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GYMNASTICS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• 6
BODY BALANCE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 GYMNASTICS UPDATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 YOU'VE COME A LONG WAY BABY ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 EVENT SCHEDULE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 CHALK TALK •••••...•....•••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30
1996 Olympic Gold Medalist Amanda Borden signs a few autographs at a National Gymnastics Foundation reception in Anaheim, (aliI., during the Reese's International Gymnastics (up.
SELECTION PROCEDURES ••••••••.••••••••••••....•.•...•..•••••.•• 31 FACES IN THE GYM ••••••••.••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 REEBOK® COACHING CORNER •..••..••..•.••.•••..•.••••••.••• 34 COLLEGIATE CORNER •••••.••••••••.•••••••.••••••••••••••••.••••••. 36 CLASSIFlEDS •.•••••••••••......•...•.••..•..........••.•..•••...•..••••••• 42
REESE'S INTERNATIONAL GYMNASTICS CUP ....... . ... ... 2 1 The teams of Amy Chow/Shannon Miller and Chainey Umphrey /Chris Waller won the fourth annual Reese's International Gymnastics Cup in Anaheim, Calif., Jan. 25.
RHYTHMIC CHALLENGE .. ...... 26 Natalie Lacuesta won the 1997 Rhythmic Challenge, her first senior national all-around title. The event was held in Downers Grove, Ill., Feb. 7-8.
...... 8 Steve McCain won the 1997 Winter Cup Challenge. Olympian John Macready took second followed by Olympian John Roethlisberger and Jay Thornton who tied for third.
SUMMER CAMPS ...... 13
GYMFEST .. .. .. .. . ......... . .... . .... . .. .. . . . . 2 8 The fourth annual National Gymfest was held in AnaheiI , Calif., Dec. 6-8. Twenty-seven clubs from all over the United States turned out. Even a club from Slovenia madethe trip to participate.
USA Gymnastics polled some of its national team members to find out what they thought of summer gymnastics camp. Read their comments, Opll1lOnS, and suggestions . Also, check out the summer camp directory on page 13. Le": The senior group from Oregon Academy performs an exhibition routine during the 1997 Rhythmic (hallenge.
II ' ,
• I I ' ,
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USA GYMNASTICSIISSN 0748·6006I1USI'S 0005-666);' published bimonlhly far 515 po< yeo! in Ihe U.S., 532 po< yem in (onoda ar Mexico, ond 545 po< yeo! in 01 other (ounlries. USA GYMNASTICS is published by USA Gymnoslia, Pun Amerilon Plaza, 201 5. Capitol Ave., Suit. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225, (317) 237-5050. P"iodKol pos1ogo paid oIlndi0nap05s, IN 46204. POSTMASTER: lend oddr... mangos 10 USA GYMNASTICS, 201 S. Capitol A••., Suit. 300, lodanopoIis, IN 46225. USA Gymnast.. is Ihe sole nalianol governing body far th. spor1 of gyl11lHl5lia. Anol·for·profit orgon~alion, USA Gymnoslin soled!, koi.. ond odministers the U.S. Gyl11lHl5lia Team, induding th. U.S. Olympic GymnaslilS Team. (onkibuli... ond support or. olways wok.... and are lax·dedudible. © 1997 USA Gymnosoo. AU righh reserved. Prinled by SporIGroph", Int., Indionapolis, IN, USA..
publisher Kathy Scanlan Editor Luan Peszek Designer Julie T. Jones Men's Program Director Ron Galimore Women's Program Director Kathy Kelly Rhythmic Program Director Nora Campbell Education and Safety Director Steve Whitlock USA Gymnastics Board 01 Directors Chair: Sandy Knapp; President: Kathy Scanlan; President Emeritus: Mike Donahu e; Constituent Members: Amateur Ath letic Union: Mike Stanner; American Soko l Organization: Jerry Milan; American Turners: Betty Heppner; College Gymnastics Association~M: Roy Johnson; National Associa ti on of Coll egiate Gymnastics Coaches for Women: Gail Da vis; Nationa l Association for Girls and Women in Sport: Mari ly n Stra wbridge; Nationa l Association of Women's Gymnastics Judges: Yvonne Hod ge; Na tional Collegiate Athl etic Association: Chris Voelz, Tom Dunn; Nationa l Federation of State High School Associations: Susan True; National Gymnastics Judges Associati on: John Scheer; National High School Gymnastics Coaches Association: John Brinkworth; U.S. Associa ti on of Independent Gym Clubs: Lance Crowley; U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Men's Gymnast ics: Mark WiUiams; U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Women's Gymnastics: Gary Anderson, Roe Kreutzer; U.S. Men's Gymnastics Coaches Association: Marc Yancey; U.S. Rhythmic Gymnastics Coaches Association: Suzie DiTullio; Young Men's Christian Association of the USA: Rick Dodson; USA Gymnastics National Membership Directors: Men's: Ray Cura, Jim Holt; Rhythmic: Tamara Dasso, Alia Svirsky; Women's: Linda Chencinski, David Holcomb; Athlete Directors: Tanya Service Chaplin, chair; Chris \Naller, vice chair; Kristen Kenoyer \,yoodland, sec; Michelle DusserreFarrell, USOC athlete representati ve; Wendy Hilliard , Va nessa Vander Plu ym, Peter Vidmar, Conrad VOOr5<1nger, Kin) Zmeskal; Associate Members: Jewish Community Centers: Lori Katz; Special Olympics, Inc.: Ka te Faber-Hickie; USA Trampoline & Tumbling: Wayne Downing; U.S. Competitive Sports Aerobics Federati on: Howard Schwartz; U.S. Sports Acrobatics Federation: Bonnie Da vidson.
USA Gymnastics Executive Committee Chair: Sandy Knapp; Special Advisor to the Cha irman of th e Board: Roe Kre utzer; President: Kathy Scanlan; Secretary: Mike Milidonis; Vice Chair Men: Tim Dagge tt; Vice Chair Rhythmic: Candace Feinberg; Vice Chair Women: Joan Moore Gnat; FIG Executive Committee Member: Jay Ashmore; FIG Men's Technical Committee: George Beckstead; FIG Rhythmic Technical Committee: Andrea Schmid-Shapiro; FIG Women's Technical Committee: Jackie Fie; At Large Members: Jim Hartung, Susan True; Athlete Directors: Tanya Service C ha plin, Wendy HiUia rd, Peter Vidma r; USOC Ath lete Representative: Michelle Dusserre-Farrell; President Emeritus: Mike Donahue. Unless ex pressly id entified to the contrary, all articles, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibi lity thereof.
By Kathy Scanlan President of USA
• It
or those of you who have worried about collegiate gymnastics programs slipping away, we have good news which I hope will help to offset the bad news you will see later in this magazine about the loss of men's gymnastics at Syracuse University! The NCAA convention adopted legislation on January 14, 1997, which protects Championships in Olympic sports. The USOC Board of Directors adopted a Conference Grant program on February 16, 1997, which will provide funding to stabilize Olympic sports in the NCAA. Prior to the recent action of the NCAA, a sport had to have a minimum of 40 schools participating to have an NCAA Championships. For men's gymnastics, which is currently at 28 NCAA schools, each year's Men's Gymnastics Championships has been conducted under the auspices of special legislation passed by the NCAA Convention. This has made it extraordinarily difficult to encourage colleges that do not have men's gymnastics programs to begin one since at any time the Championships could have been dropped. With the new legislation, the Championships is guaranteed . The College Gymnastics Association , in coordination with USA Gymnastics, worked very hard to secure approval of this legislation . I spoke at the convention as did a representative of the College Football Coaches Association, demonstrating the breadth of support for this legislation. At the USOC Board meeting the Conference Grant program, which will provide $2 million per year for the restoration of Olympic sports at NCAA Conferences, was passed unanimously. Now it is up to us to submit grants for consideration. We hope to secure a grant by the fall of this year.
The relationship between the NCAA and USA Gymnastics is important for our sport. Five of the seven members of the men's 1996 Olympic Team had NCAA experience. Head Coach Peter Kormann coaches at Ohio State. At the time they won the Gold Medal, four of the seven members of the women's 1996 Gold Medal Team planned to retain their eligibility for NCAA competition. Many top women's coaches, including Shannon Miller's coaches Steve Nunno and Peggy Liddick, participated as athletes in NCAA programs The NCAA has two positions on the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors. The College Gymnastics Association-Men and the National Association of Collegiate Coaches-Women, have an additional two positions on the Board. These groups work closely with USA Gymnastics' NCAA liaisons, Dick Aronson, Sandy Thielz and Kathy Feldmann to encourage and support the NCAA gymnastics programs. Passage of these new initiatives by the USOC and the NCAA lays the groundwork for renewed effort by USA Gymnastics to encourage colleges to begin men's and women's gymnastics programs. Most importantly, passage of these critical programs by the NCAA and the USOC means that boys involved in gymnastics can be assured there will be an NCAA program for them and athletes participating in men's and women's gymnastics should know we are doing everything we can to expand the number of college programs available to them.
• II
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1996 Olympians John Macready and John Roethlisberger, who concluded a 55 city tour in February, took second and tied for third, respectively. Macready, who is from Los Angeles but now trains at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colo., scored a 53.00.
More than 80 senior gymnasts from across the country were vying ~ for one of the 14 spots on the Men's ~ U.S. National Team at the 1997 ~ Winter Cup Challenge in Battle ~ Creek, Mich., February 14-15. ~ There were two preliminary ; rounds of competition on Feb. 14, ~ and the top 30 competitors advanced to the final round of competition on Feb. 15. Steve McCain, 23, from Houston, Texas, but now training at UCLA, took the title with a score of 53.250. McCain said, "After last night I wanted to do well. I had a discouraging preliminary competition. I told myself don't play games in your head, just show it off. It's an exciting rebirth of gymnastics for me. Every day is exciting. My next competition is the Visa American Cup and I want to get on the scene and prove myself."
52.750 and tied for third with Jay Thornton. Roethlisberger said, "Considering John IMacready) and I have been in 55 cities in the last six months, I feel we both did better than we could have expected. It's time for me to get back into the gym, get mean and nasty and train to make the World Championships team." Thornton is from Augusta, Ga., and also trains at the U.S. Olympic Training Center. He said, "I was real happy with tonight. I'll be going back into the gym, working to increase my difficulty for the U.S. Championships and to make the World Championships team." Mike Dutka, from Fairless Hills, Pa., but now training at Penn State University, led the competition during the preliminary round, but
Progr nt. Director Ron Galimore said, HI was very pleased with the athletes' performances at the Winter Cup Challenge. It was great to see and Macready competing 50 wei, when they haven't had a lot of opportunity to train the new Code of Points. It was also nice to see McCain, Thornton, Dutka, Denk, Gatson and the others do 50 well. It's also excitinl seeing a new guy like Trent Wells ma e the national team for the first time and others like Sanjuan Jones, Kenneth Sykes, Aaron Cotter and David Kruse move up to the senior ranks. The lop 14 men from the Winter Cup Chal:;,e make the Men's Senior Nationa Team a will compete both nationally and internationally fOr the U.S.
8.800 8.600 8.850 9.200 8.600 3. 8.700 9.050 8.600 9.100 5. 8.550 9.050 7.600 9.050 6. 8.400 8.800 8.500 8.550 7. Jason Gatson, USOTC 8.200 7.950 8.200 9.050 7. Keith Wiley, Stanford 8.850 8.600 7.900 8.950 9. Mark Booth, Stanford 8.750 7.850 8.050 8.850 10. Trent Wells, Cal-Berkeley 8.100 8.600 7.550 8.700 11 . Sanjuan Jones, Gym Force 8.250 8.450 8.500 8.650 12. Kenneth Sykes, Temple 8.350 8.400 7.650 8.750 13. Aaron Cotter, USOTC 7.600 8.850 8.050 8.550 14. David Kruse, Cal-Berkeley 8.600 8.000 8.100 7.900 15. Kendall Schiess, New Mexico 7.750 9.500 7.500 8.250 16. Chris Young, Carolina Twist. 7.800 8.600 7.150 8.800 17. Todd Strada, Iowa 8.000 8.700 7.650 8.550 18. Ethan Sterk, Mich. State 8.300 8.350 7.600 8.300 19. Joseph Roemer, Penn State 8.350 6.600 8.300 8.600 20. Tim \.cjshua, Penn State 8.100 7.600 8.200 8.900 21. Ron Roeder, Penn State 8.000 7.600 7.950 8.400 22. Jeff Lavallee, Univ. Of Mass. 8.350 7.250 7.600 8.900 23. Jean Marc Michel, Penn State 7.250 7.900 8.050 8.950 23. Izy MIay, Top Flight 7.050 7.500 7.800 8.700 25. Rob Rimpini, Brigham Young 7.900 8.350 8.100 8.050 26. Lateef Crowder, New Mexico 8.150 7.200 8.400 9.200 27. Anthony Petrocelli, Iowa 8.650 7.100 6.400 8.750 28. Guard Young, Brigham Young 7.950 7.400 8.200 8.600 29. Chris Hart, Brigham Young 7.750 7.650 6.550 8.700 30. Scott Mccall, William & Mary 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 The top fourleen men comprise the Senior Men~ National Team.
8.800 8.850 8.800 9.000 9.100 8.450 9.250 8.300 8.850 9.050 8.250 8.150 7.600 8.950 8.200 8.100 8.200 8.350 8.350 7.750 8.500 7.900 7.800 8.350 7.600 8.000 8.350 7.650 7.750 5.650
9.100 9.100
8.600 8.600 8.900 8.300 8.800 9.1 00 8.100 8.250 8.750 7.850 8.000 8.550 8.000 7.850 8.100 8.100 8.650 8.000 6.800 8.200 7.250 7.800 0.000
51.200 50.950 50.900 50.400 50.100 49.750 49.650
48.300 48.100 48.050 48.050 48.000 47.750 47.450 47.050 46.200 5.650
Gymnastics Awards Book Make sure you are eating enough food and that you are eating frequently. Don't go any longer than 3-4 hours without eating, If there aren't any snacks being provided, make sure ~ to remind the coaches By Michelle and stoff how \ , '''~;' Dusserre-Farrell, ~ -# important eating M.B.s., R.D. 1984 Olympic Silver Medalist ~I& frequently is for . • ......... JI"!"" athletes, and bring s s ummer · .... • approac h es, • .. . ita your own more and more ~ snacks to practice.
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young gymnasts WIll be packing their bags, say- ,' " /: . '6 .. v itamin s and ing good-bye to mom nunerals as well and dad and heading off to sum- . . "• mer gynu1as hcs camp. Gymnas~ as carbohydra tes . and fiber. tics camp can offer a young athYour training at camp may include lete the great experience of learning gymnastics from some of the country's best several extra hours in the gym as well as other non-gymnastics activities. The coaches. Gymnastics camp is also an opportUluty for gymn asts to make new bottom line is that yo u w ill be burning friends and learn how to live on their own. much more energy at camp than you do Camp is w here athletes take responsibility while you're at h ome. Make sure you are eating enough food and that you are eatto care for themselves by eating the right foods and getting enough rest. All the ing frequently. Don' t go any longer than meals are usually provided at camps, but 3-4 hours without eating . If there aren' t athletes may need to make some of their any snacks being provided, make sure to own decisions w hen it comes to creating a remind the coaches and staff how imporhealthy nutritional balance. tant eating frequentl y is for athletes, and bring your own sn acks to practice. It's a good idea to plan on taking Drinking water is also very important. snacks with you to camp. Some camps Make sure you are drinking at least 8 oz may have rules against having sn acks in (1 cup) of water every 15-20 minutes durcabins, so you may want to check with ing training and camp activities. the camp ahead of time. Some camps There will probably be several oppormay store your snacks in a special place tunities to eat candy and sugary foods to prevent outdoor creatures from helpwhile at camp. Wlule eating those foods ing themselves. Pre-packaged snacks are occasionally is all right, eating them as the best choice, since they may be less snacks and on a frequent basis isn't ideal attractive to critters. This would include for the athlete in training. Chocolate is low-fat granola bars, raisins, juice boxes, usually high in fat and calories. Foods bagel chips, and single servings of dry with a high amount of su gar can cause cereal, to name a few. the body's endocrine system to alter Athletes who are seasoned veterans of blood sugal~ making it too low, which summ er gymnastics camp can get to know will make you feel very tired and out of the weekly menu like their floor routine. energy for training. For some campers, the food may become a Summer camp, fo r many athletes, is a little boring. If you feel like tlus is happenplace w here some of the best memories of ing, try to focus on increasing your fruits gymnastics and cluldhood are created . and vegetables. It's best to get at least five It's a great place to meet n ew friends and servings of fruits and/ or vegetables a day. to advan ce your gymn as tics to new Remember, one serving is equal to a mediheights. Remember to eat high-carbohyum-sized piece of fru it, 1/2cup of cooked d rate foods, drink plenty of water, and vegetables or one cup of raw vegetables. get enough rest, as these are all important Fruits and veggies always taste great in in m akin g camp a wonderful and prothe summertime, and it's a great way to ductive experience. meet your daily needs of many different MARCH / APRllI997
, •
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Brown's Gymnastics of Houston offers the largest gymnastics training center in the USA with 52,000 square feet of brand new equipment for men and women. The facility is fully airconditioned and offers 15 Uneven Bars, 38 Beams, 4 Floor Exercise Areas, Multiple Tumble Tracks & Trampolines and 7 Vaults. Our Camp Staff consists of National & International Renown Coaches. Rooms accommodate six gymnasts and meals will provide a wide variety of choices for gymnasts.
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UMMERCAM the best and worst going to summer camp?
Have you ever wondered if the top National Team gymnasts ever went to summer gymnastics camp? Well, many of them did. We asked them to tell us all about their summer camp experiences and here's what we found.
STRUG from Thcson, Ariz. and attending UClA, said, "The best is meeting new friends and having The worst part is the food." MIKE CANALES from Rochester, N.Y., but now training at Ohio State University said, "I think the best part is training with different coaches and experiencing different coaching styles. Also hanging out with other gymnasts, meeting new people, exchanging ideas, and spaceballl The worst part is having to go homel" EIJSE RAY from Columbia, Md and Hill's Angels, said, '1 like trying new things, getting other coaches opinions, and meeting new people, I don't like leaving family or being homesick."
ANDY THORNTON from Augusta, Ga., and Hayden's Inter-national Gymnastics Academy said, "I like camp because you have different freedoms than at home. The thing 1don't like is the food." JENNIE THOMPSON from Wichita Falls, Texas, but now training in Oklahoma City, Okla., at Dynamos, said, "The best part is meeting all the different people. The worst part is the bugs." LIRIEL IDGA from Los Angeles, Calif., and California Academy of Rhythmic Gymnastics, said, ''The best part is trying new elements and being ~1Xlsed to other styles and techniques. The worst part is going to camp at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs because my rope goes insane and I have trouble breathing because of the high altitude."
from Greenfield, Ind, but now training at Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy, said, ''The best part of camp is being in a facility built around learning new skills. The worst part is missing my waterbed."
MARY BETH ARNOLD from Sparks, Nev., and Gymnastics Nevada, said, "Seeing all of my friends in a slumber party setting." (Btsl and Worsl continued next pagel
11 years old
12 years old
10 years old
GARRYDENK 8 years old
8 years old
11 years old
I @
SKILLS LEARNED OR TRIED AT CAMP KRlSTE STUCKY: "I tried a quad twist on dIe trampoline. " ALEXSANDRA CHERNENKO: "Dancing 10 Lion King." GAlL KACHURA: "I think I tried a double back at canlp." ~
i I
LIRIEL HIGA: "Lots of basic handling skills Widl dIe appru路auls. " RYAN ROBERTS: "A double front on pru'allel bars." JENNIE THOMPSO : "The first time r went to camp at age 7, I tIied a full-in ." JAY THORNTOI : "I first learned my Yurchenko vault at Woodward." CARRI AGLE: "I leamed a janl 011
(lest . . Worst continued from page 131
PAUL AND MORGAN HAMM from i!! Waukesha, Wis., and Swiss 'llirners, said, ''We like getting to @ see all of our friends from the ~ national team. We hate waking up ~ in the morning." ROBIN PHELPS from Cincinnati Gymnastics said, "TIle best part is being widl old friends and meeting new ones, trying lIew skills, and trying different activities like bungee jumping, horseback tiding and rock climbing. The worst parts are noisy roonunates and not getting enough sleep." GUARD YO G from Oklahoma City, Okla., but now training at Bligham Young University, said, "The best part is being with other top gynUlasts :U1d coaches. The worst part is living in the dorms." GAlL KACHURA from Centreville Va., :U1d Capil<lI Gymnastics Train~ ing Center, said, "I like being with friends and not being with so many parents, but, I also miss being away from home."
as our most memorable moment at ca p? MIKE CANALES said, "Getting to dance WiUI the girl I liked at the IGC camp when I was 11 years old." (At What Age conlinued from page 131
JASONGATSON 9 years old
bars at canlp when layout on floor into a pit wid] a spot." I was little." JASO GAISO : JAYCIE PHELPS: "I ttied a layout "I leamed a hop full-out 011 floor full on bru'S." into the pil." KERRI STRUG: PAULHAMM: "I leru'ned mrulY "I did a layoLlt new skills at camp Yamawaki." like a giant, double ANDY THORNTO : back flyaway, Tsuk "Lots of tticks such vault, full-in on as a layout Tsuk floor, seties on full on vault, a beam -flip flop, layout double layout." double off high ELISE RAY: "For tlle bru', and two Tkatchevs in a first time I tried a row on high bar." double
KERR! STRUG, "Skit night and learning new skills." COREY BURCH said, ''Working out with Jim Hartung." ANDY THORNTON said, "A redhaired muscle man flew off the pommel horse toward me, looked me in the eye, and said 'Are vou going?' It was Vitaly Sch~rbo." .
SHANNON MIllER from Edmond Okla., and Dynamo Gymnastics: said, "My most memorable moment was Utrowing pies at Ule coaches faces at Karolyi's GynUlastiCS camp." MONICA FIAMMER from Spring, Texas, and North West Allstar said "Winning the award fo; th~ youngest and most improved gymnast. I was only 5 and I still have that trophy in my bedroom." GARRY DENK from Northbrook, rn., but now training at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, said, ''Flight Night was the most memorable prut of camp for me. The campers would watch a scary movie, walk through the woods to a campfire and tell scary stoties." AMANDA BORDEN from Cincinnati , Ohio, and Cincinnati GymnastiCS, said, "Skit night was dIe most memOJ'able part of camp for me."
MARY BETH ARNOLD 7 yeru'S old CARRI NAGLE 9 years old
JAYCIE PHELPS, "Amanda (Borden) and I got to see Ed Isabelle's dog have puppies at Woodward Camp. They were adorable and it was amazing." ROBIN PHELPS, "The first time I caught a Tkatchev between the bars :U1d then another time I flipped Yurchenkos." GUARD YOUNG, "Playing cards in my room with Jarrod Hanks, Mike Racanelli, Chris Waller, ruld Scott Keswick. " MINA KIM from OklaiJoma City, Okla., and DynanlO GynUlastiCS, said, "Going up the mountain to do dIe zip line when it started thundering. We all had to get down on the ground quickly. It was really scary. But we did get to do the zip line the neA1 day." JAY THORNTO from Augusta, Ga., and currently training at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Sptings, said, "Poking my tooth through my lip after hitting my chin on the high bar. I was doing a Gienger."
GUARD YOUNG 15 years old
RYAN ROBERTS 9 yeru's old
MEAGHAN MULLER 8yeru's old
GAlL KACHURA 10 yeru's old
KRISTEN STUCKY 10 years old
MONICA FLAMMER 5 years old
JAYCIE PHELPS 11 yeru's old
ROBIN PtillLPS 8 yeru's old
LIRIEL mGA 13 years old
flashlight towelslsheets/pillow water bottle sleeping bag
waIkman portable 1V stuffed animals cards postcards/envelopes and stamps picture of family camera bookslmagazine
TOILETRY ITEMS chapstick deodorant cologne/perfume soap cosmetics medicine comblbrush toothbrush! toothpaste shampoo/crean! rinse sun screen
JAY THORt'ITON 15 yeru's old
MINA KIM 12 yeru's old
back off high bar into the pit. 1 didn't quite make it but the effort was there and it was fun to try."
ELLIE TAKAHASm 12 years old
ELISE RAY 8 years old
MIKE CANALES: "I tried a triple
ALEXSANDRA CHERt'ffiNKO 13 years old 7 years old
snacks money calling card girlfriend's/boyfriend's phone number bug spray
MOST IMPORTANT good attitude!
I Join me for nine exciting days of training at the world famous
MOSCOW OLYMPIC CENTER. Work with Olympic Center staff and gymnasts, and experience 'Moscow from the inside'. Live and train in the facility that made so much gymnastics history. Daily practice sessions with lots of feedback will give you a fresh perspective and renewed energy. Fascinating Russian cultural outings in the afternoons/evenings .
Gymnasts / Coaches - work directly with your Russian counterparts. Learn new methods and make new friends! Team Parents - we can arrange additional sight-seeing and shopping opportunities to match your interests!
I travel the U.S. helping coaches and gymnasts get the results they're after - at ALL levels
1987-1991SO VlET NA TlONAL TEAM CHOREOGRAPHER COACH I've helped train some of the world's best, and I enjoy working with all gymnasts who train hard and are dedicated to their goals .
"Natasha is the most professional , enthusiastic choreographer we've ever had the pleasure to work with. Judges and coaches throughout Texas have complemented us on the quality of Natasha's routines. Her dance clinics combine fle xibility, physical conditioning and gymnastics in addition to dance basics. Her clinics immediately improved our gymnasts' body lines, posture and overall body-awareness. We strongly suggest that any gymnast or coach who is serious about quality gymnastics contact Natasha and take advantage of her knowledge and enthusiasm for our sport." Ron and Cindy Bartusiak -- SUNBEL T. TX "Nobody works harder than Natasha. She gives 100% to each and every gymnast, and has helped our girls and boys teams in many ways. Natasha really loves her work , and so do we!" Jenny Cox & John McDonald -- DYNAMO, OH "Natash a's routines totally fit each individual gymnast. She understands each girl's strengths and personality, and designs each routine for maximum results. We're very, very happy we found her!" Jen & Tony Fatta -- PRESTIGE, PA
INSTRUCTOR For nine years I taught theory-and-methods to aspiring Russian coaches and choreographers . I teach the techn ical aspects that help gymnasts better understand their own movement.
CAMP IN TeXAS! r Camp experience and
(617) 762-8291 June 28-Aug. 23 June 28-July 26 July 27-Aug. 23 W
MARYLAND (1029359) July 27-Aug. 2 Camp Xtreme At Mingus Springs Aug. 3-9 15821 N. 79th St., Suite 3 W Scottsdale, AZ 85260 FLORIDA (602)596-3543 Brown's Metro Summer Craig Kealy Camp '97 July 27-August 2 4636 L.B. Mcleod Rd. August 3-9 Orlando, FL 32811 W (407) 246-1200 Summer Sizzle June 29-July 4 15821 N. 79th St., Suite 3 Contact: Joan Scottsdale, AZ 85260 M&W (602)596-3543 Sun Country Craig Keaty Gymnastics Training June 9-13 Center W 4010 NW 27th Lane Gainesvile, FL 32606 CALIFORNIA (352)378-8711 Broadway Gymnastic June 29-July 3 School, Inc. Summer Contact: Nelena Beck Day Camp M&W Srulla Monica, CA (310)450-0012 IOWA (310)450-6412 Carroll Gymnastics June, July, August '97 Academy M&W SUlllmer Camp '97 China Gymnastics 527 E. Bluff SlUnmer Camp Carroll, IA 51401 9700 Topanga Canyon (712)792-4999 Blvd. June 17-21 (W) Chatsworth, CA 91311 ./uly 12-13 (818)727-9222 (MIW tumbling only) Fax: (818)727-9587 July 18-20 Contact: John or Guang (MIW cheerleading only) NorCal Gymnastics The University of Iowa Camp Women's Gynmastics Santa Cruz Mountains Summer Camp Northem California North GymlFieldhouse Dolly FelL" Iowa City, IA 52242 (510)234-5764 (319)335-9257 Kim Hughes fa.x (319) 335-9333 (916)363-6432 June 22-26 August 3-8 Diane Demarco M&W W
4-star Gymnastics Milestone Terrace Williamsport, MD 21795 (301)223-6116 July 21-25 Aug. 11-15 Nica Sutch W
MASSACHUSETTS Third Annual Super Camps sites in Region 6 & 7 available after March 10 June 18-25 July 8-15 Kathy FeldmruUl (617)784-5830 USAGTC Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, MA Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4088 Tequesta, FL 33469 (561)743-8550 Aug. 10-15 Aug. 17-22 M&W
MICHIGAN Central Michigan University SlUnmer Sports Camps Rose 120, Central Michigan University MI. Pleasant, Ml 48859 (800)CMU-4-FUN July 20-24 (W) July 27-31 (M &W)
Hamline University Gymnastics Camp 1536 Hewitt Ave. SI. Paul, MN 55104 (612)641-2383 June 16-20 Contact: Patty Stotzheim W
Pikes Peak Gymnastics Camp Colorado Gymnastics Institute P.O. Box 714 Palmer Lake, CO 80133 (800) 796-7363
Kippewa For Girls Monmouth, Maine Contact: Marty, Syh~a orJon 60 Mill SI., Box 307 Westwood, MA 02090-0307
Academy of Artistic Gymnastics SI. Peters - Howell Rd. SI. Peters, MO 63376 (314)928-5333 June 23-27
July 14-18 July 21-25 August 4-8 W
Southeast Missouri State University Summer Gymnastics
NORTH CAROLINA Gymcarolina Gymnastics Camps for Competitive Gymnasts 9321 Leesville Rd. Raleigh, NC 27613 (919)848-7988 Contact: Clnistine Kennedy July 13-18 August 3-8 M&W
Woodward, PA 16882 (814)349-5633 June 1-7 June 8-14 June 15-21 June 22-28 June 29-July 5 July 6-12 Julyl3-l9 July 20-26 July 27-Aug. 2 Aug. 3-9 Aug. 10-16 Aug. 17-23 M&W
Gymnastics & More Southeast Missouri 523 Hwy 17 North State University North Myrtle Beach, SC Parker Gym 29582 Cape Girardeau, MO (803)249-5867 OREGON 63701 Oregon State University July 20-25 (573)651-2604 Girls Summer July 27-Aug. 1 June 16-20 Gymnastics Camp M&W June 23-27 1997 Summer G~m Crunp July 14-18 TEXAS 125 Gill Coliseum Bill Hopkins Karolyi"s World Oregon State University W Gymnastics Camp Corvallis, OR 97331-4105 Route 12, Box 140 (503)737-2823 NEW HAMPSHIRE Dick Foxal or Jim 1\Jrpill Huntsville, TX 77340 Camp Walt Whitman (409)291-0007 July 13-18 (mailing address) M:u1a Karolyi J &B Dorfman, Box 558 W June 3-8 Armonk, NY 10504 PENNSYLVANIA June 10-15 1-800-657-8282 International June 17-22 June 18-August 16 Gymnastics Training June 24-29 M&W Camp July 8-13 New York R.R. 8 Box 8002 July 15-20 Hotshots Gymnastics Stroudsburg, PA 18360 July 22-27 21 Ryder Place (717)629-0244 ./uly 29-Aug. 3 East Rockaway, NY 11518 Fax: (717)620-0616 Aug. 5-10 (516) 887-6600 E-Mail W July 7-Aug. 22 1GSlll@Prolog.Net Texas Gymnastics Camp W Jlme 15-21 Texas Sports Ranch Southern TIer June 22-28 P.O. Box 179 Gymnastics Academy June 29-July 5 Baytowu, TX 77520 P.O. Box 8593 July 6-12 (713)728-2348 Endwell, NY 13762 July 13-19 1-800-GYM-CAl\1P (607)754-7714 July 20-26 E-Mail: July 27 -Aug. 2 VERMONT Aug. 3-9 Dunkleys Gymnastics July 7-August 14 Aug. 10-16 Camp M&W Aug. 17-23 201 Milo White Road TeamUSA Sport Camps M&W Jericho, vr 05465 219 Old Mountain Rd. Parkette National (802)899-3479 (willfer) Port Jervis, NY G)1lmastic Training (802)372-8898 Center (888)810-9898 E-Mail: 401 Martin Luther King Jr. (summer) JUDe 22-August 15 Dlive July 6-11 M&W Allentown, PA 18102 July 13-18 (610)433-0011 July 20-25 WISCONSIN Fax: (610)433-8948 July 27-Aug. 1 Lake Owen Gymnastics June 29-July 4 Aug. 3-8 Camp July 6-11 W HC 60 Box 60 July 13-18 Cable, WI 54821 M=Men M&W (715)798-3785 W=Women Woodward E-Mail Gymnastics Camp R=Rhythmic Box 93 Route 45 M&W MARCH/APRIL 1997
WAVERLY HILLS, TEXAS Welcome to Karolyi 's World Camps, home of several Olympic and World Champions. For beginner, advanced and competitive gymnasts. Girls-minimum age: 6 years old.
Bela and Martha Karolyi, coach of the 1984-1988-1992-1996 USA Olympic Team , invites you to be a part of an action -packed and fun-filled summer. They will help you to have a unique gymnastics experience of a lifetime.
Camps will be personally directed by
Bela Karolyi,
SESSIONS: JUNE 3-8 JUNE 10-15 JUNE 17-22 JUNE 24-29 JULY 8-13 JULY 15-20 JULY 22-27 JULY 29 - AUGUST 3 AUGUST 5-10
coach of several Olympic and World Champions.
He shares with you his 35 years of coaching experience as he developed some of the most famous Olympic champions of the world, such as Nadia Comaneci, Mary Lou Retton, Kim Zmeskal, Dominique Moceanu and Kerri Strug.
PHONE: (409) 291-0007 FAX: (409) 291-8637
• Upgrade and learn new gymnastics skills with Bela Karolyi and his master staff . • Have a unique, fun outdoor experience: swimming, horseback riding, tennis, campfire activities, boating.
SPECIAL OFFER - Coaches with 10 students enrolled are invited free of charge ... Coaches with 10 students enrolled to attend camp will receive housing , meals , recreational faCilities , and BELA'S MASTER LECTURE PRESENTATION followed by question-answer session regarding your favorite topics. (Only coaches with students enrolled can attend camp and master lectures. With fewer than 10 students enrolled, coach's attendance fee is $225.)
r------------------------------, • Tuition/session: $325.00 • Additional session: $295.00 • Enrollment is limited; call or write for your camp brochure. NOTE: Only cashier's check or money order will be accepted for deposit and balance. Deposit: $75/session (not refundable). • High-quality, intensive gymnastics instruction in the brand new 25 ,000-square-foot gymnasium complex. • Exciting additional outdoor activities: horseback riding, swimming (Olympic-size pool), tennis, volleyball, basketball, campfire activities, boating and acro bungee jump.
-A P
( ) CAMP~D~ A=TE~-----------~ PHONE
PLEASE MAIL $7 5 registration fee to:
Housing, meals, instruction, additional activities. Additional sessions: $295 Coaches: See special offer with 10 students enrolled.
Karolyi's Gymnastics World Camps Route 12, Box 140, Huntsville, Texas 77340 Phone: (409) 291-0007
L ______________________________
DO YOU HAVE THE BEST NICEST GREATEST GYMNASTICS COACH IN THE USA? If you think your coach should be a winner in the "Super Coach" contest, then send us pictures and a story about your coach. Tell us why he/she is a "Super Coach." We' ll read all the entries and pick the winning Super Coaches in the July/ August issue of USA Gymnastics magazine! Perhaps your coach takes you and your teammates swimming in the summer after practice, or maybe your coach helped you to become the state champion on an event, or maybe your coach is the best at motivating gymnasts. Tell us about your coach and he/she may win the contest. The winning coaches, and gymnasts who submitted the nominations, will receive a "gift" from the USA Gymnastics merchandise department. Remember any gymnastics coach (preschool, men's, women's, rhythmic, etc. is eligible to be nominated .) Send your story and coach's photo to USA Gymnastics magazine, Super Coach, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave. , Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. If you would like your photo(s) returned , please include a self-addressed stamped envelope . Deadline for entries is June 1, 1997.
SHANNON MILLER NOMINATED FOR THE AAU SULLIVAN AWARD For the third consecutive year, Shannon Miller was nominated for the AAU Sullivan Award, which recognizes the most outstanding amateur athlete in the U.S. This award is considered the "Oscar" of sports awards. Besides Miller, finalists for the award include: Gail Devers (track and field), Teresa Edwards
.... SANDY KNAPP â&#x20AC;˘
USA Gymnosti(s Chairman of the Boord Sandy Knopp was voted "one to wot(h" in 1997, o(cording to the De(ember 30, 1996 issue of The Sporling News, a weekly notional sporting newspaper. The Sporting News talked of Knopp's re-election in October to another four-year term as the USA Gymnosti(s Choir. It also o(knowledged Knopp as a rising star in the USOC, and her bmking William Hybl in his su((essful bid for the Olympic Committee's presidency. also helped lead the USOC's first-ever program to recruit women and minorities to the Olympic effort. Knopp was ele(ted to the USOC's Executive Committee in October, 1996, making her the first representative in the history of USA Gymnosti(s to hold such a position. Congratulations to Knopp for all of her hard work!
(basketball), Michael Johnson (track and field), Michelle Kwan (ice skating), Dan O ' Brien (track and field), Dot Richardson (softball), Amy van Dyken (swimming), Tiger Woods (golf), and Danny Wuerffel (football) . The 1996 AAU Sullivan Award winner will be announced during a press conference, March 3, at the Walt Disney World Resort.
Kerri Strug won an ESPY award for "Outstanding Performance Under Pressure." She was nominated in this category along with Carl Lewis, Olympic long jump; Steve Jones, winner of the U.S. Open Golf; and Tiger Woods, winner of the u .S. Amateur Open Golf. The ESPY Awards took place at Radio City Music Hall on Feb. 10, 1997, and aired on ESPN.
â&#x20AC;˘ Above left: Steve Rybacki, from Chorter Ook Gliders in Covino, Calif., receives his award as USOC Developmentol Coach of the Year for gymnastics at an awards banquet in Tampa, Fla. Presenting the award is Ray Essick, chairman of the USOC's Coaching Education Committee. Above right: Martha Karolyi, from Karolyi's Gymnastics in Houston, Texas, receives her award as USOC Coach of the Year for gymnastics at an awards banquet in Tampa, Fla. Presenting the award is Ray Essick.
ACADEMIC ALL-AMERICAN AWARDS The International Gymnastics Federation Executive Committee-Front row left to right: Jackie Fie (USA), Jay Ashmore (USA), Margaret Sikkens-Ahlquist (SWE), Bruno Grandi (ITA), Egle Abrunini (ITA), Siegfried Fischer (BRA), Ivan Weber (SUI), Nicolae Vieru (ROM), Williams Torres (CUB/PAGU), and Koji Takizawa (JPN). Back row left to right: Hans-Jijrgen Zacharias (GER), Michel Leglise (FRA), Klaus Lolz (GER/EGU), Hardy Fink (CAN), Mohamed Yamani (ALG/AFGU), Siava Corn (CAN), and Zhang Jion (CHN). (Gymnastics Update continued on page 36)
It's time for all qualified gymnasts to apply for the 1997 Men's Junior Olympic Program Academic All-American Recognition Award. All male competitive athletes, wha have a Cumulative Grade Paint Average of 3.5 or higher (an a 4.0 scale), are eligible. Applicants must submit a completed application farm, along with two letters of recommendation, a biographical sketch and a $5.00 application fee to USA Gymnastics by April 15th. Application forms and program descriptian can be found in the 1996-97 USA Gymnastics Men's Rules and Policies. MARCH / A PRIL
' GRAND OPENING MOCEANU GYMNASTICS, INC. Home of 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist Dominique Moceanu Moceanu Gymnastics, Inc. will be opening in Houston, Texas in February - March 1997. It will be the largest gym in the United States with a capacity of up to 10,000 people and 70,000 square feet.
COACHING POSITIONS AVAILABLE All ages; Good salary; Health insurance; Moving assistance Fax or mail resume along with references and salary req uirements. FAX: (281)257-2177 MGI All Nevi ~"te of the Art 6120 Louetta, Spring, TX 77379 f
~ge 2
men t
BLOWOUT SALE Coupon expires 4/15/97 _ _ _ _ y o m i n i q u e Autographed P o s t e r s - $5.99 p I u s $3.00 S/H Dominique T - S h i r t s - $9.99 p I u s $3.00 S/H - - - - ( I O O % Cotton A d u I t Sizes S, M, L, XL) ____ yominique Autobiography -
(Signed) $II.99 p I u s $3.00 S/H
A I I out o f c o u n t r y o r d e r s must add $IO.OO S/H SEND ORDERS ALONG WITH COUPON TO: Dominique Fan CIub
P. O. Box 90908 77290-0908
& Up
SCHEDULE (Dates & Events Subiect to Change or Cancellation)
MARCH National Gymnastics Foundation Board Meeting International Team Championships Jr./Sr. (M/W) level 10 State Meets (W)
Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH Various Sites
American Challenge - National Elite (W) NCAA Western Regionals (M) NCAA Eastern Regionals (M) NCAA Regionals (W) Rhythmi( Western Open (R) USA Gymnasti(s Collegiate Championships (M/W) USA Gymnasti(s National Invitational Tournament (W) Rhythmi( Eastern Open (R) level 10 Regional Championships (W) NCAA National Championships (M)(University of Iowa) NCAA National Championships (W) (University of Florida) Pan American Invitational (W) Pan American Training Camp (W)
Sacramento, CA Albuquerque, NM West Point, NY Various Sites Portlond, OR Seottle, WA Iowa City, IA Bowie, MO Various Sites Iowa City, IA Gainesville, Fl ' Houston, TX ' Houston, TX
J.O. Championships (W) U.S. Rhythmic National Championships (R) J.O. Chompionships (R) J.O. Championships (M) J.O. Nat'l Compulsory Workshops New Code Clini( (W) USA Gymnastics Executive Committee Meeting USA Gymnastics Boord of Diredors Meeting
Orlando, Fl Houston, TX Walnut Creek, CA Orlando, Fl Reno, NV Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN
Four Continents Championships (R) J.O. Na!'1 Compulsory Workshops New Code Clini( (W) Elite Regionals (W) U.S. Challenge - Notional Elite (W)
Sydney, AUS Providence, RI Various Sites Cincinnati, OH
Elite Judges Course (W) U.S. Championships Qualification Meets (M) Regional Elite Meets (international Only) (W) Internotional Junior Team Meet (R) U.S. Classic/Notional Gymnastics Festival (W) Sr. Pan American Championships (M/W/R)
Tempe, AZ' Various Sites Various Sites TBO TBO Medellin, COL
21 21 -22 22-23
APRIL 4-5 5 5 5 5-6 10-12 12 12-13 12-13 17-19 17-19
18-19 20-24
MAY 1-4 2-4 10-11 16-18 28-Jun 2 30 31-Jun 1
JUNE 3-6 4-9 14-15 28-29
JULY 9-13 12 12-13 19-20 24-27 TBO
1997 NBC SPORTS TELEVISED EVENTS April 12 (M) April 19 (W)
Mar. 21 路22
Aug. 16 (W) Aug. 17 (W) Sept. 13 (M)
Aug. 13路16
International Team Championships USA vs. China vs. Romania Cincinnati Riverfront Coliseum Cincinnoti, Ohio John Hancock U.S. Gymnastics Championships McNichols Arena Denver, Colorado
Chow, who made a great comeback from a broken ankle in late '96, said, "It's a lot of fun doing these types of competitions and the pressure is off."
Shannon, who Is stili competing incredibly difficult skill I, laid, "We all love the lport but we don't want to train eight hours a day anymore. These events are great for us."
Fourteen of the 16 comgetitors were Olympians and all of the gymnalts were former World Championships team members. Twelve of the 16 gymnasts competed in the 1996 Olympic Games and won a total of 12 medals during the Games.
RESULTS WOMEN 1. Amy Chow Shannon Miller 2. Lilia Podkopayeva Kristie Phillips 3. Dominique Dawes Dominique Moeeanu 4. Amanda Borden Jayde Phelps
39.950 39.900 39.775 39.475
I 6
1. Chris Waller Chainey Umphrey 2. John Roethlisberger John Maeready 3. Dmitri Bilozerehev Paul O'Neill 4. Mihai Bagiu Kip Simons
39.950 39.375 39.275 39.100
S Wall.r wal th. IIIOlt outrag.oul In th ••vent. Ift.r hll flrlt routln. on ring., h. w.nt back to th. elr'lllng roolll to chang. anel hll h..eI for th. lalt .vent, high bar. During th. pr.11 h. was a.keel to cOIIIIII.nt on being th. uD.nnl. RocIlllanof th. R••••'I .v.nt an" sal", UI've .p.nt 10 y..r. a. a conl.rvatlve gYlllna.t. Now that 1'111 flnl.h ... cOlllp.tlng on a worl../Oly.plc l.v.l, 1'111 r....y to have fun an" .hock peopl•• I .hav'" Illy h.... for kick•• w. (Chaln.y an" I) wallt'" to ... th..trlcal with th. routill'. w. .. I... w. wanl'" to t.n a .tory.-
I Chaln.y c mlllented on th. perlonalities of the athl.t•• cOlllpeting by .aylng, -'hi. is what .n.... r. u. to th. public. Th.r. I. a lot lIIor. going We on than lu.t a ha" a lot of there. "
Erick Mazon from Monlerrey, Mexico, asks lI1a. UWbot has changed in your everyday lile since the Games?"
Have you checked out USA. Gymnastics Online lately? USA Gymnastics Online did Its first chat with 1996 Olympic All-Around Champion Lilia Podkopayeva the dpy prior to the Reese's International Gymnastics Cup. The chat lasted 60 minutes and Lilia received more than 1000 questions. During th chat, Lilia received SIX marriage pr posals. More tllan 200 people were onll e ClUring the chat to talk with Lilia and about 1 00 people read the transcript in the first three days after the chat. Folio Ing are a few of the questions and answe,s that were posted during the chat.
Laura Rich from Allanla, Ga., asks Lilia, HODes it take a lot 01 dedication to reach the top?
Sara from Chicago, III., asks, "How do you get along with the USA Team on the tour?"
Other interesting notes posted online: Lilia recei"ed a big receplion in "er "onor wil" '''e Pre.idenl of Ukraine afler '''e Olympics. Sh. al.o r.cei".d an aparlmenl in Ii '" of pre.enl., and a new car. S"e'. wriling an aulobiograp"y and did a mo"ie in Holland aboul 'h.r lIfe. S". ,'ar,.d compeling in ,,,. 'porl al ag. 7 and won ".r fir.' compelilion. Her fa"orile gymnaJI ;s S".'lanlJ Boguinskaia. H.r main goal for ,,,. 2000 Olympics is 10 WIN! would like 10 write to Lilia you can send your I tiers to: 141 Robert E. Lee Blvd., Suite 142, New Orleans, La 70124. Her email address is USA GYMNASTICS ONLINE ADDRESS IS: http://w .usa-gy
Thanks to Rachele Harless, USA Gymnastics Online Webmaster, and Julie 1. Jones, web graphic designer, the site was selected by NetGuide as a Platinum Site, one of the best on the Web. The Platinum Award recognizes Web sites that meet their stringent criteria for overall excellence. Congratulations USA Gymnastics Online and keep up the good
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by Jennifer Ga ahue Lee ' Coac . g Development Manager
es \.
he fourth alnual National GymEest in Anaheim, Calif., was a great success!i'his funfilled event Disneyland Hotel where 27 turned out. Even a club c s from all ove1'bte from Slovenia made the long journey to participate. The weekend began with a special invitation from Disneyl d Park to perform in Magic Music Days on th Poca tas stage. Later that evening, the GymFest 9 p'ening Ceremook place in tIle Disneyland Hotel and, er the ceremony, there was a pin and T-shirt trading party. There were two days of group pe ances where parents and spectato came to watch the sh . Finally, on the last day, the Nation arge Group routine was performed by more than 200 participates which featured music from Disneyland's Fantasmic. This routine will continue to be perfected next year at 1997 GymFest in Orlando at Disney World and a 998 6ymFest to be performed at the 1999 Wor d Gymnaestrada in Goteborg, Sweden. H you are interested in more information about GymFest, please 路te to: GymFest, USA Gymnastics, 201 South Capitol Ave.,~ call 0 Suite 300, Indianapolis, %225, or phone (317) 237-5050.
agic Music Days #2704
1996 USA GymFest Disneyland 12/6/96
All performances are included. 2 Tape Set
Dear Cassie, . 't's hard to I like a lot of IIIOV les so I I like' . ' Here are sOllie • ~~i;§'£i:l pICk lust ~ne. 2 .ask Legends \.:,;;",;,,;::. f::·:"!;"'I::::~;·1 untanl lf, Ace, , d II Santa Clause, an J of th.e a , I don't drink sodas De;;r DOMINIQUE cutting Edge., b t MOCEANU re,asS'IIove I'm 13 yea'rs old and I like grilled IchICken d lIIuffln and a Level 8 gym- spaghetti, cetre~~ea~ovies, go' with lilY ;1;;~~,!:;,;!~::i;;J1 nast. I have a couple of to shoP, go 0 friends places, country :!\g;.~~:~mmil questions for you What IS your favonte movie and line dancing, etc. TV show'? What is
::"-,;::..",;;,:' 1 f ' pop and food your2 avonte
;,.,,;;:.r,:::.'!;Y;:1 What are your
things to do'?
Cassie Gangwish Fargo, North Dakota
-:~~~1TIllllillii':~~;;';; ;: ,l{Rl Oear OOMINIQUE ~fm!;;~;:;;;t::t;i:;:1 MOCEANU, I'm one of your biggest fans. I'm 11 ye;;rs old
m~:iI iii~lg;";!1 Dear 00 ;tll!imliit:m I was MINIQU
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Sarah Melin Atlanta, Georgia
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Dear AM You are ANDA 50 nast alo:Y favorlteRDEN,
h ' l"I1ate J g With gYI"I1Dear Sara , the University of Georgia learn aYcle Ph iour teal"l1 Dear BLA~"":"':!.l:il:'£B-:i':!j.;m;;ii' 1'111 not going toupgolilY to sCh0lars hip so that I could flo e ps. I t' go frOI"l1 tedheYOUr v' or ro because g kl f world Gylllnas ICS record Ideota ut,ne I am aLINE WILSON evel7 ' I ave gymnastic gymnast I c J,h' _ ..' ,,,I l,," 5'" ''''' tlve I'm f 5. I am 14 and eally love (h,mpl,".,..1 lal h.",';:;'''''' Gymnastrom TWIst and TireEik"y Compet/tiCS I w uc Ih. W' "do • lot ./ "" IhIo9' lob. G;:;"" <0 <h, o be In the' ant e Olympic _-------~~4 .nd 1.... (or... Dfan .nd GIa" ";' " " .,; ::"","", When I grow u sW J)ear Anthony, in Cincinnati. ahl s! year;V gone level w!;e hat The levels have changed quite S C Islands WII ",ary este . Oda . the age ol~/t a bit since' was , 4, but I the Grand ,aylllan Rachel (II\ary Lee's 'V,IIe. Ohio you think I co· I~o was a Class" gylllnast back Tracy, Jaycl e Phelps, d Kristi Lichey for . ~Eike it to th~ then. I think everyone can daughter), Cheryl Ph~lps ~e didn't train while we k r a lIIuch needed t bananna boating, snor e Ing, /2 t ymplcs if I keep lIIake it to the OIYlllpics. It n e ryl~g,? takes a lot of heart, determiwere on vacation ,,!e lustI w We've been training about 3 1 li~::~ny Helms nation, and patience. I believe .' and lust re axed• f scuba dIVlng, d d 'ng 1015 of tour stops. Carolina nton,orth N you can d0 anyth"Ing I you hours per day an 01 put your lIIind to it!
.. ,h.
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the Olympic0.
Dear AMANDA BORDEN Are you still going to co ' University of Geor ia 2 Ampete at the have you been d . g '. Iso, what Olym . G olng since the pIC ames'?
gold medal in ;;ny sport. Is your co;;ch, Bela Karolyi, a nice coach'? Ooes he make
'" '"
Or a/I '
L ••· "..·;; · ··· ·,·,
,!!",,'I't" PROCEDURES
Switzerland I. Qualifica tion A. The 1997 Jolm Hancock U.S. Championships will serve as the selection meet for the 1997 World Championships Team. B. The 1997 Jolm Hancock U.s. Championships are scheduled August 14-17, in Denver. C. Qualification to the Jolm Hancock U.s. Championships is tlu'ough the Elite Regional Meets and the American and the U.s. Classic. 1. The American Classic is scheduled for March 1997, site TBD. 2. The U.s. Classic is scheduled for July 1997, site TBD. D. The 1996 Olympic Team Members are automatically qualified into the 1997 Jolm Hancock U.s. Championships. E. The All Around score for the 1997 John Hancock U.s. Championships will be determined by combining the All-Around scores from two rounds of optional competition (50 % day one plus 50% day two). Competition III rules will be used with the exception of the Vaulting event, which will use Competition II rules. F. Injury petitions to the 1997 Jolm Hancock U.s. Championships will be accepted for consideration by the Elite Teclmical Couunittee for 1996/97 National Team Members only according to the procedures as listed on page 108 in the Women's Rules and Policies. II. Team Selection A. Qualification to four slots of the 1997 World Championships Team will be from the All-Around rank order from the 1997 Jolm Hancock U.s. Championships. B. The remaining two slots will be filled by the highest two 1996 Olympians who competed in at least three events at the 1997 Jolm Hancock US. Championships and finished in the top five in a minimum of two events. C. If no Olympian fulf ills the criteria as listed in B above, the remaining two slots will be filled from the All-Around rank order.
III. Coach Selection The Head Coach and the Assistant Coach will be determined by the Selection Committee and the President of USA Gyuu1astics after the team has been determined. The selection for these positions will be based upon the following criteria: . Proven team leadership ability . International experience Competition line-up will be determined by a vote of the World Championships Coaching Staff and the personal coaches in attendance (one vote per club). The World Championships Team and Coaches are bound by the guidelines as outlined in the National Team Coaches' Responsibilities Manual.
III. Selection of the World Championships Team Coaches A. Head Coach The Men's Program Director will submit up to three candidates for the World Championships Team Coach, along "vith his recommendations, to the Men's Program Committee for review and approval. The World Championships Head Coach will be named a minimum of six months in ad vance of the World Championships in accordance with the 1997 - 2000 National Team Program Document. B. Assis tant Coach Assis tant Coach selection will be made by the Head Coach fo llowing MPC review and with USA Gymnastics President's approval. The World Championships Assistant Coach will be named a minimum of five months in advance of the World Championships in accordance with the 1997 - 2000 ational Team Program Document. IV
Removal An athlete or coach may be removed from the World Championships Team if he violates the terms of the USA Gyumastics National Team Agreement or the USA Gymnastics Code of Ethics. An athlete may also be removed from the World Championships Team in the event of injury or illness which inhibits peak performance at the World Championships. Verification of injury or illness will be by two neutral doctors selected by USA Gyumastics. Removal may only occur by action of the President of USA Gymnastics after consultation with the MPC, USA Gymnastics Men's Staff and an interview with the athlete or coach. Any decision to remove an athlete or coach is subject to review through USA Gyumastics Grievance Procedures.
Approval of the Selection Procedures These Selection Procedures have been reviewed and approved by the Men's Program Committee and USA Gyumastics. Pending USA Gymnastics Executive Committee approval.
Overview The process for qualifying for the Men's 1997 World Championships Team involves the following: qualifying for the Senior Division of the 1997 John Hancock U.s. Gymnastics Championships, and finishing among the top six athletes in the Senior Division at the John Hancock U.s. Gymnastics Championships based on the Final All Around score.
1997 Jolm Hancock U.s. Gyumastics Championships A.
Qualification to participate in the Championships An athlete may qualify to participate in the Senior Division at the National Championships through Men's Program Committee (MPC) approved qualifying competitions to be held July 12,1997.
Ranked members of the National Team from the 1997 \I\Tinter Cup Challenge will automatically qualify to the 1997 U.S. Championships. Time and place The 1997 Jolm Hancock U.s. Gyumastics Championships will be conducted August 13 - 16 in Denver, Colorado. Petitions Petitions to enter the U.s. Championships, other than tlu'ough the competitive process described, will be considered by the MPC. In order to be considered by the MPC, petitions to participate in the U.S. Championships, must be submitted in writing to USA Gyumastics National Office at the time the athlete becomes aware of his inability to participate in the qualification competition. The petition must state the specific injury, illness or unusual circumstance which prohibited the athlete from participating in the competitive process. In the case of a petition based upon injury or illness, the petition must be accompanied by a physician's statement, and the nature and extent of that injury or illness is subject to verification by a neutral doctor selected by USA Gyumastics. Under no circumstances will an athlete who does not compete at the U.s. Championships be petitioned onto the World Championships Team. Selection to the World Championships Team The top six athletes in rank order, using the Final All Around score, will represent the United States at the 1997 World Championships unless removed under the provisions stated in Section IV Ties will be broken by the following: All Around score from the All Around Finals Total of five best scores from the All Around Finals Total of four best scores from the All Around Finals
JACI BEIERLY HONOLULU, HAWAII Jaci, 10, trains at Hawoii Gymnastics Acodemy ond is cooched by Abro Sioter and James Figuera. She hos been in the sport for five years ond is in her first year competing otlevel 6. At the Hawoii State Championships she took second oll·around, second on beom, and first on floor. She will compete level 8 nextseoson. Prior to moving to Hawaii in 1996, Joci was 0 gymnost at Orange Park Gymnostics in Florida. She's not only a good gymnost, but she hos also been on the A-8 honor roll otschools in both Florida ond Hawoii.
50 Great New Pieces from Barry Nease Producer of, Music forthe
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Melissa, 12, is coached by Tim Kelly and Kim Grippe at Artistic Gymnastics Academy in Roseville, Mich. As a level 8 gymnast, Melissa took first place all· around in all seven meets in which she competed in 1996. She was the level 8 state floor champion ond also the Region 5 bors, floor and all·around champion. One of her proudest moments wos scoring a perfect 10 on beam at the Ohio Capital Classic, her first meet as a level 6 gymnost. Melissa will be competing as a level 9 gymnast this year.
MEGAN DONAHUE MURRAY, UTAH Megon, 8, is a level 6 gymnost troining ot Rocky Mountain Gymnastics. She competed level 6 during the postseason ond took first place on vault, bors, beom ond the all-oround ot the State Championships. Despite Megon's 45 minute drive to gym, 12 hour per week proctice schedule, and time owoy from her new brother, Conner, she's excited to be troining level 8. With this busy schedule, Megan is still a top honors student in school.
JARED TIMMERMAN BREMERTON, WASHINGTON Jared, 11 , first competed in 1995 as a Closs VI. In 1996, he jumped to Class IV, ond took fihh otthe Stote Chompionships, quolifying for Regionols. He's cooched by Ed ond Condy Friedmon at Olympic Gymnastics Center in Silverdale, Wosh. His favorite event is parallel bars. MAR C H/A P RtL 1 9 97
Arielle, 9, ond Totiono, 7, ore the 1996 levelS Stote Chompions for their oge divisions. The Voz sisters, olong with one other teommote, ploced fourth out of 3B teoms in New Jersey. They've been involved in gymnostics for two yeors ond will be competing level Bnext seoson. They troin 15 hours 0 week ot Poloestra Gymnostics in Gorfield ond ore couched by Wolter Cross ond Meredith Kistner.
SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE Low Maintenance • Improved Quality Easy to Adjust • Easy Installation. Competively Priced • New 39 M.M. diameter round rails. (Meets the new USA Gymnastics rules & policy and all FIG specifications) • Fast & easy long lasting cable tightner. • 100% nickle-chrome finish. • Spreader bar adjust to 1650 m.m. • State of the art piston design
• 30 day unconditionally guaranteed
• 2 year full warranty
Megon, 11, is 0 level 6 gymnost. She hos been in gymnostics since she wos B. Megon competed lost seoson os 0 levelS ond ploced third in the stote for her oge division with on oll-oround score of 37.15. She took second on beom ond voult, ond third on bors ond floor. She helped her teom copture the first ploce stote title. Megon works out ot Northern Michigon Gymnostics in Traverse City.
Compare Midwest Eagle uneven bars quality, performance, & cost. Proven performance at all of Indiana, Kentucky, USA State Meets & Region V Level 9 Regionals Call 1-800-876-3194 to save money.
MIDWEST GYM SUPPLY, INC 2538 Michigan Road Madison, IN 47250
ANDREA OGLESBY SUGAR LAND, TEXAS Andreo, 11 , is 0 sixlh groder 01 Sugor lond Middle School. She slorted gymnostics ot oge 6 ond quolified for Stote competition held ot Korolyi's Gymnostics. lost seoson she competed Prep-Optionols ond quolified for Stote fino Is held ot River City Gymnostics in Son Antonio. Her fovorite event is floor. Andreo will be competing level B this seoson. She troins ot MEGA Gymnostics in Stofford, Texos, ond is couched by Fronk Morkos ond Down Howord.
MIDWEST EAGLE SPRING FLOOR SYSTEMS STATE OF THE ART SPRING FLOOR SYSTEMS Proven performance in gymnastics programs across the U.S.A. Low maintenance • Increased longevity • Improved performance • Easy installation • competitively priced.
COMPLETE FLOOR SYSTEMS • Spring kits includes all attaching hardware. •
Detailed instructions for easy installation.
Foam available in 1 3/8 and 2 inch.
• Action back carpet 5 year wear warranty. •
The ablsolute best spring floor system
Moddie, 0 level Bgymnost from Gheorghe Ghito Gymnostics, is 11 yeors old. She troins 10 hours per week. She's been in gymnostics since she wos 6 yeors old. In 1996, she won second ploce oll-oround ot 0 level BSectionol meet. Gheorghe Ghito, her cooch from Romonio, is very fun to work with!
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John Geddert Twistars in Lansing, Michigan
It Is bec ming Increasingly more ev"'ent that the I. Giant Swing" should be In the category of BASIC BAR SKILLS. AlthougH it is certai Iy important to be sufficiently conditioneil in order to acllieve advanced sk!Jls on barsâ&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘.SwiNG Is absolutely essential.
The following are a few progressions for the BACK GIANT:
1. TAP SWING (WHIP SWING) The easiest way to get an athlete to understand the concept of the tap swing is to have the cooch hold them in a hollow position while they hong on the high bar. The head should be neutral and the hollow should be a rounding (sucking in) of the chest. After this position is achieved the coach simply releases the gymnast. The gymnast simply RELAXES and the top will toke care of itself. There are 3 positions to progress through in the top swing .. . 1) Hollow 2) Slight Hyperextension through a hanging vertical and 3) lever Up or the acceleration to the up swing.
This is the phose where the gymnasts are fighting gravity and thus strength plays on important role. The following are some different ways to strengthen the lever Up action. A) PRONE LEVER UPS-Hove the athlete lie on her bock while grasping a stationary object with arms extended over head. Initiate the lever Up action with a slight pike, while pulling from the chest and arms. The ody should remain as straight as possible but remember that beginners will rely on piking up more than the advanced athletes. B) PRONE LEVER UPS WITH WEIGHTS-Once the athlete can execute 2 or 3 sets of 10 with a completely straight body then it is time to odd resistance. Execute the some exercise with the addition of 2-5 pound ankle weights. Never sacrifice body position (form) when adding weights. () HANGING LEVER UPS-Here the gymnast attains on inverted hong position on a low bar. With assistance she lowers down to horizontal and then pulls bock to vertical while maintaining a tight hollow body. ~he head should remain neutral throughout the exercise. As the athlete progresses in stre gth the coach can reduce the amount of assistance and or odd ankle weights. D) SWINGING LEVER PS-Here the gymnasts hangs on a high bar in a slight hyper extended position. Th object of this exercise is to violently snap from this shope all the way to the bar. . .finis~mg in on inverted hong. From the inverted hong they SLOWLY HANGING LEVER UPS lower themselves bock to {he hanging position on reR~ea~t.:..-._____- _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - --.::: ~_ _ _ _ USA
MARCH / APRllI 9 9 7
3. FIVE POINT TECHNIQUE In teoching 0 quolity bock giont it is importont thot every phose be mostered before odding the individuol ports together. The following ore five different ports of the back giont: A) STRAIGHT BODY FALL-The initial phose of the giant is estoblishing momentum. This is accomplished by elevating in the shoulders, pushing the bar away and mointaining a straight body for as long os possible before hoving to deol with the low bar or the tap swing phase. The body should remain stroight for at least 45-90 degrees of swing. Obviously smoller othletes con maintain this position longer than toller ones. DRILLS: 1) Ploce 0 floor bar in front of an eight inch skill cushion. From 0 hondstand on the bar, the gymnast practices falling to her belly. 2) From a hondstond on a low bar, the gymnast proctices foiling to horizontal where a coach cotches the gymnast in 0 stroight body position. B) PASS AS CLOSE TO THE LOW BAR AS POSSIBLE- Maintoin 0 hollow body past the low bar while passing it as closely as possible. This phose often presents the biggest obstocle for athletes ... basicolly there is a fear of hitting the low bar. DRILLS: 1) Pad the low bar 2) tape foam strips to the low bar and hove the athlete try to hit them with their feet as they pass by. Grodually reduce the size of the strips as they become more proficient.
() PASS THROUGH A HYPER EXTENDED POSITION BY OR THROUGH VERTICAL- (see top swing obove) Debote exists os to whot is the PERFEa top swing timing. ''Lote Top Swings" mointoin the hyperextended position longer ond thus the lever up phose is loter in the swing ... This gen路 erolly creotes more speed over the top, but unless you ore coreful, it con creote 0 jerky or unsmooth oppeoronce in the giont.
D) LEVER UP- (see lever up obove) E) LATE WRIST SHIFT AT THE TOPShifting the wrists too early has a tenoncy to slow the giont and thus result in socrificing body position over the top (belly out ... orching). DRILLS: Grosp 0 floor bor while laying on your back, lever up with the assistonce of a spotter. As the spotter lifts the gymnast to 0 handstand the gymnasts emphosizes 0 late wrist shift while mointaining 0 hollow body position.
M A RC H / A P R l l I 9 9 7
USA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J
COACHES: Please submit your conditioning ideas to: Reebok Coaching Corner, c/o USA Gymn"st;cs, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.
(Iontinued from page 18)
Dick Aronson
SYRACUSE TO DROP MEN'S GYMNASTICS Syracuse University announced on Jan. 21, it will drop men's gymnastics and wrestling programs after this season. Syracuse University will add a women's softball program beginning in the year 2000. What can you do to help? Write a letter to the Syracuse administration in support of the continuation of these two men's programs.
TOP 10
The USOC Board of Directors, Athletes' Council, and the national media vote on the SportsMen, SportsWomen, and Team of the Year. Below are the results:
Write to:
Jake Crouthamel Athletics Director Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 13244
Dr. Kenneth A. Shaw Chancellor Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 13244
Kathy Feldmann and Sandy Thielz USA Gymnastics Collegiate Liaisons for Women
# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
OUTSTANDING GYMNAST Gymnast Jenny Hansen of the University of Kentucky was a 1995-96 Honda Award winner. She dominated her sport and also managed to perform Jenny Hansen with Rilhard Thomas, well academically, and made an impact Exelutive VP Amerilan Honda Motor Co., Inl. on her community. In her honor, Honda contributed to the general scholarship fund of the University of Kentucky. ATTENDANCE AT
Top 20 Attendanle Rankings provided by the NACGC/W as of Feb. 4, 1997 /I TEAM AVG. ATTENDANCE 1. Utah 9840 2.
6850 5267
6. 7.
Utah State
Auburn Missouri
S. Utah State
Baise State
21 50
1960 1920
Ohio State
1483 1422
18. 19.
KentuckJ!: Michigan
U 5 0
USA Gymnastics Callegiate Liaison for Men
Hansen was one of 10 candidates nominated for the Honda-Broderick Cup Award. This award program, which was originated in 1976, recognizes outstanding athletic achievement by collegiate woman athletes. University of Connecticut's basketball player Jennifer Rizzotti won the Cup for the 1995-96 collegiate year.
NAME Amy Van Dyken Dot Richardson Gail Devers Mia Hamm Shannon Miller Teresa Edwards Michelle Kwan Picabo Street Lindsay Davenport Mary Ellen Clark
TOTAL SPORT Swimming 848 Softball 637 Athletics 611 Soccer 601 Gymnastics 522 Basketball 500 Figure Skating 331 Skiing 274 Tennis 265 Diving 249
TOP 10 SPORTSMEN OF THE YEAR # NAME 1. Michael Johnson 2. Jeff Rouse 3. Karch Kiraly 4. Justin Huish 5. Kurt Angle 6. Matt Ghaffari 7. David Reid 8. Todd Eldredge 9. Andre Agassi 10. Jair Lynch
TOTAL SPORT Athletics 929 Swimming 519 486 Volleyball 455 Archery 436 Wrestling 384 Wrestling Boxi ng 371 Figure Skating 323 313 Tennis Gymnastics 232
TOP 5 TEAMS OF THE YEAR # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
TEAM Women's Basketball Women's Gymnastics Women's Softball Women's Soccer Men's Swimming 400m Medley Relay
TOTAL 309 308 285 262 94
REESE'S LUCKY WINNERS The National Gymnastics Foundation gave away two autographed Tshirts at the Reese's International Gymnastics Cup in Anaheim on January 25. The lucky winners were Whitney Lewis of Yorba Linda, Calif., and Bobby Karr of Misson Veijo, Calif. Whitney received a T-shirt autographed by Shannon Miller and Bobby received a T-shirt autographed by John Roethlisberger, Amy Chow and Jennie Thompson. Both were very excited with their prize and the opportunity to meet and be photographed with the athletes themselves. The National Gymnastics Foundation-Touching Lives and Turning Dreams to Glory. MARCH / APRIL 1997
1"'11,·,·,1, ADVERTISING
FOR SALE SOFlWARE FOR DUMMIES! SCORE MASTER, the most widely used system in the U.S., scores the largest meet in the U.S., The Gosparilla, with over 2500 competitars. This score keeping system is very easy to use and has an on·line tutorial. Supports: men's/ women's, individual/team, artis· tic/ rhythmic, comp/ optional competitians. It can graph scores aver an entire season. Comes with a step·by·step user guide and a 90 day unconditian· al money·back guarantee. For more info contact: Mark Mahoney, P.O. Box 31421 , ChariaHe, NC 2B231 ·1421 , (704) 333-7005 or web site: vlWW.score· (software clema, info gUide and user listing on web site). DEVElOP MENTAL TOUGHNESS. Overcome fears and blacks, handle pressure and think like a win· ner with Dr. Alan Goldberg'sfour audio·tape series, Gymnastics With the Competitive Advantage (554.95), and his guide book, Sticking It (514.95). Package price (564.95). (Ages Byears and up.) Satisfaction guaranteed or full refund. Dr. Gspe· cializes in helping get the stuck gymnast unstUCK. A frequent presenter at National Congress, Dr. G offers a phone consultation service. If you're blocked, coli (413) 549·10B5. Make checks payable to: Dr. Alan Goldberg, 226 Strong St., Amherst, MA 01 002. (Add 55.00 shipping for tapes or set, 52.00 for book only.) Email: ibust· Website: FOR SALE: GYMNASTICS BUS. 1979 GMC 66·pas· senger, 366 gas Allison automatiL Air brakes, rebuilt motor and transmission, foam and carpet on floor and walls, monkey bars, ring hooks, adjustable bars, and new paint. 56500. Call (616) 669·7722 for more informotion. Well established MOBilE PRESCHOOL GYMNAS· TICS/ FITNESS BUSINESS for sale. located in Southeastern Pennsylvania. My business has an excellent reputation and is priced to sell! For more information, please call Gymagic Mobile Gym at (610) 873-8316. CLASS CONTROL Class Management and A/ Rsoft· ware. New version, more features, even easier to use. Indudes dass rosters, automated tuition cal· culation based on assignments and family dis· counts, retail charges, invoices, payment due reports, collection summaries, instructor schedules, on·line help, and much more. Supports tax on retail items and tuition, alternative payment meth· ods like direct debit and credit cards, and USPS Address Standardization. The price is 5400 and indudes free training and personal, understand· able support at no charge. Call Vaughn Software Services at 1·800·821·8516. Address: P.O. Box 1086, Apex, NC 27502. MC/VISA accepted. ClIP ART FOR GYMNASTICS on computer disks. NEW LOWER PRICE!! Now only 559.00 + 53.00 shjpping for the live disk set containing over 50 different drawings created by professional illustra· tors in a wide range of styles. Affordable way to add visual impact to advertisements, posters, t· shirts, fliers, etL Versatile and easy to use. Available in Mac (EPS) and PC (TIFF) formats. SAT· ISFACTION GUARANTEED! Visa, MC, Discover, AmExpress, check or money order accepted. To order, coli 1·800·879·6030 or send ordering info to: ARTline, P.O. Box 5797, Sparks, NV 89432. RABBIT SCORES-Superfast scoring program for PC, compatibles, and also for MAC! Used at all lev· els, many state and regional meets, American Classic and us. Classic Nationals. Easy·to·use, for· giving menu/windows. Unique features save work, prevent errors. Says Melody Childers, scor· ing chairman for the 1500·competitor Buckeye Classic "With 8 sessions, 5computers, and over 30 volunteer operators, I can say positively that learning Rabbit Scores is easy. Everyone was delighted with the convenient access into all the program oreas ... a wonderful program." Not satis· fied with your current scorekeeping? Check out Rabbit Scores' speed and agility. Our users come to expect their meets to run smoothly and finish with· out delay. One coach even said she picks her "away" meets at gyms which use Rabbit Scores USA
because she knows they'll be done on time. Features: Shows rankings during scoring, dean\ easy·to·read results okay for USAG, awara labels, flexible age/ skill divisions combinable for team, etL Can set RhJthmic, Men's. For PC, AT, etc.: 5112.95 pp . For MAC+, etc.: 5167.95. PC, AT "Double" version: 5154.95. J.D. Hopper, Box 2782, Stanford, CA 94309, phone (415) 494· 1705. TEXAS GYMNASTICS SCHOOL FOR SALE. 8000 sq. ft. facility in expanding area. Highway frontage. Great reputation. Great competitive and develop· mental programs. Separate preschool and gym· nastics rooms, office and super viewing areas. Tons of ~guipment. Plenty of land for future expansion. Stoff in place. Also, available on lot next door 4BOO sq. ft. cheerleading, tumbling and dance gym. 1450 sq. ft. spacious contemporary residential apartment upstairs induding two bedrooms, two baths, living, dining and kitchen. Will sell separate facilities or together. Owners going into evangelical ministry. Call Marlon at (409) 898·1496. GYMNASTICS AND TRAMPOLINE ClUB FOR SALE. Club is now six years old and has grown to over 300 students, with 15 campetitive artistic gymnasts. Top quality equipment induding a Rod tumbling floor (80 ft.) and action trampolines floor plus fast track trampoline (40 ft.), bars, beams, floor exercise\ vault pommel, parallel bars, rings, high bar ana double mini's. Also has a foam pit. Excellent location in a new sports complex with roller hockey and ice hockey rinks. Facility is 10,000 sq. ft. induding dance orea. Club has potential to develop into a gymnastics and ballet school. Call (604) 534·4822 or fax inquiries to some number. Ask for linda. Call evenings after 9:30t.m. or mornings before 9:30 a.m. Pacific Standar Time.
POSITION AVAIlABLE BROWN'SGYMNASTICS seeking full·time and part· time experienced coaches for our recreational and team programs at Brown's Gymnastics of Houston and Brown's Gymnastics of Altamonte Springs. Brown's Gymnastics offers the largest and best equipped facilities in the USA. Administrative posi· tions also available. Send resume to: Brown's Gymnastics, 740 Orange Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Fl32714. ATLANTA IS THE PLACE TO BE IN 1997! We are looking for qualified coaches to help oversee our expanding programs. We have a comprehensive gymnastics program which needs an enthusiastic coach who can work well with boys, girls, cheer· leading\ tumbling, and preschool dasses. Salary is negotiaole based on experience. Please send your resume to: Gym South Gymnastics, 119 N. 85 Pkwy., FayeHeville, GA 30214. (770) 461 ·5528 or fox at (770) 461·5528. Twister Gymnastics seeking full and part·time COACHES/ ADMINISTRATORS for growing team and recreational programs in sunny South Florida. Send resume with salary requirements to: Twister Gymnastics of Boca, 990 South Rogers Cirde tfl, Boca Raton, Fl33487. Fax: (561) 994·5214. GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS. largest gymnastics program in the Dallas area is seeKing profeSSional gymnastics instructors. Immediate openings for preschool, recreational dasses, cheer tumbling as well as COMPULSORY AND OPTIONAL GIRLS TEAM COACHES. SalarJ and benefits top in the nation. Call now and sen or fax your resume to: ASI Gymnastics, 1317 E. Hwy. 80, Mesquite, TX 75150. Phone (972) 288·5510, fox (972) 288·4944. GYMNASTICS NEVADA has on opening for a full· time coach. The requirements are: coaching and sponing experience on all four events and a very positive coaching aHitude. GYMNASTICS NEVADA offers on outstanding training facility with a high level academy and competitive program for boys and girls. Reno is full of recreational activities, from snow skiing to all types of booting. This is a salaried position with vacotion and medical benefits and incentive bonus. Please contact Allansdon at: 225 lillard Dr., Sparks, NV 89434, phone (702) 355· 7755 gym, fax (702) 355·8167.
FUll·TlME GIRLS TEAM COORDINATOR. Full·lime position for outgoing, highly· motivated individual to develop progressive "fun" training programs for competitive optional gymnasts. Must be able to teach preschool through level 10 gymnastics. We believe in positive teaching methods and require strong communication skills. We offer a very com· petitive salary with full·time benefits. Send resume to the Hanover YMCA, 500 N. George St., Hanover, PA 17331 , attn: linda Flannery, GymnastiCS Director. Phone (717) 632·8211 , fax (717) 632·6505. Seeking full·time RECREATIONAL AND EXPERI· ENCED TEAM COACH (levels 2·8). Positive ener· getic and dependable are a must! We are located 70 miles north of Memphis, population 20,000+. Well·established since 1988 and have a new 6,600 sq. It. gym. Starting salary between 518,000·522,000 based on experience and edu· cation. GYM MANAGEMENT APLUS! Send resume to: H&H Gymnastics Center, P.O. Box 430, Dyersburg, TN 38025. Call Kevin Howard at (901) 285·5741 or 5660. Indiana Gymnastics in Bloomington, Ind., is seek· ing a HEAD COACH AND GYM MANAGER. We offer all levels from novice through level 10. If you have what it tokes to develop elite gymnasts and youth programs with an encouraging environment, we want to hear from you. KnOWledge of USAG programs a must. Fox leHer of interest or resume to: (812) 332·6263, or moil to: IGTS, P.O. Box 1391 , Bloomington, IN 47402. BRANCH GYMNASTICS seeking various coaching positions in our growing business (1 000+ students). Join us in our 32,000 sq. ft. state·of·the·art facility. Positions for Girls Coaches/ Choreographersrecreational through Girls Team (levels 5·10), and Boys Coaches- recreational through Boys Team (Closs 7-1). Also seeking a Preschool Director. Must be professional, motivated, enthusiastic and dedi· cated individuals. Salary with benefits based on
experience and qualifications. Please send resume ta: AI &Cindy Scharns, Branch Gymnastics, 393 N. Helmer Rood, BaHle Creek, MI 49017. Call (616) 963-4770 or fox (616) 963-2225. BOSTON. EXPERIENCED GYMNASTICS COACHES AND INSTRUCTORS WANTED. Full·time and part· time positions available for our recreational and team programs and also boys and girls dasses. Salary commensurate with experience and bene· fits. Contact Jane Keaveney or Janie Murakovskaya at (617) 469·4911 , or send resume to: Charles River Gymnastics, 231 Rivermoor St., West Roxbury, MA 02132. PROGRAM DIRECTOR/COACH and INSTRUCTORS wanted for new gymnastics facility in beautiful Ormond Beach\ Florida. Ormond Beach is located just north of tne world's most famous beach in Daytona. Experience with recreational, preschool\ and all levels of competitive gymnastics. We neea coaches with energy and enthusiasm! Excellent working environment and appealing salary with benefits. Send resumes to: ABBA Gymnastics Academy, 404 N. Orange Ave., Deland, Fl32720. GIRLS ASSISTANT TEAM COACHES. An established gym of 17,000 sq. ft. wilh an enrollment of 1000 students is looking for two level 5·10 coaches to start in May/ June 1997. Beam and floor with a strong dance background, vault and bars. All con· didates should possess a positive attitude. Minimum of 30 coaching hours per week; salary dependent ufon experience. Benefits indude: major medico insurance, two weeks vacotian per year, and continuing education. Send resume to: Director, St. louis Gymnastic Centre, 315 W. PacifiC, St.louis, MO 63119. GIRLS COACH/ CHOREOGRAPHER. Apply now, start summer of '97. Full·time salaried position. Benefits. For confidential interview, please send resume to: Astronauts, 1927 Bundy St., Scranton, PA 18508.
• •
• •
We're a step ahead of our competition. There's more to the Pegasus Olympian than meets the eye. Take a closer look and tind out why Olympic champions Jim Hartung and Scott Johnson choose Pegasus. Innovative design and superior materials are handcrafted to produce what has proven to be the premier gymnastic shoe. Don't pay more tor less ... get Pegasus and get a step ahead on your competition. Shock Absorbing Heel Sorbolhane'·l absorbs up to 94% 01 shock lram heel strike. Only Pegasus has it!
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Wheal Ridge. CO 80033 n I.:i~EQ~U~IP~M~EN~T~'IN~CIiI1-800-522-0603IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM~ad~e'iii · u~ . siii ·A .. . MA RCH /AP RIL
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LASSIFIED ADVERTISING HEAD COACH WANTED. Cooch in the warmth and beauty of the Bahamas. Nassau gymNastics is seeking a qualified coach to lead their pre· and competitive teams, Levels 2·8. Energetic, positive individual will be responsible to coach as well as help market and promote program. Salary nego· tiable, based on experience. For more information call: (242) 393·6221 or (242) 324·1670. PROGRAM DIREaOR/ COACHING POSITIONS. Established but growing dub in Phoenix area is looking for experienced teachers/ coaches interest· ed in becoming port of our positive, fun, energetic and gool·oriented program. Must have a genuine love of children and teaching! Full/part·time posi· tions with benefits. Preschool through beginning team 0r.portunities also available with growth potentia . Agreat atmosphere and working envi· ronmenl. lf you're interested in becoming a port of something special send resume to: Aerials Gymnastics, 7724 N. 67th Ave., Glendale, AZ 85301. (602) 934·2007 phone, (602) 934·2097 fox, allention: Bruce Seid. HEAD TEAM COACHwonted for growing girls gym· nastics program. Must be a self starter, enthusiastic, energetic and willing to develop hot shots· Level 8. Definite business opportunity for right person. Salary commensurate with eaucation and experi· ence. Send resume only to: Stanly County Gymnastics, 1960 Post Rood, Albemarle, NC 28001 .
SUMMER CAMP POSITIONS ONE CALLDOES IT All!! TEACH GYMNASTICS!! 250 Summer Camp Positions. Choose from over 200
camps/ Northeast. Instructors/coaches needed to teach gymnastics. All levels needed. Fabulous facil· ities. Eight weeks. Have a professional recruiter identify the right camp position, salary and com· pensation package for you. Arlene Streisand's Summer Camp Services. 1·800-443-6428 or (516) 433-8033; fax (516) 933·7949. GYMNASTICS COUNSELORS. Experienced, quali· fied coaches and instructors, collegiate athletes needed for CRANE LAKE CAMP in the beautifu r Berkshire Mountoins of Mossachusetts. 2 1/2 hours from New York City or Boston. Wonderful pro· gram. Fantasti~ friendly stoff. New gym. Call or write Ed Ulanorf, lOW. 66 Street, New York, NY 10023. 1·800·227·2660. GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS. TRIPP LAKE CAMp, outstanding residential girls summer camp in Poland, Moine, seeks Gymnastics Director (must be over 21) and Instructors. Dependable, experienced teaching beginner through advancea levels. Knowledge 01 weight training and aerobics is essential. Position indudes salary plus travel ollowance, uniform, linens, room and board. For application, information and interview call: 1·800· 997-4347 or 1·800·580·6999. GYMNASTICS DIREaOR AND INSTRUCTORS. Private summer camp for girls located in the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusells seeks Coordinotor and Instructors for comprehen· sive gymnastics program for campers ages 7·15. Beginner·advanced dasses. Brand new facility includes: tumbling pits, spring floor, beams, unevens, vault and traveling rig. Competitive salary, room and boord, travel allowance. Contac\: Action Camping, 17 Westminster Drive, Montville,
BABY ANSWERS Who is she? Natalie Lacuesta Who is he? Mark Booth
NJ 07045, 1·800·392·3752. Program runs June 24 . August 22, 1997. EXPERIENCED GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS. Exceptional private girls summer camp locoted in Maine seeks experienced, enthusiastic gymnostics instructors. Our well·established program provides instruction in all four Olympic disciplines. Outstanding equipment ond facilities, lorgest gym of any camp in New England. Instructors position requires experience in dealing withall levels, ages ana abilities. Current CPR/ first aid certificotion is advantageous. Great chance to meet campers and counselors from all over the world, and experience the magic we hove to offer. Excellent salary, room/ travel/board included. For further informa· tion, contact 1·800·MATOAKA. GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR. Co·ed summer camp. Beautiful White Mountoins of New Hompshire. Run program for 130 girls, new gymnastics building and equipment. Must have experience. Friendlr. campers and staff. Days off in Boston, Montrea , Moine seacoast. June 18 to August 16. Camp Wolt Whitman UG, P.O. Box 558, Armonk, NY 10504, or call 1·800·657·8282. HIRING HEAD COACH, INSTRUCTORS. Lakeside Moine summer compoUve With, care for, teach girls age 7-16. Complete gym, Nissen equipment. Beginning students through advanced. Consistent, doily instruction. Gymnastics shoWl. Program's com· pulsory, optional skills promote development( mea· surable advancement, interest. Knowledge 0 USAG fundamental, optional skills; practical knowledge of compulsory levels; ability to spot, demonstrate' desire to teach children. Ability to put children's need before your own essential. College sophomores and up. Internships available. Opportunity to teach other athletics, arts, waterfront activities. 6/ 21 ·8/ 26. Non·smokers. Kippewa, Box 307, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090·0307; kippewa@tiaLnet;; (617) 762·8291. COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE SUMMER. Gymnastics and Cheerlead ing Head and
instructors/ cabin counselors (19+) for outstanding girls sports compo Excellent large gymnastics facility. Camp Robindel (one mile from two boys comps) is located on the LARGEST NEW ENGLAND LAKE (22 miles long) just below the White Mountoins, two hours north of 80ston. 1 1/2 hours from Moine coast. Beautifullocotion with 1500 lake front feet containing 700 foot notural sand beach. Must have warmth and love children. June nAugust 22. TRANSPORTATION PAID. Write to: 1271 Mill Rood, Meadowbrook, PA 19046. Phone 1·800·325·3396. GYMNASTICS HEAD/ INSTRUCTORS/ CABIN COUN· SElORS. Outstanding girls summer comp on beau· tiful Newfound Lake in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Must be able to teach children ages 6· 16 in a new, state·of·the·art gymnastics facility. Friendly atmosphere. Excellent facilities. Days off in Boston, Moine, or Montreal. Must be warm, caring and ready to have a great time! June 22·August 17. Top salary, transportation, room and boord, academic credit available. Write to: CAMP WICOSU· TAr 216 Country Club Rd., Newton, MA 02159, or ca 11 ·800·846·9426 or (617) 964·9633. LOCH EARN CAMp, beautiful, private residential camp for girls near Dartmouth College, seeks enthusiostic gymnastics stoff qualified in floor, bars, beam ana vault. Collegiate athletes, students and cooches, 18 yeors ond older. Professionol opportunity to expond your teo ching/ counseling skills. First·rate facilities, excellent support/super· vision, coring community. Academic credit avail· oble. Non·smokers only. Mid·June through August. Contract: Loch earn Camp for Girls, Rich Maxson, P.O. Box 117, Post Mills, VT 05058. Phone: 1·800· 235·6659, email: To place a classified ad: $75 every 90 words. Deadline: May/June-March 16; July / August-May 16. Send ad with payment to: USA Gymnastics, Classified Ads, Pan American Plaza, Suite 300, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225. Ads submitted without payment WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Finally. a Great Camp on the West Coast
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Sanla Barbara , Ca liforn ia Two sessions: 1une 29 - July 5 & July 6 - July 12 for all ski ll levels of girls and boys • minimum age 10 Fee : $455/sessio n (Discounts avai lable)
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Camp directed by 1992 Olympian, Chris Waller
Coaches & Clubs
with an All-S tar coaching staff
"John and John ", Kim Zmeskal,Lance Ringnald, Mihai Bagiu, Kip Simons
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• FREE CATALOG 800-221-1551 4679 HUGH HOWELL RD. TUCKER, GA 30084 1- 800 -241-9249. FAX: (770) 491 -3026
Total camp experience: World class trainin g. modern gymna~:tics faCility , delu xe housing, great food . Plus : ·Pool ' Zip line • Ropes course 'Beach BBQ · Movie ni ghts 'Skit night ." Sandsprin g"co ntest . .. and the final GYMJAM!!!
In NY 914·963·0005
Dept. UG37
First 50 campe rs to pay in full will receive a free A FEW GOOD MENw poste r, featuring the men of the John Hancock Post Olympic Tour W
More info:
Chris Wa ller'S Su mmer Gymnastics Jam 11664 National Bl vd .. Suite 365. LA, CA
(3 10)772·8160
SA GymnB
Steve HunnO-Director Steve Nunno was a USA Olympic Coach in 1992 and 1996. He coached Shannon Miller from beginner all the way to becoming America's most decorated gymnast evel:
a good portion of each day on gymnastics, flexibility, strength and dance. Up to 6 112 hours of structured, supelvised training will be taught each day. Our coaches will work on your development of basics, new skills, and pelformance. ",.." o.d;·;',,,
199 1 Session5 Week Week Week Week Week
1 ..............................J uly 6 - 11 2 ............................Ju ly 13 - 18 3 ............................Jul y 20 - 25 4 .................J uly 27 - August 1 5 ...........................August 3 - 8
Iuition $54 5 / child A $95 1I01l-rejimdable depo,it i, dlle 011
or before May 15th. Each camp week begill' 011 SlIlIday alld eud, 011 Friday. Discoli/ll, are availablefor grollP' of 10+, additiollal family members, alld for those atteudi"9111ore thall Oll e week.
et ready for the experience of a lifetime at Team USA - the highest quality, professional gymnastics training available. Our programs are designed exclusively for female gymnasts of all levels ages 7 to 18. Situated on 500 scenic, wooded acres, Team USA combines the most advanced gymnastics program with all the actionpacked fun and activities to be found in a deluxe summer camp. Team USA has emerged as the premiere gymnastics training camp in the country. That's because our gymnasts receive up to 6 1/2 hours of structured, supervised, individual instruction each day from professional, USA safety-certified coaches. We limit our enrollment in order to provide the lowest coach-to-camper ratio in the country. At Team USA, gymnasts can also join renowned dancers and choreographers in our beautifullal<:efront performing arts center for daily dance classes - an integral part of the gymnastics training curriculum. Each day, our athletes are fueled with healthy meals prepared with the freshest ingredients recommended by our in-house nutritionist. All of us at Team USA treat safety and the well-being of your child as our number one priority. At all times, campers are under the supervision of our staff. A fully qualified Camp Health Director lives on our property and our medical doctor is available 24 hours a day. Additional staff members are certified in emergency medical training, physical therapy, first aid, CPR and lifeguarding. Team USA is conveniently located just a few hours drive from a dozen Atlantic, Southern, and New England states. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We look forward to having your family tal<e part in the Team USA experience. See you this summer!
BIiCB Camp iBtho ullimato in training and lunl lxporllnslruclion
Siulo-of-iho-url Gym
lxciling 4clivilos
The key to Team USA gymnastics training is, our coaches listen to find out what YOIl want to accomplish at camp. Then they help you set goals that are within your reach. Nothing builds confidence like success, so experienced coaches and trainers at Team USA make sure that you establish challenging, yet realistic goals, that you can accomplish. In addition, each week the gymnasts will meet one of their Olympic stars from the 1996 USA Team. Our Professional Coaching Staff is safety certified by tile U.S. Gymnastics Federation and has been involved in competition at every level - from beginner to Elite to Olympian.
Take classes at one of our state-of-the-m1training gyms. Event areas are specifically designed for bars and vault, beam andj1oo/; trampoline and dance. Team USA uses j1oor-level, loose and solid foam landing pits for each event recognized as one of the best methods for learning new gymnastics skills.
Conquer Group Challenge and adventure activites like the Black Forest Challenge Ropes Course, Double Lightning Zip Line, The Shmatter-horn mountain wall, The Blob water trampoline, and much, more.
Team USA is conveniently located in Port Je/vis, New York ...where New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania meet at the Delaware Riverbetween the beautiful Catskill and Pocono Mountains.
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GYMNASTICS -800-345-4']19 $35
lAst uctor Member
feam Mem
Instructors of recreational gymnasts and instructors of pre-competitive gymnasts BENEFITS:
Competitive gymnasts BENEFITS:
Competitive coaches, judges and professionals in sport BENEFITS: • Free safety recertification • Technique and USA Gymnastics magazines • Rules and Policies book • Free FIG supplements with original purchase of FIG Code of Points • Liability insurance at sanctioned events • Discounts on Congress and various clinics, courses and seminars • Apparel discounts • Membership card
Call NOW to join
General Membef Recreational gymnasts, parents, fans and former gymnasts BENEFITS: • Official Member Kit • USA Gymnastics magazine • Apparel discounts • Membership card • Decal
• Discounts on safety certification course, Congress registration, compulsory workshop registration and more! • Decal • Apparel discounts • Membership card
• Secondary insurance coverage at sanctioned events • USA Gymnastics magazine • Decal • Apparel discounts • Membership card • For an additional $10, Team Members may purchase an Official Member Kit.
Become a p~ General Member and • receIve an official USA Gymnastics Member Kit!
Member Clubs
Club must show proof of insurance, have a minimum of one Pro Member on staff and the owner/director must be a member BENEFITS: • • • •
Lobby banner Member Club certificate Right to use logo in marketing materials Eligible to earn rebates on General Members from club • PDP I materials • Club newsletter • Complimentary or discounted products and services
",rrn'''''astics. or
D. Moceanu (USA), G. Gogen, L. Milosovici,A. Marinescu and S. Amanar (ROM), D. Kochetkova, S. Chorkina and R. Galiyeva (RUS), Mo Huilan (CHN), S. Boguinskaia an d other athletes. I tape: all events
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Presented by NBC Sports See the 1996 U.S.A. Gold Medal Women's Gymnastics Team make history. Rel ive all the great moments of the dramatic team competition. Atlanta's Magniffcent Seven includes highlights of the team compu lsories as well as each apparatus of the team optionals.
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Technical Videos For Coaches, Judges and Athletes To purchase the Atlanta 1996 Technical Videos, you must be a member of USA Gymnastics. Filmed from a technical viewpoint, these tapes are a muststudy for serious gymnastics followers .
Women's Team Optionals Features all teams from Atlanta as well as individual ath letes competing for other countries. Including the gold medal winning USA, RUS, ROM , CHN , BLR, UKR, FRA, GRE,AUS, HUN ,j PN , ESP. 6 tape set: all events
Video Series Series Description: The Day In The Gym series features training footage from clubs across the nation. Each video focuses on a level of training at a gymnastics club in the United States. This series shows cand id, unrehearsed views of typical workouts. These videos are great tools for gymnastics professionals to share training wisdom.
El ite Level - Cincinnati Gymnastics Aca d emy Featuring an Elite Level workout from Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy with Olympic coach, Mary Lee Tracy and Olympic Gold Medalists,Amanda Borden and jaycie Phelps. 2 ta£e set
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#2953 ...........$19.95 Rhythmic Individual Preliminaries Features all competing athletes. Includ ing: jessica Davis (USA), E. Serebryanskaya, E.Vitrichenko (UKR), I. Batyrchina and A. Zaripova (RUS), D. Popova and M. Petrova (BUL). L. Loukanenko and T. Ogryzko (BLR). as well as athletes from ESp, FRA. CAN. GRE, ROM. GER. ITA. CHN. JPN , POL. CZE, HUN. AUT. GEO, BEL. FIN and LTU. 4 tape set: all events
#2954 . ...... .. . $29.95
#2950. ........ .. $49.95 Women's All-Around Features all competing athletes. Including the gold medal winning Lilia Podkopayeva (UKR), S. Miller, D. Dawes and D. Moceanu (USA), G . Gogen, L. Milosovici and S. AmanaI' (ROM), D. Kochetkova, S. Chorkina and R. Galiyeva (RUS) , Mo Huilan (CHN). S. Boguinskaia and Y. Piskun (BLR) and athletes competing from other countries. 4 tape set: all events
#2951 .... . .. ... .$29.95 Women's Event Finals Features all competitors. including: Lilia Podkopayeva (UKR), S. Miller,A. Chow, D. Dawes and
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; ~:. ~: "~m~d~Y: ~.~Wt "~;m: F~': B:'~";:"~m ;:B:ld~ ~ :~~ ~: ;~ Thanks these clubs for their support and salutes the athletes they've honored with their gift.
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