notes editor: FROM THE
GROWING MOMENTUM Publishing a limited circulation magazi~e is always a co ntinuing crisis of deadlines, fru strations and bills. It has only been through the continued enthusiasm and response from you the reader. a grant last year thru the USG F from the New Jersey Foundation (Mr. Bruce Hopping, Chairman) and some financial aid from the USGF as their official publication that we have been able to keep the MG going. We are now for the first time in the history of the MG on an almost break·even stable basis. YOU the MG subscribers are the backbone of Gym· nastics in America and your subscription renewal is the most important factor in the continuing life of The MODERN GYMNAST magazine. We depend on you for your support both financially to help cover the costs of producing the MG and morally to keep us on our toes and up to date with what you want to see covered in the MG. Now is the time for that extra ef· fort to keep the momentum roll ing and the MG gro,,:,ing. (Es pecially with all the pre and post OlympIc reports scheduled for the coming editions.) SOME MG INFORMATION FACTS With the above thoughts in mind here are a few facts on how you can furthe r help to keep the MG rolling and growing: . . l. Resubscribe as soon as you receive an expiration notice. (Take advantage of the MG 2 and 3 year special rates , it sa ve s us bookkeeping and you money. 2. Get a friend , your school Iibrary and the P.E. dept. to subscribe. 3. Take advantage of the MG team and P.E. class group rate subscription specials. MG GROUP RATE SPECIALS: Team rate - 5 or more $4.50 each . . . 10 or more $4.00 each . . . 20 or more $3.50 each. P.E. class rate 30 or more $3.00 each . . . and 50 or more $2.5 0 each. MG SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST NEW MG SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST WITH PRIZES. For everyone who sends in 5 new subscriptions or more we will print their name in the MG and send a MG Booster pin. . . . . For sending in 10 or more new subscription we will print their name in the MG, send them booster pins plus a giant MG Photo or Poster. There will also be other special awards of Bound MG Volumes for the Gymnast and the Coach who send in the most new subscriptions. *
CG Official Publication of the United States Gymnastic Federation
Au gust-September, 1968
Numbers 8 & 9
4 5 6 7 8 10 10 16 18 18 20 23 24 25 27 27 28 30
COVER STORY: Featured thi s month is Do ve Repp. Da ve competes for Rochester H igh Scho o l and is the Pennsy l va n ia State High School All-Around C hamp ion . Special effects photograph y w as done for the MG by Jerr y Ben so n o f the Double HH Pres s from the original glossy s hown at left.
Associate Editor: Wh en Editor Glenn Sundby apoealed for con tributions to help ke ep the MG going (ba ck in December, 1966), he was pleasantl y surprise d by the number of subscribers who responded the MG lOo Club was instituted for those who deeply ca red about the s·port and the magazine - it att racted nine members at tne . time : I · person ally have heard many orominent members ' of the gymnastics community say how indebte'd they feel to The Modern Gvmnast and how they would like to " helo out". The MG 100 Club is sti ll open for participation, only now its members will be able to support some of the programs we 'found necessa ry to discontinue during the lean years - more and better sequences color covers and centerspreads. ' etc. The one hundred dollars for membership fee entiti es th·e· member to a lifetime of regular receipt of the Modern Gymnast, but aha rewards the donor with the knowledge that he 'has been able to repa y' some of the pleasures that gymnastic s has meant to him - D.C.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS - Feature A. Bruce. rederick, Edl<cation; Dr, James S, Bosco, Research; Dick Criley , Sta tistics; Jerry Wright, Co mpetition ; Frank L. Bare , USGF; Jess Robinso n, Trampolin e; Roy Da vis, jud,Rin,R; Jack ie Uphues , Women; Ken Sak oda , A rt; John Nooney, Canada. THE MODERN GYMNAST is published by Sundby Pu blications, 410 Broadwa y , San to Mo nica , Cal ifo rnia 9040 I . Second Class ' postag e paid at Santa Monica , Calif . Publi shed m o nthl y e xcept bi-monthl y June, Jul y, August , and September . Price $S .OO per year , SOc si ngle copy : Su bsc ripti o n corr espondence , THE MOD ERN GYMNAST , P .O. Box 611 , Santa Mon ica , Califo rnia 90406 . Co pyright 1968 © all rights reser ved bv SUNDB Y PUBLICATIONS . 4 10 Broadwa v. Santa Monica . Calif . All p ic tures an d manuscripts submitted become the pro perty o f THE MODERN GYMNA ST unless a return request and sufTiclent POSI age are included .
By Dick Criley
SHOES #TL-2 (as illust rated) ..... ....... $2.75 #TL-3 A All-leather shoe with rubber sale _.................. 4.00 #TL-4 Lad ies gym shoe Nylon w/leather sole _. __ ..... _ 2.00 #NB Nylon booty with leather sale ...... __ ...__ .__ .. 2.00
pro pro
LEATHER HANDGRIPS #A-Good (most popular) ...... $1.50 # B-Better (one-piece) "'_" '_" 1.75 # C-B est (extra strong) ........ 2.00 Lampwick handgrips (S-M-L).. 1.50
*Olympic Size i"Strong *Weather-proof * Lightweight
pro pro pro pro
&Ire Grip RiIJdS $:11.00 ORDER FRoM: l. A. BEll
1020 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette, Illinois
PANTS Cotton / acrylic stretch . __ ........ $ 7.50 pro Nylon stretch pants White ...... _._ ... _........ __ ...... _.. 14.25 pro Off-wh ite .. __ ...... _............ _._._ 12.00 pro With toe-pc. add 75c extra
WOODEN RINGS Meets all specifications
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CROSSMASTER 1992 E. Oakland St. Pasadena, CalifornIa 91104
CHALK Bl ock o r powder ...... _._ ...... Lowest prices We stock all items for immediate deliver y postpaid . Write for FREE brochure.
75040 Indisputably the finest name in trampolining - since 1948
Shreveport Gymnastic Supply Company P. O. BOX 5374
Ye ar aft e r yea r , we publi s h Ihe res ult , of th e s ta te hi g h sc h oo l c hampi on s hips a hout th e co unlr y a nd yea r a ft e r year, the li s t g rows . Thi s year. th e .\1 G brok e w ith its pa s t tra diti on of li s tin g onl y nam es a nd n o scores. Thi s wa s no t ,0 mu c h becau "e th e scores m ea n s o mu ch more . but it is b eca use w e fee l that th e onl y way the "co rin g "ys te m c a n bf' d irected towa rd a m o r e unifo rm pa tt ern is by g ivin g e xam pl es good a nd bad . Th e point , i" no t, howeve r. that Wf' fer l on e syste m is so ri g ht a nd anot he r so w r(l n ~, but th e re ad pr !-' cannin g th ese sco r es wi ll be co nfu se d a s to what sys te m ( ~ , wa~ f we re ) br in g u sed. J5 a sco r e a 9 .2 o r i" it a to tal o f two scor es o r an ave rage o f t wo sco r es. We h a d to s ift throu g h m a n y, man y r e am s of res ult s s h ee ts to pu ll o ut the to p three n a me" . Onl y ,\I ai n e a nd P enn sy lva nia c am e at al l clo"e to fo ll ow in g th e fo rmat we ha vr "u ggps tin g fo r s ubmittin g mee t r es ult s to I h (' '\IG. Of all th e S ta te c h a mpi on "hips. th e Illi · noi s III Pt' 1 St't' Ill S th e Ill ()~ t or.!!anizf'd. Perha ps thi s is beca u;;e th ey s(' nt 'out co mplde r uutin es. :-:cores, a w ril e -up, a nd photfl!". \Ve wo uld lik e to ack n ow lN b :e too, th ose s tat es w hi c h ton k th e tim e to ga th e r ill(' win nin g rout in es toge th e r ; Ihi s form s th e o nl y re a l ba s is fo r co mp a ri son o f gy mn a s ts ac ross Ih e co untr y. P e rhap s a s tim e pa ".l's .. o th e r s tate c h a mpi on s hips wi ll r ecognize Ihat thi s n ut only improves th e ir "n a ti onal s ta ndin g" hut a ls o se r ves a s a va luabl e teaching a nd coachi n l-( ai d. New York. Indi a n a . IIlin u is. and P c nn ~y l va ni a se n t in th e ir winning roulin es a n d we ca u g ht the top ro uim's of th e rnutin es o f th e L A. C it y winn e rs o n a port a hl e tape reco rd e r. I Thi s is a n ot" IV ," so und in hop,'s thai oth e rs w ill adopt il in Ih e fulu n ' .1 Th e Con nec ti c ut S tat e champi· on s hips h ave t's tabli s he d co mpu lso ry l'x(" rc ises. Their s tat e winnt'fs won Ilt'ca use tlw), cn uld do both co mpul sor y and optional " . Thi s, w e feel is a h ea lthy tre nd.
The 1968 Olympic Team Competition Uniforms were tailored by Walt Zwickel. Pou I Uro,,;
1415-17 West Susquehanna Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19121
Wh il e on the s ubj ect o f hi g h school gy m · nas ti c", w e fe e l it a ppropriate to c it e tilt' r eco rd o f i\[r. P a ul ram , re ti ... ,cI now from ac ti ve ftYl1lna sti c:-; coac hin :.r at Butler Hi ~h
School in P e nn sy lva nia. Durin g 12 Y"a" of co mp e tili on , hi s tea m s won 108 , tra i:.dll clu a l m ee ts, a nd three o f tlw four , tak c h ampion s hip s h e ld to date. Whih· no w ,nil o f gy mna s ti cs a s a coach , l\'lr. U r a m co ntin es his ac ti ve inte rest as an offi e ia l. 1-1,. h a s a lso se n ' ed a s a Vice-Presid ent in th e National Ass ociation of High School G ym ·
Continued on page 27. 5
WE CORRECTED The date announced for the First Inter· collegiate Championships for Women (See Chalk Talk, June·July, 1968) is not March 8·9, 1969 but March 21·22. The location is S!ilI the same, Springfield College, Spring· held, Massachusetts. Teams interested in entering should contact Dr. J. Jacobs, Women's Physical Education, Springfield College. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FILMS Our good friends, George and Vale.:e Kunzle note that due to the recent British devaluation of the pound, their black and white movies of the top routines from the World Championships in Dortmund, Ger· many, have become a real bargain. The films show many new movements in slow motion: Laiho's double somersault dismount on the P·bars, Endo and Nakayama's full twisting hechts on high bar, and Voronine's straight arm giants on the Rings. For fur· ther information write G: C. Kunzle, 67 Eastern Road, Birmingham 29, England. FLOOR PLATES DO NOT INTERFERE Apparatus floor plates do not interfere with basketball or other gym activities is the conclusion reached after a surveyor approximately 1500 of the nation's coaches. The J une·J uly Nissen Newsletter tabulates the results of this survey which should give gymnastics coaches some leverage when proposing installation of floor plates to anchor their apparatus. HUBIE DUNN RECEIVES TEACHING AWARD Past NACGC President and Northern Illinois University Gymnastics Coach, Dr. Hubert Dunn was recently awarded a S1000 grant as one of NIU's outstanding teach· ers. The MG adds their congratulations on this honor. NCAA SENIOR A WARD TO MIKE JACKI Iowa State's Mike J acki was recently awarded one of 22 scholarships given yearly by the NCAA to top scholars among the nation's athletes. Mike, who earned a 3.27 in Education, was ISU 's gymnastics team captain and Big Eight AIl·around Champ. He was the only gymnast to win this award this year. ARE YOU MISSING A GOOD BET? The most recent issue of the Olympische Turnkunst (Number 3, 1968 ) carries some of the finest analyses of gymnastic move· ments we have seen in a long time - de· tailed notes on Nakayama's new optionals on the parallel bars; S. Kato's dislocate on rings comes in for very detailed analysis on execution. An extensive article by Bruno Johnke descrihes progress in U.S.A. gym· nastics while the Turnkust equivalent of Chalk Talk relates news of U.S. gymnasts to their readers. American readers would be surprised to learn of the intense interest the Europeans have in our gymnastics pro· grams and gymnastic leaders. Nonetheless, most of the research articles are drawn from the Japanese and Germans. English sum· maries accompany each article and, with the well·executed drawings, provide a quite adequate accounting of the German article.
A "WHITE PAPER" ON THE NCAA·AAU DISPUTE USC Gymnastics Coach, Ron Barak, who is currently finishing his law studies, pub· lished a 26 page analysis on the govern· ment of amateur athletics. With over ten years experience in amateur gymnastic competition and as an Olympian, coach, and official, his qualifications made him a natural to author such a study. His paper, entitled, The Government of Amateur Ath· letics: The NCCA·AAU Dispute, appears in the Southern California Law Review, Volume 41, No.2, pages 464·490. Coaches and athletes alike should be interested in the analysis which Mr. Barak brings to bear. (For those who are interested, nearly all university law libraries carry this pub· lication.) GYMNASTIC MUSICAL CHAIRS Stanford Gymnastic Coach, John Gilmore has recently accepted the position of Ath· letic Director at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. Taking his place at Stan· ford is 1968 University of California (Berke· ley) graduate, Dan Millman. We wish both these men success in their new undertak· ings. MADEMOISELLE GYMNAST Featuring an attractive prize·winning cover from the Women's Collegiates·Mlle G Photo/ Art Contest, the May.J une issue of Mademoiselle Gymnast is bursting with news and information on women's gym· nastics. Featured in this issue are the Women 's USGF Championships, the Eastern Intercollegiate Championships, the 1968 Collegiate Championships and Madame Vii· lancher's lectures and seminars on the FIG, the FIG Code of Points, and a discussion of Modern Gymnastics. This issue of Mile G. also carries a complete set of gymnastic routines for beginning and intermediate gymnasts on the unevens, the beam and floor exercise by Tuovi (Sappinen) Coch· rane, a former member of the Finnish Olympic Team and former Women's Gym· nastic Coach at Penn State. Helen Sjursen adds her helpful notes of instruction, and a photo sequence of the uneven p·bar rou' tine of Japan's Ikeda rounds out this 40· page issue. JAPANESE OLYMPIC TEAM NAMED In recent trials in select the Japanese· National team for competition at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, the following gymnasts were named: S. Kato, T. Kato , Endo, Kenmotsu, Tsukahara, Nakayama, and Hayata. INFORMATION ON GYMNASTICS TRAINING WANTED Associate MG Editor, Dr. James S. Bos· co, has requested assistance in locating papers on gymnastic training and training exercises. He is preparing a review paper on this subject and asks the cooperation of our readers in helping him to locate pertin· en t paperS. (Incidentally, we of the MG office receive many such inquiries and have always passed them alon g to Dr. Bosco. We hope that now that the shoe is on the oth er foot, that his office will be deluged WIth helpful letters.) Please direct your replies to Dr. James S. Bosco, Department of Physical Education, San Jose State Col· lege, 125 South Seventh St., San Jose, Cali· fornia 95114. The Gymnastics Games Committee of the United States Collegiate Sports Council is seekin g applicants for the positions of coach, manager, and pianist for the women's gymnastics team which will attend the World Student Games in Lisbon in Sep· tember 1969. Here is an opportunity to
work with the highly skilled college woman gymnast, to travel to the World Student Games and tour with the team in Europe. Any person who might be interested in any one of the three positions may obtain fur· ther information by writing to : Miss Judith B. Hall Dept. of P.E. for Women Illinois State University Normal, Illinois 61761 If you are interested, contact Miss Hall by the end of October, 1968. COACHING CHANGES Dick Wolle will be the new coach at Fuller· ton (Cal State at Fullerton) (formerly the Encina High School Coach at Sacra· mento, Calif. and a grad student study· ing for his PhD at USC) Dan Millman - to Stanford (formerly at UC and a member of the NCAA 1st place team) Replacing Dr. John Gil· more. Gilmore went to the U. of Alaska as P.E. Dept. Chairman Ron Peek at Sacramento State College (for· merly Asst. Coach at Springfield Col· lege). He will replace Dr. Irv Faria who will take responsibility for professional classes and research at Sac. State. Ray Lorenz - at Chico State College (for· merly at Brown Deer High School of Mequon, Wisconsin). He will replace Chic Johnson who is going to Utah for doctoral study. Paul Mayer - at Georgia Southern College and will be assisting Hutch Dvorak. Paul was at So. Illinois U. on the 1%8 run· ner·up NCAA team. Paul was the 1967 NCAA Vaulting Champion. Fred Dennis at Waukegan, Illin ois and will assist Bill Ballister. Fred was also with So. Illinois U.'s team and he was a participant at the Olympic Trials for Gymnastics at Los Angeles in August, 1968. Dale Hart - at Proviso West as head coach. Proviso is in the Chicago suburbs. Dale was a trampolinist for So. Illinois. Joe De Pue - Deceased, Auto accident, August, 1968 Bob Peavy - at San Jose State College formerly at Hillsdale High School in San Mateo) will replace Dr. Clair Jennett as Varsity Gymnastics Coach. Jennett will take a sabatical at UCLA and travel to Europe. Bill Holmes at Mankato, Minn eso ta (Col· lege). Bill was formerly from Denver, Colorado and had this year's State Hi gh , School Championship team. Neil Schmidt - will be the assistant coach at th e University of Iowa.
NCAA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES Dear Glenn: The numerous articles, comments and letters in MODERN GYMNAST prompt me to write concerning the NCAA Executive Com· mittee's action relative to the trampoline. Before proceeding, it is important to understand the jurisdiction of both the Exe· cutive Committee and Gymnastics Rules and Meet Committee and the relationship between the two. . The NCAA Executive Committee is respon· Sible for the business and administrative affairs of the Association and is charged with the supervision and conduct of all NCAA championship events. Consequently, all meet and tournament committees for· ward recommendations to the Executive Committee for final approval. The Executive Committee reports annually to the Associ· ation's membership at the NCAA Convention.
Continued on page 27.
- ~ -
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by John Nooney 18 Lavington Dr. Weston, Ontario NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS 1968 QUEBEC CITY An excellent meet. Great credit is due to Mr. Andre Bedard and his staff. This year's championships must rate as one of the best ever held. Nissen Co. supplied all the eq uipment (thanks George) . Gil Larose, Quebec, and Sandra Hartley, British Columbia, are the new senior cham· pions. Over 15 entries in the men's senior division and II women. This is an all time high and shows the tremendous growth of the Sport. The Junior champion s are J anet Terry, B.c. and Rick Johnson, B.C. Over 30 entries in both divisions. Some of their per formances were excellent. In a year or two you will see a complete new group of senior men and women. This is a very heartening situation. The All Round men winners were Larose, Jensen and Dion and for the senior women , Hartley, Diachen (last year's junior champion) and Clouitier. In the Finals Larose won the FX, PB and SH. J ensen won th e Rings and HB and Gordie Gannon won the LHV. (He has been looking for that win for a few years.) For the women in the Finals Hartley won the B, UNB, Diachen won the FX, and M. Turco tte won th e SHV. THE FINALS RIN GS - J ensen's winning routin e, some of his moves: Inlocate back uprise to H. Stand, then swing to Gi ant H. Stand Lower through horizontal to back lever; Dislo cate front uprise straight body, bent ann press to hand stand; Lower to cross. Dislocate full twi st flyaway dismount. LHV - Gord Gannon had two good vaults. His Yamashita beautifully executed good pre-flight and tremendous after-flight. Actually it seems we have excellent vaulters. All had good Hechts and Yamashita's. I wish we were that strong on all other apparatus. It is our strongest event. FX - It was Larose all the way. Had a nice back sommy layout into splits. I feel he was overscored with a 9.4, Gannon was also very strong in thi s event, a beautiful opening, high somie work and good sequences-all done with flair. This is a definitely underrated gymnast in floor ex. SH - A steady performance, technically executed won this for Gil. He is becoming a very stron g side horse man and seems to be improving every time out. Dion was a close second. PB - Gil Larose had a nice sommy in between the bars-clean Hi gh Stutz's, good pirouettes, excellent flow and rhythm and a nice sommy dismount. Very clean Gil is on execution. His experience really shows in execution. HB - J ensen's winnin g routine on th e HB was another techni cally correct routine but what will happen at lVlex ico when the new code of points, em phasing ORIGINALITY and RISK will be used I fear many of our boys will suffer. In general I was not impressed with many of th e giants and the regrasping and especially with the dis-
Gil La rose, Senior Men's AA Chomp.
lot of elan. Sandra Hartley was second. Could not understand the Quebec girls performing to such a fa st tempo. It seemed they were chasi ng the mu sic. Predominant moves; Aerial cartwheels, Walkover, Roundoff back sommys, Splits, New Jazz Dance steps, High Leaps and Jumps. It certainly made a difference havin g a full time pianist. SHV - M. Turcotte had an ex cellent vault. Again all the vaulting was good. Many had Hand sprin gs and Cartwheels varied by twists and turns. Sandra Hartley was second. GENERAL COMMENTS No Susan McDonnell (recently married, congratulations) .. . Hartley, Minaker, and Cloutier only experienced team members. Diachen, McDonnell, and St. J ean or Turco tte . . . can they fill the gap? I think so - our women's team could easily improve their international standing. Mrs. Savage ha s the team for another two years as national coach. I am optimistic about our women's team . All are now at Trainin g Camp with the Juniors. About 10 Juni ors are with Mrs. Hartley from B.c. JUNIORS (MEN AND WOMEN) Having national compulsories did th e trick. A vast improvement from last year. Have at least 9 Junior men with excellent potential and ten junior girls. The new setup of National Junior coaches, men: J. Hoyle and Jacque Cote, and Mrs. Hartley will really help the juniors ; arrangements are being made for them to tour Cuba and Mexico. TECHNICAL SET UP Meetings, etc., should be held at another time. I know it is difficult to assemble all the delegates across Canada, but we should try it. The country should be divided int9
mounts. I would say we are weak on HE. lVlany of the scores were in the sevens. GENERAL COMMENTS An average of 8 for our top three men and our last two or three in the sevens is not good enough. A great deal of work must be done between now and Mexico. My personal rating is as foll ows: Side Horse and High Bar very poor, P. Bars and Rings not too bad, Floor Ex a great deal of ori ginality and risk must go into our optionals. Lon g Horse Vault still our best event. The top men are now in the Univ. of Ottawa Phy. Ed. Camp at Valley field, Quebec. Wilhelm Weiler is National coach for another two years. Also they have 9 or 10 top juniors under Jacque Cote and Jim Hoyle so that is a step forward - who knows what will happen. The national coach now has a chance to assess our top twenty men in the country. SENIOR WOMEN'S FINALS BB - Our girls were fun eral like only Sandra Hartley seemed to be moving on the beam (maybe too fa st). Sandra won this event. I liked her Valdez type of mount . . . Diachen was second. Jennie is gettin g steadier on the beam. Predominant moves used by the girls: Cartwheels, Cartwheel 1,4 turns, full twists, Back Sommy di smounts from end and middle of beam, Splits, Walkovers, Leaps and Jump. UNB - Sandra Hartley won this event with 9.05 even when she had a break and completely lost her rhythm. Clou tier was very strong in second place. Lots of hi p circles and hechts and eagles. Good high to low bar work. Our girls are improving and I feel the new Unevens are helpin g them. FX - This was a J enn efir Diachen's event all the way. An excellen t performance - very graceful, good tumblin g moves, a
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shown were taken at the final
trials held at UCLA in Paule y Pa vi lion .
1968 MEN'S OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC TRIALS FIRST TRIALS Northwestern Loui siana S tate College July 12-13, 1968 In th e firs t trials, 28 gymnasts who had previously ea rn ed thi s chan ce to compete by ha vin g scor ed 104_00 or better in qualifyin g tri als went through the Olym pi c com pul50ries and th eir op ti onal exercises_ The top six were to advance directly to th e final s; th e nex t 14 would co mpet e in a second trial to selec t six more gymnasts for the finals_ The new U une, 1968) FIG rules were used eve n though they were not previously available to the gymnasts and coaches _ Becau se of thi s, many scor ed lower than their earli er capacit y indi ca ted _ Oth er fa ctors included inad elluat e and in effe ctual trainin g prior to th e cum pe titi on and poor physica l l'onuitioning_ Immedia tely following th e trial s, the gymnasts particip ateu in a two week training camp und er th e uirection of Olympi c Coach J ack Beckner who wa s a iu eu by Bill !\l eade, Abie Grossfeld, Rusty Mit chell a nd Armando Vega _ As La scari, Garcia , Di ckson and Weiss dec ided to excuse th emselves from the training program for r eason s of a vai lability or injury, Kimball and Schmi tt moved up int o th e trainin g squad_ Surprises of th e m eet included th e co meback of Temple's Marc Cohn who had b~en out with a n injury and the r emarkab le optional performances of NW LA's J ohn Ellas _ Loyd actually leu the comp etit or" go in g int o the last eve nt , but suffereu a sizabl e uedu ction for a fall on th e horizontal bar a nd dropped to third place _ Resutts: Dave Thor 107.55, Steve Cohen 107.45, Richard Loyd 106 _10, Kanoti Allen 105 .50, Fred Roethtisberger 103_70, Morc Cohn 103.40, Jim Cut hone t 03.30 , Stev e Hug 103.25, Fred Dennis 103 .20, Arno La scari 102.95, Bob Emery 102.20, Pete DiFurio 102.15, Bob Lynn 101.95, John Elias t01.70, Rick Tucker 101.10, Richard Grigsby 10 1. 00 , Dick Swetman 100.95, Greg Weiss 100.75, Sid Freudenstein 99. 50 , Don Ga r cia 99.05, Mike Kimball 98 .90, Bob Dickson 98.55 , Neit Schm itt 97.20, Terry Hig gins 95.75 , Gory Buckner 92.55, Ron Ctemmer 92.00, Jim Amerine 91 .80, Rich Scorza 87.05.
SECON D TRIALS The P enn sy lvania State University A ug ust 9-10, 1968 Notes on the co mpetition (Thanks to Walt Zwickel!: Emery showed big improvement over his work at N atchitoches. You could see Wettstone had r eally been work in g on him . Some goes for Swe tman. Swe tman worked to his usual season form , but Emery was outstandin g .. . T emple's DiFurio did grea t - much better than hi s usual ove r th e past season. Bill Coco deserves much credit for P ete's improvement; he taught him how to keep hi s cool . . . Jim Culhane workeu like the veteran he is. No thing bothered him . When th " ten, ion got th e hottest, he s tayed coolest - always tim e for a quip or a wisecrack . . . Sid Freudenstein finall y came through, showing th e form that won him an ovation at Tucson .. . Don 't know Denni s well eno ugh hut he worked smoo thly; n othin g flashy, all so lid stuff in good form. Bill !\leaue can be proud of him . . . H eartbreak of the mee t was Turoff (Temple ) who had just come ba ck after injury, and who worked with a weak wris t, and with the measles. H e crow ded Swetman for No . 6 spot for a tim e hut wasn 't able to hold the pace. Co uld be the equal of any of th e six who did make it, but hau tau much hol d in g him back . . . Steve Hu g, likewi:;e, suffereu from the german m easles but on th e s trength of his finish in Louisiana (8 th I , he was granted a chan ce to compete in the final trials. Despite the iso lation of the sit e and the summer doldrums, nearl y 6,000 spectators packed the gymnasium to view the secunu trial s. Of the co mpe titors who didn't make it at P enn State, five were selec ted for a three week State De partment tuur of South America to leave September 6th : Turoff, Grigsby , Elia s, Kimball , Tucker. Resutts: Emery 106.70, Freudenstein 105.40, Culhane 104 .50, Dennis 104.40, DiFurio 103.50, Swetmon 102.65, Elias 10 1.35, Grigsby 100.95, Turno ff 100.75, Tucker 99.30, Sc hm itt 97.80, Lynn 97.50, Kl mbal t 95.75 .
FINAL OLY-'lPIC TRIALS UC LA - A ug ust 28, 30, 1\168 " I can see th at Ja ck l Bec kn er, Men', Olympic Coach ) has a lot of work ahead
of him ," remarked a ve teran observer followin g th e nwn's comp ulsory exercise com petition. With Makoto Sakamoto by-pass ing this year's trials to go to Japan for study , there are almost n o Amereican gy mn asts capa bl e of hittin g the compul sory routines with con sistency. Lead in g after the first nigh t's effort was Steve Cohen with a 54.60 total, fo llowed, not too closely, by Richard Loyd , Da ve Thor, and Fred Roe thli sberger. These men a lone of the fir s t round llualifien;, we re able to escape serious b reaks and pass muster unuer th e eagle-eyes of th e officials. The greatest consistency, consiuering per路 formers and judges alike, was shown un fl oor exercise. UCLA 's Kanati All en ne tted th e second hi ghes t score of the even in g, a 9.40, for hi s FX eomp u!oory. Dave Thor logged th e only score a bove 9.0 (a 9.15) on sid e hon'e alth ough Ri chard Loyd and S teve Hu g sailed throu gh smoothly hut with min or break. Veteran ringmen , Steve Cohen and Fred Denni s, both ea rn ed 9.45 's for solid execution of the rin gs compul so ry. Despite a somewhat slipp ery long horse a nu noisy beat board arrangement , the long horse pe rformances were r a th er closely gro uped, with Dave Thor leadin g th e pack at 9.15. T emple junior, P e te lJiFuriu tUI'IH'd in a 9.30 on parallel bars, which event wa, a nd mus t cos tl y to a majurity of th e p"r for me rs. Richard Loyd and K a na ti Allen turn ed in excell ent H B routin es followed b y Cohen and Hug. It was the evenin g of the ve ter ans, a, less experienced compe tit ors m et with one of more di sas trous breaks. Even e xperi en c('d co mpetit ors ha d to a ckn owledge that hi gh sc huol junior Steve Hu g, who was within D.S;' of a sixth rank sc or e at th e end o f th e L' veJun g , wa s denl0n s tratin g con s iderabl e cunf iu ence a nd po ise a nd press ing hi , sen iors closely. Before a crowd of 6,300 at UCLA 's Pauley Pavilion , th e 1968 U.S. Men's Olympic Gymna s ti c T eam wa s se lec ted foll owi ng th" uptional e xerci ses . Comm encin g with th .. compul sory scores, Steve Co hen was th e a cknowledged front-runner with a 54.60 total , foll owed by Loyd 153.40, Roesthi sberger (53.30), Th or (53 .25 ) and Freuden-
stein 153.10) . Freuden ste in and Loyd pull ed up on tIlt" basis of s trong, well ,co lllposed FX rout int·;. but su ffe red several break s on SH whil e Thor s urged to second be hind Coht'n \ 9. 30. FX; B.75, SH) on th e strf' ngth of hi , 9.20 FX and 9.lS S H ruutines. Whil e S H pro ved di sa~ tro u s to DiFurio and Sw~ tm a n. ano th er yu un ;! ve tera n, Steve Hu ;!, ti eu Thor a nd Allen with a 9.15. NAA U Rin gs Champ Coh en aga in di :;· pl ayed hi s r emarkable powe r in scorin g a 9.50 to furth er in crease his lead. Roe thli s· berger, alone of th e lea din g con tend ers wa' able to co me close, but hi s 9.1., left him nearly tw o point ~ back. Although lus in g g round to Fred in the R and LH event •. Thor maintaint·d his second pla ce ranking with a gia nt hand spring with uis played fint· height , fli ght and solid landin g for a 9.20. R oet hli ~ b e r ge r e ' s Yam ashita ea rn ed him a 9.30 for the bes t vaul t. Goin g int o the last two even t" the tup gym nas ts appeared sec ure: Co hen, Th or, Roethli sberger, Loyd , and Freud en, te in. Al · len and Culhan e were battlin g it out for sixth with All en's :;[ron ge:;t eve nt s to co me. Hug and Denni s were neck in nec k for Bth whil e Emery see med all but out uf the race in 10th. Bad breaks had already elimin ated Swetman , DiFuri o an d Cohn from conten· tion . Cohen's po werful PB exercise nett ed him a 9.45 and a n all but in sunnount a ble lead over Thor. Thor staved off Roe thlisbe rge r wi th a 9.20 (to 9.05) Pll rou tillP while L oy d ran out of steam and suffered nUlll ero w. fault s. Freud enstein ca me on s trong with 9.3's in both [>13 and H 13, fini . hin g the lat· ter with a doubl e whi ch openeu above tlw bar. Th i, va ult ed him past both Loyd a nd Roe thli sberge r to third. All en's form hurt his Pll sco re but he man aged to edge out a determin ed Jim Culhane with his 9.30 HB r outine. Culh ane's last exerc ise was the paralle l bars and he needed to r ecoup hi , setback s uffered when he over turned his doubl e fl yaway on HB. His 9.20 g uaranteed him a spo t on the Olym pic T eam. Three men were in close con tention for the Bth pos iti on goi n g int o th eir last rou· tin es. Em ery, wh o had been consistently sco rin g close to 9.00 all evening, tota led IB.45 in the last two ~v e nt s, hut fell 0.1 ~ h o rt of overtakin g Dennis' 0.6 lead from th e fir st 10 events. Dennis, with an Bth rank tlltal of 105.50, was d early the man for Hug to beat. Go in g into hi s last event , PB, with a 96.50, Hu g nee d ed a 9.05 or bett er to edge out Denni s. Steve, th e la st co mpetit or in a ten", ion·packed evening, calm ly turn ed in a 9.35 performan ce to ~ec ur e hi s position on th e Olympic Team. Des pite earli er di sappoin tment s, both Swe tm a n and OiFurio came on s trong in the last tw o event s, bu t DiFuri o's front to fr ont di smount on H B fa il f' d to g ive him enough rota tion and he fe ll on the di"mount. Both gy mn as ts will be nati onal co ntend ers ill fu · t ure co mpetiti ons as th ey improve weak a reas ~ u c h as sid e horse. In term s of opt ional tota ls, Cohen '(54.90) clearly rank ed fir st, but so me surprises were th e foll owing total s' Thor (54.65), Fre uden ste in 154.45) , Em ery (54.40- the sam e as in the second trial s), Roe th lis· bl'fger 1:>4.15 ) , and Loyd 53.05. Both A lien and C ulhan e had pulled up on Loyd with 'i3.S0 a nd S3,S::; r es pectively. but co uld n ot ove rco me Loyd'~ lead from th e compul · so ries. The f ina t standings from th e 12 events we re: Steve Coh e n 109.50, Dave Thor 107.90, Sid Fre ude nsl ei n 107 .55 , Fre d Roelhl is be rg e r 107.4 5, Richard Lo yd 106.45, Kanal i Alle n 106. 10, Jim Culhan e 106.05, SIe ve Hug 105 .85, Fred Denni s t 05.50, Bob Emery 105.40 , Pe te DiFurio 102.15, More Co hn 101 .05, Dick Swetman 100,75.
What Can The Colleges Do For The High Schools? By Jerry Jacquin Gymnastics Coach, Addison Trail High School, Addison, Illinois High school coaches are often concerned with how we can . help our kids be better as college gymnasts. Now I think it's about time the college coaches seriously consider how they can help the high school program. In the past three years, the conferences and NCAA have made numerous rules' changes and recent articles suggest even more possible changes. Colleges can change their rules to suit their own needs. They can go to an all all-round program and throw out trampoline if they wish, but I think it is unfair to the thousands of high school kids who love gymnastics that will most certainly be eliminated. Gymnastics is not only a sport, but a way of life to many of us. High school coaches try, and for the most part, do control the growth and development of gymnastics in their own state. We do this to promote the sport and help the kids, and to do this we must conform, to some degree, to what the colleges do. Many high school in Illinois use the trampoline as a "gimmick" to get boys out for the team. It is also used for halftime exhibitions along with other apparatus at basketball games. We have also maintained tumbling as an event because the majority of coaches feel it is a basic ingredient for all gymnastics, and it will most certainly help the all-around man. We all talk about promoting our sport. To promote gymnastics, we must first create an interest, make it not too difficult, and then gain and maintain spectator appeal. One of the most common methods in Illinois is to use basketball half-time for exhibitions. Since the basketball fans want to see something exciting and spectacular, we use the trampoline, tumbling and hi-bar most generally because they are usually the most exciting. 10
Is there a need for specialists? There most certainly is in high school. The specialist forces the all-around man to become better. The specialist has more time to spend on learning new moves and this forces the all-around man to catch up, which he usually does. If the colleges were to drop specialists and go to an allaround program, how can we as high school coaches sell our kids on being specialists? The colleges may say "sell them on all-around." Try to sell 50 freshmen boys on the first day of gymnastics practice that they must work all-around and then tell them only 4 or 5 boys will make the team. That may be OK for basketball, but not gymnastics. Our Illinois program has progressed tremendously in the last 10 years. Squads have increased to an average of sixty boys and most high schools have three coaches now. If we were to go to an all-around program and no trampoline, I am sure our squads would drop in size, the number of coaches would be reduced and the caliber of competition would eventually drop. It would also eventually affect the colleges to some degree. This would most certainly regress from what many Illinois high school coaches have built up over the years. What do the high schools do for the colleges? They produce many, many potential college gymnasts. What do the colleges do for the high schools? Lately they have been making rules' changes, or have not made a strong enough effort to stop rules' changes, which directly affect thousands of high school gymnasts. I think that the colleges should take a good look at their source of athletes, seriously consider high school problems as well as their own, and discuss these problems before they make their changes. It is also my opinion that there should be more coordination and coorperation between the colleges and high schools. Also why are the high schools not represented on the NCAA Rules' Committee for gymnastics? They are in almost every other sport in the U.S.
LOS ANGELES CITY HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS May 31, 1968 By Dick Criley Th e City Championships this yea r we re not
quite a one-man show, but one man , a Chat s worth sophomore named Steve Hug , d ominat ed the evening as hove few o the r gymnasts in
the h isto ry o f this c it y-wide championship. Represent ing a team which , due to a lack of depth , hadn ' t won a dua l meet al l year , Hug garnered 28'12 of the 33 team points which won t he City title f or Chatsworth. His po int total set a new r ecord, topping t he 1966 record of Juan Sanchez by '12 po int . Whi le L. A. does
o il-around
toto l,
ev ent total was 54.45 (he qualified fo r tumbling finals bu t not ri ngs). The indi v iduals who kept Steve (1 st FX, SH , PB ) fr om stealing th e whale show were Fremont's Bi ll H a le (1 st ro pe , ri ngs ), Van Nuy' s Randy Martin (2nd FX), Garfiel d's Leonard Col ing (1 st HB( 2nd FX, 3rd PB ), South Gate's Tim Pusztai (2nd PB , 3 rd H B) and Fairfax 's Rich Sulc ( 1st LH , 2nd FX). It was thanks largel y t o these individua ls that the final team standings found Garfield in 2nd f o ll owed by Fremont, T aft, Fairfax , Von Nu ys and South Gate. Compet iti on notes: FX :As a moun t , RO , FF , Full was popular ; likewise a lot o f h and-
spr ing, front, headspring posses; pike back dismount (rarel y stuck);
more arabian
fr onts and
di v e rolls being used-a ll performed on a hard
wood fl oo r. Fai rfa x gymnasts Sulc, Pi v nick and Robin displayed good st y le espec ia ll y in their use of th e olympic sty le of performing the hurdle be f ore RO and handsprings. Im press ive too were Campos (Garf ield) with a we ll- comp osed rout i n e w h ich included jep spl its, press to st r addle, the n press to handstand; Kephart (T aft) w ho pressed down fr om handstand to st ra dd le and back u p; Wi lso n's Bob Bautista f or his or igina lity 路 Mike Lynn (Ven ice) who displayed fi ne st rength and tumbling. SH : Hug outclassed all comers a s hi s on ly cha ll enger ,
lost yea r's second p lace man, Tim Pusztai met with several bad breaks. The U niversity H ig h te am o f Peikoff, Vasper and Landegge r showed a lot of potential despite some b reaks wh il e Cleve land's duo of Ed Sallia and T om Harvey put on a cred ita b le sh owi ng in takin g 3 rd and 5th. HB was characterized by a lot of "muscling" as the on ly c la ss was shown by the top
three. Caling was
poss ib ly a
w inner
as his b ic di smou nt lacked the diffi culty of Hug's hecht. Pu sz t a i's routine included double
german kip,
f orward
a nd
d ismo u nts
done a
we re
strai gh t
fl yaway.
(Watson-Monroe and Ogami-Venice), 3 double fl yawa ys (Pusz tai , Lyn n , Farcell o), the las t named performing it as a la yout-tuck fl yaway and a full twist (Cushman). PB : Excellent work by Hug , Pusz tai , Martin, Caling . N oted were
seque nce,
back dismount; and Mike Roma no's (C leve land) mount-a glide ki p up onto one bar and L turn into the middl e. Rings: Hale was the
m ost outstand ing
performer as f ew g ymnasts
attempted or accomp lished an yth ing rea ll y o utstanding . Five points were picked up by Chatswort h 's Doug Varga whose st reng th work
included a ma ltese t o a n iron cross to an immediate back lever. Th e littl est gymna st , Wilson's Weste Osbring managed a 4th us ing a back lever and a be nt arm maltese for strength
moves. Ty ing wi th Osbr ink was Uni's Geo rge Nagayama whose ro ut ine went pull t o fron t lever , sw ing and cast, back giant t o handstand,
lower to c ross, L cross, press o ut, strai g ht body press t o handsta nd , drop , inlocate, cast around t o giant, lower down, disloca te , st raddle off. M ike Bea rd (Reseda) m anaged about the onl y dismount which wasn't a straddle o ff or pike f lyaway - a double. Tumb ling passes incl uded double backs by Farce llo and Sulc, a nice pass o f 3 alternate full s (Getzlaff-Ta ft ), good forward tumbling~front , handsprin g, fro nt, headspri ng, handspring, fr o nt (Campos) and snappv tumbling by Dorsey's Jim Cross who al one of the 14 competitors sh owed enough control t o stay on the mats f or all three passes. Results Team : Chatsworth (Ch ) 33.5, Garfield (Gar) 17, Frem ont (F) 15, Taft (T) 122;', Fa irfa x (Fx) 11 .5, Van Nuys (VN) 10.5, South Gate (SG) 9, ti e between Cleveland (C I) and Reseda (R) 8.5, Monroe (M) 7 .5, Dorsey (D) 5.5 , U niversity (U) 3, West chester (WC) 3.5, Venice (V) 2%, W il son 2, V erdug o Hill s 1. High Point : St eve Hug (Cr) 28 .5 , Leonard Caling (Gar) 15 .5, Ri ch Sulc (Fx) 13, Wi lli am H a le (F) 12, Randy Martin (VN) 10.5, T im Pusztai (SG) 9. FX : Hug 9. 15, Ca ling, Sulc, and Bautista 9.05. SH : Hug 9.40, Ken Bailey (N. H -wood )8.75, Mike Swan (M) and Ed 50 1li a (CI) 8.40. R: H ale 9 .30, Varga 8 .75, Jim Jantz (C I) 8.70. LH: Su lc 9.1, Jeff Leach (T) 8.95, M ar t in and Dov e Izzo (WC) 8.8. PB : Hug 9.3, Pusztai 8.95, Caling 8.85. HB: Caling 9.20 , Hug 9. 10, Pu sz t ai 8.90. Rape : Hole 3.3, Bill Freeman (T) 3.4, Booker McCullough (F), Belan Wagner (Palisades) Martin Silverman (M) 3 .5. Tu : James Cross (D ) and Jim Farce ll o (R) 8.95 , Hug 8.8.
WINNING ROUTINES: FX: Hug: RO , FF , Full , back ro ll to fr ont support, turn to sp lits, f o rward ro ll through straddle L t o handstand; RO, FF, pike arabian to headsprin g, swed ish fall, single leg circle to jap sp li ts, press handstand , step down, di v ing cartwheel, FF , step out with V2 twist (p lanned handspring , front, headsprin g bu t shoe came off ), fall , straddle cut , Y-sca le, RO, FF , Full. SH: Hug : Moore mount on end ,
loop back, st ock li , russian moore , m oore, tra ve l down, loop end moore, rea r in, back scissor , 3 fro nt scissors, travel down , loop walk around , o ly mpic off. R: Hale: Pull to cross, press to L , ma ltese planche , 3;" giant to handstand , lowe r
to front lever, inverted ha ng and sca le up to handstan d, back ro ll , back l ever, cross, dislocate, stra dd le off. LH: Sulc : Yamashita . PB:
Hug : Peach, lay back, front uprise , back pirouette , back catch , stutz, cas t st radd le cut L, straigh t arm-straddle press to handstand, stutz, lay bac k , fr on t upri se, front off w ith half. HB: Caling : Regu la r grip , cast, uprise, flange , r each under, vault catch , half t urn,
reverse kip , cast, giant, changeover to regular giant, regula r stalde r, giant, hop, reverse giant, cross arm giant, back to reve rse g iant , immediate sta lder, g iant, stalde r, gian t , giant, bic dismount.
Hug : Jam ,
im mediate
stalder , hop ,
reachunder, vault , back kip german, disengage, half twis t , kip, change, st a lder, wh ip change, hecht. Tu: Cross : RO , FF , Fu ll , FF, FF , Full. Front wa l kout, RO, arabian wa lkout, RO, FF , arab ian . RO, FF , wh ipback t o RO, FF , Full.
KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTIC CHAlVIPlONSHIPS By George Jefferson Iroquo is High School, Louisville, Kentucky Iroquois and Pleasure Ridge Park High Schools fought to a 59% point tie in the boys division of the 1968 K entucky State Gymna stic Championship Meet at the Uni versity of Louisville's Crawford Gymnasium on April 6th_ Thomas Jefferson High captured the girls division easily with a 57 to 20 spread over r~nn er-up Tates Creek High School of LexIngton. The boys division was a real donnybrook wIth heavIly favored 1967 Champion Thomas Jefferson finishing just one point behind co-champions Iroquois and Pleasure Ridge. Tight competition continued into the individual battles with Thomas J efferson's Kelley Mclntosh edging Larry Larimore of Pleasure Ridge Park and Chris Miller of Iroquois just one tenth of a point for the all-around champi onship_ Mclntosh scored 33_50, Larimore 33_40 and Miller 31.10. Scorin g was almost as close in the girls all-around competition as Seneca's Adele Gleaves nosed out Thomas Jefferson's Sheba
Alsip by 1.2 points, 32.00 to 30.80_ Over 200 individuals participated in this year's meet almost doubling the en try list for 1967. Thirteen schools had boys entered and there were twelve schools with girls teams. This represents phenomenal growth for one year and speculation is that gymnastics will enter regional eliminations in the near future. The most impressive difference in the 1967 and 1968 meets, however, was the quality of performance. Greater difficulty in routines and polish in execution was very much in evidence and drew much comment from the judges who were in attendance both years. Schools entered in the boys division were, Iroquois, Pleasure Ridge Park, Thomas Jefferson, and Central all of Louisville; Lafayette, Bryan Station, Tates Creek, Davis County and LaRue County. Represented in the girls division were Iroquois, Pleasure Ridge Park, Tates Creek, Thomas Jefferson, Seneca, Westport, Davis County, Lafayette and Bryan Station. Total team points: Boys-Iroquois and Pleasure Ridge Park 59Y2, Thomas Jefferson 58Y2, Lafayette 8, Tates Creek 7%, Bryan Station 4 Central 1, Davis County 0_ '
Girls-Thomas Jefferson 57, Tates Creek 20, Iroquois 6, Lafa yette 5, Bryan Station 1, Seneca 0, Pleasure Ridge Park 0, Atherton O.
The "Recruiters" on the High School s....ene.
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ALL-AROUND CHAMPIONSHIPS May 17, 1968 Mills High School, Millbrae, California The All Around Championship was held at Mills High School, Millbrae, California on Friday, May 17, 1968. Fifteen gymnasts competed in the six Olympic events: Long Horse Vaulting, Horizontal Bar, Floor Exerci ses, Parallel Bars, Side Horse and Still Rings. The
scores awarded to each contestant f or h is performance in each event were added together for a final All Around score. The gymnast with the highest t ota l score was declared the winner of the All Around event. Traditi onally, this event precedes the Northern California In vitational and the paints from this event are added to those earned by each team in the Invi tati onal t o determine the team winner. Results : Gary Vandehaef (Encino) 43.66, T om Gardner (Mills) 43.10, Tim McWhirk (Encino) 42.95, Rob McClaren (DeAnza) 42.15, Ron Lum (Hillsdale) 42.15. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA INVITATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS May 18, 1968 DeAnzo High School, Richmond, California By Don Nelson Encino wan the Northern California Invitational easily. There was a three-wa y battle f or second between College Park , Berkeley, and De Anza. Tim McWhirk and Gary Vanderhoef were the outstanding performers. McWhirk sco red the m ost points and Vanderhoef had the highest scaring routine (9.2). Th is was on still rings; he pulled out of inver ted , had a back lever cross, and was ve ry steady. A full house was on hand to watch the meet which went off smoothly in 2 hours and 15 minutes for 109 performances. Results Team: Encino (E) 132.5, College Park (CP) 53.5, Berkeley (B) 50, De Anza (DA) 45.5, Ygnacio Valley (YV) 34.5, Hillsdale (H) 30.5. Aragon (A) 22.5, Mills (M) 22, Fremont (F) 18 .5, Oakland (0) 14.5 , Mt Diablo (MD) 11.5 , Sequoia (S) 9, Mission San Jose 2.5, San Carlos I , Palo Alta and Skyline. FX: H owa rd Hardie (B) 8.65, Clark Johnson (DA) 8.5, Rob MaClaren (DA) 8.3. SH: Todd Chisum (YV) 7.2 , Mike Steele (S) 6.65, Hardie 6.6. Tr: Tim McWhirk (E) 8.25, Rudy Jones (0) 7.6, Bob Bussell (E) 7.55. R: Gary Vanderhoef (E) 9.2 , McWhirk 8.05, Bill Gimbel (CP) 7.95. LH: McWh irk 8.75 , Hard ie 8.6, Pete Shigemot o (A) 8.55 . PB: McWhi rk 8.1 , Steve Sinsel (CP) 8.05 , Gimbel 7.95. HB: Bill Barnwell (CP) 7.85, Chriss Harrold (E) 7.8 , Shigemota 7.55. NORTHERN
C1F CHAMPIONSHIPS Millikan High School Team: Lakewood (L) 34, Baldwin Park (BP ) 19, Westminster (Wm) 16, EI Rancho (ER) 10.5 , Wilson (W) and Millikan (MI) 8.25, Muir (Mu ) 6.5, May fair (M) 4.5, San Gabriel (SG) 3.5 , Magnolia 2, L. B. Poly and South H ills 3.4High Point Man: Bob Haisl ip (L) 13 .5, B. Anderson (Wm) 8.5, J. I verson (Wm) and G. McCo ll om (SDM) 5. Tu: B. Haislip and Dave McCain (M) 17.0, E. Han seth (BP) 16.9. Rope: Paul Ralston (Wm) 3.3 , R. Duarte (ER) 3.5 , Bob Thompson (L) 3.6. HB : Gary Erickson (Mil) 17.4, Brian Anderson (Wm) 17 .0, Steve Diggle (L ) 17.0. FX: B. Hai slip 16.6, G. Garrett (SG ) and D. Lightholder (W) 17 .2. SH: Larr y Perez (ER) 17.2, E. Will (Mu) 17.1, Rich Godhart (L )
16.4. PB : T . Reis (BP) 17.3 , Bob Landers (L) 17.1 , D. Stovall (BP) 17 .0. R: Jerry Iver son (Wm) 17 .5, Bob Mahoney (W), Diggle and T . Villapando (BP) 16.9. WINNING ROUTINES: Tu: Haislip: RO, FF , Full , FF , FF , Full. Front , handspri ng, front, handspring. RO, FF , whipback, FF, wh ipback, FF whipback. FX: Haislip: RO, FF , Full, FF , swedish fall to splits; straight arm press, RO , arabian dive roll , jump with half turn , back handspring, turn to half gainer; diving cartwheel, diving back handspring, fall ; leg circle t o stradd le splits; straight leg roll, RO , FF , pike back. LH: G_ McCollom (CDM) gian t cartwheel and giant piked handpsring.
CALIFO'RNIA CHAMPIONSHIPS March 2, 1968 By Ed Loudon Yreka H i g h School gymnastics nearly swamped its competitors in taking the championship o f the Northern California High School Gy mnastics Championship. It is Yreka's third straight title. The meet was held an March second with seventy gymnastics partic ipating fr om n o rthern high schools . Y reka sc o red 161 .59 points, easily aut distancing second place Eureka , wit h 130 .25 points, Del Norte , third, w ith 92.51 poin t s. YHS team captain , Roger Lorenzini , won all around troph y with Q 24.81 paint performance; he was foll owed by teammate John Tufts who rack ed up 24 .65 points. Third place, Doug Garriso n with 23 .50 and Nick Rail of Del Norte , was fourth with 22 .93. Garrison and Rail captu red first in side horse and parellel bars , but Yreka t ook first places in all of the remaining events, including the rope c limb , where Yreka ' s own John Tuft, came through wtih first place time of 4.3 seconds. Alan Milovich captured three
Northern Calif . In vi tational Team Chomps, En cino H igh Schoo l.
firsts. Th e Northern California Cham pionshi ps uses all nine ev ents belie v ing that in ord er t o build a gymnast for col lege h e should compete in as man y events as poss ible. Yreka hod a very successful year, wi n ning twelve meets and losing two . One to California Freshmen and the oth er to Enc ino o f Sac ramento, by on ly fi v e pOin ts . .In the Northern California Open Championship Yreka was also v ictorious over all ent ri es, defeating t eams and unattached gymnasts. Y reka scored 62.93 p oints to win this open closs with College o f the Siskiyous having 49.12 points. They were followed by unattached gym nast s with 30.21 points which included gymnasts from College of the Redwoods . Thi s open class meet was conducted at the some time as the high school champi o nships. Results SH : Doug Garrison (E), Tip Wi lmarth (Y), Eri C James (Y). Tr: Alan Milovich (Y), Lar ry Crowe (Y), Jeff Day (Y). Rope : John Tufts (Y ), ChriS Wo lt ers (Y), Chr is Havens路 (Y). FX : A lan Mi lovich (Y), Jeff Day (Y), Jon Jenot (Y). HB : John Tuft s (Y), Roger Lo ren zin i (Y), Don Str ub le (Y). PB : Nick Roil (DN), Roge r Lorenzini (Y), Gav in W indb igler ( E). R: Chris Walters (Y), Joh n T ufts (Y), Don Struble (Y). LH : Roger Lorenzini (Y), John T ufts (Y), Larr y Crowe (Y). Tu : A lan M il ovich (Y), Jeff Da y (Y), Jon Jenot (Y). OREGON STATE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS - Boys March 9, 1968
University of Oregon Team : Sout h Eugene (SE) 14 5.80, David Douglas (DD) 128.55, Churchill (C) 117 .65 , South So lem (SS) 108.05. AA : Bruce Hoyt (SE ) 45.80, Eri c N ickerson (SE) 44.35, Dennis Ll oyd (DO) 43 .50. SH : Joe Perciva l (S E) 8.05, St eve Cooper (SE) 7 .65, Jerry Ingham (DO) 7.525. HB : Hoyt 8.625, John Pr ice (DO) 7.05 , Nickerson 7.4. LH: Greg Maxwell (SE) 9.575, H ovt 9.225, Nickerson 8.95, PB: Paul Henning (SE ) 7.925, Nickerson 7.45, Greg Edblom (SE) 7.225. R: T om Read (S E) 8.275, Don Monin!,)er (S E) 8.20, Dove McDowe ll (SE) 8.025 . FX: Hoyt 8.425, Maxwel l 8.10, Joe Yamauchi (DO) 7.75 . OREGON STATE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS - Girls March 9, 1968 University of Oregon Team: South Eugene (SE ) 86.95, Dav id Douglas (DD ) 82.20, North Eu gene (N E) 78.30 , Cottage Grove (CG) 68.85 , Crater (C) 59.45 , Corvallis (Co) 52. 15 . AA: Ja yne H ami lton (DD) 30.05, Judy Sh irk (S E) 29.30 , Sandy Webe r (SE) 28.45. SHY: Sh irk 8.3 , Motto Racely (SE) 7.95 , H am ilto n 7 .9. BB : Shir k 7.75, H ami lton 7.55 , Joyce H anson (She l) 7. 175. FX : Hamilton 7.80, Weber 7.275, Cindy Gordon (C) 7.20. UPB : Shirk 7.95 , Hamilton 7.925, Penn y Perin (NE ) 7.425, NEW MEXICO HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS-Boys and Girls
Lovington High School, Lovington, New Mexico April S. 6, 1968 By Darl ene H , .Schmidt Some 174 gymnasts competed in the preliminari es o f this two-day event. Host Lovi ng ton scored 67 team points to t oke the boys titl e. Mark Hop kins of the host school took All Around hono r s in t he boys competition. The Car lsbad Gir ls team successful ly defended their 1967 Champi onship by scori ng 48.5 team pa ints while runner-up Roswe ll scored 37 points. Gi rl s A ll A r ound honor s went to Laqu ito Hargrove o f the Carlsbad Team . Teom standings Boys : Loving t on (L) 67, Farmingto n (F) 38.5, Goddard (Gd) 23, Eunice ( E) 19, Highlands (H i) 17, Roswell (R) 9.5. AA : Hopkins ( L) 81 .6, Wo lte rs (F) 72.8, Kravitz (Hi ) 7.19. SH : Hop kins , Krav itz, Gardenas (S F). R: Hohimer (E), Cone (L ), Cooper (Grd). PB: Hoh imer , Walters, Wr igh t (F), HB : Wr ight , Christensen (F), H oh imer (E). FX : Wo lters, H opkins, Kravitz. LH: H opkins , Slayton (Grd), Gonzales ( LC ), Tr: Hopkins, Slayton, Ha r low (L). Tu : Hopkins, Hall (L ), Slayton,
Girls Team Standings : Carlsbad (C) 4~.~, Roswell (R) 37, St Pius (SP) 15.5, Goddard (Grd) 13, Manzano (M) 10, Gal lup (G lp ) 8. AA : Hargrove (C) 50 .2, Kennington (M) 49.2, Yoroshek i (SP) 47 .9. FX : T onner (R ), Denhof (C), Yorosheski. SHY : Hernandez (Grd) Har grov e, Yorosheski. BB: Morey (R), Acosta (LC), Rascon (S F). UPB : Condrey (G lp), Mize (L), Hargrove. Tu : Denhof, Tonner, H argrove. Tr: Neal (C), Sowell (R), MacPherson (Grd). INDIANA
HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP March 23, 1968 By Terry Lechlitner, Sec,路Treas , IHSGCA The second Indiana Hi gh School Athletic Assoc iation gymnast ics championsh ip was h eld at Wa rr en Central High Schoo l in Indianapolis, Indiana as a Saturday that only Eskimos should have been out. T here had been a snow storm the night before and a few teams arrived late for the meet. Many teams hod arri v ed the Friday n ight befo re . There were approximate ly six t o seven hundred dedicated spectators even thoug h the weather was terrib le. Many college coaches we re in attendance. Three sectional meets hod been he ld the week be fore on Frida y night (March 15) at Crown Point, W abash , and North Central ( In dianapolis). The top five gymnasts in each event ad vanc ed t o the finals. As was expected , Conco rd, Madison H eights, and Columbus won at the three sect ional sites , Columbus put on an amazing show of power to run away wit h the state meet . Da v id Carter (Junior ) from Columbus also won the AIIA round.
Co lumbus H igh School, State Chomps.
The over -oii ~uoljt y of th e ~~rro rman ces was
the bes t ever in the State of Indi ana. For example, ever y H orizontal Bar qualifier threw a rear vault this yea r as compared to two o r
three last yea r. Nineteen schoo ls qualified boys fo r the state meet th is yea r , FX : Jerry H ostet ler (Concord) 70 .5, Ga r y Sublette (Columbus) 62 , Ti m Barrus (Wabash) 62. Tr: Kev in Her r (Columbus) 72, John Shields (Hammond Clark ) 66 , Ga r y Best (E lkhart) 63.5. SH: Bill Bratten (Crown Po int ) 68, Nick Woo ll s (Col umbus) 62.5, Jack Harcourt (North Central ) 60.5. Tu : Frank Forema n (H am ilt on Clark) 64 .5, Gary Powell (Concord ; 64 , Jerr y H ostetle r (Concord) 60.5. HB: Dove Carter (Co lu mbus) 7 1.5, Mike Rich (Madison Heights) 66, Jerry H ostetler (Concord) 61 PB: Dove Carter (Co lumbus) 73.5, John Peirce (North Central ) 72.5, Dave Seal (Columbus) 62. R: Dave Seal (Co lumbus) 82,5, Dave Carter (Col um bus) 63.5 , Bill lei!')ler (Co lumbus) 63 ,
Routines :
FX: Jerry Hostetler: Round-off , flip fl op, full full twist , swed ish fa ll , pinwheel t o planch e , lower to stomach-rise t o handstand , flip f lop , back , flip flop, back - spli t C', straight arm press , step down wi t h % turn , di v e ro ll , st radd l e leap-front, f orwa r d straddle rol l into handstand with immediate 1/ 4 pirouette , lowe r t a strad dle chest lea n. va ldez, round-o ff flip flop , layout. TR: K ev in Herr: Flif fu s-out , double bock , bock, back full , bock double full , rudolf , piked back, ru dolph, bock doub le full , back , piked bock, 3;" bock , double cody. PB : Dave Carter: Cost suppo rt , st radd le cut "L" (Hold ): Straddle press ha ndstand; Back t oss, stutz, cost, back uprise straddle cut; lay away, fr ont uprise , swing handstand; back off. HB : Dave Carter: Stem Ri se, Undergrip Giant , Stoop, Dislocate , Eagle , Hop to 3;" Undergo giant , hop to overg rip , free hip immedia t e reach u nder, vau lt , st r aight arm hip cast, 2 ov ergrip giants, crossove r , 2 undergrip giants路 f ly ing st radd le off, R: Dave Seal: Eleva t or, Giant , Bock Ro ll , Cross, Pull to bock lever , Dislocate to " L ", Press to Maltese Cross (Ho ld), Cast , Dislocate Doub le Back. Tu: Frank Foreman : RO, FF , d ouble fu ll . Front , front , front , headspring , front , fr on t , heodspring. RO, FF, fUll , FF, back. RO, FF , full; headspring , RO, 2 whipbacks, full. KANSAS STATE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS By Bob Rector The 1968 Kansas High Schoo l Gymnastics season ended February 24, 1968 with t he St ate Gymnastics Champi onsh ip meet at Kansas Sta t e University. The teams and gymnasts qualified in Regi ona l Meets at W ichita East and Lawrence. The teams qua li f y ing from the W ichita East Reg iona l were: Wichita South 101, Wich ita Eas t 92, Medicine Lodge 87, Wichita West 62V2, W ichita He ights 49, Win field 24 , W ichi ta Southeast 20V2, Wichita North 6 , Kingman 3, and Buh ler 2 . Qual ifying from the Lawrence Regi ona l were: La w r ence 15 1 V2, Salina 102, Olathe 54V2, Highland Park 48V2 , T o peka 30 , Seamon 16 , Atchison 15, Manhattan 9, Topeka West 7, Washburn Rural 7, Empor ia 3, and Shawnee Heights 1 V2 . Th e t op seven individua ls in each event qualified for the State Meet in each event . Th e 19 tea ms in the State Meet finished as fol lows: La w rence 83V2, Wichita South 77 , Wichi t a East 69, Medicine Lodge 56, Wich it a West 32, Salina 28, Highland Park (T opeka ) 25, Wichita Heights 22, W infield 14 , T opeka 13, Olathe I I, Atchison 5 , Manhattan 5, Sea mon (Topeka) 4, Kingman 2V2, T ope ka Wes t 1, Wichita Southeast I , Washburn Ru r al (Topeka) 0, W ichita North 0 . Indiv idua l placings wer e as f o l lows:. AA : Norman W iles, W ich ita West; DuWayne Guthrie, Medicine Lodge; Mick McGuire, Wichita East. FX : Ti e, Ken Johnson, Lawrence and Norman W il es, W ichita South; 3. T om Carrier , Topeka. SH: Richard Schubert, Lawrence; Bill Dicke rson, Wichita East; Bob Blackburn, W ichita West. HB : Norman Wiles: T om Yother , La wrence; Kenny Smith, Wich ita East. LH: DuWayne Guthrie; Jim Norris , Sa li na; Mike Withr ow, Wichita West. PB : Marc Joseph , Lawrence; DuWayne Guthri e; M ick McGuire, Wichita Eost. R: Tie , Mike Webert and Gary Goertz; Don Th o rington , La wrence. Tu : S t e~e Schuman , Medicine Lodge; Jerry Me ldrum, High la nd Pork ; Stan Lewis, W infield. Fo llow ing the State H igh Schoo l Gymnastics Meet on Saturday, March 2, 1968, the f irst Kansas Open Championship meet was he ld at Sa li na High Schoo l, Sa li na, Kansas. For the fir st t ime in Kansas, the high school and col lege gymnasts competed against each other . The event placings were as foll ows: AA: Ken Snow, K-State; Scott Dolenc , K-State;. N or man Wi les, Wichita South. FX : Steve Kinder, KState; Stan Cl yn e, KU; Ken Snow. SH: Rich Schubert, La w rence H .S .; Ken Snow: Bob Carro ll , Wichita State Univ. R: Bob Carro ll; Bob Gi ll , K- State; Bob Li vesay, Lawrence. Tr: Dove Gechter, K- Sta te; Stan Cly ne; Steve Mitchell, KU. LH : Ken Snow; Stan Cl y ne; John James, Lawrence. HB : Tie , Ken Snow and Norman Wi les , Wichita South; Scott Dolenc, K-S t ate. Tu: Stan Clyne; Ken Snow; Bruce Cohoo n , Sa lina H. S,
La wren ce High School, Kansas State Chomps.
MICHIGAN STATE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS Hillsdale High School was the host for Michigan 's H.S. State Gymnastic Meet on March 16. Charles Morse of Clarence vi lle won the AIIAround with a 39.375 score with teammate James McCommon scor ing 36.40 f or second. Individua l winners included: FX : Tom McArt , North Farmington; Tr : Don Hodgins, Ann Arbor Pioneer; SH : Charles Morse. LH : (tie) Terr y Boys and John Teeples, North Farmington. Tu : Don Witz, Ta y lor Kenned y. PB : Charles Morse. HB: Charles M orse. SR: Charles Morse. GREATER MIAMI ATHLETIC CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS February 12-13, 1968 Miami Coral Park High The 1968 Greater Miami Athletic Conference Gymnastic Championships (which is considered our state meet since we are still look ing for our first statewide meet) were held at Miami Coral Pork Senior H igh School on Februa ry 13 and 14. The meet began with Hialeah High a strong favorite after completing another undefeat ed season after ha v ing won the Championship f o r f our consecutive yea rs. In second place was Coral Park 8-1, f o ll owing were Nort h Miami 7-2, Coral City 6-3 , Miami Springs 4-14, Killion 4-5, Norland 3-6, and Southwest 2-1-6 . The Preliminaries on Tu esday evening ended with Cora l Pork having eleven finalists, Hialeah ten, N ort h Miam i six, Cora l City five, Miami Spr ings three, Ki llio n one and Southwest o ne. The All Around event was comp leted on the first night and Jerry Westberg o f Coral Park surpassed the nearest rival Mike DiGiacomo by twenty-six points to toke the coveted title. On Wednesday the lead in the finals seesawed bock and f ort h between Hialeah and Coral Pork and not unt il the lost event was a lmost finished was the outcome determined . A slim margin of one point separated Hialeah f rom the winner Coral Park with North Miami in the third place slot . Exemplary performances were executed by Proctor o f North Miami and Westberg o f Coral Park on the H igh Bar, Bishop o f Coral Pork on Floor Exercise , Redlhammer of Killion on the Side H o rse and an outstanding rou tine on Rings by Letourneau of Hial eah. Results Team : Coral Pork (CP) 53, Hialeah (H) 52 , North Miami (NM) 22.5, Carol City (CC) 19, Miami Springs (MS) 13 3,4, Ki l lion (K) 10, Southwest (S) 4 V4, Norland (N) 1%. AA : Westberg (CP) 686, DiGiacomo (H) 660, Smith (NM ) 605. PB : Letourneau (H) 137, DiGiacomo 130, Hill (MS) 127. LH : DiGiacomo 180, Gill (CC) 156, Dowling (CC) 153 . HB : Westberg 143 , Letourneau 136, Arnoth (H) 130. FX : Bishop (CP) 159, Walker (NM) 137, Schneider (CP) 136. SH : Redlhammer (K) 129, Katz (CP) 96, Hill 93. R: Letou rneau 159, Corter (CC) 155, Merrill (CP) 137. NEW YORK STATE HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS March 8-9, 1968 Ithaca Colleg e, Ithaca, New York By Gordon Eggleston At 7 : 30 p.m., Ma r ch 8th, the competition began in Othaca College's Ben Light Gym-
nasium. The pressure was on; there was the critical ey e o f th e judges, the ey es o f parents, the collegiate recruiting eye of many top coache s fr om the East , the general public's eye of amazement, the eyes of the many high school coaches full of anticipation, and the gymnasts' eyes of determination . Each contesta nt could feel them all as he received the superior judge's nod to begin . At 11 :00 p .m., the competition hod ended for the day. The sect ional all-around entries hod comple ted a ll but two of t heir O ly mpic events and the 1968 Champi ons for the rope climb , trampoline and tumbling events hod been determined. Saturday's competition began at 1 :05 p .m. before a crowd of approximately 1,000 perans with two events being held simultaneousl y. Th e meet ran smooth ly and the numerous fa vor able comments regarding meet facilities , organization and operation were greatly appreciated by Darr y l Wa ter man (Section 4 Chairman ) and m y self as Meet Manager. Thr ough the lock o f injuries it was evident that each boy hod been trained well by his coach to perform to the peak o f hi s individual degree of ability. By 4:30 p.m ., Section 11 hod move d from lost yea r 's third place to overpower lost yea r 's sectional winner (Section 8 ) and runner-up (Section 3) t o become New York Slate 1968 Champ ions . Although two events were run simultan eously , all eyes focussed upon on e gymnast whene v er his name was called up f or competition . Marshall Avener, a junior from Is路Iand Tree s High Schoo l of western Long Island was a representati ve o f Sect ion 8. In co mpeti tion he was the picture of form, confidence and control. Come 1969, he wi ll certainl y be the man to beat in the State Champi onships .
Section T eam rankings: Section 11 -57.5 , 8-35.5 , 3-26.5, 6-15 .5, 1-8.5 , 5-7 .0 , 23.5. AA : Marshall Avener (8) 49 .70 , David Naukan (6) 41 .35 , William Mitchell (1 I) 40.50. FX : T om Holler (3) 7 .05 , Bob Rice (II) 6.90, Naukam 6.90 . SH: A v ener 8.50, Clyde Gibson ( 11) 8. 10, Marty Glinski (3) 7.35. HB : Robe rt Clark (11) 7.75, Jeff Pulis (8 ) 7 .00, Nauka n 6.50 . PB : A v ener (8) 8 .50 , Roger Pommer (1 1) 7 .55 , Bill Jinks ( 11 ) 7 . 10 . R: Don Spier (11 ) 7 .75 , Robert Medlin (II) 7 .60 , Mike Lawitts (3) 7.40. LH : Bob Bazarnick (1 I) 8 .70 , And y Ungerleider (I) 8 .65, T om Holler (3) 8 .65. Tr: Mike Redmo n (6) 6.30, T ony So cae (2) 5.45 , Wil li am Markert (I) 5 .30. Tu : Rice 7 .20, Mickey Maguire (2) 6.90, Bob Allstadt ( I ) 6.60. Rope : Peter Holms (8) 4 .20, Jim Taglia (I ) 4.25 , Ben DeVivo (8) 4.40. Winning Routines : TR: Mike Redman : Double bock, T uck bock , Brannie, Tuck bock, bock with a full , tuck bock, double t wist ing bock, bock, Brannie, bock, 3;" bock, bock cody , bra nnie out. Tu : Bob Rice : Pass No . 1: Running roundo ff , flip flop , layout bock, flip flop, high tuck bock. Pass No.2: Bounding frosts (2), running rou ndoff, flip fl op, high pi ke bock. Pass No.3 : Running roundo ff , fli p flop, bock with a f ull , flip flop , bock sammie. Rope : Peter Holms : Winning time 4.20 seco nds. FX: Tom Halle r: Pass No. I : Jump hand stand, Jap handsta nd, frost roll to step up stand , running roundoff, f li p flop, bock wi th a full, turn to Swedish drop, shoot thru to back, sit to Valdez handstand , immediate pirouette out to stand. Pass No . 2 : Running roundoff , bock with a half step out, cartwheel, crad le to front leaning rest, immediate daulphin to strai g ht legs stand. Pass No . 3: Running roundoff, flip fl op , front sammie, steps transition turn. Pass No.4: Running roundoff, flip flop , pike bock. SH: Marshall Avener: Both hands on pommels start: Jump to moore mount , doub le leg circle, travel down , kehre in, double leg circles, one single leg circle undercut , back scissors, 3 fr ont scissors, double leg circles, t ra vel out, surface walka r ound, leap off with a half twist. SR : Dan Spier: Regular grip start : st raight body full forward t o inv erted hong , V2 inverted hang to immed iate kip into il L" support, hol lowback press handstand, bock giant , lower t o iron c ross, pull to il L " support, immediate bock ro ll into bock lever, dislocate Jap giant, double bock sammie (free) o ff. LH: Bob Bozarnick (Sect . 11) 8.70 , Yamashita from Croup; Andy Ungerleider (Sect. 1) 8.65, Giant Cartwheel ; Tom Haller (Section 3 ) 8.45, Yamashita from Neck. PB : Marshall Avener: Start from between bars at mid bars; outside g r ip: Peach basket to " L " support catch , layaway to front upr ise, swinging hop, pirouette , drop cost to upper a r m support, cut & catch, " L " support to hollowback press handstand, fr ont stutz, layaway to fron t uprise, swing pirouette, layout back off. HB : Robert Clark : Underbar grip sta rt : High cost to h op change (overba r grip), free hip circle , Endo change to fr on t giant, change t o va ult catch, kip, free hip circle, cost to bock giant, reverse pirouette, front giant, front flyaway with a half twist off. OHIO STATE
HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS March 9, 1968 Ohio State University By Don Powers The meet was held at Oh io State University o n March 9, 1968. The scoring system was that used by the NCAA, which is the t ota l score of those competing. On ly two participants were allowed in each event, plus the all-around man. The all-around score counted only for indiv idua l awards, unless it was designated t o be one o f the top two scores for the individual event. Even though the number of compet ing teams ha s increased in Ohio to about 100, there were only twent y-eig ht full teams entered into this meet. Three teams enter ed the competition undefeated in dua l meet competition. Each hod also won a major meet such as an inv itational with ten o r more teams or a league meet. Fairmont East of Kettering, Fairmont West of Kettering, and St. Clairsv ille High Schoo l of SI. Clairsvi lle , Ohio we re the top three teams. There were several other t eams with excel lent records thr oughout the season . The scores remained very close throughout the enti re meet, with no schoo l leading by m ore than 3.5 points at a time. Fairmont East led throughout the entire meet up to the sixth event when St . Clairsville took the lead by . 15 points. East then come bock strong in th e vault ing event to re-estab l ish their lead and to win the State meet, with a t ota l score of 104 .1 . St. Clairsville f inished second with 101.7 points, and Fairmont West was third with a tota l score of 96. 15. Two other schools from the Dayton, Ohio area finished fourth and fifth . The y were Fair view H .S., 92.6 p o ints and Belmont, 92.25 points. Fi ve of the t op six
teams we r e from the Dayton and surroundin g areas. This was Fairmont East's second time t o win the State meet. The f irst time was in 1965, when Ohio hod their first State-sancti oned meet. NJSIAA SECTION A GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS February 17, 1968 Montclair State College East Brunswick High School amassed 118 .06 p oi nts to win the New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association Section A g y mnastic championships at the Montclair State College gym nasium . In doing so, they bested a field of nine teams and finished well ahead at St. Peter ' s o f Jersey City whic h scored 88.31. East Brunswick' s Bill Balogh (2nd AA, 1st PB, 1st SH, 2nd R), Rich Rag one (I st R, 5th HB ) and Blane Nasveschuk (I st Tu) corried th e load f o r the Bear's. Mike McCabe was 4th in tumbling , Don O'Conner 5th in PB and tied for 3rd in HB behind t eammate Steve Lund who was 2nd. Wayne Bell was 2nd in SH. John Dahl of Sayreville took 2nd in tumbling and 4th in LH. Ed Yanoski t ook 5th in SH and Ted Unkel tied for 5th in rings. Behind East Bru nswick and St. Peter 's we re H enry Snyder (Jersey City) with 82.41, N orth Bergen 77.89, and Sayreville 74.22 . Other Section A entrants were Northern H igh l ands, Dickinson, Montclair, and J. F. Kennedy of Patterson. The Section B competition hod been held on the 17th at Glassboro State with the NJSIAA State fi na ls scheduled for Tr enton State. NYSPHSAA SECTION 5 GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS March 2, 1968 R. L. Thomas Weber High School Webster, New York Results : Team : Webster (W) 48, Irondequoit ( I) 32.5 , Madison (M) 29.5, Franklin (F) 21 , Rush Henrietta (RH) 10, Fairport (Fp) 8.5, East (E) 3.5 . AA : Richard Day (I) 59.6, James Wi ng (W) 50.0, Edmund Mox ley (M) 45 .0. FX: Charles Lundy (F) 12.3, Wing 10.6, Sylvester Duhart (M) 8.5 . SH : Richard Day ( I) 9.7, Richard Bunde (W) 9.2, Craig Tice (W) 8 .8. HB : Rich ard Kane (RH) 9.2, Garth Wo lter s (W) 7.8, Da y 7.3. PB: Bunde 11.9, Wing 9.7, Moxley 8.5. LH : Robert Graham (F) 12.9, W ing 12.6, Thomas Johnson (M) 12.2. SR : Bunde 15.4, Day 13 .5, James White (I) 7 .2 . Tr: Steve Brower (RH) 9.8, Graham 9 .5, Bruce Harrison (RH) 8.5. Tu: Charles Lundy (F) 12.1, Roger Scott (Fp) 8.0, Robert Simpson (F) 7.9 . WASHINGTON STATE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS March 8-9, 1968 University of Washington For the first time three regional qualify ing meets were held: at Issaquah , Renton and Kennewick. Nineteen schools qua l ified one or more men into the championship meet . Th ere were a tota l of 95 compet itors. Th e level of performance , as estimated by Dr. Eri c H ughes, was better than ever be f ore, with the depth of performance the most impresesi v e part of the meet. Team : Renton (R) 17 4.5, Kenn ewick (K) 114, Central ia (C) 75.5, Lake Washington (LW) 28 .5 , Cascade (Cs) and Bothell (B) 26, Kent (Kt) 12, Rogers (R) 11.5, Lewis & Clark (LC) 11 , Everett
Mike Ash, Washing ton Stote High School AA Chomp .
(E) 9. AA: Mike (K) 39 .00 , J im Tu : Blackstone Russ Ritualo (R)
Ash (R) 40 .85, Stan Cla yb rook Blackstone (Shorecrest) 35.40 . 15.15 , Kirt Bore (K) 13 .30, and Mike Kribs (C) 12.45. LH :
Blackstone 17.70, Don Freemon (R) 17.30, Ken Kre bs (R) 17 .30. FX : Ash 15.1 , Bare 14 .95 , Ritual o 14 .8. SH: Claybrook (K) 13.4 , Ash 13.35, Chuck Sanders (E) 12.65. HB : Claybro o k 14 .75 , Monte Isaacs (K) 13 .90 , Don Hunter (Cs) 13 .2. PB: As h 14.55, Larr y Ford ( R) 13 .5 5 , Cla y brook 12.75. R: Ash and Cla y brook 14 .60 , Terr y Deacon ( LW) 14.4. Tr: Willy Byers (R) 14.45 , H o wie Ode ll (R) 13.7 , Chuck Watson (K) 13.20. MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS
Cooper High School, Robbinsdale, Minnesota March 9, 1968 By Jerry E. Johnson, President of the Minn .
Gymnastic Coaches Association The interests in gymnastics in the state of Minneso t a has g r own fast in the lo st f ou r years. Coope r High of Robbinsdale h os ted the meet and it was pocked. Seating capacity of around 4,500. Rick Blesi led his Anoka team t o its first state title . H e was the state's all around champion taking firsts on the f loor exerci se, tumbl i ng, and a tie f o r first on the parall el bars. He placed second on the horizon tal ba r and eight on the tramp. David Vensas of An oka was the side horse champion.
Anoka fr om the beginni ng o f the season was rated the number one team in the State. The y rema i ned unbeaten and climaxed the season by winning the state title. Anoka w ill be a co ntender next year with Jeff Rock leading his te am. He placed thi rd all around in the state. We feel he has as much potential as Blesi. Team Standing : Anoka 73 , Cooper 52, Fairmont 33. AA: Rick Blesi, Anoka 32.5; Steve Gantz, Cooper 18 .5; Jeff Rock, Anoka 15.5 . FX : Rick Blesi . SH : Dove Vensas, Anoka . SR: Ted Stocker, Alexander Ramsey. PB : (Tie ) Rick Bles i and Bryon H ill, Austin. HB : Bla ire Hanson, Mp ls. Marshall. Tu : Rick Blesi. Tr: Lorr y
Bicknase, Fairmont.
Dennis Mazur, IIlinoi s Stote H igh School AA Chomp_
ILLINOIS STATE HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS Maine East H .S., Park Ridge, Illinois By Llewellyn Ifflond, Willowbrook High School and Tom Kordewick, Hinsdale South H .S. Th e eleventh annual Illinois Gymnastics Championships were held March 15 and 16, at Moine East High School, Park Ridge, Ill ino is. There was a copac ity crowd and peop le were turned away at the door . Fortunatel y Chicago's T V chonnel 9, WG N , v ideotaped the f i na l eve-
n ing's
performa nce
Chicago land area . Quali f ying for the IHSA final s started on March 7 and 8 , with competition at a dist ri ct mee t at Barrington and on March 9 with districts at West Leyden a nd Rich East. The district team champions we r e Arlington at Barri ngton, Hinsdale Central at West Leyden , and Evanston at Rich East. Each district advanced ten indiv iduals on each of seven events to the state preliminaries. T wo sessions were h eld on March 15. Th e afternoon session was composed of three events -parallel bars, trampo l ine and h orizo ntal ba r were held . The all-around event , which includes side horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars, and rings was com pleted duri ng these tw o sessions. Illi nois schools use a f ou r -event All - Around (Side H orse, Paralle l Bar, Horizontal Bar , Still Rings), plus Tram pol ine and Tumbli ng, to make gymnastics a ve r y po pular high sch oo l spectator sport. Without free exercise and long horse , the meets move along at a faster pace . Tr ampoline and Tu mbling provide added exci t ement. A new twis t was added th is ye ar wit h the video-toping of the entire meet by WGN o f Chicago . On Satu rda y night indiv idua l and team
championships were at stoke. The te n best Qualifiers in each event from the previ ous day's pre limi na ries were poised and ready to .. go. Along with the excitement o f the competition, we hod fireworks during the side h o r se awards presentat ion. One of the many fl ood li g ht s used by WGN to light the fl oor f o r th ei r col or pick up started a sma ll fire and sho t sparks over many specta t ors. It was soon put out , but the meet was halted f o r 30 minutes so WGN could insure the continuance of the broadcast. With the ring event comp leted and tumbling remaining , Ar lington and Moine East were tied with 53 po ints. Even with the exce ll en t perf ormance of Dennis Mazur of Maine East who sco red 42 points himself , Moine East was d oomed to a second place finish because Arlington hod one tumbler who finished f irst and Moine Ea st none. Team Points: Arlington (A) 64, Moine Ea st (ME) 53, Prospect (P) 31 , Niles East (NE ) 22 , Wheeling (WL) 21 V2, Willowbrook 20 , Hinsda le South (HS ) 19 , Hinsda le Centro I (HC) 18 , New Trier Ea st 17V2 , Whea t on Central 16V7 , Gl enb roo k N o rth 13, Prov iso West 12V2, Rich Ea st (R E) 10 Glenb rook South (GS) 9, York 8, Waukegan '(Wa) 8, Bar ri ngton路 8, Forest View 7 , Li ncoln-Way 7, Moine South 6, New Trier West 5, Evanston 5, Rich Central 4, West Leyden 3, Fremd 3, Oak Pork 1. . . AA : Dennis Mazur (ME) 32.75 , Mike Cohill (HS) 29.05, Wayne Crockett (A) 28 .90. Tr: Terr y Haines (A) 8.8, J ohn H o ffman (RE) 8.7 , Tim White ( B) 8.1. SH: Ken Barr (P) 183, Dick Daz iny (GS) 175, Doug Atkins (A) 172. HB: Mazu r 183 Bruce Bou lt (P) 176, J im Brusseau (A) 171. P'B : Mazur 9.1, Gene Kolin (M E) 8.8 , Seymour Rifkind (NE) 8.4. R: Rich Orna (Wh) 184, Mazur 179, Crocke tt 170. Tu: Gory Droke (A) 8.55 , Ward Block ( HC ) 8.2, Fronk Ramir ez (Wa) 8 .05.
Winning Routines: SH: Ken Barr : Moore, Moore, ru ssian, bock moore, tromle t , bock m oore , tr om.let, double bock circle, front scissor, reverse SC issor, tr omlet down, walk around , loop y, twi st o ff . T r: Terry Haines : T riple bock, doub le bock, double bock, d ouble full, rudolph bock, rudolph, doubl.e full, bock, full in 1 34 double cody. PB : DenniS Mazur: Peach suppor t , cost support, straddle cut catch, L hold , hall owback handstand, bock , stutz, cast , bock uprise, straddle cut catch, layaw ay front uprise handstand , bock off. HB : Dennis Mazur, High start , jam, Eagles, p op change, pirouette , forwards, cross change, rea ch over vault, V2 turn, kip straight body cost , reverse giants, pirouette change, f orward gi~nts , full twist fly. R : Rich Orna : Dislocate, Di slocate, str aight arm shoot t o handstand, st rai Qht giant to handstand, lower down, bock uprise to "L" cross, pull au t , hollowback handstand , bounce cross, dislocate, full twist fly . Tu: Gary Drake: RO, FF , Double bock, RO, FF , Bock with half, RO, FF , Full , Cartwheel, Fr, cartwheel, Fr, RO, FF , Bock, Bock, FF , Full. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT HIGH SCHOOL INVITATIONAL GYMNASTIC MEET March 30, 1968 Tom Dunkley, Meet Director Results Boys : Team: Essex Junction (EJ) 121 .30, Whitingham (Wh) 91.75, Braintree-Randolph (BR) 60.10, H orwoo d Union (HU) 52.80, Sou th Bu rlington (SB) 19.20, North Coun tr y (NC) 6 .20, Lyndon Institute (LI ) 3.80, Winooski (W) 2.50. AA : Dove Adams (EJ) 21.5, Dove Jacobs ( EJ ) 18.5, Mike Lowe (Wh) 17 .6. FX : Lowe 5.0, Adams 4.2, Tracey (Wh) 4.0. SH: B. Porker (HU) 4.8, C. Bushe y (EJ) 4.5 , D. Merchant (HU) 4 .5. PB : S. Osgood (EJ) 5.1, D. Wheatly (BR) 4.7 , D. Jacobs 4.6. LH : Porker 8.0, Jacob s 7 .5, M. Gobin (EJ) 6.8 . R: Adams 5.6, E. Brown (EJ) 5.0, J. Friedman (EJ) 4.7. Tu: Adams 5.5 , J . Fields (EJ) 5. 1, C. Donovan (EJ) 4 .8. Tr: Gobi n 7.0, Adams 6.0, D . Piche ( EJ ) 5 .0. HB : M. Wood (H U) 3 .8, Whee ler (Wh) 3.5, J. Lemaire (Wh) 2.7. Results - Girls: Team: Sou th Bu rlingt on (SB) 98 .25, Esse x Junction (EJ) 81.35, Rutland (R) 77 . 10, Edmunds Jr. ( E) 76.20, Otter Volley Union (OV) 69.0, Whitingham (Wh ) 68.5, Braintree-Rando lph (BR) 49.70, Burlington (B) 38. 10, Horwood Union ( HU) 34.75, Midd lebu ry Union (MU) 36.00, Peoples Academy (PA) 30.00, Stowe (S) 23.40, Lyndon Inst itute (1I ) 17.55, W inooski (W) 3 .7 0, Lyman Hunt, Jr . ( LH ) 2.75, Orl eans (0) 2.20. AA (6 events): Debra Dunkley (SB) 39.40, Ruth Dunk ley (SB) 37.25, Ann Harring ton (E) 22.25. FX: D . Dunkley 6 . 1, R. Dunkle y 5.8, Harrington 4.9. Tu : D. Dunkley 6 .8, R . Dunkley 5.9, Harrington 5.0. UPB : D. Dunkle y 6.95, L. Kelley (OV) 6.55, F. St r ope (EJ) 6 .5. BB : D. Dunkley 4.95, M. Heath (EJ ) 4.55, R. Dunkley 4.40. Tr: R. Dunkley 6 .55, D. Dunkley 6.50, D . Loiseaux (OV) 5.1. SHV : R . Dunkle y 8.0, D . Dunkley 8.0, P. Sobin (HU ) 7.90. MAINE STATE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS March 16, 1968 Bangor High School, Bangor, Maine By Wink Houghton Thi s was the largest meet ever for Maine: 14 teams : South Portland was the team winner
f or the third yea r in a row. The outstanding performer was Ro y N eault o f Bidderford High School who w on the all-around and placed 2nd in vau lting , 3 rd in tumbling, 4th on FX , 4th on PB and 8th on Rings. Results: T eams: South Portland, Cony High (Augusto ), Bidderford. AA: Roy Neau lt (B), Sc o tt L ibby (Watervil le) ond Dean Davis (SP). FX : Mark Pierce (SP). SH : Li one l LaRod elle (C ony). SR : Cliff Stev ens (SP). LH : Garry Bourisk (Winthrop). PB : Scott Libby . HB: Rolph Nichols (Co n y ). Tu: Bill Wardwell (Brewer). CONNECTICUT STATE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS March 16, 1968 Southern Connecticut State College By Abie Grossfeld, Meet Director On March 16, 1968 the second annual Connecticut state high schoo l (C.I.A.C.) gymnastics championsh ips were at Southern Connecticut State College. Fir ty-five boys repre senting 13 different schools competed. Since there are few experienced coa ches and g y mnasts in the State, compulsor y exercises designed (for this state' s leve l o f abi lit y) o f fundamenta ls necessa ry for the more advanced skills were required. Thi s prog r am eliminated the composition problem o f op ti onal routines , facilitated spo tting , emphasized the perfecting of important fundamentals and , in genera l , shou ld prove an efficient means o f rai sing on a state wide basis the level of gymnastICs . Two clinics demonstrating the proper exe cution o f the compulso ry exercises were hel d at Southern Connec ticut lost Decembe r f or the coaches and gymnasts. Also demonstr ated were the va ri ou s ad v anced ski ll s that arise fr om those skills in the compulsories. The compu lsory exercises alone determined the all-a round champion and the six finalists in each event. Then each final ist performed an optiona l exercise which was added to the compu lsory score which, in turn, determined the event champion. Results : AA: Jeff King (Darien) 50.60, John Kulick (North Hoven) 47.15, J oseph Provasol i (N o rth Ho ven) 38.75. FX: John Corbe tt (Darien) 15.70, King 15.20, Kulick 14.15. SH: Felix Lemone (Darien ) 13.35, Carl Bruesch (New Canaan ) 13.05, Peter Popov (Darien) 12 .60 . R : King 15.10, Doug Campbe ll (Darien) 14.95 , J ohn Bretschger (Darien) 14.85. LH : Corbett 17 . 15, Ke vi n Renaldes (Waterford) 17 .05, King 15 .90. PB : King 16.65, Br uce Kaiser (St. Thomas ) 15. 15, Joe Ming rove (M ilfo rd) 14.35. HB: King 15.80, Provaso li 15.15, Jo e Keegan (North H oven) 13 .90.
Bayv iew Wisconsin
High Schoo l gymnastics team. State High School Champi ons.
PENNSYLVANIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS By Dale R. Meddock, District Supervisor
Western Pe nnsylvania Turners Th e P.I.A .A. State Champi on ship Meet was held at Neshaminy High School unde r the direction of Mr. Harry Franks . Dove Repp a Jr. from Rochester completely dominated the all-around event by placing fir st on the floor-X, long h o rse vault and stil l r ings. Repp also took second on the Pbars and 4th on both the side horse and high bar, f or a total of 49.95. Repp won the flao rX b y v irture of clean execution of a fine r outine, however, his winning vau lt and st ill r ing routine were much more spectacu lar . I n the vau lt Repp execu t ed a Yamashita with great height and f orm, climaxed with a flawless landing tor a 9.35. His r ing routine was one o f the most ou tstanding routines of the meet . It included a Bird to L c ross, pull out , Inverted cross to imediated T -cr oss and Aza r yan cross, a ll the moves we re excellently executed and properl y held f or on 8.7. James Kruest a Soph. and a team mate o f Repps t ook second place honors in the 0 11arou nd event, with a 45 .85. Kruest 's 9.35 winning high ba r routine hod to be considered the most exciting routine o f the meet . Kruest showed complete confidence and control ove r his ex tremely difficult routine which included a dou b le rea r in t o german giants, sta lter,
continued on page 26 15
- - - - - - - - - -- -- -
the Modern Gymnast Magazine
The MG chose to deviate slightly from its normal format on this month's calendar photo. Since this issue is featuring the high school championships, we thought it fitting that we feature on the calendar the high school gymnast who has shown outstanding performance this past year and has demon路 strated the grea test promise fo r the future, and has, in general, proven to be a gymnast in the highest ideals of the sport. Our research just happened to have come up with a girl - petite youn g Cathy Ri gby of Los Alamitos, California. Cathy is a hi gh school freshman, a member of the internationally famous SCATs team , and recently fini shed a strong fifth on the U.S. Women's Olympic team. She is only 15 ! She finis hed second in the 1968 AAU Jr. Nationals (by 0.1 point) and won the gold medal for the all-around in the r ecent international invitational competition for juniors in Mexico City. Besides, we think you'!1 agree she do es add somethin g to the center-calendar.
CATHY RIGBY Southern California Aero Team
South of the Border, down Mexico-way
Internation al gymnastics competitIOn ex· perience was afforded a group of young So uthern Californ ia gymnasts at the site of the 1968 Olym pics in Mex ico City. AI· though billed as an Internation al Invita· tional Match for Juniors, the Cubans and Mex icans fi elded their national teams while the U.S.A. sent some of their outstand in g high school competitors. The arrangemen ts for the U.S. team were made by Olympic Coach Jack Beckner. Laslo Sasvary and Bud Marquette accom· pa nied him to aid the boys and girls teams respectively. The coaches n.oted that the altitude was a fa ctor as the gym nasts tired read ily, but an even greater strain was " Montezuma's Revenge", or Tour ista, which resulted from consuming lo cal water. Cathy Rigby of the SCATs took fi rst in the girl's all·arounll competition with a 37.80, followed by Wendy Cluff, also a SCAT with 37.40. Beverly Marquette placed
"ACROBATICS" Specialized Training
JOE PRICE co 1697 Broadway
Su iIi! 302
New York City, N.Y. 10019
HARD BOUND MG VOLUMES Complete set Vol. I·IX $125.00 (available in limited supply) Volume VI II 1966 $10.00 Vo lume I X 1967 $10.00
MG BOUND EDITIONS Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406 18
second in vaulting with a 9.25 score. The U.S. Girls won their competition. Steve Hug, a high school junior, took a third against top Cuban and Mexican per· formers while tak ing firsts on P·bars and High bar and a -second on Side horse, and overcoming "Montezum a's Revenge" in the bargain. Overall, the Cuban team won with a 268.25, followed by Mexico (218.55) and the U.S. with 195.55. The United States, however, did not field a fu ll team on all events. To recap the final s : AA: Rodriguez (C), Garci a (C), Hug (US). FX: Rodriguez, Pumpido (C), Garcia, 6th Richard Sulc. SH: Rodri guez, Hug, Navarette (C ), 5th Leoanard Caling (US). R : Garcia, Rod· riguez, Ramirez (C), 6th Hug. HB: Hug, Rodriguez, Navarette. PB: Hug, Rodriguez, Pumpido, 5th Caling. LHV: Rodriguez, Garcia, Randy Martin (US) .
In Shillington, a peaceful suburb of Read· ing, Pennsylvania, on April 19-20th, YMCA gymnasts from many distant parts of the Nation met again in friendly competition to vie for coveted honors. In this year's Championships the men's events reflected a noticeable decline, compared to prior years, in the number of men entered as well as in the caliber of work performed. The women's events, on the other hand, reo fleeted an increase considerably beyond ex· pectations as well as a marked improve· ment in the work performed. Of the many favorable comments received on our Championships from competitors, spectators, judges, and officials during the competition, the most Prevalent were those which referred to the remarkably fri endly and cooperative atmosphere which prevailed throughout every phase of the Champion· ships, and which made it a most pleasant and enjoyable eperience for all who at· tended. We're very proud of this ; it seems to have 'hecome a characteristic of our Na· tional YMCA Gymnastic Championships. Mr. Bob Cornely, Reading "Y"s Physical Director wrote, "It was one of the most beautiful things that has happened in the city of Reading for some time." · The Reading YMCA volunteer staff un· der the highly competent guidance of Mr. Boh Cornely deserves the highest praise for the excellent job done in presenting this event. For a person who never ran a gym· nastic championship before, Bob rates spe· cial commendation for his efforts in acquir. ing the facilities of a new high school, planning and organizing the Championships, and then securing the expert services of Mr. John Weber, local Championship Com· mittee Chairman, Mr. Boh Freeman, expert Director of the Competition, and Mr. Vern· on Elder, Supervisor of Judging. It must be remarked that the judging, in both men's and women's events, was exceptionally good
Y.N.C.A. and earned the respect of competitors and coaches. Over· all, this Championships was one of the best we've ever held. We also wish to acknowledge our sincere appreci· ation to the Nissen Corporation for their generous loan of equipment - their contri· bution to gymnastics in this respect is to be admired. The Men's Championships The Germantown, Pa., gymnasts with seventeen entrants, led by Melvin Hill in points gatherin g, won the team champion· ship title by more than a forty point mar· gin. Bruce McGartlin led his New Orleans, La., team mates to second place in the team standings, while the Reading, Pa., team came in third. Dave Arnold, of Lansin g, Mich., after a slow start in the All·Around, overtook McGartlin on the Side Horse then Nicolas Alise on the Horizontal Bar and edged ahead as the 1968 All·Around Cham· pion. Bruce McGartlin's fin e work in the Free Exercise and Parallels earned for him the first place titles in those events and helped him come in a close second in the All·Around. There were some occasional highlights in the competi tion such as Dave Jacobs' out· ·standing Long Horse vaults - particularly his sensational handspring jack·knife from the croup, Bruce McGartlin's beautifully executed optional Free Exercise routine, and Mike Gorn's powerful but smoothly exe· cuted Still Rings optional. In general, how· ever, the work performed did not meet u~
with the caliber displayed in prior years' Championships. Many of the gymnasts" though they competed valiantly, were not ready for national competition and anum· ber of the teams entered had little depth. With World conditions as they are today, the drafting of 18-26 year-olds, etc., many young gymnasts may be discouraged from training enthusiastically for competitions and championships which seem to them so distant in the future and likely to be cancelled by military service. Perhaps this is when a coach must become a bit more than a coach. The Women's Championships Miss Lonna Woodward again led her Seattle teammates to win, by a large margin, their fourth consecutive National YMCA Team Championship. In fact, while other YMCAs are turning out exceptionally fine women gymnasts and teams, no other' YMCA women's team has yet held this title. The team from Bethseda, Maryland, led by Miss Candi Breese, was runner-up while the young ladies from Dayton, Ohio, led by Miss Sue Werling, took third place. The All-Around competition was extremely close between the Seattle ladies with Miss Woodward emerging in first place and also successfully defending her National Title on the Balance Beam. Miss Cleo Carver placed second in the All-Around event, only .05 of a point behind Woodward, and Miss Carolyn Pingatore came in third only one point behind Miss Carver. In the Finals Miss Pingatore performed brilliantly and won first place titles in Free Exercise, Uneven Parallels and Side Horse Vault. In general, excluding the top eight or ten contestants in each event, the work was rather weak, particularly in the compulsory exercises. Part of this may be attributed to the fact that the compulsory exercises came out quite late in the season. In many of the optional exercises the women demon-
The 1968 National YMCA Gymnastic Championships
By William Buffa Chmrman, National YMCA Gymnastic Committee strated very good work which could clearly be considered of national caliber. In the Free Exercise, for example, most of the contestants included movements from ,the international grouping and performed them quite well. Among the leading contestants, of course, there were many outstanding performances: Miss Woodward's excellently performed routine on the Balance Beam and Miss Pingatore's remarkable vaulting - her running straddle mount over the high bar in the Uneven Parallels and her high handspring jack·knife over the Vault· ing Horse. The 1968 Championships demonstrated that ladies gymnastics in the YMCA is con· tinuing to grow, statistically as well as in quality. Future Championships Our National Championships has become an important annual event in gymnastics and I hope in the years ahead to have it become a great deal more so. I am urging physical directors, coaches, and gymnasts to
Photo Credit The YMCA Nationals were photographed by Mr. Bob Nichols who kindly provided the prints above. Mr. Nichols has addi tional photos available for sale for those who wou ld like to write him at 6312 Vi rginia Hills Ave., Alexandria, Virginia 22310.
give some thought now to making new and more conscientious efforts to increase the number and improve the caliber of YMCA gymnasts. This, of course, starts in your individual YMCAs, and in each club the problems to be surmounted differ. I think the main factors to consider are: LEADERSHIP: Behind every successful team you'll find an enthusiastic, industrious, and dedicated individual who is primarily responsible for that success. A "spark· plug". As tl-.e years go by such leadership naturally tends to tire, slow down, and eventually ceases entirely. The team 's de· terioration will reflect this. To offset this tendency is to constantly think in terms of re·vitalizing leadership by training or culti· vating new leadership. Keep in mind, how· ever, that leadership is not a title su ch as coach, director, manager, etc; it is a com· bination of personal characteristics that give an individual a natural ability to en· courage, teach, and inspire others, and possessed by an individual motivated to do so. GYMNASTS: The successful gymnast can develop from any average youth. His devel· opment involves not only the learning of skills and stunts but, from the very start, he respects his leadership and coaches, un· derstands that gymnastic discipline is necessary for orderly and fruitful workouts, possesses a strong desire to achieve maxi· mum proficiency, and practices diligently and methodically to do so. From this base champions can be developed. Though not related to skill·development it is also important that his association with the YMCA and YMCA gymnastics develop in him a loyalty toward the people and club from which he learned. TRAINING METHODS: There are many training methods. The important thing is that a method is followed and that the training is not left to chance or whim. Workouts should be divided into periods in which each apparatus is assigned and these periods, in turn, are part of an over· all schedule so that a number of groups can work out simultaneously - changing appar· atus with each period. This technique, of course, requires having several coaches or instructors working under the supervision of a head coach. One leading YMCA gym· nastic coach has solved the instructor problem by requiring each of his advanced gym· nasts to contribute one workout· hour per week as instructor to less advanced gymnasts or beginners. Each is assigned , the same one hour period each week and ' the coach's entire schedule is covered - all he does is supervise the workouts and cpach the most advanced gymnasts for high· level competition. As more advanced gymnasts are developed their one·hour contribution' may be reduced to every second week, etc. The 1969 National YMCA Gymnastic Championships for men and women will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on April 11·12th, 1969. The Compulsory exercises will be the same as those used at this year's Championships in Reading. For more information on the 1969 Championships write to Mr. W. P. Wortman, Physical Director, New Orleans YMCA, 936 St. Charles St., New Orleans, La. As items of interest to YMCA Gymnasts and coaches develop the information will be sent out by means of the YMCA Gymnastic Committee mailing "list by the Chairman. As present we are trying to settle on a site for the 1970 Championships and to develop a better pat· tern of dates for Championships following 1969.
for Y National results please turn to page 26 19
Sakamoto I HayaSaki CRILEY A N D
S ,\KOD ,\
Ina previous issue, we disCltssed the allaround versus specialist issue and the steps the , Unit ed States might take to improve its international gymnastics standing with the nation's top gymnasts, Makoto Sakamoto and Y os hi H ayasaki. In this continuation of that interview (see lune-l uly, 1968) , we look at the picture of the young gymnast and some coaching practices which, our top gymnasts feel, are detrimental to the sport. Sakoda: In Japan, what is the average age a gymnast starts, you know, to develop into an Endo or a Nakayama. What age do they start at? Hayasaki: High School. , Sakamoto: Ono started on an early age, but Endo was later. Tsurmi was 16. Our (U.S') program is geared for immediate results. Criley: Yoshi, when Japan fields its national team for the Olympics this fall , what do you suppose their average age will be? Hayasaki: I'd say about 24 or 25. Criley: Makoto, what would you say for ours? Sakamoto: Our average - younger than we 've had before, lower than 24 or 25. Criley: Will this work to our advantage? Sakamoto: Of course it will be to our advantage as long as the young gymnasts continue to compete. We have too many young good gymnasts starting to quit. Sakoda: Why is that do you think? Sakamoto: Simple, because you can't live by gymnastics. Hayasaki: That is a problem in the United States . Sakoda: How do they remedy that in Japan. Hayasaki: They coach. _ Criley: That means they are more or less prefessionals? Sakamoto: In Japan, you can coach and still compete. Here, if you coach, you are a professional. Hayasaki: Most college gymnasts in the United States have to work for a living. But not in Japan. Until the graduate college, the parents have a responsibility to take care of their kids . That is an advantage to the gymnasts. Sakoda: But what about after college? Hayasaki: After college, you have to find a job and also you have to work out after work. Sakamoto: I think for the very good gymnasts, some of the companies will be lenient and will give time to practice, like Ono who worked for Tyrone.
Sayasaki: Also Kato for Sony. Sakamoto: The better they do, the better it is for their company. So they encourage them to practice. Also many of them become high school coaches and this way they continue to practice. Sakoda: So a lot of them get a job after college and they work out on top of the job? Sakamoto': Ri ght, or become a coach and sti ll compete for the team, Here, if you coach , you are making money out of gymnastics and you are a professional and you lose your amateur standing. Criley: As you know, we have a number of young gymnasts coming up, Steve Hug, just to name an example. Makoto, do you see any parallel between these young fellows and your own background, early start and fast rise? Sakamoto: Personally, I think it would be better for Steve to stay away from competitive gymnastics until he has gotten better basic moves. As it is now, he'll improve, he'll continue to improve, but at the same time he'll get bad habits. And once you've got them , it's very difficult to correct. As long as he is pressured into competition and he has to get tricks - as he is rushed into getting tricks, he will get bad habits. In this way, I think comoetitive gymnastics at this time would be detrimental to his future progress. Sakoda: What do you mean by competitive gymnastics? Do you mean any meet? Sakamoto: Like competing for the Olympics or internationally. His training is geared to too high a level ; it's too early. That's my personal opinion. Sakoda: Would you say you started too early too, then? Sakamoto: Yes, I think I started too soon too. I have some bad habits which it is very difficult for me to correct. If I had not started competing as early as I did, I think I would have less bad habits. Sakoda: What do you refer to as a bad habit? Sakamoto: Well , the overdevelopment of certain parts of the muscle, like straining in crosses, or something which prevents your flexibil ity and freedom of movement. These are some of the bad habits which are the re, suits of early conditioning. Just the fact that you rush into these moves means that you sacrifice perfect technique just to make them. This rush, rush, which is the result of the pressure to learn moves contributes to gymnasts' problems, future problems - not im-
mediately. Well you say, he's got this trick so he's better than a month ago . I don't mean that, I mean in the future - in maybe five years when he is really blossoming and should be at his best, these bad habits really show up. Criley: Yoshi, how do the Japanese avoid the situation such as Mako iust described when a person is rushed ahead too fast? Is this a matter of his coaching in Japan? Hayasaki: In gymnastics, there are different levels to the highest level. If you miss one step, it means you miss the whole thing. I think this is what Mako is talking about. In every echeleon you should go up slowly Sakamoto : One step at a time. Hayasaki: Yes , one step at a time: I have seen many young gymnasts in Japan, maybe 16, 17, 18 years old. We can't tell yet if they will be great gymnasts or poor gymnasts . To each it is up to his own power he develops. I don't know, I can't say anything about Steve Hug. Criley: I just used him as an example because there are John Crosby and some other young fellows who started young and who are coming along fast. I don't mean to pick on Steve but he was a convenient example. Hayasaki: But he is a very important example for the United States right now. So not only Steve Hug, but also other people who are related to Steve Hug should watch him most carefully. Sakoda: Do either of you have anything you would like to say, to voice your opinion? Sakamoto : Let's see, we talked about the specialists, how we should encourage allaround men ... I'd like to see better coaches in the United States,. Criley: Where are you going to get themimport them? . Sakamoto : We have no coaches in the United States. In my opinion, there is none. Sakoda: Okay, what is a good coach? Sakamoto: The function of a coach is to know gymnastics, and nobody in this country knows gymnastics . Sakoda: How do you develop them? Sakamoto: I don't know. It was evident in the NCAA meet - very few people had a beautiful line. They didn't look in one piece, they never gave you the impression of a beautiful line. This is a reflection on the coaches, I think, inferior coaches. You have Olympians ; they don't know gymnastics either. Being an Olympian doesn't guarantee a good
coach. Sakoda: So you think there isn't enough concentration on aesthetic then? Sakamoto: Definitely. We have very tall gymnasts in this country, but we have to emphasize gymnasts to work bigger and lighter with more freedom. Hayasaki: But I think difficulty is . .. Sakamoto (finishing) : Ample. Hayasaki: Yes, more than enough. Sakamoto: We have enough difficulty in some of the events, not all of the events . . . high bar, some of the people do fantastic tricks. Hayasaki: But difficulty lin itself) is not enough . Sakamoto : They don't have any foundation; the basics are very lacking. In any sphere except side horse, the basics are lacking. Hayasaki: I think the difftculty lies in the second step. Sakamoto: What's the second step? Hayasaki: Basics - easy but simple. Then comes difficulty. Sakamoto: We need compulsories for the high school too, to force the high school gymnast to work on some of the basic things. Hayasaki: Yes , this is a very important thing. Sakamoto: We don't have compulsories in high school. Criley: You want to put all-around into high school too? Sakamoto : Yes, at the same time . We want all-around gymnasts in high school. Sam Sakamoto: But you want compulsories to develop the fundamentals, right? Hayasaki: But the important thing is the selection of stunts for the compulsory. Criley: You mean a separate compulsory for the high school? Sakamoto: Yes, this one (the Olympic) is too difficult for the high school. (We want) less emphasis on strength. There is too much emphasis here on brute strength. They put a planche on parallel bars, free exercise, and some ring moves. We should encourage more flexibility in our gymnasts so that first of all we have flexibility to enable a gymnast to work freely to look relaxed on rings . Sakoda: That's debatable too. You can be too flexible on rings. Sakamoto: Yes, it's a personal thing. Gymnastics is an individual thing. Also gymnastics doesn't work on logic. The main purpose of gymnastics is to look graceful and beautiful. Of course, the perception of that varies in individuals. But I believe in absolutism. Criley: Do you think perfection is attainable? Sakamoto: Well, it certainly is desirable. I believe that when people look at Endo, they say, "beautiful " and we have some concurrence as what we mean as beautiful. So our object then is to bring out the structures optimal to aesthetic beauty in our gymnastics. There's not enough concentration in this aspect. There is more concentration on getting stunts. Sakoda: What is the role of a coach? Sakamoto: I think the coach is a person who you give complete respect. He is a person who you can accept his definition of this stunt or other stunts unequivocally. If he says do it this way, you say, Yes. Sakoda: You said there are going to be differences , aesthetic, logic, and so on. How are you going to reconcile these? Sakamoto: The gymnast is a reflection of the coach. Criley: So, if you have a poor coach, you have a poor gymnast? Sakoda: You mean, you want the gymnast to be completely at the mercy of the coach? Sakamoto: Right. Criley: Are they that way in Japan, Yoshi? Yoshi: Well .. _ Sakamoto (interrupting): Well, you have dis-
cuss ion among the gymnasts, perhaps, but you don 't question the coach, to say, " Well coach, you are wrong." Sakoda: You accept it, right? Sakamoto: Right. Sakoda: So you are looking fot somebody you can respect baSically? Is that the way, like with the coaches in Japan, you say, Yes . Good coaches - do you respect them first as a person~ or first as gymnast or both? Hayasaki: Over here , the coach is too much concerned about the winning, about the points. Just get the points, you've got to win. In our coaches this is not true. Points are something the immature gymnast is concerned with , but this is not the responsibility of the coaches . The coaches just have to develop the immature gymnasts. Sakoda: The coach should be concerned with - not with winning or losing - but with developing individuals.
Hayasaki: Right. Winning comes after this . Sakoda: You think it shouldn't be so much strategy at a meet, how you place your boys, but it all should be done before the meethow you coached 'em, right? Hayasaki: (Long pause): I'd have to think about it. Sakamoto: Winning is very important I think. But you should never sacrifice winning to develop poor gymnasts or to force gymnasts to do things over their heads . So many times, you have a coach who insists that his gymnasts learn a back over bar when he can't do a steady handstand! This is a common practice ampng many high school and college gymnastic coaches . And it's because they want to have a winning team. This is a very erroneous philosophy, and one that we should get rid of as soon as possible. The purpose of gymnastics is to get the gymnast to perform to the ideal of gymnastics. As to the ideal of gymnastics, I suppose you could say it is uncompromising. You should never compromise for gymnastics to say he can't make it this way so maybe he has to do it some other way. This halfway attitude, this compromising attitude . . . as long as you have this, you don't have the ideal for the performance. .... Sakoda: Are you saying there is only one way to go at something? Sakamoto: I'd say there's an ideal in gymnastics. There are many different ways of approaching it, but nevertheless there is a single ideal. If you concentrate on winning, if you concentrate on the difficult trick, you neglect this ideal. In other words, you are being selfish. I think I can say that American coaches are selfish coaches . Sakoda: Do you think it is possible in the U.S. to get away from this? I mean, just considering the American attitude about things . . . to get head . Such things seem inherent in our society. Sakamoto; It's difficult. Gymnastics is not an American sport; football and baseball are. Gymnastics is not. I don't know how any changes might occur. Maybe we should try to copy Japanese or Russian methods. Research into their methods. Somehow try to use their method to our program. Ton many times we look at gymnasts on Japanese films and say, aha, he's doing that wrong; Hoskins is better than he is - this sort of attitude. Criley: Yoshi, do the Japanese have a fixation about studying other people's methods? Sakoda: They're relatively new in the sport of gymnastics aren't they? Hayasaki: Yes, I think almost every gymnast tries to look to the good gymnasts 'who are working. Criley: Who do you gymnasts look to? The top Japanese? Or do they look outside the country at the Russians, or the Chinese, or the Czechs, or who? Hayasaki: Of course, the best gymnastics are in Japan. They copy the top gymnasts in Japan and from Russia. But not from the United States. Sakamoto : I think perhaps maybe the women try to imitate the foreign gymnasts more because Japan is not number one in women's gymnastics. Hayasaki: Right. Criley: Yoshi, will there be other young gymnasts like yourself who plan to come over to the United States to college? Hayasaki: I think almost every gymnast would like to come to the United States for study, but not for gymnastics. Japan is one of the best for gymnastics, but for other fields there are so many young people who would like to come over here. They would come here for an education. Sakoda: Yoshi, you say that there are a lot of people who would like to come to study here. Do you think there would be any good coaches in Japan who would consider coming here, for graduate work or something. Would
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any good Japanese coaches consider coming here to coach? Hayasaki' I think so. Sakamoto: I was thinking maybe of Mr. and Mrs. Mitsukuri, or Mr. and Mrs. Aihara? They are in Brazil now. I think the natio nal government is supporting their stay over there somehow. Criley: A gymnastics Peace Corps! Sakamoto: I think it would be very, very beneficial In our country to import, to support a person like Mr. and Mrs. Mitsukuri as a national leader or developer to develop the right path that American gymnastics should follow. Criley: It would be difficult. For instance, Alena Tinterova from Czechoslovakia spent several months here in the U.S. with different groups before ending up finally with the SCATs group in Long Beach. You almost have to spend a lon~ period of time with the people you work with. It can 't be done as a single clinic or as a " Here it is coaches. Go out and spread the Word." Sakamoto: That's not what I had in mind. There are two centers which I think are following the right path in gymnastics; that's Seattle and Los Angeles . Seattle because Yosh and these other two are there, and Los Ange les because Kanzaki and we are there. So Mitsukuri should go to either of these two cities or go back and forth. Criley: Do you think that European systems of gymnastics have anything to add to a U.S. pattern? Sakamoto: I'm not too sure of their system. But I do know th at in Russia there are many gymnasts and there are emany world-international level gymnasts. In Dortmund there were five coaches in one gym; one co'ach for one gym~ast! But very fired-up coaches, very perceptive coaches. Our coaches tend to say, Joe you did thiS wrong; you ought to do it this way, I noticed the Russian coaches were quiet; they don't say much . Hayasaki: You can say the same for Japanese coaches, very quiet. Sakoda: How do they communicate with the gymnasts then? . Hayasaki: They don 't talk all the time. They Just watch around, they pick up the point here and there. Sakamoto: American coaches tend to judge qUickly. They come into a foreign gym, they see a performer do a stunt wrong and they say you did it this way, you did it wrong. But a perceptive coach would make sure that this was not an accident before he would speak. Perhaps the gymnast just missed this one. He would look at the overall trend of the gymnast the overall impression, and perhaps after a week of seeing this gymnast, then he would make a comment, after analyzing that gymnast thoroughly. If you keep telling a gymnast to. do it this way and that way, what course IS there to lead for a gymnast? It's when he says one thing and very rarely - it perhaps has more effect on the gymnast. When I say Mitsukuri should come here I don't think you should have a clinic throughout the country. This would be trying to get at too many people, all superficially. I would like to see him in perhaps Seattle or Los Angeles. He should stay in one place for a very long time. It is a difficult problem. This is a big country and that's another problem. But most of the best gymnasts in the country are on the west coast. Sakoda: Yoshi , what are your plans after you finish school here? Then what? Graduate school or are you going back to Japan? Hayasaki: Right now, I am not thinking about graduate school. My main purpose is to graduate from the University of Washington. Then I'd like to go home. Sakoda: Are either of you considering coaching in the future?
Hayasaki: I would like ' to be a coach in the United States if their attitude changes towards gymnastics. If I become a coach at an Ameri can college, not as a graduate student, but as one who is able to continue to work out, I would stick with gymnastics. Sakoda: How about you Makoto? Would you like to coach eventually? Sakamoto: No. I would like to contribute to gymnastics, but my purpose now is to get a bachelor's degree in Asian studies and eventu路 ally get a Master's degree in the Japanese language . I hope to teach the Japanese language in college. As far as gymnastics is concerned, to tell the truth, I'm rather fed up with American gymnastics. But I'd like to help as much as possible. I don't think it is worthwhiie to coach in our system now. (There it) too much pre ssure in developing a quick gymnast. If I would coach, I would enjoy seeing my pupil develop into a fine gymnast. Sakoda: But if you decided to try to change the trend, like you say, Mitsukuri could come here . . . Don't you think that's what this area needs? Sakamoto: We need more coaches, better coaches . We need leaders now. If the opportunity affords maybe I WOUld. I would like to help Am erican gymnastics lJs much as possible. Wherever I go, I try to install some of my philosophy into other gymnasts, because I know they are very serious gymnasts, dedicated gymnasts . We have very many dedicated gymnasts in our country, but few ever get along with their coaches. But at the same time they are dedicated, they are also selfish, and the coaches sometimes are very selfish too. The future of our gymnastics . . .we ll , what the Rules Committee of the NCAA is doing, putting in more compulsory exercises in for the all-around men - this I think is the right trend. But at the same time, you have to have able men; you have to have better men, better administrators, better coaches . . . right down the line. Hayasaki: The United States has very great potential. I have never seen so many spectacular stunts ... I think thi s is important in American gymnastics . Sakamoto: Our country is innovators, we are not copycats . I'd like to see us as copycats. Hayasaki: It's very important that you have to copy good gymnasts, but you can't beat those (of) your own gymnastics. You can copy any good gymnasts you want, but you can't beat those - your own gymnastics, the moves .. .. Sakamoto: You can copy to a certain extent but ... Hayasaki: (interrupting): You can't be completely copying. Sakamoto: I'd like to see more respect given to international gymnasts, more respect to Nakayama or Endo, these top gymnasts. First, we have to imitate them, then build from that which we have imitated and make it ours. But our first step is to step backward and look at the world" scene. Look at the' world gymnastics and see where we stand in respect to other gymnasts in other countries, to see how far we are from them and to see what are the best ways to narrow the gap. As it is now, we are totally lost in our gymnastics. I think it's fair to say it is American gymnastic~ versus international gymnastics. They are tdtally different. So we haven't gone the first step yet; we have completely lost our perspective . What 1'1 like to see is our coac hes ' our administrators, our gymnasts, too, step back a little bit and look at the world gymnastics. It's the world, international gymnastics we should be concerned with rather than the national gymnastics. Our national AAU our national collegiate competition, should be geared to developing our international gymnasts. Hayasaki: The first step is to make allaround gymnasts.
.Photos by G. Sundby.
Bock-lever Cross by th e author.
There are four basic method s of pullin g from an inlocated han g to a cross (lHPC ) . I beli eve that all four rank among the mo st diffi cult ways of ass umin g the cross position ; surely, they are the most aestheti路 cally pleasing. The back lever pull to cross contain s the basic techniqu e prerequisite to all other IHPC 's. If a gymnast is abl e to perform thi s one, he is strong enough to consid er, at least, the others. A gy mnast ought to have a straight body - not arched - iron cross und er control before trying the stunt. H e should be able to hold a cross for at least fiv e seconds, and be able to assume the position by several different method s, such as back uprise, back kip, lower from hand stand. Th e performer should start the stunt from a dead han g with a fal se grip. H e should pull around , stiff arm and stiff body toward a ba ck lever. When 'h i s body reaches a 45 0 angle, his heels higher than his head in a back lever ( 1), he should pull down towards a maltese cross and forward toward a front lever with hi s arms starting with them in close ( 2 ) and then pulling th em outward (3) . At the same time, and most importantly, he should rai se his chest up (4 ) . On th e first one, he should be spotted with someone pushin g the ches t up and slightly back; care should be taken not to push the perform er so as to make him sw in g back and forth. The performer should attempt to assume' a straight body cross with his arms and hands not behind his body. His body should be directly under hi s arm s, hangin g straight down and not tipp ed either way. If the body does not han g straight, it will be diffi cult to pull out of the cross to a full support. A variation on this (and th e Azaryan) is to allow the lower part of the body (from the waist down ) to drop first so that it is perpen dicular to the ground and then to pull the chest up to " meet" the legs. Tht eas iest techniq ue of IHPC is known as the back lever路 bounce cross. Although it takes the least strength of the four techniques, if the "Bounce" is not used correctly, the strength required may overwh elm the ordinary gymnast. It is suggested that the performer have the back lever-pull cross und er some con路 trol so that he will have enough strength Moltes~ bounce Cross .
to con trol hi s body to prevent muscle strain if the bounce is done incorrectly. Examples of incorrect performance of the boun ce are 1) lowering too fa st, producing such a hard pull on the hands that they release from the rings, dropping th e per路 form er on hi s stomach (hopefu lly on a soft mat); (2 lowering to o slowly, producing excessive mu scle strain ; 3) pulling before th e boun ce " happens" ( too early) or too late, after the boun ce ha s come and gone, which produces even more severe muscle stra in than 2. The ringman may perform the bounce by lowering stiff arm from a handstand , inverted cross, or plan che toward a back lever. The weak performer should keep his- arms close together while
JHPe The Inlocate HangPull to Cross By Mickey Chaplan, UCLA Gymnast Fiith, Rings -1968 NCAA Championships
lowering to th e back lever (l) . As the perform er's body passes below the maltese position, he should " drop" to the back lever (2), pull the rings down (3) , and lift his chest (4) , i.e. back toward a maltese cross (3) and forward (4) toward a front lever. That drop should be con trolled, and the lowering preceding th e drop should be completely controlled with strength . The drop should be as smooth as was the lowerin g from th e original position precedin g the lowerin g. The drop should not be attempted from too high above the back lever, especially if the performer likes his should ers as they are; nor should it be attempted fr om too low if he does not want
to use too much stren gth. This stunt is to be di stin guished from a german rise ( butterfly rise or inlocate uprise) which is a swing Illove. The Azaryan requires an extremely strong maltese cross or planche. The performer should start from a dead han g with a fal se grip and start to pull earlier than the back lever pull to cross. The main difference is that he does not pull the rin gs forward , but rather first ou tward ( 1) and then pushin g downward (2). It is easier if he pulls hi s body around into a piked position, but the body may be kept strai ght through the pull toward th e maltese cross. The performer does not hold the malt ese cross, but actually lowers from the maltese to an iron cross. The object is to pull hi s whole body above the rings and then lower from there to the cross. He may also choose to push to a planche and from the. plan che position lower to an "L" without hittin g a cross. The last technique, and surely the most difficult, is the strai ght armed pull from a dead han g to a cross. As a prerequisite, it is strongly suggested that the performer be able to do a back lever pull to cross and pull out to support with no visible
strain. The performer first han gs with a tremendous fal se grip. He then turns the rings outward - as if to inlocate - and begins to pull stiff armed outward. H e won't ge t too far. When he reaches as hi gh as he will get, he half-inlocates. In learning th e tri ck, he may find it easier to inlocate as th e way, but it will be much easier if he catches the lock, i.e., inlocates, just far enough so th at his body r emains straight up and down. At this point, the trick will feel like a hard back lever cross. The body must be kep t straight, or th e performer may find the trick even more difficult than it is. In conclusion , these are not the only ways of initiating these techniques. Menichelli did an Azaryan from a slightly bent armbent body backward roll; Tom Cook (SIU) placed in NCAA several years ago by inloeating to a back lever and from that position boun cin g to a cross ; and Bob Tee! (who else?) was considering low ering from a front lever to a head hang and then doing a stiff armed pull to cross. Photo s by Ro y Coulter.
Gymnastics + Organization Successful Program By
ABOUT THE AUTHORMr. Victor Lesche is the past president of the National and Illinois High School Gymnastics Coaches Association, instructor at many professional association clinics, former football and gymnastics coach at York and Willow brook High School. Pres· ently he is the Coordinator of Physical Welfare at Addison Trail High School, Addison, Illinois.
A r efl ective look at and the reasons for a successful gymnastics program at the hi gh school level. I have always felt that organization breeds success. With this in mind, the task of pre· parin g a gymnastics program , both in the physical education program and at the in· terscholastic level, in three large, compre· hen sive high schools in the Chicago subur· ban area, was made much easier. Importantly, I was blessed with administration, from the school board on down, that was sympathetic. What was necessary was done. What was desired was bought. Was was needed was constructed. Naturally, thi s called for organization. That's where I came in. I realize this more after working in foot· ball. To organize a staff having various team levels and be successful in keen competition, you must have organization. The recognition of this need quite naturally car· ried over to gymnastics. .In general, the formal style of gymnastics of the past have given way to progressive types. Gymnastics today takes on a more informal type of activity. By this I don't mean to imply that the physical, mental, and social aspects are to be overlooked; but in modern society the group concept of formal gymnastics systems is no longer accepted. For example, no longer do we see hundreds of uniformly clad students per· formin g an identical exercise. Rather we see an exciting trampoline routin e or an electri· fyin g performance on the high bar. Even though the discipline involved with physical education is still essential, the gym· nastics program must allow for individual expression by way of its very nature. We, in Illinois, have seen a tremendous growth in the past ten years. Considered amon g the leaders throughout the country, we have seen our state meets expand from a handful of curious spectators to turn· away crowds and televised spectaculars. Probably the largest single factor for this growth has been the general education and encouragement of gymnastics by the stu· dents of our schools. With many school districts providing faciliti es for physical education, and recognition by administra· tion for the need of the activity ; we have found that gymnastics is a safe activity that makes a valuable contribution to the growth development and fitness of our students. The developm ent of a successful gym· nastics progr/!m in your community depends upon many factors. Above all, the school board and administration must recognize the need for the activity, and be willin g to add it to the physical educa tion pro gram. Without th eir cooperation you cannot have a successful program. It is your job to convince them of this. H gymnastics has a contribution to make to the physical education program, then why is it not included in more programs than
it is? The r easons most often heard, are : 1. Lack of qualified instruction 2. High cost of equipment 3. Danger connected with the activity Briefly, first·qualified instruction. A goo d physical education instructor, havin g just a basic knowledge of gymnastics fundament· als and , above all, enthusiasm, could be well qualified. I feel that I myself am proof of this. I had no formal gymnastics coaching or ex· perience as a high school or college student. However, when the opportunity came to add gymnastics to the interscholastic pro· gram at York High School, Elmhurst, Illinois, in 1955, I jumped at the chance. To be candid, I learned with my students. Inaugurating another program at Willowbrook High School in nearby Villa Park in 1959 was another challenge. Results show an Illinois State Championship in 1964, five District titles, five Des Plaines Valley League championships, 101 dual meet vic· tories, and most importantly, the joy of watching many boys develop outstand ing careers at the collegiate level. So you see, past experience is not necessary. What is necessary is fundamental knowledl!;e and
~ooo DR.C".\N.lZA1l0(\\ \S TH.E... KE.Y q the enjoyment of doing. It is imperative, however, that the aspiring gymnastics co ach seek out the various publications and clinics that are available. The second point, concerning equipment, is a variable; but much gymnastics can be taught without expensive equipment. A lit· tle space and, if possible a few mats, and you have the start of a program. As you expand your program, however, more equip· ment can be purchased. There are a number of companies manu· fa cturing good equipment for the school market. The types, models, sizes, prices, and quality will tend to be a little con· fu sing. However, each school situation will differ in the exact items necessary for the program. Gymnastics equipment companies have planning departments th at can be helpful in setting up the individual school needs. Of all the variables in eq uipment, non e is more important than quality. For lasting performance, insist on quality equip· ment. Equipment used on the elementary, and possibly junior high level could be the less expensive lines that are available. For the lower elementary area, you might consider,
in addition to mats, a low balance beam and low horizontal ladder. After this, con· sider the side horse and trampoline. At the junior high level, the parallel ~ars, the adjustable horizontal bar, and rin gs are r ecommended. Safety should be a prime factor in se~· ting up a gymnastics room. Of course, van· ations and needs of the local school must be considered. Standardized or stock plans rarely are practical. N ventilation, heating, lighting, and plumbing should be considered, with all fixtures r ecessed. Floors should be wooden, walls padded where necessary, and ceilin g about 24' in height. Consideration for spectators at gymnastics meets should be included. For the competitive program or exhibitions, the equip· ment will have to be moved to a spectator gym. Adequate storage for belts, chalk, and supplies must be provided and the entire area must be properly secured when un supervised. . In general the rings, horizontal bar, SIde horse, and ~arellel bars shou~d be adjust· able to low heights for teaching purposes. A second set should be provided near that can be adjusted to lower heights or narrow widths. The equipment should be easy to move, especially in schools whe~e it is used in other areas. It is highly adVIsable to reduce this moving for two reasons. One is the safety factor - possible injury moving the heavy pieces; the other is one of damage to the equipment itself. Beam location and permanent overhead fixtures must be taken into consideration when setting up the room. Equipment requiring overhead rigging must be placed properly .Don't forget travelling :i ggi~ g ! . Another very important consIderatIOn IS that of protective matting. Many different . types are available, foam mats of variou s types, hair mats, and so forth; however again it is a matter of local needs. Be sure to have plenty of mats and always have they in the proper position. When planning the fa cilities, it is important to determine all potential hazards and take the necessary steps to eliminate them. Before leaving this topic, I would like to say that the initial purchase of equipment may seem to be costly. However, when you consider the many years of service and the very little reconditioning and replacemen t cost, this is one of the better equipment in· vestments in the physical education area. The third r eason some schools hestitate to include gymnastics in their program is the danger they think is connected with it. :With proper stress on safety and spotting, accidents will be kept to a minimum and should occur no more frequently, if not less, than in any other activity. Accidents are not a necessary part of gymnastics ! There is a cause for every accident, and through proper emphasis these causes can be virtually eliminated. Emphasis should be placed on three areas; namely, education, supervision, and regulation. Education is probably the most important sin gle factor for preventing accidents. To have a complete safety program , the student should know hi s limitations, have respect for the apparatus, and must understand th e necessity of progressing from the elementary skills to the advanced. Supervision is necessary for gymnastics, just as it is for any other physical educa· tion activity. Perhaps for gymnastics it be· comes more important because it does off er quite a challenge to imaginative students. Here, as I mentioned before, enthusiasm plays an important role. The instructor should be actively involved with the class. This does not mean that the instructor must
be able to perform some or all the skills, although' some demonstration might be helpful. However, the instructor's active interest in the attainment of skills by the student is very beneficial in promoting the program. Regulations govern just about every activity in the physical education program. Charts, signs, and displayed rules for safety should be posted as a constant reminder for the proper conduct while in the area. This should be more than just a cardboard sign; the student should not only know the rules but know the reasons behind each rule. The easiest type of class to teach is one in which the entire class performs the same activity. If the students have absolutely no background in gymnastics, it is very desirable to introduce one event at a time and have the entire class spend a day or two practicing it. However, as soon as practical, the physical education class should use more than one piece of equipment simultan eo usly. Dividing the class into various groups and working on various pieces of equipment is nothing new or different, as many physical education activities are taught in this manner. Five to seven students per squad seems to be a maximum for effective teaching. These students should be grouped by gymnastics ability, with consideration given to body height and weight. Each squad should have a squad leader who is responsible for the eff ective fun ctioning of his squad. The partner method of organization can also be used within the squad structure. While one students performs a stunt or routine, his partner can spot and offer advice and criticism. It is very essential in a gymnastic class that everyone in the class, not just the squad leaders, be a spotter. The opportunity for the use of student leaders in gymnastics is paralleled in few, if any other, sport activity. Students may be used in the demonstration and teaching of skills for spotting and assisting the perform ers, and to insure proper safety practices. There is usually great interest in helping one another. in learning new skills and in passing on and demonstrating hints or aids in mastering particular skills. In most cases, student leaders who are more proficient in the skills enjoy teaching the less advanced students, who, in turn, are usually quite appreciative of this help. Stressing the idea of cooperation is vital if the class is organized on a squad basis. Also it is necessary to share the equipment if all are to progress satisfactorily. Now that you have a basic physical education prorgam und erway, we might briefly look' at organization for safety on the interscholastic level. I'm not going into specific cases other than to offer a few suggestions for organizing the practice sessions. Just as I have emphasized the necessity of pre-planning in setting up the gymnastics room and the physical education class, it is equally important to plan each practice session. First, if the instructor or coach is not organized for practice, then he cannot expect the gymnasts to be. Basically, the instructor should have his time scheduled, posted, and known to the gymnasts. This is necessary, not only for the day, but for the week, as well as for the season. This schedule will help the student plan his workout period. Each student should be encouraged to write a planned workout prior to coming to the gym. Also he should be urged to keep a notebook including his daily schedule, future tricks and routines, as well as hints to his success in attaining skills. If the practice session is analyzed
and well planned, the potential injuries can be greatly reduced and thereby make a more successful program. In conclusion, let it be emphasized that organization is the key word. First, you must convince the administration of the worth. Second, you need to sell your in-
structors on the program. Third, you need the necessary equipment and space. Fourth, and lastly, you need to educate your students and staff to plan, supervise, and regulate their activity to insure its safety, and thereby its success. The rewards are unlimited.
Gymnastic Classics @ Volume I - Horizontal Bar Section A - Basic Gi ant Swings Number 2 - Undergrip Giant Swing
"A SECOND LOOK AT SWING" Illustration A prescribes an extended handstand position with an undergrip. The direct straight-line r elationship of all body segments is maintained throughout Illustrations B - C. Yet upon reaching Illustration D, note that just as a fallin g chimney tends to foldin at its weaker points, so too does the body tend to fold-in at its weaker, or better said, arti culated points. Precise observation reveals that this fold or decrease in joint angles occurs first in the shoulder joint and then in the hip joint. The above action , often referred to as "hip lead", is simply a matter of kinesthetic feel. The sli ghtly decreased shoulder and hip angle sdepicted in Illustration E have advanced the hips downward, preparing the body for an oncomin g and necessary beat. This bea t or "Bottoming Effect" extends the hip and lower back segments, drivin g the body into a slightly arched position. Refer to Illustration F. Observe that, at the very same moment, the previously decreased shoulder angle returns to a direct straight-line relationship with the trunk. It is during this time that the " Bottomin g Effect" of the bar becomes actualized. The body is cocked as in an archer's bow ready to release its potential force in coordination with the upward circular swing. The " Bottoming Effect" of the bar serves
By Gerald S. George Gymnastic Coach Louisiana State University as a cue in releasing the previously mention ed slightly arched body position. The gymnast must immediately follow up this action first by decreasing very slightly the shoulder angle and then by decreasing the hip angle in direct proportion to the upward circular swing. Illustrations G - H - I progress into this "hip lead" position. As the body approaches the apex of the Undergrip Giant Swing, the aforementioned decreased shoulder and hip angles begin to increase simultaneously and proportionately until prescribing a direct straight-line relationship with each other. Such an angle increase at this time yields a feeling of weightl essness, almost as if one were be ing pulled above the bar. Refer to Illustration s J -K. It is during this feeling of weightlessness that the slip-grip action of the hands is realized. The wrists are arched unto the top of the bar to provide support for the oncoming body weight. The body unit is extended to a direct straight-line relationship upon r eturning to Illustration A. _ Of prime importance is the fact that the body continues 路 through, and not to, Illustration A. Such a consideration will enhan ce the up-on-through effect of the entire circular swing. The same mechanical procedures are followed for additional Undegrip Giant Swings. @-Copyright
Canadian Report, from page 7 East and West and elimination meets held. Too many gymnasts at the nationals that are not ready. Finally, everyone can be proud of the 1968 Nationals and a special THANK YOU to the Provincial Government of Quebec for the marvelous banquet in the Parliament Buildings and to the people of Quebec for the hospitality. I know that the gymnasts and officials would want me to express their THANKS for excellent championships.
Chicago. In 1962 Cal represented Canada at the World Games in Prague, Chechoslovakia. In 1963 he retired from active competition and became coach and judge. In 1966 Cal coached the McGill University team which had not had a full gymnastic team for the last 8 years. Hard work placed the team 6th out of nine at the O.Q.A.A. The same year Cal was sent to Dortmund , Germany as official Canadian judge at the World Games. This was the first time in history that a Canadian male judge was allowed to judge in a European competition. Then in February 1967 something happened. Gil helped persuade Cal to pick up training again for the upcoming Pan Am Games. Cal started training 7 days a week, 2% hours daily with the result that he was' selected to the Canadian team to represent Canada in Winipeg. Today he is the National Chairman of the Sport. ONTARIO GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS Convened at Lome Park Collegiate Cooksville Schools and competed from Georgian Bay, Hamilton and Toronto with over 225 entries. This was the first time that such a provincial meet took place on this scale.
OUR NEW NATIONAL CHAIRMAN Mr. Cal Girard was elected to this office at the National Championships C.G.A. An· nual Meeting. Here below is some of Cal's background. I know after reading it you will realize that we have elected a man dedicated to the Sport. I extend to him the good wishes of all the gymnastic fraternity. Cal was born in Tilbury. Most of his life, however, was spent in Windsor, On· tario where he finished elementary and high school. In grade 8 Cal started competItIOn and joined the Windsor Gymnastic Club which at the time was the best in Canada. It is interesting to notice that the Windsor club gave the first man and the first woman in gymnastics to represent Canada at the Olympics, namely in Melbourne 1956. Cal competed actively during his high school years, traveling across Canada and the United States. In 1955 came his first big success. At the age of 18, Cal became Junior National Champion of Canada. His busy schedule of training did not in· terfere with his academic studies and when Cal graduated from high school.he received a student scholarship, an Academic Scholarship, from Michigan State University which he joined in 1955. In his third year at Mich. State he received an additional scholarship-this time an Athletic Scholarship. At Mich. State University Cal naturally joined the Gymnastic team and 1958 this team won the NCAA championship, quite flattering for Cal since it was the first time for Mich. State to have won it. Cal placed very high in the Big Ten championships but never did win 1st in an individual event. His best placings came in the NCAA champ., where he finished 3rd on the Horizontal Bar and 2nd on the Parallel Bars. In 1959, he became captain of his team. Also in '59 Cal graduated from Mich. State with a four year Bachelor of Commerce degree. This was the year of the Pan American games and Cal for the first time was selected to represent Canada in Gymnastics at
Junior: FX: Linda Feyer, Westview C. I. V: Laurie Hens law, Water loo e.1. UPB: Sharon Morse, Corchester C.I. BB: Karen Morton, Glenview C.I. Senior: FX: Arlene Madill, Fleming C.I. UPB: Laririe Martin, Bramalea e.1. V: Sue Haughton Victoria Park C.I. BB: Sue Bucckingham, Victoria Park C. I. Intermediate : FX: Joan Fujiwara, Lawtrence Park and Sue Christilaw, Lome Park C.I. (tie). UPB: Sue Gradner, Waterloo e.1. V: Sue Christilaw, Lome Park e.1. BB: Kris Kersey, Victoria Park e.1. Elite Class: Three three out of four events we re won by Barb Thompson, Victoria Park e.1., a member of our National Team. SCARBOROUGH HIGH SCHO" !" GYMNASTICS CHAM PIN-.:, '4 Individual Results and Fina l , 1 ··- 1968 Rebound Tumbling : Genge, I hor'- on 8.8; Willis, King 7 .5; Tanzola, Lauri er , .J LHV: Finnigan, Wexford 8.9; Veno, Thompson 8.7;. Campbell, King 8.6. HB: Veno, Thompson 8.4; Gormek, Midland 7.6; Genge, Thompson 6.9. SH: Westlake, Thompson 8.0; Keen, Laurier 7.0; Baron, King 7.0. FX: Veno, Thompson 8.6; Genge, Thompson 8.4; Christy, Laurier 6.2. SR : Westlake, Thompson 8.4; Lacasse, Ced. 8.2; Jackson, Lour . 6.9. PB : Campbell, King 8.2; Veno, Thom. 8.0; Westlake, Thom. 8.0. Final Standings: Team Champion: Thompson 116.2, Laurier 101.6, R. H. King 98 .9.
TORONTO DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS This meet was convened and directed by Mr. G. Harlowe York, Memorial Collegiate. Each school zone held a meet and selected the top gymnasts and sent them to this meet. Results FX: K. Veno, D. & M. Thompson : A. Spasov, York Memorial; W. Arthurs, Victoria Park. HB : K. Veno, D.M. Thompson; D. Dupak, Royal York; W. Arthurs~ Victoria Park. PB: K. Veno, D.M. Thompson, ~. Zoratto York Memorial; J . Mutrie, York Mills. SH : W. Arthurs, Victoria Park, F. Zoratto, York Memorial, J. Gollish, U.T.S. R: A. Westlake, D.M. Thompson, M. Payne, York Memorial; D. Lacssie, Cedarbrae. LHV: F. Zoratto, York Memorial, A. Spasov, York Memorial, L. Hubble, Burnamthorpe.
TORONTO CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS Rev. Fr. Redmond, Michael Power H.S. convened this first annual meet and did a superb job. It was exciting to watch great hockey schools like St. Mike's competing in gymnastics. Other schools taking part were St. . Basils and Niall McNeill. As Head Official of -the Meet and advisor to T.D.C.A.A. in gymnastics, it was pleas-
ing to watch compulsories beautifully executed instead of a lot of Mickey Mouse moves which I usually see at our high school meets. I predict we will hear a great deal from Michael Power H.S. and St. Mikes H.S. in future years. Using the national compulsories and go· ing all round opens many doors to these fine high school gymnasts. Congratulations Fr. Redmond for an excellent meet. Senior: FX: L. Bialogrecki, M.P.; J . Stewart, S.M.e.; J . Redmond, M.P . PB: L. Bialogrecki; A. Lebre, M.P.; J. Highland, N. McNeill. HB: L. Bialogrecki; D. Anderson, M.P .; J. Redmond. LHV : L. Bialogrecki; J . Stewart; (tie) G. Bodnar, S.M.e. and J. Redmond. All-Round champion-L. Bialogrecki, Michael Power H.S. Juniors : FX : D. Lawson, M.P .; (tie) B. Biggar, M.P. and R. St. Pierre, M.P., J. Shears, Nial McNeill. HB: R. St. Pierre; S. Dempster, M.P .; (tie) N. Monnaid, S.M.C . and T. Morris, M.P. LHV : R. St. Pierre; (tie) C. Smyth, M.P. and D. Lawson; R. Kanoys, S.M .C. PB: R. St. Pierre; (tie) C. Smythe and T. Welch; (tie) D. Lawson and B. Biggar. All-Round champion, Rick SI. Pierre, Michael Power H.S.
results, Y Nationals from page 19 1968 YMCA NATIONAL GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS Results WOMEN'5-Team Champions: Seattle, Wash . 212.05, Bethseda, Md. 197.95, Dayto n Central, Ohio 193.10. AA : Lonna Woodard, Seattle, Wash. 71.05, Cleo Carver, Seattle, Wash. 71.00, Caroline Pingatore, Seattle, Wash. 70 .00. FX: Caroline Pingatore 26.05, Cleo Carver 25.95, Lonna Woodard 25.55. SHY: Caroline Pingatore 28.00, Cleo Carver, 27 .90, Lonna Woodard 26.75. BB: Lonna Woodard 27.35, Cleo Carver 25.00, Sue Werling, Dayton, Ohio 24.75 . UPB: Caroline Pingatore 27.70, Lonna Woodard 26.25, Cleo Carver 25.80. MEN'S-Team Champians: Germantown, Po . 225.87, New Orleans, La. 182.70, Reading, Po . 123.50. AA: David Arnold, East Lansing , Mich . 86.15, Bruce McGartline, New Orleans, La. 86.00, Nicholas Alise, Freehold, N.J . 83 .90. FX: Bruce McGartlin 25 .60, Dav id Jacobs, Queens Central , N.Y. 23.90, Nicholas Alise 23.15. SH: Kenneth Saftier, Glen Cove, N.Y. 24.00, Robert Olds, West Side, N.Y. 23.50, Melvin Hill, Germantown, Po. 22.15 . HB: John Steffney, Camden County, N.J. 24.45, Bruce McGartlin 23.65, David Arnold 22 .10. PB: Bruce McGartlin 25.35, Nicholas Alise 23.40, David Arnold 21.85. R: Mickey Gorn, Germantown, Pa. 24 .55, David Arnold 24.40, Eugene Carney, Glen Cove, N.Y. 23 .25. LH : David Jacobs 27.95, Bruce McGartlin 26.80, Nicholas Alise 26.10. Tu: Bruce McGartlin 8.25, Tony Jaeger, New Orleans, La. 7.95, David Jacobs 6.65. Tr: William Copp, Euclid, Ohio 7.45, David Eby; Dayton , Ohio 5 .55, Donald Albert, Reading, Po. 3.00.
High School Report, from page 15 straddle vault blind catch out of giants, and a hecht dismount. all~~~;~ndv~7:h o~ ~~~98~on placed third in the Joe Kracik a Sr. and defending state champion from Butler continued to dominate all comers on the side horse with an extremely difficult routine executed with championship form for 8.65. Gracik also placed 2nd in the vault with an 8.85. Dennis Rafaloski of West Mifflin North won the P-bars with a smooth and well executed routine. His score was an B.S. There was no team title awarded at the meet. However, Rochester was by for the strongest team represented. Rochester won 12 medals by virtue of Dave Repps 7 medals, James Kruest 4, ond Dan Repp (twin brother) added one more with third place finish on the 'sti ll rings. Butler defending state champs was second with 5 medals. Abington was third with 4 medals . Results : AA : Dave Repp (Rochester) 49 .95, . James Kruest (Rochester) 45.85, Bruce Evans (Abington) 44.70, Paul Blasko 43.55 , Bob Swanick (McKeesport) 42.25. FX : Dave Repp 8.45, John Roemer (McDowe ll) 8.30, Bruce Evans 7.90 . SH: Joe Gracik (Butler) 8.65, Erick Swanson (Butler) 8.50, Bob Scholl (Belle Vernon) 7.50. HB : James Kruest 9 .3 5, Bob Swanick 8.15, Bruce Evans 8.05. LH: Dave Repp 9 .35, Joe Gracik 8.85, Chris Tait (Unatt) 8.80. PB : Densis Rafaloski (W. Mifflin N.) 8.5, Dave Repp 8.25, Joe Taylor (Pennsbury) 8.00 . R: Dave Repp 8.70, Bruce Evans 8.65, Dan Repp (Rochester) 8.60 . Winning Routines: FX: Repp: Round off, flip-flop, lay-o ut, swed ish fall, double leg circles, snap up, cartwheel, front handspring, ca rt wheel, tu rn fall, stradd le cut, turn to one arm lever, hollow
back press, step down, front handspring, front
somi, forward roll, cartwheel, to reverse pirouette roll to L, pull split, stiff stiff press, step out round off, flip flop back somi. SH: Gracik: Moore on, double in , moore, rus-
sian, double out, double in, break off, scissors, doubles tromlet out, three loops, dismount. HB: kruest: Cast to double rear is to german giants, disengage Y2 turn to straight arm kip, front giants, stalter, front giant, straddle vault, to blind catch, full twist out to kip, front giant
giant pirouette, back giant, reverse pirouette, two giants, hecht dismount. Vault: Repp: Yamashita. PB : Rafaloski: Double rear vault to immedi-
ate front czech, L, hollow back press, one arm handstand, pirouette, stutz, cost, glide kip , straddle cut, lay back, front uprise, swing handstand, '/4 pirouette, immediate straddle off. SR: Repp: Bird to L cross, pullout, press handstand, lower inverted cross straight arm
lower to T cross, rail to Azaryan Y2 twist.
dislocate shoot
handstand ,
cross, dislocate, flyaway with
Viewpoints from page 5. nastic Coaches and was active in reactivating the Western Pennsylvania High School Gymnastics League. Three of his form er gymnasts were present at thi s year's NCAA competition: Dave Croft and Cliff Diehl of Michigan State and Dave Shidemantle of Pitt. Others of his team who were active competitors this past year were Mickey Uram and Jerry Moore (MSU), Dennis Rickard, Dave Andrews (Pitt), Tom Horne (Slippery Rock) and Jack Eury tW . Va.) One of his most outstanding gymnasts was Jim Curzi, now assistant coach at the University of Illinois and former P-bar and high bar standout for Michigan State.
When in Rome Department . .. Recently USGF Director Frank Bare and Women's Vice President, Jackie Uphues and NCAA representative Gene Wettstone attended the FIG Congress in Rome. It may as well be pointed out that, from the outset, the trio were determined to do what they could to attain international recognition for the USGF. After several independent meetings with the President of the FIG, Mr. Arthur Gander, the USGF and the AAU sat down to consider a proposal for resolving the dispute. What resulted was a proposal for a National Gymnastics Commission which granted equal authority to both the USGF and the AAU in both domestic and international affairs. The USGF representatives gave the proposal their immediate approval, but the AAU representatives indicated they had no authority to sign the agreement. FIG President Gander announced a deadline of October 4 for the AAU to approve the Commission. Under terms of the proposal, both the USGF and the AAU have equal say in selection of officials, contestants, and sites for events with international participation or significance_ Both would have equal voice in the selection of U.S. Teams for the Olympic and Pan American Games. Both organizations can jointly sponsor an event or an event may be sponsored separately. In cases of special importance, the FIG President will be called upon to break a tie ballot. Lastly, it was agreed that during the time that the Commission be operative and under the conditions that both parties would accept, the FIG would retain the AAU as its current member. As I see it . _ . the USGF has attained a heretofore unavailable recognition on the international scene although th e terms of the agreement still allow the AA U to claim it has the sole FIG membership in gymnastics for the U.S. I have to wonder if the bitterness which has marked the long dispute between the AAU and the USGF can be smoothed over so easily. Those who have kept up with the sports controversy in this
country are aware that the track and field dispute has not been easily solved, especially since the Sports Arbitration Board's decision was rejected by both the USTFF and NCAA. Congress had to step in to leg islate a single-purpose organization to direct future progress. What this country needs is not just new governing bodies although these may lend direction to the task, but a grass-roots organization of programmed instruction to reach youngsters in the same way that swimming has_ Such a program should provide aid and direction to coaching efforts. As our interviewees this issue point out, too many coaches and gymnasts are point.ed towards the " big trick" and a sound basic approach through the fundamentals is neglected. If the giants of the gymnastics scene can agree upon such a program, just think what it can do for the sport in another decade!
Executive Committee's action pertains only to the NCAA championships and does not apply to regular season competition. Cordially yours, Charles M. Neinas Assistant Executive Director, NCAA
0 1· ' . , /"
I ,. t,
NCAA Res ponsibilities from page 6_ Also, the minutes of Executive Committee meetings are distributed to the membership and are contained in a publication entitled ANNUAL REPORTS. The Executive Committee does not have any responsibility for the development of playing rules. The Gymnastic Rules and Meet Committee has two primary responsibilities. First, it must establish and maintain rules of play for the sport of gymnastics which are consistent with the sound tradition of the sport and of such character as to insure good sportsmanship and healthful participation by the competitors. Second, it is responsible for administering the Association's National Collegiate and National College Division Gymnastics Championships. It is in this connection that the Gymnastics Rules and Meet Committte reports to the Executive Committee_ Obviously, trampoline has been a controversial issue, and the event has its share of champions and challengers. The NCAA Executive Committee contacted the athletic directors and gymnastics coaches from NCAA member institutions sponsoring an intercollegiate gymnastics program to ascertain their attitude toward trampoline. A special Trampoline Committee was appointed, comprised of representatives from both the Executive Committee and Gymnastics Rules and Meet Committee, to study the problem in detail. In reviewing the results of the aforementioned survey, it is interesting to note that the athletic directors and gymnastics coaches from the same institution do not always agree. . When the matter was finally presented, the trampoline had persuasive and articulate spokesmen on both sides of the question within the Executive Committee. After extended debate the Executive Committee attempted to reach a decision that would serve as a compromise. The Committee's action allows institutions favoring trampoline to continue sponsoring the event with the opportunity to compete in the NCAA Trampoline Championships. Institutions desiring to discontinue trampoline could do so and still be competitive in the National Collegiate Gymnastics Championships. As I mentioned earlier, it is obvious that the trampoline is a controversial issue. Consequently, the NCAA Executive Committee has been criticized for its action. Whether one agrees or disagrees ·with the Executive Committee, it should be known that it attempted to arrive at a solution which would be fair and equitable to both the pro-trampoline and anti-trampoline forces. It is important to remember that the
...ti, a.!
L---_ ___ _
, ,.
' . , ,'. '"
series by Dr. William Vincent published in the Modern Gymnast magazine has
phlet and is available for iust $1. Coaches and P.E. instructors should find this work very handy (with discounts up to 50% for large orders) for use as
a classroom text. One copy .... _ ...... $1.00 each Fifty copies ............ . .75 each One hundred copies .50 each Order from: LET'S TEACH ROUTINES Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406
1968 NATIONAL AAU GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS Super 8 film - in color Complete winning routines plus the runner-ups, in semi-slow motion (24 fps), of the finest gymnasts in the country. No rentals. Men's - 200 ft. .. .. .. ............... _$18.00 Ppd . Women's - 200 ft. _.............. $18 .00 Ppd . FRANK ENDO 12200 So. Berendo Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. 90044
(~___M__G_G__Ym__C__a_le_n_d_a_r__J) BOYS OPTIONAL AGE GROUP MEET, October 20, 1968, Lawncrest Recr. Ctr., 6000 Rising Sun Ave., Phi ladelphia, Po . BOYS OPTIONAL AGE GROUP OPEN, Nov. 17, 1968, Reading YMCA, Reading, Po. GIRLS NEW NOVICE COMPULSORY MEET, Nov. 23, 1968, Forwood Jr. H.S., 2000 Westminister Dr. Holiday Hills, Wilmington, Delaware. Write Ro~ Gilbert, 115 State Line Rd., Wilmington, Del. 19803, for information . NEW ENGLAND GYMNASTIC CLINIC, Nov. 2930, 1968 U.S . Coast Guard Academy, New London, Con;'ecticut. Write Jeff Cardinali, Gymnastics Coach, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Conn.
C___M_G_C_LA_S_S_IF_IE_D_S_EC_T_I O_N_ _) WANTED - Used 6 x 12 trampoline . Will buy frame separately or entire tramp. Call (213) 391-6571.
ETTERS GY MNASTICS U.S.A . -A DILEMMA Sir: The comparison of Glen Wilson' s "Next Step" w ith som e of the readers' r eplies (MG 2/ 68 a nd 5/ 68) shows the dilemma, gymnastics is faced wtih in this country . Though both s ides have their points, still one problem has not fully been recognized yet: wha t a re our goals in g ym nas tics? Do we w ant to move up in in te rnational competition or a re we shooting for s ky high p erformances in the individual events? Rega rdl ess what we decide for, w e n eed to h ave s ome objectiv es upon which we can spend a nd devote a ll our efforts. Only a firm set of guidelines for th e v a rio us leve ls (high schools, colleges, etc.) and lesser co mpromises as we have had them so far, will bring gymnastics up to our expectations. Consequently, this r eq uires lead ership and some better form of organiza tiona l s truc ture. A structure hopefu lly the USGF c ould supply (the AAU did not seem to car e), which should have influ ence and authority to all who are co n cern e d with g ymnas tics. The question how it should be done , goes beyond the scop e of this article, however, as a starter a n opinion poll, conducted by MG f or instance, could show a lead in this direction. I am certa in, the idea will have its s upport f rom coaches , gymnasts, judges, a nd offic ials as well. If we can not pull ourselves together, only the arguments w ill g o on forever a nd very little will b e achieved o n a s onstructive basis. This country has a far greater pote n tia l in gymnastics tha n many might b e lieve. Unfortunately, we are l oosing many of our talen ted gymnas ts a fter they are through with sch ool. Most ' of t h em have n o t even reached th e p eak a nd the maturity in the ir p e rform a n ces y et. Wh ile the s tru c ture of their school programs takes care in keeping them interested in competing, very litt le attracts th em to keep them up a ft er wards. They a re the ones who can help m a k e the sports popular, and n ot the officials . To the p e rpe t u o u s critics I h ave to say tna t they s h.ould devote more of their e ffort in this directio n than b attli ng for rule changes, dropping or includ ing events, etc. If we know o ur way (we do not know it yet) a nd are d etermined to purs ue it, s u ccess will come. It is not popularity tha t c r eates s u c cess - it i s the oth er way around . J a pan i s a good example: only t h e sole determinatbon to be on top a nd th e absolute s urrender t o the F I G-rules mad e them what t h ey are t od ay. And look a t countries whe r e gymnastics supposedly is p o pula r, Western Germany for in s t ance, where its popularity mostly is at tribute d to its hierarchical and traditio nal syst em which h as failed to p r oduce good gymn as ts in the past. . I was d eeply impressed by what I h ave see n in thi s country after I came sever a l years ago. Gym s, equipment, the coach es with their techniques, the judging, a nd, las t not leas t, the gymnasts, all of th em exceeded my exp ect a tions by fa r. With our r eso urces, it wou ld not be t oo diffic ult t o bring gym n as ti cs up to where it s h o uld be. Sincerely you r s, C h ristia n H. W e b er Ass oc . Ed : Th a nk you for your vi ew s Mr. W e be r . O u r rea de rs will n ot e th e sa m e re fl ec tions on Am eric an gymn as ti cs as e x presse d by Ma koto Saka moto a nd Y os hi H a y asa ki in this a nd ou r June - July issues. It does s ee m c lea r th a t to m a ny of our g y mn a st ic f a n s a nd bo osters th ere are a gre at ma ny forw a rd steps still to be take n . " WH Y GYMNASTI CS " Many people h ave competed in var s ity gymnastics without t a king t im e to a n a lyz e their exact r easons f o r participa tion. Obv io u s ly, gymnastics develops certain s kill s that could not be accomplished in a n oth er a r ea. But, thi s i s not where the tru e b e n e fit li es for the indi v idupal. Varsity gymnastics d evelops a person in many ways w h ic h a r e not entirely phys iological in nature . In the s port of gymnastics, th ere is in i tiate d in t h e inner -most dep ths of th e indiv idua l a burni n g desi r e to excel. T o excel in ony ac t r e quires sacrifice, a nd
Any gymnastic routine involves d y n a miC' s wing a nd b alance interrupte d b y s ubtl e stati c susp ensions a nd termina t ed by a breathtaking dismou nt. But, in each r o u tine t h ere is a n expression o f ind ty. A gymnast r e j o ices in hi s particular type of s uffering, kn owing tha t hi s suff ering produces endura n ce; hi s e ndurance produces h op e; an d hi·s hope produ ces c h aracter - whose b e n e fit s cannot be d e ni ed by a nyone. A l Cap Slipp ery Rock Sta t e College
sacrifice unite d with d esire is a b asic building b lock of th e gymnast. Of course, to excel in a n y hum a n act requires spec i fic personal qu a lities. Even s u c h things as the emotional prerequisites of h ealthful living are developed h ere. In losing, the gymn ast benefits by try ing. He w o uld much rather h ave tried, knowing that h e h a d fa il ed t h a n never to h ave tried at a ll. Gymn as tics is a motivatio n a l outlet which can b e u sed b y a person who generates a ppli ed h ope , motiva tion, a nd p e r severan ce in h is bid for a more ccorrec t way of life.
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in gymnasium and physical education equipment
Schools look to American, the leader, for innovations in new equipment. Why? Our record of firsts is unmatched .' . . . The company that developed the Junior AII-Ameri-. can gymnasium apparatus, AII- American Obstacle Course, and the acrylic system of marking athletic fields .. .. now presents . . . .
A first in the field with Stainless Steel gymnastic apparatus. Also .. . . the first really Portable Bleacher . . THE TIP-AWAY. For more information on the new look in gymnasium products, write to your full service company,
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Men-AA: Dan Connelly 40.90, Dan Kolb 37.15, Ken Macauley 33.85. FX: Juniors: Jerry Sulc 7.6, Roger Jackson 7.1, John Gaydos 6.65. Men FX: Tom Proulx 9.25, Richard Sulc 8.80, Don Ferre 8.70. SH: AI Landegger 7.65, tie between Dan Connelly and Paul Gillespie 7.10. R: Paul Gillespie 9 .05, Dick Hammers 8.80, Robert Hughes 8.65. TR: Doug Boger 9.10, Tom Proulx 8.85, Clayton Chrisman 8.65. PB: Dan Kolb 9.15, Randy Martin 8.80, Don Jennings 8.75. HB: tie between Norm Haynie and Dan Connelly 8.85, tie between Dick Hammers and Gary Buckner 8.70. Girls FX: Laurie Gault 7.6, Jan Miller 7.5, Janine Schmidt 7.3. BB: Jan Miller 7.5 , Laurie Gault 7.3, Janine Schmidt 6.2. UPB: Janine Schmidt 7.8, Laurie Gault 7.7, Jan Miller 7.5. DEUTSCHES TURN FEST 1968 BERLIN Report by Dieter Schulz The ratings of the German Championships 1968 during the German Gymfest were too high in relation to other international competitions. The most outstanding routine I personally saw was Koj i Takizawa's floor exercise. Other good routines were shown by Heinz Haubler (SH), Klaus Steinmetz and Ulf Berge (Vault), Takizawa (R and HB) and Madji Imammura, Seiji Nagase, and , Alfred Grunefeldt (all HB). The girls showed better and more difficult routines than during the last championships in 1967. ' Berlin-Cup 1968 Trampoline Men: Michael Budenberg 43.90, Dieter Schulz 42.85, Klaus Forster 42.85. Women: Agathe Jarosch 39.75, Ute Czech 38.55, Gabriele Perl 38.45. Pari~ ~~~Cl~~_ ,1!a",poline
Men: Dave Curtis 4'3Jl},Nllchael Budenberg 42.80, Dieter Schulz 41.70. Women: Diane Bullen 37.00, Sue Vine 36.50, Heide Gutsche 36.50. Deutsches Turnfest Men: Tr: Schulz 41,70, Kurt Treiter 40.15, Peter Latton 39.15: AA: Koji Takizawa 114.55, Willi Jaschek 113.50, Madji Imammura 112.40. FX: Takizawa 19.450, Heiko Reinemer 19.1 OO,Jurgen Bischof 18.825. SH: Heinz Haubler 19.250, Will i Jaschek 18.925, Karl Banzhaf 18.675. R: Takizawa 19.375, Imammura 19.125, Jaschek 19.100. LH: Takizawa 19,10, Klaus Steinmetz 19,050, Ulf B erg e 18.975 . PB: Helmut Tepasse 19.025, Jaschek 18.925, Bschof 18 .80. HB : Imammura 19.20, Takizawa 19.025, Seiji Nagase 18.975. Women: Tr: Ute Czech 38.75, Maria Jarosch 38.05, Helga John 35.35. AA: Irmi Krauser 74.75, Marlies Stegemann 74.75, Brigitte Domski 74.25 . V: Domski 18.775, Krauser 18 .750, Stegemann 18.625. 'UPB: Domski _ 19.075, Krauser
18.90, Stegemann 18.80. BB: Angelika Kern 18.775. FX: Stegemann 19.075, Krauser 18.90, Kern 18.70. Note: The winning routine performed by Agathe Jarosch who won the (14-18) girls ;rampoline championships was rate:d at a difficulty of 6 .8 which is the highest rating for such a routine yet performed by an European girl: Barany-out fliffis full twist, rudolph, double twist: back pike, double back, barony back layout, 13,4 front tuck, 11/4' front with 1 Y2 twist. CENTRAL YMCA OPEN GYMNASTIC MEET Central YMCA, Honolulu, Hawaii April 19, 1968 By Carl Haberland This first in a series of annual meets drew 74 entries in four divisions Boys and Girls, twelve years and 'under and thirteen years and above. Schools represented were Punahou (P), Kamehameha (Kam), Kahuku (K), and lolani (I). In addition, the Central YMCA (CY) and Kohohahi YWCA (KY) were repre~ented. The outstanding girl performer was Lindy Vivas (P), and Ted Miyamoto (P), who took first in all events but rope climb, was
the outstanding men's performer. Results Men (13 and above)-FX: Ted Miyamoto (P), Harrison ' Chong (Kam). HB: Miyamoto, Howard Chinn (P). PB: Miyamoto, Dennis Chong (CY) . SR: Miyamoto, Robert Henderson (P). SH: Miyamoto, Robert Tanaka (P) . LH: Miyamoto, Phillip Dawson (P). Tu: Miyamoto, Jerold Lam (Kam) . Rope: Ben Reyes (K), Dennis Chong. Boys (12 and below)-FX: Kopala Novikoff (Kam). Tu: Novikoff. Girls (12 and below)-Tu: Lindy Vivas (P), Wendy Rothwell (P) and Andrea Arthur (CY). FX: Betsy Abt,s (P), Nancy Dew (P) and Arthur . UB: Arthur (CL), Vivas. V: Vivas, Arthur. BB: ' Vivas, Tracy Bowman (P). Women (13 and above) - FX: Kim Horn (P), Clare Apana (P) . UB: Cristie Gibson (P) Morion Lyman (P). V: Lyman (P), Apana. BB: Chrys Freitas (P), Apan路a . Tu: Gibson, Patty Goldbeck (KY).
CALIFORNIA COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo March 16, 1968 Team Standings: 1. San Fernando Valley 184.25, 2. Cal. St. Los Angeles 170.80, 3. Cal St. Long Beach ' 160.80, 4. Cal Poly SLO 142.90, 5. Cal Poly Pomona 140.40, 6. San Diego State 139.95, 7. Cal. St. Fullerton 71.70. AA: Richard Grigsby, SFV 52.20, John Magginitti, SFV 51.50, Bruce Coulter, CSLA 50.75 . FX: Don Warren, LA 9.3, Bruce Coulter, LA 9.1, Grigsby 9. 1. SH: Gary Hoskins, LA 9.5, Gene Spindler, SD 9.3, Larry Buss, SD 9.2. R: Chuck Walden, SFV 9.15( Mike AIImandinger, SFV 9 .0, Grogsby 8.75. Tr: Clayton Chrisman, CPSLO 8.8, Pat Conners, SFV 8.75, Grigsby 8.25. LH: Coulter 9.45, Darryl DePue, SFV 9.2, Grigsby 9.1. PB: Magginetti 9.1, Don Warren, LA 8.6, Tracy Savage, LB 8.55. HB: Grigsby 9.45, DePue 8.95, Allmandinger 8.8.
1968 SENIOR NATIONAL WOMEN'S AAU CHAMPIONSHIPS April 11-13, 1968 Long Beach, California SHY: Tanac, Joyce 18.725, Rogers, Sue 18.275, Hashimoto, Joanne 18.250, Schaenzer, Donna 18.225, Gleason, Kathy 18.150, Rigby, Cathy 17.975, FX: Metheny, Linda 18.775, ' Gleason 18.525, Tanac 18.450, Rigby 18.250, Cluff, Wendy 18.175... Galloway, Karen 18.000. UPB: tsrause, Doris 18.850, Mulvihill, Colleen 18.700, Metheny 18.625, Gleason 18.025, Tanac 17.900, Rigby and Hunter, Marsha (tie) 17.575. BB: Metheny 19.200, Galloway 18.650, Tanac 18.400, Scott, Linda 18.000, Hacker, Carolyn 17.850, Gleason \7.700. Tr: Wills, Judy 18.600, Ford, Judi 17.575, Bolinger... Vicki 17.300, Johnson, Judy 1/.250, R 0 g e r s 15.700, Bascomb, Donna 13.700. Tu: Wills 17.675, Cluff 16.825, Schaenzer, 16.575, Carver, Cleo 16.275, Harris 15.750, Woodard, Lonna 15.600.
MISSOURI VALLEY CONFERENCE GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS Memphis State University March 16, 1968 Team Standings: Memphis State University 150.15, Wichita State 128.05, Louisville 117.10, Univ. of Cincinnati 94.90. AA: Bill Wilcox MSU 41.00, Ted Morrison, UL 30.95, Jerry Bede, CSU 29.75, Doug Penn, UC 21.30. FX: David Porch MSU 8 .2, Don Rutherford, MSU 7.5' Mike Young, Wichitci 7.05, Lyn~ Luman, Wichita 7.0. SH: Bob Carroll, Wichita 8.8, Dick Tobias MSU 8 .8, Dick .Haynes, UL 8.5,' Gary Johnson, Wichita 7.8 . R: Jim Lockard, MSU 7.7, Jerry Bede, Wichita 7.3, Jeff Miller, MSU 7.15, Wilcox 7.0. Tr: Mike Reed, Wichita 7.35, Rutherford 7.3, David Ponch MSU 6.0, Dick Tobias, MSU 5.8. Lt!: Ted Morrison 8.55, Reed 8.55, Tobias 8.5, Rutherford 8.3. PB: Wilcox 7.9, Miller 7 .75, Bede 7 . 15, Rutherford 7.0. HB: Wilcox 8.35, Miller 7.3, Rutherford 6.75, Larry Bates Louisville 6.45. '
Missouri Valley Conference Chomps, Memphis State University :
There's only one way to equip your gymnasium
Nissen Corp., Cedar Rapids , IOWlI, USA. Nissen Trampoline Co. ltd" London , England. N issen Senoh Apparatus Co., Tokyo, Japan. Ron's Trampoline Suppliers, ltd., Joh o!m nesburg . South Africa. Nissen Trampo li ne A.G., Guemligen, SWitzerland. Nissen Trampoline Co. fAust.' Pty. ltd., Miranda , NSW, Australia. Nissen Trampoline Co. (N .Z. ) ltd'., Auckland, New Zealand
Divisions: IGM-Gymnastics ITM-Track & Field MR. EOWARO GOMBOS
UNIFORM SUPPLIERS for 1964 and 1968 U.S.A. OLYMPIC GYMNASTICS TEAMS In 1964 at U.S. Coast Guard Academy and in 1968 at Los Angeles , Ed Combos measured the U.S.A. men's olympic teams to assure proper fitting warm up suits, shirts, meet pants, and slippers. In 1964, Tom Taloney, (U .S. Olympic Committee) sent post card from Tokyo saying "our uniforms are best of any here." Other manufacturers claim to have comparable "German· style meet pants" and "Swiss·style warm·up suits and slip· pers." DON'T BE MISLEAD. " IGM" has been the "Gymnastics Tailor" for every USA National Team since 1963 and we supply more top gymnastics teams in the USA than all other uniform suppliers combined . Shop and compare before you buy. Also check the top teams in your area. You'll choose " International Materials (Inc.)" every time because you 're in IGM country. To better service the ever·growing demand for top·quality gymnastics uniforms, INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS, Inc. has MOVED from Chicago 15 miles west to Addison , Illinois where we have doubled the size of our facilities and hired additional
#490 "Monza" ....................$28.45
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#477 "Mireille" ..................$30.45
Team $27.40
'In commemor;!tion of this event, we would like to offer our MG customers the following: 1 pr.. # 800L Slippers - "Swiss" with lining (1 to a customer) 'Iii' V2 retail prite or $1.25 . . sh ipoing included . Just say y6u read about the offer in the MG . Offer good until November 1, 1968. NABHOLZ Warm-uo Suits from Switzerland are distributed in the USA exclusively · by Ed Gombos. International Materials, Inc. has been given exclusive rights on all sales to schOols in the USA. We'd li ke to make the general public awa re of the Nabholz AIIPurpose Suits for jogging, loungi ng, after-ski wear, campi ng, boating, golfing, tenni s, bowling, and general sports activit y and we'd appreciate you r ass istance. The ne xt time you're at a retai l clothi ng or department store , ask to see the ir selection of Nabholz Suits . If they don't have them and are interested in obta ining selling rights , ask them to consul!: Ed Gombos 527 Fullerton Addison , Illinois 60101
(312) 543-7631 In return , (SPECIAL OFFER) anyone being the first to send us the name and address of a retai l sto re interested in selling Nabho lz Multi-Purpose Suits may purchase 1 suit of thei r choice from those di splayed on thi s page at one-half retail price (the 10 456 Italia would cost $14.25) plus shippi ng. Th is offer will expire December 1, 1968 . Just show this ad when visiting a retail store near you .
Please write for literature: International Materials, Inc. 527 Fullerton Addison, Illinois 60101 (312) 543-7611
~, International Materials, Inc.