Mademoiselle Gymnast - September/October 1971

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All events available for Gym Shop Jewe lry and Medals. Women 's: Floor Exercise (WFX), Balance Beam (WBB) , Vaulting (WV), Uneven Parallels (WUP), Trampoline (WTR), Tumblin g. (WTU) and All-Around or General Gymnastics (WAA). Silvertone sweater pins and most cha rms available for immediate delivery . . . . Allow 3 to 4 weeks ' delivery on most other items as they are made up to order.

GYM SHOP TROPHIES T-O Girl Gymnast figure ....................... .$2.95 (Now is your chance to design your own trophies or dress up your old trophies with our New Girl's Trophy figure) T-1 Figure with molded base (red, white, blue or green) ...> ........... .. ..... ... . ....... . . $3 .95 1-2 Figure with Walnut wood base . .... ...... $4.50 T-3 Figure with Walnut wood two-tier base .. $4.95 T-4 Figure with Deluxe Walnut cube base .. $6.95 T-5 Figure on Walnut pedestal with year (or small victory figure) ..... .... .. ............ $8.95

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Engraving available at 8 cents a letter for trophies and 10 cents a letter for cha rms and medals. Letter stamping also available (on trophies only) at 7Sc a plate.

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Notes From The Publisher:

Vol. 5 - No.6

Sept. - Oct. 1971 CONTENTS

Notes from the Publisher Names 'N' News Third DGWS National Intercollegiate Gymnastics Championships Pan-American Games & Try-Outs Women's Gymnastics Competition European Tour Priming for the PanAmerican Games Mademoiselles From Denmark Mademoiselle Gymnastics Club 1971 Summer Gymfest Mat Drill Helen's Corner Upper Back Flexibility How It Can Be Developed Creative Gymnastics Book Review Letters Calendar of Christmas Camps

6 8 9 10 13 14 16 20 21 23 24

COVER STORY: On this months cover is national competitor Roxanne Pierce . Roxanne is cu rrently the 1971 Pan-American Games All Around winner.

GLENN M. SUNDBY - Publisher DENNIES BARBER - Editor A. B. FREDERICK- Assoc. Editor BARBARA B. SUNDBY - Managing Editor HELEN SJURSEN - Contributing Editor So many worlds, so much to do, So ~ittle done, such things to be. Tennyson

MADEMOISElLE GYMNAST is published by Sundby Publicotioijs. 41 0 Broo~ NaY . Santo Monico . California. Second Closs Postage paid at Santo Monico. Calif Published bi ·monthly. Sept.·Oct.. Nov.· Dec .. Jon.· Feb .. Mor. ·April. and May ·June. Price. $3.00 per year. 75c Single copy. Subscription cO<res· pondence Box 777. Son ia Monico. California 90406. Copyright1971© All rights reserved by Sundby Publications. 410 Broadway. San to Monico. California 90401 .

26 28 29 30

In light of our poor production schedule for Mademoiselle Gymnast over the past year, recent and future postal increases which will amount to al most 150% in the next few years, and the difficulty of producing two magazines with a limited staff, we have been prompted to sit back and analyze our publishing efforts, and look for a practical plan for growth and service to our Mademoiselle Gymnast subscribers. SUBSCRIBERS NEEDS: To receive more Gymnastic news, material and instruction .. . more often and on time! OUR NEEDS: To cut production and mailing costs and give better service. SOLUTION: After a feasibility study, many sessions with ou r present staff members, and a poll of other interested parties (ie. coaches, gymnasts, readers, etc.) we came to the conclusion it would be well to merge our two publications, Mademoiselle Gymnast and The Modern Gymnast, into one larger magazine to insure full Gymnastic coverage for both men and women. For our Mademoiselle Gymnast readers this would solve two problems; we will be able to publish gymnastic news for ladies more frequently and on a better time schedule. For our office the merger will hopefully help keep our mailing cost from mushrooming and continue effective ly with our capable but undermanned staff. This merger will enable us to concentrate all our efforts on one magazine, with one subscription rate, one advertising and, one mailing schedule. • 0 wi" the January edition, Mademoiselle Gymnast subscriptions will be pro-rated to the number of issues you have remaining (ex., a two year Mile G. subscription for 10 issues would have one year to go before expiration). This edition of Mademoiselle Gymnast will be the final issue and designated as Vol. 5 Number 6 of the 1970-71 series (instead of Vol. 6 No.1 of the '71-'72 series.). This will enable us to bind Mile G. for the past year, to keep our records straight and get off to a fresh start on the new GYMNAST magazi ne. Our new GYMNASTwili have 50% more pages and the subscription rate increase will be less than 10% for our subscribers who renew promptly, (when their subscription expires) and take advantage of our renewal bonus offer. New GYMNAST Subscription rates: $7 .50 1 year 2 years $14.00 3 years $19 .00 Subscriber Renewal Bonus Rates: $6.50 1 year 2 years $12.50 3 years $17 .00





We also plan special group subscription rates for 10 or more team members who all subscribe at the same tiem. (These rates will be sent upon request.) We are excited about our new GYMNAST magazine merger program and look forwaed to serving you better. We already have received positive replys for articles, news, and instruction from coac hes and correspondents across our nation whom we have asked to join' our staff .of feature writers. One such feature will be a fictional series by Coach Rod Hill, " GYMNASTICS WITH LORIE," a month by month storyof a young girl just starting in Gymnastics, her trials , frustrations and progress along with instructional hints and philosophy for coaches and gymnasts of all ages.

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NAMES 'N' NEWS Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics for Women has announced that the DGWS National Intercollegiate Gymnastics Championship for 1972 will be held March 30, 31, and April 1, 1972 at Grand View College, Des Moines, Iowa 50316. Mr. Charles Jacobson is the Meet Director. FIRST WOMENS NISSEN AWARD .. . To Kathy Gleason of Buffalo ... Kathy Gleason became the first recepient of the Nissen Award , to be given annually to the Nation 's outstanding senior collegiate woman gymnast. WEDDING BELLS • • . Kathy Hill (N)) one of the most outstanding gymnasts of New Jersey and graduate of Montclair State Coll ege is now married and presently residing in Utah. Now we know where Kathy is. NEWS AND NOTES •••••••• Maria Bakos of Hungary now resides in New York and is teaching at Vanderbild Athletic Club .. .. and lehman College, Hunters •••• will be at the New England Gymnastic Thanksgiving Clinic. Moderne Gymnastics competition is bei ng started on the east coast. The 1972 Olympics free ex area will be covered with a new pad of synthetic fibers (such as carpetin). It will adhere to the floor and beat board and on the vaulting run. . .. . A survey of the Pan-Am games indicate that in the individual championships crowned at Winnipeg four years ago only 11 champions retained their titles including Linda Metheny in floor ex in women 's gymnastics .


Dan Speraw

This fly-speck on the world is the most beautiful place this Los Angeles hative has yet seen or imagined . It is a coach's dream. The gymnastic community here has labored hard and well, but they are working well below their potential. It has been my experience to enter a gym , say a few words to the already fit gymnasts, and reap the satisfaction as they 'pick-up' sKill after skill. However, on a sad note, New Zealand has the difficulty of unwanted isolationism because of its geography (its closest neighbor being Australia) ; so competitors must be resigned to compete among themselves. To compund the problem , the coaches and gymnasts have a difficult time raising money to send themselves to world competitions. Referring now to life in general , many customs are as upside-down as the seasons (for Christmas comes in the middle of Summer). But the people are exceptionally friendly , the country very beautiful; an atmosphere easily lending to happiness.

NATIONAL SUMMER CLINIC National Summer Gymnastics Clinics at Michigan State University: Over twenty instructors met with participating gymnasts on Sunday, August 8th. Each group was taken systematically through each event and tested. The goal was to put each gymnast into one of a possible 10 ability levels. In two and one half hours it was done! Being that there were over 20 different people judging almost 300 gymnasts it was absolutely amazing, later in the week, to see how well these gymnasts did fit together in their groupings. Boys 'and girls were given expert instruction in all Olympic events plus trampoline and tumbling . Girls were also given classes in ballet, modern dance, and Gymnastique Modern. All

gymnasts were given opportunity to obtain individual help on their areas of special interest. Teachers and coaches who attended were given valuable lectures every day and also given ample opportunity to go out on the floor and learn to spot and teach any skill in which they were interested . The judging courses for men and women w ere held as planned with Ted Muzycko leading the men and Delene Darst teaching the women. Mrs. Darst patiently went through each event. Participants were encouraged to ask questions. Wedn esday night participants judged routines in each event . Everyone threw in their scores. Then the routines were analyzed and one could tell just where one was going astray. Both the men ' s and the women 's judging courses ended with National Certification exams . There was something for all at this very worthwhile and well organized gymnastic clinic. Jr. Olympics ••• Girls Gymnastics Championships Report by Kathy Thomas Fifteen year old Tammi Sepaspour repeated her outstanding performance of last year and won the title in the 15-18 age group at the Jr. Olympics Regional Meet Saturday at Diablo Valley College. Miss Sepaspour a member of the Diablo Gym Club, sponsored by the Pleasant Hill Park and Recreation District and coached by Jim Gault won the right to represent the State of California at the National Jr. Olympics for the second year in a row at the Air Force Academy in Colorado. Tammi competed in the 13-14 age group last year, winning the national title in vaulting . The EI Cerrito Lass placed first in all events : Floor Exercise, Balance Beam, Vault, and Uneven Bars winning 1st All Around. The 13-14 age groups winner was Debbie Fike, KIPS Gym Club, Los Angeles and Kim Sue Greaves of Fresno won the 10-12 age group. Diablo Gym Club members who placed were 10-12 Diane Dunbar, 2nd all around, 1st floor exercise, 1stvault,3rd uneven bars, 4th balance beam (tie). Kim Fisher 6th all around , 4th balance beam (tie) 6th uneven bars. 13-14 . . . Lisa Buttrill, 3rd all around, 1st vault, 2nd floor exercise, 3rd balance beam. Charlene Thomas 15-18 3rd vault. The Diablo Gym Club will be presenting an exhibition of gymnastics along with the Pleasant Hill Rec. Dept. Boys Gym Team on July 30 and 31 at Diablo Valley College. The public is invited and they expect to have other outstanding Olympic stars as guest performers .

INTERNA TIONAL WOMEN'S ALL AROUND RANKINGS August 1971 compiled by Dr. Josef Gohler (Editor of Olympish Turnkunst) 1. Turischtsceva (USSR) 2/6. Karasseva (USSR), Lasakovitsch (USSR), Burda (USSR) , Petrik (USSR), Voronina (USSR) 7/13. Rigby (USA) , Ceampelea (Rumania) , Matsuhisa (Japan), Kadolph (DDR) , Noack (DDR), Schegolkova (USSR), Brazdova (CSSR) 14/19. Kelemen (Hungary). Keri (Hungarv), Dornakova (CSSR), Poser (DORY, Bujnackova (CSSR) , Dronova (USSR). 20/30. Bekesi (Hungary), Goreac (Rumania), Grafe (DDR), Fritschi (Sc hweiz ), Chase (USA) , Veisova (CSSR), Stodulkova (CSSR) , Rimnacova (CSSR), Moore (USA) , Bartunkova (CSSR), Hirashima (Japan), Hellman (DDR), Leffs (DDR). 31/40. Schorn (W .Ger.) , Oltersdorf (W .Ger.), Banfai (Hungary), Sljepica (Yugoslavia), Csazsar (Hungary) , Nagy (Hungary) , Dornea (Romania), Grigoras (Romania), Koman (Romania), Apateanu (Romania), Turcu (Romania), Sche ibe (DDR), Schafer (DDR), Gehrke (DDR) , Hanyu (Japan).

1971 Pennsylvania State Team - 1st place - Eastern States Champion Champion ships: L to R - Robin Bleamer, joan Moore, Lynn Cantwell, Ann Carr, Patti Cantwell , and Shel ley Bier.


j anet Cantwell

Spring 71', Pennsylvania State University Belated report

TEAM: Springfield Co ll ege 101.25; In d iana State Un ivers ity 90.35; Univers ity of Nevada 88.30. AA:

Kathy Gleason (St. U. Buffa lo) 35 .85; Barbara Fleming (Fresno City Co ll ege) 35.50; Patti Corrigan and Lu cy Mil ler (Sp ringfie ld) 34.45 ; Sally Espe (So. Conn. St. College) 32 .95 .

BB: Sarah Brumgart (In d iana St. U.) 18.55; Kathy Gleason (st. U. Buffalo) 18.10; Barbara Fleming (Fresno City Co ll ege) 17.90. FX: Kat hy G leason (St. U. Buffa lo) 18.35; Barbara Fleming (Fresno City Co llege) 18.25; Lee Ann Lobdi ll (American River College) 18.15. UB: Patti Corr igan (Springfie ld) 17.60; Barbara Fleming (Fresno City Col lege) 16.40; Lu cy Miller (Springfie ld) 16.30. V: Patti Corrigan (Springfield) 18.45; Barb ara Flemin g (Fresno City College) 18.00; Kathy G leason (St. U . Buffalo) 17.85.

Japanese Team to Tour U.S.A .... January Southern Californi a wi ll be the fir st stop for the Japanese O lymic Team as they meet American Al l Stars. The women wi ll compete at Ca l State Fullerton Jan uary 14th at 8:00 pm in the Men's Gym , (Cathy Rigby will be among the top women to compete aga inst the Japa nese women) the men w ill compete at San Fernando Va ll ey State Col lege January 15th at 8:00 pm in the Men's Gym .Other competit io n stopove rs tor the j apanese team are p lanned for Denver,Chicago, Phi lade lphia and Penn State. There may be other stops we are not aware of, so check with your area director or the UsGF office in Tucson.


Adele Gleaves

By Mrs. Margit Treiber Gymnastics Coach, Asso. Prof., Indi ana State The Pan-Am Team was se lected through a two day try-out meet in May at Southern Illin ois University, Carbondale, III. , hosted by Mr. Herb Vogel. Six girls qualified for the team w ith the 7th and 8th p lace w inn ers as alternates.

All Around Scores: (after two sets of optionals) 1. Roxanne Pierce 2. Linda Metheny 3. Kimberly Chase 4. Theresa Fil eccia 5. Adele Gleaves 6. Terry Spen ce r 7. Karen Schuckman 8. Joan Moore

74. 55 73.75 73.60 72.25 72.05 72.025 71.90 71.725

The meet was followed by a four day long training camp at SIU. The schedule and the program of the training camp had two aims: (1) to clarify and perfect the compulsory exercises, and (2) improve on the compositio ns of the opt ional exercises. The second training camp was held at Miami Dade University with Mr. Bruce Davis hosting. It lasted from July 19-25. Th e time was devoted to strenous training, and to gett in g the g irl s into top physica l and mental co ndition to perform at the time of th e meet with abso lute control, co nsistency and optim u m degree of execution. On the last days the warm-up routine was mastered , excess pounds were dieted off, and an attractive sun-tan was ga in ed under the Florida sun, to comp lete an all -around preparation for the Games. The tea m arrived in Ca li, Co lum bia on Jul y 27, Tuesday eve ning, after a p leasant 3Y2 hour f li ght from Miami.

Linda Metheny

The gymnastics compet iti on was held in an attractive modern arena with the seat in g capac ity of 15,000. Thi s building was st ill under construction because spring floods h ad handicapped the workmen .The faci li ties were Reuther mad e and brand new. We were provided with a sufficient amount of equipment. Practice and warm -up for the co mpet ition went smooth ly due to suitab le and flexible schedu li ng . D ifficulties that the teams suffered were: the dressing facilities were un comp leted, the piano was too old, the sound system was too new and untested for the best effects, and on one occasion the rain came in through th e roof form in g pudd les on the floor and wett in g the equipment. Th e two greatest difficu lties were inexperienced meet off icia ls and not enough off icials to prepare for and to admin iste r the meet. The si x teams competed in two "a bility" groups: USA - Canada - Cuba

Mex ico - Bra zil - Panama

Simultaneous ly, two events were judged in each group giving a rest in g o r wa itin g per iod t o each team alternately. Th e six competing teams finished in the fina ls w ith the fo ll owing points: Compulsory 180.05 174.45 176.40 153.40 141.20 136.45

USA C uba Canada Mexico Brazil Panama

Total 363 .30 351.65 351.35 298.85 258.95 253.05

Optional 183.25 177.20 174.95 145.45 117.75 116.60

Individual All Around Scores:

....,,( <II






1. Roxanne Pi erce 2. Linda Metheny 3. Kimberl y Chase 4. Adele Gleaves 5. Lise Arsenault 6. Jen nifer Diachun 7. Viv ian Garcia 8. Miriam Vall ic ian 9. Teresa McDonne ll 10. Nancy Aldama 11. Suzette Blanco 12. Terry Spencer 13. Teresa File cc ia 14. Vicenta Cruzata 15. Nancy McDonne ll 16. Li se Quell e tt e 17. Miche lin e Turcotte 18 . Patr ic ia Ollinger 19. Eneida Le ve n zo n 20. Berenice Arruda 21. Elsa Amezaga 22. Hi lda Amezaga 23. Ana Maria Casas 24. Dayse Lim a 25. Laura Ri vera 26. Maria E. Ramirez 27. Nancy Kusano 28. Xen ia Moreno 29. Rosa Robl es 30. Petra Cheta 31 . Romana Pelozo 32. Elizabeth Kranner 33. Danneris Archibold 34. Zy mira Rodrigu ez 35. Susana Caviglia 36. Aixa Amador


USA USA USA USA Canada Canaqa Cuba Cuba Canada Cuba Cuba USA USA Cuba Canada Canada Canada Mexico Brasi l Brasil Mexico Mexico Mexico Bras il Mexico Mexico Bras il Panam a Panama Panam a Argentina Argentina Pan a ma Panama Argentina Panama





E ... <II




18 .65 18.85 18. 25 18.39 18.00 18.70 17.85 18.80 17.95 18.25 18.40 18.50 18.35 17.95 17.70 18.10 17 .80 17.95 17.35 18.50 17.90 17.75 17.55 18.10 18.30 16.90 17.90 17.90 18.50 17.75 17.55 17.15 17.55 17.50 17.40 17.95 17.50 17.55 17.30 17.65 17.95 17.15 17.20 17.25 17.60 16.35 17.70 17.85 17.75 17.20 17.35 17.20 17.20 16.45 17.60 17.90 17.20 17.25 17.00 17.70 17.30 17.25 16.55 17.55 17.50 17.35 16.70 16.79 16.35 15 .15 15 .10 15.90 15.45 15.65 15 .35 15.55 15.50 15.50 14.20 15.55 15.30 14.25 15.65 15.25 15.50 14.65 14.35 15.45 15.60 14.55 14.00 15.30 14.45 14.00 14.45 15.55 15.05 13.15 14.45 15.00 15 .85 14.20 19.95 15 .05 14.65 13.95 13 .35 13.70 12.30 12.30 13.50 14.20 13.40 11.70 12.85 12.60 13.20 11.20 13 .35 12.55 12.55 11.40 12.80 13.55 14.50 11.45 12.75 11.55 12.20 12.05 13.05 12.60 13.10 10.85 11.90 11.60 12.80 10.50 10.60 12.20 11.15 10.55 10.55 13.35



""" 74 .05 73.35 73.10 72. 10 71 .60 71.30 71.00 70.95 70.40 70.00 69.55 69.50 69.50 69.15 69 .1 5 68.65 68.25 62.50 62.00 60.75 60.45 59.95 59.45 58 .45 57 .65 56.05 55.65 52.30 50.55 50.30 50.30 50.25 49.90 47.45 46.10 45.60

The event scores (Compu lsory and Optional Combined) for the top six competitors: BEAM 1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6.

Kimberly Chase (USA Viv ian Garcia (C uba ) Roxann Pi erce USA) Li nda Metheny(USA) Ade le G leaves (USA) Ter~ Spencer (USA)

BARS 18.55 18.45 18.42 18:42 18.15 18.05

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

19.02 18.70 18.67 18.47 18.35 18.20

1. 2. 3. 3. 3. 6.

HORSE VAULTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Roxanne Pi erce (USA) Mir iam Vallacia n (Cuba) Ade le Gleaves (USA) Kimberly Chase (USA) Vivian Garcia (C uba) Linda Metheny (USA)

Roxanne Pierce (USA) Lind a Metheny (USA) Kimberly Chase (USA) Li se Arsenau lt (Canada) Jennifer Diachun (Ca n) Adele Gleaves (USA)

19.07 18.95 18.42 18.27 17.67 17.62

FLOOR EXERCISE Lin da Metheny (USA) Kimb e rly Chase (USA) Li se Arsenau lt (Ca nad a) Ro xa nn e Pierce (USA) Jennifer D iachun (Can) Adele Gleaves (USA)

18.95 18.80 18.55 18.55 18.55 18.25

Our team performed superbly, earn in g much admiration and app lause from the aud ience in sp ite of the fact t h at they were unmistakeably pro-Latin American in the i r ro oting. The USA flag was raised and our nationa l anthem was p layed over and over since our team was wi nnin g every gold medal in the competition. It was a very rewarding experience to see our attractive, we ll groom ed gymnasts on the w inn ers platform w ith the ir hands on th eir h earts look in g at the f lag with the most meaningful and sincere exp ressions on the i r faces. The leve l of the compet it ion, even in our g roups, resembled a regional co ll eg iate meet, however, the USA team showed polished techniques, and or ig in al risky comb inations executed w ith confide nce and sophisticat ion. Th e Canadia n team had a few attract ive f loor exercises (optional) but the ir work on the other events left much to be desired. The Cuban team was no threat to us in any way. (They were exce ll ent competit ion for the Canad ians.) Th e following is a summary of the Cubans' performance. Floor exercise: weak tumbling, cliche dance combinations. Beam : elementa ry in conte n t. Bars : lacking i n stre ngth for exec ution and in orgina lity as we ll . One of their gymnasts, Vallacian, performed closest to our leve l in vaulting, w inning seco nd p lace. The USA was represented by two jud ges: Mrs. Barbara March and Miss Karen Patoile. Mrs. Sharon Pirkl served as head judge in two events. The team off icia ls were: Miss Mu rie l Grossfe ld, coach; Mrs. Marg it Treiber, manager; Mr. Arthu r M addox, pian ist.


Under the joint sponsorship of the U.S. State Department and the United States Gymnastic Federation , a team of seven men and seven women was sent to Europe this summer for a competitive gymnastic tour. These young gymnasts were to meet the national teams of both Romania and France. The girls' team was selected from the Pan American Game's competition and arrived at Penn State to train before our departure on July 19th from New York to Zurich. Their team consisted of Joan Moore, Janet Cantwell, Barbara Fleming, Kathy Stewart, Margie Pyle, Janet Wright and Jodi Perrisini . The officials were Ruth Ann McBride, Wanda Obradovich and Gail Davis. With the exception of Moore and Cantwell on the womens ' squad, none of the gymnasts have had any prior international experience. This truly made the tour developmental in nature, providing our gymnasts with the kind of competitive exposure mandatory for future progress. We arrived in Bucharest, Romania on July 20th and received a most cordial and warm welcome from the Romanian Gymnastic Federation and people. The competition took place at Constanta on the Black Sea and was very well organized by the officials. Our teams made an excellent effort, despite some sickness but the Romanian women were simply too strong for our young group. (See box scores). Our girls are to be congratulated for their performances - the Romanians were most impressed with them. Upon our return to Bucharest, we provided a demonstration at the Olympic Sports Center in collaboration with the Romanian gymnasts. This event increased the feeling of good will between us and provided an exciting clima x to a fine visit. There is little doubt that we gained considerable knowledge from a gymnastic point of view as a result of the Romanian competition . The Romanian women were particularly impressive. It is of interest to note that the sports center where the demonstration was held is the training site for their national team , and all members of this group reside in Bucharest, as do the coaches. In general, the Romanians were outstanding hosts most willing to please us and increase mutual understanding.

Our next stop was Paris and on to Antibes on the French Rivera . This was a fantastic site for an international competition. The French hop to make Antibes a sport cent of Eu rope and this first gymnastic competition on French soil with the U.S. was seen as an appropriate beginning . An unusual format was utilized for this international event. The boys and girls competed together over a two day period three mens' events and two womens' per day. This seemed to make for greater crowd appeal and the final night (July 29) was a sell-out. The meet was filmed by French TV and shown the first week in August. The press coverage we received in France was very good indeed (every paper, every day) . As the results show (see box scores), our two teams defeated the French in a brilliant meet performance. There were many fine individual efforts but most significant was the team cooperation and overall positive spirit of this young group of gymnasts. Some difficulty was encountered during the women's competition which appeared to be the result of inappropriate judging by the French officials. When Joan Moore received a 9.50 on a flawless floor exercise routine the French audience responded with loud protests reminiscent of the crowd's reaction to Doris Brause's unevens score at the 1966 World Games. Other than th is problem which appeared to be a strong trend in the women's meet portion, the competition was a most favorable experience. Needless to say, the teams were elated and pleased with their victory. One more demonstration was given in France at Mulhouse before we returned to Paris, Zurich and on to the U.S.A. In summation, the European tour was an unequivocal success. Our young people learned a great deal about their gymnastics and began to acquire the kind of experience necessary for their development as world class athletes. One must take this opportu nity to also congratulate them for their friendliness , sportsmanship (under such stress) and general good will. Not a single incident occurred that reflected negatively on the gymnasts' judgement or dignity. They were wonderful representatives of the U.S . and we of the official staff were proud to have been with them in both defeat and victory.


1. Ceampelea (RUM) 38 .50,. 2. Goreac (R UM ) . 38 .20, 3. Paunesc u ( RUM) 37.25, 4. Moore (USA ) 37.20, 5. Grigoras (RUM ) 37.00, 6. Cantwell (USA ) 36.90, 7. Stewart (USA) 36.50, 7. Wright (USA) 36.50, 9. P)1l e (USA) 36.40, 10. Fl e ming (USA) 36.35, 11 . Apatenanu (RUM ) 36 .00, 12. Coman (RUM) 35.80 Team Score: Rumania, 187.45 , United States, 184.05


1. Moore (USA) 37.30, 2. Wright (USA) 36.70, 3. Stewart (USA) 36.05 , 4. Cayre (FRA) 36.05 , 5. Cantwell (USA) 35.80, 6. Tilmont (FRA) 35.45, 7. Smondack (FRA ) 35.40, 8. DeSanti (FRA) 35.20; 9. Peteau (FRA) 34.95, 10. Fleming' (USA) 34.75, 11. Py le (USA) 34.40, 12. Sippel (FRA) 34. 05 Tea m Score: United States, 181.95 , France, 179.60

Kim Chase

Terry Spencer

PRIMING FOR THE PAN-AM GAMES Judy Darwick The girls U. S. A. gymnastics team spent a week in Miami, July 22 through 25, training for the Pan-Am Games under the watchful eye of Muriel Grossfeld, team coach. Greta Treiber from Indiana State University and Dick Mulvihill also assisted the girls in their final preparation before heading south. Along with the many hours of hard work the team, consisting of captain Linda Metheny, Adele Gleaves, Kim Chace, Terri Spencer, Teresa Fileccia, Roxanne Pierce and alternate Karen Schuckman , enjoyed the warm Florida sun and surf. Facilities at the Miami-Dade Junior College, North Campus made an excellent training site and provided an additional able coach in Bruce Davis, Muriel's brother and coach at North Campus. The girls worked 5 to 6 hours nightly perfecting compulsory and optional routines. Pressures to be thoroughly prepared physically and mentally for the coming competition meant full attention to the business at hand . Alapse of memory or sloppy trick on occasions meant 10 extra laps around the free exercise area or an extra 150 leaps. One competitor was heard saying, " You are the meanest coach I know " . Some coaches go all out to correct a skill

Linda Metheny

Gymnastics is growing by leaps and bounds in the South Florida area so some of our gymnasts and coaches were further inspired watching the team and coaches work. The team 's exce llent co nd ition stands as an example to developing gymnasts that hard work geal ly pays . The last night before flying to Cali , Columbia, the girls spent nearly 6 hours polishing compu lsory and optional routines. Near midnight Muriel ca ll ed the girls together to practice th eir team drill wh ich is an exciting warmup routine to musi c lasting about 5 minutes. Though bone weary, the girls gave their all and put on quite an impressive show. Suzy Kinsman, Dad e County All Around Champion from Coral Gables H igh School , was m os t impressed by the tea m ' s condit ioning and e nduran ce. Lau ri e Segal , anoth er outstanding local competitor who is bound for Indiana State University in September, sa id that she was most impressed by their routines. She co ntinu ed, " Their tricks are not that more difficult then those some of us are doing but the differen ce is how they are used in the routines. Each compet itor' s routin e is uniquely her own ."

Roxa nn e Pi erce

Eks tr ab lader Pres<; Ph oto by Morgens Flerger

FROM DENMARK Our friend Kit Kruse, Gymnastic Moderne coach with the University Students Gymnastc Club in Copenhagen, has sent us these beautiful pictures of Mademoiselles from Denmark. Kit has been working on plans for a tour of the eastern United Stes, with a possible side trip to Mexico, hopefully during the latter part of December '71 and early January '72. We don ' t have her final itinerary as yet, but we hope that her plans materialize and that you will be able to see her fine group when they are in your area.

No rdi sk Pr ess Photo by Willy Lund

Photo by Jorn Mortensen

Top Left: KIPS Team - Cindy Eastwood, Gay Wilson, Debbie Fike, Jim Fountaine (Coach), Ra yma Bynrum , Patty Mirtich and Karen Atkins. Top Right: Karen Atkins.Above: Patty Mirtich and Debbie Fike.


The KIPS Gymnastics Team was selected to represent the United States at the Fourth International Juvenile Gymnastic Championships in Mexico City. Competing for the KIPS were Karen Atkins, Rayma Bynum , Cindy Eastwood, Debbie Fike, Patti Mirtich, and Gaye Wilson . They were accompanied by their coach Jim Fountaine, A.A.U. District Chairman Florence Palas, judge Shirley Ruhlman, and myself. We arrived in Mexico City late at night on Thursday, September 23, and were taken by bus to the Casa del Maestro (teachers' hotel) where we lived during our stay in Mexico. The meet was held at the beautiful Sala de Armas -- the site of the 1968 Olympic fencing competition -- with the preliminaries being held on Friday and the finals on Sunday. In addition to the KIPS there were ten teams from Mexico and one from Guatemala. Panama and Cuba were supposed to compete but canceled out at the last minute. We were especially disappointed to learn that Cuba had withdrawn as we had planned to compare our Olympic Compulsory routines with theirs. The meet itself was very well run , and the awards ceremonies were very elaborate and impressive. In the womens' competition, the KI PS took the first place team award with a score of 178.85 points ; the team from Puebla was second with 142.95 points. Outstanding performances were given by

Debbie Fike (first place all around) and Cindy Eastwood (second all around) of the KIPS and by Patricia Ollinger of Mexico. During our free time we visited the Pyramid of the Sun and nearby archeological sites as well as cultural and religious places in Mexico City itself. The people we met were very friendly and always tried to amke us feel welcome . We spoke very little Spanish but somehow the language difference did not seem to be a problem. One of our most enjoyable experiences was trading souvenirs (patches, pins, flags, and uniforms) with the other gymnasts, coaches, spectators, and even custodians! Meet Results:

All Around 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Debb ie Fike Cindy Eastwood Patricia Ollinger Karen Atkins Patricia Garcia Patti Mirtich




35.90 35.60 34.05 33.15 32.75 32.70

ALASKA REPORT by Dale R. Shirley The 49th State gymnastics scene 1971 . Little has been heard from Alaska and what is going on there gymnastically. This writer has just completed his second summer teaching and coaching gymnastics for boys, girls, teachers and coaches in this land of the " midnight sun". Alaska should definitely be counted as among the states progressing rapidly ahead with a growing number of gymnastic enthusiasts. The city of Anchorage has ho sted two Open State Championships for women . The all-around winners were Lorell Harker, a junior at East Anchorage High School; Coach Mrs. ' Babe' Cassel, in 1970, and a young 8th grader at Wendler Junior High School, Tori Haines in 1971 , also coached by Mrs. Babe Cassel. Alaska Methodist University in 1970, and the University of Alaska in Anchorage, in 1971, have offered two summer gymnastic courses. Each was attended by 15-20 gymnastic teachers and coaches. The gymnastic centers of Alaska are Anchorage, Fairbanks and the Kenai Peninsula - an area south of Anchorage, roughly the size of the state of Nebraska. The Kena i Peninsula hosted a two week workshop this summer for near ly 40 gymnasts and a half dozen coaches. This workshop was co ndu cted in the beautiful little town of Homer by Mrs . Li z Johnson and the Homer Public School S.ystem . The major purpose of the workshop was to learn the new U.S.G .F . - D.G.W.S. compulsory routines for women.

As is typical of many states, women's gymnastics is booming. Nearly 15 junior and secondary schools are actively fielding girls gymnastic teams. All the courses, clinics, and workshops are largely attended by girls and women gymnastic teachers and coaches. There is just a smattering of boys competing and only 2 known men coac hes. There are no known dual meets of boys and, of co urse, no state meet for boys but the talent and enthusiasm is there. The problem is finding the coaches. There are other problems. The largest is the size of the state with its months of harsh 00 weather. Some trips for a dual meet average 150 miles over mountain passes cove red with ice and snow. Also, different parts of the state have seasons for gymnastics running and competing at differenct times. The competition is not yet directed by a state association, nor is there a gymnastic coaches association. Regardless, gymnastic enthusiasm runs high. This coming year should see an enlarged state meet, the formation of a coaches association and there is talk of their first gym camp. Several of the top girls will be traveling down to the " Lower 48" for several invitationals, and, perhaps, for some national competition. With the leadership of Mrs. Cassel, Terry Thomask of the USGF and the lohnsons in Homer great things will be forthcoming from the United States largest state. This writer is looking forward to returning and helping some of the great talent he saw emerge there the past two summers. Alaska 's three top gym na sts posing on the edge of Cook 's Inlet near Homer, Alaska. Left - Tori Haines, 13 Alaska State C hamp ion Right - Donn a Karlin g, 14 Firb anks Inv itation al Champion Bottom - Kerry Frick, 13 Alaska Junio r Champion. Tori was rece ntl y featured in sports illustrated for w innin g the Alaska State Championship at the young age of 13 years o ld. Tori is from Anchorage .

Above: Marialice Carter and Students Above: Compe titiv e members of th e Mademoisell e Gym Club. Front to Back: Teresa Howe ll ,9; Mary M aloy, 12; Barbara Reid , 10; Doroth y Carte r, 13; Te rri Tillm a n, 13. Below : Pre school thru tee nage pro g ram. Left-Joni Sh aw, 8. Right-Sh awn Sha w, 4. Front-Te resa How e ll ,9. Back-Dorothy Ca rte r, 13. Photo by M rs. W.H. Brannan , P.c. News Hera ld

MADEMOISELLE GYM CLUB Panama City, Florida Marialice Carter, owner/director

Marialice Carter has several years experience as performer with both the Memphis Civic Ballet Col , the Arkansas State Ballet Co ., and the Baton Rouge Ballet Theatre . She and her husband Ronald have done extensive coaching and for several years conducted the Panama City Tumblers program in Florida . Mrs. Carter is a talented artist and will be contributing to our future editions.

OBJECTIVES AND PURPOSE of the MADEMOISELLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

GYM CLUB To discover gymnastics potential in youngsters and develop it. To condition the body and sustain physical well-being. To create a well-trained athelete. To stress the use of the mental capacities as well as the physical. To enrich the personality and traits of the individual. To provide situations which require teamwork and good-sportsma nsh ip . To have fun while never losing the atmosphere of good discipline . To compete and perform whenever and where ever possible . To learn and comprehend all facets of gymnastics . To help educate others by sharing our understanding and knowledge of gymnastics . To perpetuate a program with an emphasis on quality not quantity.

RESULTS 1971 SANTA MONICA GYMFEST Floor Exercise: Gay Wilson, 8.65 and Paddy M irtich , 8.65 ; Cindy Eastwood, 8.15 ; Dar iece Easterly, 8.0. Vaulting: Kelly McCormick, 7.95; Denise Kanich , 7.75; Kathy jones, 7.3; j. Prestinin , 7.0. Balance Beam: Kyle Gaynor, 9.45; Cindy Eastwood , 8.15; Kar in Atk in s, 8.1 ; Ga y Wilson , 7.95. Uneven Bars: Gayle Wycoff, 8.7; Gay Wilson, 8.65; Karin Atkins, 8.4; joanna Fields, 7.8.

~5>" l.I ! ! :' I!

_ ! t I

All Around Scores:

Gay Wilson Karin Atk ins Cindy Eastwood Paddy Mirtich

8.65 7.90 8.15 8.65


7.95 8.10 8.15 6.20

8.65 8.40 7.10 7.30

25.25 24.40 23.40 22.15


















" V" SIT


MAT DRILL FOR PHYSICAL EOUCATION GYMNASTIC CLASSES by Don Tonry, Coach of Gymnastics, Yale University The mat exercises that genera ll y precede physical education gymnastics classes are often considered the basis of the entire gy mn ast ics teaching unit. It is the one area of gymnast ics instruction that teaches the entire class the same movement at the same time. In othe r units of instruction standa rd calisthe ni cs exercises are genera ll y used to achieve somewhat the same purpose; however, gene ral cal isthenics are not designed to teach sk ills included in the ensu ing unit. For instance, mat drill give the instructor the opportunity to introduce basic body positions, specific flexibility movements and tumbling skills. Almost without exception, mat drill movements are directly related to gymnastics sk ill s on th e floor and/or on the apparatus. What is Mat Drill? Mat drill consists of a series of progressive movements, skills o r exercises that are directly related to gymnastics act ivit y. How does mat drill differ from the typical calisthenics exercises that are most often used by physical educators? The mat drill requires a greater var iety of body positions; it is gea red toward the eventua l performance of spec ifi c gymnastic ski ll s and encourages a greater degree of balance, flexibility a nd coord in ation . Every movement may be conside red as a preliminary step toward a specific skill, rathe r than arbitrary exercise for general wa rm-up and cond iti oning. Conditioning and warm -up are inherent within the acti vity. How does the physical educator learn to teach the mat drill ? The instructor that has a background in tumbling wi ll have very littl e difficulty breaking down sk ills into basic movement and developing his or her logical patterns. The inst ru ctor that lacks this knowledge may partially substitute his or her knowledge of ca listhenics or dance. 1. Attempt to incorporate some of the movements that are described in this articl e as part of your sta nd ard warm-up procedure 2. Recognize the potential of the new movement. Attempt to understand the var iou s methods of getting into and out of the moveme nt. 3. Practice some of th ese ski ll s before presenting them to a class. 4. Consider breaking down each movement into genera l catego ri es such as: agility, flexibility, balance and rolling skills. The following is a partial list for yo ur consideration. AGILITY - Skills or movements that require a fast response and plenty of act io n. STANDING Jump Tucks Straddle Jumps Piked Jump Broad Jump Backward Broad Jump Jump with 1/2 Turn Jump with 1/ 1 Turn SQUATTING, SITTING, ROLLING, SUPPORTING Straight Sitting and Tuck Tuck Rolling Forward and Backward Forwa rd Roll Forward Shoulder Roll Backward Roll Front Support 112 Turn to Rear Support Front Support Squat to Stand Front Support Squat to Si t Front Support Squat to Rear Support Front Stoop to Stand Front Support Stoop to Sit Front Support Stoop to Rear Support Front Support Flank to Rear Support Front Support Straddle to Stradd le Stand Rear Support 112 Turn to Front Support Single Leg Circles Single Leg Circles to Straddle Stand Single Leg Circles to Piked Stand FLEXIBILITY - Skills or movements that require the performer to stretc h various muscle groups in orde r to in crease range of motion. STANDING Stand with Arms Held Directly Over Head Jump Straddle Toe Touch Jump Piked Toe Touch Piked Stand with Back Hori zo ntal Piked Stand with Face on Knees Straddle Stand as Wide as Possible Spl it on Both Sides Stand and Lowe r Backward to Bridge

SITTING, SU P PDRTING, ETC_ "V" Sit Sitting Wide Straddle with Chest on Left Thigh Sitting Wide Str addle with Chest on Right Thigh Sitting Wide Stradd le with Chest o n Floor Straigh t Sittingvvith Upper Body Vertical Kip Position on Shoulders Bridge Kip to Bridge Stand from Brid ge Bridge with On e Leg Held High in Front Sit with Knees Bent and Reac h Backwa rds to Bridge BALANCE - Ski lis that require stat ic positions to be held for short periods of time with body parts in specific ali gnment. STANDING Stand with Feet Together and Arms at Sides Stand with Feet Together and Arms o ut to sides Stand with Feet Together and Arms over head Jump upward a nd stand Jum p forward alnd stand Jump backwardl and sta nd Jump tuck a n d stand Sideward sci ae Forward sca ~ e Jump from two feet to one foot and balance Leap from 0 ne foot to one foot and balance Note: Sideward landings are discouraged because of possible damage to the kn ee joirn t. SITTING, knEeling, inverted support etc. (tv" Sit Shoulder Stand Kip Position Extended Ki p P'osition Knee scale w ith hands Knee sca le with out hands Knee elbow he adstand Knee e lbow hill ndstand Two e lbow leve r Heads tand (with spotters) Yoga headst and (with spotters) Handstand ( on wall and /or with spotters) ROLLING - Skii lls o r movements that req uir e a rollin g action in any direction on t~ e front or back. STANDING Forw a rd rol l too squ at sta nd Forward rol l too stradd le stand Backward ro ll t o squat stand backward ro ll tt o stradd le stand Forward sho ulder roll Backward shol.l lder ro ll SITTING, RESTING, SUPPORTING ETL Back rolling: in tuck position Back roll ing in tuck to knee and foot stand Back roll in g in tuck-forward to st raddl e stand Back roll in g in tuck-backward roll to sta nd Back roll in g in tuck-backward roll to straddle sta nd Back .roll ing in tuck-backward to should e r ro ll Back roll in g in tuck-shoot backward to front support Chest ro llin g Chest rollin g po ush to squat stand Conclusi()n: St art every gymnastics class with a mat drill. The mat drill sho uld serve a> a warm-up and teach the basic tumbling and balanCing sequences t ha t the inst ru ctor will re quire the st ud e nts of lea rn . The material presented here is only a brief example of some of the e lements that the matt dr ill may co ntain . The instructor shou ld make up his or her ow n sequence5 in order to le ngthen and add var iety to this section of the prognm .A.ttempt to avoid the standard physical education training exe rcises u nle ss they are directly re lated to th e performance of gym nast ics ski l ls. Generally, the stude nts will find this sect ion of the program very" enjoyable providing the instru ctor demonstrates ent hu siasm an<l requires a fast response to com mands.

• III.ustratiolll for this art icl e are from booklet: Basic Gymnastics for the Girls al1d B ~ys Physical Education Instructor, Gymnastic Aides, Northbl'idJge, Mass.

Jrelen: C orner





o Fig. 1

When executing this move, there is very little room for inconsistencies of arm throw, lift of body, arching the back etc. It is best to practice th is tr ick on the " low level " first to perfect the " blind grasp" of the LB. Lower the uneven LB as far as it w ill go. Pile up mats in front of the LB so that the spread between the top mat and LB is the " exact" official FIG spread. Then draw a line across the mat to represent the LB-the bar you will be attempting to catch . This line shou ld be at the "exact " width you normally use when performing on the bars. It is IMPORTANT that the spread and width m easurements be exact for this preparation practic e. Take the starting position sitting on the LB with your back facing t he line on the mat. Throw back (similar to throwing back for a back handspring), with BOTH hands landing on the line. The spotter stands on the m at between th e lin e and LB and

Fig. 2



Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig 1 & 2. From a rearsupport on HB facing out (sit on bar), throw arms upward and backwar.d, head back Fig 3. Quickly extend the body lifting the stomach upwards and arching the back Fig 4. Land in a handstand position on the LB

ass ists o~ly is performer needs assistance for a safe landing. The spotter shou ld NOT assist in trying to make the performers hands land on the line. This must be perfected by the performer. When your hands "always" land on the lin e, then you are ready to try it at the high level. When practicing this trick at the high er leve l, it is advisable to use an overhead rig until the trick has really been ma stered.

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An important requirement in the execution of MODERN GYMNASTICS is Central Body Movement, body waves forward, rearward and sideward, with accompanying arm movements, all with maxi mum amplification and expression. Mrs. Maria Bakos specializes in this phase of gymnastics. Her manual and music consist of her own system of floor stretches, and allover body preparatory work including center floor and barre technique. She is an excellent teacher with original teaching methods perfected by herself. Maria Bakos was graduated with honors by the National Eurhythmics Teachers Training College in Hungary in 1949. She opened her own private dance school which later became a state supported school teaching modern gymnastics. In 1960 she graduated from the Hungarian State Ballet Academy. She became senior coach and choreographer for the Hungarian National Dance Team for the International Dance Competition in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1965, also the Bulgarian Competition held in Sofia in 1967. In both World Competitions Mrs. Bakos' students performed and were awarded first prizes. Later Mrs. Bakos became coach for the Hungarian Modern Gymnastics team and now devotes all of her time to this new trend. This is only a fraction of the educational and. experience background of Mrs. Bakos before coming to the United States as visiting professor about a year ago. This album together with Mrs. Bakos' Manual should be of considerable assistance to teachers of Modern Gymnastics as well as to those teachers and gymnasts who are interested in artistic gymnastics. Mildred Prchal, Chairman of Modern Gymnastics of United States Gymnastics Federation. 1&'


1 -12" 33 % Album and Manual- $7.95 This record contains sixteen bands of music of different rhythms and tempos recorded to accompany the exercises for Central Body Movements and Body Waves as illustrated in the manual by Maria Bakos.






Directed by Maria Bakos

1 -12" 33 V3 Album and Manual- $7.95 This record contains sixteen bands of music of different rhythms and tempos to accompany the dance combinations as illustrated in the manual by Maria Bakos.




UPPER BACK FLEXIBILITY ...... HOW IT CAN BE DEVELOPED by Renee P. Hendershott Upper back and shoulder flexibility is a real problem to many gymnasts. Flexibility in this area is not present in many persons, but can be developed with daily stretching . Persons who do not posess this quality over bend in their lower back (which is naturally flexible in most persons) to compensate for the lack of flexibility in the upper back . This puts an unnecessary and injurious strain on the lower back and should be corrected in the very beginning of the gymnast's training. The gymnast who does not possess this flexibility will have to work on it daily. It is hard to attain and is one of the 1st places to stiffen up when not being worked on.

j D...






Head is not leading back

rounded shoulders



.. S'ggio, book

\..) I( ~ l.J

Arms usuall.v \ \ straddle_ d J jand bent Hands not under 2. shoulders ;




1. This is how a person who la cks uper back flexibility starts into a backbend.





This is what the backbend looks like. Note that the shoulders are not directly over the wrists.


/ />'

. . ...

/ ;..~) :..-

#10012 ::1 •


Anyone can achieve the Scandinavian look with these latest imports from Denmark . Leotards and warm-ups in all sizes and colors . Sizes to fit 2-6 year olds, also avai lable on special order. Send for our Brochure . Order from ... SCANDI SPORTSWEAR 1406 Pacific Ave. Venice, Calif. 90291


Head must lead back . Upper back should be first to bend . 5. 3. To avoid a fall , keep the hips To begin with, the posture must pulled tightly together, abdomin be good. Back straight . . pulled in and thigh pulled up and shoulders down ... tight.


- shoulders over hands

~] ------4 :

.arms straight and not straddled







Fig. #7 shows how the gymnast can work by self to stretch the upper back and shoulder region. The gymnast does a push up backbend and then pushes the legs straight so that the shoulders are forced back over the wrists. The arms must be KEPT STRAIGHT and not allowed to straddle. (They should be under the shoulders . . . not out to the side)

There are a number of exercises which can be done with partners. The most effective one is pictured below in Fig. #8. The partner gets on knees over the gymnasts back . The knees should be placed next to the lower border to the Scapula . This position is marked in Fig. #9. Place the hands between elbow and shoulder and exert a steady strong pull upward on the arms. Do not allow the whole back to bend . When you feel the back coming up as you stretch, press in with your knees to prevent this. Hold 6 counts, then lower arms to floor and rest 4 counts. Repeat 5 times before acrobactic warmups. Do not cause great pain in shoulders. You will feel the gymnast tighten up and pull against you slightly when you are stretching up enough. Do not go past this point. You will find that the stopping point becomes higher with each stretch. DO NOT FORCE.


--" ,_ "



8. 9.

Th is is the position the gymnast is wor.king to attain. Notice that the helper's knees are in a position to prevent the lower back from arching during the stretch of the upper back and shoulders.





" " \, '. ,


'. - -

\. \

Place knees at X

Th e gymnast who ca n only be stretched to position ' A has a flexib ility problem. The gymnast who ca n only be stretched to B upon 1st attempt will ha ve no problem is he or she stretches every day.


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_ _ --.J


BOOK REVIEW A TRY AT TUMBLING by Dorothy Fren ch (Fiction) Phila . : Lippencott, 1970

$4.95 Note: Th e fo ll ow in g rev iew is submitt ed by two Jr. Hi gh Sch ool girl s, Bet sy Barre tt and Paul a Freder ick, bot h of w ho m have rea d and ve ry muc h e njoye d A Try At Tumbling. It is an exce lle nt boo k fo r girl s of Jr. H igh Schoo l age and is t he o nl y ficti ona l boo k w e know abou t i n th e gym nas ti c area . Go th girl s are in a loca l Supe ri o r gym nast ic prog ram .

CREATIVE GYMNASTICS MODERN by Gretchen Sunderland Dowsing (Gymnastics Coach, Cal. State Long Beach) Long ri bb o ns are po pu lar w ith girl s of all ages. Th ey find it fun to tr y th e endl ess va ri ati o ns o f des igns th at r ib bo ns can m ake, and th e bri gh t, sw irlin g co lo rs o f th e sil k are b ea u tiful and excit in g! O ffi c ia l rib bo ns are ve ry lo ng (19-23 ft.) and q uit e ex pen sive , but un of fi c ial o nes ca n b e m ad e by att ac hin g bl an ke t bindin g to a sma ll wood en d owe l (f ro m a lu m be r ya rd) o r a b am boo po le. Ju st dr ill a ho le t hro ugh th e en d of th e p o le and att ach th e ri bbon to it wit h fi shin g li ne W hen th e g irls fi rst start o ut w ith ribb o ns, have th em tr y th ese suggesti o ns (accompa ni ed by ap prop ri ate mu sic): 1. W ho ca n k ee p the ri bbon mov i ng an d o ff th e fl oo r? 2. Ca n yo u make c ircl es wi th th e ri bbo n ? Sm all o nes? Large o n es? 3. Try to fo rm a fi gu re 8 w ith th e ribbo n. 4. Who ca n make a d ifferent shape w ith t he ri bbo n ? 5. W ho ca n li e dow n and still kee p th e ribb o n movin g? Remin d th e g irl s t o use th e w h o le body in a fl ow ing m o ti o n w ith the ri bbo n. Mov in g too fast o r in a j erk y fas hi o n w ill ca use th rib bo n to snap . Wh e n yo ur stu de nts have suffi cient contro l o f th e ribb o n, h ave th em tr y m ov in g p att ern s: 1. Ca n yo u ski p and st i ll keep th e r ib bo n movin g? Slid e? Run ? 2. See w h at pa tt ern s yo u ca n mak e if yo u run backwa rd and t rail th e ri b bo n in fro nt o f yo u. 3. Le t's see if yo u ca n lea p w hil e yo u circle th e ribb o n . Ca n anyo ne leap thr oug h it? 4. C;J n yo u sp i n o r turn aro und and m ake d esig ns w ith th e ribb o ns? 5. Try co mbin ing two o f th e above m ove m ents. As soon as t he girl s are rea d y, try teac hin g th em a sho rt ro utin e se t to mu sic, o r, prefe rabl y, give th em a few m eas ures o f mu sic and have th em c rea te a routin e to it. Di vid e th em into sm all g ro ups to wo rk , and m ake sure you en co urage an y o ri gi nal id eas. Ask fo r a sh o rt, si mpl e ro utin e at first o r th e girl s may beco me co n fused and d isco uraged. C h oose so me of th e ro utin es th at loo k good and ha ve th em d em o nst rated . Co mm ent o n goo d t ec hniqu e o r new id eas . Yo u 'll find th at girl s from elemen tary to co ll ege age w ill enj oy thi s ac ti vi ty im me n se ly. Th ey t end to be less se lf- co n sc io us of th eir b od y m ove m ent wh e n th ey are co nce ntratin g o n th e ribb o n, th erefo re, th ey b eg in to relax and rea il y h ave fun w it h it!

W he n we fir st b ega n to rea d thi s sto ry we go t th e impress io n th at it was go in g to be d ull and uad . But th at was o nl y th e first C hap ter. A s we continu ed rea din g our th o u ghts c han ged and we beca me part o f t he sto ry! Wh y? W e are th e sam e age as th e gir l (Ma rdi ) w ho is t he lea din g character. W e bo th e nj oy doin g gy mn as ti cs and we tr y o ur ve ry bes t. Th e sto ry is ve ry sin cere, hap p y and to uching. Th e auth o r, D o ro(hy French, mu st have kn ow n how gir ls o ur age fee l abo ut gy mn as ti c. No o th er sto ri es we have rea d have b ee n ju st as thi s o ne. It ' s rea ll y a nea t b oo k and we ju st love it. (Fro m t he jac ket ... ) " The w in ds hi eld w ipers j erk ed bac k and fo rth , clac kin g out a m essage: 'A ll alon e, 'all alon e ' In the w o rld .' Ma rdi p ressed her hand s to he r ea rs, but sh e co uldn ' t shut it o ut. Her g randm o th er was d ea d and now a we lfare w o rk er w as tak in g he r to a fos te r h o m e ... Mi ss Eva Eva nsby, a middl e-aged spin ster, li ve d in a large ho use w ith a Si am ese ca t ca ll ed He r M ajes ty. Mi ss Evan sby su p po rt ed h erse lf m akin g jewe lry and see med t o have littl e tim e fo r M ardi . It was a lo n ely life fo r a twel ve yea r old girl , until she met th e kids dow n th e block - Co rn y and hi s sist er Pi ckles. Th ey we re in th eir ya rd tumblin g o n m ats and M ardi was fasc in at ed b y th e tri cks they co uld d o . Sh e thou ght sh e mi ght be abl e to d o som e o f th em she co ul d . ..

and so

Her new fri ends b elo nged to th e YMCA gymnasti cs te<;l m and fr o m the mo me nt she wa lk ed into th e gy mna sium Mardi wa nted to belo ng, and she esp ecia ll y wa ntedto b e good on th e ba lance b ea m . It to o k a lo t of hard w ork - a lo t of bumps and br ui ses but fin all y Mardi m ade a pl ace for herse lf o n th e tea m . St range ly e no u gh, at th e sa m e time sh e m ad e a pl ace fo r herse lf in a rea l ' ho m e,' w here sh e be lon ged and wa s need ed ."

Find o ut wh at happ ens to M ardi . W e sin ce rely reco mme nd thi s book t o all girls o ur age and w e kn o w th at th ey will e njoy it as mu ch as w e did . Betsy Barre tt and Paul a Frederi ck 8th Grad e, Superi o r Ca th edral Jr. Hi gh Schoo l, Superior, Wi sco nsin.

letters INFORMATION PLEASE! CODE OF POINTS Dear Mad emoi sell e: I am a ph ys . ed. major in N .Y. (H erb ert Ft. Lehm an Co llege) How ever, I wou ld lik e to transfe r to eith er Texas o r Ari zon a. Do yo u ha ve any listings on co lleges in th ose areas w hi ch are stron g in gymn as ti cs ? I w ou ld appreciate any info rm at ion yo u ca n prov id e. Th ank ing yo u,

Rose mary St anfi eld Bro nx, N.Y. Dear Sir: Wou ld it be possible in one of your iss u es to in clu de a li st of uni ve rsiti es in th e U .S . (prefera b ly in th e mid west) w hich have goo d gymn as ti cs coaches and tea ms. I am a se nior in hi gh sc hoo l and I wo uld lik e to go to a co ll ege w here a gymn as ti cs tea m is es tab li shed .

Dea r Sir: If yo u have any info rm ati o n o n new publi ca ti o ns in th e field of wo men' s gy mn as ti cs and j udg in g I wo ul d appr eciate it. Th an k yo u,

M iss M ary E. Du guin ED: ew wo men ' s Co de of Po in ts is now ava ilabl e throu gh th e USGF o ffi ce in Tu cso n, A ri zo na.

NOTICE... 1972 Women's Compulsories are n ow ava il ab le thro ugh M r. Fran k Bare of th e USG F o ffi ce in Tu cso n, Ar izo na.

Sin ce rely yo urs, Su e Hall stro m Om aha, N ebras k a 68144 ED: Se nd for a copy of Margit Tr eiber's Co ll eg iate Direc tory. Price: $2.00 and .25 cent s for p os tage and handlin g. Send to: Mrs. M. Treiber, Indiana State University, Women's Physical Education Dept., Terre H aute, IN 47809.


PAN-AM REPORT PICS Dea r M ad emoi sell e : En closed are pi ctures and d esc ripti o n o f th e Pan-A m Gam es tr ainin g site in M iami. Thou ght yo u mi ght be abl e to use th em in M ll e. Gymn as t. I have ce rt ainl y enjoyed Mll e. Gymn as t and find it ext rem ely in for mati ve. Keep up th e go o d wo rk . Sin ce rely;

. )

Ju dy Darwi ck (Mrs. Fred ) Teacher and Co ach , Cora l Gab les Sr. Hi gh ED: See Pan-Am Report




Dea r Editor I no ted you r editor ial r emark abo ut rea din g, rath er th an lo o kin g. Bo th are necessary but so me o f us don ' t kno w w hat we' re read in g about or lookin g at. In May-June 1971, to p o f seco nd column , page 25 co nce rnin g un eve ns. I th in k I ha ve dop ed out on tw o di smount s, but Ju dy Putn am' s mount still esca pes m e. I guess more of your rea d ers und erstand thi s ve rbal shorth and but H elen Sjur se n co uld pin it do w n w ith h er fin e sti ck fi gures. Sh e is reall y go o d at teaching. I' d far rath er see h er descr ibe n ew mo ves th an look at e ndless gro up ph o to s of mee t w inn ers. Dr. Massim o's arti cle sho u ld be rea d and rerea d. Every po in t he makes about th e Russian Girl s' hard wo rk , rep etiti o n, d etermin ation , concentrat ion and appea rance should sink in. Th e ph o to s of o ur girl s in acti o n d o n ' t tell us w hat the y are d o in g (I w ish th ey did ) but th ey d o show un sureness and strain s. Th ey also show that th eir perso nal app ea ran ce need s sharpening . Dark leot ard s would lesse n their rump led appea ran ce and low pumps wo uld no t lo o k as if th ey we re pro tectin g th eir fee t from fro st bit e. Edw ard W. Bailey Bennin gton , VT.

LADIES' GYMNASTIC SHOES ST YLE Ii TL-4 An e x tre me ly fl ex ibl e snug-fitt in g s ho e w ith w hite ny lon jer s e y u pper . Prov ides excellent t oe po i nt during comp eti t io n. F oo t openin g is encased wi th elastic to as sure a s nug fi t for comfort , w ear and ap p earanc e. Leather s ole is s l i p-free . Worn by man y top internation a l comp e t it o rs.

$2.25 pro Ppd.

SIZES: 1 - 9

1971 ALL-JAPAN JR- BOYS AND GIRLS GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS Super 8 lilm - in color A ll comp etitors range fro m hi gh sc ho o lers up to co ll eg~ sophomores but no t excee din g 20 yea rs of age. See M r. KOJi Kaji ya ma, Na ti o nal Hi gh Schoo l Cham p io n, in ac ti o n. A lso, see Mi ss Toshi ko M iya m o to , a hi gh sc hool .gymn as t w innin g th e all- aroun d titl e. In cl ud ed In th e girl s film are th e up-a nd-co min g Ko rea ns p erfo rmin g on th e balance b ea m and fl o or exe rcise durin g t he 1st As ian Gymn as tics Ch ampion ship s held in Tokyo on A ugust 21-22, 1971. Boy's Girl' s

;;18 #19

394 ft . 324 It.

$3 0.00 $26.00



21st ANNUAL NATIONAL GYMNASTICS CLINIC INC Sa rasota , Florida December 25-30 1971 SOME OF OUR OUTSTANDING STAFF: • Dr. Newton C. Loken • Dr. Anthony Ricciardi • George Szpula • Fred Orlofsky • Frank Wells • James Culhane. Vince D'Autorio • Jeff Hennessy • EddieCole· RonMunn. Rick Wells. PatSignorelli • Judi Ford. Frank Cumiskey. George Nissen. Bill Roetzheim • Mike Jacobson. Bob Cargill. Charles DuB ois. Bruno Klaus. FEATUR ES OF OUR PROGRAM FOR 1971 • Night of the Sta rs • Nationa l Gymnastic Clinic Championships . Annual North vs. South Meet. Junior Meet for Boys and Girls. National AAU Invitation al MidWinter Trampol ine Championships Men and Women • Trampol ine Championsh ip -All Age Groups. Nation al Spaceball Tournament • Ch ildrens's Instructional Program. Discussion'· I nterpretation -Demon stration of 1972 Olympic Game Compul sories . Apparatus Set Up Indoors and Outdoors at New Roberts Spo rts Arena • Three Complete Sets of New Nissen and American Equipment. Including Safety Belts and Soft Landing Mats • Senior Instruction at All Levels . Film Highlights of Outstand ing Gymnastics . Beach Workout at Siesta Key and Lido Beach. Demonstration and Lectures by the Outstanding Staff previously mentioned. RATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: INDIVIDUAL - $20.00 FAMILY (Man and Wife) - $30.00 (plus $10_00 for each student under 12 yrs. old) COACHES - Paying for 6 or more team member - coaches no fee For registration write to: NATIONAL GYMNASTIC CLINICS INC. Rick Wells, Registrar 406 Roliingsgate Apt. C-1 Andulusia , Pennsylvania 19020

OREGON CHR ISTMAS CLIN IC December 27,28,29, 1971 Sponsored by Oregon Gymnastics Association (Eugene, Oregon) CLINIC DIRECTOR: Bill Ballester, University of Oregon Gymnastics Team. MEN'S CHAIRMAN: Jim Hardin Featured Staff: • Bill Ballester, University of Oregon, former NHSGCA President • Bo Bennett, British Columbia, former Un iversity of Washington gymnast • Rich Chew, Illinois High School Coach, Top Illinois coach • Gordon Maddox, Los Angeles State College, Voice of Wide World of Sports·-gymnastics • Paul Mayer, Ball State University (Indiana), National Champion • Makoto Sakamoto, University of Oregon, Olympian • Hiromichi Sano, Un iversity of Oregon, Nippon College, Japan • plus many more outstandi ng high school and un iversity coaches. WOMEN'S CHAIRMAN: Sh irley Veeck Featured Staff: • Linda Metheny, Olympian • Dick Mulvihill, Olympic Coach • Marta Klinovsky, Member of Czechoslovakian National Team • John Herb, Hungarian National Coach • Dale Sh irley, Seattle Y • Joyce Tanac, Olym pian • Launa Woodard, National level competitor • plus many more outstanding top high sc hool and college coac hes Spend your Christmas vacation in the beautiful Pac ific·No rthwest with your friends. For further information write to: Bill Ballester, Gymnastics Coach University of Oregon McArthur Court Eugene, Oregon 97403

SOUTHERN CALIFORN IA WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS CLINIC at Ca l Sta te Lon g Beach Dec. 26-30 in stru ction in all O ly mpic ev ents and modern gymna stics in structor s: Wend y Cluff - 1968 O lympian Mad e le in e Cr att y - Finni sh Modern G ymna st orbert Dill Wo rl d G y m w heel Champ ion Su zanne Abston - Da nce specia li st and form e r N ationa l Comp e titor plu s 20 other coache s and instructors Fee: $20 For furthe r in fo rm at io n co nt act: Gretchen Dowsing Gymnastic COACH Cal State Lon g Beach Long Beach, Calirornia

December 26·30, Fourth Annual Texas High School GymnastiCS Clinic at Reagen High Sc hool· Austin, Texas. Head clinicians will be, for the men JoeGialiombardo, and for the women, Avis Tieber. There will be 25 clinicians in all. The fee will be $12.50 advance registration and $15.00 at the door. Equipment will be furnished by Nissen Corporation of Cedar Rpaids, Iowa. For more information write: Brian W. Schenk, John H. Reagan High Sc hool, 7400 Berkman rive, Austin, Texas 78752

7th Annual Eastern Gymnastics Clinic - Fort Lauderdale Florida, December 26 -30 . For i nformation w rite: Mr. Dick Holzaepfe l, Room 201 , Ath le tic Office Bldg. , Un iversit y of Iowa , Iowa Cit y, Iowa 52240. Fee : $35.00. Sacramento State Christmas Clinic Sacramento State Co ll ege, Decemb e r 26-30. For in formation wr i te: Kath y Sh e ll y, Wom en 's Ph ys ical Education D ept. , Sacrame nto Stat e Co ll eg e, Sacramento, Ca lifm 21st Annual National Gymnastics Clinic Sar so ta Florida , December 25-30 . For in formation w rit e : at iona l G y mna sti cs CCli ni c, In c., Ri ck We lls, Regi strar, 406 Rollin gsg ate apt. c- l , A ndulu sia, Penn sy lv ania 19020. Tu cson Clinic - Tucson Ar i zona , December 26-30. For in fo rm ation w rite: Jeff Bennon , Me n 's Phys ica l Education Dept. , U ni v ersit y of Arizo n a, Tu cso n Ar izona. Eastside YMCA Christma s Clinic - Seatt le, Wa shin gton . Texas H ,S. Clinic - Regan H .S.-Au stin , Te xas , December 26- 30 . Fo r information wr itE': Br ian W. Schenk , Jo hn H . Regan H. S. , 7400 Berkman Dri ve, Austin, Te xas 78752. Fee: $12.50 in ad vance and $15.00 at the door. Oregon Christmas Clinic - Eugene Oregon , December 27,28,29. For inf o rm ation write : Bill Ballester, Un ivers it y of Or egon , McArth ur Court , Eugene Oregon 97403. Southern California Women's Gymnastics Clinic - Ca l Sta te Long Beach , December 26 -30. For information write: Gre tchen Dowsing , Gymnastics Coach, Ca l State Lo n g Beach, Long Beach , Ca li f. Fee: $20.00. EASTERN GYMNASTICS CLINIC Fort Lauderdale, Florida December 26 through 30, 1971 Holiday Park Recreation Center • Gmnastics instruction at ali levels--both boys and girls • Coaching and Plysical Education Instructor's classes • Judging classes College Cred it:

420 Shenango Rood Bea ve r Falls ,- PA 15010 Chippewa Townshop 412 846·7078 ALL GYMNASTIC. NEEDS Serving Pittsburgh and Tri-State Area. 30 Years Experience

BASIC SYSTEMS (charts with teaching manual) Girls (6) ........................... $ 8.00 Bays (8) . .... ..................... 10.00 1.50 P. E. Instructor's Manual only .. _ _ Bays _ _ Girls CHARTS 6.00 Int. Parallel Bars (5) . 4.00 Int. Rings (3) ........... ....... . 3.00 Basic to Int. Side Horse (2). Basic to Advanced Tu mbling (4) 5.00 6.00 Int. Uneven Parallel Bar (5) . 5.00 Advanced Parallel Bar (4) .. 4.00 Advanced Rings (3) . 4.00 Girls' Competitive Va ultinq . Basic to Advanced Horizonta l Bar(6) 8.00

gymnastic aides BOX 475 NORTHBRIDGE, MASS

I hour of credit at graduate level. University of Iowa 27: 132 Advanced Theory and Technique of Gymnastics Fee: $30.00 Clinic Headquarters--Cotton Tail Motel on Sunrise Clinic Fee··$35.00 per person For more informatio'n wiite: Dick Holzaepfel Room 210 AOB Uuniversity of Iowa Iowa CITY ' Iowa 52240

BOOKLETS The Side Horse. . ... ............ 3.00 AIDS Meet Ad ve rtising Posters. 1.00 _ _ Girls _ _ Boys Scoring Kits ......... . ........... . 1.50 _ _ Boys _ _ Girls Handguards ........... . .. . . . . . 1.95 _Sm _ Med _ Lge Duffle Bag . . .... ..... 2.50 Travel Bag ..... . .. .... .. . . ...... 4.95 TOTAL $

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TRAINING AIDS FROM .... Reuther Board Pad We h ave design ed and m a nufactured the ONL Y Reuther Bo ard PAD which can be installed in seconds by anybody-girls, boys, men or women! With our unique attachment design, there is no need to lift the heavy reuther board off the floor to install our pad . Thi s pad helps prevent stone bruises and shin splints and thereby a llows the vaulter longer and safer practice periods. Th e Y, inch filler is covered with red Powerhyde a'n d has a grey, non ·skid material on the proper take·off area. The Reuther Board Pad fits a ll types of boards and has been adapted by the H.S.A .A . Committee for high school competition.


Model A·172 (Delivered)

Reuther Board Pad constructed with 1 Yo inch Ethafoam padding to meet N.C .A.A . competition specifications.


Spotting Table A table designed to perm it the teacher to be close to his students while instructing on any apparatus. Padded with Ethafoam and covered with Powerhyde for complete safety and durability. A great spotting and training aid for all gymnasts-instructor or student! Constructed of the finest materials with steel tubing legs. • Adjustable in height from 30 to 40 inches. • Top measures 30 by 48 inches. • Attractive choice of colors: Royal blue, red , green, grey, white, columbia blue and yellow gold .


A·184 (Delivered)

Model A·172·E (Delivered)






American introduces the 88-346-88 ... th e balance beam w ith a new base des ign that meets all natio nal and internati onal specif ications. The 88-346-88 features a unique slide co llar height adjustment for easy, safe ad justment. For top perfor mance and appearance, Ameri can features a hardwood working surface and stainless steel uprights. Get on the American beam ... Join The American Revol ution. 8end for your "Revolution Han dbook" (o ur catalog).


Box 1776, Jefferson, Iowa 50129

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