The U.S. Gymnast Magazine - November 1967

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On the week-end of October 21-22, 1967, the Third Annual Congress of American Gymnastics Coaches was conducted at the Prom-Sheraton Hotel, in Kansas City, Missouri. The attendance was excellent, particularly in view of the fact that the dates for this years event had been changed from the usual Thanksgiving week-end which allowed for more vacation time for attendees.

Arthur Gander President F .I.G.

The 1967 Congress must be regarded as one of the most significant meetings in the history of amateur gymnastics in America. It has been long the desire of our membership to hear from those in high positions in the International Gymnastics Federation and this desire has for so many years remained unfulfilled. Among the more than 80 indi victuals who attended the 1967 Congress were two representatives from the International Gymnastics Federation (F .I .G.) Guest of honor was the F .I.G. President, Mr. Arthur Gander of Switzerland. Accompanying President Gander, was F .I.G. Vice-President (North America) Mr. George Gulack. Mr. Gulack, of New York City, also acted as official interpreter as Mr. Gander made his pre sentations in German.

Dick Clausen President USGF

I. G. M. International Gymnastics Materials Uniform Suppliers

Mr. Gander, proved himself to be a master of sports in gymnastics. He was cordial, personable, friendly and extremely knowledgeable. It should be noted that at one session he remained on the speakers platform for four consecutive hours in order to cover the material he wished to cover and also answer the many questions which came from the floor. He covered a variety of subjects, the F.I.G. and it's

FOR 1964 U.S. OLYMPIC GYMNASTICS TEAMS Write for Free Catalog ro: LG. M. 3256 North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647 U.S.A


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Now you know why more schools buy Gym Master!

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This month 1 s cover photo is of Mike Jacobson, U. S. Naval Academy assistant coach, performing the dismount of the routine which won him a second pla ce on the horizontal bar in the r ecent Professional Gymnastics Championships





REGISTRATION FEES: Pre-Registration - $10.00 Registration at Clinic - $12.50 SEND REGISTRATION TO: Eastern Gymnastics Clinic


P.O. Box 8973

Ft. Lauderdale Flo"rida

Sam Ba ilie Avelyn Bailie Terry Sendgraff Bill Roetzheim Pat Bird





THE U.S. GYMNAST MAGAZINE Iowa City, I owa 52240 P.O. Box 53




J.erry Wright Art White Fred Orlofsky Carl Patterson Tom Hanvey

STAFF ARI'IST Kathy Thomas


2 - 9

$2.00 pr.


12 ISSUES PER YEAR with the best and most up-to-date coverage of American Gymnastics!


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Publis hed monthly in Iowa City, Iowa Subscripti on rates $4.50 per year U.S.A. $6 .00 foreign

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Copyright by U.S. Gymnast Magazine, 1967 -4-

1 - 12

$2.50 pr.



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Designed for Champions (and Safety, too)

¡Providing a comprehensive athletic program for all students, plus championships for your school, requires great coaching, plus top quality equipment. American builds gymnastic equipment to Olympic specifications . . . crafted for champions . .. with the exclusive margin of safety coaches and parents appreciate. Wire today for our catalog and details on our free gymnasium planning service. American Athletic Equipment Company, Jefferson, Iowa 50129

1968 Women's Olympic Compulsory Routines Even though a girl may feel she is not yet ready to try out for a position on a U.S. International Team it is never too early to begin working on the international compulsory routines . These routines are changed every two years but what is learned now in technique from these routines will prove valuable as her training .continues. Also, these compulsory routines are excellent for the more advanced students in physical education classes o In some instances the difficulty of single stunts may have to be modified but these compulsory routines are excellent practice in performing basic skills with form, style, and amplitude.




From the laterial position with face to the high bar, jump forward gripping the low bar with the hands and kip with displacement of the hands up to the high bar, pass the legs straddled over the low bar to a hang and support passage on the low bar.


Kip to a front support to the high bar, immediately continue the passage of the bent legs and joined between the hand support to rear support.


Turn from rear support backward, to fall backward again to a hang reversed (upside down ), impetus (shoot), return passing the legs straddled to a hang while re leasing the support, impetus forward and •.







Turn from front support backward on low bar, place both feet, legs bent with half turn (~) to squat position on the low bar with hand grip alternately right then left on the high bar, straighten the body-legs stretched and thrust the legs backward in order to ..• Establish oneself on the high bar to a straddled position ( feet-hands ) legs stretched, lower oneself backward, thrust forward while bringing the legs together with half turn (~) and change the hands to hang while gripping dorsally, thrust forward. and turn from support on low bar with a \ turn to the position 'transversal lateral right or left, hand support on the low bar. Possibility of reversing paragraph 4.


BALANCE BEAM R side to beam towards end of beam. 1.

Run, place R hand on beam from L foot - mount at the middle of beam to R leg (up to stand), L leg stretched forward. Small bend of R leg, bending L leg touching R knee. R arm forward low oblique, L back low oblique. Swing L leg back to front scale on bent R. leg. L arm forward,__R backward bringing R arm supple forward to parallel with L arm extending R leg (position stopped).


Straighten body to arabasque on R leg arms vertical-immediately thrust


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R leg forward lowering arms laterally to squat position ( L behind R) • Cross arms in front of body - R in front of L.



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Quick extension on L toe kicking R leg up to side, L arm sideward high, R supple low in front of body. Step R forward, arms supple low in front of body. Step L on toe with~ turn, R leg bent heel touching L leg low, simultaneously raise R arm laterally over head, L arm low in front of body. Kick R leg forward, up on L toe, momentary lunge circling arms forward to back to English handstand (marked) forward roll to straddle sit, arms supported in front of legs and continue to whip legs backward to squat on R leg, L leg raised backward. Lowering L leg, straighten body, arms horizontal extending R leg, swinging L. leg through forward to step while opening arms laterally.


Step R forward, ~ turn to L on R toe lowering arms. Step L bar.kward raising arms forward and down to lateral, ~ circle (rotation) of trunk to L & backward, R arm rounded over head, L horizontal. Head follows trunk movement.


Straighten body lifting R leg to squat position (touching L knee) then place it behind L foot on toe, simultaneously open arms to lateral position, lower and raise to horizontal.

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\turn Ron R leg, L foot extended, pointed on beam L ann lateral , s imul tan eously lower R arm in front of body circling down and up to lateral. Bend body L continuing arm over head and parallel to L arm to oblique low position. Bring L foot (point of foot on beam) next to R.


Arms lateral extending body, step lateral L, bring R foot to L on toes make\ turn L. Step forward L., split leap R landing R-Bring L behind R in squat, ·arms crossed forward (Lin front).


Without stopping jump up to arabasque leap landing on L foot, R leg extended backward. Step backward R, arms horizontal (palms facing for· ward, twist of body and cartwheel la terai vri th \ turn.


10. Shoot to dorsal position R. (Dorsal position means to land with the back to the apparatus.) Cartwheel can be reversed by executing one step instead of two. FLOOR EXERCISE From R position in R corner:



Front attitude on R, supporting leg bent, body and head bent and arms to oblique backward.


Straighten on R toe L leg extended forward, arms raised forward to vertical.


Lunge forward on left, · arms lowered backward up to curved low oblique CONTINUED PAGE 10

WOMEN'S COMPULSORIES (Con't) position forward. 4.

Raise on L toe to back attitude position, arms brought lateral & high.


3 runs (R-L-R). From L - round off jump with~ turn 1, arms vertical,


L leg raised forward. Dive cartwheel from L foot.


One step from gallop from L foot (Think this means a sideward slide orchasse). Arms lowered to side and back up to lateral .


Turn 360°: Step L to L, leg bent, ~ turn L on L toe, leg stretched-bring R toe beside L foot arms rounded in front of the body, continue ~ turn L opening arms lateral on R toe ( chene turn) • Lunge forward L, R arm bent in front of body touching L shoulder, L arm lateral, head forward. 1\ turn R: pivot on L foot ( 270° )arms lateral, place R toe behind L heel and~ turn on toes raising arms curved over the head, lower L arm supple in front of body.


10. Describe semi-circle towards L: 3 runs (waltz rhythm L-R-1), body bent to L, arms lateral, head to L. Step R forward, leap executing a tour (feet together) landing L, simultaneous circle of arms from front to back, place body weight on R, arms lateral. 11. Continue semi-circle, 3 runs (waltz rhythm L-RL). Step R forward, leap turning R, circling arms front to back, to land -10-


Music for f Joor Exercise

WOMEN'S COMPULSORIES (Con't) on bent L leg in front scale, R leg backward. Rarm forward, L lateral (think this is a small tour jete to bent leg scale). 12 . Step R backward and arab wheel R backward (backward tinsica). 13 . Land L foot and lower to R knee, arms vertical, \ turn R on knee, L leg stretched. Bend trunk R lower R arm lateral to position curved and low in front of body, 1 arm curved over head, head right . 14. \ turn L on knee, bend trunk L placing L hand on floor, R arm lateral, head to L, put both hands on floor and lower to prone lying support, R leg bent, L straight (knees together). 15 . While turning L (think this means continuing to turn in the same direction you were going) come to sitting position hands on floor behind body, R

leg bent, L straight. \ . turn, R arm stretched high, head R, L arm supporting weight along with feet. 16. \ turn L, place k forward, L hand on floor, R arm to oblique backward, straighten trunk to lunge L arm oblique high, R arm oblique low. 17. 9/8 turn ( 405°): turn on R.foot, rond de jambe L (5/8 turn), place L in¡ front of Ron toe, lowering L arm to lateral position and circling R arm supple in front of body to raide to lateral position, continue turn to Ron both feet, arms lateral (4/8). 18 . Step R forward and leap on this foot, L backward (arabasque leap) while lowering L arm and carrying it to oblique high position.

'" Place L foot on toe back19. ward lowering arms , ~ turn Rplacing point of R foot laterally on floor


without stopping weight of body shifted alterna tely to R then L, legs supple with trunk movement. Swing arms while turning \ turn to R on R toe, L arm supple in front, R in back. 20. Straighten the trunk, weight of body to R foot, L leg raised forward, bent and kicked straight simultaneously lower the arms and raise them to vertical, L forward, R behind. 21. Cartwheel L, ~turn, bend body, place R hand on floor and reverse turn (~ to L) to handstand. Place R foot on floor, straighten the body legs stretched, arms vertical body twist R, lowering arms to oblique forward, legs bent, head R. 22. Straighten to arabasque on R toe, L arm oblique high, R bent across chest touching L shoulder. 23. 1/8 turn on R toe, fall back 3 steps L-R-L (waltz rhythm) lowering arms CONTINUED PAGE 29


High School Gymnastics BILL ROETZHEIM-Provisio East High School Maywood, Illinois

Last month we s tart ed down the long road towa rds a back -uprise handstand on the still rings. I would like to review very quickly what I Consider was the most r e levant information in that article.

You then begin to drive your legs do'l'mward and backward thinking at all times of a llowing the he e l s to lead the trick . As the legs swing through the bottom of the arc, dip as low as you possibly can to simila te the b ack uprise handstand movement. (See pictures 2, 3, a nd 4). As

I said first, forget the word upri se - for this trick does not give you the phys ical sensation of performing an uprise but is more closely aligned to an inloca te. We then went into a break-down on how to teac h a straight body inlocate.


After teaching an inloca te I find that I'm still reluctant to b egin instruction on the total back-upri se handstand concept but prefer to break it down still furt her. If the beginning of thi s trick resembles an inlocate, the second half of this skill is a SWINGING HOLLOW BACK PRESS HANDSTAND. The similarity is so great in this instance _you may photograph both s kills and substitut e pictures between the two tricks without changing the effect of the pictoral sequence.




To begin our second lead-up trick the gymnast starts at a support position on the ring s , then lowers his body to a bent arms upportposition. (dipposition) While in this po s ition b eg in swinging your body from the waist down, b ack a nd forth until your forward swing places you in approxi mately the same po si tion as picture number 1.


1 -1 3 -


HIGH SCHOOL REPORT (con't} the feet rise, the arch is forced, head held back and the shoulders are allowed to dip bel~w the rings in compensation f~r the rising feet. In picture five and six the performer presses out in conjunction with the upward motion of his body.

ers would therefore move well forward of the rings in compensation. Next month have this issue and la~t month's issue handy so you may compare positions when we show an actual back uprise handstand. What happened to all you high school coaches at the National Congress of Gymnastics Coaches held at Kansas City, Mo? Our turn-out left something to be desired





We have always preached how important it is not only to supervise gymnastic areas, but to be sure that the person in charge has a knowledge of gymnastics. I recently reviewed an insurance report on a large Mid-west high school where statistics seem to bear this out. The insurance program adopted at this school covered totally the medical expenses of all individuals injured in the physical education and athletic programs. Gymnastics in the Physical Education program is supervised and instructed by the staff in general who have poor or little background in gymnastics. Al though at this school over 800 boys participated in the inter-scholastic program and the skills taught were much more dangerous the instruction was handled by competent gymnastic coaches. The fellowing is a break

# 6 I coined the term used to describe this trick as a 11 swinging hollowback press. 11 This lead-up stunt is an enmity into its elf and although in pictures five and six the action, feel, and skill closely parallel the straight body bent arm press (hollow back) the overall trick does not. Notice that 'in pictures 2 through 6 the pivot point of the body is on a point just slightly behind the shoulders. If you photograph a straight body bent arm press handstand you will find that the pivot point is way back near the waist and the should-14-

down of claims against the company for the 1966-67 school year.



Physical Education

' I .






Inter-Scholastic Athletics




$ 323.50 $1,123.25 $ 432.85 $1,111.45 $ 359.65 $ 124.65 $ 109 .50

$1,426.20 $ 277.00 $ 101.00 $ 221.25 $ 226.15 none $ 181.50


Sargent, Youngue, Oglesby, Quinn, Harding, Klaus, Simms, & Shirley


AFRICAN TOUR REPORT By Dale Shirley Seattle Y .M .C .A.

Coming from varying backgrounds and different parts of our country but united in purpose the first Inter-racial State DepartmentA.A.U.Gymnastics Team left New York via Pan American Airlines on June 15 for a tour of Africa with one stop in the middle East. Culturally, we were exemplifying the American way of life and at the same time gaining a better understanding of the African people. Gymnastically, our concern was the promotion and development of gymnastics. Thus, we departed New York with much enthusiasm and a great sense of responsibility as we were, in 6 weeks, to tour-8-African coun-tries - conductinguaily gymnastic shows, exhibitions and clinics.

the knowledge and mastery displayed as a gymnastic teacher and coach; and third, personal references submitted. As the State Dept. desired complete representation of our country, the candidates were also selected with their home state in mind. The chosen Negro gymnasts were Jones Harding, top high school coach from Philadelphia, who acted as our coach; William Simms, formerly a top flight all-around performer from S .I. U. and presently a coach in Chicago; Sid Oglesby, another allaround performer, excellent vaulter and tumbler for Syracuse University, New York; and "Peanuts" (Leslie Sargent) the younges.t member of our team and also three time Illinois State High School tumbling champion. The other half of our team consisted

Our unique team was comprised of four negro and four white gymnasts chosen by the A .A. U. on a three point basis. First, the degree of skill and competency exhibited as a competitive gymnast; second,


AFRICAN TOUR (Con't) of: manager, James Quinn, from Great Falls , Montana, Bruno Klaus, former all-around performer from S .I. U. and presently coaching in St. Louis; myself, .representing the great Pacific Northwest; and rounding out the team, James Yongue, National Trampoline Champion, 1965 from Baton Rouge. The thrill of visiting a total of nearly 25 foreign cities in nearly 18 foreign countries was an unforgettable experience. Our first and most beautiful stop was the Island of Cyprus where we gave eleven shows and clinics, within seven days, to various schools and colleges on the is land. Our sight-seeing trip into the mountains of Karenia and to the Greek ruins of Salamis was the highlight of this stop. Due to a one day lay-over in Athens, Greece, we were able to step back in the centuries of time as we took in such sights as the Aero-polis and Parthenon which influence and show typical Greek customs.



Da le Shirley William Simms

After our breath-taking Grecian visit we flew on to Africa, making our first stop in historic Moslem Kartoum, Sudan, where we ran smack into airline trouble, border warfare and customs thus forcing us to spend the night at the airport terminal which in 100° heat lacked air conditioning, food and drink. The next day we spent wandering in a fantastic public market which contaiDed an abundance of ivory, skins and ebony carvings. The market place, 120° temperatures and many Moslems we will always remember as our first taste of Africa. The beautiful old city of Addis Alaba, Ethiopia, ruled by Emperor Haili Salassi, was our next two day stop. This city being situated in the foot hills of the Ethiopian Mountains remindedme of the geography and climate of our own northwest. Quite a 0 0 change from Kartoum 1 s 120 weather. At their Y.M.C.A. we gave a clinic and show which was filmed and later shown throughout Ethiopia.


To learn !flOre about the people and find bi ts of Africa to send home, we again visited the market place where we purchased some very unusual monkey skin rugs. After being briefly accosted by Ethiopian ·policemen we found much to our surprise that the rugs were purchased illegally. With the help of our translator, and a visit to the


American Embassy with our captive policeme n, the situation was cleared up, we returned our rugs and gained an invaluable lesson on African life.

the lack of our Nissen equipment, though we did have for the first time Nissen tumbling mats. It should be understood that though we lacked equipment with which to put on shows the disappointment because of this lack was soley our own. The Afri can people have absolutely no knowledge of gymnastics a nd tumbling. Thus we were able to fulfill our gymnastic obligation 100%, as gymnastics, performed on bare ground, or over dilapidated equipment can be completely satisfactual to people who have never seen any before.

The b eg inning of July found us flying to Nairobi, Kenya, City of the Mau Mau, a nd presently the most modern and progressive city in East Africa . Nairobi proved to be one of our biggest disappointments because none of our Nissen gymnastic equipment had arrived, no shows or clinics were scheduled, for some unexplainable reason we were due for a week lay-over. Thus we decided to take advantage of this break by vi siting the Nairobi National Game Park touring all parts of the city, shopping for souvenirs and taking hundreds of 35 mm pictures. Being 1 1/2 weeks behind schedule, lacking worko uts and equipment caused us great concern. However, on reaching Mogodiscio, Somalia we were in for the biggest surprise of our tour. First of all the American Embassy, U .S .I .A. officials and Peace Corps workers made us at home in the city by taking us to their Somalian homes, dinners and parties. Having seen an active American contingent in Mogodiscio and finding this to be the only town on our visit to have gymnasts, we were tremendously surprised to learn that the Red · Chinese supplied their gym with much gymnastic equipment, and coaches.

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After 7 weeks of travel the team returned to New York on August 1st while I remained for a 5 day visit in London. There I was pri viledged to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Prestidge, Editors of "The Gymnast" magazine and briefly workout with 3 of Britain's top women gymnasts.

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The tour was praised as one of the most successful made by U.S. gymnasts. More good will was generated and more Afro-American understanding was gained than ever before. An invaluable experience was gained by both the Negro and white gymnasts regarding racial problems in the United States and Africa. My two biggest thrills were: a crowd of nearly 250 people giving me a standing ovation for performing a diving forward roll, and finding out after a show in Malawi at a Peace Corps elementary school, the translator explained in all seriousness that the reason we could do the simple skills performed was because we were magicians, this he sincerely believed and also convinced our audience. My biggest disappointment was "leaving Africa", its people, its scenery, and friends I had made there.

After saying goodbye to Somalia, its attractive people and Indian Ocean, we were off to our next stop Blantyre, Mfl,1awi. Malawi proved to be our longest stay and the last country of our tour. Ruanda, scheduled as our last was cancelled because we were two weeks behind our original schedule. Situated 300 miles north of South Africa, Malawi proved to be one of the most delightful countries or our tour. This country is one of the few places in the world still unspoiled by the influence of commercialism. It was in Blantyre that we traveled by jeep and small bus over oOO miles of roughly corrugated dirt roads. We averaged two shows daily thereafte r to elementary schools, high schools, and pioneer schools deep in the Malawi bush. The people of Malawi are unb e lievably friendly, exhibiting a quite innoc ent way of life and attitude toward us. Our continuing disappointment was -17-

rules it is often necessary to keep a better specialist out of the meet in order to fulfill the all-around requirement. Certainly, the specialist is not considered to be as important as the all-around gymnast or he would be provided equal opportunity to compete.


In the championships the all-around winner is decided by totalling preliminary scores. If this is considered to be valid enough to determine the all-around event champion then preliminary scores must be just as valid for selecting individual event winners.

There are three very important things to be determined at an NCAA gymnastic championships. The first of these is to decide the individual winner in each of the seven events, the second is to select the alla~ound champion, and the third is to pick the team champion. All of these are important. Under the present possible formats i t is impossible to give equal weight to all three. If separate championships were held for all three this problem might be solved. There are many reasons why this is not feasible. The two main ones being financial and loss of school time. In the past the major emphasis was placed upon the individual event winner. Today the tendency is to put greater emphasis on the all-around performer. The air is full of statements like "the only real gymnast is the all-around man and we must emphasize the all-around if we ever hope to have a winning Olympic Team."



One needs only to answer a simple question to realize where the greatest emphasis should be in the NCAA championships. Would you rather come home with seven individual event winners, the all-around champion or the NCAA team championships? This is a loaded question. Obviously there is only one answer. There can be no doubt that if it is necessary to give greater emphasis to one aspect than the others, it should be given to the team. In the past this emphasis has gone to the individual. In 1968 for the first time complete teams will move into the finals to determine the NCAA Team Champion. Is this not as it should be?

The NCAA rules now re quire that one of the four men permitted to enter in an event must be designated as an all-around man. The tendency seems to be towards increasing this number to two, with talk suggesting three, four and possibly a complete all-around team of five men.

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Television cameras move to the N .J. Education Assn's annual convention in Atlantic City for the first time in l ¡'l years and should be a boost fot the proposed state educational TV network, said Harold Hainfield of Jefferson School, Union City, a specialist in audio-visual education.

As the rules are now written the specialist must be considered less important than the all-around man. The specialist is denied equal opportunity to make the team. The rules indicate that there may be four all-around men but do not say that there has to be even one specialist. There are four spots open to the all-around man in each event but only three are available to the specialist. Under present

Hainfeld is chairman for the N .J. Assn for Heal th, Physical Education and Recreation, sponsor of the meeting at the Treymore Hotel to be held on Nov. 10th at 11: 00 -18-

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for Girl 1 sand Women 1 s Sports will co-sponsor their 2nd Annual Teacher's Gymnastics Clinic at the D'Angola Gymnasium of Newark State College, Union, New Jersey on Friday and Saturday, November 24 and 25, 1967

Two T. V. cameras, four monitors and videotape playback equipment will be used to demonstrate instant replay techniques that can be used to study, analyze and improve gymnastics skills.

This clinic is unique in that it is designed for the most part for the class physical education teacher rather than the gymnastic specialist. It is open to teachers, coaches, club instructors and college physical education major students. No gymnasts (unless they fit one of the listed categories) are admitted. The general sessions are designed for the beginner/intermediate level with some special sessions on more advanced levels presented for the coaches of the state. In addition, there will be judges courses this year for both men and women.

Many are familiar with instant replay from watching TV, when exciting plays in football and baseball are shown again a few seconds later for another look by the viewing audience. The same principle will be used to study gymnasts via closed-circuit TV. Students will perform on P bars, rings, vaulting box, long and side horse, balance bearn and tumbling as in a regular gym class, but the TV cameras will follow the p~rform­ ance and record the action on videotape for instant replay.

There will be four different gymnastic subject offerings each hour utilizing the four main teaching stations of the Newark State College gymnasium, allowing for a broader coverage of topics in a minimum of t:)_,.11e. Opportunity for free workout time with members of the staff on the floor for spotting, counseling, etc. will also be included in the program.

Three levels of skills will be demonstrated with members of the Montclair State College women's gym team, coached by Miss Virginia A. Grossman performing advanced skills. Margaret Geni tempo and Renee Niccolai will be on the balance beam, while Donna Ezzi and Kathy Hill will perform on the uneven parallel bars.

The six top men and six top women scorers, all-around, from last year's state championship meet have been invited to compete in a special Clinic Invitational Championships this year. This meet, which will also serve as a testing meet for beginning judges, will be held on Friday evening, November 24, starting at 6:30 p.m.

Robert W:0tlker, gym coach at Oakcrest High School, Mays Landing will have his high school class demonstrate intermediate skills, and Marvin Speidel, South Orange Junior High School, coach of the Elizabeth, N .J. Turners will have those youngsters perform basic tumbling. Each instructor will make comments and corrections as students watch their performance on monitors, viewing it almost immediately after they have finished their demonstration.

The clinic staff is incomplete at this writing, but i t is hoped and expected that the following people (among others) will be a part of the clinic faculty: Helen Sjursen, former Olympian, coach and authoress; Frank Wells, former National Tumbling champion and West .Point coach; Mrs. Phyllis Cooper, West Chester, Pa. girl's coach; Bill Savering, Montclair, N.J. State College coach; and Todd DiNicola, executive secretary Eastern Division of the National Gymnastic Judges Association.

It is hoped that the equipment will help our students correct their skills and techniques said Dr . .John G. Redd, associate professor of physical education at Montclair State College and president of the association NEW JERSEY TEACHER'S CLINIC

Those desiring information and/or registration form, should write; Marvin Speidel, 708 Dianne Court, Rahway, N.J.

The New Jersey Gymnastics Association and theNewJerseyCommittee of the Division :...19-

MID-EAST With a new gymnastic season approaching, the fol:r-owing are comments on the various Mid-East teams and their outlooks for this season. Many thanks a re extended to the coaches in the area for their response to the requested information. INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Coach, Roger Counsil Coach Counsil reports "We should be somewhat stronger than last year's team which posted a losing record of 6-10; however, we will be shallow in a few events. Some relief is anticipated at mid-year when several boys gain their eligibility." Team personnel includes All around performer Wayne Lessner plus Carner, Price, Cornecelli, Bartt, Tetran, Gilchrist, Fore, Roberts, and Ortez. Assisting this year will be former SIU gymnast Chuck Ehrlich, 2nd NCAA Still Rings 1964.

MANKATO STATE COLLEGE Coach, Warren J. Rolek Leading this years squad will be all around performer Rick Lampright. Coach Rolek reports "his high bar work is excellent and is looking for him to have a great season." Transfer student Terry Olson will be backing up Lampright in the all around. "Their weaknesses seem to be the "thing" with the two pommels." Others to watch are: Milne, Wuornos, Zenk, Gruber, Edens, and Schmucher. "Our depth could hurt us if we have a few injuries, but we would not hold back because of it." Warren has no real predictions for the season but like a ll coaches "we like to win." SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Coach, Bill Meade Last years NCAA Champions hips was the third in four years for SUI. Again, this years team will be a definite favorite to r e peat national honors. Meade has ten sen-20-

iors on his squad from last years championship team and this is one of the reasons for a nwnber one ranking. Meade considers his team the second strongest on the trampoline in the nation. "The side horse will be probably the Salukis most improved event." The new rule a llowing each team only 12 competitors does not bother SIU. "I've been juggling my lineup around trying to figure out who will have the best shot at one of those 12 positions." The most likely are: Dennis, Hardt, Alexander, Kelber, Dupree, Hultz, Pollizzano, Hemmer ling, Ray, Weber, Mayer and Harstad. All are Seniors except juniors Weber a nd Hemme rling. Rounding out the squad are Smith Yukia, Gibson, Borkowski , Schmitt, Comitor, Bowker, Neuone n, a nd Koy . Assisting Meade this year is the former SIU great Rick Tucker. A few of the all around boys spent the summer in Carbondale working hard on the Olympic compulsories. It sure is great to see the compulsory routines added to the NCAA all around a nd the conference championships. WESTERN MICHIGAN Coach, Fred Orlofsky Coach Orloksky is beginning his second varsity season at W.M.U. After the loss of his two top men, Schneider and Owen, Orlofsky feels a year of rebuilding i s ahead for his 1967-68 squad. Schneider, the top man of last years squad was lost thru graduation while Owen a strong junior last year was lost to Uncle Sam. Te am personnell include Whitehead, Link, Andersons , Marzolf, Wyrick, and De Mulder. "Things will be looking brighter next season with a fine crop of up and coming freshmen . " MIAMI UNIVERSITY (Ohio) Coach, Robert Mravetz Gymnastics is beginning to blossom out in the Mid-American Conference with four t eams expressing an inte rest, Kent State, Western Michigan and Bowling Gree n. Coach Mravetz comments, "We are still opera ting on a club basis with a much expanded schedule compared to l ast years three meet schedule. We hope to keep expanding the program and hopefully' more toward the varsity level." The word for M.U. is "building".


ST. CLOUD STATE COLLEGE Coach, Arlynn Anderson

Coach Johnson is looking forward to the 1967-68 season with more than a degree of optimism. Johnson 1 s top all around man, ¡J im Arnold, is back for another season. Arnold was named the "Gymnast of the Week" for his performance against the University of Michigan last season when he amassed 52 .6 points in the all around. The only member lost off of last seasons 14-1 team that placed 5th in the NAIA, is John Mason. Johnson comments, "This is the best team he has ever had and that the season should be a successful one. Barring injury, Captain Arnold could be one of the outstanding performers in the country, if he is not already, and could place very high in the NAIA Championships." Team personell includes Coscarelli, Hernadez, Muffit, Patthoff, Tillman, Turner, Reilly, Kanz, Fitzharris, McCully, Sawtell, Steed, Wasyliniuk, and Ogg.

Coach Anderson reports, "We have a full schedule of meets this year and are looking forward to some fine competition. We have a young team with much potential. This will take time to develop, but with some of the finest facilities and gymnastics equipment we will develop the gymnasts. Outlook for this year good, for future years excellent. "Team personnel are as follows: Tobler-Captain, Gillespie, Rowe, Gerhardt, Gagnelius, Kattleman, Maloney, Olson, Loomis, Werner, Vasecka, Serwald, Roberts, Anderson, Palmer, McGuiness, Jones, Watson, Johnson, Larsen, Hegerty, Calvin, and Powell. BIG TEN OUTLOOK



Co Captains Bob Henneche and Mark Kann will lead the Badger team this season. "We hope to have a 50 - 50 dual meet season and will no doubt be fighting Minnesota, Ohio State, and Indiana for fifth spot in the Big Ten Conference. The trampoline will be a weak spot with only one good performer Steve Bates. The most outstanding man on the team will be sophomore John Russo, winner of the side horse competition at last year's MidWest Open." Rounding out the squad will be Bradley, Mann, Arnold, Goodman, Nyberg, and Weber.


OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Coach, James Sweeney Ohio State is beginning its second year of coaching under Jim Sweeney. The Buckeyes started out in the low 120's and finished last year's season in the 150 1 s. With the addition of the team 1 s most outstanding freshman crop ever, the Buckeyes should make a respectable showing this coming year. Coach Sweeney comments, "We are geared up for a good season and plan to get out of the Big Ten Cellar." National honor scholar Bruce Trott, an all-around man, will give a scoring punch they have lacked before. "Increased strength in the side horse and



Jim Arnold




MID-EAST REPORT (Con't) high bar events will balance out the scoring potential greatly." Team personnel includes Howard, Sexton, Perkins, and DeHaven.

come a NCAA and Big Ten contender. No weak events. We should score an average between 189-191 points. With senior and junior experience, if sophomores come thru - a great team might ensue." Leading the team will be senior Hal Shaw. Team personnel includes Brome, Butts, Chapple, Davis, Hazelbaker, Holveck, Caplin, Mierzwa, McCarthy, Rollo, Shapin, Coats, Finnerman, Hethe, Raymond, Sepke, and Calhoun. "The trampoline team of Holveck, Chapple, and Rollo are NCAA Team Champs in this event as 3 of the top 8 in the finals of the NCAA' s were Illinois - other universities had less than three." Assistant coach for Illinois is James Curzi (former Michigan State great, NCAA High Bar and Parallel Bars, and ls t Nissen Award Winner).

INDIANA UNIVERSITY Coach, Dr. Otto Ryser Otto reports "prospects were bright for an even better team than last year's (5th in Big Ten) but, lost two trampolinists. Would have scored over 180 with the bounces, alot less now without them." Lost from last year's team is past Captain Joel Sutlin (AA man). "Twelve man rule has hurt team depth. We will probably end up in 5th place in the Big Ten as we did last year." Team personnel includes ring man Wiser (A disputed 9th 1967 NCAA) , Ki vland, Keil er, Graf, Collins, Gatti, Gunderson, Hunt, Kenyon, Lewis, Long R., Long W., McDonald, Marquant, and Witmer.

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Coach, Dr. Ralph Piper Coach Piper reports, "If all personnel remain heal thy and eligible, we should be battling it out for next to last position in the Big Ten this season." The team personnel includes Co-Captains Armstrong, and Noer. Ten others from the following will be chosen to make up the 12 man team maximum. They are; Babcock, Boyette, Chapman, Fryhofer, Guertin, Harris, Hennessey, Howell, Horn, Kueffer, Linder, Mellum, Munsinger, Nelson, Noha, Peterson, Schmidt, Steade, and Welter.

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Coach, Dr. Newt Loken "Having lost seven seniors this could be termed a questionable year in respect to what I have, what can be rebuilt, etc. 11 LedbyCaptain Wayne Miller (Trampolinist) 1st time winner of the six big titles, MidWest Open, Big Ten, NCAA, Schuster Cup, AAU, and World Championships, Dave Jacobs, who this past year equalled winning all six titles plus adding the NCAA Floor Exercise crown, plus George Huntzicker. "Michigan will have the best trampoline team in the U. S. and thus the World." Others making up the team are Sid Jensen, Canadian PanAmerican team member, and representative at the 1967 Little Olympics, Mexico City, Rapper, outstanding parallel bars, Sasich 3rd H. B. Big Ten, Rodney, NCAA Vaulting Finalist, Geddes, Big Ten side horse finalist, Carpenter, DeBoo, Froeming, Kenney, Richard, Metnick, Conant, and Paris. The Michigan team is anxious to start another Big Ten winning streak having won the Big Ten title six years out of the past seven finishing behind Iowa, last year's Big Ten Champs. Last year's season climaxed with a 2nd place team position in the NCAA.

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Coach, George Szypula Leading the Spartans this season will be All American Dave Thor. Dave who is a senior has won the Big Ten all around title the past two years plus the floor exercise and side horse titles. Coach Zip comments, "The team will be strong this year. The trampoline which was our weakness . last season is much improved. Floor exersise, side horse, and rings will be exceptionally strong. The rest of the events are well balanced." In addition to Thor, junior Toby Tows on, N.AAU Floor Ex Champ, promises to be a top challenger in the floor exercise and vaulting. The Spartans major loss of last season is Ron Aure, top FX and vaulting, who is the new assistant coach for this season. The captain for this year's squad will be side horse and parallel bar man Dennis Smith. Other team personnel include Bares, Croft,

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Coach, Charles Pond Coach Pond comments, "This team could be-22-

1st still rings Big Ten, Diehl, Diggings, Goldberg, Gunny, NCAA Still Rings Champ, Haynie, Kinsey, Moore, Sterner, Walker, Witzhe, Murahata, Cambell, Jolin, D. Kinsey and sohpomor~ all around competitor Joe Fedorchik. Szypula tabs Iowa the team to beat in the Big Ten with Michigan and Illinois a strong challenge.

SOUTH Pre-season predictions for the coming season. Mid-east


It looks like a three way race between Iowa, Michigan and Michigan State this season. Michigan State, who was plagued with injuries last year, will be back strong and Dave Thor who looked fine in the Pan American trials will be back to par and ready to go. Southern Illinois 1 Bill Meade has not just been shining the seat of his pants either, and he may be right up there again.

Earlier this year I predicted that Iowa would be number 1 as I feel that we have the team that could repeat last year's championship in the Big Ten and take So. Illinois. I feel that the team is aware of the hard work ahead and will be able to achieve our goal of being number 1. The 12 man rule will hurt in some respects but will also give more incentive to work hard to make the first team. I am sure that we will have no more problem with this rule than will Southern, Mich. St. or Michigan.

Eastern From all I can gather, it looks as though no one will be able to touch Penn State, so in the Eastern division it looks like it will be Penn State all the way.

We feel that our greatest improvement will be in trampoline. New faces in this event will be Jim Morlan, Mike Zepeda and Jerry Bonney. These 3 boys are all capable of 9+ routines. These boys will be backed up by the experience of Don Uffleman and Bob Dickson.

West The top three here will be UCLA, Washington and California. Mid-west

The largest part of team strength will again be built around all-around gymnasts Bob Dickson and Neil Schmitt backed up by Soph. Rich Scorza. The remainder of the squad will be made up of N .C .A .A. side horse champion Keith Mccanless, Marc Slotten, Don Hatch (Big 10 co-champ on rings) , Paul Omi, Phil Farnam, Arnie Lazar, Chuck England, Mark Lazar, Dick Taffe and Roger Neist.

It looks like a toss up here between New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado with ~he Air Force Academy also in the running. South I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Southern Coaches for the splendid way in which so many responded with information concerning their teams and their prospects for the coming season. Judging on the basis of information received from many of our coaches, the pre-season predictions indicate a~oss up~ between three, maybe four, teams. These are the University of Georgia, Memphis State, David Lipscomb, and Furman. Competition in all of the individual events will be closer than ever and will feature CONTINUED PAGE 24 -23-

SOUTH REPORT ( can 't) some re al top notch men in all of the e vents. Coach Ron Oertley of Geo rgia Southern could not be reached for comment and it i s conceivable that his team may also figure into the picture. MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY Coach Len Bryson of Memphis Sta te sends the following r eport :

Dick Tobias will be attempting to retain his 1967 Side Horse Champions hip as Mike Wheat and David Porch will b e pus hing for the Free Exercise title. Bill Wilcos, who placed 3rd on Hi gh Ba r and 4t h on Par allel Ba r s is rapidly improving and s hould place in the top three on both eve n ts. Senior Jim Lockard is imporving hi s styl e and form on rings and s hould challenge Ted Immediato for the event championship.

The Memphis State University gymnastics team is looking forward to anot her good season. Althouhg the Tigers lo st Two strong gymnasts in Rick Clark, SIGL Ring Champion, and Jim McKinney a great amount of depth will be added by Clayton Covington and Mike Wheat.

Dick Tobias

Wa rren Alexander performed abo ve ave rage routines during the 1966-67 season on long horse a nd trampoline only to fall apa rt during the qualifications for the SIGL Championship. With a year's expe ri e nc e under his belt he s hould prove to b e a threat. Memphis State won a close meet last year as the Missouri Va lley Conference introduc ed gymnastics into its program. This year the conference has declared freshmen

Mike Wheat


ship. As regards individual honors, he stated tha t he has three men who wiJ,l be plenty tough competing for individual championships. These are as follows: John Ha rdt, side hors e and para llel b a rs; Jerry Bowe n, rings; a nd Captain Hank Roge rs, floor exercise and trampoline. Ha nk starts his floor routine with a double back and ends with a double full. Other things being equal, we might say that his competitors in floor exercise have their work cut out fo~ them this year.

eligible and in turn six top freshmen are pushing the MSU varsity for their positions. The Tigers a re looking forward to the SIGL and MVC Champions hips with great a nticipation. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Florida coach Joe Regna has little hope for a team championship this year, but will have defending AA Champion Robin England a nd a new boy, Mike Brennan. Mike is a sophomore a nd will be working floor exercise, long horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars and trampoline. Richard Irwin will compete in long horse and floor exercise. Although the Florida team will not b e strong in depth, they will have individual p erfo rmers.

.. ,



FURMAN UNIVERSITY According to newly acquired coach Bobby Fay, former Furman gymnastic standout, the team is still in fine shape a nd will have ple nty of talent to display come time for this year 's SIGL Championships. Furman lost two men from last year 's squad, Bobby Fay and Linwood Walters; However, they will b e greatly strengthened by freshman Stuary Weisner from Arlington, Virginia who Bobby says should walk away with the still rings. Two others who will help add depth are the team's strongest all-around man, Bobby Tubb, with the side horse a s his specialty, and Ca ptain David Creech, who is expected to have an excellent year and especially on the trampoline.

DAVID LIPSCOMB COLLEGE The David Lipscomb College Bisons, with the exception of one gymnast, will have the same team as last year, but will be strengthened by four freshmen who will add considerable depth. Back this year is 1967 Trampoline champion Robin Harg is, Ted Immediato will b e trying to rega in the side horse and ring championships. Ted is much improved and will be one of the l eading contenders in the year's championships. All around man, Dave Fennessey, will b e stronger this year in all of the events a nd Ray Adams will b e stronger in the ring event. Steve Powell has fully recovered from a broken fibula and will b e back a t full power on the horizontal bar, para llel bars and long horse. Randy Wilson, ineligible last year, is looking good on the trampoline as is Richard Vail on the parall el b ars . T路3d Rose i s looking fin e in floor exe rcise a nd will add a great deal of s t1:ength in the trampoline event.

'路路 路.'-



We would like to take this opportunity to say hello to former Furman Gymnastics Coach Rusty Frank and to wish him the ve ry greatest success in his new position with the college. GEORGIA TECH Since this is the first we e k of practice for the Rambling Wrecks, it is difficult for Co a ch Lyle Welser to impart very much informa tion concerning prospects for this year. Tech will definitely be weakened through the loss of two of his star seniors, Charley Monot and Larry Coffeen. New freshmen this year are Ed Taylor, Pittsburgh area, Garth Freeman, Chicago area, Marvin Lyons, Atlanta and John Gimson, Atlanta.

This season 1 s freshmen are Russell Bush, Steve Bohringer, Gordon Hamil ton and Scotty Howard. The Lipscomb gymnastics team is looking forward to this season 1 s competition. UNIVERSITY OF GEO.lfuIA

. Returning this year are Bill Jacobs, Olive r Babbitt, Tom Furlow, Wally Rice and Captain Art Rogers.

Coach Lee Cunningham of the Uni versi ty of Georgia predicts that with this ye a r's line-up the Georgia Bulldogs just might take the 1968 SIGL Team Champion-




Tigers will have a complete new team this year a nd should be tough by nex.t year. Bill will not be coaching the team this year. Roger Gedney of Glenbard East in Chicago now working on his Ph.D. there, will be handling the team. Al though Coach Bankhead ruled out chance of a team championship this year as remote, he mentioned two men who may be hard to bea t for individual titles. These are Wes Mc Vey, rings and Clyde Ashley, side horse and parallel bars.

Last year's SIGL Champion West Virginia will not have the depth displayed by last year 1 steam and cannot boast any outstanding performers like Ed Ehler, but in spite of this should be fairly strong. Coach Bill Bonsall named Richard Jamison as a strong contender on the side horse. Dan Ga tsinos will be his all around competitor. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bill Bankhead of LSU says that the



that he knows of yet, and expects a strong team depthwise in addition to some PO$Sible winners in Gary Hoskins, Bruce Coulter, Julio Monroe and Don Warren. Other team members include Syl Lucio, Dan Marcias, John Sevold, Miles Stanton, Mike Walter, and Tom Wilson.

JERRY WRIGHT, San Francisco State College

Cal. State Long Beach: With the loss of Siebum, Alan Oliney out of school and many new faces, coach Bartlett does not expect a winner this year. Don Jennings, however, is expected to give anyone a good fight on the HB and in AA. Mark Nolan, Tracy Savage, and Jennings give Long Beach their strongest ring team ever but with no trampolinists they will hurt teamwise.

AAWU Hal Frey reports that the University of California will be strong if Millman is strong and weakened considerably if Dan is limited. Dan is coming along well at this time. The varsity includes: Tom Bruce, Eric Courchesne, Gary Diamond, Sid Freudenstein, Bill Fujimoto, George Harmrnon, Don Kinkel, John MacArthur, Jeff Marcus , Dan Millman, Paul Orecchia, Dennis Rowe, Bob Smylie, Rod Stenson, and Joel Tepp. Freshmen include George Greenfield Jr. NA.AU all-around runner-up and Tim Lutz, a fine Northern California high school AA prospect and excellent in FX.

... -',


Other team members include Tom Dawson, Mike Murphy, Bob Shaw, Don Blair, Wally Honda, Mark Gerson, Milo Weaver, Tom Mercer, Bernie Rechs, and Freshman Savage Nolan, Dave Schmidt and Nich Syracopolous who will compete on the varsity. Graduation losses were Jim Fontaine, now coaching at Long Beach Poly High, and Jim Kulluk, Dave Wall and Fred Waring all still in school.

Outstanding sophomores include Bill Fazakerly outstanding SH and Dennis Rowe on trampoline.


Paul Benya, Josh Robison, Jim Lindstrom, Pat Bailey, and Herb Solomon are all in Graduate school at Cal.

San Diego State: The only commitment from coach Ed Franz is the prediction that Gene Spindler and Larry Buss should do well on the side horse.


Roster includes Fred DeFalco, Stan Shoemaker, Ed Landry, Chris Schwalm, Marvin

Cal. State Los Angeles: Gordy reports that he lost no one and has no freshmen -26-


a leading contender for College Di vision National All around honors, and All American Dave Niemand on the high bar.

Herriott, Tom Nelson, Fred Barney, Larry Gardner, Don McDaniel and Jack Fares. Graduation losses were Dennis Johnston and Robin Halley in addition to Ken Schindler who transfered to University of Utah.

Other team members include Dan Barber, who works 4-5 events quite well, George Siller, Terry McCade, Craig Heterick, Rich Petersen, Pete Ivory, Dan Schiller - a good Junior College transfer-, Dave Parker , Bruce Goldstone, Mike Crofoot, and Tom Thompson.

Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo; Coach Vic Buccola hopes to build up enough points in the trampo~ine event to win meets, having 3 fine trampolinists in Clayton Christman (possibly the best in the college division), Steve Endicott, and Dave Buettner. Other varsity I)lembers include Evan Artran, Carl Daughters, Michael Evan, Mike Harris, Randy Nicholas , Andy Proctor, Jack Woble, Russ, Rubin Viramonte, Lynn Davies, and Richard Bennett.

Cal. State Hayward: In their 2nd year of competition Coach Quinn expects Bill Jamer.,son, 2-time ACAL horse champion to be the only highly experienced returnee. Other varsity include Harvey Rogers, Matt Buckler, Mike Potmesil, Tom Bosko, GaryYuhara, John Slater, Jim Hewitt, Mike Canara, . Robert Johns, and Bruce Barbosa.

FAR WESTERN CONFERENCE: Sacramento State College lost 2 fine trampolinists in Rae Anders and Scott Gardiner and have no replacements so will be hard pressed to score as well as last year.

B:ffiINNING NEXT MONTH our West reporter will be Mr. Dan Millman. Due to other comi tmen ts Jerry Wright will no longer be able to continue in this position. We would like to thank Jerry for all his many fine articles and welcome Dan Millman to our staff.

In other events Coach Irv Faria expects to be stronger than ever with Steve Pleau,

U.S.G.F. REPORT (con't) membership and function ...... the Code of points and some of the planned revisions ...... training course for judges ....... .

The 1967 Congress included reports by Dr. Ralph Piper, the Univ. of Minnesota, on the Pan-American trials which he so capably hosted. A report on the trials for and the trip to the "Little Olympics", which were held in Mexico City and only concluded 2 days before the Congress convened, by 1968 Olympic team manager Bill Meade of Southern Illinois. Glenn Wilson of Arizona, reported on his trampoline tour of Europe which was completed last August with the two top bouncers from the 1967 USGF Nationals. (By the way the 1968 N.C.A.A. meet will be hosted by Arizona next April). Then the clinic reports were made by Frakn Wolcott, Springfield College, for the New England Clinic; Rusty___MiLchell,_ Qf the University of New Mexico for the Western Clinic Bill Meade for the Eastern Clinic and Bill also substituted for George Szypula of Michigan State who arrived later, in a report on the National Summer Clinic. Gene Wettstone reported on his intercollegiate

new innovations in international gymnastics ......• coaching hints ••... and you can imagine the interest shown by thos'e in attendance when he announced the planned changes in officiating our sport that hereto-fore were totally unknown in the U.S.A


If those of us in the United States of America have ever had any doubts about the need for co opera ti on with and participation in the International Gymnastics Federation, those doubts have been dispelled by President Gander of the F .I.G. It is almost awe inspiring to even think of the great acceleration in national gymnastics programs that we would experience if the U.S. G.F. were in the F.I.G. and in a position to bring many international teams, experts and programs to the U .S .A. at every opportunity.


U.S.G.F. REPORT (Con't) inte rnational ma tch which he hosted last Spring at Penn. State University.

Our distinguished guests from the FIG were introduced by Dean Ernest McCoy, Director of Athletics at Penn. State and our USGF President, Mr. M.R. Clausen, Director of Athletics at Arizona University also flew to Kansas City to visit with Mr. Gander.

Some of the new items being planned for the revised Code of points call for (1) a single try on the compulsories in the competitions at Mexico City in 1968. (2) A new section of the Code will include "behavior of the gymnast" ..• such as in marching to and from apparatus. (3) A gymnast may get a bonus from .1 to .3 if he demonstrates 2 of the 3 areas that are provided, or .1 to .2 is he demonstrates one of the three factors. The three factors .... Risk .... Originality and ......... . Virtuosity.


The 1st National Professional GymnastiCs Championships, held at Cedar Rapids, was hosted by the Nissen Corporation in conjunction with the National Professional Gymnastics Association. The meet was without a doubt a great success. In all, 17 athletes competed in this first tournament. An unfortunate bicep injury to Art Shurlock during the previous week reoccurred during the preliminaries and forced Art to default in the middle of the competition. In contrast to amateur gymnastic meets which are conducted on a grading point system, professional gymnastics features match competition in the form of double elimination tournaments. Competitors competed in pairs, alterna tely presenting an optional routine. No score or mark was assigned. The judges only had to decide which of the two performers presented the better over-all routine. In making their decision the judges took into consideration the difficulty and combination rating of the routine along with form of execution.

Jim Curzi

The winners and runners-up in each eCONTINUED PAGE 30 -28-



WOMEN'S COMPULSORIES (Con't) supple to R and raise over head, head R. parallel backward to oblique high. Twist of 31. Step R forward lowering body R, slightly bent, L arm in front of body, step L forward, join R laterally to L (at finish foot to L on toes, legs of movement body straight bent, execute6/8 turn L and twisted ) . with circle of front arm back to forward under L 24. Step R - L forward with shoulder, R arm lateral 1/8 turn toward L legs then: · supple, lower arms and raid 1.) ~turn L landing in arabasque on L leg, sup1/8 turn toward L legs porting leg slightly bent supple, lower arms and 2.) ~turn leap on L to raise forward to vertiland in arabasque on L cal, body weight on L leg, leg slightly bent. foot, R heel raised. 3.) ~turn leap on L to land in arabas que on L 25. Body wave backward to leg, leg slightly bent. forward, bending legs, body weight on L, arms lowered supple lateral. 32. \turn L on L, step forward on R toe, simul tanup to oblique backward eously raise L leg, point posit ion, extend trunk of foot against R knee, while joining R foot to knee forward, lowering L foot on toes, simularms to raise R forward taneously circle arms, to oblique high, L latercrossed in front of body al. up to oblique high .

,. '




35. ~ turn L, 1 leg raised forward, arab wheel forward ( tinsica) landing on R leg. 36. Step forward L, bring weight on R toe while joining L foot to R. CONTINUED PAGE 30



27. Landing on R foot, 3 forward steps L-R-L, bring Rfoot to Lon toes turning from one 1/8 to L, R arm supple in front, L arm backward, head R.


34. 3 runs forward, R, L, R from L foot, round off L to flip flop (backhandspring) •


26. 3 steps L-R-L handspring walkout.

,, .

33. 3 backward steps L,R,L. Bring R. to L. on toes lower R arm backward to lateral, L forward to horizortal on 1st step. 2nd step, bend L arm forward in front of chest, R lateral. 3rd step, extend L arm vertical, R forward in front of chest (bent). While joining feet, extension of R arm to vertical.

Jump or Leap

28. Bending legs, step backward on L, R leg pointed forward, bring L arm forward to vertical, R arm lateral, head R . 29. ~ turn R on L toe, arabasque on R toe stepping forward, R arm oblique - -f0F-warE1.,- 1 0bl-ique- baGkward. 30. Step L forward raising R leg forward above horizontal with 1/8 turn R, slight bend of L leg, R arm lateral, L arm curved -29-


WOMEN'S COMPULSORIES (Con't) 37 . Step R forward, weight of body on this l eg , simultaneously circle L arm passing in front of body to lower l aterally in front of b ody, R arm r aised fo r ward i n front of b ody and placed c urved over h ead. Head to L.

SIDE HORSE VAULT Vault # 17 in the Code of Points - 1 964 edition. Cartwheel - Jump to r eversed s upport wi th ~ turn in the right or left direction (revers e d support lateral). After flight to the s ideward pos ition.

Paragraphs: 26 - 27 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 can be re versed in the ir complete seque n ce.




PROFESSIONAL MEET (con't) v ent ea rned a place on a U.S. Professional Team to challenge similar te ams from other countries s uch as J a pan, Engl a nd, Canada, e tc.



1. Rusty Ro ck 2. Mike J ac obson 3 . Jim Curzi

It is the feeling of this editor (and not yet too old a gymnast) that professional gymnastics is here to stay. In the near future as the college gymnasts finish their eligibility and move into the professional ranks we should begin to see dual professional gym meets between countries with performances of exceptionally high cali ber.

1. Jim Jackson 2. Don Holde r 3 . Sam Bailie


SIDE HORSE 1. Sam Bailie 2. Steve Doty 3 . Russ Mills


In professional dual meets trampoline will also be included. This team was selecte d in last seasons pro-trampoline meet. These men are: 1. Ga ry Erwin, 2. George Hery, and 3. Ron Munn.

If there is a weak spot on this new U.S. Professional Team I would s a y it would b e the rings . In general, however, it is a strong team and I am sure I can speak for the entire team when I say we are a ll working to ma ke it stronger. The re is a great deal of team spirit and enthusiasm and the team is looking forwa rd to its first meet as a unit.

.., Steve Doty


The results of the competition are a s follows:



1. George Hery 2. Mike J ac obson 3. Chic Ciccio

1. Jerry Crowder 2. Jim Curzi 3. Mike J a cobson




Mike. Jacobson

Russ Mills

~r~ I ~ ..

Jerry Crowder

George Nissen presents awards to side horse winners

Jim Jackson

Cover Picture and other professional Gymnastics

picture coverage by L. W. Ward

; '

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Pants Shirts Slippers Handguards Warm-Ups Leotards Equipment

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Nissen Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA • Nissen Trampoline Co. ltd., Lcr.•:fon, England • Nissen Senoh Apparatus Co., Tokyo, Japan • Ron's Trampoline Suppliers, Ltd., Johannesburg, South Africa • Nissen Trampoline A.G., Guemligen, Switzerland • Nissen Trampolir.e Co. (Ausf.} Pty. Ltd ., Miranda, NSW, Australia • Ni ssen Trampoli ne Co. (N.Z.) ltd., Auck land, New Zealand


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