USA Gymnastics - March/April 1998

Page 1

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DEPARTMENTS • .., Kristie Phillips signs autographs at the 1998 . Reese's Gymnastics (up •




........ 12

Natalie Lacuesta earned her second Rhythmic Challenge title at the 1998 Rhytlunic Challenge competition held in Downers Grove, TIl. Kate Jeffress met the challenge of her first national competition as a senior level competitor by placing second in the all-arOlU1d. Heilie Isaacs won the junior all-around competition.

REESE'S GYMNASTICS CUP . 22 WINTER CUP ......... .. 8 Blaine Wilson takes the all-around title and all six individual event titles at the 1998 Winter Cup Challenge. The event was held at the Texas Sports Ranch. Yewki Tomita placed second and Jay Thornton finished third in the allaround competition.

It was a night for champions to retain their titles as the teams of Shruulon Miller and Amy Chow and Chris Waller and Chaill.ey Umphrey tumbled to victory in tile 1998 Reese's Gyrrmastics Cup, held before a sellout crowd of 5,393 at Bayfront Center Arena in st. Petersburg, Fla.

CAMPS .... . 26

NATIONAL TOP's TRAINING CAMP .. . 10 Tulsa World of Gymnastics was tile site in eru'ly December where 88 of tile finest female gyrrmasts, ages 9-12, assembled for tlle sixtil aIU1Ual TOP's Training Camp. Plus, find out how you stack up to TOP's gymnasts in pull-ups, hollow holds and leg lifts!

Check out the Slunrner Camp Directory to get a run down on where a gynUlastics camp is located nearest to you. Also, parents won't want to miss the article entitled, "Choosing the Right Camp for Your Child." Some of you even subrnitted your favorite memories and photos from camp last summer!

USA GYIIIUSI1CS (ISSM 0746006KUSPS 0005-666) is ........ 1inoanIhIy lor SIS pI!'" in" u.s., 532 pi! JIll' in c-Ia or lIuiaI,..r S4S pi! JIll' in aI. CIIUII1rios. USA GYMIIASlICS is ........ by USA GynIII!Iia, ,., AmIriaII Plaza, 201 S. Capital Aft., Suite 300, I........., 1M 46225, (3171237- 5050, www.--u-tks..... Ptriodica( postogopailatl............ IN46204. POS1MASIO:Sond....."..d!OogosIoUSAGYMIIASlICS. 201S. CapitalAvo.• Suite3OO. lndianapaIis.IN 46225. USA Gymnastiu is the sole national governing body for the sport of gymnastiG. Anot·fDl·ploliI orgonimtion, USA Gymnastiu lIIem, kains and odminist", the u.S. Gymnastiu Teom, including the U.S. Ofympi< GymnastiG Teom. Contributions and support DIe o!ways wokorne and are tox·deductible. © 1998 USA GymnostiG. AI righ~ reser,ed. Printed by Sport GrOflhilS, 1M., Indionopolis, IN, USA.




Kathy Scanlan

Editor Luan Peszek

Designer Julie T. Jones

Design Associate Mary Burkhart USA Gymnastics Board 01 Directors

By Kathy Scanlan President of USA Gymnastics

Chair: Sandy Knapp; President: Kathy Scanlan; President Emeritus: Mike Donahu e; Constituent Members: Amateur Athletic Union: M ik e S tallller; American Sokol Organization: Je rry Milan; American Turners: Betty Heppner; College Gymnastics Association-M: Roy Jolmson; National Association of Collegiate Gym n astics Coaches for Women: Gail Dav is; National Association for Girls and Women in Sport: Marilyn Strawbridge; National Association of Women's Gymnastics Judges: Yvonne Hodge; National Collegiate Athletic Association: ChTis Voelz, Tom DlUU1; National Federation of State High School Associations: Susan True; National Gymnastics Judges Association: Jolm Scheer; National High School Gymnastics Coaches Association: John Brinkworth; U.S. Association of Independent Gym Clubs: Lance Crowley; U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Men's Gymnastics: Mark Williams; U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Women's Gymnastics: Gary Anderson, Roe Kreu tzer; U.S. Men's Gymnastics Coaches Association: Marc Ya ncey; U.S. Rhythmic Gymnastics Coaches Associat ion : Suz ie DiTllllio; Young Men's Christian Association of the USA: Rick Dod so n ;

USA Gymnastics National Membership Directors: Men's: Ray Glrra, Jim Holt; Rhythmic: Tamara Dasso, A lia Sv irs ky; Women's: Linda Chencinski, David Holcomb; Athlete Directors: Tanya Service Chaplin, chair; Chris Waller, vice chair; Kris te n Ke noye r Wood land, sec; M ich ell e Du sse rre- Fa rrell, USOC athle te re presenta ti ve; Wendy Hillia rd, Va nessa Va nd e r Plu y m , Pe te r V idm ar, Co nra d Voorsa nger, Kim Z meskal; Associate Members: Jewish Community Centers: Lori Katz; Special Olympics, Inc.: Kate Fabe r-Hickie; USA Trampolin e & Tumbling: Wa y n e Dow nin g; U.S . Competitive Sports Aerobics Federation: Howard Schwa rtz; U.S. Sports Acrobatics Federation: BOImie Davidson.

USA Gymnastics Executive Committee Chair: Sand y Knapp; Special Advisor to th e Chairman of the Board: Roe Kre utzer; President: Kath y Scanla n; Secretary: Mi k e M ilidoni s; Vice Chair Men: Tim Dagge tt; Vice Chair Rhythmi c: Ca ndace Fe inberg; Vice Chair Women: Joa n Moore G n a t; FIG Executive Committee: Jay Ashmore; FIG Men's Technical Committee: George Beckstead; FIG Rhythmic Technical Committee: Andrea Schmid -Shapiro; FIG Women's Technical Committee: Jackie Fie; At Large Members: Jim Hartung, Susa n True; Athlete Directors: Tanya

Service Cha plin, Wendy Hillia rd, Peter Vidmar; USOC A thl ete Representative: Michelle Dusserre· Farrell; President Emeritus: !vLike Donahue. U nl ess expressly identi fi ed to the con tmry, all m ti cl es, sta tements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the au thor and USA Gymna stics exp resses no opini on and ass umes no responsibili ty thereof.



hope many of you were able to watch the Reese's Cup on NBC on February 14. But if you couldn't, the pictures and article in this issue really capture the hm and thrill of the event. Congratulations to the winning teams of Shannon Miller and Amy Chow on Amanda Borden, Shannon Miller and the women 's side and Chris Waller and Chainey Kim Zmeskal sign autographs. Umphrey on the men's side. An appreciative capacily crowd at the event in St. Petersburg booed the celebrily judges (Bela Karoyli, Brooke Bennett, Brandy Johnson and Mitch Gaylord) if they gave less than 10's. The most amazing thing is the tremendous level of gymnastics of the 1996 Olympians. They were wonderh.J1 to watch. Congratulations also go to Blaine Wilson, winner of the men's Winter Cup Challenge in Houston and to Natalie Lacuesta, winner of the Rhythmic Challenge in Chicago. Both events were held on the same weekend in February and both were an opportunily for our top athletes to test their skills in competition. The rhythmic program has an exciting new initiative with the National Association of High School Federations to start high school group rhythmic programs. Three districts in Florida are on board as the first in the country to test the program. It's going well. Our hope is to someday have high schools across the country offering rhythmic gymnastics. If you are interested in this idea, ask your high school athletic director to look at the article in the fall 1997 Interscholastic Athletic Administration magazine. USA Gymnastics is developing the choreography for the compulsory group routine and providing coaches' and officials' training . This is a great opportunily to grow the sport. I hope that the high schools in your area come on board. Welcome to the annual summer camp issue! If you have a chance to attend a gymnastics summer camp, I think you will have a very worthwhile and enjoyable experience. Although summer seems like a long way off, it's really just right around the corner. Remember, many or these programs fill up fast, so if you're interested in attending sign up now. plans for the Visa American Cup are in h.J1I gear. Athletes from 17 countries are scheduled to compete. Defending champions Blaine Wilson of the United States and Elvire Teza of France will be back hoping to repeat against some of the world's finest gymnasts. The 1998 Eastern College Athletic Conference Men's Gymnastics Championships will be held March 27-28 at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, NY Thanks to a grant from the U.S. Olympic Committee to assist endangered and emerging Olympic sports, the event will be televised, for the first time, to more than 11 million homes. The program will air on New England .Sports Network, Empire Sports Nelwork, Comcast Sportsnet and MSG Nelwork and will be tape delayed to air in prime time. At the time of print an airdate had not yet been established. please check your local listings and tune in to see men's gymnastics on W!


Gymnasts from Atlanta International Rhythmic Gymnastics, coached by Morino Davidovich, and International Rhythmic Gymnastics, coached by Efrossina Anguelova, went to five high schools in Florida to demonstrate the sport of rhythmic gymnastics. This picture was token at a high school in Tallahassee, Flo. MARCH/APRll1998


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• By Craig Bohnert All experiments should go as well as the one Blaine Wilson conducted in the 1998 Winter Cup Challenge, held February 13-14 at the Texas Sports Ranch on the outskirts of Houston. Breaking in new routines in all six events, Wilson walked away from the 36 competitors in tile final round of competition w ith a score of 56.800, easily outdistancing all of his competitors. Tw enty-thl'ee year old Wilson is from Columbus, Ohio, but is currently training at the U.S Olympic Training Center w ith his coaches Ron Brant and Vitaly Marinitch. "I'm working on bringing the difficulty of all my routines up to l Os, " said Wilson, a I 996 Olympian and two-time defending National Champion. "I think I was able to do that with everything tonight, except maybe the high bar. I may have been a tenth off there. " With the exception of the high bar, where he scored a 9. I 5, Wilson scored 9.40 or better on every event, with a high of 9.65 on vault. Winning the all-around title gave Wilson the first-place prize of $3,000, plus he won all six event finals during preliminaries for another $3,000, bringing hiS total w innings from the event to $6,000, clearly the lions share of the $ 13,800 purse for the event. Seventeen-year-old Yewki Tomita took second all-around with a score of 52.450 in Gymnastics event competing as a senior. Tomita is from Tucson, Ariz., and is coached by his father. Yoichi, at Gymnastics World. Yoichi w as the 1988 U.S. Mens Olympic Gymnastics Team assistant coach. 'This was his debut event for the senior competiton and we made a big deal out of it, said coach Tomita. I fully expected him to be in the top six. The first day we had a little problem and he was in fifth place. During finals he hit six for six. He was one of only a few gymnasts to hit six for six routines. " Yewki said, "During finals I had a near perfect meet for myself. I hope to keep that up in the future. I'm looking forward to competing in the Visa American Cup and my goal is to make finals." Jay Thornton, a member of the 1997 USA World Championships Team, was third with a score of 5 I .400. Thornton, 23, is CLU. CLU. H. AA HAMI HAMI 'X "H •• VT USDT( Berkeley from Augusta, Ga., I Wilson, Blaine 9.55 9.40 9.55 9.65 9.50 9.15 56.80 19 (hansky, Alex Gold (up 2 Tomita, Yewki Gym World B.60 9.55 8.05 8.90 8.60 8.75 52.45 20 Hansen, Gabriel but currently resides USDT( 8,35 (enlral PA 3 Thornton, Joy 9.25 8.60 7.90 9.15 8.15 51.40 21 Dial·Luang, Daniel in Colorado Springs Allanla 4 Townsend, Sean Texas 9.10 7.95 8.30 9.00 8.30 8.65 51.30 22 Ashe, Michael Temple 5 Mo,on, Michael Temple 8.25 8.05 9.10 9.05 8.00 8.65 51.10 23 Krone, Joson and trains at the U.S. ParkeHes 6 Young, Guo,d 8.85 8.55 7.60 8.50 8.75 B.60 50.B5 23 Piante, Janalhan BYU Olympic Training 6 5trodo, Todd 8.50 8.90 8.05 8.95 7.BO 8.65 50.B5 25 Evans, Michael Texas Iowa B (omistioli, (hr. Arilana Center. Thornton Iowa B.60 7.80 8.95 8.55 B.50 B.IO 50.50 25 Sooter, Randy Iowa 9 Roethlisberger, John MinnlSClta 8.05 9.40 7.50 8.95 7.BO B.70 50.40 25 Agnew, Kevin maintained his third USOT( Berkeley 8.40 8.15 7.70 8.70 B.45 9.00 50.40 2B Landau, Joshua 9 McOuro, BreH place ranking from Gold (up 11 Jones, Sanjuan 8.55 8.30 8.40 8.60 7.B5 B.45 50.15 2B Berkenbile, Brandon Gym force 49.90 30 Vexler, Aaron Temple 12 Umali, Freddie Top flight 7.45 8.95 7.35 8.95 B.70 B .50 last years Winter 13 Jaramillo, Wolter Gold (up 8.30 8.20 6.65 8.75 B.55 9.20 49.65 3D Hammond, Nathaniel BYU Cup Challenge. USO!( 14 Denk, Garry 7.60 8.40 8.10 8.70 B.70 7,50 49.00 32 Kious, Brent Inlernalianal With their perforGym force 8.70 7.85 8.70 B.60 B.15 6.95 4B.95 32 (arrian, Shannon IS Roeder, Ron Penn State 34 Mlay, lzy Top flighl 16 Schiess, Ken New Mexico B.15 9.15 7.90 7.75 7.65 8.30 4B.90 mances, Tomita and USOT( 17 Young, (hris B.45 7.70 6.90 9.10 B.35 8.30 4B.BO 35 Hampy, Andrew Berkeley Th ornton earned (ypress IB Bhavsor, Raj B.45 7.90 B,25 B.65 B.35 7.15 4B.75 36 Beigel, Donny Penn Slate invitations to repreS,xty fi'la alhletes competea au"ng pleliminory compet,tlOn ana the top 36 oavoncea to Imo/s sent the USA at the




'X B,60 8.80 8.10 7.75 7.85 7.90 B.BO 7.20 B.15 B.20 B.65 8.35 7.65 B.90 7.BO 6.75 B.15 .00


7.45 7.95 7.25 9,20 7.65 9.15 7.75 B.25 7.65 B.20 7.75 7.90 B.65 5.90 7.35 B.65 B.25 7.15



B.OO 7.20 7.55 7.35 8.20 6.50 7.40 7.90 7.60 7.25 7.35 6.70 7.S0 7.70 7.70 6.20 6.70 8.60

B.65 8.95 9.25 8.70 9.05 B.30 B.70 B.60 B.B5 B.40 B.35 B.45 B.15 9.15 8.30 B.35 9.00 .00


7.35 7.70 8.20 7.75 B.65 7.95 7.00 7.BO 7.35 7.50 7.70 B.25 7.00 7.05 7.70 B.OO 6.50 7.70



B.65 7.90 8.10 7.60 6.45 B.05 B.15 B.05 B.20 B.OO 7.75 7.75 B.45 B.15 B.OO B.35 7.65 7.50

4B.70 48.50 48,45 48.35 47.B5 47.B5 47.BO 47.BO 47.BO 47.55 47.55 47.40 47.40 46.B5 46.B5 46.30 46.25 30.95

MARC H / APR l l I 998




Visa American Cup, to be held in Fort Worth, Texas, March 58. They joined Wilson, the defending Visa American Cup champion, and John Roethlisberger, a two-time Olympian. Roethlisberger, who tried some new skills in order to upgrade his routines, placed second after the preliminary round of competition, but dropped to ninth after finals. Sean Townsend, 19, finished fourth in the all-around with a score of 51.30. Tow nsend is from Dallas, Texas, and trains at Gym Masters in Houston, Texas, w ith his coaches Kevin Mazeika and Brian Babcock. Tow nsend has certainly improved, moving up from last years 46th place finish at the Winter Cup Challenge. Tow nsend is the National Champion in the 16-18 age group from the 1997 John Hancock U.s. Championships and challenged the seniors at this years Winter Cup event 'The goal for this competition w as to encourage the gymnasts to upgrade their difficulty, " said Mens Program Director Ron Galimore. "For a lot of the guys it w as their first opportunity to try new skills and routines . There were some mistakes but overall it was a great learning experience and will help the U.s. team in the long run . Galimore added, "It w as also exciting to see some young guys like Tomita and Townsend make their move competing against senior athletes. Both showed that they w ant to be players at this years US Championships and the I 999 World Championships Trials. Although several senior national team members w ere unable to attend, some new faces emerged on the scene and w ill challenge for some top spots at the U.s. Championships. "





WillOn, Blaine Thornlon, Joy Wel~, Irenl Hill, Dustin Tomilo, Yew!ci Kr""" David WillOn, Blaine Roelhlisberger, John Bertrom, JOlOn Thorn lon, Joy Plonle, Jonolhon Kruse, David

9.20 9.00 B.95 8.95 8.85

9.45 9.40 9.15 9.15 9.05

1 2 2 4 5 5


Bloine Roelhlisberger, John JohRlOn, Jell (om;"ioli, (hr~ Moron, Mike Bromwell, (ortney

9.40 8.95 8.95 8.85 8]0 8.55

1 2 3 4 5 6

9.55 9.20 9.15 9.10 9.05 9.05 9.05 9.05 9.05 9.05



1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5

WillOn, Bloine Diol路Luong, Daniel Moron, Mike Hansen, Gabriel Roelhl~belger, John Thornlon, Joy Hompy, Andrew Krone, JOlOn lownsend, Senn Young, (hris


1 2 3 4 4 6 6 6

WillOn, Blaine Wells, lrenl Young, Guard Denk, Garry Thornlon, Joy Umoli, freddie WillOn, Blaine McClure, Bre" Jaramillo, Woller Diol路luong, Doniel Moron, Mike Mloy, Izy lomilo, Yewki Young, Guard

9.50 9.05 8.90 8.85 8.80 8.60 9.25 9.05 B.95 8]5 B] 5 B]O 8]0 B]O

G YM N ASTl e: S

By Gary Warren


As you stand in the middle of Tulsa World of Gymnastics, the first

The National TOP's Average for Pull-U~ is: 7 year olds 6.91 . 8 year olds 7.64 9year olds 9.20 10 year olds 10.00 11 year olds 10.00 12 year olds 10.80 Beg.i~ in a tucked ha~g position from a bar With f the legs and hips bent at = 90 degree angles. place an 8 inch long 2 x 4 block of wood on the thighs of the gymnast. The gymnast then performs a pull up ~?m a lull hang locked elbow overgrip position. A complete pull up is defined as raising the body from the full hang position to a position with the chin above the bar. If the block falls off the pull-up is not counted.


leg Lifts

DID YOU KNOW? The National TOP's Average for leg Uhs is: 7 year olds 11 .80 8 year olds 13.50 9 year olds 15.20 10 year olds 17.20 11 year olds 16.00 12 year olds 17.50 Lift the legs upward until the toes touch the bar. The legs must remain straight. lower the legs downward to a long hang and repeat.



thin~ you notice is the painting of the American Rag across the

entire wall. The second thing you notice, if it's the first weekend in December, is the future of the USA Women's Gymnastics Program. Why? Because it's the site of the TOP's National Training Camp. In early December, 88 of the finest female gymnasts ages 9-12 as~e.mbled for .the sixth a~nu?1 TOP's Training Camp. As alWays, this tra~nlng camp IS the culmination of the yearly Regional and National . Testing. Seventeen hundred athletes tested physical abilities at a reglonal .levellast ~ummer and 400 of these athletes qualified to one of the ~o National Testlngs tha~ were held in October. The National Testings Included a battery of phYSical abilities tests and basic gymnastics skills. Of these 400 athletes, 90 were selected onto the 1997 National TOP's Team of 9-12 year oIds. Th.e four-day training camp focused on basic gymnastics skills, dance skills a.nd the Natio.nal Elite Testing Program, taught by the National Coaching and Regional Support Staff. Also, sports science lectures de~igned for thes~ very speci~1 athletes were conducted by our Sports SCience Staff.. ThiS was the first year that the National Elite Testing Program was Implemented into the National Testing. Now, these athletes are able to attend Regional Elite competitions for the purpose of experimenting with the Elite Program. The response to the implementation of the National Elite Testing Program and subsequent improvement of all of the athletes due to these changes has been great. These athletes and coaches showed everyone that the work they are doing on the Testing Program will have substantial benefits. We all left Tulsa looking at a bright future for these athletes!



DID YOU KNOW? The National TOP's Average for Hollow Holds is: 7 year olds 50.57 seconds 8 year olds 51 .53 seconds 9 year olds 51.40 seconds 10 year olds 53.80 seconds 11 year olds 53.00 seconds 12 year olds 55.50 seconds *60 seconds maximum Lift the shoulders off the ground to a rounded back position. Simultaneously lift the feet off the ground with the legs straight. The back and shoulders should be about 6 inches off the ground . The lower back remains on the Roor at all times.


GYM.A"' . .







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By Tracey

lahan Molnar

Coached by lana lashofF and Galina Burns from Rhythmic Gems, lacuesta's all- around score of 36.912 narrowly edged out all her competitors. lacuesta spoke about her biggest challenge leading into this event saying, "I felt my biggest hurdle was not to think about defending my title but rather as just another competition where I have to show my capabilities and improvement. After all. if I went into this event with a worry of losing the title, it would just hold me back and that was the last thing I wanted to do." Scoring 36.574 Rhythmflex's Kate Jeffress met the challenge of her first national competition as a senior level competitor by placing second in the all-around. As a junior, Jeffress won both the 1996 Rhythmic Challenge and

National Championships. Jeffress demonstrated an easy transition to the senior level at this event. Rounding out the top three seniors was Atlanta International" s Meaghan Muller who finished with a score of 35.80. Moving up a notch in the junior division from last year's second place finish at the Rhythmic Challenge was Rhythmic Gems' Heilie Isaacs. Winning the junior competition and placing first in every event. Isaacs all- around score was an impressive 35.0. Most pleased with her rope routine Isaacs remarked, "Rope was my first routine of the competition and it was a good clean start. The elements were sharp and I smiled!" When asked

about her most challenging routine, Isaacs replied, "My ribbon routine is my most challenging , but it is also my favorite . I picked out the music and helped with the choreography." Second place honors in the junior division were awarded to Jessica Howard, who is coached by Efrossina Anguelova. Placing second in three of the four events, Howard's all-around score was 34.175. Oanielle lord of []regon Gymnastics Academy took third place scoring a 33.85. The Rhythmic Challenge is a reranking event. taking place each year just prior to determining international competition assignments of our athletes. This helps to insure that our top gymnasts represent the sport and our country internationally. MARC H / APR l l I 9 9 8


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WHY DIETS DON'TWORK! By Tracy Butler Coe, R.D., L.D.

Dieting definitely doesn't work. This point has been proven research study after research study and diet after diet. Understandably, there are

Diets lack variety. This is especially true with diets that outline exactly which foods to eat every day. They typically tell you to eat the same foods day after day; offering little variety. A lack of variety leads to boredom which usually leads to abandoning the diet. A healthy, nutrient dense meal plan should contain a variety of foods from the five food groups. By eating a variety of foods you can be certain to get all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals you need. Trying different foods such as new fruits and vegetables is an easy way to increase the variety of nutrients you are getting each day. Be creative with the way in which you use fruits and vegetables. Use them in salads, snacks, or low fat shakes. Diets typically restrict calories to unnecessarily low levels. Low calorie intake for gymnasts can be detrimental to your health, performance, and metabolism. By following diets that don't meet your calorie requirements, it is doubtful that your important carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, and mineral needs are being met. Not meeting your daily nutrient needs can impact your metabolism or metabolic rate. Think of your metabolic rate as your internal fire. When you have a strong internal fire, your body burns calories freely and produces energy. If you are eating too few calories, your body can slow down its metabolic rate to conserve calories. This may mean storing calories rather than burning them readily for energy. Remember, calories are important. They fuel your muscles to produce energy.

orM . . . " "

eliminate food groups from your daily meal plan, can leave you lacking in important nutrients. For example, eliminating dairy products without appropriate calcium supplementation can lead to decreased bone density (bone strength). We all know bone strength is important for gymnasts.


many reasons why individuals follow diets such as for chronic disease prevention or disease management, but possibly the most common reason individuals follow diets is for weight loss or weight management. The word diet can refer to a special diet such as a diabetic diet to control blood sugar or a low fat diet for heart disease, but a person's diet can also be the food and drink a person normally takes in one day. Much of the way we see and hear the word diet used today is in the terms of weight management and promotion of fad diets. For example, the "Cabbage Soup Diet" and the "Beverly Hills Diet" are types of fad diets. Fad diets can be dangerous, unproductive, and unhealthy. Let's look at why diets don't work.


Some diets eliminate specific food groups. Diets which



Diets typically rule foods as

good foods or bad foods. Diets can force you to label foods as "good" or "bad." Placing foods into categories, eating only "good" foods, and forbidding yourself the "bad" foods can lead to feelings of II deprivation. These feeling can lead to obsession about the "bad" foods. Boy, can this leave you powerless and cause undesired cravings for these foods. Enjoy a daily supply of nutrient dense foods such as fruits, vegetable, lean meats, carbohydrates, and low fat dairy. Let's call these su pportive foods-supportive in supplying energy and nutrients that hard working muscles need. Large quantities of higher fat foods are not recommended but an occasional cookie, ice cream and/or piece of candy can be supportive. They satisfy a craving for sweets and by eating them you learn to eat in moderation. Remember, all foods can fulfill a purpose.

For example, the Cabbage Soup Diet" and the IIBeverly Hills Diet" are types of fad diets. Fad diets can be dangerous, unproductive, and unhealthy.


diet implies a beginning and an end. Highly restricted diets are not meant to last forever, therefore, they do not encourage balanced eating as a lifestyle. If your goal is to have optimum energy, health and performance, make a commitment to good nutrition for a lifetime. MARCH/APRIL


USAGymnastKs Nationol Health Care Referral Network is (omprised of heolth (are practitioners with proven experien(e working with athletes. These professionals have met the mteria in their field set by the National Health Care Advisory Board and expressed an interest in partnering with lo(al gymnasti(s programs to provide health (are servi(es for athletes.' The following list is the Spring '98 update with individuals from the fields of Nutrition, Sport Psy(hology Consultant, Clini(al Psy(hology, Primary Care Sports Medidne, Athleti( Training and Orthopaedi( Surgery. There is also a separate (ategory of former gymnasts in various health (are professions. Other (ategories to be added in the future are fields of Exer(ise Physiology, Psy(hiatry and Spe(ialists in Family Counseling. Anyone interested in knowing more about the National Health Care Referral Network or the Athlete Wellness Program (an (ontad Nan'Y Marshall, Athlete Wellness Program Manager at USAGymnasti(s, 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN46225.

REGISTERED DIETITIANS Don Benordol, Ph.D., R.D., L.D.;· Deporlmenl 01 Nulrilion ond Dieletics loborolory lor Elile Alhlele Performonce Geargio Iiole University College 01 Heolth lciemes University Plozo Allonlo, GA 3D303·30B3 (404) 651 ·1560 (phone) Jackie Berning, Ph.D., R.D. University 01 Colorodo 01 Colorodo Iprings Deporlmenl 01 Biology 1420 Auslin Bluffs Porkwoy Colorado Iprings, CO 80933 (303) 593-3078 (phone)

Po"i Tveil Milligon, M.I., R.D. Corporole Wellness Dielilion Henry's Morkelploce 9320 Fuerke Or., luile 105 lo Meso, CA 91941 (619) 460·3032 exl. 727 (phone)

MEDICAL DOaORS/ PRIMARY CARE John DiFiori, M.D. UCLA Division 01 Family Medicine luile 220, 200 UCLA Mediml Plozo los Angeles, CA 90024 1310) 206·9713 (phone) IlevenA. Giles, M.D. Morelond Family Medicine Assoc, I.C 717 W . Moreland Blvd. Woukesho, WI 53188 (414) 542·9100 (phone)

Noney Clork M.I., R.D. IporlsMedicine 8rookline 830 80ylslon Ilreel, Roule 9 Brookline, MA 02167 (617) 739·2003 (phone)

8rion Holpern, M.D., FAAFP Iporls Medicine New Jersey Boron Plozo, 10 Roule 520 Eosl Morlboro, NJ 077 46 (908) 946·2100 (phone)

Christine Doo/illle, M.I., R.D., CD.E. Ulestyles lor Health 506B McNighl Pork Or. Pillsburgh, PA 15237 (412) 367·7321 (phone)

luzonne I. Hechl, M.D. UCLA Depl. 01 Fomily Medicine 50·071 CHF, Box 9516B3 los Angeles, CA 90095·1683 (310) 206·1299Iphone) 1310) 206·5351110x)

Michelle Dusserre·Forrell, M.B.I., R.D."· 7513 80nner CI. Colorodo Iprings, CO 80920 1719) 260·7513Iphone) lorrell@rmi.nel Kim loPiano, M.I., R.D... • 609 Amcio Ave. Corona del Mor, CA 92625 171 4) 851 ·1610 (phone) Rick lewis, R.D. University 01 Geargio Deportmenl 01 Foods ond Nulrilion Dawson Hall Alhens, GA 30602·3622 (706) 542·4782 (phone) (706) 542·5059 (fox) Melinda Monore, Ph.D., R.D." Prolessor 01 Nulrilion Box 872502 Arizona Iiole University Depl. 01 fomily Resources and Human Developmenl Tempe, A185287·2502 (602) 965·6935Iphone) (602) 965·6779llox) Mildred Mdnnis Cody Ph,D., R.D., L.D. Deportmenl 01 Nulrilion and Dielelics Georgio Siole University Allonlo, GA 30303-3083 (404) 651 ·1105 (phone) 1404) 651 ·1235 (fox)

Dovid Herzog, M.D. Director, Eoling Disorders Unil Mosso<huse"s Generol Hospilol 15 Porkmon II., ACC 725 BaSion, MA02114 1617) 726·2724 Iphone) lorry Nassar, 0.0., AlC" Michigan Iiole University Iports Medicine 2900 Honnoh Blvd., luile 104 Eosllonsing, MI 48823 1517) 336·4520 (phone) Aurielo NoHiv, M.D." UCLA Division 01 Family Medicine Room 50·071 Cenler lor Ihe Health lciences 10833 leConle Ave. los Angeles, CA 90024·1683 (3 10) 206·6458 (phone) Morgol Pelukion, M.D., fACIM Pennsylvania Iiole University Cenler lor Iporls Medicine 1850 E. Pork Ave., Suile 112 University Pork, PA 16803 (814) 863-7803 (phone) (814) 865·3566 (lox) lomi Rilol, M.D. Rochesler Knee and Sporls Med., P.C 2055 Crooks Rd. Ro<hesier Hills, MI 48309 (810) 853-2300 (phone)

M A R C H / APRIL 19 98

MEDICAL DOaORS/ ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS Jomes R. Andrews, M.D. Alobomo Iports Medicine ond Orlhopoedic Cenler p.o. Box 55487 Birminghom, Al35255 (205) 939·3000 (phone) (205) 930·9011 (fox) Wollon W.Curl, M.D. Woke Foresl University Ichool 01 Medicine Mediml Cenler Boulevord Winslon· lolem, NC 27157·1070 (910) 716-4207 Iphone) 1910) 716·6286110x) Homillon Easler, M.D., Ph.D. Tooze &Eosler 720 loulh Queen II. Dover, DE 19904 13021735·8700 Iphonel Dovid Fis<her, M.D. •• Minneapolis Iports Medicine Cenler 701 251h Ave. loulh Minneapolis, MN 55454 (612) 672-4800 (phone) (612) 672-4560 (lox) Mark Hulchinson, M.D. University 01 Illinois 01 Chimgo Deportmenl 01 Orlhopedics (Ml844) 209 Mediml lcience I., 901 Wokoll Chimgo, Il60612 (312) 996·71 61 (phone) (312) 996·9025 (fox) Douglos Jo<kson, M.D. loulhern Colilornio Cenler lor Iporls Medicine 2760 AllonlicAvenue long Beo<h, CA 90806 (562) 424·3441 (phone) (562) 427·1235 (fox) Dovid M.Joyner, M.D., EA.CI. 4750 Undle Rood, luile 365 Harrisburg, PA 17111 (717) 561 ·5265 (phone) (717) 561·5264 (fox) Thomos P. Knopp M.D. Ionia Monim Orthopedic Iports Medicine Group 1301 Twenlielh Ilreel, l uile 150 Ionia Monim, CA 90404 (310) 829·2663 (phone) (310) 315·0326 (fox) Peler Kurzweil, M.D. loulhern Colilornio Cenler lor Sports Medicine 2760 Allonlic Avenue long 8each, CA 90806 (562) 424·6666 (phone) (562) 427·1235 (lox)

Mark A. lundeen, M.D., P.C Orlhopaedic Associoles forgo 2301 251h Ilreel loulh, luile A Forgo, NO 58103 (701) 237·9712 (phone) (701) 237-0922 (fox) 8erl Mondelboum, M.D. lonlo Monim Orlhopedic Iports Medicine Group 1301 20lh II. lonlo Monim, CA 90404 (310) 829·2663 (phone) (310) 315·0326 (lox) Bill Milchell, M.D."; 830 80ylslon II., luile 112 Brookline, MA 02167 (617) 731·6300 (phone) (617) 731·9640 (fox) Yvonne lollerwhile, M.D. Kenlucky Iports Medicine 601 Perimeler Drive, luile 200 lexinglon, Kenlucky 40517 Roberl A. Iionlon, M.D. 325 Reel Rood foirlield, a 06430 (203) 255·2839 (phone) (203) 254 3685 (fox) John Ileubs, M.D. Minneapolis Iporls Medicine Cenler 701 251h Avenue loulh #400 Minneapolis, MN 55454 (612) 339·7734 or (612) 892·1800 (phone) (612) 672-4560 (fox) Douglos P. Tewes, M.D. lincoln Orthopaedic Cenler, P.c. 6900 AIlreel, P.O. Box 6939 linmln, NE 68506 (402) 436·2000 (phone) (402) 436·2099 (fox) www.ortholinuom John W.Uribe, M.D. 5000 University Drive, l uile 3320 Carol Gobles, fl 33146 (305) 669·3320 Iphone) (305) 669·3324 (lox) Gearge J. Zombe"i, Jr., M.D. 343-345 Wesl 581h Ilreel New York, NY 10019 (212) 765·2260 (phone)

ATHLETIC TRAINERS Dwighl Adsit, AU. 4010 Donolboin Ipring, TX 77373 (281) 351 ·6300 (phone) James 8eitzel, AlC Health loulh Rehobililotion 297 W.63rd II. Wiliowbrook, ll 60514 (630) 789·9506 (phone) David Burchuk, P.T., AlC lighlhouse Physiml Therapy 150 Gosling Rd. Porlsmoulh, NH 03801 (603) 431·0277 (phone)

J. Riga Corboiol, AlC 8111 N. 191h II. Wiliowbrook, ll 60514 (630) 789·9506 (phone) John Chrislionsen, P.T., AlC Health loulh Rehobililolion 297 W.63rd II. Wiliowbrook, ll 60514 (630) 789·9506 (phone)

Rondy Croig, P.T., AU. PRO REHAB 12660 lomplighler Iquore, luile E II. louis, MO 631 28 (31 41842·2990 (phonel KOlherine I. Dieringer, AlC, LAIC Texos Woman's University Inlermllegiole Alhlelics PO Box 425349 Denlon, TX 76204·5349 (817) 898·2378 (phone) KOlhleen Hickey Kone, PI, AlC' Volley Physical Theropy and lports Medicine 6 Progress Or. Cromwell, a 06416 (860) 635·9622 (phone) Kolhleen M. loquole, Ph.D., LA.H ., 1290 Womponoog Troil Eosl Providence, RI 02915 (41 0) 437·1977 (phone) TImolhy Mclane, AJ.C 5975 Orchord Pond Drive Orange Pork, Fl32073 1904) 269·9737 (phone)

Koren D. Cogan, Ph.D. Counseling and Tesling Cenler University 01North Texos PO Box 310968 Denlon, TX 76203 (940) 565·4798 (phone) Joon Dudo, Ph.D." Purdue University Deportmenl 01 HKl5 Wesl loloye"e, IN 47907 (317) 494·3172 (phone ) Joseph Mossimo, Ph.D Newton Publk Ichools 100 Wolnul II. Newton, MA 02160 (617) 891·6769 (phone)

CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Polly ROSI, Ph.D. Rosl & Associoles 807 Soulh GeOige II. YOlk, PA 17403 (717 ) 843·6561 (phone)


Dennis Miller, PI, AlC" Purdue University Mockey Arena Weslloloyelle, IN 47906 (317) 494·0102 (phone)

lenniler fasonello, M.I., R.N., B.S.N. 4411 IW 34th II., #902 Goinsville, Fl 326DB (352) 336·0B19 (phone)

lorry Nassar, 0.0., AlC ~ Michigon Iiole University Iporls Medicine 2900 Hannah Blvd., luile 104 Eosllonsing, MI 48823 (517) 336·4520 (phone) (5171332·4576 (lox) Don Rockey, AlC 7331 E. Osborn Rd. #190 Im"sdole, A185251 (602) 892·2121 (phone) Melanie T. leomon, P.T, AIC Healthsoulh 6767·8 loulh Yale Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 492·3639 (phone)

Dorey Heolh, M.A., MfCCI Morrioge ond fomily Counselor 2530 lilvereresl C1. Pinole, CA 94564 (510) 223-1B55 01 (8001596·8945 (phone) Desiree lonsen, R.D., LD. Hillcresl Medical Cenler Hillcresl Exerc~ ood Ulestyle Programs 1265 I. Utica Ave., luile. 200 Tulso, OK 74101-4964 (91 B) 579·4959 (phone) Kyro Miller, R.D. Glenover Way Morie"o, GA 30062 (770) 321 ·0041 (phone/ lox)

Kevin Ihonohon, P.I, AlC Heallh loulh Rehobililotion 297 W.63rd II. Wiliowbrook, ll 60514 (630) 789·9506 (phone)

Mory Sowo, R.D. 56 Von Buren II. Irvine, CA 92620 (714) 857·B364 (phone)

Undo Tremoin, PI, AlC Health loulh Rehobililotion 297 W.63rd II. Wiliowbrook, ll60514 (630) 789·9506 (phone)

lenniler Whinery, M.A. Theropeulic Reneolion Dynomile Acodemy 01 Gymnaslia 327 Fronklin Ave. Rodtowuy, Nl 07B66

Debbie A. Von Horn, M.s., AlC P.O. 80x 576 Cresled Bulle, CO 81224 (970) 349·5371 (phone)

The United Stutes Olympic Committee has estoblished 0

James Zochozewski, P.T., A.IC Newton·Weliesley Hospilol 2014 Woshinglon II. Newton, MA 02162 (617) 243·6000 (phone)

SPORT PSYCHOLOGY CONSULTANTS Gloria 8010gue, Ph.D.~ UK Psychology Deporlmenl 1007 W.Horr~on II. Chimgo, Il 60607 (312) 996·8681 (phone) 131 2) 413·4122 (fox) Glorio@uicedu

Notionol Rehobilitotioo Network (USOC·NRN) ond the Notionol Dentol Referrol Network. Listed on these Networks ore clinKs ond schools with Sports Medicine progroms who hove agreed to provide health (ore to octive elite athletes under the USOC elite athlete program. fllr questions 000ut this net· work (01l1 ·8()()'638·1604. • Fees for ""vices fHovirleti rlelennineJ by heallh (Ore fHoc/imr. .. IOOi(OIes rrremher of the lISA Gymnos1ics Nalioool HeaItIr Cal. Advisory Boord. ... IOOKales qualifying heolth cal. fHocIiffoo./S wIro al. riIso formel gymn",".

The Athlete Wellness Program has been partiolly funded by gifts from the Notional Gymnastics Foundation. U SA





This vault can be broken down into five general phases with each one playing an important role in the outcome.


PHASE 1: THE RUN Coaches have had the importance of running stressed to them since advanced vaulting began , yet generally this is the area that is many times overlooked in training . Generally the athlete that runs faster and more efficiently will gain better results . I suggest obtaining the services of a running professional (a sprinter or a track coach) . Time spent in this phase will reap results regardless of how monotonous it may seem .



In order to maximize the speed to the horse it is important to keep the hurdle trajectory moving forward . If one were to draw a dot on the athlete's center of gravity and watch it throughout the hurdle, it should continue moving forward. Unnecessary up and down movement is inefficient and diminishes the effectiveness of a good run . During the hurdle the arms should be swinging downward, forward and then upward to gain a powerful " lifting" action otf the board. Upon board contact, the feet will be slightly in front of the center of gravity, hip angle open, entire body tight and buttocks tucked under.

UNDERARM SWING REBOUND on the floor. If an athlete can generate good lift off the floor then she certainly will have the ability to use a spring board. UNDERARM SWING REBOUND on a vault board. The punch of the board is quick and powerful. Emphasis should be on obtaining a strong vertical lift while achieving a tight body in the air. Rebound and then land back on the board. REBOUND ONTO ELEVATED SURFACES. As the athlete becomes more proficient simply raise the height of the landing area. PLYOMETRIC TRAINING. Increasing the jumping ability of the athlete correlates well with the ability to vault. Read Dr. Larry Nassar "Conditioning and Peaking the Junior Olympic Gymnast" for a complete plyometric training system.


1 998


DRillS INVERT TO HANDSTAND. On the floor, execute a hurdle and punch. Upon leaving the floor, and with assistance from a spotter, invert to a handstand on an elevated surface. The more accomplished the athlete the higher the surface. Eventually assistance will not be necessary. FROM AVAULT BOARD, execute the same drill. 3/4 LAYOUT FRONT SALTO. Using a soft elevated surface (resi pit, stacked mats, etc.) execute a run, hurdle punch, and a 3/4 layout front salta with assistance of a spotter. The athlete will land flat on her back. The body should remain tense

throughout the salta. The arms lift from the board, rotation is established, the arms (an either remain overhead or, to facilitate greater rotation, the arms (an fold into the body. LAYOUT FRONT SALTOS, FEET TO FEET. LAYOUT FRONT SALTOS ONTO ELEVATED SURFACE. Emphasis should be on quick, tight rotation. LAYOUT 11/4 ONTO ASOFT SURFACE. Rotate all the way to the stomach with the assistance of a spotter. This is an advanced drill and should only be used with a((omplished gymnasts.

PHASE 3: PREFLIGHT The main objective of the run, hurdle and preflight is to establish force and rotation that, in turn, transfer into vertical lift and air time off the horse. The objective of preflight on a handspring is to establish massive rotation by powerfully inverting the body.

PHASE 4: REPULSION Repulsion is the skill of transferring the established focus into vertical lift. As the body leaves the board, it should be passing from a tight hollow position to an extended position upon contact with the horse. With perfect timing, the arms continue to push through the horse (popping action) and the chest returns from the extended (slight arch) position back to a hollow (chest in). Remember that all of this is happening in tenths of a second which makes mechanics of vital importance.

PHASE 5: AFTERFLIGHT AND LANDING As the body rises after the repulsion phase, emphasis remains on maintaining a tight hollow position with the arms squeezing to the side of the head. In preparation for landing, it is helpful tor the athlete to "SEE" something, but because we do not want them to drop their head out of line with the body, looking for the floor is not an option. Many coaches suggest spotting the wall. As the body contacts the floor the force is absorbed by bending the knees (demi plie). The arms at this point drop from overhead, downward, sideways and then forward in order to assist with the balance. Coaches should be aware that although landings are certainly important, emphasis at the beginner levels should be on establishing speed, power, lift, distance, etc. Placing emphasis on "sticking the landing" early in the development encourages the gymnast to "back off" on the desired attributes so that they can control the landing.

COACHES: Please submit your coaching ideas to: Coaching Corner, C/O USA Gymllasf;fS, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.




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Cust?m Tumbling Floors

USA Gymnastics will feature a national team member each issue and, through scrapbook photos, show you what he or she looked liRe while

USA Gymnastics has tUen photos directly from Jim Foody's scrapbooR. Jim, 23, has done just about every sport imaginable. TaRe a looR at his photo collage; he participated in diving for 10 years, baseball for nine years, soccer for seven years, golf as a hobby since age 8, and has participated in gymnastics since he was 4. Jim is currently ranked seventh on the U.S. Men's Senior lIational Team. He attends UCLA and is a political science major. He's coached by Doug Macey and says high bar is his favorite event.

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MAR C H /A PRllI 9 98

Homelown: Addison, Dlinoia ResidetKe: Los Angeles, California

rut: DCLA (aad!es: Doug Macey Begcm Gymnaslks: age 4

Hobbies: playing sports, riding motorcycles


--- -




(Dotes & Events Subjed to Change or Cancellation)

MIDWEST EAGLE UNEVEN BARS SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE Low Maintenance • Improved Quality Easy to Adjust • Easy Installation • Competively Priced • New 39 M.M. diameter round rails. (Meets the new USA Gymnastics rules & policy and all FIG specifications) • Fast & easy long lasting cable tightner. • 100% nickle-chrome finish. • Spreader bar adjust to 1650 m.m. • State of the art piston design • 30 day unconditionally guaranteed • 2 year full warranty Compare Midwest Eagle uneven bars quality, performance, & cost. Proven performance at all of Indiana, Kentucky, USA State Meets & Region V Level 9 Regionals

Call 1·800·876·3194 to save money.

MIDWEST GYM SUPPLY, INC 2538 Michigan Road Madison, IN 47250


InternationaI3-on-3 Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R) International Team Championships Jr./Sr. (M/W) level 10 State Meets (W)

27-28 28-29

Ft. Worth, TX Knoxville, TN Various Sites

APRIL 3-5 4 4 8-19 9-11 11 16-18 16-18 18-19

USOC Executive Committee & Boord of Directors Meeting NCAA Regionals (W) NCAA Regionals (M)

Portland, OR Various Sites Amherst, MAl Norman, OK level 10 Regional Championships (W) Various Sites USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (M/W) New Hoven, a USA Gymnastics Notional Invitational Tournament (W) Iowa City, IA NCAA Notional Championships (W) los Angeles, CA NCAA Notional Championships (M) State College, PA J.O. Championships (R) Orlando, Fl

MAY 1-3 7-10 8-10 8-10 9-10 16-1 7 16-17 17-24

USA Gymnastics Executive Committee/Boord Meetings J.O. Notional Championships (M) J.O. Championships (W) Rhythmic Group World Championships ( R) Rhythmic Eastern Open (R) RhythmiCWestern Open (R) level 9 Eost/West Championships (W) FIG Congress

Indianapolis, IN Bottle Creek, MI Seattle, WA Sevilla, ESP Tampo, Fl Downers Grave, Il lansing, MilAustin, TX Vilamoura, POR

U.S. Rhythmic National Championships ( R) Elite Regiona~ (W)

Colorado Springs, CO Various Sites

U.S. Challenge (W) Senior Pm Alliance Championships (MlWIR) Goodwill Games (MlWIR) U.S. Classic/llalional Gymnastks Festival (W) PAGUJunior Championships (MlWIR) Pan American Group Championships (I) Elite legianals (lnternatiollal Only) (W)

TBD Winnipeg, CAN New York, NY TBD Colorado Springs, CO TBD Ycrious Sites


MIDWEST EAGLE SPRING FLOOR SYSTEMS STATE OF THE ART SPRING FLOOR SYSTEMS Proven performance in gymnastics programs across the U.S.A. Low maintenance • Increased longevity • Improved performance • Easy installation. competitively priced.


Spring kits includes all attaching hardware.

Detailed instructions for easy installation.

Foam available in 1 3/8 and 2 inch.

Action back carpet 5 year wear warranty.

Border kits available.

Protective caps included. The ablsolute best spring floor system on the market regard less of cost.

Call 1·800-876-3194 for additional information.

MIDWEST GYM SUPPLY, INC 2538 Michigan Road Madison, IN 47250



5-7 TBD

JULY 10-12 10-12 la·Aug 2 3O-Aug 2 TBD TBD TBD

AUGUST 19·22 20-23

J.1IcIICock U.S. GymnasIks Champiollships (M/W) ~,IN USA 6ymnasIis National Caogrm IndinpoIis, IN

SEPTEMBER PAGU GnraI Gymnastics Instrudor's Trailing Course Austin, TX USA ~ NaIionaI6yIIIhst (GG) Austin,TX



et ready for the experience of a lifetime at Team USA - the highest quality, professional gymnastics training available. Our programs are designed exclusively for female gymnasts of all levels ages 7 to 18. Situated on 500 scenic, wooded acres, Team USA combines the most advanced gymnastics program with all the action-packed fun and activities to be found in a deluxe summer camp. Team USA has emerged as the premiere gymnastics training camp in the country. That's because our gymnasts receive up to 6 112 hours of structured, supervised, individual instruction each day from professional, USA safety-certified coaches. We limit our enrollment in order to provide the lowest coach-to-camper ratio in the country. That's right, only 160 campers per week are privileged ell,o ugh to attend. At Team USA, gymnasts can also join renowned dancers and choreographers in our beautiful lakefront performing arts center for daily dance classes - an integral part of the gymnastics training curriculum. Plus, each week the gymnasts will meet one of their Olympic stars from the 1996 USA Team.

Team USA is conveniently located just a few drive from a dozen Atlantic, Southern, and England states. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We look forward to having your family take part in the Team USA experience. See you this summer!

Siovo HUDOn Dircclor

10 focoivo Bbrochuro Of 10 fogi5lof, cBllioil-ifOO

Steve Nunno was a USA Olympic Coach in 1992 and 1996. He coached Shannon Miller from beginner all/he way /0 becoming America's most decorated

- - 10-9898

1998 Scssions Week 1 ..............................July 5 Week 2 ............................ July 12 Week 3 ............................ July 19 Week 4 ............................July 26 -

luilion 10 17 24 31

$575/ child A SI50 1I01l-refill/dable deposit is dlle 011 or before April I, 1998. Eacll call/p week begins 011 Sfl1lday and ends 011

Friday. Discounts are allailablefor 9rollps of 10+, additiollal family members, alld for those attending more thall olle week. Resen'e YOllr space now!

5 PO RT 7212 W. Hefner Road. Oklahoma City, OK 73162








\nig~t ~i~ns

.--It-was a for 1 0 retain / their\t!tles as the teams 0YShannon, Miller and Amy ~how and Chris Waller, and--- Chainey Umphrey tumbled to victoryTn the 199~ Reese's Gymnastics Cup, held before a sell-out ~CrOWCIof5,393 at Bayfront Center Arena in St. Petersburg, Fla. l Mille~and , Chow, /members ' of ithe 199.{J Olympic gold ' medal team " known as the Magnificent Seven, were magnifi~~nt once again, scaring_______.. . perfect lOs on each of their second.:ro~ routines to tally a 39.700. I hey n eeded the nll>.<rll>,"r,·.nn to overcome a

• .r._.._"_'" """h S oWlIlg_

'In ••,,"".... Kristie Phillips ............,..... ,..",.... .......... Jessica ~ an ~ ~

nced_ the, 1 audience with a first-round = beC~ routin~dedicated to th~ memories / of Gianni Versace and Dian'a, Princess_of-Wales, to post the first 10.0 score of " the evening from the celebrity panel o~iudges which in~ded Olympic gold medaLsWimmer\ Brooke Binnett, Olympian 9}1nnasts BrandYJohnson and Mitch Gaylord and legendary gyn\~stics coach Bela Karolyi:---- Umphrey and Waller also were pe"rfec::Lin_their secondroutines, with Umphrey . the ,sky" du-.[ing a rll>n"lnrl:rnh,lII> floOr exercise-tO rnn"lnl"'n"I""nt al solid high bar first half.~ ~The J as televised ~n /' NBC Feb. /14. \",




\ 'OJ'



1. SILENT STORM: Shannon Miller/Amy Chow 2. GYM SISTERS: Amanda Borden/Kim Zmeskal 3. SPINELESS: Jessica Davis/Kristie Phillips 4. TEAM U-NIQUES: Daminique Dawes/Dominique Moceanu

39.700 39.575 39.475 39.425


1. NEW PHENOMENON: Chris Waller/Chainey Umphrey


2. BIG TEN STYLE GYMNASTICS: John RoethtlSberger/Blaine Wilson


3. SURf THE EARTH: Gregg Curtis/Mihai Basiu

Ask About Our New Level 4 & 5 Compulsory Camps

Dominique Moceanu

Blaine Wilson

Kerri Strug

Chainey Umphrey





Call or Write For A Free Color Brochure RR 8 Box 8002, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 (717) 629 - 0244

This is a picture of me at International Gymnastics Training Camp last summer. I'm sitting next to Olympian Svetlana Boguinskaia. It was a thrill to meet her! Robb Exler, 12 Columbia, Maryland

Last summer I went to Woodward Camp. The camp was a lot of fun and the training was very valuable to me. I won the Georgia Region VIII, Class 5 Championships for 1997. My favorite thing to do at camp was hang out with the former Olympians. Even though I was only 9, Vitaly Scherbo spent time with me and gave the following advice, "Always go for the gold." Tatiana Lysenko, 1992 Olympic Gold Medalist, was also my buddy. She took me and my friends for ice cream cones as a reward for our hard work and dedication. I'm on the left, Tatiana's in the middle and Richard Riley is on the right. Kelson Lumpkin Augusta, Georgia

I went to Woodward Camp last summer. My friends and I had so much fun. In the picture my friends and I are posing right before our lip-sinc routine. From left to right: Abby Dearlove, Becky Bernard, Valerie Ziernickie, Ashley Ritzert and Hydia Henry. We did the lip-sinc to "Say You'll Be There" by the Spice Girls. We are all Level 5 and 6 gymnasts at Flytz USA in Kent, Ohio.

Kearney School of Dance and Gymnastics KearneYi Nebraska

This is a picture of me with Bart Conner and Nadia Comaneci at the Bart Conner Gymnastics Camp in Norman, Okla. It was my biggest thrill to meet Bart and Nadia. I had a great time working out each day and I wanted to go back the day I came home. Kylee Flesher, 11 St. George, Kansas

I attended Team USA Gymnastics Camp. I was supposed to stay for a week but I was having so much fun that I stayed the whole summer. In the gym, other than gymnastics, we did the hokey pokey, the chicken dance, played crab soccer, had handstand contests, crazy hair day, crazy human tricks and many more things. Out of the gym we went blobbing, zipping, climbed the rings over the lake, had sleepovers in the beam gym, hiked to high point and met Shannon Miller, Amanda Borden and Jaycie Phelps. We made up songs and were coached by some great people! I sent a photo of me and Erin McNabb climbing the rings over the lake and a photo of our cabin and roommates. Maria Plakoudas Marlboro, New Jersey

Last summer I got to go to Bela Karolyi's camp. The funniest thing that happened was when our cabin decided to sneak out, and the counselors were having a meeting right in front of our cabin! Guess what? We got caught! But the best memory I have is the first time Bela watched me do my floor skills. I was so nervous. When I finished he said "very good" and gave me a hug. After that, I felt like I could do anything. Nellie Newman

Last summer I went to Lake Owen Gymnastics Camp in Cable, Wisconsin. It was my first time at camp and it was really fun . I improved a lot of my skills, especially my flyaway and back tuck. I even learned to water-ski-it was awesome! Susan Craig, 8 McHenry, Illinois

. ~ comp for YOa/1

<l~ ,,~

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';nd;ng the right gymnastics camp for your child is important. After all, your child will be attending the camp to learn new skills, have fun, try new things and create memories that will last a lifetime.

C~117. .,




The first place to begin your task of choosing the right gymnastics camp is to gather as much information as possible about the camps you are considering . ~.J How long has the camp been in business and what is its reputation? It always helps if you know someone who has ~attended the camps. Previous campers and their families provide a first·hand view of the camp and can answer many of your ~ questions. Also, many times your child's gymnastics coach will be knowledgeable about the different camps and can serve as a great source of information. What are the staff's qualifications? It's important to know who will be caring for and coaching your child. Starting from the top, what are the director's qualifications and is he/she respected in the gymnastics community? What is the instructor's caliber of coaching? ~ Do the camps have any Olympic, international, national and/or collegiate coaches on staff? Does the camp staff go through any training ~ in spotting or teaching of the latest gymnastics techniques? Is the camp staff USA Gymnastics Safety Certified? What is the cost and what are you getting for your money? Asample camp schedule can usually be provided by the camp in which you are interested. The schedule should give you a good idea of what your child will be doing throughout the week. Look to see how many hours of gymnastics instruction is offered, and if it is optional or mandatory. Are the facilities top-notch? What is the instructor-to-gymnast ratio? Does the camp have campers set weekly skill goals and evaluate their progress? Furthermore, what type of activities are provided for your child when he/she is not working out and do those activities cost extra? What type of supervision will my child be getting? Find out what amount of interaction your child will have with his/her camp counselor. Will the counselor be living in the cabin with your child and staying throughout the night? Will the counselor eat meals with your child? How accessible will the counselor be if your child has a question or gets homesick? Most importantly, what type of medical staff exists at the camp? Are there doctors, nurses and/or athletic trainers? Finally, most camps offer camp tours. This is an excellent way of previewing your choices and provides a great opportunity to meet and ask the staff a variety of questions while inspecting the facilities. Parents should not only check out the gyms, but also inspect the cabins, cafeteria and recreational facilities.




Summer gymnastics camp is a great way for children to improve their gymnastics while making new friends and experiencing a variety of new and fun activities. / APRIL 1998



.•- . •


• •

Sommer Cam Dir ALABAMA SportsXtreme Summer Camp • P.o. Box 850787 Mobile, AL 36685 (334)639·0099 Fax: (334)639-0515 Joanne and/ or Vladimir Novikov M&W

ONA Ca p Xtreme at ingus Springs me Gymnastics 1 21 N. 79th Street ottsdale, AI. 85260 (602)596-3543 Craig Keaty Aug. 2-8 Aug. 9-15

W Summer Sizzle 15821 N. 79th Street Scottsdale, AI. 85260 (602)596-3543 Craig Keaty June 16-21 June 23-28

-. W

CALIFORNIA Chris Wallers Summer Gymnastics Jam 11664 National Blvd., 365

(310)398-6131 Email: June 21-27 June 28-July 4 July 5-11 M&W Northern California Santa Cruz Gymnastics Camp Dolly Felix (510)237-4045 Kim Hughes (916)278-5361 www.i. sign .com/ norcal Augu. 7 M&W Stanford Boys Gymnastics Camp Stanford University Department of Athletics Stanford, CA 94035 (650)723-2001 Email: Kathy Ho/ Kyle Asano June 28-July 3

Me COLORADO Peak Ten Gymnastics Camp Breckenridge, CO Aug. 9-14 Mailing Address: Russell Crescentini 1081 Crescent Dr. Logan, UT 84341 Day: (435)753-7340 ext. 18 Club: (435)750-5091 W

Rocky Mountain Training Camp 3870 Mallow Road Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719)598-6863 Fax: (719)598-0325 July 26-August 1 W

FLORIDA Brandy Johnson's Brown's Gymnastics 200 Hatteras Avenue Clermont, FL 34711 (352)241-9300 Kathy Johnson June 21-27 W



University of Illinois Fighting Illini Boys Gymnastics Camp 1700 S. 4th St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217)244-7278 Email: Yoshi Hayasaki July 12-17 July 19-24

4-Star Gymnastics Milestone Terrace Williamsport, MD 21795 (301)223-6116 Fax: (301)582-3124 July 20-24 July 27-31 W


University of Illinois Fighting Illini Girls' Gymnastics Camp 1700 S. 4th St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217)244-7278 Brown's Gymnastics Email: Summer Camp Lynn Brueckman, 740 Orange Ave. Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Bob Starkell {407)869-8744 June 14-19 www.brownsgym .com June 21-26 July 26-31 Sandy DeJarnett W June 21-26 W


Brown's Gymnastics Metro 4636 L.B. McLeod Rd. Orlando, FL 32811 (407)246-1200 WWW.BROWNSMETRO.COM Joan Van Fleet June 28-July 3 M&W

DeVeau's School of Gymnastics 9032 Technology Dr. Fishers, IN 46038 (317)849-7744 Joan DeVeau June 16-19 M&W

Sun Country Gymnastics Team Camp 4010 NW 27th Lane Gainesville, FL 32606 (352)378-8711 Fax: (352)377-5020 Email: suncountry@ June 29-July 3 Nelena Beck M&W

Indy School of Gymnastics Summer Camp '98 8108 Woodland Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278 (317)872-5948 Email: July 13-17 July 20-24 M&W



Lake Shores Boys Gymnastics Gymnastics Camp Sport Camp Lake Cocolalla, Idaho 201 Field House Lake City Gymnastics University of Iowa 940 Ironwood Drive, Suite 1 Iowa City, IA 52242 Doeur d'Alene, ID 83814 (319)335-9714 Donny Gardiner Email: (208)765-9137 August 2-7 Jean Davis M&W June 28-July 2 Topflight Gymnastics Camp 1875 Century Way Boise, ID 83709 (208)376-3641 Fax: (208)376-3646 Email: wingsctr@micron .net Frank Sahlein July 13-17 M&W

M=Men W=Women R=Rhythmic

M N AS . ' C S


MICHIGAN Central Michigan University Summer Sports Camps Rose Center 187 Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 (800)CMU-4-FUN July 19-24 W July 26-31 M&W

NEW HAMPSHIRE Camp Wicosuta West Shore Road Bristol, NH 03222 Mailing Address: 216 Country Club Rd. Newton, MA 02159 (800)846-9426 Lauren/ Michael Bogart June 28-August 16 7, 4 or 3 week sessions W

NEW YORK Cornell University Girls Gymnastics Camp Cornell Sports Schools 300 Helen Newman Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 Email: Laurie Updike July 12-17 W Team USA Gymnastics Camp New York Mailing Address: 7212 W. Hefner Road Oklahoma City, OK 73162 (888)810-9898 • July 5-10 July 12-17 July 19-24 July 26-31 August 2-7 W


MAINE Kippewa For Girls Monmouth, Maine Contact: Marty, Silvia or Jon Silverman Mailing Address: 60 Mill St., Box 340 Westwood, MA 02090-0340 Email: (781)762-8291 June 27-Aug. 22 June 27-July 25 July 26-Aug. 22 W

Falcon Summer Gymnastics Camp At Bowling Green State University 111 Eppler North Bowling Green, OH 43403 June 29-July 3 (residence camp) July 20-24 (commuter camp) July 27-31 (residence camp) (419)372-0551 or (419)372-0552 W

OREGON High Mountain Gymnastics Camp Acrovision Sports Center 63255 Jamison St. Bend, OR 97701 (541)388-5555 Rich Gustafson June 22-26 W

NORTH CAROLINA Lake Norman YMCA Gymnastics Camp 21300 Davidson St. Cornelius, NC 28031 (704)892-9622 Fax: (704)892-1772 Kim Wall June 8-August 15 attend 1 week or all 10 W&M

Parkette National Gymnastic Training Center 401 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Allentown, PA 18102 (610)433-0011 Fax: (610)433-8948 Email: June 28-July 3 July 5-10 July 12-17 July 19-24 M&W

Woodward Gymnastics P.O. Box 93, Route 45 Woodward, PA 16882 (814)349-5633 Fax: (814)349-5643 May 31-June 6 June 7-13 June 14-20 June 21-27 June 28-July 4 PENNSYLVANIA July 5-11 International July 12-18 Gymnastics Training Camp July 19-25 RR 8 Box 8002 July 26-August 1 Stroudsburg, PA 18360-9228 August 2-8 (717)629-0244 August 9-15 Bruno Klaus August 16-22 June 14-20 August 23-29 June 21-27 August 30-Sept. 5 June 28-July 4 M&W July 5-11 July 12-18 TEXAS July 19-25 July 26-Aug. 1 Karolyi's World Gymnastics Aug. 2-8 Summer Camps '98 Aug. 9-15 Waverly Hills, TX Aug. 16-22 Route 12. Box 140 M&W Huntsville, TX 77340 (409)291-0007 International Sports Fax: (409)291-8637 Training Camp June 9-14 (sister camp of June 16-21 International June 23-28 Gymnastics Camp) June 30-July 5 RR 3 Box 3611C July 7-12 Stroudsburg, PA18360-9266 July 14-19 (717)620-2267 July 21-26 Bruno Klaus July 28-August 2 July 19-24 (Women Level 4 W Compulsory Camp) July 26-31 (Women Level 5 Texas Gymnastics Camp Compulsory Camp) P.O. Box 179 W Baytown, TX 77522 (888)GYM-CAMP Macey's Academy (281)328-8427 of Gymnastics 1331 O'Reilly Dr. Feasterville, PA 19053 WASHINGTON (215)364-8113 All Club Camp Fax: (215)793-0875 1217 - 13th St. SE Email: Puyallup, WA 98372 Brad Loan or Carlene Stanke Macey Watson (253)845-0910 June 29-August 21 Fax: (253)845-3021 M&W July 13-17 July 20-24 August 3-7


• •

Husky Purple & Gol\l.. Summer Camp • University of Washington Seattle. WA Mailing Address: Bob Levesque Head Women's Gymnastics Coach 13909 28th Dr. SE _ Bothell, WA 98012 _ (425)338-9708 July 5-10 • July 12-17 July 19-24 W •

e •

WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia University • Gymnastics (amp P.O. Box 0877 Morgantown, WV 26507-0877 (304)293-3294 ext. 554, 559 or 555 Linda Burdette, Cari DuB or Jay Ronayne Email: or or June 14-19 August 2-8


Western National Open Gymnastics 1998 Women's Training Camp 2643 Mottman Road S.W. Tumwater, WA 98512 (360)956-1319 Fax: (360)352-9324 Kitty _ ng August 9-15 W

WISCONSIN Lake Owen Gymnastics Camp HC 60 Box 60 Cable, WI 54821 _ _ (715)798-3785 _ Fax: (715)798-3898 June 7-13 June 14-20 June 21-27 June 28-July 4 July 5-11 July 12-18 July 19-25 July 26-August 1 August 2-8 August 9-15 M&W

Wisconsin-Porter Gymnastic Camp P.O. Box 620827 Middleton, WI 53562-0827 (608)829-2922 Robert Bradley & Charles Cotter August 10-16 August 16-22 M&W

• •


MARCH / Ai R1L 1998



All of us involved with the sport of gymnastics understand the pressures a young athlete must deal with every day. We know it's not easy to balance your homework, school activities, home life, gymnastics and social life. We want to know how you deal with these pressures. How do you keep your life balanced? We have a name for the process of dealing successfully with this busy lifestyle-we call it "Living with Balance." To learn how you live with balance, we are presenting the 1998 Gymnastics Essay and Drawing Contest, sponsored by John Hancock. All of the details are ourlined below.

ELIGIBILITY: All gymnasts 18 and under are eligible to enter this contest. The two age groups eligible for the essay portion are 712 and 13-18. Any gymnasts 6 and under are eligible to draw pictures. Again, the drawing entries will only be accepted from participants 6 and under.

<'&ra'Yll Yriz,G ew1'Yb'YI,Gr:

JUDGING: The entries will be judged on originality and creativity. Entries will be judged by USA Gymnastics staff and employees of the John Hancock Olympic Development and Event Management unit.

R'trip for four to the John Hancock U.S. Gymnastics Championships in Indianapolis, Ind., from August 21-23. Prize includes airfare, accommodations for two nights and tickets to the Senior Men's and Senior Women's sessions on Friday and Saturday (must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian).

~Dll Yriz,G ew1'Yb'YI,Grs: $500 gift certificate to your local gymnastics club (to use

towards your gymnastics tuition)

ÂŁil'ftr Yriz,G ew1'Yb'YI,Grs: $100 gift certificate to GK-Elite Sportswear


Yriz,G ew1'Yb'YI,Grs:

$50 gift certificate to GK-Elite Sportswear

REQUIREMENTS: Essays should be no more than 150 words, typed and double-spaced. Drawings should be submitted on an 81/2x 11 sheet of paper. ANNOUNCEMENT: Winners will be announced for all three age categories in July 1998. The winning essays will be used to compose the USA Gymnastics Athlete's Creed, which will be presented at the John Hancock U.S. Gymnastics Championships in Indianapolis, Ind.


1 1 1 I I


Send essay or drawing postmarked no later than --June 1, 1998 to: Living with Balance Essay Contest USA Gymnastics Pan American plaza 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 Name: __________________________________ Address: _________________________________

Prizes are zero cash value and non-transferable.


Phone: __________________________________


"Living with Balance." You should write your essay on how you try to live a balanced life between school, social and spiritual activities, gymnastics and other aspects of y'0ur life. In today's busy environment with everyone telling you what to do, how do you keep the 'balance?' You face pressures everyday from healthy eating to being a strong competitor to dOing well in school; what keeps everything 'together for you? FOR THE 6 AND UNDER AGE GROUP

please draw a picture of your favorite activities. The pictures can be of gymnastics, playing with friends, eating dinner with your family, your pets or anything you like to do. MARCH /A PRllI998

Gym and Coach: ___________________________

Age:_______________ All participants will receive a Jahn Hancock Gymnastics pin. All entries will become property of USA Gymnastics and John Hancock and will not be retumed 10 you . L ____________________________________________ _




leam expecIations. Our gymnasts got a chance 10 work with and watch one of the very best teams in the work!. More importantly, they got 10 compare themselves 10 their peers in Belarus. This group was given a first-class lesson in work ethic and what it takes 10 achieve medal status. What they could also see is that our medal goals, for 2000 and beyond, are obtainable if we are willing 10 commit 10 the training. We are not far away.

Mazeika and Tomita were th e coaches of record for the competition and directed workouts.

The u.s. gymnasts competed in th e Belarus Club National Championships as exhibition only. The u.s. team started well on floor, hitting all six routi nes. Tomita pasted the highest floor score w ith an 8.6. At pommel horse we had twa missed sets, both on E value flops. Rings was another six for six event wi th By Dennis Mcintyre the high score of 8.7 coming from Townsend. The team a lso A Junior Men's delegation including 10 athletes, five went six hits at vault w ith Townsend , Tomita and Evans all coaches and a head of delegation traveled to Mi nsk, scoring 9.0. Parallel bars was another hit wi th the high score Belarus, Dec. 6- 17, for a joint training camp and compe- of 9.0 fram Tomita . The team had one miss at high bar. tition. The gaol was to give the athletes and coaches a Townsend posted the best mark on this event scoring a 9.0 on meaningful experience by traveling to and competing a routine which included both a Kovacs and a Gaylord II. under condi tions which our national team members will In spite of having to overcome the travel , adjusting to an unfaoften encounter in their competitive careers. miliar warm-up situation and dealing with the competi tion The Belarus trip allowed our team the chance to train with equipment, the team had an outstand ing competition comthe second place World Championsh ips team and Ivan pleting 33 out of 36 rau tin es for over a 90% hit rate. The Ivankav, th e current World A ll-Around Champion. The group looked very poised, confiden t and consistent. I believe a tru e tea m meet betvveen our two coun tri es would have been Belarus trip was definitely a huge success. very close and exciting.



Sean Townsend YewkiTomito Kris Zimmerman Scott Vetere Raj 8hoysor Mott Abboud Mike Evans 8rett McClure Shannon Carrion Jonathon Plante

FX PH SR V 8.30 8.80 8.70 9.00 8.60 8.80 8.40 9.00 8.05 8.40 8.60 8.90 7.90 8.50 8.70 8.60 8.50 8.20 8.90 8.30 9.00 8.50 8.30 8.70

PB 8.90 9.00 8.60 8.70 8.65

HB AA 9.00 52.70 8.70 52.50 8.20 51.20 8.40 8.00

8.50 8.40

SUMMER OLYMPIC FESTIVAL By Kathy Feldmann The u.s. delegation at the Summer Olympic Festiva l included: women's coach John Holman, men's coach Vi taly Marinitch , gymnasts Becky Meldrum , Raegan Tomasek, Jim Foody, and Jay Thornton , along with Kathy Feldmann th e judge and head of delegation. The delegati on traveled to Rio de Janiero, Brazil , for the Summer O lympic Festival, Jan. 24-25. The event took place outside in a temporary structure that was constructed on the Copacobana Beach. The gymnasts performed in only two events [women-floor and bors; men-floor and high bar). The first day was a two person team competition. Foody and Thornton took second just behind the team from France, w hile Meldrum and Tomasek took fourth behind Brazil, Spain and France . The second day was a mixed pairs competition and Tomasek and Thornton took third behind the teams from France and Brazil. Meldrum and Foody took sixth.






Come join us in colorful Colorado with special guest,

Find out why we have been Colorado's favorite camp for ten years. For camp dates and more information call: (t(Q)llll fu~~ R=~~~=~l(o)= 1(o)~9 Pikes Peak Gym nastics Camp / 9679 W. Chatfield Ave. #D / Littleton CO 80 128




The Foxsport Challenge event was held Australia , Dec. 6, 1997. The u.s. men gymnasts included: Mike Dutka, Jim Foody, Jamie Natalie and Freddie Umal i. For the women, Vanessa Atler, Jamie Dantzscher, Kristin Malaney and Lindsey Wing . Coaches included: Randy Jepson , Thaddeus Abbott, Steve Rybacki , Bill Strauss, Debbie Kaitschuck and judge and delegation leader Cheryl Hamilton. The u.S . women's team defeated Australia with a score of 11 0.999 to 107.600. The u.S. men 's team were slightly edged out by Australia, 153.840 to 153.500. For the women, Maloney won the all-around title with a score of 38. 112. Her U.S. teammates of Atler and Wing cleaned up with second and third, scoring 37.062 and 35.612, respectively. Umali and Dutka grabbed second a nd third all-around in the men's competition with scores of 50.90 and 50.50.

The u.S. delegation for the Canberra Cup, in Australia , Dec. 10- 11 , 1997, included gymnasts Jamie Nata lie, Freddie Umali , Vanessa Atler, Jam ie Dantzscher and Lindsay Wing; coaches Thaddeus Abbott, Steve Rybacki and Debbie Kaitschuck; and judge and delegation leader Cheryl Hami lton . Atler won the all-around title with a 37.20 and the floor title with a score of 9.45 . She also took second on vault with a 9.2 13, earned second on bars with a 9 .25 and third on beam with a 9 .15. Wing took third a ll ·around with a 35.8 12, won vault with a 9 .3 13 and bars with a 9 .475. Natal ie took fourth in the 011around and won pommel horse with a 9 .30. Umali took eighth in the a ll-around and second on vault with an 8.775. MEN ' S ALL·AROUND

1. lu 8in 2. Dimitri Nonin 3. Kojiro Yonogi 4. Jamie Natalie 5. Hiroyuki Tomito 6. Phillippe Rim 7. Adrion looney 8. Freddie Umoli


Austrolio USA

153.840 153.500


1. Vanessa Atler 2. Trudi Mcintosh 3. lindsay Wing 3. Akiko Kowoi 5. Pouline (lOrn"ki 6. Brooke Wolker 7. Dong Fong,ioo B. Alethea Boon


Adrion looney Freddie Umoli Mike Dutko Jim Foody Phillipe Rizzo Jamie Natalie Justin Ng Rustom Shoripov


51.340 SO.900 50.500 50.290 49.900 49.300 47.440 35.900



Kristin Moloney USA Vanessa Aller- USA lindsay Wing USA Trudy Mcintosh AUS Jamie Dontmher USA Reb"," Wilson AUS liso Skinner AUS 8rooke Wolker AUS


37.200 36.138 35.812 35.B12 35.425 35.012 34.762 34.750

The Chunichi Cup took place in Nagoya, Japan, Dec . 13-14, 1997. The u .S. delegation included gymnasts Shannon Bowles from Atlantic Gymnastics in Portsmouth , N .H., and Amy Young from Gym-Max in Costa Mesa, Calif., as well as their coaches, Tony Retrosi and Howie Liang. Shannon Weber was the judge and delegation leader.

110.999 107.600

USA Austrolio

(HN 54.650 GER 54.150 JPN 52.400 USA 51.750 JPN 51.250 AUS 50.100 AUS 50.050 USA 49.700

38.11 2 37.062 35.612 35.525 35.375 35.200 35.062 34.200


Bowles and Young, both an their first international competitions, took seventh and eighth in the all·around. ALL·AROUND

Vidoriyo Korpenko UKR Simono Amonor ROM Svetlono Khorkino RUS

1= 8 [.)



38.912 38.775 38.037

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KIM ARNOLD Honda Award Nominee Kim Ar n o l d , a former National Team Member and current gymnast from the University of Georgia, was one of 10 candidates nominated for the Honda Award, presented arumally to the nation's outstanding collegia te woman athlete. University of Notre Dame soccer player Cindy Daws was awarded the top honor, which recogn izes collegia te athletic achievement among women. Congratulations to Kim for being nominated for this prestigious award!

MEREDITH WILLARD NCAA Top Eight Award and 1997 NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship Recipient

, ,

Meredith Willard, a member of the 1997 WUG Gymnastics Team, 1997 graduate of the University of A la b a m a and four-year member of its gymnastics team, has been award ed the NCAA Top Eigh t Award for achievement in athletics, academics, and leadership. Meredith was a member of the 1997 silver medal WUG Gymnastics Team, the 1997 Southeastern Conference Gymnast of the Year and the Alabama Athlete of the Year. In addition she is the recipient of the 1997 NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship.

THREE GYMNASTS HAMED AS FINALISTS FOR THE liCAA WOMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD Congratulations to the University of Nebraska' s Shelly L. Bartlett, Seattle Pacific University's Virginia Bolenbaugh and University of Alabama's Meredith P. Willard for being nominated as three of the 10 finalists for the NCAA Woman of the Year Award for 1997. The NCAA Woman of the Year Award recognizes young women in intercollegiate athletics for their outstanding achievements in athletics, academics and commwli.ty leadership. The 10 finalists were selected by a special committee made up of athletics administrators from NCAA member colleges and universities. Lisa Ann Coole, a swimmer from Georgia, won the top honor for the 1997 Woman of the Year. Other sports represented included two basketball players and athletes from rowing, soccer, softball and volleyball.




Blaine Wilson , a 1996 Olympian and two-time defending allaround national champion, has been selected as one of 10 final ists for the 68th Annual James E. Sullivan Award , presented by the Amateur Athletic Union. The other nine finalists are: Chad Carvin (swimming), J.D. Drew (baseball); Tim Duncan (basketball!, Les Gutches (wres~ing), Chamique Holdsclaw (basketball), Trinity Johnson (softball), Peyton Manning (football), Linda Mastrandrea (disability sports) and Jenny Thompson (swimming). Established in 1930, the award is named for the founder and first president of the AAU, James E. Sull ivan . Selection of the winner is based on balloting from a total of 1,200 voters, including the AAU Board of Directors, the AAU Sullivan Award Committee, past award recipients, the United States Olympic Committee Board of Directors and selected sports media representatives .

KRISTEN KENOYER'S NEW BABY BOY Former National Team Member Kristen Kenoyer Woodland had a baby bay, Ross Gavin, on Dec. 7. Ross weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces. Kristen is the secretary of the Athletes Advisory Council, member of the USA Gymnastics Boord of Directors and member of the Bylaws Committee. Congratulations to the Woodland family!

CORRECTION In the January/February issue of USA Gymnastics we listed the members of the National TOP's Team. We incorrectly printed Jennifer Groves' name from Snohomish, Wash., and Rising Stars Gymnastics. Sorry for the inconvenience Jennifer!

IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE IN AMERICA, PREJUDICE IS FOUL PLAY "If You Really Believe in America, Prejudice is Foul Play/' states the new Sports Poster Series issued by the Anti-Defamation League. These posters feature today's superstars of the world of sports delivering a hard-hitting anti-prejudice message. The posters feature Philadelphia Flyer captain Eric Lindros, Detroit Pistons forward guard Grant Hill, San Francisco 4gers quarterback Steve Young, Miami Heat cooch Pat Riley, tennis star Michael Chang, LPGA championship golfer Nancy Lopez, WBC Welterweight Boxing Champion Oscar De La Hoya, Alexi Lalas, defender on the New England Revolution soccer team and our own Olympic Gold Medalist Gymnast Kerri Strug! GYMNASTICS UPDATE (ontinued on page 35

MARCH / APRl l I 998






.' \j:'

saliforn 1

+ SKit Night , I.

+ l,Mov ies I'-~') + 'B.B.Q's l . , + $andsculptY.fe & Sil~dspring + And The 'F

Three'sessions: J une 21-27 路j une 28-july 4 , july '5-1 .~ .....---...;...-......- - - - - - - - - - - , Begin ner to Elite, Girls & B ys, Ages路g & up. Fees: ~ Full T;rt'e ' ampe .$s2s / sess. i.)' Day Camper ' $3 7s / sess,

KAROLYI'S IORLD GYMNASTICS s PHONE: (409) 291-0007 - FAX: (409) 291-8637 Welcome to Karolyi's World Camps, home of several Olympic and World Champions. For beginner, advanced and competitive gymnasts. Girls minimum age: 7 years old

Bela and Martha Karolyi, coaches of the 1984, 1988,1992, 1996 USA Olympic Team invite you to be part of this action packed and fun-filled summer. They will help you to have the most unique gymnastic experience of your life.

Camps will be personally directed by

Bela Karoly;

SESSIONS JUNE 9-14 JUNE 16-21 JUNE 23-28 JUNE 30 - JULY 5 JULY 7-12 JULY 14-19 JULY 21-26 JULY 28 - AUGUST 2

coach of several Olympic and World Champions He shares with you his 35 years of coaching experience as he developed some of the most famous Olympic champions in the world, such as Nadia Comaneci, Mary Lou Refton, Kim Zmeskal, Dominique Maceanu and Kerri Strug.

- Upgrade and learn new gymnastics skills with Bela Karolyi and his master staff - Have a unique, fun outdoor experience swimming, horseback riding, tennis, campfire activities and boating -

SPECIAL OFFER - Coaches with 10 students enrolled are invited free of charge ... Coaches with 10 students enrolled to attend camp will receive housing, meals, recreational facilities, and BELA'S MASTER LECTURE PRESENTATION followed by question-answer session regarding your favorite topics.



Coaches with eight students enrolled are invited free of charge • Tuition/session: $325.00 • Additional session: $295.00 • Enrollment is limited, call or write for your camp brochure. NOTE: Only cashier's check or money order will be accepted for deposit and balance. DEPOSIT: $75.00/session (not refundable) • High quality, intensive gymnastic instruction in the brand new 25,000 square foot gymnasium complex. • Exciting additional outdoor activities: horseback riding, swimming (Olympic size pool), tennis, volleyball, basketball, campfire activities, boating and acro bungee jump.




Address City/State/Zip Camp Date

TUITION/SESSION: $325.00 Housing, meals, instruction, additional activities. Additional sessions: $295.00. Coaches: See special offer with 10 students enrolled .


PLEASE MAIL $75 registration fee to: Karolyi's Gymnastics World Camps Route 12, Box 140, Huntsville, TX 77340 Phone (409) 291-0007

L ______________________________


ONLINE SEARCH FOR GYMNASTICS CLUBS By Rachele Harless, USA Gymnastics Online Webmaster

USA Gymnastics Online has added a new service-a gymnastics club search for Internet users. Parents, gymnasts, coaches, judges and fans interested in locating a type of club in a geographic area will easily be able to access this information through the USA Gymnastics website. Online users may simply enter city, state, zip, and gymnastics program information (such as "Men's JO" or "recreational") to find the clubs in the state which fit their program description. HOW DO I USE THE QUERY? STEP 1: Using your favorite web browser, go to hHp:/ / STEP 2: Look on the right side of the page for the star which '!'!'.. '=~::!_:'!!~!"l:_ ~~~!""""lC!:!:=---~:hl~l-~ says "Find a gym club." Click ~ ~..:: ~- _:-~.::"':; on this star. .... ~,, ~ . STEP 3: Now you are at the Gymnastics Club Search ,t,."' ... "search" page of the club query (see picture 1). On this page, you can type in the following information to identify r:w"".b<.o.the geographic area for your r P~t.<n_ul~rw....,.':"'. "'Cf]q... , r 70<1:""',,"::""-...1 search: city, state, zip. STEP 4: You can also choose ..- to limit your search to only ,! ,."::.. i!=_=~"::,,!====,_!,,!,,,,!!,,_-~ -_-......---"",jl!~ USA Gymnastics Member '.- A _ _ _ _ _......_ _• Clubs, or to search among :::::~::::::'~("..... all gymnastics clubs in our database. Click on the "Yes" button or the "No" button as •. ... :....r.r.. •...,.,... desired .



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If you discover your club entry on the database is out of date, or you would like to add information, submit on company letterhead to USA Gymnastics, Loree Galimore, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. SPECIAL BENEFITS FOR MEMBER CLUBS Member Clubs receive three benefits through this new club query. • Member Clubs are identified in the club search listings with an icon indicating their member club status. • Additionally, Member Clubs are sorted to the top of the list; this visibility makes their entries easier to find . • Member Clubs with websites are given links through this query. Those clubs wishing to join the Member Club program can join online by visiting hHp:/ / In addition to the many "ofAine" benefits of the USA Gymnastics Member Club program, online benefits include not only the enhanced listing in the club search, but also complimentary classified ads for employment purposes. WHAT OTHER ITEMS MIGHT I FIND ON USA GYMNASTICS ONUNE? USA Gymnastics Online gives you bios for all the USA Gymnastics National Team Members, live scores and commentary during major national events, fantasy gymnastics called "SymGym," calendar of events, fan mail, collegiate gymnastics, frequently asked questions, features, history of the sport, contests with prizes awarded, press releases and much, much more. Check it out!

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STEP 5: Now specify the type of gymnastics club, if any, for which you are ,,_"'_ searching . Specify this .. ~ ,.c~ _::! .•=-::;:":!''!'.. ==::;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;::...;... p information by checking off the program boxes on the TIPS bottom of the form . • Experienced users can navigate STEP 6: Press the "Search for quickly to the Club Query by visitclubs!" button at the bottom of ing hHp:/ /leap.usa-gymnastics. the page. org/ciubquery/ Now you will be presented • Our search will Rnd the clubs with a list of all the clubs in which offer all of the programs our database which match that you check off. For instance, if your search! (see picture 2) you check off both "women's elite" and "recreational," you will only I'M A CLUB OWNER; Rnd clubs which offer both of those HOW DO I UPDATE MY programs (and more) . You will not CLUB INFORMATION? find clubs that offer only one of The following information is your checked programs. available online for a club: • If you simply want a list of all clubs city, state, zip, email address, in the geographic a rea, regardless Member club status, phone of pr09ram offerings, do not check number, program informaany of the program boxes. This can tion and web page address be useful for finding clubs which (link available for member have not submitted their program clubs only). Street addresses information to USA Gymnastics. are not available online to prevent the compilation of mailing lists. [.':SI J4.1.1 .... 1)~

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MARC H / APR IL 1 998





University of Michigan Gymnastics Coach Kurt Golder and USA Gymnastics Boord member Roy Gura flank USA Gymnastics Controller John Hewett prior to witnessing UM's Rose Bowl victory and notional football championship. The chance meeting between Hewett and his pictured cohorts was preNy amazing considering a crowd in excess of 101 ,000. In consideration of their age, these three decided to forego any blue and gold body point and opted merely for licensed merchandise. Wise choice!

Jeremy, 9, started gymnastics at age 7 in August of 1995. In March of 1997, he won the Closs VII Northern California Boy's Gymnastics All-Around Championships for 8-9 year aids at Stanford, Calif. Jeremy is coached by Hong路sao Zheng at Americon Gymnastics and looks forward to competing as a Closs VI gymnast in the upcoming season.

ALYSSA BEJIN CARMEL, INDIANA Meet Alyssa Bejin of Carmel, Indiana. Alyssa is two years old and is introducing a new fashion craze in the sport of gymnastics. She insists on wearing this hot as she works on perfecting her "V" seat to music from Winnie the Pooh! Look for Alyssa and her unique apparel in the 2012 Olympics!

SVETLANA GUY SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Svetlana, 6, attends Americon Rhythmic Club in Son Francisco. She was the only gymnast from Level 5 who took three first place awards on floor, ribbon and boll in her first competition in livermore, Calif., November 16, 1997. She's coached by Nino Mgalobely.

AIRBORNE GYMNASTICS SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA Airborne Gymnastics in Santo Claro, Calif., is extremely proud to have placed 12 girls on the U.S. Notional TOP's Team, the most in the country. We've been a port of TOP's since the gym opened and our girls worked very hard to make this team. They conditioned twice as hard and were hoping to get in USA Gymnastics magazine. We also hod the only two pairs of sisters to make it. What a great example a big sister makes! Top Row Lto R: Karyn Yemato, Marisa Dacoy, Stacy Young, Theresa Casella, ONie Shima mota, Melissa Chon. Bottom Row Lto R: Jenna Yee, Isso Shimamoto, Alex Wise, Jamie Tanquary, Jade Dacoy, Emily 8ucko.

Shako is a Level 6 gymnast at Conley Recreation Center in College Pork, Georgia. A Tumbleweed gymnast, Shako took first all路around at the State Championships in Athens in April 1997. She scored a 36.925 all-around to win her ll-year-old age divi路 sion in Level 4 competition. This was Shako's first year in competition. She also took third on vault (9.05), and floor (9.32), fourth on bars (9.50) and 14th on beam (9.05). She's coached by Michelle Johnson and other assistants.

CATHERINE ANN SCHMIERER MIDDLETOWN, NEW JERSEY Catherine, 13, competes for Worldwide Gymnastics in Old Bridge, N.J. She's the Level 9 AII路Around State Champion. A freshman in high school, she has the highest grade point overage in the school. She also placed First Runner Up in the Preteen New Jersey Scholarship & Recognition Program. Her favorite events are bors and vault. Catherine has been in competitive gymnastics for 5 years. She's coached by Bruce PeNy and Kelly Aliiger and is working hard to compete Levell 0 this year.

lili, 7, has been in gymnastics for two years. In her first competitive season she won the 1997 California Level 5 State Championships with on 011around score of 36.05. She is also the State Champion on vault with a score of 9.20, bars with a score of 8.75, and floor with a score of 9.15. She took second on beam with on 8.95. lili is coached by Kart Borg at Vernon Lee Gymnastics in Pasadena, Calif. She's looking forward to her second season as a Level 7.










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FOR SALE SOFTWARE FOR DUMMIES! SCORE MASTER, the most widely used system in the U.s., scores the lorgest meet in the U.S., The Gasparilla, with over 2500 competitors. This score keeping system is very easy·to·use and has an on·line tuto· rial. Supports: mens/ womens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic, comp/ optional competitions. It can graph scores over an entire season. Comes with a step·by·step user guide and a 90 day unconditional money back guarantee. For more info contact: Mark Mahoney, P.O. Box 31421 , Charlotte, N( 28231 -1421, (704)523-1812 or web site: www.score· (software demo, info guide and user listing on web site). FOR SALE: 1/3 ownership in a 3+ year old, 10,000 sq. ft. facility located in Oregon City, a SE suburb of Portland, Oregon. Programs range from recreational mom & me, preschool, Community Ed., Home Schoolers through com· petitive Boys & Girls teams. Club is a member and host of USAG. leased floor space, programs and equipment owned. Contact: lee Wagner at 860·693·4835 or RABBIT SCORES-Superfast scoring program for PC, compatibles, and also for MAC! Used at all levels. Easy·to·use, forgiving menu/ win· dows. Unique features save work, prevent errors. Says Melody Childers, scoring chairman for the 1500·competitor Buckeye Classic: "With 8 sessions, 5 computers, and over 30 volunteer operators, I can say positively that learning Rabbit Scores is easy. Everyone was delighted with the convenient access into all the program areas. .. a wonderful program." Not satisfied with your current score keeping? Check out Rabbit Scores' speed and agility. Features: Shows rankings during scoring; Clean, easy·toread results; Award labels; Flexible age/ skill divisions combinable for team results; Can set Rhythmic, Mens. For PC, etc.: S157.95 ppd. For MAC, etc.: S167.95. J.D. Hopper, Box 2782, Stanford, CA 94309, 650·494·1705. Gym Nerd-Gymnastic School Management Software (Windows!) Gym Nerd maintains database of student names, their classes, fees and payments. Features: class rosters, instructor schedules, invoices, mailing labels, payments and other financial data in a spread· sheet format, and much, much more. Very easy to learn, user friendly windows interface. Call us today for more info., or to add your requests to our wish list. $990. Contact: MassData Database Systems. Phone: 617· 923·9977. Email: GYM FOR SALE: New 6,600 sq./ft. building 2 years old. Equipment includes: 42x42 foam block floor, in·ground pit, AAI bars, tumble trak, 3 beams and much more. Same owner for 10 years. Very profitable business with peak enroll· ment over 250 students. Home of 1997 level 5 state bars champion. Business $85,000 with lease on building Sl ,500 per month. located 70 miles north of Memphis; population 20,000. Call 901 -285·5660 or 901 -286·0744. ARTUne's ClIP ART for GYMNASTICS on COM· PUTER DISKS. Save on advertising costs. Over fifty different images created by professional illustrotors in a wide range of styles. Affordable,


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POSITION AVAIlABLE HEAD TEAM COACH . An established gym of 17,000 sq. ft. with an enrollment of 1000 stu· dents is looking for a Head Coach for their Women's Teom. Position available June 1998. Competitive salary including benefits of major medical insurance, 2 weeks vacation per year, and continuing education. Send resume to: Director; St. louis Gymnastic Centre; 315 W. Pacific, St.louis, MO, 63119. ATLANTA IS THE PLACE TO BE IN 1998! We are looking for qualified coaches to help oversee our expanding programs. We have a comprehensive gymnastics program which needs an enthusiastic coach who can work well with boys, girls, cheer· leading, tumbling, and preschool classes. Salary is negotiable based on experience. Please send your resume to: Gym South Gymnastics, 119 N. 85 Pkwy., Fayetteville, GA 30214. (770)461· 5528 or fax at (770)461·0955. HIRING HEAD COACH, INSTRUaORS. lakeside Maine summer camp. live with, care for, teach girls age 7-16. Complete gym. Nissen equip· ment. Beginning students through advanced. Consistent, daily instruction. Gymnastics shows. Program's compulsory, optional skills promote development, measurable advancement, interest. Knowledge of USAG fundamental, optional skills; practical knowledge of compulsory levels; ability to spot, demonstrote; desire to teach chil· dren. Ability to put children's need before your own essential. College sophomores & up. Internships available. Opportunity to teach other athletics, arts, waterfront activities. 6/ 20·8/ 27. Non·smokers. Kippewa, Box 340, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090·0340;; (781)762-8291. ONE CAll DOES IT AW!! TEACH GYMNASTICS!! 250 SUMMER CAMP POSITIONS-CHOOSE FROM OVER 50 CAMPS/ NORTHEAST. Instructors/coaches needed to teach gymnas· tics-oll levels needed. Fabulous facilities. 8 weeks. Have a professional recruiter identify the right camp position, salary & compensation package for you. Arlene Streisand's Summer Camp Services. 1-800·443·6428; 516·433· 8033; FAX: 516-933-7949. COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE FOR THE SUMMER: Gymnastics & Cheer leading Head & instructors/ cabin counselors (19+) for outstanding girls' sports camp. Excellent large gymnastics facility. Camp Robindel (one mile from two boys' camp) is located on the LARGEST NEW ENGLAND LAKE (22 miles long) just below the White

Mountains, 2 hours North of Boston, 1'/1 hours from Maine coast. Beautiful location with 1500 lake front feet containing 700 foot natural sand beach. Must have warmth and love children. June 21 ·August 20. TRANSPORTATION PAID. Write 1271 Mill Road, Meadowbrook, PA 19046. Phone: 888·860·1186. GYMNASTICS INSTRUaORS NEEDED IMMEDI· ATElY. Energetic, organized and positive teachers needed to teach preschool through Elite. Full and part·time positions available at all three loca· tions in northern Virginia. Several positions available. Special need for male coach. Please send resume to: Milan Stanovich, 5581 Guinea Road, Fairfax, VA 22032. Call for more informa· tion: (703) 323·0088. TRIPP LAKE CAMp, outstanding residential girls' summer camp in Poland, Maine seeks Gymnastics Director (must be over 21) and Instructors. Dependable, experienced teaching beginner through advanced levels. Knowledge of weight training and aerobics is essential. Position includes salary plus travel allowance, uniform, linens, room and board. For application, information and interview call: 800·997-4347 or 888·617·7477. EXPERIENCED GYMNASTIC INSTRUaORS. Exceptional private girls summer comp located in the Belgrade lake Region of Maine seeks expe· rienced enthusiastic gymnastic instructors. Our well·established program provides instruction in all 4 Olympic disciplines. Outstanding equipment and facilities, largest gym of any camp in New England. Instructor's position requires experi· ence in dealing with all levels, ages and abilities. Current CPR/ first aid certification is advanta· geous. Great chance to meet campers and counselors from all over the world. Excellent sa lory, room/travel/boord included. For further infor· motion contoct Mark at 1·800·628·6252. GYMNASTICS INSTRUaOR. Co·ed summer camp. Beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire. Run program for 130 girls, new gymnastics building and equipment. Must have experience. Friendly campers and staff. Days off in Boston, Montreal, Main Seacoast. June 20 to August 19. Camp Walt Whitman UG, PO Box 558, Armonk, NY 10504 or call 800·657 -8282. Email: http:// GYMNASTIC COACH/DiREGOR desiring to acquire a gymnastic school in the suburban New York area. Must be personable, motivated and enthusiastic to work in a creative, stimulating and fun atmosphere overseeing a program with 800 students and a competitive team level 5·1 O. Full schedule of programs including dance. Opportunity to build program further and ulti· mately own the gym school. Call 212·370·1169. GYMNASTICS HEAD/INSTRUaORS/ CABIN COUNSELORS: Outstanding girls' summer camp on beautiful Newfound lake in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Must be able to teach children ages 6·16 in a New State·Of·Art Gymnastics Facility. Friendly Atmosphere, Excellent facilities. Days off in Boston, Maine, Montreal. Must be warm, caring and ready to have a great time! June 22·August 16. Top Salary/Transportation, Room & 80ard, Academic

credit available. Write: CAMP WICOSUTA, 216 Country Club Road, Newton, MA 02159 or Call: 800·846·9426. BOSTON·Experienced gymnastics coaches/ instructors wanted. Full and Part-TIme positions available for our recreational and team pro· grams and also boys and girls classes. Salary commensurate with experience and benefits. Contact·Jane Keaveney or Janie Murokouskaya (617)469-4911 or send resume to: Charles River Gymnostics, 231 Rivermoor Street, West Roxbury, MA 02132. Broadway Gymnastic School, recognized by California Governor Peter Wilson for its unique gymnastic and sports program for individuals with developmental disabilities, has one FT and one PT, long term position available. Requirements: Experience in gymnastics, sports and speciol education. Good leadership, writing, organizing, and communication skills; Attention to detail and clear DMV record. Professionalism ond reliability are essential. Contact Ose Dalldorf, M.A. Director of Special Education. Phone (310)450·0012 or fax resume (310)450·6412.


COACHING POSITIONS AVAILABLE. Join our team of coaching professionals! We're looking for full· time and part-time coaches to work with Optional levels 7·10 and Compulsory levels 4· 6. We have a fully equipped state of the art facility, with a reputation for quality and excellence in gymnastic instruction. We offer a friendly atmosphere, dedicated to our gymnasts and coaches with the goal of inspiring and promating the sport of gymnastics. Mail or fax resume to: Texas Star Gymnastics Academy, 11 037 FM 1960 West, Houston, Texas 77065, Attn: Gary Rothrock. Phone: 281·894·8400. Fax: 281 · 894·8447.

SUMMER CAMP POSITIONS/WESTERN MASSA· CHUSETTS. Gymnastic Director and Instructors: Premiere summer camp for girls located in the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts seeks Coordinator and Instructors for compre· hensive gymnastics program for campers ages 7·15. Beginner·Advanced classes. "Stote of the Art" Facility includes: spring floor, beams, unevens, vault and traveling rig. Competitive salary, room and board, and travel ollowance. Contact: Camp Danbee, 24 Woodshire Terrace, Towaco, NJ, 07082: Call us at (800)392·3752 or E·mail to: Program runs June 2·August 22, 1998. GYMNASTICS INSTRUaORS NEEDED: Camp Canadensis, 0 Premier children's residential coed summer camp in the Poconos of PA needs a coor· dinator and instructors for comprehensive pro· gram for campers. New facility includes tumble track and foam pit, balance beams, unevens, vaults, bungees, and much more! 6/ 20/ 98· 8/ 17/ 98. 1·800·832·8228. The Gymnastics Academy of Boston is seeking a full or part time experienced head coach/ instruc· tor. We have a large fully·equipped facility ond a reputation for quality and excellence in gymnastic instruction. If you are a highly motivated, enthu· siastic individual, willing to accept the challenges of a busy gym, pleose contact us. Solary and ben· efits commensurate with experience. Call Noncy at 781 -326·2287. MARC H /APR l l I 998


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING HEAD COACH. Full TIme with Benefits to build a team program from our rec dasses and training group in exciting Boston area. Strong spoHing skills necessary. Very supportive owner. Assistant Coach/ Choreographer waiting to assist you. Call 617-926-2640 or send resume to TumbleKids USA, 201 Arlington St., Watertown, MA 02172. EXCITING SUMMERCAMP JOBS! Unique Referral Service lists openings for Gymnastics Directors and Instructors at beautiful summer camps around the country. Excellent salory plus travel expense. Great opportunity for people who love to work with children and be a part of a camp environment. One call to CampSource leads you 100's of summer opportunities. Call 888-985-Camp. 80YS TEAM HEAD COACH. Immediate full-time opening for an experienced boys coach. Looking for an enthusiastic and motivated individual to work with Class 7-1. Helpful management ond encouraging parents await. Work in on environment that is supportive, fun, and friendly. Send your resume to: Wimbleton Gymnastics, 6161 . Shelby Oaks Dr., Memphis, TN 38134; or call: 901-388-4720 aHn: Pete Erickson; or email: GYMNASTICS COACH NEEDED WITH POTENTIAL GYM MANAGEMENT FOR THE RIGHT INDIVIDUAL. Must be an enthusiastic, self-motivated, orgonized individual who is willing to build up a new program. Position involves coaching girlslboys recreational gymnastics (ages 2 and

up), Mobile program, Cheerleading dasses and Competitive Squad, Tumbling, Girls PreTeams and Teams; Levels 5 and up. Need for developing a stronger boys program. Please inquire if you have any of the obove qualifications. Great opportunity! Salary, Benefits, Christian environment. Send resume to: Genesis Gymnastics, 250 W. Main #207, Kerrville, Texas 78028 (830)257 -2496. GYMNASTICS INSTRUaORS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: Energetic, experienced teachers needed for preschool through Level 9. Full & part-time positions available. Special need for preschool director, and mole cooch with good spoHing skills. Rapidly growing gym in family-oriented community. Send resume to: Gym Stars Gymnastics Training Center, 1911 Beebe-Capps Expressway, Searcy, AR 72143. Kidsport Gymnastic Academy is looking for energetic gymnostic instructors for their growing academy. Full-time and port-time positions available. 12,000 square foot facility with dasses ranging from parent-tot to boys &girls competitive teams. We are located in the North Carolina's triad area, with local Colleges and Universities nearby for continuing your education. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Please send resume and references to: Kidsport Gymnastics Academy, 3370 5. Church St., Burlington, NC 27215; AHn.: Sarah Myers. PRE-SCHOOL DIREaOR. Long-term, full-time position for on enthusiastic, motivated coach to

work at preschool level, necessary to create lesson plans, in a state-of-the-art facility. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Send references & resume to The Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester, 2051 Fairport Nine Mile Point Rd; Penfield, NY 14526; phone (716)3888686; fax (716)388-0018. BOYS COACH: Full-time, enthusiastic, motivated coach to work at competitive and instructional level in a 22,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art facility. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Send references &resume to The Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester; 2051 Fairport Nine Mile Point Rd.; Penfield, NY 14526; phone (716)3888686; fax (716)388-0018. PERFORMANCE GYMNASTS NEEDED. ANTIGRAVITY is currently accepting pictures/resumes for tumblers, acro-gymnasts, trampolinists, rhythmic gymnasts and artistic gymnasts interested in performing professionally &ovailable to travel for short &/or long term contracts. Opportunities lie in print ads, tv commercials, cruise ships &live theatrical productions. Must be in great shape. Please send picture, resume &video (if availablel to: ANTIGRAVITY Inc. 484 West 43rd Street suite 46L, NYC, NY 10036 AHn: Chris Harrison.

FUNDRAlSIN9 FUNDRAISING, RETAIL, COLLEaA8LE. Fortman Communications would like to announce an exciting new fundraising program ond retail

opportunity. The exploding prepaid calling card industry is estimated to be a $5 Billion dollar busines s by the year 2000 . Fortman Communications has issued the first 3 in 0 series of highly collectable gymnostics calling cards thot can be sold for either retail or fund raising. The profits are great and the cards are easy to sell. Additional cards can be customized. Imagine the possibilities! Call for a free brochure and additional information. 1-800-260-6848.

CHOREOGRAPHY ICLINICS Choreography: Tatiana Lysenko 1992 Olympic Gold Medalist, now living in USA is available to come to your gym to choreograph floor and beam routines for all levels. She would also give a balance beam and floor dinic for gymnasts and coaches. Contact Tatiana at: 7305 Badger CI., Indianapolis, IN 46260. Telephone: 317255-7371 . Fax: (317)251 -9260. To place a classified ad: $75 every 90

words. Deadline: May/June-March 16; July/August-May 16. Send ad with payment to: USA Gymnastics, Classified Ads, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. Ads submitted without payment WILL NOUE ACCEPTED.






Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio

Hi gh quality equipme nt and coachin g is what you will find at Falcon 's Gymnastics Camp. T he camp i, located at Bowlin g Green State Unive rsit y. We will be offering three one week sessions, as fo ll ows:

R e.lidellt Camp.I... ... ...... ..... S350.00 pt:r \\'(:ek Week I - 6/29198 to 7 /3198 .... heginner thrul evel 7 Wee k 3 - 7 /27198 to 7 /3 [/98 ..... Ievel 8 thru Elite Commuter Dav Camp... .. .......... .. 5250.00 Week 2 - 7'20/98 to 7:2-1 '98... . . .. ... .. alll e\路els ** Group [)ircoullt.l路 are Available




CATALOG (800) 227-1557 Dept . UGC38

T he sta rr will ind ude .... Dan COllnell y, Head C oach at n G S l '. \le i! Resnick, fOllnerl y l'SGF natio na l coaching staff, lTSGF Elite na tional coaching staff I and coach of !vlary 13eth Amoid . Kim Miller, assi"ta llt coach a t I3 GS ~; , and Kim G landorlT, 2 year assIsta nt coach at BGSU.


*" The re is limited e nrollment so don ' t be lert o ut. , For more inrormation or a n application call (-11 9) 372-055 1. De posits necd to be in by June 1st.

Dear Ir:

Hello In, Dea r J AYCI E PHELPS . So, you' I'm 11 and a Level 7 gy~­ years old. ~ re a Level 7 nd nast at Rines been 9 / '''ink '''a/ you're II Gymna st ics Is t hat 10 W"al 0 al Level;' greal. I Would 7 good or am I beh ind Vlng II/, Was /(; , so you diHerenl n, remember ee, Worltin'!l" a.d"e very How old were you at R rale and everyon a" and Level 77 Did you have braces 7 Yo u have a ;aces, ;::':;:;s al a bea ut if ul sm ile. I have . egarding '''em Iro . braces. Do people f ol "ow ml/,'" il Sorl 01 do eaple asking m 61" 10 low you around every'''ere is ; /ymnaslics b,ends where you go asking s W"ere my gel ask";: 01 gymnas:: been on Tv. and for autographs? Has one in m or my aut (S on TV '''e· en anyone in you r gym Iveryo:lym has more oft,n I lend 10 ever been jealous of w"oIe as been nlealous 01 en. No you? What did you career. S ery SUfi me. do? My birthday is ur birt/rdo . 0 '''a, "a ,JPDrIive ,,," g September 7, when Seplembe 'YS are in lhe same s been very" ;u " my IS yours? r 26. Good Adc monlh Erin Strachan u, wil" is







I'm a Level 8 gymnast at A.C.E. GymnasticS in LongwOoGl, Fla. I took this picture at our gym Christmas party when I was training at BroaGlway GymnasticS in Winter Springs, Fla. In one of our games, every time our coaches lost they haGl a piece of costume aMeGl to t heir boGly. At the enGl of the game, this picture shows the final result f or our snowman. Can you gueSS who he is? He'S 8 1984 Olympic GolGl MeGlalist anGl198 Olympic Team Captain Scott Johnson.


Dear DOMINIQUE MOCEANU, I'm 12 years olGl anGl a Level 7 gymnast. You are my favorite gymnast. On beam when I go to do my back handspring, I chicken out. Is there

Dear David, There's so much! We need to get more TV time and more media coverinterest in age, but we also Rhythmic need to have more GymnastiCS'? coaches in order to Davi'" smith New York, NY move up in the L..-_-------l ranks.

Lauren Collegeville. f A

erygoOdfA on Irack";'. s long as ~ We will b II" workin e Slay "ave '''e beall rig",. I~"~=: leam, oul 01 e sl c"ance t We very Ol"er a medal COunlry.

DearDOM I Just INIQUE Spot fat tny la MOCEANU la . auld yout full ' nding it You give tWist fa",. by tn tne a f. on flo ante Col Yself? AI ew po· or With record fa hor, tnine· 50, What mters on a re onds, wh raiding aah purple 15 Your S at is and and bl tepha . Yours? stand . Ue. My Florencenle Evans . 15 49 Sec-

tWist on . South C floor. My onl. arolina stay tight a ~ COlRters are to strong legs ~he: aggr;SSiVe on the finish H also lilee red I hloU and. My favorit ·l ave held it for 5 ·mi! ~Ie the last time I had or ~s pUlple, too. I _____ u es. anustand contest I


DearB A LAINE re You ' OhiO 5 stili tra wh tate n Inlng at ere a~ Ow? If and " .h e You tr not,

DealL auren V.

e~/ul everyi,,~~e

r--- - - - = = : - J

Dear JESSICA DAVIS, What Glo you think can be Glone to

Dear BLAINE, In your opinion. what do you think the U.S. Men's Team's chances are to win a medal at the 1999WorlGl ChampionshipS?

~ ,or ~


Eden, New York

Dana Brewer LongwoO"', Flori"'a




What a great sport he was!

Dear lennifer. I'm training ' at ~~omdo S~rings at the c;.. ymplC Training enter. My coaches are " 0 amm coaChes?are YOUr g Ron. Bfant and Vital Ma"Rltch. Ililee it tA Jennifer very much! ere Chica


GYMNAS"'CS By CathY Hettie. 14. Fair Oak6. le)(36

G ifteGl anGl talented chilGlren trying to make it to the top. Eventually Y ears of harGl work will M ake a change in their lives. N ot just anyone is able to participate in sport that requireS such strength and effort. S cores count, but if you think that you are improving Glon't


worry about them . You always have


be willing to put 100% effort ' nto everything you try or practice. C aring about the sport helps you achieve things you never 0

possible. S othought many people Glo try. but only the best make it to the top.

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Home of 1997 World Championship Team Member Mohini Bhardwaj, 1996 Olympian Eileen Diaz, 1992 Olympic Bronze Medalist Wendy Bruce and 1988 Olympian Brandy Johnson USA National Team Members 1980 -1998

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ORLANDO, FLORIDA GIRLS CAMP June 21 - 26, 1998 8Hours of Gymnastics Each

Brown's Gymnastics, located in Orlando, offers the largest and best equipped gymnastics school in the East! We have two gymnasiums and auxiliary gym totalling 40,000 square feet available. Our gyms are equipped with state-ofthe-art equipment and are fully air-conditioned. Camp Staff includes National & International Renown Coaches. Air-conditioned dorms accommodate two gymnasts per room and the meals offer abounding varieties served in smorgasbord style.

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Versa Logo Jacket

Spa Green/white/insignia blue (Wamen's Sizes AXl-AS) #31130 H44 .. WAS $29.95 2.



Women's Solid Wind Pants

Insignia blue (Wamen's Sizes AXl-AM) #39309 A5L-.WAS-$19.95 Now-$14.951- - 3.

Men's Solid Wind Pants

Team navy (Men's sizes AXXl-AS) #49329 T19 .. WAS $19.95





Shadow Performance Logo Tank

White/team royal/team smrlet (Men's sizes AXXl-Al) #41631 50 . . .WAS $12.00 6.

Beach Sand (Men's sizes AXl-AS) #21430013 .. .WAS $32.00 7.





Game Stripe Polo

Leisure Shorts

Team Navy (Men's sizes 2B, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40) (Size codes 28=2, 30=0, 32=3, 34=4, 36=6 38=8 40=5) #61330 T19 .. WAS $32.00 NOW $24.95 8.

Shadow Logo Tank

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10. Variegated Shadow Logo Short

Block (Sizes YXl-YS) #2133049 .. . . .WAS $13.95



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A. Signature Gear Bag

25x lOx 11, nylon, multiple comportment, Reebok print and USA Gymnastics print. Team dark gree #13083 Tl4 .....WAS $29.95 NOW $2

B. Performance Logo Bar Cap

100%collon, high crown, plastic adjustable snap closure, embroidered Reebok logo and USA Gymnosticslogo Print. Atlantis green #49824 K45 .. .... .. WAS $15 NOW $1 C. "Golden Friends" 25" x 19" oster

#9703 ....... . ........ .. ..... .. .$15 D. Indy Jacket

100%nylon, poly·filled, qUilted jersey lining, front embroidered Reebok and bock USA . Gymnastics print. Block/ flash red (Boys sizes YXL·YS) #3314049 ......... WAS $65 NOW $5 E. Reebok 400 Logo Cap

100%wool logo cop, bock woven Reebok, front embroidered Reebok and side embroidered USA Gymnasti[s. Team Navy #49800 Tl9 ........ WAS $17 NOW $1 F. Gymnasts Tee

100%collon with design '1here are only 2 kinds of people in this world ... gymnasts and wanna bes". White (All sizes AXL·YS) #1998 AI . ............• .. ... .. . .$17 G. Stripe Stack Tee

100%[ollon, front verti[ol Reebok print and bock USA Gymnasti[s print. White/midnight blue/ morning green (Women's sizes AXL·AM) #43640 Q40 . .WAS $1 5.95 NOW$13.95· H. V-Neck Pullover

100%nylon taslan, flattoffeto lining, full front Reebok embroidered and ba[k embroidered USA Gymnasti[s. Team novy, white (Adult sizes L·A I #13120 Tl9 .........WAS $45 Now $4 I. USA Gymnastics Pennant

#5006 ..................... ... . . .$4


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100%cotton, left chest Reebok embroidery and full back USA Gymnastics print. Atlantis green/ white/ navy (Kids sizes YXl-YS) #43642 K4S .....WAS $15.95 Mow$1 L. Block Oval Tee

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MOW $26

N. Crown Logo Tee

100%cotton, front Reebok print and bock USA Gymnastics print. Team royollkelly green/ athletic gold/ white (Kids sizes YXl-YS) #43641 T19 . .wAs$15.95 Now$13.9 O. USA Gymnastics Wall Clock

With the help of this clock, you won't be late to a meet or practice! #5005 . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . .$24.95 P. Raised Embroidered Cap

Mid profile, six panel cop, front embroidered Reebok and back embroidered USA Gymnostie;. #96714265 ....... .WAS $22


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50/ 50 cotton/ polyester fleece,J ront Reebok-printl- -----! and USA Gymnastics print. Ash grey (Adult sizes XL:AS) #6941940 . . . . . .wAS $24.95 NOW $2 T. USA Gymnastics Fanny Pac #5007 . ... ........... . .... ....$6.50 U. Daisy Crop Tee

100%cotton, front Reebok daisy print and back USA Gymnastics daisy print. White (Girls sizes YXl-YS) #43640 SO ......WAS $15.95 V. Jersey Short

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100%cotton, front metallic Reebok print and Property of USAGymnastics back print. Heather grey/black/ othletic gold (Kids sizes YXL-YS) #4364241 ...... WAS $15.95 , ow $1 Y. A.D. Logo Top 100%cotton jersey, rib collar, open sleeves and bottom, front embroidered Reebok logo and USA Gymnastics print, bock Reebok print. Team royal (Kids sizes YXL-YM) #13440 Tl8 ..... WAS $22.95 'IIow $2

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50/ 50 cotton/ polyester fleece, 9 oz., front Reebok print and back Property of USA Gymnastics print. Ash grey/black/athletic gold (Kids sizes YXL-YS) #23400 J38 .....WAS $23.95 'NOW $2


BB.Property of USA Gymnastics Pants

50/ 50 cotton/ polyester fleece, 9 oz., embroidered Reebok and USA Gymnastics print. Black (Kids sizes YXL-YM) #23200 49 .... ..WAS $20.95 'NOW $1 CC. A.D. Logo Jacket

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