Karin Gharawi crowned Miss Lebanon 2013 Military intervention in Syria and the Geneva Peace Conference II Anger and apathy from Brooklyn Muslims over NYPD spying report Pope thanks those joining Syria prayers
3 45 67 7
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Associated Press
16 Pages
Issue No. 60
May 1st, 2015
FBI agents “are expected to interview hundreds of Syrians in the coming days” Gallup poll: Americans’ support for war lowest in 20 years
Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: Support among Americans for US military action against Syria is among the lowest for any military intervention in the past two decades, a new poll shows. According to Gallup, the majority of Americans-- 51 percent-- oppose taking military action against the Syrian government, while 36 percent are in favor of such action. The poll also indicates that 13 percent of people in the survey had no opinion. Moreover, a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll has shown that nearly 60 percent of Americans are against missile strikes on Syria. Even though Americans were initially more supportive of previous military conflicts, including the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan, they now see these two wars as mistakes.
The Arizona Arab Advisory Board holds its 2nd quarterly meeting
Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: According to to a report released by the N.Y Times, The F.B.I. has increased its surveillance of Syrians inside the United States in response to concerns that a military strike against the
government of President Bashar al-Assad could lead to terrorist attacks here or against American allies and interests abroad, according to current and former senior United States officials. Also, some civil rights groups received
reports that Syrian-Americans who travel to the Middle East have been approached by military authorities when they return to the United States.
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CAIR Seeks Probe of Bias Motive for Vandalism of Idaho Muslim Business Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate a possible bias motive for repeated acts of vandalism targeting a Muslim-
owned business in Idaho. Family members, who are Muslims of Middle Eastern background, say their restaurant has been vandalized at least four times in the last few months, the
first two times with eggs thrown at the door. In the third incident, the word “murder” was written in the parking lot. On Sunday, a rock was thrown through the front door, shattering the glass. Boise police are investigating the incidents.
Almashreq-Exclusive: The general Board of the Arizona Arab Advisory Board held its 2nd general quarterly meeting on Wednesday, Sept 4th at the office of the Arab American Association. Board members and representatives from 11 local organizations discussed the board statement of mission and goals.
More Americans quit looking for work Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: A disappointing jobs report in the United States shows a large drop in the share of Americans who are either working
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May 1st, 2015
Military intervention in Syria and the Geneva Peace Conference II Military action in Syria may result in the cancellation of (Geneva Peace Conference II)
By, Dr. Mohammad Riyad
The key aim of Geneva II would be to get all parties to agree on the principle of a political solution. The Syrian government and all major Syrian opposition groups agreed to attend this conference.
I believe that The U.S. efforts should be directed to fostering a broader political and diplomatic resolution to this brutal conflict and helping address the massive refugee crisis the country’s civil war created.
Political and diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the ongoing fighting in Syria have not been fully exhausted. In fact, the U.S and Russia earlier this year agreed to co-host The Geneva II Middle East peace conference (or Geneva II) which was proposed by the United Nations (UN). (Geneva II) is supposed to take place in Geneva in late 2013 with the aim of stopping the Syrian civil war and organizing a transition period and post-war reconstruction. In a previous Geneva meeting on 30 June 2012, “major powers” agreed on the principle of a political transition.
On the other hand, we need to realize the complexity of Syrian civil war. Syria consist of various ethnic and religious group with a long history of fighting and hostilities, therefore, removing or degrading the central regime will intensify the fighting between the local groups over controlling more lands and natural resources in the country, their aim will be to create a status quo in the ground that cannot be changed in any future settlement. in conclusion, intervening in the Syrian civil war will increase the suffering of the Syrian people rather than relieving them.
Responsibility to protect, in the Middle East? The visiting assistant professor of international law and international relations at the American University in Cairo writer is. No violence or war crimes should be justified. No human rights should be violated. Yet the facts on the ground are absolutely different and no one cares to investigate who did what. The “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) is a new concept codified in the General Assembly 2005 World Summit Outcome Document. The document stated: “Each individual State has the responsibility to protect its populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity ... ” And that, “The international community, through the United Nations, also has the responsibility to use appropriate diplomatic, humanitarian and other peaceful means, in accordance with Chapters VI and VIII of the (UN) Charter, to help to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. In this context, we are prepared to take collective action, in a timely and decisive manner, through the Security Council, in accordance with the Charter, including Chapter VII, on a case-by-case basis and in cooperation with relevant regional organisations as appropriate, should peaceful means be inadequate and national authorities are manifestly failing to protect their populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity ... ” Hence, in accordance with these provisions there are steps to be taken in order to sort out conflicts without resorting to violence, and peaceful means to protect people from genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity. If we apply that to Syria, then we are talking about the Geneva Conference as a peaceful means to put an end to the conflict. Yet
the drums of war are beating and fleets are moving before the conference and with no Security Council resolution. Did we forget the aggression on Iraq? What about weapons of mass destruction? Those Syrians crossed the “red line” that the hegemonic power laid out for them. They used chemical weapons against the civilian population. But who used such weapons? Do we care to know? Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, stated that “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” exists that rebels against Bashar Al-Assad used Sarin nerve gas. But some want to believe it was the ferocious government of Al-Assad that used the weapons, which may be the case … and we will find reports to support us in no time! Isn’t that worth a quick investigation before any military intervention? UN inspectors were sent to Syria to verify the usage of chemical weapons and to determine which types were used; they were authorised to investigate who used them. So from Sarin gas used by the opposition, a miracle will take place and propaganda will fill up media outlets to support the policy direction required. That is to say, the government used chemical weapons and we, the international community, have a responsibility to protect the civilians. Regardless of the fact that we left a million Rwandans to die before we moved, watch crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli government daily, and turn a blind eye to, or consider the death of one million Iraqi children in our attacks as collateral damage. At this moment, using chemical weapons will be our excuse to go to war against the Al-Assad regime and the old colonialists of the region will increase their support for the
By, Dr. Namira Negm opposition. We are going to protect the world from chemical weapons and the civilians of Syria. We will bombard chemical weapon depots, which could cause hude collateral damage among civilians, but who cares! It’s all for the sake of humanity! Alas, another nice covert like we had in Iraq in order to protect our interests at any cost in the region. We, the civilised world, are coming get back to the Middle East to provide the people with protection and install democratic governments in place of those autocrats that are causing the suffering. It looks like the clock stopped long ago. Same colonial excuses and it will lead to the same outcome. The people of this region suffered enough under colonialism and national autocrats. Is it not time for them to look forward to a better life based on social justice, freedoms, rule of law and good governance? Or they just don’t deserve it as long as such freedoms will not serve the interests of the big guys? Syria is more complicated than Iraq, the international and regional theatre is different, and the composition of the Syrian population is more complex than that of Iraq. The threat of bombing Syria might be a sort of political manoeuvre to pressure the Al-Assad regime and its allies before the Geneva Conference. However, if the threat is real, bombarding Syria, with the foreseen involvement of regional players with the support of international players, will lead to an Armageddon scenario. The question is: Who will be responsible for the eruption of a third world war? Is there anyone out there who understands that the tumult of war will not be confined within the borders of Syria this time? The writer is visiting assistant professor of international law and international relations at the American University in Cairo.
The Muslim Brotherhood and the West
Western media misunderstood the Brotherhood and underestimated Egyptians’ desire for democracy and social justice By, Dr. Khaled Fahmy One of the signs of the crisis that Egypt is currently going through is the gap between the vision of a large portion of Egyptians that revolted against Mohamed Morsi on 30 June and that of Western media coverage of Egyptian events. Despite the fact that this dissonance initially revolved around the term “coup,” I believe the core of the problem is not related to how the army’s move was characterized, as much as to how the Muslim Brotherhood is viewed by each group. By following some of the English-language international media, I was able to document the following few points that illustrate some of the differences between both perspectives. Western media viewed president Morsi as an elected president who acquired his legitimacy through free and fair elections. And while they acknowledged that his one-year term in office left much to be desired, they still believed that Egyptians should have given him a chance to complete his term, and in the event that failures continued, they would have another chance to remove him at the next presidential elections. By contrast, many Egyptians, myself included, believed that rebelling against an elected president did, indeed, carry many risks, including challenging the principle of the peaceful transition of power, which is one of the cornerstones of democracy. Yet we believed that democracy had already been threatened by Morsi’s reckless decisions, starting with his contentious constitutional decree whereby he effectively declared himself above the law, to the appointment of an attorney general who was not respected by prosecutors nor society, to waging a war against the Constitutional Court and working towards overturning it. Our biggest fear was that the door of freedom would be slammed shut, and we felt that at this rate, we might not have the opportunity for another round elections in which we could vote him out of office. There were also those Western journalists whose sympathy with the January 25 Revolution led them to consider the Muslim Brotherhood a revolutionary faction that had triumphed and ended up in power thanks to its organizational and administrative skills. By contrast, many Egyptians, myself included, never regarded the Muslim Brotherhood as a revolutionary force and constantly doubted their belief in the principles of
the January revolution. For the Brotherhood is a conservative organization seeking reform not revolution. Their year in office revealed the extent of their animosity to the revolution, an animosity that manifested itself when they arrested revolutionary figures and sent them to jail, when they colluded with the Ministry of Interior in the Mohamed Mahmoud Street massacre, and when they condoned the crimes perpetrated by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), particularly the Maspero massacre. Many Western journalists also saw in the Muslim Brotherhood a political faction with a right to enjoy the new found political freedom ushered in by the revolution. On the other hand, like many Egyptians, I saw a big difference between the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), which I believe has the right to participate in politics, and the Muslim Brotherhood, which had been described by its founder more than six decades ago as a “Salafist movement, a Sunni way of life, a Sufi truth, a political organization, a sports club and a scientific association.” And we had our suspicions about the relationship between the FJP, whose candidate won the presidency, and this amorphous organisation which takes the Quran and two swords as its logo, and we always suspected the relationship between the presidential palace and the office of the supreme guide of the Brotherhood, which runs the organisation and about which we know next to nothing. The most visible evidence of this elusive relationship was when the supreme guide whispered in Morsi’s ear during one of the latter’s speeches, dictating to him what he should say, a scene that revealed to many that what controls Mohamed Morsi was not his relationship with the people, but rather with this mysterious, unelected man. Many Western journalists also regarded the Muslim Brotherhood as a charitable organization with strong grassroots connections, something that allowed it to step in and fill the gap that resulted from the state’s failure to provide basic services in the fields of education, health and others. And of course, this strategy was one of the factors that helped the Brotherhood win the parliamentary elections. Yet running an elections campaign with the aim of attracting votes is one thing, running a country is another.
Foreign journalists did not recognise the degree of resentment felt by many Egyptians as a result of the unfair policies practised by the Brotherhood after they had assumed power, and according to which they rewarded their supporters by giving them key government posts (Brotherhoodisation of the state) while denying others basic goods and services. Having missed the deep suspicions we had of the intimate link between the FJP and the Brotherhood, many Western journalists also undermined our anxieties regarding this mysterious, non-inclusive organization. For the Muslim Brotherhood is not a political party that any Egyptian citizen, even if he were a Muslim, could join once s/he believes in its principles; rather it is more akin to a sect that one cannot join except after close personal vetting and only after being sponsored by one of its existing members. Among the most significant differences in the perception of Western media and that of many Egyptian citizens was the belief shared by many journalists (and here they are joined by many
politicians and policy makers in the West) that our region is deeply conservative and religious by nature; that the Muslim Brotherhood is the best representation of this conservative and pious essence; and that while it would have been better, in the interest of achieving stability, to have an “enlightened” secular elite lead the countries of the region, these elites, unlike the Brotherhood, are alienated from their societies, far removed from their people and unconcerned with their real problems. By contrast, many Egyptians refused this characterization of their society, the “elites,” and the Brotherhood. They believe that Egyptian society might be conservative, yet the Egyptian revolution, unfolding over the past two and a half years, is best proof of Egyptians’ desire for freedom and a more equitable system of social justice. They also believe that the “elites” are not detached from their societies, nor is their secularism the most important or defining features, for these elites also include Islamists and deeply pious figures, figures whose religiosity and piety is at odds with that of the Brotherhood. www.almashreqonline.com
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More Americans quit looking for work or looking for work. The nation’s jobless rate was 7.3% in August, down slightly from 7.4% in July, the Labor Department said Friday in its monthly employment report. But that small improvement was mostly the result of discouraged jobseekers who have given up looking for work. People who are not actively looking for employment are not considered as unemployed. Some 312,000 people stopped looking for work in August, pushing the labor force participation rate to 63.2 percent, the lowest since 1978. The labor force participation rate measures how many healthy, working-age people 16 and older are working or looking for jobs. The participation rate has been declining for years because millions of Americans have quit searching
for a job, a result of the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression. Meanwhile, employees in the United States continue to express elevated concerns about their job security nearly five years after the global financial crisis. The poll shows that millions of US workers are still worried about having their benefits and wages reduced, their hours cut back, and being laid off. Moreover, most of the jobs created during the sluggish economic recovery have been part-time jobs in low-paying industries like retail stores and restaurants. Such jobs leave consumers with less money to spend than do better-paying positions in industries such as manufacturing and construction, which have mostly shed jobs the past four months.
Charges dropped against US Marin in urinating incident Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: Criminal charges have been dropped against a US Marine Corps officer implicated in a video which showed US Marines urinating on the bodies of three dead Afghans. Capt. James V. Clement, along with 3 other enlisted Marines, urinated on the bodies of deceased Taliban militants in Afghanistan in July 2011. A YouTube video posted in January 2012, showed the four Marines urinating on the corpses of the dead militants in Musa Qala, Afghanistan. In the video, one Marine could be overheard saying “Have a good day, buddy”. The Marine Corps dropped charges against Clement, the only officer criminally charged in the case, and notified him on Friday that a Board of Inquiry would instead decide on administrative punishment for him for “substandard performance of duty, misconduct, and moral or professional dereliction.”
He had been charged with dereliction of duty, violation of a lawful general order, making false statements to an investigator and conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman for failing to supervise junior Marines, failing to stop the misconduct of junior Marines and failing to report misconduct, Stars and Stripes reported. Staff Sgt. Joseph W. Chamblin, another US Marine who pleaded guilty to “wrongfully urinating” on the dead militants, was sentenced to a mere ‘reduction in ranks’ by a military court martial. In addition, Sergeant Robert W. Richards, a sniper, was charged with dereliction of duty, violation of a lawful general order and conduct prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the armed forces. The incident was another scandal which tarnished the image of the US military over the past 11 years, from the Abu Ghraib prison abuse images in Iraq to convictions of troops who killed Afghan civilians for sport.
Arizona woman released after two decades on death row
Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: A US judge has ordered Arizona officials to free a 49-old woman who spent more than two decades in prison on death row. The judge ruled on Friday that there is no direct evidence linking the woman to the death of her young son, other than a purported confession to a detective whose honesty has been questioned, the Associated Press reported. During her trial, «no ... witnesses or direct evidence (linked) Milke to the crime,» said Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals› Chief Judge Alex Kozinski. Over two decades ago, Phoenix police Detective Armando Saldate Jr. questioned Milke over the murder, but the interrogation was not recorded or seen by anyone else. Later, Milke denied that she admitted to any role during the interrogation in
the murder plot. The woman has not been cleared but the judge said she could go free while preparing for a new trial, the report said. Debra Milke left the Maricopa County Sheriff›s jail after supporters posted $250,000 bond, months after a federal judge overturned her murder conviction. In March, Tom Horne, the Arizona Attorney General, said his office would appeal to the US Supreme Court the judge›s decision to toss her conviction and the death sentence that went with it. In October, 1990, a jury convicted Milke of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, child abuse and kidnapping. She was convicted in the death of her 4-year-old son who was allegedly killed in December 1989 for a $5,000 insurance payout. She has been in prison since 1990.
Nearly 20% of scientists contemplate moving overseas due in part to sequestration Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: New data compiled by a coalition of top scientific and medical research groups show that a large majority of scientists are receiving less federal help than they were three years ago, despite spending far more time writing grants in search of it. Nearly one-fifth of scientists are considering going overseas to continue their research because of the poor funding climate in America. The study, which was spearheaded by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) and will be formally released next week, is the latest to highlight the extent to which years of stagnant or declining budgets, made worse by sequestration, have damaged the world of science. More than 3,700 scientists from all 50 states participated in the study, offering online responses in June and July 2013. They offered sowww.almashreqonline.com
May 1st, 2015
bering assessments of the state of their profession. Eighty percent said they were spending more of their time writing grants now than in 2010, while 67 percent said they were receiving less grant money now than they were back then. Only two percent of respondents said they had received money from their employers -- predominantly academic institutions -- to make up for the loss of federal funds. The drying up of resources has had a damaging effect on the research being conducted, forcing scientists to curtail their projects or trim their staffs. According to the survey, 68 percent of respondents said they do not have the funds to expand their research operations; 55 percent said they have a colleague who has lost a job or expects to soon; and 18 percent of respondents said they were considering continuing their careers in another country.
FBI agents “are expected to interview hundreds of Syrians in the coming days” The Council on American Islamic Relation-CAIR issued the following advisory report: American Muslims strongly support law enforcement and the protection of our national security. As Americans, we also value the civil rights of every individual. All Americans have the constitutional right to due process and to be represented by an attorney. Know Your Responsibility as an American Muslim: If you know of any criminal activity taking place in your community, it is both your religious and civic duty to immediately report such activity to local and federal law enforcement agencies. Know Your Rights When Contacted by a Law Enforcement Officer: 1) Understand that providing information to the FBI or any law enforcement officer, absent a subpoena, is strictly voluntary. You are not obligated under law to answer any questions from law enforcement officers other than providing them with an official identification card. 2) You may choose to have an attorney accompany or represent you for any interview or questioning. We strongly recommend you consult with an attorney regarding the risks and benefits of being interviewed by law enforcement agents in your specific case.
CAIR may provide legal assistance, or can refer you to an attorney. 3) If FBI agents show up at your home or workplace and do not have a search or arrest warrant, you have no obligation to let them in. 4) If they do have an arrest or search warrant, you can still exercise your right to remain silent. Comply with all directives and do not physically resist an officer. Be polite and respectful at all times. You also have the right to an attorney. 5) If an agent or officer says they have some questions for you, you have the right to not speak to them and/or you may tell the agents or officers that you will have your attorney contact them if they wish to speak to you. Again, CAIR can provide legal assistance, or can refer you to an attorney. 6) Note that anything you
say to an agent or officer can be used against you in a court of law and that lying to an agent or officer is a criminal offense. 7) Should you decide to speak to agents alone despite the risks, note that you may set the conditions of the interview, including choosing when and where the interview is to take place, having a third party present such as a family member or community leader, deciding which questions to answer, and refusing to sign any documents. You may cancel the interview at any time. (Ask the agent if you may record the interview.) 8) Be sure to get the names, agencies, badge numbers, and business cards of all agents or officers. 9) Contact your attorney and/or CAIR to report the interview/incident and to discuss what may happen
next. If you feel that your civil rights were violated, you may also file a complaint with the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. CAIR can help you with this process. 10) To file a civil rights complaint with CAIR, please click here. [Please note: This above is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Should you have any questions about the material herein or about a specific case, please consult with your attorney.] CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
Walmart fires assistant manager for anti-Muslim Facebook post Almashreq/editorial staff/ agencies: A Walmart assistant manager was fired over his derogatory comments in a Facebook post with a photo of women in religious garb shopping in the discount department store, the company said Thursday. The employee of the Hamburg, N.Y., Walmart wrote in the caption, accompanying a photo of two Muslim women veiled in black: «Halloween came early this year.» He added, using explicit language, that the women should remove the religious attire. A Walmart spokeswoman said that the company was made aware of the offensive post on Aug. 30, the same day it was
put up, and «terminated the associate.» Walmart refers to its employees as associates. «We have high expectations for our associates, and he failed to meet these expectations,» spokeswoman Kayla Whaling told Al Jazeera. The fired assistant manager apologized for his comments when interviewed by The Buffalo News. «I’m truly, honestly sorry about the whole thing,» the newspaper quoted him as saying. Walmart›s decision to fire its employee followed a request for discipline from the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Ryan Mahoney from CAIR told Al Jazeera that his office is «glad that Walmart acted appropriately in this matter» but is «never happy when someone loses their job.» Mahoney said CAIR’s New York office receives multiple
reports every week of Muslims being targeted in alleged hate crimes and discrimination. «In the past week, we had a location where there’s a proposed mosque get covered in decapitated pig heads,» Mahoney said.
Protest against Syria war in Washington, NYC Almashreq/editorial staff/ agencies: Anti-war activists in the United States protested against a military strike planned by President Barack Obama against Syria. A number of activists and Syrian expatriates gathered in Times Square in New York City and outside the White House in Washington to voice their opposition to another war in the Middle East. Some 150 demonstrators called on Congress to reject Obama’s plan for military strike on Syria. “People are dubious about the intelligence because we aren’t being told much. We aren’t being given any specific details instead we’re being told trust us,” retired US State Department official Ann Wright. Many Republican and Democratic lawmakers are against Obama’s request for Congress to authorize the use of military force against Syria.
Earlier this month, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a measure that would authorize a strike. The United States has claimed
that the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was behind a deadly chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus last month.
A number of recent opinion polls showed that the majority of Americans oppose taking military action against the Syrian government.
May 1st, 2015
California courts mull whether Police caught on camera undocumented immigrant can practice law beating suspect
Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: The Long Beach Police Department is defending its actions after a viral video posted this week showed officers with batons beating a man whose family later said they would file a lawsuit. In the video, which was uploaded to YouTube on Monday, a man identified as 46-year-old Porfirio Santos-Lopez is seen lying on his back as four police officers stand over him. As a witness records the incident with her cell phone, the officers repeatedly strike SantosLopez with their batons and a Taser. The woman who recorded the video declined to be identified. “In the beginning, he was not fighting back. He was just lying there, taking the Tase and the baton hits,” she told KTLA. “I guess it’s just a typical reaction that anybody would have - just start kicking around.” Long Beach police later released surveillance video that, according to officials, shows Santos-Lopez shortly before his arrest. “That individual seemed to be irrational. He was combative,” Long Beach police Sgt. Aaron Eaton said Tuesday. “In the video that is on YouTube, he can be seen kicking at the officers.” Police were called to the scene to break
up a fight to which Santos-Lopez was a party, authorities said. Surveillance video taken outside a liquor store showed Santos-Lopez fist-fighting with two other men, police said. He was drunk and out of control when police arrived on scene, authorities said. SantosLopez kicked an officer in the face and kicked the baton out of an officer’s hand during the arrest, Eaton said. Family members said Santos-Lopez was recovering from surgery in the hospital. The family plans to sue Long Beach Police Department, according to Santos-Lopez’s wife, Lee Ann Hernandez. “They broke two of his bones in his right arm around his elbow. They broke it so bad that he needed surgery,” Hernandez said. Several cuts required stitches, and one of Santos-Lopez’s lungs was collapsed, his wife said. Lopez-Santos had a history of mental illness and police had been called to help him in past, Hernandez said. “He needs help because he hears people talking and he sees people, and he knows that,” she said. The officers involved in Santos-Lopez’s arrest remained on active duty as an investigation was underway, authorities said.
NYPD targets mosques using ‘terrorism enterprise investigations’ Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: The Islamic Cultural Center on Manhattan’s Upper East Side was a target of the NYPD’s spying program, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.
York, a secular social-service organization in Brooklyn.
The New York Police Department (NYPD) has secretly labeled entire mosques asterrorist organizations, a designation that allows police to use informants to record sermons and spy on imams, often without specific evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
The disclosures come as the NYPD is fighting off lawsuits accusing it of engaging in racial profiling while combating crime. Earlier this month, a judge ruled that the department’s use of the stop-and-frisk tactic was unconstitutional.
Since the 9/11 attacks, the NYPD has opened at least a dozen “terrorism enterprise investigations” into mosques, according to interviews and confidential police documents. A TEI, as it is known, is a police tool intended to help investigate suspected terrorist cells. Designating an entire mosque as a terrorism enterprise means that anyone who attends prayerservices there is a potential subject of an investigation and fair game for surveillance. Many TEIs stretch for years, allowing surveillance to continue even though the NYPD has never criminally charged a mosque or Islamic organization with operating as a terrorism enterprise. The NYPD’s spying program is detailed in a new book by Associated Press reporters. The AP originally reported in 2011 that the NYPD was spying on Muslims and mosques around the city. The news agency won a Pulitzer Prize for its reporting, and has continued to follow the story since then. The documents show in detail how, in its hunt for terrorists, the NYPD investigated countless innocent New York Muslims and put information about them in secret police files. As a tactic, opening an enterprise investigation on a mosque is so potentially invasive that while the NYPD conducted at least a dozen, the FBI never opened one, according to interviews with federal law enforcement officials.
The executive director of the group has worked with city officials, including Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, a front-runner for mayor.
The American Civil Liberties Union and two other groups have sued, saying the Muslim spying programs are unconstitutional and make Muslims afraid to practice their faith without police scrutiny. Both Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly have denied those accusations. They say police do not unfairly target people but only follow leads. “As a matter of department policy, undercover officers and confidential informants do not enter a mosque unless they are following up on a lead,” Kelly wrote recently in The Wall Street Journal. “We have a responsibility to protect New Yorkers from violent crime or another terrorist attack -- and we uphold the law in doing so.” An NYPD spokesman declined to comment. Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, said her group helps new immigrants adjust to life in the U.S. It was not clear whether the police were successful in their plans to place informants. Sarsour, a Muslim who has met with Kelly many times, said she felt betrayed. “It creates mistrust in our organizations,” said Sarsour, who was born and raised in Brooklyn. “It makes one wonder and question who is sitting on the boards of the institutions where we work andpray.”
The NYPD did not limit its operations to collecting information on those who attended the mosques or led prayers. The department also sought to place people on the boards of New York’s Islamic institutions to fill intelligence gaps.
Before the NYPD could target mosques as suspected terrorist groups, it had to persuade a federal judge to rewrite rules governing how police can monitor speech protected by the First Amendment.
One confidential NYPD document shows that police wanted to put informants in leadership positions at mosques and other organizations, including the Arab American Association of New
The rules stemmed from a 1971 lawsuit, dubbed the Handschu case, after lead plaintiff Barbara Handschu, over how the NYPD spied on protesters and liberals during the Vietnam War era.
Almashreq/editorial staff/ agencies: California Supreme Court justices appeared reluctant Wednesday to grant a law license to Sergio Garcia, who graduated law school and passed the state›s bar exam but has been living illegally in the United States for 20 years. Arguments for and against Garcia, in a closely watched test case, hinged largely on interpretations of a 1996 federal law that bars the expenditure of public funds for the benefit of illegal immigrants, including for «professional licenses» from government agencies. «Congress used a very broad term -- professional licenses,» Justice Carol Corrigan said during oral arguments in the case. «But don›t you think that if they really wanted to say, ‹all other licenses...except lawyers,› they could have said that?» she asked Garcia›s lawyers. But attorneys of the 36-year-old, who has the support of the State Bar of California and state Attorney General Kamala Harris, maintained that the language of the law was vague and should not be interpreted as applying to law licensing. The court has 90 days to rule in a case that has garnered national attention, putting the Obama administration against state officials who supported Garcia›s application. Outside of court, Garcia expressed optimism that the Supreme Court would rule in his favor despite the tough questions asked of the lawyers who spoke on his side during an hour of oral arguments. «I›m confident that at the end of the day they›ll come up with the right decision, and hopefully I can finally join the profession I have a passion for, which is law,» Garcia said while standing with his parents on the courthouse steps after the hearing. If the high court
denies him a law license, Garcia said it would send a discouraging message to undocumented youths working toward building their education in the United States. But Garcia said he was determined to appeal
his case to the U.S. Supreme Court if the California high court ruled against him. State vs. federal law : Garcia, who earned a legal degree from Cal Northern School of Law in Chico, Calif., north of Sacramento, entered the United States as an infant with his parents. He lived in the country until the age of eight or nine and then returned with his fam-
ily to his native Mexico. At 17, Garcia reentered the United States with his father, who was then a permanent U.S. resident and later became a citizen. Working the fields and at a grocery store, he attended com-
munity college, studying to become a paralegal, and then law school. Garcia passed the California bar on the first try, a boast that former Gov. Peter Wilson and nearly 50 percent of all first-time test takers can›t make. His father filed a petition seeking an immigrant visa for Garcia in 1995. Garcia is still waiting to receive the visa, which would allow him to
seek permanent residency and ultimately citizenship. U.S. Justice Department attorneys argued that the statute in question was clearly intended to bar illegal immigrants from being issued law licenses, which, because they are finalized by the state Supreme Court, require public funding. «This provision applies on its face because a law license is a professional license,» Justice Department lawyer Daniel Tenny said. But State Bar attorney James Wagstaffe pointed to case law that he said showed that statutes such as those cited by Garcia›s opponents were not meant to regulate attorney licenses. «Because of the inherent power of the courts to admit attorneys, the cases say that unless the Congress either writes something that applies to every person and is over-inclusive or is very specific and goes right to the heart of the matter and talks about courts or attorneys, then it is not attempting to regulate those,» Wagstaffe said. The dispute is the latest high-profile immigration clash between state and federal laws. The Obama position surprised some, since it had recently adopted a program that shields people who were brought to the U.S. as children, graduated high school and have kept a clean criminal record from deportation and allows them to legally work in the country. At 36, however, Garcia is too old to qualify for the Obama program. But he and the immigration groups supporting him argue that Garcia is exactly the type of candidate the Obama administration had in mind when it adopted its program. A similar case is brewing in Florida. That state›s Supreme Court has so far refused to certify a person living illegally in the U.S. as a lawyer, but has not issued a final ruling.
Anger and apathy from Brooklyn Muslims over NYPD spying report Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: On Friday afternoon at the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge, a large mosque and community center in an especially diverse neighborhood of Brooklyn, Muslim men double-parked their cars and ran from adjacent storefronts to catch the start of the 1 p.m. prayer. As the interior of the mosque filled up with more than 100 people, those left outside began claiming space on the sidewalk, using Arabic-language newspapers as substitutes for prayer rugs. It was a normal Friday, except that many in attendance were a little more tense than usual. This was the first Friday prayer following the release of documents by The Associated Press that showed several mosques in New York, including the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge, had been labeled as suspected “terrorist enterprises” by the New York City Police Department (NYPD), and were under the department’s watchful eye for years. The AP also revealed in 2011 that the NYPD was keeping several Muslims under surveillance, but the new revelations came as a shock to many in the Bay Ridge Muslim community, who said they’ve had nothing but good relations with the police. But to others, the documents were just another sign of a continually worsening relationship between what they say is an overly suspicious NYPD and MuslimAmericans just trying to go about their lives. “[Surveillance] started in 1993, as soon as we opened,” said Zein Rimawi, one of the founders of the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge, who now sits on its board of directors. “So, to be honest, we knew about it.” Rimawi said congregants have told him for years that the NYPD has been asking for information about the mosque. That’s why, although he was unaware that the police had labeled the mosque a “terrorist enterprise,” he wasn’t surprised when two AP reporters told him last week. “I’d like to ask the police department if they’ve found anything illegal here,” he said. “We’ve complained many times, but they don’t listen.” Rimawi’s mosque is just one of at least 10 mosques that the NYPD had opened investigations on. The program began in 2003 when NYPD leaders persuaded a federal judge to overturn a 30-year-old law that prevented police from monitoring First Amendmentprotected speech. That decision made it legal for officers to
investigate members of mosques, as long as the “facts or circumstances reasonably indicate” that two or more people could be involved in terrorism or violent crime, according to the AP report. ‘The trust is broken’ Ever since that decision, the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge has been under the watch of the NYPD. But Rimawi may have been one of the most jaded members of the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge. To many members of the mosque, the publication of the program was a shock. “I’m very upset,” said Kareem Bitar, a retail salesman who lives in Bay Ridge and comes to the mosque every Friday. “We don’t think of the NYPD as being evil or even harsh. They’re here to do their job ... But for them to actually go ahead and spy on us -- the trust is broken.” The perceived trust between police officers and community members is why several congregants were taken aback. Many said that if the NYPD needed information, it could have just come and asked for it. “We do everything in the open here,” said Mohamed Mahmoud, who owns a printing shop across the street from the mosque. “Anyone can come here. They can come see what we do. So why would they put us in this position?” Others were more understanding of the NYPD’s tactics. One man compared the
spying to the police rooting out Mafia members from New York’s Italian-American community in the 1960s. But even those who were semi-supportive of the program said the NYPD’s secrecy would fray their trust in the organization. That’s what Linda Sarsour, the executive director of the Arab-American Association of New York, located a few blocks south of the Bay Ridge mosque, was most worried about. Sarsour said she understands that the NYPD has a job to do, but she believes that it’s gone too far. Sarsour had known about surveillance programs for years, but was surprised to find out that the NYPD planned to place a confidential informant on her organization’s board. She still doesn’t know if it succeeded. “Getting someone on our board, that kind of takes it to the next level,” she said. “When you see your own name and your own organization on a document, it becomes personal. I felt hurt.” Sarsour believes this is a low point for relations with the NYPD. She said that before the department’s spying was revealed in 2011, she thought the NYPD was doing a great job of actively including the community in its work. “But as soon as our suspicions about surveillance were confirmed … we stopped inviting Commissioner Kelly and senior NYPD leadership to speak with us,” she said. “Our relationship was done.” www.almashreqonline.com
Saudi Arabia agrees to back US-led Syria hit: Kerry Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: Saudi Arabia has agreed to back a US-led military offensive against Syria over an alleged use of chemical weapons near Damascus, US Secretary of State John Kerry says. Kerry made the remarks at the US Embassy in Paris on Sunday after he held meetings with nine Arab foreign ministers and Arab League Secretary General Nabil Elaraby in the French capital. The US secretary of state also said that “a number of countries” had agreed to the denunciation approved by several countries on the sidelines of the recent G20 summit in Russia. Kerry called it the “G20 side statement”. On Friday, US President Barack Obama defied pressure to abandon plans for a war against Syria and claimed that he gained
the support of nine G20 leaders for a «strong» response to the alleged chemical weapons in the suburbs of Damascus last month. Ten G20 countries, including the US, plus Spain have reportedly signed a statement demanding a strong international response, which fell short of backing a military offensive against Syria. Saudi Foreign Minister Saud alFaisal and Saudi Arabia have signed on to the “G20 side statement” Kerry said on Sunday, and “have supported the strike and they support taking action.” The top US diplomat said he was “not going to name the others” who will sign the statement, but said they “agreed they would go back and make their own announcements within 24 hours
Three more die of MERS coronavirus in Saudi Arabia: Health Ministry Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: Saudi Arabia’s Health Ministry says three more people have died of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in the country. The ministry said on Sunday that the recent deaths have placed the total number of those to die from the illness in Saudi Arabia at 47. According to the ministry’s website, a 74-year-old man and a 56-year-old female health sector worker have died in the western city of Medina due to the virus. A third person, a 53-year-old, also died in the capital, Riyadh. The health ministry also announced five new cases of infection with the coronavirus. A 3-year-old girl and an 18-year-old man are
Pope thanks those joining Syria prayers Almashreq/editorial staff/ agencies: The pope of the Roman Catholic Church has thanked millions of people who joined him on Saturday night for meditation and prayers for peace in the Arab country. Pope Francis led the peace vigil on St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican City in which about 100,000 people participated, and millions more joined him on the global day of fasting and prayers for peace in Syria, the Middle East and the world. On Sunday, Francis once again denounced US war plans against Syria, saying the desire to make profits from arms industry is fueling unnecessary wars in the world. The pope, who is the spiritual leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, told people in St. Peter’s Square that he wonders
“if this war here or there is really a war, or is it a commercial war to sell these arms or to increase the illegal trade in it?” A day earlier, Pope Fran-
always marks the failure of peace, it is always a defeat for humanity,” he added. “We have perfected our weapons, our conscience has fallen
cis said, “Violence and war lead only to death, they speak of death! Violence and war are the language of death!” “War
asleep, and we have sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves. As if it were normal, we continue to sow destruction, pain,
64 percent of the respondents are against any international military intervention in Syria, irrespective of the involvement of the government of French President Francois Hollande who is in favor of a military action in the Arab country. France and the United States have called for military action against Syria over accusations that the Syrian government was behind the recent chemical attack near the capital, Damascus. In a recent interview with the daily Le Monde, French president said that he stands firm behind a “punitive” strike on Syria.
Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists gain control of Syrian Christian town: Reports
Egypt appoints Amr Moussa as head of Constitutional Panel
Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: Egyptian former presidential candidate Amr Moussa has been appointed head of the constitution drafting committee, it was announced on Sunday. The 50-member panel tasked with amending Egypt’s previous constitution has convened for the first time at the headquarters of Egypt’s Shura council (upper house of parliament), Ahram Online reported. Chairman of the Syndicate of
Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: The United States has extended a waiver on Iran sanctions for six months to Japan in exchange for its reduction in oil imports from the Islamic republic, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday. The sanctions aim to choke funding to Iran’s disputed nuclear program by reducing the country’s oil sales, its main source of income. Washington believes Iran’s nuclear program is aimed at developing weapons, and it has worked with the country’s main oil consumers to find alternative petroleum supplies. Teh-
The curfew hours have been reduced
made up of mostly secular figures, with the Muslim Brotherhood refusing to take part as they argue that Egypt’s new authorities were illegitimate since the army ousted former Islamist President Mohammad Mursi on July 3. Islamist groups from Salafist al-Nour party, as well as representatives from al-Azhar, the highest Sunni Islamic authority in Egypt, and Christian representatives are present on the panel.
ran says the nuclear program is just for generating electricity and medical purposes. The United States also extended a waiver of the sanctions to 10 countries of the European Union, but the EU has embargoed Iran’s oil imports since July 2012. It was the fourth time Washington extended the six-month waiver to the 11 countries. The move was expected as Japan has cut its imports of Iranian oil, which in June were down 38.1 percent from a year earlier, government data showed. The State Department will decide in December whether to extend
waivers to China, India, South Korea and six other countries that consume Iranian oil. “We have brought significant pressure to bear on the Iranian government,” Kerry said in a statement, “and we will continue to work with our partners to ratchet up the pressure on Iran to meet its international obligations.” Iran’s average monthly oil sale revenues dropped 58 percent to $3.4 billion in the first half of this year compared to the first half of 2011, which was just before Washington imposed harsher sanctions on Tehran, a senior U.S. official said last week.
46% of Egyptians say curfew affected income, 73% feel unsafe: Baseera polls
A curfew was imposed in 14 Egyptian governorates when the interim cabinet declared a state of emergency following an outbreak of violence that erupted after security forces dispersed two large Islamist protest camps in Cairo and Giza.
the area, forcing Syrian Army to leave the mountain village. “The rebels are inside Maalula, all of Maalula. The government troops have pulled out of Maalula,” a resident said on condition of anonymity. The reports come after days of clashes between Syrian army forces and militants mostly from the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front in the Christian village. Many of the town’s 5,000 Aramaic-speaking residents have fled their homes since the militants, known for killing minorities.
Lawyers and the Arab Nasserist party, Sameh Ashour was also in the running to stand for the post of chairman, Ahram reported. The panel has two months to submit a final version of the revised constitution to the interim president, who in turn has 30 days to announce the date of a referendum. Work by the constitution-drafting body is at its second stage following initial proposals made by a ten-member legal panel. The panel is
U.S. extends Iran sanctions waivers to Japan
Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: Forty-six percent of Egyptians said the curfew, imposed since 14 August, has negatively affected their income, revealed a poll conducted by Baseera, the Egyptian Centre for Public Opinion Research.
Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: Foreign-backed al-Qaedalinked terrorists fighting the Syrian government of Bashar alAssad have gained control over the Christian village of Maalula, reports say. According to the socalled Syrian Observatory as well as the residents of the historic town located some 70 kilometers northeast of the capital, Damascus, the militants are currently in control of the entire village. The British-based group said the militants have sent reinforcement to
death!” said Francis. The pope was referring to the intensifying war rhetoric against Syria, which started after foreignbacked opposition forces accused the government of President Bashar al-Assad of launching the chemical attack on militant strongholds in the suburbs of Damascus on August 21. Damascus has vehemently denied the accusations, saying the attack was carried out by the militants themselves as a false-flag operation. On Thursday, the pope wrote to the world leaders attending the G20 summit in Russia, urging them to “lay aside the futile pursuit of a military solution”. Francis said the talk of war against Syria has prevented a diplomatic solution to the conflict and caused the “senseless massacre” of innocent people in the Arab country.
among the disease›s new victims. On September 7, the Saudi ministry announced that two women, a 41-year-old woman, who worked in the health sector in the capital Riyadh and a 79-year-old from Hafr al-Baten in the Eastern Province, have died after contracting the disease. Saudi authorities say that so far, 96 people have been infected in the kingdom. MERS is a cousin of SARS. The virus first emerged in the Middle East, and was discovered in September 2012 in a Qatari man who had traveled to Saudi Arabia. In addition to Saudi Arabia, MERS has been reported in the Persian Gulf countries, France, Germany, Italy, Tunisia and Britain.
Two-thirds of French people against involvement in US war on Syria: Survey Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: A new poll shows over two-thirds of French people are opposed to their country’s involvement in a potential military intervention in Syria. According to the poll conducted by the French daily Le Figaro, 68 percent of the respondents were against France’s involvement in a potential military action planned by US President Barack Obama against Syria. Compared with a similar survey published on August 29, the new figures show a nine percentage increase in the number of those who oppose war. The recent poll also revealed that
International & Business
May 1st, 2015
twice since 14 August, currently implemented from 11pm to 6am daily, except Fridays when it extends the full length of the original period, from 7pm to 6am.
will worsen, another nine percent predict they will not change, and the remaining 20 percent said they did not know.
The poll showed that 62 percent of citizens said their living conditions had deteriorated compared to last year, 27 percent said they had not changed and only 10 percent said they had improved.
The poll also showed that 73 percent of Egyptians do not currently feel safe. Among those aged between 18-29 years, 78 percent feel unsafe, while the same feeling affects 64 percent of those aged 50 and above.
On a more optimistic note, the poll revealed that 62 percent of citizens expect their living conditions to improve by next year, while nine percent think they
Baseera polled 1395 adults from across Egypt’s 27 governorates via telephone between 19 and 21 August. The poll’s margin of error is less than three percent.
Dubai’s DAE ends tie-up talks with BBA Aviation
Almashreq/editorial staff/agencies: Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE), owner of U.S.-based engine repair and maintenance business StandardAero, said on Sunday it was no longer in talks with British aircraft services firm BBA Aviation to merge parts of its business. The two firms had said in late August that they had started talks to merge some of their assets, after media reports said that BBA was looking at a 2.7 billion pound ($4.2 billion) tie-up with Arizona-based StandardAero. “Dubai Aerospace Enterprise announced today it is no longer in
discussions with BBA Aviation about a potential combination of certain parts of its business,” DAE said in an emailed statement. DAE, which specialises in aircraft maintenance and leasing, gave no further details on why the discussions had ended. A source with direct knowledge of the matter said there was no formal sale process in place yet for StandardAero. “BBA had made a preliminary approach and discussions were at an early stage. Obviously the asset is for sale but the price has to be right for both the parties,” said the source. After ordering more than 200 aircraft during
an industry boom in 2007, DAE’s leasing unit has been forced to cancel orders. In 2011, it cancelled outstanding Airbus orders worth $5.8 billion and also cancelled orders for 35 Boeing 737s. The Dubai-government owned firm put StandardAero up for sale in 2010 and retained Deutsche Bank to advise on the sale, Reuters reported at the time. However, the process moved slowly. “As of now there are no banks or advisors assisting on a sale for StandardAero. The sale discussions have not reached a material stage with any party for that to happen,” the source.
Classified- Arizona
May 1st, 2015
Phoenix Muslim Community Mosque Address: 1818 N 32nd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008, USA Phone:602 306 4959
MASJID AL-RAHMA Address: 2426 E McDowell Rd , Phoenix, AZ 85008, USA Phone:602-463-2569
Islamic Center Of North Phoenix Address: 13246 N. 23rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85029, USA Phone: 602-371-3440
Masjid Omar Bin Al-Khattab Address: 6225 S Mcclintock Dr, Tempe, AZ 85283, USA Phone:480-775 6627
Islamic Community Center of Phoenix Address: 7516 N. Black Canyon Hwy, Phoenix, AZ 85051, USA Phone:602-249-0496 Islamic community of anthem Address: Islamic community of anthem Phoenix, AZ 85086, USA Email: onlysarah@hotmail.com
Masjid-e-Noor Address:55 North Matlock Street, Mesa, AZ 85203, USA Phone:480-644-0074
Islamic Center of the East Valley (ICEV) Address:425 N Alma School Rd., Chandler, AZ 85224, USA Phone:(480) 264-1330
Community Mosque Address: 1797 W University Dr#167, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA Phone:480-829-9465 Masjid Es Salaam Address:1071 North Alma School Road, The AL-Mahdi Benevolent Foundation Chandler, AZ 85224, USA Address:1016 S. River Dr Phone: 480-784-4627 Tempe, AZ 85281, USA
Churches Maronite Catholic Church Address: 5406 E Virginia Ave Phoenix, AZ 85008 Phone: 602-667-3280 Mar Abraham Chaldean Catholic Churc Address: 6816 E Cactus Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-1545 Assyrian Church Of The East Address: 8712 N 35th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85051 Phone:602-841-3227 St. George Church Address:6107 W Greenbriar Dr Glendale, AZ 85308 St.Michael Orthodox Church Of Jerusalem Address: 4724 N 35th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85019 Phone: 480-466-2648 St.John of The Desert Melkite Catholic Church Address:3718 E Greenway Rd
Scottsdale Health Care 9003 E Shea Blvd Scottsdale AZ 85260” (480) 323-3000 St Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center 350 W Thomas RD Phoenix AZ 85013” (602) 406-3000
Chandler Regional Hospital 475 S.Dobson Rd Chandler AZ 85224 “(480) 963-4561
Scottsdale Health Care 7400 E Osborn Rd Scottsdale AZ 85251” (480) 882-4000
Mercy Gilbert Medical Center 3555 South Val Vista Dr Gilbert AZ 85297” (480) 728-8000
Islamic Center of North East Valley Address:12125 E Via Linda, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, USA Phone:480-612--4044
Albanian-American Islamic Center of Arizona Address:6724 West Greenway Rd., Peoria, AZ 85381, USA URL:www.greenwaymasjid.com
Scottsdale AZ 85259 “(800) 446-2279
Mayo Clinic 5777 East Mayo Boulevard Phoenix, AZ 85054-4502 “(480) 515–6296
Islamic Community Center of Tempe Address:131 East 6th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA Phone: 480-894-6070
Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center 1111 E.McDowell RD Phoenix AZ 85006” (602) 839-2000
Phoenix, AZ 85032 Phone: 602-787-4787 St.Goerge Antiochian Orthodox Church Address: 4530 E Gold Dust Ave Phoenix, AZ 85028 Phone: 602-953-1921 St.Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Address: 525 N 74th St Scottsdale, AZ 85257 Phone: 480-990-2399 First Arabic Baptist Mission 2232 W Campbell Ave Phoenix, AZ 85015 Phone: 602-249-1033 St.Joseph Church 11001 N 40th Street Phoenix, AZ 85028 Phone: 602-966-5120 Persian Christian Church 2012 N Scottsdale Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85257 Phone: 480-231-6542
FastMed Urgent Care of Chandler 2875 W. Ray Rd Chandler AZ 85224” (480) 899-3070 Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital 1500 S.Mill Ave Tempe AZ 85281” (602) 968-9411 Mayo Clinic 13400 Mayo Clinic
Phoenix Children’s Hospital 1919 E Thomas Rd Phoenix AZ 85016” (602) 933-1000 Arrowhead Hospital 18701 N 67th Ave Glendale AZ 85308” (623) 561-1000 Banner Thunderbird Medical Center 5555 W Thunderbird RD Glendale AZ 85306” (602) 865-5555
Embassies Embassy Of Algeria 2118 Kalorama RD NW Washington DC 20008 Phone:202-265-2800
Embassy Of Qatar 4200 Wisconsin Ave NW Washingion DC 20016 Phone:202-274-1600
Embassy Of Egypt 3521 International Ct. NW Washington DC 20008 Phone:202-895-5400
Embassy Of Morocco 1601 21st St NW Washingion DC 20009 Phone:202-462-7979
Embassy Of Iraq 1801 P St NW Washington DC 20036 Phone:202-483-7500
Ebassy Of Saudi Arabia 2600 Virginia Ave NW #500 Washingion DC 20037 Phone:202-337-9450
Embassy Of Jordan 3504 International Dr NW Washington DC 20008 Phone:202-966-2664
Embassy Of The Republic Of Bosnia 2109 E St NW Washingion DC 20037 Phone:202-337-1500
Embassy Of Kuwait 3500 International Dr NW Washington DC 20008
Embassy Of Tunisia 1515 Massachussets Ave NW Washingion DC 20005
Embassy Of Lebanon 2560 28th St NW Washington DC 20008 Phone:202-939-6300
Embassy Of U.A.E 1225 22nd St NW #700 Washingion DC 20037 Phone:202-243-2400
Embassy Of Oman Sultanate 1776 Massachusetts Ave NW Washingion DC 20036 Phone:202-387-1758
Embassy Of Yemen 2600 Virginia Ave NW #705 Washingion DC 20037 Phone: 202-965-4760