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....... ............. .... . 22 The athletes used music, props and costumes on each event at the Reeses' s International Gymnastics Cup. Some past stars and future up-and-comers competed in the event and had a wonderful time.
.... .... .. .. .................. ... 26
U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~5::l NATIONAL ................................... 8
Kellee Davis won the all-around competition at the Pacific Alliance. USA Gymnastics talked with Davis about her win and future goals.
CHAMPIONSHIPS EXTENSION 37 At the NCAA Convention on January 10, 1995, the NCAA membership made a landmark decision to continue the Men's Gymnastics Championships under legislation that was written to help all Olympic sports through 1997.
Tamara Levinson won the 1995 Rhythmic Challenge followed by Jessica Davis. Levinson, Davis and the USA Rhythmic Group squad will depart for the Pan American Games.
Josh Stein won the Pacific Alliance Championships and finished second all-arow1d among thosere-ranking at the Winter Cup Challenge. Read about Stein's future goals in the sport.
12 The 1984 Women's Olympic Team won the silver medal in the team competition as well as seven individual and all-around medals. USA Gymnastics caught up with each member of the Olympic squad to find out where they are now! Above Kellee Davis; Right: Josh Stein Above right: John Roethlisberger; Above (enter: Tomoro Levinson
............ ........................... 44 Winter Cup Challenge was held in Colorado Springs, Colo., January 27-28. This event served as are-ranking competi tion for the USA Men' s National Team. There were two divisions competing at the even t, Team ' 96 and Team 2000.
USA GYMNASTICS (lSSII 0748·6006)(USPS 0005·666) is published bimonlhly for 515 per yeor in Ihe U.S.; all olher counlries 532 per yeor. USA GYMNASTICS is published by USA Gymnoslics, Pan Americon PIOlo, 201 S. Copilol Ave., Suile 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225, (317) 2375050. Second doss posloge paid 01 Indianapolis, IN 46204. POSTMASTER: Send address 'honges 10 USA GYMIIASTICS, 201 S. Copilol Ave., Suile 300, Indianapolis, IN 4622S. USAGymnastics is the sole nalionol governing body for the sport of gymnastics. Anot-for-profit organization, USA Gymnastics selects, treins and administers the U.S. Gymnastics Team, including the U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Team. Contributions and support ore always welcome and are I,,·dedurtible. © 1995 USA Gymnoslics. All righls reserved. Prinled by Sporls Graphics, Inr., Indianapolis, III, USA.
~~~ - -
Kathy Scanlan Editor
Luan Peszek Designer
Julie ,. Jones Men's Program Director
Ron Galimore Women' s Program Director
Kathy Kelly Rhythmic Program Director
Nora Campbell Director of Educational Services
Steve Whitlock USA Gymnastics Board of Directors Chair: Sandy Knapp; President: Kathy Scanlan; President Emeritus: Mike Donahue; Amateur Athletic Union : Stan Atkinson; American Sokol Organization: Jerry Milan; American Trampoline & TumblingAssodation : Wayne Dm,v ning; American Turners : Betty Heppner; Jewis h Community Centers: Lori Katz; Na~ tional Association of Coll egiate Gymnas tics Coaches for Men: Abie Grossfeld; Na tional Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches for Women: Ga il Davis; National Association for Girls and Women in Sport: Dr. Mimi Murray; Na tional Associa ti on of Wom en's Gymnastics Judges: Yvo nne Hodge; National Collegia te Athle tic Association: Ja ne Betts, Lou Burkel; National Federation of State High School Associations : Susan True; National Gymnastics Judges Asso ciation: H arry Bjerke; National High School Gymnastics Coaches Association: John Brinkwor th; Special Olympics, Inc. : Kate Faber-Hickie; U.S. Rhythmic Gymnastics Coaches Association: Suzie DiTullio; U.S. Association of Indepen d ent Gym Clubs: La n ce Crowley; U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Men's Gymnastics: Pe ter Korm ann; U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Women 's Gymna.stics: Tony Gehman, Roe Kreutzer; U.S . Men's Gymnastics Coaches Associa tion : Marc Yancey; U.S. Sports Acrobatics Federation: Bonnie Dav idson; Young Men's Christian Associa路 tion of the USA: Rick Dodson; USA Gymnastics National Membership Directors: Men's: Jim Hol t, Ray Gura; Women's: Jim Archer, Julia Thompson-Aretz; Rhythmic: All a Svirs ky, Ute Alt-Carberry Athlete's Advisory Council: Wend y Hilliard, cha ir; Chris Waller, vice chair; Kristen Kenoyer Woodland , sec; Tanya Serv ice Cha plin, Dione "Dee路路 Foster, Ka ryn Lyon Glover, Peter Vidma r, Conrad Voo rsanger; USOC Athlete Representative: Michelle Dusserre. p
USA Gymnastics Executive Committee Chair: Sandy Knapp; Special Advisor to the Chairman of the Board: Roe Kreutzer; President: Kath y Scanlan; Secretary: Mike Milidonis; Vice Chair Women: Nancy Marshall; Vice Chair Men: Tim Daggett; Vice Chair Rhythmic: Candace Feinberg; FIG Women's Technical Committee: Jackie Fie; FIG Rhythmic Technical Committee: Andrea Schmid-Shapiro; FIG Men's Technical Committee: Bill Roetzheim; At Large Members: Jim Hartung, Joan Moore; Athlete Directors: Tanya Service Chaplin, Wend y Hilliard, Peter Vidmar; USOC Athlete Representative: Michelle Dusserre; President Emeritus: Mike Donahue. Unless ex pressly identified to the contra ry, all ar ticles, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnas ticS expresses no opinion and assumes no responSibility thereof.
By Kathy Scanlan
This issue of USA Gymnastics is the summer camp issue. Summer is a great opportunity to attend a gymnastics camp, meet new friends and learn new skills. Although our "Summer Camp Listing" is not all inclusive, it should give you a jump on locating a camp near you. The best news of the year thus far is that the NCAA voted unanimously to extend the NCAA Men's Gymnastics Championships to at least 1997. This is great news for you because now men's collegiate gymnastics scholarships will still be available and opporhmities will exist for those of you not yet at the collegiate level. If the vote had not passed, the 1995 NCAA Men's Gymnastics Championships would have been the last. USA Gymnastics was obviously pleased with the outcome of the vote and hopes that the NCAA program continues for many, many years in the future. A great event took place in Portland, Ore., in early January- the Reese's International Gymnastics Cup. The athletes used music, props and costumes on each event. Wendy Bruce rode into the arena on a Harley Davidson Motorcycle, Jolm Roethlisberger did his floor routine with a doll strapped on his body, and Paul O'Neill dressed as Spider Man to win rings. Some of the past greats, as well as some future up-and -comers, competed in the event and had a wonderful time. The event shows that our sport has a lot to offer in audience
appeal, as well as in a competitive format. We look forward to next year's event and hope to see many more like it in the future. The USA is preparing to send a men' s, women's and rhythmic delegation to the Pan American Games in Mar del Plata, Argentina, March 9-22. Read full details in the May / June issue. We would like to con~ratulate the USA teams from the PaCific Alliance Championships that won the men's and women's team gold medal. In addition, Kellee Davis and Josh Stein won their respective all-around titles. The McDonald's American Cup and International Mixed Pairs takes place March 2, 4 and 5 in Seattle, Wash ., at the Seattle Center Arena . The event will be aired live on NBC, March 4. By the time you receive this magazine you may have already caught this great event on television. We'll have full coverage in our May / June issu e. In this issue you' ll read wha t the highly successful 1984 Women's Olympic Gymnastics Squad members are up to now . You'll also learn which cereals make the best nutritional sense and how to gain upper body strength. The Men' s World University Games Selection Procedures are also printed in this issue of the magazine.
Hope you enjoy drellming of summer liS you look through the list of (limps! MARCHI APRIL 1995
10 gel
, ,
\ \
A video with the healthy and happy athlete in mind ... featuring Dr. Joan Duda, USA Gymnastics National Team Sport Psychology Consultant, and Mary Lou Retton, 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist. For athletes: This video sets the stage for better communication between you and your coaches/parents so that your sport experience can be maximized. Learn how athletes stay motivated and confident. For parents and coaches: Learn how you can create an environment that fosters high self esteem and positive body image among young athletes.
First two parts of this video series are available for $4.95 each from USA Gymnastics Merchandise Department, PO. Box 5562, Indianapolis, IN 46255-5562. Tel: 317-237-5060
A video with the healthy athlete in mind ... featuring Dr. Dan Benardot, USA Gymnastics National Team Nutritionist, and Mary Lou Retton, 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist. For athletes: Your performance is affected by your diet. Learn how and what to eat to excel. Answers your questions about what to eat: most of the time, before exercise, during exercise and after exercise. For parents and coaches: This video was designed to educate about proper nutrition and to explain the hazards of eating disorders.
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USA Gymnastics: What was it like to win the all-around and team competition at the Pacific Alliance? Davis: It was the first international competition thot I've won so it was very exciting. They played the notional anthem while Iwas standing on the podium. Also, the USA team really pulled together for each other. The men and women both won the team competition so that was very exciting, too. USA Gymnastics: What was the best part of the trip? Davis: There were many ports of the trip that I enjoyed-the competition, sightseeing, meeting other people and the banquet. USA Gymnastics: How has training been going since you returned? Davis: It has been going well. I'm working a couple of new tumbling posses. Iwas very motivated when I returned since Idid real well on the trip. USA Gymnastics: What are your long term goals in the sport? Davis: I'd like to continue making the notional team, going on international assignments and hopefully making the Olympic Team. I would also like to earn a college scholarship. I'm a junior so I'm starting to look at different colleges. I'mlooking at the University of Michigan and Stanford right now. USA Gymnastics: What do you want to study in school? Davis: Iwould like to study chemical, nuclear or physico Iengineering.
Send your questions to: USA Gymnastics, Ask Mary lou, Pan American Pial" 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suit. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.
scared. What should I do? Has anything like this ever happened to you? Ashley Aldell Park City, Illil10is
Dear Mary Lou, I'm nine and a Level 6 gymnast. I have a state meet soon, and I'm very nervous. I get really nervous when I get there, and I do bad. Are there any tips you can give me? Elise Rosentlwl Scottsdale, Arizona
Dear Elise, I think every gymnast is nervous at a competition. But, when you're really well prepared for a meet, you won't be as nervous to compete. Preparation is the key. Another way I tried to overcome being nervous was to pretend it was just another workout. Don't focus on the judges or audience just focus on your routines. Dear Mary Lou, I'm 10 years old and a Level 6. I have been told that I remind people of you because I have very large muscles, especially in my legs. I get embarrassed sometimes when people ask me if I'm a body builder. I'm also embarrassed because I have larger muscles than most of the boysin my school. Did you ever have this problem and how did you deal with it? Ci1elsey Estoll Odessa, Texas
Dear (heisey, Yes, my brothers used to cal me "thunder thighs" am/"Earl(cmrpbel" (afumous footbal player with big. strong thighs). Think of it as a complment. And use your strong legs to help you be a more powerful gymnast.
Dear Ashley, Yes, I injured myself many times on a particular skill and then was afraid to try it again. You have to put your trust and confidence into your coach. She/he will be there to spot you if something should go wrong. If you have apit at your gym, do it into the pit until you feel confident. Good luck.
Dear Mary Lou, I'm a Level 7 gymnast, and I'm going to start high school in the fall. I' m concerned that I won' t be able to continue gymnastics once school starts. Do you think its better to continue gymnastics and go to school, or join a high school that offers a gymnasti cs program? Liz Hillard Queens, New York
Dear Liz, School should be your number one priority.lt's really apersonal decision whether you do club gymnastics or high school gymnastics. You have to figure out what your goals are and which system will help you achieve them. Talk to your parents and coaches about the decision. Good luck. Dear Mary Lou, I'm 13 years old and a Level 6. I'm scared
to do handstands on the beam for fear of falling on my back. (I've fallen a couple of times already). I'm also afraid of doing split leaps on the beam. What can I do to get over these fears? Megall Lusher Littletol1, Colorado
Dear Ma ry Lou, You are my favorite gymnast. I wanted to know what was the hardest thing for you to learn in gymnastics? What were your favorite and least favorite events? Jennifer Flaxingtol1 Lincolll, Rhode Island
Dear Jennifer, The hardest skill for me was a double twisting layout Tsukahara. My favorite event was floor and vault and my least favorite event was beam.
Dear Megan, Fear can be a very big part of gymnastics. My advice is to continue practicing these skills on the floor or low beam until you're ready to take them up to the high beam. And when you're ready have your coach stand nearby. That should give you the confidence you need.
Dear Mary Lou, I'm nine years old and a Level 6. We don' t do Level 7 in my gym. I'm almos t 10 years old and will be a Level 8 soon. Do you think I would be too young to be a Level 8? Elizabeth Faber Harrisburg, Pellnsylvania
Dear Mary Lou, I'm 10 years old and a Level 8 gymnast. I was doing a double full on floor and hurt my ankle. I just got over being hurt and now my coach wants me to do a double fu ll on floor again. I'm rea lly
Dear Elizabeth, No, I don't think you're too young. I was always put into the older girl's group when I was your age and it helped me to improve at a much faster pace than the girls my age. Go for it!
Planning Summer Camp? THE FACTS: Every U.S. Olympic Team Since 1964 ... (that's 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, and 92) has had at least one Team Member who has either been trained by Dick Mulvihill or attended the NAAG Summer Camp. Dick has produced over 20 Olympians, numerous National Team members, and Regional and State Champions! The National Academy Summer Camp includes 2 four-week sessions or 1 eightweek session. (Other session lengths may also be arranged.) Workouts are 7-hours daily-tough and long, but fun and rewarding. You are treated as an individual, with your needs and aspirations in mind. When you return horne, you will be a more confident and skilled gymnast. Call or write for more information.
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BROWN'S GYMNASTICS 1995 SUMMER CAMPS Home of 1992 Olympic Bronze Medalist Wendy Bruce 1988 Olympian Brandy Johnson 1993/1994 National Team Members Jenni Beathard and Mohini Bhardwaj
Brown's Gymnastics • Orlando, Florida June 25th - June 30th
Brown's Gymnastics • Houston, Texas July 23rd - July 28th
Brown's Gymnastics, located in Orlando, offers the largest and best equipped gymnastics school in the East! We have two gymnasiums and auxiliary gym totalling 23,000 square feet. Our gyms are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and are fully air-conditioned. Camp Staff includes National & International Renown Coaches. Dorms accommodate two gymnasts per room and the meals offer abounding varieties served in smorgasbord style.
Brown's Gymnastics of Houston offers the largest gymnastics training center in the USA with 44,000 square feet of brand new equipment for men and women. The facility is fully airconditioned and offers 15 Uneven Bars, 38 Beams, 4 Floor Exercise Areas, Multiple Tumble Tracks & Trampolines and 7 Vaults. Our Camp Staff consists of National & International Renown Coaches. Rooms accommodate four gymnasts and meals will provide a wide variety of choices for gymnasts.
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rule, the foods you eat should high in complex carbohydrates (including high in dietary fiber) and low in fal, _lLO_d ium,_and~imple "Mi"'CU," ~J..LUJ cold cereal is a popular food nasts, it seems useful to a cereal chart that you make healthy listed in this
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Morvin Sharp Gene Wotson Mole and Female
Super Summer '95 rea turing
1995 University of Ala~~ma Gymnastics (amp P.o. Box 253 Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35486 (205)348-4578 (205)348-8381 June 4-8 June 11 -15 June 18-22 June 25-29 David Pallerson Sheri Sims Fema)es Only
(719)598-6863 July 9-15 July 16-22 July 23-29 Don Eckert Male and Fema)e
Snow Mountain Girls Gymnasti(s (amp 496 Holman Way Golden, Colorado 80401 (303)278-8185 (303)424-2910 June 19-24 Debbie Wolker Females Only
Mi~ - South Gymnasti(s (amp
P.O. Box 351 Auburn University Auburn, Alabama 36831-0351 (205)844-5047 June 18-23 Kathy Wilson Shannon Edmondson Fema)es Only
ARIZONA Gym (amp Arizona McKale Center 304 University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 (602)621 -4780 June 18-23 Jim Gault or Bill Ryden Females Only
CALIfORNIA POlSar's Summer (amp 1995 2709 EI Camino Ave. #101 Sacramento, California 95821 (916)486-9880 June 19-23 June 10-14
USA GymnasticsTraining (enters P.O. Box 4088 Tequesta, Florido 33469 (407)743-8550 Camp to be held at the University of California, Santo Barbara July 2-7 July 9-14 Mole and Female
COLORADO Mes Pea~ Gymnastics (amp 3870 Mallow Rd. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907 UIA GYMNASrrCS
rLORIOA Brown's Metro Summer (amp 4636 L.B. McLeod Rd. Orlondo, Florida 32714 (407)246-1200 June 25-30 Joan Von Fleet
Sun (ountry GymnasticsSummer (amp 4010 NW 27th Lone Gainesville, Florido 32606 (904)378-8711 Mole and Female
University of florida Gymnasti(s (amp P.O. Box 14485 Gainesville, Florida 32604 (904)375-4683 ext. 5500 Brad or Coralu June 18-23, 1995 Females Only
GtoRGIA Bow~on Recreation Dept.
136 City Hall Ave. Bowdon, Georgia 30108 (404)258-8999 Stephanie Weber
IDAHO Boise State University Gymnasti(S (amp 1910 University Drive Boise, Idaho 83725 (208)385-1657 August 21 -25 August 14-16 Sam Sandmire Females Only
These camps were submitted to USA Gymnastics' office for inclusion in the summer camp directory. If you operate a summer camp and would like your camp to be included next year, send your information to USA Gymnastics by February 1,1996. (USAGymnastics, Summer Camp Directory, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 4622S)
ILLINOIS Fighting lilini Boys Gymnastics Camp Champaign, lIIinias (217)333-7973 July 5-10 July 11-16 July 17-22 Yoshi Hayasaki Males Only
fighting lIIini GirlsGymnastics (amp Champaign, IIlinios (217)333-7973 June 18-23 June 24-29 July 29-August 3 Lynn Crone Females Only
INDIANA Ball State Gymnasti(s Summer (amp
Aman~a Bor~en 845 E. Bradford St. Marion, Indiana 46952 (317)664-2338 (317)754-7676 June 12-15 Randy and Tami Holt Fema)es Only
IOWA University of Iowa Hawkeye Boys' Gymnastics (amp
Scott'S(Iassic Tramp an~ Tum~ling (amp
216 Field House Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1111 June 25-29 Ma)es Only
8642 B. Pardee Lane St. Louis, Missouri 63126-2226 (314)842-2620 August 14-16 Male and Female
LOUISIANA Gymnastics for All 186 Gause Blvd. West Slidell, Lousiana 70460 (504)645-0996 June 19-30 July 1O-August 4 Nancy Arce Females Only
MAINf Kippewa for Girls in Monmouth, Maine write to: 60 Mill Sf. Box 307 Westwood, Massachuseffs 02090-0307 (617)762-8291 June 24-August 19 June 24-July 22 July 23-August 19 Marty or Jon Silverman Females Only
MARYLAND 4-Star Gymnasti(s (amp Milestone Terrace Williamsport, Maryland 21795 (301)223-6116 July 10-14 July 24-2B August 14-18 Nica Sutch
DeVeau's S(hool of Gymnasti(s Day (amp
USA Gymnasti(S Training (enters
In~y S(hool of Gymnasti(S Summer (amp '95
8108 Woodland Dr. Indianapolis, Indiano 46278 (317)872-5948 July 9-15 Ju)y 16-22
Scott'SClassic Gymnasti(s (amp 8642 B. Pardee Lone Sf. Louis, Missouri 63126-2226 (314)842-2620 June 12-16 Female July 10-14 Female August 7-11 Female August 9-11 Male
Irving Gymnasium Muncie, Indiona June 18-22 June 25-29 Day camps May-August Choreography comps May, June August and November (317)285-1221 Mary Roth Mole and female
7217 E. 87th Street Indianapolis, Indiano 46256 (317)849-7744 June 12-15 Fema)e June 16-17 Mole Nikki or Leslie
Blue Springs, Missouri 640131087 (8161229-7775 June 11 -16 June 18-23 ~.J+'. Elaine Rose ",,"1-"-; Females Only
MASSACHUSfITS P.o. Box 4088 Tequesta, Florida 33469 (407)743-8550 Camp to be held at the Mount Holyoke College S. Hadley, Massachuseffs August 13-18 August 20-25 Mole and Female
MISSOURI Dragon Gymnasti( (amp 1001 West JeHerson P.O. 80x 1087
. ."
Thompson A(a~emy of Gymnasti(S two locations: 1) 5885 149th St. W.#103 Apple Volley, Minnesota 55124 (612)431-6445 2) 5201 Eden Circle Edina, Minnesota 55436 (612)920-5342 1/2 day camp June 12-16 June 19-23 July 17-21 August 14-18 full day camp August 14-18 Gymkids Extra June 12-16 June 19-23 July 17-21 August 14-18
August 13-19 August 20-26 Maff McCann Females Only
NORTH CAROLINA Sandhills A(a~emy of Gymnastics P.O. Box 37B9 Pinehurst, North Carolina 28374 (910)295-0724 July 9-14 July 16-21 Mike Beaufait
OHIO Oak (reek Gymnasti(S Oak Creek Farm 4480 Beard Rood Sunbury, Ohio 43074 (614)524-4481 June 11 -16 June 18-23 June 25-30 July 9-14 July 16-21 Ju)y 23-28 Ju)y 30-August 4 August 6-11 Females Only
PfNNSYLVANIA Berks Gymnasti(s A(a~emy
NfWYORK Team USA Sports (amp 219 Old Mountain Rood Port Jervis, New York 12771 (914)856-8326 June 18-24 June 25-July 1 July 2-8 July 9-15 July 16-22 July 23-29 July 30-August 5 August 6-12
ORfGON Oregon State University Girl's Summer Camp Gill Coliseum Room 125 Oregon Stote University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 -4105 (503)737-2823 July 9-14 Dick Foxal or Jim Turpin Females Only National Academy of Artistic Gymnastics 869 Shelley Springfield, Oregon 97477 (503)744-2002
(amp Sierra Neva~a Gymnasti(S (amp 1995 Moiling address: 324 Del Oro Ave. Davis, California 95616 Actual camp: The Sierra Nevada Mountains Sugar Bowl Ski Resort (916)756-8126 July 23-July 28 July 29-August 3 Roy and Molly Goldbar Session One: female and rhythmic Session Twa: male and female
325 Morgantown Rood Reading, Pennsylvania 19611 (610)372-8454 July 2-7 July 9-14 Tom McCarthy
International Gymnasti(S Training (amp 1995 RR 8, Box 8002 Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360 (717)629-0244 June 18-24 June 25-July 1 Ju(y 2-8 July 9-15 July 16-22 July 23-29 July 30-August 5 August 6-12 August 13-19 August 20-26 Bruno Klaus Male and Female
International Sports Training (amp RR 3, Box 3611C Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360 MARCHI APRtL 1995
(717)620-CAMP July 30-August 5 August 6-12 Rhythmic Gymnastics
Knoxville, Tennessee 37921 (615)588-2105 July 9-14 Mole and Femole
WOOdWdrd Gymndstics Box 93 Route 45 Woodword, Pennsylvania 16BB2 (BI41349-5633 June 4-10 June 11-17 June 18-24 June 25-July 1 July 2-8 July 9-15 July 16-22 July 23-29 July 30-August 5 August 6-12 August 13-19 August 20-26 Mole and Female
SOUTH CAROLINA North Myrtle BedchGym. CompetitiveCdmp
Dun~ley's Gymndstics (dmp
Brown'sGymndstics 1995 Summer Camps Houston, Texas July 23-28 Call corporate ollice for information: (407)869-8744
TeXdSWomdn'sUniversityGirls' Gymndstics (dmp P.O. Box 22133 Denton, Texas 76204 (817)898-2384 June 18-23 Fronk Kudlac
UTAH 147 Harmon Building Provo, Utah 84602 (801 )378-4851 June 26-30 Becky Dibb Moles Only
BYU Girls' Gymndstics (dmp
5331 Western Ave.
July 17-21 Becky Dibb Females Only
523 Highway 17 North North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29582 (803)249-JUMP (5867) July 2-7 July 9-14 Louie liguori or Tommy Aronson Mole and Femole
KnoxvilleGymndstics Trdining Center
BYU Boys' Gymndstics (dmp
147 Horman Building Provo, Utah 84602 (801 )378-4851 July 10-14
201 Milo White Rd. Jericho, Vermont 05465 (802)899-3479 June 25-Augustl8 Mole and Female
... ..
CLUB Gymnastics pt.W'H·WAand here's what you'" get:
Lochwn (dmp for Girls
• Officia l R eeboklClub Gymnas tics T-Shirt. • Club Gymnastics Me mbership Card. This card entitles you to 10% off all Reebok/ USA Gymnastics apparel sold through the USA Gymnastics merchanclise deparbnent. • USA Gymnast ics M agazine. One year subscription to the offidal magazine of USA Gymnastics. • Club Gymnastics News. Get a fun, inside look at the world of gymnastics.
Box 1111 Post Mills, Vermont 05058 (800)235-6659 (802)333-4211 June 25-July 22 July 23-Augustl9 Rich or Ginny Maxson Females Only
~lJ;:t'7his-;der~;drecei : ' y~lub Gymnasti;;-em;;hip for the special in~O~
price of 519.% (51250 for Athlete Members). Make all checks payable to USA Gymnastics.
II I Address I I so, name of club: I Are you an Athlete Member? Yes No . .
Ld~e O wen GymndsticsCdmp
HC60 Box 60 Coble, Wisconsin 54821 (715)798-3785 June 4-10 June 11 -17 June 18-24 June 25-July 1 July 2-8 July 9-15 July 16-22 July 23-29 July 30-August 5 August 6-12 August 13-19 Mole and Female
Zi p
Are you currently a member of a gymnastics club? Yes
L:S~lZ~ ~
I I I I Cut this card out, and I USA Gymnastics Pan American Plaza 201 South Capitol Ave. I Date of Birth
mail to us : .
r:... ~ ~ ____ ~d~polis, ~~ %~D
TO CAMP OR NOT TO CAMP If camp is for everyone, then whot obout mykids?Thot's the question mony porents ponder os they orronge summer octivities for their children. While some po rents spend time on comp selection, mony others wonder how to tell when their children ore reolly reody for compoIf you're osking yourselfthe some question, you might benefit from the following odvice offered by psychologist, outhor ond former comp director Becco Cowon Johnson, Ph.D. "A child's previous sleep·over experience con be 0 deciding foctor," soys Dr. Johnson. "If they've done well in thot situotion, or if they've gone to nursery school or pre-school, chonces ore they'll do well in comp." For the veryyoung-oge six or under-doy comp con be on ideol woy to introduce children to compoAt doy camp, youngsters leorn to mix with others theiroge ond relote to onother type of odult supervision, then return home to fomily well before bedtime. And when is 0 child reody for overnight camp? Agoin Dr. Johnson points to sleepovers with friends ond relotives. "While 0 child's oge ond previous doy comp experience ore importont foctors," she soys, "successfully stoying overnight with others is probobly the most importont determinotion." While pointing out thot oge is not the definitive meosure, Dr. Johnson thinks most kids ore reody for overnight comp ot eight or nine yeors of oge. Porents should consider the child's sense of independence ond security. "Sometimes 0 seven-yeor-old is reody when 0 1O-yeor-old is not." To moke transitions to camp eosier, Dr. Johnson recommends fomilies visit beforehond, if possible, ond suggests porents tolk with kids obout whot they should expect. She thinks first·time compers might find the experience more comfortoble ond fun by going with 0 buddy or relotive. *Thonks to the American Comping Associotion for the informotion. MARCH I APRil
1 QQ .~
You'll flip over USA Gymnostics! This mogozine covers importont notionol ond internotional events leoding up to, ond including, the 1996 Olympic Gomes. Get to know the gymnosts through interviews, profiles ond competition results. USA Gymnostics gives comprehensive gymnostics coverage in six, full color issues for only $15.00. Foreign subscriptions $32.00. Don't miss whot USA Gymnostics hos to offer!
l rl: : : : e; :y sub::ption : : k- :::y~ order, or credit card information for six issues of USA Oytfln • • flc• .
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Pan Ameri(an Plaza, Suite 300, 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, tN 46225 ~
~v~u= ~~m
If you would like to ask Kim Zmeskal a question, write to USA Gymnastics, Chalk Talk, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.
Kim Zmeskal won three consecutive U.S. Championships titles, the World Championships title and contributed to the U.S.'s bronze medal in the team competition at the 1992 Olympic Games.
Dear Kim, I'm nine years old and a Level S. I'm 4'2" and almost the shortest person on my team. Some people make fun of me, what should I do? Ash Iey B1I rgess Walkertown, North Carolina
Dear Kim, I'm 11 years old and in the sixth grade. How did you feel when you quit gymnastics? It doesn't feel very good to me. I miss all of my friends and my coaches. I see and talk to them once in a while, but it's not the same. What should I do? Jessica Medeiros Hilmar, California
Dear Jessica, Once you are hooked on gymnastics, it is difficult to leave the sport. I understand that. Fortunately for me, during my break from competition, I was still going to the gym. Even though Iwas not under intense preparation, I had a great time working out while seeing my friends and coaches. If you miss participating in gymnostics, then maybe you should go back. Dear Kim, I' m a LevelS gymnast and can't completely finish a giant. I get to a certain point and can't go over. Am I doing something wrong? My coach says to visualize the giant. I've tried everything, what should I do? Nathan Beaty Auburn, Indiana
Dear Nathan, Being able to visualize your skills is important in making them successful. You need to know the first
though. Listen to your coaches' instructions. It might be helpful to first practice Hbaby" giants, in which you do a giant swing ending with a pullover. This will help you get accustomed to going over the bar. Dear Kim, I'm a Level 6 gymnast and I have to do a clear hip circle on bars. I have a good cast but when I get under the bars, I bend my arms and have trouble going straight into the kip. I bend my arms on vault, too. My mom says I have to strengthen my arms. What do you think? Lindsey Rosales Washingtonville, New York
Dear Lindsey, Yourmomiscorrect.Havinggoodstrength is skills with
sive amplitude and form. Balancing straight arm handstands should help, too. Dear Kim, I'm nine yea rs old and a LevelS gymnast. I have problems with cartwheels, back handsprings, and back walkovers on the beam. Are there drills that will help me? Jenny Daniels Bakersfield, California
Dear Jenny, For any skill on beam, the most useful drill is to try to make it as close to perfect on the floor as you can. As you progress to the low and high beams, imagine that there are walls on both sides of you that you can't touch. This is to help you think about making your cartwheels, walkovers, and handsprings go through the vertical.
Dear Ashley, Ihaven't found any miracle growth pills that work, so I suggest that you not take what others say about your height as insults. When I was 9 years old, I was only 3' 1O"! Besides, being vertically challenged makes you different, in a positive way. It can also be to your advantage in the gym.
Dear Kim, I' m 10 years old and a Level 6 at Fliptastics Gymnastics. I just got my grips in the mail and they feel so funny. Did your grips feel funny, too, when you first got them? Were you afraid to do different tricks? Jennifer Honeywtl Turlock, California
Dear Jennifer, Getting used to grips is definitely an adjustment. At first, Iwas abit apprehensive about doing giants with my grips. It takes a little time to get used to wearing them. Now, I can't imagine working bars without my dowel grips.
\Ne are the largest distributor of Reisport Grips in the \M)rld!
\Ne are the exclusive distributor of the Grip Rip Eliminator and the Ezy A-oBrace,
BLEYERD \Ne are the U.S, distributor for Bleyer Shoes - recognized \M)rldvvide for quality,
P.O. Box 1444 • Englewood, CO 80150-1444 • Toll Free 800-275-5999 • FAX 303-937-1 049
Host City: New Orleans, LA Congress Dates: Pre-Congress Sessions • August 16
Le Cafe Bromeliad features superb lunch buffets. Friday night is the Cajun seafood buffet and on Sunday, a Champagne jazz brunch.
Congress Sessions • August 17-19 Post Congress Sessions. August 20 Coca-Cola National Championships Dates. August 16--19
CONGRESS HOTEL The New Orleans Hilton Riverside and Towers Poydras at the Mississippi River New Orleans, LA 70140
Coaching Principles course will be conducted as a pre- and post-Congress session. The new preschool accreditation program will be introduced at the 1995 Congress.
This information will be announced later.
CONGRESS PRESENTATIONS The biggest and the best! Watch Technique for more specific information on the Congress schedule , presenters, and topics.
JUDGES TRAINING AND THE CODE OF POINTS Sessions will be conducted to assist both judges and coaches in understanding and applying the Code of Points. Explanatory and practice sessions will be offered.
CLUB BUSINESS Experts and entrepreneurs will be available to assist gym club owners in a wide range of business offerings. The focus will be on utilizing new techniques to make your business more efficient and profitable.
TECHNIQUE AND SPORT SCIENCE SESSIONS Informative sessions will be offered for coaches at all levels-beginner, intermediate, advanced, and elite.
PREsCHOOL/ DEVELOPMENTAL Once again , a full program will be offered in these important areas featuring outstanding movement education specialists.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The PDP program will be offered at all completed levels: PDP I and II. The ASEP
GrM •• mes
The French Garden Bar is located in the sunlit atrium amid lush greenery. Meet, unwind , catch the news on N while you enjoy the beverages and snacks. Open daily, 10 am-2 am.
Kabby's offers the freshest local seafood and a fantastic river view through the 200-foot glass wall. Every Sunday between 10 am2:30 pm, Kabby's presents a beautiful seafood brunch . It's a seafood lovers delightpirogues filled with boiled shrimp, chilled oysters on the half-shell and soft shell crabs piled high, Jambalaya , Seafood Newburg, Seafood Lasagna, omelets made to order and much more! Dinner is served 6--11 pm.
The Exhibit Hall will provide Congress participants with the opportunity to see the latest and the best in equipment, apparel, and services .
Kabby's Lounge is open Monday through Sunday lOam-midnight.
Horizons, one of the hottest new jazz clubs in New Orleans, is situated atop the Hilton overlooking the great Crescent City and the Mississippi River.
Congress attendees will be able to enjoy one of the most important competitions of the 1995 season-the Coca-Cola National Championships for men and women will be held in the New Orleans Superdome. Information on session times and ticket prices will be announced in a later issue of Technique.
Pete's is the showcase for the "The King of New Orleans Jazz, " Pete Fountain , where he performs five nights each week.
HOST HOTEL INFORMATION The New Orleans Hilton Riverside and Towers is in the perfect location, right on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River, in the center of scenic New Orleans. The Hilton is in the heart of the central business district, and only a short stroll away from some of the best jazz, food, shopping, and sight seeing that New Orleans has to offer. Visit the Riverwalk Marketplace, a dazzling array of shops and boutiques which shares the riverfront with the hotel, or catch a ride on the Paddlewheeler Creole Queen or the Riverboat Cajun Queen. Walk or ride the Riverfront Streetcar to the city's brand new Aquarium of the Americas. Just a few blocks away, of course , you can visit the historic and charming French Quarter which is brimming with things to do and see. You 'll never be far from the action.
The English Bar offers intimate atmosphere perfect for business or personal conversation. Street Car Desires, located just inside the front entrance , is the perfect spot to get a wide variety of cold drinks in "Go Cups" so you can stay cool as you walk around New Orleans.
EXERCISE YOUR OPTIONS The New Orleans Hilton offers one of the finest health and recreation facilities right under its own roof. The Hilton Rivercenter Racquet and Health Club features indoor and outdoor tennis courts, racquetball courts, and two squash courts. Or you can get your workout with a one-on-one basketball game, a session in the weight room , or laps around their jogging track. They also have Lifecycles, Stairmasters, and a rowing machine. Other features include saunas, whirlpools, steam rooms, complete locker facilities, daily exercise and aerobic classes, or you may enjoy a relaxing massage or a session in the tanning salon. MARCHI APRIL 1995
(Dates &Events Subject to Change or Cancellation)
MARCH 2&4 McDonald's American Cup (M/W) 9-22 Pan American Games (M/W/R) Int'l Mixed Pairs (M/W) 5 11 -12 Thiais (R) 18-19 Paris Bercy (M/W) 30-Apr 8 South African Cup (W)
Seattle, WA, USA Mar del Plata, ARG Seattle, WA, USA France Paris Bercy, FRA Durban & Pretoria, RSA
APRIL 1-2 6-9 8 8 11 -15 15 20-22 20-22 22-23 27-28 27-30
Hungarian International Camp (M/W) Jr/Sr International Team Training Camp (W) NCAA Regianal Meets (W) NCAA Regional Meets (M) USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (M/W) USA Gymnastics Nat'llnvitational Tournament (W) NCAA National Championships (W) NCAA Natianal Championships (M) Level 10 Regionals (W) VISA Challenge (M/W) Four Continents Championships (R)
Budapest, HUN TBA Various Sites Various Sites Denton, TX Cape Girardeau, MO Athens, GA Columbus, OH Various Sites Fairfax, VA Cairo, EGY
lO. Championships (R) Bulgaria Rhythmic Competition (R) lO. Nationals (M) lO. Nationals JR (W) Corbeil (R) Western Rhythmic Open (R) lO. Nationals SR (W) Eastern Rhythmic Open (R) China Cup (M/W) Golden Sands (M/W) China Cup (M/W)
Atlanta, GA Sofia, BUL Oakland, CA W. Palm Beach, FL Corbeil, FRA Downers Grove, IL lincoln, NE TBA Chengdu Sichuan ProvoCHN Varna, BUL Wuhun Hubei Prov., CHN
MAY 5-7 5-7 11-14 11-14 12-14 13-14 18-21 20-21 24-29 27-28 29-Jun 2
JUNE 9-11 9-11 10-14 17-18 24-27
USAG Rhythmic Nat'l Championships Elite Regionals (W) "Hopoel" Games (M/W/R) Budget Rent ACar Gym. Invitational (M/W) Junior Pacific Alliance Championships (M/W/R) (Pacific Ocean Sports Games)
Jacksonville, FL Various Sites Tel Aviv, ISR San Jose, CA Cali, COL
Elite Regionals (W) Special Olympics World Summer Games (M/W/R) National Elite Gymnastics Festival (W) 10th World Gymnaestrada (M/W/R) U.S. Olympic Festival (R) U.S. Olympic Festival (M/W) U.S. Classic Nationals (W)
Various Sites New Haven, a TBA Berlin, GER Colorado Springs, CO Denver, CO TBA
E. While level 5Tee wilh red design. F. Handsland walch wilh 1" while face, blue AS·Al515.95. design and (Ose, yellow band.~ SI 2.95. Following items not shown: G. 8' lighlweighl carpeled pine floor beom. 599.00 plus 517.50 shipping. H. Colorful assorted balloons wilh while gymnaslics emblem. 10/ 52.95. J. Red nylon gym bog wilh while slrops and while sunbursl design (see Fl. 10' x 18" 514.95. K.liny gold·plaled pewter, surgical steel pOSI earrings. Walkover on beam Q[ pike on bars. 59.95.
Call ~ fox 41S 424-8369 (messages 41S 424-0291) 90m-Spm PACIFIC TIME, M-F, or send in coupon. Questions? rry our email oddress.We·re Ctwhls@aol.com. We accept Check, Money Order, Visa, or MasterCard. Ask about discounts on orders over $200.00. Cartwheels, 928 Mears Court, Stanford, CA 9430S.
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JULY 1-2 1-9 7-8 9-15 20-23 20-30 *21 -23
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Manager of Special Events - Susan Baughman MARCHI APRIL 1995
C~ 918 Mears CI., Stanford, CA 94305
o Please send me your latest brochure.
CA resident, 8.25% tax
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D. WhUe At/onla, Here We (ome Tee with red, blue and block design. YM, YVAS-XL 515.95.
t Purple, plaid flannel boxers with whUe emblem on leg. YM, YVAS-XL 514.95.
Charge # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. Dote_ _ _ __ Signed,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ' Shipping on orders over $50.00 is $6.00.
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Directed by GEZA POZSAR - member of the Elite National Coaching Staff, assisted by Olympic Medalist & World Champion EMILIA EBERLE
All Events Training for the new JUNIOR ELITE TESTING. An opportunity to have your Optional Floor Routine personally designed & choreographed by GEZA POZSAR, choreographer of the '88 & '92 USA Olympic Teams nd 1994 Choreographer of The Year.
Pozsar's Summer Camp Sacramento, California June 19-23/ July 10-14
2709 EI Camino Avenue, #101 Sacramento, CA 95821 (916) 486-9880
• MARCHI APRil 1995
10 Big Colorful Issues for
Only $24 00 * (l-Year Subscription)
Subscribe now to International Gvmnast. The Perfect Gift
that any gymnast, coach or fan can open every day of the year. Published since 1956 and read in more than 70 countries, 'IG' is filled with breathtaking photography, engaging interviews, informative training tips from Olympic champions, giant color posters of your favorite stars, and much, much more! Anyone who likes gymnastics will love 'IG' . So, if you know someone who wants more gymnastics, surprise them today. Add a little color to their gymnastics routine.
International Gymnast. Box 2450. Oceanside. CA 92051
Enclosed Is payment for a I-year subscription to the name(s) below: 'US funds only; Canada & Mexico: $27. Canada add 7% GST. Olher foreign: F9. 1st issue mailed within 6-8 weeks of paymenl. Check or m.o. payable to International Gymnaat, Box 2450, Oceanllde, CA 92051. VISNMasterCard accepted. Include card name, number, expiration date, authorized signature. • 1st Gift
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t .' - .
by Ramonna Robln.on • photography by Dave Black
Imagine Spider Man and Popeye on still rings ... Charlie Brown and Charlie Chaplin on the floor exercise ... a motorcycle in the coliseum ... a cat
Sound like too much fun to be true? Well. it·s not! It"s the 1995 Reese·s International Gymnastics Cup at the Portland Memorial Coliseum in Portland. Ore.
The second year for this unique event proved to be great fun for athletes and spectators aUke. Competitors were judged on the categories of exercise presentation. execution and difficulty/combinations. Each category was worth three points each. In addition. up to one point in bonus pOi nts could be earned. fora total of 10.00. Adding to the fun. music could be used by both men and women on any event. but routines had a two-anda-half minute time limit . There was no vault or allaround competition for the men or women . Left and inset: John Roethlisberger
WOMEN'S UNEVEN BARS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Domin ique Moceanu Amanda Borden Oksana Chusovitlna Wendy Bruce Missy Marlowe
9.75 9.40 9.40 9.20 9.10
路tles were broken by bonus pOints. If bonus pOints were the same . the tie was not broken .
BALANCE BEAM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Svetlana Boguinskaia Oksana Chusovitina Domin ique Moceanu Wendy Bruce Missy Marlowe Tatiana Lisenko Jaycie Phelps
9.80 9.70 9.55 9.45 9.05 8.95 8.90
Nearly $50.000 in prize money was awarded to the top six places in each event. as follows: 1st place- $2.000 2nd place- $1.200 3rd place- $800 4th place- $550 5th place- $300 6th place- $150 Many different types Of costumes and music were used. ranging from cartoon characters to martial artists. Here's a look at what the winners did: John Roethlisberger won men's floor exercise dressed as the
Above: Jayde Phelps Left: Wendy Bru(e Right: Amanda Borden
(Reese's Cup
MEN'S FLOOR EXERCISE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 8.
John Roethlisberger Scott Keswick Paul O'Neill Valentin Mogullnl Vladimir Novlkov Vladimir Gogoladze Dmitri Bllozerchev Chris Waller
9.70 9.65 9.60 9.55 9.50 9.45 9.45 9.40
9.90 9.70 9 .60 9.30 9.20 9.10 9 .00
9 .70 9 .50 9.40 9.30 9.20 9.00 8 .70
9.75 9.65 9.60 9.50 9.25 9.10 9.00
9.70 9.60 9.50 9 .40 9.30 9.25 9.20
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Valentin Mogullnl Dmitri ~Ilozerchev Chris Waller Vladimir Novlkov Vladimir Gogoladze Scott Keswick John Roethllsberger
STILL RINGS Paul O'Neill Scott Keswick Chris Waller John Roethllsberger Dmitri Bilozerchev Vladimir Novlkov Valentin Mogullnl
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Valentin Mogullnl Scott Keswick Dmitri Bllozerchev Vladimir Novlkov Chris Waller Vladimir Gogoladze John Roethllsberger
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
John Roethllsberger Valentin Mogullnl Scott Keswick Chris Waller Vladimir Novlkov Dmitri Bilozerchev Vladimir Gogoladze
continued from page 23)
character In the movie The Mask. With hlsface painted green. he danced-and tumbled-with a partner. On the high bar. Roethllsberger also captured first place. this time as a mad scientist. Twotime World Championships Gold Medalist on pommel horse. Valentin Mogullnl. took first place on pommel horse wearing a long coat and hat from the old West. Mogullnl also won the parallel bars as a matador. 1994 World Championships Silver Medalist Paul O'Nelll won the still rings. his specialty. dressed as Spider Man . In the women's competition. Dominique Moceanu. dressed as a black cat. won the uneven bars. Svetlana Bogulnskala won the balance beam competition as she danced to Latin American music. On floor exercise. Amanda Borden captured first place as she be-bopped to her 1950's music wearinga poodle skirt.
Many fa c e s from the past showed up to compete at the 1995 Reese's International Gymnastics Cup, and in most cases, getting back into the gym to prepare for the competition did not require a very lo n g t ri p. (cont inlled page 25) 0 11
nastics. and the 1995 Reese's International Gymnastics Cup was her first competition since the 1992 Olympic Gomes. She moved to the U .S . in February of 1994 and lives in Houston.
Here"s what they are doing now: Dmitri Bilozerchev has 16 Olympic and World Championships medals to his nome . as well as a uniquestory . Hewasthe1983World Champion at age 15. but in 1985 Bilozerchev shattered his leg in 42 places in a cor occident and hod to learn to walk again . Despite that occident. he become the World Champion again in 1987. Now residing in Pensacola. Flo .. Bilozerchev owns a gym in which he teaches. The gym is named simply "Dmitri's Gym." You may have heard that Svetlana Boguinskaia is training aga i n . She trains at Karolyi Gym-
The first gymnast to ever perform a triple bock salto in the Olympics. Vladimir Gogoladze. is also living in the United States now. He lives in Crystal Lake. Ill .. and coaches at Crystal Lake Gymnastics Train ing Center. Missy Marlowe won almost every gold medal possible at the 1992 NC1>.A Notional Championships where she took first on bars. beam and floor. as well as in the all-around and team competitions. That was the lost meet in which she competed. that is until the 1995 Reese' s InternationalGymnastics Cup. Marlowe now owns the gym in which she coaches. She has owned and operated Masters' Sports Academy in Salt Lake City. Utah. since the summer of 1993. Six-time Olympic and World Championships Medalist Valentin Moguilni is also involved in coaching. He is married to 1981 World Champion Olga Bicherova. and they reside and coach just outside of Paris. France . Vladimir Novikovwas a member of two gold -medal World Championships Teams and the 1988 Gold-Medal Olympic Team. He moved to the U .S. in 1991 and currently lives in State College. Po. Novikov is the assistant men 's coach at Penn State University . He is engaged to be married in Sept. of 1995 . Far left: Vladimir Novikov Left: Missy Marlowe
~ _ _ _ _U _ 5A _G _YMNA5路"C .fm~
..._",~rnmic ............... an American Games Team. The trip to Mar del Plata. site of the gymnastics competition. will be a homecoming for
·:.Iessica and I know how important this competition is for the USA rogram and will be 100% epared for challenge ... to attend the competition and cheer me on:· said Tamara. ··Jessica and I know how important this competition is for the USA program and we
SENIOR RESULTS (2-day total; Day I=GD%. Day 2=40%1 Tamara Levinson Jessica Davis Caroline Hunt Tina Tharp Sara Sieber
Benny Goodman' s -Sing. Sing. Sing. - was virtually flawless and a great crowd pleaser. Coach Efrossina Anguelova and the athletesAliane Baquerot. Mandy James. Kate Nelson. Nicole Sengstock. Brandi Siegel. Challen Sievers. and Becky Turner have
JUNIOR RESULTS Natalie lacuesta 71.900 lauri Illy 71.050 Kelsi Kemper GG.740 Diana o.uirin G5.G80 Johanna Shoemaker G4.G30 Ellie Takahashi G2.470
TRIALS RESULTS (*Juniors who are age eligible for the Pan American Games competed Senior events for ranking in the Pan American Trialsl
Tamara Levinson Jessica Davis Natalie lacuesta Caroline Hunt lauri Illy Tina Tharp
73.710 73.520 71.840* 71.240 71.170* G8.880
The USA National Group Team presented an exhibition routine using five hoops at the Challenge. The perFormance. choreographed to an exciting version of
been training axtansively to pariaat tha USA antry into the Pan American Gamas. Congratulations to all athlatas on a succaSBful compatition and good luck to the athlates who will reprasent the Unltad Statas in various intarnational compatitions.
SUMMER CAMPS "5 WAVERLY HILLS. TEXAS Welcome to Karolyi's World Camps, home of several Olympic and World Champions. For beginner, advanced & competitive gymnasts. Girls & boys-minimum age: 6 years old.
*********************************** 7984-7988-7992
Bela /{arolt,Ji, coach of the USR OIt,Jmpic Team, invites t,Jou to be a part of an action-packed and fun-filled summer. He will help t,Jou to have a unique 9t,Jmnastics experience of a lifetime.
Camps will be personally directed by
JUNE 20-25 JUNE 27-JULY 2 JULY 4-9 JULY 11-16 JULY 18-23 JULY 25-30 AUGUST 1-6
Bela Karolyi.
coach of several Olympic and World Champions. PHONE: (713) 444-6595
* * * * * * * * Your Gymnastics Celebrities at the Camp Site * * * * * * *
Kim Zmeskal-World Chompion Svetlana Boginskaya-World & Olt,lmpic Chompion Dominique Moceanu-Us. Jr. Chompion
• Experience the best coaching in gymnastics at Karolyi 's. • Upgrade and learn new gymnastic skills with Bela Karolyi and his master staff. • Have a unique, fun outdoor experience: swimming, horseback riding, tennis, campfire activities, boating. • Work out daily at the beautiful Waverly Hills gymnastics complex along with your favorite gymnastic stars Kim Zmeskal, Svetlana Boginskaya and Dominique Moceanu.
*********************************** SPECIAL OFFER - Coaches with 10 students enrolled are invited free of charge ••• Coaches with 10 students enrolled to attend camp will receive housing, meals, recreational facilities and
BELA'S MASTER LECTURE PRESENTATION followed by question-answer session regarding your favorite topics.
(Onlt,J coaches with students enrolled can attend camp, €lite workouts and master lectures. With fewer than 70 students enrolleel, coaches attendence fee is $796.)
,--------------------.r- - ------------------.., I
• Tuition/session : $295.00 • Additional session: $275.00 • Enrollment is limited; call or write for your camp brochure. NOTE: OnlV cashier's che ck or mone v order will
be occepted for deposit and balance. Deposit: $75/ session (not refundable ). • High-qual ity, intensive gymnastics instruction in the brand new 25,OOO-sq.ft. gymnasium complex. • Exciting additional outdoor activities: horseback riding, swimming (Olympic-size pool) , tenn is, volleyball , basketball, campfire activi ties, boating and acro '---_b_un_g_e_e_ju_m_p_,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _------'
I INa me
I Address I City I ICamp Date ITUITION/SESSION: $295 Housing, meals, instruction, additional IactIVIties. Additional sessions: $275 each
SpeCi ~ f~
Phone PLEASE MAIL $75 registration fee to:
Karolyi's Gymnastics World Camps 17203 Bamwood, Houston. Tx.77090
w :, l~t:n~ Pho~:~13) 444·6595 _ _ _ J
According to 0 survey conducted by the Notionol Associotion for Collegiote Gymnostics Cooches/Women, below is 0 list of colleges thot hove women's gymnostics scholorships ovoiloble. This wos os of December 15, 1994. THREE OR MOlE S(IIOUISIIIPS IVIIUIlE FOR THE REMAIIIIIIG 1995·" SEASOII
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Olympic Champions Nadia Comaneci and Bart Conner have announced their engagement. Comaneci, the 1976 and 1980 Olympic Gold Medalist, accepted an engagement ring designed by Conner, the 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist, at the Amsteel International Hotel in Amsterdam. The couple were on their way to the 1994 World Championships in Dortmund, Germany and it was Nadia's 33rd birthday. No date has been set for the wedding.
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The Junior Notionol Teom Troining Comp wos held December 4- II, 1994, ot the U.S. Olympic Troining Center in Colorodo Springs. The camp included the 24 Junior Notionol Teom members who quolified to the teom from the Notionol ODP Evoluotions held in October plus seven cooching stoff members ond nine personol cooches. The focus of the comp wos preporotion for the upcoming competition seoson. The energy ond effort expended ot the comp wos phenomenol. All of the othletes orrived ot the comp heolthy ond reody to troin. The othletes' enthusiosm wos motched by the comp stoff ond cooches who put in long hours of preporotion, cooching ond professionol development eoch doy. In oddition to the regulor comp octivities of workouts, lectures ond discussions, teom porticiponts were exposed to other octivities ond leorning experiences. The Sports Medicine Deportment ot the Olympic Troining Center initioted 0 long term physicol study of the gymnosts (oges 12 to 15) to trock their physico Idevelopment in on effort to oide USA Gymnostics in proper progrom development ond injury prevention. All of the gymnosts olso received 0 nutritionol onolysis from Judy Nelson the USOTC Sports Nutritionist to help them develop heolthy eoting hobits. USA Gymnostics olso conducted the Notionol Cooches Workshop for Men during the lost three doys of the compo In oddition to the regulor octivities, the gymnosts were oble to heor lectures from some of the best cooches in the country concerning skills ond technique.
Sch••1 Jomes Mad""" Uni.. KenISIal. Uni.. 1.m Women', Uri..
C..... Roger Burke Brie. Biggin Fr.nk KucHoc
TWO SCHOWSIIIPS AVIIWlE FOI TIlE REMAIIIIIIG 1995·" SWOII SdoooI Coodo Univmily .1 Alabomo Soroh Pott...... Auburn Univ. B.wling Green llot. Univ. 01 Bridgeport Univ. •1ilUniorChkogo illinDilllole Un;'. HiMthern Illinois Univ. Univ. 01 MiIlouri I.ulh.osl Milloari lial. Uni•. 01 Rhod. IiIond Rulgers Univ. Son JOII Stote Univ. T.mpl. Univ.
Robert Dillard Dr. ChorIes Simpson lorraine Duffy Peter J"""", Jesus Vasques
twO S(IIOUISILIPS AVIIUIU fOI THE EARLY SlGIIIIIG DAn II SEASOII) SdoooI C..... Univ. 01 Alabama Iorah Poll......
Bobbie Cesorelc Jak. JOIobson Bil Hopkins CharM C"""'Y 0ryst0I ChoIet·Horton Jodc~ W.....
Ken Anderson
Mary Roth BcdIIIal. Univ. Univ. 01 Col~.·Bm.ley AllieMilchel Boise Slot. Un;,miIy 10m Iondmire Bowting Gr... llole Univ. Dr. ChorlesSimpson Univ. 01 IHAhieogo Patte Jonsson la_Madison Univ. Roger Burk. lau..... llot. Univ. 0·0 Pollock Univ.•1Mossachllltll> Dovid Klnaro Michigon Iiole Univ. Kathie KIoges Ohio \tot. Un;'. larry Col Univ. 01 PiIIIbtJrgh Debbie Yohman Univ.ol Rhode IsIond Charlie c"'' ' Y Univ. 01 Utah Greg MmlIIen Utah lial. Uni.. Ray Com Univ.oIWoshingt", BclbLemque Collett 01 WiIIiom , Mary Mary lewis
School C..... Arizono 11.1. Univ. Joltn Ipini B.II Slole Univ. Mary Roth B.ise Slote Univ. 10m Iondmire C.I 11.1. Univ. Fullerton Lynn logon Univ . •1Kenlucky Leah lillie louisi.n. Slol. Univ. 0·0 I'aIodt Cenlrol Michigon Univ. Jerry Reighard Wesl.rn Midiigan Univ. lrigille tole... Univ.•1New HII!IIp5hire GU Goocbpeed N.rth ..slern Un;". Holly Imbo Univ.•1PiHsburgh Debbie Yohman Cal 1101. Univ. lacrom.nl. Kim Hughes UI.h 11.le Univ. Ray Com ColI.g. 01 William & Mory Mary lewis THREE OR~OU S(flOUlSIIIPS AVIIWlE
Arilono lial. URi.. Univ.oIBridgeport CalltoteUniv. FuIert", Kent Ilot. Univ. Univ. 01 Michigon Univ. 01 Missouri Southeast Missowi Ilot. Univ.•1New Hompshic. Penn \tote Un;'. RutgeB Univ. Ion JO\I \tote Univ. Temple Univ. TOlOlWomen',Univ. Will rrginio Univ.
John Spini I.orroineD LymRogon Brice liggio Be. I'lodd lok. Jacobson Bil Hopkil1l Gaj Goodspeed Ileve \hephord Chrystal ChoiIet·Nort", JackleW..... Ken Anderson Fr",Uucloc Lindo Burdon.
0111 S(IIOUlSII" AVIIWU FOI TIlE uln SIGIIIIIG DAn 11'''.97 SWOII) 5doooI Coodo AuIun UnivmiIy Robert DiIIord
Univ. 01 IL-Chompoign Lyme CIano I.... Slotl Univ. JIIUI VCIIqUII IIo!Ihom IL Univ. Bobbie c-eIc Univ. 01 Kentudcy Leah lillie Central Midigan Univ. Jerry loig/IanI WI!Iern Michigon Univ. lrigille toIe.1a Univ.•1MinnIIoIa Jim SIephon!on FOR THE EARLY SIGIIIIIG DAn (1'''.97 Univ.01 N.t-Chapel Hil Derelc Galvin SEASON) Northeostom Univ. Holly Imbo School Coodo Ongon llote Univ. Jin Turpin University.1 Arizono _....;.;Jim;;;.G=-_ ouIt _ _ _~ UCLA ~_ _ _ _....;V =aIorie ;;;;·"' KOI1dm = _ _ ___'
NATASHA MATVEEVA CHOREOGRAPHER/COACH - SOVIET NATIONAL TEAM FUll-time staff appointment by the Soviet Central Sport Committee Worked with BOGUINSKAIA, GUTSU, KALiNINA, LYSEENKO, KOCHETKOVA and many others as Soviet Junior Team members 1987 - 1991
I will gladly travel to your gym and work with serious gymnasts of ALL LEVELS. My RATES are REASONABLE and I do my best to accommodate YOUR needs. REFERENCES (Soviet & American) furnished upon request. MARCHI APRIL 1995
Donielle, 8, troins ot Pork Avenue Gym ond is coached by Stu Greenberg. This year in level 4 she competed otthe USA Gymnastics State Meet in Clearwater, Flo., and coptured two silver medals on lIoor ond beam. She took fourth all-around ond her team earned first place. Donielle is a straight Astudent and on accomplished vocalist.
National Sports Training Complex, Beijing, China (We Are The
Camp Permitted to Use This Facility)
Work out with World Champions Mo Huilan, Li Xiaoshuang, and their teammates
* * * *
Derek, 9, is a Closs Vgymnast at The Gymnastics Academy. He won the title of 1994 All-Around Stote Champion in his division. He also received third place otthe Region 7 Championships. He'scoached by Paul Rogers and Rich Tobin.
Train in the Home Gym of China's Olympic Gymnastic Teams
Get Personal Instruction from China's Best Coaches VJ.P. Treatment for all Gymnasts Tour Beijing, the Capital of Imperial and Modern China, including the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and an exclusive tour of locales not open to the general public.
Open to Gymnasts of all ages and levels.
KIKI HOLMANN ACAMPO, CALIFORNIA Kiki is seven yeors old ond recently won the 011around in the 7-8 age group, level 5 USA Gymnastics California State Championships. She ploced first on lIoor, fourth on bars, fihh on beam and sixth on vault. She's coached by JoAnn ond Mike Fritz. She is now at lescisin Gymnastics training as a level 6-8.
Head Coach: Ming Ming Yang Former Head Coach, Chinese National Team
July 15 - July 27,1995 ONLY $2,495 Family, Team, and Group packages available. SPACE IS STRICTLY LIMITED! CALL NOW FOR A FREE INFORMATION PACKAGEI Registration Deadline May 15, 1995
SARA FONTAINE DUNSTABLE, MASSACHusms Sora, 9, is a level 5 gymnast at Walker's Gymnastics in lowell, Mo. She's coached by Reg Wolker, Eric and Tommy. In herfirst year of competition she won first ploce oll-oround at the Massachusetts State Meet with a 36.1. She also earned second on vault and beom and third on lIoor.
Contact: Wendi Deng, Camp Program Director
(818) 727-9222 Fax: 818-727-9587
Would you like to be included In the Faces in the Gym Section? Send a recent photo and a paragraph of information to: USA Gymnastics, Faces in the Gym, Pan American PlaIa, 201 S. CaRltol A e., Suo e 0, IndianaRolis, IN 46225. MARCHI APRIL 1995
OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA Kormyn, 9, IroinsolOynomo Gymnostics.She's slarling her second yeor in gymnaslits and recently became a Level 5 gymnast. AI Ihe Phillips 66 Invilotional (her firslLevel 5 meel besides an inlrasquod meet), she ploced firsl in every evenl ond firsl all·around.
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Call us today about the newest flexibility trainer and combination aerobic stepper. Unbelievable!
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A graphics art package for IBM or Mac. '~;:-:';r Over 49 images - great for promotion and creative lesson materials. $39.95
Sheila, 9, Irains al American Twislers Gymnas· lits in Pompano, Fla. She recenlly won firsl place all·around in Ihe Level 6 Slole Chompi· onships. Her oll·oround score wos37.45.
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Great for multiple stations or home use!
Save space all any cabled apparatus .
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Train that handstand!
13 Crosby Rd.
Dover, New Hampshire 03820 603-743-3001
Don·t Let Anlcle Pain Stop You •••
Nick, 12, is Ihe 1994 Level 5 AII·Around Slole Champion. He was olso Ihe 1992 and 1993 AII·Around Slale Champion. He look fourlh all·around allhe 1994 Regionals. He Irains al USA Gymnostics World in Woods Cross, Ulah, and is coached by Shan Lassig and Chris Leech. He mainlains a 3.65 GPA al MI. Jordan Middle School.
From Being Your Best
functions similar to many wrist supports. However, it cannot weaken the ankle since full range of , ankle motion can occur. It caus~d allows the gymnast to train longer and harder with less pain in his/her ankles and is particularly useful when learning new skills. If the gymnast needs to restrict ankle motion, the ankle is first taped and the NASSAR SYSTEM is then applied over the tape.
Can prevent ankle pain • • by tumbling, vaultIng and •• , dIsmountIng
The NASSAR SYSTEM is currently being used by levels 5-10 and elite gymnasts in each of the 50 states and in 5 continents. There is a 30 day money back guarantee. The gymnasts can try the support, see if they like it, and return it for a full refund if they feel it is not beneficial.
Michelle, 12, compeled in Level 6 in 1994. She Iroins 01 Brown's Cenlrol Gym in Altomonle Springs, Flo. She compeled ond won Ihe oll·oround in Ihree Level 6 meels in 1994, including Ihe Florido Slale Meel. Michelle would like 10 Ihonk Mike ond Victor for Iheir greol cooching.
It is recommended that two NASSAR SYSTEMS be purchased, one for each ankle. They can be cut to fit any size.
$15.00 per NASSAR SYSTEM Plus postage and handling (Mich. Residents add 4% sales tax) Postage and handling charges for 1-10 NASSAR SYSTEMS add $2.10 (U.S. currency only please)
Photos can be black and white or color. Sorry, photos cannot be returned. We'll select a few entries for publication In the magazine each Issue. Hurry your entry today. We're all waiting tome.and send ____________________________________ Y~ Q~ I
Contact us for information about the 33 % discount available for orders of' 1 or more Make checks payable to and mail to: ATHLETIC MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY, INC. 33951 Glouster Circle. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Phone: (313) 661-0423
FUKUOKACUP COMPETITION III DECEMBER 1S. 1994 1. Sveliono Chorkino 2. Lovinio Miiosovici 2. Gino Gogeon 4. Dominique Dowes 5. Riso Sugoworo 6. Mosumi Okowo
9.800 9.775 9.775 9.713 9.550 9.462
DECEMBER 11, 1994 ALL-AROUND 1. Gino Gogeon 2. Lovinio Milosovici 3. Sveliono Chorkino 4. Dino Kochelkovo 5. Riso Sugoworo 6. Dominique Dowes 7. Miho Hoshiguchi 8. Mosumi Okowo
39.337 39.312 39.212 38.612 38.337 38.300 38.012 37.012
1. Sveliono Chorkino 2. Dominique Dowes 2. Gino Gogeon 4. Dino Kochelkovo 4. Lovinio Miiosovici 4. Riso Sugoworo 7. Mosumi Okowo 1. Dominique Dowes 1. Gino Gogeon
3. Lovinio Miiosovici 4. Dino Kochelkovo 5. Sveliono Chorkino 6. Riso Sugoworo
9.875 9.825 9.825 9.800 9.800 9.800 9.250 9.850 9.850 9.775 9.750 9.700 9.550
By Connie Maloney
Although the Chunichi Cup fielded only eight female athletes, it definitely was not lacking in talent. Less than a month after the Team World Championships, USA, Romania, Russia and Japan went head-tohead with their best athletes. In the all-around competition, Romania's Gina Gogean and Lavinia Milosovici performed with confidence and consistency to take the gold and silver, respectively. USA's Dominique Dawes, from Hill's Angels in Gaithersburg, Md., had problems with both vault and bars, and despite stellar performances on beam and floor had to be content with sixth place. Awesome Dawesome, coached by Kelli Hill, came back strong for event finals, taking the gold medal on bars and beam and the silver medal on floor . The Fukuoka Cup was an individual event competition. Dawes and Gogean tied for the gold medal on beam, the silver medal on bars and the bronze on floor. Chorkina hit a beautiful bar routine to win the gold while Milosovici took the gold on floor .
1. Lovinio Miiosovici 2. Sveliono Chorkino 3. Dominique Dowes 3. Gino Gogeon 5. Riso Sugoworo 6. Mosumi Okowo
9.875 9.825 9.775 9.775 9.725 9.500
1. Sveliono Chorkino 1. Gino Gogeon 1. Lovinio Miiosovici 4. Dominique Dowes 5. Dino Kochelkovo 6. Riso Sugoworo 7. Miho Hoshiguchi 8. Mosumi Okowo 1. Dominique Dowes 2. Gino Gogeon 3. Dino Kochelkovo 3. Sveliono Chorkino 5. Lovinio Miiosovici 5. Riso Sugoworo 7. Miho Hoshiguchi 8. Mosumi Okowo 1. Dominique Dowes 2. Gino Gogeon 2. Lovinio Miiosovici 4. Dino Kochelkovo 5. Sveliono Chorkino 6. Mosumi Okowo 7. Riso Sugoworo 8. Miho Hoshiguchi
1. Lovinio Miiosovici 2. Dominique Dowes 2. Gino Gogeon 4. Riso Sugoworo 5. Dino Kochelkovo 6. Sveliono Chorkino 6. Miho Hoshiguchi 8. Mosumi Okowo
9.775 9.775 9.775 9.650 9.575 9.537 9.425 9.200 9.850 9.825 9.800 9.800 9.775 9.775 9.575 9.250 9.850 9.800 9.800 9.725 9.700 9.600 9.550 9.175 9.875 9.850 9.850 9.800 9.725 9.700 9.700 9.625
Left 10 righl: Japan's Masumi Okawa, Russia's Sveliana (horkina, Japan's Risa Sugawara, Russia's Dina Kochelkova, USA's Dominique Dawes, and Romania's Gina Gogean and Lavinia Milosovici.
Easy to Adjust • Easy Installation • Competively Priced • New 39 M.M. diameter round rails. (Meets the new USA Gymnastics rules & policy
Katie Teft, coached by John Geddert from Great Lakes Gynmastics in Lansing, Mich., won the bronze medal in the all-around at the Memorial Blume competition in Barcelona, Spain. She was up against some tough competitors.
and all FIG specifications) • Fast & easy long lasting cable tightner. • 100% nickle-chrome finish. • Spreader bar adjust to 1650 m.m. • State of the art piston design • 30 day unconditionally guaranteed
Teft earned a 9.612 on vault for her tucked Yurchenko one-and-a-half twist. She scored 9.70 on bars using her hop full to Gienger, giant full / Tkatchev, and double layout dismount . On beam Teft does a round off layout flip flop layout mount, punch front, wolf jump to flip flop handstand, roundofflayout, layout series and a double back dismount to score a 9.60. On floor Teft scored a 9.625 and did a great cat double wolf full turn for bonus.
• 2 year full warranty Compare Midwest Eagle uneven bars quality, performance, & cost. Proven performance at all of Indiana, Kentucky, USA State Meets & Region V Level 9 Regionals
Call 1-800-876-3194 to save money.
MIDWEST GYM SUPPLY, INC 2538 Michigan Road Madison, IN 47250
Linda Beran was the d elegation leader and judge for the USA.
STATE OF THE ART SPRING FLOOR SYSTEMS Proven performance in gymnastics programs across the U.S.A. Low maintenance. Increased longevity. Improved performance • Easy installation • competitively priced.
... 1. Cloudio Presecon 2. Dino Kochetkovo 3. Kotie TeN 4. Isobelle Severino 5. Monico Mortin 6. Elisobeth Volle 7. Oxono Fobrichnovo 8. Svetlono Torosevoch 9. Joono Juorez 10. Alexandra Morinescu 11 . Morielou Cusineau
Spring kits includes all attaching hardware.
Detailed instructions for easy installation.
Foam available in 1 3/8 and 2 inch.
Action back carpet 5 year wear warranty.
Border kits available .
Protective caps included.
9.787 9.687 9.612 9.725 9.737 9.712 9.737 9.612 9.387 9.100 9.412 8.900
The ablsolute best spring floor system
9.700 9.700 9.675 9.625 9.725 9.875 9.725 9.800 9.800 9.550 9.650
9.700 9.600 9.675 9.375 9.250 9.775 9.650 9.325 9.275 9.075 9.100
9.675 9.625 9.400 9.725 9.600 8.800 9.075 9.500 9.575 9.400 9.575
38.762 38.537 38.475 38.462 38.287 38.187 38.062 38.012 37.750 37.437 37.225
on the market regardless of cost.
Call 1-800-876-3194 for additional information.
MIDWEST GYM SUPPLY, INC 2538 Michigan Road Madison, IN 47250
USA MEN &. WOMEN WIN TEAM GOLD KELLEE DAVIS AND JOSH STEIN WIN ALL-AROUND GOLD USA DELEGATION: Women's Gymnasts: Kellee Davis, Soni Meduna, Summer Reid, and Marianna Webster. Coaches Rick Newman, Tim Rand, and Nancy Roach. Judge Cheryl Hamilton. Men's Gymnasts: Spencer Slaton, Josh Stein,Jay Thornton, and Blaine Wilson. Coach Peter Kormann and Judge Andrew Zembower.
WOMEN'S TEAM 1.USA 2. People's Rep. of (hino 3. Austrolio
112.500 111.450 110.883
WOMEN'S ALL-AROUND 1. Kellee Dovis 2. Ji liyo 3. Morionno Webster 4. Rebecco Stoyel 5. (hen Oioozhen 6. Summer Reid 7. (hen Yonchun 7. liso Moro 9. SolliWilis 10. Soni Meduno 11. Kirsty路lee 8rown
37.817 37.767 37.483 37.200 37.150 36.800 36.533 36.533 36.467 36.433 35.717
WOMEN'S INDIVIDUAL EVENTS 2. Kim Ji路Hye 3. Summer Reid
l.Ji liyo 2. Kellee Dovis 2. (hen Oioozhen 4. Summer Reid
9.462 9.275 9.225
9.550 9.475 9.400 9.375
9.650 9.625 9.625 9.575
1. Josh Stein 2. Nothon Kingston 3. Joy Thornton 4. Kip Simons
54.167 52.567 52.267 52.167
MEN'S INDIVIDUAL EVENTS FLOOR 1. lin (hien-(hio 2. liu Yu-Tsung 3. Josh Stein 6. Spencer Sioton
9.000 8.850 8.750 8.600
POMMEL HORSE 1. Nothon Kingston 2. Yong Kyung-Seok 3. Huong Boll-Rey 5. Joy Thornton 6. Josh Stein
9.250 9.050 9.000 8.750 8.650
STILL RINGS 1. Amornthrep Volsong 2. Kip Simons 3. Shoyne (ourtright 7. Josh Stein
9.600 9.350 8.950 8.650
9.100 9.075 9.050 8.875
VAULT 1. Spencer Sloyton 2. Mork Reod 3. Mork lister 6. Kip Simons
PARALLEL BARS 1. Amornthrep Volsong 2. Joy Thornton 3. Nothon Kingston 4. Josh Stein
9.550 9.050 8.950 8.900
HIGH BAR 1. Nothon Kingston 1. Doniel Grigson 3. Poul Koopmon
9.150 9.150 8.950
A. The top five gymnasts from the 1995 U.S. Championships in rank order, using optional all-around scores only from all divisions-compulsory and optional, optional only 19 and over, and optional only 18 and under will comprise the World University Games Team. The number six gymnast will be the traveling alternate and may replace a team member in the case of injury or illness (verified by a neutral doctor). B. Team members must meet published World University Games eligibility requirements. C. Declined spots will be filled rank order from number six
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for All 'lour C,'III1f1dB ticB
4679 HUGH HOWELL RD. TUCKER, GA 30084 1-800-241-9249· FAX: (404) 491-3026
using the optional all-around scores as outlined in A above, using qualified U.s. National Team Members. D. Ties will be broken by the highest individual event score. E. No petitions onto the team will be accepted. F. World University Team members must be prepared to leave immediately at the conclusion of the U.S. Championships for the World University Games in Japan. Departure will be from New Orleans, LA. II. Coaches Selection A. The head coach and assistant coach for the World University Games will be made by a vote of the personal team coaches of the World University Games athletes immediately following the conclusion of the 1995 U.s. Championships. The athlete is responsible for identifying his personal coach. B. Ties for either the head coach or assistant coach will be broken by a vote of the USA Gymnastics Men' s Technical Coord ina tor. C. The coach and assistant coach will be responsible for
determining the four competing athletes on each event and team lineup. D. Coaches for the World University Games team must be prepared to leave immediately at the conclusion of the U.S. Championships for the World University Games in Japan. Departure will be from New Orleans, LA.
Great Gymnastics Books Available! New book on Kim!
Read about the first American ever to win Worlds, her dramatic struggle during the 1992 Olympics, and now her fight to make a comeback. This biography incl udes a foreword by fG editor Dwight Normile, numerous action photos, and hundreds of quotes by Kim & Bela. Kim Zmeskal: Determination to Win is $9.95 + $2.00 shipping for the first, $1.00 each additional. Other books available through The Braciford Book Co: Feel No Fear by Bela Karolyi is only $17.95 (usually $22.95) + $3 .00 shipping, $1.50 each additional. A Healthy IO! by Karolyi's team physician, Dr. Jack Jensen , is $16.95 + $2.50 shipping, $1.00 each add'1. Olga Korbut: Olympic Gold! and Katarina Witt: Olympic Gold! (illustrated books for children age 7+) by Wayne Coffey are $14 .95 each +$2.50 shipping. International orders: double the shipping price. New Jersey residents: add 6% sales tax per book. Name~~___________________________ Street Address _______-;:;:--:-__-::;-:--_____ City State ____Zip _ _ __ # of Books______ Amount Enclosed Book Title(s)~--------~_;_---;::;-;:;:-;::;--;-:--- Mail Us. check or money order (no C.O.D.) to: The Bradford Book Company· P.O. Box 283 • East Hanover, NJ 07936 Allow 3-6 weeks delivery
American Athletic, Inc. has reached an agreement with the ommittee for the (ACOG), to
Olympic Games.
This marks the second time that American Athletic has been the gymnastics equipment supplier to the Olympic Games; the firs t being the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, Calif .
• • • •••• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • •
Ch ris and Cindy Waller had their first child, Alexandra Elise, on January 4, 1995. Alexandra weighed 6 pounds 9.6 ounces and was born at 8:18 p .m. Congratulations to the Wallers!
••••••••••••••••••••••• Mary Lou Retton won the Flo Hyman Award, presented on February 2, in Washington, D.C., during the Ninth Annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day. This honor has been given annually since 1987 to a female athlete who exemplifies the dignity, spirit and commitment to excellence of the late Flo Hyman, captain of the 1984 U.s. Olympic volleyball team who died of Marfan' s Syndrome in 1986. Senator Ted Stevens said, "Mary Lou' s hard work and commitment to ideals are an inspiration to women in every sport."
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H 1997 On January 10, 1995, at the NCAA Convention there as a landmark decision made by the NCAA Membership to continue the Men's Gymnastics Championships under legislation that was written to help all Olympic sports through 1997. A special thanks goes to Dick Aronson, Executive Director of the Na tional Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches for spearheading the political campaign, Roy Johnson, President of the NACGC for his leadership and education of the Review Committee, Bill Byne, Athletic Director at the University of Nebraska for sponsoring the legislation, and the additional members of the NCAA Review committee-Tim Daggett, Peter Kormann, Mike Milidonis, and Fred Turoff for their sacrifices and hard work on the committee. We would also like to thank Peter Vidmar for an outstanding presentation at the NCAA Convention. I also received many copies of letters that were sent to Cedric Dempsey and presidents and athletic directors of your local universities from parents, club owners, gymnasts, coaches and administrators. Your efforts made a big impact on the NCAA . You let the NCAA know that this was an issue that many people cared about-opportunities for student athletes. Thank you for taking the time to write . Just because there is a little breathing room, don't think that everyone will be sitting still. Over the next year Roy Johnson, Dick Aronson and other members of the review committee will be developing new legislation for Olympic sports, promoting the addition of new teams and working with the NCAA Championships office in developing outstanding competitions. MARCHI APRIL 1995
If you would like to continue to help, please attend any of the gymnastics competitions in your area and eSf?ecially the NCAA Championships at Ohio State University on ApIJiI20-22, 1995.
Again, ,ltanlcs for your, support.
BigiMullican Gov. William Weld louis A. Burkel Gov. Roy Romer David Gogel Pamela O'Sullivan Rick Dodson American Volleyball (ooches Association Morslali Jehnadre James l. Green Robert J. Kohut Andy Reames Sherry Vonriesen (ollegiate Swimming (ooches 01 Ameri" Michael Plour e David W.forister Ryan Madson Joson O'Heal Mike Birdsong US field Hockey (ooches Association Midwest Academy Arctic Gymnoslia (rt. Gail Davis Rochele Horless Bruce Seid US lacrosse (oaches Associalion Mno M. Healey Paul D. Pearlstein Bobbie (esorek Brion Spencer James nghe US Trock (ooches Association Myro D. Rosen Kennelh T. Kowonishi Tyler Thorburn Sodoo Hamada Steve Longe US Volleyball (ooches
Douglos Von Everen Peler Vidmor Ann Eginbrode Sieve Butener Patricio H. lin Mary nmme Bert Vegh Harvey Schiller Bob & (oral Spelic Elaine Hondo John fry lynn Johnson Borb Adorns Jeanne Benos Ann G. Danziger Jane R\ Hirschmann Rork Swanson Tony Ortriz Mike Strodo Richard Lapchick Wendy. McGr Ih Ellen ~cGovern_-:~_ Mary Iskeri~~aii""';:::::::::=~::=~Ko~th~~y'J-S~"nlon Jane Bells Dennis Deskovic Asya Klats Bob Dorden Roberto flares Daniel Kendig David Vanderiet Senator John Kerry Jonathon Troehler Evelyn M. Hittoli Lee Denham Mr. fron Godwin (loy (hapmon Done Hortman Borbora Storr R.J. Wolters Hancy R. Thrower Robert Helligan Greg Roilen Senator Sam Hunn Doug Borker fred TuroR Terry Greulich Harvey W. Schiller Don Ghormley Don Holsworth Berniee Holdman (orolyn (rouch R. Bortluo Edword Konopo Morion A. Dykes NGJA Don Osborn Irene Voiona Horman McKenzie Ms. Jane R. Hirchmonn Jonathon Kerr S"II Morrow Brenda Mcgnerney Or. (harles H. Martin Bill &Peggie Spies Schetello Lee Association Roger Baldwin U.S. Gymnostics Suppliers Nick Kotrichis Yoshi Hoyosoki Association Sandy Knopp David Greulich Judy Messerir Randy Pendergost Senator Ted Stevens (arl & Helga Olsson Porogon School (arol Vernon Nicholos Malone Evlyn Schmidl Mrs. Morga Roukin (roig Smith US WOlerpolo (oaches Joseph l. Gitch Helen Fry Associolion Robbie Howell NA(G( (Menl PiHsburgh Horthslars Tom Glielmih Julio Thompson Aretz Anchorage Gymnoslics Donna Lopiano Don Osborn Associolion (horloHe McHort Harry Bjerke Lancers Gymnoslia, LTD Harry Muniz Douglos W.Day GemGIY Gym. Adorn Benos Bruce Burns MoH Borber Paul D. Pearlstein HA(G( (Women I US Wreslling (ollegiole Paul Beckwith Kendall Hodle Association Sec.ol Ed. Richard Riley Ken Allen Riliz Kelselmuelr Or. LeRoy T. Walker Douglos A. Felkley Rick Johnson leandro Reilly MaHhew Troehler Spocla' '''all''. 'or tho .upporf 'rom 1994 COII.ro.. parflclpall'"
S L S Rick Benos nm Doggell Ken Hulchinson Gall (olegiole Associolion 01 America Ross Johnson Wally J. Borchordt Dole Bullivonl Juslin Lowry Jim Hisey Sleven T. Monson William (ross AmirErez Sean Sawyer Tom liogor Wendie Plourde Ronald J. Ganim Selh Wong flyers Gym A"d. POlrick Murnyack Yvonne ' Sam" Sondmoire Wall fowler Ms. Myro Rosen Mike Milidonis Donny Wood Yvonne Hodge (ynlhio MOHhews Enola "Babe" (assel Rob (ondelorio Kandoll Rainey (ongress/ Dennis Hoslert Douglos Siockton Richord Gishi (hrislopher Brown Robert C. Ross Ion Unlerreiner (ongress/ Dick Zimmer Paulo Stocklon linda Borcloy Gaye Waggoner John C. Rolh Jr. Gov. Benjamin Nelson (orey Devaric Mike Taloru Ernesla Vazquez Yelena Urosova Gov. Roy Romer Thamos Gibbs Jonolhon (onrad Julie Ashbrook Randall Roth Big Ten (onlerence Ivy League Palriol League NCAA Presidenls (ommission liaison (ommiHee Hew England (ollegiole (onlerenee Hotionol Association 01 (ollegiale Women Alhleles Adminislrolion
G YMNASTICS excessively or repeatedly abusive. USA Gymnastics recognizes that the process for training and motivating athletes will vary with each coach and each athlete, but it is nevertheless incumbent on everyone involved in the sport to support the development and use of motivational and training methods which avoid conduct which is, or is likely to be perceived as being, abusive. 4. Discriminate in the provision of resources or opportunities to any member or prospective member on the basis of race, sex, creed, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or mental or physical disability. 5. Attempt to intimidate, embarrass, or improperly influence any individual responsible for judging or administering a competition. 6. Engage in unethical or illegal business practices directed toward another member, including but not limited to the dissemination of false or misleading information about a member, the misappropriation of valuable property such as mailing lists, the imposition of onerous non-competition provisions in employment agreements or the initiation by a professional member of direct solicitations encouraging athlete members to relocate from the club of the professional member's most recent prior employer.
Introduction The mission of USA Gymnastics is to encourage participation and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of gymnastics. USA Gymnastics grants the privilege of membership to individuals and organizations committed to that mission. The privilege of membership may, therefore, be withdrawn by USA Gymnastics at any time where USA Gymnastics determines that a member's conduct is inconsistent with the mission of the organization or the best interest of the sport and those who participate in it. In order to assist all members to better serve the interests of those who participate in gymnastics, USA Gymnastics has adopted the Ethical Code which follows. This Code is not intended to establish aset ofrules that will, by inclusion or exclusion, prescribe the appropriate behavior for USA Gymnastics' members in every aspect of their participation in the sport. Rather, the Code oHers general principles to guide conduct, and the judicious appraisal of conduct, in situations that have ethical implications. This Code cannot further ethical conduct in the sport of gymnastics; that can only come from
the personal commitment of the participants in the sport to behave ethically. This Code is oHered instead to guide and to aHirm the will of all of USA Gymnastics' members to safeguard the best interests of the sport by acting ethically at all times.
II. Elements of the Code A. Participant Relationships MembersofUSA Gymnasticsarecharged with the responsibility for contributing to an environment which makes participation in the sport a positive and rewarding experience. In order to achieve that result, each professional member has a special obligation to make decisions based on the best interest of the athlete. It is inconsistent with this obligation for any member to: 1. Fail to follow the safety guidelines established by USA Gymnastics, or otherwise knowingly subject a participant to unreasonable physical or emotional risk. 2. Engage in unsportsmanlike conduct including, in particular, attempting to injure, disable or intentionally interfere with the preparation of a competitor. 3. Engage in conduct toward another participant in the sport which is
Bijl!3iJi:jj:(ol'." and receive INSIDE USA GYMNASrleS on a quarterly basis, featuring: o Competition reports ... • Athlete interviews • Product reveiws ,,'0,0$,0 • Coaching spotlights • Conditioning and training tips
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Participation Any USA Gymnastics activity or event should be open to any member properly qualified under the rules of that activity or event, and every member participating in a USA Gymnastics activity or event has an obligation to participate to the best of their abilities. It is inconsistent with this obligation for any member to: 1. Restrict the ability of a member to qualify for or participate in competition because of the member's association with a particular organization or individual or because of that member's race, sex, creed, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or mental or physical disability. 2. Participate as a judge, coach, athlete, or administrator in any activity where that judge, coach, or athlete is inadequately prepared, unable to participate, or fails to participate to the best of his or her ability. 3. Engage in behavior which is so disorderly or inappropriate as to interfere with the orderly conduct of the activity or other members' participation in, or enjoyment of, the activity. Loyalty Amember of USA Gymnastics has a duty of loyalty to the sport of gymnastics and the rules and regulations which govern it. It is inconsistent with this obligation for any member to: 1. Knowingly misrepresent the poli-
cies or actions of USA Gymnastics or its authorized representatives. 2. Fail to resort in the first instance to the established procedures for challenging a competitive result, contesting a team selection decision, complaining about the conduct of another member, or attempting to reverse a policy adopted by USA Gymnastics. 3. Breach the duty to maintain appropriately established confidences of USA Gymnastics or its members. D.
Communication Members of USA Gymnastics have aduty to communicate honestly and openly with the organization and its members. It is inconsistent with this obligation for any member to: 1. Misrepresent competitive achievements, profeSSional qualifications, education, experience, eligibility, criminal record, or aHiliations. 2. Withhold from athlete members information or resources likely to enhance the athletes' enjoyment of the sport or reduce their risk of injury or illness. 3. Fail to consult with or inform fully the athlete or the athlete's parents about opportunities made available to the athlete involving competitions, commercial activities, or recognition. 4. Misrepresent the nature or extent of an injury in order to decline an invitation to participate in or withdraw from a competition assignment, training camp or other similor activity. 5. Misrepresent the nature or extent of an injury in order to participate in (or cause an athlete to participate in) a competition, training camp, or other similar activity when such participation is inconsistent with the appropriate medical response to the injury. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Members of USA Gymnastics must ensure that the sport is conducted in on environment free of drug or alcohol abuse. It is inconsistent with this obligation for any member to: 1. Use or provide to a third party any drug proscribed by applicable federal, state, or municipal law. 2. Assist or condone any competing athlete's use of a drug banned by the International Olympic Committee, International Gymnastics Federation (FIG), United States Olympic Committee, USA Gymnastics, or National Collegiate Athletic Association, or, in the case of athlete members, to use such drugs or refuse to submit to properly conducted drug tests administered by one of those organizations. 3. Provide alcohol to, or condone the use of alcohol by, minors, abuse alcohol in the presence of athlete members or at USA Gymnastics' acMARCHI APRil 1995
~ GYMNASTICS tivities or, in the case of athlete members, consume alcoholic beverages while a minor. F.
or administrator to encourage sexual relations with on athlete. 3. Engage in sexual harassment by making unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where such conduct creates on intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Criminal Conduct Members of USA Gymnastics are expected to comply with all applicable criminal codes. This obligation is violated by any member who has been convicted of or has entered a plea of guilty or no contest to a criminal charge or indictment involving sexual misconduct, child abuse, or conduct that is a violation of a low specifically designed to protect minors, and, depending on the nature of the crime, may be violated by any member who has been convicted of or has entered a plea of guilty or no contest to any felony charge or indictment involving conduct other than that specifically described above.
Sexual Misconduct. Professional Members of USA Gymnastics must protect the integrity of the sport and the interests of the athletes they serve by avoiding sexual relationships with athletes except where the capacity and quality of the athlete's consent to enter that relationship is beyond question. II is inconsistent with this obligation for any member to: 1. Solicit or engage in sexual relations with any minor. 2. Engage in any behavior that utilizes the influence of a professional member's position as coach, judge,
Professional and Athletic Development Members of USA Gymnasticsshould strive to increase their level of proficiency and skill. To fulfill this obligation, professional members should: 1. Participate in continuing education programs like the safety certification and professional development programs mode available by USA Gymnastics. 2. Remain current on safety, health and training developments relevant to the sport and seek advice and counsel of colleagues and experts whenever such consultation is in the best interests of the athlete. Conflict of Interest Members of USA Gymnastics are responsible for avoiding both actual and perceived conflicts of interest in the conduct of business on behalf of the organization. It is inconsistent with this obligation for any member to: 1. Use, or be perceived as using, USA
Gymnastics' properties, services, opportunities, authority, or influence to gain private benefit. 2. Foil, as on employee, director, officer, or commillee member of USA Gymnostics, to complete on annual conflict of interest form, or foil to complete that form accurately. 3. Incur expenses in furtherance of USA Gymnastics' business which are unreasonable, unnecessary, or unsubstantiated. 4. Participate in the deliberation or decision moking process about any issue for which the member has a direct financial interest. III. Enfomment of Code Compliance with this Code depends primarily upon understanding and voluntary compliance, secondarily upon reinforcement by peers, and, when necessary, upon enforcementthrough disciplinary action. Any individual who believes that a member of USA Gymnastics has foiled to meet his or her obligations under this Code is, under all but the most egregious circumstances, encouraged to first address that concern directly to that member. If that action does not result in a satisfactory resolution, the individual may file a wrillen complaint with the President, program director, or other appropriate stoff member of USA Gymnastics. That complaint must be signed and muststate specifically the
nature of the alleged misconduct. Upon review of the complaint and, where oppropriate, additional discussions with the complainant and/ or member who is the subject of the complaint, the President may: 1. Determine that the complaint does not merit further action. 2. Counsel the member who is the subject of the complaint and record both the complaint and the nature of the counseling in the member's permanent record. 3. Refer the complaint, as appropriate, to the state or regional chairs/commillees or affiliated organization. 4. Process the complaint under the member misconduct or grievance procedures of USA Gymnastics' Bylaws. NOTE: This Code was approved by the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors at the December 1994 meeting in Indianapolis.
ANSWERS TO BABY PICTURES Who is he? John Roethlisberger and his sister Marie Who is she? Amanda Borden
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Josh Stein won the Pacific Alliance Championships and finished second allaround among those re-ranking at the Winter Cup Challenge. In 1993 he placed IGth all-around and in 1994 he moved up to I[]th all-around at the National Championships. His plans are to finish in the top five in 1995. USA Gymnastics had the opportunity to talk to Stein after the Winter Cup Challenge. USA Gymnastics: How did you get involved in gymnastics?
Stein: We lived in Boston before moving to Houston where I went to preschool. One of the teachers told my mom to put me in gymnastics because Iloved playing on the miniature gymnastics equipment at school. I ended up at the Gymnastics Factory in Houston for about five or six years. Kevin Mazeika was a great coach. He definitely helped me. During the years I was there I developed a lot of the skills that I'musing now. It established the foundation for me. USA Gymnastics: Tell us about your family.
Stein: I have a younger brother, Jeff, who is a freshman at Berkeley and is also on the gymnastics team. Ihave an older sister who is married and lives in Houston. My dad is a doctor-pathologist. My mom works at home. USA Gymnastics: Is your dad being a doctor the reason you would like to go into the profession?
Stein: It has a lotto do with why Iwont to be a doctor. I used to go to work with
him when Iwas younger. But, there is no pressure from my dod. I loved it from the beginning. For as long as Ican remember I've wanted to be a doctor. Iwont to go into orthopedics. USA Gymnastics: Tell us about your gymnastics. Recently you've been finishing competitions at the top of the ranks. Can you explain your success?
Stein: Two summers ago, when the 1996 compulsories were just starting to be the focus, we hod a real intense summer of training at Stanford. It was me, Jair (Lynch), and Jason (Cohen). We learned the campulsories that summer, I lost a lot of weight and really got into shape. Ialso made the senior development team for the first time. That reins pi red me. Since then, training has been a lot beHer and more efficient. Sadao (Hamada) has also helped me alot. He is atechnical coach. He's very concerned about the level of USA Gymnastics. He's not Willing to compromise easy, clean routines for difficult routines. He pushes for international level routines. USA Gymnastics: What are your goals in gymnastics?
Stein: The NCAA Championships is my next major competition, and Iwant to win. I'd also like to place in the top five at the Notional Championships this summer. USA Gymnastics: How about future goals in gymnastics? Stein: I'd like to make the 1995 World Championships team that will compete in Sabae, Japan. Next year at the Winter Cup Challenge I'd like to be in the top three or five. The Olympic Gomes is my major goal at this point. It would mean a lot to me. When Iwas younger that was always my goal. My friends all talked about playing baseball and basketball and Iwanted to make the OlympiC Team. It's a long-time dream.
'"Two summers ago. when the 199 G compulsories were just starting to be the focus. we had a real intense summer of training at Stanford. It was me. Jair (lynch). and Jason (Cohen). We learned the compulsories that summer. I lost a lot of weight and really got into shape. I also made the senior development team for the first time. That reinspired me. Since then. training has been a lot better and more efficient. Sadao (Hamada) has also helped me a lot. He is a technical coach. He路 s very concerned about the level of USA Gymnastics. He's not willing to compromise easy. clean routines for difficult routines. He pushes for intemationallevel routines." 1110 "lllInu '"" 0 1.If( Ilion
FOR SAlE CLASS CONTROL. Class Management and A/R software for PC's. Class Control tracks and reports classes, s[hedules, instructors, responsible parties, students, siblings, tuition and registration/ membership charges, retail and special charges, and payments. It handles prorations, discounts, transfers and drops, and includes multi-level security. You are guided through the process with easy to use menus and on-screen instruction and context sensitive on-line help. Class Control is professionally developed and sensibly priced at $400, including unlimited te[hnical support. Call or write Vaughn Softwore Services, P.O. Box 1086, Apex, NC 27502 (800)821-8516. Gym for sale; 6,000 sq. ft. facility. Peak enrollment 300 students,
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Mahoney Systems, P.O. Box 31421 , Charlolle, NC 28231 -1421, 704-552-7035. S.W. Florida!! GREAT OPPORTUNITY!! AFFORDABLE!! Own a successfulten year business with programs established for tots, recreational classes, and competitive teams. Fully equipped gym in rapidly growing area. Call Brenda, (813)574-7719 daytime until 3:00 p.m.
POSITION AVAIlABLE Position Available in beautiful Orlanda, FL. 15,000 sq. ft. gym. 120 gymnasts on team. Must have experience with upper level as well as compulsory team. Salary is negotiable based on experience. Brown's Gymnastics Metro, 4636 L.B. Mcleod Rd., Orlando, FI. 32811. Phone (407)246-1200. Fax (407)246-1586. Competitive Team Director and Coach levels 5-10 needed ASAP for a well established facility in Pocatello, Idaho. State Champions in '94 for gymnastics and two world champions in Trampoline and Tumbling as well as numerous other ex[ellent athletes. Ex[ellent opportunity to develop an Elite program while enjoying the numerous re[reational activities that Idaho has to offer. If interested please call (208)233-6008 or mail resume to 621 So. 1st St., Pocatello, ID 83201. GYMNASTICS INSTRUaOR. Co·ed summer camp. Beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire. Run program for 130 girls, new gymnastics building and equipment. Must have experience. Friendly campers and staff. Days off in Boston, Montreal. Maine Seacoast. June 18 to August 17. Camp Walt Whitman NE., P.O. Box 558, Armonk, NY 10504 or call 800-657-8282. FUll TIME BOYS COACH NEEDED. Seeking an enthusiastic and responsible coach with the ability to work with and develop optional level boys. Our well established 16 year old program is located in a fully equipped 12,000 square foot fa[ility in Northern California, forty-five minutes north of San Francisco. We are looking for someone com milled to take our boys program to a higher level. Salaried position includes medical and paid vacations. Send or FAX resume including salary requirements to: REDWOOD EMPIRE GYMNASTICS, 434 Payran Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 FAX 707-763-5542. Brown's Gymnastics seeking full-time and part-time experienced coaches for our recreational and team programs at Brown's Gymnasti[s of Houston and Brown's Gymnasti[s of Orlando. Brown's Gymnastics offers the largest and best equipped facilities in the USA. Administrative positions also available. Send resume to Brown's Gymnasti[s, 740 Orange Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Fl32714. Positions available for energetic, enthusiastic, motivated gymnastics professionals. Now accepting resumes for women's, men's, pres[hool. and director positions. located on the east coast of beautiful [entral Florida, well established and equipped business with multiple locations. Pay rate is negotiable depending on experience, position and responsibilities. Send resume and current photograph to South Brevard A[ademy of Gymnasti[s, 1771 Agora Circle SE, Palm Bay, Fl32909, allention Ri[k Charshafian. Phone (407)676-4429 or (407)259-0616 to s[hedule interview. GYMNASTICS COUNSELOR: Experien[ed, qualified coaches needed for CRAN ELAKE CAMP in the Berkshire Mts. of Mass. 2 1/2 hours from NYC or Boston. Wonderful program. New gym. Call or write Ed Ulanoff, 10 W. 66 Street, New York, NY 10023. 1-800-227-2660.
tics shows combined with dance. Opportunity to teach other athletits, arts, waterfront activities. Progrom's [ompulsory, optional skills promote development, measurable advancement, interest. Knowledge of USGF fundamental. optional skills; practical knowledge of [ompulsory levels; ability to demonstrate, spot; desire to teach [hildren. Sense of fun, substantial maturity, desire for personal growth essential. College sophomores & up; internships available. 6/ 19 -8/ 24. Non·smokers. Kippewa, Box 307, Westwood, Massa[husells 02090-0307; (617)762-8291 . IMMEDIATE OPENING: Experienced, responsible and enthusiastic coa[h needed for growing team levels 5·10. Choreography and Elite Compulsory knowledge a plus. Additional duties will include some level 1-5 and Recreational classes. Fully equipped 11 ,000 square foot facility located 30 miles north of NY city. Salary commensurate with experience and benefits available. FAX resume to Mary Anne (914)238-3568. World Cup Gymnasti[s (914)2384967, 170 Hunts lane, Chappaqua, NY 10514. "Get ready for the summer of your life" 8week girls summer camp located in beautiful Ookland, Maine. We are looking for enthusiastic self-motivated gymnastics loving instructors, largest indoor gym of any camp in Maine, outstanding modern fa[ilities. Director; minimum age 25 years, instructor applicants must be 19 years or older with teaching\coaching experience 06\13\95-08\16\95. Ex[ellent salary travel allowance, room\board. Conta[t Charlolle M[gregor\Mark Harrison 1-800-MATOAKA. Rapidly growing gymnastics facility seeks part-time and full-time instructors and coaches. 10,000 sq. ft. gym, 1200 plus students. Head Coach needed for team levels 4-8 girls and boys levels 5-6. Positions available immediately and for September 1995. Competitive salary and benefits available. Please contactlisselle Rios, 515 North Street, White Plains, New York 10605.914-949-6227 orfax resume 914-949-8903. FUll-TIME COACHING POSITION AVAILABLE to develop progressive "fun" training programs for recreational and competitive gymnasts; pres[hoolthrough Elite level. We ore seeking an energetic, enthusiastic, responsible, reliable and highly motivated individual who will [omplement our professional coaching staff. We believe in positive teaching methods and strong communication skills. A ground floor opportunity in a brand new 15,000 square foot facility that can offer a great future for the right candidate. Send resume, picture and salary requirements to: APRil'SAMERICAN GYMNASTICS CENTER, 109 Dragonfly Caurt, Orangeburg, SC 29115. BOYS TEAM COACH AND CLASS INSTRuaOR. located in beautiful western Massa[husellS, our 20 year old progrom is a well established and su[[essful gymnastics s[hool. We are looking for a new boys team coach and boys program director to begin September 95, Salary/benefits commensurote with experience. Send resume to Anne Vexler, Hampshire Gymnasti[s S[hool. 461 West St., Amherst, MA 01002. (413)256-6990. LOOKING FOR APLACE TO PROVE YOURSELF? Expanding program is looking for a highly motivated individual to add to our [ompetitive staff. Aworking knowledge of all [ompulsory and optional rules, plus the ability to tailor routines to the individual are a must. We want to produce top quality gymnasts and are looking for someone to join us. Pay, benefits, incentives and bonuses commensurate with abilities and desire. We want results, if that is what you want write us: G.T.C.O., 450 Conover, Franklin, OH 45005. Or call (513)746-2213.
50 Gymnasti[s Instructors/ Coachesneeded at prestigious children's summer [amps in New York, PA and New England. Top notch progroms, superior environments, meet wonderful people. Be available 6/ 18-8/ 18. Free room, board, food, travel. salary. All levels of gymnastics expertise needed. Management positions available for suitable candidates. Choose from over 35 camps. Call Arlene now! 1-800-443-6428; 516-433-8125.
HEAD INSTRUaOR/ COACH Massa[husells: Rapidly expanding gymnasti[s club seeks a motivated person for the position of Head Instru[tor/ Coach. Must be able to work with levels 1-10. This is a great opportunity for growth, with lots of responsibility and decision making. Also looking for Boys Program Director to start boys program and teach classes. Competitive salary and benefits based on experience. Call/send resume to: Marybeth Turner, Berkshire Gymnastics, 1400 East St., Pillsfield, MA 01201. 413-448-6141.
HIRING HEAD COACH, INSTRuaORS. lakeside Maine summer camp. live with, care for, teach girls age 7-16. Complete gym, Nissen equipment. Beginner students through advanced. Gymnas-
COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE SUMMER: Gymnasti[s instru[tors/ cabin counselors (19+) for outstanding girls' sports camp. Ex[ellent, large gymnastics facility. Camp Robindel (one mile from MAorH/APOl1
our brother camp) isolated on the LARGEST NEW ENGLAND LAKE (22 miles long) just belowthe White Mountains, 2hours North of Boston, I 1/2 hours from Maine coast. Beautiful location with 1500 lake front feet containing 700 foot natural sand beach. Must have warmth and love children. June 18-August 18. TRANSPORTATION PAID. Write: 1271 Mill Rd ., Meadowbrook, PA 19046. Phone: 800-325-3396. CHICAGO AREA GYMNASTICS CENTER looking for experienced FLOOR and BEAM coach/ choreographer. PT/FT. One position to start immediotely, one position to start summer/ fall 199 S. Salary commensurate with ability. Resumes or inquiries: BGC, 3660 W. Illth St., Chicogo, IL606SS. 312-881-7775 or 312-238·1412. Fax 312239·8944 attn.: U . BEAM/ FLOOR COACH - Fast growing club insunny Phoenixlooking for experienced Girls Team Coach. Levels S-Elite. Must have high level spotting skills, strong dance background, knowledge of proper technique plus compulsory and optional rules. Good motivator with positive attitude!! Send resume or call Flames Gymnastic Academy, 2740 W.Windrose Dr., Phoenix, AI 85029. 602-942-7662. Full time and part time positions available including Boys Head Coach/ Instructor, Girls Coach/ Instructor, Developmental/Recreationallnstructors. Opportunity for growth in one of New York's most comprehensive and enduring gymnastics schools, located 70 minutes from NYC in Orange County, N.Y. Must be positive, motivated, and energetic with strong spotting skills. Competitive salary based on experience. Please contact Joe Utow, Kennett School of Gymnastics, ISO West Main St., Goshen, N.Y. 10924. (914)294-9278. GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. Energetic, positive teachers for both full and part-time positions. Three locations in Northern Virginia. Several positions available. Special need for a male coach. Please send resume to Milan Stanovich, 5581 Guinea Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032. Call for more information 703-323-0088.
SEEKING EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT WANTED: Canadion gymnastics coach seeking a full time coaching position. 30 years coaching at various levels. My comfort coaching zone is working with pre-competitive/ competitive artistic women. Recreational trompoline, competitive acro-tumbling. Resume & letters of reference are available upon request. I can be reached at the following numbers& times: 1-403-668-5189 (home, before II am west coast time) 1-403-668-4236 (office between II am & 3 pm west coost time), 1-403-668-4794 (club, between 4 pm & 10 pm Mon. to Sat.), or FAX 1-403-667-4237. Coaching cert. NCCP Level 3 Theory & Tech. "Mosprofsport," a company from Moscow, Russia, is seeking a position in rhythmic gymnastics for Tamara Iubkova and daughter Anna Iubkova. Possible assignments include: rhythmic gymnastics coach, choreography for artistic gymnastics, yoga, medicol gymnastics (therapy). Anna isalso available for exhibitions and demonstrations. Contact Mosprofsport by FAX at (095)975.22.33. Eva Wosko, ballet master and gymnastics coach in Germany, is seeking employment in the U.S. asa coach of Rhythmic Gymnastics. Areas of specialty include donce, group ond individual choreography; extensive background in rhythmic gymnastics competition. Resume available upon request from USA Gymnastics. Reply directly to Eva Wosko, Sibyllastr. 32, 45136 Essen, Germany.
To place a classified ad: $75 every 90 words. Deadline: May I June-Mar 16; JulyI August-May 16. Send ad with payment to: USA Gymnastics, Classified Ads, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 ADS submitted WIO PAYMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
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995 The 1995 Winter Cup Challenge was held in Colorado Springs, Colo., January 27-28 at the U.S. Olympic Training Center. The Winter Cup Challenge served as are-ranking competition for the USA National Team. It also determined funding for 15 athletes through the 1996 Olympic Trials. There were two divisions competing at the Winter Cup Challenge, Team '96 and Team 2000. Team '96 did compulsories and optionals. This group is training for the 1996 Olympic Games. Team 2000 did optionals only since they are training for the 2000 Olympics.
Above: MiIIai Bagiu pictured at 1994 World Cllampionships B.low: Rob KieHer pictured at 1994 Budget R••t ACar Invitational
The 1994 World Championships Team consisting of Mihai Bagiu, Casey Bryan, Scott Keswick, Steve McCain, John Roethisberger, Bill Roth and Kip Simons did not have to compete in the Winter Cup Challenge.These seven athletes were automatically placed on Team '96. Ten additional spots were up for grabs at the event in the Team '96 division. Team 2000 was split into two age groups. Seven members ages 19 and under and five members ages 20 and over made the team.
# ... Schaal - Joha loethtl5berger ~
AA HB VT PB PH SR FX 9.300 9.050 9.250 9.350 9.300 B.700 54.950 9.450 9.100 9.250 9.100 9.300 8.300 54.500
••• Mihai Bagiu
&aid Cup
9.050 8.700
8.900 9.550
8.900 8.050
9.525 8.900
9.050 9.150
1. Chainey Umphrey
9.150 9.100
8.150 9.000
8.950 9.650
9.300 8.700
9.300 9.300
2. Josh Stein
8.650 9.300
8.650 9.250
9.250 8.850
9.350 9.150
8.900 9.150
3. Chris Woller
Gold Cup
8.550 8.700
8.950 8.900
8.950 9.050
9.500 8.500
9.100 9.350
4. Rob Kieffe r
Gold Cup
8.800 9.200
8.100 9.000
9.300 9.250
9.300 8.800
9.100 8.600
5. 8rian Vee
9.300 8.850
8.850 9.350
8.700 8.800
9.550 9.450
8.800 8.700
6. Richard Groce
9.200 8.500
7.950 8.SSO
8.750 9.050
9.450 9.450
8.700 9.200
7. Joy Thornton
8.850 9.200
8.350 8.500
8.100 8.700
9.400 1.950
8.450 1.100
8. John Mocreody
8.750 8.600
8.750 8.650
9.300 8.500
9.100 8.950
9.100 9.100
9. Garry Denk
8.850 8.150
8.200 8.150
9.300 8.800
9.300 8.700
8.450 8.600
10. Keith Wiley
9.100 9.500
8.000 8.150
8.700 7.950
9.350 9.100
8.200 9.000
"'Winter Cup Chollenge champion Roethlisherger ond runner·up 80giu competed for score only. Since they were members of the 1994 World Championships Teom they didn't hove to requolily for the Team '96 division.
Below lelt: John Roethlisber pictured at 1994 World Championships Below right: Josh Stein pictured at 1994 COla-Cola National Championships
109.540 54.975 53.200 108.530 8.750 53.600 9.400 55.150 108.4.40 8.850 53.650 9.300 55.000 108.380 9.200 54.250 9.200 53.700 10 .OBO 8.450 53.050 9.200 54.050 10&.900 8.150 53.350 8.400 53.550 lo6.B6o 9.000 53.050 8.100 52.850 105.940 8.450 52.300 9.100 53.250 105.3&0 7.750 52.750 8.650 52.450 105.2&0 8.650 52.750 9.050 51.450 104.460 8.750 52.100 8.100 51.800 103.960
9.550 8.850
Sian lord Col. Temple Iowa
B.700 B.300 B.650 B.900
9.300 B.700 B.300 7.550
B.250 B.750 9.050 B.900
1 9 AND UNDER DIVISION Mike Morgan Doggell's 9.200 B.300 9.300 Lavallee Doggell's 9.200 B.150 9.000 Col. B.900 8.600 7.750 Temple B.800 7.800 8.750 8.850 8.600 8.500 8.500 8.250 7.950 8.600 7.200 9.150
9.350 B.550 B.750 B.950
B.150 B.450
(OPTIONALS ON B.BOO B.300 9.200 B.650 8.850 8.550 8.900 8.550 8.700
the guys. It felt like Olympic Trials all over again but I wasn't as prepared." "Also, I made a decision prior to the meet that If I didn't place in the top five I would retire from the sport. reasonwas because the
By Luan Pâ&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘z.k
Chainey Umphrey and Chris Waller have been missing from national competition rosters for a while due to illness and injury, but both are back in action and in peak condition! Umphrey had to withdraw from the 1994 Nation Championships due to an ner ear infection, which set his balance. "The Winter Cup was my first tion since August Umphrey. "I howldid.1t petition being tude. It was Umphrey cOInpeted WinterCup with all new routines. "After I recovered from my inner ear infecMARCH/APRIL 1995
Waller had another on his achilles in June and was forced out of tionaICh,ampiG~nslhlps.
''Now I'm pretty said Waller. "I'm on to perfect health."
I. First pair off with a fairly equal portner in size and strength. Start by lying with your stomach flat on the ground with arms extended. Use something slippery under the feet which will help slide on carpel. (carpet squares, ethafoaml. Have your portner lift up by the mid-chest area, while being lifted push down with straight arms and hollow body. The portner should lift as linle as possible. Once in the push-up (hollow body straight armslland softly flat on the ground with hands by the hips. Continue this down a 40' distance. then switch partners.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .0· .1...... _ ••, I....... _ thl........ __1_. Y•• wi •• fl...... y ••r ......IO! ........ ca••• _ . . . . . . ._ ......Iv•••
'fly to .........1. . . . . . . . .rt . . . . . . . with OHi••r •• ......... ..... year ...rt.•• AIw~ • ."•• ho. . . . . . . . ..
2. Once the partner has finished their turn then travel backwards (feet leading I hands by the hips. The portner will then grab the shoulders and lift. Sliding the athlete backwards. (maintaining hollow body and straight armsl. Repeat the some as the first exercise but going in reverse direction .
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