1970 60c
Official Gymnastics Modern Hand Apparatus Now Available Through Gymnastic Supply Company E-70 OFFICIAL WOODEN GYMNASTIC HOOPS. Imported from Germany. Constructed from %" laminated Beech wood , 31 W ' diameter with flat surface for " sure" grip. Delivered price per dozen : $ 59.40.
E-C30 PRACTICE HOOPS. Light weight plastic in two (2) sizes , 30 " and 36 " . Round grip surface. Delivered price per dozen: $ 24.50.
E-2 OFFICIAL GYMNASTIC BALl. Original Medau, imported from Germany. 73;4 " diameter and weight 1-lb., 2-oz. The size and weight force correct use of the ball , thus giving a perfect performance. Delivered price each : $ 7.20.
E-034 OFFICIAL GYMNASTIC CLUB. Manufactured by Gymna stic Supply Company to conform to the European style. 1 4" long with 3;4" weight properly distributed to insure correct and graceful movements. Deli vered price each : $4.75. E-75 OFFICIAL JUMPING ROPE. Without handles as required. Available in 8 ft. and 9 ft. lengths, with 1 0 " long center section of rope enlarged to give proper distribution of weight. Delivered price each: $4.25. E-80 PRACTICE ROPE. Same as the E-75 Official Rope except without the enla rged center section. Delivered price each : $1.50.
E-S54 100% DOUBLE KNIT STRETCH NYLON HALF SOLE GYMDAL, with elastic heel strap. (Worn by models) Soft leather sole protects the foot pivot area, yet does not lo se the "feel of the floor " . This slipper was first introduced in European Gymna stics Modern and is now EXCLUSIVELY manufactured by Gymna stic Supply Company. Sizes : Small (1-4) Medium (5-8), Large (9-12). White only. Delivered price per pair: $2.00.
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NOTE.' ANNUAL MG HIGH SCHOOL REPORT: The next edition of the MG will corry the results of High School State Gymnastic Championships across th e Nation arong with other top High School Invitational and City Championships where they do not run a State event. Results have been slow in coming in .. So far we have only heard from : CALIFORNIA Los Angeles City San Gabriel Invitational No. Calif. Invitational No. Ca lif. Finals CONNECTICUT FLORIDA ILLINOIS INDIANA MICHIGAN MINNESOTA NEBRASKA NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK OREGON PENN SYLVANIA VIRGINIA WASHINGTON Sti ll missing are H.S. results from states covered in the 1969 Report : Colorado, Maine, Massachusettes, New Hampshire, and Wi scons in ... plus any other states that had championships not reported in pas MG - H.S. Editions ... It you r state is listed among the missing! ACT NOW ... and rush us a report and photos to insure your State Meet will be covered in the MG Hi gh Schoo l Specia l ...
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notes FROM THE editor: _ MG and "Pot": First off to set the record straight ... Your editor is against "Pot" and all other detrimental drug, drinking and smoking habits which are bound by their very nature to be physically and emotionally harmful to the good health of the Gymnast. In October '69 when we first received the article "Mariiuana and the Gymnast" (March 70 MG) we put it aside as iust a wayout gymnast with many personal problems... . However, as we looked into the subiect of "Pot" we found it to be a serious situation on campuses across the nation, not iust among the radicals, but athletes also and not iust college but High School and even Jr. High schools .... Therefore, even though we are COMPLETELY AGAINST IT! . .. we could not bury our head in the sand and say the problem did not exist in Gymnastics and is none of our affair. If iust one gymnast is smoking "Pot" it is our affair to do what we can to discourage him (any coach that knowlingly looks the other way is iust fooling himself and in for a rough time plus a poor season record). After discussions with our associate editors we decided to publish the article ("M & the Gymnast") in the March edition "as is" and make editorial notes along with concerned comments from coaches and gymnasts in this June/July MG on the theory that wiser heads than ours would help build a better rebuttal against Mariiuana. We were not fully prepared for the enormous amount of response and space does not permit us to print more than a random sampling of those received. All replies used (see page 6) are used totally and unedited to insure we did not take them out of context. Of all the mail received ONLY ONE (with no return address) agreed with the article and the MG for publishing it, but most condemned the MG for poor taste. I couldn't agree more (and apologize to any readers we may have offended) . . . it is shocking and unbelievable that a respected gymnastic magazine would publish such an article ... BUT, not as SHOCKING as the FACT that "Pot" does exist in the Gymnastic world. From our personal inquiries and reading on the subiect of Mariiuana we have come up with the following observations: 1. Published reports by ex-drug addicts state, Mariiuana DOES lead to stronger killer drugs. 2. Mariiuana DOES NOT improve creativity or performance. 3. Mariiuana destroys competitive desire. 4. Mariiuana leads to DROPOUT in Gymnastics and Society. 5. Apprehension for possession does not infringe on your Constitutional Rights - IT IS ILLEGAL. GYMNASTICS is a Wonderful Sport and a way of life with many challenges and rewards. Any Gymnast that cannot FIND HIMSELF and DO HIS THING or GET TURNED ON without the aid of additional stimulants NEEDS HELP. If you must experiment do it with New GYMNASTIC SKILLS, not drugs! 4
CG Official Publication of the United States Gymnastic Federation
NOTES FROM THE EDITOR .............. .. Glenn Sundby 4 MG READER RESPONSE: "Mariiuana and the Gymnast" 6 CHALK TALK ............ .. ............... .................... 8 USGF REPORT .. .... ......... ... ... ...... .... .Frank Bare 9 USGF NATIONAL CHAMPiONSHiPS .. ....... Don Norton 10 MG INTERVIEW: GEORGE GREENFIELD .. .. . ........... .. Sundby and Sakoda 11 SOUTH AFRICAN CUP .... .... .. .... .Martin A. Trimmer 14 NAIA GyMNASTiCS ...... .. ................ .. John Zuelein 16 MG CENTER PHOTO ........................ Da vid Arnoth 20 ANYONE FOR ALL AROUND , Pel Mead , Mickey Chapman, Gerald S. George, Don Tonry, Prof. Kaneo .. ...... ... .... ........ .. .. . 22 TUMBLING TOPICS ........................... Dick Criley 27 RESEARCH AND FITNESS IN GYMNASTICS, Dr. James S. Bosco 33 JUDGING BY JERRY, "A Critical Review of the FIG Code of Points" .......... ........... Jon Culbertson 34 FOR THE LOVE OF THE SPORT . .. .. Fredrick C. Hatfield 36 LETTERS .......... .. . .. .... ...... .... ...... ..... .. .... .. ...... 36 MG CALENDAR.. .. .. .. .... .... ... .. ... .......... .. ...... ... . 38 NJCAA CHAMPiONSHiPS .... .. .. .... ............ .. .. .. .... 38 A.A.U. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS, Results.. .. ...... .. 38 Cover, On thi s issue of t he MG is featured Fred Denni s. Fred ha s been on th e gymnast ics scene fo r quite a number of yea r s now and has always been a t op competito r w herever he perfarms. Re路 cently he competed in the USGF Championships at Las Vegas and placed easi ly in the top ten.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS - Feature A. Bruce Frederick, Education ; Dr. James S. Bosco, Research; Jerry Wright, Competition; Frank Bare. USGF; John Nooney, Canada; Robert Hanscom, YMCA ; Andrzei Gonera, European; Gerald George, Dan Millman & Don Ton;'y, AA Instructional; Bill Roelzheim, Instructional.
THE M ODE RN GYMNAST magazine is published by Sundby Publications, 410 Broadway, Sonto Monico , California 90401. Second Closs Postage pa id 01 Sonto Monico, Calif. Published monthly except bi-monthly June. July, August, and September. Price $6.00 p er yeor, 60c a single copy. Subscription correspondence, The MODE.RN GYMNAST, P.O. Box 61 1, Sonto Monico, Colifornia 90406. Copyright 1970漏 a ll rig hts reserved' by SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS, 410 Broadway, Santo Monico, Calif. All photos and manuscripts submitted become the p roperty of The MODERN GYMNAST unless a refurn request and sufficient postage ore included ,
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po th ea d ca n no lo nge r di s tingui s h be t wee n rea l a nd unrea l a nd w he n th a t ha ppe ns it' s tim e to see k he lp. Th e w rit e r o f th e a rti c le see ms to be p uttin g dow n ha rd wo rk ra th e r th a n defe nding ma ri jua na. A pe rso n's life s ho uld be a w ho le a nd eac h pa rt mu s t co ntri b ut e to it , Th e s um of th e pa rt s mu s t no t be exc lu s ive o f o ne a no th e r but mu s t co mpl e me nt eac h o th e r. I n o th e r wo rd s, th e fac t th a t yo u 'I re a gy mn as t s ho uld influ e nce (Cont inued on page 27)
Reader Response:
Some Comments On 'Marijuana And The Gymnast' D a n M illma n, Coac h Sta nfo rd U ni ve rsit y In printing th e a rti c le, " Ma riju a na a nd t li e Gy mnas t. " the MG edit o ri a l s ta ff used qu esti o na bl e judg me nt. Firs t o f a ll. th o ugh th e a rti c le is o n a n int e res tin g s ubj ec t. it is diffi c ult to und e rs ta nd how it fit s in a gy mn as ti cs co nt ex t. Titling a ny a rti c le "Blank a nd the Gy mn as t" does n' t aut o ma ti ca ll y ma ke it MG ma te ri a l. Wh y no t have a n a rti c le o n " Re li gio n a nd th e Gy mn as t" o r " S ta mp Co ll ec ting a nd th e Gy mnas t T If the e dit o rs wo uld lik e to e nri c h th e s ubj ec t ma ll e r a nd broa d e n th e sco pe o f th e M G , th a t' s fin e. But be fore printing a n a rt ic le o n a to pi c so lad e n w ith o pinion a nd so lack in g in fac t. I wo uld s ugges t you firs t se nd a co py of th e a rti c le to so meo ne ex pe rt in th e fie ld so to sc reen yo ur reade rs from mi sleadin g info rm ati o n. Th e re have been so few e mpiri ca l s tudi es of th e effe ct s of g rass o n huma n be in gs th a t it 's diffi c ult for mos t o f us to have access to '/(/cts p ro o r co n. T hu s. we rece ive ro ma ntic o r ho rre nd o us perso na l op inion a nd lilli e mo re. Thi s ca n o nl y se rve to po la ri ze a nd mi sinfo rm a n a lread y confu sed a nd ge ne ra ll y une du cated publi c. Th e re a re two prima ry critici s ms to be leve led a t the MG a rti c le. Th o ugh I give th e a no ny mo us aut ho r c redit fo r no t ex press in g a n extre me a rgume nt for o r aga in s t grass , he did ex pre ss some qu es ti o nab le fac ts. H e c it e d no so urce fo r hi s a llegation po t " he lp s c reati v it y. ,. A n ex tre me ly th o rough a rti c le in Pl ayboy magaz ine whi c h b ro ug ht toge th e r the o pini o ns of th e na ti on's leadin g drug ex pe rt s, both pro a nd con , brought ma n y fact s to li ght a bo ut grass . Among th e m we re : I. S mokin g ma riju a na does g il'e o ne a ny s pec ia l ta le nt fo r c rea ti v it y. Th e pot s mo ke r may fee l he is c rea ti ve, but numerous s tudi es have s hown th at th e re is no signi fica nt c ha nge in c reati ve a bilit y during o r a ft e r a '路 hi gh." Wh a t ma riju a na d oes is c ha nge a pe rso n's pe rcep ti o n of rea lit y throu gh acce nting or modify in g input thro ug h a ll th e se nsory mo da litie s. Thi s "rea lit y a lt ering" proc ess gives on e th e impress ion th a t he's see in g som e thing ve ry s pec ia l a nd ve ry c rea ti ve. 2. On th e o th e r ha nd , it was a lso s how n th a t s mo king ma riju a na in it se lf does II Ot lead to " ha rd e r drugs ." Tru e, a youth w ho is loo king fo r esca pe from a s tiflin g rea lit y may begin w ith ma riju a na (o r he may not) a nd go o n to un qu es ti o na bl y da nge rou s dru gs lik e "s peed ." he ro in a nd may ex pe rime nt w ith th e un s uffici e ntl y studi e d LS D . My ma in gen e ra l c ritic is m w ith th e a rti c le a nd th e who le ma riju a na que s ti o n is th a t it pl aces th e e mph as is o n the w ro ng probl e m. Ma riju a na is no t a gy mn as ti cs probl e m : it's a huma n pro bl e m. T he preva le nce o f pot s moking is not ca used by b ut is fann e d by a lack of und e rs ta nd ing be twee n the gen e ra ti o ns . With
ve ry few excep ti o ns, th e young peo pl e I know w ho le t g rass mo no poli ze th e ir everyd ay li ves have a poo r co mmuni ca ti ve re la tion s hip with th e ir pa re nt s. It is probab ly tru e to say th a t th e "old e r ge ne ra ti o n" does nQt und e rsta nd th e yo ung. It is also e qu a ll y tru e th a t th e yo ung do no t unde rs tand th e " o ld e r ge ne ra ti o n." I have n't see n e ith e r gro up ma ke a pa rti c ul a r effort a t unde rs tanding: Pa re ;1lS try b ut o nl y if th ey ca n fit th e ir c h ild re n's co nce pt s a nd a llitudes int o th e ir ow n. o ft e n too ri gid , a llitude fra mework. It ta kes a ve ry s pec ia l pa re nt indee d to be se ns iti ve to th e qu a lit y id eas of yo uth -to sepa ra te th e m from th e na tura l qu es ti o ning a nd co nfu(Cont in ued on pag e 27)
'Sound Mind In ASound Body' Wha t ca ll ses a gVlllll ast ill th e .first place ? SeIFsa ti.liaction . Sa ti.~f(/ctio ll lies ill persollal achiel'eme llt. ~f' Vall take all'ay th e satisfactiOIl , .1'011 erase the des ire to ach ie l'e. I f' an), st ill1l1lallt is lI ecessarv to a pe/lo rm all ce o.f'allY killd, thell lI 'e lose sigh t of lI 路hat begall as persOll al p ride . DCll'e R oth Eiche TII/'ll ers P.S. GilI' mOllo is "A sO /llld m illd ill a'sollnd bodv."
GYMNASTICS IS MY TRIP Bv 0 011 C oll ll ellv (Gym llast) Gy mn as ti cs to me fulfill s t he a nswe r to nea rly eve ry life pro ble m di sc ussed in th e a rti c le o n marIJu a na. Gy mn ast ics lik e life poses ma ny pro bl e ms. a ll of w hi c h a re so lva bl e . Yo u ca nn o t so lve a prob le m by te mpo ra ril y running away from it by us ing dru gs . T o a gy mn as t (a nd by thi s I mea n a tru e gy mn ast) th e re is a mo ti va tion a l facto r w hi c h e nab les him to ove rco me ph ys ica l a nd e moti o na l ba rri e rs. Thi s mo ti vati o na l fac to r mu s ~ be prese nt w he th e r we ta lk of gy mn as ti cs o r Id e In ge ne ra l. Ma rij ua na by th e a uth o r' s ow n a dmi ss io n may te nd to kill mo ti va ti o n. Thi s ha rdl y see ms be nefic ia l to me. Po t. lik e a lco ho l. is a mea ns of te mpora ril y esca ping rea lit y. Whil e a n occas ion a l esca pe may be necessa ry in eac h pe rso n's life fo r relaxa ti o n. po t o r a lco ho l is no t th e a nswe r, jus t de trime nt a l. T he re co mes th e day w he n t he
D ea r Edit or: I lI'a s "s hocked" all d "be ll'ildered " b y th e art icle ill th e Ma rch MG b" th e IIII OII\';110 IlS IIlIthor 11 110 " pm ised " po t. iVa dOllb t this fe lloll' lI'Oll ldll 't lI'a llt his lIame tllgged to slIch a piece of lite ratllre sill ce it 1I'01lid be II dea d gi" e-all'av to th e F ederal Narco tics Agell ts ! I seldo m hea r prom otioll s fo r slIIlIgg ling alld espioll age, bllt right in th e MG were sta ted th e ad\'{/Ilt ages fo r comm illillg a fe dera l of fe ll se, I slIsp ect fe ll' coaches are n O li ' making "grass" all int egra l pa rt of their trainill g table. H OII'e l' er, Va ilI' ghost lI'1'iter fa iled to m ention th e fac ts th at ma rijllalla deadell s qllick respOll ses , greatlv decreases depth perceptioll , alld limits peripheral I'ision. I IIsllally like to be able to I'iell' a gymll ast 's p elio rmall ce objectil'ely and allo ll' th e gy mnast's 011'11 exercise to crea te all artist ic elll'iron m en t-th e 'hophea d ' m ig ht e l'ell see pill k lI 'easels doing Fee-x - bllt as he ma kes his descellt dOlvl1 to m oth er ea rth , he'll proba blv fo rget he IVas at a gymnastic 111ee l !
It seems to m e th e best IVay to beco m e a great gym ll ast is lI'orking ill th e gym and dedica te yourself' to YO llr goa ls, m ent ally alld phys ica l/v. M aybe a ll his lI'eek ly trip th e "gra ss-goo!, is # I , bllt I dOllbt if' he wakes lip alld.fillds the go ld m edal, I IVo llld lastly like to m entioll the f act th at th ere /1W )' be lillie e l'idence concemillg phys ica l detrim el1l of these dmgs. bllt till there is (o r iSIl 't), a magazill e cO I'e rin g th e most beallti/i.1i sport . the m os t precise sp ort . and a s port that commands th e mastery of th e phys ical th rollgh th e m ent al. is hardly th e pla ce slI gges ting sll ch negligence . Th ere are mallY pla ces fo r yO llng boys and g irls to "search fo r themsell'es, " in schools. ch llrches, libraries. ill th e hallds of coaches, edu ca tors alld in th e gym . S o let's keep th e G YM in G ymnas t and direct th e YO llng peop le. no t admit to f ailllre. throllgh ill security and lack of knowledge an d insigh t. S ill cerel" M ichaei'Ja cki (former 1011'0 State Un i,'. Gymnast)
Drugs Can Corrupt And Kill by Co nni e McG uire (Student) W es te rn Sta te Co llege , Gunni so n, Co lo . In a n ea rli e r e dition o f Modern Gy mn as t , an a rti c le was publi s hed . e ntitl e d Ma rijllalla alld the Gymnast. In thi s it was ass ume d th a t man y o f th e me mbe rs of a gy mn as ti c team s mo ke ma riju a na to a id th e m in finding th e mse lves a nd to impro ve th e ir pe rfo rma nce in the gy mnas ium. Th e a rticl e sa id th a t th e gy mn as t mu s t be sa ti sfied w ith hi s li fe out side of th e gy mnas ium a nd th a t ma riju a na " ca n eas il y beco me a de fi nit e pa rt o f thi s out side li fe." One has to " lea rn " to fee l th e ty pe of e uphori a w hich ma riju a na brings to so me peo pl e, Wh e n first s moking
ma riju a na. o ne is told how to inh a le th e s mo ke and wha t ex peri e nces o ne is to ex pe ri e nce. At first th e smo ke r mu st pre te nd to be ex pe ri e ncin g the se things. On e mi ght sa y th a t o ne mu st Je~rn ho w to be "h a pp y" o r " sa ti sfi ed " with th e o ut s id e life if it is fo und in ma riju a na. Ma riju a na is c lass ifi ed as a ha llu c in oge n. Ri c ha rd R. Linge ma n. in hi s boo k Drugs Fro lll A to Z: A Dictiona l'\'. indi ca tes th a t ph ys io log ica l a lt e ra ti o ns induce d by ma riju a na . within a (C ontinu ed on page 27)
Sentimental Rubbish D ea r G len n: Mo st of th e article " M arijuall a and th e GYIII nas t" in th e M arch iss ue of Th e M odem G y mlIa st is sentim ental rubbish. I \I'ant a gy mn ast to be a mall an d not a weaklin g . A competin g gymnast s hould not sllloke at all, .Iet alon,e sm oke marijuan a. I a lll .lully I/Il'{Ire 0.1 a coach s e.llo rl s hm'ing to aill1 at 1I10 re th an teaching his train ees skills and routin es . H Oll'e "er, I thin k too hiRhly of his time alld energy to expect him to hal'e patience 'I'ith a person that may be a g ro 'l'nup ill body 'I'ith possibly 101ll! I;,air and {/ beard but II'h o is a " problem clllld In 1I11l1d and altog eth er a ninny . Please let m e take th e o pportunity to let you knoll' m l' admiration fo r Th e M odem G y mn ast. It s arri,"al o ,'er here is allVays so m e sort o.l1esti"alto m e . It was bill yes terday that I wrot e a letter to an En glishfriend urRing him to becom e a subscriber and make oth er Eng lish gy mnasts do th e sam e . H ow abo ut bringing sequence pictures of a whole routin e th e sam e as you did in recent y ears ? Yo urs sin cerely , (Dr. ) R. B ecker B odelscillvinghs tr. 12 G erm allY
Dreamer or Doer? Fred D e nni s (C oac h & C ompetitor) Th e a uth o r of th e a rticl e " Ma riju a na a nd th e G y mn as t" mu st ha've a fant astic ha nd sta nd , for surel y he w rot e whil e upside-dow n' H e brin gs out four major po int s: th a t th e tOPI C IS ve ry rel evant to gy mn as tics (or a nyone) , th a t one of th e indi vidu al' s major tas ks in life is es ta bli shing hi s rol e in societ y, that pot e nha nces creativity , a nd that a ha rmful effect of the weed IS a poss ible loss of mo ti va tion. While the fIrst t wo points a re und e ba ta bl e , I qu es tIOn th a t marijuana enh a nces on e 's searc h for self-ide ntity, th a t pot ' s re la tion to crea ti vit y is a significa nt one, a nd that th e po ss ible lo ss of motJ vation is worth ga mbling for th e very que stiona ble ben efit s of th e ha llucinoge nic in que stion. To me the term " se lf-identit y" means a beli ef in on e ' s valu e to societ y. Without se lfid e ntit y on e is " a rock ," " a n island " unto on e ' s (Continued on page 27)
Trash D earSir: H olV co uld you 10IVer yourseh'es to e"en allow such trash to g race th e pages of an oth erwise fin e maga zin e in regards to th e so- called article, " M arijuana and th e G y mna st" ? I am sorry to say th at yo u sho wed poor judg m ent in printing an article that does not include th e autho r's name or his ba ckg round in coaching or teaching gymnastics . Th e complete article in my mind is an attempt to undermind th e acti vity and th e youth that participate in it. T ell the a uth or to go to Japan or Russia and find holV it really is with th eir gymnasts . H ank Yama ga ta G y mnastics Coach T erm Linda High S chool San Rafa el, Calif
I 11(/I 'e a 16 -yea r- old son wh o is an excellent all-a round gy mna st. H e al/ends school beca use he realizes it is necessa ry to his .lulllre. H e ea ts, sleeps alld bath es because he kno \l's th ese thin gs are also necessarv . But gy mnastics are th e essence of his existence . H e hop es one day to be Rood eno ugh to participat e in th e O ly mpic Gam es . H e a cco ll1plis hes his tricks or 1I10 ,'es on his aII'll m erit. ff he could do tillS only under th e in.llu ence of any outside stim ulant , depressi"e , mind expande r or oth er, I: would to tally destroy his satisfa ction and se lfconfidence. G y mn as tics , for him , ha ,'e been a real cha racter builder (IS lI'ell as a body builder. I'm sure any clea r-thinking indi"idual would ag ree tha t if ail e ca lln ot achie ve his gy mll as tic goa ls thrOl;g h his own unaided s kill , ability alld perse ,'era nce, th en IVhat 1I'0uid be th e purpose ? Shirley R oth Oa k Lall'lI , III .
ac uit y a nd ph ys ica l s kill s as needed fo r gy mnasti c pe rfo rma nce is no t po ss ib le fo ll ow in g use of mariju a na. Us e o f " grass " pri o r to a tte nd in g a gymna st mee t a s a s pec ta to r to pro mo te o ne' s pe rsml<ti ex pa nsio n and a rti sti c im ag in a ti o n a nd in te rpre tati o n of gy mn a sti c mo ve me nt s was a lso di sc ussed in th e es sa y. A nyo ne th a t need s to re ly o n a hallu c in a ting su bsta nce to find c rea ti vity has a se ri o us prob le m. C urre nt resea rc h indi ca te s th at t he use r o nl y fee ls height e ned c rea ti vit y. A o nce g rea t j az z d rumm e r. Ge ne Krupa . ad mitt ed a ft e r co mp a rin g hi s reco rd-. ings . he played poo rl y unde r th e Influ e nce. 01 ma rijuan a, ' Th e bea ut y a nd aes th e ti c qu alItI es o f good gy mna sti cs sho uld be mo re th a n e no ugh to stimul a te se nsiti ve a nd o ri gina l reaso nIn g In a nyo ne w ho trul y lo ves th e s po rt . Th e yo ung writ e r mu st de te rmin e if he mi ght no t be as guilt y as a ny "old tim e r" that wo uld say. he nee ded a Qood " stifr ' drink to rela x o r e nJ o y a pla y : it ~l p pea rs bo th indi vidu a ls can ' t fac e rea lit y with o ut a tra nquili ze r o r artifici a l e nco urage me nt. . . . Littl e is kn ow n abo ut th e c hronI C eff ec ts 01 ma riju a na use a s ye t. but the gove rnme nt ha s ju st begun in-d e pth studi es co nce rnmg It s IIlllu e nc es. On e of th e p rob le ms In vo lve d 111 e valu a tin g it s re pea ted use is th e va ri ab ilit y of it s pot e nc y. " Aca pul co Go ld " will do fa r mo re to a s mok e r th a n " po t" g row n in th e U nit ed Sta tes . I ndi vidu a ls a lso have diffe re nces in th e ir s usce pt a bilit y a nd reac ti o ns to th e mind -a lt e rin g weed. Scie nti sts prese ntl y in vesti ga ting th e sub sta nce would no t e ve n reco mme nd dri v ing a ca r aft e r us ing ma riju a na. Be in g in cons istent in po te ncy (du e prim a ril y to a n iTi ega l ma rket), ca using loss of ph ys ica l coo rdin a ti o n. e ve n if min o r. a nd no t rea ll y co ndu c ive to Creatl vll y doe sn't lea ve mu c h a t a ll to be sa id fo r ma riju a na' s pos iti ve co ntri butio ns to a gy mn ast or a nyon e .
Positive Attitude Helpful Habits
Ka plan , Robe rt : Dru g A bu se Pe rs pec ti ve o n Dru gs, Wm. C. Bro wn Co .. Du buqu e. Io wa . f97 0 : p.29 . ' I bid , pg. 32.
J ack C. Be nson Gy mn as ti c C oach Eas te rn Was hington Sta te C oll ege I ag ree with th e a uthor of the article: it is cert ainl y time to bring the probl e m out Into th e open. Our acco rd , howeve r, e nd s with hi s openin g stat e me nt. . Ob viou sly a young gy mn as t, a nd pOSS Ibly a goo d one , he refe rs to th e " old time r' s" so lu tion of being a gy mnast full time or not a t a ll as be ing outmod ed. Most coac hes and a ll &ood coach es hop e to teach th e ir a thlet es posIti ve a ttitudes an hea lthful ha bits for life outsid e of th e gy m as we ll as in it. With thi s in mind , no dedica ted coach ca n den y but wlil e ncourage a ny athle te in hi s studi es , hobbi es and soci a l interests away from the gy m. It may se em o dd , but most coaches hav e ma ny interests o ther th a n coac hing a nd purs ue them av idl y. Th e w rit e r me ntioned th a t gy mnas ts he knew of turn ed out while " turn ed on " : ma ri jua na aided the m in relaxing at practice a nd he lped th e m to socialize more free ly dUring thi s time . Li sted a mon g ma rijua na's ea rl y effec ts is some loss of ph ys ica l coordina tion . ' A lo ss of coordin a tion , ho weve r s ma ll , coupl ed with a ny poss ible di stortion of visua l perc e ption a nd menta l confu sion ca n onl y mea n on e thing in gy mnas tics . Pelforma nce w ill defi nitel y be poor, a nd th e c ha nce s for a n error or poss ible accident a re increased. To execute th e highl y complex ph ys ica l s kill s required in appara tu s , tumbling or vaulting mo ve ment s, a n a thlete mu st be hi s sha rpes t me nta ll y a nd be a bl e to command , int e rpre t and facilit a te hi s kinestheti c sen ses . From a ll indica tion s found in re put a bl e w ritt e n ma terial and pe rsonal o bse r vation s of users, po ssess ion of one 's menta l
Scott W . N e ttl es (U nd e r 30 yea rs of age) . Th e prevailing phil oso ph y runnIng thro ug ho ut th e a no nymou s a rti cle "M a riJu a na a nd th e Gy mn as t" is th a t a thl e tes ha ve th e bac kgro und . in sight a nd wisdom to gUid e th e mse lve s throu gh a caree r in gy mn astic s . . Looking a t th e na ti o nal scope of gymnas tI cs in thi s co un tl路y from it s ince pti o n. I submIt th a t thi s philoso ph y has bee n a nd is a n a thl e tI C a noma ly re s pon sibl e for th e di s respec t a nd low level of recogniti o n give n gy mn as ti cs to day. (i rea li ze th e numbe r of qu a lifi ed coac hes IS now a nd always has bee n limit ed. ) . A ny magaz ine s upposedl y dedI cated to th e furth e ring of a s p'Ort sho uld publI sh a rticl es which would e nh a nce tea m pe rform a nce a nd tea m tra inin g ra th e r th a n a rti c les tha t se cond guess the coach. Th e e mph as is in int e rna tJon a lIy success ful progra ms In gy mn astI cs, from m y glea nings of a rticl es in thi s ve ry magaz In e, see ms to be in th e foll owing a reas : loya lt y to team a nd to gy mn as ti c training, tea m dI SCIplIn e a nd tru st in th e coach 's wisdom , compul s o ry routin es (cert a inl y a ntith e ti ca l to th e idea of " doin g your o wn thing" a nd th e " tot al e nco un ter" of view ing gy mnas ti c routll1 es w hli e " ston ed " ) a nd finall y sci e ntifi c a nd c rea tI ve in ves tigation a nd und e rsta nding. C reati o n of a mea ningful work (to be judged by sta nd a rd s) . which sho ws max imum indi vidual pe rsona ilt y . exe mplifie s th e tot a l " c iti ze n-socie t y': int erre lation s hip. To destroy thI S IIlte rre la tJ o ns hlp (Continu ed on page 28 )
Disturbed F rede ri c k C. Sur!!e nt G ymn a stic s Coac h F ro st burg S ta te Co ll ege In a rece nt issue of Th e A10dem G .,路/Iln ast , th e a rti c le " Ma rij ua na a nd th e G ymn ast" di sturbed me a grea t deal. Be sides pa lntll1 g a fa lse pi c ture of th e s upposed be nefi c ia l e ffec ts of ma riju a na in gy mn asti cs . th e a uth o r gIves th e im pl:e ss io n th a t ma riju a na w ill so me how he lp a n indi vidu a l find hi s ro le in life. Whil e th e re has bee n limit ed resea rc h o n ma riju a na . th e re a re a few signifi cant fac to rs w hi c h need to be c la rifi ed as fa r as th e ben e fIc ia l effec ts of thi s dru g in gy mn asti cs. Th e a uth o r o f " Mariju a na and th e G ymn ast" fee ls (Continued on page 28 )
What Purpose?
1976 Olympics Choose Denver, Montreal Sites AMSTE RDA M (A P ) - Mon trea l was awa rde d th e 1976 Ol y mpi c Ga mes rece ntl y in a s urpri se victo ry ove r Mo scow a nd Los A nge les Moscow had bee n fa vored for th e Ga mes. and T ass. th e offic ia l Sov ie t agency. se nt out a bul let in fro m Mo scow two ho urs ea rli e r th at th ey had bee n awarded iVlo scow. The a nn o un ce men t was w ithd raw n s ho rtl y a ft e rwa rd w ith o ut a n ex pl a na ti o n. It' s th e firs t time an y of the Ga mes. w int e r or s umme r. has go ne to a Ca nad ia n c it y. Thi s is in kee pin g with th e I nt e rn ato na l Olymp ic Co mmitt ee po li cy o f s preading th e Ga mes aro und to new areas.
Champs Will Host Coac h New t Loken of the U ni ve rs it y of Michigan (th e 1970 NCAA team c ha mp s) is was tin g n o tim e in pr o motin g n ex t yea r 's NCAA c ha mpi o ns hip w hi c h he will be hos ting a t Cris ler A re na. A nn A rbo r. Mich iga n.
Barbaro Porcher. 1970 OGWS All-Around Champion
U.S.G.F. Report USGF Championships
Executive Director
Report by Fra ll k Bare U.S.C. F. Execlltil'e DireClo r Reco rd nllm ber o/"elllries lake parI ill 1970 U.S.C.F . Nal ional Ch{/mpiollships It was only a few yea rs ago when th e USGF adopted the a ll -aro und on ly form a t wh ic h was felt to be necessary to bring international style gy mn as ti cs up to it 's prope r level in th e U ni te d St a tes. During the tirst yea r, under thi s new system there were so me I I me n a nd o nl y about 5 wo men in the mee t. Now th e re s ults of continui ng th at program a re
beg inn ing to s how. In this years C ha mpi onship eve nt held a t the beautiful Las V egas Convention Ce nt e r in La s Vegas, N evada a n a ll-ti me record num be r of e ntri es took pa rt in thi s a ll -aro und on ly eve nt. Thirt y- fi ve men ente red th e ir division an d thirt y- two completed th e co mpulsory an d o pt iona l ro utin es. T he meet was ma r ked by so me exce ll ent performances. Th e top ten men. from thi s meet now join the top te n from th e NC AA mee t to be similarly qualified for th e cam ps a nd tri a ls as the nati o na l coac hin g staff determine. (Continued on poge 3 1)
Support Gymnastics in the U.S.A. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ . thru the USGF! It takes many thousand s of dollars each year to send our international class gymnasts to the many invitational and regula r ly scheduled events now being held throughout the world. The World Games alone, for exam ple, will cost some $20,000 to sponsor. Now is the time for all of us to be a part of making our international exchange program bigger and better, improve our national image by further developing our national office or in general contribute to the administration of our education program for gymnastics. We urge you to take part in this program personally and ask your parents, friend s, doctor, lawyer, you r gymnastics team (or club) .. . to al so ma ke a ta x-deductible contribution to aid gymnastics in America .
o [1 J 1970 World Chompionships o [2J Education-Publications program. o [3J National Office development (B uilding o [4J General administration ';'
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO U.S. GYMNASTICS FEOERATION, P.O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona 8571 7 (Tax deductible gift - receipt provided on request) [1 J Funds in category 1 apply to help finan ce the USA team to Yugoslavia. for the 1 970 World Championships.
[2J Category 2 funds will be used for further research, development and production of USGF visual aids, Age-Grou p Workbooks, Rules Books, and other material s to include compul sories ... results, etc. [3J Category 3 funds will further the furnishing and development of the new USGF National Office Building (building itself being donated by sponsors in Tucson but f urnishing s are responsibility of lJ SGF). [4J Category 4 funds will apply to general adm inistrotion to further the translations of foreign articles .. new awards. decals, etc. ';'(No funds will be used for salaries or travel by administrators.)
GYMNASTICS FEDERATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Executive Offices: P. O. Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona 85717 9
By the end of compulsories on Thursday. it 's beginning to look lik e th e J apanese a re in charge. Are these the U.S. cham pi ons hips? Yes , Steve Hug is in the lead with 53.5 points, but everyone agrees hi s extra points owe in part to hi s work on basics in J apa n - hi s swi ng and timing are es pecia ll y impro ved . 1'vI. Sakamoto - an d he has also bee n in J apa n - is a close secon d. at 53.3 . afte r a di sappo intin g 7.6 o n the side horse. 1'vI. Watanabe , assistant coach at Cal. . has scored mostl y in th e high 8s, but those who've seen him before agree that on optionals he ' ll make up for the 52 .65 he has scored o n compulsories. I ndeed . the influence of the Japanese is ev ident, and it is a sa lutory influence. The bulk of the " best" gymnasts are clustered around 50 points in compulsories: G. Greenfield , 50.9 (hi s sty le loo ks very su re and mature) : T. Linder, 50 .8 (everyone has a n eye on Linder, who is just a sophomore thi s yea r): D . Butzman. 50.75: K. Allen , 50.6 : F. Turoff. 50.5: F. Dennis. 50.35: P. Ti cke noff, 50.3 : J . Amerine , 49.7: J . Litow, 49.25. The National Coaching C ommittee (all present a nd accounted for) a re concerned about these score s. " In internationa l competition , it 's all over for the Americans after the compulof the coaches rema rks . " Do we hm'e to se nd a ll our gym nasts to train in J apan ry The Ja panese rea ll y don 't know anymore th a n we do ," says a nother. But back to realities: " Who looks most promi sing for international competition in the short and long run ry .. - that 's what the coaches a re trying to figure out. And so they sit - eagle-eyed , concent rating. jotting do wn names and notes. The challenge is obvious: ho w can they get American gymnast s to score in the mid-50s on compulsories? America ' s reputat ion in international' gymnastics may well depend on th ei r ability to predict and tra in the best men now co mpeting. Someone co mpl ai ns that the wo men 's and men 's meets should be held separately. With two men 's and two wo men 's events go ing s imul taneou sly. il nd then two squ ads of each sex to keep track of, a nd then the I p.m. a nd th e 4 p.m. grou ps - well , even seasoned spectators are in a s ma ll da ze , and newcomers are overwhelmed. Thank goodnes s for Saturday when the four-ring circus becomes a one-ring circus. One of the officials observes th at soon there wi ll have to be qua lifyi ng meet s. This meet can still handle 34 men on a single afternoon but not the 54 women who show up. The wo men 's compulsories drag into the evening hours. (Contin ued on page 3 I)
AA Cha mpionship, I ) So komoto, 1) Wotonobe, 2) Hu g, 3) Allen, 4) Greenfield, 5) Butzio n 6) Tickenoif.
Kothy Rigby, f~st AA, w amo n.
Sakamoto, First USGF AA 11
Watanabe, Tie for first USGA AA
(Continued on page 30)
( MG INTERVI EW by Ken Sakoda & Glenn Sundby GEORGE GREENFIELD
When Did You Start Gymnastics? I started gymnastics in the seventh grade in a regular 6-week block of gymnastics in the PE program. It was at Eliot Junior High School in Pasadena. We had a 30-year tradition going in gymnastics , and it was easy to get into the sport. I went on to John Muir High School to work under Mr. Bence Fieldhead. Then I spent a year at Pasadena City Co llege, and now I' m up at the University of Ca lifornia at Berkeley. What Are Some of the Competitive Honors You've Won? I placed 4th in NCAA 's in FX in '69: I won FX in the Pacific 8 last year and placed 2nd in AA last year also. I placed 6th in the USG F Nationals last year a nd was voted an Ali-American for that. I was on a U.S. State Department team which toured the Middle East last year. And the UCLA Invitational AA championship. Tell Us Something About The Middle East Tour. We visited eight different countries on three continents , traveling all the way around the Mediterranean. We had very little competition, but a lot of c linics a nd exhibitions. We got to meet the people and know them quite well. How Do They Select The Members For That Team? It was on an individual's potential in making a world team. Have You Any Top Gymnasts You Particularly look To? Well, I've always liked the Japanese. I like Kenmotsu because of the way he swings. And now there 's Mr. Watanabe who 's working with us up at school. How Is He? Great. He 's the only person I' ve ever worked with that no matter what we do he can say exactly what's happening. Usually when you do a trick wrong, a person will have you work on that trick , but he ' ll go to the half trick in front of it and that's where the problem is. Sometimes it's like a particular muscle in your back that you have to tighten up. It 's really hard sometimes when you can't even find that muscle when he first says it. How Do You Think The U.S. Is Shaping Up For A Team For 1972? ' Excellent. Because with Makoto now leading us a nd wi th Steve Hug, who is training in Japan, and guys around who are doing things correctly now, like Brent Simmons , and I think I'm starting to work correctly. I think gymnastics in this country is coming along fast now. There's a group of young coaches who are really helping us.
GEORGE GREENFIELD In The Years That You've Been In Gymnastics In California Have You Noticed Any Changes? The younger high sc hool boys are starting to work all-aro und now. There's not the emphasis ju st on tumbling like there wa s. espec iall y down here (in Los A nge les ). The al l-around is getti ng more import ant. Is There Now More Audience Response To The Sport? Our first meet with UCLA. we drew about 3_000 people. It's due to good publicity. We do exh ibition s at basketball games: when there 's 7,000 packing the gym at ha lf-time . half of 'em turn up for the meet. Do You Think Gymnastics Is ATeam Sport? Definitely. You've go t to think more. As an individual yo u've got to be smart to be a good gymnast. If you ' ve got a bunch of smart guys working by themselves. it 's just not go ing to work. It 's going to be a lot better if you ge t a bunch of smart guys working together. You can criticize a guy and he doesn't get all mad at it: he realizes he 's out there for the team. H e's got a head on hi s shou ld ers , or at least that 's the way it is working where I a m. Do You Figure ACoach Should let AMember Of His Team Grow A Beard Or Wear long Sideburns And All These Things That Don't Contribute To A Gymnastic Image? I feel very much like Dan Millman does on that. If the boy is a National Champ ion , th en he has a right to do it , but if he hasn't made National Champion , then he doesn 't have tha{ right. We've Been Receiving Comments About National And International Team Selections. What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject? I think a team shou ld be se lected on the basis of competition and elimination. Once the team is made , the gymnast shouldn't have too much to say about what they shou ld be, doing. The coach shou ld have enough sense to be able to run the team correctly. It takes a good personalit y to be able to run a team correctly with so many different individuals on it. Sometimes somebody will be working on a trick and somebody comes along a nd says somet hing and it will click. I think coaches work that way to a great extent. Sometimes you have more respect for one man than another and that makes a great deal of difference. That's why clinics are good.
Do You Think Trampoline Belongs Someplace? I sure do: it's a great event. It definitely belongs in eve ry gy mna stic s room as a learn in g device. Since I've never competed on trampoline, I can ' t say an ything about that. I enjoyed th e event w hen we had it at Cal. It help s on basic tumbling. If you can lift your hips correctly into a la yout on the trampoline. you can lift your hips correct ly on the ground. I t' s ha rder to go from the ground to the trampoline than it is to go from the trampoline to the ground.
We Had An Interview With Rusty Mitchell Who Started Out As A Tumbler. He Said When He Started Out With Mr. Meade, He Was Told That Apparatus Work Is Just Tumbling On Each Apparatus. I'd agree with that. If you can control your body . .. except maybe side horse. What Do You Think About Marijuana And The Gymnast? Up at school there is quite a bit of marijuana smoking. I' ve seen freshmen come into schoo l with a competitive attitude. not gymnasts in particular because anyone getting into Berkele y has got to have a competitive attitude. and I' ve seen them flunk out in the third quarter because they 've become over-rela xed. I don ' t know whether to attribute this to marijuana or if they're just content with second place. I Noticed That You Were Video-Taping Everybody's Routine In A Recent Meet. What Do You Do With That? We take it back with us and the next day we go over it in practice. In practice somebody wi ll ask you to do a stut z-hand the way it 's sup posed to be done , dipping the shoulders a nd swinging hard and tight , but in a meet you get up and you want to look good and you stay too high in the shoulders. You see this the next day on the videotape and you can go over it. We don't work difficulty , strengt h , or what ever: we just swing a little bit and warm up, then hit 2 or 3 things on each event. We ' ve been using it about 2 years now. Does It Reflect A Gymnast's Personality? Yes , you can see the person: the person can see himself when he gets off the event and walks away. Sometimes a guy wi ll throw off his suspenders , and when they see how bad it looks ... But Can They Actually Improve Their Personality? I think I have. Like in th e beginning of th e season , I tended to stand in the middle too long. I like to get right up and go into it, make it look like a dynamic eve nt.
h\ \L\RTI ~ A . TRI:\IMFR
Th e tim e: April 1970. Th e place: Pretoria , SOllth Africa. Th e occasion: Th e S.A. C liP intemational gym nastic competition lI'ith ji\'e of th e Westem 1I'0rld's leadin g gymn asts ready to do bailie lI'ith SOllth Ajlica 's best. And what gy mna sts' Christian Gllzrrro y, Fran ce; Da\'e Thor , U. S .A.: Age Storh all g, No rway ; Walt er Mossinger, W est Germany : Ma x S,."h wiler, Swit zerlund, and Francois Sta nder, SOllth Aji'ica. Som e of th e specta tors (mys elf inelllded) had trapeled th e 1,000 miles from th e tip ofAji'ica to see this grea t meet , and ((fier th e fi rst el'ent we all kn ew tflat we were in fo r th e thrill of a lifetim e. With Thor lying third aft e r th e free exe rci se eve nt , his cas ual a nd sloppy warmup on pomme ls probabl y had th e uniniti a ted audience decei ved - th a t is unt il he rece ived th e g ree n light from he ad judge Re idar Ne vjar. Then the ga me was rea ll y on , with Da ve 's long legs fl as hing a nd wea ving intricate pa tte rn s wh ich broke into th ose di stinc tive sc isso rs with wha t the F.I.G. me n ca ll " pe rfect hip di se ngage ment. " If anything was mi ss ing from hi s brill iant routine , I' m sure th a t nobod y knew it but D ave him se lf. Now it was Age Storha ug's turn. H e gave hi s c ustomary di s play of qu a lit y pomme l horse work but fini shed with a di s mount which lacked the amp litude nee ded to be a t Thor. H is 9.45 was .05 behind th e American. But it was South Africa' s Francois Sta nder w ho was to take th e go ld meda l in thi s event. Hi s fa ultl ess routine , deve loped a nd pract iced thou sa nd s of mile s away from th e hub of the gy mnas tic world, was all th e more not ewo rth y and lack ed a bsolut ely noth ing. Hi s 9. 55 d e mon~ stra ted clearly th a t South A fri ca did not simpl y int e nd to tag along o n th e ta il e nd of things. 14
Th e rings eve nt pro vided a run-a way victory for Swit ze rl a nd when Max Bruh wiler, the 2 1yea r-old na tiona l c ha mpion comforta bl y outpointed eve n hi s closest ri va l, D ave Thor , by .35 . But on th e fo ll ow ing eve nt. pa rall e l ba rs , it was Dave who was a ll s mi les after hi s 9.45 th is in s pite of a fl ying bac k so mmi e which fa iled to termin a te in a he ld handstand, but he re aga in only D ave a nd those w ho a re famil ia r with his routine ca n say w ith any degree of certainty wheth er or not this om iss ion was int e ntional. We all thought th a t D ave had c linch ed thi s eve nt unt il Stander, who was the only competitor to use a " D ia midow turn " with complete mas te ry , a nd Storhaug both made a 9.50 to sha re first place . The g rea te st t hri ll of the evening was provided by the horizonta l bar event whe n the bri ll ia nt C hri stia n Guiffroy of France sea led hi s stamp of supe riority over the res t of the fi e ld wit h a fl aw less di s play w hich wo uld have even ra i s~d the eyebrows of the in scrut a ble Nak aya ma! I fe lt th a t D ave Thor was un luck y to sco re only 9.25 in th is event - especia ll y in view of hi s beautifu ll y executed warm-up sw ings - but Dave looked pre tt y tired to wa rd the end of the eve ning , a nd w ith a double bac k sommie s pinning on ly a few inch es away from th e bar, he see med ra ther relie ved to be on the la nq ing ma t in on e pi ece. Stander's 9.40 was , in my opin io n, .2 0 hi gher th a n it s hou ld have bee n (ma in ly due to the lack of vertica l extens ions out of his short circles), FX Age St arh aug (Norway) Dave Th or (USA) Max Bruhwiler (Switzerland) Chri st ia n Guiffray (France) Fra ncoi s St ander (So uth Afri ca) Wa lter Massinger (West Ge rma ny)
9.40 9.25 9. 10 9.20 8.75 9.40
SH 9.45 9.50 9.00 8.80 9.55 8.30
but in s pite of thi s., thi s was hi s best performa nce o n hi gh ba r to da te. If the high bar eve nt created the biggest thrill , Wa lte r Mossinger pro vided th e biggest sca re whe n he los t hi s gra s p during the c rit ica l point of a back sw ing a nd plummet ed to th e mat s in wha t cou ld have bee n a n alarming accident. Before th e gas ps of 5,000 a nxiou s s pect a tors had died , Moss inge r was o n hi s feet - visibl y sha ke n but oth e rwise unha rmed . Age Storhaug, who had ea rlier sustain ed an a nkle injury whi le pe rforming a full-t wisting Yamas hit a durin g th e va ulting eve nt , reque sted a la nding mat which exceeded the max imum thi c kness la id down by F . I. G . The jury was hurri ed ly call ed toge th e r a nd decided , as an y ho st country so geographically iso la ted from the gy mnas tic wo rld would , th a t the ma t be allowed. With a mark of 9. 15 neede d for the o ve rall victory, Storhaug made no mista kes as he sile ntl y glided through hi s routine to rece ive a 9.55 , th e overa ll victory a nd th e unbrid led cong ra tu lation s of hi s fellow compet itors. Judging, unde r the exe mp la ry contro l of Mr. Nevjar, was conducted with a minimum of consult a tion s. The on ly time a fu ll 10.00 points was fl as hed on the la rge electronic scoreboard was for the hil a riou s clow ning by J ac k Guenthard on the hori zo nta l bar, which brought down the fin a l curtain (a nd a lmost th e roof wit h th e tumultou s ovation) on thi s ina ugura l S.A. C up competition . 9.20 9.20 9.55 9. 10 8.55 9.00
LH 9.50 9.50 9.35 9.60 9.25 9.30
9.50 9.45 9. 10 9.00 9.50 9.40
9.55 9.25 9.35 9.65 9.40 8.70
TOTAL 56.60 56. 15 55.45 55.35 55.00 54. 10
Dave Thor, USA participant
NAIA Gymnastics: An Adolescent Seeki ng Maturity by J o hn b le rl e in. Gy mn as ti cs Coac h S to ut S tate U ni ve rsit y. Menomoni e. Wi sc on s in A few yea rs ago NA I A in stituti o ns we re a lmos t vo id of gy mnas ti cs program s. However , increased participa tion by a few member ins ti tution s , co mbin e d w ith stead y growth on th e national a nd int e rn ation a l leve ls , le d to the fir st N A I A G y mna stic s C ha mpion s hip s he ld at Fort H ays Kan sas S ta te Co llege in 1964. Eight sc hool s pa rticip a te d . S in ce th a t tim e, NA IA gy mnas ti cs has been lik e a n a dol esce nt see king ma turit y. Like the ado le sce nt. ea rl y orga ni zatio na l structure o f gy mna stics w ithin th e assoc iat ion was in secure, idea li stic. ind e pe nd e nt ye t depende nt and was utili z ing indi v idu a ls with inex pe ri e nce d ta le nt s both on th e coa ching a nd co m pe titive level s. 1970 Team Champs , Northwestern Louisiana , Armando Vega Coach
Second Place Team , Ea stern Michigan, Morvin Johnson Coach
Joe Sowtell, E. Mich. 16
Third Ploce team, Stout State (Wis.) John Zuerlei n Coach
An interesting deve lopment is tak ing place in Wi sco nsin with eight member institutions now sponsoring teams. Led by La C rosse (fourth in the 19 70 champ ionships) a nd Stout (third in the 1970 championships), the Wi sco nsi n stat e universities are now consistently placing individual s and teams high in the NAIA tourn a ment. This gradual incline in quality has evo lved in the past three years. Evidence is such that th e incline wi ll continue. With eight member in stitution s supporting te ams (mo re than any other NA IA di strict), the Wisconsin state uni ve rsities could eventually become a hotbed for N A I A gy mnastic s. Thi s year's tourn a ment saw even more evidence of a growth toward competitive maturit y. The upper echelon , or tho se pelformers scoring in the high eights and nine s , were there as they always have been. The real growth ha s been in the lower leve ls of performances. These men , many of whom were beginning gymnasts , are now becoming experienced competitors , and thi s stead y improvement from the lower end will eventually rai se the le ve l of competition within the total program. The meet itself was quite an affair with Northweste rn Louisiana State capturing it s fifth national titl e. Eastern Michigan placed
Chuck Harvey, E. Mich.
seco nd with a total of 145.4 POInts, almost eight points behind North wes tern 's 153. 1. These twd teams were clearly the stronge st in the meet. The only real battle of team s was for thirdplace honors. La Crosse (Wis.) and Western Illinois were the obvious favorites, but an unexpected threa t from Stout (Wis.) materia lized. It wasn't until the las t event th at Stout emerged the victor by a slight .1 of a point to edge their conference riva l, La Crosse, for third-place honors. Western Illinoi s finished in fifth plac e. First-pl ace individuals went almost totally to Northwestern Loui sia na State - rather to Paul Tickenoff, one of Northwestern 's exce ll e nt a ll-around men. Pa ul wo n th e floor exercise, long horse, parallel bars , horizontal bar and placed seco nd to tea mmate John Elias in the all-around event. Other first-place w inners were C huck Harvey of Eastern Michigan on the s ide horse and Keith Fuerst of Eastern Illinoi s in the still rings. Next year's meet is se t for Northwestern Loui siana State College at Natchitoches, Louisiana , where the Southern states will be able to witness the N A I A gy mnastics leaders in action.
NATIONAL NAIA GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS Stout State University, Menomonie, Wisconsin March 20 & 21 , 1970 TEAM FINAL RESULTS F SH
NW Louisiana E Michigan Stout LaCrosse W Illinois Fort Lewis St. Cloud Bemidji E Montana
25.4 22.35 22.7 18.2 21.95 18.05 15.8 18.75 17.4
27.1 24.9 24.75 26.4 230 23.5 24.85 24.55 24.0
26.85 24.3 21.7 24.6 18.3 19.35 19.15 17.2 20.05
25.4 24.35 23.4 20.95 21.75 17.35 22.9 19.6 18.6
153.1 145.4 133.15 133.05 129.1 119.65 119.45 116.4 114.2
26.15 24.6 21.65 22.8 23.1 23.15 22.0 22.0 18.4
22.2 24.9 18.95 20. 1 21.0 18.25 14.25 14.3 15.75
What steps , then , have been taken towards the maturity of N A I A gymnastics? For one, we are no longer insecure. The NAIA Gymnastics Coaches Association now has 50 members. Jack Benson, head coach at Eastern Washington State College and president of the Coaches Assoc iation for the past two years, presided over his last business meeting at the national tournament held on the campus of Stout State University in Menomonie, Wisconsin. He stepped out of office with the satisfaction of seeing the groundwork laid for a strong and meaningful directive for gymnastics in the NAIA. The basis of this groundwork was: I. The formation of a val id qualification system of teams and individuals for our national meet w ith out exc luding any of the top NAIA competitors. 2. The ratification of a constitution. 3. The establishment of eight area gymnastics representatives. 4. The establishment of guidelines for selecting meet sites. 5. The organization of an N A l A Gymnastics Rules Book. As for being idealistic , this has nurtured the confidence and creativity necessary to do those things which add a bit of individualism to any organization. We are no longer dependent upon others for organizational leadership. With the ratification of a constitution and the establishment of competitive guidel ines , the. N A I A has reached organizational maturity. On the competit ive scene, however, we are still struggling. The 1970 tournament depicted this struggle adequately. Progress is definitely being made , but only a few schools have matured to the point of competitor excellence. Northwestern Louisiana and Eastern Michigan have been the leaders with consistent ly good pelformers and good team depth.
John Ellas NW La 8.55 8.55 8.95 7.85 9.2 8.95 52.05 Paul Tickenoff NW La 9.1 7.25 8.65 9.3 8.95 8.50 51.75 E. Mich 7.05 8.45 7.35 8.45 8.05 7.90 47.25 Tim Reilly NW La 8.5 5.2 6.3 9.2 8.55 7.55 45.30 Bruce 'McGartlin Lanny Mills E. Mich 8.40 4.3 7.5 8.25 8.35 8.3 45.10 Dave Fennessey D. Lipsc 7.85 5.7 6.65 8.75 8.3 7.40 44.65 Bill Liebich (Stout), 44.55 ; Pete Peterson (W. Ill.). 42.60; Jerry Konicek (E. 111.),42.25; Mark Pflughoeft (La X)' 41 .65; Craig 50S (Stout), Mitch Vogt (St. Cloud), Steve Schulz (La X), Chuck Nichol s (E. Mont.), Tom Perry (E. Mont.), Gary Schneider (Stevens Pt.), Mike Edwards (Platteville), Dusty Winkler (Ft. Lewis), Bob Anderson (E. Montana), Jim Rainer (Oshkosh), 17 Bucky LaRochelle (Ft. Lewis).
FX 1 Paul Tickenoff (NW La .) 2 Bruce McGartlin (NW La .) 3 Bill Liebich (S tout)
8.9 8.55
SH 1 Chuck Harvey (E. Mich) 2 Jim Victorian (W. III.) 3 Tim Reilly (E. Mich)
Bill Liebich , Stout State
8.8 8.45 8.40
Don Witz (E Mich) 5 Rich Close (Ft. Lewis) 6 Lonny Mills (E. Mich.)
4 Bob Kainz (E. Mich) 5 Paul Tickenoff (NW La.) 6 Eric Johnson (LoX)
8.55 8.50 8.3
8.1 7.9
R 1 Keith Fuerst (E. III) 2 Roy Carnahan (NE La.) 3 Paul Tickenoff (NW La.)
8.8 8.55
4 Joe Mancini (W. 111.) 5 Lorry Soulo r (Bemidji) 6 Bill Liebich (Stout)
8.2 7.9
LH 1 Paul Tickenoff (NW La.) 2 Steve Berger (LoX) 3 Bruce McGortlin (NW La.)
PO 1 Paul Tickenoff (NW La) 2 Chuck Smith (LoX) 3 Bob Quintenoles (NW La.)
9.2 B.9 8.75
4 Jerry Konicek (E. III.) 5 Mark Pflughoeft (LoX) 6 80b Quintenoles (NW La .)
8.5 8.4 8.25
9.0 8.6
4 Rolph Druecke (LoX) Dove Fennessey (Lipscomb) 6 Bruce McGortlin (NW La.)
8.35 8.35 8.3
Mitch Vogt (St. Cloud) 5 Doug Brown (NW La.)
8.45 8.25 7.8 7.8
HO 1 Paul Tickenoff (NW La.) 2 Mike Edward s (Plottev) 3 Pete LoLoggio (Stout)
8.9 8.65 8.45
6 Tim Reilly (E. Mich) Tim Wosyliniuk (E. Mich.)
TRAMPOLINE I Steve Berger (LoX) 2 Jim Watson (St Cloud) 3 Gi I Gillespie (5 1. Cloud)
8.05 7.55
Kieth Fuerst, E. Illinois
W e of th e MG s taff are collst all tly seekill R ways and m ea ns of prp"idin R hoth edu cational and intere'stin g ma terialsfo r our subscrihers. In an allempt to f urth er ill crease th e scope alld hreadth of th e "Anyone For All-A round" se ries, 11'1' ll'ould li"e to ex tend an illl'itation to an I' and all gvmn uSls. coaches, j udges, and e nthl!~ia sts to suhmit articles pertain ing to all-a roun d instruction. Perhaps yo u !/{/l 'e a particular skill that YO ll fee l particlilarly qualified to illllstrate, discllss , and/o r explain . Let's share YO llr talellls ll'ith th e rea ding pll biic ([n d th erehy help to fo ster a stronger "Sys tem of A m erican G ymnastics." S uhmit yo ur illustrations and articles to G erald'S. G eorge, A thlet ic D epartm ent, Louisian a State Uni" ersity , Baton R Ollge, Louisiana 70803 .
D E V E LOP C RE ATIVE FLOOR EXER C IS E C OR N ER C OMBIN ATIO N S by Pel Mea d G y mn as ti c Coac h Kak ia t Jr. Hi gh Sprin g V a ll ey, New York F o r ma ny gy mn as ts, the corners o f th e n oo r exe rc ise ma t a re me re ly a reas w he re tumblin g passes e nd a nd a n unpro mi sing void ex is ts. Th e F. I.G. has a ttempted to e nco urage R.O.V . ( Ri s k, Ori gin a lit y a nd V irtu os it y) in ro utin es: ye t , we s till see tra di t io na ll y bo ring combin ation s utili zed in th e co rn e rs. S we di s h drop s , tour jete . sing le leg circl es, front a nd bac k s uppo rt s with simpl e turn s a re jus t a few of th e monot o nou s sk ill s used to ge t out of a co rner. A ne w direc ti o n fo r creati ve co mbin a ti o ns ca n he take n w he n three. fo ur a nd fi ve s kill s o f so me diffi c ult y a re a ll e xec ute d in th e co rn e r w hi c h w ill c rea te a n av or o f ori gina lit y. Tra dition a l thought s th a t th e co rne r is a good a rea to work th e s ta ti o na ry mo ves s uch as presses a nd scales mu st be di sca rd e d fo r mo re orig in a l thinking. New thinking s hould co nsid e r c ha ll e ngin g th e co nfines of th e lines of th e corn e r as if th e bounda ri es did not ex is t. Thi s ca n be co mpa red to the fe ma le gy mn as t on th e ba la nce bea m w ho a ttempt s to pro vide th e illu sion th a t their a ppa ra tu s is no t ac tu a ll y res tri c ting th e ir mo veme nt s. The ma le gy mn as t ca n, a nd mu st , a ppl y new c rit e ria of orig in a lit y to n oo r exe rc ise routin es b y e mph as izing pre v io us ly unint e res tin g as pec ts of hi s routine : i.e .. co rn e rs , s id e lin es. T e rms s uch as o ri g in a lit y, ri s k a nd v irtuos it y have hee n use d ex te nsive ly a nd s hould fo r th e sa ke o f c la rit y be defin e d. T he F .I.G . Cod e of Po int s de fin es " ori gin a lit y" as "a wo rk of a rt fo rm ed by th e a rti s t in a ma nn e r pec uli a r to him se lf ' o r " a th o ught w hi c h was fo rmul a ted o r con ce ive d of for th e firs t time. " T he Code of Po int s goes o n to say th a t "w hil e ri sks may be so le ly a ma tt e r o f uppe r-leve l prese nt a ti o n it is poss ible th a t th e co nc e pt 'o ri gin a lit y' may exte nd it se lf signifi ca ntl y lowe r" a nd th a t " ' v ir22
tu os ity ' ca n revea l it se lf in th e eas ies t pa rt s. I! may , th e refo re, be in te rp re te d th a t o rigin a lit y a nd virtu os it y can be direc tl y a ppli e d to new co mbin a ti o ns in th e co rn e r o f th e n oo r exe rc ise ma t. On e o f th e a nswe rs to a full e r judge an d a udi e nce app rec ia ti o n o f new co mbin a tion s in th e co rn e r area li es in inc reased e mph as is o n thi s pos iti o n of a ro utin e. Coac h Geo rge Szypul a o f M ic hi ga n Sta te refe rre d to o ne o f hi s gy mn as ts a t th e rece nt Na tion a l Gy mna sti c C lini c as a " co rn e r s pe ci a li s t. " Sill y th o ugh thi s th o ught may see m , thi s noo r exe rcise ma n has so me ve ry di s tin c ti ve , origi na l co mbin a ti o ns th a t he wo rk e d in th e co rne rs . . Th e fo ll ow ing a re ju st a sa mpling o f th e co mbin a tio ns th a t a re poss ible:
Facing Com er - B ased Upon H ands tan d C omhinations I. J a pa nese di ve to ha nds ta nd - fa ll ove r to sittin g pos ition on e leg be nt - va ld ez back to ha nd s ta nd - piro ue tt e - fa ll sideways s low ly to a ca rt w hee l. 2. Y2 turn - di ve to a mo me n ta ry ha nd sta nd w ith a n imm edi a te full pirou e tt e - don key kic k to ha nd s ta nd to a fro nt wa lko ut. 3. Di ve to a he ld pl a nc he - press to a ha nds ta nd - s ho ot th ro ugh - back ex te ns io n ..:.. back ha nd s prin g - bac k so mi tuck . 4. H a nd sta nd - s hoo t through to kn ee ling pos iti o n - bac k ha nd s pring pu s hing o ff fro m the a nkl es . S. H ead s pring to rea r s upport - imme di a te s na p up to in ve rt e d leve r - kip Y2 tw is t to fro nt lea nin g s uppo rt - neck kip - roll to s tra ig ht leg upri se. 6. H a nd sta nd thro ugh yogi ba la nce to inve rt edl eve r. 7. Bac k di ve to ha nd s ta nd - ches t roll do w n - roll up to press to ha nd sta nd lim be r out. 8. C radl e (j ump bac kwa rd to nec k sta nd a nd kip to s ta nd) to hi gh bac k ha nd s pring. 9. Layo ut di ve to fo rwa rd roll (s top fro m go ing ove r th e lin e) - imme dia te ba ck ha nd s pring with a wa lkout. 10. H a nd sta nd lowe r to a s traddl e sca le , ho ld 2 seco nd s - bac k s tra ddl e roll to imm edia te s plit. I I. F ree po inte d sca le - stoo p th ro ugh till fee t a re n a t o n th e n oo r a nd e ntire bo d y in ti ght pik e pos iti o n fa ll s fo rward to s tra ight leg upri se - bac k di ve Y2 tw is t to mo me nta ry ha nd sta nd - fo rwa rd roll o ut. 12. H a nd s ta nd - c hes t roll d ow n a nd roll up a nd ove r to a lim be r o ut (no t through a ha nd sta nd ). 13 . H a nd s ta nd - lea n ove r slow ly to ba ck leve r.
Facing Corner-Based Upo n R eg ular Split and j apanese Split Comhin ations I . H a nd s ta nd - drop ove r sid eways to a s plit - b ring ba c k leg a round - va ld ez to s ta nd a nd imme di a te bac k ha nd s pring. 2. H a nd s ta nd - s hoot o ne leg be twee n a rms to s plit a nd turn trun k of body to c ha nge th e direc tion o f th e s plit. 3 . S tra ddl e sca le-s low ly lowe r legs w hil e w ide ning to a J a pa nese s plit. 4 . S ta nd pos ition a rms up- s lide both legs o ut - dro p slow ly without th e use of ha nds to a J a pa nese s plit - sit bac k a nd bring both legs a round till bod y is sittin g tu cke d up ro ll backwa rd to kn ee ling pos iti o n - back ha nd s pring. S. J a pa nese s plit - " pop " hip through - s plit fo rwa rd to a rc he d prone po si ti o n - ro c k right up into a press to a ha nd s ta nd (ex tre me hip n ex ibilit y re qui red). 6 . Regul a r sp lit - roll o n bac k a nd co mpl e te a I Y2 c irc le w ith on e ex te nd e d leg. As th e leg co mes o ve r th e head , bac k s traddl e roll o ut - press to ha nd s ta n d w ith legs s tra ddl e d.
7. Back so mi to a s plit - lea n fo rwa rd a nd b rin g fro nt leg a ro und toge th e r w ith th e bac k leg-c hes t roll up to ha nd sta nd a nd wa lk o ut. 8. Regul a r s plit - b rin g bac k leg a round a nd o ne leg upri se to a bac k wa lkove r. 9. Fo rwa rd sp lit - lea p a nd d ro p to a sp lit draw lead leg bac k by press ing off th e noo r. 10. Back so mi to s ta nd - slide dow n to a s plit - leg c irc le a ro und 180 degrees to a no th e r s plit - bac k leg aro und to si t - tu c k legs a nd bac k ha nd s prin g.
More Possibilities J. J a pa nes e jump -'- Y2 tw is t to ha nd sta nd d o nk ey ki c k back to a ha nd s ta nd . 2. Pl a nc he w ith legs ove r th e s ide line - tu ck head a nd nec k kip fo rwa rd to ge t u p. Note: Thi s is a n ove rt a tt e mpt to defy th e bo und ary o f th e si d e line o f th e ma t. 3. Bac k ex te nsio n int o th e corn e r to a ha nd s ta nd -Y2 turn a nd ho ld 2 seco nds- drop ove r to bac k lea ning s upp o rt o n o ne be nt let , o ne st ra ight leg - va ld ez to ha nd s ta nd . 6. Ba roni (ae ri a l ro und -off) - sta nd - fro nt fa ll bac k a rc he d - c hes t ro ll up - press to ha nd s ta nd - s plit legs a nd sw it c h legs in a ir w hil e ho ldin g ba la nce - s hoo t o ne leg through to a s plit. 6. Front lea nin g s uppo rt - s na p to mo me nta ry straddle leve r - ba c k s tra ddl e ro ll. 6. S ka ting t y pe o f jumps towa rd corn e r I Y2 ax le . 7. Ba c k so mi tuc k into corn e r- fro nt so mi o u t. 8 . F ro nt s uppo rt lo ngitudin a l ro ll o n o ne a rm (oth e r a rm he ld up hi gh) on e a rm touc hes in bac k s uppo rt a nd co ntinu e ro ll to front s up po rt - lean back o n ha nd s a nd ho ld po int e d sca le. 9. Front s upp o rt s tra ddl e c ut- away to bac k s up po rt - bac k ro ll - straddle leve r. 10. Stra ddl e leve r fac ing co rn e r - turn 180 deg rees ho ldin g s tra ddl e leve r- press to ha nd s ta nd.
imThe Rings hy M ickey C haplan The Elementary Dislocate Th e di sloca te is th e bas ic a nd mos t useful tri c k for a tt a ining bac kwa rd s (i. e . to th row a bilc k so mersa ult ) sw ing o n the rings. I be lie ve th a t it s ho uld be on e of th e firs t tric ks ta ught to a gy mnast w ho w is hes to wor k the rin gs, sin ce ve ry littl e s tren gth is necessa ry a nd because it w ill put mo re diffi c ult di s mount s w ithin a begi nn e r's g ras p. As a ma tt e r o f fa ct , th e o nl y pre requi sit e I would put be fo re a gy mn as t lea rn s a di slo ca te is a tu cked bac kwa rd s fl yaway. Th e reaso ns fo r thi s a re ( I) th e gy mn as t s hould kno w how to, a nd no t be afra id o f, sw inging through th e bo tto m. (2) Th e gy mnas t wo uld kn ow w he re hi s body is w hen hi s fee t go ove r hi s head so th a t he wo n't get " los t" try ing to ki c k hi s feet in th e right dire cti o n. (3) Th e gy mn ast w ill have someth ing to do w ith th e sw ing a tta in ed from th e di s locate . T o begin lea rning th e di s locate th e gy mn as t s ho uld be in a s tra ight bod y in ve rt e d ha ng. H e s ho uld th e n pik e as ti ghtl y as he is ca pa bl e (to a balan ced in verted ha ng - see my a rti c le on the front kip) a nd kick fo rc ibly ha lfway be t wee n stra ig ht up (towa rd a n in ve rt e d ha ng) and bac k (towa rd a back leve r). Th e gy mn as t s hould th e n re lease th e rings to la nd o n hi s feet o n th e ma t be low him . Th e reaso n fo r thi s is to make s ure th a t th e gy mn as t is pelfo rming th e t rick co rrec tl y (ki ck ing hi s fee t in th e p ro pe r d ire cti o n a nd , la te r, do in g th e
From the Olympische Turnkun st Aug. 1963
proper thing with hi s arms) el'e ry time before he trie s to ge t swin g through th e bottom: a s light mi stake can ca use immen se pain (a nd belie ve me - " th e di slocate " is an ap t term for the tri ck a nd a n apt way to desc ri be th e e lbows a nd s houlde rs of so me who do it inco rrectl y) . When th e gy mn as t proves to be a bl e to consiste ntl y s hoo t hi s legs in the ri ght direction. he s hould then do so , a nd as the we ight is off hi s a rms (hi s body w ill s li ghtl y ri se if hi s kick is forceful e nough , ta king the we ight off of hi s a rm s) he should pu sh hi s a rms q llickly forward (as far as poss ibl e in th e o ppos ite direction from hi s toe s) hi s a rm s should rema in stra ight during thi s procedure, a nd , I mu st e mph as ize aga in , it should be don e as quickl y as poss ibl e. Thi s is the " dislocate " pa rt of th e trick : but ~ »erformer no t mere ly " di slocates" (i.e., turn s th e rings to en d up in a dead ha ng) but pu shes the rings forward , so th a t he sho uld e nd up w ith hi s bod y stra ight a nd a t a 45° a ngle with hi s hee ls a t th e hi ghe st po int and hi s ha nd s a t the lowes t. The rings are st ill re leased by the pelformer until con siste ncy is de ve loped - so that th e pe lfo rme r is in a good position to swi ng through th e bottom. When th e pelformer is in thi s position , hi s bod y should be s li ghtl y a bove leve l to a 45 ° a ng le above leve l, but th e angle of hi s bod y should nel'er s ink be low leve l: hi s arms will be st ra ig ht , hi s ha nd s wi ll be pushed forwa rd , a nd hi s heel s backward to ma ke as lon g a lin e of hi s body as possible , a nd hi s head should not be thru st straight up or ducked co mpletely be lo w hi s elbo ws . When th e gy mnas t can co nsiste ntl y a tta in thi s position , he should be we ll s pott ed a nd told , a t last , no t to release th e rings. He sho uld swing through th e bottom , a nd told th a t from hi s di sloca te he will also be sw inging through the bottom. At thi s point , starting from a straight bod y in ve rted ha ng, th e gy mnas t pikes as ti ghtl y as po ss ible a nd kick s upwards and backwards , pushes hi s a rm s forward , a nd swings smoo thl y throug h th e bottom to a n in ve rted ha ng aga in. I f th e gy mnast jerked a t the bottom , fe ll off, hit bottom ex cess ive ly ha rd , etc. , he should go throug h the step s of lea rnin g th e stunt to find out wha t ca used th e jerk. Th e mo st co mmo n e rrors a re shooting th e hee ls from th e piked in verted ha ng a t too lo w or hi gh of a n angle , be nding the a rm s a t the bottom, or either not pu s hing th e ha nd s forward or pu shing th e m forward too late . Excess ive pike o r a rch at the bottom may also cause a jerk.
Wh e n th e pe lfo rme r has pe rfor med a s moo th Illu stra tio n A ass ume s a n exte nd ed h a nddi sloca te (o r eve n a jerky on e whe re he is a t sta nd pos iti o n with all body se gme nt s in a direct least a tt aining e no ugh sw ing to ma ke it back to straight-lin e rela ti o nshi p. Th e for- dow n wa rd th e in verted ha ng-a nd I wo uld sugges t that th e pu sh aga in st th e ba rs de picted in Illu stra tion gy mn ast sw ing to a n in ve rt ed hang no more B se rves to offse t the grav it a ti o nal line to wa rd s th a n t wice during the lea rnin g procedure) he the int e nd ed direction of move me nt. As th e bo d y begin s it s pe ndulum de sce nt. should be urged to throw a n yaway o ut of hi s di s locate. Illu stra ti o ns C-D-£, obse rve th e propo rti o nat e The reason fo r thi s is th at a n yaway need s forward lea n acro ss th e ve rti ca l lin e. Thi s a minimum a mo unt of swi ng to be perfo rm ed lea n se rves to co ntrol the initi a l aspect of th e with o ut " mu sc ling" it. On e wo uld be surpri se d desce nt. It is no t until th e leg-trunk unit a sho w ma ny ba d tec hniqu es on a di s locate will sume s a nea r hori zo nt a l pos iti o n th a t th e a bo ve sudd e nl y co rrec t th e mse lves whe n th e gy mnast mention ed sli ght for wa rd lea n is re ve rsed to a has to ge t swin g o ut of a di sloca te rath e r th a n degree th a t in sure s a co ntro ll ed ye t II ggr essil 'e just perfo rm a di s locate. Aga in th e perfo rmer desce nt. Th e prev io us illu stra tion s. in ad disho uld be we ll s potted - as he s h ou ld be ti o n to Illu stra ti o ns F-G-H , de pict th e bas ic Iilrollg holll the lea rning procedure fo r th e di s- tec hniqu es e mpl oyed in th e "ea rl y drop " cas t loca t e. H e sh o uld be urged 0 nl l'---,-,to~tC' h .. ro,,-w ,-,-;-,-, t h-,-,e,--~a"c,-,t-"io",n-,-,._T~h",e':7--"k",in",e""s",t",h"e...,ti",cc-'s~e~n",s"a" t i~o",n"c',---'t-h'-,-,u",s~t~·a~r-,._ n yaway if he has,e no ugh sw ing throu gh th e bot- is most si mil ar to th a t of a F ree Backward Hip tom . When he has pe rformed a di s locate to a C irc le o n Hori zonta l Ba r. nyaway, he sho llid be a mazed a t how s moo th Upo n tra nsce ndin g Illu stra ti on H , not e a nd easy the trick fe els. th e slig ht hip a ngle dec re me nt. Thi s " foot It sho uld be e mp has ize d as soo n as po ss ible lead" ac ti o n. in add ition to th e stead fas t forth at a good di sloca te s ho uld be pelfor med with downwa rd pu sh aga in st the ba rs. afford s th e a stra ight bod y. If the gy mnas t has too mu c h gym nas t th e oppo rtunit y to bes t e mploy all a rch o n hi s di slocate, hi s che st will hit " bot- po te nti a l force s pec ifi ca ll y to th e Pe ac h Bas ket to m" first a nd hi s hee ls w ill lag fa r be hind . In it se lf. Th e hip a ngle decreme nt w ill co ntinu e in order to get max imum sw in g, th e gy mnast mu st a direc t proportion to th e pe ndulum de sce nt pump th e bottom-i.e. , a tt a in a qui ck pike-at a nd wi ll te rmin a te as a tot all y dec rease d hip th e bottom of th e swing. H oweve r, an excess ive a ngle a t th e exac t bottom of the sw ing. Observe arch wi ll forc e th e gym nast's bod y me re ly to that the a rm-trunk a ngle continues to decrease straighten o ut when he should be pikin g. It is thro ughout Illu stra ti o ns /-J-K-L- M until mu c h eas ier to obtain a pike whe n o ne ' s bod y presc ribing a right ang le. Such co nsid e ra ti o ns is sta rting a t a straight rather th a n a n a rc hed se rve to posit io n the body we ll away from th e pos iti o n. point of s uppo rt ... i.e. . the ha nd s. a condiThe straight bod y should be lea rn ed by thin k- ti o n necessa ry for a mec ha nica ll y effective ing of " piking in th e c hes t" - that is, forcin g " bas ket " ac ti o n. the shoulders a lmost to touch in a ma nn e r th a t As the bod y a pproach es Illu stra tion M , will also ma ke the back hunch a t the same time. the gy mn as t will se nse a " bottoming e ffec t" It should also be notice d th a t thi s gives th e in th a t the ba rs will bow downwa rd sli ghtl y gy mnas t a n ext ra two in c hes o f ex te ns ion , a nd a nd w ill th e n reco il in sta nt a neou sly as th e therefore , in creases hi s a mount of sw ing by th a t bod y unit ri ses up the pe ndulum swing. It is mu c h mo re. a t thi s time that a most vigoro us a nd continuou s s ho uld e r a nd hip a ngle in cre me nt s occ ur. Th e a rm ac ti o n is mo st simil a r to " a throwin g th e ba rs away from a nd behind o nese lf ' as ha rd as po ss ibl e. The hip a ngle continues to increase until presc ribing a forwa rd -o pening a ngle with the trunk . Obse r ve a lso that th e tot al bod y unit rea li zes a slig ht c loc kw ise rot a tion . Thi s rot aGERALD s. GEORGE ti o n , however. neve r tra nsce nd s the ve rti ca l Gymnastic Coach aX Is. Loui siana State University Illu stra ti o ns N -O-P-Q re late th e " thro wing" acti o n of the a rm s. Yet observe th a t th e re Re : Pa rall e l Ba rs- From a H a nd sta nd Po siti o n is I/O acl ll a l I'olllnlary r elease of th e ha nd g ra s p. - Peach Baske t - to a H a nd sta nd Po sition T he ha nd s should be to rn free of th e bars by
B Parallel Bars
Gymnastic Cla ssics @ Volume I I - Paral lei Bars Sec t i on D - Ba s ke t Ski I ) s Numbe r 4 - From a Hand stand . Pa s i t i on 'Peach .Basket - To a -Hand-. stand Posi t ion :
virtu e of the aforementioned vigoro us " thro win g" action. - At Illu stra tion R , th e body is airborne a nd rising. Of prime impo rtance is the fact th at the release-regrasp must be in sta ntaneou s a nd forceful. Observe carefully the pos ition of the tota l bod y unit relative to th e bars themselves. Notice a lso the pos ition of the body line rel ative to th e regras p .. . i.e .... llIu stration S. Illustration T relates a mome nt of truth in th at the gymnast has attained an extended ha nd s tand po sition without ha vin g to tran scent the ve rtica l ax is on the upward pendulum swing ph ase. S uch a tec hnique is both the most ae sthetic and mech a nica ll y so und approach. It 's re a ll y the only way to join the untouchables.
Inl Horizontal Bar
GERALD s. GEORGE Gymnastic Coach Louisiana State University
Re: Hori zo nt a l Bar- From a Mixed-Grip Giant Swing Position-B ACKWA RD U PRISE F U LL T U RN -to an Overgrip Underswing Pos ition. Illu strat ion A dep ict s the gym nas t rea li zing the " bottoming effect " of a Mixed-Grip Gi a nt Swing Position (or a Mixed-Grip Cast Position ). Previous illustra tion s depicting th e initi a l
desce nt have be en omitted in order to provide .a more vivid prese ntati on of the Backward Uprise Full Turn. As th e gy mnas t ri ses up the circula r swing, observe the slight decrease in the a rm-trunk angle. Illustration s S-C depict the nature and amplitude of the Backward Uprise. Of prime importa nce is the fact that the aforementioned a rm-trunk angle dec reme nt occurs only slightly so as to allow the fe e t a nd legs to continue their outward-upward trajectory. The anticipated objective is to exec ute th e Full Turn moreso in the hori zo ntal plane than in the vertical plane. Such a consideration w ill provide the necessa ry a mplitude of circular sw ing after th e regrasp. The actu a l initiation of th e Full Turn is rea li zed in Illu stration s D-E. Observe first that there is a one-arm release. Thi s fl exed arm is vigorously dri ve n in a late ral pl ane to the body and about the body's horizontal axis. The turning of the head and neck occurs at the sa me time as thi s rel ease is realized. The attached arm serves as a stab li zer for the tot a l body unit a nd continues its steadfas t for-downward push against the bar. The gy mnast should be attempting to rega in sight of the bar while still in con ta ct with the bar. This consideration not only facilitates a n effective initi ation of the Full Turn but a lso it facilit ate orientation prior to regrasp ing the bar. Illu st ration s F-G-H-' depict the actual Full Turn in act ion . As soon as the gy mnast is trul y air-borne, th e a rm s and head continue to dri ve in the direction of the turn. Observe th at th e e lbows are held should er hei ght a nd th at the a rm s are positioned close to the body. Of
importance is the fact that the Full Turn mu st be executed as a n in stantaneou s single action . Co nsidering the longitudinal ax is, the tota l bod y unit mu st ma intain a direct stra ight-line relationship. Thi s consideration will avo id the common tendency of irregular segmental twi st ing. Illu stration J rel ate s the regrasp of the ha nd s . Both hands should make contact with the bar at the sa me time. Observe the forwardopening a ngle of the a rm-trunk segme nt. The longitudina l ax is of the body ma int ains it direct straight-line relationship and the gymnast is idea ll y prepared to execute any of the sequenti a ll y related skills.
I3The Side Horse By DON TONRY Gymnastics Coach, Yale University Shown this month are di smount s of vary ing difficult y on the Side Horse from Don 's G ymnastic Aides series. NEWI Side horse cha rt s are now availa ble. Six exercises ranging from begi nne r to high in terme路 diote levels have just been completed. W rite to GYMNAS TI CS A IDE S CO .. Northbridge. Moss.
Gymnastic Classics ~ Volume Section Number
I - Horiz ontal Bar D - ReJease Grlp ,: Ski 115 9 - Fr om a l1 ix ed-Gdp : Backwar.d Uprise .- FULL TURN~ to a bouble Ov~~grip Underswing Posit ion
of the horse ... with a I Y2 Sa ito Tuck! ote: Th e Oly mpisc he Turnkun st magazine is no w under ne w manage ment and pl ans to make change s that will increase it s va lue to
ElThe Vault
the gy mn as t. among th e change s will be greater stre ss o n technique. mo re wome n' s gy mn astics. and discuss ions o n th e development of internation al gym nas t ics.
VAULTS OF MAX IUM DI FF ICU LTY Fro m an arti cle from the Olympisc he Turnkun st. April 1970 by Prof. Kaneko (J a pan) and Illu strated by Kl aus Wi e mann . Show n I S th e Hand spring flom both end s
Corloon used wl l h permiSSion of the Saturday Eve ning Pos!. Pholo; . fJerrnlS510n of Allyr, and Bocon, Inc ., publisher~
10. Arabian dive roll from back handspring. (8 diffi culty when done abo ve shoulder height and passing through' the hand stand. Definitely C whe n a full twist follows th e first half twist from the fl oo r). The sequ ences sho w very e lega ntl y the parts to wa tch in thi s move: contact angle a nd body position. ini-
tiation of twist (not e head. arms) and exten sion throughout fli ght. The landing after such a fli ght dese rves special attention to avo id a crash or injury. The arm s st retch for the ground until the hand s make cont ac t a t w hich time the hea d is t ucked toward the chest and a controlled fle x of
th e arm s all ows the body to make contact ¡ with th e mat and a forward roll to feet. A common fault is to beg in the fi ve to forward roll while the bod y is still twi sting off th e mat. The res ult is low and often crooked. Next, Double back somersault.
(C ontinued fr om page 6)
sio n of th e yo ung. But' a ll too oft e n pa re nt s ma rk a ny a ttitud e di ffe re nces of th e young as 路路imma turit y." Po t is no t a pro ble m : it is a sy mptom. O ft e n a po t s mo ke r is a mo re se ns iti ve yo uth who has gro w n up und el' th e s'pec tre of th e BO M Ba nd th e M ISS I LE and find s th e s itu a ti o n di fficult to co pe with . Th e "old e r ge ne rati o n" has li ve d through th e gradu a l deve lo pme nt of th ese tec hnol ogica l ni ght mares a nd have deve lo ped so me e mo ti o nal ca ll o uses. Appa re ntl y a lco ho l. th e so po ri fic of th e e ld e rs, is a stro ng e no ug h tra nquili ze r. Th e yo un g may nee d so me thing stronger. H oweve r, to paint a pot- s mo kin g yo uth as a "poo r los t shee p, dest royin g him se lf w ith a n ev il dru g" wo uld be a n exagge ra ti o n. Mos t yo uth a re no t se lf-dest ructi ve, a nd th a t is why th ey c hoose th e rat he r inn oc uo us weed in stead of se ri o usly in ca pac ita ting dru gs. Pot is use d as a wee ke nd "vacati o n " by ma ny yo un g a nd o lde r peo pl e. If vacati o n can be defin ed as a c ha nge of sce ne, th e n th e re are few more effecti ve vaca ti o ns. Howeve r. w he n a nyu ne needs a vaca ti o n eve ry day of th e week , th e n t he re 's so me thing wro ng. A nything we d o has consequ ences. A nything we eat o r smo ke has good and ba d effec ts, espec ia ll y if ta ke n in mo re th a n mode rati o n. Obvio usly yo uth a re s mokin g po t fo r a reaso n. Wh e th e r it ' s a pl easa nt vacati o n o r a n esca pe from realit y de pe nd s upo n th e in dil 'idllal in ques ti o n, no t o n th e g rass . We still do n't know e no ugh to make a judgme nt whe th e r th e ri s ks o ut we igh the poss ibl e benefit s. Wh e th e r po t is o r is not ha rmful is no t re all y the ques ti o n beca use th e young a re probab ly no t go ing to li ve a ny mo re rati o na ll y tha n th e present adult po pula ti o n. Th e youn g w ill have th e ir ow n vices, but th ey w ill be di ffe re nt vices. Fo r be tt e r o r fo r wo rse , po t is proba bl y here to stay. Mariju a na is not go ing to go away by pass ing a bsurd , a rc haic leg is la tion . It 's no t go ing to go away whe n pa re nts sco ld a nd threaten a nd cnastize a ndTurfll e r a li e nate tile yo un g. It will not help to weave ha lf-fac t a nd full-fl edged fa bl e int o ho rror sto ri es. Grass is a huma n qu esti o n, a nd , li ke all huma n questi o ns , we need un de rsta nding to unrave l the prob le ms. W ith unders tanding pot " probl em" may disa ppear in a pu ff of smo ke. (Continued from page 6)
wha t t ype of pe rso n you beco me a nu vice versa. Acco rding to th e a uth o r o nce a pe rso n find s hi s rol e o ut side th e gy m he may a ppl y hi s new insig ht s to hi s gy mnas ti cs. We ll , I feel thi s wor ks in reve rse. Wh y can't the gy mnast work ha rd a nd w ithout the use of a rtifici a l mea ns beco me c reati ve a nd in turn a ppl y thi s creati ve ness to hi s outside li fe? H e a lso s peaks of a new kind of awa re ness in so me peopl e. Wh y does he no t tell you th at in th e o th e r peopl e, whoeve r th ey may be, a co ntinu al use of mariju a na may co mpl e te ly subdu e creati vit y a nd deade n in ce nti ve relax ing a ll dri ves . Th a t does n't so und like a new awa reness to me a nd I a m not w illing to ta ke th e c ha nce to find out whe the r I ' m a good or bad reactor. Ho w ca n he speak of true a rti sti c qua lit y whe n th e te rm " true " in itse lf de no tes realit y a nd it is o bvious th at th e re is no to uc h w ith rea lity und e r the influ e nce of po t. It is th e coac h' s res ponsibilit y to know hi s gy mn as t's pe rso nal li fe as we ll as hi s gy mn asti c li fe , he mu st know hi s ca p ab iliti es a nd limit ations. T he use of ma riju a na eve n used irregul a rl y fo r re laxati o n and escape ca nno t be justi fied a nd th ere is the te nde ncy a mo ng users to ex -
pe rime nt eve n mo re int o' o th er drugs th a t no t o nl y ki ll th e min d but the bod y a lso. I be li eve it takes a " st ro ng" pe rso nali ty to be ab le to pu t down a ny time he fee ls li ke it. I' m not in a hurry to put my pe rso na lit y to t ha t tes t. I have bee n st ro ng e no ugh to say no o n a num be r of occasio ns. I f yo u a re a use r an d you thi nk yo u have th e abi lit y to put dow n a ny time ... Try it . H ow abo ut 6 mo nth s. a yea r. fo re ve r') P ut yo urse lf to th e tes t a nd see whe th e r o r not yo u know yo urse lf . .. If yo u've neve r tri ed it ... do yo urse lfa favor .... D ON 路T.
me rc ial success. th e co nt es ta nt s mu st be as e qu a l as possible . No ne sho uld be a ll owe d a n arti fic ia l advan tage over th e o th e rs. a nd , ju st as im po rt a nt. a ll s usp icio n of s uc h advan tage s ho ul d be e limin a ted . "Every spo rt has rul es . th e bas ic purpose of whi c h is to equa li ze co m pet iti o n. With o ut s uc h di sc iplin e there is no spo rt. Th e rul es a re designed to foc us a tt e nti o n o n th e me n pe rfo rmin g. to meas ure the ir wea kn esses. virtu es. s peed. stre ngth . ag ilit y. sta min a. int e llige nce . ins tin cts, res ista nce to pa in an d press ure a nd th e ir se lf-co ntro l. Th e mys te ry an d dra ma of (Continued from page 7) McGU IR E spo rt , fo r bo th pa rt ici pa nt s a nd spec tato rs. has few minut es afte r consumpti o n. in clud e: di zz i- a lways bee n th e unfo ldi ng ac ti o n tha t occ urs ness . buzz in g a nd cott o ny sound s, li ghtness in whe n me n ma tc h these int a ngib le e le me nt s of th e head: fo ll owe d by a dryness in th e mo uth th e ir c ha rac te rs. It is the thin g t ha t elevates a nd th roa t. un steadiness in move me nt. loss of s po rt to a n a rt fo rm , pe rh a ps o ur o ldes t. H owbodil y coo rdin a ti o n, a fee ling of heav iness in eve r. th e mo ti ve fo r us ing d ru gs is to re move th e ex tre mit ies a nd blurring of visio n. bo th the d ra ma a nd th e mys te ry by lit e rall y fixIn th e a rti c le it was sa id th a t "att e nding a ing th e o ut co me in th e mos t subtle of a ll ways. gy mn as ti c mee t unde r th e influ e nce of ma ri - by c ha ngin g th e c ha rac te r of th e ped'o rme rs . jua na co uld e nab le th e gy mnas t to see th e tru e A ny use of drugs. no ma tt e r how b"nign th ey a rti sti c qu a lit y of a pa rticul a r free exe rc ise may be. is a n a tt e mpt to des t roy wha t is s po rtpe rfo rma nce " a nd th a t poss ibl e " hi s im agin a- in g abo ut spo rt. to redu ce spo rt to th e s ta tu s ti o n wo uld take over lea din g the gy mn as t to uf a n e nt e rt a inm e nt. a de mo nst ra tio n. a specuniqu e id eas fo r co mbina ti o ns of stunt s." F rom tac le." sta te me nt s s uc h as th ese a ppea ring thro ugho ut A ny type of dru g not na tu ra l to the bod y th e a rti c le it wo uld a ppea r to o ne who read it does ha rm . Ma ny tim es the be nefit s of th a t th a t pe rfo rming under th e influ e nce of mari- dru g cove r up th e bad effec ts. Th e ba d effects ju a na ca n o nl y help th e gy mn as t' s perfo rma nce. of a ll drugs wi ll show in the dru g use r in th e H oweve r, if th e gy mn as t loses hi s ba la nce a nd time to co me. Th e major int e res t in a spo rt is coo rdina ti o n w ithin seco nd s aft e r co nsuming no t th e spo rt it se lf but th e pe lfo rmer. An y fo rma riju a na , how wo uld he be ab le to pe lfo rm in e ign drug is po te nti all y da ngero us. Da re we a ny of th e a reas in gy mn as ti cs? If th e gy mn as t ta ke t ha t c ha nce with o ur me n a nd wo me n, loses hi s kee n eyes ight , how wo uld he be a bl e boys a nd girl s who co mpe te in gy mnas ti cs for to stay within th e bo unda ri es fo r free exe rci se th a t fulfillme nt of a pa rt of the m whi c h re quire o r be ab le to la nd co rrectl y o n the a ppa ra tu s? co m pet iti o n ? The a rt ic le was se llin g the "good" If he ex periences a heav iness of the ex tre mi - po int s of s mok ing ma riju ana to im prove th e ti es, how would he be ab le to co nt ro l th e fin e gy mn ast's pe rfo rma nce: wha t abo ut th e judgme nt w hi c h is lost ? Eve rything see ms poss ible: move me nt s required fo r th e rin gs , pa ra ll e l ba rs o r free exerci se? wha t abo ut th e foo li s h stunt s th e gy mn as t tri es Lawre nce Massett , in th e arti c le Ma rijuall a but has do ne no lea d-u p ac ti viti es fo r it? A re and B eho l'ior, th e U nfi lled Caps, Scie nce we in a thl et ics ready to ta ke t ha t res po ns ibilNews , vo lume 97 , indi cat es th a t ma riju a na ity? s mo king int e lferes with th e thin king process. Dru gs ca n co rru pt a s po rt. F o r th e neoR hyte smoke rs, marij",u",a,-,n"a-,i!! n" te..,l.Le f ",I"路e,-,s,--~-,D,-,g,,s::....:... c.:.:. a.:.:. n -'.k,-i_ " ...::s.!.p...::o_r_ t.~~~~~~~~~~~~_ with sho rt-te rm me mo ry, th a t is me mory of th e immedi a te preceding seco nds a nd minut es. Ma rijuana a lso in telferes w ith a s ubj ect's effo rt (Cont inu ed from page 7) D E NNI S to ca rry o ut a co mpl ex train of th o ught. T o pe r- se lf. If a n indi vid ua l be li eves he is di sco vering hi s " ro le in life " while sto ned , a nd ass u ming for m in a ny of th e a reas in gy mn asti cs , th e gy mthi s me ntal e ndeav or is so very impo rta nt a nd nas t mu st be a bl e to reme m ber what he just d id time, co ns umin g, th e n I fea r th a t a psyc ho logito know in wha t d ire cti o n it leads him. If th e ca l de pe nde ncy o n ma rijua na a nd pe rh aps o th e r gy mn as t loses hi s me mory , eve n fo r a seco nd , drugs co uld res ult. I be li eve ma n's rol e in life it could cos t him hi s ca ree r in gy mnas ti cs or is es tab li shed no t by thin king so mu c h as by eve n hi s li fe. I f he is pelfo rming a gia nt c irc le do in g. o n the ho ri zo nta l ba r by los ing co nt act w ith A thin kin g gy mn as t ca n be ve ry c rea ti ve , rea lit y, he mi ght e ith e r lo se hi s grip o r le t go but a doin g, swea ty co mpe ti to r, rega rdl ess of a t th e wro ng time . A slip of thi s na ture mi ght bra in s, will be up o n th a t victo ry sta nd. I mu st be fata l for him . Eve ry ro utine is complex. ta ke exce pti o n to th e a uth o r's cl a im th a t " th e Eve ry routin e dema nd s of th e gy mn as t to have c reati vit y of t he gy mn as t run s in pa ra lle l w ith co nt ro l ove r bo th hi s bod y a nd mind. N ot be ing hi s worko ut and is a pri mary fac to r adding to a ble to ca rry o ut a co mpl ex tra in of thought , hi s s uccess. " C rea ti ve gy mnas ti cs ab ilit y the gy mn ast is un ab le to have contro l of hi s co mes no t fro m " me nt a l o rgas m," but fro m a bod y. regime nt ed trainin g prog ra m th a t pre pa res the A re you say ing th e most ha rmful effect in bod y a nd mind for the ultima te ri sk, o ri gin alit y smok ing ma rij ua na is the gy mn as t los ing interes t in gy mnas ti cs? In th e process would no t th e . a nd virtuos it y. Th e o ne da nger of po t recogni ze d by th e a ugy mnas t also lose inte rest in o th e r a reas of hi s th o r is a se lf-indi ct me nt of the e ntire a rti c le, li fe? The two reason s give n for the impo rt a nce th at " th e gym nas t who is in vo lved with ma riof th e gy mn ast's o ut sid e li fe were : ( I) th e gy mnast' s searc h for hi s place or ro le in th e wo rld , jua na may ex hi b it a loss of mo ti vati o n w hi c h ca n show up in hi s wo rko ut a nd life as a gy ma nd (2) the gy mnast's sea rc h for him se lf. One nast. " I a rg ue th a t a co nce m ed coac h sho uld be first mu st be co nte nt wit hin himse lf befo re he prima ril y inte rested in why a gy mn as t is s mo kcan go o n to find hi s pl ace in the wo rld. T o find ing, but aga in th a t is th e " thin king ," a nd t he o ne's se lf one mu st acce pt himse lf as he is a nd " do in g" is to make sure th e athl e te find s no no t re ly o n ou ts ide , a rtifi c ia l obj ec ts suc h as need fo r psyc ho log ica l c rut c hes . Th e coach ca n pra ise o r drugs . acco mpli sh thI S by proV Iding a stro ngly co mS po rt s Illu stra ted inclu ded in a series o n petiti ve program in whi ch th e gy mn ast lea rn s d rugs in s po rt has thi s to say abo ut s po rt. tha t reward is direc tl y rela ted to effo rt put fo rth , " Spo rt is a ma tc hing of two o r mo re pee rs to tha t a co mpet iti ve progra m gea red toward w inde te r mine w ho ca n best pe rfo rm ce rta in ph ys ining exe mplifi es th e ve ry a ttitud e necessa ry ca l feats . For s port to be of int e res t, to have fo r success in a de moc ra tic soc ie t y, a nd th at a e mo ti o na l impact, to be a n arti sti c o r a com27
gymnast's routine before a judge bears te sti mony of hi s dedication to preparation for competition. I believe a vast majority of coaches in all sports wou ld agree that the single most vilal qualit y of a ch a mpion is motimtion. Each individu a l has the God-given freedom of cho ic e - whe th er to do good or bad : bette r or best. Peer group press ure ha s imposed upon man y of us the deci sion of whether or not to smoke marijuana. The author of " Marijuana and the Gymnast " sugge sts possible advantages of the drug to creat ive gymnastics. I t is for yo u to decide whether to di srega rd the advice a nd law s of soc iety and to gamble lega l, soci a l. and emotional puni shm ents for the se "c reative in s ight s. " I for one would rather stretch and exercise to steady my handstand. (Con tinued from page 7) SURGENT that marijuana will so mehow pro vide new ins ig ht s and a more cl'eat ive approach to the gymnast workouts and genera l impres s ion of gymnastics. Although thi s stateme nt may sound most beneficial to the gy mnast as we ll as the ge neral pop.ulation , thi s is untrue. Dr. Dana L. Farn sw0l1h'; director of the Harvard University Health Services. profes so r at the uni ve rsity and chairman of the American Medical Associat ion's Co un cil on Menta l He a lth , states the fo ll owing: '"No ev id ence has ye t demonstrated that ex tensive use of marijuana for se lfrealization or increased creativity or atta inments of mystical state s of consciou sness has been beneficial for more than a few iso lated individual s." Pot s mokers work out great philosop hi ca l theories , but nothing ge ts on canvas. With pot , everyth ing draws to a halt. " Dr. Sidney Cohe n, author of the book The Drug Dilemma, further ve rifies Dr. Farnsworth's statement w ith the following statement: " Your drive to. c rea te may be considerab ly reduced , a nd drive IS as Important as any factor in the creative process." Dr. Farnswort h further states, " Our experience at Harvard has been that the use of marijuana does entai l considerable risk , does cause harm and has few counterbalancing benefits. " A long with contributing littl e, if anything to the creative aspect of gymnas tics , marijuana can retard a workout rather than enhance it. Through research marijuana has been shown to affect thinking. perception , refl exes and coordination. While some gymnasts may feel that the effects of marijuana are minor in nature, they mu st a lso agree that gymnast ic s is a most intricate sport. I t is therefore evident that th e gymnast must be fu ll y conscious of his e ver y body movement while on the apparatus, or Injury w ill result. Since marijuana impairs man y of the facultie s which are most import a nt to a gymnast, the results during a workout cou Id be hazardous. I n co nclu s ion , there are four other factors wh ich are most important in con sidering the use of marijuana. First , th e use of marijuana can lead to psychological dependence wh ich can retard the forward progress of any indi vidual. Second , ex te nsive research in th e near future could possibly produce evidence to show many harmful ingredients in marijuana , simil ar to that of c igarettes. Third , a lthough it does not lead to the use of o th er drugs , marijuana is tied to a subcu lture which deals in the use and abuse of man y drugs. For this reason a lone , mariJuana can be considered a contributing factor to the introducti on and use of new and more dangerou s drugs. Fourth , the possession and use of marijuana is illegal. Since th e author of " M and T.G. " feels th at mariju ana can be most beneficial to the gymnast , perhaps he wi ll again reevaluate his philosophy. Besides the facts stat ed above , use of marijuana prevents a person from becoming a contributing citizen in soc iety and can possibly al ie nate a person from
a ttaining hi s or her goa ls. . Another aspect w hich has not ye t been conSid ered in thi s controversial iss ue is the s port of gy mnastic s it se lf. The use of a n unnatural a id to improve pelformance is unethical and Immoral , not only in gymnastics but in all s port s . Sport IS a uni versa l language which speaks for It se lf. I t does not need a crutch on wh ich to depend. It exists for the participant and wi ll continue to ju stify it s importance without the use and a buse of drugs. (Continued from page 7) NETTLES with the creation of a work by a person out of touch with realit y would see m the most morally dere li ct thing the gymnas ti c communit y cou ld do to It se lf - suicide or a return to the " great uncoached . indi vidual gy mnasts " who , as a tea m, were Impotent. Man y young gymnas ts have now read " Marijuana and the Gymnast" as an opinion of an anonymo us person , yet one who is qualified enough to write in ' The H erald" of U .S. gymna sti cs. Without statistical or sc ientific documentation , an influ e ntial opinion has been given on a subject which is far from acceptab le to the palates of myself a nd many of my colleagues . Both the id ea and it s method of pre se ntation are open for se riou s question. Ad vocacy of cen sorship is quite different from th e expecta tion th at opinion and fact wi ll accuratel y and objecti ve ly be presented in a " nonaligned " magazine. I n closing, may I suggest th a t because of it s anonymity, the artic le shou ld have been digested and then presented by The Modern
VIEWpoints Ry Uick Criley
I n a previous issue an anonymous article was printed which drew one of the largest vo lum e of reader response ever: the subject was pot. I will be criticized by certain Eastern conservat ives for even broaching an opinion on the matter, but like the unknown author, I feel it is a subject to be brought out In the open and handled in a mature fa s hion. I wi ll only note that several acquainta nces of mine felt that the aut hor did not make as strong a case for marijua na as he might ha ve . I might as well point out that I condemn cigarette smoking and co nsumption of a lcoho li c be ve rages both and will not allow the contradiction wh ich could otherwi se app ly to surface here. I cannot see why anyone wou ld want to destroy hi s li ver or fill his bronchial passages With metabolic poisons let a lo ne mild narcotics. But such reasoning sits no better with gymnasts than with their smoking and drinking coaches or With the general populace , so I merely advance it for the physiological basis w hich it establ ishes. Meanwhile , as I glance back to the article I find some iss ues to take with its aut hor bas~d on his assu mption s a nd a rguments. I cannot help but raise my hackles when I c.ome across the observation that this is a questIOn to be confronted. A confrontation turns me off. It means that at leas t one party already ha~ ItS mind made up and will not listen to th e other. There wi ll not be a meaningful discussion und er such conditions. The a uthor realizes that the gymnast and coach must communicate but draws a battle line across the issue. It may ,
howeve r, refl ect th e thinkin g of today ' s yo ung people who do not belie ve th ey wi ll be heard unle ss they rai se a confrontation. I n a simil a r fashion , I am read y to accept that today 's young at hl etes see k a satisfying life o utSide of the gym and th a t thi s ma y be necessa ry to achieve succe ss in s ide the gym. (I can remember a coach who " hit the fan " when beards were an iss ue who later bent a rule to keep a gymnast and rock-and-roll mu sician happy by a llOWing longer-than-regulation hair.) But I cannot equate sa ti sfying with easy as a gymnast leading the easy life outside of the gym very often will lead an easy life in the gym. It is here that I question the contribution of marijuana. The aut hor make s the point th at the individual 's search for hi s role in li fe outside of the gym is important. I agree and I think our gy mna stic coaches wou ld agree. But I wou ld add that discipline is a part of that role and that a va lu a ble le sson in di sc iplin e can be le arned in the gymnas ium and app li ed outside as well. I que stion , too , the au thor'S assumption that the gym nas t's creativity runs in parallel with hiS workout and se rves as a primary factor of succes s (in gymnastics) . I wi ll not den y the need for a gymnast to feel he has created his routine. but I think crea ti vi ty can onl y be encouraged after the bas ics have been mastered and the discipline of practice is lea rned. I am afraid that th e creativity the aut hor write s of frequentl y turns out to be little more than random creativity (= goofi ng-off) with no real follo w-through. Last ly, there a re few truly new trick s or combinations as nearly anyone who has been deepl y involved in gymnastics 30 or 40 years or more will tell you. The author' s mention of reduced social mobility (a reduced desire to sociali ze) as a hazard in the use of marijuana is one I wou ld agree With. As an argument against the use of pot , thi S carnes more we ight than the a rguments of enfo rcement and it s consequences or of medical evidence bearing on physical harm done by smoki ng of marijuana. Nearly any person who knows a regular user of pot can hear his fill of stories about pot-smokers who have become so absorbed in the satisfaction that pot- s moking bnngs that they Withdraw from athletic , intellectual or soc ia l activity. Such cases are not isolated and shou ld be considered the more strongly by a gymnast who reall y wants to rise to the top. His external satisfaction and creativity may benefit , but hi s dedication will deteriorate and the quality of his gymnastics along wi th it wi th regular usage of pot. Every gymnast considers himself an individu a l. Every coach shou ld be concerned with each team member as an individual , and , to the e.xtent that the individual allows , the coach should try to counsel with him over hi s outside problems. I think that the au thor of this artic le and I wou ld agree on this , but where the line is drawn is a matter of whether you are a Pau l Vexler or a Steve Cohen.
1970 USGF National Championships Super 8 film - in color Complete routines of the highest scores, on each event, can be observed. See our finest gymnasts in semi-slow motion (24 fps) held at the fabulous Los Vegas Convention Center. 1970 world compulsories included in women's events.
Men - 265 It. .......... .... .......$24.00 Ppd. Women's - 255 It. ..... .. .... ..... .$24.00 Ppd. Order Irom : USGF Film '70 Box 717
Santa Monica, Calil. 90406
(Continued from page 1 2)
Huq , Second USGF AA
Allen, Third USGF AA
Butzman, 5th AA
(Continued from page 10 ) by Don Norton (You'd think the best wome n judges could throw up a fair score a s quickl y as the men do . but they don ·t.) Somebody wisely sees fit - or se es th e absolute necessity - to narrow th e women's field to 22 co nt esta nt s in the optiona ls. That helps. The men gy mnast s don't ever say much a t meets . but th ey do co mplain fe rvent ly about the new appa ra tu s. Th e equ ipme nt is slippery a nd ju st a littl e 100 li ve ly. Sakamoto c laims hi s hands slipped s ix inches on hi s rirst vailit on Saturda y. Wh y don't the apparatus companies bring in equipment that ha s be e n broken in ') Oh , yes' Th e re a re some final results. In women's all -around. th e Olympians tak e high honors: Kat h y Rigby. as predicted , is rirst with 74.5 0 points : Wend y C luff second wi th 7'2 .55 and Joy T a nac third with 7 1.65 , about half a point ahead of fourth-pl ace Ro xa nne Pierce at 71.05 . C leo Carver a nd Debbie Hill follow with 69 .S5 a nd 69.60. In men 's events, at the e nd of optio na ls , the stan dings have changed some from compulsorie s. Sakamoto has overtaken Hu g and lead s IOS.3 to 107.2. Watan abe , in th e four o'clo c k squads, is doing ex tremel y we ll ca tching up. but he need s a 9.45 o n the hi gh ba r to tie Sakamoto' s tot al, a 9.5 to wi n. He sco re s 9.45 and ties at IOS.3. However. the trophy goes to Sakamoto, an American citi ze n. K. Allen is fourth , at 103.75: Greenfield rirt h. a t 103 .2 5. Six others brea k 100. No scores on optiona ls exceed 9.5. Sakamoto an d Wa ta nabe score 9.2-9.45 on a ll e ve nt s but side horse. Hug scores in th e high Ss a nd low 9s. despite a bad break on the hi gh bar. The top six competitors on each event , men and women , compete on Sa turd ay afternoon for individua l eve nt honors. Virtuall y all the women's scores are in th e 9s. Cathy Rigby and Wend y C luff both score 9.7 on floor exercise. Cathy falls down on her ga iner di smount from th e bal a nce bea m (1.0 deduction) but still score s S.6. Vaulting scores a re all high , 9.2-9 .45. Indi vidual winners (compulsory/optional average + Sa turday option a l) are: FEx - C. Rigby. 19.1 75!! Balance - J. Tanac . 17 .95 0 Vaulting - C. Rigby , 18.650 U ne vens - R. Pierce. 18 .725 N~me
of Gymnast
Makolo Sakamoto Masayuki Watanabe Steve Hug Kanati Allen George Greenfield Dave BUizman Paul Tickeno ff Fred Dennis Brent Simmons Tom Linder Jim Ameri ne Fred Turofl
Richard Scorza Ron Barretta
(Continued from poge 9) R l'port hy F I'lIIIA B"I'''
Here is a- th o ught for all co nce rncd . The U SG F Me n's T ec hni ca l Committee asks that yo u consider a new rormat ror the final s. On e des igned to bring more publi c interest to th e s port and keep it until th e last eve nt is con cluded . How a bout having the Thursday compulsories and Frid ay optionals . . . then take the top six a ll -around gymnasts based o n those two da ys and th ey go int o th e finals. Th ey begin with a ze ro sco re ... and co mpe te on a ll s ix eve nt s to de ter min e th e placings. one through six . in the all-around for th a t year. The publi c can then rollo w one pe rformer rrom beginn in g to end ... watching them lead or drop a nd then regain the lead until the la st eve nt. Further. we ca n see th e tea m score of a na ti ona l team. per se . the top six me n a nd wome n. There are a number or really interesting aspec ts to thi s system .. . a nd we'd like to consider it for th e 1971 eve nt. Dro p the USG F a li ne and indi cate yo ur ree lings on th e pro po se d ne w rorm a t ror the final s. Think on it a whil e. th e n le t li S hea r from you. Our congrani la t ion s to all w ho took part in thi s yea rs USGF a ti onals. It dem o nstra tes that our int e rn a tion a l style gymnastics program is growing a t a ra ntastic rate. The Tele vis ion peop le took so me 3 and Y2 hours or video ta pe s that will be made into a one-hour s pec ia l.
Side Horse
Long Horse
Par. Bars;
Horiz .Dar.
B.B5 9.25 B.75 9.20 B.65 9.00 B.60 B.95 B.30 9.05 B.05 B.70 B.65 B.95 7.75 B.25 B.45 B.80 B.40 B.55 7.10 B.35 B.05 B.60
7.60 B.70
9.10 9.35 B.B5 9.45 B.70 9.05 B.60 B.B5 B.35 B.90 9.15 B.05 B.95 7.95 9.20 B.20 9.00 8.05 B.60 8.15 B.65 B.30 9.20
960 9.25 B.60 9.40 9.25 9.20 B.50 B.65 B.15 9.10 Y.OJ 9.25 B.B5 B.65 B.BO B.65 7.50 B.15 B.70 8.45 B.90 B.85 6.50 8.50
9.20 9.25
B.75 B.B5 9.20 B 75 B.50 9.00 B.50 7.25 7.25 B.45 7.75 B.30 B.BO B.25 6.95 B.70 B.15 B.20 B.30 7.60 B.55 6.15
B.95 9.20 B.40 9.30 B.50 9.00 6.50 B.70 B.70 9.05 9.00 8.BO B.50 8.95 B. 15 B.35. B.BO 9.05 B.55 B.60 B.45 B.65
930 9.45 9.20 B70 7.90 9.00 B.90 9.10 i..65 7.35 B.50 B.30 B.90 B.95 B.45 B.BO B.95 7.50 B.BO B.60 B.70 B.35
53.30 55.00 5265 5565 53.50 53.70 50.60 53.15 50.90 52.35 50.75 51.70 50.30 5210 50.35 51.65 4B.35 52.50 50.BO 4990 4970 50.70 50.70 49.10
7.95 BAS B.15 E65 B.60 B.50 7.75 B.40
B.70 9.20 8.70 8.80 9.10 B.95 8.55 8.15
B.45 B.75 B.40 B.50 6.25 9.00 B.55 B.55
47.95 51.30 4B90 49.70 4725 51.20 47.BO 50.25
12 99.25 13 98.60 t4 9B.45 15 9B.05
·-------Oualifiers lor Wo rld Games T rials __ ..Watanabe is not citizen of USA Mike Kimball 7.05 B.05 7.75 Jim Culhane
In men's events. Hug scratch es o n rree exe rc ise - sto ne-b rui ses. someon e reports. The score on th e final op ti ona l is averaged with th e compu lso ry/o ption a l average in each event. I ndi vidu a l winn ers in each eve nt over three days of competition a re : FEx - Sakamoto. 9.00 SH - Watanabe . 8.975 SR - Sakamoto . 9.2125 LH -- Sakamoto. 9.075 PB - Sakamoto . 9.267 HB - Sa kamoto . 9.337 The best sco res on Saturday optiona ls remain in the lo w 95 exce pt ror hi gh bar: Sakamoto. 9.45: Greenrield . 9.3. Wat a nabe breaks se rious ly once a nd drops to 8 .55.
B.20 8.10 B.50 7.45 B.45 7.85 B.20
7.75 8.60 6.70 7.70 7.75 7.70 B.45
B.95 6.95 B.55 8.15 B.55 B.IO B.50
Place I
lOB 30 I
lOB 30 2 107.20 3 103.75 4 103.25 5 102.45 6 102.40 7
102.00 B 100.B5 9 100.70 IC 100.40
······Remammg scores under 980010 all-around . shown as lotal sco res only . 16 Joe lliow
25 R. Haldeman
17. lB. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
9790 97.70 95.10 94.BO 93.70 93.55 93.45 89.50
26. 27. 2B. 29. 30 31 32
G. Anderson 0 Repp J. C'osby J. Hughes D. Fe"e R. Clemmer J. Bellers M. Flansa"
0 Connelly B. Pele" B Seoll S Rad ,msk< T G.. dner D. Boger M. Miyag,
89AD BB 65 87.75 6340 77 40 77 15 75.95 69.55
NOTICE: OFFICIAL FIG INTERNATIONAL JUDGES COURSE Staffed by FIG and American Instructors Pasadena, California August 8· 1 2th, 1970 Chicago, Illinoi s August 16-19, 1970
International Judges Cords will be Is sued For further Information Contact:
JERlIY TOOD Pasadena City College 1570 East Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, Calif. 91106
BILL BALLESTER 342 Hickory Haven Dr. Gurnee, Illinois 60031
Where will you be in
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without thi s a id. Also, co mparison s we re made between th e acti ve method of in structi on a nd th e subject s ta ught by the pass ive met hod . Means an d standard dev iat ions were use d to summa ri ze th e scores of each va ri able. The t test was applied to determin e the sign ificanc e of diffe ren ces in mea ns between va rious group s.
RESEARCH AND FITNESS IN GYMNASTICS By J ames S. Bosco, Ph.D. San Jo se State Co ll ege San Jo se. Ca lifornia 95 1 14
Lesch , Victor R. "A COlnparat ive Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Videotape R eplay as an A djunct in Teaching Selected G ymnastics Skills, " Ed.D. Dissertation. Universit v or Uta h, Jun e 1969. Purpose The primary purpose of thi s stud y was to determine th e a ppreci ab le differences , if any , as demonstrated through a comparison of instructional procedures utili z ing vid eotape repl ay ve rsus th e conventional in struction a l approac h in teac hing se lected gy mn as tics sk ill s. Th e seco nd ary purpose of thi s st ud y was to determine th e extent to which either passive or act ive teaching was significa nt among tho se stude nt s attempting skill s und er the experime nt al method and conventional in st ructiona l method. Procedures The subjec ts used in thi s stu d y were ma le college stude nt s enroll ed in two gy mn as tics classes. Subjects were te sted for th e ir ski ll pelformance at the outset of the experimental period.
Hean (H)
10. 53
S tandard Deviation ( S . D. )
13. 00
8 . 50
Forward Hip Circle
Front Uprise
Class 4-2 11:00 A.II. (N 15) S.D .
9. 06
4 .74
5 .35
3 . 88
Support, Straddle
Cut - catch Total
35 .44
34 . 66
- -8. 86
For the first one-half of th e ex perime nt al period (fi ve sess ion s) one c lass was designated as the control group , representing th e conve ntion a l method of in struction. The other class was ass igned the ex perimenta l gro up , who recei ved the sa me in struction , but were allowed to see their recorded performance on videota pe replay as their in structor fortified the learning process with comments. For the second one-half of the ex periment the group assignments were reversed. Within each class, one group , designated th e pass ive group , received ve rbal instruction only. Members of the other group , de signated the acti ve group , recei ved the same instruction , but in addition were give n manual ass istance during th e ir tri a ls by the in st ructor. After a training period th at allowed each s ubject ten ( 10) trial s on two gymnastics sk ill s, a post-test score was take n on each subj ect. The s ubject s were judged by three experienced judges of competitive gymnastics . Th e mea n score of the judges for each subject served as the criterion meas urement. ment. ' . Four s kill s were se lected to serve as va riab le s for the stud y. Th e two sk ill s pe rformed on the horizontal bar we re th e kip a nd forward hip c ircle. The two sk ill s performed on th e pa ra llel bars we re the front upri se and support , st raddl e cut-catch . A na lysis of Data A se ri es of comparisons was made in o rd e r to evalu ate th e re lation ship between th e c lass using videot a pe replay and those in struct ed
S econdary hypothesis. I. The ac ti ve method was superior to the pass ive method of in struction . 2. Although subject s made greater advanceme nt und e r the acti ve method of in struction than under th e passive method , the difference was not significant stati sticall y.
Standard Error Hean Difference
. 932
1. 83
Findings The data collected during the pre-test and post-test ph ases indicate d th at: Primary hypo thesis. I. The conventiona l met hod of teac hing. i.e .. ve rbal in struction , demonstration , prac tice . and correction was a ided by the utili zation of videotape repl ay . 2. Although subjects sco red better und e r th e ex perime nta l meth od of in struction , no stati sti ca ll y di sce rnible differe nce s we re indi cated between the two treatment effects.
Standard Error ( S .E.H. )
Cl ass 4-1 9:55 A.H. (N 18 )
Conclusions The following conclusions ap pea r to be justified: Primary hy poth esis. Bo th a co nve ntion a l teac hing method a nd an expe rime nt al teac hing met hod , uSlllg Videotape re pl ay, playa sigIlIfl ca nt role III th e develo pmen t of motor sk ill
1.92 abilit y re sultin g in a n impro ved performance .of se lect ed gy mn as tic s kill s . Secondw ), hypothesis. The acti ve method of in struct ion appeared to be more effecti ve than th e pass ive a pproach for teac hing gy mnastics s kill s. R ecol11m endations I. Th a t thi s st ud y be repeated using a greate r number of subject s in order to ve rify the result s and trends reported in thi s in ves ti gation. 2. Further exploration is recommende d to determine the effects of evaluation during the trial period. An assess ment could be made aft e r the fourth and fifth tri a ls in a similar s tud y. 3. That simil a r studie s be co nducted using the video-tape repl ay for other ac ti vities in the physical education curriculum such as wrestling, sw imming, golf, sk iing, and trac k. 4. A stud y should be formul ated th at would attempt to asce rt ain the contribution of videotape re pl ay as a poss ible moti vationa l device in learning gro ss motor mo ve ment s. 5. That a similar stud y be condu cted using students, such as vars it y gymnastics team members who are ad va nced in their athl etic s kill s, and then eva luate the contribution thi s medium cou ld make to the highly sk ill ed Rartic iRant . 6. That a comparative stud y be ma de to dete rmin e the effectiveness of immedi ate knowledge of re s ult s and the effect it has upon lea rning by the lec ture method. 7. That a stud y be made using a simil a r design to dete rmine the si mil a riti es or differences fo und in oth er gymnastics eve nt s such as trampoline , rings , s ide horse , a nd tumbling. 8. That a stud y be co nduct ed with a nyone of th e va ri ab les including stre ngth.
Kip 14 . 00
Class 4 - 1
13. 00
13. 00 12. 00
Clas s 4 - 2 1 ). 80 Experla:en t al
14 . 00
12 . $5.
11. 00 10 . ) 3
10. 00
10 â&#x20AC;˘.
10 . 00
9 . 00
9 . 00
B. oO 8 . 86
6 ,00
Contro l
12 . 00
~", O) 9. 12
9.00 8 . 00
8 . 50 P88stve
11. 00
" "
7 . 00
8 . 66
7 . 00 L......_ _ _ __
1 . 00 ' - -_ _:-----:?osttest
1 3 . 00
12 .00 11. 00
12. 00
Exper l l!lental
11 . 00
13 . 00
10 . 00
8. 00 7 . 00
6 . 00
6 . 00 Prstest
Posttes t
Forward Hl p C1rcle
Exper i mental
12. 00 11.00
n. oo
10 . 00 10. ) 7
10 . 00
9 . 00
Cont rol 8 . 00
9. 00 8 , 00
Support , Straddle Cut - catch
13. 00 1 ) .16
12, 00
10 .16 Active
Pos t tes t
14 . 00
9 . 00
COaIblnat1on 4 -1
13. 00
Front Uprise 12. 72
11. 1$
8. 76
7 . 00
7. 00 '--_ _ _ __ Prete st
Postte st
Fig ure 1. Prests st and postte st c OOIpar¡t s ons of con t rol and expertmental me t hod s of lnstpuc t l on.
13. 00 12 . 00
~" . 6.
L"" 7 . 53 Active
6 . 00
11 . 00 10 . 00
8 . 00 7 . 00 6 . 00
Ln" 11. 85
6 . i86!c :~:: l ve
Pr et e s t
Fi gure 2 . Pretest and pos ttest c omparisons at passtve and acti ve lIIethods at lnstruc t1 on.
"JUDGING by JERRY," an MG feature series e dited by Jerry Wri~ht to help ke~ our readers up-to-date on N a tional and Internationa l (FIG) judging codes and to s ubjectively a na ly ze ch a nges a nd problems, is not a onema n, one opinion project. Jerry will be calling on other qualified offici a ls to contribute reports based on their technical knowledge and experience. If you a re a qua lified official and have a point of fact you would like to contribute or a que stion you would like clarified , drop a card or an a rticle to: J U DGING by JERRY, P.O. Bo x 6 I I , Santa Monica, Ca lifo rnia 90406.
Jon Culbertson, judging article contributor for this edition is a past top ca liber Gymnast , alternate on th e 1962 USA World Games team and a dedica ted official of note.
Nu mber I I : H e re I agai n ca ll to q uestio n th e c ri terio n being use d to eva lu ate difficult y. I fee l that it is far more difficult to ma int a in he ight (o r a s ma ll e r a ng le wi th the ve rti cal) w he n turn in g than w he th e r th e grip ob ta ined is mi xe d or palma r (unde r-g rasp). T he diagram he re is o ut -
N um be r I 3: Poor wording here. but it is not c ritical to eva lu a tion. # I 3 s hould read. ". st raddled do uble rea r to (/ slraddle " L " (no va ult I). acco rding to th e Fre nc h Code . Th e re is not much s trength be hin d thi s s tipul at io n sin ce thi s move has bee n re lega te d to two A pa rt s. rageo us in dep ict ing s uc h a flat free hip c irc le for thi s s uppo sed B co mbin at io n. I wo uld lik e to see a n a ng le di s tincti on mad e he re as fo r a s tut z on para ll els in s tead o f a g rip di stinction.
Numbe r 14: I que s ti on the use of th e wo rd va ult he re aga in . a nd it s ho ul d read .. to free s up po rt rearways. acco rdin g to th e F re nc h Cod e.
PARTV HORI ZONTAL BAR by J o n C ul be rt so n New Co ll ege Saraso ta . Fla. 33580 A RTI CLE I (K IP S) OK. excep t th a t th e firs t exa mpl e in #2 (g rip c ha nge o n forward sw ing before kip ) o ug ht to be co nside re d a n easy B move.
A RT IC L E II (BACKUPR ISES OR STE i'vIME) N umbers "2 & 3: Since I que sti o n th a t th e Finnen s te mme wa rra nt s a B ra tin g. I wo uld co ns id e r #"2 & 3 low Band C. res pect ive ly.
N umbe r I I: There is a n e rror in tra ns la ti on fro m the Fre nc h Code he re. I t is a s toop throu gh to a free rea r s uppo rt (as indic a te d by th e illu stra ti o n). no t to a free "L" s uppo rt.
ART ICLE I V (HIP C IR CLES I N REAR SU PP ORT) Ge ne ra l: Every time the wo rd rea rways a ppea rs after free hi p c irc le it s ho uld be dropped o r rep lace d w ith from rear slIpporl -' Poor tra nsla ti o n agai n. N umbe rs 7-9: Th e re is a mi s und erstand ing he re about w hat e nab les performance of a n E lgrip g ia nt sw ing. Th e implication is that th e abi lit y to s toop in from a giant swing is mo re Impo rt a nt tha n th e ab ilit y to do a forward sea t c irc le s hoot in to an E lg rip sw in g. I prote st. The priorities a re reverse d in my op ini o n. Therefore. I que sti o n the va lu e of #8 a nd th e necess it y of a gia nt sw ing before th e stoop in #9 .
ART IC LE III (HIP C IR C L ES IN F RON T SUPPORT ) N umbe r 5: A free hip to a ha nd s ta nd co uld be co ns idered a re lative ly easy B move. I wo uld s ugges t con side ring stra ight a rm s during it s exec uti o n to the ha nd sta nd an addit io na l c rit e ri o n for the B eva lu atio n.
N umbe rs 8 & 9: I wo uld a ll ocate t wo part s he re as done in #7. i.e .. A + B a nd A + C. res pecti ve ly. Thi s follo ws s in ce it is th e h a nd ~ s tand pos iti o n a tt ai ne d afte r the s toop or s traddl e th a t is critical he re (as la te r exa mpl es co nfirm), no t th e co mbin a ti o n I
A RTI C LE V (G I ANT SWINGS AN D C H ANGES) Ge nera l: We have probl ems he re a nd probab ly w ill for so me time to co me . There are some ap pa ren t in co nsis ten cies s uc h as in co mpa ring V-5 a nd V-7. Is th e place me nt of the hand over o r und e r th e arm be ing pi voted on rea ll y that sig ni fica nt ? Is a blind or direct c ha nge (#2) rea ll y a ny more difficult th an the simil ar crossa rm ') S ho uld th ere be A eva lu a ti o n fo r a ll sing le c ha nges a nd B eva lu at io n fo r a ny co mbina tion of A c h a n ges~ I pre se nt th ese qu es tion s w ith o ut a ny s tro ng co mm e nt sin ce my ow n position in the se ma tt e rs has still no t been reso lved .
A RTI C L E VI (E LG RIP S WI NGS A ND G I A N TS) N um be r 8: T he illu stra ti o ns go t fo ul e d up o n thi s o ne. T hey a ppear to p rog ress fro m ri ght
A RT IC L E X ( PI ROUETTES) N um be r 5: T hi s exa mple te nd s to co nfirm my fee ling th a t a F inn e ns te mme is a n easy B move (if th at). since thi s is n't q uit e co ns is te nt w ith 11 -2.
N um be r 17: Th e las t t hree wo rd s - " o r v ice ve rsa" - s ho uld be ig no re d as I do n't thin k th ey ma ke mu c h se nse no r a ppear in th e F re nc h Code. N um be r 23: Is thi s rea ll y n ecessa r y~ A low
to le ft w ith th e sixth and seve nth fi gures upside d ow n. Th e tex t is co rrect, howeve r , a nd mos t w ill recogni ze thi s as th e co mm o n ho p fro m EI grip ("eagle " ) gia nt s int o fro nt (und e r-gras o)
Ed. Note : just tllrn th e entire seqll ence upside down! N umbe rs I I & 12: Omit th e wo rd rea rways aga in fo ll ow ing th e free hip c irc le. N umbe rs 14 & 15: A ho p to a n e lgrip fro m a kip strik es me as ra th e r di ffi c ult , a nd it could be th a t t hese co mbin ati o ns are underra ted .
A RTI C L E IX (GI A N TS WITH ST R A DDLES OR STO O PS) Num be rs 3 & 6 : S ho uld th ese moves be co nsid e re d B pa rt s w he n no t fini s hed to a ha ndstand ? I be li eve thi s is wa rran ted a nd fo ll ows the logic set fo rth in th e o th e r exa mple s unde r thi s a rti c le .
AR TI C L E X I (UN D ERS WI NG CONNECT IONS) Nu mbe rs 5 & 6: A re mu c h too easy a nd ho pefull y w ill be co nside re d A + A a nd A + B co mbin a ti o ns, res pec ti ve ly in a rev ise d Code. A RTI C L E X II (DI SMOUN T S) G e ne ra l: In cases (Nos . 12, 13, 14, 15 & 17) w he re s tre tc he d o r be nt bod y has bee n s ta te d , it wo uld have bee n be tt e r to have used th e wo rd pi ke d r a th er th a n bc nt. Th e F re n c h wo rd (fl echi ) has bee n tra ns la ted e lsew he re in th e cod e 'llo re a ppro pri a te ly as a pik e pos itio n. Num be r 8: A re la ti ve ly easy B fo r I fa il to see s uch a g reat di s tin c ti o n be twee n it a nd #7.
N um ber 10: Poo r tra nsla ti o n ma kes th e las t phrase mea ningless. Th e seat is no t a t leas t a t he ight o f ba r ! Th e di s tinc ti o n is c lea r in N os. II a nd 13. N umbe r 14 : Th e re is no thin g in th e Fre nc h C ode regarding a sa lta w itho ut a Y2 turn! H owever , I would go a long w ith the sta te me nt th a t a fro nt sa lta w ith seat a bove ba r he ight is a B, a nd t hi s co uld be a leg itima te a ugme nta ti o n of th e code.
Num be r 24: A lthough I ca n see so me a rgume nt fo r giv in g two pa rt s in # 18 (do ubl e bac k sa lta), I fee l stro ngly aga in st s uc h a di s tin c ti o n o n th e und e rsw ing fro nt sa lt a w ith Y2 turn. Th e re is not a n a dd e d salt a here, no r is th e Y2 turn necessa ril y ma king exec uti o n of thi s mov e mo re diffi c ult.
Ed . No te: I do not fee l th at this is being interpreted correctly . My fee ling is th at th e dO llble sa lta is to be rated "C" and th e double salta with Y2 tll m is to be rat ed "C " + " 8. " In th e dra wings of th e IIn de rswing saito and un de rswing saito with Y2 turn th e dist in ction is m ade more clear.
A RTI C LE XIII (MI SCE LL ANE O US) N um be rs 5 & 6: Ought to in c lude A pa rt s sin ce the fl a n k va ult s a lone a re B & C pa rt s as s how n in 11-1 7 a nd 18. I n s umma ry, the new cod e has do ne a good j ob in upd ating difficult y ra tings o n hig h ba r. I n a few cases th e re a re s till some rath e r easy B pa rt s a nd co mbina tion s. T he new code is a lso much mo re compl e te, a nd I have o nl y the fo llow ing s ugges te d a dditi o ns: Stra ight bod y and strai ght a rm kip w ith und e r(A) . gras p (fl ying kip) S to op fro m und e rswin g fo rwa rd w ith ove rgrip a nd c irc le fo rwa rd a nd fl a nk out to ( B?) fron t suppo rt F ree hip c ircl e to stoo p through a rm s (8) to free bac k s uppo rt F ree hip to mome nt a ry ha nd s ta nd a nd th e n s too p thro ugh a rm s to free (C) bac k s uppo rt G erma n g ia nt (S teine ma nn) upri se w it h Y2 turn a nd reg ras p to free hip c ircl e (Ono) (C) Fro nt sa lta w ith I Y2 t w is t di s mo unt (rudo lf) (C) Fro nt do ubl e sa lt a w it h Y2 turn di s mount (fli vus) ( B + C) Bac k upri se st ra ddl e d o ubl e rea r to ( 8 + C)? s ta lde r s hoo t F ree hip c ircl e reac h und e r to mi xed g rip w ith Y2 turn to fl a n k va ult (8 +
for the Love of the Sport . . .
Frede ri ck C. H a tri e ld U rbana. III.
Gymnast ics for Peace D ea r Sir: H ere at Sail J ose State College th ere is a hllge "Peace " 11I0,路elllellt. Ma l/I' peop le h{/I'e dedicated Ill1fOld al/10 1lllts of tillle to see this /I10, 'e lll ellt 11 /0"(, ahead. H owe"e r , ci rCIIIIIstances being II 'lwt th ey are . the.,' soo n fell .Illl路 into debt. Mel1lbers of the San J ose State Men 's and Women 's gl'l/1nastic tea lll s held a tll'O hOllr "G \'/I1nastics C Olll'ocation " on th e lall'n in Ji-oni of th e cafeteria to help raise 11I0ney to help pal' o./I some of th e debts of the IJlOI 'e I11el1l.
Much verbal izi ng has been don e o n th e subject or in adequa te judging. Th e predominant a rgume nt. it seems. is th at j udge s are ill prepa red to app ly th e accepte d crit eria (Code ofPoillts) to a perrormance s itu a tion . T he scapegoa t ror thi s cripp ling inadequacy is . more orten than no t. th e loca l judges' assoc iation s whi c h qu a li fy or cert ify th e judges. Sometimes th e blam e is cas t o n the o ld-t ime rs who. ro r reaso ns of pres ti ge a nd stab ilit y of th e co ncerned assoc iati o n(s) , a re re ta in ed - rega rdl ess or the fact that they a re no t capable or not int e rested in keepi ng up with th e lates t innovat ions a nd ru les cha nges. O th e r tim es the blame is thrown upon the sho ulde rs or the coaches who see mingl y refuse to put th ei r foot down (collect ive ly vis., th e N.A.G.C.A.). Th e re sult. whatever the ca use, is a lack of objec ti vit y (as is re n ected in th e much used adage. "9 .0 pe rform a nce bein gg iven a 7.5 " ). Th e mo st a maz in g aspect of th e situation is th a t everyo ne see ms to be all too will ing to po int a rin ger. I propose th a t it is th e e ntire sys te m, ma nned by a ll of us, which pe rpet uates thi s pli ght. The rol lowing logic is submitted in in support or thi s proposa l: ( I) The soc ia l atmosphere . increasing in complexity as it is , creates a need with in eac h member to kee p abreas t of it or fail. (2) As man is bas icall y socia ll y orie nt ed. he wi ll stri ve to ma int ai n (o r im prove) hi s socia l prestige. (3) A judging group (or four ind iv idua ls) is a soc ie ty in mini a ture - a small gro up . as soc ial psyc ho log ists have id e ntiri ed it hav ing all th ose c harac teristi cs which a re prese nt in a socie ty. (4) Each judge. w ishing to ma int ai n hi s stature in th e eyes of hi s fe ll ow judges , s tri ves to have his sco re co unt ed (i.e., o ne or th e two middl e scores). (5) Thi s si tu at io n, hav in g pe rsisted ror over 20 years. has pe rp e tu a ted it se lf to th e extent that judges no lon ger place a premium on object ivity - but upon th e abilit y to appea r (as a gro up ) homogen iu s (i.e., little s pread in sco res). (6) Thc- ope n syste m of scoring. as used in th e N. C.A. A .. le nd s it selr to th e pe rpetua ti on of thi s cyc le in that aj udge is offered
an o pportunity or de rerr ing his j ud gment or a pelformance to the judgments made by hi s pee rs. This point ma y need claririca ti o n. When a judge sees th a t hi s sco re is dev ia nt rrom th e o th e r judges ' sco res , he will. because of hi s de sire to ma int a in soc ia l stature. a lt e r hi s future judgments in accorda nc e wi th what appears to be the ge nera l tre nd of judgments on th e 0.010.0 sca le. (7) The close d -system ofrers the judge a n op portunit y to compare hi s score with th e net sco re . thereb y creating th e sa me s itua ti on that pers ists in th e open sys tem , a lthough not to the sa me exte nt. (The open sys tem offers a judge a d irect a nd complete reedback of in rormati o n upon wh ich he can base hi s future judgments , whe reas th e c losed sys tem offers a j udge a n incompl e te a nd indirect reedback of info rm a ti o n. ) (8) As it is a bas ic huma n tenden cy to temper one's j udgme nt s a nd op ini o ns by dererence to th e judgments and op ini o ns of othe rs (A llpo rt. 1924), th e poss ibi lit y of thi s co nrorm it y pres sure situ ation beco min g prevalent shou ld be elimin ated (i.e .. create a " no-reedback" s itu a ti o n). (9) Once thi s situ a ti on is e li mi na ted. the in ade qu a te judges wi ll no longer be able to reign competence by hidin g behi nd th e c loak of o th ers' competence (o r inco mpetence) and wi ll either be ex pose d as rrauds (i. e. , fa il) or. as is th e nature of the spec ies. keep abreast of th e in novation s and rules c ha nges to maintain th e ir sta ture a ndlo r pres ti ge in our (gymnast ic) soc ie ty. ( 10) Fo r tho se who fee l th a t a no-fee d back sys te m w ill impair the s pectato r appeal or gy mn ast ic s, two rebutta ls a re adva nced: a. Th ere a re those who fee l that o ur nat ion is beco min g a na tion of s pecta tors - a " bad" situa ti on. certainly' b. The e nli ghtened specta to r, made so by discriminant advert ising, meet a nnoun cin g proce dure , a nd e tce te ra will trul y app rec iate o ur efforts to object ify gy mn as ti c judging.
Exhibiti o ns in IlIlIIhling, trampolin e. p-bars, IIl1 e ,'ell p-ba rs. \'{Jilitillg alld side horse hors e were g i"ell alollg II 'ith mallY cOlltests (bl' pelfol'lnillg gYlllnasts ). An olltstanding job ofa nnolln cing II 'as tllmed in bl' ",111'. R oy D{/\ 'is II 'ho kept th e cl'O II 'd amllsed. A total of $ 70.26 II 'as dOll({/ed by the S.I S stlldents who II 'ooe d , ahaaad, and applallded II'ith enthllsias m as th e gY lllnasts peljol'llled. A II donat ions were tllrn ed O,'e r to the 1I100'ement II 'ho g{/\ 'e their "peace.litl" thanks . PEACE J illl Tllrpill Co-Captain, S J S GYlll nast ics T eam
Editor: MaliI' qf' lIs in th e phl's ical cdllcation profession a re agains t th e idea q{ mixing sports and politics, bllt the cris is cOI!f'rolltin g all citizens toda\' is too seriolls to be OI'erlooked, Th e Phl'sica l 'E dll ca tion Department of th e Vni,'ersitl' qf' C al!/ornia IIrged all of 0111' ./elloll' sportsmell and readers of The Modern Gymnast to become concem ed abo llt peace in SOllth eas t Asia, and write 1'0111' Congressmen. f f'yoll II'ish to s llpport th e cllrrent policy of the President , sal ' so. ff' YO II a re opposed to the President's decision to illl'a de Cambodia , say so. This kind of actil'ity is cons isten t with a constructh 'e attitllde tOll 'ard co rrectillg America's path , rather th all dest roying it or some of its .lin est ins titlltions. Phvsical Edllca tio n Peace Committee V lii"ers ilY qf' C al!/orn ia Berkeley, Ca liforn ia
Popular Sport D ea r M r. SlIndb)': Last month i had the opportllnity to att end the 42 nd Annllal BII./Ialo Turners ' Indoor Circll s. The exhibition, which was qf' a no ncompelilil'e lype, fea/llred e l'el,), gymll ast, begilln er o r adl'anced an d gape thel/1 all the opportllnity to s holl' th eir talellts. Th e Blljf'alo Tllrn Ve reill , \IIh ile p rodllcillg olltstallding cotnpe titi" e gymna sts to the extent of sendillg o ne to th e Tokyo Olympics, also mail1laills a good traditioll of de"eloping gytnllaSlics ill lO a papillar sport as sho\llll by their a nnual circ IIs. I am selldillg YO Il some piClllres of tlie allnllal circlls which YO II l/1ay Pllblish . Th ese pictllres \IIere ta kell all Kodak Tri-X fi lm, ex posed \IIitli ({I'ailable Iiglll al ASA 1200, ./2.8, 1/300 sec. and "pllshed" de"elop ed \\lith A CIIA cl(l ill e. YOllrs sincerely, Fallstillo Prado , .II',
Dea r G lellll : SO lli e tilll e ago " 'e al N iles W est dl'siglled the cilll lkbox pictured abOl'e, Sill ce th eil, 110 lllO/"(' hrukell clllllkhuxes alld Illu ch , lIIu ch less chalk ill the "Tu ng places, G ur desig ll is I'irtuall." illdes/ meti"'e (lIIade (~r :yj " pln\"{)od alld 2x4) alld has redu ce d chalk sp illage hr 30 -50%, T his cllllikhox has bl'ell copied bv a 1I11111her of Ih e Ill ill uis gr/llllll,l"fic /e(/l IIS , alld all ,,'llO use i l a re equall." elllhused a/wut il. /"11 he gla d IU selld dia grallls alld adapla/iolls (!f" th e u rigillal (lIIa de b," OIher cuaches) UpUII reques t . Sillcerel\' , J o hll Blirkel, G\' III , Coach N iles Wes t H i.~h Sc hoo l Skokie, III , 60076
No Contest?
D ea r G lellll, Ellclosed a re 111"0 pictures '!I" coach Bob D{/\'is of /h e La Se ma Hig h School GVlllllastics I ('{/III , Both ill cidell tallv are jlv-a"'ars o.lf" Ihe hi-har, I ,,'ultld lik e to ellt er th ese ill the ph oto CO Il/eSI , If" there is 110 I{)/:ger a ph% cOllte ,l'1 I s ugges t tha t 0 11 1' be tl' lIl po raril." set up so that I call ell/er th ese pho tos, M(// I\' /h allk s, TOlli Plum/) La Sema High Whillier, Ca lif
Ed: How abo ut pi c ture s_[wm rea ders~
D ear Glen: Enclos ed is a picture which is somewhat dif~ fe rent, It 's a picture 0.1" som e 0.1" th e gy mllasts I hm'e had and coached Ol'e!" th e last fo ur yea rs at St, C loud S ta te , S incerely, A rlYlln Anderson G y mn astic Coach Sain t C lou d , Minnesota
Calif, State Champions Mr, Glenll SUlldby c/o Modem Gymllast Ma g a zin e 4 10 Broadway Santa Monica , Californ ia 9040 I D ear Glenll , Enclos e d is a picture of th e Ca l-Stat e Fullertoll G Ylllllastic Team, Th ese boys IUlI 'e worked very hard under Coach Dick W olfe sill ce he arrh'ed here two years ago, They
hm'e had on ly three lI'eeks o./f./i"O/ll practice ill Ih e pas l /I Va years , alld this yell r clIp/ured /h e C alifornia State College Champioll ship lI 'hich ollly goes to sholl' yo l.l ",hat a lo t of hard \\'ork alld dedicatioll call do, I kilO\\, the bovs " 'o uld r eally apprec iat e Yo sh o " 'ill g til e t eam picture , Thallks , S te l'e Kass Assis tallt G}'mna,l"Iic Coa ch Ca l-Slat e Fullertoll 37
1970 National Junior College Gymnastic Championships Team: Odessa, 141 .50; Miami, Dade, 133.80; DuPage, 100.30; Triton, 97.50. All-Around : Da vi d Arnath (Mia mi -Dade), 43.65; Robert Atchinson (Odessa), 42.3 0; Richard Womack (Odessa), 41.25; Mike DiGi aco mo (M iamiDad e), 40.1 0; Terry Beckwith (Triton ), 31.90. FX: Roger Hud son (Od), 9.05; Pa t Hamilton (Od)' 8.75; David Arnath (MD), 8.53; Bob Piper (MD), 8.48; Bob Spencer (MD), 8.45. SH : Steve Snow (Od), 8.38; Fred Ca rdenas (Od), 7.9; Riga Reye s (MD), 7.7; Tom Sinon (DuP), 7.23; Richard Womack (Od), 5.75. LH : Richard Womack, 9.05; Bob Spencer, 8.83; Mike DiGia co mo, 8.5; Pot Hami lton, 8. 13; Bob Piper, 7.93. R: Harold Brockhorn (MD), 7.9; Mike DiGiacomo, 7.58; Roger Letournea u (MD), 7.23 ; Mike Henry (Od)' 7.2; Steve Snow, 6.88. PB : Roger Letourneau, 8.05; Gary Hea rtsfield (Od); 7.98 John Duran (Od)' 7. 78; Robert Atchinson, 7.70; Richard Womack, 7.63. HB: Gary Hea rt sfield , 9.28; Mike Henry, 8.25; David Arnot h, 8.13 ; Robert Atchinson, 7.68; Terry Beckwith , 7.03. Tr : Dan Gardiner (Tr), 8.2 5; Terry Theobald (Tr), 7.93; Jim Lillig (DuP), 7.75; Pat Hamilton, 7.3; Roger Hudson, 6.5 5.
1970 National AAU Gymnastic Championships Maimi Beach, Florida May 28-30 Y os hi aki Takei , from Georgia Sout hern wo n th e top honors in th e A ll -Around w ith <' score of 108.35. H e also took th e first pl ace awa rd s for Rings, P3I-all els and H orizont al ba r ev ent s. Tob y Towson successfull y d e· fend ed hi s F loor Exercise title wi th a 9.65 and C harl es Morse won th e Side Horse E vent. MEN'S RESULTS Floor Exercise: 1. Toby Towson (Michigan State) 19.050; 2. Yoshioki Ta kei (Georgia Sout~e rn CG), 18.125 3. Ron Clemmer (Owl GC), 1 7.950; 4. Paul Tickenoff (North west Louisia na State), 17.925; 5. Sadao Hamada (Ken' Stat e), 17.375; 6. Fred Turoff (Owl GC, 16.825. Side Horse: 1. Charles Morse (Mich igan State), 1 7.700; 2 (tie) Joy Long (Owl GC) and Ru sse ll Fysto r m (Un al.) 17.325; 4. Tom Lindner (Southern Illinois), 17.000; 5 Hamada, 16.9 50; 6. Jim Culhane (NYAC), 16.350. Still Rings: 1. Takei, 19.050; 2. Turoff, 17.950; 3. M ikE Kimba ll (Unat.), 1 7.925; 4. Randy Balhorn (Michigan Stat e) 17.475; 5. Gary Anderson (Harri son GC), 16.925; 6 Clim mer, 16.525. Parallel Bars: 1. Takei, 19.050; 2. Culhane, 18.050. 3. Hamada, 17.975; 4. Mor se, 17,825; 5. Tikenaff 17.725; 6. Tu roff, 17.475. Horizontal Bar: 1. Tokei, 18.675 ; 2. Mike Davis (Unal.). 18 .400 ; 3 . Lindn er , 18.225; 4 . Kimb all, 1 7.9 75 ; 5. Hamada, 17.795 ; 6. Culhane, 17.625. All -Around 1. Yoshioki Ta kei (Georgi a Southern GC). 108.35; 2. Sada o Hamada (Kent State). 104.05 ; 3. Free Turoff (Owl GC), 103.60; 4. Jim Culhane (New York AC). 102.15; 5. John Elias (Northwest Louisiana State) 99.75. 6. Paul Ticknoff (Northw est Louisia na Stat e) 99.70; 7. Ron Clemmer (Owl GC) 99.1 0; Team score s: 1. New York AC, 260.15; 2. Owl GC (Philadelphia), 218.85; 3. Northwest Louisiana State 199.50; 4. Harrison GC (Philadelphia), 1110.15.
Shreveport Gymnastic Supply Company P. O. Box 5374 Shreveport, La; 71105 Suppliers of 1968 U. S. Women's Olympic Gymnastic Team 1968 World Trampoline Team WHY WAIT FOR YOUR ORDER?
Our stock items are shipped the day your order is received . We stock most gymnastic cloth ii,g items and accessories . Send for our catalog
13th Annual National Summer Gymnastic Clinic Aug. 9-14, 1970 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY East LanSing, Mich. Clinic Board: George Szypula, Paul Fino, Jack Ca rr and Bill Meade. Staff Members: Rusty Mitchel l, Jackie Uphu es, Fred Orlofsky, Jim Curzi, Bob Di xo n and many, many more. Clinic Fee : $75. (Includes registration fee, meet enry fees, room and board in Yoke ley Dorm on M.S.U . campus, souve nir group photo, Olympic pool privileges, etc. For registration or further information, contact George Szypula, cl inic director, National Summer Gymnastic Clinic, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. 48823.
(___M_G_G_Y_m_C_Q_le_"_d_Q_'__ Gymnastic Camps & Clinics
Eastern Gymnastic Camp Clinic : AI Camp Skymounl. Green· lone. Po. 18054. June 20·27 and Augusl 23·30. for Inform· ation conlacL Eo slern Gymnaslic ' Clinic . Inc. 8009 Rug· by Slreel. Philadelphia. Po. 19 150. Valley of Olympia : Gymnastic Camp on Lake George. Brim· son. Minnesola. Three I hree·week session s June 21 Ihroug h Aug. 22. For info : Don A. Van Ebers, I 41 0 N. Ill inois Ave .. Arling l on Heighls, III. Gymnastic Workshop (for women): AI Slonford Un iver sily. Slanford California . June 22·July 2nd. for Informalian conlocl: Gymnaslic Wo rkshop. Women's Gymnasium, Slonford, Calif. 94305 Century School of Gymnastics : Two 5-week session s June 22Aug . 27, boys' and girls' ages 5- 18. for info : Pel Mead. 26 Ecker son Lane, Spring Volley. New York 10977. Sokol USA Gymnastic School : AI Sokol Woodlands - Moil Road, Barryville. N.Y. July 51h 10 Augusl 30lh (weekly sessions). For Informolion conlacl: Sokol Woodlands. Barryville. N.Y. 12719 4th Annual Institute in Gymnasti cs : AI Indiana State Uni· ver sily. Terre Hou l e. Indiana. July 61h Ihru 1 71h. 1970. fo r Informal ion conla ct : Roger Counsil at Indiana Sla te Univ. Terra Houle. Indiana. 4th Annual " Scat (All Girl ) Gymnastic Camp" : At Big Bear Lake. California. July 11 ·25 . for Information conlocl: M r s. Tiny Wyckoff. 6316 Mariquilo St .. Long Beach . Col· ifornia 908 14. Carolina Gymnastic Camp ; July 20- 25. The ca mp w ill feature a 3-day Judg es Qualifying Course (at al l levels of competiti on). f or info: fred Sander, Depl . of Athl etics, Univ. of N. Car olina . Chapel Hill, N.C. 275 14. West Penn Gymnastic Camp : At Sokol Camp - New KensingIon. Penna . July 26 1h Ihru August 22nd. f or infor mation can locI: SIeve Baniak. 34B New Caslle Slreel , Slippery Rock. Po. 16057. Eastern Michigan Gymnastic Work shop Aug. 3 through 14. The cou r se will ca rry two semest er hours of groduat e credit. f or further info: Mo r vin John son, Ph .D. Workshop Director), Eastern M ich. Univ. ,Ypsilanti. M ich. 48 197. Mid·Atlantic Gymnastic Camp : AI fairieigh·Dickinson Universily. Florham Pork. Madison. New Jersey. Augus l 1610 30 1h. For infor mal ion con tacl : Carl A. Deck. 501 Long Springs Rood . Southomplon . N.Y. 11968. Southern California Gymnastic Camp : Aug. 22-28, 1970. Gordon Maddox director. Fo r info: Camp Branch YMCA, 12817 E. Hadley, Whittier 9060 1. Camp Atlantic Inc . At Ocean Isle Beach, North Caroli na . Two four week programs. for Information conlact : Camp AI· lon l ic Inc. PO. Box 13091, Greensbor o. N.C. 27405. Hall of Fame All Sports Camp: AI North Cent ral College. Na perville. III. (Gymna sl ics. Swimming & Tennis). for In' formation con locI ; Hall of Game Camps, 6424 N. fairfie ld. Chicago. III. 60645.
SlDlINGER TRAMPOLINE CO. P.O. Box 2 Garland, Texas
75040 Indisputably the finest name in trampolining - since 1948
BOX 11,1
When Performance Counts ...
System Nissen
With more stability, better performance than any U.S. or foreign made bar
A System Nissen uneven Bar easily folds to a flat position and the top bar lowers for easy transporting through any doorway.
System Nissen offers unique tubular steel bracing, rather than oldfashioned cables, that provides both compression and extension strength . Adjustable Stabilizer Braces between uprights improve stability even more. With Nissen 's exclusive Floating Counterbalance in each upright, girls can make height adjustments almost effortlessly (and safely). The range of both height and width adjustments have been increased and the Perma-Wood top bars have been reshaped to meet new F.I.G. specifications. And .. . System Nissen now has the unique capability to convert from fixed floor plate attached apparatus to portable, free standing apparatus (where floor plates are not feasible) in a matter of minutes ... if you need it. Write for more information about our ilew System Nissen women 's apparatus - Nissen Corp., 930-27th Ave. S.W., Cedar Rapids . Iowa 52406.
A NEW BALANCE BEAM, TOO! We're introducing an exciting new balance beam designed to the revised F.I.G . specifications. Be sure to ask for more information .