USA Gymnastics - January/February 1984

Page 1

Tanya Service, USA's Surprise


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Official Magazine of th e United States Gymnastics Federation

Jan.lFeb. 1984


VOL. 13, NO. 1






,j 1


,,,I I

7 8 10-11 13 17-40 41 42 46-47 50-52 53-54

By Mike Jacki USGF EDITORIAL Rhythmic Development Program By Nora Hitzel National Office News Tanya Service Comes Through By Mike Botkin By Minot Simons 1983 World Championships By Bill Meade Coca Cola Invitational By Mike Botkin Michelle Berube New Wave Gymnast Calendar of Events Meeting Minutes Olympic Update By AlIa Svirskiy & Don Peters

On The Cover ... Tanya )






photo by Tony Duffy

. With this issue of the USGF's popular puhlication. we have made some changes we feel will make our magazine one gymnastics enthusiasts and participants will en~)y more. We also have the great honor and privilege of the official film sponsor of the Olympic Games (FUJI) selecting USA Gymnastics as the single puhlication they wou ld like to spon,or in all of amateur sports. We have changed the graphics and title of our magazine to fit the dynamic new administration in the USGF office.

United States Gymnastics Federation MEMBERS: Amateur Athletic Union; American Sokol ()rganization; American Turners; As..",(x:iation for Intercollc:giate Athletics for Women; National Association for Girls and Womens Sports; National Association of College Gymnastics Coaches; National Association ()f Coll egiate Gymnastics Coaches/ Women; National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics; National Association of Women Gymnastics Judges;

iU'I.=:"~W{ 1984 0Iynpcs ~

"Ollkial supplier of photographic products and services to the United States Gymnastics Federation and USA Gymnastics."

USA Gymnastics Publisher: Mike Jack;' Executive Director USG F; Consulting Editor: Rich Kenney. USGF Director of Communications/ Marketing; Managing Editor/ Advertising Director: Debbie Forstefl; Artist / Photographer: Dave Black, Production Direl10rlEditor: Mike Botkin.

Nmional Collcgiall' Athletic ASSOciation, NatIOnal Federation of

State High School Associations; National Gymnastics Judges Association; Nationa l



Gymnastics Coaches

Association; National Jewish Welfare Board; Nati",",1 Junior College Athletic Association; United States Association of Independent Gymnastics Cluhs; United Statl'S Gymnastics Safety Association; Young Mm 's Christian Association.



路Unless expressly identified to the contrary. all articles. slatements and views printed herein art." attrihutahle: solely to the author and the United Statl'S Gymnastics Federation expresses no opinion tl~n."on and ;L"iSUmcS no responsihility thereof.

USA Gymnastics

USA GYMNASTICS is printed hi-monthly hy the United States Gymnastics Federation. Suhscription rates for 6 issues are: USA-$12; Canada-$14 (US currency) and foreign-$32 (US currency, air mail). Single copy price is S2.00. Copyright 漏 19R5 by USGF. All rights reserved. Printed in U.5A Merchants Plaza. Suite 114 4E. 10 I West Washington St.. Indianapolis. Indiana 46204. No respon'ihility is assumed for loss or damage to unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. All editorial contrihutions should he accompanied hy sdf路 addressed stamped envelopes.


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Jan.lFeb. 1984





na previous editorial we talked about responsibility. The discussion continued in another issue, when we talked about planning. In somewhat of a continuation of these topics, let us now look at another part of planning and responsibility. It is still important to realize the integral relationship between both. It has been said that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." In gymnastics terms, it means taking that extra moment to pull in the extra mat · on your warm-up to prevent a possible ankle sprain, and then two to six weeks of rehabilitation before you can continue training. Let us take a look at that sprained ankle and why it did or did not happen-taking time to evaluate similar possible situations can be very interesting and uniquely rewarding. First, what should the gymnast do? The athlete should appreciate the risks that he or she assumes in the day-to-day activity. In appreciating these risks, the athlete should act accordingly: such as taking time to move mats and check equipment, warming up appropriately, using a spotter when necessary, going through proper progressions, and doing all the preparatory things that will help guarantee a safe practice or competition. These are all part of the athlete's responsibility. The coach obviously assists. The combination of coach and athlete is both inevitable 'and essential. The coach can evaluate the athlete's performance. The coach can determine if the athlete is having a good or bad day, or if progress toward a skill warrants continuation or progress, or returning to basics to insure success. The coach can help guide the athlete's day-to-day workout The athlete plays a very important part here, too. Only the athlete knows how tired or energetic he or she is. Comf11Unication between the coach and athlete is essential and necessary. Who else is involved? In the case of the athlete who lives at home, parents become actively involved. Parents should help guide the athlete's daily habits, to make sure that the athlete is ready and physically fit to participate. This would include making sure the athlete gets enough sleep, eats good, nutritious food , takes care of himself properly, and especially the day-to-day care for the normal aches and pains that all athletes are accustomed to. Obviously, the coach cannot be with the athlete 24 hours a day, so now we have another involved partner, and a very important one. Who else is involved? Manufacturers are greatly involved. These are the companies that make the equipment. It is their job to make sure the equipment meets the specification and the demands placed upon' it during athletic performance. The companies continually try to upgrade and improve their products. Their knowledge and expertise in contribution cannot be overlooked.

USA Gymnastics

Our involved group is now getting quite large. We have athletes, coaches, parents, manufacturers, ' and there are still more to be added to the list! What about the people who helped develop and administer the programs, and write the niles? These people play an important part, too. These people help lay the- guidelines and foundations by which the athletes are expected to progress and perform. They provide assistance to the coaches, too. This comes in many forms. Sometimes it may come in the form of an instnlctional text Sometimes it may be in the form of competition niles, such as what skills receive what difficulty ratings, or what skills are expected to be performed in a compulsory. Often these guidelines will dictate to a coach what skills will be taught next in the competitive progression sequence. Perhaps a guideline may be in the form of a restriction limiting an athlete's opportunity to perform a skill until he or she attains a certain level of proficiency. All these concepts fit into (See OUNCE, page 52)


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Jan.lFeb. 1984



by Nora Hitzel

y now most members of the United States gymnastics community have either heard about or seen examples of the events that comprise Rhythmic G}mnastics. As a result, many people have been stimulated to seek out more information, both general and technical in nature, about the sport. This search for information is at present difficult because of the limited number of rhythmic technicians and resources in the United States. However, as interest and enthusiasm is growing, the USGF is also moving forward to educate and train people with regard to the techniques, intricacies, and demands of the sport. Since 1972 the USGF has sponsored a Rhythmic Gymnastic program with the initial Phase [ goal being twofold: to develop world class international rhythmic gymml~ts (role models) and to establish the United States as a force in the rhythmic arena. During the past 12 years most of the energies of the rhythmic people and the financial resources of the USGF has been devoted to this Pha~e [ aspect. Recognizing that those goals are within reach, the USGF is now embarking on the Phase " goal: development of a large and strong grass roots rhythmic program in the United States. Step one will be the introduction of the 1984-1988 Rhythmic Gymna~tic Age-Group Competitive Program at a National Clinic following the 1984 National Championships. The writing and development of this compulsory program began in 1980 and promises to provide an exciting opportunity for our young gymnasts to gain the rhythmic skills and abilities necessary to progress up to and beyond


the Class [ level. The new Compulsory Program will feature Cla~s III exercises with rope, hoop, ball, club, ribbon, and rhythmic floor exercise. [n addition, a Cla<;s III Group Routine with the ball has been developed. The Cla~s " program will feature compulsory exercises with each of the pieces of hand apparatus, and rhythmic floor exercise selected elements for Class" optional routines, and a Group Routine with the hoop. Resources that will be produced by the USGF in conjunction with this program include: a manual featuring the written texts of all routines, illustrations, sheet music with movement notations, a glossary of terms, a cassette tape of all compulsory music, and a professionally produced video of all individual routines. At the National Clinic all routines will be presented and taught by the choreographers. Following this clinic, each National Age-Group Committee member will be hosting clinics in each region. Hopefully compulsory clinics will also be held at the state and local levels. When plans for the National Clinic have been finalized , it will be advertised in this magazine. [n addition, the USGF is also helping to promote the development of more resource materials and clinics for the novice teacher. coach. and gymnast. As a beginning. the USA Gymnastics Magazine will feature a series of introductory articles throughout 1984 about each event of rhythmic gymnastics written by the compulsory choreographers. The first article, explains the basic skills and techniques of the Rhythmic Gymna<;tics Floor Exercise. Building a large gra~s roots program in Rhythmic Gymna~tics is now the Pha~e " goal of the USGF and all interested people are encouraged to take advantage of the developmental events that will be available.

Introduction Rhythmic Floor Exercise By Marina Davidovich


he necessary foundation of all the Competitive exercises with apparatus is the Rhythmic Gymnastics Floor Exercise (new name for the exercise without apparatus). Before the gymnast takes the apparatus in her hands, she must learn about correct body position, form, extension, stretch, etc. In developing of Rhythmic Gymnasts the aids of classical ballet, jazz, character dances, modern ballet are widely used. But in this article we shall talk about specific Rhythmic Gymnastics elements and combinations. Rhythmic Floor Exercise elements can be divided in two types: Simple and complex.


Simple Exercise: 1. Different kinds of steps, walks, & runs. Walking on the toes, in the semisquat, deep squat, sharp step, soft step, spring step, high step, lunge step, etc. Runs are used as a preparation for the leaps, turns, rolls, etc. 2. Relaxing exercises-are very important. They show the ability of the gymnast to move smooth and easy without extra tightness. The elements with relaxation are used in the movements with arms, trunk, head. And also used in the "big" elements (arches, final fase of the balances, etc.) Stiffness is not only the indication of the bad technique, but also the imperfection from the esthetic point of view. 3. Static Positions-the positions used as an expressive

(see JHlge 9) USA Gymnastics





Jan./Feb. 1984 elements in the routines. They could be different types of sits, supports, lying positions on the back, stomach, side. Most of the times the static positions are used as a final positions and as a starting positions for the next move. COMPLEX EXERCISES: 1. Waves and swings 2. Balances 3. Turns 4. Leaps and jumps S. Preacrobatic elements Waves and swings: Front body wave-starts from the contraction (demi-plie, round back, forehead above the knees, sit above the heels). The wave starts with knees moving forward, then hips, waist, chest, shoulders, head. Very important is the head position-lowered at the beginning of the move and up at the end of it. Back body wave-starts with arching the upper body, gradually joining in the lower back; without getting up contract and then straighten up. Side body wave-standing on the left foot, right is stretched out to the side, toe is pointed to the floor. The move starts with the demi-plie, leanning to the right, at the same time hips are moving to the left. Then the weight of the body gradually transfers on both feet and the hips start moving to the right. Continue transferring the weight on the right foot and hips move to the right and up. At the end, gymnast gets in the starting pOSition, but on the right foot. Front body wave with the tum - is the complicated but beautiful element: after the contraction gymnast turns, starting with her knees and shoulders and then with the whole body, finishing on the high toes. More difficult type of this element is Sprial Tum, where the gymnast involves first knees, then hips, and finally shoulders. The last part of the turn is executed after completing the wave . . - - - -- ----(Picture I)-------~

. - - - -- ----(Picture 11)--


Balances There are balances on both feet and on one foot. Two feet balances are the most simple. Those are the positions on the toes and they could be static or dynamic (when the gymnast passes through the movement). Dynamic balances are widely used in RG. One foot balances are must more difficult and require a lot of training. The most traditional type of balances are: Front scale Back scale Side scale Teaching balances must start from the simplest elementsstanding on the toes, arms to the side; different types of walks & runs with stop on the toes (both feet & one foot) with different arms positions. More complicated types of balances must be learned at the ballet barre and then gradually moving to the middle. TURNS-can be performed on one foot or both feet. The impo,rtant thing to remember: turns must be executed on high toes, with maximum extension.

Prestige, Grace and Beauty will all be a part of the

1984 Four Continents in Rhythmic Gymnastics


October 26-28, 1984 Market Square Arena, Indianapolis, IN


There are also waves with trunk, arms, half-waves, which are very typical for Rhythmic Gymnastics. Leaps and jumps-are one of the most impressive and difficult elements in RG requiring excellent physical and technical degree of training. There are quite a few hops, leaps and jumps in the compulsories. And it is very important that they are executed with maximum amplitude, light, with good control on the landing. Example of the difficult leap is TOR JETE. It's a leap with 180路 turn and change of the leg position in the air. Straight leg swings up and during the take-off the shoulders slightly lean back. The kick is executed sharp, with maximum amplitude. Finishing the turn gymnast pulls the take-off leg to the swing leg; legs pass next to each other, without touching. The take-off leg moves back and the swing leg down.

USA Gymnastics

Individual Competition will include Hoop, Ball, Clubs, Ribbon Group Competition will include 3 Ropes and 3 Hoops

An official FIG event hosted by the USGF Stay glued to USA Gymnastics for more details

Make plans to attend NOW!!! 9

Jan.!Feb. 1984


Tighter Reigns Keeping USGF In Black By John Hewett USGF Controller here was some change for the better in the fiscal year ended August 31, 1983, as the Federation showed a profit for the first time in three years. While a 533,723.00 net profit does not rank us in the Fortune 500, it is an encouraging sign that emphasizes the revitalization of the USGF. This year, as had been the case in the past, the bulk of the revenues were generated from televised events, and sponsorship. This will continue to be the case in the coming year as several television contracts have been entered into already. Sponsorship support has been good and hopefully, will improve due to the anticipated exposure in the Olympic year. Most other areas of income have decreased, with a corresponding decrease in related expenses, due to the relocation in the middle of the year. While the relocation had many positive effects, including generation of foundation monies and high local interest, negative factors include loss of magazine revenue, and





Qualification to the National Championships is through State and Regional Championship meets.


The 1983 World Championship individual event participants will gain an automatic berth to the National Championships.







Television rights Gate receipts Sponsorships Other

5563,000 306,852 4 10,915 727,792

51 ,042,500 462,007 255,000 907,600



52,667, 107

Event Expenses Committee and magazine expenses Administrative Costs


946 ,406

51 ,638,261

368,097 660,333

4 14,33 7 775,061



52 ,827,659




5( 160,552)

in the Olympic Trials due to injury, her Trials score will be calculated as follows: I.

If she is not able to J:omplete the first event: a.



Her s cor e fro m the Nat ion a I Championships will count 100 percent as her Trials score.

If she is able to complete only one event: a.

The score she obtained in the first event will be multiplied by four ( 4 ).


This total sum will serve as her total AllAround score for the Trials.

If she is able to complete only two (2) events:

The 1984 Rhythmic Gymnastics National Championships will take place in the Spring of 1984.


Petitions to enter the Final Trials will be accepted with regard to injury or representing the USA in an international competition during the same time period as the National Championships. Petitions are limited to the top three (3) internationally ranked gymnasts only.

The scores she obtained in the first two (2) events of the Trials will be added together and the total multiplied by two (2).


The sum obtained in II-C-3(a) will serve as her total All-Around score for the Trials.



The Final Trials will take place in June, 1984.


Competition at the Trials will be All-Around Competition. The competition will take place over a two day period. Each gymnast will be required to compete in all four events on both days.



Based on the All-Around results from the 1984 RhythmicGymnastics National Championships, in rank order the top eight (8) senior gymnasts will :jualify to the Final Trials.

complications due to personnel turnover. Steps have already been taken to reverse these negative aspects which should bring about the desired effect. Setting and policing a budget, is the major concern of my office. This being an Olympic year, special consideration has to be given to our National Team, but at the sanle time, Mike Jacki has several programs that need to be maintained and/ or increased. It is my goal to continue to monitor the income and expense of the USGF so that it can become more financially sound. That way, we can increase programs designed to benefit you, the gymnastics community, as a whole.

If a gymnast is not able to complete competition


If she is able to complete only three (3) events. a.

the scores she obtained in the first three (3) events of the Trials will be added together and the total divided by three (3).


The sum obtained in lI-C-4(a) will be added to the scores she obtained in the first three ( 3) events.

USA GymnastiCS

Jan./Feb. 1984 c.


The sum obtained in I 1-C-4( b) will serve as her total All-Around score for the Trials.


The All-Around score from the National Championships will count 40 percent and the All Around score from the Trials will count 60 percent in determining an individual's overall final placing.


Based on the combined total All-Around scores from the National Championships and the Trials (as stipulated above), the top three (3) gymnasts in rank order will he selected to attend the Olympic Games Training Camp.


The overall rank order after the Trials may be changed in the selection of the team of two (2) gymnasts who will compete in the Olympic Games under the following conditions: 1.

Injury affecting performance.


Failure to train and observe training mles concerning diet, weight gain, rest, practice schedules and work-outs as required by the Olympic coach and staff.



ATTENTION GYMNASTS! Due to the highly commercial nature of the 1984 Olympic Games, many USA gymnasts of all levels may be confronted with opportunities which ma y joepardize their amateur status. Here are a few quick eligibility guidelines. Remember, when in doubt-call the USGF office. 1.

2. A gymnast cannot benefit from funds generated by or through his or her status as an amateur gymnast unless those funds are generated with the approval of and disbursed through the United States Gymnastics Federation.

Changes in position on the team will be subject to approval of the Rhythmic Gymnastics International Program Committee.

The 1984 Summer Olympic C,.... mes will take place from July 28-August 12, in Los Angeles, California.

for 36th, the higher event compulsory score shall compete in the second session.



All qualitying meets to Nationals must be under Competition III Rules.


All-Around ranking will be determined from the compulsory optional session. There will be an individual event finals with 8 athletes per event. Finals will start from zero.


The National Team will be the top 18 from the first compulsory and optional session. Ties will not be broken.


In case of an injury, a gymnast can be petitioned on to the National Team.


Petitions to the USA Championships will be accepted and should be sent to the MPC chairman.

Qualification-Championships of the USA A.

The 1984 Championships of the USA are scheduled for May 10-12, 1984 in Chicago, Illinois.


Athletes will qualify to the USA Championships from four (4) qualifying meets on April 27-28, 1984. 'Exception: those who score 110 in an approved meet other than the Regional Qualitying meet are automatically qualified. Also, members of the World Championship 'Team including Brian Babcock and alternates are qualified. The Men's Program Committee will certity qualification meets lilltil a Men's Program Administrator is named. Certification of the event requires nationally rated judges. Competition III mles must be used and more than one club must be in attendance. All qualification scores will be sent to the chairman of the MPC and Cheryl Grace at the USGE The MPC will select the sites of the qualification meets. Announcements of qualifying meet bids and proposals should be directed to Cheryl Grace at the USGF.


Each gymnast taking part in an event for which he / she is paid immediately loses his/ her amateur status. Likewise, if he/ she takes part in a competition or other even't with professional gymnasts. (FIG Statutes, Article 38( e )

For compulsories in the Championships of the USA there will be 72 gymnasts. The gymnasts will be selected in compulsories. The top qualifying scores will compete in the later session. For optionals, the top 36 scores from compulsories will compete in the later session. In case of a tie

USA Gymnastics


Qualification-Olympic Trials A.

Competition at the trials will be All-Around Olympic compulsory exercises on June 1st and All-Around optional exercises on June 3rd.


The Olympic Trials are scheduled for June 1-3, 1984 in Jacksonville, Florida.


The National Team (18 members) selected at Championships of the USA will participate in the Olympic Trials.


Injury/ illness petitions should be sent to the MPC Chairman.

(see ARTISTIC, page 12)


Jan./Feb. 1984 which prevented the gymn ;L~t from competing in or finishing the Final Trials. The gy mn;L~t must have a high qualification into the Final Trials and must he a former World G~lmes team memher. She must be ranked in either the top 8 individual events or the top 16 AA in the World Championships. Petitions will be determined by the USGF Women ' s Internationa l Program Committee.



Qualification to the Championships of the USA is through the USGF Elite Regional Zone Meets, and then the USGF American Classic or US Classic (First or Second Elite National Qualifying Meets). I.

The American C1 ;l~sic scheduled for March 2· 3, in San Francisco, California.


TIlere will be no injury petitions accepted for the US or American CI;L~sic.


TIle US Classic is scheduled for April 13· 14, in Niagra Falls, New York.


Injul)' petitions will be accepted by the WIPC for Championships of the SA.


TIle six (6) gymnasts that competed in the 1983 World Championships in Budapest will automaticall y qualify into the 198 4 Championships of the USA.



Based on the AII·Around results from the 1984 Championships of the USA (combined compulsol)' and optional totals) , the top twenty (20) S<:nior gymn;L~ts will qualii)' into the Final Trials.


The 1984 Championships of the USA are scheduled for May 10· 12, in Chicago, Illinois.

If a gymn;L~t is injured after the Championships of the USA, then checked by a neutral doctor, and whose injul)' petition is accepted by the WIPC, her Championships of the USA score will be multiplied by five (S) . If a gymnast does not compete in the Championships of the USA, is checked by a neutral doctor, and her injury petition is accepted by the WIPC, her score obtained will permit the gymn;L~t to be ranked in the final selection of the 1984 Olympic Games Team.


Petitions to enter the Trials will be accepted with regard to injul)', illness, or representing the USA in an international competition during the same time period as Championships of the USA.


Beginning with the US C1;L~sic , the American and including the USA Championships and Final Trials, the AII·Around score will he determined by combining 60 percent of the compuisol)' with 40 percent of the optional score.

"Note: The AII·Around score is reached by comining 60 percent of the compulsory score with 40 percent of the optional score.

CI;L~sic ,





Competition at the Trials will be AA Olympic compulsol)' exercises on june 1st, and AA optional exercises on june 2nd. Men's optionals take place on june 3rd.


The Final Trials are scheduled for June 1·3, 1984 in jacksonville, Florida.


The AlI·Around scores from the Championships of the USA will count 40 percent and the All· Around scores from the Trials will count 60 percent in determining an individual's overall final placing for the Olympic Games team selection.


Based on the combined total AA scores from Championships of the USA and the Trials, eight (8) h')' mn;L~ts in rank order will be invited to participate in the Olympic games. Gymn;L~ts 1·4 will be assured a starting position. Gymn;L~ts S·8 may compete in a dual international competition immediately prior to the Olympic ("ames to help determine the Sth and 6th starting positions and also to help determine the rank of the alternates. Only one (I ) alternate will be part of the official delegation. Final determination will be made by the National Coach, Assistant National Coach, and a representative from the lISGF Women's International Program Committee.

ARTISTIC (from page 11) III.

Team Selection A.

The AII·Around scores from the 1984 Championships of the USA will count 30 percent and the All· Around scores from the Final Trials will count 70 percent in determining an individual's overall final placing for the O lympic Games Team Selection.


B;L~ed on the total All· Around scores from the Championships of the USA and Trials, eight (8) gymn;L~ts in rank order will be invited to participate in the Olympic ('(.. mes. The seventh man for trials will he the first alternate non· competing Olympic Team Member and the eighth man from the trials be second alternate, but not an official Olympic Team Member. Ties for sixth and seventh will be broken by the highest compulsory total from the USA Championships and Final Trials (30 percent + 70 percent). If there is still a tie, the higher final trials compulsory score will break the tie.


Final Trials will be Competition III.


A petitioned gymnast in the Final Trials in order to make the Olympic Team must have a higher score than the other gymnast in the Final Trials plus he must have a higher score than the other gymn;L~ts ' 30 percent and 70 percent from b()(h competitions.


According to the FIG Technical Reglement, seven ( 7 ) h')'mn;L~ts is the official team size.


Replacement of a team member will occur only due to a serious injury.


Replacement of a team member will occur only due to serious injury.


Petitions on to the Olympic Team will not be accepted.


Petitions onto the 1984 Olympic Team will be accepted only in the case of illness or injul)'

USA GymnastiCS

Jan.lFeb. 1984

Tan\fa Service Comes Through Like AChamp By Mike Botkin

USGF Editor


erforming tinder pressure is a major factor in any gymnast's competiton career. For some it becomes too much to handle and they never reach their full potential. But for one member of the Women's delegation to the 1983 World Championships in Budapest, Hungary the pressure of her first international competition made her do her best. In all aspects, Tanya Service performed like a champ. Service surprised everyone by finishing 22nd in the all-around competition. "I was really nervous at first, but once the competition got going, all the fear went away. All I thought about was doing my best to help the team out. I tried to keep my spirits up and by doing my best, I did." International experience is very important in the development of all world-class gymnasts. According to her coach, Dick Mulvihill, who is the proprietor of the National AcademC)' of Artistic G}~nnasts in Eugene, Oregon, the international experience is Service's biggest drawback. "She has to grow internationally. She ha<; a good self image and is a real stalwart. I feel she would be a good addition to any team," said Mulvihill. "She ha<; great potential. Looking at that potential, she's the best gymna<;t I've ever had," admits Mulvihill. "She's got the right body rype, she h;L<; schmaltz and good muscular coordination. She's got all the tools." Since this was her first international indoctrination, Service had some interesting perspectives on her first competition abroad. "I really enjoyed competing at the World Championships," she confided. "An international meet goes much quicker and faster. When we first got there, Kathy Johnson and some of the more experienced girls tried to tell us what it would be like and they said it would go fast. But I liked it better because I didn't get cold. I didn't sit for a long period of time. It was just a really neat experience for me." Competitions can be used like gauges. In a meet in the US, you can compare yourself to your fellow peers and see how far you need to improve to get to their level. But in an international meet, you compare yourself to the world's best, an experience that can be very humbling. "It helped me in a couple of ways," said Service. "First the World Championships showed me how far I needed to go, tricks-wise. It also helped me gain confidence in myself and give me


an idea of what the rest of the world is doing in gymnastics." Service needed a boost in the arm after Sitting out last year with complications due to ankle injury. "I broke my ankle during the ESPN Single Elimination Meet last year. Actually, I broke it before the competition started. It was very frustrating." The majority of gymnasts have come back with one single thought on their mind. "We need more compulsory cometitions." Service is not different. "We didn't seem as strong as other teams." Service goes to South Eugene High School. To allow her more time to practice, she attends four classes per day. Of those classes, she likes history the most. What kind of history? "Both US and European," she boasts. As is the case with many competitive gymnasts, there isn't much time for anything beside the books and the mats. In the gym these days, Service has several aspects of her gymnasticS she will be working on to get her ready to compete for a spot on that coveted Olympic Team. "Right now I'm concentrating on the Olympics and making the team," she said. ''I'm working on some tumbling that I need to get better and also on my vaulting. I'm trying a couple of new tricks and basically trying to upgrade my routines. I'm always trying tCY improve my skills." Her comeback since the injury has been steady. In the 1982 McDonald's Championships of the USA in Salt Lake City, Utah, Service placed lIth in the a11around. In the 1983 World Championship Team Trials in Eugene, Orgeon she made ths squad by placing 13th all-around. So she wasn't completely without competition experience before going into the World Championships. But the actual experience of competition is something all athletes need more of. "I would like to see more competitions, I could use them to get the experience and to help me gain confidence." Service's thinking goes right along the lines of Mulvihill's. "She needs to develop a little more mental toughness. She's a good competitor, but not the best. She needs to be more psychologically tuned-in when she's competing," he said. According to Service, her future career ambition deviates from the sport of gymnastics just a bit. She wants to be a doctor. While not thinking about doctoring or gymnasticS, Service shares a love of two other favorite hobbies. Those are water skiing and playing the flute.


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Jan./Feb. 1984

Team Laurels Taken By Chinese Men, Soviet Women by Minot Simons II SUMMARY Men


he Chinese men won team competition in the closest, most exciting finish imaginable. (See "Men 's Optionals" for the story) . Dmitri Belozerchev, 16, established his dominance over men's gymnastics by leading the Soviet team to second place by winning the men's all-around with three 9.95's and three 1O.00's and by winning gold medals on pommels, rings and high bar and a silver on floor. The Chinese and Soviet teams dominated apparatus finals by winning 14 of the 18 medals. The Japanese were a strong third and the Americans a strong fourth as a team. The U.S. men can be proud of their team performance. Their fourth place is a step up from their fifth place in Moscow, 1981. The work of the American men was equal to that of the other countries in terms of difficulty. With an improvement in execution, they could even move up to third place. Mitch Gaylord placed 8th all-around and Peter Vidmar and Bart Conner, 9th and 1 lth respectively. This again is a distinct improvement aver Moscow in 1981, where Bart Conner, Peter Vidmar and James Hartung placed 11 th, 13th and 15th respectively. In finals, Conner was in three events and Vidmar one. Once more, this is an improvement over Moscow, where none of our men made . finals. An indication of the level of competition in apparatus finals is that Conner scored 9.9 in floor, parallel bars and pommels but placed 5th, 6th and 7th in these events. Alexander Pogorelov of the Soviet Union broke new ground on high bar with two new release moves: a 1 'h Geinger and a front somersault with full twist from eagle grip reverse giant. This last was particularly beautiful. Phillippe Vatuone gave encouragement to French gymnastics by winning a silver medal on high bar. Although the German Democratic Republic (GDR) team dropped to fifth place from the fourth they held in Mo~cow, they have a new star-handsome, young Sylvio Kroll-who may well lead the GDR team to new challenges. 1981 World Champion Yuri Korolev missed badly on compulsory high bar and did not make all around finals.


However, he did very well in optionals (scoring 59.40) and in apparatus finals, he placed 4th on floor, 5th on pommels and tied Bart Conner for 6th on parallel bars. Besides Belozerchev in all the all-around and Pogorelov on high bar, two other Soviets distinguished themselves. These were: Artour Akopian , who placed 3rd all-around and won gold medal on vault; and Vladimir Artemov, who won a gold medal on parallel bars. Having a total of five men in apparatus finals testifies to the depth of the Soviet team. The Chinese team had even more depth, with six gymnasts in apparatus finals, and third-place Japan had five. All in all, there was an array of stars in all of the top five men's teams who will make Olympic gymnastics especially exciting. Women


he Soviet women's team performed brilliantly. They led all the way and won women's team competition, although they were closely challenged by Romania. Beauty and elegance returned to women's gymnastics in the person of lovely Natalia Yurchenko. The third of Coach Vadislov Rastorosk y' s champions (after Ludmilla Tourishcheva and Natalia Shaposhnikova), Yurchenko is a beautiful, young woman of 17. She has the grace and charm of Nelli Kim and Shaposhnikova, yet she can perform the most advanced moves. She became all-around champion, but an injury in the second of her vaults in finals denied us the

The Road To L.A. 84



Features Photos Il

by Tony Duffy One of the world's foremost sports photographers Three times British sports photographer of the

year. USA Gymnastics

Jan'!Feb. 1984



chance to see how she would do in the other apparatus finals. Olga Mostepanova emerged as a leading star of Soviet gymnastics. This lovely, blonde of 15 won balance beam finals; placed second all-around and second in the floor exercise finals. She has a .playful personality in her floor routine that takes after her famous namesake Olga Korhut. In compulsory floor, she exhibited beautiful expression and earned a 9.9 for her technique. Her 9.85 in compulsory beam was the best of the Soviet team. The Soviets were innovative on beam. Tatania Frolova and Albina Shishova dismounted with full-in, back-out somersaults. Shishova also performed a round-off, back somersault, tuck pOSition, with full twist during her routine. The Soviet Union was awesome in women's optional vault, with scores of 9.85 , 10.0, 9.9, 9.9, 10.0 and 10.0. Team score of 49.8 was 0.2 off perfect. Yurchenko got a well-deserved 10.0 for a round-off, full-twisting Tsukahara, and Mostepanova and Bicherova each got 10.0 for Cuervos. Vault was the only event in which 1981 Moscow World Champion Bicherova looked like a champion in this competition. She had been sick and had not been able to train as much as she needed to. Kati Szabo and Lavinia Agache of Romania must be considered the equal of the Soviets. They each had breaks on beam which hurt their all-around chances but with six months more training they will be definite threats. Szabo was second after compulsories just 0.05 behind Maxi Gnauck but fell during optional beam. Agache was in second place after the team competition and had 9.90 in the other all-around finals events, but fell during all-around beam. Both tied for second place in vault and bars finals. Szabo won gold in floor finals and Agache was third in beam finals. She mounted beam with a round-off, one-arm back handspring, thus proving she can in fact perform well under pressure. Boriana Stoyanova of Bulgaria emerged as another future star. She placed fourth all-around and won vault finals. Bulgaria has made an enormous effort in women's gymnastics. A small country, they concentrate their efforts on a few sports notably artistic and rhythmic gymnastics. Having placed a relatively weak seventh in Moscow in 1981 , they moved up to a strong fourth place in Budapest, only 0.30 behind the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Maxi Gnauck made a comeback after her serious dislocated elbow injury just prior to the European . Championships in Gothernburg, Sweden last spring. Though not yet back to her usual form in all events, she nevertheless won the gold medal in the uneven bar finals and was in number one position after compulsories. However, she fell during optional floor. Aside from Gnauck, GDR had no standout gymnasts, although Syliva Rau, Gabrielle Fahnrich and Diana Morawe all made finals. The Chinese women were a disappointment generally, although Ma Yanhong was scored 9.85 for an optional routine on bars that appeared flawless. Judging affected the United States team, but not for the usual reason. Judges of eastern bloc countries did not perceive the United States women to be a threat to their own teams and so were willing to be generous. Judges of western countries, however, whose teams were vying for a position in the top 12 to qualify for the Olympics, could not be counted on to support the United States, which was also in the second six. The absence of Mary Lou Retton and National Champion Dianne Durham due to injuries; Marie Rothlisberger's inability to compete because bone spurs developed which prevented her from straightening her elbow; and the weakened condition generally of the American women's team due to sickness contracted before the championships

USA Gymnastics

all played a part in placing the United States in seventh position. However, the junior members of the team-Yomi Mordre, Tanya Service, Kelly Garrison and Pam BUeck-all rose to the occasion and performed very well under pressure. Julianne McNamara was weakened by flu but placed 16th all-around and made vault and bars finals. Kathy Johnson, the only member of the team who was both healthy and experienced in major international competitions, turned in her usual steady, dependable performance. She placed 11 th all-around and made floor finals. Johnson, who is not only one of the most beautiful gymnasts but also one of the most articulate, proved once again that she is very popular among gymnastics lovers of all countries. She is always well received by the spectators. Operation of the Championships The World Championships were superbly run, as competitions of this sort usually are in eastern bloc countries. Governments provide the facilities and whatever support is needed to do the job well. Press facilities were under the supervision of "World Gymnastics", the official magazine of F.I.G. Every possible service was provided, including having interpreters on hand at all times in English, French, German, Hungarian and Russian. The arrangements met all the requirements of the Association for the International Sports Press (AlPS). Gymnasts, coaches and trainers were all housed together in the Stadion Hotel, located only a short walk from the Championships arena. Gymnastics as a Whole In both men's and women's gymnastics, difficulty and complexity were greater than ever. In fact, many more countries including the men's teams from Spain, Italy, Canada and Great Britain exhibited greater difficulty, thus raising the level of competitiveness among a larger number of countries. Making the top 12, and thereby qualifying for the 1984 Olympics, became more difficult and thus most rewarding. The top women were all doing double-back somersaults on floor, the best of them doing full-in, back-out somersaults. All the top men were doing handstands on pommel horse, either during the routine or as part of the dismount. Men's Compulsories n the pre-competition press co~erence, Yuri Titov, President of F.I.G., reminisced that in his day as world champion, he had one major break during the first two days of competition. This is no longer a luxury that a top gymnast can afford because of the vast improvement in execution and technique as well as the advanced skill level. It is interesting to note that Titov won the 1982 World Championship in Prague, Czechoslovakia with a combined compulsories and optionals score of 115.65. In 1983 in Budapest, Tong Fei of China and Belozerchev of the Soviet Union tied for first place after compulsories and optionals with .scores of 118.70. Titov's 1962 score of 115.65 would have been good for 40th place. In 1962, Japan won team competition with a score of 574.65. In 1983, China won with 591.45. One final index of improvement is that leader Tong Fei of China had an average for six compulsory events of 9.91. There were no minor errors. After compulsories, China, the Soviet Union and Japan were bunched together at the top, with differentials of only 0.85 and 0.75 separating the teams. The Chinese had no major breaks and averaged 9.84. The Soviets, who averaged 9.81 , had a couple of breaks, 1981 World Champion Yuri Korolev falling from high bar and getting 8.85 and European



Champion Bilozerchev scoring 9.65 after a minor fault on parallel bars. The Japanese just simply looked awfully good with their average of 9.79. The U.S. men finished in 4th place after compulsories. Abie Grossfeld, head coach, summed up the U.S. position by saying, "Well, I think the guys performed extremely well. We had one major break in 36 routines and that cost us probably 4-tenths. But you can't control the scores. We're very happy we're ahead of the East Germans (GDR). We just have to do a good job in optionals. We could even move up." The break he was referring to was Vidmar's fallon parallel bars when he missed his back Stutz, i.e., a back uprise half tum. Afterwards Vidmar said, "I don't know. I haven't missed that trick in training. I missed it once last year. It's just one of those things. However, it was a team competition and I


Milch Gaylord SI:KJI/ 'lI abo",! pe,/orming on rings. finished tbe best of all Allleliam lIIen in Budapest. Cnlylord finished in eigbth in the ali-amI/lid. just ahead of tealllllla/e Peter Vidm(//: (Plx)/o by Tony DI/f/JI)

just had to get going after that, no matter how many mistakes I made." This is exactly what he did, and he achieved scores of 9.9 on pommels and high bar and 9.8, 9.75 and 9.65 on other apparatus. He placed in a tie for 22nd with a 58.25 total. Gaylord, who is still suffering from an ankle injury he received last July in the World University Games in Edmonton, Canada, scored between 9.65 and 9.85 for 18th place with 58. SO.

USA Gymnastics

Conner was the star of the U.S. men's team. He finished in 8th place with a 58.75, including 9.9 on hoth floor and pommels; 9.8 on rings, parallel hars and high har; and 9.55 on vault. Following Vidmar'S uncertain start on parallel hars, Conner restored the confidence of the team with his 9.8 and helped get the U.S. men going again. "I felt very sure of myself, really. I've had good training up to this point , except that a couple of weeks ago I l;mded short and sprained my ankle a little. TIle I ;L~t two weeks have heen spent on mental training as well as physical. TIlere's a lot to that. Physically, I've heen in good shape, it's just now the head work," said Conner. Conner also said Tim Daggett, like Cr.lylord , has had a real problem with an ankle. Daggett's ankle injury occurred during a meet in France. All the U.S. men sustained some injuries in this meet. Nevertheless, Daggett averaged 9.65 for an even 58.00.

Women's Compulsories


he women's compulsories at this high level of competition are exercises of great beauty. The electric energy and enormous vitality displayed by Olga Korbut, Ludmilla Tourishcheva and the other Soviet gymnasts in their floor exercises at the 1974 World Championships will never he forgotten . Historically, the compulsories is where the Socialist countries make their mark. Video tapes and movies of World Championships almost always concentrate on the all-around and apparatus finals. But the compulsories should also he taped and widely distrihuted so American gymnasts, coaches and judges cou ld see the form and execution that go into the earning of high scores in this part of the competition. Unfortunately, favorahle judging does play a part in the high scores of the top countries. On the other hand, their execution is so good that they really don't give the judges much choice-and after compulsories, the team competition is largely decided. The up-and-coming Bulgarians, for example, looked super on floor with five top marks of 9.7, 9.8, 9.8, 9.85 and 9.9. They went on to score almost as high in vault. Among the Soviets, Mostepanova and Natalia I1enko hoth earned 9.9 on floor, yet Mostepanova's artistry was the hetter and would earn her a higher score in optionals than I1enko. Both scored better on floor than former World Champion Bicherova or soon-to-he World Champion Yurchenko, earning a 9.85 each. The Soviet women do not smile or wave to the crowd as they move from event to event, as other gymnasts do. It is obvious they have been told they have to win and that is all they are thinking about. Coaches pay little attention to them as they leave the platf0f1l1. It may be that they vent their suppressed emotions during the exercises themselves. In any case, they were in fact the best. The Soviets as a team scored fess on the other events than on floor. In fact, the Romanians, East Germans (GDR) and Bulgarians all did better on vault. However, the Soviets were strong on bars, an event in which Mostepanova equalled Yurchenko with 9.9. These two gymnasts, who would finish first and second all-around, showed extraordinary amplitude in their bar routines. Mostepanova was actually the best of all gymnasts on the bars. Her mount sequence was superior in height and amplitude and her free hip hecht off high bar dismount had tremendous height.

Tim D(/~~eff, of the Ullited States colllpetes ill the World Challlpiollships. (Photo hy TOllY Duffy)

USA Gymnastics


hal' seglllellt of the


Jan.lFeb. 1984 As a team, the Romanians were almost ,L~ good as the Soviets, being only 0.65 back and the GDR team W,L~ a very close third, only 0.2 5 behind the Rom'U1ians. Actually, Gnauck led individually after compulsories with 39. 55, just 0.45 off perfect. Szabo of Romania W,L~ second with 39.50 and there W<L~ a three-way tie for third at 39.35 between Agache of Romania and Mostepanova and Yurchenko of the Soviet Union. However, the depth of the Soviets prevailed. Shishova was the only Soviet girl to score less than 39.00. The Chinese women's team did not turn out to be the powerhouse expected. In fact , they were so overshadowed that it W<L~ hard to watch them when other teams were competing. However, Yanhong was underscored with 9.H5's in compulsory and optional bars. Her dismount W ;L<; quite possibly best of all. As previously stated, the U.S. women's team was decimated first by injuries and second by sickness. TIle United States was unable to send the team that Europe had looked forward to after the great success in the pre-Olympics of Durham and Retton. Only McNamara and Johnson had extensive international experience and were really prepared for the championships. Unfortunate breaks for the U.S. occurred on the unevens when Mordre overturned her handstand on low bar and had to push off the high bar with her feet and when Bileck failed to make her handstand on high bar. The U.S. team averaged 9.52 on bars, 9.53 on beam, 9.57 on floor and 9.H0 on vault. Top score for the team was McNamara's 9.9 in vault. The U.S. ended up in 7th place, 0.95 behind Czechoslovakia. "I was ple<L~ed with the girls," said U.S. Women's National Team Head Coach Don Peters. "I thought they did a pretty good job. We had a couple of little rough spots, but not bad. Considering all the circumstances, I thought they did real well." Concerning the scoring, Peters said, "I'm very unhappy with the scores on floor exercise. I don't understand it at all. I thought they did excellent routines but were pulling 9.4's and 9,';'s when they should be getting 9. 7's. It doesn't make any sense. We had a couple of breaks on bars that hurt us. The vaults they did well; floor they did well; beam they performed very well. Considering the beam was their first event and they were a little nervous, I thought they got through real well. We had good routines but just didn't get good scores." Star of the evening for the U.S. was Johnson, who is enormously popular. Everyone in the hall applauded her, even when their own teams were performing. Asked how she felt, Johnson said, "Very good. I feel good about the team and my own individual performances. I think we're in a pretty good position to move up. Our optionals are going to be stronger. They should be. All we have to do is hit," said this 24-year-old American. it is also interested to note Johnson W<L~ the oldest female competitor in the World Championships.

one event ahead on pommels and ended .up on floor. The Chinese were, therefore, always following the Soviets around. Although it is an expressed principle of the Chinese gymn<L~ts that they perform their exercises without regard to other gymna~ts , this trailing progression may have had a demoralizing effect. At any rate, the China's comfortable lead of 0.H5 at the beginning of the optionals gradually eroded. This is how the scores developed: CHINA Beginning score: 295 .25 1st rotation: floor 49 .30

They were real heroes, those Chinese men. They had everything heroes are made of: they were good looking; they did what they did superbly; they were popular; and they were up against the bad guys-at le<L~t what the public perceived as bad guys. Afterall, the World Championships were being held in Budapest, and Hungarians can't be expected to forget the Soviet inva~ion of their country in 1956. It was the most exciting situation I have ever witnessed in gymnastics. It was the second day of the men's team competition, during which the men performed their optional exercises. The Chinese men started on floor and ended up on high bar in the normal progression; the Soviets started


294 .40 pommels

344. 55 2nd rotation: pommels 49.10


3rd rotation: rings 49.60 443.25


4th rotation: vault 49.30 492.55


5th rotation: p-bar 49.55 542.10

high bar

China's Position 0.85 ahead

49.50 343.90


0.65 ahead

49.65 393.55

O. \0 ahead

49.40 442 .95

0.30 ahead

49.60 492.55


49.4 5 542.00

0.10 ahead

Entering 6th rotation, China held a slim 0.10 lead. It W<L<; during the 6th rotation, with the Chinese on high bar and the Soviets on floor, that the decisive, exciting moments of the men ' s competition occurred . The individual performances and their immediate effects on the outcome were as follows :

CHINA Entering 6th rotation: 542.10 Yuejiu Makouts 9.90 552.00


China's Position

542.00 9.75 551.75

0.10 ahead 0.25 ahead


9.90 561.90


9.80 561.55

0.35 ahead


9.75 57 1.65


9.90 571.45

0.20 ahead

9.90 581.55


9.85 581.50

0.25 ahead

9.4 5 591 .00


9.85 591.15

0.15 down

Xiaoping Ning

Men's Optionals China's Great Day


There W<L<; a long delay in Yon's scoring. Consequently, the Soviet floor exercise moved ahead by one gymnast's performance. Just after Korolcv's 9.85 on floor, Ning mounted the high bar and appeared to be doing his usual superb performance. He entered his Delchev somersault, twisted, rotated-and fell. He did not regrao;p the bar. We all gasped and watched in total silence as he rechalked his hands and then completed his routine. While his score was being evaluated, Bilozerchev proceeded with his floor exercise, performed it beautifully and earned a stunning 9.95! After trailing all evening, would the Soviets pull it off after all?

USA Gymnastics

Jan'/Feb. 1984 It was up to Tong Fei. As he faced the high bar, the situation was this: CHINA Ning

581.55 9.45 591.00



Bilozcrchev Throw out Makouts' score Final

581.30 9.85 591.15 9.95 601.10

China's Position 0 .25 ahead 0.15 down (including all the scores to this moment)

(9.75 591.35

If we assume Ning's score would also be thrown out, Tong Fei at 58 I. 55 had to score 9.80 to tie the Soviet Union's 591.35. This may not seem like too great a demand on such a gymnast as Tong Fei-until you consider the pressure he was under. He was all by himself, the last man up, with everyone watching him; having the knowledge that it all depended on him and knowing that even Li Ning could fall. So we watched and held our breaths as he performed his one-arm Geinger, his Tkachev and then his double-twisting, double-tuck somersault dismount. He made it! The arena empted in applause, Tong Fei's teammates mshed onto the platform to embrace him madly and a score of 9.9 was soon posted. This, added to 58 I. 55, gave China 591.45 and a 0.10 victory. Tears of joy welled up in the eyes of the Chinese coach. When U.S. Trainer Jack Rockwell reached out to shake his hrutd, the Chinese coach grabbed him in a hug and buried his face in Jack's shoulder. The length of time they stood in this way made Rockwell realize it was to hide his tears. The Chinese pulled their chestnuts out of the fire at the end because of their initial lead and Tong Fei's redeeming performance, but the Soviets, in cutting the Chinese lead by 0.75 did in fact win high bar. This is reflected in the final scores for optionals: USSR 296.95 to China 296.20. It was China's 0.85 lead after compulsories, which they maintained during the first five rotations of optionals, that gave them the team competition. Interestingly, while the Chinese and Soviets were battling high bar with 49.35 and 49.45, the Japanese had already won it with 49.60. This is their event. Shinji Morisue led the field with 9.9 and 10.0 and Mitsuaki Watanabe was second with 9.9, 9.9. Asked afterwards to compare the Chinese men's team at Fort Worth, where they were 5th; at Moscow, where they were 3rd; and at Budapest, where they were 1st, Tong Fei said: "I can compare the three world championships because I was in all three. I have a feeling that it was a greater success in Budapest. As far as the difficulty and novelty of the exercises are concerned, I think we performed best here," he said. "In the former world championships, the Chinese teams were younger and we had less experience. But now, due to hard training, we could develop ourselves and work into our exercises a lot of Chinese specialites." A glance at the box showing the routines of the medal winners will yield an idea of the sort of gymnastic complexity that was demonstrated in Budapest. One point should be kept in mind in considering men's competition: it takes 10 years to make a good gymnast. There are exceptions, such as Belozerchev, who is only 16; but mostly the top gymnasts are over 20. Conner is 25 and started gymnastics at 11 : that's 14 years. Peter Vidmar is 22 and started at 11 : that's 11 years. Mitch Gaylord is 22 and started at 12. James Hartung is 23. Consequently, these men, their coaches and the United States Gymnastics Federation have made a tremendous investment in time, money and effort to get where they are today. The former Soviet coach of Nicolai Andrianov said it takes a great deal of courage for

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a coach to take on a boy and train him to become a top gymnast, the process takes so long. The United States should consider itself most fortunate to have a team in fourth place, close behind the Japanese. This is a hard-won achievement. The Bulgarians produced a brilliant women's team in a few years but were unable to duplicate the feat with the men, who are in 7th place. The Romanian women's team is second but the men are lIth. "I was involved with the USA men's team, so I wasn't able to view the other gymnasts. Even from where we were, we could see towards the end of the competition how close the Soviets and Chinese were. We felt the pressure that Tong Fei must have had on horizontal bar knowing that they were only O. I 5 ahead and it was so close that even as we were trying to do our job I could feel the excitement of what was happening between the Russians and the Chinese," said Assistant Coach Makoto Sakomoto. "Bart had misses on his dismounts on floor, vault and rings. He needs to work on his landings a little more. If he had been more solid there, he would have been higher. After compulsories, he was in 8th place," he added. "The U.S. men performed well under pressure. Daggett had a hell of a meet, in both compulsories and optionals. Johnson was consistent; as was Hartung. Hartung injured his shoulder coming into the meet, so he really couldn't be as sharp as he normally is. "Peter could have been top lOin the all-around standing now if he had done his usual job on parallel bars. He had a major break in compulsories and in optionals he touched down on landing. He was a little bit rough on floor exercise. "Optionals he missed on his Diamidov plus Ij, turn. He was a little short. He usually does that well. On the double pike, he touched his hands. In compulsories, he missed the back Stutz completely. If he had done his usual performance on parallel bars, he should have been about 117.9 or 118.0, which would have been right up there. "Mitch had a very good meet. He hit 12 for 12 basically. That's pretty much the way it went," said Sakomoto. Gaylord, the top U.S. finisher said, "We're pretty happy about what happened here. We would have liked to have taken third place but the Japanese, I guess they're better than we are right now. So far as our pursuit of 1984 is concerned, it's looking real good. We were Sth in Moscow in 1981 and we're 4th here, so hopefully by the time LA. comes around we'll be ready for third place. That's what we're looking for." Vidmar said, "We always were hoping for that third place, but the Japanese were really tough and you know we're certainly in a good position for 1984, seeing where the competition is. Personally, I had problems on my compulsory and optional parallel bars, so I have to go do my homework now and work on it." Daggett added, "Well, tonight I think my best event was high bar. I scored the highest there: I scored 9.9. Rings I was happy with because I made my triple back. We trained hard. We really wanted third place. The Japanese were really very good." Hartung was happy with the way things turned out. "For myself, I had no major breaks. I was injured coming into the competition and haven't been able to train as well as I would have liked, so I had a lot of doubts. But I went 12 for 12 and I'm very happy. I think the team did great," he said.


Women's Optionals The Soviets strengthened their lead over the Romanians. After being 0.65 ahead after compulsories, they added another 0.65 point to their lead after optionals, increasing the spread to 1.35. The Bulgarians did better in optionals than the GDR but the wider margin in compulsories kept them in fourth place. China and Czechoslovakia tied optionals, so China retained its fifth place position after compulsories. FRG did better in optionals than the United States by 0.70, but the Americans' 0.95 lead after compulsories kept them in 7th place. Here is how women's optionals looked team by team. USSR

Vault. Soviet vaulting was exceptional. Mostepanova, Yurchenko and Bicherova all received 10.0. The scores on vaulting had been high all day, so the high Soviet scores were not a true reflection of performance. However, Yurchenko deserved her 10.0 for her roundoff, full-twisting


Bart COllner. Oil fbe /JarallellulI :l), bad ({ good \florId Chtl1ll/lirJlIShl/Js. COllller finished ill fbI! top eight ill Ibrei! of Ibe .'II:\" indil'idlla/ erellls alld 11th ill 1mall路amulld. (Phot() hy TOil), /)u[[J')

Tsuk that had good height and distance and a controlled landing. Bars. There were a few problems on bars for the Soviets. Mostepanova had a major error which should have received a 0.5 deduction but she received 9.75. Frolova at 9.95 was very consistent. Shishova, who won the USA-USSR meet in Los Angeles last April, was strong but did not have full amplitude in swing. Judging was disappointing. Because judges were locked in after going too high on the first round of gymnasts, too many girls received 9.9 or thereabouts for routines which should not have received such scores. Beam. On beam, the Soviets were in a class by themselves. Their execution and form were faultless,

USA Gymnastics

Jan.lFeb. 1984


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China 's Li Ning. ahOl'e. is caught in midair h), the camera. Ning placed si.xth in the al/¡around competition. (Right) Koji Gushiken oj japan. ackn(JII'ledges the crou'd He finished second in the al/-around. (Photos hy Tony /JuJD')

especially that of Mostepanova. Both Frolova and Shishova executed full-in, back-out somersault dismounts and did them beautifully. This was a first time ever for this element in World Championships or Olympic competition and it was impressive to see the Soviets not hold back but go with all their tricks. Shishova's round-off, full-twisting back tuck, was also a first for this caliber of competition. I1enko had a fall, but other than that it was a remarkable performance on a crucial apparatus. Floor. The form of the Soviets on floor was, as always, impeccable. In some cases, the choice of music should have been better. For example, Shishova and Mostepanova both used disco beat music with no variations or changes in pace. Mostepanova's old floor routine was exceptional and this

USA Gymnastics


A flslH!)'I! l>iell' of lI'here the actio II t(XJk place. The Ch(llllpionships A,.ena in Blldapest. Hllngary. (Right) The ll.5A mell's teall/ marches into the elrelUl at the heginllillg of the 1983 World Championships ill their Tomhoy sllptJlied olll/its. (Opposite page IIptJer left) Natalia Yllrchenko of the SOI'iet Unioll placed first ill the all-arollnd. Beside her is Dmitri Belozerch"", also of the .'itJl 'iet Union. ll'llS the (I11~/1Y)II,ul 11 ';1111(:'1' in the lllen 's rompetitio//. (Beloll ') The Chinese men stand ()11 parade ill the arena. . (Photr~< hI' TonI' Dt1ffl')


the previous round, the U.S.'s McNamara displayed more amplitude, had better composition and performed flawlessly but only scored 9.85. Judging wa~ severely at fault here. It happened that the judges' draw resulted in three eastern bloc judges being on bars: from Bulgaria, GDR and Romania. The superior judge was Ludmilla Turischeva. The one western judge wa~ from Holland. Agache performed well with excellent form, but lacks dynamics on swing moves. This lack seems to be prevalent in all the Romanian routines. Handstands were not always executed to the maximum, a failure which should call for a score of less than a perfect 10.00 Beam. On beam, Szabo fell doing a series of four back handsprings but still managed to receive a 9.4 5. Agache performed an excellent routine, certainly one of the best of the day. She is an extremely agressive gymnast and has a smile that captivates the audience. Routines of other gymnasts had some flaws, such as balance errors, but they were still scored extremely high. Floor. Routines, especially Szabo's, Agache's and Laura Cutina's were well choreographed and showed excellent complimenting of movement with music. Tumbling was

Olga Mostep(///O/I{/ of the URS (left). /(KJk first in the balance beam and ll'{l$ (/ second place finisoo' ill the all-<II"OIlIId competition. (BeIOlI') Yumi ModlY! of the United States dlllillg her routille 011 the balance beam. (Photos by Tlmy Duffy)

new one was just not up to standard. One looks to the Soviets as leaders in the field of dance in gymnastics, but at Budapest they did not use the music to compliment the performances of their gymnasts. For example, Ilenko, who is perhaps the most graceful gymnast and certainly moves her body better than anyone else, was not able to project herself in her performance. This again was most probably due to the monotony of her music. The Soviets were deserving of the victory. They were a very self-disciplined team, lacking in vitality, maybe, but definitely winners. ROMANIA

Vault. The Romanians performed some exceptional vaulting. Agache executed a 1'/2 twisting Tsukahara, another first for this level of competition. Her form was excellent and one must appreciate the difficulty in landing this vault without deduction . Full-twisting layout Tsuks were performed by Szabo and Murela Barbalata Their vaults were more piked than laid out, but they displayed excellent discipline on landings. Bars. Agache and Szabo both received lO.OO. However, in


USA Gymnastics





exceptional, especially the dismounts, which were strong. During her routine, Szaho went out of hounds, the red flag was held up, hut the deduction W;L~ not taken. She still got a 10.00 The Romanian team is a happy team, its memhers ohviously caring for one another. TIlere was good rapport hetween coaches and gy mn;L~ts . It is an extremely young and talented team from which much can he expected at the Olympics. GDR Vault. The GDR was not exceptionally strong in vault. Gnauck performed a filII-twisting Tsuk very well except for one or two excellent Cuervos, the rest of the team were just average vaulters. However, the scores did not indicate this. Being in the last round W;L~ advantageous for them. Bars_ Here they had some major hreaks. Again they were overscored, a situation that was frustrating to teams in earlier rounds who performed hetter routines. Their routines were similar and compositionally were lacking. However, their technique was excellent. Gnauck performed a Delchev, an element that was new to her routine of nearly three years. The Jaeger SaIto was the most common element in GDR routines. Beam_ Again, they displayed impeccahle execution hut no dramatic elements. TIle most surprising aspect of their heam routines was the lack of a difficult dismount. A numher of girls, including Maxi, dismounted with a douhle twist. It is imperative these days to have a solid dismount, the douhle hack heing almost a prerequisite to a world class routine. Floor. Here a keen sense of rhythm and good execution of dance and gymnastic elements was displayed. However, the difficulty level was not high, with Maxi showing an excellent full-in and triple twist, hut dismounting with a douhle twist. The rest of the team performed at an even lower level of difficulty. Maxi got a 9.9 for floor exercise in the all-around competition hut fell performing her triple twist in optionals. BULGARIA Vault. This is a good event for the Bulgarians and they were fortunate to open their optional competition with it. This opening schedule was due to their fifth place finish after compulsories. Boriana Stoyanova performed a good Tsuk full in a piked position with excellent landings. TIlis team was impressive, especially on landings. All the girls scored well and performed a variety of vaults, including cuervos and layout Tsuks. Bars. Bars were very much a weak event for this otherwise strong team. Grancharova's routine was muscled through with poor composition and little swing. As a team, their routines were exceptionally clean but lacked the hig tricks and the necessary swing to enable efficient use of release elements. Beam. Bulgarians performed aggressively on this event. They showed the typical layout somersaults and other compositional requirements; they dismounted exclusively with double backs. Grancharova's single back handspring to double back is impressive. Stoyanova shows a remarkahle aptitude to perform under pressure. According to one of her coaches, the more pressure applied to her, the hetter she performs. Floor. Disco style was prevalent in all the Bulgarian routines. Grancharova performed with a preciseness and quickness which few could hope to manage. Topalova was more serene and her layout pike double back first pass was exceptionally high. Stoyanova's and Grancharova's filII-in,

La"inia Agache oj Romania Jinished third in the halance heam. second in the tl(lIIlt. second in the tlllet'eII hars and JOllrth in the floor exerdse.She IIsed this to place sixth in the al/路arollnd. (photo hy Tony DIIJ/J')

USA Gymnastics


hack-out somersaults were well executed and had excellent landings. This team is polished. They have achieved a high level of difficulty in all events and have the ahility to hit under pressure. CHINA Vault. This event is definitely the weakest in the performance of the Chinese team. They made layolJt Tsuks look like hard work. If it had not heen for their great agility and flexihility, some of their Cuervos could quite easily have landed head first. All their vaults were low and almost the entire team fell on one of their vaults in competition. Bars. The Chinese have perfect hodies with perfect lines for hars. As a team, their compulsory dismounts were unequalled hy any other. They did have some unnecessary hreaks which tarnished their reputation of heing the world's hest in this event. TIleir reverse hechts did not have much flight hut their unique flexihility enahled them to recatch the har without difficulty. Their form and toe point were unequalled: even the Soviets were outc1<l';sed hy this young group in the matter of perfection of hody lines. Beam. Beautiful lines, expressive arms and superh execution were marred hy uncertainty and the ohvious pressure they put on themselves during this vulnerahle event. They made mistakes which should not have happened at the World Championships.

Kef()1 Gal7is(JIl. from tbe Ullited States. goes throllgh her floor exerdse rolltille. (photo hy TOllY DllffJl)


Floor. The Chinese moved well to their music and showed expressive arm and hody movements. They fell short in the execution of difficult elements. The execution of fullin, hack-out somersaults was low; douhle-hack somersaults were mostly done cowhoy-style. Ma's tumhling was weak. However, her dance is excellent and she always manages to draw a good score from the judges. The Chinese were fourth after compulsories and were in the final round of the optional compeition, yet they performed far helow w~at they are capahle of. Major hreaks allowed the Bulgarians to overtake them. This was quite possihly the worst performance of the Chinese at this level of competition. CZECHOSLOVAKIA Vault. This predominantly young team, led hy an experienced Lahakova, performed well on vault hut their level of difficulty was rather low. They were polished especially in their tucked handspring fronts. Bars. The Czechs were weak on hars in that they performed few respectable release moves and their routines did not swing that well. Lahakova was superior to her teammates in technical excellence and this, added to the consistency of the performances of all the Czechs on hars, kept the scores elevated enough to push at China's lead. Beam. Here they performed with rare excellence. Their compulsory scores were perhaps too high but they were not too high in optionals. Their consistency and aggressiveness throughout the optional phase justified the good scores they attained. They performed with confidence and with an exuberance which radiated 'a pressureless situation. Floor. Their musical arrangements were good, a<; was the comRosition of their floor routines. However, they performed many front flips to a prone drop, either in a combination tumbling pass or separately and this detracted from the overall performance level. They did this to get additional risk value but after two or three girls, this element became quite boring. Hana Ricna, who had led her team with a very respectable 39. JO in compulsories and who hat! scored 9.65, 9.85, and 9.90 so far in optionals, fell on both her double-back tumbling passes. As a whole, this Czechoslovakian team performed well with very few errors counting in their team score. They dropped one place from 1981 , where they placed 5th. Until their difficulty level is improved, they will have a tough time holding onto 6th place at the Olympics in 1984.

USA Gymnastics



Vault. TIlis predominantly inexperienced team performed excellent compulsory vaults counting five stuck I,mdings. Tanya Service started off with a good 9.7 layout Tsuk and the rest of the girls performed to the best of their ability, making this event their highest scoring. In Moscow, in 1981 , it was the USA's lowest scoring event, so it was good to see how great the improvement actually was now. However, they did still take some unnecessary deductions with steps on landing and not always good form . Bars. Other than Julianne McNamara, this was not a good event for the USA in team competition. There were two bad breaks in compulsories and two more in optionals. After splendidly performing her two release moves·Tkachev and Geinger·Kathy Johnson fell on her dismount. She also bent her legs in her giant swing prior to dismount. The difficulty level was more than adequate, with all the girls performing at le,L~t one rele<L~e move. On the pOSitive side, the Americans had superior composition and good use of swing; on the negative side, they need to clean up their foqn and work harder on their dismount l;mdings. Beam. In the compulsory round, this team hit their elements better than any other team, but their obvious fear of the competition and lack of flexibility kept their scores down. Kathy Johnson should have scored higher but her teammates' scores did not set her up to receive the high scores given to top competitors of other teams. In optionals, their dismounts were weak, with only three girls performing double backs. Their precision of movement and lack of ultimate extension held the scores down in the optional round , although their difficulty level on beam was comparable to the other teams. Floor. In the compulsory round, the entire team W<L~ underscored , a circumstance that was frustrating. In optionals, Julianne McNamara and Pam Bileck performed full·ins, but Bileck did not make hers. Kathy Johnson performed well and displayed good form throughout. Tanya Service lost at le<L~t a tenth on all her tumbling landings. Her expression and composition were good and she received a good score of 9.6S. This team dropped from 6th place to 7th since the last World Championships for re<L~ons previously discussed and also for these re<L~ons : not enough emphasis h<L~ been placed on the performance of compulsory routines. Similarly, not enough emph<L~is h<L~ been p(aced on execution in the performance of elements, that is, in attaining maximum amplitude and in extending every move to the ultimate. More emph<L~is needs to be placed on connections. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY

Vault. Haug performed a very good tucked Cuervo for a 9.8 in optionals and a 9.9 in the all·around. The rest of the team performed excellently, receiving a high team score of 49.0S. Execution was good but as a team they lacked height and distance. Bars. Their execution was good as they did not give away any tenths due to form. Their movements were precise but they did lack swing and they definitely lacked the big release tricks which are so necessary at this level of competition. Their improvement from 1981 W<L~ quite phenomenal, as their scores indicated. Beam. The elements they performed on beam were quite respectable and well executed but they lacked difficulty in their dismounts. The double· back somersault dismounts they did perform were cowboyed with unstable landings. They had two falls. It was apparent they felt the press~lre of fighting to stay ahead of the Hungarians on the one hand and on the other, of trying to pull ahead of the Americans. This was their last event and they were obviously nervous. Tanya Sel'l'ce. in jl/sf her firsf World Champiol/ships. came fhrol/~h l/1th flying colors h)1 placil/~ 22nd al/·arol/nd. (Phofo hy Tony Oliff)')

USA Gymnastics

Jan'!Feb. 1984 Floor. Their work W;l~ clean and they moved well to their music. Tumbling was generally weak and only one girl executed a full-in. Most of the team dismounted with a double twist. The FRG have improved dramatically on all four events since the last World Championships in 1981. Their improvement was predominantly in the performance of compulsory routines, where they displayed good discipline and excellent execution of the compulsory elements. Their form was better, as was their performance level all-around. In short, the FRG were a well-trained team who put in a most impressive performance. Men's All-Around Final There wa~ noting very exciting about the men's all-around finals in the sense of gymna~ts competing with one another, as they did in the team competition. In - the absence of excitement-at least for the spectators-interest consisted in watching gymna~tics at the highest level. Dmitri Belozerchev started off tied with Tong Fei at 59.35. However, during his second rotation, Tong Fei fell from the high bar performing his dekhev and then fell on his dismount. Two faults resulted in a score of 8.75. He then apparently gave up on the all-around and performed only watered-down routines in order to conserve his energies for the individual apparatus finals on Sunday. After leading his team to victory two days earlier, "he finished 19th in the all-around. Similarly Li Ning started off in third place but fell from pommels on his very first event, scoring 9.4. Thus, the top two Chinese eliminated themselves early on in the evening and the baton pa~sed to Lou "yun, who had started in 7th place. Lou Yun, who won the hearts of many female gymnasts in Los Angeles in 1982 during the USA vs. People's Republic of China meet, rose to the occasion. After two rotations, he wa~ in fifth place and after the fifth rot"ation, he had moved up to third. He maintained this position to the end. The other casualty of the evening was Alex Pogore\ov of the USSR. He started in fifth place, in the same group as the three American gymna~ts , the group that began competition in the normal way with floor exercise. He moved up to fourth place after a 9.9 on pommels and to second place after a brilliant 10.0 on rings. He appeared ready to finish in second place after another 9.9, this time on vault but then, most unexpectedly, fell from parallel bars and then, even worse, fell from high bar attempting his Geinger I '/2 and stumbled landing his dismount. His 9.2 on parallel bars and 9.35 on high bar dropped him from second to nineth place. To take the places of the fallen, Koji Gushiken moved up from sixth place to second and Artur Akopian of the USSR moved up from fourth place to tie Lou Yun in third. After the competition, China's coach said he thought fatigue had a lot to do with the demise of Tong Fei and Li Ning. Certainly the demands of the team competition must have drained both teams of a great deal of energy. Since Pogorelov's fall came during his last events, quite possibly fatigue had affected him, too. In contrast to the ups and downs of the leaders, the positions of the Americans showed gradual improvement. Starting off in 13th, 14th and 16th places, Mitch Gaylord, Peter Vidmar and Bart Conner retained their relative order and moved up to eighth, nineth and 11 th positions. Generally they received scores of 9.65 to 9.8 but each had one 9.9: Mitch Gaylord on high bar, Peter Vidmar on rings and Bart Conner on bar. Consistency was their hallmark. Peter even watered down his final routine by eliminating one of his three release moves on high bar so as not to endanger his scoring. The 9 ..8 he received justified his decision. (Even a 10.00 would not have altered his position relative to that of his teammate, Mitch Gaylord.) Commenting on the performance of his team, Coach Abie Grossfeld said, ''I'm really proud of our guys. They did wonderfully. Placing 8th, 9th, and 11th, they really moved up


a lot, all three of them and they did a great job today. They were tremendous." The reactions of our top man, Mitch Gaylord, reflected well-earned happiness. "I'm extremely happy with my placing. It was my first world championships. Top 10 wa~ my goal before the meet started and I ended up in eighth. It was just a tremendous feeling walking out there with the big boys. I only wish our team could have done a little better. Hopefully by '84, we'll be up in the bronze medal r;mge. We're looking forward to that." Most consistent of all wa-; the performance of the overall winner, Dmitri Belozerchev of the USSR. He wa~ every inch a champion. I found myself pulling for himso that he would in no way mar his brilliant record. His scores were: 9.95-pommels 9.95-parallel bars 9.95-rings 1O.00-high bar 10.00-vault IO.OO-floor Leonid Arkaev, head coach of the USSR's men's team, once said that one of his most outstanding qualities is that he is never disturbed by circumstances, his only concern being the proper execution of his routines. That same head coach showed his sense of humor during a press conference. One questionner noted that the 1981 World Champion was 18 years old but that the 1983 champion wa~ only 16. How old would the 1985 world champion be? Without hesitation, the coach replied, "eighteen". Indeed it is difficult to foresee when ' Belozerchev's career will end. Like Alexander the Great, he may break down and cry "that there are no more worlds to conquer." Women's All-Around Finals The women's all-around was expected to be a fierce competition between the top gymnasts of the top countries. Instead, Yurchenko and Mostepenova breezed through with only a few minor deductions while Szabo, Agache and Maxi Gnauck all had low scores on beam. Stoyanova and Frolova had nothing but minor deductions and placed in strong fourth and fifth positions. Kati Szabo's ability is evidenced by the fact that even with 9.6 on beam, she still ended up with a total of 39.55. This was because of 1O.0's on vault and floor and 9.95 on bars. Her 9.45 in optional beam and 9.60 in all-around beam were severe handicaps which allowed Yurchenko's and Mostepanova's 9.9's to have a telling effect. Here are some of the other highlights of the competition: In round one, Tanya Service's 9.6 on beam for a routine which concluded with a double-back dismount, was the highest in her group. In this group were Agache of Romania, Labakova of Czechoslovakia and McNamara of the USA. 9.6 was an excellent score for this young American gymnast, especially considering the circumstances and that beam was her first event. It was in this first rotat.ion that Agache had her fall from beam doing a punch front somersault and received 9.35. Two gymnasts who made up for falls during optionals were Kathy Johnson who scored 9.8 on bars and Hana Ricna of Czechoslovakia who scored 9.75 on floor. Natalya Yurchenko started her march to victory with 10.0 for each of two Tsukahara full twists, both starting with round-offs on floor. On bars, Maxi Gnauck, Kati Szabo and Stoyanova led the field with 10'. 0, 9.95, and 9.9 while the other front runner Mostepanova e.arned a 9.85 on floor. In round two, Kathy Johnson distinguished herself with a brilliant 9.80 on beam, being tied in this event with Stoyanova and Topalova of Bulgaria It was in this rotation that Maxi Gnauck fell from beam and received 9.3 and that Szabo had a severe wobble and received 9.6. Agache, fighting back from her 9.35 on beam, won a 9.9 on floor. As she had in optionals, Mostepanova received a 10.0 for her piked cuervo, a score that moved her all-around placing up. However, Olga's 9.7 in compulsory vault will keep her out of apparatus finals.

USA Gymnastics


Jan.lFeb. 1984


Round 3 was the turn of Sylvia Rau of East Germany to fall from heam and so drop out of contention, while Yurchenko and Frolova hoth earned 9.9 on heam. Kati Szaho won \0.0 for the floor exercise that would win her the gold medal on floor next day in apparatus finals, while Maxi Gnauck and Stoyanova each received 9.9 on floor. Kathy Johnson received 9.H. Yvone Haug of the FRG won 9.9 for her tucked Cuervo v.lult and Julianne McNamara similarly won 9.9 for her Tsukahara tuck, full twist. Mostep,mova received a 9.8 for her hars perform,mce while Gahrielle Fahnrich of the GDR came into the limelight for the first time with 9.9'; on hars. Fahnrich's routine will place her fifth in hars apparatus finals. In the final round, Kathy Johnson stuck her layout Tsukahara vault for a 9.9 and Kati Szaho received \0.0 for her full-twisting piked Tsukahara. Stoyanova and Gnauck also received 9.9. Agache continued to fight hack from her heam fall and received 9.9 on hars. In this rotation, Julianne McNamara, who had fallen forward on landing her full-in, hack-out somersault and also fell on her triple full second pass on floor in second rotation for a 9.2';, was another gymnast who fought hack. She received 9.9 on hars. ., Beam in this final rotation was distinguished pflmanly hy Olga Mostepanova who did not show a trace of hesitation or uncertainty hut gracefully and artistically flowed through her exquisite routine. Besides many difficult .elements, her routine includes a high attitude scale that WIll undouhtedly he the suhject of a countless numher of photographs. On floor, Yurchenko received 10.0 for her floor exercise routine, which includes full-in, hack-out and douhle-hack somersaults; and Frolova received 9.9 for her routine which had similar tumhling except that her douhle-hack was preceded hy a whiphack. Yurchenko's floor did not create the I,L<;ting artistic impression that some of her famous forhears have in their floor exercises. By far the most arresting of all the routines of all the USSR gymn<L<;ts W<L<; Olga Mostepanova's routine on heam. The final all-around standings did not change in the final rotation, except that Maxi Gnauck moved ahead of Grancharova. Men's Apparatus Finals The routines of the men's finals are listed in a special hox with this article. Here I will only attempt to add a few remarks. . Floor. It W<L<; very good to see Tong Fei make a comehack after his letdown in the all-around finals following the magnificent Chinese team victory. He won the gold medal for floor exercise. His routine opened with a douhle side somersault and included an intermediate move of a fulltwisting "hutterfly." This rarely-seen element consists of a full twist about the horizontal axis without any somersault. Bbelozerchev, Li Ning and Yuri Korolev all performed flairs that rose from being low on the floor to overhead. In the routines section, these are referred to <L<; "flairs through to handstand." It is a spectacular element. Bart Conner placed a very respectahle fifth on floor. Pommels. Silver medalist Guczoghy from Hungary is following in the footsteps of his famous countryman, Zoltan Magyar, who was gold medalist on pommels in the 1974, 1978 and 1979 World Championships. The popular hometown boy placed fifth all-around. Rings. The 9.9'; scored by crowd favorite Li Ning on rings was roundly booed by the crowd who thought he should have received the same 10.0 as was awarded to Belozerchev and Gushiken. This was the only such major disturhance over judging in the whole championships. It went on fro~ the conclusion of Li Ning's routine (he was last up- until the playing of the Soviet and Japanese anthems. Then it resumed until vault began. It even intesified as Belozerchev and Gushiken received their gold medals. Li Ning had gone

USA Gymnastics

into rings with the highest score, 9.9'; hut came out .1rd and the crowd did not like it. Vault. Full-twisting Tsukaharas and handspring front somersaults with '/2 twist were the most common vaults. The popular Li Ning came back for another medal and teammate Lou Yun placed fourth. Artur Akopian won the gold medal for the USSR. Parallel Bars. A third Soviet, Vladimir Artemov, won a gold medal and Lou Yun moved up to share first place with him. High Bar. High bar finals were a discomfit~lre to ~eter Vidmar who fell during his Markelov to immedIate Gemger release sequence, as he did during the pre-Olympics .Iast August. This was doubly unfortunate beca~se P~ter was m a very strong position going in (three-way tIe WIth Watanabe and Tong Fei at 9.9 behind Morisue) and could have won a medal with a good routine. His routine is the equal of Belozerchev's in difficulty and Makoto Sakamoto says they do not anticipate any changes. He has a real inc~ntive ~o w.o rk hard on it in the months preceding the OlympICS. ThIrd ttme lucky, Peter. Mitsuaki Watanabe of Japan, who won high bar in the Los Angeles pre-Olympics last August with his .spectacularly beautiful routine that included two consecuttve Tkachevs and a flyaway double layout full-twisting back so~e.rsault dismount, lost out in high bar finals in Budapest by falltng to make a kip after his two consecutive Tkachevs. So preoccupied had he been in making h_is Tkach.evs that .h~ lost concentration afterwards and mIssed thIS perfect I) simple move, a kip. . Pogorelov won a well-deserved silver m~dal for hIS innovative routine that includes Geinger full twISt and Jaeger full from dislocate grip and a triple back somersa~llt dismount. His 9.95 would have been a 10.00 and won hIm the gold medal except for a step forward on landing. Women's Apparatus Finals Vault. Natalya Yurchenko was first up on vault, did a round-off, full-twisting Tsuk and received 9.9. It was a good vault, with only a little hop on landing. On her second vault, a Tsukahara full-twist, she landed heavily, injured her knee and had to be carried off. The exciting gold medal winner, Boriana Stoyanova of Bulgaria, performed an excellent Tsuk full, tuck position for a 9.95 and then a cuervo, for a 9.9. Stoyanova has been very consistent on her vaults , having received 9.9 in compulsories, optionals and all-around. Her two vaults represent the standard of difficulty in vaulting. It is noteworthy that the gold medal winner was from Bulgaria, the two silver medalists were from Romania and the fourth place winner was from the GDR, thus showing the strength in vault of the eastern countries outside the USSR. Bars. Julianne McNamara, first up, had bad luck and missed her Jaeger flip. Her weakened condition due to sickness may have contributed to this error. Maxi Gnauck won bars with a routine that included a freehip to a giant swing to a De1chev and a stomach whip flank over. This is a vault over the high bar with a V2 twist to regrasp the high bar. As in vault, Agache and Szabo of Romania tied for second place but this time Frolova of the Soviet Union placed fourth . Beam. Olga Mostepanova once again showed her superstar status by winning beam with 9.9. Hana Ricna showed there is strength in the Czech team by taking second, tied with Agache of Romania. Floor. Kati Szabo was the unquestionned winner of floor exercise, though it must be remembered that Yurchenko did not compete. both received 1O.0's in the all-around, but Szabo would have had a slight lead, as she received 10.0 in optionals and Yurchenko, a 9.9. Szabo's routine is unbelievably dynamic and exciting.


Jan.!Feb. 1984 Q

& Q A




Questions and Answers with Kathy Johnson Do you have any thoughts, looking back on the competition as a whole, as to what it's going to take to get us up to the level of the top three teams? Well, it's going to take intense training and , of course, having our top six girls out on the floor. I don't mean to take anything away from the team we had here because they all outdid themselves in the competition. But it's going to take a change in training. We in our country don't train to be the top three in the world. I think we need to isolate all the areas we need to strengthen and work on them individually. When they're put together, we can be in the top three. Does that mean a change in the club structure we have? It has to start down in the grass roots. There's just not enough emphasis on strength, flexibility and basics, dance and performance-all these things that the Russians and the Chinese have mastered in comparison with anyone else. They can always get better. Are you talldng about the Chinese men? Well, the Chinese, say in their tumbling and in their strength . 111ey've strengthened parts of their bodies that others have not even thought about. Our guys need to do that and , on the girls side, just overall performance is something we need to work on. It's not going to be a matter of just hitting our routines. We've got to do much, much more than that. 111at's not going to get the job done. We've got to really kick in and get stronger. And now I'm speaking for myself. I've got to get even stronger, although I'm stronger now than I ever was.

You need to get stronger in order to do some of the more difficult tricks? A Not only the more difficult tricks but in order to be able to make the tricks even if you make a slight error. You've got to have more of a reserve of strength. That comes from trainjng. There are just a lot of things that need to be worked on: simple things, like toepoint. It's not even' complete with girls on our team. They need better toepoint, better footwork on floor , more center strength on beam. The entire performance needs to be upgraded. To Dmitri Belozerchev. Which is more difficult: the team competition, when you had the pressure of close competition with another team, like the Chinese, or the finals, when you're all by yourself? A For me the finals are more difficult. Q When did you get your first perfect score? A I got the first 10.0 top mark in my life at the European Junior Championships in Ankara in 1982. Q What is your favorite apparatus? A Vault is my favorite apparatus. It is a very stable apparatus for me and I feel much more secure there. Q Can you remember the exact date when you became interested in gymnastics? Howald were you? What were your height and weight? A It was on November 20th, 1973, but I don't remember my size at that time. It was the first day I went to the gymnasium. The first time there I was not accepted because they didn't like me or they were not interested in me; but I gradually improved my skills, my knowledge and my technique and finally I became a gymnast. (Note: the date Belozerchev refers to would have been shortly before his seventh birthday.) Later, Belozerchev made these comments: "Everything came together here. I received 10 points on the pommel-horse four times, but I would like to change my whole exercise on this apparatus for Los Angeles. Q

Katby joblls01l, of tbe U5, competes ber floor exercise j obllsoll placed e;gbtb ;/1 tb;s elJl!lIt alld lllb ;11 tbe all,lrmmd competition. (pboto by TOllY Duffv)

/Ji/i(//U/ (ill(!orglli/l(/, RlIlgarill


By Cheryl Grace


he Rhythmic World Gymnastics Championships in Strasbourg, France, Nov. 10-13, 1983, proved to be the spotlight preview of what can be expected from Rhythmic Gymnastics at the 1984 Olympic

Games. Still a young sport, this World Championship marked the 11th such championship held; the first showcased in Budapest, Hungary in 1963. Yet, Rhythmic Gymnastics has all the excitement of a Broadway show, combined with athletic ability and the thrill of competition. It is in the same


Jan./Feb. 1984 category of Artistic Gymnastics and Figure Skating, as the kind of sport spectators can thoroughly enjoy without having high technical knowledge of the rules. The sport began with individual all-around competition in the first two World Championships. The competition format was then expanded to Group Exercise at the 1967 World Championships. As the sport grows, the technical skill advancement is becoming sophisticated and specialized. It becomes almost impossible for group exercise gymnasts to be in contention for success in world class competitions without training together year-round. The difficulty between handling of the object (rope, hoop, ball clubs and ribbon) and the music, combined with the gymnasts' dance and gymnastics excellence, has become the trademark of the world's best. In addition, the choreography and composition of the exercise has become more original and difficult. World Class Rhythmic performance first demands precision and accuracy when handling the apparatus, even with the most simple basic skills. Tosses of the apparatus must be exact, with ease and sureness of execution. Every top gymnast catches the apparatus precisely with the music, while performing difficult dance movements, as opposed to concentration and eye contact with the apparatus. Because the level of difficulty and composition of the exercises are becoming more balanced, the element that elevates the World Champion is flawless and precise execution, dynamic flexibility and amplitude of all movements, and mastery of all dance movements with particular attention to good footwork. After observing the World Rhythmic gymnasts in Strasbourg, the following trends are noted: GROUP EXERCISES: (Apparatus: Hoop and Rope)-Many rapid and mUltiple jumps with the rope; difficult combinations and exchanges including catching and tossing the apparatus with the feet; sideward and blind backward tosses, combined with gymnastics rolls while cathing the apparatus instinctively, connections of the hoop and rope to create unusual patterns, choreography to include small solo performances while the remaining gymnasts perform complicated synchronized patterns. INDIVIDUAL EXERCISES: High level exercises contain several difficult movements prior to catching apparatus, with most caught in deep arabesque scales or blind behind the body; multiple pirouettes on one foot; several dynamic long passes with quick level changes. PERFORMANCES: Routines which started off with a fast pace and dramatic opening seemed to have a better

impression. For the routine to start with a slow pace program, the gymnast must be an excellent dancer with a flair for drama and expression. All movements must have filII coordination with the music, be complimentary to the gymnast's ability and at the same time, utilize facial expression to capitalize a polished performance. APPEARANCE: World Class gymnasts are thin, but not starved and there is a difference! The body is the epitamy of physical fitness, sleek with complete muscle tone. General appearance is immaculate and groomed and make-up almost to the point of theatrical, is essential to achieve the filII effect. HOOP EVENT: High tosses by the gymnast who then performs a high kick in which the hoop drops down over the body, followed by another toss initiated by the foot. Multiple jumps with the hoop as if it were a jump rope, leaps and jumps through the hoop followed by gymnastics rolls; several tosses and catches by the feet. BALL EVENT: This event tells a story, emphasis on Iyrism and gracefillness; unrestricted continuous movements with the ball rolling on arms, shoulders, legs and back. Dynamic expression is essential, similar to an actress reflecting in a play. Fast movements include bounces and tosses with the feet. RIBBON EVENT: Emphasis on the ribbon creating interesting and original patterns and shapes with the whole ribbon participating in the pattern. Quick, energetic movements but without continuous eye contact on the apparatus. High tosses, catching the ribbon at both ends, to form spacial patterns coordinating movements with the body and ribbon. CLUBS: The clubs may become the most spectacular event of the Olympic Games. The throwing and regrasping of the clubs is more detailed than the art of juggling. Faultless handling of the clubs requires a unique skill, speed and timely reaction. Backward flip-tosses and catches outside the field of vision and body rolls with the clubs (similar to the Ball apparatus) prevail. Alternate execution , such as throwing one club during a leap, (the other club involved in a movement) and then catching the club during the second leap intensifies the amplitude of the movement. ATTIRE: Complimentary leotard and color of apparatus plays an important roll. Generally apparatus that is solid black seems to lose its effect in tosses as it blends with the crowd. Bright, solid colored leotards, with two or three colored stripes on apparatus is very effective. Rainbow colored ribbon is always a favorite, and black, used as a complimentary color in the apparatus along with other colors, becomes striking.

By Tony Duffy


y winning all six gold medals (two of them shared with the Soviet Union) Bulgaria dominated the World Championships (see results list) in Strasoourg, France, November 1983. Great interest was focused on this World Championships as it was the last chance to see the Worlds leading competitors in action before the sport makes it debut as a new Olympic event in Los Angeles. If the reaction of the American crowd and media is anything like that of the French, the sport will be a great success at the Olympics. Dazzingly elegant and artistic this new sport emphasizes feminine grace and beauty. The average age of the competitors is much older than in the case of artistic gymnastics, which has been dominated for the last 10 years by very young girls.


USA GymnastiCS


Jan./Feb. 1984



hirty-one judges from ~~ countries were present for the individual competition and 21 judges for the group competition. Selection of judges was done by a draw for the preliminary competitions. Neither Norma Zabka (USA group judge) nor Andrea Schmid (USA individual judge) drew a place on the preliminary meets judging panel. Judges who had not judged during the preliminary meets were selected to judge at the trials. We were very unfortunate but it was a fair way of selecting judges for the competition. Judging was generally good in two events. hoop and ribbon. Scoring increased very much in the other two events. There W;l~ a tendency to increase the points awarded from one day to the next. For example. the first day of the preliminary competition. the average ball score wa~ 9.0 and clubs 9. 1 and in the second day competition. the average score increased to 9.2 for the ball and 9 .:~ for the clubs. Unfortunately. two USA competitors. Michelle Ikrulw and Valerie Zimring competed in the first rotation in these events of the first day competition. In this rotation the scores were even lower than the average. For instant. ball average score in the A group in the first day rotation wa~ H.9 and 9.0 for clubs. In the second day \;l~t rotation in these events. gymnasts received an average 9 . ~ and 9.4S respectively. Some judges favored their own !.')'mnasts and judged their immediate competitors unfavorably. TIlree judges were. therefore. not allowed to be considered to judge at the finals. To my knowledge this happened the first time in the World Championships. Hopefully, this decision by the FIG Rhythmic Gymna<;tic Technical Committee Chairperson Mme Rinaldi will make judging fairer and more accurate in the future. Results of Competition (21 Group Teams) The USA team performance in group competition was a disappointment. We placed 18th, 7 place below our

The exercises with hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon are a combination of ballet , jazz, pre acrobatic elements. expression and sheer athletic brilliance and frequently had the audience on its feet cheering. The star of the show was the All-Around winner OILIANA GUEORGUIVA of Bulgaria who also shared the gold in two individual events. Her two compatriots ANELIA RALENKOVA (one gold) and LILIA IGNATOVA (two golds) helped overshadow the Soviets. The Soviet star DALIA KUTKAITIE who was expected to challenge the Bulgarians performed poorly by her own high standards. The best Soviet was the newest girl GALINA BELOGLAZOVA who tied for two gold medals. Both girls were slim and blonde and could have been twin sisters. There were some strong performances from unexpected countries, especially young MARTA BOBO of Spain, who finished in the top 10 and looked a great prospect. In the group routine competition (which will not be included in the Olympic programme) the team from the

USA Gymnastics

placement in the 198 I World Championships. The team scored 1.1 points lower than at the last World Championships in Munich . This was our poorest performance ever which can be contributed to poor training circumstances and problems concerning team selection. The most exciting. original and risky group routine was done by the Korean team. They placed third behind the Bulgarian and Soviet teams. Individual (9 ~ competitors) As I mentioned before we were not very lucky with our drawing. In addition our gymn;l~ts all had problems with some of their routine in the first day of competition but came back strong in the second day. As a novice Michelle Berube finished ~4th (:)7.00) ; Valerie Zimring 48th 06. SS ) and Lydia Bree 66th (:)S.9S), missing the FIG Insignia by a mere O.OS. TIlis is the first time that American Rhythmic G)111l1a~t achieved this distinguished mark. Valerie also scored the highest American score ever in the World Championships-9. SS for her excellent hoop routine. Expert found our gymn;l~ts very dynamic and their routines original ;md difficult. I am confident that we can make the 20women all-around final at the Olympic Games. The performance of the Bulgarian gymna~ts were thrilling to watch and left no doubt that they are the superstars in Rhythmic Gymna~tics. TIle top three Bulgarians were awarded twelve maximum score, 10.00 points. for their faultless routines. TIle top two Soviet gymna~ts made a breakthrough in the present Bulgarian hegemony and won two gold medals. For their impressive. cla~sical . well executed routine they were also awarded six 10's. The sport showed tremendous progress in the degree of difficulty, performance technique. overall compositions and the required qualities of expression in dance. I am sure it will be a great success at the Olympic Games in 1984. All-Around I. Gueorguiva BUL (~9. S ) 2. Ignatova BUL (~9.60) 2. Beloglazova USSR (~9.60) 2. Ralenkova BUL 09.60)

Peoples' Republic of Korea stole the show with an original and flawless routine. The crowd "roasted" the judges for their poor marks to the North Koreans and in fact these marks were twice revised but still were only sufficient to give North Korea a bronze medal . WORLD CHAMPIONS 1983 Team-Bulgaria ALL-AROUND -DiLIANA GUEORGUIVA (Bulgaria) -ANELIA RALENKOVA (Bulgaria) HOOP - Tie: GEORGUIVA & LILLA IGNATOVA BALL (Bulgaria) -Ti~ : GEORGUIVA & GALINA CLUBS BELOGLAZOVA (USSR) -Tie: BELOGLAZOVA (USSR) & IGNATOVA RIBBON (Bulgaria ).




.--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jan.lFeb. 1984 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-----,

Daggett, Meeker Star In English Meet At 1983 Coca-Cola Invitational In London By Bill Meade


he USGF delegation to the Coca Cola Invitational gathered at JFK on December 7th for departure on British Airways flight #174. Bill Meade was the delegation leader and as it turned out also became coach for the men when Mas Watanabe decided not to go. Gymnasts selected were Lisa Wittwer and Michelle Dusserre with Mr. Scott Crouse acting as their coach. Tim Daggett and Brian Meeker were the men selected. Two gymnasts from each of the countries invited were to compete in competition II on December 10th and the top six from this competition were selected for Competition III Finals on December 11 tho Gymnasts from Soviet Union, Peoples Republic of China, Japan. Cuba, USA and the host Great Britain. The gymnasts were all at a high level with the gymnasts being reserves or competing members of the 1983 World Games teams. The delegation arrived in London at 07:40 hr. Wembley Arena was well set up with a podium and Continental Equipment. The equipment was good with just a few comments about the floor exercise area being a little hard. As the blood started circulating this no longer became a problem. and everybodys ankles still spoke to them after the practice. Men's Report



Floor Exercise: We discovered early that any scores that the gymnasts were going to get would have to be earned. Brian did a good set with two big steps out of his full in and received only a 9.00. But in looking back his score was in line with the two to three tenth deduction. Tim did a very good job with only a slight bobble on his front , front. Full路ins were in abundance and a couple of arabian double fronts. Balabanov had a couple of flexibility moves that the judges seemed to like and they rewarded him with the top score. Did see an arabian 2'/2 by Amador of Cuba in practice but at the time it looked like a mistake and it was evident by his performance later in the competition that he was bothered. It was an eye catcher but looked a little risky. Pommel Horse: Brian did a fine job and received a 9.30. Probably his best exercise ever. Tim did a great job but kicked the end of the horse on his flare handstand to a dismount which allowed Andrew Morris of Great Britain to tie him at 9.55. Tim no doubt was class performer on horse but Yamawaki of Japan stayed with him with a 9.50. Rings: Both Tim and Brian were a little shakey and Tim touched down quite hard on his triple dismount and took a 8.95 score which dropped him out of contention in the all路 around. Balabanov showed good strength and a nice piked double front with a half twist dismount. Vaulting: Vaulting was very good with handspring rudy, piked full twisting Tsuk, piked handspring fronts. Brian and Tim were in the race with 9.60. Parallel Bars: Some very nice work done here with Balabanov doing a great giant half twist to handstand into another giant to

USA GymnastiCS

handstand. Healy to upper arm and doubles off the end of the bars. Yamawaki worked in practice on a nice pike in practice but had to tuck it in the meet. Was overscored after touching down. Tim and Brian did good work here. Horizontal Bar: Many releases and one arm combinations. Markalov, Tkachev, layout jaeger, full twisting Geingers and Geingers, triple flyaways, double twisting double flyaways and piked barani outs. Balabanov was impressive here with three releases including iayout Jaeger. Yamawaki also very impressive. Tim did a good job to hang in there. Brian had a great set going but missed his release to drop him out of the finals. Tim's determination to do well after his disaster on rings showed that he is a mature gymnast. After the AA Tim had qualified for five events and Brian two. With tender ankles we decided to scratch Tim out of VaUlting and go for the other four events. It appeared that Balabanov scratched pommel horse when he felt he could not win it so Brian moved up from first alternate. Finals Men: Balabanov did another fine job here and his flexibility still impressed the judges as they came up with a 9.70. Tim did a good job with a little over rotation on his Pike double mount and held on to a bronze medal. Tim was the class of the pommel horse men but was tied for the gold by,Yamawaki by a fair routine, though done well well it did not have the full difficulty that Tim did. Brian hit his best pommel horse routine here and received a fine score of 9.35 . With our problems during rings in the AA we had an opportunity to rest here and watch some fine work. Balabanov again was the high score with Yamawaki and Xie Tiehua of Peoples Republic of China at 9.70. It appeared that more and more strength work is the coming trend. Yamawaki performed two great vaults here when it looked like he could not walk. Great piked full twisting Tsuk and Pike Brani out. Appeared to be in great pain but did not effect his vaults. Parallel Bars continued in the same vein with some very fine work. Balabanov again with great giant '/2 twist to giant handstand. Yamawaki with good healy and better double off end of bars. Tim was impressive and his score of 9.60 was well received. Brian had a good set going but had a little trouble with front somi. straddle cut to drop him down. On the high bar Tim was in a class by himself as he was up second and using two geingers did an excellent job and received a 9.80 that put the pressure on for the rest of the competitors. Balabanov was going for broke with four releases but missed on the fourth one and we knew we had another gold. Final Medal Count for the Men: 4 Gold 1 Silver ( Balabanov ) 3 Gold 1 Bronze 1 Silver (Yamawaki) 2 Gold 3 Bronze (Daggett) USA PRC 2 Silver (Xie Tiehau) 1 Silver 1 Bronze (Amador. Rivera) Cuba GB 2 Bronze (Morris)

USSR Japan


Jan.lFeb. 1984


A NEW WAVE G'IMNAST By Mike Botkin USGF Editor


here is a sport that is about to burst open the scene and let's just hope the world is ready for it, that is if Rhythmic Gymnast Michelle Berube is any example. "Rhythmic Gymnastics is different, and we (the gymnasts) are different," she boasts. Where do Rhythmic Gymnasts come from? Since its reintroduction, this is basically a new sport to this country, how does a girl get involved? Berube's answer to this is: "I was in artistic and my coaches said rhythmics would be good for my dance, so I did both for a year. Then I got sick with strep throat and mono at the same time, so my mom let me choose one and I chose RhythmicS and I'm really happy I did." Adorning herself in some of the latest "new wave" fashions, Berube can safely state last year was a good one for her. The Rochester, Michigan resident took top all-around honors in the USGF Rhythmic National Championships in Chicago, 111., placed first in the National Sports Festival in Colorado Springs, Colo. and was the top US finisher in the recent World Championhips in Strasbourg, France, settling at 34th in the all-around. Even though her World Championship finish wasn't up in the top 20, the 17-year old admits her sport has come a long way in this country, but at the same time, has a long way to go. "The World Championships were a good experience for me. I was excited because I was recognized by some of the higher class judges, which is what we need." She notes that exposure, experience and competitions are needed to propel the US into contention with the world's best. "Speaking for myself, I definitely need a lot of competition. They get me into the competition atmosphere and with them, I get to the point where I'm not so nervous. If you're confident in your routines, you won't mess up," she confided. Because of the high finishes in her latest competitions, you would have to say Berube is one of the favorites in Rhythmic Gymnastics to make the trip to Los Angeles for the Olympic Games, but according to her, there is always a shread of doubt. "Anything can happen at the Nationals and at the Olympic Trials. I'm still kind of afraid. I know I have the talent to make the Olympic team, but I'm going to have to practice every day. I don't need any fancy equipment or leotards, I'll work with what I have. I'm going to concentrate on my amplitude and expression." Off the mats, Berube is very active with her buddies in Michigan. "I like to go out and socialize, but I also like to practice. When I either practice or compete, I am very hard on myself I will practice until I get something right."


When she gets home, she likes to sit around the house, think ahout her routines, and play with her "fat cat Kitty or Poo-Poo." She also likes to discuss the latest box office hits she has seen. "A Night in Heaven" was her latest film and she liked that because "of the dancing involved. " She was also trying to get to a totally different kind of picture in "Gorky Park." Reflecting back to the World Championships, Beruhe had to admit she was "pretty satisfied. " The first day wasn't the worst, like one might expect in such a prestigious event. For her it was the second day of competition. "I did really well during the first day in the hall and hoop events, hut the second day, during the rihhon and cluh events, I was a little nervous." Evaluating her efforts in the different categories, Berube stated "I was a little surprised at the score received (9.30) during the hoop, considering the drop I had. Then during my ball routine I felt really confident. I really couldn't find anything that wrong. I ran off the mat all smiles." But when her score was fl ashed and it read 9.10, she was disappointed. "It's just one of those things. I just passed it off as heing my first World Championships and the judges not really knowing who I was." During the second day of the Championships, Berube was in the very last rotation. She feels this enabled her to score a little higher because "by the time I got to compete, you hasically knew who the winners were." She received a 9.25 in the clubs with a couple of major drops. In the final event of this her first World Championships, Beruhe had to hum the midnight oil. "I was the second-to-Iast person competing. I went on at 12:30 a.m. I was relieved that this was my last routine and I wasn't very nervous at all." For her ribbon routine she received a 9.35. From the competition, Beruhe has gained two very important incentives to spur her in her pursuit of a berth of the USA Rhythmic Olympic squad. " I feel good knowing I was the top US finishers, which was one of my goals coming into the Championships, and knowing I got a 37.00. Sometimes I don't get that score in this country." There were other members of the US Rhythmic Gymnastics team that placed in the all-around in Strausborg and they were; Valerie Zimring, who tallied a 36.550 for a placing of 48th, and Lydia Bree who garnered 35.950 points for a 66th place showing. Wrapping up, Berube stated; "I would like to continue in Rhythmic Gymnastics after the Olympics. would also like to attend college, but we'll have to see. Right now a lot of avenues are opening up to me."

USA Gymnastics


Jan.lFeb. 1984

LEARN TECHNIQUE FROM GARY GOODSON ON VIDEOTAPE Gary Goodson, internationally known lecturer and coach, has devel· oped a superb training system for coaches, judges, gymnasts and parents. These videotapes are available to you individually or as a set, including: #1 VAULT INDIVIDUAL TAPES #2 UNEVEN BARS (45-60 minutes in length) #3 BALANCE BEAM #4 FLOOR EXERCISE #5 PROFILE DRILLS • Technical and physical preparation including the newest RUS· SIAN , CHINESE and AMERICAN material • Demonstrations of preparation and skills by some of the top women gymnasts in the U.S.

Indiana Convention Center & Hoosier Dome

ORDER FORM Please send me the following videotapes : FORMAT: 0 VHS 0 BETA



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Site for 1984 USGF Congress FORM OF PAYMENT

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September 20-23, 1984







NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY STATE _ _~_ ZIP PHONE _ _ __ CLUB/SCHOOL _ _ _ _ _ __


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Staff skit night Camper skit night Extravaganza night (win pizza for .the entire floor) Banquet and a wards night Costume party Staff tumbling demonstration Two camp dances

• • • • • • •

Handstand contests Back handspring contests Flexibility contest Back somi contest Front somi contest Aerial contest Basics contest

··Many of our contests are done by age and ability grouping, and almost all are accompanied by ribbons and medals. or prizes like T-shirts. etc.

SESSION ONE: JULY 1 - JULY 13 SESSION TWO: JUL Y 15 - JULY 27 SESSION THREE: JUL Y 29 - AUGUST 10 For information write:

MICHAEL JACOBSON, BOX 1090, COTUIT, MA 02635 or call: (617) 771-8327



U.S .G.T.e. summer camp is hosted by the Northfield Mount Hermon school , one of the most prestigious private schools in the country. This fact is attested to by some of the former students who attended, such as Frank Shorter, olympic marathon champion , Natalie Cole, famous singer, and T. V . personality David Hartman. Other reasons than this being a beautiful sett ing, and why U.S .G.T.e. has been the III camp for ten years! I. We have more gymnastics and dance gym space than any other U.S. camp! 2. More equipment and mats than any U.S. camp - new each year! 3. More dorm space, showers, locker rooms, etc. than any other camp. 4. No ot her camp has the amount of recreational facilities than at Mt. Hermon . 5. The only major camp with pick up and delivery same day laundry service. 6. The only ca mp with its own post office, barber shop and hair salon. 7. Com plete olympic coverage on our wide-screen T. V. hook up . 8. The largest and most experienced staff of olympic coaches, olympians, national champions, and other o utstand ing teachers!

The weekend in the middle of our two week session is not only filled with gymnastics, but also more excitement and fun than most youngsters experience in a year. We divide the entire camp and staff in half, and engage in over 100 small competitive events which take place in our arena , the fields, the track, the swimming pool , the d o rms , and in our lounge!

CAMP LOCATION Mt. Hermon school is located off Route 91, on Route 10 just a few miles north of Greenfield, Mass. (40 miles north of Springfield, Mass.)

WHY ALL THE FUN AT U.S.G.T.C.??? Many ho urs of gymnastics each day ca n be very demanding. We have found that we can combine exciting events with humorous contests to keep the gymnasts alert and intrigued , to better enhance the learning process. One more reason why U.S.G.T.e. is the III camp in the country!

COACHES SESSIONS We are offering one or more weeks at any .of our three camper sessions. It's a great way to learn from o ur many olympic coaches and other outstanding staff. We will help you with all phases of gymnastics , at any level of ability. Only $150.00 per week. Write us for further information! U.S.G.T.C., Box 1090, Cotuit, Ma. 02635

OVER 50 INSTRUCTORS AT EACH SESSION Now you know why U.S.G.T.C. has been selected by gymnasts, coaches and parents as the 111 U.S. camp!

EVENING PROGRAMS If yo u like fun and excitement, yo u'll love evenings at U.S.G.T.e.

TUITION COST: ONLY $195.00 PER WEEK "Each session at U.S .G.T.e. is two weeks long, starting on a Sunday and ending on a Friday. The total cost for this two week stay is $390.00 (a savi ngs of $50.00 to $100.00 at most any other camp).


.U....ISTIN We shall he most grateful if you coulu au\;se us on the following: I. Are there coaches within your organization who might he interesteu in a working holi<lay in Singapore? 2. Where can we purchase \;u<-o tapes fora) lISGF compulsory routines for hoI'S anu girls. h) Mouern Rh y thmi c Gymnas tics 19110·1l4 Com . R()Utines.

All interesteu partks shoulu inquire to the lISGF office at 101 W. Washington St .. Suite 11 44 E. Inuianapolis. IN 46204 for further informal ion.

We are a little gymnastics·duh in a Iittk town (ahout 20.(X)0 p<-ople). We are looking for a duh in your country or in the east of LISA who woulu he interesteu ahout a meeting. We woulu like to stay with families. althou¢l the main intention of coming woulu he to perform anu train with your gymnastics group meeting anu living with American people is an important factor. Our <lates: I) The Party woulu consist of approximately 12 girls anu 4 kauers. 2) We have got two team' A anu B. six girls in each team. 3) The age of the girls: 12·20 years. 4) Our level: nO! national. not country. a few Exampil-s: At the hars: .

USA Gymnastics

- Kip·up on LB to support - Front lying hang. aprise hackw-Jru to dear support or dear strauuk support on HB At the floor: - Flic·!lac on I arm - Leap with III turn (.~6(Y') I leg s""arateu IIl(Y') At the heam: - Clear pike V support (2 sec) - Rounu off to I leg At the vault: - Hand'pring - 1/ 2 turn (1IltY' ) on-1 / 2 turn off S) Timetahle: 19114 or 1911S I hope you will he ahk to help us. All interesteu parties shoulu senu inquiries to the lISGF office. 10 I West Washington St. . Suite 11 4 4 E. Inuianapolis. IN 46204. We are writing to you hecause we woulu like to get into touch with an American gymnastic duh. We alreauy organizeu meetings with several duhs of Englanu. Germany anu Belgium. Seeing the success of such meeting.'. we wish to t'xtt'no our relations to an American duh. Our duh is hasically composeu of girl gymnasts. Two of them helong to the French team anu Corinne ROBERT maue last June the meeting in Canaua hetween America. Italia. Australia. Canaua anu France. Hoping that a duh will he interesteu in our plans anu waiting for your an~wt' r .

GYMNASTICS EQUIPMENT FOR SALE-CGSC dismount mats 6xI2x4". no fold 5330-2 fold 5380-8x I2x4 " '525-CGSC floor exercise carpet (denser plusher pile) 44x44 12.200Pannel mats 6xI2x(l~" 1229-Landing mats 5x1Ox8" 5259-Mesh pit 6x12x24" • 135 (fill ,,;th scrap foam) Ethafoam and crosslink foam -All types appara-; tus -bars. beam:,. etc.-some used

equipment -czll for quote: Ben Edkins (919) 9424620, Carolina Gym Supply, 110 \X!est Poplar Ave., Carrboro. N.C. 27510. GYM SCHOOL FOR SALE-RegIon IV Estahlished 9 year olu program. Boys anu girls. Branu new 7.000 sq. ft . fad lity. O>mpletely equipped. Ex~-dk-nt hlL,ine;., opportunity. Reluctantly selling. uue to health. CALL S 13 -398·1429 after 7:00 PM .




Notify Us 6 Weeks in Advance


Name (Please Print)

Naw Address

City Mail to: 101


Apt. No.




West Washington Streetl Suite rH~f: Indianapolis, In 462041





Attach last USGF Gymnastics magazine mailing label here for address change. List new mailing address above.







~-----------------_ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ ~I _J



Jan'/Feb, 1984 r-----------------------------------------~

CAL.NIJAR USGF Coach of the year. Coach for the Nebr. Cornhuskers, 5-tlme NCAA champions. 1980 U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Coach.

Take a lesson from Francis Allen • ... In

your own

living room.

You can have expert gymnastic instruction in your own home with video tapes from Instructional Video, Inc. Simply slip one of our high quality instructional cassettes into your video recorder and start your lesson. learn from the experts in sports. The first in our gymnastics series is "Flexibility, Tumbling and warm-up." The second is "Floor Exercise." Both feature an hour long, detailed narrative by Francis Allen. Order one or both tapes today. Instructional Video, Inc. also has many other,excellent instructional video cassettes available on many sports, hobbies, tap, ballet, etc. Please check the order form to receive our catalog or call for information. NE residents 800-742-7703 Out of State 800-228-0164

Instructional Video Inc. 2706 Y St. (402) 475-6557 UncoJn, Nebr. 475-6570 68503 Name, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ Address, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Clty,_ _ _ _ State~·_ _---'-zlp,-------PhOne, _

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Nebraska residents add state and city sales tax Freight & handling ($3.50 per cass.> Total payment I/we understand that I/We are acqUiring this video program IS) for

hOme. commercial establishment, and other non· theatrical use ONLY. All other rights, Including duplication, broadcast, cable and closed circuit are reserved and protected by copyright law. Not for resale or rental.


UNITED STATES GYMNASTICS FEDERATION Schedule of Events (Dates & Events subject to change or cancellation) February 1984 (M/w-Artistic) 17·18 Jacksonville, Fl First Elite Zone Meet 16·1 7 TBA Various Sites 1 98 4 U S G F R h Y t h m i c . 2S· 26 Gymnastics Olympic Trials Atlantic City, NJ 'National Etite Compulsory Meet (W) 22·24 TBA Junior Olympic Boys Nationals Albuquerque, NM March 1984 July 1984 2·3 19·26 19H4 USGF AmeriGlll CIa."1>ic (W) FIG Congress San Francisco los Angeles, CA 16·1 7 28 Second Elite Zone Meet OPEN[NG CEREMON[ES TBA Various Sites 19H4 Summer Olympic Games 17·18 los Angeles, CA McDonald's American Cup New York, NY 29·August S Ol y mpic Gymnastics 19 Competition [nternational Mixed Pairs Men & Women-Artistic Allentown, PA Pauley Pavilian 23·24 UCLA C.ampus Class [ State Championships TBA Various Sites August 1984 31·April 1 9·11 'USA vs. China Dual Meet Olympic Gymnastics San F.,mcisco Compt;tition Rhytbmic Gymnastics April 1984 Pauley Pavilion s-6 UCLA Campus NCAA Women's Championships IS·22 Los Angeles, CA RSG Continental Judges Course 6· 7 RSG National Coaches Class [ Regional Championships Course TBA Various Sites 'Colorado Springs, CO 12·14 NCAA Men's Championships September 1984 los Angeles, CA [H·19 13·1 4 USGF Business Seminar 1984 USGF US Classic (W) [ndianapolis, [N Niagara Falls, NY 20·23 '28·29 USGF Congress 'National Elite Compulsory [ndianapolis, IN Meet '[ S·23 TBA 'Olympic Medalist Tour (S Stops) May 1984 Washington, DC 4-6 Houston, TX Rhythmic Gymnastics National Penn State, PA Championships (W) [ndianapolis, IN Orangeburg, SC Chicago, IL 4· S Class [ Eastern / Western October 1984 Championships (W) 1-21 Eastern: Staten Island, RSG Training Camp Western: Tucson, AZ Colorado Springs, CO 10·12 2;·28 McDonald's Championships of Four Continents Championships the USA in Rhythmic Gymnastics Chicago, [L Indianapolis, IN [8·20 Junior Olympic National November 1984 Championships (W) 3·8 Los Angeles, CA 1984 Ontario Cup (M/W) Toronto, Canada June 1984 '16·17 1·3 'Mr. Rushmore Cup 1984 USGF Olympic Trials (Junior Boys and Girls) Rapid City, SD

USA Gymnastics

Jan.lFeb.".1.9.8.. 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..

REGION VlII-1983-84 Dec. 9 Elite Practice Meet Bunny Cook. ASG. Atlanta, GA Dec. 10 USAIGC Regional Team & Individual Meet Bunny Cook, ASG, Atlanta, GA Dec. 10 Jr. Orange Bowl Invitational Championships J,M. Yermonsky, Miami Dade Comm. College, Miami, FL Dec. 19 Capital Cup Washington, DC Jan. 6-7 Zone Elite (Open) Greg Marsden, Univer. of Utah Jan. 7 Shelby Allen Gymstar Classic Donn a Meyers, Memphis, TN Jan. 13 Elite Practice Bunny Cook, ASG. Atlanta, GA

CALENDAR FOR 1983-84 Nov. 26 Turkey Invitational Reno-Joe R(x)J1l1' Dec. 10 Nevada Class 3 & 4 State Reno-Joe Roo nl1' Utah Class .~ State Dec. 17 Holiday Classic Inv. San Diego-Darla Franz Dec. 16-18 USFG Single Eliminations (ESPM) Reno-Joe Rooney Dec. 18 Great Western Inv. Reno-Joe Rooney Dec. 26-27 Fiesta Bowl Mesa, Az.-Roe Kreutzer Jan . 7-8 Reg. Elite Qualifying U. of Utah-Greg Marsten Jan. 13-14 In!. O1iIdrens Inv. (I I & under)

Reno-AI Lanston Jan. 14 Kips Invitation Olapman College-Dennis MailIy Jan. 18 Ut ah Class 3 C & 0 State Jan. 21 Az Class 3 State Feb. 4 Caesar's P'Jlace Inv. Las Vegas Feb. 17- 18 1st Reg. Elite Qualifying SCATS-Don Peters

USA Gymnastics

Jan. 14 -1 '; Peachtree Classic 'H4 Blumy O)(>k. Emory, Atlanta GA Jan. 2 1-22 Crimson Tide ChL~sic David Patterson, Tuscaloosa, Ai Jan. 2H & 29 Magic Invitatiom~ Debby KnmlWY, Binningl"tUll, Ai Jan. 27-29 USAlGC Team and Individual National Minn. Feb. 17- IH I st Region,~ Elite Qualifying Scott Milo, Univ. of A., GJin~ville Mar. 2-3 American Classic Bob Haines, N. ('.aI. OXlChes A.,';oc. Mar. 9- \0 2nd Regional Elite Qualifying Bunny C(xlk, AGA. Atlanta, GA Mar. 17 State Championships: FL, GA, IA and NC Mar. 24 State Championships: MS. SC

and TN

Mar. 31 State Championships: Ai

Mar. 31 EUte Pr.1l1ict.' Meet and Clinic f(,r those qualified to US Classic TBA-NEED A BID ON THIS Apr. 13-1 4 US Classic l.nrry Gold~nlith, Ni,~ Fall~, NY Apr. 20-2 1 Region VIII Cla.'i~ I 01an1pio~hips Terry Bryson, David Neel , Katsu Ken zs ki and Bobby Murph y, Memphis State Univ., Memphis, TN

Apr. 28-29 Region VIII Class II Championships Karen Lucy, Univ. of New Orleans, LA May 4- '; Eastern Championships TBA-NEED A BID ON THIS Send to Linda Chendnski May 11 -12 Championships of USA ChiGIgO , Ill. May 18-20 Junior Olympic Nationals Connie Maloney, Cal. State Uoiv. of Northridge June 1-3 Olympic Trials Jacksonville, FL ???? Region VIII Congress '84 TBA-NEED A BID ON THIS

ATTENTION All USA NATIONAL TEAM MEMBERS ... PAST AND PRESENT Did you know that, as a gymn;L~t on the USA National Team, either past or present,. yo u are automatically a memher of the USGF Athlete's Association? As a memher, you are entitled to receive the first issue of the "USGF Athlete's Association Newsletter." "USGF Athlete's Association Newsletter" ... ... What is it? The Newsletter is a quarterly puhlication, edited hy athletes, puhlished hy the USGF office. It will he the most direct means of communication on a regular hasis with the athletes on our National team. This newsletter will he sent to all National team members free of charge during the Olympiad ( 4 years) in which they are on the National team. It wi ll also he availahle to past National team memhers for a nominal fee. , .. Why have it? The main purpose of this newsletter is two-fold. Both the Athlete Representatives to the Board of Directors and the USGF feel that a regular puhlication is needed to more effectively communicate with those of you who are currently on the National team. Hopeti.I1ly this will eliminate some of the conti.lsion and misunderstanding that can often arise when information is P;L~Sed by word of mouth. Secondly, the current USGF admi'nistration is committed to including those of us who are National team members of the past in the excitement and growth of the sport of gymnastics. This newsletter is the first step to locate former team members, to keep you informed and to encourage yo u to get involved. Whether p;L~t or present, we have experienced the pride associated with representing the Un ited States in International competition. It is our hope that this newsletter will nurture that pride . .. whether it be in those who are currently making history in our sport or in those whose names are already written in the record books. We are now compiling a mailing list for the Newsletter and for other pertinent Athletes Association mailings. If you have ever heen 0{1 a USA National Team (Men's Artistic, Women's Artistic, or Rhythmic) please send your name, address and year(s) on National Team to: Athletes Association /USGF/ Merchants Plaza/ Suite 11 44E/1 0 1 W. Washington St/ Indianapolis, IN 46204. If you know the address of any other National Team memher, please include it also. Thank you for you r help. We look forward to developing an active, worthwhile Athletes Association.

Nancy Thies Marshall, Chairperson Diane Dunbar Bijesse Lydia Bree Kathy Johnson

Larry Gerard Tim laFleur Brent Simmons Gene Whelan

Athletes Association Representatives to the USGF Board of Directors.


New USGF Insurance Program

Club Membership Option

We are proud to introduce an entirely new insurance plan designed to meet the needs of today's modem gymnastics club. This new program provides ~the best available coverage at a cost based upon peak enrollment. There are no reporting re~uirements! The cost is $9.75 per student. And for , tiny tots," a reduced rate of $5.60. Minimum total cost is $975.00 per club. All trial students and guest performers are covered at no additional cost.

For those clubs which enjoy individual member benefits, we still offer the USGF Club Membership by enrolling lOO% of the staff and students as USGF General Members at $9.00 each. All staff members and students receive full insurance coverage, plus a membership card and decal, a discount certificate for a subscription to USGF GYMNASTICS Magazine and special assistance in making discount travel arrangements.

Liability and Medical Benefits

Join the Winning Team

The benefits for you, your staff and your members include: o $1,000,000 comprehensive general liability coverage o $50,000 excess medical coverage with $25 deductible ($100 deductible for physical therapy or chiropractic care) o $10,000 accidental death and dismemberment coverage o Owners, landlords and tenants liability coverage o Full trampoline coverage o Hired and non-owned auto liability o Personal injury liability o Incidental medical malpractice o Extended bodily injury liability coverage

With the USGF Insurance Program or the USGF Gymnastics Club Membership Program, you'll have the security and peace of mind for confident teaching or club operation. For all the details on coverages, call or write:

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Bayly, Martin & Fay/San Antonio USGF Insurance Administrators 0

P.O. Box 17800 0San Antonio, Thxas 78217 0512-341-9117 01-800-531-7224 (National) 01-800-292-5721 (Thxas only) Bayly, Martin & Fay/San Antonio is the only insurance agency endorsed by USGE

Jan'/Feb. 1984

USt:1= "'."'• •R ASSOCIATION SUIIIIARY FROM THE MINUTES OF WOllEN 'S COMIiITIEE MEETING Juno 11-12, 1913 Nt. York City The Meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, linda Chencinski, at 9:05 am. Those present were: Region I liz Holey Region II Pat Holman Region III Mary Ann Mahoney Region IV linda Beran for Connie Robertson Region V Faye Keller Region VI Kathy Feldmann Region VII Carolyn Edward s (arrived Saturday afternoon) Region VIII Wilma Guy Elite Development Director-Roe Kreulzer USGF Office-Cheryl Grace NAWGJ- Joanne Aschenbrenner (guest) Bayly, Martin & Fay-linda Kinney, Vernon Southerland Marilyn Cross-{guest secretary) Absent: Delene Darst. Women's Technical Committee Director Connie Maloney, Junior Olympic Director Memberships 1. Professional-excellent concept, however, people did not get what they were promised. 2. " To have one Women' s Committee membership and it will be called a Professional Membership." 3. Professional Membership-$35.00 (proposal) $10.00 NWPC ($5. RD, $5. SO) $10.00 BMF (membership administration) 2.00 USGF Magazine 4.00 Operating Cede/ Rules & PoI~ies {each yearl 4.00 USGF Office for Elite, Technical & Women 's Committee chairpeople 5.00 NWPC {Projectsl $35.00 "Professional Membership be $35.00" "Regions will receive $5. rebate and the States will also receive a $5. rebate" "The current professional membership will be terminated immediately. The revised professional membership will be available starting August 1. 1983. Renewals between June 12, 1983 and August I , 1983 will cost $25. for one year. Al l renewals after August I , 1983 will cost $35." 4. Athlete Membership-$15.oo $ 8.55 BMF Insurance 1.00 BMF Membership Administration 2.00 USGF Magazine 1.50 USGF-NWPC 1.95 USGF Executive Office {Administration of Athlete program and travel for 7 repsl $15.00 'The print out for the Athlete roster for each state be separated by class and aclub listing with addresses be appended to the end of each state's roster. " a. Bayly, Martin & Fay Athlete listing for USGF personnel only (no addressesclub name and code number, alphabetical) 1. October 1st to Regional Directors and State Directors. b. Professional Plus-$60.oo 1. Ccmbined men's and women's membership including one of everything plus men's rules and women's rules. II. Sanctions A. Possibilities to relieve overburdening 1. Sanction chairperson-one person within Region. 2. Varina French-by computer ~ime delay) 3. Number of sanctions by Region {approximatel I 461 II 500 III 500 IV 300 V 850 VI 750 VII 500 VIII 450-500 8. Sanctions will be sen t each Quarter to Bayly, Martin & Fay by each Region. III. Operating Code 1. Removal of Officers


"After a hearing as stated in Article XI I, a member or officer could be removed by recommendation of this hearing to the appropriate committee. I, 2, & 3 become a, b, COO 2. Name Change "To change name to 'National Women's Program Committee 01 the United States Gymnastics Federation.'" 3. Article III - Membership "To delete-There are two types, etc." Page 2 National Women's Progra m Executive Committee Change "Chairperson" to Director "Reg. Chairperson" to Regional Director "State Chairperson" to State Director Chairperson of Women 's Committee is authorized to change all titles and headings to be consistent with the National Women 's Program Committee and to also change Article numbers where necessary. 4. Section E, Page 2 Add "be respon~ ble for correct functioning of all sub·committees." 5. Page 2-liason -National Chair Add "#1 all other standing committees #2 the National Office #3 USGF Board of Directors and the Executive committee #4 Joint Certification Committee #5 Women 's International Program Committee #6 NAWGJ #7 International Judges Assignment Committee 6. Page 3 Add "be responsible for the correct functioning of all sub-committees and interface with all other gymnastic related organizations." 7. Article V a. Sub-committees "delete rest of title, e.g. Women's (delete) Technical -Committee b. page 4, #2 Technical Committee F &G-no action taken on absen ce of Secretary c. Section B-Elite Development 1. disseminate information and work in close coopera tion with the National coach to effectuate training programs." 8. Elections 1. "All positions within the National Women's Program Committee shall be elected for specific terms of office at regularly scheduled intervals." 2. State elections shall be conducted by the Regional Director. 3. Term begins July 1st. a. Ballots for National officers will go to the National OIliceCheryl Grace Add "The Regional Director shall receive nominations for National Director at least one month prior to the Congress. The election shall be conducted by the Technical Committee Director at the Congress." b. Technical Ccmmittee "Term of Office to begin July 1st" c. Elite Development Committee Add #1 within current Olympic cycle" c delete State Chairman from wording for Elite Elections-p.




How elected "same for all National position s" "Junior Olympic" Ccmmittee Criteria for Nomination s (name changes-linda) a. Page 8 0 2 " REDO must have coached an elite gymnast who has Qualified to a National Elite Meet during the current OlympiC cycle or has been an Olympic or World Games coach." b. Section E Junior Olympic Regional Director "lIa-a coach who has Qualilied a gymnast to the Class I Regional Junior Olympic Championships within the current Olympic cycle." c. Section G-2A

"Qualified a gymnast to an Elite National Meet within the current Olympic cycle or was an Olym pic or World Games

A. B.

coach." ~k~"dd within current Olympic

B working with Junior Olympic gymnasts Page 10 Meetings "National--<felete #1; #2 becomes #1 C. add "National Women 's Program Ccmmittee-summer before Ccngress and at Congress (Bi-annually) 6. Funding Add C "Each National Director shall have an authorized account." 7. Duties & Respon sibilities-to be revised as follows: Regional Director- by Mahoney State Director-by Mahoney National Technical -by Darst Regional fechnical National Junior Olymp~-by Maloney Regional Junior OlympicNational Elite-by Kreutzer Regional Elite8. Page 8-B-2 "Add D-served on USGF Board of Directors or Women's International Program Committee." 9. Miscellaneous "Request to the Junior Olympic Committee and the Elite Development Ccmmitteee for assistance in obtaining sites for Regional East/West and Elite meets. IV. Rules & Policies A. Format-booklet each year B. Page 15C- Violations of Sanction s {Clarifications by linda Chencinskil 1. Cannot revoke entire sanction unless there is something wrong within the entire meet. 2. Revoke only within age group affected. 1 Consult with Women' s Committee Director before revoking any sanction. 4. One child not registered-only th is child is disqualified 'The numbers must be listed. If sanction is pulled the insurance is also pulled. 5. Regional Director cannot knowingly sanction an illegal meet {e.g. not doing compulsories as stated.1 a. If affer the fact give warning to coach 6. Information regarding proper meet ~r~;:I~~~ersbe published in the State 5.

May disallow score s instead of revoking sanction. 8. Meet Reports: judges signing. If signed, they are liable for that meet. a. Discu ssion on safe gyms, who policies, how to check, etc. "Req uest of the Women's Technical Ccmmittee specific description description of the Meet Referee at Regional and East/West and Nationals meets." late Entry Fees, Page 81-0 "to ra ise the late Entry Fee to $25. for State and above level meets." Page 10: Eliminate 4B {state meetl passed by Women's Technical Ccmmittee Class II Regionals, Page 6 0 "Delete at the discretion of the Regional Board." "Class II Regional Championship shall be a Compulsory/Optional Meet." Election . results: Regional Directors were re-elected in Regions I, III, IV, V, VI and VIII. Pat Holman, Region II, did not run-laura Tindall was elected. Region VII-no nominations-Carolyn Edwards will continue and Sue Ammerman will assist. V. Financial Reporting System reviewed by Linda Chencinski. Revert to Quarterly System_ January-March April-June July-September October-December VI. Voting Procedures {Linda Chencinski to write up proceduresl

"procedures for sending out ballots for elections will be done on printed post cards." Guidelines for resumes (no longer than ~ typed page) 1. Guidelines will enable members to evaluate candidates on the same

criteria. VII.



I. II.






Problem Areas A. Problems with Stale Director 1. Write it so its on file. 2. 00 not send checks out if report is not in. Women 's Technical Committee ReportMarilyn Cross, partial, to be mailed Junior Olympic Report-written from C. Maloney passed . Elite Report-Roe Kreulzer passed NAWGJ A. Review of fee structure B. Mileage "It is recommended Ihat round trip of 30 miles or less would not be charged." C. Criteria "to develop a philosophy statement on the criteria in the assigning of judges in line with the Rules &Regulations of the USGF." Assignment of offficials for Regional/State Meets: Statement of philosophy: The USGF NWPRD is the administrator of the gymnastic program in their region. The Regional Director has the responsibility of site selection and costs of these events. Thus, it is imperative that the Regional Director be consulted concerning the judging assignment process for these events. Discussion-Criteria for judges Motion: Holman Second: Beran Carried: Unanimously "thai sectional meets be included along with State and above to be assigned by NAWGJ." Evaluation 01 judges by USGF coaches Ccaches should have input Evaluation form: Discussion followed and evaluation forms were revised . Evaluation forms to be distributed and collated by Varina French. Bayly, Martin & Fay linda Kenny Discussion-NSF-checks-how to handle the fact that this member/ athlete is not in good standing (registered). If a check is bounced for an athlete it must be known Ihat the gymnast is not covered for insurance. The check musl be replaced with a money order. If the check is replaced the athlete is registered from that time. The Regional Director will be notified after 30 days-whether check is made good or not will not get rebate from bounced athlete checks. A child may not compete in a USGF Sanctioned meet if they do not have their registration number on the entry form/score sheet. If number (athlete) is forged-the individual will be fined-$100. If not lollow procedure in policy book. 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday Bayly, Martin & Fay 800 number only-no nights; no weekends Bayly, Martin & Fay-Express Mail Address 84 Northeast loop-410 Suite 200 E San Antonio, Texas 78216 Problem: Parents or coaches of club can send registration to BMF-do not allow a bulk mailing from one individual-this also includes professional membership. Professional memberships are to be sent individually. Membership is effective when BMF receives the form and money. Clubs who registered before should receive packet for 1983-84 for Athlete Registration by September 1st. Newsletters "Any non-sanctioned activities (camps, clinics) will be paid advertisement." "Advertisements and information that are counter to the USGF philosophy will not be published in a USGF Newsletter." Vice Chairman 01 National Women's Program Committ" Nomination for M. Mahoney passed Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Cross Minutes Revised linda Chencinski

USA Gymnastics

Jan./Feb. 1984 USGF JUNIOR OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT COMMInEE MEETING Hyatt Regency. Washington. D.C . October 5. 1983 The Meeting was called to order by National Chairman, Connie Maloney at 6:15 PM.


Members Present: Region I Nancy Kludt Region II Pam Kees IRTD) Region III Bob Childers Region IV Joan Rice Region V Doreen Bolhuis Region VI Marilyn Schnaars Region VII John Wojtczuk


Second: J Rice

A Technical Advisory committee has been formed by the USGf. Dr. Gerald George will be chairman of three technical people selected by the WTC and a selected number of coaches.

Second: N. Kludt

Guests: Sharon Valley-Vaull Sub · committee of WTC Mike Jacki-USGf Office Minutes of May, 1983 meeting were approved, noting the change in Class I Regional date to April ].8, 1984.

Passed VI.


Mandate Scores for 1983·84 and 1984·85

score. Second: M. Schnaars Passed Unanimously Motion: U. WojtCluk moved that the 1984· 85 mandate score for Optional AII·Around he: from Class III 32.50 from Class II 34.00 Second: N. Kludt


JODC recommendation to lower the value of certain vaults. In light of the legal ramifications, the committee voted to accept the current fiG values for the JO program. It was recommended to the WTC that strict enforcement of repulSion and height deductions be taken to better discriminate vaults. IV. Class IV Vault: The committee again voiced a need for a handspring vault at the Class IV level or a return to the squat flight vault.

USA Gymnastics

A. B.


Recommendations to be included in the Rules and Policies Book: A. B.

Board height specifications Require a minimum of 18 feet landing area hehind the vaulting horse.




must be a level

surface. Any wall or obstruction close to competitive apparatus must be padded. The RJODDs were requested to review the 1983·84 Rules' Policies Book and to send Connie Maloney suggestions in terms of rewording, additions and / or omissions. Deadline: December 31 , 1983



Jacki made presentations regarding the

V. Judges' Training Committee Report

X. Review of Apparatus Requirements for Age Group Competitions

Some alternatives were suggested: Retain all present levels and ADD an Optional only level , with competition through State Championships a. Use mandate scores that would require gymnasts to move back into a C+O program. Class I or II. b. No mandate scores. Allow high school gymnasts an opportunity to finish their USGf careers in optional only level to prepare for college competition. 2. Eliminate Class II and replace it with an optional only division a. Include mandate scores to Class I for all age groups b. Indude mandate scores but allow high school gymnasts an option of remaining in the optional only level. c. No mandate scores. Regional JO. Directors are requested to seek input from coaches and report back to Connie Maloney by December I. 1983. III. Vaulting Proposal : Sharon Valley, representing the Vaull Committee and Mike

Passed: 5 in favor, 2 against. I abstention The committee makes a recommendation to the WTC to reconsider the ruling on footwear , especially since the fiG does not have such a penalty.

IV. An alternative scoring system to the one the USGf is presentfy using was presented by Associated Research Consultants followed by a question and answer period. The WTC will provide them with further information to help enlarge upon the purposes of their study.

IX. Elite Dropbacks: Committee recommends to continue with policy of allowing a gymnast to enter lone Elite Meets and slill drop back into the Class I programs. II a gymnast enters an Elite National Meet. she is not allowed to drop back.

Passed Optional Only Level in USGf Competitive Structure Philosophy and rationale discussed: A. Enter USGf Competition Network in a Compulsory Program B. Offer a training period with only optional competition to State level C. Offer a level for college hopefuls to train optionals only D. Reenter a CompulsorylOtpional program in Class II +/ or I

Team Scores at Jr. Olympic Nationals: Motion: To count four scores in each event for the Regional team score.

Seasons: Motion: J Wojtczuk moved that I) the mandate scores for all Class levels be eliminated for the 1983-84 season and 2) that the mandate scores for 1984·85 season use only the Optional AII·Around

The responsibility of the JODD in securing uniforms for the East/West meets was discussed and clarified. especially for the new members of the committee.

Work on the Judges' Training Course Outline is continuing. Recommendation by the HC that whenever possible. judges remain following the competition for a brief discussion of unusual situations during the competition which might have caused a variance in scores. Technical Clarifications: I. f all evaluation-When falls occurs. deductions may be taken for execution errors prior to the fall plu s the 0.5 fall deduction. 2. The deduction for a compulsory sequence in an optional routine is: a. 0.3 for compulsory seq uence b. No value part credit given. NOTE: Will count for 10 elements within the routine. IA compulsory sequence is 3 movements in a series) 3.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted. Connie Maloney. Chairman Women's Technical Committee Minutes October 6, 1983 Marriott Hotel. Washington. DC Meeting called to order by the chairman, Delene Darst at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday. October 6, 1983. I.

Roll Call-voting members: Reg. I Joanne Pasquale Reg. II Pam Kees Reg. III Lesley Ogg Rev. IV Linda Beran Reg. V Carolyn Bowers Reg. VI Marilyn Cross Reg. VII Audrey Schweyer Reg. VIII Marian Dykes

National Junior Olympic Directory-Connie Maloney National Elite Director Ilate)-Roe Kreutzer National Judges Training Chairman-Cheryl Grace Women's Committee Chairman-Linda Chencinski lex· officio) fIG·WTC-Jackie fie Non·voting Guests-Jim Gault. Elite Coaches Associates: Greg Marsden, NCAA II. Minutes of June, 1983 were reviewed. Clarificallon of footwear regulation: A 0.1 deduction may be taken by the H.J if footwear does distract from the performance. III. Dr. George was requested by the WTC in September. 1982 to study the technique of the round·off entry vaults. In the past year, he has done so and has made the following observations: I. Significantly more complex from a mechanical as well as a perceptual Ikinestic) standpoint.

recommended to the Joint Certification Committee: I. Class IV Layout Squat Vaulta. Terminology of Class IV Layout Squat vaull: Jump full body extension prior to contact of horse. Repulse from horse passing through a momentary squat position and immediately establish an extended body position prior to landing. b. Eliminate A "I. 2, 3. 4: Change toA. f irst flightInsf. Extension of the Body I. flexing of the knees-up to 0.5 2. flexing of the hips-up to 0.5 3. Insf. extension of arm l trunk angle lIess than 180 degrees)up to 0.5 4. Leg separationup to 0.2 B. Support phase: Change to read I. Insf. extension of arm l trunk angle at moment of contactup to 0.5 C. flight Ph ase: Change to read I. Insf. height of 2nd flight-up to 1.0 "2. Eliminate 5. Insf. distance-up to 1.0 6. Insf. extension of t he body before landin g-up to 1.0 "7. Eliminate 2. To consider in the Class III floor Exercise that the middle tumbling series be valued at 1.2 iThis is the three·element series).

The margin for error is greatly increased and rt an error does occur, the possibility for injury is multiplied. Reasons for this are: a. Speed vs. Accuracy syndrome b Blind entry into the horse. When properly executed, it has only a slightly greater potential for maximIZing the post·flight phase of Tsukahara·type vaults. for the most part. the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

After a lengthly discussion. the motion was made IBeran/ Kees) and passed: Based on updated information. the round· off entry vaults wilt not be allowed at the Junior Olympic level for competition for the competitive year 1983·84.

Passed Motion: J Wojtczuk moved Ihat a recommendation to the WTC be made reevaluate the value of the distan ce markings lor compulsory vault in the development of vaulting techniques and judging.

Absent: Region VIII D.J Milem Elite Dev. Directory-Roe Kreutzer NTD Delene Darst WPC Chairman-Linda Chencinski



1985·89 Compulsory Vaults: The committee was informed by Ihe Certification Com mittee of the proposed vaults: Class I-Tuck Tsukahara Cl.Il & III were undeterm ined Motion: N. Kludt moved Ihal the JODC recommended the following vaults to the Certification Committee: Class I Handspring full Twist Class II Handspring Class III Handspring





f all time for balance beam: a. When a gymnast falls to the floor. the 10 sec. fall time begins. b. When the gymnast remounts the beam. the 10 sec. fall time stops. c . The official time resumes when the gymnast starts movement on the beam. d. If a second fall occurs before the official time begins, the deduction will be 0.5. In order to receive a "B" credit for a stag switch leap, the stag leg must be at horizontal Ihips through to knee) prior to extending the rear. Same for floor ex. floor Exercise-value raising: a. formula-the last acrobatic free flight element in a series will value raise. When an acrobatic "B" element is connected to a gymnastic "B" element. the last element will raise one level. EXAMPLE: B Iwhip back) + B Ifull twist) + B Istraddle jump) = B+C+C.

Uneven Bars: Mount-a free tuck jump over low bar to catch high bar-"C"

Compulsory Evaluation: A. The following cha nges were




Class II Balance Beam The deduction for I. performing a continuous back walkover IClass III element) lin correct element) is 0.6 2. failure to show stag in Class II back walkover to handstand is 0.30. Possible vault recommendations for 1985·89 Compulsories from the Joint Certification Committee Class III Handspring Class II Handspring, 1/ 4·1 / 4, 112· 112. Handspring full Class I Tsukahara Tuck

Rules & Policies: A.

Assignment of Judges-Discussion of two judge panel vs. four judge panel at EIW, J . ~ . Nationals. Elite Classics and Championships of the USA. Statement of Phitosophy-In prinCipal. the WTC believes that a four judge panel is the fairest and most accurate. However, due to financial consideration, the WTC would consider a three judge panel, two counting judges with one superior judge at Regional and above meets. Permission to use less than four judges would have to be obtained from NTO. Motion IBeran/ Malony) made and passed to accept this philosophy. The recommendation to use a three or two judge panel was made by the Elite Development Committee and JO. Age Group Committee.


Jan'/Feb. 1984 B.

Recommendalion 10 WTC from Ihe Vaull Sub-Commillee 10 accepl current F_LG. vaull values for Elite and Jun ior Olympic Age-Group (excluding round -off vaulls in 10_) and to re-emphasize the deduclions applicable 10 IWlSling vaulls. Areas of concern are: L Too long ,n {repulsion 2_ Heighl



Open 10 any gymnasl Ihroughout Ihe USA who is Qualified to compele in an Elite Zone Meel.

Second: K. Feldmann Motion: M. Mahoney


She may compete in only two of

The four East and four West Junior Olympic

three Elile Zone Meets_

Direclors shall seek sponsorship to provide uniforms for the Easlern and the Western Junior Olympic Teams.

4_ 5.

Body shape during twisling Timing and complelion of vaulls Direction of flight.


Meet Direclor must check contestanl's eligibility Ihrough RTO's prior to Ihe competition.

Motion made (Valley / Grace) and passed to accept recommendations.


All Elile Regulations will be in effecl. 1 Aller Ihe Classic Meets in 1984, there will be a seminar to introduce the new Elile Compulsories. 4_ There will be an Elite Coaches Symposium in Tuscan , AZ Ihe third weekend in June 1984_ AI that time, Ihe 1985-89 Elile Compulsories will be pul on video tape to be dislribuled 10 Ihe regions. 5_ Numbers of gymnasls Qualifying 10 Championships of the U_S_A_ from Classic Meels: Seniors:+12 American Classic 12 U.S_ Classic 8 Wand ChampionShip Team (automati-cally Qualified) Tolal 32 gymnasls

WTC Criteria for assignmenl of judges 10 USGF sanclioned meels: A sub-commillee from Ihe WTC is revising Ihe criteria for 1983-84 _ II will be sent 10 all RTD's and RJO's as soon as it is complele. Junior Olympic Age Group Commillee ReportA_ 1983-84 Calendar L State Meel Dales-March 16-18, 1984 2. Class I Regionals-April 68, 1984 1 10. Nalionals-May 18-20, 1984. Mliion made (Kees/ PasQuale) and passed Ihal regions may move Iheir Class I Regional Meel 10 anolher dale as long as il is two weeks prior to Ihe ElW Championships and does nol conflicl with any olher USGF Championship. The RTD musl send in writing if date should change 10 Connie Maloney and Delene Darst.


Mandate Score-Malian made (Maloney IKees) and passed Ihal Ihe mandate score for Class III CIO and Class II be eliminaled for the 83/ 84 season. The following are recommendations for the J.O. program Ihal have been tabled until Ihe spring meeling: L For the 84/85 season , oplional only mandale score be used 10 move up_ 2. An Optional Only division be included in the 10. Program. Idea of entry level requirement presenled. 1 Vault-to re-evaluale Ihe marking of dislance in compulsory vaults_ There is

a research committee Ihrough Certification working on this problem.



Recommendalions for EQuipmenl Regulations: L Behind horse-minimum of 18' beyond horse. 2. Runway be a level surface. 3. Any wall or obslruction that would be close 10 vaulling area musl be padded. All RTO's and SJD's are urged 10 consider these recommendations when considering meel siles for 10_ Competitions. 10_Nationals: L Motion made and passed 10 continue the regulation that




one week prior 10 Ihe 10_ National meel an injured leam member cannol be replaced_ The team score will still consist of counling five scores out of six.

Elile Developmenl Committee Report: A_ Elite Program regulalions: L Elile drop-back regulations will remain the same as

Second: W_ Guy Motion: C. Mahoney Connie Maloney shall develop an award for members of East/West Teams, financied by the Meet Direclors of East/Wesl Championships_



Motion: M. Mahoney Award s for Regional Teams shall be left 10 Ihe discrelion of th Regional Directors.

Malian made (PasQuale/ Ogg) and passed thai a Third Elile Zone Meel be held on January 6-7, 1984 at Ihe Univer ~ity of Utah, Sail lake Cily, Utah with the following stipulalions:






1982路81 See Elile Program "Rules and Policies." ReQuesl for Third Elite Zone Meel for 83/ 84 season.

Juniors lOA mer i can Classic 14 U_S. Classic Total

24 gymnasls

NOTE: This is a change in numbers from Ihe 1983-84 Rules and Policies. B.

EQuipmenl Specificalions L Malian made and passed Ihat all Junior Elile gymnasls will work all eQuipmenl al FJG _ specs. 2. An eQuipmenl lisl will be senl out 10 REDO's specifying Iype of eQuipmenl to be used in 83 / 84 Classic and Championship meels by Ihe NTD_ 1 An updaled on H.G. specs will be distribuled by Ihe NTD also aller Ihe World Championships in Hungary. 4_ Specificalions for Ihe Olympic Games podium should be included _

NATIONAL WOMEN'S PROGRAM COMMlnEE EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING Hyatt Regency, Washington , D_C, Oclober 7, 1983 Meeling was called 10 order by Nalional Direclor, linda Chencinski, al 1:00 p_m. linda Chencinski announced Ihal Ihe USGF shall provide Ihe followi~g awards for compelilions: Junior Olympic Nationals-IO Places EasVWesl Championships-IO Places Junior Olympic Class I Regionals-6 Places Regional Elile Qualilying-6 Places Firsl & Second Elile Nationals-6 Places Patches for all Siale Meels pass I Ihru Class IV) The projected cosl is $25,000_ Should exira medals be needed, order Ihem Ihrough Medallic Arts_ linda direcled the Regional Direclors 10 send Ihe number of palches needed for each Siale, al each level, 10 Rich Kenny, USGF Office, wilh a copy to linda. Include dales needed. Slate Direclors will order patches from the USGF as needed _



Second: L Holey Passed linda Chencinski reviewed the financial reporting forms_ The reporting periods, Augusl lsi thru Seplember 30th, is due Oclober 201h_ A discussion occurred concerning placement of "medal's income" Medal's income is to be reported under "Competitions, JO" _

linda Chencinski reQuesled information from each Region concerning " head taxes" Funds collected for state and regional accounts from gymnasts is used to fund programs and awards for gymnasts. Women 's Program Commillee officers handbooks are available from Ihe USGF office_ Judges evalualion sheets were mailed to Regional Directors and 10 Varina French. These evaluations will be sent to all member coaches_ If the compuler tabulation costs are going to be too severe, the evalualions will be sent 10 elile coaches only for the 1983-84 Season _ Joanne Aschenbrenner gave a report on the

NAWGJ fee slruclure. This was reviewed by Ihe Execulive Board . Joanne announced the attainment of a liability insurance coverage program for all NAWGJ members. linda announced Ihal USGF shall pay . 15~ per mile, after Ihe first 40 miles, for Iravel of officers and judges for Ihe 1983-84 Season and $12. per diem. The Minutes of the E,eculive Board Meeling in June, 1983 were approved. The Minules of the Women 's Technical Commillee, June meeting, were approved _

-----OUNCE (from page 7) the overall scheme, and help guarantee safe and efficient progress toward our goals. Is there anybody else we need to include? You bet! Meet directors and competition organizers have a responsibility to make sure every consideration possible is given to the safe, efficient and smooth running of their competitions_ All possible needs for the competition floor, warm-up areas and extra activities should be considered, and provided for in the best way possible, Obviously, these are always subject to budgetary considerations, but it should be professionally accepted in what is customary and standard in our sport. Since we are talking about competitions, what about judges? They are very involved, too_ The judges should make sure the equipment meets the dimensional specifications, and that the meet rules governing competitions are followed and enforced, The judges also have the task, and a most difficult one at best, to judge and evaluate the exercises, Other groups and individuals are involved in an indirect way. People who do research or write- articles play a part in the way athletes and coaches train and prepare, Doctors play a part in giving guidance, direction and advice in preparation and rehabilitation, Sports psychologists help with inSights to personality, achievement and mental preparation, as well as the emotional and psychological aspects of competition and training, Sports, stars and heros provide us with models, heighten enthusiasm and energy, generate our ambitions and dreams; all of which affect athletes, coaches, judges and administrators, Lawyers play a part, too. Not -a day goes by that we are not affected by the law, directly or indirectly, It causes al) of us to respond in a variety of ways, Even philospohers, idealists and dreamers play a rolethey help originate the theories, models and ideals we all live by, We are always trying to define and realize the concepts of winning, losing, aggression, regreSSion, loyalty, sportsmanship and spirit. Could one ever compete in a sport and not feel these emotions? So, when all is said and done, the daily work-out is extremely complicated! There is a tremendous amount involved in the daily training session, and even more to the competition season, and more yet to a career as an athlete or coach, Let us all assume the responsibility of becoming a student of the sport. We should never stop learning and striving for more knowledge in the pursuance of excellence, for once we stop we will stand still and watch everyone else pass us by,

USA GymnastiCS

Jan./Feb. 1984

- -=



Olympic Update

Q%) Development Key To Future Rhythmic Success By Alia Svirskiy 1984 Olympic Rhythmic Coach


he 1983 World Championships are history now, and the USA's team had its finest showing in the history of Rhythmic Gymnastics. I am extremely pleased with our girls' results and to have them qualifY for the '84 games here in Los Angeles. The quality of competition was very high as was evidenced by the awarding of 12 perfect scores of 10.0 by judges. Our pioneer team had to compete against countries with 30 years competition experience and the years of struggling and suffering have finally begun to reap its rewards. Rhythmic Gymnastics has always been the cinderella sport in the United States. It was not until the International Olympic Committee realized the beauty, the mental and physical strength of Rhythmic Gymnastics that the public began to take interest. And now, through wide publicity, its interest continues to grow at a tremendous rate. It was very hard for the US team to qualify and by doing so it has a different meaning to us. We had to pass by more than 20 countries in a very short time. The US team members were extremely successful in 1983. It was the first time an American Rhythmic gymnast ever won an international competition when Valerie Zimring scored a 37.39 all-around in Austria to win that country's Rhythmic Invitational. Teammate Michelle Berube placed second all-around with a score of 37.32. It was the year of scores above 9.0 for the American team, something that was only dreamed of two short years ago. At the USGF International Invitational held in Los Angeles this past August, the US team placed just behind the World Champion Bulgarians with Valerie Zimring scoring 37.90, Lydia Bree scoring 37.15 and Michelle Berube 37.0 allaround. At the 1983 World Championships, even with an unfortunate draw, (Valerie Zimring opened the meet in the No. 1 position, Michelle Berube in the first rotation and no US judges.), the US team showed strong mental and physical preparation. They proved they could compete at a very high international level. The results were: Michelle Berube 34th place 37.00 all-around; Valerie Zimring 48th place 36.55; Lydia Bree 66th place, 35.95. Michelle's and Valerie's distinguished marks, earned them the FIG insignia pin which is awarded to competitors who obtain a 36.00 or higher in an FIG event. Lydia missed the score by onJy .05. Valerie scored the highest event score for an American in the history of the United States involvement in the World

USA Gymnastics

Championships with a 9.55 hoop routine. Experts in this sport remark on our team's dynamic style, originality and great difficulty of elements. All this brings us great confidence that we will place an American Rhythmic Gymnast in the top 20 all-around finals at the '84 Olympic Games. I'd like to comment briefly on the Bulgarians supremecy at the recent World Championships. The advantage the Bulgarians have is due to preparation. As a specialist in Rhythmic Gymnastics and Olympic Coach, I feel the Bulgarians have perfect body preparation: tall and slim physics. Match this with their artistry; dramatic and explosive movement; maximum flexibility and amplitude; and it is natural that they would become the best in the world. This is something the US team has strived to accomplish in a very short span of time. Although we do not have to rush this development, I feel we have to find our own style of movement and expression more clearly. When Diliana Gueorguiva does a rock-n-roll club routine and is awarded a perfect 10.0, I feel guilty that the US team has not developed its own natural style to its best advantage. This is due to a number of factors. In the formulative years of Rhythmic Gymnastics in the US, Andrea Schmid and Norma Zabka mentioned to me that we must try to find our American style. But we could not use original music; i.e. American music, because there were very few pianists available with a knowledge of Rhythmic (See AU.A, page 54)


Jan'/Feb. 1984

Fear Is A Major Coneern By Don Peters 1984 Women's Olympic Coach ost outside observers of our sport are usually quite impressed with the physical development of our athletes. As an inside observer, I would agree that in terms of overall fitness, strength, power, flexibility, and endurance our gymnasts would rank well above most other athletes. However, I am even more impressed with the role that artistic gymnastics plays in the emotional development of our young women. Here is how I think that our sport may help a young girl develop emotionally into a productive adult capable of handling her expanded role in today's world. One emotion that a gymnast must deal with is fear. Fear is a- factor in almost every workout. Each new skill in each routine presents an obstacle of fear that must be surmounted. Gymnasts are not, nor do they learn to be fearless. But, the gymnast learns in what ways she may best conquer or cope with her fears. These learned skills of coping with fear can be carried over and assist the gymnast in adulthood in dealing with job related fears or any other distressing situations that she may encounter. Another "emotional" skill that may be developed through gymnastics is the ability to remain calm and in control under pressure. Years of facing the judges "green flag" in front of .large and often critical audiences produces (even if only through . trial and error) a person with tremendous emotional control. This presence of mind can be of great value to a corporate executive reporting a loss of dividends to a meeting of angry stockholders, or to an attorney arguing a case before her country's highest court. A well known prayer reads: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. " In a way, this prayer teachers a lesson that every successful gymnast has already learned. She learns that she cannot competely control the score the judges award to her, nor can she control the performances of her competitors in the competition. So, she really cannot control the final outcome of whether she wins or loses. She can only control the quality of her own performance. She learns to be satisfied, if she has performed to the best of her ability, regardless of her place, and to be unhappy if she did not give her best effort. But she also learns not to worry or to be bothered by that over which she has no control. She has acquired "the wisdom to know the difference." Artistic gymnastics can play a unique role in the development of today's modem women, as it provides the opportunity to develop a high level of physical fitness, emotional stability, as well as more traditional feminine characteristics such as pOise, grace, and elegance. This is a key point in favor of artistic gymnasticS over other forms of sport, because most other sports for women are simply "male" sports performed by "females," e.g., basketball, track and field ' (athletics), swimming, etc., and they do not encourage qualities of femininity. A woman bank president may be intelligent, shrewd, aggressive, and competent in her position, but she is still a woman. Many psychiatrists are



reporting greater incidences of stress-related problems among women executives caused in large part by "Identity Crises" that arise from working professionally as a man in a man's world and living their private lives as a woman. Most women's sports do not prepare yo ung women for this dual role. I believe artistic gymnastics does.

ALLA (from page 53) Gymnastics to play for our optional routines. With the cost of making original musical tapes about 575-5150 per routine, the gymnasts had no choice but to use taped music, and these tapes came mostly from Bulgaria. Although much less expensive, these tapes did not help develop our own American style. For years the US National Rhythmic teams have survived with no funds for pianists, choreographer or coach. The dedication and work that went into the routines performed at these recent World Championships certainly deserves a perfect score of 10.0. Rhythmic GymnasticS is a sport where all routines are done to music on a dance basis. Where vaulting and uneven bars do not use music, Rhythmic Gymnastics cannot do without a professional choreographer. The Eastern block countries use live musical accompaniment, choreographers, and coaches for even the most beginning classes. By using live music, in each class from their warm-up through the entire workout, they are able to develop unmatched rhythm, timing, grace and flow, and reach maximum perfection of blending the elements in a routine. The most immediate goal for our nation, and all the club teams involved in this beautiful sport, must be to have a pianist and choreographer available. The sooner we use them in our early training programs, the better high level competitors will be. The next major problem that our National team faces is a facility with a proper ceiling height. Our competition calendar needs much improvement in competitions in this country. Each competition has an overall cost of between $2,000-$3,000. This makes it almost impossible for an individual club to offer meets where there is limited participation. Yet we desperately need these smaller meets to prepare our gymnasts. We cannot expect them to perform to the best of their ability if their first major meet is US Nationals. There must be a supporting program of Invitational meets to develop our top athletes. To do this we must seek the support of local sponsors throughout the US. The lack of high level competition experience costs each of our gymnasts at least per routine at the international level. This problem stems from our local development programs. To talk about our top international gymnasts and our future goal internationally, we must first meet these needs. Then we will serve the whole Rhythmic community and all future athletes. The next discussion will be about our international needs.


USA Gymnastics




INTIRNATIDNAI GYMNASTICS Training Camp R.D. 3, Box 3597F Stroudsburg, PA 18360 717路629路0244 Call or Write

The Be s t

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