Gymnast Magazine - April 1974

Page 1

April/ 1974/ $1.00

IN THIS ISSUE: Poland vs. USA Meet Czechoslovakia - USA Meet and Tour Gymnastics In Russia MED - Centerfold Summer Camp Directory



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You've Got To Have Good Hands!

A gymnast is only as good as his hands. American gymnastic equipment is only as good as the hands that make it. That's why we take pride in the craftsmanship that goes into each and every piece of American equipment. That assures you of top quality you can depend on. Send today for our free catalog of gymnastics equipment, mats, and trampolines. You 'll find AMF American equipment is designed to bring out the best in you. ,


American Athletic Equipment p.o. Box 1-11, Jefferson, Iowa 50129

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best pe rfQrmance alsq requites thie best accessories. GS"Chas everythingI Pictured '~bo\le, top to /Jottom: The "Champion" for -: g~ 'ls, stretch t op, leather sole 1$3.50) I The "Boot ie" for men, , s~etl..': t oP, leath,r sole ($3.75) I . . L:atJes Jiandgrip soft suede ., IS2.15) I Mens Handgrip, leather ." 1!I;2•.50). Write t or ask your dealer fO! the GSC label! GYMNASTIC ~UPP L Y COMPANY i 247 W. 6th St., San Ped ro. CA 90733 12131831 ·01 31

~lllIlllb~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume XVI/Number 4 / April 1974

5 6 6 7 8 10


20 22

26 28 32 33 33 35

41 44 45 48 50 50

FROM THE PUBLISHER, Glenn Sundby VIEWPOINTS, Dick Criley IN MEMORY LEITERS ON THE BEAM, Barbara Thatcher WHAT'S HAPPENING, Gym Atmosphere, Paul E. Mayer Texas Clinic Report, Brian Schenk How To Keep Alive The Growing Interest In Gymnastics, O.j. Kudrnovsky INTERNATIONAL COMPETiTION 14 Poland vs. USA, Frank Cumiskey 15 Czechoslovakian Team In Connecticut, Gai I Chimielenski 17 Czechoslovakia vs. USA, Barbara Thatc her GYMNASTICS IN THE USSR, j ames Riord an CLUB CORNER 22 Gymnastics is Fun, Mrs. james K. johnson 24 Wichita Gymnastics Club, Muriel Strand and Beverty W . Hodges CENTERFOLD, Etching by MilanMed (Czechoslovakia) RESEARCH: Twisting Mechanics I, H .j . Biesterfe ldt, jr. JUNIOR GYMNASTS, joe Sweeney GUEST EDITORIAL: Some of My Best Friends Are Specialists, jo e Sweeney NEW 'N NOTES, Renee Henders hott INSTRUCTION: 35 Technique of the Switch-leg Back Walkover, Charilie Dubois and Renee Hend ers hott 36 Side Horse Is Simple, james Hesson 38 Vaulting: The Technical Development and Present Condition of The Hecht Vault, Mitsuhiro Nakajima MODERN RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS, Annelis Strange Hayman MEET RESULTS INTERNATIONAL TEAM RANKINGS, Dr. joseph Gohler A PARENT'S GUIDE TO GYMNASTICS, Patricia A . Gause CALENDAR DIRECTORY OF SUMMER CAMPS

From The

PUBLISHER... Glenn Sundby GYMNAST UPDATE: I n spite of the recent postal increase and other rising costs of publishing we are holdin g the line on our subscription rat es as we sa id we would try to do in our November Notes. Not only are we holdin g the lin e, but we have bee n able to add extra pages. This had been mad e possible by 1. You the readers sending in prompt renewals and gift subscriptions. 2. New Advertisers. 3. Holding the prin ti ng increases down by changing the paper on the inside .. . As to Editorial and instructional art icl es from au r new editors we have included a few in this ed ition and more will be added in coming issues . CAMPS AND CLASSIFIED: With th is iss ue we have li sted all the "Summe r Gymnastic Camps" (we received information from) on the calendar page in the back of the magazi ne. We also have listing in the Classified section and many promotional display ads throughout the Gymnast se nt in b y the larger camps to excite and st imulat e you in co min g to their camp. We hope you all can plan on go ing to a Gymnastic Camp thi s summer ... Especially one (or more) of the Camps advertised in Gymnast as they are programmed for YOU the Gymnast. MORE: With our added pages we have ro om for letters and more Meet resu lts which we will tr y to get in better order by setting up guidelines for acceptance of quality co mpet ition reports . SENIOR OLYMPICS: Men! It ' s about time for the Sr. Olympics aga in , and after the fun success of last years First Annual Sr. Olympics we hope even more of you will join us this year for the 2nd Annual Sr . Olympics to be held on jun e 1st, at SANTA MONICA COLLEGE (look for detailed information elsewhere in this ed ition .) NEXT EDITION: Photos and reports from the NCAA College and University Championships, Women ' s Collegiate Championships and th e 2nd World Games trials in Delaware ... Plus much, mu c h more! CYMNAST m.J.luine is published by Sundby PubLintions, 410 Braidw .. )', $..inti! Monic.a,C.J. 90401. Second Clus Potilise pilid oil ~ nlil Monicil, Ca. Published monthly exce pt bi-monthly June, Jul y. AU8usi ilnd September. Price 51.00 " single copy. Subscription correspondence, GYMNAST - P.O. BOl{ 110, Sinta Manka, Ca. 90406. Copyright 1974'" all riShlJ resen'ed by SUNDY PUBUCATIONS, 410 Broadway, s.nt" Monka, C.a. All Photos and manuscripts submiHed become the property of GYMNAST unlelS return request and sufficient postage are included.

Cover: Wilhelm Kubica , 1972 Polish Olympic team member and third AA 1974 Poland vs . USA Competition. Phot~ by Munro Publisher: Glenn Sundby Associate Editors: Di c k Criley Renee Hendershott Research Editor: H.J. Biesterfeldt, Jr. Education Editor: A. B. Frederick Junior Gymnast Editor : Jo e Sweeney Modern Rhythmic Gymnastics Editor: Annelis Strange Hoyman Instructional Editors: AA: Bill Ballester , FX: Paul Ziert, PH: James Hesson, R: Ed Isabe ll e , LH: Jim Turpin, PB: Bill Roetzheimm HB: Bill Holmes. Staff Writer: Barbara Thatcher

o o

1-Year $7.50 0 2-Years $14.00 0 3-Years $20.00 FOREIGN $8.00 per year-(inel. Canada and Mexico) Please send

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Name: _____________________________________

Mail to: GYMNAST Subscription

Contributors: Gail Ch imi elenski , Frank Cumi skey, Charlie DuBois, Jackie Fie, Dal e Gallowa y, Patricia A. Gause, Dr. Joseph Gohler, Beverl y W. Hodges, Mrs. Jam es K. Johnson , O.J. Kudrnovsk y, Paul E. Mayer, Milan Med,Mitsuhiro Nakajima, Jam es Riordan , Brian Schenk, Bill Stern , Mur iel Strand.

Address __________________________________ \

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Sundby Publications P.O. Box 110 Santa Monica, Ca. 90406 I

------",---------------------- City

------""" 5


VIEWpoints by Dick Criley

Iss ues in gy mn ast ics - - wha t co ntrove rsy o ne co ul d stir up by taking o n all th e w indmill s that endlessly turn in t hi s sma ll segmen t of th e United Sta tes spo rt s commu nity. St ill unreso lved at th e end of Febru ary was th e reorga ni za ti o n of th e 'US Ol ympic Comm itt ee and th e rewrit ing of Senate Bill No. S 2365 w hi ch wou ld i mpos e go ve rnm e nt cont rol over amateur at hl etic s in A m e rica. St il l ano th er bill , hidd en in Hea lt h , Edu ca ti on and Welfa re m eas ures, Titl e 9, hid es a blo ckbuster w hi ch ma y real ly sh ake thin gs up. Th e esse nce of the m eas ure stat es that if co ll eges a nd uni ve rsiti es do not d ivide their at hl et ic lunding equa ll y b etween the ir men' s and wo men 's int ercoll egiate sports, th e fede ral go ve rnment may cut off al l fede ra l gra nts to th e in stituti on . Since few wo m e n 's sport s d e mand an yw here near th e funding th at footba ll and basket ball do , to prov ide equ al funding to the wo men 's spo r ts may m ean e limi nation o f m e n 's non-in co m e spo rt s or a seve r e reduction in f undin g. Speaking ot wo m en's athletics, I rece ive d ano th er lett er co nce rnin g m y j une- jul y 1973 co lu mn on wo m e n 's gy m nast ics . Aga in fr o m a man coach in g in wo m en's gy mn ast ics . (e mon ladies, are you go in g to co n tin u e to ignore the probl em s?) We reprint it e lsew here in thi s issue. 1 he energy cri sis has stimulat ed th e NCAA to ca l l to r all sport s to mak e sacr ifices to h elp co nse rve e ne rgy. A mon g th e proposals are redu ci ng t he number of co mpetitor s at the NCAA Ch amp ion ships, red uc in g practice tim e, and limit ing the numb e r of match es durin g th e regu lar seaso n . Ed Gag ni er, NCAA Gymnastics Rul es Chairman , res p o nd ed in a very thou ght ful lett er to their su ggesti ons, no ti ng that th e . nation al c hampi onsh ips already ope rat e o n a red uced fo rmat , that pract ice time reducti o ns wo uld probab ly n ot help as the gym sp ace wou ld be u'>ed fo r ot her act ivit ies anyway, and th at d ual m ee ts ma y be one area w her e sav in gs co uld b e eff ected. He noted, too , th at tar more eff ec ti ve restraint s to th e reg ul arl y sc hed ul ed compe titi o ns were b ud ge t red ucti o ns w hich h ave th ei r own li miting eflec t. No need to pani c, says Ed , but be awa re 01 th e thinkin g ot th e NCAA and how you can co ntribut e to th e so lu tion of the problem .

CHALK BOX A nother in a ser ies on usef u l devices and he lpfu l hint s in th e gy m , Fo r gymnasts who can not get the fee lin g of handstands o n th e rin gs, here is a low-leve l ring se t-up for them to practice on. A pair of old rubb e r-coat ed stee l rin gs are faste ned to angle iron s by U bolt s. Th e w hol e assemb ly has its ow n base. Ph o tog raph ed at th e Air Fo rce Academy. Se nd in yo ur id eas and short description (preferab ly inclu ding a photograph) to GYMNAST, P,O, Box 110, Sa nta Monica, Ca li f. 90406,


JANOS PROHASK A October 10th, 1919 - March 13th, 1974

A DEAR FRIEND AND BUSINESS ASSOCIATE j anos Pro haska was born in Budap es t, Hun ga ry dnd by th e age of six he cou ld sta nd o n his hand s and perform mdn y diffi cu lt balanci ng fea ts. Whe n he was twe lve yea rs o ld he teamed up w ith a friend to ap p edf' in d locdl Budap est sid es how th e reby laun chin g hi s show busin ess ca reer. Later he jo in ed two other Iri e nd s and became the " to p-man " of an outsta nding ac robatic act trave li ng all o ve r th e wo rld pld yin g in such great houses as th e Circus Med rano, Ie Circus d 'Hi ver in Pari s, the W int er GMden in Be rlin , Cas in o d e ll e Ro se in Rome, Ti vo li in Stockho lm , Lo nd o n Pal lad ium, Ko ala in A ustral ia, Rad io City M usic H all in New Yo rk an d 'm any club s in La s Vegas. Part o f th e ir ro utin e ff1 c1 uded j anos imitati n g a chim p an zee and a new '> id e int eres t began to bud. j anos b eca m e fasc in ated w ith dnim dls parti cul ar ly th e bea rs and ape familie s and began to simulat e their so und s and dctiom. Hi s ndtura l ath le ti c abilit y and sma ll compact bod y made th e imitati o ns so convinc in g h e WdS pe rsuad ed to d o m o re. Prope r costum es we re the stumbli ng block , 50 in '1939 j dnos bega n ex p erim enting to create hi s own, Th er e we re man y setbacks, bu t after year s of tre m end o us labor and int init e pain s w ith skin s, furs , hair, cheese clo th , pla sti cs and Idt ex he di sco vered th e co m bi nation to get th e jo b done. When jan os arrived in Holl ywoo d in 1956 int eres t in bears and apes was slow in developing, ho weve r jdnos w ould put o n one ot hi s dnim dl crea tion s and bu rst into casting off ices, Th e secre taries d ashin g l or cover were enou g h to lure produce rs to their transom s or keyholes and j anos w as di scove r ed. Si nce th e n j anos perform ed in more than400 motion pictur e an d telev isio n progrdms; so m etim es in hi s "s traigh t" ro les as an ex tr em ely adept stuntman (s tar st untman lor th e IVd n lars - NBC Pr od uction "Ma n A nd Th e Challenge " ) but m o re and more olt eil in hi s anim dl o r mon ste r impe rso n at io ns, Hi s kooky " Cook ie" bear wa s sc hedu led for but one p e rforman ce o n th e A nd y W illi ams show b ut enthu siasti c audi ence reactio n ex tended th e term dnu mdu e him th e fir st p e rform e r, in m emory, to receive warm, aromatic (cook ies), Ian mdil in boxes. A lan Blye and Chr is Bea rd , Producers of the " Anu y William s Show" conti nu eu to use j anos o n al l of the ir shows (Son ny & Cher Comed y Ho ur , Th e Ra y Stevens Show , I he WOW Show) anu we re preparing a n ew Sa turd ay m o rnin g Ch ilurem show l ed turin g j dnos to dlr o n CBS for th e fa ll seaso n. Hi s ea rl y ex p er im e n t<, in cos tumin g tech ni ques leu to th e u eve lop m ent of more and more exot ic in-anu-o ut-o l-thi s- wo rlu cos tum es. I he gamut of creatu res, anim als and monsters w hi ch j ano s co ulu inl agine, cred te dnu mdnipulat e dpp ed reu to be limitl ess; his storage roOim were fi ll eu w ith ove r 40 J ifl er ent " pe rso naliti es" he pa in stak in g ly crea ted w ith the a" ista nce 01 hi s w ile Ire ne, jan os' last anu fiihl l act (a lo ng w ith hi s son Rob e r t) was work o n t he Wolpe r production, " Prim,Ji Man" se ri es, It w as at th e e nu a t the las t UdY 01 sh ooting th at th e ill fated plan e left th e Bi shop ar ea w i th th e iJrouuction crew to retur n to Burbank and h it a mountain peak shortly afte r tdk e all ues tr oy in g th e iJl dne anu occupant s o n impac t. j anos always IhlU a h eliJ ful hdnu or ch ee rtul th o u ght tor eve ryo ne and w ill be missed by all w ho ever kn ew or wo rk eu w ith him , Wo ru s Cd nnot eX iJress ou r sad n ess at the lo ss of su ch a u ea r t ri en d. Mrs, Marica janos is survived by hi s w ife Irene, Sa nta Monica , Ca. and hi s siste r Marant, Haver lee, Be lgi um, GS

GYMNAST Apr. '74 6


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Jours frul~,£,

7/La»t f:Y.7?-

A FANTASTIC TOUR Once again (after 1956 and 1969) Swiss gymnasts had the great pleas ure to be on a tour through your bea utiful and interesti ngly big country. We say it in advance: Everything WaS fantastic! Of course (how coul d it be else on a three week excursion?) we had som e trou bles due to the world wide energy cri sis, strikes, weather conditions and aircra ft defects. But the 19 peop le who made the de legation never were despo nde nt and tried to cheer up with a racy song· a lso after 55 hours of practica lly no sleep on our way hom e from New Orl eans - Atl anta - New York . A tra ining for astrona uts in Ca pe Kenn edy cannot be mo re strenuous. Clini cs and Coac hes Our first stop WaS in P hoeni x/ Tempe where coach IJon Hobin ~ ()n \Va ~ a 1V0nderfui li'J~l. We rema ined in bea utifu l Arizona and moved on ly a little bit more South, down to Tucson . And we SaW more than " only" Old Tucson ... At the State University of Arizona we got to know the organizing ,talent of cOach Jeff Ben non. To visit your famous Cli nics WaS one of the ma in reasons of this tour. What we SaW and lea rned WaS doub tl ess ly very impressive. Tucson WaS the place where we met for the fi rst time coach Jerry Todd, a m an we learned to hold in esteem beCa use of his fin e character and his be ing ready to help. We think that those Cli nics a re an exce ll ent institution. Especia lly the Master Clin ics (w here coaches ta ught coac hes) were very interestin g to attend. A negative point we m ight menti on too. When two , three hundred gymnasts are in gym hall the air is awfu lly bad and secondly the waiting times behind each event are too long. Result: The intensity of training is unSatisfyi ng. But we didn 't come to thi s country in order to give stupid comments: please don't see it in that lighl. A Sugges tion One more poinl. We know about your prob lems regarding the tremendous distances in your country. We fee l that this fact m a kes everythi ng even mo re compli Cated, We also know th at your na ti ona l team cannot come togeth er each week as ours does , It's beyond question that such concentrations help to ma ke a team compl ete, In Pasadena (on our nationa l meet) we recognized that your boys - who showed many brilla nt a nd outstanding ro utines were too much individualists. The sense of being a tea m - a nd to win with that team - WaS not enough prese nl. Cou ldn't you create Cadres , as they exist e,g, in Germany, Eastern Europe, Switzerla nd and so on ? We think of gro ups such as J uniors / National Cadre / Internationa l Cadre coming together at least twice a year, Tha t wou ld without any doub t help a lot to brin g up a team where everyone knows each other very well.

Before endi ng this little report we wou ld like to express our honest thanks for all the support, help a nd the excell ent friendship we hav e learn ed duri ng this tour, Long li ve the USGF , long live Frank Bare and Frank Cumiskey. Swiss Nationa l Gym nastics Team J ack Gunthard Hsp, Frey ,


BEST YET Dear Mr , Sundby . I wou ld like to congratU late both you and YOllr on the Jalllwl'.v i ~ s lle ul "GYlllna ~ L ", II is iJy far the best issue YOll have published during my sCTbscription' Thank-you , and keep it up, Ak ison Carlson


MEN 'S LIB As submitted to Dick Criley Concerning m en in women's gymnastics: I am a m an coaching in wom en's and girl's gymnastics, The question in gymnasti c circles seems to be: should m en be in girl's,and women's gymnastics at all ? The answer from many seems to be: absolutely NOT! ! Look! I'm a gymnast myself (for 11 years), There is no 4ue~tion in m y mi nd about being a ble to teach most of the moves to my girls (especially in tumbling and va ulting), (Throughout th is letter I am referring to begi nn er level and in tcrmcd iate level gymna~tic~), Also, I have had ba ll et tra ining (taught by a woman , by the way') so I fee l that I am MYSELF capable of instructing in beginner level da nce, What's more , m y girls a re taki ng ba ll et classes Con' t. on page 43

looking for

Gymnastics & Academics? Walnut Hill School of Natick, Mass. is introducing a gymnastics program taught by the staff of Woodland Gymna stics. Opportunities unmatched in other schools; solid college preparatory program, a strong arts program including expert ballet and modern dance training, combined with gym nastics. Students who want quality instruction, academically or gymnastically, write for brochure.


George Wheeler, Co-Directo r, Woodland G ymna stics High School Coach of four coll ege Instructors: All-Americans Will St. Cyr, Co-Director, Ken Henderson, Floor Woodland Gymnastics Exercise and Vaulting Former N.E .A.A. U. C hampion Tumbling Champion Former Natio nally Former Coach, Ranked Gymnast. Wellesley H.S . Experienced, Gymnastics Team Successful Instructor. Earle C. Batchelder, B.A. McGill, M.Ed . Harvard

WALN UT HILL SCHOOL 62 Hig hland St. , Natick, Mass. 01 760 7

(')1{ Gfhe

GBEAM by Barbara Thatcher

With Nat io na ls fast app roach ing thought it might be fun to ste p back in gymnastic hi story and pla ya littl e game for a ll gym nastics trivia experts ca ll ed "K now Your Nat iona ls". It 's ve ry easy ... just see if yo u ca n answe r the fo ll owing question s a nd then c heck the answers at the e nd of thi s co lumn. One point for each correct a nswer .. . two poin ts for cor rect ly answer in g a ny bonu s ques ti o ns. First, na me th e all around w inn er and the Cha mpi onship team at the 1970 NCAA Championships. Bonus points for cor rect ly g uess in g the fin a l team score. Bonus points, a lso, for co rrectl y guessing the a ll around winne r's sco re . Second... Whose horizontal bar rout ine dec id ed th e NCAA Team Title in 1968 giv in g the Championship title to th e University of California, Berkeley? Thir d ... The nam e of th e 1972 AAU Senior National Women's All Around Champion. Fourth ... Whose ring rout ine was this in the 1967 NCAA Championships. .. " Dislocate, stra ight arm shoot handstand , regular giant (straight a rm ), reverse giant , drop back kip to L, straight arm bent body p ress, handstand , lowe r to regular cro ss, d rop to dislocate , double flyaway " and what place did this gymnast take? Fifth ... Wh ich team wo n the fir st National Women's Interco llegiate Championships? .. 路 Bonus points for co rr ec tl y g u essing th e fin a l team score. And now on to more curr e nt topics. Apr il 's girl "On The Beam" is Sharon Akiyama, a' freshman at the University of Northern Colorado, where she is coached by Carolyn Cody. So far thi s seaso n Sharon has won o n ba lance beam , un eve ns, and all aro un d in every meet in wh ich she has part ic ipated. Didn 't know there were gy mn ast ic fr ate rniti es in the Un ite d States but apparent ly there are q uit e a few. The largest Slovak Gymnastic Fraternal Society is th e Slovak Catholic Sokol wh ich spo nors gymnast ics o n a Na ti o nal leve l. Natio na l m eets are he ld eve ry two yea rs. The la st one was held at th e Univ e rsity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee campus. And next year 's wi ll be held in Youngstown, Ohio. More informat io n may be obtained by writing to the home off ice ... 205 Madison Street, Passaic, New jersey, 07055. The organization has been in existence sin ce 1905.

50 far joanne Fleming, editor of the California Newsletter has a li st of 115 c lu bs a nd tea m s throughout the state. Sure wou ld lik e to ge t our own li st of c lubs a littl e more up to dat e. 8

Sharon Akiyama

Let us hear from more new cl u bs and teams. Did hear from ~ team at Mount Gilead High School in Mount Gilead Ohio. Coach of th e team is Cathy Brown. Thi s is their second yea r of co mpet ition a nd so far the team is undefeated. They have b ee n compet in g beginning and int e rmediat e Gomp ul so ri es and a re no w sta rting on optiona l work. The team wo rk s out five days a week for two hou rs eac h day and in add ition to compet iti on they put on exhibit ion s and recently performed at the Cou nt y Fair, a nd ra ised e nough money to buy a vau ltin g horse. Anothe r team that has been in the news as far as doing ex hibi tions is th e Scottsdale Girl'sClub Arizona Twisters. They performed during the hal f time show at the third an nua l Fiesta Bowl Games b e tw ee n the Arizona State University Sun Devils and th e Pittsburgh Panthers. Th e ga me was televised and so was th e performance of the Twisters. They did a ribbon routine w ith tumbling to "Tie A Ye ll ow Ribbon To Th e Old O ak Tree " accompa ni ed by th e ASU marching band. There were 96 gi rl s o n the fie ld for this presentation. The Twisters are coached by George and Rose Kreutzer. Relocated .. . Carrie Englert, a top competitor for the Tallahassee Tumbling Tots, of Tallahassee, Florida is now tra ining wit h Dick Mulvihill in Oregon. One ve ry d eterm in ed gym nast is 8 yea r o ld

Laurie Gorian of Taylor, Michigan. Until this fall, Laurie was an active competitor. Th en because of a badly broke n arm w hi c h was the resu lt of a fall from the unevens, it appea red as tho ugh Laurie wo uld th en have to give up gymnastics o r at least work o uts o n the bars . After devoting two yea rs to th e spo rt it was a bit depressing fo r he r to th ink about e ntire ly giv in g up gymnastics but her spirits were brightened w hen she got to go backstage a nd meet Cathy Rigby Mason during a performanc.e of Peter Pan in Detroit. Laurie has gone back to wo rkin g o ut on beam and floor with new hopes that future surgery w ill a llow her comp lete use of her a rm . New Gymnast ic Sc hool .... Thi s one is in New York City. For more in form at ion wr it e: Susie Pruden, 2390 Broadway, New York, New York. Also th ere is Feigley's School of Gymnastics, 1040 Plainfield Avenue, Plainfield New jersey. From th e YMCA National Newsletter lear n ed "Bob Thurston, National junior Olympic Trampoline and Tumbling Chairman wr ites: ' Tumbling is now an officia l AAU junior Olympic event... Persons interested in organizing or participati ng in the Chevro let c spo nso red AAU junior Olympic Trampoline and Tumbling program are urged to contact their loca l AAU Association. Rules may be obtained for $2 from ,.... AU House, 3400 West 86th Street, India napolis, Indiana 46268. If question s or problems a ri se, w rit e to Bob Thurston, Squire Terrace, Colts Neck, New GYMNAST Apr. '74

Jersey 07722. Al so d escovered in the YMCA, newsletter was an interes ting note on the sc hedu led'AAU Nationals to be held in Billings, Montana. It seems the USGF announ ced in its February iss u e of th e USGF News th at its four regional trial s for male all around gymnasts (required for any male gymnast hoping to qua lify for th e USGF Elites and, conseque ntl y, the World Games Team tri als) wi ll be co nducted on April 27th-28th. Th ese are the same dat es whic h the AAU announced last July after receiving USGF sanct io n, for it s Senior Nationals. As th e newslette r point ed out " Effe ctively, this bars all of th e top male gymnasts, who have hopes for th e World C hampion ship s Trials, from parti c ip ating in the Nationa l AAU Champion ship s" ! But so far th e AAU says its plan s rema in unchanged. Last yea r's AAU Nationals att ra cted top gymnas ts such as Jim Culhane for the men and Roxanne Pierce for the women . However thi s date co nfli ct should not present a problem in th e women's di v ision . Beca use of m y poor pred ictions for la st season's Nationals and beca use the Nationals will be ove r by th e tim e subsc ribers recei ve this I am sta yin g clear of pr ed ictions . But ju st for th e record I can't resist comment in g on th e teams I'd like to see win. For the NCAA Championships .. . th e University of Iowa. Was secretl y cheering for th e University of Michigan, but unfortunatel y in the regionals that team was beaten by th e University of Iowa by seve n point s. So out of necessity am chang in g m y loya liti es. For the Women's Collegiate Nationals (AIAW) ... Clarion College or Southern Illinois University. No real rea son ju st tho ught either tea m might ha ve a chance of w inning.

Senior Nationals. And ju st for the records , recently she was wome n 's coac h for th e USA squad w hen they co mpeted aga in st th e Czechoslovakian team in San Francisco.

Now back to our game of "Know Your Nationals." .. .. An swer to number 1.. ... Th e University of Michigan was the team champion in 1970. All aro und w inner was Yoshi Hayasaki from the University of Washington. Michigan's final team total was 164.15 and Yoshi's final tot al was 108.25. Se con d Question .... It was Dan Millman's horizontal bar routin e whic h decided the 1968 NCAA Team Title. Mr. Millman sco red a 9.4 to put Cal Berkeley in first pla ce . However he had mu ch help from hi s teammates, especially Sid Fruedenstein who also put together a tine routin e on hi gh bar and was also awarded a 9.4.

Notes on the Men's USGF Elites .... Th ey' ll be held in Harmon Gymnasium on the University of California, Berkeley cam pu s. Fr iday eve ning May 10th is th e co mpul so ry co mp et iti o n, Saturday May 11th at 1 p.m. is the opt io nal compet ition and th en that eve nin g th e top six in each event adva nce to th e indi vidual fin als at 8 p.m. At leas t 24 of th e nation 's bes t all around men are ex pect ed to be in thi s m eet. Fou r region s wi ll b e repr ese nt ed and each reg io n (with six m en) w ill com pete as a team. Pri ces are.. .. Compul so ry sess ion , Ad ults $1.50, Students (H igh Schoo l and u nde r) $1 .00 .... Afternoon o ptional s, Adu lt s $2.50, Stud ent s $1.50 .... Indi vidu al fi nals, Adults $3. 00, Stud ent s $2.00. for those wishing to see all three sess ion s comuination ti cket s may be pur cha sed .. ..

Third Questi o n.... Linda Metheny was women ' s all aro und champ at th e 1972 AAU

Fourth .... This was Mike Jacki's routin e in th e 1967 NCAA Championships. H e took th i rd place that year. First pla ce we nt to Josh Robinson of Cal Berkeley. Fifth .... non e other than Southern Illinois University. Th e fina l team sco re was 209. Th e team that year included Donna Schaenzer, Janis Dunham, Irene Haworth, Mary Toth and Gale Daley.

Mount Gilead High School girl's gymnastic team,

GYMNAST Apr. ' 74

Ad ults $5.00, Stud ent s $3. 00. Famil y tick ets (two adult s and two children under 12) cove ring all thre e sess ions are $10.00. Th ere is also a gro up ra te (mu st be bought in advance) fo r groups of 25 or more. Ju st hear d that th e United States is se nd i ng two m ale and two female gymnasts to Russia fo r in vit at ion al meets in Moscow and Riga. John Crosby and Jim Ivicek we re th e male gymnasts se lected and Debbie Fike and Kyle Gaynor, the fema le gym nasts cho se n. Crosby is a gradu ate of Southern Connecticut State College and Jim Ivicek ha s not competed for a collegiate team thi s year, and so they w ill no t b e missing o ut on the NCAA 's . Bo th Debbie and Kyle ha ve already qualified for the Women's Elite Nationals and so it 's not cru cial th at th ey be in the seco nd qualification round in Delaware.

Wel l did yo u Know Your Nationals? If yo u score d 7 and abov e th at was excel lent. (Remember two points for bo nu s qu es tion s.) If yo u sco red 5 that w as good. A score o f 3-4 was fair. If yo u sco red '2 and und er better go back to reading thr o ugh o ld MG's, th e so urce of all these amwers. We ll th at does it for thi s month. Another month, another co lumn . Keep sendi ng in camp information and anything else yo u think wou ld be of int erest. Th ank s.. .. ..

Know your judges ... He re are a fe w of the nation's top judges who determine important scores, particularly for girls on the Elite level. Can you name them.


of getting some distortion in th e final pi cture. Therefo re, for proj ec ting hi gh on the wa ll , th e projector mu st be eleva ted to th e height of the picture. Also , it is a good id ea to put wa ll deco ratio ns high, to eliminate th e po ss ibilit y of yo un gs ters destroying the creations by drawi ng free hand on th e fi gu res. Th e last ~te p is to se lect th e d esired co lors (preferably vivid, d ynami c co lors) . After th e Cardinal fi gures we re co mpl eted th e Ball State Dail y News, stud ent newspaper, took ph o togra ph s and included an article o n th e art isti c additio ns. Thi s gave gymnastics publi cit y as we ll as credit to th e gym na sts who did th e work. Mak e an eva luation of yo ur situ ati on, and th en crea te an atm osp h ere that th e athl etes ca n be proud of which is conducive to a product ive w ork oul. Th e man y hours of work spent on thi s type of project is rewarding for both th e athl etes and th e coach, and is perhaps one m eth od for moti va ting th e at hl ete.

GYM ATMOSPHERE By Paul E. Mayer Ball State Univ. Muncie Ind. Tim es and p eopl e are changin g, and along with th e chan ges co me pos iti ve and negative elem ent s. At one tim e o r anot her most coaches have felt th at th e athl etes und er th eir ca re are not as dedi ca ted a~ th ey we re or as d ed icate d as their gene rati o n o f athl etes. Thi s ma y be tru e, but diffi cult to substantiate. A n area in ath leti cs w here over t changes ha ve occ urred, howeve r, i ~ in th e ap proach to athl eti cs. ~or an athlet e to succeed in int erco ll eg iate sport toda y, fo r ex ampl e, he mu st virtu all y be a sp eciali st in on ly one spo rt. The competi ti o n has become ~o kee n in every sport th at an athl ete mu ~ t work o ut and k ee p in shap e th e yea r ro und. Al so, athl etes wo rk harder now than th ey d id twe nt y yea rs ago, if fo r no oth er reaso n th an we no w k now SC ienti fica ll y how mu ch stress th e human b ody can endure. In th e past it was much easier lo r an dt hl ete to be d edi ca ted to a sport when he was ex pected to dedi cat e on ly two ho urs a day, fi ve da ys a week. W hen th e sys tem cha nges, as it has, and an athlete is' expected to work-out three o r fou r hours a d ay, six o r seve n d ays a week, all year long, it req uir es a grea ter d eg ree of d edication and co mm i tment from th e at hl ete. It is, th erefo re, a lit tle unl <111 to label th e pre ~e nt d ay at hl etes lazy and un Willing to d ed icate th e m se l ve~ to ~P() rt s participati o n. I he refo r e, it see ms that th e environm ent In w hi ch an ath lete prd cti ces b eco m es ex tr e me l y im porta nt bot h ps yc holog ica ll y and ph y~ i ca ll y, and that th e grea t num bel o f h o ur ~ sp ent in th e gym working h ~ rd m~kes a pleasant gym atmosphere Imperahve. IMPROVING YOUR GYM AND WORK-OUT ATMOSPHERE Ma ny large co rporat ions have fo und an increa se in produc ti o n by improv ing th e wo rkin g co n d iti on~ o f th eir emp loyees. A m o ng o th er tech niqu es used by fa cto ri es to improve th e psychological and emotion al imp act of th e lactory environme nt i ~ to paint the wa ll s w ith bright co lo rs, and to add d ecorati ve art wo rb . Thi s prin Cip le can also b e appli ed to th e gy m . It not only impro ve~ th e atmosphere, but it gives the ath letes and coac hes a sense of p rid e, especially when the athletes themselves create the art work invol ved.


"If you want to ve nture IIltO a project of wa ll paintin g and art wo rk , as w e did at Ball State U ni ve rsit y In th e gymnas ti c gym, I wo uld suggest that yo u enli st th e co -op era tio n and help of your depa rtm ent head and athleti c direc tor. W e are fortun ate to ha ve a gro up of pro gressive thinking adm ini strators w ho are wi llin g to li sten to new id eas no matter ho w abs u rd they may so und at fir st. PROCEDURE FOR PAINTING THE WALLS Ano th er b enefit at Ball State whi ch lend s it se ll to a proj ec t of thi ~ type is ha vin g a singl e area th at is used o nl y fo r gymn as ti c classes , intramural s, and va rsit y gy mn as ti cs. Th erefore, th e roo m is exclu sive ly " gymnasti cs" and refl ec ts thi s atm osphere in the art wo rk. On e point , however, before yo u proceed in you r pl ans, is to ge t p ermi ss io n fro m yo ur admini strators b efore starting to paint th e walls. Al so, seeki ng th e ad v ice of a painter conce rn i ng th e type of paint for th e surface yo u are cove rin g I ~ adv ised . f o rm erl y o ur wa ll s we re unpaint ed gray cem ent bl ock. We had th em pa inted an o lf w hte, which helped to bright en th e entire work-out are a. It al so h elped l ill th e poro us ce ment blo ck, mak in g it easier to lat er paint figur es on th e wa ll. T he figur e we pa inted on our wa ll was a Cardin al executing variou s gymn as ti c stunt s (th e ma sco t of th e in stituti o n). Our fi gures we re drawn by p eop le in o ur di spla ys se rvices off ice. I showed th em pi ctures in th e Modern Gymna st magaz in e of th e positi o ns I wa nt ed th e Cardina l in, and th ey transposed th e figure s for me (II such an office is un ava il ab le, you mi ght check w ith your gymna sts to see if th ere is any artisti c talent on th e tea m. If not, ch eck w ith th e art Instru ctor to see if th ere are an y int eres ted stud ents lookin g for a proj ec t). Aft er ge ttin g th e pictures drawn th e nex t step is to enlarge . th e tl y/' by 11 " sket ch, and transpose it o n yo ur gym wa ll. The pi ctures mu st be larg e in order to be eff ec ti ve and create th e dramatic effect d esired . Utili zing and Opaque projector, requi sitio ned from yo ur film serv ice departm ent , wi ll proj ect the im age on th e wa ll. Thi ~ no t o nl y enabl es yo u to draw th e figure o n th e wa ll accurat ely but enl arg es th e fi g ure to any size des ired. Th e n ex t step takes no artis t ic talent , on ly a stea d y hand , as th e Ilgure I~ tra ced ont o th e wa ll w ith a black mag ic mark er. II th e proj ec tor is placed o n th e fl oor and pi oj ect ed upward , th ere is a chan ce

CLINIC REPORT 1973 Texas High School Gvmnastic Clinic By Brian Schenk Port Isa b el, at th e so uthern tip of Texas, was the 1973 site fo r th e Texas Hi gh School GymnasticClinic. On e hundred fourty students and 50 coac~es participated in the four days of clinic activit y from D ece mb er 26-29th at the Port Isabel f-jigh School and on the Gulf beaches in 80째 weather. As in th e previo us fi ve Texas Hi gh School Clinics, th e acti vit y was spon so red by the Texas High School Gymna sti c Coach es Associati o n, governin g body in Tex as fo r interscho las ti c gy mn asti c co mp etiti o n. U nder th e general of th e A ssociati on's Clini c guidan ce Committ ee, ~ta t e Pres id ent Emil Milan of Hurst, and Clini c A dministrator Brian Schenk o f Aust in , assembled YMCA , pri va te club , school and colleg e coach es to teach. Arrangem ent s for th e so uth Texas loca ti o n we re coord inat ed by Oti s Budd , Pan Amer ica n U ni versi ty, and by E.c. Chri stense n, Prin cipal of Po rt Isabel High School. Greeted on th eir first evening by th e m ay or, and by th e ~u p e rint e ndent of School s, the stud ent s at th e cli nic rece ived In st ructi o n in all aro und event s and trampo lin e. Th e Texas Hi gh Schoo l Compul sory Exe rcises we r e tau ght as we ll as op tiona l trick s and se qu ences . Forty o utstandin g hi gh sc h oo l gym nasts pa rti cipated in the frid ay n ight Texas Hi gh Schoo l Gymkana to an appreciat ive crowd of 500. Bobby Sargent , professional d ive r and trampolini st, pr ese nted GYMNAST Apr. ' 74

a de m o nstrati o n 01 hi s skill s in co nn ec tion w ith an hour-l ong Staff Show on one eve ning of th e C lini c. Clini c pa rt icipants enjoy ed a fi sh-andshrimp dinn er ca t ered b y the Port Isa be l Jaycee s during a gulfsid e aft ern oo n and eve nin g at th e Pa villi o n on nea rb y So uth Padre Isla nd . H ea din g t he Clini c Staff as dir ectors of in stru ction we re Av is Tieber , Mountain View Coll ege, D all as, and Rob ert Cowa n, HaltomRichland Schools, fort Wort h. Among th e M aste r 1 eac he rs on th e staff were Hill Val entin e, Arlington, Jo e Giallombardo; Northfield , Illi nois, and Bill Ste rn , U ni ve rsit y of Texas at A ustin. Beve rl y Ave ryt,18 time nat io nal and int ern ational titl e ho ld e r in trampolin e, headed up the in struction in tr ampolining . Twent y co ll eg iate athl etes from UT-A ustin , Pan _ A m eri ca n Univers~ty, Southwest Texas State, Georgia South e rn , and Mich igan State, wor ked ou t w ith th e hi gh sc ho o l athl etes and assisted w ith in stru c tion. Th e presence of a number of these sc hol arship athl etes-was an in spiration to th e hi g h sc h oo l compe titors. Oti s Hudd, Pan A m eri can U ni ve rsit y, coord in ated th e f o urth Te xas Teac hers In stitut e in Gymnast ics, a three-da y prof ess ion al ex p eri ence for per son s w ishing to improve th eir skill s in work in g in gym nast ics ed uca ti o n. Ce rtifi cates fro m th e Coaches Assn ., th e Gymnastics Assoc iati o n and Pan A m e ri ca n U ni ve rsi ty we re presented to th e parti c ipant s. Although th e energy cris is limit ed tra ve l and parti c i pation , the exce ll e nt 1:4 teacher/student ratio allowed for persona l atte ntion to th e n ee d s of beg innin g, intermediate and el it e gy mn asts. Pr elimin ary plan s for 1974 inclu d e a return to A ust in as the Clinic sit e fo r D ece mb er 27-30th , at th e Lyndon B. Johnson Hi gh Schoo l, o penin g in ~ a ll , 1974. lh e n ew Jo hn son Hi gh is A ustin 's first hi gh sc hool to have it s ow n gy mna st ics gym na sium, mea sur in g 3300 square feet.

HOW TO KEEP ALIVE THE GROWING INTEREST IN GYMNASTICS By O.J. Kudrnovsky Currentl y, we are ex peri e ncing a momentous growth in interest in gymna st ics, unpara ll eled in all ou r past. In orde r to kee p this int eres t hummin g, we have to channe l it into con structi ve effort; int o de ve loping a joy and beauty of th e gymnast ic movem ent that brin gs to all tho se so int eres ted, a d egree of sa tisfaction - the victory of fu lfillm e nt. To cope wi th th is ta sk, first of all , we ha ve to overcome th e crit ica l sh o rtage of in structional personnel, and the limit at ions of th e low tim e.learner rat io in our lesso ns. Fo r thi s ve ry reason I wo uld li ke to describ e, bri efl y, the work in gs of th e team-rot ating method. Because se lectin g this m ethod for teac hin g gym na st ics may be on e of the answer.s to this problem. Class arrangement: Th e class is di v id ed evenly int o tea m s acco rdin g to the in d ividu al abili ty of all cl ass m e mb ers. Exa mpl e : 36 cl ass m embe rs, 6 tea m s. These t ea m s are furth e r su bdiv id ed: Team 1, 2,3 int o Group A , tea m 4, 5, 6, int o Group B. Appa ratu s ass ignment : Gr. A : Statio n l-H . Bar; St. 2 - P. H o rse; St. 3- Tumbl. Gr. B: Stat ion 4-Rin gs; St. 5-P. Bars; St. 6-L. H o rse . Each team begin s at th e station w ith th e correspond in g number to its number. Team 1, at station 1; team 2, at station 2; team 3, at station 3; tea m 4, dt station 4 etc. Rotating procedure : Dur:ng one lesso n eac h tea m co mpl etes th e rota tin g cyc le in two changes. In Gr. A: Tea m 1 fo ll ows 2; tea m 2 follo ws tea m 3 and team 3 follows team 1. In Gr. B: Tea m 4 follows 5; tea m 5 follo ws6a nd tea m 6 fo ll ows tea m 4.

Above are scenes from th e Texas High School Clinic. In th e top photo Buddy Bartee makes a point about twisting dismo unts to his group of e lite boys. In the lowe r left picture Bill valentin e ex plains a skill on bala nce beam. In th e lower right picture Debbie Huff leads h er group throug h the beginning level compulsory.

Note: Thi s rotati on proceeds unti l each team ha s had it s turn at all three stations. For th e next lesson Gr. A and Gr. B. exc han ge th eir apparatus assignment. Time allotment: Exam ple: 90 minute s for th e cl ass period. At least 15 minutes from t hi s tim e has to be tak en for se tting up and clearing off th e apparatus. In th at case, the all oted time for each station is 25 minut es. Instruction procedure: Each tea m is taken ca re of b y th e tea m leade r, w ho demon strates eac h exe rcise; in stru cts and g uard s eac h tea m m embe r. Team-leader class: A ll t ea m lea ders have to be train ed for th eir duti es . Thi s is usuall y accomp li shed b y se ttin g up a spec ial c lass for thi s purpose. Suggested Tea m - lea der class subj ect m atter: 1. Se lection of the in structional topic for th e e nsuin g wee k. 2. D eve lopme nt of th e necessa ry skill by each team leade r for hi s parti cular topi c. 3. Enum e rat ion of var io us in struction al hi nts and key point s in reference to form an y bod y posture. 4. D e mon strat ior and pra cti ce of th e safest spo ttin g techniques. 5. Practi ce of a co rr ect app roac h and retreat. 6. Warm -up exe rcises, genera l d eve lopm e nt al exerc ises . The class instructor's part: He organiz es th e c lass. Gi ves co mmand s for appa ratu s changes. G ives as mu ch assistance to the tea m leaders and tea m m embers as t im e permit s. Sup erv ises th e class in it s entirety .

Th e best ev ide n ce of th e sup eriorit y 01 th e team-rotation , in th e gy mna sti c skill ped agogy is the fact that a so m ew hat simil ar plan has been used practicall y in all European countr ies, sin ce Frederi ch Jahn, father of Germ an gym nas tics, and Dr . Mi roslav Ty rs, found er of the Soko ls. Such a tea m-rotation pl an enabled them , yea r afte r yea r, to train thou sa nd s of gymna st s for th e ir nation al competition. Th e Sokol s in the U.S.A. using thi s plan are capab le to train , an in cred ibl e numb er of mor e than on e th ousand, m en, women and ju niors in a peri od of less tha n on e yea r for th e ir Na tion al Sokol Slet s (So kol Fes ti va ls) .

/ Editor's Note: In th e Nove mb e r, 1973 edit ion of GYMNAST magaz in e th e two pictures of a gymna st, doing a full twist in g hecht of f the hi gh bar, w hi ch appeared on pa ge 13 should have been la be led wi th th e capt io n Glenn Him e in stea d of Da na Crosley. We apolog ize for the e rror and wish to correc t it.

GYMNAST Apr. '74 11


"Gymnastics Country Style" 16882

ED ISABE-LLE, Camp lJireelor

STAFF JOHN CULBERTSON, Program Director, and Assistant Camp Director Member of 1960 and 1962 USA teams and now member of Technical Committee of National Ulympic Gymnastic Judges .AssociatlOn DICK SWETMAN, Instructor Captain of 1970 Penn State University Gymnastics Team, Member of 1970, 1971 National Team BARBARA CULBERTSON, Instructor Former National Trampoline Champion HEIDI ARMSTRONG, Instructor University of Massachusetts ANN WEAVER, Instructor Michigan State University TERRY SPENCER, Instructor (July 14-Aug. 3) 1970 University World Games 1971 Member of the Pan American Team 1973 World Uni versity Game!:! (Moscow) Placed 4th in the finals on Floor Exercise

President, National Gymnastics Centers Assistant Coach , Penn State University NCAA All Around Champion , I:{ullller Up

And many other nationally ranked , gymnasts, coaches , and guest specialists


~;:r '_ -~_.r

STONY BROOK GYMNASTICS CAM P "Where Previous Campers Bring Their Friends" STONY BROOK, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11790


GARY SEIBERT, Camp lJireelo r B.S., Lock Haven State College l"ormer Coach, Hempfield High S(;hool Director Lancaster Gymnastics S(;hool V.P. National Gymnasti(;s Centers LINDA ZOOK, Womens Program Dire(;tor National Rated Judge TERRY SPENCER, lnstruelor (Aug. 4-Sept. 1) Second All-Around University Games BRUCE DODD, Summer Programs Administratur AND MANY OTHER INSTRUCTORS AND GYMNASTS OF NATIONAL CALIBER

Counselors meet the highest standards of qualification for both personal character and camping experience. An overall ratio of one staff member to every eight campers maintains supervision well within recommended limits. All seniors counselors are of at least college-age and experience.

STONY: BROOK GYMNASJICS CAMP, P.O. Box 593, Stony Brook, Long Island, N.Y. 11790


(9atalina GIsland gymnastics (9amp P.O. Box 17b6, Santa Monica, California 90405

"Pacific Island Adventure" Surrounded by rugged hills and pounding surf, the new Catalina Gymnastics Camp provides an exc.:iting summer adventure, Twenty-six miles off the coastof Los Angeles, the c.:amp is loc.:ated in one of Santa C<.Ita lina's many beautiful valleys, and enjoys exc.:ellent workout weathe r all summer long, Staffed with top gymnasts and experienc.:ed c.:oac.:hes from all parts of the nation, the camp offers expert instru<.:tion in c.:orrec.:t tec.:hniques and skill learning for all the men's and women's Olympic.: events, STAFF MKHAEL KASAVANA, Camp Director Assistant Women's Coach, Uni\', of l\Iassachusells 1973 AlA W National Intercollegiate Team Champions Former ECAC and NCAA Competitor 1971 National YMCA Trampoline Champ MARGIE COMBS, Program Co-Ordinator University of Massachusells Gymnast 1973 Collegiate All-American Gymnast 1972 Eastern Regional All 'Around Champ JON HARDY, Aquatics Consultant Underwater Instructor-Trainer U ,S, Coast Guard License Holder W,S,I. anet t'irst-Aid In:rtructor ROBERT KOENIG, Gymnastics Program Dir, Former Penn State GYlllnast Assl. Men's Coach, Unili, of Massachusetts Teacher and Coach at many camps TERRY SPENCER, Instructor (June 22-July ta) 1973 World University Games Team Former SIU Gymnast 1973 Collegiatc All-American Gymnast STEVE LEHNER, Instructor Former UCLA Gymnast Member of the Triple Fly-Away Club Trampoline Specialist DIANE CANTWELL, Instructor Former USGF National Beam Champion University of Massachusetts Gymnast JO-ANN HASIIIMOTO YAMAUCHI, Instructor 1969 Captain, SlU Team 1907 World Univel'sit\' Games Team 1968 Cup of the Amel:icas Team GLENN SUNDBY, Camp Coordinator ....... .......-!l-••••-• ..... .......,....,....., ...,.............. ..

Write to the NGC camp(s) WOOOWAltD GYMNASTKS (ANt 80.93 Woodward. Pl'nmyhl.mid IbUH,!

1 elephone:

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your dloice

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CATALINA ISLAND GYMNASTICS CAMP P.O. Box 176& S,ml .. Monicd, C.lIii. Tt'll' phonl': llJ/ -IS1-t1 Ic;.


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Plan to attend ~ NGC cain p this s umm er!


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Po land vs USA Team Score : Poland 276.30 - Usa 275.60 All-Around: Andr ezej ' Sza jn a (POL) 57.35; Ga ry Mo rava (USA) 55.75; Wil helm Ku bica (POL) 55.55; Ji m Ivicek (USA) 55. 20; Ma rsha ll Ave ne r (USA) 54.95.

POLAND 276.30 - U.S.A . 275.60 by Frank Cumis key On Sund ay aft ern oo n, Febru ary 17, 1974, at W illo w b roo k Hi gh Schoo l in Chi cago , th e Nat ion al Me n's Gy mn ast ic tea m of Po land defea ted th e Na ti onal Me n 's Gy mn astic tea m of th e U.S.A. in an exciti ng con tes t tha t was decid ed in th e last event. The U n ited States, w ith Gary Mo rava, Ma rshall Ave ner, j ay Wh elan, jim Ivice k, Br ent Sim mons and ji m Steph enso n, led fr o rn th e o utse t and had a l A5 lea d goin g int o th e ho rizo nta l ba r and lost by 0.70, w ith thr ee maj o r br eak -u ps. Thi s Na t io nal Matc h was th e fi rst of six stops by th e Po lish Na ti ona l Tea m sa ncti o ned by th e U nit ed States Gymn ast ics Fe d eratio n and co nduct ed unde r the rul es o f FIG, by t he Illi no is Hi gh Schoo l Gym nastics Coach es A ss oc iati o n and the M id -A mer ica j ud ges A ss ociati o n. Th e jud ges we re A lbert D ip po ng (C anada) superi or jud ge, M r. Baji n (Yu goslav ia), M r. Oryshch yin (Ca nada), M r. Karni ewicz (Po lan d) and M r. Muzyczko (U.S .A. ). Poland had an experience d tea m w ith fin e Ol ympi ans fro m M unich, altho ugh M ichae l Kubi ca suffered a sto mac h m usc le tea r in Po land and was ullab le to cOlllpe te. f he tea m co nsis ted 01 W il h elm Ku bi ca , Kru Ld, StrdLalk d, Ma rek, Pi eczka amJ Szajll a, who was the dll aro und w illn er w it h a grea t sco re 0 157.35. Gar y M o rava lini sh ed seco ll d , w it h a fill e sco re 0 1 55.75 , p rov in g t ha t he had recove red fru lll h is inj u ry and ope rd tio ll . Th e event s were co nt es ted as fo ll ows: FLOOR EXERCI SE U.S.A. = 46.75 POL AN D.= 45.9 0 Th e U nited States di d a fin e job o n the floo r and I th o ught that Po land was ove rsco red, sin ce mos t of the ir front an d back work was lo w, es peciall y w hen tw ist ing. Sim mo ns op ene d w ith an 8.95 w it h a cl ea n exe rcise, w hereas Kru za d id n 't hold a p ress, d id n' t hold an att empt ed sca le, bu t did do a doub le full (low) and fin ished w ith a low fu ll fo r an 8.95. Ave n er h ad a fi ne rout i ne w ith a do u b le back , and dou b le f ull for a 9AO. W helan had a fine o p enin g comb in at io n to a d oub le full and fin ished w it h a dou bl e full (al th o ugh low and


POLAND Team Sco re 1. Sza jna , Andrezej 3. Kubica , Wilhe lm 6. Kru za, A. 7. Pieczka, Ma ria n 10. Strza lka , M ieczyslaw 11 . Marek , Wa ldema r USA Team Score 2. Morava , Ga ry 4. Ivic e k, Jim 5. Avene r, Ma rshall 8. Simmons, Bren t 9. Whelen , Ja y 12. Stephenson , Jim

legs apart) for a 9.30. Mare k, altho ugh he ma nage d a low dou bl e fu ll , had leg tro ub le and fin ished wit h a tucked back fo r a h igh 8.90. Mo rava was all cl ass w it h h is fin e tum b ling, do u b le back, goo d style and fin ishin g w it h a do u b le full for a 9.50. W. Ku b ica had a 9.20 (hi gh); d id n 't ho ld a press and was Iowa n th e fini sh in g full . Szajn a was the class of "t he Po li sh Tea m all ni ght an d started w ith a h igh d ou bl e back , however, he made no atte m p t to stand an d ju st rolled i nto a back ro ll o n la nd ing. He wo rk s we ll and sco red a 9.55. POMMEL HORSE U.S.A . = 44.85 PO LAN D = 45 .30 Straza lka led o ff and fe ll off for an 8A5 and Sim mo ns fo ll owed and sat down fo r an 8.35. Steph enso n nee d s wo r k o n the horse w ith low sc isso rs, a sit, and stop an d m in im al d iff icul ty fo r an 8.25. Ivicek is im p rov ing; hi s di ff icult y has im p roved, hi s legs are still ben din g and partin g bu t he fin ished stro ng w ith a loop, hop loop d ismo unt. Pi eczka sa t down fo r an 8.95 . W helan was fast an d w il d for an 8.95. Szaj na had a clea n exercise (low sc issors) and fin ished w it h a Shurlock loop of f fo r a 9.3~wh i c h was hi s low fo r th e ni ght. Morava loo ked be tt er tha n Kubi ca (who had a stop) ye t bo th sco red 9.20. Gary was a li tt le st iff . Ave ner was su pe rb and undersco red with a 9AO . A ll compet itors have low sc issors according to th e ru les and all t h e sco res wo u ld be lowe r if t hose ru les we re fo ll owed. Afte r t he po mm el horse, wh ich we los t by OA5, we st ill had a lead, of OAO of a po in t - - 91.60 to 91. 20 . RINGS U.S.A. = 46.80 PO LAND = 46.65 W h elan ope ned for the U .S.A. shakey on handstand, hi gh on fro n t leve r and a weak




45.90 9.55 9.20 8.95 9. 10 9. 10 8.90

PH 45.30 9.35 9.20 8.95 8.90 8.45 8.90

46.65 9.55 9.40 9.35 9. 15 9.20 8.50

44 .95 9.65 8.90 9.15 8.80 8.45 8.00

PB HB TOTAL 46 .60 46.90 276.30 9.55 57.35 9.70 9A5 55.55 9.40 54.40 8.70 9.30 54.05 9. 15 8.95 9. 15 9.05 53.40 9.35 9.40 53.05

46.75 9.50 9. 15 9.40 8.95 9.30 9.40

44.85 9.20 8.95 9.40 8.35 8.95 8.25

46.80 8.90 9.50 9.50 9.35 8.70 9.55

46. 10 9.40 8.55 9.30 8.95 9.15 9.30

46.35 44.75 275.60 55.75 9.35 9.40 9.50 9.55 55.20 54.95 9.35 8.00 53.60 8.45 9.55 9. 15 8.25 53.50 52.05 9.00 6.55

exercise for an 8.70 and Ma rek fo r Po land was ve ry wea k w ith a gift o f 8.50. Th e res t of t h e exercises we re ve ry good . Mo rava was ab le to ho ld a c ross; Simm o ns looked grea t o n hi s giant sw ing to a full d ismo u nt (9.35) Ave ner, 9.50; Ivicek, 9.50 an d Steph enso n, 9.55. Po land u se d more stre ngt h w ith Sza jna usi ng a w hippe t w ith co ntinuati o n to a hand stand but hi s inve rt ed hand stan d was too hi gh and fini sh ed w ith a full as com pared wit h do u b le fu ll s o r do uble backs by all A m eri ca ns excep t th e grea t hi gh full b y Simmo ns. Szajna rece ived a h igh 9.55 . It was ev ident t hat th e Amer ica ns were superi o r o n th e rin gs but o n ly wo n by 0. 15. Th e A m eri cans also used straight arm s more th an th e Po les. Ku bi ca d id a full ove r fro m hand stand to a hi gh cross (w hich enab led hi m to pu ll to " L" su p p ort) . Afte r t he rin gs, th e A merica ns led b y 0.55 po in ts - 138AO to 137.85 . VA ULTING MAR EK - (Poo r un determin ed va ul t) - V, tw ist ? WH ELAN - (Full twist - legs open ?) KRUZA - (F ull tw ist - bad fee t) M O RA VA - (Doubl e fro nt - littl e low) STR ZALKA - (Fu ll tw ist - bad legs & stand ) SIMMO NS - (F ull t wist - crooke d - ba d side step ) Kubica. W. - (Round off back - low land on fl oor) STEPHE NSON - (Round-off back - cro oked) PIECZKA - (Fu ll tw ist - legs - steps) AVEN ER - (Round -o ff p ike back - underscored) SZAJNA - (Double front - hig h - good) IVICEK - (1 V, t wis t - stand - V, pI. grip dedu ct)

8.00 9.15 9.15 9.40 8.45 8.95 8.90 9.30 8.80 9.30 9.65 8. 55

Thi s was a good ex hi b it io n of va u lting b y t he A meri cans . Th ey all have succeede d in ge ttin g height and d istance. They won t he eve nt b y 1.1 5 po int s and at thi s poin t the sco re was U .S.A. - 184.50 -- Po land - 182.80. PARAllEl BARS U.S.A. = 46.35 PO LAN D = 46.60 GYM NAST A pr. ' 74

This was a hotly contested event w ith on ly ' Kruza and Simm on s scoring less than 9.00 (they both had major breaks). Avener had a fine exercise with an underscored 9.35 - he wou ld do we ll to get a different beginning - jump straddle on end to circl es - the rest is good and really swings w ith a great back catch , uprise back stut z, and back off. Mora va also was clean and scored a 9.35 . Ivicek, with a perfect Diamidov, merited a 9.50 . But the w inner wa s Szajna w ith a gl id e kip in the middle to immediate cut stradd le backward to a planche and press ou t to a hand sta nd. H'is stut z and back sa ito were great w ith a front off with a y, twist. Kubica started by jumpin g to a st raddl e " L" on one bar press, back sa ito, st ut z and hi gh front uprise stutz and a good back off. Both team s were very good and at the co nclu sion of the parallel bars we were leading by 1.45 points. U.S.A. 230.85 - Poland 229.40. HORIZONTAL BAR U.S.A., = 44.75 POLAND = 46 .90 This event wa s hard to beli eve - Avene r, w ho had 9.40, 9.40, 9.50, 9.30, 9.35 and w ith a possible 9.40 to score a 57 .35 started to a Tdkemoto and cam~ out crook ed to an intl,rlllf'ciiate sw in g and alth ough fini shillg with a high double, scored a deserved U.OO. Mora va followed wi th a fin e 9.40 and no w it was Whelall's turn to stall on a Ru ss ian giallt for <III U.25. It still was possible to recoup as Pieczk a al so broke for all U.95. A s it turn ed out all U.UO by Stephen son would win but he al so stalled <I i{us sidn , got back on and stalled aga in for <I 6.55. Simmo ns scored a 9.50 but it wa s too late . Kub ica (w ith 9.45) and SzajnJ w ith 9.10 lini shed irl style to w in by 0.70 point s. A disdppointing fini sh b y us, but th e team looked promi sing dr l d d belter futu re lie s ah ead, Poland would al so visit Lans in g, Mich iga n; Tulsa, Oklahoma ; Dall as, Texas; Baltimore, Maryland; and New Haven, Connecticut. Frank Walsh , I'resid'e rlt of the I.H. S.G.C.A. and Ted M uzyczko, Executi ve Director of the N.G .J .A. spear headed the Polish vis it to Chicago.

GYMNAST Apr. '74

CZECHOSLOVAKIAN REPORT by Gail Chimielenski Prologue The city of New Ha ve n, Connecticut can be cons id ered th e 'Gym n ast ic Capital of the East '. In fact , the Connecticut Gymnastic Corporation, a non profit organization, insists th at the city is most deserving of th at titl e and if yo u are will ing to li sten they wi ll give yo u a dozen reaso ns why. What other cit y cou ld boast two former O lymp ians and now highly successfu l coaches 'in Murie l and Abie Grossfeld! What other cit y could claim las t yea rs men ' s co ll eg iate champion and this years men 's Eastern champion , Southern Connecticut State College, and all arou nd champion, John Crosby? Most recently, though , New Have n has proudly estab li shed a new precident, that of ho sting two different East European teams in th e same city during th e sa me weekend. Mayor Bart Guida iss u ed a proclam ation and declared March first throu gh third as International Gymnastics Weekend. The occasion honored the arrival of . the Polish Men 's Nationa l Team wrapping up a two week tour of the United States with a meet on Frida y night aga in st Southern Connect icut. Th e following even in g, a tea m of se lected eas te rn gymn asts competed unofficial ly aga in st the Czechos lovak ian Women 's Na tion al r ea m. Thi s was the first appearance of the Czech women in an lU da y tour of six USA cities to includ e Bring in gton , N.Y., Washington D.C. , Denver, Seatt le, and culminating in an official meet in Sa n Francisco.

Picking Up The Czechs Though th e Czech m eet was unoffi cial the participant s failed to give the impressio n that th e outcome was of no real significance. Both teams demonstrated proficiency in all routines , and co ntain ed some bright prospects for the future. The American tea m was composed of so me new faces from th e Southern Connecticut Gymnastics Club, coached by Mu rie l Grossfeld, a nd so me al ready establ ished ones . An unfortunat e pre-meet leg injury eliminated nati o nal champio n i{oxanne Pierce , but pa ved the way for a n ewcom er from Greenwich, sixteen yea r old Jill Hagen, who gained her first opportunity to compete against a foreign team. Another nov'ice w ith a bit more international experience an d except ion al promise was fourteen yea r old Denise Wa lker. D en ise is a high sc hool stude nt from Wooster , Massachusettes. She has co mpete d aga in st teams from both Fran ce and Hun ga ry. Newington 's Barbie Myslak turn ed in a fine performance wh ich brought her third place in the all around stand ings behind Jana Knopova and Olympian Zdena Dornako va. H er clean bar work and outstand in g va ultin g refl ected

extraord in ary poise for her fifteen yea rs. Barbie wil l most ass ured ly be in con tention for a berth on the '76 tea m. This is one ' Nutmegger' we in Connecticut w ill be anxious to hea r about! Barbie who ha s competed in m ee ts against Japan and Hu nga ry , is an adm i rer of former East Germarl Olympian Kdrirl Jarl L. Janette Ande rson, already a seaso ned veteran in elit e competition at twenty one, flew in from Seatt le ju st to take part in thi s unofficial meet. Recognized for her uniqu e style, Jan ette 's quality beam routin e went unre wa rd ed aga inst the high scoring Czech team. Her lo ve ly floor exercise was a triumph tempered by a four way ti e for first p lace go ld . As a membe r of Gymnastics In corpo rated , Janett e ha s bee n on the national team compet in g in Mexico City in 1969 and aga in st Japan. H er immediat e goal is to be chosen to represen t the US in th e World Games later on this year. The two remaining eastern USA gymnasts we re Cole Dowaliby and Li sa Cain. Co le lost her chance to compet e aga in st the Hungarian team on tour last year because of a broken foot , but has met w ith Japan. She is a high school stud en t. Li sa, a stude nt at Southern Sona Brazdova


Drahomira Smo lik ova

De nise Walke r

M urie l Grossfeld, coach of the So uthe rn Co nn ecticut Gym Clu b a nd th e group of easte rn USA gymn asts co mpe ting aga inst the Czechs.


Co nn ecti cut an d roo mmate of Roxa nn e Pi erce , is nin etee n. She has com p et ed with th e French Na ti o nal Tea m . Th e east ern gy mn asti c stars, predo min antl y me mbers o f t he South ern Co nn ec ti cut Gymn asti c Club (no t to b e co nfu sed w ith So uthern Conn ec tic ut State Co ll ege), w ere Ol ympi an Muri el coac hed by fo rm e r G rossfe ld . Th o ugh th e to tal scores we re se parat ed by a substantial 3.5 p oints Muri el fe lt thi s hardl y refl ected th e ca liber o f her gymn asts. Sh e cl aim ed t he loss o f Roxa nn e Pi erce wa; hi ghl y d etrim ental to th e out com e o f th e meet. Th ere see m ed no qu es tion but th at in th e o ffi cial co mpeti t io n in Sa n Fra ncisco th e proj ect ed turn o ut wo uld b e ove rw helmin gly in th e oth er fav or. Con ce rnin g th e fa te o f thi s yea r's USA tea m gymn asts in ge neral, M uri e l couldn ' t paint a rosy pi cture. " W e no longer have th e reall y big name rea dil y recog ni za bl e to th e judges to guarantee th at las t so li d score . It' ll be a yea r o r so t ill we build anoth er name. " Fo rm erl y th e names o f Rigby and Ri ce we re 'aces ' in th e hand o f U SA Gymn as ti cs. It app ea rs fo r a w hil e at least th e USA w ill have to depend o n less famili ar and less establ ish ed nam es. Th e Czec hos lova ki an tea m made up o f two Ol ympia ns, So na Br azdova and Zd ena Dorn akova, was sp arked by th e trul y deli ghtful performances o f a sixteen yea r old w indow dresser from p str ova. Jana Kn op ova, w h ose o nl y ex p eri ence intern ati o nall y up to now was in a m ee t w ith Cuba, aspires to represe nt her co untry i n th e nex t Ol ympi cs . Her id o l, as was th e case w ith eve ryo ne o f th e Czech tea m , Ludmill a Turi sc h eva . Th e yo ungest m emb er o t th e Czech tea m was Draho mira Smo likova . Th e fiftee n yea r o ld high sc hoo l stud ent, also from O strova, found herself on a pl ane hea ded W es t w hen a cho se n tea m memb er injured her h and in a pre-m ee t pract ice sess io n. She has alrea d y been cho se n to enter th e U ni ve rsity to b ecome a trainer of gymn asti cs. Blo nd Vladka Bartumk ova is a stud ent in a gY"ln asti cs sc ho ol in Litvin ov. She w as ve ry pl ease d th at she w ould sp end her eighteenth birthd ay in th e U nited States. Th ree m emb ers of th e visiting tea m had limited su ccess in Ol y mpi c co mpet ition. Lenka Hagk ova, a seve n tee n year old stud ent o f eco no mi cs fro m Prag ue, co uld not compete beca use of an injury. Sh e remain ed as an alt ern at e. Zdena Do rn akova and Son a Brazd ova fini sh ed twe nt y third and tw ent y fo urth respecti ve ly in th e all aro und. Fo r Do rn akova, a stu de nt o f gymna sti cs in O stro va, th e 20t h Ol ympi ad was h er fi rs t major co mpet iti o n intern ati o nall y. Twe nty o ne yea r old Son a was th e o ld es t and most ex peri enced of th e Czec hs. Sh e wo rk s as a secretary in Go ttund ov. Special th ank s to national judge M arlon Taussig and Czec hoslova ki an jud ge Vera Ru gick ova fo r actin g as translato rs.

Sona Brazdova

GYMNAST Apr. '74

CZECHOSLOV AKIA vs. USA March 8, 1974 University of San Francisco by lIarbara Thatcher There are times when it would be nice if victory in gymnastics was decided by a stop watch or a f in is h lin e. And the Czechslovakian vs. USA Women's meet held March 8th in Sa n Francisco was one of those times . The meet was n ' t that import ant internatio nall y, wo rld cham pi onship titles weren ' t decided . The point span wasn 't eve n that ove rwh elm ing ... 187.55 -186.20 in favor of the Czech team. But so mehow and for some reason the fee lin g just persisted, after leav in g the University of San Francisco gym, that th e American team should have won, or at least fin ished in a tie with the Czech team. The two teams started out equal ly ... the USA team had two Olympians .. . the Czech team had two Olympians. Th e Czech team had severa l yo un g, ve ry talented newcomers to internat iona l compet ition. .. so did the American co ntingent. So where did the USA team lose? Where was th e def inite weak spot that can be pinpointed as t he cause for the defeat? Or was it merely that a few ins ignifi cant tenths were lost in each event w hi ch added together totalled one ce rtainty ... a victory for the Czechs. Vaulting was not a weak area. The American girl s executed good va ults. Joan Rice of the Mannettes did a handspri ng full but had a minor problem w ith the landing to earn a 9.2 and a 8.95 . Nancy Thi es of the Oregon Academy of Gymnast ics did a Yamashita w ith a half turn fo r a 9.05 and 9.3. Janette Ande rson of Gymnastics Incor porat ed did a nice half onhalf off vau lt for a 9.1 and 9.15. And the SCATS Debbie Fik e did a beautiful Yami (b ut remember it's onJy wort h a 9.7 now) and a pretty decent Yami w ith a half, for a 9.1 and a 9.2. Top vau lter for the Ame ri cans was a loca l gi rl Diane Dunbar (D iab lo Gym Club ). She executed a beautiful Yamashita with a half twist and stuck it to earn a 9.35. And th en turned in a seco nd vau lt that was unbelieveable, a Yamashita w ith a fu ll twist. .. for a 9.2. Now this sco re wou ldn ' t have been bad except th at one Czech vau lter received a score of 9.2 for a handsprin g with a ful l twist in which she landed with her legs comp letely crossed . She then was awarded a .2 h igher score for th e same va ult w hi ch though her legs we ren 't c ro ssed didn 't look much better. Diane was also edged out of first in vau ltin g by Zdena Dornakova, a dynami c gymnast who executed a half twist on- full twist off. Sensationa l vault. However besides a few gasps and cheers from the audi ence all she merited was first a 9.35 and then a 9.4. As for the rest o f the Czech gi rl s, they displayed just fai r vau lts. Drahomira Smo lik ova did a Yamashita (with littl e push from the h orse) for a 9. 05 wh ich was .05 lower than Fike 's va ult , but D ebbi e's vault at least from th e back of the horse looked a lot better. Smolikova 's seco nd vault , a Yamashita w ith a half earned for her a 9.20. However (agai n from th e back of the horse) her back and legs look ed loose. Vl adka Bartumkova did a quarter on-half off for a 9.20 and 9.30. Lenka Hagkova did a handspring full w ith a sli ght ly slow twist fo r a 9.05 and 8.6. And Jana Knopava did a Yamashita , wh ich was flat and low for a 8.8 (keep in mind Fike 's va ult was o nl y .3 higher) plus a Yami w ith a half. .. legs loose and apart for a 9.3. (Dunbar only sco red 9.2 for a Yami w ith a full.) So the score at the end of va u lting ... Czechs

GYMNAST Apr. '74

Janette Anderson


46.50 ... USA 46. 20. At bars fo r t he most pa rt the USA squad rea ll y hit th eir routin es. Kyle Ga yn or (SCATS) received a 9.35 for her effo rt s w hi ch is an al l tim e hi gh sco re for her in thi s eve nt. Di ane Dunbar also ear ned her hi gh es t sco re ever on bar s.. . a 9.45. H oweve r h er routin e w hi ch in cl udes a reverse eagle and hecht w ith a ful l twi st from th e hi gh bar see med a bit mo re than .05 better th an Sana Brazdova who fin ished h er rout i n e with a hec ht. Debbi e Fik e and j ane tt e Anderson also had ni ce rout i nes. j anett e h ad a few minor breaks toward the end but did not su ffer nearly th e breaks jana Knopava did with an ex tra swing and a nearly m issed hand stand on the high bar. Ande rso n 's sco re .. . 8.6, Knopava 's sco re .. . 8.8 . joan Ri ce had a smooth ro utin e w ith a fro nt somi over th e lo w bar to catc h the hi gh bar. She also showed so me fine free hip wo rk and a h echt with a full off the low bar. For this she was scored 9.45 . lde na Dornako va had slow tempo but good form to tak e first in this eve nt with a 9.5. (A ltho ugh she seems a litt le heavy on the bars) . Going into th e balance beam event... . Czechs 92.75, USA 93.10. At th e co nclu sion of bal an ce beam o ne qu es ti on remain ed un answe red ... ju st what did joan Ri ce and Na ncy Thies ha ve to do to ge t a 9.5 . G rant ed 9.4 isn 't a bad sco re but in re lation ship to the 9.5's th at we re given it looked li ke from the end of the beam that these tWO yo un g lad ies also de se rved that score. Nancy Thi es had prob lems sta ying o n during wa rm -up s but hit a solid routin e th at looked like all th e diffi cult y in th e Code o f Point s don e in th e required tim e limit. She did a fro nt aer ial nlount whic h put an extrem ely happ y look on her face, as she comp leted it , we nt on to do a' back tu ck, ga ining back handspring, sid e aeri al, sp lits, seve ral bea utiful tur ns, a va ld ez and a gaine r di smount. j oan also did a back tu ck, a back handspring w hich she rea ll y pops up off the beam , a fast fron t wa lk over, front tinsi ca, ldd s ni ce dance, and amp litude. And now in th e 9.5 ca tego ry .. . Sona Brazova \V ho does a back wa lkover, b ack handsp rin g, front wa l kover and 1 Y2 wo lf turn into splits; back tin sica and a gaine r off th e sid e. Al so scoring a 9.5 was jana Knopa va w ho does so me "er y int eres tin g jazzy dance mo ve ments and has intr ica te ways o f ge tt i ng do w n on th e beam. He r acrobat ic elem ent s includ e back wa lk ove r back hand spring, gai ning back han dsp ring , Iront wa lk ove r and a gainer of f. Th e last perfo rmer on bea m was Lenka Hagkova. Sh e . orks qui ck ly o n t he beam an d used a sid e le ri al, back hand spring and back wa lk over, and dismo unt ed w it h a ga in er off th e sid e. Kyle (never mi sses her aerial walkovers) Gaynor didn't miss her aerials but nearly fell o n mo th er part of her ro utin e, tri ed to cove r it up by throw in g a front flip d ismount o ff th e 9d eand fell to the flo o r anyway . Her score 8.75. D ebbi e !'ik e fell 'on her mount and w as also w arded an 8.75. Zd ena Dornakova, a Czech y mn as t also fell from the beam and rece ived Jl 8.9 . It should also be mentioned that j ane tte ,I nd erso n w ith 1 Y2 reverse turn to need le sca le, !eri al fron t, 1 arm fron t walkove r, bea utiful ka nd stand strad dl e down and elega nt dance Inly m erit ed 9.35. So the sco re at th e end of ka lance bea m ... the Czechs 140.15, USA 139.10. . Floor exe rcise loo ked good for both tea ms , ~ thou g h th e head judge for Fil co mmented /tat she didn 't think these routin es wo uld lO mp are wi th ro utines by o th er gym nas ts o n ~e int ern ati o nal, in particular th e Ru ss ians.




;. ., ,,'



." \

. Zdena Dornakova

but, but no front tumbling excep t for d low front ae ri al. She had so me ve ry ni ce dance in her routine wh ich is done to Span ish so und ing mu sic. Another Czech girl wit h ca tch y music was Sona Bra zdova . To music that reminded th e audience of Barnum & Bailey she d id round off, flip flop, full, round-off, f lip flop , layo ut back and round-off , f lip flop, tu cked back. Ther e were so me nice dance parts but mu ch of th e routin e looked a Ihtl e rushed. Brazdova's score 9.55. D iane Dunbar gave a sup er crowd pl easin g perfo rm ance w ith a routine that co ntain ed ro und -off, fl i p flop, back, flip flop, tu cke d back... cute da nce and trans iti o n.. . fro nt handspring, front flip, int o round-off, fli p flop, back ... and round- off, flip flop, full. She was one of th e two Amer ica ns to receive a 9.5. Th e other was janette Anderso n. j ane tt e has beautiful dance and smooth tumblin g w hi ch in cludes round-off , flip flop, full , a handsp rin g, front layout , and rou nd-off, flip fl op, layo ut, step o ut. H er score 9.55. The la st performer was joan Ri ce and unfo rtun ate ly for th e Amer ica n tea m she fell on her double tw ist. The res t of her rout in e was ve ry nice but had she hit her w hol e rou tin e th e ex tra tenth s wo uld not have been enoug h to put th e USA ahead. Th e fin al outcome - a w in fo r Czechs and an additional vic tory because Sona Brazdova fini shed first in th e all-aro und. Sh e was fo ll owed by Diane Dunbar of the Amer ican sq uad who finished with the highest all around tot al of her ca ree r. It shou ld be men ti oned that the No rth ern Cal ifo rni a Wom en 's Gymnast ic Committee d id an ou tstanding job of host in g thi s m ee t. Becau se of th e va rious str ikes in Sa n Francisco th e meet had to be changed from th e Civic Aud itorium to th e USF gym at th e ve ry las t mi nu te. The mo ve was made very efficientl y and still th e co mp et ition managed to at tr ac t more than 4,000 specta tors. Mee t directo r was Sop hi e Stallman, who was ab le to spea k with the Czechs in their own language and helped mak e re lat ion s between the two teams that much smoo th er. In concl usion .. as fa r as the meet it se lf ... th ere didn 't persist a fee ling that th e sco rin g had b een off, ju st tha t do in g th e bes t th ey co uld , th e Ame ri can team for an eq ual ro utin e did not rat e an equ al sco re .. . that 's all. Ma ybe thi s mee t shou ld have been a flag me et with no scores ... just girl against girl. Afte r each pair had competed t he jud ges wo uld h o ld up the flag (w ith th e team co lor) for th e g irl who had done th e better rout ine. Then at the end th e po in ts wo uld be tota ll ed for each side to determine who had won ... No paper work .. . no p roblem. It might have made it eas ier all the way around. CZECH VS USA RESULTS


Li sa Cain 10 moun"\.

Four Cze ch gymna sts sco red 9.5 and abo ve, while only two Am eri ca'ns ea rn ed that sco re. Th ere we re seve ral co nferen ces on th e floor and it 's int erest in g to not e that t he Czech girl s use d severa l roun d-off back comb in at io ns. For in stance Zdena Dorna kova cJoes w hat looks lik e a round-off side flip into a round-off back . She also does a plain ro und-off back as we ll as a round-off layout back as we ll as a round -off, flip flop, full tw ist. For thi s rout in e she received a 9.55. j ana Knopa va does a round-off, layout step-o ut ; a round-off, fl ip flop, layou t, flip flop tu cked back , and round-off, flip fl op, layou t


V USA Dunbar 9.35/ 9.20 9.20/ B.95 Ri ce 9.05/ 9.30 Thies 9.10/ 9.15 Anderson 9. 10/ 9.20 Fik e 9.05 / B.95 Gaynor Runnin g score 46.20

9.45 9.45 9.30 8.60 9.35 9.35 93.10

V CZECH 9.20/ 9.40 Brazdova Dronakova 9.35 / 9.40 9.05/ B.60 Ha gkova 8.80/ 9.30 Knopova Ba rI u rnkova 9.20 / 9.30 Smolik ova 9.05 / 9.20 Running score 46.50

9.40 9.50 9.25 B.80 9.30 8.45 92.75


BB 9.10 9.40 9.40 9.35 8.75 8.75 139.10

BB 9.55 8.90 9.55 9.50 9.35 9.45 140.15

FX '1.50 9.30 9.35 9.55 9.30 9.40 186.20

AA 37.45 37.35 37.35 36.65 36.60 36.45

FX 9.55 9.55 9.50 9.50 9.10 9.35 187.60

AA 37.80 37.35 37.35 37.10 37.05 36.45

GYMNAST Apr. '74

photos by W illiam Ziegler and Tony Roberts

The official Czechoslovakia vs. USA competition was held at the University of San Francisco gymnasium. Sponsored by the Northern California Women's Gymnastic Committee the competition drew more than 4,000 spectators who witnessed the second place all around finish of local gymnast Diane Dunbar. Above photos show Diane Dunbar vaulting, and also receiving the second place award from Bill Glover NCWGC Chairm an; the Czech team at the S.F. airport; Soph ie Stallman, meet director with translator; Jim Gault. I)iane Dunbar's coach, and opening ceremonies.

GYMNAST Apr. '74




By James Riordan

Gymn astics in Ru ss ia did not beg in w ith Olga Korbut - alth o ugh she has don e m o re than anyon e to foc us att ention upo n th e sport. It goes back wthe eMlies t da ys of organized spo rt in tsari st Russia . A ~ we d e , d e Pauli , ope ned th e fir st G ymna sti cs In stitut e i n SI. Pete rs!.J urg ba ck in 1B30; th e sport w as offi ciall y reco mm e nd ed to ' the nobility as " extremel y ben eficial for health and hygiene. " , Just as th e German Gymnastics Turnvereine, th e Czec h Sokol and th e Scand in dvian gy mna stics m ove m ent s of th e 19th century w ere at te mpt s to rege nerat e th eir peop le after mi litary di sasters, so Ru ss ian gymn as tics w as int end ed to refurbi sh th e Ru ssian ari stocrJcy, es peci all y after the Crimean War. The f irst gymna st ics circl e came into being in ~1. Petersburg in 'IU63 and was fo ll owed th e sam e yea r !.J y th e fam o us Palma Gymna s ti~ s So ciety w hi c h soon had bran che s in li ve oth e r c iti es. In 1Bbtl, th e Mosco w Gymna sti cs Soc iety w as fo rm ed and m et in .I larg e hall on 1 sve tn o i Ho ul eva rd (no w dd ays th e D ynamo Club Gy illn as ium - w he re Ludillilid Turi scheva train s). Pyo tl Les ga ft , th e! ' fath e r ' o f Ru ss ian ph ySl( .II education , introduced gymna stics on the Pru ss ian mod e l into th e Mill y in 1tl74 and , sho rtl y aft e r, establi shed gymna stics cou rse s fo r arm y o ffi ce rs and , in 1896, for civilians . first nation al federatIOn l o r an y sport - th e Russian G ymn asti cs Socie t}' w as cr eat ed in 1tltlJ, o n th e initi ati ve o f seve ral soc ial reform e rs, in c luding th e wr it e r A nt o n Ch ekho v; he ex pr essed th e hope , ch eri shed b y many intellectuals , that the Society's m em!.Jers w ere " the p eopl e o f th e futur e .. . th e time w ill com e wh en eve ryo ne w ill be as stro n g and fit ; th ere li e th e nati o n 's ho p es and hap pin ess." A s e lsew he re in ~ul o p e , gymn .tsti cs bec,lIn e til<' ba sis 0 1 ph YS ical ed u( .lIion in sch oo ls, althu ug h th ese we re confin ed to a sm.dl p ru purtiolt 01 th e popul,lilon,

soci al liberation o f w o m en and th e defense requir e m ent s. It wa s b eli eved , too, to sa ti sfy th at d es ir e fOI d higher artistic quality which w as w orth y of th e li be rat ed man and wo m an of th e first wo rk ers' stat e. M ass gymna sti cs di spl ays in th e 1920' 5 - no t to be co n f used w ith th e d irec ted ad ul ato ry parad es of th e '1930 's we re b ecomin g in crea singl y p o pul ar: some 1B,000 p eopl e, 10 1 exa mpl e, too k PMt in a vast


taken from "Sport in the USSR" l. KUlESHOV

photo by V. Safronov


lh ere ar e lour 10 1111> o f gy mnd sti cs )J UpUldl in th e USSR: "sp o lt i ng gymn as ti cs', " drti sti c g ymn as tIC s Ic all sth e nl c s)' ' dthl e tl c gymnastics " (body-budding) and " pro duction gymna stics' (ph ySl( "I l' xercise at wu rk ). 'I he fir st - "sportin g gy mna st ics" is refe r red tu in thi s articl e . With it s narro w base am o ng th e ari stoc ra cy .lIld spurr ed on b y th e ri sin g indu striali sts, gymn as ti cs had becom e po pul ar enu ug h .It th e turn 01 th e ce ntUl Y fo r a team to be s(!ntt u th e Ol ympi cs 01 191 2 and act uall y wi n Ill c ddl s. 1 he RU SS ian Revo lution o f 'l 'i'l 7 bro ug ht th e hopes of C hekhov nearer reali za tion. Leriin him sell wa s an ene rge ti c prop u n ent u f ph ys ic.d lit nes s; whd e III d SI. Petersburg pri soll he had w rttt en that he di d "gymn asti cs w i th g redt pl easUi e Jnd valu e every day " (Lc llin 's it ali cs) . He an-d other re volutionari es had often stressed the rol e o f gymna sti cs in th e new social ist state as contributing to the harmonious all -round developm ent of ever y individual: " Youn g peop le," h e w ro te, " need a zest for li ving; h ea lth y sport - gymnastics, swimming, hiking, all mann e r o f physical exerc ise - should be combin ed as much as possible with a va riety of intellectu al inte rests that w ill gi ve youn g peop le ... hea lth y mind s in healthy bodies. " gymn as tic s In thl' b ro ddes t sen se Ull<krld Y th e ph ySic al cultUi e ( all1p alg n: Hesid es requ irin g lilli e equlpnH,' n t u tiw i than th e " bes t pro letartan doc tUI S - Ih e su n , air and w dte r ", it was SUita b le as .I me diulll lu r su c i.d 1J0 l ieies such as the fitn ess an d h yg ien e ca mpaig n, th e


Th ey say that all ha ppy famii iesa re ali ke. For thi s part icul ar famil y the road to ha ppin ess bega n in th e Ce ntral Russ ia n City of Vladimir. Th e co mbin ed ages of these newly-weds is onl y 40 years. Bo th ot th em are stud ents, bo th are gymn asts, both are we ll known in th e sportin g wo rl d and bot h are holders of Ol ympi c titl es. Th eir names - Lyu bov Burd a and Niko lai Andria nov! 1 he wil e, however, has th e edge on her hu sband who " on ly" wo n his first Ol ympi c gold medal in 1972. Lyubov's troph y co ll ection cont ain s go ld medals fro m both th e M uni ch and M exico Olympics, her first Olympic gold co min g at the age 01 15. Her ad mirers will long remember th at hot summ er da y in 19&7 whe n th e frai l-look in g and relati ve ly unkn ow n lass from Vo ronez h stepped on to th e winn er;' rostrum hav in g ga in ed third place in th e USSR Nat ional Games. Th e yea rs passed and her maturin g ta lent brou ght new success. But she has neve r let it go to her hea d and still works as hard as ever. Th at is why she has rema in ed a gymn astic star of th e first mag nitud e.

Niko lai Andri Jnov I,,'st made a name fo r himself in th e sportin g wo rl d at the 1971 Europea n Champi omh ips in Madrid. Altho ugh he onl y we nt as a rese rve, he ca me ba ck with a bronze medal in th e combi ned exe rcises and cha mpionship titl es in some 01 th e indivitiu,li events. ~in ce th at tim e he has won considerab le renow n fo r ~o v i e t sport by hi s Ilum e r o u ~ Vi c to ri es . As you Cd n see, then, th ese two youn g peo pl e alread y have a grea t record ot success behind th em. On e can only hope that th eir lamil y li fe will be equa ll y blessed by good lo rtun e. gy mn asti cs di spla y .1 t th e new Red St.1dium to mark th e o pe nin g 0 1 th e Second Cu ng re ss 01 th e 1 hird Int ert hltl o ndl in '1920. Lun.1 chdrsky, th e c...o mmJ ssJr 0 1 ~ nli g ht me nt , in vit ed Isad u r.1 iJu nC,l n to So viet Ru ss id in '192'1dnd h elped her se t up her o w n dc.t d emy in Moscuw (s he act uall y lOok ~o v l e t citiLenshi p , marri ed th e po et Yes e nlll and und o ub tedl y d con sid erabl e Inllu enee on th e d eve lo pm ent of

"arti stic gymnasti cs" , although she o nl y stayed two years). Gymnastics, nev ertheless , had it s opponents - largely becau se of it s association with foreign systems, its nationalistic overtones ffrom the old Pan-Sla vist Sokol move m ent) and its lack of " team-work " . Som e antagonists, no tabl y the "h ygi enists ", argu ed th at it wa s irrational and pot entiall y injuriou s to m ental and ph ys ical health , encoura ging indi vidual rath e r than co ll ectivist attitud es and, hence, aga in st the soci ali st ethic. Du e to " hygi eni st" influ e nce in edu ca tion , gymn as ti cs w as barred from school s. Oth er opponent s, th e Pro letk ultists, rej ected all organized 'sports that emanated from bourgeoi s socie ty as re mn ant s of th e d eca d ent past and refl ection s o f d ege n erate bourg eois culture. A fr es h start had to be mad e through the "revolutionary innov ation of proletarian physi ca l culture " , w hi c h would tak e th e form of " labo ur gymna sti cs" and mass pagea nt s. G ymn as ti cs and it s ' bo urgeoi s' equipm ent would b e repl aced b y va riou s pieces of apparatus in which young people cou ld pracll ce th e ir ' Iabour mo ve m e nt s' . The First 1 rade Un ion Gam es, in 1925, ex cluded gymna stics, along w it h football , bo xing and w e ightlifting - even though these w er e th e four mo st popular pursuits o f th e itm e. With the onset of rapid industriali zation at the end of the 1920' s, however, opponents to gymn as ti cs w ere swe pt away (so m ellm es lit e rall y) and , by a resolut ion of '1933, it b eca me th e ba sis of th e sports mo ve m ent and of ph ys ical educ ation in sc hool. It w as u se d , too , as a cultural m edium to draw sport sm en into the orbit of culture, being linked to ballet and other forms of cultural expression. The aes th eti c va lu e o f human m ove m ent s e ngend e red in gymna stics was th o ught to be synonymous with that which emanates from art at it s b es t; a new and dynam ic cultural force wou ld emerge through graphi c symbolization of gymna stics, ca li sth eni cs , th e dan ce and ma ss formation-di splays, as In th e n ewl y-fo und ed Sp art aki ad s. By 1940, gymna stics wa s fourth among sport s in regi stered numb er of participants. Although no Sovi et spo rtsm e n (apart from chess Grandma ster s) to ok part in 'bourgeoi s intern ational tournam ent s pr ior to th e war , it is asse rt ed that , b y '194'1, So viet gymn ast s had allain ed Ih e top w o rld stand ards in tec hniqoe and res ult s.lhey did no t co mp ete aga in st for eign 'bo urge oi s' g ymn as ts, in as much as no Sovie t sport s asso ciation was affiliat ed to an y int e rnational fed e ration, Sov iet sport s po li cy largely b eing conducted thro ugh the Int ernationa l A sso ciati o n of Red Sport sGymnastics Organi zation which viewed " ph ys ical culture, gymna stics, gam es and sport as a m ea ns o f pr o letari an cl ass stru gg le and not an end in th e m se lves ." Alt er the w ar, circum stan ces and po lici es chang ed radicall y and th e So viet G ymn as tics ,Association affiliat ed to FIG in 路194B. ~o v iet gymnasts made .their international debut at the 1952 Ol ympi c G am es, winning 9 go ld m edals and both the team and indi vid ual titl es for men and w o men (a success repeated in '1956). The gal axy 0 1out standing g ymn asts wh o alte red th e w ho le compl ex ion of th e sport durin g th e 1950 's in c luded such stars as Galina Sh amrai, ~ o li a Murato va, Polin a A stakhova and Lari ssa Lat ynina among th e wom en , and Vi c tor Chuk arin , Hori s )h akhlin , Grant Sh agin ya n and Yuti 1 itov among th e m e n. Since th en, Soviet gymnasts have not monopolized th e sport t6 the same ex te nt ; Japanese m en and Czechoslovak and East German women have com e to the for e. Nonetheless, particularly

GYMNAST Apr. '74

man y brilliant gymna sts have graced the sportLarissa Petrik and Na talia Ku chin ska ya in th e 1960's and , toda y, Ludmill a Turi sc hev a, Olga Korbut, Tamara Lazakovich , Lyubov Burda and the Uzbek girl Elvi ra Saadi .

in a gro up of abo ut six gy mn as ts, att endin g trainin g sess io ns, fo ur tim es a wee k fo r J ill - 4 hours each sess ion. A t what age on e sho uld start gy mn as ti cs is a d ebatabl e po int a mong So viet sp eciali sts; it ha s. had to b e reconsidered of late in vi ew of the Organization m ark ed redu cti o n in th e age of champi o ns. Thi s is du e, it is m aint ain ed , to ea rli e r bi o log ica l I wo interlinked elem ent s th at und e rli e th e maturit y, impr ove d trainin g m eth o d s and a Soviet ~ port s system are th e " Read y for Labour bett er pro te in di et. Resea rch stati sti cs fo r 1946and Defen se" ma ss fitn ess programm e and th e 69 sh ow th at m en gy mn as ts to ok, o n ave rage, uniform ranking syst e m for indi vidu al sport s 9. 2 yea rs to reac h th e Master o f Spo rt leve l, and for proficient athletes. Both were inaugurat ed w om en - 7.3 yea rs. Me mb ers o f th e USSR in the earl y 1930's and both are intend ed to gymn as ti cs squ ad in 1971 to o k up th e spo rt serve th e twin aim s 'massovost' and se ri o u sly, on ave ra ge, at 12.7 yea rs o f age. 'materstvo' on whi c h success is said to b e Abo ut three- qu art ers of Sovie t gymn as ti cs based. Whil e the former sets targ ets for a.1Iexp erts recommended that bo ys should start around abilit y in a numbe r fo sport s and aim s to gymn as ti cs at th'e age o f 10-11 ; girl s at U-9 .involve as mu ch of th e population as po ssibl e in although they in sist that th e f irst 2-3 year s sport, the latter establi sh es a who le compl ex of should b e d evo ted to buildin g up all-ro und qualifying standard s, ran kin gs and titl es in fitn ess. in di vidual sport s, intended to stimulate th e If a buddin g gy mn as t sho ws exce ption al best performers to aim for c ertain graduat ed abilit y, h e ma y be acce pt ed int o o n e o f th e standard s. At the lOp of the ranking sys tem are relati ve ly n ew \n on -fr ee p ay in g) gymn as ti cs two sport s-titl es : "Mast e r of Sport of the USSR , boa rdin g sc hoo s o f w hi ch th e re we re 2'1 in International C lass" and " Ma ste r of Sport of th e earl y 1973. Th ey follow oth e r specialized USSR '; then come th e fo ll owing sport s boa rdin g sc ho o ls (e.g. for pro mi sin g ranking s: "Candidat e Ma ste r of Sport ", math emati cians, mu sic ians and arti sts) in " Sportsman hrst Rank ", " Sportsman Second adhering to th e standard curriculum for Rank " , " :,portsman Th ir d Rank ", " Junior ordin ary seco ndary sc hoo ls, but th ey have an Spo rtsman First Rank ", " Junior "Sportsman ex tra stud y loa d in spo rt th eo ry and pr acti ce. In Second Rank " and " Junior Sport sman Third th e sc hoo l I visit ed n ear Tallinn (ca pit al of t he Rank ". 1 he two sport s titl es are honorary for Balti c repu blic of Esto ni a) , fo r exa mpl e, 12life; th e on ly higher award to whi ch an ye ar-old s sp ent 25 ho urs in a six-d ay wee k at outstanding sport sman ma y aspire is " M erit ed stand ard su bj ec ts, and eig ht ho urs in Master of Sport " . gymn as ti cs , two ho urs sw immi ng and 路t wo How popular gy mn as tics is in the So viet hours P.L In th e las t form at ltJ ( a year lo nge r Union toda y ma y be judged b y th e fa ct th at th an norm al sc ho ol i n g), th ey devot ed 23 ho urs o ver 650,000 p eople e ngage in it reg u larl y, a wee k to sport , in cludin g 19 ho ur s gy mn as tics. three-quarters of whom ha ve gain ed a spo rt s Ro ughl y th e sam e numbe r o f ho ur s mu st be ranking in th e la st three year s. As man y as 600 sp ent at aca d emi c w ork. Th e sc hoo ls' ad vocat es ha ve reached th e Ma ster of Sport level , and '15arg ue th at it is an ad va nt age to have th e best the zenith of Int e rnation al Cla ss . To train th ese potential gymna st organi zed in we ll-equipp ed gymnasts the country has 18,000 gymnastics sc hool s, se rve d by th e b es t coac hes, fe d o n a coache s and an ex te nsive n et work of club s and sp ecial nutriti o nal di e t and cons tantl y und e r schoo ls. If a youngster sho ws tal e nt and th e superVisio n o f spo rt s in st ru c to rs and inclination, he is likel y to b e accept ed into a d oc tor s. junior sport s sc hool (of w hich there are to d ay I f a gy mn as t d oes reach th e to p o f th e spo rt , it appro xim at ely 4,000) or o ne of th e 63 sp ec ial is ex pected th at he w ill co ntin ue hi s st ud y in gymna stics schoo ls, w hich pupil s attend , free of hi g her edu ca ti o n, ho weve r di sjo int ed th at charge , after th eir normal sc hool da y. Ho w stud y m ay b eco m e du e to the nee d s o f trainin g serrou s the sport is ta ke n in th es e junior sport s and co mp etition (w hi ch have fir st p ri o rit y) . school s ma y b e see n from th e pr og ramm e Ol ga Ko rbut , fo r exa m p le, is rea din g Hi sto ry c stipulated In 1970 for gymn astics: and ~ngli sh at th e Grodn o Institut e of C ~ 'O .~ Edu ca tion ; Ludmill a Turi scheva is a stu de nt of Name No. of Age ~ ,~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ph ys ica l culture in Moscow. Gainin g h igh e r of group groups boys girls ~ 5. ~. ~ ~ -5 6 edu cation al q ualifica ti o ns is see n as d Preparatory 3 Y 8 15 1 2 "2 ~ 2 pr epar ation for a ca ree r aft er ac ti ve gymn as ti cs " Young Gymnast" 3 10 8-9 15 3 3 2 2 com es to an e nd ; Lat ynin a, M uratova and 3rd Rank 3 12 11 12 3 4 3 2 Astakh ova di e all n ati o nal co aches; 2nd Ranking 2 13 12 8 4 3 3 3 Ku chin sk aya and Petrik are now pursuin g 1st Rank 2 15 13 6 4 4 4 3.5 car ee rs in film s and th e th eat er res p ec ti ve ly; Candidate Ma ster 17 14 4 5 5 4 3.5 Yuri lit ov IS res p o nsibl e fo r gy mna st ics of Sport boys girls admini strati o n and Gr ant Shag in ya n runt s d Master of Sport 1 18 15 3-4 5 4 3.5 gy mn as ti cs sc h_o o l in hi s nati ve A rm eni s. Being a _gymna stics star had its perqui site s: A 15-year - old boy or 13-yeal- o ld g irl Ol ga Ko rbut h as a two- roo m ed flat (w ith o ne attending such a sc hool , th el efol e, and room b ein g a mi ni -gy m ) nex t d oo r to he r working toward s a 1st Ranking will b e w orking


'co ac h 's famil y, in h e r h o m e tow n o f Grodno in Bye lo ru ssia. :, he is ab le to tr ave l w id e ly a nd e nJ oys hi g h es tee m i n th e So viet Uni o n th o ugh by no m ean s th e adul ation sh e rece ives in th e W es te rn wo rld (d urin g th e Wo m e n 's Europ ea n Gy mna sti cs Champi o nships at W embl ey in O ctobe r 1973, th e Sov iet gymn ast ics e nt o urage WdS obv io usly pe rple xe d and amazed by th e h ys te ri a an d sec urit y precaution s) . But th ere M e duti es too, n o t m erely to give di spla ys and lec tu res, b ut to e ngage in soc ial wo rk . Lar iss a Latynin a was d city coun cillor in Ki ev for several years' Ludmill a luri sc hevd took part ea rl y thi S yea ; w ith o th er lea din g athl etes in ph ys ica l lab our on a co nstru cti o n sit e in Tat aria and was pr o min e nt in th e 1973 Yo uth ~ es ti va l in Ber lin. "Secrets" of Gymnastic s Succ ess 1 he "se cr ets" at )ov iet gy mn as ti c., success are to be lo un d in a vdl'i ety o f fa ctor." so m e gen eral Jnd so m e sp ec ifica ll y Soviet. Of pr i m e importanc e of effi ci ent o rgani zat ion: the mass fitn ess ca mp Jlgn alli l'd to J uni for m rdnkin gs sys tem to encourage gymna stics spe cialization w ith se t tdrge ts dn d trainin g p ro gramm es at each sta ge. Or ga ni za tion al so incorporat es a m eti culou s stud y of trainin g m et hods; th e bu lk of th e 60- page annu al jo urnal Gimnastika 'a nd th e m o nthl y Theory and Practice of Physical Culture is d evo ted to d etai le d rese ar ch int o th e m ec hani cs Df move m ent - of turn s, tw ists, landin gs , va ult s and so m e rsault s. Th e USS R a lso be nef it s from h ig h ly qu alifi ed co dches a nd goo d am eniti es at to p (th o ugh no t bo ttom ) leve ls. ~ ac t ors li ke se lecti o n fo r nation al tea m s and th E' annu al trainin g-co mp e titi o n-res t sc hedul e o r 'ca le nd dr' ar e also w orth y o f co nsid erati o n. 1 he to t,1I el fiue ncy and to tal re.,o urces of th e Sov iet spo rt s sys tem co un t fo r li tt le, howev er, w ithout p ersona l mo ti va ti on . Her e, So v ie t gy mn asts (l ik e the ir coun terp art s i n I:a ., te rn Europ e and Japan ) sco re hi ghl y : in th eir attitud e to trainin g, their hard wo rk and d edi ca ti o n to gy mn as ti cs, their personal qu aliti es such as se lf-di sc iplin e, co nfid ence and crea ti vit y. Th ey have, too, an arti sti c quality of p e rfo rman ce, p arti cularl y among th e women in th e fr ee exe rcise, th at is so uplifting and re mni sce nt o f a fu sio n betwee n sport and art. A lthou g h thi s ball eti c grace and musical appreciati o n is und o ubt edl y associat ed with Sov iet upbringin g, it is no t uniqu ely gymna stic or Soviet - it ex ists in fi gure skating (mo st ex pe rtl y w ith th e Pro topo po vs) and is mo st ma r ked in th e gymn ast ics' peri o rmances of th e Ea st Germ an , Ro m ani an and Czec ho slo vak girl s. ' Put toge th el , all these fa ctors co n., titut e d co mp e llin g reaso n why )ovie t gy mn a., ts 'ha ve do ne so we l l In wor ld co mp et iti o n. Yet th eir co ntri b uti o n to sport goes fM bey ond w innin g med als; it ex tend s to th e e mulati o n in spir ed in milli o ns 0 1 yo un g p eopl e dra w n into gy mn as ti cs and t he sdti sfact io n e njo ye d b y man y mor e milli ons o f spectato rs th e w orld ove r.

Mikhail Voronin, Russian gymnast and silver me dalist on rings;n the 1972

GYMNAST Apr. '74


Editor's Note: "Club Corner" isa special department of GYMNAST Magazine devoted to dub news and activities. We e ncourage readers to submitartides and pictures of dubs throughout the country similar to the following stories and those featured in past issues. Not only are such stories helpful in publicizing the various dub programs, but they also serve other dubs by providing new ideas and information on the organization and formation of independent dubs.

GYMNASTICS IS FUN!!! by Mrs. James K. Johnson "Gymnastics is fun", is the word being spread in the foothill communities of La Canada, La Crescenta, Montrose, Glenda le & SunlandTujunga , California. The;e smil ey, happ y fdced gi rl s have hel iJ ed promote gymnast ics w ith th eir poi se, perso nalities and sk ill s. Their friends and schoolmat es ha ve caught th e gymnastic feve r. Po sters of th e girl> ap pedr eve ryw here from market s to ; hopping centers, and ne ws arti cles are frequent. Much emphasis ha s been put on the beautiful , physica ll y fit yo un g girls acti ve in gymnastics . The program has imp resse d 500 chi ld ren;o far to ;eek their trdining w ith either the Sunland-Tujunga club or the Glendale club , which wo rk s out at Glendale Co ll ege. Th e two clubs are recogni zed b y th e state as a nonprofit organization. fa y Hall is th e d irecto r of Foothill Gymnastic Club; with Betty Wright ass istin g her. Ms. Wright is a gymnastic te acher at a local junior high. Ms. Hall is a gy mna sti c coach and ph ys ical education teacher at Verdugo Hills Hi gh in Tujun ga. She is also vice president of the No r th Section of Southern Ca li fornia Gymnastic Association and gYlTlna,tic Chair/ndn for Southern Division of Girl's an d Women 's Sports, also for th e American Association of H ea lth , I'h y, ical Education and Rec rea tion. The high school girls parti ciiJ dte as th e Ram · Tumbl ers, w hich Ms. Hall orig in ated two years ago. It 's a group of girls th at tumbl e dt all th e Ram '; home games at the Los Ange les Coli ;e ulTl.

George Engbrechl, pa st head coach of gymnastic; at Los Angeles Valley College. Richard Pasquale, NCAA In vit ational College Champ, first on floor exe rcise and para ll el bar,. Tex Womack, advanced ~o final" in NCAA all-around co mpetition. Wendy Spencer, for two years fir st in floor exe rci;e in Southern Califo rni a High School competiti0n. 'Jerry Smith, c ircus performer in tumbling and trampoline , also w it h the Gene Kell y Dancers. Louis Marino, Coach of gymnastics at Lincoln High School in Los Angeles, coac hin g .two of hi s students to State Championships. And many others, along with ballet and dance tr aining, plus vo lunt eer heliJ from noted co ll ege gymna;\;. The club s run reg ular coaches clinics once a month, open to all coaches in th e area. It is mand ator y for th e man y coaches of th e Foothill Gymnastic Club s to attend . Th ey go over techniqu e, routin es, spot ting , judgi ng, etc. Th ey ha ve recent ly opened a new gym in Burbank on Glenoaks Bl vd. Clubs' Name: FOOTHILL GYMNASTIC CLUBS Director: Fay Hall Address: P.O. Box AG, Sunland, California, 91040 or call 353-0300

George Engbrecht, Bars & his class II Team, S·T

The li;t 01 qualified coaches i, lon g, but naming onl y d few: NEW.. Dan Speraw, ndtiondll y kno wn women'; coach.

** ** ** -





Names and Addresses ot: All USA IGC Membf'rs (And non-member clubs) USGF Judges and Officials Gymna st ics Equipm en t Suppl iers Gymnastics Pe riodicals Li stings for all USGF Regions A NECESSARY AID FOR COMMUNICATION IN GYMNASTICS The5e directori es are $5.00 each Make c hecks pa yabie to: USAIGC 540 Hydrauli c Wichita , Kan sas 67214


GYMNAST Apr. '74

Just a few happy faces of the STATS (Sunland-Tujunga Acro Team)

Tex Womack, trampoline, Sunland-Tujunga

GYMNAST Apr. '74

Louis Marino, beam, Glendale College Gym


WICHITA GYMNASTIC CLUB By Muriel Strand and Beverly W. Hodges founded in May, 1968, w ith thirt y parti cipants in a Jsx3s foot room in west Wi chita , the Wichita Gymnastic Club w ill celeb rate its sixth anni ve rsa ry this sp ring in its full-size gymnas ium (YO x 150 feet) augmented by a dance room. Coach Tom Hein eik e's classes have six high bedim, two low bedms, five un eve n bars, tw o va ulting hor ses, and a fullsize ca rpeted floor exe rcise mat for their use. The y also have a trampoline available for training. Th e 20 x 40 foot d ance room in the basement area is equipped w ith mirrored wa ll s, ca rpeted floor pad, and a ballet bar. Th e gy mna siu m has a spacious sea ting area and an 8 x 16 foot sco reboard. These two features have been enjoyed by many spectators at meeb and gymnast ic demonstrations. Th e coach ing staff ha s applied mu ch "elbow grease," paint an d time to make the large gym co mfortab le, attractive and practical for gymnasts. This effort has been greatly appreciated by the parents. Tom H ein eik e is totall y dedi ca ted to gymnastics and to the development of competitive all-around gymnasts in VYi chita , in Kansas , and in th e who le of the Great Pl ain s area. He constan tl y st rives to improve his coaching techniques, and feels that part icipating in man y gymnastic clinics and camps ke e p~ him abreast of the latest coaching information. Tom was the 1Y73 Presid ent of the Association of In dependent Gymnastic Clubs. Tom and the club 's four assistant coac hes stress the basic fundamentals of gymnastics and recog ni ze th e need for maximum indiv idu al attention fo r each g irl. With this approach, coup led w ith th e proper learn in g sequen ce, th e Wichita Gymnastic Club has an enviab le safe ty record. The club is open to everyone. Some pay their tuition by helping to keep the gym clea n. Th e Wichita Gymnastic Club is a trav eling club. The gymnasts have participated in meets, clinics and camps in Texas, Oklahom a, Mississippi , New Mexico, Colorado, Arkansas , Iowa , Arizon a, Michigan and Kentucky. hi e nd s hip ~ with other gymnasts across th e country is an ex tra di v idend. Each girl in th e inte rmediate, advanced and elit e gro ups ha s a clipboard and an organ iza tion or work sheet wh ich must be fi ll ed out daily. The attainment of certain ski ll s is th e req uirement for advancement from one group to th e n ext. There are four 12-week sessio ns each year at the Wichita Gym Club, so th e training is consistent, constant and co ntinuo us. Tom Hein eike has two additional goals he wou ld lik e to achieve over and above that of produ cing competitive gymnasts. Th e first goa l is to have the Kansas. State High Schoo l Activities A ssoc i ation recognize the desirability of the private gymnastic club and to allow th e high school compet itor to participate in private training whi le compet ing for th e hi gh school. The second is to estab li sh a gymnastic academy to train n ew coaches. He envisions three new coac hing trainees per session, with a max imum of ten to twelve trainees at anyone time. The academy wou ld train a coach over a one year period. The need for such a coaching academy arises from the lack of trained gymnastic coac hes in the public schools and independent (private) gymnastic clubs, plu s a growing int eres t of youngsters in gymnastics. W ith th e foundation of six years in Wichita, and an enthusiastic cadre of yo un g gymnasts,


Top photo: Some of the talented gymnasts who compete for the Wichita Gymnastic Club. Middle Photo: Spacious work-out facilities for the WGe. Bottom Photo (Left): Emblem designed especially for the club. Bottom Photo (Right): Tom Heineike, head coach and founder of the WGC, assists one of his gymnasts on the bars. Mr. Heineike was past president of the Association of Independent Gymnastic Clubs.


the Wichita and Kansa s community is fortunate in having Tom Heineike and hi s independent Wichita Gymnastic Clu b. You wi ll be rea ding of their ach ievements in th e gymnastic world for many years.

GYMNAST Apr. '74

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GYMNASTICS CAMP Two one-week sessions July 14th to 20th and July 20th to 26th Come for one or for both weeks.

GORDON MADDUX ABC - TVs Voice of Gymnastics AMERICAS NEWEST CAMP IDEA A winning combination of the best from the East - Muriel and the Best from the West - Fritz.


Muriel Grossfeld Head Coach United Stat es National Team America ' s foremost authorit y on dan ce and tec hniqu e.

AND Fritz Reiter Head Coach , Mid Valley YMCA Expert on spotting and trend sett er in developing gymna stics techniqu e. You will also be instructed by top head coaches from western gymnastics clubs.

Camp site - Lovely Chapman College located in Orange, California -- just 10 minutes from Disneyland and 20 minutes from the beaches of the Pacific Ocean. ~

• •

: i• ••

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Tw o o ne-week sessions

July 14th to 20th and July 20th to 26th Come for one or for both weeks.

Gordon Maddux'


Gordon Maddux' Gymnastics Camp 3610 Madill Ave. Covina, Ca 91724 Please send me information on Gordon Maddux' Gymnastic Camp.


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International style and Technique Creative Exercise composition Coaching on the .latest class I, II, & III compulsories

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L ·DR~i-i.j:BiisTE·R;ELDT~jR~





: : :

"GYMNAST" RESEARCH EDITOR Athletics Department- SIU Arena Carbondale, Illinois 62901

: : :


USA .: •...................................•..

TWISTING MECHANICS I By H.J. Biesterieldt, Jr. Ordin aril y this section wo uld lik e to pub lish submitted art icles. Ho weve r we ha ve a shortage 01 defin it ive artic les. Moreover th e delinltive wo rk on twi>l ing mechanic s in gymnastics appears in Russian by S.D. Ustinov, 1971 , and we ha ve decided that exac t translation IS not entirely sa ti sfactor y. So, having read thiS wo rk , I am w riting about twi sting , Ireely uSing the ir material as well .IS my own. BACKGROUND I became acutely aware that some thing was wrong with the usual idea s about tw ist in g some twent y years ago , but had no occasion to lurth er co nSider the matt er. In sub stance , I had been told that to twist , one did two thing s on takeoll: estab li shed rotation about .I horizonta l axis (somersault) and estab li shed rotat ion about th e ve rtical ax is (twist) , and that thi s twist was contillued throughout the sa ito w ith only change 01 rate by virtu e of reduction of radiu s ot gyration. T he exp lanation Ju st give n WdS Ju stifi ed by the lamiliJr plano stoo l demonstrat ion from high school ph YS ICS: start rotating w ith ju st a small spee d w ith h,lI1ds outstretched, then watch rotational speed increase as hands are brought Ill. Unlortunatel y I also saw a second piano stool demonstrat ion that presents ve ry seriou s dilliculties w ith th e abo ve exp lanation of the twi st in saltos. - 1 he readel shou ld try th e following exper iment. II he has not see n it. Sit on a stool flee ,to rotat e, having smoot h fIee running bearings and grasp a bicycle wheel by the ax le, with tn e whee l /n a horizontal plane (axis ve rtical ). Ha ve someone start the whee l spi nning as 111 figure l. Now tr y to turn the wheel ups/de down. That is, mak e the sp inning wheel do ha lt a saito. You w ill find that th e man on th e piano stool is sp inning rapidl y at the end ot th e IIlvers/on , because in in ve rting the wheel, ell ec tl ve ly the direction of sp in of the wheel is reversed. rh e man 's sp in is precisely that wh ich he wo uld get if he w ithout in ve rsion , merely stopped the w heel and spinned it back the other way. Newton's laws say more or less th e fo ll owing. " by so m e miracl e, a sp innin g obj ect cou ld be turned exactly upside down w ithout use of any external force, then th e direct ion of rotation in spac e would be unchanged , but si nce th e object lin lshe d upside down , at the fini sh, th e rotation about the bod y axis wo uld be reversed, Irom left tw ist to ri gh t tw ist. 1 H~ P UR PO~!: O~ THE EXPOS ITION ON TWISTING I ~ IO ~ HOW THAT IN FACT THE CONCEPl~ GIV!:N AI:lOVE DO EXPLAIN TWISTI NG AD!:QUAlELY, HUT ONLY WHEN W~ ANAL YL!: MUCH MORE CAREfULLY. rHE FIR~l L ~S~ON IN THI~ DIRECTION IS rH A rOF VERIFYING 1 HAl lWI~lI NG CAN HE DO NE WHILE: 1 01 A L ANGU LAR MOMENTUM REMAINS L!:RO. ~UHSIANT I ALL Y THI S


MEANS 1 HAT TWIST CAN BE CREATED FROM "NOl HING ", that is, with no external torque. ANGULAR MOMENTUM 1 he angular momentum of an object with respect to a given axis tells us how much that object is rotating about that axis. We will not try to exp lain how to m eas ure it. However we must understand that the total angula r momentum about a given axis is the number obtained by adding up the angular momentum of each part of that object. Returning to figure 1, initially, there is only one spin, so that it is easy to comprehend the total angular momentum . In the seco nd situation , the whee l po ssesses some angu lar momentum III one sense whi le the man ha s angular momentum du e to rotation in the other direction. In thi s case, we take one to be posit ive, th e other· negati ve and find that the total is the sa me as it was before. 1 he "mo ment of in ertia" measures resistance to twi sting. For examp le, we ights far away from the axis give a large moment whi le close in , the moment is sma il.' Let us illu strate us in g a man hanging from a rin g. (yes, one ring) If he hang s rela xed , on the average, the parts of hi s body are only about three or four IIlches from the ax is of his body, since the farthest parts are on ly about six or seve n inches Irom the axis. You w ill easily ver ify that it is ve ry easy to spin you r man hanging in thi s position. Howeve r if he spreads his legs, or if he holds an L it is not so easy. Nowa ve ry Important po int mu st be made. Look at the curved lin e shown in figure 2. 'I and

the slice next to it. If perchance we can rotate the sli ce about its center, it w ill look just like the slice in figure 3.2 Thus, adding all sli ces, it is as easy to spin the curved object (approX im ate ly) as the straight one, so long as the curve III space is maintained . Ano th er way to see this is totake a couple of feet of hose, ends in hands, With hose straight. Spin it in fingers. Then bend. the hose, a':1d again sp in the ends . 1 he entire hose easily spins, though the curve of the hose looks the same. (figure 3.1 , 3.2)

Fig. 3.1

Fig. 3.2

Fig. 2.1

Fig. 2.2

So long as your body remains in a very smooth cu rve through it s entire length , i.e. slight hollow of chest and slight pike; sli ght curve to side, or sli ght arch throughout, we may safely regard the resistance to twisting as approximately equa l to that of the straightest stretched position shown in figure 3.'1. Hence we ha ve found a position in which rapid twisting is easy. The familiar example of the spinning skater should convince us that we have a near optima l position. GYMNAST Apr. '74

COUNTERRO rATIO N. N ow loo k aga in at co nse rva ti o n o f angu lar mo m ent um . )upp ose we start w ith no mo tio n wh atever. 1 hen any cloc kw ise sp in w hi ch we creat e wi th o ut ex terna l fo rce w il l b e accompan ied by a sp in in so me oth er part o f th e bod y i n t he op p o sit e directi o n. Lo o k dt I igu re 4. ) u p po se th e p erfo rm er att em p ts to m ove hi s fe et and hand s fro m th e initi al sli ght holl ow show n toward the ri ght , movin g towa rd a sli ghtl y right- arched po siti on. In so do in g, hi s feet an d han d s are in fro nt of th e mai n aX IS, so th ey ro tate clo c kw ise (from above ) as th ey m ove to ri ght. The hi ps are behind th e axis, so in mo v in g left th ey are also ro tatin g clo ckwi se . I n o rd er fo r th ese po siti ve ro tati o ns to occ ur, so me comp ensa l o ry nega ti ve ro tatio ns mu st OCClH. Th is d oes happ en, l or th e bod y w ill t wist to th e lef t as a co nseq uence of thi s mot io n of ha nd s, fee t, dnd hi ps. Fig u re 5, th e seq uence o f ph ot o graph s, was ta ken as fo ll ows. Th e per fo rm er start ed mo ti o n less , cam era runnin g, and was to ld to start hi s tw ist as shown an d , at th e end o f th ree tw ists, to sto p. You see th e m o ti on in d eta il , and sho ul d tr y it yo u rself. Th e h ea d po siti on is no l o ptim al, b u t feels natur al w hen hangin g fro m t he rin g.

GYMNAST Apr. ' 74

M OR E ABOU T TH I: CLASSIC AL TWI Sl Now In IdC t, o ne ( .In e" tdbl i"h ".l Ito dml tw ist Iro m th e Iloo r. lilt' I p" ult i" .I con "e qu ence of (vec to r ddd itl o n) ( omcrvd tiun u l the total angular mo ment um a t t h l' "alto ,lIld the tw i" t. 1 he res ult IS that th e l o tatin g bo d y 路路IJleCe.,,,e,," o r wo bbl es d Uring t he ".lIto. Th e ax i" 0 1 t he tw ist d oes no t move in .I ve rti cal p l'lIl e. but in .I co ne, .I S show n III figure b.

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'"'0 ... ~WIST




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Fig. 6.1







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I Ntrau.. ~~I$

Fig. 6.2

SENIOR OLYMPICS '74 GYMNASTICS June 1st, 2 - 4 pm Santa Monica College-Gym Pi co and 17th St. Santa Monica. California MENS EVENTS AII-Around_ Floor Exercise__ Parallell Bars__ Pommel Horse _ _ Horizontal Bar __ Rings _ _ Trampoline _ _ Long HorsE: _ _ Rope Climb _ _ LADIES EVENTS- AII-Around_ Age groups: 25-'29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54,55-59,60-64,65-69,70-74,75-79,80 plus. Please ent'e r me in theevent(s} ma rked above; for whi c h is e ncl osed $.... at the rate of$5 for' th e first even t & $3 for each addition al eve nt. Make checks payable to Senior Olympics - '74 and mail to Senior Olympics; Suile 302, 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. 90036. Enclose a stamped, se lf-ad dressed enve lop for th e return of yo ur ack nowledge ment.

ZWICKEL A Distinctive line of Men's and Women's Uniforms

I w ill not w ork out th e d etail s of the quantit ati ve calc ulation , but I can g ive a quick summ ary. 1 he faster th e twi st, that is, th e more angul ar mom e ntum , th e more preces sion. Th e less th e sa lta mom entum , th e more precess io n. So, to get a "s traight " sa lta w ith twist, one should use a ve ry fa st rot at ion in sa ito , and a minimal speed of twi st. Thi s is fam il ar in the full tw ist use d in alt e rn ate ful ls. By co ntr as t, a ve ry high , slow sa it o , done w ith arms wide so th at th e tw ist momentum is large, w ill have lot s o f precess ion . Th e o ld barrel roll tw ist is an exagge rat ed exa mpl e o f thi s so rt.

STABILITY METHODS 'T here is ye t anoth er mann e r of obtaining twis t, ba sed on th e stability of certain types of motion. fir st, not e that a ba ll at the bottom of a di sh is in a stabl e position -- even if we push it a bit , it w ill return to it s o ld po siti on. On th e other hand, a ball at th e top of a hill is in eq uilibrium -- it ca n stay th e re -- but it is not stabl e, for if we mo ve it slightl y it w ill ro ll off th e hill. Consider a typi ca l book: 1" x 4" x IJ " . Yuu m ay eas il y ch eck that it is easy to flip the book without any twist , a'> in figur es 7.1 , and 7.2, but it is ve ry d ifficult to 00 so as in figure 7.3. The first and seco nd are stable, a sli g ht deviat ion d oes not lead to a g rea t change in th e motion . The third motion is un sta bl e. If we ca n create a pe rl ect movement as show n , it m ay co ntinu e, but th e ve ry small es t d ev iati o ll ano it w ill , be progr essive ly exaggerated Into a comb m at lon of motion s about o th er axes . Th e un stabl e ax is is th e " int er m ediat e" axis, ne ith e r the long nor the short one. f-or a human bod y, thi s is th e ax is o f rotation In a si o e so mi, in layou t. We 00 not see the in stabilit y used in layo ut. But if we tuck , the lo ng axis ceases to oomin ate so much , ano th e fore and aft axis is mu ch length e ned , ano in suitabl e po sition s a m e re sa it o ma y b e un stabl e. Thi s in stabilit y ap pears to b e th e ba sis of at lea st so m e ~, in , it, out, and tuck ed full in , full out, fliffuses . Th ese are charac te ri zeo b y th e i,ndefinfie ness of the twist. They rath er look lik e a w ilo combination of tw ist ano saito .

We do not l ee l that twists ot thi s so rt are at tracti ve, and do not try to teach th em. It is we ll sti ll to m e ntion , that exce pt for e nough pre-t w ist to es tabli sh th e dir ect io n o f twi st from th e in stabl e sa lt a , thi s tw ist also is done Without estab li shin g th e tw ist from th e g rouno. A co mpl ete ex positfon of th e basis for thi s twi st was g ive n in No be l Pri ze Ph ysl c l ~ t s , th e lat e prof essors Land au and Lipsc hit z s book on Mechanics, publi shed in Moscow m th e ea rl y 1950· s. So mm erCe ld gave a pr ese ntation some twenty 'yea rs ea rli er. MODERN VS. ClASSICAL We shall ca ll tw ist, w ith tota l angu lar m o m en tum abou t twi st axis equal to ze ro , a " m ode rn " twist , and other tw ists " cl ass ical ". Both re ly upon co nserva ti o n of angu lar momentum , and both are li m it ed b y the moment of inertia of th e body about the tw isting ax is. But th e li mits are of a differe nt . so rt. In th e "classica l " tw ist, th e fas ter the twist (the more th e twi st mom entum, to be correct), the mor e th e precession. H ence, th e more · "wob bl e " , often is a d etraction from appearance. In the " m o de rn " tw ist, suppo se that mov ing through a g ive n pattern of bod y positions produ ces a lull twist in one seco nd. If we now move through th e sa me sequ e nce of po siti ons in Yl seco nd we w ill again d escribe the exact sa m e amount of tw ist. Or if we go through th e sa me motion four times, eac h in !l4 seco no , we w ill now ha ve don e a quad. twi st, while eve rything else about th e saito remains exactly as it was for th e full. Th ere is no change m th e amount of move m ent of th e body away from tw ist ax is, only the speeo of the move m ents hav ing changed. Th e classical twi st is start ed from th e takeoff , and so m ay add confu sion , ano oetract from effo rt to gam h eight. In th e " modern " twist , th e re is no ca use to m ake any c hang e from a co rre ct sa ito takeo ff in order to twist. We m e re ly perlorm th e takeo ff , set in pre-twisting po sition , and exec ut e th e twi st. Then h av in g co mpl etely sto pp eo th e twist, we attend to the landing. Thi s so und s simpl e. It is e ntire ly cl ea r to me that , for a va fl ety of move'>, it is just th at simp le, in execu tion ano in teachin g. I shall try to co n vin ce th e r ea d er of thi s in TWISTING M~CHAN I C) II , b y giving anal ys is of film s of certain ski ll s. At all times we h ave suopresse d ca lculations. These ma y easily be don e by an y rea oer who 15 l am ili ar w ith vector algebra and e lementary ca lculu s. LU M~ f-I N I)H BY MENTION ING THAT IT IS POSSIBa TO COMBINE THE TWO T~CH N IQ U ~) , ANI) THAT PERfOKMEKS UNW llll N GL Y DO THIS, OfTEN TO THF DElR I M~NT Of- lHUK TWISTING .

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ZWICKEL Gymnastic Tailors

P.O. Box 309 Jenkintown, Pa. 19046 30



GYMNAST Apr. '74


GF 1974

Who's Who in Gymnastics: Thi s limited ed ition o f a ve ry att ract ive hard cove r publi ca tion li stin g most of Amer ica's gymn asts o f d ays go ne by and prese nt day. Al so includ es so me Int e rn ati o nal O ffi cials, and is a co ll ec tors It em .. ri ght now. Hard co ve r, 94 pages. Bri ef rev iew o f caree r, ac hi eve m e nt s, curr ent addr ess and occ upati o n includ ed. Th e p erf ect addition to your sch oo l library o r yo ur p erso nal library. $5.00 (limi ted nu m ber ava il abl e).

" A NEW ITEM" For Gymna sts and Teams: Travel is always a pro bl em.. and o n e o f th ose m in or probl em s that ca n become se ri o us is t he loss of luggage o r the id entifi cation o f lu ggage. So th e USG F ca me up w it h LUGGAG E TAGS. Red , w hite and Blu e, w ith UN ITED STATE S GY MNASTI CS FED ERA TIO N o n one sid e, o ur trad emar k o n th e ot her and beneat h that trad emar k, a pl ace fo r name, add ress and hom e town, and it can be w ritt e n o n th at area w ith ball po int , ink ., mar ke rs... and it w ill n o t rub o ff . Co mpl ete w ith small leath er st rap to be bu ckl ed on to yo u r lu ggage. H elp adverti se gy mna sti cs and also pro tect yo ur luggage and id entify yo ur teams lu ggage at a glance in th e busiest of air ports. Two Ta gs .. . for $3.00 . Di scounts on o ne d oze n o r mo re.

"A History of the Development of Ihe US Gymnastics Federation." W ritten by Richard Laptad Th is acc u ra te rev iew of t he years pr io r to th e fo rm ati on o f th e . USGF a nd th e even tual meeti n gs wh ich broug ht it int o existence, then the yea rs of strugg le that fo ll owed , is ava ilab le in ha rd cove r and sho ul d be a part o f eve ry sc hoo l lib rary. M r. Lap tad resea rched the fil es of virt ual ly eve ry natio nal assoc iati on and inte rviewed leade rs o f t he spo rt fo r a pe ri od of two years p ri o r to br ing in g thi s comp lete hi sto rica l r ev iew in to prin t. Ord er fo r yo u r pe rson al o r schoo l libr ary: 135 pages. H ard- cove r. $5.00 p er co py.

USGF Patch Incentive Award

U.S.G.F. Judging Guide and Course: Cumiskey, Frank J. 1973. Thi s exce ll en t pu b li cat io n contai ns the info rm ati o n need ed to trai n an d d eve lop co mpetent o ff icials for t he sport of gymn ast ics. For men, th is co mpl et e co u rse in itse lf, ta lk s in tec hni ca l te r ms w hen ca ll ed fo r and gives th o ro ugh exp lana ti o ns whe n need ed . Exerc ises are also included in diag ram fo rm , w ith th e rea d e r b ein g ca ll ed upon to stud y ro utin es, th en make an eva lu ati on for scori ng pu rposes, an d th en criti qu e th e sco re give n. A mu st fo r eve ry gymnas ti cs coach and judge, and teache r of physica l ed u ca t ion who aspire to have gym nastics as a pa rt of their prog ram . Perhaps the mos t complete manual eve r ma d e fo r men 's gy m nasti cs off iciating. 138 pps. Hard cover or p lastic bo u nd ava il ab le (to li e flat on floor o r ta b le) ; $5.00.

A t th e USGF Co uncil Mee ting in D ece mber, th e fo ll ow in g rewa rd and ince nti ve sys tem s we re ad opted. Di sti nctive clo th patches we re ado pt ed for girl s and boys to wea r o n th eir gymn as ti cs shirts o r jacke ts. Th ese are ava il ab le in the fo ll ow in g co lo rs: A G REE N patch may be wo rn by a gy mnast w ho ave rages at leas t 5.0 po int s in an allaro un d com peti ti on w ith Com. & Opt. EX. A BLUE patc h may be ~o rn by a gym nast who averages at least 6.0 po ints in an all-aro und com petit io n w ith Co m . & O pt. EX . A RED pa tch may be wo rn by a gy m nast w ho averages at least 7.0 poi nts in an all -a rou nd co m peti tio n w ith Com. & O pt. EX. A GO LD pa tch may be wo rn by a gy mn ast w ho ave rages at leas t 8.0 poin ts in an all-a rou nd com pet ition with Co m . & Opt. EX. These pa tches are ve ry att ract ive and may be ob tain ed at this office fo r $1.00, wh ich includes the cost of ma ili ng & hand ling fee.

U.S.A. GYM NASTICS NEWS U.S. C .F. News. Bi-m o nt h ly off icial news lette r of t he sport 0 1 gy mn ast ics in th e U nit ed States. Publi shed eve ry o t he r m on th , by th e USA 's na ti o nal governin g b o d y fo r t he sp o rt o f gy mn ast ics t hi s news le tt er con tain s ann o unce ments pert ainin g to co m ing eve nt s, in fo rmat io n abo ut pa st & current even ts and ann o u nces rul e c hanges, an d o th er tec hn ical in fo rma ti o n vita l to th ose w ho are i nvolve d w ith sports . Th e o nl y so urce of o fficial gym nastics in fo rma ti o n, in c ludin g no t ices fro m th e Int erna ti ona l Fed era t ion AFI C). The USC F N EWS , annu al subsc ripti u n rdte $5. 00 per year.


FEDERATION CODE OF POINTS FOR MEN : Th e official FIG Code, includes A-B-C part s w ith illu stration s and all rules. A MUST for all judges, co ach es and gymnast s... $6.00 SUPPLEMENT TO THE MEN'S CODE: The 1971 rev isions to th e above FIG Cod e. D es ign ed to be pasted into above book .. .$3.00 USGF MEN' S RULES FOR COMPETITION: NEW book for m en's rul e, for co mpetiti o n, compul sory exercises, hosting 01 f o r e l g ~ team s, reg ul ations governing USGF tea m s, etc. .. $3.00 CODE O F POINTS FOR W OMEN: The official FIG Cod e, includes fi gures fo r difficult y ratings, rules and all lat est rev isio ns in encl osed suppl ement. . .7.00 AGE GROUP GYMNASTIC WORKBOOK: The USGF Ag e Group Work boo k, co mplet e w ith routines (compul so ry) for boys and girl s, ages 6 throu gh 18. Stick Figures and a built-in grad in g system fo r cla ss ro o m work .. . $3.00 1971 JUDGING GUIDE FOR WOMEN: Combination of o ld Judging Guid es 1 & 2. Includes all chan ges from FIG Co urse in Ma drid, Spain . .. $3.00 NATIONA L COMPULSORY ROUTINES-GIRLS: The o ffi cial U SGF-DGWS routin es fo r girl s. Three levels of routi n es now b ein g used nati o n-w ide for school, co ll ege, uni ve rsi ty and post-graduat e co mpetiti o n .. . Sl,75 RULES A ND POLICIES FOR GIRLS: Th e o ffici al USGF regulation s and po li cies fo r girl s co mp etiti on in the Unit ed States .. . $2.00 MEASUREMENTS & DIMENSIONS: Th e off icial FIG book let conta inin g all th e di ag rams and measurements for men 's and wo men 's eq ui pm ent. .. $2.00 FIG BULLETIN: O ff icial pub licatio n of the FIG. mail ed directl y to yo u fr o m Sw itzerl an d . Tim ely articl es. Valu ab le to all in gy m nast ics. . $10.00(per year) MODERN GYMNASTICS: A. Cod e of Po int s for Moc;Je rn Gymn ast ics. .$2.50. B. Cl ass III-B eg inner s: Gymn astiqu e Moderne - by Mi ldred Pr chal. .. $1.50. C. Class II -In termedi ate: Gym nas ti que Mod erne - by M ild re d Prchal. .. $1.50 Now avail abl e, 'GYMNASTIC CHECKS: A ll n ew. beau tiful chec ks in li ght blue w it h a male and femal e gy mn ast shown on th em. A great new way to pro mot e our spo rt. A ll ow 4 to 6 wee ks fo r d eli ve ry and mail sample o f ex istin g check w ith all info rm atio n yo u w ish to ha ve pri n ted o n yo ur new gym nas tics checks. $6. 00 for 200, $11 .00 - 400 , $16.00 - 600 etc. CREST : Embro idered clo th , suit ab le fo r u se on wa rm -up suit s, bl aze r, or un i fo rm s... $2.00 USGF PINS : Go ld backg ro und show in g fl ag and USGF embl e m ... $2.00 DECALS: Lo ng last ing USG F embl em ... $0.25


from: The United States Gymnastics Federation P.O. Bo x 4699 (G) Tucson, A ri zona 85 717 USA Ph one: tUU':1 622-3865

Note: A ll Order ~ have to be p re- pa id. .Books are mail ed Book rate u nless pa yment is en cl osed fo r First Class Mai l ... Specify: Me n 's o r Wo m en 's

JUNIOR GYMNASTS BOY'S GYMNASTICS Thi s is the beginning of a new co lumn w hi ch wi ll be feat ured every month in th e GYMNAST . The ge neral purpose o f this column is to promote the development o f boy 's gymnastics in the United States. During the last few years girl s gymna stics has grow n at an alarming rate. Th e growt h of boy 's gymnastics is trailing far behind. What are the reasons for this slow progress? We welcom e an y opinion s, sugg est ion s, and crit icism s on this subj ect. Let us know what you have done in you r area to promote boy 's gym nastics. Let us know what you think sho uld be done at the national leve l for boy 's programs. This co lumn w ill also try to provide answers to so m e o f yo ur questions regard ing boy 's gymnastics. The fo llow in g are some areas in whi ch you may be int e rested in some adv ice, or perhaps you ca n provide some advice to ot he rs: teaching approaches, organization of classes, meet orga nization, the b eh avior prob lem of young boys. The last item could be parti cularl y interesting topic for discuss ion. If an yon e ha s a solution to the prob lem of . contro ll ing a group of young boys with short attention spans, I am sure advice wou ld be we lcomed by many of our readers.


Correspo nd ence regarding

Boy's Gymnastics sho ul d be addressed to:

Joe Sweeney 2266 Lucretia Ave. #4 San Jose, CA 95122



An ass o ciat ion ha s bee n formed in th e San Fran cisco Ha y Area to promot e bo ys gy mn as tics . 1 he N orthern Californ ia Ho ys Gymna sti cs A ssoc iation got it s start in jul y, 1973 w hen Ro y Da vis ho sted a mee tin g of abo ut ten co ac hes to di sc uss a comp etiti ve pro gram for boys. ~in ce that initi al meet in g was h eld , compul sory ro utine; have bee n d es ign ed for dill ere nt skill leve ls, office rs ha ve b ee n e lec ted for th e 1973 -74 season , and an op e n m ee t has bee n he ld in whi ch o ver 120 bo ys and 11 clubs p arti cipated. I n comp etition each bo y is p laced into o n e of four age gr o ups: 'J and und er, 10-11 , 12-"14, or 1? and o ve r. Withi n h is age group, the gymna st comp et es a t th e no v i c e, b e ginnin g , int erm edi ate, o r ad vanced ski ll leve l. Th e no vice leve l is on e except ion. Onl y bo ys 9 and under ma y compete at th e no vice leve l. W e will be able to att ract and k ee p more boys in vo lved in gymna sti cs if we ca n g ive th em comp etition . M o st bo ys li k e to co mpe te; and if w e d o no t hav e a competit ive prog ram fo r th em in gymn as ti cs, m any w ill leave and find comp etiti o n In ba se ball , footb all , socce r, and eith er sport s w hi ch ha ve had comp etiti ve pr o gram s es tabli shed for a long tim e. I fee l th e stro ng pomt o f o ur competiti ve progr am is th at 路i t all ows d b oy who is ju st startin g o ut in gy mna sti cs to comp ete, in mo st ca ses, w ithin a month or two aft er he b egi ns a cla ss .


T he junior Ol ympi c pr og ram, th e on ly oth e r competiti ve pr og ram fo r "' club " boys in th e bay area, does not acco m o d ate th e b eginn in g gymnast , unl ess h e is ve ry young 路or ve ry talented. Und er th at pro g ram , a bo y who begins gymna sti cs at th e age of 13, is required to do giant s o n th e hi gh bar and ba ck hand sprin gs in fl oo r exe rcise in his age group compul sory routin es. A boy of 13 is not too old to start gymna sti cs; th erefor e, he should be encourag ed , n o t di sco urage d. A 13 year o ld could pr o babl y co mp ete soon und er our program . H e wo uld co mp ete at th e 13-1 4 age group in th e beg in ner skill leve l. Hi s floor exe rcise routin e wo uld in clud e n o tumbling stunt m o re diffi cult th an a roundoff. Th e beg inni ng leve l r o utin es w ou ld deve lop confiden ce and good bas ics in th e gymna st , and pro vid e a sa fe approac h to the sport. Our comp etiti ve season con sists of a preliminary m ee t in N o ve mbe r, a q ual if yin g meet in late january, and a championship m eet in late Februar y. Co mpul so ry routines on ly are performed in th ese mee ts, and ev ery gymna st mu st comp ete all aro und. (Th e nov ice and beginner s comp ete floo r exercise, horizonta l bar, and va ultin g; th e int e rm ediates comp ete th e abo ve three event s plu s po mm el hor se; and th e advan ce d leve l gymn as t w ill ('am pe te th e six Ol ympi c eve nt s) . Opti o n al comp etition will b e h eld in th e sp rin g for tho se gymn as ts competing at th e in te rm edi ate or ad vanced skill level. Althou gh at th e pr ese nt tim e most clu bs in our ass oc iati o n are loca ted in th e San ~rancis c o Bay Ar ea, we we lco m e new club s from othe r region s of N o rth ern Cali fo rnia to jo in ou r ass ociation. More i nformati o n ca n be obta in ed by contact i ng Gene Hrow n , Sec. - Treas., 123 So. 11th St. , San j ose, Ca .




ARTICLE I NAME The name of thi s orga ni za ti o n shall be th e NORTHER N CA LIFOR N IA IlOYS GYM N ASTICS ASSOCI ATIO N. ARTICLE II PURPOSE Th e purpose of the Associat io n is to d eve lop an d promo te boys gy mn astics. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Me mbership is limit ed to t hose cl ubs w hich co nfo rm to the fo ll owi ng reg u lat io ns: a) Dues: Each mem be r club mu st pay annu al memb ers hi p dues of te n do ll ars. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1 Offi ce rs o f the Associa ti on shall be a Chairman, Vice -Chairman, Sec retary-Treas urer and tw o M embers-A t-Large . The executi ve committ ee shall con sist o f th ese o ffi ce rs.

Section 2 A ll o ffi ce rs shall be elected at th e las t mee tin g o f th e Association at th e e nd o f th e acad emic ye ar. Section 3 Vacan cies in an y office shall be fil led by temporary appo intm ent by the Chairman fol lowed by an elec tio n at th e nex t regul ar meeti ng. AR TICLE V DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1 Chairman: a) H e shall presid e at all Asso ciation m eetings. b) He shall co-sign w ith th e Secretary-Treasurer all disbursement checks of One Hundred Dollars o r more. c) He shall ca ll th e executi ve committ ee to mee t w heneve r necessa ry. d) He shall notify the USGF and other nati o nal gy mn astic orga ni zation s as to w ho we are and w hat w e do. Section 2 Vice -Chairman : a) He shall pres id e at Assoc iati o n m ee tings in th e absence o f th e Chairman . Section 3 Sec retary-Treasurer: a) He shall kee p minut es of all meetings and shall see th at each membe r receives a copy of th e minut es o f each mee tin g. b) H e receives all appli ca ti o ns fo r membership and submits them to the executi ve committ ee . c) H e w ill maintain a reco rd of atte ndan ce at all Asso ciatio n m eetings. d) H e shall co ll ect memb ership du es . e) He shall co-sign with th e Chai rman all di sbursement checks of On e Hundred Dollars o r m o re. I) H e shall present a ve rb al fin an ci al repo rt to th e membe rship at each bu sin ess mee ting and he shall submit a written fin ancial repo rt to th e Executi ve Co mmitt ee at th e fin al bu sin ess meetin g o f th e aca d emi c yea r. Section 4 M embers-At-Large: a) Th e two M embersAt -Large shall att end all meetings of the Exec uti ve Committ ee. AR TICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1 M eetin gs of the A ssociatio n sha ll be he ld four tim es during th e academic year and th e ca lend ar d ates fo r th ese m eetings sha ll b e d etermin ed by th e Execut ive Comm itt ee . Sectio n 2 A ll meetings shall be co ndu cted acco rding to Rob ert' s Ru les of Order. Section 3 Th e o rder of bu siness shall be : a) Ca ll to o rd er b) A pprova l o f prev iou s minutes c) Repo rt s o f o ffi cel5 d) Report , uf cummittees e) Ullfilli sheu bu sin ess f) New bu sin ess g) Ann o un ce ment s h) Clini c i) Adjo urnm ent Section 4 A ma jo rit y o f th e acti ve mem be rship clubs present at a reg ul ar m eetin g shall cons titute a qu o rum . ARTICLE VII REGULATIONS OF COMPETITION Section 1 Eac h co mpetito r w ill comp ete in o ne of th e foll owin g skill leve ls: novice, beginn er, inte rm edi ate o r advanced . Each competitor w ill be in o ne o f th e follo w in g age group s w ithin hi s skill leve l : 9 yea rs and und er; 10 & 11 years; 12-14 years; 15 yea rs and old er. Section 2 A co mpetitor from any of th e four age groups may compete beginning ,. int erm ediate or adva nce ski ll leve l. Th e novic e sk dll evel sha ll co nsist of o nl y boys w ho are 9 years old and und er. If a 9 and und er gy mn ast w ishes to comp ete at a high er skill level, he w il l compete w ith the 10-11 age group within th at sk ill level. Section 3 Nov ice and beg inn ers w ill co mpe te co mpul so ry ro utin es onl y and in th e fo ll ow in g three eve nts: fl oo r exe rcise; no ri zo nt al bar; side ho rse va ultin g. Int erm ed iate an d ad va nced gy mnasts w ill co mpete co mpul sory and opti o nal ro utin es. Int erm edi ate gy mna sts w ill compete floo r exe rcise, pomm el ho rse, long ho rse va u lting and hori zo nt al bar. Adva nced gymna sts wil l compete th e six Olympic eve nts: fl oo r exe rcise; pomm el horse; sti ll rin gs; lo ng horse vaulting ; p arallel bars; hori zont al bar. Section 4 Th e competiti ve season shall comm e nce w ith an open prelimin ary meet in N.ove mbe r. A qu alifyin g meet shall be h eld in late January; a champi o nship mee t w ill fo llow in late February. Th ese mee ts shall be co mpul sori es on ly. Optional m eets for int erm edi ate and ad va nced gymna sts ma y be held in th e sp rin g. Sectio n 5 Two o r more coa ches may at an y time o rga ni ze practi ce meets betwee n two u r mo re cl ubs. Section 6 Each club is limit ed to an entry of fi ftee n nov ice, fiftee n beg inn er, fift ee n interm ed iate gy mn asts and a to tal of fo rt y-fi ve gymnasts for all tourn ame nts. (A tournam ent con sists of four o r mo re cl ubs.) Section 71f a nov ice gy mn as t scores 22 .00 in all-around he is req uired to move up to begi n ner leve l th e nex t yea r provid ed he did no t score below 6. 5 in an y eve nt. Section 8 If a beginner gy mnast sco res 23 .00 in all-

GYMNAST Apr. '74

around he is requ ired to move up to int ermediate leve l the next year provided he did not sco re below 7.0 in any event. Section 9 A coach may move his gymndst up to the next ski ll level regardles s of the gymnasi' s all-around score at any time during the seaso n. Howeve r, a boy who qualifies for the champi o nsh ip meet at o ne sk ill level may not compete in the champi ons hip meet at anoth er sk ill level. Section 10 Once a boy moves up to a new sk ill level he ma y not compete at his for mer sk ill level. Section 11 Th e age of the boy at the qualifying meet (late January) w ill determ in e the age leve l he wi ll compete th at year. (Th is wi ll become effect ive w it h the 1974-75 season.)

Section 12 No award s shall be give n out at meets w it h three or less club s participating. ARTiClE VIII AMENDMENTS Section 1 Th is co nst itution may be amended at any meeting by a two-third vo te of th e members present. The proposed amend ement must have been submitt ed in w riting to th e Association at a previous mee ting or su bmittted to th e membe rs of the Assoc iation by mail , in writing , at least o ne week prior to the m eeti ng at wh ich sa id proposa l is to be voted on. Editors Note: Thi s cons titu tio n is being pu t in o nl y asa sa mple for ou r readers - it has not yet been oflicia ll y approved.

Mrs. Renee P. Hendershott 17605 Fries Avenue Lakewood, Ohio 44107


Renee ~endershott_ Women s _ _ _ __



"SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE SPKIAlISTS" By Joe Sweeney One change w hi ch I would like to see take place in the near future is the elimin ation o f t he specia li st from men' s gym nastics. I am concerned specifica lly abo ut th e co ll ege level. If the NCAA Rules Committee decided to permit all -around compet itio n on ly, then the hi gh schoo ls and age group programs wo uld probably el imin ate the specialist, as wel l. It disturbs me that coaches sti ll all ow gym nasts to specia li ze . I thought that we would have learned by now from the Japanese example that a gymnast can wo rk al l-aro u nd and yet sti ll exce l in all events. It is a we ll -known fact th at the top j apa n ese are better in any and all events than any Ame ri ca n al l-around and l or spec iali st. (There are a few exceptio ns, but o nl y a few). When will we learn that a gy mn ast does not ha ve to co ncentrate o n one eve nt in order to exce l in that event? Not enough people realize that whi le a gymnast is work in g the othe r five events, he is improv ing his " favor ite" or " best" event. H e is developing th e strength , in dividua l style, or swi ng, flex ib ili ty, conf idence that he may lack in his " best " event wh il e he is practicing the ot h ers. . There are many other adva ntages to wo rkin g and l o r competi ng all-aro und: 1. While a spec iali st might deve lop o nl y a specific gro up of muscles, the all-around gymnast strengthens every muscle in hi s body. 2. Many gymnasts become mentally and physi ca ll y tired by worki ng only one eve nt every day. The all-arou n d offers va ri ety to the gymnast's mind and bod y. Example: A high bar specialist who develops blisters early in a workout becomes very frustrated. Since he works only one event, he is forced to end his workout early, even though he has plenty of energy left. 3. The all-arou nd m an normally appea rs more relaxed and conf id ent in compet iti on th an th e specialist. This is because the all GYMNAST Apr. '74

around man has six opport unities in a meet to perform we ll, w hile the specia li st ha s fewe r opportunit ies, perhaps o nl y one. 4. Working all-around is w ise for the gymnast w ho plans to teach gym nastics. So meo ne w ith k nowledge in all event s is ce rt ainl y more q ualifi ed to teach than a person w ho is familiar w ith fewe r even ts. The allarou nd gymnast wi ll usually be hired instead of t he specialist. 5. To compete in the Olympics is a dream of competitors in all spo rt s. Fo r the gymnas ti c special ist, the Ol ympi cs is an impossib le dream. 6. It is a shame to see a boy spend so much tim e in the gym and ye t never put all ot his talent to use. It is a crime w hen a coach discourages his gymnast from worki ng all event s. The coach sho ul d encou rage the boy to work all event s and in this way help him rea li ze hi s full potential. In th e club w he re I teac h, I have bee n th e main so urce of gymnast ics inform ati o n to th e boys. Th e boys w ho compete always compete all -aro und . I try to lea d th em to believe that there is no othe r way. Th ese boys seem to be accept in g all -arou n d as a requirement for competition. If such a regu lat ion were made by the NCAA, fut ure gymnasts would surely accept allaro und as the on ly way. Th ere wou ld be quite a bit of oppos ition at first from the gymn asts w ho have speciali zed for so long and are still co mpetin g. Howeve r, no matter w hen o r how we make th e shift to all-around o n ly, we will be eliminatin g so me spec ialists who igno red th e trend toward all-aro und . I sy mp ath ize wi th these gymnasts. After all , some of my best fr iend s are spec iali sts . Perhaps th e NCAA co uld propose a policy to make all-around mandatory four years from now. This way th e specialist who is cu rrently in college co uld fini sh h is caree r. The special ist in hi gh schoo l could make the t rans iti on to allaro un d and become a good or eve n great allaro und gymnast by th e time he has fi ni shed his co ll ege ca reer. I hope th e NCAA Rul es Comm itt ee acts soo n on thi s matter. Gy mn asti cs sho uld be all -a rou nd!

Coordinating. edltor_

New Newsletter GEORG IA GYMNASTICS NEWSLETTER fro m Jan1-Dec 31 $3.00. Co ntac t Donna Stu art, 5654 Bowd en Dr. Forest Par k, Georgia 30050 1974 USGF Junior Olympic Program (Women 's Division) Director: Ernestin e Weaver, 939 Park Circle, Boone, Iowa 50036 PH 515 / 432-8251 Eligibility: Open toCla ss I Gymna sts (Advanced USGF / DGWS Compulso ries) in age groups 1214 and 15 and ove r. An y gym nast who ha s ac hi eved an 8.75 eve nt average, 70.00 AA in an y USGF Elit e Compe titi o n in 1974 is in eli gible for co mpet ition in the junior Olymp ic Program Injury Clause: Petit ions to wa ive qu alifica tion co mpetiti on because of injur y o r il lness and enter a meet w ill no t be accept ed. Qualifying Procedure . I. USGF State Age-Gr o up and Optional s wi ll serve as the sta te level qualification mee t for the Juni o r O lympic Program (Feb-Mar ch) A. A gymnast who has ach ieved a minimum score of 6.5 event average for C&O, 52.00 AA in a USG~-sponsored local level m ee t is qua li fied to enter the 1974 USGF Sta te Meet. B. A ll scores for qualified gymnasts for reg iona ls are to be sen t by the USGF State Meet Dir ector w ithin 10 d ays after the date of the state m eet to the USGFWC RTD and th e jun io r O lympi c Prog ram Director. * II. USG~ Juni or Olympic Champion shi p (Date and site to be dete rmin ed) A. A gymnast who haS" ach ieved a minimum score of 8.0 eve nt average forC dnd 0,64.00 AA in a USGF Sta te Meet is qualifi ed to enter the 1974 USGF Juni or Ol ymp ic Reg ional Champion ship Meet. B. Details of reporting qualify ing sco res w ill be sent at a late r date. III . Natio n al USGF ju nior Olymp i c Championship (Date and site to be determin ed) A. The first place all-around w inn er for 12-14 and 15 and ove r age d ivisio ns from each Regio nal C hampions hip w ill compete for the USGF Nationa l Junior Olympic Champ ion ship. Each region w ill qua lify two gymnasts, one from each age group, for t he natio nal comrwtit ion . B. In t he event that the first p lace all around winner from the Regiona l Championships is unable to part icipate in the at ional. Champ ionship, th e runner -up will comfJe te. C. The Nat iona l Champions w ill travel wit h the official USA Team to the Wo rld Games. A ll expenses wi ll be paid by th e USGF fo r the World Ga m es trip. * Th e sco res for the gym nasts, age, fu ll ndme, 33

add ress, coac h or organ izat io n and address, mu st be reported. You will be not i fied as to Reg io nal Junior Olympic D irectors , dates and sites of Reg ional and Na tion al Championships w hen th is information is comp lete . letter from Dale Galloway (SAC-San Juan) Dea r Coach, This let ter is m ea nt to be a f ir st step in ex pandin g ou r Na tional Elit e Train ing Progr am by crea tin g a parallel program for th e lower elit e and talent ed Class I wo men gym nas ts. 'T he' elit e program mu st, o f necessit y, be aimed at a relati ve ly f ew girl s. Since th e fundin g of th is prog ram is restri cted by th e amo unt o f mon ey available from th e USGF and USOC it is necessa ry in m y opini o n to cr ea te a program t hat w ill help us train our gym nasts at an ea rli er age and stat e of deve lopment. Th erefo re, I am proposing th e fo ll owing genera l id eas fo r you r exa min at ion and respon se. I am also as kin g Gra ham Bart lett , President of th e th e USA IGC for p ermi ss io n to chair a com mitt ee that w ill fo ll ow up o n you r respo nse and t hat w ill formul ate f irm proposals to the USA IGC and thro ugh thi s o rga ni za ti o n to other proper offices. If I stand alone in m y thinking, pl ease let me know also!!! 1. Thi s pro gram shou ld suppl ement, not duplicate, th e Nat iona l Elit e program. 2. Th e USA IGC , as a coac hes orga ni za ti on , sho ul d adm ini ste r the pro gram. 3. Th e USA IGC should in co rporate th e USG F Reg. and State bo und ari es an d coac hes shou ld establi sh State an d/ or Sub-State Club / Coach o rga ni za ti o n. Th is w ill p lace the club s o n a parall el and equal bas is w ith th e USG F adm ini strati ve and techni ca l apparatu s and th e new ly formed Na ti ona l Jud ges group. 4. Fund s should be ra ised o n a Reg iona l-Sta te ba sis. In thi s way th ose reg ions or states th at rai se t he fund s w ill deri ve the be nefits. How Do We Raise the Fund s? Th e first and most imperati ve step to be take n is to b e o rga ni zed and b e co mp etent to spon so r all Na ti o nal and I ntern ation al mee ts in volvin g women gymn as ts. In thi s way we ca n u se all profits from these m ee ts to train all th e talent ed girl s in o ur co untr y. Under th e present sys tem (o r lack o f one) th e USG F office in Tu cson is forced to dole o ut t hese meets to th e same half dozen U ni ve rsiti es and Clubs w ho t hen pocket th e pr of it s. The USG F ca n 't be b lamed for thi s sin ce onl y a few assoc iation s ha ve taken th e time and en ergy to join th e se lect group of spo nso rs. It is imp oss ibl e fo r m e to be lieve that the USGF wo uld not give o ur association s t he hi ghest p ri orit y in se lec tin g th e sites for meets if we fir st conv ince th em th at we ca n and w ill do th e job and that the p rof it s w ill b e used to furth er th e development of wome n 's gym nast i cs in our cou ntry. I also be li eve th at on ly a ve ry few coac hes wo uld object to sharin g th ese fun ds. Since thi s indica tes the type of se lfi shn ess th at has long held back the progress of the sport, I w ill be happ y to hear from them so th at all ca n see w here th ey st and . Send rep li es to: Dale R. Ga ll oway 4739 B San Ju an Ave. Fa ir O aks, CA 95628 Si ncere ly, Dale R. Gal loway Member at large Executi ve Committee USA IGC The new DGWS/ USGF National compulsory Routines for Girls . I have had a number of peop le as king abo ut ju st w hen th e new ones wi ll co m e o ut. Th ey are


st ill in the process of b ein g written. The o rig ina l drafts of the new co mpul so ri es were se nt to 24 well establ ished gymnastics clubs thro ugho ut th e co un try to be wo rk ed w ith by ac tu al yo un g gym nasts, ch ecked fo r clarity of tex t. Th e coac hes studi ed t hese ve ry ca refull y, made many sugges ti ons for:.-changes in both tex t and mu sic. Th e o ri gin al authors are still in th e process of mak in g use of th e sugges ted chan ges. Thi s is ce rt ainl y N OT AN EASY TASK. Somet ifD~ ve ry soo l], a new draft w ill be se nt to th e checking tea ms for testin g and final approval or eve n further suggestio ns for improvement. Th en th e stick figures w ill have to be dra w n, and the judges d ed uct ions w ill have to. be finalized. All of thi s tak es time. Th e Official Compulsories in th eir fin al form w ill not be released until September 1, 1975. The y may be used from that point on and w ill b e used in USGF co mpetiti o n and wi ll be o n the Rating Exa m as of this date.

~~~~ ,~~b ~11. s.. ~.-:.~""'--~

GETTING THE MOST OF ACLINIC by Bill Stern , UT- Aus tin (Texas Report er) " Whil e wa iti ng fo r m y breakfast at th e motel dining room during th e last day o f th e clini c, I overheard one girl tell ano th er that sh e hadn't learn ed anything. I was as tounded to put it mildl y. Th ere isn ' t anyo ne in th e wo rld, including Oly mpi c coaches , w ho ca n 't lea rn someth in g at a clini c. As a matter of fact, o ur men 's Ol ympi c coac h, A bi e Gro ss feld , attended a clin ic in Riga , Ru ss ia, before th e Games to see how th e gy mn as ts and coac hes from th e ot h er co untri es were interp ret in g th e co mpul so ry ro utin es. If a fo rm er Ol ympi an who is no w our Ol ympic coac h ca n lea rn from cl ini cs, I'm ce rtain a hi gh sc hool co mpetit o r ca n also . I think th at th e prob lem li es in the att itude. A per so n should at tend a clini c w ith th e id ea th at " I 'll lea rn ", rath er than " They 'll tea ch m e!" Ther e are certain t hin gs th at sho uld be done whe n att endi ng a cli ni c to assure getting th e max imum . Th e first is' to keep yo ur eyes and ea rs ope n fo r new id eas on co mbin ation s, t echniqu es for lea rnin g, spot ting and doing tricks, and method s for development of strength , end uran ce and fl ex ibilit y. Th eseco nd is to jot do w n those new idea s in a notebook so yo u don 't fo rget them. Go ove r t he notes and refin e them at the end of each day, u si ng sketches if necessa ry (eve n poor o nes are better th an no ne) to show bod y po sition s and equipment placem ent. If yo u ca n go w here yo u wa nt to go, decide at th e beginning of each day exac tl y w hat you wa nt to lea rn and from w hom. Stay at that eve nt for th e whole lectu re o r class period. Don ' t jump from class to class . yo u wo n 't ge t anythin g from ei ther. Eve n if th e coac h is talking about so m ethin g yo u 're not rea d y for, take notes o n ho w th e tri ck is being ta ught, how it 's being spo tt ed, and an y other point s th at mi gh t be use ful when yo u 're read y to start work. If yo u mu st fo ll ow a pre-arrange d schedul e, tak e full adva ntage of it. Keep espe ciall y caref ul notes o n eve nt s yo u aren ' t wor kin g ye t, or event s yo u 're wea k in or dislike. Keep in mind that " Th e nam e of th e ga m e is all around and yo u mu st lea rn all th e even ts!"

CHANGES IN FIG CODE OF POINTS EFFECTIVE FOR 1974 NATIONAL COMPETITIONS FROM: Mrs. Jackie Fie, Technical Chairma n There have been so m e changes in th is mate rial since it originally appeared in the magazine. The changes and additions are in bold . VAULT 1. Th e follow in g va u lts have been e liminat e d: #1 . St radd le (Horizontal ) #2 . Layout Squat #3 . Layout Straddle #4· Stoop (horizonta l) #5 . Layo ut Stoop *8 · Hi gh Fro n t th rough Ha ndstand *14· Handsta n d v.. Tu rn 2. New Scorin g of va u lts: #9 . v.. turn G iant Cartwheel· 9.70 pts. #15· Handspring · 9.70 pts. #19· Yamash ita · 9.70 pt s. Va u It s #6, 7, 10, 11 , 12, 13, 16, 17,18,20,21, and 22 re ta in their va lu e of 10.00 pts. 3. New Va ult s: 1. Jum p to in ve rted supp ort w ith l V, forward so m ersaults· 10.00 pt s. 2. Jump to in ve rt ed s upport w ith V, turn a nd back ward some rsa ult (1 Vl ) . 10.00 pt s. 3. Jump to in verted su pport· cartw h ee l a n d 1 V, back wa rd some rsa ult s· 10.00 pts. 4. Ju mp to in ve rted support with \I, tu rn (ca rtwh eel) crossways some rsault (1 V, ) . 10.00 pts. 4. Ju mp to in ve rt ed s upp o rt w ith \I, turn (cartwheel) crossways so m ersa ult (1 Vl) . 10.00 pts. 5. Jump to in ve rt ed s up port· 1 turn d urin g th e first flight w ith forward wa lko ve r ((ha ndspring) or forward so mersa ult (1 V, ) . longitud ina l or le ngthwi se turn durin g firs t flig ht. . 10.00 pt s. 6. ~ach va ult w il h o ne long ilu dindl or lenglhwise turn uUrlng the seco nu flighl w il h legs Slretc h eu 0 1 ilexeu . lU .O pt,. 7. Each va u ll w ith V, or 1 long itudinal turn in the first pha se · 10.00 pt s. 8. 1 V, forward some rsa ul ts during the first fli g h t to in ve rt ed support , forward wa lkover (handspring ) or any o th er d ismount ·10.00 pt sA. Presc riptions fo rth e va ullin g fina ls: a. Two d iffe rent va ult s performed b y each gy mn ast. b. One of the va ult s mu sl includ e a le n gt hwise or crosswise turn. c. Th e vaults ma y be of the sa me kin d, one simpl e, th e ot h er w il h a turn . d . It is permi ss ible to execu te two va ults w ith turn s, bUI in thi s case th e turn s mus t be different. e. If a gy m nast execu tes two simple vau lts a nd o n e turn is lack in g, the better va ult will be subject to a pe na llY of 1 p o int. f. Scori ng is app lied to th e two va ult s. Th e bette r execu ted one cou nt s. g. Th e gym nast is expected to p erfo rm two va ult s. If s he prese nt s on ly one , th e re w ill b e a penalt y of 1 point o n the mark awarded. 5. Team· Of th e 12 va ult s executed by eac h team , no more than 6 ma y b e the sa me. UNEVEN BARS Cha n ges: 1. Hec ht jump from Ih e lower bar w ith tur n is a s uperior difficulty. 2. Dismount from the compul sory exercise, executed w ith out thigh swingi ng a nd upward fli ght: penalty .. 0.5 pt s. (Previous pena lty fo r repulsion a nd am plitude of up ward flight was 0.2 + 0.2 = 0.4 pts.) 3. No stop is perm itted during the exe rcise: penalt y .... 0.2 pt s. Di smounl w ith pus hoff from feet in e rect stand, squat or straddle sta nd fro m L8 or HB is not acce pted a n d w ill be pena li zed b y .... 0.4 pt. 5. From a sq ua l or standing positi on o n th e LB, a jump or " sw ing " to a hand stand , is an e lemen t of medium d ifficul lY. II fo ll owed b y a y, or more p iro u e tt e into ano th er e leme nt , th e co mbination w ill be a sup erior. 6. A bounce beat (ex tra bend ing and straightening of legs) in order 10 pass from a sq uat or sta ndin g position on the low ba r to a following eleme n t is to be conside red as an ex tra swing: p ena lt y .... 0.5 pt. 7. All other mo ve m e nt s remain as in prese n t Code 01 Point s, includin g LB hand stand s as su pe ri o rs. NEW SCOR ING ACCORD ING TO ARTICLE 7 OF TH E CODE OF POI NTS OPTION A L EXERC ISES: Un even bars, beam, and Iloo r exe rcise 3 ele m e n ts 01 su p erior difficulty at 1 point each 3 Con't. on page 42 p oints

GYMNAST Apr. ' 74

Instruction: TECHNIQUE OF THE SWITCHLEG BACK WALKOVER By Charlie DuBois and Renee Hendershott with comments and approval from Vannie Edwards and Audrey Schweyer who are both members of the USGF-WTC Thi s is a sk ill w hi ch is more o ft en d o ne in co rrectl y than we ll. Most o ft en, we see o ne leg st icki ng up i n th e air and the o th er do in g all th e switching ... seco nd split aft er gymnast has b egun desce nt o ut of sk ill. Accordin g to.Mrs. Schweyer, if th e gymn ast we re d o in g th e skill in thi s mann er fo r a co mpul sory such as th e o ne described in th e Elit e co mpul so ry tex t, it wo uld be d ifficult to give credit fo r th e element at all ! (There wo ul d b e d educti o ns fo r in suffi cient se p arati o n of legs, failure to show splittin g pos iti o n b efo re and aft er th e hands tand, and failure to show th e hand stand o r in ve rt ed su p po rt p os it io n.) U po n t he suggesti o n o f Mr. Ed wa rds, we w ill give yo u a pi cto ri al d emon st rat ion o f how th e sk ill sho uld be d o ne. (Co rr ecti o ns are w rit ten in ca pt io ns below each pi ctur e fo r sli ght tec hni ca l and amp li t ud in al erro rs.) M rs. Schweye r wo ul d make sli ght deducti o ns und er tec h n iq ue o r amplitude fo r in suffi cient split and ' inco rrect hand st and . Good t imi ng is il n essenti al in gredi ent in th e perfo rmance o f thi s sk ill , combin ed , o f co urse, w ith upp er bo d y co ntrol and leg fl ex ib ility. If t h e arms are dow n to beg in w it h, th e lea d leg sho uld be raised as th e arm s move to a stretched pos iti o n ove rh ea d (Fi g. 1). A gymn ast work in g to optim al am p litu de sho ul d be ab le to lift th e leild leg as hi gh as her head befo re go in g over into t he back bend. The eyes fo ll ow t he hands from t he ho ri zo nt al in fro nt to co nt ac t o f th e hand s w ith t he f loo r. A t th e mo m ent th e we ight tra nsfe rs to hand s upon con tact, th e suppo rt leg leaves th e fl oor. Thi s enabl es the gymn as t to m ove qui ckl y to att ain a straight and taunt sho uld erto rso -hip ali gnm en t in th e fir st split p os iti o n. Show th e firstl !lO째 split pos iti o n (F ig. 3). Brin g th e legs togeth er to show a goo d stretched hands tand (Fig. 4). (Head mu st not be pull ed up to the back w ith face pa rall el to floo r as so ma n y gymn asts do. Th is makes it hard if not imposs ib le to ach ieve a stra igh t- bod ied handstand.) Then swi tch legs to a 180 0 sp lit oppos it e to the origin al sp li t. (F ig. 5) Th ese t hree pos iti ons ... sp lit. .. handsta n d ... secon d spl it.. mu st all be shown wh il e the gy mn ast is in a co ntro ll ed st raigh t backed handstand. Far too often, t he seco nd sp lit co mes af ter th e gymn ast has beg un her desce nt to her landi ng foo t. W ith co ntro l, and maintain ing the sp lit pos iti o n, lower th e lea d leg to fro n t sca le o r ara besqu e pos iti o n (Fi g. 6-7-8 ). Keep han ds, sho ul ders, h ips and fee t in a straight li ne. (Thi s is as was descri bed by Mr. DuB o is. W hen I took 1he ph o tos, I had th e gy mn ast co m e o ut In a true arabesque posit io n to show an att ract ive var iati on.) As i n good back wa lkove r tech ni que .. . upper body rises before free leg lowers. Model is Bodnar Be ll student Pho tos by R. Hen dershott

1. lifted foot should be as high as nose. Pull IIpper back forward a little for better posture. This can be done to full height only and a lot of thigh strength. Do develope's daily to increase this.

5. 1600 split is possible here too.

2, Weight must be transferred back with should ers directly over hands. lifted leg shou ld be in 160 0 split and push-off is now.

6 , l eg sho uld be held up to show control.

3. 160 0 split is possible here. Head should be between arms so straightbacked hand stand can be achieved.

7 Torso is lifted whil e leg is kept re latively hi gh. Bod y should be stretch ed and tightened.

Move head to between-arm position for straighter handstand.

6. Front of torso looks rounded. Pull in abdominals more to stretch and straighten torso.


Approved by Vanni e Edwards Audrey Scheweyer

GYMNAST Apr. '74



Part II James Hesson University of Nebraska

The author, James Hesson

After a Jear oi sea rching gy mnasti cs li terature an di sc uss in g th e m atter w ith some 01 th e best coac hes and p e rform e rs in th e co untr y I ha ve co me to th e co nclu sio n th aI. th e re is ind eed a ma gic formu la for lea rning doubl e leg c irc les on th e pommel horse . Hefore revea ling th at sec ret iormula I wo uld lik e to re view th e sllnplicity o f th e apparat us w e are d ea lin g w ith. 1 here are on ly two ways to sw in g on th e pomm el horse, th e pe ndulum sw in g used for scisso rs and th e doubl e leg circl e sw in g that is us ed fo r all o th e l moves. rh ere are no hokl moves, no str ength parts an d no fl exi bilit y requ ire m ent s. A ll you need do is led III to sw ing youl bod y tlO lI1 th e shoulder s ill two differellt ways .a nd yo u ha ve mas te red th e appMatus. 1 hi s is not hard but it do es take a little time. '10 add to th e simpli cit'l th ere are o nl y 10 basic mov es to lea rn . A ll a th e o ther stunt s are co mbin atlo m or va ri ation s of the ba sic moves. Th ese are th e 10 bd~l( Ill ove' m ent s to leM n. 1) I ran t SCisso r 2) back SCi SS OI 3) Sid e tr ave l 4) kehre S) ba c k out 6) Iro nt ou t 7) moor e 8) back m oore 9) reve rse side t I av el 10) doubl e SW ISS I ha ve trr ed to use th t' mo st d escr ipti ve term for eac h 01 th e m ove m ent s or the on es thdt I th ought wou ld be most w idel y und e rstood. If th e ter m s are not lamili ar you w ill ha ve to enli st th e aid 01you l 10c,11 pomme l h o rse int e rpre ter. I ha ve dc tudll y eXdgge rat ed th e numb e r of moves to mak e It so und hard e r th ,1Il it is. On ce you are dra Wing a circle w ith your fee t ,lIld your hand s are gO in g leit , ri gh t, left, ri g ht it doesn 't rea ll y matt el w hich way yo u fa ce o r w he re you pla ce yo u r h a nd ~ as lo ng ,IS yo u keep cir c lin g. 1 he nam es o t the move m ents are m ere ly d con ve ni ence to refe r to wh ich way yo u are turnin g o r t ra ve llll g w hil e yo u are performing th e ba sic doubl e leg circ le. It ca n read il y be s('e n that stunt s are irriti ated wh e n yo u ha ve bot h h'lIl d s o n th e horse. At th at tim e yo u have th e w idest bd se of support (easie r to ba l"n ce) , th e m os t strength (two hand s in stea d a l one), Jnd M e in th e be st po siti o n to IInpar! i o rce to "I t(' r th e path of th e bod y. 1 here to re, th e re dre o nl y tw o plac es Irolll w hi c h ,I ~ tunt m ay be stdrt(,d. You ma y beg in w tlh YOU I tc et in iront of th e bod y or w ith your l eet behind the bod y, bo th hands Oil th e ho rse. With th at yo u can s('e that of th e e ig ht bas ic urcl e moves three beg in wit h th e feet in fro nt and li ve begll' With th e tee t b ehind th e bod y. W e w ill ass um e ior ( I,ll iii cd ti on tl hlt clo ckwi se cir cles al e being perlorrned . When th e legs .tre in I ront 01 the bod y w ith one hand o n eac h po mm el II yo u mdk e th e d ec ision no t to repl ace the li g ht hand o n th e ri ght pommel all th at I emall' s IS placin g It o n th e lef t pomm el or th e lelt e nd 01 th e hOl se. In o ther word s your cho ices dre: Side trave l, moore or bd ck out. (1 here IS ,11 50 m y be hin d th e bd ck double sw iss w hic h ha s not (d ug hi o n too qui ck ly.) I he op pos i te 0 1 thi s of co urse is the po sition 01 th e leet bl'hll1d th e bod y dnd th e d(,c ision not to repla ce th e lell hand on th e lef t pomm(~ 1.


6 8 photo B: Steve Dickey (University of Nebraska) ... In this sequence fram es 1,3,4 and 6 should be noted.

1 he c hoic es l or hand pla ce m ent are th e righ t pomm el and th e ri g ht end of t he horse. 1 here l o re, th e m oves M e back moore, back side trav el , double' sw iss , kehr ca nd front o ut. It mu st be und el stood , although it w ill be di sc usse d II' m o re d etail at th e later dat e, th at a moo re IS a mo o I e IS a moore w heth er it is clon e uphill , downhrll, ,n th e middl e, o r o n th e end . 1hi s dPpll es to "II o t the bd sic mo ves . If you lea rn eac h 01 th em co rrectl y o n one part of t he hor se it is a relat ive ly simp le tas k to tran sfe r th em to anoth e r part of the horse. Ma y I summdl Ize wh,lI m akes p o mm el ho rse simpl e. 2 ways to sWIn g 10 bJslc. movem ent s 2 pla( es to In i tiat e circ le stunt s .Let us now l etuln to the uoub le leg circl e w hi ch IS th e ba ; l( m ove to all adva nce d pomm el hOl se wO l k. I wo uld lik e to descr ib e w hat th ey look lik e' w hen pe rf o rm ed p roperly. 1 he hands should be pldced o n th e fro nt half of th e pommc'l b(,( au se o f th e natur al angle th at OlC UI S In th e p,lIm 0 1 th e h and when it is clo se d aro und tilt' pomm el. Heing o n th e front of th e' po mm e ls a l ~o m akes it eds ier to dedr th e hor se at the end s an d res ult s in fewe r hdnd pl aceme nt '1(.iju stm c' l,h w h en yo u b eg in to lea rn trl c ks. In goo d do ubl e leg CIrcl es th e

per fo rm er w ill o nl y supp o rt o n both hand s abou t 2S'X, 01 th e tim e. Th e re mainin g 7S'X, of th e suppo rt co mes o n one hand or th e o th er. You w ill no ti ce th at th e begi nnin g p erformer att empt s to use both h and s o n th e horse for a grea ter p erce ntage of th e ti me. It sh o uld also be o bserved th at th e re is路to be an equ al amo unt of tim e spent o n eac h hand. This is anot he r common er ror in th e nov ice perfo rm er, stay in g on o ne hand too lon g and co mp ensa tin g w ith a very sho rt supp ort on th e othe r hand , res ulting in un eve n do ubl es and usuall y hav in g th e hips to o hi g h in back. It is ve ry diffi cult to lea rn an y stunt s from th ese doubl es and rea ll y a waste of tim e sin ce all stun ts are va riation s of th e bas ic doubl e leg ci rc le. Ii th e basic c ir c le is incorrect all va riation s oi it w ill be incorrect and yo u w ill on ly be lea rnin g bad habi ts tha t w ill n eed to b e corrected later. 1 h e elbows are iairl y straig ht th ro ughou t but are o lt en il exed briei ly to reba lance if th e cor rec tion ca nn ot b e m ad e by the fin gers or w ri st. II you ca n p erfo r m good doub le leg circl es but b end your elbow in att e mpting a new stunt It IS mor e lik e lv th at you are off balance than th at yo u are too wea k. If yo u get ofl ba lance o n a stunt on pomme l horse bendin g th e e lb ows is an alm os t in vo lun tar y defen se m ec hani sm. Kee p in g th e elbo ws

GYMNAST Apr. '74

7 5 6 photo C: Hal Trave r... Frames 2 and 5 should be studied carefully.


6 5 photo D: Steve Dickey .... Particularly notice frame s 3 and 6.

straight does not mak e th e balance. ll em g balanced w ill kee p th e elb ows straight. LJ o not interpret thi s to m ea n th at it is not im porta nt to have the str en gt h to recove r from an offbalance pos iti o n . ~tr e n g th is a key facto r in co nsistent pomm e l h o rse perform ances . 1 he shoulders clo se ly para ll el th e lo ng ax is o f th e horse t hrougho ut th e cir cle. There ma y be a slig ht turn-out o r tu rn- in of th e sho uld ers but it is not a consCio us e ff o rt. A n attem p t shou ld be m ade t o keep the shou ld ers pa rall e l to the lo ng axis 01 th e hor se . A lways r em emb er to pu sh up as hi gh as yo u ca n in the should e rs fO I ma ximum cl eara nce . Of co urse, grea te r sho uld e r move m e nt w ill be necessary as t he ex ten sio n 0 1 th e c irc les increases. The shoul ders are used to co unt er-balanc e th e feet, so as th e feet m ake a bi gger circl e so mu st the should ers. It is reco mm e nd ed that the head face forwa rd on CIrc les and not turn to th e left or ri gh t. 1 h e hea d ma y turn b ri ef ly to fo ll ow th e legs but sho uld no t b e encou raged. As th e pe rform er b eco m es mor e sk illed thi s tas k is perform ed b y p eriph e ral vision. You w ill also notice if yo u look cl ose ly that th e h ead w ill move l orward b eyond th e hor se but th at it is ex tr em e ly rare to see it mov e backward beyo nd the ho rse.

GYMNAST Apr. '74

It has bee n m y observatio n that, co ntrary to popu lar op inion, th e hips remain ve ry nea rl y In th e ce nt er of th e hor se m ak in g a circle no large r th an the w id th o f th e pommels in d iam eter. 1 he ex ten sion invo lves th e fee t comi ng eve r nea rer to a perfect circle w ith the should ers actin g as a co unt erb alance. 1 he plane o f th e circ le is to be as flat and ho ri zo nt al as possib le. You w ill obse rve th at th e mor e sk ill ed pe rfor mers have less ri se and fall of bod y part s th anthe less sk ill ed pe rf o rm e rs. It is primaril y l o r this reaso n th at I reco mm e nd lear ni ng doubl es from a feint. W hen you begi n w ith a fein t all b ody parts are in pos iti o n o n th ei r prop er leve l to start wi th w hi ch minim izes th e up and dow n cor rect ions th at mu st b e mad e w hen jumpin g into doub les . 1 he mo st obvious d iffere n ce in doubl e leg circl es is extension . Th e best performer w ill ex tend th e grea test perce ntage of h is body, maintain hI S legs in a hi ghe r pos iti o路n, ex te nd th e sa m e di stance latera ll y to th e left and ri ght and have a foo t patt ern that m ore close ly rese mbl es a perfect ci rcle. 1 he best speed for a d oub le leg circle appears to be slI ghtl y o ver b u t ve ry cl ose to o ne second. 1 hi s tlln e shou ld be eq u all y di vid ed between th e lo rward and ba ckwa rd" ha lves of th e circle.

1 he photograph s w ith th is art icle w ill be mo st help ful for th ose int erested in lea rnin g more about th e doub le leg circ le. Th e p erform er s in th e photograph s are H al Tra ve r and St eve Di ckey from th e Un ive rsit y of Ne bras ka. No ti ce the foll ow ing frame s in parti cul ar: Ph o to A (H al Trave r) Fram e 3 Fram e (, Ph o to II (Steve D ickey) Fram e 1 Fram e 4 Fram e 3 Fra m e (, Phot o C (H al Tra ve r) Frame 2 Frame 5 Photo D (S teve Di ckey) h ame 3 Frame (, The doub le leg circle is o n e of th e m o re chall en gi ng move m e nt s in the wo rld o f gymn ast ics. It is no t th e kind of move th at .yo u lea rn in o ne d ay, o ne wee k or o n e m o nth. Thi s is not a stunt , or an eve nt for that m atter, to be att empt ed by on e w ho gives up eas il y. I ha ve neve r met anyo ne w ho has lea rn ed doub le leg circl es eas il y or qui ckl y. I have also neve r m et an yo n e w ho rea ll y wa nt ed to lea rn d oub le leg circl es w ho co uldn ' t. I reco mm e nd startin g o n a buck horse, prog ress to a buck horse w ith p om m els, and fina ll y to th e regu lation po mm el horse.' Th e method of teachin g doubl es th at I have fo und to be mo st success ful is to have a gym n ast p erform one hundred (100) double leg circl es per da y, eve ry d ay. U ntil the circl es are g ood wo rking on stunts is a was te of tim e. It is lik e tr ying to p erform th e standin g b road j ump fro m a pair of ro ll e r ska tes, yo u do not ha ve a so lid ba se to start from. On ce yo u h ave ma stered good do ubl e leg circl es yo u can lea rn eve ry tri ck o n th e h o rse in a wee k. If yo u mu st, start out d o ing o ne double at a tim e for 100 se ts. Th en progress to 2 at a tim e for 50 sets and cont inu e in thi s mann er until yo u can pe rf o rm 10 sets of 10 goo d , so li d , co n sist ent double le g circles. A t thi s point you dr e read y to beg in w orking on ba sic p o mm el horse mo ves . Keep do in g th e doubl es each d ay aft er wo rking on tri cks. W hen yo u ge t to 5 se ts of 20 circles or 4 se ts of 25 ci rcles yo u w ill have eno u g h enduranc e to start putting th e tri cks in sequen ce and form a ro utin e. If yo u are se ri o us abou t pomm el horse start ri ght now. Don 't wa it until yo ur seaso n sta rt s and thin k yo u w ill ge t it th en. lluild yo ur o w n horse, use yo ur ima ginat ion, yo u w ill come up w ith so m ethin g o n w hi ch you ca n pra cti ce one hundr ed dou b les a d ay . It w ill o nl y tak e 10 or 15 minute s a da y but be li eve m e it w ill be tim e we ll sp ent and it w ill pa yof f. W hat is th e secret for mul a for learnI ng doub le leg ci rc les ? DES I RHHAKD WORK+PEK SEV EKE NC E= OO U IlLE LEG CIRCLE S A ll of th ese factor s a re necessa ry fo r t he form ul a to w ork. The mo st co mm o n fac to r th at is left o ut by th ose w ho fai l is p erseve re nce, w ith a cdpitd l P. A gre,llma ll Y gy mlla sts co rn e to t he horse w ith desir e th at is no t d ee p eno u gh and wo rk that is not hard e no u gh fo r a pe ri od of t ime t hat is not long e n o ugh and g ive it u p beca u se th ey try to run befo re th ey can stand. Le arn th e d oub le le g circles and th e trick s w ill be easy . The re are a lo t of peopl e w ho wo uld li ke to be good, th ey talk abo ut it. Th ere are a few w ho rea ll y wa nt to b e goo d, th ey do so m et h ing about it.




1.) Th e relat ions hi p betwee n th e ang le of th e pr e - f li ~ ht and th e p os t flight.




VAULTING: THE TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT AND PRESENT CONDITION OF THE HECHT VAULT By: Mitsuhiro Nakajima (Translated from Bulletin 26, 1971, of the Scientific Committee of the Japan Gymnastics Association by Yoshi Hayasaki, University of Illinois.) Until th e yea r of th e H e lsinki Ol ympi c Game s, th e old typ e of bo ard w ith littl e sprin g was used for comp etition . Durin g thi s tim e, hecht and stoo p vault s we re th e m ost po pul ar types of vaults beca use th e am o unt o f sprin g was so limit ed. U n less gy mn asts possessed exception all y stron g legs, it was alm ost imposs ibl e to pe rform ro tary types o f va ult s, such as hand sprin gs. In 1956, at th e tim e of th e Me lbo urn e O lympi c s, th e n ew va u ltin g board was introdu ced to co mp etiti ve gymn as ti cs. As of thi s tim e, th e hand stand ro tary typ e va ult s began to b e perfo rm ed by mor e and more gymna sts. In 1962, at th e Pr ag ue W o rld Ga m es, the hec ht was p e rf o rm ed as a co mpu lso ry va ult for th e fir st tim e in hi sto ry. Thi s ca m e as a surpri se to many b ecause th e h ec ht h ad bee n a major fo cu s as an o pt io nal jump . At the Tok yo O lympi cs , a n ew rul e was introdu ce d w hi ch stated th at th e re mu st be at least a thirt y degree ang le w h en the gy mn as t 's hands m et the ho rse. In 1968, at th e Mex ico Ol ympics, th e above ho ri zo nt al r ul e was adopted for th e n ea r e nd type va ult. Th e introduction of n ew rul es to va u ltin g crea ted th e transition from th e o ld to th e c urre nt cOflcept of va u ltin g w hi c h puts m o re e mph as is on the he ight o f th e pos t fli g ht, d es pit e th e fac t that a fair amount of pr e-fl ig ht is req u ired , along with st eadin ess o f land ing. Prev io usly, the emph as is was o n pr e fli g ht w hich o ri gin ated when th e vau lt was an exe rci se fo r m o untin g horses. W ith the rulin gs co nce rnin g ang le of app roach , th e h ec ht va ult has beco m e m o re in terestin g and comp etiti ve. Without th e strong emph as is o n pr e- fli ght , th e h ec ht vau lt can be pe rform ed qu ite eas il y. Th e hec ht va ult , ac cording to th e n ew rulin g, mu st be perform ed w ith hi g h post fli g ht and a stea d y landin g, w ith fair heig ht in th e pr e-fli g ht. Since th e hecht va ult w ill be u se d as a compul so ry vault unti l th e nex t Wo r ld Ga m es, we mu st gi ve se riou s th o ug ht to th e development o f new tec hniqu e in th e va ult o r it wi ll be mor e dif t ic ult to m aint ain o ur suprema cy in re lati o n t o wo r ld gy mn ast ics. With this in m i nd , I obse rved th e hec ht va ult perfo rm ed b y Japan 's to p leve l gym nas ts at 1971's N.H.K . champion ship m ee t. 1. Th e H ec ht va ult and it s obj ecti ve stud y at the N .H.K . champi o n ship m ee t. MA TERI A L: Time : Ju ne 25 , 1971 Camera: Vo lex 16 mm c in eca m ara Fil m: Fuji 16mm AS A 250 Fi lm speed: 24 fr am es p er seco nd. pi cture situati o n: Eve ry fra m e was d eve lo p ed from tak e-o ff to la ndin g Pos ition of ca m e ram an : Sid e v iew to va u lti ng horse, sli ght ly for wa rd




MORE TH AN 25 ° BETWEEN 20° AN D 25° BETWEE N 10° AN D 20° LESS THAN 10°





I~ I









1O.4~I--S-LA --N-T-(l-)--~-o----l

~ ~ ~ 16.7%


41 .7%





~------------~-----i 5 0 %


Poor lift of th e upper body aft er contact with th e horse. Breaking the body form in th e air. Too mu ch pike before landin g. Sho rtage of fli ght di stance. Brok en form in th e air and too mu ch pike befo re landin g. M any mi sses (80%) No brea k in form in the air, no mi sses in landin g, but shortage on fli ght distance.

SLAN T (3i




Po or lift of th e upper body. M any misses on landin g (80%)

SLAN T (15)


Good height, good di stance, % of failure in landin g o nly 20.



Poo r lift of th e upper body. Perce nt of fa ilure in landin g 67.

SLAN T (12t


Good height, good di stance percent of fa ilure in landin g, 8.



NOTES TO TABLE 1: 1. Th e pr e-fli g ht angle : th e lin e o f th e va ultin g hor se, and th e li ne of th e should er t hro ugh th e kn ee at th e p o int of conta ct of hand s with th e ho rse w as m eas ured b y a pha se o f th e pi cture . 2. Th e p os t fli ght bod y fo rm s (ex tend ed ) w ere cl ass ifi ed as: (A) HORI ZO N TAL - w he n ex te nd ed th e bod y lin e is parall e l to th e floor lin e . and (B) SLA N TED - w hen ex te nd ed th e fee t are lowe r t han th e upp er po ni o n o f th e bod y. 3. Th ere we re 48 va u lts am o n g th e m ate ri als take n in 16mm fi lm , but not thi s m an y gy mna sts p erform ed, b ecau se th e va ult was o ft en repeat ed b y th e sa m e gymn as t. 4. Th e res ult s o f th e film analys is we re no t as acc urate as th ey wo uld have b ee n if take n fr o m a straight sid e view to th e horse. Howeve r, t h e techniqu e of ea ch gy mn ast p erform in g th e hec ht va ult was quite clea rl y sho w n .

CONSIDERATIONS FOR INVESTIGATION Acco rdin g to Tab le 1, th ese co nclu sio ns can be drawn: Gene rall y, th e lowe r th e p re-fli g ht angle, t he bett e r th e lift of th e u pp e r bo d y is ac hi eve d . 1 he low p re -f li g ht b rin gs a longe r po st fli g ht if t he full y ex t end ed bod y fo rm is u se d . Th e

p e rce nt age o f failur e in I'andin g is also much less th an it is w ith hi gh er pre-fli ght angl es. Sin ce onl y 10'X, of th e gy mn as ts had prefli g ht s above th e 25" ang le, th e res t (90'Yo) w e re to th e d eduction . With o ut subj ect s con sid eration of th e pre- flight ang le, g ymn as ts w ho he ld th eir bod y lin e ho ri zo ntal (p arall e l to th e fl oo r lin e) at th e post flight had a hi g h pe rce nt age in fa ilin g th e land in g. N o gy mn as t was abl e to sho w high lift in th e post fli ght w hen usin g a pr e- f lig ht of more th an 25". Thi s in d ica tes th at th er e is a n ee d fo r deve lo pm ent o f a n ew techniqu e in pe rformin g th e hec ht va ult.

NOTES TO TABLE 2: 1. Th ere we re three d iff e re nt bo d y fo rm s at cont act w ith th e va-ult . Th ese we re : a) Be nt body b ) Straight b od y (squ eezed at th e hip and lowe r back area), and c) A rch ed b o d y form. 2. Th e bo dy fo rm s d escribed for post f lig ht are th e sa m e as sta ted in Table 1. CO NSIDERATION S: Loo kin g at t he bo d y fo rm o f va ri o us gymn as ts at cont act w ith th e va ultin g ho rse , it ca n b e see n th at 69'X, o f th e gy mn as ts had a straig ht body fo rm. Gy mn as ts w ho had a be nt bod y fo rm at contact all had less th an a 10" pre -fl ight' an gle. Th ey lac ked in th e lift o f th e toes, w hi c h

TABLE 2 ) Th e relati o nship betwee n bo d y fo rm s atl co n tact and th e post fli ght.

bod y fo rm at co ntact

number of vaults

-- -- - - - -

arched bod y

remarks %

horizo nt al (1)



Mos t of th ese have a pre-fli ght angle of below 10°.

l B.8'Yu

slant (8)



Too much forwa rd force ca usin g poo r land ing.


hor izo nt al (12)


63 %


slant (22)




horizontal (5)



slant (1)




straight bod y' (tight hip)

failure in landin g num ber


bent bod y

ex tended body form at th e post fli ght (nu mber of vaul ts)

-------- -------

----- - - 12.5%

Had a va riety of pre-fli ght ang les from low to high. Most of th e va ults with hori zo nt al body form had more th an 10° pre-angle.

Relat ively hi gh at pre-a ngle (1 5°) but fa il ed in landin g du e to th e lac k of upper body lift .

GYM NAST Apr. '74

should ri se immed iately after the take off . Onl y 10% o f all gymnasts had an arch ed body form at con ta ct, and all of th ese had more than tI 15째 pr e- flight angle. Th ey also had a hi gh percentag e of m isses in th eir landings (20'Yo ). Ther e was a high percentage of mis ses in the land ing when the bod y form was p erfo rm ed with a st raight body (ti ght hip) pre-form. 3. Comm ents on hand lin g the body before and after co ntact with the horse. handling body with one motion-- 3(6'X,) hand lin g bod y with two motions -- 43(90'X.) handl ing body with t hree motions -- 2(4%) 1. Category 1 -- In handling the bod y wit h one motio n, th e body form is straight with tight hip s at co ntact, th en after co ntact th e body arches out for th e post fli ght. Genera ll y thi s method keeps the body at th e extended position for the lo nges t p eri od of time at th e post f light. Ho weve r, this techn iqu e did not pr od uce heig ht Examp le: Figure 7 2. Category 2 -- I n handling the body w ith two motion s, the body pikes at contact and then arches as the bod y goes over th e vau lt. Type a: Th e ac t ion of pik e and arch is don e in a quick manner so that an ex tended body position ca n be kept for a lon ge r p eriod of ti me at th e post f light. It shows sharpn ess in its performance. Gymnasts who perform us in g this m et hod usuall y pike ve ry little . Example: Figur e 4 Type b: Thi s type of body mo tion is done at a slower pace than typ e a. Th e pik e and arch action is gene rall y much longe r t han type a. Exam pl e: Fi gu re 8 According to F.I. G. rul es, an ove r piked pos iti on at contact sho ul d be ded ucted up to .5. Ther efore, typ e b wo ul d in vo lve risk in g a deduction . 3. Category 3 -- In handling the body w ith thr ee motions, the h orse is co ntacted w ith a st raigh t (t ight hip) body, then after contact , th e bod y arches, and then it pikes and arches in a quick motion. If thi s is no t done qui ck ly, it creates a short , low po st flight with less t im e for body position extension. 4.) A comme nt on the should er angle at co ntact. 1. On e method o f effective performance of a hecht va ult is to have a greate r angle at the should er. (Thi s m ea n s the relationship of the bod y lin e to th e lin e of th e arm ). On ly 50'X, of all th e gymnasts at th e N.H.K . Championship meet had a shou lder ang le of more than 160째 . Generally, th e gy mn asts w ho had a hi gh ' pr e-fl i'ght angle made an attempt to sink the should er at contact in order to achi eve a greater sho u lder ang le, but thi s often fail ed to bri ng h igh post fli ght. Gymnasts w ith lowe r pr e-f light angles usuall y had a narrow shou ld er angle, but it brought a hi gher and lon ger post flight. 2. Th e focus in the technical development of the hecht va ult. Before d isc uss ing o ur fu ture task of i mpr ove m ent of th e h echt vau lt, I wo u ld like to introdu ce so m e o f the technica l knowledge w hi ch is menti oned in " Technik Der Turnubungen " (1970) by a famous sport researcher, professor Uk ran . He wrote':' " --- At the take off, both feet should be qui ck ly li fted back and upward. -- - Before th e hand s con tact th e horse, the shou lders sho uld sink in orde r to reach the hands as fa r fo rwa rd of the shou lders as po ssible. ---Th e body angle to the horizontal should be between 30 째 and 35 째 . --- After con tact, both legs sho uld be kept sti ll for .3 to .33 seco nd s. Th is brings t he occurrence GYMNAST Apr. '74

Figure 1. GymnastNa. Example of a low pre-flight angle but a good lift after the push off.

Figure. 2 Gymnast Ka. Exampl e of a high preflight angle but a form break after push off.

Figure 3. Gymnast Mi. The high ests score of the meet (shows slightly low preflight an gle).

Figure 4. Gymnast Ka. Example of arched back at the contact.

Figure 5. Gymnast Ho. Example of a straight body (tight hips) form at the contact.

Figure 6. Gymnast X. Example of a bent body form at contact.

Figure 7. Gymnast Y. An example of one motio n.

Figure 8. Gymnast Ha. An example of two motions.


of the ri se of the rest of th e body. ---Bod y pike should not go to ex trem es, or th e vault w ill be judged as a stoop va ult. ---When bod y pik e is lack in g or there is no pike at all, th e pu sh off becomes ineffecti ve . ---Ha vi ng an arched bod y at co ntact is a grea t mi sta ke. ---All unn ecessary arm motion at post fli ght should be eliminated as it crea tes a bad Impress io n. It was ve ry d isappoint in g t.hat about 90'X, of all th e gy mn asts at the N .H .K . Championsh ip meet had less th an a 25 째 pre-flight bod y ang le. All of th ese gy mn as ts we re subj ect to th e penalt)' acco rdin g to the F.I.G. rul e. The 10'X, of th e gy mn as ts w ho did have a hi gh pre-fli ght bod y angl e fa il ed in landing. A lso , many of these gym nast s had form breaks in the pos t flight. Th ere is an urgent nee d for development of a tec hniqu e of perfurming a hecht vau lt w ith both a hi gh prefli ght ang le an d a steady, lon g, and d yn ami c post fli ght. In o rder to perform such a va ult, o ur concern mu st b e di stribut ed to th e four parts o f th e va ult ; th e tak e off, th e

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body form , the co ntact and th e hand position at th e pu sh off, and bod y ac tion at t he hip and bac k. If the board was pla ce d farther back from th e horse, th e pre-flight wou ld be bigger. It is qu es tion ab le, however, wheth er th e arm s are dynam ic enoug h to re sist th e force of co nta ct, or, equ all y important, if th e pu sh off cou ld be as strong. A lso, if the speed of the va ult was to be slo wed down and a high pref li ght ang le used , wo uld a high and lon g post fli ght be po ss ibl e? Wou ld bringing th e board clo se r to th e horse aid in a powerful rotary jump ? We ce rtainl y n ee d th e effo rt of all th e coaches in Japan for improvement of the techniqu e in performin g th e hecht va ult. We mu st create and exchange ideas in ord er to maint ai n our supremacy.




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July 7-13 Adri an Co ll ege .',drian, MICHIGAN

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Geza Martiny, Directo r Coach, 1965 World Universit y games. Featuring: Ms. Judy lucas,' Pan Ame ri'can Champion Mr. Katsu Kanzaki, Be st Wo rld Gymna st, Japan Plu s th e fine st coac hes in th e cou ntry w ith both nation al and international expe ri ence.


Th e tuit ion for ALL ca mps is $115.00 inclusi ve. Fo r further inform ation w rit e:


MEDALIST HALL OF FAME CAMPS 735 N. 5th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53203


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GYMNAST Apr. '74


T 5 U

Spacious grounds, fresh air and tall trees are all part of the summer camping program of SOKOL TSUKARA. Three, 2 week programs starting in June are highlighted by: • A gymnastic proqram to suit your individual abilities • the most modern Nissen gymnastic equipment observing all men and ' women olympic specifications • spotting mechanics, landing and crash mats and all necessary safety equipment for your protection • staffed by men and women selected for their education and coaching experience in gymnastics • waterfront canoeing and sailboat program using Grumman equipment • Red Cross water instructional program • campfire area· recreational facilities for ping-pong and pool • A complete indoor gymnasium

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SOKOL TSUKARA is directed by William Vrba and Frank Michalek,; Gymnastic coaches and Educators in the Illinois educational system. They are lookin g forward to spending part of your summer with you.


WRITE FOR YOUR FREE BROCHURE TO: SOKOL TSUKARA c/o William Vrba 1828 Endicott Circle Carpentersville, Illinois 60110



Subscribe Now!!! For a limited time o nly (while they last!) we'll send you many back issues, Sl.00 each

The II. ,National Modern Rh yt hmic Gymnastics Competition sponsored by the United States Gymnastics Federation , wi ll be held Saturday, May 25, 1974 - 1 :30 p,m, - at Morton West High Schoo l, 2400 Home A venue, Berwyn , Illinois, The event s to be compe ted in are the following:

• Request your library to order

• Suggest your leaders subscribe •

Ba ll Ribbon Jump Rope

Keep a copy on your desk for motivation

• Order bound volumes for your library




1:30-2:00 minutes 1 :30 - 2:00 minutes 1 :00 - 1 :30 minutes


Gentlemen : Here's my S5.00 for a '·year subscriplion 10 let's CHEER. (5 issues - Sepl. to June) Name





Requir ements as follows: Duration: 2:30 - 3:00 minutes 6 changes of formation 6 elements of medium difficulty 2 elements of superior difficulty 4 exchanges of rope w ithout stipulation of di stance Competition may be in group routin e (6 members) or on ly in individual routines , Each organization or school may send: 6 members and 1 alternate for gro up routine and indi v iduals, Or on ly individual s. For further information, rule s, hou sing etc. write to Mildred Prchal 2419 Scoville



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Berwyn, Illinois 60402 FIG Modern Gymnastics Ru les in English can be purchased from United States Gymnastics Federation , P,O, Box 4699, Tucson, Arizona 85717, In connection with the Nationa l Competition ar ran gements have been made to have a bri e f co urse in Modern Rh ythmic G ymnastics and a Judges' Cli nic as we ll. Th e co urse and the judges' clini c wi ll be conducted by Ms, Kveta Cerna of Prague, Czechos lo vakia, M s, Cerna is one of the seve n members of the FIG in Europe , Th e course will take place at Northeastern U ni ve rsity in Chicago on May 21,22,23, and th e judges' cli ni c w ill be at Morton We st Hi gh School on May 24th, 1974, Before coming to Illinoi s Ms. Kveta Cerna will also co nduct a clinic at Hunter College in New York on the week -end of May 18-19. For furth er information, please, write to Mildred Prchal.

GYMNAST Apr. '74

many more, Hnallv you C<Jn !~rn aboJJt .odlat', hllppening in women's athfe"cs, what. new laws _affect yQO..c what opportunities: are opening up and wMl lOp sj)O!"tJ.W-omef'l lOday believe ~o ~ work. telr. Send 1~ for a " sample copy or $4 .50- for a yQa(s S1Jbsc6p-t~n (6 issues) to .! THE SPORTSWOMAN. P,O. Bp)t 261Hl-, Cufyer City, CA_9023(), NaiTle-:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ~

Zip Code


Anyone can achieve the Scandinavian look w ith these lat e imports from Denmark. Leotards in all sizes and colors. Sizes to fit 2 year aids and up. Se nd for our Bro chure.

SCANOI SPORTSWEAR 1406 Pacific Ave. Venice, Calif. 90291 No D eli ve ry Dela ys ! Order toda y pick-up



minated - regular length floor beam $125.00 + sh ippin g Changes in FIG con'l. from pg. 30 4 e lements of average diffi cult y at 0.5 poi~t 2 points each Originalit y and compo siti on 2 points Execution and amplitud e of movements 2 po in ts General impression 1 point 5 point s 5 point s TOT A L 10.00 po int s The optional exerc ises mu st includ e 3 e l em~ nt s of supe rior difficult y and 4 e le m ent s of ave rage difficult y. Elements of superi o r difficult y may be substitut ed for elem ent s of ave rage difficult y. A slightl y more lenient penal ization in areas of executi on and amplitud e is necessa ry. SERIES DEFINITION A "series" is the total of all eleme nt s execut ed in

co ntinuit y. Th e series ca n be "s imple", whe n the repetition is of one element on ly. The "series" is

"composite", when th e elements whi c h fo rm one "se ri es " differ fro m each oth er.

BEAM 1. Tim e prescription s: minimum duration: 1 :15 minut es (75 secon ds) Ma ximum duration: 1 :35 minutes (95 seco nd s) 2. Comp OSiti on 0 1 opt ional exerci se a. The sam e elem ent may be presented only o nce. It m ay be used in a se ri es o r as a sin gle e lem ent. A se rie s can only be recogni zed as a se rie s as long as there is no SlOp between the e lem ent s. b. A stop between th e ei em ents oi a series w iii always incur a penalt y of 0.2 point. c. Two to three stati c elements are all owed , but not



before or aft er a diffi cult acrobat ic elemen t, otherwise th e p e nalt y~w ill be 0.20 poinr each time. d. A n element w hich alr ea dy featur es in a se ri es and w hich is prese nt ed as an in dependent eleme nt in the sa m e way is considered a repetition. Th e penalty in thi s case is 0. 30 point. e. However, it is permissible for the sa me element to be prese nted in a modified form (from a different sta rtin g position or if thi s element lead s to anoth er fin al positi on.) f. A series co rr espo nds to o nl y one diff icult y. It s composition has no in fl uence on its va lu e. A series is one superior difficulty, whether its composition is two average or two superior difficulties. g . An opt iona l exercise shall conta in three acrobati c eleme nt s (or three seri es - maximum), but the overall composition of the exercise mu st comply w ith all the presc ription s specified in th e Code of Points , utili zing at lea st 1 move m ent from each of the eight ca tegories: one 360 0 turn , one jump, move m ent of the bod y, wa lk over, in ve rt ed st retched support , roll , wheel move me nt , mou nt. (USGF - compositional penalty for no acrobatic element or series between mount and dismount = 0.3 point; for only one acrobatic element or series between mount and dismount =0.2 point; for only two acrobatic elements or series between mount and dismount = 0.1 poinl.) 1. A series of gymnastic jumps will have the value of a single superior difficulty. 2. Links or repeated little hops are not considered




#11 21

h. A series is not compulsory for the beam exercise. The exercise may contain three independent acrobatic elements .. i. With regard to the composit io n , th e follo w ing are demanded: 3 superio r difficulti es 4 medium difficulti es w hich may b e replaced b y super ior difficulties. - acrobati c elements, i. e. all kinds of free wa lkovers and flip-flops. - the tu ck so m ersa ult is allowed as a di smount. -th e tuck so m ersa ult as an element in the exercise is also all owed w ith th ese pro vision s: 1. Res pon sibilt y fo r t he injury, if in curred, must be accepted by the indi vidual o r incase of int ernationa l meets by the federation. 2. A stop before o r after wi ll be penali zed by 0. 2 each time. 3. l ack of amplitude and techni ca l fa ults in execution w ill be pena li zed. FLOOR EXERCISE 1. On ly the "co mposit e se ri es" of eleme nts belonging to va riou s gro ups of different stru cture w ill ha ve the va lue of two superior diffi cu lties. If th e elem ent s in a se ri es belon g to var iou s groups of th e sa me stru c ture, th e seri es w ill be va lued as a single superior diffi cult y. 2. In th e floor exe rci se, tw o to three se rie s of diffi culti es is de mand ed. 3. l ack of mu sical accompanime nt: penalty is 1 point.

as a series.

Box 188-A, Lake Crystal, Mn. 56055 Phone (507) 726-2534

Write for Complete Accessory Catalog.


#11 289

GYMNAST Apr. '74

Letters con't from pg. 7

(mandatory if they want to stay in my classes) from a qualified dancer who know s what she is doing. I know.. I don 't understa nd as much a bout women physiologically a nd psychologica lly as a woman na turally would . But does this m a ke me unqualified a ltogether in every area of girl's and women 's gymnastics? Just beca use I am a man , does that m ea n that I ca n' t teach walkovers properly or back handsprings proper ly? Does it mean that! cannot teac h assemb les, chasses , tour jetes or cabriol es correctly ? You mea n to say that I can' t SEE incorrect a rm positions or leg positions , improper timing, etc.? What about spotting ? I feel that I a m qualified as much as most women are in this a rea. Granted, I don 't feel that I am qualified to be coaching and instructing ata level higher th an the interm ediate level. But as fa r as the beginner a nd intermediate levels are concern ed, I feel th a t I ca n do at least a fair job. As fa r as judging is concerned, I agree wholl y with the authoriti es that a ma n should not be a llowed to go beyond the " loca l judges" rating. Judging is a n extreme ly compli ca ted process with m a ny factors m eeting the eye a t one time. It takes a ve ry trained feminine eye to properly eva lu a te routines (es pec ia lly at the higher levels) . As far as instructing and coaching is conce rned though , it's a different sto ry as fa r as I am concerned. I have li ving results to prove it!! My own girls are getting into intermedia te moves and combinations a nd they 're doing great! And in conclusion.. some of you female chauvinists who are so militantl y unreasoning a nd fana tica lly patr io ti c to femal e di cta torship in girl 's and women 's gymnastics, go up to Bud Marquette and tell him th a th e's dolng a rotten job with hi s SCATS team of girls. If m en like him a re unqu a lifi ed to be instructing a nd c'oac hing in girl's and women 's gy mn as tics, then what's he doing with elite caliber gymnasts that could possibly represe nt thi s na ti on in many intern ation a l meets ? Look a t the res ults th at m a ny of our mal e coaches are producing" The m a le presence in wom en 's gymnastics IS produ cing success ful results. Let's not hid e our eyes from it. Sincerely, Gary T. Murphy BEACH BALANCING Dear Gl enn , I just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know how we stay in shape during the summer (w hen the gyms are closed) . Being an old ba lancer yourself I knew you would apprecia te th ese pi ctures a nd could possibly find a place for them in the Gymnast. Th e pi cs were ta ken on our vacati on at V.... Beach . Yours Gary Hutchinson Columbus Gymnas ti c Club 3508 Arn sby Rd. Col umbus, Ohio

POETIC SILENCE Dear Glenn: Do you use this kind of material? This boy, Ala n Shapiro is a sophomore gymnast. He wrote this for a school publication " Individu alized Composition" Hi s English teacher passed italong to me. Sincerely Yours , Johnny Cress Coach, Niles North High School Skokie, Illinois SIDE HORSE Silence. My teammates nervously standing together like skitterish horses before a storm. My body is still, except for hands kneading the smooth white chalk on eac h other. Muscles all at ease Mind racing over my routine Circle Loop ("Don ' t forget to lean") Uphill ("Keep your arms straight") Circles ("Remember to extend") Scissors ("Don't bend yo ur legs") Downhill ("Lean forward at th e right time") Loop Off ("Push hard off right hand ") What to do if my mount doesn 't go right. What to do if I fa ll ofr. All the while, eyeing the horse in front of me As if it were an enemy. The judge finally nods Nervously I step towards the apparatus. In one swift moment every part of my body is in motion . Hands, legs, hips, arms Circle Loop, Uphill, Circles, Scissors, Reverse Scissors, Downhill, Loop Off All put together in harmony and rhythm Hard work; long hours, pain, bruises, blisters, callouses, sore arms All squeezed into one dance in air On my unmoving partner. Alan Shapiro SU RVEY Dear Mr. Sundby : .... 1 want to assure you that I' ve enjoyed each ed iti on of your m agazine received in the pas t year. I couldn ' t help getting the impression from the question 's as ked in th e "survey", that the re a re some who are dissati sfi ed with something in the magazine. If the object of " Gymn ast" is to educate gymnasts , coaches, etc., th en I think you ' redoing it well. Unfortunately for me , lots of what appears in the maga zine is above my scope. So if I don 't enjoy the magazin e enough for my purposees , I 'ct just not both er with it路 but I wouldn't ask you to change anything' . Sincerely, Ruth J . Young Irving, Texas

ON BALANCE: With Jeff Hammon, Walt Baker, Ben Lucas, Bruce Trott, Miss Barb Haver, Darling Burkpile and Coach Harry Bodourian

WOULD YOU LIKE TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE READERS OF "GYMNAST"? POSITION NEEDED Co ll e~e Coaches路 hu sba nd and wife !)eek ing n ew opportuni ties in gymnastics. Contact: Gerr yCale r, 120 Meye r Road #605, Am hers t, NY 14226. (7161834-8740.

Former Assistant College Gymnasti cs Coach wit h ex tensive ex perien ce at gr<lue school an d hlgll sc hool level. lJeslres posi tion wi th Pri va te Club. Con tact: Larry Best. 1920 Fiflh Aven u e, Heav er Fa ll s, PA 15010 (4121 843-5596. Experienced coach with m aster's degree would lik e gym n astic school or co llege Job. Wi ll relocat e. Robert Leclair, 74 Althea Slree l, We" Springfield, MA 01089

POSITION AVAILABLE Gi rl s coac hes wa nted fo r ,wo high school compet iti ve teams. Compe titi ve ex peri ence conside red an asse t. Elem en tary o r seco ndar y majo rs in any curriculu m. Exce llen t opponunit y to build a pro gram. Sm aili tow n se tting in good outdoor recrea tional Mea. 28 miles from Penn State. ~end resume o r wr ite to : R.B . Powe ll . Chief Loga n Campus, Highland Park , Lewi ston, PA 17044. Private G ym nastic School is looking for an ambit io u s grad uating college gymnast or expe rienced coach to wo rk as a girls gymnaslic cUdch, gymnastic inslruc to r, and ass ista nt progra m di rector. Good sd lM Y dl1d apartment in cl u ded . Sta rting dale wuuld be Sept. 1974. Conta c!: Pel Mead , c/ o 1 he Century School of Gymnastics . Camp H ill Road, Pomona , NY 10Y7U. Technical Director. fu ll time I echnical Directors. , responsible to til e Men's (1) and Women 's (1) l ech nical Committee~ of JIl dm.Heur spo rt governin g body of the Province of OllttHio. }{ cs poll sible for the planning , retommendat ion dllU execut io n of program s in the techni cal areas of gymnas.tics. Communication with member clubs , the Natio nal sport governing bod y rechn ical Coordinator. They wi ll al so assis t in formulat ing polici es aimed at de'/ eloping .md promo tin g th e sport. Q UA LIFICA nON: Men ~:.H ..wome n wi th extensive coac hi ng or judging experience ,who are ab le to communica te effecti vely Ability 10 plan 'developmental programs and to (ontri bUie cOJch ing ex perti se to elite Icve ls. Hiomechanics and physiology education an advanldge. Teachin g experien ce an asset. LOCA n ON: I" oron lo . SALARY : To be negotiated dccoruing to education .1I1d experience. Written appl ic<l ti ons Old rked confide ntial , acco mpanl eu by .1 resum e , should be direCled 10: IH~ ADM I IS1RA1IV~ DIRECTOR , TH E ON rARIO GYMNAS fl C fW~RAliO ,55Y IARV IS STREET. TORO N TO , fARIO , CANADA M4Y 2)1

Female Counselor wanted 6123 through 8/ 22 CAMP WAY E: 650 atre co-ed c<lmp in Nl Pennsy lvania. l each children 7-15 on bal.lIlce bedm and parallel bar. Write to oel Corpuel, 6JJ Harn.mJ Ave .. Wooumore, NY 11598 o r ca ll (516) 2Y5-5544 CAMPS FCl rgo Aero ream <lIlU 'orth Uakota ~Iate tJnlversit y will co-sponso r d girl 's sumllle r gymnastiC clinic. Head coach Jul y 28 - A ugust 3 wil l be Udn Spera wof the SCA I S. Head coach Augus.t 4 - Augu st 10 will be H erb Vogel of Southern Ill inois Uni versity . Clinit site is NUSU fielu house and dormitories NDSU. Cla s<; sile: 10 girls per coach anu ass is. tJn t. Cos t: $125 per se~sio n - pani cipating. $100 per s.ess ion - non-pa rti cipat ing graduate and unde~graduale credit. 2 qua rt er hou rs - NDSU. Includes room clnd bOMd. Fur inform ation contact: Mrs. Gordon H egre, 1401 - Jrd Ave nue South far go, N O 58102. Girls Gymnastic Camp - Jun e 29-1ul y 13, Id yllWild , Califo rn ia. Age~ 8-18, $110.00 per week. COll tacr Vince Pietrok. 1008 L Sou lh 51., Andheim , CA 92805. Ph one (7141 774-4055. Gymn astics on the shores of beautiful Lake C hamplain , j une thro ugh Augu~t. free use of c.lIloes, lboats. Per m.ment staff includes coac hes. }{uth Uunkley McGowan and Debbie Dunkle y. Moscow games <..andiuill e. f ormer Ol ym pi c competitor~ .1IlU hes. Complete Reuth er Ol ympic I:.quipment . Cdmper-touns.elor ratio 5 to 1.Uunkley Gymnastic Camp, 4Y E.lsi Terr.lCc, S. Huriingtoll, Ve rmont 05401 o r phone (H02) 862-3173. J72-88Y8 "fier lun e 15,h. The Empire Slate Gymnastic Camp ' CAM P for boys. & girl gymnasb. ~ess.ion I - june 22 - 26; Session II - Aug. 26-3 0. Enrollment i~ limi teu to 100 gymnast s for maximum learning. Guaranteeu 10-1 r.llio of gymn<lsts 10 inst ru ctor. Out s.ta mling staff of Can.luian and Americdn coaches. We guara ntee res.ults for all gymndsts. Al so. cI spet idltra ining program fo r ddvanced all-around girls., .111<.1 trdining sessio ns for the national gi rl s compulsorie~. COllldct: Cen tury School of Gym nas ti CS. Camp Hill ROild , I-'omond, Y 10970. CAMP WANTED In furmation desired 011 sUlllmer gymllds tics cam p for l J year-o lu girl w ith "i nt ermediate " skills presently. One or two week ju ne dal es ano midwest location preferred but o ther pos.sibilities will be cons.idered. Send Informallon: Mrs. Norma Bu xton , 1143 Aus tin }{ oad, O wato nna , MN 55060. BOOKS "A Parent's H ip Pockel Guide to Gymn ast ics " b y Palri cia A. Gause. is. <I well-illustrdteu. hand y gUide lor home, club, or s.chool. Send $J.75 (inc ludes tax & postage to anywhere in USA.) 10 1-'.l{riLi.1 A. GdUs.e, 3 Killgsgclle lane, Owego, NY 13827 and receive promp t delivery.

NEW PRODUCTS GYMNASr lC BUM P ~R Sl ICK~R , AI "Conserve Energy - Warm up wi th d gYlllnas.I. " B) " GymnastlcsFJnt as. ti t!" CJ "Gynllldsl ics - Your pad or I11lr1 e? " 3 lor $2.50 or $1.00 each plu s J5q for hdnuling. Keen.1 l:n tcrpnses.. D ept. C, 4211 Ke~tcr Ave ., Sherl1ldll Oaks, CA 91403. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Conditioning equ lpmcn t ior school~, homes, dpM tlll en l hedlth clubs, YMCA's, co lleges: ba rbells. uumbells, exercise. benches, wa ll pulleys etc. Contact: Johnny Gibson' s Heahh and G ym hlulpn1ent. 5J bth Ave nu e. r ucson. AL 85701. Phonl': (G02) 622-84 10.

GYMNAST Apr. '74



Wom e n Tra mpolini st Mari lyn Steig 20 point s Alexa nd ra Nic holson 19 pt s.

Women's Trampoline: Ma ril yn Ste ig (Rockford Tramp. Club - Rock ford, II) 69.2; Ann Thompson

Shelly Grant 17 pts. Ju lie Johnson 16 pts. (Yongue's Tramp. Clu b - Memphis, Tenn. 67. 8; Ann Thomp ~o n 1S pts. Shelly Grant (Springfield Gymnastic Club - Leig h He nnessy 15 pts. ;prin gfield, III ) 64.9; Dian Nissen (Wayne Miller l Men's Trampolinist Tramp Club - Ceda r Rapids, IA. ) 61 .6; L. Ron Merr iott 20 pts. Spit znagle 59.3, Mason Kauffman 18 pt s. M e n 's Trampolin e : Stuart R.msom (Yongue's Storm y caton 17 pts. Tramp Club - Memphis, Tenn.) 71.7; Mike Stua rt Ran ~o m 1S pIS. Mosing (USl - l afayette, La.) 69.6; Jim Ca rtl edge ' Mark langenec ken 15 pts. (U;L - Lafa ye tte, La. ) 67.3; Jim Price (She lbyville Wom e ns Synchro Tea m Gymnas ti cs, Shelbyvill e, Ind.) 65.0; Pe te r Rogas Ste ig-John so n 20 p ts (USL - Lafaye tt e, La.) 62.4; Ed Hood man (Gym Thompso n- He n nessy 18 p ts. Wo rld - Toledo, Ohiol 62.4. )eal-Nicholson 1H pts. Wom e n's Tumbling: Sue Wheeler (Bell endorf Men 's Syn chro Tea m Park Board - Davenpo rt , Iowa) 23.75; Tracy l ong Cartl edge-Neely 20 pts. (Mari ly n- Denn is Sch. - H amiltoll, Ohio) 22.10; Merriott-Ranso m 19 pb. lisa Podojil (Copp Academy - Wick leff, O hio) l a nge neckert-Kauffman 18 p Is. 20.50; Becki Hambli n (Un,lIt.ched - Ro y, Utah) I US Tumbling Re presentative s (Exhibitional) 19. 20; Karen Dama s (Unattached - Pekin, Ill. ) )torm y Eato n and Denise Tenney 17.05. US Mini - Tr a mp o lin e Re p rese ntatives M e n 's Tumbling: Kevin McKee (Gym World - (Exhibitional) l oledo, Ohio) 22.75 ; Ed Goodm.n (Gym Worlu- Robbie l30llinger a nd De ni se Seal 1oledo. Ohiol 21.40; Mike McKee (Gym WorluToledo Ohio) 18.10; J e s~e Hupki ns (Genevd KENTUCKY INTERCOLLEGIA TF Vik ings - Geneva, Oh io) 17.65; Jim Bert z (G ym GYMNASTIC CHAMPIONSHIP World· Toledo, Oh io) 16.30. Synchronized Women 's Trampoline: Spi tznagleTh e ann u al Ken t ucky In ter co ll eg iate Sweeney (Carondolet YMCA - 51. Lou is, Mo.) .33.85; Larkin - Gren (Yongue's Tramp Club - Gym nas ti cC ham p i o n ship , he ld thi s yea r at Memphis, Tenn.) 18.85; Whippier - Torre (Copp's Lex in gto n , Ke ntu c ky, was d o min ate d b y Academy - Wil loughby - Ohio ) 12. 15. Easte rn Ken t uc k y U niver sit y. Eas te rn Men's Syn chro nized Tramp o lin e: Roga s - Mosing ro ll ed over the op p osi tion to take th e (U;L - Laf. yett e. La) 33.1 ; Smith - lones (Copp l eam cha mpio nshi p and pl ace fir st Academy - Willo ughby, Oh ) 29.0; Torr i - Jo nes thr o ug h fi fth in th e all-aro und . Th e (Copp Academy - Wi lloughby, O H) 20.8. U ni versi ty of Ke ntu cky m an aged a fir st Me n' s Mini-Trampoline : Robbie Bollinge r (Tramp Town USA - Rockford. II ) 109.25; Mike an d second p lace fin ish in fl oor exe rci se Whit e (Homewood Publi c Sch - Homewood. II ) and a t i e fo r second in va ulting. 96.5; lim Bert z (Gym World - Toledo, Ohio) 84.5; Oth e rw ise, EKU p laced first thro ug h third Blair Adami (Tramp Tow n USA - Rock ford, II) in every eve nt. 81 .25; Ed Goodman 76.0. Women 's Mini-Tra mpolin e : Denise Se.:) 1 (Tramp Town U ~A - Rockford , 11 ) 95.75; Dian Nissen 88.75; l an ie Waffle (Tram'p Town USA - Rockford, II) 87. 75; Aven fa irch ild (Copp 's Academy Wil loughby . Ohl 70.0; Ti" Whippier 66.5. . A.A.U. SENIOR NA TlONAlS Women 's Tra mpoline: Marilyn Steig (Rockford Tramp Club - Rockford , II ) 73.5; Shelly Grant (Sprin gfield Gym Club· Spri ngfield , 11 ) 70.7; Anne Thomp ~on (Yo ng ues Tr.-lInp Club - Memphis, lenn i 69. 7; Leigh He nnessy (l df.:1yette Club l afayeite, La.) 63.9; Julie Johnson (Ro ck ford 1 ramp Uub - Rockford , II) 66.6. Men 's Trampoline : Mason K.lUHnM Il (UofM An n Arbo r, M ichl 73.1; Mark l angeneckert (U of M - An n Arbor, Mi c h l 72.2; Stormy Ea ton (Navy Academy - AnnJpolis , Mdryl.Uld) 71.7 ; l-3 o b Steig (Rockford TrampClub - Rockford , 11.) 71.6; Mike Roe (U of M - Ann Arbor, Mich) 69.8. Women's Syn c hronized Trampol ine: Steig l ohmon (Rockford Tramp. Clu b - Rockforu, II.) 41 .2; )cal - Nichol so n (Trdl1lJJ Town USA Rockfo rd . II) 39.8; Thompso n - He n nessy (lafa ye tt e .- Lafa ye tte, La ) 39.0; Sween e)' )pitznaglc (Ca rondolet YMCA - SI. Louis, Mo., 33.0; l arkin - G reen e (Yongucs Trdl1lp. Club· M emphi', Ten n.) 30.9. M e n's Sync hro nized Tramp o lin e : Clrt legue Neely (U )L - Lafa ye tte , l a.) 41. 6; f«lIl so m - MMiun (Una tl. Rockford , II <II1U Meml-lhis, rn .) .:1IlU Kauffman - La ngeneckert (U of M - Ann Arbor. M ichl 40.6; Jones - Sm ith (eopp's ACd uem y Willoughb y, Oh., 28.7; Penn - Mosing (USL . Lafa yette, II) 24.3. Wom e n's Tumbling: Den ise Tenney (Gym na stic Sch. of Buff,lIo - Buffalo, NY) 20.7; Lisa Podojil (Copp Academy - Wi lloughby, Oh ) 17.7; Cindy Ross (Maril yn- Dennis Seh - Hami lt o n, Oh ) 15.65; M ichelle Pr osser (Ma ri lyn D e nn is Seh - H amilto n.. Oh .) 15.45; Terri Berrier (Ge neva Vik ings Geneva , Oh, 14.8. Men's Tumbling : Stormy Eato n 22.8; ~d Goodman :.n .85; J.Kk Leo l1dru (U n dtl. - Che vey Cha se. MOl 21 .55; Kevin Mc Kee 18.65; I illl lackso n (Gym Worl d· Toledo Oh ) 15.6. Th e 1974 World Trampolin e Tea m to re prese nt th e Unit e d Sta tes in South Afric a durin g th e World Ch a mpi o nships, Marc h 23-24.




RESULTS Team: 1st EK U 119.9; 2nd U. K. 105.45. All-Around : Sa nd e rso n (EKU) 40.4; Vecchione (EKU) 38. 4; Sherrill (E KU) 37.05; Duff (E KU) 36.0; Morrett (EKU) 34.3. Floor Exercis e: Well man (UKI 8.9; Sayre (U K) 7.35; Sherrill (EKU) 7.1 5. Rings: Vecch ione (EKU) 7.0; Duff (EKU) 6.85; Sanderson (EKU) 6.8. Parallel Bars: ;ander;on (EKU) 6.8; Vecchione (EKU) 6.6; Duff (EK U) 6.55. Pommel Horse Sa nderson (EKU) 6.2; Vetchione (EKU) 5.35; Sherrill (EKU) 5.2. Vaulting: Vecchione (EKU) 8.2; Wellman (UK) and ;herrill (E KU) 7.95. Horizontal Bar: ;anderson (EKU) 7.0; Duff (EKU) 6.3; Sherrill (tKUI 5.65. PACIFIC NORTHWEST GYMNASTICS CHAMPJONSHIPS Bob Peavy, Host Coach

State U., U niver sit y o f Briti sh Columbia and A lbe rt a fro m competiti o n , but su ch p e re nnial co mpe titor s as Uni versity o f U ni versit y o f Oregon , Wash i n gton , East ern W as h in gto n Stat e Co ll ege, Easte rn Mo nta n a, and Oregon Co llege o f Edu ca ti o n sh owed in full str e n gth . Orego n was th e l eam w inn e r w ith 31 2. 90 (co mpul so ry p lus o pli o n al ). D ubi Lu fi of Washin g to n State captured the all -a round titl e f or th e seco nd co nsecu t ive yea r am ass in g a 54.30 allaro und t o tal (ave ragin g 9.05 pe r event). Lu fi se l a tea m record and a p e rsonal hi g h d u rin g th e C hampi o n ships. Lufi qualifi ed in six even ts fo r th e individu al ch am p io nshi p an d placed first o n paralle l b ars and second in ring s. U ni versity o f Or egon pl aced 11 of its 12 ma n tea m in th e fin al s Sat urday ni g ht (Fe bru ary 23) and sh owed tre m e ndo u s str e n gth in th e floor exe rci se and pomm e l ho rse event s. Ore gon to o k first, secon d, thi'll in floor exe rc ise and fir st and third in p om m e l ho rse. WSU , U O , and U W each had t wo indiv id u al c hampions. RESULTS Tea m : Uni ve rsity o f Orego n 312.95; Was hin gto n Sta le 310.05; Uni versity of Was hi ng to n 300.25; Eastern Mo n ta na Co ll ege 109.25; Eastern

Washington State 106.00; O rego n College of Educa. 101.60. All-Around: Dubi Lufi (WSU) 54.30; l oe Hughes (U W) 48.95; Andy Alexander (WSU) 48.75; John Lehma nn (UOI 48.50; Ge ne Jo hn son (WSU) 45.85. Pacific Northwest Ch a mpionships Individual Events Floor Exercis e : Bob Rikli (UO) 9.40; Don l ester (UO) 9.25; Bruce Nash if (UO) 9.10; John Lehmann (UOI 8.80; Dubi lufi (WSU) 8.75. Pommel Hors e: Joe Percival (UO) 9.05; Dave Jackson (U W) 8.85; Jim Les ter (UO) 8.80; lay Clark (U WI 8.70; Dave Pra tt (WSU) 8.60. Rings: Gene Johnson (WSU) 9.40; Dubi Lufi (WSU) 9.20; Tom O' Donnell (UW) 8.95; Bjorn Hermansson (U W) 8.90; Jim Hol t (WSU) and Scott Phillips (UO) 8.75. vaulting: Kevin Bylin (UW) 9.05; Randy Lary (UO) and Bob Dickm eyer (WSU) 8.95; Andy Alexa nder (W;U) 8.90; Dubi Lufi (WSU) and Bruce Nash if (U O) 8.85. Parallel Bars: Dubi Lufi (WSU) 9.30; Bob Rikli (UO) 9.20; Gene Johnson (WSU) 9.15; Bjorn Herm.nsson (UW) 8.95; Bob Dickmeyer (WSU) 8.90. Horizontal Bars: Bill Carpen ter (U W) 9.30; Mark ;tone (UO) and Rand y Lary (UO ) 9.20; Gene Jo hn son (WSU ) 9.00 ; Kevin Bylin (UW) and Joe Hughes (UW) 8.45.

TANTASQUA GIRL GYMNASTS CENTRAL MASS, HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS Warriorettes Make Clean Sweep C lim ax in g an 8 an d.O un def ea ted sea so n , t h e Tant asqu a Reg i o nal Hi g h School Girl s Gy mn as t ics Tea m d e fea ted seve n o th e r Ce ntral Massac hu se tt s Hi g h Sch o ol Te am s at th e Leag u e Champion ships at Shrewsbur y Hi gh Schoo l, Friday evenin g, Fe bru ary 22. Th e Ta ntasqu a Girl s pil ed u p an im p ressive team total 0177,65 led b y 71h g rad e r Debbie Sherman's 31,00 all-around

score. RESULTS

Washi n gto n St ate U niversi ty p layed hos t to t he 151h A nn ua l Paci fi c No rth wes t Gy mn as ti cs Ch am p io n ships, Febru ary 2223, 1974 in Pullm an , Wa shin g to n. Whil e , th e re was a sh o rt age of t ea m s at thi s yea r 's C hampio nshi ps, t her e was ce rt ain l y n o shortage of ta l e nt. Th e ener gy c ris is and o t her co m p li cat io n s e li m inat ed Po rtl and

Floor Exercise :

Kim G il be rt

(A u bu rn ) 7.55; Debbie Sherman 7.40; Ka thy Woodruf (Bel lingham) 7.10; Sue Stevens (T. ntasqua) 6.90; Ci ndy Rica rdi (Wes tboro) 6.70. Bala nce Beam: Deb bi e Sher m a n 8.10; li z McConnell (Bruncoat) 7.05; Bet h Webber (Westboro) 6.25; lisa Hinis (I:!oll iston) 6.15; Kathy Yates (Auburn) 6,05; Lin da Ba ron (Ta ntasqua) 6.6. Va ulting: Do n na Knip e (S hrews bury) 8.60; Sue

Stevens (Ta nt asq ua) 8.25; Debb ie She rm a n (Tanta squa) Kim Gilbert (A uburn)'tie 8.05; Joa nne Sherm an (Tantasqua) 7.90; Li z M cConnell (Burnco at) 7.65. Uneven Parallel Bars: De bbi e She rm a n (Ta ntasqua) 7.45; Lisa Preusse (Wes tbo ro) 7.20; Kim Gil bert (Auburn) '6.90; Ginger Bulman (A uburn) 4.75; Sissy Siveidi (Shrewsbu ry) 3.95. Fin al Season Te am an d Leag u e ch amp io nship pla cin gs we re: Season

Championship High School won losl

place 8 0 Auburn 8 3 We stborough S 2 Sh rews b u ry unkn own Burncoat di d no t co mpete Ta ntasqu a

score 77.65

2 73.60 3 70.7S 4 69.50 S 64.90

Coach of the winning 1973 Central Mass. H.S. Leagu e Ch a mp io n s - Tantasqu a Re gio nal - is M rs. Lova She rma n .

AVENER CLAJMS TOP HONOR IN MARDI GRAS By Jim Doyle Advocate Sports Writer Pe nn St at e's M arsh all Aven er, w it h hi s wi fe wa tchin g from th e si delin es, sco red nine point s o r b ett er in eve ry event to w in the all -a ro und titl e in th e fir st ann ua l M ardi s Gras Inv itati o nal gymn asl ics m ee t at th e Asse mbly Ce nt er Fri day n ig h t. A ven e r, a m e mber o f Ih e 1972 Ol ympi c team talli ed a 54 .7 tot al in six eve n IS be fo r e an A sse mbl y C e nte r r eco rd gym n as ti c crowd of 4, 712 . A ve n er's w ife is an assistant wom en 's gym coach al Pe nn Sta t e. South e rn Illinoi s' Jim I vi ce k, w ho sco red th e hi g hest individu al eve nt ma r k o f th e ni ght - a 9.35 in th e parall e l ba rs - fini shed second to A ve n er wi th a 54.55 to tal, and Brent Simm o n s fo rm e rl y of Iowa Sl at e scored str aight 9.3 's in hi s l as t thr ee events to fini sh third w ith 54.25. LSU 's Mike Cart er, a 1973 A ll A m eri ca n and a cin ch for th e U n i ted States tea m in th e 1976 Ol ympics, fi ni shed fo u rl h wi th 54.2 to tal p o int s. Oth e r LSU gy mn as t s in the m eet wer e H e m o W alt ers, w ho fini shed 10th w ith 52. 05 p o ints; Ri ck Ru sse ll, 11 t h w ith 50.65 ; an d Steve Bor.>ham, 12:h w ith 49.3. Gary M o ra va of So uth e rn Illin o is wo und up in fifth pla ce in th e a ll-a ro und with 54.05 p o ints, and Ran dy Be lh o rn , an all-Bi g 10 p erfo rm e r at th e U n ive rsily of Mic hi ga n and a las t-m inu te e ntry in t h e mee t, fini sh ed si xlh w ith 52.7. Io wa State's Jim Steph e nso n , w ho scored co n sistentl y aro u n d th e 9. 0 ma rk except fo r sid e h o rse, fini sh ed sevenlh in th e all -a ro und w ith 52.65 po int s. Steph en son wa s a m ember o f th e 1973 Worid U ni ver sil y G am es l e am , and is Ih e defe ndin g Bi g tight all -a ro und cham p io n . In e ig ht h p lace fo r t h e m ee t was D ave Bu tz m an o f Iowa Sta t e, w h o , li ke his tea mmat e Stephen son , scored well in ever y eve nt but th e sid e h o rse, w he re h e f e ll 10 7.55. Bul z m an talli ed 52.35 for Ih e n ight. Renal O Ge iss, a m em be r of th e Swiss Na li o n al tea m fi n ish ed in ninth place w ith a 52.3 total. The large crowd was e nt e rt ain ed throu g ho u t th e m ee t, and not ju st by th e co nt es t an ts. As ad ded attracli ons were Freddi e Co le m an 's Mard i G ras Jazz Ba nd from New Orl eans, H -yea r o ld loca l gymna st Sh aron Palme r, and th e p re mie r appea ran ce of Ihe LS U wo m en's gymn as tic cl u b. Th e w o m en g ymn as ts led by Jac ki e W alk e r, p erf o rm e d a fl oo r exe rcise to Paul

GYMNAST Apr. '74

McCartney' s " li ve a nd l et Die " at intermi ss io n . Ms. Walk e r, married to l SU 's assistant s ports information di rec tor, was a midwest champion gymnast in her c o ll ege days a t Miam i Un iversity of Ohio. And in the tradi ti on of Mardi Gras, Co leman 's band led the participants onto the floor Bourbon-street s tyle to th e tun e o f "W h en the Sa ints Come Marchin ' In .''

' 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14.

USA Hun ga ry North Korea Rumani a Czechos lovakia France C ub a Bu lga ria

WOMEN 1. USSR 2. East Germany Floor Exercise: Mik e Ca rt e r (lSU) 9.2; Jim Ivicek (UNM) 9.1; Jim Stephenson (ISU) 9.1 . Side Horse : 3. USA MARDI GRAS INVITATIONAL RESULTS

Marsha ll Ave ner (rSU ) 9.15; M ike Carter (l SU ) 8.9; Ga ry Mora va (SIU ) 8.8. Rings: Jim Ivicek (UNM ) 9.25; Brent Simmons (ISU ) 9.15; Jim Stephe n son (ISU ) and Ga ry Mora va (SIU) 9.1.

Vau lting: Ga ry Mora va (51U) and Hrent Simmons (ISU ) 9.3; Renato Giess (Switze rl and) 9.2. Parall el Bars: Ji m Ivice k (UNM ) 9.35; Brent Simmons (ISU ) 9.3; M a rshall Avener (PSU) 9.15. Horizontal Bar: Brent Simmo ns (ISU I 9.3; Jim Ivicek (UNM I and Marshall Aven e r (PSUI 9.2. All-Around: Marsh all Av e ner (PSU) 54.70; Jim Ivicek (UNM ) 54.55; Bre nt Simmons (ISU) 54.25; MikeC a rt e r (lSU ) 54.20; Ga ry Mora va (SIU ) 54.05.


MEN 1. Japan 2. USSR 3. East Germany 4. 5. 6. 6.

West German y Po land Un ited Repub li c of China Sw itze rl and

547.5· 540.5 534 .0 530.5 5295 527. 5 527 .0

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 11 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Romania Hun gary Czech oslovakia Japa n West Germany Poland Bulgaria Italy Yugoslovi a Norwa y France Netherland s Sweden Switzerland Great Brili an South Africa

Appro ximate Scores C hin a Nort h Ko rea Cuba Canada

525 .5 517.5 519.0 518 .5 518.0 515.0 514.0 508.5

552.73 543.58 . 538.76 538.08 537.88 536.00 531 .89 529.00 519.38 519.25 511 .25 511. 25 510.00 508.00 507 .00 506.75 506.63 506.50 502.50 520.00 515.00 51 0.00 505-508

NOTE: The 1974 GYMNAST Annual High School Repo rt of State and Top City Championshi ps wil l be coming up soon - be sure you send us YOUR State Championship results - to be included .. . also an act ion photo of the top AA performer ... If your state meet was not listed in '73 .. we did not rece ive it! ... Don' t miss out again this yea r.



CARAVAN OF CAMPS P. O. Box 1206. Andrews, Texas 79714. 915 ..>-"u .... o~

June 1st, 2 - 4 pm

~ .... P_O_RT_ER-4 ~ EQUIPMENT









SWIM SUPPLY CO. BARBARA GALLAGHER TONRY Nine times U.S .A. National tumbling champion; former world trampoline champion; currently coaching the Yale women's gymnastics team.

A~"-n DON TONRY Member of the one olympic, three world games and two Pan-Am teams. Coach of Men's team at Yale Uni"ersity.

Suppliers of today's "NEW LOOK" in qualhy gymnastic Apparel Jump Suits, Warm ups with Flairs, Custom Leotards Grips - Shoes

All Star Sports School DANCE CLASSES





Write for free catalogue Box 7505 Louisville, Ky. 40207 Phone (502) 895..9141


STAFF OF CHAMPIONS: Staff includes Olympic team members, national champions and professional dance instructors.


\1~_, MATERIAL FOR FLOOR EXERCISE by Dale Flansaas,.


..vol. 3 . mB

Dale Flansaas, Coordinator - Dr, Ronald Williams, Composer-Pianist . The purpose of choosing dramatic music is to give the high intermediate, advanced, or 15 and over level gymnast more serious music to choose from. The music wi /I fit various styles of work from a spanish quality to a waltz rhythm, from lightness to harshness, etc. Even though several qualities exist, the emphasis on the Floor Exercise Composit ion with the dramatic emotional quality is our main goal. A few examples of routin es are given so that the performer may get compositional ideas thfl t are important to the concept of a dramatic type of routine.

Side 1 L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Side 2


Beethoven " Duthsche Tanze 1" Granados "Dance du Meunier" Chopin "Valse in E Minor" Korsokow "The Flight of the Bumble Bee" Schumann "Papillons No.6" Rossini "Quelques Riens 6"

Smetana " Bohmische Tanze - Furiant" 8. Kabelevsky "Variations Op. 40, No. 1" 9. Manuel de Falla " Miller's Dance" 10. ' Rebikoff "Dance" 1L Schubert "Allegretto" 12. Tcherepnine "Bogatelles Op. 5, No. 2"


Here are three very important records for schools throughout the country that are involved in gymnastics.

COM POSITIONS FOR FLOOR EXERCI SE VOL. 1HLP-4090 - $6.00 Dale Flansaa s, Coordinator - Pa t Hend erson, Pianist Th is album contains music to please all levels, beginners to advanced. Bands 1 to 3 are the com pulsory pieces required for the three compulsory floor exercises in the D.G.W.S. Girls' Gymnastic Guide. Bands 1 to 3 are also the required music for the compulsory floo r exercises under the girls' AAU Junior Olympic Program. Bands 4 to 6 are geared for the beginner's and intermediate's optional exercise. Bands 7 to 12 are geared for the low and high intermediate and advanced optional 路 exercises. Included are: Gravy Waltz, Charade, Exercise Au Sol, Penny Whistle, Spoonful of Sugar, Midsommervaka Rosenkaval ier, Aragonnaise, Those Were The Days, Love Is Blue, Polish Dance, Two Guitars & Czardas, Waltz from Comedians and German Dances No. 4. Al so included are suggested movements to use fo r bands 4 to 12. ALL SELECTIONS TIMED TO WITHIN COMPETITIVE REQUIREMENTS

vol. 2 IEmiJ

CO MPOS ITIONS FO R FLO OR EXERCI SE VOL. 2HLP-4102 - $6.00 Dale Flansaas, Coordinator - Carmen Sorenson, Pianist The musical compositions on "Compositions for Floor Exercise" are geared for the intermediateadvanced performer. The first band is the 1970 World Championship Compulsory music which is utilized at the Senior level and Senior National Competitions. The rest of the bands are for optional routines or to the routines which come with this record . Each composition contains a change of Dace either by a change of musical selections or a change in rhythm or pace of one music selection. Music has been selected to appeal to the emotion of the performer - ranging from classical to present day music. Teachers and coaches will get the most use out of this record if it is used for the following purposes: (1) Used in connection with the routines in the accompanying booklet. (2) Used in physical education classes for a section of a unit in floor exercises for creative optional routine s. (3) Used in intramural or extramural program for creation of optional routines .

SELECTIONS ON HLP-4102 1. 1970 WORLD CHAM PIONSHIP COMPULSORY (Senior Level) - 1:10 2. VARYKINO MARCH - STUD ENT CAFE - 1:16 3. THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY (Ennio Marricone) TAMMY (I. Livingst oq & Ray Eva.ns) - 1:12 4. GOLD AND SI LVER (Franz Lehar) - 1:20 5. SARABANDE (George Handel) VALS E TRISTE (Jean Sibelius) - 1:08 6. MAZURKA IN B FLAT (F. Chopin) WAVES OF THE DANUB E (J . Ivanovici) - 1:22





. .; HOC TOR

7. ELEGIE (Jules Massenet) DANSE (Debussy) - 1:25 8. DR. ZHIVAGO MARCH (Maurice Jarre) TARA 'S THEME (Max Steiner) - 1:17 9. IT 'S A HAPPY HOLIDAY (Robert Staunton) THE LOOK OF LOVE (Hal David, Burt Bacharach) - 1:13 10. DEEP PURPLE (Peter De Rose) - 1:21 11. SPAC E ODYSSEY - ROMEO AND JULIET (Nino Roth) - 1:16 12. CONCERTO IN B FLAT (Tschaikowsky) - 1:15

ft"'*"_'_ ..........._ ....."""'......

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MANUAL FOR RECOR O HLP-4102 - $2.95 By Dale Flansaas Routines are written for the intermediate-low advanced level. Book consists of 12 Routines including the 1970 World Championships Compulsory.

....._ ......._ _ _ _ _ _ ...""""_ _




W A LOW I C K , N. J. 0 7 4 6 3

.' . "A Parent's Guide to Gymna~tics" by Patricia A. Gause







~ ~ Patricia A. Gause has been active in womens gymnastics for the past seven years. She has served as acting director, board member and coach of the 200 member Owego Scamps. Pat is a High School, collegiate, M.G.D.A. league judge, a",thor of "A Parent's Hip Pocket Guide to Gymnastics", and mother of an aspiring gymnast.




by Patricia A. Gause h o m th e tim e of th e i<omJn s, throu g h Luu w ig JJllrl o f He rlin , C e rm,IIl Y w ho intro uu ceu the " lurnpl dtL" in the l Sl th ce ntury, gy m nd~ ti c, has spr ed u thro ug ho ut th e wo rlu . I he U nit eu Sta tes took th e ~ p o rt to i t'> hed rt dnu it becdm e d Pdf t 0 1 th e Ol ympi c Cd lll es. 'I e l ev i ~iu n co verd ge of th e l'J6B dnu l Sl72 Ol ympi cs in spireu rn an y littl e g irl ~ tu wdn t to be d ( dth y i<igb y or Ol gd Korbut. H e re in o ne sport is grace dnd uedut y at i t ~ bes t. I OUdY it coin be sa id that gymnd sti cs is th e f a~ t e~ t gl u w in g , port in th e co untry. I hrou gh th e m edid yo u see th e top gy mnd ~b ,lnd M e impr e~se d . [Je ep dow n yo u kno w that it too k th e gy mn a~ t yo u M e w at c hin g d lo ng tim e anu h",d wo rk to ge t to t he point o f p erfeLli o n tlt ,1I yo u are w itn essi n g. P e rh a p ~ yo ur introduc ti o n at clo se rdn ge tu th e spo rt WJSwd tc hin g d loca l gy mn a~ ti L g ruup putting o n an ex hiuillOn . It might hdve b ee n throu gh .I ~c hu u l reldt ed dc ti v it y 01 lUlllGllll g th at yo u gain eu dn int e r e~ t in th e ~ port. H uweve r you corn e ab u ut th e d ec isio n to let yo ur dau g h te r pdrti Lipdt e in th e ~ p o rt of gy rnn d~ tl c~, dnd sh e lik es it , th e w ho le 1,II11il y w ill beco ill e h o o ked . H av in g 'pe nt .I g red t d eJI 0 1 tirn e in gYllln dsium s w Jtc hin g gyrnn as ti c wo rkou t ~, j ud g in g Ill ee t ~, wd tc hin g m ee ts, wo r k in g w ith gy mn ds ts d S dn imtruct o r dlld fur , I sh o rt tilll e dS d dir ec tor 0 1 d Idfge gymnasti cs c lub it uec,lIne dppal (~ nt thdt Pdr e nt ~ Jre lit erdll y stolr ve d lor in fo rm ation ab u ut th eir ddu g ltter '~ ~ p o rt. I- dce d w ith Illtle inl or lll dti o n or mi ~ inl u rnloll io n th e p are nt ~ b ecom e fru strdted dnd d isco nt ent. rh e ir atlitud e~ nloln y tilll e, df fect th e yo un gs ters Jnd th e rel o re wo uld dff ec t th e entire o perd tion 0 1 th e c lub or teJm . I he qu es tion s rJised pro m p ted tlte p re pardtion ul d ~e ri e~ 0 1 lec tur es lo r pare nt s w ho ha ve childl en in gy nllld ~ ti cs. 1'1'0111 th ese lec tures Cd m e th e lo rmdt io n anu impir,lIiun lu I' d buuk Jnd mur e re ce ntl y d se ri es 01 drticl es, lo r yo u the p are nt ~, to dPp eJr Illontltl y. II yu u ,I re lu u ki ng l ur In dnswe r tu d parli cu l", pro bl em you have abo ut gy mnd , t ic~ ju ~ t dro p Ill e d lin e. A qu es ti o n n eve r Jsk ed ~o m e h ow neve r ge t ~ .In dmwe l . Ihi ~ cu lullln is l o r yo u ; wi tho ut w ho lll th ere neve r w uulJ hd ve bee n .I you.n g dnd dsplrln g g y llln d~ t. .. (Direct qu e~ tiun , to IVtr ~ . Pdtri c id A . Cdu se, J Klll gsgJ te LJne, O we go, New Yu rk 'IJtl21)

Peds the original maker of foot socks, offer "GYM GIRL", lightweight sock, made for snug comfort and sure-footed perforrnance, (50% cotton - 50% stretch nylon). Ask for GYM GIRL Peds at your nearest athletic equipment store or use our convenient order form below.

SCORE 3 WAYSI 1. A sure-footed performance. 2. A special 40% discount for club or school group orders. 3... . and for every package of GYM GIRL Peds sold, "Peds" will make a contribution to the USGF to help gymnasts compete in International Competition. Suggested retail price 79c pair

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Your own

PERSONALIZED FLOOR-EX MUSIC $35 Arranged and pla ye d by int e l ' nationall y kno w n Hug o Sartore llo, resident piani st, Came lback Inn . For more info rmati o n write :

Hugo Sartorello S.G.c. ARIZONA TWISTERS 5028 N. Granite Reef Rd. Scottsdale, Arizona 85253 (602) 945-9308 GYMNAST Apr. '74





A one inch layer of specially formul ated cushioning mat路 erial is laminated into the beam to give greater comfort and protection during. long hours of training.

$501.00 F.O.B. Batavia, N.Y.



$150.00 F.O.B. Batavia, N.Y.







INTERNATIONAL CALENDAR 1974 Oct. FIG Congress, possibly in Tunisia . Oct. 19-26 World Championships in Varna . 1975 Oct. 15-21 Pan American Ga mes (33 countries possibly will compete). Santiago, Chile Gymnaestrada in Berlin ;976 Sept. FIG Cong ress in Mo ntrea l, Ca nada an d the Olympi c Games. U.S.A. NATIONAL PICTURE April 11-13 National AAU Junior Championships. Host : Gymnastrum Sportschool· of Reading, Pennsylvania will be the host. Site of competition to be one of th e followin g: Temple Univ., Albright Col., or West Ch ester St. Teacher's College. April 19-20 YMCA Nationals in Seattle, Washington (Men 's'Compulsories same as last two years, Women's USGF Adv .. Ievel.. No minimum age or score requirements April 18-20 USGF Jr. Nationals - Hayward, California April. 20 National Certification of Gymnastic JudgesU.S. Nava l Academy - 9 A.M. , Fee - $12.00 - Certifying off icia l - Me. .Bob Stout. Co nt act: Me. No rma n Boardman (Pres. MGJA), 3009 Sevo r Lan e, Alexa nd ri a, Virginia 22309. April 26-27 Easte rn Elite Qu alificat io ns for men Southern Connect icut State Uni ve rsity (ten t. ) Meet director: Ab ie Grossfe ld . April 26-27 M id-East Eli te Qualifications fo r me n, India na State Uni versity. Meet director: Roger Counsil April 26-27 Mid-West Qua lifi ca ti o ns for men Iowa State Uni versi ty. Meet d irector: Ed Gagn ie r April 26-27 West Qualifications for me n Uni ve rsit y of Ca liforn ia, Be rk e ley. Meet d irector: Hal Frey. April 26-28 National AAU Senior Championships Host : Eastern Montana College, Biltings, Montana . Finals to be televised on CBS Sports Soectacular. April Compulsory Training Meets in tour geographically located centers (Elite Program) May 2-4 USGF Sen io r Nationa ls, Denver, Meet Directo r: Rod Hill. !\IIay 10-11 USGF Men 's Elite Champ io nships, Unive rsit y 01 Cllilorn'id, Berke ley May 3O-June 1 USGF Elite Nationals, Southern illinoIs University, Carbondale, Illinois, Meet director : Herb Vogel; Meet Refe ree : Jackie Fie Aug. 4-13 International Gymnastics Judging Course for Women - George Wash in gton Uni ve rsity. Fo r further information wr it e: Lynn George, Assoc. Prof. Dept of Ph ys ical Educatio n, Geo rge Washington University, Washington, D.C. 20006. Aug. 8-12 Na tiona l AA'U Jun ior O lympi cs Unive rsit y of Nebraska , Lin co ln, Nebraska . W rite to Tom Ma loney, AAU Gymnastic Adm ini st fato r, 2626 Cardina l Pla ce, Sarasota, Fla. 33579 for furth e r information . Sept. 1974 Ana heim Convent ion Center, Anaheim CA . Final trials for World Games team . 1975 YMCA Nationals on April 18-19 1976 YMCA Nationals on April 9-10 DIRECTORY Of SUMMER CAMPS All Star Girls Gymnastics Clinic Old Willimantic Road Columbia, CT 06237 Camp B.G. Biron Gymnastics 1729 Brittmore Houston, TX 77043 Caravan at Camps P.O. Box 1206 Andrews, TX 79714 Catalina Island Gymnastics Camp P.O. Box 1766 Santa Monica, CA 90406 Cathy Rigby Gymnastic Camp for girls 23512 Mariano St" Room 331 Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Dunkley Gymnastic Camp 49 East Terrace S. Burlington, VT 05401 Empire State Gymnastic Camp Camp Hill Road Pomona , NY 10970 Highline Summer Gym Kamp for girls Highline School District #401 15675 Ambaum Boulevard S.W. Seattle, Washington 98166 Idyllwild, California c/ o Vince Pietrok 1008 E. South St. Anaheim. CA 92805 International Gymnastics Camps RD 3, Box 518 Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Jewish Community Center Gymnastic Camp 3801 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, Washington 98040 Medalist Hall of fame Gymnastics Camps for girls 735 North 5th Street Milwaukee, WI 53203 Middle Eastern Gymnastic Camp 11615 Fulham Street Silver Spring, MD 20902 Pocono Sports Camp P.O. Box 247 East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Rocky Mountain Gymnastics Camp P.O. Box 274 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 SOKOL Tsukara 1828 Endicott Circle Carpenterville, IL 60110 SOKOL USA Gymnastic School P.O. Box 189 East Orange, NJ 07019 Sports Acres Gymnastics Camp Elsie Route Seaside, Oregon 97138 Stony Brook Acres 1004 Stony Hill Rd. Wilbraham, Mass. 01095 Stony Brook Gymnastic Camp P.O. Box 593 Stony Brook, NY 11719 SIU Summer Gymnastic Camp Jack Biesterfeldt SIU Arena Carbondale, IL 62901 Camp Tsukara Jerry Fontana or Mike Jacki 400 Glenview Road Glenview , IL 60025 United States Gymnastics Training Centers P.O. Box 341 08723 Bricktown, N.J. West Penn Gymnastic Clinic RD #2 Sl ippery Rock, PA 16057 West Point Gymnastic Camp for boys Ned Crossley U.S. Military Academy West Point, New York 10996 Wildwood Gymnastic Clinic 1128 Sycamore Ave. New Shrewsbury, NY 07724 Woodward Camp P.O. Box 93 Woodward, PA 16882 World of Gymnastics Inc. Ed Knepper 235 Pinehurst Rd. Wilm ington, Delaware 19803 Gymnastic Workshop Bob Hess State University Ag ricult ura l a nd Technical Co ll ege Fa rm ingdale, NY 11735 Phon e (516) 420-2125 o r 2100

"Biomechanics in Gymnastics" Gymnastics Workshop Depa rtment of Phys ical Ed u cat ion Ohio State Un ive rsit y 1760 Ne il Ave. Co lu mbu s, Ohio 43210

GYMNAST Apr. '74




The Program Includes: 1) ballet and modem dance classes at all levels 2) tumbling classes at all levels 3) training in the Olympic events for women 4) training in the Olympic events for men 5) student-instructor ratio of 5: I 6) instructors who are carefully chosen for their teaching experiences and ability in order to provide the highest quality of instruction



For more information, write for full color brochure

Training Facilities Our rotat ing Staff includes Ol y mpic and National gymnasts

Teruichi Okamura - 1972 Olympic Gold Medalist, World Uni ve rsity Champion

The International Gymnastics Camp has indoor and outdoor facilities, One of these is a newly constructed 50' x 120' gymnasium for the ultimate in European~style training, A licensed physician is on call at all times,

Tets u Hirata - National Japanese gym nast "Ve are honored to have Teruichi Okamura and Te tsu Hirata o n our staff for the te n sessions of camp.

Tetsu Hiroto. Bruno Klaus, Olympic Gold Meda li st Teruichi Okamura

T e rui c hi is one of t h e world's g reatest gym nasts; he and Tets u will present the latest in gymnastic style

and technique to femal e as well as male campers.

Barbara Gallagher -Gymnastic coach a t Yale University. nine tim es Nationa l Tumbling Champion, Wo rl d Tumbli n g Champion, former member of Pan Am trainin g


Don Tonry - 1958, 1962, 1966 USA Wo rld Champions llip team member, 1960 Olympic t eam member, 1963 Pan America n team m ember, author and inte rnati ona l gymnastic judge.

Abe Grossfe ld - U.S. Olympic coach, Member of Olympic, World and Pan American teams.


Fred Orlofsky - Former U.S. Olympian. Outstanding staff m embers a l so include: Len D ePue, J udy

A lpe rin, Tom Gibbs, Jean Rathfon, Connie :M alon ey. Fred Rothlisberger (Olympian), Tom Lindner (NCAA Champion ~ w inner of N issen Award ), Dr. J e rry Geo r ge, Ken a n d l\lissy A ll en. Richard il l urahata, Pat Gustavson, Sandy Stutzman, Jim Culhane ( Olympian), Boh Cargill. Noreen Con n ell. Richard Aronson, Linda


23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25

to to to to to to to to to to


28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30


Castner, P at Sarluca, J ohn Crosby (U.S. Olympian ) , and Peter Lan gnicke l (University Coach, W. Germany)



{lear off and mo il路 lodoyJ

Re turn to: BRUNO KLAUS, Director, International Gymnostics Cam p, Inc ., R.D. 3, Box 518, Stroudsburg, Po. 18360 (teleph one 717-629-0244) Nome ...


Sex .

Address City



Telephone School Attending . Instructor/ Coach

one session tw o, three or four sessions five sessions ten sessions Commuters Deposit

$ 95.00 $ 90.00 per ses. 5425.00 S725.00 $ 50.00 per ses. S 25.00 per ses.


Circle Ihe l eui'o n or lell ionl Iho l you wish 10 attend . As Enrollme nt w ill be limi ted , tho se attending one seu io n p lease June 23-J une 28 Jul y l8 -Augus t 2

June 30-July 5

August 4-Augusl 9

July 7-Jul y 12

August II-August 16

July 14-July 19 August I S-AugUst 23

;n d i ~ole

a second cho ice.

Ju ly 2 1-J ul y 26 Augusl 25-Augus ' 30

GYMNASTICS CAMP BRUNO KLAUS, director R.D . 3, Box 518

Official equipment for the 1973 USSR Gymnastic tour..


I _S _S _E -------o



PHONE: 319 / 365-7561

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