JSA Gymnastics ~01 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300 ndianapolis, IN 46225
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Perm. No. 7867
• OCTOB~R 2007
Steve Penny
Luan Peszek
10 Visa C hampionships The Visa Championships for men, women, rhytlunic and acrobatic gymnastics took place in San Jose, Calif" August 15-18, The national teams for each discipline were named and the World Championships teams were selected for men, women and rhytlunic. Check out all the great photos and a summary of the results, For complete results go to www,usa-gymnastics,org
Designer Zemetria Barnes-Perry
Design Associate Adam Braden
USA GYMNASTICS USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIR Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: SI"" Penny; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KoII; VICE OWR MEN: Ynichi Tomita; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, VICE CH~R TRAMPOUNE: Paul Panlla; via CHAIR ACRD-{iYMNA5TlCS; Tanya Case; SECRETARY: Gary Ande""n; TREASURER: Bob Wood; RG REPS: Bob C~amssi (Exe(lnive Comminee), Ron Froehlich (AudIT(J(), Tonya Case (AG Te<hniuJl Comminee) and John Roethlilbeiger (Athlete Rep.). AT LARGE MEMBffiS: 51"" Butcher, Il<Iid Holcomb; ATIllflE DlREGORS: ~m Znclal-Burdene, John Roelhlilbeiger, CaroIi", Hum. KaiI HeIjo; USOC Arnlffi DIPKlOO: I.!Iosa fontaine.
USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Roo Froehlich; PRESIDENT: Sir" Penny; PRESIDENT EMERITUS; Sandy Knapp, Mike Donahue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SECRETARY: Gary Ande"",,; V1U CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE OWR MEN: Yoichi Tomita; VICE OWR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid. VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUNE: Paul Panlla; VICE CHAIR ACRO-GYMNA5TlCS: Tonya Case; PtlBllC SEGOR ~II HybI, Bob Wood; ~TEUR ATIllfllC UNION; Roo Ferns; AMERI~ SOKOl ORGAAIZATION: JerIY Milan; AMERI~ TURNERS: Beny Heppner; COLlEGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION-MEN: rands Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIAnON Of COll£GlATE COACHES-WOMEN: Md~ Cook; NATIONAL ASSOCIAllON FOR GIR15 AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Manlyn Strawbndge; NATIONAL ASSOCIAllON Of WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Carole ~e; NATIONAl COllEGIATE ATIllEllC ASSOCIATION-MEN: Y",hi Hayasaij; NATKlNAl FEDERATION Of STATE HIGH SCHOOl ASSOCIATIONS: Becky Oakes; NAnONAl GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Butch Zunich; NATIONAL HK;H SCHOOl GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIAllON: Ma~' Canfield; U.S. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS CWBS: Paul Ziert; U.S. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIAnON-MEN: Thorn GI.lmi; U5. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIAnDN-WOMEN; SIM Rybacli and Tony Gehman; U5. MEN'S GYMNA5TlCS COACHES ASSOCIATION; TIm Klempnauer; US. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie Drrull~; YOJNG MEN'S CHrusnAN ASSOCIAnON or TIlE USA: Caley Koenig; NATIONAL COlLEGIATE ATIllfllC ASSOCIATION-WOMEN; Meg ~ephen"'n; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DlREGORS MEN: Mike Bums. Ah. GnlIsfeld; RHYrnMIC: lvanka Kirov, Michelle LlilOll; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Tom fooler; TRAMPOUNE: Sh.lun Kem~on, Dr. Geooje Drew; ACRO-GYMNASTICS; Unda Porter, Jay ~nder; ATIllffiS COUNCil Mohini Bhardwaj, ~m Znclal-Burden~ Llrissa fontaine, !<.In Heger, JessiuJ Howard, Caroline Hun, Jamie Mdol1., 51"" McG1in, IIi.lnnon Miller, Michael Rodngues, T.Jy ThomIOl1, USOC Athlete Re~; Llnssa fontaine, USOCAthiete Rep.; Llrissa fontaine, ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lori !<.lIZ; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, !<.lie Faher-HKkie; U.S. COMPETmVE AEROBICS FEDERAllON, Howard Schw"tz CHANGE Of ADDRESS AAD SUBSCRIPTION INQUlruES: In Older 10 ensure uninterrupted delivery of magazine, notiCe of chang£'
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service, please enclose your present mailing label. Direct all wblaiption mail to USA Gymnal1ic>,lOI S. CaPIT~ Ave.. Sle. lOO, Indiana~il.I N 46225.
24 Pan American Games The United States earned a total of 23 medals, including nine gold, 10 silver and four bronze, at the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in men's, women's, rhythmic and trampoline competition, The competition took place July 13-29,
30 Trampoline and Tumbling National Championships Memphis was the site of the 2007 Trampoline & Tumbling National Championships, June 20-28. The event combined U.S. Championships with the J,O. Championships, Kalon Ludvigson defended his U.S, titles in senior elite tumbling and double mini-trampoline, and Chris Estrada earned his third consecutive title in trampoline 34 Gymnaestrada The USA delegation of 386 members joined the approximately 22,000 other p articipants from 57 countries for the 2007 World Gymnaestrada in Dornbirn, Austria, 36 F=reedom Cup The 2007 Freedom Cup featured competition from six countries and was held in Palm Springs, Calif., July 20-22, The USA athletes finished the competition w ith a total of 41 medals, including 22 gold, 12 silver, and seven bronze,
Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all arlides, slatements and views printed herein are atuibuted solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.
ON THE COVER: Shawn Johnson (photo by ~"" Llnqe) and David Du~nte (photo by John Cheng)
USA GYMNASTICS" puNMed bimonth~ for I 19.95 per veal in the US, III perve" in Canada (J( Mexk~ and \4S perve" in all other countries. USA GYMNA5TlCS" publMed by USA Gymnalli", Pan lunerkan ~aza,10 1 S. Capit~ Ave., Suile JOO,lndiana~",I N 46225, (l 17) 137-IOIO, www,lISO-9J!IInastKs.org. USA Gymnallic> isthe IOle national gO,,",ing body for the sport of gymnastic>. Anot-for-profil ~an"ation, USA Gymnastkl selects, trailll and adminillers the U.s. Gymnallic> Team, including the US Olympic Gymnaslic> Team. Contributions and support a. a,,,,YI welcome and are tax-deductible. © 2IlIl6 USA Gymna"k5. All ri<jh5 reserved. Printed by Sport Graphic>,Ifl(,lndiana~is,IN, USA
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USA Gymnastics has experienced a busy summer and the pace will not slow down until the close of the Olympic Games in 2008! We're sending USA Delegations all over the world for international events and competitions and we should all be proud of the effort being put forward by these extraordinary athletes, Our athletes wear their red, white and blue with pride wherever they go. They conduct themselves in such an incredible manner, both on and off the competition floor. It is awesome to witness. We sent a delegation of 400 individuals to the World Gymnaestrada in Austria and the comments on this group have been nothing short of spectacular. From their group performances to their interaction with people from all over the world, the U.S, delegation received strong compliments for their presence at the largest gymnastics event in the World. We also sent amen's and women's artistic, trampoline and rhythmic delegation to the Pan American Games in BraziL Even among the adversity these athletes faced with a hostile crowd, they performed fabulously and conducted themselves with great poise throughout the trip, The medal' winning performances by athletes in all the disciplines is a testament to the strong commitment being made at the elite leveL We hosted the Freedom Cup in July; an international acrobatic gymnastics competition, in Palm Springs, Calif, Our acro gymnastics program continues to demonstrate great leadership among the international community under the helpful direction of FIG TC Acting President, Tonya Case, More recently we hosted the Visa Championships in San Jose, Calif" where we named the artistic and rhythmiC World Championships teams, We are sending strong groups of athletes to represent us in Stuttgart, Germany; for the men and women and Patras, Greece, for the rhythmic. This event is extremely important this year as it serves as the qualifier to the 2008 OlympiC Games. Many times you hear of our athletes' success on the competition floor and the medals they've earned, but not often do hear how well they serve as ambassadors for our sport and our country. We have outstanding individuals representing us at the international level and I encourage everyone to express your support whenever you get the chance,
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15.050 on floor, complete with her double twisting double back mount. 2006 World Championships Silver-medalist Jana Bieger of Bieger International Gymnastics placed eighth in the overall rankings. Bieger, :E who is on the mend from an ankle injury suffered earlier this year, was not < competing at 100%. Her best event was beam where she scored a 15.150 l: U for her unique routine, which features a front with a half twist and a double < front dismount. III Rounding out the national team are: Will-Moor's Darlene Hill, who 5> unveiled a huge pike double Arabian on floor; Stars' Natasha Kelley, who is also not 100% and recovering from an injury; and Parkette's Amber Trani, whose vault was her high score of the competition, a 14.75 for her Yurchenko double full. 2005 World Champion Chellsie Memmel competed floor on day one of competition. showing that she is on the road to recovery from shoulder and ankle injuties, and was placed onto the national team. III
Jun;or Women Rebecca Bross from WOGA Gymnastics dominated the women's junior competition, winning the all-around title with a score of 119.400. Bross, who earned the all-around silver medal at the 2007 Pan American Games, also won the vault, bars and floor titles and tied for second on beam with Jordyn Wieber. Bross is known for her high level of difficulty, performing a double twisting Yurchenko on vault, a standing Arabian and double Arabian dismount on beam, and impressive tumbling on floor as well. Samantha Shapiro of All Olympia in Los Angeles, Calif., finished second all-around with a score of 117.500 and won the beam title. Shapiro scored a 15 .600 on beam the first day of competition, complete with a flip flop, layout series, front tuck and double pike dismount. Shapiro also earned second on bars and floor. Geddert's Wieber finished third all-around with a score of 116.200. Wieber earned second place on vault with her Yurchenko double full, tied for second on beam Witll Shapiro and was third on bars. Wieber showed a standing full on beam and a layout full twisting double back dismount on bars! Texas Dreams' Chelsea Davis placed fourth all-around with a score of 113.950. Davis' best event was beam during tlle first day of competition when she scored a 15.000. Davis showed nice, clean routines and a polished look at her first Visa Championships. Elite Gymnastics' Rheagan Courville, coming off a win at the U.S. Classic, finished fifth all-around with a score of 113.750. Courville's best event was beam during the first competition day when she scored a 15.200, featuring a standing Arabian and series into the double pike dismount. Mattie Larson from All Olympia showed impressive poise and grace to finish sixth in the all-around Witll a score of 113.700. Larson's best evenr was floor, where she scored a 14.650 and 14.600, respectively, and mounred with a high double Arabian mount. Rounding out the junior national team in rank order were: Olivia Courtney, Orlando Metro; Ashley Srott, SCEGA; Corrie Lothrop, Hill's; Cassandra Whitcomb, Cincinnati; Rebecca Clark, GAGE; and Sarah DeMeo, GAGE. ~
Club Chow's
Day' 61.750
O.rla~d~ ./i1etr~ ...
Sharp's Parkettes
Day2 61.900
. 5~.350 ..... W~S.O.. 59.050 59.450
59.450 59.000
58.550 57.500 . Rey~au's .sM50. 59.850 ...........Bie.g~r .In(l........... ..s~.J~~ 57 .250 56.85O' ...... ~7 ..8(JQ .. VViHI1o~r Stars 56.550 57.100 Parkettes .......5~4OO ~7-.1S.0. WOGA 55.500 56.350 . 5U5Q ... 5.?~(JQ 55.150 54.900 55.300 . 5.5}5.0 45.100 47.300
. ... ..
Day' WOGA 58.950 . 2.S.alll~n.\h~Shapiro .. . .....A.II.QlyiTlP.i~ . . . 5~9()() . . 5.?'~. .3)~rdy'n.l'lie.ber ................ ~ell~ert's 58.500 57.700 4.Jh.~ls~a. Ra.~i~.. Texas Dreams .. 5!)W .... 5.6..650 Elite 57.300 56.450 ...................... ................................... - ........ . ................. ~II. qly.lTlp.ia ........... 57.550 Orlando Metrq ..... 56]99 .... ~~,8~O' ...... " .,~..,,~.,...... . SCEGA 56.550 56.350 56.400 ..<'..'".'.'.'., .'"".'.'.' " ..................~.ill'S . . . .. 56.300 CinCinnati 56.050 56.550 .. :.::..-.:::..: ::: . .•: .::.......... _-- ........ ...... . ....G.AGL ... 5~95Q 5.5.~5.0 GAGE 56.000 56.150 Ge<idert's .. 5~:lW ... 55.900 Cincinnati 55.200 55.100 ..................... ... Southeastern 54.700 55.000 ........... - .............. - ............ .. . ......... A.IIQIy.iTlPi.a . .. ..54:95.O' ..... 5.~.Q(lO. 54.850 53.900 ....A~riaIGy.'TI .CI~b . C~I.oradq.Mrials~425.o. .... 5.~.Q(lO. .... ...Bra.ndy. Joh~so~....... 5.3..3~o.. .... 5.4. 5.(JQ.... J07:?5Q .Ex~alib.ur .. ... 5.4·7~Q. .... 5.~. 250 .1.07:.DQQ Parkettes 53.050 53.600 .........Dia.ll1ond Elite 52.400 ..... 5.2..~5.0 Extreme 52.500 52.400 ....................................World __ .. _-_............ . 1.---Rebecca Bross -- .... ...............
ZO(fl VI 9:
:J: VI Z
Durante Wins Men's Title
Sen;or Men
< David Durante of Team Chevron in Colorado Springs, Colo. , earned :J: his first-career U.S. all-around title at the 2007 Visa Championships. U Guillermo Alvarez of Team Chevron in Minneapolis, Minn., finished just < VI .20 points behind Durante, wh ile Sho Nakamori of Stanford University, rounded our the top three. "It was like a flood of emotion I've never had before," said Durante, a former Stanford University gymnast and graduate. "I have been waiting for this for a long time. To have it happen in tile Bay Area, with my friends and family here, is indescribable." Durante finished with a total score of 179.300, with his best events being rings, vault and parallel bars, although he was extremely consistent on all six evenrs. Alvarez and Nakamori posted scores of 179.100 and 178.400, respectively. Alvarez's best evenrs were floor (Arabian double piked mount) and vaulr (Yurchenko double full twist) while Nakamori's best event was vaulr (Kazamatsu full twist). Defending all-around champion Alexander Artemev of Team Chevron in Morrison, Colo., finished fourth after arrempting a Yurchenko triple full twist vault that has never been completed before in international competition. ''I'm happy, bur it was so close," said Alvarez, who competed for Team Chevron. "Second is not bad, bur I came in and I wanted to win." "By far, this is my greatest achievemenr," said Nakamori. "I came inro the competition with no expectations. I came our for the show and had fun." Durante's 15 .500 on parallel bars not only earned him an individual evenr crown, bur also secured the U.S. all-around tide. Heading inro the final rotation, Durante was in second place behind Alvarez by .450 points. Parallel bars was Durante's final event, and he ended that rourine with a pike, double-back dismount to move into the lead. Alvarez, who led throughout the competition, needed a 15.050 to win the all-around, but posted a 14.900 on still rings during the final rotation . In his first competition since wi nning the all-around at the 2004 Olympic Games, Paul Hamm of Team Chevron in Columbus, Ohio, competed in two events, pommel horse and floor exercise. His floor exercise routine, which included big flairs and a double layour dismount, earned him the gold medal with a total score of 31 .300. Sean Golden of Houston Gymnastics Academy added a second U.S. vault tide to the one he claimed in 2005 by earning a two-day score of 31.850. He posted a 16.100 on his Yurchenko two-and-a-half twist vault. Artemev, the 2006 world pommel horse bronze medalist, won his second straight U.S. pommel horse tide with a total score of 30.500. On still rings, Kevin Tan of Team Chevron in State College, Pa., defended his tide with a total score of 32.850 after posting the highest score of the second competition day with a 16.450 for a rourine that included big strength skills and a double layout with full twist dismount. Winning horizontal bar was Justin Spring of Team Chevron in Champaign, Ill., who stuck a triple back dismount after a rourine that included multiple release moves. Eight of the 14 members of the 2007-08 men's senior national team were announced at the end of the session and the remaining six were announced later. The national team includes: Alvarez, Artemev, Durante, Golden, Joseph Hagerty, Paul Hamm, Jonathan Horton, Sho Nakamori, David Sender, Spring, Clay Strother, Tan, Yewki Tomita, and Sean Townsend.
Jun;or Men Alexy Bilozerrchev of Ohio State Boy's Gymnastics in Columbus and John Orozco of World Cup Gymnastics in Chappaqua, N.Y., won the junior men's 16-18 year-old and 14-15 year-old all-around titles, respectively, at the 2007 Visa Championships. In addition, Bilozertchev won pommel horse, while Orozco claimed three individual event tides including rings, parallel bars and high bar. Bilozerrchev, who is coached by his father Dmitri, a former world and Olympic champion, held the lead after three rotations with a score of 43.200, bur fell to second with one rotation left. His 14.300 on pommel horse earned him the all-around tide with a total score of 84.850, ~ 14
followed by Glen Ishino of SCATS Huntington Beach., in second at 84.600 and Kyle Bunthuwong of Golden Bear Gymnastics in Berkeley, Calif., in third at 84.350. Josh Dixon of Champion Academy in San Jose, Calif., who was the 2006 U.S. junior floor and vault champion in the 14-15 yearold division, won floor and vault in the 16-18 year-old division. H is floor routine, which included an Arabian double front and a solid two-and-a-half punch Barani, scored a 15.100, while his Kasamatsu oneand-a-half vault earned a score of 15.300. Bilozertchev posted a 14.300 on pommel horse to earn the gold medal, while Bunthuwong nailed a double pike dismount on parallel bars to win this event with a 14.900. Ishino's rings routine, which included a Jonasson immediate straddle planche, earned a score of 14.200 and the gold medal. Tyler Miwguchi of Houston Gymnastics Academy stuck a double layout dismount to win the horiwntal bar with a 13.450. In the 14-15 year-old division, Orozco won the all-around title with a final score of 83.900. Sam Mikulak of SCATS Huntington Beach, led through four events and finished in second with a final score of 82.150. Joshua Wokurka of Bartlett Gymnastics in Lombard, Ill., was third with a score of 81.900. Orozco took over the all-around lead after the fifth rotation with a 13.700 on high bar. His individual event titles came on parallel bars (14.750) ; still rings (14.050); and high bar, which included a stuck full twisting double layout dismount. In addition to Orozco, the other gymnasts who claimed event titles in the 14-15 year-old division were: Jake Dalton of Gym Nevada in Sparks, Nev., floor exercise (14.650); Mikulak, vault (15.450); and Donothan Bailey of Azarian in Lake Forest, Calif., pommel horse (13.900) . JO Program Coordinator, Jeff Robinson, said, 'This competition is very complex in that we use it to select our junior and senior national team members. Some of our junior athletes qualified to and elected to participate in the senior session at this event. As a result, they weren't eligible for junior awards but they had the possibiliry of making the senior national Team. In this case, they did not make the senior team, but their scores still carryover for Junior National team. From this perspective, one of the highlights was the tremendous performance of two of Out junior athletes who finished as our top two junior all-around gymnasts in the senior session of preliminary competition. Danell Leyva, 15, from Universal Gymnastics in Miami, Florida, turned in a score of 86.500 to earn the highest all-around single session score of the weekend by a junior athlete. Philip Onorato, 17, from WOGA in Plano, Texas, scored an 85 .100 to earn the top junior spot in the 16-18 year division. As a result, these young men have been selected to the U.S. in ~
....Team Chevron ..... 89.,45.0. ...... ~9AS.O... 89.300 89.509 Stanford Univ 88.300
StanfordUniv 89.100 .........................................
······ .... U:Okiahiiiiia···
Teaf!! Chevron HGA ........ U.n!Vi'rsiI.I.. .. .8~,05.0. 84.800... J70JSQ... .. DS~ .i!()y's .............. ~~.8S.O' ... ~SJS.0____ ...1.70.600 . U.5()T~ ...........85.200 .... ~S.-.1S'O ...... 170}S.Q . 84.950 85.100 170.050 TeamChevron WDGA ... 85..10.0. ..... ~~:6S0 ...... 1~}S.0... Golden Bear 84.250 ................... . WDGA
Junior Men 14-15 (top 10 III-around)
. ~~I~~n.B~a!...... .
Gold Cup
..........:::· .ch.a~p.i~iii A(a( · iiiOOO ...........H~~ ... Yellow Jackets
. .. ~H50... 80.750
.Uo.hnO'ro.z(o. ............W.o.~ d .~~ p. . __ ......... ~.7" .~.7 __ J .Saf!l .r"ikula.k. SCATS HB 3. Joshua Wokurka Bartlett ....................... __ ............ .........,."'.,.c.. . 4)a~ep'a lto.n.................GJITl .N.ev.a~a.... __ .. . S.yosh.i/,\ori ............ __ ......Ney,< .HoJlf. ~cad:..... . . ~. Do~oth~n..B~il~y. .........~a.ri~n.......... .. 7. CJ Maestas ........G.ol~ C~P.... __ ... __ .____ .•.·.,__-..·... 8. Glenn McCuen WOGA ............... ...... -......... -.. WDGA
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the very prestigious Japan Junior Invitational co be held in late
~ September in Yokohama, Japan ."
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The Junior National Team was finalized mer the Senior Men's Fi nal competition. The Junior Men's 16-18 year old team includes: Bilozertchev (10th all-around in the senior division), Philip Onorato (13th in sr. division), Bunthuwong (14th in sr. division), Steven Legendre of WOGA (19th in sr. division), Ishino (20th in sr. divisio n), Ryan Lieberman of Buffalo Grove Gymnastics in Illinois, and Sean Regan of Buffalo Grove Gymnastics. The Junior Men's 14-16 year old team includes: Leyva (ninth in sr. division), Bailey, Dalcon, Mikulak, Yoshi Mori of New Hope Gymnastics in Fountain Valley, Calif., Orozco (16th in sr. division), and Wokurka.
Wang Wins Another Rhythmic All-Around Title RhythmiC 2007 Pan Am Games all-around champion Lisa Wang of Buffalo Grove, Ill., and North Shore Rhythmics, won her second consecutive U.S. rhythmic all-around title with a score of 128.075. Wang spent several months prior co the competition raising her level of difficulty, which she executed with precision. Wang also performs her difficulties and handling and cossing of the apparatus with impeccable body technique. "It's really thrilling," Wang said of winning her second U.S. all-around crown. "Last year I worked so hard and I was really nervous, but this year I really tried co show the aura of a champion. It's absolutely amazing and it's what I've always dreamed of doing." Four-time U.S. junior all-around champion Rachel Marmer of Hollywood Academy in Los Angeles was second with a score of 124.950. Marmer demonstrated consistency over the rwo days and performed very intricate, original work with the apparatus coupled with high level of difficulties. 2007 Pan Am Games ribbon silver-medalist Julie Zedin of Bethesda, Md., and Rhythmflex, finished third with a score of 123.300. Zetlin displays very dramatic and engaging performances. She also executed her difficulties, especially her impressive, explosive leaps, with very precise body technique. In the junior division, Marlee Shape of North Shore Rhythmic, won the all-around title with a score of 113.575. Shape, for ~
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her young age, is able to execute high-level difficulties with precision and expresses the music with mature sensibility. Shape was followed by Viktoriya Syatkina of Isadora Gymnastics in Brooklyn, N.Y., in second and Tyler Rosemond of Big Apple in Fresh Meadows, N.Y., in third. The eight members of the 2007-08 senior national team are: Ava Gehringer of Evanston, Ill. (North Shore Rhythmics).; Delaney Longergan of Los Angeles (LA School of Gymnasrics); Sofya RoytburgofBrooklyn, N.Y (Isadora); Rebecca Wallenstein of St. Augustine, Fla. (Riverside); Tamara Zveri nskaya of Brooklyn, N.Y. (Aviator); Marmer; Wang; and Zetlin. The 2007-08 junior national team is comprised of: Reba Daniels of Marina Del Ray, Calif (Hollywood Academy); Gabriella Magid of Brooklyn, N.Y. (Isadora); Michelle Milstein of Eagan, Minn. (International Gymnastics Minnesota); Savannah Reynolds of Van Nuys, Calif (California Rhythms); Anastasia Torba of Orinda, Calif (Allegro); Rosemond, Shape and Syatkina. ~
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1.liIilWan9 . 2. Rachel Marmer 3. Julie Zetlin 4. Ava Ge~ringer 5. Rebecca Wallenstein . 6.·TamaraZveririi.kaya ·.::: 7. Delaney Lonergan 8. 50fya R(lYiburg'
Buffalo Grove•.III. Los Angeles. Calif. Betlies.da•.t~d .. Eva~st~n.111.
51. Augustine. Fla. Brooklyn;·N}. Los Angeles. Calif. Brooklyri: N.V.
124.950 123.300 . 11~,97~ 110.750 109500 105.725 104.950
Ma.~e~. 5h.ap.~....... 2:.Viktorixa~~atkina .....
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..Brooklyn. N.Y. 3. Tyler.Rosemond ........ Fresh Meadows. N.Y. 4. Reba Daniels ......... Marina Del Ray. Calif. Orinda. Calif. ... ·s. Anastasia Torba' 65axa~na~Rein.~ld~ .... Van Nuys. Calif. 7. Michelle Milstein Eagan. Minn. 8. Gabriella Magid Brooklyn. N. V.
103:4i5 102.32 ...... .\ 101.600 100.925
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Acro Program crowns Elite c:: National Champions
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Acrobatic Gymnastics The Acrobatic Gymnastics program crowned the junior and senior elite national champions in each event and all-around at the Visa Championships. On August 17, the top junior and senior elite athletes were crowned in each exercise - Balance and Dynamic. Senior elite men's pair champions Julian Amaro and Tyler Spray CWCA) won gold medals in both balance and dynamic. The duo impressed the judges with a high flying dynamic routine that included a full twisting double layout. Mariah Henninger, Ally Kidd, and Tisa Penny (WCA) won the balance and dynamic titles in the senior elite women's group competition. The trio competed a strong dynamic routine including two full twisting double backs. The duo of Andre Solodar and Xiau-Ling Wee (PTAG) and pair of Kristin Allen and Brian Kincher (WCA), splir the mixed pair individual event medals, winning balance and dynamic, respectively. Solo dar and Wee showed amazing control and strength with an inlocate to one-arm handstand in their balance routine while Kincher and Allen displayed clean execution with their dynamic routine, including a beautiful tucked double arabian. In the junior division, Madeline Bones and Kyle Boom (ATA) won the mixed pair balance and dynamic gold medals. The junior mixed pair showed great athleticism and flexibility with an overarch slide to split in their balance routine. A competition for acrobatic gymnasts in Levels 8-10 was also held in conjunction with the elite competition at the Visa Championships. The gymnasts competed for available spots on the Acrobatic Gymnastics Junior Olympic National Team, for consideration for future international competitions and for additional experience. On August 18, the top elite athletes, in each event, competed for the all-around medal and the national title. The acrobatic gymnastics all-around is a sum of three routines: balance, dynamic, and combined. Amaro and Spray earned their third consecutive U.S. all-around title in senior elite men's pair, while Henninger, Kidd and Penny defended its senior elite women's group title. Amaro and Spray earned a total score of 84.440 in men's pair. Henninger, Kidd and Penny posted a total score of 84.040 in women's group. Earning their first-ever national all-around title, Savannah Shields and Malloty Henthorn (AE) won women's pair with a score of75 .810 and Solo dar and Wee finished on top of the podium in mixed pair with a score of 83.860. In the junior elite division, Madeline Bones and Kyle Bloom won the mixed pair all-around tide, while the trio of Haley Stalion, Camile Strawn and Lauren Speers (ATA) earned the women's group allaround crown. iii
Men's pair 1. TylerSpray, Julian Amaro West Coast Acrobatics, livermore, Calif. ........... -...................... . Mixed pair 1. Xiau-ling Wee, Andre Solodar Paramount Tumbling & AcroGymnastics, Sunnyvale, Calif. 83.860 2. Kristin Allen: Brian Kincher · ...... wesi·coa·~ Acrobatics. livermore. Calif. · ···8"2950 Women's group 1. Mariah Henninger, Ally Kidd.
nsa Penny
West Coast Acrobatics. livermore. Cal~.•
· Ke·ii·haPadeiio; ·E~ka ·5iiiidiieig: ··
Meghan B.J1I
..Xlil!me.Acro!. ~oclw.ill~•.~d .. ..
Megan Nickerson
Aerial Tumbling &AaoGymnastics, San Jose. Calif..
'WOii,en"s'pai','.. -.. .. .. .............. . 1. Savannah Shields. Mallory Henthorn
.................. .
82.290 77.700
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e a5 Amber Trani
The United States earned a total of 23 medals, including nine gold, 10 silver and four bronze, at the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in men's, women's, rhythmic and trampoline competition. Here are the highlights from the events.
WOMEN The U.S. women won a total of five gold, five silver and one bronze medal. In a packed arena that buzzed with energy, the U.S. women won the team title, making this their second straight Pan Am team title and 11th overall. The USA grabbed the lead after the first event and never relinquished it en route to scoring a 243.225 total to finish ahead of Games host Brazil, which tallied 236.725. Mexico was third at 223.625. However, the Mexican women's gymnastics team was later stripped of its bronze medal after it was discovered that one of the athletes in the team had been accredited as an official. PASO (Pan American Sports Organization) executive committee voted unanimously to disqualify Mexico and upgrade Canada from fourth to the bronze medal position. The six women on the team were: Rebecca Bross, WOGA; Ivana Hong, Great American Gymnastics Express; Shawn Johnson, Chow's Gymnastics; Nastia Liukin, WOGA; Samantha Peszek, DeVeau's School of Gymnastics; and Amber Trani, Parkettes. "I am very pleased with our young team's performance, and the toughness demonstrated through this challenging competition," said Martha Karolyi, the women's national team coordinator. Justin Going into the final rotation for the team competition, Spring Brazilian fans hoped the home team could catch the U.S. women, who held a 179.825 to 177.225 lead. However, the U.S. contingent's impressive performances on the beam turned it into a 6.5-point lead by the end of the rotation. In the all-around competition, the USA swept the field with Johnson winning the title with a score of 61.725, Bross in second with a 61.050 and Hong third with a 59.375. During event finals, Johnson added two gold medals on bars and beam, scoring 15.475 and 16.150, respectively, and a silver medal on floor with a score of 15.225. Bross won the floor title, scoring 15.250. Liukin earned silver medals on bars and Joey Hagerty
beam with scores of 15.450 and 15.900, respectively, and Trani earned the silver on vault with a score of 14.725.
Todd Thornton
In total, the u.s. men won a gold, two silver and two bronze medals. The U.s. men' s team made up nearly an ll-point deficit to win the bronze team medal and finish just 0.6 points behind Puerto Rico and 0.3 behind Brazil. The final team scores were Puerto Rico, 353.900; Brazil, 353.600; and USA, 353.300. The six guys on the USA team were Guillermo Alvarez, Team Chevron; David Durante, Team Chevron; Sean Golden, Gattaca; Joey Hagerty, Team Chevron; Justin Spring, Team Chevron; and Todd Thornton, Team Chevron. "We are very pleased to come out with a medal," said Mike Bums, head coach for the men' s team. "Obviously we wanted a different color, but having the struggle we had and to come away with a medal is encouraging. These guys never gave up during the entire course of the competition." The men' s team competition was split into two subdivisions, and the U.S. men were in second place by just 0.6 points after the first subdivision concluded. The six-man squad started slowly, suffering some unfortunate errors, but the team rallied to finish the last three events of still rings, vault and parallel bars by hitting David Durante each and every routine. In the all-around, Alvarez won .the bronze medal with a score of 87.900, finishing behind goldmedalist Jose Fuentes of Venezuela with a 90.450 and silver-medalist Jorge Giraldo of Colombia with an 89.450. Alvarez waited until the last event, but his 15.300 for the floor exercise was enough to move him from eighth to third place and give him his first individual medal at an international multi-sport event. Durante finished fifth all-around with a 'L--S4o('m~ot~'1 750.Earlyinthecompetition, ~
Durante was not feeling well, but with additional fluids and energy bars was able to finish fifth overall. During event finals, Spring won the gold medal on parallel bars with a score of 15.550. Alvarez earned the silver medal on floor scoring 15.625 while Golden earned the silver medal on rings scoring 15.275.
RHYTHMIC In rhythmic competition, Lisa Wang of
North Shore Rhythmic Gymnastics Center in illinois won the all-around title with a score of 57.725. She earned the highest score in each of the events: 14.475 in rope, 14.375 in hoop, 14.550 in clubs and 14.325 in ribbon. "Right now 1 am speechless," said Wang. "I have been working for a Pan American medal for so long and I am so happy 1 could come here and show everything I have been working on. The hours in the gym have certainly paid off." Rhythmic Program Director Caroline Hunt said, "For Lisa to achieve the title of Pan American Champion is such an honor for the U.S. rhythmic program. The successful performances of both Lisa and Julie (Zetlin) are the result of incredible hard work and dedication from both the athletes and coaches. Both athletes really capitalized on the significant opportunities for training and interna tiona 1competition afforded them by USA Gymnastics this past year, and we are so proud of their commitment and their well-deserved accomplishments!" Cynthia Valdez of Mexico took second followed by Rut Castillo of Mexico in third. Julie Zetlin of Rhythmflex in Maryland, who finished ninth in the qualification ~ PHOTO CREDITS: (LISA WANG)MARK REBElIAS, USPRESSWIRE. (JULIE ZETlIN)JOELAUERBACK, USPRESSWIRE. (DELEGATION) CAROLINE HUNT
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round, finished fourth all-around in finals, just shy of the bronze medal, with a score of 54.800. During event finals, Wang took top honors in ribbon (13.90), as well as earned the silver medal in both rope (13.975) and clubs (14.200), for a total of two gold and two silver medals at the Pan Am Games. Zetlin earned the silver medal in ribbon with a score of 13.525, just behind Wang.
TRAMPOLINE In the men's trampoline competition, the USA won both the gold and bronze medals. Chris Estrada scored 38.80, to finish 0.2 points ahead of silver-medalist Jason Burnett of Canada, who posted a 38.60. Ryan Weston's 37.30 put him in third place. "The Pan Am Games have been a great experience and it's been really fun to compete here," said Estrada, who trains at the u.s. Olympic Training Center with Weston. "After my final routine, I just waited and watched for the scores to come. When I realized I won, I was happy because I went in to finals to impress the judges and was able to do it. This is a totally different atmosphere with the international competition and it was good to feel the pressure. This is really going to help me be prepared going in to World Championships." 2004 Olympic silver-medalist Karen Cockburn of Canada won the women's trampoline title with a score of 37.50, one point ahead of teammate Rosannagh MacLennan, who earned 36.50 points. Brazil's Giovanna Matheus rounded out the medalists, claiming bronze at 34.30. Alaina Williams just missed the medals podium and finished fourth with a 33.70. Brittany Dircks was seventh with a score of 21.70. The women both train at the U.S. Olympic Training Center. 13 Full results can be found at www.usa-gymnastics.org PHOTO CREDITS: MARK REBElIAS, US PRESSWIRE. (DELEGATION) CAROLINE HUNT
Left: Kalon Ludvigson; Below: Yuliya Hall and Kalon Ludvigson; Right: Chris Estrada
u.s. titles at 2007 u.s. Tram oline and Tumbling
By Karen Saladyga
More than 1600 athletes tumbled into Memphis, Tenn., for the annual Trampoline & Tumbling National Championships, which was held June 20-28. The event combined the U.S. Championships, featuring the Junior and Senior Elite, and the J.D. Championships for Levels 5-10. Kalon Ludvigson of Plano, Texas, successfully defended his U.S. titles in senior elite men's tumbling and double mini-trampoline, and Chris Estrada of Lafayette, La., earned his third consecutive U.S. men's senior elite trampoline title at the 2007 U.S. Trampoline and Tumbling Championships. Brittany Dircks of Orland Park, Ill., earned gold medals in senior women's trampoline and synchronized trampoline and 2005 U.S . tumbling champion Yuliya Hall of Idaho Falls, Idaho, won senior women's tumbling. Kaci Barry of San Diego, Calif., won the senior women's double mini-trampoline title. The pair of Steven Gluckstein of Atlantic Highalnds, N.J., and
Logan Dooley of Lake Forest, Calif. , won gold in senior elite men's synchronized trampoline, while Dircks paired with Alaina Williams of Amarillo, Texas, to claim the U.S. title in senior elite women's synchronized trampoline. Ludvigson won his second consecutive tumbling title with a total score of 148.70. In second was Jeffrey Brown of Lee's Summit, Mo., at 134.80 and in third was Chris Ford of Haymarket, Va., with a score of 112.70. In men's double mini-trampoline, Ludvigson scored a 146.30 to edge Josh Vance of Byron Center, Mich., by just 0.20. Vance ~ PHOTOS · MAX MORSE
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finished second with a total score of 146.10 and Derek Stangel of Grand Rapids, Mich., was third at 144.40. Barry won senior women's double mini with a score of 134.60 and Sarah Prosen of Apple Valley, Minn., was second at 131.30. "I thought I did well today and I did everything that I wanted," Ludvigson said. "I was nervous coming in as the defending champion, but I felt really prepared and was training a lot. I'm glad I was consistent." In senior elite trampoline, Estrada placed first on the men's side with a score of 106.90, followed by Ryan Weston of Chubbuck, Idaho, in second and Austin White of Irvine, Cali£, in third with scores of 103.70 and 100.30, respectively. For the women, Dircks earned the gold medal with a score of97.00 and Williams was second at 95.20. "I think that was the best routine I've ever done in my life," Dircks said. "Yesterday I was really shaky in compulsory and optionals, but today I hit strong." With a final-round routine of 46 .90, Gluckstein and Dooley earned a total score of 130.30 to win the men's synchronized trampoline title. Phil Meyer of Mequon, Wis., and Michael Devine of Winnebago, Ill., finished second with a total score of 102.00,
and Estrada and Weston were third at 77.40. Dircks and Williams won the women's synchronized trampoline title with a score of 121.00 after a final-round routine of 43 .20. Hall claimed the second national tumbling title of her career, finishing with a total score of 129.50. Leanne Seitzinger of Stafford, Va., the 2006 U .S. tumbling champion, claimed the silver medal with a score of 126.20, followed by Susannah Johnson of Roanoke, Va., in third at 125.70. In the junior elite division, Nani Vercruyssen of Honolulu, Hawaii won her second consecutive U.S. junior women's double mini title. The other 2007 U.S. junior champions were: women's trampoline - Dakota Earnest of Plains, Texas; men's trampoline - Neil Gulati of Irvine, Cali£; women's synchronized trampoline - Julianne Gonet of Rocklin, Cali£, and Sarah Gandy of Paris, Texas; men's synchronized trampoline - Kevin Heger of Rockford, Ill., and Andrew Muzzarelli of Rockford, Ill.; men's double mini-trampoline - James. Zielsdorf of Bakersfield, Cali£; women's tumbling - Alexandra Stallons of Rockford, Ill.; and men's tumbling - Kile Allen of Rockford, Ill. ~
• d
For comp lete resu lts go to http://www.usa-gymnastics.org/tt/2007/champs/index.htm .
• II
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• 32
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A Lifetime! The USA Delegation at 2007 World Gymnaestrada in Dornbirn, Austria g at time! So much fun! We'll never forget ........~IIioI/IjI'I"'.erformances were awesome! Austria is just beautiful! I couldn't believe the spirit of community! The food was yummy! I met so many people... from all over the world! I didn't want it to end! The Opening Ceremony for the World Gymnaestrada in Dornbirn was held on July 8. The official USA Delegation of 386 members joined approximately 22,000 other participants from 57 countries for the grand march in. The Closing Ceremony was July 14 and included many members of the USA delegation performing with eight other Pan American Gymnastics Union countries in a spirited routine called Rhythms of Life/ Ritmos de la Vida . At the World Gymnaestrada they also rehearsed and performed in more than 50 different displays including indoor group routines, two National Evenings, various city performances, and the FIG gala. This was truly an experience of a lifetime true to the theme of the World Gymnaestrada
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Mariah Henninger, lisa Penny, and Allysha Kidd
The 2007 Freedom Cup played host to competitors representing seven countries: England, Kazakhstan, Puerto Rico, Ireland, Scotland, France, and the USA. Participants came to the city of Palm Springs, Calif., July 20-22, for fun, friendship, and competition . Acrobatic gymnastics competition took place in three age divisions: and Alexa Vitale, Samantha Larson, and Kelly Phillips place second and third, respectively. In women's pair, senior, junior, and age group U.s. competitors Hannah Vires and Maren Rey remained The USA contingent included a mixture of Junior and throughout the tough competition and claimed strong Senior National Team Members, Junior Olympic National medal just behind the English. The women's the silver Team Members and club representatives. These groups of DeShay Eisenmenger and Hayley Lemmons were pair of athletes exhibited strong performances and finished also consistent throughout the competition the competition with a total of 41 total medals, including and finished with a bronze medal. 22 gold, 12 silver, and seven bronze. to all the athletes, Congratulations In the senior age division, the men's pair of Julian coaches, and officials who were part of Amaro and Tyler Spray continued their march toward the USA delegation! 13 the 2008 World Championships, winning gold medals in balance exercise, dynamic exercise, For complete results visit: and all-around. Also finishing with three gold www.usa-gymnastics.org/acro/2007/freedom-cup/ medals in each exercise (balance, dynamic and all-around) was the senior mixed pair of Brian Kincher and Kristin Allen. Andre Solodar and Xiau-Ling Wee swept second place earning the silver medal in both exercises and all-around. Ryan Ward and Kelianne Stankus, a junior mixed pair, put in a solid performance and finished with three gold medals including a gold in the all-around. Kelianne Stankus and The women's group of Mariah Spray, Hannah Busha Ryan Ward and Steffi Scheid finished with a strong combined exercise and claimed the gold medal in the allaround. Newcomers to the international scene for the USA was the junior women's group of Amy Slater, Amanda Plumer, and Liselle Kitchens, which earned the gold medal with their balance exercise and silver with their dynamic exercise and in the all-around. In the age group division, the women's group title was won by Allie DeGuire, Amanda Schwarztrauber, and Cindy Fogelbach. Teammates Mia Medina, Xiau-Ling Wee and Andre Solodar Megan Muehlberger and Allison Mock,
ent results ALVAREZ WINS u.S. MEN'S QUALIFIER uillermo Alvarez of Denver / Team Chevron finished at the top of the all-around rankings at the 2007 U.S. Men's Qualifier at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., June 9. The two-day meet was the means for male gymnasts to qualify to compete in the 2007 Visa Championships. Alvarez ed ged out Jonathan Horton of Houston, Texas / University of Oklahoma, 178.100 to 178.050. David Durante of Garwood, N.J./ Team Chevron, was third at 174.900 i.1
uliya Hall of Idaho Falls, Idaho, won a bronze med al in w omen's tumbling at the trampoline and tumbling World Cup in Ostend, Belgium, June 30. Kalan Ludvigson of Plano, Texas, just missed winning the second World Cup medal of his career by finishing fourth in men's tumbling. Chris Estrada of Lafayette, La., made finals, finishing seventh in men' s trampoline. In men's syncro, Estrada and Ryan Weston of Chubbuck, Idaho, also finished seventh.
WINS ALLAROUND IN USA-RUSSIAUKRAINE MEET onathan Horton of Houston won the all-around title at the SA-Russia-Ukraine competition in Kiev, Ukraine, June 30-July 2. Horton, who goes to the University of Oklahoma, bested Russia's Maxim Deviatovski, the 2007 European all-around champion, for the title. Horton earned a total 89.60 to finish ahead of Deviatovski's 89.05. Vadym Kuvakin of the Ukraine was third in the all-around with a 88.70. In the team competition, Ukraine was first, scoring 271.70. Russia was second at 269.10 and the USA was third at 268.25. In addition to Horton, the members of the U.S. Team were Alexander Artemev of Morrison, Colo. / Team Chevron; David Durante of Garwood, N .J./Team Chevron; Joseph Hagerty of Rio Rancho, N .M./ Team Chevron; Kevin Tan of Fremont, Calif. / Team Chevron; and Sean Townsend of Houston/ Gattaca. Highlightsind uded Townsend's stuck handspring double front-half on vault. i.1
• •
For full results go to http:// www.usa-gymnastics.org/ tt / 38
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ent results
SLOAN WINS SENIOR ALL-AROUND AT 2007 U.S. CLASSIC ridget Sloan won the senior all-around title at the 2007 U.S. Classic in Battle Creek, Mich., with a score of 59.35. Christa Tanella finished second and Darlene Hill was third. 2005 world floor exercise champion Alicia Sacramone won three individual events - vault, beam and floor. Rheagan Courville claimed the all-around title in the junior division with a score of 56.60 followed by Samantha Shapiro and Mattie Larson. Sloan also placed second on RESULTS bars, third on vault and beam, and tied for third with Katelyn Mohr Junior Senior on floor. Tanella finished second on All Around Club Score All Around Club Score 1. Rheagan Courville Elite-Baton Rouge 56.60 floor, while Hill placed third on bars. Sharp's 1. Bridget Sloan 59.35 2. Samantha Shapiro All Olympia 56.50 2. Christa Tanella WOGA 56.05 Shayla Worley was second on beam. 3. Mattie Larson All Olympia 56.30 Will-Moor 3. Darlene Hill 56.00 Alecia Musser claimed the junior Vault Vault vault title, while Olivia Courtney 1. Alecia Musser Colo. Aerials 1. Alicia Sacramone Brestyans 15.20 2. Olivia Courtney Orlando Metro and Jordyn Wieber placed second 2. Jana Bieger Biegerlnrl. 14.80 2. Jordyn Wieber Geddert's Sharp's 14.60 3. Bridget Sloan and third, respectively. Bars Bars On floor, Hallie Mossett posted the 1. Samantha Shapiro All Olympia 1. Jana Bieger Bieger Inri. 15.25 highest score of 14.45 to place first in 2. Mattie Larson All Olympia Sharp's 15.10 2. Bridget Sloan 3. Chelsea Davis Texas Dreams the junior division, with Courville in Will-Moor 3. Darlene Hill 15.05 second and Kamerin Moore in third. Beam Beam 1. Rheagan Courville Elite-Baton Rouge 15.60 15.55 1. Alicia Sacramone Brestyans Larson and Chelsea Davis placed 2. Jordyn Wieber Geddert's 15.15 2. Shayla Worley Orlando Metro 15.50 second and third, respectively, on 3. Kamerin Moore Geddert's 15.00 Sharp's 15.40 3. Bridget Sloan 3. McKenzie Wofford Stars 15.00 bars. On beam, Wieber finished second and Moore and McKenzie Floor Brestyans 15.15 1. Hallie Mossett All Olympia 14.45 WOGA 14.50 Wofford tied for third.
Sharp's Byers
Visit www.usa-gymnastics.org for complete results of the 2007 U.S. Classic ioi
14.25 14.25
2. Rheagan Courville Elite-Baton Rouge 14.10 Geddert's 14.00
3. Kamerin Moore
Top Left: Bridget Sloan. Top Right: Rh eagan Courville. Middle: Top three Seniors: Christa Tane lla. Bridget Sloan and Darlene !-lill. Above: Top three Juni ors: Samantha Shapiro, Rhegan Courvill e and Mattie Larson.
Acrobatic Gymnastics Junior Olympic National Championships was held July 221 26 in Palm Springs, Calif. This year's event exhibited great performances, tremendous city support, and high-level competition. More than 600 U.S. athletes participated in the competition in Levels 5-10 and elite. It was a full week of competition that began with a special performance from former two-time mixed pair World Champions Shenea Booth and Arthur Davis of "REALIS" during the opening ceremony, which also played host to the event finals for juniors and seniors competing in the 2007 Freedom Cup. The Junior Olympic National Championships crowns the top Junior Olympic athletes in the U.S. in the sport of acrobatic gymnastics and also serves as the selection event for the Junior Olympic National Team. The Junior Olympic National Team is an initiative within the program which aims to identify, recognize, and continue to develop our top group of Junior Olympic athletes. The Junior Olympic National Team will be outfitted in warm-ups, thanks to Elite Sportswear, and will represent the U.S. at international age group competitions and USA Gymnastics training camps in the upcoming year. Congratulations to the 200708 Junior Olympic National Team. A list of members is available on the Acro website at: http:// www.usa-gymnastics.org/ acro Final results are avai lable at: http://www.usa-gymnastics.org/acro/2007/acronationals/results.html 13 PHOTOS · TOP: RENEE POSAN
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Balance. You can't win without it. ent schedule
Level 9/10 Regional Championships (W) Various sites
SEPTEMBER ,1.-.2 ... . .. .V\:'?rl.~ .~~.!? .-. P~I?~~ x~n~ ~~k~~?.-.G~r?. ... .. . 1-9 World Championships (M,W)
..... ......~~Utt~?r::~ ~~~ .............. ....... .. ... . Stars & Stripes Cup/lAGC Team Trial (TI)
..... . ..... B~r.rl1i!1~~.~r:r!'. ~.~ ...... . ................ . . .1.~~23.....V\:'?rl.~ .~~.~r:r!p!?n~h!p~. \~)!.P?~ra?,. ~RE.. . ... . ~q~~? ~~~i~~ .5 .~?n9!es.s! .In.di.~na.!?olis! .I~ . ... . . . . .
... .
.2~~~6.....J.r; ~?.!?~!1. ~,?~p.~ti~!?!1. ~"'!)" Y~~?~~'!1?! ~~~. . 27 Jeff Metzger Business Builders Workshop
MAY 9-11
Level 9 East & West Championships (W)
· .... .. ... P.~~?!1! ,<?~(S~: L.~~!s,. ~~ .......... . ...... . . 16-18
JO National Championships (W)
· . . .. . ..... ~!~~i.f!1.r:r!~~~ ~L . ..... .. . ........... . , ... .. .. . . Visa Championships (M,R,TI)
· .. .. .... ..~'~~~~?'~" '!~ ......... ..... ...... .... ..... .... U.S. Classic
. .. .. .. . ... K~~~. ?f. Pr~.s;;!a . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . ...... . . . 28-30 Region 7 Congress, King of Prussia, PA Visa Championships (Women's)
...... ~a.tio.~~1 ,!<?~.s.,!~~~i.~~. ("'!)'. f-!0~s.t.~~~ T~ .. ...
World Champs. Team Training Camp (TI)
. . . .. ..... ~~~~~~ . . . . ... ............. . ...... . . . TBD National Team Training Camp (AG) Houston, TX
. . ... .. ~~s.t.~~~ .M.~ ... . . . . ... . .. ... . .. ... ........... . USA Gymnastics National Congress . . .. . . . . ... ~~.i~~~.~Ip'h!~,. ~i\ .... .. .. ... .... ..... ........ . 19-22
U.s. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics Philadelphia, PA
7-'9' .....
World Championships (TI) Quebec City, CAN 'I~t~~~~ti~~'i Ag~~G~~~p c~~'p~tit'i~'~: Quebec City, CAN
Olympic Games, Beijing, CHN
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Colorado Springs, CO ' N~t'i~'~~i C~~~'h~S\N~~~h~p (Mi ············
. . . . . ... ... ~?I?r?,~? ?p'r.i!1.~?" ~.C? 19-25 Jr. Pan American Championships (MIW) Guatemala ...... ... ..... .. .... ........ ... ... ........... ... .... ..... 25-Dec 7 Olympic Test Event, Beijing, CHN
...... ...... ,..,... .. ,.
.1 :.~ ...... .,!<?p.s r:-. 9'!1p. ~"'!)" f-!,?us.t~~~ ~ . , .... . . . . . ,. 5.-.~ .. . , .. . ,!<?~.s. ~. 9r:r!p. \V\:'),. ~.'?~~~~'~'.'!~ , ... .,.. .... . ?-.~ ., ... , .J.~~p'~~~~ .~~~~'?~.~I.T~?~i.~~. \-ry-)~ TBD. . ... . , . 8-9
Toyota Cup (M), Japan
2008 MARCH
.1...... . . ..~¥~?~ .~~e.r!~~!1. ~~p! .~~.~. yo.rk, .~X . . ...... . 28-30 Pacific Alliance Gymnastics Championships, San Jose, CA
29:30··" 'Level'9ii 0 State Cham'piciris'hips (W)' ··· ·· ·· Various sites
For a complete event schedule go to usa-gymnastics.o rg Connections Academy is accredi ted by The Com mission on Intern ational and Tra ns-Regional Accred itatio n (CITA)
NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation. W=Women M=Men R= Rhythmic GG =Group Gymnastics AG =Acrobatic Gymnastics
n =Trampoline and Tumbling
TR =Trampoline TU =Tumbling
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2008 USA Gymnastics Events Schedule (Artistic)
2008 Tyson American Cup ............................................................... New York City, Ny ..... .... ............... March 1, 2008
2008 Pacific Alliance Gymnastics Championships .......................... San Jose, CA ................... ... .. . March 28-30, 2008 2008 Visa Championships
Men's ....... ... ... .... ... .. .... ... ..... ...... ..... ... ............ ... ... ........ ............. ..... Houston, D C ........... ......... .... .. May 22-24, 2008 Wom en's............................ ..... ...... ... .... ................................ ...... ... Boston, MA ...... .... .............. ...... .. .June 2-5, 2008
2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics ................................. Philadelphia, PA ......... ..... ........ June 19-22, 2008
Schedule subject to change.
Visit the HP Pavilion to secure your seats to all of the exciting 2008 action. Visit usa -gymnastics.org for the latest information about these and other events.
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the gym
~ FAVIAN VALDEZ Orlando, !=Iorida Favian, 8, won the Level 6all-around titleat the Rorida State Championships and the Region 8Championships. He rea'ived aperfect 10.0 for his pommel ho~ routine at Regionals and scored a58.175 in the all-around. He trains at Orlando Metro and is coached by Casimiro SuareL
Montgomery, Alabama Julie, 12, is a Level 7gymnast at the ArmoryGymnastics Center. Julie won the State Championship with an all-around score of 37.55. She was also first on beam and second on vault and fioor. Julie is coached by Ben Morrow, ChristyTumlison, and Missy Miller.
Hershey, Pennsylva nia Hershey Aerials came home big winners from the Level 4State Championships. The team took an amazing 23 state championship titles, includingfive all-aroundtrtles. They hadateam score of 113.225, the highest of all 45 teams competing.
~ TOP FLIGHT GVMNASTICS TRAINING CENTER Southla ke, Texas The Top Flight Gymnastics Training Center Level 7 boys (age 12-13) placed first in the team competition at the Region III Championships. Lto R: Alex Levine (8th AA), Steve White (Coach), Matthew Robinson (7th AA), Colton Howard (3rd AA), Marcelo Guimaraes (Head Coach), and Tim Jara (2nd AA). Savage, Minnesota Ryan, 10, placed first all-aro~nd at the 2007 Level 6 Minnesota State Championships and first at the Region 4Championships. He also eamed aspot on the Future Stars National Development Team. He trains at Minnesota Valley Gymnastics with coaches Reid Gysland (right), & Josh Nash (left).
~ ERIC JOPSON Medford , Oregon Eric, 12, of Americas Best Kids Gymnastics, won the LevelS Regional all-around title with ascore of 55.775 and also won vault and pommel horse. Eric isthe Level SState Champion, scoring a55.40. Eric is coached by Anjel Craner and travelsthree hours round trip to attend practice three days aweek.
~ GVMNASTIKA West Paterson , Ne w J e rsey Gymnastika won the Level 6 New Jersey State Meet and also broke a13-year old record with atotal of 114.525! Back row Lto R: BrittanyMurphy, Imani Smith, Gabrielle Scancarella, Karlin Heulitt, Dominique Brown, Marina Cugliari. Middle row: Catherine Brown, Alex Silano, Nicholette Torsiello, Juliet Goswell, Kasey Nevard, Brianna Grazioli, Olivia Cassano, Taylor Humes. Front row: Alexandra Katz, Nicole Buttel, Catherine Tracy.
.. KAVLEE MURPHV West All is, Wisconsin Kaylee, 9, of Swiss Tumers won Level 6State Meet in December 2006 with ascore of36.125 and Level 7in March of 2007 with ascore of 37.225. She won barsat the Level 7 State Meet withascore of 9.525 and took second on beam with ascore of 9.425. She'scoached by Ellen Hendrickson and Tatiana Belanovski.
• It
San Diego, Ca liforn ia Micah, 11, is the 2oo7Level5 Region 1 all-around champion inhisage group with ascore of 55.550. He also took second on high bar (9.650) and pommel horse (9.125), and third on rings (9.500). Micah trains at Elite Gymnastics Academy and is coached by Greg McCalester.
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m update In the July/August issue of USA Gymnastics magazine we made a mistake. Here's Hayley Vaughn and information on Hayley. Sorry for the mistake.
.... HAYLEY YAUGHN Lake Villa, Illinois
Hayley, l1. won the Level 7Junior A State Championship, with an all-around score of 38.05. She trains at Ultimate Gymnastics. She's the first inher gym at Level 7to score a38 all-around and also win the all-around title in Levell. Hayley is coached by Shane Sanders, Raul Rendon and Steve Kams
Men's JO National Championships This year's Men's JO National Championships was hosted by Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy in Oklahoma City, Okla., May 9-13. The article that appeared in the July/ August issue of USA Gymnastics magazine, covering the Men's JO Nationa l Championships, did not list the host club. USA Gymnastics apologizes for the error and wants to give well-deserved credit to Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy for its hard work in hosting the Men's JO National Championships.
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