FINEST QUALITY After many years of Research and Development the NY-O-LiTE system has been perfected to furnish the the most durable and finest performing mat available. This method permanently bonds a tough vinyl nylon cover (POWERHYDE) to the finest closed cell vinyl foam (NY-O-LlTE) to offer a mat unequaled in performance. This vinyl fo am will never bottom or pack down . The mat carries a 3 year路 guarantee. NY-O-LiTE mat is available in any size up to 50' square.
247.W. 6th St. (Phone 213-831-0131l San Pedre, California 90731
NO OTHER TRAMPOLINE MADE TODAY HAS THESE IMPORTANT NEW CONCEPTS OF DESIGN, STRENGTH AND STABILITY Exclusive all-around built-in 1 foot Deck-Wayl No hinges or 1 No understructure dangerous clamps to attach. This complete, perfectly balanced Deck-Way is built right into the trampoline frame. A new innovation for spotting and class instruction. The Deck-Way will accommodate as many as 25 men at one time while performer is in action. PLUS-New extra thick 1 foot wide foam frame pads now included as standard equipment. PROVIDES COMPLETE COVERAGESIDES, ENDS and CORNERS!
.:.................................................................................. OTHER NEW IMPROVED FEATURES:
2 Exclusive lever action roller
• HALf-fOLD IT! Need extra space on the gym floor? Now you can half-fold the trampoline without inserting the fol/er stands.
stands! Easy, one-man operation-trampoline never has to be lifted to insert the roller stands.
• EXTRA-WIOE SINGLE STRUT LEGS. A new leg design for greater stability and safety, Ihe 4 single strut legs feature an extra wide spread, plus extra large, thicK non-marking rubber floor protectors. • 16 DIRECT SUPPORT POINTS to the top frame provide greater strength and stability than any other trampoline.
3 The new "Chuck Keeney" Trampoline can be easily rolled through any standard 6' 8" doorway when folded on its own roller stands.
• fASTER fOLDING/folds faster. easier with less effort than any other trampoline. The New "Chuck Keeney" Trampoline is available in l' x 14' and 6' x 12' silesofficial for all NCAA and other competition. (Patent Pending) : ... THE WORLD'S GYMNASTIC EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS··
Call or write for our representative to demonstrate our new trampoline.
beneath the performing area! No braces or leg sections cross under the trampoline bed or springs . Completely eliminates the possibility of hitting any structural part beneath the bed when performing strenuous routines.
~wi": • .~ ®
3200 South Zuni Street· Englewood, Colorado 80110
CG NOTES: from the _editor ... _ MG Publications: From time to time we h-ave published programs, posters, pamphlets and other reports from our MG offices as a service to our readers and to help in our aim to stimulate interest in Gymnastics. Just recently we published two such items we would especially like to bring to your attention. First, the NACGC Highlights in Review, a stimulating review of 1966-67 Gymnastic action, competition results and photos from across the nation. Edited by Jerry Wright who masterfully put together all of the major College and University Conference, Regional and National Championship results for the year under one cover. Jerry has also included the top Invitational and Open meets plus a listing of All Time Records, most Team Championships, most individual event wins for a year, for a career, Honor Awards, All-American Team etc. A wonderful Photo Statistic Treasure for every Coach and Gymnast. (Just a dollar for all this). Next, in keeping with the demand for instructional aids, we compiled the recent MG series, Let's Teach Routines by Dr. William J. Vincent into one pamphlet for use in the classroom. Coaches and P.E. Instructors should find this work very handy, and it sells for just one dollar (with discounts up to 50 % for large orders when used as a classroom text). More: We mention the above MG publications because if they are well received by our readers (in sales) we will be in a position to publish many more works of this type. Art Shurlock's series of Let's Go AII-Aroun". Dr. Bosco's Research and Fitness in Gymnastics, Jim Farkas's Helpful Hints, etc., are just a few examples of material on hand that can be put in pamphlet form MG Schedule: Many times in past years, editions of the MG have been held up while we wait for articles that we had planned on for that edition, but due to mailing service or lack of communication did not arrive No matter how good our intentions this is a disservice to our MG readers. In the future we will go to press even if some of our planned materials have not arrived. Beware: the MG Interview may Strike anywhere at anytime, Co~ ches , Judges, Gymnasts or ???, nobody's safe . .. who knows you may be Next!
Official Publication of the United States G mnastics Federation CONTENTS Volume X
Number 2
NOTES FROM THE EDITOR ........................................ Glenn Sundby 4 GUEST EDITORIAL ........................................................ Glenn Wilson 5 CHALK TALK .................................... _................................................... 6 CANADIAN REPORT ....................................................... .John Nooney 7 ALL-AROUND THE WORLD ........................................................ Cerar 8 CHILDREN'S SPORT SCHOOL USSR .................................................... 10 M.G. INTERVIEW .................................... Dick Criley & Ken Sakoda 11 USGF REPORT .................................................................... Frank Bare 12 CALIFORNIA WINTER CLINIC ............................................ Bob Peavy 14 INDIANA CLINIC .................................................................................. 15 LONG ISLAND CLINIC .......................................................................... 15 NEW ENGLAND CLINIC ............................................ Dr. Joe Massimo 15 NATIONAL SUMMER CLINIC ................................................................ 15 MG CALENDAR .................................................................... Dave Thor 16 RESEARCH AND FITNESS IN GYMNASTICS .......... Dr. James Bosco 18 GYMNASTICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION ............ A. Bruce Frederick 20 GYMNASTIC AIDS ........................................ Don Tonry 22 CHICKEN ............................................................................ Rick Tucker 22 NAT'L OFFICIALS ASSOC. NEWSLETIER ..................... .Jerry Wright 23 NEW CODE OF POINTS RATING .................................................... FIG 25 REGIONAL REPORTS ....................................................... .Jerry Wright 26 MG SCORE BOARD ............................................................................. 27 LmERS ............................................................. ................................... 2f MORE MG CALENDAR .......................................... .............................. 31 COVER : Dr. Joseph Massimo instructing, Stu Sm ith of So. Illinois on the rings at the 5th New England Clinic held at Springfield College. Steve Johnson "up" fo r a double back at the Berkeley, Calif. Clinic. Ji m Gau lt and George Hery Spotting.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS -Technical DIC K CRILEY, Produ ctio n KEN SAKO DA , Design
Notice: The MG requests first publication rights {or not at aiD on all unsolicited articles submitted to the MG to be considered for pub· lication. No duplication or carbon copies (except press releases), no articles accepted after the 15th of the month for publication in the follow· ing month (except with prior notification of pos· sible late copy on an article or material already accepted), All Regional reports should be in the hands of Jerry Wright (San Francisco State College, SJ., Ca. 94132) before the 10th of the month pre· ceeding publication. Jerry will edit (if necessary) and arrange to have the reports to the MG office by the 15. (p.s. thank you.)
February, 1968
ASSOCIATE EDITORS - Feature A. Bruce Frederi ck , Education; Dr. James S. Bosco, Research; Di ck Criley, Statistics; Jerry Wright, Competition; Frank L. Bare, USGF; Jess Robinson, Trampoline; Roy Davis, Judging; Jackie Uphues, Women; Kenneth W. Holl is, YMCA; Ken Sakoda, Art; John Nooney, Canada.
THE MOOERN GYMNAST is pub lished by Sundby Publi cations, 410 Broadway, Santa Ma nica , California 90401. Second Class 'pastage pai d at Sant a Manica , Calif. Published month ly except bi-monthly June, Ju ly, August, and Sept ember. Price $5 .00 per year, SOc si ngl e copy: Su bscription correspondence , THE MODERN GYMNAST, P .D. Box 611, San ta Monica, California 90406 . Copyright 1968 © all rig hts reserved bv SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS . 410 Broadwav. Santa Monica . Calif. All p ictu res and manuscripts submitted become the property o f THE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return request and sufTlc ,ent poslage are included.
C__gu_e_s_t_ed_it_o_ri_a_l:_) THE NEXT STEP by Glenn Wilson University oi Arizona Recently, I b egan to wri te a newsletter from the University of Arizona regardin g the 1968 NCAA meet. I looked at previous newsletters fr om P SU and SIU as a guide to my own and fo unn th at I mu st start in essentially the sam e way- "The New NCAA System Of Competition". In the last three years our system of comp etition has flu ctu· ated wildly and receives widespread cntl' cism from coaches with ea ch chan ge. The realiza tion of another change set me to thinking about where it began and where will it end . It then occurred to me that throughout it all is a discern able trend which started lon g ago but which has an end in sight. H ence, this article which gives my views, and which gives a solution which mi ght end wild flun ctation s of the rules. Changes are always necessary, but the wild· ness shown in recent rule chan ges causes a bitterness and lack of cohesion in the sport whi ch is not entirely n ecessary. Whether it is the popular opinion or not the NCAA rules committee is made up of people who sin cerely want to help the sport grow. They sin cer ely want to do what the coaches want them to do, but sometimes there are regional differences in what coaches think ought to be done. This causes an impasse which leads to compromise. This is as it should be, but the compromises so metim es appear to be not in the best interest cif the sport. However, I submit that through all the changes we have been making progress toward a goal which ultimately we must face and strive toward. That goal is a col· lege gymn as tics in this country workin g in the fra mework of the international program. The list of chan ges already made in this direction is impressive, and is repeated her e only for emphasis that progress is already beging made. W e have already : ali gned our events by dropping Tumbling, Flyin g Rings and Rope Climb and by adding LH and Still Rin gs to all dual meets; changed our equipment to near FIG standards by adding their specification s for app aratus" adding a runway for Long H orse, and adding a Floor Exercise pad; chan ged our judging system by adopting the FIG code of points by addin g raw scores to find team scores, usin g a superior judge in large meets, and by adopting the FIG rule on losing grasp or falling fr om the apparatus; In previous tim es we have used both prelimin ary and final scores to determine individual cham· pion ; We have added com pulsories for the All Ar ound competitor, and at the same time the NCAA Champion ships were desig· nated as a qualifyin g meet for the Olympic training team. To be sure we are still tinkering with rules oth er than FIG rules, but each year the list of chan ges closer to FIG becomes larger and larger. I believe that sooner or later (preferabl y sooner) we must come to the reality that we must eventually have All·Around only teams with a possible exception to be dealt with later. This change should be mad e whether it is made abruptly or through some orderly, plann ed ph asin g program. Actually, we have a res ponsibility here th at we should fa ce. The school·college system of the USA is unique to most of the world .
Other co untries develop their gymnasts thro ugh a club or government system which enco urages them to work far beyond the college age. Our system as currently prac· ticed discriminates again st the All·Around man in coll ege and discourages him after he leaves. It is a wond er that we do as well in World com pe tition as we do. If we do not make better provision for in creased All·Around participa tion we will be for· ever left with low level World competitors. Our athletes could do better if we would give them a chan ce.
-;!!2! K . SAliD~
The advantages of movin g entirely to "All· Around in college competition are many. In addition to the more obvious advant age of in creasin g our international stature it could give our sport growth by demanding a smaller bud ge t for schools starting out in gymnastics, and at the same time, spread the base of competitors over a larger num· ber of colleges. This would mean more com· petition and growth for the sport. An All·Around program for colleges would be a very neat pack age indeed if it were not for the trampolin e event. Tram· poline is the first of our American inven· tions ever to gain ' international r ecognition , and for that r eason along with the fact th at I think it is a worthwhile event, I do n ot recommend that we drop the event. In this regard , I believe that in this co untry trampoline must always be a part of the Ameri can gymnastics scene. In other countries trampoline has devel· oped as a separate sport. Due to their clubs supportin g the trampoline, the caliber of th eir comp etitors in trampolin e has grown greatly, and they are on the verge of chal· lengin g our superiority in this event. But, we must fa ce fa cts. In this country, there could not be a separate trampoline sport supported by clubs. If the colleges and "' schools in this country ever drop the tram· poline it is dead in thi s country! No oth er group would step in to save it. I could never envision Athletic Directors hirin g se parate coaches, tying up additional facil i· ties, ahd creating new bud gets for the sport of trampolin e. So I think that trampoliI} e
must stay in college gymn astics wh ere we very fortun a tely have been able to in corpor· ate it into our gymn astics system. I beli eve th at we have the sam e respon sibility to the intern ational trampolin e spor t that I men· ti oned earlier th at we h ave to all· around or intern ational style gymnastics. Finally, I will venture a solution based u pon the argum ents I've presented. Collegi· ate gymnasti cs teams should be made up of so me number of All·Aroun d competitors along with some number of trampolin e men. The numbers in themselves are unim portant , but some purely American ideas should prevail here. Of course, it would be simple to say that we should have six man teams m'u ch the same as the Olym pic teams, but in this country we have recently been tryin g to pay some attention to the spectator. Six men in each event fr om each team would be too many and would make the mee t too long for spectator comfort. Four or fi ve with the best three or four scores to count for team score would make a better spectator meet, and would reduce the number of " dud" r outin es that are bound to occur durin g the fi rst few years of the system . Ideally, th e number of trampolin e men on a team would be the sam e number as the number of All·Around men with th e same number of scores co untin g in the team scor e. But thi s -is not actually necessary. We could have fewer trampoline men than All-Around with out too much can· fu sion sin ce it is a special event. Fewer trampoline men mi ght even be a good solu· ti on fo r a while since there do not seem to be enough trampolin e men to go around . Secondary to the main argum ent presented above is this idea. Trampoline should be conducted in this country in such a way a s to fit into our gymnastics system, but also conducted in such a way as to conform as nearly as possible to the intern ational trampoline rules. A few modifications in our current rules would be necessary, but as it stands now a trl\.mpolinest has many adjustments to make when attempting t o compete internationally. Through all our changes in recent times we have been floatin g "without realizin g it toward the international progra m in gymnastics. Th e trampoliI1e event has always been a problem to u s sin ce it was never accepted by the FI (';. nor is it likely to b e in the near future. The trampoline is, how· ever, an international sport, and should be sup ported in the only way that it can b e in this co untry-the school·college system. Likewise, gymnastics in. an All-Around sport throughout the rest of the world, and I believe that we should accept and learn the in tern ation al ways for the good of the sport and to enhance our chances in international competition. We can do both, and I believe tha t we should try to accomplish both goals in the school-college system. (That's where its at in this country ) . In none of this have I implied chan ges for the high school system since I am immin ently not qualified to speak for the hi gh schools. High school coaches should control their own development , but even a s I write this I know that such a change a s outlined for th e colleges would affect high school gymnasti cs. I am not sure as to exactly what effect it would have, but per · sonally, I believe tha t the eff ect would b e a favorable one in the lon g run .
NEW FILM RELEASED The N issen Corporation has released a film of the recent World Profession al Tram poline Championships. An addi tional highlight is the near·perfect exhibiti on per· forman ce by Doris Brause on the uneven parallel bars. The film sells for $50 or is a va il able for 5·day re nt al at $5.00. It is 16mm , B & W, sound , and the runnin g time is 20 minutes. FOR THE WO MEN ! The new Made moiselle Gymnast, Vol. 2, No.3, features th e 1968 Olympi c co mpul· sories, an article from A. Bruce Frederi ck on rhythmic gymnasti cs with the ball, an accounting of the tou r of the women's team of th e Unive rsity of H elsinki through the U.S., and re ports of summer gymnasti c cam ps for women. M ile G. is published for the women in gymn astics fi ve ti mes durin g the school year (Se ptemb er to Jun e) . NAIA R ULEBOOK The National Associati on of Intercol· legiate Athletics has p1:lblished th eir 1967· 1968 editi on of Gym n as tics Rules and Regu· lations. Copies may be obtained from Robert Hussey, Sec·Treas. of the executive com· mittee, at Eastern Illinois Uni versity, Charleston, Illinois.
"WINNING" by Jay Long .Midshipman U.S . Nava l Academy Everyone wants to win and everyone can. I do not look at my score to see if I've won. I do no t look at my opponents score to see if he has won. I kn ow if I've wo n or not as soon as my feet touch the mat on my di smount. I've won if I honestly fee l I've done my best possible j ob, ful · filled my full est potential. It sure is nice to win. But what or who have I beaten if not my oppon ent ? Severa l thin gs : I have beaten the temptation to do three instead of four routin es during a workout. I have bea ten lazin ess. I have beaten fear. I have bea ten a "clutch fa ctor" and many other thin as. In short I have beaten being beaten by I~yself. Now this all sounds nice but is quite useless. Useless unless I know how to kee p from losin g to myself. When I stand at attention before the head·judge prior to executing my r outine 500/0 of my chan ces of winnin g have already been determined. This 500/0 comes from how effectively I've utilized my workou t time durin g th e past week. I find that it isn't how much work I've done the previous week that count s. Quite the contrary, it's how much work I haven't done. If it takes me 1500 ft. ·lbs. of work to do my routine one time and 2000 another then my first is by far the better of th e two. We must constantly seek out flaw s in our r outines. It is impossi ble to correct so methin g you don't recognize as a fault. The only way to fin d faults is to do routin es and have someone else as well as yourself criticize them. Th e most effi cient routin e is the most bea utiful one. Ask any judge. If we work all week then, and only accom plish 500/0 of our work , where does the oth er 500/0 co me from ? Yo u don' t have
LONG BEAC H TO HOST The Southern Cali fo rnia Acro Team will host the 1968 Sr. National AAU Men an d Women's Gymnastic Cham pionshi ps at th e Long Beach Sports Arena on April 11th to loo k very far. It's in your mind . Have yo u ever heard of so meone " psychin g him· self out" or " clutchin g"? P eople have all sorts of reactions to words like these because the subj ect these words touch on is so intangible. The subj ec t is your mental attitude. Fine, now we've put it into words but what does th is r eally mean and in volve? It involves as many thin gs as there are people for we are all different and so are our mental attitudes. There is no formula in ex isten ce to obtain the correct mental attitude which will work for everyone. The mos t I can hope to do is relate how I go about tryin g to obtain the correct attitud e for me. Obtaining the correct attitude is a never endin g job. I have to do it before every meet, before every practice routin e, even while I'm going thro ugh a routine in competition. When I fail to do so I always do less th an my best. What do I think about and say to myself then ? I say many thin gs. Here are some of them ; " I must look confident to my teammates, the judges and the spectators. I must step right u p to the apparatus and get se t without hesi· tation. I must have a stron g start but not too violent a one. I must not rush things an d ye t I can't r elax and try to co ast through anything. I must work each move and remember all the pitfalls and fla ws I have been working on. I must make my routin e beautiful. I must dismount like I've just fini shed the best routin e in th e world. I must come to a stance and walk tall back to the bench. I must find out my mistakes and work on them next week .." All of these I must think about constantly. You may have to think of different things but no matter which things they are, let us never stop thinking. Well, there it is, all 1000/0 of it. Each 500/0 is equally imp ortant and you can take this for what it's worth . Be you a begin· ner with a routine valued at 7.0, or ad· van ced with a 10.0 r outine, whether yo u fini sh last or first, yo u can still "win" if yo u've don e your best j ob. The most bitter defeat is when the meet is over and you find you've been beat en by yourself.
INST ANT REPLAY TV IN GYMNASTICS by Eric Hughes This season the University of Washington will compete against the University of Illinois in the sport of gymnasti cs and yet neither team will leave their own gy m. This is just an example of the way the video tap e record er can be used in gymnasti cs. On February 3, the University of Washin gton team will be taped in a competition again st the Seattle YMCA. During a meet with the University of Indiana on Febru· ary 10, the Un iversity of Illinois will record th e performan ce of their team. These two
AAU CHAMPIO NSHI PS thro ugh the 13th in coo peration with the Long Beach Conventi on Burea u and th e Sports Ar ena. Mr. Bud Marquette will direct t ~e. ~ h a mpi on s hip s . tapes will be sent to Bill Roetzheim, President of the Mid-East Gymnastic Officials Association, who will have four neutral judges score the video·taped routines in the same way they would judge a reg ular gym· nastic meet. This undoubtedly will be the first intercollegiate competition ever held in this manner . No one knows for sure whether valid gym· nasti c scores can be obtained from video tape. A graduate student at the University of Washington is doin g r esearch on this problem at the present time. Some of the thin gs that must be determined are : is there any signifi cant difference between scores award ed live performances and scores awarded vid eo taped routines ; does the camera an gle (judging an gle) make a dif· ference in scores awa rded ; does the same judge award similar scores fo r a ro utin e viewed live and on video tape; is the quality of the tape likely to make a great difference in the scores awarded.
There are many other ways a TV r ecorder can be used in gymnastics. For example, occasionally judges find it difficult to agree on a score for a competitor. Lengthy discussions often ensue because the scores awarded by the four judges do not fall within the ran ge specified by the rules. A second look at the routine on video tape would only take a minute and might bring about agreement without lengthy de· bates. Meets that have been recorded can be used as a coachin g aid. It is exceptionally valuable for an athlete to view his com· petitive performan ce. It is easier to diagnose mistakes when routines can be seen and possibly analyzed in slow motion. This can be accomplished with motion picture film but coaches can not afford this very oft en as film is expensive. Video tape is also expensive but it can be used many times. The TV recorder has more value in train· ing sessions than in actual competition. Any or all training sessions can be taped and viewed later or. more important. can Co ntin ued on page 29.
REPORT by f ohn Nooney 18 Lavington Dr . Weston, Ontario HER E AN D TH ERE lVIr. and Mrs. J ohn H emin gway are retir· in g this year from the F lick a Gym Club, Vancouver to devote more tim e to thei r new home. Thank yo u fo r yo ur efforts on behalf of the Sport. Sandy H artley of the Na tion al Women's team is now a ttendin g Washington State University. This co uld be Sandy's big ye ar. I kn ow all th e B.C. poe pIe miss her. "Best of luck , Sandy." The Thunderbird Y Gym Camp directed by Gordy Gannon was aga in a huge sue· cess. Over 50 gymnasts attended. Mrs. Hartley, Peter K opoc and lVIr. H enderson co ached th is year. Congra tul ati ons Gordy, I wish we had more Su mmer Camps of th is ty pe throughout Canada. I wo uld like to welcome Mr. P eter K opoc who has recently arrived from Yugoslavia and Mr. J. lVIoorehouse who has co me to Canada from Ireland. Both these men are now coachin g in the B.C. area and I am told con tribu ting a great dea l to th e Sport in that area. ONTA RIO SPORTS F EDE RATIO N The P rovin cial Dept. of Ed ucati on in conjun ction with the Commun ity Pro· gr,a mmes Branch held an organizational mee tin g with representa tives of all the dif- feren t amateur sports associati ons, to di scuss the for min g of a provincial spor ts federation. Many excellent proposals were put forward Adm inistrative assistance, use of facilities in conjun ction with Recreati on Depts., a unified voice, etc. A further meeting will be held on Apri l 19th. Mr. J. Hun ter and Mr. Jim Mc P herson were elected by our Sport, to be th eir represen tatives at this meetin g. NORTH AM ERI CAN I NV ITATIO NA L CHAM PIO NSHI PS MEN A TD WOMEN The date has now been set Feb. 29th, March 1st and 2nd. Countries parti cipat ing are the U. S.A., Mex ico, Cuba and our own team. T hi s meet will be held in the new P acific Colise um in Van co uver, B.C. and pro mises to be one of the major meets of 1968. E ntries and information, contact Mr. V. E. H artl ey, 340 West 28th St. , North Vancouver, B.e. EASTERN CANADIAN CH AMPIO NSHIPS l\'IE AN D WOMEN This meet will be held this year at P ort Col borne Hi gh School, P ort Col borne, Ontario on A pril 12th and 13th . Co mpulsory and opt ion a Is. Further in for mation, entries, etc. con tact Mr. Jim Mc Ph erson, 237 Willson Rd ., Weil and , Ontario. MID -W EST CH AM PIO NSHIHPS U.S.A. Gil Larose made a br illi ant comeback by placin g 4th in All Aro und . More than 25 co mpetitors took part in thi s meet.
ONT ARIO PROVI NCIAL A W ARD S Susan Me Donn ell was award ed the NOR~"IA CRAI G TROPHY as top prov in cial at hlete of the ye ar 1967 in Ontari o. This was a great honor for gymn astics and a first. Susan did a magnifi cent job repre· sen tin g our S port. She was also chosen as rep resen tat ive of the athl etes of th e provin ce in a special presentation ceremony given by the Pre mier of Ontario, The Rt. Hon. J ohn Robart s at the Royal Yo rk Hot el, Toront o. Congra tul ati ons Susan. A REVI EW OF OUR CEN TENN IAL YEA R 1967 We certainly hosted many im po rtant events in 1967. The P an Ameri can Gam es in W inn ipeg, the Natio nal Centenni al Championships at Tor onto, th e Na ti onal College Champi onshi ps at Ed monton , the Na tional Gy mn astic Scho ol at Toronto , a second visit by the Russian tea m and many other visits of European grou ps to our fa bul ous Expo at Montreal and last but not least th e tremendo us cross-count ry tour by our Army gymn asts with th e Milit ary T attoo. Gym nastics has rece ived excellent expos ure ri ght across th e land . This was made possibl e by great sacrifi ces by many peopl e. At th is tim e I would like to take this opportun ity to thank our tremend ous en erget ic and capa ble Natiori al President, M. Ray mond Gagnier, Montreal, who was th e guidin g han d behind all of these important events and many more smaller ones. Thank yo u, Ray mond, on behalf of all the gy mnast ic frat ernity. A grea t amo unt of adm inistrative ex perience has been gained by many conveners and many peopl e can be justly pro ud of thei r efforts. In general th e over all picture was never better for th e Spor t. New cl ubs, new coaches, our universities and high school are becom ing very active-also tremendous spectat or interest and excellent TV coverage. It is now up to th e Na tional and Provincial Executives to keep this interes t alive .. . also to pl an more nat ional and interna ti onal events and above all to improve the techni cal standard of our S port. I personally believe we are in a new era of gym nastics in Canad a. Our Cente nn ial year was just the springboard we needed to unify our efforts across our wonderful co unt ry and that there is no limi t to the future of our Sport. A H APPY 1968 to all. NORT H YORK P ARKS AN D R EC R EATIO N DE PT. , TORO NTO I E NEW GYMNASTIC CENTERS F ORMED Th e Boro ugh of North York is lea din g the way in the development of a maj or gym nasti c programm e in Canad a. Th e orth York Gymn as ti c Club, operat ed by the P ark s and Recreation Depart ment now has 200 participants, and has expanded its program to in cl ude a second period of operation fo r 30 to 40 of the club's top gy mnas ts. H owever, th e most recent development, and perha ps the most excitin g acco rdin g to Bo rough offi cials is the ' expansion of th e progra m to nine new centres across North York. Ross Waters, Ass istant Co-ordin ator of the Physical Health and Ed uca ti on Departm ent , Board of Educa ti on, and Frank Burch, Co-ordin ator of P rogrammes, P ark s and Recreation Department have planne d an d initi ated the expansion whi ch will be co-operatively opera ted by both Departments. To be called the No rth Y ork Ju nior Gymnastic' Club, th e nin e centres will oper-
ate for a pilot fift een week series, commencing early in Jan uary . A registration fee of S5.50 will be charged and registration is by mail only. P arti cipants mu st be in grades 4, 5 or 6. Pub licity and applica tion form s are now bein g circul ated to all Publi c Schoo ls in North York . and are also ava ilabl e by contactin g th e Parks and Recreati on Departm ent. The program will be im tru cted by experi ence d Physical H ealth and Edu cation staff, and a maximum of 65 par ti cipants in each centre will assure greater participati on and instruction. Th e foll owin g are the nine new ce ntres and the day which each locati on will ope r· ate : e.B . P arsons J r. High- Thursdays Don Mills J r. Hi gh- Thursdays Eli a ] r. Hi gh- Wednesdays Fishervill e J r. Hi gh- Thursdays No rthm ount Jr. High- Wednesdays S t. Andres Jr. Hi gh- Thurs. or Wed. Queensborough J r. High- Wednesdays Wilson Ht s. J r. Hi gh- Thursdays Woodbin e Jr. Hi gh- Mondays F or furthr inform ati on, or to obtain the ap plica ti on form cont act the P arks and Recrea tion Department at 225·4611 , Tor· onto. MARITI MES OP EN GYl\I NA5 TI C CH A.IPIO NS HI PS FOR ME N AN D WOM EN (AAUl T his meet will take place at the Uni ve rsity of New Brunswick, Frederi cton, N.B. in the Lady Beaverbrook Gym, Saturday, the 6th of April. All entries and inform a· ti on can be obtained from Mr. Don G. Eagle, A part me ntA-6, Brawn Court, Nas h· waaksis, New Brunswick. This is open meet and is for Argo, T yr o, Novice, Junior and Senior. Don wants to enco urage tea ms to attend-4 nlen or wo me n
are considered a team. This should be an excellent mee t.
o TTARIO HIGH SCHOOL CLINIC !Ill'. Kev in Crouse recent ly convened a cl inic on the national junior compulsories fo r hi gh school gymnasts at Parkside Hi gh Schoo l Dundas. Th is clinic as directed by AI Dippon g, Nat Tech Director and e. O.G.A. senior coach. Ass isting hi m were B. Brooker ( Nati onal tea m memb er ) , B. Bouittlier (A metsburg H. S.), M. Prent ( Harm onie ) and B. :'I lc Vey ( Harmonie), P . P ichler and S. :\Iitruk (Genn ani a) . A total of 80 teacher coaches att endf'd with th eir school gy mnasts. It was a real shot in the arm for many boys and many new moves were learned . I was personally involved in the settin g up of this cl inic as th e Men', Technical Chairm an for e. O. G.A. This clini c is now av ailable to any group of hi gh school in Ontario, just write di rectly to me. That evenin g a display was given by the Eston ian Modern Gymna stic Gro up ( balls and hoo ps), the Rotary Wintonettes Scar· borough girls group and a co mbin ed men 's group fro m th e H armonie and Germ ani a Gym Clubs. This display was enj oyed by over 400 people. This day of gy mn asti cs should help in the promotion of th e Spo rt in the Dundas and Hamilton area. Th ank you Kev in. HAR D BOU N D MG VOLUMES Co mpl ete set Vo l. I-I X $ 125.00 (availab le in limited supp ly) Vo lume V III 1966 $12.50 V o lume I X 1967 $ 12.50
MG BOUND EDI T IONS Box 777 Santa Mon ica, Calif. 90406 7
Children's Schools for Sports and Gymnastics in the USSR
by Borislav Bajin
Tran~lated for the Modem Gymnast by Mila Grgurevic fr om the Yugoslav J oumal Fizicka Kultura 21 (1路2 ) :71-74, January, 1967
MEN GYMNASTIC SHOE The finest oil-around gymnastic shoe in the market. Mode of canvas with white rl. bber sales. Elastic straps across the top provides for that perfect snug fit and appearance. Elastic braid at bock of shoe to prevent shoe from slipping off during exercise.
Order sam;, size 0$ your street shoe or draw outline of foot 'o n paper for correct size . In white only .
Sizes: 1 - 12
$2.50 pro ppd.
1966 World Championships Films (8mm in Color) See the most complete coverage of the championships showing the world's finest gymnasts in action. Observe new moves, techniques and executions as performed at Dortmund (German), Westfalenhalle, Europe's largest sport arena .... No Rental. Men 475ft. $32.00 ppd. Women 420 ft. $30.00 ppd 1967 SANTA MONICA GYM FEST
Smm in color-
See for yourself unusual gymnastics at work. Fliffus dismount from high bar in slow motion, mini-tromp and swinging rings dismounts (triple flyawa ys), double act on the uneven parallels, handbalancing, trampoline and men 's Olympic events. 150 ft. in Eastman color.
Special $12.00 Ppd路.
JAPANESE EXHIBITION AT LONG BEACH 1967 16mm film, B & W, s il e nt and apprax. 410 ft. in leng th. Hi g hl y educational film stre ss ing group calisth e nic warm-up, some warm-up on apparatus and finally ex ce ll ent opti onal routines by two o r three Ol ympic team membe rs On ea ch of the 011around events. Me n' s events only. Frank Endo 12200 So. Bere nda L.A., Calif. 90044 Three da ys rental: $5.00 Sales: $30.0Q Ppd.
"ACROBATICS" s pecializ~d Training in FLOOR EXERCISE only
JOE PRICE co 1697 Broadway
Suite 302
New York City, N.Y. 10019
In its attempt to create children's schools for different sports, our co untry mainly follows in the foot steps of the USSR and tries to do the same in the fi eld of gymnasti cs. Durin g a recent stay in the USSR (Moscow, Ki ev, Lenin grad ), I became familiar with some of the best children 's schools for sports and gymnastics. Since my observations may be of value for our work, I am stating them in this article. Training schools for all sports exist in all major cities of the USSR. Today the enrollment in these schools is the sole opportunity for young people who mint to go out for sports. It is impossible to imagine that anyone can set a record or receive a medal by any other means. In these schools trainin g is conducted under the best conditions by highly qualified professionals. Children's schools for sports are formed in order to fabricate young athletes; that is, 'in order to prepare them both physically and mentally for attaining highest world and olympic records. Because of this goal th ese schools will admit only those who, on the basis of different tests and observation s, show exceptional skill in sports; that is, those for whom expected results will be obtained. Almost every larger sport society has such D.S.S. Children's School for Sports) which produce the best athletes-for example, Larrisa Petrik, USSR woman's ' champion in 1964 and Natasha Koutschinskaya, woman', champion in 1965 and others . According to A. B. Plotkin, chairman of the training league of Moscow, children are admitted to these schools when they ' are 10 years old. Each year trainers recruit new talents, future masters in sports. Each trainer does this in an assigned number of schools where together with physical education teachers they choose the children according to their physical build and looks. Posture is important also. Those cho sen children are tested and the final choice is made on the basis of test results as well as a doctor's examination and their ' success in school. The first two years a child spends in these schools are considered a preparatory period; that is, during this time most attention is paid to development of psychophysical qualities-development of feelin g for good posture, rhythm, and movement to music. This is the preparation for harder exercises to follow. Instruments are used for development of strength. Many exercises are done on the floor to music; others on the bars. Children often supervise one another while doing easier exercises. A group of 6-8 boys or girls of approximately the same age is created. They spend 2-3 hours daily 3-4 times a week doing exercises. A piano player as well as a choreographer is found at each of these sessions where the first half-hour of warming up is done with mu sic and consists mostly of rhythmic exercises. Different groups do different exercises. The rotation to different appar-
atus is timed and don e to the signal of the bell run g by the instructor. According to my observations, the best girls are those who belong to the Kiev House of Sports and boys belongin g to th e Moscow H ouse of Sports, "Krila Sovjetov." H ere, boys and girls 13-14 years old do the following exercises: Boys: Parallel Bars-various means of arnvmg in a handstand; Horizontal bars-at least two giant swin gs; Still rings-disloca tes, crosses ( possibly olympic cross according to the translator) ; Side horse-scissors, double leg circles ; Acrobati cs (Floor Exercise)forward and backward somersaults or flip s, "Arabian" turn s; Long horse-vaults from the front end, "Yamashita" vault. Girls: Acrobati cs (Floor Exercises) -sit-ups, leg lifts ; Side Horse Vaulting-cartwheel ; Uneven bars-mount lower bar with a somersault (hip circles) and upon completion of the somersault grasp th e high bar ; Balance beam- forward and backward steps and movements, free stands. Injuries are often caused as a r esult of the tremendous strain which is exerted upon young bodies by these exercises. Along with the question ab out the DSS (children's schools for sports), a qu estion of early specialization has been discussed. I , myself, talked with some well-known experts in the field such as D. S. Mishakov, A. B. Plotkin, Chern ish, Plisko, and others. All of them admit that in the USSR contradictory opinions exi st on this su bj ect ; that is, when children should start trainin g. While Plisko believes that children should start training at the age of 6 or 7, he emphasizes th e fa ct that the only thing that really matters is a satisfa ctory program for children of this age. Well-known Shlemina thinks that th e age of 10 is the most favorable. The fact that at the present tim e . children's schools for sports admit children beginning with 10 years of age shows that most trainers support the latter's opinion. - On the other ' hand, the great specialist D. S. Mishakov believes that specialization should begin somewhat later; that is, when the body strengthens and becomes r eady for great exertion. According to him, competition in athletics should be begun at an age no sooner than 18. Only such gymnasts can stay at the top for longer periods of time. In order to prove his point, Mishakov gives as an example his students Latynina and Shaklin who were at the top for 10 years and compares them to Larrisa P etrik who becam e the USSR champion when she was 15 and came down to 5th place last year. Als&, she often suffers from inj uries and this makes her further success uncertain. Meanwhile, the general opinion is that exercising on apparatus in ' Russia has advanced tremendously. Many Soviet trainers are now fighting against the dangerous elements in sports and gymnastics and tryin g to find out if grea ter loads upon a body durin g adolescence perhaps may not go along with the basic rule of physical education- the attempt to create a healthy, strong, happy and gifted person.
(~~~~~_ ~~V_ ~OO_ W~~_ I :_C_OaC_ h Hi_II M_ead_e ~J BY DICK CRI LEY AND K EN SAKODA
Southern Illinois University, National Cha~ps: ' 64:66:67 and possibly 68-How? The MG ask ed the man behind it ... (C oach of the 1964, 1966 and 1967 N CAA Championship Teams, Manager fo r the 1968 Olympic Gymnastic team, active member on all levels of the N ACGC, USGF, NC AA Gymnastic Rules Committee, Illinois Gym 路 nastic Association, and many others.) When and where did you get start ed in gymnastics? I started in Warr en H igh School about 1938 and went from there on down to Penn State in 1942 and then 1947路49. I was a tumbler and parallel bar man in high school and college. From t her e' I went on to University of Nor th Carolina and got my Master's a nd stayed on there until 1956 and came to Southern (Illinois ) in 1956. How did you start to develop your gym nastics team? In Nor th Carolina, it was j ust a matter of gettin g them out of the gym classes. When I came here (S.LU.) I went to several of t he gym mee ts in Chicago and talked to some of t he ki ds and end ed u p with abou t 10 kids for the follow ing year. How did you first seasons at SIU go? W ell, my first season h er e I lost the fi rst eight and won the last one. W e've had a winnin g season ever since then. Where do you start looking for gymnasts? A lot of times, people will tell me about kids. But, I see a lot of kids in t he suburban leagues. I judge fo r the conference or distri ct and State meet every year her e in Ill inois. I usually go to the Colorado State meet and I've been to t he Loui sian a State meet. A lot of others I'll hear ab out from some of my own boys or some of the co aches will wri te a bout some of the kids. Do you have an "ideal" gymnast in mind when you're looking? Oh no, not particularly. I think more than anyth ing else, in talkin g with a ki d, I'm inter ested in a boy who really wants to be a good gymnast. H e's got the desire a nd wants to work hard. Basically, beca use hard wor k has been our philosop hy, I feel if a kid r eally wants to wor k hard, why I'm willi ng to work with him. What is your idea of the role of the coach? Here, our policy is that everybody teaches. It isn't so m uch that I decide wh a t the boys are goin g to do, but we all work together and the kid s coach each other with the understa nd ing th a t nobody is more impor tant than anybody, else. W e l ik e the fr eshm en to feel t hat they are just as im portant as the seniors, or some of the stars we've had ,her e in the p ast. My role seems to be to keep the desir e that they show and the pride. We'r e stron g on pr ide ar ound h ~re. And if I might say one thing th at mI ght be a k ey to our success is th a t th e kids are proud of the gymnasti c team and , they're pro ud of th e record we' ve had . T hey work h ard to live up to the idea 01 a good gymnast. When it comes down to actual coaching, do you consider yourself a real "hardcore" type?
Oh yeah, I'm real to ugh on them, we work h ard , b ut we like to h ave a lot of fun too. I l ike to present it in such a way tha t they laugh a t themselves. We don' t laugh at anybody ; we laugh with them. I don 't take myself very ser iously and I try to ha ve the k ids tak e the same a tti tud e. It's always been my idea that there's no way, to learn a t rick. I don't say that yo u hav e to do ex actly th is way to learn ; I don' t care how it ha ppens. We try anything. If we're having trou ble, say, with a kid learning a front-off on p-bars, we'll try i t on the opposite side. J ust anythin g t hat'll help him learn t he trick. Do you rely on a lot of talks with the team? . No, I have very few heart-to-heart ' talks and we j ust go over some of the thin "s and that. I don't have any talks to k~y t hem u p ; t ha t k ind of takes care of itself. I'm n ot a gr eat believer in pep talks. How do you budget your workouts? A lot of the times we work every event every day. When I'm wor king with the allar ound men, we hit all of the a ppara tus. Generally we vault from abou t 3 to 3 :30. Then we'll go to sid e horse and do about 3 sets there. Then we go to high bar and while they'r e warm ing up I take a look at the tramp men. W e'll go a bo ut 3 sets there and then I'll look at the hi gh bar ,men. Th e~ over to p-bars; t hen I'll go over to nn gs and look a t the s pecialists wh il e th e all-around men are war min g up on the p-bars. Then I'll co me back there. W e ge t to floor exer cise about 5 :30 or so. We work it pretty much lik e that. Do you have any people helping you as assistants? Well, th er e's Rick Tuck er, but he's still working out too. Of course, I'm a way a lot an d the k ids do a great job wheth er I'm there or not, so my r ole isn't really to b e there to tell them wha t to do. They j ust wa nt to get better and they're going to work . I never worry about bein g away beca use I kn ow they're going to work. Now, may be some of th em need a l ittle ki ck in th e pan ts every now a nd then, but basically speaki ng they're go in g to get the job done.
You say you de pend on their own initia tive most of the time. Are you there eve ry day? Any time I'm in town, I'm in there I days a week. Ou r MG controversy article on the bearde d gymnast brings to mind a question on how far does the coach ' s authority extend as fa r as discipline is concerned? T he k ids learn ea rly what I expect them to do. I'm quite stron g on haircuts. T he kid s have to have haircuts before every meet or look like they've had one. No beard s or m ustaches or th in gs like that. I th ink it's just part of the di scipl ine that goes with the sport, also the clean cut appearance. I t hink a lot of t he sport and I hate to see somebody with long hair because I think it de tracts fr om the person as well as the performan ce. You m ight say I'm pretty stron g on discipline because it is a discipline sport, and if they don 't understand tha t, why they don 't come along very well as a gymnast. How do you develop a trampoline team? It seems that this is a question which has become a problem. It's j ust a matter of hard work . As I say, we work hard every day on the trampoline, doing three sets every time. The tra mpol ine is set up all t he time and t he kid s are usu ally there 2-3 hours. They're there bouncin g around and spending a lot of ' time wor king on new tricks. If yo u've got on e good performer, he's going to coach t he r est of t hem as has happened to us. Da you th ink trampoline is going to remain as a part of our college gymnastics scene? (Lau ghter ) Gee, I don' t know. I'm on the Committee too, and I'm not j ust exactly sure how it will come out. I'm anxious to see the r esults of this latest q uestionnaire the NCAA sent out. I'm sure t he chairman will call a meetin g ~ d then we'll get more of a feeling of the group than ' we've ever h ad in the past. Do you make use of films or videotapes? We do have a videocor der which we made use of all summer, particularly in terms of the compulsories that we wer e working the kid s on . We don't study films basically . W e li ke the video tape because it's so handy. Wi th the videotape the kid can look a t it real quick an d h e can see j ust wha t he's doin g wrong. It can save a lot of hours of time talking and trying to explain to him. You know, I think the bi ggest part of coachi ng is comm un ication . If I can talk wi th a kid so he knows exactly wha t I wa nt or wha t he's doing wron g . . . I'll try to explain som ething in so many diff eren t ways until he finally un dersta nds just wha t I mean. I think coachin g actually is just communication . If they can und erstand what I'm talking about with t he use of a n illustration , we h ave a lot more success. Touching upon the coming Olympic trials and team, just how do you see your role as Manager and what is your relation with Jack Beckner? Actually, this is a r ole I enj oy, because it gives me an opportun ity to do thin gs I do all the time as a coach, gett ing things ready and that. In the trip to Mex ico City Co ntinu ed o n page 24. 11
The United States Gymnastics Federation P.O. Box 4699 Tucson, Arizona
Executive Director
INTERNATIONAL TEAM TOURS USA SCANDINA VIAN ALL-STAR GYMNASTICS TEAM tours U.S.A .. . . beats four of five United States All-Star College teams . . . and performs before 18,000 .Americans. An outstanding group of seven Scandinavian gymnasts toured the U.S.A. durin g January and met teams in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Colorado and California. The team arrived in the U.S_A_ on J anuary 9th, amidst a most impressive snow-storm. Their S.A_S. Flights had been delayed due to snow in Scandinavia . . . the team actually arrived on two fli ghts but within a few minutes of each other. From New York the team journeyed to State College, Pennsylvania and spent three days in adjusting to the over the Atlantic flight and preparing for their opening match against Penn. State University_ On the 12th, before more than 7,000 fans . . . the colorful opening ceremonies began and the meet was on. Penn. State, utilizing Greg Weiss, Steve Cohen; Bob Emery, J _ Litow, K_ Kindon, and Dick Swetman . The final score _ .. Penn. State University 272.20 and the visiting Scandinavians .. _ 270.55. The all-around events was won by Greg Weiss who looked great, second was young Bob Emery and third Has Hans Peter Nielson of Denmark_ The visitors were hosted in grand style by P enn. State _' _ . a great deal should be sa id about th e Director of Athletics Ernest McCoy and his able and energetic varsity coach, Gene Wettstone_ It was a great event to witness. Next morning early _ . _ it was departure tim e for what was to have been a short hop from Pittsburgh to Chicago _ . . but the snow continued to fall and the team was flown to Philadelphia __ . in order to catch a flight to Chicago and then upon reaching Chicago only one runway was available and we circled a while before landin g in . . . of all things a snow storm_ Th e team spent about two hours in the airport . __ then boarded a T.W.A. flight to Phoenix , Arizo na. In Phoenix, the visitors were met by VicePresid ent of Arizona State University, Dr. Joe Schabacker, and Director of Athletics Clyde Smith, and varsity co ach Norris Stever路 son. The team was driven to Tempe, and rested that evening before the gracious hosts arrived nex t day . . . in 70 degree temperatures . _ . to take the Scandinavians on a tour of Mountain parks, and the campus. The visiting gymnasts soon learn ed that all the oranges on th e trees are not sweet . _ . but none-th e-Iess for most of them it was their first visit to such a tropic atmosphere and th e weather was impressive, parti cularly after the several days before_ The meet was Monday ni ght, the 15th .. _ and a Western Athletic Conference team with Paul Tickenoff of New Mexico, Jeff Bennon and Gene Voorh ees of Arizona , Rich Impson and Darryl Bair of Arizona State and Mike Kimball of Utah . _ . met the visiting all-stars from Scandinavia. Th e yout hful American college team was visibly nervou s the fir st night . . . and wen t down to an easy defea t. The nex t even in g, the same two teams met in Tucson, at the Un iversity of Arizona. During the day the team s were hosted for lun ch at beautiful Skylin e Coun try club and then visited th e Universit y, while some went to old Tucson where the western TV and mov ies se ries are mad e. That evening the teams met again and the small amount of expe rience gained by the American college students was shown clearly . . . they were defeated again by a score of 277.80 to 265.80 . __ but their team score was more than ten points hi gher than the ni ght before. Next morning, th e 17th of January, th e team loaded aboard a fli ght to Denve r, Colorado and we were met by host Bill Holmes, Grady Mathews and others of the host Colorado Gymnastics Association. That afternoon the team rested and the next morning Major Karl Schwenzfeier and Lt. Terry Hi ggins drove the team to spend an hour or so visitin g and photographing the U.s. Air Force Academy in cludin g a lun cheon with th e cadets. Then back to Denver, and on to A urora Central Hi gh school to compete against the Colorado All-Star team. Colorado had lin ed up gymnasts from each Colorado school, and Lt. T erry Higgins, USAF; Ron Barreta, Colo rado S tate University, Ca det Chuck Kennedy USAFA; Kirk Rose, University of Colorado; Gene Takamin e, Denver University, Ben Bl ea, Colorado Sta te College and alternate Del Strange of C.S.U. as team mem bers with Major Schwenzfeier as Coach and Capt. Orwyn Sa mpson as Manager. The Colorado team . . . was de12
feated by th e vIsItors from Scandinavia by a score of 266.85 to 248.90. The Scandi navian s dominated the all-around again, with Ingvaldsen of Norway winnin g first. Next morning, the team was up early and on the way to Berkeley, Ca lifornia and the last match of the tour. We were met by Host Coach Harold Frey and athletic departm ent spokesman Art Arlett . . . and gracious hosts they were ind eed. On to the hotel in Berkeley, then a vi sit to th e gymnasi um and a little rest before th e meet. More than 5,000 fans jammed the hall to witness the meet . . . Coach Frey had done his job well . .. what with delegations from each Scandinavian Consulate present .. _ each introduced and each nation's national anthem played as the con testants were introduced. A great meet, that saw the California allstars off to a lead at the end of the first two events _ . _ only to see the visitors leap three full points ahead on the sid e horse event _ . . then settle down to win the meet before a most enthusiasti c crowd . _ . by a margin of fi ve points. After the meet, a cord ial party with refreshments (th is wa s the case at every stop on the tour) and a good deal of warm hosp itality _ .. then th e next mornill{1; th e team moved to downtown San Francisco to spend their last three days before headi ng back to th eir resp ective hom eland s. The U.S.A. need s many of th ese tours . . . each and every year. Th e experience to be ga in ed by our international gymnasts is most important . . . ask anyone of those 24 gym nasts who participated against the Scandinavians . . . and they'll tell yo u. Th ey are excellent publi c-relati ons events for gy mnasti cs . _ . ask anyone of th e 18,000 spectators who saw these great tea ms compete. Th e U.S. Gymnastics F ederation is honestl y and sin cerely int erested in co ntinuing thi s sort of exchan ge program . . . in so me cases on a hom e-and-home basis .. _ and with th e con tinued support of th e International Federations involved we hope to establi sh a conti nuin g program aimed at developing our internati onal level performers . . . let's hope it ca n be done. 路
NOTICE FH. WOMEN 'S TECHNICAL COMMITTEE PRESIDENT IN U.S.A. - FEBRUARY 9-18, 1968 The President of the F.I.G. Technical Committee for Women, Madame Berthe Villancher. of France will come to the United States in February of 1968 under the sponsorsh ip of the U.S. Gymnastics Federation. Madame Villancher has consented to present three lecture courses in the Uni'ted States. She has become one of the sport's most noteworth y and talented leaders in women's gymnastics and we are indeed pleased that she has graciously accepted our invitation to vis it the U.S.A. The U.S .GJ. Women 's Committee has made arrangements for lectures at the Uni vers ity of Massachusetts, Southern Illinois Univers ity, and the University of Colorado . She will lecture on the International Gymnastics Federation , the 1968 Olympic Routines and technical women's gymnastics , and also discuss and describe the newest of gym nastics events for women-Gymnastique Moderne (Modern Gymnastics). She has indicated that she will bring with her a film taken recently at th e Third World's Championships in Gymnastique Moderne, conducted In Copenhagen, Denmark. Following is Madame Villancher's itine rary: February 10 and 11 , 1968 at the University of M~ssachus颅 etts . Amherst, Massachusetts. Th ere will be a registrat ion fee of $10 for adu lts, $2 for students . The preregistration deadline is February 3, 1968 and is desirable. Make the check payable to Kitty Kieldsen . The lecture course will begin on February 10 at 9:30 A.M. in the Women's Physic~1 Educ~tion building. February 13 and 14, 1968 at the University of Color~do . Boulder, Colorado. For further information , fee and schedule contact Miss Sharon Wilch , 6357 W. Mississippi Place, Denver, Colorado. February 16 and 17, 1968 at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IllinOIS. For further information. fee ~nd ~c h Adulp. contact Mr. Herb Voge l, Women's Physical Education Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois. ' Madame Villancher represents our sport and the F.I.G. in a most impressive manner. Her leadershio in internationAl women's gymnastics has been superlative. Plan to attend the . lecture course nearest you.
M6 WiDler Clinic Report: California Winter Clinic " Wh ere the emphasis is on learning" R eport by Bob Peavy, Men's Director Th e California Winter Clinic saw ove r 500 gy mn asts and an instru ctional staff of over 120 coaches assembl ed in the Uni versit y of California's gymn asiums this Christmas vacation. Sta ff and stud ent enrollment was up 25 0/0 substanti atin g the fa ct that th e Cal Clinic's reputation has spread far and wide. In stru ct ional staff was selected from twent y-four colleges and universiti es and from as far away as Connecticut, Illinois, Oklahoma, Montana, Colorado, Washin gton, Oregon, and all parts of Cal iforni a. The a bundan ce of new Nissen eq uipm en t (s ix pieces of every thing ), a separa te room for each event, eighty-one IntH instructors to handl e instru ction were all uniqu e features of th e Clini c. Also featured was the grou ping of gymnasts by th eir all-around scores. Ther e were seven groups ran gin g from beginn er through elit e gy mnast. All groups attended seven classes per day lasting 40 minutes each. The elite class (44.0 all aro und score to quali fy) was tau ght b,. former Olympian s Art Shurlock , Larry Banner and San Fernand o Valley Coach Bill Vincent. Olympic compulsori es and Olympic caliber routin es were stressed. Several '68 Olympic prospects to enjoy th e elit e trainin g sessions were Sid Freudenstein, Steve Hug, Bob Lynn, Rich Grigsby. Dan Millman , and guest instructor from Finland, Mauno Nissin en. European gym-wh eel champion Norber t Dill ex hibited his exceptional talent s on the fl oor durin g the Winter Classic Gym meet, December 26th. Rich Gri gsby, '67 NCAA Hi gh Bar Ch amp di splayed mid-season form with an excellent routine. Millman had an excellent night with three first places. Freud en stein edged Hug in the all-a round despite the fa ct that in th e afternoon Olympic Compulsory meet Hug clearly led everyone by n ea rly one full point. Only .6 sepa rated Freudenstein, Hug, and Lynn in th e final standin gs at th e end of the eve路 ning. Master instructional clini cs were pro路 vided daily from 1 :15 to 2: 20 p.m. by outstandin g guest instructors. Bill H olm es of Colorado instru cted on his specialty, the hi gh bar. Other clinics by Art Shurlock ( rin gs), Ken Bartlett (p arallel ba rs) , and tramp olining with S teve J ohn so n, Dan Millman , and George H ery r ou nd ed out th e ma ster instructional program . Seven tumblers turned doubl e-backs off th e gro und in an impromptu lun ch-tim e tumblin g session. Larry Bassist, George Greenfield . George Hery, Dou g Hills, Steve J ohn son, Rich Sule, and 19 year old cooed from Chico Stat e, Tina Gud ge were all "standin g them up" the final day of th e Clini c. Hi gh bar dismounts aho drew th e attention of even th e ve teran gymn as ts. Cas t fr ont s. piked doubl e fl y-a-ways, doubl e twi sters, full twistin g hecht s, and a bran iout fliffi s were seen at different times off th e hi gh bar. Hal Frey, Uni versity of California Coach and Clini c Director. is to be commend ed for hi s lea dership , orga nizati on, and untirin g eff ort to make th e California Winter Clinic th e fin est instru cti onal clinic in th e U.S. Contil1ued 14
page 24.
c Q)
> ro
o > </>
o U
A synopsis of where the "Gymnastic Action " was over the winter holidays.
were unabl e to make other ciinics, a local group, under the direction of John Magginetti , set up their own. Laslo Sasvary, an ex.Olympian, was the master coach. The clinic wa s set up on the basis of mornin g workouts on all the Olympic events, afternoon emphasis on tricks and stren gth, and evening film sessions. The last two evenin gs were spent wacthin g film s of routin es film ed earli er in the clinic. Instructors also included Frank Scardina, Norm Haney, Chuck Walden , Phil Ediades, and Steve Radomski.
INDIANA GYMNASTIC CLINIC NOTED Hosted by Columbus Sr. H.S. and staffed by outstanding coaches and gymnasts from SIU (Meade, Tucker, Dennis, Hardt) , Indiana U ( Ryser, Brown) and ISU (Council ), the second Indiana Gymnasti c Clinic for hi gh school gymnasts and coaches drew 222 gy mnasts representing 18 school s and 24 high school coaches. The format consisted of a mornin g session that began with informative comments by university coaches. Following this, mass warm-ups were held, followed by demon strations on th e different apparatus designed to illustrate the com路 position requirements of the r espective events. Workouts were then held under th e direction of university gymnasts, while th e university coaches and high school coaches met for discuss ion s. In the afternoon s, film s were viewed and similar demon stra路 tions and workouts were held on apparatu s not covered in the mornin g. Only throu gh the active participation of the gymnastic community in clin ics of thi s sort can th e new techniques and method s n ecessary for the growth of the sport occur. As a result of th e contributions of this clinic staff, gymnastics in Indiana will con路 tinue to advance.
Mike Jacobson
, j
Laslo Sasvery
N.E. GYMNASTIC CLINIC REPORT by Dr. Joe Massimo "This was the finest educational clinic of its kind I have ever seen". This observation by Master Teacher, Jack Beckn er, 1968 Olympic Team coach, sums up the opin ion of all tho se who participated in the two day spectacular on Nov. 24 and 25 at Springfi eld College. Jackie Klein Uphues, USGF re pr e~ e ntative and ex-Olympian herself, who has seen many such efforts throu gbout the U.S. felt that "the organization was great, to handle this many gymnasts and make it a learning experience is a fantastic accomplishment." How many ? Well th ere were over 1200 young peopl e in attendan ce plus many coaches and officials makin g it the best attended clinic every held in the country. The Master T eachin g Staff ( Beckner, _'I itchell, Vogel, Cardinali, Schaenzer, Massimo, Laundy, Gifford, Kj eldsen, and Erwin) did an outstanding job in conducting Lecture-Demonstration and Lecture-Practical sessions at the Beginner, Interm ediate, and Advance levels. They were complemented by an add i-
tional staff of 35 incl udin g sevcral past East and N.C.A.A . champion gymnasts and many fin e coaches. Ex cell ent probl em solv ing sessions were competently supervised by a large group of college gy mnast s primarily from Springfi eld Coll ege and th e Un iversity of Massachusetts. In attendance at the clinic were gymnasts from Illinois, Michigan, New York, New J ersey, P ennsyl vania , Ohio and many oth er states. Th e special sessions (dance, judging, film s , coaches workshops, etc.) as well as th e social-recreation fun ction s al so drew capac ity groups. On Saturday evening, following th e formal educational aspect of the program , a gymnasti c exhibition was put on before a huge, enthusiasti c audience by the clinic staff. Even after the grind of a two day teachin g schedule (9 :30 A. '1 .-9:30 P.M.) the effort s of the exhibi tion gymnasts were spontan eously cheered as Master Teachers (R. Mitchell, D. Schaenzer, G. Erwin), college and high school gy mna sts put on a grea t show for a happy crowd. Special congrats are due to Mr. Frank Wolcott, Clinic Director and his executive staff including Dick Aronson, Diane Potter, Jon Foley, Bob Hanscum, Isidore Battino , Mimi Murry , Ron P eek (who also did some great work in the exhibition), AI Bickhum , Ike H eller, and George J essup. I am certain that all who were in Springfield T.G. weekend had a fine learnin g experience a s well as a heck of a good tim e ! This clini c should serve as a model for other national type gymnastic programs with similar intent. Mr. Wolcott would be grateful for any suggestions or comments you might have con cerning this and the futur e N.E. c1inicsaddress your letters to him at Springfield College. 1967 NATIONAL SUMMER GYMNASTIC CLINIC Under the direction of George Szypula , the Tenth of these annual clinics was held at Michigan State. In addi tion to the teaching function of the clinic which was aided by 'an abundance of equipment and the fa ct that the whole clinic was housed in one gym, the program also directed attention to trainin g judges, physical educators, and coaches. A new Ampex Videotape was provided by MSU and fo und extensive use. Competitions were held (the results of which were too extensive for the MG to publish) for both boys and girls. Th e " Night of Stars" show, directed by Dick Richter, attracted a fine audience. Featured were winners from the competition s plus other outstanding gymnasts from col路 leges and universities.
FIRST LONG ISLAND GYMNASTIC CLI IC Held at Smi thtown, Lon g Island Regional the successful New En gland Clinic, thi s H .S. on December 15-16 and modeled after first, in what is hoped will be an annual affair, attracted approximately 400 mal e gymnasts from the Long I sland area. Master teachers included Tom Auchterloni e, J oe Bridges, Gary Erwin, J oe Massim o, Jim Culhane, Mike Jacobson, Steve Ross, and Bob EIsin ger. Dick Aron son, Eastern Di vision Presid ent of th e National Jud ges Association offered a course in offi ciating to coacbes and jud ges. An excitin g exhibiti on by tb e clinic staff inspired the furth er interest of attendin g gymna sts.
FIRST NIONROE H .S. CHRISTMAS CLINIC As many Southern California gymnasts
National Summer Clinic
26 .-
!--.-- -.--------
i- - - - - -
30-----4:- I I
NCAA Co l lege D i, ision Champ ionships Springfield, Mass chusetts
EI GL Championships - U.S. Nava l Acad emy SIG L Championships Gainesv il le, FLorida Big 10 Championship - Mich igan State Univ.
Ft. Hays, Kansas Un iv. Arizona - Univ. Oregon Un iv. Oklahoma
Women's Ch mpionships. Mar. Southern Ill inois Uni ve sity.
NAIA Champio nsh i,s. Mar. 21-23. Ft. Hays St. a ll ege, WAC Champ io ships AAW U Champ i pnships Big 8 Champ io[lsh ips -
-+--- --
DAVE THOR michigan state
No rth Ame ican Champ ionships. Feb 29-V1ar 2. Vancouver, B. C.
.~! ~~ N E S DAY
MARCH 1968
the MODERN GYMNAST magazine
T ABLE I. Success and fa ilure in terms 0 1 OI)Cral,onal Crl tena, vlaces and points, Championship Places Dual Mee t Places To tal Meet Meets 2 thru 8 1 10 Pomts 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Item 5 F S F S F ·5 ·6 · 10 · 11 2nd 2nd 2nd 59 6 0 0 0 0 1. Au. 5 4 6 3 6 3 4th 2nd 5th 49 2. Au. 5 4 6 3 7 2 " 0 6th 1st 5th 18 o0 0 3.Au. 3 1 3 1 3 1
4. Sa.
1 3 1 3 I
5. 6. 7. 8.
1.2 2 4 3 4 5 6
Sa. 8 a. Sa. 8a.
9. 8t. 10.8r.
0 0 o 0 I 2
2 5 6 I 7 1
3 2 4 1 4 I I 3 I 3 I 3
11.Cu. 12.Cu.
3 2 3 1
13.Ga. 14.Ga. IS.Ga. 16.Ga. l7 .Ga.
o o
233 1 3
19.J i. 20.Ji. 2U i. 22.Ji. 23.Ji.
1 2 2 2 2 4 0 4 1 3 1 3 1
4 5 5 4 6 3
S. Bosc o,
This is the tenth in a serie s 0; random topics . In th e next short series plan to present cinematographical studies oj Indiv· idllal GYlllnastics Moves . Please sen d your articles dire ctl), to the above address. In· clude photograph s and/or charts wheneve r possible. LEo NHAIlDT, W ILLLUI R . "Aspira tion Leveh of Competitive Coll ege Gymnasts, and Related Measures," Unpublished lvIa ster s Thesis. Un iversity of ll linois, Urbana, 1954. PURPOSE Th e purpose of thi s study wa s to in vestiga te th e r elat ion ship of Aspiration Level to P erforman ce Level in competitire co llege gy mna s tics by see kin g an swers to th e fol lowi ng qu es tio ns : 1. To what ex tent does s uccess and failure occur amo n!! co ll ege gymnasts in CO lll · petition -? ~ 2. Wha t effec t does p erformance l evel above, equa l to, or below aspira ti on leve l have on aspiration level ? 3. Wha t effect does an increase, n o change. or decrease in p erforma nce level have on a::pira ti on level? 4 . What e ffec t does rai sin g, keeping constant , or lowerin g asp ira tion Ie reI h ave on performan ce level ? 5. How well can the coachin g :: taff estima te p erforma nce levels of team mem bers'? 6. Vi' hat relation may ex ist between per::on alit y fac tors and tendencies for so me gymna:: t:: to set as pirat ion leve ls unusuall y high or l ow in relation to levels of past perform an ce? PROCEDURES
5th 6th 2nd 2nd 3rd
4th 1st 4 th 1st
8th 5th 5th 5th 2nd
14 16 47 44 6
Highsmith·trampoline Jirus·free exercise J irus-horizontal bar J irus-paral lel bars J iruS'side horse Jirus- rmq5
13 16
3 2 1 0
5th 10th 3,d
5 28
Stone-parallel bars Stone-side horse
261919 139 82
2'h 1%
1· 1/ 3
", ",
~ I~
1% 5
31 19.5
5()'S/ 6 32.0
l Y:
In col umn 1. 5 equals P. L equal to or above A.L 2. 5 equals P.L equal to or above A. L ·5 3.5 equalsP. L equal to or aboveA.L· I O 2,4,6. F equals P. L below A.L. P. L below A. L ·5 and P. L below A.L · I O
59. 1 69.8 48.4 40.9 51.6 Note : 5 " success F " fai lure
% 30.2
Gardner·free exerc ise Gardner·horizon tal bar Gardner·parallel bars Gardner·side horse Gardner·rings
0 0 1 1
1 2 0
111 65
Browning- tumbling Browning-trampoline
N 48
39 9
Bare-free exercise Bare-r ings Bare-horizon tal bar Bare-side horse !Jare-parallel bars
1st 9th
A. L.
Item Austin· trampoline Austin· tumbling Austin-free exercise
Culbertson· horizontal bar Culbertson·side horse
0 0 0 I 2 1 o2 o0 0 a a 0 0
2nd 8th
7 5 32 46
I 0 I 0
0 I ·0 I 0 0 3 I 3 o5 o0 0
9 3 1 5 0 5
0 0
3 6
25.51. 26.St.
5th 2nd 1st 3rd
5th 3 rd 2nd 1st 3rd
TA8U: VI. Instances in which subject's aspiration level or coaches' estimates of performance most closely approximated performance.
3&5/ 6 23.2
4().1 /3 25.4
Th e subj ects ,vt'r e nine var~ il y gYllln a ~ t s a t the University of Illinois. The tests wer e variou s gymnastic routin es perfor med in intercollegiate co mpetiti on _ Th e test ite ms (26) were s ubj ect-event comb in a ti on::. Asp ira tion level wa s th e number of points a gymna st expected to r eceive for performin g a gym na sti c ro uti ne, performance level was the ac tu al number of points rece ived for performing a gymna stic routine. S uccess and failure depend ed upon th e relation of aspiration level to performance level. 18
TABLE It. Effec t on aspiration level 0 1 performance above, equal to or oelow aspiration level. A. L \ P. L Raised Conslant lowered
Below 21 11 65
Equal 1
TABLE V II . InCidence o f success and lallure based on coaches' estimates. Po nd
Above 29
Item I. Au "). Au. 3. Au. 4. Ba.
TABLE III . Effect on aspiration level o r an increase, no change. or decrease in performance level. A.L .\ P. l. Raised Constant Lowered
Oecrease 14 5 41
No Change
Increase 26 6 18
5. 6. 7. 8.
Ba. Ba. Ba. Ba.
9. tir . 10. Br.
l 12.Cu .
TABLE V . Mean aspiration levels, performance levels, and coaches' estimates 01 perlormance. Item
Mean p. l.
Mean A. L.
Mean Estimate B. ' L P.
1. Au.
2. Au. 3. Au.
269 250 246
273 261 232
270 259 244
2B3 276 269 256 270 249
4. Sa. 5. Ba 6. Ba. 7. Ba 8. Ba.
236 251 263 272 266
251 257 268 2777 271
239 235 264 275 270
256 255 263 285 276
250 264 272 281 273
9. Br 1O.8r.
2B2 223
284 236
281 243
289 249
283 238
II .Cu. 12.Cu.
208 217
213 234
223 235
232 241
220 221
1J.Ga. 14.Ga. 15. Ga. 16.Ga. 17 .Ga.
24 4 203 262 242 252
253 268 268 265 266
242 256 258 255 258
266 257 262 260 281
260 264 267 260 271
18. H, .
19.Ji. 20.J,. 2U,. 22.J I. 23.JI.
210 197 203 169 196
226 227 243 19', ::: , 4
187 193 219 220 220 222 226 234 227 174 177 183 186 191 2 12
24. Li.
25.St. 26.St.
202 230
213 247
200 210 244 268
204 244
5991 230.4
6398 246.1
13.Ga. 14 .Ga. 15.Ga. 16.Ga. 17.Ga.
18. HI 19.JI. ")OJ •. 21JI 22 JI 23J •.
25St 2651. Sum
TOlal Aver age
6213 64 48 635 1 23£' 246 244.3
65 94 40.9 59. 1
3 1 128 19.5 80.5
46 113 289 71 . 1
In orde r to gain in s ight int o va rious parts of the problem , the basic data were treated as foll ows: 1. R elationship of Aspiratiun L evel to Performan ce L evel. All Aspiratio n Leve ls were present ed graphica lly t o show th e relationshi ps of th e two measures and of coach es' es timates. 2. Extent 0/ Success and Failure. The instan ces of "su ccess" and " failure " were tab ulat ed and treated s ta tistically by mean s of chi s quare to de termin e s ignifican ce. Aside from performance ( P.L.) above or below Asp ira tion Level (A .L.) , va ri ou s
other criteria of "success" and "failure" were consid ered, namely: A. Lower ing th e dividing lin e between success and failure to A.L. minus 5. B. Lowerin g the dividin g lin e betwee n success and failur e to A.L. minus 10. C. Competitive criter ia, such as pla ces and points won. 3. Ejje ct of Perjormance A bove, Equal To , or Below Aspiration Level on Aspiration L evel. The instances in which th e direct relati on of P.L. to A.L. effected ( or failed to effe ct ) changes in A.L. were tabulated and treated stati stically by mean s of chi square to determine significan ce. 4. Ejject oj an Increase, No Change , or Decrease in Perjorma.nce Level on Aspira路 tion L evel. In stan ces in wh ich chan ges in P.L., ind epend ent of the direct relati on, eff ected (or failed to effect ) chan ges in A.L. were tabulated and treat ed stati stically by chi sq uare to determin e signifi cance. 5. Ejject oj Raising, Keep Constant, or Lowering Aspiration L evel on P erjormance L evel. In stan ces in whi ch changes in A. L. were follo wed by, and presumably prouuce u, changes ill P.L. were tabul a ted and trea ted stati sti cally by means of chi square to determin e significance_ 6. A bility oj the Coaching Stajj to E stimate Perjorman ce Le vels. Ind epend ent estimat es of performance made by th e co ach es were presented as a part of th e Aspiration Level-Performance Level graphica l presentation to provid e a basis for various co mparisons. Th e mean estimat es of each coach for each item and the averages for all subj ec ts and events were co mputed, toge th er with the mean A.L. and P.L., to determine how accurately each coach was abl e to estimat e mean P.L. ; and in addition the estimat es were compared with the subjec ts' A.L. and P.L. in di screte instances and in term s of "success" and " failur e". 7. Relation of Personality Factors to Aspiration Levels. Measurements of six personality traits were obtained fo r all subjects by means of the Bernreut er P ersonality Inventory. Raw scores and percentile scores were obtained from scorin g keys and norm tables dev ised by Bernreuter. Th e res ult s were anal yzed and the percentiles of the mean raw sco res were co mpared to th e norm s to determine what gro up tend encies exi sted. Th e result s for those subj ects who tend ed to se t aspiration levels unusually high or low in relation to levels of past performance were st udi ed individually to suggest possible relations of personal ity to aspirations.
CONCLUSIONS 1. Th ere wa s a strong tendency for gymna sts to maintain high aspirati ons. Analysi s of the relat ionships of A.L. to P .L. showed that althou gh there was some tend ency to adjust A.L. on th e basis of past performan ce th ere appeared to be a stronger " need" to kee p A.L. hi gh. The mean A.L. wa s greater than the mean P.L. in 25 of th e 26 test it ems, and the average was 15.7 points above avera ge mean P oL. (Tabl e V). 2. The relationship of A.L. to P.L. was not a valid method of determinin g success and failure in gymnasti cs. When success depend ed upon performing at or above A.L. , the group was "successfu l" only 30.2 per ce nt of the time_ Only when "success" was taken as performance at or above A_L. minus 10 was 50 per cent success and failur e approximated. Even th en the percenta ge of "s uccess" wa s in marked contrast to the success attain ed by the gro up when competitive criteria, places won and points scored, were consid ered (Table I).
3. The relat ionship of P.L. to A.L. tend ed to effect changes in aspiration. Specifically, when P .L. was below A.L. there was a defini te tend ency to lower A.L. for the n ex t mee t, and when P.L. was above A.L., to rai se aspirati on. Th e chi sq uare test showed thi s relation to be reliable beyond th e 1 per cell"! level (Tabl e II). 4. Changes in P oL. tend ed to effect chan ges in A. L. A decrease in P.L. tend ed to be foll owed by a lowerin g of A.L., and an in crease in P.L. tended to be follow ed by a rise in A. L. This tendency wa s significant beyond the 1 per cent level (Table III) _
5. It was doubtful that chan ges in A.L. produced chan ges in P.L. alth ough a significant inverse relationship was found. A poss ible explanati on was th e need to keep aspirations high. Ass umi ng chance variation in performan ce about some norm, if perfonnan ce in a meet were above normal , thi s would be taken as justifi ca tion for rai sin g A.L., but performance in the next mee t wo uld tend to drop to normal or below by chance. Conversely, with subn ormal perfonnance, A.L. would app ear too high and be lowered, but perform ance wo uld tend to in crease by chan ce. 6. Coaches tend ed to estimate performan ce leve ls bett er than th e perform ers themselves_ Tabulation of mean A.L.'s and mean es timates of the coaches showed that all coaches estimated mean P.L. better than the perform ers. The average mean P.L. was 230.4; th e average mean A.L. was 15.7 points greater than the average mean P.L.; th e coaches' average mean estimates were 8.6, 17.6, and 12.9 po ints greater than th e average mea n P.L. (Ta ble V ) . S imilar result s were obtained when individual A.L.'s and coaches' es timates were co mpared to individual performances (Table VI), and in ter ms of "s uccess" and "failure" based on co ach es' es timat es and performan ce scores (Table VII). 7. Measuremen ts of si x personal ity factors by the Bernreut er Personality Inventory showed th e following results : BI- N. The grou p tended to be less neurot ic and better balanced emotionall y than college men in ge neral ( percen tile 0'[ mean raw score was 31). B2-S. Th e group tend ed to be so mewhat less self- suffi cient than college men in general (perce ntil e of mean raw score was 38)_ B3-1. Th e group tend ed to be so mewhat more ex trovert than coll ege men in general ( percentil e of mea n raw score was 30 ) . B4-D. The group tend ed to be much more dominant than co ll ege men in general ( per cen til e of mean ra w score wa s 70) . F l-C. Th e group tended to be sli ghtl y more self-confid ent than coll ege men in gen eral ( percentil e of mean raw score wa s 42). F2-S. The group tend ed to be as sociable as coll ege men in general (percentile of mean raw score was 48). Analy sis of th ese data showed so me tend ency for highl y dominant, emotionally well-balan ced subj ects to maintain hi gh levels of aspiration and to resist lowering A.L. with " failure". In co ntrast, subj ec ts wi th low dominance sco res showed maj or shifts in A. L. Al so, th ose subj ects with the hi ghest neuroti c tend ency scores tend ed to report hi ghly variable asp irations. Altho ugh so me interestin g im pli ca ti ons that personality factors mi ght affect A.L. were evident, the small group precluded reliabl e int erpretation.
PARALLEL BAR SKILLS ..fir 6 .00 per set ADVANCED PARALLEL BAR SKILLS (four cha r ts per set) .... 0) 5.00 per set INTERMEDIATE RING SKILLS (three char~s per set) ... Jo 4 .00 per set ADVANCED RING SKILLS
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Bind Your MG Volumes We w ill bind your comp lete set of MG's in hard bind ing w ith your name embossed and cho ice of co lo r(red,b lue ,green brown) for just $7.50 pe r vo lume_ Send you r sets and specify co lor and narre imprint desired_ SEND TO:
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THE COMPLETE BOOK IN GYMNASTICS by A. Bruce Frederick Several years ago we published in this column "The Golden Library of Gymnastics." (M.G. 5-6/65) The purpose was simply to identify those volumes which seemed to represent the best gymnastic books available hopefully providing our readers with a list with which they might compare their personal holdings or holdings of libraries at their schools and colleges. An updated list was published a year later. ("The Golden Library of Gymnastics"-1966 6-7/66 M.G') Both of these lists included highly specialized books on a variety of gymnastic topics (Examples: Kunzle's 路 Olympic Series and Leinert's book on uneven bars) but certain "complete " books were deleted simply because their content was necessarily thinned down to include many different areas of gymnastics rather than be representative of anyone. For example, we would probably all agree that George Szypula's book, Tumbling and Balancing for All is the classic in tumbling. No single chapter on a topic as a part of a "complete" book could hope to duplicate the content of a single book devoted to one topic alone. This does not necessarily mean that all books on specialized gymnastic subjects are better than their more inclusive volumes . Many authors wrote to me following the publication of the Golden Library lists that their "complete" books were written with the idea that novice instructors are not likely to accumulate a large library of highly specialized books on single topics in gymnastics . They argued that the beginning instructor needs to refer in most cases to a single source which provides an overview to the skills he will need to have to do a representative job. I agree . It has therefore become my task to further inspect and evaluate the "complete" book, the book covering a wide range of gymnastic categories. After thorough research and re-reading, a total of fifteen books have been selected for study below. Only three of these books had formerly appeared in the Golden Library. In a further revision of the Golden Library at a later date none of these will appear as a part of this selection because they are no longer unique contributions . . Only one of the fifteen books selected below has been published prior to 1960. Therefore the books under consideration here are all in print and all are available currently for purchase. Takemoto's excellent book (even though in Japanese) is no longer available and is therefore not inclu~~d . It is also highly doubtful if the novice instructor would find this book in his local library. The fifteen books selected fall into three major categories. These 路, are (1) Men and Women, (2) Men and (3) Women. The books will be listed below in these three categories. Each title is preceded by a number. For convenience we will refer to this number in ,the discussion and evaluation that follows. MEN AND WOMEN 1. Baley, James A., GYMNASTICS IN THE SCHOOLS. Boston : Allyn and Bacon, pp. 297, 1965. Photos 340, Sequences 125, Line Drawings 24+ Bibliography-none. Unique Quality- Circus orientation including ladder work and triple balancing. 2. Loken, Newton C. and Robert J. Willough. by, THE COMPLETE BOOK OF GYMNASTICS. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hail Inc., pp. 274, 1967 (2nd Ed.), Photos 108, Sequences 75, Film Draw-
ings 13, Bibliography-73 references. Unique quality-Originally the first book in English to include all men's and women's events, Chapter on ropes and exhibitions. It is the opinion of the writer that the authors above have taken on much too much material for a single book and that as such it will have generally little overall value even for the novice instructor. Such a book is particularly valuable for the layman who goes to the library to investigate the general scope of gymnastics. For example, the local sportswriter might gain a bit more insight from these books than he might from the traditional standby of the sports desk, Menke's ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SPORTS. The writer prefers 2 si nce it is better organized and more professional figures are used. Loken was one of the first to publish sequences drawn from films . Portions of his SEQUENCE GYMNASTI CS are included in the revised edition of his book. Baley includes much material on balancing due to his lengthy experience with show gymnastics. The content of the Loken book is basically a combination of materials originally published by The Athletic Institute. Since then he has made an extremely valuable contribution in the area of single concept loop films for gymnastics which are available from the Athletic Institute and employ a unique projection device which needs no threading. The women 's portion of the Baley book is slightly more up-todate than the somewhat obsolete material included in the Loken-Willoughby volume.
3. Bosco, James, BEGINNING GYMNASTICS SYLLABUS. San Jose, Cal.: Spartan Book Store, pp. 41, 1967. Stick figures (70 sequences), Bib.--4 references. Unique quality- none. 4. DeCarlo, Tom, HANDBOOK OF PROGRESSIVE GYMNASTICS. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc., pp. 240, 1963. Photos 19, Sequences 167, Line Drawings 93. Bib.-13 references . Unique quality-Excellent chapter on care of hands plus Tonry's drawing which have been recognized as some of the most accurately drawn figures available. 5. Hughes, Eric, GYMNASTICS FOR MEN. New York: Ronald Press. pp. 477, 1965. Photos 21, Sequences 268, Line Drawings 12+. Bib.-32 Refs. Unique Quality-Series of sequential exercises presented at several levels for each event included with instructional material presented within for each routine. Useful forms for coaching. 6. Johnson, Barry L., A BEGI NNER'S BOOK OF GYMNASTICS. New York: AppletonCentury-Croft, 121 pp., 1966. Photos 9, Sequences 98, Line Drawings 49. Bib.None Unique quality Specific list of mechanical principles included at the end of ' each chapter. 7. Ruff, Wesley G., GYMNASTIC-BEGINNER TO COMPETITOR. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm . C. Brown Co., pp. 204, 1959. Sequences + Line Drawings 175 (All stick figures) , Bib.-14 Refs. Unique Quality-Information on swinging rings. 8. Ryser, Otto, A TEJI.CHER'S MANUAL FOR TUMBLING AND APPARATUS STUNTS. Dubuque, Iowa; Wm . C. Brown Co., pp. 193, 1961. Line Drawings 85, Sequences 45. Bib.-19 Refs . Unique qualityLine drawings made from typical performers showi ng average rather than advanced form with the thought that comments on these often observed poor practices will help the teacher. Chapter on spotting principles. (The author has
written a路 number of excellent professional articles on principles of spotting.) 9. Stewart, Nik, COMPETITIVE GYMNASTICS. London: Stanley Paul & Co., Ltd. pp. 175, 1964. Photos 16, Sequences (routines) 59 . Unique quality-Selected elements within each category of the Olympic Six defining elements characteristic of three general levels of performance and an "Exerc ise of the Future" for each of the Olympic events presented by a man having extensive international competitive experience and current national coach of England. Bib. -None. 10. Yeager, Pat, A TEACHER'S GUIDE FOR MEN'S GYMNASTICS. Houston, Tex.: The author (U. of Houston), pp. 124, 1962. Sequences 65, Line Drawings 22, Bib.None , Unique quality-Fitness and gymnastics. The attempt to pick out the best of the preceding list will be accomplished by rating certain aspects of each by placing tne numbers representing each volume on a single line under the quality category. The best books will be found on the left of these lines below. (Left to right=Best to poorest) Illustrative Material (Quality) Gymnastic drawings, figures, sequences and the like are usually best done when the authors themselves have been performers. If they are further endowed by having a natural gift for drawing or they are adept at film drawing, their work will be superior to commercial efforts of publishers who do not really have gymnastic experience and must rely on direction from the authors. One of the best illustrators based on the above criteria has been James Farkas wh.o is responsible for the "Helpful Hints" column in the M.G. Another illustrator, Don Tonry, has also had a depth of experience in film analysis and is himself an all-around performer with International experience. Photographs do not usually stand up to good illustrations unless they are of the sequence variety. Photographers who are not fully prepared in the art of taking pictures cannot hope to produce quality sequence work, yet this is often included in the " complete" . book. Therefore our rating in this category is ... 4 - 9 - 10 - 8 - 5 - 7 - 3 - 6 Illustrative Material (Amount) Amount of material is not necessarily connected with quality. Those of us who have seen the excellent Japanese publications know that few books can compare in amount or quality of illustrative material. Takemoto's GYMNASTICS ILLUSTRATED (Men) contains better than 400 sequences averaging six figures per sequence. Due to their similarity to photographer sequences we may assume that the latter are film drawings. Film drawings are accomplished by stopping a film at individual frames and drawing directly (tracing) the bodies of the performers. Stick figures are often confusing because they are not life-like enough. Commercial figu res may be lifelike but they are often mechancially incorrect as in 6 and 3. Our quantity rating is somewhat biased in this quality respect. It goes as follows ... 5 - 4 - 10 - 9 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 3 Coverage Coverage refers to the number of areas of gymnastics which are represented in a si ngle volume. The vast majority of books for men include the Olympic six plus trampoline, tumbling, balancing and occasionally rope climbing and swinging rings. Therefore our rating here is simply based on range' of content. 7 - 8 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 10 - 9 - 3
Bibliography A beginning instructor will, if he is a student and is anxious to learn, be tempted to refer to other sources for additional help. Our rating here is then an attempt to identfy those books which refer to specialized books on gymnastics which are typically represented in the "Golden Library." (This, of course, is another bias,) 5 - 4 - 8 - 7 - 3 - 9 - 10 - 6 Historical Coverage Only a few authors have deviated from the historical presentation found in GYMNASTI CS AND TUMBLI NG originally prepared for the Navy's Pre-Flight program (V-6) by Dr. Hartley Price. In passing we might mention that Dr. Price's contribution to gymnastics has been tremendous not only because of the Navy book but because it was due to his efforts that quite a few of his gymnasts also became major contributors to gymnastic literature. The best (and by the way most readable) gymnastic history appears in Munroe's PURE AND APPLIED GYMNASTICS. Those authors who have come under the influence of some of the early Turner leaders and/or the collection of the Springfield College (Mass,) library and the leadersh ip of Leslie Judd have also made contributions in this area. Therefore our rating becomes . .. 4 - 8 - 5 - 7 - 6 - 10 - 3 - 9 Organization of Material In this category we assume some editorial responsibility but have generally considered chapter arrangement. Those books wnich emphasize floor work and tumbling early in a book followed by vaulting usually indicate that the author has a grasp of the fundamental structure of gymnastics. Apparatus is rese rved for later chapters with the rings and side horse bringing up the rear. Unique features of organization (Ex. Hughes) are also a factor in this rating. 5 - 8 - 9 - 7 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 10 Spotting Techniques There is no general reference on spotting in gymnastic literature. Such a book is sorely needed. Possibly some of the best materials ap~ear in Kunzles excellent but incomplete senes but these books are not under consideration here. Foreign texts simply outcl ass anything in English when it comes to spotting. In a typical book we may find no single chapter on this special area. When I prepared my original manuscript for WOMEN 'S GYMNASTICS for the Physical Education Series of Wm. C. Brown Publishers it was my hope that the Chapter entitled "Spotting-The Detective Work of Gymnastics" would later be expanded. It will undoubtedly be done in the future . . We do find an occasional reference to spotting in the form of "Spotting Hints " and there are special chapters in some of our rated books below. This is definitely a gray area, however, so some prejudices will possibly enter into the rating. 8 - 7 - 5 - 10 - 6 - 4 - 9 - 3 Description (Including Mechanics and Other Factors in Performance) Under this category we find that authors have attempted to describe gymnastic movements according to their own experience. A general criticism might be made at this point. Very few authors have been concerned with the complicated field of kinesiological analysis of gymnastics. Jim Bosco has exposed some of the existing studies through his column on research in the M.G. but the vast majority of good studies lie rotting on the shelves of Universities across the country and there has been no attempt to assimilate and evaluate them. Each year AAHPER publishes COMPLETED RESEARCH IN HPER and individuals may get a brief insight to completed studies in the mechanics of gymnastics. For the most part then, authors are limited to the experience of their own performance and eyesight when they
comment on descriptions of movements. One can find as many as 6 conflictin g descriptions of a handspring forward. Our rating cannot therefore be very accurate in this respect but here goes _ . _ 6 - 10 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 5 - 4 - 3 Now, whe re are we? Using the deceptive technique of statistics we should now refer to some very "accurate" method for arriving at a decision on the best book. What we really have done is to do some adding (in addition to the Frederick prejudicel. The result is therefore characteristic of the experience of a' single person who has identified areas to be evaluated. These may be criticized at many different level s but at least we will have documented the attempt to do something more than guess. In this spirit of quasi-research the following order is representative of the best (on down) of those books selected for evaluation. 5 - 8 - 4 - 7 - 10 - 9 - 6 - 3 The next obvious question. In your opinion (the writer's) if you had to further evaluate 5, 8, 4, 7 and 10 in light of 1 and 2, would you recommend the latter in place of any of the former? I'll go out on a limb and say that I believe 5, 8, and 4 to be the best of the lot. Numbers 1, 2, 7 and 10 could be a toss up. If in doubt, therefore, I suggest that the beginning instructor purchase 5, 8, 4 and 2 in order to get the best complete works for men. After such a purchase, he would do well to scan the content of the "Go lden Library" for further purchases in specific areas. There is no complete set of books on specific gymnastic topics all written by the same author. Kunzle comes closest to this publishing "hat trick." His last three works represent the finest in the English language. We also have a complete set of books for women which we will mention below. The Athletic Institute's publications cannot be compared to these but we mention them so our reader's know they are not forgotten. Let me finally say that the best book I have ever read on apparatus events is the one by Bantz and llickhut entitled TURNMETHODIK (German) and which is now out of print. Now for the ladies " complete" book.
WOMEN 11. Allison, June, ADVANCED GYMNASTICS FOR WOMEN . London: Stanley-Paul Publishers, pp. 168, 1963. Line Drawings 11, Sequences 21 , Photos 35. Bib.None. Unique quality-Organization by movement task, a typical Engli sh approach and one seen by the experienced Italian author Lay. (GINNASTICA ARTISTICA) 12. Babbitt, Diane H. and Werner Haas. GYMNASTIC APPARATUS EXERCISES FOR GIRLS. New York: The Ronald Press Co., pp. 130, 1964. Line Drawings 33, Sequences 62. Unique quality-European (German) approach and swinging rings. 13. Drury, Blanche and Andrea Schmid, GYMNASTICS FOR WOMEN. Palo Alto, Cal.: The National Press, pp. 198, 1964. Line Drawings 232, Sequences 387. Bib.-54 Refs . Unique Quality-The first book to contain all aspects of gymnastic programming including ballet and Swedish gymnastics. 14. Hughes, Eric (Editor), GYMNASTICS FOR GIRLS. New York: The Ronald Press , pp. 268, 1963. (Contributors include in addition to the editor .. . Dorothy MecLean, Betty Jean Maycock Roys, Mary Sarver and George Lewis. The latter contributor has been one of the first men to develop competitive gymnastics for girls in the United States,) Line Drawings 81, Sequences 141 , Photos 19. Bib.-21 Res . Unique Quality-The routine approach. For further information see # 5.
15. Yeager, Pat, A TEACHER'S GUIDE FOR GYMNASTICS. Houston, Te x.: The Author (U. of Houston), pp. 147, 1962. Line Drawings 22, Sequences 63. Bib.-6 Refs. including the excellent series by Guilio Lay (Itali an and Fre nch). Unique Quality-None. Before we consider spec ific points as we have done above for the male side of the "complete" approach , we shou ld indi cate that the first two books on our list (1 and 2) cannot compare favorably with 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15. Hoctor Records (Waldwick, N.n has also published a complete set of books on gymnastics for women by a single author. She is Helen Sjursen . Over the years Helen has continual ly attempted to improve the quality and amount of participation in gymnastics in her community. Operating under the handicap of only lay preparation in physical education through YMCA work she none-the路less has overcome many obs tacles. Her two books, one on balance beam and the latest on uneven bars will be added to the " Golden Library." Hoctor has six titles available due to Helen's dedicated work. Now let's get on with the task of evaluation of the five texts se lected for this group. Illustrative Material (Quality) Since the same general criteria have been employed for the evaluation below as above there is no reason to repeat background re~ marks. We might re-emphasize that sequences may be either line drawings or photographs which represent a series of positions seen during the performance of a single movement. Most sequences range from three to seven figures to depict a single action . Our choice in this category . .. 15 - 11 - 12 - 14 - 13 Illustrative Material (Amount) 13 - 14 - 12 - 11 - 15 Coverage 13 - 14 - 12 - 11 15 Biblography 13 - 14 - 15 - 12 11 Historical Coverage 13 - 12 - 14 - 11 15 Organization of Material 13 - 11 - 12 - 14 - 15 Spotting Techniques 14 - 15 - 13 - 11 - 12 Description 13 - 14 - 12 - 11 - 15 Our final rating becomes 13 - 14 - 12 - 11 - 15 As a final suggestion my recommendation for most novice, temale instructors would be to purchase 13, 14 and 2 as basic sources and then add on from there. Sjursen's books will add very much to your ability to help compose routines of great variety although this is the principle objective of 14. The Loken-Willoughby text may simply be added as a reference. A ~rofessional writer never fully gets repaid for hiS work. Over the years, royalties may be regular but not to the extent that he could give u~ his job in order to fully participate In hiS literary chores. For this reason the motivation to write professionally goes beyond economics. I would like to believe that each writer has responded to a need that he has encountered in his experience. He attempts to contribute to the enrichment of his field in his own unique way. In this sense, every book has a purpose ... and objective. I have always found some good in each book. Often there are questions and problems that need further study and eventual publication. However, some books are better than others. So, with this attempt at an evaluation, it will be the responsibility of writers, professionals and gymnasts to follow through, bringing their knowledge and skill to so many unskilled who have need of their talents. 21
SOMETHING DIFFERENT Skill : Forward Piked Turn on th e Parall el Bars (Piked F orward Pirouett e) Prerequisites: 1. Ability to swin g to a hand· stand. 2. Swinging forward pirou· ette. Suggested learning procedure" S win g Lo th e rear in a straight arm support position and raise the hips as they pass the hands. Turn the head and shoulders in the direc· tion of the ensuin g turn with support on th e left arm. Release the right grip as the hip lift occurs and quickly grasp the left
NOTES FROM A NEUROTIC JUDGE Editor's Note: Roy Davis has been teach· ing in Japan the past year will be there for at least another year .. . Roy fe els he is out of contact with judging at this time and will therefore continue his judging series at a later date . . . In the meantime 22
GYMNASTIC AIDS by Don Tonry Ph ysical Education Instructor Yale University
your Editors will publish in this column controve rsial thought·provoking constructive articles on judging submitted to the MG of/ices . . .
"CHICKEN" by Rick Tu cker United States gymnastics is going through a seri es of changes in growth , rules, coach· in g techniques and governin g bodies. The ultimate outcome of these growin g pains will help strengthen our sport and help it reach new heights in popularity and size. I feel that as lon g as gymnastics continues to receive constructive criticism it will cer· tainly enjoy an abundan ce of growth in all its varied areas. My purpose for writing thi s article is to cause a little thought concern· in g a couple of items I think need the attention. As this concern s judgin g in par· ticular, I suppose it should be placed after Roy Davis' column, " Notes From A Neurotic
ba r just in front of the left hand. The hips are ext ended as the left hand reaches for th e ri gh t bar. Th e performer will probably have to learn thi s skill by trial and error. Mat s may be pl aced over the bar in order to avoid in· jury. This is a relatively easy skill to work on providin g the performer can control hi s bod y in an in verted position. NOTE: Th ere are now available twenty· eight different gy mnastic wall charts cover · in g th e parallel bars, rings and all events in the boys and girls physical education program. Write to GYiVfNASTIC AIDES, NORTHBRIDGE, MASS.
Jud ge." P erhaps Mr. Davis has done some thou ght on this matter, also. I would like to know hi s feelings on the following topic. In my seven years as a gymnast I have been exposed to a wide variety of judging; hi gh, low, medium, inconsistent and accur· ate. From these experiences I have usually found that judges are' typically "chicken" when it comes to throwing a score for a routine that is either very good or very bad. It always seems that the scores end up very close to the mean. A good exam· pie of this was at the 1967 NCAA meet in the side horse competition. It is beyond me where the judges came up with scores of 9.6 for McCanless and 9.5 for Doty when they did, virtually, nothing wrong save for a possible .1 or .2 deduction. A review of the film s of those performances will show what I mean qu ite well. Compare them to international performances that bring those competitors 9.7 or 9.B. Were someone to do
a routine in the Olympics with the difficult y and beauty of Doty's performance th e judges would probably come up with a score of 9.95! Review the film s of NCAA side horse and any int ernational side horse and see what I mean.
NATIONAL GYMNASTICS OFFICIAL ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER _ _ _ _....._Vo l. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No. 2 _ _ _ _ __ FIG Continental Judges Course Tucson, Arizona, December 1967 by Jerry W right
On the other side of the mean score the sa me thing often occurs. Again, I will use an example from the NCAA mee t. This time I am picking on the long horse judging. Long horse is a tough event to get a low score on as the competitor has two chances in th e prelims to get a score. This is one reason why long horse average scores are much higher than those on other event s, but it seems that the performer that goes over the horse with straight legs and is for路 tunate enough to have a good landing might only get .5 lower than a vaulter with an explosive vault that really opens up some eyes. Note how many scores fell below lims. Note how many scores fell below 8.5; not many. It seems to me that a vaulter who spends a great deal of time perfectin g his vault would feel a little unhappy about th e fa ct that a far inferior vault ilas garnered a score so close to hi s_ This is especially di scouraging to all around competitors who are outstanding vaulters in competition again st others of inferior vaulting skill. It is easy to see what happen s to the all around totals when very littl e differentiation of score is made on that event. I maintain that a vaulter cannot legally get a score above 8.5 if he does not have the good flight, height and the required stretching of the body before landing_ At the Littl e Olympics in Mexico City, this past Fall, I noticed that most of the vaulters that go t scores above 9.0 were doing their vaults in the clouds. They were not worried so mucn about sticking their vault as they were about showing that they could vault. This is the way they judge long horse internationally and it makes a little more sense to me. Again, those of you who are interested in this topi c should compare film s of NCAA and International vaulting; compare the emphasis on flight, height and landing. There is quite a difference. It is a shame that high scores are given for vaults that are just average but well landed, it causes the vaulter to spend too much time working on sticking rather than on the actual vault. Scores that are given for a good landing rather than a good vault are unfair to those gymnasts with good vaults. I hope that this unlortunat e situation will be realized by judges and coaches in the future. It will make tue lon g horse an event more interesting and a more integral part of gymnastics in the U.S_ I believe that reasons for some of these scoring injustices are present because judges are basically "chicken" as I have said before _ Take a look at the scores given in the next meet you attend and see if a proper differentiation is . made between the competitors.
To beg in with it is very qu esti onable at this point as to whether th ere wa s actually an accred it ed FIG continental judges co urse at Tu cson or not. At the last minute Col. Hull of the AAU convin ced Mr. Gander, by telegram and possibl y by phone, that he, Mr. Gan der, pres umably in th e int erest of American Gymnastics, should not condu ct this judges co urse. As a res ult of this last minute acti vity Mr. Gand er and Mr. Ivancevic did not attend the clinic, leavin g Mr. George Gula ck to co nduct the course alone_ The judges co urse then turned out to be a rath er humorous exchange of und er-t hebreath-remark s on the part of the judges at the ex pense of 1\1r. Gulack. At the same time it wa s very improp er to blam e the U.S.G.F. as they did not elect Mr. Gulack Vice Presid en t of the FIG nor did th ey choose Mr. Gulack to inter pret for Mssrs. Gander and Ivancevic. It is diffi cult indeed to blame the one organization that mad e the effort to get a co ntin ental jud ges co urse fo r the Unit ed States_ My sympathies, in thi s case, also go to 1\1r. Gl enn Wil son and 1\1r. Rusty Mitchell co-directors of the Tucson Clinic who mu st have died a thousand deaths during that ordeal. On e of th e stran gest parts of the entire affair was the fa ct that we were inform ed that even should FIG cards be given out they will have expired before we will get them_ It seems a new co urse starts in 1968!! ! As for the judges course it self I personally was able to get the followin g not es fr om the 15 hours of repartee: 1. The course was quite elementary in scope. 2. Deduction on A moves? When a gymnast executes a Stutz on the PB that is below 30 degrees but is above the bars it is an " A" move with no deduction s for technical error. 3. What is the deduction for missing parts? Only th e value of the mi ssin g part; if a gymna st has a routine that contains no significant breaks, has a mount and a dismount and has only 5 A parts th e routin e (dependin g on th e event) is worth 7.6 and not 5.0 as many like to believe; this is not one-half a routin e! That section of the code pertain s only to routines that have many major breaks. 4. What is the deduction for failure to fulfill one of the requirements? Example: lack of a press to handstand on the rings-deduction is 3 tenth s. Example: If an "A" release is used on the parallel bars-deduction is 3 tenths. 5. When a gymnast fall s from the apparatus is it permissable to deduct 1.0 plus deducting for what caused the fall? Yes and No! 路 There may be times when there is no apparent cause for the fall. If the preceedin g move has form breaks and obvious technical errors these errors can be penalized. 6. Fly-a-Way for horizontal Bar: This can be a " B" move when executed directly from a move other than a giant and thus does not have to be a certain height. If it is below the bar it is still a " B" move but deduct for technical error. 7_ Deduction for excessive swing of the
rin gs : It is permissible to deduct .1- .3 for each move executed whi le th e rin gs are swinging- but be' leni ent! For ex ampl e one mi ght dedu ct .5 tenth s for an entire ro utine perform ed with a moderate sw in g.
8. Is it permissibl e to talk to a gy mn ast between vaults ? Yes! It is permiss ibl e to talk to a gymnast durin g his 30 second s after a fall ? Yes ! 9. " B" parts can replace "c" parts partially! This we all know but " A" part s cann ot replace " B" par ts even partiall y. If yo u have a routin e with 11 "A" part s the hi ghest yo u can score is 7.8. 10. In Floor Ex ercise the gy mna st should be instructed to co me to att enti on at thc fini sh of hi s routin e beca use in in ternational co mpetition the tim e sup posed ly does not start or stop until thi s is done_ 11. Aft er a fall from the apparatus and 30 sec_ rest: T he gy mna st is to be on the apparatus when his tim e is up! Everyone see ms to have a different int erpretation of thi s. I suggest yo u play thi s one by ear. 12. Comp ul sory Exerc ises : Gymnasts will be permitt ed only one att empt at all co mpul sory exercises in the futur e. 13. Mr. Gulack stated that any seq uences performed out side th e Floor Exerc ise area wo uld not count! This hi ghly questionable! 14. Intermediate Swings: There was a great deal of trouble pinnin g Mr. Gula ck down to specifics here as it was in most cases. What I feel should be following is : deduct .5 if interm ediat e swing prece eds or ;ollows an "A" move; deduct .4 on " B'; moves and .3 on "c" mov es. 15. Many new vaultin g rul es : includin g : a. No more balks; if the run is start ed it is a vault ( unl ess ou tsid e int erference) b. No repeats. c. If compulsory vault is used for optional , the score is zero; if optional vault is accidently perform ed for compulsory, the score zero. 16. There wa s much reference to R.O.V _= Ri sk , Originality, and Virtuosit y. In the final s of world cham pi onship s and Olympi c competition a maximum score of 9.7 will be given a routin e without these three elements. On e-tenth each will be given routin es that ex hibit th ese elements_ Testin g procedure for the co urse : The course wa s se t up, as I said, on a rather elementary basis. However, the testin g proved to be the only good part of the entire co urse. The first part of th e testin g was an oral exam inati on in whi ch each judge was qu estion ed on four different areas of the Code of points. Th e question s were, however, so metim es less than practi cal. Th e second part of the testing wa s a practical phase in which each judge had to judge 16 live performances and then have th ei r scores compared with the score establish ed by a so-ca ll ed panel of expert s. The pan el of ex perts in this case consisted of Mr. Gula ck, Mr. Carl Patter son of Temple University, Mr. J erry Todd of Pasadena City College and J erry Wright of San Francisco State College_ 23
Ca lifornia Winter Clinic. Continued from page 14.
Ol YMPISCHE TURNKUNST Box 717 Santa Monica, California 90406 Enclosed please find$5.00 for a one year MG Special subscription to Ol YMPISCHE TURNKUNST. NAME.............................................................. .. ADDRESS ................................................... . CITY........................ STATE .............. ZIP ....... . OLYMPISCH TURNKUNST back editions available on a limited supply for $1.00 each. Order from O. T. Back editions, Box 777, Santa Monica, Calif. 90406.
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PAN-AM PHOTOS By Don Wilkinson
Let them be your ticke t to the Gymnasti(.~ Events of the:
1967 PAN·AMERICAN GAMES An Illustrated Catalogu e of t his Sports Spectacula r is available at a cost of $l.()()--refundable on purchase of $5.00 or more worth of pictures. T his catalogue contains o ver 3,000 pictures of the sports of the games- including over 500 pictures of the gym nastics c:vc:n ts. Write DON WILKINSO N , 1013 8th Ave. Greeley, Colorado· 80631 In addition. a catalogue is available for the 1964 Olym pic Games (pic tu res of 14 sports a re included). The Olympic catalogue is SOc-contains over 1200 pict ures-110 illustrated.
Because all my p ictures are on 3Smm film it is impossi ble to m ake larger than 11 :x 14 pri nts and hold any print cla rit y and quality.
Women's Division Don Nelson - Women's Director The 1967 California Win ter Gymnastics Clinic can only be termed as an outstanding success-botb men's and women's sections. Over 100 staff members came to Cal giving the clinic a ratio of one instructor for about every six clinic particip ants. T he women's staff was highlighted by three staff members with international experience - Dale Flansaas, Carolyn Ha cker and Dick Beckner; eight college coaches; thirteen hi gh school or junior high school coaches; twelve YMCA or club coaches and eleven elite gymnasts who assisted in one or two classes. The emphasis was on instruction sin ce the Cal Classis was held the first night so that the competition wo uld be over betore the classes even begun. Tina Gudge gave the clinic participants something to talk about by performing a number of double back sommersa ults in tumbling. Not very many girls have even attempted this stunt. Gymnasts were placed into seven groups. Each group had six classes per day plus warm-ups and two free periods. There was very little standing or wandering aro und by the participants. Close to 300 gymnasts were kept moving from 9 a.m. to II :30 a.m. and from 2 :20 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Special classes and clinics were held for teacher s. Dale Flansaas headed an elite group which worked on Olympic and Junior Nation al compulsories and on optional routin es. Clinics on the fo ur women 's Olympic events were conducted each day : Vaulting - Carolyn Hacker; Unevens-Dick Beckner; Balance Beam- Inky Ledford; Floor Exercise-Dale Flansaas. Head Instructors were: Kathy Shelly, -Bob Sullivan, Dale Shirley, Rose Ann Sayler, Carolyn Hacker, Rod Hill, Dick Beckner, Dale Flansaas, Enid Ortone, Candy Oliver, Lynda Davis, Ji m Ga ult, Vada Crabbe, Don Nelson and Inky Ledford. All told there were 42 classes taught daily with close to 150 teaching assignmen ts. The equ ipment was ex<.:ellent and plentiful with 6 sets of unevens, 9 beams, 3 side horses, etc. As only 4 of the 6 gyms in the Hearst Gymnasium could be used space was at a minim um. If the clinic grows as much in 1968 as it did in 1967, The California Winter Clin ic will not only be one of the best clinics ever held but one of the largest,
Meade I nterview. Continued from page 11 . with the Pre· Olym pic team, it worked out very well with J ack and I because he'd work with so me of the boys and I'd work with some of the oth ers. I said we'll just play it this way- he'll be the good guy and I'll be the bad guy and I'll handle all the di scipline and thin gs like th at because I've played th e bad guy so long it's an easy role for me do do . This way, the kid s can ge t mad at m e and don't h ave to get mad at Ja ck. This group of boys we took down there we had no trouble with; they were a real great bunch of boys. I'm anticipat in g tha t we'll bave no trouble with the team that goes down there in October. Have you and Jack any special plans in mind? No, not really, becau se we didn ' t have that much time to work. We had just a coupl e days to get ready in Mexico City. But I don't think there's any problem. As I've said , I don't think there is anyone way to learn a tri ck and when somebody expresses their way about learnin g it, I'll just try anythin g. I'm just interested in the kid learnin g the trick and I don't care whether I get the credit for it or not. Listen, I've taught for years and gone away to clinics to demonstrate somethin g, and a person has come up and shown me the way they teach and I've liked it so well I've changeH entirely. I've changed my philosophy on coaching in, say, the last 5 or 6 years . . . differ ent things I think are important in learning tricks, I've changed my mind abo ut that. I think a bi g thin g was that ballet school in Florid a back in 1963 when the F ederation had that Royal Academy of Ballet in Lon g Beach , Florida. I think that did more than any· thing else to give me a different outlook on my philosophy of gymnasti cs. I think a large part of Rusty's making the Olympic Team was from that, which was made pos· sible by Mr. Frank Hale, down ther e. How do you think the United States can develop its gymnastics to bring it up t o internaional standards? Well, I think we've got to go along the path that swimm ing has taken- with age groups. We probably won't start quite as early as swimming did. We've got to get more kids going at a younger age and get more peo ple who h ave an opportunity to coach. I feel that there aren't enough peo· pIe who have had the experien ce, who have seen enou gh of international gy mnastics to really be critical and to work on it the way they should. Maybe we sh ould aim com· pulsory exercises for the younger kids as an answer. I know I didn't use to think so, but as I'm working more with them, I think that this mi ght possibly be an answer. How would you compare today's gymnasts with those, of say, ten years ago? Much improved! Better attitude, willing to work harder. They do more stuff and look better than 10 years ago. And I think that in 10 years they'll be doin g a lot hetter than they're doing right now. I think thi s year , when we have the 20 men selec ted for the training (for the Olympic trials) at th e Air F orce Academy, it means we'll . have 20 pretty good gymnasts. I don't think we could have said that 4 years ago or 8 years ago . I think that we'll h ave 20 gym· nasts who can do com pulsories as well as optionals. How do you compare gymnastics til the other sports? Let me say thi s. I always use it in my talks. To me there is only one sport, the rest are games and contests. Does that answer your question?
FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE GYMNASTIQUE NEW EDITION OF CODE POINTS RATING *Our thanks to USGF offices in Tucson and Mr .. Bruno Johke (USGF translator) of Warrington, Florida for making this material available to the MG readers.
To the affiliated federations. Friends and gentlemen, I-We are coming to the close of the year 1967 and we would like to share with you the following information, I-New edition of the rating code (code of points) for men The new edition is the result of a thorough study of the old code of 1964. It will be printed in March and will already be in effect at the next Olympic Games, 1968 in Mexico. The purpose of this letter is to inform the affiliated federations , and especially the coaches, competitors and judges, of the prin· Clpal changes 10 the code. In thIS new edition the A, Band C parts and their terms, as well as for the long horse vaults, will be ade· quately clarified ~y sketches. Other pictures gIVe a profound knowledge of the material itself, and some definitions will help to bet· ter understand certain expressions which determine the basis for deductions. The rules concerning the competitor 's cloth·
ing and the assistance given gymnasts by coaches, managers etc. have been revised. Appropriate deductions have been adapted, based on past experiences and taking in account the evolution of gymnastics in the last years. In setting up the new code, the judging of an exercise will conform with the way the ~actors present themselves in practi ce; taking 10 account first the difficulty, then the com· bination and finally the execution seen from the technical pOint of view. Under "difficulty" there are no principal changes. The lists of A Band C parts will be discussed later in this letter. For practical reason and fairness, the committee ICEMI in· sists that certain A and B parts will only be considered as such if they are executed in -' conformity with their proper techniques. . Under the heading "combination" some changes have been made concerning the parts of difficulty on the different apparatus. On the floor for example, a better technical execution will be demanded in the future and better style in the elementary movements, such as movements of the arms, hands, trunk, legs and feet, as well as a better personal expres· slOn from the technical point of view, and more pronounced holds. Furthermore, in forw. and backw. somersaults the height of the hips Will be conSidered In relatIOn to the height of the head. On the parallel bars, in the all around the C part, or one of them if the gymnast' exe· cutes more than one, must not be a strength part. Also, the B part, to be executed under or over the bars by releasing both hands at the same time, must conform to that description, which means that only when both hands
are released at the same time the gymnast fulfills the requirement, and that a 1'2 turn fofIY. or backw. in support I"Stutz" or "Pir· ouette"l or a kip with a 1'2 turn do not fulfill this requirement if the gymnast releases one hand later than the other. On the rings one can swing into a handstand from the hang, from an inverted hand or from a backw. swing in support, e.g. swingstem forw. , or kip into support to swing onto handstand. A strength part, besides the press handstand, should at least have the difficulty of a cross or lever forw. Finally, one of the C parts at the Parallel Bars, in the Free Exercise and on the rings must not be a strength part. On the horse, The rule that the gymnast must use all three parts of the horse is em· phasized. He must displace himself effectively from one part to the other and work over all the three parts. Using one part simply by placing a hand on it for the mount, does not meet the requirement. The repetition of a part in an exercise, even if the part is repeated in different combin· ations, will no longer allow the gymnast to
~ebs~inth:a:~~~~ati~~recof~:is~~CO~bi ~a~on;{thun~ C part. This rule does not apply at the pommel horse as far as it concerns "Double Moore", double travel s etc. On the other hand "B" and "c" parts must be combined smoothly and appropriately. There is no principal change under the head· ing "execution". In the contrary, in the new code certain changes concerning deductions for undisciplined behavior of competitors, team managers etc. have been made and put in a new category governing all forms of discipline and behavior. The consideration given to an exercise with great risk, originality or special excellence is: now placed under the heading "combination" as far as risk and originality are concerned and un~er "execution" as far as special excel· lence IS concerned. The bonus, howevevr is limited to 0.30 points maximum for the three items. As to the compulsory exercises lrequired ex.! the new code does not permit anymore the repetition of the required exercises, with the exception of the long horse vault, where two vaults are allowed and the better one is ·counted. The optional va ult as well as the required one will no longer be judged from the moment when the gymnast touches the board or the horse, but will be judged from the moment the competitor starts his run . However, the running will not be a factor in the judging. This rule will eliminate the possi· bility of a 3rd try for the two vaults. For judging of the finales, The new code contains a complete innovation in so far as a gymnast can obtain a maximum score of 9.70 only, the remaining 0.30 points are at the disposition of the judges in order to award the gymnasts for risk, originality and special excellence.
The code will also contain definitions as to Ihese three factors. This type of judging demands, of course, a change in the formation of the jury for these finals. Ther e will be two head judges, one of them from a nation not represented in th e finals nor having finalis ts in the resp. appara· tus, and four judges not belonging to a nation represented in the finals or having finalists on the resp. apparatus. In the long horse vaulting finals a partici· pant must execute two different forms of vaults-excluding the required vault-the judg· ing being the same as in the other five apparatuses. In the list of A, Band C parts the follow· ing changes have been made, The right angle support 1\1, leverl with legs astride has been declared an A part, except in cases where it is performed si deways (over one bar) on the parallel bars and, or. the rings, in combination wi th a shoot up or back kip, or the same exercise in slow motion {slow circle backw.l All somersaults forw. or backw. from a giant· swing or from a swing on the horizontal bar have been reinstated as B parts if the hips are higher than the bar during the rotation. The handstand on one arm has been declared a B part. At the horizontal bar the stoop through, straddle out with re·catch is now a B part. On the pommel horse in general, the code only lists the A, Band C parts. However, did not completely abstain from mentioning seen the great variation on this apparatus, we a few combinations consisting of two B parts or a C part plus a B resp. A part. All B parts which are of more than aver· age B value (parts which are definitely harder or riskier to perform than many other B partsl when combined, will be considered a C part if they are joined without an inter· mediate double leg or other circle. For example, - Travelling followed by immediate "Moore" or vice versa -An in verted "Stoeckli" Idouble outl fol· lowed by an immediate transport over the pommels -From a rear support after the "Moore" an immediate "Stoeckli " -"German sideways" I I followed immedi· ately by travelling sideways
I I Whatever that iSI Could it be, pivoting the straight body over one pommel? As in our rule book, page 20, # 9 lonly an A partl' by -;"9.~;~:Cnkli~,ideWayS" followed immediately When two B parts combined do not consti· tute a C part, we have added the element which would elevate them to a C part with· out defining it, e.g. -double "Moore" followed by a move to the neck -double travel 12 traml otsl followed by a transport to neck or croup and we shall let the judges decide. There are also C parts consisting of three combined B parts e.g. "German" sideways, followed by a "Moore", followed by a "German" forward. The "Russian Moore" is now a C part and two "Russian Moores" are two C parts. On the parallel bars the uprise forw. with turn, and the straddle dismount from a side hands tand lone one bart have been classified
A parts, and the "Moore" backw. B part. 2-lntercontinental Course for Judges Imenl 1968 in Rome, Italy. In accord with th e program adopted at the 46th Congress of the FIG in Warsaw, Poland, the 2nd round of instrudion for judges will commence with an intercontinental course in Rome from June 19 to June 23, 1968, the 47th Congress to take place the foll owing days, from June 24 to June 29. Candidates for the course come from all Continents as it was indicated in the program, dated June 2, 1967, whICh was sent to all affiliated federations before the Congress in Warsaw. The following table is reproduced to recall the distribution of participants, Men A. North Africa ............................. 2 or 3 B. South Africa .............................. 1 2 II. A. USA, Canada and Mexico ........ 6" 7 B. Central America ........................ 2" 3 C. South America .......................... 2" 3 JII. A. Asia, Far East .......................... 5" 6 B. Middle East ........................ 2" 3 C. Near East ......... ............. 3" 4 IV. A. Australia and New Zealand .... 2" 3 V. A. Europe, Federations of Eastern Europe .......... 6 " B. Fed. of Northern Europe IScandanavial ...................... 5 " C. French speaking federations (or partly Frenchl ............. 6 " D. German speaking feder at ions lalso partlyl .............. 5 " 6 Total ............ .47 to 60 . For each continent a person will be named Il as~n man to take care of registrations etc. A wcular letter to this effect will be mailed to all affiliated Federations on Feb. 15; the entry deadline being April 15. This COUrse will introduce and deal with the New Code, and the partICipants will be asked to hold courses in their Continents, according to our plans of June 2, 1967. It is evident that all Federations which will participate in the Games in Mexico City must send their proposed judges to this course. The partcipants will have an opportunity to obtain the FIG Judges Certificate. 3-Symposium for Coaches of the affiliated Federations. We are taking this occasion to inform you th at a symposium for a limited number of coaches of our federations will take place in November 1968 or in January 1969, in a coun· try which will make a request for it. The principal theme for this symposium will be "The Optional Exercise, its Evolution, and Its Future." In the meantime we beg the federations to take notice. There will be ample information on this subject forthcoming at the 47th Con· gress in Rome. We also beg to take notice of the content of this letter, mainly concerning the new code, and to di sseminate the information to the coaches, competitors, judges, etc., and also to take the necessary steps con· cerning the Intercontinental Course for judges. We also would like to take this occasion to thank our federations for their cooperation in the interest of the FIG and of gymnastics in general. With cordial greetings, and best wishes for the New Year, InternatIOnal Federation of Gymnastics President, and technical President Arthur Gander
New "Sports Techniques" Series
The Athletic Institute presents the Japanese and French interpretation of the 1968 Women's Olympic Compul· sory Routines on film. This is a 10 minute, 16mm silent motion picture in full color, featuring free exercise, balancing beam. and uneven parallel bar. Each routine is shown in both regular and slow mo· tion to increase its instructional value. Linda Metheny, recent winner of four gold medals at the Pan Ameri· can Games, and second in the World Games in Tokyo, is our feature per· former. Price $74.95
The new "Sports TeChniques" ser· ies is The Athletic Institute's way of showing our interest in better instructional aids for education. Each National Compulsorv Routine for Girls was created jointly by the United States Gymnastics Feder~tion and the Division for Girls and Worn· en's Sports. These 8MM instructional loop films feature Linda Metheny and other champions who demonstrate routines for free exercise, balance beam, un· even parallel bars and vaulting. Available February 25, 1968 Super 8MM .................... $14.00 Standard 8MM ......................... $14.00
THE ATHLETIC INSTITUTE 805 Merchancise Mart Chicago, III. 60654
Th ese fil ms were developed fo r the Ameri· can Women Gymnasts through the efforts of the Women's Educational Committee of the United States Gymnastics Federation.
RegiOn One
Richard A ronson, Gym nastic ' Coach Lowell Techn ological Institute Lowell. Mass .
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
........................... .........25c .........................................25c ......................................... .25c .......................................... 25c .......................................... 25c ................. ........................25c ........................................ 25c ........................... ......... 25c
vi · f964
#7 ..... VOLUME VII
Connec ticut, "Maine, Massach,,·
RegiOn Two. Mr. Mike Jacobsot,
U.?N.A. ,_Annapolis, Md.
# 2 ................. . ...... 25c # 3 ................ . ........ 25c #4 ................. ............25c #5 ................ .35c ........... .35c #6 #7 .. .35c #8-9 ......50c VOLUME III 1960·61 #1 ..................35c #2 ................ .25c #3 ............... . .... .25c #6 ....... 25c #7 .................... 25c #8 ................... ........ ........ .25c .... 25c #9 VOLUME IV 1962 #1 .......25c ..... .... .25c #2 ..... 25c #3 ..... . ......... 25c #4 # 5 ...................................... .25c ...... .25c #6 .................... ........... 50c # 7 ................... . .. .25c #8 # 9 Unavailable 1963 VOLUME V ................... 25c #1-2 #3 .............25c ............ 25c #4 :'t 5 ...................25c ff/ ...25c # 8·9 ...50c VOLUME
Region 1 -
se lts, New Hampsh ire, Rhode Island, Ve rmont,
. ...........50c
1965 #3 ..... "75c #4 ...25c #5 .........25c # 8-9 ... . . .......... . ....50c VOlUME" VIII 1966 #1 .... ... .. . .. .. ........ 50c #2 ......... 50c #3 ........... 50c #4 .......... 50c #5 .......... 50c # 6-7 ....... 50c #8-9 ....... ... 50c #10 .....50c # 11 .......... 50c It 12 ............... . ......... 50c
R egia" 2 - Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York , New TeTsev. MarylamL
RegiOn Three Mr. Len Bryson
~emp'llis State . ~ni v., Memphis, Tenn.
Region 3 - Ataoama, Wash . D. C, Flo rida, Georgia, Kentucky, Virgitija, West Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nor th Carolina, Ten tleSsee, So uth Carolina.
;RegiOn Four Mr. Roger CA""mcil {11diana S tate U'.liv., ~erre Haut, Ind .
Region 4 - Illi'Jois, ItJdjana, Michigatl, 0 1110, Mi,mesota, Wisconsin, Iowa.
RegiOn Five ·
Mr. Bob Rector Kamas S tate Um·v., Matlhattan, Kan .
Regio'l- 5 - Iowa' S tate Univ., Kansas. Misso uri, Neb raska, Nortll. Dakota, Oklaltoma, South .Dakota.
RegiOn Six Mr. Ja~ ile Ashmo re Un iv._9fTexas, AI,sti,!,
Tex~ .
Regio'l 6 - Arkansas, N ew Mexico, Texas:
RegiOn Seven Repo rter to be anuoutlced.
.25.~t Don ~~~e ET~~~: ~su Tonry, NYAC .
Introductory Edition ... ............ $1.00 VOLUME I
#1 .... ............ .. ... .75c #2 ............ ...... .75c #3 .... .75c #4 ....... .75c Volume I, complete .. $2.50
California resident : Add 5 % Sales Tax MG BACK EDITIONS BOX 777
Santa Monica , California 90406 26
Rich ard Grigsby, Mikio Sakamoto, Gary Oiamond, Bob Hall, Steve Pleau, John MaggIOnettl, Dan Garci a George Greenfield, Randy Carruthers, AI Luber: Art Armenda riz, Tony Coppola, Jim Betters, Yoshi Hayasaki, and Juan Sanchez all have to be co unted in at this point. World University Games, Thus far I have got· ten conflicting impressions concerning the World Uni versity Games and I am wonde ring if someone could tell me if these games wi ll be held every summer? Christmas Clinics, It so happens that this reo porter attended the Tu cson clinic but was too busy with the FIG judges course to. get much impression of the over-all cliniC. On e ImpreSSIOn, however, was that the spectator attendance seemed to be quite low fo r some strange reason fo r th e Eas t·West meet and the Clinic Cham· pionship meet. The judges cours e was a great disappointment due primarily to Gander's failure to come. YMCA 's and Clubs, The Seattle YMCA of Sea t· tle, Washington continues to dominate the West coast competitions in this category but Bud Marq uettes SCATS are coming up fast. Th e SCATS have a you ng lady that is going to cause quite a stir in the near future. Judging, I take this opportunity to bring the follow ing to the attention of th e judges in the country, A six·man ad·hoc (temporary) committee has been formed by the U.S. Ol ympic Gymnastics committee to act on such items as (1 ) who wi ll be selected to judge the Olym pic trials and (2) wh ich meets wi ll be approved to qualify gym· nasts for the first trials to be at the Air f orce Academy. My point is that if you wish to be consi dered as a judge for the trials (if selected your expenses will be provided by th e host! send your name to Carl Patterson, Gymnastics Coach, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Also, if your conference plans to utilize Olympic Compulsory exercises you may request the meet be a qualifying meet, also through Me. Patterson. N.C .A.A. Rules, If you haven't heard already, the trampoline A·B·C ratings in the 1968 NCAA Gymnastics guide have been voided and the 1967 guide is to be used for collegiate competitions during 1968. It has also been pointed out that in long horse vaulting, the performer must be informed whether his grip was good or bad before he has to decide to accept or reject his first vault . Coming Events, CCAA Conference Championships March 16 San Luis Obispo Pacific Northwest Championships March 1 & 2 Cheney, Washington Northern California High Schools Mid Peninsula League finals May 3 7,00 Aragon High, San Mateo, Calif. Diablo Vall ey League finals May 3 no Ygnacio Val ley High, Concord, Calif. Oakland Athletic League fi nals May 3 7,00 Fremont High, Oakl and, Calif. Maverick League fina ls May 10 7,00 Encina High, Sacramen to, Calif. West Bay fin als May 10 7,00 Aragon High Ea st Bay finals May 11 7,00 College Park High, Ple asant Hill, Calif. Northern California all around finals May 17 3J5 Mills High, Millbrea, Calif. Northern California finals May 18 7,00 DeAnza High,. Richmond, Calif. 1968 Olympic Team Pre·Trlal StandIOgs (ratings are accordi ng to most recent scores only) 1. Makoto Sakamoto, USC ......................... .11150 2. Kanati Allen, UCLA . ....................... .11 2.00 1 Ji m Amerine, So. Conn. .........................111.40 4. Fred Roethlisberger, M.T. ........ .110.75 5. Arno Lascari, Unatt.............................. .110.70 6. Mike Flansaas, S. YMCA. . .......... .109.90 7. Bob Hall, Seattle Y. ......................... .109.50 8. Barry Weiner, Temple .. ......... .108.40 9. Sid Freudenstein, Cal. ........................ .107.70 10. Rich Grigsby, SFV ........ .107.50 11. Bob Dickson, Iowa . .... ....................... .107.25 12. Pete DiFuri o, Temple ............................ 107.10 11 Marc Cohn, Unatt. ....................... .106.90 14. Dan Millman, Cal. ... ..... .106.50 15. Fred Turoft, Temple ......................... .106.20 16. Steve Hug, Unatt. ................................. .106.00 17. Mikio Sakamoto, USC ...................... .105.80 18. Gary Diamond, Cal. .................. .105.70 19. Bob Diamond, Unatt. ....................... .105.20 20. Jim Culhane, Unatt. ............... .105.05 21. Jerry Fontana, Un ................. .104.85 22. Bob Lynn, Unatt. ............ 104.85
Regio n 7 - Arizona, Co lorado, MOlltatla, Utah, Wyomitlg.
Renion Eight
'Mr. J erry Wright Sa n Fratlcisco St. CoL , San Franc ~co, _ Ga}if.
Region 8 - Alaska, California, Hawa ii, Nevada, Idah o, Or~gO'l, Washington.
1968 OlympiC Team, Region 8 will again figul< predominately in the battle for positions on the 1968 OlympiC team as Makoto Sakamoto, Kanatl Al len, Sid Freudenstein, Bob Lynn, Steve Hug,
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
..... .10130 Bob Cargill, Sp ........................... 103.30 Tom Sexton, Okla. ................................. 103.10 Abe Grossfeld, S.C. ...................... .102.90 Mike Jacki, ISU ...... 102.50 Jack Kenan, Ariz. .. .............................. .102.50 Steve Pl eau, Sac. St . ......................... .102.00 Ri chard Loyd, NW La . ......................... .101.70 Rich Impson, ASU .101.60 Tony Coppola, SJS. ............................ .10UO Jim Howard, Lac. .... ................... .100.95 John Magginetti, SF ......................... .109.90 Paul Mayer, SIU ....... .100.45
.·· :~~:~~
41. Neil Schmitt, Iowa
............................ 99.10
46. Joe Bridges, NYAC 47. AI Luber, Unatt.
................... ...... 97.65 . 96.70
it: ti~~~1~~~?iiJ ::
:: lUI
48. 49. 50. 50.
Joe Fedorchek , MSO ... Rich Scorza, Iowa . Yoshi Hayasaki, W Juan Sanchez, Unatt.
...... 96.20 . 94.40
.,, - -REGION - -NINE - - -...... Editor's Desk
As some of our regional reporters were unable to make the ·printing deadline for this February issue, we have excerpted from a ma lh.n ~. from Me. Frank Wolcott, NCAA-College D,vlSlOnCh ampionship Meet Director. Me Wolcott reo port ed that there are 84 teams eligible for the College Oivision Ch ampionships on March 8 and 9. Because many of our re~ders are n~~ familiar with all the schools oftefln g competitive gym· nas tics we list th e college division and those universi ty divisio n teams classi fied as college division teams for 1968. , On the basis of past performances and some early results, we pred ict (somewhat apprehen· sively) that the top teams Will be , 1. San Fernando Valley State College 2. Springfield College . 3. Southern Connecticut State College Th e Editors
COLLEGE DIVISION SCHOOLS Di strict 1 ·Brandeis Uni versity. Waltham, Mass . Lowell Technological Institute, Lowell, Mass. ' Massachusetts, University of, Amherst, Mass. Plymouth State College, Pl ymou th, New Hamp . Southern Connecticut SI. Col., New Haven, Conn . Springfield College, Springfield, Mass. ' U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Conn. District 2 Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York ' Cortland, State Univ. College at, Cortland, N.Y. ' Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York ' Lock Haven State College, Lock Haven, Penna . Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York Montclair State College, Upper Montclalf, N.!. ' New York, City College of, New York, N.Y. Oneonta State Universi ty College, One onta, N.Y. Plattsbu~gh, State Univ. College, Plattsburgh, N.Y . Queens Coll ege, FlushlOg, New York Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, Pa. Trenton State College, Trenton, New Jersey U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, N.Y. ' Wes t Chester State College, West Chester, Pa. ' West liberty State College, West liberty, W. Va. District 3 Alabama A & M College, Normal, Alabama Benedict College, Columbia, South Carolina Chattanooga, University of, Chattanooga, Tenn. ' East Carolina College, GreenVille, N. CarollOa ' Eastern Kentucky University, Ri chmond, Ky . Elizabeth City St. Teach. Col., Eli zabeth City, N.C. Florida A & M UniverSity, Tallahassee, FlOrida ' Georgia State College, Atla nta, Georgia Grambling College, Grambling, louisiana Jackson Sta te College, Jackson, Mississ ippi ' Middle Tennessee St. Univ., Murfreesboro, Tenn. Northeas t Louisiana Stat e College, Monroe, La . Old Dominion College, Norfolk, Virginia Sou thwestern Louisiana, Univ. of, Lafayette, La . Towson State College. Baltimore, Maryland ' Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Ky. District 4 Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Chicago, Univers ity of, . Chicago, Illinois . . Eas tern Illinois UniverSity, Charleston, Ill inoIS Eas tern Michigan University, Ypsi lanti, Michigan Gustavus Ado lphus College, St. Peter, Minneso ta Illinois State Univers ity, Normal, Illinois ' Indiana State Univers ity, Terre Haute, Indiana Mankato State Col lege, Mankato, Minnesota Michiga n Technological Univ., Houghton, Mich. ' North Centra l College, Naperville, Illi nois Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Mich. Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota ' Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois Western Reserve Universi\f, Cleveland, Ohio Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois Wisconsin State University, Superior, Wisconsin . District 5 Augustana College, Sioux Falls, Sou th Dakota Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Mo . lincoln University, Jefterson City, Missouri North Dakota, Universi ty of, Grand Forks, N. Oak. Northern Iowa, University of, Cedar Falls, Iowa South Dakota State Coll ege, Brookings, S. Oak . District 6 Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, N.M. ' Pan Ame ri can College, Edinburg, Texas Prairie View A & M Coll ege, Prairie View, Texas District 7 Fort Lewis Coll ege, Durango, Colorado *Montana, University of, Mussoula, Montana District 8 California, University of, Irvine, Calif. . ' California, Univers ity of, Santa Barbara, Calif. Cal ifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Cal. California Sta te College, Fullerton, Calif. California State College, Hayward, Calif. ' Cali fornia State College, Long Beach, Calif. ' California State College, Los Angeles, Calif. ' Central Was hington State Col., Ellensburg, Wash . California State Poly. Col., San Luis Obi spo, Calif. ' California State Polytechnic Col., Pomona, Calif. Chico State College, Chico, Calif. Nevada, University of, Reno, Nevada Neva da Southern University, Las Vegas, Neva da Sacramento State College, Sacramento, Calif. 'San Oi ego State College, San Diego, Calif. 'San Fernando Vall ey St. Col., Northridge, Calif. San Francisco State Coll ege, San Francisco, Calif. 'San Jose State College, San Jose, Calif. ' University Division Schools classified as College Division for 1968
front uprise, back off. Maginetti (SFV) Peach , layaway,
front uprise, moore, cast, back rise ,
1967 HOLIDAY CLASSIC CAL STATE AT LOS ANGELES December 1 S, 1967 The first invitational of the new seaso n saw five southland teams entering new men and new r outi nes for the season ahead. The weight
of the sc.oring was bo rn , however , by returning veterans , such as Cal State's Jul io Munroy, Bruce Coulter and Don Wa rr en, San Jose's T ony Coppola , and San Ferna ndo Valley's Rich Grigsby and John Magginetti, while returning specialists Gary Hoskins on side horse, Mickey Chaplan (UCLA) on rings and Chris Costner (UCLA) on tram poline added honors for their
respecti ve teams . Team scores : San Ferna ndo Valley State 169.70, Col State L.A. 167.60, Cal State San Diego 124.9 5 , UCLA 53.35, Cal State Long Beach 52.95. AA: Rich Grigsby (S FV) 49.25, Ton y Coppola (SJ) 46.10 , Juli o Munroy (CSCLA) 45.55. FX : Don Warren (CSCLA) 8.95 , tie between Coulter and Radomski (SFV) 8 .6. SH: Gary Hoskins (CSC LA ) 9.30, Larr y Bass (SD) 8.95 , Mike Walter (CSCLA) 8.70 . Tr: Chris Castner (UCLA) 8.6, Miles Stanton (CSCLA) 8.4, Jerry Clodfelter (SFV) 7.8. R: Mickey Chaplan (UCLA) 9.25, John Magginetti (SFV) 8.85 , Mike Allmandinger (SFV) 8.75. LH : Coulter 9.4, Grigsby 9.1, Radomski 9.0. PB: Tie between Magginetti and Tracy Savage (CS LB ) 8.70, Grigsby 8 .55. HB: Grigsby 9.0, tie between War ren and AIImandinger 8.15.
Gary Hosk ins Winning Routines Long Horse: Coulter (CSLA) Y amashita Trampoline : Cas t n e r (UCLA) Pike barani out , double back, back, barani out, back with full , back, rudolf, back, back full, 1 3.4 back, double cod y. Side Horse : Ho'skins (CSLA) Rev erse moore, uphill travel , immediate downhill travel, high d ou b le , back travel into middle, high double, russian on one pommel, high double, bailie, high double, break
into one bock sc issors, front scissors, front scissors with half turn, front scissors, high double back moore, immediate tra vel down to end, to loops (3) and a loop and a half. Floor Exercise: Warren (CSLA) Front handspr ing, front, front handspring, forward roll to splits; 3.4 turn to stand; RO, ff , full twist, drop back, flange , hop turn t o handstand; snap down , chest r ock out, japanese splits, stiff-stiff press to handstand , pirouette ; RO, ff , arabian front , front handspring; forward fall , turn over, valdez, step out to RO, ff , tuck back. Porollel Bars: Savage (CSLB) Cast catch to swing pirouette, giant glide kip, swing to handstand , back toss, cast over, glide kip , swing back up, press to handstand , pirouette in, cast to straddle cut, L, press handstand , stitz lay back ,
straddle cut, L, hollowback press to handstand, back overbar, cast, back rise , straddle cut, swing to handstand , back layout off. Horizontal Bar: Grigsbv (SFV) . Jam cast , full support, half twist , suck in, shoot in locate, eagles, h op out with half twist, feet o n feet off, immed wh ip change, immediate pirouette change, flange , immediate half twi st, vault catch , kip ho p , immediate pirouette change, flange in , cast front. Still Rings: Chaplan (UCLA) Straight arm back uprise handstand, drop back, stiff arm back kip to maltese cross, layaway , fr ont rise , L , stiff arm-stiff bodv press to handstand , lower through planche to back lever and pull to cross, lay back, dislocate, full twist. TIt£ FIRST ANNUAL HURON INVITATIONAL GYMNASTICS MEET by Samuel Muffitt Eastern Michigan University Eastern Michigan University I in the hope of expanding and improving the caliber of g ym nastics in Michigan, presented the First Annual Huron Invitati onal Gy mna stics Meet on December 27, 1967. The compet ing schools were divided into two divisions according to their places in the state high schoo l championship held the preceding March. Each school in the fir st divis ion was all owed four
competitors, with three to count, in each event. The First Division teams in order of the placing we re Clarenceville with 13 1.3 poi nts; North Farmington with 122.5; John F. Kennedy, 108.5; Allen Park, 76.3 and Alpena 70.8. The Second Div ision schools, allowed two competito rs, both to
Ta ylor
Center ,
Flat Rock, 48.8; St. Clair , 48.6 ; Rochester, 22.4 and Dea r born 6. 1. Chari ie Morse was clearly the outstanding gymnast of the meet . His parallel bar routine co nsisted o f 0 planche on one rail to stiff stiff out t o handstand , and a back somersault; his rings appeared to be all " C" moves with a pull to " L-cross" pull out, planche, giant swing and another cross pull ou t. In his free exercise routine he used a straight leg suck through from " L" to handstand and back t o " L" and a beautiful straight body press to planche from lyi ng on h is stomach. The meet ran smoothly beginning at 10:00 A.M. , and the preliminaries were over by noon. At 1 :00 P.M. a clinic was held by H uron coach Marv Johnson and his Eastern Michigan University gymnasts. The finals began at 7:30 and we r e over at 9:30 using four judges on each ev ent and running o ne event at a time . AA : Charl ie Morse (C) 40.1; Jim McCammon (C), 30.5; Bob Conroy (JFK) 29. FX : Duane Artwine (NF) 6.8; T om McCart (N F) 6 .7; Tom Drugalis (AP) 5 .7 . SH : Charlie Morse (C) 7.7; Tom Huber (NF ) 4.9; T om Paulson (C), 4 .7. Tr: Dan Erickson (N F) 6.0: Dennis Spencer (NF) 5.6; Dan W itt (J FK) 4.8 . HB : Charlie Morse 7 .8; Dav e Purd y (NF) 4.6; Howard We lsh (A) 4.3 . PB: Morse 7.6; Conroy 4 .9 ; Barry Frechette (C) 4.4. LH : Terry Boys (NF) 7.8; Dav e Milidonis (AP) 7.6; Conroy and John Teeple s (NF) 7.5"R: Morse 7.9; Tim Hibner (A) 5.7; 5 .7; Neil Boff ( NF ) 5.4. Tu : Dennis Spencer (NF) and Dan Witz (J FK ) 5.4; Ted Ortwine (N F) 4.9; T om McArt (NF) 4 .8. GERMAN WOMAN'S GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS DEC. 2 - 3, 1967 AT SIEGEN Results of the Olympic Class 1. Stegemann, Marie-Luise 72 .25 TV 04 Wattenscheid (aged 16) 2. Matschkur, Helga 72 .00 TSV Munchen 1860 71.60 3. Krauser, Irmi (Beam 7.3!) TSV Straubing 69.20 4. Quester, Barbara Hamburger Turnerschaft 1860 69.15 5. Stegemann, Annegr€t TV 04 Wattenscheid 69.15 5. Egelkraut, Ute
TSV 46 Nurnberg 7. Maring, Anne-Birgit 68.60 Hamburger Turnerschaft 1816 8. Jebram, Petra 67.85 VfL Bochum (aged 13) 9. Stein Anna 67.30 Tu S Tenningen 10. Burger, Elisabeth 67.25 TSV Straubing 34 participants Finals V: Krauser, Irmi 18 .5 75; Stegemann , Marlies 18 .050: Matschkur , Helga 17 .950. BB: Matschkur, Helga 17.975; Stegemann, Marlies 17 .700; Quester, Barbara 16.875. UB: Krauser, Irm i 18.825; MatschklJr, Helga 18.550; Stegemann , 18.250. FX: Krauser 18 .850; Stegemann 18.675; Maring , Anne Birgit 18.375. IOWA OPEN GYMNASTICS MEET UNIVERSITY OF IOWA December 8-9, 1967 AA: Neil Schmitt (Iowa) 10],30, Fred Dennis (S IU ) 100.55, Paul Mayer (S IU ) 100.45. FX : Gene Kelber (SIU) 9.20, Mike Jacki ( ISU) 9.10, Mark Wilcox ( ISU) 9 .05. SH: Keith McCanless (Iowa) 9.65, Marc Siotten (Iowa) 9.60, tie Doug Peak (ISU) and Rich Scorza ( Iowa) 8 .8 0. R: Don Hatch (Iowa) 9.50, Ja ck i 9.30, Paul Omi (Iowa) 9.20. T,: Dale Hardt (S I U) 9.35, Mike Zepeda (Iowa) 9.25 , Joe Dupree (SIU) 9.15. LH: Scor za 9.40, Mayer 9.30 , T im Clarke (ISU) 9.25. PB : Brent Simmons ( IS U) 9.30, W . McVey (LSU) 9.15, Mayer 9 .00. HB : Schmitt 9.40, Jerry Fon tana (Chicago ) 9.30, Dennis 9.20. MIDWEST GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIP Sponsored jointly by the Midwest Gymnastic Association and the Illinois H. S. Coaches A ssociat ion , the meet attracted some 3500 fans to the Addison Trail H.S. Indi vidual winners included: FX: Tob y Tows on (MSU) 9;5. SH : Keith McCanless (Iowa ) 9.55; R: tie between Do n Hatch ( Iowa) and Katsuto shi Kanzaki (N E' La St) 9.55; PB : Dave Thor (MSU) 9.45; Tr: Wayne M iller (U Mich.) 9.45; HB: Ka nzaki 9.65; LH : Kanzaki 9.6. All-around: Katsut oshi Kanzaki ( NE La St) 106.65: Dov e Th or (MSU) 104.00, Richard Loyd (NW La St) 101.70, Fred Dennis (S IU) 100.60, Gil LaRose (Quebec) 100.45, Nei l Schmit! (Iowa) 99.10 , John Elias (NW La St) 97.55 , (tie) Rick Tucker (SIU) and Paul Mayer (S IU ) 97 .30, Sid Jensen (U Mich) 95.00. FLORIDA GOLD COAST JR. OLYMPICS Competing were gymnasts from North Miami Beach (NM B), Co ral Gables (CG), Fort Myers ( FM), Vero Beach (VB), Va lpa ri so (V), and Riviera Beach (RB). Th ere were 16 girls and 19 boys entered in the separate age group divisions. (The MG is listing results only from the oldest age group .) Girls 1"S-17 : Team : Coral Gab les. AA : Carol Donnelly (RB), Sandy Garret (CG), Joan Lauter (CG) . FX: Do nnell y, Lauter , Gcrret. BB : Chris Nichols (CG), tie Donelly and Lauter . SHY: Garret , Do nell y, Lau ter. UPB: Do nnell y, Garret , Nichols. Tu : Lauter, Do nnelly, Garret. Tr: Tresa Roach (VB) , Donnell y. Boys 10-12: Team: Valpariso. AA : Tiger Taylor (V), Greg Frew (V), Danny Morris (V) . FX : Ta y lor , Morris, G. McGhan (FM) . PB: Taylor , McGhan, Darryle Stan ley (V). HB : Ta y lo r , McGhan, Morris. R: Ta y lo r , Joey Ta y lor (V), Morris. LH: Ta y lor , Frew, McGhan. SH: Taylor , Frew, Morris. Tu: McGhan, tie B. Kingsley and Morris. Tr: J. Taylor, Frew, Stanley. WEST VIRGINIA JR . OLYMPICS JANUARY 6, 1968 by Robert A. Francis The second annuol West Virgi nia Association o f the AAU Jr. Olym pic Gymnastic m e e t was held in Charleston , W. Va. Its success was demonstrated by the nearly 100 entr ies f rom all over the state as wel l as St. Clairsville, Ohio, and Ashland , Kentucky. The meet director was Dr. Basil Mullens of Charleston. Competition was held by age group for both gi r ls and boys. (Due to space limitations, the
MG is I isting only the oldest age groups). Boys 1S-17: High point man : Roger DeBertand (St. Clairsville, Ohio) 444. SHY: Ed W illiamso n 63, Mike Haught 57, tie Don Waybright and DeBertand 56 . Tu: Clay Nease 73 , Bradv. Bassett 71, Mike Dickel 65. Rope : Jim Prentiss 6 .6 , Dave Tingley 8, Dale Sansom 9.3 . PB: Joe Heathwith 84, DeBertand 72 .5, Bassett 71. Tr: Nease 71.5 , ~e Jim Dunn and David Blue 46.5. R: DeBertand 79, Ralph Roach 74.5, Blue 69.5. LH : DeBertand 84, Roach 75 .5, Nease 73.5. FX : Bassett 79.5, Dickel 75, Nease 71.5. Low H B : DeBertand 85, Dave Murran 72.5, Nease 70.5. Girls 1S-17: High point girl: Mary Lu Morton (Charleston, W. Va .) 288.5 . SHY : Morton 80, Carolyn Pedley 60, Cheryl Archer 55 . Tu: Morton 60, Nancy Coyle 55, Marsha Buckalew 50. BB: Morton 80, Archer 72, Coyle 71. Tr: Morton 55, Coyle 51, Buckalew 45 . FX : Morton 76, Buckalew 66, Connie Carrier 64. UPB: Cheryl Cantwell 60, Archer 59, Coyle 58. __~ Younger categories : High paint scorers. Boys : 9 and under-Ford Francis; 10-12-Bill Strachan ; 1314-Ken Huntsman . Girls: 9 and under-Bobbi Hunt; 10-12-Becky Johnson; 13-14-Julia H os imer. WINTER CLASSIC GYMNASTICS MEET December 26, 1967-8 :00 p.m. Harmon Gymnasium, Univ. of Calif. Meet Director: Mr. Jack Smith Meet Announcer: Mr . Charles Keeney Meet Judges: Don Nelson, Rick Field, Don Ohannes, Bill Holmes, Thorne Tibbitts, Steve Johnson, Bill V incent, Ken Bartlett, Larr y Banner, Clair Jennett. FX: Dan Millman 9.45; George Greenfield 9.35; Sid Freudenstein' 9.25; Steve H·u g 9.2; Gary D iamond 9.15. SH: Bill Fujimoto 9 .25 ; Mauno Nissinen 9.15; Steve Hug 9.1; ·(tie) Sid Freudenstein and Bob Lynn 8.6 . Tr: Dan Millman 9.35; Kent Umbarger 9.0; Steve Lerner 8.4; Sam Cobb 8.1; Jim Turpin 8 .0. LH: (T ie) Sid Freudenstein and Larry Bassist 9.4; Rich Grigsby 9.15· Gary Diamond 9.1; Mike Flansaas 8 .9. PB : Steve Hug 9 .25; (Tie) Dan Millman and Bob Lyn n 9 .2; Mauno Nissinen 9.15; Bob Diamond 8.85. SR: (Tie) Dan Millman and Mickey Chaplan 9.25; (tie) Sid Freudenstein and Bob Diamond 9.2; Mauno Nissinen 9.1. HB: Rich Grigsby 9.45; Dave Niemand 9.45; Sid Freudenstein 9 . 1; Bob Lynn 8 .95; (t ie) Norm Haynie and Bob Diamond 8.9. ALL AROUND: Sid Freudenstein , Champion Final Compulsory Total 1. Sid Freudenstein 52 .85 106.65 2 . Steve Hug 53.25 106.2 5 3. Bob Lynn 52 .85 106.00 4. Dan Millman 47.6 101.05 5. George Greenfield 43.7 94.8 Compulsory Meet was run Dec . 26-2:00 P.M. Optional Meet was run Dec . 26 - 8 :00 P.M . WINTER CLASSIC GYMNASTICS MEET - WOMEN In conjunction with the California Winter Clinic, University of Calif. Berkeley, Calif.-Dec. 26, 1967 Meet Director : Mr. Ja ck Smith Meet Announcer: Mr . Charles Keeney Meet Judges: Wal1da Obradovich , Kathy Shelly, Dale Flansaas, Rose Ann Saylor, Claudia Larson Women-FX: Karen Galloway 9 .0; (tie) Linda Handby and Sandra Bartley 8.23; Lor i Foreman 7.9· Jo Anne De Vero na 7 .73. BB : Kar~ en Galloway 8.86; Doris Nishanaka 7.46; Linda Hand by 7.1; Jo Anne De Varona 6.6; Sandra Hartley 6 .5. SHY: Sandra Hartley 8.66; Karen Galloway 8.63; Jo Anne De Varona 8 .26; Lori Foreman 8.23; Betty Smith 8.1. UPB : Karen Galloway 9.06; Sandra Hartley 8.4; Doris Nishanaka 7.23; Caro l Elsner 7.2; Lori Foreman 7.0. AA: Katen Galloway 35.55; Sandra Hartley 31.79: Linda Handby 29 .55; . Lori Fo reman 29.23; Do ri s Nishanaka 28.22. * Meet was run simultar'Jeously with the Men's Meet.
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LETTERS Dear Sirs: I am coaching a gymnastics club and find that the sequence and still ph ot os of various rOll tines are quite usefu I as a teac hing device . Also, if you could send me NCAA or Olympic rulings on apparatus spec ifications for both men an d women I would greatly appreciate it. Th e kind of specifications to which I am r e f e rring are such things as equipment dimen s ions (i.e., length of beam , h eight of b eam when worked, height of h orse when vaulted). Al so, may I have r outine s p ec ification for both men's and women ' s events (either Olympic and/ol' NCAA)specifications s uch as number and typ es of movements involved in completing a routine. Thank you .West Liberty State College Sincerely, Jack Osmon West Liberty, W. Va. 26074 Ed: Here are the F.I.G. beam specifications as a starter. Balance Beam (Specifications of the 1965 F.I.G. Technical Committee) Material: 'Vooden beam, working s urface smooth but not slippery 2 feet of steel or gray pig iron. 1. The a ngles must be slightly round e d , see 1 2. The h eight o f the beam mu st be a djus t a bl e from 800 to 1200 mm at 50 mm intervals. (From 31.49 in. to 47.24 in. at 1.96 in. intervals). 3. Th e beam must not v ibra te on the uprights when in use. 4. The d esign for the f eet or the m eans for joining th e beam to the uprights must a llow s light irregulariti es on the ground t o b e cancelled out. 5. The feet must h ave grooved rubber pads or rubber s hock -absorbers 3. Th e m easurements a nd dimension s s hown in the a bove s k etches must be strictly adhered to. Testing the apparatus: 1. With t h e beam set at a heig ht of 1200 mm (47.24 in.) a test weight of 135 kg. (302.48 lbs.) placed in the middle of the beam, mu s t produce a maximum sag of 8 mm (approx. 5/16 in.) (see 1). 2. With the beam set at a h e ight of 1200 mm a (test) weight of 150 kg. (330.69 Ibs.) placed on the beam in th e axis of one of the uprights (see left hand side of the sketch) placed on rigid ground, must produce a m ax imum depression of th e upright of 2 mm (approx. 5/64 in.) . Balance Beam (Complement to F.I.G. Specifications, dated January 20, 1967) The beam u sed until now was n ever quite as stable as one w,ould h ave like d b ecause of the impossibility of finding a method of fixing it to the ground without interfe ring with its function. The m an ufacturer Richard Reuther has now f ound a solution to this problem which e n s ures absolute stability without fixin g to th e gnound, a stab ility guaranteed during th e mos t difficult exercises. Furthermor e, this new apparatus considerably redu ces the ris k of accidents and also f acilitates tra n s port since the apparatus need n o t b e take n to pieces. Balance Beam During the last few yars, wom e n 's gymnastics on the beam have made enormo us progress. Today's world class gymnast~ present exerci ses which experts wou ld h ave c onsidered impossible o nly a few years ago. The development makes greater demands on the beam itself, especially as rega rds the following: a ) Sta bility of the apparatus b) Elimination of the risk of accidents arising from the increas ing difficulty of the exercises. c ) Ease of transport for the apparatus when set up and r eady for u se. d) W -ell-planned manufacture in view o f the possibility of new kinds of exercises. The c r eation of a new base largely fulfills these conditions. Th e beam is pla ced on 4 f ee t (foundation plates) in the n e utra l zone. . l.e. underneath the ends of the beam. This arrangement in creases stability to m a ximum and requires no special
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presente d r e presentatio n of Gymn astics. I h ave hope d for this often and wish to let you know that one person appreciates it and th a nks you. Some of the articles I thought were good would be "Let' s Go All-Aro und" , "All-Around the World" and "Conditioning fo r Competition." Th e drawings a nd s k e tc h es w e re generally inte r es ting but p e rhaps too large in number. Even so your magazine could be improved . Some suggestions of min e a re to print some of the top routin es in words a nd pictures a nd then - have a c riti cal analysis of the routines . Anoth er article mig ht be o ne where actual judges t e ll what th ey look for a nd what they don't want t o see in routines o n the diffe r ent events. I think thi s type of a rtic le wou ld be much appreciated by many gymnasts tha t s ubscribe to your magazin e . I offer these thoughts ou t of the d esire to n e rhaps in a s mall way be able to c ontribute to and improve the Modern Gymnast Jn agazin e.
Sincerely. Lucky Holloway W a ukesha, Wisco n s in 53186 ED. Constructive advice is always appreci. ated . fixture s. The free a r ea underneath the bean1 is a noth er con s id erable advan t age as it can be complete ly cover ed with a fall mat. Eac h foot mu s t h ave a swi p e mechanism so that th e ap p a r atus can be m oved by one p er son when set up. Regulations Materials: for base : s teel for b eam : wood 1. The h eight of the b eam mus t b e from 1000 to 1200 mm (39.37 in. t o 47.24 in .) adjustable in sections of 100 mm (approx. 3 15 / 16 in .) a nd th e a dju s ting m echanism mu s t no t lesse n the efficiency of the blocking during u se. The b eam mu s t not v ibra t e o n the uprights. 2. The feet or the joints b e tween the bea m and the uprig hts must be m a de in such a w ay as to compe n sate f or s light irregularities in th e flo or . 3. The stability of th e apparatus le ngthwise and transver sa lly r e quires the beam to rest on 2 x 2 s tru t s. 4. These struts are p laced und er th e two ends of the b eam so that th e area under the beam can b e co mpletely covered with !l- f a ll-ma t . . Conversion fro m metrIc to EnglIsh measure: Length in Length in (Feet) Inches Millimeters 16.40 196. 85 5000 29.72 755 29.53 750 15.75 400 8. 66 220 6.29 160 5.12 130 3.93 100 2.36 60 approx. 1/8 3 approx 5/ 64 2 appro' •. 1/ 32 1 Dea r Sir·s: I subscribe to the Modern Gym nast magazine and enjoy r eading it. Th e November issue, was in my opinion s up erior to the previous editions of the Modern Gymnast. I feel that perhaps your magazine has now come of a ge and is not only a picture magazine but is a n intelligen tly
Dear Glenn, May I t a k e this opportunity to thank yo u on b e h a lf of t he Canadian gym n astic fra t e rnity for the assistance y ou a nd y our magazine h as b een to th e Sport in Can a d a in th e past years. Allowing the "Canadian Report" to be publi s hed in your excell ent m agaz in e has assisted u s here in Canada t o unify a nd <>o mmunicat e. It h as als o allowed u s to ta k e our place in the International s cen e a nd h as given educators, coach es a nd oth e r s a n opportunity t o learn abou tour prog r ess in gymn as tics and in m a n y cases encouraged th em to e migrate to Can ada. Th a nk yo u G le n n a nd Barbara. May I wish you a nd yo ur wife a very HAPPY NEW YEAR from the gymnastic a dminis trato r s, coaches and gymnasts o f Canada. Sincerely yours, John Noon ey ED: It has only been possible because of your efforts. •
DEDICATED BOYS Dear Sirs: This is a pho t o of the Belvede r e Junior High Turners. They a re part of a gymn as tics club whic h meets a ft er sc h ool r egularly . The best b oys (photo en'c losed) h ave given gymnastics exhib itions t o;, th e loca l ele m en t a ry and junior high sc h ools in the area. These are d edicated boys who a re good perform e r s a nd as their coach I am very proud o f them.
I hope you can use this photo s ince th e boys read M.G. to bet ter th eir routines. It would be a big thrill for them to see th emselyes in your magazine. T ha nk you , Michael Acos ta Gymnastics Coach
Los Angeles
C alif .
Dear Glenn: Recently Lance Astrella exh ib ited jus t
about perfect fo r nl
his r outin e
gy mnasi u m in lVLonterey. Enclosed is a pho t o of Lance we hope you can find room for it in th e MG. Best Wis hes, Serge Sinkev ich Veter a n MG Su bscriber Monterey, Cali forn ia MG CLASSIFIED SECTION
Gymnast ics instructor. Teach tra mp, ba rs, h orse. Family accommodati ons ava ilob le. Lon g t erm positi on poss ib le. W rit e: R. W . Jenn ings, Dir. , P.O. Box 130 9 1, Greensboro, N .C. 27 405.
POSITION WANTED GYMNASTICS or Di vi ng coach . BS MS Phys ica l Education UCLA. 路 A ss't Gy";' nasti CS co ach UCL A, Tea.c hing Ass't 2 y rs. JC A ll A m eri can Div ing. W rite or phone K irby W eedin , 13 505 Delano St ., V an Nuys, Calif. 914 0 1 . . . (2 13) 7 82 .9842 .
75040 Indisputably the finest name in trampolining - since 1948
IGM UNIFORM SUPPLIERS for 1964 United States Olympic Gymnastics Team 3256 North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647, USA
I nstant R eplay TV, f rom page 6. be seen immediately. We are -all familiar with the instant replay of segments of a ga me on sport telecasts. Immediate reviewing is often referred to as the mirror technique. This technique is impossible to duplicate with film. After each attempt at a particular stunt, or full routine, the gymnast can see and analyze his performance and return to the apparatus immedia tely to try to improve upon his attempt. This instant replay or mirror technique is valuable for all levels of ability from the beginner in the physical education class to tne expert on the varsity team. The use of the video tape recorder obviously is not r estricted to the sport of gymnastics. At the University of Washington it is also being used by the coach es of basketball, wrestling, swimming and track and fi eld. The bask etball coach tapes parts of three practice sessions each week and views this tape the following morning. If he beli eves it is desirable he has his team view their performan ce prior to the start of the next practice session. All home games are taped. Parts of the game are viewed at half-time in an attempt to improve play durin g the second half. The wrestling coach uses the TV recorder primarily as a mirror in almost every practice session although meets are also taped and viewed later. Some co aches put sound on the tape at the time the video portion is recorded, others add the audio portion later as they pre-view the tape prior to showing it to their team. Each coach seems to have his own ideas as to the best use of the video tape in his sport. All co aches who h ave used it agree, h owever, that it has been a very valuable addition and has aided greatly in coaching. Many mistakes can n ot be seen by the human eye during actual performance. T he coach often has to guess in making suggestions as to what might be causin g a particular error. If slow motion and or stop action is available on the recorder the inadequacies of the human eye are greatly reduced and analysis of performance become more of a science than a hit and miss process. Experience has shown that few coaches wish to use the video tape machine for the entire duration of a practice and seldom do they want to use it every day. Time used viewing tape usually reduces the time available for active participation as students; especially at the University level, have only limited time to devote to athletic practice. Over use of the video tape could actually result in diminishing returns of the improvement of performance. For this reason it is not necessary for each coach to have a unit of his own "as several sports can share - the same equipment without undue hardship. Many coaches and teachers are ca ll ~ d upon to conduct clinics and workshop, . I t . often takes considerable time to demon. strate exactly what is desired and because the audience has to be in the gY lll it is difficult for them to hear or take notes. The video tape recorder can be used to record in advance the desired techniques to be presented and then the clinic can be conducted in a class room where conditions are more conducive to learning. In the sport of gymn astics this method seems especially appropriate for conducting judgin g clinics. The equipment needed to tape and view performan ces consists of three items-a _camera, a recording unit and a monitor. Some recording units have a small built-in monitor. The cost of this equipment varies greatly. Cameras range fro m a few hundred to many thousands of dollars. The camera
lens alone may cost several thousand . Recording un its may be obt ained for a little over a th ousan d but the better ones cost many th ousand. Monitors ar the least expensive item, being only sli ghtly hi gher in price th an a regul ar television set. The to tal cost of the complete set of. equipmen t used in schools and universi ties at this tim e ranges from about $1800 to $20,000 although more expensive equi pment is available. T he tapes themselves cost approximately $75.00 each. This is relatively minor because they may be used hund reds and hundreds of times. Even the less expensive vide6 tape equipment might sound exhorbitant in price to some ad ministrators but if it is shown tha t its use may be spread amon g several divisions of the school program they might be more receptive to a request ' for purchase. A video tape recorder can b ~ used during the school day in the physical education program as a valuable teaching aid. The drama, music, and speech departments also could make use of it as a ; teaching aid. Scien ce experiments, especially those that are difficult to conduct in the classroom itself, can be taped and used -over and over . Any experiment that involyes costly materi als and eq uipment can be recorded so that the materials and equipment do not have to be provided for . each class. If teachers, especially college professors, know in advance that they must be absent for a class they can tape their lecture for the day and have a student assistant take roll and turn on the machine. These are just a few examples for the use of closed circuit television in the school program. Th e place of the video tape recorder in physical education and athletics is unlimited. It will undoubtedly become a scommon in our schools in the future as the film proj ector.
'SURE GRIP RINGS' A NEW AND BEnER RING FOR GYMNASTICS Introducing: The New "Sure Grip Rings" Made of a special plastiC material, Sure Grip Rings are a giant step forward. Here are a few of the reasons why:
Each ring is extremely accurate, conforming to competition specifications with unheard of precision. Sure Grip Rings possess a unique gripping quality which does not falter in sweating hands. Caking, which can cause rips, is reduced or eliminated by the lessened need for excessive use of chalk. The near perfect shape and absence of surface irregularities add comfort to a very confident grip. Sure Grip Rings laugh at we ather! A continuous, one piece ring, Sure Grips may be left outdoors day and night, month in and month out because they are inherently weather proof. There are no laminates to come apart; there is no shrinking, swelling, splitting or warping. Combine these advantages with durability, strength, and very light weight, and you have a new, versatile ring which is far, far ahead of all others. Try the finest ring available. We're sure you'll like them.
&Ire Grip Ri"dS $30.00 ORDER FROM: l. A. BELl 1020 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette, Illinois
60091 29
~An~:~ -----J ----
DUTC~ /-
Jr. Olympics and WEST TE X AS OPEN . Feb 16- 17. Wri te : Ra lp h Dykeman, Maveri ck Boys Club, 1923 Lin co ln St ., Ama r il lo , Texas.
KANSAS STATE HIGH SCHOOL CH . Feb. 24 ,1968. Kansas St ate U .. Manh attan,Ka n.
Indi viduall y s ized wood e n s hoes , o ur ow n ma ke o r impo rts, for your Dut ch fo lk dan ces, s pectac ulars , recital s , etc . Als o auth e nti c Dutc h cost u mes , caps, h ats, all s izes and all colorful. At t ract ive d iscoun ts t o certified studios . WRIT E FOR FREE BROCHURE
WOODEN SHO E FACTORY P.O. Box 210路 G Holland, Mich igan 49423
NEW JERSEY HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPION SHIPS. Febr uary 24. Trenton State Co ll ege, T re nton , New Jersey. Write: Don ald E. Williams, Di rect o r at above address. BIG 10 CHAMPIONSHIP: Ma rch 1-2 , 19 68 M ich igan St at e Uni ve rsity. 1968 NCAA COLLEGE D I VISI ON Champi o nships. March 8 & 9. Spr ingf iel d Col lege, Mass. For i nformation : Mr. Frank Wo lcott . At hl et ic Dept., Springfield College, Spri ngfie ld, Ma ss. WASHINGTON STATE HIGH SCHOOL CH . Ma rch 8-9. Uni ve rsity of Washin gton,Seatt le. WISCONSI N STATE UN I VE RSI TI ES Cont. March 15-16. LaCrosse, Wisco nsin.
OLYMPIC - RESIL ITE PROD UCTS IMPORTED GYMNASTIC PRODUCTS Tiger Canvas & Leather Gym Shoes NYLON Stretch competition un iform s Exlan & Cotton pract ice uniforms Helenca nylon and stretch nylon w armups Lampwick & leather one-pi ece hand guards Resilite mats, Free-X, tumblin g, apparat us Olympic polyethylene pane l mats - ch alk Universal Gym and Universal Saun a Olympic athletic vitamins -- T o p Sta r 12 No. Cottage Street
WISCONSIN OPE N Gymn ast ic Champ io nshi p February 17 , 1968 . Brook fi eld East Gymnasium , Brook f ield, Wi sco nsi n.
ILLINOIS STATE HIGH SCHOOL CH . Mar. 15- 16, 1968 . Maine Township HS East , Pa r k R i d~ e , Illino is. MISSOURI ALL-STATE Meet. March 16 at Sprin gfield Mo. N.A .I.A. Ch. March 22-23. Ft. Hays, K an sas. A .A.W. U. Championships. March 22-2 3 U. o f Oreg on , Eugene, Oregon . JUNIOR NATIONAL A A U Gym nas t ic Cham pion ships: March 22 & 23 . Lawr ence D. Bell High School, Hurst T exas. For inf o r mat io n , Emil J. Milan, L. D. Bell H. S. , 160 1 Brow n Trail , Hurst, Te xas . 760 53
Valley Stream, N.Y. 11580
INDIANA STATE HIGH SCHOOL CH . Mar. 23 , 1968. Wa rren Cent ral H. S. , I ndi anapo li s, Indiana.
';too't &weet4e ~
Authentic Floor Exercise Music Competitive Gymnastics Series I
L. P. 4040
Authentic Floor Exercise Music Competitive Gymnastics Series II
L. P. 4050
Two new long play albums, each containing 16 piano accompaniments lor floor exerc ise composit ions which meet all of the requirements 01 the F. I.G . and the A.A.U. Gymnastic Rules such as time limit, one instrument and appropriate introductions and conclus ions. Teachers manual includes rules and requiremenls governing floor exerci se, gives examples of the type of material from which a good compos ilion should be arranged , and indicales national and internat ional gymnastic trends. Severa'i floor exerc ise composilions for beginners, intermediate and advanced performers have been prepared, which can be execuled 10 specified selections on th e album . Each 12" 33 1h Album and Teachers Manual Series I or 11 - $8.95 each
Either of the above albums sold Individually (without manuall - $5.9 5 each
NEWARK YMCA OPEN . March 23. Wr it e: Ped ro Va lez c/o Newa r k NJ . Y M CA. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE WOMEN ' S Ch . March 29-30. SIU. Ca rbonda le, Illi no is. 2nd MARYLAND OPEN' Ma rch 30-3 1. Write George C. M cG inty , Towso n St at e Co ll ege Towso n . Md ., 2 1204 1968. NCAA UNIVERSI'T Y DI VI SIO N Cham pionships. April 4, 5, 6. Uni versity of Arizona. For information: Mr. Glenn Wilson , Dept. Health, Phys. Ed ., and Recreation . The Un iversity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 857 2 1 NEW MEXICO STATE HIGH SCHOOL CH . A pril 5-6, Lovi ngton , N.M. N .A.A.U . Ch . Lo ng Beach Ca lif. Ap ril 11 -13. NAT'L YMCA CHAMPIONSHIPS ' Girl s and Boys. April 19-20, 1968. Write Mr. Ro bert W. Co rn ely , YMCA , Reed and Was hingto n St s., Reading, Penna., 19601.
April 19-20-U.S.G.F. National Tenn.
NO CALIFORNIA AL.L:ARO_U~D MEET. May 17. Mills H.S., M ilbrae , California. H ost Coach : Ron Wei ss. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA INVITATION路 AL. May 18, 1968. DeAnza High School. Richmond, California. Host Coach : Don Nelson. NJAAU SENIOR WOMENS GYMNASTIC Championships w i ll be held at Montclair HS Montclair, New Jersey, on May 25th, 1968.
the MODERN GYMNAST magazine
What makes an All-American GO For ~~~~~~~~~DG~~~~~1 Top coaches, gymnastic and physical education instructors want the safest, best performing and most stable equipment. That's what you get from American! Parallel Bars complete with hickory rails, reinforced with. a steel core, uni-weld construction, stable design and safety locks . . . that really hold . You get the highest quality products plus unmatched service. . _ Rusty Mitchell, Ex-Olympian, one of American /s
Gymnastic Consultants
Write for details on:
Gymnasium Planning Service Gymnastic Consultant Staff For your Free Catalog write: American Athletic Equ ipment Company Box 111, Jefferson, Iowa, U.S.A. 50129
New Ideas from
GYMNASTIC APPAREL Here is quality gymnastic apparel you would expect only from Nissen. Our new line includes: (1) Expertly tailored 100% acrylic warm-up uniforms in your choice of four popular colors; (2) Three styles of men's stretch pants and shirts designed with four-way stretch to allow complete freedom of action for the most difficult movements; (3) 100% stretch nylon leotards in both boat and V-neck styles with special double overlock stitching at all points of stress; (4) Three styles of gymnastic shoes including a new Japanese made lightweight canvas shoe with a special cushioned inner sole; (5) Three styles of handguards; and (6) A fine quality imported chalk. All these items are illustrated in our new 12-page apparel catalog which is available upon request.
PORT-A-SCORE Nissen introduces a totally new concept in gymnastic scoring. PORT-A-SCORE is convenient to operate, using a blinker-type numeral that can be clearly seen 100 yards away. A flip of the finger and each 10" numeral can be changed from o to 9. PORT-A-SCORE is designed with a wide base on four double casters for easy portability. Scoring units can rotate 360路 and are height adjustable.
FREE GYMNASIUM EQUIPMENT CATALOG A copy of our new 36-page, 4-color catalog is yours for the asking. It includes our new 1968 gymnastic equipment with the new Floating Counterbalance feature for safe, effortless adjustment. In addition, Nissen now features the new Reuthertype Uneven Parallel Bars for official competition.
NEW FLOATING COUNTERBALANCE This exclusive feature is installed in each upright of Nissen gymnastic apparatus. Height adjustments are made effortlessly because the piston is always at static tension. Only a slight finger pressure is required to raise or lower the apparatus. Simple, safe and convenient.