8.966 9.000 17.966 9.200 9.233 18.433 9.266 9.500 18 .766
36.299 37.998 74 .297 36.499 37.3 65 73.864 36.365 36.599 72.964 36.465 35.932 72.397 35.398 36.799 72.197 36.465 18.866 55.33 1
9.733 19.499 9.633 9.666 19.299 9.600 9.433 19.033 9 .666 9.666 19.332 9.500 9.533 19.033 9.466 9.500 18 .966 9.533 9.600 19. 133 9.400 9.533 18.933 9.500 9.500 19.000 9.366 9.533 18.899 9.333 9 .500 18.833 9 .600 9 .500 19. 100 9.233 9.333 18.566 9.333 9 .566 18.899 9.566 9.500 19.066 9.433 9.533 18.966 9.200 9.466 18.666 9.366 9.600 18.966 9 .300 9.233 18.533 9.400 9.400 18.800
9.833 19.633 9.800 9.833 19.633 9.766 9.833 19.599 9.500 9 .733 19.233 9.433 9.600 19.033 9.200 9.600 18.800 9.700 9.700 19.400 9.600 9.533 19.133 9.666 9.800 19.466 9.433 9.500 18.933 9.666 9.500 19.1 66 9.666 9.533 19. 199 9.733 9.700 19.433 9.500 9.600 19.100 9.466 9.566 19.032 9.333 9.500 18 .833 9.733 9.700 19.433 9.533 9.400 18 .933 9.633 9.733 19.366 9.566 9.466 19.032
9.400 18.533 9. 133 9.366 18.499 9.233 9.300 18 .533 9.000 9.266 18.266 8.766 9.300 18.066 9 .033 9.366 18.399
T WOME N 'S ALL- AROUND 9 .133 9.500 C
T -Total Floor Balance Beam Exercise
\l .S.A.
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
I. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6.
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Rus sia, winner of thre e Go ld Medals
SIDE HORSE VAULT I NDIV I DUAL FINALS Camp. Opt. COA Caslavska, Czech. 9.766 9.733 9.750 Zuchold, E. Germany 9.666 9.666 9.666 Koutschinskaya, Rus. 9.633 9.666 9.650 Starke, E. Germany 9.533 9.566 9.550 Krojcirevo, Czech. 9.533 9.600 9.566 I kenaga, Japan 9.600 9 .550 9.500 UNEVEN PARALLEL BARS I NDIVIDUAL FI NALS Camp. Opt . COA Koutschinskaya, Rus . 9.800 9.833 9.816 Ikeda, Japan 9.766 9.833 9.800 Mitsukuri, Japan 9.733 9.700 9.716 Caslavska, Czech. 9.800 9.833 9 .8 16 Astakhova, Ru ss ia 9.733 9.700 9.716 Shibuya, Japan 9.666 9 .800 9.733 BALANCE BEAM I ND IV I DUAL FINALS Camp. Opt . COA Koutschinskaya , Rus . 9.666 9.833 9 .750 Caslaska, Czech . 9.733 9.666 9.800 Petrik, Russia 9.600 9.700 9.650 I keda, Japan 9.600 9.466 9.533 Ducza, Hungary 9.600 9 .600 9.600 Sed lackova, Czech . 9.566 9.600 9 .583 FLOOR EXERCISE I ND IV I DUAL FI NALS Camp. Opt. COA Koutschinskayo, Rus. 9.766 9.900 9.833 Caslavska , Czech. 9.800 9.900 9.850 Drouginino, Ru ss ia 9.733 9.666 9.800 Petrik , Russia 9 .700 9.600 9 .650 Kubickova, Czech. 9.533 9.800 9.663 Furuyamo, Japan 9.700 9.600 9.650
9.833 9.733 9.666 9.666 9.633 9.600
19.583 19.399 19.3 16 19.216 19. 199 19.150
Tota l
9.800 9.766 9 .800 9.666 9.700 9.600
19.6 16 19.566 19.5 16 19.482 19.416 19.333
Tota l
9 .900 9.600 9.600 9.700 9 .633 9 .600
19.650 19.333 19.250 19.233 19.233 19.183
Tota l
9 .900 9.833 9.933 9 .766 9.700 9.666
19.733 19.683 19.666 19.4 16 19.363 19.3 16
CARBON COpy By HERB VOGEL Coaches Eye View of the XVI W orid Gymnastic Championships-Part I " HOCH SOLL SIE LEBEN! . . . DREI MAL HOCH!! " High shall she live ! . . . Three tim es high! ! !" That is the literal translation and the exhalting cheer of fiv e hundred Germans, as they engulfed 17 year old Rus路 sian Natalia Kutschinskaja, hurlin g her sky路 ward in a physical version of the traditi onal "German drinking toast". Breaking through the human barrier,. of the German variation of the "Andy Frain" ushers, this token task force was a mere representation of the 10,000 spectators that flooded the "Westfalenhalle" to see the XVI World Championships of Gymnastics. And , what a world championship did they see ! The World Gymnastic Championship is more than a competitioll between the leading amateur gymnasts of the world. It is a battle of politics and international prestige where only one place is actually being contested . . . who is "number one". Second best, is as the phrase implies . .. just second best! Th e moment you step into the arena you can feel the tension and you know that it is going to be reinactment of the historical report of the "Christian s versus the Lions". Even the most casual observer, let alon e the highly tuned contestant, cannot help feeling the knowing . . . that the "Lions" are th ere. Trim and hungry, ready to make short work of the opposition, eager to get to the dessert of bronze, silver and gold medalions. The crowd is there too, in this case . . . "Friends, Germans and countrymen", hungry and eager with anticipation, they are a gymnastically informed lot. Yet, true to the spirit of the arena of old, they are qui ck to criticise and abandon the falter路 ing champion or herald the prospect of the crowning of a new queen. In this " arena" tradition they sit, ready to "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" the performan ce of these modern age gladiators as they compete in the greatest skill test of all, against women's greatest adversary, woman's mastery over herself. The test, World Class gymnastic competition. The final ovation, described above, was the bursting of the " bubble" of tension, the final roar of built up emotion. This ovation, given runner-up All-Around Champion Natalia Kutschinskaja, who only moments earlier completed her third consecutive circumference victory circuit around the of the vast arena, was the culmination . . _ the touch of "whipped cream", that made this particular World Championship an event long to be remembered. The crownin g of Kutschin skaja, as the individual victor in three events, marked the end of an era . __ and the birth of a new decade, a new breed of perform ers as well as style of performance_ For nearly ten years Latynina, Astakhova , Manina-, Volchetskaya were a few of the Russian names that ruled the world of women's gymnastics. At Dortmund only Astakhova and Latynina remained, both Upper left : Kutchinskaja, her v ictory walk around the arena and run bock to jo in th e 9lri S she hod left behind in her exuberance . Karlova on the Beam, Latynina on the Unevens, Droukin ino on the fl oor and Astakhova and . Petrik on the Beam .
leaders in the Japan Olympics but now, just two years later in Germany, the victims of tim e and progress. Kn own as the "pace setters" of artistic movement, in terms of difficulty, performance and style, vacated the " Dias" for th e new young breed of "kids". Kids, wJ!Q.-'perhaps only yesterday, had cherished the ground upon whi ch they walked. As takhova and Latynina "stepp ed down" with th e graciousness and di gnity of the champions they were . . . but only they alone know the feelin g . . . the hurt, the disappointment . .. of the champion who knows they no longer have what it takes to meet the challenge of youth. Per路 haps, even the crowned All路Around champi路 on, Vera Caslavska, with due respect to her ability, had a fl eeting glimpse of "the writ路 ing on the wall". The clear statement of reality . . . there are new names to learn . . . to spell, pronounce and respect. This is the drama, the sad but in evitable role of the champion. But then the championship role, with its pressures and anxiety, does have its mcrits . . . its rewards. For as someone once said, "To be a represel1tative of one's country is an honor, to participate equitibly is a distinction but most often, the test of skill that brings the highest degree of "honor and distin ction" is not mere participation but the winning". We "educators" say, "it's the way you play the game that counts". Unfortunately in the World Class of Competition is simply is not a game. It's an astronaut's first walk in space, a moon landing or who has the bigger bomb. The championship role is the impersonal role of winning yet the champion is of "flesh and blood" and with the international political impact of her achievement, she becomes a knowing, living ' symbol of prestige. Caslavska, Olympic Champion in 1964, was the favorite of the press and the highly informed European spectator. She and she alon e, took the challenge of the "youth of Russia", the new breed. And , as pre-meet rumor indicated, from the very first event it was evident that two, very hungry and well trained, teenage Soviets would be the challengers. P etrik , Russia's National Champion, and Kutchinskaja, U.s.S.R. World Team Trial Cham pion, had the skill, the class and the "cocky" attitude necessary to get the job done. P etrik was the first to falter and was forced to repeat her uneven bar compulsory. The "repeat" held a slight tinge of fear and as she moved through the previouE ly missed compulsory part she dropped her veil of poise mom entarily, "bobbled", recovered expertly and went on to sell the rlismount to its fulle st worth. A slight mistake, but enough. Kuchinskaja then took over the solo role of challenger to the AllAround crown , with the entire Russian ' quad linin g up in the optional phase of th e competition to push her scores to the ultimate limit. This "shuffle" of the Russian line up, a team effort to capture the All-Around titl e, did not eff ect the Russian team scorin g too grea tly , but it did cost another new breed fa ce, Zinaida Drouginina, her deserved Gold Medal in the Floor Exercise Event. This youn gster was placed early in the Floor Exercise line-up to build the t eam ,corin g. It did bring P etrik's score up, with a 9.9 and 10 poppin g out of Drouginina's FX jury, as well as hand Kutchinskaja th e Floor Exercise title. Either Kutchinskaja or Drouginina competin g last, or reversin g their positions, would have given either gi rl a sli ght edge. The coaches choice, was team success and all-around title supremacy, not the su ccess of a particular individua 1. It did not matter who did the
wi nnin g, but what was bein g won. Orouginma won the final competiti on in Floor Exerr ise with a sco re of 9.933, good only for " third place composite score and the Bronze Medal. Strategy and all, when the All-Around ar tion was compl eted, Vera Caslavska "-tu ck" a 9.733 vault , headin g off the challenge of a couple of youn g kid s who no rloubt are saying ri ght n ow, "wait until nex t time !" The spectators, if circum stances had been reve rse d, would have easily abandoned their favorite, surger from their boxes to mob th e " Golden Czech". Only throu gh the assistance of the police and "strong arm" ushers co uld the 1966 World All-Around Champion get to the safety of her dressing room . Typical of the press of every European co untry, the acceptance of gymnasti cs, is th e translated quote from the "Mannheimer Morgen", a Mannheim (city) daily newspaper. " Golden Vera". She smiles like a film star, carries herself like a model, and ascends th e award platform with the dignity of a queen . . . the Worid Champion Vera Caslavska." This is the image that the press creates. All German cities carried picture stories, perhaps the reason why at 8 :30 A.M. Sunday mornin g 10,000 people waited for the gymnastic finals to begin. In fact, one week later in Chicago, this writer happened upon an Italian newspaper which had just arrived for "stateside" distribution that carried the above quotation and picture story of the competition. I wonder how many U.S. newspapers even knew a World Gymnasti c Champion ship was being held, that the U.S. sent their best team yet . .. much less would have desired to carry the results. Our U.S. press is not all to blame, few of us do little to create continuous press interest. Yes, it was a World Championship to be remembered but perhaps the story that stopp ed them all, even pushing the accolades of Caslavska and Kutschinskaja . . . the team effort of the "Czechs" in defeating the Russians . .. to the small print, was the headline of the "Sports Telegram" " ZUSCHAUER-SKANDAL IN DER WESTFALENH ALLE""Das War Betrug !" The literal tran slation, "Spectator-Scandal in Westfalen Halle !- It is a fraud!" This front page, 2 inch bold type headlin e, points the description of the one hour and 3 minutes of irate spectator wh istles, cat-calls and rhythmic stampin g of feet:.. The longest, and perhaps now, the proudes t hour
The Young Czech's in action
Doris Brouse dismounting from her P-Bor evercise which was moments later t o couse the uproar which was to last over an hour. Doris on to the Beam I ike a trouper to keep the World Games going .
Assistant coach Vannie Edwards working with the USA team behind the scenes to help prepare them for the competition to come.
in the gymnastic career of Doris Fuchs Brause, the "uncrowned Queen" of the uneven bars. "Uncrowned" champion, but the true champion she is. The German Sports Telegram described her optional routine as a "brilliant, mistake free and fantastic endeavor". To the German audien ce, the jury score, of 9.766 was simply n ot high enough to suit them. Their shouts, "Das War Betrug ! . . . it was a fraud! . . . still echo clearly. This report is not an exaggeration by an American writer for in support, German Judge, Irma Walter, is credited with this published news quote, "This (Brause's) routine was the best of the competition. It ( the routine) contained five of the highest difficulty parts and all were exacted without flaw. That is why I must award a score of 9.9, a 9.8 would not have been high enough". From this writers coaching point of view, Doris's rout.ine presented an illusion of horizontal bar (men's event) execution, in that it was free swinging and total. Her changes and transitions from bar to bar created the illusion that a low bar did not exist. While we coaches, and our stateside judges allow our girls unnecessary stops and stands of preparation . . . merely because the Europeans do so, Doris Brause "s"ivings" bars. No pause to "get set" is ever made. Doris, as other forerunners of "swing the thin g" style, have been overly penalized by judges who read rules and simply interprets them as " word s". More on this later, but for Part I of this writing let us say . . . the future trend, as it has been all along, "Swing is the thing" .. . with each movement carried to its ultimate of stunt production. So reader, if you have not realized it yet, swin g like Doris Brause and in 1968 we will be satisfied with an uneven score of '7.966, even though the crowd does "stomp and toot" a bit. In concluding Part I , of this writers World Game report, it would be in excusable not to mention the Women's Gymnastic Team of the United States. The U.S. Team, 6th Place in the World . . . let none be ashamed! My hat is off to the U.S. Team members and the coaching team that trained them " statesi de" prior to departure for Germany. This was truely a national team, trained, styled and bonded
into a competitive unit durin g the month trainin g session at Grossinger's in New York. This pl easure spot of the Catskills became, through the effort and know how of Murial Grossfeld, the key to the women's climb from 9th place to 6th place on the ladder of international success. For the first time the United States fi elded a competi ti ve unit, not a group of individually proud parti cipants. Yet, when the competition began this team literally, "had nothing going for them" except this first time show of national spirit, team ef路 fort and team loyalty . . . all the result of team training with the individual coachin g touch. Luck they did not have. Linda Metheny, our number one threat, bowed out of the competition with a limiting back injury, followed closely to the infirmary by alternate Donna Schaenzer. Eighth place Joyce Tanec, who due to the one tenth point separation between her and the alternate spot, earned for her the Grossinger training, inoved in to pick up the slack. ( Her ultimate third place finish of the U.S. members, further acclaims the worth of the training program.) So the U.S. team began the initial event without two of their competitively selected members, lInd a Dale McClements Flansaas nursing a mid-year knee injury and an imported substitute. Fall apart, they did not! Participate, they did not! Compete, they sure did!... right down to the final throw of the judges score. Going into the finals they needed a 9.233 or so average per team mem ber to take this sixth place. In Floor Ex ercise they held hut in the second of the scheduled optional events, vaulting, Dale Flansaas " twisted out" her strong knee and departed the competition . . . yet, as a team, the average h eld. With Flansaas out, now all team members had to "hit", no longer was a sixth insurance performer available, the pressure was on. At this point, Coach Avis Tieber Kolliner, rose to the occasion and the team responded, as a great team must. Bars, with its "Spectator-Scandal", and Beam were scored, sixth place was ours and if this be any indication for the future .. . perhaps tomorrow the stars. A special tribute, unsung heroes! A spe路 cial " tip of the lid" must go to:
Vannie Ed'wards-whose presence at the games, as a behind the scenes coach, trainer and " mother hen" , . . hi s sincere concern over the care of the injured, reflected hi ghly upon his experience as a team coach. Dick Mulvihill-whose work with th e training in the balance beam was evident as well as effective. Murial Grossfeld-for the training session and her personal con tribution to the poise, style and confidence of each of the team members. Avis Kollinger- though lacking the experience of the active coach, she stood " tall" in reflecting a strong image of the many stateside coaches she represented in her position as Coach of the U.S. Women's Team. Barbara Pascal-pianist, without whose patience and dedicated creativity no fin e team can be without. It is hoped that Part I, Coaches Eye View of the XVI World Gymnastic Championships, leaves you with the impact and scope of this great sporting event. I am sorry that this writer does not have the ability to describe the sparklin g challenge of pride as seen in the eyes of the young Russians before the competition or the "take charge" manner they addressed the jury and audience at their "moment of truth" . .. if I could, then the sacrifice of long hours of practice, national unity in team preparation and working toward bein g a member of an international team would take on greater meaning. It's a very big game, the stakes are very high. "To be there and in it" is not enough . . . to be there . . . train ed and ready to compete must he the goal of gymnastics. The prestige of our nation is worthy of a total effort of our gymnastic community. Next issue: Part II "World Gymna stic Trends as a Workin g Coach Sees Them"
Other USA team members in act lan, Hacker, Bailey, Flansaas and Gleason (Metheny, Tanac and Schaenzer not pictured) ,
Kenneth W. Hollis
COMPETITIVE GYMNASTICS AT THE DAYTON CENTRAL YMCA By Frank O. Perron At the outset we would like to make it clear that the emphasis of this article is on the competitive aspects of Dayton Cen路 tral YMCA's gymnastic program. Our goal in running a program of this type is to provide a competitive opportunity for boys and girls, and men and women who exhibit an interest in the sport of gymnastics. This opportunity is controlled within the limits of sound YMCA physical education and YMCA philosophy. This means that we are not only interested .in the physical attributes of each person, but the mental and spiritual as well. It is through this concern for the whole person that we endeavor to provide an opportunity for the individual to grow to be a better person. Weare not especially concerned with making everyon e an Olympic gymnast. We do feel it is necessary that the competitor be made to understand principles of body mechanics and the physiology of conditioning so that if the person has physiological potential and championship motivation and drive, he will be equipped to go on in the sport and not be hampered by archaic and unscientific coaching principles. When the program was first introduced mee t participation was very limited due to lack of desire on the part of gymnasts, and yet, as we progressed through our first season, it was readily discernible that attitudes and motivations were changing. The individual that tended to vacillate became more directed as far as deciding that this is the sport in which he wanted to participate. The person who at first participated only because his fri en d did was able to se t goals of personal achievement for himself, as well as becoming a better friend. The team atmosphere changed completely from a gathering of individual performers into a "group" with feelings of concern and attitudes of mutual assistance. They identified themselves as member of a team, or better yet, as members of a friendship group. In traveling to and from various meets, the aid and assistan ce of the parents has been invaluable ; but, as we now see it, other things, too, occured from this relationship. The parents grew to be inquisitive about the sport and through inquiries were able to become quite knowledgable and critical of the sport. We don't feel that the change was due to their children's interest 18
If you have "Y-NEWS" that should be in the MG .. . Send it direct to Kenneth W. Hollis, 3881 W. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, 44109. alone; the arlislic presentation that this sport can possess had much to do with the growth of interest. This is pleasing to observe ! As one could easily see, a nucleus of interested gymnasts and parents resulted. This group of people came to realize that you can't keep taking from a sports activity without returning something to insure its growth and promotion. It is with this realization that these individuals assumed responsibilities in a state championship and later in a bigger endeavor, the National YMCA Championship. The story doesn't end here! With responsibilities in connection with meets and resulting intimate exposure to the sport, it was only natural that interest grew into devotion. As an outcome, a number of the newly recruited enthusiasts began to seek knowledge of the more technical aspects of the sport. Judging falls into this category. Presently we have a number of eager people seeking to gain knowledge of judging so that they can support the program through actual participation. Today, as always, gymnastics is people. There is the young teen-age girl who must wear a brace 23 hours per day and her big moment during the day is when she can remove the brace for gymnastics. There is the young man with no real home to go to
who has found new friends who have shown him the brighter side of life and who have demonstrated by example that life is worth living and worth the time and effort to live it. It is the occasioJl for kids from all social backgrounds and of different races and creeds to work together and grow together. It has been the opportunity for the very shy, introverted person to learn to assert himself and merit the concern of others. Gymnastics has been an entree into college for many young men going on to higher education. The Dayton Central YMCA has been fortunate enough to have had at one time or another national champions in tumbling, trampoline, free exercise, long horse vaulting and still rings. We have even had a world professional champion come up through the YMCA program. Presently, we are cultivating a group of young boys and girls, among whom are two or three potential natitonal champions and possibly a future Olympian. Weare sure that this story is not unique to gymnastics, because many associations and clubs can relate similar experiences. We only hope that more and more people are motivated to do these types of things for gymnastics, as well as many other activities.
Girls Gymnastic Team at the Dayton YMCA
i j
THE CENTRAL ATLANTIC AREA Y.M.C.A. GYMNASTIC CAMP (August 21 through 28, 1966) by Dick raf/ee The Central Atlantic Area (CAA) YMCA Gymnastic Camp played host to nearly 200 east coast gymnastic enthusiasts at YMCA Camp Letts in Edgewater, Maryland. The popular gym camp, now in its sixth year, a.qain proved to be a success in every way. The camp program was based on the USGF Age路Group Workbook. DAILY SCHEDULE The CAA gym camp offered a full day of gymnastics every day of the week. After. a 7 :30 breakfast, the entire camp (staff Included) took part in mass wann-up exercises led by Bernie Michels of Wheaton, Maryland. After the rugged wann-ups came fonnal USGF Workbook instruction for all campers. At the beginning of the camp week, each gymnast chose Workbook routines in which he or she would compete at the conclusion of the week. For two hours each morning the gymnasts worked hard to perfect these routines. After lunch and a much needed rest sessi~n, . gymnasts were allowed two hours for either optional workouts, or making use of a fleet of rowboats or the new swimming pool. Tumblin g, the basis for most other gymnastic events, was stressed during the late afternoon. All gymnasts, according to their rating on a tumbling proficiency test, participated in a group tumbling workout. These workouts ranged from lectures on tumblin g progression to individual instruction and spotting sessions. After a hearty dinner at the camp dining hall (converted to a gym between meals), gymnasts were allowed to work on optional tricks and routines. A lighted area along the water's edge (where apparatus and tumbling mats had been set up) made for a comfortable, picturesque (day-round workout place. Each evening the 200 campers (tired, but still enthusiastic) were offered a change of pace. The camp staff arranged for a number of campfires, dances, movies of various national and world gymnastics championships, plus a vaudeville show and a games night. Hats are off to "King" George Puglia for his fine organization and spirit in putting on the evening shows. STAFF Sixteen outstanding teenage gymnasts were invited to the camp as counselors to assist with the Workbook instruction. Counselors Barbara Krawitz, Tom Clark, Betsy East, Al Gatti, Ray Gatti, Jim Lewis, Judy Mehaffey, Chris Nelson, Bill Thompson, Susan Wylde, Suzzi Thomson, Annie Dorer, Bev Johnson, Pat Swanson, Linda Beyer, and Dick Taffee assisted a well rounded adult staff throughout the week. Staff members who instructed and helped in the running of the camp were: Vern Elder of Washington, D.C.; Jerry and Roz Krawitz, Marv and Marge Speidel, Cliff and Helen Sjursen, Ernie and Helen Furblur, and George and Jennie Puglia, all from New Jersey; Bernie and Louise Michels, and Jim Wylde of Maryland; and Lloyd and Millie Capwell, and Lloyd Warner of Pennsylvania. EQUIPMENT Gymnastic equipment was in abundance at the CAA Camp. A full set of all-around equipment (men's and women's, including a free-x mat) was set up at various indoor locations, while two complete sets of equipment were set up outside, under li ghts. Workout areas were open to the gymnasts
CAA"Y" Gym Camp staff and campers in action. (Photos by Vernon Elder)
all during the day, with the exception of meal times. In addition to the all-around equipment, the camp boasted three outside trampolines (one with an aerial spotting rig) and plenty of long mats for tumbling. Thanks are expressed to the Nissen and GymMaster companies for the use of some of their apparatus. PROGRAM The camp was organized on the basis of "more teaching, less competing," so that most of the gymnasts were more able to concentrate on individual improvement. All gymnasts were given the opportunity to work on the various events as he or she wished during the week, knowing that they would be tested on all events at the week's end. Under this plan the camp became a very productive and satisfying experience. At the end of the week, each camper was scored, not only on the execution of his or her routine, but also on his general participation in camp activities and his attitude toward the camp as well.
The winners of the Outstanding Gymnast A wards at the end of the testin g were Craig Call, 15, of Lanham, Maryland; and (for the second year in a row ) Sue Peltinato, 16, of Bethesda, Maryland . PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR Next year's CAA Gymnastic Camp is seekin g interm ediate gymnasts between ten and eighteen years old who have an intense interest in the sport. Applications to the camp will require the signature of a coach or instructor, certifying that th e prospective camper can contribute to and profit from the camp experience. Although it is a YMCA sponsored activity, the CAA Gymnastic Camp is not limited to "Y" members. Any persons interested in receiving more information about this camp, or who wish to be put on the camp mailing list, should send their name and address to Vern Elder, CAA Commissioner of Gymnasti cs, Central Branch YMCA, 1736 "G" Street, N.W_, Washington, D.C. 20006. 19
by James S. Bosco, Ph.D. San Jose State College This is the third in a series of articles dealing with rando m topics 0/ research in gymnastics. In this series, no attempt will be made to categorize articles. Send all articles, comments, questions. and sugges路 tions to the above address. HARRIS, ROBERT L., "The Effects Of Selected Isotonic And Isom etri c Ex ercises For Developing S trength For The Iron Cross." East Lansing : Unpublished M.S. Thesis, Michi路 gan State University, 1%5. Pp. 45. PURPOSE This study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of six selected exercises on the strength required for performin g the iron cross on the still rin gs. Three of the cxcrciscs wcrc iso toni c, and thc nther three were isometric. Since none of the subj ects were on an exerc ise program of th eir own, or tryin g out for a varsity sport, and since the experimental design was too short in duration to develop the strength needed to hold the correct iron cross posi tion as it is held in gymnasti cs competition, the actual success of the subj ects for performing the skill at th e completion of the study was not a decid in g criterion. The aim was to determine whi ch exercise was most effective for strength development, in regards to amo unt of strength developed and the time spen t acquirin g it. METHOD Seven ty-eight subjects were selected from the required freshman Physical Education classes at Michigan State Universi ty. They were weighed and ranked according to body weight, then divided into six groups, with the means of each group as near equal as possible. Each group was then rand omly assigned to an exer cise, and, using a cable tensiometer, measured for arm adducti on strength (see Illustration s I and IV ) . The six different exercises consisted of the following : GROUP A (Isometric: Testin g Apparatus Exercise-Illus. I): Pr e s s in g down maximally on the testing apparatus for three bouts, each of six second s duration, with a two-minute rest period between bouts. GROUP B (Iso toni c: Regular Cross Attempt Ex ercise): Lowering down from a support position on a low set of still rin gs, attempting to hold the iron cross, and jumping up to r egain the support position again (one attempt ). The exercise involved three bouts, each bout consistin g of six attempts, with a two-minute rest period between bouts.
RESEARCH AND FITNESS IN GYMNASTICS GROUP C ( Isotonic: Inn er-Tube Exercise - Illus. II ): Starting from a support position with an inner-tube cut and the end s attached to the rings, and with the tube placed under the feet, lowering down to the iron cross position, and pressing back up with the aid of the inner-tube. The exercise involved three bouts, each bout consistin g of ten r epetitions, with a two-minute r est period between the bouts. Th e subj ects in this group, as well as those in GROUP E, were instructed to use only as much tension as n ecessary to perform the bouts and exercise with maximum effort. GROUP D (Isometric: Arms Through Straps Exercise- Illus. III ): Placing the arms through the straps to a point where maximal exertion wa s n eeded to hold the iron cross position for the designated length of time. The exercise involved two bouts, each bout of six seconds duration, with a two-minute rest period between the bouts. The subjects in this group, as well as those in GROUP F , were instructed to use only as much tension as n ecessary to perform the bouts and exercise with maximum effort, and, when they felt that they could tolerate more tension, to slightly move the straps outward. GROUP E (Isotonic: Inner-Tube Exercise - Illus. II ): This exercise was similar to that of GROUP C, except that the tequiremen ts were two bouts, each bout consistin g of ten r epetitions, with a twominute rest period between the bouts. GROUP F (Isometric: Arms Throu gh Straps Exercise-Illus. III): This exercise was similar to that of GROUP D, except that the requirements were three bouts, each bout of six seconds duration, wtih a two-minute rest period between the bouts. Individuals in each group were observed and instructed to exert maximally throughout the entire exercise; however, no attempt was made to measure the subj ects for maximum effort. The exercises were done once a day, five days per week, for approximately six week s. Each subj ect was tested f or arm strength improvement before his exercise on Friday of each week. A final strength test was taken at the end of the training period , and the data were satistically treated using the Analysis of Variance method to determine the significance of the difference between the initial and final arm strength recordings of each ~roup.
ANALYSIS OF DATA Table I shows the group mean scores for each week throughout the six weeks training program. It can be readily seen that an improvement at the conclusion of the program existed for each group; however, the analysis of variance results points to the fact that, although each group elicite.d improved scores after six weeks of training, the improvement of anyone group was not significan t at the .05 level of confidence. A brief study of the group results in Table I will show that the three isotonic groups (with the exception of GROUP E) showed an immediate improvement, whereas the isometric groups did not elicit any consisten t upward trend until the second or third week of training. From further tabulations it can be seen that the groups generally showing the highest gain in strength were the isometric groups. This is a significant finding, since the testing device was of a static or isometri c nature. Also of interest, is the fact that the two groups showing the highest gains in strength were still rapidly improving at the termination of the six weeks training period.
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Nov . 2 Nov. 6 I n i tial Sc ore
Nov.1} 路
NQv.2 0
De c . 4 Thanksgiv in g
De c.11 Fir. al Score
TESTING PE RIODS Gr o up Gr o up Group G'r ou p Group Group
A - - - - - Testi ng App a rat us Exer c i se B , Regular Cro s s Atte mpt Exe rci s e C - . _.- . Inn er- Tube Exer c i se (3 bo ut s) D .. . . . . . . Arms Through Rings Exer ci se (2 bouts) E -~.,...-- In ner - Tube Exercise (2 bo u ts) F Arms Throug h Ri n gs Exercise (3 bo uts)
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDA TIONS Within .the confin es of the study, and subj ect to the usual limitations of sample and type of training program, the following principle conclusion was drawn: 1. At the termination of the six weeks trainin g period, n one of the six selected exercises elicited a significant improvement in the arm strength required to perform the iron cross on the still rings. H owever, other secondary conclusions warrant mentioning: 2. Each of the groups showed improved arm strength means at the end of the six weeks period. 3. The groups performin g isometric exercises generally tended to produce better results when tested on the isometric testin g apparatus. Such was not the case for the isotonic路exercising groups. 4. The isometric groups generally showed slower or negli gihle improvement until the second or third week of training, as compared to the more rapid improvement of the isotonic groups. It is the author's recommendation that thought he given to the followin g problems, should another study of this type be undertaken : 1. A similar study, if undertaken, should be carried on for a lon ger period of time, since two of the groups showing the greater gains in strength were still rapidly improving at the terminati on of the experiment. 2. Conduct a training session of short duration before the actual training program begins, to familiarize the subj ects with proper exercising techniques and assuring desi rable levels of capability for performing the exercises. The absence of this in th e study was detrimental to some of the subj ects' early performan ces. 3. Comp are the exercises performed in thi s study with identical or similar exercises, but of a higher and/ or longer level of intensity.
Do yo u ha ve Gy mnastic Research articles yo u fee l wou ld be of interest to the MG reade rs? Then send them a long to Dr. James S. Bosco at San Jose State Col lege, San J ose, Ca lifornia 95103 t o consider f or publication in the Modern Gymnast.
By Jess路 Robinson
Da r Robi nson per forms full twisting back somersault. Dar spats for ward on takeoff twist is completed in ample t ime to prepare f or nex t stunt of swing rou t ine.
j Back wi t h half twi st . Frame #3 shows Dar spotting bed before beginning tw ist.
Back vi ew of full tw ist . A gain Dar begins twist a little early but it m ight have been because he was taking only one preparatory bounce before performing stu nt.
Arabi an Front- Bara ny phot ographed fro m behind. Note early h ead. Half twi st completed by frame #4 and a tuck at that point would be an Arabian fr on t .
TRAM PO LINING Full twisting back somersault is feature stunt of this issue. Once learned on trampo· line this stunt may be used to good ad· vantage in several other gymnastics events. LEARNING PROGHESSION We have been most successful in teaching the following progression: 1- Tuck back somersault, 2-Tuck back with half twist, 3-Layout back somersault, 4---Layout back with half twist, 5- Back wth full worked slowly around from half twist, 6- Back with full watching trampoline bed during twist. TWISTING FROM TUCK We have had considerable comment from other instructors about using tuck while teaching half twist since twisting somer· saults are considerably easier performed in layout position. When students first attempt a twisting somersault they often think twist and begin twisting before they leave trampoline bed which puts them to side of bed or into springs. Others think twist and forget to somersault which also produces undesired results. Once student tucks, enough somersault is performed to allow a reasonably safe landing in center of trampoline bed. After student has feel of twisting late in somersault then half twist should be learned in layout position. If twist is taught in twisting belt the tuck is unnecessary. TWISTING BELT Generally we teach twisting single somer· saults without aid of twisting belt. Students seem to be more aware of where they are when they work twists around gradually. Once full is learned students continue to add twists learning one half at a time right on up to triple twist. Occasionally we have students who have difficulty in some phase of the twist and the twisting belt has speeded their learning considerably. We consider the twisting belt essential for teaching twisting double somersaults. WOH.KJNG TWISTS AROUND Working twists around should be done a little at a time. Be sure not to travel back· wa.rd in backward somersaults (or forward in forward somersaults). Performing on the spot or even gaining back somersault a foot or so makes it easier to twist. Whipping or cutting somersault also makes twist more difficult so think about driving hips up· ward on takeoff to attain more height in somersault. Once full , double or triple twists are worked around they are not safe 1(, use in routines until performer spots bed duro ing twist. When executing a full twist cor· rectly performer should have feeling that bed is making complete revolution while he is performing a layout back somersault. ARABIAN FRONT - BARANY Another approach to learning full twist· ing back somersault is the Arabian FrontBarany method. Once both Arabian Front (half twist to front somersault) and barany are learned, putting them together in one somersault is a back with full twist. Diffi· culty with this way of learning is getting away from early twist of head once full is learned. UNUSUAL STUNT OR WILD ROUTINE Seat- full twist to stomach in layout posi· tion, done the hard way . . . without a trampoline--from motorcycle to pavementperformed by Dan Millman (and this is our first, and probably only, sick joke). Dan shattered the bone in his upper right leg, major surgery was performed and a pin put into the bone to hold it together. He was supposed to have been in traction for 9 weeks but doctors decided to operate and get him back on his feet sooner. He is up and around now, came in to see us the day he came out of the hospital. He has s!,ent
Miles Stanton, gymnast from Cal State L.A., launders tramp bed in do-it-yourself car wash.
some time at the beach and is working out the upper body on rings, etc. He will probably be walking and back at Cal by the time this issue is at press but will miss this year of competition. Dan has some rather definite views about gymnasts riding motorcycles. In a worddon't. He says no one could have ridden safer than he did. He was poking along at 30 m.p.h. when a car made a left into him. lust before going down he remembers thinking " this can't happen". But it did. CLEANING TRAl'vlP BED Robert T. Watts has come up with a good idea for cleaning trampoline beds. He writes: Trampoline bed dirty? Do you scrub it by hand or toss it into washing machine and are still dissatisfied? The answer for the nylon bed is the coin-operated do-ityourself car wash!
For a few quarters ~nd 15 minutes time you can "wash your trouble away". Either take off bed or truck trampoline to nearest two-bit car wash. High pressure hot water and soap clean bed with minimum of time, effort and expense. Be sure to rinse bed completely and replace on trampoline before it dries. It really will look almost new! With this simple, economical method available for cleaning beds there is no reason for unsightly, unsanitary trampolines in the gym. We tried Mr. Watts' suggestion and it worked fin e. Hot water usually shinks a bed so we let ours dry while trampoline was set up ~.nd we didn't notice any difference in size. Also, we understand soap left in fabric will rot it so we used a mild soap and rinsed the bed thoroughly. The whole operation was quite easy and we recommend you try it.
A West German Trampoline Team coached by Werner Lohr put on a synchronized Trampoline exhibition at the opening night of the. World Games.
.. ~
By Don Tonry Gymnastic Aides. Northbridge. MasIS.
The above skill has been taken from chart #66-1, Advanced Parallel Bar Skills. GYMNA STIC AIDES, NORTH BRIDGE, MASS. There are now available fifteen complete charts on advanced and intermedi· ate parallel bars and still ring skills suit· able from framing. Each skill has been carefully selected and drawn from photo· graphs and movies taken of international perfo rmers. For complete information write to Gymnastic Aides, North Bridge, Mass.
IIWHAT'S THE SCORE?" l3 y Jerry Wright State College
FraI1~i sco
SACRAMENTO STATE INVITATIONAL Host: Irv Faria Sid Freudenstein, Joel Tepp, and Josh Robinson looked good in spite of the early season for the University of California in the first meet for Bay Area teams this season. Freudenstein captured the All Around, Floor Exercise, and long horse events, Tepp Sacramenta Inv. AA Champs
The "cast catch" may be executed from a support above the bars or as a mount as indicated in this illustration. When used from a support, it may be performed from an "early drop" or a "late drop" (see inter· mediate parallel bar skill charts). 1·3. Assume standing position at end of bars. The hands may be placed before the uprights or beyond the uprights. Jump upward and push downward on bars in order to get the shoulders well above the bars. As the body descends, round the back and body stretch shoulders as if to push upper back away from hands. Quickly flex hips in order to assume a piker! position.
won the Side Horse event over Russ Mills and Robison captured the still rings event easily. Rich Grigsby of San Fernando Valley looked especially good in finishing 2nd in the all around and capturing the high bar anI parallel bar events. Steve Pleau of Sacramento State and Tom Bruce of Cal also look impressive for this early in the season. Both should add much to their teams this year. Scott Gardiner practically won the tram· poline event by default as he was about the only one who did not suffer a major break and he almost fell off himself winning with the ridiculously low score of 8.2. All Around: Sid Freudenstein, Cal., 52.80; Rich Grigsby, SFV, 51.55; Steve Pleau, SSC, 49.05; John Magginetti, SFV, 47.55; Gary Dia· mond, Cal., 46.05; Steve Radomski, SFV 44.85. Floor Exercise: Freudenstein, Cal., 9.25; Doug Hills, SJ . Fr., 8.95; Rich Grigsby, SFV 8.95. Side Horse: Joel Tepp, Cal., 9.2; Russ Mills, Un, 9.05; Rick Field, Un, 8.65. Long Horse: Freudenstein, Cal., 9.1; Grigsby, CFV, 9.05; Craig Dickson, Stan, 8.85; Steve Pleau , SSC, 8 .85. Trampoline: Scott Gardiner, SSC, 8.2; AI Lansdon, Nev ., 7 .85; Chuck Williams, DVJC, 7.75. High Bar: Grigsby, SFV, 9.15; Freudenstein, Cal., 8.85; Tom Bruce, Cal, 8.45. Parallel Bars : Grigsby, SFV, 8.55; Fielc;!, Unatt 8.55; Freudenstein, Cal., 8.45. Still Rin-gs: Josh Robison, Cal., 9.25; John Maginnetti, SFV, 8.75; Mike Kngiht, SSC, 8.75.
W. VA. JR. OLYMPIC MEET Report By Robert A. Francis The first annual West Virginia Associa· tion of the A.A.U. Jr. Olympic Gymnastic Meet was held in Charleston, West Va. on Saturday, November 5th at the First Pres· byterian Church and proved to be a real success and a big boost for gymnastics in the state. The Meet director was Dr. Basil Mullens and eleven teams participated with 129 competitors. Five Charleston competi· tors were crowned age group champions with the sixth age group champion coming from Ashland. Kentucky. 24
4-6. The deepest pike position is assumed before the shoulders reach the bottom of the swing. A vigorous extension of the hips occurs before, during and after the shoulders pass under the hands. The thrust is directed well above the bars at approximately a 45° angle. 7·9. The grips are released simultane· ously and moved quickly to a support posi· tion. The performer bears downward on the bars and continues stretching his legs for· ward in order to place his shoulders over his hands and to obtain a strong rearward swing.
Charleston high point winners
The Charleston high point winners were: 12 and under boys - James Marcun, 267 points; 13-14 Girls - Nancy Coyle, 282; 13·14 Boys - John Knight, 140; 15·17 girls - Lynn Williams 293.5 ; 15·17 boy - Clay Nease, 405. Bobbie Hunt of Ashland, Kentucky was the high·point champion in the 12-and. under girls division.
IGM UNIFORM SUPPLIERS for 1964 United States Olympic Gymnastics Team 3256 North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647, USA
SA TISFYING THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENT ON RINGS By Dick Wolfe Though the cross is not a specific reo quirement on rings, it does adequately satisfy the static strength requirement. The cross can also add symm etry and beauty to an otherwise bland routine. The inverted cross is seldom performed in com petition except by the best of com· petitors. Consequently, an inverted cross co uld be a valuable additi on to the aspir· ing ringman's routine. "Short rin gs," as shown in fi gures #4 and 5, is an invaluable conditionin g appar· atus and can be made with little effort or expense. The set shown in these photos was made from an old pair of standard wooden
Competition rin gs (rubber rings, outdoor metal rin gs, or even playgro und rings would suffice). Th e straps are made from parachute strappin gs which can be purcha sed for only a couple of dollars from your local army· navy surplus dealer. The exercises shown should he performed at least three se ts of 5 or 6 repetiti ons every other day. One should concentrate on proper position while executing each repetition. NOTE The position of the perform er in exercise # 4 is in correct in that h e is sl ightly under· balanced. Correct position is with the body in balance and directly over the rings.
Frank Endo 12200 SOUTH BERENDO LOS ANGELES, CALIF ., 90044
oil - arou nd
g y mnastic
ma rket. Made of canvas wi th w hite rubber sales. Elasti c strops across the top pr ovid es for that perfect snug
fit and appearance . Ela stic braid a t bock of shoe to prevent shoe from s li pping off during exercise. Order same size as your street shoe o r draw outline of foot on paper for correct s ize. In w hite only.
$2 .50 pro
1 - 12
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strong Japan ese leather. Perfectl y designed to g iv e safety
EXERCISE # 4 INVERTED CROSS PRESSES : With short rings o n end of Parallel s, kick to a
handstand (fig . 1). Slide down spotter's thigh t o inverted cross pos ition (fig. 2) and press ou t straight arm t o starting position (f ig . I). Repeat . SPECIFIC TO: Ring s·inve rted cross, handstand power , giant.
EXERCISE # S CROSS PRESSES : With short rings on highbar, lower to cross position and press ou t to straight arm support (fig. 1 & 2). SPECIFIC TO: Rings-Cross
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those hands . in
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Canadian report continued from page 9
same evening, we could see ourselves and the comments were very good on our deportment. The Championships were well covered by newspapers, TV, etc. in all Europe. OBSERVATIONS The fact that we were on the Champion· ships site eight days before contributed much to familiarize ourselves and to adapt ourselves to the disturbing factor of change in hours. (It is said that it usually takes one day for every hour to adjust). But 2% hours of training (very hard) every day to which most of our men were not accustomed might give us a problem for future International Meets such as this one if we do not have a training camp before. On the women's side, the fact that they had a 3 week training camp in Toronto under the direction of Mrs. Savage certainly helped a lot to condition them, to give them confidence and to create what was missing to the men: esprit de corps. Actually, our men had their highest marks on the Vaulting Horse : W. Weiler came up 18th and R. Dion 20th (compulsories and opt. combined) While the training and competitions were taking place, many meetings were being held: F.I.G., Technical, Judges. There were also some meetings to discuss the next Pan-American Games, since many of these countries were present. CONCLUSIONS We believe that in the future it would be advisable: 1. To arrive in the organizing country 5 days before meet at least; 2. Create a training camp before de· parture (minimum of 4 weeks). This is the only way we may obtain the best results. I must not end without expressing my appreciation for the nice cooperation given by the personnel before, during and after the Championships. Many thanks to our interpretors: W. Weiler, A. Dippong, B. Brooker and G. Bibelheimer, to both Coaches: A. Dippong, and Mrs. Savage and finally the great amount of work done by our Treasurer and Judge, Cal Girard. It was a very nice trip thanks to the cooperation of all. MEN 'S NATIONAL COACH COMMENTS By Willy Weiler Ed. Note: Willy Weiler has been appointed the National Men's Coach and below are some of his comments. I hope from time to time, to have Willy write articles such as these, as I feel it is very important to know the plans and aspirations of our Na· tional Coaches. One of my first tasks is to try and bring together our senior men gymnasts and I hope that I will be able to make a start. Distance is the main problem we face in Canada, but it cannot be held completely responsible for our slow progress gym· nasti cally as compared to other countries which have begun later but developed fur· ther. I dislike having to say it, but our team did not perform as well in Dortmund as they could have. Other countries have improved as we stood still, simply be~ause they trained intensively as a team before participating in the World Games. We were beaten by Cuba for the first time because they trained under a good coach for at least a month before the championships. The Canadian team had three days of team training before leaving for Germany and was ex pected to do as well as other countries which had a much longer period of team training beforehand. Another problem b that there is not enough juniors moving up to the Senior
class. Now with the help of my national coaching committee, which will have a representative from each Province, I hope to get more juniors developing to the point where they will be ready for senior competition. I believe that the Winter Games in Quebec in February will certainly help that situation. Unfortunately this will not bring new blood to our team for the Pan American Games in Winnipeg. My aspirations for my term as National Coach are these: 1. A six week training camp before the Pan Am Games in '67 (site yet to be selected) . 2. If compulsories are used , I would like the Clubs of the top gymnasts to film their routines and send them to me for analysis and coaching hints. 3. I would ask the gymnasts to send me their training schedules and problems which I might be able to help them to improve on. QUEBEC NEWS By Lew Waller Quebec Assoc. Officers Pres., Gil Larose; V.P., Andre Bedard; V.P.,and Treas., Mrs. Valerie Nye; Sec., Fr. Ginette Bernier; Sec., Eng. Lewis R. Waller; Chair. Women's Tech. Ccmmittee, J ac· queline St. Jean ; Chair. Men's Tech. Com· mittee, Andre Bedard; Men's Head Judge, Cal Girard; · Women's Head Judge, Cecille Preville. Regional Development-Andre Bedard has been appointed by your executive as Chair· man of a Regional Development committee. Regions (Quebec, Gaspe, Montreal, Laurentides, etc.) will fopn their own gyl11J1astic committees, select officers, conduct regional meets, register gymnasts as AA U members, and affiliate with the Provincial Gymnastic Association. School Grades for Boys are complete with illustrations. We are now faced with how to get them printed for distribution. Winter Games- Quebec City Feb. 11-19 is for Jr. Gymnasts Men 20 and under and Women 18 and under. Quebec trials will be Dec. 10, in Longueuil. The Men's coach, G. Larose, Women's coach, Miss Jacqueline St. J ean . Calendar Clubs desiring to hold meets must request sanction on or before Dec. 1. Probable meets: Dec. 1O- Winter Games Jr. Trials, Men and Women at Longueuil* January- Club or open meets Feb. 10- Winter Games Quebec City* March-Montreal Championships March-Regional Championships April- Prov. Champ (early) May- Eastern Champ. ?? May-Cdn. PanAm Trials PQGA * J uly-Pan-Am Games Winnipeg* August-Cdn. Champ's Toronto* ':' Have sponsors. Pro vincial Men's Compulsories are now ready, some printed, others on stencils. Provincial Women's Compltisories are in process of preparation by Women's Technical Committee. PLEASE! HELP 1. Coaches and Clubs urged to affiliate as soon as possible so our mailing list is complete. News letters, announcements, compu lsory exercises will only be mailed to those on our official roster. Club fee $10.00, individual $5.00. Send your fee s now to treasurer Mrs. Nye. 2. Register your gymnasts early. Blue form s from Mrs. Nye. Gymnasts registering for first time need birth certificate or photocopy. We would like to register 575 gymnasts this year (last year only 161!).
ONTARIO HIGH SCHOOL'S ATHLETIC CAMP By Jim McPherson Each y~ar, during the month of August, the Ontano Department of Education. sponsors an athletic camp for boys. The Ontario At hletic Leadership Camp on Lake Couchiching is dedicated to the development of leadersh ip potential through the media of athletic activity. (A si milar camp with a si milar th eme is conducted on the sanie site for girls during Jul y.) Each secondary school in the Province selects its candidate for the camp on the basis of athletic ability and demonstrated leadership potential. Mr. Ted Murphy, an outstanding teacher and athlete and myself conducted the enthusiastically received gymnastic program. Instruction was given in all 6 events with each boy performing in two even ts at the end of the program. It was a most en· joyable experience and I look forward to another great summer in gymnastics next year at O.A.L.C. WESTWAY GYMNASTIC CLUB Westway Gymnastic Club, Etobicoke The Westway Gymnastic Club is under the Directorship of Mr. Marcel La Valle and Miss Sandra MulL Mr. La Valle is the Phy . . Ed. teacher at St. Stephens School, Etoblcoke and Miss Sandra Mull is a graduate of Peabody College, Illinois, USA and has just come up to Canada. Miss Mull is coaching the girls division and Mr. La Valle the boys. This Club is for boys and girls, aged 8 to 14 and is using the Age Group Gymnastic' Workbook program. I am personally very much connected with this Club as I am a resident of the community which this club is serving. I wish these young coaches great success ami would like to thank the Etobicoke Recre~tion Dept., especially Mr. Tom Reilly the Director for sponsoring this new Club. B. C. NEWS By Horst Wilhelm A strong new wind of change is blowing out in British Columbia. At the annual General Meeting a new president and an extremely competent set of officers were elected, at an exceptionally well attended meeting. Elected: President, Mr. Ron Hunter; Vice-President (Technical Chairman for men), J olm Tutte; Secretary-Corresponding, Fay Weiler; Secretary-Recording, Gladys Hartley; Treasurer, Vic Hartley; Registrar, Gordie Gannon; Men's Coach, Willie Weiler;Women's Coach, Loui se Hemingway' Men's Judge, Helmut Haas; Women'~ Judge, Fay Weiler; Public Relations Horst Wilhelm; Membership, Mrs. Wi iIi am Mackie. Correspondence-Would all regional direc tors please send your new mailing list to Mrs. Fay Weiler, Box 318, Vedder Crossing, Chilliwack, B.C. Membership-Mrs. Mackie chaired this meeting. Recommended fee structure, $1 for 16 years old and under, 16 years and over and associate member, $1.50. Club mem bership $5. Annual A.A .U. Meeting-Mr. Ron Hunter will represent B.C. at this important meeting in Niagara Falls. Provincial Coach Report-Mr. Wilhelm Weiler reported that he has received the 1968 Olympic Compulsories and has deciphered them and made copies for Senior Men gymnasts. Final text expected in January. Provincial Clinic-Mr. John Tutte was asked to organize this clinic and accepted as the Technical Chairman. He was also asked to set up the advanced dates, etc. for the provincial meets.
Corner By Helen Sjur!en
{ .··f -<:Z""
A good vaulter must have a good run. Develope a fast run by any means!
SQUAT VAULT FOR THE BEGINNER A helpful first procedure for the begin· ner: 8. With the help of your instructor, try to analyze what was wrong with your vault. Developing this phase of gymnastics, "the analyzation of errors" in skills, early in the game, can be an advantage to you when in the intermediate or advanced stage. When trying to analyze, you should be able to know what error occurred, and WHY. Then you will know, with the help of your instructor, what you should do to correct this error. This applies not only to vaulting, but to all events.
Stand at low end of Reuther Board, feet on floor. Take a hurdle step and join both legs in mid air with slight knee bend and allow body to descend in this position.
The instant the feet contact the board, QUICKLY straighten the legs. Allow body to rise diagonally fore-up· wards fully stretched, LEGS STRAIGHT, TOGETHER, TOES POINTED. Land on floor ahead of board. Repeat this pro· cedure until it takes you but a fraction of a second to "pop off" the board.
Hurdle Step
Pop oft
Bend Knees Stroighten Legs Raise Hips Push Off Arms Straight
Now you are ready to try the vault with a run. Try it with the board close to horse at first, to gain confidence, and gradually inch it further away from the horse, thus starting to develop your preflight. Things to consider when doing a squat vault: 1. Run as though you were running a 60 yard dash. 2. When you run up to the board, do not slow your run down as you will hamper the speed passing over the horse. Run as though the board was not there and go right into the hurdle step and "pop off" (or take-off) with no hesitation. 3. As you "pop off" the board, do not shift head and shoulders back or try to arch your back. The "pojJ off" should be diagonally fore·upwards. 4. After the take off, reach for the horse quickly bending knees and drawing knees towards chest, at the same time raising hips, similar to a crawling position. 5. Be sure arms are straight when hands contact the horse. Bent arms will lower
Raise Upper Body
Complete Vault
entire body making less room for legs to pass between arms. 6. If a squat vault is done at a slow rate of speed, after passing over the horse, the gymnast will usually extend the legs forward to an "L" position before dropping feet to floor and the upper body is usually fairly erect. However, if you have a speedy squat vault, keep head and shoulders in a forward position (push away from horse with hands) and direct feet towards floor. On a fast squat vault, attempting an "L" position while the hands are still on the horse, may result in an off balance back· wards upon landing. This is a typical er· ror made by a beginner who unexpectedly passes over the horse with a greater rate of speed than she is normally used to. 7. Develop the habit of completing your vault before turning to your instructor for comments. (Good habit to get into if you expect to compete). In "completing" a vault, upon landing, the knees should bend slightly for a softer landing. As legs straighten, arms can he raised diagonally side-upwards, then down to your sides. You can develop any style of yolir own, but always complete your vault.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig . 4
Fig. 5
Fig~ 1.' BilL toe, little toe and heel finn · ly pressed against the floor, knee bent. Keep ankle rigid to avoid foot wobbling sideways. Fig. 2-3·4·5. Raise heel off floor straightening leg QUICKLY and springing off ball of foot immediately pointing toe hard. The foot and knee action for leaps and jumps is a quick action to attain maxi· mum power for maximum height. Upon foot returning to the floor, the action is reserved, toes, ball of foot and heel (in that order) contacting the floor, along with the bending of the knee, for a softer landing. Practice this foot action first with both feet together. Stand with legs and feet together. Bend knees and spring upward. Do a series of these jumps on the spot. This is a good chance for you to become conscious of the form with your legs. Each time you spring upwards, make sure your legs are straight, together, and toes pointing while in mid air. On landing, roll down onto your foot with knee bend for soft landing. Keep back straight while jumping. Next try a forward leap, but this time you will be springing from one leg.
SPECIAL CREDIT D ear Glenn: . In my recen t artic l e, "Th e Am.a zIng J a p anese" , publis h ed in y o ur. m agaz l n e , r m e ntio n ed t h at several Am e nca n coach e ~, ~l1ch as Geor ge L e wis of th e Seattl e YMCA who were s t a tio ned in J a pan after t h e war had contrib ute d t o t h e ear ly OTo \vth it was imnosslb le t o li s t ev eryo n e ;ho h e'lped c oac h t h e J a p an ese du ring thi s p e rio d of the ir eal'ly d evelopm e nt but s p e c ia l " I'edit s h ou ld h ave b een g Iven . t :> Frank Endo who h a d a vel'Y exten s Ive p a r t in t h e d evelo pm e nt. I wo uld ,like ~o apologize to Fra nk fol' not m ent lO mn g hI S na lne ..
INSERVICE GYMNASTICS T h e l'e h as been s om e thing tha t h as been on my mi nd ever s ince I go t in th e Air F orce. A n d t hat is wha t h a ppened to a ll the gymnasts that didn ' t g e t to "alleg e lik e myself. S ince I have bee n a t S e lfrIdg e I must say there h as n ' t b een t oo muc h s a id abo u t gymnastics excep t to th e po i nt t h at (I wi s h I c ould d o that 01' tha t mu s t t a ke a lot of h a rd work). The Air Fo r c e s pe nt a lot of mone y on equipment t h at j u s t s its in th e gym and n ev er g e t s used. W ith m ore tha n 5,000 men o n a b ase you wo uld think there wo uld b e ju s t a Ii tlle m or e interest. It's really h a rd to w o rk o ut d a y a f te r d ay w itho ut a nyo n e e ls e t o w ork out with . Plus the fac t I am only a n Airman third w hic h is n:t very much in the Air FOl'c e. I love the All' F o r ce v ery much but I al so love ~1nas tics a n d I would like to s ee somethIng get s tarted . Maybe y ou c ould w r ite something a bout tlti s s ubj ect in your n e xt Mod e rn Gymn as t. Thi s c ould also bring a bout a new start w h e n some of these m e n g e t out of the ser v ice. If a perso n w;ould start while h e is in th e ser v ice o r wo uld c ontmu e this wo uld build a good f ounda tion f o r th e T urne r s o r th e Y MC A, w h en he got o ut. I kn ow I wo uld lik e t o c ontinu e w ith my gy mn as tics for quite. a w hile. S.o I ca n e nd by say ing the mteres t IS h e r e, th e e quipm e nt is h e r e and th e r e is all s'->r t s of f ree tim e to wo rk o ut if o nly we co uld ge t a littl e s upport fro m th e p eopl e w i th a littl e r a nk. Lik e I said, t his h as b ee n on m y mind ever s ince I go t t o S elfr idgoe a nd I w ould like t o s e e gy nln ~s t lCs b u ild not only h e r e but in a ll th e bra n c h es .af the ser v ices. Thi s c ould lead t o a f ew b ig meets and yo u mig ht find s ome real pro mi s ing g-y mn as t th a t co uldn ' t qUIte make it t o c oll ege bu t s till loves th e s port and would love t o p a r ticipa t e. I h op e th e r e is som e way you c a n h elp! F rom a Gymnast, Self ridge A ir F o r ce Base, Mic higan A 3C J a n E. Eachu s B ox 392 ED . With Government talk of Sport Schools and Foundations along with their emphasis on Physical Fitness you would think they would take advantage of the Armed Forces facilities and manpower to dev e lo p a top training program and com· petitive teams from all service branches and are a s in all of the Olympian sports (especially Gymnast'ics, which is the base of physical training and competition). Perhaps if we all work at it ~nd .really pu s h the idea of more GymnastIcs III the A r med Service we can make a break· through to more "Fitness through Gym. n a stics" for our servicemen and country. "Le~'s do it!" SMILE-YOU ' RE IN THE M.G. D ear Sir; We in Sw itze rla nd e njoy reading the Mod e rn Gy mn as t ver y mu c h a nd w e es pec ia ll y lik e yo ur fin e ph o tos . Enc losed is a n a ctio n pho t o t a k e n d u ri ng a demo n s tra ti on of our Gymn as tic club in Sw i tze rla nd w ith yo urs trul y dis m o unti ng from a S id e H o r se exerc ise . Sin cer e ly, W a lte r Sch mitte r Roth ri st , Swi tzerla nd
in g o v er th e coun t ry spreadi ng the g;os p e l. D on't ,vorry " 'h a t s ta n dard y ou are , j ust c h a lk up and le t 's s ee w h a t we can learn fr om y o u. S . I. C osgrove Officer Cad e t S c h ool Alde r s ho t, Engla nd
A DECADE D ear Mr. S undby; C ong r a tul a ti o n s on yo ur t e n t h a nni versar y . O n thi s mon t h (D ec.) exac tl y t e n year s ago t h e firs t e diti o n o f th e Mod e rn Gvmn as t w as r e leased to t h e publ ic. Yo u h ave b een d oing a g rea t j ob th ese p as t year s k eeping ever yo n e info r med abo ut th e g r e at s p o rt of gymnas ti cs. I like A r t Shurlock s n e w c olumn "Let' s W o rk All Around " . I ' d lik e to kn ow if th e British Gymnast is s till a r o und. Abou t a year a go \ '1 se nt f,or a year's s ubscriptio n a nd r eceived o nl y o n e issu e, th e J a nuar y e di t io n. If it is s till ru n ning a r e there a ny b ac k e diti o n s a v ailr able ? May b e yo u could find so me s p ace to put t hi s pic ture o f me (top) and B ill Mask ep ( b o ttom) in yo ur m agazine . S in cer e ly a nd gyllln as ti call y yo urs,
Steve H ug No r t hrid ge, California ED. Thanks Steve, it has been a struggle these past ten years and at the moment the future does not look much brighter. However we will keep plugging along and hope subscriptions will pick up so we can add more pages and even more instruc· tional articles . . . As for the English Gymnastic magazine edited by Jim Pres· tidge ; a recent letter from his fine associ· ate helper Pauline, informed us that a new edition of THE GYMNAST would be com· ing our way shortly .. . Publishing a magazine is a bit difficult at times, but it is also rewarding when we get encour·
E n closed is a photo of a "Ju s t for th e MG P y r a mid" by a . g r ou p of o ur b oy s att e nd i ng th e "Ca mpus Cru s ade for C hri s t " camp a t A rrowh ead Springs, C alif. Sinc erely, AJ M a rquez EI Pa so, T exas "LET'S GO"
aging letters from young up and coming AII·Around Gymnasts such as yourself and we especially enjoyed your novel photo of a "planche on a pancake.split". Guess that is one way to flatten the position . AN INVITATION D ear Mr. Sundby: In 1963 you a nd m e mbers of the USGF Tra mpolin e t eam p a id a v is it to th e Army Phys ical Tra ining Sc hool in Alders hot, England wh e n r e turning from a tour of Germ a n y . The U S GF b oys gave an ex cell e nt displ ay of tumbling a nd tra mpolin e t o s tude nts a nd s t a ff o f th e schoo l. In 1965 we h a d t h e AAU t ea m in comp e titio n against m e mb ers of th e Army Physical Tra ining Corp. a ft er t h ey had c ompe t e d again s t th e G reat Bri tain t eam. Tha t w as th e las t v is it t h a t we h ave h a d by a n y US gymnas t . W e wo uld b e de lig hted t o see a ny US gymnas t s tha t m ay b e p assing thro u g h L ond o n. W e ofte n h ea r of gym n asts v is iting Engla nd a nd n o t b e in g a ble to find a gy m t o tra in. Wh y not dro p jn a nd :::lee u s? If you cann ot p e rfo rm yo u can a lways stand in ' ! W e tra in s ix d ays a wee k , :iVLo nd a y to Frid ay at n ig ht a nd S unday mo rnin g. Satu rcl ay is a h vays th e wives d ay \vh e n we a r e de t a il e d t o tak e the m s hopping if w e h ave n ' t talked o ur way o u t of it b y p e rf ornl ing i n c 0l11pe ti t i o n s o r d elTI Onstr a ti o n s !
So i f yo u gY111n as t s are ever over in Eng la nd there is a lways a gymnas ium fo r yo u to u se. In t h e past few year s gy mnas ti cs h as b egu n t o cat c h o n in E ngla n d . M.os t of th e cred i t is d u e t o o ur f irs t nation a l coach , N ik S tu a rt a nd o u r t elev is io n n e two rk. N ik w h o li ves at A lde r s h ot oft e n noDs in to ollr g'v m \vh en h ~ i s n ' t travel -
FOR THE M.G. D ear Glenn ; W e h ave e njoy e d r eceiVing the Mo d ern Gymnas t a nd wer e thrilled w ith the a rtic le o n th e Wh eaton Gymnastic t eam tou r of H a iti.
Dea r Mr. Sundby, The Oc t ob er issu e was th e b est y et! The " L e t 's Go All-Around" a nd the "Conditi o ning fo r COlnp e tition ", wer e of g r eat int e r est t o m e , a nd I' m su r e, t o a ll gymn as t s. I wo uld like t o see m o r e of th e " On Bala n ce w ith t h e E ditor" seri es a nd th e "He lpful H in ts". Th ese a rticl es a r e , t o m e, of th e g r eatest import a.n ce bec ause I can learn n e w m oves throug h th e m. (I'm s till t ry in g to learn A. nl a n e h e. ) A leo, I wOll ld lik e t o s e e bi ogr a phica l s k e t c h es of hig hcalibe r gy mnas t s in c ludin g information o n h fHV lo n g t h ey h qv e b ee n at it, h o\v 111u c h prac tic e , t h e ir favo rite e vent, etc . All in a ll , I think y,ou h ave a great pu b lica tio n a nd I think th a t a n y one w h o is " gY'''n " s t a nd d oesn ' t r ece ive "Th e Mod e rn Gymn ast" is o nl y ch eating him self. Mayb e so m'e of th e r ead er s wo uld b e int e r es t e d in th e orig in of th e w ord gymn astics. Th e word gy mn as tics co m es from the G r ee k ,vo rd "gy mn a zo " ' vhi e h m eaJ;'!; to "tra in n a k ed " \" hi e h in turn cOIn es from th e wo rd " gymn os" w hic h m ean s ju ~ t pl a i n n a k ed. In a n c ie nt Greece, e xe r c ises wer e oft e n p e rform ed in th e nud e b y b o th b oys a nd m e n , a nd , a t o n e tim e , the O lv l11p ic t!'ack m ee t s wer e run in the nud e . The G r eek s, a.t t h a t tim e, b eli eved t h at nl1d it y was co ndu c ive to good h ealth a nd A ri s t o tl e h a d R. so la r r oa n1 ,,,h er e h e ,vo uld s unbath e fo r h ealth r ea s ons . Gymn as tica lly yo urs , Gl enn Diehl M ars h a llto n Hgt s., D el.
OPINION PLEASE D ear Sir: I a m a hig h school g ymnas t in a c !ty with a lm os t a c ompl e t e a b sen ce o f e qUIpm e nt, so, I have built m yself a p o mm el h o r se a nd w is h to know wha t I s hould cover it w ith. T h e F.I. G . rules s pecify t o p q u a lity cowhid e, but thi s is quite e xpe ns ive . Co uld a dura bl e plas ti c l eath e r fit th e r eq uire m e n ts for d u r a bility, e t c. P. Sa r ogen Otta wa, Ca.n a d a Ed . Since the chances of your horse being used for any International Competitions are quite remote feel free to cover your horse anyway you wish. Plastic leather is Just fine, I have even seen home made horses covered with canvas from an old tent or tarp th a t worked out O. K.
TINSICA ANYONE? Dear Si r: Some of U s h ere in British Columbi a h ave been di sc us s ing and arguing the techn ica l exec uti on of the tinsica. "Would you pl ease expla in th e tinsica or give sources where the description of the tins ica may be located. Thank you very much. C . Lom e Davidson Kamloops. B.C.. Canada ED. In "COMPLETE BOOK OF GYMNASTICS" by Loken and Willoughby the Tinsica is described as follows: "Start by taking a good run , skip on the right foot and bring the left foot forward. Place the left foot on the mat and by bending forward from the waist , place the left hand about two feet in front of the left foot, simultaneously kicking the right leg overhead followed by the left and place the right hand on the mat about 6 inches in front of and about shoulder width from the left hand. The arms should be held straight and the eyes should be trained on a spot about 18 inches ahead of the hands. The legs pass overhead and the right foot lands about two feet ahead of the right hand with the left foot following and landing a bout 18 inches ahead of the right foot. This trick should be completed facing in the same direction as starting. The tinsica may be easily learned by using the cartwheel as a lead - up stunt. At the completion 路of the cartwheel as the left foot nears the mat, execute a quarter turn and come to a standing position facing down the mats. Repeat this until the quarter 路t wist comes easily." USA Gymnastic Team which toured Cypru s and Africa ASSIST FROM DOWN UNDER Dear Sir; We here in Au s tralia thoroughly enjoy receiving your infornlative magazine and I have enclosed a photo to assist your
USA - CYPRUS AND AFRICA TOUR Dear Glenn: This is a r eport on the AAU-State Dept. sponsored Gymnastics Tour of Cyprus and Africa. The tour started June 15, and ended the first week in August. The members of the tour were: Coach-Jonas Harding (Steve Cohen's High School Coach) Manage r-Jam es Quinn, Calif. State College at Hayward. Team members: Jim Yongue, former Nation a l Trampoline Champ; S id Oglesby, two-time NCAA Long Horse Camp; Bruno Klaus former NCAA H-Bar Champ; Bill Simms 3rd Elite AlI .. Around U.S.G.F. (65) form er' Jr. Nation a l AA Champ; Les Sar gent former Illinois State Tumbling Camp; .Dale Shirley, from Washington. Enroute \ve covered Ne,v York, London, Munich, Frankfurt, I stanbul, B i e rut, Cyprus, Athens, Khartum, Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Somalia , Malawi, Uganda, Rome,
111agaz lne
t.ra lia .
finding a
corn er for
Yours faithfully, Mrs. Val Norris Perth, Western Australia POSITION WANTED Dear Mr. Sundby, . During this past summer I traveled 111 Poland where I met one of their country's best gymnasts Andzrej (Andrew) Gonera. He was a me~ber of the Polish gymnastic team which competed in the World championships in Germany r ecently . He is also sure to be a member of theIr Olympic team in '68. . . This f ellow showed a great Interest 111 gymnastics in the U .S . and \V,ou ld like to have a chance to work with American gymnasts, possibly In a summer camp where gymnastics is taught. He IS very eager to l earn from American gym n asts and in his own right is qualifi ed to teach gymnastics since he graduated from the Polish Academy of Physical Cultur~ With special emphasis on gymnastIcs III hiS studies there. It would be p ossible for him to come to the United States this summer. I would ap preciate it if you might refer me to any gymnastics camps througho~t the country which might be interested III hIring him as an instructor for the summer . Sincerely, Peter Drozdowicz 5938 S. Maplewood Chicago, Illinois 60629 ED: Schools and Camp Directors take note.
Frankfurt, London, New York. The countries in bolder type aTe where we put on exhibition s and c linics. In most of the coun tri es we put on exhibitions and c linics in at l east four different cities. By do ing this we were a ble to see a great deal of the country. The m a jOr difficulty we faced on the trip ,vas not havi ng our o\vn equipment. Pan Am Airlines lost our specially constructed (by Nissen) appara tus between Chicago and New York. The only apparatu s we received \vere some mats. We had to work on old fashioned equipment in every country except Somolia. Here we worked on Red Chinese Olympic apparatus. Chin a has sent coaches to Somolia to teach gymnastics. By the way, they aren't very good teachers. We hea rd the Russians have sent coaches to Egypt. Dr. Piper (U. of Minnesota) told us they were doing a very g,ood job. 'Ve bumped into Doctor Piper in Ethiopia. He has been teaching physical education during the last year all over Africa, but is returning to Minn. to coach the team agaIll. In the future I hope the U .S . can send some coaches a nd physical educators to Africa, they ca n really use them. We were highly r eceived in every cou ntry we toured, and the p eople expressed an appet ite for gymnastics . They wanted u s to sta.y and teach them more. Maybe one day some of us can go back for a year or two. A ll in all it was a very exciting and rewarding tour. Cordially, Bill Simms U.S.A. Touring Team THE BIG COUNTRY D ea r Mr. Sundby: . . . The Ca nadi a. n section of th e MG ie; very encouragingl It le ts u s know that somebody, so mewh e r e e lse in thi s huge ()o untry
is a l so
. I have just fini s h e d building H high b"r whi c h I p lan to use with some other inte r ested fe llows in the area. I on ly wish 80111 e Ca na dian s kne,v how easy it is to build good ll1 expe n s ive a nd SAFE equip-
ment. R ings and high bar the easiest. to c on s truct. Keep up the good work WIth the MG. Sincerely, Bob Munroe Camlac hie, Ont., Canada ILLINOIS HIGH SCHOOL INVITATIONAL Dear Mr. Sundby: I am conducting a meet on January 7, 1967 that many of your readers might find'interesting. The purpose of this meet is to help stimulate int.erest in gymnastics in Waukegan, as well as to preVIew performances in our State meet. Conducted ap proxim ately in mid-seas on, this meet sho uld serve as a guideline for both gymnasts and coaches as to the tempo and caliber of competition expected in the State meet. Ten of the fin est teams in Illinois have been invited for this year's meet, a nd annually only the top team s w ill be i,:,vited to compete. In order to mall1tall1 spectator interest and to keep the length of the meet at a minimum, each school will en tel' o nly one boy in each of the six events in Illinois competition: trampolin e, side horse, high bar, parallel bars, rings and tumbling. This shou ld keep the calib~r of competition at a very high level in asmuch as each boy in each eve nt will be a potential State Champ ion. I wo uld like to extend an invitation to all coaches, gymnasts, and gymnastic supporters in thi s area to attend the First Annual Waukegan In vita.tkmal Meet on January 7, 1967, at Waukega n Township High School, East Campu s, at 7 :00 p.m. Sincerely, Bill Ballester Varsity Gymna.stics Coach Wauk egan Township High School Waukegan, Illinois PEOPLE TO PEOPLE Glenn: . The People to People Sports. Committee f or GY111nastic Activity 11le t III Denver, Colorado on Sat., Novembe r 26th . The committee wou ld like to reques t that a n y coach, club, uni ver's ity or other organ ization that is contacted by a s lI111l"r group fro m a foreign country in regards to visiting in that country o r in. I?l'o.v iding an opportun i ty for a group to VISit In ou r
country to r e port the contact to: Dr. Eric Hughes, Chairrn~n People to People Sports CommIttee for Gym n astic Activity UniverSity of Washington Seattle, Washington 98105 If s uch conta0.ts are reported the (lommittee can quite poss ibly provid e considerable assistance in 11laking s uc h visi ts a r eality . ED: Sounds like a good chance for some foreign countries to ask for a USA Gymnastic team to visit them.
COMPULSORY GYMNASTIC EXERCISES FOR TH E 1968 OLYMPIC GAMES (English translation by: Tom Malon ey, US Olym pic Chairman and Technical Chairman, R ay Gagnier, National AA U Chairman, Canada ; Don Tonry, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.) FEDERA TION INTERNATIONAL DE GYMNASTIQUE Men's Technical Committee Chi asso, October 6, 1966 To the Affili ated Federation and in ter ested persons: DEAR GYMNASTIC FRIENDS, As per our prom ise at the Congress of the F.I.G. at Dortmund, Germany, we have the pleasure to send you herewith the PROVISIONA L text of the compulsory ex erci se ~ for the 1968 Olympic Games at Mexico City. The final text with tables of taxation and eventually with the figurines will be subm itted to you by the end of January or at the latest the 15th of February 1967. Wi th the sending of the PROVISIO NAL text twenty·four months before the Olympic Games in Mexico, we believe that we have satisfied your wishes and intention for a systematic training during the next two years. With our best regards, MEN'S TECHNICA L COMM ITTEE OF THE F.I.G. T he President: Arthur Gander
FLOOR EXERCISE (The char t bel ow serves a s a guide f or the g'lmnosts t o f ollow. The gymnast may choose ore of the f o ur co rners in the area as p oi nt A.)
I . Ra ise hee ls br ing ing arms ba ckwards and jump bac kwards to handsta nd and lowe r to fro nt lea ning rest posit ion with supple move,,.,ent . (Back hands pr ing, catch in handstand and lower to fro nt suppo rt.) Bend t ru nk f" rwo rd bri ng ing legs clo sed to hands and rise s lowl y, bod y bent , legs a port and arms st ra ight to ha ~ d s t a n d, jo ining legs. (HOLD ) '2 . Bend arms and lower t runk forward t o hq lf- inve rted pos ition , (k ip posit ion) on the neck a nd kip to hands tand , a nd lower t o front sca le on one leg , arms raised sideward. (HOLD) 3 . Lower leg and raise upper body t o stand wit h feet together. Two or three running ste ps forwa rd , h urd le and land with feet t ogether and jump in t urning forward , body and leas bent , (salta fo rward ), t o land on o ne leg with t he othe r leg held forward and, 4 . St ep forward into front handspring to squa t pos ition a nd head kip, (headspring) t o stand with ar ms upwa rd . 5 . Lower a rms forward while ra ising left leg forwa rd with % t u rn to right, raising arms sideward, ste p forward with left foot and pla ce left foot down with bending of knee, a nd pla ce hands on floor, left le g between arms. Pass rig ht leg under rig h t hand and u ~ d e r left ha nd and left f oot and Y2 turn left on left foot and pass right leg under righ t hand , left hand and left foot t o handstand whi le join ing legs. (HOLD) 6 . Ya t urn left d irection (O-B), roll forwa rd w ith stra ight arms and straight legs t o sta nd , ra is ing arms upward . Raise left leg forward with 1/ 4 turn right lowering arms sideward , and cartwheel left to land o n right leg with 1/4 t urn right whi le joining left leg to riaht and,
7. Jump turnin? backwards (flic-flac) t o stand and jump ,n place lowering arms forward wi t h Y4 turn riqht to front leaning rest pos it ion, d irection (B-C), bend arms and place chest on floor and, 8 . Tum backwards, (backward roll) with bad v bent t o momentary front leaning rest position. and jump fo rwa rd passing legs straight and aport laterally under hands to rear leaning rest positio n. (Straddle cut to rear support.) 9. Lower to sit posit ion and bend trunk forward and turn backwards on bock e xecuting a bock roll through moment ary handstand to stand, arms upward. 10. Step forward on right foot lowering arms sidewards, hop on right foot , swinq left leg forward and arms upward . take-off left foot and e xecute a Round-off, back handsprain. (fl ic-flac) , b a c k somersault with st ra iQht bod" , (back layout), to stand . NOTE : The Floor Exerc ise may be reversed t o+all" or partially. SIDE HORSE Fro m side stand frontways with left hand on n~ck , right hand on left pommel , I . Pass legs under left hand, % turn riqht a r d place right hand on neck, pass legs aver le ft pommel and % turn right to rear support, left hand on left pommel , right hand o,~ neck. (Loop around end.) 2 . Pass left lea under right hand, and over right pommel and around left pommel to support with legs aport, pass right leg over neck with 1;' turn right, placing right hand on left p ommel with reverse grip and,
3 . Pass right leg ove r right pommel with % tu rn right and with support on right arm, pass legs over neck placing left hand on neck t o rear support on neck: (Single leg Czech .) 4 . Pass legs under right hand with support o n right arm, pass legs over neck and right pommel with % turn right placing left hand on right po mmel to rear support on both pommels. (Flank swing right under right hand, Kehre in to rear ·s upport.) 5 . Pass right leg u nder right hand and bock scissor to left and pass left leg forward unde r right hand and, 6 . Pass both legs under left hand, right hand and left hand to front support on both pommels, (Reverse circles.) 7 . Pass right leg forward under right hand a nd front scissor to left and front scissor to right. 8 . Pass left leg forward under left hand and pass both legs under right hand, left hand, right hand, and, 9. W ith support on right arm, pass legs over rig ht pommel and neck with Y2 turn right placing left hand on neck, pass legs under r ight hand, and with support on right arm pass legs over neck and right pommel with Y2 turn to right movi ng left hand to right pommel t o rear support on both pommels. (Stocklie right) . (Kehre-out, Kehre-in-, aro und right arm), pass legs unde r right hand and left ha nd and, 10. With support on left arm, pass legs over left pommel and croup wi t h Y2 turn right placing right hand on croup, and with support on riQht arm poss legs oyer right pommel with 1;' turn right to dismount to stand on right side . (Bock or Inverted stockl ie, VA turn to side stand right.) NOTE : The Side Horse exercise may be reversed only in its entirety. RINGS I . From hong, rise slowly with body bent forward t o half inverted hand and tu rn backwa rd and d islocate t o swing forward and, 2 . Turn backward to handstand. (Streuli) 3 . Swing forward in support and lower body t o swing backward in hong and turn forward with dislocation, body stra ight. "nlocate with stra ight body.) 4 . Swing backward to bock u pr ise with
~~~~g~~ h~;'zo~~alsup.E~rt 0~it10:.aiHO~D~s
f or5 . Lower legs and SFowly press , straight body with bent arms to handstand. HOLD. 6. Lower to support and backward roll to support and lower stretch ing arms sideward to, 7. Cross. HOLD. 8. Lower and turn backward with slightly bent arms arid stra ight body to straight inverted hong, benq body and d islocate to, 9 . Turn backward and dislocate to, 10. Turn backward wh ile straddling legs to straddle d ismount. LONG HORSE Vault No. 4 as listed in the Code of Points, Ed ition 1964. STOOP VAULT from neck. I . Approach with a good run t o toke off both fee t on board, vault body stret ched during momentary support,
2. Bend bod y in o rder to pass the straight and jo ined legs o yer the neck and then stretch the bod y before, 3. Land inQ to stand rearways. PARALLEL BARS I . From a few runn ing steps forward , jUITIP to upperarms and swing forward and turn ba ckwards releasing and regrasping holds and pass ing through a handstand. (Streuli through a handstand.)
2. Swing forward and lower backward to half inverted hong and turn backwards releasing and reg rasping, (salta below the bars) to, J . Upper arms and swing forward to front uprise to support and, 4. Swing backward and pass legs straddled under hands to support with legs lifted horizontall y fo rward . " L" position. (Straddle cutcatch to L.) HOLD. 5. Press slowly, body bent and arms and legs straight to a handstand. HOLD . 6 . Swing forward with Y2 turn releasing and regrasping hands to support, (StutzeKehre) swing forward and, 7. Lower backward to half inyerted hong and cost to upper arms and swing backward
8 . Backward uprise with Y2 turn while releasing and regrasping holds to support and swing, 9 . To handstand with V4 turn right on right . arm and with support on left arm, % turn right, 10. On the left arm to a side stand left. (Hollander dismount). NOTE: The Parallel Bar exercise may be reversed totallv or partially . HORIZONTAL BAR From side stand frontwavs: 1. Jump to hand with ordinary grip. (d- uble overgrip), pull up and shoot, (underswing) with Y2 turn right around riaht arm to swing forward with mixed grip. (Right hand undergrip) 2. Swing backward passing stra ight legs between arms with Y2 turn left around r ight arm to swing backwards with ordinary grip and, J .. Bock uprise to supoort legs strarld led "nd raised fr rward outside of the hands. '(Back uprise to Straddle " L" support). 4 . Swing fo rward and downward, under the bar, bring legs together and pass legs between arms and straddle out while releasing and regrasping hand , joining the legs to swing forward with ordinary grip, and, 5 . Kip a 'n d change grips to under arip , (reverse arips) and cost to handstand and . 6 . Giant swing forward and Y2 turn righ+ around right arm , (forward p irouette), and lower to free support and, 7. Free backward hip circle to handstand and, 8 . Twn giant swings backward and Y2 turn right around right arm, and 9 . Two forward g iant swings and . 10. High straddle d ismount to stand rearways. NOTE : The Horizontal Bar exercise may be reversed totally or partially.
We remind the affiliated Federations that the above text is PROVISIONAL ONLY and that the final text shall be submitted to the Federations by the end of January 1967. However, the composition of the exercises as they are described here may have a definite form. Chiasso and Prague, October 10, 1966 The President : Arthur Gander The Secretary: Alex Lylo 1968 Olympic·Compulsory Exercises (P ossible errors in translation or by F.I,G. ) FLOOR EXERCISE Part 1':7 indicated a 1/ 4 turn right, b~lieve it should be Va turn right. Part # 8 ind icates turn bac kward, (backward roll) . I do not believe that this is correct. Na tural move."en t would indicate after the (fl ic-flac) t o jump onto hands lowering chest to floor . and roll off chest upward and backward to front lea..,ing rest position and then straddle cut to rear SUODo rt .
SIDE HORS~ Port :it 4 states: pass legs u"der ri'lht ha nd with su pport on right arm-th is could be on error in punctuation, for clarity we would SUqgest putting in the word "and" after right hand, since the statement "with support on rinht arm" refers to the kehre. HORIZONTAL BAR Port #4 after the bock uprise straddle support , it states: swing forward and downward, etc. . .. As th is is with double avergrip It cou ld be descr ibed better by soy ing---rearword
and downward so that the clear out of the straddle and the subsequent jam would be done on the forward swing . Port #6, may be two g iant swings forward instead of just one.
As we will r eceive the finalized text with stick·figures and film s by the 1st of Feb· ruary 1967 we do not need to be too concerned with the possible errors listed above. The movements listed above will give us plenty to work on until we receive the complete text. U.S. Olympic Gymnastic Committee Thomas E. Maloney, Chairman
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