紫錐花維C600飲產品簡介|Booster C600 Product Intro

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居家必備的營養補充品,全面支援免疫力健康, 為您和家人提供最佳防護 An essential supplement that every home should have, fully supports immune health of you and your family, and gives the best protection your body needs.

1 配方採用USANA專利高效 2 蘊含紫錐花、鋅和高效抗氧 維生素C


Formulated with high potency source of USANA's proprietary Poly C

Contains echinacea, zinc and the powerful antioxidant, elderberry

3 維持免疫系統健康

Helps support immune health


經常捱夜、 缺乏休息 All-nighters or sleep deprived

4 清新檸檬莓果味,美味可口 A refreshing and tasty lemon-berry flavor

Suitable for those

常出入冷氣地方, 天氣轉變時,常常 忽冷忽熱,容易造成不適 感到身體不舒服 Feeling sick after going in and out an air-conditioned space

Feeling unwell during season shift

壓力大、緊張或 疲憊時使用 Who are under pressured, nervous or tired

紫錐花維C600飲 (每盒 28 條) Booster C600 (28 Stick Packs/ Box) 服用方法 Direction to use 將一條紫錐花維C600飲直接倒入口中或倒入120毫升 水中飲用。每 天 飲 用 一 條 。 根 據 需 要 最 多 使 用 2 週 (14天)。隨後至少停用1週 (7天)。 Pour contents of 1 packet into mouth or add the contents of 1 packet to 120 ml of water and drink. Take 1 packet daily. Use as needed for up to 2 weeks (14 days). Follow with a rest cycle of at least 1 week (7 days).

主要成分 Key


紫錐花精華 | 100 毫克mg ECHINACEA EXTRACT


一款含有活性物質的草本植物,能短時間內 調節人體免疫力,維持免疫系統健康。

含豐富生物類黃酮,其花青素含量亦比藍莓高,抗氧 化指數OR AC也更高,有助於保護健康的細胞,調節 免疫反應。

A herbal ingredient that contains active substances to regulate immune ability in a short time, thus support a healthy immune system.

Rich in bioflavonoids, and its content of anthocyanin is higher than that of blueberry, the antioxdiant capacity ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) is also higher, which helps to protect healthy cells and regulate immune response.

鋅 | 10 毫克mg ZINC

維生素C | 600 毫克mg VITAMIN C


支援白血球的產生,並在細胞中對抗氧化壓力,對於 維護細胞的完整和正常功能非常重要。

Supports the production and function of white blood cells.

Supports the production of white blood cells and fights oxidative stress in cells, which is very important for maintaining the integrity and normal function of cells.

新鮮莓果的抗氧化指數 ORAC of Fresh Berries 18000 16000

*黑接骨木莓的抗氧化能力比藍莓高3倍 *The antioxdiant effect of elderberry is


3 times higher than blueberry

12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0











(資料Source: 美國農業部USDA)



紫錐花維C600飲與礦物維生素C有甚麼分別? What’s the difference between Booster C600 and Poly C? 紫錐花維C600 Booster C600

礦物維生素C Poly C

粉狀 Powder

粒狀 Tablet

短時間內調節人體免疫系統 Regulate the immune system in a short time

補充人體無法自然製造和 容易流失的維生素C Replenish vitamin C that our body cannot produce naturally and easy to loss

有需要時服用 Take when needed

每日服用 Take daily

為何紫錐花維C600飲不建議每日服用? Why Booster C600 is not recommended to take daily?

紫錐花有助迅速調節免疫系統,長期持續服用或令 身體免疫系統處於過度活躍狀態,而減低其效用, 因此建議如已連續服用兩周,可至少停服一周再 繼續,以發揮更佳效果。 Echinacea has the effect of quickly regulating the immune system, continuous long-term use may cause overactivity in the immune system, affecting the effectiveness of Booster C600. If you have been taking it for 2 weeks, please stop for a week before resuming for better result.

USANA Hong Kong



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