Modern Gymnast - October 1970

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THE RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL LIAISON COMMITTEE National Association of College Gymnastic Coaches (NACGC) Gym Master Company Research Grant and National Gy mnastic Clinic (Sara sota) CHAIRMAN: Dr. Hartley Price. Florida State University; Tallahassee. Florida. ANNOUNCEMENT: Four Research Awards wi ll be offered this year. GYMNASTIC RESEARCH AWARDS for 1970-71 . 1. The Ch. McCloy Honor Research Award of the National Gymnastic Clinic - Sarasota - $100. (President - Frank Cumiskey, RFD Westwood; Rockleight. New Jersey). Decided at Sarasota. Chairman, Dr. Hartley Price. 2. Two Honor Resea rch Awa rd s of the NACGC (National Association of College Gymnastic Coaches) - $100 each. (President - Frank Wa lcott, Gymnastic Coach, Springfield College. Springfield, Massachusetts. a. Western Award USGF National Western Clinic (Chairman . Dr. Glenn Wilson). Decided at Tucson. b. Eastern Award - USGF National Eastern Clinic (C hairman. Hartley Price). Decided at Fort Lauderdale. Also at the Gymnastic Clinic at Tucson . Ariz: 3. The Gym Master Company Research Grant $200 Chairman - Dr. Glenn Wilson, University of Arizona, Tucson. Ariz). CRITERION OF COMMITTEE: The committee wishes to stress that studies that benefit a large group rather than a smal l group will be favored. PROCEDURE OF CANDIDATES: Candidates cannot submit their outiines to both cli ni cs. A choice must be made. 1. A prospectus of the problem must be submitted by Nov. 30. a. Studies for consideration for the Honor Resea rch Awards of the Notional Gym nasti c Clinic or the NACGC (Nati onal Association of College Gymnastic Coaches) Eastern Award (USG F National Eastern Clinic) must be submitted to Dr. Hartley Price. Florida State University. by Nov. 30. The prospectus will then be passed on to the subcommittee of the Resea rch Award Committee in order to decide the winn ing candidates. It will faci litate matters if several copies of the prospectus are sent to me. b. Studies for consideration for the NACGC Western Award and the Gym Moster Grant at Tucson, Ariz .• must be submitted to Dr. Glenn Wilson, University of Arizona, Tucson. Ariz_ 2. The Prospectus 01 the Research : a. The candidates should include the fol lowing points in their pro spectus: (l ) Outline the problem. (2) State in hypotheses. (3) Indicate the methods to be used. (4) Report the bibliography that was used in approaching the problem. (5) Justify the research. b. The deadline for the prospectus for this year's awa rd will be: Nov. 30. 1970. c. Indicate the progress that has been made up to date on the research. d. The members of the subcommittee wi ll decide what candidate will receive the award after studying the prospecti. Therefore. the prospecti should be very complete. e. Each recipient of the awa rd is expected to publish his study in the Modern Gymnast or the Research Quarterly of the AAHPER. 1. He is also asked to report his findings to the Technical Resea rch Committee (Chairman. Dr. Jerry George) for further distribution.


$1.35 ORDER FROM: M.S. PARALLmES BOX 177 S~nh Monic~ Calil. 90406

FRANK ENDO SHOES .. ... $2.75 pro # TL-2 (as illustrated) ... # TL-3-A all-leather shoe 4.00 pr. with rubber sale .... # TL-4 Ladies' gym shoe 2.00 pr. Nylon w/ leather sale . #NB Nylon booty. w/leather sale 2.25 pro Sizes 1-1 2 . LEATHER HANDGRIPS .. .. $1.50 pr. #A- Good (most popula r). ........ 1.75 pro # B- Better (one- piece) . . .. 2.25 pr. # C- Best (extra strong) . .. 1.50 pr. Lam pwick handgrips (S-M-L) PANTS ......$7.50 pr. Cotton/acrylic stretch Nylon stre tch pants . ........ 15.00 White or Cream With t oe-pc .• add $1.00 extra SUSPENDERS W' elastic w/metal clips. Adjustable and detachable. Comes in white, blue or red. .. $3.00 ea . WOODEN RINGS ........ 22.95 pr. Meets all specifications . CHALK Block or powder . .. . lowest prices GYM SHIRTS Cotton with adjustable flap Nylon step-in. white ...... GYMNASTIC TRAVEL BAGS 6W'Wxl0W'HxI6"L Ava ilable in Blue or Red .

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1968 MEXICO OLYMPIC FILMS Super 8 - in color Complete winning and runner-up optional routines on all Olympic events. Token at 24 fps and edited from 2000 feet of film token from choice locations. Highly educational. No rentals. Men's - 400 It. ...... .......... .... ...... $32.00 Ppd. Women 's - 400 It. .. _.. ...... .... . _.. .. $32.00 Ppd. 1970 USGF National Championships Super 8 lilm - in color Complete routines of the highest scores. an each event, can be observed. See our finest gymnasts in semi-slow motion (24 fps) held at the fabulous La s Vegas Convention Center. 1970 world cam puis 0 ries included in women 's events. Men 's - 265 It. .. .. .. ...... .......... .. ... $20 .00 Ppd. Women's - 255 It. ...... .. .... .......... .... $20.00 Ppd. Order from : FRANK EN DO 12200 SO. BERENDO AVE. LOS ANGELES , CALIF. 90044 We stock all items for immediate delivery postpaid. Write for FREE brochure.


Wri te to Gymna stic Aides. Northbridge. Moss .• for beginning. intermediate and advanced rings. parallel bars and side horse charts. NEW' Side horse charts are now avai lable. Six exercises ronging from beginner to high intermediate levels have just been completed. Write to GYMNAS TI CS AIDE S CO .. Northbridge. Mass.



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notes FROM THE editor: This month the World Games for Gymnastics are being held in Lju bjlana (Cerar's home town), Yugoslavia, Oct. 22-27. Although this will be the 17th World Games it will only be the 4th time a full USA team has entered the competition. In 1955 Jack Beckner (then in the service in Europe) and Charlie Simms (who made a wh irlwind hitchhi king tour through the aid of the armed fo rces) competed in the World Games held in Rome, Italy along with others in a mixed team. The first Official USA Men's team consisting of Larry Banner, Abie Grossfeld, Art Shurlock, Don Tonry and Armando Vega went to Moscow, Russia in 1958 and placed 7th with 539.85 (Russia 575.45, Japc;:m 572.60, Finland 549.15, Poland 541 .85 , Y!Jgslavia 541.05 ). Schaklin of Russia won t he All-A round with 116.05 followed by Ono of Japan - 115.60, Titov (R) 115.45, Takemoto (J)-115.30 ... The USA Men's team (the U.S. also sent a girls team for the first time) to Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1962 were- Banner, Grossfeld , Bob Lynn, Fred Orlofsky, Tonry and Vega. They too k 6th place with 555.25 (Japan 574.65 , Russia 573.15, Czechoslovakia 561 .50, Red China 559.00 and Italy 555.25). Yuri Titov of Russia won the All-Around with 115.65 , Yu kio Endo of Japan was second with 115.50, followed by Schaklin (R) 115.20, Ono (J) 115.15, Cerar (Y) 114.95 and Mitsukuri (J) 114.30. Don Tonry placing 21 st with 11l.70 was the highest USA scorer ... For the 1966 World Games in Dortmund, Germany, the USA sent Kanati Allen, Steve Cohen , Arno Lascari, Fred Roesthlisberger, Makoto Sakamoto, Tonry and Greg Weiss. Here we again took 6th place with a score of 550.40 (Japan 575.15, Russia 570.90, East Germany 561 .00, Czechoslovakia 551 .20 and Poland 550.60). Top All-Around scorer was Voronin of Russia with 116.15 followed by Tsurmi of Japan with 115.25 , Nakayama 114.95, Cerar 114.75, Menichelli (Italy) 114.65 and Kato (Japan) 114.60. Makoto Sakamoto with 11 2.15 placed 16th to be the highest USA scorer.

* * *

The USA for this coming championship will have two veterans of World Games competition, Kanati Allen and Makoto Sakamoto along with International competitors, Paul Tickenoff and Fred Turoff (who with Sakamoto represented the USA in the recent World University Games in Italy), Marshall Avener, George Greenfield, Tom Lindner and Brent Simmons. Olympians Thor and Hug potential World Games team members were both set aside with injuries which prevented them from taking part in the trials of training camp ~rogra~ to qualify for the team. ~

* :::

With the naming of Gene Wettstone to head up a national coaching staff this past year along with a pl anned national team training program we expect the USA to make a giant stride forward in International Competition. We hope this years team will move us up a couple of rungs higher on the International Gymnastic ladder and head us toward the individual and team Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals we have long been reaching for but never capturing ... GOOD LUCK TEAM!!! 4


CG Official Publication of the United States Gymnastic Federation




NOTES FROM THE EDITOR ... .. .. .. .. ... ...Glenn Sundby MG MADEMOISELLES ...................... ... ... ..... ... . CHALK TALK ......... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ....... .... ..... ViEWPOINTS ............... .......... .... .. .... .Dick Criley WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES ........ ..... ..Jerry Wright THE WORLD GAME TRIALS AND NATIONAL TEAM THE BEGINNING ..... ... .. ..... Dr. Joseph Massimo WORLD GAME TRAILS .......... ... Hill Roeztheim EIGHTH ANNUAL SANTA MONICA GYMFEST ........................ ...... Smith, Sakoda, Sundby MG CENTER PHOTO: Mark Davis, swinging rings, Santa Monica Gymfest ...... .......... ...... .... .. MG INTERVIEW: SAKAMOTO .. ... .. .. ....... Ken Sakoda ELIMINATION COMPETITION FOR THE JAPANESE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS MEN'S TEAM ... .... ..... ........ .... ..Abie Grossfeld OBSERVATIONS OF THE JAPANESE GYMNAST'S OPTIONAL EXERCISES 1970 ... ... .Abie Grossfeld SCOUTING REPORT OF THE 1970 JAPANESE COMPULSORY EXERCiSES .. ... ..... Abie Grossfeld NHK CUP AND FINAL TRIALS FOR THE JAPANESE WORLD GAMES TEAM ........... ... .Dan Connelly LETTERS .......... .... ........ ....... ...... ..... ....... ...... . THIRD INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL ... Les Sasvary LATE HIGH SCHOOL RESULTS .. ...... ............. ....... BOOK REViEWS .......... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ..... ....... ... .. U.S.A. NATIONAL RANKINGS .... ......... Jerry Wright

4 6 7 8 8 10 10 12 16 18

20 21 22 23 24 26 26 30 31

(over, Bob Smith photo of Richard Pasca le perfo rming a fu ll路twisting Arabian dive roll during his FX routi ne at the ann ual Santa Monica Gymfest.



ASSOCIATE EDITORS - Feature A. Bruce Frederick, Education ; Dr. Jame. S. Bo$Co, Research ; Jerry Wright, Competi tion ; Frank Bare . USGF; John Nooney, Can ada; Robert Han$Com, YMCA; Andrzej Gonera , European; Gerold George, Dan Millman & Don Tonry, AA Instructional; Bill Roetzheim, Instructi onal. THE M ODERN GYMNA ST m a gazine is p ubl ished by Su ndby Publ ications, 410 Broadw ay, Santo

Monic o, California 9040 1. Second Class Postage pa id at Santo Monica. Ca lif. Publis hed monthly excepf bi-monfh ly June. Juty, Augu st, and Sepfem ber. Price $6.00 p er y eor, 60c a single copy. Subscriptio n correspondence, The MODEIlN GYMNAST, P.O. Box 61 l. Santa M onica, Californ ia 90406. Copy right 1970漏 a ll rights reservect by SUNDBY PUBLICATIONS. 4 10 Broadwav, Santa Monico. Calif. All photos ond manuscripts submitted become fhe property of The MODERN GYMNAST unless a return req uest a nd sufficient postage are included .

championship gymnastics apparatus

new standard of excellence in apparatus built to full Olympic specifications as prescribed by the F. I. G.

ATLAS CHAMPIONSHIP GYMNASTICS APPARATUS for men and women is designed to please the most demanding coach, teacher and performer. Expert engineering, advance design and the maintenance-free nickel chrome finish , go together to give you an outstanding line of gymnastics apparatus.

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For the October MG Mademoiselle we decided to feature a montague of some of the bikiniclad fans that helped to make the eighth annual Santa Monica Gymfest the success it was this year. Between the gymnasts and the girls it seems that everyone had something to keep their eyes on!

Sakada & Sundby


Where will you be in (do ing a move he had done hundreds of times wi thout difficu lty ). I n Jun e , Karl was named Wa shington' s " Re habilitant of th e Ha lf-Ce ntury" during the state 's Go lden Ann iversa ry of the founding of Vocat io nal Reh abilitation Progra ms in the U nited States. Ha nse n, a research engineer at Boeing, has an a mazing story of how he, wi th the he lp of o th ers , sac ri fices and demand s on him se lf th at he has been able to make a comeback and find a pl ace in the business world.

VISITORS Among the many friend s th at drop in at the MG offices this past summer were Eddie Motte r and his wife, Katura. Eddie, famous blind gy mn as t from UCLA ( 1940s) , continues to travel all over the U .S. A. putting on school

Ithaca Co llege senio r Jim Huntley received Sport Magazine 's first-eve r " Co ll ege Ath lete of

the Month Award." Huntley (Ha mburg , N.Y.) lettered in footba ll , crew a nd GYMNAST ICS. Jim a lso founded the Ithaca College Fellowship of athletes and started a weekly le arn-tosw im progra m for th e mentall y retarded and physica ll y ha ndicapped chi ldren. Huntle y, a P. E. major, has never mi ssed th e dean 's li st at Ith aca.




J anos Prohas ka, ex-hand balancer acrobat, now a fa mous Holl ywood stuntman and creator of the "Cookie Bear" seen on the Andy Williams TV show , came in to hold a hand-





_we know where we'll be! ~

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years ago we started producing gymnasium equipment of finest quality and long-life . Designs and materials have constantly changed since then but ou r same, t i mel ess trad ition of fi ne quality remains as modern today as it was 60 years ago and will. be just as up-to-date 60 years from now in 2030. That's the way it is with Quality. It has a way of lasting and assuring its buyers the equipment they purchased this year, last year, 10 years ago or 10, 20 years hence will always be current, will always be Quality, and will always have a "home" with someone interested in its condition and ready with parts and service if needed.


If you need gymnastic equ ipment you shou Id look to Porter for these many advantages: Fully Olympic Specs. Best of Materials and Workmanship Safety Engineering Modern Design Experienced Representatives Full Technical Staff Installation Capability

Coach Hollingsworth and Eddie Matter - 1970

exhib iti ons and inspirational talks a nd challenges to the students. While in Santa Monica we helped Eddie put together a film for use in hi s progra m which included hi storic shots of Eddie in action a long with recent beach foot age from spectacular gy mnastic action a t Santa Monica beach.




A lthough not competing because he is recovering from a n injury, Dave Thor (v isiting Cali forni a on his honeymoon showing off hi s prett y wife) gave us a ha nd , aided by Steve Hug (who

All of PORTER 'S floor equipment has the "safety-at-a-glance" Quik Lok.

stand on you r editor (for o ld times ' sake) an d to say hello to the D erschs (Caro l, Kath y and Teddy) , visiting from Ca nada (Cath y attended the " Scats " Summer Gymnastic Ca mp at Big Bear, Calif. )

Write for your FREE, fully-illustrated, colorful catalog today.

.by the way did the editing for Eddie Motter's fi lm) helpin g dig up the buried weights we used for floor plates in the sand at th e Santa Monica Gymfes t.



NAMES 'N' NEWS Karl A. Hansen of Seattle rece ived the State of Was hington 's nominee for the nation al rehabilitation award. Karl was a tumbling cha mpion from WSU who was a lmost tot all y pa ralyzed in 1956 from a broken-neck acc id en t wh ich occurred during a floor exercise routine

We were so rry to hear of the passing of two MG s ubscribers thi s past summer. Jim Salay, active gy mn ast ic teacher and member of the Slovak Sokols for over 50 years (had classes at Ca rnegie At hl etic C lub in Homestead , Pa., the day he went to the ho sp ital), passed away in July from cancer. . . Jim Stolp, Turner and longtime persona l frie nd of your ed itor; (contributed many artic les to the MG from the 'C hicago area), passed away in August from a heart fa ilu re . Our sympathi es to their fa mil y and miend ssed. fri s; ____________________________ as others before them they will ___ be

I/> ..P-E?-U-IP~-E~-T


9555 IRVING PARK RD . SCHILLER PARK , ILLINOIS 60176 Telephone (312) e;71路0110


World University Games 1970

VIEWpoints By Dick Criley

"face ta face wi th doing. "

Eddie Robinso n, Head Football Coach at G rambling College, addressed the Ho usto n Touchdown C lub wi th a beautiful rati o na le for the athleti c experience. I'd like to re peat a nd paraphrase so me of hi s words whi ch were reported in a recent iss ue of the NCAA Nellis. " At hl et ics may be the school 's most endu ring world of di scipline, of s harp thin ki ng, of a demonstrable con nection between what one puts into a nything and what he gets out of it. " The gy mnas t finds himself in a laboratory where he expe riments at putting things togethe r a nd observ ing the results. This is pretty mu c h as in real life isn't it , where he finds out th at he gets out of the experience just what he puts into it. H e finds that proper prepa rat ion , the well-grounded bas ics, the refine me nt s of repetition , the emphasis on technique usuall y bring results. He learn s th e pat ience so necessa ry in the a tta inment of excellence. " The boy has a mple oppo rtunit y to discover hi s weak nesses of cha racte r a nd to build them up . If he lacks agg ress iveness , he will soo n find out. He will lea rn too, why aggressiveness is so necessary for success." For th e gym nast , at leas t one as pect of this aggressiveness is the co nfid ence th at he is the ma ster of his body and that it will do his bidding whe n ca ll ed upon , that his reflexes have been tra ined to respond with the precise power a nd direction he des ires. " Next is this business of pelformance und er 8

press ure and being willing to face up to requirements ... I a m in favor of exposing yo ung peopl e to situ ation s th at require the highest pelformance on a regular bas is. " I n gy mnastic s, as in any other sport co mes that moment of truth whe n one stand s face to face with doing. It is the moment, perhaps a fraction of a secon d, when the deed is ei ther done or undone. The gy mn ast knows he ca n neve r " coast" through hi s exercise once the most difficult part is over, for the moment he rel axes hi s di scipline is the moment th at a revea ling break occ urs . " ThB student in th e c lassroom ca ught between the inco mpatibilities of tex tbook s (and the contradictions of hi s professo rs) often loses all contact with th e ca use-a nd-effect wo rld. In athleti cs this does not hap pen. On the playing field (or in the gym nas ium), a cause is a lways followed by a n effect. In pl ai n words , it 's hit or get hit ; fi ght or run ; pay the price of fa il ; play with minor hurt s because there can be no fudging, no fak in g, no day dreaming .. . " For youth , as it crosses the threshold of manhood , athletics is a rall yin g point to build courage whe n courage see ms to die ; to restore fa ith where there seems to be littl e cause for fa ith; to create hope as hope becomes forlorn ." Gy mnasti cs as an ho no red for m of ath leti cs contributes ma ny qua liti es to the individu al's ph ys ica l and me ntal maturation .

Torino, Ita ly By JERRY WRIGHT The 1970 World University Games began officiall y, for th e U.S. gy mnas tics team, with the selection of Makoto Sakamoto, a 5-footI-in. gymnast , born in Tokyo, J apan, April 8, 1947 , to carry th e American flag in th e ope ning ceremonies. From that moment on it was to be a memorable occasion for the U .S. gy mnasts. For it was to come to pass that an American tea m would proudly mount the victory platform to receive a medal in internation al competition in Europe. This , of course, is not the first time this has happened , but it was the first time since 192 4 tha t it has happened with all major gy mnas tic powers in the meet. (In 1967, for exampl e, the American Universiade tea m fini shed seco nd , but none of the Communis t co untries we re in the meet. ) The Competition The tea ms were divided into five groups, with three teams in each group and three events at a time. G roup A: Bulgaria, Finland and Norway together a nd Italy. Group B: Great Britain (two gym nas ts) and Tunisia (2), Ge rmany , Algeria Group C : Yugos lovia, Canada, J a pan Group D : Sweden (3 gy mnasts) and Luxembourg (I gy mn ast), Hunga ry , U.S.A. G roup E: France, Switzerland (I gymnas t) a nd Austria ( I gymn ast) , Russia All together th ere were 90 gy mn asts represe nting 19 co untrie s. Makoto Sakamoto indicated that to the best of hi s knowledge the J a pa nese had sent the best tea m they could under the rule s (a ll had to be universit y stude nt s), but not one of them had made the J a panese Worl d Ga mes team!!!!! The Ita li a n team did a fine job and were guided by Menicelli. The Yugos lovi ans were a surpri sing fourth , wi th the Hungarians fifth . Mauno Nissenen was not at hi s best as he fin ished 18th with 53.45 , a nd hi s tea m fin ished ninth. Makoto Sakamoto, Paul Ticke noff, Bob Emery a nd F red Turoff did themselves proud (and all fini shed ahead of N issenen) as they left the U.S. with nothing on their mind s but the th ought of do ing as we ll as possi ble in th e co mpet itio n and carried this attitude with the m throughout the training pe riod a nd th e co mpetition. Aft er they did their thing the y relaxed , but until the co mpet ition was over, th ey were unit ed in th ei r goa ls. Makoto found him self competiting in the univers it y c ha mpionships after all in the 1970 season ; after being denied a year of e ligibility fo r competition in the NCAA this past seaso n, Makoto geared hi s training for the World University Games a nd the World C hampion ships and finished th e first part of this goal in high fas hion. Ma koto 's floor exercise routin e ba rely met the diffic ult y requirements but was performed fl aw less ly. On the side horse he hit the ho rse two or three times slightl y and still scored 9.25 _ on th e rings he did very well and scored 9.5, hi s weakest eve nt was the vaulting ; were he did a good ya mas hita va ult but the va ult being worth onl y 9.7 , his 9.25 was about all he could ho pe for. Hi s Ya mas hita with V2 twi st was no t exec ut ed we ll , so 9.25 o n LH did not help o r hurt him much. Hi s 9.5 on pb was poss ibl y low, but how can one a rgue fo r. I tenth more ! On th e H B Ma koto did a fine job except for form breaks on hi s hec ht wi th full twist di s mo unt (hi s reverse kip is weak , but double German out almos t makes up for it) .


Ed Gagnier: coach Iowa State Un iversity Makoto Sakamoto Born: April 8, 1947 School: USC Major: Asian Studies

Fred Turoff Born: March 13 , 1947 School: Temple Univ. Major: Physics

Paul Tickenoff Born: Oct. 19,1948 School: Northwestern State, La. Major: Physical Educatio n

Jerry Wright: manager-judge Bob Emery Born: July 22, 1947 San Francisco State College School: Penn State , Tuffs Un iv. Major: Medicine

1. Okamura, Teruichi 2. Fujimari, Ryuji 3. Fogel , Vitcheslay 4. Sakamoto. Makato 4. Hosokawa, Shinichi 6. Adrianoff, Alessandre 7. Chida, Taichi 8. Furman , Eline 9. Maleev, Viacheslov 10. Hermann, Hoepner 11 . Molnar, Imre 11. Brodnik, Jonez 13. Kersnic, Milenko 14. Tickenoff, Paul 15. Kisteleki, Antal 16. Bob Emery 17. Turaff, Fred 18. Nissinen, Mauno r9. Kovacs, Cyula 19. Vratic, Milos 21. Bordan, Dezso 22. Lazhari, Larbi 23. Svensson. Vommy 24. Wolfgang Hopfner 25. Kerzmann, Micael 26. Janes, Robert 27. Karttunen, Markku 28. Straumann, Urs 29. Pallotti, Roberta 29. Vai lati, Fulvio 31. Burgeois, Michel 31. Hmjelavec, Ivica 33. Ott, Ulrich 34. Taud ien, Ynqre 34. Mitruk, Steve 36. Arnold Randa ll 37. Leguet Jaques 37. Panayot, Vassi lur 39. Lederwall, Lars 40. Rachkov, Ivan 41 . Dounev, Ivo 42. Tomassi. Ma rio 43. Nicolai Karafilox 44. Ingvaldsen Thorbuorn 45. Soavi Yves 46. Bernard Jotung 47. Pi rinen Pekka 48. Baumgartner, Wolfgang 49. Mori Vincenzo 50. Loeb, Guy 51. Kinsman Tom 52. Menif Nouredine 53. Balcombe Gary 54. Sedgenick, Tim 55. Fekih louscf 56. Lobed Rabah 57. Fellah Fouad 58. Louhibi Djel loul

Japan Japan USSR USA Japan USSR Japan USSR USSR Ger. Hung. Yug. Yug. USA Hung. USA USA Fin. Hung. Yug. Hung. Alg. Sweden Ger. Ger. GRB Fin. Swiss Ita. Ita. Fro Yug. Ger. Sweden Can GRB Fro Bul. Sweden Bul. Hung. Ita. Bul. Nor Fra Lux. Fin Aust. Ita Fro Can Tun Can Can Tun Alg. Alg Alg.

57,50 56,80 56,70 56,45 56,45 56,35 55 .85 55,55 55.25 55 ,00 54,95 54,95 54,BO 54,50 54,05 54,00 53 ,90 53,45 53,15 53 .15 53,05 52,95 52.90 52,55 52,50 52 ,35 52,05 51,85 51,70 51,70 51,20 51,20 51,05 50,65 50,65 50,60 50,55 50,55 50,20 50,15 49 ,85 48,90 48,75 48,00 47,60 47,35 46,90 46,8 5 46,65 45 ,80 45,10 44,80 44,10 44,00 43,75 43 ,60 43,35 41,85

Bob Emery made a great contribution as he tiorial coaches and capable of hand ling any scored 9.5 on the PB and 9.3 on the SH ; Paul international team. Tickenoff scored 9.2 in FX in spite of sitting The closing ceremonies were something of a down on his dismount so he could have scored disappointment. The ceremonies began with 9.5 or 9.6. Fred Turoff proved to be the steady a bang as a band ran a 440 whi le playing their man he was being counted on to be as his score , instruments, then three more bands joined in counted in five of six events , and he scored 9.0 with about 300 children in different groups or better in four events with a high of 9.3 on marching and/or carrying flags of the competthe rings. The team story , however, was one of ing nations (there were 60 countries representcompleted routines . Only one rout ine of 24 ed in the meet). The disappointment came actually contained a break, so in essence the when the athletes we re never allowed to enter team did not give the opposition an inch , did the stadium due to a last-min ute fai lure in communication. This caused some athletes to miss not break under the pressure and came away with a strong fee ling of personal satisfaction. the entire ceremonies. The Japanese did better routines, execute, All in all it was a memorable event - the them slightly better and were the obvious wi n- travel to and from was long and tiring , the 747 ners. The Russians fully earned their second- airplane is huge and a pain in the neck, Italy place fin ish and had to do a good job to obtain is a good-looking country with warm , frie ndly people, and we were all very proud to see our it. The judging , in this writer's opinion and according to Coach Ed Gagnier, was of high qual- fou r gymnasts on the victory stand with the bronze medal around their neck and the stars ity and almost completely void of detrimental bias. In other words the judging did not ad- and stripes high on the flagpo le. versely influence the outcome. Each event had an Italian superior judge and at least one Some Meet Highlights Italian as one of the four working judges . The Floor exercise: Back saito with double full twist by two Russian gymnasts and one from Japan . TEAM STANDINGS superior judges were all skilled and knowledgeBack saIto immediate front by Paul Tickenoff able and handled the judges courses and the 171,25 Japan 1. Giappone 168,85 U.S.S.R. 2. Russia competition wit h nervous expertise. The E ng- was a standout. 166,05 U.S.A 3. USA Still Rings: Straight arm work by almost all of lish suffered a little in the translation but not 162,95 Yug 4. Yugoslavia materially. Protests (none occurred) had to be the top men. 162,80 Hung 5. Ungheria Long Horse: Double front by the all-around in writing, in French , and accompan ied with a 160,6 5 Ger 6. Germania champion. Full twisting handspring by some $ 10.00 fee . 153,75 Sweden 7.Svezia The team enjoyed some fine workouts prior Japanese and Russians. Hecht with fu ll twist 153 ,25 Ita 8.ltalia 152,40 to the competition, with the gymnasts taking by others. Fin 9. Findlandia 151,80 Bu l 10. Bu lgaria Pa rallel Bars: Diamodov by Makoto. Fu ll turns setting the pace. One day Makoto wou ld 150,30 Fro fee l great and lead the team , anothe r day Paul twisting front saito dismount by Japanese and 11. Francia 142,55 Alg would fee l great and lead the pace and so on. Russians. Rudolph by Bob Emery on his dis- 12. Algeria 142,2 5 Can 13. Canada Emery had a sore foot and was slowt;:d in FX mount. and LH , and Fred suffered a bad rip in the trials P.S. This competition is greatly underrated by the family of gymnasts in the U .S. and very and was slowed on the SR and H B. The first SEND FOR FREE COMPLETE workout , just after arriv ing in Italy, was a real high ly regarded by Europeans. It is a big meet grind after 14 hours of trave l, but the next day (with 60 nations competing) and impressive CATALOG OF TRAMPOLINE proved a successful morale booster, and from (50,000 spectators for open ing ceremonies and EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES over 45 ,000 for the closing ceremonies). It then on everyone was eager. The opening ceremonies were impressive, would be this writer's suggestion that we take and the U.S. team was lined up next to the Rus- this meet more serious in the future and insure SIDLINGER TRAMPOLINE CO. sian group (there were 50 ,000 people in the that we are we ll represented , as we were this P.O. Bo~ 2 stands for the opening ceremonies) proving year. On the trip back to the states Fred Turoff established a new world's record for the highvery friend ly and expert traders. Garland. Texas Throughout the workouts and the competi- est back flip in the world. Unass isted (without 75040 ti on , coach Gagnier proved an excellent leader spotters) he turned his flip at 35 ,005 feet (give and, in this observer's opinion , came out of this or take a few inches) in a Pan American 747 Indisputably the finest name In comnetilion on too of the situation . He must jet (whic h just missed being hijacked by one trampollOlOp, - slOce 1948 henceforth be classified as one of our top na- day).

The Beginning Dr. Joseph L. Massimo It was one of those typical mid-west summer weeks. The sun was warm , the air moist , and the sky vast and moody. Thundershowers periodically rumbled over the land leaving everything refreshed. But for a group of young gymnasts and their coaches the week of August 15-22 . 1970 was not an ordinary one. They had come together at North Central College in Naperville , Illinois to participate in the World Game Trials. After the competition a group of fifteen athletes would be selected to remain for a training camp which was to mark the beginning of a new era in the history of gymnastics in the United States. Indeed there had been other such camps in the past , but the one in Naperville was unique because it represented the first effort conducted by the recently established National Gymnastic Coaching Staff. The week following the trials was highly organized and smoothly conducted ta king full advantage of the excellent facilities available at N0I1h Central College. The program was structured and comprehensive providing the gymnasts with a great deal of individual attention focusing on evaluation and remediation designed to eventually polish the young athletes into international class competitors. Morning sessions consisted of lectures ranging from discussion and movies on exercises to a consideration of the psychological aspects of the gymnastic experience. I t is obvious that such a program cannot meet the needs of everyone. However, the willingness to modify plans and incorporate constructive criticisms into a flexible approach will gradually result in a more effective learning situation for all. As the week drew to a close and the final team selections were completed for the various international competitions , it beca me increasingly apparent that the camp had been a success. Much thanks and appreciation must go to the U.S.O.c. without whose support this camp and the Elite 15 program could not have come into being. Perhaps the most significant factor to be observed here is that the coaches and gymnasts themselves felt a sense of closeness not experienced before in a training camp situation. If we are to achieve the excellence planned for the future it will necessitate the continued development of this sense of personal unity , communication , and mutual respect. History has shown us that onl y through physical and psychological harmony can man pursue and acquire ultimate success. The 1970 World Games Camp stands as a beginning step towards this objective.

Olympic Training Camp, frant row (I. to rt.) Dr. Joe Massimo, team psychologist; coaches Karl Schwenzfeier, Gene Wellstone; Fred Turoff, Bob Emery, Marshall Avener, Konti Allen, Tom Linder, Fred Dennis, Paul Tickenoff, Brent Simmons, Mokoto Sakamoto, Coaches Hal Frey, Fronk Cumiskey, Bill Roetzheim. To p row (I. to rt.) Coach Rusty Mitchel, Dave Butzman, George Greenfield, Jim Culhane, Gary Anderson, Coach Watanabe, John Crosby, Mike Kimball, John Elias, Ron Clemmen, Coach Abe Grossfeld.





World Games Team Trials Report by Bill Roetzheim On August 14 and 15 . 1970 in the little town of Naperville , Illinois , the long competi tive process of choosing the World Games Men's Team came to its conclusion. The honor of becoming a part of this tea m began months before in sites scattered across the United States. In order to compete in this fin a l contest you were forced to qualify in one of our major national contests. Placing in the top ten in the NCAA , the USG F or 10

Makoto Sakamoto, Senior Southern Californi a University. Home-Los Angeles. One of the Best Gymnasts in the world. Many times nat ional champion. Marshall Avener, 19, Student at Penn State University, home Levittown , Long Isl and , N.Y. Commerce maior Brent Simmons, Senior at Iowa State University. Home-Indianapolis, Ind. Age 21 , Physical Education major. Kanati Allen, Graduate Student in Physics Un i ver~!y of Washington , Seattle, Wash ington. Home- Los Angeles , California. Nationthe N AAU earned you a berth in this elite meet. Although only eight gym nasts wou ld make up the World Games Team , four others would be chosen to represent the United States in the World University Games. In addition , the top 17 would become the first nationa l train ing camp supervised by our ne w Nationa l Coaching Staff. Gloom fe ll over many of us when we heard reports of injuries and in some cases the

Scores and names of gymnosts who have qualified for the tryouts.




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ality: American Indian. Graduate of UCLA. Age23 Tom Lindner, Southern Illinoi s University , Home- Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Age 20 Fred Dennis was replaced by Greenfield.

George Greenfield, Senior at the Univ. of California , Berkeley. Home- Altadena, California. Math Major. Age 2 I Paul Tickenoff, Senior No rthwestern Louisiana Univ. Home- Los Angeles. Age 22 . Physical Education Major. Fred Turoff, Graduate Student at Temple Un iversity. Home -Stanford , Co nn. Age 24. fai lure of many of our exce llent gymnasts to tryou t. Dave Thor, who was outstanding against the Bulgarians in February, was not entered in any of the qualifying meets. Rich ard Swetman also fell in this category. Bob Emery forfeited consideration for a spot on the tea m when he informed us he could n't take off the required month from Med ical School. Add to this gymnastic calamit y the fact th at Steve Hug and Pete Di Furio both have to withdraw from the tryout because of injuries , it was obvious that the Un ited States Team would be young and inexperienced. Because the World University Games use only optional" scores it was decided to choose the top four gymnasts, optionals only, from this meet to comprise that team. The World Games Team was based upon the total score , compulsory and optional, with the first six places making the team and two other gymnasts to be named at the end of the camp period. The top four optional scores went to I. Makata Sakamoto 55.75 2. Bob Emery 53.95 3. Paul Tickenoff 53 .80 4. Fred Turoff 53.65 When looking over these totals , notice how numerically close these gymnasts were to one another after pelforming twelve routines: Place Name Comp ul sory Optional Total I Makato Sakamoto 55.4555.75 111.2 2 Paul Tichenoff 52.4053.80 106. 2 3 Fred Turoff 50.6053.65 104. 25 4 Kanati Allen 5 1. 6553.25 103.90 5 Marsha ll Avener 51.1552.70103 ,85 6 Brent Simmons 51 .2552.60 103 .85 7 Bob Emery 49.6053.95 103.55 8 Tom Lindner 50.6052.80 103.40 9 Fred Dennis 50.9552.30 103 .25 10 John Eli as 51.2052.00 103.20 II George Greenfie ld 50.7052.30 103.00

Coaches Gene Wettstone, N at ion al Coac h, Penn State University, Prof. of Physical Education . Olympic Coac h 1948-55. William Roetzheim, Assistant Coach, Un iv. of Illinois at Chicago. Member of the 1948 Olympic Team.

Judges . Frank Cumiskey, Rockleigh , N.J. Member of the 1936-48 -52 Olympic Teams.

Manager William Meade, Southern Illinois University. 12 Gary A nderson 51.0051.75 102.75 13 Jim C ulhane 49.9052.35 102.25 14 Mike Kimball 49.4552.40 101.85 15 John Cros by 49.6051.75 101.35 16 Ron Clemmen 48.3051.85100.15 17 Dave Butzman 48 .7049 .90 98 .60 At the end of a week of training Tom Lindner and George Greenfie ld were named to fi ll the two slots. Gene Wettstone and Bill Roetzheim we re named as coaches of the men 's team. I think in reviewing the statistics and in after-thought on the meet two points stand out. Even with the individuals I mentioned earl ier out of the meet we are beginni ng to develop much more depth. The other rewarding ha ppening is the greater proficiency of our officials. The judges ' scores were not only in line but at no time did I hear any adverse comments by competitors coaches or spectators as to the ir decisions . The first National Train ing Ca mp was not on ly a learning experi ence for our gymnasts but also the coaching staff. It was well organized and efficiently run. Gene Wettstone shou ld be complimented on staging such a smoothly operating pilot camp. It is obvious however that one week is not long enough and that man y international meets must follow this exposure. If only our top six gymnasts gain internatio nal experience, then upon their retirement we have created a vacuum. It is therefore imperative that we develop a B team and give them thi s global ex posure. At the end of camp each group should break into a team and receive the reward of competition at their own level. As a gymnastic community, if we all work within our own area this winter, maybe by next summer it will require a 104 total to be a camper and our international program wi ll then be well underway. 11

Photos by Bob Smith, Ken Sakoda and Glenn Sundby

One of the best ever would describe our annual three-day GYMFEST in Santa Monica over the Labor Day weekend. The gymnasts, judges (from the So. Calif. Judges Assoc.) , trophy girls, spectators and weather were all just great. About all that was missing was hardworking MG assoc. editor Dick Criley, who in past years has been a real organizer and meet manager. But although Dick preferred to sit this one out (or should I say surf this one out) in Hawaii, he was there in essence as by following his past format all went very well. (You would have been proud of this one, Dick ; we were.) Like all past GYMFESTs this was a fun meet with the added unusual and spectacular moments. Last year it was Dennis Sherman's quad off the rings; this year Mark Davis did several unspotted triple flyaways off the hi-bar, another first for the GY MFEST. I n Saturday'S open competition Barney Peters took top honors in the five-event all12

Davis ond Lerner.

Mr. and Mrs. John Mogenelli ot the announcers toble.

Thor, would you believe that this is a heck with a full? Ramsey , first side horse ... as usual.

~4iifI 13

Miss Stephanie Stromer receives the 1970 MG Miss High School Gymnast award from Fronk Bore (USGF).

Ropeqiet 14


Pearson, bock lever pull to planche!





Judges, Todd ond Wolf !o-

I I I r f Davis on ri ngs.

a round competi tio n, fo ll owed by Carl Satta in seco nd pl ace , J oe Sweeny thi rd , Roger Ha ld ema n fo urth , Maurice Willi ams fifth a nd se nsatio na l little 8-year-o ld Ri c h Silver pl aced s ixth (a lth o ugh hi s a ll -around sco re was not very hi gh, he did a fin e job in F X a nd pa rall e ls). O ther eve nt winn e rs were: F X : Pascale a nd More no, Ha lde ma n; SH : Ra msey, G reene a nd Hec ke nl aible ; PB: Pa rra, Hec ke nl aibl e a nd Swee ney ; R : Ropi equ et, Wolfe and Morgan. H B: Da lton, Dav is and Wolfe (t here were betwee n 15 and 20 c ompe tito rs in eve ry eve nt). We had th e la rgest turn out of girls in th e hi story of the Gy mfes t for th e girl s ' co mpetiti on o n Sunday where D ebbie Fi ke , Tin a Ca rr a nd Judy Koningh too k th e top AA hono rs (Kat hy Ri gby and Step ha nie Stromer we re th e j udges, with Cat hy putting on a balance bea m ex hibi ti on for the enthu s iast ic crowd). A lso on Su nday we had th e tra mpo lin e, mini-tramp and swinging ring di s mount co mpetitio n. I n th e tra mpo lin e J im T urpin was the winne r, foll owed by C lay C hri s ma n a nd Ray Zecca. Jim Turpin also wo n th e mini-tramp eve nt, with C hi co State Coac h (a nd so metimes MG photograph er) Ray Lo renz second and C hri s man third. (L ittle Ri ch Sil ver was right in the re with the big boys doing doubles a nd twists to th e de light of the crowd). In the spectac ular swingi ng ring dis mo unt eve nt, Mark Dav is fl ew high, sp un a nd twisted tight to win top ho nors, with S teve Le rn er c lose behind and Bob Waddell placing third. In th e Monday La bor Day Invitational (to p three winners from the open , plus oth er in v ited gues t gy mnasts). The open winne rs repeate d in th e ir sa me first, seco nd and third ord er: Peters, Satta a nd Swee ney (but got bigge r trop hies and kisses fro m our troph y maids) . F X : Was a lso a repeat. In S H : Ra mse y a nd Gree n again pl aced first a nd seco nd , but Satta beat o ut Hec kl enliab le fo r the thi rd-pl ace troph y. PB : Pa rra , P ete rs and H ecklenlia ble. R: Morgan, Ro pi eque t a nd Pete rs. HB : D avi s, Sweeney, with Pe ters and Satta tying fo r the th ird-place trophy .. . T he G YM FEST the F U N MEET . O ur th anks to judges J erry Todd, Ron Barak, F ra nk Endo a nd J ohn Magginetti (and to Mrs. Maggin etti fo r wo rking the score table so grac io usly).. . See you a ll next year.

Lorenz, Hug, Ropeqiet ond f riends.






At this year's USGF championship we were able to talk to M aka about his stay in Japan. Mako sacrificed a berth on th e 1968 U.S.A. Olympic team to make this trip. We talked with Steve Hug about his experiences in Japan and we never really got a chance to talk with you to learn what you got out of it. I went to Japan in September, 1968 , forfeiting the Olympic Games , so that I could go to Japan to lea rn their training ways. I came back from Ja pan around September 20 , 1969. I had laid off for about one month. I came back, training little by little to get back in shape. I got a lot of blisters. I had my first competition in Tucson in December, that was the compulsories. Then two other meets. the Ben Price meet and the Southern Cal ifornia Gymnastic Association, then the U SG F meet now in April. During the time I was in Japa n, I lea rned about the Japanese training camp. It is called gashuku. I had heard about it, knew of it a nd knew some gymnasts from Japan who had go ne through it. The gashuku is one of the most important aspects of Japanese training. This is spread out over a one year period with about 4 camps, one in summer a nd one in winter a bout six months apart. I n a club, if there are 100 members, all of them take part in both camps. A camp las ts abo ut 10 days. I n that te n days , if some of the buys are out of condition or are lacking in stamina, then it's very rigoro us . Most of the gymnasts say that the training camps per se do not help them. In the tra ining camps they don 't make any improvement at all. They just work to exhaustio n. About a week after the training camp, they start getting in the groove; they have control of them se lves. This gives them an impetus for abo ut 3 months of training. The emphasis in the trainin g camps is the gashuku. I wrote about it in the Modern Gymnast (November, 1969). Besides these two ge neral training camps, you have the training camps for just the elite members of the team. For example, yo u may have the intercollegiate championships coming up in August. So prior to that , about 8 weeks , yo u start doing routines. Routine One - in a ny form , just going through it. In competition , you don ' t do pa rts or sequences. You do a bout one opt ional a nd one compulsory on each event for a week , just to get the stamina, then two a nd two depending on the school. The seve nth week yo u may work hard on certain parts or sequences. Then the sixth week one and one aga in a nd maybe at the end of the week you might have a competition. Everybody, gymnasts , coaches, takes a look at it. After the competition is the most helpful part because you have the coaches and everybody si ts down for hOllseka, which is a self evalu ation . Each one of the coaches go into the routines. We may start with free ex , he may say this is where we a re weakest as a team and these a re th e parts where we are having trouble in the compu lso ry. Then we go into ve ry personal matters. Everybody is free to carryon dia logue , but 18

usually in Japan only the coaches ta lk, a nd the gymnasts keep quiet. The fifth week we sta rt a formal training; then yo u may have three and three , perhaps 200 routines a week. For this meet , I had something like 145 rout ines a week , but over there you have guys pushing yo u so 200 routines in one week is possib le . That week is generally regarded as a training camp a nd the y have a camp for that week for the regular members. The daily routines a re li ke I wrote in that article , morning exercises , jogging, running, a lot of strengthening exercises .. .

How do they do this-do they go away from school? In Japan thi s is a problem. They have special dormitories for the e lite members of the Nation , a lot of them owned by the gove rnment a nd scattered over the country.

What kind of treatment do the elite gymnasts get in Japan? Well , of course the y are individuals. Some are big-headed but generally speak ing because there are so ma ny good gy mna sts , it is very rare that you find s uch a person. They know the importance of training camps and the training. They know it is actually what they can do when they get into competition so they don 't try to fool themselves when the y get into compe tition. They don 't say , ''I'm so re now and can't practice, but in the meet , I' ll be strong." This kind of a n att itude is , I think , cheating yourse lf. I don 't think a perso n can do a ny better in competition than he can do in training.

How are the elite gymnasts regarded by the yo unger gymnasts? I t's funny. All the yo un ger guys criticize. They are very good at criticizing. I was at the All-Japan Championships in November, 1968 , in Mo rioka, about a hundred mi les north of Tok yo. I had my Achi ll es tendon in a cast so I wasn't competing. I looked at it with a bunch of yo ung college gy mn asts at the finals and they were reall y tearing down each of those gymnasts. You wo ndered f they respected some of those gy mnas ts like Nakayama. The y would say, " Nakayama is a greed y person ," because instead of doing - on long horse, for examp le , a yamashita with ha lf twist or full twist - like everybody e lse, he would do a pl a in handspring and stick it because he wants to ta ke first! It is good though to have criti cism even of the top because there has to be criticism from a ll sides . Criticism ... it leads to respect. If they we re asked to pelform, maybe on ly one or two cou ld match Nakayama on high bar. The y never criticize him to hi s face though.

How do they actually approach someone like Nakayama? They don 't worship th e m, they res pect them and eac h one would like to be as good as some of those people. Did yo u read H ayasaki 's interview in Sports Illustrated ? He says the re is a peck ing order, like the lower classmen do all the running around for the elite gymnasts ... The sempai-kohai rel ation ship in Japan is a very feudali stic thing. It is a remna nt of their days of feud a li sm when the y had their warrior c lass, a nd it remains very strong in all spheres

of J a panese life , business, athletic e ndeavors, etc. In gymn astics the hierarchy is very defin ite. The first yea r students, the secon d , the third an d the fourth , respect their superiors by suc h things as their manner of speak in g, as " washing their backs ," not leaving the gym before the superior leaves, getting into the gym much ea rli er than the superior so they ca n have the gy m set up for the upper classmen , doing odd jobs for them. The guy may not lik e it , he might hate it , but it's part of the structure and he just has to abide by it or be kicked out, no matter how good he is. He might be in the olympic leve l or the lowest junior leve l, but this code is well-respected throughout Japan, and if anybod y devi ates from thi s, the y just get throw n o ut. They exercise sanctions like say ing you can 't come to the gym to practice for a week ; tha t's usua lly pretty severe because while they mi ght not want to practice when they are there , when they can' , come to the gy m they a re prett y sad about it. The a lternate sa nction is to kick him out of the c lub completely.

Is gymnastics Japan's national sport? I t is not J apa n's nat ional sport. There a re very few crowds. You ' ve seen filins of their compu lso ries or optionals. Look at the stan ds ; there's one or two or three or four people. It run s a ll day. But everyone knows the gy mn as ts: H ayata , Endo, Ono and I' m sure many millions knew Wata na be when he was in Japa n because he was a lways up there. The pub li c is awa re that J a pa n is the Number One gy mnas tic country in the world , but as far as the ma ss, I don 't thin k it is much more than in the U.S. Th ey all start all -aro und there a nd because of the dedication of those who are involved , yo u have a lot of good gy mnasts. Baseball ra nks much higher as a spectator spo rt. For the fi nals of a championship a lot of people might come, but for the prelims , there is rea ll y nobody . Even for the championships, most of the crowd is student s from the schools. But take after the Olympics when J a pan won a nd everybody was aware of this , then the public wants to see them a nd it is an opportune time to ha ve a n exhibiti on. Then ten of thousa nds come to the exhibitions. Or if the y bring some inte rn ation al sta r, li ke Caslavska, they come. Thousands came to see her. I think the y like foreigners. In that way , too , the y raise mon ey to help the Association make ends meet. Of co urse, they don't have dual meets in co llege. They pool their resources just for the championships. Then they have eno ugh mone y to organize the nati onal ch ampionship s, to ge t the 30 judges to run 6 events simultaneously. In the U.S. we have enough a ll -around women gy mn as ts to do th at sort of thing, but for the men ma ybe three events is enough. Thi s USG F meet for the men is the bes t-run meet I' ve ever been in here in the Sta te s. I made the s ugges tion to Ru sty Mitchell to split the gro up so there wou ld be less waiting involved for all.

What observations do you have to make on the direction that US gymnastics is now going? Thi s championship is a step in the right di-

rection with all all-aro und competitors and no speciali sts, I' m sure it is tough for the specialists but thi s is the only way. In international competition , the specialists are not allowed to compete. So, to get the greatest number of a llarou nd gymnasts we eliminate the specialist altogeth er. It has to be a gradual sort of thing though . Does the USG F have anything for the specialist? No ? Well , then USGF is very liberal then. Maybe they will be the helmsmen , a nd will provide the leadership for the all-around competitors and the AAU ca n exist th en as a place for the specialist to compete. Of course, you will have the N CAA where the specialist can co mpete. Now, the N CAA wants to get three all-around men on a team and onl y two special ists ! on an event so th at will increase the emphasis on the all-around. It makes it more demanding for a lot of the schools but maybe a guy who onl y goes four events now will have to do six events. I think the USG F is closely linked to the N CAA too. There was a meeting today too of the N ation al Coaches and staff. Wettstone said it is hi story in the making. They've never had it like th at and presented a national coach in front of 30 or 40 top all-around gy mnas ts. They stressed the weaknesses of our gymnastics, our compulsories. They were talking about sending one of the national coaches to a school each month where a ranked gymnast is training and judge hi s co mpulsory and send hi s score to th e N a,tional Coach who compares them all and chooses a Compulsory Gymnast of the Month as a sort of incentive to stress compulsories. The coaches in the upper echelon are doing pretty good. I think the gymnasts , too , will have to follow along with the progra m. I can not underestimate the importance of practice though because the more exposure you have to gy mnastics, the more exposure to the tricks, the more time you do it, the more you learn in the overall. But you have to be careful not to keep doing the wrong thing too. In a gi ven school, if you have three or four dedicated gymnasts, for example, Pasadena, they can agree to practice together. Once they ge t to the gy m, they do nothing but practice gymnastics , talk nothing but gy mnastics, and concentrate on gymnastics for maybe two or three hours. In that short time you can get a lot done. After that , you have time for other things, but if you have two or three concentrated hours, that is all you need. So if you have three or four dedicated guys , they can serve as a nucleus and may be the other guys will follow. This may be one way to start more dedicated, more serious gy mnastics. At UCLA, for example, I'm sure there are three or four who are very dedicated and who are on the right track I think. If those guys stick together for four years through college at the end they will be close to 105 scores. There is talent and nation al ability, but if a perso n works it right, he can be a 105 gy mnast. No matter what, no matter how. If you have enough of these guys , there will be a broader base and out of those there 's go ing to be a lot of competition. Out of that your elite gy mn as ts will develop. In a national competition like thi s, we still have difficulty getting 30 allaround gy mnasts together. This is very , very sad. In any given meet in Japan, they could raise 3000-4000 all-around gymnasts in one place if they wanted to. In their national sports festival for all levels, they pick a city for three or four years hence, and they might build a brand new stadium and they have literally thousa nds of all-around gymnasts come. With that many, yo u can't help but get some great allaro und gy mnas ts. 19



Elimination Competition For The Japanese World Championships Men's Team Scouting Report by Abie Grossfeld Member U.S .A. National Coac hing Staff SITE: Okaya ma-Ken Taiikukan, Okaya ma, J apan Date : Saturday , May 30 , and Sunday , May 31 , 1970 After receiving confirmation of the time a nd pl ace of the Japa nese tryouts , arrangements were made to leave for Japan on May 26. Preliminary Preparation Before Leaving for Japan I. Studied film of gy mnasts in Mexico Olympics that were likely to be in upcoming tryout s (Kato, N akaya ma , Kenmotsu , Tsukahara and Hayata) to compare changes and progress. 2. Reviewed articles and interviews in the Modern G y mnast of th e Japanese GYMNASTS AND COACHES. 3. Inspected Football Scouter for ideas. 4. Prepared det ailed scout sheet for both compulsory and optional information. 5. Prepared ques tions for J apa nese gymnasts and coaches . Team Selection Procedure and Policy The top 36 men from the last all-Japan championships (November 1969) qualified for this tryouts. However, on ly 26 men competed in pionships (November 1969) qua lified for the se graduated from college. The age range was between 22 and 29 years. I believe a few were seniors in college - no one was lower.) From these tryouts , the top 18 men would qua lify for th e final tryou ts on July 10 and II. Then the s ix-man tea m with one alternate will be determined by adding these two tryo ut scores. The team is determined by sco res only. If a man is unable to compete, no matter what the reason , he will not be on the tea m. R ecommendation: We have a different situ ation in the Un ited States and therefore should not exactly follow this team selection policy. Training Program I. Development Program : (All competition have compulsory exe rcises.) Organized competition is begun in junior high school on three events - floor exercise, long horse vau lt and horizonta l bar. The sixevent (12 exercise) program is initiated in high school. Six a ll-around men make up a competitive team , and each college have far more than six men on their tea m. They utili ze more than six men by having an A , B, C , etc., tea m. Also their basic philosophy for doing gymnastics is not solel y competitive but based on the pleasures and satisfaction derived from attaining high levels of skill. Perhaps thi s has somet hing to do wit h why a number of their gymnasts smile when they make a mista ke - as long as there is not an injury - during, even , an important tryouts. Daily training usually involves worki ng all events in' the Olympic order with a return to the side horse. One gy mnasium - Nihon Universit y's - is avai lable for workouts from I to 7 p.m. dail y. 2. Training Schedule for this Tryouts: Five weeks before competition there was an added or overload of routine concentration. Each da y each gymnast in the tryouts from N ihon U niver20

Yukio Endo, former Olympic and world champion, now team leader for the Japanese team at the World Games.

sity (Y ukio Endo 's team), for ex a mple , performed 24 routines (2 compulsories a nd 2 option als in each event) along with weak parts for three consecutive days , then there was oneday rest (most gymnasts do light exe rcises on rest days). Then the process start over - 3 days 24 routines eac h, one-day rest. About two weeks before the tryou ts , there was a ta pering off to one routine a day and then to sequences on certain events. 3. Planned Preparation for the World Championships: The J a panese Nation a l Coaches had a meeting the day after the tryouts to discuss the weaknesses and needs for improvement. Mr. Endo (team leader at the world championships) indicated that the J a panese need improvement in optional vaulting and the felge to the planch down to bac k lever on the rings. The idea is for each locality coach to work these things out. After the final tryouts (July 10 and II ): The seve n-man team will begin to train together on Jul y 21 a nd through the world championships. They do not have a ny competition other than intratea m before a major competition. Facilities I. Training: Most gymnasiums of the top gymnasts are not hea ted in the winter. Th e re are an abundance of thick landing mats , good apparatu s, hard tumbling mats a nd very ha rd floor exercise mats. There usually are no overhead belts a nd many gy mnasiums have a tra mpoline. 2. At site of tryo ut s : one set of a ppara tus with no aux ili ary warm-up apparatus . Good apparatu s with System Reuther floor ex. a rea and Japa nese Reuther board (deadish). Grip lines on the vault ing horse were made with chalk. Grip judges on high chairs with two ca rds , one marked " 0" a nd the other marked ". 5. " A crash pad was provided for warmups on horizontal bar, floor exercise and vaulting a nd was removed just before competiti on s tarted. The

competition was recorded on a video replay unit. A hot bath at the dormitory was available. Most gymnasuS had someone massage their sore spots and bac k at the dormitory a nd wore gloves to keep their ha nds soft. Diet at Site of Competition The regular meal s are not really special. Most a te breakfast on the day of competition consisting of rice , raw egg, seaweed a nd tea. An energy drink was available of wh ich ma ny consumed. The even ings before competition, the athletes drink a shot or two of whiskey to help them sleep. They said that beer is bloating, and wine gives you a hangover. Generally , they seem to consume a good qua ntit y of food. Yet, they are trim. They don 't eat deserts with mea ls. Most of the ath letes smoke about one-half to one pack a day , supposedly for the purpose of relaxation. Nakaya ma is one of the few at hletes that does not smoke. Conduct and Format of Competition Most of the men gy mnasts arrived in Okayama two days before competition time and did not go to the gym to work out but , rather, did light ca li st henics outside of the dormitory handstands , scales , turns . The day before competition, all the gy mnasts worked out at the place of competition to ge t the feel of the apparatus. Most did a compu lsory and optional sequences on each event. In all , it a ppeared to be a strenuous wo rkout the day before an important competition. Each morning the gy mnast s wou ld gather with their c1ubma te s before breakfast for morning exercises. This is a co mmon practice. Pre-competition warmup started about an hour a nd a ha lf before competition time and completed well before competition began (about 30 to 40 minute s). There was not a ny auxiliary warm-up a rea.

Competiti on dragged a little with th e various sessio ns and all th e warmups and length y judges co nfere nces but was co ndu c ted to be nefit the competitor and not the audience.

Observations of the Japanese Gymnast's Optional Exercises 1910

Na kayama

Phata by Wilkinson

After the pl ay in g of the natio nal a nthem , the atmosphere and attitude of the meet was cas ua l immediate competiting gy mnasts marched to a nd rel ax ing. The judges did not have a s pecific . their events. Men 's a nd wome n's co mpetition uniform but were in dark jackets. A number of were conducted together with coordination in their former great gym nasts j udged - Ono , the changing of groups. The gy mnasi um was a Kubota, T sukawak l, Tsurumi , Mitsukuri , five-minute walk from the dormitory. Co m- Kono. Th e closed system was used. pulso ry competition began at I :30 a nd ended at There we re three obvious injuries to the 6p.m. men: Three events condu cted at one time (six I. Fujimori s pra ined a n a nkle by la nd ing gy mnasts at each eve nt). Group A ( 13 gy m- low on a round-off flip flop , double back sa it o. nas ts = 4 or 5 at each event) rotated for the first 2. Watanabe hurt a wrist by overspinning a three events. Then Group B worked the three piked arch full twisting fl yaway. events. Group A then returned to wo rk the 3. Ohara (Hugs roommate) broke a leg and rema ining three events , fo llowed by Gro up B. serio usl y inju red a knee on la nding a Ya maVery small audience. sh ita ha lf twist va ult. The outcome of the compulsories deterThe Japanese Gymnastics Association premin ed whethe r you were in the first or second • sen ted Steve Hug and myself with a tie clasp group for optionals. The first group that worked sign ifying the competition as their token of pl aced 13 through 26 in the compulsories and welcome. began optionals a t 9 :30 a.m. By 10:30 there Conclusion was a capacity a udience, comprising numerous The Ja panese profi c ie nc y arises from the school gro up s. Thirteen through 16 started at fact that th ei r tota l effo rt and energies a re difloor ex, then side horse, then rings. Seventeen rected toward the Olympic Games a nd World through 2 1 started at side horse , then rings , C hampionships - indi cated by th ei r rules , prothe n floor ex. Twenty-two-26 started at rings , gra m a nd dedication (hard susta in ed training, then floor ex, then side horse. trim bodies, proper perso na l care , di sconcern Group two started at 10:30, with 1-4 working or at least acceptance of working unde r adverse fl oor ex, side horse and rings ; 5-8 work ing side conditions - co ld morning exercises , unheathorse, rings floor ex, a nd 9-12 working rings , ed gy ms , no belts). floor ex, si de horse. The J apanese have improved optio'na ls The meet ended at 2:30 p.m. markedly from Mexico. Floor ex - more diffiThere was a five-minute wa rmup between cult tumbling (especia ll y di s mounts). Side the ro tat ions at the start of each event. Also, horse - more difficu lt y, improved swing. the gy mn asts warmed up between pelformers , Rillgs - more straight a rm shooters, one fro nt as he finished hi s exercise while th e judges sa ito wi th I \-2 twists. Va ulting - wo rking for were recording their scores. higher difficulty . Parallel bars - previous Most gy mn as ts had a helper (a fellow tea m- sto ps we re eliminated so that they don 't exmate not in the tryo uts). ceed three , two back upri ses front som i catch. Res ult s we re duplicated and availab le about High bar - more immediate pirou ettes , stolder a ha lf hour after the meet. Mr. Kond o made shoot hop cha nges. sure th at I rece ived a copy of the results. Mats hard for hori zont al bar a nd vaulting All the gy mnas ts we re well groo med. The lan dings.

by A . Grossfeld The J apa nese require two "C" parts in th eir opti ona l routines and value th e Ya mas hita vault at 9.4 a nd Ya mas hit a with \-2 twi st at 9.6 - for the a ll-aro und . FLOOR EXE RC IS E: Mounts - Only Nakaya ma did not have a running start. Most used a round-off, flip-flop , full tw so mi , flip-flop . About four or fiv e used a double twi st for a mount (Kenmotsu does a flip-flop out of hi s doub twist). Fujimori began with a fr so mi , ha nd spring, fr som i, then round-off flip-flop DO UBLE BAC K. however , he hurt hi s ankle on a lo w la nding. A ll used a one-leg scale usuall y before the dis mount. A ll used a straight arm press to a handsta nd by pl ac ing their ha nd s on th e floor with bent arms , then pushing up to straight arms with bent hips a nd continuing press to handsta nd. This makes the press looks less stagnant. Dismoullts - Most used a round-off fl ipflop full. A bout four gy mnasts used a roundoff flip-fl op pike shoot full. Tsukshara used a doubl e full dismount. In genera l, their routines seem a bit stagna nt in spots, although they move wi th rh ythm in to the press. Tumbling for difficult y and a strong finish. (No full twi sting dive roll s yet.)

SIDE H ORSE: Their work is free r a nd more exte nded (st raighte r) than ever. Three routines are listed to give an idea of th eir bette r routines. K enmotsu (9 .5) - Bac k Czech, tra vel , front around to center (like Russ ia n Czech on one pom mel), one circle, back Czech travel out , immediate loop (schwabenfla nke) , back stockli in, one circle, Czech , \-2 circle, 3 front scissors, one bac k scissor, I \-2 circles, Czech immediate front o ut , one c ircle, loop, wa lka round Ru ss ian we nde (moore) off. Nakayama (9.3 5) - One c ircle , Bail ey in (Moore, back moore , travel on one pommel), immediate travel o ut , loop , bac k stock Ii in , one c ircle , Ba ile y, one circle , Russian we nde (Moore) , 2 back sc issors , 2 front scissors , one circle , travel out , loop, walk-around (Chaquini an), loop off. Ohara (9.45) - Bac k Czech to ce nter, immediate kekhre out, \-2 circle, front in Russia n wende to ce nte r, one circle , back stockli o ut , one circle, 1\-2 Ru ss ia n wende to back stock Ii in , one circle, kehre out , kehre in, 2 front scissors , front cut to 2 bac k scissors , one circle, back stockli out, \-2 circle, Ru ssia n wende off. RI NGS: Many did straight arm shoot s. A few did straight arm back upri se handstand s. A number of their gy mnasts did not fulfill the hold require ment (rea ll y), however, the ir top gy mnasts eas il y did so. Two used back lever to c ro ss (Nakayama and Ohara) , Hayata does straight arm back upri se to planch. Kenmotsu does a high inlocate to a front so mi with 1\-2 twists (very well) di s mo unt. LONG HORSE VAULT: T wo different va ult s were ave raged (for the a ll-aro und). I ca nnot reca ll a croup vault. Seven diff. vaults were used : Yamashita, with \-2 turn , hand sp ring , with full turn , with 1\-2 turn , handspring into 21

doub front somi. (One or two did doub fronts , a couple did I liz twists , a number did full twist. and - I forgot - one did cartwheel back.) The gymnasts were quite wild with full and full and a half twisters. The best gymnasts were the more conservative ones just performing Yamas , liz twist and one or two fulls. Tsukahara performed the cartwheel back. PARALLEL BARS: The gymnasts were careful not to have more than three holds. A number had only two. For example: Nakayama doing the same beginning that he used in Mexico does not hold the straddle L or the press up to handstand on one bar. Two gymnasts used Diomidovs (Miki and Homma). Two or three used basket to handstand immediate forward pirouette, two used stutz handstand back with full twist off. One did back , back full off. One used front full twist off. Two used back uprise front somi catch straddle cut L (original part). Many used the back uprise straddle L before the press. HORIZONTAL BAR: After a Voronin (hecht) vault many of our gymnasts swing forward liz turn and swing forward again. This seems like an extra swing since two long swings occur in a row ; anyhow , not one Japanese gymnast did this. A few gymnasts used a regular Stalder shoot hop to under grip (Kenmotsu does an immediate Endo shoot from this). There were Stalder shoot immediate back pirouettes, Straddle on shoot back pirouettes , 1~ German giant liz turn free hip , a double piked flyaway , a few piked shoot fulls, a few full twisting hechts and one used a forward flyaway with I liz twists. Nakayama does a German giant early stoop out swing under the bar, hop change to under grip and stoop in on the front swing, shoot over bar to high dislocate. This appears to be the Japanese strongest event. The gymnasts that competed in the Mexico Olympics and are trying out for this team have improved markedly.

Scouting Report of the 1970 Japanese Compulsory Exercises by A. Grossfeld FLOOR EXERCISE: Back somi - arms down before and after. Best were over shoulder height. Arch dive roll - arm lift was foreupward. Arms over head at completion of roll as move is made into headspring. With even rhythm sit down to back roll pirouette (most did forward piro). After straight leg roll up, arms circle sidedownward (passing by side) and under and forward to diving cartwheel with legs spread , as first arm hits floor , close legs and snap down for tempo (low) flip-flop, to high back dive liz tum (Arab roll), ROLL up was made by pushing off the floor by most of the gymnasts (some did not have to push off the floor). This push off certainly facilitated the straddle jump , and I believe a deduction was made for this. The straddle jumps were high , and toes were touched , recovery was made by moving arms overhead and landing in bent-over position ready for continuous rebound to Japanese jump. Landing high (some landed in handstand position), a smooth chest roll facilitated a good straddle cut (no preliminary arch before cut). Most of the better gymnasts performed the half tum from rear support to front support by turning smoothly on one arm with other arm extended upward on turn (although the



hop , used by some, was permissible). Bring feet up to hands and squat , stand up with arms forward. swing arms downward (by sides) and up sideward as \4 turn is made. Initiate twofoot turns , then bring arms in (one or two gymnasts head spotted during turns). The legs were together on most gymnasts during the turns. Arms sideward after turns , raise arms upward , circling and crossing arms as lean is made into side scale. Extended arm remains in that position (overhead), while arm at side circles under and upward overhead as turn is made to straddle stand with head looking forward or upward. Lower arms and execute head and body wave bending knees and circling arms. (There was a heavy deduction for not holding the handstand.) Roll into jump was smooth. Front handsprings were lifted with good form (straight) on landing leg and continuous (even rhythm from handspring to handspring). Most landings were perfect. Upon landing, circle arms forward and downward and up sidewards to an obliquely overhead position , lift leg sideways , lower arms sideways and up forward crossing (on way up) on jump tum to landing with spread upward arms , cartwheel, step , turn and cross arms finishing at the same time with arms rearward. rhythmically swing arms back into hop step and roundoff. Shooting legs out on back somi seems to " add " points. SIDE HORSE: No hop before mount. Extension on mount and kehre in (free arm was not particularly high). Break into leg cut for scissors was high and extended. Scissors were balanced. Reverse circle was free. Good swing back scissors were high and extended. (Break into back scissor was high.) Leg pushing off horse straight when picking up circles. End sequence free and extended (straight body). Dismounts were high and free. Landing was free of horse. (This was the least consistent event in that a good number of gymnasts had a major break.)

LONG HORSE VAULT: Run - most used either I I or 13 steps. Moderately fast (not all outspeed). Board distance from horse varied. No one had it very far (more than 3 feet) from horse. Upon takeoff, most used an underarm swing. Landing on horse - body was arched and completel y sideways. First hand contact was nearer to neck. Hands were not far apart and were not distinctly a one, two push. Push off was made with the body sideways with an immediate early turn. Body was arched in post flight with arms overhead. Arms remained overhead on landing. Some attained a distance of IlIz horse lengths. Control with adequate flight received the best scores. RINGS: Slightly bent arm , slow pull to inverted hang. Pike deep on kip L (no false grip) , back flat. All pressed slow and even. The best pressed high. Swing down with straight arms with rings parallel (held like parallel bars). Forward swing (cast away) was piked , rings pushed backward and body extended for oncoming inlocate. All gymnasts had high inlocate (many above ring level) and some had slight pike. Many did horizontal back uprises. some above (no one kept arms straight during first part of back uprise). Drop to deep pike, dislocate was well Iifted at shot out at about a 60-degree angle (shoulder height almost at ring level). Most had a slight pike on first part of dislocate. Many did a straight arm shoot (some at the cost of a solid handstand). Some of the better gymnasts bent their arms slightly on the shoot to ensure a stable handstand. Straight arm lower, drop and back kip well above horizontal (toward handstand) , straighten arms and lower slowly to back lever (all held the back lever for 3 seconds) , ... high illiocate (not as high as the first inlocate). Many hung on a little extra on the frOllt pike off The best released just as the body passed the horizontal on the upswing , and they extended their bodies before landing. (The biggest loss of points and weakest part was on the back kip planch down.)


1 13.100,


11 2.975 ,

T. Kato , 111 . 125 , Tskuahara 110.425 , tie be-


PARALLEL BA RS : Outside grip on mount. Baske t - arms straight on gras p and body above horizonta l and stra ight. Body preferably lowe red to glide straight (late pike). Bod y not necessaril y arc hed at end of glide (so me arched slightly). Kip was completed with pike a nd hips well above the bars. Ba ck stutz was completed with feet above head level in slightly piked position (no one's trunk was horizonta l). Swing up an d lower softly to shoulder sta nd , rolling over with slight pike. Only Nakayama did very high back upris e straddle cut L; many were low. Press was slo\\l and even (the best pressed high). Pirouettes were completed in a handstand posi tion. Stutz had excellent form a nd were gene ra ll y very high (so me landing in a ha ndstand pos ition). Most front uprises we re high (not too ma ny o utstanding ones), the front off was squa re , and most were free (two or three did regras p ba r) . HORIZONTAL BAR : The best shot mOllnt with straight (or almost straight) a rms to at leas t a 45-degree a ngle. A se mi layed-out va ult (o pposed to a deeply piked one) is preferred . (So me did it with normal pike, a nd so me did it with a layout - a ll had hori zontal legs over the bar.) Kip cast with straight a rms, back pirouette was mostl y executed aro und a 45-degree angle (two did it close to a ha nd stand ). Bod y was arched at com pletion of back pirouette .... Straddled kehre was pelformed through a straddled ha nd sta nd. Few showed a straddled L pos ition (o r even th at they passed through one). Drop was pe rformed in th e two manners - by keepin g the feet up and by dropping the legs toward th e horizont al before bringing them in for the back kip . Legs were straight. Trunk was pulle d we ll above the bar on first part of back kip . ... Mos t dropped shoulders in casting for German giant . Although the end was picked up we ll. The drop kip into the fo rward roll was done continuously (perhaps with a slight pa use) . Both early and late changes on

the forward roll were acceptab le. Most changed ea rl y. Some top gy mn asts changed late. The cast up to ha ndstand was with straight arm s (a lthough Kenmot su bent his arms). All forw ard pirouettes were well executed - near a handstand. C ross-c hange was late and s mooth. A norma l forward giant was performed into a piked through the bottom giant, arched and the ascend , released on the ascend , push to a straddled hecht di s mount. Most stuck the landing (e ven with poor posture) which seemed to rea lly help their store.

Nakayama ... " Number One."

NHK CUp and Final Trials for the Japanese World Games Team Report by Dan Co nnelly After the las t elim in ation before the final tria ls the top 8 gy mnasts a nd their scores were :

tween Hayata a nd Miki 1 10.200 a nd Kasamatzu 109.725. The compulsory eve nt bega n at 3:00 in the afternoon at Tokyo gy mnas ium, 3 men's events a nd 2 wo men 's eve nt s were run s imultaneou sly. FX, SH & Rand UPB & Vaulting. The men were divided into three groups of six participants. Each group lined up in front of the judges for their even!, bowed and went into the 3 minute warm-up and co mpetition . Floor-x we nt well with no performer having an extremely bad exercise. The high score was 9.45 received by Kasamatsu. Side Horse as is not unusual had a number of falls , but not a mong the top pelformers. Both N a kayama and Kasa matsu received the highes t sco re here of 9.35. Kasamatsu is an extremely tall (for a J a panese gy mnast) , 5'8l/:2" a nd weighs only 140 Ibs. He has a very long ex tended look simular to that of Kenmotsu only longe r. My personal opinion is th at if he becomes a little cleaner and more co nsistent he wi ll be a gold med alist in the AIIAround. Rings was th e most difficult event as the Ring compulsory is extremely difficult. Hayata was very impress ive doing each s kill to its ultimate, yet he blew the dismount and rece ived a score of 8.9. N a kaya ma received the highest score here of 9.5 (Rings was the onl y event in which any of the top 8 received below 9.0). Long Horse, Parallel bars a nd the Horizontal Bar were quite good and H ayata finished the compulsory competition with a 9.6 High Bar routine. In the Optiona l exercises Floor-X was highlighted by a triple twisting back flip and a pike open full dismount , both performed by Kenmotsu. There was a lso a number of double twists a nd all tumbling was very high as FX was perfo rmed on a regulation Rueter Floor-X area. Side Horse was sparked by several very difficult sequences and behind the back work equalled only by our USA s pecia lists. Those pelfo rmers who were most extended received the highest scores. Kemotsu and Kasamatsu were super stretched and performed difficult routines. N akayama performed a n equa lly difficult routine equally as well yet received his sco re on the bas is of difficulty rather than beauty as the others ha d. The Ring work was excellent, many straight arm shoots, giants and bac k uprises. T sukahara and Nakayama were very strong, and Kenmotsu again shocked many by throwing a front flip with 1\--2 twist di s mount. The Long Horse showed low prefli ght , very high a nd long after flight a nd many twi sts which included \--2s, fulls, I \--2s and then shock when Okamura stuck a double front Yanashita. (He is a member of the University team for this year.) Para llel Ba rs was not quite as exciting as High Bar which took place at the sa me time. High Bar as usu al was phenomenal with even th e bottom pe rformers having tremendous difficu lty. The only difference between top and bottom was s moothness. The top gymnasts pelformed the exercises effortlessly and showed many 路 inlocates, eagles, T a kemoto's , Ono's, Stalders, hecht full twists a nd pike f1 yaways with full twist. The final standings and scores are listed below. (Pre-Meet total) , N AKA Y AMA The final standings a nd scores were as follows (Pre-Meet total) , NHK C up Total and Final Total. I. N a kaya ma (112.975), 112.900=225.875 2. Kenmotsu (113.1 00), 112.700=225.800 3. Tsukahara (11 0.425), 112.250=222.675 4. Kato (111 .125), 111.400=222.525 5. Hayata (110.200), 111 .650=221 .8 50 6. Homma (109.725), 111 .100=220.825 7. Kasamatsu (11 0.200), 110.450 = 220.650 23

LETTERS Equal Time Dear Glenn, I used to get the old Modern Gymnast back in th e late 1950's and only recently subscribed to the new M.G . I enjoy the magazine; however, I am very disappointed thus fa r with coverage concerning the women. I notice very little in reportage and women's sequence photos, photos and run downs on schools and their colleges represented. I just subs cribed to Made moi se ll e Gymnas t in hoping to obtain more coverage on th e other side. I would like to see equa l or more time devoted to the lllomen. Sincerely, Donald Perkins Springfield, Mass. Ed . This is why we publish two magazines , there just would not be space in the MG to cover both men and women without adding more pages to each edi tion (w hich is beyond our budget). So for th e e nthu siastic gy mn astic fa n we offer both MG & Mile G. (and the way Mile G. is grow ing it shou ld not be too long before five edit ions a year will have to grow to te n).

WORLD TUMBLING CHAMPIONSHIPS? Dear S ir, Would you please send to me th t' fo llowing : I . The judging system used at Tumbling Championships. 2. The difficulty rating us ed for tumblin g. 3. Where th e next World Tumblin g C hampionships will be held. 4. R equirements for th e World Tumb ling Championships. Our Y.M. C.A . at present holds the New Z ealand Tumblin g titles for Men and Women and Junior girls and we would like to further our knowledge on other counllY's standards. Yours sin cerely, A .J. Holt , Phys ical Director YMCA , Ch ristchurch New Z ea land Ed. We a re aware that many of the Eas tern Countrie s have had Nationa l Tumbl ing, Acrobati c and even hand balancing C hampion ship s. H owever, we do not know of an official World Tumb ling C ha mpionship. (A lth ough in some pas t world Trampo lin e Cups and In vitationa l C ha mpion ships they have included tumbling) .. If a ny of ou r World MG readers can help us out ... drop us a line .

SCHOLARLY ADVICE Dear G lenn , A noth er letter fo r your column re th e marijuana bit. I was ra th er surprised at th e amount of rath er verbose letters in response to 'Marijuana and th e Gymnast.' More surprising and somewhat disconcerting were th e tOil e alld emotionalism behind most of th em . It seems that most of what is generally said re marihuana is a reaction to a stereotype that supposedly uses this escape tactic. Why isn't more said abou t reg ular cigarettes and alcohol which, ha ving been used widely for a long time, are well documen ted in th eir effects on Man . Nevertheless , with out just rambling with personal prejudices as so many lett ers did let me 24

offer some scholarly articles fo r reference for those who wish to edu cate thems elves on th e subject and avoid the emotionalism so rampant surroun din g th e topic. Weil & Zinberg. A cute Effects of Marijuana on Speech . Nat ure 222, 434 (1969 ). G rinspoon, L. Marijuana. S cientific American 221 (6), 17-25 (1969)

Meehou la m. R. ·Marijuana C hemistlY. S cience 168 , 1/59-1/66 (1970) Schult es, R. E . Hallu cin ogens of Plant Origin. Science 163, 245-254 (1969 ) Famsworth, N. R. Hallu cinogenic Plants. Science 162 , 1086-92 (1968 ). Weil, Zinberg & Ne lson. C linical and psychological effects of marijuana in man . Science 162, 1234-42 (1968 ). I don 't use th e stuff myself, but at least th e above should offer something to th ose who are tired of moralistic polemics Oil this drug. Objectively proffered, Jon C ulbertson

MORE INFORMATION Dear Mr. Sundby : I ha ve been a subscrib er to yo ur fi ne magazin e since its inception. I have seen it grow in quality. scope and respect over th e past years . I too have been very concern ed when it seemed it might fail alld fo ld. Over th e y ears as I pick up each edition, read it from cover to cover and enjoyed its contents, there has always been a dissatisfied fee lin g that some thin gs I really wan ted to hear about were never th ere, or only tantalizing bits were offered. Would it be possible to give serious consideration to the following list of items and try and include information about th em in fu ture editions. I have asked many other coaches and gymnasts if they too fe lt th ese items should be a part of A merica's only real gymllastic magazine. I know they, I and others wou ld be most appreciative if eith er yo u could comment or include articles in your future issues. H owever, I truly enjoy all your editions and shall endeavor to be a life time subscriber. I. Who are truly America's top gy mnasts men and women - and b}' wha t criteria ? 2. What are our top gymnasts doin g on th e apparatus th at is new, original and interestin g and wha t makes them our top gy mnastsmen and women ? 3. Who are our young up alld coming boys and girls of junior age status. Wh y, where and who are th eir coaches ? 4. Who are our top coaches , who are they coaching, where are th ey coaching? What are their facilities? Wh y are th ey producing good gymnasts ? 5. More concrete informatioll is needed on our two national coaches. Wh y were th ey selected? What are th eir responsibilities, abilities, au thority, etc.? H ow about profiles on where th ey are coaching, who th ey are coaching and who th ey ha ve coached. 6. The same information is needed about our area and assistant national coaches. 7. H ow about dealin g with th e controversial subject of men coaching women gy mnasts vs . women coaching women gymnasts. 8. What abou t th e collegiate unwritten rule of not hiring men to coach women unless absoilitely necessary? 9. What are the routines of out top men and women gymnasts, written out and sequencial photographs of th em. (WE hear rumors but rumors are misleading). A Iso, what are th e routines on world elit e men and women? 10. What should our top men and women gymnasts be doing, peljorman ce wis e, trainingwiseto win internat iona ll y. II . What mistakes have we (coaches and parents) been making to prevent our top girls

and boys from developing properly? 12. What must our top girls and boys be doin g in order to be in vited to international gy mnastic meets as Kathy Rigby and J oyce Tana c were. This information should be a vailable to all. 13. H 0111 do we bid for , and obtain and plan fo r top gymnastic meets, i.e. national championships. Is it ever possible to bid for international matches like the world cup and others ? Ifso , how ? 14. Could you synopsis minutes from Olympic Gymnastic Com mittee Meetings, U.S. Commission Meetin gs, Na tional AA U and USGF Meetings ? Only a few are aware of th e gymnastic changes and ideas fo r fut ure development. 15. More art icles and interviews with national figures in gymnastics, how do they train their gymnasts , what is th eir philosop hy for inspiring th eir gymnasts and keeping th em healthy and happy doing gymnastics? 16. Wha t abou t our top judges and oth er officials. What do they say and are happy abou t and concerned abou t in their judging experiences? Th ese items are not intended to criticize but rath er to point out how much more interestillg this magazine could be if the above information could be published for all and 1I0t for a select few , as th e motto of th e USG F is supposed to live by "Gym nastics for A LL." S in cerely, Dale Shirley Gymnastics Coach S eattle Y.M.C.A. ED: Your stimula ting questions are in order a nd we hope to do a more complete job of reporting a nd filling gymnastic world need s in our future editions. We still have a very limited staff a nd wou ld hope more readers a nd coaches would se nd us news and ideas from th eir areas that wou ld be of help to MG readers everywhere. With the new USG F insert wh ich we hope to make a regula r feature , we are sure many of your questions of Meetings , se lections , Apparatus changes , faci lities , ass istant coaches , national philosophy and judging reports will be included in future USG F Directors ' Report.

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3rd International Invitational, Mexico City

LATE HIGH SCHOOL RESULTS: 1970 Ohio HS Championships Article by Larry Nellis Re sult s & Routine s by Jim Moore

by Les Sasvary, C oach , Monroe HS

U.S.A. Coach Sosvary and Judge Beckner receive award. Ron Bell (rt.)

International gymnastics once aga in reached Southern Ca lifornia gymnastic fan s. This time a group of boys a nd girls 18 years and und er received a go lden opportunit y to s how their ta lents at the 3rd International Invitational Gy mna stics Meet, sponsored by the Mexican National Youth F ederation , September 5-6 in Mexico C ity. This event was preceded by a long period of prepa ration which included: training sessions for a pproxim atel y 30 selected youngsters from the Southern Ca lifornia area for the whole summer, a prelimina ry tryout at PCC to select the best 12 all-around men from the initi al 30 gy mnasts , a Fina l Tria l at Monroe HS in Sepulveda on Aug. 29, 1970 , to select the tea m, plus one alternate, and a tremendous mone y- rais ing and publicity effort. When time for departure had arrived , we reali zed we had an e xceptional group of young gymnasts gathered together. The tea m consisted of the follow ing : Boys - Tom Beach , South HS ; Ron Be ll , Westchester HS ; Peter Paulson and Hector Neff, Taft HS ; Brad Horowitz , Monroe HS ; Ervin Ru zics , Pa lisades HS , and Rick Rude , Milliken HS (alternate). Girls - Denise Wells , Gale H a rri s , Sandy Gross a nd D agmar Hintnaus , a ll of the Long Beach SCATS. Coac h Sasvary of Monroe HS acted as team leader a nd boys' coach. D a n Speraw of the SCATS was coach for the girls. The group was acco mpa nied by Jack Beckner as an a ppointed FIG judge by the Southern Cal Gymnas tic Judge s Association (John Magginetti , the other appointed judge , could not ma ke the trip for personal reas ons). Upon arrival in Mexico City we received a very cordial welcome by the Mexican authori ties a nd were placed in the "Casa Del Maestro" Hotel. It did not take us too long to find th at the Mexicans were taking thi s competition very seriously. We found th at the y intended to fo llow FIG rules throughout the competition and including Finals even though thi s was a junior meet. They are firm believers in the balanced program of all-around gy mnas tic s fo r both bo ys and girls. The competition took place at the beautiful "Salla de Armas," site of the Ol y mpic Fencing ch a mpionships. The six best tea ms of Mexico were entered a long with Guatemala and Southern Cali fornia. 26

I After a shaky start on th e horizonta l bar, our team recovered and won the team championships. The following are the boys' tea m results: I. USA (So. CaL) 230.55 2. I.P.N. 204. 15 3. U .N.A.M. 184.30 4. V. Democrac ias 177.65 5. Hidalgo 15 6.35 154.35 6. Guatemal a Hector Neff e merged victoriously with the res t of our boys closely behind. 46.05 I. Hector Neff 2. Tom Beac h 45.90 3. Pete r Paulson 45.60 4. Arthuro Uribe 45.40 (Mex.) 45.30 5. Erwin Ru zics 6. Ron Bell 45.05 43 . 10 8. Brad Horowitz We were all quite pleased with the results a nd all of the boys ' adv ance to the Finals on two or more events. Because of a lac k of co mmunica tion (understanding), our four girls were una ble to enter as a team. The SCATS , however, proved themselves by scoring 5.0 pts. higher th an the winning tea m. Oceania "A " won the tea m title with 132. 75. The SCATS with o nl y four girls scored 137.30. The followin g a re the allaround results: I. Dagmar Hintn aus 36.00 2. Sandy G ross 34.85 3. Patricia Ollinger 34.15 (M ex .) 4. Gail Harris 34.10 5. Laura Rivera 33 .90 (Me x.) 6. Denise Wells 32.35 Our girls were the toast of the meet a nd were well applauded by the la rge crowd on hand. All the newspa pers were ge nerou s in their di spl ay actions photos of both boys and girls, but particula rl y the girls. For outstanding performa nce the SCATS were given a specia l aWfl rd . The organization of the entire meet was excellent w ith a cololful inspiring opening a nd closing ceremony. The Finals were quite a victory for our boys a nd girl s w ho wo n most of the medal s a nd a number of very la rge trophies for th e outstanding performances. The Mexico C it y co mpetition was keen and the Mexicans are making great strides on the junior level.

The S ixth A nnu a l Ohio Hi gh School State Gymnastics C ha mpi o nships we re move d thi s yea r from Co lumbus, Ohio to D ay ton , Ohio. Th e mee t wa s moved for two reaso ns - to reli eve Ohio State U ni ve rsit y from spon sorin g three w inter sport championships all in the sa me wee k, and to bring it to the part of the sta te w here th e mos t interest in gymnastics is located . The University of D ay ton gracious ly hosted th e meet with spectacular results . We ll over 3,000 pay ing spectators watched the proceedings. Co- meet directors Don Moorefield and Bi ll Pa rish were la rgely responsible for the mee t's success. The se mi -finals consisted of th e top tea m a nd the top s ix individuals in each eve nt from each of the four regions of the state . This was det ermined by regiona l meets a wee k earlier. A lso fro m the semi-fina l meet , the a ll a ro und champion was determined. Executing tre mendou s style a nd technique , Mike Grimes emerged a repeat champion in the a ll-aro und . Wa tch for him in the college ra nks during the nex t four years. Dave Eby, of YM CA a nd AA U fa me , was a close second. Amazing as he was to watch , he is only a freshman. The finals co nsisted of the top two tea ms a nd the top six individuals in each event from the se mi -fin a ls. Rivalry was at a high point when Mi a mi sburg High School , Mi a mi sburg, Ohio , a mI Fairmont East High School , Kettering, Ohio battled for the team troph y. Beca use of the courageo us efforts of their injured a nd to p gy mn as t, Jay Butler, and good bala nce a nd de pth fro m the re st of the tea m, Mi a mi sburg emerged as this year's Ohio High School State GyrilOas tic C ha mp s. Most of this s uccess mu st be credited to a trul y incredible coach , Ken Bostl e man, who received the Ohio High School Gy mn as tic Coaches A wa rd for 1970. Hi gh school admini strators and athleti c directors hunting gymnastic coaches should note th at three years ago , when Coach Bostlema n took the job as gy mnastic coach at Mia mi sburg, hi s knowledge of the sp0l1 consisted of one se mester of elementary gymnastics a t Ball Sta te , whe re he received his teachin g degree. I n these three yea rs , he has increased hi s knowledge of gy mnas tics through reading the F . I.G . Judging Rul es, watching movies , a nd go ing to college meets , a nd has created a gy mnas tic co mmunit y with elementa ry school gy mnas tic progra ms and a state high school championship tea m. 1970 Ohio State HS Cha mpionships, Team -Mia misburg HS -(Mia misburg, 0), 146.9 . Coach, Ken Bostleman. Runner-up , Fairmont East HS (Kettering, 0) 1 42.5, Coach Tom Sexton. AA, M ike Grime s (Euclid HS), Runner·up - Davi d Eby (Wayne HS). lH: Tom Spargur (Fairmont, East), Mike Grim es & Welton Fields (Princeto n). TU: Tom Shultz (Miamisbu r g), Ron Runyeon (Miam isburg). HB: Mike Grimes, Jim Young (Princeton). FX: Mi ke Grimes. David Eby. PB: Mike Gri mes, David Eby. SH : Greg Korns (Fairmont West), Jay Butler (Miamisbu rg). TR : Tom Sparbur, Todd Lecklider (Fairmont West). R: Bill Colton (Fairmont East), Bob Hensing (Fa ir· mont East). Winning Routines : FX (Grimes) - Russian front sammy, round·off bock hand· sp ring back full twist, st ep put front scale back hand· sp ring, front sca le f r on t handspring , front fli p front head· spring, forward r oll, back handspring back fli p V2 tw ist Swedish f all, side splits press handstand , pirouette lower (continued on page 30)

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For exact size, place foot on blank piece of paper and draw outline of foot by hold· il)g pencil straight up. Shoes will be exchanged if size is not correct. Soiled shoes are not returnable. State style and show size when ordering. No half sizes.

U-S4. This new shoe has a molded white rubber sole with a thin layer of foam padding beneath the inller sole. Snow white cotton canvas top is securely stitched with heavy thread and edges are bound to prevent unraveling. Separ· ate inner sole is pressed and cemented to sole. Na naif sizes. TEAM 3.00 LIST 4.40


This quality gymnastic shoe has soft leathe r uppers with elastic goring and pebble soles. Available in white c nl t No "alf sizes .


U.S7 "POINT · MAKER". U-S6 "HIGH·SCORE." gymnastic shoe with a 3" wide elas· Same as ab c ve. exc~nt with tic ins·ert across instep that keeps leatt:e!' sole. ,.: : Y. I ... CS

~~:r~s :~~a ~:'.~p~r~~err;:rf~~~~~: long·wear white



TEAM 2.50

LIST 4.00


edges are overlock stitched. Top is made from heavy duty canvas. Drill innersole. Turned construction style with seam on inside. Available in white only. No half sizes.


U-S9 "THE COMPETITOR" MODEL. Our most popular all · lround gymnastic shoes used by gymnasts ever vhere. Top is made from heavy duty canvas a sole of select leather. Canvas drill innersole IS cemented to leather to prevent stretching. Edges fold ed and securely stitched. Elastic instep . Turned construction . Available in pure white only . No half sizes. TEAM 2.25 LIST 3.50 U·S8 "THE PERFORMANCE" MODEL. Same as above, except with rubber sole . No half sizes. TEAM 2.50 LIST 4.00


LIST 4.50

US2"THE SURE-FORM MODEL:' Newly designed stretch gymnastic shoe made from a si ngle piece of heavy duty nylon knit with leather sole . Provides a snug fit because it stretches to size and will not fold or crease. All seams are overlocked· and securely stitched. Sizes: Small (1-4), Medium (5-8), Large (9-12), in white only. No half sizes. TEAM 2.25 LIST 3.50

G "YJM:N ASTIC SUl?l?LY · COJM:l?AN"Y 8 4 7 \N"est. S lxt.h st.reet./ s an P edro . ca l l1ornlaB0733/ A r e 'a


C ode ( 8 1 3 ) 8 3 1 -01 3 1

(continued from page 26) down 2 cartwheels bock walkover roundoff 2 bock handsprings bock pike flip SH (Karns) - Stroight body pull to inverted hong dislocate upshoot to handstand stroight arm down to bock lever reverse kip cross release lower inlocote bock uprise " L" sit hollow back press to handstand to free bent arm planche lower to bock lever relea se dislocate straddle off. LH (Sprague) - Yamashita PB (Grimes) - Cast support straddle cut " L" support press handstand back catch stutz laybock front uprise moore cast straddle cu t dip swing handstand pirouette loy bock front uprise sammy dismount. HB (Grimes) - Stem ri se front giant reach over cross under rear vault stoop through straddle cut catch hop kip change front giant pirouette back giant cross change 2 front giants stroddle hecht dismount. TU (Shultz) 1 st Pass - Round -off back alternates, bock handspring, arabian, front handspring. 2nd Pass - front handspring, front flip, front handspring. 3rd Pass - Roundoff bock handspring, alternate hand bock handspring , 3 bock flips. TR (Spargur) Fliffus, Rudolf bock sammy, bock full tw ist sammy, bock sammy, bock double, bock sammy, rudolf, 2 back sommies, front I 3,{, sammy rudolpf ball out.

Kansas State High School Championships by Marty Hunt The 1970 Kansas High School Gymnastics season ended February 21 , 1970 with the State Gymnastics Championship Meet at the Lawrence High School gymnasi um. Team and individuals qualified in regional meets at Wichita South and Salina. Teams qualifying from the Wichita South Regional were: Medicine lodge, 129V2 , Wichita South , 89 , Wichita West, 67 , Wichita Southeast, 53 , Wichita Heights , 30, Campus , 21 , Wichita East , 15V2, Dodge Ci ty, 14V2, Wichita North , 10, Emporia, 6, Kingman , 3, Ulysses, I , Lakin , O. Lawrence won the Salina Regional with 145 , followed by Salina, 119V2, Olathe , 63 , Topeka, 50V2 , Washburn Rural , 22V2 , Topeka West, 21 , Shawnee Heights, 8, Highland Park , S, Atchison , 3, Buhler, 2, Nickerson, 2. The top eight individuals in each event plus the top six all-arounds from each regional qualified for the State Meet. The team scores at the state meet were: Lawrence, 130, Salina 85V2 , Medicine Lodge, 72 V2, Topeka, 41 , Wichita South, 34 , Olathe , 27V2 , Wichita West, 12 V2 , Washburn Rural , 10, Wichita North , 9V2 , Wichita Southeast, 8, Wichita Heights 7V2, Topeka West , 6, Emporia, 2, Shawnee Heights , I , Campus , I. Steve Schuman of Medicine Lodge was a triple champion with victories in All-Around , Free Exercise, and Tumbling. Event placing were as follows : Free Exercise 1. Steve Schuman, Medicine Lodge, 7.575. 2. Marvin ipes, Salina, 7.375. 3. Pat Neustrom, Salina, 7.20. Schuman and Pipes both threw full twisting back flips. Side Horse 1. Lorry Estes, Lawrence, 7.2 (2 tie), Floyd Sanders, Wichita North, and Jim Burgert, Lawrence, 5.45. Horizontal Bar 1. Mike Spearman, Lawrence, 7.625. 2. Cliff Nelson, Salina, 7.20. 3. Jeff Hambleton, Lawrence, 7.1 0 Spearman and Nelson used Hecht dismounts. Hambleton threw a full twist flyaway . Long Horse 1. Mike Bockus, Lawrence, 8.50. 2. Marc Hildebrand, Lawrence, 8.325. 3. Evon Olson, Salina, 8.25. Backus and Hildebrand did a Yamashita; Olson performed a Hecht. Parallel Bars 1. Evan Olson, Salina, 7.425. 2. Keith Banta, Lawrence, 7.30.3. Bob Ingram. Wichita South, 6.20. Still Rings 1. Gerald Lee, Medicine Lodge, 6.70. 2. Eric Napue, Topeka, 6.30. 3. Chris Phelps, Lawrence, and Evan Olson, ,5.925. Lee used a bent-arm planche & iron cross for strength moves. Napue performed bent-arm giants.

Tumbling I . Steve Schuman, Medicine Lodge, 8. 10. 2. Marvin ipes, Salina, 6.60.3 . Jeff Hambleton, Lawrence, 6.225. Schuman and Pipes again did fu ll tw ists; Schuman also threw three consecutive back flips followed by ff, back, bock! All-Around 1 . Steve Schuman, Medicine Lodge 32.80 2. Keith Banta, La wrence 31 .05 3. Cliff Nelson, Salina 29.25 4. John Milledge, Medicine Lodge 28 .20 5. Pat Neustrom, Salina 26.45

1970 Colorado State H.S. Championships ORDER OF EVENTS


Side Horse Floor Exercise Vault Horse Rings Parallel Bars High Bar Tumbling Trampo line All Around

L.J . Larson M. Graham Jay LaRue L. Heilman M. Graham M. Graham M. Graham M. Graham M. Graham

Aurora Ce n.H .S . Ranum High Sch. G. Wash. H.S. J.F. Kennedy H.S Ranum High Sch. Ranum High Sch. Ranum High Sch. Ranum High Sch. Ranum High Sch.


NEW GUIDE TO DEVELOPING A GYMNASTIC PROGRAM A complete guide to developing a school gymnastic program has been published by Nissen Corporation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Authored by Rich Harris and other gymnastic experts, the book offers special assistance to the many physical education instructors without the advantage of advanced training in gymnastics. It explains the " How to " involved in starting a program, with emphasis on class organization, selling administrators, gymnastic area layout, organizing gymnastic club, exhibitions and competitive team gymnastics. One chapter lists sources for textbooks, films and other teaching materials, plus dotes and locations of gymnastic camps and clinics. The approach is practical and simple, and geared for both boys and girls gymnastics. Even the experienced gymnastic instructor will find new and useful ideas to improve his program. Single copies of the booklet are $2.00 each; 2-9 copies$ 1.75 each; over 10 copies - $1.50 each. (Pa yment must accompany orders for $20 or less). For additional information, write Nissen Corporation, 930 27th Avenue S.W. , Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406.

by Dick Criley Trampoline Tumbling Today by Larry Griswold and Glenn Wilson. A. S. Barnes & Co., Box 421 , Cranbury, New Jersey, 08512. pages. $4.95 There are mony trampoline books on the market days, and one wanders why anyone would bother to write another, let alone revise a classic such as Larry Griswold's 1948 edition of "Trampoline Tumbling." I had a difficult time, however, locating a copy of the original to compare with " Trampoline Tumbling Today ", the new edition prepared in collaboration with Glenn Wilson, former NCAA trampoline champ and (former) gymnastics coach at the Universities of Colorado and Arizona.

Whi le the publisher's iacket lauds the book as a complete revision and expansion of the original, it is not. Several sections remain the same, especially the chapters on fundamental body mechan ics, simple demonstrations of the physical principles involved in trampolining (what else cou ld you do to Newton's laws of motion?), and group trampolining. On the other hand TTT has up-dated the historical aspects of the spo rt, revised the section on definitions (where else do you learn that a bluch is a half-turntable?), and expanded the suggested lessons for beginners. The 7 basic bounces are discussed and well illu strated. The ultimate goal of the move is defined, but I wished that, particularly for the front and back drops, more lead-up idea s could have been given. The section on basic exe rci ses is much the same as before, but some new drawings have been added (e.g., swivel hips, baroni, and back somersault in free position). A revised description of the swivel hips was added along with more variations on exercises which follow from the basic bounces. Many moves and illustrations have been added to the advanced exercises section. These alone make . the new edition worth adding to one's collection. Many of these were not in general use at the time of the earlier edition and the authors have thoughtfully included lead-up suggestions for many moves. Some popular terminolgy appears here but not in the glossary or index: the half-in, half-out or Back Full Fliffis, for instance. Although the original list of exercises and combinations has been shortened in TTT, there is a Although the original list of exercises and com binations has been shortened in TTT, there is a worthwhile addition in the inclusion of difficulty rating tables. I do have one beef with the publishers, though : the rating tables ore microscopically small and could have been enlarged to be as read able as the text. The exercises are now classified as to difficulty and could be used in developing age-group routines. The section on group tumbling and that on exhibition work will appeal to those who have to put on shows and demonstrations to develop administrator and parent support. The trampoline is a sufficiently spectocular event in that it lends itself to this type of advertising, and group tumbling can add interest to any exhibition. I looked for mention of the double bounce or bed kip, often used to spring a man higher, but could not find a discussion of this element of exhibition work. Little has been added to these sections when compared to the old edition, but they do provide a start for those who have mastered the basics of trampolining. With constant changes in rules for competition , the competition section may at some ti me contain out-dated information, but for now it has a good coverage of international trampoline regulations. Additionally, this book has a complete listing of national and international champions from 1947 through 1970. In summary, the book is well-written and perhaps a little tighter in style than the first edition. The illustrations are suitable and plentiful. The information is couched in terms which will be understood by the novice trampoline teacher. Although I was looking for the problem solving approach used in many gymnastics texts, I feel it will be a useful addition to any teacher's library. Even young trampolinists will find the book helpful if they will stop bouncing long enough to read it.

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USA National Rankings October 1970


Jerry Wright

DECEMBER 26-30, 1970 Gymnasts, coaches and teachers will be coming from allover the nation for the 6th Annual National Gymnastics Clinic which will take place at the Holiday Park Recreation Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Each afternoon following the classes and coaches sessions the clinic continues the workouts on some of the world's most beautiful beaches just a few minutes from the recreation center.


GEORGE GREENFIELD Honors: USA National Team Tour - Near East 1969 U.S.G.F. All American - 1969 NCAA 4th AA - 1970 7th FX - 1970 - 4th 1969 Pacific 8: 3rd AA - 1970; 2nd - 1969 1st FX - 1970; 4th - 1969 2nd HB - 1970; 3rd - 1969 Year in School; Junior Major: Engineering Began Gymnastics: Eliot Jr. High School, Pasadena Began Competition: Muir High School, Pasadena High School Coach : Bence Fieldhead Jr. College Coach : Jerry Todd (Pasadena City College) College Coach: Hal Frey, Don Nelson, Masayuki Watanabe Height: 5' 9" Weight : 145 Men 1. Makoto Sakamoto • 2. Yoshiaki Takei * 3. Masayuki Watanabe • 4. Yashi Hayasaki 5. Steve Hug 6. Dave Thor 7. Bob Emery * 8. Hidi Umeshita • 9. Sadao Hamada 1O. Po ul Tickenoff 11 . Fred Turoff 1 2. Brent Simmons 13. Ma rshall Avener 14. Kanati Al len 1 5. Fred Dennis 16. George Greenfield 17. Jim Culhane 18. Dave Butzman 19. John Elia s 20. Mike Kimball 21. Rich McCurdy 22. Ron Clemmer 23. Juan Sanchez 24. Rich Scorza 25. Jim Amerine

112.90 108.30 108.30 108.25 107.20 106.40 108.00 104.75 104.10 109.00 107.80 103.85 103.85 103.90 103.25 103.70 102.25 102.45 103.20 101.85 101.50 100.95 100.70 101.50 100.40

Mr. Bill Meade-Southern Illinois University Mr. Dick Holzaepfel-University of Iowa Mr. Mike Jacobson-A mericanAthletic E quipmentCo. Sharon Pirkl-Moline Illinois High School Classes will be open to teachers, gymnasts, and coaches. Instruction on the aparatus for both boys and girls will be offered at all ability levels. FOR REGISTRATION OR INFORMATION WRITE:

26. Tom· Lindner 103.40 27. Gary Anderson 102.75 28. Joe Litow 98.65 29. Ron Baretta 98.05 30. Graig Ritter 97.50 31. Dave Repp 97.70 32. John Crosby 101 .35 33. Joe Hughes 95.75 34. Ken Snow 95.40 35. Max Magdaleno 94.50 36. D. Ferre 93.70 * 37. Sid Jensen 93.70 *38. Migoru Morisaki 92.05 39. Mike Flansaas 89.50 88.80 40. Dan Connelly 41 . Bernie Peters 87.75 86.05 42. Dana Alexander 43. James 8etters 84.80 44. Tom Williams 75.90 45. Larry Bassist - no recent score 46. Barry Weiner - no recent score 47. Dick Set man - no recent score 48. Rick Tucker - no recent score 49. Robert Mackey 95.05 based on 1970 NCAA, USGF, AAU and World Univ. Games

* = not U.S. citizen

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"THE ART AND SCIENCE OF JUDGING MEN'S GYMNASTICS" Edited by: Richard Aronson THE FIRST PUBLISHED BOOK ON JUDGING MEN 'S GYMNASTI CS Foreword by: Frank Cumiskey, Member of National Coaches Staff AN INFORMATIVE ANALYSIS OF PHILOSOPHIES AND METHODS OF CURRENT JUDGING TRENDS.... SOLD TO MANY JUDGES, COACHES, HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. SOME NATIONALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN CONTRIBUTORS: Muzycko and Roetzheim, Wells, Vega, Tonry, Massimo, George, Cardinali, Orlofsky, Hennessy, Kieldsen, Culbertson, Hardy, Wettstone, Wolcott, Gro ssfeld, Weber, Holmes, Wright, Wi lderotter, Millman, Maloney and many other outstanding coaches and judges ....

20% discount for orders of six or more ... Original printing 800 copies: 325 remain ing at reduced price of $3.00. Order from : Richard Aronson 52 Evelyn Rd. Needham, Mass. 02194


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