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Above: A happy Blaine Wilson lalks 10 Ihe media al a press (onferen(e following his Visa Ameri(an (up win.
INTERNATIONAL TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS ... . .. . . . ... .. .. . . . .... . . . . . . ....... .. 26
The International Team Championships was the first competition of its kind. USA Gymnastics invited powerhouse junior and seni00 eams from China ansi Romania to comRete against the U.S. The U.S. Senior Men and Junior Women were victorious in their competitions. The U.s . Senior Women and Junior Men took second in their events. China's Junior Men and Romania's Senior Women won the titles.
C ONT EST . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 8
USA Gymna stics asked readers to send letters explaining how the Magnificent 7, U.S. Women' s Olympic Gymnastics Team, has motivated them. USA Gymnastics received so many great letters, it was difficult picking the winning entries. On page 8 find out who won the contest and how the Magnificent 7 motivated them. USA Gymnastics also published many other great entries.
VISA AMERICAN CUP . .. ....... . .... .. .. .. . . .. .. 21
The trio from China won the International 3 on 3 Gynmastics Championships, which utilized a unique and fun gymnastics format. A women's artistic , men ' s artistic a n d rhythmic gynmast were combined to form a trio and each of the three gymnasts on a team performed a routine.
USA's Blaine Wilson and France's Elvire Teza won the 1997 Visa American Cup with the largest and smallest margins of victory, respectively, in the history of the event. The event was held in Fort Worth, Texas. Above: Lindsay Wing look sixlh all·around in preliminaries al Visa Ameri(an (up. COYII PHOT06WH OF IIAINE WIlSON AltD RVlIE lIlA USA 6YIIIIASOO PIIOTDGWII © DAVE 100
USA GYIIIUS11CSIISSII 074U006HUSPS 0005-666) is puIIIishod IimonIhIy for SIS in !he U.S., 537 in C"""""or Molilo, and S4S in aI. <OUII1rios. USA GYMIIAS1ICS ispulllishod by USA GymnostiG, PaIIAmorkan PIozo, 701 S. CapitolA..., SuiIo 300, Indianapofis, IN 46775, (317) 737-5050. Periodical pos1ago pcid "Indianapofis, IN 46704. I'OSIIIASIEI: Send oddr", <hangos 10 USA GYIIIUS11CS, 701 S. Capitol A..., SuiIo 300, Indianapofis, IN 46775. USA GymnostiG:!he sole IIII1ionof governing.body lor !he sport 01 gymnastic>. Anol·lor·profit organization, USA GymnostiG seIem, ttains and acIminist", 1M U.S. GymnostiG Team, induding 1M U.S. Ofympi< GymnostiG Team. Contributions and supporIar. alway. wokorne and are 1o,·deductibIe. © 1997 USA GymnasIiB. AI righb Pr.."d by Sport Graphics, Inc., Indianapofis, IN, USA.
publi sher
Kathy Scanlan Editor
Luan Peszek Designer
Julie T. Jones Design Associate
Mary Burkhart Advertising
Kim Clayton Men's Program Director
By Kathy Scanlan
President of USA Gymn a stics
Ron Galimore Women 's Program Director
Kathy Kelly Rhy thmic Program Director
Nora Campbell Education and Safety Director
Steve Whitlock USA Gymnastics Board 01 Directors Chair: Sand~· Knapp; President: Kathy Scanlan; President Emeritus: !vlike Donahue; Constituent Members: Amateur Athleti c U ni o n: tVlike Stanner; American So kol O rga ni zation: Je rrv iVli lan; American Tu rn ers : Betty He p pner; Co l(ege Gy m na s ti cs Associa tion- M: Rov jolmson; Na ti onal Associati on o f Coll egiate Gymnasti cs Coaches for '-\'omen: Ga il Da\"is; N atio nal Associ ation for G irl s and ''''omen in SpOlt: Marilyn Strinvb ridge; National Ass ociati on of \I\.'omen'5 Gymnastics Jud ges: Yvonne Hodge; Na ti onal Colleg iate Athl etic Associati on: Chris Voe lz, Tom DUlUl; Na ti onal Federati on o f State High Schoo l Associations: Susan True; Na ti onal Gy mnastics Judges Associ ati on: John Scheer; Nati onal Hig h Scho o l Gymnast ics Coaches Associa ti o n: Jo hn Br ink wort h; U .S. Ass oc iati o n o f In dependent Gy m Clu bs: Lance Crow l e~"; U.S. Elite Coaches Associ ation for Me n's Gy mnas ti cs: rvlar k \Villia ms; U.S. Elite Coaches Assoc iati on for \I\'omen's Gymnastic s: Ga rv Anderson, Roe Kreu tzer; U.s. Me n's Gymnastics Coa"ches Assoc iati on: lvlarc Ya nce\"; U.s. Rh y thmi c Gy m nas ti cs Coac hes As soci .l t io n: Suz ie DiTu ll io; Young Men's Christi an Assoc iatio n of the USA: Ri ck Dodson; USA Gymnastics National Membership Directors: Me n's: Rav Gura, Jim Ho lt; Rhythmic: Tamara Dasso, Alia Svirskv;"''''omen's: Linda Chencinski, Da \"id Holcomb; Athlete Directors: Tan ~ 'a Service Cha plin, cha ir; Chris \IValier. ,"ice chai r; Kri s te n Ke nove r VVoo d land , sec; lvlichelle DusserreFa rrell , USOc" athlete representati ve; \IVend ~' Hill iard, Vanessa Vande r P lu \"m , Pete r Vid m ar, Con rad Voorsa nger, Kim Zmes"ka l; Associate Members: Jew is h Co mmunit y Ce nt ers: Lor i Katz; Sp ec ial Ol ympics, Inc.: Kate Faber-Hickie; USA Trampo line & Tum bling: VVayne Downing; U .S. Competitive Sports Aerob ics Fede rati on: Howard Sch wartz; U.s. Spo rts Acrobatics Federa ti on: Bonnie Dav idson.
USA Gymnastics Executive Committee Chair: Sandy Kna pp; Spec ial Advisor to the Chairman of the Board : Roe Kreutzer; Pres id ent: Ka th," Scanlan; Secre tar y: i'vlik e !vl ili don is; V ice Ch a i r M en : Ti m Daggett; Vice Chair Rhythm ic: Candace Feinberg; Vice C h a ir \rVo m e n : Joan ivloo re G n at; FI G Exec uti ve Committee Me mbe r: Jav .Ashmore; FIG Me n's Technical Committee: George Bec"ks tead; FI G Rhythmic Technica l Committee: Andrea Schmid-Shapiro; FI G ''''ome n's Technical Committee: Jack ie Fie; At large Me mb ers: Jim Hartung, Susan True; Athl ete D irectors: Tanya Service Chaplin, \IVendy Hill iard, Peter Vidma r; USOC Athl ete Re prese ntati ve: lVlichelle Dusserre-Fa rrell; Pres ide nt Emeritu s: rvtike Donahue. Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all articles, statements and vie\\·s printed herein are attr ibuted solely to the author and USA G~·mnas t ics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibili ty thereof.
y mn a s ti cs p r o v ides e ndl ess op portu nities for fri endships. Most of these friendsh ips w e experience in our own gym s, am ong the athle tes, coaches an d parents associa ted w ith our d aily lives. As compe tition begins, frien dships also begin to d evelop w ith o ther gym s, a thle tes and coach esin the sta te, in the region and eventually across the na tion.
Interna tionally the same is true. This issue of USA Gymnastics highlights the m ost impo rtant United Sta tes international m eets. The VISA Am erican Cup celebra ted its 21st year w ith the victories of Blaine Wilson of the USA and Elvire Teza o f Fr a n ce . Six tee n n a ti o n s we re r e presented at the Cup and the 3 on 3 Internatio n a l G y mnas tics Ch a mp io nships w hich followed . Everyone involved had a wonderful time in Fort Worth. With the assista nce of the local gymnas tics community, we were able to show our international guests a bit of the w ild wes t. The d elegation had fun at a western p arty prior to the Am erican Cup and fo llowing the competition went to a real w orking ranch and enj oyed a h ay ride and bonfire.
They to pped off the w eekend by hosting a fin al party a t a ren ova ted train sta tion, complete w ith gymnastics displays set up for the non-gymnas ts to try o ut the a ppara tus. We develop ed man y fri end ships w ith our gymnas tics g u ests fro m China and Rom ania. We hope to m a ke m any m ore fri ends as USA G ymnas tics d evelop s G ym Corps- w h e re coach es will tra vel to other countries fo r sh ort p eriod s of time to p rovide coaching in struc tion. Gym Corp s is an id ea tha t the USA Gymnas tics Athle tes Ad visory Council has been ·working on for som e time. We a nticipa te a pilot pro gra m w ith the African Union this summer. If yo u a re a t least 18 years of age, h ave coach ing cred entials, a nd a re interes ted in m ore informa tion, please contac t Becky Riti at 317-237-5050.
Three weeks la ter, the CincilU1ati gymnas tics community sh owed off their hospitality to our gu ests at the International Team Ch a mpi onship s . Fo r th is co mp e titi o n USA The most important Gymnas tics in v ited junior part of these teams as well as senior team s from Romania and China. competitions and Ma n y of th e a thl e t es h a d never been out of their counexchanges is try. In fac t, several had never the long lasting traveled by plane prior to their journey to the United friendships and warm Sta tes. It was a grand ad venture for them, an d fo r us. feelings of goodwill Our Cinci nn a ti h os ts t oo k that develop between the teanlS on a riverboat dinner cruise on the Ohio River. people and nations.
Th e most important pa rt of these competitions and exch anges is the lon g las ting fri endships and w arm fee lings of goodw ill that develop between people and n a tions. I h op e that if you have the opportunity to be a pa rt of an interna tion al exchange as an a thlete, volunteer, coach or in any other way, yo u will take ad vantage of the opportunity and becom e a p art of w hat m akes gymnas tics a trul y world wide community. MA Y / JUNE
1 997
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rZRSTPLAcE The victory of the 1996 U.S. Olympic Gymnastics Team was an awesome, headturning achievement. They are now idolized by many young gymnasts around the world, including me. I was motivated not only by their Gold Medal standing, but by their team-spirit and enthusiasm both before and after the Games. They were constantly cheering for each other and had smiles on their faces. They proved that gymnastics can be fun and rewarding, along with being extremely challenging. The Mag Seven made me want to continue working to do and be the best gymnast I can and to keep reaching for my goals. Congratulations to them and thank you! By Erin Brender Lake Mary, Florida
The Mag Seven has inspired me so much. I'm physically challenged. I have two dislocated elbows and a dislocated hip. I had a surgery last year. They put pins through my right leg trying to make it as long as my left leg. Well, I fell down and broke my femur, and the doctors had to put a rod in my right leg. Ever since I had the rod taken out I have wanted to do gymnastics. I was told "NO" because my bones are not strong enough yet. I kept dreaming. Then when the Olympics came, I was watching it with my mom and told her I wanted to do gymnastics. She told me no because I would get hurt. Then Kerri Strug fell and hurt herself. The next day I knew for sure that I really, really with all my heart and soul wanted to do gymnastics. I continued to ask my mom and she finally said that we could ask the doctor. The doctor said I could do physically challenged gymnastics! The Mag Seven has made an incredible impact on me and now I'm reading coaches guides and hoping to one day own a gym and teach physically challenged gymnastics. Cyndi Duvall Baltimore, Maryland NOTE: For winning second pla(e, Cyneli has received a (Opy of the book "Dominique Mo(eanu An Ameri(an Champion."
THIRD PLAcE Almost 30 years ago, I was a gymnast and coach. I eventually gave it all up to become a registered nurse, wife, and mother. I have alWBiYS kept up with gymnastics news and the Olympics. My daughter, Jesse, was 8 years old in 1996 when she and I watched the Mag Seven take the gold. Jesse immediately jumped up and started doing cartwheels and handstands. She said she wanted to be one of the Mag Seven. I enrolled her soon after in gymnastiCS classes. She has been truly dedicated and in the past seven months, she has worked her wBiY from Levell to Level 4. Watching the Mag Seven not only motivated my daughter, it motivated me as well-I went back to coachingl Theresa King QUinton, Oklahoma NOTE: For winning third place, Ther.so has received a poster autograplted by th. W_'s Olympk Gymnastks Team.
The Magnificent Seven has shown me how the . human spirit has prevailed. They ~lessed me W1th seven extraordinary heroines. Durmg the Summer Olympics I witnessed that glorified night when team USA sur~ounted above the entire world. It led me to believe that the impossible drea~ ca~ be the possible reality. It also led me to be~eve m true heroes. A true hero may not be a W1llller eyery . time. What separates a true hero from a W1llller IS a true hero can accept failure as well as success and turn the worst of it to the absolute best. ~'ve. ~een f the gymnasts fall however the SIgnifIcant some 0 ' d f" . h their part to me is to see them rise an mlS . routines. T~ witness the Magnif~cent Seven dim off spotlight and then glisten back mto the heart o~ America is very inspiring. It's not the gold that s influential to me, it's the will to 0:rerco~e all obstacles and find virtual triumph m trymg your very best. That motivates me as a young woman, an athlete, and a human being. Van Truong San Jose, California The Magnificent Seven has made a major impact to a lot of gymnasts, former gymnasts, parents, and even the general public. The teamwork and determination of those talented, young women will stay with me for a very long time. The feeling that I had when it was announced the U.S. Women's GymnastiCS Team had won the gold cannot be described in words. When I watched that dedicated group of ladies stand on the first place block, with their heads held high singing our National Anthem, the tears of joy just rolled down my cheeks. Ginger Dietz North Webster, Indiana
'unior in high school, I had When I was 16 and a tore some ligaments in roy a compound fracture tha t m' a brace and was I was pu t' s knee. After surgery .' sorts of choice, gymnas 10 unable to compete roy ~se seven tinY gymnasts and wrestling. Seemg th Shannon Miller's elbOW overcome injuries, from . Strug's ankle during years ago to Kerli~that anything vO>J"-"",,ade me rea ze . t' n the Games, has m h heart and motlVa 10 . accomplished with enoug countless hours of rehad NoW nearly five years .and t get back into wrestling bi1it~tion later, I've deClde ll-~arine CorpS team next and I'll try out for the a year. Scott E. Crossen Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
MAG 7 LETTER:; The Magnificent Seven has helped me to learn and grow in a variety of ways. I used to think that if you work really hard you will get to the Olympics. Now I know just working hard won't get you to the Oly mpics . You have to have fun and work hard. You also have to set goals for yourself. After I watched the OlympicS on TV I knew that they had trained hard and fulfilled their dream. I also know that all gymnasts are champions. If you are a beginner or a Level 10, it doesn't matter. If you enjoy gymnastiCS that's all that really matters. ' Nycole Stawinoga Streamwood, Illinois
The MagnT
~;~i;o~~~f~~;:;~~.t~~S g:~~i~a~~~~~ to
. e Ieve that m order to reach your goals it takes dedication Th dedication, thanks to the Mag' S e word has a ne . even, now defi .t. w, Improved definition . My ill IOn used to be to put in the time money, effort, and work to achieve ' goals. Now I realize that my definitra~ur must be Improved to include believin in y ourself and believing in th g trying to reach y our goal If ;o~a~!~,:or reach y our goal, then at ieast y ou'll h k nown wh y 1.t was so important to tr ave that I have a new defin·t· f y. Now I'm achieving more of ~ IOn or dedica~ion, ing more of y goals. Byachievmy goals I then make new ones m t . . In this way the Mag S even has o Ivated me to become a better and to better understand myself. gymnast
I'm a rhythmic gymnast. I will remember the 1996 OlympiCS for the rest of my life, especially the gymnastiCS competition. The seven girls that won the gold medal worked hard and sacrificed a lot to be the best. Sometimes when I'm in the gym, I remember Kerri Strug's brave final vault in the team competition or Shannon Miller's well-deserved gold medal on beam, and it inspired me to work harder. I will be 16 during the 2000 Games. Sometimes I think I should be at a higher level at my age. Then I saw Shannon, who was 19 , and I thought, I can do it. I realize noW that I have to work my hardest, and do my best to win. I also need to have self-confidence, and I have to think I can. The Magnificent Seven helped teach me that. Avani Nadkarni Seattle, Washington
Angela Messerschmidt Berwick, Pennsylvania
1 99 7
c R WAVERLY HILLS, TEXAS Welcome to Karo lyi's World Camps, home of several Olympic and World Champions. For beginner, advanced and competitive gymnasts. Girls-minimum age: 6 years old.
Bela and Martha Karolyi, coach of the 1984-1988-1992-1996 USA Olympic Team , invites you to be a part of an action-packed and fun-fi lled summer. They wi ll help you to have a unique gymnastics experience of a lifetime.
Camps will be personally directed by
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coach of several Olympic and World Champions.
He shares with you his 35 years of coaching experience as he developed some of the most famous Olympic champions of the world, such as Nadia Comaneci, Mary Lou Retton, Kim Zmeskal, Dominique Moceanu and Kerri Strug.
PHONE: (409) 291 -0007 FAX: (409) 291-8637
• Upgrade and learn new gymnastics skills with Bela Karolyi and his master staff. • Have a unique, fun outdoor experience: swimming, horseback riding, tennis, campfire adivities, boating.
SPECIAL OFFER - Coaches with 10 students enrolled are invited free of charge . .. Coaches with 10 students enrolled to attend camp will receive housing, meals, recreational facilities, and BELA'S MASTER LECTURE PRESENTATION followed by question-answer session regarding your favorite topics. (Only coaches with students enrolled can attend camp and master lectures. With fewer than 10 students enrolled, coach's attendance fee is $225.)
r------------------------------, • Tuition/session: $325.00 • Additional session: $295.00 • Enrollment is limited; call or write for your camp brochure. NOTE: Only cashier's check or money order will be accepted for deposit and balance. Deposit: $75/session (not refundable). • High-quality, intensive gymnastics instruction in the brand new 25,000-square-foot gymnasium complex. • Exciting additional outdoor activities: horseback riding, swimming (Olympic-size pool), tennis, volleyball, basketball, campfire activities, boating and acro bungee jump.
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Housing, meals, instruction, additional activities. Additional sessions: $295 Coaches: See special offer with 10 students enrolled.
Karo ly i' s Gymnastics Wo rld Ca mps
Route 12, Box 140, Huntsville, Texas 77340
Phone: (409) 291-0007 L __________________ _ _______ __ _ _
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International Gymnast, PO Box 721020, Norman, OK 73070 (405) 447-9988
. "J
drink plenty of fluids to rehydrate your body
ne of an athlete's favorite beliefsfat is bad food, carbohydrates is good-needs to be reexamined in light of facts, according to the Penn State Sports Medicine Newsletter.
"A lot of athletes have the idea that fat is a poor nutrient and feel almost superior if they survive on a fat-free diet," says Dr. Kristine L. Clark, Ph.D., RD., a member of the newsletter's editorial board. "In reality, fat is an e sse n tial nutrient," notes C l ark, coordina tor of the sports nutrition program for Penn State varsity athletes. "If you don't eat some fat, there is a good possibility that total calories will be inadequate. Just as many athletes overconsume carbohydrates, they under-consume fats ."
Athletes are told continually that 55 to 60 percent of their calories should come from carbohydrates, meaning starchy carbohydrates such as bread and cereals. However, they fail to realize that carbohydrates also occur in fruits, vegetables and dairy products, and thus they consume more starches than they should.
Furthermore, athletes make the mistake of not consuming enough fluids. In additio n , they need to remember to eat a balanced meal about four hours before competition and a pre-game snack one hour before. "Finally, athletes should not wait too long after a game to eat," Clark adds. "They should take in carbohydrate-rich
foods within two hours after in tense exercise. It doesn't matter whether you take in solids or liquids. After exercise, athletes can eat almost anything they wan t. Sports drinks and juices are beneficial for rehydration as we ll as providing carbohydrates."
(Reprinted from the Penn State Sports Medicine Newsletter)
Athletes also put too much stock in dietary supplements while at the same time overlooking the nutritional value of red meat," Clark told the newsletter. "Supplements may be appropriate but, if an athlete is not getting 100 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for certain food groups, substances such as ginseng, herbs, creatine, and protein supplements are simply not necessary for good nutrition to enhance performance."
eat lots of fruits and vegetables
I~ {or~e~ , ome {a~. S
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CARY, NORTH CAROLINA Cosey, 11, has been in gymnastics for one ond 0 half years. In her first year of compelilion, Cosey won many overall titles, including the 1996 North Carolina State Championships Level 4. Cosey's fovorite event is bars, where she scored 9.45 at her lost meet. Cosey is on the senior teom at the Cory School of Gymnastics under the direclion of Mrs. Ericka Bloodworth.
• New 39 M.M. diameter round rails. (Meets the new USA Gymnastics rules & policy and all FIG specifications) • Fast & easy long lasting cable tightner. • 100% nickle-chrome finish . • Spreader bar adjust to 1650 m.m. • State of the art piston design • 30 day unconditionally guaranteed • 2 year full warranty Compare Midwest Eagle uneven bars quality, performance, & cost. Proven performance at all of Indiana, Kentucky, USA State Meets & Region V Level 9 Regionals
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Nicholos, 9, competed in his first year at level V. He hos qualified for the MossochuseHs Stote linols. His fovorite event is floor exercise. He trains ot Thompson Gymnastics and is coached by Tom Molone.
Proven performance in gymnastics programs across the
Andee, 9, trains otthe Kips Center for fitness ond Gymnostics. She won the Mississippi Level 6 State Meet in December 1996 with 0 36.55 oll·oround. She won first on floor (9.25), first on voult (9.45), second on beom (8.60), ond sec· and on bors (9.25). Andee is very excited obout moving to Level B. She's cooched by Wei Huong, Viktor Kirsov, ond Vlodimir Arlemov.
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Annie, B, recently won the Stote Chompionship for Level 5 held in Richmond, Colif. Annie, who competes for Technique Gymnostics in Rancho Cordovo, olso won tilles on floor ond beom, os well os 0 second ploce finish on voult ond fourth ploce tie on bors. She's cooched by Mark Holtzclow ond Shoi Eoton ond is currently training for level 6.
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ERIN MARINO CYPRESS, TEXAS Erin, 11, trains ot Cypress Acodemy of Gymnostics and is cooched by Mory Jeon Griffin ond Mike Hunsucker. She completed her level 6 seoson 0 triple title holder with first in the oll-oround ond on beam ot the District meet; first oll-oround ond on bars and beom ot the South-Stote; ond first oll-oround ond on beom ot the Texos Stote Chompionships_Cypress took fourth place team at the stote competition. Erin is now training level 8.
DANNIKA SWANSON PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON Donniko, 9, troins ot Boinbridge Islond Gymnostics Club. She took first all-around in two consecutive meets ot level 5, 9-yeor-old oge group, before moving to level 6/ Elite doss, 8-10 yeor old oge group. She took first oll-oround (section AI ot the los Vegos, "Go For It Classic" in February. There were opproximotely 1800 othletes from 35 states ond four countries represented in this meet. Donniko is cooched by Craig Wille"e.
MIGHTY LITTLE MEN LAGUNA HillS, CALIFORNIA Here's a photo of seven tough young men. With nomeslike Shorty, Morgon, Ryon, Ken, Nick, Tim ond Chris, they tune themselves like line mochines. These guys work out 15 plus hours 0 week ot the u.s. Gymnostics Training Center. They ore Closs Vand coiled the Red Group. They ore between the oges of 9-11 ond hove won more teom owords than fit on the gym shelves. At on overoge height ond weight of 4'2" ond 62 pounds, they perform thousonds of pullups, bor dips, (funches, ond neor flowless gymnostics.
KAELIBETH CAVINESS CENTERVIllE, OHIO Koelibeth, 18 months, is showing off her l-hold in the rocking choir. She is the youngest member ond moscot of the Hond 2 Hond Acrobotic Troining Center, which is in Huber Heights, Ohio. She con do her straddles ond is mostering 0 forword roll. Wotch out 2012 Olympics!!!
MAY!J UNE 1 99 7
for a Free catalog: P.O. Box 1444 CO 80150-1444 USA 5-5999 Toll Free 303-937-1012 303-937-1049 FAX
BLAINE WILSON WINS NISSEN AWARD 1996 Olympian and Ohio State gymnast Blaine Wilson won the 1997 Nissen Award, which recognizes the nation's outstanding senior male collegiate gymnast. The award is named after Iowa-native George Nissen who was an all-American gymnast and diver at Iowa in 1937. The award, established in 1966 and sponsored for several years by Nissen's gymnastics equipment company, is designed to honor an outstanding gymnast who has displayed exemplary traits of sportsmanship and academic performance.
SeaHle, Washington TEAM RESULTS
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Sean Ie Pacific Texas Women's Univ. Cal State Sacramento UC Santa Barbara Airfarce Academy UCOavis Univ. of Bridgeport Southern Connecticut
ALL-AROUND 1. Margi HoeHler
1. Elena Tkatcheva 3. Rebecca Seebirt
192.250 191.525 189.800 189.150 187.875 187.475 187.100 183.125 UC Santa Barbara Alaska Cal State Sacramento
1. Rebecca Seebirt 2. Margi HoeHier 3. Wendy Groves
Sacromento UC Santa Barbara Texas Woman's
9.B500 9.B125 9.6B75
Seanle Pacific Seanle Pacific UC Santa Barbaro
9.8750 9.7500 9.7250
Seanle Pacific Texas Woman's Alaska
9.8250 9.8000 9.7250
Alaska Santa Barbara Univ. af Bridgepart
9.9000 9.8250 9.7750
1. Mindy Ferguson 2. Oeni Boswell 3. Margi HoeHier BEAM 1. Amanda King
2. KimKoenig 3. Elena Tkatcheva
Elena Tkatcheva
1. Elena Tkatcheva 2. Allison Giorgeni 3. Angela Varney
When General Members renew their memberships with USA Gymnastics for $20, they will receive a new Member Kit which will include a fanny pack, photo magnet, decal, and wrist bands-all with the USA Gymnastics logo, and subscription to USA Gymnastics magazine. For an additional $12, registered Team Members can also purchase a Member Kit after June 1 by contacting Member Services at 1-800-345-4719.
A'M'ElIDAlICE AT WOMEll'S COLLEGIATE GYMlIASTICS COMPETITIOIIS In the last issue of USA Gymnastics a top 20 listing was posted for attendance at Women 's Collegiate Gymnastics Competitions . Penn State was inadvertenrly left out of the attendance ran kings. Penn State's attendance of 2,655 would have placed them seventh in the top 20 rankings.
IN MEMORY In memory of Kimberly Smith (1980-1996), who was tragically killed in an automobile accident on Sept. 27, 1996. She was a very dedicated Level 9 gymnast at Pantheon School of Gymnastics and Technique Gymnastics in Rancho Cordova, Calif. She will be remembered for her motivation, kind heart, and constant support and encouragement of her teammates.
These athletes were left out of the MarchiApril issue. Harris YMCA Gymnastics·Kathleen Barry, Megan Barry, Megan Bowker, Melissa Bryson, Rachel Chu, Hannah Drexler, Rachel Drexler, Ali Duffy, Megs Eichorn, Morgan Fox, Dawn Faults, Brittany Gente!, Lesley Hall, Jessie Horton, Jennifer Lambeth, Nicole Laughlin, Caroline Mann, Kelly McGowan, Erin Mcintyre, Raquel McMath, Connie Proctor, Starr Session, Hannah Shepherd, Kelly Strong, Amanda Taylor, Celine Van Riemsdiik MAY!JUNE 1997
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By Brael Harris Co-He ael Coach of LaFleurs Gymnastics In St. Petersburg
CONDITIONING 1. HOLLOW POSITION The hollow hold is on essentiol position thot needs to be mostered before 0 good underswing con be performed. It's olso 0 pre-requisite for #2 ond #3.
ro...... H
••CI........ perlo........, a ........pswlna wlillte ••arly I..poulltl•• Th. foll.wI •• are c....III••I ••
• x.rcl••• a." "rill. that really w.rk I. Iellchil••. and p .....ctl•• the .....rswI.g.
COACHES: Please submit your conditioning ideas to: Reebok Coaching Corner, c/o USA Gymnlls';cs, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. US A
2. HOLLOW HOLD AGAINST THE WALL This exercise simulotes the shope necessory to creote 0 good underswing. The gymnost should mointoin 0 tight bottom ond keep her chin to her chest.
3. INVERTED HANG ON THE LOW BAR In the beginning, this drill con be practiced with the ossistonce of 0 spotter. But, in the end, the gymnost should be oble to moster the drill by herself.
4. CLEAR HIP PULLS WITH PARTNER This exercise strengthens the body ports necessory for the "kick out" phose of the underswing. It should be performed with moderate resistonce from0 portner.
MA Y /JU NE 19 97
f"\ }
1. BACK HIP CIRCLE WITHOUT CASTI This is one of the best drills to teoch the her hips while mointoining the hollow shope. As drills, the gymnost should keep her chin on her the drill, ond moke sure her bottom does not drop.
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2. HALF BACK HIP CIRCLE KICK OUT An underswing is holf of 0 bock hip circle, followed by 0 strong thrust up ond out. This usuolly prevents the othlete from dropping her bottom. This drill should be done with 0 spotter.
3. UNDERSWING ON TRAPEZOID An underswing onto 0 tropezoid gives the othlete 0 I kick oul. If the gymnost is unoble to perform this drill spend more time on#1 ond #2. After the gymnost hos completed these conditioning she should be reody to performon owesome IInrt~r(Wml/l
ond drdls suÂŤessfully
EVE N , SCHEDULE (Dates & Events Subied to Change or Cancellation)
MAY J.~. Champianships (M) 16-18 FIG Men's Technical CommiNee Meeting 21 -26 The Outdoor Gymnastics Championship (M/W) 24-25 28-Jun 2 J.D. Nat'l Compulsory Workshops & New Code Clinic (W) USA Gymnastics Executive CommiNee Meeting 30 31-Jun 1 USA Gymnastics 80ard of Directors Meeting
Orlando, Fl San Pedro, CA Hilton Head, SC Reno, NV Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN
JUNE 3-6 4-9 13-15 14-15 20-22 28-29
Four Continents Championships (R) J.D. Nat'l Compulsory Workshops & New Code Clinic (W) Region II Compulsory Workshop ond Congress Elite Regionals (W) Region III Compulsory Workshop and Congress U.S. Challenge - National Elite (W)
Sydney, AUS
Sr. Pan American Championships (M/W/R) Elite Judges Course (W) U.S. Championships Qualification Meets (M) Regional Elite Meets (International Only W) Region IV Congress International Junior Team Meet (R) U.S. Classic/Notional Gymnastics Festival (W)
Medellin, COL Tempe, AZ Various Sites Various Sites Minneapolis, MN T8D SeaNle, WA
Providence, RI SeaNle, WA Various Sites Houston, TX Cincinnati, OH
JULY 2-5 9-13 12 12-13 19-20 19-20 24-27
AUGUST 9-13 13-16 14-17 20-31 22-24 24-27 28-31 31-7
FIG Continental Judges Course ( R) John Hancock U.S. Gymnoslics Championships (M/W) USA Gymnastics Notional Congress World University Games (W) FIG General Gymnoslics "Group Performances" Course USA Gymnostics Notional GymFest (GG) Junior Olympic Notional Team Training Camp (W) Artistic World Championships (MIW)
Colorado Springs, CO Denver, CO Denver, CO Sici~, ITA Orlando, Fl Orlando, FL Colorado Springs, CO Lausanne, SUI
SEPTEMBER GAT Convention 5-7 legion I Congress 5-7 legion VII Congress 5-7 Inremalionol JL GymnasIks CampeIiIion (Ml'WI 11-18 25-Od 2 Junior I'acific - . . (hampiollships (M/M
Aug. 17 (W) Sept. 13 (M) EVENT DATE: Aug. 13-16
John Honcock U.S. Gymnastics Championships McNichols Arena Denver, Colorodo
Austin, TX Sanla Clara, CA E. Slroudshurg, PA Yokahama, JPN Colorado Springs, CO
By Luan Peszek
t was an interestingVisa American Cup with 24 Olympians competing for nearly $80,000 in prize mo Although there were many fam faces, there were also many u and-coming gymnasts trying make a name for themselves in gymnastics world. The event place Feb. 27-Mar. I at the County Convention Center Arena Fort Worth, Texas. Many speculated prior to the event who would be the next Visa American Cup Champion. Would it be up-and-coming U.S. junior Vanessa Atler, Romania's Olympic Bronze Medal winner Alexandra Marinescu, or Pacific Alliance Champion Mohini Bhardwaj from the U.S.? On the men's side, would U.S.'s John Roethlisberger become a three-time American Cup Champion? Perhaps the winner would be U.S. Olympian Blaine continued next page MAY / JUNE
GYMNAsr.es m
PRill MONlY I st All-Around $10,000 2nd All-Around $6,000 3rd All-Around $4,000
Wilson or Germany's Valeri Belenki or Russia's Juri Kryukov.
4th All-Around $3,000 5th All-Around $2,500
The story began to unfold after preliminaries. Wilson won the all-around defeating his closest competitor, Roethlisberger, by 1.7 points.
6th All-Around $2,000 7th All-Around $1,500
Ohio State's Wilson said, "I felt good about my performance in preliminaries. I had to sit and watch finals last year because I didn't make it. I hate to sit and watch!"
8th All-Around $1,000 9th thru 17th All-Around $500
Wilson, who added 16 new skills in his routines sin c e the Olympic Games, also won three events, pommel horse, still rings and high bar. He did an entirely new pommel horse routine, new strength sequences on rin s, and a new high bar routine including a layoutTkatchev.
1st Place $1,000 Note: Athletes electing to maintain their NCAA eligibility could not accept the prize money.
Jay Thornton, from the u.S. Olympic Training Cent er in Colorado Springs, Colo., won floor. Thornton mounted ~ with a layout front full to layout front to layout R di. His middle passes were a one-and-a-half twisting one-and-three-quarter saito, and a front handspring layout Rudi. He dismounted with a round off whip back to double full. His floor routine was especially impressive considering he had a torn meniscus in his knee. His doctor told him he could wait until after the Visa American Cup and International Team Championships to have surgery. His surgery was conducted on March 27 to repair his knee and it went very well. The doctor estimates he ' ll be back in action in a couple of weeks. Thornton said, "I'm real happy to win floor because it's my best event. I've progressed from the Olympic Trials to now and I'm happy with my placement." USA
Kryukov won vault and Ukraine's Olympic Gold Medalist on parallel bars, Rustam Sharipov, won his best event, parallel bars.
Gymnastics in Covina, Calif., took fourth all-around with a 35.800.
Atler won two events, vault with a 9.50 and beam with a 9.30.Teza won bars with a 9.375 and Ji won floor with a 9.60.
On the women's side, things were not nearly as clear cut. Parkettes' Kristin Maloney was leading after the third round of competition but fell on her bar dismount and finished third all-around. France's Elvire Teza moved up to the first place position with a score of 36.525, followed by China's Ji Liya with a 36.388. Atler, from Gliders
Maloney said, "I'm really excited to make finals. I'll hopefully have as good a day during finals as I had today!'
Atler said, "I was hoping to hit my two new vaults (front handspring layout front and Yurchenko double twist). I knew in the air that I had the first vault and the second vault has been going very well in training so I was confident I could hit it."
continued next page M A Y !J UNE
1 997
Thll ATT[NDAN([ rsd Men's p ~y, Feb. 27 rel"l1inar·les 2 Frida" F • .sOCS .,. eb.28 p .Women·s
Wilson, who left last summer's Olympic Games a little early to go home and train and hasn't stopped training since, led throughou the competition. Wilson captured his first inte national all-around title by a margin of 1.6 points, the largest margin 0 victory in the 21- ea ~ history of the event.
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Coach Peter ~ ma n said, "Blaine left out little difficulty to~ht to ~ play it safe. I'm not surprised he won. He's pretty tough. His team (Ohio State) also has a competition tonight so we pretended there was a lineup and all his teammates hit before he went up. Blaine does best competing as a team." Wilson added, "I felt pretty sharp this weekend. This boosts my confidence a lot, but I was also conservative, so I'll have to upgrade my routines to keep up with the best." China's Fan Hongbin took second followed by Belenki in third and Roethlisberger in fourth. Kryukov took fifth followed by Belarus' Andrei Kan, Sharipov, and Italy's Giovanni D'innocenzo.
WOM{N'S All-AROUND fiNAlS The women's finals competition was a close race with three different gymnasts in the lead position throughout the competition. USA
Satllrday, M nar'es 2,7, 1 • arch I S linda" ... Finals 1.'"" ... ...... I .,.· ..arch 2 J ntern t· on J G a 'onal Ch Y~nastics atnP'onsh· 'ps 2.707
The top eight gymnasts from preliminaries, with a limit of two per country, advanced to the all-around finals.
Atler by just .007, the smallest margin in the 21-year history of the event. Teza said, "I'm really surprised to win. I thought the Americans or the Russian would win." Regarding her thoughts on her last event, floor, when she needed a high score to win the title, Teza said, "I had a lot of pressure on floor and I was really scared, especially on my last pass."
Above left: Kristin Maloney Above right: Vanessa Atler and coach Steve Rybacki
China's Ji Liya led the first round with her double twisting Yurchenkos on vault that scored 9.50. Atler, who used a Yurchenko double full and a front handspring layout front, scored a 9.443 for second. Uzbekistan's Oksana Chousovitina was third with a 9.331, and Maloney, who used a Yurchenko one-and-a-half twist and a Yurchenko double twist, was fourth with a 9.281. Teza's outstanding bar routine moved her into the lead after round two followed by Atler and Ji. Atler moved to the head of the list after her beam routine followed by Teza and Chousovitina.
Atler said, "I'm happy with myself. It proved that I can compete with the seniors and my goal was to place in the top three." Maloney had a fall on her double front dismount on bars and a break on her full-twisting swing down on beam which dropped her to sixth in the all-around standings. She came back strong on floor to score a 9.30 using a double layout for her first pass and a triple full for her dismount. China's Ji took third all-around followed by Chousovitina, Marinescu, Maloney, Belarus' Elena Savko and Canada's Shanyn Maceachern.
In the end, Teza's 9.212 on floor clinched the title for her, defeating MAY / JUNE 1997
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By Luan Peszek
he International Team Championships was the first competition of its kind and turned out to be a great success. USA Gymnastics invited powerhouse junior and senior teams from China and Romania to compete against the U.S. on a podium in a large arena, which mimics World Championships or Olympic Games environments. The event took place in Cincinnati, Ohio, at the Riverfront Coliseum, March 21-22.
Romanian Coach Octavian Belu, commented, "This event was a very good training ground for the gymnasts. We all needed to compete under the new Code of Points and see how things are going. We can now go home and work on the areas that need attention."
SENIOR MEN The u.s . senior men trailed both Romania and China throughout the first five rounds of competition but came back strong on their last event, high bar, to win the team title by .40 tenths of a point. The u.s . highest scoring events were vault and high bar and the weakest scoring event was parallel bars. Steve McCain was the leader for the u .s. team in the all-around with high scores of 9.35 on vault and a 9.2 on SCORE OF still rings and high bar. McCain's 9 .2 on high bar was the highest score of the competition on this event. Jay Thornton was second in the all-around for the u .s . and was a big OU D HAVE help to the team with his 9.4 on vault and 9.15 on floor, W L 8 the highest score of the competition on this event. Olympians John Roethlisberger and John Macready did OR UND not compete in the all-around, but added experience and big scores to the team total. Roethlisberger was the second highest score in the competition on pommel horse with a 9.25 and Macready was the second highest score on high LAST CODE OF Po bar with a 9 .1. Newcomer Jason Gatson, who is the youngest member of the Men's Senior National Team, was second on floor with a 9.0, scored a 9.25 on vault, and was third best in the competition on parallel bars with an 8.95. Garry Denk's high score of 8.85 on pommel horse added to the team total as well.
Head Coach Ron Brant from the u .s . Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., said, 'We want to carry the momentum trom the 1996 Olympic Games to 2000. These are the guys that are going to make the change. The u .S. is going to be standing on an awards stand in a World Championships or Olympic Games soon. It's coming." Roethlisberger said, "There's nothing sweeter than winning a team award . I've won my fair share of all-around titles but being a part of a team is great!"
SENIOR WOMEN USA, China and Romania were all in the lead at some point during the competition . It was a very close race but, in the end , Romania won the title over U.S. by just under a point. Romania's first event, bars, was its lowest scoring event. However, the team rallied back on beam , floor and vault to clinch the title .
The u.s. team was very consistent in all four events, with the highest score on vault (37.523) and the lowest score (36.375) on bars. In contrast, China's best event was bars and its worst event was floor. Kristin Maloney was the leader of the u .s . team, earning the highest all-around score. Maloney's best events were beam and floor, where she scored a 9.525 on each. Vanessa Atler was the secondhighest score for the u.s. Her best events were vault, 9.562, and beam , 9.50. Atler's teammate Jamie Dantzscher, who was competing in her first international competition as a senior, scored big on vault, 9.337, and floor, 9.20. Newcomer to the National Team Kathleen Shrieves competed vault, bars and floor. Shrieves earned the top u.S. bar score, 9.450. 1996 Olympian Dominigue Moceanu competed on beam and floor, counting both scores toward the team total . Moceanu, who has been training at Karolyi's Gymnastics since the end of February, unveiled a new floor routine and a new look. This routine is a little more serious and sophisticated than the routine she used during the Olympic Games. Moceanu said , " I' m excited to be back in competition , it feels great." Head Coach Donna Strauss said, "Of course we wanted to win , but considering the new code, the tough competition , and USA SENIOR MEN NAME HOMETOWN
Gorry Denk Joson Golson John MoO"eody Steve M(Coin John Roethlisberger Joy Thornton
U.S. Olympic Troining Center U.S. O~mpic Training Center U.S. O~mpic Troining Center UCLA Univ. 01 Minnesoto U.S. Olympi( Troining Center
Northbrook, III. Meso, Ariz. Los Angeles, Colil. Houston, Texos Minneopol~, Minn. Augusto, Go.
the mistakes we made, it was a positive learning experience for us." Maloney, who found out seven days prior to the event that she would be competing , said , "We all did pretty good, but we need to work on consistency."
JUNIOR MEN The u .S. Junior Men went through adversity but fought back hard to earn the silver medal behind China , but in front of Romania . During the first round of competition the u .S. men started on rings. Unfortunately, team captain Freddie Umali slipiJed from the rings and fell. Because of his discomfort, Umali was taken to the hospital by ambulance and , fortunately, was not seriously injured . However, he did have a sore neck for quite some time. Umali 's fall could have shaken up the young and fairly AGE 24 inexperienced junior team , but the 16 u .S. junior men went to their next 21 event, vault, and posted their high23 26 est apparatus score of a 35.100. 22 They conti nued the momentum ' throughout the event and held on to AGE the second place standing, even with 15 only five gymnasts. 14
Vonessa Aller Conyon Country, Colil. Jomie Dontzscher Polmdole, Colil. Theresa Kulikowski Colorodo Springs, Colo. Kristin Moloney Pen Argyl, Po. Dominique Moceonu Hollywood, corr!. Kathleen Shrieves Dayton, Md.
Gliders (Covino, Colil.) Gliders (Covino, CoI~.) Colorodo Aerials (Colo. Springs) PoriceHes (Allentown, Po.) Korolyi's (Houston, Texos) Morvateens (Rockvnle, Md.)
Aoron Floyd BreHM(Oure Jomie Natolie Yewki TomHo Freddie Umoli Kris Zimmermon
U.S. O~mpi( Troining Center Cos<ode EiHe (Lynwood, Wosh.) Prestige (Hockessin, Del.) Gymnestics World (Tucson, Ariz.) Top Flight Gym. (Son Jose, Coli!.) Buffolo Grove (Buffolo Grove, III.)
17 16 1B 17 17 16
Monique Chong Erinn Dooley Christy Roy Ei~e Roy Kristen Stucky Undsoy Wing
CopHol Gym. (Burke, Vo.) Hill's Angels (GoHhersburg, Md.) Hill's Angles (Goithersburg, Md.) Hill's Angels (Goithersburg, Md.) Solto Gymnestics (Woukesho, Wis.) Cypress A(odemy (Cypress, Texos)
12 14 15 15 15 15
Mt. Airy, Md. Mill Creek, Wash. Wilmington, Del. Tucson, Ariz. Son Jose, Colil. Hubbard WoocIs, III.
FoirfoxStotion, Vo. GoHhersburg, Md. Germontown, Md. Columbio, Md. Milwoukee, w~. Cypress, Texos
째Age is of flme 01 event. MAY / JUNE
1 997
17 16 15 17
Head Coach Greg Corsiglia com mented on the team, saying , "Because of Freddie's injury, we had to put guys on events that hadn't even warmed up those events. They did their one touch and then competed . The guys did a great job." Jamie Natalie was the top scoring U.S. gymnast in the all-around , followed by Kris Zimmerman and Aaron Floyd . Yewki Tomita scored a 9.10 on pommel horse, the second highest score on this event in the competition . Brett McClure helped the team by posting an 8.70 on pommel horse and an 8.95 on vault.
JUNIOR WOMEN It was a rough start for the u .S. women. Melinda Baimbridge from Cypress Gymnastics in Cypress, Texas, became sick and had to scratch from the competition. Cory Fritzinger from Gymstrada in Virginia Beach , Va ., fractured her elbow in podium training while vaulting , and also had to scratch from the competition . Kristen Stucky (pronounced Stooky) and Christy Ray (no relation to Elise) were called in as replacements one day prior to the event and did an outstand ing job for their team . The strong u.S. team led throughout the competition to win the team title over China and Romania by 1.26 and 6.81 points, respectively. Lindsay Wing and Kristen Stucky were the leaders of the u .S. team , and the competition, posting scores of 36 .887 and 36.462 in the allaround . Elise Ray and Monique Change were close behind scoring 36.225 and 35.362. Erin Dooley helped the team on her two events , beam and floor, by scoring 9.15 and 9.10, respectively. Christy Ray earned scores of 9.05 on vault and an 8.20 on bars. The U.S.'s highest scoring event was floor, 37.050, and the other three events were within .4 tenths of a point from one another. Head Coach Kelli Hill said, 'They loaked great. They are a focused yet fun group of girls coming up. We obviously need to work hard, but we'll do what it takes come the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games." Assistant Coach Debbie Kaitschuck said, "Considering a lot of girls were on their first international assignment, they did very well. Plus, we had two kids that came in yesterday and didn't even get to train on the podium . I think we are showing a lot of depth. We'll be there in a couple of years ." RESULTS on page 36 USA
G Y M N A s r l ' " S ml
FLOOR I. Chrilline Robello
VAULT I. Yuke Kee Ilhikowo BARS 1. lindsey Vanden Eykel BEAM 1. Yuke Lee Ishikawa FLOOR 1. Lori Winn
FREDERICK, MD. MARCH 15-16, 1997 LEVEL 9 TEAM 1. freder ick Gym. 2. Virginia Gym. 3. Baltimore Counly
106.B7 5 102.17 5 75.650
LEVEL 8 TEAM 1. Diamond Gym. 2. ClosliCl Gym. 3. frederick Gym.
LEVEL 7 TEAM 109.321 108.421 106.710
LEVEL 6 TEAM 141.110 143.721 143.500
1. Top flighl Gym. 2. freder ick Gym. 3. Gym. Unlimiled
1997 LAS VEGAS GO FOR IT CLASSIC Above left: Special guesls Valeri liukin and Vilaly Scherbo_Above rig hI: Melissa Goodman, Level 8
LEVEL 5 TEAM 141.725 143.121 143.310
1. Diamond Gym. 2. frederick Gym. 3. Top flighl Gym.
1. Mid Ohio 2. G·force 3. five Sior
146.900 143.410 136.700
Nikki Brown Whilney Burlon Koylin S,hl"hl Meghonn Hammers Megan Morkel Volerie Hollinger
Lauren Kelly CrillyWoltrip lloeie HOICh Krillen Elder Tillony Cromwell
Kelli Dovil Gino Auglpurger !'':!~~~~ERS
flip Cily (6-7 yr. oldl) 31.100 Champion (B yr. oldl) 31.300 Chomp ion (9 yr. oldl) 31.\00 Chomp ion 110·11 yr. oldl} 37.000 Chompion (12 & overl 31.900
31.450 36.100 35.750 36.000 36.300
LEVEL 6 TEAM 109.850 107.700 107.150
ACROS 17-9} Chompion (IO) Chompion (1 1) Champion (12) Chompion i13 & over}
36.000 36.\00 31.7 10 36.310 31.100
Teom Dynamo
KGA (All Ages)
45.400 44.650 44.050
LAS VEGAS GO FOR IT CLASSIC lAS VEGAS, NEV. FEBRUARY 6-8, 1997 VAULT 1. Michelle Buronich BARS 1. MelillO Green BEAM 1. Mino Kim FLOOR 1. Melilso Vilui
Twillorl USA
Teom Dynamo
LOI Vegol flyers Gold Cup Albuquerque
329.850 316.600 314.900
VAULT 1. Heolher Deolley BARS 1. Krillen lIellho BEAM 1. Arilso Ducoy
OPEN (ELITE/LEVEL 10) 1.Teom Dynamo 112.BIO 2. Los Vegos flyerl 112.B25 3. Solto Gym. 112.750 LEVEL 9 1. Airborne Gym. 109.BOO 2. Twislors USA IOB.721 3. LOI Vegol flyerl 10B.700 LEVEL 8 10B.900 1. Teom Dynamo 10B.l00 2. World Olympic Gym. 107.BIO 3. Eric Will Gym. LEVEL 7 99.750 1. Ipence Gym. LEVEL 6 113.700 1. Twillorl USA 109.6S0 2. Los Vegas fly", 106.600 3. So Ito Gym. LEVEL 5 112.400 I. Twillorl USA-l 109.27S 2. Twillorl USA· 2 10B.B25 3. World Olympic Gym. LEVE L 4 1. Dioz Gym. 104.650 2. Los Vegol flyers 103.650 3. Airborne Gym. 9B.700 CLASS 1/ 11 1. Speclrum Gym. 2. Suncooll Gym. CLASS III 1. Speclrum Gym. 2. Gym Coil
109.300 93.000 102.4 50 79.950
1997 LAS VEGAS GO FOR IT ClASSIC libby Landgraf, Level 10
50.550 10.200 50.200 49.910
JUNIOR ELITE I I. Kevin Agnew 2. Dorren Moroce 3. Kenny Keener
8uffolo Grove Tim Doggell'l Knowville
49.000 4B.900 4B.650
JUNIOR ELITE II 1. Sieriing Richordl 2. Brondin Romono 3. Joime Houle
100.300 97.250
I. Bluegroll
I. lzy Mloy 2. Gorry Denk 2. Brell /.IcOure 4. JOlon Gollon
LEVEL 7 TEAM 1. Champion 2. Riling Siorl
LEVEL 6 ALL-AROUND WINNERS Abby Slephens Michelle Polloek Jelsico Ulz Kolie Dennilon Jennifer Horn
35.975 36.125
1. Chompion 2. MEGA 3. Owenlboro
LEVEL 5 ALL-AROUND WINNERS TWIGS II·B) MEGA(9) five Sior (10) Ook Creek (1 1) Chompion (12 & over)
Owenlboro (1 0·1 4) Chompion 11\ & over)
10B.BIO IOB.300 107.300
I. Champion 2. Koleidolcope 3. MEGA
34.800 31.110 35.700 35.110 34.850 33.771
lindloy Bnkon Koylo Weinzolel Krillen Hemingway Heidi Orohood Amondo Kinnoird
1. JOlh Buil 2. JullinWollon 3. Aaron Ziemon
104.975 102.050 101.050
1. Chompion 2. KGA 3. Glendale 111.700 106.300 106.000
1. MEGA 2. Champion 3. ACROS
Champion (9·10) Champion (111 Mid Ohio (12) Bozhi'l (13) G·force (14·1S) Mid Ohio (16 & over)
High Sierra
105.150 104.\10 104.400
5TH ANNUAL CHAMPION'S DERBY CLASSIC 1.Chompion 2. Cinn. Acod. 3. Gym. Exprell
3. Kenny lin
LEVEL 4 TEAM 1. Diamond Gym. 2. frederick Gym. 3. Gym. Unlimiled
105.100 103.971 103.710
1. Top flighl Gym. 2. frederick Gym. 3. Uniled Gym.
Glendale (All Ages)
USA Gym. Top fligh. Tim Doggell's
49.420 4B.400 47 .820
Gymmollers (olcode Elile
48.050 47.375
1. Todd Thornlon 2. Jelse Nevin
19 9 7
CLASS V I. Eri(Wili Gym. I. world OIympi( Gym. CLASS VI I. Spence Gym. 2. World Olympi( Gym. 3. Zia Gym. CLASS VII I. Spence Gym.
119.200 119.200 116.700 111.410 132.000 121.500
MEN'S ARTISTIC SESSION WINNERS-ALL-ARoUND CLASS I CHAMPION James Oellave((hia Suncaasl 39.110 CLASS II CHAMPION Guillermo Alvarez Gymnaslica 41.200 CLASS III CHAMPIONS Oamien Long Gym Cals (16·1B) 41.510 tMTerry Speclrum Gym. (1 4·11) 36.600 Sasha Arlemov Gymnaslika (12·13) 47.200 CLASS IV CHAMPIONS Ni(holas Kusludia Gym Cals (14·11) 43.721 Johnalhan Kvilky LA lighls (12· 13) 40.710 GranlOsborne GK's Gym (1 0·11 ) 46.071 CLASS V CHAMPIONS David ford Elile Performance (14·11) 11.600 Daniel Sialan Eri( Will Gym. (12·13) 13.400 Curtis Wong Eri( Will Gym. (10·11) 14.BIO Eri( Hergenrader World (B·9) 10.600 CLASS V t CHAMPIONS Danny Anker Spence Gym. (12·13) 11.600 Taylor Winchesler Eri( Will Gym. (10·11) 49.BIO Tommy Ishibashi World (7·9) II.BOO CLASS VII CHAMPION Riley Essay W.Nebraska 47.700
WOMEN'S ARTISTIC OPTIONAL ALL-AROUND ELITE I. Krislen Slu(ky Saltos 3B.171 LEVEL 10 15+ CHAMPIONS Krislin Parker CenlralCali!. 36.BIO Suzanne Solo Galaxy Gym. 31.910 Melissa Green Twislars USA 37.171 lindsey Miner Champion Gym. 37.010 Ni(ki Arnslad Gym·Kids Gym. 37.300 Melanie Robinson Lafleur's 37.071
FLOOR I. Krislen Slu(ky Salta Gym. 9.600 LEVEL 10 1 3·1 4 CHAMPIONS Amber Giorgianni Airborne 37.87S Kacey Diness Las Vegas flyers 3B.071 MelissaVilui Kenlwaod Gym. 37.000 Tiffany Whilney Green Valley 36.971 Laura Nadramia Exper·Tiess 31.010 Sarah Hoenig Twisters 34.010 LEVEL 1 0 9· 1 2 CHAMPIONS Jamie Burnelle Suncoosl 36.110 Anne Walker Olympi( Acad. 34.610 Audra fraim Team Dynamo 36.975 Niki Bykhovsky Inlernalional 36.671 Jordan S(hwikerl Gym Cals 31.971 Rachel Colon Twisters 3S.S10 LEVEL 9 14+ CHAMPIONS Krislen Neisha DeVeau's 36.300 Tra(y lill Galaxy Gym. 34.210 Melinda Marlins Inlernalional 31.050 Angela Cosgrove Twislars USA 36.621 Erin Thompson Monarchs Gym. 34.700 Kori Dye GymCals 36.300 LEVEL 9 12·13 CHAMPIONS Krislen Hunl Capilal 34.500 Nadia faradi Elile·La. 31.721 Nalalie foley Champion 31.210 Morisa SI. Louis M&MGym. 36.175 lindsey Robinsan Lafleur's 34.600 TIffanie Glaser Grand Island 31.421 LEV EL 9 8·1 1 CHAMPIONS Chrisline Robello Capilal 36.021 Carrie Knepp Las Vegas flyers 36.321 Brillony Talberl World Olympi( 35.021 JenicaWalker Twislors USA 36.725 Mary Saldana Texas Slar 32.471 Kinsie Hughes Team Dynamo 31.410 T997 LAS VEGAS GO FOR IT ClASSIC Rhythmi( gymnast
Salla Gym.
Twislars USA
Team Dynamo
LEVEL 8 14+ CHAMPIONS Amy Dean Gym. NW 33.400 O(loviono's Summer Shapay 3J.82S Brill Nalvig LA lighls 32.400 Keri Cornwell Twisters 31.171 Joanne Dikas Twislars USA 31. 100 Anlainelle Vernon Ouke Cily 31.110 Melinda Rohan Green Valley AC 3J.775 Tina Jose Suncaasl Gym. 35.321 LEVEL 8 1 2·1 3 CHAMPIONS Erika Knapp Gym Cals 34.900 Nicale Zabriskie LV flyers 31.200 LoriWinn Team Dynamo 36.210 Eri(WiliGym. Allyson Smilh 31.975 Shelby Griveck forminglan 31.671 Kenzie Nargang Kenlwaod Gym. 34.750 lindsay Eri(ksan Airborne Gym. 35.450 Nicale Celesle Suncaasl Gym. 36.121 LEVEL 8 8·11 CHAMPIONS Jasimine Royalty Gym. NW 34.BOO Annie Pril(hard TAAG 34.450 Yuke Kee Ishikawa Dynamo 36.300 Carlene Preece Eri(WiliGym. 36.271 Griffin Glall·Ooud Capilal Gym. 34.325 Mi(helle Gymnn Kenlwaod Gym. 31.450 35.750 Ciera Kash Airborne Gym. 36.271 Hollie Vise World Olympi( Gym. LEVEL 7 CHAMPION Melissa Rodriguez Spence Gym. 34.600 LEV EL 6 CHAMPIO N S Krisly Vanersluis AII·American 34.200 Kryslal Smilh Tumblelown 35.910 Shelby Warner Twislars USA 3B.310 Caillin flaurle TRC Gym. 36.121 Slevie Marshalek Diaz Gym. 34.BOO World Olympi( Gym. Tara Bier 31.710 Anna li Las Vegas flyers 36.700 Gym Cals Autumn Houston 35.600 LEVEL 5 CHAM PIONS Jessie Silver World Olympi( 36.300 Whilney Snider Diaz Gym. 34.700 Oanielle Hugg Norlh Slar 34.950 Oeannn Denmark TumbleloVin 31.700 Gymmarin Pacifi( Jan Graham 34.610 Erica Plieffer Twislars USA 37.621 Capri Morshall Green Valley AC 36.010 Ericafi(arolla Spence Gym. 36.750 Showno Reeves LV flyers 31.675 Becky Palmer Gym Cals 35.300 LEVEL 4 CHAMPI ONS Sara Spinale Julieanne M(Quade
Cloire Bou(her Brillany Slighl Slephonie Howard
AII·American Gym. Las Vegas flyers Spence Gym.
31.400 35.510 32.500
RHYTHMIC ALL-AROUND LEVEL 1 0 CHAMPION Ellin Kim Club Elile RSG (sr.) LEVEL 9 CHAMPIONS Club Elile RSG (sr.) Pearl Hsu Jeonna Powell Cola. S(h. 01RSG (ir.) LEVEL 8 CHAMPIONS Erika Planl M&MGym. (sr.) Alexandra Upshur li Ning's Acad. (ir.) LA lighls (child) Koleryno Ivonovo LEVEL 7 CHAMPIONS Karly Helebrueg Narth Share AC (sr.) Jessica Kunen Alair RSG (ir.) li Ning's Gym. (hild) Vinita Strouss LEVEL 6 CHAMPIONS Tovah Cohen Narlh Share Acad. (ir.) Li Ning's Acad. (hild) Aline Bak(haiian Gymmarin (novice) Jocelyn Levenberg TEAM RESULTS LEVEL 8 I. Club Elile RSG B7.900 2. Encore RSG Rellecl. 7B.550 3. RSG in Malian 77.200
68.710 63.000 64.400 27.200 27.900 26.900 20.BOO 23.050 24.350 19.300 21.700 17.700
TUMBLING WOMEN'S LEVEL 10 CHAMPIONS Gino Tropane Oyna·Mile (IB +) Kindyl Keelan Tap afTexas (15·171 Upsidedawners (13-14) TaraSeViell Upsidedawners (11·12) KaIIan Kampas Brilee Hills Heber Handspringers (10 &under) MEN'S Krisli's Tumbling (1B +) Mark Griffilh OanielWalker Auaspirils (15·171 Jahnalhan Rains Tumblelawn (13·14) Auslin Hills Heber Handspringers (11 ·12) Travis Hasley Power Twistors (10 &under) WOMEN TRAMPOLINE LEV EL 10 CHAMPIONS Crysiol Greene Tumbling Express (IB +) Vanessa Wood Upsidedawners (15·17) Toro Sewell Upsidedowners (13-14) Kelly Swisher Elile Perlormance (11 ·12) Sherylon Smilh S. Col. Tromp. (10 &under)
42.B40 43.100 46.330 45.130 40.330 44.300 44.500 41.740 46.330 42.670
60.BOO 63.600 62.600 59.200
MEN Mark Griffilh Peler Dodd Hans lIieisen SenilSans Oovid Boker
Krisli's Trampoline (IB&up) 19.BOO S. Col. Trampoline (15·17) 60.BOO Elile Performance (1 3-141 57 .400 Gleason's Gypsy (11 ·12) 59.BOO Vi(lario Gymogi( (10 &under) 11.200
DOUBLE MINI TRAMPOLINE LEVEL 10 WOM EN 'S CHAM PIONS Mi(hiko Kowodo N. Texas Gym. (1B+ 1 Kara Duffin Elile Perlarmonce (15·171 BelsyPoilorfl Dyno·Mile Tumblers (1 3-14) Kallan Kompus Upsidedowners (11·12) Sherylon Smilh S. Col. Trampoline (10 &under) MEN'S CHAMPIONS Eri( M(Affrey Flip Shop (IB+) Randy Direen Arlsporls (1 5·171 Jared Olsen Uniled Sporls Acad. (15·171 Chris Eslrodo S. Plains Royal (1 3·14) Tumblelown USA (13-1 4) Johnolhon Rains Scali Sons Gleason's Gypsy (11 ·12) Oovid Boker Viclario Gymogi( (10 &under) T997 LAS VEGAS GO FOR IT ClASSIC On left, Sherylan Smith, and on right, lindsay Rye MAY / JUNE
1 997
8.400 9.200 9.700 9.100 8.300 10.230 9.300 9.300 9. 200 9.200 8.600 7.400
T997 LAS VEGAS GO FOR IT CLASSIC Stephen Pacini, Closs 6 with Mike Gable, coach U SA
SYNCHRONIZED TRAMPOLINE LEVEL 1 0 WOMEN'S CHAMPIONS Jen Cole & Nicole feld Elile Performance IIB+I 70.200 Michelle Reubell & Somonlho Bokori Dyno·Mile 115·171 73.B60 Kim Poline & Minn. Twillerl Courlney Smilh J & JTromp. II3-141 79.400 Rachel Adrig & louise lurner So. Col. Tromp. 111 ·121 73.200 Aloino Heberl & Tumbling Exp. lauren Hoffpauir liD & underl 64.200 LEVEL 10 MEN'S CHAMPIONS Nick Morlin NGTC Sky· Surf. & Peler Dodd So. Col.Tromp.1I5·171 76.540 Chril Maguire & Honl Nielsen Elile Performance 113-141 33.B6D Sean McBride & Ryan Sweel So. Col.Tromp. 11 1·121 75.260
Sooner Tumbling
TRAMPOLINE ELITE WOMEN Jennifer Parillo MEN Byron Smilh
So. Col. Tromp.
AII·Americon Gym.
2. SomWils Sullon 3. luke Vexler Hampshire CLASS IV (12.13) I. Alon POllons Doggells 2. Kehinde Andrey Sullon 3. Mork Newberry Sullon CLASS IV TEAM Sullon 131.200 CLASS III (12.13) 1. Steven Goudelle Doggells 2. Allan Ilodov Mocey's 3. Don MacDonald Gymnoslrum CLASS III (14.15) 1. Ashon McNealy Sullon 2. Mike To«hio Ellis 3. Tony Goreio Gymnoslrum CLASS III TEAM Sullon 129.500 CLASS II (14.15) I. ScoliWelierling Macey's 2. Everelle Bierker World Cup 3. Jomey Houle Doggells CLASS I (16.18) I. Andrew leis Doggells 2. Doren lynch Gym·Ken 3. Dorren Moroce Doggells CLASS 1 TEAM 150. 100 Doggells
43.BOO 42.500 44.000 43.200 41.B50
46.150 43,400 43.200 41.B50 41.700 41.300
4B.BOO 4B.300 46.900 51.1 00 49.900 49.BOO
DOUBLE MINI TRAMPOLINE ELITE WOMEN Jennifer Parillo So. Col. Tromp. ELITE MEN Byron Smilh All· American Gym.
TEAM 1. Twisloll A 2. Saito Gym. A 3. Hill's Gym A 4. Victorian Inll. A 5. flytz USA Gym. A 6. Kentwood Gym. A 7. Gemini Gym. A B. W. Australian Insl. A 9. Northern Illinois A 10. Midwest Gym. A
SYNCHRONIZED TRAMPOLINE ELITE WOMEN Jennifer Parillo So. Col. Tromp. & Jennifer Sonl Gleolon'l GYPlY
1. lenoAlmus 2. lucie Borkovo 3. KOllY Schorringhousen 4. Yoko Kodoguchi
14B.375 146.925 146.900 146.675 146.625 146,475 144,475 140.650 140.300 140.200
51.600 50.200 50.100 4B.700 37.700 37.1 00 157.000 49.000 45.900 44.000 50.900 4B.900 4B.BOO 49.900 4B.900 47.BOO
Sanjuan Jones
1. Doni lord 2. Asomi Wokudo 3. Alillo Cold hom 4. ElenD Sudokovo
37.B50 37,400 37.225
37.950 37.300 36.950
JASON WHITFIELD SIXTH INVITATIONAL ANN ARBOR, MICH. FEBRUARY1-2, 1997 Sanjuan Janes of Gym Force Athletic Tra ining Center won a $2,000 Jason W hitfield Foundation schola rship. Jay Thornton and Garry Denk of the U.S. O lympic Training Ce nter we re al so awarded a Jason W hitfield Foundation scholarsh ip. Thus for, the founda tion has awarded a tota l of $17,000 to male gymnasts with O lympic aspirations.
69.025 67.300
Atlonlo Int'1. Jopon
66.775 66.275
I. Gemini Gymnoslics 2. Twistoll A 3. Twistoll B
1. Cori Dye 2. Korin fenn 3. Jamie Williams 4. Erin Thompson
LEVEL 7 TEAM CHAMPION Midwest Gymnastics
LEVEL B TEAM CHAMPION Northern Michigan Gym.
64.350 63.200 63.025 62,475
ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY FEBRUARY 15-16, 1997 1. Koly Herbert 2. laura Moon 3. Chelsea Olio 4. Stephanie Corter
Oreg. Gym. Jopon Canada RUllio
1. SIGS Gym. 2. Rebound", 3. Tumble City
Kentwood Viclorion Insl. Sollo Gym.
Czech Republic
JUNIORS ALL-AROUND 52,400 52.200 51.200
I. Melillo Green Twiltors 2. Kristin Sterner Kentwood 3. Zeeno Mcloughlin Victorian Insl. 1. Kotie Taylor 2. Trudi Mcintosh 3. Kristen Slucky
SPRINGFIELD, MASS. JANUARY 25-26, 1997 CLASS VI (7·9) 1. Mark Parzych Doggelll 2. Daniel liebowitz Doggelll 3. Michael Phillil Doggelll CLASS VI (1 0·1 1 ) 1. Chril Sullivan Homplhire GymVillage 2. Joshua Boilord 3. Brell Ringie Doggells CLASS VI (1 2.13) I. Alexander Smith Doggells 2. Gorell Snyder Porkelles Winiger's 3. Michael Griffin Cloll VI Team Doggells CLASS V (8·9) 1. Jacob Ornstein Sullon 2. Bernard Quinn Exper·tiess Spectrum 3. Moll Phelan CLASS V (1 0·1 1 ) Hampshire 1. Billy Poulin 2. Donny Willner Sullon Wolker's 3. Khemero Khirv CLASS V (12.13) 1. Horlon Wetmore Gym Village USGym. Dev. 2. Ryan Castaldo GymVillage 3. Adorn Conroy CLASS V TEAM 145.700 USGym. Dev. CLASS IV (10.1 1 ) 1. Toqiy Abd ullah MoceY'1
TWISTARS INVITATIONAL Zeena McLoughlin of the Victorian Institute of Sport in Australia competing on Beam. Zeena finished third all-around in the Elite j Open Division with a 37,40.
Desertlighls·Ariz. Desert Devils·Ariz. Desert lights·Ariz. Ricochels·Po.
3B.150 37.B25 37.600 37,475
Gym COls-Nev. Emerald City·Wosh. Ariz. Sunroys·Ariz. Monorchs-Colif.
36.050 35.775 35.425 35.325
GymWorld·Ariz. Ariz. Sunroys All Ameri"n Stors·Ariz. Extreme Team-Ariz. Desert Devils·Ariz.
35.500 35.300 35.250 35.150 35.150
LEVEL 8 1. Kristin Schmidl 2. Toro AnderlOn 3. Courtney Hibler 4. Collyn Brolleit 4. lilO lonzo
LEVEL 8 NOVICE 1. lauren Reid 2. Megan Wells 3. Colin fovre 4. Ashley Miller
Desert lights-Ariz. Ariz. Sunroys·Ariz. Desertlights·Ariz. Ariz. Sunroys·Ariz.
34.625 33.B50 33.B50 33.700
Gym Cols·Nev. Desert Devils·Ariz. Desert Devils·Ariz. Desertlights·Ariz.
37.125 35.BOO 35.600 35.325
LEVEL B Allison Knopp Jennifer Morgan Soroh Beals Katie Eberhardt
I 997
The Proudest Way To Display Your Achievements
~~IT1 ~
LEVEL 5 I. Copri Morlholl 2. Toro Olsen 3. Krillin Griffin 4. Brillony Boyer
SESSION 4 LEVEL 8 Green Volley·Nev. Deserllighll-Ariz. Deserl Devill·Ariz. Deserllighll-Ariz.
37. 100 36.300 35.900 35.650
8·10 YEAR OLDS I.louro Finley IIASA 2. Roquel Murroy IT 3. Michelle McMohon GU 1 1 ·1 2 YEAR OLDS I. TeslieSogle NASA 2. Holey Kronmenhoek IT 3. Koren Sjollrom OGC 13+ YEAR OLDS I. Soroh Ruggiero OGC 2. Koryn Cohn OGC
LEVEL 7 1 1 ·1 2 YEAR OLDS
SESSION 1 LEVEL 5 7·8 YEAR OLDS I. Fronceleo Jocobl NASA 2. Kelsey Wollh NAY 3. Rochel Hom NAY 9 YEAR OLDS I. Donniko Swonlon BIGC 2. Kelli Boles NASA 3. Koleno Cluzel IIAY 10 YEAR OLDS Uenno Hovenl G+ BHG 2. Allilon Robinlon 3. KOlhryn Hovenl G+ 11 YEAR OLDS I. Mollory Nellon BHG 2. Tonyo Brown CEG 3. Alhlee Husereou-Webb GGC 1 2+ YEAR OLDS Uennifer Wold IT 2. Keslle Riley KG 3. Down WOlner TACY
34.000 32.500 31.400 34.BOO 34.000 33.900 34_600 34.600 34.500 34.400 34.300 33.BOO 35.900 35.700 34.900
SESSION 2 LEVEL 8 8·10 YEAR OLDS I. Elizobelh lee NAY 2. Shoino Knudsen NAY 3. Allilon Moore lEGII 1 1· 1 2 YEAR OLDS I. Melonie Bocon NAY 2. Jordon Willioml BHG 3. Elizobelh Sellie BHG 13+ YEAR OLDS I. lindloy Coley CEG 2. J. Schuell-Homes BHG 3. Elizobelh Thomolon lEGN
35.100 34.300 33.600
33.600 33.050 33.050
34.9S0 34.350 30.750
lilm Cily
DIsplay books only 1 - $3.50, add $2.50 lor 'Shipping, Handling, Insurance each additional book. Filler pages 1-25 $3.00, add lOe lor additional pages. Total , Make checks payable to Stertlng Sports, P.O. Box 536, Stertlng, MA 01564,
Folcon Gym.
Be sure to Include shipping and handling charge. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery.
'--- --- - - ----------------------------- - - - --- -- --------------------------------_ ....
13TH ANNUAL NEW ENGLAND INVITATIONAL GlASTONBURY, CONN. I. Amerieon Gym. 2. Glaslonbury 3. Norlhern Middlesex Elizobelh Sorlell Amy O'Brien Amy Dinwoodle Kolelyn Bruno
101.300 103.400 100.700 Amerieon Gym. 16-BI Amerieon Gym. 191 Amerieon Gym. II 0·111 Glaslonbury 112+1
35.900 34.BOO 35.500 34.000
LEVEL 5 TEAMS SESSION I I.tI.E.G.X. 2. Winingm 3. Glollonbury
105.450 105.350 102.400
Wininger'II7-BI Gym. Unlimiled 191 N.E.G.X.II O·III N.E.G.X.II2+1
35.150 34.400 34.550 34.000
LEVEL 5 TEAMS SESSION 2 I. PoIlY'1 2. Soulh Counly 3. EOIIBoy
104.950 102.750 102.050
LEVEL 5 CHAMPIONS SESSION 2 Alono Godel Emmo Glennon Kolie Pi,ono Shoyno Friedberg Erin Oonohue
Easl Boy 17-81 Polly'1191 Polly'IIiO-111 Flip Cily 112+1 EOII Boy 112+1
33.600 33.250 34.450 34.350 34.350
LEVEL 8 TEAMS I. Gymporl 2. Soulh Counly 3. Polly'l
102.B50 101100 100.150
LEVEL 8 CHAMPIONS Jillion Pocheco
Pr.oduct aty. Awards Book
Koylon Show Monique Dovil Erieo Forresl JeonnelleMorneou
COlCode Elile
34.050 33.B50 33.300
34.900 33.600
r- ORDEiFORM------------------------------ ~-~;r~~--~ -~~~------------'
PARENTS: A gymnastics score book makes it easy for you to follow your child's score during a meet. It also allows easy comparison from meet to meet. Small enough to fit in your pocket, large enough to track teammates' scores as well.
31.600 31.300 30.700
LEVEL 9 JUNIOR I. Mockenzie Mclnlyre 2. Amondo Holl SENIOR I. Chrillie Penlz 2. Andreo Wolf 3. Coro Brookl LEVEL 10 I. Denielle Crowley 2. liz GrejeWlki 3. Kelli Richeson
32.150 31.400 31.300
35.000 34.500
KAY CANEDY MEMORIAL AWARD WINNERS [HIGHEST AA FOR EACH LEVEL) LEVEL 5 Jennifer Wold LEVEL 6 lindloy Coley LEVEL 7 lesley-Ann Tupper LEVEL 8 libby Smilh LEVEL 9 MockenzieMcinlyre LEVEL 10 Denielle Crowley PREP Veronieo While
• Track your success from meet to meet • Display your awards for family and friends • Eliminate misplaced ribbons and medals
33.600 33.1 00
36.400 35.100 34.600
35.700 34.600 34.400
32.200 30.700
32.650 31.650 31.200
8·11 YEAR OLDS I.CorrieChrillensen IT 2. loro Jones IT 3. Krillo Hinlhow lCGC 12·13 YEAR OLDS I.libbySmilh lCGC 2. Aulumn Smilh IT 3. Desliny Perry Dioz 14+ YEAR OLDS I. Bloir Crillenden KG 2. Kelsey Crew FGC 3. Soro Grondllond Dioz
35.000 34.900 34.600
SESSION 3 PREP I. Veronieo While 2. Alono Rowe 3. Bonnie Cole
I. Kelly McKoy 2. Koylie Hoy 13+ YEAR I. lesley-Ann Tupper 2. Soroh Mundohl
Comes with 5 ribbon pages and 1 medal page. Filler pages available. SpecifY girls or boys editions.
35.BOO 34.600 34.400
33.750 USA
J:J.1} t7
~ \)
~~U~ -t:?
TIffany Rodrigues Melillo Moo Debbie Willelll
EOII Boy 112) American Gym. IIJ.14) loulh Counly 115+)
33.950 35.600 32.350
LEVEL 7 TEAMS SESSION 1 1. Gymporl 2. PoIlY'1 3. Fairfield Counly
103.300 95.700 61.200
LEVEL 7 CHAMPIONS SESSION 1 Kolie Ori\[oll Kerrie MOltriono Toryn Iione
Gymporl17 路11) GymporI1l2-14) Polly'1 1I5+)
34.350 35.200 29.550
LEVEL 7 TEAMS SESSION 2 1. American Gym. 1. Flip Cily 2. PoIlY'1
97.B50 97.B50 95.B50
LEVEL 7 CHAMPIONS SESSION 2 KrYllie Tomlinlon Kendal Mainville Koro OVer\lrom Jen locoi
Amer. Gym. IB路ll) Flip Cily 112-13) Glollonbury 114-1 5) loulh Counly 116+)
30.750 33.B50 32.100 33.500
LEVEL 8 TEAMS l.IU.G.X. 2. Wininger'l 3. EOII Boy
103.550 99.050 BO.600
LEVEL 8 CHAMPIONS Allie Murphy Kolie Archocki lila Villano Elizobelh Foucher
II.E.G.X. IB-ll ) II.E.G.X. 112-l3) IU.G.X. 114-15) EOII Boy 116+)
33.700 33.750 33.950 29.700
LEVEL 9 TEAMS 1. Gymporl 2. Wininger'l 3. EOII Boy
101.500 65.900 56.550
LEVEL 9 CHAMPIONS Ilephonie Kelly Angelo Bolzolli Krillen Oliver
GymporI112-13) Gympor1114-151 EOII Boy 116+)
34.450 33.900 33.700
PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGIATE CHAMPIONSHIPS (WOMEN) FEB. 2B AT PENN STATE UNIV I.Pennllole 2. U. Pilllburgh 3. Temple 4. Ind. U. 01 Po. 5. Urlinul Col. 6. WeslChesler
195.225 IB9.600 IBB.375 177.425 176.325 150.550 Inola luilleom)
IVY LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIPS (WOMEN) MARCH I AT YALE UNIV 1. u. PennI. 2. Brown Univ. 3. Cornell Univ. 4. Yale Univ.
IB5.950 IB3.425 IBO.475 144.550 Inola lull learn)
194.350 193.350 191.275 190.700
FREE CATALOG 800-221-1551
MARCH 22 AT UNIV OF MINNESOTA 1. U. Michigan 2. U. Minnesolo 3. Ohio Iiole 4. Michigan Iiole 5. Penn Iiole 6. U. lllinoil 7. U. lowo
197.150 196.350 195.825 194.475 194.300 194.075 193.725
EAST ATLANTIC GYM. LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIPS (WOMEN) MARCH22 AT NORTH CAROLINA STATE I. Wesl Virginia U. 2. N. Corolino Iiole 3. U. lIew Homplhire 4. U. Pilllburgh 5. U. llorlh Corolino 6. TOVllon Iiole 7. U. Morylond B. Rulgerl U.
196.000 195.100 193.100 192.B50 192.325 192.100 191.775 190.050
DIVISION II ECAC CHAMPIONSHIPS (WOMEN) MARCH 22 AT SOUTHERN CONN. STATE UNIV 1. Univ. 01 Bridgeporl 2. loulhern Conn. 3. Ind. Univ. 01 Po. 4. Wesl Chesler Univ.
lBB.775 IB6.775 lB1.300 105.B75 1nol a luilleom)
DIVISION I ECAC CHAMPIONSHIPS (WOMEN) MARCH 22 AT UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA 1. James Modilon Univ. 2. U. 01 Pennlylvonio 3. William & Mary 4. U. Vermonl 5. Brown Univ. 6. Cornell Univ.
lB9.B75 lB9.775 lB9.600 lB5.625 lB2.300 IB1.900
SEC CHAMPIONSHIPS (WOMEN) MARCH 22 AT UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA 1. Univ. 01 Georgia 2. Univ. 01 Florido 3. Louiliono Iiole U. 4. Univ. 01 Alabama 5. Univ. 01 Kenlucky 6. Auburn Univ.
19B.375 196.050 196.025 195.775 195.075 192.550
NATIONAL COLLEGIATE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONSHIPS (WOMEN) MARCH 22 ATUNIV OF WISCONSIN-LACROSSE (4 scores per event for team score) 1. U. l'lilconlin LoCrolle 2. lthoco College 3. Ipringlield College 4. Homline Univ. 5. IUIlY路Corllond 6. Rhode Illond College 7. MOII.lnll. 01 Tech. B. Urlinul College
146.800 144.400 144.100 143.550 142.450 140.575 139.375 137.675
PAC 10 CHAMPIONSHIPS (WOMEN) MARCH 22 ATUNIV OF ARIZONA 1. UCLA 2.llonlord 3.Wolhinglon 4. Oregon Iiole 5. Univ. 01 Ariz. 6. Arizono Iiole 7. Colilornio
196.550 196.325 196.025 195.000 194.950 194.925 194.325
MEET DIRECTORS-Send official results and photos from your competitions to USA Gymnastics, Rising Stars, Pan American Plaza, 201 5_Capitol Ave, Suite 300, Indianapolis IN 46225_ We'll publish high school, collegiate, local, state, regional and invitational competitions_ Sorry we are unable to return photographs.
Dept. UG57 MAY / JUNE
1 997
JUNIOR NATIONAL 1. Jessica Pelz 2. Tasha Schwikert 3. Ashley Miles 4. Chelsea Hunter 5. Ashley Miller 6. Whitney Ferguson 7. Cassie Cosg rove
The American Challenge competition , which is used as a bridge between the Junior Olympic Level 10 program and the Elite program, took place in Sacramento, Calif. , Ap ril 5-6. The American Challenge competitors are part of the Na ti ona l Elite Development progra m. These gymnasts are aspiring elite international athletes. The top seven juniors, along with Dana Earls from Cincinnati Dynamo, and the top four seniors from the American Challenge have qua lified to the 1997 National Gymnasti cs Festiva l. The Festiva l, which wi ll be held in conjunction with the u.S. Classic, wi ll take place July 24-27 in Seattle, Wash.
Gymagic Gymcats H.U.G.S. Desert Lights North Star Dynamo GymCarolina
SENIOR NATIONAL 1. Katy Herbert Desert Lights Capital (Va.) 2. Lenna Doolan 3. Rhonda Robinette Desert Lights 4. Kristen Fargo Karons 5. Kasie Tamayo Gymagic 6. Leah Mueller Bart Conners Capital (Texas) 6. Stephanie Kite 8. Erin Gettle Berks Trevino's 9. Erica Tidwell 10.Torah Chellevold Desert Lights 11. Elizabeth Kotler Flushing YMCA 12. Kari Muth Desert Lights llCatie Christensen Buckeye
71.492 71.278 70.920 70.060 69.134 66.609 63.880 36.362 36.075 35.562 35.537 34.775 34.762 34.762 34.287 34.075 34.050 32.912 32.025 31.550
Note: Senior Nationals (ompete optionals only. Junior Na tionals (ompete the elite testing plus optional routines.
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1. Romania 2. Uniled 510les 3. Chino
37.774 37.523 36.349
35.100 36.375 38.500
37.650 37.200 36.675
1. Uniled 510les 2 Chino . ROmania
36.349 36.136 35.337
36.100 36.300 32.900
36.550 36.125 35.425
38.325 148.849 36.775 147.873 35.375 146.899 FX
37.050 146.049 36.325 144.786 35.575 139.237
35.800 33.800 33.950
35.200 36.500 34.900
35.700 36.600 36.250
37.150 38.000 37.250
34.550 34.550 36.050
33.500 33.300 33.200
34.250 34.300 33.300
35.550 33.150 32.150
36.850 35.J 00
35.950 32.650 29.050
36.050 214.45 34.600 214.05 35.100 213.50 HB
34.900 211.00 33.J 00 201.60 30.500 193.55
1997 AMERICAN CLASSIC NEW HAVEN, CONN. â&#x20AC;˘ MARCH 1S'16 The American Classic is ore-ranking compelitian for both the junior and senior U.S. Notional Teams. Top gymnasts fram across the country competed in the first elite noli anal championships held since the O lympic Gomes.
~ i'
Parkette's Kristin Moloney won the senior all-around tille wilh a score of 36.863. Moloney, 16, is coached by Bi ll and Donna Strauss, and Jock Corler.
! '" '" '~"
The junior litle was won by 14-year-old Erinn Dooley fram Hill's Angels. Dooley is coached by Kelli Hil l.
Kristin Maloney
1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23
Erinn Dooley Hills CopilollVo) MoniqueChong Hills Elise Roy Olga MeninIsrael Chrisly Roy Hills Amer. Twislers Morgan While Cypress Krislin Thome Marline 51ephens Cypress Cypress 8rillony Thome Annobelh Eberle Gym Nevada Rico(hels 51ephonie Corler Tiffany Von Dusen Rebound Wrighls Dono Pierre Taro Phillips Cypress Sheehan Lemley Porkelles 8ecky Bonk Isroel III. GymInslilule Koro Kopernekos GymUnlimiled Melissa Fronk (inli Dynamo AmberMelvin Chrislino Knox Cols 8reosho Pruill Auos Porkelles Rochel Glosmire Israel MTannenbaum'
B.863 8.913 8.888 8.863 9063 8.600 8.500 9.275 8.200 8.775 8.950 8.888 9.0BB 8.575 7.875 8.650 8.275 8.075 9.038 8.563 8.163 8.313 0.000
8.275 8.400 8.800 8.250 8.675 8.675 8.400 7.000 8.375 7.950 8.250 8.000 7.B75 7.850 8.300 8.000 7.825 7.700 7.175 7.100 7.850 8.175 8.050
9.175 8.350 8.900 8.550 7.925 8.075 8.300 8.975 8.875 8.525 7.850 8.250 7.900 7.950 8.625 8.775 8.075 7.850 6.725 7.900 7.625 0.000 7.900
8.675 9.200 7.975 8.675 8.350 8.500 8.650 8.575 8.325 8.425 8.225 8.1 25 B.300 8.725 8.100 7.250 8.225 8.000 7.825 6.900 6.225 6.400 0.000
34.988 34.863 34.563 34.338 34.013 33.850 33.850 33.825 33.775 33.675 33.275 33.263 33.163 33.100 32.900 32.675 32.400 31.625 30.763 30.463 29.863 22.888 15.950
"goeslnol eligible lorawllrds.
imU SA
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Krislin Moloney Jamie Donlmher KOlhleen Shrieves Kelly Parkinson Ashley 51eworl lIicole Kilpolri(k
Porkelles Charier Oak Morvoleens
Cypress Cypress 1I0rih 510rs Hills Roegon Tomasek Cypress Koilie Dyson Gymslrodo Cory Frilzinger Krislen 51ucky 50110 Jenniler Carow 50110 Leading Edge Annie Campbell Chari Hunler Knighl Oregon 510le Becky Meldrum Porkelles Gwinnell Jeonno Rice Gym-Max Amy Young Gymcorolino Emily Chell 50roh Dipasquale Porkelles Alyssa Beckerman Norlh 510rs Gymslrodo Kolie McFarland 1I0lionoi Gym. Alison 510ner CopilollTX) Anno Gingri(h Breonne RUlherford Negx Technique Aleria Ingram Allonli( Gym. Shannon Bowles
9.388 9.175 9.175 9.125 9.088 9.075 B.BBB 8.725 8.475 8.963 8.650 9.11 3 9.038 8.750 8.988 8.775 9.188 8.625 8.550 8.750 9.000 8.800 9.000 0.000 0.000
8.550 9.100 9.1 50 9.275 8.475 8.675 B.200 8.925 9075 8.650 8.700 8.325 8.475 8.950 8.000 8.250 7.950 8_200 8.875 7.650 8.725 7.350 8.025 0.000 2.000
9.500 9.450 8.900 8.950 9.050 8.275 9.025 9.000 8.050 8.350 8.575 8.775 9.150 8.050 9.150 8.975 8.100 8.900 7.675 7.800 7.950 7.850 8.025 8.675 0.000
9.425 8.525 8.825 8.400 8.925 9.025 B.B50 8.025 9.050 8.650 8.625 8.300 7.825 8.725 8.200 8.050 8.600 8.000 8.600 9.275 7.350 8.800 7.600 7.57 5 0.000
36.863 36.250 36.050 35.750 35.538 35.050 34.963 34.675 34.650 34.613 34.550 34.513 34.488 34.475 34.338 34.050 33.838 33.725 33.700 33.475 33.025 32.800 32.650 16.250 2.000
~ i'
~ @
~ Monique Chang
Erinn Dooley
1 997
8.850 9.488 9.288 9.500
9.375 8.450 8.100 8.800
9.175 8.850 9.250 9.300
9.125 9.600 9.175 8.200
36.525 36.388 35.813 35.800
9.250 9.1 00 8.663
B.450 8.300 9.1 00
9.050 9.025 9.100
8.875 8.650 B.050
35.625 35.075 34.913
B.750 8.350 8.938 8.438 8.650 8.838 9.000 4.325
8.450 8.37S 8.775 8.175 8.000 8.375 8.250 8.850
8.975 B.400 7.775 8.425 8.825 8.000 8.200 8.025
8.075 8.625 8.1 50 8.475 7.800 7.925 7.500 8.700
34.250 33.750 33.638 33.513 33.275 33.138 32.950 29.900
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Bvire Tela FRA Ji Uyo (HN Kri.t1n Maloney USA Vanessa Atler USA Oksono Chousovilino UZB 6. Und.ay Wing USA 7. EIi.e Ray USA 8. Alexandra Morineseu ROM 9. Shonyn Moceochern CAN 10. Mohini Bhardwaj USA 11. Elena Savko 8LR 12. Elena Dolgopolovo RUS 13. Riso Sugoworo JPN 14. Olgo Teslenko UKR 15. Rulh Monil AUS 16. Grill Hoffmann GER 17. Froncesco Morolli ITA
ROUND 1 1.
zhou Xioojing Fan Hongbin Ji Uyo
2. Alicia Albe (hoiney Umphrey Amy (how
Hololio Kurino Ruslom Shoripov Olga Teslenko
Meoghon Muller John Roelhlisberger Shannon Miller
Lauro Zocehilli Giovanni D'lnno(enzo Francesco Morolli
Yono Botyrchino Juri Kryukov Elena Dolgopolovo
7. Jono Pagenkopf Valeri Belenki Grill Hoffmonn
B. Valeri Volkino Andrei Kon Eleno Sovko
1. 2. 3. 4.
Bvire Tela Vanessa Atler Ji Uyo Oksono Chousovilino Alexandra Morinescu Kri.tin Moloney Elena Savko Shonyn Moceochern
8.975 9.443 9.500
9.412 8.900 8.550
8.975 9.412 9.000
9.212 8.812 9.362
36.574 36.567 36.412
9.099 9.281 8.806
8.512 8.075 7.912
9.287 9.075 8.875
9.200 9.300 8.400
36.098 35.731 33.993
Zhou Xioojing Fan Hongbin Ji Uyo
HOlolia Kurina Ruslom Shoripov Olga Teslenko
Meaghan Muller USA John Roethlisberger Shannon Miller
Alicia Albe Chainey Umphrey Amy Chow
Lauro Zacehilli Giovonni D'innocenlo Froncesco Morolti
5. 6. 7. 8.
Note: scores from round 1did not corry over to round 2. Five teams advanced to the second round.
1. Blaine Wil.on 2. John Roethli.berger 3. Juri Kryukov 4. Voleri 8elenki 5. Fon Hongbin 6. Ruslom Shoripov 7. Andrei Kon 8. Jay Thornton 9. Stephen McCain 10. Chainey Umphrey " . Giovanni D'innocenzo 12. Yoshiro Soilo 12. Seboslien Toyoc 14. 8101 Puljic 15. Don Burinco 16. Diego U,ordi 17. Alexander Jeltkov
8.500 8.650 8.850 8.400 8.150 8.450 8.900 8.950 8.750 8.200 7.700 7.550 8.100 7.350 7.950 7.300 8.300
9.150 9.050 9.000 8.700 8.300 8.900 9.000 8.750 8.800 9.000 7.950 8.550 7.800 9.050 7.600 7.550 6.950
9.750 8.900 8.150 9.500 9.250 8.050 8.350 7.950 8.450 8.700 8.550 8.150 8.450 7.900 9.250 8.800 6.950
9.400 9.200 9.500 9.150 9.150 9.100 9.100 9.350 9.150 8.900 8.650 9.300 8.900 8.750 8.950 8.800 9.000
9.150 9.000 8.900 9.000 9.050 9.300 8.400 8.700 8.150 7.400 8.850 8.650 8.500 8.050 6.950 7.950 7.800
9.500 55.450 8.950 53.750 8.400 7.950 8.700 8.650 8.650 52.400 8.650 52.350 8.750 52.050 8.600 50.800 8.600__~=-_-J 7.600 8.050 8.300 8.150 48.850 8.350 48.750 8.100 47.100
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Blaine Wilson Fan Hongbin Valeri 8elenki John Roethlisberger Juri Kryukov Andrei Kon Ruslom Shoripov Giovanni D'innocenlo
8.850 8.600 8.800 8.600 8.800 9.000 8.150 7.900
9.150 8.750 8.900 9.150 9.150 8.500 8.950 8.750
9.550 9.600 9.400 8.900 8.350 8.650 8.700 8.250
9.650 9.500 9.300 9.250 9.500 8.800 8.750 8.800
9.150 9.250 9.200 9.050 8.950 8.600 8.050 8.350
9.550 8.600 8.550 8.900 8.450 8.900 8.550 8.700
55.900 54.300 54.150 53.850 53.200 52.450 51.150 50.750
Above: joy Thornton
MAY / JUNE 1 997
mIllE SORWARE FOR DUMMIES! SCORE MASTER, the most widely used system in the U.S., scores the largest meet in the U.S., The Gasparilla, with over 2500 competitors. This score keeping system is very easy to use and has an on·line tutorial. Supports: men's/women's, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic, comp/ option· al competitions. It can graph scores over an entire season. Comes with a step·by·step user guide and a 90 day unconditional moneyback guarantee. For more info contact: Mark Mahoney, P.O. Box 31421, Charlotte, NC 2B231 ·1421, (704) 333-7005, or web site: www.score·master.com (software demo, info guide and user list· ing on web site). GYM BUS FOR SALE. I must sell my newly converted gym bus! Generator, AlC, carpet bonded foam, AM/ FM cassette, paint &art work only 6 months old! The bus is a 71·passenger, automatic, 1980 Ford with 88,000 miles (gas). New coil, cap, rotor, plugs, fuel pump/ filter. Equipment, lesson plans, and marketing materi· al included! Only $18,500. Call Pete at (904) 760·1445. Financing possible. GYM SCHOOL FOR SALE. Very reasonably priced. Owner has too many satellite gyms and will let the one farthest from his main gym be sold at a great price! Great opportunity for a coach who is ready to be own boss. Current program is five years old at this location and has preschool and recreational classes. Could easily be developed into team program as well. Lease building, purchase gymnastics program. Located in a high tech/high growth area, near historic Valley Forge, Pa. Call quick, priced to sell! (610) 325·3943. FOR SALE. Excellent quality hand·crafted mushrooms. Durable enough for a gym, yet affordable. Amust for every successful gym· nast! For more information or to order, send $75 plus $20 shipping to: MUSHROOMS, 1583 300th St., Mt. Pleasant, IA 5264l. CLASS CONTROL Class Management and AIR software. Packed with features and very easy to use. Includes class rosters, auto· mated tuition calculation based on assignments and family discounts, retail charges, invoices, payment due reports, collection summaries, instructor schedules, on·line help, and much more. Supports tax on retail items and tuition, alternative payment methods like direct debit and credit cards, and USPS Address Standardization. The price is $400 and includes free training and personal, understandable support at no charge. Call Vaughn Software Services at 1·800·821 ·8516. Address: P.O. Box 1086, Apex, NC 27502. MC/VISA accepted. CUP ART FOR GYMNASTICS on computer disks. NEW LOWER PRICE!! Now only $59.00 + $3.00 shipping for the five disk set containing over 50 different drawings created by professional illus· trators in a wide range of styles. An affordable way to add visual impact to advertisements, posters, t·shirts, fliers, etc. Versotile and easy to use. Available in Mac (EPS) and PC (TIFF) formats. SATIS· FAGION GUARANTEED! Visa, MC, Discover, AmExpress, check or money order accepted. To order, call 1·800·879·6030 or send ordering info to: ARTline, P.O. Box 5797, Sparks, NV 89432. GYM FOR SALE. Three·year old, well·established gym in a beauti· ful rural area of Northern California. Attractive facility in 8,000 sq. ft. insulated metal clear span building with high ceilings, with office and mirrored dance studio. Well·equipped with state·of·the· art AAI equipment, computer, and other miscellaneous gymnastics and office equipment. Strong recreation program ranging from preschool to advanced levels. Girls competition team. Easy access off highway, and ample parking. Please direct inquiries to: Gymnastics Center, P.O. Box 161, San Andreas, CA 95249. Phone (209) 754·5665. Owner· agent.
POSITION AVAIlABLE BROWN'S GYMNASTICS seeking full· time and part·time experi· enced coaches for our recreational and team programs at Brown's Gymnastics of Houston and Brown's Gymnastics of Altamonte Springs. Brown's Gymnastics offers the largest and best equipped facilities in the USA. Administrative positions also available. Send resume to: Brown's Gymnastics, 740 Orange Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Fl32714. USA
ATLANTA IS THE PLACE TO BE IN 1997! We are looking for qualified coaches to help oversee our expanding programs. We have a com· prehensive gymnastics program which needs an enthusiastic coach who can work well with boys, girls, cheerleading, tumbling, and preschool classes. Salary is negotiable based on experience. Please send your resume to: Gym South Gymnastics, 119 N. 85 Pkwy., Fayetteville, GA 30214. (770) 461·5528 or fax at (770) 461 ·5528. GYMNASTICS INSTRUaORS. Largest gymnastics program in the Dallas area is seeking professional gymnastics instructors. Immediate openings for preschool, recreational classes, cheer tum· bling as well as COMPULSORY AND OPTIONAL GIRLS TEAM COACH· ES. Salary and benefits top in the nation. Call now and send or fax your resume to: ASI Gymnastics, 1317 E. Hwy. 80, Mesquite, TX 75150. Phone (972) 288·5510, fax (972) 288·4944. BOSTON. EXPERIENCED GYMNASTICS COACHES AND INSTRUaORS WANTED. Full·time and part·time positions available for our recre· ational and team programs and also boys and girls classes. Salary commensurate with experience and benefits. Contact Jane Keaveney or Janie Murakovskaya at (617) 469·4911 , or send resume to: Charles River Gymnastics, 231 Rivermoor St., West Roxbury, MA 02132. GYMNASTICS GIRLS COACH/ CLASS INSTRuaOR. Immediate open· ing for coach for girk team up to Levell O.Must have knowledge of compulsory routines and requirements in optional levels. Position also includes recreational boys and girls classes. Full or part·time available. Pay and benefits based on experience. Safety certification necessary. Call or send resume to: Wilton Academy, 2248 Route 9 South, Howell, NJ 07731, attn: Julie. Phone (908) 462·2079. TEAM MEMBERS needed for fast growing gym in sunny Florida. Must be able to work with strong team of excellent coaches and have strong upper level spotting skills. Call: Sun Country Gymnastics today at (352) 378·8711 , or send resume to 4010 NW 27th Lane, Gainesville, FL32606, or fax to (352) 377·5020. GYMNASTICS INSTRUaORS NEEDED IMMEDIATElY. Energetic, organized and positive teachers needed to teach preschool through Elite. Full and part·time positions available at all three locations in northern Virginia. Several positions available. Special need for male coach. Please send resume to: Milan Stanovich, 5581 Guinea Road, Fairfax, VA 22032. Call for more information: (703) 323·0088. GYMNASTICS TEACHER/ COACH. Looking for motivated individual to work with classes and competitive teams for 23·year old gym· nastics school in New Jersey. Salary $15·$16 per hour. Great opportunity for ownership. Send resume to: Monmouth Gymnastics Academy, 600 Campus Drive, Morganville, NJ 07751 . Phone or fax: (908) 591 ·1554. POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Assistant Director of Activities with coaching responsibilities; Women's Competitive Team Coach; and Preschool/ Recreation Class Coach. Seeking experienced individuals with moti· vation, high energy, and a positive attitude. Located in Clear Lake City near Johnson Space Center. Immediate openings for all posi· tions. Please send resume to: Lobo Gymnastics, 2525 Bay Area Blvd., Suite 690, Houston, TX 77058, or fax: (281) 486·0930. Attention: Katrina Garcia. PART-TIME BOYS TEAM COACH NEEDED. Come to the Baltimore· Washington, D.C. area to work with our fast growing Boys Team program, ranging from developmental through Class III competi· tive team. Must have caaching experience. Will work up to 29 hours per week. The hourly rate is commensurate with experience. The position is open immediately. If interested, please contact Ping Wang at (301) 953-0030, or send resume to: Fairland Gymnastics, 13950 Old Gunpowder Rd., laurel, MD 20707. GYMNASTICS COACHES. Full-time gymnastics coach needed to teach preschool, boys and girls recreational gymnastics, and developmental team program. Our friendly staff creates an excellent working environment in a rapidly growing gym. The gym is locat· ed 15 minutes north of Charlotte, in one of the fastest growing counties in North Carolina. Pay is commensurate with experience. Please send resume to: Cabarrus County Gymnastics, 1029 Central Drive NW, Concord, NC 28027, or call (704) 874-3111. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
BOYS PROGRAM DIREOOR/ COACH & DEVELOPMENTAL GIRLS TEAM COACH. The Boys Program Director will have an opportunity to develop a growing boys Class program, and a competitive team of 8. Two years experience teaching and coaching boys. Must be willing to teach and coach girls, where needed. The Developmental Girls Team Coach must hove STRONG technical and spotting skills. Candidates MUST be team players, self starters and be detail oriented with good communication skills. Serious inquiries ONLY! Call (617) 397-0603, or send resume to: Gemini Gymnastics Center, 66 Pleasant St., Malden, MA 02148. WOMEN'S HEAD COACH. Full-time position would include directing and coaching the Team program, levels 4-8 (compulsory and optional levels) and some recreational classes. Applicant must be an enthusiastic team player and goal oriented. looking for someone with strong technical knowledge, communication and organizational skills. Marketing skills a plus. Experience required. Salary and benefits negotiable. Send resume and references to: Olympiad Gymnastics Training Centers, 2675 Metro Blvd., Maryland Heights, MO 63043, attn: Scott Cusimano, phone (314) 291-5436. GIRl5 AND BOYS TEAM COACHING POSITIONS available (Milwaukee area). Wanted: a fun, enthusiastic, positive, reliable coach experi· enced at Girls Optional Levels 8·10. Boys Coach to teach developmental teams through optionals as well as oversee progressive class· es. Salaries based on experience. Moving to a new facility. Great for training. Send resume to: M&M Gymnastics, P.O. Box 510474, New Berlin, WI 53151 , or call (414) 789-6885 or (414) 774-2863. DIREOOR OF OPERATIONS needed. Established gymnastics school in the beautiful state of New Hampshire where there is no income tax or sales tax. One hour from Boston, the seacoast and the mountains. Applicant must possess business skills and have the ability to teach and coach men's and women's artistic gymnastics through optionals teams levels. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Send resume to: Spectrum Gymnastics Academy Inc., 26 Buttrick Rd., Londonderry, NH 03053. ASSISTANT BOYS COACH. Southern New Hampshire gymnastics school is looking for a qualified person to assist with a rapidly growing competitive boys program. Full·time position with bene· fits for the individual who enjoys working with a professional, cohesive staff in an enjoyable atmosphere. The position will include working with class and competitive boys. Send resume to: Gymnastics Village, 13 Caldwell Dr., Amherst, NH 03031, or call Judy Shenk at (603) 889-8092. Mountains, lakes and ocean shores are moments away from the fastest growing gym school in the East. Full and part· time dynamic personalities are needed with experience in Preschool through Competitive caaching. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Contact: Michelle Chooljian at (508) 463-9090 or fax resume and references to: (508) 465-7510, or send to: NHA Gymnastics, Crossroads Plaza, Salisbury, MA 01952. PRESCHOOL PROGRAM DIREOOR. Full-time position available in a beautiful, well-established facility in Cincinnati, Ohio. Design and develop gymnastics program for over 600 preschool aged children. Must have knowledge in early childhood development and good organizational skills. KAT certification a plus. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Benefits include medical and dental, paid vacation and sick days, paid holidays and retirement plan. Send resume to: Hyde Park Gymnastics, P.O. Box 9434, Cincinnati, OH 45209. Seeking GIRLS TEAM COACH (levels 2-5) to develop young competitive program. Great opportunity to run and build your own program. Responsibilities include a few recreational classes, pre· team and team girls. Also seeking BOYS TEAM COACH (Class VII) to take over successful boys team. We have had many region· al champions and national qualifiers come through our program. Must be enthusiastic and positive individuals where the kids are #1. We are located in beautiful southern New Hampshire, one hour to the mountains and lakes and 50 minutes from downtown Boston. Salary is commensurate with experience and performance. Benefits available. Send resume to: Gym-Ken Gymnastics, 184 Rockingham Rd., Windham, NH 03087, or call Paul at (603) 434-9060. MAY / JUN E 1997
• •
Kidsport Gymnastics Academy is looking for on enthusiastic fulltime instructor to teach preschool and recreational classes as well as boys competitive team Closs VII-V.For more information please contact Sarah or Kim at (910) 538-0073 or send your resume to Kidsport Gymnastics Academy, 2966 S. Church St., Suite 271 , Burlington, NC 27215. Salary commensurate with experience. INSTRUCTOR/ COACH wonted. We are looking for a qualified per· son to do it all! Must be able to teach preschool, classes and coach team. Experience with boys a plus. Must be a team player and work well with our present stoff. Our gym is located in the Berkshire mountains. lots of outdoor activities and great quality of life. Health benefits and paid vacation time are included for the right individual. Send resume and salary requirements to: Berkshire Gymnastics Center, 1400 East St., PiMsfield, MA 01201, attn: Marybeth Turner. An outstanding career opportunity is available for a full·time RECREATIONAVPRESCHOOllNSTRUCTOR at a fast growing club in beautiful litchfield County, Connecticut. As a valued member of Top Flight Gymnastics, you can enjoy a top salary, five day work week, four weeks vocation, comprehensive medical plan, and many opportunities for advancement. Employees can look forword to working in a state·of-the·art facility with small closs sizes and on ongoing, on-site training program. To qualify you must have a background in gymnastics along with experience working with children or a college degree in teaching. You must also demonstrate a high level of enthusiasm and professional integrity. Send or fox resume to: Top Flight Gymnastics, 17 Pickett District Rd., New Milford, CT 06776, fox: (860) 350-9121; phone: (860) 350-9123. COACH NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. EAST TENNESSEE AREA. Full/parttime position for outgoing, highly motivated, enthusiastic coach. Must be able to teach from preschool to optional levels. Salary commensurate with experience. Please send resume to: Atomic City Academy of Gymnastics, 237 E. Main Street, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Phone (423) 482-7535. Nestled in the splendor of the majestic Big Horn Mountains, where skiing, hunting, fishing and wildlife abound is Kidnastics Academy. We are a brand new program with on immediate opening for on enthusiastic PROGRAM DIRECTOR/TEAM COACH for developmen· tal through level 7 gymnastics. USAG and safety certification necessary. Be on integral port of our rapidly growing organization. Send resume to: Kidnastics Academy, 1030 N. Main #5, Sheridan, WY 82801 , or call April at (307) 672-5712. GYMNASTICS COACH/TEACHER for well·established, rapidly growing USAG club. Must be positive, upbeat, energetic and versatile. Duties include teaching boys and girls classes, cheerleading, and assisting girls and boys team coach. Excellent spoMing skills required. School located in central East Coast of sunny Florida. Salary negotiable with regard to experience. Applicant should be USAG professional member and safety certified. Resumes should be sent to: South Brevard Academy of Gymnastics, attn: B.S. Peters, owner, P.O. Box 501406, Malabar, Fl32950-1406. Phone (407) 676-4429. GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. Energetic, orga· nized and positive teachers and coaches needed immediately to teach preschool through level 7. Great opportunity for someone to develop programs that produce successful and happy gymnasts at fast growing new facility. Salary commensurate with experience. Contact: Debbie lamontagne at (508) 688-6683, or send resume to: No. Andover School of Dance & Gymnastics, 100 Belmont St., No. Andover, MA 01845, or fox (508) 683·7784.
BABY ANSWERS Who is he? Mike DUlka Who is she? Vanessa Aller 'M A Y / J U N E I 9 9 7
BOYS TEAM COACH. Gymnastics club in northern California (45 minutes north of Son francisco) is seeking on enthusiastic individual to assist our boys head coach with our expanding boys programs and teams. Full-time position available in fall of 1997. Must be able to spot level optional skills, to be a team player and to work with developing younger gymnasts. Position includes benefits. Send resume with salary requirements to: Steve Klotz, Redwood Empire Gymnastics, 434 Payran St., Petaluma, CA 94952. Phone (707) 763-5010, fox (707) 763-5542. GYMNASTICS GIRLS COACH/ CLASS INSTRUCTOR. Qualities needed: be able to coach levels 4-10, strong spoMer, good technique, positive, motivated and energetic, and strong leadership qualities. Must be able to teach recreational classes. Salary and benefits based on experience. Call or send resume to: Gymnastics Center of the lehigh Volley, 995 Postal Rd., Allentown, PA 18103, phone (610) 264-7302. PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR/ TEAM COACHES. Eastern Notional Academy is expanding into another facility and needs coaches. We are looking for directors for preschool and general program, team coaches qualified in choreography and dance at a high level and knowledgeable in the compulsory division. ENA is in a perfect location for any lifestyle, we are located centrally between the Metropolitan New York area and the Pennsylvania Pocono Mountains. First aid/ safety certification a plus. Salary commensurate upon qualifications and experience. Contact Rich at (201) 835-1665 or fox resume to (201 ) 835-6225 or e·mail us at ena@ena.com GYMNASTICS COACH/ INSTRUCTOR . Girls levelS to elite . Experience necessary. Competent spaMing skills and choreography. Works well with kids (positive reinforcement). Works well with stoff (llexible). Must have CPR and safety certification. Port-time or full-time. Pay based on experience. Send resume to: Pro Gymnastics Training Center, 404 TImber lone, Marlboro, NJ 07746, aMention: Maureen & Bill Balogh, or call (908) 780·2543. TEAM COACH WANTED. Expanding gymnastics program seeking enthusiastic, experienced instructors to coach our girls level 8·10 competition team. Competitive salary commensurate with experience. Send references and resumes to: Gymnastics Academy of St. Cloud, 777 Anderson Ave., St. Cloud, MN 56303. Phone (320) 251-4777, fox (320) 252·0014. COACHES/ INSTRUCTORS. Sunrise Gymnastics Academy is looking for enthusiastic, motivated instructors who love children. We need positive instructors to work with instructional classes and competi· tive teams. Sunrise has on established program with over 1,400 students in a 29,400 sq. h. state-of-the-art facility. Sunrise has on excellent boys and girls competitive program with over 100 competitors at girls levels 5·10 and boys Closs VI-I. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Send resume, references and picture to: Sunrise Gymnastics Academy, P.O. Box 69, Sylvania, Ohio 43560, or call Yusaku or Sherry at (419) 841 -8694. TEAM COACH WANTED. Home of the 1995, 1996, 1997 level 5& 6 Compulsory State Champions. Coaching position now available for on energetic, professional individual. Qualifications to include the following: develop and instruct a new level 4 program for girls, assist in compulsory and optional team levels, and have a dance background to provide movement/ dance/ choreography. We are located in beautiful southern New Hampshire, 45 minutes from the ocean, mountainsand Boston. Contact TIm Madore, owner and head coach at New England Gymnastics Training Center, Hudson, NH at (603) 880·8482, fox (603) 880·1800, email: NEGTC@AOLCOM RECREATION DIRECTOR. Full-time position with teaching and administrative duties. Salary commensurate with experience. Please send resume to: Paul O'Neill, Dakota Star Gymnastics, 205 2nd Ave. N.W., Mandan, NO 58554. Phone (701) 663-2357. GYMNASTICS COACH. Indiana University of Pennsylvania invites applications for HEAD WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS COACH . Responsibilities include coaching, scheduling, budgeting, recruiting and conditioning of the gymnastics team. Additional duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Director of Athletics at IUP. BS degree required. Prior coaching (college or high school) and/ or intercollegiate athletic experience preferred. Must conduct the program with a high degree of integrity and within the rules and regulations of IUp, PSAC, and NCAA at all times; must
possess the ability to maintain positive relationships with the administration, faculty, students and parents; must be able to recruit student· athletes who have the ability to succeed academically and athletically. Please send leMer of application, resume, and names of three references to: Frances A. Nee, Associate Athletic Director, IUP Athletics, 107 Memorial Field House, Indiana, PA 15705·1077. Review of applications will continue until position is filled. AA/EOE.
POsmoll WIIITED Russian husband and wife coaching team with green cards seeking head coach/ compulsory/ instructor positions. Will relocate. Previous experience includes coaching two Junior Russian Notional Team members, and five years coaching in a gymnastics club in the U.s. For more information, please call Suzanne at (203) 972-2183.
SUMMER CAMP POSITIOIIS ONE CAll DOES IT AW! TEACH GYMNASTICS!! 250 Summer Camp Positions. Choose from over 200 camps/ Northeast. Instructors/ coaches needed to teach gymnastics. All levels needed. Fabulous facilities. Eight weeks. Have a profeSSional recruiter identify the right camp position, salary and compensation package for you. Arlene Streisand's Summer Camp Services. 1-800·443-6428 or (516) 433-8033; fox (516) 933-7949. To place a classified ad: $75 every 90 words. Deadline: July/August-May 16; September/ October-July 16. Send ad with payment to: USA Gymnastics, Classified Ads, Pan American Plaza, Suite 300, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225. Ads submitted without payment WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
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China Wins the 1997 International 3 on 3 Gymnastics Ghampionships
By Luan P....k
he 1997 International 3 on 3 Gymnastics Championships utilized a unique and fun format. A women's artistic, men's artistic and rhythmic gymnast were combined to form a trio. Each of the three gymnasts on a team performed a routine of their choice and the scores were totaled. The top five teams from round one advanced to round two, the final round. The trio from China won the title in Fort Worth, Texas, March 2. China was followed by Ukraine and the U.S. trio of Meaghan Muller, John Roethlisberger and Shannon Miller. Fan Hongbin from China said, "We're glad that we won this event. The time difference has been very hard on us. If we had a competition again tomorrow we would be even better."
Gold Medal ChlnaTrlo
Sliver Medal Ulcroine Trio
MAY / JUNE 1 997
PAGE 37 Bronze Medal
MAY!JUN E 199 7
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m 11 years old and' 6 gymnast ,ou a re my favorite. 9ymnast! On m routine I sha y beam and I get so ~e so much I fa ll off. I t ervous that to do my b ry at practice b est and t ut, when I et s ay on, g . . . . . . tion I fall ff to competih 0 . Can y elp me? Thanks ou please ~ Level
Leah Santana·
Deming • New Mexico
Dear MA
I'm 10 RY LOU R I' years old ETTON m hal'. and ' arms o~ng trouble s:r Lev'~I!I!'3Y -'- - ~ Just sWlt:y back ;;yWorked ed gyms pnngs AI new out SIX ho and my 01 so, I It's gym works urs a week d gym very h out 24 hand m happ ard on m Ours y Als en to you" e. Did tha a week. 0 , your baby .what shoul t ever AShley Wh O IS adorabl d I do?
Left: Kerri St Vanessa Atl rug hands for winnin er her award V. g vault at th Isa Am erican Cup. e
Dear Karen, I There are many wonderfu t memories (aptured on those reates vidlveoeds. always moments InVO . . h had a special relationshiP, Sure, wa s a demanding (oa(h, but' always neW and still realize that he only wantsB la the best for his athletes. So, e is a nice (oa(h. As far as shou er exercises, there alrde to get stronger. I / theraband exercises,.and nt ush-ups with a 0 I ere
:e~tW~ ~!v~
Phand and body pOSitiOns.
s Christ·I, Texa s
Dear Ashley, Gymnasti(S should be fun at 10 years old ond a Level S. If yoU are working out tOO many hours a week, (ut back. It won't hurt you. And, (on(entrate on keeping your arms straight. Go full force into your handspring and stay extended from your shoulders. conditioning should help yOU with your arm strength.
Dear Carly, Th e Retto mistake I n S aito wa do asam· Wa s try Ing stoa the b ers ault b too h ars and be etween at th ard (. beat th In my da e bar Dea sittin e bar) and y We I r r MARy 9 on th end d ecentl LOU Was e hi h e up wOman :y had t RETTON I not d · 9 bar N eam Olng all . 0, chos ,and s 0 do a ' b at age that a You Ie You. In Ince You repOrt gymnast.ICS 4. . W 1171' a on h I started n etta as won J repo re my f. a ram years old . w en I was 7 find n Saito denng, rt I faun avorlte ous R Years mg mform and the how did d Out a I gYmnas b You old wh atlo I h Retto You th· at ab t, I en n e n Ft mk Out ack h r t I age" andspa ent. W YOUr d ard tha Ip? Wh·1 up the rmgs as th ance t Yo Ie I w Dear KIM Z Carly and ba at Va k trUe teach th eru Were anias I'm your b. MESKAL n Ostra c tUck at Yo Spotted:Y 4 watch old,ggest fan.' I I nd son beatnu were do· at th mg you Were. com petitio ove to at start In. I wish ns that Bela aCompeting /ou would Mice
gain '"
any good Coach? Do . 'Vas ideas? M shoulder st you have you S y mom sa rength calls me :.Iook like K . Ittle K·
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