USA Gymnastics - September/October 1991

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Publication of the United States Gymnastics Federation




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S E PTE M B E R / 0 C T 0 B E R, 1 9 9 1, VOL U M E 2 0, N U M B E R 5


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At any given moment, it seems that most of us are trying to lose weight or are worrying about what we choose to eat. Learn the do's and don'ts of eating protein foods plus gain knowledge on dairy products, fruits and vegetables, breads • and cereals, desserts, fats and oils and other foods and snacks. There are even three recipes for you to try ................ 10 •

RESULTS SECTION The second annual "Results Section" is intended to give gymnasts and their clubs some well-deserved recognition for their accomplishments. State, Regional, Age Group and Elite Development Directors submitted results from July 1990 through June 1991. Read this section to find out who's hot in your area of the country .......................... .......... ...............14 • Champion South Team's Lanna Apisukh, Heidi Hornbeek, Li Li : Leung, Kim Bonaventura, Denise Fierro and Kristin Duff

U.S. OLYMPIC FESTIVAL-'9l The U.S. Olympic Festival has become America's foremost amateur sports showcase. The nation's finest athletes gathered in Los Angeles, Calif., from July 12-21 to compete in this year's event. Shelley Engel, Jair Lynch and Jenifer Lovell became the U.S. Olympic Festival champions for m en, women and rhythmic gymnastics ...................................20 •


· ASK MARY LOU••••••••••••••


· SPORTS FITNESS.......... 10 EVENT SCHEDULE..•.••.••39

Anne Woynerowski made gymnastics history at the 1991

u.s. Championships by performing an innovative vault-


EVENT RESULTS••.••.••.•• 3B

RESULTS SECTlON •.•••••• 14 CLASSIFIED ADS ••••.••.••42 PAN AM RESULTS •...••••• 30


layout Yurchenko with one and one half twists. Woynerowski also became the 1991 Junior National Cham- • Cover Photo of Shelley Engel by ©Duomo, Paul J. Sutton pion. Her secret to success is concentration. Woynerowski's • 1991 and cover photo of Jair Lynch by ©Duomo, Steven E. goal is to make the 1992 Olympic Team ...................................46 • Sutton 1991.

USA GYMN ASTICS (lSSN 0748-M(6) is published bimonthly for $15 per yea r in the U.s.; all other countries $32 per yea r. USA GYMNASTI CS is published by the United States Gymnastics Federation, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Ca pito l Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46225. Second class postage paid a t Indianapolis, IN 46204 and additiona l mailing o ffices. l'OSTMASTER: Send address changes to USA GYMNASTICS, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indi anapolis, IN 46225. United States Gymnastics Federa tion (USPS 005-666) (lSSN 0748-6006) The Uni ted Sta tes Gymnastics Federation (USG F) is the sole natio na l governing body for the sport of gy mnas ti cs. A not-for-profit organization, th e USG F selects, trains and adminis ters the U.S. Gymnastics Tea m, including the U.s. Olympic Gym na sti cs Team . Co ntributions a nd support a re always welcome and are tax·deduct ible . ©199 1 USGF and USA GYMNASTICS. All rights rese rved . Printed in the USA.


s -



Publisher Mike Jacki

Editor LuanPeszek Men's Program

Administrator Robert Cowan Women's Program

have previously written editorials about collegiate OUR MAJOR SUCCESS THUS FAR gymnastics programs in the United HAS BEEN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF States but feel the topic needs to be addressed THE USGF DIVISION II AND III again. In recent months, I have reCHAMPIONSHIPS. WHEN THE NCAA ceived many calls and letters from the comDROPPED THIS EVENT, THE USGF munity expressing their concern and askASSUMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT. ing the USGF to do something. I will tell you we have been doing something. However, I will be honest in my evalua- : write to Chancellors, Presidents and tion as to whether or not this • Board of Regents and we have made problem has a real and permanent • offers of financial support. In every solution. • case, these efforts and offers had little Our major success thus far has . or no impact on the final decision. It been the establishment of the USGF • mustberememberedthattheNCAA Division II and III Championships. • is a totally independent and autonoWhen the NCAA dropped this event, : mous organization, working on bethe USGF assumed responsibility for • half of it' s own membership. (ie. Colit. The event has been growing each • leges and Universities and their reyear and many people feel their pro- • spective athletic departments.) It is grams would have been dropped . logical to assume that as colleges and without this opportunity. • Universities are independently reWehavemadeofferstotheNCAA • sponsible for their financial well-beto guarantee and underwrite the : ing, the decision making will be dicMen's Division I Championships. . tated solely by economics. To someThere was never a formal rejection of • what revise the NCAA's eligibility our offer and I would anticipate that • motto, one will need to be able to this offer would be made again • "pay to play!" Therefore, what are the options should it be proposed that the Divi-· sion I program be eliminated. We • andwhatdoesthefuturehold.While have been involved in virtually ev- : the following comments reflect my ery program that has either been in . personal opinions, they can be subjeopardy or threatened to be • stantiated by past history and what dropped. We send Olympian's to • general business dictates. put on exhibitions or speak to Ath- . letic Directors, we send letters and • Continued on page 13

expresses no opinion hereon and assumes no responsibility thereof.


USA GYMNASTICS March/A pril 1991


Administrator Kathy Kelly Rhythmic Program



Administrator Nora Hitzel United States Gymnastics Federation Board Of Directors Executive Director: Mike Jacki; President: Mike Donahue; President Emeritus: Bud Wilkinson; Athlete Representatives: Brian Babcock, chair; Wendy Hilliard, vice chair; LindaKardos-Barnett, sec; Kelly Garrison; Tim Daggett; Jim Hartung; Michelle Dusserre; Karyn Lyon; Peter Vidmar, USOC Athletic Advisory Council; Amateur Athletic Union: Julie Sickels; American Sokol Organization: Jerry Milan; American Turners: Bruno Klaus; Junior Boys Gymnastics Coaches Association: Bill Foster; Men's Elite Coaches Association: Fred Roethlisberger; National Association for Girls and Women in Sforts: Dr. Mimi Murray; National Ass~ ciation of ColleS:Iate Gymnastics Men: Abie Grossfeld; National ASSOCIation of Collegiate Gymnastics Women: Gail Davis; National Association of Women's Gymnastics Judl\es: Yvonne Hodge; National Collegiate Athletic Association: Cheryl Levick, Dave Mickelson; National Federation of State High School Associations: Sharon Wilch,Susan True; National Gymnastics Judges Association: Harry Bjerke; National High School Gymnastics Coaches AssocIation: John Brinkworth; National Jewish Welfare Board: Courtney Shanken; Rhythmic Coaches Association: Suzie DiTullio; Special Olympics, Inc.: Kate Faber; U.S. Association of Independent Gym Club: Lance Crowley; U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Women: Mary Wright, Chere Hoffman; U.S. Sports Acrobatics Federation: Joe Schabacker; Young Men's Christian Association: Rick Dodson; USGF National Membership Representatives: Men's: Dave Strobel, Bob Wuomos; Women's: Joan Moore Rice, Jeff Metzger; Rhythmic: Marina Davidovich, JoUe Barretta.

United States Gymnastics Federation Executive Committee President: Mike Donahue; Secretary: Mike Milidonis; Vice President-Women: Sue Ammerman; Vice President-Men: Jim Howard; Vice President-Rhythmic: Norma Zabka; Executive Director:Mike Jacki; FIG Women'sTechnical Committee: Jackie Fie; FIG Rhythmic TechnicalCommittee: Andrea Schmid; FIG Men's Technical Committee: Bill Roetzheim; Members-At-Large: Roe Kreutzer; Nancy Marshall; Athlete Representatives: Linda Kardos Barnett, Peter Vidmar. Brian Babcock, Wendy Hilliard; President Emeritus: Bud Wilkinson.




Associate Content Editors SPORTS SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMlITEE: Marlene Adrian, Ph.D. Gerald S. George, Ph.D. Patty Hacker, Ph.D. Merrill A. Ritter, M.D. William Sands, Ph.D. Stephen W. Whitlock

Unless expressly identified to the contran', all articles,

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• coaching techniques, to the · DEAR MARY LOU, • right way to manage and I am one of your best fans. • Hello! I am 14 years old I do lots of reports on you. I • from Ocean City, NJ. I have • market the club! liked gymnastics for so love your smile and long, it is my life. Because everything. I am 9 years old · DEAR MARY LOU, of where I live, there is no and my name is Amy I am 10 years old and in • where to train. I was going Charlson. I have a brother my floor routine I have to named Bruce and a mom to move away to train at • do a straight arm back Parkettes in Allentown, Pa. and dad named Debby and extension. I can' t do this but I couldn't. I have been Mark. I have a dog named skill very well and I get out of the gym for so long I Lee and a cat named Missy. about six tenths deducted lost everything. I was doing • from my score. What will Do you have any pets? double backs before I left. Please tell me about your • help me to do better? What should I do? family. Amy Berlenback Jason Bourgeois Amy Charlson Bloomfield Hills, Michigan



Ocean City, New Jersey

Dear Amy, Thank you so much for your kind comments. And yes, I do have pets! I have a dog named Pee Wee who lives in Houston, Texas with my husband, Shannon, and I. And I have another dog, Kissee, who lives with my mom and dad in West Virginia.

• Dear Amy, Dear Jason, I've said it once and I'll It's not too late for you to • say it again-Practice, begin again. I think you • Practice, Practice! A really need to sit down • straight arm back extension with your parents and is a difficult skill and takes evaluate your feelings for • a whole lot of strength. gymnastics. If you still Make sure to work extra want to participate in our • hard on your conditioning wonderful sport, I suggest • skills after practice. Press you check out your yellow • handstands, push-ups, pages under gymnastics • handstand push-ups and and look for the nearest • dips will help strengthen DEAR MARY LOU, facility which offers classes. • your upper body and will I train at Washington • help you master the Gymnastics Training • straight arm back exten· DEAR MARY LOU, Center 20 hours a week. sion. Work hard! I'm in college and since I Our team spends a great deal of time on bars. • was S years old I've wanted • During that time my hands • to coach gymnastics and • DEAR MARY LOU, tend to get sore and I get • later own my own club. My name is Kelly and I'm nasty little rips. I was • What advice do you have • 11 years old. I was having wondering what you found • about the steps I should • trouble with my back tuck to be the best cure for sore • take to become a gymnas• on floor but now I got it. hands and rips? • tics coach? (What classes in • The problem is that I can't Tracy Lyne • college, steps outside of • get it up higher. Do you Federal Way, Washington • college, etc.) • think you could give me Anne M. Hick • suggestions on exercises Dear Tracy, Annandale, Virginia • that could try getting it I don't know if it works • higher? I'm competing at for everyone, but for me the • Dear Anne, • LevelS but I might be That's super, we always best cure for sore hands • going to Level 6. • need more gymnastics and rips is to keep them Kelly coaches! I too, want to moist! When I competed I • Dear Kelly, used to cut five finger holes • someday coach and be an It's very difficult for me to • owner of my own club. My in a pair of old tube socks suggestion to you is to get a coach you without seeing and sleep all night with the • job as an assistant coach at • your back tuck, but I will oil from a Vitamin E • a gym and try to learn • give you some general capsule. I also used straw• everything you can! Learn • pointers. On your take berry ointment, Vaseline, • the ropes, from the latest • off-make sure your body etc. It helped a lot!



Mary Lou Retton

• • • • • • • •

is tight (bottom squeezed, stomach in and arms up) head is straight and when you rotate bring your knees to your chest as tight as you can. Your rotation should be fast and efficient.


: DEAR MARY LOU, • • • • • • • • •

I am a level 7 and I go to gymnastics at Lafleur's St. Pete. I am a little scared of my round-off dismount on beam. I also have a hard time standing up my handspring full vault. What would you do if you were in this situation? Breck Pribyl



St. Petersburg, Florida

• Dear Breck, A round-off dismount is • pretty scary. Make sure you start by warming the skill • up on a line on the floor • making sure your foot • placement is correct, then • take it to a low beam. Do • the round-off there until • you feel comfortable. Then, • when you go up on the • high beam, ask your coach • to stand there the first few • times for safety. For your handspring full vault, if • you are sitting down on • your bottom, go harder for • the vault. Block harder off • the horse and stay tight!

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991







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NUTRITION TIPS BY DIANE CARSON M.S., R.D. tany given moment, it seems that most of us are trying to weight or lose are worrying about what we choose to eat. Today, Americans are more educated in health, fitness and nutrition than ever before. We are all aware of the health implications of what we choose to eat. Maintaining desirable weight, and eating a diet low in fat and cholesterol is recommended by most health authorities. The prevalence of overweight/ obese Americans is overwhelming. Obesity occurs when there is an imbalance of caloric intake. Simply, if you consume more calories than your body needs for maintenance and activity, you will gain weight. The sedentary lifestyle and the typically high fat diet of most Americans are responsible for the prevalence of obesity in our country today.


WHAT CAN YOU DO? Eating a low fat diet is the first step. Gymnasts and their coaches and families should be especially careful of their intake of dietary fats. It is thought that limiting your intake of fat, not necessarily limiting your intake of calories, will help you control your weight. Did you know that fat contains twice as many calories as carbohydrateand protein (9 calories/ gram vs 4 calories / gram)? Sadly, Americans consume


a pproxima tely 40-50 percent of their calories from fat, when they should consume closer to 30 percent. The following helpful hints can help you learn to ea t a low fa t diet.

DAIRY PRODUCTS Use low fat, 1% or nonfat milk. Try low fat cheeses (3-5 grams of fat per ounce), like part-skim milk mozzarella, ricotta cheese, Lappi cheese, and low fat cottage cheese. Avoid swiss, cheddar, and cream cheese.



THE DO'S AND DON'TS OF EATING PROTEIN FOODS Choose lean cuts of meat, fish and poultry that are broiled or baked, not fried . Try low fat red meats like tenderloin, flank steak, chuck, lean ground meat, 95% fat-free luncheon meats and lean veal. Trim visible fat from meats and remove the skin on poultry. Try vegetable proteins like beans, peas, lentils, and tofu. Cut down on your portion sizes (eat 4-8 ounces / day). The size of a deck of cards is about equal to 3 ounces of cooked meat. Limit eggs to 3 per week. Avoid fatty meats such as hot dogs, sausage, high-fat luncheon meats, and fried meats, fish and poultry (fish sticks, and fried chicken).



FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables, plain canned and frozen fruits and vegetables. Try a hearty vegetable soup with a tomato base. Watch out for creambased soups, olives, avocado, fried potatoes and frozen vegetables in sauces or butter.

Add healthy salad bar toppings to your salad such as green peas, beets, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, broccoli and or cauliflower. Avoid salad bar toppings such as chopped egg, bacon bits, croutons, fried noodles, cheese, olives, avocado, and prepared salads. Ask for dressing on the side, or try vinegar or lemon juice.


SALAD BAR Dress your salad for success with no more than 2 tablespoons of salad dressing or, preferably, reducedcalorie salad dressing. Make your salad into a meal by adding lean meats, chicken or turkey, pasta or vegetables.

BREADS AND CEREALS Try whole grain breads and cereals, plain bagels and english muffins instead of croissants, waffles or pancakes. Instead of Ritz crackers, Cheese-Its or Wheat Thins,

USA GYMNASTICS March/April 1991


grab a few Rye-Krisp crackers, bread sticks, pretzels, or graham crackers.

DESSERTS A void high-fat desserts such as ice cream, donuts, cookies, pies, chocolate, and cakes. - Try small portions of nonfat yogurt, fruits, sherbets, angelfood cake, or vanilla wafers.

FATS AND OILS Limit added fats and oils (margarine, vegetable oils, and dressings) to 3-6 teaspoons per day. Use low-calorie fat alternatives like diet margarine, diet mayonnaise, and red uced -calorie salad dressing.

OTHER FOODS AND SNACKS Watch out for chips, nuts and seeds, and regular sodas. Try snacks such as vegetable sticks, broiled tortilla pieces (instead of fried chips), mini-rice cakes, dry cereal, pretzels, fresh fruit, airpopped popcorn and low fat crackers.

EXERCISE In the summer months it is harder than ever to get to the gym and put in a good workout. Go and do it! Remember to drink lots of fluids (no caffeine!) to avoid dehydration. In addition to your regular workouts, try some of these helpful fitness and exercise hints: Walk. Walking burns calories and helps decrease your appetite. Walking uses calf, hamstring, hip, knee, and quadricep muscles. Walking is as good as jogging and with less stress to your joints. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Park your car and walk

into the shopping center. Even take a few laps around the parking lot before you go in. Take up a new sport or activity like dancing, biking, volleyball, hiking, tennis or skating just for fun.

HELPFUL HINTS Eat regular meals (about every 4-5 hours). Eat slowly. Avoid eating while watching television or reading. Eat smaller portions. Stay active. Get out and do it.

HOW MUCH FAT IS EOUAL TO 30 PERCENT? First, to answer this question, you must know how many calories you should be consuming per day. A. Your Body Weight in

pounds X 13 *If you are over-

weight, use your desirable weight. * if you are very inactive, multiply by 10. * if you are very active, multiply by 13

B. Check the chart below to determine how many grams of fat you should be consuming based on your calorie needs. Approximate Calorie Needs

Grams of FaUDay to = 30%of Calories from Fat

1200 1400 1500 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 3000

40 47 50 53 60 67 73 80 87 100

The Calculation: 1. Multiply the grams of fat

RECIPES Frozen Yogurt Popsicles 2-8 ounce cartons of plain yogurt 1-12 ounce can of frozen juice concentrate Dash of vanilla Combine all ingredients. Freeze in molds or small paper cups. For handles, place wooden sticks in slightly frozen mixture.

Zero Salad Dressing 1 cup tomato juice 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion salt and pepper to taste Combine all ingredients. Chill. Serve with tossed green salad.

Spicy Vegetable Dip 1-8 ounce carton plain yogurt 1/4 cup salsa 1 tablespoon horseradish 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons minced celery 1 tablespoon each of minced green onion and green pepper. Combine all ingredients. Chill. Serve with raw vegetables.

USA GYMNASTICS March/April 1991

in your food, your meal, or even your day by 9. Remember there are 9 calories per gram of fat compared t04 calories per gram of carbohydrate and protein. Example: Potato Chips 1 bag= 14 gmfat x 9 (calories / gram) =126 calories from fat 2. Divide the calories from fat by the total calories to determine the percentage of calories from fat. Example: Potato Chips 1 bag= 192 total calories 126 calories from fat! 192 total calories = 66% of the calories from fat!

A FEW DIET TIPS: 1. Select lowfat dairy prod-

ucts. 2. Limit intake of high-fat cheeses. 3. Limit intake of butter, margarine, shortening, oil, salad dressing and mayonnaise. 4. Limit red meat to 2-3 servings per week. 5. Remove the skin from chicken. 11






NEW - #2162 - 1991 U.S. Championships,

NEW - #2234 - 1991 U.S. Championships,

NEW - #2291 - Coaching America's Gym.

Cincinnati, OH. Junior "A" Optional Competition (selected routines). Woynerowski, McDermott, Spidle, Simpson, Hornbeek, Duff, etc. (B, 2:00) .............................$16.95 NEW - #2163 - 1991 U.s. Championships, Cincinnati, OH. Senior Optional Competition (selected routines) . Zmeskal, Woolsey, Strug, Kelly, Bruce, Grivich, Miller, Crandall, etc. (A, 2:00) ......... $16.95 NEW - #2164 - 1991 U.S. Championships, Cincinnati, OH. Optional FINALS and Senior Compulsory Competition (selected routines). (A, 2:00) ............................ $16.95 NEW - #2173 - Dance Workshops 1, 2, and 3. Designed for the gymnasts to follow along with basic ballet skills. Demonstrator: Mary Faulkenberry (A,2:00) ........... $15.00 NEW - #2174 - Dance Workshops 1, 2, and 3 - the coach's video. Includes explanation regarding the ballet exercises presented. Demo: Faulkenberry (A, 2:00) ........ $15.00 NEW - #2135 - U.S. Classic, Huntington Beach, CA. Senior Optionals (selected routines), and UPB & BB workout. (B, 2:00) ..................................................... $16.95 NEW - #2136 - U.S. Classic, Huntington Beach, CA. Junior "A" and Junior "B" optionals (selected routines). (B, 1:51) .....................................................$16.95 #2154 - 1991 AMERICAN CUP, Orlando, FL 2/91. Preliminaries and Finals. (B, 1:29) ............................................................... $19.95 #2155 - 1991 MIXED PAIRS, Atlanta, GA 2/ 91. (A, :45) .......................................... $16.95

Cincinnati, OH. Senior Men & Junior Elite Compulsory Competition (selected routines) . Waller, Kirksey, Schlesinger, C.Umphrey, Warburton, Hanks, Cohen, Huston, Denk, Durbin , Meadows, G.Umphrey, etc. (B, 2:00) .. .............. $19.95 NEW - #2235 - 1991 U.s. Championships, Cincinnati, OH. Senior Men & Junior Elite Optionals (selected routines). Waller, Kirksey, Schlesinger, C.Umphrey, Warburton, Hanks, Cohen, Huston, Denk, Durbin, Meadows, G .Umphrey. (B, 2:00) ......................................................$19.95 NEW - #2236 - 1991 U.s. Championships, Cincinnati,OH. Event FINALS. Racanelli, Waller, Keswick, Ringnald, etc. (A, :40) ..................:....................................$12.95 NEW - #2293 - 1991 U.s. Challenge - U.S. vs. Romania, Albuquerque, NM, 5/ 27-28 / 91. (Comp&Opt) (A,1 :30) ...............$12.95 NEW - #2294 -Junior Olympic National Skill Testing Program . Demons trated by Vladimir Artemov. (A) .....................$19.95

Coaches (Chicago, IL 3/22-24/ 91) Pre- sentation Summary Tape 1: Whitlock, George, Moskovitz, Essick, Walker (B, 2:00) .........................................................$12.95 NEW - #2292 - Coaching America's Gym. Coaches (Chicago, IL 3/22-24 / 91) Presentation Summary Tape 2: Martens, Coughlin, Sands, Metzger, Reighard, Jacki (B, 2:00) ........................................ ... ... $12.95 NEW - Tapes of the following sessions from the 6/ 91 USGF Womens Coaches' Workshop in Indianapolis are now available: #2114 - Faulkenberry/ Biggs / Johnson: Dance Drills for Floor Exercise. EXCELLENT (A, 1:30) ....................... ........... $14.95 #2115 - Dr. Bill Sands: Radical New Idea for Gymnastics. Conditioning plans and implementation (B+,2:00) ..................$12.95 #2116 - Dr. Bill Sands: Strength and conditioning drills (B+, 1:45) ................. $12.95 #2117 - Interview with Brandy Johnson (Inspirational!). M.Cook: Vaulting Basics (A,2:00) ..................... ..........................$12.95 #2118 - Biggs / Johnson: Beam Basics. Knight: Beam Basics. (B+,2:00) .........$12.95 #2119 - S.Elliott: Beginner to intermediate Tumbling Basics . Very Good! (B, 1:30) .....................................................$12.95

EDlTCATIONAL :\IATERIALS #1114 Women's J.O. Levels I-IV. (Same as 1st 80 pages of Compo book). Great for young athletesL ..................................$15.00 Women's J.O . Compulsory Book. Levels 1IV and 5-10 -1989-1992: #1110 Price far USGF $24.95 #1111 Price far .... $34.95 #1101 Women's FIG Code of Points. $34.95 #1301 RSG F.I.G. Code of Points .....$34.95 #1302 RSG Compulsory Text... ........ $26.50 #1201 Men's F.I.G. Code of Points .. $34.95 #1202 Men's J.O. Compulsory Text $16.50 NEW! #1100 Women's J.O. Recreational!

Optional Competition Program book includes event descriptions, rules, scoring, tables of difficulties, glossary, sample judging sheets. Great for Recreational programs, high schools, YMCA¡s ..... . $7.00

USGF GYMNASTICS SAFETY MANUAL 2nd Ed. The USGF is pleased to present the 2nd,E ditionof the Safety Manual, This has been the compilation of efforts of many of our top sports professionals headed by Senior Editor, Dr. Gerald S. . George. The final product contains almost four years of study, review and the procurement of data research and documents. #6001 ..............$16.45 PLEASE NOTE: The videos listed above are provided for educational and historic purposes. While every effort is made to produce videos of the highest quality, it should be noted that some ofthe videos are produc~d at events utilizing handheld cameras from vantage points in i:he stands by non-professional volunteer technicians. Only limited editing and production enhancements are utilized in order to provide a timely product at a reasonable cost to the USGF membership. To order any of these materials, please complete the order form on page 47.



#2700 - The Winning Difference - Produced by PANASONlC-documentspreparation&training the U.s. Men's and Women's '88 Olympic Teams. An excellent informative and entertaining tape ... onethat you will enjoy watching time after tiME. (A+) ................................$12.95 NEW - The 1991 GYMNAESTRADA in

Amsterdam, Netherlands. Includes group performances, mini-tramp, aerobics demonstrations, tumbling, apparatus, RSG events, outdoor performances, AcroSport, etc. You'll really enjoy these! #2702 - Opening Ceremonies (1 :09) andVarious Outdoor performances held in the Olympic Stadium (B+ 0:40) ......$16.95 #2703 - Various Country Performances. A wide variety of performance groups. (B+ 2:00) .............................................$16.95 #2704 - "USSR Gala Exhibition" evening. This features many former USSR World and Olympic Champions. Also great AcroSport exhibitions and aerobics (A 1:34). Various other country performances (B+ 0:26) .............................................. $16.95 #2705 - The"Amsterdam Gala Exhibition" evening featuring performances from groups representing 22 different countries. Also, various other country performances. (A 2:00) .............................. $16.95




issue if the coach has been there for many years. Athletic department unable to find suitable replacement.

BACK TO SCHOOL. .. Continued from page 6

Individual schools make the ultimate decisions whether or not a program is supported, retained or dropped. Schools decisions are based on many things. Here are 'some of the more frequent determiners:

• . . • •

1. Finances (dropping gymnastics frees up more money for football and basketball).

5. Team performs poorly and never receives "national" recognition. 6. Personality conflict or bad working relationship between coach and athletic department/staff.

While each program will have its own "unique" problems, the above list are the most common. So, now • what? Good business sense would dictate that we look at the reasons • programs are dropped and develop solutions. However, you can see that • it may be quite difficult to find solutions for some of the reasons listed above. Therefore, it may be best to address this issue collectively rather than independently. I would suggest a two or three o

2. Equalizing men's and women's sports programs within an athletic department (both in terms of money and numbers).




3. Loss of other programs in the conference or the geographic area.



4. Coach retires or leavesthis is more likely to be an


• day gathering of all the collegiate : coaches and interested parties. It • would be a working session, well planned or organized, with the goals and objectives being to develop a long term strategy as to how the collegiate gymnastics program in the • U.S. can be stabilized and how to • minimize and reduce the risk of losing more programs in the future. In order to begin this process, an organizing committee needs to be seo lected, an action plan and time table developed and basic data and information needs to be solicited, organizedandevaluated.lammorethan • willing to commit USGF personnel and resources to participate in this endeavor. It's like the old Mark Twain com• ment, "Everyone's always talking • about the weather but no one does anything about it." In the case of • collegiate gymnastics, we need to do something about it. • o o o


o o o









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he second annual "Results Section" is intended to give gymnasts and their clubs some well-deserved recognition for their accomplishments. State, Regional, Age Group and Elite Development Directors submitted results from July 1990 through June 1991. This section will be published annually in the September / October issue of USA Gymnastics magazine. The 1992 "Results Section" will include results from July 1991 through June 1992. The same procedure will be used for next yearState, Regional, Age Group and Elite Development Directors should submit results from State Competitions, Regional Competitions, Major Invitational Competitions,NCAA Competitions and other gymnastics events. Please use the following format when submitting results: 1) Name of Competition; 2) City and State where event was held; 3) Date of Competition; 4) Winning Team; 5) Top three all-around winners and their club or school; and 6) Winner of each event and their club or schooL Send results to USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. The deadline for the 1992 "Results Section" will be July 1, 1992 so mark your calendars today! 14

September 29, 1990. Schriever, Louisiana. Level 2 AA 6-7 yrs.-l, A. Eckert, Cajun Kips; 2, A McDonald, Cajun Kips; 3, 1. Chauvin, Cajun Kips. Vault, Floor-I, A. McDonald. Bars-I , (t)-I, A. McDonald and 1. Chauvin. Beam1, A Eckert. Level 2 AA 8-9 yrs.1, e. Caperton, Cajun Kips; 2, K Blanchard, Tardo; 3, R. Fitch, Cajun Kips.Vault-I ,e. Caperton. Bars1, E. Bourgeois, Tardo. Beam-I, e. Caperton. Floor-I, K Blanchard. Level 2 AA 10 yrs.-I, J. Delatte, Cajun KijJs; 2, A Berthelot, Cajun Kips; 3, S. Lester, Tardo. Vault, Beam-I, A Berthelot. Bars-I, S. Lester. Floor-I,e. Sublett. Level 4 A.A. 9 yrs.-I, A. Kimball, Cajun Kips;2,j. Naquin, GDC; 3,e. Babin, Tardo. Vauft, Bars-I, Naquin . Beam, Floor-I, Kimball. Level 4 AA 10-11 yrs.-I, T. Bergeron, Tardo;2, A Roundtree, Cajun Kips; 3, K Steib, Cajun Kips. Vault, Bars, Floor-I, Bergeron. Beam-I, e. Allemand, Cajun Kips. LevelS AA 8-9yrs.-I, e. LanIUS, Gyrnnaslana; 2, M. Konechne, Slidell; 3, B. Hare, Cajun Kips. Vault, Bars, Floor-I, Lanius. Beam-I, M. Konechne. LeveISA.A.IO-ll yrs.-I,A Bourgeois, Gym Gems; 2, A Decoteau, Gym Gems; 3, K Gautreau, Gym Gems. Vault, Floor-I, Bourgeois. Bars-I,J. Watson, Slidell. Beam1, Decoteau. LeveISAAI2&up1, K Young, Gym Gems; 2, R. Cayette, Gym Gems; 3, T. Albert, Cajun Kips. Vault-I, R. Clement, Slidell. Bars, Beam-I, Young. Floor-I ,A Battaglia, Gyrnnasiana. Level 6 AA 8-9 yrs.-I, K Anderson, Cajun Kips; 2, Q. Ryan, Gymnasiana; 3, C. Elliott, Gymnasiana. Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor-I, Anderson. Level 6 AA 10-11 yrs.-I, A Courville, Cajw1 Kips; 2, J. Greeson, Gyrnnasiana; 3, e.Y'oung, Gymnasiana. Vault-I, Young.Bars-I, M. Monroe, Slidell. Beam-I, Courville. Floor-I, Greeson. Level 6 AA 12 & up-I, J. Fontenot, Gym Gems; 2, M. Blanchard, Cajun Kips; 3, B. SeI£, Gym Gems. Vault-I, Fontenot. Bars-I, Blanchard. Beam-I, Self. Floor- I, (t) Fontenot and Self. Level 7 AA. 9 yrs.-I, R. Bossier, Gymnasiana; 2, M. Labauve, Gyrnnasiana. Vault, Beam, Floor1, Bossier. Bars-I, Labauve. Level 7 AA. 10-11 yrs.-1, K Toups, Gymnasiana; 2, K Toney, Gym Gems; 3, S. Bourque, Gym Gems. Vault, Bars, Beam,Floor-I, Toups. Level 7 AA 12 & up-I, M. Carter, Gym Gems; 2, J. Washington, Slidell; 3, 1. Brasseaux, Gym Gems. Va ult, Floor-I , Washington. Bars-I, (t) Carter and T. Fuller, Cajun Kips. Beam-I, Carter.

GYM FEST '90 Oct. 19-20, 1990. BatonRouge,Louisiana. Level 4 Team ChampionJill's Gymnastics. Level 4 A.A. 8-9 yrs.-I, D. Chidlow, Jill's; 2, A. Wooddall, Gymnasiana; 3, K Lyons, Gymnasiana . Vault-I, D. Chidlow. Bars-I, A Wooddall.

Beam-I , (t) K Lyons and M. Cunningham, Jill's. Floor-I, A. Veilleux,Gymnasiana. Level4AA 10-11 yrs.-I, T. Ber~eron, Tardo's; 2, S. Swearingin, Jill s; 3, A Thompson, Gymnasiana. Vault-I, S. Swearingin. Bars-I, T. Bergeron. Beam-I, T. Bergeron. Floor-I, S. Swearingin. Level 4 A.A 12 & over-I, e. Lenert, Jill's; 2, E. Hightower, Gymnasiana; 3, T. Titone, Gymnasiana. Vault-I, K Leblanc, Tardo's. Bars, Beam and Floor-I, e. Lenert. LevelS Team Champion-Northshore Gymnastics. Level S AA 7-8 yrs.-I, A King, Northshore; 2, K Berlin, Nort hshore; 3, S. Fisher, Northshore. Vault-I, A. King. Bars-I, K Berlin. Beam-I, A. King. Floor-I, K Berlin. Level S A.A. 9 yrs .-I, A. Couret, Northshore; 2, A. Thomas, Northshore; 3, E. Parfait, Northshore. Vault-I, (t) A. Couret and A Thomas. Bars-I, A Thomas. Beam and Floor-I, A Couret. Level S A.A . 10 yrs.-I, A. Mangipano,Northshore;2,A Bourgeois, Gym Gems; 3, 1. McKenzIe, Northshore. Vault and Floor- I, A Bourgeois. 5ars-I, J. Bunol, Northsnore . Beam-I, A. Mangipano. LevelS A.A. 11 yrs.I,E. Woodworth,Northshore;2,A Decoteau, Gym Gems; 3, K. Gautreau, Gym Gems. Vault-I, (t) A Decoteau and 1. Carter, Gym Gems. Bars-I, E. Woodworth. Beam-I, K Gautreau. Floor-I, A Decoteau. Level S AA 12 & over-I, K Young, Gym Gems; 2, R. Cayette, Gym Gems; 3, A Easley, M & M. Vault-I, (t) K Young and R. Cayette, Gym Gems. Bars and Floor-l, K Young. Beam-I, R. Cayette. LevelS AA. IS & over-I, ASrnith,Slidell. Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor-I, A Smith. Level 6 Team Champion-Northshore Gymnastics. Level 6 AA 8-9 yrs.-I, K Anderson, Cajun Kips; 2, E. Roper, Elite; 3, Q. Ryan, Gymnasiana. Vault, Bars, Beam-I, K Anderson. Floor-I, E. Roper. Level 6 A.A . 10 yrs .-I, C. Douglas, Northshore; 2, H. Self, Gym Gems; 3, N. Jenkins, Northshore. Vault1, H . Self. Bars-I, A Courville, Cajun Kips. Beam-I, H . Self. Floor-I, e. Douglas. Level 6 AA 11 yrs.-I , A. Anderson, No rthshore; 2, C. Young, Gymnasiana; 3, A Ward, Jill's. Vault, Bars, Floor-I, A Anderson. Beam-I, A Ward. Level 6 AAI2-I4yrs.-I,J.Fontenot,Gym Gems; 2, B. Cloy, BRGC; 2, M. Blanchard, Cajun Kips. Vault-I, B. Cloy. Bars-I , M. Blanchard. Beam-I,J. Fontenot. Floor-I, (t) J. Fontenot and B. Self, Gym Gems. LeveI6AAIS&over-I,M.Mills, BRGe. Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor1, M. Mills. Level 7c Team Champion-Gym Gems. Level 7c AA 911 yrs.-I, K. Toney, Gym Gems; 2, A Klump, Elmwood; 3, K Toups, Gymnasiana. Vault, Bars-I, A Klump. Beam-I,KToney. FloorI,ACumrnins. Level 7c 12-14 yrs.1, M. Carter, Gym Gems; 2, A Vizier, Cajun Kips; 3, J. Washington, Slidell. Vault-I, J. Washington.

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991


Bars, Beam-I , M. Carter. Floor1, D. Sullivan, Gymnasiana. Level 70 Team Champion-Northshore Gymnastics. Level 70 A.A. 9-11-1, F. Devall, Gymnasiana; 2, R Pailet, Northshore; 3, l. Jones, Northshore. Vault-I, (t) M. Duhon, Gymnasiana and D. Clouatre, Gymnasiana. Bars-I, F. Devall. Beam -1, l. Jones. Floor-I, B. Jennings, Cajun Kips. Level 70 A.A. 12-14yrs.-l,A. Villar,Northshore; 2, A. Calamari, Northshore; 3, C. Harris, Northshore. Vault-I, A. Villar. Bars-I, C. Harris. Beam, Floor-I, A. Calamari. Level 70 A.A. 15 & over-I, J. Tarrant, Northshore. Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor-I, J. Tarrant. LevelS A.A. 911 yrs.-l, R Crochet, Gymnasiana; 2, K. Harris, Gymnasiana; 3, M. Frances, Northshore. Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor-I, R Crochet. LevelS A.A. 12-14 yrs.- l , R Vasquez, Northshore; 2, A. Riggs, Gymnasiana; 3, S. Credeur, Cajun Kips. Vault-I, S. Credeur. Bars1, A. Riggs. Beam-I, R Vasquez. Floor-I , (t) R Vasquez and A. Riggs. LevelS A.A. 15 & over-I, M. Dettwiller, Northshore. Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor-M. Dettwiller. Level 9 and 10 Team Champions Cajun Kips-Level 9 A.A. 9-11 yrs.-l, D. Hollier, Gyrnnasiana; 2, K. Leach, Gymnasiana; 3, 1. Snow, Gymnasiana. Vault, Floor-I, D. Hollier. Bars-I, K. Leach. Beam1, (t) D. Hollier and K. Leach. Level 9 A.A. 12-14 yrs.-l, J. Ballard, Northshore; 2, D. Savoie, Cajun Kips; 3, J. Sims, Northshore. Vault, Bars, Floor-l,J. Ballard. Beam-I, D. Savoie. Level 10 opts. A.A. 1214---1, K. Ourso,Cajun Kips. Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor-K. Ourso. Level 10 opts. A.A. 15 & over-I, K. Savoie, Cajun Kips. Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor-I, K. Savoie. Level 10 compo Team ChampionsGymnasiana. Level 10 compo A.A. 12-14 yrs.-l, K. Pliillips, Gymnasiana; 2, 1. Moore, Gymnasiana; 3, S. Seamon, Gyrnnasiana. Vault-I, S. Seamon. Bars, Beam, Floor-I, K. Phillips. Level 10 compo A.A. 15 & over-I, J. Veilleux,Gyrnnasiana;2, A. Yarn, Gymnasiana. Vault-I, A. Yarn. Bars, Beam, Floor-I, J. Veilleux.

STRAWBERRY OPEN Nov. 2-3, 1990. Ponchatoula, Louisiana. Levels 9-10 A.A. 13 & UpK. Ourso, Cajun Kips; 2, J. Sims, Northshore; 3, J. Ballard, Northshore. All Events-I, K. Ourso. Level S A.A. 10-11- M. Francis, Northshore; 2, K. Rizzutto, CGS; 3, R Harkins, Elite. Vault, Bars, Beam-I, M. Francis. Floor1, K. Rizzutto. LevelS A.A. 12-14--1, K. Leblanc, CGS; 2, R Vasquez, Northshore; 3, S. Credeur, Cajun Kirs, Vault-I, S. Credeur. Bars1, . Leblanc. Beam-I, K. Leblanc. Floor-I, R Vasquez. Level 70 A. A. 10-11-1, l.Jones, Northshore; 2, R Pailet, Northshore; 3, An Anthon, Elite. Vault-I, A. Anthon, Elite. Bars, Beam-I, l. Jones. Floor-I, RPailet. LeveI70A.A.12-14---1 , C. Harris, Northshore; 2, K. Smith, Northshore; 3, S. Mey n, Northshore. Vault, Bars, Floor-I, C. Harris. Beam-1, K. Smith. Level 70 A.A. 15 & Up-I , (t) J. Tarrant,

Northshore and M. Miller, Zee's. Vault- J. Tarrant. Bars-I , (t) Tarrant and Miller. Beam, Floor1, Miller. Level7c A.A. 9-11-1, A. Guererreo, Bayou; 2, S. Bourque, Gym Gems; 3, A. Cummins, Gymnasiana. Vault-1, 1. Roussel, Zee's. Bars-I, Guererro. Beam1, Cummins. Floor-I, Bourque. Level7c A.A. 12-14-1, M. Carter, Gym Gems;2,A. Vizier, Cajun Kips; 3,1. Brasseaux, Gym Gems. Vault1, (t) Brasseaux and J. Washington. Bars-I , (t) M. Carter, A. Watts, CGS. Beam-I, (t) M. Carter, A. Vizier, CK. Floor-I, (t) M. Carter, D. Sullivan, Gym. Level7c A.A. 15 & Up-I, C. Payne, Zee's; 2, T. Fuller,CajwlKips. Vault, Floor-I, Payne. Bars--l, (t) Payne, Fuller. Beam-I , Fuller. Level 6 A.A. 910-1, C. Douglas, Northshore; 2, K. Anderson, Cal'un Kips; 3, H. Self, GymGems. Vau t-l,A.Courville, CK. Bars-I, K. Anderson. Beam, Floor-I, C. Douglas. Level 6 A.A. 11 yrs.-l, A. Anderson, Northshore; 2,J. Lasalle, Cajun Kips; 3,H.Self,GymGems. Vault,Bars1, Lasalle. Beam, Floor-I, Anderson. Level 6 A.A. 12-14-1 , J. Fontenot, Gym Gems; 2, M. Blanchard, Cajun Kips; 3, B. Self, Gym Gems. Vault-I, M. Blanchard. Bars-I, E. Pyne, Zee's. Beam, Floor-I, Fontenot. LevelS A.A. 7-S-1, K. Berlin, Northshore; 2, A. King, Northshore; 3, P. Johnston, Bayou. Vault-l,A.King. Bars, Beam, Floor-I, K. Berlin. LevelS A.A. 9 yrs.-l, A. Couret, Northshore; 2, A. Thomas, North s hore; 3, S. Fisher, Northshore. Vault-I, (t) Couret, Parfait, NS. Bars-I, J. Watts, CGs. Beam-I , (t) Couret, Thomas. Floor-I, Couret. LevelS A.A. 10 yrs.-l, A. Mangipano, Northshore; 2, 1. McKen zie, Northshore;3, C. King, Northshore. Vault, Floor-I, McKenzie. Bars1, J. Bunol, Ns. Beam-I, Mangipano. LevelS A.A. 11 yrs.1, A. BourgeoiS, Gym Gems; 2, A. Decoteau, Gym Gems; 3, K. Gautreau, Gym Gems. All EventsBourgeois. LevelS A.A. 12 & Up1, J. Devall, Bengals; 2, R Ca),ette, Gym Gems; 3, R Reilly, Gym Spot. Vault-l, Cayette. Bars-I, Devall. Beam-I, A. Easley, M&M. Floor1, A. Battaglia,Gym. LeveI4A.A.S9-1, A. Wooddall, Gymnasiana; 2, K. Lyons, Gymnasiana; 3, W. Harnss, Gymnasiana. Vault-I, Harriss . Bars- I , Wooddall. Beam-I, A. Waguespack, Gym. Floor-l ,A. Veilleux, Gym. Level 4 A.A . 10 yrs.-l, A. Thompson, G~asiana;2,C. Allemand, Cajun Kips; 3, J. Gore, Gym Gems. Vault, Floor-I, Gore. Bars-I, T. Heck, Gym. Beam-I , Allemand . Level 4 A.A.II-12-1,A.Roundtree,Cajun Kips; 2, K. Steib, Cajun Kips; 3, T. Titone, Gynmasiana. Vault, Bars, Floor- I, Steib. Bea m-I , Roundtree. Level 2 A.A. 6-7-1, J. Hogue, Bayou; 2, T. Toler, Gym Gems; 3, M. Milford, Bayou. Vault, Beam-I , Hogue. Bars-I, (t) Milford, A. Eckert, CK. Floor-I, Milford. Level 2 A.A. S yrs.-l, B. LeBlanc, Gym Gems; 2, A. Plauche, M&M; 3, R. Fitch, CaJun Kips. Vault-I, K. Saint, M&M. Bars-I , (t) Fitch; A. Thibodaux, Ck; A. Hill,

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

M&M. Beam, Floor-I, LeBlanc. Level 2 A.A. 9-10-1, 1. Fife, Gym Gems; 2, N. Lee, Bayou; 3, R Fitch, Cajun Kips. Vault-I, Berthelot. Bars-I, (t) Lee, J. Oehler, M&M. Beam-I, M. Nobile, Gc. Floor-I, Fife. Level 2 A.A. 11-12-1, T. Upshaw, Bayou; 2, M. Bourgeois, Gym Gems; 3, J. Jarreau, Gym Gems. Vault-I, (t) Upshaw, Bourgeois. Bars, Beam, Floor-I , Upshaw.

Feb.S-lO, 1991. San Antonio, Texas. LevelS S-11 A.A.-I, Susy Gutierrez, Guatemala; 2, Maribel Hernandez, Guatemala;

Maegen Trawnik, Trevino's; 2, Marh Nielsen, Trevino's; 3, Paula Chang, Mega. Trawnik won every event. Level S 12-14 A.A.-I, Megg<ln Bradberry, Trevino's; 2, Julie Burnett, Trevino's; 3, Janelle Rozek, Mega. Vault-I, Cassi Hinton, Trevmo's. Barsand Beam1, Bradberry. Floor-I , Jennifer Waterman, Burlington Gymnastics. Level S 15 and V'p A.A.-I, Julie Crossman, Burlington Gymnastics; 2, Leigh-Ann CerDa, Burlington; 3, Jaelyn Claborn, Trevino's. Vault and Floor-I, Cerba. Bars and Beam-I, Crossman. Level 7/S Team Champions-I, Trevino's, Lancaster, Texas. Level 9 9-11 A.A.-I, Jayci McElroy, Cypress; 2, Stephanie Cook, Cypress; 3, Katherin Fuquay, West Valley. Vault, Beam and Floor-I, Cook. Bars-I, McElroy. Level 9 12-14 A.A.-I, Jacki Blakeney, Heartbeat Kips; 2, Team Chiabotti, STGA; 3, As11lee White, Trevino's. Vault-I, Tamara Eichman, STGA; Bars-I, White. Beam-I, Blakeney. Floor1, Tyana Montano, STGA. Level 10 12-14 A.A.-1, Tie for first but receiving 1st-Felicia Zanella, Washington Gym Training Center; 2, Lara Jacobson, Capital; 3,Amy Brandon, Phoenix Gym. Vault-I, Paige Splawn, Cypress. Bars-I, Brandon. Beam-I, Tyana Montano, South Texas. Vault-I , Zanella. Level 10 15 and Up A.A.-I, Candice Kwok, West Valley; 2, Andrea Wagner, Wash. Gymn. Tr. Center; 3, Carrier Courmey, University of Gymnastics. Vault and Beam-I, Wagner. Barsand FloorI,Kwok. Elitec/o=60/40A.A.-l, Janet Morin, Canada; 2, Leah Homma, Canada; 3, Sarah Bidnyk, Canada. Vault, Bars and FloorMorin. Beam-I, Colleen Johnson, Canada. Elite Optionals A.A.-I, Kim Zmeskal, Karolyi's; 2, Betty Okino, Karolyi's; 3, Chelle Stack, Karolyi's. Vault-I, Kim Baker, Harris Unlimited. Bars-I, Stack. Beam and Floor-l , Zmeskai. Elite

Marien Floor-I , 1, Norris. 12-14 A.A.-I, Andrea Williams, Olympia; 2, June Payne, Mega; 3, Colleen Nichol, Canada. Vault and Floor-I, Nichol. Bars-I, Payne. Beam-I, Williams. Level S 9-11 A.A.-I,

earn onsGymnas tics Academy. Level 9 Team ChampionsWestside Gymnastics. Level STeam Champions-Carmel Academy. Level 10 Children A.A. and all events-I, Jaycie Phelps, Gym Nests. Level 10 Junior A.A.-I, Larea Van Hoey,CarmeIAcademy; 2, Mindi Farmer, Carmel Academy;

GEORGIA ClASSIC NATIONAL MEET Jan. 12, 1991. Conyers, Georgia. Team Champion-Browns. Team A.A.-I, Chrissy Vogel, Browns; 2, Dana Horne, Browns; 3, Jennifer Wilder, Browns. Vault-l, Chrissr. Vogel. Bars-Chrissy Voge. Beam-I, Dana Horne. Floor-I, Chrissy Vogel. All Stars A.A.-I, Jennifer Brittain, Horizon Gym.; 2, Tracey Gravinese, Gym Ehtes; 3, Kelly Greeno, Orlando Sun twisters. Vault-I, Kelly Leigh Conger, Octaviano's . Bars-I , Jenl1lfer Brittain, Horizon Gym. Beam-I, Kelly Greeno, Orlando Sun twisters. Floor-l ,Jennifer Brittain, Horizon Gym.

DESERT DEVIL ClASSIC March 2-3, 1991. Scottsdale, Arizona. Team Champion-Desert Devil "An team. A.A.-I, Liz Crandall, Desert Devils; 2, Sandy Woolsey, Desert Devils; 3, Monica Shaw, Rocky Mountain. Vault-I , Woolse y. Bars-I, Woolsey . Beam-I, Shaw. Floor-I, Crandall.


Muno z,Bars-I G~~aJt,e:~m Champion-l ' Karolyi's, Munoz. , ~aila~'~~~i~i;~~~ Jennifer


3, Courtney Brown, Gym Nests. V-I,Mindi Farmer, Carmel Academy. Bars, Beam & Floor-I, Larea Van Hoey. LevellOSeniorsA.A.1, Joy Taylor, Gym Nests; 2, Betsy Cousins, Ind. Gym. Training Center; 3, Stacy Redmond, Carmel Academy. Vault & Beam-I, Betsy Cousins. Bars & Floor-I, Joy Taylor. Level 9 Children A.A. and all events-I, Melissa Cain, Southern Ind. Gym. School. Level 9 Junior A.A.-I, Rebekah Brajcki, Gym. Plus; 2, Taryn Gajewski, Westside Gym.; 3, Mitzi Bironas, Southern Ind. Gym. School. Vault-I, Taryn Gajewski. Bars-I, (t) Rebekah Brajcki and Taryn Gajewski. Beam-1, Mitzi Bironas, Southern Ind. Gym. School. Floor-I, Rebekah Brajcki. Level 9 Seniors1, Ange Suruer, Westside Gym.; 2, Leslie Scott, Westside Gym.; 3, Stacie Goodpaster, Gym. Plus. Vault-I, (t) Holly Toering, Gym. Plus and Alice Kruk,SummittCity. Bars-I, Ange Sunier, Westside Gym . Beam-I, Leslie Scott, Westside Gym. Floor-I, Kathy Smith, Westside Gym. Level 8 Children A.A.-I, Whitney Morgan, Southern Ind. Gym. Schoof; 2, Mindy Smith, Southern Ind. Gym. School; 3, Jody Cain, Southern Ind. Gym. School. Vault-I, Tara Johnson, Westside Gym . Bars and Beam-I, Whitney Morgan, Southern Ind. Gym. School. Floor-I, Mindy Smith, Southern Ind. Gym. School. Level 8 Juniors A.A.-I, Robin Gamble, Carmel Acad.; 2, Courtney Harless, DeVeaus; 3, Amanda Gwinneys, DeVeaus. Vault-I, Amy Sopczak, Merrillville. Bars- I, ~obin Gamble, Carmel Acad. Beam-I, Jill Kelly, Madison Gym. World. Floor-I, Christa Legge, Westside Gym. Level 8 Senior A.A.-I, April Morgan, Westside Gym.; 2, Jennie Douhan, Lake Shore; 3, Amber Best, Gym. Michiana . All events-I, April Morgan.

NEBRASKA LEVEL 6 STATE MEET February 3, 1991, Lincoln, Nebraska. Level 6 Team ChampionsCapitol City Gymnastics. Ages 811 A.A.-I, Carrie Kriefels, Omaha TNT; 2, Carissa Benes, Capitol City; 3, Lindsey Carstenson, Omaha TNT. Vault-I, Lindsey Ellsworth, Capitol City. Bars-I, Carissa Benes. Beam and Floor-I, Carrie Kriefels. Ages 12-14 A.A.-I, Jennifer Reynolds, Omaha TNT; 2, Katie Quick,Capitol City; 3, Brandi Addison, Omaha TNT. Vault-I, Sandi Lewandowski, G.l. Twisters. Bars-I, Katie Quick, Capitol City. Beam-I,KellieSlegl,Omaha TNT. Floor-I, Jennifer Reynolds, Omaha TNT. Ages IS-Up A.A.-I, Gina Gomez, Nebr. Gym. Acad.; 2, Tracy Martin, G.l. Twisters; 3, Damelle Snyder, Capitol City. Vault-I, DanielleSnyder. Bars and Beam-I, Tracy Martin. Floor-I, Gina Gomez.

FLORIDA STATE MEET LEVELS 4-7 December 1990. Level 4 Team


Champions-I, LaFleurs Largo. LevelS Team Champions-I , American Twisters. Level 6 Team Champions-I, American Twisters. 9-11 A.A.- I, Mary Moore, Twisters. 12-14 A.A.-I, Tatianna Sanabria, Twisters. 15 & Up A.A.1, Shea Seiferd, All American. Level 7 Team Champions~1, Olympus. 9-11 A.A.-I,CaffilTIleKrusoe,NW YMCA. 12-14 A.A.-I, Tamara Monroe & Candy Hubble, Olympus. 15 & Up A.A.-I, Tracy Bennett, Citrus.

FLORIDA STATE MEET LEVELS 8-10 March 1991. Level 8 Team Champions-I, American Twisters. 9-11 A.A.-I, Susan Kinkaid, Twisters and Tara Tagliarino, LaFleurs. 1214 A.A.-I, Alison Belgard, Twisters.I5& UpA.A.-I,AmyLandorf, Bay Meadows. Level 9 Team Champions-I, American Twisters. 9-11 A.A.-I, Leila Pallardy, LaFleurs. 12-14 A.A.-I, Jodi Barnes, Twisters. 15 & Up A.A.-I, Adrienne Carver, Twisters. Level 10 Team Champions-I, Browns. 12-14 A.A.-I, Jenni Beathard, Browns. 15 & Up-I, Dana Home, Browns.

Floor-I , Amy Bunk, Cincinnati Gym. Acad .

LEVEL 10 REGIONALS April 13-14, Old Bethpage, New York. Senior A.A.-I, Siri Larsen, Masstars; 2, Jodi Biotcher, Masstars; 3, Carla Wilson, Valley. Vault-I, Wendy Marshal, The Gym. Bars1, Siri Larsen. Beam-I, Carla Wilson. Floor-I, Raegan Bormley. Junior A.A.-I, Amy Murakami, Masstars; 2, Maryann Esposito, Nina's; 3, Kathy Fitzpatrick, Nina's. Vault-I, Amy Murakami, Masstars. Bars-I, Gretchen Albright, CATS. Beam-I, Amy Murakami . Floor-I, Amy Murakami.


Level 10 Jr. A.A.-I, S. Wegener, WBCG; 2, K. Phillips, Gymn. Vault-I,S. Seamon,Gymn. Bars1, Phillips. Beam and Floor-I , Wegener. Level 10 Sr. A.A.-I, K. Savoie, CK; 2, I. Veilleux, Gymn. All Events-I, Savoie. Level 9 ChildrenA.A.-I,B. Boudreaux, GG; 2, A. Ozmeral, Elite; 3(t), 1. Snow, Gymn. and K. Thomas, Elite. Vault-I,Ozmeral. Bars, Beam and Floor-I, Boudreaux. Level 9 Jr. A.A.-I,I. Ballard, NS;2, D. Savoie, CK. Vault, Bars and Floor-I , March22-23,BroadviewHts.,Ohio. Ballard. Beam-I, N . Kiletico, WBGC. Level 9 Sr. A.A.-I, J. Team Champion-I, Gymnastics of Ohio. Children's DivisIOn A.A.Landry, GG; 2, A. Decoteau, GG. 1, Desiree Jones, Gym. of Ohio; 2, Vault-I, H . Hernandez, GEtc. Bars-I, M. Italio, GEtc. Beam and Kristi Lichey, Cincinnati Gym. Acad.;3,HeatherKolega, Gym. Of Floor-I, J. Landry, GG. Level 8 Ohio. Vault, Bars and Beam-I, Children A.A.-I,}. Kendrick, Elite; Desiree Jones. Floor-I, Elisha 2, P. Corbello, GEtc; 3, M . Teague, Eastern Col. Gym. Junior Muffoletto,GG. Vault and Bars-I, Division A.A.-I, Nancee Klaff, Kendrick. Beam-I, H. Fontenot, Gym.World;2,KristyHigh,YoungGG. Floor-I(t), Kendrick and stownGym. Center; 3, KellyVoska, Corbello. Level 8 Jr. A.A.-I, A. Queen City Gym. Vault-I, Kristen Fung, GG; 2, M. Richard, GG; 3, S. Montero, Queen City Gym. Bars-;Credeur, CK. Vault, Beam and 1, Susan Eckman, Gym. of Ohio. Floor-I, Fung. Bars-I, Richard. Beam-I, Amy Jacob, O~mpic Level 8 Sr. A.A.-I, M . Miller, Acad. of Gym. Floor-I, ancee BRGC; 2, M. Richard, GG; 3, C. Klaff. Senior Division A.A.-I, Young,M&M.Vault-I,Dettwiller. Kristen Bockbrader, Sunrise Bars-I, Young. Beam and FloorAcad.; 2, Maria ~V~~~~~~;~~I~~.R ~o~m~ain,CH. Level70ChilOhio; 3, Shelly? 1, A. Poole, Gymn.; 2, Medal Gym. 3, R. Pailet, Bockbrader. 1, Pailet. of l.Jones, Villar,



"~Q~~!:~t~~.Floor-I, ~ Level7C ' . .... 'on.o __ 路',

2, C. Miller.

~: wr..~A.A.-I,A.Ander颅

Miki Gotoh, 3, Kim Koch, tics. Vault-I, ern Columbus. Bars-I , Forsthoefel. Beam-I, Kim Koch.

Self, GG; 3(t), K and C. Couglas, NS. Hayes, NS. Bars, Beam and Floor-I, Anderson. Level 6 Jr. A.A.-l(t), B.Self,NSandJ. laSalle, GS; 3, C. Koppang, SO. Vault and Beam-I, LaSalle. Bars- I, Koppang. Floor-I, Self. Level 6 Sr.

A.A.-I, K. Davis, GDC. All Events-I, Davis. LevelS ages 7&8 A.A.-I, M. Vollmer, GEtc; 2, A. King,NS;3,KKoonce,GEtc. Vault, Bars and Floor- I , Vollmer. Beam-I(t), K Koonce, GEtc and R. Bayham, Elite. LevelS age 9 A.A.-I, K Berlin, NS; 2, S. Fisner, NS; 3, E. Parfait, NS. Vault-I , C. Navarre, GEtc. Bars-I , S. Fisher, NS. Beam-I, A. Nappier, TC. Floor-I, Parfait. LevelS age 10 A.A.-I,J. Bunol,NS; 2, A. Couret, NS; 3, H. Pratt, GEtc. Vault and Floor-I, Couret. Bars-I, F. Peters, Ben. Beam-I, K Cantrelle, NS. LevelS age 11 A.A.-I, A. Bourgeois, GG; 2, K Gautreau, GG; 3, C. Louvier, GEtc. Vault, Bars and Floor-I, Bourgeois. Beam-I, M. Lorenz,NS. LeveI5ageI2A.A.-I, R. Cayette, GG; 2, E. Hebert, NS; 3, C. Louvier, GEtc. Vault, Bars and Beam-I , Cayette. Floor-I , E. Woodworth, NS. LevelS age 13 & upA.A.-I,H. Tyler, TC;2, L.Sloan, GSpec; 3, R. Reilly, GS. Vault-I, Sloan. Bars and Floor-I, Tyler. Beam-I, C. Lenert, Jill. Level 4 ages 7&8 A.A.-I, M. Caruso, Ben; 2, M. Jones, Gymn.; 3, W. Nunley, Des. Vault-I, J. Wagner, Ben. Bars-I , Nunley. Beam-I, L. Joffrion, Ben. Floor-I , Caruso. Level 4 age 9 A.A.-I, K Lyons, Gymn.; 2, B. Wilson, GSpec; 3, A. Veilleux, Gymn. Vault-I , Lyons. Bars-I, 1. Thompson, Gymn. Beam-I , K Dickey, Jill. Floor-I, Wilson. Level 4 ages 10&11 A.A.1, J. Forman, Gymn.; 2, A. Thompson, Gymn.; 3,C. Grieder, Jill. Vault, Bars and Beam-I, Thompson. Floor-I, Grieder. Level 4 ages 12 and up ~.A.-:-I, T. Titone, Gymn.; 2, K Mirts, Jill; 3, J. DaVIS, GG. Vault and Beam-I, Davis. Bars1, Mirts. Floor-I, Titone.

ANNA BAMA INVITATIONAL Anniston, Alabama, Nov. 6, 1990, Age 12-14. A.A.-I, Sarah Sentell, Hoover Gymnastics; 2, Katie Sandlin, Mountain Brook Gymnastics; 3, Maggie Halbrooks, Mountain Brook Gymnastics. Vault-I, Sara Sentell. Bars-I, Christie Erwin, Shoals School of Gymnastics. Beam-I, Maggie Halbrooks. Floor-I, Sarah Sentell.

REGION III CHAMPIONSHIPS LEVELS 9 AND 10 April 12-14, Houston, Texas. Level 9 8-11 A.A.-I, Tonya Maiers, Karolyi's; 2, Stephanie Robbins, Karolyi's; 3, Jenny Thompson, Karolyi's. Vault-I, Maiers. Bars and Brooke Conover, Phillips 66, and Amanda Fraim, Spirit of America . Bars-I, Thompson. Beam-I,Robbins.Floor-I,Nekia Demery, Gymnastics Country, USA. Level 9 12-14A.A.-I, Denise Ablin, Gymnastic Institute; 2, Jamie Martini, Karolyi's; 3, Amy Naughton, Spirit of America and Mariah Baretta, Mountain Gymnastics. Vault-I, Tamara Eichman, South Texas Gym. Bars-I, Kelly Harper, Stars Nat! Gym. Village. Beam-I, Marianna Webster, Karolyi's. Floor-I,Suzanne Revell, Capital Gymnastics. Level 9 15 and over A.A.-I, Julie Wagner, Gymnastic Institute; 2, Diane

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991


Cushenberry, Tulsa World of Gym.; 3, Rececca Anderson, Houston Gymnastic Center. Vault-I, Ashley Hutsell, American Gym. of TulsaandJ.J. Shanks, Univ. of Gym. and Deanna Painer, Colorado Aerials. Bars-I, Sarah Cooper, Elite Gym. Club. Beam-I, Jamie Cole. Floor-I, Anderson. Level 10 8-11 A.A.- I , Dj. Spillman, Aerial Works; 2, Ashley Burkholder, C路Stars. Vault-I, Burkholder. Bars, Beam and Floor-I, Spillman. Level 10 12-14 A.A.- I , Kim Koenig, ~.E.G.A.; 2, Cari Langsto~, S.E.G.A., 3, Laura Ohlenborf, CapItal Gym. Vault-I, Koenig. Bars1, Stacey Rozzell, Gizi's. Beam-I, Koenig. Floor-I , Koenig and Ohlenborf. Level 10 15 ana over A.A.-I, Courtney Seabolt, Gizi's; 2, Shane Albritton, Gizi's; 3, Shelly Burns,S.E.G.A. Vault-I, Sunshine Smith, Lone Star. Bars-I, Seabolt. Beam-I, Mynda Waldrop, High Tumblers. Floor- I, Rebecc a Keffer, Karolyi's.

ART; 3, Carya Kramer, CRAG. Vault and Floor-I, Kleis. Bars-I , Borman. Beam-I, Kramer. Level 6 12-14 A.A.-I, Brook 1<"lhpr+~",n CRAG; 2, Mollee ART; 3, Jessica Vault-I, Lenora Bars and Beam1W~''ij:)e ~1IiIiI.l Floor-I , 15 and

ChamCenter. , Ashley events12-14A.A.-

I'~i1.1~~[1~~~,~~~~~~~; Gizi's;Capital; 3, Paige 2,

SPRING STATE MEET Northwest Aerials, Issaquah Sr. High in Washington, May4-s. Level 7 Team ChampIOnS-I, PSSG. Ch. A.A.-I, Alexis Yeater, PSSG; 2, Jennifer Pyeatt, PSSG; 3, Elizabeth Howard, PSSG. Jr. A.A.-I, Shawna Thompson, PSSG; 2, Liz Miller, NWGA; 3, Anne McGuiness, LEGA. Sr. A.A .-I, Michelle Norman, LEGA; 2, Becky Webb, NASA; 3, Kristin Tindall, OGC LevelS Team ChampionS-I, Team Sport. 7-8 A.A.-I, Kathy Krug, WGTC;2, Tamara Diles, IS;3,Cane Witham, PSSG. 9 A.A.-I, Meagan Killpack, PSSG; 2, Michelle Davis, WGTC; 3, Kristen Staley, PSSG. 10 A.A.-I,SarahJohnson, IS;2,Sally Shaefer, IS; 3, Theresa Hoy, IS. 11 A.A.-I, Jaime Reed, Gym+; 2, Tiffini Thomas, PSSG; 3, Dana Cantrell, APNWG . 12 and up A.A.-I, Shamara Ennis, TS; 2, Mary Kiiski, CYG; 3, Amber Lee, OGA.

WASHINGTON STATE MEET LEVEL 8, 9, 10 Yakima, Washington. Level 10 Team ChampionS-I, WGTC Jr. A.A.-I, Tracy Lyne, WGTC; 2, Felicia Zanella, WGTC Sr. A.A.1, Andrea Wagner, WGTe; 2, Christie Jones, IS. Level 9 Team Champions-I, PSSG. Ch. A.A.1, Julie Mountford, PSSG; 2, Heidi Prosser, PSSG. Jr. A.A.-I, Lori Whitwer, NWA; 2, Rae Ann Johnson, PSSG. Sr. A.A.-I(t), Betsy Erickson, OHGS and Kerri McKay, ANWG. Level 8 Team Champion1, PSSG. Ch. A.A.-I, Jill Sorenson, PSSG; 2, Alia McCall, NWA. Jr. A.A.-I , Lindsay Lauderdale, NASA; 2, Jenny Bechtel, TS. Sr. A.A.-I, Gretchen Field, LEGA; 2, Misty Oxford, CCAG.

JUNIOR OLYMPIC STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS-IOWA Council Bluffs, Iowa, April 20-21, 1991 . LeveI6TeamChampions-I, Cedar Rapids Academy of Gym. Level 6 ages 8-11 A.A.-I, Erin Kleis, CRAG; 2, Molly Borman,


and up A.A.-I, Mississippi Valley Gym .; 2, Mindy Dryden, Mississippi Valley Gym.; 3, Cathy Pratt, Mississippi Valley Gym. All events-I, GooClhart.

TEXAS STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS LEVEL 7 March 2-3, 1991, The Woodlands, Texas. Level7Team Champions1, SEGA. Level 7 8-11-1, Wendy Jansky, SEGA; 2, Andrea Loescher, SEGA; 3, Jodi Jones, Wichita Falls Twisters. Vault, Beam and Floor1, Jansky. Bars-I, Cheryl Lancaster, Karolyi. Level 7 12-14 A.A.-I, Cassie Campbell, SEGA; 2, Corrie Young, Katy Kips; 3, Latesia Pinson, Karolyi. Vault-I, Campbell. Bars-I, Kim Hammett, DGc. Beam-I, Young. Floor-I, Kristie Liska, Gym. Ctr. Level 715 and up A.A.-I, Holly Taylor, Amarillo Gym. Acad.; 2, Jenny Elder, Wichita Falls YMCA; 3, Stephanie Cohen, Metroplex. Vault-I, Lacy Howe, High Tumb. Bars-I, Cohen. Beam-I, Elder. Floor-I, Sara Vanarsdale, Alpha.

tEXAS STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS L拢VEI. 8 March 9,1991, Ft. Worth, Texas. Level 8 Team ChampionS-I, Richardson A. Level 8 8-11 A.A.1, Maegen Trawnik, Travino; 2, Angie Welch, Richardson; 3, Alex Temple,SEGA. Vault-I , Trawnik. Bars-I, Stephanie King, DGC Beam-I, Paula Chang, Maggies. Floor-I, Anna Gingrich, Capital. Level 8 12-14 A.A.-I, Amanda Curry, Katy Kips; 2, Isabel Aguirre, DGC; 3, Amanda Smolen. Vault and Floor-I , Smolen. Bars-I, Meggan Bradberry, Travino. Beam-I,Curry. Level8Isand up A.A.-I, Jacqueline Clauss, Richardson; 2, Jaelyn Claborn, Travino; 3, Kathy Keane, SEGA. Vault-I , Christie Hooper, Richardson. Bars&Floor-l, Clauss. Beam-I, Amy Warren, Karolyi.

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

Cypress. Vault-I, Hamilton, DSG. Bars-I, Grace Lee, SEGA. Beam-I, Rozzell.Floor-I, Emily Broussard, Gizi's. Level 10 15 and up A.A.-I , Shane Allbritton, Gizi's; 2, Sunshine Smyth, Lonestar; 3,Martha Jenkins, Gizi's. Vault-I,Smith. Bars, Beam and Floor-I, Allbritton.

LONE STAR INVITATIONAL Ft. Worth, Texas, January 26-27,

1991. Level 7 Team Champions-I, Dallas Gym. Center. Level 7 8-11 A.A.-I, Kelly Wilcox, River City; 2, Elizabeth Nugent, Lone Star; 3, Amber Kelly, River City. Vault-I, Kelly. Bars and Beam-I, Nugent. Floor-I, Wilcox. Level 7 12-14 A.A.-I, Kim Hammett, DGC; 2, Nancy-Thornburg, Bill Austin's; 3, Emily Davenport, DGC Vault, Bars and Beam-r, Hammett. Floor-I, Janine Breitzman. Level 7 15 and up A.A.-I, Emai Ho, DGC All events-I, Ho. Level 8 Team Champions-I, Richardson Gymnastics. Level 8 8-11 A.A.-I , Anissa Lowery, Richardson; 2, Jonna Purvis, Lone Star; 3, Nekia Demery, Gym Country. Vault and Floor-I, Lowery. Bars and Beam-I, Purvis. Level 8 12-14 A.A.-I, Meggan Bradberry, Trevino's; 2, Sonya Fortenberry, Judy's; 3, Erica Roberts, Richardson. Vault-I , Katie Caratelli, DGC. Bars-I , Fortenberry. Beam-I, Bradberry. Floor-I, Michelle Richard,Judy's. Level 8 15 and up A.A.-I, Shelly Newberry, Metroplex; 2, Wendy Smith, Lone Star; 3, Sara Hoffmann, Rowlands . Vault-I , Jaelyn Claborn, Trevino' s. Bars and Beam-I, Smith. Floor-I, Mandy Miller, Judy's.

MICHIGAN STATE MEET Flint, Michigan, January 12-13, 1991. Level 6 Child A.A.-I, Jane McIntosh, Great Lakes; 2, Molly O'Connor, Great Lakes; 3, Tracy Beckner, Great Lakes. Vault-I , Sarah Jesse, Blakes Gym. Bars-I , O'Connor. Beam and Floor-I, McIntosh. LeveI6Jr.A.A.-I, Andy Morrison, G.T.C.; 2, Melanie

Mackey, G.T.C; 3, Ashley Webb, N .J.G . Vault- I, Amy Place, Farmington. Bars and Beam-I, Morrison. Floor-I, Mackey. Level 6 Sr. A.A.-I , Jennifer Kiernan, A.G.A. ; 2, Alyson Moskwa, Dundee; 3, Becky Stumpeig, Saginaw . Vault and Beam-l , Moskwa . Bars and Floor-I, Kiernan. Level 7C Child A.A.-I, Toni Duce, G.T.C; 2,Kirsten Crone, Mi. Lakeshore; 3, Jillian Corsi, Artistic Gym. Vault-I, Alaina Scott, Farmington. Bars and Beam-I, Duce. Floor-I, Crone. Level7C Jr. A.A .- I , Tahmee Kaniewski, Branch; 2, Nicole London, Gym America; 3, Jessica Klimp, Kalamazoo. Vault-I, Shannon Molnar, Gym America. Bars-I , London. Beam-I, Amanda Voss, Farmington. Floor-I, Kaniewski. Level7C Sr. A.A.-I, Kim Langley, Branch; 2, January Slater, Kalamazoo. All events-I, Langley. Level 70 Child A.A.-I, Lisa Tarsey, Great Lakes; 2, Katie Teft, Great Lakes; 3, Laura Herrema, Great Lakes . Vault-I, Carly Weiden, Great Lakes. Bars and Beam-I, Tarsey. Floor-I, Teft. Level 70 Jr. A.A.-I, Maralla Cornell, Great Lakes; 2, Stacey MacKowiak, Farmington; 3, Kim Segasser, Gymnest. Vault-I, MacKowiak . Bars-I , Rachel Owen, O.A.K. Beam-I, Cornell. Floor-I, Shanyn Lacaster, Blakes. Level 8 Child A.A.-I, Beth Couturier, Gym. Unlimited; 2, Michelle Jalaba, Acronauts; 3, Stephanie Brown-Borden, A.G.A. Vault and Floor-I, Jalaba . Bars-I, Couturier. Beam-I , Brown-Borden. Level 8 Jr. A.A.-I , Amy Maitner, Gym. Co.; 2, Tara Rhoden, Bay Valley; 3, Kristen Mol, Gym. Unlimited. Vault-I, Jovaka Street, Bay Valley. Bars-I,Rhonda Reiter, Saginaw Gym. Jesters. Beam-I, Maitner. Floor-I , Jade Kasser, Farmington. Level 8 Sr. A.A.-I, Jenny Atha, Gym. Unlimited; 2, Gillian Broom, Greater Kalamazoo; 3, Sara Keyes, Genesee Valley Gym. Vault-I, Jenny Ritter, Capital City Kips. Bars-I, Keyes. Beam and Floor-I, Broom. Level 9 Child Gymnastics. Class I Team champion-Andy Valley. Class IV 7-9 A.A.-I,Joshua Chasse, Andy Valley; 2, Jason Chasse, Andy Valley; 3, Zach Fermanis, Cumberland County. Class IV 10-12 A.A.-I, Ben Burns, Andy Valley; 2, Mike Blessing, Cumberland County; 3, Jason Prada. Class IV 13-15 A.A.1, Mike Leathem, Eastern Maine; 2, Richard Bradshaw, Bath YMCA; 3, David Estey, Eastern Maine. Class III 10-12 A.A.-I, John Brissette, Andy Valley; 2, Matt Abboud, Randall's; 3, Beau Langevin, Randall's. Class III 13-15 A.A.-I , Richard Kuniegal, Cumberland County; 2, Greg LaBrecque, Cumberland County; 3, Matt Marston, Cumberland County. Class II Compulsory-I, Jeff Castaldo, Randall's; 2, Scott Tanguay, Randall' s. Class II Compulsory and optional-I, Richard Genthner,Andy Valley.Classl-I, Shane Roy, Andy Valley; 2, Ross Talarico, Andy Valley.


NORTH ATlANTIC GYMNASTICS LEAGUE MEN'S CHAMPIONSHIPS March 2, Harrisonbur~, Virginia. Team Champion- William and Mary. A.A.-I, Dan Krovich, William and Mary; 2, Marc Lim, William and Mary; 3, Brian Smith, Courtland State. Floor-I, Dan Krovich. Pommel Horse-I, David William s, William and Mary. Rings-I, Dan Krovich. Vault-I, Dan Krovich. Parallel Bars-I, Tim Tozer, William and Mary. Hi~h Bar-l,Jerrell Steele, Radford Uruv.


CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR MEN March 9, Burlington, Vermont. A.A.-I, Genaro Severino, Pittsburgh; 2, Steve Christensen, U. of Mass.; 3, Brock Freehlin~, Pittsburgh. Floor- I, Shawn Sunpson, . So. Conn. Pommel Horse-I, Jorge Gonzales, Pitt. Rings-I, Genaro Severino . Vault-I, Genaro Severino. Parallel Bars-I, Hector Salazar, So. Conn. High Bar-I, Hector Salazar.


A.A.-I , Katrina Gier, O.A.K.; 2, Lexie Summers, O.A.K.; 3, Tara Oresky, Blakes. Vault-I , Summers. Bars-I, Heather Berry,Great Lakes. Beam-I, Gier. Floor-I , Oresky. Level 9 Jr. A.A.-I , Becky Sweinis, O.A.K.; 3, Christie Baker, Great Lakes; 3, H eather Schneller, O.A.K. Vault and Beam- I, Jenny H eminga, Great Lakes. Bars-I, Cari Egbert, Great Lakes. Floor- I, Melissa Chmiel. Level 9 Sr. A.A.1, Julie Szcepanski, Great Lakes; 2(t), Andrea Szatkowski, A.G.A. and Kim Weiland, Great Lakes. Vault-I , Szcepanski. Bars-I , Szatko w ski. Beam-I , Laura Fletcher, Saginaw . Floor-I , Weiland. Levell0Jr. A.A.-l,Missy Grupe, Great Lakes; 2, Jan et Highhill, O .A.K .; 3, Kriste n Armbuster, Great Lakes. All events-I , Grupe. Level 10 Sr. A.A .-I, Wendy Minch, Grea t Lakes; 2, Janice Walters, Great Lakes; 3, Elisa Martinelli, Gym America. Vault, Bars and Beam-I, Minch. Floor-I, Walters.

tijl] •• ~8 r!, ij\'ll] ~ I~: I 1991 PACIFIC-l0 CONFERENCE WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS

March 24, Radford, Virginia. Team Champion-William and Mary. March 16,atUCLNsJohn Wooden A.A.-I, Dan Krovich, William and Center. Team standings: 1, Oregon Mary; 2, Marc Lim, William and State; 2, UCLA; 3, Arizona. A.A.Mary; 3, Tim Tozer, William and 1, Joy Selig, OSU; 2, Chari Knight, Mary. Floor-I, Dan Krovich. PomOSU; 3(t), Natalie Britton, UCLA & mel Horse-I, David Williams, WilAmy Durham, OSU. Vault-I , liam and Mary. Dan Chnstine Belotti, ASU. Bars-I, Krovich. Vault-I, Knight, OSU. Beam and Radford U. Parallel jj':.:~~e~T.~!!!!~~ Selig,OSU. Krovich, William 1 Bar-I, David

HB-l, Gerrits. Class III C/ O, 1315-1, Steve Raden, SaIto Gym. All Events-I, Raden. Class fIC, 1012- 1, Troy Smith, Peppermint Gym.; 2, Nick Yttre, Swiss Turners. All Events-I , Smith. Class fIC, 1315-1 , And y Groth, Ma dtown Twisters Gym .; 2, Jason Tomczyk, Swiss Turners; 3, Chris Drascic, Peppermint Gy m. FX, PH, VT, HB-l , Groth. SR, PB-l, Drascic. Class IIC, 16-18-1, QuinGumieny, Swiss Turners. All Events-I , Gumieny. Class IIIC, 7-9-1, Justin Feldmeier, Scamps Gym.; 2, Tom Goss, Scamps Gym. FX, PH, SR, VT, PB-l, Feldmeier. HB--l, Tom Goss. Class IIIC, 10-12-1, Josh Bagles, LaFleur's Gym .; 2, Paul HiIkert, LaFleur's Gym .; 3, Jeff Reichle, North Shore Acad. of Gym. FX, PH, PB, HB--l , Bagles. SR-l , Reichle. VT-l, Nathan Tesmer, Madtown Twisters Gym.Class IIIC, 13-15--1, Tommy Fleuchaus, Harbor Club; 2, Mike Nasiopulos, North Shore Acad. of Gym; 3, Matt Unger, Madtown Twisters Gym. FX, VT-I, Bill Winchester, Oshkosh Ar A Boys. PH, PB, HB1, Fleuchaus. SR-l, Roy Olson, Fox River Y's Guys. Class mc, 1618-1,DavidErtrner,OshkoshATA Boys; 2, Chad Mickelson, Swiss Turners; 3, Andy Thomas, North Shore Acad.of Gym. FX-l, Thomas. PH, SR, VT, HB-l, Ertrner. PB-l,Mickelson.ClassIV,7-9-1, Nick Williams, North Shore Acad. of Gym; 2, Nicholas Ktorides, Saito Gym.; 3, Justan Duval, Peppermint Gym. FX, PH, HB-l, Williams. PH-I, Mike Norris, North Shore Acad . of Gym . SR-I, Nick Hoffmann, Harbor Club. VT-l , Eric Damco, Scamps Gym. Class N, 10-12-1, Russell Bozicevich, Midwest Twisters; 2, David Willborn, Lafleur's Gym; 3, Robin Fechhelm, North Shore Acad. of Gym. FX, PB, HB-l, Willborn. PH-I, Bozicevich. SR-l, Fechhelm. VT-l, Mike Juedes, Oshkosh ATA Boys. Class N , 1315--1, Sean Peotter, Oshkosh ATA Boys; 2, MichaelStuht, Harbor Club; 3, Mike Nowicki, Oshkosh ATA Boys. FX, SR, PB-1, Stuht. PH-I, Mike Lesko, Scamps Gym. VT, HB-l, Peotter.


1991. Kuglitsch, Ryan Riederer, Chris Harrington, Gymnastics. FX, PH, SR, VT, PB-l, Kuglitsch. HB-Riederer. Class II C/O, 13-15--1, Ryan Carns, North Shore Acad. of Gym.; 2, Greg Jaeger, LaFleur's Gym .; 3, David Bohman,SaltoGym. FX,PH, V,PB, HB--l, Carns. SR-l, Jaeger. Class II C / O, 16-18-1, Erik Wessel, North Shore Acad. of Gym. All Events-I, Wessel. Class III C/ O, 10-12-1, Bob Goss, Scamps Gym.; 2, Kevin Gerrits, Oshkosh ATA Boys. FX, SR, VT, PB-l, Goss. PH,


MAINE STATE BOYS CHAMPIONSHIPS March 16-17, Biddeford, Maine. Class IV Team champion-Andy Valley. Class III Team champioIl:Cumberland County Gymnastics. Class II Team champIOn-Randall's

Seattle, Washington, March 29-30, 1991. Team Champions Class N1, Mid Columbia Gym. Team Champions Class III-I , Cascade EliteGym. Team Champions Class II & I-I, Puget Sound School of G)'l? ClassIV7-9 A.A.-l,Michael Richardson, MCGA; 2, Aaron Scheck, NWGA; 3, Joshua Hoehn, MCGA. Floor and Pommels-I, Scheck . Rings and PBars-l, Richardson. Vault-I, Andrew Davis,NASA. High Bar-I, Hoehn. Class IV 10-11 A.A.-I, Taft Dorman, NASA; 2, Rob Shiveley, CEG; 3, Todd Thorpe, PSSG. Floor, Pommels, PBar and High Bar-I, Dorman. Rings and Vault-I, Shiveley. Class N 13-15 A.A.-I, Tyler Brown, ANWG; 2, Jacob Wairaven, CEG;3, Travis Simpson, NASA. Floor-I, Jamie Campbell, PSSG. Rings-I, Walraven. Pom-

mels, PBar a nd Hig h Bar-I, Brown. Vault-I , Nick Santille, NWGA. Class III 7-9 A.A. and all events-I , Bjorn Wanwig, NASA. Class III 10-12 A.A.-I , Tristan Reill y, MCGA; 2, Spence Wezenberg, TACY;3, Ryan Triplett, NWG A. Floor- I , Weze nberg. Rings, Pommels, Vault, PBars and High Bar- I , Reilly. Class III 13-1 5 A. A.-I, Toby VanAmerongen, CEG; 2, Jason Morten, DIAZ; 3, Jon Porter, CEG. Floor, Rings and PBars- l , VanArnerongen. Pommels and High Bar-l, Morten. Vault-I, Porter. Class m 16-18 A.A. and all events-l ,Jesse Aliano. Class IID2 10-12 A.A.-I , Neil Everson,NWGA; 2,Ryan Wellborn, PGe. Floor and Hig h Bar-I, Everson. Rings, Pommels, Vault and PBars- l,W ellborn. Class IID2 13-15 A.A.-I , Barent Hoffman, PSSG; 2, Jason Delmarty, ANWG; 3, Sergio Luna, WGA. Floor and Rings-I, Delmarty. Pommels, PBars and High Bar-I, Hoffman . Vault-I, Clint Herman, ANWG. Class IID2 16-18 A.A.-I , Steve Seaworth, TYMCA; 2, Marc Hager, NASA; 3, Dane Boysen, WGA. Floor, Vault and High Bar-I, Hager. Rings, Pommels and PBars-l, Seaworth. Class HC/O 13-15 A.A.-I, Brehon Ness, CEG; 2,RobRimpini,PSSG;3,CliffJones, DIAZ. Floor, Rings and High Bar1, Rimpini. Pommels and PBar-l, Ness. Vault-I, Jones. Class IIC/O 16-18 A.A.-I, Uri Tamminga, ANWG; 2, B.J. O'Neal, CEG; 3, Drew Grow, CEG. Floor, Pommels, PBars and High Bar-I, Tamminga. Rings and Vault-I, O'Neal. Class I C/ O 16-18 A.A.-I, Bob Young, PSSG; 2, Daniel Luna, WGA; 3, Andy Rogers, DIAZ. Floor, Pommels, Vault and High Bar-I, Young. RingS-I, Rogers. PBars1, Luna.

REGION 2 BOYS USGF REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Boise, Idaho, April 5-6, 1991. Class III 7-9 A.A.-I , Bjorn Wanwig, NASA; 2, Brandon Varner, NAAG; 3, Trevor Woods, WGe. Floor, Pommels, and Vault-I, Wanwig, NASA. Rings and PBars-l , Varner. High Bar-I, Woods. Class III 10-12 A.A.-I, Ryan Dwyer, MGC; 2(t), Spence Wezenberg, TACY and Shayne Hover, FGA. Floor, Rings, Pommels and PBars1, Dwyer. Vault-I, Cook. High Bar-I, Hover. Class III 13-15 A.A.-l,KyleKrauter,CG;2,Jason Morten, DIAZ; 3, Toby VanArnerongen, CEG. Floor and Vault-I, VanArnerongen.Rings1, Kyle Kaiter, CG. Pommels-I, Morten. PBars-l, Ben Kunz, WINGS. High Bar-l ,Kyle Kaitern, CG. Class III 16-18 A.A.-I, Jesse Aliano, CEG; 2, Andrew Hooper, WCG; 3, Tom Traxler, WINGS. All events-I, Aliano. Class IID21 0-12 A.A.-I, Tom Reed, WAG; 2, Cortney Bramwell, WINGS; 3, Bryan Rowe, NAAG. Floor, Rings and PBars-l, Reed. Pommels-I, Rowe. Vault and High Bar-I, Bramwell. Class IID2 13-15 A.A.1, Barent Hoffman, PSSG; 2, Brian Bang, AGTC; 3, Ben Fryar, WAG. Floor and RingS-I , Jason

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991





Delmarty, AN WG . Pomm els, PBars, and High Bar-I, Hoffman. Va ult-I, Boyd. Class IID2 16-18 A. A.- I, Steve Seaworth, TYMCA; 2, Dane Boysen, WG A; 3, Tino Tovar. Floor-I, Travor. Rings, Vault, PBars, Hi g h Bar-I , Seaworth. Pommels- I, Mitchell. Class IIC / O 13-15 A.A.-I, Cliff Jones, DIAZ; 2, Mike Bowman, FGA; 3, Rob Rimpini, PSSG . Floor andVault-I,TobyBleskin, GFGC. Rings-I,Jones.Pommels-I ,Bowman. PBars and High Bar- I , Rimpini. Class IIC / O 16-18 A. A.1, Uri Tamminga, ANWG; 2, BJ O'Neal, CEG; 3, Glen Toepfer, MGC. Floor and Rings-I, O'Neal. Pommels, Vault, PBars, High Bart Tamminga . Class IC / O 16-18 A.A.-I, Evan Weils, MAC;2,James Lewis, SAGE; 3, Bryan Kennedy, NWGA. Floor and High Bar-I, Daniel Luna, WGA . Rings-I, Kennedy. Pommels-I , Wells. Vault-I, Lewis. PBars-I, Andy Rogers, DIAZ.



. March 1-3, Farmers Branch, Texas. Class 57-9 A.A.-I, Jonas Greene, Linder's; 2, Casey Lane, Linder's; 3, Casey Steward, Aerial Works. Floor, Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars and High Bar-Greene; Pommels1, Eli Pandolph, SEGA. Team Champion-I , Aerial Works, Rockwall, Texas. Class 4 7-9 Rookies A.A.-I, Chris Smith, Dallas School of Gym; 2, Ben Warren, Flippers; 3, Adam Attayi, SEGA. Floor-I, Attayi. Pommels-I , Grant Jones, Mat Trotters. Rings1, Warren. Vault- I, Kris Nefson, Flippers. Parallel Bars and High Bar-I, Smith. Team Champion1, Flippers, Garland, Texas. Class 4 7-9 Veterans A.A.-I, Frank Visciano, Dardano's; 2, David Peoples, Aurora School of Gym; 3, David Wisehart, Aurora School of Gym. Floor-I, Guy Van Slyke, Courthouse. Pommels, Rings, Parallel Bars and High Sar-I, Vis ciano. Vault-I, Peoples. Team Champion-I, Aurora School of Gym, Aurora, Colorado. Class 4 10-12 Rookies A.A.-I, Phillip Athey, Capital; 2, Scott Vining, SEGA; 3,John Black,Saltos. Floor1, Vining . Pommels-I, Matt Patterson, Saltos. RingS-I, Brad Bowlby, Mat Trotters. Vault-I, Athey. Parallel Bars-I , Terry Collie, Capital. High Bar-I, Michael Coffman, LinGer's. Team Champion-I, Beaumont Gymnastics, Beaumont, Texas. Class 4 10-12 Veterans A.A.-I, Clay Strother, Beaumont Gym; 2, Derrick Mize, Courthouse; 3, Bob Hathorne, Kips. Floor and Pommels-I, Mize. Rings, Vault,Parallel Bars and High Bar-I , Strother. Team Champion-I, Kips, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.Class413-I5A.A.-I, Nick Klumb, Gym. Sports Center; 2, Jon Whitford, Irving Gym.; 3, Jason Asmus, Saltos. Ffoor-I, Whitford. Porrunels, Rings and Parallel Bars1, Klumb. Vault and High Bar-I, Asmus. Class 3 7-9 A.A.-I, Joel Rinkoff, MEGA; 2, Kyle Yamauchi, MEGA; 3, Ryan Bailey, Titans. Floor, Pommels-I, Rinkoff.

Rings-I, Bailey. Va ult, Parallel Bars, High Bar- I , Yanlauchi. Class 3 10-12 A.A.-I, Sean Townsend, Aerial Works; 2,KyleTurner, Aerial Works; 3, Joshua Garrett, Tardo's. Floor, Pommels, Rings, Parallel Bars, Hi gh Ba r- 1, Townsend . Vault- I, Turner. Tea m Champion- I, Tard o Twisters, Houma, Louisiana. Class 3 13-15 A.A.-I, Michael Brady, Capital; 2, Robbie Varro,SEGA;3,JeremySpinks, Flippers. Floor-I, Brian Posey, SEGA. Pommels-I, Robbie Flach, Spirals. RingS-I, Varro. Vault-I, Brady. Parallel Bars, High Bar-I, Varro. Team Optionals 16 & Over A.A.1, Lee Hardisty, World of . Tiger Conniff, World of Aaron Griffin, Flippers. mels, Rings, Parallel Bar-I, Hardisty. V fin. Team Gymnastics, Fort ClassIICIO-12A.A.-I,JG Titans; 2, Aaron Silver, . David Armenta, Dardano's. Rings-I, Silver. Pommels, High Bar-I, Ketchen. Vault-I , Nicholas Chavin, Tardo's. Parallel Bars1, Armenta. Team Champion-I, Titans. ClassIIC 13-15 A.A.-I, Eric Cook, Aurora School of Gym.; 2, Jason Cordova, Aurora School of Gym.; 3, Dave Bouchard, Aurora School of Gym. Floor, Pommels, Vault-I, Cook. Rings, Parallel Bars, High Bar-I, Cordova. Team Champion-I , Aurora School of Gymnastics. Class II C/ O 13-15 A.A.-I , Glenn Presley, Courthouse; 2, Dustin Conniff, World of Gym.; 3, David Heidemann, Aurora School of Gym. Floor, Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars, High Bar-I, Presley. Pommels-1,Jacob Schmit, Aurora School of Gym. Class I A.A.-I, Jason Salazar, Aurora School of Gym.; 2, Jason Barone, Aurora School of Gym.; 3, Dave Dunhill, Aurora School of Gym. Salazar won every event. Team Champion- I, Aurora School of Gymnastics.

RHYTHMIC REGION VRHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS March 16-17, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Ill. Class III Child A.A.-I, Kyla Downes, Evanston RSG Gems; 2, Amanda Seidelmann, Downers Grove RSG Harmony; 3, Kirstin Lindwall, Evanston RSG Gems. Floor-I, Downes. Rope1, Downes. Ball-I, Downes.Ribbon-I, Natalie Lacuesta, Evanston RSG Gems. Class III Jr. A.A.- I, Cori Rogers, Crandall's RSG Express; 2, Allegra Vassilopoulos, Evanston RSG Gems; 3, Kathryn Goldstein, Derby City RSG. Floor1, Rogers. Rope-I, Rogers. BallI, Vassilopoulos . Ribbon-I, Rogers. Class III Sr. AA-I, Jenny Forssander, Downers Grove RSG Harmony; 2, Tricia Stroman, North Coach RSG; 3, Andrea Jensen, North Coast RSG. All events-I, Forssander. Class II Children A.A.-I , Sara Sieber, Ill. RSG; 2, Kelly Filkins, Downers Grove RSG Har.;3,Kersten Weber,III.RSG. All events-I, Sieber. Class I1Jr. A.A.-

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

1, Shann on Brownl ee, Metro; 2, Alm a 1'U;ÂŤ W ;1<.1, Metro; 3, RSG.

Evanston RSG Gems; 2, Roxa nne Pie tras ik, Ill . RSG; 3, Nicol e Sengstock, Swiss Turners. Class I Child A.A.-I, Lori Fredrickson, 70~' ~ ~,~~j_~~~~~~~. IlI. RSG. Class II Sr. A.A.-I, Diane p RSGGym.;2,Shalmon Mimi. Class II Jr. Chia, Gym. by A.A.- I , Kelly Grove RSG Ill. RSG; 3, RSG. Class

Morreale, III Child ~l~iIIIIlJIJ" eth Daniels, RSG Harm.; 2, ," "..,...... v'va y, GTC RSG ClasSr. All events- I , _' U~"""L. lij~~ I Jr. Rope, Ball and , Gorfin. Hoop-I, Ribbon- I, Shannon Evanston RSG Gems. ~1~~ii~~1-1 RFX-I , Elbert. Ball, I Ribbon and Optional-I, Gerber. Cla ss II Jr. RFX-I , Stacey Williamson, Detroit Metro. BallI, Sham ira Miller, Detroit Metro . Ribbon-I, Keisha Hinton, Detroit Metro. Optional-I, Samantha Williamson, Detroit Metro. Class III Jr. RFX- I, Morreale. Rope, Ball March 2, Lorain County, Ohio. and Ribbon-I , Goldstein. Class I Sr. A.A.-I, Carolle Walter, North Coast RSG. Class IJr. A.A.I,Nicole Burgess, North CoastRSG. Class II Sr. A .A.-I, Kristin Baczkiewicz, North Coast RSG. January 12-13, Livonia, Michigan. Class II Jr. A.A.-I, Erin Roberts, Class I Sr. A.A.-I, Marjorie Clark, North Coast RSG. Class III Sr. Detroit Metro; 2, Eli zab e th A.A.-I ,ShuannChai, NorthCoast Halloran, Detroit Metro; 3, Faina RSG;2,AndreaJensen,NorthCoast Lerman, Detroit Metro. Class I Jr. RSG;3, Tricia Stroman, North Coast A.A.- I, Stephanie Lousia, RSG RSG . Class III Jr. A.A.-I, Launa Blues; 2, Amina Atlas, Detroit Dyer, Pilgrim Rising Star; 2, JenMetro; 3, Molly Jolmson, Detroit nifer Montgomery, Ohio RSG ClasMetro. Class I Elite-I, Charlene sics; 3J Hea ther Weeks, Pilgrim RisEdwards, Oakland Image-s. Cla-ss I1- ing Star. Class III Children A.A.Sr. A.A.-I, Jean BeCKley, RSG 1, Patrice Armour, Ohio RSG ClasBlues; 2, Heather Hughes, GTC RSG sics. Class III Sr. RFX, Ball and RibClassics. Class II Jr. A.A.- I, Shanbon-I, Chai. Rope-I , Stroman. non Brownlee, Detroit Metro; 2, Class IIIJr. All events-I, Dyer. Shamira Miller, Detroit Metro; 3, Stacey Williamson, Detroit Metro. Class II Child A.A.-I , Heisha Greenlee, Detroit Metro; 2, Sonia Lousia, RSG Blues; 3, Tiffani Calm, February 6, Pendleton, Indiana . Detroit Metro. Class III Jr. A.A. -1 , Class II Jr. A.A.-I, Stacy Grable, Sherri Newland, RSG Blues; 2, RSG Express. Class III Sr. A.A.-I, Denise Galloway GTC RSG ClasAmy Haines, RSG Express. Class sics; 3, Mickey Beckley, RSG Blues. IllJr.A.A.-I,ConnnaRogers,RSG Class III Child A.A.-I, Megan Express; 2, Kylie Murphy, RSG ExCleere, Detroit Metro; 2, Vondessa press. Class III Children A.A.-I, Scott, Detroit Metro. Class I Sr. All Amy Hockema, RSG Express; 2, events- I, Clark. Class IJr. Rope-Sara Miller, RSG Express. Class II 1, Atlas. Hoor and Ball-I, Lousia. Club-I, Molly Johnson, Detroit Seniors RFX-I , Shannon Elbert, Metro. Ribbon-I , (t) Johnson and Gym. By Mimi . Ball-I, Diane Ania Majewski, Detroit Metro. Gerber, Derby City RSG. Ribbon Class II Sr. RFX and Ribbon-I , .and Optional-I, Kristin Beckley. Ball and Optional- I, Baczkiewlcz, North Coach RSG. Hughes. Class II Jr. RFX, Ball and Class III Jr. All events-I, Rogers. Ribbon-I, Brownlee. OptionalClass III Children All events-I, 1, Williamson. Class II Child RFX Hockema. and Ribbon-1 , Cann. Ball-I , Greenlee. Optional-I , Lousia . Class III Jr. RFX-I , Emilia Boloczko, Detroit Metro. Rope, Ball and Ribbon-I, Sherri Newland, RSG Blues. Class III Child RFX, February 9-10, Louisville, KenRope and Ball-I, Cleere. Ribbontucky. Class I Sr. A.A.-1, Jennifer 1, Magdalena Majewski, Detroit Simley, Swiss Turners; 2, Carolle Metro. Walter, North Coast RSG; 3, Kimberly Flesch, Swiss Turners. Class I Jr. A.A.-I, Margarita Gorfin,







Continued 011 page 39





he nation's finest athletes gathered in Los Angeles, Calif. from July 12-21 to compete in the

u.s. Olympic Festival-'91 . This competition


mirrors the Olympic Games in both structure


and format. The U.S. Olympic Festival has today become America's foremost amateur sports showcase. The 10-day event features more than 1,200 coaches and trainers assisting 3,000 athletes, as they compete in 37 sports for 2,114 medals.



The rhythmic competition was held July 13-14, the men's competition on July 18 and 20 and the women's competition took place on July 19 and 21-all on the BY LUAN PESZEK


beautiful UCLA campus. USA GYMN ASTICS September/October 1991


SOUTH SWINGS AHEAD The women's team competition at the U.S. Olympic Festival-'91 was extremely competitive. Each of the four teams was in the lead at some point during the competition. After round one, the West team led, round two the East team and round three the North team. However, the South team, which was in last place after rounds one and two, pulled to the lead after the final and most important round to win the team competition. The South team's last event was bars and Kim Bonaventura started the momentum flowing with a score of 9.60. Lanna Apisukh added a 9.625 to the team score, followed by Li Li Leung's 9.675. Next up was Denise Fierro, who scored an impressive 9.75. Kristin Duff and Heidi Hornbeek followed with scores of 9.625 and 9.575, respectively. The

Jennifer Mercier





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Champion South Team's Lanna Apisukh, Heidi Hornbeek, Li Li Leung, Kim Bonaventura, Denise Fierro and Kristin Duff South team's bars catapulted them to the winner's stand! Coach Kevin Brown said, "We were in last place after the first two rounds. I knew bars was our best event and we had to hit." The South team's final score was 189.9 to the North team's 189.575. The East and West teams were right behind the leaders with scores of 189.35 and 188.775. The North team included Juliet Bangerter, Gina Jackson, Jennifer Mercier, Mama Neubauer, Summer Reid and Tiffany Simpson and was coached by Desert Devils' Jon Aitken. Coached by Debbie Kaitschuck from Cypress Academy, the East team included Leslie Angeles, Katie Fitzpatrick, Laura French, Suzanne Metz, TraciSommer and Chelle Stack.

The West team coached by SCATS Julie Knight included Amy Chow, Shelley Engel, Larissa Fontaine, Cara Lepper, Karin Lichey and Molly Shawen.

All-AROUND The hometown favorite, Shelley Engel, made her fans proud by winning the allaround championship title with a score of 38.525. It was touch and go for Engel after round two, when she missed her Yaeger series on bars and tumbled to the ground, scoring only a 9.10. However, this 15-year-old fought back with all her might to post scores of 9.875 and 9.75 on beam and floor, respectively. Engel's beam routine inchided a round off flip flop mount, a flip flop layout, a

cartwheel side flip (which is a completely blind move) and a round off double back dismount. Her difficulty on beam was unmatched at the U.S. Olympic Festival. On floor, Engel's passes were a full twisting double back, a whip back to two flip flops double back and she dismounted with a double back. "I was really happy when I heard I won," said the always smiling Engel. "I knew after my fall on bars that I had to do well on beam and floor." Engel, from SCATS Gymnastics in Huntington Beach, Calif., admits that this was her most exciting competition thus far. Coach Don Peters said, "Shelley is the easiest kid to work with that I've ever had in my 23 years of coaching. She's always beam-

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991





ing, pleasant, happy and gives 100 percent." Another hometown favorite, Denise Fierro, earned the silver medal in the allaround with a score of 38.375--.15 tenths of a point behind Engel. Being Fierro's top finish in a national competition, she said,"It's my hometown and I wanted to dowell." And she certainly did, scoring the top score of the competition on bars, 9.75. "That's the best score I've ever received on bars," said 15-year-old Fierro. A Covina, Calif. native, Fierro trains at Charter Oak Gliders with her coaches Steve and Beth Rybacki. The bronze all-around medal was awarded to 17year-old Jennifer Mercier from Parkettes in Allentown, Pa. Mercier scored a 38.30only .225 tenths of a point from the winner. Her highest score of the competition was a 9.80 on balance beam. "I'm very happy with today," said Mercier. In her third year on the national team, Mercier is

coached by Bill and Donna Strauss. Suzanne Metz, from American Twisters in Pompano Beach, Fla., earned fourth all-around with a score of 38.275 in her last USGF competition. Metz, 18, is coached by Tim Rand and will attend the University of Utah in the fall. Kristin Duff, 14, placed fifth witha38.15. Duff trains at Karon's Gymnastics in Fairfax, Va., and is coached by Milan Stanovich. Duff throws an Arabian double front on floor. To our knowledge, she's the only U.S. female to ever compete this skill. With a score of 38.075, Summer Reid and Chelle Stack tied for sixth position. Reid, 14, trains in Sparks, Nev. at Flips Gymnastics with her coach Neil Resnick. Stack, 17,atthetimeofthe competition, trains at Cypress Academy in Houston, Texas with Debbie Kaitschuck. Stack was in the lead after round two of the competition, but fell on her full twisting double back on floor

Denise Fierro-Olympic Festival Beam Champion

and scored a 9.05, which pulled her down in the standings. Rounding out the top 10 were Desert Devils Tiffany Simpson, North Stars Traci Sommer and Aerials Gymnastics' Larissa Fontaine.


Chelle Stack-Olympic Festival Bars Champion USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

Finals, which featured the top six gymnasts in each event from the all-around competition, drew 6,225, the largest gyrnnastics crowd for the festival. And the crowd didn't go away disappointed! On vault Kristin Duff executed a Yurchenko layout full for the first vault, 9.775, and a Yurchenko layout for the second vault, 9.50, for an average score of 9.637. Chelle Stack led the pack on bars with a score of 9.70. Stack throws a Tkatchev, Yaeger, giant full pirouette and dismounts with a full twisting double back flya-

way. Her routine was the most consistent of the competition. Denise Fierro earned the beam gold medal with a 9.775, the highest score of the competition. Fierro's routine includes a press mount, flip flop ,la yout, layout series, one and three quarters wolf turn, a gainer layout and dismounts with a round off, flip flop, double back. Unfortunately, Fierro injured her heel on the landing and had to walk with crutches onto the awards stand. Beth Rybacki said, "She finally did her beam routine like she does it in practice all the time." Floor exercise went to Shelley Engel with a score of 9.75. Engel earned a total of three medals-two gold for the all-around and floor and a silver on beam.



t was a battle between

the East and the North teams for the men' s championship title at the U.S. Olympic Festival' 91. The East team, coached by Dennis McIntyre, took an early lead on rings with Jason Christie scoring 9.25, Mark Seyler 9.3, J.D. Reive 9.2, Kerry Huston 9.1, Marcus Jordan 9.55 and Kyle Asano 9.35. However, the North gained the lead after rotation three, high bar, by six tenths of a point. The East team domina ted after the fourth round

by a half of a point, but the North team stormed back to the lead position and remained in the top spot through the end of the competition. It was an exciting and unpredictable team competitian and the North team won wi th a score of 278.1 to the East team's 275.5. North team members ineluded Drew Durbin, Jair Lynch, Steve McCain, Kip Simons, Greg Umphrey, and Jason Whitfield. The N arth team was coached by Henrik Vanetsyan. The bronze medal win-

ners from the West team, coached by Sadao Hamada, ineluded Garry Denk, Dennis Harrison, Tom Meadows, Tyler Vogt and Brian Yee. Scoring 270.95, and in fourth place, was the team from the South. The South, coached by Tim Erwin, ineluded Ricardo Cheriel, Jason Cohen, Jamie Ellis, David St. Pierre and Jay Thornton.

All-AROUND In the all-around competition, Jair Lynch from Stanford University won


the title with a 57.15. Earning two titles in two years, 1990 U.S. Junior National Champion and 1991 U.s. Olympic Festival Champion, Lynch felt great about the win. "For the first time I feel older than everyone else," said 19-year-old Lynch. "Coming back into a team environment is nice. I tried to help out the younger guys." Lynch scored the highest mark of the competition, a 9.85 on pommel horse, which also happens to be his favorite event. His







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Jair Lynch added three more gold medals to his all-around and team golds during the event finals. 24

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991


versity of Oklahoma and is coached by Greg Buwick. His highest scoring events were rings and high bar with scores of 9.55 each. Jordan took a fall on pommel horse scoring only an 8.40, which held him back in the all-around standings. Brian Yee, 17, from Culhane's Gymnastics in Houston, Texas, finished sixth in the all-around with a 55.0, followed by Steve McCain with a 54.65. McCain, 17, trains with coach Tim Erwin at Houston Gymnastics. Rounding out the top 10 were the University of Illinois' Ricardo Cheriel, Drew Durbin from Columbus Gymnastics Academy and Tom Meadows from the University of Oklahoma.

ANALS The team from the North won the team championship title. lowest mark of the competition was a 9.30 on rings. Coached by Sadao Hamada, Lynch is a junior in the engineering program and plans to beef up his routines in order to make the 1992 Olympic Team. Dennis Harrison, from the University of Nebraska, was leading the competition after round four but was overtaken by Lynch when he made a mistake on high bar and scored only an 8.70. Harrison, 19, earned the silver medal in the allaround with a 56.25. "I'm fairly happy with m y performances," said Harrison. "I wasn't prepared for high bar. I've been having trouble with my dismount. I don't ha ve the confidence I need." The veteran of the grou p at age 24, David St. Pierre, earned the bronze medal with a score of 55.90. St. Pierre led the competition during the first two rounds but had problems on vault and parallel bars, scoring an 8.85 and an 8.60,

respectively. "I'm a little disap pointed," said St. Pierre. "On vault I went for the Kasamatsu full twist 'and I should have played it safe and done just a plain Kasamatsu." Currently, St. Pierre trains at Broadway Gymnastics School in California with Vanetsyan. St. Pierre graduated from UCLA and has a degree in anthropology and a minor in business. He's doing private gymnastics training with adults now, but would like to get into the movie business. Kyle Asano from Stanford Gymnastics Club took fourth all-around with a 55.80 .Twenty-year-old Asano, coached by Hamada, scored a 9.75 on high bar complete with a Gaylord and triple back dismount. Asano's downfall was floor, 8.70, and vault, 8.95. Fifth all-around went to Marcus Jordan with a 55.50. Jordan, 20, attends the Uni-

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

Jair Lynch added three more gold medals to his all-

Dennis Harrison earned the all-around silver medal.


around and teamgoldsduring the individual event finals. Lynch's five gold medals ties the Olympic Festival gymnastics record set by Scott Johnson in 1983and Bill Roth in 1990. "This is a very important meet for me," said Lynch. "It will help my confidence . Now, when I go into meets with the older guys, I'll feel more prepared." Lynch won pommel horse with a score of 9.90. His strengthon this event is his longitudinal travel work. His mount is a very complicated sequence involving a Magyar travel with half turn over each pommel. His difficulty and originality was superior to the other competitors outdistancing the second placed finisher by .25 of a point.





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• David St. Pierre won the bronze medal in the all-around. Lynch won parallel bars with a score of9.70. He dismounted with a well executed double front salto. Lynch has a smooth style making difficult skills look easy. Again Lynch's high bar routine contained a high degree of difficulty and originality resulting in a score of 9.70. He does a Tkatchev catch in a mixed grip to an immediate Endo. Lynch dismounts with a Fliffus (double front brani out). Kerry Huston woke up the crowd quickly with his opening floor pass which included a front handspring, front handspring, piked one-and-three-quarters saIto. Now, with the crowd warmed up, Huston came back with his most difficult pass-front handspring, layout front, layout front, front one-and-a-quarter. He dismounted with a full twisting double back.

This routine earned Huston a 9.65 and the gold medal. Dennis Harrison won vault, 9.60, with his layout Kasamatsu. He combined a rare combination of height, distance and stretch on his vault. Jason Whitfield was by far the crowd's favorite of the evening, winning rings with a score of 9.80. For the first time in this country, Whitfield used cross cable work with strength. He pressed to an inverted cross and turned 180 degrees while remaining in the invert. "I've been doing this sequence since September," said Whitfield. "Nobody else does it so maybe one day it will be called the Whitfield." From the reaction of the crowd and the judges scores, we'll see a lot more of the cross cable work in future competitions.

Jason Whitfield won rings with his innovative cross cable work.


USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991








1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 10

West South North East South North East North East West

38.525 38.375 38.300 38.275 38.150 38.075 38.075 37.975 37.925 37.875

Shelley Engel Denise Fierro Jennifer Mercier Suzanne Metz Kristin Duff Summer Reid Chelle Stack Tiffany Simpson Traci Sommer Larissa Fontaine



1 2 3

1 2 2

Kristin Duff 9.637 Chelle Stack 9.587 Mama Neubauer 9.450


Chelle Stack Kristin Duff Gina Jackson

Denise Fierro 9.775 Shelley Engel 9.700 Jennifer Mercier 9.700

noOR 9.700 9.675 9.575

1 2 3

Shelley Engel 9.750 Traci Sommer 9.675 Jennifer Mercier 9.550 For twenty five years, Mancino has been recog-

~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~.,~~ fu ~pro~dinghighqu~~y , innova足 tive and safe gymnastic products. Our gym mats and Progressive Skill Builder products are designed with safety, # NAME TEAM SCORE durability and hand-crafted manufac1 Jair Lynch North 57.15 2 Dennis Harrison West 56.25 turing quality to ensure your complete 55.90 3 David St. Pierre South satisfaction. \ 00

4 5 6 7 7 9 10

Kyle Asano Marcus Jordan Brian Yee Ricardo Cheriel Steve McCain Drew Durbin Tom Meadows

Kerry Huston Jair Lynch Marcus Jordan


55.80 55.50 55.00 54.65 54.65 54.55 54.30


.-:') /


noOR 1 2 2

East East West South North North West

9.65 9.50 9.50

1 2 3

Dennis Harrison 9.60 Marcus Jordan 9.50 Jay Thomton 9.30



1 2 3

1 2 3

9.90 Jair Lynch David St. Pierre 9.65 Greg Umphrey 9.50

Jair Lynch Kyle Asano Marcus Jordan



1 2 3

1 2 3

Jason Whitfield 9.80 Tom Meadows 9.70 David St. Pierre 9.65

Jair Lynch Kerry Huston Drew Durbin

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

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LOVELL STAYS HOT IN L.A. he U.S. Olympic Festival-'91 not only determined the event's medal winners but also determined the top three senior gymnasts who would compete in the 1991 Rhythmic World Championships on October 9-13. The competition was intense! The weather in Los Angeles was hot and so was Jenifer Lovell as she maintained her dominant role in U.S. rhythmic gymnastics. Lovell's dramatic and expressi ve rou tines earned the all-around gold medal at the '91 U.S. Olympic Festival. She also received the highest score, a 9.50 in rope, of the two-day competition. Coach Irina Vdovets of the Illinois Rhythmics said, "This is the best meet Jenifer has had so far and this is only the beginning." Vdovets has high expectations for Lovell including the upcoming Pan American Garnes and the Rhythmic World Championships. "Jenifer is a very expressive, emotional and dedicated gymnast," said Vdovets. "Shehasn'tmissed one day of practice in over a year." Lovell scored a 73.60 allaround, nearly two points above her closest competitor. She said, "This is a fun meet." When asked about her unique style, Lovell said, "1 let out my personality in my routines. I'm shy to talk to people but I let it out in my routines." Lovell,17,isoriginallyfrom Miami, Fla. but transplanted 28





Jenifer Lovell dazzled the crowd to become the '91 U.S. Olympic Festival Champion USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

herself to Evanston, Ill. so that she could train with the Illinois Rhythmics. However, dad, with video in hand, plus mom and both sis ters usually make the tri p to see Jenifer compete. "I like my family to be at the competition," said Lovell. "I watch the videos my dad takes and they really help." The current national champion and now Olympic Festival champion is eager to hit her routines in Athens, Greece, during the Rhythmic World Championships. "My goals are to just hit my routines," said Lovell. "Then I can see where I stand!" Lovell plans to change her clubs routine next year so that she' ll have two dramatic routines and two "fun" routines. Currently, the only routine that she classifies as upbeat and fun is her hoop routine. "My other three routines are dramatic and serious," she said. "I want to have a better balance next year." Naomi Hewitt-Couturier earned the silver medal in the all-around with a scoreof71.75. Naomi's style

Silver medalist in the all-around, Naomi Hewitt-Couturier is very different from Lovell's style . .Naomi describes her style as not dramatic but fast-paced and fun. Naomi trains at United Nations International School in New York. Hewitt-Couturier said, "The best part of the Olympic Festival is being on a team, competing with the

SENIORS Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rank Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.

Athlete Jenifer Lovell N. Hewitt-Couturier Diane Simpson Christy Neuman Bianca Sapetto Franca Abbatiello Kristl Alt Lily Garcia Seniors competed in 8 events.

Score 73.60 71.75 71.60 69.80 69.30 69.15 65.60 65.50

JUNIORS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr.

Caroline Hunt Theresa Escalona Tamarin Luchessa Christi Tucay Jessica Davis Alison Taylor Sally Allison Ward Lily Chiang

Juniors competed in 5 events.

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

43.30 41.25 40.65 39.85 39.60 39.00 38.65 23.80

other rhythmic gymnasts, and meeting athletes in other sports." Her highest scoring event of the competition was rope with a 9.35. Naomi had a problem with her hoop rQutine when the apparatus went out of bounds. She scored an 8.45, just enough to edge out the bron z e medalist, Diane Simpson, who scored a 71 .60. Simpson, 22, is the 1990 U.S. Olympic Festival champion and former Olympian. Coach Vdovets said, "All athletes have their ups and downs and it' s necessary to overcome these." Simpson, who's been in the sport for nine years, will attempt to overcome her "down competition" from the Olympic Festival when she, Hewitt-Couturier and Lovellcompeteatthe World Championships. Fourth place in the allaround went to Christy Neuman from United Gymnastics Academy in Jacksonville, Fla. Neuman, 14, coached by Marina Davidovich, scored a 69.80

in the all-around. BiancaSapetto,15, trains with the California Breeze in San Pedro, Calif. She is coached by Lydia Bree. Sapetto scored a 69.30 for fifth place in the all-around. The top all-around junior gymnast was Caroline Hunt from Illinois Rhythmics. The juniors competed in three events the first day-rope, hoop and ribbon-and two events the second day-ball and clubs. Hunt scored43.30 in the allaround with her highest score being a 9.0 in clubs. Theresa Escalona, from the Miami Twisters, earned second overall for the juniors with a score of 41.25. Lily Chiang, one of the smallest competitors participating in the Olympic Festival at 4-6 and 68 pounds, was selected to light the torch during the Olympic Festival Opening Ceremonies. Chiang is the only rhythmic gymnast ever honored with this duty. Many thanks go to Valerie Zimring , 1984 Olympian and the local host coordinator, for organizing the rhythmic competition. 29








1. 2. 3.


1. Erick Lopez 2. Casimiro Suarez 3. Victor Colon 3. A. Peniche

USA Cuba Canada

380.775 376.675 373.825

1. Mike Racanelli USA 1. Damian Merino CUB 3. Trent Dimas USA


Cuba USA Mexico

580.550 575.450 558.300

Stephanie Woods Chelle Stack R. Plataroti L. Parente


38.600 38.525 38.400 38.325


58.30 58.10 57.75 56.90 56.90 56.90

MEN'S ALL-AROUND 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 4.

Erick Lopez Jose Tejada Felix Aguilera Mike Racanelli Trent Dimas Mark Warburton

9.750 9.737 9.700 9.700


9.675 9.675 9.600 9.600 9.600


9.900 9.800 9.750



9.800 9.750 9.700

1. D. Minicucci 1. Erick Lopez 3. Felix Aquilera 3. Luis Lopez 3. I. Ibarrondo

1. Damian Merino CUB 2. Erick Lopez CUB 3. Bob Stelter USA

9.900 9.825 9.625

1. Felix Aquilera 2. Luis Lopez 3. Trent Dimas

1. Jose Tejada 2. Felix Aquilera 3. D. Minicucci

WOMEN'S ALL-AROUND 1. 2. 3. 4.

9.700 9.700 9.550





USGF Photo © Dave Black





VAULT 1. L. Parente 2. Woynerowski 3. Jennifer Wood


9.775 9.662 9.650

1. L. Parente BRA 2. Mylene Fleury CAN USA 2. H. Anderson

9.775 9.625 9.625



BEAM 1. S.Woods 1. L. Gonzalez 3. O. Jiminez 3. L. Portocarrero


9.700 9.700 9.650 9.650


9.700 9.625 9.600


FLOOR 1. Chelle Stack 2. D. Nunez 3. G. Benitez


Stephanie Woods-1991 Pan American Games All-Around Champion and gold medalist on balance beam. USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

THE ENERGY TO GO FURTHER The energy to go beyond the expected. To try a little harder. To push not just one but all limits aside. That is the energy of the U.S. Gymnastics Team. Texaco recognizes that boundless energy. An energy that enables athletes to reach new heights of performance. And we are proud to be one of their official sponsors.


Š 1991 Texaco Inc.





By Jennifer Hadley

he 1991 World Gymnastics Championships will be the last of its kind until 1995. The International Gymnastics Federation has altered the format of the World Championships, a decision officials say will have "far-reaching and long-term effects on the sport." After 1991, the event will occur every year instead of alternating years. Each year's World Championships will use a different format. For example, the 1991 World Championships will feature team, all-around and individual event finals . Next year's event will only consist of individual event finals. Individual event champions from Indianapolis will automatically qualify for the 1992 World Championships in Paris. The schedule and format is as follows: FORMAT YEAR HOST CITY

few years ago, Kristie Phillips was known not only for her gymnastics ability, but for her cute, girlish appearance that stunned crowds and captured attention. Now, she's growing up. Kristie, currently a second-semester freshman at Louisiana State University, has started a new era of her life. She is living on her own in an off-campus apartment, with her best friend Beth Mire. Kristie is majoring in theater and physical therapy, with a minor in psychology. "I want to be an actress," she said. "The physical therapy is to fall back on." Kristie, along with LSU gymnastics coach 0-0 Pollock, has been working with the NCAA to obtain gymnastics eligibility. In the meantime, one of


1992 1993 1994 1995

Individual Event Finals Paris, Fra nce Birmingham, England All-Around & Individual Event Finals (no compulsories) TBA (Autumn) Team & All-Around (w ith compulsories) TBA (Spring) Individual Event Finals Team, A.A. & Individual Event Finals Sabae, Japan

"The FIG wants athletes to remain in the sport and prolong their competitive lives. This change allows greater flexibility in creating new opportunities for athletes," said Mike Jacki, vice president of the FIG and president of the 1991 World Gymnastics Championships organizing committee.



Kristie's newest adventures at LSU is making the varsity cheerleading squad. "I love it. It's so much fun," she said. One of the reasons she likes being a cheerleader is that she gets to show her personality. "I getto dance, show off a little and be in front of a crowd," she said. Kristie may still be capturing crowds and performing for audiences, bu t one thing is sure-Kristie Phillips is not a little girl anymore!


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The newest catalog for artistic & rhythmic gymnastics from Barry Nease. • The finest custom music • Used by more than half of the U.S. Team • Used by every NCAA National Champion Team since 1980 • Best team discounts available




USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991



CHRIS1Y HENRICH ROIRES By Jennifer Hadley ne might not think that a 4'11" girl would be much of a physical threat, but 19-year-old Christy Henrich is learning to be one. Christy, who has replaced the twists and leaps of gymnastics with the kicks and blocks of tai-kwon-do, retired from international gymnastics last year after a relapse of mononucleosis left her both physically and mentally drained. "My body had had it," Christy said, explaining that mono and other problems were taking their toll on her performances. Now that the Missouri native has retired, she is finding time for other interests like tai-kwon-do. She trains six days a week at Malcolm's Martial Arts, about 15 minutes from her home. "I'm trying to do things I've always wanted to do but haven'tbeen able to," she said. In the few months that Christy has been learning tai-kwon-do, she has earned a yellow belt and is progressing rapidly. One of the reasons that she is improving so quickly is that she already has flexibility, a skill new students Christy Henrich often take a long time to develop. Christy, whose brother Paul is a second-degree black belt in tai-kwon-do, said that gymnastics and tai-kwon-do are different in every aspect, ranging from length and formality of workout to uniform. Another big difference is that martial arts requires flexed toes, instead of the classic pointed toes of gymnastics. "That was difficult for me to get used to," she said. Her first tournament is September in Omaha, where she will compete against other athletes in sparring matches. "It might be a little difficult sparring because I'm small," she said, 'but I'm stronger than I look." Christy sees this as a possible advantage because her opponents will not expect her to be as strong as she is. Since Christy's retirement, she has also gotten engaged to her boyfriend of two and one half years, 20-year-old Bo Moreno. They are planning for the spring of next year. Bo, who takes tai -kwon-do lessons with Christy, is a cartoonist looking for a syndication opportunity. If his work is eventually animated, Christy will be doing the voice of one of his characters, a bug named Twiley. Christy has also been attending Blue Springs Longview, a community college in Missouri, where she is majoring in physical therapy.


USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

Kings, Queens, Presidents and Prime Ministers aren't the only royalty invited to the White House. The red carpet is also rolled out for the "First Lady" of American gymnastics-Mary Lou Retton. Retton enjoys a private moment with First Lady Barbara Bush.

RUSTY MITCHEll INTO IW1 OF FAME Rusty Mitchell, who celebrated his 25th year as men's gymnastics coach for the University of New Mexico, was the 43rd inductee into the Albuquerque Sports Hall of Fame. Mitchell, who was inducted into the National Collegiate Hall of Fame in 1985, is a 1964 graduate of Southern Illinois University. Mitchell has been the U.S. Olympic coach twice. He was also head U.S. coach at the World University Games in 1973 and the World Games in 1974. In addition, he was the first gymnast ever to successfully perform a double back flip in Olympic competition (Tokyo, 1964). Mitchell also won three individual NCAA titles while he was a Saluki at Sill, under coach Bill Meade. He also was the Midwest Collegiate Coach of the Year three times in the past five years. 33


The Athlete and Coach of the Year awards were presented at this year's U.s. Na tional Championships banquet in Cincinnati, Ohio. The selections were made by the respective U.S. National Team Coaches and U.s. Na tional Team Members.



ach year the Women's Sports Foundation presents "Up and Coming Awards" to 10 female athletes who have distinguished themselves in their sport and have shown promise of becoming America's next world champion. This year, 14-year-old Shannon Miller from Edmond, Okla. was presented this award in the artistic category. This award honors Miller's impressive development and exceptional performance in gymnastics. Miller, at age 13, was the first American to win the allaround title at the 1990 Catania Cup competition in Italy. Steve Nunno is Shannon's coach at Dynamo Gymnastics. Miller also maintains a 4.0 grade point average in school.








,.,aT,... @







Shannon Miller


WOMEN'S COACH OF THE YEAR Tony Gehman North Stars

WOMEN'SATHtm OF THE YfAR Sandy Woolsey Desert Devils

WOMEN'S ATHtm OF THE VIM Kim Kelly Parkettes


In addition to the "Up and Coming Award," the Women's Sports Foundation also selects individuals into the WSF Sudafed International Women's Sports Hall of Fame. This year two former gymnasts were selected into the Hall of Fame-Muriel Grossfeld in the coaches category and Vera Caslavska in the contemporary athlete category. Grossfeld, a three-time Olympian and three-time Olympic Coach, currently serves as a USGF Elite Clinician who travels the country to assist national team members. As a brevet judge, she is also a member of the USGF National Training Camp staff. These are just a few of Grossfeld's many accomplishments and contributions to the sport of gymnastics. Caslavska is one of the few women to win consecutive Olympic all-around titles. She dominated the 1964 and 1968 Olympic Games as well as the 1966 World Championships. Caslavska was the only female gymnast from Czechoslovakia to win a World or Olympic all-around title and she won four medals in '64 and another six in '68. USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991







MIKE JACKI ELECTED TO ATlANTA COMMITTEE FOR THE 1996 OLYMPIC GAMES nitedStatesGymnastics Federation's Executive Director, Mike Jacki, has been selected by the United States Olympic Committee to serve on the Board of Directors for the 1996 Olympic Games. Jacki, along with Sandy Baldwin, were the only two members elected to the board. Other board members include: Mr. Andrew Young, Mr. Robert M. Holder, Bishop John Hurst Adams, Mr. Edward W. Bowen, Mr. Hugh M. Chapman, Dr. John P. Crecine, Mr. AW. Dahlberg, Ms. Anita DeFrantz, Mr Robert H. Helmick, Mr. Jesse Hill, Jr., Ms. Cecelia Corbin Hunter, Mr. R. William Ide, III, Mr. Ronald L. Krise, Mr. Raymond J. McClendon, Mr. James B. Miller, Mr. William Porter Payne, Mr. Michael P. Plant, Mr. Robert L. Rearden, Mr. James Reynolds, III, Mr. D. Raymond Riddle, Dr. Harvey W. Schiller, Ms. Merrianne A Sharpe, Mr. Horace Sibley, Dr. LeRoy T. Walker, Mr. Perry Toles.



HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES BY GEORGE SZYPUlA Four individuals were inducted into the Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles Hall of Fame. Lou Bordo (Gymnast/ Contributor)-1948 Olympian; Cumiskey Hall of Fame 0979-Gymnastics Judge) 2 times Eastern Intercollegiate Gymnastics League P-Bars Champion on two Penn State NCAA Championship Teams ('42 & '43).

JULISSAGOMU The USGF would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the Gomez family due to the recent death of their eldest daughter, Julissa D' Anne Gomez. Julissa passed away August 8, 1991. Julissa was a member of the U.S. Junior National Team and placed fourth in the all-around at the 1986 U.S. Gymnastics Championships. She also placed second allaround at that year's American Classics. In 1987,herfirstyearcompeting as a senior, she finished 13th at the U.S. Gymnastics Championships. As a national team member, she competed in Spain, France, and Canada. Julissa also competed at the 1986

U.S. Olympic Festival, finishing 22nd in the all-around. She won a silver medal on the balance beam at the 1987 Mardi Gras Invitational in Baton Rouge, and two bronze medals in the all-around and the floor exercise. Julissa's last competition wasinMay,1988atthe World Sports Fair in Japan where shewasseverelyinjuredduring warm ups for the vaulting competition. Contributions can be made to the Sunshine Foundation, P.O. Box 255, Loughman, Florida 33858. Please indicate dona tions are on behalf of Julissa Gomez. The Sunshine Foundation is a support organization for terminally ill children.

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

Steve Cohen (Gymnast)-Nissen Award; 1968 Olympian; World Games (Dortmund, Germany); NCAA AA Champion, 1966 and 1967; Eastern Intercollegiate Gymnastics League AA Champion in 1965, 1966 and 1967. A Penn State graduate and currently a physician.

Les Sasvary (Contributor)-Executive Director National Gymnastics Judges Association ('77'84); USGF Executive Committee and Board of Directors ('75-'83); produced 10 High School Championship Teams; Coach of the Year NHSGA; Cumiskey Hall of Fame Award, 1974; (Teacher, Health & Physical Education)

Gregg Weiss (Gymnast/ Coach)-1968 Olympian; Pan Am Gold Medalist '59 and World Garnes Team; NCAA AA Champ '61; 3 time Eastern Intercollegiate Gymnastics League AA Champion; Penn State graduate; Former Coach at the Air Force Academy; U.S. Elite Coach for Women (Club Owner) Won Mr. Annapolis Contest-199l.



Gymnastics Awards Book




u.s. Classic Nationals took place in Huntington Beach, Calif. on May 1619. Below are the results:


JUNIORS # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.




A. Woynerowski North Stars


The Proudest Way to Display Your Achievements

SENIORS Name Club Score 1. Kim Kelly Parkettes 76.630 2. Shannon Miller Dynamo 76.150 3. Jennifer McKernan Eastern Nat. 76.060 4. Jennifer Mercier Parkettes 75.650 5. Shelley Engel SCATS 75.530 6. Dominique Dawes Hills Angels 75.110 7. Juliet Bangerter Desert Devils 74.930 7. Denise Fierro Charter Oak 74.930 9. Suzanne Metz Amer. Twist. 74.830 10. Michelle Campi Pozsars Gym. 74.800 11. Mama Neubauer Great Amer. 74.770 12. Misty Marinik Capital Gym. 74.700 13. Jenny Hansen Northland 74.700 13. Stephanie Woods Capital Gym. 74.590 15. Heather Kabnick Amer. Twist. 74.380 16. Wendy Bruce Brown's Gym. 74.320 17. Amy Myerson New Eng. 74.190 18. Gina Jackson Dynamo Gym. 74.180 19. Kristen Guise Amer. Twist. 74.170 20. Kim Bonaventura Cypress Acad. 74.140 21. Becky Erwin Southeast Gym 74.120 22. Li Li Leung North Stars 74.060 23. Leslie Angeles Blake Gym. 73.960


75.725 Tiffany Simpson Desert Devils 75.350 K. McDermott Parkettes 74.675 Kristin Duff Karon Gym. 74.000 Cara Lepper CA.TS. 73.925 Sarah Balogach Parkettes 73.825 Laura French Karolyi's 73.825 Rebecca Robinson Hartford Gym. 73.675 Lanna Apisukh Brown's Gym. 73.600 Heidi Hornbeek Ariz. Sunrays 73.575 Gwen Spidle Great Amer. 73.450 Karin Lichey Cincinnati Gy. 73.375 1. Szczepanski Great Lakes 73.325 Jennifer White Gym Country 73.150 Natalie Emig Ariz. Twisters 73.100 Amy Chow West Valley 72.925 Katie Fitzpatrick Queen City 72.800 Lisa Vincijanovic Ariz. Sunrays 72.675 Carolyn Hecht Rebounders 72.575 Christina Ma SCATS 72.500 Rachel Rochelli Cypress Acad. 72.400 Lisa Gianni North Stars 72.350 Nikki Peters Will-Moor 72.250


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WORlD SPORTS FAIR he World's Sports Fair took place on May 5-6 in Tokyo, Japan. The U.S. delegation included gymnasts Kristin Duff from Karon's Gymnastics, Heidi Hornbeek from Arizona Sunrays, Kyle Asano from Stanford Gymnastics Club, and Jair Lynch from Stanford University. The coaches were Milan Stanovich, Dan Witenstein and Sadao Hamada and the judges included Mark Williams and Linda Beran. In the women's all-around competition, China's Li Li won the allaround with an outstanding 39.40. Hornbeek finished in ninth with 37.625 and Duff placed eleventh with 36.65. Hornbeek finished eighth on bars, fifth on beam and sixth on floor. Duff placed sixth on vault and sixth on beam. Huang Liping from China won the men's all-around competition with a score of 57.60. Lynch finished seventh in the all-around with a score of 56.050 and Asano finished 10th with a 54.80.


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USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991





PUERTO RICO CUP COMPETITION By Judy Dobransky efore an enthusiastic crowd at the Gymnastics Training Center of Carolina in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Marna Neubauer, 17, coached by Al Fong and escorted by Jay Becker of Great American Express, performed with elegance and grace placing third all-around behind the Puerto Rican favorite, 17-year-old Aida Canovas and the tiny 4'2" first place powerhouse, 12-year-old Claudia Russan. Marna qualified in all four events and she received a gold medal on vault, silver medal on both bars and beam and narrowly missed a gold medal by .025 on floor, again earning the silver medal. The team competition, for both men and women, was taken by Puerto Rico.


On the all-around victory stand for the men included a bronze medal finish by the U.s.'s 17-year-old Jason Whitfield in his first international competition. Jason is coached by Kurt Golder of Genessee Valley. First place Victor Colon and second place Pedro Rosado along with Pedro Tort will make up part of the Pan American Team representing their country. Jason showed some Super D and D combinations on rings and high bar. His originality on rings which centers around a full-twisting bail to a strength hold was rewarded with a first place in preliminaries. He earned two firsts on still rings and parallel bars, two seconds on pommel horse and high bar and two thirds on floor exercise and vault.

Worn By The Best • • •

Jason Whitfield and Marna Neubauer both had great performances at the Puerto Rico Cup competition.

The Pegasus Olympian has solved the problems of toe blow-out, heel shock and undue sole wear. Pegasus' commitment to excellence is evidenced by our 6 month warranty on our shoes . YOU DESERVE THE BEST TO PERFORM YOUR BEST. IF YOU WANT TO BUY THE BEST, BUY PEGASUS!

Pegasus Now Offers: Wrist Supports - Eliminates costly taping . Velcro fasteners utilizing closed cell neoprene, lined with polar plus to provide therapeutic warmth to the wrist. Gymnastic Grips - Finest leather, glued and riveted at stress points. Available in sizes 0 - 3. Gymnastic Floor & Travel Bags - Designed for the active athlete.

Photo Credit: Olympic gold medalists Jim Hartung & Scott Johnson .



u.s. EARN TEAM SILVER he U.S. men's team traveled to Barcelona, Spain for a PreOlympicInvitational on July 25-28 and earned the team silver medal, finishing right behind the Soviet Union. The U.s. defeated Japan, Hungary, Spain and Germany. Vitaly Scherbo won the gold medal in the all-around with a score of 116.575. Scherbo was followed by three of his teammates, Valeri Liukin, Valeri Belenky and Igor Korobchinski. The top gymnast from the U.S. was UCLA's Scott Keswick who finished fifth with a score of 114.225. Keswick also earned the bronze medal on parallel bars. Lance Ringnald from Gold Cup Gymnastics tied for seventh and University of Oklahoma's Jarrod Hanks finished 15th.





579.175 568.200 565.750 562.725 555.825 553.975

The top gymnast for the U.S. was UCLA's Scott Keswick, who finished fifth in the all-around.



By Jon Boulton

he Dutch Open took place in The Hague, Netherlands. The U.S. delegation included gymnasts Molly Shawen, Dominique Dawes, Bobby Stelter and Mark McKiernan. Coaches Steve Ellsberry, Kelli Hill and Vinny


Dominique Dawes silver medalist in the all-around. 38

Pazzouli also made the trip, along with judges John Boulton and Carole Ide. Dawes had a superb competition placing second in theall-around witha39.087 and making all four event finals. She competed a Yurchenko full in finals but missed a front handspring front and had to settle for fourth place. On bars Dawes upgraded her routine with an extra Yeager and finished in sixth place due to an extra swing. With the early competition jitters gone, Dawes got down to business on the beam with a great routine for the silver medal. A small bobble on her mount cost her the gold. Tied for first going into finals on floor, Dawes had some tentative landings and dropped to third place. Shawen placed 13th allaround with a 37.323. She made finals on uneven bars

Bob Stelter won the gold medal on floor exercise. and finished in fourth place on that event. First all-around was a warded to Bulgaria's Sylvia Mitova with a score of 39.161. On the men's side of competition, the Soviet Union's Andrey Evsikov earned the gold medal with a score of 56.15. Stelter finished sixth

with a 55.40 and McKiernan placed 12th witha53.45. Stelter won the gold medal on floor with a stuck full-in, back-out dismount. He also finished third on parallel bars and sixth in vaulting. McKiernan had very strong rou tines on both pommel horse and parallel bars.

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991




RHYTHMIC TAKES BIG STEP FORWARD Because of the growth of both the number and quality of the rhythmic gymnasts in the Junior Olympic Program a new USGF competition was inaugurated, the East/ West Team Competition. Six Class III and six Class II athletes from each Region qualified by way of State and Regional competitions to represent their Region as members of Regional Teams. The host clubs, Seattle Gymnastics Academy and Detroit Metro both provided a great atmosphere for this event.

.21~118:!!1~11 U(IJlbi :11~i Class II

1st Place Region II 2nd Place Region I 3rd Place Region IV

Class III 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place

Region II Region I Region IV Region III

I ~ !ÂŁ1 18 :!!ll~ IU(I JIbi :II ~t Class II

1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place

Region V Region VI Region VIII Region VII

Class III 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place

Region V Region VII Region VIII Region VI

(Dates & Events Subject to Change or Cancellation) Prepared by: Allison Melangton, Director of Special Events

SEPTEMBER 6-15 12-14 25-29 28-29

Artistic World Championships (M / W) USGF Nat'! Congress / FIG Scien. Sym. Jr. A & Senior Training Camp (W) Int'! Jr. Gymnastics Competition (M/W)

Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Yokohama, JPN

OCTOBER 9-13 12-13 19-20 30-Nov 2

Rhythmic World Championships (R) National Date for Regional Testing (M) Elite Regionals (W) U.s. Olympic Committee Congress

Athens, Greece Various Sites Various Sites Colo. Springs, CO

NOVEMBER 1 8-9 9-10 11-17 15-17 16-24 23-24

USOC Exhibition (M / W / R) Winter Testing, Jr. Men (M) American Classic Nationals (W) National Team Camp (M) Coaches Education Workshop (M) Chunichi Cup (M/W) Catania (W)

Colo. Springs, Colo. Springs, TBA Colo. Springs, Colo. Springs, JPN Catania, ITA


DECEMBER 1-4 6-8

Swiss Cup / Arthur Gander (M / W) DTB Pokal (M / W)

SUI Stuttgart, GER

7-8 *14-15 TBA

USGF Winter Nationals (M) USGF Rhythmic Challenge (R) Jr. National Team Winter Camp (M)

Colo. Springs, CO Colo. Springs, CO Colo. Springs, CO

Class II top competitors at the West Championships.

Results Section continued from page 19

LUNOIS STATE RSG CHAMPIONSHIPS January 26-27, Palatine, illinois. Class I Sr. Elite A.A.-I, Jenifer Lovell, III. RSG. Class I Jr. Elite A.A.-l,CarolineHunt, ill.RSG. Class I Seniors-I, Kimberlee Flesch, Swiss Turners; 2, Jennifer Simley, Swiss Turners; 3, Rhonda Smith, Independent. Class I Jr. A.A.-I , Kate Gladson, ill. RSG; 2, Margarita Gorfin, Evanston RSG Gems; 3, Roxanne Pietrasik, ill. RSG. Class I Child A.A.-I, Lori Fredrickson, III. RSG; 2, Jennifer Lim, Evanston RSG Gems. Class II Sr. A.A.-I, Julie Wittmer, Downers Grove RSG Harm.;2, AnitaSeranko,ill. RSG. Class II Jr. A.A.-I, Shenade Evans, RSG Chicago; 2, Courtney Woodbury, Ill. RSG . Class II Child A.A.-I, Sara Sieber, ill. RSG; 2, Kelly Filkins, Downers Grove RSG Harm.; 3, Grace Fauls, ill. RSG. Class ill Sr. A.A.1, Jenny Forssander, Downers Grove RSG Harm. Class III Jr.

A.A.-I, Beth McCloskey, Downers Grove RSG Harm. Class ill Child A.A.-I, Kirstin Lind wall, Evanston RSG Gems; 2, Kyla Downes, Evanston RSG Gems; 3, Amanda Seidelmann, Downers Grove RSG Harm. Class I Sr. Rope, Hoop and Ball-l,Simley.Clubs1, Smith. Ribbon-I , Flesch. Class IJr. Rope-I, Pietrasik. Hoop, Ball and Clubs-I, Gladson. Ribbon1, Gorfin. Class I Child Ball-I, Lim. Rope, Hoop, Clubs and Ribbon-I, Fredrickson. Class II Sr. RFX, Ball and Optional-I , Wittmer. Ribbon-I, Seranko. Class II Jr. RFX and Ball- I , Woodbur y. Ribbon and Optional-I, Evans. Class II Child RFX, Ball and Ribbon-I , Sieber. Optional-l, OliviaKIein,ill.RSG. Class III Child RFX-l , Natalie Lacuesta, Evanston RSG Gems. Rope and Ball-I , Lindwall. Ribbon-I , Downes.

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991

MARCH 6-7 10 14 21 28 TBA TBA

McDonald's American Cup (M / W) McDonald's Int'l Mixed Pairs (M / W) 1st Elite Regional (W) Level 10 State Meet (W) Level 9 State Meet (W) U.s. Challenge (M/W) Stars of the World '91 (M)


APRIL 4 10-12 11 14-19 22-25 24-26 TBA

2nd Elite & Level 10 Regional (W) TBA Int'l Tourn. of Champions (M/W) Cottbus, GER Level 9 Regionals (W) TBA Individual World Champs. (M / W) PARIS, FRA NCAA National Championships (M) Lincoln, NE U.s. Classic Nationals (W) TBA USGF Div. II / III Colleg. Champs (M/W) TBA






SEIKO GRAND PRIX ARTISTIC AND RHYTHMIC COMPETITION elissa Grupe from Great Lakes Gymnastics, Amy Murakami from Massachusetts Gymnastics Training Center, Bianca Sapetto from


California Breeze and Kristl Alt from Alt's Stars competed alongside worldclass gymnasts at the Seiko Grand Prix in Brisbane, Australia. John Geddert

Krist! Alt made both hoop and rope finals.

and Bob Colarossi were the coaches, Connie Maloney was the women's judge and delegation leader and Nora Hitzel was the rhythmic judge. Alt scored 33.8 in the all-around while Sapetto finished with an allaround scoreof32.40. Bulgaria's Diana Popova won the rhythmic competition with a score of 37.50. Alt made both the hoop and rope finals, scoring 8.15 in hoop for eighth place and 8.525 in rope for seventh place. In the artistic division, Romania's Lavinia Milosovici and Isabella Lacatus placed first and second in the all-around with scores of 39.35 and 39.125. Melissa Grupe finished with an allaround score of 36.575 while Amy Murakami scored 35.825.

p ••••••••••••••••••

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USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991






U S G F SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULED COURSES Sunday, September 15, 1991 Indianapolis, IN - 8.:00a.m.-2:00p.m. Bobbie Montanari (614)457-1279 Eddie Smith (314)878-5294

This course will be conducted in conjunction with the USGF Congress. Friday, September 20, 1991 Fort Smith, AR - 2:00-8:00p.m . Flame Gymnastics Academy, 5912 S. 28th, Fort Smith, AR 72903 Course Dir.: Scott Wright (501)646-7723 Local Contact: Blu McMullin (501)646-7723

This course will be conducted in conjunction with the Arkansas State Coaches Meeting. Sunday, September 22,1991 1. Joppa, MD - 9:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Hartford Gymnastics Ctr 701 Whitaker Mill Rd. Joppa, MD 21085 (301)879-3718 Course Dir.: John Perna (301)848-2771 2. New Haven, CT - 9:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Southern Conn. State Univ., Pelz Gym, New Haven, CT Course Dir.: Bob Beach (203)397-4485. 3.Rockaway, NJ - 1O:00a.m.-6:00p.m. GANJ, Rockaway, NJ 07866 Course Dir.: Cathy Finkel (201)586-1808 Friday, September 27, 1991 Kirkland, W A - 5:00-10:30p.m. Northwest Aerials, 12815 NE 124th St., Suite E Kirkland, W A 98034 Course Dir.: Ruth Sandoz (503)246-0818 Local Contact: Patti Lanterman (206)823-2665 Sunday, September 29,1991 l.Independence, OH - 9:30a.m.-3:30p.m. Holiday Inn, Rockside Rd. & 1-77 Independence, OH (216)524-8050 Course Dir.: Ron Ganim (216)526-2970 2.Raleigh, NC - 1O:00a.m.-5:00p.m. North Raleigh Gymnastics, 7221 Becky Circ., Raleign, NC 72615 Course Dir.: Don Davis (919)790-9400 3.Arlington, TX - 9:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Sheraton Centre Park Hotel, Stadium East Drive, Arlington, TX Course Dir.: Jan Eyman (817)694-4214 This course will be conducted in conjunction with the GAT Congress. 4.Pleasanton, CA - 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m. Sheraton Pleasanton, 5115 Hopyard Rd. Pleasanton, CA 94566 (415)460-8800 Course Dir.: Hiroshi Fujimoto (408)373-1694 Local Contact: Gay Gerlack (415)672-6410

Thurs., October 31 & Sun., November 3, '91 *San Antonio, TX Thurs.: 3:00-8:30p.m. Sun.: 9:00a.m.-2:30p.m. Course Dir.: Dave Moskovitz (317)237-5050

Saturday & Sunday, October 19 & 20, 1991 Fargo, ND American Gold Gymnastics 200117th Ave. S., Fargo, ND 58103 Course Dir.: Curt Sherbrooke (701 )258-8956 Local Contact: Marvin Sharp (701)280-0400.

These courses will be conducted in conjunction with the USGF Men's Program Committee meetings.

Friday, October 25,1991 Portland, OR -1 :00-6:30p.m. Multnomah Athletic Club SW 18th & Salmon P.O. Box 390, Portland OR 97207 Course Dir.: Ruth Sandoz (503)246-0818 Local Contact: Ryan Fleck (503)223-6251

Sunday, May 17, 1991 Columbus, Ohio Course Dir.: Bobbi Montanari (614)457-1279

This course will be conducted in conjunction with the U.S . Gymnastics Championships. *These courses are considered USGF National Courses, and therefore the participants will be charged the group rate of $60.00 per person.

This course will be conducted in conjuction with the USGF Region II Mini-Congress.

Sunday, October 27, 1991 Okemos, MI - 9:30a.m .-3:30p.m . Eastside Gymnastics 18601/2 West Grand River, Suite A Okemos,MI48864 Course Dir.: Dave Moskovitz (317)237-5050 Local Contact: Greg Nass (517)347-1234.

1. The text book for the Certification Course is the USGF GYMNASTICS SAFETY MANUAL. This texVreference manual is to be purchased and studied prior to course participation. 2. The course will take approximately six hours, including the test. 3. Certification is good for four years. 4. The Course fee is $100.00. USGF members and second cycle recertification is $75.00. Retest cost is $25.00. For groups of at least 5, contact the USGF Department of Safety and Education (317) 237-5050.

r------------------------, Participation Registration Form Name: Mr. / Mrs./Ms. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Soc. Sec. # _ __ _ __ Address:________________________________________________ City: _ _______________________ State:. __________ Zip ______ Telephone: (H) ___ _ _ __ __ _ (B) ___ __ _ __ _ __ Course Director: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ Course Location: Date:. _ -- --Organization Represented: _ _______ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ If USGF Member, List Type and Number________________________ Form of Payment: Name on Card: Expiration Date:






Mastercard Number: ____ __ __ _ Signature: _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __

Please make checks payable in full to USGF SAFETY CERTIFICATION Mail Registration Form and Payment to USGF, Dept. of Education & Safety: Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 . DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE • FOR OFFICE USE ONLY

This course will be conducted with the USGF Regi0l1 I Congress.


Registration Form Received:. _______ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _


Confirmation Mailed: - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- ---







POS ilION AVAILABLE Wanna' Freeze All Winter? MIDWEST ACADEMY OF GYMNASTICS a suburban Chicago gym is looking for two coaches who can teach Prescho01 through Level 9. 1~,500 SF. facility, m~ltiple pieces of boys & gl!ls eql!1pmel!t, Nissen trampoline, tumolmgstnpandm-ground pit. 60Teammembers and huge recreational and developmental program. Salary based upon experience, benefits and super fun group to work with. Call Wendy at (708)393-6693. Fall teaching and coaching positions available, full and part time for both men and women. Please send resumes or call Gary Anderson at the Marvateens Gymnastics Club, 5636 Randolph Road, Rockville, Maryland 20852. Phone (301)424-8545. Interview to be arranged. FYLL TIME GYMNASTICS DIRECTOR posltion open for male spotter. Girls Program: tots through Level 9 Competitive Teams. Teach ana ~evelop progressive program, heavy sp?tting and coaching of high level competitive teams. Experience needed. Room t? ?evelop top gymnastics program and poslti~n. Starti~g salary $17,000-$20,000 plus benefits, vacation, retirement. Contact Terry Doster or Tima Midyette, Lakeland YMCA, 3620 Cleveland Heights Blvd. Lakeland FL 33803 (813)644-3528. Send resume with references. COACH/IN~TRUCTOI~:

We are looking for enthUSiastic, self-motivated coaches/ instructors. Full and part-time positions available for our girls program, pre-school thru level 8, boys classes and team Class 4 thrU 1. Our gym is in the beautiful pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts. We have had an established program for 17 years with over 650 ~tud~nts, a t~rrific facility with pits, spotting ngs, multiple pieces of equipment and a super and friendly staff. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Send resume to Anne Vexler Hampshire Gymnastics School, 461 West St., Amherst, Ma. 01002 or call 413-256-6990. HEAD COACH/PROGRAM DIRECTOR positionavaila~le. Experience through Level 10 reqUired. Director experience also helpful. Energetic, reliable, good references-a ~ust.. Salary commensurate with ability. Llye m the beautiful Northwest. Spokane EhteGymnastics and Dance, E-11712 Montgomery, Spokane, Washington 99206. G~RLS TEAM

COACH-The right person(s) Will be a successful girls competitive coach (level 5-10). Our 15,000 sq. ft. facility is 10ca~ed just 80 miles from Houston and 55 nules from the gulf coast near Galveston Island. The right person must have optional coaching experience as well as advanced floor and beam experience and will be totally responsible for the girls competitive


team along ~ith the developmental levels. Full time pOSition, salary depending on experience. Send resume to BGA, 7821 Gladys St., Beaumont, TX 77706 or phone (409)8604001. PalI!' Beach ~ports Academy is expanding agam .and Will need 2 additional coaches: Full Time Program Director for Momrnie & Me preschool program. Full or Part Time Experienced Girls Team Coach. Choreography experience needed. Girls development~l and preschool classes available for full time. ~aIary.commensurate with experience, benefits to mclude paid vacation sick pay and medical insurance. Send res~e to Palm Beach Sports Academy, 4365 Okeechobee Blvd., #B-4, West Palm Bch. FL 33409 (407)686-5687 , . COACHING POSITION: Come toSt. Louis. Work i~.~ell-established program with six full faClhD:es; five competitive teams (levels 5-10). Position mvolves Head Coach Level 5, 6; 1\ssista~t.Coach Levels 7-10; along with teaching nurumum amount of recreational classes and team administration. Have produced numerous State Championship teams oyer past t~ee years and moving into reglOna1 acclaim. Looking for either advanced spotting skills or advanced floor /beam experience. Salary/ benefits negotiable. Send resume to OLYMPIADGYMNASTICS 1580 Rishon Hill, St. Louis, MO 63146 o~ call (314)569-1179. POSITION AVAILABLE-Established club of over 12 years in Denver, Colorado, has operungs for Pre~school instructors and a Dance/ Gymnastic Coach. Experience preferred. Salary commensurate with experience. Call Tod at (303)797-8082 or send resumetoAllStarGymnasticsAcademy 8181 S. Grant Wy. Littleton, CO 80122. ' Mt. Holly, New Jersey. Vision Gymnastics and Dance IS.a new ~lub which emphasizes excellent b~SICS and IS looking for a coach to develop higher levels. and a competitive team. A full time position is available in September for a coach willing to work with all leyels. O~r gym is located in rapidly growmg Burlmgton County and is looking to expand our program. Negotiable salaries and a~ active bonus program are based on experience and related directly to job performance. Please call (609)261-1140and leave a message, or write to: Vision Gymnastics, RDI Box 1507C, Eastampton Business Park Rt. 206, Mt. Holly, N.J. 08060-9648. ' HIGH LEVEL TUMBLERS AND MININEEDED. Antigravity, a NYC gymnastlcs/ dance company is lookmg for male and female gymnasts in good shape to perform worldwide. Knowledge of music an~ dance helpful but not neces~ary. Send pIcture and resume to AntigravIty, 18 W. 87th St. Apt. 3C, NYC 10024. TRAMPOLINI~TS

FOR SALE CLASS CONTROL. Great class manoagementsoftware ata great price. ITSAB UT TIME! Professionally developed menu driven, and easy to use. Class Roster~,A vailable Space, A / R, Invoices, grouping by Responsible Party, retail sales, and much,much more. 90-D~y ~oney back satisfaction guarantee .. Unhm~ted, free technical support. Now It doesn t have to be time consu . difficult, or expensive to keep track ot;::~; students, classes, and receivables. For more information, call or write Vaughn Software Services, P.O. Box 1086, Apex NC 27502 (919)362-0432. '


RABBIT SCORES-Superfast scoring program for pc, etc, compatibles, and afso for MAC! Used last season at all levels many state and regional meets, American Classic al!~ US Classic N.ationals. Easy-to-use, forglvmg menu/wmdows. Unique features save work, prevent errors. " ... the clear choice. over Scoremaster" says Rodger Baldwm, Reno NY. "Our crew has been



mg could be faster!" Features: Shows rankings during scoring; Clean, easy-to-read results OK for USGF; Award labels; Flexible age/skill divisions combinable for team, etc; Can. set Rhythmic, Mens. Option for electroruc flasher displays (used at USAUSSR meet 8/90). For PC, etc: $112.95 ppd. For ~AC+, etc: $132.95. Texas H.5. AAers versIOn: $149.95. J.D. Hopper, Box 2782, Stanford, CA 94309, 415-494-1705. Gymnastic 1\rt Stamps. Start off the 1991-92 season makmg a perfect impression! Use these NEW and ORIGINALLY designed ~ubber Stamps as: a positive approach to a Job well done for the younger ones or give them as a gift to your favorite gymnast or use our stamps on stationery to let people know mor~ about you. Presently available a:e 12 deSigns for boys and 8 designs for girls. Just for your fun! Send for catalog to Jazzy Stamps, P.O. Box 51131 Phoenix Arizona 85076 or call (602)893-2913. ' SCORE MASTER is a very easy-to-use team & meet management system. SCORE MASTER provides individual and team results for compulsory and / or optional meets. This syst~m IS used in over 40 states and the local, sec~lOnal, state, regional, national and inter ~at~0l!allevels. Graph and report team & mdlvldu~l scores over an entire season. This menu-dnven system comes with an on-line tutori~l and complete documentation. For more InfO contact Mahoney Systems, 1112 Long Paw Lane, Charlotte NC 28214 (704)392-7044. " CLASS MASTER is a very easy-to-use class management & accounts receivable system. CLASS MASTER automates functions such as registration, class rosters, schedules enrollment, attrition trend analysis, make-~ps,

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991




waiting lists, payments, deposit slips, late fees, tuition billing and mailing labels. CLASSMASTER,a pull-down menu-driven system, is password secured and comes with an on-line tutorial, complete documentation and a 90 day money back guarantee. For more info contact Mahoney Systems, 1112 Long Paw Lane, Charlotte, NC, 28214, (704)392-7044.



your name, return address, competitive level, team name, meets entered, dates, your indi vid ual even t and all around scores along with $6.50 (includes postage & handling) to: Preferred List Service, 534 Fieldstream Way, Lawrenceville, GA 30244 or call 404-9635900.

Men' s and Women's Gym for Sale in Marshall, Illinois. 150+ students. Can accommodate USGF sanctioned meets. Level 5-8. Cheerleading and tumbling classes. Currently leasing. Building can be bought for $20,000. Wilf take $8,000 for business and equipment. Contact: Ed Pearce, 314 South 6th St., Marshall, IL 62441 or call 217826-2349.

GYMNASTICS CLUB FOR SALE: Here's a business opportunity for that take-charge kind of a coach. Well established, strong recreationally-based, 8500 square foot,200+ student Gymnastics Club in Amador County, nestled in Northern California's beautiful foothills. Preschool through Level 7. Part-time staff available. This turn-key operation is growing too fast for present owner! Priced below market value. Call today. (209) 296-1325.

Record your competitive accomplishments onaPERSONALIZEDGYMNASTICSCERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT. These fine parchment certifica tes will attractively present YOUR personal meet record! Proudly display them with your trophies, medals and ribbons!Coaches, these are fabu10us team presentation awards! Record one meet, your primary meets (sectional, regional, national), or your entire season. Send

GYM FORSALE-Fuily equipped gym with mens and womens recreational and competitive programs. Well established clientele and programs with growth potential. Largest and longest operating gymnastics school in the area-since 1963. 5200 square foot leased facility in excellent location. Recent move out of state forces quick sale. Asking ONLY $13,999. Please call 409-7649346 for additional information.

CONSULTING The Mobile Gym Consultants can help you start your own gymnastics, dance or movement business on wheels. We have 15 years of experience in the field and speciabze in children ages 3 to 12. This business is recommended for those with strong dedication, love of children and strong P.E., gymnastics, dance and / or early childhood education backgrounds. Please call Ann Watters and Susan Ernst for information or write: The Mobile Gym Consultants, 430 Miller St. S. Salem, OR 97302. (503)581-6512.

CLASSIFIED AD RATES $50 for 90 words or less. Send Check or Money Order along with your classified ad copy to United States Gymnastics Federation, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave.,Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. Deadlines are as follows: Issue Sep./Oct. Nov / Dec. Jan./Feb. Mar. / Apr. May/ Jun. Jul./ Aug.

Deadline to receive copy July 15 September 15 November 15 January 15 March 15 May 15


Send IG to you r favorite gymnast or coach. It's the perfect holiday giftl

1 YEAR-$20. Canada & Mexico $23; other foreign $25. US funds only. Canada: GST extra. Calif. res. add sales tax. Allow 6·8 weeks for delivery. VISA/MasterCard accepted. Include card name, number, expo date and authorized signature. Check or m.o. payable to: SundbySports P.O. Box 2450 Oceanside, CA 92051

Enclosed is payment for a l -year su bscription to IG!

I AM A: o Gymnast o Rhythmic Gymnast o Acro Gymnast o Coach o Other



can prevent ankle pain caused by tumbling, vaulting and dismounting. By compressing the ankle joint, the NASSAR SYSTEM functions similar to many wrist supports. However, it cannot weaken the ankle since full range of ankle motion can occur. It allows the gymnast to train longer and harder with less pain in his/her ankles and is particularly useful when learning new skills. If the gymnast needs to restrict ankle motion, the ankle is first taped and the NASSAR SYSTEM is applied over the tape. The NASSAR SYSTEM has been used by members of the '88 Soviet men's and women's Olympic gymnastics teams. It is currently being used by levels 5-10 and elite gymnasts in each of the 50 states and internationally. Since the NASSAR SYSTEM ia a new product for gymnasts, there is a 30 day money back guarantee. The gymnasts can try the support, see if they like it, and return it for a full refund if they feel it is not beneficial.

AGE II is recommended that two NASSAR SYSTEMS be purchased per gymnast, one (or each ankle. They can be cut to fit any size.



$15.00 per NASSAR SYSTEM

Make checks payable to and mail to:

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USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991.

Contact us for information about the 33% discount available for orders of 11 or more!






Kathy Nimmer

Eloise Chin

Rhonda Sevy

Stephanie Sarrett

Munster, Indiana

Hillsboro, Oregon

Orange Park, Florida

Charleston, West Virginia

Kathy, 21, has won 7 gold medals in national gymnastics competitions for the blind including the all-around title and 4 individual event wins in 1986. Nimmer turned to these special competitions in 1984 after her sight began to progressively decrease. She's a college senior and a huge fan of gymnastics!

Eloise, 11, earned the gold medal in the allaround with a 37.2 in the '90 Oregon State Meet for Level 6. This year she earned four gold medals and a silver on floor at the Level 7 Optional State Meet. Eloise trains at the Gym-Nest. She and her team won the '91 Level 7 Optional State Championships in Coo Bay, Oregon.

Rhonda, 13, is h earing impaired since birth and has been taking rhythmic gymnastics at United Gymnastics Academy in Jacksonville, Fla., for the past year. She earned the gold medal with her optional hoop routine at the '91 Region VIII Championships. She refuses to let her hearing impairment impair her performance.

Stephanie, II, trains at Maverick Gymnastics and is coached by Billy Taylor. Stephanie is a two time State Champion in West Virginia-once as a Level 7 Compulsory and once as a Level 7 Optional. She has been taking gymnastics since she was four years old. Stephanie will be competing Level 8 Optional this fall.







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Returns and Exchanges within 3O路Days of purchase. Exchanges for size. style of same price can be made as long as the items are returned unused . (No chalk or stretching on grips)







SHIPPING NOTICE ADO 3.00 For Slyies (0路27) ADO 5.00 For Styles (30路31 ) C.O.D. 4.00 + Shipping Outside of U.S. will be charged accordingly . Pay with check. V/ MC . Money Order in US _ Currency On ly. All priceslshipping subject to change wi thout not ice.


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Laura Szczepanski

Kate Seche

Kyle Johnson

Lansing, Michigan

Ottawa, Canada

Moore, Oklahoma

Laura, 13,vvasthe'90 J.O. National Champion in the 12-14 age group. Training at Great Lakes Gymnastics Club in Lansing, Mich., vvith coach John Geddert, Laura represented the U.S. in Canada last summer on her first international assignment. Laura placed 10th all-around at the '91 Junior National Championships.

Kate, a 14-year-old U.s. gymnast living in Ottavva, Canada vvhile her dad is posted at the American Embassy, recently vvon the Gord Wilson Memorial Trophy as the top gymnast in her competitive category in Eastern Ontario. Kate's home is Vienna, Virgina, but she began her competitive career vvhile living in La Paz, Bolivia.

Sixteen-year-old Kyle Johnson vvas on the Region 3 team this year. This is his first year as a Class 1. He vvas on the First Team AllAcademic Team at Nationals this year. He vvorks out at the Gymnastics Chalet in Norman, Oklahoma and is coached by Ben Fox. Kyle is a Junior at Moore High School.


Exquisitely designed sy mbols of achievement, crafted in precious 14 kt. gold.


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Each issue of USA Gymnastics vvill feature several individuals vvho have excelled in gymnastics, either b y competition, coaching or some other vvay. If you, or someone that you knovv, has achieved an accomplishment in the sport of gymnastics, write tvvo or three sentences about the person and include a recent photograph, quality black and vvnite or color, shovving only the candidate. (School or class photo vvould be perfect.) Send to : USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. CapitoIAve., Ste. 300, Indpls., IN 46225.

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n 1987, Brandy Johnson was the U.S. Junior National Champion with her sites set on the '88 Olympics. Only one year later, Brandy was the top all-around finisher for the U.S. at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. She vaulted from obscurity and stole America's heart, becoming the "Darling" of gymnastics. The tables could turn again with another Johnson just around the comer. Anne Woynerowski, the 1991 Junior National Champion, made history at the U.S. Championships by being the first American to perform the infamous vault, a Yurchenko layout with one and a half twists. The New Jersey resident was awarded a 9.75, the highest score of the day on that particular apparatus. Woynerowski has been executing the Yurchenko with a full twist for more thana year during her practices at North Stars in New Jersey. Woynerowskiand Tony Gehman together have set a goal to perfect a Yurchenko with a double twist, a vault only Eastern country gymnasts are known for, by the 1992 Olympics. ''There she will get a perfect '10,'" Gehman said in a determined, betterwatch-out -everyone tone of voice. Woynerowski is a bubbly, young gymnast with a desire to succeed, by far a naturally competitive individual. When asked how it feels to be a champion, Anne replied with a tinted red face, "It's good. I like all the attention but I am very modest." Feeling good was Gehman's intention. Woynerowski, 14, was eligible to compete with the senior women this year, but winning the junior title is part of the grand plan to make the 1992 Olympic Team. 'We were thinking about moving her to the senior division but I didn't want her to be under incredible pres-


Anne Woynerowski takes a breather after the U.S. Championships. sure," Gehman said. "I wanted her to know what it felt like to be a champion. She first needs to develop her confidence." Woynerowski's secret to becoming a championissimple-concentration. She claims she notices nothing during competition. Woynerowski's intense concentration has even tuned Gehman out a few times during practice, neglecting to hear his coaching techniques. During competition, throughout even the U.S. Championships, . Anne didn' tcompare her scores with the other gymnasts. "I just focus on myself," Anne said. "I feel all the competitors are equal." Anne also she enjoys basketball and track, especially sprinting (which is certainly apparent on the vaulting runway). Her sister Carrie, II, is involved

in swimming and quite good at it. Anne also has an older brother named David, who is 16. Anne likes listening to music by the Beatles, as well as Billy Joel and Phil Collins. Her favorite television programs are the Simpsons and Living Color. At the banquet at u.s. Championships, Gehman was named the 1991 Coach of the year. He is the first junior coach ever awarded this honor by his peers. Gehman's wife, Paula, is responsible for coaching Anne on the balance beam and deserves recognition as well. Nothing is going to hold back this spunky gymnast. Don' t be surprised if you see her following in Johnson's footsteps at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain.

USA GYMNASTICS September/October 1991


Promote the spirit of the "USA" with the USA Gymnastics button, Bumpersticker and beach towel. With these patriotic items you can display your support for our national team members preparing for the '92 Barcelona Olympic Games.

USA BUMPERSTICKER 4402 ........................................ 1.50

USA BmoN 4406 ....................................... 2.00

BEACH TOWEL 5701 (36" x 60") .................. 24.95



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E. USGF LOGO T-SHIRT 50 / 50 blend. White shirt is available in Youth S-L and Adult S-XL, Navy and Red Adult S-XL only. 5131-7 White ....................... 7.95 5141 .. 4 Red ........................... 7.95 5151-4 Navy ......................... 7.95

F. WORKOUT BAG 18"xlO" nylon bag


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• M. GYMNASTICS SHOELACES • White laces with red ink. • 4601... .....................................3.00

Screened with the three team • logos & USA Gymnastics. • 4405......................................... 3.50

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