Modern Gymnast - April 1966

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APRIL, 1966


CONTENTS NOTES FROM THE EDITOR ...... Glenn Sundby 5 USSR CHAMPIONSHIPS .............. Yuri Sabirov 6 LIABILITY AND / GYMNASTICS .............. ..... .Elliot C. Derfler 7 JAPANESE NATIONALS ...... Brud Cleaveland 8 CANADIAN REPORT ........ .......... John Nooney 10 USGF DIRECTORS REPORT .......... Frank Bare 15 THE HOST ................................. ... Dick Criley 16 THE COMPETITOR ....................................... . 18 GYMNASTICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION ...... A. B. Frederick 20 GYM SNAPS ........................... .. .............. ......... 22 HELEN'S CORNER .. ............ ...... Helen Sjursen 24 TRAMPOLINING ..................... .Jess Robinson 26 NOTES FROM A NEUROTIC JUDGE ....... .......... .... .Roy Davis 28 WHAT'S THE SCORE ................. .Jerry Wright 29 LETTERS ............................... .. ..... .... .... ... .. .........32 COVER: Dave Thor AII·around gymnast from Michigan Stat e Unive rsit y. Dave shou ld be among the 12 contenders for top AII·around awards at t he NCAA Na· t ional Champi onships at Penn State April 1st. (For othe r aspirants fo r the crown see Dage lB .)


.......... ................................ Editor- Publi sher

ASSOCIATE EDITORS A. BRUCE FREDERICK .......................... ......... ...... ... Education DR. JA MES S. BOSCO ............................ ................ .. Research DICK CR ILEY ..... ...................................... ............... Statisti cs J 1M FARKAS ............... ......................... ..... .. ........ . Instructi on JERRY WRIGHT ......... ........................ .... ... .......... Competi ti on FRANK L. BARE .... ............. ................. .......................... USGF JESS ROBINSON ........... ...... .... ....... ....... ............... Tra mpaline ROY DAVIS ............. ................. ....... ...................... ... Judging JACKIE KLEIN UPHUES .. ........................ .... ..... ....... ..Women GRACE KAYWELL .... ...................................... .............. Ballet KENNETH W . HOLLIS ............. .......... ......................... YMCA INTERNATIONAL JOHN NOONEY ........... ..........•................................. ... Canada KURT BAECHLER ..... .............. .............. ................ ....... Europe HELM UT ROHNISCH ....... ................................... Scandinayia YURI SABIROV ... .... .......................... ......... ........... ....... Russia BRUD CLEAVELAND ................•.................................... Japan DR. JOSEPH GOHLER ........................................ ...... Germany THE MODERN GYMNAST is published by Sundby Publications , 410 Broadway, Santo Monico, California. Second closs postage paid at Santo Monico, Calif . Published monthly . Price $5.00 per year. sac single copy: Subscription correspondence , THE MODERN GYMNAST P.O. Box 611, Santo Monico, California. Copyright 1966 © ~( rights reserved by SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS, 410 Broadwa y, Santo Monico, California . All pictures and manuscripts submitted become the property of THE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return request and sufficient postage are included .

Dear Glenn, I have just finished reading a letter from David Jacobs and your reply in the Feb . issue. You asked "who do yo u think will win out, the club or the pro· gram ?" Well, no matter who wins, the gymnast will lose in the long run. Why not just let us compete and not worry with which organization we do so . Until the times comes when this is made possible we , the gym· nasts 1l'ill be the los ers and I m yself don't like that ar· ran gem ent. I like to win! H 01ll about the rest of you? Sincerely, Pamm Hora ck St. Louis, Mo.

HERE WE GO AGAIN: We received more letters on our "Club or Program " comments in the Feb. MG than on any subject we have written about in some time. Although most all agreed and seconded what we said this one lone letter stood out as a very strong point. No matter how idealistic we may be there are facts to face and even though we have more boys and girls, men and women competing in Gymnastics than ever before in the history of America many are caught up in the middle of the conflict of sides. This should not be, for it is difficult enough to worry about be ing in shape and performing to the best of your ability without having the added weight of being pressured with loyalties to a cause that you do not completely understand , the root of which goes back to a point of history before many of the current gymnasts were born. Personally, I would like to see all gymnasts enter ALL competitions and let the Officials work out the dispute. How· ever, I guess this is too much to hope for. But the fact reo mains, it could be done. All that is necessary is that our very top gymnasts (ALL of them) enter ALL competitions and the top mediators will have to go about getting a solution on their own without the gymnast as a pawn. It will not be easy but I do feel in spite of differences we all want ou.r country represented by the best gymnasts possible in Inter· national competitions. To do this our trial for International competition should be open to ANY AMATEUR , AAU, USGF, YMCA, TURNER, SOKOL OR UNATIACHED GYMNAST in the USA who can qualify in the compulsories. I further feel the winners and coach ( a touchy point) that make up this team should go under the emblem of the USA not AAU , USGF, etc. no matter who has the International sanction. (Now every· body will be mad at me). We still believe the USGF to be the answer to the basic problem and will with its program ultimately be the recognized governing body for Gymnastics in the USA. However, the solution has not been quick and complete as originally hoped with time continuing to pass without settlement in sight. Let us at least figure out a way to get "off the back" of the Gymnast, out of the Gym and into the conference rooms with facts and data by the upper echelons leaving behind past personality conflicts and go FORWARD FOR A GREATER TOTAL GYMNASTICS PROGRAM FOR AMERICA. 5

USSR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS November 1965 by YLLri Sabirov The National Championships took place in Moscow. About 450 gymnasts represent· in g all the Rep ubli cs of the USSR partici· pated . Th e team of each Republic con· sisted of 28 contestants (8 men , 8 women, 6 Jr. boys and 6 Jr. girls). The men and women competed under the World Champi· onships compulsories which are to be used in Dortmund in Sept. '66. We were afraid our best gym nasts would not make a "ood showing as they had been busy with" the USSR vs. J apan which was only un· der the optionals. Also our all·around world champion Yuri Titov and Olympi c champion Larisa Latynina had been in Mexico and cou ld not prepare well for thi s contest. Fortunately we were mistaken. Now we may open ly say that our woulcl·be candidates made a . good showing and proved to be ready for Dortmund.

Poulin'o Astokohovo

As to the women's competition, of course, our prominent Polin a Astakohova and Larisa Lat yn ina were reg~rded as the prin· cipal claimants for top places but it is wor th reminding yo u of the sensa tion in Ki ev, when an unknown school girl, Larisa Petrik, placed first. By now, Kuchinskaya (16) and Druzinina (17) have im· proved rapidly and we should have taken them into account also. Astakchova took the lead right .from the start. The first five places with totals in the compulsories and optionals follow: Astakchova, 75.45; Ku ch· inskaya, 75.3, Latynina , 74.75, Dzanukash· viIi , 74.55 and Volchetskaya, 74.5. The best 16 gymnasts had yet to compete in the All· Around. It was' on the final day that ten· sion reached its peak because, as you have noticed, th e gap between the leaders was very small and the least slip on that day could change the position of any of these contestants. The judging was very ' strict. They took into consideration not only gym· nast ic technique, but also the combination as a whole, especially the number of diffi· cult elements and the general impression it created. At first it seel~ed that nothing could happen , but gy mnastics fortune is rather changea ble. The girls had on ly balance and fr ee ex left to compete and everyone real·

ized that the balance beam performance would be the decisive mom ent of the champion ship beca use it has always been a tricky apparatus for gymnasts. Latynina was the first to display her routine. Calm and selrcontrolled as usual, she began her new combination but at the end of it she co mmitted an error, which at once pulled her out of the lead. Next it was Astak· hova's turn and again sensation. You could feel she was a little nervous but she couldn't be blamed for that. Her rivals had come up close to her and the loss of even a thousandth of a point could cost h er the gold medal. At contests a competitor can allow him self to be nervous before he 'comes up for his exercises, but once the exercises are started all signs of excitement must be fought down and Polina fail ed to do that. Losing her balance for a moment she had to jump off the beam and although she was back and continuing the exercises within a second she lost a whole point and the hope of a gold medal with it. Kuchinskaya seemed paying no attention to her rivals failur e and performed the leap, turn s and cartwheels so confidently that watching her yo u sometimes forgot she only had a beam 10 centimetres wide ben eath her. ( By the way, while in Prague she received the same score (9.8) on that event as Caslavska.) After that it was clear that for the first time in her life Natasha Kuchinskaya wo uld win the highest honor to be the first gymnast in the USSR. She did the last exercises on the carpet brillian tly and scored 9.5. Her total was 75.5. Now the second place on th e honored ladd er was not clear. Astakhova had to receive only 9.8 to be second and she managed to do so with 9.85 and the secon d place as' her reward for courage. Third place was occupied by Dzanukashvilli fo ll owed by Druxinina, Burucheva and Nickslaeva. Among the junior girl s the Moscovi te school girl Olga Kharlova was the first. By the way, her coach is the famous Sofia Murtaova who has devoted herself to teaching yo ung girls. And what about our fel lows? The competition was vcry interesting indeed. Diomidov and Voron in gave the tone. Unfortunately Boris Shaklin could not take part in the contest as he had the flu. After the compulsories the places were as follows: Diomidov, 56.9; Voronin 56.8; Titov, 56.35; Kerdemelidi , 56.0; Arkaev, 55.95; and Leontev, 55.9. The main interesting feature of the competition was that there was tense fighting between Diomidov vs. Voronin and Kerdemelidi vs. Leontev. Results were as follows: Voronin 115.0, Diomidov 114.65, Kerdemelidi 113.0, Leontev 112.8 , and Arkaev 112.5. (Titov fai led on the parallel bar.) Free Ex.: Diomidov 9.55; Voronin 9.6; KerTitov demelidi 9.5; Leontev 9.3; Arkoev 9.4; Titov 9.45. Side Horse: Diomidov 9.8; Voroni n 9.7; Kerdemelidi 9.4; Leontev.9.3; Arkoev 9.0' Titov 9.6. Rings: Diomidov 9.85; Voronin 10.0: Kerdemelidi 9.7; Leontev 9.8; A r koev 9.55; Titov 9.8. Long Jump : Diomidov 9.6; Vo ron in 9.3; Kerdemel idi 9.6; Leontev 9.65; Arkoev 9.35; Titov 9.0. P. Bar: Diomidov 9.9; Voron in 9.8; Kerdemelidi 9.6; Leontev 9.6; Arkaev 9.25; Ti tov 9.0 . H. Bar: Diomidov 9.75; Voronln 9.75; Kerdeme!idi 9.7; Leontev 9.7; Arkaev 9 .35; Tltov 9.55. Total: Diomidov 115.775;; Voro nin 115.65; Kerdemelidi 114.0; Leontev 113 .9; Arkaev 112.15; Titov 112. 125.

Among the junior boys the best was V. Klimenko. In conclusion I must say that the National Championship was successful and a lot of young new gymnasts have appeared. Would also like' to note that the first time in our country we have had a National Trampoline Championship. First place was occupied by Victor Palagin from Moscow. 6

LIABILITY AND GYMNASTICS By Elliot C. Der/ler Instructor of Physical Education Hunter College of the City Univ. of N.Y. It is the purpose of this article to ~c­ quaint physical education personnel with the legal aspects of negligence inherent in the area of gymnastics. Many physical education teach~rs may be presenting unsafe skills to their students in activity classes. Either through a lack of knowledge about progressive teach!ng techniques, or a lack of understandmg about spotting methods, the instructor does not always act as a wise and J?rudent i~. dividual. Oftentimes, the result IS an accI· dent by the student, followed by a law suit against the instructor, andlor the local Board of Education. Even if direct negligence cannot be proven against the teacher, the resulting harm to the program and the individuals involved is considerable. This writer has recently completed a study of litigation in gymnastic a.ccidents since 1900· a study encompassmg all states. The 'study was concerned only with cases whereby judicial decisions were reached i.e., cases that came before the courts. ' The preponderance of litigation arises in New York and California, as the majority of other states still follow the doctrine of school district immunity. This doctrine holds that agencies of the govern· ment, including school districts, are not liable for their torts. A tort may be de· fined as any wrongful act, not involving a breach of contract, for which a civil action will lie. "The legal rule under the common law is that districts are not liable for damages caused by the negligent acts of their offices and employees."1 However, California and New York are among the few states that impose tort liability directly upon school districts. These states have enacted "save harmless" laws, whereby employees are "saved" from financial " harm" by making the districts indemnify them. Thus, the districts are liable for the payment of damages assessed by a court for injuries to a student, arising from the teachers negligence, when acting in the line of duty. Court cases in gymnastics occur from a variety of causes. Some examples include: defective equipment, overcrowded or over· lapping facility spaces, insufficient train· ing and instruction, inadequate supervision , insufficient warning of danger by the in· structor, lack of progressive teaching and failure to heed pertinent safety precau· tions. An example of a case where the physical education teacher was held liable, will give the reader an insight into court de· cisions in this area of litigation.2 The- material facts state . that during a regularly scheduled physical education class, the plaintiff, an eighteen year old,

200 pound high school student, fractured his right fibula while attempting to do an "elephant vault" over a parallel bar draped with mats. A springboard was used as the vaulting apparatus. The plaintiff ran a~out 30 yards, gained impetus from the spnng· board, and while turning in the air, struck his foot against the bar and fell to the bare floor. The floor on the far side was supposed to be covered with a double m1!t. The student apparently fell short of the mat. The instructor was on the landing side, presumably to spot. It had been ascertained that a number of accidents had occured while doing this particular stunt. In fact, two days p:-evious to this injury, a boy had broken his arm in the very same exercise. _ _ In ['lew -10rk :;tate, phYSical educatIOn is required under the Educa,~ion; Sec· tion 695 of this law states that It IS the duty of the regents to adapt .rules det~r­ mining the subjects to be mcluded m courses of physical training." Section 696 states "that the regents have prepared a syllabus which describes numerous exercises and acrobatic feats." The acrobatic feat in which the plaintiff was injured is not included, b~t is a combination of two or more exerCises. It was concluded from an 'expert' witness that the somersault over the elevated bars is not generally taught and should be. attempted only by exceptional and highly skilled pupils_ The court stated that it is the duty of a teacher to exercise reasonable care to prevent injuries and to assign pu~ils to. ~':1ch exercises that are within their abilIties. Also the teacher must properly and adequat~ly supervise these activities. Failure to do so constitutes negligence on the part of the instructor. The instructors negligence may be predicted upon the following facts: ,failure to have mats in place on the far Side of th e bars which would have reduced the hazard of ~he fall ; assigning the plaintiff, who was not exce ptionally skilled, to an exercise beyond his prowess which was not recommended in the regents syllabus; the knowled«e of existing inherent danger, a~ several boys had been inj ured in the same exercise. Initially the verdict was against the inMructor and the Board of Education. Th" verdict against the Board of Education was set aside by the trial justice, but not that against the instructor. The court stated that "where a teacher was liabl e for injuries sustained by a student, the. Boa.rd of Education was not chargeable With lIability under the doctrine of 'respo~dent superior' , but could only be held lIabl~ for a failure to perform a statutory duty. There was no proof that the Board failed to provide a competent teacher to supervise the gymnasium work; no defect of structure or equipment was claimed, and that the occurrence- of the accident could not be attributed to the failure of the Board to adopt rules in respect of :nain. tenan ce and operation of the gymnasIUm. The Appellate Division affirmed the judgments and orders against the defendant physical education instructor, a~d _affirmed the judgments and orders dismiSSing the complaints as to the Board of Education in this case. 3 By careful analysis of court de.cis~ons as summarized in the above case, It IS possible for physical education personnel to anitcipate how courts will rea~t in. similar circumstances. We must keep In mmd that each case is decided on its own material facts but often facts are similar and trends in decisions and court reasonings

are discernible. It is only by studying the common law emanating from case deci sions in gymnastic accidents, that a set of legal guidelin es can be developed for the physical educator, the coach, and the adnllnIstrator. Arthur Daniels, in the CPEA's 58th Annual Procoodings succinctly lists many of the reasonable precautions one should take to safeguard himself and his program. It is worthwhile to restate them now: l. know- the health statu s of your subjects 2. do not permit participation in activity without medical approval following ~er iou s illness or inj ury 3. make frequent inspection of all equipment used in your program 4. conduct yo ur activities in the safest way possible 5. be absolutely certain that personnel assigned to cond uct a.n activity.. are qualified for that partlc~l~r actlVlty 6. make certain that the activity IS Within the ability of the student to perform 8. know the procedures for administering first aid and summoning medical attention , or removing the student to medical attention 9. do not treat injuries 10. provide supervision that is both adequate in quantity and quality 11. have at all times the safety of your stud en ts and their general welfare uppermost in your program 12. make certain that adequate and progressive instru ction is carefully given before performance is permitted 13_ keep an accurate and complete record _ of accidents and injuries 4 In conclusion, I would like to remind !he reader that there is always an elemen t of risk in teaching motor skills as gymnastic stunts. The intent of this article is to acquaint physical education personnel with liability factors in the teaching of gymnastics. It certainly was not my intent to use a scare-type technique, as this might di ssuade beginning gymnastic teachers beca use of the negligence risks involved. However, if the instructor is aware of his responsibilities, if he acts in a reasonable and prudent fashion, keeping the aforementioned safeg uards in mind , he has fulfill ed his duty , to the stud ents, to the stud ents, to the Board of Education, and most important, to himself. I- Hamilton, Robert R. , and Reutter, E. Edmund, Jr., Legal Aspects of School Board Operation, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 19582-Govel v. Board of Education, 48 N.YS 2d, 1944 3-Ibid, 267 App. Div., 1944 4-Daniels, Arthur S., " Legal Aspects of Physical Education" , 58th Annual Proceedings, CPEA, 1955 BACKGROUND DATA Elliot C. Derfler, Instructor of Physical Education, Hunter College of th e City University of New York, BA, lVIS in Education , finishing Ed. D. Teachers College, Columbia University Formerly taught in Yonkers school system for 8 years on secondary level where . I coached va~sity gymnastics_ Gymnastic ream undef~ated in competition for 3 consecutive years, 1961-64, winning Section I title (N.Y. State) each year Coach of the Year in Gymnastics, Section I, 1963-64 sponsored by Macy Westchester Newspapers. Former president of Gymnastic Coaches and Officials organization, Westchester County.


Keiko I kedo, First All-Ar ound and Beam

Japanese Nationals

Taki Shibuya, First 2nd AA and Beam



Free Ex.,

Women : Team Standings: 1. Nihon Physical Education University, 369.152; 2. Nihin University , 362.453; 3. Swallow Club (alumni . of Nihon P .E.U.), 360.522; 4. Mukogawa Women's Univ., 358.154; 5. Kokushi Kan Univ., 357.151; 6. Tokyo Education Univ., 356.456. All-around: 1. Keiko Ikeda, 76.164; 2. Taki Shibuya, 75.96S; 3. Taniko Nakamura. i5.297; 4. Hiroko lkenaga, 74.931; 5. Mitsuko Katori, 74.497; 6. Yasuko Furuyama, 74.331.


Report by Brud Cleaveland The 1%5 championship meet was held in the large Kyoto Sports Center from November 25 through the 28th. The spacious floor made it possi ble for all six men's and four women's events to be staged simultaneously. There was also ample room for judges, scorers and non-participating contestants. Balcony seating for about 5.000 extended on three sides and was nearly packed during the afternoon sessions. As Eric Hughes reported last year, most J apaneses buildings have no central heating and this hall was no exception. However, the temperature insid e was be路 tween 60 and 65 degrees. The big story of the meet was that Yukio Endo and K eiko Ikeda remain king and queen. In winning the all-around, Endo had the hi ghest combin ed score on rings, parallel bars and hi gh bar, tied for the highest on free exercise and side horse and the second high in long horse. In the final s he had bad luck on the side horse and parallel bars with scores of 8.5 and 9.0 to take sixth on both. His ring performanc e was a little off also which netted him second. Nonetheless, he was still the class of the meet and thrill ed the crowd with his full-twi sting hecht dismount from the high bar with a landin g that stuck like glue for 9.8 . Keiko, likewise was complete master of all events except the vault. However, in the finals she elected to withdraw from the vault and free exe rcise-apparently because of an old leg injury. It is interesting to note how keen the com petition is by the number of elite class gymnasts who performed in the meet. Yukio had only a 1.9 lead on 5th place and Keiko was only 1.1 point s ahead of

7th place. Thirty-second place in the men's all-around compe tition averaged 9.10 and in the women's 8.75 points. T eam performances were also impressive: the women's division winner, Nihon Physical Education University, averaged 9.23 and 7th place averaged 8.91; the men's division winner avera ged 9.42 and 7th place averaged 8.91 points . . In all, 276 men and 146 women competed all-around. Wouldn't we love to have such a national meet in America. Well, we can if we put our efforts in that direction (a ll-around rather than specialized gymnasts) . Possibly it would be of interest to some readers if an explanation of th e Japanese program be included here. Eric Hughes mentioned in his article (May-June 1965 ) that Japanese gymnasts are a hard working, tough, dedicated lot. This is true and they are to be admired. On the other hand, many of the American gymnasts are just as dedicated. It is this writer's belief that the big difference between the results in each country stems from the difference of emphasis in their program s. First of all, Japanese athletes are essentially one sport people. They decide early in life what sport they will participate in and they stay with it year in and year ou t throughout all seasons. This trait is endem ic to their culture wh ether it be vocational or avocational pursuits. Athletes organize into clubs starting in junior high school , practice reg ularly all year, receive excellent professional coaching from time to time, but in the main manage and train themselves. Regional and nati onal com mittees determine the type, time and place of con tests. Junior high gymnasts compete in tumblin g, hi gh bar an d vaultin g. Every gym Ilast must perform in all three with required as well as optional

exercises. Then in hi gh school boys and girls compete with req uired and optional exercises in all of th eir respective olympic events. The gymnastic season starts in 1l'ray with a few dual meets. After August vacation the sport continues again , buildin g up to champion ships in November. I witnessed a greate r Tokyo girls' championship (a on e day affairl wh ere 200 high school girls compe ted in teams of four, doing required routin es, on all four even ts. They were all in complete uniform s and perform ed in a most busin ess-lik e manner. A week later, 430 high school boys in teams of six, per· form ed optional routines, on all six event s durin g a two day meet to determin e city individual and team champions. The colleges hav e regional and nat ional champion ships prior to the open nati ona ls. Waseda University, who in cidentally placed seventh thi s year with an avera ge score of 8.91, practices six days a week from 12 :30 until 3 :30 in a room shared with th e pin g pong team . There were abo ut 25 members the two day s I observed them. They rotat ed around the six pieces of apparatu s, performing routines and parts of routines. The first half hour was devoted to loose rhythmic type calisth enics and tumblin g. They all did alternate fron t and alternat e back series. l'vrany of them did sides and back flips with twi sts. For landin gs at the end of th e row of mats there was a hu ge foam -rubber, ca nvas covered mat, 8" thick 8' x 12'. They al so moved this about the room for landin gs under other apparatus. The team spirit, organizati on and am ount of work done was most impress ive--all without a coach present. r have seen several high school groups practice in a similar manner. Man y aspec ts of their procedure are not appli cabl e to the American scene, but I fee l strongly that we cou ld work toward

all-around team competitIOn with possibly A, Band C class team s similar to what we have in other high school sports. I am equally co nvin ced that America can not co mpet e favorably internationally with co untri es such as Japan until we encourage all gymna sts to go all-around . We co uld still keep rope, tum-blin g and trampoline as ex tras. SUJ'I'IMARY OF JAPANESE NATIONALS Wom en's Events: Vaultin g: 1. Shibuya, 19.09 ; 2. Ikenaga. 18.78; 3. Katori , 18.65 ; 4. akamura, 18.59; 5. K eiko Yamagami. 18.58 : 6. Ik eda, default . Parallel Bars : 1. Ik eda', 18.99; 2. Nakamura, 18.86; 3. Ik enaga, 18.69; 4. T oshiko Hasunuma. 18.63; 5. Shibuya, 18.08; 6. Kayoko Hashi· guchi. 17.48. Beam: 1. Ikeda , 19.18; 2. Sh ibu ya, 18.83; 3. Furuyama, 18.75 ; 4. Katori , 18.73; 5. Ik enaga, 18.68; 6. Nakamura , 17.68. Floor Ex ercise : 1. Shibuya, 19.10 ; 2. Furuyama, 18.95; 3. Nakamura , 18.86 ; 4. l\Iit suko Tabiraki, 18.72; 5. lk enaga, 18.43; 6. Ik eda , default. Men's Event s: Floor Exercise: 1. Endo, 19.32: 2. l\Iitsukuri, 19.20; Tomihiro Hirai. 19.20; 4. Nakayama, 19.07; 4. Nobuyuki A ihara; 6. Ma sa take Mat sumoto. 18.65. Sid e Horse: 1. Mit sukuri , 19.17 ; 2. Tsurum i, 19.12; 3. Yoshihira Aiba, 19.10 ; 4. Nakayama, 19.05; 5. Konishi , 18.60; 6. Endo, 18.10. Rings : 1. Hayata, 19.37; 2. Endo, 19.15; 3. Aihara, 19.15; 4. Nakaya· rna, 19.12; 5. Aiba, 19.05'; 6. Tsurumi, 19.00. Long Horse: 1. Endo, 19.07 ; 2. Yoshio Kubota, 19.05; 3. Shiro Miki, 19.00; 4. Tsurumi , 18.92 ; 5. Hayata, 18.80 ; 6. Nakayama, 18.70. Parallel Bars: 1. Tsuru· mi. 19.12 ; 2. Aihara , 19.05; 3. Mitgukuri, 19.02 ; 4. Masayuki Watanabe, 19.00: 5. Koni ghi, 18.% ; 6. · Endo, 18.70. Hi:;h Bar: 1. Endo, 19.45; 2. Yoghiaki Takai , 19.27; 2. Nakayama, 19.27; 4. Mit suku·ri. 19.15 ; 5. Hayata, 19.10; 6. Tsurumi , 18.20.

Yuki o Endo AA Winner , 1st Long Ho rse, High Bar, Free Ex . 2nd Ring s

Tokuju Hoyota , First

Ring s, 5th AA

Men : Team Standin gs: 1. Swallow Club, 565.20; 2. No hon P .E. Univ. , 560.25 ; 3. Ot . uk a Clu b (Tokyo Educ. Univ. alumnjl. :;;:;3.95; 4. Nih on Univ .. 543.70; 5. Tokyo Edu ca tion Univ ., 542 .50; 6. Chukyo Univ .. 542.00. All·around: 1. Yukio Endo, 115.50; 2. Akino ri Nakaya ma. 114.45; 3. Shuji Tsurllmi , 114.35; 4. Takashi Mrt sllkllri, 113.95; 5. Takllji Hayata, 113.60; 6. Yosh iaki Koni,hi , 113.35.

9 -' ~.-.


CANADIAN REPORT by Johnnv Nooney 18 Lavington Dr. Weston. Ontario HERE AND THERE 1969 Gymnaestrada: Word has been reo ceived from Switzerland that the nex t Gymnaestrada will be held in the city of Basle, Switzerland. This .will have to be ratified at the nex t F.r. G. Congress. Nation al Clinic lor Coaches. This will be held July 5, 6, 7, 1966 at Winnipeg just before the Canadian Championships. Those that would like to attend the clinic are asked to submit their names in writing to Mr. Gil Larose, 3209 Paul Pau., Montreal, Que. More about this clinic in later reports. McDONALD COLLEGE, MONTREAL About a month ago, Mr. D. Cochrane was appointed Gymnastic coach. Since then about 14 or 15 first and second year students are practicing twice a week. It is unfortunate that these practices did not start sooner, Mac has a lot of potential. They have scheduled their first meet against Royal Military College, Kingston and next year with an early start and now all the equipment available, the gymnastics programme should grow rapidly in "Mac". WOMEN'S CLINICS Mrs. Stephen Johnson, the ' Scarborough Schools women's gymnastic covener, organized a general woman's clinic at her school last month. The guest lecturer was Mrs. Marilyn Savage, Winstonettes Gym Club Coach who is outstanding in women's gym· nastics. Marilyn tells me she gave more than 40 clinics last year and is well on her way to doing the same this year. Mrs. Savage almost single handed has promoted women's gymnastics in Eastern Canada as well as coached some of our top women gymnasts Susan McDonnell and our great junior Marilyn Minaker. Mrs. Janet Armstrong, covener for the S.O.S.S.A. area held an excellent Women's Judging Clinic recently at the Oakville Trafalgar High School, Oakville. Over' 60 women teachers attended the day·long clinic. At this clinic, Mrs. Janet Armstrong { }qitiated a simple women's judging prb'ce'ilure which was well received by the beginner judges and this procedure has now been adopted in other areas. Anyone wishing a copy of this simplified system, please contact O.S.G.C.A. or Mrs. Janet Armstrong, Oakville-Trafalgar High School, Oakville. Another successful Women's Judging Clinic was also held at Waterloo Collegiate, Waterloo for the women members of c.W.O.S.S.A. This clinic was directed by Miss Kaarina Tulisalo, the covener for that area. This clinic was well attended and this idea of having small local clinics is proving very successful. Kaarina is to be congratulated for her efforts. Mrs. Janet Armstrong's system was also advocated at this clinic. 10

By D. Cochrane Gymnastics Chairman, GMIAA The followin g is a brief outline of the high school picture in Greater Montreal. Before World War II, when I was at hi gh school, there was one annual meet between Montreal High and Westmount High. This meet was sponsored by Hav Findlay at McGill University. I lost track of the high school picture during the next 9 years as I was busy with the war and getting through college. However, since 1950 there has been high school meets every year. During the early 50's swingin g rin gs and spring board and box vaulting were replaced by still rings and beat board (we build our own) vaulting. Since around 1955 the 6 Olympic events have been used and we have experimented with compulsories, semi-compulsories and optionals from year to year. In 1955 I built the first pair of un evens and balance beam in Montreal and now every high school has this equipment. Over the past 10 years, the Greater Mon· treal Girls Athletic Association has had an average of 125 girls competing and the Greater Montreal Interscholastic Athletic Association has had an average of 90 boys competing. The gi rls' meet consists of the 4 all-around events as well as trampoline, tumbling and swingin g rings with choice of events and semi compulsories. The compete in 4 age levels. The boys compete in the 6 all-around events and this year with compulsories only. Recently we drew up 12 routines for each event starting with very simple ones and building up to the 12th routines which are the Junior Canadian Compulsories. This ties our high school program into the AAU or "Outside" meets so that our bet· tel' gymnasts can compete more often. Our duel meet season is in full swing and will be finish ed at the end of March. Dual meet scores count with the best 2 school meeting in a final team championship meet. This will re followed by a individual type competition for our schools and then the AAU city and Provincials fOl the better boys.

ONTARIO SCHOOLS CLINIC On Saturday, December the 11th at Port Credit Secondary School in Toronto Township, an O.S.G.C.A. Clinic Team ran a successful Pilot Clinic for 43 Teachers. Keeping in mind the knowledge and cxperience of those attending, the Clinic format ': illcluded many aspects of School GymnastJc~ with the emphasis on Claos· room Gymnastics. This was the major item of the Clinic. A booklet was given to all those attending containing a 16 period block of lessons (many were explained at the Clinic) with special attention given, to pre-testing stu· dents, motivators and maximum particip!\tion, and a detailed class lesson. .: The School Gym Team, promotion of it, choosing the Team, Safety, Use of Instructional Aids (many from the M.G.) was also given considerable attention. Other major segments were Practical Gymnastics. The Technique of many Sim· pIe movenrents on various apparatus, was explained and demonstrated, by outstanding gymnasts and the availability of specialists in Equipment, Publications (M.G. Table) Use of Loop films, and finally ,a special session in the New Simplified High School judging procedure.

In my OpinIOn, the highlight was the assessment form which each person attending the Clinic was asked to complete. This form is to permit the O.S.G.C.A. Directorate to critically examine the Clinic. This assessment form' may give some indication what teachers want ' in future I$linics. This is a forward step and I pers~qa)ly will be anxious to hear the finding s. TENTATIVE DATES AND SUGGESTED CITIES OF RUSSIAN GYM TEAMS VISIT TO CANADA StartVancouver, B,C.-November 14, 15, 16, 1966 Edmonton & Calgary-Nov_ 17, 18, 19, 1966 Saskatoon or Regina-Nov _ 21, 22, 1966 Winnipeg-November 23, 24, 1966 Toronto--November 25, 26, 1966 Montreal-November 20, December 1, 1966 Halifax-December 2, 3, 19&6 DepartDecember 4, 1966

COMMENT Mr. Stuart Aberdeen, head basketball coach at Acadia University, says the basic requirement for developing athletes at Canadian universities is a better athletic program, not athletic scholarships. Aberdeen, who led Acadia's basketball team to the Canadian intercollegiate championship last season and ' was named coach of Canada's national basketball squad, said the responsibility for development of skills and attitudes leading to profe ss ional achievement a I' international competition rests at the high school level. Aberdeen said that to produce better athletes, local school boards need to pay academic teachers for assisting physical education teachj'!rs in coaching duties, permit daily practice and provide adequate competition. " Only when attainment in sports becomes generally important to a country, a province, a community, a coach and to the boy will we produce students in abund. ance who have been able to realize their true po'tential . .. " he said. "I'm not ' against athletic scholarships nor am I against provisions for financial grants to needy student athletes." However, he said scholarships should not be, "the prime issue in the development of Canadian athl~ f7s." . . Aberdeen stud ' that even If CanadIan universities did offer scholarships to athletes, U.S. institutions could bid higher for the talent~ of any Canadian youth.

TORONTO' TOWNSHIP GYMNASTIC DISPLAY The first annual Gymnastic Display was held at Lome Park Secondary School on January the 29th. This display was span· sored by O.S.G.C.A. and . the Lome Park School Athletic Assoc. Seven groups took part in the display. It featured the beginner school gymnast and the Senior Club gymnasts, participating were the Toronto Township Recreation Group undh the direction of Mrs. Milne, the Toronto Township Public School Group under Mr. Martin, the East York Gym Club Community Centre Group under the direction of Mr. Art Stead and the Club Group under Mr. Willie Rehorn, Oakivlle and Trafalgar and Aldershot High School Group under the direction of Mrs. Janet Armstrong, York Memorial Collegiate Group under Mr. George Harlow, the Winstonettes Gym Club under the direction of Mrs. , Marilyn, Savage, and finally the Senior' Toronto Harmonie Gym group under Mr. John Tutte.

All groups performed their own specialty and some groups showed a grea t deal of originality_ It would be unfair to single out anyone group for praise. All gymnasts whatever calibre performed to the maximum of thei r ability and deserve congra tu路 lations. It was a chan ge to see many of our fine gymnasts perform to a packed house. This kind of di sp lay has its place in our promotional programme, as I was the coordin路 ator may I take this opportunity to thank all th e gymnasts and directors who so kindly participated. The evenin g was under the direction of Mr. Al Warrick, Vice Pres. O.S.G.C.A. and the technical director was Mr. Karl Nutzen berger. A special thank yOU to Mr. Jack Richardson and Mr. Gary Ewart, the school representatives, who were responsible for the large attendance, refreshm ents, etc.

THE SCHOOL GYM .,JEAM Ed. Note: ,4t one of the receTi'-fiO.S.G.C.A . Clinics Mr. George Harlow, P.H.E.D ., York Memorial Collegiate, Toronto, gave the following lecture on the S chool Gym Team. I believe this le cture is an excellent guide for teache rs just beginning to organize a School Gym Team or start a S chool Gym Club. PROMOTION Colorful pictures and ip.formation on the athletic notice board followed up by P .A. announcements, movies in an Auditorium programme or after school and announcements by Physical Educati on teacher in Health periods where so me background on gymnasti cs can be given; with all serve to make students aware of the sport and bring them out for your first work out. Enthusiasm is contageo us ; if you show interest and eagerness to spend time when and where a space can be found you will find that the boy~ ~ will respond. TIME AND 'PLACE FOR ' WORKOUTS This can be a real pr6blem when many activities are competing for space. Early morning workout and utilization of dressing rooms, corridors or galleries to work on apparatus that can be moved around may start to solve the problem. CHOOSING THE TEAM You ' must decide whether you are going to hold try outs and take only the boys who show promise or form a club taking all comers. By formin g a club you have the advantage. of mQre tim e to make your decision as to who ' sliould be on the team but the disadvantage of having to work with a larger group, Limitations of time and space may be factor when deciding on your approach, UNIFORM Do not allow boys to wear watches, jewelry or p~ndents for gymnastics. Tshirt, shorts, light socks and gym slippers or bare feet (never running shoes ) are ideal. You may want to allow them to wear gym pants for work on some pieces of apparatus, Slippers and hand grips are personal items and should be made available for purchase by those who desire, The school may choose to own a set of gymnastic uniforms for competition or make them available to the competitors at a reduced price. The latter method means that you get around the problem of always having the wrong sizes. APPARATUS Before the first work out check and clean all apparatus, Before each work out be sure that each piece of apparatus has been properly set up and will not collapse

SCENES FROM TORONTO TOWNSHIP GYM DISPLAY York Memorial High School group vaulting display . . . Jennifer Diachun of the Tor onto Harmonie Gym Club on the unevens . . . . Barry Brooker o f the Harmonie Club gave a Free Ex demonstration . . . . Toronto Township recreat ion rh ythmics group .

under the weight of a performer. As the end of the gymnastics season check and mak e a list of necessary repairs and lightly oil all metal parts which may rust when not in use, SAFETY Gymnastics is not a dangerous activity if you, the coach, instill in the boys the correct attitudes. (a) No one uses the gymnasium or equipment except under supervision.

(b) An exercise new to the boy is always don e for the first tim e under the direct su pervisi on of the coach. (c) The performer is responsibl e for having a partner who knows what exercise is bein g attempted, knows how to help and is in a position to help. WORKOUTS Know what you ar e going to do before you start work. Whether it is a full scale workout or a small group workin g in a


cDrridor Dn the pDmmel hDrse, have an idea Df what YD U want to' accDmplish. All wDrkDuts shDuld begin with a warm·up; either Df a general nature D r fDr sDme par· ti cular piece Df apparatus. Flex ibility, strength and stretching exercises will bDth warm up th e athl etes and help imprDve their perfDrmance. Workouts early in the season may be devoted to' tumbling and /loor exe rcises. Vaulting is a gDD d event to intrDduce next as almDst all boys can start to' learn a vault that makes them feel ready fDr co mpetitiDn. When YD U bring in the remainder Df th e apparatu s have rDU' tines ready fDr each age group Dr level Df ability. By havin g a specific rDutin e in mind it makes sense to' the bDY to learn a certain exerci se (i.e. it is in th e routin e) . As SODn as possible he shDuld put to" gether; first two. exercises, then three exercises and slDwly build up to' the as· signed rDutin e. If YDur group has cD mpul· sory rDutin es then use same as the first routine. As the gy mnast becDmes profici ent in the compulsDI), Dr fi rst rDutine or used with exercises he has learn ed previously to make up an optional routine or at least a routine more advanced than th e Dne with which he started. H e will never be ready for co mpetitiDn unless you k eep insistin g that he show you " hi s" routine. A bDY should be preparing for co mpetitiDn on at least three pieces of apparatu s; no one· shot Charlies. As time for competiti on ap· proaches suspend work on new exercises and concentrate on polish ing the routines. Have each boy hand in a description of his DptiDnal routin e, have him do that rou· tin e, and compulsory routin es, for you and ha ve seniDr boys judge these routin es. After each meet have a workout as soon as pos· sible to allow the boys to try new exer· cises they pi cked up at th e meet. After the last mee t of the se aso n give the boys some gym tim e to taper of with some fun after the pressure of co mpetition.

INSTR UC TIO N AIDS \al Books. (b) Movies. Loop film s. (c) Senior boys who have been with you previous years can help you when you have two. or three age groups by spending part tim e assistin g the yo unger on es.

( d ) Dual workouts or meets. The boys al · ways CDme hom e with something new or find a cDach who explain s an exercise just differently enDugh that ' they finally und erstand what yo u wanted from the start. (e 1 Spotting belt. Overhead belt. Give a boy a feeling of security that allows him to concentrat e on the exercise. (f) Weights. Regular and proper use of weights at home or at school will , given suffi cient time, help improve his performan ce by increasing his strength. UNIVERSITY OF LAVAL, QUEBEC VS. UNIVERSIT;Y OF MONTREAL Just recently a dual meet was held between the above Universities. The University of Laval narrowly outpoint ed the University of IVIontreal scoring a total of 113.83 points to Montreal's 113.18 points. In the individual scoring R. Guerin of Laval University scored a total of 42.74 pts. to win, closely follDwed by M. Tramblay also of Laval, with a score of 39.54 pts. and in third place, R. Chevalier University of IVIontreal with 37.10 pts. R. Guerin of Laval showed great form in winning the Rings, High Bar and Parallel Bar. Thank you, Paul Goeffrion of Laval University for details and results. 12

MEXICAN INVITATIONAL MEET Our great Ambassador Willie Wei ler placed 2nd All Round at this great rep resentative Meet. H e had a score of 56.40 and the winner scored 56.60, how close can you get? Willy won the Lon g Horse Vaulting and High Bar and came second ill Free Exercise, Parallel Bars and Sid e Horse. An outstanding performan ce by one of our truly great Canadian Gymnasts. Congratulations! FLINT ANNUAL INVITATIO NAL MEET MICHIGAN 1966 Here are so me results from this excellent Flint Meet and according to the convener Mr. Jim Hynds, was the best in its history. So here are the res ults of some or our Canadian gymnasts who took part: COLLEGE DIVISION

Canadian John Mason from Toronto representing Eastern Michigan Univ. placed 3rd All Round , 2nd on the Long Horse , 4th on Parallel Bars. Fred Romney of Montreal representing Universit y of Michigan , outplaced John in the Free X. Congratulations John. OPEN DIVISION MEN 1st All Round, Kurt Eggerschwiler; 2nd All Round , Berne Krudwig; 3rd All Round, Barry Brooker . These boys are all members of the Central Ontario Gy m Team and this team also won the Team Championships. Individuals: Berne Krudwig , 1st in Long Horse; Kurt Eggerschwiler, 1st on Rings, Parallel Bar and High Bar; Steve Mitruk of Hamilton, ant. was 2nd o n Side Horse. The Central Ontario team was under the directi on of John Tuite the Toronto Harmonie Head Coach. OPEN WOMEN'S DIVISION Our excellent woman gymnast Gail Daley from Saskatoon was 1st All Round 1st on the Va ulting; 2nd on Balance Beam; 3rd in Free Ex.; and 1st on the Unevens.

TRI NITY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL 9TH I NVITATIO NA L MEET 1966 This year's meet surpassed all others. The entry of nin e hi gh schools was due to the hard wDrk and dedication by the convener, Mr. Hadley Armstrong, the Trinity College coach, who works continually and consistently year after year for Gymnastics. Glebe Collegiate, Ottawa, coached by Ralph ThDrntDn, won the Team TrDphy with a total of 125.5, 2nd Place was won by the host school T.C.S. with 117.4, coached by Hadley Armstrong, and 3rd Place by David and Mary Thompson, c.I. with 112.2, coached by Bill Symons. Schools participating : T.C.S., Western Tec. H.S., D.M. Thompson c.I., ]'vlonarch Park S.S., Glebe c.I., P eterborough C.V.s., Appelby ColI., Jarvis c.I., Richview c.I. Judging officials were from the On tario SchoDI Gymnastic Coaches Assoc. H ead Jud ge, D. Kerr.

Championship University of Toronto Gym ~f~a~~ Cero, Lumb, Sale. Hamilton and

98.1; 4th place, Royal Military College, Ki ngston, scored 95.0. The superiority of the Ontario Universiti es was Dbvious and it refl ects the h igh school gy mn astic programme in that province. Barry Brooker, U. of T . won the All Round scoring 50.15; Art Kuisma, Queens Univ. scored 39.90; and K en Lumb, Univ. of Toronto scored 38.45. RESULTS P. Bars : Brooker , 8.8 (T); Lumb, 7.45 (T); KUlsma, 7.45 (Q). Floor Ex. : Brooker, 8.05 (Tl, Gero, 7 .35 (T); Kuisma, 7 .0 (Q). Pom'mels: Brooker, 7 .5 5 (T); Mathews, 6 .5 (Q) ; Lumb, 6.05 (T ). Rings: Broo kers , 8.65 (T); Sale, 8.65 (T ); Cheva lier , 7.55 (M). Vaulting: Brooker 9.2 (T ); Lumb , 8.9 (T); Lee 8.75 (Q) . High 'Bar: rc?).o ker, 7 .9 (T); Neck, 6.2 (Q); Kuisma, 5.7

GERMAN HARMONIE CHILDREN'S MEET This Tri Club Gymnastic Meet between the Toronto Harmoni e Gymnastic Club East York Gymnastic Club and East York Canadiana Gym Club was held at the Harmonie Gym Club recently in Toronto. This meet was broken down into Arre Groups, age 10-12 years, boys and girls and age group 13-15, all usin g compulson es,. and ~vhat is very essential every boy and gIrl go rn g all around . It is from thi s kind of meet that our future gymnasts will come and thIS type of meet is essential for the grow th of gy mnasti cs.

RESUL TS Side Horse: Walker (Mon. P) 8.8; C. Barret (T.C.S.) 8.8 ; D. Vena (D .M. Thom )8. 8 ; C. Henderson (T.C.S.) 8.7; R. Potter (Rich) 8.6; C. Yull (GL ) 8.6. Free X : J. Boyne (GL) 7.9; K. Vena (D.M . Thom) 7.8 ; M . Toole (Mon. P) 7.7. Parallel Bars: C. Yull (Gle) 8.8; J. Kortright (T.C.S.) 8.6; G. Miall (GL) 8.4. Long Horse : I. Morin (Man P) 9.5; C. Yull (Gle) 9.2; Berrong (Jarvis) 9.1. High Bar: J. Kortright (T.C.S .) 9.8; D. Walker (GL) 9.2; D. Vena (D.M. Thom) 8.8 .

ONTARIO AND QUEBEC UNIVERSITIES CHAMPIONSHIPS 1966 The above champion ship meet was held at the University of Montreal before a packed hDuse. The highlight of thi s meet wa s the outstanding performances of Barry Brooker of U. of T. and Art Kuisma of Qu eens Universities, Kingston. In the overall team scoring, University of Toronto with a score of 129.6 led easily ; 2nd place was captured by Queens Univer· sity, Kingston with a score of 114.3; and in 3rd place, University of Montreal scored

Switzer, Vassilids and Scott RESULTS Girls Age 10- 12 : 1st All Round, Sophie Vassiliadis, -E .Y. c.G .c. , 35.50 pts; 2nd All Round, Sandra Switzer, 34.55, E.Y.C.G.c. ; and 3rd .AII Round , Col leen Scott, 33.45 E.Y.C.G.C . 1st All Round, Shoron Girls Age 13-15: Tsu kam ot o, 35.15, E.Y. C.G .c. ; 2nd All Round Jo y Best, 33.80, E.Y .C.G.C . ' Boys Age 10-12: 1st All Round, Mike Shea , 28.10, E.Y .C. G.c.; 2nd All Round Chris Jones 26.20, E. Y.C.G.c. ' , B.oys Age 13-15: 1st All Round , Paul Blatherwick; 2nd All Round, John Shea.

COLBORN INVITATIONAL: Top Novice All-Around champion School Senior AA Champs, top Wolfgang Lindeman.

Kurt Eggerschweiler Senior meet . Nick Lippa Novice High School to bottom; Stefan Bell, Gerald Kasper,

Port Col borne Invitational Meet, PORT COLBORNE, ONTARIO One of the largest crowds ever to watch a High School Meet and Senior A.A.U. Meet attended at Port Col borne High School last month. An overflowing gym, people were turn ed away. This I believe was a fir st-a High School Meet and a Senior A.A.U. Meet side by side. The convener of this Meet, Mr. Jim McPherson, the coach of Port Col borne H.S., did a magnificent job of coordinating the two division s; the A.A.U. sanction was given by the South Western Branch, Ont. and the whole venture was sponsored by the Ontario School Gymnastic Coaches Assoc. Kurt Eggerschweiler of Sokol Toronto was 1 st All Round followed closely hy Steve N[itrak of Hamilton Harmonie Club and in 3rd place Robt. Dunning of the Buffalo Turners. This was the line-up in the A.A.U. Division Senior Men. In the High School Division Ali Round Senior- 1st Stephen Bell, 2nd Gerald Kasper and 3rd Saverio Pirrocco. This Division was of a very high standard. As the Head Judge I was very pleased with the all round ability I witnessed. The High School coach in Ontario is now realizing the value

of the Age Group Gymnastic Workbook _ 1 noticed many of the routines were from this book, also the deportment and dress of the high school gymnast was excellent. Mr. Jim McPherson has informed me this will become an annual meet. Judging officials A.A.U., Al Dippong, D. Kerr, S. Bowie, Al Stumpf; High School, Al Warri ck, G. Harlow, J. Krar, 1. Nooney. RES'UL TS A.A.U . Senior Division-SIDE




GYM SKETCH Gil Larose was born in Montreal and started hi s gymnastic career at age 15 at th e Immaculate Conception Centre, where he is today Men's coach. In hi s high school years, he was an All Round performer. He won th e Canadiall Nov ice and Junior All Round title and the Quebec Novice, Junior and Senior titles_ The same yea r he attended the Sarasota Clinic, Florida and won th e All Round ulld er 18 Division. Gil graduatrd from high schoo l with hon路 ors and ranked number two in the entire school, obtaining an A average. He was awarded an athletic scholarship in gymnastics by the University of Michigan. Coached by Newt Loken he placed third in four events at the 1962 Big Ten Meet; he also captained the Nlichigan team. That year he won a berth on the Canadian team which represented Canada at World Games in Prague and won the All Round title at the Mid West Open, Flint Open, also the Big Ten All Round title 19621963 and in 1963 won the All Round title at the N.C.A.A. Meet at Pittsburgh. Gil returned to Canada to teach school but still continued hi s gymnastic career. In 1964 he won the Provin cial and Sokol Championships and placed 2nd All Round at the Nationals and he won a berth on the Canadian Olmpic team that went to the Ol ympic Games in Tokyo. The year 1965 saw him win the Montreal City, Quebec Eas~ern and he caused the big upse t by winning over Wilhelm Weiler at the Nationals in Vancouver. He represented Canada at the North Americans recently and helped the team a great deal but he also was responsible for the organization of this super meet, without a doubt a tremendous feat. Gil is the President of the Quebec Gym路 nastic Assoc., coaches the University of Montreal team and at the Immaculate Conce ption Centre. This year he will head up the National Coaching Clinic at Winnipeg_ This could be his greatest achievement, beca use he has the opportunity to put toge th er a National Coaching staff, that Canada so badly needs. This could be his finest contribution to the Sport that has showered every possible honor on him. I kn ow his immed iate aims are to be a mel11ber of th e 1968, 1972 Olympic team and I wishs him every success. The future for Canadian gymnastics looks bright, when such men as Gil Larose are in the forefront. Hi s return to Canada after his college days, to help hi s country and his province, shows the dedication this man has for Gymnastics and Canada. Gil Larose





PARALLEL BARS : Eggerschweiler, Mitruk, Dunning. LONG HORSE: Eggerschweiler, Mitruk, McVey (Sokol, Toronto). HORIZONTAL BARS: Eggerschweiler , Mitruk, Dunning . FLOOR EX_: Eggerschweiler, Mitruk, McVey. Novice A .A.U _ Division-VAULTING: Eric Stumpf (B.T.), Mark Meyer, J. Wry. HORI-" ZONTAL BAR: Eric Stumpf, John Wry, Mark Meyer. PARALLEL BARS: Eric Stumpf, Jim Mitchell, J. Wry. TUMBLING: Eric Stumpf, Mark Meyer, J. Wry. High School Senior Division-5IDE HORSE: Peter Mesaros, Stephen Bell, Wolfgang Lindemann. PARALLEL BARS: Marcel Maurice, Peter Mesaros, Larry Rosnuk. VAULTING L.H.: David Roberts, Dirg Hooykaas, Larry Marriot. FLOOR EX_: Larry Marriot, G. Kasper, D. Hooykaas. HORIZONTAL BAR: J. Bartok, Marcel Maurice, Wolfgang Lindemann. High School Novice-ALL AROUND: Nicholas Lippa, Colin Puffer, Denis Cuff. SIDE HORSE: Frank Zaretta, Sean Cannon, Gene Lauro. PARALLEL BARS: Gene Lauro; Tie, Richard Duval, Guy Charbonneau, Carlo Pacella; Lawrence Howe, srd. VAULTING: Gary Branning, Florian Raby, Claude' Coupil. TlUMBLING: Law-

rence Howe, David Harret, James Accursi.


SENIOR CITY GYMNASTIC COMPETITION SA'ULT TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS Free Calisthenics: John Lash, Mike luke Ed McDermid tied Dove Russell, Tim Wasyliniuk tied Bill Latham. Pommel Horse: John Lash, Mike luke, Ed McDermid, Terry Sherbock tied Bob Cameron . High Bar: Mike luke Tim Wasyliniuk, John Lash tied Norman Mont~ gomery, Roger Dorian. Parallel Bars: John Lash, Bill Kernaghan, Dave Russell, Mike luke, Toni Treberg . Rings: Bill Kernaghan John Lash, Mike luke, Toni Treberg, Murray Hamilton. VaUlting: Tim Wasyliniuk, Mike luke, Toni Treberg tied Ed McDermid, John Lash . All Round Gymnast: John Lash, Sir J.omes Dunn; Mike luke, Bawat ing; Tim Wasyilnluk, Tech; Dove Russell, Bawating; Roger Do rion, Bawating . Final Team Standing: (I) Sir James Dunn C. & V.S.; (2) Bawating C. & V.S.; (3) Sault Technical H.S.

SASKATOON CITY CHAMPIONSHIPS The large entry reflects the great interest in gymnastics in Saskatoon. The tyro men and women divisions had large entries and so did the junior men and women . Now that the Canadian Games are all ap· proved, this province will have a strong Junior Mcn and Women's team. The Senior Men All Round was won by Bill Robinson of Brandon and the Senior Women All Round was won by Glenna Sebestyen, Marians Gym Club; 2nd All Round, Maureen McDonald, Vniv. of Sask. and 3rd place, Patti Sebestyen, Marians Gym Club. Team results SI. Josephs Saskatoon had an excellent day , winning the Tyro Men and Women, Novice men and Junior men; Marians Gym Club won the Women's Senior team championship. Clubs taking part: Marians, St. Josephs, Bethel, Westgate, Regina Y.M.CA., Bran· don, Vniversity of Saskatchewan.

Top: Sokol Invitational All-Around winner Barry Brooker, 2nd Kurt Eggersahweiler and bottom: Sokol President Milan Brtan awarding 3rd place All-Around Trophy to Bern Krudwig.

SOKOL INVIT~ TIONAL MEET FOR SENIOR MEN AT MASARYK HALL, TORONTO Barry Brooker of the Toronto Harmonie Club dominated the Meet by winning 5 events. Parallel Bars, F.X., High Bar and Long Horse. Scoring 50.35 points he placed 1st All Around. Kurt Eggerschwiler, Toronto Sokol Club, scored 48.45 points to place 2nd All Around. Kurt and Barry were close in scoring ri ght up to the final event High Bar. It was in this event that Kurt scored 7.70- this enabled Barry to move ahead. Also Barry had an excellent performan ce on Pommels scoring S.55 which gave him the lead to place 1st All Around. Bern Krudwig, Toronto Harmonie Club, placed 3rd All Around and Steve Frick of the same club was 4th All Around. John Tutte, Harmonie Coach, can be proud of his gymnasts-they certainly reflected fine co aching. )4

RESULTS Tyro Women All Round: 1st, M. Walton, (St. Joe) ; 2nd" S. Beatty (Mar); 3rd, C. Mayhew (St. Joe). Team Results : St . J oe, 58.76 1st; Marians, 56.95 2nd. 1st, B. Gramchuk Tyro Men All Round: (Brd); 2nd, P. Mayhew (St. Joe) ; 3rd, H. Sedgewick (St . Joe). Team Results : St. Joe , 69.90 1st; Regina Y, 65.20 2nd . Novice Women All Round: 1st , S. Dean (St. Joe); 2nd; D. Jones (MOL); 3rd, J . Holtzman (St . Joe). Novice Men All Round : 1st, G. Horseman (Reg Y); 2nd, J . Spicer (Reg Y) . Team Results : St. Joe, 60.23 I st. Junior Women All Round: 1st, K. Dean (St. Joe) ; 2nd, A. Walecke (Mar); 3rd, J. Wood (St. Joe). Team Results: 51. Joe, 86.15 1st; Marians, 77.60 2nd . . Junior Men All Round: 1st, T. 5edgewick (St . Joe); 2nd, M. Boyd (Reg Y) 3rd, D. Smith (St. Joe) Senior Men All Round: 1st, B. Robinson (Brd) ; 2nd, G. Balcombe (St. Joe). Senior Women All Round: 1st, G. Sebestyen (Mar); 2nd, M. McDonald (U . of 5.); 3rd, P. 5ebestyen (Mar) . Team Results: Marians, 92 .36 1st; U. of 5. , 77. 12 2nd.

ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE, KINGSTON, OPEN INVITATIONAL MEET Queens Vniversity, Kingston, scored 126.73 points to win the Team Trophy at the Annual R.M.C. Invitational Meet and Vniversity of Toronto placed second with 124.91 points. R. M. College placed third with 100.0S. Ei ght other teams competed at this Meet which shows what a great upsurge in Gym· nastics is taking place in the Eastern Canadian Colleges. The highlight of this Meet was the performance of Barry Brooker, V. of Toronto, who was first All Round with a score of 47.96 points placing first on the Side Horse, first on Parallel Bars and Horizontal Bar, second on Long Horse, and third on Still Rings- an outstanding performance. Barry's year working out in Ger· many is showing in his performances. His teammate, Digby Sale, was first on Still Rings.

Art Kuisma of Queens Vniversity also had an excellent day placing second All Round with 46.95, winning two firsts and three seconds. Art is a very much improved gymnast this year. The in crease in the number of Eastern College Gym Teams this year is a result of the increased activity in Gymnastics at the high school leveL VNIVERSITY OF TORONTO INVITATIONAL MEET The Vniversity of Toronto played host recently to teams from the Vniversity of New Brunswick and the Royal Military College, Kingston. This was the first time that the New Brunswick team competed in Ontario and they certainly looked very good. As to be expected the Vniversity of Toronto led by their coach· team member Barry Brooker won the team trophy, closely followed by the Vniversity of New Brunswick with Truman tremendous performances by Hirschfeld. Team scores: Vniversity of Toronto 160.1, Vniversity of New Brunswick 154.1, and the R.M.C Kingston 134.9. Barry Brooker won the individual championship with a score of 56.3, Truman Hirschfeld scored 51.5 for second place, and Ken Lumb, Vniv. of Toronto scored 49.5 for third place. This was a very well organized meet by the V. of T. staff and what personally pleased me was the manner in which I received the score sheets, results, etc. I wish I could say the same for other conveners of gymnastic meets. ALL AROUND, B. Brooker, V. of T, 56.3; T. Hirschfeld, V.N.B., 51.5; Ken Lumb, V. of T., 49.5. FREE X, B. Brooker, · 19.Q ; Jim Hancock, V.N.B., 17.1; J. Gero, U. of T ., 17.1. LONG HORSE VAULTING, B. Brooker, V . of T ., 19.1; T. Hirschfeld, V.N.B., 18.4; S. Sutherland, RoM.C, 18.4. SIDE HORSE, B. Brooker, V. of T., lS.6; T. Hirschfeld, V .N.B., 16.9 ; K. Lumb, V. of T , 16.8. HORIZONTAL BAR, B. Brooker, V . of T., 17.S; D. Eagle, V.N.B., 16.S; S. Sutherland, RoM.C, 16.3. PARALLEL BARS, B. Brooker, V. of T, 18.S; T. Hirschfeld, V.N .B., 18.1; D. Haase, R.M.C, 16.3. RINGS, B. Brooker, V. of T., 18.S, D. Sale, V. of T., l S.S; T Hirschfeld, V.N.B., 17.6.

/' Jim Hancock from the University of New Brunswick

FRAN K L. BARE Executive Director

Z' iu,~to't~ 1i!eft-0~ THE UNITED STATES GYMNASTICS FEDERATION P.O . Box 4699,


The U.S.G.F. Tour is filling rapidly. If you desire t6 see the World's Championships with a group of your fellow coaches and athletes, write immediately to the USGF for tour information. September IS-27th Dortmund Ger, many. (For USGF members only).'


The 1966 USGF Nationals are all set for the U. S. Air Force Academy on April IS-16th. Entries already indicate an excellent turnout for another great National Championship. Plan on being there to take part. +:




The USG.F. is now located in new office facilities. The print shop has been expanded and enlarged and some new equipment added to help speed up mailing and processing of mail to allow for quicker service to gymnasts in the USA. The office itself is large, modern and now is staffed full-time in order to keep orders and inquiries from backing up at any time. This is an excellent sign of growth for our organization and the sport. There was a day when gymnastics was little known and seldom appreciated , however, times are sure changing for the better. Witness one sign of this welcome chanrre in our new offices . . . . for all of you in our great' sport.







The gymnastics posters described in an earlier edition of The Modern Gymnast, are now ready in three colors (red-blue-green) and with an appropriate photo of a girl gymnast for women's meets. Order from USGF or write for information on them.





ATTENTION TEACHERS AND COACHES . . . please plan now on attending the 1966 CONGRESS OF AMERICAN GYMNASTICS COACHES .. _ . November 2S-26th. This professional meeting is aimed at exchanges, discussions, guest lecturers, films, officials program, coaching techniques . . . . and it affords the coaches and teachers involved in gymnastic program an opportunity to work together without the pressure of competition near by. If you need to seek the approval of your administration early to have financial help to make the trip place the dates on your calendar right now and get your application for travel in right away . . . . more on this in issues to follow.


New USGF offices and facilities



Below: A portion of the extra gymnasium facilities available for warm -ups

Once identified by a former President as "situated su as tu be equally inacces路 sible frum all parts of the State," Penn State still offers few of the distractions uf a metrupolitan campu~. Lucated in the that some reference is being made to Penn State Nittany Lions will host gymnasts from all parts of the United States in the 1966 NCAA Gymnastics Championships April 1 and 2. From Maine tu Califurnia, when one reads ur hears the word Nittany, he knows that sume reference is being made to Penn Stale. Nu other American college is so linked with a geographical term. The name is attributed to a local legend of an Indian Queen, Nita-nee, who ruled her people kindly and justly. Upon her burial, a great mountain arose, covered with cedar and pine .. . MI. Nittany. The Nittany Lion Shrine near Recrtlation Hall will be seen by many of the visiting gymnasts. It represtnts the Nittany Lions stalking forth from their mythical dens in the shadow of MI. Nittany. Their claws are ever couched for s!'orting battles in athletics and inter-collegiate cum!,etition. While the center of attraction for visiting gymnasts is sure to be Recreation Hall, many will take advantage of the opportun路 ity to see the Hetzel Union Building I HUB), site of student activities, cafeteria, snack bar and games rooms; the Library with more than 700,000 volumes; and the 16

Penn State gymnastics Caach Gene Wettstone who has been planning for the Nationals for a year and a half.

Aerial view of the Athletic facilities, the main gymnasium to the right with the middle and auxiliary gym an the left .

Mineral Industries Museum with its mineral and fossil collections. As on many other camp uses, construction is rampant, and modern laboratories mingle with ivycovered buildings of older vintage. Gymnasts will have more than 30 dormitories to consider in arranging after·the·meet dates, as nearly all coeds live on campus. Even having seen the University Park campus, gymnasts will have missed a large part of P enn State. There are an addition· al 18 Commonwealth Campuses helping to educate its 28,000+ st ud ent body. In 1960 when the NCAA's were last held at Penn ~tate , more than 11 ,500 sp~ctato rs viewed the Championships. Now, newly remodded Rec Hall accommodates 7500 and the old .-record is sure to be broken for th e two day st'ssion. Excdlent lighting and accoustic:; and a lack of obstructing sup· ports make this facility one of the fine st in the co untry , and it has been filled to

capacity many times this year for gym· nastics. Many factors con tribute to the unique spectator appeal of gymnastics on this campus, not the least of which is Lion Coach Gene Wettstone. His earliest gym· nastics teams put on exhibitions and circus acts, the like of which he recalls with a chuckle and a shudder. Nonetheless, the popularity of the sport grew, in large measure due to hi s fair for showmanship and carfeul attention to detail. "Great stress is put on the harmony of movement, the development of ease and grace wtih rhythm, muscular and masculine coordination . Posture, efficiency of movement, and mature personalities are also reflected by our gymnasts. The same can be said of our present manner of conducting and presenting gymnastics to our audien ces." Wettstone has said, speaking of his philosophy of the sport itself.

locker rooms


Student enthusiasm has in no way been dampened by Wettstone's 28·year win-loss record of 126·32. His squads have won 8 NCAA and 11 EIGL Championships. Penn State gym nasts have brought home 22 Na· ti onal and 65 Eastern individual champion· ships. It is difficult indeed to list all the outstanding gy mnasts he has coached , but today's students will argue knowledgably as to the relative merits of Vel!a, Weiss, Seward. Jacobson, and thi s year's stand· outs, Ed Isabell e and Steve Cohen. No small part of th e interest in gymnastics is generated by the stud ent newspaper which has printed over 315 column·feet on gym· nasti cs alone in the past 7 years. P en n Staters will extend an enthusiastic welcome to the competitors in the 1966 NCAA Championships, and close attention and loud applause will greet the performances of men from north, east, south, and "est.

The Hetzel Union Building (HUB) site of student activities


Ru st y Rock , senior ,

Sa n Fern ando Valley Slale Co lle ge

Steve Cohen , junior, PE-

Kanoli Allen , sophom ore, UCLA


Th, provii

NC AI piclUi AroUi

them, to b , Natie In must

(this of I I Ihe d oes cham

. Iisl I tend. junio! versi t

Ed Isabelle, seni or, Penn Slale

Mar k Cohn, senio r, Temp le Un iversity

Jerry Fontana , junior , Iowa State Rick Field, senior, University

ln State All-Around

competi ti on




e a great dea l of interest in this year's Championships. On these pages are ,d and mentioned many of the AII d gymnasts wh o have distinguished

elves so far this season, and who ha ve coun ted among those t o watch at the l ois . oddition to the fell ows pictured here , w e include Dav e Th or of Michigan State month's MG cover ) and Sid Freudenstein e Univers ity of Californ ia , pictured in :ebruary MG (Chalk Tal k). Since space not permit and pictu res of All-Around )5 were not ava il ab le, we 'l! just have to le names of som e of the other top con' S: Bob Cargill , a Sprin gfield Co llege ; LoMoune Durham , a senior at the Unit of Southern Califo rnia; Mike Fl ansaas .




California ,



Univ ersit y


Was h ington;

Terry H iggins, a sen ior at the Ai r Force Academ y; Rich Impson , a sophomore fr om Arizona State; .Larry Li ndauer of Southern il linois University; Dan Millman , a University Berkeley,

juni or;


Roe t h1is-

berger, 0 sen ior at Wiscons in; Sa m Sakamoto, a University of Southern Californ ia sophomore; and probab ly several other whom we ha ve

unintentionally ove rl ooked .

From amonlJ thi s group o f pi ch.[red and named candidates, only 12 wi ll fi nally qualify for the NCAA fina ls (whi ch will take place as this edit ion o f the MG goes in the mail). In our May edition, wMich w il l feature complete coverage o f the 1966 NCAA Nationa l Championships you will see just which ones of these men wi ll mount the tr oph y stand to rece ive the top A ll - Around honors and awards.


Mike Lovell , senior, University of

Wash ington

GYMNASTICSTHE NOBLE SPORT by Charles Ashjian " The author (Charles Ashjian) wishes to ackn owledge the valuable advice and encouragement extended by Mic hael fa cobSOil, current NCAA All -Around Champion from the Pennsylvania State University during th e writing 0/ this, article." Here, at P enn State, is the home of the current NCAA Gymnasti cs Team Champions. Unfortunately, gym nastics, if not oft en neglected, is a poorly und erstood acti vity. On e hesitates in depicti ng gymnastics as only a sport or a sportive art becau se of the skill , taste, and form al bea uty that are its salient and imposing characteristics. Nevertheless, un d e r a stricter anal ysis, this designation is foun d correc t. This evaluation, however, should not ignore the fact that gymnastics is nearer than any other sportive activity, even superior in certain features, to the total develop ment and expression of the creative art s. For this reason, gymnastics is considered- The Noble Sport. Let us be fore specifi c about the reaso ns for such a designation. First, let us consider some of the qualiti es that con tribute to the existence and creation of an art ·object. Then let us move to a consider· ation of the dance, a creative art form , and consid er some the special qualities of thi s art form. Finally, in terms of such a background we shall discuss gymnastics, a sportive art form , and attempt to presen t the main poin ts of parallel, distinction, and accord. Of the many factors that go into the making of a - work of art, none are more important than the taste, temperament and personality of the artist. No work of art can embody more merit than is allowed by the poten tiality and quality of the artist, material, or contential element s that are presen t. It is most naive to assert that the full personality of the arti st does n ot manifest itself in the expressive elements of the aJ:t-o bject. The personal taste or th e di stin ctive' judgment of the artist can never be separated from his personality. Th e aggregate of factors which go into the formation of a personality and the contin gent taste and judgmen t of the artistic personality begin to suggest the compl ex

orIgms of the final product. Again, the personality of the artist is rich in moral character. This is not, however, a stri ct plea for morality in art nor is it an assertion that th e artist is only moral. And it is not even to say that moral character is a prereq uisit e for success ful artistic creation-but, it is to say that no great performance or creation can result from the endeavor of an artist who does not truly and markedly possess moral character. As the whole of the artis t's bein g, not merely some visible object or surface image, is finally placed on display; such considerations may not be ignored. Again, th e artist I S a master ot hiS cr~tt. He is a technician who is familiar With all of the possibilities of hi s medium. Technique is what can be gained by study and observation and instruction. Thou gh an art endeavor can be effective and pleasing without a mastery of techniqu e, it qn never approach that attainable perfection of a particular medium. To employ te chnique alone in the creati on of an art ob· ject is to present an object devoid of feel· in g and which, finally, merely flaunts an annoying sort of perfection. The presence of spontan eity, freedom, and human personality have been minimized. An observer can not detect any sort of texture nor, as a result , can he derive any emoti onal excitation. The final product is merely con· catena tive or the bearer of a machin e-like perfection . If taste has been exercised at all, it is merely in the in terest of avoiding error. Selecti vity has been directed with thi s emphasis. One can travel very dull paths if anxious to avoid the possibility of an enco unter with error. Such excess, from the vantage point of art criticism , is termed "formalism". Much abst·ra ct art possesses this flaw . If the tas te of the artist is to be exercised frui tfu ll y it must h ave access to a rich array of values, images, and ex peri ·


Drawings by Ivan Foster


by A. BRUCE FREDERICK'f 2125 ARMOUR DRIVE WILMINGTON 8, DELAWARE ences or standard performances from whi ch to choose or guide progress. The artist must expose himself to all this and in some mann er, al so, be able to duplicate these apprehensions within his own mind so as to imitate, depict, or elaborate upon them within the compass of a particular medium. To sum up , the artist is a man rich in personality and character who exercises his taste or selective faculty upon a rich store of values, images, and experiences and present s, usin g the strength of hi s particular technical ca pacity, a fin al product for mutual experience and evaluation. All of this appli es to the gym nast. Finally, two more points related to art shou ld be mentioned. First, art gains its impact from the capacity to depict and convey emotional experi ence. It can depict ot her sorts of experience, certainly-but, its very strength and existence must be traced back to the vitality and vigor (,f human emotions-ultimately as they have been experienced and present ed by the artis t. Gymnasti cs, which is our main concern, does not full y accomplish this. There is an ex perien ce of emotionality to be derived from gy mnastics but it is not chiefly the result of a previous emot ionality experi enced by the perform er. Rather it is, among other things, a result of the awe, admiration, and excitation to be derived indirectly from the observance of graceful and poised movement within framework of the most precarious sort s of circumstan ces. Secondly, art organizes, creates, or reminds the audi ence of life experiences in th e broader sense. Art in this respect, is limitless in its possibilities gymnastics is ex tremely limit ed. Ce rtainly, gymnastics cannot organize or comprehend these lifebroad boundari es, b'Ymnastics remains explicit and referential within narrow ones. Nevertheless, many of the points where creative art and gymnastic are converge are becoming ev id ent. Let us now sharpen this awareness by discussin g both the dance and gymnastics. Movement is the essence of the dance anJ, so too, is it the essence of gy mnast ic<. Both use th e body as a med ium and both depend upon a dynamic fl ow of energy within the bounds of taste, control, and technique. The body is the primary medium in which such movem ent takes place. Both emphasize or demand the physical fitness and perfection of the performer. Both emphasize the desirability of beauty in the human fi gure and the expressive presentation of this figure. In both these fornl s the body itself becomes an object of art. Further, dance and gymnastics both rely upon design of two types-first, design in space or a concern with a particular image

at a particular moment. Thi s design r ela tes the performed in the optimal mann er to the obj ect or s urroundin gs with which he is performing whether it be a prop , an apparatus, or an open-space_ Second, design in time is a goal wherein the most favorabl e effect th rough a series of movemen ts over a span of time is int ended. Both dance and gymnastics con cern themselves with the form of the total movement or the arrari gement of all the im ages in a s p e~ ial and most desirable sequence. S uch mutua l con ce rn wi th form manifests a similar strong desire for clarity of expression and statem ent. Gymnastics and dance concern themselves with the arrangement of m ovement in time with emphasis on variation in the sequences of movement or upon the " phrasin g" or " pacin g" of the total present a tion . H ere, interesting varieties of tempo and stimulating surprises are the goal s. Movement fl ows into varied m ovement and sequence fl ows into varied seq uen ce in orde r to present chan ge and contrast. In this manner, monotony is avoided. Static position s are minimized. Next , gymnas tics tends primarily toward th e straight line and right angle and the impression of strength and fortitud e. Thou gh graceful and delicate movement is certainly a fea ture of gy mnas ti cs, ther e is always the tenden cy to r eturn to these dominant positions. The da ncer, in turn , can more properly encompass these and many other nuances of expression_ Further , the gymnast is a sy mmetrical perform er. H e is concern ed with stability and poise in all of hi s end eavors. No unbalan ce d movement is ever intended. Mer e symm etry in art would, ordinarily, be dull and monotonous. Aga in , excitation an d variety are usually obtained by a r esort to asy mmetrical movement which is apparently unbalanced and precarious. The gymnast, in contras t, arouses the same sensations that the dancer produces by asymmetrical activity, from the use of appartu s and the startlin g manner of approach and man euve r within his environment. Finally, the dance and gy mnasti cs both concern themselves with rhythm . Rhythm is the so ul and spirit of the dan ce. It is what the dan ce r adheres to or int erprets or comment s upon- most oft en it is the motive force behind the dance_ Rrythm is the pulse of emotionality and the dan cer usually derives in s piration from a stron g rhythm outsid e of himself. In contrast, the gymnast is his own source of inspiration. Usually , the rhythm is established by his own taste or prefer ence and sometimes imposed upon him by hi s own performin g capacity. Oft en the rhythm is imposed upon by the demand s of a particular movement, however, the rhythm whi ch the gymnast employs has little to do with emotionality. Thus, one of the sharpest distinctions between th e art of the dan ce and that of gymnastics becomes apparent. Whereas the dan ce r conveys and proj ects a taste anci maximum emotionality throu gh vivid form ; the gymna st, an artist rather than art-object, conveys and projects a taste and minimum emotionality which are primarily concerned with form. Thus, gymnastics ap 路 pears to participate in the "formalism" of which we spoke earlier. Yet , the precarious circumstances under which the gymnast performs are so conducive to the excitation of emotional response in the spectator that it is easily spared from any criticism which suggests dullness or lifelessness. In conclu sion all of these assertions, whi ch how the proxImity of gymnastics and creative art , are also the basis for our designation- Th e Noble Sport.

HOW I LEARNED TO PLAY THE PIANO IN 15 MINUTES Do yo u pla y the pi ano ? I don ' t But let me tell yo u how I lea rned to play it . . . rh ythmically. W hat good was it anyway? It very oft en was in the way at game tim e, standin g unused in th e small teachin g station I had been ass igned. Occasionally , it wa s use ful as an obse rvation platform. I could vault to its vantage po in t to observe the mistakes of lea rnin g of my prim a ry tumblin g classes. It was good for laughs, too . When th e new music teacher heard I had been using it in my classes she said , " Oh, that's wonderful! " A mu sic teacher wo uld never dream of standing on it ; a physical ed ucator mi ght. Eventually, th e children told her h ow I was really usin g it , or mi susin g it. Ju st th e other day she s tartin g speakin g to me agai n. Then one day , durin g a creative r hythms cla ss, I learn ed to " play" it. The children r esponded. In fift een minutes I had become an arti st-com poser-conductor for a symphon y of movement ! From that day , its value as a platform was r elega ted to seco ndary importance. Turning Noise Into Me aningful Sound I thought to myself, " I'll use this key ( any key) for th e right foot ; another for the left." " Now children, wh en yo u hear thi s note, you will do somethin g with yo ur right fo ot and when _ .. etc." In proper co mbinations of tempo (and only two note s), I enj oyed the thrill of a puppeteer as the children res pond ed by walkin g, skippin g or runnin g. The obj ective; to m ove appropriately to music. Noise, if you will. Havin g explored other possibilities such as jumping, hoppin g, glidin g and the lik e, m ~, mind "toyed with other possibilities as I played. S u ppose I selected two hi gher n otes for the fee t as opposed to two lower one,? Tip toes were ev ident with high notes allLl so methin g akin to cra wling r esulted frolll the stimulu s of the lows. Crawling? Hadn 1 so meone been working on a study of mixed dominance a nd handwritin g r ecently '! Would the piano in its new rol e be of value? But that's an other story. Back to pure, purpose ful noise. S uppose the children were sitting. Could the piano ge t them up ? My m other, a former piani st for the silent movies, had tau ght me how to locat e middl e " C". I stru ck it twi ce, recall in g my on e and onl :1 piano lesson. The children learn ed to recognize th e authority of middle "c" as it said sharpl y, "S tand up. " Thi s combination of not es became a signal for them. To get them down a gain , I simply hit th e lowest note on the keyboard . Dowll they went. This time without .;u ggc..sti(ln. Th e lowest key had a qui etin g affect as well. If I held it down , it continued to drone in a monotonous, almo st hypne路ti c way which resulted in n on-movement. Th ~ children lazily searched for space on the floor in order to get into a comf"rtable position on their backs. They looked like puddles of limp flesh and the silence was unlike any I had ever noticed in a gymnasi um_ Or was it? The children had been tau ght the " rag doll" technique of tension 路control in their introduction to a new aspec t of the ir physical education . Yes, ill all fairness, the silen ce was similar to that produced by the techniques so carefull y r elated to me by the wonderful folks of the Foundation for Scientific Relaxation in Chicago. Their story is important, too, but I'll tackle that one another time.

With furth er experimentation , I found that playing three notes which closely co rrespond ed to the first three mu sical word s of the old tun e, " Three Blind Mi ce" ( playe d ad infinitum ) seemed to be sayin g musicall y, " Turn a-round. " Try it and see. Pirouettin g chil dren resulted from these se qu en ces. They co uld turn fa s t, slow, hi gh or low de pendin g on the " artist's" momenta ry whim . The exact oppos ite of the qui etin g affect of the lowest key was eli cited by wha t I have d ecid ed to call " nervous mu sic". I remembered a time when such noise co uld almost dri ve my mother cr azy and more than once she said , "S top that infernal drummin g on the piano!" ow, at lea st, it had some oth er meaning. Nervo us mu sic is simply a ran dom ( usin g !I'[om's terminology) drummin g of th e keys in a rapid se quen ce. Yo u should see what is does to children! Yo u can bun ch your fingers toge ther or simpl y att ack the piano Frankenstein Mo nster style_ W e tried hi gh-n ervous a nd low -n ervou s. One int eresting lo wnervous reaction was a child 's emulati on of th e fabu lous " C urly " of the Three Stooges. Don't you r ememb er how C urly occasionall y got down on his sid e to per form his uniqu e, circular runnin g movement s at tim es wh en he was particularl y aff ec ted? Th e children and al so discovered "grow in g lllu sic". You can produce thi s va rie ty by runnin g th e scal e i.e. hittin g ea ch key in ord er ; either whit e or black. On ce aga in I tri ed mixin g up the tempo as my fin gers stumbl ed from key to key. On the faster se quen ces I t hought Illy thumbnail wo uld split. The chil dren r ea cted by either "growing" up or d own and I was ca reful to see that th ey co uld respond in a p roper way. S ubse.quently I taped a noise con certo, The arti st was finally released to move among hi s human in strum ent s and mak e su o-o-esti ons and offe r help to those wh o co~ldn 't lose the mselves and res pond . Very oft en a child would simply stand and not react at all. The use of the tape r ecorder in the gymnasium can almost become th e ri ght arm of th e teacher in many situation s. Do use it some time. If not for rhythmi cs ; then some thing else. It's a grea t teachin g aid . Not sati sfied with s imply playing the pian o, I thought I should invent so me form of notati on to represent the kind of movement ideas I would present to my classes. I offer the following system to those of yo u who will compose in th e future. Two high notes struck meaning " stand up" etc.

rapidl y

A key representing the left fo o t A key represen t ing the right f oo t

Nervous Music


Grow ing (or dyi ng ) Music Representing a sequ ence of three notes f or turning rapidl y Turning (three notes) m oderatel y Turning (three notes ) slowly The lowest note on the ke yboard The lowest nate on the ke yboard held tor v ary ing periads o f time The the key. bol, the

L "

little curl added to any of above wou ld indi cate a high Located on top o f the sym" L" indicates a high key f er left foot

A low key for the left f oo t . (With no curl at t op or bottom, a random choice is indicated_)


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This issue of the MG we bring you Gym Snops from Coach Glen Wilson's Uniyersity of Calorado Gym team, Boulder, Colo. At upper left: Warren Boatright doing a Moltese on the Ri ngs, next; Lon Arfsten performing a vault on the High Bar, Bill Padia (All Around) doing a straddle cut-catch On the Parallels, Bob Setchell doing a full twi st on the Trampol ine and in the lower left hand corner, Bob Fishe r (All Around) shown in a handstand' on the Parallel Bar, with Dave Baldwin holding an "L" on t he Parall el Bars, Bob McCabe depressing the Trampo line, Jack Ryan show ing great style on the Side Horse and Larry Hoffschneider ho lding a Cross on the rings.

Corner By Helen Sjursen Editor's Note: Mrs. Helen (Schifano) Sjursen is a former USA Olympian (Bronze Medal winner, 1948 Olympics) now an in· structor at the Fanwood·Scotch Plains YMCA. Helen has also written several pamphlets and books on Women's Gym. nastic Apparatus work for beginners. As an officer in the New Jersey Gymnastic As· sociation, running meets, teaching classes and writing books, Mrs. Sjursen is a very busy person. But when it comes to promot· ing Gymnastics she just can't say NO . . . So as time permits "Helen's Corner" will be an almost regular feature in the MG.

So, you are a beginner and want to take up gymnastics. Congratulations! You have chosen a marvelous sport, not only for the enjoyment you can get out of it, but for what it can do for you-KEEP YOU PHYSICALLY FIT. As a beginner, naturally your instructor will give you the more simple movements and skills to learn (or moves geared to your natural talent). You must, at this stage, develop the habit of keeping "form" with your legs, (straight, together and toes pointed), as later on, you will find that learning the more difficult skills will be·



come easier for you. So when a move calls for straight legs, make sure they are straight and toes pointed and if they should be together, make sure they are together. Your instructor should constantly remind you about "form" as you are learning, to help you become conscious of it until it does become a habit. Although strength moves are not reo quired in today's artistic gymnastics for women, the female gymnast must still have a certain amount of strength in her arms and strength of abdominal muscles. There are many exercises that can be done to de· velop the necessary strength needed for gymnastics. The following are some that can all be done at home so that you can spend more time in your gym on the ac· tual skills you are trying to learn. A chin· ning bar can be put up on a doorway of your home for home practice of hanging exercises. The advancement you make in gymnastics will depend upon the time you put into it. Try the following exercises and watch your legs whenever possible to see that are kep in FORM. For abdominal



Lie on stomach on floor and place hands by chest, palms flat on floor. Be sure legs together, straight and toes pointed. Do not curl the toes, as a beginner must keep her legs in form whenever possible so that "form" with the legs will soon become a hab· it vital . in gymnastic work. If you feel your feet sliding back as you are doing your push·up, check to see that your hands are not placed too far forward. As arms straighten, be sure to have the shoulders in a forward position. Chin-ups for arms

There are times, on the unevens, you will need a pulling action, so to prepare yourself, do some chin·ups starting from a hanging position. Remember, even in a hanging position, concentrate on "form" with the legs, straight, together and toes pointed. SIt-ups for abdominal

For back arch


Lie on your back on the floor, arms stretched over head. Swing arms upward and forward, raISIng upper body, bend forward and touch toes. Return to original position. Watch your legs as you are touching your toes to make sure they are in form.

Stretching leg muscles For abdominal

Lie on your back on the floor, arms at sides of body, palms flat on the floor. Raise legs upwards pressing the palms of hands firmly against the floor. This "pressing" will help you raise hips high enough to complete the remainder of this skill, to allow toes to touch the floor behind the head. Slowly return to original position. Abdominal

Hang on any piece of equipment available and raise legs to the "L" position and hold. Relax, and repeat again. For bock arch

One exercise to develop the arch in the back is to kneel placing hands on hips fingers facing upwards. Arch back pressing hands against the hips路 hold. Return to original position and repeat several times. Having a good arch can be an advantage when learning front and back walkover, and also in learning advanced tricks such as the front and back walkover on the beam. (When you start to feel more confident and have good control, do this exercise without the use of hands.) For bock arch

Lie on your stomach with bent knees. Grasp ankles firmly. Raise head and chest off floor and at the same time try to straighten your legs. For bock arch


'; ',

Another is to lie on YOllr back, palms flat on the floor, fingers pV ointing towards shoulders, feet are placed close 1'0 buttocks and flat on the floor. Raise body to a brid ge position. Straighten the arms (which you will find easy enough to do, but now straighten your legs keeping your feet flat on the floor. Feel it in the small of the back?

Exercises demonstrated by Susan Grimson at MG Gym Studio, Santo Monico . Calif.

Stretching leg muscles

Start from a stride position, bend front knee (other leg remains straight. Take a deep lunge (bring buttocks close to foot of ben t leg. Return to original position and repeat on other side. This exercise will help to stretch the leg muscles. Stretching leg muscles

Starting from a stride position, arms sideways, slide feet farther apart widening the stride. Legs must be kept straight at all times. When you have lowered as much as ppssible, return to original position and repeat. Keep the spine rigid when doing this exercise (stretch your head towards the ceiling) as relaxing could cause a side bending which will throw you off balance. Why do I say keep legs straight, and arms sideways? So you can kill three birds with one stone; I-By keeping the legs straight, when you finally have stretched enough to get down to the split position, you will have a nice looking split, legs in form, 2- By keeping arms sideways, you are also learning balance control at the same time. When your leg. muscles are fully stretched, you will be doing a perfect split without the use of the hands, which 3-路 has prepared you to execute the splits on the beam where you must have balance control.

Preparing for vaulting

Lie on storriach on floor, palms flat on floor by chest. Legs should be in form, straight, together, toes pointed. Press palms firmly on floor . quickly raising hips to a jack路knife position placing feet on floor close to hands. (Arms straighten as hips raise.) This is not so difficult to do if you remember to place hands on floor by chest (not too close to shoulders) and when you jack-knife, the shoulders must be kept well shifted forward so body

weight is balanced over straight arms. This exercise will give the b,eginner the fe~l of having the body weight over the arms with raised hips in preparation for squat vaults and straddle vaults requiring the raising of the hips. (For the two vaults mentioned, the hips will not raise as high as shown in this exercise.) Next Edition: "Squat Vault For the Beginner."


RECORD OF THE MONTH Reports of two new records came in last month, both on twi sting somersaults_ Homer Sardina of Iowa State University broke the bara.ny record of 250 oy performing 251 and John Anthony of Seattle, Washin gton , rai sed the back with full twist record to 87.

By Jess Robinson

We have -mentioned hand boun ces only three tiines in the two and one-half years of writing .this column. In February, 1964, we recommended a hand stand be used in the fundamental routine - hands-&-knees, stomach, knees, hands, feet, seat, back_. In the July-August 1964 issue Terry Winkles reported h e performed 51 .consecutive hands bounce? for "Record of the Month," and Frank Schmitz threw a back somersault from hands at the Tucson Clinic for "Un usual Stunt" of February 1964_ We cari safely say the hands bQunce will never be used effectively in a competitive routine but still, bouncing on hands on trampoline may hive some merit. We be' lieve it can be a helpful trainin g exercise for learning to hold .handstands or for gei ting into a handstand or handspring. And sin ce handstands and handsprings are such an important part of gymnastics wc are devoting a full page of seq uence pictures to these siunts.

Learning the Trampoline Handstand To learn knee drop to handstand, land in knee drop position approximat'ely one foot behind center line of trampoline. As knees start upward motion , snap hand s down onto center line, drive hips over the head and land in handstand position. Common errors are to ei ther anticipate haridstand and never really land in knee drop position, or to .wait too long and dive to hand stand ~ Once timing for handstand is learned, performer should attempt to change the imm ediate downward snap of arms to lifting motion as is used in takeoff of forward somersault. This will give lift to the stunt instead of cutting height. Learning' correct hip lift on takeoff should also be of value in a handsprin g on Lon g Horse, dive roll in Free Exercise or possibly giants on Horizontal Bar. Our thanks to Dan Millman for these pictures.


* * *


TRAMPOLINE NEWS by Larry Martin Trampolining was welcomed into the Ca~adian gymnastic world once more at the' North American Gymnastic Championships in Montreal on February 12th and 13th. Though handcapped by a 6 x 12- 1o/.± inch web bed, a spectacular trampoline performance ' was given to a packed arena by six American and Canadian trampolinists. Jim Yongue (current North American Champion ) of the U.S. thrilled everyone




MEMPHIS GYM ASSOC. Milton Davis, Recreation Director of the second 'Pres byterian Church in Memphis, Tenn . wrote to tell us of tlieir successful Trampoline meet held earlier this year_ Fifty-seven competitors entered the meet and the senior winners were Jim Y oungue of Lafayette, La. and Donna Bascon, Springfield, Ill. Mr. Davis also mentions that the Memphis Gym Association is in its 7th season and hosted the Memphis Invi tational on March 19th. The Memphis Assoc. takes pride in the progress the gymnasts from their area are' continuing to make.

3. Weltmeisterschaft im Trampolinspringen Am 29.130. Aprij 1968 werden in Lafayette/Louisiana/USA die 3. Welt· meister.chafteR 1m Trampolinspringen ausgetragen. Karlheinz Grindler

hat die Auuchreibung fUr PRAXIS DEA lEIBESOBUNGEN iIIustriert. H.B.

We -thought yO!.l would enjoy these drawings published in the German Gym Instructors mogozine of the World Championship Trompoline compulsories for men ond women.

A"m.rto.u"lI : Sprwn, Hr. 10 CTur" .. lk ." ...... ch " h.chl., •• rden











, .,..

up out of knee drop a nd upward ' drive of hips before landing in handstand . ~;. "'~

~~NP~'~ ' ~'~~'~__~-,~~~~~~~~~~-~~----~

KNEE DROP, LAYOUT TO HANDSTAND. Hips and legs lock into layout some motion needed fo'r forwar d twisting samer$Oults.






tra~poline b~d.






This stunt

SEAT DROP, LAYOUT BACK SOMERSAULT TO HANDSTAND. (Could be learned in belt.) Parallel Bars. Note that hips are forward and upward immediately on takeoff.

is similar to back over

bar on

' 1'

........ ....

- ... _- .....

.., i







BACK KABOOM, HALf TWIST TO HANDSTAND. (See trampoline column March 1965 to learn bock kaboom .) Th i§ is ba$ically some mechanics n~eded to execute a stitz to han,d stand on Para!lel Bars. Wait to twi~t until body is. post horizontal position. ,"I

so much by his routines (Rudolphs-in to open and triple backs to ; close) that he was asked to do an encore for the audience and T.V. cameras. · George Porter (N.J. State Champ) and Beverly Averitt (AAU Champ) added the sparkle to the U.S. team , with Canada's three top tranlpolinists : Rick Kinsman (1964 Canadian Champ), Jean-Marie Pesant (1964 runnerup) and Wayne King (1962 runner-up) turning in an outstanding display of Canadian talent. Since the AA U decided to present an exhibition instead of a competition, we are ", still un sure of our position in Gymnastics. As Canadian Trampolinists are still not cif equal calibre to the :top American c'o mpeH: tors, it is conceded that the ' winner of such a meet would have been a forgon e conclusion, however, Canadian trampolin-


ists seem to be asked only to ent!,!rtain' and not compete, and so often miss the opportunity of competition experience. Announcing trampoline as a "Special E'vent;' but still competition should continue to help draw people to gymnastic meets and also provide me comp'e titive experience for our trampolinists. Some very realistic letters have been received offering suggestions on ways to hasten the growth of Canadian Trampolining. These letters emphasize the need to push this sport among the nation's youth by org!lnizing cililics and holding small m~Js~: CO.l\.I<..h..~~. JltU~Lbe_ ,willi!,1g ,' t.o 'hgld . . regular workout, setting up ptb-grruni ' to produce results in competitive meets. Who's . boullCin$ in CilllaQa that we haven't heard hom?

U.S.G.F. NAT10NAL CHAMPIONSHIP TRAMPOI!I~~ ROUTI~E~ . . Men's ~l it'e Division . 1. % bock somersdlHt , piked . . . touching • , "

ankles momentarily, to a stomach landing Cody somersault (tuck position) Double back somersault (tuck) larani (pike position) ack somersault (layout pOsit ion) <oub le twisting back somersqil lt 7. Front 1 V2 twisting. somersaLilt., (rudolph ) 8. Back somersault (tuck) ;.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

9 . Front swan dive





10. Half-twist of body into on immediate back somersault (pikea) to stand . Women's Division 1. Front with 1 Y2 twist (Rudolph) 2. Bock tucked 3. 31.. bock layout 4. Cody. tucked 5: BeSrhny 6. Back wit·h full twist 7. Bar any , . 8. Bock piked 9. Swan dive (layout) 10. Barony bailout (bailout with Y2 twist)


~~ FROM A NEUROTIC JUDGE by Roy Davis THE NCAA RULESOASIS I A DESERT \Note-for a copy of the NCAA Rules, si mply write to: The National Collegiate Athletic Bureau, Box 757, Grand Central Station, New York, New York, and ask for the 19...... Official NCAA Gymnastics Rules. Enclose $.75 payment.) The Rules Committee made some signifi· cant and welcome changes in the format of the NCAA rulebook for 1966. They added an index, a Code of Ethics for judges, suggested difficulty ratings on trampolin e, and portions of the FIG rules; in addition, they combined the apparatus and event specifications . with the event reo quirements to make the rules much more readable. As for the rules, the Rules Committee adapted the trampoline regulations to more closely parallel the rules applicable to the other events, again altered long horse vaulting, drastically revised the NCAA qualification procedure, added a 4th man in dual meets. eliminated th e all·around event except in principle, added a rather unnecessary intermission to dual meets \several to championship meets-ugh!), and adapted the biggest and most signifi· can t headache of all-the raw score. The '66 rules are to be saluted for their boldness. They admit to "modifications" in the FIG Code and, in the concomitant in· clusions, establish a more complete rule book than ever before. It serves as a fine example to all related gymnastics associ· ations and a tremendous challenge to judges and judges' associations everywhere. HOWEVER-FOR THE SAKE OF CLARITY: For the sake of clarity and improved fules, I would like to recommend several changes. To facilitate reading, I will list them in order of occurrence in the rules RULE 2. DUAL MEET COMPETITION Section 6. Judges and Officials. Officials to be used in a dual meet must be agreed upon by th e participating coaches." Is this actually done? Section 7 Judges' duties. On the long horse, the judges will place themselves in such a way that two of them can observe the vault frontwa ys and particularly the trajectory. The other two will concentrate especially on the first phase of the vault. According to Webster's dictionary, tra· je ctory is defined as "the curve which a body describ~ s in space ..." Obviously this wording should be ;revised. It is rather difficult to observe the curvature of flight from the front. . RULE 3. REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MEETS. Section 5. Team Score. Article 2. The gymnast does not ' /:lave to compete in all six events to receive an all·around score.


Doesn't this permIssIveness weaken the all·around event? Is this permitted because the all·around is not a scored team event? I tried to introduce such a rule contingent upon injury or disability in my high school association, but was rather soundly con· vinced that such a rule would allow the three or four event specialist to score in all·around without any extra effort on the other events. This seemed to be a move in the wrong direction.

RULE 5. GENERAL RULES OF COM· PETITION. Section 4. Article 1. An exercise must be composed of parts and movements typical and proper for the corresponding appar· atus (see Rule 6) . Article 4. Penalizing oj' the combination a. Combinations and movements of the wrong type, deductions each time, 1·3/10. This rule needs clarification. What ex· actly is a movement of the "wrong type"? Double leg circles on the floor or p·bars? A held move on high bar or side horse? Is it necessary in view of Article L? Section 5. Article 2. If a C part is reo placed by a B part, the difficulty score will be decreased by 0.2 points. The maxi· mum score would be 9.8 points. An extra C part can replace a missing B part. The same applies for B parts replacing A parts. Technically, a C part cannot replace an A part, and it can only replace one B. Ob· viously, this is unfair. The rule should read that any move of higher difficulty "nay replace one of lower difficulty. Section 7. Article 2. c. When in the trampoline event, the contestant touches anything but the bed . .. the gymnast is permitted preliminary bounces alter this type of interruption withQut further de· ductions. This rule favors the gymnast who fall s off over the gymnast who maintains some control and stays on the bed. The latter may submit to extra bounce penalties which he could easily avoid if he simply touched the springs. Preliminary bounces should be penalized in the same manner as extra swings. Section 8. Article 1. Coaching or talking to a contestant during his performance is prohibited. 'When a performer is actually touched, the judges shall deduct 1.0. The ' penalty assessed here is not only too severe, it is contradictory to later para· gra phs which state that penalties up to LO will be levied for spotting on any move in the routine. The penalty should read "up to LO". Section 11. In the event of accidents . the head judge shall allow the contestant a second trial. In view of some past confusion about the scope of this rule, it should be clari· fied as to whether or not it includes iorn handgrips or if the intention is to leave this matter completely up to the superior judge regardless of the interference. In my opinion, handgrips are unpredictable. Section 15. Article 2. C • • • • Depending on the seriousness of the fault and taking into consideration the difficulty 0/ the part leading to it, stops will be penalized, each tim'e 3.7/10. Exactly how does difficulty affect a stop? More severely or less? Uncontrolled difficulty should be more severely penal· ized, but the issue should be clarified. Article 3. g. (3) Lack 0/ harmony, rh ythm, and suppleness during the entire (floor) exercise, up to 10/10. This rule is one of the best and at the same time the most dangerous in the whole FIG Code. I earnestly hope that good

judges use it wisely and poor judges are reluctant to overapply it; I have often wondered why it does not apply generally to all exercises instead of floor exercise only. This is a very important area of de· duction. Most judges exercise the rule everywhere; make us honest, Rules Com· mittee. RULE 6. SPECIFIC RULES OF COM· PETITION FOR THE EVEN TS General: all apparatus specs should be made flexible enough to accommodate per· formers of all sizes. Tall performers are handicapped by inflexible heigh t allow· ances on high bar; short and tall per· formers alike might be adversely affected by the stingy four· inch adjustment allowed on parallel bars. Side Horse: Section 2. Article 2. . . . All three parts of the horse and both left and right sides must be used . . . Does this rule mean to include a move· ment involving a 1;2 turn such as a Moore, simple Swiss, or inverted stockli? Because if it means neck and croup, it would ap· pear to be dedundant. I favor the 1/2 turn idea as long as no level of difficulty is specified. Parallel Bars: Section 5. Article 2 . . . . there must be shown either erne B part below or one B part above the bars in which the grip is momentarily released, and not more than. .. :' I do not favor regulating the difficulty of a required movement. Change the B prescription to read "of corresponding or special value" (one of the other). Also, define grip as a complete release of both hands simultaneously. Rings: Section 6. Article 2. . . . A fur· ther requirement is at least one difficult position held with strength (other than a hand3tand). . It is unfair in this instance to prescribe a held move which could be less aestheti· cally pleasing than a strength move that is not held. Any strength part should be acceptable other than a ' handstand. Long Horse: Section 7. Article 4. (This paragraph lists the difficulty of the vaults. It is my feeling that vault scores must be revised to be more consistent with the value oj' skill achievements in the other events. I feel that the following adjust· ments are reasonable.) VAULT

straddle squat handstand pivot cartwheel stoop (knees straight thruout) scissors, with Y2 turn handspring stoop (bent to straight) stoop with V2 turn giant cartwh'eel hecht hecht with Y2 turn

For End Near End Present Rcmd. Pre.~ent Rcmd. Value Value Val; '. Value

7.5 8.0

5.0 6.0



9.5 9.8 10.0

8.5 8.5 10.0

10.0 9.5 10.0 10.0

9.5 9.0 10.0 10.0

7 .. , 8: _

5.0 6.0

10.0 9.0 10.0

9.5 7.5 10.0


7.5 9.8

10.0 10.0

10.0 10.0

Article 7. Before competition in this event begins, the judges shall be notified of each compe titors vault prior to the vault . .. The rule is unnecessary and time con· suming. The judges do not really need such information. CONCLUSION: These recommendations won't fit in a nut shell, but who wants to carrry a nut shell around. It is true that some of the recommendations may be rather signifi· cantly deviant from FIG procedure, but what great achievements can we boast of as followers anyway? The message should be obvious. Starting next month: the A. B, C Illus· trations



"WHAT'S THE SCORE?" By Jerry Wright Francisco State College U.C.L.A. Invitational FEB. 5, 1966 The University of California, continuing to dominate most of the collegiate com· petition on the West Coast this year, easi ly cap tured the team title in the annual U.C.L.A. invitational held Feb. 5, 1966. Dan Millman led the Cal team by win· nin g the FX, Trampoline, and LH; Josh Robison won the SR and Bill Fujimoto, up and coming Sophomore SH man ca p· tured his specialty. Rusty Rock continued to lead the West Coast HB men in head·on battles, this time getting the best of Allen and Luber of UCLA who placed 2nd and 3rd. Dick Nicholas and Van Wagenen of BYU made a long trip worthwhile as Di ck won the PB and Van placed 2nd on the tramp'oli ne at 9.3. Cal's Sid Freudenstein who looked un· beatable in December, seems to be retro· gressing and does not look quite as sharp now as he finished 4th in FX and 2nd on the LH, Rick Field, however, appears to be mending as he placed 3rd on the SH and 4th on the PB. RESULTS All-Around: Allen, UCLA, 52.20; Dan Garcia, CSLA, 50.70; Nicholas, BYU, 50.30; Sakam oto, USC , 50.25; Durham, USC, 45.40; Coppola , SJS, 40.40; Hav en Sil ver, SB 38.75; Johnson, SDC, 25 .95 . Floor Exercise: Millman , Cal. , 9.3 5; Garcia , LA St ., 9.3; Diamond, SFV, 9.2; Freudenstein , C, 9.15; Wa rren , CSLA, 9.0; Rock, SF V, 9.0; Allen, UCLA, 9.0. Side Horse: Fujimoto, Cal. , 9.25; Hoskins, CSLA, 9.1; Field, Cal., 9.05; Buss, San Diego , 9.0; Allen, UCLA, 8.8. Trampoline: Millman, Cal., 9.55; VanWagenen, BYU , 9.3; O'Bannon, C. Pol y, 8.9; Bailey, Cal., 8.8; Stanton, CSLA, 8.5. High Bar: Roc.k, SFV, 9.55; Allen, UCLA, 9 .35; Luber, UCLA, 9.1; Millman, Cal. , 9.05; Marri$Se y, BYU, 8.95. Horse : Millman, Cal., 9.4 ; Freudenstein , Cal. , 9.25; French , BYU, 9.25; Rock, SFV, 9.15; Allen, UCLA, 9.05. Parallel Bars : Nicholas, BYU , 9. 15; Garcia , CSLA, 8.85 ; Diamond , SF V, 8.65; Millman, Cal., 8 .6; Field, Cal. 8.6. Still Rings : Robison, Cal., 9.5; Sakoda , UCLA, 9.25; Rock, SF V, 9.2; Diamond, SF V, 9.1; Chaplan , UCLA, 9.05 . Team Standings: California 185 .20; San Fernando V 170.70; U.c.L.A. 169.55; Cal. St. L.A. 163. 10; Brigham Young 150 .85; U.s.C. 138 .80; San Diego St. 129.30; U.C. Santa Barbara 118.60; Cal Poly (SLO) 89.80; Cal. St. Long Beach 87.05; San Jose State.

California Sta te College at Los Angeles Host: Gordon Maddox The Un iversity of California maintained its domination of the Holiday Classic, held annually during the Christmas vacation, by winning the 1965 edition with 185,53 points, Sid Freudenstein, Dan Millman , and Josh Robison led the Cal contingent with th e following victories-Freudenstein , AA, FX, LH; l'vlillman, Tramp, and Robison, SR. Bill Fujimoto helped with a 2nd place tie on the SH and Pat Bailey and Mike Ramstrom contribut ed a 2nd and 3rd on the trampoline for a 1·2·3 Cal sweep of that event. The score shee t received was so mewhat unclear so it was not possible to make sure who was second, U.C.L.A. or San Fer· nando Valley, each havin g almost th e same score, Cal St. L.A . wa s fourth with 161.89, San Diego State was fifth with 126.7 and Long Beach sixth at 122.30. Individual standouts included Fred Sei· bum of Long Beach who captured the Side Horse and PB with identi cal 9.2 scores, and Rusty Rock who captured the HB with a 9.3. OTHER RESULTS All Around: Freudenstein, Cal. , 53.45; AlIen , UCLA, 49.35; Diamond, SF V, 49.05. Floor Exercise : Millman, Cal. , 9.2 ; Worren, CSLA , 8 .95 . Side Horse: Hoskins, LA , 8.9; Fuj imoto, Cal. , 8.9. High Bar: Luber, UCLA, 9.1; Allen, UCLA, 8.9. Long Harse : Millman, 9.4; Rock, SFV, 9.4. Parallel Bars: Freudenste in, 8.85; Luber , 8.85; Diamond, 8.85. Still Rings: Millman, 9.3; Chaplan, UCLA , 9.2; Rock, SFV, 9.2.

BEN PRICE INVITATIONAL USC fre shman l'vlakoto Sakamoto scored a clean sweep of all seven even ts in the eighth annual Ben Price invitational gy m· nastic meet at Pasadena City College Feb. 18, 1966, Res ults : FREE EXERCISE: 1. Makato Sakamoto (USC Frosh), 2. Freudenstein (Coliforn ia), 3. Allen (UCLA), 9.5 points. SIDE HORSE : 1. Makato Sakamoto (USC Frosh), 2. tie between Allen (UCLA) and Durham (unat.), 9.65. PARALLEL BARS: 1. Makato Sakamoto (USC Frosh), 2. Allen (UCLA), 3 . Fields (Co lifornia), 9.3 . RINGS : 1. Tie between Makoto Sakamoto (USC Frosh) and Fields (Califo rnia ); 3. LaMoyne Durham (unat.), 9.25. LONG HORSE : 1. Makato Sakamoto (USC Frosh ); 2. Sid Freudenstein (California); 3 . Dan Garcia (unat.), 9.5. HIGH BAR: 1. Makoto Sakamoto (USC Frosh) ; 2. Kanati Allen (UCLA); 3. Lemoyne Durham (unat.), 9.65. ALL-AROUND: 1. Makoto Sakomoto (USC Frosh), 56.85; 2. Kanati Allen (UCLA), 54.05; 3. Lemoyne Durham, (unat.), 53 .00; 4. Rick Fields (Caltifornia), 52 .90; 5. Sid Freudenstein (California), 51.85; 6. Dan Garcia (unat.), 51.85.

FIRST ANNUAL FLINT INVITATIONAL GYMNASTICS MEET January 22, 1966 Northwestern High School, Flint, Michigan Report by Jim H ynds Overview Competition at the Flint Meet this year was undoubtedly the best in its history. There were Olympians, World Champions, Nationol Champio ns, plus many individual stars. Teams which placed first, second, and third in each div ision were: Closed College Division 1. University of Michigan 2. Michigan State University 3 . Eastern Michigan University

Open Men's Division 1. Eastern Toronto Gym Team 2 . Columbus YMCA 3 . Fl int Gymnastics Club

Open Women's Divis ion 1. Southern Illinois Univ ersity 2. Flint Gy mnast ics Club 3 . Toronto German-Canadian Club In all there were 92 competitors in 3 divisions (Open Women--elite, Open Menelite, College Men-elite). The t op 10 competitors in the afternoon ad v anced for final competition at night. The meet was held at Flint's newest ultra modern school and the gymnastic equipment was new and of ex act olympic qualifications . On hand for the evening compet it ion were approximately 2,000 spectators. The meet was covered well by television, radio , and newspaper. FIRST ANNUAL FLINT INVITATIONAL College Division : All-Around : Gar y Vandervoort (Univ. of Mich .), 52 .30; N o rm Hay ne (Mich . St. U.), 49.70; John Mason (E. Mich. U .), 45 .30; Jerry Baker (Ohio St. U .) 41.70. Floor-X: Toby Towson, Phip Fuller and Chip Fuller. Long Horse: Chip Fuller , John Mason and Toby T owson . Parallels: Gary VanderVoort, Ken Williams & Rick Blanton. Horizontal: VanderV eort, John Cashman & Mike Sasich. Side Horse : VanderVoort, C. VandemBrook & Dave Geddes. Rings: Don Kinsey, VanderVoort & Rich Blanton . Trampoline: Dave Jacobs, Wayne Miller & Mike Sexton.

Open Division: All-Around: Curt Eggerschwiler (Eastern To ronto Gym Team ), 479 .3; Berno Krudwig (E. T oronto Gym T.) , 468.5; Barry Brooker (E.T.G.T. ), 460.5; Don Friend (Flint Gym Club) , 448 .9 ; Steve Mitruk (Hamilton German ia Clu b), 445.5 . Floor-X : Don Friend , Berna Krudwig & Barry Brooker. Horizontal : Curt Eggerschwiler , Berna Krudwig & Brooker . Parallels: Eggerschwiler, Brooker & Bruce Trott . Lon!, Horse : Krudwig, Eggerschwiler & Brooker. Side Horse: Trott , Steve Mitruk & Krudwig. Rings : Eggerschwiler, Lann y Inman & Brooker. Women's Open Division All-Around : Gail Daley (So. III.), 37.650; Vera Govaerts (Flint Gym Club), 37.600; Donna Schaenzer (So. III.), 36.450; Judy Dunham (So. 111.), 35.825; Janice Dunham (So. III.), 34 .8 75 ; Elsbeth Austin (Toronto), 31.850; Barb McKenzie (Flint G.C.) 31 .550 ; Cath y Bradley (FGC), 30.300; Paulette Baldwin (FGC), 29.250; Maddie Wetherell (FGC),

26 .250.

At left : Ben Price, All-Around winner Makoto Sakamoto. Below: Lemoyne Durham , third place AA winner.


Inland Empire Open Report by R ex Davis Th e Inland Empire Gymnastics Jamboree was held on December 11, 1965 at Colum bia Hi gh school in Richland , Washington_ It was a fin e路 meet and the compe titi on was quite good for an early season meet. The high school meet took place and involved some 50 competit ors from Bothell, Highline, Chehalis, Kennewick, and host Ri chland high schools. The afternoon session saw 30 gymn asts from Washin gton State University, Eastern Washington State College, and Cheney Gym Club sq uare off . Highlin e of Seattle won the high school meet , while WSU was victorious 'in the open meet. Randy Carruthers, representin g th e Cheney Gym Club picked up most of the marbles here as he won the Ah, FX, LH, and PE. Washington State, however, had enough depth with Dave Miller, S H champ and Toby Elliott, Trampoline champion , to take the team title over EWS whose Ashmore and Ron Cornelius captured the HB and SR. OTHER RESULTS Floor Exercise : - Carruthers, 9.2 ; Funderburg, 8 .75 ; Newbille, 7 .8 5. Side Horse: Miller, 7.8; Potter, 7.5; Carruthers, 7.1. Trampoline : Elliott , 8.2; Carruthers, 6.4; Blair, 6.0. High Bar: Ashmore, 8.45; Shaw, 8.251; Cornelius, 7.8 . Long 路Horse : Carruthers, 9.55; . Wright, 9.05; Shaw, 8.8. Parallel Bars : Carruthers, 8 .5 ; Shaw, 7.35 ; Ashmore, 7.3. Still Rings : Corneli'us, 9 . 1; Hanav an , 8 .9; Pardee, 8.2. All Around: Carruthers, 48.35; Shaw, 45.40; Miller, 41.45.

High School Division The high school division was dominated by Highlin e and its s ta~ Hildebrand, win ner of the AA, HB and SR, & Bothell, team runner路 ups and its top gymnast Street, who was runn er- up in the AA and winner of the FX and PB. Schurfrieder of Highline helped the cause by winning the SH over Myers of K ennewick; Cole of Richland defeated Prui of Bothell on the trampoline; Leon (Highline) tied Street for first on the PB and Myers won the tumbling over Hildebrand. Other runnerups included Hildebrand路FX, Butz-HB and Sawyer-SR.

First Annual Uni. of Louisv'ille Invitational Report by Robert Wason Some twenty teams from fi ve states gave reason to believe the University of Louisville's (Kentucky) first Invitational gymnastics meet could well prove to be one of the major event s in the area in the future. Coach Lyn Bryson's Memphis State Team hi ghlighted the open division competition by taking the first three places in the still rings- led by a strong routin e from Rick Clark. There was a real battle for th e all around between Leonard Bunes (report edly headed for P~n State ) an'd Bruce T rotts (headed for Ohio State) who led the Columbus Y to th e Open T eam title. Both boys should be strong additions to their future teams I In the third pla ce spot in the AA was Nick Weise , now an elementary physical ed ucation teacher in Louisville (N ick was a former flying rings champ from Mi chigan ) . Additional Senior Results FX: Weise, Bunes, Tratt. ' 5H: McKinery, Tobias , Trott. HB: Schneider , Clark, Bunes. LH : Morrison , Trott, DavIs . PB: Tash, Trott, Bunes. SR: Clark, Lockard, McLain . Tumbling: Hutchinson, Trott, Cash.

Senior Women In the Senior women's division it was the Indiana!Jolis Atheneaum Turners all 30

~ir~~~in~n~it7~u~~am winner coached by Bob Sarver, High School All Around w inners Hildebrand, Inland Empire Open All-Around Winners: , Carruthers, Shaw and Miller, Open team tro ph y presented to WSU Coach J 1m Sweeney b.y Meet Director Rex Dav is

the way. Walt Lienerts Protege's Terry Spen cer and Linda H eddrick were 1-2 in every event with Carol Shepard (Louisville Y) ri ght on their heels. Junior High Boys The Louisville Y captured the team title but Donald Jones of the Atheneaum Turners ca ptured the FX and the AA over Walters of the Louisville Y. Junior High Girls The J efferson Recrea tion Club and Louisville Y tied for the team title here with Sharon Rodgers of the J eff. Rec., the all around champion. despite the fact that Colleen Mulvihill .of the McKinley Y captured the unevens and the balance team events.

. Elementary Boys Gilmore Lane Elementary school of Louisville, Ky. took the team title, David Haynes (Gilmore) the AA, PB, and SR to lead this division. Tom Morrison and Roy Klapheke of the Louisville Turners won the HB and vaulting respectfully. Elementary Girls Traveling all the way from Blue Mound, llIinois, Cindy Strum and Nancy Trinble led their team to the team championship here with Cindy also winnin g the beam and tumblin g events. Sue Werling of the Dayton , Ohio W cap tured the all around and vaulting, Mary Troutman (Jeff. Rec) and Brinda Arms (Gilmore) picked up the remaining first place in the FX and Unevens in that order. I

Inv itational Meet direc tor Bob Wason (U. of L. Coach) presenting awards to winners Di vis ion : Fro m the Columbus YWCA, Hutchinson , Troti, Howard a nd Bod ov rain . Leonard Bunes and Bruce Trott.

NJSIAA GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS The 4th Annual New Jersey State Gymnastic

Champi onships




Feb rua ry

1966 . A total of 17 schoo ls parti c ipated with 392 entries. The Sectional Meets were held at Rive rside High Sc hool and Henry Hudson Regional High School. Twe lve schools with 105 entries competed in the finals on Fe b ruary 26th at Trenton State Co llege. Following are the meet results :

Teams: No rth "A": (Coached by J o hn Bird) Henry Hudson (HH ), 59Y,; East Brunsw ick (BB ) 17; Monmouth Reg. (M) 9Y2; North Bergen (B) 4. (No team score o r Morris Hills (MH) since onl y one man placed from that team) . South " B": (Coached by Ron Udy) Freehold (F) 49; Ri verside (R) 24; S. Freehold (SF ) 18Y2; Hightstown (H) 10; Cherry Hill (CH ) 6; Palmyra (P ) 3; Wall Township (W) lY2. All-Around: R. McCurdy (HH ); E. Vano (MH); N. Vexle r (S F); J. Marsh (H); R. Muntz (F). Tumbling : G. Sil vert (F) and E. Vano; R. Muntz. Side Horse: N. Vexler; J. Soda (R); R. McCurdy. Parallel Bars: R. McCurd y; N. Vexler; R. Muntz. Horizontal Bar: K. Don (R) and T. Tolson (R); P. Gaj (F). Long Horse : E. Vana; R. Muntz, and J. Kellers (HH). Still Rings: E. Vano; R. Phillips; (HH); T. Fiorenti no (F). MEET RESULTS WISCONSIN STATE UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP AT STOUT STATE UNIVERSITY 26 FEBRUARY '66 Team Standings: LaCrosse State Universit y 166 points; Stout State University 148 points; ~u Claire State Universit y 38.5 points; Wh itewotan State University 35.5 points; Ri ver Falls State Universit y 31.5 points; Stevens Point State Uni versity 30.0 points AU Around: Anderson, Cary, L. , 424.25; Wentworth, David, L. , 407; Kwick,. Charles , L. , 398; Noyce, Clyde, S., 383.5; Sm ith , Dan S., 378. Floor Exercise: Stoneman, John, W./ 77; Lorenz, John. S. and Anderson, Cary , L. , 74. Trampoline: Anderson, Cary, L., 78.5; Lorenz, J o hn, S., 77.5; Karceski, Ed, L., 72. Still Rings : Willers, Vern, E.C., 77.5; Noyce , Clyde, S., 75.5; Wentworth, Dave, L., 71.5. Horizontal Bar: Wentworth, Dave , L. , 77.5; Anderson, Cary, L. , 72; Sawyer , Paul , S., 71. Long Horse : Anderson, Cary, L. , 79.75; Lorenz . John , S. , 72.75; Kwick, Charles, L., 71 .0. Side Horse: Smith, Dan, S., 68; Wi llers, Vern, E.C., 67; Olson, Rick, E.C. , 65.5. Parallel Bars: Feste, Dale, S., 74.0; Anderson, Cary, L., 73.5; Stoneman, John , W. , 70.0. MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTIC MEET January 25, 1966 Wheaton High, Wheaton, Maryland By Bernie Michels Wheaton H igh School 's Outstanding gymnastic






Pose y

and Bi ll Thompson dominated Montgomery County's first compulsory gymnastic high school meet. Points of interest: 1. First year of competitive competition on a school vers us school bas is . 2. The county meet ended the competitive -high school season. 3. The compulsory exercises were taken from Group 3 USGF Workbooks. 4. The high school coaches felt that these workbooks were a tremendous aid, in helping not only the gymnasts but begir.ning coaches as well. 5. Approximately 1,20(. were in attendance at the meet which shows the tremendous interest now being developed in this area (Md., D.C. and Va.) for gymnastics . 6. The plans for next year are to repeat the group 3 compulsory exercises and expand on a slow degree to some optional meets. Participating schools: Wheaton (W) Walter Johnson (WJ). Bethesda Chevy Chase (B). Northwood (N). Einstein (E). Springbrook (S). Damascus (D). J ohn F. Kenned y (K). Robert E. Peary (P) and Sherwood (S ). Medal winners: Boys Events: Floor Exercise: Dave Fennessey (W), Dick Walker (W). Jeff Rogers (WJ). High Bar: Dave Fennessey, Larr y Posey (W). Bill Thompson (W). Still Rings: Bill Thompson, Larr y Posey, Kerry Lake (N). Vaulting: Larr y Posey, Bill Thompson, Daye Fennessey. Side Horse : Larr y Posey, Dave Fennessey, Haro ld Brodsky (E). Parallel Bar: Larry Posey, Don H indman (WJ). Dave Fennessey. Tumbling: Scotty Ho ward (N). Dave Fennessey', Steve Nachman (E). Trampoline: Mike Wittenste in (N). Steve Na~hman (E). Don Smith (S) . Medal Winners, Girls Events: Floor Exercise : Sue Pettinato (WJ ). Carol McDougall (WJ) . Vale rie Henderson (N). Balance Beam : Carol McDougall, Patti Pope (E). Faye Sledge (W). Uneven Parallel: Judy Halstead (W). Rodi Nisewarmer (E). Carol McDougall. Vaulting: Patti Pope, Rodi Nisewarmer, Bonnie Metting (N). Tumbling : Mariellyn Jones (N). Sue Pettinato, Patti Pope. Trampoline: Cynthia White (N). Jane Hargett (WJ) .- Anne Pokras (N).

Terry Greiner, Lorine Anderson, Ronda Shurvinton, Susan Samms, Lynda Borden, Cheryl Wa llace and Coach Ray Chinn. THIRD ANN'UAL O~EGON HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS Report by Ray G. Chinn , coach (boys & girls) North Eugene H. S. The No rth Eugene H.S. Girls Gym team was the victor fo r the third year in a row over the teams fro m ;2 1 other Oregon high schools in the annual State meet. There were almost 140 gir ls participating in the competition preliminaries which were run off in 3 V2 hou rs. Only eight girls qualified for the finals with the four Olympic e vents plus the All-Around scores counting toward the team totals. Trampoline and Tumbling were held , but on ly as specia l events . Four judges were used , each with a different task. Judge # I judged " difficult y" with a max. of 3 points; #2 " Technical value", max. 2 pts.; #3 "Execution", max 2 pts.; and # 4 " General Impression", max. 3 pts.: making a possible perfect total of 10.00. Thi s system worked very ' good. RESULTS Team Score: No rth Eugene, 59; Douglas, 43; Marshfield, 38.5; Cottage Grove, 22; So .. Salem, 15; Alban y, 9 .5 ; Sheldon , 7 and Thu rston 2. All-Around: Barb Henen , 30.75; DeEtta Jamieson, 30.3; Susan Samms , 30.0; Loys Henningsgaord , 27.85; and Tania Wyant, 24.25. Floor Exercises: Jamieson, Henningsgoard, Hanes and Storm. Unevens : Borden, Hannen and Samms. Beam: Jamieson and Samms, Anderson. Vaulting: Hanen, Jamieson and Samms. Trampoline: Hess , Reed and Wallace. Tumbling: Hess, Samms and Borden. REPORT OF THE WOMEN'S MIDWES T OPEN MEET

by Jackie Klein Uphues USGF Vice President jor Women The Midwest Gymnastic A ssociation held a very s u ccessful Women 's Midwest Open Competition at Rich High School in Olympia Fields, Illinois on Saturday, December 11. Through the fine effort s of Meet Director Erna Wachtel, a ssisted by Paul Fina , head judge for Trampoline and Tumbling and head .scorer, Bruce Robinson , and Betty Meyer, scoring table; Bob Kreidler, announcer, Sharon Pirkl, tickets; Bob Bohl, publicity, Marti Stark, site director, and Lorma Bauer, entries, the MGA staged a very well run competition. A total of 44 girls representing 11 gymnastic clubs or teams from the s tates of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, and New Mexico competed in the preliminary events. The All-Around event s howed 21 competitors. Judging for the final events Saturday evening w e r e: M illie Chilla, American Sokol; M ildred Prchal , Sokol Tabor; Barbara Zweifel Thornton, Bern<ud Honvich Educational Cen t er; Melodee Gallik, J . F.

K e nn edy School ; and Jac ki e K. Up hues, Lin coln Turners and USGF Vice Presid e nt. Th e Flint Gym Club easily won th e tea m title for its second con sec uti ve yea r und e r the able coaching of Mr. Jim McGraw. Miss Hali S h e riff, 1st All Around winner, earned the hi g h es t scor e o f th e m ee t with a 9.766 for h er b e autiful optional floor exerci s e and also "chalked up " 9.55 for an impressive balan ce b ea m co mpos ition . Mrs. Vera Govaerts (1964 B e l g ian Olympian) p e rform e d an outstanding layo ut hand sprin g fo r a 9.63 final event scor e to win 1s t in the Vaulting and also won 2nd in th e All Around with her lo vel y " European " fla vo r e d routine s. EVENT RESULTS Vaulting : 1st, Vera Govaerts 19.13; 2nd, Hal i Sheriff 18 .9 16; 3rd, Deana Lorentzen 17 .9. Beam: 1st, Hali Sher iff 18.916; 2nd, Madeline Wethell 16. 92; 3rd, Diane Bo lin 16.466. Floor Exercise: 1st, Hali Sheriff 19.416; 2nd, Vera Govaerts 18.6'83; 3 rd, Bonnie Kilgore 18.183. Uneven Bars: I st, Tie: Vera Go vaerts and Holi Sheriff 18.416; 3rd, Kathy Bradley 17.0. Trampoline: 1st, Nancy Smith 17.85; 2nd, Judy Wills 17.70; 3rd, Vicki Bo linger 17.10. Tumbling: 1st, Barbara Bauer; 2nd, Blythe Bauer; 3rd, Janet Hurd. All-Around: 1st, Hali Sher iff , Blue Mound Gy m Club, 38. 10; 2nd, Vera Govaerts, Flint Gym Club , 35.60; 3rd, Deana Lorentzen, Univ. o New Mexico, 33.70; 4th, Diane Bolin, McKinley YMCA, 33.30; 5th , Barb Kenzie, Flint Gym Club, 32.95; 6th, Madeline Wetherell, Flint Gy m Club 32 .8 0. Team: 1st, Flint Gym Club, Flint, M ichigan ; 2nd, Ames Gym Team , Ames, Iowa; 3rd, Springfield Gym Team, Springfield, Ill inois. EASTERN STATES WOMEN'S INVITATIONAL GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSH IPS Sponsored by Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA, Scotch Plains, N.J. The Eastern States AAU Women's Invitational Gymnastics Chompi ons hips we re held Feb . 26th at the Scotch P lains-fanwood High School. Top honors went to 17. y ear o ld Kath y Hill who represented Montclair State Teachers Co llege where she is a Freshman. Kath y WGS an o utstanding performer in all f our events being the on ly gi rl who won a medal in ali the events, along with the coveted ):irst pl'J<..e all-aro und medal making her one路...... C:lG!11P (1:1 . Kath y is a resident of West Caldwell, N.J. Com plete results: Vaulting: I st, Carol y n Hacker, Southern Co nnecticut Gy m Club , Connecticut; 2nd, Connie Maloney, Southern Connecticut Gym Club , Connecticut ; 3rd, Kathy Hill , Montclair State Teachers College, New Jerse y. Unevens: 1st, Kath y Hill , Montclair State Teachers College, New Jersey; 2nd, Margie Sims, Bethesda-Chevy Chase YMCA , Mary la nd; 3rd, Caro lyn Hacker, Sourhern Connecticut Gym Club, Connecticut. Balance Beam: I st, Kath y Hill , Montclai r State. Teachers Co llege, New Jersey; 2nd, Margie Sims, B.C.C. YMCA, Maryland; 3rd, Kathleen GiQnnini, Unattached, Pennsylvania. Floor Exercise : Tie for 1st, Carol y n Hacker, Southern Conn. Gym Club , Conn . and Con nie Maloney, Southern Conn. Gym Club, Conn; (no 2nd); 3rd, Kathy Hill, Montclair State Teachers College, N.J. All-Around: 1st, Champio n Kathy Hill , Montclair State Teachers College, N.J.; 2nd, Carolyn Hacker, Southern Conn. Gy m Club, Conn.; 3 rd , Margie Sims, B.C.C. YMCA, Maryland; 4th, Connie Ma lonev, Southern Conn. Gym Club, Conn.; 5th, Kathleen Giannini, Unattached, Pennsylvania.


NATIONAL ASSOC. OF COLLEGE GYMNASTICS COACHES (N.A.C.G.C.l TO: All College Coaches FROM : Clair Jennett, Sec.-Treas., Men's Physical Ed ., San Jose State College, Son Jose, Calif. Th e ex ecut ive co mmittee wi shes to encouro ge 011 coll ege gymno st ic s coaches to be long to N.A.C.G .C. W e need your suppo rt, ond we hope you need th e ossociati on . If ya u ha ve nat pa id your 19 6 5 -66 d ues ($2.00), please fo rward them ta me i'! y detaching the fo rm bel ow. Enc losed is $2.00 for me mbe rship du es for N.A .C.G.C. fo r 1965-66.

TO : Clair Jennett , Sec .-T,ces ., Men's Physical Ed ., San Jose State College, San Jose, Calif . Name'_____________________ Addre ss______________________ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ State _______________ Z ip _ _ _ _ Co llege ___________________ ·


# 1000 Barre and Center Exercises fo r Beginners (with voice) # 1010 Barre and Center 'E xercises for Intermedi ate ( with voice ) # 1020 Fl oor Exercise ' Routines ( Offic ial International Tim ing ) Send for a complete ca·alog.



P.O. Box 64~34 Los Angeles, Calif. Dept G

TRAMPOLINES Studio Rentals-All Like New Backyard Type 8x1 3 ' f rome , weatherproo f bed $175 .00 6 x 12' bed , 9 x 15' frome , weather p roo f bed $199.00

5x 10' bed ,

Folding School Models 6 x 12' bed , 9 x 15' frome , n ylo n web bed $425 .00 7 x 14 ' bed, lOx 17' .frame , nylon web bed $499.00

TRAMPOLINE INC. 4207 W. Magnolia Blvd. Burbank, Calif. 32

THE FIRST Dear Mr. Sundby: I am writing this le tter in res ponse to Mr. Van is excellent idea concerning posting a job opp.ortunity sectio n in your fine Moder n Gymn a st Mag a zin e. I wou ld li k e to be on e of yo u r f irst applicants of thi s generous serv ice. . I ha ve had 5 years experience, two of ,vhic h " 'ere under Fra nk Hai1and, ,vorking with young pe ople in developmental gymnastics program s . I h ave had 3 years exper ience coaching at the high sch o"l an d j u n ior co ll ege level. My major teac hing f ie ld is social sc ien ce and I a m " co mpet it ive gymnast. I am look ing for a coachi ng p os i tion withi n commuting di s t a nce of a coll ege offe ring a 1l1as ters program. As a contributor t o your fine job opportunit)T pnngranl , th e r e wi ll be a posi ti o n opening in Baker, Montan a. Contact Dick Schmidt , Athletic Director, Baker High School. Respectfu lly yours , Jam es M . Quinn Gymn as tics Coach Custer County High School Miles City, Montana ED. If you a re a co a ch loo k ing for a posi tion or kn o w of a school w ith a n opening send the info r m a t ion on t o us and we will publish it in th e MG . Perh a ps y ou may not wish to h av e y o ur name published, but would still like to t a ke ad v a ntage of our new servic e. This is easy , we will Just publish your qualifications and assign you a number c / o M G and for· ward all replies to you . Or pe r haps your s c h o ol will be looking for a coach in the ne a r future a nd d o not w a nt t o make it public at the m o ment. This can be done in much the same m anner. Just send us an outline of wh a t you desire and we w ill pr i nt i t und e r " positions open " as · signing you a number, care of the MG a nd forward all inqu iries on to your ad m inistrat ion. COACHING POSITION WANTED Qualif ied High Sc hool Gym n astic Coac h looki n g for coach i ng position in Californ ia or A r i:;o;ona. \ Vrite M. R. 1, c/o the Mode r n Gymnast, P.O. Box 611 , Santa Monica, Calif. LET DOWN Dear G le nn: In the Feb ruary issue (From th e Edi to r ) you indicate t h at you "have let do\v n our E a.stern subscriber s " -\vell , maybe t h e tru t h o f the matter is we h ave let you down. After a ll o n e can't print anyt h ing if nothing is received. As coach , gymnast, Sec. -Treas. of the Massachusetts Gymnastic Off iciaJs Association, Correspo n ding Sec. for Dist. #6 NHSGCA, and a n ac tiv e official in the Nation a l Gymnast ic Jud ges Assoc iation (Eastern) I fo r one w ill try t o h elp in k eep ing yo u posted. Ki nd of a repor ter at In rge you migh t say. It is a shame mor e mat eriaJ h as not come to you concern ing t h is area. A leagu e ("om posed o f . Army, Penn . S t ate , U ni v . o f Massachuset ts, Pittsbu r g, Navy, Te mpl e , S p r ing fi e ld, and Syrac u se Un iv. sure ly h as ple n ty t o o ff e r not onl y in t e r nu; .of in fonn ation concerni n g o u ts t an d in g indivi d ual a n d team performan ces but a lso in t h e area of c,oaching, officiating, r esearch an d i n istratlon . In t h e compet itive a.rea. just tak e fo r examp le t h e Pen n State-Sp l'ingfield mee t which took p lace at Penn . las t mon th and, in fact , dete r m ined the Eastern League T eam C h ampions h ip. In 1965 Spri n gf ield was 2n d and Pen n. firs t the y went on, as you know, t o become Natlona.l C h ampio n s . The 1966 contest b e twee n th ese t wo teams was look ed f or wal'd t') with great anticipat io n . It turned out to b e a c lassic. Pen n. State i s famous fOI' its gymnastic enth usiasm and t h is meet was atten tl e d bv ove r 7 ,000 S'Pec tators. No t ba d fo r a duaJ meet. (By th e way I h ope you h ave r eceived Gene W ettstone's n ewsle tters co n c e rn i n g th e

N.C.A.A .s at P e nn.- t h ey are great. Th ese Nationals w ill be th e b es t yet.) Gene's t eam won over Springfield by th e scor e of 176.75 to 176.70- that Glenn, was competitio n. Frank \ ¥olcott will never be the sa m e ! He has really done a job with thi s great Springfield team with the able ass ista n ce o f Dick Aronson (New Eng land Gymnastic "Czar" as we affection a t e ly call him .) E r ik Kjeldsen's young U ni v. o f Mass. team i s m ov ing a l ong s martly and i ndeed h as a brig ht future . As George Hery a n d AI Bickum reported i n t h e Feb. M.G. t h e New Eng land Gymnastic cl inic is reall y superb. Comp e ti t ion is de - emphasized, alth o u gh opportunity is prov ided fo r gymnasts to h ave th e ir routines evaJuated and dis c u ssed b y a panel of quaJified off icials (I think this is tremendous for the gym nast), an d gl'Oup teaching and ind ividua l in s tru ction are emphas ized. Sincer.ely, Joe Massimo Dr. Joseph L. Mass imo Newt onv ille, Mass . P.S. Your n otes in r espon se to a though tful lette r from M,'. Jacobs of New York in the F e b. iss ue we r e excell ent. PUSHED OUT D ear Mr. Sundby: I h ave come to reali ze that " Th e Modern GYlllnast" is ,,' rit t en f or c oach, advertiser , pnOll1oter , sponsor a n d gylnnast. Howevc r , I feel that t h e gymnast is b e i n g pushed out of this co t erie. Gymnasts, I believe, are a very ego ti s tic bunch. W h en c li n ics and res u lts coverage a ppears in the "JIoIodern Gym nas t" from a ll over the nation and the world, the gymnasts th a t I krlOW wa.nt to see how s u c h things can b e useful to them. Therefore, a p icture of someone on the winner's stand o r the reporting of scores a lo n e d oes not arouse th em. If th ere ,vas a clin ic, they ,,'ant to kno,,, who w as there (famous coaches or gymnasts>. what n e\v fantastic Rkil ls were inv e nt e d or exhib i ted, and wh a t various gymnasts f elt that they had gained fro m the experience. If a meet is r e ported, t h ey w a nt to kno,,, not in ,vhat order t h e w inn e r s happe n ed to p lace, but wh at r outines they did. Complete rouOnes g ive 1l1 a ny idea s f o r cornpoS'it ion, a.nd th e w in ner who has his routine printed is jus tifiab ly more prou d, in that h is co mpos i tion is assoc iated with hi ::; nfi lll e. Furthermore, Questions and Pointers has not appeared und e r anyone' author s hip for some time . Such col umn s h elp to mak e old MGs infinitely more valuable. Complete routines of pas t gym na st c hamps (e.g. Complete routin es of the p lace rs in the In 2 OlympiC's) would gh'e proper c r e dit to those men who h ave been forg·ott e n; ideas in composition of t h e "old days" a r e reappearing in m o d ern tin1es; 11101'e of t h e wcndel be npprec iated. A lt h o u g h I am not particularly a trampol ine fan, I feel that Jess Rollinson's ('olu mn best incl ud es my idea of whf! t s h o ul d be d ispla.y ed in a ma~azine such as MG He often re p o r ts complete rou tin e!", t eac hing and learn i ng t eehniqu e!" (w it h the graph check camera), progr ess of individuals (trick o f the month), term i nology explana.tio l1, and his ideas of how trampoli ne s hou ld be worked , how it should be us ed a.s a learning rl e v ice on other apparatus, and a l ittle ph il osophy on how and ,vhy tralnp routines Sh:Hl1rl be composed, p e rformed , and judged . I felt that a se('tion like this for every event-and a fe,,: others, sueh as hanoba lanl'ing, as well as an i1npl"ovecl r epo rt of scn res ,vould Inake Inany gyn1l1n.sts a. lot h appie r about s u bscrib ing. Sincere ly, Mickey Chaplan UCLA Gymnast ED. As much as we would like to plea s e all f a ctions of gymnastics in e v e r y edition of the MG, tIme , space and materi a ls do not alwa ys c o ope r ate. However, we do feel your p oi nts are well taken , and w e are taking steps to balance our news , inst r uction a l, educational, photo and meet res'Ult fe a tures . We will publish more rout ines in f u ture ed itions (i nclud ing t o p r out ines from the up and coming NCAA national ch a mpionships). Your co a ch Art Shurlock assures us he will make t ime to renew his "Questions and Pointer s" series a nd we h a ve several other new art icle series coming up of inter e st to All-Around performer as well as the specialist . If any coaches or ex-gymnasts remember routines from "way back when" send t hem ou r way so o ur re a ders can read about th'e routines done "i n the good 01' days ".

Frank Endo 12200 SOUTH SERENDO LOS ANG ELES, CALIF., 90044


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SUPPORTER BRIEF . .... $1.60 ppd . A new strapless supporter 2-way stretch elastic. White. Sizes : S, M, & L. COTTON GYM SHIRT ........ $2.95 ea. ppd. Has adjustable supporter flap with buttans. WHite in color . State ch'tst size.

D eal' G len n, We use this (,.;l.rtoon character for o ur p rognllll s n.nel a l ~o for our p oster:-:, o n a. la r ger scale . Doug Dew itt Coach U ni v . of Dell\'er Den ve r , Colorado


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CHAMPIONSHIP HANDGRIPS . ......... ....... $2.00 pro ppd. (Belt) Worn by Inter nat ional Champians. WHITE STRETCH PANTS .... $•. 15 pro ppd. Knitted fabric with elastic waistband . Stote waist and inseam measurements . Above: Robert Swonick Lower Grade AIIAround Winner and scenes from SOKOL Parade and Mass Drill.

Dea.r Mr. Sundby: Here so me photos of our Slet w hich was h e ld in Bethle h e m last year at L ehig h U n iversity. I know thi s is a lit t le late but b e tter late tha.n n ever. I am a ~ ub ~cr ib er a.nd several of our lnelllbers a re. I lik ed t h e spread you gave t h e Sok ol Ce ntennia.l-I w is h you could do the sanle you us . Thanking yo u in ac1 va-n ce . Sincere ly yours, Steph e n C. B uri c an S lov ak Catholi c S o k o l P assa ic . N e w J e r sey

NYLON GYM PANTS Finest stretch pants.

... $ T4.25 pro ppd .

TOKYO OLYMPIC FILMS 8mm in color See the finest gymnasts in the warld in act Ibn , performing the compulsor y and optionol routines. Many new tricks are seen for the first time. Includes the winning routines and portion of the beautiful Opening Cerem on y . Women's film-optional ro utines o nly , Men-400 ft . (35 min.) $29 .00 ppd. Women-l70 ft. (15 min.) $14 .00 ppd.





PIfJ!lramAids ALL PROGRAM AI DS HERCULOW gymna stic equipment i s guar· anteed for 20 years . Guarantee Cert ifi cate accompani es each piece of app aratu s shi pped .

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