USA Gymnastics - March/April 2005

Page 1

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Publisher Robert V. Colarossi

Editor Luan Peszek

Designer Julie T. Terwelp

Design Associote Adam Braden Jay Bilunas


USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE (HAIR: Ron froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob (alorOlli; VI(E (HAIR WOMEN: Tom Kall; YI(E (HAIR MEN: Yaichi Tomita; VICE (HAIR RHYTHMI~ Andrea Schmid, VI(E (HAIR TRAM· POllNE: Paul Parillo; VICE CHAIR SPORTS·A(RO: Tonyo (0"; SE(RETARY: Gory AnderlOn; TREASURER: Bob Wood; fiG REPS: Bob (olorOlli fExecutive (ammiHeel, Ron Froehlich {Audilor) and Tonyo (Ole {Sportl Acea Technical (ammiHee). AT LARGE MEMBERS: Sieve Butcher, Paul Spadora; ATHLETE DIRmORS: Loris5O fanlaine, John Roelhlilberger, VanO\1O Vander Pluym, Karl Heger; USO( ATHLETE DIRmOR: Dami· nick Minicu((i.

10 American Cup This year's American Cup competition was a little unique in that is was also named an FIG World Cup event, the first for the USA. This individual event only competition, was held in Long Island, NY, Feb. 25-26. The U.s. gymnasts won 10 medals, including four gold.

16 Winter Cup David Durante dominated the all-around competition at the Winter Cup Challenge, held Feb. 4-5 in Las Vegas. Plus, six different gymnasts were named as event champions, showing the incredible depth of the U.S. men's program. The event also was used to name nine gymnasts to the Senior National Team and six to participate in the American Cup competition.


USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS (HAIR: Ron froehlich; PRESIDENT: Bob (olorOlli; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sondy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SE(RETARY: Gory Ander5On; VICE (HAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VI([ (HAIR MEN: Yoirhi Tomitn; VI(E (HAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, VI(E (HAIR TRAMPOLINE: Paul Porilla; VI(E (HAIR SPORTS·A(RO: Tonya (Ole; PUBlI( SmOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLETI( UNION: Ron ferril; AMERI· CAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jeery Milon; AMERICAN TU RN· ERS: Betty Heppner; COLLEGE GYMNASTI(S ASSOCIATION· MEN: Francis Allen; NATIONAL ASSO(IATION Of COLLEGIATE COA(HES·WOMEN: Mork (ook; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION fOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Morilyn Slcawbridge; NATION· AL ASSOCIATION Of WOMEN'S GYMNASTI(S JUDGES: (orole Ide; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETI( ASSOClATlON·MEN: ,..........;;...;r....i::....!....lo;u.:;._--'''-'-_ _~....:.....1''"_ _ _ _''''._. Lou Burkel; NATlOIIAL fEDERATION Of STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: (ynlhia Doyle Perki,,; NATIONAL GYMNAS· 1I(S JUDGES ASSOClATlON·MEN: Butch Zunich; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTI(S COACHES ASSO(IATION: Todd Yelely; U.S. ASSOCIATION Of INDEPENDENT GYMNASTI(S (LUBS: Mike Jacki; U.S. ELITE COACHES ASSOCIATION·MEN: Tham Glielmi; U.s. ELITE COACHES ASSO(IATlON·WOMEN: David Holcomb, Sieve Rybacki; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTI(S COACHES ASSO(IATlON: Tim Klempnauer; U.S. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTI(S COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DITullio; YOUNG MEN'S (HRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Of THE USA: (aleY Koenig; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSO(IATlON·WOMEN: Meg StephenlOn; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP OIRmORS MEN: Mike Burnl, Abie Grollfeld; RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, Mi· chelle LorlOn; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Tomforller; TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kemplon, 0,- George Deew; SPORTS·A(RO: Undo Por· ler, Joy Binder; ATHLETES COUNCIl VonO\1O Vonder Pluym, Caroline Hunt, Larissa Fontaine, Shannon Miller, Kim Zmeskal·BurdeHe, Jamie Strondmork, Korl Heger, Joy Thornton, USO( Alhlete Rep.; Dominick Minicucci, Executive Boord Member John Roelhlilbecgec. ASSO(IATE MEMBERS: JEWISH COMMUNITY ([NTERS, Lori Kalz; SPECIALOLYMPI(S, Kale faber·Hickie; U.S. COMPETITIVE AEROBICS fEDERATION, HawordSchwortz.


Summer Camp Directory Need to locate a Summer Camp near you? Check out the Summer Camp directory and learn where and when to go, what to pack, and what other national team members say about their summer camp experiences.


Rhythmic Challenge Olga Karmansky becamt the new leading lady in rhythmic gymnastics at the senior level by winning the all-aroW1d title at the 2005 Rhythmic Challenge, held in Colorado Springs, Feb. 13. In the junior division, Julie Zetlin grabbed the title from two-time junior national champion Rachel Marmer.


(HANGE Of AODRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In or· der 10 ensure uninterrupted delivery of magazine, noliceof change of addrelllhouid be made eighl weeki in advance. For f051est service, please enc10se your presenl moiling label. Dired alilubmiplian moil 10 USA Gymna~iCl, 101 S. Capilal Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46111. Unl", expeeSlly identified to the conlcary, all orlielel, slolemenls and vieW5 printed herein me oll,ibuted solely 10 Ihe oUlhor and USA Gymn"IiCl expee,,,, no opinion ond 05sumes no responsibilily lhereof. ON THE COVER (LEFT TO RIGHT; TOP TO

USA GYMNASTI(S iI pubrMed .monthly foe $19.95 pel yoor in the U.s., $32 per yeor inCoooOO oe Mexico, and $45 per year in011 othee cooom. USA GYMNASTI(S iI pubrllhed by USA Gym",""", PanAmerican Pla1O, 101 S. (opil~

BOnOM): Chellsie Memmel, Alicia Sacramone, Alexander Artemev, Na stia Liu kin. Melanie Sinclair, Justin Spri ng. Eric La Morte.

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Photograph y by Steve Lange.

USA Gymnoslics iI the IOle na~oool governing body foe the lport 01gymOO\~cs. Anot1or~rofit oegani1Oli<ln, USA GymnOl~~ " I"", hoi" ond oominilteo the U.S. GymOO\~~ Toom, inchxlng the US. OlympiC GymOO\~~ 100m. (onltibtc~onl andsupport oee always wekome ond ore tax1iedlJ(~ble.

© 2001 USA Gymool~~. ~( righ~ rOleNed. Pnnled by Sport Grophi~, Inc., Indooopolil, IN, USA ORDER BY PHONE: 800.932.3339. ORDER BY FAX: 860.779.0854 E-MAIL: INFO@GYMSUPPLY.COM

"Who's Next?" Still basking in the glow of the fabulous success at the 2004 Olympic Games, it can be easy to slip into a mind set that USA Gymnastics is here to stay on the medal podium. Winning 56 medals from 2001 to 2004 has been an historic run by a talented group of athletes and coaches who were committed to reestablishing USA Gymnastics as a world power in the sport.


A new day is dawning, however, and the big question is "Who's Next?"

Movie Themes: Pirates of the Caribbean, Finding Nemo, Lilo & Stitch, Italian Job, Chocolat...Pop: Toxic, Fighter, Eyes Like Yours Bond: Viva, Libertango, Fuego ...

Swing: You Know You, Mr. Pinstripe Suit, Hey Pachuco ... Broadway: Bombay Dreams, NY NY, Chicago ... Classic Pop: Pour Some Sugar, Higher Ground ...

Who is the next Paul Hamm or Carly Patterson? Who's the next Mary Sanders, Jennifer Pariila, or Arthur & Shenea? Or, will some of these athletes continue to shine in their respective discipline?

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Senior Vice President of USA Gymnastics



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Barry Nease

The answer and good news is - they are all over the p lace! Within weeks of the OlympiC Games, the next group of emerging athletes was already traveling the globe making names for themselves. First it was a handful of medals at the PAGU Event Finals, then the FIG World Cup Final.

(Atlanta MAG 7 Gold Medal Team)

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Just recently, a few who were knocking on the door the past four years, enjoyed their moment in the spotlight at the 2005 American Cup presented by T.J. Maxx. The U.s. line-up included just three athletes with World Championships experience. But the young Americans earned a total of 10 medals, including four golds at this prestigious World Cup event. With Significant victories against top international fields, we are well on our way to answering the question, "Who's Next?" Olympic sports are measured in four-year cycles, with the most publicity, sponsor support and attention paid toward the end of the cycle - the next OlympiCS. It is our job as the staff, members and supporters of USA Gymnastics to sustain that momentum into the next quad, strengthen our grassroots participation, and maintain our position as a leader within both the gymnastics community and the greater Olympic sports world.


Through the dedication of many, we have been able to build our development programs and maintain our leading role. USA Gymnastics has created and refined an incredible infrastructure of Junior Olympic events and athlete identification programs, generating valuable opportunities for our young gymnasts and funneling emerging talent to the elite level. We are fortunate to enjoy the assistance of some outstanding corporate sponsors as well. These corporate partners share our core va lues and want to contribute to our growth and success. We work closely with these companies to help them create a positive association between USA Gymnastics and their brands. Visa, T.J. Maxx, GKlElite Sportswear, AAI, and A-I Awards are among the companies continuing their support through 2008, and should be applauded for their commitment to USA GymnastiCS and our athletes. A team philosophy is essential in creating successful partnerships and programs. You are a part of that team! Successful partnerships provide value to the sponsors and benefits back to the gymnastics community in the way of increased funding, increased awareness for the sport, and increased access to opportunities. Please patronize the companies that support USA Gymnastics and I encourage you to participate in the marketing activities that are made available through their involvement. We all benefit from a strong foundation . For a national governing body, a healthy corporate base is one of the building blocks of a strong foundation. USA Gymnastics is fortunate that many of our building blocks are secure. We can look to a future filled with success, growth and shining moments, like those we shared in Athens, and those yet to be celebrated in Beijing. And with your help and support, together we can answer the question, "Who's Next?"

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Steve Penny 2005

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THE MAGAZINE'S MISSION STATEMENT USA Gymnastics, a bimonthly magazine, is a benefit of membership from USA Gymnastics. The mission of USA Gymnastics magazine is to communicate with gymnasts, parents, coaches, judges, volunteers, clubs and fans of the sport in order to promote the programs, people, events and services of USA Gymnastics.

1r:J1Sl1a1lJ To inspire and enable our

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members to achieve excellence in the sport of gymnastics and in life. The mission of USA Gynmastics is to encourage participation and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of gymnastics.




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Alexander Artemev won the gold medal on pommel horse and silver medal on floor.

u ••• rlll ••• "c.



2-Time Olympian 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist Shannon Miller



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3-Time Olympian John Roethlisberger




3-Time Olympian 3-Time Olympic Gold Medalist Svetlana Boguinskaia


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"It's the start of what I want to accomplish in the next few years."

Below is a list of Summer Camps for 2005. The list is published in o e 0 help gymnasts and coaches find a camp suitable for their individual needs. Check out the websites listed or given them a call to learn more about the camp in which you're interested in attending.

Have fun at Summer Camp! ALABAMA


Auburn University Gymnastics Camp PO BOX 351 , Auburn, Al36831-D351; Phone: (334)844·5048; Fox: (334)844·4208; Email:; Web: gymnostics; Conlad: Rochelle Thompson June 19·23 (Session I), June 26·30 (Session 11): Women's Artistic; oges 6 ond up (OIlY); oges 8 and up (Overnight)

Anti-Gravity 27927 Smyth Or, Valencia, CA 91355; Phone: (661 )702-0123; Fox: (661)775·9604; Web:; Contoct: Natolie Croig or Jocque Sontos June-Aug: Trompoline, Tumbling, Women, Men; Overnight occommodoHons possible

Head St.... COIIIpUIsory Camp 7005 Planet Gymnostics, PO Box 850602, Mobile, Al36685; Phone: (251)650-0699; Fox: (251)639-0266; Email:; Web:; Contact: Vladimir Novikov June 19·23: Women, Overnight/OIlY Planet Gymnastics Olympic Simmer Caliii' 2005 Planet GymnosHcs, PO Box850602, Mobile, Al36685; Phone: (251)650-0699; Fox: (251 )639-0266; Email:; Web:; Contact: V10dimir Novikov Ju~ 10-15: Women/ Men, OvernightjOay

ARIZONA Arh_ P-.i Horse RIIKh C;Y-stics CanIp 1866 S. Fraser Or, Meso, Al85204; Phone: (480)326-8877; Fox: (480)926·2637; Email:; Contad: Mike Naddour Ju~ 11-15: Men'sjBoy's CCllllpltr_ Mingus Springs Comp, Prescott Volley, Al Xtreme GymnosHcs, 15821 N79th St, ScoMIe Al85260; Phone: (480)596·3543; Fox: (480)596-1310; Web:; Contad: Croig Keoty (Comp Director) Ju~ 17·23: Girls l4·10 Peak T. Gyaastics CanIp Breckenridge, Colo., 3330 WGreenway Rd, Apt 2042, Phoenix, Al85053; Phone: (602)703·3299; Email:; Contort Russell CrescenHni Aug 7-12: Women, Overnight/ Local commulefS SoItIIwest C;Y-stics F.ToFlp S CanIp 2005 4930 SAsh Ave, Ste 105; Phone: (480)73D-8911; Fox: (480)730-9398; Web:; Contact: Kothy Comns June 20-24 (Session 1), Ju~ 18·22 (Session 2): Week~ong dII'( camp; Boys/ Girls, ages 6-14, ailleve~

Artistic Gymnastics Elite and Tops S Training CCllllpS Gymnostics O~pica USA, 773 5 Hoskell Ave, Von Nuys, CA 93065; Phone: (818) 785·1537; Fox: (818)785·1160; Email:; Web: gousO.OIg; Contact: Fritz Reiter June 27-Aug 26 (3-week Micro Cydes): All levels, TOPs prep lor NaHonol testing, optionol skill development, donce ond l4·6 skills Blast 0 Fun Gymnastics CCIIIIp at SolIta Barllara Gymnastics Oub, 4179 Slote St, Sonlo Borboro, CA 93110; Phone: (805)683·1724; Email: sbgymdub©; Web: Men/Women, Trompoline-OIlY Comp Broadway Gymnastics S _ Cmnp 2005 812 Moin St, Venice, CA 90291 ; Phone: (310)450-0012; Fox: (310)450-6412; Email:; Web:Broodwll.(; Contad: Jl Moye June 20-Sep 3: Ages 3-12; gymnosHcs, group sports, swimming, field trips. California Elite Sports Center S _ CCIIIIp 2005 22982 Avenido Empreso Roncho, Sonlo Morgorilo, CA 92688; Phone: (949)589·1512; Fox: (949)589'1377; Email: Idohoword©; Web:; Contact: Ida Howord June 27·Aug 26: OIlY Comp 9·2--{)ymnastics, Oonce, Cheer Golden BteI' Gymnastic CCIIIIfI 25 SpoIls lune, Berkeley, CA 94720; Phone: (510)642·9821; Fox: (510)642-8339; Email:; Web: oski.OIg; Contact: laesa BelOhovi<h Boys/ girls, compeHHve/ reaeotional Golden Gate Gymnastics CanIp Golden Gote GymnosHcs-US NaHonol TlOining Cenler, 144H Fronquette Ave, Concord CA 94529; Phone: (925)674·9683; Fox: (925)674·9562; Emai~; Contact: Mike lynch J~ 18-29: Women oges 6-18, pr~m-elite


Los Angeles School of Gymnastics Day 8450 H~uero St, Culver Gty, CA 90232; Phone: (310)204·1980; Fox: (310)204-6864; Web:; Contact: Tonya Gorber June l-Aug 30: Women/ Men (All Ages); Reo:, Cheer, StunHng, T& T, Rhythmic and more National Gymnastics CoII!petitive CCIIIIp 4 Journey, Aliso Viejo CA 92656; Phone: (949)831-7300; Fox: (949)831'6722; Email:; Contoct: Oebro Hutchinson June 27·Ju~ 1: Women's l4·10 Nor Cal Gy_stics CIIIIIP Sonlo Cruz Mounloins in Northern Calil.; Web: Ju~ 24·29: boys/ girls ages 7+; Beg.-high level compo

Twisters Gy.astics S - Day c.., 2639 Tenminol Blvd, Mounloin View, CA 94043; Phone: (650)967·5581; Fox: (650)967·7149; Email:; Web: June 13-Aug 26: We~ sessions; 0llYcornp; AIIistic girlsjboys, Rhythmic, Indoor Rock Oimbing

Novato Gr-astics CCIIIIfI 950 Seventh St, Novato, CA 94945; Phone: (415)209·9595; Fox: (415)209·9850; Emoil:; Contoct: Rose Ross or Morgi Rosemond June 20-Aug 20: One week ses~ons (M-F); Reo:. Level OIlY Comps SoIt~ Coast Gymnastics 1400 Village WIlY, Sonlo Ano, CA 92705; Phone: (714)543-8151 ; Fox: (714)543-8150; Web: SCGTCcom; Contad: Xiaoping U Boys/ Girls Spirals Gy_stics Summer CCIIIIfI by the Seal Univ. 01 Colil., Sanlo Borbara (UCSB)-Robertson Gymnosium; Phone: (805)968·2453; Email: cmpetrescu@hotrnoiLcom; Web:; Contact: ConslonHn Petrescu, OirectOl/ Cooch June 19·25 &June 26-Ju~ 2: Alileve~, beginner-elite, boys/ girls, oges 8·17 Stanford Gy_stics CCIIIIp for Ioys Anillogo Fami~ SpoIls Center, SlonlOld, CA 94305-6150; Phone: (650)723-2001; Email:; Web:; Contact: JO Reive July 9·15 (Overnight), Ju~ 11·15 (OIlY) S_FIIIICCIIIIp 20091Wxiri1Y IX, ~, CA 95678; Phone: (916)781·2939; Fox: (916)781·3840; Email:, Web:; Contad: Vikki Thomoson or Kim Bruns June 2Q-Aug 5 (Monfri): Summer Fun Camp; June 20Aug 18 (Mon-Thurs): Summer Kinder Comp; Ooy camps; girlsfboys 4·5 yeor aids; 6 ond over

CATS Gy.astics CAT5-Colorodo AthleHc Troining School, 2400 30th St, Boulder, CO 80301 ; Phone: (303)939·9699; Email: Web:; Contact: Kothy Heorty 01 Wendy Rein June 20-24: Teom level girls, June 13-17: Teom level boys, June 27·Ju~ 1: Girls, Ju~ 11·15, Aug 8-12: Reo:reotionollevel gymnoslics dllY comps; girlsjboys.

T.... CanIp 708 Wlos Tunas Or, Son Gobriel, CA 91776; Phone: (626)292·STARS G827);Fox: (626)281·STARS; Email: sIorsothleHcs@yohoo.cOln; Web:; Contact: Joonne BnOOon June 20-24, Aug 15-19, Aug 22·26 (3 seporote weeks-(on sign up 101 011 or ony one or two) : Ooy comp; tumbling, trompoline and double minHrampoline, boys/girls oges 6 and up (younger by prior evoluotion)

Woodword West Gr-astics c.., 28400 Sloilion Springs Dr, Tehachapi, CA 93561; Phone: (661 )822-7900; Fox: (661)822·7902; Email:; Web:; Contact: Marcia Kimler June 12'18, June 19-25, June 26·JuIy 2, July 3-9, July 10-16; Ju~ 17·23, July 24·30, Ju~ 31-Aug 6, Aug 7·13, Aug. 14·20: Sundoy-to-Soturdoy; gymnastics, cheerleoding, action sports



Rocky Traiillg C-. 3870 Mollow Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80907; Phone: (877)263·3851 01 (719)598-6863; Fox: (719)598-0325; Web: June 20-25: Women's Overnight

CONNECTICUT Playr_ 120 Church St, Yolesville, CT 06492;

Phone: (203)294-0097; Fox: (203)237·1089; Email:; Contact: Jeff Marris, Oono lettegren, Ken Michae~ Ju~ 5-8, Ju~ 11·15, J~ 18-22, Ju~ 25-29, Aug 1·5, Aug 8-12, Aug 15-19, Aug. 22·26: Men/ women, boys/ girls, tumbling, rhythmic; day om/pm


MerkIIII Twister eo.p.Isary c..,

ot Americun Twisters, 6805 lyons Technology (,rde, Coconut Creek, Fl33073; Phone: (954)725-9199; Email:;Web:ameri<; Contort Toni Rand-emoil 101 odditional infonnotion June 10, 11 , 12: l4, 5,6 othletes Ieom new rouHnes lroWl'S Gy.astia "AI Sports· S Day CanIp 901 Centrol Pork Or, Sanford, Fl 32771; Phone: (407)302·2044; Web: Full/Hoff Ooy; GirlsjBoys ages 3-14 IrOWl'S Gr-stics Gilts S _ CaIIIp Ortondo, Florida; 740 Oronge Ave, Allumonte Springs, Fl 32779; Housing of Forest luke Acodemy Oonnitory (l mile OWII'(); Phone: (407)869-8744; Email: BrownsGyml@oo!.com; Web:; Contort Ritu Brown and Poul McAloon June 19-24: Alllev~"1Jiris oniy-emphasis on compelitive1ninded gymnast continued on page 22


T op U .S. gymnasts are tum bling into I ndianapolis, I N to compe te in the Visa Championships on August 10 . 13, 2005.


A fter unpreceden ted success at the O lympic Games in At hens, you don't wa nt to miss this ex traordi nary opportunity to watch members of the 2004 Olympic T ea m and the risi ng stars of the U .S. program as they stake their

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a-pioI GJ-sIIcs S - c.p 8030 W.~ Rd, CoroI SpiwJs, FL 33065; "-: (954)341-3547; Fax: (954)255-5781;;

Web:; Conhxt: Roy or Chris ]me 6..Iugust 12 (Mf): Ree ond Tecrn-t11IIfI/women's CIIistic, ~ne, !riIi", cheer

CIIononIIY c.p 2719 GnI1IIon 0, (fuD), FL 32835; "-: (407)325-4747; Ernai; ConIad: Kris Merlo Robilson, PT lbtrs-Sun in June ond July; Sot & Sun in Aug{lct: Level 7-(Oftege ond mile Floor ond Beom choreogrophy

Everglades c;y.utks Gator CcIIIIp 11580 WStote Rd 84, Ilovie, FL 33325; Phone: (954)382-1767; Fax: (954)382-1768; Email:; Web: B'; Contact: Christy June 6-Aug 5: 8full week 'ons; Boys/ girls ages 4· 14; Goy Camp, single " days

fIIMss c.p/Adi¥IIIIs c.p S1urpIex, 616 North Ridgewood Ave, Edgewuter; " -: (386)423-4481; Ernai; 'Neb: _ 1 .com; ConIad: 8cJb CroI JII18 6-10 &b1e 13-17: coocI1ioni1g &strangtheniJg. JII18 2()'24: opfiord/odivilies CIIf\l, ]me 27-My 1: 1beoIre, My SU 11-15: l8CI8OIiofd/odiviIies CIIf\l, Jw, 18-22 &25-29: outrugeous obs1udes/odivilies GyIIICiIz loc. #1: 2038 NE 155 51, NMiomi Beoch, FL 33162; "-: (305)94+4277; Contact: Joslyn Mojo; IDe. #2: Coro! Gc& YioIII.emo!D Youth Cm, 405 University Dr, Coro! Gc&, FL 33134; Phone: (305)46()'s600; ConIad: ]emile! AusIil; Email: Web: Gymkidzmi! Begins June 6: both locutions HoriI.. GJ-tks , o.e Acade.y

NatIoIaI GJ-tks

9793 GbIes Rd, 80cu Rolon, FL 33434; Phone: (561)883-STAR(78271; Fax: (561)8830036; Email: Web: notionoIgynmsti.nel ]me 6.q 19: IIoy COllf; instrucIioId and I8cJn level gynmstics, men/women, CJ1isIic and rhythnic

, . .... GJ-tIcs. a... .. o.c. 4365 Okeechobee 8Mf,IB4, WPokn Beoch, FL 33409; "-: (561)686-5687; Fax: (561)227-6499; Ernai info@pbgymnosticom; 'Neb:; ConIad: llueeo MIMer or UMei H~

Exm. . . . . T...... Cfr.

2301 26th 5treel N, 51. Petemg, FL 33713; " -: (727)328-8500; Fax: (727)328-8522; EmCH1:; 'Neb:; Contact: Brud Harris June 16-19: WOIII8f1'S LHlite (team)

1IIe fIp factory c;y.utks c.p 9245 N. PoIoIox 51, PensocoIo, FL 32534; "-: (850)969-9111; Fax: (850)969-9131; Email:; 'Neb:; Conhxt: Lee SoIm June 13-17, July 1],]5: gymnostics; June 2()'24, July 18-22: cheerleoding; coed 1eC. gym. and cheer doy comp lhivmity of florida Gy.mtks c.p PO Box 14485, Gainesville, FL 32604; Phone: (352)375-4683, ext. 5500; Fax: (352)338-9392; Email:; Web:; Contact: Lee Tumer June 12-16, June 19-23: WOIII8f1'S, doy/OYefnighl (Note: no OYefn~hl belween camps)

Dreamlight is committed to creating trend setting deSigns which have dramatic style, dazzling elegance, and superior comfort & fit.



1100 CIoiemont Ave, 1IeaJIur, GA 30030;

Phone: (404)377-9622; EmU:; ConIad: Kim Cosho

Sun Counlly Sports Cm, GoinesviIIe, F~ Phone: (352) 378-8711; Contact: Undo Bermel! June 27-30: boys/girls, deveiopmenloHeom, ~ & !rile teorn; overnighl/day

GJ-tks r- c.p

..,..., T_ r- c.p

My first Parkette's camp was very exciting because I got to work with so many new coaches. It was motivating to work in the atmosphere with so many great gymnasts and they were all working to get the big skills.

c.p ExpIoratiOI May 23-q 5: Ages 5-12 boys/girts; gyrmostics, cheer, donee

285 Adaio Terruce, Port ChorIoIh!, FL 33953; Phone: (941)627·5342; Fax: (941)627-3907; Ema~:; Contact: SheI~ Proo, Owner June/July (Mf): Men/women, hompofme &tumb&ng, cheer, donee day comp ages 6and 0Yef

Tia Orlando;

'Neb:; Contad: Lam 5~ June 6-~ 29 (7 weekly sessions): gym., _ , cheer, lIIs/aofIs, _

S. eo.try GJ-tks S--


Women's Senior National Team


AIstw S-- c.p 4680 Morton Rood, ~ GA 30022; "-: (770)552-{)700; Fax: (770)552-9942;

las: •••..vl·mll .... Iaa. . .

820 Hi Rutledge Rd, Winder, GA 30680; "-: (770)867-5333; Email: exl!; Web: ]me 13-17: cheer, June 2()'24:!riIe, ~ 1J.l5: 1rOIIf. &turOOIe, Jw, 18-22: gym., July 25-29: !rile tykes Gya aty's ..... C;Y-Iks c.., 375 Go. Hwy 74 Stile D, PeochlTee GIy, GA 30269; Phone: (770)632-2656; Fax: (770)632-3612; ErnaiI:; Web:; Contact: Smxko 01:0 June 2()'24: 0eveI0pment0I teom girls ages 5-11, JII18 27-JtAy 1: Competitive team girls L5-10; IIoy Comp Gya SoIIII S-- Sports c.., 119 North 85 Parkway, Foyellevi11e, GA 30214; Phone: (770)461-5528; Fax: (770)461-{)955; Email:;; Cootad: Karin Word May 31-Aug 5 Uuesfri): IIoy Sports Camp T........II 1100 CIoiremonl Ave, DecDIIK, GA 30030; Phone: (404)377-9622; Emad: kimc@ymcootlonlu.OflJ; Contact: Kim Cosho Ihtt 23!\u;J 5: ages 3-5; Id!by; !TtI'I., donee, ouIsiIe I*ri

IDAHO Futur. Stars 345 S. Adkins Way, Ste 104, Meridion, lD 83642; Phone: (208)846-8311 ; Fox: (208)321-8140; Emoil:; Web:; (ontoct: Viktor Donilovitch June, July, Aug: Women gyrnnostics, cheerleoding, tumbling PEG S - Training Camp Polouse Empire Gymnostics, 810 NAlmon, Moscow, 10 83843; Phone: (208)882-6408; Fox: (208)882-9061 ; Email:; Web:; (onloct: Mork and lynne Kindek~re August Women ovemight

ILLINOIS 2005 Figllting lin! Boys Gynmastks Camp Univ. of lUinois, Office of Summer Camps, 1700 SFourth St, Chompoign, Il 61820; Phone: (217)244-7278; Fox: (217)265-8122; Email:; Web:; Contod: Yoshi Hayosoki Ju~ 5-9 ond Ju~ 11-15: Ovem~ht. boys ages 8 ond older, all levels 2005 FigIdiIg 1111 Girls Gynastks Ccnp Univ. of Ilinois, Office of Summer Comps, 1700 SFourth St, Cbompoign, ll61820; Phone: (217)244-7278; Fox: (217)265-8122; Email:; Web:; (ontoct: Bob Storkell June 19-23: Ovem~ht. girls ages 8-18, 011 levels


AHack c.., 2005 Sharp's Gymnostks Academy, Indiono~, IN 5945 W84th St, Indionopolis,lN 46278; Phone: (317)872-4554; Fox: (317)872-4588; Email:;; ConlOO: Morvin Shorp Ju~ 13-16: Women's compeh lHlite

D.V_'s School of Gymnastics 9032Tochnology Dr, Fishers, IN 46038; Phone: (317)849-7744; Fox: (317)846-4535; Web:; (ontoo: Joan DeVeau June 21-24: 2005 Closs Day Comp, July 26-29: 2005 Team Day Camp; lH lite

lady Gy.astks S - Camp 9850 Mayflower Pork Dr, Carmel. IN46032; Phone: (317)872-5948; Fox: (31 7)803-21 69; Emoil: he' Contoct: Gene Wo Ju~ ll-Ju~ 15: MenjWomen Artistic lateradiv. Aalcfetny S - Ccnp 3795 S US 421 , Zionsville, IN 46077; Phone: (317)733-3000 x121 ; Fox: (317)733-3000; Email: (Jeff Greene), (Kendro Brens); Web: June 2()'24 (9-12 Recreationol gym.; beginning-odvonced, oges 6 & up (non-teorn) Ju~ 18-22: Team boys comp

Iv_v's Gy.astks Acacfe.y Gymnosfics Summer Training Comp, 3930 Bonon St, Metoirie, lA 70002; Phone: (504)889-9800; Fox: (504)889-9889; Email: June 6-rIug 13 Wriglll's Gy.astks S - Ccnp 332 Bluff Rd, Greenwood, IN 46142; Phone: (317)888-4805; Fox: (317)888-4820; Email:; (onloct: Cosey Wright June 20-25 (l4 & 5), June 25-Ju~ 1 (l6-lO)

LOUISIANA Perfect . . . . Gy.astlcs 14645 Greenwell Springs Rd, Greenwell Springs, lA 70739; Phone: (225)262-4966; (ontoct: Heather Boucher Boys/girls day comp, ages 4-16

MARYLAND Gymk_ S-- Gymnastks Camp Univ. of Morylond Gymkono Troupe, Bldg 255, Rm 1120, College Pork, MD20742; Phone: (301)405-2566; Fox: (301)405-8397; Email: swekh2@; Web:; Contoct: Mr. Scott WelslMlire<tor ond Head Coach June 2()'June 24, June 27-July 1, Ju~ 4-Ju~ 8, Ju~ l l-Ju~ 15, July 18-Ju~ 22: Day camp; boys/ girls ages 5-16 Hcrionl GYJIIIIIstks S - C...,s 701 Whitoker Mill Rd, Joppo, MD21085; Phone: (410)879-3718; Web: June 27-Aug 12: Day Camp; GirlsjBoys

Twisters GYJIIIIIstks Acacfe.y S - Camp 11022 Nicholas Lone Ste #9, Ocean Pines, MD 21811 ; Phone: (410)208-1851; Fox: (410)208-1805; Web:; Conloct: Cannella Solita/ Rebecca Sololo June 2()'Sep 2: Women/ men; day camp

Xtreme Aao and Cheer S_er Camp 2()'E Southlown Ct, Rockville, MD20850; Phone: (301)251-5525; Fox: (301)252-21 16; Email: Web:; (ontOO: Judi Eicher June 2().Aug 26: AcroOOnc gym~cs, cheerleading, tumbling ond IJompoline

MASSACHUSETTS AI AIIericaB Gynnstic Academy 65 Post Office Pork, Wilbmhom, MA 01095; Phone: (41 3)596-D089; Web: Preschool-team competitors; Donce, swimming, gymnastics Exxctl S - Ccnp 88 Wel~ Ave, Newton, MA 02459; Phone: (617)244-3300; Fox: (617)244-5777; Email:; 'N1Ib: (ontoct: Heather Dillin June 22-Sep 2: Men/ women; day (Dmp conlinved on page 24

Summer Camp Directory

(on~nued from

page 23

Giguere Gymnastics Camp 148 Moin St, Cherry Volley, MA 01611; Phone: (508)892-3 797; Fox: (508)892-4321; Web:; Contact: Jocquie June 27-AuIJ 26 Gymfest of the Berkshires 10 lymon St, Ste 3, Pittsfield, MA 01201; Phone: (413)445-5689; Fox: (413)496-8231; Emoil:; Web:; (ontact: Uso Dobbins/Mon Belland Ju~ 5-Aug 26: 80ys/girls gymnastics; day camp Island Gymnastics Training School, Inc. Summer Camp P.O. 80x 512, West TIsbury, MA 02575; Phone: (508)693-8358; (ontact: Beth Goodell, director Ju~ &Aug: Toddlers 18-36 mo; Teef11ldults; boys/girls (3-18) recreaHonol &USAG teams l4-9 One Stop Fun 49 Powers Rd, Westford, MA 01886; Phone: (978)692-9907; Fox: (978)589-9798; Email:;; (ontoct: Comp Director Jenn~er McPortlon C~ doy--wm., swim, indoor ploygd., orts/crofts, dromo Rhythmic Dreoms Rhythmic Gymnastics Camp PO Box 24, Newton, MA 02464; Phone: (617)233-4493; Emoil:; Web:; (ontoct: Smorondo Moisescu June 27-July 8, July 11-22, Aug 15-26 (3 two-week sessions): Rhythmic, ree. &comp., Out-of-town compers welcome (occomodoHons with host fomilies) Sola's Gymnastiu Academy 49 Uxbridge Rd, Mendon, MA 01756; Phone: (508)634-0012; Fox: (508)634-0014; Emoil: felix)gymrot,; (ontact: Felix Solo or Julie Solo June 27-Aug 19: doy; includes swimming; oges 4 ond up USGTC Summer Comp for Girls, Boys & Coaches Comp Site: Mount Ho~oke College, S. Hodley, MA; Moiling Address: PO Box 4088, Tequesto, Fl33469 Phone: (561)743-8550; Fox: (561)745-8550; Emoil:; Web: July 31-Aug 6, Aug 7-13 Westfield YMCA Gymnastics Summer Camp 67 Court St, Westfield, MA 01 085; Phone: (413)568-8631; Fox: (413)572-9335; Emoil:; Web:; (ontact: Megon Wright Ju~ 5-Aug 11: 6Week, 2-day/week training, l2 &up; Aug 8-12: Week-long doy camp, oges 6 &up

MICHIGAN Gymco's Cheer Mini-Camp 2306 Comelot Ridge Ct SE, Grond Ropids, M149546; Phone: (616)956-0586; Email:; Web:; (onlact: (Cheer) Shonnon Austhof, (Pre-Sport Monoger) Soroh Hoddy June 28-30; Aug 9-11: Cheer; doy, girls oges 5-10; June 27-30; Ju~ 18-21: Pre-Sport; doy, oges 3-6 University of Mkhigon Gymnastics Camp 10005 Stote St, Ann Arbor, M148109; Phone: (734)764路5328; Email:; Web: umgym.comjfociliHes/comp.html. brochure:; (on too: Scon Shermon June 19-23 (session 1), June 26-30 (session 2): Women

MINNESOTA Hastings Gymnastiu Center Rivertown Summer Camp 2628 Millord Ave, Hastings, MN 55033; Phone: (651))437-8883; Fox: (651)437-2413; Email:; (on tact: Lowrence Belk June 27-Ju~ 1: Boy/girl, 011 levels



Minnesota Flyers Gymnastiu Camp PO Box 1005, Detroit lokes, MN 56502; Phone: (218) 847-3637; Fax: (218)847-3637; Email: June 27-Ju~ 9 (tentoHve): Women; day camp (free lodging ossistonce ovoilable) TAGS Eden Prair. 10300 W70th St, Eden Proire, MN 55344; Phone: (952)920-5342; Email: Moy 24-26 ond/or Moy 31-June 2: GymKids camps (oges 3-4), June 13-16, June 20-23, June 27-30, Ju~ 18-21, Ju~ 25-28, Aug 1-4, Aug 15-18: Gold camps (oges 5 &over) TAGS South 5880 149th St West, Apple Volley MN 55124; Phone: (952)431-6445; Email: Moy 24-26 ond/or Moy 3Hune 2: GymKids camps (ages 3-4), June 13-16, June 20-23, June 27-30, Ju~ 18-21, July 25-28, Aug. 1-4: Swim/gym camps (oges 5 &over), Aug. 15-18: Gold camps (oges 5 &over)

MISSOURI Dragon Gymnastics Camp Greot American GymnosHc Express, Inc, 1001 NW Jefferson, Blue Springs, MO 64015; Phone: (816)229-7775; Fox: (816)229-5385; Email:; Web:; (onlact: 8IKky Wombsgons 11 June 13-17; #2 June 27-July 1: Women's, ovemight (lodging isn't provided) GymQuarters Gymnastics Teom Camp 92 Hubble Dr, 51. Chorles, MO 63304; Phone: (636)498-6854; Fax: (636)498-6865; Web:; (ontact: Scon Cusimono June 3-5: Women's comp, commuter camp; opHonol sleepover Sol. night

NEW HAMPSHIRE Keene Family YMCA Gymnastics Camp 38 Roxbury St, Keene, NH 03431; Phone: (603)352-6002; Fax: (603)355-8018; Email:; Web:; Conlact: KoHe Stewort June 27-July 1, July 18-22, Aug 1-5: KindergymnosHcs, July 11-15, July 25-29, Aug 8-12: School Age, Aug 1526: Girl's Team; ortisHc-focus on Women's Events NEGTC Gym and Swim Camps 5 Trocy lone, Hudson, NH 03051; Phone: (603)880-8482; Fax: (603)880-1800; Email:;; (ontact: Fron July ll-August 26 (7 weeks): Gym ond Swim doy camps 9路4, RlKreoHonol boys/girls

NEW JERSEY Aerials Gymnastics and Funtastic Birthday Party Center 151 Eotontown, NJ 07724; Phone: (732)389-0404 Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:00-12:00; gymnosHcs; orts/crofts Gymnastics Unlimited Summer Day Camp 2 Uloc Dr, flemington, NJ 08822; Phone: (908)782-8887; Fox: (908)782-1846; Web:; (onlact: Jeonne Terrizzi June 20-Aug 19 ITwo-week sessions): recreoHonol doy: oges 4-14; gymnosHcs &preschool; gymnosHcs &cheer Jonas Gymnastics Academy & Cheer Center 202 Commerciol Court, Morgonville, NJ; Phone: (732)536-0030; Fax: (732)591-5922; Email:; (ontact: Jocqui Hess/Jenn 8indschusz July ll-Sep 2: Men/women, tots, T&T, doy camp ond cheer comp YWCA PrilKeton Gymnastics Camp 59 Poul Robeson Ploce, Princeton NJ 08540; Phone: (609)497-2100 x334; Fax: (609)924-8644; Email:; Web:; (onlact: Koren SonHni June 2Q-Aug 12: Girls, oges K-14, day camp

MARCH / APR t L 2005


Mr. Todd's Gymnastics Summer Day Camp

Summer-Sauh Day Camp 2832 Girord NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107; Phone: (505)884-6949; Fax: (505)884-4498; Email: MenjWomen

12 Olympic Way, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603; Phone: (845)473-3966; Fox: (845)473-5703; Emoil:; Web:; (onlact: Todd Hort Ju~: Men/women, rhythmic, trompoline, tumbling


Nastics, Inc. 921-1 Uncaln Ave, Holbrook, NY 11741; Phone: (631)567-0066; Fox: (631)472-1666; Email: (onlDlI: Gary & Debbie VolenHne, Owners Ju~ 5-Aug 25 (Mon-Thurs) boys oges 2-9, girls oges 2-18, rlKreoHonD gym, tumbling, trampoline, leam training National Gymnastics . . CheerIeadiIg Trainillg Camp 300 Big Pond Rd, Huguenot, NY 12746; Phone: Tony Retrosi (603)512-8142; Chris Scheuer (845)858-2200; Fax: (845) 858-7823; Email:;; Web: June 26-Ju~ 2 (session 1), Ju~ 3-9 (session 2): Women &cheer; doy/ overnight NYC EIit. 100 Ave of the Americos, New York, NY 10013; Phone: (212)334-3628; Fox: (212)334-1179; Email:; Web:; (onlact: Tina Ferriolo June 20-Sep 2: Day camp (3-4 yrs) 9:000m-12:00pm; Ooy camp (5-12 yrs) 9:000m-3:30pm; BeginnerII 0 compeHHve teom, donce, swimming, tennis, art, dromo &more

AtWetic Edge Sports Center 10 Nossou Place Stoten I~ond, New York 10307; Phone: (718)608-0100; Fox: (718)608-0109; Email:; (onlact: Toro Polizzi, Mory Cosole, MoryJo Greaves Day comp; men/women gymnosHcs, trompoline, tumbling along with other sports Bright Raven Gymnastics, Inc 12 Pixley Industriol Pkwy, P.O. Box 24695, Rochester, NY 14624; Phone: (585)247-0800; Fax: (585)247-0822; Web: Ju~ l1 -Sep 2 (wee~ day camps): ArtisHc-Women/men Chelseo Piers Gymnastiu Summer Sports Camp Chelsea Piers, Pier 62 Sle 300, New York, NY 10011; Phone: (212)336-6846; Fax: (212)336-6720; Web:; Conlact: JusHn Gallagher (comp director) June 20-Sep 2: All levels; rlK to team compeHtors Glens F. s YMCA 600 Glen St, Glens Foils, NY 12801; Phone: (518) 793-3878; (onlact: Tommy Morey, GymnosHcs Director Beginner- teom; boys/girls; cheer, ornng, donce

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~ 800/241-9249 ~ ~ GMR,6729 Marbut Road , Lithonia, GA 30058 ~ r-;2 ~ ~ ~


Summer Camp Diredory conffnued from page 24 Rye YMCA Gymnastics Camp 21 locust Ave, Rye, NY 10580; Phone: (914)967,6363 ext.300; Fax: (914)967-0644; Email:; (ontact: Melisso lewis Ju~ 5·Aug 12: doy, c01ld, gym., fumbling, SVlimming The Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester 2051 Foirport Nine Mile Point Rd, Penfield, NY 14526; Phone: (585)388-8686; Fox: (585)388-0018; Email:; (ontact: Soroh Jone Clifford July-Aug (weekly): Men/wornen doy comps, cheerleoding/fumbling day comps

NORTH CAROLINA C& BFlip Force Junior Olympic Training Camp, Jason Gatson, Chris Young and Mohini Bhardwaj 1128 Old Greensboro Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284; Phone: (336)996·5158; Fax: (336)996·3201; Email:;; (ontoct: (hns Young 8. Bob Kohul Ju~ 14·17: Men/womelffirfisnc; overnight Step Ahead Gymnastics Summer Camp 1100 Henderson Dr, Jocksonville, N( 28540; Phone: (910) 938·STEP(7837); fox: (910)938·3333; Email:; (ontact: Christy Chapmon June-Aug (dotes not set): Men/women, fumbling, day Young's Gymnastics Summer Camp Young's Gymnosncs 8. (heerleading, 1213 SMoin St, Woke foresl, NC 27587; Phone: (919)554-0606; fox: (919)554-6551; Email:; Web:; Contact: Anthony Willioms June 6·9, June 20-23 (oges 3 8. up); July 18·21 (odvonced gym)

OHIO Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy "Firecracker Camp" 3635 Woodndge Blvd, Cincinnofi, OH 45014; Phone: (513)860-3082; Fox: (513)870-3831; Emoil:; Web: cincinnofigymnosfics. com; (ontact: Shoron MocDonold, Comp Director June 13-17: Celebrote Good TImes; Beg-l6; July 18-22: High Tech (more intense froining/more serious othlete); l4- Elite; day, overnight on finol evening Queen City Gymnastics 7900 E. Kemper Rd, Cincinnofi, OH 45249; Phone: (513)489·7575; fox: (513)489·9761; Web:; (ontact: Jennifer O'Horo June 24·26(overnight): Women's l4·9

OREGON Acrovision Sporls Center High Mountoin Summer Comp, 63255 Jomison Rd, Bend, OR 97701 ; Phone: (541)388·5555; Email:; Web:; (ontoct: Rich Gustofson June 20-24: lHO girls United Sports Academy 8160 SW Nimbus Ave, Beaverton, OR 97008; Phone: (503)466-4872, (503)313-9539; fox: (503)690-7494; Email: Web:; (ontact: Olga Bilozertchev Ju~ 25·29: girls cornp.l4·10, Aug 1·5: boy's comp.l4·10

PEN NSYVANIA Aerials Gymnastic Camp The Shoppes ot Volley forge, 238 Schuylkill Rd, Rte 23, Phoenixville, PA 19460; Phone: (6 10)983·9044; Fox: (610)983·9046; Email:; Web:; (ontoct: Rick Polumbo June 27·July 1: Pre-teom; l3-Elife; overnight/day Berks Gymnastic Camp 325 Morgontown Rd, Reoding, PA 19611 ; Phone: (610)372·8454, Fox: (610)372-3433; Email:; Web: Ju~ 10-15 8. July 17·22: Wornen's orfisfic, overnight


Dawson Gymnastics Academy 10 Enterpnse Dr, Corbondole, PA 18407; Phone: (570)2B2·6744; (ontoct: Julie ludolph Holf or full day Double UD" Summer Day Camp 75 West Bolfimore Pk, Media, PA19063; Phone: (610)459-0330; Fox: (610)459·B232; Web:, (ontact: Don Desideno Ree. day; boys/gir~ 3-12

Woodward Gymnastics 134 Sports Comp Dr, POBox 93, Woodward, PA16882; Phone: (BI4)349·5633; fox: (BI4)349·5643; Email: of!; Web: June 5·11, June 12·18, June 19·25, June 26·July 2, July 3·9, July 10-16, July 17·23, July 24·30, Ju~ 31·Aug 6, Aug 7'13, Aug 14·20: overnight only; rnen/women, T8.T, Cheer Gym, Team Cheer Sfunt

Gymolympic Summer Camps Gymolympic Sports Acod, 261 Welsh Pool Rd, Exton, PA 19341; Phone: (61O)594·BI62; Email: (ontoct: Mono Pozo June 20-Aug 19 (week~): Women ree.; preiomp.; day Gymsport Athletic Center Piffsburgh, PA; 9B Vanadium Rd, Bndgeville, PA 15017; Phone: (412)220-1195; Email:; Web: June-Aug: Girlsjboys l4·10


International Gymnastics Camp 2005 9020 Bartonsville Woods Rd, Sfroudsburg, PA 1B360B137; Phone: (570)629-0244; Fox: (570)620-0616; Email: of!; Web: June 19-25, June 26·Ju~ 2, Ju~ 3-9, Ju~ 10-16, Ju~ 17·23, July 24·30, Ju~ 31·Aug 6, Aug 7·13, Aug 14·20, Aug 21·27: Ages B·17 Paradise Gymnastics and Cheer Summer Camp 452 Ciearview Ave, Trevose, PA 19053; Phone: (215)396·8802; Email: July 1!-Aug 25 (7 weeks tolol): Grodes 1·6 (fall 2005); Mon-Thur; full 8. ho~ doy; Early drop1lff/pick1Jp ovoiloble

Jason Gatson Men's Senior National Team

John Macready and John Roethlisberger's Flip Fest Summer Gymnastics Camp Knoxville, TN; Phone: (800)390-0821; Email:; Web: July 3-8, July 10-15, Ju~ 17·22, July 24·29: men/ wornen, day/overnight; June 27·30: PowerTumbling ond Trompoline

TEXAS Brown's Gymnastics" All Sports" Summer Day Camp Program 10516-6 Old Koty Rd, Houslon, TX 77043; Phone: (713)464·1996; Web: fulljho~ day; girlsjboys ages 3·14 Brown's Gymnastics "All Sports" Summer Day Camp Program 21750 Hardy Ook Blvd, Son Antonio, TX 78258; Phone: (210)497·5000; Fox: (210)497·6928; Email: BrownsGym l@00I/corn; Web:; (ontocl: Vlodimir Artemov and Rita Brown Ju~ 29·31: fulljholf Day; girlsjboys ages 3-14 Camp Palaestra 3550 Garden Brook Dr, farmers Bronch, TX 75234; Phone: (972)620-9922; Fox: (972)418·2488; Email: Web: June 7·10,13·17,20-24, 27·July 1, Ju~ 5·B, 11·15, lB·22& Aug 8·12

I'm doing a bunch of camps this summer including Flip Fest with John Macready and John Roethlisberger in Tennessee, International Gymnastics Camp in Pennsylvania and a clinic with Chris Young in North Carolina. I'm looking forward to all of the camps. It's great for national team members to give back to the sport and help out with the kids. Parkelle's Summer Gymnastics Camp 401 Morfin luther King Jr. Dr, Allentown, PA 1B102; Phone: (610)433-0011; Web:; (ontact: Jeonnie and John Holman July 3-8, Ju~ 10-15, Ju~ 17·22: Men/women Team Lightning-Team Camp Ene Gymnosncs Cfr, 4725 Pork Horbor Dr, Ene, PA 16511; Phone: (B 14)B9B'2936; Web:; (ontoct: Douglas Pershun June 20-24 (week 1), June 27·Ju~ 1 (week 2): 9:000m--4:00pm doi~; nightly octivifies; USAG l4·10 8. equivolent YMCA levels; Housing ovoiloble The Lillie Gym of Lehigh Valley East 4422 Birklond Place, Sle 3, Eoslon, PA lB045; Phone: (610)923·7700; Fox: (610)923-7388; Email:; (ontoct: Jarge Topies June 20-Sep 2: Mon-fn, om/pm; Ho~ day; reereofionol

USA GYM N A S T' C SM A R CH I APR I L 2 0 0 5

Gymtex Gymnastics & Cheerleading School B73 Dulles Ave, Ste. C,Slofford TX 77477 (Houston/Sugar lond Area); Phone: (2B1)20B'9600; Fox: (713)721·1021; Emoil:; Web:; (ontocl: Chnsnno Zhou June I·Aug 15: Men/ women, cheerleoding, fitness, frompoline ond fumbling, day camp Karolyi's World Gymnastics Summer Camps 2005 454 fS 200, Huntsville, TX 77340; Phone: (936)291-0007; fox: (936)291·8637; Email:; Web: karolyiscamps.carn; (ontoct: Belo Koro~i June 7·12, June 14'19, June 21·26, July 5·10, July 12'17, July 19·24, July 26·31

University of Gymnastics 1400 Summit Ave #0, Piono, TX 75074; Phone: (972)423-5709 June 6·17 (session I), June 20-July 1 (session II), Ju~ 5·15 (session III), Ju~ 18-29 (session IV): 9:00-2:00 Mon-fn; gyrnnosncs, orts/crofts, swim lessons; oges 3-10 WOGA Summer Camp 2005 WOGA- Plono, 1937 W. Porker Rd, Plono, TX 75023: Teorn 8. Rec; WOGA-llollos, 6859 W. Aropoho Rd, Ste 600, Dollos TX 7524B: Rec Only; Phone: l'Iono-(972)9B5·9292, Dollos·(972)866·9642; Fox: l'Iono-(972)964·B209, Dollos·(972)387·9325; Email: wogoplono@ooLcom; Contact: Janet Duscio-Cornpennve 8. Recreationol, l'Iono; Anno liukin-Recreofionol Comp, Dollos June 27-July 1: l4·Elite, day/overnight; June 6·10, June 13·17, June 20-24, June 27·Ju~ 1, Ju~ 5-8, Ju~ 11·15, Ju~ 18·22, Ju~ 25·July 29: boys/girls ree. (Plano or Dallas Gym) ages 3+ Zenith Elite Gymnastics Camp 2140 NRedbud 8lvd, Ste F, McKinney, Texas, 75069; Phone: (214)592-0662; Fox: (214)592 0923; Email: Web:; (ontact: Joel or Simona Rylzell Girlsjboys; orfisnc; frompoline 8. fumbling; doy

UTAH Black Diamond Extreme Camp 6400 NBus. Park loop, Pork City, UT84098; Phone: (435)615·1 BOO, l.B66.fllP4fU N; Fox: (435)615·1833; Email:; (ontact: Koty Heddens Ju~ 1B·22: Wornen's orfisnc and fromp & fumbling; day/overnight

VERMONT Dunkleys Gymnastics Camp 22 Ayers Dr, Jencho VT 05465; Summer: 35 Kibbe Form Rd, SHero, VT 054B6; Phone & Fox: (802)B99·3479; Email: Dunkleysgymcamp@ooLcom; Web:; (ontoct: Ruth Dunkley McGowon ond Don McGowan June 26-Aug 19: Residentiol/doy; girls/2 weeks c01ld gym., fumbling 8. frompoline, water sports emphosis

VIRGINIA CartWheels Academy Summer Camp 1555 Standing Ridge Dr, Sle A·l, Powhoton, VA 23139; Phone: (804)378·9444; fox: (804)378-9492; Web: Girisjboys, gymnosfics, fumbling 8. frornpoline, doy

WASHINGTON Northwest Aerials 1244D 128th lone NE, Kirklond, WA 9B034; Phone: (425)823-2665; Fox: (425)820-5050; Email: oenolss99@ooLcom; Web: June-Aug: doily 8. weekly


Texas Dreams Gymnastics Summer Camp 200 fitness Court, Coppell TX 75019; Phone: (972)471-2345; Fox: (972)471-2344; Web: everybody·; (ontoct: Cindy Nehnng July 4-8: Day/overnight, Women's teom 8. recreanonol; c01ld preschool; Boys leom 8. recreofionol

Lake Owen Gymnastics Camp 46445 Krofts Point Rd, Coble, WI 54821; Phone: (7]5) 79B·37B5; Fox: (715) 798-3B98; Email: of!; Web: June 12·1B, June 19·25, June 26·July 2, Ju~ 3-9, July 10-16, Ju~ 17·23, Ju~ 24·30, July 31·Aug 6, Aug 7·13

Texas Sports Ranch 13098 Seaberg Rd, Crosby TX 77532; Phone: (281)32B'B427, (8BB)GYM-cAMP; Fox: (2B1)328·5953; Email:; Web:; (ontocl: David Rogers May 29·June 4, June 5'11 , June 12·18: Gymnosfics MjW; July 13·16: Tumbling Comp; Residenfiol or Day; oges 7 ond up, beginners-1ldvonced

Milwaukee Turners Gymnastics Summer Camp 1034 N. 4th SI, Milwaukee, WI 5320B; Phone: (414)273-1B26; Fox: (414)273'1826; Email: olieboehr l@ooLcom; Web:; (ontoct: Alie FOIVIer or Arny Boehr Beginner, intermediote/odvonced; boys/girls, oges 5+; day cornp

TWU Pioneer Gymnastics Camp TWU Gymnosfics Comp, PO Box 425349, Denlon TX 76204; Phone: (940)89B·237B; Email:;; (ontoct: fronk Kudioc June 19·23: Overnight/commuter; Girls oges Band up; 011 levels

Wisconsin Porter Gymnastics Camp Chippewa Ronch Cornp, B258 County 0, Eogle River, WI 54521; Phone: (7]5)479·B277; Registration/Information: AI~Star Gymnosncs, Ine.; Phone: (60B)245·9565; Fox: (60B)245'9566; Email:; Web:; (ontoct: Sarah Woods Aug 14·20, Aug 20-26: Boys/girls; beginner and up


.y AntIlla PiIcIer lilt)4

She has four second-place ~~b • all-around finishes at the u.s. J1 I Gymnastics Championships, a silver & medal in all-around from the 2003 Pan American "'0 Games and has been consistently ranked second in the U.S., but Olga Kannansky is hardly a household name. Kannansky, a rhythmic gymnast, has placed second at the National Championships every year since she began competing at the senior level in 2001, first finishing behind Jessica Howard and then Mary Sanders. With Sanders and Howard both retired, Karmansky is the frontrunner to inherit America's rhythmic gymnastics crown. 'I1le 18-year-old from Brooklyn, N.Y. is prepared to pick up where Sanders left off. And, Karmansky did just that by winning the 2005 Rhythmic Challenge. When asked how it feels to lead the USA Rhythmic program now, she said, "Leading the USA Rhythmic Program feels wondrous and I am excited to represent the U.S. well in the upcoming international competitions."

a. .r/,.


with exclusive designs

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APRIL Various Sites


10 Regionol Choml2s IMI


10 Regionol Chaml2s IMI

Various Sites


NCAA National Chaml2ionshil2s IMI

West Point NY


NCAA Regional Chaml2ionshil2s IWI

Various Sites


Collegiate National ChamJ;>ionshil2s 1M WI

Ithica NY


National Team Caml2 Inl

Kansas Cibi MO

15-1 7

Level9L l 0 Regional Chaml2ionshiJ;>s IWI

Various Sites

2 1-23

NCAA Notional Chaml2ionshil2s IWI

Auburn AL


Level 10 Regional Choml2ionshil2s IWI

Region 5 & 7

Houston TX

MAY 4-8

1.0. National Chaml2ionshil2s IMI


Level 9 East Chaml2ionshil2s IWI

Palmello FL


Level 9 W est ChamJ;>ionshiJ;>s IWI

SI. Louis MO Cincinnati O H

12-1 6

leff Metzger's Boot ComJ;>


1.0. National Chaml2ionshiJ;>s IWI

Ontario CA

14-1 5

10. ChamJ;>ionshil2s IRI



National Team Training Caml2 IWI

Houston TX


High Performance Coaching Seminar IWI

New Waverl¥ TX

2 1-22

National Elite Qua lifier IWI

Houston TX

JUNE 2-5

Moster Coml2ulsor¥ Workshol2 IWI

Louisville KY

4-5 9 -1 2

Level 9 Championships IRI Master ComJ;>ulsor¥ WorkshoJ;> IWI

DetrOit, MI Reno N V

9 -12

GG Nationals IGGI

FI. Worth TX

9- 12

Pacific Rim Sl2arts Sum mit 1M WI

Tacoma WA

17- 19

Reg. 3 Compulsary Workshop and Technical S¥mJ;>osium

Plano TX


Reg . 2 Compulsory Workshop and Technical S¥ml2asium

Portland OR


XXI American Sokol Slet 1M W R nl

Chicago IL


US. Elite Challenge Inl

Phoenix AZ


U.S. Qualifier IMI

Colo. Sl2rings CO

29-lul¥ 2

1.0. Nationa l Team Training ComJ;> IWI

Colo. Sl2rings CO


World Universibi Games 1M W RI

Izmir TUR


Eastern Chaml2ionshil2s IRI

College Park MD


Future Stars Coml2 IMI

Colo. Sl2rings CO


leff Metzger's 1-Da¥ Boot CamJ;>

Houston TX


leff Metzger's 1-Da¥ Boot CamJ;>

Dallas TX


World Games IR n AGI

Duisburg GER

16-1 7

Western ChamJ;>ionshiJ;>s IRI

Portland OR


US Classic Challenge IWI

Virginia Beach VA


National Chaml2ionshil2s IAGI

Louisville KY

26-Aug 3

Notional Chaml2ionshil2s Inl

Houston TX


National G¥mnastics Da¥


10- 13

Visa Chaml2ionshil2s 1M W RAGI

Indianal20lis IN


National Business Conference IBI

Indianal20lis IN

1 1-1 3

National Congress

Indianal20lis IN


leff Metzger's 1-Da¥ Boot Caml2


World C haml2ionshil2s Inl

Chicago IL Eindhoven NED

2 1-23

World Age-Groul2 Games

Eindhoven NED


TOPs National Testing IWI

Houston TX

For a complete event schedule go to W= Women M= Men R= Rhythmic GG = Group Gymnosncs AG = Acrobonc Gymnosncs IT = Trompoline ond Tumbling NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or concel/otion.

Welcome to Karolyi's World Camps, home of several Olympic and World Champions. For beginner, advanced and competitive gymnasts. Girls-minimum age: 7 years old.

Sessions: June 7-12 (Tues-Sun) June 14-19 (Tues-Sun) June 21-26 (Tues-Sun)

July July July July

5-10 (Tues-Sun) 12-17 (Tues-Sun) 19-24 (Tues-Sun) 26-31 (Tues-Sun)

PHONE: 936-291-0007 FAX: 936-291-8637 E-Mail: For 24 years we have been proud to offer the MOST AFFORDABLE TUITION in the USA, along with the most expert and quality gymnastics instruction at Karo~i's beautiful camp, the official training center of the USA National Team . Please compare our tuition to any of the other camps that you may be considering!

Bela and Martha Karolyi, coaches of the 19841988-1992-1996 USA Olympic Teams, invite you to be part of an action-packed and fun.filled summeJ: They will help you to have the most unique gymnastics experience of your lifetime. Come and be with us as we celebrate the 24 year anniversary of the Karolyi Camps-Home of the USA National Teams. Camps ]'vill b e personally di rec l e d b y Bela Karolyi Coach of several Olympic and World Champions. He will share with you his 40 years of coaching experience as he developed sOllie of the most famous Olympic champions in the world, such as Nadia C01'llaneci, MaJY Lou Refton, Kim Zmeskal, Dominique Moceanu and KetTi Strug.

• Upgrade and learn new gymnastics skills with Bela Karolyi and his master staff. • Have a unique, fun-filled outdoor experience-swimming, horseback riding, tennis, campfire activities and boating. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SPECIAL OFFER • Coaches, or group organizers, with 10 students enrolled are invited free of charge ... • Coaches, or group organizers, with 10 students enrolled to attend camp will benefit from housing, meals, recreational facilities, and optional participation in daily technical meetjngs and instructions.

r--------------------------------------~ • Tuition/session $395.00 • Additional session: $375.00 • Enrollment is limited: Call or write for your camp brochure. NAME NOTE: Only money order or cashier's check will be accepted. ADDRESS • Deposit $75/session (nonrefundable) . CITY STATE ZIP • High-quality intensive gymnastics instruction in the 35,000CAMP DATE PHONE square-foot gymnasium complex, (training site of the USA National Team) . TUITION/SESSION: $395 PLEASE MAIL $75 Deposit to: • Exciting additional outdoor Housing, meals, instruction, Karolyi's GymnastiCS Camps additional activities. activities include: horseback 454 FS 200, Huntsville, Texas 77340 Additional sessions: $375 Phone: 936-291-0007 riding, swimming (Olympic-size Coaches: See special offer with Fax: 936-291-8637 pool), tennis, ball games, 10 students enrolled. E-Mail: campfire activities, hay ride, dancing and boating. • Optional Airport pick-up available. Call for our full size camp brochure. • visit our website at


a~ 49 women nominees in hOtional media, the USOC Board of Directors, 4th........• Advi~ Council. Patterson said, "I am truly """'~ 10 selected foi-this award considering all the great accomplishments of the women's athletes and the entire U.S. ~on in Athens. I am proud 10 have been a part of this record-breaking period in USA Gyn:1nastics history and ~ that our efforts will inspire a whole new level of competitive fire among future generations of athletes." The SporIsMc:In of the Year award went 10 eight-time Olympic medalist Michael Phelps. O~pic Air-Around champion Paul Hamm finislled second in men's I)olloting. USA Gymnastics nominated the U.s. Women's Sr. National Team for the team category, winning 79 medals in 14 major internatiOnal events in 2004, including 16 World Cup medals, 8 Pan American, 8 Pan Paci~l ~~ 6 Olympic medals. The 9-0 Women's Softball VI)'I11pic Team earned the USOC Team of the Year honOr.


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~ Beauchamp


Rips Texos


8·year-olds Bisbee were named ~BcmIe TOP's DcrieIt Bnen Diamond

GymStars Gym.



Palmer's Gym.



Cardinal Gym.



Level alternates.

Ellie Heppes

Texas Dreams Gym. TX

Maddy Sd!wtz Airborne Colorado


Tiffany JGnes

Mesqune Gym.


SavanIdI Thame New Hope Gym.


AlexIs Martit

Santo Cruz Gym.


Trislan YanNaIta Uhra Stars A(ad.





Noi/ONHEAR GYNNASi/CS Ask for Motionwear apparel at your pro shop.

Take your mus to the edge WHITFIELD INVITATIONAL The 14th Annual Whitfield Invitational was held at the University of Michigan, January 14-16, 2005. Four $3,000 scholarships were awarded to the following gymnasts: Alex Artemev (Colorado), Dan Gill (California), Wesley Haagensen (Illinois), and Clay Strother (Minnesota). The Whitfield Foundation has awarded a total of $1 08,500 to 43 male gymnasts from across the country. The Jason Whitfield Foundation is pleased to financially assist other male gymnasts in memory of Jason Whitfield, who was unable to finish his own Olympic dream. ABOVE: JIM AND CATHY WHITFiElD are standing with ALEX ARTEMEV of Colorado who was the only scholarship winner available ta accept his award in person.

CARLY WINS FEMALE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR FROM UNITED STATES SPORTS ACADEMY Following a worldwide vole conduc:t8CI via the web in December 2004, the United Stales Spans Academy announced the winners of the 2004 Athlete of the Year competition. The ballot, run in conjunction with USA Toc/.ay, attrCcted lens of thousands of voles from SfX?r1s fans around the globe. The final results of the 2004 Athlete of the Year competition are:

FEMALE ATHLETE OFTHE YEAR Carly PatIarson, Gymnastics MAlf ATHLETE OFTHE YEAR Lance Armstrong, Cycling OUTSTANDING ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Michael Phelps, Swimming

1996 Olympic Gold Medalist Jaycie Phelps and 2004 Olympic Silver Medalist Brett McClure were married on the Olowalu plantation on Maui's west coast on Feb. 1o. Congratula~ons to the happy couple who plan to reside in Colorado Springs, Colo., where Brett will continue training at the U.S. Olympic Training Center and Jaycie is coaching at Colorado Aerials. May their lives be a perfect 10! Gym Update continued on page 41

SALUTATIONS FROM THE WORLD OF COLLEGIATE GYMNASTICS! We hope this issue finds you all recovering from Fall competitions schedules and successfully navigating through another exciting year of Winter competition. We are now well into what has become a historic collegiate season-the implementation of a new national assigning system for judges is a huge step toward more consistent regular season scoring. While there have certainly been examples of inconsistencies the overall trend this year shows teams and individuals being more appropriately separated. We hope fans will continue to be patient with lower scores and some inconsistencies while the system is fine-tuned but we do believe we're laying the foundation for even more exciting collegiate competition in the future. Teams are now working hard to maximize their final regular season ran kings which are based on a Regional Qualifying Score (RQS). You can follow the rankings weekly at www.troester.(om but if you want to do the math yourself, this is how we arrive at the RQS for teams, all-arounders, and individual event specialists. Take the six highest scores, at least three of which must be from away meets (no more than three from home meets). Remove the highest score and average the remaining five and you arrive at a team's RQS. The last meet that can be included happens the weekend of


March 26-27 this year, which is conference championships weekend for many teams. After everyone's RQS is calculated, the evening of March 27 the top 18 teams will be "seeded" into the six NCAA Regional Competition sites (WestWashington, North Central-Utah, South Central-Nebraska, Central-Alabama, Northeast-New Hampshire, SoutheastFlorida) according to the following grid: 1

12 13


3 10 15


9 16

5 8 17

6 7 18

There is always some shuffling required based on where host teams end up ranked and travel distances involvedthe NCAA Women's Gymnastics Committee starts with the rankings and then, if necessary, makes adjustments based on

Mohini Bhardwaj-USA 2004 Olympic Silver Medalist!!

* *

2 11

The last three team places at each regional meet are selected by the next three highest RQS's of teams within each region who are not in the top 18. There are six individual places at each regional that go to the top five All Arounders in the region who are not on a qualifying team and one individual specialist per event (also based on RQS). The top two teams, the top two All Arounders (who are not on those teams), and any individual event champions not otherwise qualified from each Regional move on to NCAA Nationals, which will take place April 21-23 at Auburn University. Best wishes for a safe and successful Spring and thanks for your interest in the collegiate program! Mike Lorenzen, President National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches/Women

Brown's Gymnastics - Orlando, FL

Brown's Gymnastics, in sunny Orlando, offers the largest and best equipped gymnastics school in the East! We have two gymnasiums and auxiliary gym totaling 40,000 square feet available. Our gyms have the latest state-of-the-art equipment and are air-conditioned. Camp staff includes National and International renowned coaches. Air-conditioned dorms accommodate two gymnasts per room and the meals offer abounding varieties. Limited enrollment. Hurry, Limited space available! Call today to reserve your spot! CALL 407-869-8744 for your brochure or e-mail usat:BrownsGyml

CAMP FEES Full Time Camper $550.00 Commuter Camper $450.00 JUNE 19 - JUNE 24

mnaSlics Camp July 17-22,2005 2005

"colorado's favorite camp for over20 years" ,......,............. location: Beautiful Littleton, CO facility: 29,OOOsq. ft. state of the art gym with extensive ground level tramp & pit system

mailing address : . Ph I &J . D t h Jaycle epS amle an ZSC er Pikes Peak Gymnastics Camp 1996 GOLD MEDALIST . PO Box 2467 20000LYMPIAN: _earn 7 h tleton, CO 80161-2467


1.877.3 t路6:480

INTERNATIONAL TEAM CHALLENGE USA-CANADA-MEXICO Members of the USA women's national team competed against Canada and Mexico on Feb. 25 at the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, N.Y., site of the American Cup competition. The women's team included: Annie Diluizo, Natasha Kelley, Brittany Magee, Sarah Shire, Shayla Worley and alternates Kelly Fee and Bianca Flohr. The US team won the team competition lead by Natasha Kelley who placed first in the all-around and won bars and beam as well. Annie Diluizo took first on vault with her double twisting Yurchenko and Canada's Heather Purnell took fi rst on floor.









28. 175

28.200 .... 25·m




27. 175











101.250 .............







...... .....atash.a .l<.elley ...



.... 9.475


9.125 CAN ..................



9.125 .. 9.525





9.050 ..... 3?·OOO ...



3. ... l<ylie.Stone...


8.950 ".'. ........ ......





",ritl:ilny l'1a.-g<ae


8.700 .......................



8550 .. 35.?50 ....


.l'1elanie ..Ba.n~il.le

CAN ............ 9.W 5


Sarah Shire


... 9.125

Annie .Diluizo .... ..........


....... 9.575

8 ... Maricella Cantu .......................






.. 9. 100






" "




Bia nca Flohr .... l<.eUyFe".....


8.850 . 9, 1}5 '.' 8500 8.950

9.300 ..

8.350 ...... 9.150

8.750 ......9.250


35550 ................. 35.225



J I5() .


8.150 ..

35.800 ..

8.875 .. ...... - ............... 35.775


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Flannel Pants Pink, Turquoise or Purple Price 520.95 Sizes Child 5m, Md, Lg Adu lt ( Smali/Med)

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Gymnastics definition

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SoutheasIen Gymnastics 13601 Providence Mathews NC 28104

Katy Elite Gymnastics 1200 5 Mason Rd KatylX n4SO

GOT Gymnastics?

Item #4009

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USA Gymnastics 50/ 50 Hooded

Item #1066 Top 1 ar est ports White, Black, Pink or BabyBlue Price $9.95 (colo r T's add $2) Sizes Child 5m. Md, Lg Adult Sm, Md, Lg

Special Appearance by Shannon Miller USA Most Decorated Gymnast

Navy, White & Red Price $29.95 ($24.95 w/o Hood) Sizes Child Md, Lg Adult Sm, Md, Lg

Gymnastics 50/50 Hooded Sweat Navy, Black, White & Red Plice $29.95 ($24.95 w/o Hood) Sizes Child Md, Lg Adult Sm, Md, Lg Item #3001 Plaid nannel pants "GYMNA5TICS" on left leg Campbell(blue/white), Black~~atch(INa"y/(,re"n) Stewart(Red/ Black) Price $20.95 Sizes Child Sm, Md, Lg Adu lt Sm, Md,

Item #20 10a , 00% HGymnast" shorts Black only Price $16.95 Sizes: Child Sm, Md, Lg Adult Sm, Md, Lg

OGe coaching staff includes highly qualified US and International coaches. This is a great opportunity for your child to learn from the best instructors and work on skills they need improvement I will personally work with your child,

Item #6517

Svetlana Boguinskaia

Item 16518 l evel Pins Price $4.95

Current and Past Olympians Item #6012 l adies Uneven Men Ring and High Bar available Price $39.95 Sizes 00, 0, 1,2,3 see our website for size chart

Keri Strug, Shannon Miller Uliya Podkapaeva, Tatiana Lysenko Dominique Moceanu, Kim Zmeskal

Item #6014 54.95

Gymnastics 5x7 photo frame Price 513.95 Royal

COACHES If you are a qualified coach and would like to work in our camp and bring your team, please give us a call or E-mail us

For more info or to register call: 888-791-1400 email: <:

Item #1063 Gymnastics or Boyfriend babydoll Avocado or Black (white letters) Price $16.95 Sizes: Junior Small, Med or l arge

Item #6002 Tiger Paw Wrist Support Price $44.95 Tan (other colors add 55) Other colors not shown: Sand(nude), White or Black (x-small under 69Ibs)(smaIl69-115Ibs) (Med 115-150Ibs)(Lg 150-210Ibs)

Below are the names of the athletes selected to attend the Flanders International Aero Cup in Puurs, Belgium. The competition will take place March 28-ApriI3. GOOD LUCK TEAM USA

Phoebe Mills won the Bronze Medal on Balance Beam at the 1988 Olympic Games. After her career in gymnastics she went into diving where she was the Big East Champion and a National Team Member. So what's Phoebe up to now? She graduated from Vermont law School with an honors degree in Environmental Justice and Juris Prudence and is being sworn in to the Vermont Bar. phoebe is enl·oying Nuclear Regulatory Work in a sma I law firm. She is also an International Snow Boarding Judge in her spare time!

JUNIOR WOMEN'S GROUP Nicole Summers, Melissa Summers, Kari Rockhill (Skyview) Cassidy Dolstra, Carleen daSilva, Allysha Kidd (Wings) SAWAGG WOMEN'S PAIR Becky LoBasco, Erika Sundberg (Xtreme) SAWAGG WOMEN'S GROUP Ashley Welch, Jenna Tidwell, Marina Mihov (NCSA) Tori Harms, Selena Harms, Arielle Ziegler (RSAC) Chrissy Graham, Courtney Olivencia, Gina Nicolo (WINGS)

Here's Your 10.0 Summer!

BECKY LOBOSCO AND ERIKA SUNDBERG from Xtreme Aero in Rockville, Maryland


Have a perfect summer at the


• A Great Staff You'll get personal attention from Olympic coaches and top gymnasts who are USA Gymnastics members and safety-certified. Our staff averages eight years of teaching at the Center.

• A Great Time Along with gymnastics, you can canoe, swim, wall climb, hike, and play on our beautiful 1,000 acre campus in the woods. Optional Cheerleading Program available. You'll stay in comfortable lodges and enjoy hearty buffet meals.

• A Great Facility Our huge Sports Center includes 25 fully-equipped teaching stations. We have everything from a 40-foot Tumble Trak to six sets of wide-spread uneven bars .

If you're a girl, 9-17 years old, give us a call! Beginners and experienced competitors are welcome. All gymnasts are grouped according to their ability.

For complete details. contact: YMCA of Greater New York P.o. Box B Huguenot. NY 12746 For General Information


Coaches: We can train your entire team. Ask us about team discounts! USA GYMNASTICS




ALYSSA SCHOFIELD MANISHA RAMESH Dublin, Ohio South Milwaukee, Manisha, 6, won the Level 4Ohio State Championship in December 2004 with on all-around Wisconsin

Alyssa is a member of the Level score of 36.95. Manisha also took first in all events, scoring 9.425 on vault, 9.425 on bars, 4 team at Midwest Twisters 9.15 on floor and 8.95 on beam. Manisha is a member of Universal Gymnasts team in Gymnastics in Oak Creek, Wis. Hilliard, Ohio, and is coached by Ms. Irene Leary, Ms. Sherry Cosper and Ms. Angie Piek. In December 2004, as on 8 year old, she took first place ALEX ARTEMOV all-around with a score of San Antonio, Texas 37.95 at the State Meet. She Alex is 10 years old and competes for Brown's also placed first on bars with Gymnastics-Son Antonio. He's coached by his father a score of 9.55, first on beam Vladimir Artemov, the 1988 Olympic Champion from with a 9.50, and first on floor the old CCP (Russia). Alex competed at the Star Center with a 9.50. She is Invitational in Austin, January 2005, where he was first Sharon Smith. on rings (9.2), vault (9.65), floor (8.9), parallel bars (9.3), high bar (9.5) and in the all-around 54.95.


KAYLE CARR St. Louis, Missouri Kayle is 11 and is shown here enjoying a lillie gymnastics and beach time at her grandparents in Fort Myers, Florida. Kayle placed fourth all-around in Missouri's Level 5 State Championships with a score of 35.25. She now competes as a Level 6, training at Barron Gymnastics in SI. Louis, Missouri.


JORDAN BROWN AND JESSICA FRITZ Maysville, Kentucky Jordon Brown, left and Jessico Fritz, enjoy a day at the beach after competing in the 2004 Junior Olympic Notional Championships in Tampa, Florida. Jordon, 11 and Jessica 12 are members of Sheri's Dance Arts and Gymnastics Centre in Maysville, Ky. The girls finished in the top 10 in Level 5 Trampoline. Jordon earned the bronze medal and Jessica took eighth place. They're in the sixth grade at Mason County Middle School.

MEGAN AND KELLI MARTIN Sf. Louis, Missouri Sisters Megan and Kelli Martin both captured first place all-around in their levels at the SI. Louis Classic in January, 2005. Megan, a 10-year路old Level 6gymnast, placed first on bars, second on beam and floor and eighth on vault. Kelli, an 8-year-old Level 5gymnast, won the all-around with a 36.75, placed first on floor and vault, second on beam and fourth on bars. They train at Team Central Gymnastic Academy.

The Level 5 team from Airborne Gymnastics won the Northern Issaquah, California State Championship with a team score of 181.35. They Washington are coached by Sarah James, Bridget Cook and Doni Albrighl. Madison competed at the Fall 2004 Level 4 SHAWN MillER Washington State Meet and Westfield, Indiana won the silver medal in the Shawn is 9 years old and has 7 and under age group been doing gymnastics since age with a score of 36.725. She 4. He has been on the InterActive also had the highest beam Academy Gymnastics Boys' Team score of 9.55. Madison for three years. He has 52 met- trains at Gymnastics East in als or awards from gymnastics Preston and is coached by meets. His favorite event is floor. Liesl Kershner, Loci Molnar He's coached by Jeff Greene. and Julie Donate.

HANNAH MCCUE Glenwood, Iowa Hannah, 7, won the 2004 Level 4 Nebraska State Championships all-around with a score of 37.125. She also placed first on beam, first on vault, first on floor and third on bars. Last May Hannah also won the 2004 Level 4 Iowa AAU State Championships. Hannah is currently training as a level 5 gymnast and for TOPS at Cahoy's Gymnastics in Omaha Nebraska.



r, c: 5

MAR C H / APR I L 2 0 0 5

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE INCLUDED IN FACES IN THE GYM? Send 0 photo ond0 porogroph of informotionto: USA Gymnostics, Pon Americon Plozo, 201 S. Copitol Ave., Suite 300, Indionopolis, IN46225 or e-moil to Sorry, photos connot be rehJrned. We'll select 0 few entries for publicotion in the mogozine eochissue. Hurry ond sendyour entry todoy. We're 011 woiHng to meet you!

Winter Cup continued from page 18

Event Finals Floor Exercise 1. Adam Pummer Illinois


2. **Jonathan Horton



3. Graham Ackerman Cal Serteley


4. Michael Reavis Iowa


5. Clay Strother Minnesota


*Adam Wong (Exhibition) Canada


6. Chad Buczek Penn State


Pommel Horse


1. Alex Artemev

1. Imvid Sender


5280 Gym

2 Guillermo Alvarez 9.000


3. Wes Haagensen 8.900




5. Todd Thornton I«WGymHasters8.550

6. David Durante 8.450


7. Yewki Tomita 8.350


8. Clay Strother 8.250



8. Alex Artemev 5280 Gym





Still Rings


3. Michael Reavis kIMJ


4. Jonathon Horton 8.975

5. Sean Golden


Parallel Bars 1. Jason Gatson USOTC


2 David Durante USOTC


3. Todd Thorton I«WG)'InMasters8.600

4. Adam Pummer 8.200

5. Alex Artemev 5280 Gym


6. Geoffrey Corrigan Michigan


7. Sho Nakamori Stcn(ord


1. Eric laMorte Eastern ~ Ctr. 9.525

*Forelgn Athlete. not eligible for IIWII/'ds



* Casey Sandy


2 Guillermo Alvarez


4. Ron Ferris

7. Guillermo Alvarez Minnesota


1. Justin Spring

2 Kevin Tan 9.400



4. Jeff Johnson WoshiJgton


5. David Durante USOTC

6.JayYee t:aBetteley


Ohio Stcte




8. Randy Monahan 8.850


3. Todd Thorton HGAlGymHasters9.050

4. Michael Reavis kIMJ


5. Yewki Tomita USOTC

7. Sean Golden

CNIIo Sttts


2 Ron Ferris

3. Nyika White Temple

High Bar


6. Randy Monahan OhIoStcte


7. Joe Hagerty Got/Cup


8. Alex Artemev 5280 Gym








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Olga Karmansky continued from page 28

She added, "I want to compete really well internationally, to hold up Mary's standings and placements that she made last year and just help the u.S. rise higher and higher [in the international standings]." That task has not always been easy in a sport that has long been dominated by gymnasts from European countries. "Competing in Europe is just awesome because the audience knows what rhythmic is all about," Karmansky said. "So many peaple come to watch ...and they' re just so enthusiastic." Americans are more familiar with the Aips of artistic gymnastics than with the five apparatus of rhythmic gymnastics: rope, hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon. Rhythmic gymnasts must create a routine set to music that incorporates constant movement of the apparatus with dance. It requires an immense amount of Aexibility. Ballet plays a large role in their training. In the U.S., the rhythmic program is on the rise. At the 2003 World Championships Sanders finished ei~hth in the all-around qualifying competition and Sanders, Karmansky and Lisa Wang placed 10th as a team, both record high fi nishes for the u .S. Sanders' ranking qualified the USA to send one athlete to the 2004 Olympic Games. Only countries with athletes that finish in the top-five automatically receive two berths for the Olympics. Sanders then finished first at the 2004 U.S. Olympic Trials, taking the one available spot. If Karmansky wants her shot at the Olympics she will have to wait until the 2008 Games in Beijing when she will be 22. The more than three years before the next Games are an eternity in a physically demanding sport such as rhythmic gymnastics. "That would be awesome if my body could stand the workouts and everything that long," she sa id. "That would be really great, but I'm just taking everything day by day, competition by competition a nd just seeing where it takes me." Karmansky currently trains twice a day Monday through Friday, with Tuesdays off, and once a day on Saturdays and Sundays. Her practice schedule varies with her competition schedule. She will cut back a few practices if no events are coming up or her cooch wants her to rest. Her gym, Nova Athletics, is a five-minute walk from her house in Brooklyn. Karmansky switched to Nova in 2003 to help ease the financial burden on her parents, whose sacrifices have not gone unnoticed by their daughter. "They've done everything they could for me," she said. "They've put aside everything that has to do with them. They've put all their money and energy into me and I' m so grateful and thankful for a ll the support they've given me for 10 years." How much longer that level of support will be required is uncertain. Karmansky has aspirations beyond gymnastics and college lies in the near future. Her plan is to enroll in January 2006, but nothing is final, she said. She recen~y took the SAT and is contemplating possible majors. "I'm still vacillating between about five things," she said. "I want to be a court lawyer, but then I'm also thinking about other things like a broodcast journalist [or] something in public relations."

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Girll1\allan tee Gur Price: $~6."

PASSION??? looking to share your expertise with individuals who

NYC and Westchester location. Full time and port time positions available. Weekdays and/ or weekends. If you

are learn players in 2 state.of-the-art facilities th at you can call home? Well, we are hiring pre-school, school-age, competitive girls team coaches, front desk, l obo Operations Manager. We are also hiring personal trainers, aerobics, pilates, kickboxing & yoga instructors. Seeking energetiC, profeSSional individuals who have the drive & ambition to succeed in a profeSSional environment. Enhance you r career with our dynamic org anization. Full-time & part-time. Salary commensurate wilh experience. Contact: To mmy Ingersoll. E-mail

love kids, love gymnastics, and love to leach in 0 fun, sofe, po sitive and caring environment, g ive us a call. Position s available for baby,

address: Phone: 281-480-2255 Fax: 281-4803793 . Houston, Texas 77062.

toddler, preschool, after school program, and birthday parties. Excellent salary. Only highly motivated, enthusiastic team players that want to make a positive difference with kids need apply. Call Jodi's G ym at 914·244·881 I , fax resume to 914-244-8833, or e-mail

FUll OR PART TIME TEACH ER. Do you love littl e children? Can you teach children's gymnastiCS and fitness? WANTED PRESC HOOL GYM BUS TEACHER. We've been established for 5 years. We're looking for enthusiastic and upbeat individuals who will love this iob! Job description: Drive bus to daycares, teach kids and have fun, keep track of payments, make good money. location: Northhills of





opportunities in our

GYMNASTIC DIRECTOR AND INSTRUCTORS. Summer in Maine. June 16to August 16. Outstanding girl's residential camp. Exceptional facilities. Teach beginner 10 advanced levels. Knowledge of weight training and aerobics is essentia l. Room/ board. Trovel allowance.

Tripp lake Camp for Girls: 1·800 998-4347. www.lripplakecamp. com to apply on line.

CAMP WAYN E FOR GIRlS-Children's camp in Northeast Pennsylvania 12 '/2 hrs from New York City) with a strong gymnastics program. We ore seeking a Director, Assistant Director and female instructors 10 live 01 the camp and leach children 16-16 yeorsJ. We also need an experienced Aerobic instructor and Cheerleoding staff. We offer a coring, fun-lOVing environment, rm/bd and salary.

Pittsburgh, PA. Clearances and clean driving record a must. Send

or fax resume to: Gymagic Bus, 109 Hidden Oak Dr., Maris, PA 16046. Fax: 724-742-4400. Web:

FOR SALE IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE WITH VISUALIZATION-This Audio CD is designed by a physician to be used prior to practice and competition. learn to visualize what is needed to obtain success. Increase focus and concentra tion. Eliminate distractions. Acquire

mental memory. Easy directions to follow. $ 19. Send to Dr. Ed Klein,

r.o. Box 273868, Tampa, FL 33688 .

Families welcome. Dates are 6/19-8/ 13/ 2005. Call 1-800-279-

GYM FOR SALE. Gymnastics of l aGrange, Inc., "Where Kids

3019 or apply on~in e 01:

Come First" is located in laGrange, Georgia. laGrange is located

Gymnastics Teachers/Coaches for Summer Camp. Premier girls residential camp, located in Honesdale, PA labout 3 hrs from NYC) seeks enthusiastic and experienced gX'mnastics coaches and/or

teachers for summ er of 2005. June l l th_ August 12th Teach and

approximately 45 minutes south of Atlanta. The gym is a 10 year old business. It is the perfect investment for o n individual who loves children and the sport o f gymnastics. GymnastiCS of laGrange is

a "smaller gym" compared to your big city gyms. The gym offers

easy to use, and nelworkable. Flexible setup, easy assignments, rosters, attendance, marketing analysis, automated tuition calculation, multiple discounts, additional/reta il charges, inventory management, sales lax support, late charges, eorly payment discounts, invoices/ statements, receivables reports, financia l and enrollment summaries, instructor schedules, waiting and makeup lists, moiling labels, send messages and invoices bye-moil, support for bank draft

payments, context sensitive help, and much more. Only $500 1$250/ additional workstation). Contact Vaughn Software Services at 800-821·8516,, or www.vaughnsoftware. com MC/VISA/ AMEX/ Discover.

EDUCATION laurel Springs School is a world-renowned independent study program for grades preK-12. We prOVide elite athletes the education they deserve by offering flexible schedules, learning styles profiles, state-of-the-art online and text-based courses, customizatian options and custom curriculum. We have exceptional teacher services, colleg e prep and honors classes, transcripts, diploma, even a yearbook, prom & graduation ceremony available, so your child won ', sacrifice one of life's major milestones. laurel Springs is

accredited by WASC as well as NISAC. Our college prep courses are articulated for the NCAA and UC System. Enroll any time by calling 800-377·5890 or go to 21st Century Cyber Charter School allows the serious athlete to earn a high school diploma while scheduling schoolwork around their Iraining schedule. A public, tuition·free school serving Pennsylvania reSiden ts, students attend school over the Internet, working from any location as their schedule permits. Students are prOVided a computer, Internet access, textbooks, and curriculum and technical support. Fully stale accredited, a ll of our teachers are state-certified in their subject area. Hundreds of courses are available, including college

prep, Honors, AP and college levels. Enrollment is now open for the 2005-2006 school year, for information call 484-237-5231 , email info@2, or visit www.21cccs.o(g.

State of the art, 14,000 square foot facility, including Tumble track. Excellent salary plus room and board. Apply on line at www.

gymnastiCS instruction for girls and boys ages 2 and up, cheerleading and tumbling closses, and has a small competilive learn. The gym


averages over 200 kids. The gym has all the gymnastiCS equipment,

a big raise in 2005. Add a new division fo your current business. Jane Kogan, Director, Bryn Mawr Camp, EMail: Fax:

plenty of mats, a parent waiting room , a student waiting room and

Mobile gymnastiCS is a wonderfu l fit to add profit to your gym. We

two offices. In addition to the gym in laGrange, Gymnastics of

coach recreational gymnastics as well as some competitive teams.

1973-467-3750); Phone: 888-526-2267

laGrange has contracted its' stoff out to our neighbor West Point Recreation for over 7 years. The gym also prOVides its own program

FUll TIME HEAD TEAM COACH needed for new 15,000 sq. ft. air conditioned gym in Sugar Grove, Il 145 mi west of Chicago). Unique opportunity for a dedicated individual to help develop

to the children in Valley, Alabama; which is approximately 20 minutes south of laGrange. Owner would be willing to stay for 2 months. If

are one of the largest mobile gymnastic companies in the country. We service 1 15 locations w ith over 2000 students porticipating. I am a qualified pro feSSional business coach. I can coach you through starting a mobile gymnostic business in your areo. Call for more informa tion and we will fax you details. Con tact Sharon Fitzgerald

you ore interested in purchasing this gym, contact Jane Poythress at

at 219-865-9698.

a superior training program for girls level 5 through elite. Prior coaching experience required with emphasis on floor and beam. level 7 -1 0 vaulf/bars experience a plus. Position begins in June 2005. Healfhcare/vacation benefits. Salary commensurate with

experience. No calls please. Fax resume to 630.466.1773 AND Competitive Team Director Cheer Program Director. Gyms in cona l Winchester and Delaware Ohio are seeking self motivated, organized, responsible individual with competitive and recreational coaching experience. Gym X-Treme is a rapidly growing gym with much to offer. Team director position is a full lime salary pOSition.

Cheer director is port time with room to grow! Call 740-369-6220 Today. Kim Zmeskol, 1991 World Champion and 1992 Olympian, is looking for qualified and ambitious coaches for all levels and programs in her gym, Texas Dreams Gymna stics. The gym is

located in a 75,000 sq. k. state of the art facility in Coppell, TX.

home 706-883-7228 or on her cell phone 706-302-1211. Email: Interested in investing, or know someone who is, in on incredibly profitable, excellently managed recreational gymnastiCS center in

Southern Col? Some specific details only shared after confid entiality agreements are Signed. Partnership could be considered. Asap,

email: or call 805 443 7572. Score Master-NO MORE Inpuning Gymnast Roster data!! Score Moster, the most widely used software, just got even better! Meet Directors can now download roster information from the USAG website . Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/ mens, indiVidual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/ trampoline, compulsory/ optional. wwvv.Score-M aster.

SUMMER CAMPS WOGA Summer Camp 2005. Come troin w ith the best, 2004

Olympic Coach Yevegeny Marchenko and OlympiC Gold Medalist Valeri liukinl!! World OlympiC GymnastiCS Academy will host a Competitive Team Camp open to all girls l evel 4-Elite. Monday, June 27, 2oo5-Friday, July I , 2005 9:ooam·2:oopm Il unch prOVided) $500.00 or $575.00 with Housing provided. Please see our website for all details Email us at or call WOGA @ 1972) 985-9292.


com·FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421 , Charlotte, NC, 2823 1.

Members! To become the best you can be, you must work within

"DEMO EQUIPMENT FOR SALE by Tumbl Trak: 20' Air Mat$2500.00, 20' Air Trok- $2695.00, 9'x 14' Catcher Ipurple)$1695.00, Air Vaults Ivarious sizes)- $500.00, Bounce 'n Bop$1495.00, Porta Table- $699.00, T-Toble- $135600, Vault Board INEWI-$ 199.oo, 40' Air Trak w/ blower and Sound Case$4500.00, Patriotic Air Pit· $2960.00, Mini Trak & Romp- $639.00. Avai lable for sale Ipick up's only) from Woodward Camp in Woodward, PA: 30' T-2 1 Tumbl Trak w/ NEW bed-$2956.00

a program that has the best equipment, athletes, and leadership in the sport! IFulitime and part time welcome). Please contact Mickie Spicer at 972.471.2345 lext. 125) or TexasDreamsMS@aol.

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USA Gymnastics is received by more Ihan 80,000 subscribers plus Ihousands of viewers will be exposed 10 your ad online. Advertise your employmenl opportunity, product, service, or compelilian here for greal resuils. Queslions? (all Luan Peszek al 317-829-5646.

& payment

PAYMENT: Mail your ad and payment to: USA Gymnostics, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. (apilol Avenue, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fax 10 317-237-5069.11 you fax, please include your credil cord number, expirolion dale and signalure, ADS SUBMmED WITHOUT PAYMENT WfLL NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymnaslics reserves the righlla vary format. everywhere you want to be.


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