new lor 1968
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Let them be your ticket to the Gymnastics Events of the
By Don Wilkinson
1967 PAN-AMERICAN GAMES An Illustrated Catalogue of this Sports Spectacular is available at it cost of $1.00refundable on purchase of $5.00 or more worth of pictufes. This catalogue contains ovef 3,000 pictures of the sports of the games - includi ng over 500 pictures of the gymnastics events.
Write DON WILKIN SON. 10lJ 8th Ave, Greeley. Colorado - 806JI I n addition. a catalogue is available for the 1964 Olympic Games ( pictures of 14 sportS are included), The Olympic catalogue is 5Oc - contains over 1200 pictures··· 170 illustrated.
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MG SUBSCRIBERS MAY SUBSCRIBE TO THE OLYMPISCHE TURN KUNST THROUGH OUR U.S.A. OFFICE, BOX 777, SANTA MONICA, CALIF. 90406 FOR $5.00 PER YEAR.) OLYMPISCHE TURNKUNST Box 717 Santa Monica, California 90406 Enclosed please find$5.00 for a one year MG Special subscription to Ol YMPISCHE TURNKUNST.
5 x 7 - $1.00 each - set of 10 prints $ 9.00 - set of 25 prints $20.00 8 x 10 - $1.50 each - set of 10 print s·SI4.00 - set of 2S prints $32.50 11 x 14 - $4.25 each - set o f 10 prin ts $39.25 - set of 25 (p rice available o n request) Because all my pictures a fe on 35mm film it is impossibl e to make larger t ha n II x 14 print s and hold any print clarity and quality.
NAME ............................................................... .. ADDRESS ........................................................ . CITY........................STATE .............. ZIP ........... . OLYMPISCH TURN KUNST baok editions available on a limited supply for $1.00 each. Order from O. T. Back editions, Box 777, Santa Monica, Calif. 90406.
HOME USE PULLEYS MODEL 102 This system is designed to be installed in a garage o r basement. It bolts to any 2 " x 4" or 2" x 6" rafter, and requires only an adjustable wrench to install. With cross pulleys you can dupl icate any hold and man y movements that ore performed in gymnastics. The set includes rings , cables, weight hanger and all fastenings. Price $32.50, includes postage and tax anywhere in the U.S.A. Coaches: Please write for free catalog on Crossmaster gymnastics equipment.
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NOTES: from the editor...
Official Publication of the United States Gymnastics Federation
NEW MASTH EAD : With the aid of the artistic talents of Ken Sakoda we have been dressing up the appearance of The MODERN GYMNAST in the past several months to give you a better looking magazine. In such an improvement program it was inevitable that we would get around to even changing our cover, so here it is and we hope yo u like the results, This is the third masthead change since The MODERN GYMNAST made its debute in the Gymnastic world of 1956. For our new masthead, in keeping with the modern trend to simp lify and create an ima~e, we have taken advantage of the MG title so often given The MODERN GYMNAST by many of our readers throughout the wo rld. * * * NEW FEATURES: Along with a new cover we have also made wha t we feel are other improvements for the New Year. A top gymnastic perso nality interview with a centerspread ca lendar for the following month is schedu le.d for each edition (you do not have to tear it our of the MG, iust use a thumb tack and hang up the who le magazine). Also, to insure that all areas are heard from in each and every edition of the MG, we now have reporters from the eight different region s across the USA. Jerry Wright wil l be the national edito r for this sectio n of the MG wh ich will also include Jerry's competition ratings and predictions. Get to know you r area editor and keep him posted on you r competition, clinic and exhibition activities.
Number 1
NOTES FROM THE EDITOR. . . . .. Glenn Sundby 4 CHALK TALK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 6 CANAD IAN REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Nooney 7 KOBE-SEATTLE GOODWILL MEET... .Dr. Eric Hughes 8 ALL-AROUND THE WORLD(Scandinavia) .. .. . . . . . 9 FREIDRICH SCHILLER SPORTS SCHOOL .. . .. .. .. 10 GYMNASTIC TRAINING IN E. GERMANY . .Bruno Klaus 11 USGF DIRECTOR'S REPORT . . . . . . . . . Frank Bare 12 FINNISH WOMEN'S EXHIBITION . . . . ... Dick Criley 14 MG I NTE RVI EW . ... .. . .. Dick Criley & Ken Sakoda 15 MG CALENDAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 SIDE HO RSE TERMINOLOGY . . . . . . . . Russell Mills 18 LET'S TEACH ROUTINES. . . . . . . . Dr. Bill Vincent 20 GYMNASTIC AIDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Don Tonry 22 'Y' NEWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Kenneth Hollis 23 CONDITIONING FOR COMPETITION. . .Dick Wolf 23 REGIONAL REPORTS .. . .. . . . . . . . .Jerry Wright 24 MG SCOREBOARD .. . 27 .A. Bruce Frederick 28 1967 MG INDEX . . . . . 29 LETTERS .. . . .... . 30 MORE MG CALENDAR .. . ' . . . .
* * * BIG YEAR: In 1968 we look forward to a great year for Gymnastics, for the USGF and for the MG. A yea r when the various factions of the spo rt unite as the USG F is recognized by the FI G as the official governing body for Gymnastics in. America, a year when we will have many Internationa l Gymnastic teams and personalities visiting the USA. A yea r. of happenings ... and the MG will be on hand reporting and photographing all the action to bnng you the ve ry best in Gymnastic News and Instructional Aids.
COVER: Aage Storhaug, top ranking Scandinavian gymnast from Norway who recent ly won his 9th Norweigan National Championship(see page 9).
NOT ICE: The new postal increases make it impossibe for us to forward returned magazines to our subscribers or to pay for the copies that are not delivered. THE POST OFFICE WILL NOT FORWARD YOUR MAGAZINE even if you have registered a change of address with them . YOU must send US your change of add. ress at least 4 to 6 weeks ahead of time if you want to continue to receive your MG's without interruption. We wil l be pleased-to change your address no matter how many times you move. We WANT you to get YOU R copy of the MG .
January, 1968
ASSOCIATE EDITORS - Feature A. Bruce Frederick, Education; Dr. James S. Bosco, Research; Dick Criley, Statistics; Jerry Wright, Compe tition; Frank L. Bare, USGF; Jess Robinson , Trampoline; Roy Davis, Judging; Jackie Uphues, Women; Kenneth W. Hollis, YMCA; Ken Sakoda, A rt; John Nooney, Canada.
THE MODERN GYMNAST is published by Sundby Publications, 410 Broadway, Santa Monica, California 90401. Second Class postage paid at Santa Monica , Calif. Pub lished monthly except b i-monthl y June, July, August, and September. Price $5 .00 per year , SOc single copy: Subscription correspondence, THE MODERN GYMNAST, P.O. Box 611, Santa M o nica, California 90406. Copyright 1968 © all rights reser ved bv SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS. 410 Broadwav. Santa Monica. Calif. All pictures and manuscripts submitted become the property of THE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return r equest and suh,c,ent pos tage are included.
What makes an AII路路American GO For ~~~~~~~~~D~~~~~~? Rusty Mitchell, Ex.Olympian, one of American 's Gymnastic Consultants
Top coaches, gymnastic and physical education instructors want the safest, best performing and most stable equipment. That's what you get from American! Parallel Bars complete with hickory rails, reinforced with a steel core, uni-weld construction, stable design and safety locks . . . that really hold . You get the highest quality products plus unmatched service . . Write for details on: Gymnasium Planning Service and Gymnastic Consultant Staff For your Free Catalog write: American Athletic Equipment Company Box 111, Jefferson, Iowa, U.S.A. 50129
NJGA DINNER - DANCE A WARDS NIGHT The honored guests of the evening were three of the outstanding gymnasts of 1967, namely Ellen Babusk, four times state allaround champion consecutively, 1967 National Sokol Champion, and 1967 Interna· tional Sokol Champion; Richard DiNicola, 7th all· around in the EIGL Championships and the highest·scoring New Jersey boy; and Paul Vexler, second place in the long horse event in the NCAA Championships. Each of these gymnasts received a plaque and a scholarship award. ATSUGI GYMNAST IN JAPANESE COMPETITION Michele Holdreith, 10 yrs. old, placed first in the all·around and floor exercise and third on the balance beam in the Autumn Gymnastics Competition held in Tokyo. The contest was between competitors from the Ikegame, Komagome, and Akibo sports clubs. The owners of the Ikegame Sports Club and Michele's instructors, Takashi Ono and his wife, Kiyoko, are world·famous gymnasts, winning gold medals in the 1960 Rome Olympics. Michele's father is a civilian stationed at the NAS, Atsugi, Japan. Her mo ther is a dance and Special Services instructor for the NAS.
THE WILFRID T. ROBARTS SPORTS ARENA Participants in th e National Gymnastic Clinic worked out for the first time in Sarasota's new sports arena and auditorium. NEWSLETTERS Gymnastic coaches may want to take note of two newsletters published by equipment companies. The Nissen News is published by the Nissen Corporation, 930· 27th Ave., S.W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406. The Gym· nastics Newsletter is published by The Pro· gram Aids Company, Inc., No. 1 Physical Fitness Drive, Garden City, New York 11530. Both newsletters offer highlights of gymnastics activities about the country and list clinics and other important gymnastic events. TRAMPOLINE NEWS Featuring trampoline, gymnastics, tum· bling, and diving, and making extensive use of analyses of competitive exercises, Tram· poline News is the first magazine to specialize in the trampoline. It is published four tim es a year by Gymnastic and Trampoline Services Ltd., 54A Bellclose Road, West Drayton, Middlesex, England. CORRECTION NOTED Representatives of the Federation Inter· nationale de Gymnastique have informed us that the Olympische Turnkunst maga· zine is not a publication of the FIG.
" Fish·eye" photo of ,MSU gymnasts working out under the directi on of Coach Newt Loken, The Malmo Girls from Sweden pictured at right, put on an exhibition for the teachers and students attend i ng the Ca l ifornia State Physical Fitness Clin ic held at CSF· Fu llerton. Also pictured is the Continuous Rhychmical Endurance Exercises, led by Dr. Thomas K. Cureton with Casy Conrad at the Mike. Some of the others on hand but not pictured, were the Scats from Long Beach, Rich Harris, Geo. Hery and many more in Gymnastics.
THE GYMNAST We recently received the latest co py of the journal of the British Amateur Gymnasti c Association, edited by our good fri end, Jim Prestid ge, This issue (Vol. 5, No.4) includes reports of competitions in the British Isles; The European Cup Championships, including a vedy fin e writeup of the Women's Championships in Amsterdam; an account of the Soviet Union's tumbling and trampoline team visit; and additional European mee t results. Keep up the good work, Jim!
HI REPORT by John Noon ey 18 Lavington Dr. Weston, Ontario
Here and There National News (e.G.A.) A fund raising project will soon be started by the national treasurer, Mr. Cal Girard. The Eastern Canadian Championships were awarded to Port Colborne, Ont. Fur· ther information can be obtained from Mr. Jim McPherson, Phy. Ed. Dept., P ort Col· born e High School, Port Colborne, Ontario. The e.G.A. will soon formulate a card holding system for all individuls in the Sport. Assistan ce has been offered by the na· tional association to the orgnizers of the New Brunswick Winter Games. Manit oba has given noti ce they intend to apply for the World Games Trials 1970. National W om.en Judges (Mari a Medveczky Women's Na ti onal Tech. Chairman Report) The follo wing women judges hold ana· ti onal ra tin g F. Weiler (National Head Jud ge ) 13.C. ; D. Carlsen, Alta.; M. Kobus· , pn, Sa ~ k. ; M. Medveczky, B.e. ; G. Hartley, 13.C. ; S. Wenzl' l, Sask. ; V. Nye, Que. ; J. St. J ean , Quc-. ; N. Black, Que. ; A. Gorman, Man .; C. Prc-vill e·Nicolacakis, Que. ; M. Savage, Ont. ; L. Campbell, Ont.; O. Baer. A "part icipat ion and fundam ental's clinic" can be co ndu c t ~ d anywhere in the province upon request. T hi s clinic is directed at the day to day gy mn asti c class situation and emph asizes the essences of gymnasticsswin g, ki p and handstand. Mr. Kerr said th at a trial cl inic had been conducted in Weil and recently and had been enthusi· asti cally received by teachers at both levels, element ary and second ary. Inform a ti on reo ga rdin g the clinic can be obtained fru m Mr. Geurge Harlow, York Memori al e. l. , Tor· ont u ( O.S.G.C.A. Secretary ). As out·going committ ee chairm an, Ill y thanks to all who assisted O.F.S.A.A. in conducting clinics and competitions, to Mr. P ete Beach, Sec. of O.F.S.A .A . for the gui dan ce and support he gave the commit· tee, to Mr. J ohn Nooney who encourage· ment we could not have been without and to O.S.G.C.A. for their leadership in school gymnastics. Mr. James Stronach Humber· side Collegiate, Toronto is the new O.F.S.S.A. committee chairman and he will need the cooperative support of all IN· VOLVED in the Sport if O.F.S.A.A. sue· cesses are to be continued. GYM SKETCH by H. Wilhelm Bruno Klause is the new coach for the men and women's gymnastic dept. at the University of B.e. Bruno began gymnastics at the age of 12 at the New York '1urnVerein and also a member of the West Side Y.M.e.A. and New York Athletic Club Gymnastic Team. His home town is New York City, 1959 Bruno won the A.A.U. Na· tional Championships in the U.S. and received a four year Athletic Scholarship from Southern lllinois University. He was an outstandin g gymnast durin g nis college years and All American Gymnast winning
the N. e.A.A. High Bar titl e and placin g fifth in the all around in 196 1. 1962 he was again an All American N. C.A.A. Gymn ast winnin g the Long Horse Vaultin g title. Bruno was teaching Physica l Ed ucation at Washington University in 5 1. Louis, Mis· souri as part time instructor for two years. He received his bachelor and masters de· gree from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, lllin ois. Culminating his com· petitive years in gymnastics, Br un o went to Africa as a member of the State Depart· ment sponsored by the A.A.U. gymn astic team which gave clinics, exhibitions durin g the summer of 1966. Through Europe he traveled last year and visited the Sports University in Leipzig, East Germany to study their gy mnastic program . Brun o Klau s has long been considered one of the out· standing gymnasts in North Ameri ca, his background plus his 'd edication to perfection will help him to be one of the out· standing additions to the School of Physical Education and Recreation at the U.B.e. Born in New York City Bruno Klaus reo ceived his first instruction in gymnastics from the outstandin g co ach Henry Schroeder, New York City, New York, Turn· Verein.
WOMEN'S TEAM TOUR CENTENERY COLLEGE Recently these very excellent performers gave a series of displays and clinics here in Ontario at the University of Western Ontario and the Univ. of Ottawa and at other cen ters. They performed to packed houses and this tour gave many Canadians an oppor· tunity to see our own Pan Am gold medal· list perform, Susan McDonnell, Toronto. Susa n's teammates were Karen Lively, Baton Rouge, La. (Alternate U.S. Pan Am team) ; Debbie Bailey (U.S. Pan Am team and member of World Games team 1966); Diane Masse, Montreal (Canadian Pan Am team 1967) ; Joan Connolly, Minnesota (D.G.W. S. All Round Champion ) and Mickey Adam s (S.W.A.A.U. All Round Champion 1966) . Vannie Edwards, their very fine coach, can be proud of his students. I hope thi s is only the beginning of such tours and that this might become an annual tour. P ersonally I would like to see mor e U.S. groups tour our country. After all we are neighbors. Thank you gymnasts and Vannie and Centernery University for helpin g to pro· mote the Sport in Canada.
PR E·OLYM PI C GYM NASTIC ME ET REPORT by Sid Jensen Un iversity of Mi chigan I arrived in Mex ico Thursday ; the compe· tition was to begin on Monday. It was necessary to adapt to th e altitude within th l" four days. On Thursd ay evenin g I tra in ed in the arena where the competition was to take pl ace. The building was cool and damp with the evenings especially coo\ and along with this, it rained incessantly durin g my entire stay there. For those of you who have back problems, as I have, you can partially overcome this by training in warm clothes as was done by most of the gymnasts. In my first workout, I was astonished upon feeling the effect of dizziness on m.ovin g just four mats. A few moves on high bar and I didn't want to risk a dismount. To do the first half of my opt ional free exercise routine was as fati guing as completing the entire routin e under normal co nditions back hom e. F or the followin g two days my training includ ed only compulsories and lasted two hours including a half hour running time. By the third day I had adapted to the altitude. Friday morning I discovered the Japanese team warmed·up with a central heatin g system linin g in their sweat suits plus woolen wrist bands and gloves. They also used oxygen bottles in training for recovery. Du rin g the com petition no one complained of dizziness. There wasn't an abnormal number of gymnasts with landing problems with the best performers still sticking their landin gs. Although the altitude did not hinder free exercise performances noticeably, everyone di d admit that it took twice the tim e to recover aiter the completion of a routine. Don't put off running a little durin g the week. Dr. Hauch, aft er conductin g tests, con· cluded that most track athletes were not af· fected excepting length of recovery period by the altitude. The ones not up to their best performance were affected in terms of mental blocks and psychological excuses, but for those in peak condition, the altitude appeared to be of no hinderance toward fin e performances. My personal results in the competition: Compulsory Optional Event score score F.X. 7.95 9.05 S.H. 7.5 8.6 (one stop) Rings 8.8 9.15 Vaulting 8.8 9.15 P . Bars 8.4 8.65 (one break ) 8.3 9.15 H. Bar Conclusion : A wise man once told me that we have two arms and legs as do the Japanese and Russians. They are beatable! Fire up! The following are observations which were made in regard to the compulsory routines in their sequences, techniques, etc. : Floor exercise- following the cartwheel back handsprin g with split legs % turn to stand, arms overhead and palms facin g in· wards-along the side-Russian dive to hand stand (not held) with 135 degree turn . Explanation: Swing arm s down diving into handstand position. In the air execute th e 135 degree turn and land so you face diagonally auoss the flo or. Immediate chest roll to front support and straddl e out to back support. Diagram: Side Horse- Many routines did not have consistant reverse doubles or high dismount. Vaulting- Relatively slow approach- exposive openin g with an exagger ated arch
landing with lo·ts of distance from horse. Still Rings- Dislocate shoot to handstand -do not hold three seconds-momentary handstand only. Following cross-swing to inverted hank and pause 1-2 seconds before dislocating again. P Bars-All top performers are using a drop peach basket to almost handstand. By drop peach it is meant that the performer drops below the bar before piking. Hi Bar-Two complete reverse giants are executed prior to the hecht dismount. In closing, I express my appreciation to the Canadian Authorities which made this trip possible for me-a most memorable and worthwhile experience. Now on to the '68 OLYMPICS. O.F.S.A.A. GYMNASTICS COMMITTEE ANNUAL MEETING Report by J. D. Me Pherson Recently the Ontario F ederation of School Athletics Association gymnastic committee met to evaluate their schools gymnastic program and to consider several motions for change. Each of the THREE Championship meets were discussed in detail by the dele· gates who represented the various secondary school athletic associations throughout the
Handgrlps Across the Pacilic
province. The Individual championship and the grade team championship will not be changed for 1968 and 1969. The team championship will see the introduction of Rin gs and will no longer restrict the number of events anyone competitor may en ter. A major topic on the agenda related to the role that the Ontario School Gymnastic
THE FIRST CANADIAN NATIONAL COLLEGIATE WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIP AND THE OPEN MEN' S INTERCOLLEGIATE GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIP Sponsored by ST. FRANCIS XAVIER UNIVERSITY (Approved by the c.1.A.U .) DIRECTOR OF CHAMPI ONSH IP : Mr . Geza Von Martiny, St . Francis X Coach and also United States University Coach, 1965. DATE: Sunday, February 25, 1968 PLACE : St. Francis Xa vier University, Oland Center, Main GymnaSium
RULES: F.I.G. TIME : 7 P.M. Sharp until 10 P.M.
sien, a U. of Washington sophomore and National Champion of Finland who scored a 55.25. Nissinen captured firsts on side horse, rings, parallel bars, and the horizontal bar but was hampered by a sprained ankle on the other events. Koshiba earned a first on fl oor exercise while teammate Masanori Kageyama took the long horse vault. The 3-woman teams competed on all fo ur Olympic events with the best two scores co unting in the team total. J oyce Tanac, one of the top-ranked US women while still in hi gh school, captured the all·around with a 35.798 total while taking firsts in va ulting and flo or exercise. Teammate Carolyn 1-
Coaches Association has played in the developing of competitive gymnastics. Over the past three years O.S.G.C.A. has through its judging clinics established a large gymnasti c offi cials corps, which has made many more competitions possible. Mr. Doug Kerr, President of O.S.G.C.A. was on hand to answer questions and to inform the committee of O.S.G.C.A.'s plans for 1968.
WARM-UP : In the Auxiliary Gymnasium
AWARDS: Medals and diplomas for individual events. Trophies for the team event. TEAM : A team consists of four gymnasts with the top three 011round counting for the team event. In case of onl y one entry that one gymnast's score will be counting toward the team event. ELIGIBILITY : Each gymnast must corry 12 credit hours/ semester ot a Canadian College or Un iversity that he or she rep resents . All entries must be sent to Mr. Geza von Martiny, Asst. Professor of Phy. Ed., St. Francis X University, Antigonish , N.S .
Pingatore, also a high school student, took the un even bar competition. Tiny, smilin g Hideko Ohishi, 17, who will be an exchange student in Seattle next year, prevented a shutout with a splendid display on the balance beam. Sponsor s of the meet included the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, U. of Washington, the Seattle-Kobe Affiliation Committee, the Greater Seattle Gymnastic Club, and the Sea ttle Times. Dr. Eric Hughes, Gymnastic Coach at the University of Washington , arranged and coordinated the many details attendan t to such a meet. The MODERN GYMNAST salutes the effort s of the Sea ttle-Kobe groups and concurs with this note fro m Mr. J. D. Braman, Mayor of Seattle, "We are confident that these experiences will constitute a substantial step toward international friend ship."
All-around · M EN
Morio Koshiba
9 .35
9 .20
9 .60
Bob Hall
9 .30
(Seattle) Masanori Kagayama
8 .90
(Kobe) Sho Fukushima
8 .10
8 .55
9 .35
8 .75
8 .25
( Kobe)
Mauna Nissinen (Seattle) Mike Ftansaas
(Seatt le)
Masao Fuj i mo to
SEATTLE A LL·STAR TE A M . From left, fro nt row; Sa ndy Hartl ey (a lt). Lonna Woodward, Joyce T anac, a~d Caro lyn,n Pingatore. From left, back row: George LeW IS, women s coach. Gunter Bohrmann, Hide Umeshita (atl), Sho Fukushima, Mauna Nissinen, 80 Be nnett. Mike Flansaas, Eric Hughes, men's team coach.
All·star teams representin g th e sister cities of Seattle, Washington, and Kobe, Japan met before a turn-away crowd of 5200 at the University of Washington, November 10, 1967. It was a 2-hour-40-minute ballet of muscle and grace, and the performers drew repeated applause from an appreciative audience. The Greater Seattle Gymnastic Club earned victory totaling 271.65 to 266.50 to avenge last year's defeat in Japan. The women had a 71.730 to 66.598 margin over a Kobe team for which two of the three youn g women performed despi te injuries. The men's all-around title again was won by Morio Koshiba, a gymnastic teacher and grad uate of Nippon University. His total of 55.35 points just barely edged Mauno Nis8
(Seattle) Gunter Bohrma n (Seattle) Takashi Kishi (Kobe) Kiyohumi Sakata (Kobe) Yuichi Sana (Kobe) Bo Bennett (Seattle) Team Scores Seattle Kobe All-around - Women Joyce Tanac (Seattle} Lonna Woodward (Seattle) Carolyn Pingatore (Sea ttle) Hideko Oishi (Kobe) Mieko Ishii (Kobe) Hisako Habara (Kobe)
KOBE A LL-STAR TE ~M: Kn ~ lin~, f rom . I e~t: ~o ri ~ K oshiba, Hi sako H aba ra , M leko Ish II, Hldeko OIsh I, YUlchl Sana. Standing, from lett: Masanori Kageyama, Masao Fujimo to , Coach Mizuo H ataoka, Kiyohumi Sakata, and Takashi Kish i.
Team Scores Seattle Kobe
45.35 44.70 44.85 44.95 45 .25 46.55 271.65 45.85 45.75 40.50 43.60 45.20 45.60 266.50 SHV UPB BB FX TOTA L 9.266 8 .866 8.466 9.200 35.798
8.7338.7008.8338.9 60 35.232 9.0339.100 7.7338.600 34.466 8.700 7.433 8.900 8.9 00 33.933 8.5667.860 7.000 7.233 30.665 6.2338.000 7.7667.900 29.899
18.299 17.266
17.966 15.866
17 .299 16.666
18.166 71.730 16.800 66.598
~ ~
al ii Laiho (Finland)
STORHAUG WINS HIS 9TH NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP . . On NoveI?ber 26th,1967 Aage Storhaug won his 9th NatIOnal All-Around title at the Norwegian National Championships held at the Wilhelmsenhallen in Notterroy, Norway. Storhaug took ten fIrst places out of the twelve AA events(compulsory & optional, to total 112.40. Up and coming gymnast, Tore Lie placed second with 108.40, followed by Trygve Gjerstad scoring 107.50, Harold Wigaard with 107.35 and Thorbjorn Ingvaldsen 106.45. Helge Nielsen of Bergen was the top scorer in the B Class competition with 99.60.
Aaga Storhaug(Norway)
Erik Rose ng ren (Sweden)
Turku, Finland November II Fi nl and (F) 219.05 Sweden (S ) 2 14.65 Norway (N ) 213. 15 Denm ark (D) 202. 15 NAME FX SH SR LH PB HB T ot al Aage Storhaug (N) 9.40 9.45 9 .20 9.40 9.35 9.45 56.25 a li i Laiho (F) 9.20 9.40 9.10 9 .25 9 .5 5 9 .30 55.80 Eric Rosengren (5) 9 .35 9.30 9.15 9.40 9.20 9.10 55.50 Heikk i Sappinen (F) 9.55 8.70 9.20 9.25 9.10 9.05 54.85 Hans Nielsen (0) 9.00 8.95 8.95 8 .80 9.00 9. 10 53.80 Re ino Heino (F) 8.95 8.20 9.15 9.10 9.05 9.20 53.65 Evert Li ndgren (S) 53.30, Trygve Gjerstad(N) 53.10, Jan-Ake Fjal iby (S) 53.00, Ju hani Rahikainen( F) 53.00 , Han nu Rantaka ri (F) 53.00 , Thor Ingva ldsen(N) 52.30, Finn Johannesson(S) 52.25, Ake Gu l lberg(S) 51.30, Sven Erik Lilj a(N ) 50.40, Carl IIsoe(O) 50.05.
Chri st er Jonsso n (Sweden)
Sweden-East Germany Match
Nov. 26, 1967
Halmstad, Sweden
Total 559 .35 548.05
Compulsory 279.45 271 .30
Opti onal 279. 90 276. 75
FX NAM E Klaus Koeste(EGI c9.45 09 .50
SH 9.40 8.40
SR 9 .25 9 .60
LH 9.20 9.30
PB 9. 10 9.50
HB 9.45 9.50
Werner Ool ling(EG) 8.85 9.25
9.25 9.35
9.25 9.45
9.20 9.25
9.60 9.05
9.35 9.55
Siegfried Fuelle(G) 9 .25 9.35
9.30 8.65
9.50 9.40
9.25 9.25
9.35 9.40
9.20 9.15
Peter Weber(G)
8.95 9.30
9.30 8.70
9.35 9.45
9.30 9.30
9.45 9.40
9.20 9.25
Matthias Brehme(G)9.1 0 9.00
9.55 9.50
9.40 9.30
9. 15 9.20
9.50 8.15
9.35 9.50
T EAM RESULTS : East German y Swede n
T ot al 55.85 55.80 11 1.65 55.50 55.90 111.40 56.00 55.20 111 .20 55.55 55.40 110.95 56.05 54.65 110.70
55.00 55.55 110.55 Gunther Beier (EG) 110.50, Stig Lindeval l (5) 109.50, Finn Johannesson(S) 109.45, Tommy Svensson (5) 107.85, Jan-Ake Fja ll by(S) 104.65 . Eric Rosengren (5)
9.20 9.30
9.30 9.20
9.05 9.20
9.25 9. 15
9.30 9.30
8.90 9.40
The Institute for
Physical Training at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena Sports Studies at Friedrich Schiller University The In stitute for Physical Trainin g at Friedrich Schiller University in l ena , Ger路 man Democratic Rep ublic, has trained sports teachers for 20 years. Its courses provide two years of trainin g in the theory and practice of the basic sports. The staff of" 22 at the Institute, under the director, Dr. h. W. Schroeder, also do research in important problems of school sports and competition sports. Some emphasize cy ber路 netic studies; others investigate possibilities for rapid and immediate information on feed路back processes in motor studies and test the quality and quantity of movement categories. Interested students are drawn into this research work. One example of such studi es is illustrated above.
- from Sports in the CDR, No . 4, 1967 Th e pictures sh ow a gymnast who hos specia l equipment for measuring the place and time of a
movement, and the light
traces of movement on the parallel bars. The I ight t ra ces mark the movement of the feet and hips and make it possible to investigate the movement, speed and
acclerotion at various times.
A student member of a research gr,?up analyzes a photo of light tracers uSing a projector and co-ordinote plane table.
Wearing lights at her hips and toes, the gymnast executes a spl it leap. The chonecycle photo traces the same jump.
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f"'.""-'-' ........, ... - ... .......
by Bruno Klaus Gymnastic Coach University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada
The mai n entrance to the Deutsche Hochschul e Fur Korperkultur (also known as the Sports Uni versity o f Leip zig). This is also the medical ce nter f o r the t esting and programming of all the athletes.
Through Abie Grossfeld and John Crosby heard about the sports university in Leipzig, East Germany, which is noted for its scientifi c approach to the teaching and trainin g of athletes. As my wife and I were tourin g in Europe this past summ er, we got hold of a couple vi sas and added Leipzig to our stops. W e spent a few days there, and here's what I learned about their gymnastic program. First of all, the program for the eventual gymnast is started when the child is five or six years old . Instructors from the University go to the area schools to talk with the physical education teachers to determine which children are athletically inclined. These children are brought to the University and tested . If it appears that the child could develop, he begins coming to the University for training. At the same time he continues to attend his own school for hi s classwork. The parents are in corporated into the program. Alon g with hi s physical training the child is given psychological testin g to determine where his ambition s lie. If he becomes an outstanding gymnast, he is fed, clothed; and supported by the University. The students are put into divisions. They move from division to division with th e ultimate goal bein g the international team. In each divi sion it is r equired that each student perform certain compulsory r outines. As he progresses into hi gher classes, more events are added as are optional routines. No matter how old the student is wh en he begins, he starts in the Kind erklasse III. Following is a quick breakdown of the clsses or divisions and requirements of each. The r outines must be performed with an 80% effi ciency before the student can move on. GIRLS DIVISIONS BEGINNING WITH LOWEST DIVISION Kinderklasse III 4 compulsories- l each on vaultin g, balance beam, free exercise, high bar at shoulder hei ght
Kinderklasse II 5 compulsories-l each on vaulting, uneven parallel bars, balance beam at on e meter height, free exerci se, high bar at head height Kinderklasse I 4 compul sories and 2 optionals. Compulsories: vaultin g, balance beam, free exercise, unevens. Optionals: balan ce beam, free exercise. Jugendklasse III 4 compulsori es and 4 optionals-l compulsory and 1 optional on each event Jugendklasse II 4 compulsories and 4 optionals-l compulsory and 1 optional on each event with compulsories becoming more diffi cult Jugendkla3se I 4 compulsories and 4 optionals-co mpulsories increased again in difficulty. Leis tungsklasse I (highest class) At this time they are ready for national co mpetition. BOYS DIVISIONS BEGINNING WITH LOWEST DIVISION Kinderklasse I II 4 compulsories-free exerci se, va ulting, parallel bars, high bar at head height (1 compulsory on each) Kinderklasse II 5 compulsories-l each on free exercise, vaulting, parallel bars, hi gh bar at head height, rin gs Kinderklasse I 6 compulsories- l each on free exercise, . vaulting, parallel bars, high bar at head height , rin gs, side horse Jugendklasse III 6 compul sories-l on each event with more diffi culty than compul sories in Kinderklasse Jugendklasse II 6 compul sories and 3 optionals-o ptionals on side horse, rin gs, high bar Juge ndklas<se I 1 compulsory and 1 optional on each
Much scientitic research and approach is invol ved in athletics as evidenced by thi s di splay in the f oyer of the University.
event Leistungsklasse I At this time they are well advanced and ready for national competition. While in these classes, if a stud ent shows special talent or a weakness on a particular apparatus, he is given individual instructi on by a · teacher who is a specialist on that event. In all divi sions there are r oughly te n students per instructor. Every month the national and the international team members are tested for endurance, fl exibility, strength, etc. Movies are made of these gymnasts for the purpose of analyzing angles of moves so that less experienced gymna sts can correct th eir own faults. At thi s tim e the University has four of the international gy mnastic team member s and nin e members of the second team. The first and second teams consist of between ten and twelve me mbers each. Practice consists of three to four hours per day plus classes in theory of gy mna s ti c~ . The inte rnational team has one head coach (trainer) and three assistants for trainin g. The inte rnational team mem bers are al so fully supported by the school. They will eventu ally become instructors or trainers as the coaches are called. This is not the only training school in East Germany. Th e army has one, and the re is al so one in East Berlin. However, at thi s tim e the DHFK has most of the national and internati onal gymnasts. Th e gy mnasts are allowed only a two week holiday pe r year which th e whole school takes at one tim e durin g the summe r. Well , that 's about it. From what I saw the coaches (trainers ) are excellent and the equipm ent is ·g ood and pl entiful. One more thin g-in talkin g with on e of the coaches I found out that The Modem Gymnast is rated very hi ghly by th e East German gymnasts.
The United States Gymnastics Federation P.O. Box 4699 Tucson, Arizona
New Registration Plan & Publications As the U.S.G.F. grows in size and increases it s number of offer· ings to schools, teachers and clubs. we strive to maintain a modern and up·to·da te a pproach to the ad ministrative proble ms involvt'd . Naturally, the old cliches about it's a big count ry, mail is slow, etc., come to our mind. but the reaso n for a chan ge is a positive one more than a negative one. We began with a single pa ge Newsletter and expanded to several pages. The eve ry·other·month idea seemed to be sati sfa ctory in principle but history has d emonstrated the co untrary. As small in can· tent as the N EWS LETTER might seem (three to four pages ) we have attempt ed to kee p important news items in the fore. It has seemed to be a r eg ula r occurence for us to mail the NEW SLETTER. then the very next day find a letter or some notice from one of our cons tituents that a most important event was comin g up very soon . . . and yet the mail was gon e and the news mu st wait for se veral weeks for the next iss ue. Obviously, this is not the best way to do the job . . . significant eve nt s just seem to pop up whenever they desire not on a r eg ularly schedul ed basis. Beginning in J a nuary of 1968. along with the reg ular re ports appearing in our offi c ial publication (The ~[ o d e rn Gymnast), the U.S .G.F. will present a US GF N EWS SERVICE or an entirely different ord er. at least in so far as mailings are concerned. W e will, for the mos t part. drop the regularly sch eduled N EWSLETTER, and com'ert exi st ing s ubsc riptions to the N EWS S ERVICE. This new format will deal mostly with d irec t mailin gs of perhaps no more than one or two brief pages of it ems that those of yo u in the gy mnasti cs community should be awa re of . . . RIGHT NOW! It will be mailed as oft en as need be, and for the most part on a fir stclass mail basis. In thi s way we can be distributin g bulletins as often as need be without a need to stick with any weekly time schedule and also it will all ow us to mail small news items qui ckly without th e need for additiona l co py to fill in three extra pa ges of s pace. It is my sincere hope that thi s se rvice will be utili zed by every gymnastics coach and offi cial in the U.S .A. W e have experimented with the mailin gs long enough and our office is now equipped to do this job best of all. If you have been di sappointed in years past in sendin g a notice to us and not havin g it includ ed , we ll. we ca n chan ge most all of that now . . . we're up·datin g a sys tem and adding new mailing equipment to expedite matte rs consid erably. If you already are regi stered it is not necessary to re:register. If not, and you wish to avail yourse lf of this se rvice, se nd yo ur name , address, zip-code (n eed ed badl y ) , and 52.00 to the: U.S .G.F. N EWS SERVICE P .O. Box 4699 T UCSO N, ARIZONA 85il 7
An out standin g team of seven SCANDI NAVIA N ALL· STA R COLLEGIA NS is to tour the United States of Ame rica durin g J anu · ary, 1968. Of the seven gymnasts, two are from S wed en . . . two from Norway .. . two from Finland and one from Denm ark . Each of th e team me mbers fini shed in the top ten pos itions in th e 1967 Scandinavian Championships conducted just about one month a go. It is a truly outstandin g team. The team will land in New York City . . . and compete fir st a gains t Pennsylvania State Universiti es team on January 12th. From that point they will journey West making three to four more stops as they end up on the Wes t Coast and travel over the P ole . . . on their return to Scandinavia. In Denver, Col orado, the tea m will meet the Colorado Coll ege All -Stars at Aurora Centra l High School on January 18th und er the sponsorship of the Colorado C ymnasti cs Association. The entire trip is under the s ponso rship of the U.s. Gymnastics F ederation with the approval of th e four Scandinavian F ederation s. 12
Executive Director
Thi s represent s the fir ::t foreign team to vis it our Unit ed States in almost four years. If yo u are near th e two sit es menti oned above please plan on vi siting with our di st ingu ished guests and witness in g th eir competitions . The U.s. G.F. looks forward to in vitin g many such team s to visit the U.S.A. in years to come, and simil arly we look forward to selec ting out standin g team s to tour other nations in the nea r future. W e will be announ cin g th e entire itin er ar y for the Scandin avian All· Star T ea m within a few da ys, however, we did desire to ge t this brief n oti ce to many of yo u as quickly as poss ible .. . ther efore this ma ilin g. If yo u have a ny questi ons please feel free to co nt act us at the U.S .G.F. Office.
N.A.C.G.C. STATISTICS, 1968 For the 1968 Gymnasti cs se ason, the Am erican Athle tic Equip· ment Compan y will be brin gin g you the N.A.C. C.C. S ta ti stics p rogram. The format for next season's report s, which is now ge ttin g under way, will include the top performers in each event in ea ch of the four reg ions of the Unit ed States . . . East, Mid -East, MidWest and West. Average scores on a progressive basis will be shown for each region as well as the top ten performers on a national basis. In som e in stances we will include team records and hi gh team scores as th e se ason moves alon g. It will be our intention to mail the Statistics each W ednesday .. . the re fore it will be necessary that each of yo u forw a rd your scores to the US GF Office immediately after your week-end com petitIOn s a re completed. Pl ease re port all scores . . . indi cating thereon if you are parti cipatin g in the College Division or University Divi sion of the NCAA, or indi cate NAIA, as the case might be .. . all scores will be re fl ected toge ther in the individual events. The U.S.C .F . is printin g and distributin g this year's sta tistics program, and it is brought to you throu gh the sponsorship of the American Athletic Equipm ent Company. Bill So renson , Pres id ent of American informs us tha t they contempla te some na tional award based on the statistic survey, but more will be forth co min g on that subj ect. Send your meet results immediately after the results are printed to: U.S.G.F. - Statistics, P.O. Box 4699, Tucson , Arizona 857 17.
* Just Published * NACGC H IGHLIGHTS 0 0 0 0 0
All-American Team National & Regional competition results Photos, Photos, and more Ph otos Honor Awards A ll-Time Records
ONLY $1 Order From: NACGC HIGHLIGHTS Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406 " A Pho to Statistic Treas ure Fo r E very Coach & Gymnast
NOW-A FULL LINE OF GYMNASTIC CLOTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN! De~igned by Gym Master and expertly tailored from fine quality 100% nylon stretch knit that's completely washable - needs no ironing or pressing! FOR MEN! New Warm-Up Suits, Competition Pants with new, exclusive design features and Singlet Shirtsall "made for action! " They're smart looking - smart fitting. Designed by Gym Master for complete freedom and the ultimate in the most rigorous competition.
FOR WOMEN! Now - a new streamlined look in Warm-Up Suits, Scoop-Neck Leotards and V-Neck Leotards - all trimly styled for an excellent, flattering fit. "Made for Action" from nylon -stretch knit that's wonderfully comfortable.
FREE! Send for ourfully - illustrated brochure on Gymnastic Clothing . Another quality product line from THE WORLD'S
Beauty in Motion Beautiful Motions by Dick Criley The women's gymnastic team of the University of H elsinki, Finland, appeared at numerous exhibitions and clinics throughout the United States and Canada during the fall. It was the pleasure of the MODERN GYMNAST to view one of their demonstrations and to talk with some of the members of the group. The occasion was their appearance at Ventura College under the sponsorship of the Ventura YMC A to whom we also extend our thanks for a kind welcome. The gymnastics performances were not of the olympic competition type with apparatus as we commonly think of gymnastics. Indeed, the Finns refer to this type of gym路 nastics as calisthenics, but with a totally different meaning, as we soon found out. To them, the rhythmic gymnastics exercises are far more feminine and worthy of atten路 tion as a means for developin g the qualities of grace and beauty of movement. A great variety of hand implements were used in routines com posed by a master teacher or members of the team and performed by the team as a whole. While hoops and ropes and balls are perhaps the most typical of the hand implements used in this type of gymnastics, we also noted the use of tambourines, a cymbal, indian clubs and wooden sticks. In spiration for the routines are drawn from natural movements-running, leaping, stretching; dance, both modem and folk ; and the music itself, percussive, flowin g and alternatively fa st and slow. One particularly noteworthy piece was performed without hand im plemen ts. The girls of two teams demon strated running, leaping, and jumping, singly and in partnership with each other in com positi ons which truly illustrated the beau ty of the body in motion. In pairs and trios, they would advance and retreat, their measured steps coordinated as one, in spirals, in circles, and intricate geometric patterns. Correct posture and body movements were expressed at all times in all the exercises. The percussion pieces, the cymbal, wooden sticks, and indian clubs, provided a tempo which could set the tone for a series of mo vements. Not mere adjuncts to the com路 position, these implements were used to express dynamics, rhythm, a mood, or a characterization. The upper body is par路 ti cularly used in swin gin g, twirling, bendin g and similar movement. Viewers tried to envision meaning in the ex pressive use of the girls' hands and arms and follow ed the line of complete extension as, for instan ce, a back arch complemented curves of hoops held behind them. Highlightin g their performance, the girls donned cos tumes fr om various areas of their native Finland, and performed Finnish Folk Dances. It was interestin g to note how the mood of the music seemed a trifle less gay than for other Scandinavian peoples, refl ectin g the harsher history of the co untry. In their clinics and demon stra ti ons over a six week period across the co untry, the Women of the University of Helsinki introduced new concepts of physical trainin g for gro ups to educators who previously considered women's gymnastics only as apparatus work beyond the reach of their stud en ts. With the realization that such acti vi ties are within their realms of imagination and abiliti es, more instructors of women's programs are plannin g to introduce rhythmic gymnastics to their classes. 14
Kanati Allen An insight into the unique personality of a top Olympic contender - his philosophy and his goals . .... .
Name: J. Kanati Allen Age: 21 H1. 5'8" Wt. 138 Single High School attended: Los Angeles City High School College: U.C.L.A.; Major: Physics; Year: Sr. Plans after graduation: Graduate school in physics Honors won: 19G7-3rd AA, 3rd FX, NCAA; 1st FX, AAWU; member U.S. Universiade team. 19G5-lst HB, AAWU; member U.S. World Games team. High School-19G4: 2nd AA, 2nd FX, 2nd PB, 1st HB, L.A. City Ch.
When and how did you become interested in gymnastics? I was in junior high school and started working on the apparatus in the school yard. Why gymnastics? Why not some oj' the team sports? They aren't interesting. What event did you start with? High bar, because that was the only apparatus in the yard. As an all-around competitor, do you have any favorite in the different gymnastic events? Not anymore. Who was your coach as you got started in gymnastics? My high school coach was John Muir, but my main coaches were the Sakamoto brothers. Do you have any particular gymnast after whom you have tried to pattern yourself? I see what I like in each gymnast. So I pattern myself after whatever I like in each event. What advice would you have for youngsters starting out in gymnastics now? Start all-around, because as you want to go all events, that is the fastest way to learn. The things on one apparatus apply to the others as well. You should start with the basics; then you can build up. What are some of the basics that you'd suggest? One of the hardest is a handstand. And, of course, swin g and strength. Do you feel that a specialist has any place now in gymnastics? They have been good for the all-around men up to now because they have a much higher level on some of the apparatus, so they can teach the all-around man. But if you had all these specialists going out for all-around, you'd have an all-around man who was just as good as a specialist on these different events. The specialists are good now, but even tually they could build greater strength as all-around men. Do you see any trend in the U.S . gymnastics which may advance our international standing?
I wa s very pleased that they have introduced compulsories for the NCAA's. I think they should have them for the specialists too. It tends to put the all-around man at a disadvantage. How do you plan a workout? I alternate equipment. I work the first three Olympic events one day and the other three on th e next day. I try to learn tricks that I don 't have, basics that I need improvement on, workin g just to keep the tricks I have. What sort of training schedule do yo u follow for big meets, for example , the NCAA's th e Olympic trials, and so forth? For a really important meet, I begin about a month before, working toward s the routines. If there are comp ul sories and opti onals, the first two days of the week I work tricks, the next two days I work sequences, and the final two days I try to put the routines together. I try to go through each routine at least four times before the meet on each weekend. I just repeat thi s every week of the month. The day before the meet, all I do is warm up a littl e, touchin g on each apparatus. What is it about gymnastics that keep you at it? Just as I like physics, I like gymnastics so I do it- it's fun. Do you apply some of your physics principles to gymnastics? No t exactly, I apply more of my gymnasti cs to my physics. I didn't really apply the techniques of learning to physics as I did to gymnastics; so n ow I am doing it more in physics. What are some 0/ your goals? I enjoy just being in gymnastics, but my goal is international competition. Do you feel the U.S . should extend more finan cial support to their gymnasts as other countries seem to be doing ? How about the level 0/ support after you make a national team? Of co urse gymnasti cs needs greater support, but not in the same way as the other countries have done. The support which could be given a team, as such, rather than individuals, mi ght be all right. In light of the recent furor raised by Harr y Edwards (San Jose State), do you feel you could support the proposed Negro boycott 0/ the U.S. team for the '68 Olympics? In the first place, I am American Indian _51.~ Cherokee, from my mother and also a little Scotch and Irish. Havin g cleared that up, I don't see yet how it would help to boycott the Olympics. I'd have to understand that first before I'd even consider it. What are your plans after you graduatedo you plan to keep up with your gymnastics ? Oh, maybe when I'm 70, I'll consid er slackin g off a little. Kanati, how do you feel about gymnastics in relation to othe r sports? To me, other sports are a game; Gymnastics is th e only sport. It's a kind of way of life. 15
the MODERN GYMNAST magazine
A New Terminology for Sidehorse by Russell Mills Stanford University
horse, loohng down at it. "L·end" and " L· pom" mean "left end" and "left pommel", respectively. We make the following arbi· trary convention : Convention A: At the beginning of a rou· tine or a sequence of tricks, if the gymnast mounts from a point on the longitudinal axis of the ap paratus, then the L·end is defined to be the nearest end to him ; if he is stand in g at the side of th e apparatus, then the L· end is the end which would be to his left were he to face the · apparatus from there; if the sequence begins with the gymnast already on the apparatus, the Lend is the end which is to his left at the beginning of the sequence. On ce the L·end is established, the other Fixed Labels fall into place as in the diagram. The important thing to remember is that these labels do not change their locations even when the gymnast does a turning trick and is facing another direction. The R-end may, in other words, be on his left at times. The compass poin ts in Fig. 1 are to be used to describe the direction the gymnast is fa cin g, relative to the other Fixed Labels. The direction 0° is always the direction from R·end to L· end. Example : Stand at L·end facing 90 R . {This is where one stands to do a clockwise Kehre-in.} Problems for the reader: 1. Using Fig. 1 and Convention A, describe the positions from which you would mount and dismount for the followin g short routine: Back-loop, loop with % clockwise 'wist {use clockwise Circles}. 2. Explain why all mounts must begin ~ ith er from the Left·region of the app aratus or at the Left·point. (Answers are given at the end of Secti on 1.) B. The Relative Labels "Fore" and "Rear" are used to denote the positions of the legs. " Left-fore" {or "L·fore"} means that the gymnast's left leg' is on the side of the apparatus in the direc· tion he is facing. The meanings of L·rear, R·fore, and R-rear should be obvious. We write " LR·fore" instead of " L·fore and R· fore". S imilarly for "LR·rear". Example: "LR·rear" is the position which is sometimes called " front support" (i.e. the hands are in front of the body, so that the legs will be to the rear of the hands). The Relative Labels "left" and "right" are sometimes used to indicate which direc· tion {relative to the gymnast, not the appar· atus} a trick is done. Example : Front-scissors-left. Note : The old AAU system of Fixed Labels was similiar to the one presented above, except that such terms as Croup, 0
Introduction. About six years ago I invented a new system of termin ology for the sidehorse, one that seemed to me more systematic and complete than the old one. Later, around 1964, the FIG came up with its own new system of sidehorse nomenclature, an illogical, fragmentary one which has helped to make the sidehorse aq imposs ible event to judge by the official "rules". Therefore, I am offering the gymnastic public my sys· tem for criticism and! or approval. Altho I would not expect it to replace completely the casual sidehorse language used at workouts, I do hope that people will like it and will want to usc it to replace the unwork· able FIG system for official purposes in this country. Moreover, sidehorse en thusiasts may be interested in the simple way new tricks and combination s are formulated in my system. I. Preliminaries It is convenient to have two sets of labels (j.e. coordinate systems) to specify the gymnast's position on the sidehorse. The Fixed Labels are to denote the parts of the apparatus and regions around it; the Rela· tive Labels are to specify the position of the gymnast's legs with respect to the ap· paratus. A. The Fixed Labels are summarized in Figure 1. In Fig. 1 we are directly above the side·
TRICK Tro mlet Moore Sw iss Kehre Yanki Back-tromlet Back-moore Back -sw iss Ba ck-kehre Back-yanki Counter-moore Counter-sw iss Co unter-kehre Counter-yank i C-B-moore C-B-swiss C-B-kehre C-B-ya nki
CHART 1 Finish DUIation 1.0 F 1.5 F 1.0 F R 1.5 F 1.0 R 1.0 R 1.5 R 1.0 F 1.5 R 1.0 F 1.5 F 1.0 R 1.5 F 1.0 F 1.5 R 1.0 F 1.5 1.0 R
No. Rot. 0
+Y> +Y> +Y> +Y> 0
+Y> +Y> +Y> +Y> -Y> -Y> -Y> -Y> -Y> -Y> -Y> -Y>
Synonyms side trave l czech, o ne loop hop doub le rear front-out, -in rear travel stockli
fu ll ·durham
inside hop
Saddle, Neck, Cross· stand frontways, etc. were used. Most people could never remem· ber which was which. The labels used in this article are hop efull y easier to follow. Problem 3. Using relative labels, describe the leg position from which one initiates a Black·scissors·left. Answers for section I: 1. Mo unt: Stand at R-end facing 90 0 R. Dismount: Lan d at R-end facing 180°. 2. Any side from which the gymnast mounts, by Convention A, becomes the Left· region; any axial mount causes the mount· in g position to be defined as the Left·point. 3. L-fore and R·rear. II. Circles and Circle·tricks Presumably most readers will recognize what the word "Circles" mean s if the followin g often·used synonyms are listed : High double leg circles, flank s, kehrems, wheels. . When circles are performed with both hands on an end or on one pommel, and with the gymnast facing either 0° or 180 ° {see section I of this article}, then the cir· cles are called Loo ps or Pommel·loops, respectively. If circles are perform ed with both hands on one pommel, but with the gymnast facin g either 90 0 L or 90 0 R {as in norm al Circles}, these are called Pommel· circles. It turns out that almost all of the moves which are don e in Circle style (j.e. legs together, hi gh smooth swing) ca n be con· structed from moves properly chosen from the three groups. On e group consists of Cir· cles, Loops, Pommel·circles, and Pommel· loops. The second group consists of the Circle tricks. The third consists of the Dem i·semi-tri cks. A. The Circle· tricks are listed in Chart 1 along with their important characteristics. Bear in mind that Chart 1 serves more as a definition of the group of Circle· tricks than as a collection of various people's ideas on what constitutes a Circle-trick. Comments on Chart 1 : O. "C·" stands for "Counter·", "B·" for "Back-", " F " for " LR·fore", and "R" for "LR·rear" {see part 1. B for definition s}. 1. No distin ction in name need be mad e between, say, a tromlet from Center to end md a tromlet from end to Center. The same holds true for the other Circle-tricks. If desired, one can write, for instan ce, Tromletout and Tromlet·in for extra clarity. 2. The "start" and "finish" columns refer to the leg position relative to the side· horse as the trick is initiated and completed. The entries {see o. above} are chosen in such a way as to make the naming of combinations easier {section' III below} ; they do not necessarily fit any pre-
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conceived notion s the reader may have about startin g and fini shing positions. 3. "Duration" refers to the length of time required for execution of the trick , ass um· ing the gymnast maintain s a constant speed of one Circle per unit time. Duration, then, is equal to th e number of times the legs pass around the apparatus during the trick. Clearly, one Circle must have duration 1.0. 4. # rot. is the number of 360 0 turn s whi ch the gymnast's body makes durin g the trick. #rot. is positive of the rotation is in the same direction as the Circles, negative if opposite. The nam e "Moore" has been used instead of "czech" because "Moore" is th e usual name of this trick in the U.S.A., and because, to my knowledge, Roy E. Moore invented it- not someone from Czechoslovakia. 6. A "Swiss" is a half turn which is often performed as a qui ck hop. 7. The n arn e " Yanki" (pronounced Y ANG'KEE) is applied here to the tri ck ~ which resembles a Swiss done ( clockwi se Circles) without lifting the right hand, whil e travellin g to the end (or from end to Center ) . As far as I know, this trick was first developed by a yankee, Art Sh urlock , as part of the combination known as a "shurlock". 8. All of the Back-tricks except the Backyanki have been used in routines by so mebody sometime. A Back-kehre is the same as what used to be called a Stockli (Thi s is not the FIG's kind of stockli , however ) . 9. The only Counter-tricks which I have seen anyone do are the Counter-swiss, Counter-back-swiss, and Counter-y anki. Th e Counter-swiss is also kn ow n as the " durham " after Archi e Durham, 1 beli eve. Unfortunat ely the Counter-moore, CoB -moo re. C-kehre, and C-B-kehre req uire two extra handch anges that Moores, Back-m oo re,; . etc. don 't have. Ex ce pt for that a nd th e reversal of directi on of body rotati on. th esp Count er-tricks are th e sa me as Moo res, K ehres, and so for th. B. The Demi- se mi-tri cks are ha lves uf som e of th e Circle-tri cks. Th ey are used to precede and to foll ow Loo ps, Pomm el-I oop,;_ and Pomm el-circles. Correspondin g to ' each of the Circle-tri cks in Chart 1 th ere is a Dem i-trick, whi ch is the first half of that Circle-trick, and a Semi-trick, whi ch is th e remaining half. For in stan ce, the sequ ence Demi·moore Semi-moore is exactly th e sam e as a complete Moore. Remember that Dcmi comes before Semi both on the sidehorse and in the dictionary. Many of the DemiSemi-tricks turn out to be identical to each other; this merely means tha t we sometimes have a choice of names to use for describing a single move. Ex ample : On L-end , clo ckwise Circles : Demi-moore, 2 Loops, Semi-moore. (This is just a co uple of loops done in the middle of a routine.) Example : Stand at L-end , facin g 90 0 R, clockwise Circles : Demi-b ack·moore, 1 Pommel·loop, Semi-back·moore. This is exactly the same as : Demi-kehre, 1 Pommel·lo op, Semi·back·moore, because Demi-kehre and Demi·back·moore bappen to be the same move. Notice that a Demi-kehre, to take an cxamplc, must have a duration of 1.5/2= 0.75 (see Chart 1 under Kehre) . Since a Kehre ( and · hence also a Demi-kehre) starts at LR·rear position, the Demi·kehre must finish wi th the legs halfway over the apparatus (pointing in the direction 0 0 or 180 0 ) .
Ill . Immediate and Instant; Combinations Chart 1 defin es precisely at what posi· tions tricks start and fini sh, and so by con sulting it, we can determin e for any rou· tin e the number of Circles performed be-
[ween any two consec utive Circle-tricks. But what should be done about things like the so·called " Russian moore" whi ch neither app ears on Chart I nor is am ong the Demi· semi·tricks? Should such thin gs be can· sid ered as tri cks too? The an swer is no, for we can break up these "combinations" into two or more co mponents, each of which appears in Chart 1, a nd when we do this it turns out that th ese components overlap that is, a second trick is initiated before the preceding trick is completed. In fact , it is convenient to ima gine that there is a negative number of Circles executed be· tween the component parts of a combin· ation. A " Russian moore", then , is two Moores with ·1 (i.e. minus one) intermedia te Cir· c1es. (Chart 1 shows that the duration of a Moore is 1.5, so two Moores would normally have a duration of 3.0. But a little thought shows that a Russian moo re has a duration of only 2.0. Therefore, since one Circle has duration 1.0, ·1 Circles must be added to the two Moores to convert them into the
combination.. )
Definition: If two consecutive Circle· tricks, say X and Y, are executed with either +lh or 0 inter mediate Ci rcl es, we say that " X immediate Y" has been perform ed ; if there is a negative number of inte rmediat e Ci rcles ( i. e. if X and Y overla p) th en we say th at " X in sta nt Y" has bcen perform ed. If the number of inter· mediat e Circl es is n, with n greater than +If:, , th en we write " X, n Circles, Y" . A bbreviat ions for imm ediate and in stant are Himm" and " in s". Exam pI es : A Ru ssia n moore is a "Moore in stant Moo re". A Bailie is oft en perform ed as a " Tra m let in s Back·moore in s Tromle t ". A so·ca ll ed "Russ ian on one pommel" is a " !VIoore in s Swi ss". The thin g which the FIG ca ll s a Stockli is a " Kehre immedia te Kehre" . A " Kehre instant K ehre", on th e oth er hand , wuuld be a 360 k ehrin g mot ion on une hand. Th e FIG 's " direct trull ,} ,· t" is rea ll y a "T ra m let in s Kehre". Pruhl c m: The routin e below is written with th e use of th e of fi cia l FIC sys te m of nomenclat ure. Try to tran slat e it in to th e sys te m describ ed in thi s a rticl e. Anyo ne who se nd s me a co rrect tran sla ti on wi ll rece ive frec a Xerox co py of th e Routin e-ge neratin g A ut oma ton, a cha rt fr om whi c h one ca n easil y co nstruct rand om I but pe rform a bl e) sid e horse routin es. It is worth a t least 9c and has no practi ce va lu c what eve r, but i, so me thin g no sidehorse fanati c will wan t to be without. Send tran slati ons to Ru ss Mill s, 850 Co leman Ave. # 15, Me nl o Park , California 94025. He re is th e proh lem: From 'sid e stand frontwa ys, ri ght han ·: on croup, left hand on ri ght po III mel : sid e turn ed rearward to left , follow ed by in· verted stockli s.c.i., with supp ort on the right ann pass legs over ri ght pOlllm el with % turn ri ght; displacin g th e left ha nd to the croup ; with support on th e left arm pass the legs over the ri ght pomlll el with 1,4 turn ri ght and di spla cin g th e ri ght hand to the right pommel to fr ont support sid e· ways, crown s.c.i. foll owed by a doubl e rear s.c.i., pass legs forward over cro up, sid elift wi th support behind the back ( dis· placing left hand to right pomm el, pa ssin g legs r earward over left pommcl, displacin g ri ght hand to left pommel) to fr ont sup· port in saddle; pass legs forward over r ight pommel, rearward over left pomm el ; stockIi to r ear support in saddle- We'll not both er to put any scissors in thi s r outinepass legs under ri ght hand, left hand, and right hand , flank turn rearward to front su pport on neck, czech s.c.i., German fol· lowed by czech s.c.i. with placing of hands on end follow ed by German front s.c.i. to cross stand right. 0
MG PHOTO/ART CONTEST 1. Suitable subjects for consideration : Gymnasts, coaches, action photoa unusual photos; two dimensional art of any technique' (woodcut, litho, oil, watercolor, etc.). Any size photo ac· cepted. Should be sharp and clear for reproduction with uncluttered back· ground . Color prints, but not slides, also acceptable. Should reproduce well in black and white 'JIlless suit· able for color cover or center spread. If selected for cover, the original neg· ative will be requested . Tp.chnical data on photos should inclUde photo· grapher's name, camera type, any spe· cial lenses used, film, f·stop, shutter speed.
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by Dr. William Vincent Gymnastics Coach San Fernando Valley State College Note: This is the sixth in a series of articles designed to help teachers in the secondary schools organize their gymnastics curriculum to include simple routines rather than unrelated skills. Of all the apparatus in the gym, trampo· line is probably the most popular with be· ginning students. There is something ex hilarating about flying through the air, fr ee for a few moments from the otherwise everpresent pull of gravity. In addition, the unique concept of landing on seats, backs and stom achs rather than feet offers a feeling not attainable elsewhere. And yet, to most teachers and adminis· trators, trampoline holds a fear of safety problems more serious than the other events. Actually, such is not the case. Beginning trampoline is probably one of the most safe events. There are so many simple safe skills th at can be learn ed on trampoline that one could teach for an entire semester before even introducing a complete somersault to the class. This may not be desirable, since somersaults themselves are not particularly dangerous, but the point is made that there are many basic skills, and particularly combinations of skills, or routines that can challenge secondary studen ts without offering the element of d,\n ger. Frequently, instructors and students feel that to perform properly on trampoline, grea t height mu st be attained. This is not so. All of the skills described in this article, and many more can be successfully performed with less than one or two feet of bounce. Certainly the top collegiate performers and some of the professional trampolists boun ce very high above the bed, but the second ary teacher must remem-
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in g them back on the bed I S the more accepted technique. Initial instruction should also include a comment abo ut getting on and off of the trampoline and simple boun cin g. Sitting on the fram e and then rolling onto the bed for mounting, and the opposite for dismounting is probably the safest method. Try n ot to confuse the students with an elaborate dissertation on the circling of the arms, and the coordination of the feet in the air and on contact with the bed. Just tell them to stay in the middle and land with feet shoulder width apart. Most of them will pick up the arm motion naturally, and those who do not can be instructed on the side. II is helpfu l, however, to tell them to fo cus their eyes on the springs or fram e at the end of the bed. This gives them the proper head position as well as something to spot so th at they can maintain their orientation in the air. Since thi s essay is limited for space, only a few of th e basic skills will be discussed. These are the ones that the author feels are most beneficial to the beginning class, and which fit together into a simple beginning routine. The first four skills are called the " basic four", since they train the stud ent to land on all parts of his body . This ability is most beneficial in later learnin g as its helps the student land safely wh en he fail s to co mplete a more difficult move. These, and three other basic twisting skills are listed below in the suggested order of instruction: Hands and Knees Drop: This skill is performed just as the n ame implies. In the land ing position, the back is parallel to the bed, and the performer is cautioned to place equal weight on all fours. This helps avoid the rocking horse effe ct, and provides for a straight rebound so that the perform er can return to hi s feet. Begin by
ber that the training of .top performers is not the goal of the physical . .educa tion class. All of the objectives of physical edu· ca tion that can be applied to trampoline will be accomplished by instruction in basic skills performed with small bounces. Ano ther reason why trampoline is popular with many students is because they can succeed without possessing the upper body strength that is required in other events. Students who are relatively unsuccessful on parallel bars, horizontal bar and rings m ay make considerable progress on the trampoline. Rebound tumblin g, as it is sometimes called, also offers a unique opportunity to combine skills into simple routin es since the strength fa ctor is reduced and the skills lend themselves naturally to continuation of movement. Some call this combination of moves knick knack trampolin ing while others play a game called " add one". This fun game is similar to fo llow-the-leader except each successive per form er copies the skills executed previously and then adds one of his own. The nex t player must do the same so that the list of moves continues to grow into some rather lengthy routines. Skill comes not in the difficulty of any given move, but in the ability of the performer to fi rst remember all of th e previous moves and then com bine them into a smooth routine that still leaves him the opportunity to add his own move. Upon introducing the class to the trampolin e, some comment should be made about spottin g. Students should not bounce without spotters, and spotters must pay attention to their performer. If the perform er comes close to the edge, spotters should hold up their hands and attempt to push the performer back on the bed. Attempts to ca tch the student as he fall s usually result in both the performed and the spo tter collapsing to the ground . Push-
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boun cin g in the landin g pOSitIOn until some control is obtained, th en start from the feet and rebound back to feet after landing_ Seat Drop : Begin this move by sitting on the bed with the hips on the cross in the webbin g_ The kn ees shou ld be straight and the ba ck of the legs from th e heels to the hips should be in contact with the bed_ Place the palms down on th e bed beside the hip s for balan ce_ Toes may point to the ceilin g in ea rly learnin g, as thi s helps raise the feet and legs so that they contact the bed simultaneously. Later, toes should be pointed for better form. This ease of this skill surprises some beginn ers, since when performed correctly, the stud ent bounces back to his feet with littl e or no effort. Front Drop: The front drop also begins with the assumption of the landing position before attem pting the en tire move. The hips should be directly over the cross on the bed, the knees held sli ghtly bent and the elbows bent at 90 degrees with the forearms flat on the bed so that the backs of the hand s are directly in front of the face. This is the landin g position, and all parts of the an terior surface of the body except the face should con tact the bed simultaneo usly. Most instru ctors teach their 路;tudents to bend their knees, as thi s helps ,n the rebound to the feet. After assumin g he landing pOSitIOn, the first attempt ,hould be from a hands and knees position. With a small bounce, the student extends his legs backwards, his arms forward and contacts the bed on his front, then returns on the first rebound to his hands and knees. Later a larger bounce on the hands and knees can precede the landin g. The student then progresses from feet to hands and knees to front to fe et, and finally, from feet to front , to feet. This progression should be fl exible so th at the student can progress at a rate at which he feels competent. Back Drop: Again, to build confid ence, the student assumes the landing position first so that proper con ta ct with the bed is maintained. The hips are over the cross, with the legs raised to the vertical position. The en tire back, from the should ers to the hips, should be flat on the mat with the weight di stributed equally, but the back of the head should not touch the mat. The arms are extended in fr ont of the chest for balance. Two methods are suggested for learning this skill. The first requires that the student bounce to his back after performing a bent knee seat drop. This allows him to land on his back from a lower bounce, and may also assist him to attain the proper landin g position. Upon landing, the performer extends his hips vigorously in coordination with the sprin g of the bed, and r ebounds back to his feet. Proper rebounding requires leaving the head back and arching up to a stand, but beginners may come forward in a semi tuck position and land in a squat on the bed. Later, they should be encouraged to rebound with an arch. The second teaching method begins with the student standin g on the bed while holding an imaginary beachball in his hands with his arms extended forward about chest high. He then raises one leg and attempts to kick the imaginary ball up to the ceiling. The vigorous kick forces him off balance so that he falls to the bed in the back drop posi tion. The leg upon which he is standin g should be k ept strai ght to insure proper landing, and should join the ki ck ing leg in the air so that they are together when the back contacts the bed. Later the student can kick with both legs
to complete the sk ill. Th e rebound to a stand is the same as with the first meth od. Sometimes student s feel a snap in their neck as they land. This is due to land in g with most of the weight on the hips whil e the shoulders are suspended off of the mat. Laying the head back a littl e farth er or raising the legs hard er usually corrects this, but instructors should wa tch for complete bed contact along the entire back. Swivel Hips: This skill consists of a seat drop, a 180 degree turn and another seat drop without intermediate touchin g of the mat. Throughout the move, the legs should be kept strai ght, and the feet should follow the lin e that run s down th e lon g axi s of the bed. Bringing the fee t around th e side in a semi tuck position is a comm on error and should be disco uraged. Th e fir st step in learn ing consists of a seat drop properly executed, and a stand with 90 degree turn. Upon reboundin g from the sea t drop , the performer pushes off the mat with his hands, then ex tends them over hi s head and looks in the direction of the turn. The hips are extend ed from the sitting to the standin g position, and the body executes a one quarter ' turn so that the stu dent is standing sideways on the bed with his hand s over his head. This same movement is then repeated with a 180 degree turn so that the body is fa cin g the opposite direction from whi ch it started. Throughout this move, instructors should encourage the st uden ts to keep their legs strai ght and directly und er the body. Finally, after completion of the one half turn , the performer executes anoth er seat drop and sits facing the other way without touching the mat. A sli ght forward lean on the initial landin g position may assist the studen t to execute the final seat drop. Half Twist to Front Drop, or One Half Airplane: Sometimes this maneuver is just called an airplane, but it is preferable to includ e th e . term one half, since it contain s a one half twi st. This helps differentiate it from th e full airplane which con tai ns a full twi st. The move actually consists of a back drop with one half twist landing on the front, and should be performed without a bounce when it is first attempted . Th e student begins to fall back with a relatively straight body, (not with a ki ck as described in the back drop) and as he fall s, a 180 degree turn is executed so that he lands on hi s front. After a few practices without boun ce, the stud ent may gradually build up height. When confidence is obtained, the arm s may be extended to the sid es durin g the turn , and th e student " fly s" around givin g the airplan e effect. Control can be improved by loo kin g and pointing the lead arm directly at th e intend ed landin g spot. The full airplane fol lows almost naturally from this skill , as th e performer has only to pull his trailin g arm across his chest and continue lookin g toward s the ceiling to compl ete anoth er half twi st and land on his back. One Half Turntable: This movem ent is essentially a front drop , 180 degree turn around the depth axi s, and another front drop. The front of th e body faces the mat throughout the movements. As the perfonner rebounds from his first front drop, he pu, hes to the sid e with hi s arms and looks sid eway s aro und his should er. Pulling the kn ees into a tu ck position accelerates the turn , which culminates in another front drop with the body fa cin g in the other direc tion. Learning may be fa cilitated by practicin g th e one quarter turntable first to master the fundam en tal s. A full turntable would consist of a 360 degree turn from front drop to front drop. It is easy to see how th ese skills can be
combin ed into a series of mov es to comprise .a routine. Simply by PUtliIlg them in different order, one could ima gi:ne many combinations, so me difficult and SO]11e ea sy. Difficulty of combina ti on can also b e vari ed by allowin g th e performer to b()unce on hi s fee t between each or every o tlle r move, or by predeterminin g wh ere foot bounces will be allowed. Followi ng is a s uggested combi nation for th e listed skills: Hand s and knees, seat, front , back, fee t , sw ivel hips, feet, one half a irplan e, one Il alf turntable, fe et. This rout ine is de mons trated by the in clud ed pictures. Many other com bin a tions of bas ic skill s can be invented. Instructors are enco uraged to devise their own co mbinati ons to fit th eir particular teachin g situation. Grades should be based on the ability of th e stu dent to perform the stunts in combina ti on rather than sin gly. Anyon e of the co mbin ation method s sugges ted earlier could be used, or th e teacher may test accordi ng to hi s own method s. Care should b e taken to evaluate not only th e skills as th ey are performed, but th e form, grace and ease with which th ey are combined. When stu dents are allowed to invent their own rou tin es, extra points should be g ive n for originality and difficulty of com bination. Two different series of th e sam e basic skill s mal' vary considerably in diffi culty d ependin g upon the ord er in whi ch th ey are combin ed. Utilization of thi s approach tu teaching helps acco mpli sh th e final obj ective of gym nastics ; the artisti c co mbination of individu al moves into a smooth flowin g exercise demon strating skill, stren gth and grace of motion. St udents may be taught to judge the routin es. By fir st trainin g them in the techniqu es of judgin g, and th en using a total of fiv e or seven of th eir scores, a fairl y reliable and valid grad e can b e obta ined. Instructors may wish to score th e routin e also and weight their res ponse against th e class response in any des ired ration. By teaching the st ud ents to judge, the teacher will be including some of the more academ ic aspects of physical edu cation as well as in creasing the ability of the students to enjoy the sport of gy mnastics from th e spectator point of view.
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1964 United States Olympic Gymnastics Team 3256 North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647, USA 21
A New System of Teaching Physical Education Gymnastic Classes
INTERMEDIATE PARALLEL BAR SKILLS (fi ve chart s per set ) . (ri' 6 .00 per set ADVANCED PARALLEL BAR SKILLS (fo ur cha rts per set ) ... . @ 5.00 per set INTERMEDIATE RING SKILLS (th ree char:s per s et ) ... . (n' 4 .00 per set ADVANCED RING SKILLS (three charts per set ) .. .. m路 4 .00 per set
Adapted from MG covers, these T-shirts are excellent for stimulating team spirit, exhibitions, and for promoting gymnastic activities. NOW AVAILABLE : Side Horse, High Bar, Parallel Bars, Sundby Publications- at just $2.50 each. Or you may order T-shirts with your own design (photo, sketch, cartoon, team emblem or school mascot), for just $3.00 each when ordered in quantities of a dozen or more. (sweatshirts $3.50 & $4.00). Specify S, M or L. Send payment with order to:
MG T-Shirts Box 777 Santa Monica, California 90406 California resident add 5% Sales Tax 22
After bein g plagued by enthusiastic physical education inst ructors and co aches at clinics throu ghout the country, I finally decided that I would try to make up a system for teaching gymnastic classes that would both record th e stud en ts' progress and give them a clear example of what they were trying to achieve. After carefully questionin g many physical Educators concerning programs, progressions, and common problems inherent within our activity , I finally arrived at what I considered to be th e answer : A series of charts that provid e a constant accurate demon stration of appropriate beginnin g skills on every event in the National Gymnastic program_ I then carried the idea a little furth er by making an additional chart for recording the stud ents' progress by checking off those skills that have been mastered. This system allows the student and th e instructor to follow the progress of all of the class m embers. Each progress chart is made to accommodate sixty class members, which is approximately two classes or one large double class. The vaulting for both girls and boys ha s been broken down into two groups : 1. vaults from the board to the mat; 2_ vaults over the horse or buck. This system is meant to give each student an extensive background of hurdling and jumping before ever attempting a vault over the buck. The girls are given skills to perform on one bar only, in order to: accommodate those schools that are only in possession of boys parallel bars, to allow smaller youngsters to adequately participate, and to fulfill the need for a well-rounded single bar beginning program. The balance beam is the only event that has been approached from th e routine as well as individual skill basis. Each skill is illustrated in progressive ord er as it relates to the routin e. The first illustration of the last position of the preceding skill is always used to introduce the next skill. This system is designed to take into consideration combination as well as individual skill performance.
The girls and boys tumbling charts contain a sli ghtly different pattern of skills in order to accommodate the different style of performance between the two. The girls charts emphasize flexibility skills and contain movements that are "stepped into" and "out of" with one foot at a time. The boys charts teach a similar pattern but includ e more balancing and jumping movements. For those physical educators who have hesitated to teach trampoline skills in the past; the trampoline teaching system will prove both safe and progressive. All of the students are required to execute a skill or skill series three times with only one intermediate boun ce before they are allowed to check it off on the progress chart. The action of the arms is also very clearly illustrated with arrows, on all trampoline sequences. . P erhaps the title of thi s article is a little misleading by the use of the word NEW. It is not meant to suggest that this is an original idea, but simply a new series of " up to date" charts that encompasses both boys and girls gymnastic procedures designed specifically for beginning performers in a class situation. Off hand, it seems that ten basic skills in each event is a little meager and would only be of value for a short span of time. However, when the total program is considered, it becomes clear that each female student has the opportunity to learn fifty different skills (trampoline included) and each male student may learn seventy skills (trampoline included). Currently, many student teachers have been usin g these charts when they find that they are goin g to be required to teach a gymnastic unit in their local high schools. This system may be a partial an swer to the problem of standardized gymnastic instructional procedure. For furth er details, write to Gymnastic Aides, Northbridge, Massachuse tts. There are five girls charts and seven boys charts available; plus, a progress chart for each group.
Kenneth 11'. H olli& /; you have "Y路NE11'S" that should be in the MG . . . Send it direct to Kenneth W. Hollis, 3881 W. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, 44109.
"Y-NEWS" GYMNASTICS FOR THREE YEAR OLDS By Ken Hollis The Cleveland Heights YMCA has reo cently begun a program of gy~nna s tics ,for children 3 to 8 years old. DUTlng the j< all quarter 120 children participated in the program under the direction of 18 volunteer instru ctors. Many of the gymnastic activities were learned at the Sportschule in Cologne, Germany, by Bryce Warne, the Heights YMCA physical director, during his study there in 1963. The program provides many jumping and swin ging obstacles, climbing challen ges and special pieces of equipment designed for balance activities to interest a youngster's mind. There are 40 different equipment set路ups for this ten-week program. Each week a child participates in act ivities on 4 sets of equipment under the direction of instructors provided at the rate of one for every 5 children. The children not only learn many physical skills but also become aware of what their bodi es are actually capable of performing. A variety of tasks are presented by the instructors, many times in such a manner as to stimulate a response based upon the child's own creative ability. During the presentation of physical obstacles, questions like "How can?" "Who can?" and "Can you?" are freq uently all that are required to prompt such a creative .respo~~:. Children not only learn gymnastIc actlvl' ties but also experience signifi cant trainin g in disciplined behavior-a rather nice age to do so! There are no passin g or failing standards for this "roup of youngsters. Absolute standards f~r performance of physical skills are almost completely absent from the program , and each child experiences success in his own way. Individual negotiation of the obstacles is the basis of the pro"ram rath er than strict adherence to formal ~mnastic regulations governing execution. This . same type of program was begun by Bryce at the Cleveland-Lakewood YMCA in 1965 and is still in full operation there. I think it is a most unusual program in that its basis is the new Free Movement Concept, and also in that almost all the equipm ent has been designed and built by Bryce, himself. I don't believe I have eve.r seen as much parental interest and cnthusIasm in any other program in the YMC A as I have in this. As a fee is charged for th e course, it turns out to be a splendid money maker , too. May I 1 suggest, should you have an interest in thi s area, that you contact my pal Bryce at the following address: Bryce Warne Hei ghts YMCA 2340 Lee Road Cleveland, Ohio 44118
by Dick Wolle This month we are go in g to diverge just a little from the usual conditionin g emphasis and co ncentrate on preparin g for the actual contest routine. Generally, the typical high school and man y college competi tions have no separate warm-up equ ipm ent. Their only eq ulpmen t is used for the day's con test. The gymnast warm s up thoroughly for about 30 minutes, sits down 'till he's thoroughly cold (2-3 hours in some contests); and then when he's called on deck , he hurried ly does a little stretchin g, takes a job through the hall, performs a few push ups, and then hopefully hits hi s routin e as he ha s practiced it. Why does he break, fall off, or miss hi s dismount? It could be that he has not done in practice what he will be called upon to do in competition. Consistency in the meet is directly proportion al to consistency in practice. Suggested R ecipe If you are one who must compete without the benefit of a separate warm路 up room with dupli ca te eq uipmen t, try limitin g yo ur warm-up to only free exercises using no eq uipm ent. When you are thoroughly warmed up , approach the apparatus as for com peti ti on (remem ber this is yo ur fir st contact with the equipment) mount, and complete your routine through to the dismount. Each gymnast on th at event sho uld do the same until all have perform ed complete routines twice. All rules, written and unwritten, of actual competition should be followed e.g., if the performer fall s, he sho uld hold up his hand for the judge, chalk up if necessa ry, and complete his routin e from where he fell off. The goal should be two comp lete routines within a 10 minute period , with no major brea ks and no warm up, excepting free calisthenics. Only after two routines should the gymnast all ow himself to practice individual tricks. WHAT AB OUT THE A L~AROU N D The all-around gymnast, to save time, and beca use he must be in phenomenal condition, may wan t to try his routin e practIce in the form of a circuit. Set up the apparatus in some semblan ce of seq uence, preferably with the hi ghbar at the beginning and th e rings at the end. Begin with vaulting and perform each competitive vault fi ve tim es, takin g special care to conform to
mee t standard s and r egulations-especially a perfectly controlled land in g. Nex t ( move to hi ghbar and with no prior warm-up, excepting free cali sth enics, perform yo ur compe titi ve routine. When each all-around has completed one routine, move on to parallels, sid e horse, rings, and fi nally free exerci se. After a five minute res t, run through the six events again. Then go back to whatever apparatu s is scheduled for that day and work on individual parts of yo ur routine where appropriate. Post Workout To assure gym nastic excellence, ten min路 utes of prescribed exercise after each practice seems entirely necessa ry. Foll owing is a skeletal prescription fo r each apparatus. The all-around or th ose working more than one event may comb in e parts of each of th ese or come up with hi s own. Free Exercise 1. 15 press handstands 2. 20 kick hand stands 3. 5 sets of power flipflop s i.e., 6 or more in a series with no round off Side Horse 1. Double leg circl es (uphill , downhill , middle, loops; 20 each) 2. Scissors-front and r everse Rin gs 1. Mnscle up press handstand s 2. Dislocates for lift Parallels 1. Swin g handstands (minimum of 50 in as few sets as possible) 2. Press hand stan ds (10 to 15) Lon g Horse 1. Landings- jump from th e end of the horse and practice meetin g the mat with yo ur feet 2. Sq uat jumps High ' Bar 1. Cast to hand stand s Unless stated, the number of tim es one should perform each post workout exercise is up to the indi vidual gymnast and hi s coach. The important thing is to practice the meet necessi ti es in practice . When yo u can consistentl y perform two routines with no major breaks or get through the allaround circuit twice, a successful meet performance is not just possible, it's even probable. Don't learn your routine at the meet ! ' Learn it in practice, perfect it in practice, and hit it at the meet!
THE MODERN LINES WA Y Buy Yo ur Mag. As An AEROSOL SPRAY It's Quick, Easy and Convenient No broken or wasted chalk - eliminates messy floors - Cools the hands after bar work. TRY IT! ORDER FROM:
MODERN LlNES- Box 953 Clark, NJ 07066 ) 16 oz ca ns of "Chalk Up" $2.69 a can ppd_ NJ residents add $.08 per can tax To order in case lots(12 cans) w rite to Modern L. Money back or replacement guaranteed
STAMP STARTER COLLECTION The above collection of 20 gymnastics stamps for $1.00. Also available: 30 mixed track and field ..... .. ... $1.00 40 general sports:-- stamps ..... .. ... $1.00 -.;alifornia resident add 5% Sales Tax
MG STAMPS Box 777 Santa Monica. California 90406 23
RegiOn One Richard Aronson, Gprl1lastic Coach Lowell Technological In stitute Lowell, Mas s.
R egion 1 - Connecticu t, Maine, Massachllsetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Ver:mont. Sprin gfield College (Frank Wolcott). Spri ngfield fini shed last year in a first place ti e wit h Penn State for the EIGL title but will not have the great team they had back thi s season. Gone are Tom Auchterton li e and Bob Cargill both con· sistent winners for Sprin gfield. Frank reo . ports as does Erik Kj eld sen of U. :Mass., that the 12 man rule is hurtin g his team. He sta tes that he has six men sitting out dual meet s who cou ld be hi gh on th e pla cin gs this year. However, he does have a few bright spots that could pu ll him team to a possible third place thi s season. On the trampoline, Tim Rogers and Ste\'e Hi ck· man both place winn ers in the EIGL Championships last year, Ben Ardzzonf' and Ron Grant both all arou nd and Mike Provencher in three event s a long with cap· tain , Tom Pilli on on th e rin gs cou ld all finish well in the Eastern stand in g. Spring· field is hosting the college division NCAA Champions hi ps in March 7, 8. and 9, 1968. University of Mass. (E rik Kj eldse n) My comment s : Thi s could be th e best year in hi story for U. Mass. Pre-season streng th sees the Redm en as finishin g around third place fi ghtin g it out with Sprin gfield , Army . and Navy. A recen t re port has it that their all·around man is injured so thi s wi ll most definitely have a bearing upon the final tcam standings.
Lowell Te chnological Institllte ( Dick Aron son) This is Lowell Tech's first year in competition. T ech is a youn g team but alon g with sop homore Wayne Wh ite who ex cells in fl oor exercise and horizontal bar and Walter Marcella on r in gs, Lowell should win Ihei r share of New England meets. Nex t year, T ec h will expand to a larger schedule and host tbe New En gland Intercollegia te Champions hi ps. REGIONAL RANK INGS All Araund: I . Jim Amerine, S. Conn.; 2. Harold Hauben, S. Ca nn.; 3. Joe Reed, U. Mass.; 4 . Be n Ard izizzone , SC; 4. Ron Grant , SC; 6 . Phil Mi ller, MIT. Side Harse : 1. Le Clair, UMass.; 2. Yearwood, S. Conn.; 3. Babakion, UMoss. Trampoline: 1. Rogers, SC; 2. Hickmon , SC; 3 . Stevens, S. Conn. Parallel Bars: 1. Amerine, SC; 2. Provencher, Spfd.; 3. Reed, UMass. Floor Exercise: 1. Amerine, SC; 2. Godwin, UMass. 3 . DelGallo, UMass. Rings: 1. Amerine, SC; 2. Detgallo, UMass.; 3. Pillion, Sc. Lang Horse: 1. Amerine, SC; 2. Provencher, SC ; 3. Reed, UMass. Horizontal Bar: 1. Amerine, SC; 2. Grant, SC; 3. Ardizzone, Sc.
RegiOn Two Mr. Mike Jacobsoll V.S.N.A ., A tmapolis, Md.
Region 2 - Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Ma ryland.
RegiOn Three
Mr. Letl Bryson Memphis S tate Ull iv., MempJlis, Tell/I.
-U . Mass Varsity Schedule : Jon. 27 H Penn State
Feb. 3 A Army Feb. l OA Pittsburgh Feb. 14 A Spring field Feb. I 7 H Navy Feb. 24 A Syracuse Team Roster- AA: Tim Steeve s, Joseph . Reed. FX: Toby Kasovana, Rich De l Golla, Dav id Woods, W illiam Bean, Joseph Godwin, William McCauley. SH: Fred Babakian , Clarence Fraser , Mic hael Koffma n, Robert Lecla ir, William Estes , Franklin Dean. R: Fraser, David March, Del Gallo, Estes, Geo rg e Seibert , James We bb, Woods, Mike Kasa vo na. Tr : Kasavana , T., Thomas Adorns, Beon, Godwin , Kosavona, M., McCaul e y. LH : Stephen Bro wn, Kosava na , T., Leclai r, Bean . PB : Bro wn, Fraser , March, Webb, Godwin . HB : Brown, March , Seibert, McCauley, Richard Wilcox.
South ern COIlII. State Collepe (Ab ie Grossfeld ) (College Div isionL T his team ha s slowly come up through the years and now stands as one of the bett er teams in New England if not the East! Sout hern has Jim Amerine, a con sistent 9 scorer in fi ve of six event s. In addition , sophomore. Jim Yearwood on sid e horse and senior, Harold Howben wi ll make Sout hern very tough thi s year. . Sa. Cann. Varsity Roster-AA: J im Amerine, Harold Hauben. FX : Hatfield, Webster. SH : Shay, Yea rwood. R: Hatfield, Capitao. Tr: Simon, Bu rn s, Stevens, Amerine. LH: Copitao, Yearwood. PB: Shay, Copitao. HB ; Hatfietd , Cepitao.
Ma ss. Inslilnte 0/ Technology (Bru pe Wright ) (College Di vision). This is MIT's second year of compet ition and Ihey should continue to grow in strength. Th ey have Di ck Hood and Phil Mill er both all around men. Wri ght bases his hopes on his team 's youth and tal ent. 'Varsity Schedule : Jan. 13 H Dartmouth Feb. lOA Coast Guard Academy Feb. 17 H Plymouth State Feb. 24 H Yale Team Raste r: Lance Antrim , Fr .; Patr ick Bailey, G.; Mot Casadabon, Fr. ; Pot Cunningham, Fr.; Michael Devorkin, . Jr.; Ken. Gerber , Fr.; Thomas Hofer, Soph. ; Mlk,: ~endrlCks, Sr.; Richard Hood, Soph.; Steve Killingswo rth, .F~ .; Denn is King, Jr.; Arpad Lomeli , Fr.; Phillip
~~I:,r, J~thjo:nhiIWee~Og?:~, ~~be~fms~a~~~: Soph.; John Schoefer, Jr.
Dartmouth (Ken J ones ) My comment s : I do not know who is strong, etc., but th ey ha ve had a team fo r abo ut fou r years. I imagin e the upper c1assmen arc OK. I do know that th ey have so me good freshmen, so look to t he future . . . Te am raster : Fronk Couper, Sr.; J a hn Pai sley, Jr.; Jeff Soffer, Jr. ; J o hn Anderson, Jr.; Burt Port er, Soph .; Lorry Ri!ilgs, So ph .; Dole Strubte, Soph.; Bob Moskoulltz, So ph.; Tom Weigle, Fr.; Jeff Rogers, Fr .; Dave O'Connor,
~ro~n~~:~~ ~~II~ik:r·~e~s~~d~r.;W~i1( ndot~,eoF(e
Unil'ersity 0/ New Hampshire ( Lou Da· tilio ) U of NH wi ll compete as a club thi s yea r with a varsity pro gram to start the followin g" year. Yale ( Don Tonry ( No re port rece ived at press time.
Coast Guard Academ y (J eff Card in a li ) No report received at Ilrcss tim e.
Region 3 - Alabama, Wash. D, c., Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, LOl4isia'la, MiSSiSSippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, SO ldh Ca rolina.
Since the big era of tile Florida Stal e Uni versity gy mnasti c powerhouse, in th e earl y 1950's; Southern gymnasti cs has been on a rapid declin e. Until recently a great number of gym nasti c programs wpre f'ilh f' r discontinued or supported onl y to a min i· mUIll. Within the last fiv e years admini stra· tors and coaches have worked together to aga in promot e the sport of gymnasti cs. Even thou gh the support is be in g add ed, mos t of th e teams represent the depart. ment s of physica l edu cation and not ath· letics. This in turn decreases the size of bud ge ts, elimin ates recruit in g. and makes it ext remely diffi cult to maintain a res pect· able size schedu le. The establi shm ent of new team s in region three has been fl ourishin g. The stat e of Kentucky has see n the devel opment of five new teams, Tennessee three, Alabama one, Georgia two, Virgin ia two, and South Ca rolina one. Northwest and Nort heast Louisiana Sta te Universit ies ha ve emerged on the gy mnasti cs scene by recruitin g two top gym nasts in Ri cha rd Ll oyd and Kat · sut oski Kanzak i. Hi gh sc hools and YMCA 's with in the At lan ta and Birmin g: ham areas and t hroughout the states of Virginia and Florida are expandin g their programs dai ly. A great number of northern hi gh schoo l gymna sts are fin din g the Sou th att ractive and are looking that direction fo r their coll ege ed ucat ion. Th e grea test boost to come about in reo cent years for Sout hern gymnastics has been the NCAA rule which makes the Southern Int ercolleg iat e Championships a qu a li fying meet for the Nat ionals. 1\ lost coaches in the Southern Distri ct realize that we have no nationally th reat ening team; bul. we do produce seve ral fin e specialist ea ch year that deserve th e oppo rtunit y to compe te in nationa l competit ion. Formerl y we had an added financial burden of at· tendin g the Eastern District s which creat ed an imposs ibl e situ ati on for most of the tea ms. The South ern Intercollegiat e Gymnastics Championships aga in looks to be a close race. Last yl'a r th f' Inp fOllr If'ams Wl'rf' all within fi ve points of each oth er. David Lipsco mb should prove to be the great es t threat as the enti re 1966·6 7 team returns with the add it ion of fou r new fr eshm en. Other cont ende rs for the titl e wi ll be Fu r· man Un iversit y. :\Iemphi s State Universit y. and the possibil ity of "Vest Virgin ia.
SIGL CONFERE NCE TEMIS David Lipscomb College Coa ch Tom Hanvey The Biso ns as mentioned earli er wi ll b,. the stronges t contend er for the S IGL title. Lead by seni or Ted Imrn ed iato. Lipscomb will not on ly have the depth but al so at least one strong special ist on each e\'e nl.
Da~e Fennessey, a ll 'around ma n, will ex· ce ll on fr ee exercise and long horse as he appears to be somewhat stronger on all events. Memphis Stat.e Uni versity Coach Len Br),son The Ti ge rs have look ed good in pre·se ason ex hib iti ons and demon strated a great amount of potential. Relurn ing: lett erm en Jim Lockard , Di ck Tobias, and Bill \ViI· cox will carry a great amount of the bur· den. Dep th will be added by the return of Mike Wheat, P ete Morri s, David P orch. and Clayton Covin gton. With a lot of hard work in the right di rection Memphi s State wi ll again be in the top three if not first. Furman University Coach Bobby Fay New head coach, Bobby Fay, re port s that hi s tea m is grea tl y im proved and ex· pee ts a good season. Capt. David Creech is expected to be a strom; cont end er on trampoline as is Bobby Tubb on side h o r~ e. Freshmen St uary We isner is said to be on(' of the stronges t ri ng men in th e area an fl should help make thi s event a real con· test. University oj Georgia Coach Lee Cunnin p: ham The Geo rgia Bulldogs are again improv· ing rap idl y. If th e problem of break ing during rout in es can be elimin ated Georgia will be anot her S IGL co nt end er. Capt. Hank Rodgers is a girted free exercise and trampoline spec ial ist who will be extremely difficult to defeat. 10hn Hardt has ad e· quat e routin es on side horse, hi gh bar, an d para ll el bars and will place hi gh for the Bu lld ogs. Uni versit y 0/ Florida Coach J oe Regna Florida will be leanin g heavil y on "w ide· smilin g" all around cont ender Robin E!H!' land for a great amoun t of the learn score . En!!land was the hi ghli ght of the 1966·67 S IGL Champ ionships in Memphi s as he demon :o;trat ed the importan ce of form throughout a routin e. Sup port wi ll be added by Rich Irwin and !I"like Brenna n. Georl{ia Tech Coac h Lyle Welse r The loss of stand out performers Charley .\I onot and Larry Coffee n will put a damper 011 t he Rambling Wrecks for th e 1967·68 season. But look out , Lyl e always comes up with a presentable team. Louisiana State U"i versity Coach Bill Bankhead LSU will be dow n this season. Wes Me· Vay, aft er a year layoff, will be back a l o n~ with Cl yde Ashl ey. The Ti ge rs are looking: forward to next year when all th e top rreshmen in the SO llth move up to the LSU va rsity team. Other team s in t he SIGL are : Th e Cit a· del :\ lilitary College, Virgini a Military Col· lege, Auburn Universit y, College of Wil· liam and !\-lary, Georgia Southern Coll ege and Florida State Universit y. $No report has been received at this ti me from the grea t number of ind epend ent teams in the Sou th . Those school s in the Inde pendent group is : Northeast Loui siana State Un iversit y. Northwes t Louisiana S tat e Uni\'ersit y, So uthw est Louisiana State Universit y. Un iv. of Louisvill e, Eastern Kentu cky State Col· lege, Georgetown Coll ege (Kentu cky) and Western Kentucky Stat e Co ll ege. It is impossi bl e to att empt to place gym· nasts in th e poss ible position at thi s time. As soon as competiti on begin s all of the schools will forward their result s.
RegiOn Four
Mr, Roger Co uncil Indiana S tate Univ., Terre HaUl, bid.
Region 4 - Illino is, Indian a, Mich iga n, Ollio, Miullesota, Wisconsi,t, Iowa.
Schools a re li sted by divi sions of nati onal compet ition:
'.C.A .A. UN IV ERS ITY DIVI SIO N BIG 10 CON FERENCE Iowa Uni versity, 10IVa Cil)" 10IVa Coach- Sam Bailie Show ing a great improvement in the t ram polin e and g:ai nin g help from sopho· more sensations Jim ~ I orlan , Mike Ze peda , J erry Bonny and Ri ch Scorza , th e Un iver· sit y of Tow a will definitely be one of the stronges t con tenders for th e N.C.A.A. title. The strenp:th of the Iowa side horse team is legend by now, and wit h such talent as NCAA defending champ Keith ;\lcCan less. and Marc Siott en, is und oubtedl y th c best in the nation. Competiti on will be keen in the Big 10 this year and the Iowa squa d will have their hands full when th ey en· .;ount er conference foes Mi chi gan and i\lichi!!an Sta te. No -sc hedu le or roster se nt
Un iversity 0/ Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Coach- Cha rles Pond W ith a team scorin g potential of ;::.!Jou t 190 poi nt s, Coach Pond feels that the Illi· nois squad will be a cont ender for bot h Big 10 and N.C.A.A. honors. The team is led by senior Hal Shaw and is made up of a balance of upperclassmen and sophomo res. With a stron g trampolin e team consistin g of three form er N.C.A.A. finali sts-Hoi· veck , Chapple, and Rollo- Coach Pond, with the abl e help of new assistan t coach Jim Cu rzi, launches his 1967·68 dual mee t season on Decem ber 9: J on. 13 Minnesota Jon. 26 Oklo homo Jon. 27 ot Michi gan State Feb. 2 Ar izona Feb. 3 Oh io State Feb. 10 Indiana University Feb. 17 Iowa Feb. 24 at Mich igan and Wisconsin Mar. I & 2 Big 10 Meet at Michigan State Mar . 8 at Southern Illinois Apr. 4 , S & 6 NCAA Finals a t Tucson Team personnel for Ill inois by events is : LH : Rollo, McCarthy, Show, Butts. FX : He:tke, McCarthy, Shaw, Butts. SH : Butts, Broome, Coots, Raymond, Mierzwa. R: Shapin , Davis, Ro llo, Chapple. PB: Raymond, Sepke, Butts, Rollo. HB: McCarthy, Koplan , Butts, Raymo nd, Sepke.
Ohio Stale University, Columbll s, Ohio Coac h- Dr. J illl Sweeney Coa ch Swee ney writ es, " Ohi o Sta te is lookin g forw ard to a good year in 1967·68. Our won· lost record should improve some, but th e important th ing is getting our score int o the 170's or 180's and gell ing out of the Big 10 cell ar. We are still very much in a building slage a nd are in need of addit ional talent to becom e real con· tenders. AlI ·around man Bruce Trott is looki ng good in all event s and should help out quit e a bit. Most notab le improvement will be on side horse wh ere we will doubl e last yea r's scores. Team morale is excell ent and shou ld help the year to be a good one." Ohi o State '61-68 Gymnastics Schedule Jon. 6 Mich igan State Jon. 13 towa and Boll State Jon. 20 at Minnesota Feb. 2 at Indiana State Feb. 3 at Illi nois Feb. 10 Michigan Feb. 17 Wisconsin Feb. 24 at Indiana Feb. 29 Big 10 Meet at Michigan State Oh ia Stote perso nne l by events: lH : Sexton, Brown , Boker, Stuckey, Breck , Howard Tro tt . FX : Sexton, Brown, Stuckey, Mendelso n, Howard , Trott. SH : Boker, Semon , Howa rd , Trott . R: Howard, Trott , Buck, Perkins , Kelso. Tr : Sexton, Stuckey, Mendelson, Breck, Whit e. PB : Howard, Trott , Baker, Buc k, Kelso. HB: Howard, Trott, Buck, DeHaven, Kelso.
of Wiscollsin , Madison , Wise. C:oach-Gpo. Bauer ,Vith outstanding performers J ohn Russo-one of the top side horse men in til(' co unt ry, Pete Bradley- a standout on pa ra l· lei bars, rin gs, and long horse, and Bob Hennecke-a lop·notch all·around man , coach Ba uer wi ll fi eld a team th is year th a t wi ll be capabl e of surprisin g several op· ponent s. As an added incenti\'e, the Wi s· consin equa l has two Ol ymp ic team cont enders, Fred Rot hli sberger and Arn o Lascari. wo rkin g out with them. Uni versity
1967-68 Wisconsin Univ. Gymnostics Schedule J an. 6 St. Cloud and Indiana Jon . 11 Wisconsin State (OshKosh ) Jan . 27 tndiona State & Northern Ill inois Feb. 3 Western Mich igan Feb. 10 Min neso ta & Michigan Stale Feb. 16 at Bo ll State Feb. 17 at Ohio State Feb. 24 a t Michigan with Illinois Team Roster by events: FX: Jeff Mahn, Curt J ohnson , Bob Hannecke, Don Dunfield . SH: Jan Weber, Bob Hennecke, John Russo . R: Bob Hennecke, Dick Nyborg, Pete Bradley, Mark Kann. Tr : Woody Lyans, Dean Arnold , Steve Bates, Do n Dunfield . lH: Curt J ohnso n , Mark Kann, Pele Bradley, Bob Hennecke. PB : Pete Bradtey, J ohn Russo, Bob Hennecke, Mark Kann. HB : Curt Johnson, Pete Bradle y, Bob Hennecke, Gory Goodman .
Uni ve rsity 0/ Minnesota , Minneapolis, Minn. Coach- Dr. Ralph Piper No report rcceived. Uni versity 0/ Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Coach- Dr. Newt Loken The team Ih a t was runner·up in both th e Big 10 and the N.C.A. A. meet last season will be relyin g heavily on soph omores and juniors this season hav in g lost se\'en seniors. T eam captain and former 'Vorld Amateur Trampolin e Cham pion, Way ne ,\Iill er will head what is proba bly the strongest trampolin e team in the nation along wit h Dave J acobs, defendi ng N.C.A.A. trampolin e champion, sophomo re standout George Hunt zicker, Vic Corant , and Don Portman. i\lichigan should not have a weak spo t wilh good depth in the remaining six event s. AII·arou nd man Sid J ensen, Canad i· an Pan·Am star from Montreal , wi ll pro· vid e the nucl eus around whi ch many othe r out standing speciali sts will work. 1967-68 Michigan University Sch edule Jon. 6 Eastern Michigan, Ihere Jan. 12 Weste rn Mich igan , there J an. 20 Univers ity of Iowa, there Feb. 3 Minnesota, here Feb. 8 Michigan State Universit y, there Feb. 10 Ohio State, Ihere Feb. 17 tndiana & Indiana State, Ihere Feb. 2 4 Wisco nsin & Il linois, here Mar. 1 & 2 Big 10 Meet 01 Mich igan St a te Apr. 4, 5 & 6 NCAA Meet at Tucson Team Raster by eve nts: AA: Sid J ensen. FX : Dove Jacobs, Geo. Huntzkker, Fred Rodney, Stan Go ldblatt. SH: Dove Geddes, Mike Ca rpenter, J im DeBoe, Steve Swiryn, Fred Rodney,
Steve Vanek. R: Chas. Froeming, Rich Ke"ne , Lorry Metrick. Tr : Wayne Miller, Dove Jacobs, Geo. Huntzicker , Vic Conant , Don Portman. LH : Fred Rodney, Geo. Huntzicker , Wayne Miller, Dave Jacobs. PB: Ron Rapper, Dick Richards, Fred Rodney, Dove Ruttenberg . HB : M ike Sasich, Scott Paris, Fred Rodney.
Michigan State Uni.versity East Lan sing, Michigan. Coach-G eorge Szypu la \Vi th senior all -a round man Dave Th or, A ll-Amer ica n and member of the P an- Am T ea m, and so phomore all-around st ando ut , J oe Fed orchek as a neucleus, Coach Szypula wi ll have as strong a tca m as he ha s had in recent years. Lik e Iowa, the M.S.U. trampolin e squad is great ly improved, and th ere is good d ept h in the oth er even ts. All-aro und man T hor and jun ior sensati on T oby Towson in the flo or exercise event will give coach Szypula a consistant scoring pun ch in that event. Additiona l depth in ot her eve nt s will be afforded by such s tandou ts as Ed Gunney, former N.C.A.A. rings ch ampion, and Bi g 10 rin gs champ, Da ve Crof t. The remainder of th e squad will be drawn fr om the foll owi ng performers: Bares, Diehl, Di ggi ns, Gold berg, Gunney, H ayni e, Kinsey, Moore, S terner, Walker, Wi tzhe, l\'lurah ata , Campbell and J olin. . No roster or schedul e received. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Coach- Dr. 011 0 Ryser After enjoyi n g the s tron gest team in the history of gymn astics a t 1. U_ la st year, Dr. Ryser and assistant .Ti m Brow n a re aga in looki ng forward to a successf ul season. Aft er sufferin g a se tba ck on trampoline by losin g t heir two best men in tha t eve nt , th e best event s will be r in gs and parall el bars a nd the weak est trampolin e. Men wh o should turn in out sta nding p e rforman ct!~ this year are : Bill Hu nt on sid e horse, C lyde McDonald on tramp, Bob Wit mer on para llel bars, Dave Ke iler on parallel bars , and All-around standout Pat Ki vland on para llel bars and horizont al bar. Rin gman Dway ne Wiser shou ld attain na ti ona l honors in hi s specialty. Indiona University '67-68 Gymna stics Schedule Jon . 6 at Wisconsin with St. Cloud College Jan . 13 Michigan State Jon. 27 at Minnesot a with Iowa State Feb. lOot Illinoi s Feb. 17 Michigan & Indiana State Feb. 24 Oh io State & Eastern Michigan Indiana Team Roste r by events: FX: At Gatti , Ron Long , Bill Long, Pot Kivland. SH: Jim Lewis, Dove Keiter, Pat Kivland, Bill Hunt. R: Pat Kivtand , Mike Marquant, Paul Grof , Dwayne Wiser. Tr: J im Lewis, AI Gathi, Dwayne Wiser, Dove Ke iler, Pot Kivland, Cl yde McDonald. LH : Pat Ki vland, Ji m Lewis, A I Gatli , Mi ke Marquant. PB : Jim Lewis, Pat Kivlond, Dove Keiter, Bob Witmer. HB : Jim Lewis, Bill Long, Dwayne Wiser, Pot Kiv tond.
INDEPE NDENTS Southern Illinois Un iversity, Carbondale , Ill. Coa ch- Bi ll Meade Boas tin g ten sen ior gy mn asts. Sou thern lJIinois Uni versity wi ll aga in be one of th e tea ms to consid er in th e race fo r the N.C.A.A. titl e. So uthern lIlin ois is th e third winn in gest team in the his tory of N.C .A.A. f!ynm asti cs, behind Illi nois and Penn S tal e, wi th th ree nationa l tit les. Both Penn Sta te a nd Illin ois have wo n th e ti tl e eig ht tim es each. Th e So uthe rn Illin ois trampoline team led by senior Dale Ha rdt will be So uth crn's o Ulstand in g eve nt , however, the Saluki s will boa st good depth in all eve nt s. Southern 's squad will probably consist of Al exa nder, Denni s, Hardt , Kel ber, Dupree, Polli zzano, Hult z, Hemm erl in g, Ray, Weber, Ma ye r, and Harstad. Aft er work ing on compu lsories a ll s ummer, So uthern's all · around men are not having serious trouble adj ustin g to th e new N.C.A .A. ru le whi ch requires com pu lsorics . cham pionship meets. No ros ter or schedule recei\'ed.
Ball Stale University, Muncie, Indiana Coach- Bob Weiss With the loss of seve ra l key senior gy mnasts , " rebuil d in g" is th e word at Ball Stat e this yea r. Alth ough the squad is s mall , Ba ll S tate, a school that has produced seve ral stand out gy mn asts in recent yea rs, wi ll boast good depth in th e pa rall el bars and side horse c\'c nt s. 1967 Bo ll Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 13 Jan. 26 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb . 16
Stat~ University Gym nastics Schedule at Northern Illinois at Cincinnati at Ohio State wit h University of Iowa at Western Michigan tndiona State & University of Chicago tllinois State Unive rsity & Miami (Ohio) University Wisconsin
N.C.A.A. COLLEGE DIVI SION Indiana Slale University, T erre Haute, Ind. Coach- Roger Counsil With an alm os t exclusively sophomore team , Indian a S tate Uni versit y is fieldin g the s trongest tea m in its h istory, alth ough also the sma ll est. In its seco nd mee t o f the season, the Indian a State Syca morcs have attai ncd 173 point s aga ins t the University of Illino is at Urbana in a loss to coach Cha rl ie Pond's Illini gy mnasts (173 to 184). W ith stand out All-around man \"\;/ay ne Less ner scorin g in th e midd lc 8's or bett er in all eve nt s and bein g s upport ed by such out sta ndin g gy mna sts as Dave Gilchr ist who works consis tent high bar in the 9's , George "Sonny" Corn ecelli a 9+ fr ee·ex llIall and va uit er, Harley Roberts with nati ona l potenti al o n rin gs and team captain and trampo lin e and fl oor exe rcise standout J illl P rice, th e ln d iana Stat e sq uad will ce rtain ly be one of the favor ites to cap tu re the N.C.A. A. College Di vision team titl e thi s year. 1967-68 Indiana State Uni versity Gymnastics Schedule 12 Mankato State Coll ege 24 Memphis State Universit y 26 Ill inois (Chicago Circle) 27 at Wisconsin with Northern Ill inois 1 Arizona 2 Ohio State Universi ty 3 at Ball State Un ivers ity 9 at Western Michigan University l Oot Eastern Mich ig an University 16 at Eastern Illinoi.'i with Stoat State 17 at University Indiana with Michigan Universit y Mar. 1 Southern Illinois University Mar. 23 N.CA.A. College Division Meet--ot Springfield, Mass. April 1-2 N.CA.A. University Division Meet --ot Tucson, Ariz. Team Roster by Events: FX; Wayne Lessner , Jim Price, Brad Carner, Geo. Cornecelli. SH: Rich Fore, Harley Roberts, Wayne Lessner. R: Rich Fore, Wayne Lessnr, Harley Roberts. Tr : Dave Gilchrist, Rich Fore, Jim Price. LH : Rich Fore, Geo. Co rnecelli, Wayne Lessner, PB: Rich Fore, Dave Gilch rist, Wayne Lessner. HB: Wayne Lessner, Rich Fore, Dave Gilchrist. Jon. Jon. Jan. Jon. Feb. Feb . Feb. Feb. Feb . Feb. Feb.
Ma n/mlo State College, Mallkato, Minn . Coach- Warren Rolek With fO llr seni ors on hi s squad , coach Holck, ass isted by former outs tandin g tum hl er Len K alak ian, will field a s trong, well bala nced gy mnasti cs squad. Team cap tai n Ri ch Lamp ri ght , who is a senior, is cx· pee ted to do an ou tsta ndin g j ob on hi gh bar. Ri ch will also be the !\'iankato St at(' a ll -aro und man. An oth er man who s hould have a good season is trampolin ist Boh Milne. l\'la nk ato Stat e will dc finit ely he a team to wat ch th is yea r. Tea m Roster by Events: AA: Rich Lamprighl. FX: Jerry Bull , Dennis Rasmussen, Mike Zenk, Rich Lampr ight. SH: Dove Edens, Tom Loppnow, Da ryl Simon. R: Steve Achier, Fran k Gruber, Arlo Schultz. Tr : Jerry Bull, Bob Milne, Br ian Schmucker, M ike Zenk. LH: J e rry Bull, Bob_ Milne, Mike Zenk. PB: Steve AchIer, Fronk Gruber, Bob. Wuornos. · HB : Steve Achter, Bob Wuornos, MIke Zenk.
Western Mi chigan Univer sity Kalamazoo, Michigan Coac h- Fred Orlofsk y In hi s secon d year as vars it y coach at W.M.U. , Fred Orlofsky is laun chin g h is 1967·68 varsi ty gymnast ics season wit h an amhit ious eleven-meet schedule. Bein g onl y in it s second year of competition, \Vestern is sti ll in it s bu ild ing stage; however, with such a co mpetc nt coach a t the helm , W I' are sure thaI it wi ll only be a mail er of t ime until Wes ter n Nli ch igan will he gymnasti cs power.
Ea.stern Mi chigan University Ypsila.nti, Michigan Coach- Ma rvin l ohn son Head coach Marv J ohn so n is look in g to the co min g season wit h mor-e th an a litt le op timis m. Thc return of seni or all -around s tandout Ji m Arn old would mak e any coac h a li lli e optimisti c abou t a success ful sea· son. Th e l":.'Y mna sts figu re to sho w more balance than at any tim e in th e past with last year's youth ha ving ga in ed the needed experi ence th rough man y meets. Form er All -A meri can va u lter John Maso n is the onl y mem ber lost off of las t yea r's team til at fin ished with a 14-1 du al Ill ee t reco rd and went on to pl ace fifth in t he N.A. I. A. Na ti onal Champion ships.
Western Michigan Univers ity 1967-68 Sched ute Jon. 12 Michigan Jon. 13 at Illinois (Chicago Circle) Jan. 20 at Miami Unive rsity with C incinnati (at Ox ford, 0.) Jan. 26 Boll Slate Feb. 2 at Northern Illinois Feb. 3 at Wisconsin Feb. 9 Indiana Sta te Universit y & Centra~· Mich igan Feb. 16 at Kent State Mar. 2 at N.CA.A. Regi onals April 13 at Michigan Gym Assoc. Meet (East Lansing) Weste rn Michigan Roster by events: FX: FX: Harvey Whitehead, Art DeMulder, Rolph Logon. SH: AI Link, Ed Bonkowsk i, Rolph Logon, J im W yr ick. R: Harve y Whitehead, Ed Bankowski, Jim Wyrick . Tr : Janis Andersous, Mark Marzolf, Ralph Logon. LH : Whitehead, Art DeMulder, Ralph Logon. PB : Harvey Whitehead, James Wyrick , At Link, Ed Bankowski. HB: Art DeMu lder, Jim Wyrick , Harvey Whitehead.
Wi sconsin Slale Uni ve rsit.y, LaCro9sc, Wi sc. Coac h- J ames Howa rd Bein g th e de fendi nv; W isco nsin Sta te Uni\'crsit y Co nferen ce champs, and wi th Ihn't' standou ts from last yca r's N."- !.A.
1967-68 · Ea stern Michigan University Schedule Jon . 6 Michigan, home Jon. 13 Kent State & W. Vi rginia, away Jnn. 27 at Dav id Lipscomb Co llegE! Jan. 31 at Auburn University Feb. 5 at Ftor ida State Un iversity Feb. 9 University of Ill inois (Chicago Circle ) home Feb. 10 Indiana State University , home Feb . 16 at Slippery Rock (Po. ) State College Feb. 24 Indiana & Ohio State at Indiana Team Roste r by Events: AA: Jim Arnold, Tim Reill y, Joe Sawtell, Tim Wasyliriu k. FX: Sam Muffitt, Rollie Steele , Lewis Tillman. SH: Robert Kainz . R: Sam Mu ff itt. Tr : Gary Ca ter , Tim Fitzharris, AI Steed, Tony Turner . LH : (See AA Men). PB : Bob Dela nd, Glenn Ogg. HB : Jim Harris .
Nat iona ls returnin g, coach Howa rd is lookin g forward to anoth er sll ccess ful season. Eri c J ohn son. NA IA A ll- Amer ica n on side horse, should provide plent y of power in t hat eve nl. Out s tandin g trampolini st Ste\'e Berger should also be a cont ender this yea r for the N. A. I. A. trampoline title_ Ex pectell to g rea tl y improve hi s eightlql lace finish in the N.A .J .A . nati onals is all-aro und standout Hich Za leski. Wisconsin Jan. 6 Jan . 27 Feb . 3
State Uni versity 1967·68 Schedule Milwaukee Institute Tech., home Sf. Cloud, there Wisconsin State University (Whitewater), home Fe b. 10 Wisconsin State University (River Falls), h ome Feb. 17 Wisconsin State Univers ity (Stevens Point ), home Feb. 24 Wiscons in State Unive rsity (Eau . Claire ), away Mar. 2 Wisconsin State University (Oshkosh), home Mar. 15 & 16 W.S. U. Conference at LaCrosse Mar. 21, 22 & 23 N.A. I. A. Notiono t at Ft. Hays, Kansas Team Roster by Events : AA: Dave Wentworth , Rich Zaleski , Chas. Neisen. FX : Dick
~:~~~~h:r~UI R~e~~~fksHeSn~~ ic~~c ~~~nsOr;'He~ir~k
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cher. PB: Ralph Druc ke, Mike TOl yma n, Do n VonEbers . HB : Ra lph Drucke.
St.out State University, · Menomonee, Wisc. Coac h- J ohn Zuerl ein Although not boast in g of any cont enders for the '68 Olympic tea m, th e Bluedev ils of S tout S la te will have some ou tstanding perfo rm ers and s hould fare qui te well thi s se ason. Ro n Day, the 1967 W.S.u. Conference C hampion in Free Ex , Rin gs and all -aroun d will again be vy in g for th ose t itles. Mik e DuPonl , 1967 W.S.U . Co nference long horse champ , is also return ing wit h ho pes of repeatin g hi s long horse wi n and bettering hi s second p lace fi nis h on para llel bars. An outs tandin g fr eshm an ( i.e. frosh a rc el ig ible at N.A. T. A. schoo ls) is Bill Licbi ch fr om Oak Lawn , Ill inois_ Bill will g ive much help in the tram p and tumblin g evc nts. Stout State Univrsity '67 -68 Schedule Jon . 6 W.5.U. (Whitewater) &. Unive rsity of Northern Iowa, home Jon. 27 W.S.U. (Stevens Point ), home Feb. 7 St. Cloud College, there Feb. 10 W.5.U. (Oshkosh), there Feb. 15 Western Ill inois University, there Feb. 16 Eastern Illinois University &. Indiana State University at Charlesto n , Ill. Feb. 17 Universit y of No rthern Iowa & Ill inois State Unive rsity at Cedar Falls, Io wa Feb. 24 W.S. U. (River Falls), there Mar. 2 W.S.U. (Plat teville), the re Mar. 15 & 16 W.S.U . Conference MeeJ at LaCrosse Mar. 20-23 N .A. I.A. Cha mpionships at Hays, Kansas Stout State Ro ster by Evonts: AA: Ron Dov. Mike DuPont , Bi ll Liebich. FX: John Elliot. SH: Tim Bonks, John Kroegel, Harv.e y Look. R: Dove Blasko, Jim Beeck , John Dtna. Tr : J ohn Elliot , Rick Fraom, Larry Pfeiffer. lH : (See. 011around men). HB :. Dove Blasko, John DIana. PB: (se e all-around men).
Wisconsin Sla te Universit)'. Superior, W isc. Coach- Br uce Fredcr ick Thi s season, \Visco nsin State Un iversit y a t S uperi or a ntic ipa tes it s out standin g per· form ers to be : Paul Dorfm an o n para ll el bars and high bar, F red Kos th a parallel ba rs and hi gh har, Pa t S ucher· on tram po· line, .M ars ha ll Klein on sid e horse and rin gs, a nd Bob 13ergener on fl oo r ex .
Wiscons in State Unive rs ity '67-68 Schedu le Ja n. 27 W.S.U. (River Fotls), home Feb. 3 W.S.U. (St even's Point) , away Feb. 10 W.S.U . (P la ttevi lle) , home Feb. 15 Northern Michigan, home Feb. 17 W.S. U. (Oshkosh), away Ma r. 2 W .S.U . (Wh itewater & Eau Claire) at Eau Clai re Mar. 15- 16 W.S. U. Conference at LaC rosse Mar. 21-23 N.A. I.A. Meet at Havs, Ko"'sas Wisconsin State University (at Superior) Team Roster: FX : Nick Runions, Bob Burgener. SH : Ma rshall Klein. R: Barry Hautala , Bob Alleva , Bob Leu, Marshall Kle in. Tr: Pot Sucher. LH : No ne listed. PB : Fred Kostka, Jim Pasek, Paul Dorfman. HB: Dove Lendgren, Paul Dorfman, Fred Kostka.
Wiscol/sin Slate Unive rsity Platteville, Wisconsin. Coach- Ed Noltncr Out standin g performers: lai n ivleKay on side horse, Del Raupp on tra mpol in e, Don Kenn elt e on parallel bars, and b oth Da vc Moe hole and Tom Wergin g on rings. Wisconsin
t~b~ 2~ .Yttu~sil~te~!n'~O~~~~~~ tt~;~, home Feb. 9 W .S. U. (River Falls ), there Feb. 10 W.S.U. (Superior ), t here Feb. 17 W. S.U. (Eou Cla ire ), home Fe b. 24 W.S .U. (Oshkosh), there Mar. 1 W.S.U . .(Whitewater), home Mar. 2 Sto ut State, there Mar. 9 Whitewater Invitational Mar. 15 & 16 Conference Meet at LaCrosse Mar. 2 1- 23 N.A. I.A . at Ka ys, Kansas Wisco nsin State University (Platteville) Team Roster : AA: Dove Moehrle, Tom Werginz . SH: Ke nt Lustig , loin McKay, Andy Hopgood. R: Jim Ro howe tz, Andy Hopgood, Mike Wedge. FX: Duwone Coon , Robin Tenness ion, Dove Brilli ott . Tr: Jim Harvey, Lorry Beck, Mike We dge. LH : Duwoyne Coon, Ken Tustig , Robin
b~~neK~~~·et re~: ~B~ry R~~I~ngte~~:s~iO~~P~?:~~
M ifschc lc.
Wis consin Slate University Eau Claire, Wisconsin Coach- Robert S. Scott Out s tanding perform er: Ri cha rd Olson, 1%7 Wi sconsin State Uni ve rsit y Conferen ce, sid e horse cha mp. Wisconsin State 'University '67-68 Schedule Jon . 27 Oshkosh, away Feb. 16 State College of Iowa, away Feb. 17 Platteville, away Feb . 24 LaCrosse, home Mar. 2 Whitewater & Superior, home Mar. 9 Whitewater tnvitotional Mar. 1S & 16 W.S.U. Confere nce Meet at LaCrosse Mar. 2 1-22-23 N .A. I.A. Meet at Hays, Kan-
Wisconsin State Uni ve rsity (at Eau Claire) Raste r by Events : AA: John Spicer , Mike Bellesboch. FX: Jim Hagstrom. SH : Woyde Anger , Richard Olson. R: Vern Willers, Dennis Hibbard. Tr : Mike Price, Mike White. lH : Mike Whit e . PB: Dennis Hibbard, Wayde Anger. HB : Dan Peterson.
RegiOn Five
Mr. Bob Rec tor Kmlsas State Un;"., ,Ma1lhattml, Kan.
R egion 5 ~ Io wa State Un;". , Kansas, Mis· SOl(ri, Ne braska, No rth. Dakota, Ok lahoma, SOl(t/, Dako ta. Th e Big Ei ght Co nference gy mnasti cs season start ed on Sat urday, November 18, with t he Universit y of Kansas Open Mect in Law rence. Onl y indi vidual pl aces wcre given ; howeve r, Iowa S tat e ~ h owed th at th ('y wi ll be tough to bea t again this ycar. Individu a l cham pions were Tom Sexton, O.U. , in All Aro und , bea lin g Mi ke l ackit' of Iowa S tat e, 51.55·51.25. Jim Ba rb er and Mark Wilcox (8.80 1 of I.S. U. tied in Floor Exerc ise ; Jim G illis pie ( 9.2SI o f Kan sas. wo n S ide H orse; M ike lacki e (9.25) of I.S.U. won S till Rin gs with I. S.U_ also winn ing second an d th ird. T im Clarkt- , I.S.U. ( 9.40 1 won TramJlol in e wi th Wil Cox , I.S.U., seco nd and Kenn ed y, I. S.U., fourth. r-.,'lik e J ackie (9.401 won Long Horse and Pat Edw ards (9.40 ) o f C.U. won Pa ra ll el Bars with Bl ea of C.U. second.
McDona ld of I.S.U., Simm ons of J. S.U .. and Sext on of O.U. (9.40) tied for first on th e Hi gh Bar. Co lorado showed good depth and looked lik e the}· coul d pu sh Iowa Sta te by the end of th e seaso n. Okl ahoma is much stronger and will cert a inl y be in the upper div ision of th e Big Ei ght. Ka nsas and Nebraska appea red to be a bout the same h as last yea r. Ka nsas Stat e showed promi se for the future with Freshm an Ken Snow plac. in g second in Long Horse and se\'e nth in Free Ex ercise. Kan sas Stat e has more de pth than last yea r. Pickin g th e finish in th e Big Ei ght race I would pick Iowa Stat e first, Colorado second Ok lahoma third , Kansas fOUTlh , Nebra s'k a fifth , and Kan sas State sixth. Iowa S lat e and Kansas Stat e participated in the Iowa Open at Iow a City. In dual meet competiti on th e Big E ight tea ms started off excep tionally well with Kansas Stat e and Kan sas defeati ng 'Vestern Illin ois a nd Nebraska defea ted th e Ai r Force. I would appreciat e result s from North and South Dakota for this column.
RegiOn Six
M r. JamileAs11nlore U"iv. o/Texas, Austill, Texas.
Regio". 6 - A rkansas, New Mexico, Texa:'
Uni v. 0/ Ne w Mexico, A lbuquerqlle, N. I\~ . Coach Ru sty Mitchell reports that his team could be a cont end er for the N.C.A .A. title this year. Leadin g the team will be Blaise Blasko, Bob Manna, Dave Carriere, and T om Galioto. Along with th e varsity, Ru sty has a freshman team of 12 top gymnasts, which he feels will be top N.C.A.A. performers when their eli gibilit y roll s around nex t year. Keep your eyes on the Uni versity of New Mexico. Odessa College, Odessa, T exas Coach Will son, who is al so th e chairman of the Dept. of P hysica l Education has started the gym nastic program at Odessa College, and will be hos ting th e Texas Collegiat e Champ ionshi ps on Mar. 15 and 16 . . . The Danish Men 's and Women's T our· in g T~a ll1 wi ll put on an Exhibition at Odessa Coli ege Gym, Jan. 23, 1968 . .. Od essa Co llege is formin g an int er-collegiat e women's team and is lookin g for meets in '68. Those in terested SilOUl d conta ct: Keith Ahone, Women's Gymn asti c Coach, Od essa College, Od essa, Texas 79760. Sam Houston State College Coach Pat Yeage r, will have a full du al meet schedul e this year and will al so initi o at e the First Annu al T exas Nat. Gymnasti c Clinic in Corpus Christi , T exa s, Dec. 26·30. Bell Hurst High School, Hurst, Texas Coach Emil Milan , directs one of th e out · standing hi gh school gy mnastic programs in the Sta te of Texas. Last yea r he ini tio ated the first state high school championshi p and wi ll host thi s year the state meet as well as the Jr. Nat. A.A.U. Mar. 22 and 23. University 0/ Texas, Austin. Texas Coach Ashmore returning to Texas aft er a two year absence reports that th e team will suffer th ro ugh a ra ther di smal year due to a lack of experienced men, howeve r will he lookin g forward to next year with a small impressive group of freshm en led by Mike Caldwell and Ronni e Waldie.
RegiOn Seven Reporter to be amlOunced.
Regio'l 7 - Arizo,la, Colorado, Monta'la, Utall, Wyoming.
RegiOn Eight Mr. Jerry Wright San Francisco S t. CoL, San Fra ncisco, Ca lif
Region 8 - Alaska, Cali[omia, Hawaii, Nevada, Idal, o, Oregon, Waslling ton .
. Athletic A ssociation of Western Universities UCLA would appear to be the more solid
Cal Poly Sta/.e College-Sari Lil is Obispo In sp it e of one of the fi nest trampo lin e tea ms in the co ll ege divi sion, Cal Poly will be hard pressed to wi n meets due to lack of depth in other event s. Clay ton Christlllall co uld well be the best college division trampolin ists in the co untry and he wi ll he a bly assisted by Steve Endiccott and Dave Buettn er. For Westem Conference Sacrament o S tale Without any seasoned tra mpolini sts t he Hornets coultl be in a littl e trouble this yea r in spite of the fa ct tha t they have their st rongest tea m ever in all oth er event s. With Steve Pl ea u one of the leadin g all around co nt enders in the co ll ege division, Dave Niemand, all ·Am eri can las t yea r on the high ba r and great on the para llel ba rs. and Dan Garber lead in g the way it co uld be a fru stra tin g year fo r Sac rament o. Sa" Francisco State Co uld be a fru strati ng year for t he Ga tors with a ll so rt s of possible problems in t he mak ing. Essenti ally a good tea m mid ·semes ter gradu ation co uld destroy any chances for team success. Tram pol inists Sa m Co bb and Dave Bra ndt -Er ic hen are look ing good so fa r as is Pete Gruber in the all- aroun d. Tom Fester, poss ible mid· se mester loss will be missed but Freshm an Bruce Lybrand will be welcomed wh en he becomes eli gibl e a t the sa me time. Gradu ati on losses we re Bob Sa ka i and Don Hughes. Nevada Report is that Nevada has essenti a lly the sam e tea m back and co uld surprise th e rest of the conference. Chico Slate Chi c J ohn son report s th e loss of some good ve terans because of people givin g up the sport. Sure hurts to lose them that way. Buckey .!\'Iackey should prove to be the surpri se of the conference in the a ll aroun d and Lance Astrella will probabl y win the confere nce still rin g even t. Calijomia State College at Haywortl In their second year of compet ition Haywa rd does not expect to serio usly chall enge any of the other conference members. Unive rsity 0/ Calijom ia·Da uis The rea l da rk-horse of the co nference, with many returning gy mn as ts that ha\'e pl enty of potential. If they ha ve any tram po· Iini sts the rest of the confere nce had bett er look out. I NDEPEN DENTS Eastern Washin gton State College E. Washin gton bein g an NA IA team will not foll ow the same patt ern of most other West coast schools but should do vcr)' well at the NAIA with Rand y Ca rruthers lead· in g the tea m. Last year Rand y was NA IA na ti onal champion in va ultin g and 2nd on the parall el bars. Team expects to have good dep th , prov ided by Mace. Brady. J erry Kraft and a good fl oor exerCise team. Sail Jose S tale College Tony Coppo la in the all- around and on the still rin gs could figu re promi nentl y in
choice in thi s conference at thi s time due to a couple of questi on marks on the pa rt of th e three ot her major powers. Led by Kana ti Allen, the Bassist brothers, Don J\rthur. a strong trampo lin e team, and two out standing ri ng men in Chapla n and Sakoda, the Bruin s appear sol id everywhere. Grad uates incl ud e Al Luber.
a bi g question mark in th e pe r. so n of Dan j\-l illm an j th e effecti veness of Dan will largely determine the effecti\'e· ness of Ca l. With Dan they will de finit ely be stronge r on the trampolin e thi s year. With Tepp, Fujim oto, Fazak erly and Freud· enste in they have an out standin g sid e horse tea m, and th ey will be strong enough elsc· wh ere. Gradu ates include P aul Benya , J osh Robison, J illl Lindstrom, Pat Bail ey and Herb Sc. lolllon. Th e fres hman team in cl ud es George Gree nf ield from Pasa dena Cit y Col· lege.
Washington Th e bi g i/ here is Yoshi Hayasak i, in th a t i/ he full y recove rs from an ank le in· j ury ( torn achill es tendon) Washi ngton will be mi ght y tough to bea t, th ey will be anyway. The team also includes Bo Bennett, and Sho Fukushima as out sta ndin g sophomores plus J ohn Anth ony and Brent Rul e who are good sop h trampolini sts. Gradu ates in cl ude i'dark Buckin gham, Ei gil Fl aathen, Mik e F1ansaas, Ri ck Fonceca. Gene J ensen, Steve Lovell. and Pat Ruckert. Stan ford Good pros pects here for the bes t year ever a t Stanford. Led by form er CIF hi gh poin t man Crai g Dickson and all around man J illl P eterse n the In dians will still be hard pressed to buck the top four but should have an enj oyable year. Grad uation losses included only J ohn Rind erkn echt.
lakoto Sak amoto, Mikio Sakamoto, and Gary Wullschcl ager should ca rry the Tro· jans prett y far but unless the tram polini sts come through thi s fin e team will end it s seasons, as a team, at th e co ~fere n.ce championships. Is George Porter still ell g· ibl e? If so he could do well individuall y on th e trampolin e.
Washington S tate Unive rsity Coach Rex Da vis report s that the team mi ght suffer through a rat her di smal year t his yea r hav in g lost J on Warren, Steve Blair, Jay Shaw and i\:Iik e Hanavan through gradu ation. Leadin g the team will be Tohy Elli ott , Larry Am os, Bob S l~ ck , and G I ~ nn Clint on. WS U, howeve r, Will be looklll g forward to nex t year with Mar\' Hildebra nd leadin g an impressive group of fres hmen thi s yea r. University oj' Oregon Could be a rough yea r for Oregon in spit e of the large squad report ed w hi ~ h totals a bout 25 personn el. P robabl y WIll battl e with WSU for last place in th e con· ference. The AA WU co nference championships will quali fy 3 men in each event and 3 men in the all ·around and one team for the NCAA fina ls.
Cali/o filia State College at Los A Tl geles To show the strength of thi s conference L.A. State should be in the top 5 in th e co untry in the coll ege division thi s year. . With no losses from last ye ar givin g Gordy Maddux a team consistin g of Gary Hos· kin s, Bruce Coulter, Sy l Lu cio, Dan Nlaci as, J ulio Monroy, J ohn Sevold , ~'I i l es Stanton, :Mike Walter, Don Warren, and . Tom Wi l· son thi s team will be tough for an yone to beat.
Sail Diego Stale College . Gene Spindl er and Larry Buss figure to get th eir share of the sid e horse awards fl oa tin g around , es pecially in the college di vision and will do much to hold th e tea m cduse for San Diego. Losses includ ed all arounder Denn is J oh nston, Robin l'lalley and sid e horse man Ken Schindl er but the team still has good depth and will pre~ent a strong team.
Jerry Fontana , IS U 105.40 Jim Culhane, Un 105.05 Jack Kenan, Ari z 104.40 Gary Diamond, Cal 104.1 0 Mike Jacki, ISU 104.1 0 Rich Impson, Ari z St. 103.90 Bob Hall, Seattle Y 103.75 Bob Cargill, Sp ring 103.30 Don Tonry, NYAC 103.30 A. Grossfe Id, S. Conn 102.90 Paul Mayer, SIU 102.10 Steve Pleau, Sac. st. 102.00 Bill Silhan , III 1Ol.00 Barry Weiner, Tem 100.95 Jim Howard, Lacrosse 100.95 John Magginetti, CFV 100.90 Dan Garcia, Un 100.30 Geo. Greenfield, Cal 100.00 Bob Diamond, Un 99.90 Rich Swetman, Penn St. 99.90 Joe Fedorchek, MSU 99.80 Joe litow, Penn St 99 .10 R. Carruthers, EW .st 98.05 Joe Bridges, NYAC 97.65 AI Luber, Un 96.70 Art Armend3riz, Ari z 95.40 Tony Coppola, San Jose 94.20 Mike Kimball, Utah 92 .95 Jim Betters, Un 89.50 Dennis Sullivan, N La 88 .70 Ron Clemmer, Army 86.70 Yoshi Hayasaki, Wash # Greg Weiss # Rich Scorza, Iowa # Juan Sanchez, Un Top 25 are ra ted accord ing to ability: second 25 are rated accordi ng to score. * Those that have performed '68 olympic compulsories in com· petition ? Currently questi on mark due to injury, Not U.S. Citizen . # No sco res ava ilable .
gltlaecrol!ll~~ ~il;'!~ioSal~ay:~;:1 h~~a'D~:I~ns:~IW~~ who is quit e good in fl oor exercise a nd Gene Sin cich who has some potenti al on the side horse. Eastern MOTl la.1la College Thi s mi ght strike yOU as a bit st ran ge but Coach Ph il Levi's schoo l falls int o t he western reg ion for college d ivision sport s and J am , th erefore, includ ing his schoo l in thi s report. I do th is al so in spit e of th e fact th at hi s too is an NAJA school. Led by Henry Work wh o placed 7th in last year's NAI A national championships the tea m fi gures to be stronger than ever be· fore with more depth and ex perience.
Cali/ Ofilia Collegiate Athletic Association San Fernando Valley State College With Ri chard Gr igsby, Steve Radomski , and J ohn i\[agg inetti fillin g in most of the spots SFV will have plent y of de pth every· where except poss ibly on th e tram po lin e where th ey will still be able to hold their own against any other college di vision team in the country. Mike Allmangin ge r, J erry Clodfelt er, Scott McGraw, Bill Nash, Willie Tamura, Galen Uptgraft , and Chuck Wald en will make this one of the top 3 coll ege di\'ision teams in the count.f)! .
Califomi a S tate College at Long Beach '''' ith the loss of Fred Siebum , Jim Foun · taine, J ohn Kulluk , Dave \Val!, and J e ff Wa rin g the 49'ers will be in a little tro.ubl e this yea r team wise. With Don J ennlll gs, however , Long Beach will be we ll represent ed on the victory stand in most meets . as he will give anyone plent y of competi tion on the hi gh bar a~d in the all ·a round.
19. *?20. 21. 22. 23. 24. * 25. 26. * 27. * 28. * 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. * 35. * 36. * 37. 38. 39. 40. 4l. 42. 43. * 44. 45. * 46. 47. 48. 49. **50.
Report # 2
* * * * * *
1. M. Sakamoto , USC 2. Richard Loyd , NW La 3. F. Roethlisberger, Un 4. Marc Cohn, Un 5. Kanati Allen, UCLA 6. S. Freudenstein, C;1 1 7. Bob Emery, Penn St 8. Dave Thor, MSU 9. Bob Lynn , LA Turners 10. Rick Tucker, SIU 11. Arno Lascari, Un 12. Steve Hug, Un 13. Jim Amerine, S. Co nn. 14. Bob Dickson, Iowa 15. Fred Dennis , SIU 16. Richard Grigsby, SFV 17. Mikio Sakamoto, USC 18. Neil Schmitt, Iowa
11 3.50 108 'i 'i 11 0.75 106.90 11 2.00 111.60 106.40 109.60 105.70 106.85 11 0.70 105 .1 5 106.75 1 0 7 . 2~
106.05 103.30 105.80 105.60
ALL AROUND : l. Makoto Sakamoto USC; 2. Yoshi Hayasaki, Was h.; 3. ' Ri chard Loyd, NW La; 4. Kanati All en, UCLA; 5. Dave Th or, MSU; 6. Bob Emery, PS; 7. Bob Dickson, Iowa; 8. Jim Amerine, S. Conn. ; 9. Ri ck Tu cker, SIU; 10. Mike Jac ki , ISU. flOOR EXERCISE: 1. Toby Towson, MSU; 2. Sid Fre udenstein , Cal. ; 3. Dave Jacobs, Mich.; 4. Kanati All en, UCLA; 5. Makoto Sakamoto, USC; 6. Bob Emery, PS; 7. Paul Maye r, SI U; 8. Juli o Monroe, CSLA; 9. Ron Aure, MSU. SIDE HORSE: 1. Gary Hoskins, CSLA; 2. Keith McCanl ess, Iowa; 3. Jack Rya n, Col ; 4. Joel Tepp, Cal ; 5. Rich ard Loyd, NW La ; 6. Dave Thor, MSU; 7. Jim Russo, Wi sc; 8. Yos hi Hayasaki , Wash.; 9. James Yearwood, S. Conn ; 10. Bill Fujimoto, Cal. STIlL RINGS: l. Fred Denn is, SIU; 2. Makoto Sakamoto, USC; 3. Mike Jacki , IS U; 4. Don Hatch, Iowa; 5. Pat Arn old, Ariz.; 6. Del Strange, Col. S. U.; 7. Yos hi Hayasaki , Wash; 8. Bob Dickson, Iowa; 9. Jim Am eri ne, S. Conn; 10. Tony Coppola, San Jose. TRAMPOLINE: 1. Dave Jacobs, Mich.; 2. Wayne Mill er, Mi ch.; 3. Dale Hardt, SI U; 4. Dan Millman , Cal; 5. Jim Younge, SWLA; 6. Julian Stova l, Ariz; 7. Hutch Dvorak, SIU; 8. Bob Ewing,. Col. SU; 9. Cliff
Gauthier, Den ; 10. Clayton Christ· man, Cal Poly. LONG HORSE: 1. Sid Freuden· stein, Cal; 2. Paul Mayer, SI U; 3. Hal Shaw, III; 4. Makoto Sakamoto, USC; 5. Paul Vexler, PS; 6. Dave Thor, MSU; 7. Bob Dickson, Iowa; 8. Dan Millman, Cal.; 9. Bob Emery, PS; 10. Frank Fortier, LSU. PARALLEL BARS: 1. Makoto Sa· kamoto, USC; 2. Ron Rapper, Mich; 3. Bob Emery, PS; 4. Richard Loyd, NW La; 5. Dave Thor, MSU; 6. Paul Mayer, SIU; 7. Yoshi Hayasaki, Wash.; 8. Sid Freudenstein, Cal.; 9. Ron Harstad, SI U. HIGH BAR: 1. Kanati Allen , UCLA; 2. Richard Grigsby, SFV; 3. Makoto Sakamoto, USC; 4. Neil Schmitt, Iowa; 5. Richard Loyd, NW La; 6. Dave Niemand, Sac. St.; 7. Rick Tucker, SIU; 8. Dave Thor, MSU; 9. Bob Emery, PS; 10. Dan Millman, Cal. TEAM: 1. Iowa 189.95; 2. SIU 188.90; 3. UCLA 187.10. .
Name of Meet: EICHE TURNERS AAU INVITATIONAL Site: Chicago, Illinois Date: November 19, 1967 Report By: Jim McGraw Summary: Senior Girl's Division
schools were represented by award winners, giving the Big Eight Conference a much stronger foot-hold in the sport of gymnastics. While team titles were not at stake, it is generally felt that the Big Eight Conference schools will exhibit close competition for a berth to the 1968 National Championships. AA: Tom Sexton 51.55; Mike Jacki 51.25, Malcom Johnson 49.20. FX: Jim Barber and Mark Wilcox, tie, 8.80, Sexton, Stan Clyne, Jacki tie 8.75. SH: Jim Gillispie 9.25, Hank Tay lar 8.95, Jack Ryan 8.90. R: Jacki 9.25, Ward Maythaler 9.10, Brian Quarrie 9.05. Tr: Tim Clarke 9.40, Mark Wilcox 9.15, Rick Carr 9.10. LH: Jacki 9.40, Ken Snow 9.30, Sexton 9.10. PB: Pot Edwards 9.40, Ben Bles 9.30 , Brent Simmons 9.20. HB : Sexton , Simmons , and Ernest McDonald tie
OPEN TRAMPOLINE CHAMPIONSHIPS NOVEMBER 25, 1967 SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS by Jerald Clark A standing room only crowd was on hand to witness the United States Open Trampoline Championships, November 25, Springfield, Illinois. Thirty-seven trampoline stars from all oyer the notion were competinq for top honors. Th ose in attendance were thrilled by the winning performances turned in by Dale Hardt and Judy Wills from SIU. Miss Wills clearly demonstrated why she is the f our time world champion with her excellent
Junior Boys: C h r i s Eilerston (Memphis, Tenn.), Mason Kaufman, Jeff Hennessy, Jr. (Lafayette, La.). Jr. Girls: Diana Haney (Springfield, 111.), Rene Ran s 0 m (Memphis, Tenn.), Bobbi Grant (Springfield, 111.). Sr. Men: Dale Hardt (S IU ), Homer Sardina (Unat.), Jim Price (Unat.). Sr. Girls: Judy Wills (SIU), Vicki Bollinger (Springfield , 111.), Judy Ford (U. SW La.). KU OPEN INVITATIONAL NOVEMBER 18, 1967 by Bob Lockwood
Gymnastics Coach, Univ. Kansas The first annual University of Kansas Open Invitational Gym-
nastics Championship was witnessed by a near capacity crowd in Rob-
inson Gymnasium, November 18, 1967, on the University of Kansas Campus, Lawrence, Kansas. Six schools from the Big Eight Conference were invited to participate in a one session meet (no prelims) beginning at 2:30 p.m. Gold, silver, and bronze plaques were presented to the top thre~ individuals in each event. An Outstanding Performance Trophy, donated by the Snowden - Mize Athletics Company, Atchison, Ka " SOS,
was presented to Mike Jacki , State team
captain, for
winning performance on the rings .
More than 100 g v mnasts partici pated in the three and one-ho lf hour meet and exhibited mid-sea -
Name of Meet: LOUISVILLE TURNERS AAU INVITATIONAL Site: Louisville, Kentucky Date: November I I, 1967 Report By: Jim McGraw Summary: Senior Girl's Division RESULTS: Team: I. Louisville YMCA, Louisv ille, Ky. 33.5 (LY) 2. McKinley YMCA, Champaign, III. 28.0 (McK) 3. Flint Olympians, Flint, Mich. 27.0 ( FO) 4. Monessen, Monessen, Po. 13.5 (MN) 5. Marilyn-Dennis
6. L;~i~~:e DT~rc;.;ers 7. Normal College 8. Dayton YMCA 9. Clarksville
AA: Colleen Mulvihill, McKinley YMCA 33.95; Maddie Wetherell Flint Olympians 33.00; C. Liedke' Louisville YMCA 32.05. FX : C: Liedke (L Y) 8.20; D. Howell (L Y) 7.65; C. Mulvihill (McK) 7.55. UB: M. Wetherell (FO) 8 .80; C. Mulvihill (McK) 8.60; C. Liedke ( L Y) 8.55. BB: C. Mulvihill 9 10' M Wetherell 8.50; D . Howell (Ly) '8:30: HV: M. Wetherell 8.90; C. Mulvihill 8.70; B. Thompson (MD) 8.55.
Junior Girl's Division RESULTS: Team: I. McKinley YMCA Champaign, III: 2. FI int Olympians, Flint, Mich. 3. Dayton YMCA,
4. Lo~iI:~r;; 13 .3 (DY) Louisville, Ky.' 12.0 (L Y) 5. Jefferson Rec., Jefferson, Ind . 7.5 (JR) .... AA: Dianne Grayson (FO) 32.90; Cindy Strum (McK) 31.75; Diane Bolin (McK) 31.50. FX: Grayson 8. I 0; Bolin 8. I 0; D. N ow icki (DY) 8.10. UB: Grayson 8.40; F. Hensley (LY) 8.25; Bolin 8.05. BB : Grayson 7.85; Strum 7.50; S. Werling (DY) 7.40. HV: Strum 860' Grayson 8.55; S. Alsip (L Y) 8'.15'. Tu: Cindy Hall (FO) 6.80; D. Grayson 6.70; S. Werling 6.65.
RESULTS: (Scored by best 4 raw scores) Team: 1. Flint Olympians, Flint, Mich. 307.1 (FO) 2. Eiche Turners, Chicago, III. 294.8 (ET) 3. Lake Shore Park, Evanston , III. 238.5 (LSP) 4. Dayton YMCA, Dayton, Ohio 216.1 (DY) 5. Engstrom Gym Club, Chicago, III. 211.7 (EGC) 6. McKinley YMCA, Champaign, III. 162.9 (McK) 7. N.W. Sub. YMCA, Chicaga, III. 117.9 (NW) AA: Barb Bauer (ET) 35.04' Colleen Mulvihill (McK) 32.92; Maddie Wetherell (FO) 32.52. FX: S. Brumgart (LSP) 9.30; P. Murphy (LSP) 8.66; N. Keetke (LSP) 8.60. BB: Brumgart 9.50; Barb Bauer 9.20; Blyth Bauer (ET) 8.65. UB: Wetherell 8.15; Brumgart 8.10; Blyth Bauer 8.10. HV: Barb Bauer 9.36; Mulvihill 9.26; Wetherell 8.93. T : Barb Bauer 9.40; P. Rose (ET) 8.75; S. Kinsman (EGC) 8.45.
Junior Girl's Division RESULTS: (Scored by best 4 raw scores) Team: 1. Eiche Turners, Chicago, III. 320.8 (ET) 2. McKinley YMCA, Champaign, III. 304.4 (McK) 3. Engstrom Gym Club, Chicago, III. 237.3 (EGC) 4. N.W. Sub. YMCA Chicago, III . 228.6 (NW) 5. Dayton YMCA, Dayton, Ohio 221.4 (DY) 6. Flint Olympians, Flint, Mich. 188.5 (FO) 7. Lake Shore Park, Evanston, III. 78.5 (LSP) AA: Dianne Grayson (FO) 35.36; Patti MacDonald (FO) 33.30; Sue Werling (DY) 33.04. FX : Grayson 8.83; D. Sepke (EGC) 8.73; D. Mininni (EGC) 8.56. BB: Werling 9.10; V. Fugali (ET) 8.80' C. Nowicki (EGC) 8.70. UB : ' Grayson 9.16; Werling 8.50; MacDonalc;l 8.40. HV: Grayson 8.96' MacDonald 8.50; D. Fisher (ET) 8.33. T : D. Sepke (EGC) 8.85; J. Smiddy (ET) 8.20; K. Stewart (McK) 8.10.
MG'S AVAILABLE BACK EDITIONS OF THE MODERN GYMNAST VOLUME I 1957·58 ...... 25c #1 #2 .................... , .......... 25c #3 ................ .. ........... 25c #4 .......... 25c #5 ......... 25c #6 ............. ............. 25c #7 ........ ..... . . .......... .25c #8 .......... 25c 19!J9 VOLUME II ....... 25c #2 ...... 25c ................... #3 #4 ..................... 25c #5 ...35c #6 ....... 35c #7 .............. 35c ....... 50c #8·9 ... VOLUME III 1960·61 #1 """ """"'" ..... 35c #2 ....... ........ ... 25c #3 ............... 25c ..... .. 25c #6 .....,........ ..25c #7 ... 25c #8 ..... 25c #9 VOLUME IV 1962 .... 25c #1 .. 25c #2 .. ...... 25c #3 ..... 25c #4 25c #5 ...... 25c #6 ...50c #7 ............. .. ....... 25c #8 #9 Unavailable VOLUME V 1963 .............. 25c #1·2 ..... 25c #3 ... .. 25c #4 .... 25c :'1:5 ffi .. 25c VO~U8M~ Vlf9S'4 .................... 50c #7 .. ........ 50c VOLUME VII 1965 #3 .... ·75c #4 . ......... 25c #5 .............................25c #8·9 ... .................. ..... 50c VOLUME' VIII 1966 #1 ...... 50c #2 ............ 50c #3 .. 50c #4 ...... 50c #5 ....... 50c #6·7 ............... ...... 50c #8·9 ......... .... 50c # 10 .......... 50c #11 .......................... _ ..50c 11:12 ... 50c AVAILABLE BACK EDITIONS MADEMOISELLE GYMNAST Introductory Edition ............... .$1.00 VOLUME I ... .75c #1 .. ... . #2 ........... .75c #3 ..... 75c ....................... 75c #4 Volume I, complete ....... ..... $2.50 California resident: Add 5 % Sales Tax MG BACK EDITIONS BOX 777 Santa Monica, California 90406 27
INDEX TO VOLUME IX THE MODERN GYMNAST, 1967 For the first time the annual index is presented as it should be in that there is a subject and an author section. After each entry you will fin d for example, 117-91. Th is simply means that the reference is for pages 7-9 of the January, 1967 M_G_
SUBJECT INDEX All -AROUND ILet's Go All-Around by Art Shurlock - L_G.A.A.I LG.A_A. 1116-17) Pike front di ve, Reverse Moore travel in mount, Hip circle to flank undercut H_B.!, Giant pike IStoop vaultl, Pike front somey dismount with liz tw ist IR. and P.B.! LG.A.A. 311 8-191 Back walkover off knees, Triple Russian, Back stutz to inverted giant! pike back somey catch, Maltese lay away, HICkman roll back lever pull to cross, the vault run. L_G_A.A. 4-5126-271 Jump back to inverted handstand and snap to stand, back tUrn to en d of horse straight arm back gian ts , Hecht front some; vault, Pull over shoot to handstand IP_B.!, Front somey dismount IR.! . LG.A.A_ 8128-291 Pike front somey IF.X.!, High layout loop dismount, reverse and fo rw?rd pi rouettes IH.B.!, Straddle cut IP.B.!, Full tWISting flyaway IR.!, Hecht vault IS,de horsel. L_G.A.A_ 111301 Pike back dive 1', tWISt, Reverse Moore on end of horse, Straddle turn Stalder, Front pike with fu ll twist vault, Moore straddle "L" IP_B.!, Back lever to front lever IR.! ART ISpecial Art Edition found as insert in November 1967 M_G.! Gymnastics-Beauty in Motion 1P0nd! 111141 Style and the Gymnast IHindsl 111161 Image of a Champion (Jacub,onl 11125! Art Collection Contained in Art Special-, Works by. . Tom Morton, Don Puttman, Olympic Gymnastic Posters (Mexico), Herbert Fink, Milan Med, Gerald Bartosch and Kim Williams BALANCE BEAM Some Original (?) Balance Beam Moves (leso) 2(321 BOOKS Completed Research in HPER lAAHPERI Vo l. 8, 11121 Proceedings-Second National Institute on Girls Sports IAAHPERI 11121 Balance Beam ISjursenl 11121 Gymnastics for Men IHughesl 11121 f undamental Tumbling Ski lls Illus trated IKeen eyl 11121 • Ins tructor's Guide to Skill Progressions in Gymnastics !Tonry & DeCarlol 11121 A Primer of Apparatus Gymnastics (Reu ter and Gershonl 11121 Learning About Learning IU_S_ Gov't Printing Office-J . Bruner, Ed.! 11131 Athletic Records, The Whys and Wherefores IMeadel 11131 Rings lor Grades 3-8 IMeyerl 11131 The Mechanics of Ath le tics IDysonl 11131 A,B,C, Illustrations IVia _ Endol 11131 Note: We have found ye t a cheaper source of the FIG Il lustrations. ~or SOc you may receive a copy 01 these illustrations from James Howard Gymnastic Coach, Wisconsin State U. ILaCro'sse), laCrosse, Wisconsin. Anyone do it for 250' Acrobatics Made Easy IRozanasl 11131 Acrobati cs and Tumbl ing IRozanasl 11131 Advanced Acrobatics and Tumbling (Rolanas) 11131 Women's Gymnastics IFrederickl 11131 Review by Jackie Upnues CAMPS Northern Californ ia Gym Camp IPeavy & Larsonl 118-91 CANADIAN REPORT by Johnny Nooney 1110-111 Russian Tour; 21111 318-91 National Collegiate Championships; _4-5191; 6:7191 North American and Pan Am Tri als; 8(7) Finnish Tour; 9171 Pan Am Games Report; 10181 C.N.E. Russian Di splay; 11181 1967 Canadian Gymnastic Champi ons hips CHAMPIONSHIPS Note, Only major championship reports are indexed . For ve ry comprehensi ve coverage duri ng 1967 refer to Jerry Wright's "Scoreboard" in the las t few pages of most editions. 1967 NCAA National Championships IWrighti 4-5111-221 1967 USGF Championships 6-7112-131 1967 AAU Championships IWrigh ti 6-7114-151 1967 Women's AAU Championships 6-7118-191 CLINICS Columbus Sr. H_S. Gymnastic Clinic Report IHindsl 1161 . Why A California Clinic ? ICrileyl 2116-171 Northwest Gymnastic Clinic 21171 Central New York State Gymnastic Clinic Report IKanopal 21171 4th Annual New England Gymnastic Clinic IHanscoml 2071 National Gymnastic Clinic ISaras otal 2118-191 Eastern Clinic IUSGF 21201 COACHING National Coach Comments (Weilerl 3181 NACGC Awards 4-51101 NACGC Names Officers 6·7181 CDNiJlTlDNING AND TRAINING I"Conditioning for Competition" by Dick Wolfe Regular M.G_ Featurel Plancne and Its Significance !Wolfel 1151 Handstand on Rings IWolfel '21291 Front Lever Pull Downs IWolfel 31231 Trai ning Plan for Olympic Gymn astics IFriedrichl 819 + 1 General Muscle Endurance (Wolfel 81291 Liquid Nutrition-Should You Use It? ILanel 91271 Running IWolfel 111291 EDITORIALS The M.G. is Still Rolling ISundbyl 1151 List of M_G_ Supporters 1128-291 Di sappoint'" R,,"ers ISundbyl 2151
$90,000 for Student World Games. __ For Gymnastic Participation $ Noth ing (Vogell 2161 Notes from Associate Editor ICrileyl 3151 M_G. and Playboy same agel The Beard in Gymnastics (Millmanl 31251 Considerations lor Coaching Our National Team IGrossfeldl 6-7161 The NCAA and High School Gymnastics (Hindsl 9181 It's Official IAffiliation of M.G. wi th USGFI ISundbyl 10151 A Plan to Rescue Our Olympic Beggars 12191 ELEMENTARY AND FUNDAMENTAL GiMNASTICS Anything for an Idea IFrederickl 2124-251 ForlVard Roll wi th Instant Success ISjursenl 31211 Determining an Individualized Program for Grades K-8 IFarkasl 31241 let's Teach Routines-Fl oor Exercise (Vincent) 6-71231 Note: "let's Teach Rou tines " represents the first in an excellent series of articles by Dr. Wm. Vincent. For other routines refe r to specific listings under Dr. Vincent's name . FILMS Tra ining Judges for Girl's Gymnastics-DGWSAAHPER 111 41 Dortmund Wo rld Championships-Men and Wome n IEndol 11141 Gymnastics fo r Girls IAssociation Filmsl 11141 flOOR EXERCISE l eontiev Shows Basics in an International Routine IFrederick! 31101 Front Somersault IMyers! 31201 Wnere's Your Center of Gravity? (lingemann) 91211 A Planche A Day Keeps ? IKadarl 91211 GYMNASTIC DEVELOPMENT American Gymnastics: Impressions and Suggestions IHatanol 211 01 . GYMNASTIC SKETCHES Sandra Hartley IWilhelml 21111 Leslie Bird IWilhelm 3191 Bill Mackie IWilhelml 10181 Franco Menichelli 'IPaccinellil 11191 Th e Japanese-An Interview ICriley & Sako dal 12114-151 HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS The NCAA an d High School GymnastiCS IHindsl 9181 Th e Meaning of Interschool Competitive Gymnastics IAronsonl 9191 1967 H_S. Report 9110-151 HORIZONTAL BAR f ly Away IHolmesl 2(211 Nakayama-Sequence Photos of Dortmund Routines 2122-231 Progression for the Eagle IGedneyl 6:71261 let's Teach Routines-Horizontal Bar (low) (Vin centi 11132-331 INDICES Ten Year Index IFrederi ckl 1118-251 INTERNATIONAL Dortmund Report (Savagel 11111 Mexico vs. Southern Californ ia Al l Stars IBecknerl 2191 Passport to Gymnastics ICrileyl 2112-131 Briti sh Report on Worl d Championships-Women Prestidge 2114-151 Wo rld Professional Trampoline Championships 31191 European Championships 6-7I10-llJ F_LG _ & AAU Ac tion on the Code of Points 818+1 Pan Am Tri als IWrightl 9161 Pan Am Games 1019-111 1967 Universiade Games !Barakl 1011 3-171 Organization of Gymnastics in Italy (Puccinelli) 1119+1 U.S. Team Goes to Mexico City IBecknerl 12112-131 JUDGING Role of the Judge in Making the U.S. a Wor ld Power in Gymnastics !Pattersonl 11271 F.LG. Illustra tions- Still Rings lDavisl 11261 F_LG_ Illustrations-P-Bars lDavisl 2128-291 National Judges Clinic Report IYMCAI IPerronl 31111 LLG. Illustrations- Horizontal Bar IDavisl 3126-271 Comparison of Two Me thods of Judging IF_LG _ vs. Bauerl ILandersl 9120-211 F.LG. Ill ustrations-Vaulting lDavisl 9126-271 Let's Balance Up-Difficulty X Execution IWelserl 101251 Is the Purpose of Judging Only to Decide a Winner ? ILa scariJ 121211 OBITUARIES A Man Dedicated-Erwin Volze (Sundbyl 1171 A Most Inspirational Gymnast-Fred Siebum !Bartlettl 4-5181 OLYMPICS "Little Olympics" U.S. Final Trials IWrighti 11171 "Little Olympics" Mexico City-Results 111121 General Inform ation for Tourists 111191 Compulsory Routines 1217-81 PARALLEL BARS Comparitive Study of the Peach and the Cast IGallil 31221 Cast 1/, Turn to Upper Arms !Tonryl 31231 The Handstand-Aesthetic and Functional IWolfel 4-512 71 Spotting on the Parallel Bars IAndersonl 6-7124-251 Back Somey Catch IBishopl 91241 Flip-Kip-New Move of " C" Value? ISchneiderl 101221 Let's Teach Routines- Parallel Bars IVincenti 10122-231 PHYSICAL EDUCATION A Search for Concepts Part IFrederickl 6-7120-211 A Search for Concepts Par t IFrederickl 10118-191 POETRY The Bar and the Body IMcDonnelil 3161 RESEARCH Research Editor- James Bosco l evi- Twelve Selected Items Concerning the De· ve lopment of a College Level Gymnast ic Team 2126-271
Brown and Johnson-The Uses of Instant Ice for Prevent ion of Blisters on Hands 6-71221 Sward-The Metabolic Cost of Selected Gym. nastic Routines 12118-191 RINGS Handstand on the Rings IWolfel 21291 Sequence Routine - Menichelli at Dortmund 6-7116-171 Shoot to Handstand and High Straddle Dismount !Tonryl 6-71251 Strength for the Inverted Pull IWolfel 6-71271 Shoot to Straddle "L"; Shoot to Support ITonryl 81251 Back Straddle Ifrom supportl Dismount and Same lVith a I;' Twist ITonryl 91231 Back Somey Di smounts ITonryl 101211 Full Twisting Dismounts ITonryl 111291 Let's Teach Routines-Rings IVincenti 121201 SEQUENCE ROUTINES IAII taken at Wo rld Cham· pionships in Dortmund) Nakayama-Horizontal Bar 2(22-231 Sequence Special IAugust 1967-Almost entire editionl Vaults-Sequences of top men and wome n Cerar-Horse Petrik-Beam Menichelli-P-Bars Caslavs ka-Un even Parallel Bars Endo-Horizon tal Bar Diamidov-Rings Voronin 9118-191 Hori zon tal Bar Voron in 12116-171 Rings SIDE HORSE Laiho !Finland! Sequence Routine 3116-171 Evalua tion of laiho's Routine (See reference immediately abovel IWrighti 81241 Let's Teach Routines-Side Horse IVincenti 9122-231 STAMP AND GYMNASTIC, THE IFeature on stamps by Harry Johnsonl Photo Set =4 1171; P_S. =5 2181; P.S. =6 3161; P.S. =7 6·7181; P.S. "8 8161 TRAMPOLINE Instructional film on Trampoline Stunts Used in Competition (Jeanettl 3112-131 World 's Professional Trampo line Championships 31191 Trampoline Eliminated by NCAA IRobinsonl 4-5161 North American Championships IMartinl 4-5191 Open Letter to Jess Robinson !Barakl 816-71 Fliffisses IRobinsonl 91251 Good News IRob insonl 101241 USGF IReports by Frank Bare, Direc torl Modern Gymnast Affi liates with USGF 10171 1967 Congress of American Gymnastic Coach es 11110-111 USGF Report 12161 WOMEN 'S GYMNASTICS Trends as a Working Coach Sees Them-Dortmund World Championships Report Part IVogell 3114 -151 Stem Rise on Uneven Bars ISjursenl 6-71271 f laxibili ty of Women IPuhl) 10120-211 YMCA IYMCA Editor Ken Hollisl Ohio-West Virginia YMCA Gym nastic Champi onships IHoll isl 31111 1967 National YMCA Championships IBuffa l 101251 AUTHOR INDEX Anderson , Arlynn P-Bar Spotting Techniques 6-7124-251 Aronson , Dick The Meaning of Interschool Competitive Gymnas tics 9191 Barak, Ron Open Letter to Jess Robinson 816 -71 1967 Uni versiade-Tokyo 10113-171 Bartlett, Ken A Most Inspirational Gym nas t- Fred Siebum 4-5181 Beckner, Jack Mexico vs. S_ Cal All Stars 2191 U_S_ Team Goes to Mexico City 12112-131 Bishop, Benny Back Somey Catch on P-Bars 91241 Buffa, Bill 1967 National YMCA Championships 101251 Criley, Dick Passport to Gymnastics 2112-131 Why a California Clinic? 21161 Notes from an Assoc_ Editor 3151 Th e Japanese 12114 -1 51 Davis, Roy INotes From a Neurotic Judgel FIG Illustrations-rings 11261; P·Bars 2128-291; Horizontal Bar 3126-271; Vaulting 9126-2 71 Farkas, James Determining the Gymnastic Content for Grades K-8 31241 Frederick, A. Bruce The Gymnast's Library 11121 Ten Year Index-Authors and Subjects 111 8-251 Anyth ing for an Idea IElementary Routinesl 2(24-251 leontiov Shows Basics in an International Rou· tine 31101 A Search for Concepts IPart I) 6-7120-211 A Search for Concepts IPart II) 1011 8-191 Friedrich, Eduard Training Pl an for OlympiC Gymnastics 819+1 Galli, los . Compari tive Study of the Peach and the Cast 31221 Gedney, Roger Progression for th e Eagle 6-71261 Grossfeld, Abie Consideration s for Coaching Our National Team 6-7161 Hanscom, Robert 4th Annual Gymnas tic Clinic- New England 21171 Hatano, Yoshi Ameri can .Gymnastics-Impressions and Suggestions 21101 Hinds, John Columbus Sr_ H.S_ Gymnastic Cl inic Report 1161 The NCAA and H_S. Gymnastics 9181 Style and the Gymnast 111161 Hollis, Ken IYMCA Editorl Ohio·West Virginia YMCA Gymnastic Champion-
ships 1967 31111 Holmes, Bill Fl y Away 21211 Jacobson, Mike Image of a Champion 111251 Jaffee, Irving A Plan to Rescue Our Olympic Beggars 12191 J,nnett, Claire Instructional fi lm on Trampoline Stunts Used in Competition 3112-131 Johnson, Harry IStamps and Gymnasticsl Photo Sets-=4 1171; ';; 5 2181; "6 3161; =7 6-7181; "8 8161 Kadar, Andrew A Pl anche a Day _ ? 91211 Konopa, Ed Central New York State Gymnastic Clinic 21171 Landers, Daniel Comparison of Two Methods of Judging IFI G vs Bauerl 9120-211 Lane, Bobby Liquid Nutrition-Should You Use It? 91271 larson, Claudia Northern California Gymnastic Clinic 118-91 larcari, Arno Is the Purpose of Judging Only to Decide a Winner? 121211 Leso, Ami Some Original Balance Beam Moves 21321 Levi, Phillip Twelve Selected Items Concrning the Development of a College l evel Gymnastic Team 2126-27) Lingemann, Lloyd Where's Your Center of Gravity' 91211 Martin, Larry North Ame rican Trampoline Championshi ps 4-5191 McDonnell, Patrick The Bar and the Body 3(61 Millman. Dan The Beard in GymnastiCS 31251 Myers, Gus Front Somersault 31201 Nooney, John ICanadian Editorl Canadian Reports 1110-1 11; 2111 1; 318-91; 4·5191; 6-7191; 8171; 9171; 10181; 11181 Patterson, Carl Judging to make the United States a World Power in Gymnastics 11271 Peavy, Bob Northern California Gym Camp 118-91 Perron, Frank N, ti onal Judges Clinic 31111 Pohl, Jackie Flexi bility of Women and Effects of Specific Static Stretching Exerci ses on flexibility 10120-211 Pond, louise Gym nastics-Beauty in Motion 111141 Prestidge, Pauline British Report on World Championships 2114-151 Puccinelli, Ed Franco, Menichelli 11191 Org aniza ti on of Gymnastics in Italy 1119+1 Robinson , Jess Trampol ine Eliminated by NCAA 4-5161 Fliffisses 91251 Good News 101241 Sakoda, Ken The Japanese 12114-151 Savage, Marilyn Dortmund Report 11111 Schneider, Phil Flip-Kip-NelV " C" Move 101221 Shurlock, Art I"Let 's Go AIl-Around "l 1116-171; 3118-191, 4-5126·271; 8128 -291 Sjursen, He len Forward Roll with Instant Success 31211 Stem Rise on Uneven Bars 6-71261 Sundby, Glenn (Editor The Modern Gymnastl The M.G. is Still Roll ing 1151 Di sappointed Readers 2151 It's Official IAffiliation with USGF and The Modern Gymnastl 10151 Sward, Sidney The Metabolic Cost of Selected Gymnas ti c Routines 12118-191 Tonry, Don Cast 1/, Turn to Upper Arms 31231 Shoot to Handstand and High Straddle Dismount on Rings 6-71251 Shoot to Straddle "L" and Shoot to Support 81251 Back Straddle Dismounts on the Rings from ·Support 91231 Back Somey Dismounts on the Rings 101211 Full Twisting Dismounts on the Rings 111291 Vincent, Bill I"Let's Teach Routines"l Fl oor Exercise -6-71231; Side Horse 9122-231; PBars 10122-231; Horizontal Bar 11132-331; Rings 121201 Vogel, Herb $ Nothing for Student World Game Participation 2161 Dortmund Report-Part II 3114-151 Weiler, Willy National Coach ICanadal Comments 3181 Welser, Lyle Let's Balance Up-Difficulty x Execution 101251 Wilhelm, Horst Sandra Hartley 21111; Leslie Bird 3(91; Bill Mackie 10181 Wolfe, Dick The Planche and Its Significance 1151 Handstand on the Rings 21291 Front Lever Pull DOlVns 31231 The Handstand 4-5(27) Strength for the Inverted Pull 6-71271 General Muscular Endurance 81291 Running 11(291 Wright, Jerry 1967 NCAA Championships 4-511 1-221 1967 AAU Championships 6-7114-151 Eva luation of laiho's Dortmund Side Horse Exercise 81241 Pan Am Tri als 9161 "Little Olympics" 11171
LETTERS v e HI' G l enn,
O ly mpic committee respec tfully reques t s you pr in t minutes of Ol y mpi c comm ittee Jll eeti ng in your n ext t\VQ rnagazine iss ues. Th a nk you , Tom Malo n ey Sarasota ,
F l or ida
D ecem b e r 3, 1%7 USOGC Meeting 12 :30 P.M. R ooseve lt Hotel, ~e\V Orl ea n s , La. Th e "ge noa ,,"a ~ r e f e rre d to f o r ex p edie ncy of th e m ee ting. A quorum o f 21 m e mb e n .; \vere pre:-:en t. Jack Beckn e r, th e Oly mpic Coach , was call e ,1 upon to ex plain th e m e thods o f se led in g th lnG8 Olymp ic team. Qualifying' round s as e xpla in e d in th e ln a iI e d lite rnture would b e n ecessary so that 12 m en ,,"ould mak e the f in a l tri a ls. A forma l li st o f qua l ify in g peopl e s h a ll b e mad e by e ith e r J. l; ecl{ner or W. M ead e. Eight gymnasts w ill be selected fro m th e fina l s as a ~ q u ad. Seven will th e n b e t a k e n t n M exico City fo r th e Olymp ics. Th e fina l t ra veling t eam will be SELECTED BY THE COACH. T h e re will be three tria ls whic h w ill b e h e ld in diffre nt c iti es . Th e coac h h as th e right to select or add a gy mna st to the fina l trials w ith a written ex pl anation to the O lympic Committee. A motion by V . Elder and seconded by C . S hank en, "From the e ig ht man squad th e coach will be g iven the r esponsibili ty of selecting th e 7 man s quad: a nd th e n from th e 7 man t eam , the coach will hav e the res pon s ibility of selec ting the 6 p e rfo rming gymnasts". M o tion carried. A rnoti o n by K. Schwenzfeier , :--eco nd e d by H . Smit h, "All gy mna s t s s hould be inform ed as t o the selection of th e final 6 gymnasts, a nd t h at the nl inutes s hould b e se nt to th e several publication s as soon a s poss ib le." Carried . Tom Malo n ey the O ly mpi c c hairma n ~tated t hat h e wou ld t a k e care of the se nding o f the minutes t o a ll publi cat io n s. Mr. Cunni ngham from L os Angel es s poke on holding th e fin a l tria ls th e r e . A
fo r a ll three Olympic trials. Motion carri ed . Ball o t s wre cast and th e fo ll owing e lec ted for th e O ly mpic gym n ast ic technical colmn ittee : 1. Carl Pat t e r son, 2. " '. Meade, 3. J . Hardy, 4. R Bachn a, 5. P. Finn, 6. F W e lls . It w ill b e the job o f the committee to sel ec t and notify the o ffi c ia ls f o r eac h tria l. Hal Frey r eported On the facilities at t h e U nh路. of Ca liforn ia fo r th e 2nd trial. $2,000 w o uld b e ava ila bl e for offi c ia ls a nd judges. Gymnasts coul d s tay until final tri;l ls . After mu c h di sc u ss io n the o ffe r W;lS h e ld over un t il Gen e W etts t o n e of P e nn State is co ntacted as per hi s l etter. Much nf the di sc u ss io n was du e to th e g eo gra phi c sp r ea d f o r the trials. A m ot io n by J erry Hardy , secon(1e(] h)' Te Sch,venzfeier that, " Th e qllillify i ll~: r o und be a cce p te d fr om th Mid- ,,' est On!' 1l 1\'feet for
t h o~p
ri e d. F urth e r , "A ll
~('() l'in g'
l l\t~."
wh pl' f' O lympi c t 'l)ll1 pul so r ~' t'xl'r(' i ~E":-: :l.n" ll BNl ,,~ill h l' a(' ce pt e d as :l. ql1:llifying- r ou nd fo r th e 1s t Olympic tria ls w ith th e t"e o f qu:lIif ie d jud ges an d a sco r e o f 10路1 ]lo int s'" Motio n passed. In eac h o f t h l'se qualif y in g m ee t s, the " es ults s hould b e se nt t o th e US OIvml)i " (, hnirnHlll , 1\,1'1' . Th o mas E. l\f a lon e .< 2G?() C :1nlinal
l: h ;ll! q ,j" II- ill p
P l acf?,
Sa l':1 ~ otn,
In ee t:-:
F I:l.,
D ea r Sirs: Enclosed is a photo o f John and Jim HtO rtung, ages 10 a nd 7, who w e r e in 111Y age grou p class in s umm e r sc h oo l. The classes are pa rt of the program Oma h a, .'\\路 hraska is d eveloping to prom ote gym na s tic ~ . Thi s is th e fourth yea r o f gy mnas ti cs in O m a h a. Th e age gro up program i ~ just beginnin g to s ho w its value in th e qu a l ity of competitive gYll1 n as ti c~ in th e high schools.
in turn ]la ss t h ese o n to th e O ly mpic ter.hnie-a ] ('o nnnittee.
Th l' n ext m eet ing nf th e llSOGe wi ll h e h e ld at the US Air F n r ce A cn d e nlY on Thurs(lay, Jun e 20, 1968. . Th e fo ll ow in g m ee ting of th e co mlllitt ee will h e d ete rmin e d nn Jun e 20th. Th e n ew l y f Ol' l1l ed O l y rnpic t PC' hni cn l COl11111 itt ef'
in1l11ed i atel y
fn llow in p: th e
lll eet ing ,,"d e lec t ed Frank "Ve il s a s c hairlllan of th e T ech . Comm itt ee. N o othe l' bu s in ess, th e m eetin g adj o urned . Eugene E. Mitc hell Secreta ry, USOGC
broc hure wa s p assed out a nd explained.
Th e qu es tion was asked as to th e feasi bility of h aving th e judges and top gymnasts e xpen ses paid. A motion by W. Hutto n, seco nded by W . C low, "The fina l gymnast ic tri a ls wi ll be h e ld in Los Angeles , Cali(ornia." M o ti o n carried. The O lympic trials p lan as sent to all mmb e r s of the USOGC was p assed unanimously. June 20, 21, 22 , 1968. Firs t Olympic team tria ls. T o p twenty gymnasts b ecome 1968 O lym pi c Squad . Firs t s ix advance imm e diately to th e fin a l t r ials. Site: US Air F o r ce Academy. August 15, 16, 17, 1968. S econd O lympic t ea m trials . O lympic squad members seve n through twen ty r e maining qualifi e r s. Top s ix advance to final tria ls p lu s o riginal firs t s ix from 1st O lympic trials . (SiteUniy. of Califo rnia or Penn Sta te U niv. ) August 28, 29, 30 , 31, 1968. Final Ol y mp ic t eam trials . Twel ve qual ifi e r s. Co mpulsory exer c ises o n August 29th, 1968. Optional exer c ises on Augu s t 31 s t, 1968. Top e ight qualify for final t eam training. Seven gy mnasts w ill go to M exico City and O lymp ic games. Site: Los Angeles. A nHltio n by Ka rl Schwenzfeier, seconded by Rud y Bachna, "A r e qu es t that the USOC pay the e xpenses of th e of fi cials a n d ju dg"es at a ll three trials." Motion carr ied. FOl' th e selection of judges f o r th e O lympic trial s a letter was sent b y Tom Maloney to a ll judges on the Nationa l Judges li s t a sk ing their ava ilability to judge the three trials. A repo rt of available judges was mad e by Mr. Maloney . A motion by W. Mead e, second ed b y L . C le mm e l- that , "The judges for th e pre li minary and final trial s b e selected by the O lympic Techni cal Committee from the j udges li st by Februa ry I, 1968 . Th e O lympic judges list be determin e d by th e Use o f the FIG card hold e rs under th e dirction of th e Olympic t echnical co mmitt ee." Motio n d efe a ted. A motio n by R. B a chna, second e d by P . Fina, "A s ix memb e r Olympic T echn ical committee be elected with the c h a irm an of the USOGC for gymnastics as an ex o ffi cio member. The fun ctions of the committee to be the selection of the judges
The m eet was run ve r y s mooth ly and e ffi c ie ntly by Mr. Donald "Villi ams, Head Gym nastics Coach at Tre nto n State Co llege. Mr. William s, the N.J .A.A. U ., a nd th e judg"es who gave t h e ir t im e a nd e n e rgy (without p ay ) deserve a t h an k- yo u tr u lll ye r y gymnast w h o p a rti c ipated in thi s meet. As a coll ege g r a du a t e " I truly a ]lp" ec iate th e fin e job these dedi cated p eo p le haye d o n e in providing t hi s ope ll com petition for a ll gymnasts. Gymnastically you r ~, N ic k Alise Old Bridge , ?'i. J .
Th e ~ umm e r sc hool progra m pro," e c1 quit popu la r with the age group 5- 6- 7. Th e e mphasis was put on h anging, climbin g, jumping, , a nd sw inging. I u sed th e mov eme nt a pproach and le t the st ud e nt ~ "discover " movement. On e 6 yr. old gIrl di scu ye r e d the back roll to a head s tand. I taught n o s tunts . I wou ld as k the st ud e nts qu estio ns th a t l ed them from o ne s kill to th e n ext. A sample question might b e "How many ways can you rol l. " I f eel that movement ed u cation h as a real place in the teachin g of gymn as tics. Gymnastically, Tom Sitzm a n Gymnastics Coach North High School Omah a, Nebraska
D e a r i\ir . Sundby: Th e gymnastic coach es in th e state of Wi s<.:o n s in just r ecently formed the "Vis consin High School Gymnastic Coac h es Associat io n. It's primary o bjeet ive is the pl'OI11ution and expam:iion of g'Y ll1nasticH in
o ur state. O n e of our fir s t unc1 e rtakillgs waH a gYlnnastic c l inic h eld ju s t r ecently a t Bay View High School. H ead linin g' the program was George Bauer , th e head g"ymn astic coa c h fr om th e Univ e r s ity o f \'Vi ~ 颅 eo nsin; Fred Roeth lis berge r, the A IIAround c h a mpion from th e Pan Allleriean ga m es; and a numb e r o f Mr. Bauer'~ boys. We had a fin e turnout. The r e " 'er e 225 gY lnnast:::; a nd coaches froln thl'oughout our state in attendance. The program wa s divid ed into s ix sect ions, with one h o ur b e ing spent a t eac h p iece o f apparatus. Tumb ling and Free Exercise w e r e eo n,bined. Th e first half h our was u sed for d e monstra ting and discu ss ion, and th e r e lna ining thn e ,vas u sed f o r in stru c ti oll a nd partic ipation on the part of the gYIllnasts. Enclosed you will find several photo g raph s of our clinic . We would ve r y mu c h appreciate a ny publicity you can give us in your magazine. Sincerely yours, T om Hesiak Secretary, W .H .S.G. C .A. Milwaukee, Wisco n s in TIME & ENERGY
Dea r Mr. Sundby: On Saturday, Dcember 9, 1967, at the Trenton State College Gymn as tium, in Trenton, N.J., the N .J . A .A.U. sponsored an O lympic Development M ee t, in wh ic h about 50 competitors from three states took part.
In order t o have complete sets for binding MG volumes we w ill apply credit to your subscri pt ion for issues returned to us in GOOD co ndition as f o llows: January 1959 January 1964 January 1965 FebrLiary 1965 1964 March April 1964 December 1964 December 1958 March 1961 April 1961 September1963 July-Aug. 1964
$3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
HARD BOUND MG VOLUMES Complete set Vol. I-I X $125.00 (available in limited supply) Volume VIII 1966 $12.50 Volu me I X 1967 $12.50 l3ind Your MG Volumes We will bind your complete set of MG's in hard binding with your name embossed and choi ce of co lor(n~d,blue,green brown} for just $7.50 per volume. Send your sets and specify color ana narre imprint desired. SEND TO: or ORDER FROM:
MG BOUND EDITIONS Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406 29
'SURE GRIP 'RINGS ' A NEW AND BEnER RING FOR GYMNASTICS Introducing: The New "Sure Grip Rings" Made of a special plastic material, Sure Grip Rings are a giant step forward. Here are a few of the reasons why:
Each ring is extremely accurate, con· forming to competition specifications with unheard of pre~ision.. * Sure Grip Rings possess a unique grip· ping quality which does not falter in sweating hands. Caking, which can cause rips, is reduced or eliminated by the lessened need for excessive use of chalk. The near perfect shape and absence of surface irregularities add comfort to a very confident pip ..* * Sure Grip Rings laugh at weather! A continuous, one piece ring, Sure Grips may be left outdoors day and night, month in and month out because they are inherently weather proof. There are no laminates to come apart; there is no shrinking, swell· ing, splitting or warping. Combine these advantages with dura· bility, strength, and very light weight, and you have a new, versatile ring which is far, far ahead of all others. Try the finest ring available. We're sure you'll like them.
&Jre Grip Ri.. $30.00 ORDER FROM: L. A. BELL 1020 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette, Illinois
~An~:~ ---.J ~
MIDWEST OPEN . women. January 27. Deerfield H. S., Deerfield, Illino is. SPAAU NOVICE CH. Jan.27.East mont Jr. H. S., Mo ntebe ll o, Ca lif.
MINNESOTA OPEN up) Jan 27 and Feb Wr ite: M rs. Richard Ave . So" Burnsville.
I ndividua.ll y sized w ooden
shoes, our own make or imports, for your Dutch folk dances .
spectaculars, recitals , etc. Also authentic ·Dutch (ostu mes , caps, hats , all sizes and all colorful. Attractive discou nts to ce rt i fi ed st u d i os.
WOODEN SHOE FACTORY P.O. Box 210·G Holland, Michigan 49423
OLYMPIC - RESILITE PRODUCTS IMPORTED GYMNASTIC PRODUCTS Tiger Canvas & Leather Gym Shoes NY LON Stretch competition uniforms Exlan & Cotton practice uniforms Helenca nylon and stretch nylon warmups Lampwick & leather one·piece hand guards Resilite mats, Free·X, tumbling, apparat us Olympic polyethylene panel mats· chalk Universal Gym and Universal Sauna Olympic athletic vitamins .. Top Star 12 No. Cottage Street
Valley Stream, N.Y. 11580
MEETS for gi rl s( 12 & 3. AAU card requ ired Dennison, 10823 27th M inn. 55378.
RAIDER INVITATIONAL Boys & Girl s· Junio r, High School (NFHSAA), Open Div sions. Februa ry 3, 1968. George Jefferson. Meet Director, Iroquo is H.S., Lou isvi ll e, Ky . WISCONSIN OPEN Gymnastic Ch ampionship February 17, 1968. Brookfield East Gymna· sium, Brookfi eld , Wi sco nsin . Jr. Olympics and WEST TEXAS OPEN. Feb 16-17. Wr ite: Ral ph Dykeman, Maveri ck Boys Club, 1923 Lin coln St., Amaril lo, Texas. KANSAS STATE HIGH SCHOOL CH. Feb. 24, 1968. Kansas State U" Manhattan.Kan. BIG 10 CHAMPIONSHIP: March 1-2, 1968 Mich igan St ate University. 1968 NCAA COLLEGE DIVISION Champion' ships. March 8 & 9. Springfield College, Mass. For information : Mr. Frank Wolcott. Athletic Dept. , Springfield Colleg e, Springfield, Mass. WASHINGTON STATE HIGH SCHOOL CH . Ma rch 8-9. University of Washington.Seatt le. WISCONSIN STATE UNIVERSITIES Conf. March 15-16. LaCrosse, Wisconsi n. ILLINOIS STATE HIGH SCHOOL CH. Mar . 15- 16, 1968. Maine T ow nship HS East. Park Ridqe, Illino is. MISSOURI ALL·STATE Meet. March 16 at Springfield Mo. N.A.I.A. Ch. March 22-23. Ft. Hays, Kansas. A .A.W. U. Championships. March 22-23 U. of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
Save! Buy direct from the manufacturer SIL-O-ETTE leotards are styled and manufactured by Wolff-Fording, a name long recognized for quality. Soft 100% two-way stretch nylon, tailored for perfect fit and freedom of action. One-piece "no-ride-up" construction. Launders beautifully by hand or machine washing. In midnight black: cap, short or long sleeve; children and adult sizes. FREE FOLDER!
JUNIOR NATIONAL AAU Gymnastic Cham· pionships: March 22 & 23. Lawrence D. Bell High School, Hurst Te xas. For inf o rm at ion : Emil J. Milan, L. D. Bell H. S., 1601 Brown Trail, Hurst, Te xas. 76053 UNIV. MISSOURI INVITIONAL'. 23. Co lumbia , Mo.
INDIANA STATE HIGH SCHOOL CH. Mar. 23, 1968. Wa rren Central H.S., Ind ianapo li s, Indiana. NEWARK YMCA OPEN . March 23. Wri te: Pedro Va lez c/o Newar k NJ . YMCA NATIONAL COLLEGIATE WOMEN'S Ch. March 29-30. SI U. Ca rbo nd ale. Illino is. 2nd MARYLAND OPEN' March 30-31 . Write: George C. McGinty, T owson State College Towson. Md., 2 1204
Physical Education Supervisors in schools and other organizations, please write us on your letterhead for special price list. Complete D ance Costume and Accessory catalog also available on request.
1968. NCAA UNIVERSI'TY DIVI SION Cham · pionships. April 4, 5, 6. University of Arizona. For information: Mr. Glenn Wilson , Dept. Health, Phys. Ed., and Recreation. The Uni· versity of Arizona, Tucson , Arizona, 85121 NEW MEXICO STATE HIGH SCHOOL CH. April 5-6, Lovington , N.M. N.A.A.U . Ch. Lo ng Beach Ca lif. Apr il 11- 13. NAT'L YMCA CHAMPIONSHIPS' Girls and Boys. April 19-20, 1968. Write Mr. Robert W. Cornely , YMCA, Reed and Wash ingto n Sts., Reading, Penn a" 1960 1. NJAAU SENIOR WOMENS GYMNASTIC Championships will be held at Montclai r HS Montclair, New Jersey , on May 25th, 1968.
the MODERN GYMNAST magazine
SOFLAN GYM CUSHION : Enthusiastically received as a great instructional aid. The safety factor of the SOFLAN GYM CUSHION encourages even the most timid to attempt difficult dismounts, vaults and tumbling skills. The 5' x 10' x 8" soft foam rubber filler is covered by a nylon breather fabric that allows an extremely soft landing. Handles make the lightweicht cushion easy to carry about the gym. The price ... only $160.00 delivered anywhere in the United States.
GYMNAST'le SUPPLY " co~ 247. 'W . 6th St. ' (Phone 213-831-01'311 San Pedro, Californ,i a 90731
New Ideas from
GYMNASTIC APPAREL Here is quality gymnastic apparel you would expect only from Nissen. Our new line includes: (1) Expertly tailored 100% acrylic warm-up uniforms in your choice of four popular colors; (2) Three styles of men's stretch pants and shirts designed with four-way stretch to allow complete freedom of action for the most difficult movements; (3) 100% stretch nylon leotards in both boat and V-neck styles with special double overlock stitching at all points of stress; (4) Three styles of gymnastic shoes including a new Japanese made lightweight canvas shoe with a special cushioned inner sole; (5) Three styles of handguards; and (6) A fine quality imported chalk. All these items are illustrated in our new 12-page apparel catalog which is available upon request.
PORT-A-SCORE Nissen introduces a totally new concept in gymnastic scoring. PORT-A-SCORE is convenient to operate, using a blinker-type numeral that can be clearly seen 100 yards away. A flip of the finger and each 10" numeral can be changed from o to 9. PORT-A-SCORE is designed with a wide base on four double casters for easy portability. Scoring units can rotate 360路 and are height adjustable.
FREE GYMNASIUM EQUIPMENT CA LOG A copy of our new 36-page, 4-color catalog is yours for the asking. It includes our new 1968 gymnastic equipment with the new Floating Counterbalance feature for safe, effortless adjustment. In addition, Nissen now features the new Reuthertype Uneven Parallel Bars for official competition.
NEW FLOATING COUNTERBALANCE This exclusive feature is installed in each upright of Nissen gymnastic apparatus. Heig h t adjustments are made effortlessly because the piston is always at static tension. Only a slight finger pressure is required to raise or lower the apparatus. Simple, safe and convenient.