USA Gymnastics - March/April 1994

Page 1

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v 0




(l eft) Mihai Bagiu



(above ) John Roethlisberger


Mihai's impressive performance a t the 1994 Winter Cup Challenge earned him the bronze medal in the all-around.


The Winter Cu p Challenge selected the 1994 World Championships Team (Brisbane, Australia) and the 1994 Goodwill Games Team (St. Petersburg, Russia).

(rig ht) Bill Roth

(above) Dominique Dawes



One of the most decorated fields of gymnasts ever assembled, gathered in Baltimore, Md . for this inaugural event. USA GYMNASTICS (lSSN 0748-6006) is published bimonthly for $15 per year in the U.s.; all other countri es 532 per year. USA GYMNAST ICS is published by USA Gymnas tics, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, India napolis, IN 46225, (317) 237-5050. Second class posta ge paid at Indianapolis, IN 46204. POSTM ASTE R: Send address chan ges to USA GYMNASTICS, 201 S. Ca pitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. USA Gymnastics (USPS 005-666) (ISS 0748-6006).


KERRI STRUG AND BILL ROTH Two shining stars on USA Gymnastics' National Team.

USA Gymnastics is the sole na tional governing body for the sport of gymna sti cs. A not-for-pro fit orga ni za tion , USA G ymna sti cs selec ts, trains and administers the US. Gymna sti cs Team , including th e U.s. O lympic

Gymnastics Team. Contributions and support are alwa ys welco me and are ta x-d ed uctibl e. © "1994 USA G ymnas ti cs. A ll ri ghts reser ved . Printed in th e USA.




Luan Peszek Designer

Julie T. Jones Men's Program Director

Ron Galimore Women's Program Director


Kathy Kelly By Sandy Knapp USA Gymnastics Chair

Rhythmic Program Director

Nora Campbell Mitzel USA Gymnastics Board of Directors Chair: Sand y Kn app; President: TBD; Presid ent Emeritus: Mike Donahue; Amateur Ath letic Union: Stan A tkinson; American Sokol Organization: Jerry Mil an; American Trampoline & Tumbling Association: Wayne Downing; American Turners: Betty Heppner; Jewi sh Community Centers: Co urtney Shanken; Junior Boys Gymnas tics Coaches Association: Marc Ya ncey; National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches for Men: Abie Gross feld ; Nationa l Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches for Women: Gail Da vis; Na ti onal Association for Girls and Women in Sport: Dr. Mimi Murra y; National Association of Women's Gymnastics Judges: Yvonne Hodge; National Collegiate Ath letic Associa tion: Jane Be tt s, Lou Burkel; National Federation of State High School Assoc iations: Susan True; National Gymnastics Judg es Association: Harry Bjerke; National High School Gymnastics Coaches Association:John Brink worth; Specia l Olympics, Inc.: Kate Faber-Hickie; U.S. Rhythmic Gymna stics Coaches Asso· ciation: Suzie DiTullio; U.S . Association of Ind ependent Gym Clubs: Lance Crowley; U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Men's Gymnastics: Pe ter Kormann; U.S. Elite Coaches Associa tion fo r Women's Gymnastics: To ny Gehman, Roe Kreutzer; U.S. Sports Acrobatics Federation: Bo nnie Da vidson; Young Men's Ch_ristian Association of th e USA: Ri ck Dodson; USA Gymna stics Nationa l Membership Directors: Men's: Jim Holt, Ray Gura; Women's: Jim Archer, Julia Thompson-Aretz; Rhythmic: Ali a Svirsky, Ute Alt·Carberry Ath lete Directors: Wendy Hilliard , chair; TBD, vice chair; Michelle Dusserre, sec; Tanya Service

Chaplin, Sheryl Dundas, Karyn Lyon Glover, Pe ter Vidmar, Conrad Voorsanger, Chris Waller; USOC Athlete's Adv isory Council: Kev in Davis.

USA Gymnastics Executive Committee Chair: Sand y Knapp; Secretary: Mike Milido ni s; Vice Chair Women: N an cy Ma rshall; Vice Chair Men: Tim Dagge tt; Vice Chair Rhythmic: Norma Za bka; FIG Women's Tech· nical Committee:Jacki e Fi e; FIG RhythmicTechnical Committee: Andrea Schmid-Shapiro; FIG Men's Technical Committee: Bill Roe tzheim; At Large Members: Jim Harhll1g, Joan Moore; Athlete Directors: Michell e Dusserre, Wend y Hilliard, Peter Vidmar; President Emeritus: Mike Donahue.

Associate Content Editors Sports Science Advisory Committee

As shoppers in today's marketplace, we are constantly seeing new products. I guess all those manufacturers think that we have lots of extra money to spend! (In my case, I know that's not true.) A lot of times these companies have developed a new product based on the success of a current product that they sell. This strategy is often called a "line or brand extension." Let me give you some actual examples of what I mean, and to make it even easier, I'll use examples from two of our sponsors. The backbone of Hershey Chocolate's product line is its simple Hershey Chocolate Bar. It is so popular that

William Sands, Ph.D., Chair, Sports Ad visory Committee Patty Hacker, PhD., Chair, Edu ca tion Sub·committee Stephen W. Whitlock, Liaiso n Un less ex press ly identified to the contrary, all articles, sta tements and views printed herein are a ttr ibuted solely to the author and the United States Gymnastics Fede ration ex presses no opinio n and assumes no respons ibility thereof.


• •

Hershey wanted to take that popularity and create a new product. They did this by creating the Cookies 'n Mint candy bar. Theysimply added cookies and mint flavoring to their existing chocolate bar to create a new product. The new product is even packaged similar to the first product, again to reinforce the closeness of the candy bar to the original one. Reebok has also recently extended a current p roduct line that they have. Most people are familiar with Shaquille G'Neal, or in Reebok terms, "Shaq." Centered around Shaq have been signature lines of clothing and footwear. At the recent Super Show in Atlanta, Reebok was showing off its new extension of Shaq called, "Shaq Daddy."

•• •• • • MARCHI APRil 1994


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• People taking recreational gymnastics probably outnumber those of you who have been in the sport long enough to have reached the right skill level to be able to compete in events. Obviously, we'd like all these young gymnasts to be aware of USA Gymnastics and the various services available to them, like our magazine that has important nutrition information, personality profiles on our National Team member, and coaching tips. We want these young gymnasts to be familiar with our nationally televised events like the McDonald's American Cup or the Coca-Cola National Championships. We simply want the base of gymnasts that we're reaching to grow to new heights.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Now here's the difference. Shaq is to portray the hard working basketball professional while Shaq Daddy will position the basketball star as an offcourt entertainer. The Shaq Daddy line will include sandals and casual wear versus basketball wear. The reason I'm telling you all of this is that USA Gymnastics is also introducing a new product and it is an extension of a current program which is also very successful. While USA Gymnastics has one of the largest athlete membership programs in Olympic sports, that membership is highly targeted toward competing athletes. As all of you know, one of the core benefits of our athlete membership is insurance so young gymnasts are covered when they compete in sanctioned events. As a result, there are many, many gymnasts who are just starting out in gymnastics taking lessons. Competition is not their focal point. In fact, the people taking recreational gymnastics probably outnumber those of you who have been in the sport long enough to have reached the right skill level to be able to compete in events. Obviously, we'd like all these young gymnasts to be aware of USA Gymnastics and the various services available to them, like our magazine tha t has important nutrition information, personality profiles on our National Team members and coaching tips. We want these young gymnasts to be familiar with our nationally televised events like the McDonald's American Cup or the Coca-Cola National Championships. We simply want the base of gymnasts that we're reaching to grow to new heights. MARCHI APRil 1994

I'd like to give you a little information about our new athlete membership. It's called Club Gymnastics, and 1991 World Champion Kim Zmeskal has agreed to serve as honorary captain of the Club Gymnastics team as we market and advertise this new membership program. We're introducing Club Gymnastics with a price of$19.96 (as in 1996, which is a year we're all looking forward to!) and for that membership fee a new member will receive a personalized membership card that's good for a 10% discount on Reebok/ USA Gymnastics merchandise, a Club Gymnastics t-shirt, a one-year subscription to USA Gymnastics magazine, and two issues of Club Gymnastics News . As well, Hilton Hotels is including a gift certificate for a free one night stay at one of their properties. We hope that we will be able to attract a lot of new members to this athlete program. We also hope that many of them will aspire to be competitive gymnasts and have the opportunity to be an athlete member of USA Gymnastics and participate in sanctioned competitions all across the country. But until they reach that level and are ready to make the commitment that you've made, we're trying to create an opportunity for them to have some of the same benefits that you enjoy from USA Gymnastics. I can only hope that our "brand extension" will be as successful as those of Hershey and Reebok that I mentioned above. Until the next issue, keep working hard and enjoy your gymnastics! All the best.

NOTICE TO MEMBERSHIP The following Membership Statement has been adopted by the Board of Directors of USA Gymnastics. Membership in USA Gymnastics is a privilege granted by USA Gymnastics. That privilege can be withdrawn by USA Gymnastics at any time where a member's conduct is determined to be inconsistent with the best interest of the sport of gymnastics and of the athletes we are servicing: At times USA Gymnastics may find it necessary to initiate the following actions regarding individual membership in USA Gymnastics: 1. Place a member on probation,

2. Suspend membership, or 3. Terminate membership. An individual who's membership with USA Gymnastics has been suspended or terminated, may NOT: 1. Participate in USA Gymnastics sanc-

tioned programs or events, - 2. Provide instruction to USA Gymnastics member athletes, 3. Be an employee or owner of a USA Gymnastics club, or 4. Again apply for membership in USA Gymnastics.

OFFICIAL NOTICE Suspension-with no rights of membership with USA Gymnastics.

Roy lorry Gallagher John H. Row

Wall, PA Dover, DE

Termination-prohibited from ever regaining membership with USA Gymnastics.

lorry Dutch Rick Feuerstein Joseph Fountain Robert Garner Robert Dean Head William Munsinger

Bangor, ME Son Marcos, CA Gaithersburg, MD Hixson, TN laGrange, KY Mound, MN



Dear Mary Lou, I'm 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. I wan t to know how old is too old to do gymnastics? Jessica Mitchell Medfield, Massachllsetts

it. We've practiced fo r months now and we still can't do it. Can you give us some helpfu l hints? Brit/ally White Shelly Patersoll Napa , Califomia

Dear Jessica, It's never too late to start taking gymnastics lessons. It's a fun and wonderful sport for people of all ages. Kathy Johnson, 1984 Olympic Team Captain and silver medalist, started gymnastics at a iunior high program at age 12 ond didn't start USGF gymnastics until age 14. Kathy was one of the best gymnasts this country has ever produced. Don't wait, get started!

Dear Brittany and Shelly, Practice more!!! When I was training, that's all we did was press handstands. Believe me, I know they're not fun-but they're very important. Acontrolled handstand is performed on every gymnastics apparatus. The key is having a strong stomach and strong shoulders. The whole press handstand is performed from your center. When you raise your legs above your head, be sure to keep your shoulders strong and extended.

Dear Mary Lou, I' m a Level S gymnast and a student at Farming ton Junior High School. I am w riting to you for an assignment in my French class. Have you studied a foreign language and if so has it been helpful in your life? As a world -known gymnast, I've enjoyed reading books and articles about you, and I would imagine through all your travels it would be helpful to know several languages. Thanks! Sarah BlIrtenshaw Farming toll, Utah

Dear Sarah, I'm embarrassed to say that I don't speak any foreign languages. When we'd travel for international competitions, my teammates and I would pick up a few words from the language of that country. It most

Send your questions to: USA Gymnastics, Ask Mary Lou, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. definitely would have been very helpful to know the other country's language for communication. This Christmas, I bought myself some Spanish audio tapes and it is my New Year's Resolution to learn Spanish. Wish me luck! Dear Mary Lou, I was wondering if you ever got tired of training and just wanted to quit? If so, w hat made you not qu it? Sa reI! NOllri Sprillgfie/d, Virgillia

Dear Sareh, There were many times when I got dis-

Stanford Gymna5tio5 Camp5 Come train at one of the nation's finest facilities the state-of-t he-art to,OOO square foot Ford Center. Camp is held at beautiful Stanford University, the nation's best combination of athletics and academics. Experience first hand Stanford's "Commitment to Excellence!"

couraged with practice or went through a slump in my workouts and wanted to give if all up. If I felt like quitting, I would go home and sleep on if. The next day, things never seemed quite as bad. I think my love for gymnastics and my ultimate goal of someday competing at the Olympics kept me going. Don't give up! Stay in there Sareh! Dear Mary Lou, We're having a lot of trouble doing a press-handstand from a sitting position . We are Level 9 and have noticed that even the Level S kids are able to d o

- ..

Dear Mary Lou, I'm a LevelS gymnast and I would like to know how I can forge t a bad score and go on to the next event without crying? Kirstell Greell Auburn, Georgia

Dear Kirsten, Have you heard the saying, "No use crying over spilled milk." There is no way you can change the score or ask the iudges if you can perform your routine again. It' s over and done with. Show everyone how mentally strong you are by going to your next event and doing a fantastic routine. Let them know that you can overcome this.

Camp For Girls July 9-13 • July 15-19 • July 24-28 Resident: $425 • Day : $315 Directed by Breck Greenwood, Head Women's Gym nasti cs Coac h at Stanfo rd. He has coached 54 A ll-America ns and fo ur indiv idual NCAA Champ io ns. Ca mp staff w ill feature top cl ub and co ll ege gymnastics coaches from th e U.S. and Canada. Fro m the begi nner to elite gymn ast, ca mp w ill feature 6 1/2 hou rs of structured and open workouts each day. Ask about ou r unique visiting coaches program and team discounts. For a brochure and an appli cation fo r the Stanford Gymn astics Ca mp fo r G irl s, contact:

Gymn asti cs Camp for Girls, Stanfo rd Uni versity, Dept. of Athl eti cs, Stanfo rd, CA 94305-6150 Girls Camp Call: (408) 446-2413

• •••••••••

Camp For Boys July 19-23 • July 25-29

Resident: $430 • Day: $330 Directed by Sadao Hamada, Head Men' s Gymn astics Coac h at Sta nfo rd . He was th e 1989 USA Men ' s Coac h of th e Yea r, the 1992 and '93 NCAA Men's Coach of the Year, and a member of the 1992 US O lymp ic coaching staff in Ba rcelona. Camp staff w ill inc lu de '92 O lympian Jail' Lynch as we ll as members of th e two-time NCAA champ ionshi p Sta nford men's gym nasti cs team. Fo r a brochure and an application for the Stanfo rd Gymnastics Camp for Boys, con tact:

Gymn astics Ca mp fo r Boys, Stanford Uni versity, Dept. of Athl eti cs, Sta nfo rd, CA 94305-6150 Boys Camp Call: (415) 948-6604; Fax: (415) 948-1184


1992-1993 O~~~ASlpSUPPLIER ONSOR



To try to make • cient iran iscon cedrtam that suffj. ing: sume , try the follow.




USA Gymnastics National Team Nutritionist

Iron is involved in numerou s energy-related reactions, especially as they relate to the transfer of oxygen to cells and

have low iron levels than ma le • Eat lean t athletes. The risk of iron defidarlc cu s of meat and poultry several t' cien cy is grea tes t amo n g eaclt Weelc .mes women of child-bearing age • ~egularly consume (due to regular m on thly iron "clted or fortified b edn. losses), vegetarian athletes cereals d rea s, (because meats are the best, flou ' ~n pastas (tlte r Itas Iron added) . m ost absorbable source of • Eat fruits or d • iron), endu ra nce athletes ;uices at tit "nlc fruit (from increased sweat, and e same me I you are eatin b as urine losses), and growing reals or g reads, ceo athletes (because there is a !'lin lin :~e vita· n eed to m a nufac tu re a Iron to get L ps tlte greater blood volume as • ausorbed rry to limit tit. • the athletes grows.) If an bran'added f e .ntalce of a thlete has several of these Contains o~ds. Iran risk fac tors (is a vegetar• an aCId (pit t' aCId) tltat bind • • y Ie ian and is growing), then calcium' s w.tlt Iron, it gets even hard er to consium, ~n~nc, alcnd magne. sume enough iron. • ma es tlte

the removal of catbon d ioxide from cells. This energy-related function m akes iron critical to working muscles- so much so tha t even a small d eficiency can negatively impact performance. Seve r a l s tudi es h ave evaluated the prevalence of iron deficiency in athletes, and it ap pears that female athletes are more likely to

minerals unavailabl


Since only 10 percent absorption. Wit I e f~r of consumed iron is ever produ t o e grain ac tually absorbed, the tlte b:a:~;:=~~at, it's ;ust reco mmended intake to watclt out f products or. for iron is adjusted to refl ect this absorption - - - - - - - -_ _ _ ra te.


Solution! (


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By Ramonna Robinson


After an impressive performance at the 1994 Winter Cup Challenge, Mihai Bagiu is currently ranked third on the Men's Senior National Team. "It was the best meet of my life," said 111l1I01t1'1'1l HIIHI\lT:

Pommel Horse 1I01l1l1HS:

Motor(ycles and reading motor(ycle magazines. Also, Mihai is learning to speak Italian. (He speaks Romanian too!) 111\1I01l1'I'H r:m,OIl:

Red 111\1I01U'1'll I\IIUSIl::

Alternative JlI\II0lllTH I\IIUSU:I\I. [iII0Ul!:

New Order Jll\ 1I01ll'1'1l 110011:

Pizza 111l1I0l1l'1'lll!I,l\[;Jl '1'0 IIISI'I':

Turkey because of the ancient tombs and castles.

Mihai. "I'm really excited!" Originally from Timisuara, Romania, Mihai moved to the United States in 1979 with his parents and brother. Gymnastics began for Mihai at age five while still living in Romania. Now in Albuquerque, N.M., at Gold Cup Gymnastics Mihai is coached by Ed Burch and Ron Howard. He qualified to the 1994 World Championships Team and the 1994


Goodwill Games Team. Although Mihai is

1994 Winter Cup Challenge, Colorado Springs, Colo.; 3rd-AA 1993 U.S. Gymnastics Championships, Salt Lake City, Utah; 7th-AA 1993 XIX Trofeu International, Barcelona, Spain; 6th-AA, Sth(t)-FX, 2nd-PH, 7th-SR, 6th-V, Sth(t)-PB, 7th(t)-HB 1993 World University Games Trials, Colorado Springs, Colo.; 10th-AA 1993 Winter Cup Challenge, Colorodo Springs, Colo.; 13th-AA

been easy for him. He finished 34th all-

in the top of the pack now, it hasn't always around at the 1992 U.S. Championships and 24th at the 1992 Winter Nationals. Yet, slowly but surely, Mihai has vaulted into the top of the Senior National Team. Mihai attributes this recent su((ess to his coach Ed Burch. "Ed knows how to train his athletes for specific meets," said Mihai. Mihai has his sights set on the 1996 Olympics, but in the meantime, "I would like to remain among the top five gymnasts in the U.S. until the Olympics." Of course, Mihai's biggest fan, his wife Kris, will be cheering for him. The happy couple were married in September 1992. Kris is from L.A., and they've made their home in New Mexico.



The Winter CUIJ ChaLLenge toolt IJlace in Colorado SIJrings, Colo., March 4-5, at the U.S. OLymlJic Training Center. John RoetbLisberger defended his national aLL-aroLUul title and won the Winter Cup ChaLLenge by a fuLL IJOint o\ler his closest COLUIJetitor, Scott Keswiclt. "O\leraLL the men loolt strong and wcLLIJrelmred," said interim Men's Program Director Bill Meade. "The (:ompulsories luuJe iIUIJrO\led a great deal from the 1993 CocaCola National Gyumastics ChaJl1lJiol1sbips and, from the lool[s of the comlJetition, the U.S. men halle a strong opporll.lllityto mO\le up in the ranks of world gynmastics." FoLLowing is a list of the l\IIen's Senior National TeaJl1, Senior Elite DellelolJIncnt Team ami Junior ELite National Team.

SENIOR NATIONAL TEAM Horse 9.250 9.350

Rings 9.400 9.600

Vault 9.500 9.000

P-Bars 9.150 9.200

H-Bar 9.350 8.800

9.000 8.550

8.550 9.300

9.400 9.800

9.650 9.550

9.100 9.050

9.100 9.100

Mihai Bagiu Gold Cup

9.400 9.200

8.600 9.300

8.750 8.850

9.300 9.000

8.700 8.950

9.350 9.250

4. (hainey Umphrey UCLA

9.050 9.100

8.850 8.700

9.200 9.700

9.250 8.700

9.250 9.200

8.300 9.300


Blaine Wilson Ohio Slole

9.150 9.050

7.850 9.000

9.550 9.550

9.500 9.400

8.750 8.450

8.950 8.650


Drew Durbin Ohio Slole

9.300 8.650

8.300 9.350

8.900 9.000

9.450 8.800

8.850 8.650

8.350 8.900


Bill Roth Temple

9.450 9.350

8.450 8.350

8.700 8.550

9.300 9.450

8.250 9.200

8.700 8.700


Kip Simons Ohio Slale

9.500 9.150

7.750 8.400

9.550 9.650

9.650 8.550

8.300 8.300

8.700 8.850

# l.

Floor Name John Roethlisberger 9.250 9.300 Minnesola

2. Scali Keswick UCLA 3.


Total 55.900 55.250 111.150 54.800 55.350 11 0.150 54.100 54.550 10S.650 53.900 54.700 10S.600 53.750 54.100 107.S50 53.150 53.350 106.500 52.850 53.600 106.450 53.450 52.900 106.350

COl\ll'll\lUEn !\fEX']' Plll1E! USA GYMNASTICSm


CIUlI.LEl\1GE Floor







8.650 8.850

8.700 8.250

9.100 8.850

9.600 9.350

9.000 8.350

8.150 9.150

10. Steve McCain

9.400 9.100

9.150 8.350

8.900 7.300

9.350 9.400

8.750 8.700

8.500 8.850

11. Jair Lynch

9.400 9.000

8.150 9.100

8.450 7.500

9.550 9.250

8.300 9.400

8.450 8.850

12. Rob Kieffer

9.200 9.350

7.500 8.000

9.100 8.500

9.550 9.050

8.600 9.000

7.700 8.250

13. Bo Haun

9.100 8.500

8.550 9.000

9.200 7.650

9.100 8.850

7.750 9.000

8.500 8.150

14. Brian Yee

9.100 9.100

8.900 9.400

8.700 7.550

9.000 8.900

8.350 8.200

7.650 8.450

53.200 52.800 106.000 54.050 51.700 105.750 52.300 53.100 105.400 51.650 52.150 103.800 52.200 51.150 103.350 51.700 51.600 103.300

# Name 9. Jeff Lutz

Unoltoched UCLA





Kerr y



was i njul'llIl during SlltnrdllY 's OIJlional


round or l:umlICtiLion as

Tim !ilmim: r:lill: llmmlnllll1l:nl h:alll (;UlIsisls III' llw m:xl 1'11111' .. (hlnlcs ullllm' 2IJ !Jlm.'s nit!.

he was dismounting

17. John Macready

8.400 8.450

8.400 7.550

8.850 8.300

9.500 8.950

8.350 8.700

8.100 8.450

25. Jamie Ellis

9.300 8.300

7.400 7.650

8.650 7.950

9.250 8.200

8.150 8.300

7.150 7.900

26. Jay Thornton

9.100 9.400

6.150 8.350

7.500 7.850

9.700 8.900

8.100 7.850

6.750 8.450

27. Larr~ Johns

9.100 8.450

7.050 6.900

8.450 8.750

9.200 9.350

6.650 8.650

7.350 7.750


I'rnm thl: parallel bar s. lIuston sustained a nm:h I'rm:IUI'e to lIerlebrae Cli IUlll C7 IUld IlIId SIll'gCl'Yto stahilize his

Stonford lowo

Oklo omo

nech. "HCI'I'Ydoes IlIllIll sensation in nil his extmllliLies, ' (lhich is a


7.950 7.400

9.050 8.750

7.450 7.750

8.650 7.900


7.450 8.450

8.350 8.400

6.400 6.400

9.000 8.200

7.450 8.350

8.250 9.000

Sean Juguilon Iowa

8.850 7.500

8.300 8.000

7.900 7.400

9.400 8.250

7.650 8.300

5.900 7.000

4. David Kruse

7.750 8.550

6.400 7.350

7.700 7.600

8.600 8.550

7.700 8.050

7.500 8.150

5. Mike Dulka

9.050 8.400

7.100 6.300

7.200 6.350

9.000 8.900

7.300 8.200

7.400 8.150

6. Mike Margan

Queen City

8.100 7.900

7.100 7.550

7.850 8.100

8.900 8.650

7.900 8.550

4.600 7.950

Don Kinison Arizono Sunroys

8.650 8.050

6.850 8.150

8.500 7.600

9.050 8.500

7.750 7.150

5.650 7.100

2. Marshall Nelson

rial 1I0silitai in ColoI'ado Spl'i.ngs, Colo. "It


is iJnlJllssihle to Imow a t this Lime what the long term errlll:ts o!'the

Col if. Berkeley


injlll'Ywillllll." On helmll' of tht:


th'll gYlIlnasth:s ralllily " ": wish Hllrry a slICedy I'm:ollery.

Spencer Sialon UCLA

7.900 9.500


good sign," saill IJr. Jamlls SCllals ol' Melllo-

51.600 50.400 102.000 49.900 48.300 98.200 47.300 50.800 98.100 47.800 49.850 97.650


49.250 49.350 98.600 46.900 48.800 95.700 48.000 46.450 94.450 45.650 48.250 93.900 47.050 46.300 93.350 44.450 48.700 93.150 46.450 46.550 93.000

oUl' thoughts

m'e with you! If you would slmd a I:ard or II:LlCl' to HCI'ry you lIlay send it to: US/\ (iYlllnllstics, c/o I{,el'ry II uston, Pan /\ nmriclln [Ilaza, 201 S. CaIJitol l\l1l:., Suite :100, IndiaIIllIIlJlis,11\l 46225.




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Date of Birth








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of Cardholder

cut this card out, and mail to us: USA Gymnastics Pan American Plaza 201 South Capitol Avenue Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225



Left: Jessica Davis

.f !

The 1994 Rhythmic Challenge took place February 11- 12 in Colorado Springs, Colo., at the u.S. Olympic Training Center. This event determined national team rankings, assignments to international competitions and distribution of Team '96 funds. Olympian Tamara Levinson won the senior all-around competition followed by Caroline Hunt and Jessica Davis. Levinson is coached by Catherine Yakhimovich at Rhythmflex Gymnastics in Silver Spring, Md .; Hunt is coached by Irina Vdovets at Illinois Rhythmics in Wilmette, III .; and Davis is coached by Jan Exner at Gymmarin Pacific in San Rafael, Calif. In the junior all-around competition Natalie Lacuesta from Rhythmic Gems in Evanston, ilL, and coached by Lana Lashoff, won the title. Twelve-year-old Lacuesta's goal has always been to win the Rhythmic Challenge Junior Title, but she didn't think it would happen so soon in her career. She's been training for only four years and placed 13th all-around at the 1993 U.S. Olympic Festival and sixth all-around at the 1993 Coca-Cola Rhythmic National Championships. Lacuesta was followed by Lori Fredrickson from Illinois Rhythmics and Tina Tharp from International Rhythmic Gymnastics. Fredrickson is coached by Vdovets and Tharp is coached by Efrossina Anguelova.

Left: Caroline Hunt, Ri ght: N atalie Lacuesta PhorogrophbySlevelonge



Below: Tamara Levinson

~~ill~r ~!lliu II


1. Tamara Levinson

2. Caroline Hunl 3. Jessi(a Oavil 4. Challen Sievers




Rhythmllex III. RhythmilS



9.100 9.000 8.950

9.050 9.050

Gymmarin Pat. Rhythmic Gems Inl'l RSG Gym.

III 9.350 9.050 9.000


8.100 8.050

6. Vanessa Vander Pluym 7. Roxanne Pietrosik

Colif. Breeze III. Rhythmits

B.75O B.45O

7.900 7.600

B.65O B.05O

B. Alitio Albe


9. Lan 80etkher 10. ChrisliTutoy


8.700 8.200

7.450 8.2S0

8.550 8.400

LA. Lights




8.750 8.900

CIuIIs R.... AA 9.250 8.700 37.225 9.175 8.800 36.375 9.150 9.100 36.300 8.900 8.450 35.050





8.700 35.050



Junior ~nIts "-

• 1. 2.

~aroline linnt, w~o tnrne~ "sweet I ~ " on fe~ru ary I~ , ~as s~ent t~e last Wyears ~erfecli n[ fier routines in r~yt~mic [ymnaslics. linnt, from W in· netka, III, trains at illinois Rnjlnmics witn ner coacn Irina Y~ovets.

~n ~er recent secon~ ~Iace linisn at tne R~ytn ~nallen[e ~aro l ine sa i ~ , "I was mite~ . I wante~ to linisn intne to~ tnree. I na~ two new routines (~all an~ c l n~s) so I've ~ee n workin[ really nar~ on tnem."


rAMllf Mom, Valerie; dad, larry; 13-year-old sister laura; and nine-year-old brother Darwin. laura horseback rides and Darwin plays hockey.

~~~~~l NewTrier Township High School10th grade


liunt is atwo lime Rnytnmic Jnnior ~atiml ~nam~ion m~~ an~ At Il years of a[e, sfie was tne youn[est ~ele[ate from t~e ~n i te~ ~tates at tne w~~ ~oo~will ~ames

Dancing, reading, ploying tennis


World Championships in Spain-the team had a lot of fun and did very well.


1994 Rhythmic Challenge, Colorado Springs, Colo.; 2nd-AA 1993 U.S. Olympic Festival, San Antonio, Texas; 3rd·AA 1993 RhythmicWorld Championships, Alicante, Spain; 15th-Team 1993 Rhythmic World ChampionshipsTrials, Atlanta, Ga.; 4th-AA 1992 Rhylhmic World Championships, Brussels, Belgium; 35th-AA 1991 Inlernational Tournament of Algarue, Porlimao, Portugal; 17th-AA 1990 Goodwill Games, Spokane, Wash.; 1BthAA



rH~R1i~ iRlr


rmRli~ ~~~W Seinfeld and Sisters

l~nR~~im~ rAcr I've grown about 3Y2" in the last couple of years.

r~i~R~ ~~U~ I'd like to go to the 1996 Olympics, but I knowI have to take it a year at a time.



D I R E nLnonmn 1994 University of Alabama Gymnastics Camp P.O. Box 253, Tuscaloosa, AL35486 (205) 348-4578 or (205) 348-8381 June 5-10 June 12-17 June 19-24 June 26-29 Contact: David Patterson or Sheri Sims Women's Gymnastics

cnLlPORmn Pozsar's Gymnastics 2709 EI Camino, Suite 101 Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 486-9880 July 11-15 Men's and Women's Gymnastics University of California, Berkeley Gymnastics Camp 177 Hearst Gymnasium, Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 642-9411 July 31-August 5 Contact: Alfie Mitchell or Cari Dubois Women's Gymnastics Stanford Gymnastics Camp for Girls Deportment of Athletics, Stanford, CA 94305路6150 (408) 446-2413 July 9-13 July 15-19 July 24-28 Contact: Breck Greenwood Women's Gymnastics

COLORnOO Pikes Peak Gymnastics Camp 1994 3870 Mallow Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 598-6863 July 10-15 July 17-22 Contact: Don Eckert Men's and Women's Gymnastics USA GYMNASTICS

PLORlOn American Twister Summer Camp 2301 NW 33rd CI. #11 0 Pompano Beach, FL33069 (305) 972-4947 July 11-15 July 18-22 Contact: Gloria Phillips or Toni Rand Women's Gymnastics Brown' 5 Gymnastics Metro Summer Gymnastics Camp 1994 46361. B. McLeod Rd., Orlando, Fl32811 (407) 246-1200 July 10-15 Contact: Joan Von Fleet Men's and Women's Gymnastics Sun Country Sports Center 4010 NW 27th Ln., Gainesville, Fl32606 (904) 378-8711 June 26-July 1 Contact: linda Bennell Men's and Women's Gymnastics

Hnwnll 1994 Kokokahi Aloha Summer Gym Camp Kaneohe, HI P.O. Box 1247, Kailua, HI 96734 (808) 235-6866 August 15-20 August 22-27 Contact: Joe Ropp or Wendy Flath Women's Gymnastics

IOnHO Boise State University Flip-N-Fun Gymnastics Camp 1910 University Dr., Boise, ID 83725 Contact: Bill Steinbach (208) 385-4021 Contact: Sam Sand mire (208) 385-1657 August 15-19 Women's Gymnastics Lake Shores Gymnastics Camp 3014 N.Govt.Way, Coeurd'Alene, lD 83814 August 8-12



(208) 765-9137 Contact: Donny Gardiner Men's and Women's Gymnastics Wings Topflight Gymnastics Camp Wings Fitness Center 1875 Century Center, Boise, ID 83709 July 18-22 (208) 376-3641 Men's and Women's Gymnastics

mOlnnn Indy Gymnastics Summer Camp 8108 Woodland Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278-1347 (317) 872-5948 July 11-15 July 18-22 Men's and Women's Gymnastics

IOwn The University of Iowa Sports Camps 216 Field House Iowa City, IA 52242-1111 (319) 335-9714 June 19-23 Men's Gymnastics

mnRVLnno 4 Star Girls Gymnastics Camp Milestone Terrace, Williamsport, MD 21795 July 11-15 July 25-29 August 15-19 (301) 223-6116 work (301) 582-3124 home Contact: Nico Sutch Women's Gymnastics

mmnESOTn Thompson Academy of Gymnastics TAGS South 5885149th St. W., Apple Volley, MN 55124 August 15-19 (612) 953-7756 Contact: Julio Thompson Aretz Men's and Women's Gymnastics


R y

Thompson Academy of Gymnastics TAGS Edina 5201 Eden Circle, Edina, MN 55436 August 15-19 (612) 953-7756 Contact: Julio Thompson Aretz Men's and Women's Gymnastics

miSSOURI Scott's Classic Gymnastics Camp 8642 B. Pardee Lone SI. Louis, MO 63126-2226 (314) 842-2620 August 1-5 Contoct: Kevin Scoll Men's and Women's Gymnastics Scott's Classic Tramp and Tumbling Camp 8642 B. Pardee Lon St. Louis, MO 63126-2226 (314) 842-2620 August 8-10 Contact: Kevin Scoll Men's and Women's Gymnastics SEMOjGateway Gymnastics Camp Southeast Missouri State University June 13-19 June 20-26 Women's Gymnostics

nEunon Gymnastics Nevada Summer Camp 1440 Industrial Way, Sparks, NV 89431 (702) 355-7755 June 27-July 1 July 4-8 July 11-15 July 18-22 Contact: AI Lansdon Men's and Women's Gymnastics

nEW HnmpSHIRE University of New Hampshire-Girls' Gymnastics Camps Field House 145 Main Street, Durham, NH 03824-3572 MARCH I APRIL 1994

(603) 862-1822 June 27-July 1 (doy camp) July 3-8 July 10-15 Contoct: Goil Goodspeed Women's Gymnostics

new JeRSeV ALT's for SOMERSAULTS, In(. 745 Alexonder Rood, Princeton, NJ 08540 (609) 452-8430 June 27-July3 July 4-July 10 July 11-July 17 July 18-July 24 July 25-July 31 August l-August 7 August 8-August 14 August 15-August 21 August 22-August 27 Preschool, Men's, Women's ond Rhythmic Gymnostics

new VORH Team USA Gymnastiu (amp 1994 219 Old Mountoin Rood Port Jervis, NY 12771 (914) 856-TEAM (8326) June 19-25 June 26-July 2 July 3-9 July 10-16 July 17-23 July 24-30 July 31-August 6 August 7-13 August 14-20 August 21-27 Contoct: Rick Polumbo Women's Gymnostics

nORTH onHotn Team Gold Summer (amp '94 Contoct: Morvin Shorp American Gold Gymnostics 200117th Ave. South, Forgo, NO 58103 (701) 280-0400 June 27-July 1 Women's Gymnostics

OHIO Bu(keye Gymnasti(s Day (amp P.O. Box 265, 558 Corring Cross Rd. Westerville, OH 43081 Dovid Holcomb (614) 895-1611 July 17-22 July 24-29 Men's ond Women's Gymnostics Hope-Fulls Gymnasti(s Summer (amp '94 1004 Fourth St., Eost South Point, OH 45680 (614) 377-3338 Contoct: Noncy or Dovid June 3-11 MARCH I APRIL 1994

June 12-1 8 June 19- 25 June 26-July 2 July 3-9 July 10-16 July 17-23 July 24-30 July 31-August 6 August 7-13 Women's Gymnostics The Summer Gymnasti(s (amp at Oak (reek 4480 Beord Rood, Sunbury, OH 43074 (614) 524-4481 Contoct: Tom Heineike Women's Gymnostics

OReGOn Oregon State University Girls Summer Gymnastiu (amp Gill Coliseum Room 125 Oregon Stote University Corvollis, OR 97331-4105 (503) 737-2823 July 10-15 Contoct: Jim Turpin or Dick Foxol Women's Gymnostics Summer (mp '94-National A(ademy of Artisti( Gymnastics 148 W. 12th, Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 344-2000 or 344-2001 June 27 -August 19 Contoet: Sylvio Schoonover Women's Gymnostics ~ennSVLUnmn

International Gymnastiu Training (amp 1994 RR 8, Box 8002, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 (717) 629-0244 June 19-25 June 26-July 2 July 3-9 July 10-16 July 17-23 July 24-30 July 31-August 6 August 7-13 August 14- 20 August 21 - 27 Contoet: Bruno Kious Men's ond Women's Gymnostics International Sports Training (amp RR 3, Box 3611 C, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 (717) 620- CAMP August 7-13 August 14-20 Rhythmic Gymnostics Parkettes National Gymnasti(s Training (enter 401 Mortin luther King Jr. Drive Allentown, PA 18102 (610) 433-0011 June 26-July 1

July 3- 8 July 10-15 July 17- 22 Women's Gymnostics The Wilson S(hool of Gymnostiu and Dan(e Wilson College, Chombersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-1706 July 4- 8 July 25-29 Contoct: Joyce Donotelli Women's Gymnostics Woodward Gymnasti(s (amp Box 93, Route 45, Woodword, PA 16882 (814) 349-5633 June 5-1 1 June 12-18 June 19-25 June 25- July 2 July 3-9 July 10-16 July 17-23 July 24-30 July 31-August 6 August 7-13 August 14-20 August 21 - 27 Men's ond Women's Gymnostics

RHODe ISLnno Universitrc of Rhode Island Mockol Fie d House, Kingston, RI 02881 (401) 792-4687 or (401) 792- 2140 Chelle DuFolo July 10-15 July 17-22 Women's Gymnostics

TenneSsee Knoxville Gymnasti(s Training (enter 5331 Western Ave., Knoxville, TN 37921 (615) 588-2105 July 17-23 Contoct: lisa Sovoge or Jeonne Frizell Men's ond Women's Gymnostics Knoxville Gymnasti(s Training (enter Power Tumbling Focility 5331 Western Ave., KnOXVille, TN 37921 (615) 588-2105 July 24- 30 Contoct: Jeff Keith Men's ond Women's Gymnostics

UTnH BYU Boys' Gymnastiu (amp 147 Hormon Building, Provo, UT 84602 (801) 378-4851 June 27-July 1 Contoct: Morgie Green Men's Gymnostics BYU Girls' Gymnasti(s (amp 147 Hormon Building, Provo, UT 84602 (801) 378- 4851

July 11 - 15 Contoet: Morgie Green Women's Gymnostics

UIRGInm Karon Gymnasti(s Burke, VA ond Monossos VA (703) 323-0088 June 22-September 2 (Weekly sessions ond doy comp) Men's ond Women's Gymnostics Ri(hmond Gymnastiu (lini( 10701 Trade Rood, Richmond, VA 23236 (804) 794-2813 August 15-18 Contoct: Christy Borks Women's Gymnostics

IllnSHInGTOn Puget Sound Summer (amp '94 10908 66th Ave. E., Puyollup, WA 98373 (206) 845-0910 June 27-July 1 July 25-29 August 15-19 Contoct: Brad loon or Corlene Stonke Women's Gymnostics Spokane Elite Gymnasti(s 9514 E. Montgomery #27 Spokone, WA 99206 (509) 924-9586 August 8-12 Women's Gymnostics ---

WeST UIRGImn Timber Ridge Sports A(ademy Girls Gymnasti(s (amp P.O. Box 2127 Sheperdstown, WV 25443 June 19-24 July 17-22 August 7-12 (301) 223-6116 work (301) 582-3124 home (onta(t: Nicc Sutch Women's Gymnasti(s



Lake Owen Gymnasti(s H(60, Box 60, (able, WI 548 1 (715) 798-3785 June 5-11 June 12-18 June 19-25 June 26-July 2 July 3- 9 July 10-16 July 17-23 July 24-30 July 31-August 6 August 7-13 August 14-20 August 21-27 Men's and Women's Gymnastics USA GYMNAST'CSm

路 EVE NT SCHEDULE (Dates & Events Subject to Change or Cancellation)

MARCH 4-5 8 11-13 23-28 25-27 25-27

McDonald's American Cup (M/W) Int'l Mixed Pairs (M/W) Opal Cup (R) Cup of City of the Popes (W) American Classic Nationals (W) 18th Int'l Master Tournament (M)

Orlando, H, USA West Palm Beach, FL Colais, FRA Avignon, FRA Orlando, H Cotlbus, GER

APRIL 2-3 8-9 8-10 9 9-10 9-10 14-17 15 15-17 16-17 16-17 19-24 22-23 22-24 22-24 29-May 1 TBA

16th Int'I Rhythmic Tournament (R) 7th Int'l Rhythmic Tournament (R) NCAA Regional Meets (W) NCAA Regionals (M) Eastern Quolifier (R) 8th Int'l Rhythmic Tournoment (R) USAG Collegiate Championships (M/W) USAG Nat'llnvitational Tournament (W) DTB Pokallnt'l Competition (R) J.O. Levell 0 Regional Meets (W) Western Qualifier (R) Ind. APP/AA World Championships (M/W) NCAA National Gymnastics Championships (M) NCAA National Gymnastics Championships (W) Junior Olympic Championships (R) 16th Int'l Competition Tunisia (W) J.O. Regional Meets (M)

Budapest, HUN Potimao, POR Vorious Sites TBA TBA Venissieux, FRA Denton, TX Cape Girardeau, MO Karlsruhe, GER Various Sites TBA Brisbane, AUS lincoln, NE Salt Lake City, UT Chicago, IL Tunisia TBA

Grand Prix (M/W) FIG Congress Coca-Cola Rhythmic Nat'l Championships J.O. Notionals; Levell 0 (JR W) J.O. Nationals (M) Arthur Gander Memorial (M/W) J.O. Nationals; Levell 0 (SR W) 20th Int'l RhythmiC Tournoment (R) Hilton Challenge Triangular Meet (M/W)

RomelTurin, ITA Geneva, SUI Long Island, NY Allentown, PA Augusta, GA Chiasso, SUI Seollle, WA Corbeil, FRA PhoeniX, AZ

MAY 2-7 4-14 5-7 5-8 6-8 8 12-15 13-15 20 & 22

JUNE 9-12 10-11 18-25

Four Continents Championships (R) Budget Rent ACar Gym. Invitational (MIW) Coaches Workshop (M/W/R)

Seoul, KOR Worcester, MA Huguenot, NY

Special Olympics World Summer Games u.S. Olympic Festival (MIW/R) Ruerta Rico Int'l Gymnasti(S Cup (MIW) Goodwill Games (MIW/R) National Gymnastics Festival (Elite W) Coaches Workshop (MlWI

New Haven, CT Sf. Louis, MO San Juan, PUR Sf. Petersburg, RUS *Colorado Springs, CO Woodward, PA

JULY ****************

mancino manufacturing co. 4732 Stenton Avenue. Philadelphia , Po 19144 Catalog available upon request

1-9 1-10 6-9 23-Aug 7 *22-24 31-Aug 6

AUGUST 4-7 18-28 24-27 24-27

U.S. Classic Nationals (WI Commonwealth Games (MlWI Coca-Cola Nat'l Championships (MlWI USA Gymnasti(S National Congress

Palm Springs, CA Victoria, B.C., CAN Nashville, TN Nashville, TN

* =Tentative Call TolI- Free: 1-800-338-6287

Fax: 215-843- 1529

Dlrectoro' MARCHI APRIL 1994

Have you ever seen a gymnast dance into her mount on the uneven bars or a guy do his floor routine to music? Well, you would, had you been at the Baltimore Arena on January 23 at the Reese's World Gymnastics Cup. Or, y o u may have caught the action on ABC Wide W o rld of Sports January 29.

Floor Exercise

One of the most decorated fields of ~mnasts ever assemble gathered together in Baltimore, Md ., for this inaugural event. Prize mond: totaling $50,000 was istributed among the top competitors in each event and the all-around.


yM. . . ." .



l. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6.

Oksana Chusovitina Dominique Dawes Tatiana Gutsu Henrietta Onodi Tatiana lisenko Roza Galieva





l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Andreas Wecker Dmitri Bilozerchev Valentin Moguilni Vladimir Novikov Vladimir Gogoladze



95 94 93 93 92 BB

VVORlD GYMNASTICS CUP January 23, 1994 • Baltimore, Maryland

All of the participants had one thin~ in common ... he or she ad won a world or Olympic medal and had been invited to compete in the Reese's World Gymnastics Cup. The Reese's World Gymnastics Cup was an individual event and modified all-around competition using uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise events for the women and floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, fcarallel bars and high bar or the men. The event also used a unique scoring system developed specifically for this event. A gymnast could earn a total of 100 points on anyone event (30 points for difficulty/ combinations; 30 points for execution; 30 points for exercise presentation; 10 points of bonus points) ,



46B 462 461 449 441

"oor Exercise

g0' @







l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Vladimir Novikov Vladimir Gogoladze Andreas Wecker Valentin Moguilni Dmitri 8ilozerchev



97 94 91 90 B4

Pommel Horse


Above: Dominique Dawes displayed her world¡class beam routine. Below: Oksana Chusovitina enterta ined the crowd a nd won the a ll-around title.




l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Valentin Moguilni Dmitri 8i1ozerchev Andreas Wecker Vladimir Novikov Sylvio Kroll Vladimir Gogolodze Trent Dimas



99 92 91 B4 B3 B2 B2

S,U' ain,s Name


Oksana Chusovitina Dominique Dawes Tatiana Gutsu Henrietta Onodi Roza Galieva Tatiana lisenko






2BB 2B7 276 275 273 271

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Andreas Wecker Dmitri 8i1ozerchev Valentin Moguilni Sylvio Kroll Vladimir Gogoladze Vladimir Novikov




l. 2. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Oksona Chusovitina Dominique Dawes Shannon Miller Henrietta Onodi Roze Galieva Tatiana Gutsu Tatiana lisenko





l. 2. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Tatiana Gutsu Dominique Dawes Shannon Miller Oksana Chusovitina Tatiana lisenko Roze Galieva Henrietta Onodi


9B 95 B9 BB BB B4

Parallel Bars

Uneven Bars (ounlry




9B 97 97 96 95 94 90




l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7.

Dmitri 8i1ozerchev Andreas Wecker Vladimir Novikov Valentin Moguilni Vladimir Gogoladze Sylvio Kroll Trent Dimas





l. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7.

Sylvio Kroll Dmitri 8i1ozerchev Trent Dimas Andreas Wecker Valentin Moguilni Vladimir Novikov Vladimir Gogoladze



96 94 93 91 BB BB B5


96 95 94 94 92 91 B9


Total Prize Money Earned Andreas Wecker Dmitri Bilozerchev Oksana Ch viliAa

W H AT ARE THEY DOING NOW? Andreas Wecker "I' m engaged to be married

' Money dedine~ due to NCAA Guidelines on eligibility

to a figure skater this summer. We live just outside Berlin , Germany. I'm planning to compete in the 1994 World Championships in Brisbane, Australia . My profession is being in the army. I like to snow ski and would like to go on a holiday to Aspen! "

Trent Dimas " I plan to train parttime at Gold Cup Gymnastics in Albuquerque, N.M., with Ed Burch . I'm also planning to work with the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games doing motivational speaking for kids-right now we're working out the details of the arrangement. I have about two years of college left and I definitely plan to finish . I would like to compete in competitions here and there because after taking time off from gymnastics my fire has been rekindled . Gymnastics is fun again. The 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games are a p-ossibility burl want to take it slow. "

USA Gymnastics Photo © Dove Black

D mit r i Bilozerchev



/ r.






"I prepare athletes, not as a coach, but more as a promoter. I set up competitions for athletes . I have a wife, Svetlana, and a five-year-old son named Sasha . (Svetlana is a former Soviet figure skater.) We live in Russia now, but we' re planning to move to Texas in March to open a gym . I still plan to do gymnastics and compete in events such as this II one.


Gut 5 U "I just graduated from high school and I'm thinking of going to college and being a coach . I would like to go to school in Odessa but there are more opportunities for me in Kiev. I have a boyfriend . I like doing exhibitions and wearing costumes. I took time off from gymnastics and now it's much harder to get back into it."



i'15 "








~ ~


"a" if


.........~=._.J ~ ~

R ~

I.-...J_ _

Sylvio Kroll " I have a wife, a daughter who is three and a one-year-old son . My kids do gymnastics recreationally, whenever 1have time to take them. 1have a city government job in Germany. 1help to raise money for the city. My last competition , prior to the Reese' s World Gymnastics Cup, was the 1992 Olympic Games . 1can ' t focus on gymnastics anymore because 1have to work and support my familyplus 1like playing with my kids in my spare time. "

?; ..'

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Betty Okino "I'm a senior in high school and plan to go to college in the fall. Kim Zmeskal and 1would like to go to the same college and room together. We won 't be doing gymnastics in college because we' re ineligible to compete in the NCAA program . (They both accepted money while competing in gymnastics and that makes them ineligible for NCAA competition.) 1would like to be a gymnastics commentator when 1graduate. Although 1was injured and couldn' t compete in d Gymnastics pete in

ro FANTASTIC FLOORI f Vladimir Novikov, shown at

left, enIerIained the aowd with his winning floor routine.

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....._~ MAR(H/APRll 1994












1993 Arthur Gander Memorial, Montreux, Switzerland; 4th-AA 1993 Coca-Cola National Gymnastics Championships, Salt Lake City, Utah; 3rdAA & FX, 2nd-UB, 4th-V 1993 World Championships, Birmingham, Great Britain; 5th-AA (Comp.I), 5th-V, 6th-FX 1992 World Championships, Paris, France; 6th-V, 7th-UB, I Oth-FX (semi-finals) 1992 Olympic Games, Barcelona, Spain; 3rd-Team, 14th-AA (Comp.l) 1991 World Championships, Indianapolis, Ind.; 2nd-Team, 15th-AA (Comp.l)

MARCH/ APRil 1994


Hurry! Take advantage of clearance prices on AII·Around Activewear™ while it lasts. To order, use form on page 270

S.I .. tlon. Allow.: lotio J., ..y Sho.t. 100~ conon, honllogo imprinl in wh~•. #49326 40 Ash 0#49326 114 For"l o/ 49326 122 Mlnoon (Xl·l·M·S Aduh) Sj.4,9Q $10.95 Colo.Iolock C•• w. 80/ 20 COl/ poly n"". in For"'/ Ash/Novy combinalion. inlernalionoi Federalion logo imprinl on honl. 169339TI9 (Xl·l·M·SAduh) S3H5 $26.50 Colo.Iolock Hoot!. 80/20 col/ poly fle"e in N.vy/ For'" combination R"bok logo embroidered on chest ond hood. USA Gymnastics imprinl on bode. 169356 119 (Xl·l Aduh}~$27.95

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Mlcro.t.lp. USI T••. 75/ 25 COl/ poly. Full honllona} puff USA Gymnastics logo. For"'" Scorlel. 193114110 5carlelol93114 114 For'" (Xl·l·MAdult) Sj.4,9Q $10.95 S.I.ctlon. a.low: LDIO fltn ... Sho.t. 89/ 11 COlllyc,". While or red/ ~u. si}k",,,ned USA Sior logo on righl\eg, R"bok on ~h. 131605 50Wh~, 0131605 49 8lack (l·M·SAduh) SlH5 $12.95 LDIO fltn ... Top. 89/ 11 COIIly«. in Wh~•. (onhasting USA Sior logo in red/b}ue on honl. 131600 50 Wh~. (l·M ·SAduh) SlH5 512.95 Mock Turtl. Leota.d. 89/ 11 coillyer•. Fronl bro liner, keyhoJe bode with snop neck closure, hench rut legs. (onfrosting USA Sior logo. 131602 50 Wh~. 0131602 49 8~ck (l·M·SAdult} S*-95 $19.95 fl .... fltn ••• Cove.up. 80/ 20 COl/ poly. Roy"," fleece, contrasting .mbroidered USA Sior logo in whn. or red/ ~ue. 13935550 Whn. · 139355 49 B~de (l·M-S Aduh)


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Recently he placed


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for someone who had been rehabilitoting from injuries during the 1991 and 1992 seasons. Bill underwent three surgeries during that time period due to a ruptured tendon in his left knee and a torn pectoral tendon on his left side.


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to get involved," says Billf¥I·IS"tIIItIeII"-'-......................___.-I

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USA Gymnoslics Membership # _ _ __ _ __


gymnastics, so it was natur~ f9j !J'8-

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HlgII II., is ",y'.".'. e,,""', "ec.use iI's Iu,,!

brother is a also a gymnast, and his 11111 spe"ds .l'Ou"d ~D 10 ~S IIours ",1,,1"6 e"e,y weelt.

_ _ __

younger sister partidpated in gymnas-

_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

1993 NIIt."

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,,,,,,,,,.,1.,,.1, Syd"ey, Alls".ll. is lIill's "'"0,1,,,

tics through her junior year in high

Exp. Dole: _ _ _ __

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Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



IIis IIrsl ",. .1 willloul • "roce """, Ills surge,/es.

recent eom,etition results Bill has his sights set on 1996, and '994 Winter c,"p c,"aUenge, C,o\oratlo Springs,

he seems to be a the right track. His C,o\o.: 7t"-AA

number one goal i to make it to the '993 N\\ton lnternat\ona\, Sytlney, "'"stralia:

Olympics in Atlanta, Ga. But he doesn't 9t"-AA, 3rtl-1'X, 4t"·"

want to stop there. Bill added, "My '993 c,oca-c,o\a Nationa\ Gymnastics

goal is to do gymnasf cs into my late C,"ampions"ips, Salt La\te C,ity, Uta"; 6t"-AA,

20's, maybe even earl 30's, because


2ntl-1'X, 'st-", 4t"-M11






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CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA The USA athletes competing at the Junior Pacific Alliance included: Dynamo Gymnastics' Jennie Thompson, Tanya Maiers and Soni Meduna and American Twisters' Susie Kinkaid. The USA team earned the silver medal with a 113.025 behind China with a 115.300. Thompson won third all-around and took first on beam and floor. Maiers earned second on beam with a 9.362. Meduna earned third on bars with a 9.487. Kinkaid placed third on vault with a 9.318 and sixth on floor with a 9.262. TEAM 1. China 2. United States 3. Australia

115.300 113.02S 111.350

ALL-AROUND 1. Huilan Mo 2. Chunjing You 3. Jennie Thompson 4. aiaozhen Chen 5. Rebecca Stoyel 6. Soni Meduno 12. Tanya Maiers 17. Susie Kinkaid


39.025 38.350 37.950 37.650 37.575 37.050 36.500 35.850

Kellee Davis from American Twisters in Pompano Beach, Fla., and Mihai Bagiu from Gold Cup Gymnastics in Albuquerque, N .M,. traveled to Barcelona, Spain, for the Joaquim Blume Memorial Competition-their first international competition. Included in the USA delegation were coaches Tim Rand and Ed Burch, as well as judges Ken Allen and Connie Maloney. Davis hit all four events to earn fifth all-around. Bagiu took second on pommel horse with a 9.15 and finished sixth allaround. RESULTS: Women I. EI.dieLu55" 2. ElenaPi,kun 3. (laudi.RulOn 4. lvell.n. (harkin. 5. Kell .. Oavi, 6. Ludmill. Prince Men I. I,herb. 2. Alexei lIemav 3. RuggeroRossDlo 4. NicuSlroio

5. Sleeve Geria 6. Mih.iB.giu


39.938 38.663 38.638 38.550 37.575 37.500


55.75 54.85 54.45 53.80 52.85 52.80

RighI: Kellee Davis, pictured allhe 1993 CocaCola National Gymnastics Championships

Home of Olympian Michelle Campi

Complete Gymnastics Program For All Levels Dance Lessons Specifically Designed For Gymnastics by GEZA POZSAR An Opportunity To Have Your Optional Floor Routine Personally Designed & Choreographed By The Choreographer of the '88 and '92 USA OlympiC Team - GEZA POZSAR, USGF National Staff Member, Expert on Compulsory Floor & Beam , Al l Levels

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GREAT STAFF! VLADIMIR CHERTKOV: Camp Director Former Soviet National Federation Jr. National Head Coach Reserve Russian National Team Presently Head Coach, National Gymnastics Academy

MARY JOE & DALE ROEHRIG: GINNADI KRISSINE: Camp Directors 1976 Olympic Silver Medalist 1978 World Championships Silver Medalist Presently Men's Program Director, Head Coach National Gymnastics Academy

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the gYm

ANGIE UMBAUGH AMES, IOWA Angie, 14, who competes for the Cardinol Gymnastics Club in Ames, Iowa, was voted the "1993 Iowa Gymnast of the Yeor." To qualify for this honor, she ploced first in vault, bars and floor and second on beam to win the allaround at the level 8 State Meet last spring. Angie's coached by K.J. Kindler and Gary Timberlake. She'scurrently preparing for level 10. In her first meet in December she ploced first on vault, beam, floor and all-around.



CASEY HEMRY KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN During her first year of competition at levelS, Casey, who is eight years old, won first place at the State Championships in Bay City, Mich. Casey earned a 3S.40 all-around and the gold medal. She also won gold medals on bars and beam and a silver on floor. Casey is coached by Augusta Lipsey at Greater Kalamazoo World of Gymnastics.

You'll flip over USA Gymnasticsl This magazine covers important national and international events leading up to, and including, the 1996 Olympic Games. Get to know the gymnasts through interviews, profiles and competition results. USA Gymnastics gives comprehensive gymnastics coverage in six, full color issues for only $15.00. Foreign subscriptions $32.00. Don't miss what USA Gymnastics has to offer!

)-----------------, Please enter my subscription immediately. Enclosed is my check or money order for six issues of USA Gymnastics.


!\Jame __________________________________________

YORK, PENNSYlVANIA Katie is 11 years old and trains at Gymnastics of York in levelS. At the Blue Ridge Gymnastics Association Championships, Katie won first on vault, bars and all-around, second on floor and third on beam. Katie and her teammates finished seventh in the team competition. She's cooched by Mike McDonald and Michelle Seitzinger.

Address City _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ Zip _ _ _ __ Phone _ _ _ _ __

State Check one:

D Gymnast! age_ D Coach

D Parent D Other_ _ __

Would you like to be included in the Faces in the Gym Section? Send a recent photo and a paragraph of information to: USA Gymnastics, Faces in the Gym, Pan American PlaIa, 201 S. Capitollve., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN


Pan American Plaza, Suite 300, 201 S. Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46225

46225. I

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --.J

MARCH I APRil 1994

Don-t Let Anlcle Pain Stop You ••• From Being Your Best


SKYLAR INMAN WHITEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Sky lor is 11 years old and 0 level 5 North Carolina State Champion. She pla[ed first in the oll·oround and floor exercise. She com· petes for lumberton Gymnostics A[ademy and is coached by Morilyn Prevatte. Prior to the state meet, Sky lor won first pla[e all·around in five out of sixcompetitions in 1993. She is now training in level 6.




functions similar to many wrist supports. However, it cannot weaken the ankle since full range of ankle motion can occur. It

Can prevent ankle pain caus~d allows the gymnast to train longer • • and harder with less pain in hi,/her by tumbling, vaulting and ankles and is particularly useful when •• , learning new skills. If the gymnast dismounting needs to restrict ankle mot ion, the ankle TIM NASSA. SYSIDI


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It is recommended that two NASSAR SYSTEMS be purchased, one for each ankle. They can be cui to fit any size.

$15.00 per NASSAR SYSTEM Plus postage and handling (Mich. Residents add 4 % sales tax) Postage and handling charges for 1·10 NASSAR SYSTEMS add $2.10 (U.S. currency only please)


Contad us for information aboot the 33% discount available (or orders of J 1 or more

Elizabeth, 10, trains in her living room since the closure of her gym in October. Through lots of hord work she finished her last level 6 meet with a 36.70 all·around-winning all events. She's coached by her mother, Moria, ond or· rives ot competition one doy early to practice in a "real" gym before a meet. She's now com· peting level 8.

Make checks payable to and mail to: ATHLETtC MEDtCAL TECHNOLOGY, tNC. 33951 Glouster Circle. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Phone: (313) 661-0423

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International GYMNAST

has been covering the world of gymnastics since 1956. Subscribe today, and enjoy all the action and excitement through breathtaking photography, engaging interviews, training tips by Olympic gold medal· ists, giant color posters, and much, much more.


Photos can be black and white or color. Sorry, photos cannot be returned. We'll select a few entries for publication in the .agazine each issue. Hurry and send your entry today. We're all waiting to .eet oul MARCH I APRil 1994

Robert, 7, competes for the YMCA Gymnasti[s Program and is coached by Kevin Flannery. Robert is a Class VII. This is his firsl year of competition and he has already won several first pla[e all·around titles in the 5·6 year old division. His biggest thrill was receiving hisfirst pla[e medal from John Roethlisberger, who [a me to our gym for an inivtational meet. John is a very nice guy. Robert hopes to be as dedicated as John some day.


1 Year-$24 (10 big, colorlul issuesl







US lunds only. Canada & Mexico: $27. Other loreign: $29. Ca nada: GSTextra. 1st issue mailed wilhin 6·8 weeks of payment. VISA/ Masle rCard accepted. Incl ude card name, number, expiration dale and authorized signature. Make check or money order payable to:

L______________________ ~ International GYMNAST, P.O. Box 2450, Oceanside, CA 92051





1993 WOMEN'S COLLEGIATE GYMNASTICS ATTENDANCE BASED ON HOME AVERAGE I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.





Utah Alabama Georgia Oregon State Penn State Utah State Florida Missouri Auburn Minnesota Boise State Louisiana State Southern Utah S.E. Missouri State Towson State Kentucky Cal State-Fullerton Rhode Island Wisconsin-River Falls North Carolina State

65,820 32,981 38,635 35,854 12,382 22,686 15,902 12,528 8,756 2,638 10,714 6,235 6,000 8,451 5,796 4,190 3,958 3,107 2,500 3,500

13,164 6,596 6,439 5,122 4,127 3,241 3,180 3,132 2,189 1,879 1,786 1,559 1,500 1,409 966 838 792 777 625 555

GOODWILL Pictured from left to right: John Roethhsberger, Scott Keswick, Mihai lagiu and Chainey Umphrey

This information was provided by Utah State. USA GYMNASTICS


John Roethlisberger, Scott Keswick, Mihai Bagiu and Chainey Umphrey have qualified to the 1994 Goodwill Games Team by their performance at the 1994 Winter Cup Challenge. The Goodwill Games are an international,multisport invitational competition that unites the world's best athletes every four years. St. Petersburg, Russia, will host the 1994 Games, July 23August 7. Approximately 2,000 athletes from more than 50 countries are expected to compete in 24 sports.


TBS Superstation will telecast 64 hours of original prime time coverage (8:05 p.m. - 12:05 a.m., ET) during the 16-day period of the Games, plus 64 hours of encore coverage (9:05 p.m. -1 :05 a.m., PT). ABC Sports will broadcast 17 hours of weekend afternoon coverage.

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BROWN'S GYMNASTICS 1994 GIRLS CAMP June 26th - July 1st, 1994 Home of 1992 Olympic Bronze Medalist Wendy Bruce 1988 Olympian Brandy lohnson 1993 National Team Members lenni Beathard and Mohini Bhardwaj


BROWN'S GYMNASTICS - A NATIONAL TEAM TRAINING CENTER 23,000 sq. ft. Main Gym pictured above.



Full-time Camper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $385.00 Commuter Gymnast. .................... $285.00

Brown's Gymnastics, located in Orlando, offers the Largest and Best Equipped Gymnastic School in the East! We have three gymnasiums totalling 43,(0) square-foot. Our gyms are equipped with state-of-theart equipment and are fully air-conditioned. Dorms accomodate two gymnasts per room and the meals offer abounding varieties served in smorgasbord style.

Brown's Gymnastics Summer Camp provides eight hours of quality gymnastic instruction per day. We give each child the opportunity to acquire new skills at their level and we stress proper form, style, grace and beauty of movement.


Call or write for your camp brochure today!


740 Orange Avenue路 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714路 (407) 869-8744

If you would like io ask Kim Zmeskal a question, write to USA Gymnastics, Chalk Talk, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.

Kim Zmeskal won three consecutive U.S. Championship titles, the World Championship title and contributed to the U.S.'s bronze medal in the team competition at the 1992 Olympic Games.

of my classmates ;oke about my height but they don't do it 10 insult me. As long as you keep your chin up and have confidence in yourself, people won't look down at you.

Dear Kim, I know that to be the gymnast that you are, it takes devotion and long hours of work. Did yo u ever have time to have a boyfriend?

Kerri Rivas Elmol/te , Califon1ia

Dear Kerri, My male friends were never more than friends. With my training schedule, my time outside af the gym was limited. Iwas very determined to be the best gymnast that I could be and I felt that it would be easier to stay focused on my goals without a boyfriend. Dear Kim, I'd like to tell you that you have been a big inspiration to me and you are an amazing gymnast. I also wanted to know which of the junior gymnasts you think show the most promise and who were your friends with while in competition?

Dahlia Falk Glel/coe, Illinois

Dear Dahlia, The future of USA Gymnastics looks very bright. Our Junior National Champion, Jennie Thompson, has displayed her talent tremendously well. Many of the Junior Team members have already won international medals. My closest friends

Dear Kim, I was wondering if you would ever change yo ur mind and go back to training and go for the 1996 Olympics?

Sareh NO ilri Springfield , Virginia

throughout my career have been Betty Okino, Erica Stokes, Amy Scherr, Hilary Grivich, Kelly Pitzen and Kerri Strug. We still try to stay in touch as much as possible. My friendships with these girls will always be special to me because of all that we've been through together. Dear Kin1, When I was watching the Olympics, the announcer said that Betty Okino knew Romanian and when the U.s. competed against the Romanians, she would tell your team what they said . Is this true?

Jenny Finkbeiner Caledonia, Michigan

Dear Jenny, Fortunately, Betty does speak and understand Romanian. It has made communicating with the Romanian team much easier.

Thanks to Betty, we've gotten the opportunity to learn more about these athletes, as well as their lives in a country very different from our own.

Dear Sareh, Right now I am still training, mostly for exhibitions. I'm finishing my senior year of high school this June and will be making more definite plans about my future then.

Dear Kim, I am 9 years old and a Level 6 gymnast. I am 3'10" and I'm embarrassed because I'm so short. Do yo u ever feel short? What should I do to deal w ith it? Did you ever get picked on?

Dear Kim, Why do some judges fa vor some teams? I know it happens in your level of competition and iteven happens in my level (Level 6).

Andrea Bilck Crystal Lake, Illinois

Dear Andrea, What a coincidence! I was 3'/0" when I was nine years old. Since then I haven't managed to grow even one foot but it doesn't bother me too much. I do feel short in large crowds and when I stand next to my best friend Betty Okino. Some

Casey Tid1l1an Pinckney, Michigan

Dear Casey, In contrast to a sport like track in which the winner is clearly determined by the runner who crosses the finish line first, gymnastics is a sub;ective sport. The decision of who's best is left up to the ;udges and it is difficult for everyone to be satisfied with the ;udging.






Atlanta International Rhythmic Gymnastics Center was host to the Russian National Rhythmic team over the winter holidays. The Russian delegation included the 1993 World Bronze medalist, Amina Zaripova, the 1993 European Jr. Silver medalist, Yana Batirshina, and the 14-year-old rising star Anna Sokolova. The Atlanta girls, coached by Marina Davidovich, were happy to experience the training regime that has turned out world champions!



After a long illness, Bud Wilkinson died Wednesday, February 9, at age 77. Wilkinson served as the president of the United States Gymnastics Federation in the early 80' s. Wilkinsort has been the Ptesideht Etn路 eritus sirtce 1984.

"Bud became presid ent of the federation d uring a very trying tU)1e/' said USA Gynmastics Controller John Hewett. "He helped guide the Board of Directors down the path to success that was achieved in 1984 and has been mainta;ned since that time." Wilkinson won three national cham pionships at OklalioriJa and led the Sooners fo an NCAA-record 47 straight victories. He was a member of the Na tional Football Coaches Hall of Fame. He later served as an ana lyst for ABC and ESPN.







Ranlc Name


Gail Devers


i~~~~o~ ~iller

3 4 Jenn Th air 5 Rb Y ompson e eCCa TWig 6 Picab S 9 7 M 0 treet 8 Be~? glen Clark 9 Fran Y f'0en-Lancer 10 lisa te~. trodtman

Athletics GYmnastics 538 Speed Sk . 526 S路 atmg 367 Wtmming (Yc/in 346 Skiing 9 302 Diving 152 Synchro 133 Shooting 131 Basketball 121

es Ie


AND SPORTSWOMAN OF THE YEAR Each USOC m mber organization selected a male and female athlete of the year for 1993. These a thletes were then placed on a ballot and voted on by members of the national media, USOC Board of Directors and the USOC Athletes' Advisory Council to select the overall winners. Results are shown at right.




liOP 10 SPO'bT Ranlc Name II SNIEN OF ~ 114 ; :ichael Johnson SPort HE YEAR ruce Bau 3 Wen.J IS mgartner 4 ue uck 8rian Sh. ow 5 Pete S tmer 6 La ampras 7 nce Armstr Scoll Shipley ong 8 Josh Lk 9 E. a atos 10 ftc Namesnik Darren Dreifort

Ah t letics ~ . restlmg Luge Bobsled Ti

( e~?is Ycung (anoe ~ Sh . ayak


mg Baseball

478 410 310

297 293 237 153 140

131 124






Dominique Dawes is getting lots of ink these days ... Harper's Bazaar magazine flew her to New York on January 31 for a photo shoot and she'll be featured in the March or April issue ... People magazine has selected Dominique as a nominee for the "50 Most Beautiful People in America." If selected for this section, Dominique will appear in an upcoming issue of People ... Mirabella magazine recently requested biographical information and photos on Dominique, so watch this national publication as well.




IS ONLINE! The newes t computer service is devoted entirely to gymnastics and is operated by USA Gymnastics . USA Gymnastics Online! , a custom service of Delphi, is growing in membership every day as people all across the country who have computers with modems sign up to join in the online fun. There are conferences, libraries of files you can download, articles you can read, and you can send electronic mail direct to USA Gymnastics plus much more. Delphi & USA Gymnastics Online! are part of the worldwide data highway called the Internet, so if you have an Internet account you

can send electronic mail to us at Already more than 1,000 people have accessed the system since it began operation January 10, 1994. People who ha ve joined come from all parts of the gymnastics community: coaches, judges, state and regional chairmen, gymnasts, even fans of our sport. If you have not joined and you have a computer with a modem, use it to dial 1-800365-4636. Once connected, press <RETURN> three or four times and at the USERNAME prompt type JOINDELPHI and at the PASSWORD prompt type GYMNASTICS. Then just follow the menu to join USA Gymnastics Online!

Men's Senior Nationa l Team answers: 1. John Roeth lisberger, 2. Scott Keswick, 3 . Miha i Bagiu, 4. Cha iney Umphrey, 5. Blaine Wi lson, 6. Drew Durbin, 7. Bill Roth, 8 . Kip Simons, 9. Jeff Lutz, 10. Steve McCa in, 11. Jair Lynch, 12. Robbie Keiffer, 13. Bo Haun, 14. Brian Yee USA GYMNAsrrc:s


MILLER! SULLIVAN AWARD NOMINEE Shannon Miller is one of 10 nominees for the 1993 Sullivan Award, an honor presented annually by the Amateur Athletic Union to the ou tstanding ama teur athlete in the U ni ted States based on the qualities of leadership, character, sportsmanship and the ideals of amateurism. Other nominees include: football player Charlie Ward, basketball player Bobby Hurley, wrestler Bruce Baumgartner, sprinter /hurdler Gail Devers, figure skater Brian Boitano, speedskater Dan Jansen, decathlete Dan O'Brien, basketball player Sheryl Swoopes, and swimmer Jenny Thompson. The AAU Sullivan Award, considered the "Oscar" of sports awards, was established in 1930 in honor of James E. Sullivan, a founder and past president of the AAU. The Award will be presented in Indianapolis, Ind., at a dinner honoring the finalists on Monday, March 14.

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RIPS??TEAR??BLlSTERS?? Try the SPENCO® Blister Kit for Protection and Relief. Contains SPENCO® 2nd Skin to protect against blister, SPENCO® Adhesive Kit to cover the 2nd Skin and SPENCO® Pressure Pads for "Hot" spots. 54.00 cover product and shipping, call Stuart at 703-280-2900 or write Stuart Eisen, 813 Northwest Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20901 . Cash, checks, Visa, Mastercard. VIDEOTAPES AVAILABLE. YOU SAW IT AT CONGRESS! from Kevin Scott, Scott's Gymnastics. Natl. trampoline competitor, professional diver, coached elite gymnasts. We make learning fun and easy, order NOW!-l 01 Tramp Skills Without Somersaulting 549; Intr. To Tramp And Tramp Safety 524; Intermediate-Advance Tramp 529; Difficult Spotting Made Painlessly Easy 529; Shipping 1 tape S3, 2·4 Tapes 55. Mo. residents add 5.725%sales tax. Make checks payable to: scom GYMNASTICS, 8642 Pardee Lane, Sf. Louis, MO 63126-2226. (314) 842-2620. SCORE MASTER is a very easy-to-use team & meet management system.SCOREMASTER provides individual and team results for compulsory an/or optional meets. This system is used in over 40 states at the locol, sectional, state, regional, national and international levels. Graph and report team &individual scores over an entire season. This menu-driven system comes with an on-line tutorial and complete documentation. for more info contact Mahoney Systems, 1112 Long Paw Lane, Charlotte, NC, 28214, (704) 392-7044.

CLASS MASTER is a very easy-to-use class management &accounts receivable system. CLASS Master automates functions such as registrotion, class rosters, schedules, enrollment, attrition trend analysis, make-ups, waiting lists, payments, deposit slips, late fees, tuition billing and mailing labels. CLASS MASTER, as pull-down menu-driven system, is password secured and comes with an on-line tutorial, complete documentation and a 90-day money back guarantee. For more info contact Mahoney Systems, 1112 Long Paw Lane, Charlotte, NC 28214, (704) 392-7044. CARPET DIRECT-Quality, value on commercial carpet since 1968. Samples available. Eastside Carpets, Dalton, GA 1-800-6546123 CLASS CONTROL. Class Management and A/ R software for PC's . Class Control tracks and reports classes, schedules, instructors, charges, payments, students, two responsible parties, and siblings. It handles prorations, discounts, transfers, and drops, and includes multi-level security, report management, and context sensitive on-line help. You are guided through the process with easy-to-use menus and onscreen instruction on screens that are designed to reduce eye strain. Class Control is professionally developed and sensibly priced at 5400, including unlimited technical support. Call or write Vaughn Software Services, P.O. Box 1086, Apex, NC 27502 (800) 821-8516. ESTABLISHED GYM IN OREGON, 13,400sq. ff., with over 600 students. Programs range from Preschool (12 months and up) through Girls Level 9 and Compulsory Boys team. For more

information, coli Jack Peters at 503- 6837042. RABBIT SCORES-Superfast scoring program for PC, compatibles, and also for MAC! Used at all levels, many state and regional meets, American Classic and US Classic Nationals. Easy-to-use, forgiving menu/windows. Unique features save work, prevent errors. Says Melody Childers, scoring chairman for 1500competitor Buckeye Classic: "With 8 sessions, 5 computers, and over 30 volunteer operators, I con say positively that learning Rabbit Scores is easy. Everyone was delighted with the convenient access into all the program areas ...a wonderful program." Not satisfied with your current scorekeeping? Check out Rabbit Scores' speed and agility. Our users come to expect their meets to run smoothly and finish without delay. One coach said she picks her "away" meets where they use Rabbit Scores because she knows they'll be done on time. Features: Shows rankings during scor· ing; Clean, easy-to-read results, OK for USGF; Award labels; Flexible age/skill divisions combinable for team, etc.; Can set Rhythmic, Mens. Option for electronic flasher displays. PC, AT: Sl12.95 ppd. MAC +: S167.95. PC, AT"Double" version: S154.95.Texas H.S. version: S149.95. JD Hopper, Box 2782, Stanford, CA 94309, 415-494-1705. GYMNASTICS SCHOOL-Highly-motivated person could take this currently healthy program to the top. Fully-equipped gym with classes in preschool, recreation, cheerleading, and USGF Level 5-9 competition. Excellent staff in place. Located in the Willamette Valley

and just 20 minutes from Oregon State University's nationally ranked gymnastics program. Current owner has family commitments to attend to. For more information, please call (503) 928-6669. QUALITY STATE-OF-THE-ART GYMNASTICS FACILITY foamed and carpeted wail-to-wail. 3 foam pits to accommodate all apparatus. Fullydeveloped women's team 5-10. New men's program, great starf. Danee studio and preschool gymnastics area, totally separate from school-age and team. Preschool gym speciallydesigned to create a fantastic program. MUST SEE. Gym established 15 years, great reputation. Located in beautiful resort town, just minutes to Lake Michigan beaches. For info, call (616)399-7238 ask for Phil or 3960487. Write: Phil Summers, 2424 VanOmmen Dr., Holland, M149424. EZScore-V2.2.6 Gymnastics Scoring Software (Artistic, Rhythmic, Compulsory, Optional, Women's or Men's) Professionally designed, feature-packed, stand-alone program designed for fast, accurate data entry on PC/Windows, MAC and Amiga. EZScore does: reports, award labels, announcer sheets, team scoring, division standings, program and rotation assistance, on-line help and more. This version has no team, division or competitor number limitations. All documentation included. Dan't pay S+++.++ for scoring expertise. Only S20.00 shareware registration plus S6/ disk, P&H. (Inquiries send SASE) [Copyrighted Source now avaiiable!lSpecify machine. Write: Tim McCoy, 1442 Kingston Dr., Escondido, CA 92027.







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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GYM FOR SALE: Growing recreational and large preschool program in historic Volley Forge, Po. Lots of extras like our boll pit and "Pirate Boot" with corgo nets and slide. Favorable lease on 3000 sq. ft. facility. 250-300 stu路 dents and growing. This is a great opportunity for a developmental instructor to own their own program or for a team coach who is looking for astrong closs program on which to build a team. Serious inquiries only please. KGC, P.O. 7083, SI. Davids, PA 19087. 215688-8295.

A NEW OPPORTUNITY FOR GYMNASTS IN SOUTH FLORIDA!!! AUDITION FOR CIRQUE!!! Acustomized theatrical stage show combining Gymnastics, Acrobatic Artistry with World Closs Talenl. Cirque travels nationwide and is looking for gymnasts in the South Florida area. "Toke Your Talent To ANew Level." Cirque, Inc. c/ o P. Donohue, 3883 Pembroke Rood, Hollywood, Florida 33021 (305)987-7991. GIRLS HEAD COACH/ DIRECTOR. Established gym for 13 years in 8,000 sq. ft. facility seeking dedicated, enthusiastic, motivational coach. Must be copable of working with recreational and advanced girls teams up to level 10. Duties include developing, planning, organizing and supervising gymnastics-related programs. Send resume including references and salary requirements to: SEG, 9514 E. Montgomery, Spokane, WA 99206. GYMNASTICS COACH-BEAM AND FLOOR EXERCISE CHOREOGRAPHER. Must have Compulsory Coaching Experience and Level 8/ 9 Expertise. Arapidly growing Gymnastics Gym in the North Dallas Suburbs is looking for the "RIGHT" person to assist in coaching some exceptional athletes, and working with some GREAT stoff in on enjoyable setting. The Hardest job you'll ever Love. Salary is commensurate with experience. Please send resume and 6references to Allen Gymnastics,#1 Orchard Rood, Lucas, TX 75002 c/ o Kris Johansen. GYMNASTICS COACH/ BUSINESS MANAGERWell-established Northeast Tennessee gymnastics facility with large closs program, Boy's (Classes 2-7). Girl's (Levels 4-9) competitive teams, in 12,000 sq. ft.facility with expansion to over 20,000 sq. ft. possible. Seeking business manager/assistant team coach in track for full ownership. Ideal opportunity to develop full recreational youth program infacility co-occupied by Gold's Gym. Previousexperience and enthusiasm for independent management required. Call (615) 282-6858 or send C.V. to SportsNET Gymnastics Acodemy, P.O. Box 3172 CRS, Johnson City, TN 376023172. IMMEDIATE POSITION AVAILABLE FOR FEMALE COACH to help Level 9 and 10 athletes. Must have dance and choreography experience. Our facility is over 19,000 square feel. Send resume to: Indy School of Gymnastics, 8108 Woodland Dr., Indianapolis, Indiana 462781347; or call (317) 872-5948. GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR. Co-ed summer camp. Beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire. Run program for 130 girls, new gymnastics building. Must have experience.


Friendly compers and stoff. Days off in 80ston, Montreal, Moine seacoasl. June 19 to August 18. Camp Walt Whitman, P.O. Box 558, Armonk, NY I0504 or call 1-800- 657 8282 or leave message 914-273-3129. MAINE CO-ED CAMP seeks EXPERIENCED GYMNASTS to teach beginning, intermediate and advanced gymnastics from June 17to August 21 . Age 20+. Contact 2807 CDelmar Dr., Columbus, OH 43209 1-800-959-3177. EXPERIENCED GIRLS HEAD COACH WANTED, for a new, rapidly-growing club in Southern NewMexico. Must be enthusiastic and have experience coaching through level I O.Salary commensurate with experience and abilities. Send resume to: GYM MAGIC, P.O. Box16283, Los Cruces, NM 88004, or coli Nancy or Robin at (505) 523- 1616. COACHES/ INSTRUCTORS: Established, stateof-the-art gymnastics training center seeks multi-talented coaches/ instructors to work with all levels of program. Professional, experienced, motivated individuals preferred. For information, contact Rick at World Cup Gymnastics, 170 HuntsLone, Chappaqua, NY I 0514 (914) 238- 4967. CAREER OPPORTUNITY: Full-time coach wanted to work with competitive teams level 5-0ptional, Developmental program and closs program. Individual should have or be: Strong Communication & Interaction Skills- Strong Desire To Learn And Grow-Enthusiastic, Motivating, Safe, Caring, Teaching MethodsTeam Player! Salary benefits, paid vocation available. Our large and well-equipped facility ishome to NationalTeam members.T.O.P.'s participants, quality and dependable staff and growth opportunities. Send cover letter and resume to: Don Witenstein, Arizona Sunrays Gymnastics, 311 0 E. Thunderbird Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85032 FAX (602) 992-2420. Now interviewing for QUALIFIED DYNAMIC AND PROFESSIONAL COACHES to coach Team Development levels and Competitive Boys/ Girls Teams. Knowledge of all levels of USGF compulsories and good communication and organizational skills a musl. Excellent location at established 12,000 square foot gym in Santo Monico. Send resume and coli for on interview: Mary Cotes, Broadway Gymnastics School, 165712thSI., Santo Monico, CA 90404 (310) 450-0045/ 0ffice, (310) 450-6412/ Fox. COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE SUMMER: Gymnasticsinstructors/ cobin counselors (19+) for outstanding girls' camp. Excellent, large gymnastics facility. Camp Robindel (one mile from our brother camp) is located on the LARGEST NEW ENGLAND LAKE (22 miles long) just below the White Mountains, 2hours North of Boston, I 1/2 hours from Maine coasl. Beautifullocotion with 1500 lake front feet containing 700 foot natural sand beach. Must have warmth and love children. June 19August 19. TRANSPORTATION PAID. Write: 1271 Mill Road, Meadowbrook, PA 19046. Phone: 1- 800-325-3396.



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Planning Summer Camp? THE FACTS: Every U.S. Olympic Team Since 1964 (that's 64,68,72,76,80,84,88, and 92) has had at least one Team Member who has either been trained by Dick Mulvihill or attended the NAAG Summer Camp. Dick has produced over 20 Olympians, numerous National Team members, Regional and State Champions! The National Academy Summer Camp includes sessions from 2-8 weeks for 7-hours daily. Workouts are tough and long, but fun and rewarding. You are treated as an individual, with your needs and aspirations in mind. When you return home , you will be a more confident and skilled Call or write for more information.

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I'radke this movement OIl the floor. Get on your hands and knees with arched. Now puR in your stomach, round your bcxk like a cat, then straight position on your knees. Leave your arms down during tIis .. _ _ SIlInS .. ... As you begin fa puR in your stomach, drop your chin fa your dIISI. As J1IIUlIIIIIIP,,-..... your chin to the neutral start position. Practice this many times unIII


3. ON YOUR FEET How if is time to add the legs. In my opinion, this is when each ind'lVidual style becomes important. Icannot tell you exactly when to ~i6 (bend) your legs because each person will do if different~ depending on the length of their legs. Start standing on your toes with your arms in a crown. Lean forward from the waist with aflat bade. Bend the knees and softly lower the arms to touch the middlefingers on the shins. Start the body roll now. Draw the arms up the legs as in the earlier drilk. The legs will straighten slowly os the wave releases. Finish in the same position thot you started with the arms in a crown above your head.

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