OCTOBER 1969 60c
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Olympia Gymnastic Mats were used at the final USA Olympic (men's) trials at UCLA. Also Final USA Olympic (women's) trials at Long Beach, Calif. National United States Gymnastic Federation Championships, NCAA finals, Pasadena National Invitationals, California State College Gymnastic Championships; Calif. Women's State finals, L.A. City High School finals, and the United States Gymnastic Championships and the 1st Annual World Cup at Long Beach, Calif.
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A-169-W UNEVEN PARALLEL BAR TRAINING PAD Ideal for practicing hip circles. Only 15". Long enough to provide ample protection yet will not interfere with hand position.
TEAM 9.50
A-170 BALANCE BEAM TRAINING PAD Added protection in learning backward rolls, hand stands , and other skills . Covers 16' 5" beam .
TEAM 49.95
A-170-1 Same as a bove exce pt 5' 5 " in length for partial beam covering.
TEAM 19.95
A-170-3 Same construction as above except in three 5'5" sections which will cover all or part of beam as required. Sections are secured with velca clos ure.
TEAM 59.50
A-169 PARALLEL BAR PADS Ny-O-Lite filler with bonded Powerhyde cover and velcro fasteners . Lightweight padding allows bar to flex , yet gives complete protection for begi nners as well as advanced performers attempting d ifficult routines. Set of four , fi ve foot sections.
TEAM 59.95
notes FROM THE
editor: COllEGE AND UNIVERSITY DATA: During th e past 10 months we have included a GYMNASTIC QUESTIONER with our renewa l statements. Thi s GYM POLL is designed as a reader evaluation of our MG articles and special features. We also included a couple of new sub ject ideas we were considering for possi ble future publ ication in the MG .... To date we have had several thou sand of these MG GYM POLLs returned (alon g with MG renewals), and by far the most popular request has been f or more information on colleges and universities (where, facilitie s, cost, student aid, coach, program, record , etc.). Beca use of thi s overwhelming interest we have had to change our plans a bit on how we can present this effect ively in th e MG. Therefore alon g with our idea of presenting data on a few colleges across the nation in each edition, we would li ke to go one step and make up a chart to be publi shed in our December (or January) edition. Thi s chart wil l li st all of the schools and data possible. To do th is we need the help and support of all t;,e coaches and their respective institutions. Coach ... if you would li ke to have your school listed in our MG College Data Chart, PLEASE f ill in the information sheet below (we are sure your Athletic Dept. P.R. man would be glad to do it for you) and ru sh it to our offi ce so we ca n be sure to incl ude your school 'in our report. If you wish, drop us a postcard today and say .. . " Data coming fro m our school, plea se hold space for US."
MODERN GYMNAST COLLEGE INFORMATION SHEET Name of College: Location: Size (No. of student s): Tuition: In-state Out-of-state Additional fees: Housing Other (specify) Academic Strengths: (Li st a few of the departments for whi ch your college is noted, e.g., bu siness, engineering, zoology, etc.) Gymnastic Program : Athletic Conference May fres hmen compete on varsity? Affiliation : NCAA College, NCAA University, NAIA Coach No. Years as coach Record (dual meets only) Honors (be brief) Assistant Coa ch Is tram poline a part of the progra m? Does gymna stics have its own room for workouts? Financial: Total No. schol arships for gymnastics Number of full scholarships Number of partial scholarships Average number of scholarships available each year to new gymna sts Other sources of aid:
CG Official Publication of the United States Gymnastic Federation
NOTES FROM THE EDITOR .... . ... .. ... .Glenn Sundby CHALK TALK .. .... ..... ... . ..... ... ... .. ..... .. . ........ ... MACCABIAH GAMES ...... ..... Isadore Wasserman "Y" NEWS ........ ... ..... .. ....... ... ... Robert Hanscom GYMNASTICS IN TEXAS ..... .. ..... .. .Buddy Gurganus MG INTERVIEW: KEN McCANLESS .... ... Dick Criley USGF REPORT ... ....... .. .. ......... .... ... .. Frank Bare CANADIAN REPORT ... ...... .. ... ...... .... .John Nooney SANTA MONICA GYMFEST ... ....... ...... .. Dick Criley RESEARCH AND FITNESS IN GYMNASTICS ... James Bosco EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSH IPS .... ..... Andrezej Gonera MG CENTER PHOTO .. ...... ...... .. . .... Michail Voronin ANYONE FOR ALL AROUND ... George Tonry, Millman 1970 WORLD GAMES COMPULSORIES ... Barbara & Chris Weber JUDGING BY JERRy ... . .. ....... . .... .... .Jerry Wright TUMBLING TOPICS .. ... ... ... . ... ... .. ...... . .. Dick Criley SCOREBOARD .. .... .... ... .... .... .... ....... . .. .. . .. ...... SPECIALIST PRIMER ...... . ... .. .... . ..... ... Ken Sakoda LETTERS .. .... .. .. .... ... .. . .. .. ... ... .. ...... .... ... ...... .. MG GYM CALENDAR ... .... . ..... ... .......... ... .. ..... .. .
4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 22 24 25 26 27 28 30
COVER , Fea t ured on the October iss ue is Seymour Rifkin, 1969 Illinoi s State High School AA Champ and also 1969 Mocca biah Games team member.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS路 Feature A. Bruce Frederick, Educat ion; Dr. J ames S. Bosco , Research; Jerry Wright, Competition; Frank Bare. USGF; John Nooney, Canada; Robert Hanscom, YMCA ; Andrzei Gonera , E uropean; Gerold George, Dan Millman & Don Tonry , AA I nstructional; Bill Roetzhe im, I n structional.
THE MooeRN GYMNAST magazine is p ublished by Sundby Publications. 41 0 Broad w a y, Santo Monico , California 90401. Second Cla n Postage p aid a t Sa nto Monico, Ca lif. Published monthly except bi-monthly June, JuIV. August, a nd Septembe r. Price $6.00 pe r yeo r, bOe 0 sing le copy: Subscription correspondence, The MODE RN GYMNAST, P.O. Box 61 1, Santo Monico, California 90406. Copyright 1969漏 011 rights reserved by SUN DBY PU BLICATIONS. 4 10 Broadway, Sonta Monico, Colif. All photos on d manusc ripts submiHed become the p roperty of The MO DERN GYMNAST unless 0 return request and sufficient posta g e o re include d .
CREATIVE GYMNASTICS Port-a-Pit, well known manufacturer of Olympic quality landing surfaces for pole vaulting and high jumping, and creators of Fa-T-mats and crash pads, now introduces a dynamic new line of creative gymnastic equipment. Typical of the many products of Port-a-Pit's creative engineering are: octagon spot trainers in four sizes; folding and extra large Fa-T-mats; three section urethane
foam vaulting horses; incline mats and an inclined tram-' poline protectQr(pad. Top quality urethane foam, custom covered with specially constructed hypalon coated nylon, guarantees long durability and economy. Learning is accelerated as tension is removed by assurance of a safe, soft landi!lg. For a complete new catalog write or call:
P. O. Box C • Temple City, California 91780 • (213) 444-6900 or 283-2568
THE RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL LIAISON ~OMMITTEE National Association of College Gymnastic Coaches (NACGC) Gym Master Company Resea rch Grant and Nationa l Gymnastic Clinic (Sarasota) CHAIRMAN: Dr. Hartley Price. Florida State University: Tallahassee, Florida ANNOUNCEMENT: Four Research Awards will be offered this year. GYMNASTIC RESEARCH AWARDS for 1969路 70. I. The C. H. McCloy Honor Research Awa-d of the National Gymnastic Clinic - Sarasota - $100. (President - Frank Cumiskey. RFD Westwood: New Jersey). Decided at Sarasota. Chairma n. Dr. Hartley Price 2. Two Honor Research Awards of the NACGC (National Association of College Gymnastic Coaches) - SIOO each. (President - Frank Walcott, Gymnastic Coach , Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts. a. Western Award USGF National Western C linic (Chairman, Dr. G lenn Wilson) . Decided at Tucson. b. Easter Award - USGF National Eastern Clinic (Chairman. Dr. Hartley Price). Decided at Fort Lauderdale. Also at the Gvmnastic Clinic at Tucson Arizona: 3. The Gym ~Iaster Company Research Grant Chairman - Dr. Glenn Wilson. University of Arizona: Tucson. Arizona ). CRITERION OF COMMITTEE: The committee wishes to stress that studies that benefit a large group rather than a small group will be favored. PROCEDURE OF CANDIDATES: Candidates cannot submit their outlines to both clinics. A choice must be made. I. A prospectus of the problem mu st be submitted by November 30. a. Studies for consideration for the Honor Research Awards of the National Gymnastic Clinic or the N ACGC (National Association of College Gymnastic Coaches) Eastern Award (USGF National Eastern Clinic) must be submitted to Dr. Harley Price, Florida State University, by November 30. The prospectus will then be passed on to the subcommittee of the Research Award Committee in order to decide the winning candidates. It will facilitate matters if several copies of the prospectus are sent to me. b. Studies for consideration for the NACGC Western Award and the Gym Master Grant at Tucson. Arizona . must be submitted to Dr. Gle nn Wilson. University of Arizona. Tucson. Arizona. 2. The Prospectus of the Research: a. The candidates should include the following points in their prospectus: (I) Outline the problem (2) Stat.e in hypotheses , (3) I ndlcate the methods to be used (4) Report the bibliography that was used in approaching the problem (5) Justify the research b. The deadline for the prospectus for this year's award will be: Nov. 30,1969. c. I ndicate the progress that has been made up to date on the research. d. The members of the subcommittee will decide what candidate will receive the award after studying the prospecti. Therefore. the prospecti should be very complete. e. Each recipient of the award is expected to publish his study in the Modern Gymnast or The Research Quarterly of the AAH PER.
$1,000 SCHOLARSHIP WARD MEYTHALER, 1969 All-American Gymnast from Iowa State University (1969 N CAA Ring Champion) with a 3.8 g.p.a. in political science , was among the 80 N CAA Senior athletes across the nation to receive a $ 1,000 Postgraduate Scholarship for the 196869 academic year. ... FRANK CUM ISKEY received a Service Award for 1969 from the New Jersey Gymnastic Association ... on the same evening DON WEIDER won the midnight handstand contest to become the " 1969 NJGA Handstand Champion" defeating defending champ WILLY WEINHOLDT. . . . TROY RICHARD WOLF blessed the home of DICK & LIZ WOLF on the first of August (Conditioning for Competition Wolf) .... DAN BUR KE is the new varsity gymnastic coach of Long Island University's Brooklyn Center.
JAPANESE COLLEGIATE CHAMPIONSHIPS The Japan NCAA Gymnastics Championships were held in Tokyo on 7/26/69. (The top winners. both men and women, Kenmotsu and Miss Oda, participated in the 1969 1st U SG F World C up) . Following are 'the results:
I. Kenmotsu 2. Ohara 3. Tsukahara
I. ada 2. Inouye 3. Mizukawa
REPORT ON THE MACCABIAH GAMES By Isadore Wasserman Just returned from Israel a nd one of the most exciting gym nastic events I've ever witnessed ... the eighth World Maccabiah games . I went as manager of the U.S. team, a nd I don ' t know when I' ve enjoyed any position more. Twentyeight nations were repre sented , and the gymnastic talent was outstanding. The U.S. Maccabiah Games Committee selected five men and two women to represent this nation in the games this past summer. Mark Co hn , the 1965 a ll-around champion , once again took top honors by winning the 1969 championship and go ld and silver medals to boot. Barry Weiner of Temple placed first in the high bar a nd floor exercise events and after several excellent performances wound up in third position in the all-around behind Dow Loufi of Israel. Fred Turoff, newly crowned ring champion In the America C up event in
Mexico , could only manage a fifth in the allaround event but garnered a gold in the rings and vaulting competitions. Joe Lito.v of Penn State, unfortunate ly s uffering from a bad case of bronchitis, and a newcomer with fantastic potenti a l, Seymour Rifkind , just out of high school in Skokie , Illinois , rounded out the team. Seymour will attend the University of New Mexico this year. Our two girl gymnasts, Laurie Siegel and Marilyn Pearson, were unable to compete because only two countries were represented. Nevertheless they earned gold medallions by participating with the winners of the men ' s competition. The I sraeli team was the best group of gymnasts in the country ' s Maccabiah Games history. Once again the P-bars gold meda l evaded our gymnasts when Dow Loufi a nnexed the title , nosing out Fred Turoff by 1/ 10 point. One of our most pleasant experiences as a team was going out on the town at the invitation of the I sraeli team a nd officials. Our congenial hosts brought us to Jaffa, where we were wined a nd dined and treated to an excellent show. The meet's closing ceremonies were held in the Ramat Gan Stadium before a n overflow audience of 50,000. Mark Cohn was honored to be chosen flag bearer, and the U.S. and Israeli gym nasts performed for the huge crowd. It was a fitting climax to a most impressive series of games .
International Gymnastics Learning Center Muriel Grossfeld , 1956 , 1960 a nd 1964 United States Olympic teams , 1968 United States Olympic Team Coach: Don Tonry, 1960 United States Olympic Team , 1962 National All-Around Champion , and Abie Grossfeld , 1956 and 1960 United States Olympic teams, 1966 United States World Championship Team Coach , were having a discussion on where to go on Christmas week. They had made it more than a IS-year habit to go to one of the Christmas clinics; first as gymnasts and in recent years as highly desired instructors and program directors. Part of their discussion centered around programming and the kind of clinic they would really like to do. They very naturally came to the conclusion that the only way to accomplish their goals would be to join force s and create their pwn clinic. One big question they had was why do gymnasts go to clinics? They felt the answer to this question was to learn gymnastics and not just to get a good suntan ; so the idea ofa Christmas Week Clinic Dec. 28 , 29 and 30 in the north crystallized. The three Olympians coach in New Haven , Conn. , at three separate facilities. They all possess the finest of facilities and equipment designed for training gymnasts at the highest level. Don Tonry's facility , Yale University, was chosen as the natural location for the first I nterna tional Gymnastics Learning Center. Yale ' s
CLOSEOUT - MEN'S GYMNASTIC PANTS 1968 MODEl Imported Gym Pants, Not Seconds or Rejects: White - Sizes XS S M L XL All-way stretch nylon - originally $13.00 now $8.25 - Exlan (orlon) & cotton, originally $6.00, now .. ' $4.00
UNIVERSAL-RESILITE (formerly Olympic路Resilite)
12 North Cottage St. Valley Stream, N.Y. 11580 l. to R., Joe Lilow, Penn Slote; Seymour Rifkind, Univ. of New Mexico; Lourie Seigel, Miomi, Fla.; Mark Cohn, Caplain, Temple; Marilyn Pearson, W. Hartford, CI.; Fred Turoff & Barry Weiner, Temple. Isadore Wasserman, Mgr.
I I gymnasiums (in the same bu ilding) and swimming pools make it an ideal choice for progra mming a pa rticipation clinic at all levels. Plans so far include a topnotch staff (including the Olympic pia ni st). classes a t all levels in all events (including dance) , teaching compu lsories , help with compulsory interpretation and styling , concepts in major areas -like twisting , routine composition , international innovations, etc .; demonstration s in all event s at all leve ls: films (Ab ie proba bly has the largest co ll ection of international gymnastics film s in the country , including not just finali sts in the O lympic G ame s and World C hampions hips but the top 20 or more in all eve nt s); a panel session, recreational svi mm ing and a " ge t-together" da nce for clinic participa nts - comp lete with a mu sical group. N ew H aven's three gy mn as iums a nd th eir typewriters are buzzing with preparations for what these three dynamic coaches are determin ed wi ll be the outstanding gymnastics learning experie nce of the year.
"Y" NEWS 1970 YMCA CHAMPIONSHI PS Plans for the 1970 N ati onal YM CA C ha mpionship s for men and women to be he ld in Oklahoma C ity, Oklahoma, on April 17- 18, are a lready in process. As the y are pl anning to host a nd conduct th e C hampionships a ll oth e r " Y " s shou ld be pl anning to pa rticipate. Think about it now. For informat ion write to Mr. Bill Wa rren , Gymnastic Coach , Northside Branch YM CA , 10000 N. Pennsylvan ia Ave., Oklahoma C it y, Oklaho ma.
1969 ILLINOIS YMCA STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS Held at Decatur YMCA Team Winners: N orthwest Suburban (NS ) - 577 , Decatur (0)-468, Evanston (E)-272. Age Group Winners were: ( 10 & under) Tim Slottow (E) , AA, PB , R & SH; C raig Ma rter (Park Ridge) , H B; Kark Seitz (NS) , V; Doug Z aho ur (NS) , FX ; Howard Sizek (Canton) , TU ; Jon Gram (E) , TR . ( II & 12) Bob G ran eN S). AA, R, FX ; Mark T rippel (E) , PB , V , SH ; Eric Perry (D ), HB ; C harles Trav is (D ), TU ; J eve ne Meader (E) , TR. (13 & 14) Kurt Demoss (Mc Kinley), AA, V ; Joh n Mo llec k (Peoria) , HB , PB ; John Yoc key (NS ), R ; Rick Slottow (E) , S H ; Jo hn Glowicki (Strea tor), FX , TU , TR. ( 15, 16 & 17) Tom Valentine (NS), AA , HB , R, SH; Denni s Bossert (NS), V; Paul Hunt (D ), FX ; Jim Habben (Streator) TU , TR. There were 83 competitors in the meet.
BANGOR "Y" MEET "The Bango r YM CA recent ly hosted the Firs t Annual Age G roup Gymnastic Meet the first to be held in the State of Mai ne. T he meet wa s run by Tim Rice, Coach of Gy mnastics at the Ba ngor Y. Th e re were over 60 competitors from teams from Brewer, Rumford , Bangor, Fredericto n, N .B., and Dartmouth , N .S. "The events for th e meet were floor e xercise, side horse, pa rallel ba rs, high bar, vau lting, tra mpolin e, still rings, and all-round. All age groups competed in all events. " T he Bangor Y team won the 15 and under age group and the 13 and unde r age group . The Dartmout h Gym C lub, coached by Jim Hoy le, won the 15-18 year old age group. " The meet was a big success and a giant step further in the promotion of Gym nastics in th e N ortheast area of th e cou ntry ." NOTE: T he MG can not print YM CA Gymnast ic news if we do not receive it! So get on th e ba ll and send a ll you r "Y -NEWS " to: Robert Hanscom (MG " Y-News" Editor) Director of Phy. Ed. YMCA 104 Pleasant Street Marblehead, Mass. 01945
Gym Moster's FOLDING STILL RING FRAME For years it's been the choice of gymnastic coaches throughout the country who demand performance, durability and quality. Completely portable . .. the entire frame can be moved on permanently attached non-marring rubber wheels when fully assembled. When in use, wheels fold up and base lowers firmly to floor. Requires no installation, moorings, floor plates or tie-downs .
It Stores Itself! Th e base assembly fold s to provide its own storage area for the uprights and top section. Entire un it can be easi ly moved on its own wheels.
Write for our fully illustrated catalog on the complete line of fully proven Gym Master gymnastic equipment. THE WORLD'S GYMNASTIC EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS
SHOES ... $2 . 75 pro
# Tl-2 (as illustrated) _.
# Tl·3·A All -leather shoe
. _ 4.00 pro
with rubber sole . . # TL-4 Ladies ' gym sh oe Ny lon wfleat h er sole . . # N B Ny lo n booty witt-. leather sole
.. 2 .00 pro
. 2 .00 pro 2 .25 pro
Sizes 1·6 . Sizes 7·12 .
o .
LEATHER HANDGRIPS . .$1.50 pro 1.75 pro
# A-Good (most popu lor) . . .
B - Better (one-piece) . . . Best (exira str ong) .. .
2 .25 pro
lompwick hondgrips (S· M·l)
1.50 pro
Members of fhe Son Jacinfo College Va rsify Team during on informal workout
PANTS .... $7 . 50 pro
Cotton/ acry li c stretch . N y lon stretch ponts White _
14. 25 pro 10 .00 pro
Off·white .. With toe -pc .• odd 75c ext ro .
SUSPENDERS e lasti c w/chrome dip s. Adjusta b le and detac hab le . Comes in white, blue .... __ .$3.00 ea. or red .. .
WOODEN RINGS .. . . $22. 50 pro
Meets all specifications .
CHALK ...... Lowest prices
Block or powd e r .
FILMS Super 8 -
in color
Complete winning and runner-up optional routines on all Olympic events. Taken at 24 fps and edited from 2000 feet of film taken from choice locations. Highly educational. No rentals. Men's - 400 ft. .............. $32.00 Ppd. Women's - 400 ft. ........$32.00 Ppd. Order from: FRANK ENDO 12200 SO. BERENDO AVE. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90044 We stock all items for immed iate del iver y postpaid . Write for FREE brochure.
1969 WORLD CUP INVITATIONAL (Super 8 - in color) See fhe greafesf raufines ever execufed in fhe U.S. of fhe I sf USGF Wo rld Cup Invifafianal Meef held in Long Beach. Calif. Champions like Cera r. Ken · ma"!su and Nakayama can be seen in semi·slow mofion (24 fps) execufing eX fremely difficulf roufines greafer fha n fhey performed of fhe Mexico Olympic Gomes. Men 's . .. ... 300 ft .... . .. $29.00 Ppd.
GymnastiCS On The Grow In Texas By BUDDY GU RGA N US Gy mnas tics is on the frow in Tex as a nd th e answer a ppears to cen ter around a nu mber . of factors. Two of these are: age-group gymnastics a nd co llegiate participation. C hildren no longer wait until high schoo l befo re experie nc ing their first ex posure to gymnas tics. Through the YM CA's, private studios, and grade schoo l participati o n they a re busy learni ng gy mnas ti cs from tots to teen s and on throu gh college. T he tumbling tots start at age four and learn basic skil ls in tumbling, tra mpo line, double bala ncing and strength stations. Th ese tots a ppear before the public in various performances. At the age of seven , as soon as they learn routi nes a nd begi n to show promise, they a re viewed for a posi tion o n the competitive tea m at th e Y) The sixty boy-girl team of th e Houston Y compete In age-group competition through the A)A)U) and Y )M) C)A) Many of the boys and girls from thi s progra m have graduated on to the coJlege teams of Texas. This year, so far , the Hou ston Y team has at· tended and won trophies, prizes and pl aques at the Midl and Meet with its 400 competitors, at the Ft. Worth Meet with 444 contesta nts, to local Meets and to th e Dad 's C lub YM C A) There are a minimum of 100 teams a nd clubs of thi s type throu ghout Texas. Man y private dance studios have gymnastics in their p rog ra ms. For events s uch as F loor Exercise and Free Calesthenics , da nce studios are well equipped for providing train ing, moveme nt , warm-u p techniques, as well as polishing up the other events (pointed toes , straight legs). Although mo s t of the dance sc hool s a re not equipped wit h appa ratu s, they do possess mirrors, practi ce barres , and light training devices, all of which a re esse ntia l to perfecting moveme nt. Obviously, a ll of thi s equipme nt is futile without know -how from the teachers , but a n ever increasing number of teachers are attending clin ics a nd works hops to widen their knowledge and stimulate their inte rest in gy mnastic techniques. This knowledge along with their bac kgrounds in dance ca n be extre mely valu able to F loor Exercise training where about two· third s of th e routi ne is d a nce and one-t hird tumbling. G rowth at th e c olleg ia te leve l is be s t ev id enced by the s t~ti s tics of the 1969 Texas Collegiate Gymnast ics C ha mpion ships held at Sa n J ac int o Co ll ege March 28 , 29. Thi s was the fourth a nnu a l of s uch competition in Texas. There were teams from Odessa College, Univ ersity of Texas , Sa m Hou ston State College, Texas A & M , Abilene C h ristian Co lle ge,
Sou th Plains and San J ac into. This was the first time th at four wome n's teams competed. Th ere we re 227 entries. The tea m result s were: MenOdessa I st , Te xas 2nd , San Jacinto 3rd , A & M 4t h, Sam Houston 5th. Women 's- San Jacinto I st, Tex as 2nd , South Plains 3rd, Sa m Hou ston 4t h. San J ac int o w ill a lso host th e 1969 Gu lf A.A.U. Gymnastics C hampi onships wit h close to 1,500 even t entries. Sa n Jacinto College, under the direction of Coach Pat Yeager, sponsors a Tumbling and Gy mnastics C linic for students a nd teachers in th e F a ll a nd Spri ng. There a re 30 to 40 ot her c linics like thi s througho ut the state plus a N ationa l C lini c every C hri stmas at Corpus C hri sti . T hrou gh th e e ncourage ment of Mr. Ye age r ma ny high schools have sta rted gy mn astic progra ms. One of Texas' largest univers ities, the U of H is also expanding its progra m. These facts point out th a t Texas su r e ly ra nk s hi g h in the natio n, in participation , if not yet in top qu a lit y. Yet through increased pa rticipation a nd competition, qualit y is bound to improve. In creased interests at th e coll ege level has heightened th e programs in age-gro up gy mnastics. Gymnasticall y, we a re on the grow and predictions indio cate that age-group gy mnastics will soon be a major factor in producing nationa l a nd internationa l champions from Texas.
ZWICKEL A Distinctive Line of Men's. and Women's Uniforms WE HAVE MOVED OFFICE: P. O. BOX· 309 JENKINTOWN. PA. 19046
SHOWROOM · SHOP: 1128 EASTON ROAD ROSLYN . PA. 19001 PHONE: 215 · 885 ·2868
~~ ~~~~OOW~~I: Keith McCanless by Dick Criley Keith, a senior at the university of Iowa, graduated from Willowbrook H.S., in Villa Park, Illinois. He has won the 1967 and 1969 NCAA Sidehorse Championships and placed second in the 1967 USGF Championships. (Editor's note: Keith was interviewed at the NCAA Championships in S eattle this past April jllst prior to the aJtemoon cOl1lpetitions to determine the team chal1lpion. Wit h him was 10IVa teal1lmat e, Bob Dickson.) How did you get started as a specialist in gymnastics? (Laughing) I was scored of the other events. I started late, as a sophomore in high school. I felt that I was behind, so to cotch up, I just worked on side horse. What are some of the more challenging tricks you can do which you haven't put into your routine7 Wel l, there's pommel loops I do three pommel loops and then I do a bock moore downhill and then a bock moore uphill, then a pommel russian. I guess it's a total of about 9 tricks, depending on how you count 'em, on one pommel. How did you get started on the one-pommel work? Well, I just started getting strong ond figured I could muscle my way through it. (Background laughter from other Iowa gymnasts.) How does a side horseman start developing strength? Well, as Bob (Dickson) can tell you, I started going around with the all-around men, going over to the rings and parallel bars. I used to be on the high school track team as a weight man - I used to throw discus - so I worked out wi th weights. That's pretty much how I developed my strength. What distinguishes a side horseman from another specialist? You usually can pick a side horseman out. You know, the tallest one and the skinniest. Long arms, short torso, ve ry long appendages. Then there's Bob there .... You know, I taught Bob how to work side horse. Every single meet, every time he went up, I alwoys told him to muscle it. (Dickson : My coach!) Every once in awhile, we get into a discussion of all around versus specialist and the emphasis placed on the all -around man. Isn't there still a place for the specialist? I've always felt that gymnastics should be run like track, where the individual could place as a specialist like in the Olympics. I doubt if it will ever be set up that way because the Europeans have control over everything. I think specia lists have been robbed in their scores because some of the 011around men have been given ... well, their routines aren't superior although they've been coming close. How do you like the format of nationals this year? I guess this is pertinent since you have to work again this evening. What alternative suggestions would you have?
No, I liked the old method with the regionals, because the Big 10 has been cut out quite a bit. We've left a lot of guys bock in the Big 10 conference who are a lot better than the guys who qualified here. I think it should go bock to the regionals since some co nferences are a lot stronger than others and regionals are set up to let the best guys come through. As to this individual and team championship the some day, it's hard on the all-around man having to worm up all over again, particularly on his hands, but like the side horse men, we only throw one set so it doesn't matter. Bobby's got to go through a lot of sets. (Dickson: I don't really see any point in having two team championships. First, having to qualify for the top three and then having another meet for the top team. It's just too much. Although right now, we're kind of glad they 're doing it.) How has the team survived this transition from one coach (Sam Bailie) to the next (Mike Jacobson)? We have a great team as for as sticking together and wo rking together. So we just break in the coach. Mike's in control. (Dick son: At least we let him feel like he is!) You've always had a pretty strong side horse team. What started all this? Ken Gordon started it all. He graduated when I was a sophomore. From the some school come Mark Siotten, so, when I sow what kind of side horse they hod there, I wonted to go to Iowa. I come right after Mark so we hod three good side horsemen. This started the boll rolling I guess, 'couse Ken Liehr come. Now we're going to try to get a boy from Illinois, at least we're working on him. I think he'll wont to come now. We've tried to set it up like Michigan with the trampoline, you know, a traditional trampoline school. They've done wonders with it, always been tops with trampoline. Have you any words of encouragement for someone who might want to become a side horse specialist? (Dickson: Muscle it!) I'd soy one thing, even fooling around on other events like trampoline gives you on air sense, helps you know whe re you are. Of course there's ring s and p-bars which help the strength. I can't soy any thing about high bar; it hurts my hands. Do you have any hand problems on the side horse and what do you do for them? I don't have any. I built up a huge heel pod. You can usually tell what event a specialist works from the callouses on his hands. I do have a split problem; my hands crock and I tope 'em up. I always tope my left hand ... th at's because I wo rk pommel work. When you work pommels, there's more pressure on your hands. However, I don't think Ramsey has any hand problems and he works pommel work, too.
1 50 Ft. of Super 8 Film jn Color For all coaches and gymnasts and judges that are anyway involved in competitions that are using the World Games compulsories, this film is a must! Taken by Roy Davis during the Japanese NHK CUP Competition, this film contains World Game Compulsory routines performed by Japanese greats: Nakayama, Kenmotsu, Kato, Hayta and Tsukahara. Send check or money order today for just $1 5.00. Order from : SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS (World Compulsory Film) P.O. Box 777 Santa Monica, California
JAPANESE HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS 450 Ft. of Super 8 Film in Color - $29.95 An important film for ellery high school (and college) gymnastic coach in the U.S.A. to add to his film library. Filmed by Roy Davis during his stay in Japan, this film is noteworthy when you consider that the 10th-place high school gymnast scored over 11 O. total AA with strict judging. Also included is a list of the names and scores of the gymnasts to help you follow the filmed routines. Send your $29.95 check or money order today! Order from: SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS (Japanese HS Film) P.O. Box 777 Santa Monica, California
90406 KIDS and COPS The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California is distributing at no charge copies of a pocket guide for you ng people to help them ovoid hostile confrontations with low enforcement officers. The guide outlines in summary form the rights of juveniles and th e authority of police to interrogate people on the streets. It also offers suggestions on how young people - who frequently believe they are victims of unnecessary police actions - can protect their rights. The guide was published for the education and welfare of young people by the Institute of Modern Legal Thou ght, Inc., and the Kolos Kagathos Foundation. Copies are available at no charge from the ACLU, 323 W. 5th St., Los Angeles 90013; or from the Kolos Kagathos Foundation, P.O. Box 416, Laguna Beach 92652. Requests should be accompanied by a stomped, self-addressed envelope.
The United States Gvmnastics Federation P.O. Box 4699 Tucson, Arizona
Executive Director
FIFTH GYMNAESTRADA Basle, Switzerland, July 2-6, 1969. The 5th Gymnaestrada got under way in Basle, Switze rland , in early July. It followed a week of meetings by the F.I.G. , including the FIG Congress. The Gymnaestrada itself, featured some 10,000 gymnasts. Many nations sent groups numberiQg more th an 1,000 strong to represent their nation , others sent groups representing specific schools or clubs. No one sent a more represent ative group of trul y outstanding youngsters than the United States . The SCATS . . . the Southern Californi a Acro Team from Long Beach , Calif., were there and did a great job for the U.s.A. I t should go without saying that the 33 young ladies from the LB area looked great as they performed their drills , and, in fact , they looked good in all three parts of their well-rehearsed and well performed routines. The tumbling drill was described by many as the best. One European told me that it was the type of routine that they had never seen, and they were very impressed. Young Wendy C luff and her teammate , Cathy Rigby , did a great job in their performances. Cathy was invited to take part in the feature evening s how of the week ... the show of the World 's Best gymnasts. This year in place of two performances the clamor for tickets was so great that the host s featured three performances. All three were packed. The darling of the Gymnaestrada was our own Cathy Rigby. The public took to her great performances just as we do here in the U.S.A. She was a great performer and an equally fine example of American youth. She received loud and continuous ovations and also rece ived an invitation to go with the U.S.S.R. andJapanese gymnasts to take part in a demonstration in St uttgart following the Gymnaestrada. Reports reaching the U SG F Office indicate that at Stuttgart she was called for three bows . .. by the appreciate German audience. The SCATS team continued on from Basle and toured a number of countries ma king performances in Scandinav ia, Central Europe and in general seeing a lot of sights as well as representing the U.S.A. in an outstanding manner. One of the Swiss officials who also served as a newspaper reporter for the event was Hanspeter Frey, who by the way was also the C hef de Mission for the Swiss team that toured the U.S.A. in 1969 . Hanspeter wrote to us following the Gymnaestrada as follows: "Basle got its usual face back. Gone with the wind are the gymnasts, their smiles and the great spectrum of rich colors .... " So ended the 5th Gymnaes trada, one which saw the U.S.A. at its best ever in thi s beautiful event. The 1969 CONGRESS OF AMERICAN GYMNASTICS COACHES will convene at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Nov . I , in the beautiful Denver Hilton H otel in downtown Denver, Colorado. The agenda is crowded with some interesting reports and looks li ke it will also 10
feature a foreign dignitary to discus s gymnastics in his home land with us as well as a nswer questions pertaining to their training , routines , etc. The agenda will soon be drawn. It will featUfe reports on the 1970 World Games ; the routines will be di stributed a nd the film shown. The USGF Foreign Relations Committee will report on their six-year plan of inviting foreign teams (many on a home-and -home basis). The ISGF Technical Committee wi ll convene and plan the 1970 USG F Nationals and the 1970 WORLD CUP. The World Cup film will be shown. The U .S. Olympic Gymnastics Games Committee will meet at the Congress Site on Sunday , Nov. 2, 1969. Write the USG F now for your early registration and use the enclosed form for making your room reservation. But at any rate , plan on being in attendance at the Denver Hilton Hotel , Denver, Colorado, Nov . 1-2. Congress Registration Fee: $ 10.00. Make checks to USGF , P.O . Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona85717 , U.S .A.
THE U.S. NATIONAL GYMNASTICS COMMISSION SPECIAL - BASLE, SWITZERLAND At a meeting between representatives from the U.S. Gymnastics Federation and the Amateur Athletic Union , held in Basle before the President of the F.I.G. , Mr. Arthur Gander, a ne w decision was made concerning the amateur gymnastics program for the United States. President Gander indicated his intentions to write the U.S.O.c. to inform th em of the latest statu s insofar as the F.i.G. is concerned. It appears that now the U.S. National Gymnastics Commission, a coalition committee formed by mutual agreement during the Olympic Games in Mexico , will be recognized by the F.I.G. as the "governing body for American gymnastics. " The commission, made up of five members from each of the two groups (USG F-AAU) , has had two meetings with one of those meetings coming after the Basle F IG Congress. It appears from the last meeting that the commission idea can work under the new rule from the FIG and that under this interpretation it will be necessary to re structure some of the votes on the Olympic Games Committee. I hope that each of you reading this report are aware th at the commission represents the U SG F and AA U and that the commission is bound to discuss and act upon all items brought before it by any member of the Commission. It follows that if any of you feel a need to have some item brought before this group that you contact any member of the National Gymnastics Commission and request that it be brought before the group at the next meeting.
WOMEN'S F.I.G. CODE OF POINTS - 1969 THE OFFICIAL ... WOMEN'S CODE OF POINTS .. .• Published by the F.I.G. Will soon be on hand in the United States and ready for di stribution. If you desire a copy or copies, plan now to order them well in advance of your clinic or meet or meeting. Price , $2 .00 (U.S .). Order from the USGF , P.O. Box 4699 , Tucson, Arizona 85717. U.S.A .
F.I.G. MEASUREMENTS AND DIMENSIONS BOOK The Official FIG Booklet, containing the measurements and dimensions of men's and women's gymnastics equipment. Complete with diagrams for all equipment. Price $1.50. Order from USGF , P.O. Box 4699, Tucson, Ariz. 85717 .
USGF INSURANCE PROGRAM As most of you know , there now exists a requirement that meet promoters must provide acc ident medical insurance prior to receiving approva l or sanction for many gymnasts to participate in their event. In some cases this insurance has been extremely expensive, and in other cases perhaps it was an insufficient amount of coverage. Now , the USGF offers you an athlete-registrat ion insurance program. Dated September I, 1969, to August 31 , 1970. This plan , specifically designed for gymnasts , provides each Registered gymnast , $1 ,000 accident-reimbursement insurance coverage (for any expenses, i.e. , doctor, hospital , X ray, surgery) as well as $1 ,000 Accidental Death Benefit. This coverage will be applicable to the gymnast in possession of a valid USG F Registration Card when he or she participates in any meet or event sanctioned by the USG F. One year's coverage, including USGF N ews Service mailings is provided this year at a cost of $6.00 per year. The Insura nce and Registration year is from Sept. I to and including Aug. 3 1 of each year. The fee remains constant throughout the year, making the advantage for the team members subscribing to this service to register early and be covered for the entire year. Some meet promoters have discussed making it mandatory that each gymnast desiring to enter their event to show a valid , up-to-date USG F Registration Card prior to having their en try accepted. It is a good plan with a good company and in one injury case experienced under this company during this spring the boy in question had a minor injury but desired to have the finest corrective surgery possible to insure a good future, and the company spent the entire $ 1,000 figure without the slightest hesitation or delay. I am hopeful that eac h of you will register your entire tea m at this time and help us to provide this much-needed coverage for your gymnasts when they participate in non-school events sanctioned by the USGF.
UNITED STATES GYMNASTICS FEDERATION GYMNASTICS MATERIALS LIST 1. F.I.G. Code of Points for Men. The Official Code of Points, containing rules, order of competition and all the "A·B·C" parts for men's gymnastics with illus· trations. $3.50. An absolute must for every coach, judge and gymnast. 2. F.I.G. Code of Points for Women. The Officia l publico· tion of the FIG. Contains pertinent rules, and the diffi· culty ratings for all ports of women's gymnastics by events. Vaults illustrated. $2.00. 3. Age·Group Gymnastics Workbook. Illustrated with stick figures. Graded rautines for boys and girls ages 6 through 18 years of age. Assigned values for all ports makes this a great teacher·classraom program for everyone. 94 pages. $3.00. 4. Mea surements and Dimensions of Apparatus, the official FIG Publication contains all the official meas· urements for men ond women's appa ratu s including new supplement for new 8alance 8eam and Uneven Bars. $ 1.50. 5. National Compulsory Routines for Girls. The USGF· DGWS Routines now being used nationally by every notional organization in the USA. Music, floor patterns, deductions for faults, all included. 48 pages. $1 .50 each. 6. Gymnastique Moderne. The rules, ond all the lotest about the newest of gymnastic events for women. Prepared by Mrs. Mildred Prchal, concerning the many aspects of this great new event. Potentially an Olympic event, deserves study by all concerned with women's gymnastics. $1 .50. 7. USGF News Service·Athlete Insurance Plan. For gym· nasts, of 011 ages. Provides gymnasts with news servo ice mailings for one year (September 1 to Aug 31) and includes special accidental medical insurance coverage for participation in any meet sanctioned by the USGF. $6.00 per year. 8. USGF News Service, for Coaches, Teachers and Admin· istratats. Periodic mailings announcing latest publico· tion s, routines for international or national events and all the up·to·date news of events. $2.00 per year. 9. Gymnastics Posters. 11 inches by 17 inches, male or female figure shown thereon, with your meet or event Continued on page 30
A lot of people work at the national s every year: it ta kes time and money a nd hours of planning. A thank you to all offiCials .blg and small for an excellent nationa l championships 1969.
REPORT by John Nooney 18 Lavington Dr. IP eston, Ontario
National Gymnastic Championships 1969 at the University of British Columbia , B .C. An excellent meet under the direction of Mr. Vic Hartley and his many committees, Andre Simard , Qucbcc, and Jennefir Diachen , Ontario , are the new senior national champions , and Paul Boucha rd , Quebec, and Nancy McDonnell , Ontario, are the 1969 junior champions. SENIOR MEN A.A. Simard (I) Brooker (2) Mackie (3) The improved performance of Bill Mackie was a highlight this year. Syd Jensen unfortunately was out with an injury. Bill and Syd are teammates at the University of Michigan. Dismounts were the bug bear again this year; it seems difficult for our boys to finish off cleanly. Is it cond itioning?? Now that we have compulsories and optionals following each other is that the gymnasts are too tired? Andre Simard made a very good comeback steady performances on a ll the apparatus ; his layoff did not seem to hurt him. I hope he will now become a steady member of the national team. Barry Brooker shows much better control. This has been a very good year for Barry ; more international compet ition is necessary if our national team members are to improve. I can never understand why we don 't send our team south on a tour of the colleges. Our national team would get some very needed meets. It would be less expensive than going to Europe. SENIOR WOMEN A.A. Diachen (I) , Hartley (2) , Theresa McDonnell (3) It was a battle between Jenny Diachen and Sandy Hartley this year, Jenny coming out on top. That World Cup meet helped Jenny (very steady on B.B. this year). This was always Jenny 's downfall. Our girls have come along this way. This a lso goes for Theresa McDonne ll. This has got to be her bes t year. Canada has now some very good senior gymnasts and now needs to set up a tour for the girls abroad or in the U.S.A. Good competition is the key if we are to fight off C uba (we did it agai n this year at the America C up meet, but how long for , international competiti on is a MUST). JUNIOR WOMEN A.A. Nancy McDonnell (I). Lise Arsenault (2). Sue Buchanan (3) . N ancy Theresea's sister made sure this year she was runner-up last year to Janet Terry. No surprises in this division except I personally thought that Sue Buchanan looked very mature. Sue cou ld be an outstanding gymnast. Maybe we shou ld promote one of the juniors now???? JUNIOR MEN A.A. Bouchard (I) , Sedgwick (2) , Thibodeau (3). What happened to Johnson , Howe and Briere, last year's winners? Bouchard and Sedgewicke looked good . Now that we have a national junior coach. These boys should get a training camp. I was surprised looking through some of the scores . Either our juniors were awfu l or the jUdging, but I was shocked at some of the scores some of the boys from the East received. Maybe our juniors are that bad ; if so,
Andre Simard, Canadian AA Champ
we better get cracki ng with training camps and a tour for them. General Comments Many comments have been th at we should separate our national championships from our annua l meeting. Speaking for myself two years ago in Quebec I found it very difficult to judge and to attend meetings. It is too much to ask a person. So I would like to see NO MEETINGS except those pertaining to the meet. Now with the new CANA DIAN GYMNASTIC FEDERATION Almost a fact ; maybe we could think about that ???????
Top , Dave Thor (USA) 2nd AA;
Yugoslavia - U.S.A. - Canada The Yugos lav ian tea m of M. Ce ra r, A. Keyse ll , M. Veratich and D . Anich sco red 163,45 pts (Optionals only) to win thi s tri internationa l meet. Paul Tickenoff, D. Thor, R. Tucker a nd F Dennis of the U.S. team sco red 162.00 p~ints for a very close second place. Canada's team of Gil Larose , Andre Simard , Barry Brooker and Syd Jen se n scored 157.75 for 3rd spot. In the All Round , M . Ce rar 56 .65; Dave Thor 54.75 a nd M . Verat ich 54 .35. Yugoslavia Team Comments . . Miroslav Cera r was the big gun sco ring a 9 .7 on H .B. a nd Side Horse. On the H . B. he ha d good giants , excellent flow , continu it y, a nIce combination and a good landIng. Me los h Veratich , D. Anich and A. Ke yse ll were steady performers with few form breaks a nd were conContinued on page 28
M. Veratich (YUG.) 3rd AA; Gil Larose (Canada)
Tri Meet - U.S.A. - YUGOSLAVIA - CANADA Name
Team Total
U.S.A. F. Dennis P. Tickenoff R. Tucker D. T hor Yugoslavia
8.95 8.95 8.75 9.30
9.05 8.25 7.30 9.50
9.35 9.05 8.10 8.90
8.60 9.1 5 8.65 9.20
9.1 5 8.90 7.80 8,40
9.05 8.85 8.70 9,45
54. 15 53.15 49.30
4 5 II 2
A. Kissell D . Anic M. Veratich M. Cerar
8.75 8.65 8.85 9.30
8.70 8.85 9: 15 9.70
8.65 8.55 8.80 9.20
9.10 8.60 9.20 9. 10
8.85 8.75 9.10 9 .65
7.35 8.35 9.25 9.70
5 1,40 51.75
8 7
54.35 56.65
3 1
Canada B. Brooker A. Simard S. Jensen G. Larose
8.05 8.05 8.75 9.30
8.10 8.35 8.55 7.10
8.85 8.55 9 .00 9.15
8,40 8.95 8.85 8.90
8.80 8.60 8.90 9.30
8.65 8.60 4.00 8.80
50.85 51.10 48.15 52.55
10 9 12 6
Team score was decided in the top three scores of each team. 11
7th ANNUAL SANTA MONICA GYMFEST The seventh annu a l Labor Day Gy mfest can be summed up briefl y: a lo t of new faces. This is not to say the Mo dern Gymnas t was not aware of suc h Gymfest regul ars as the Wolf brothers , Dennis Ramsey , Da n Kolb , Mark D av is, Norm H a yni e a nd D on Ferre, but we were glad to see a new contingent of gy mn as ts to he lp carryon th e tra dition. Some of the new faces : Gareth Burk, Tim Shaw, Bert Sc hmitt , Bruce Grable, Ke rry Leeman, Don Locke, Ken Ba ile y, Pete Paulson and Bruce Boult. A lso taki ng part in our act ivities was Yoshi H ayasaki of the Unive rsit y of Was hington . Once aga in we had visi tors from Southern Illino is, plus th e whole tea m from the A ir Force Academy with coaches Ca rl Schwenz-
feier and Orwyn Sampson . AF A co mpetitors included cadets N ardecchi a, Alexander, Sola na , Kennedy, F retzs, C lau son, C hase, Prende rgas t, Eaton , Lowe a nd Oakeshott. T he girls' ope n co mpetition picked up agai n with a number of e nthu siast ic entrants. However, Sunday 's pl ace in the su n was definitel y he ld by the daredevils e ngaged in stunts from th e minitra mp and di s mount s from the swi nging rings . I n th e would-you -be li eve-department on minitra mp - full-in , bara ni -o ut , double ga ine r, as well as th e usua l doub le back (inc luding one pik ed ), double front and mUltiple front and back twiste rs. The sw inging rings featured di s mounts rare ly if ever see n during the hey day of this even t in its NCAA days - triple
fly aways , full-in , full-full , rudolph , layout -tuck doubl e fl yaway - but top honors went to Denni s Sherman fo r hi s 9.85 qu adrupl e so mie dismount. Thanks go to o ur cosponsor, the Santa Monica Parks a nd Rec reation Departm ent ; to UCLA, Ol y mpi a Mat , and the SCATs for eq uipment ; to Dick C riley for keeping track of registra nt s and scores and announcin g a ll at once ; a nd to our judges : Jerry Smith , Ray Anders, Mike Grey , Martin Carran za , Frank E ndo, Art Shurlock , Steve Lerner, Steve Johnso n, Mark D avis , Greg Friel, John C ros ley, Mrs. Ruhlman and Cat hy Rigby.
improvement was related directly to amount of knowledge provided . Bi lodeau ( 1955) hypothesize d that mu s cular effic iency was increased because know ledge of resu lts achieved facilitative changes in the nervous system as well as to he lp the learner maintain atte ntion on the task. Howe ll ( 1953) confirmed this report in a study of force and speed of limb movement in learning spri nt starting. Greenspoon and Foreman ( 1956) found. in studyi ng a line drawing task in which the subjects attempted to draw a line exactly thre e inches long. that learning efficienc y was affected directly as knowledge of their accuracy was delayed increasingly. Periods of 19. 20 and 30 seco nds delay of knowledge of their acc uracy were used and the most effective learners were those who obtained immediate knowledge of results. Bilodeau ( 195S) again , in stud ying the effec t of s pac ing knowledge. found that learni ng to move a large le ver a given dist ance was facili a ted by the number of times knowledge of accuracy was obtained and not by the various spacing of knowledge of results. Procedure The subjects used in this study were male college students enrolled in two intermediate gym nast ic classes. The subjec ts were assigned randomly to either a control group (co nventional teaching method) or a n experime nt al group (v ideotape). The selected activ it y involved the le arning MG "Research and Fitness in Gymnastics" editor DR. and practicing of two pre-established trampoJAMES BOSCO wos omong 64 teachers who were line routines. The first routine ass igned both HONORED FOR DISTINGUISHED TEACHING by the grou ps included ski lls which were fami liar but California State Colleges Division of Academic not necessarily acquired ski lls to each member Planning. The 18 California State Colleges represent of the two groups. Both a pre-test (before train the lorgest system of public higher education in the ing) and a post-test (aft er training) score was Western Hemisphere. Total enrollment for Califor- taken on each subject performing this routine. nia State Colleges exceed 185,000, and there are The seco nd routine given to both groups was almost 10,000 instructional faculty members. more complex in its requirements and affo rded Beside the $500-$1 ,000 honororium that goes with the researchers a further discriminatory baseth is award, Dr. Bosco was also awarded a $2,500 line evaluation. Only a post-training evaluation ASEE-NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship for par- was made on the second routine. The suhjects ticipation in the Stanford-Ames Aeronautics and were judged by four experienced competitive gymnasticjudge~ who were completely unaSpace Research Program (nice going, Jim). ware of which group served as the control and which the experimental. The mean score of the four judges ' eval:Jation for each subject served THE EFFECT OF INSTANT REPLAY as the criterion measurement. VIDEOTAPE TELEVISION ON The training program followed was limited to IMPROVING PERFORMAN CE OF d period of 10 weeks with each group meeting SELECTEDTRAMPOLINESKILLS* twice a week . Course of instruction , time of BY day , length of class period , and number of times K. Nelson Butler, Ed. D. on trampoline a ll served as variables well within University of So lith Florida the boundaries of the researcher's control. Tampa, Florida The experimental group experienced three "Recip ient of the 1968 C. H. McClo y Honor stages of exposure to the videotape recorder. Research Award . The first stage involved a n a ttempt to allow The purpose of this investigation was to aseach subject to review hi s performance twice during a practice session. The second stage was sess the effectiveness of the portable videotape to have the subject rev iew his performance only televi s ion system in the le a rning of se lected trampoline skills. There are no substantive pub- once a day but with more time given to detail s of the acquisition of ski ll re sulting in a more licat ions to date which deal specifically with the acquisition of motor skills employing the instant skillfu l performance. The third stage was an repl ay videotape recorder in a normal physical attempt to have those subj ects who appeared to need the help most , review more th an tho se education class situation. However, literature is available substantiating the idea that knowledge subjects who were progressing rapidly. Since of results is desirable if effective motor learning this was one of the first systematic attempts to is to take place . C ratty , ( 1964) in di sc uss ing utilize for acq ui sition of motor skills the videousual considerations of instruction and motor tape recorder in a norma l physical education learni ng , mentions three stages, one of which is class situation , practically all aspects lacked rea task-complet ion phase and generall y contains finement and were exploratory in nature. instruction giving knowledge of results. The data collected in this study were a naArps (1920) established that the amou nt of lyzed in two general categories: within-group work and the rate of work was influenced posi- and between-group comparisons . The statisti cal tively when the individual was informed con- treatments used in these ana lyses were twofold. First, a Lindquist Type I ana lysis of variance stantly of his effort in pulling the finger ergograph. Research that has followed thi s stu dy technique was employed to test the comparitends to support thi s early work in the area of sons of pre-test and post-test evaluations as knowledge of results. Trowbridge and Carso n, well as furnish a between-groups comparison of the first routine 's criterion measurements. (1932) in a study where subjects attempted to A proposed null hypothesis of no significant draw a four inch line with their eyes closed , supported the id ea that a s light advantage in difference between th e pre-test and post-test learni ng favored the visual check as opposed to evalu at ions in both groups was rejected . Table I an auditory check which was supplied by the indicates an F of 30.I S which is sign ificant at experimenter. They added that the degree of the .0 I level.
A proposed null hypothesis of no sign ifi cant difference between the groups was not rejected. Table I indicates a n F of 3.S9 which does not exceed th e .0 I level. Based upon the st a tistical analyses of this study. it is readily observabl<; that while both the convent ion a l method a nd the experimenta l method (videotape) had significant positive effects on the attai nment of the selected ski ll s. no difference was discerned between the two methods . Owing to the s implicit y of the first routine a second routine was assigned both groups and a post-test evaluatio n was made subsequent to the treatment period. A t tes t was pelformed on the data collected from the judges' evaluation of the seco nd routine. A proposed null hypothesis of no signific a nt difference between the two groups was not rejected. Table II indicates a ca lcul ated t of .43 which does not exceed the estab li shed .05 level of confiden ce. C oll clusiolls According to th e data collected and ana lyzed in this study the following conclusions appear tenable: I. Both a conventional teach in g method a nd an experimental teaching method (uti li zing an instant replay videotape recorder) playa sign ificant role in the development of motor sk ill ability resulting in an improved performance ofa se lected trampoline routine. 2. Both the experimental and co nventiona l methods of teaching trampolining. as employed in this study , played a sign ifi cant role in improving performance of th e subjec ts: however, neither method proved superior to th e other. 3. Further exploration seems warranted in the use of instant replay videotape recorders for the acqu isition of motor sk ill s since it has been established that it does not hinder in the development of selected trampo line ski ll s. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Arp s, G. F., Work with knowledge of result vs. work
without knowledge of results. Psychologica l Monographs, 1920, 28 , 125.
2. Bilodeau, E. A. , Motor Performance as affected by mag nitude and direction of error contained in knowledge of results. Journal of Psychology, 1955, 50, 103-113. 3. Bilodeau, E. A., Variable frequency of knowledge of results and the learning of a simple skill. Journal of Experimenta l Psychology, 1958, 55, 379-383. 4 . Cratly, Bryant J.. Movement Behavior and Motor Learning. Lea and Febiger, 1964. 5. Greenspoon, Joel and Foreman, Solly, Effect of delay of knowledge of results on lea rning a motor ta sk. Journ al of Experimental Psychology, 1956, 51 . 226-2 28. 6. Howell, Maxwell L., Influence of emotional tension to speed of reaction and movement. Research Quarterly. 19 53,
Table I Summary Table for Lindquist Source
Sums of Squa res
Subjects Groups Err (B) Wlin SS A GXA Err(W) Total
30 1 29 31 1 1 29 61
34.359 4.066 30.923 21.470 10.736 .420 10.313 55.829
Type I ANOYA Mean Squares 1.145 4.066 1.044 .692 10.736 .420 .355 .915
F-Ratios 3.893 30.188** 1.181
**Indicates significance at .01 level Table II Summary Table for t Test Source
Conventional Group I
Experimental Group II
Cal. t
Headed by Muriel Grossfeld, Don Tonry and Abie Grossfeld, is a nationally qualified staff selected to provide the best instruction at each ability level. Included are olympians, national champions and top coaches to provide inspirational demonstrations as well as the very best in
Floor Exercise 19.20 4. M . Kubica, Poland 18.65 18.8 5 .5.M. Cerar, Yugoslavia 18.65 18.50 18.80 6. Klimenko, USSR Bulgaria's Christow was a surprise winner in FX, but he hod a difficult exercise which included a double somersault and he deserved the trophy. Side Horse 19.50 . 4. G. Dietrich, E. Ger. I . M. Ceror, Yugoslavia 19.20 19.50 4. M. Kubica, Poland I. W. Kubica, Poland 19.20 19.45 6. M. Nissinen, Finland 3. M. Voronin, USSR 19.05
Don Wilkinson whose photos have appeared in Modern Gymnast covered the Olympic Games photographically in color and black and white. He has produced a fully illustrated catalogue showing over 1,500 contact size black and white prints (with over 400 of Gymnastics). Also listed are the color transparencies taken. This catalogue, price $1.00 is now available from - DON WILKINSON, 1013 8th AVENUE, GREELEY, COLORADO 80631.
Cost of Slides ........... 400 each ............. 38c each ................. .35c each
Cost of Black and White Prints 5 x 7 - $1.00 each - set of 10 prints $ 900 - set of 25 prints $20.00 8 x 10 - $1.50 each - set of 10 prints $14.00 - set of 25 prints $32.50 11 x 14 - $4.25 each - .et of 10 prints $39.25 - set of 2S (price availablr on request)
I . R. Christow, Bulgaria 2. W. Lisktsky, USSR 3. S. Kubica, Poland
50 to 99 slides 100 to 249 slides 250 or more
ALL-AROUND Results of the Individual Event Finals
50c each 47c each . 45c each
WI'J1SAW 1%9
On May 24th & 25th, 59 competitors from 21 countries took part in the VI II European Championships held in Warsaw, Poland. This was a record turnout of competitors for the event (with almost every country entering 3 men (this was a new rule,in the past only two men per country were eligible). The level of the competition was high as was the new interest. Fifteen foreign countries had television transmission of the competition and more than 50 TV reporters and Journalists were on hand. The first day the All-Around competition was held and the individual event finals were held the next day. The apparatus (made in Poland) was installed on a podium as in the Olympic Games, which makes the viewing, judging, photography and performances all the more elegant. Voronin of the USSR won the All-Around with 57.45 and his teammate Klimenko was second with 57.00 (he has improved on his leg form since Mexico). Kubica (Mikolia) of Poland, placed third with a score of 56.85 , followed by Cerar with 56.45 , Kubica (Sylvester) of Poland, 56.00 and Kubica (Wilhelm) of Poland with 55.65. Lisitsky of USSR missed on the Horse and only scored 8.45 and Menichelli of Italy, not fully recovered from his Achilles tendon break in Mexico, did not start.
I to 9 slides 10 to 24 slides 25 to 49 slides
All finalists' exercises were on a high level with Cerar once again proving he is a master of the Side Horse and Wilhelm Kubica gained prestige as he shored first place with Cerar (Kubica has great technique but his combination is not very original). Rings '1. M. Voronin, USSR 19.50 4. W. Lisitsky, USSR 19.20 2. M. Kubica, Poland 19.30 5. W. Kubica, Poland 18.95 2. W. Klimenko, USSR 19.30 5. K. Koste, E. Ger 18.95 All Ring finalists demonstrated great technique and force (all did straight arm giants to handstand). Perfection was the word for Voronin. I . W. Klimenko, USSR 2. M. Kubica, Poland 2. M. Voronin, USSR
Long Horse 18.65 4. S. Kubica, Poland 18.55 5. W. Lisitsky, USSR I 8.55 6. C. Guiffroy, France
18.52 18.35 18.17
All of the Gymnasts made a Yamashita vault except Lisitsky who did a Hetch with a full twist and Kimenko who did a Yamashita with a full twist (the level of the . . vaulting was just mediocre). I . M. Voronin, USSR 2. M . Cerar, Yugoslavia 2. W. Klimenko, USSR
Parallel Bars 19.05 4. K. Kubica, Poland 18.95 5. R. Hurzeler, Switzer. 6. M . Nissinen, Finland 18.95
18.85 18.80 18.70
On this apparatus I bring attentiOn to Nissinen's double somi from a handstand and Hurxeler's Diamidov dismount and original composition. Horizolltal Bar I. W. Klimenko, USSR I 9.25 4. V. Skoumal, Czech. 18.65 I. W. Lisitsky, USSR 19.25 5. M. Voronis, USSR 18.45 3. M. Cerar, Yugoslavia 19.20 6. K. Koste, E. Ger. I 8.1 0 Here, the level of exercises were normal except that Voronis made some big mistakes .
RESULTS: AA: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
WORONIN Michail KUMENTO Wiktor KUBICA Mikalaj CERAR Miroslov KUBICA Sylvester KUBICA Wilhelm GUIFFROY Christion USICKI Wiktor CHRISTOV Raycho HURZElER Roland NETUSI l Mikoslav NEHASll Vladislav BERCHTOLD Metrad HERCZEGH Belo NISSINEN Mauno BRODNIK Jonez TEPASSE Helmut JONSSON Christer DEUZA Christian
57,45 57,00 56,B5 56,45 56,00 55,65 55,65 55,50 55,30 55,25 55,20 55,10 55,00 54,BO 54,BO 54.75 54,75 54,75 54,70
20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 2B. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
Worth mentioning, Lisitsky's floor exercise, From 0 stond position, flik·floc, somi bock loyout, with 0 full turn (360), dismount to front leaning rest. Herseler on the Horizontal bor, Giant circle forward, special temp, jump with hand
54,70 54,50 54,70 54,10 54,10 53 ,BO 53,BO 53,75 53,75 53,75 53,70 53,65 53,55 53,50 53,50 53,45 53,30 53,20 ~3,05
40. GJERSTAD Trigve 41. TRANGBAEK Kurt 42. MIHAIUC Petre 43. lAI NE la sse 44. BENEDIKTSON Ole 45. GUNNEMANN Hans 46. CARMINUCCI Giovanni 47 . GINES SIU Jose 4B. LIE TORE 49. BERECZllstvon 50. REITHMEIER Diter 51. WilD Stonley 52. KNIP Alex 53. BALDUCCI Sergio 54. RUSHTFORTH Graham 55. LINDGREN Evert 56. AUNTUNES de Abreu Jose 57. BOOTH Michale 58. UlAMEC Heirich 59. OPRESCU Nicoloe
53, 15 52,85 52,40 52,35 52,30 51,85 51,85 51 ,80 51,75 5l,50 51,50 51,35 51,20 50,95 50,55 50,40 50,05 48,30 48,20 47,50
over bar with half turn (1 80°), straddle position, grosp horizontal bor. It is 0 variety of "Voronin" but more effective.
Ed . Note: W e met Mr. Gonera in Mexico City at the Olympic Games and he mentioned he would like to send the MG som e reports from Europe . . . here is his first one on the European Championships with photos and comments. We hope our MG readers enjoy this report and if you ha ve any questions of our new MG correspondent in Europe, he can bl( contacted at: Andrzej Gonera , Archiwalna 9/45, Warsaw 21, POLAND. He speaks and writes in English}. Mr. Goner is a Graduate from the University of Physical Education in 'Warsaw , with a Master's degree. H e is working as a gy mnastic coach for boys. He was on the National team from Poland at the World Championships in Dortmond and the Olympic Games in Mexico, where he placed 39th AA with 109.25 and his team placed 5th. H e is the V-ee cha mpion of Poland in the AA and was the first to master from a support-somersault forward with quarter turn (90°) to catch hang on one bar of the parallel bars.
See following page for European AA Chomp Andrzej Gonera
Ope,ing Ceremonies for the 8th Eurapean Chompionships
ANYONE I!I EI FOR 1m13E3 ALL AROUNOD GERALD S. GEORGE, Coordinator DONTONRY DAN MILLMAN The " Anyone For All-Around" is a new MG feature series that encompasses teaching methods and techniques , mechanical analyses , and descriptive illustrations and progressions for each of the six all-around gymnastic events . The series is designed for the performer, the teacher-coach, and the physical educator who is interested in a technical yet practical coverage of selected skills in all events. Gerald George will provide a coverage of parallel bars and horizontal bar. Don Tonry's area will encompass the side horse and still rings events. And Dan Millman, in his very own provocative style , will handle the floor exercise and long horse vaulting events. We would like to invite all of the MG readers to send in any and all request s for particular skill analyses , teaching and coaching points, problem areas , etc. that you feel would help to clarify and facilitate quicker and more accurate learning and understanding of the various gymnastic events. Our primary objective in providing a series of this nature is to serve your gymnastic needs. You are the very pulse of this operation. So let us know what you want to see and we ' ll do our best to present it in a most meaningful way. For purposes of efficiency a nd convenience, please send your requests to the above mentioned appropriate writer. This newall-around series is just another way in which the MG magazine hopes to give ts gymnastic family the most up-tocdate and vital information of international trends and innovations in a wonderful sport - gymnastics.
iii Some Generalizations ~ About Free Exercise
By DAN J. MILLMAN Stanford University KISS! Keep It Simple Stupid! It would be well for tyro gymnasts to brand this aphorism into their grey matter. All too often, the beginning , and intermediate , and even advanced gymnast will flail about the free ex area bouncing to and fro , alternating tumbling with 'co nvulsive fits in every corner. These muscle spasms are littered freely about at every possible opportunity, and called " trans itions. " Granted, it is often difficult for the gymnast to tell the difference between his unique creative expression and garbage; this writer was certainly guilty when competing. Just remember that swing' s the thing! Our "swing" in free exercise is our flight , springs, leaps and kips. We should strive to give the illusion that we are free from gravity 's dull grasp. Franco Menichelli , it seems, was years ahead of his time , physically and philosophically. He had some mechanics problems, yet he personified the grace and explosion of the gazelle , the panther. Dynamism is what we want. Often we can demonstrate this dynamic quality by showing its contrast. Just as a cool drink 18
tastes so much better in an arid desert , we appreciate the flight in our exercise by dramatically contrasting it with s udden and complete stops , or perhaps an intricate or complex gyration or maneuver in one position ... then on to more fli ght! A good rule to follow in composing a free exercise routine then , is to put a movement or transition in the routine only if you cannot leave it out; unless it meas urab ly adds to the aes thetic effect of the routine. We are all guilty of making up or learn ing a transition or movement which we consider " all our own. " We simply have to put it in ... we've become, psychologically speaking, " ego involved " in the trick. . Make up your routine , and cut anything that gives away more than a .2 break , unless you can easily remedy the break. Cut anything that isn 't vital. Then you have a lea n, clean-cut routine. That doe s n ' t mean we have to leave out all creative gems , not by a long shot. Just make sure they fit. That doesn 't mean we have to have sterile routines , with no transition movements. Find a balance between sterility and garbage. Free exercise has been called the only event in gymnastics that can stand alone. The only event which develops a well-rounded bod y; strong, flexible , quick , dynamic. Free exercise contains more room for creativity than any other event. It contains elements of the remaining five events. One can do side horse moves in free exercise, one can do ring moves, vaulting moves, and facsimiles of parallel bar and high bar moves. A writer would find it imposs ible to "cover" the event fully , so varied are the movements. Yet in this column , let 's set a philosophical foundation for continuing study of the event. Ifone ever thinks in poetic or naturalistic terms , he can liken the spirit of each event to a color , or an animal , or natural phenomenon. This " synesthesia," or mixing of sensory impressions is often enjoyable in reverie. In free exercise, the gymnast can imagine himself as a pa nther , on balance , ready to explode. The moods evo.ked on the rings varies from lightly explosive giants to slowly combusting cross presses. These analogies may seem pointless , but If they help to draw forth the elan, the dramatic feel of the performer, they are worthwhile. If the poetry, the magic, drama and imagery of gymnastics doen 't "reach " the reader, he should , to paraphrase Jerry George, take a Second Look - and a Second Feel. To gain the full joy of gymnastics, the per,former must seek the emotional , philosophical , and artistic feel of the sport. The happy ,
but not di sdai nful pride. Otherwise we are just machines moving in circles. Perhaps nowhere is this unabashed pleasure in movement reflected more fully than in free exercise. The pleasure can be mimicked ; but even in imitating joy, the performer will begin to feel the stirrings of excitement the drama of his performance. Anyone doing double twi sters , and mile-high tumbling-anyone who knows he's going to be above 9.0 , can be proud. The challenge is for the 5, 6, 7, and 8.0 performers to feel this pride in doing their best and selling their best. This is what distinguishes a true gymnast ; (no matter what his score) from a competent mechanic. It is not altogether ina ppropriate to quote Peter Pan, who reminds us. "Think happy thoughts if yo u want to fly. " It might be added, think simply , clt:an , and dra matic. Mix in plenty of hard work , thought , repetition and basics. Stir to boiling, and f1y/
~ El
The Front Scissors
by Don Tonry Gymnastics Coach - Yale Un iversity
The front scissors is one of tho se skills that cannot be performed too high , providing that the gymnast can work out of it effectively. The F.I.G. rules tell us that scissors will receive a deduction if the hips are not stretched well above the horse (*" disengage the hips" - I would like to see that one). The F.I.G. assumes that if the performer has complete hip extension, above the horse , that the scissor will be of the high type. Generally , this is true ; however, we a re seeking to execute far above the basic requirements of technical execution. Many gymnasts , upon observing other performers execute this skill, a re so impressed with leg elevation that they do not realize that th e hips are the key factor in attai ning height and smoothness. Here is a short list of factors that should be taken into consideration while performing this skill: I. The initial thrust should ste m from an extended hip position. See figure # I. 2. The shoulder that corresponds to the direction of scissors should be depressed (forced downwa rd) in order to facilitate leg and hip thrust. 3. The direction of the thrust should be up and out in order to allow for stretch-away from the supporting arm. 4. Both legs must be thrown with a "follow *F.I.G. gymnastics handbook
through " motion in order to gain maximum elevation. S. Excessive piking (too much upward thrust) will tend to cause the hips to remain low, which will result in late extension during the descent. 6. Both hips should be fully extended well above the horse at the highest point of the swing. See Figure #4. 7. The hips should remain extended during the recovery phase. The second front scissors should be initiated from this position. See Figure #S. 8. There is approximately a 160-degree turn of the pelvis from thrust to recovery as indicated by the blocks below the illustrations. 9. Most beginners do not turn the pelvis enough , in the direction of the thrust , and therefore inhibit the use of the forward leg.
rmThe Position of the Head ~During Selected RingSkilis by Don Tonry Gymnastics Coach , Yale University During the next few months I will be writing about those skills and techniques that I feel to be of particular significance to the coach and the pelformer. I will attempt to analyze illustrate and justify the prescribed techniq~e for each movement as I introduce it. I have chosen this route for a series of articles because this approach will allow me to randomly vacillate from one technique to another without having to follow a particular pattern. Most of the material that I will present is the result of personal experIence in conjunction with the experiences and WrItings of others. Perhaps in the future many of these " gray " areas of technique will be studied and analyzed through cinemagraphic research. There was a time (not too long ago) when most gymnasts and coaches did not consider th.e position of the head , in relation to body alignment, as being a significant factor during the performance of a particular skill . Today with our Increased emphasis on stretch and technical execution we have discovered that the placement of the head can and often does either aidor impair a skill. Wh~t happens whe~ the head IS thrown backward while one is in an upper arm hang, a support or an inverted support (handstand)? Generally , the result is similar in all three positions: I. The cervical and lumbar areas of the spine tend to curve concavely. 2. Optical orientation changes somewhat. 3. The body weight is shifted slightly and therefore must be accompanied by a compensatory movement of other parts of the body. 4. There is often a diversion of attention from one area of thrust to another area of thrust. HANDSTAND When the head is raised: I. The shoulders move forward causing an angle to form between the upper arms and the upper body. 2. The lower back arches in order to allcw the legs to overbalance because the chest has been lowered. 3. This position tends to be unstable because it allows excessive fluctuation in the trunk does not permit the body to be at its greatest length , which has functional importance on many skills, and is aesthetically unappealing, according to today's technical standards.
UPWARD SHOOTING SKILLS There is a tendency to throw the head backward early during the process of "shooting" on the rIngs. Many coaches use optical cues in order to avoid this problem. The performer is often asked to watch his hips as his body rises
upward. Generally , when the head is thrown backward: (I) a rm pull lessons; (2) the hip angle (thrust) decreases ; (3) the direction of the shoot becomes less accurate. The head should be held forward long enough to allow the performer to see and establish upward thrust with direction.
1"1 OnTheVaulting long Horse
. If we were consistent in formulating gymnastiC events, we wouldn 't have the long horse vault. All the other events are composed of II principal parts - I C , 4 Bs and 6 As. Indeed . while trampoline enjoyed a blief but glorious residence in the NCAA gymnastics scene, the rules of that event were changed so trampoline could be consistent with the other events. Yet long horse sits alone. The status of vaulting lies somewhere between an event and a trick. The "event " has been the object of emotions ranging from jest to indifference. While coaches will often actively recruit rings , side horse or free exercise specialists, it is almost unheard of to recruit long horse vaulters. Somehow it doesn 't seem right to take a man on team tlips so he canjump over the horse once or twice, even though his 9.3 will certainly mean just as much as a 9.3 in rings or any other event. The potential for picking up 9.3s , or whatever , gives us at least a pragmatic reason for working vaulting. It's the easiest event to build scores on. I t's obviously not as difficult learning one 9.0 vault as it is learning a 9.0 ring or free exercise routine. Yet few teams have three or four good vaulters. Few teams ever vault three times a week. Many proposals have been made to try to inject more life into long horse vaulting - to make more room for creativity, proposals have been made to change the reuther board for a mini-tramp. to eliminate the fault zones, to raise or lower the horse , to give much more credit for originality. Other coaches have espoused that the vaulting event is simply a carry-over from the bull vaulting event in ancient Greece and should now be eliminated or replaced with the trampoline. Is there a good reason to retain the vaulting event? This writer didn't think so previously but has changed his mind. Here is why: Arthur Gander, technical chairman for the F.I.G. , has stated that each gymnastic event has a purpose for eXisting and that purpose is the well-rounded physical and mental development of the gymnast. Obviously , a rings specialist is not I~kely to receive full leg development nor parIIcularly good kinesthetic development. Free exercise seems to be the only event that could probably stand on its own for total development. So what does long horse add? Vaulting adds three very important mental and physical qualities to the gymnastics spectrum. First, vaulting is the only event which has a long, fast. aggressive run towards a challengIng obJective. Pure aggressive attitude (or the lack of it) may be brought out here more than anywhere else in the sport. Second, and perhaps most important , the fact that we are only performing one movement instead of II is vaUlting's greatest strength rather than its weakness. For only here must we concentrate absolutely on one perfected movement from start to finish While we want to perfect each trick in a routine, we often tend t~ work the roy tine as a whole (good). yet sometimes lose Sight of perfecting each internal movement. Vaulting forces us ; reminds us to do this. Third. vaUlting's most exciting climax is a
rock solid. super-human appearing landing after a difficult. high flight. The unique tempo of a fast , light run, an explosive takeoff, sometimes somersaulting flight , and BOOM' Perfection. Other events have the landing but not in such a dramatic combination of run , flight and landing. Vaulting in America has suffered in recent years because we have practically ignored the event, which can be excitinl!. Who remembers Mitchell ' s mile-high front over or Frank Schmitz' 9.8 front with a full? These gymnasts knew how to go up rather than simply over. And they stuck. The name of the game is to fly! Before you stick. you should fly , and to fly you have to run. To run, you must be aggressive; you must get angry! To quote Jerry George, you must. like the hen in the middle of the road , lay it on the line' The author has several suggestions how to make the event more exciting, challenging and unique. I. Allow a mitigating or leniency factor of.S for oliginal or double** vaults. 2. Instead of deducting 1-2 for step or hop. 2-3 for several steps or hops and 3-S for falling on hands with support or on back. . deduct 3-S, S-7 and 7-1.0 for same faults! Then we 'll see some practice sticking. The event will become more ofa man 's event' 3. **This suggestion may be vehemently rejected by many who may feel it is too extreme , but here goes: Allow one and only one vault. Reasons: I) The philosophy of one perfected movement will go double here ... let's make 'em lay it on the line. The vaulters will then practice enough to be very sure they can consistently do that vault cold and not have another chance. After all , do we want to legislate in favor of inconsistency or against it? Isn't that why a second try at the compulsories was eliminated? Gymnasts with correct mechanics a-e consistent. There will be coaches who reject this suggestion because they picture two of their vaulters blowing the single vault ... but coach. the other team has to come through. too! 2) The crowd doesn't have to sit through a vault: watch the man walk back and wait and wait. then take another vault. (Since when does making a man do two vaults instead of one make him " versatile" ?) 3) The nerve-splitting, heart-rending suspense' Can you imagine the " last half of the ninth - bases loaded" feeling when the last vaulter is up in a close meet and one man has already blown? This is what gymnastics should be all about if we want to attract spectators' Let's make long horse one of our most exciting events instead of a deficit. This column is actually supposed to go into the mechanics of vaulting. Next issue of the M.G. we will begin the mechanical aspects. Yet this discussion of the philosophy of vaulting was necessary to give us a general direction in which to work. Philosophy determines rules and organization, which in turn determine mechanics. This is true in any gymnastic event. and it is true for the sport as a whole. That is one reason the NCAA rules committee is now discussing the possibility of beginning a Gymnastics Philosophy Committee to discuss the directions and outlooks for U.S. ' gymnastics. To cite a quick example: one way to do smooth. fast giants on the high bar is by simply shortening the radius by bending the arms or bending the knees. However, our philosophy of high bar and of gymnastics, in general, is that the body is to look smooth, flowing and with clean body lines. Thus, our philosophy determines our mechanics of straight legs and piking slightly on the bar to shorten our radius rather than bending knees or arms. So gymnasts, think about what the event is all about in general before getting up to throw tricks. 19
Parallel gBars
Gymnastic Classics© Volume 2 - Porallel Bors Section A - Swing Series Number 1 - From 0 Handstand Position SWING THROUGH - to on Inlocated Support Position
Re: From a Handstand Position - SWING THROUGH to an Inlocated Support Position Illustration A assumes an extended handstand position with all-body segments in a di rect straight-line relationship. The for-downward push against the bars depicted in Illustration B serves to offset the gravitational line toward the intended direction of movement. The progressively decreasing shoulder angle in addition to the slight and scarcely observable forward lean across the upper vertical line is revealed in Illustration C-D-£-F-G-H. This slight forward lean serves not only to insure a controlled descent but also to aid in shoulder girdle extension , a consideration necessa ry to the proper utilization of the oncoming "bottoming effect" of the pendulum swing. The circular a rrow depicted in Illustration I points out that , from the actual initiation of the skill to its final phases , the arm regions are progressively rot ated in an outward direction in proportion to the body's pendulum swing. This action serves to allow the greatest possible anatomical range of movement relative to the shoulder girdle. Such a consideration is of prime importance in reali zing a total and complete pendulum swing. The leg-trunk angle remains in a direct straight-line relationship from the beginning ph ase of the skill and continues through Illustration 1. This rigid fixation of the leg-trunk region in addition to the extended arm segment s will aid the gymnast in attaining a true perpendicular "bottoming effect" from the pendulum swing. The very slightly tra iling leg region occurs momentarily at the exact bottom of the swing. Double arrows depict the direction of thi s "bottoming effect. " The recoiling action both of the bars and of the aforemen tioned depressed shoulder girdle drives the legtrunk region s in an outward and upward direction. Illu strations K-L-M-N-O-P-Q relate the reactionary phase of the upward pendulum swing. As the shoulder angle progressively increases to its maximum anatomical range of movement, there is a very slight and scarcely observable forward lean of the shoulder-arm regions . This is accomplished by a steadfast a nd proportionate back-downward push against the parallel bars. Observe that there is also a very slight " foot lead " realized in Illustration Q. Such a consideration allows for a potential force necessa ry to proper execution of any of the sequenti a lly related skills. A final point in the Swing Through is th at its execution should be of the nature s uch th at a proper returning downward swing would be impossible. The double arrows depict the mechanica lly correct resultant of the aforementioned " bottoming effect" of the pendulum sw ing.
~ - Copyrigh t
© Copyright
Circle, Illustrations B - C, is characterized by decreasing the shoulder angle with the corresponding forward lean across the upper vertical line. A vigorous for-downward push against the bar serves not only to insure a controlled de-
scent but also to retard the natural tendency of the gymnast to position himself too close to the bar at the onset of the skill. Sl ightly prior to reaching Illustration D , there is a s light but observable hip angle decrement. Gymnastic Classics© Volume 1 - Horizontal Bar Section C - Hip Ci rcle s Number 1 - From on Overgrip Hondstand Position FREE HIP CIRCLE - to on Overgrip Hondstand Position
10 1Horizontal Bar HORIZONTAL BAR Re : From a n Overgrip handstand Position FREE HIP C I RC LE - to an Overgrip handstand Position Illustration A assumes an extended handstand position with all body segments in a direct straight-line relationship. The tota l body unit is so positioned th a t its gravitationa l line li es s li ghtly to the side of the intended direction of movement. The initial movement phase of the Free Hip
~ Copy ri gh t
© Copyright
This " foot lead" action , in addition to the illustrated " lock-set" ma inten ance of the shou ldeangle , pl aces the gymnast in an ide al position to best util ize such poten tia l force in coord ination with the acce lerat io n rea lized in the desce nt.
A s th e gymnQst continues through Illustrations E - F , the aforementioned shou lder angle position is steadfastly maintained while the hip angle continues dec reas ing to a point such that the lower as pec t of the le g s a ppe a rs t o be in close proximit y to th e h ori z ont a l cross-b a r. Since the centrifuga l fo rce is increasing to the point such th at it significa nt ly te nd s to cau se th e gy m n a s t to be pulled aw ay fr o m the b a r , the aforement ioned shoulder angle position is now maintained by a proportionate for-downw a rd pu ll towa rd the bar. T he " bottom ing effect " of the swing is real ized in Ill ustration C. T he bar bows downward sli ghtl y a nd th en, as the body begins to ri se up the circu lar swing, the ba r recoils to its origin al positi on. This reco il ing action serves both as a timing c ue a nd as an empetus for direct ing the body to th e desi red positi on, i.e., a n Overgrip Hand sta nd Positio n. Ill ustrations H - I - J - K de pict the progress ive body po si tio n s of the asc ent. Bot h the s hould e r a nd hip a ng le s vi go ro u s ly incre as e both s imu lta neou sly and proport ionately to the upward circular sw ing. Observ e that the fe et prescribe a path identica l in nature to the uppe r vertical line . Bec a u s e of t he v igo rou s s houlder a nd hip angle increme nts, the gymnast wi ll sense a fee ling of " weightless ness" almost as if the body were being pulled up a nd away fro m the bar. It is at th is time , Illust rat ion K , that the slip-grip action of the hands is realized. The wrists a re a rched onto the top of the bar to provide support for the oncoming body we ight. Ill ust ration L revea ls that the aforemen tioned v igorou s s hou lde r a nd hip a ng le increment s have continued to and not through the e xtended Ove rgrip H and sta nd Position. All bod y segments are again in a direct straight-li ne re lationship and the gy mna st is now ideall y posit ioned to perform any of the sequentiall y re lated skills.
NOW AVAILABLE MEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES CORRESPONDENCE COURSE If you are a prospective judge, planning to officiate at meets, you will f ind the " Men's Gym· nastics Judges Correspondence Course" will be a great help to you as 0 supplement to practical judging. Rules and regulotions for each of the six events are all listed under the individual event for easier studying and memorizing . . . (eliminates " hunting" f or a penalty applying to a particular event). Also included is the list of vaults and their values, ABC ports, and a suggested method of judging. A test and answers are included in sep· orate sealed envelopes. Study at your convenience and test yourself when you feel you are reody. Use this cou rse as a preparation for taking an official test. If you are already a judge, you can refresh your memory by just turning to the event you are to judge and glance at the penalties listed under the event. Coaches and gymnasts may also find it convenient to have all the penalties listed under each event separately for quick and easy reference to deductions for errors. This course has been compiled by Helen Sjursen and edited by Frank Cumiskey, FIG judge USA. Order through Helen Sjursen, 46 Poplar Place. Fanwood. N.J. 07023. Cost $3.00 plus 1B cents postage and handling. Checks payable to Helen Sjursen must accompany order.
The MAGIC of GYMNASTICS THE MAGIC OF GYMNASTICS is the first contemporary readings text on the gymnastic market! It consists of a compilation of articles submitted by some sixty-five nationally and internation ally known teachers, coaches, and physical educators. This classroom text deals with the broad spectrum of the total gym nastic curricula fo r both boys and girls of all levels. • • • • •
Designed for Teacher, Coach, and Professional Student! Includes Teaching Methodology for all levels! Kinesiology, Physiology, and Psychology of Gymnastics! Covers the Current Available Literature in the Field! Elementary, Secondary and College Level Physical Education Gymnastics! • Competitive Gymnastics at all levels! • Exhibition Gymnastics! • Lists Current Equipment and Supply Companies! -
Take advantage of this special pre-publication sales offer. Simply fill out the following order blank and include a check or money ader of $5.00. Order from: SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS
Box 777 Santa Monica, California 90406
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NAME ________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________ Street
Ci ty
Zi p
COMPULSORY EXERCISES FOR THE 1970 WORLD GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIPS NOTE: As we have not to th is date received the Official FIG drawing s and text for the 1970 World FLOOR EXERCISE: 1. Sa lta backw., arched dive roll, head kip 2. Roll bockw. to hondst., 1/4 turn, roll over 3. l i B turn, cartwheel, lIic Ilac, bockdive w. V2 turn, roll over 4. Stradd le jump, Jop. jump, straddle cut to bock lean ing support, V2 turn to lront leaning support, stand 5. V. turn to 1/1 turn, 1/1 turn into side scale (Hold) 6. V4 turn to straddle stand, body wove 7. Slowly press to handstand with straight arms and bent body (Hold) 8. Farvv. roll, handspring on one leg, handspring to stand 9. Tour jete, cartwheel with turn to stand 10. Roundoff, Ilic Ilac, bock salta tucked
SIDE HORSE: 1. Moore over pommel 2. Flank bock, kehre in 3. Flank bock, leg over to two scissors lorw., leg over 4. Reverse circle, leg back to two scissors rev., leg bock 5. 1 V2 circles 6. Tramlat (T ravel down and kehre in) 7. Circle. Moore B. Flank bock, kehre out 9. Fla nk back with V4 turn, circle (loop), Schwabenwende (loop V2 turn).
Championships to be held in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia we are publishing this semi-official text and drawings prepared by Barbaro and Ch ri s Weber of Ames, Iowa ... . If there are any changes in the
Official FIG text we will make note of it in the MG when we receive them. The numerical order of tricks correspond s to the illustrated figures.
RINGS : to stra;ght inverted hand 1. Raise
4. Swin g forw. lower to hang, straight body rnlocate 5. Backuprise, drop to bent inverted hang 6. Di slocate, shoot to handstand (Hold)
7. Swing forw. to hipcircie backw., lower to back lever (Hold) 8. Ra ise up to straight inverted hong 9. Stra ight body in locate 10. Bent body inlocote into piked saito forw.
i! 'I'
2. Kip to "L" (Hold) . 3. ~~d~lrHgrd)ss to handstand with bent orms, straight
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LONG HORSE 1. Cartwheel with V. turn
PARALLEl BARS : 1. Baskel to forw. swing in hang 2. Glidekip 3. Back St utzkehre 4. Shoulderstand forwa rd rail 5. Backuprise straddle cut catch to "L" (Hold) . 6. Siwoly press to handstand with bent arms, strOight body (Hold) V2 ) Hand stand pivot forward 8. Forw. Stutzkehre to upper arm hang 9. Frontuprise 10. Sa lta forward .
HIGH BAR : I . Vault over bar . 2. Kip, V2 turn reach under swing bockw. to 3. Handstand, swing forw. and upnse with V2 turn IIlto st r~ddle "L" position 4. Drap back, stoop thraugh, kip 5. German giant 6. Slowly press to hand stand with bent arms, straight . 7. Hipcircle gripchange to handstand 8. Giant swing farw. and V2 turn to giant swrng backw. 9. Crosschange gia nt to handstand, giant sWing forw. 10. Swing forw. to backuprise, hop-chanqe straddle off. ~
~- ~
Stick figures and interpretations are prepared by Barbara and Chris Weber, Ames, Iowa, from the official relea se of the 1970 World Championship compulsories for men. Signed and dated by Arthur Gander, President of the F.I.G./ February 21, 1969.
The F.I.G. indicated that an official version of stick figures, taxation of values and movies will become available by summer 1969 with regard to the Pre·World Champion· ship held in Ljubljana , Yugoslavia, on Septembe r 24·27, 1969.
the latter figure in mind , 2. The new code speaks of good posture when one is assisted onto the apparatu s. There can be a deduction of .1-,3 if the gymnast does not have proper leg and foot form when being lifted. It is not known by this writer just what the exact reason is for this rule except that presumably the routine begins when the performer leaves the ground.
Just $15.00 lor 150 It. Super·8 Color lilm 01 1970 World Games Compulsories. Available Irom Sundby Publications, P.O. Box 777, Santa Monica, Calilornia 90406
Concerning the 1968 Code of Points: I, A surpri si ng contradiction in the code of points concerns the Basic Score. The superior judge , to the FIG, is something of a dictator, but the basic score takes aW,ay some of thi s dictatorial power. Whenever a judges conference is necessary, the superior judges score is added to the average of the two middle scores , and thi s is divided by two to arrive at a basic score, Changes are made with
Judges in General: I. Protests: Should a coach wish to protest any aspect of a dual meet he should bring his feelings to the attention of the superior (head ) judge (head judge is suppo sed to be appointed prior to the beginning of the meet by the ho st coach). I would suggest that either the judges association or the judges themsel ves select the head judge. A protest could include any aspect of the meet: judges scores , equipment , safety , etc. C hampionship Meets: In championship meets a coach may protest to the superior
judge abou t judges scores and then protest to the rules committee (all championship meets should have a rules committee), All other protests should be brought first to the attention of the rules committee. 2. Falling from the Apparatus : I would suggest that a gymnast should be remounted by the end of hi s 30 seconds, but that it would be permissible if he were merel y ready to remount at the end of the time', The coach is encouraged to talk to his gymnast after a fall to insure the gy mnast is all right. However, if a gymnast does not make a clear effort to be ready to remount after 30 seconds, hi s routine may be terminated. Listed below is the fourth in a series of articles concerning the A-B-C parts of the 1968 Code of Points. This series is offered simply to emphasize the major changes in the code. The word new simpl y means that the A-B-or-C part is li sted for the first time or was not listed in the 1964 code. Other notes should be self-explanatory.
11· 3 Listed here as C but on page 115 #5 as B
was B
was B - Com
was B
was C
Was C (should be B+ A?)
XII-5 Slight change - "L" added
Was (
was B ~ could beA+A
" L" added
~lJ= XVI- l
New -
d ~ IF
XVII-l 0
Was (
New (easy U
XVII-9 New
Was B
New -
effe'ctive mount?
~\~~ ~~ XVII 1-6
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4, The front roll, front somersault. (A + B = B difficulty). The action between completion. of the roll and the actu!ll somersault calls fOI as much vertIcal extension as pOSSIble wlthrn the
\'; ~ \ \ /--\, \
p~ continuit~ofthemove,Notere.achofth,earrns, ~\ head posItIon, upward propulsIOn of hips and . i d~~~~ ( J initiation of somersau lt with arms and head. ~ ~~r(OI I 'j _ it - -~ .. ~, <::,\,C{\,,~ \1) 路 The novice will tend to leap forward out of the 搂:?t~5,,?i;:I;;s~--v, 路~L ~~~ ~' UJ--------" =-= roll and to execute a lo~g, dlvrng: roll and --
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,should be at least ( + B.
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should be counseled to stnve for height and a fast tuck. Next: Roundoff, back handspring,
, ,,---:::,-
Cartoon used with permission o f the Saturday Evening Post.
}) 25
JACOBSON Clinic Director
PROGRAM • 4 Full days & nights of gymnastics • A program designed to help every gymnast on all levels of gymnastics • Up to date interpretation of all World Championship Compulsories • Demonstration & active participation of compulsories • Over abundance of apparatus-More individual instruction • Special Coaches sessions - Individual help
THEY SAID IT COULDN'TBE DONE In South ern California for 13 years it has almost been assumed before the fact that Pasadena Cit y College would go on forever winn ing meet after meet . after all when you've hod I 3 years of competition withou t a single defeat the possibi lity of defeat seems remote. Well. for Coach Jerry Todd (PCC) the 13th year proved to be unfort unate indeed. From out of nowhere Long Beach City College, until now ra ther obscure gymnastica lly, rose to beat Pasadena not once but four times during th e season! The fourt h time being at th e cru cia l state finals, the score LBCC 114.5 and PCC 96. Long Beach City College is now at the top of the heap so long exclusive to Jerry Todd's team. The question in everyone's mind is why LBCC? The answer is Coach John Draghi. Coach Draghi come from Baldwin Pork High School two yea rs ago to the LBC C campus. He left the CIF High School Conference after chalking up an unprecedented seven straight victories as the CIF chomps. Draqhi did in two short years at LBce what no one else has been able to do in I 3 ... pretty good for a beginner at college coach in g! Among th e outstanding members of Coach Draghi's team are Jim Jennings, who placed first AA at the state finals and was named the league gymnast of the yea r, and Gary Albiiz, who took the still ring championship at the finals.
REGISTRATION LIMITED· REGISTER NOW! Deposit: $15.00 per person must be paid in advance Clinic Fee: $30.00 total fee includes: Instruction, Admission to Exhibition of stars & free gymnastics memento Make check payable to: Iowa Gymnastics Clinic c/o Mike Jacobson University of Iowa, Field House Iowa City, Iowa 52240
Registration - Dec. 20, 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon For hotel and motel special clinic rate information and clinic schedule, contact Coach Jacobson at above address (Off ice Phone: 319-353-4596 - Home Phone: 319-351-6365). 26
Kentucky State HS Championships (received too late for HS edition), L to R, Danny Belvins (Bryon Stati on) and Chris M iller (Iroquois) Co-All-Around Champs in Kentucky State HS meet. Team Totals, Bryan Station, 95; Iroquois, 81 ; Pleasure Ridge Park, 18; Lafayette, 5, and Thomas Jefferson, I .
MG SCOREFlASHER FOR OCTOBER Nothing odds closs to a gymnastic meet like a lineup of attractive scorefloshers. They are not only" a pleasant addition to the scenery, but they are also very func tional ; with their help the judges get their scores up foster, and as a result the meet can move along foster and th erefore be more exciting to the spectators ... so let's have more scoreflashers! In its uridying effort to upgrade the image of gymnastics, the MG is t aking this space to promote the scoreflosher and her continued use. Featured this month is pretty Diane Boehm of Son Gabriel High School. The photos were ta ken at the CIF finals where Dione and a crew of girl s flashed scores for the judges. Dione w ill be attending M t. Son Antonio Junior Col lege this fall and hopes to find a ca reer in Fashion Coordination. She was a varsity cheerleader, homecoming princess and letterman's queen at Son Gabriel H.S. Her favorite sport .. gymnastics, of course.
FORT LAUDERDALE, flORIDA December 26-30, 1969
For Information Write: Mr. Dick Holzoepfel Room 20 1 AOB Unive rsity of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 52240 M r. Russ Porterfield Gymnasti cs Coach University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma 73069 Mr. Bill Meade Gymnastics Coach South ern Illinois Univ. Carbonda le, Illinois 6290 1 Ernestine Corter Gymnasti cs Coach Women's P. E. Dept. Clarion State College Clarion, Pennsylvania 1621 4 Sharon Pirkl Physical Education Dept. Moline High School Moline, Illi nois 61265 Mr. Chic Cicio 17432 N. W. 47 Court Coral City, Florida 33054
CLINIC DIRECTORS: MR. BILL MEADE - Southern Illinois University MR. DICK HOLZAEPFEL- University of Iowa MR. MIKE JACOBSON - University of Iowa
See the gymnast. He is a specialist. S-P-E-C-I-A-L-I-S-T Watch him closely, He may not be around for long.
Master Instructional Staff: 'Men: Fred Dennis-Illinois High School Coach and Olympic Team Fred Drlofsky - Michigan High School Coach and Olympic
See how hard he works out. Work, work, work. He spends his whole workout on one or t wo events. He is st ri ving towards perfection. HE sets the pace for his event. HE can do tricks the Al l-Around man cannot do.
Team Russel Porterfield - Oklahoma University Coach Fred Sanders - North Carolina University Coach Roger Gedney - Western Illinois University Coach Dale Hardt -Illinois High School Coach and NCAA Champion Chic Cicio - Florida Coaches Association
See how worried he looks. Worry, worry, worry. He is being phased out of gymnastics. O-U-T. HE is being replaced by the Al l-Around man. He is told that international competition must be "the" goal. He is told that he must shope up or shi p out!
Women : Women: Ernestine Carter - Clarion State College Coach, Olympian, World Champion Sharon Pirkl-I llinois High School Coach Judy Gedney - Western Illinois University Coach Jacki Uphues-Judge, 1968 Olympics, Delegate to InterGymnastics Fed. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. "Hutch" Dvorak - Georgia Southern Coaches To assist the teaching staff, members of the Southern Illinois and Uni versity of Iowa (NCAA Champs) vars ity gymnastics teams will be on hand.
Program: Classes will be open to teachers, gymnasts and coaches. Instruction on the apparatus for both boys and girls will be offered at all ability levels. Special sessions will be offered for those gymnasts working on the compulsory routines. Up t o date films will be shown, and classes held in the iud ging of gymnastics as well as discussion of new teaching and training See th e Coach. HE is crying. Cry, cry, cry. He is crying because his gymnastic t eam has been reduced t o a handfu l of AII Around men. He is crying because hi s specialists who used to score 9.4s and above we re phased out of gymnastics. He is crying because th e school supe rin dent wi ll not spe nd money on a sport that cater s to on ly a handful of students. Cry, cry, cry.
Highlights of Program: 1. Judging Classes 2. Coaching Classes - New techniques for training and coaching. 3. Gymnastics in the Physical Education Program for teachers. 4. Classes for all ability levels for both boys and girls. 5. Training in the current compulsory routines. 6. Competition for men, women and Florida High School boys. 27
Continued from page 11
sistent. I was not impressed with their vaulting (I feel they were overscored). F.X. was also fa irl y weak. Marion Yemetz was the ir coach and ha ndl ed hi s team well. Cerar's scores of 9 made the difference between winning and losing to the U.S. team. U.S.A. Team Comments Dave Thor exce ll ent. I feel he was undersco red on his second vault. Hi s H.B. routine very good a nd that excellent double sommy di smount (high above the bars) was tremendou s. Side Horse was , as usual, very good. He blew hi s lead over Cera r on the P.B.'s; also had trouble on the still rings and with his leve rs (appeared tired to me , maybe he needs a rest). Paul Tickenoff also impressed me (poor on s ide horse) good vaulter and P.B .'s. Armando Vega has a real prospect in Paul. Fred Denni s is a good Ring man but hi s routines need changing . . . a very steady performer . . . reliable a nd consistent. I am sure a year or two will ma ke a difference in Fred . Richa rd Tucker is a bit of a sleeper, ve ry steady , lots of courage - I do not know who is coaching him but this bo y ha s great potential and will be heard from in the future . Gene Wettstone did hi s usua l good job coaching the team. Canada Team Comments N ot muc h change , as long as we have on ly 7 or 8 se niors to pick a team of 4 or 5 nothing will ha ppe n. Gi l Larose proved again he is Canada's top gy mn as t. G il , the top sco rer for Ca nada, excellent F .K and P. B. Andre Simard thi s year's na tiona l champion, scored we ll on L.H.V. Barry Brooker gave his usual steady performances (Barry has improved , very few breaks) . The performance of Syd Jensen was a disa ppointment to me ; Syd was hurt a nd did not compete a t the N ationals. I wonder, was he ready for thi s meet ? He looked so good last year. Putting Bill Mack ie in wa s a good mo ve (hi s sco re s did not count). It was a good idea to give Bill international experience. Will y Weiler ha ndled the team. (Will y has so me definite pl ans to give our boys more experience.) I hope he will be supported. It mu st be fru stra ting getting the team a few days before a meet an d expect him to do much other th an to look at hi s team 's routines and comment : so mething must be done to keep our nationa l tea m together. Judges T . Zivic and B. Bajin , Yugos lav ia: U.S .A., C. Weber a nd T. Mu zycz ko: Ca nada, E, Qrychen a nd J . C houinard . General Remarks The meet was very well run under the chairmanship of Tom Zivic, York Universit y (Mats. etc. a ll supplied by York) . It was a pleasure to see Frank Ba ra and J ac kie Uphues up here in Canada. I believe it was Frank's first visit. Attendance was about 3,000 but we lost them because of the length of the meet - I am not so sure that we should not have had two events running or that we should have started earlier. We mu st find so me way to speed up our competitions. That 5 minute s warm up before each event sure slows things down.
USGF 1968 Men's OLYMPIC GYMNASTIC FILM Just $16.00 for 400 ft. 8mm (black & white) All the top final routines of the individual Championships from the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. ORDER FROM : USGF Men's Olympic Film P.O. Box 717 Santa Monica, Ca. 90406
LETTERS CIRCLES Dear Mr. Sundby: I have fOllnd M.G. mostllseful in learning th e proper technique in th e analysis of th e various skills . If possible I hope you will run an analysis on a velY important basic on side horse - double leg circles. Very little attention is given to side horse skills in your magazine, although horizontal bar skills are analyzed each month. YOllrs truly, Paul SooHoo New York (ED. For " Hi gh Doubles & Loops" see Art Shurlock's Question s & Pointers, Jul y '64 MG. A lso with our new " ANYONE for ALLAROUND" feature sta rting in thi s edition, we should in time cover major sk ill s in a ll events.
Dea r Sir: Many beginners and even advanced students of gymnastics ha ve trouble with th e velY basic move of gymnastics - "the handstand." I lioticed at th e Olympic Tria ls many gymnasts had shaky handstands in Floor Exercise, Parallel Bars, and especially on the rings. A handstand is a basic move and should be pracllced over and over till pel/ection is at hand. Wh en I first started learning a handstand, I had no way of finding my balance point quickly and efficiently. Most coaches start teaching th e handstand to students by kicking up against th e wall and th en slowly move feet from wa ll and tlY to hold it; this method takes months of practice with little accomplishment. Don't get me wrong - nothing in gymnastics is done properly with out months and even years . of practice and there is no quick method of dOlllg so, but to ha ve something to help lea rn th e handstand efficiently and better is in order. In practice, I was using ankle-weights fo r developing leg muscles for IlImbling, when I kicked LIp into a handstand (fo rgetting I had th e ankle weights on) and fell over th e first tim e.
PACIFIC NORTHWEST PIONEERS Dear Glen: Thank you velY much for sending me the picture of several of th e early Gymnasts of Washington State University and myself. Th e sport of gymnastics owes th ese men and many others like them a debt of gratitude. These are a f ew of th e stalwart pioneers in th e spread of th e sport of gymnastics throughout th e Pacific Northwest area . It was th eirdedication, love of th e sport, willingness to stay togeth er under adverse conditions, to travel far to compete against gymnasts from other InstItutions and to present untold numbers of exhibitions, which made it possible eventually for a meet sllch as th e NCAA to be held in th e Pacific Northwest area .
( Kn eelin g L to R : David Chilson, Gymnastics Coach , Auburn ; Matthew Brislmvn, Lawyer, Mercer Island. Seated: Jam es SIIIIivan, Gymnastics Coach, Bothel; Coach Hub ert Dunn , Northern Illin ois University; R oger Richert, Architectural Engineer, Seattle. Standing: George Gleason , Gymnastics Coach, Western Washington State College; Jake Monlux, Phys ical Th erapist, Edmonds; R ex Davis , Gymnastics Coach, Wa shington State University.) Most of th ese men were competing on teams which go back 18 to 20 years ago. Davis was captain of the 1953 team , SIIIIivan was his tearnmate. It was a rea l thrill for me to be back in th e State of Washington after an absence of seven years and to see these and many oth er former gymnasts .of mine as well as oth er former sllldents and friends. It was good also to have a chance to visit with you. to receipt of th e pictures. Sin cerely , Hub ert Dunn Gym nastics Coach DeKalb , II/.
I kicked up into one again and held it perfectly. I found my balance point right away, no swaying back andforth, or wa lkin g on hands to try to catch balance. Put th e ankle-weights on, kick up aga inst the wall then bring your feet away from wall; you'll find th e balance point almost immediately, and when weights are off, th e handstand becomes easier to hold. Pressing power in creases and when weights are off presses become almost easy. Also use the weights on oth er apparatus. They develop strength , better balance, and improve coordination , especially in Free Exercise. It developes springs and somersaults tremendously and, when weights are off, moves look better, feel better and j/mv'mllch more smoothly . The people I' ve taught handstands to with th e use of ankle-weights learn ed it faster, and th ey develop presses faster and effortlessly. I sugges t five-pound ankle-weights for best average weight. Sincerely, Steve Lamania Palmyra, N.J.
5' x 10', 8 inches thick, filled with POLYURETHANE FOAM.
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Designed with a smooth covering which prevents abrasions and mat burns.
The combination of trapped air and Polyurethane Foam protects the performer on the roughest landings.
Stocked in Seafoam Green, also available in a variety of school colors.
NEW DISMOUNT LANDING MAT 5' x 10' x 4" Th e new ATLAS Dismount Landing mat is th e safety mat des igned specifically fo r gymnastics_ It is fi ll ed with super shock absorbent Ensol ite® plus 3" of Polyureth ane fo am _ Wh en added togeth er they give the best and safest landing surface which mee ts al l national and intern ational re qiurements. The dismount mat is reversible - by using the Ensolite side up for a firmer landing surface or the Polyu rethan e side up for a soft practi ce landing surface .
SCHOOL PRICE $155.00 @ Re g is te red Tra d e ma rk, Uniroya l, Inc.
Contact your sporting goods dealer today or write us for complete inform ation
2339 Hampton Ave., St. Louis, Mo . 63139
C.ontinued from poge 10 information in bold print alongside the figure. Allow three weeks for delivery from order date. Specify male or fema le. $15.00 per hundred. 10. Heavy Duty Travel Valets. Gold Bock, White Front, with U.S. Flog in color and USGF Emblem in color plus words, United States Gymnastics Federation in Black print. Men's or Women's valet available ... great for travel, every member of your team should have one. $4.00 each plus SOc moiling chorges (First Closs Moil). 11 . The newest USGF Pin. Americon flag on top, USGF Emblem in center ova l and letters USGF below. Extremely attractive and beautifully mode, gold and red and blue. $1.00 eoch. (Discounts available for orders of ten or more). 12. Crests. Cloth, embroidered USGF Crest. The lost word in emblematic design. U.S. Flog on top, USGF Emblem in ovol in center and USGF letters below. Suitable for worm-up iackets, sport coats and blazers and very ottroctive. $2.00 eoch. 13. Decals. Suitoble for luggoge, outomobiles, travel bags, books, virt uo lly onyth ing. Long-wearing plastic decol s are complete in color, with U.S.A. Flag , USGF Emblem and letters USGF below. Identifiable anywhere as 0 plug for gymnastics in the U.S.A. 50 cents each.
[,'___M __ G_G_y_m __C_G_I_e_"_d_G_'__
The following is a brief resume of events taking place in the United States or other nations that concerns American gymnastics progroms. October 17-1 8-19 , 1969. Pre-World Championships for men and women. Ljubjlana, Yugoslavia. Three-day event utilizing world's games compulsories. U. S.A. wi ll send men's and women's teams. November 1-2, 1969. USGF Cooches Congress, Denver, November 8, 1969. United States Military Academy Gymnastic Clinic, West Point, New York. For cooches and gymnasts (men only). November 20 to Dec. 2, 1969. U.S.A. invited to send three women gymnasts, two competitors, and one Coach/Judge for the fi rst Invitational or Elite Women gymnasts ... Tokyo, Japan, U.S.A. will ta ke pa rt if the event takes place .. U.S.S. R., Germa ny, Japan, U.S.A. November 28-29 , 1969. NEW ENGLAND CLINIC. U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Conn. November 28-29. Midwest Open, Mt. Prospect, Illinois. November 28-29. Eastern Gymnastic Clinic, Abington, Pennsylvonio.
ORDER FROM: The United States Gymnastics Federation, P.O. Box 4699, Tuc son, Arizona 85717 U.S.A.
December 5-6, 1969. Gymnastic Workshop fo r Men and Women, Univers ity of Missouri.
Shreveport Gymnastic Supply Company p, 0 , Box 5374
Shreveport, La. 71105 Suppliers of 1968 U. S. Women 's Olympic Gymnast ic Team 1968 World Trampoline Team WHY WAIT FOR YOUR ORDER? Our stock items are shipped the day your order is received. We stock most gymnastic clothing items and accessories. Send 'for our catalog
MG BOOKSHELF BOUND EDITIONS: The Modern Gymnast. All issues published 1956-68, Hard bound Volumes 1-10 complete ....: ......... .. .......... ........ ..$1 25.00 Single Volumes bound, Vol. 8 1966 ............ ......... .. ... ........ $10.00 Vol. 9 1967 ........ ............ .. ....•.. .. .. $10.00 Vol. 10, 1968 .......... ............. ....... $10.00 Order all three for just $25.00 Unbound complete volumes, Vol. 8 .. .. .. ........ ... ...... .. .......... ..... $4.00 Vol. 9 ... ...... .. .............. .. ... ... .........$4.00 Vol. 10 ......... ......... ......... .. .......... ..$4.00 Order three unbound volumes for just $10.00 MG 10 year index available free, just send selfaddressed stomped envelope BALLET FOR GYMNASTICS Manual # 1000 to accompany Class "c" record (Stepping Tones) ...... .................... .. .$3.00 Manual # 1010 to accompany Class "B" recanj (Stepping Tanes) ... .... ..... .... ...... .. ... ... $4.00 Special offer, 80th manuals ... ...... ... .....$5.00 NCAA 1968 HIGHLIGHTS Regular $1.00. Order now for just SOc each LET'S TEACH ROUTINES ...... .....................$1.00 MG POSTERS: Four color 20x24 uneven bar .............. .$1.00 Giant 2'x3' World Cup Poster .. .............$1 .00 Gymnastics Moderne 16V2x23 ..... :. ...... .50 High Bar 16 V2x23.. . . ...... . ....... . .. .... ... .50 Special offer, All four posters suitable for framing .... ... ..... .. ........... .... ......... . $2.00 Order From:
SUNDBY PUBLICAnONS MG BOOKSHELF Box 777 Santa Monica, Ca. 90406 California residents add 5% sales tax
PORTABLE PARALLETTES Excellent for the home and gym. Handstands, presses ond levers so essential are mav~s done on these parollettes. . Extensively used by gym na sts and Olympians throughout Japan. Made of hardwood and sturdily constructed for ' Iong use. Walnut finished and hond polished. Price $6.00 per pro
zona. December 26-31. Texas National Gymnastic Clinic, Corpus Christi, Texas.
1970 March 5, 6, 7, 1970. Big 10 Championship, University of Minnesoto. March 7, 1970. North At lantic Gymnostic Chompionship, Westchester, Pennsylvania. March 12, 13, 14, 1970. Eastern Intercollegiote Chompionship, Syracuse, New York. March 14, 1970. Southwest Conference Gymnastic Championship, Texos A&M, College Station, Texas. March 19-21 , 1970. NAIA Gym nostic Championship, Stout State College, Menomonie, Wiscons in. March 19-2 1, 1970. Big 8 Gymnastic Chompionship, Konsas Stote Univ., Manhottan, Kansas. March 26-28. AAWW Gymnastic Championship, Univ. of Woshington, Seottle, Washington. April 2·4, 1970. NCAA Gymnastic Chompionship, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvonia. April 8-9-10 , 1970. Championships of the U.S.A. Las Vegas, Nevada. . . April 17·18, 1970. Ncitional YMCA Gymnostic Championship, Oklo homo City, Oklohomo. April 24-25, 1970. World Cup Invitational, Lon g Beach, Colifornio . April 25-26, 1970 . .. Second Annual WORLD CUP. Long Beach, California. International Judges Courses for Men and Women. Tentatively scheduled for Long Beach , pending approval bf FIG Officia ls involved. Course for all English-speaking women ... Men from Conado, U . Men from Conada, U.S.A. and Mexico. October 22-27 , 1970. WORLD'S GAMES .. Ljubjlana, Yugoslavia .
MG CORRECTION : The picture in the MGNCAA Championship edition report of Ward Meythaler (1969 ring chomp) from Iowa State, is really that of Kirk Gardner of Kansas. Our apologies to both of these fine ringmen for the unintended mixup. G.S.
Plus Postage So. Cal.
W. States
ORDER FROM : M.G. PARALLETTES BOX 777 Santa Monica Calil. 90406
December 13. lowo Open Gymnastic Meet, U. of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. December 25·31,1969. Notional Gymnastic Clinic, Sarasota, Florida. December 26-31. Eastern Gymnastic Clinic, Fort Lauderdole, Florida. December 26-31. Ca lifornia Winter Gymnastic Clinic, Berkeley, Ca liforn ia. December 26·31. Western Gymnastic Clinic, Tucson, Ari-
P.O. Box 2 Garland, Texas
75040 Indisputably the finest name in trampolinin g - since 1948
Write to Gymnostic Aides, Northbridge, Mass., for beginning, intermediate and advanced ring s, poral lel bors and side horse charts. NEW! Side horse charts are now available. Six exercises ranging from beginner to high intermediate levels have just been completed. Write to GYMNAS TICS AIDES CO., Northbridge, Mass.
Better Not Take Safety Standards For Granted When You Buy Gymnastic Apparatus Nissen doesn't. In fact, most new safety and convenience features for gymnasium apparatus in the last decade have been developed by Nissen. Who else would think of putting a Floating Counterbalance device in each apparatus upright to make height adjustments almost effortless? More importantly, the counterbalance prevents the parallel bar, for example, from suddenly dropping, possibly causing pinched fingers or bruised foreheads. Who else but Nissen would develop an almost unbreakable Perma-Wood top bar for parallel bars, fusing hardwood laminations together under extreme heat and pressure? Noone insisted these changes ... except Nissen. Heavier gauge materials, interchangeable parts so improvements or innovations will fit equipment in the field, streamlined, protrusion-free design - Nissen has engineered new safety into gymnastic equipment, on its own, without an outside organization requiring it. Some equipment buyers take safety standards for granted. If you're
that way, your best bet is to buy equipment from a company that doesn't. Like Nissen, for instance. Nissen Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406
A floating counterbalance is installed inside each upright of Nissen parallel bars to keep the pistons at static tension. Only a slight hand pressure is required to raise or lower the bar.
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