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Adam Braden
USA GYMNASTICS USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Iteve Pennr, VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom 1(011; VICE CHAIR MEN: YOKhi Tomita; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea I<hmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUNE: Paul Par"'a; VICE CHAIR ACRO-{;YMNASTKS: Tonya Case; SECRfTARY: Gaty AndffiOll; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG REPS: Bob Cola""; (Exe(Utive Committee), Ron Ftoehlich (Audnor), Tonya Case (Sporn Auo TedtniGlI Committee) and John Roethl"bergel (Athlete Rep.). AT LlRGE MEMBERS: ~eve il<Jtch", David Holcomb; ATHLETE DIRECTORS: Kim lmeskal-il<Jldene, John RoethiOberg", I'ane!oa Vander PItrfm, K..I Heger; IJIO( ATlffiE DIRECTOR "'"'" foo"irf.
USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Iteve Penny; PRESIDENT EMERITUI: Sandy Knapp, Mike Donahue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; IECRETARY: Gaty Anderson; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KoII; VICE CHAIR MEN: YOichl Tomita; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea I<hmij, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUNl Paul Paril~; VICE CHAIR ACRO-{;YMNA51ICS:Tonya Case; PUBlf( IEGOR: Bill HybI, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION: Ron F"Iis; AMEruCAN SOKOl ORGANIZATION: lefty Milan; AMEruCAN TURNERS: BetlY Heppfl<l; COllEGE GYMNA511CS ASSOCIATION-MEN: Fands Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUEGIATE COACHES-WOMEN: Mark Coo~ NATIONAL ASIOCIATION FOR GIRlS AND WOMEN IN IPORT: Marilyn Itrawbridge; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'I GYMNA51ICS JUDGES: CaIOIe ItIe; IIATIONAl COLlEGIATE ATHLETIC ASIOCIATION-MEN: Ma~ llliliams; NATIONAL fEDERAOON Of STATE HIGH SCHOOl ASSOCIATIONI: Becky Dates; NATIONAL GYMNAS1l(S JUDGES ASSOCIATIOIl-MEN: Butch Zunkh; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOl GYMNAITICS COACHES AIIOCIATION: Margie Canfield; US.ASSOCIATION Of INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS ClUBI: Paul IpadalO; U.I. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Thom Glielmi; US. EU1E COACHES ASSOCIATION-WOMEN: It.... Rybad<i and Tony Gehman; Us. MEN'S GYMNA511CS COACHES ASIOCIATlON: nm Klefllpnauer. US. RHYTHMIC GYMNA511CS COACHES AISOCIATION: Suzie Drrull~; YDUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN AIIOCIATION OF THE USA: Casey Koen~; NATIONAL COllEGIATE ATHLETIC AIIOCIATION-WOMEN: Meg ~ephenson; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIREGORS MEN: Mike il<Jms. Abie G...sfeld; RHYTHMIC: . anka KilO', Michelle Uf\Ofl; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Tom Footer, TRAMPOUNl lilaun Kempton, Dr. George Dlew; A(RO-{;YMNA51IC5: linda Porter, Jay ~nder, ATIllETES COUNCIl Vanessa Vander Pluym, Caroline Hunt, Larissa Fontaine, Shannon Millet, Kim Zmeskal-il<Jldene, Jamie Ma",,~, Kail Heg", Jay Thornton, It"" McCain, Arthul Davis, USOC Athlete Rep; ulissa footaine, Exet:utive Boald Member John Roethlisbetg'" ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, loti Katz; SPECIAL OlYMPICS, Kate Faber-Hickie; US. COMPEnTlVE AEROOO fEDERATION, Howa~ Schwam CHANGEOF ADDRESI AND SUBSCRIPTION I NQUI~ES: In Old" to ensure unimerrupted dclivery of magazint, notice of change 01 add"" should be made eight weeks in arivance. For fu • ."t service, please eodose YOUI present mailing ~bel Ditoct all subscription mail to USA Gymna.ics,101 I. Capnol Ave., Ite. lOO, Illdiandpol~, IN 46115.
Unless expressly identified to the contrary. all allicles, statements and views primed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibihtylhe,eof.
ON THE COVER: Michael Rodrigues and Clare Brunson
Photography by Rick Summers
FEATURES See it to Believe it! I-Ielping new skills Seem easy.
Can I do this trick? Am I ready? What if I fall? These are just a few of the questions that may come into your mind as you attempt something you've never done before. This article will give you tools to help you overcome any fear beasts that come your way. It's called Mental Imagery.
14 Acrobatic Gymnastics World
Championships The 20th Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships took place June 15-17, 2006, in Coimbra, Portugal. Michael Rodrigues and Clare Brunson won a bronze medal in mixed pair competition. Mariah Henninger, Tisa PeIU1y, and Allysha Kidd, represented the USA in the Women's Group competition and placed sixth.
16 Women's JO National Championships The Level 10 JO National Championships for women was hosted by Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy in Oklahoma City, Okla., April 2930, 2006. Congratulations to Region 5 who won the overall team champion for the fourth consecutive year! 20
Men's JO National Championships
The 32nd aIU1ual Junior Olympic National Championships for men took place in Battle Creek, Mich., May 4-7 and Branch Gymnastics played host.
34 Tyson Fitness Challenge Launched
on Today Show Bela Karolyi and some young gymnasts from Exper-Tiess in St. James, NY, officially launched the Tyson Fitness Challenge, on NBC's "Today" show.
36 Rhythmic JO National
Championships The 2006 JO Rhytlunic Championships was held at Edmonds Community College in LyIU1wood, Wash., June 2-4. The competition included Levels 6, 7 and 8 and more than 140 athletes competed both as individuals and also as regional teams.
40 VISA CI-IAMPIONSI-IIPS QUIZ USA GYMNASTICS. puWished bimonth~ IOf I t9.95 pel l"" in the U.I., Il2 Pel l"ar in Canada Of Mexico, and S41 pel l"" in all otbel countries. UIAGYMNAITICS is ""Wished by USA Gymnastics, Pan Amencan P~za, 201 I. Capitol Ave., luite lOO, lndianapois, lN 46225, Il l/)2l7-S050, www,usa-gymnartia.org. USAGymn.lsli(5 is the sole nation.ll governing body for the spoil of gymnastics. Anot-for-plOfit organization, USAGymna~tics select~, trains and admini~lers the U.S. Gymnastics Team, including the Us. Olympic Gymnaslics Team. Contributions and support are always welcome and are tax-deductible. © 2006 USAGymnastics. All rights reserved. Printed bySpon Graphics, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, USA.
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I would like to start by congratulating our Acrobatic Gymnastics athletes who participated in the 2006 World Championships in Portugal. We are very proud of Michael Rodrigues and Clare Brunson's bronze medal performance, as well as the women's trio, (Mariah Henninger, Allysha Kidd and Tisa Penny), finishing in sixth place. These athletes turned in consistent performances throughout the competition and demonstrated that the next generation of acro gymnasts from the United States will continue the legacy of their predecessors. By now, many of you are well under way with the Tyson Fitness Challenge. This eight-session fitness program seeks to offer alternative summer programming for your clubs and establish USA Gymnastics and our professional community as leaders in creating a healthier lifestyle among our youth. So far, the response to the Tyson Fitness Challenge has been fantastic, including our kick-off on NBC's Today show on June 13. We hope you take advantage of this national platform as a way to highlight the great things you are doing in the gym. If you have not already done so, it is time to make your plans for National Gymnastics Day on August 5, 2006. USA Gymnastics has once again named the Children's Miracle Network as our official charity for National Gymnastics Day, and we hope to raise the bar on the more than $500,000 that we have cumulatively raised through the efforts of the Member Clubs. This year's theme is "A Celebration of Fitness" and we encourage all of you to incorporate fitness exercises into your fund-raising efforts. It is also that time of year where we enter our championships season. The Trampoline and Tumbling Junior Olympics and National Championships are in Schaumburg, ill., July 6-13, and the Acrobatic Gymnastics National Championships are scheduled for July 21-27 in Kansas City, MO. St. Paul, Minn., is the site of the Visa Championships and USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show, Aug. 16-19. This year's gathering promises to provide memorable experiences for all attendees as we journey further down the Road to Beijing. St. Paul, the Xcel Energy Center and the RiverCentre offer a unique setting with all of the facilities under one roof. Be sure to catch the action from the Visa Championships on NBC Sports. The women's events will air on Aug. 19 and 20 in prime time, with the men's competition scheduled for Sept. 10. Check your local listings to confirm the dates and times of the broadcast. My best wishes to all of our athletes who will be competing this summer. I look forward to seeing you in the gym.
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USA Gymnastics, a bimonthly magazine, is a benefit of membership from USA Gymnastics. The mission of USA Gymnastics magazine is to communicate with gymnasts, parents, coaches, judges, volunteers, clubs and fans of the sport in order to promote the programs, people, events and services of USA Gymnastics.
VISION To inspire and enable our members to achieve excellence in the sport of gymnastics and in life.
THE ORGANIZATION'S MISSION The mission of USA Gymnastics is to encourage parti cipation and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of gymnastics.
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etset s p ort s
Help£na m~ke new sk£Us seem e~s(f By Alison Arnold Ph.D. and Brian C. Bite M.S.
SummeL timeis one of the best times of the year for gymnasts. No school, less p'r.e sure and the excitement of learning new skills are just a few of the things I liked best about summer gymnastics, not to mention putting a beam over the pool at my coach's house and missing on purpose just to get out of the hot sun! Along with the fun of these new and more difficult summer skills comes the fear of the unknown.
Can I do this trick? AmI ready? What if I fall? These are just a few of the questions that may come into your mind whe you ttempt something you've never done before. This arti each you a tool to help you overcome any fear e your way. It's called Mental Imagery. o au ever rehearse events or skills in your mind before you do them? Have you ever "seen" routines in your head the night before a big competition? That's mental imagery! Mental imagery is visualizing exactly how you want to perform your skills. It's kind of like a dress rehearsal for your body. Mental imagery is one of the most widely used research tools in sport psychology. In some research studies, gymnasts were divided into two groups. One group actually practiced a skill, while others practiced the skills some but also spent time visualizing each skill performed flawlessly. Guess what happened? The athletes that imagined the task even with less practice did just as well as the athletes that practiced (Hall, 2001) but did not visualize the skill. Whenever you imagine something perfect in your mind, you ~ USA GYMNASTICS JULY · AUGUST 2006
Making Corrections Visualization can really help you to make corrections, especially when you are having trouble seeing or feeling what needs to change. Imagine the skill in slow motion seeing the correction. You may even want to exaggerate it in your mind. Freeze the frame or keep rewinding to visualize the correction over and over again. Do this about five times. Visualizing corrections on the spot (actually in workout) can help your body understand exactly what needs to be done so it can make the change.
/ .
Motivation Use visualization to fire yourself up! See yourself doing a new skill and being hugged by your coach or having your teammates screaming with joy! See yourself competing this skill and sticking it perfectly. Imagine yourself standing high on the podium after competing these skills.
are creating what's called "muscle memory." As you imagine the skill, the muscles in your body are actually "firing" tiny impulses. This trains them to do the exact same thing when you are actually performing the skill. Your muscles "remember" how they reacted to your imaginary new skill, and then do the same thing when you are ready to go for it!
fIo V to Step
o Relax
~ ee
It ...
Self-Confidence Imagine yourself walking into the gym totally confident. What does that feel like all throughout your body? Use your imagery tool to help you feel exactly the way you want to feel. See yourself strong, confident, and ready to push yourself to the next level.
it to Believe it"
Your visualization will be more powerful if you are relaxed. Be sure you take several deep breaths and relax all the tension in your body before you begin. Breathe deeply into your abdomen not simply into your chest.
"Flipping" Fear One of the best uses of mental imagery is changing your fear into fuel. H you notice some fear in your body, take the time in that moment to breathe, visualize the skill and remind yourself that you can do it. Also practice turning fear around at home by visualizing yourself having a bad day and turning it around using your breathing and visualization. Imagine yourself pushing through obstacles and coming through strong and powerful on the other side. Practice both psyching yourself up and calming yourself down. Remember that you control your mind, not the other way around!
Step. See Everything Your imagery should be as vivid as possible. Use all five senses. Hear the sounds of the skill or your teammates, see the colors of the gym, see your coaches, notice what you are thinking. Be sure you imagine all of the details. What does each body position look like or how does it feel. Don't leave out the little things, hands to toes. See it all!
Step. See it or Feel it When you do visualization, choose to either see the skill like you are watching a movie or simply feel the skill inside your body. Maybe try a little of both and notice which one feels more real to you. You can also switch off and get both experiences.
Step. Inside vs. Outside Do you see the skill from outside yourself, like watching TV or do you see it from inside your head? Both can be beneficial. Research suggests that when you are first learning a skill, it may be better to see the technical aspects from outside yourself, but after you have trained the skill, move your imagery to inside your body (Pie, et a!, 1996).
Step. Practice Finally, practice makes perfect. AND seeing perfect practice helps you create perfect new skills! Start out with five minutes of visualization at a time, and work yourself up to 20 minutes or so. H you see yourself fall or make a mistake, rewind the tape in your head and see the skill in slow motion. Imagine every element perfect, every body position just right.
W'Then to
e It t
Be ieve it'"
There are many situations where visualizing your routines or skills can be helpful. Here are just a few.
Learning New Skills Be sure to visualize new skills over and over. See them with perfect body position, incorporating all of your corrections. See them both in slow motion and real time. Don' t forget to do all types of progressions. Seeing timers, stacked mats being pulled out, or into a pit is also helpful. 12
Injury Using mental imagery when you are injured is one of the best ways to speed up your return to gymnastics once you're able to train again. Remember the phenomenon of muscle memory. When you visualize, it helps your muscles remember exactly what to do when you begin doing your skills again. Give yourself visualization assignments and even walk your skills through while you visualize. You'll be surprised how fast your body will remember what to do once you are back in full force. "See It to Believe It" is something to practice every day whether you're in the gym, out of the gym, in the shower, before bed, riding in the car or right before an event. You can also visualize before your tum, in between events, and as you are warming-up. Many athletes use visualization for nongymnastics-related issues as well. Visualize yourself making the speech you are nervous about for class or acing your math test. Visually rehearse a difficult conversation you need to have with a friend. Anything in your life that is important or stressful can be "practiced" with mental imagery. Remember, every visualization gets you that much closer to your goal. Whenever you can, create excellence by first imagining it in your mind. Before anyone can achieve greatness, they have to first see the dream. See it and then .. ... Be it! io1 Alison A rnold, Ph.D., is a peak peljormance consultant to USA Gyml1astics. For more information 011 her workbooks and seminars, see www.headgames.ws Brial1 C. Hite, M .S., is a mental training consultant, a team coach at Waller's Gym/am Academy in Southern California, and a doctoral student at Walden University.
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WI ns mixed pair bronze at World Aero Championships The USA's mixed pair of Clare Brunson of Riverside, Calif., and Michael Rodrigues of Livermore, Calif., claimed the bronze medal at the 2006 World Acrobatic Gymnastics Championships, June 15-17, in Coimbra, Portugal. The USA's women's group of Mariah Henninger, Allysha Kidd and Tisa Penny, all of whom are from Livermore, finished sixth . More than 150 competitors from 19 countries participated in the 20th Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships. The Portuguese Trampoline & Sports Acrobatics Federation, Gymnastics Federation of Portugal and the FIG organized and managed a great event, which included television coverage for the first time! After many years of involvement in the sport, Rodrigues and Brunson won their first World Championships medal- the bronze! Partners for just a year-and-a-half, the twosome has risen to the top of the sport and accomplished many of their goals, including winning a medal at the World Championships. Russia, which has dominated the sport for many years, claimed the gold and silver medals. Rodrigues and Brunson finished with a well-executed and captivating combined exercise to finish third. The mixed pair field included 14 pairs representing 13 countries. ~~
• Athletes••
Revaz Gurgenidze, Anna Katchalova Anton Glazkov, Maria Kovton Michael Rodrigues, Clare Brunson Alexandra Grayson, Robert Tregonina lukasz Misztela, Beata Surmiak Alona Burlachenko, Sergei Zabiyaka Nedko Kostadinov, Ivona Stefanova Maik Duijnhouwer, Ellen Vorsselman
Score 29.2S2 28.751 28.650 28.555 28.402 27.967 27.860 27.680
II"". Rank/Country 1 RUS RUS BlR UKR GBR USA GBR BEl
In the women's group competition that had a strong group of competitors with 16 groups from 13 countries, the trio of Henninger, Penny and Kidd hit all three routines to qualify into finals. The three have been partners for less than one year, yet they were able to accomplish their goal of qualifying into the finals at World Championships. This accomplishment speaks volumes about their talent and determination as athletes. In the finals, the USA trio performed a well-choreographed and difficult routine to finish in sixth place. . The International Age Group Competition was June 22-24, 2006, in Coimbra, and the USA was represented by a strong group of junior and age group athletes. They had not competed as of press time. For complete results of both competitions, visit http:// www.usa-gymnastics.org/ acro / tJ I
. "
Athletes Elena Moiseeva, Elena Kirilova, Tatiana Alexeeva Ekaterina loginova, Ekaterina Stroynova, Albina Zinnurova Maria Girut, Tatiana Motuz, Alina Starevich Anna Gorbatenko, Olena Nepytaeva, Olga Vorchuk Emily Collins, Victoria lamkin, leanne Turner Mariah Henninger, lisa Penny, Allysha Kidd Grace Blacklock, C. Thompson, Erin Jameson Maaike Croket, Soen Geirnaert, C. Van Hombeeck
Score 28.800 28.589 28.302 28.154 28.070 27.751 27.580 26.910
Left: Michael Rodrigues and Clare Brunson (far right of photo) win the bronze medal. Right: Women's group of Mariah Henninger, Allysha Kidd and lisa Penny finish sixth place.
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~rE:~ Levell0JO National Championships
tor women was hosted by Bart Conner ymnastics Academy In Oklahoma City, Okla., April 29-30, 2006. Many gymnastics legends were in town for the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame Induction and were present at the JO Nationals' awards ceremonies. What an honor to receive your award from an Olympic or World Champion! Congratulations to Region 5 who w on the overall team champion for the fourth consecutive year! Also, congratulations to the top fo ur all-around in each age division who qualified to the Junior Olympic National Team and are invited to attend a training camp at the u.s. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, in August. Special recognition goes to Chari Knight Hunter, who at 33 years of age, competed in the 1986, 1996 and now the 2006 JO Nationals! In both 1996 and 2006, she finished in the top four allaround! Thanks, Chari, for the beau ty you've brought to our sport for so many years. Another highlight was that two sisters, Alecia and Sharaya Musser from Colorad o Aerials, both qualified to the JO National Team . Congratulations to these gifted siblings! 16
The JO National Championships, once again, p roved to be an outstanding competition and all the athletes and coaches should be commended for their dedication and effort to qu alify to this event. A special thanks go to Bart Conner, Paul Ziert, Ben Fox and all the volunteers for m aking it a memorable even t for all.
2 Wieber, Jordyn 3 Musser, Aleda 4 Persinger, Sarah 5 Gassaway, Ka~cee 6 Gentile, Natelle
Twistars 37.975 Co orado Aeria s 37.675 Southeastern 37.600 Naydenov Gffil. 37.275 Wildfire 37.250 Cincinnati GY!I1. Acad 37.175 Midwest Acad-Il Aips-MN Dallas Gym. Ctr Club
lia DelPriore 5 Imy, Ashtyn
Williams, Kayla Drooger, Chelsea 6 Otuafi, Amanda 1 Region 5 2 Region 3 3 Region 1
Junior A All-Around 1 Matthies, Petra
1 3 3 3
Gassaway, Kaycee Staples, Jessica Johnson, Keegan Peko, Asi
Southeastern 9.750 Brestyans Colorado Aerials Parkettes 9.575 Dallas Gym. Ctr 9.550 Twistars 9.525 Wildfire 9.525 Bozhis Gym Nest 9.525 USA Champions - MI 9.525 Flips USA 9.525
NaydenovGym. 9.500 Cincinnati Gym. Aca~ 9.475 Midwest Acad-Il
Ma"hies, Petra Hawkins, Kailyn 6 Seay, Alyssa 9 Swart, Gabrielle 10 Woeber, Jordyn
Brestyans Southeastern River City Gym. Parleenes Twistars
9.425 9.425 9.425 9.400 9.375
Club Cincinnati Gym. Acad Champion Gym-KY Brestyans Colorado Aerials WOGA Wildfire Flips-MN Twistars Dynamo Dynamic-NY
9.650 9.575 9.550 9.550 9.550 9.475 9.475 9.425 9.425 9.425
Beam Staples, Jessica Brewer, Erica
6 8 8 8
Ma"hies, Petra Musser, Alecia Marenghi, Megan Gentile, Natelle Meyer, lucy Wieber, Jordyn Glover, Keara Bonner, Danielle
Floor (Iub Brestyans 1 Ma"hies, Petra 2 Wieber, Jordyn Twistars 3 Musser, Aleda Colorado Aerials 4 Irby, Ashtyn Dallas Gym. Or 5 Williams, Kayla Bozhis Gym Nest 5 Christensefl, Alexandra Exper-TIess 5 Chavez, Cristina Oekchev Gym. 8 Gassaway, Kaycee Naydenov Gym. 9 Williams, Jordan SCEGA 9 McCartney, Kalliah Naydenov Gym.
1 Region 5 2 Region 8 3 Region 1
9.675 9.650 9.575 9.475 9.425 9.425 9.425 9.400 9.350 9.350
7 Wilson, Davi 10 Dodds, Katy
Parlee"es Hill's Gymnastics
9.600 9.575
Bars Club 1 Salmon, Shelby DeVeaus Gymnastics 2 Blalock, Kelsi Gymnastics East 3 Jacob, Kimberly Gym Carolina 4 Hunter, Kytra Hill's Gymnastics 4 Mohr, Katelyn Byers Sacramento 6 Prunty, Shelby II. Gym. Institute 6 Prigge, Hannah Technique 6 Hylton, Erin Marvateens, Inc 9 Ouellene, Stephanie Docksiders 9 Brown, Meghan Cypress Acad. 9 Noteboom, Charis Triad 9 Kleeburg, Kymberlee Metroplex
9.650 9.500 9.475 9.450 9.450 9.425 9.425 9.425 9.400 9.400 9.400 9.400
Beam (Iub 1 Jacob, Kimberly Gym Carolina 1 Spinner, Amanda Bay Aerials 3 Fiedler, Sarah libertyville Gym. 4 Biros, Meaghan Chicago Gym. Ctr 5 Hunter, Kytra Hill's Gymnastics 5 Caquano, Mackenzie Aerial Gym.-Il 7 Ouellene, Stephanie Docksiders 8 Bonincontri, Dana Gymnastics East 8 Habicht Abbey Orlando Metro 8 Moore, Megan Gymnastics East
9.525 9.525 9.500 9.475 9.450 9.450 9.425 9.400 9.400 9.400
Floor 1 Jacob, Kimberly 2 Mohr, Katelyn 3 Salavee, Christina 4 Hunter, Kytra 4 Salmon, Shelby 6 Martin, Moriah 6 Rose, Catherine 8 Gaspar, Haliey 8 Prunty, Shelby 8 Brown, Meghan 8 Garcia, Janelle
Club Gym Carolina Byers Sacramento Gold Medal-NY Hill's Gymnastics OeVeaus Gymnastics Ace Parlee"es Am. Gym. Acad-CA Il Gym. lnstttute Cypress Acad. O~ando Metro
9.600 9.550 9.525 9.450 9.450 9.425 9.425 9.350 9.350 9.350
2 Ellis, Nicole 3 Bosco, Marissa 3 lurales, Katie 5 Mahlich, Elizabeth 6 Musser, Sharaya 6 Beilstein, Natalie 8 Rogers, lauren 9 Taylor, Britney 10 Ding, Kathryn
Arena Gym.-Il Palmers Gym. Il Midwest Acad.-Il Twistars Colorado Aerials Butler Gym. Northeast Gym. Memphis Point Flips USA
9.775 9.750 9.750 9.725 9.700 9.700 9.650 9.600 9.575
(Iub Flips USA Hill's Gymnastics Arena Gym.-Il WOGA Twistars North Stars Hill's Gymnastics SCEGA Metroplex SCEGA
(Iub Twistars Flips USA Colorado Aerials Brestyans Memphis Point Airborne-CA World Class-VA Wrights Gym. Midwest Acad.-Il Hill's Gymnastics
Bars 1 Ding. Kathryn 2 Sandusky, Allyson 3 Ellis, Nicole 3 Breazeal, Kati 5 Mahlich, Elizabeth 6 Bensko, Whitney 6 Varela, Amy 6 Brogden, Taryn 6 Howdeshell, Mariah 6 Kearns, Taylor
9.575 9.525 9.500 9.500 9.475 9.425 9.425 9.425 9.425 9.425
Beam 1 Mahlich, Elizabeth 2 Ding, Kathryn 3 Musser, Sharaya 4 lhou, Ming Ya 4 Taylor, Britney 6 Skinner, Brinany 6 Duooc, Elizabeth 8 Magjuka, Meredith 8 lurales, Katie 10 Sandusky, Allyson
9.650 9.600 9.550 9.525 9.525 9.450 9.450 9.425 9.425 9.400
Floor 1 Beilstein, Natalie 2 lhou, Ming Ya 3 Musser, Sharaya 4 Riner, lauren 5 Douglas, Mykle 6 Magjuka, Meredith 6 Brogden, Taryn 8 Ding, Kathryn 8 SandusJ<y, Allyson 8 Harris, Brinney 8 Varela, Amy 8 Bruno, Janine
Club Butler Gym. Brestyans Colorado Aerials Cincinnati Gym. WOGA Wrights Gym. SCEGA
9.650 9.625 9.500 9.450 9.425 9.400 9.400 9.350 9.350 9.350 9.350
9 Evenstad, lora 9 Eller, lauren
Red River Valley Byers Sacramento
37.425 37.425
Vault 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 9 9
Club Nuccio, Gina Arena Gym.-Il Parkenes Co"er, Julie Foster, Justine Atlantic-NH McAllister, Stephanie Wrights Gym. Kaveh, Kareen Hill's Gymnastics Cardenas, Rebecca Hawaiian Island Wagner, Hailey Krafft Acad. Johnson, Gloria Elite Gym. -LA Johnson, loya Hill's Gymnastics Teike, Shanthi Wrights Gym.
9.775 9.750 9.725 9.700 9.675 9.650 9.650 9.650 9.625 9.625
Bars 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 8 8
(Iub Nuccio, Gina Arena Gym.-Il Eller, lauren Byers Sacramento Coner, Julie Parleenes McAllister, Stephanie Wrights Gym. Johnson, loya Hill's Gymnastics Evenstad, lora Red River Valley Berg. Jadyn Gym-Kinetics Teike, Shant hi Wrights Gym. Kaveh, Kareen Hill's Gymnastics Mercurio, Francesca Byers Sacramento Joseph, Kanlin U.S. Airboume-MI
9.700 9.625 9.575 9.525 9.500 9.450 9.450 9.425 9.425 9.425 9.425
Beam 1 2 3 3 5 6 6 8 9 9 9
(Iub Arena Gym.-Il Champion Gy.-TX Byers Sacramento Hawaiian Island Hill's Gymnastics Wrights Gymn. Queen CityOH Hawaiian Island Parleenes Deltchev Gym. SCEGA
Club Browning, Michelle Champion Gy.-TX Foster, Justine Atlantic-NH Coner, Julie Parleenes McAllister, Stephanie Wrights Gym. Moyer, Molly Ricochets Johnson, loya Hill's Gymnastics Eller, lauren Byers Sacramento Teike, Shanthi Wrights Gym. Boyce, Cayla Idaho Falls Dudley, Jenna Burlee, Mary
Nuccio, Gina Browning, Michelle Mercurio, Francesca Cardenas, Rebecca Johnson, loya Teike, Shant hi Fyffe, Kristin Pang, Becca Cipolloni, Paige Vandyke, Erika Mirreghabie, Nassim
9.600 9.525 9.500 9.500 9.475 9.450 9.450 9.425 9.400 9.400 9.400
Floor 1 2 3 3 3 6 7 8 8 8 8
9.700 9.550 9.500 9.500 9.500
187.250 186.550
Junior BAli-Around 1 Jacob, Kimberly 2 Hunter, Kytra 3 Salmon, Shelby 4 Martin, Moriah 5 Mohr, Katelyn 6 Ouellene, Stephanie 6 Biros, Meaghan 8 Bruce, Hope 9 Gaspar, Haliey 10 Prunty, Shelby
(Iub Gym Carolina Hills Gymnastics DeVeaus Gymnastics Ace Byers Sacramento DocksicIers Chicago Gym. Ctr US Gold Am. Gym. Acad-CA Il Gym. Institute
Club Twistars Hills Gymnastics MGA U.S. Gold Byers Sammento Ace Am. Gym. Acad-CA Parleenes
38.150 38.075 37.700 37.650 37.550 37.450 37.450 37.400 37.325 37.200
Vault I 2 2 4 5 6 7 7
Dayton, Nicole Hunter, Kytra Gutierrez, Marissa Bruce, Hope Mohr, Katelyn Martin, Moriah Gaspir, Halley Rose, Catherine
9.800 9.725 9.725 9.700 9.675 9.650 9.600 9.600
1 Region 5 2 Region 7 3 Region 3
Junior CAli-Around 1 lhou, Ming Ya 2 Ding. Kathryn 2 Mahlich, Uizabeth 4 Musser, Sharaya 5 Magjuka, Meredith 6 Ellis, Nicole 7 Bosco, Marissa 8 Rogers, lauren 9 Zurales, Katie 9 Sandusky, Allyson
(Iub Brestyans Flips USA Twistars Colorado Aerials Wrights Gym. Arena Gym.-Il Palmers Gym. Il Northeast Gym. Midwest Acad.-Il Hill's Gymnastics
Clull Brestyans
38.125 38.100 38.100 38.050 37.725 37.650 37.625 37.600 37.500 37.500
Vault 1 Zhou, MiogYa
Junior 0 Team 1 Region 5 2 Region 7 3 Region 3
Junior 0 All-Around (Iub
1 Nuccio, Gina
Arena Gym.-Il 2 Coner, Julie Parleenes 3 Johnson, loya Hill's Gymnastics 4 McAllister, Stephanie Wrights Gym. 5 Teike, Shanthi Wrights Gym. 6 Browning, Michelle Champion Gy.-TX 7 Kavth, Karren Hill's Gymnastics 8 Fyffe, Kristin Queen City OH
38.450 38.200 38.075 37.975 37.900 37.875 37.700 37.525
1 Region 5 2 Region 3 3 Region 6
185.975 185.100
Senior A All-Around 1 Kesler, Jennifer
Gymnastics East
10. Mantle, Mary 10. Turner, Kikara
1 Brewer, Mallory 3 Iovino, Jennifer 4 Pearce, Kari 5 Taylor, Jennifer 6 Konsevick, Daryl 7 Beck, Teenie 8 Botterman, Kylee 9 Yontz, Brittany 10 Cheng, Stefanie
Twistars Hills Gymnastics Twistars Krafft Academy Galaxy Starlight Gym. Gym-Kinetics Neb, Sch of Gym. Airborne-CA
37.715 37.615 37.600 37.550 37.475 37.415 37.375 37.3S0 37.31S
Vault 1 Kesler, Jennifer 2 Botterman, Kylee 3 Brewer, Mallory 3 Pearce, Kari 5 Taylor, Jennifer S Schwitkis, Staa 7 Alexander, Shelly 8 Iovino, Jennifer 8 Vontz, Brittany 8 Pearsall, Madison 8 Minion, Jasmine
Gymnastics East Gym-Kinetics Twistars Twistars Krafft Academy SCEGA USA Aerial Ath. Hills Gymnastics Neb, Sch of Gym. II. Gym. lnst. Memphis Point
9.650 9.625 9.600 9.600 9.5S0 9.550 9.515 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500
Bars 1 Taylor, Jennifer 1 Schwitkis, Staci 3 Konsevick, Daryl 4 Cheng, Stefanie 5 Dziawura, Mallory 6 Kesler, Jennifer 6 Morris, Storey 6 Caudell, Elissa 9 Botterman, Kylee 10 Beck, Teenie
Krafft Academy SCEGA Galaxy Airborne-CA Al Sunrays Gymnastics East Texas East Gym. Great Am. Gym. Gym-Kinetics Starlight Gym.
9.525 9.500 9.47S 9.415 9.400 9.375 9.375 9.375 9.315 9.300
Beam 1 ferguson, Megan 1 Kesler, Jennifer 3 Brewer, Mallory 3 Garbarino, Kristine 5 Iovino, Jennifer 6 Miller, Taylor 7 Konsevick, Daryl 7 Vontz, Brittany 7 Nicolini, Stacey 10 Pearce, Kari 10 Canning, Katie 10 lipka, Jasmine
Eagles Gymnastics East Twistars World Class-NY Hill's Gymnastics Gym. East Galaxy Neb. Sch of Gym. Rohnert Park Twistars Brestyans Artie Gym.
9.725 9.550 9.500 9.500 9.475 9.425 9.400 9.400 9.400 9.37S 9.375 9.37S
Floor Club
Hill's Gymnastics 1 Iovino, Jennifer 2 Brewer, Mallory Twistars 2 Morris, Storey Texas East Gym. 4 Garbarino, Kristine World Class-NY 5 Konsevick, Daryl Galaxy 5 Hardiman, Brittney Orlando Metro 7 Sanders, Shenshakea Aubum Gym. 8 Botterman, Kylee Gym-Kinetics 8 O'Henley, Gretchen Head Over Heels 10 Kesler, Jennifer Gymnastics East 10 Pearce, Kari Twistars 10 Pearsall, Madison II. Gym. Inst. 10 laPerriere, lisa Olympia Gym. 10 Goodwin, Alicia Metroplex 10 lawson, Brooke Parkettes
9.675 9.5S0 9.5S0 9.515 9.500 9.500 9.450 9.415 9.425 9.400 9.400 9.400 9.400 9.400 9.400
Senior B Team 1 Region 1 1 Region 3 3 Re<Jion 5
GKs Gym. 9.4S0 Twin City Twisters 9.450
190.000 188.52S 187.500
3 Re<Jion 1
Senior BAli-Around 1 Janiga, Carly 1 Robarts, Kyndal 3 Ikoma, Danielle 3 Phillips, london 5 londervan, Taylor 5 McComb, Cassidy 7 Sato, Mizuki 8 Ave, Devin 9 Rodriguez, Amanda 10 fernandez, Melissa 10 lyons, Nicole
Desert Devils-Al USA Aerial Athl. Arena Gym.-Il SCATSHB Twistars Gymcats Technique WOGA SCATS HB KDGCTwisters Northeast Gym.
38.350 38.100 38.000 38.000 37.950 37.950 37.700 37.650 37.625 37.5S0 37.550
SCATS HB SCATS HB Desert Devils-AZ Capital Gym. -TX Gymcats Northeast Gym. Arena Gym.-Il ASG-Tucker Michigan Acad. Haydens Gym.
9.750 9.715 9.650 9.650 9.600 9.600 9.57S 9.57S 9.57S 9.57S
Vault 1 Phillips, london 1 Rodriguez, Amanda 3 Janiga, Carly 3 Davis, Erin 5 McComb, Cassidy 5 lyons, Nicole 7 Ikoma, Danielle 7 Johnson, Naja 7 Argiros, Nicole 7 Mashbum, Me<Jan
Bars 1 Janiga, Carly 1 furukawa, Kristin 3 Phillips, london 3 londervan, Taylor 5 Rodriguez, Amanda 6 lyons, Nicole 7 Best, Rebecca 8 Ratcliff, Natalie 9 McComb, Cassidy 9 Doucey, Erin
Desert Devils-AI Diamond Elite SCATS HB Twistars SCAT5 HB Northeast Gym. Will-Moor Great Am. Gym. Gymcats Wrights Gym.
9.615 9.52S 9.500 9.500 9.415 9.400 9.375 9.350 9.325 9.32S
Arena Gym.-Il KDGCTwisters USA Aerial Athl. WOGA Twistars Capital Gym. Gymcats leading Edge-S. Brandy Johnsons Desert Devils-AI Cartersville
9.775 9.650 9.600 9.600 9.550 9.525 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.47S 9.475
Beam 1 Ikoma, Danielle 2 fernandez, Melissa 3 Robarts, Kyndal 3 Ave, Devin 5 londman, Taylor 6 Davis, Erin 7 McComb, Cassidy 7 Hughes, Jamie 7 Morris, lashlee 10 Janiga, Carly 10 Root Melanie
Floor 1 Robarts, Kyndal 2 Janiga, Carly 2 Davis, Erin 4 Sato, Mizuki 4 Baker, Alaina 6 londervan, Taylor 7 Ikoma, Danielle 7 McComb, Cassidy 7 femandez, Melissa 7 Glass, Amy 7 Coccia, Kristina
USA Aerial Athl. Desert Devils-AI Capital Gym.-TX Technique Great Am. Gym. Twistars Arena Gym.-Il Gymcats KDGCTwisters International Parkettes
9.675 9.600 9.600 9.575 9.575 9.550 9.515 9.515 9.525 9.515 9.525
Senior C Team 1 Re<Jion 1 2 Region 7
187.07S 186.600
Senior CAli-Around 1 Wright, Kara 2 Neff, Stephanie 3 Cowart, Nicole 4 Bryan, Danielle 5 Magee, Casey Jo 6 Hubbard, Summer 7 Khoshnood, Jessica 8 Russell, Alexis 8 Stout, Michelle 10 Scaffidi, Maria
World Class-VA Carters-AI Wrights Gym. Hills Gymnastics National Academy Tampa Bay Tumers Gymnastics East Perpetual Motion Southem Tier Gym lafleurs-WI
38.100 38.075 38.050 37.900 37.72S 37.625 37.575 37.315 37.315 37.27S
Ocean Tumblers Hill's Gymnastics Southem Tier Gym World Class-VA lafleurs-WI SCEGA GKsGym. Hill's Gymnastics Arena Gym. Carters-AI Wrights Gym. Maine Acad. SCATS HB Gymkhana Il GTC Rochester-NY
9.750 9.700 9.675 9.57S 9.550 9.5S0 9.550 9.550 9.550 9.SOO 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500
Carters-AI Wrights Gym. Tampa Bay Turners World Class-VA Gymnastics East lafleurs-WI Maine Acad. Southern Tier Gym Hill's Gymnastics SCATS HB
9.575 9.500 9.500 9.475 9.450 9.400 9.400 9.350 9.315 9.32S
Vault 1 Robinson, Rochelle 1 Bryan, Danielle 3 Stout, Michelle 4 Wright, Kara 5 Scaffidi, Maria 5 Hocini, Sophia 5 Mantie, Mary 5 Cole-Diamond, Theresa 5 Custer, Jamie 10 Neff, Stephanie 10 Cowart, Nicole 10 Diodati, Helena 10 Day, Nicole 10 Buckley, Allison 10 Green, Emily
Beam 1 Magee, Casey Jo 1 Cowart, Nicole 3 Hubbard, Summer 4 Sexton, Jordan 5 Smith, Keeley 5 Stubblefield, Eryn 7 Buckley, Allison 8 Neff, Stephanie 8 Khoshnood, Jessica 8 Russell, Alexis 8 Wright, Alyssa
National Academy Wrights Gym. Tampa Bay Turners Southeastern Grace Gym. Willow Creek Gymkhana Il Carters-AZ Gymnastics East Perpetual Motion Victory
9.800 9.575 9.525 9.500 9.475 9.475 9.450 9.425 9.415 9.415 9.425
Floor 1 Wright, Kara 2 Neff, 5tephanie 2 Bryan, Danielle 4 Stout, Michelle 4 Scaffidi, Maria 4 Simoneau, Nicole 7 Cowart, Nicole 7 Hubbard, Summer 7 Russell, Alexis 10 Hocini, Sophia 10 Smith, Keeley
Senior 0 All-Around 1 Ishino, Allyse 1 Hunter, Chari 1 lebe<Jern, Ricki 4 Castillo, Amanda 4 Personett, Brandi 6 Taylor, Grace 7 Jackson, Susan 8 Curler, Nicole 9 Bames, Me<Jan 10 Smith, Kristin
Sco ..
Wildfire Galaxy Capital GTe-VA Orlando Metro Champion Gym.-TX Aiken Gymnastics Stars Houston Twistars Olympus Dynamo
38.515 38.300 38.300 38.175 38.175 38.150 38.115 38.0S0 37.950 37.900
Wildfire Stars Houston Champion Gym.-TX Olympus Capital GTC-VA Aerial Gym-Il Galaxy Al Sunrays Orlando Metro Great Am. Gym.
9.800 9.77S 9.700 9.700 9.675 9.675 9.650 9.625 9.600 9.575
Vault 1 Ishino, Allyse 2 Jackson, Susan 3 Personett, Brandi 3 Barnes, Megan 5 lebegem, Ricki 5 Perchatsch, Kristin 7 Hunter, Chari 8 Voss, Kristina 9 Castillo, Amanda 10 Rogers, Kayla
Bars 1 Neff, Stephanie 1 Cowart, Nicole 1 Hubbard, Summer 4 Wright, Kara 5 Khoshnood, Jessica 6 Scaffidi, Maria 6 Diodati, Helena 8 Stout, Michelle 9 Bryan, Danielle 9 Defilippo, Amy
1 Region 1 2 Region 3 3 Re<Jion 7
1 Ishino, Allyse Wildfire 1 Hunter, Chari Galaxy 3 Castillo, Amanda Orlando Metro 3 Personett, Brandi Champion Gym.-TX 5 Taylor, Grace Aiken Gymnastics 5 flanery, Jackie Eagles Olympus 7 Bames, Me<Jan 7 Kourbatova, Alexandra Victors Gym. 9 Curler, Nicole Twistars 10 Smith, Kristin Dynamo 10 Dow, Hillary World Class-VA
9.700 9.600 9.515 9.515 9.500 9.SOO 9.475 9.475 9.415 9.375 9.37S
Beam 1 Taylor, Grace 1 lebegem, Ricki 1 Voss, Kristina 4 Jackson, Susan 4 George, Brandi 6 Hunter, Chari 6 Smith, Kristin 6 Southard, Allie 6 Bressette, Amanda 6 Medeiros, Alison 6 Suder, Jessica
World Class-VA Carters-AI Hill's Gymnastics Southem Tier Gym lafleurs-WI Gym Village-NH Wrights Gym. Tampa Bay Turners Perpetual Motion SCEGA Grace Gym.
9.750 9.575 9.575 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.475 9.475 9.475 9.450 9.450
1 Jackson, Susan 2 Castillo, Amanda 3 lebegem, Ricki 4 Curler, Nicole 4 Voss, Kristina 4 Southard, Allie 7 Personett, Brandi 7 Sweetin, Katie 9 West, Tenaya 10 Rogers, laura
Aiken Gym. Capital GTe-VA Al Sunrays Stars Houston Orlando Metro Galaxy Dynamo U.s. Gym. World Class-VA flytz-OH Butler Gym.
9.800 9.615 9.615 9.600 9.600 9.57S 9.575 9.575 9.575 9.575 9.575
Stars Houston Orlando Metro Capital GTC-VA Twistars Al Sunrays U.s. Gym. Champion Gym.-TX Eagles International KDGCTwisters
9.700 9.675 9.650 9.625 9.615 9.625 9.600 9.600 9.575 9.550
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e Men's
;rms year marked the 32nd Junior Olympic ational Championships and Branch Gymnastics in Battle Creek, Mich., played host to this spectacular event. Congratulations to the All-Around champions: Bryan Del Castillo of Newhope Academy (Level 10, 16-18), Phillip Onorato of World Olympic Gymnastics Academy who won his second consecutive JO all-around title (Level 10, 14-15), and Joshua Wilson, also of World OlympiC Gymnastics Academy (Level 9, 12-13). Also, congratulations to the Regional Team champions: Region 3 won the Level 10, 16-18 year old division, and Region 1 won both the Level 10, 14-15 and the Level 9, 12-13 year old division. The Academic All-American Recognition Awards were presented to over 300 student-athletes at the Opening Ceremonies or mailed to the athletes who were not able to attend. These gymnasts are truly remarkable for their commitment to their academic endeavors and the sport of gymnastics. Bryan Del Castillo was presented with the Mas Watanabe Award as the top Level 10, 16-18 year old athlete in this competition. The Frank Cumiskey Award was presented to Gil Elsass. National Service Awards were presented to Tom Fontecchio for 35 years of service; Kevin Muenz for 25 years of service; Gerry Bellemere, Dan Coon and Chuck Chmelka for 15 years of service; Yuejin Sun for 10 years of service; and Dewayne Davenport, Aaron Temple, Tony Ivey, Tom Meadows, Juston Ziegler and Vince Miller for 5 years of service. Special thanks to GK Elite Sportswear for their continued support of the Junior Olympic Program.
1 Bryan Del Castillo 2 Mel Anton Santander 3 nmGentry 4 nmothy Pittman 5 Thomas Kelley
Newhope Academy Mass Gym Center WOGA CypressAcademy Buffalo Grove
55.250 53.800 54.225 53.250 54.000
51.950 52.725 51.925 52.300 51 .100
107.200 106.525 106.150 105.550 105.100
6 7 8 9 10 11 11
13 14 15 16 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Ryan Lieberman Andre' Berry Steven legendre Jon Buese Torrance Laury Ben Baldus-Strauss KyleOi Andll'w Stover Ben Ketelson 5eung Tai lee Eric Hergenrader Nikolai KOlI'panov luke Stannard Paul Ruggieri, lII Josh Rusler Brandon Wynn Nick Virbitsky Patrick Mclaughlin Thomas O'Brien Allen Harris Mike Behles Chris Cameron Brian Liscovitz Ale, Buscaglia Eric Haeussler John Robinson lucas Hughes Daniel Ribeiro Chad Wiest Kinkuro Broden Steve Crabtree
Buffalo Grove 52.925 Cypress Academy 52.500 WOGA SO.675 Sun Country 49.575 The Atlanta School 51 .975 Bartlett Gymnastics 51.325 NewhopeAcademy 50.150 SCATS HB 51.425 Hocking Valley SO.150 Orlando Metro 50.300 WOGA 50.775 Gym Force 50.375 Ultimate Gymnastics 51.075 CNY Gymnastics Ctr 50.150 Bart Conner Gym 49.275 Will-Moor 50.200 Artistic Sports Plus 49.925 Rebounders 50.425 Surgent's Elite 49.525 Artistic Sports Plus 48.475 Bartlett Gymnastics 49.150 Sun Country 48.000 Surgent's Elite 48.750 Aerial Gymnastics 49.000 San Mateo Gym 48.775 Weyandts Gym. 48.250 5280 Gymnastics 47.325 US Gymnastics-NJ 48.300 Butler Gymnastics 45.500 Universal 46.175 Monmouth Gym. 45.425
51.650 51.450 51.675 52.425 49.700 50.075 51.250 49.950 51.175 50.750 49.825 50.22S 49.450 50.175 50.975 49.850 49.525 48.600 49.000 49.550 48.850 49.650 48.850 48.225 48.300 48.625 49.475 48.250 49.575 48.350 48.450
104.575 103.950 102.350 102.000 101.675 101.400 101.400 101.375 101.325 101.050 100.600 100.600 100.525 100.325 100.250 100.050 99.450 99.025 98.525 98.025 98.000 97.650 97.600 97.225 97.075 96.875 96.800 96.550 95.075 94.525 93.875
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ian Jackson Ale, Buscaglia Paul Ruggieri, lII Steven legendre Ben Ketelson Nick Virbitsky
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bryan Del Castillo Tim Gentry Timothy Pittman Brian Liscovitz lucas Hughes Nikolai Korepanov
1 Bryan Del Castillo 2 Thomas Kelley 3 Paul Ruggieri, III 4 Ryan Lieberman 5 Aaron Fortunato 6 Ben Baldus-Strauss
Artistic Sports Plus Aerial Gymnastics CNY Gymnastics Ctr WOGA Hocking Valley Artistic Sports Plus
9.950 9.875 9.725 9.550 9.525 9.200
( Iub
Newhope Academy WOGA Cypress Academy 5urgent's Elite 5280 Gymnastics Gym Force
9.250 9.100 9.075 9.000 8.850 8.575
West Side Gymnastics Bartlett Gymnastics
8.475 8.350 7.450
10 Matthew Martin 11 Josh Di,on 12 Kyle Voissen 13 U Padera 14 Christopher Stehl 15 Patrick Piscitelli 16 Neal Thompson 17 Glenn McCuen 18 CJ. Maestas 19 Matt Chelberg 20 Tyler Mizoguchi 21 Michael Volpe 22 Jacob Swafford 23 Austin Phillips 24 Jacob Houder 25 Anthony Sacramento 26 Tony Bed 27 Eddie Penev 28 Tayler Scharman 29 lach Cazabon 30 Jake Hale 31 Joshua Grauke 32 Joel Uptrnor 32 Brandon Tinkham 34 Eli Richardson 35 Josh Wokurka 36 lance Alberhasky
Gymnastics Village 49.225 Champions Academy 48.825 Swiss Tumers 47.875 Bartlett Gymnastics 49.300 Cypress Academy 49.550 G& J Speedway 48.850 San Mateo Gym 49.225 WOGA 48.050 Gold Cup 49.025 Hocking Valley 48.550 HGA Gym Masters 49.350 Surgent's Elite 48.550 Premier Athletics 46.775 US Gymnastics-NJ 47.200 Cypress Academy 46.500 Buffalo Grove 47.025 lehigh Valley Sports 46.075 Penev's Gymnastics 45.600 USA Gym World 46.550 S1. louis Gym Centre 45.750 Gedderrs Twistars 45.600 5280 Gymnastics 45.625 Queen City 45.850 Aero Te, 44.650 Juergen's Gymnastics 45.625 Bartlett Gymnastics 43.925 Iowa Gym-Nest 45.150
50.550 50.800 51.400 49.700 49.350 49.900 49.500 50.600 49.600 49.900 48.800 48.200 49.700 48.750 49.000 48.350 49.200 49.250 48.100 48.650 48.650 48.350 48.100 49.300 48.100 49.650 48.200
99.775 99.625 99.275 99.000 98.900 98.750 98.725 98.650 98.625 98.450 98.150 96.750 96.475 95.950 95.500 95.375 95.275 94.850 94.650 94.400 94.250 93.975 93.950 93.950 93.725 93.575 93.350
Event Finals Level 10 14-15 Year Olds Floor Score
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bryan Del Castillo Dusty Cranmer Steven legendre Mel Anton Santander Bob Shortie Nick Virbitsky
(Iub Newhope Academy Butler Gymnastics WOGA Mass Gym Center West Side Gymnastics Artistic Sports Plus
9.675 9.100 9.000 8.975 8.775 8.400
( Iub
Newhope Academy US Gymnastics-NJ West Coast Chatfield Gymnastics Mass Gym Center Cypress Academy
9.000 8.950 8.900 8.550 8.400 7.900
1 Matthew McGrath 2 Glen Ishino 3 Jake Hale 4 Oanellleyva 5 Tony Bed 6 Patrick Piscitelli
Kyle Oi Daniel Ribeiro Steve Spencer Michael Jiang Mel Anton Santander Timothy Pittman
Ril'lgS 1 2 3 4 5 6
Tim Gentry Brandon Wynn Torrance Laury Ryan Lieberman Timothy Pittman Garret Durst
WOGA Will-Moor The Atlanta School Buffalo Grove Cypress Academy NSG
9.575 9.050 8.975 8.850 8.725 8.200
Pommel Horse 1 Oonothan Bailey 2 Miguel Pineda 3 Kyle Bunthuwong 4 Alexy Bilozertchev 5 Micah Elolson 6 Chad Mason
Pommels 1 2 3 4 5 6
Bartlett Gymnastics SCATS HB Geddert's Twistars Universal lehigh Valley Sports G& J Speedway
9.425 8.975 8.950 8.925 8.900 8.850
( Iub
Azarian Gymnastics Hocking Valley Golden Bear OSU Boys Team TAGS - Eden Prairie Cali Gymnastics
9.150 9.050 8.750 8.650 8.050 7.900
Rin s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Philip Onorato Kyle Bunthuwong Micah Elolson Miguel Pineda Oanellleyva Glen Ishino Ale,y Bilozertchev Gabriel Gomez OJ. Repp
Meet 1
Meet 2
WOGA Golden Bear TAGS - Eden Prairie Hocking Valley Universal SCATS HB OSU Boys Team Gold Cup Gold Cup
53.000 52.000 51 .200 51.700 51.125 51 .275 51.450 49.100 48.100
53.200 53.800 53.425 52.200 52.650 52.250 50.700 52.100 51.900
106.200 105.800 104.625 103.900 103.775 103.525 102.150 101.200 100.000
1 Philip Onorato WOGA 9.625 2 Miguel Pineda Hocking Valley 9.150 3 Micah Elolson TAGS - Eden Prairie 8.625 4 CJ. Maestas Gold Cup 8.575 5 Matthew Martin Gymnastics Village 8.500 .6_A_nt_ho_n,;. y_ Sa_ er.;., am.;.,e;..nt;..o~ Bu....; ffalo G_ro_ve_ _ _ _ _ _ _8_.4_5_ 0 -.
Vault 1 2 3 4
Micah Elolson Philip Onorato Kyle Bunthuwong OJ. Repp
TAGS - Eden Prairie WOGA G~lden Bear Gold Cup
9.750 9.700 9.375 9.300
RESULTS 5 lach Calabon 6 Robby Anderson
9.050 8.450
St. Louis Gym Centre Lafleurs Tampa
2 Samuel Mikulak 3 John Orozco 4 Dominic Morris 5 Maximilian Mayr 6 Jesse Glenn 7 Daniel Bilinovich 8 David Dyckman 9 Devin Burnett 10 Christopher Turner 11 Cameron Rogers 12 Spencer Smith 13 Allan Bower 14 Alex Bubnov 15 Louis Klein 16 Wyatt Aycock 17 Eric Schryver 18 Dylan Akers 19 Jacoby Rubin 20 Daniel Potemski 21 Gabe Anderson 22 Craig Hernandez 23 Ian Thompson 24 Kanner Ackerman 25 Matt Felleman 26 Drew Moling 27 Alexander Barrera 28 Colton Wulf 29 Steven Jaciuk 30 Danny Berardini 31 Sean Melton 32 Joshua Glenn 33 Tyler Schermann 34 Trevor Howard 35 Matthew Frey 36 Josh Ungar
54.275 SCATS HB 54.550 Cup Black Hills 53.800 Univer>11 5H75 52.700 SCATS HB West Side Gymnastics50.62S Peninsula SHOO WOGA 52.800 West Coast 51 .625 G& JSpeedway 50.650 51.375 Black Hills Desert Devil 51.675 5urgenrs Elite 51.300 50.950 GTC Orlando Metro 50.550 WOGA 51.625 Cypress Academy 50.275 Buffalo Grove 51.300 Aero Tex 48.925 Parkette's 49.900 Buffalo Grove 49.700 Gulf Gymnastics 49.325 Black Hills 50.375 Mass Gym Center 49.875 50.350 Hocking Valley Univer>11 49.375 49.100 Just Jymnastics 49.800 Swiss Tumers Buffalo Grove 49.425 48.750 O~ando Metro SCATS H8 49.425 TAGS - South 48.975 Hocking Valley 47.900 South Florida 47.900 47.300 nm Daggett Wo~d
54.700 53.175 52.700 52.275 52.400 54.025 50.675 50.950 51.750 52.475 51.275 49.925 50.100 50.425 50.800 49.550 50.775 49.725 51.975 50.850 50.975 51.200 49.850 49.800 49.250 50.075 50.275 49.375 49.650 50.225 49.075 49.400 50.225 49.700 49.075
108.975 107.725 106.500 105.850 105.100 104.650 104.175 103.750 103.375 103.125 102.650 101.600 101.400 101.375 101.350 101.175 101.050 101.025 100.900 100.750 100.675 l00.S2S 100.225 99.675 99.600 99.450 99.375 99.175 99.075 98.975 98.500 98.375 98.125 97.600 96.375
2 Maximilian Mayr 3 Alex Bubnov 4 David Dyckman 5 John Orozco 6 Joshua Wilson
1 Trevor Howard 2 Samuel Mikulak 3 MarioWest 4 Donnell Whittenburg 5 Matthew DelJunco 6 John Orozco
9.300 9.175 9.150 8.875 8.400
Hocking Yalley SCATS HB Preston Gymnastics Rebounders Newhope Academy World Cup
9.250 9.100 8.950 8.750 8.725 8.475
Universal Surgenrs Elite Peninsula Wo~dCup
Parallel Bars Club
1 Kyle B_nth_wong 2 Neal Thompson 3 Philip Onorato 4 Alexy 8i1ozertchev 5 DanellLeyva 6 Matthew Martin
1 John Orozco 2 Samuel Mikulak 3 Allan Bower 4 Christopher Turner 5 Dominic Morris 6 Joshua Wilson
9.075 8.675 8.600 8.575 8.350 7.900
Golden Bear San Mateo Gym WOGA OSU Boys Team Univer>11 Gymnastics Village
9.575 9.250 9.150 9.125 9.100 8.925
HI h Bar
High Bar Club
1 DanellLeyva 2 Kyle Bunthuwong 3 Glenn McCuen 4 Jacob Houder 5 a Padera 6 Micah Elolson
Wo~d Cup SCATS HB Desert Devil West Coast Black Hills WOGA
1 Eric Schryver 2 Maximilian Mayr 3 Dominic Morris 4 John Orozco 5 Wasef Burbar 6 Joshua Wilson
9.275 8.725 8.650 8.450 8.400 8.100
Golden 8ear
WOGA Cypress Academy Bartlett Gymnastics TAGS - Eden Prairie
9.400 9.150 9.000 8.725 8.650 8.450
Universal Black Hills World Cup Buffalo Grove WOGA
Samuel Mikulak
Regional Teams
Level 10 16-18 Year Olds Club
1 Samuel Mikulak 2 Maximilian Mayr 3 Cameron Rogers 4 Devin Burnett 5 Cale Robinson 6 Gabe Anderson
SCATS HB Universal G&JSpeedway WOGA Premier Athletics Parkette's
9.650 9.600 9.500 9.175
1 Craig Hernandez 2 David Dyckman 3 Jesse Glenn 4 Samuel Mikulak 5 Kanner Ackerman 6 Joshua Wilson
Buffalo Grove Peninsula SCATS HB SCATS HB Black Hills WOGA
9.525 9.425 9.400 9.300 8.900 7.550
RI 1 Joshua Wilson
55.000 54.550 lD9.550
g.OOO 8.950
Region 3 Region 5 Region 8
258.675 255.475 252.400
Level 10
14-15 Year Olds Region 1 Region 5 Region 3
256.700 254.250 252.900
Level 9
12-13 Year Olds 1 Region 1 2 Region 3 3 Region 7
262.575 259.625 254.250
MotU Sc. re
1 Devin Burnett
American Gymnast, owned and operated by Olympian Stephen McCain and World Team Member J ay Thornton, can fully service Gymnastics Clubs with a complete line of equipment, mats, and accessones.
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Women's Level
and West Championship
The Women's J.O. Level 9 Eastern Championships was hosted by the Master's School of Gynmastics at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Telm., while the Western Championships was hosted by Aerials Gynmastics at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo., on April 21-23. Congratulations to all the qualifiers and their coaches! Special thanks to the meet hosts for providing the participants with a great venue, an enjoyable banquet, and fond memories.
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vent resu Its
Clockwise: Ashley Pness. AliC ia Sacramone. I-l ilary Mauro. James Wickham. and Justi n Spnng
CLAIMS FOUR -=--_LS AT WORLD CUP IN BELGIUM he u.s. women claimed two silver and two bronze medals at the 2006 World Cup event in Ghent, Belgium, May 13-14. Ashley Priess, 16, of Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy, earned a silver and a bronze medal in the beam and floor events, respectively. Alicia Sacramone, 18, of Brestyan's Gymnastics took the silver medal on vault, with Hilary Mauro, 16, of Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy claiming the bronze on beam. Both men -- Justin Spring, of Burke, Va., who trains at the University of Illinois, and Jimmy Wickham, of Gulfport, Miss., who trains at The Ohio State University -- advanced to event finals. Spring, 22, advanced to the finals in both of his preliminary competitive events -- parallel bars and high bar, finishing tied for sixth and eighth, respectively. Twenty-year-old Wickham, who competed in preliminary competition on floor and vault, was seventh in the vault finals. ~
Levels 2 .. Elite (Sat. night Elite Session FIG rules)
Contact: Brya.n Streeter
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ent results The World Cup featured individual apparatus competition and included athletes from 21 countries for the women and 30 countries for the men. In addition to the athletes, the USA delegation included coaches Mihai Brestyan, Mary Lee Tracy, Miles Avery and Jon Valdez. The judges were Sylvia Brestyan and Jim Hartung. ta
USA GYMNASTS WIN TWO MEDALS AT WORLD CUP MOSCOW 2 Evgeni Bogonosyuk 3 A1iaksandr Tsarevich 8 Justin Spring
Belarus USA
eam Chevron's Sean Golden of Houston Gymnastics Academy and Stars Gymnastics' Natasha Kelley won a silver and bronze ~ Continue on page 48
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Tyson Fitness
Challenge Launched on
Today Show Bela Karolyi and some young gymnasts from Exper-Tiess
St. James, N.Y., officially launched the Tyson Fitness Challenge, on Tuesday, June 13, on NBC's "Today" show.
••• The Tyson Fitness Challenge, created by USA Gymnastics and Tyson Foods with the guidance from fitness and nutrition experts, incorporates exercises and activities in four fundamentals of fitness : cardiovascular exercise, strength training, flexibility exercise and nutrition. Between June 13 and August 5, hundreds of USA Gymnastics clubs across the country have signed up to participate in the initiative, either as a stand-alone program or tailoring the eight-session program to fit into their clubs' programs and schedules. Culminating on National Gymnastics Dayan August 5, the Tyson Fitness Challenge will also serve as the platform for raising money for the Children's Miracle Network as part of the National Gymnastics Day activities and goals. To learn more about the Tyson Fitness Challenge and National Gymnastics Day, log on to www.usa-gymnastics.org "The basics of gymnastics are a solid foundation for building fitness, at any level," said Karolyi, the legendary gymnastics coach who is a long-time proponent of the importance of fitness . "I have always stressed that flexibility, strength and cardiovascular exercise are important components for being fit or a good athlete, along with eating a well balanced diet. The Tyson Fitness Challenge is designed to help young people learn how to exercise properly and eat right.' t.a
Club Owners -- If your club is participating in National Gymnastics Day, log on to http://www.usa-gymnastics.org/events/2006/ngd/ and tell us about your plans. Don't forget to email your photos to: publications@usa-gymnastics.org.
R ythmic
Congratulations to the winning regional teamsregion 4 (middle), region 1 (left), and region 3 (right).
Photos by Marvin Moore The 2006 JO Rhythmic Championships were held at Edmonds O mmmnity College in Lynnwood, Wash. The competition took place June 2-4 and included Levels 6, 7 and 8. More than 140 athletes competed both individual and also as regional teams. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this great competition.
(Iub 1 Cindy lu TCR 2 Julia Garbuz IND 3 Daniella Romashin RUS 4 Elithabath Yukilis ISA 5 Azusa Cho WHF 6 Tori lincoln EXC 7 P.,gy Flavin Ell 8 Vana Matkivski PM 9 MidI.lle Yudina ISA 9 Madysen Felber INT 11 Madtline Peterson Ell 12 Alexis Page WHF 13 Stephanie Martich PNS 13 Emily Laughlin EXC 15 Daniell! Shook EXC 15 Veronica Peterson Ell 17 Radlel Anderson Ell 18 Alexandria Acree INT 19 Yaryna TomalislKkak PRA 20 Eugeniya lolova ISA
7.650 7.100 7.400 7.100 7.0SO 7.700 6.750 6.550 6.500 6.750 6.450 6.500 6.800 6.850 6.650 6.600 6.5SO 6.750 63SO 6.450
Hoop 7.950 7.200 6.550 6.650 7.050 7.050 6.950 7.250 6.600 6.850 7.050 6.850 6.550 6.150 6.550 7.000 7.050 6.950 7.250 6.400
7.6SO 7.400 7.300 7.200 6.8SO 6.400 6.300 6.5SO 6.800 6.550 6.2.SO 6.500 6.SOO 6.6SO 6.700 6.000 6.100 6.000 6.000 63SO
Ribbon 7.700 6.900 7.300 6.850 6.350 6.000 6.650 6.100 6.400 6.150 6.450 6.250 6.150 6.350 6.000 6.300 6.100 6.050 6.050 6.250
Al-Anund 30.950 28.600 28.5SO 27.800 27.300 27.150 26.650 26.450 26JOO 26.300
26.200 26.100 26.000 26.000 25.900 25.900 25JOO 25.7SO 25.650 25.4SO
1 Amanda S(hultze 1 Selena Chen 3 Jane Braverman 4 Ni(ole Handy 5 Katherine Davis 6 Aliya Protto 7 Ashley Ittner 8 Mariah Chamberlin 9 Miranda Katty 10 lauren Caputo 11 Antonia Vekmeva 12 Jessi(a Roginsky 13 Aimee Gupla 14 Galya Paraskevova 15 Amanda Trom 16 Velilaveta Alekseyeva 17 lyrica Okino
20 Alexandra Smigla
7.300 8.050 7.300 7.050 7350 7.500 6.600 7.700 7.2.50 Ell 7.250 WOR 7.8S0 CVC 7.350 OAK 5.950 PM 6.500 ElE 7.700 ISA 6.350 WHF 6.650 NSR 6.550 NESA 6.900 PNS 6.300
Hoop 10.575 10.175 10.375 10.075 9.575 9.725 9.700 8.925 9.475 9.650 9.525 10.000 10.375 9.750 9.150 9.650 8.750 9.500 9.025 9.575
Ribbon 9.700 9.675 9.800 10.175 9.525 9.425 10.350 9.650 10.000 9.200 8.425 9.425 8.775 9.450 8.375 8.950 9.375 8.800 9.400 8.750 9.175 8.925 10.125 9.800 9.675 9.825 10.600 10.225 10.100 10.350 9.825 10.325 10.225 8.575 10.075 9.250 9.4SO 9.675 9.6SO 9.450
Al-Anund 37.700 37.700 37.150 37.125 37.050 36.875 36.7SO 36.625 36.5SO 36.425 36.025 35.350 35.175 34.9SO 34.675 34.625 34.425 34300 34.D7S 33.975
(Iub ISA 2 Polina Kozitsky PRA 3 Sofia BOUlOS CYC 4 laura Tutunikov KMC 5 Anastasiya Buraminskaya ISA 5 Jessi(a Bogdanov ISA 7 M.,han Lalor SDR 8 Jazzy Kerber NSR 9 Nastya Paraskevova PRA 10 Danielle Johnson LASG 11 Victoriya Syatkina ISA 12 Diana Kim NOV 13 M.,an Frohli(h ElE 14 Aria Rodli INT 15 Eberlee Santander ASG 16 Samantha Blumenthal NSR 17 Claire Wagner NSR 18 Haile lidowe LASG 18 Elizabeth Abushevitz NSR 20 Victoria Bendersky MNG
9.900 8.BOO
9.150 8.850 8.4SO 8.650 9.200 8.550 8.2.50 8.350 8.300 7.700 7.5SO 7.600 7.600 7.450 7.5SO 7.300 8.5SO 8.500
Hoop 9.825 10.650 11.425 10.625 10.350 10.325 10.425 10.650 10.775 10.150 10.375 9.375 10.200 10.050 10.525 9.900 10.000 9.150 10.350 8.875
Bon Ribbon 11.675 12.400 12.025 12.275 10.950 11.550 11.150 10.875 11575 10.875 10.875 11.400 10.575 10.675 10.675 10.925 10.7SO 10.925 11.425 10.575 10.675 10.700 10.775 11.375 10.325 10.750 10.575 10.575 9325 11.150 10.975 10.050 9.600 10.700 10.500 10.825 9.675 9.200 11.025 9.000
43.750 43.075 41 .500
41.250 41 .250 40.875 40.800 40.700 40.500 40.050 39.225
38.82S 38.800 38.600 38375 37.8S0 37.775 37.775 37.400
Team Awards bnIl
4 3
419300 417.325 411.775 t;;.i
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What does this mean? For the gymnast, it means that they can train to be able to quickly generate muscular force and power - with out increasing muscular size (hypertrophy). Something all gymnastic coaches want for their athletes. This is known as the "Transfer of Training Effect." No other training device currently available can equal the Vertimax's ability to provide this training effect.
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ent schedule 2008
j~g " """"
'Elite 'National QuaHfier·(VVi ··· ···· ··· ···· "Western' cha'mpionshlj:,s (iii······ ··· ··· Deerfield, IL
; 5···········'Merls' QuaHfier·(Mj" ······· ··········· ···· Colorado Springs, CO ii~23 " " '"
'Eastern (hamplo'nsh'ips(iI)····· ········
i3~if "" "
'Acrc,biltic'Gymnastics' Natfoii<il '" .... .
College Park, MD Championships (AG)
i2 ... ... .. 's(flciiarsh'ip Camp (Iii ' .... ............ .
"Wci;ld 'CupiNfssen' Cup (tT)" siJi"·· ···
in·o······· 'U:5:Cliissic' (w)"" kansas'City: MO" ... . :3 f· ·· ·· ··· ·· TO-PsState'Testfng' En'ds .(Wj" .... .. ...... . VariousSites
io~ ij··· ·· ··
Pan American Championships (TI) MEX
Friendship Camp (TR)
Kladno, CIE
Camp Wakeshma, MI
i 6~2i ""' " 'PAGUrra'in'ing ·C:iimp·Exchange··· ·····
Colorado Springs, CO
io··· ········','-biiy 'Busln'ess'BuHde'r"Wcir'J(shop'witii
"Women;s ro: 'N~it;(team Training'Camr;
i 6· ··· ·· ····· 'Ni;t'io'nai ·BlJsiness·Confe·rence ·········· St.Paul, MN
i 6~'ig ""'" V{sa·ch·ampi o n s}i fp s·(rVi,vi.t;F~;,A:G i · · · · · · · · St. Paul, MN
Houston, TX Jeff M etzger
Las Vegas, NV
ii~24 "" ' "
TO'P'5' Naifon·.-ii"Te5tlng Mi ······· ···· ··
i9~Oi:t: '; "
. 'Reg'ion' iCongr'ess " 'Atiantic 'citi i·iJ ..
Houston, TX
i 7~ i·g····· ·· 'Niit'io'nai"coniiress 'and Trade ··· ··· ··... Show
ii~27 ""'"
St. Paul, MN
:iu n'i or'Pan·iI.-mer{can· ········· ····· ······ OCTOBER Championships
Kansas City, MO i4~ 26 ""' "
National Event
Schaumburg, IL
Houston, TX 8~9" " " ""
Burlington, MA
5········ ....'Ni;tionai 'Gymn~istic5' Day············ ····
u.s.& JOT&T National Championships (TI)
Region 6 Congress
JULY 6-14
Ashley Priess gets silver and Hilary Mauro gets the bronze on beam at the World Cup in Belgium.
Gatineau, CAN
....."WoM C'up'(n i " Savo'giJiiJ;·sU(· ·· ····· i5~2i" " " 'Regfcin' i'c'ciilgress'" Santa'Clara:CA·· · i5~27" "' " 'R egfcin' 5' ccin'gress'" cii-lcirinati," Of{ ··· · 3; ~2" " "" "WoMcup'(ni " GER ·· ···· ············· i4~ 26"
Portland, OR
Region 2 Congress
i4~2i " "'"
"Wciii"d 'ch'<impionships ·(M;Wi' ·· ·· .... ··
i7~29" "'"
'OrB "Wcir(d 'clJp '(M,WY' 'Stutt~ia;i:GEk
Aarhus, DEN
on page 42
USAG Girls Levels 2-10/0pen Optional AAU Girls Levels 2-0ptional USAG Boys Levels 4-Elite
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CHAMPIO st. Paul, MN
IPS August 16-19
TRIVIA QUIZ The Visa Championships is the most prestigious national gymnastics competition of the year. Our countries' best gymnasts will be crowned national champions . Don't miss this year's event in St. Paul, Minn ., August 16-19 at the Xcel Energy Center. Visit usa-gymnastics.org for all of the latest updates!
The Future of Gymnastics is Here.
Test Your Knowledge
Who were the 2005 Visa National Champions for men and women?
1n 2004/ just prior to the Olympic Games in Athens/ which two women tied for the all-around title at the Visa Championships?
What male gymnast won three consecutive allaround titles at the national championships in 2002/ 2003 and 2004 and then went on to the win the 2004 Olympic Games?
Which woman won the national all-around title in 1984 and then went on to win the Olympic gold medal?
Which woman won the national allaround title in 1991/ prior to her win at the World Championships that same year?
What rhythmic gymnast won the 2005 Visa Championships title?
HIPS A ugust 16-19
Get Your Tickets Today! Call 651.989.5151/ go online atticketmaster.com/ or visit the Xcel Energy Center box office.For more information visit: usa-gymnastics.org.
Two great meets for 2007!
Continued from page 38
27-31 FIG Congress Geneva, SUI 1'80' .. ...... World 'clip ·(tty .. tHN· ·· ·... .. ....... .............. ...... ... .... .
Academy (High Performance Coaching Seminar) Houston, TX
Dcivid Ward ·Hi.int·ciimp·(n) " Giiiingh'om: ENG ·· ·· ······ ······· 9~i 2···· ·· ·· · j:·t.iture· stiir's' NailoriiiI ctici'mps'(M) " (oio;ado springs;·co ····· · 9~i 2" " .....Nciticin<ii cci;lctie'$ Workshop' (Mi " coiori:ido 'Sprinfjs,·co·····... ,. i: ;'i" .. ... USA 'Gymriiis't'iCs' Board' Me;eti'ng' " TeD' .. ........ ... ... ... .. .... . ,. i: ;'i" .... . World 'Clip '(M'iW) " G;osgiow: GBR ..... .... ...... ...... ... ...... . ,. i: ;·s···· ·· ·Pre ·E(ite·tr<ilriirig ccim'p '(W)" Houston; ·iX' ············· ·· ··· ··· · ,.7:;·8···· ··· World 'Clip 'F(ncii '(R)" 'Mie,'j'PN··········· ·.... ····· · .. ····· ···· .. · in·6 ·· .. ··· World 'clip 'Fi'ncii 'Chi" 'Bi;mingh'om: ENG· ·.. ······ .. ······ ···· ·· iil:Oec';" .. Oiympic' Te·s·t'i:vent·· ·Beijing: (i-iii ······ ............... ... ..... .. iil:Oec 2"" Deveiopment'ii(Trciinin'g'ccimp'(Wj " Hejuston; ·tX'· ······· ····· · 1'80·· ··· ···· World 'Clip 'Fi'ncii '(M;wi" ·cHN ······ ·· ···· ····.. ····· ···· ··· ···· ·· 4~S """""
DECEMBER National JumpStartTesting (TI) TBD YOPS 'Natio'ncii A'Ca'mp'(wj " ·Houston,'tX'··········· ···· .. ·.. ··· 6····· ···· ··· ','-'Diiy 'Busin'ess 'BuHde'r'Wo'r'kstiop'with Jeff'Metzger······ ·· ···· Fremont, CA 6~i 0···· ··· · Y6'PS 'Natici'ncii 'SCcim'p'(wi" Houston; ·iX'····· ···· ····· ······· ·· i' ... ....... . i'-'Oa'y'Business 'BuHde'r'Wo'rkstiop 'with Jef'r'Metzger··· ····... .. 1-3
i~6 " """ "
Portland, OR
,. 5: ;·6·· ··· ·· World 'ClipWncii '(M;Wi" 'Monaco " ...... .......... ... .. ....... .. For a complete event schedule go to usa-gymnastics.org
gymsupp I y.com
P'ease visit our websi ,e or complete detaitst 42
NOTE: oms //lid MIlts sub}«t to c/Hmgf1N CIIIKfIIIIIon. W; Women M; Men R; Rhythmk GG; Group GymnastICs AG; Acrobatic Gymnastics Tumbling TR; Trampoline TU ; Tumbling
n; Trampolineand
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Women 's Level 9 East and West Chamionships ~ Continued from page 28
oym update Philip P. Morton CHAMPIONSHIPS NALS RESULTS The All-Around results from the Women's NCAA Championships Super Six team competition were published in the May/June issue of USA Gymnastics magazine on p.39. Here are the top 15 in the AIIAround from the Women's NCAA Championships. We apologize for any confusion.
Courtney Kupels
Ashley Poslell
April Burkholder
TIffany Tolnay
Ashley Miles
6(1) Krislina Comforte
6(t) Emily Parsons
8(t) Janel Anson
8(1) Erin Detholff
8(1) Tabilha Vim
11 (I) Corey Hartung
11 (t) Kalie Heenan
13(1) Nicolle Ford
13(1) Laura-Kay Powell
Terin Humphrey
Philip Morton, 43, of Bethel, Conn., died unexpectedly on June s. Philip was a highly regarded gymnastics photographer, and his photos have appeared throughout USA Gymnastics and Technique magazines for the past year. "He was able to capture the action in our sport with incredible clarity," said USA Gymnastics editor Luan Peszek. "He was a true professional, always willing to go the extra mile and had a passion for our sport!" USA Gymnastics sends condolences to his wife, Nathalie, and four children: Lizzie, Peter, Julia and Sophie, as well as the rest of his family.
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Scottsdale. Arizona
aces In the gym
Taylor, 11, is the 2006 Arizona StateAll-Around Level 7Champion With ascore of 38. 150. In addition 10 first place In the all-around, Taylor took first place on vault, bars and beam, and second place on floor. Her performance on beam earned ascore of 9.75. Taylor is on the competitive team of theArizona Sunrays in Phoenix.
"' ANTHONY GUEORGUIEV Plymouth tv1ichigan
Anthony IS aLevelS gymnast at Euro Stars Gymnastics He scored a perfect"IO"on pommel horse at theMichigan State Meet He is photographed with his parents, Peter and Tania Gueorguiev. owners and coachesof the Euro Stars Gymnastics Team.
Houston. Texas
tv1adison. Indiana
Harrison, 8, earned six gold medals, including theall-around gold, to become the 2006 Level 5Boy's StateChampion. He also earned asilver medal at the State Meet. Harrison trains at Houston Gymnastics Academy.
TheLevel 7team fromMadison Gymnastics World won the 2005-06 Indiana State Gymnastics Championships. Theteam won thestatetitleWith an exceptional teamscoreof 113.325 1 Theteamalso had several indiVidual state champions.Team members are (bonom I tor): Ashton Burnen, NadiaMoore. Savannah Hubbard, Annie lynch, Kara Bladen. (top row I to r) Bailey Stewart, KaJllin Adler, Kayla Adkins, Elizabeth McCollum and Katelyn Brooks. The team iscoached by StephanieKemp
... LESLEY LAI Palm Desert. Californi a
Lesley, 14, is the 2006 Level 8 Region 1Vault Champion. She trains at Action GymnaslJcs Center and is coached onvauit ano bars by U Weaver (shown on fight in photo).
~ ZACHARY TREADWAY Oklahoma City. Oklahoma
Zachary IS the 2006 Oklahoma StateChampion, Winning theall-around titlewJlh ascoreof 55.900. lach also won floor and rings wJlh ascore of 9.800 on both events. Thiswas lach's fihh straight all-around title this season. lach competed as aLevel 5, 7-8 year old this year. He trains at Bart Conner GymnasticsAcademy wJlh coaches Charles Ellis and Brandon Rhame.
~ NATALIE "TIM" CHIARELLO Vernon Hills. Illinois
Natalie 10, trains at The GymnasticsSpot in Mundelein, III. As a LevelS, sheplaced first all-around (37725) at the 2005 tllinois StateMeet and also won the 2006 level 6 State Meet (37125) She's coached by Steve Bell, Kim Wa1czynski, Boglarka "Bogi" Gyorfi, and Michelle Merz.
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ent results 2006 World Cup in Moscow
finished seventh on both bars and floor at her fi rst international competition . The U. S. d elegation also included coaches Ashly B a kel~ Diane Farrell, Kevin Mazeika and judge Cheryl H amilton . i'oi
~ Continued from page 32
2 3 6 7
Sean Golden on nngs.
med al, respectively, at the World Cup event in Moscow, Russia, May 25-26. Golden, 22, won the silver med al on vault and finished sixth place on floor. Kelley, 16, earned the bronze m edal on floor, w as fourth on vault and sixth on bars. Rebound Gymnastics' Kayla Hoffman, 17,
Darya Zgoba Yulia Lozhechko Natasha Kelley Kayla Hoffman
Roor Exercise Daiane dos Santos 2 Lais Souza 3 Natasha Kelley 7 Kayla Hoffman
2 Sean Golden 3 Tomas Gonzales
15.300 15.000 14.800 13.950
16.050 16.025
High Bar
r 1 Brian Gladow 2 Nikolai Kuksenkov 3 Aljaz Pegan
15.450 15.400 15.350
garments may vary slightly fro m photo
and coaches. We are seeking Head Coaches for our JOGA Team and USAG Levels 4 and 5. Coaches will assist with all levels of teams and teach recreation classes. Rettig's Gymnastics in a well established program with a strong foundation of recreational gymnasts to compliment our U.S.A.G. Levels 4-10. Rettig's Gymnastics offers competitive salaries, paid vacations and health benefits. Applicants need to be fun, energetic, positive motivators and team players. Contact Dave or Diane Rettig, 973267-5611, fax: 973-267-7796, e-mail: djrettig@cs.com
POSITION AVAILABLE If you are an Optional Gymnastics Coach and looking for a great place to work, The Gymnastics Academy at Elmwood Fitness Center, a service of Ochsner Health Systems is the place to apply. Fulltime coaching position, requires Level 9 & 10 experience and expertise on bars, vault, and tumbling to compliment our winning team. Elite experience aplus. Offers excellent benefits including health, dental, and 401 K. Please log on to wwwelmwoodfitness.com and apply online Elmwood Fitness Center is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Immediate Opening for TEAM & Class Coaches. Jonas Gymnastics is looking for experienced, motivated coaches for classes and our GROWING USAG Girls programs. Ideal candidates are team players, mature, career-minded and energetic. Applicants should have USAG experience, knowledge of skill progressions and be willing to contribute to team and recreational programs. High level spotting (fulls, giants) is a major plus. Full-time/Part-time positions available. Paid Vacations, Sick/ Personal Time, Paid Certifications, Bonuses, Get-Away Trips and Medical Benefits available. Jonas Gym is in central NJ, has 15,000 square feet and is fully air-conditioned. Interested applicants may apply - email: Jenn@JonasGymnastics.com fax: 732-360-0911 or @732-536-0030 x 201; For more information, visit wwwJonasGymnastics.com GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORSITEAM COACHES NEEDED. Join one of the fastest growing and premier gymnastics facilities inthe southeast. GeorgiaGymnastics Academy is seeking qualified professionals for Boys and Girls Teams and Recreational Classes We are awell established club in the dynamic Atlanta Georgia area with two large facilities. Applicant must have strong coaching and spotting skillsand be ahighly motivated team player. Full and part-time positions available at all levels with management potential. Salary commensurate with experience. Benefit package available. Interested parties should fax their resume to 770963-3443 or call Jenette at 770-962-5867.
The Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester is looking to fill a Head Team Coach position with our rapidly expanding team program, Levels 5-10. The center is located in upstate New York and is a state-of-the-art facility. We are looking for a long-term committed coach who can work with children of all ages and has a calm demeanor. Our LevellOs compete Yurchenko Fulls, Double Backs, Shoot to Hands, Blinds, Jaegers, Gingers, and Tkatchevs; therefore, the applicant must be familiar and comfortable spotting these skill sets. Salary is commensurate with ability and will include relocation fees as well as health benefits and vacation pay for the right person. This is an immediate job opening. We are a great company to for with all your needs at your fingertips. We have a full secretarial staff and professionally run gym with approximately 1800 students. The city of Rochester has a population of approximately 1 million with numerous surrounding suburbs with a variety of entertainment options from the theater district to sports arenas. Any questions, please contact Sarah Jane Clifford, President at 585-388-8686; e-mail: gtc@frontiernet.net; web site: www.gtc-rochester.com.
Part Time/Full time coaching positions for successful and well established boys gymnastics program in Eastern Connecticut immediately available. Qualifications include first hand knowledge of gymnastics from collegiate or private school training, or previous experience coaching competitive team gymnasts. Technique and spotting ability for high level gymnastics skill development is a must. Administrative duties require computer, public relations and strong organizational skills. The school is located approximately 20 minutes east of Hartford. Resume and references required. Call for an interview (860)377-0161 Fax resumes to (860)228-4993 Rettig's Gymnastics Training Center Inc., located in beautiful northwest New Jersey, is currently seeking full and part time instructors
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RATES: l-lOO words=$l00, 101-200 words=$200 Your ad in USA Gymnastics magazine will automatically be placed online for 30 days at no additional charge. The address is: www.usa-gymnastics.orglclassifiedsl. Your 30 days will begin on the next regular posting date. DEADUNES:
Mar-Apr May-Jun Jul-Aug Sep-Oct Nov-Dec
NOTE: If the 16thfalls on a weekend or holiday, the preceding work dayis considered the deadline. USA Gymnastics is received by more than BO,OOO subscribers plus thousands of viewers will be exposed to your ad online. Advertise your employment opportunity, product, service, or competition here for great results. Questions! Call Luan Peszek at 317-829-5646.
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