Modern Gymnast - April 1969

Page 1


APRIL 1969 60c



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notes FROM THE


PET PEEVE: I would guess we all have little things that bother us about Gymnastics that happen again and again until over a period of time we just have to speak out or burst. I don't know what your pet peeve may be (other than you wi sh the editor would get the MG out sooner), but with all of the competitions we have been covering recently (NCAA's, INVITATIONAL's, USGF Nationals, etc.), your editor's pet peeve really had me climbing the wall. Needless to say, it is just a little thing, but we feel Gymnastics is a beautiful sport with an air of dignity and every time I see a gymnast dismount from the apparatus (sometimes even before his first step away) slip his arms through his suspenders and let them fall loosely to his side I shudder. I feel a gy mnast should walk away from the apparatus with the dign ity exnected of an artist who has performed to the best of his ability. To start to undress by throwing off one's suspenders in the middle of the floor is neither artistic or dignified and would be more fitting on a Burlesque stage in some skid row theatre. Don't get me wrong ; I do not blame the gymnast, but the coach, the judge and even myself for not acting or speaking up (in print) long before now on this subject. This bad habit seems confined to the USA as I have not seen one 'instance of this in Olympic and International competition among foreign Gymnasts during the past decade. Think about it .. .. Do we have a beautiful and artistic sport? YES? . . Well then let us act like it and make our approach and exit reflect our pride and dignity in the wonderful sport of Gymnastics.


G Official Publication of the United States Gymnastic Federation


APRIL 1969


NOTES FROM THE EDITOR ......... ... .Glenn Sundby CHALK TALK...... ....... . ...... .... .... .. . .... ... .. ...... . ViEWPOINTS .... ... ...... .. .... .. ... .. ....... Dick Criley TOUR DEL NORTE AMERICANOS ....... Rick Tucker USGF REPORT .......... ............. ... ....Frank Bare CANADIAN REPORT ....... ... .... ...... .. John Nooney 1969 NCAA COLLEGE DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIPS .. Joe Buttitta MG INTERVIEW: Coach Rusty Mitchell Glenn Sundby MG CALEN DAR .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RESEARCH AND FITNESS IN GYMNASTICS Dr. James Bosco TUMBLI NG TOPiCS .. .......... ..... ... .... Dick Criley NAKAYAMA'S HORIZONTAL BAR ROUTINE AB. Frederick A SECOND LOOK AT SWiNG .. .... ..Gerald S. George NATIONAL GYMNASTIC JUDGES ASSOCIATION Jerry Wright MG SCOREBOARD.. ......... .... ... . ....... ............... LETTERS .... ... .. ...... ....................... ...... ... .. ..

4 6 7 7 8 9 10 14 16 18 19 20 22 23 25 28

COVER , Rich Grigs by (So n Fernando Vo lley State College), wi nn er of five first place medal s in the NCAA College Division Individual final events.

NEXT EDITON: Annual MG - NCAA Photo Results Championship Report.

MG SUBSCRIPTION RATE BOOST: The cost of living has


continued to rise all around us including the expenses of running an office and putting out a Gymnastic magazine. We have offered special reduced rates to teams and individuals in the past in hopes of meeting our overhead by increased subscription volume . .. We have tried in every way to hold the line, but we have to face the facts and therefore we reluctantly increase our MG Subscription price to meet the added postage rates and general operating expenses. HOWEVER, ALL IS NOT LOST for our FAITHFUL SUBSCRIBERS, as we will offer a bonus to all subscribers who renew promptly (a prompt renewal saves us money we will pa ss on to you). So be on the lookout for OUR SPECIAL MG BONUS OFFER when your subscription renewal notice arrives and act promptly to take advantage of this saving in $$ and the assurance that you will not miss a single action packed edition of the MG. 4



ASSOCIATE EDITORS - Feature A. Bru ce Frederick, Education; Dr. James S. Bosco , Research; Dick Criley , Statistics; Jerry Wright, Competition; Frank l. Bare , USG F; John Nooney, Canada.


THE MODERN GYMNAST magazine is published by Sundby Publications. ~ 10 Broadway, Sonto Monico. California 9040 I. Second Clots Postage pa id at Sonto Monica. Colif. Published monthlv except bi-monthly June. July. August. and Septembe r. Price $6.00 per year, 60c a single copy: Subscription correlpond ence. The MODERN GYMNAST. P.O. Box 6 11. Santa Monica. California 9O~O6. CoPVright 1969Š all rights relerved by SUNDBY PU BLICATIONS, 410 Broodw o v. Santo Monico. Calif. All photos a nd ma nuscripts submitted b ecome the property of The MODERN GYMNAST unless a return request and sufficient postage a re includ ed.


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DR. LEOPOLD F. SWARG Before Coach Patterson's untimely passing a year ago he had prepared several articles for publication in the MG. Recently his wife came across this one among his papers and sent it on to us. Your editor has long been an admirer of Dr. Zwarg, the wonderful books he has written (his Apparatus & Tumbling Exercises published

in 1928 is a Gymnastic classic and still used in many a PE dept.) , and the many productive years of dedication to the sport of gymnastics in the Philadelphia area that have had thell' effect on Gymnastics throughout our nation. To Dr. Zwarg we count it an honor to publish this article and wish him many happy and healthy years to come.

LEOPOLD F. ZWARG - The Father of Philadelphia Public High School Gymnastics A. Carl Patterson Leopold F. Zwarg was born in Germany on January I, 1886. He graduated from a Manual Training High School in Germany and received his gymnastic training at the Turnverein . As a youth he participated in gymnastics and Turnfests in Kiel and Hamburg. He was an outstanding performer and won many titles in gymnastics and track and field. He maintained a high level of performing ability on apparatus work until he was nearly sixty years old. At the age of twenty-four Leo came to the United States and went to work in Detroit as a carpenter and cabinet maker. Two years later he enrolled at the Normal College of the American Gymnastic Union. He graduated in 1913 and began his career as a Physical Educator at the Baltimore Turners in Baltimore , Maryland. While there he continued his education at Mt. Vernon Collegiate Institute and at John Hopkins. He met , courted and married Ella Ockelmann of Baltimore before he moved to Philadelphia in 1915 . He taught at the Philadelphia Turnegemeinde for a year before beginning teaching in the Philadelphia Public Schools in 1916, the same year he became a citizen and the same year his first son was born. His second son was born six years later in 1921, the year Leo was appointed to the faculty of Northeast High School. He later taught at Gratz High and Germantown High Schools. He was Department Head of Physical and Health Education at Germantown High where he taught and coached until his retirement in June, 1952. He received his Masters and Doctors Degrees in Education at Temple University , Philadelphia. While at Northeast High School "Doc" devised and organized the public high school gymnastic league of Philadelphia. The first championship meet' was held in 1923 making this league the oldest high school gymnastic league in the United States. Under " Doc's" coaching Harry Nelson , now a Collegiate Judge and AA U Judge, won the first all-around title, in 1923. The league , because of its growth , was divided into two sections in 1966 and dual meets were held instead of triangular meets. Dual meets are run similar to intercollegiate meets , each team allowed to enter two all-around competitors and all other competitors work a maximum of three events. Doc Zwarg still officiates at junior high and high school meets. Dr. Zwarg has made many contributions to the league for over forty -six years and Philadelphia is proud he settled here. 6

Sundby Planche 6 x 1 3 inches, solid mohogony

VIEWpoints By Ui ck Criley

HAS YOUR PROGRAM KEPT PACE WITH CHANCE? In 1877 , the mile run record slood at 5:33 : it dropped to 5:]4.6 in 1879 and neve r go t below 4:40 in the ne xt decade. By 1905 the

record was set by Munson of Cornell at 4:25.2. Since 1909 when Paull of Princeton ran it in 4: 17.8 , the record has been easily traceab le. The top track stars at the turn of the century could barely win today 's high sc hool meets . Nor has track been the only field in which such improvement has been made. One only need look at the pole vault , the hi gh jump, the jave lin or the di sc us for other exa mples. Swimming times have plummeted as ha ve those in crew. Wh y harke n to the achievements of yes teryear? It is obvious that coaches in track and field , in swi mming and in crew , just to na me three examples, wei'e not satisfied with the old tec hniqu es and methods of training. Science and sys temati c anal yses were employed to deve lop new tool s (t he fiber glass pole, the li ghter shell , the videotape), to detect flaws and defect s (in timing of passing a baton , in the angle of push-off from the blocks, in balancing a crew) and to perfect form , endurance, and efficien cy. The results have been gratifying. Where doe s gy mn as ti cs fit into thi s picture? H ave coaches and athletes kept pace with th e new de velop ments ? Are the new innovation s (films, videotapes , mechanical improvements, and a pplicatio n of ph ys ical principle s to move ment ) finding a place in the deve lopment of our gymnasts ? Is the coac h knowledgeab le enough to make use of the se innovat ions? If the answe rs to the above question s are " NO! ", is it nO! hi gh time that we put our brai ns in gea F and make use of our modern technology to improve our gym nas ts and gymnastic programs ~

Tour del Norte Americanos en Sud America (or A Good Time Was Had by All) The Side Horse Worker, 10 inches high, Hondura s mahogany, plywood and walnut .

GYMNASTICS IN MAHOGANY The MG Editor was recentl y gifted with a solid mahogany wood craving of himself doing a planche (s hown in pas t issue). The carving is the work of Martin Hesch . Martin re sides in Philadelphia and carving these pieces is a hobby . As you can see Mort 's interest in gymnastics and wood carving has produced some beautiful work. Incidently, if you are wondering how long it take s to produce one of these, would you believe some 40 路hours for the " planche"? I n case you are interested Mr. Hesch can be reached at: 7600 Lumeklin Pike , Philadelphia, Pa. 19150. THE TRAMPOLINE IN HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS With the evolution of international trampoline competition and the increased emphasis which the NCAA has placed on the sport, it is of interest to note the trampolining programs of 4 states known to be outstanding in other gymnastic areas. In California, some of the sections work this event while others do not (the same situation prevails for rope a nd tumbling), In Illinois and Color~do it is part of the regular competitlOn and the event is particularly strong III Colorado, Pennsylvania high schools do not work the trampoline. (For other notes on high school gymnastics abstracted from Murray: A Comparison of Interscholastic Gymnastics on the High School Level, see previous issues of Chalk Talk.)

by RI C K TUCKER , SIU After the seco nd Olympic tri al at Penn State, five gym nasts who we re eliminated at th at point we re chosen to represent the U.S.A. on an A.A. U. tour of South America. Those selected were Mike Kimball (U. of Utah), Ri ch 路Grigsby (San Fernando Valley State) , John Elias (N .W. Louisiana State), Rick Tucker (So. III. U ni v.). and Fred Turoff (Templ e U niv .) Mike was elected as Captain-Manager because of hi s knowledge of the Spanish language. We report ed to New York for outfitting and briefing by a State Department official on the 4th and 5th of Sept. Those two days we re probably as busy as we ever were durin g our entire tour. We spent hours securing travel ca rd s , air tickets, immuni zation cards , trave lers check s and photo s. Since the trip was not organi zed until the last moment, a great burden was placed on those people who had to get the information out to us and make th e preparations .-Col. Je sses Lisco mb, at the AAU office

in New York C it y , de served a round of applause for hi s aid. It would have taken us weeks to do what he did in two days. We finally left for the ai rpo rt to catch an II :45 p.m. flight on the 6th. As fate wou ld have it all of our ru shing around in New York was counterbalanced by a fi ve hour wait while our plane had an engine transpla nt. When we finally did leave , it was 3 :00 a.m. the following mornin g. As the sun came up we landed in Pana ma. That's when it finally dawned on us tha t we we re reall y 6n our way. As we approac hed the runway we could see th at this certainly wasn't any kind of land we 'd ever seen before , except may be in films of deepest, darkest Africa! We jumped out of the pl ane , took so me film s and pictures and jumped back on board for Quito , Equador, our first South American adventure. Continued on page 30


The United States Gymnastics Federation P.O. Box 4699 Tucson, Arizona


Executive Director

The USGF has been hard at work arra,""]ing the final format and content of the First WORLD CUP competition at the beautiful Long Beach Arena for late April. By the time this reaches you the first and largest of such events ever held in this part of the world will be history. Subsequent issues of the MG will carry complete results, photo coverage and announcements concerning next year's event.




Schedule to appear in the World Cup are CERAR (Yugoslavia), Nakayama (Japan), Kenmotsu (Japan), Nissenen (Finland), Thor (USA) and one other American to be selected. The women's section of the meet will feature Banfai (Hungary), Oda (Japan) and Hartley (Canada) along with Rigby (USA) and another American girl to be selected at the USGF Nationals on the preceding day.










THE USGF PRESS has completed printing of the compulsory routines for the World 's Championships in Gymnastique Moderne (Fall 1969 in Bulgaria). Copies, including information about teamwork and detailed breakdown of parts, are available in booklet form for SOc each. USGF PRESS also has completed the women's committee publication on Conducting Competition (for girls). Includes information, guidelines, materials needed for the conduct of girls' gymnastic events ... $1.00. BUD MARQUETTE's great young squad of girls, known across

the U.S.A. as the SCATS (Southern California Acro Team) is hard at work finalizing the routines for their appearance in Switzerland at the Gymnaestrada this summer (July 2-5). Bud's squad includes two Olympians from 1968 and a number of other promising and very hard-working youngsters. Their tour should be a great one. Watch the MG for coverage on this trip.










The UNIVERSITY OF IOWA won the NCAA team title, Penn. State Univ. was a close second . . . it was a great meet. Nissen en of Univ. of Washington handily won the all-around and really looked great in so doing. MG will cover this event in the next issue. NATIONAL OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION .. . a longtime dream of many gymnastics officials is moving rapidly towards becoming a reality. The USGF is encouraging and offering aid to the individuals interested in forming this group ... and the day will soon come when in order to judge a top-level meet one must have qualified through a certification course for that level of judging and further be a bona-fide member of the National Gymnastics Officials Association as well.

THE USGF 1972 OLYMPIC TOUR ... is just about ready to form ... and the timing is great. This time ... we offer a deposit system . .. pay before you go. The USGF will accept regular deposits of any amount for up to approximately 150 people .. . all of which will be fully refundable up until January 1, 1972 . . . and if the deposits are regularly made, the tour will guarantee the gymnastics tickets . .. hotels and round-trip jet fare from Chicago or perhaps Denver ... and any deposits that exceed the necessary amount for the trip will, of course, receive a refund of overpayments. In this way, many of you can begin now to save for the trip and have a pre-paid Olympic journey to MUNICH , GERMANY, in 1972. Remember, fully refundable any time up until January 1972 (before which we will announce firm price, dates, etc.), limited by space available to the first 150 individuals to so apply for a seat .. . . write USGF OLYMPIC TOUR . . . P.O. Box 4699 ... Tucson, Arizona 85717 ....

USGF 1968 Men's OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC FILM Just $16.00 for 400 ft. 8mm (black & white)

USGF 1968 Women's OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC FILM Just $10.00 for 200 ft. 8mm (black & white)

All the top final routines of the individual Championships from the 1968 Olympic Gomes in Mexico City. ORDER FROM :

The top routines of the Individual event Championships from the 1968 Olympic Gomes in Mexico City. ORDER FROM:

USGF Men's Olympic Film P.O. Box 777 Santa Monica, Ca. 90406

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FIG CODE OF POINTS The F.I.G. Code of Points for Men .. . 96 pages of the International Rules for

men .. . all the "A-B-C parts" included. Order from the U.S.GJ., P.O. Box 4699, Tucson. Arizona 85717. $3.50 per copy.


REPORT CANADIAN NATIONAL COLLEGE CHAMPIONSHIPS - 1969 An excellent meet was convened by Digby Sale thi s year at McMaster U niversity at H a milton, Ont. With tremen dou s organizati on and flo or control , and usin g excellent new equipment , the meet showed how far gym nastics has come in Canada. Ten team s competed in the men 's division and seve n in the women·s . Nearly a ll the co mpetitors went All -around. Geoff Elliot's tea m from th e Un iversity of Alberta in th e men's di vision showed rea l promise. He has two excellent boys in Danielso n a nd Meikle. Gil Larose coac hed runner-up University of Montreal , led by Lallier and Lagere. Third place U niversi ty of Toronto , coached by Juli an Roncon was third , wi th McVey out standing. S H was the weakest event, FX and Va ult the strongest. Thejudging was very consistent. T he U. of Albert a team had best deportment a nd attitude a nd deserved to win. The girls ' competition was of a high e r standard than the boys'. U. B.C. a nd its stars, Sand y Ha rtley an d Lesli e Bird, won for coach Sev Hi ebe rg. I be li eve the co llege girls will make the National team earli er th an the boys. Jack C harteris of Gue lph U ni ve rsit y was elected president of the ne w co ll ege coac hes' association, with Di!by*Sal; V. P.

Sond ra Hartley Canadian Nationbl Collegiate AA winner

Women's Team Standings : U.B.c., York, Univ. of West· ern Canada. AA: Hartley (U.B.C), Thomps on (Yor k), Bird (U.B.C). FX: Hartley, Thompson, Bird. Vault: Hortlet, Th ompson, Bird. B.B.: Hortlet, Thompson, Bird. Unevens : Thompson, Hartley, Bird. Men's Team Standings : Univ. of Alberto, Univ. of Montreal, Univ. of Toronto. AA: Danielson (UA), Lallie r (UM), Meikle (UA). SH: Meikle, Lallier, McVey (Un LH : McVey, King (UOnt) Lallier. Rings: Legere (UM), Danielson, Meikle. PB: Danielson , Meikle, Lallier. FX: McVey. Kinsman (York), King. HB : Danielson, Lallier, Meikle.

YUGOSLAV COACH JOINS YORK Yugoslavian O lymp ic Gymnasti cs Coach Bori s Bajin will join the staff of York U ni versity. Baji n will be at York at least one year. assisting Tom Ziv ic, former Yugosl av nati onal gy mnast in developing York 's a mbitiou s gy mnast ic program.

Ontario High Schools Grade Team Championships George H arlow of York Memori al hosted about 200 Grade 9 and 10 gymnasts. T he G rade 9 team troph y was wo n by Cen tral Technical School, Toronto, the Grade 10 troph y by York Memori a l c. 1. Thirt y- three school s were represe nted.

Alberta Report (by G. Elliot) Gy mn ast ic com petiti o n ca rri ed on in earn est thi s month in the Province. The U niversit y at Edmonton hosted the Western Coll egiate C ha mpion ships for both men a nd wome n a nd the stand ard of performance was high. The U. of A. sent a tea m to the Nation al Interco ll egiate C ha mpionships March 8, show ing the expa n .. sion of int e rest in th e West fo r gy mn as ti cs. Roy McMahan is now president of the Ca lga ry Gymnastic C lub.

Un iversity of Alberto Canadian Notional Collegiate teom winners. R. Dan ielsen, (first row, second from left) men's AA Chomp.

It see ms to be a N ation a l trait to ignore e ntry dead lines - frustratin g for th e promoters of competitio ns who ne ver know how ma ny gy mnas ts are goin g to arri ve. Gymnas ts have to be taught responsibility. Ed ucate them'

Report on Provincial Compulsory Clinic By E D NI C H OLSON Thi s year's clini c was in some ways an exceptional one. F irst of all. the setti ng was ideal. The Memoria l Gy mnas ium at U. B.C. is ha rd to beat and is ce ntra ll y locate d as we ll. Second , new blood with new ideas - notably in spotting a nd lead-up techniques - gave a boost. Men lik e 5ev Heiberg and Geo rge Fudge introduced a fresh fl ow of id eas in their respective areas. Even vete ran coaches picked up new ideas a nd mo re creative ways of look in g at things. One importa nt point was made: the need for as king modern da nce and move ment inst ru ctors for assistance in gym nast ic clubs. All in a ll I was mu ch impressed, and impati ent to get bac k to our c lub and try so me of the inn ovations out. Bou quet s to th e orga ni zers of thi s year's Provincial cl in ic.

1969 Western Canadian Intercollegiate Championships Team Standings: Alberta Univ. (A) 11885. Saska t chewan Un iv. (S) 109.40, Briti sh Columbia Univ. (BO 90.30, Calqary Univ. (C) 44.50. AA Scores : R. Danielson (A) 44.05, T. Sedgewick (S) 43.70, D. Meikle (A) 4 1.75 . M. Boyd (S) 37.45 , P. Cooper (A) 33 .05.

Manitoba Men's Championships Report From R. Sho re Th e Second Annu al Men 's Ma nitoba C lose d Gymnas ti c C ha mpion s hip s were he ld Jan. 3 I. at the 5t. Vit a l Fa mil y Y.M.C.A. E ight gy mnast ic clubs entered th e meet , wit h a tot a l of 7 1 gymnasts officia ll y regi stering. T he 20U peop le in att e nd ance e nj oyed th e co mpetition thorou gh ly.

* * :;:

Argo: (12 yr s. and under) AA : Roy Anderson (Central Y). Tyro : (14 yrs and under) AA: Randy Rogers (B ra ndo n Y). Team Trophy: St. Vital YMCA. Novice (16 yrs and under): AA: Ron Broun (Cent ra l Y). Novice Team Trophy : Centra l YMCA. Jun ior (20 yrs. and under): AA: Rick Shore (U. of M.), Junior Team Trophy : Centroy YMCA.





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Team Champion s, First. San Fernondo Volley State; Second. Southern Connecticu t; t hird, Springfield College~

1969 NCAA COLLEGE DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIPS By J ue Buttitta Th e second an nu a l NCAA C ollege-Div ision Gymnastics C ha mpion s hips (so met imes kn own as A Weekend in the Life of Ri c hard Grigsby) is over. a nd host San Fernando Val ley State Col lege success full y defend ed the crown it won last year. The Matadors. who have wo n seve n co nsec uti ve leag ue title s (CCAA) a nd six of seve n State Coll ege c ha mpionship s sin ce the spo rt began a t Va ll ey Sta te in 1963 . walt zed off with the c rown in a n easy fas hi on. I n fact . th e team compet iti o n was a lm os t a n a nti -c lim ax follow ing th e e normous lead built by coac h Bill Vince nt 's cha rges. Va ll ey State ta lli ed 15 1.8 0 points to win the na ti o nal tit le. w hile Southe rn Co nn ec ticut (14 5.575) a nd Springfie ld Co ll ege (Mass.) ( 145.4 75) batt led for seco nd pl ace. Vin ce nt. the yo ung. likable college me nt o r who has met nothing but success si nce initiating th e progra m a t VSC , was nam ed Co llegeDi vis io n Coac h of th e Yea r for the seco nd time in a row. But, G rigsby, V all ey St ate 's trul y outstanding su pe rstar, ne a rl y had the entire show to himse lf a nd the crowd that packed the gy mnas ium for th e indi vidu al final s reli s hed every mom e nt he was up . T he modes t senior greatl y aided hi s tea m during te a m competition, but when the spotlight s were turn ed on for indi vidua l honors. the former Ca noga Pa rk Hi gh School sta r rea ll y put o n a n ex hi biti o n. H e wo n th e fl oo r exercise (8.775) . si de- ho rse (8.75). long-horse (8.8 625) . ti ed for first o n parall el ba rs w ith John Elias of o rth wes t Louis ia na State (8.85) a nd wa lk ed off wi th hi gh-bar, hi s favorite a ppa ratus (9.3). Grigsby dec ided to fo rego rin gs. o n whi c h he qu a lifi ed seco nd a t 8.8 in the preliminaries , in order to save stre ngth for para ll e l bars a nd hi gh-ba r. Otherw ise . he mi ght have wo n all six eve nt s .


As it turn ed o ut. Jim A me rine of Southern Con necti c ut. a compact , strong· louking man . captured th e rings a t 8.75. It s hould be no ted th a t jUdging was based o n O ly mpic standa rd s thereby lowe ring scores. E li as and A merin e waged a fierce battle for th e a ll-around tit le w ith the former winnin g with 99. 175 points to 98 .80 for A merin e. The two were tied after the compulsori es , but E li as pull ed away during o ption a l ro utine s with stron g show in gs on side -horse . para ll e l bars a nd high-bar. Third pl ace in the a ll -a round was capt ured by C hico State 's Bucke y Mackey. V all ey State's event breakdown by points durin g the tea m competition was as fo ll ows: floor exerc ise 26.55: side-h o rse 25.20: rings 25.60: long-horse 26.65: parallel bars 23.80: high-ba r 24.00. The Matadors we re so far in front by the time high-ba r ca me up th at G ri gsby decided not to do his routine. sav ing him se lf for the a llimporta nt indi vidu a ls in the eve nin g sess ion. Hundred s of fans were di sappo int ed s in ce th ey had co me to watch him pe lfo rm hi s favo rit e eve nt. H e gave th e m a thrill la te r. though. winnin g it w ith a n average o f 9.3. hi ghest of the mee t in a ny event. Last yea r' s na tion a l ba nn e r whi c h ha ngs co ns picuous ly above the gy m flo o r was the ta lk of seve ra l out-of-state tea ms durin g tlie mee t. The addition of a seco nd banner left most of them s peechl ess . Additiona l hi ghlig ht s of th e meet we re provided by J o hn E li as. a n exci ting new pelformer fru m No rthwes te rn Louisiana. and Ju a n Sanc hez of San F e rn a nd o Va ll ey. Jim Fi sher of Sacramento Sta te pelformed a highl y uniqu e fl oo r exerc ise routine th at in c lud ed a front sa ito with !hi turn to immedi a te sp lit s. Sacramento State (Fa r Wes te rn Co nfe rence c ha mpion s the pas t fi ve yea rs in a row) was a c lose winne r in a fi ve-way batt le fo r fourth

place in th e tea m race. as th ey defeated Man kato Sta te. Illin o is State . Colo radu State a nd Ca l Sta te-F ull e rt o n. Springfie ld 's J oe Ce nni s pelformed ve ry we ll in floor exerc ise . cas tin g so me duubts o n th e acc uracy of th e .iudgin g. as did Ri c h Martin a nd Byron Fish on the paralle l ba rs and Run G rant o n 'th e H B. .lim Yearwood of So. Co nn . ac tu a ll y a ppeared to be. a lu ng wi th Grigsby o n th e H B. th e mo st skilled performer in th e mee t in a ny o ne eve nt as he rea ll y wowe d eve ryo ne in warmup o n th e S H . But he co uld not co mple te hi s ve ry difficult rOLitin e in the fin als a nd had to se ttl e for third pl ace.

NCAA COLLEGE DIVISION GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS SFVSC March 27-29, 1969 Team Standings 1 51.80 1 . Son Fernando Volley Stote 2. Southern Connecticut 145.575 3. Springfield College 145.475 4. Sacramenlo State, 132.075; Mankato State College, 129.925; Illinois State, 126.95; Colo rado State; California State·Fullerton ; Son Fernando Stat e College; Nort hwest ern Louisiana State College. AII·Around 1 John Elias, NW Louisiana 2. Jim Amerine, So. Connecticut 3. Buckey Mackey. Chico Optionals Only 4. Rich Grigsby, Son Fernando Volley 5. Steve Radom ski, Son Fer. Valley 6. Tim McWirk, Sacramento State

99 .175 98.80 80.00 54.10 47.575 44.1 75

Floor Exercise , I . Rich Grigsby, 2. Jim Fisher, 3. Juan Son· chez, 4. Joe Cenis, 5. Ed Dotti, 6. Steve Radomski. Side Horse, 1. Ri ch Grigsby, 2. Bob Medina, 3. Ji m Year· wood, 4. John Elias, 5. Dove Ellis, 6. Tom Bell Rin gs, I. Jim Amerine, 2. Steve Radomski, 3. Bob Hughes. 4. John Elias, 5. Anton Copi tao, 6. Rich Grigsby Long Horse, 1 Rich Grigshy, 2. Juan Sanchez, 3. Buckey Mackey, 4. Steve Radomski & Tim McWirk, 6. Jim Amerine. Parallel Bars, 1 John Elias & Rich Grigsby, 3. Jim Amerine, 4. Juan Sanchez , 5. Rich Ma r tin, 6. Byron Fish. Horizontal Bar , 1 Rich Grigsby, 2. John Elias, 3. Ron Grant, 4. Jim Amerine 5. Buckey Mackey, 6. Juan Son chez.




COll fC,f Dr.., <"0" I




.W'ASANF~~~~~' ~;~~~YSTATE 5 ~. _


"al'O<27Ll,1969 _ J\HCS _




'\;,.; _




....IIt" 71 l'l,1969 P"PAlt拢l





Jim Amerine, So. Connecticut. 1st Rings

Rich Grig sby, SFVS, five firsts! (FX,SH.LH,PB&HB)

This is what you get for being coach of the year


Steve Radom ski, SFV, 2nd Rings

Another winner tramBSe .. . tha .naw .. .• SOFLIII 4 .. . lor competition usa Nylon based plastic (POWER HYDE) cover

1" closed cell Vinyl foam (NY-a-BOND) Bre athe r fabricsides and bottom

3 ·· POLY foam

After m onths of engineering GSC has developed a safety mat acceptable in com petition. This ve rs atile all purpose safety mat offers maximum firm -foot landing when competing and when turned over the SOFLAN 4 becomes a crash pad when the participant uses it for practice, The four-inch thick mat is composed of one inch of Vinylfoam with a bonded Powerhyde cover which allows a finn -foot landing, Underneath the Vinylfoam is three inches of Polyfoam cove red with breather fabric which allows the performer a cushioned landing in case of an unexpected fall. When practicing soft side of mat may be turned up making a 4 inch crash pad,


M-SG48 - 4'x8' Soflan Competiti on Mat


M-SG510 - 5'x lO' Soflan Competition Mat


M-SG612 - 6'x 12' Soflan Co mpetition Mat



Coach Rusty Mitchell


(MG editor Glenn Sundby interviewed Rusty M itchell at the Western Gy mnastics Clinic held ill Tucsol1 , Arizona inillte December of 1968. Rusty Mitchell, past Olympian alld past National Champion is now the C ymnastic Coach at th e Un iversity of New Mexico.) Rusty, when did you start to compete? I sta rted gymnastics in 1956 at Baldwin Park H.S. (Ca lifornia) under coach John Dragi, then went on to college at Southern Illinois where Bill Meade was coach.

Was it just the idea of getting away from the West Coast that appealed to you? Yes. I had competed for four years in high school in Southern California and I looked forward to going out on my own. I wanted to find ou t what it was like being away f rom home and to see if I cou ld handle college life and gymnastics away from home.

Did you consider other colleges? I considered the University of California with coach Hal Fry and the University of Washington with Eric Hughes among other schools. I believe the reason I chose Southern Illinois was because it hod not only Mr. Meade but Fred Orlefsky, who at the time was Notional AAU Champion and a member of the 1960 Olympic team. At the t ime I was considered strictly a tumbler but my goal was set to become on Olympian and to work the AA.

How would you advise a boy to select a college? What should he look for? There are several things to consider. The first is how the school is ranked academically among colleges and universities ac ross the country. The gymnastic program is very important if the gymnast ha s ideas abou t becoming an Olympian. You have to cons ider the coach _. what type of person he is and what he knows about gymnastics. I th ink It boils down to what kind of gymnast you want to be when you choose a school. If you wont to be a mediocre gymnast it really doesn't matter. The desire to be a top gymnast has to be there before you go to college. The coac h is important, but the desire must be present. The gymna st must be aware of the strict demand s on him. His training schedule, his food, hi s health, all the se are very important.

Is there a way to evaluate what to look for in a coach? Do you look for the type of gymnast he has produced before, or his team record? I think a gymnast should have the opportunity to meet a coach before he goes to college, while the boy is still in high school. He should have some idea of what type of teacher the man is, as well as what type of coach. He should ha ve the opportunity to work with a particular coach, possibly at a clinic, to get some idea of how the coach relates to the gymnast. You can tell a boy something , but if you don't get through to him it doesn't do much good.


You 're saying that one of the big things for gymnasts of all ages is to go to clinics? Definitely. We' re talking at a clinic right now.

Was the first clinic you went to in Sarasota? Yes si r. I hod been to several clinics while I was in high sc hool, through the YMCA and other groups, all in Southern California, but the first National Clin ic I went to was in Sarasota in 1960. I haven't missed a notional clinic since at Christmas time.

How did you develop from being a tumbler into all around? What was the pattern or plan? Mr. Meade always used to tell me - (and I agree with him) - you are doing nothing more tha n tumblin g an the apparatus, and if you learn to tumble with farm, execution and extension, you 've done quite a bit. Si nce I could tumble pretty well I knew I wanted to be on all-around gymnast. In high school I did work in FX, LH , HB and PB. I never worked SH or rings in high school. In my freshman year at Southern Illinois I was st rictly a tumbler' and floor exercise man. I com peted in severa l area meets in Illinois _. the Mid-West Open and so on. I tumbled every day; that means double backs and double fulls, my whole four sequences. As I progressed through four yea rs of co llege I tumbled less and less. Mr. Meade had somethin g in mind when he had me tumble every da y in pract ice as a freshman. The more I worked the AA the better form I had, so I hod to tumble less. But I seemed to get better in meets because my form was bett er, because of the tumbling.

What is the natura l progression for a tumbler or trampolinist into apparatus gymnastics? Long horse vau lting, PB, HB and rings , and Floor EX would be the ve ry first after tumblin g. One ather thi ng about progression I want to say. When I was a freshman , every day at the end of practice the event I worked the most was SH. You don't often find a tumbler who can become a SH man. That's all I worked on for that whole yea r. Circles, circles and more circles, until I felt as much at home up there as I did on the ground. One other th ing. When I was in high school I was very big in the legs but small on top. You might say I hod no physique. Coach John Dragi told me I should do more exercises for streng th . I started religiou sly every night t o do 50 push-ups in the planche position with my feet on a chair. By my senior year I was doing 80 to 100 every night. This was not in the gym, but in my bedroom at home, before I went to bed. Th en, when the push -ups became easy I started doing handstand dips. I really extended myself to get strong. And it certainly

helped me with my endurance and strengt h at the end of on exercise. For examp le, at the end of my exercise on the rings I always had a hollow back and I didn't have to strain to get up in that hollow back handstand. It's very important for the young gymnast to find hi s weaknesses and try to develop from them. I think another big weakness I had was that I didn't learn enough extensions on the skills I learned when I was young. I think the first stunt I learned on the PBs was a front over-bar catch, and this was w rong. When my boys come to college I sta rt them ri ght at the beginning. They have to learn f ront uprises and goad handstands before they learn these more advanced stunts. When we go back to basics the advanced stu nt s come that much more quick ly.

What was the highlight of your college career? I think winning the national championships after being on a second place team for three years. Personally, a big paint was ~n '64 when the national champi onsh ips were held in California. I was running down for the LH and just before I came to the beat board I hit a piece of chalk, slipped and ran ri ght on past th e horse. I received a zero for the vault. I thought I had let Mr. Meade and the boys an the team dawn, and I didn't want to finish second again. I wanted to win and I ca me back. Up to that time I hadn't ever done a 9 an the LH in college and here I ended up with a 9.5 average. I had a 9.4 and fifth in the nation on the rings, came back from tehth place to seco nd an the pa rallel bars. It was all due to the fact that I ran past that long horse and let everyone down, and I wasn't about to do it again. Messing up the long horse made me a gymnast. I was either going to be poor after t hat or great. I wonted it bad enough to feel I was going to be the best gymnast going. That was my attitude from then on; I wanted to be the bes t. In the National AAU championship then I worked my way from 12th or 13th in the first trials to 3rd in the final trial s, and from then on it was all uphill.

looking back to Tokyo in '64, do you think if you had been better known internationally you'd have done even better? To be very honest, yes. I was just another American gymnast; no one knew me and they could care less. There were a couple of other thi ngs. My w ife was pregnant and due to have the baby. Also, I was bitten by an insect two days befo re the finals and had one eye completely closed. I' m not complaining. I was just happy to be there at the time. I didn 't feel

we hod a team when we went to Tokyo - we were too many individuals not wo rking together. As a competitor and a coach, what suggestions do you have for the training program in America? Three main things: One, it's very important to have clinics. Two, we need a compul sory program, not on ly in the colleges, like we have now in the NCAA championships, but also on th e high school level. Third is getting a notional coach for the United States. I think the USDF is considering it. I don 't know who it wo uld be- I don't feel I'm qualified in that I don't know that much about gymnastics. I learn with my boys - better techniques to use, a foster progression to get boy s to learn the right way, to extend, to stret ch everything they do and to learn it with form. How long have you been coaching at New Mexico? Three years. How many boys did you start with? I hod six boys. How did you do your first year? The first year they we re a mediocre team. I think they scored in the low one thirties. My first year they scored around 175, 179. We lost one meet to the University of Arizona, took second in the Western Ath leti c Conference, and I took three boys to the Notional Championships. My second yea r we were undefeated in the Western Athletic Conference and took fift h in the notion. And I thi nk I ha ve a finer team thi s year. I'm working against something of a problem. Before I got to New Mexico they allowed f reshmen to compete. Now they don't and I will lose two boys for the Notional Championships this year, two very outstanding gymnasts, Tom Gollianae and Rich ie McConnell. Both have scored in the side horse and severa l other events. Obviously, the drive you had as a competitor has carry-over values into coaching. I noticed your boys are sharp in their carriage on the floor. Do you have comments on things like that? Yes, I th ink there are a lot of things - little things - in gymnastics that the boys don't really toke into consideration. The coach, particularly the high school coach, should st ress not on ly form but appearance. When the boy sto rts on exercise and after the exe rcise he should look good. He should be proud of what he has done, I mentioned appearance. I know there's a big trend right now for boys wearing moustaches and sidebu rns. I don't ha ve that problem with my boys. They know I wouldn 't approve of it and they therefore don't wear them. They respect me enough not to wear them. In general, I see nothing wrong wi th sideburns or moustaches. It's a fashion , a trend. If the boys who wear them look neat and clean it is accepted. But, personally, on my team, no. I mean I'm not democratic about it. It's MY way or no way. You have certain things that you have carried over from Coach Meade, Right, thing s I learned from Mr. Meade, plus my own thoughts. I've picked up some new things that I thin k are important. I don't make rule s for my team. I have a few th ings that the boys know they're supposed to do, and some ideas how they're supposed to look. They are representing me as well as the university and the refore should oct accordingly. In other words, you don't give them free rein. Oh, no, not completely. Here's the way I look at it. I don't co re wha t time they go to bed, but they hod better not mess up the next day. There are a couple of things that I feel are most important for the young gymnast to learn, things I learned down in Florida when I went to the training camp they hod prior to '63 . That was in West Palm Beach and they stressed some of these important things: how to co rry you rself, better breathing, using you r diaphragm, taking a deep breath and throwing out your rib cage. Thin gs like recoil and how to punch. Not only on the ground but with tremendous effects on the long horse. They st ressed this fundamental about being proud to be proud. If you won t to be good, you have to be proud. There is a way of being effective and proud without being arrogant. Yes, this is t rue, this is what I hod in mind.

You represent yourself, the work you 've done and the coach, the training given you , Yes, and th is is what I try to stress to my boy s and what I wish more coaches would stress to their young gymnasts. Th ere's another thing, too. I went throu gh it in high school. I felt I was good, but I was a little hesitant about doing things becau se I was afraid my classmates wer-e going to call me a showoff. We hod a tendency to hold bock a little bit. How good could we really have been if we went all out without worrying about anyone coll ing us showoffs? If you play the piano , guitar, do a card trick, sing or tell jokes, everyone applauds, But if you do anything physical you 're a showoll, The boys must realize this and forget about it. Exactly right, forget about it. WE wont them to go out and put everythi ng into it. Everything, There's been a lot of talk about the lack of coaches in America, Is there a lack or is it that they're not the best, or is it programming? There's something very important here, that I th ink Sakamoto stressed in his article. We don't have gymnastic coaches who know technique. I don't feel that I am the greatest coach as for as technique goes. I've learned more in th e lost three years than I ever thought I would. Teaching tricks, and extension, th ings like that. But, as a gymnast, you don't realize that the coach has to think of the team, and the ma tter of winning if you wont to yet the money. You 've got to have a winner to get the backing. The coach has to toke all these thing s into consideration. Yes, we wont to train gymnasts to become world compet itors. I myself want to have several Olympic gymnasts in my coaching ca reer and I'd like to be on Olympic coach. Th is is something I will work for. But to get there I have to have a program, establi sh gymnastics. At New Mexico I think they averaged abou t fifty people at a dual meet before I got there. Now we are up to about three thou sand or thirty -five hundred people at a meet, which is, I think, an indication that we've established a winning program at New Mexico. Is this because of the way you present gymn~stics , as well as the fact that they're winning? Every body likes a winner, and if you'r'e winning, people are going to come to see you. Now, thi s is important. You have to get people into your gym, you 've got to make money for you r athletic deportment. This is something that the gymnast, when he is competing in colleg e, doesn't realize. I know I didn't. I didn't know what Mr. Meade was fighting for. What I'm trying to stress is that th e college coach has many factors to consider. If I didn't have scholarships I couldn't go out and recruit a Steve Hug or a Dove Repp. If I didn't have the money I couldn't get them to my university, because there ore too many oth er schools who have the money for scholarships to bring in these good kids. The coach has to establish the main program first. If I hod picked one all-a round gymnast the first few years I wouldn't have had a team, I wou ldn't have developed some of these young men who are possibly never going to be Olympic gymnasts but who are going to go out and coach in high school and do a fine iob. But, are you pushing toward all around? Yes, I am, very much so, I thi nk it is very important that we head towa rd the all-around program. Does this have to come through the high school program? Do you have any comment on high schools feeding the colleges? The high school coach has to get the kids into the gym. We didn't help them by throwing out the tram poline in college competition. I think trampoline invites the kids into the gym, and then they see that high bar or the parallel bar or the rings and soy ''I'm gonna try that" and th ey ge t interested in gymnastics. Every once in a while you find the kid who, once he's invited into the gym or sees the trampoline he knows he wo nts to be a gymnast. I didn't though. I was playing football in high school

and the coach come out to the tield one day and asked would I like to get into gymnastics. So, I started wo rking out every day after footbal l practice. Do you think gymnasts are a special breed? There's a saying th at gymnasts are better than people. But, yes, I thi nk they are a special breed. Do you feel that, no matter what sport a champion is a champion? That there is a kinship between all these men in all these sports? Yes, th ere's thi s thin g, the competitive drive. You can see it in a top performer. He goes in there and looks for the tight situa ti on, the clutch. He knows he's gonna go in there and do his best. He has that feeling of butterflies inside. I know he has because I got them when I was competing. But I knew th at I hod worked so hard, and that one routine was so important to me th at I was confident in myself. I wonted to do it better tha n I can rmog ine or tell you. What about the kid just starting in high school. He's scared and he goofs and just can't seem to get started, I think you find that the competitor is the one who covers up without anyone knowing that he messed up. He can bomb out completely, but the competitor will come through and try to cover. He won 't make facial expressions, or curse coming off the floor, or stomp his feet. One thing the you ng competitor in high school must learn. It's a proven fact that a iudge gets on irnpression of someone the first three fi fth s of a second he looks at him. So if, when you walk out on the floor, you look sloppy, whether it be your clothes, your beard, long hair, wha t have you, the iudge subconscious ly says " ... show me." You're going to have to be awful darn good to get a score. I tell my kids, sure you can wear a beard; iust score me a 9.9. Looking forward to '72 do you have any suggestions for the gymnasts who will be trying for the team? It's up to the co llege coaches to try to prepa re these boys as much as possible. On a notional level, I think our best gymnasts should come to more clinics. I don't know whe re Hug and Th or went ... Hug went to Berkeley and Thor went to Florida, This is good. They went to clin ics and these tap gymnasts are going to help the younge r gymnasts. I believe it is important tha t they try to relate their knowledge of gymnastics to the younger kids, like the things they learned in Mexico City. It will give the younge r gymnasts something to shoot for. Thi s is one very important thing th at can be done on the national level. Getting back to the national coach, Any other ideas about what he should do and be? It should be a permanen t place. The coach should be hired twelve month s a yea r. He should not only run the program in th e United States, he shou ld go to Europe to work with the finer coaches in Ru ssi a and Sweden, to As ia to wo rk with the Japanese, all over the wo rld . He should have orr opport unity to see their meets, to work out with them and possibly take some of our finer gymnasts with him and give them the chance to work out as wel l. One man couldn 't do all this, You 'd have to have an assistant. A very good point. Not only one assistant, I think you'd need two or three. We have a problem in the United States in that we ~ on't subsidi ze our athletes. I personally feel if I could have trained for anoth er four years and gone to Mexico City I could have done well. I don't thin k I have the techniques on a lot of stunt s. I have th e desire and the ability to win and the explosion that you need to go out there and give them a routine that they're not expecting. So if I cou ld have tra ined for another four years - but I have a family, I had to have a iob. I was hired by New Mexico and I was therefore co nsidered a professiona l. The Japanese and Russians are not, and yet we're competing against the m. There 's no need for a subsidy at a low~r level , however, is there? No, no. I was iust thinking of somethin g else here. Thi s has to be done now. Getting ready for 72 should ha ve started before '68 was over.




25 -












- .





























Northwest Louisiana State



MAY 1969



the MODERN GYMNAST magazine


Bosco, PHD



STERLlNG ,* LEROY F . and ROGER W . WEBB ,* * " Scoring Behavior of Gymnastics Judges " In recem years , competitive gymnastics in the United States has been subject to a n increasing interest by professional and lay persons. National, World and Olympic championships have been tele vised and pre se nted to the American public. High schools, colleges and universities conti nu e to add gymnastics to the physical education curricu lum. Increasingly, high school and collegiate leagues have been formed to facilitate and govern competition. The caliber of the pert'orming gymnasts has improved at all levels of competition. There is little question concerning the improvement in facilities, equipment , number and quality of coaches avail ab le and opportunities for competition. However, as is true with many other sports, questions arise concerning the competencies of gymnastic judges. I t would seem then that a study in this area would be justified. Gymnastic routines are scored o n the basis of execution , difficulty and combination. Four or five judges independently arrive a t a score for the performer's routine using cri teria establi shed by the Int ernationa l Gymnastics Federation. The performer's official score is usu a ll y determined by excluding the extreme high and low scores and averaging the remaining scores. For the purposes of the present study , it was assumed that agreement by th e judges in ranking the gymnas ts' routines might give insight into one phase of judging behavior. This somewhat distorts the official scoring procedure in that the scores of all the judges were considered, and ranking tend s to be less accurate in placing the performers relat ive to one another. Two rank-difference correlation methods were applied to the data in this study. Spearman 's rho (4:305-308) was used to determine ag reements between pa irs of judges ; a nd Kendall' s coefficient of concordance, W (8:94106) , was used to determine the communality of scores reported by a ll the judges. The scoring forms from the 1966 and 1967 Sout hern Interco ll egiate Gymna stic League C hampionships provided the data for this investigation. I n both meets , the services of four judges were utilized .

Review of the Literature Hun sicker and Loken (7) inves tigated the sco res of the 1950 National Co ll egiate Gymnastic Champions hip Fina ls. They found one paired judge correlat ion below 0.80. nine cor*Dr. Sterling is from the Department of Physica l Education , U niversi ty of Florida, Gai ne sville , F lorida. '*Mr. Webb is from Orangeburg, South Carolina. 18

re la tions between 0.80 and 0.849 , and 50 paired judge correlations of 0.85 or higher. Thejudges were in greatest agreement on the hori zontal bar event. Hughes (6) ana lyzed judges' scores from severa l University of Was hington dua l meet s. His ass umption was th a t a "true " score existed for each exercise a nd thus acce pted the difference between extreme scores as a meas ure of the judges ' agreement. The smaller the difference between the high and low scores , the bett er the quality of jUdging. The ave rage difference for the seve ral meets studied ranged from 6.7 to 9.0 points per event. Faulkner and Loken (2) examined the resu lts of the 1961 Wes tern Co nference a nd National Collegiate Athletic Association Gymnastic Meets. They correlated the individua ljudges' sco res with the official, or net , scores for each event and conc luded that the judges were in good agreement in ranking the gymnasts , even though a judge would occasionally sco re the pelformers on a hi ghe r o r lower scale.

Results The present s tud y was concerned with one phase of the behavior of gymnastic judges their agreement in ra nking pert'o rme rs in champion s hip meets. T ab le s I a nd II show the paired judge correlations for the finals of the se meet s. In the 1966 SI G L meet , there we re 25 in stance s where the judges demo nstrated extremely high ag reement (r =0.85-0.99, s ignifican t beyond the .0 I leve l); in 14 instances there was high agreement (r=O. 7 1-0. 93 , signiticant beyond the .05 leve l), a nd in nine in stances there was not a sufficiently high corre lation to be co ns idered signific a nt. The overlap of ,ignificance level s noted in the pa renthes is above is due to the va rying number of peti'ormers in the different even ts.

Table I Interjudge Scoring Agreement - 1966 SIGl Championship Finals EVENTS


Coniestont s A& B A& C A&C B&C B&D Floor Exercise 8 .74* .89** .93** .59 .83 * Side Horse 8 .90 ** .86** .88" .72' .98" Trampoline 8 .83* .78* .50 .77* .85** High Bar 8 .80' .96*' .89** .87** .80 ' Long Horse 1 7 .38 .81 * .42 .55 .58 Long Horse 2 7 .99" .95'* .9 5*' .96** .92 ** Parallel Bars 8 .95** .85** .75* .91** .74* Still Rings .8 1 • 8 .84** .90** .96** .58

C& D .76* .77* .49 .95 '* .62 .92'* .91 *' .87**

'Significont beyond the .05 level *'Significont beyond the .0 1 level

In the 196 7 SIG L meet , there were 16 ins ta nces where the judges demonstrated extremel y hig h agreemem (r=0 .85-0.99 , significa nt beyo nd the .0 I level), in 13 instances there was high ag ree ment (r=O. 71-0. 93 , sig nificant beyond the .05 le ve l) , and in 13 instances there was not a sufficient ly high corre la tion to be considered significant.

The factor of the communality of all the judges in scoring each event remains unacco unted. Table III presents the Coefficient of Co ncordance , W , for the finals of both the 1966 a nd 1967 S IGL C hampionship meets. In 14 of the 15 situations studied , the judges showed extremely high agreement (W =O. 767-0. 975, s ignifi ca nt beyond the .0 I level), and in the one remaining instance the agreement was quite good (W=.670 , significan t beyond the .02 level) . The judges were most in agreement in scoring the 1967 Side Horse event and 1967 Still Rings event while they concurred least in the sco ring of the 1966 Long Horse I event.

Table III Interjudge Scoring Agreement SIGl Championship Fina ls EVENTS


Contestants Floor Exe rcise Side Horse Trampoline High Bar Long Horse 1 Long Horse 2 Parallel Bars Still Ring s

1966 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 8

N .84** .89** .77** .91 ** .67* .96** .89**


1967 8 7 7 6 6 8 9

.97** .8 4** .78** .78** .78** .87**


Note, Judges' ,cores were not available for 1967 Floor Exercise.

·Sig nificant beyond the ,02 level ··Significont beyond the .01 level T ab le I V shows the inteljudge concordance in scoring the prelimina ries of the 196 7 S IG L C ha mpionships. The number of participa nts in th e eve nts ranged from a low of 22 in the Trampoline eve nt to a high of 29 in the Long Horse I. 1t is important to note th at in a ll in stances the judges showed extremely high agreement (W = 0.S25 -0.912 , signific a nt beyond ' th e .0 I level). The judges were most in agree ment in scoring the Side Horse even t and concur red least in [he Long Horse I .

Table IV Interjudge Scoring Agreement - 1967 SIGl Championship Preliminaries EVENTS CONTESTANTS COEFFICIENT OF CONCORDANCE 26 .83** Fl oo r Exe rcise 23 .9 1 ** Side Horse 22 ~O** Trampoline 24 .86 ** High Bar 29 .82** Long Horse 1 27 .83** Long Horse 2 26 .8r* Parallel Bars 26 .84 ** Still Rings *'Significant beyond the .0 1 level

Table II Interjudge Scoring Agreement - 1967 SIGl Championship Finals EVENTS


Contestants A&B Floor Exercise Side Horse Trampoline High Bar Long Horse I Long Horse 2 Parallel Bars Still Rings

8 7 7 6 6 8 9


.99** .86* .79 ' .50 .74 .90 ** .95 **


.95** .79.65 .74 .64 .61 .98**


.98'* .68 .79* .93' .61 .90*' .94**

.93** .86* .56 .71 .93* .85** .97**

Note , Judges ' scores were .not available for the. floor exercise - Significant beyond the .05 level -*Significont beyond the .01 level



.97** .77* .71.60 .67 .96*' .98 **

.98** .80* .78* .89* .7 1 .73' .97*'

Discussion Several interesting ques tions concerning the reli a bility, objectivity a nd va lidit y of judges' scoring were brought to light in the course of thi s in ves tigation. The va lidit y of the judges' scores wou ld seem to be an elusive en tit y. It is supposed that expert judges, relying on external a nd objec ti ve criteria, wo uld provide valid sco res . However , method s for measuring this are not readily' availab le . Brown , Mende nh all and Beaver ( I ) have investigated the reli ab ility of observations of behavior. Their di scuss ion of reliability shows it to be a trick y concept. It would seem that und er meet co ndition s we ca n only spe a k on th e ag re e ment of judges in the s pecific s ituation . Reports by others concerning the reliabilit y and objectivity of judges appear to be inap propriate application of the terms . Relia-

bi lity calls for repeated observations, a si tu ation not possible under meet conditio ns. Objectivity in judging could be increased through the app lication of a different method of reporting scores. This method wou ld require that the judges not confer or show each other scores during the competition. Under the present method , the showi ng of scores after each performance se rves as a feedback mechanism wh ich reduces the objectivity of scoring but undoubted ly increases the agree ment amo ng judges co ncerning the placement of rout ines in rank order. Although it was assumed that agreement by judges in ranking gymnast 's rou tin es might give insight into a phase of judging behavior, no value judgment was placed on level of agreement as a criterion for good judging. A high level of agreement might indicate th at the judges were all right ~ or all wrong. All that can be said is that they agreed. Fi lmed performances co uld provide answers concerning the reliability , objectivity and va lidity of judges' scoring under controlled si tuations. These findings could be applied to

further research under competitive conditions. They also might offer information that would improve the caliber and competence of judging of gymnastic performances if such might be deemed advisable.

Conclusion There was very good scoring agreeme nt between the gym nastic judges in the 1966 and 1967 Southern I ntercollegiate Gymnastic League Championships.



$4.50 eac h foo t enla rgement

Send us a negative of YOUR fa vo rite photo kola r o r block and white)We ' ll make yo u on MG GIANT 2 x 3 foot e nlargement .

7. Hunsicker, Paul and Newt Loken. " The Obiectivity of Judging at the National Collegiate Athletic Association Gymnastic Meet," Research Quarterly, 22A23 -426, December, 1951.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Brown, Bob Bunon, William Mendenhall and Raben Beaver. " The Reliability of Observations of Teachers ' Classroom Behavior." Paper read at the American Educa · tional Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, February 1 6, 1967.

B. Kendal, Mau rice G. Rank Correlation Methods. New York, Hafner Publishing Company, 1962.

2. Faulkner, John A. and Newt Loken. " The Judging of the 1961 Western Conference and National Collegiate Athletic Association Gymnastic Meets," The Modern Gymnast, 4,26· 27, January, 1962.

10. Patterson, A. Carl. " The Role of the Judge in Making the United States a World Power in Gymnastics," The Modern Gymnast, 9 ,27, January, 1967.

3. Festa, Angelo. "A Better System of Judging Gymnas·

9. Loken, Newt and John Faulkner. " A Funher Corrment on Gymnastic Scores," The Modern Gymna st, 4,25, March, 1962.

11 . Stebbins, Cloy. " Letters," The Mode rn Gymnast, 4,29, December, 1962.

Co rtoan used wllh permission of Ihe SOlu rdo y Evening Posl.

3. The front handspring, front somersault. (Pike or tu ck somie, ( difficulty). The height possible in this move makes conceivable the loy-out front somersault ond the fu ll-twi sting front some rsoult. Note particularly the head position of these two tumblers, both of whom achieve excellent height during the so mersoult. Important ports are the high front hand-


4. Guilford, Joy P. Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education. New York , McGraw·Hili Book Company, 1956. 5. Hen ry, Franklin M . "The Loss of Precision from Discard· ing, Discrepant Data," Research Quarterly, 21 ,145·152, May, 1950. 6. Hughes, Eric. " An Evaluation of Gymnastic Judging," The Modern Gymnast, 2,56-57, November-December, 1959.

Pnolo:, : permission of Allyn and Bocon, Inc.. publishers


tics," The Modern Gymnast, 4 ,2B, Nbvember, 1962.

spring which enobles the legs to be bro ug ht down almost underneath the tumble r's body, the body position during the time the feet are in conta ct with the floor, the total trajectory of the body from the toes to the head during lift-off. (ommon faults would be 0 bent-legged toke-off ond throwing the head down to initiate the some rsa ult. Next, the front roll , front somersault.

For each print, send $4 . 50 c heck o r money o rd er . Your negati v e and enlargement will be sen t t o you postpaid. Order from: MG GIANT PHOTOS Box 777 Santo Monico , Calif . 90406 California residents odd 5 % sales tax

NAKAYAMA'S HORIZONTAL BAR ROUTINE From Mexico City 1968 Reprinted with permission from Burgess publishers.





Ju st as a falling chimne y te nds to fold-in at it s weake r points. so too does th e body tend to fold-in at its weaker. or better sa id , articu la ted points. Since the shoulder region remains in a fully extended inlocated pos ition throughout the ski ll in its entirely. the above mentioned fold or decrease app li es solely to the hip a ngl e. Thi s ve ry slight hip pike. often refe rred to as "h ip lead ," is de monst rated in Ill ustrations C - D . The fully extended inl ocated shoulder angle a nd the sl ight ly decreased hip angle depicted in Illus trat ion E ad va nce the hips downward. preparing the body for

located s houlder a ngle. Illu strations G - H -I progress into thi s " hip lead" position. As the body approaches th e apex of the In verted (Inlocated) G iant Swing. the hip angle continu es its proportionate decrease. Such a n a ngle decrement , Illu stration I. yie lds a feeling of weightlessness. a lmost as if one were being pulled up above the bar. I t is during this feeling of we ig htlessne ss that the s lipgrip ac tion of the hands is realized. The wrist s are arched onto the top of the bar to provide support for the oncoming body weight. The body unit then returns to the inlocated hands tand position a s originally depicted in Illu stration A. Upo n returning to Illustration A. the gymnast will se nse a "stall effect " in th at the circular velocity is negligible during the a pex of the swing. I n thi s s kill. therefore. the body continues 10 and 1101 Ihrol/gh Illustrati on A. It is not until the hip a ngle begins again to increase that any appreciable movement becomes apparent. The sa me procedure is followed for additional I nverted (Inlocated ) Giant Swings. The return to Illu stration A places the gymnast in an ideal position for any of the sequ entially re lated s kill s.

an oncoming and necessary beat. This beat ur " bot-

A SECOND LOOK AT SWING 漏 By Gerald S. George Va.rsity Gymnastic Ooaclt Louisiana. State University

tomi ng effect" extends the hip and lower back segments. driving the body into a slightl y arc hed position. Illu st ratio n F emphasizes the resulting ac tio n of thi s " bottoming effect." The bod y is cocked as in a n arc her's bow ready to release it s potential force in coordination with the upward circular swing. The " bottoming effect " of the bar se rves as a cue in releas ing the previously mentioned s lightly arched body pos ition. The gy mnast must immediately follow up this act ion by decreasing the hip angle in direct proportion to the upward c ircul ar swing while slill lIlain/ainin!! the aforem e ntioned fully extended in-


INVERTED GIANT SWING The si ngle most important aspect of the I nlocate Giant can be found in the "bottoming effect" of the sw ing realized in Illustrations o - E - F. Precise observation reveals that a lthough the hips lead through the lower verticaL there is a n immedi ate a nd pronounced hip extension on the initial aspec t of the upward circular swing. Such an ac tion serves not only as a timing cue for th e oncoming hip angle decrement , but also as a stabilizer for maintaining full and complete rea rward ex tension of the shoulder girdle. Thi s consideration will significantly enhance both the mecha nical efficiency and the aesthetic a mplitude of the entire swing. Philosophers would call this concept. "a moment of truth ; ' psychologists would call it " the lun atic fringe:' yet the champion gymnast would simp ly call it , " a firm grasp of the obvious'路 .... Inlocate Giant Swings can be great fun , especially if you're the kind of guy who really likes to " hang one on '路 ... however don 't fail to take that second look at correct mech anical technique . or you may be "head-over-heels" behind the next guy. Send in your reques ts to the M.G. for those sk ills you wou ld like to see analyzed. They need not be limi ted to Horizontal Bar. Ill ustration A depict s an inl ocated ha ndstand pos iti o n with an undergrip. The hip angle is totally decreased with refe ren ce to it s specific anatomical range of motion : the shou lder angle is exte nded rearward to its fullest ra nge wit hout as ye t incu rring di slocatiun: and the ent ire body unit is so positioned that its gravitat io na l line li es slightl y in front of the intended direction of mo ve men t. A vigo rous extensio n of the hip a ng le initi ates the In verted G iant Swing. Ca reful observatio n reveals that thi s angle increment. a lthough quite vigorous. is such th at the legs do not transce nd a direct stra ight line relations hi p with the trunk. The s houlder angle remains in the aforeme nti o ned full y extended positio n of inloca ti on. A primary objective of extending the body line so that the greatest a natom ical radius of rot a tion re lative to the in located body pos ition can now be realized . Refer to Illustration B. 22

Volume 1 - Horizontol Bor Se ction "A" - Bosi c Giani Swings Number 4 - - I nve rted (I nlocated) Gian I Swing






Co ncerning th e new FI G Code of Points: I. Closed Scoring: The FI G feels that c losed scoring is the beller way to go but it sure s lows up the meet a nd it is felt by so me that c losed scoring take s something from th e a udien ce by not lelling th e m in o n the scorin g. The nex t compe titor is usua ll y on before the sco re is po sted. Mos t ./udges a nd Coac hes prefer o pe n scorin g. 2. Only o ne spo iler : Thi s rule does not see m necessa ry fo r NCAA co mpe titi o n but F IG s ta tes very c lea rl y th a t a pena lt y w ill be assessed for more th a n o ne s pott e r.

3. Good Posture o n Mount : Thi s ap plies to mounting the rings a nd /or horizo nta l bar a nd means th a t o ne is to ma intain good form in jumping to the a pparatus. O ne may adjus t one's g rip to ge t false grip for examp le but o ne mu st have good form w ith legs a nd feet in th e process. 4 . Swinging " C' Pa rt : A very significa nt addi tion to th e C od e is the requirement fo r sw ingin g "C' part s. Th e Code states th at in th e prelimin a ries , or as th e F IG refe rs to it. the " All Around Co mpetition:' gy mn as ts a re required to have a sw ingin g "C' pa rt in th e ir pa rall e l ba r rout in e. I n the fi na ls fo r fl oor exe rcise. Rin gs . a nd pa ra ll e l bars o ne of the "C ' parts mu st be of th e sw in g type . 5. Strength in FX : If yo u ha ppe n to have a co py of th e origin a l U SG F ve rsion of the new code the stre ngth require me nt was omilled . The FIG ve rsio n is co rre ct. 6. Re peating Pa rt s: Th e code of points is quit e clear in sta tin g that if a pa rt is performed three times th e deduct ion is . 1-.2. There is more th a n o ne idea he re a bout what to do when the sa me mo ve is r e rfo rmed th e seco nd tim e in a J'Olltine. Mo st offi c ials are following thi s - if

A-parts 1-7


sa me part is performed in ex actly sa me manner th e re is no deduction but th e part does not cou nt for difficulty but if the sa me pa rt is performed the seco nd time but in a different combi na tion or different st yle (such as tucked , layout , etc.) it count s for diffi c ult y. A lso. for whe n part is pe rfo rmed third time C ode does not say whethe r th e difficult y is give n - most judges are givi ng the difficult y if performed III a differe nt co mbinati o n but not if the sa me part is performed in th e sa me manner a nd in th e sa me co mhina ti o n. 7. VaU lt ing: The 1968 code indi ca tes th a t the va ulter is to indi cate the e nd of the horse hi s ha nd s will la nd o n pri o r to beginning his run. Thi s can be don e ve ry eas il y wi th the use of a draw ing s uch as the following : N CAA Judges Mee ting: At the 1969 NCAA meet the judges dec ided th a t if a gy mnast does pre-R S to ha nd sta nd o n the floor he must ho ld it 2 sec. for full difficult y valu e a nd to satisfy the stre ngth requirement. The gu ideline used here was o ne sec. If move he ld o ne sec. diffi cu lt y give n a nd deduction o nl y for duration of hold. Thi s was tru e for all events . listed below is the sec ond in a series of articles co ncerning changes in FIG A·D-C parts.

B- parts 1·2





Mak 1·8





11 -8

11 ·9

~~l~$=~ !Wt~t~

IV· 7


,"\\ ~

~M~ New

tt~\ ~


Wa, "8"




~~(t~i~t~~ IV·2



Jljs0:~ VI- 13 80th were " 8"




Was " 8"

VI II ·4 Pictu res are in wrong place see 8·8


Was "C"



VIII -25 New









VI I-6



X- 4

Was " 8"



l&~ X-14



fft~~~~ IX-5







Was " ("


FIG CODE OF POINTS The F.I.G. Code of Points for Men .. . 96 pages of the International Rules for men . .. all the " A-B-C parts" included. Order from the U.S.GJ., P.O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona 85717. $3.50 per copy.

~?: dti


VII -15


VIII -15




VIII -2 1'


VIII -24


VIII -27









to promote gymnastics because of its inherent physical fi tness values, etc. and have not wai ted for someone else to lead th e way. The t eams marched in at 2:00 p.m. to a " star,ding room only" crowd of very enth usiastic spectat ors. Floor exercise and side horse were the first events of th e afternoon. Cornell ' won first and second with a terrific display of tumbling by Mike Hammell. Bob Allstad t (Cornel l) and To m Weig le (Dartm outh) and Phil Frost

routine that would place high in any league. Lynn displayed extremely fa st shoot work, good cross execution and finished wi th a well-controlled double back somersault. Following Lynn were Tom Weigle (Dartmoutn) and Phil Frost (Yale). Bob Allstadt and Russ Wiggen of Cornell placed first and second in vaulting with Jeff Rogers of Dartmouth third. Bru ce Bolnick won the parallel bar event with on 8.15; Chris Cai n (Dartmouth) and Mi ke Hum mel (Cornell) tied for second and Jeff Rogers (Dartmouth) was third . Cornell swept th e horizontal bar Lynn Williams, Russ Wiggi n, and Bob Allstod!. Cornell won th e team title with 126.105 ; Yale was second with 108.435; and Dartmouth was third with 104.455. The level of compet ition in the Ivy League has increa sed tre mend ously in th e last two years. The major proble m that exists is th at of manpower. Often the coaches cannot place more th an the minimum th ree men in a pa rticular event. The Ivy League schools will probably rever present a notional threat as a team, but we con continue to produce

Ivy League




Ivy League

the athletic associations of the se great univers ities cou ldn't demonstrate enoug h intere st in their ded ica ted young gymnasts to provide a small amount of financial aid. Appa rently, this country still suffers f rom popularity fever which tends to over-emphasize the al ready prosperous sports and hold back the growth of new acti vi ties. Fort unately, Cornell, Yale, Dartmouth and the University of Pennsylvania have coaches and athletic departments that are eager

and th ird respectively with very clea n, well -executed routines. The side horse competition was characterized by w eak routines with the exception of Bruce Boln ick (Yale) and Russ Wiggen (Cornell). Bolnick received the hig hest score of the meet wi th an 8.80. Unfortunately, that score does not reflect th e exce llence of perform ance that Bruce demonstrated. Lynn Williams (Co rnell) won the still ring s with an 8.60 average and had a

individual greats such as Ru ssell Mills and Bruce Bolnick.

MG HIGH SCHOOL REPORT! Don't forget th e MG Ann ua l High School State and District 1969 Gymnastic Championships will be published soon in the MG ... SEND IN YOUR REPORTS if you want to see your High School Championsh ips in this SPECIAL MG EDITI ON ... Do it NOW! ... Include fi rst 6 teams .. first 5 All-Around men and fir st 3 places in each event. .. same of th e top routines and a photo of the top team and individual high poi nt men (in acti on) Rush! Rush! Ru sh! Don't be left out.

NJCAA CHAMPIONSHIPS MIAMI, Fla. - The Facon gymnast s of Miami-Dade Junior College North captu red the first NJC AA Gymnastics Championship held on March 7-8. M iami-Dade Junior College North, host of the event. scored an impressive 134.875 points to cop the title. Close behind the Falcons was Odessa, Texas with 129.60 points. Third place went to Na ssau, NY (73.5) and fourth place to Brevard, Florida (4 1.45). The deciding factor in the meet was the complete domination of the stil l ring event by Miami-Dade Junior College North. The Falcons swept the first three places in the still ring event while Odessa was only able t o secure a sixth place position. Leading th e Falcons in thi s competition was Steve Albert (l st), Harold Bockhorn (2 nd) and Roland Lopez (3rd). Miami- Dade North took a first and third in the coveted all-around competition with Roland Lopez (l st) and Fronk LeGrand (3rd ). Ron Webb of Odessa took second in th at event. Miami-Dade North also copped a firs t and second place in th e long horse va ult wi th Roland Lopez and Bob Spenser respectively. Odessa took fi rst place honors in floor exercise (Pat Hamilton), parallel bars (Mike Torrez), side horse (Fred Carden as) and high bar (Ga ry Heortsfield). Odessa took first and second in the trampoline comp etition with Pat Hami lton and Richard Womack takin g the honors. The trampoline event is not counted in team standi ngs, however.

the Universi t y of Pennsylva nia were contested by three schools with on ly t wen t yfi ve gymnasts). In 1969 the number has grown to 36 con testants with six schools repre sen t ed and six all -a r ound performers. Unfortunately, the representative s from Harvard and Princeton did not have coaches or even adequate uniforms and th erefore, must have suffered some embarrassment while performing . It's a pity that th e phys ica l education and/ or



I . Mia mi-Dade North, Florida (M) I 34.B75 2. Odessa, Texas (0) 129 .60 3. Nassau, New York (N) 73.50 4. Brevard, Cocoa, Florid a (B) 41 .45

INDIVIDUAL RESULTS AA: Roland Lopez (M) 44.60; Ron Web (0) 41 .08; Frank LeGrand (M) 38 .53 ; Richard Womock (0) 3325 ; Gene Ca rney (N) 28.95; Joe Emmel (B) 25.60. R: StEve Albert (M) 8. 175; Harold Boc khorn (M) B.05; Roland Lopez (M) 7.75. FX : Pat Ha mi lton (0) 8.55 ; Roland Lopez (M) B.40; Ron Webb, (0) B.375. P8 : Mike Torrez (0) 8.175; Roland Lopez (M) 7.725 ; Ron Webb (0) 7.50. LH : Roland Lopez (M) 8.687; Bob Spenser (M) 8.625; Richard Womack (0) 8.575. SH: Fred Cardenas (0) 7.5; Don Hoecherl (M) 7.35; Steve Snow (0) 6.3. H8: Gary Heartsfield (0) 8.575 ; Steve Albert (M) 7.5; Frank LeG rand (M) 7.25. TRAMP : Pat Hamilton (0 ) 8.65 ; Richard Womack (0) 7.8; Greg Wilcockson (M) 6.175.

SECOND IVY LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIPS The second annual Ivy League Championships were held at Carnell Universit y in Ithaca, New York an March 8, 1969. This competition demonstrated the continued growth of Ivy League gymnastics with the presence of representati ves from six schools (The 1968 Championshi ps at

THE E.I.G.l. TOURNAMENT The E.I. G.L. tournament was held at West Point, New York, this yea r on March I 3-1 5. Eight teams, including perennial powerhouses Penn State, Temple and Springfield, were represented. Penn State took th e team title with a comfortable margin, and the Nittany Lions' Bob Emery


won the All -a ro und, edging teommate Dick Swetmon. Tea m Sta ndings : Penn State (PS) 1 63.08, Temple (T) 157.69, U. of Moss. (M) 151.9 1, Springfield (SP) 148.73, Navy (N) 1 50.73, Army (A) 147.08, Pittsburgh (P) 52.68, Syracuse (SY) 33.30. AA: Bob Emery (PS) 109.00, Dick Swet路 man (PS) 100.28, Barry Weiner (T) 99.43, Fred Turaff (T) 98.83, Joe Litow (PS) 95 .68. FX: Weiner (T) 9.375, Clark (PS) 9.275, Emery (PS) 9.075. SH : Emery (PS) 8.77, Kindon (PS) 8.65, DiFurzo (T) 8.60. SR: Del Gallo (M) 9.47, Ve xler (PS) 9.45, Sta lter (SY) 9.27. LH : Geist (T) 9.04, Swetman (PS) 8.98, Vexler (PS) 8.96. PB : Emery (PS) 9.05, Weiner (T) 8.70, Swetman (PS) 8.50. HS : Turoff (Y) 8.70, Swetman (PS) 7.45, Emery (PS) 7.40.

R. Fasano (B). PB: John Sweetland (S R), R. Rug ile (B), R. Fasano (B). Free X: John Con lin (B), A. Velsmid (B), S. Moline (B). Vau lt : John Conlin (B) G. Horva th (B), G. Alexander (P). Rings : James Di Tucci (B) 7.40, J. Sweetland (SR), R. Fasano (B). TU : John Conlin (B) 6.80, S. Moline (B),

M. Wash (P).

High lights: John Conlin from Bishop Reilly - Triple winner. James Di Tucci from Bishop Reilly - Double winner. John Sweetland of St. Raymon d's - Double winner.

San Gabriel 14th Annual Gymnastic Invitational Report by Paul E. Morquez This meet, first of its kind to be held in me CIF, is now the oldest, biggest and best of Southern California High School gymnastic invitotionols. San Gabriel HS is unique in tha t it has separate gyms fo r boys and girls, one of which is used for warm-ups. This year 23 schools participated in the event using San Gabriel's high calibre equipment. The crowd numbered over 1400. They sow outstanding routines by Steve Diqqle of Lakewoo d High on the Rings and High Bar, and by Junior Jim Mcfaul of Westminster Hig h in Free X, Tumbling and Long Horse. Te am Sta nd ings: Lakewood 21 Y2, Westmin ste r 20, Milliken 14Y2, Wilson 14Y2. Outs t andi ng Routines: TU, Jim McFaul, R, Steve Diggle. SH : Greg Williams (Pasadena). fill: Steve Ruprecht (South Hills). Free X: Bob Brumm (Lakewood). PS : Rudy Ginez (Baldwin Park). Rope, Paul Ra lston (Westminster). LH: Steve Gerlock (Milliken). Report from G. Hutchinson

COLUMBUS INVITATIONAL The seco nd Annual Columbus Invitational Meet was held in the Downtown YMCA, December 1 5, 1968. Under Meet Director Jerry Baker, the Men's portion of the meet went smoothly. Outstanding events were Side Horse and Rings, and the outstanding routine was by Larry Weise on SH . Team Standing: Cleveland Swiss Turners (Swiss) 108.65, Columbus Gymnastic Club (CGC) 107.65, Louisvi lle American Turners (LAT) 73. 10. AA: Bruce Trott (un ott) 52.20, Ray Gura (Swiss) 48.1 5, G. Hutchinson (CBC) 42 .1 5. FX : Ray Gura (Swiss) 8.85, Mike Grimes (Swiss) 8.45, Bruce Trott (U natt) 8.35. SH : La r ry Wiess (Unatt) 9.0, Bruce Trott (Unatt) 8.85, Ray Gura (Swiss) 8.50. R: Jeff Zimmerman (Dayton Y) 8.75, Marty Bell (CGC) 8.55, Terry Phipps (Cedarville) 8.35. HB :. Bruce Trott (Unatt) 8:40, Joe Latella (CGC) 7.15, Gary Gammage (CGC) 6.95. PB: Bruce Trott (Unott) 9.0, Ra y Gura (Swiss) 7.50, Gary Gammage (CGC) 7.15. LH : Bruce Trott (Unatt) 9.25, Ray Gura (Swiss) 8.80, Joe Latella (CGC) 8.60. Note , Men's team result was largely decided by competitors placing lower than third. TR : Joe Latella 8.05, Don Phillips 8.0, Matt Littman 7. 1. TU: Joe Latella 8.2, John Sositro 7.85, Ken Huntsman 7. 10.

Son Gabriel H.S. Invito tiona I

First New York State Catholic High School Gymnastic Championsh ips, March 15, 1969 Report by Norman Hoffman Tea m Results: Bishop Reilly (B) 101 Y2, Na za reth (N) 34, Power Memorial (P) 25, St. Raymond's (S R) 19, LaSalle (l) 1, St. Mary's (SM) 0. In divi dua l Re sults: Ro pes: James Di Tuddi (B) 4.25 , D. Quinn (B), R. Fa sa no (B). HB : Don Corti lillo (N) 4.90, A. Velsmid (B), J. Di Tucci (B). SH : John Sweetland (SR) 7.30, R. Rugile (B), 26

1969 Great Britain AA Champions , Margaret Bell & Stan Wild (Photos by Alan E. Burrows)

Two In Row For Roosevel t Roo sevelt School won its second straight gym title, capturing the 4th annual Anoka- Hennepin Junior Hig h crown in a meet held at Anoka, Minn. in late Ma rch. Bruce Bennett of Jackson won the al l-arou nd.

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Jefferson, Iowa 50129


' '


LETTERS EAST SIDE- WEST SIDE ALL ARDUND THE TOWN Dear Editor: Th e entire I'arsity gymJUlstics tea m of Long Island Uni! 'ersity comes from th e Nell' York M etropolitan area. Brooklyn. Th e Bronx. West chester and Lon!? Island hll\'e all contributed. Th e Big City Bla ckbirds hape a tough nine m ee t schedule this yea r. S hown in picture are (L to R) H yman. Rost. Higg ins . Franqui. Hudon. DeMo re. Coach Robert H ess. Perrone. TOJ1wck. K eller. A lbrecht. Schoen. and Simnowit z. Sincerely. Bob G esslein Nell' York. N . Y.

Above, Varsity. Long Island University

Below , Rich Schwarz. Montclair State College

MOST VALUABLE Dear Editor: Thought you'd like to kn oll' about Rick S chwarz. who is leading Montciair State College (N.1.) to its best yew' in gym nastics. Rick. ji-OIl1 Morris Plains. N.J. is (' utstanding in fou r events: FX. LH . PB . and J B. Only 5'8" and 138 Ibs. Rick has pra ctice f twelve months a yea r to ach iel'e his prest 1t form. Coach Terry Orlick has hopes his star will qualify for the Nat ional NCAA Championsh ips. Rick was selected as th e Indians' 1I10st m luable gymnast fo r the past tIVd seasons. A t the moment Rick's aim is to better th e marks he set last season. when he captured 24 firsts in elel路enmeets. Sincerely. Dick Stahlberger Montciair, N.1.

Shreveport Gymnastic Supply Company 1968 MEXICO OLYMPIC FILMS Super 8 -

LET' S TEACH ROUTINES The complete " Let 's Teach Routine s" series by Dr . Wi lliam Vincent published in t he Modern Gymnast magazine has been compiled t ogether into one pamphlet and is available for iust $ I . Coaches and P.E. inst ructors should find this work very handy (with discounts up to 50 % for large order s) for use as

a classroom te xt. One copy .......................... $ 1.00 each Fifty copies ...................... .75 each One hundred copies .50 each Order from: LET'S TEACH


Box 771 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406


in color

Complete winning and runner-up optional routines on all Olympic events. Taken at 24 fps and edited from 路 2000 feet of film taken from choice locations. Highly educational. No rentals. Men's - 400 ft. .............. $32.00 Ppd. Women's - 400 ft. ........ $32.00 Ppd. Order from: FRANK ENDO

12200 So. Berendo Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. 90044 Bind Your MG Volumes We will. bind your complete set of MG's in hard binding w ith your name embossed and choice of co lo r( .green brown) for just $7.50 per volume. Send you r sets and specify co lo r and riarre imprint desired.



Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406

P. O. Box 5374 Shreveport, La. 71105 Suppl iers of 1968 U. S. Women 's Olympic

Gymnastic Team 1968 Wor ld Trampoline Team


Our stock items are shipped the day your order is received . We stock most gymnastic clothing items and accessories. Send for our catalog MODERN GYMNAST HARD BOUND EDITIONS

For Libraries & Schools - We have a very limited num ber of complete bound editions of The MODERN GYMNAST MG Vol. # 1 to # ,X (Complete) ....... $125.00 Box 777 Santa Monica, Calif. 90406


Don Wilkinson whose photos have appeared in Modern Gymnast covered the Olympic Games p'hotographically in color and black and white. He has prod~ced a fully illustrated catalogue showing over 1,500 contact size black and white prints (with over 400 of Gymnastics) . Also listed are the color transparencies taken. This catalogue, price $1.00 is now available from - DON WILKINSON , 1013 8th AVENUE, GREELEY, COLORADO 1.10631.

Cost of Slides 1 to 9 slides 10 to 24 slides .. 25 to 49 slides

50c each 47c each 45c each

50 to 99 slides .. ......... ...... .40c each 100 to 249 slides .. . ......... 38c each 250 or more .. ........ ... .. ...... .. .35c eaclt

Cost of Black and White Prints 5 x 7 - $1.00 each - set of 10 prints $ 900 - set of 25 prints $20.00 8 x 10 - $1.50 each - set of 10 prints $14.00 - set of 25 prints $32.50 11 x 14 - $4.25 each - .. t of 10 prints $39.25 - set of 25 (price availablt on request)

'CASH WITH ORDERS PLEASE MG PIN (& Booster Button) Box 777 Santa Monica, Ca . 90406 Enclosed please find one new subscription to The MODERN GYMNAST magazine . Pl ease se nd me my MG PIN and Booster Button. Make check payable to: SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS


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Continued from page 7

We arrived sleepy, but as excited as an y bunch of kid s could be. We we re greet ed by a delegation of peopl e from th e U .S. Embassy . loca l gymnasts and cit y offic ials. They realized how tired we were and showed us to our qu a int . clean lodge in a q uiet part of town. After a little rest and lunch th ey took us to the down town gym for a n exhibition with two Equadorian teams from Quito and Guayaquil. Th e crowd was quite res ponsive and e njo ye d our performance. After the exhibition we we re mobbed by the folks as was typi ca l of ma ny of our appearances. The people of S. A meric a had never seen gymnastics before. so they we re alway s quite excited a bout ta lking to us or just seeing us up c lose. When we occasionally pelformed before an unu sua ll y zea lo us crowd we so metim es had to be esco rted into th e dress ing rooms to escape th e mob. The Beatl es never had it so good. During our stay in Quito we made a TV appearance, da nced with the I ndian s in the streets of Ca lderon , toured the city with our new gymnastic friend s a nd , generally , had a fabulou s time. Our re prese ntative , Andy Wilkinson, naid us a grea t compliment as we dined at hi s home. He said th at in th e s ixteen years he had been in Quito he had ne ver see n North Americans so well recei ved by all. He was trul y pl ease d and we were proud. Upon. de parting, we felt th at we could never have a better time th an we had in Quito. Our ne xt stop was in Guayaquil, Equador, where , aga in , we were well rece ived at our exhibitions. Guayaquil happened to be the pl ace where our bu sy, on-the-go life see med to catch up with us. Grigsby came down w ith the first case of " Montezuma 's Re ve nge" (M R-diarrhea) , J o hn Elias hurt his bac k, Kimba ll hi s wrist. All of us were just not adjusted to the heavy schedules. When we left for Lima, Peru we were all exhausted and didn 't think we were go ing to ma ke it through the rest of the tour. Luckily our first day in Lima was a day of rest. T hat day we attended a lunch eon-press conference before TV cameras and radio mik es while reporters fired que stion s at Kimba ll. We a ll felt quite important. During our stay in Lima we became good friends with the Minist er of Education for Peru, Sr. Carlos Rojas Roj as. He went out of hi s way e very fiv e minutes to make our stay ple asa nt by tak in g us to steam-baths , luxuriou s meal s, souvenir shopping and even arranged a party in our honor our las t night there (con chiquitas bonitas .) A mong th e array of dinners, parti es, horseraces, teas and interviews there was some work on our part. We averaged about one exhibition or clinic per day which always made us fee l th at we were ea rning our keep. With Mike along we didn't have too much of a pro blem with the communication , but it was a problem after the ex hibition s when the re st of us feit a little ina dequate with the langu age . Grigsby kept as king, "Mike' What's she say ing, what 's she saying?" After the good life in Lima we were all about ten pound s h a ppi e r a nd r ea d y to move on. Our fancy farewe ll part y moved down to the airport and after ma ny sad a nd happy good-byes we depa rted for Rio de Janeiro. Braz il. Again , we said to each other that we couldn ' t pos sibl y have a better time th an we had in Lima! Early on Sept. 16th we a rri ved in Rio a nd were gree ted by N a nc y Kincade, a U .S. Embassy represe nt ative. Grigsby , our geographer, had told us about how beautiful the area was going to be : the fabulous beac:hes, Sugar-Loaf Mountain, the Co rcovado and the peaceful bays. We di scovered that his expl anations were inadequate. Rio is just a down right bea utiful sy nth es is of Miami , San Fran30

cisco, and New York with a World 's Fair A rchit ec ture . We sta yed at a Brasilian Army training base located at th e fo ot of Suga r Loaf a nd 50 ya rd s from th e bay. We unpacked a nd fell asleep , so me on the beach and so me in the dormitory. During our six-day stay we we re take n sight -see ing a lm os t eve ry day to th e be ac hes of Copacaba na, Sao Co rado . Leb lan a nd Ipa nima, to the top of the e normou s s tatu e of C hri st. Co rcovado, and up the tram-way to the top of Sugar Loaf. Grigsby and I shot abo ut five or six roll s of movie film ap iece and wished we had more . Our guid es were English-speaking officers of age 25 whi ch made our touring a rea l blast. They kept us in stitch es . Our exhibitions were a little easier because of a few loca l gy mnasts who backed us up. Some of the gy mnasts in Rio we re quite good on so me events. We performed in front of great crowds a t YM CA's , sport s clubs . Universities a nd the Army Base. Our guides always had so mething exciting for us to do before or after our pelform ance s, so we were never at a loss for something to do. Busy hav ing fun is abo ut th e best way I can de sc ribe our s tory in Rio. Whil e in Rio we side-trac ked for four days to Porto Alegre , Santa Maria a nd Belo Hori zonte . We met a great numbe r of e nthu sias tic peopl e w ho a lways m ade our qui c k stops memorable. tired as we might have been. Once , in a very sad condition we trave led by van over dirt road s fro m Porto Alegre to the little to wn of Santa Maria . The entire town was ve ry qui e t and deso lat e: we were put up in dormitori es at a pa rti a ll y built uni ve rs ity that was co ld and mosq uito-ridde n. Most of us had been afflict ed w ith MR. Thi s see med to make us a little pessimistic a bout the ex hibition we had to do that ni ght. We prepare d to do our thing very une nerge ticall y, hardl y speak ing a wo rd as we drov e to the sports aren a in to wn. Wh en we finally dressed and wa lked onto the floor we were greeted by a resounding cheer from 5,300 e nthu siasti c peop le (\4 of the e ntire town). We ju s t cou ldn ' t believe it l The adrenalin began to pump agai n, a nd we turned on for the crowd like ne ver before I It was events like thi s that kept our moral e boiling when our bodies didn ' t want to move. A ll in a ll I think we had the mo st MR , pineapples, fun , exhibitions . confusion, surprises and me t the most people and gy mnas ts in Bras il. We neve r knew what was going to happen nex t, but it usually ended up in good times for a ll of us. We hated to leave o ur sun shin e paradi se and new friends . but we had to mo ve on. We left for Caracas , Venezuela , on the 27t h with sad hea rt s once aga in. It took a bout five hours over jungle, equ ator a nd A mazo n River before our a rri va l. We loved the non -s top nap and were glad for th e seco nd day of re st. We rounded out our tour w ith Fred trying to stud y during free time , John nurs ing hi s MR and fighting with hi s girl by phone , Mike kee ping th e books and Grigsby a nd I sw imming as often as we could. The equipme nt in Venezuel a we found to be exce ll e nt as we re all athl eti c facilities . One gym in whi c h we did two pe rforma nc es had a Reu the r F loor Ex. sys te m like the one used in Mexico C ity . The gymnasts from th at area were ve ry good floor ex. men beca use of it. Durin g a side-trip to Maracaibo we ran into C rod C hin (ex-U. of Ca l. gym nast) who is in the Peace Co rp s there. H e a rra nge d a fine ex hibition for us with the addi tion of hi s gY lJlnas ti c produ cts from that c it y. A couple of hi s stude nt s were doing very good tumbling for only one year in the s port. Each exhibition in Venezuela too k place in spo rt s ce nt e rs which see med to be ve ry popul ar. Caracas had five huge , ultra- modern centers that acco mmodat ed nearly eve ry s port imag inab le.

On Oc t. I s t we bid o ur fin a l good-byes to So uth America: hap py to ge t back to the U .S., but sad we co uldn 't see a ll of our new acquaintances before we depa rted , A lthou gh th at was n't poss ibl e we did spend a lot of time re mini sc ing ove r th e fant as tic ex peri e nces th at few peop le will ever have in a lifetime. I think we ' re a ll luck y to be gy mn as ts. With a lot of work a nd a littl e lu ck gymnastics has proven to me to be mu c h more th an ju st th e greate st sport as k a ny of the fe llow s who mad e th e trip .

SUMMER GYMNASTIC CAMPS & CLINICS Eastern Gymnastic Clinic: Session 1; June 22·29, Session: 2 August 24·31. Comp Skymou nt, Greenlo ne, Po. For further tn fo: Eastern Gym Clinic, 8009 Rugby St., Philo., Po. 19150. Rusty Mitchell GymnastiC Camp: La s Vegas, New Mexico. Session 1 - June 14·2 1. Session 2-August 23·30th. For furthe r info. write: "C amp of Champions" P.O. Box 11 11 , Las Vegas, New Mexico, 8770 1 12th Annual Summer GymnastiC Clinic: Michiga n State Univ. East Lansing , M ichig an. Aug ust 10·15, 1969 . For. further info. writ e: George Szypula, Clinic Director NSGC Michigan State Un iv., East Lan si ng, Mich. 48823. Northern California Gymnastic Camp: Cam p Gua lala, Calif. , August, 1969. For further Info. write: Ernie Marinoni, Phy. Dir. YMCA, Berkeley, Calif. Sokol Gymnastic School: 6 one week sessions, July and August. For further Info. write: Sokol Woodlands, Barryville, New York 12719. Southern Calif. Gymnastic Camp : Camp Arbalata, Mt. Gorgonio. August 25-31 st, 1969. For further info. write: Gordie Maddux, Cal State L.A., 515 1 State College Drive, Las Angeles, Calif. 90032. Institute in Advanced Gymnastics: Indiana State University. For information write: Roger Counsil, dir. Sch. of H. P. E.&R. Indiana State Univ. Terre Haute, Indi ana 47809. West Penn Gymnastic Clinic: Sakal Comp, New Kensington, Po., July 27-Aug ust 23. 1st week for 4th, 5th & 6th grade students. Last three weeks for high sc hool gymnasts and coaches. For further info: Steve Baniak, 348 New Castle St., Slippery Rock, Po. 16057.

MG CLASSIFIED SECTION Wood Rings , Olympic style, Nylon Boat straps, Tool Room made Thrust Bearings pillow blocks, wire cable guy wi re, misc. parts, all new, never used. $40.00 takes all. H. L. Weber, 11 48 S. Fairfield, Lombard, III. 601 48. COMP LETE HANDBOOK: of lesson plans, Teachers Gymnastic Works hop, Newark (N.J.) State College. All even ts. Send $1..00 plus 25 cents postage to : Marvin Speidel, 708 Dianne Ct., Rahway, N.J 07065. Limited supply.

Summer Camo I Clinics


When the scoreboard reads:



Ru sty Mitchell Boys' Gym na stic Camp

"THE CAMP OF CHAM PIONS" Affi lia ted with West ern Lif e Camp

l a s Ve g a s, New Mex ico

June 14th -June 21st - First Session Au gust 23rd -Augu st 30th - Se cond Sessi on For a dditi o na l inf orma ti o n , wri te: Rusty M i tchell , Gymna stic Coa ch , University of New Me xico , Alb u q u erque , N ew Me xico .

INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY prese nts The Third Annu al



August 4-1 5, 19 69

COLLEGE CREDIT: Three semester hours graduate credi t H.P. E.R. 53 4

STAFF : Linda Metheny - Member 1 968 Women's Olympic Gymnastics Team Dick Mulvihill - 1968 Women 's Olympic Gymnastics Team Manage r Abe Grossfeld - forme r U.S. Olympic Team Member Rusty Mitchell - former U.S. Olympic Team Member Cha rl es Pond - Head Gymnast ics Coach, Universi ty of Il li nois Grete Trieber - Women's Gymnastics Coach, Indiana St ate Univers ity Roger Counsil - Head Gymnastics Coach, Indiana State University Herb Vogel - Women' s Gymnastics Coach, Southern Illinois Sam Baillie - Former Nat ional Side Horse Champion' and Coach at Iowa Universit y Muriel Grossfeld - 1968 Women 's Olympic Gymnastic Team Coach and othe r leading coaches and teacher s of gymnasts fr om several universit ies who will demonstra te skills.

COURSE CONTENT: Sessions will be conducted on all skill levels for both men 's and women 's gymnastics events. No In stitut e participan t will be requi r ed t o perform skills ; howeve r, seve ral practicol sessions will be in tegra t ed wi t h the lectu r e - demonstrat ion for either observation or optional participation. Emphasis will be placed upon skill prog r essions for selected beginning th r ough advanced skills on both men's and women's appo r at us and in t um路 bling, off iciati ng competi t ive event s f or men and women, analys is of ski ll mechanics , and ot her phases of gymnastics.

TUITION COST: Indiana resi dents - $39.00 for the en tire Institut e tuition cost. Out路of路s t at e stu dents - $60.00 - tot al t uition.

FORFURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Roger Counsi l Gymnas tics Coach Indiana Sta te Universi ty Terre Haut e, Indiana 47809

II'S JIMIIO USI SIRIUGY! Tell your purchasing agent you DEMAND GYM MASTER Gymnastic Equipment. Tell him your athletes PREFER GYM MASTER Equipment.Tell him GYM MASTER apparatus is BETTER BUILT, in every way, to PERFORM BETTER in every way! Then, for the winn ing point, tell him GYM MASTER Equ ipment w ill actually SAVE MON EY for your school because it's quality-constructed to last longer! NOTE: If you still lose the " game, " take heart! There's alwa ys next season. And Gym Master Equipment is worth waiting for!

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Introducing the New

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Easy To Handle The System Nissen Ring Stand sets up in minutes. It can be quickly folded and transported without disassembly by one person. Ideal for gymnastic meets or for gyms where space is limited.

Just like other ring stands? Look again! The System Nissen has new safety and performance features that make other ring stands seem obsolete. Great for official competition, yet can be quickly adjusted down low for training and physical education classes. The new solid tubular steel guy braces (instead of cables) are easily adjustable and provide both compression and extension strength for unequalled stability. Each upright is equipped with the exclusive Floating Counterbalance mechanism, permitting almost effortless height adjustment by one person from 611;4 II to 104 11<1 II (ring height). Since the frame adjustsl up and down, the suspensions for the rings do not need to be adjusted, elimi-

nating the heavy adjustment fittings and greatly reducing the chance of a performer contacting the rings on dismounts. Most important, the overall length of the suspensions remain equal at any height for uniform performance. The System Nissen Ring Stand can also be used for exhibitions or off-site competitions where floor plates are impractical by simply adding conversion base extensions (see photo above) . Write For Our New System Nissen Catalog NISSEN CORPORATION 930 27th Avenue S.W. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406

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