認識USANA小冊子 Get to Know USANA booklet | USANA Hong Kong

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Get to know




01 猶他州製造商協會 Utah Manufacturer Association

• 年度最佳製造商 Manufacturer of the Year 2022-2023

02 Stevie®大獎 Stevie® American Business Awards

• 年度最佳公司(消費品類別)金獎 Company of the Year (Consumer Products Category) Gold 2018

• 年度最佳客戶服務部 Customer Service Department of the Year

自2012年第4度獲獎 4th wins since 2012

• 年度優秀公司 銅獎 Company of the year (Bronze) 2020

03 NutriSearch評級 NutriSearch Rating

• 細胞基本營養素獲得5星評級及 Nutrisearch成就特級白金獎 CellSentials receives 5-Star ratings and the Nutrisearch Platinum Plus Medal of Achievement™

04 全球健康與製藥雜誌 「生物科技獎項」

Global Health & Pharma Magazine Biotechnology Awards

• 最佳營養補充品製造商

Best Nutritional Supplements Manufacturer 2018

• 年度最佳營養補充品公司

Health Supplement Company of the Year 2019

• 最值得信賴的營養產品企業 Most Trusted Provider of Nutritional Products 2020

05 Consumerlab.com

• 最高評等的直銷品牌

Top Rated Direct Selling Brand 2013, 2015-2019

• 細胞基本營養素、心臟寶30、 活力奧米加、 健骼寧II、 消化酵素等 九款產品榮獲認證標籤

Seals of approval for 9 products, including CellSentials , CoQuinone 30, BiOmega, Procosa II & Digestive Enzyme

06 猶他商業雜誌

「快速成長企業 50大」

Utah Business Magazine's Fast 50 List

• 連續13年榮登50大

USANA has made the Fast 50 list for 13th consecutive year 2008–2020

07 DSA產品創新大獎

DSA Product Innovation Award

• 口腔護理

Oral Care


• 情緒支援系列

Mood & Relaxation Products


08 直銷新聞

Direct Selling News Global

• DSN最佳工作場所 - 於2022年第5度獲獎

Best Place to Work for the 5th time in 2022

• 全球100強最佳營收直銷公司排名第14位

Ranked 14th on Global 100

09 全州之冠

Best of State

• 最佳膳食補充品 – 細胞基本營養素

The Best Dietary Supplements – CellSentials 2017-2024

• 最佳健康/營養飲料 – Rev3機能飲料

The Best Health/ Nutrition Beverage –Rev3 Energy 2007-2023

• 最佳保健/營養產品 – 營養補充品、 健康隨身包、我的健康套裝

The Best Health/ Nutrition Product –Nutritionals, HealthPak, MyHealthPak 2003-2004, 2006-2017, 2019, 2022, 2023

• 最佳個人護理產品 – Celavive

The Best Personal Care Products – Celavive 2018-2024

• 最佳研究及發展部門

The Best Research and Development Department 2012, 2014-2016, 2018

• 最佳僱主 Top Employer 2010, 2016-2018

• 其他產品製造業 – 最佳產品生產團隊

Winner of Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Category 2017-2018, 2023

• 全州之冠獎座 – 最佳商品及最佳客戶服務

The Best of State Statue – Merchandising and Consumer Services Category 2008, 2012, 2016


USANA Health Science 創立於1992年,我們在保健行業的悠久

資歷,讓我們與您均擁有強大的優勢,而且您可以自己選擇 的方式享受人生。我們製造卓越品質的產品,幫助您保持健康, 並憑藉豐富經驗,打造一家全球不容忽視的強大公司。

USANA Health Science was founded in 1992, so you could say we’ve been around the block. That’s a good thing.

Our longevity in the wellness industry gives us — and you — an unbeatable edge when it comes to living your life, your way. We have experience in creating exceptional products that support your health, and we’ve built on that experience to create a company that’s a force to be reckoned with, worldwide.

國際事業 International Business

USANA在全球 25個不同的市場營運,這表示您可以拓展自己的國際事業, 去影響全球各地的人。

USANA operates in 25 diverse markets around the world, meaning you can influence people all over the globe as you grow your own international business.


Our Founder

USANA創辦人華斯博士為享譽國際的 微生物學及免疫學家,也是檢測 傳染性病毒的 先驅科學家。他於 1974年創立高露實驗室,以研發病毒診斷 分析。期間,他成功研發第一款商用的 EB (Epstein-Barr) 病毒試劑, 而 EB 病毒是導致單核細胞增多症的原因。

但華斯博士的目標不止於此,他一生追求一個遠在他少年時期萌芽的夢想。 由於他當時目睹 57歲的父親死於心臟病,故此他決定追求一個宏大的 夢想 建立一個 世界上最健康的大家庭。

USANA’s founder, Dr. Myron Wentz, is an internationally recognised microbiologist, immunologist, and pioneer in infectious disease diagnosis. In 1974, he founded Gull Laboratories to develop viral diagnostics, and his greatest successes during this time included the first commercially available diagnostic test for Epstein-Barr virus, better known as the virus that causes mononucleosis.

But success was never Dr. Wentz’ only aim. Instead, he centred his life around a dream — a dream dating back all the way to his teenage years, when his father died at the age of 57 from heart disease. From that defining moment, Dr. Wentz made the decision to dream big; to dream of creating The Healthiest Family On Earth


嚴謹製作標準 屢獲第三方認證

High Quality Manufacturing Receives

Third Party Certifications

USANA 只選用最高品質的原材料,我們是營養補充品業界中,極少數自設先進廠房生產產品的公司。

所有產品均經過嚴格的檢測,以確保其效能、生物利用率(是否易被人體吸收)、純度(是否含污染物)及 品質(均一性、色澤、味道),確保為您提供可靠、經科學驗證和臨床測試,配方全面、安全又均衡之產品。

USANA is one of the few companies in the nutritional supplement industry to manufacture our products at our own state-of-the-art facility where the most advanced technology is used. USANA does not compromise on quality. That’s why all our products undergo cutting-edge tests for proper potency, bioavailability, contaminants, uniformity, color, and taste. We promise each finished tablet is properly measured and tested to meet our specifications. Our commitment to quality is to meet your expectations.


NutriSearch Rating

《 NutriSearch 營養補充品比較指南》(美國第六版)比較了北美數百款 補充品,來評定最高品質的保健產品,而 USANA 細胞基本營養素是唯一 獲得五星評級及特級白金獎的營養補充品。

The NutriSearch "Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements™ (for the Americas)" compares hundreds of supplements in North America to determine the highest quality health products, and the USANA CellSentials is the only supplement to have earned a fivestar, Platinum Plus rating.

消費者實驗室 ConsumerLab.com

消費者實驗室 (Consumerlab.com) 是一所為健康和保健產品質 量、純度和標籤準確性等測試的第三方獨立測試機構。要獲得認證標 籤,USANA 的產品成分必須百分百與標籤上的含量相符。至今,細胞基 本營養素、活力奧米加、健骼寧II等數款產品已獲得認證。

Consumerlab.com is an independent tester for quality, purity and label accuracy of health and wellness products. To be awarded a seal of approval, USANA’s product has to contain 100% of the claimed amount of ingredients. By far, USANA CellSentials, BiOmega, Procosa and several other products are certified by Consumerlab.com.

美國醫師電子參考手冊 Prescribers' Digital Reference® (PDR)

USANA 產品刊登於《美國醫師電子參考手冊》,其前身為《美國醫師參 考寶典》。PDR 提供處方藥和一些營養補充品的最新資訊,為美國眾多 醫護人士所信賴的參考指南。前往 PDR.net 搜尋「 USANA」即可查閱 USANA 的產品訊息。

USANA products are now featured on the Prescribers' Digital Reference® - formerly known as Physicians' Desk Reference, with trusted and credible drug and dietary supplements prescribing information by healthcare professionals. Visit PDR.net online and search for "USANA" for more product information.


NSF International

USANA的生産設備已獲非牟利的 獨立組織美國國家安全衛生基金會 之膳食補充品認證,符合 NSF/ANSI

標準 173-2017中訂定的優質生產 規範( GMP)。

USANA manufacturing facility has been certified to be in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements set forth in NSF/ANSI Standard 1732017, Dietary Supplements by NSF International.


The Food and Drug Administration 為美國食品及藥物管理局( FDA)的 註冊藥廠認證。我們生產製作過程的 每一個細節,已經 FDA驗證,並符合 製造藥物產品的標準。

A registered FDA Drug Establishment. All components of the manufacturing process are evaluated and inspected by the same FDA standards as are used for pharmaceutical products.


USANA產品通過 Informed-Choice 和 HFL Sport Science的嚴格要求, 不含任何世界反運動禁藥機構 ( WADA)所列的禁藥及其污染物。

Working in conjunction with UK-based HFL (www.hfl.co.uk), Informed-Choice conducted extensive testing on USANA supplements. All were examined and found to be free of the contaminants targeted by Informed-Choice from the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) list of prohibited substances.

美國國家安全衛生基金會 - 通過運動驗證

NSF International –Certificated for Sport ® 產品及生産設備已通過檢測,不含 世界反運動禁藥機構( WADA)、美國 職業橄欖球大聯盟/球員協會、美國 職業棒球大聯盟/球員協會所禁止 使用的物質。

Products are tested and facilities are inspected for a wide range of substances prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency, the NFL/NFLPA and MLB/MLBPA.


U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP)


USANA通過美國藥典( USP)測試,

驗證其產品是否符合 USP的溶化標 準,以確保營養素能在正常消化過程 中釋出並吸收。

USANA undergoes trusted USP testing methods to verify products adhere to USP dissolution standards, ensuring the nutrients will be released and made readily available for absorption during the normal digestive process.

食品安全品質計劃 Safe Quality Food Program (SQF)

USANA的食品生產設施已通過食品 安全品質計劃 (SQF) 中的全球食品 安全倡議組織 (GFSI) 認證 。

USANA food manufacturing facility has been certified in Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) though the Safe Quality Foods (SQF) program.


USANA每款產品都標上保證效能標籤,意味著我們堅持產品設計和製造的最高標準, 並保證我們銷售的每一種營養品的效能。

Our Manufacturing Standards

Each of USANA products carries a Potency Guarantee, that shows USANA is committed to the highest standards of product design and manufacturing, and we guarantee the potency of every nutritional product we sell.


Brilliant Partnership

Meriva ®

USANA和全球領先的原料供應商 Indena S.p.A.合作,測試 Indena的 Meriva生 物 可利 用性綜合薑黃素(一種創新的植物化合物技術,有助穩定和吸收)。

USANA and Indena S.p.A., a leading global ingredient supplier, partnered together to test Indena’s Meriva bioavailable curcumin complex — an innovative phytosome that delivers improved stability and absorption.

Sanoviv 醫療健康中心

Sanoviv Medical Institute

Sanoviv醫療健康中心於 2000年由華斯博士創辦,是一所擁有尖端設備、融合 最先進技術和全面性方法進行醫療的健康中心,並為 USANA直銷商提供實惠 的 教育計劃。

In 2000, Dr. Myron Wentz opened Sanoviv Medical Institute, a cuttingedge medical facility, offering state-of-the-art technology with an integrative approach to healing, as well as affordable educational programs for USANA Distributors.

TOSH 骨科醫院

TOSH – The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital

TOSH骨科醫院是國際公認的骨科、運動醫學和科學的頂級醫院和先驅,也是 全球少數幾所能夠同時提供外科、醫療、運動、和營養科學,以及復健服務的 醫院 之一。

TOSH is internationally recognized for being a premier facility and leader in orthopedics, sports medicine and science. It is also one of the few facilities worldwide that provides surgical, medical, sports and nutritional science, along with physical rehabilitation, all under one roof.


Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM)


與 USANA 合作將現代營養科學和中醫藥結合,打造新的健康產品, 開發針對性的養生方案。

BUCM is a top-ranking Chinese medicine university in China. It is a research powerhouse for knowledge and technological innovation in Chinese medicine. The collaboration between USANA and BUCM, aims to bring together modern nutritional science and traditional Chinese medicine to create new health products, and developing targeted nutritional regimens.




More professional and Olympic athletes trust USANA than any other nutritional supplement in the world.

吳秉泰 Tyson Ng

WBC ABCO 亞洲洲際超中量級冠軍

WBC ABCO Continental Super- Middleweight Champion

楊偉基 Wicky Yeung 亞洲保齡球錦標賽金牌得主 Asian Bowling Championships Gold Medalist

主要合作夥伴包括 Major partnerships include:


Building a Foundation for Health

健康始於細胞。我們體內的每一個細胞均具備強大的適應能力及韌性,是為了保持健康而生的。細胞 健康,我們才能健康。


維生素 對維持正常的新陳代謝、健康的 成長和發育極為重要,而 礦物質 則有助於建立強壯的骨骼和牙齒,且是酶和酶系統的基本元素;此外 它們也能支援免疫力、調節新陳代謝以及幫助消化。

但充滿毒素的環境、不良的現代飲食習慣及壓力重重的生活,均會損害細胞,很多人因此患上慢性 退化疾病。所以,您需要個人化的營養來滿足您對巨量營養素和微量營養素的整體需求。在均衡飲食 和日常運動中加入高品質的營養補充品,是支持您健康最簡單的方法。如果您想擁有最佳的表現, USANA就是您的不二之選。

Health begins at the cellular level. Every cell in our body is capable of incredible adaptability and resilience. They’re created to stay healthy. And when they do, we do too!

Micronutrients — vitamins and minerals — are vital. Vitamins are essential for normal metabolism, healthy growth, and development. Minerals are essential components of enzymes and enzyme systems. They also support immunity, regulate metabolism, and aid digestion.

But the toxic environment, modern diets, and stressful lifestyle all damage our cells. Many people succumb to degenerative diseases. You deserve personalized nutrition that addresses your overall macronutrient and micronutrient needs! Adding high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements to your balanced diet and exercise routine is the easiest way to support your health. And if you want to think and perform at your best, USANA is the company for you.



心臟病 Diseases of heart

Cerebrovascular diseases


資料來源 Data Source:


Health Facts of Hong Kong (2023 Edition). Department of Health, Hong Kong.

創新的技術 Unique Innovations


USANA InCelligence® Technology

融合美國專利 USANA InCelligence 複合物*,它蘊含的抗氧化成分能針對 内源性系統,透過「傳送、接收、激活」的過程支援細胞能量、恢復和最佳壽命, 讓您的細胞維持年輕健康。

This U.S. Patented InCelligence Complex* contains antioxidant compounds that target endogenous systems, through the process of “Send, Receive, Activate” helps restore cells youthfulness by supporting cellular energy, resilience, and optimal lifespan.


Nutritional Hybrid Technology

USANA 獨創的營養混成技術能將不同配方的成分分離至兩個不同的錠層,製成雙層錠片。

State-of-the-art approach to manufacturing that separates various formula ingredients into two distinct tablet layers.

橄欖精華 Olive Fruit Extract

Olivol™ 蘊含橄欖獨有的抗氧化多酚,可能是與健康及長壽有關的地中海飲食要素之一。

Olivol™ contains unique antioxidant polyphenols derived exclusively from olives. These antioxidants may be one of the components of the Mediterranean diet associated with health and longevity.

礦物維生素 C

Poly C


Patented blend of mineral ascorbates that provide better bioavailability than ascorbic acid alone.

研究與開發 Research and Development

USANA 的研發團隊由世界級的化學家、分子與細胞生物學家、營養生物化學家、藥劑師及運動科學專家所組成, 於自 設的高科技實驗室工作,對研究、設備及人力均作出重大投資,使公司能一直在營養科學處於領先地位。

The commitment to research and development is manifest in the high-tech labs populated by a team of talented chemists, molecular and cellular biologists, nutritional biochemists, pharmacists, and sports science experts. It can also be seen in the investment in studies, equipment, and manpower to keep the company on the forefront of nutritional science.

研究合作夥伴 Research Partners


無論何時都在進行大量研究,包括研發產品和頂尖的營養補充品。我們的科學家亦與頂尖機構合作,進行 突破性研究。

Extensive research goes into USANA’s products, and to create cutting-edge nutritionals, our in-house scientists have collaborated with numerous distinguished institutions.

*美國專利號碼 U.S. patent nos. 10,632,101

基 礎健康

Fundamental Health

雖然沒有什麼可以取代健康飲食,但 我們 可 在飲食 之 上再追求更好的營養攝入。基礎健康產品 旨 在為身體 提供適量的關鍵營養素以彌補飲食上的不足,從而打好健康根基 。 USANA 最暢銷的健康隨身包和 細胞基本營養素採用創新的 USANA InCelligence® 技術製成,有助於重新調整細胞老化的過程,促進更良好的 長期健康;活力奧米加帶來多種健康益處;超級益生菌維持腸道和整體健康。

While there is no replacement for a healthy diet, we can do more to achieve better nutrition intake. Fundamental Health products ensure you get the proper amount of key nutrients, filling nutritional gaps in your diet in order to support your well-being. Equipped with innovative USANA InCelligence® Technology, USANA’s best-selling core supplements-HealthPak and Cellsentials, help reprogram routine cellular aging processes to promote better, long-term health. BiOmega supports a wide range of health benefits. Probiotic maintains intestinal and overall health.


內含 28天份量的核心營養補充品方便包, 採用蘊含美國專利的 InCelligence®複合物 配方以開啟 細胞與生俱來的智慧,維持健康, 每包含細胞基本營養素:抗氧化維生素及 核心礦物質、活力鈣鎂片、細胞基本營養素 強化劑。


Provides a 28-day supply of core supplements in convenient daily packets with the U.S. patented InCelligence® Complex formula which unlock the innate intelligence of your cells to maintain good health. Each packet contains CellSentials: Vita Antioxidant & Core Minerals, MagneCal, CellSentials Booster.




Core Minerals and Vita Antioxidant make up the CellSentials supplements.


溫和且生物利用率高的優質綜合礦物質,能支援體內 所有細胞、器官及結構。建議配合抗氧化維生素使用以 達至最佳效果。

Core Minerals

A premium blend of gentle, bioavailable minerals that support every cell, organ, and structure in the body. For best results, use with Vita Antioxidant.


含有高度濃縮的 EPA 及 DHA,並添加維生素 D 及檸檬 口味,有助維持健康的細胞功能。


Contains a concentrated dose of EPA and DHA, fortified with vitamin D and added lemon flavouring to support healthy cellular function.


蘊含必要的維生素及抗氧化劑最佳份量,以及美國專利 的InCelligence®複合物,以細胞訊號傳遞分子,促進身 體的健康細胞功能。

Vita Antioxidant

Contains optimal amounts of essential vitamins and antioxidants along with the U.S. patented InCelligence® Complex, a blend of cell-signalling molecules to support healthy cell function throughout the body.


含兩種獨特的益生菌種,能支援消化系統、免疫系統的 健康,以及排便的規律性。


A unique mixture of two types of probiotic supports healthy digestion, sound immune function, and help regulate defecation.

兒童營養 Kids Nutrition




This tasty wild-berry chewable provides an array of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants needed by children for growth and development.




The cardiovascular system is responsible for circulating blood, which carries nutrients, oxygen throughout the body.


含有葡萄籽生物類黃酮及礦物維生素 C 混合物,可有效 支援心血管、免疫系統和皮膚健康。

Proflavanol C100

Contains grape seed bioflavonoids and Poly C vitamin blend that supports a sound cardiovascular system, immune system, and helps your skin stay healthy.

免疫系統 Immune Support


蘊含輔酶 Q10,有助維持健康的心血管功能及促進身體 細胞健康。

CoQuinone 100

Contains coenzyme Q10 for a strong cardiovascular system and strong cellular function.


The immune system is made up of white blood cells, tissues and organs, and is the body's natural defense system, which help protects us from foreign invaders.


蘊含以專利配方研製的高效礦物 維生素 C,可支援免疫系統健康。

Poly C

Furnishes a proprietary blend of high-yield vitamin C for a healthy immune system.


蘊含均衡天然活性生育酚及相關 複合物的維生素 E。


Formulated with different tocopherols and tocotrienols, this is a highly bioactive natural vitamin E.


蘊含豐富維生素 D,有助促進健康的 骨骼、牙齒、心臟及免疫功能。

Vitamin D

Formulated with a high level of vitamin D to support healthy bones, teeth, heart, and immune function.


檸檬莓果味飲品,蘊含專利礦物維生素 C、紫錐花、黑接骨木莓及鋅,維持 健康的免疫力 。

Booster C600

A lemon-berry flavored drink, formulated with proprietary Poly C, echinacea, black elderberry and zinc to provide immune support.

骨骼 與關節

Skeletal & Joints

骨骼系統由骨骼、關節 軟骨和結締組織構成,支撐我們的身體 並給予活動力、確保我們完成各種日常動作, 並保護我們的內部器官。

Bones, Joint cartilage, and connective tissues make up the skeletal system. This provides support, allows for a wide range of movement, and protects our internal organs.

活力鈣鎂D片 配方蘊含均衡比例的鎂、鈣及維生素 D,有助促進骨骼 健康、肌肉力量及帶來其他多種健康益處。

MagneCal D

Contains a perfect balance of magnesium, calcium, and vitamin D to support bone health, muscle strength, and more.

腦部 / 神經系統 Brain / Nervous System


維護關節軟骨彈性,潤滑關節,有助關節舒適度,並維護 關節健康。

Procosa II

Supports joint health by cushioning, lubricating and comforting joints.


The nervous system collects and processes information from inside and outside the body and sends relevant commands to the muscles and glands.


強力高效的益智配方,保護神經元,促進思考清晰度, 幫助您擁有最佳智能表現。

USANA CopaPrime+

Powerful nootropic formula protects nerves, enhances mental clarity, and assists in mental performance.

視力寶 DS

含有豐富的葉黃素、玉米黃素、越橘精華 (又名藍莓素)、 維生素C及鋅,幫助維持眼部水晶體的結構健康。

Visionex DS

Supplies lutein, zeaxanthin, bilberry extract, vitamin C, and zinc for healthy vision, and lowers the risks of degenerative eye disease.


Euromonitor International Limited, Consumer Health 2024ed, USANA umbrella brand name, retail value sales data in 2023.


Digestive System & Detoxification


From the mouth to the colon, the digestive system includes all the organs involved in breaking food down into forms that are useable by the body to properly remove waste and toxins.


蘊含7種獨特的消化酵素,幫助分解食物,有助維持消化 系統的健康。

Digestive Enzyme

7 unique digestive enzymes that help digestion and absorption of food and maintain normal digestive tract function.


採用 USANA 獨創的營養混成技術製成,蘊含奶薊精 華及多種抗氧化劑,幫助保護肝臟細胞免受氧化破壞, 以及支援健康的排毒功能。

Hepasil DTX

Uniquely employing USANA’s Nutritional Hybrid Technology, it contains milk thistle extract and various antioxidants to protect the liver from oxidative stress, and support the body’s natural detoxification processes.

男士 / 女士健康

Men’s / Women’s Health

隨著年齡增長,男女在不同的人生階段會對健康有特定的關注。透過由內分泌系統產生激素,加以調節我們的 生理過程,由此亦會影響身體的各種腺體。

Both men and women have specific health concerns at different phase of their lives because of aging. The endocrine system is a group of glands that regulates body processes by producing hormones, which affect various glands in the body.


專為女士而設,含有源自大豆和紅三葉草的異黃酮, 亞麻籽精華及甘草根精華,能幫助緩解更年期的常見 症狀。


Specially formulated for women, it provides isoflavones from soy and red clover, flaxseed extract and licorice root extract, to help relieve common symptoms of menopause.


專為男士而設,含有天然鋸櫚精華,有助維持男性前列腺 健康。

Palmetto Plus

Provides natural botanicals like saw palmetto, for men’s prostate health.

情緒健康 Mood Support



Emotion is difficult to predict, it seems to be a product of environment or experience. You can run from mild stress—exercising provides some relief. But occasional stress still seeps into your life. Properly managing stress can help you feel lighter, brighter, and ready to take on the challenges of the day with a positive, can-do attitude.


蘊含印度人參、藏紅花及檸檬香蜂草,三種草本精華成分, 有助紓緩偶發性壓力,維持心理和情感健康。

Stress Relief

Formulated with 3 herbal ingredients - ashwaganha, saffron, and lemon balm, for maintaining balanced emotional response and resilience.





每片含2 毫克褪黑激素,幫助促進身體天然睡眠與清醒的 週期。

Pure Rest

Each orange-flavoured dissolvable tablet supplies 2mg of melatonin which helps promote the body’s natural sleep and wake cycles.


The skin not only affect our appearance, but is also the largest organ of the body, providing protection from various environmental factors.


Oral Care


蘊含3000毫克優質魚類膠原蛋白及5大抗氧化植物精華,有助去紋、彈滑、鎖水,啜出 彈滑肌。

Botanical Beverage Cranberry with Collagen Peptide 3000mg premium fish collagen and 5 antioxidative plant extracts, helps to smoothen and refine your skin.


Combining the power of naturally-derived and scientifically-advanced ingredients for gentle, effective support for the health of your mouth, teeth, and gums.



USANA Whitening Toothpaste Contains ADP-1 postbiotic, which helps with the cleansing process by removing compounds that cause tooth abrasion or bad breath.



Active Nutrition

透過全面的飲食和營養支援,開展您的纖形計劃,由7 天排毒及 21 天塑形組成,28 天纖形計劃不只幫您達到理想體 重,更有助掃走體內毒素,重啟健康。

Active Nutrition offers a hoslistic approach to diet and nutrition, begin Shape-up today through the combination of 7-Day Detox and 21-Day Transform, the 28-Day Shape-Up Program not only helps you reach your ideal weight, it also helps cleanse and detox to restore health.


營養均衡的代餐奶昔,蘊含約 20克大豆蛋白及 8克以上 纖維,較低糖分。同時加入菊糖和甘蔗纖維等益生元, 為身體提供能量。

Nutrimeal Active

A nutritionally balanced meal-replacement shake, fuels your day with around 20g of complete plant protein and 8g or more fibre, contains less sugar, and added prebiotics such as inulin and sugarcane fibre.


易於消化的植物性蛋白質飲品,含重要植物營養素及菠蘿 蛋白酶,幫助分解蛋白質, 適合高蛋白質攝取及素食人士。

Digestive Health Protein Drink

This easy-to-digest plant protein drink contains important phytonutrients and powerful enzyme bromelain that helps digest protein, is ideal for those looking to increase their protein intake and prefer a plant-based diet.


每份含9克水溶性及非水溶性水果 纖維及益生元配方,協助排便規律, 滋養腸道微生物群,是增加每日纖維 攝取量的快捷方法。

Fibergy Active

Each serve with 9g prebiotic blend of soluble and insoluble fruit fibre, aids regularity and feeds and sustains your gut microbiome, it’s the perfect solution to increase your daily fibre intake.

成分,包括蒲公英根、生薑根、薄荷葉、 甘草根及肉桂皮精華,幫助消化, 改善營養吸收。

Detox Tea Mix

Includes dandelion root, ginger root, peppermint leaf, licorice root and cinnamon bark, 5 herbal extracts. This digestive-support tea with a soothing peppermint flavor, optimizes nutrient absorption.

活力代謝+ 支持健康的新陳代謝、速效燃脂、控 制食慾、有助打造易瘦體質,特別適 合體重管理人士。


Helps to maintain metabolism, burns fat, controls appetite, helps builds a lean physique, especially for people under weight management.

Plain and Lemon Ginger Flavor*
Vanilla and Chocolate Flavor*




7 天 排毒 計劃 7-DAY


3 - 2 - 7

每天 3餐代餐奶昔 3 SHAKES A DAY

每天 2份健康小食




配合營養補充品,促進肝臟和腸道的天然排毒過程,重新調整飲食規律,戒掉不良習慣, 為接下來的21天塑形做好準備,重啟健康。

In this 7-day, drink a nutritious shake to replace breakfast, lunch and dinner, to put our gut at ease. Together with supplementation, it helps promote the natural detoxification process of liver and gut, readjust eating patterns, quit unhealthy habit, and prepare the next 21 days for the Shape-Up transform plan.

21 天 塑形 計劃 21-DAYTransform plan

2 - 2 - 3

每天 2餐代餐奶昔 2 SHAKES A DAY

每天 2份健康小食





天塑形計劃從熱量控制,補充優質營養, 促進新陳代謝,平衡腸道微生物等,多方面助您維持健康,打造理想身形。

It takes 21 days to form a new habit. In the next 21 days, try adopting to a new eating habit, and gradually work towards your ideal body figure.

Drink 2 meal-replacement shakes, eat 1 normal meal and exercise daily, the 21-day transform plan helps you maintain health and transform body shape from calorie control, quality supplementation, promotes metabolism and balance intestinal mircoflora.


採用 InCelligence ®技術製成的 Celavive 護膚產品,結合植物精華和生物活性胜肽,與獨特的細胞訊號傳遞 複合物,針對主要皮膚細胞,幫助抵抗細紋及皺紋等歲月痕跡。Celavive 更採用 OlivolTM 植物混合物, 有助促使肌膚進行自然修復,而且使用一次即能提供長達 24 小時的持久保濕效果。

Celavive skincare, featuring USANA InCelligence® Technology, combines botanical extracts and powerful peptides in an exclusive Cell-Signaling Complex. Designed to counteract visible signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles by targeting key skin receptors, Celavive also features the OlivolTM Botanical Blend that helps support body’s natural skin-repair process and provide lasting moisture for up to 24 hours after just one application.

清潔 Cleanse


有效溶解持久長效的 防水妝容,使您的肌膚更顯細嫩 柔軟。

Conditioning Makeup Remover

Effectively dissolves even the toughest long-wear and waterproof makeup to leave your skin feeling soft and supple.

溫和潔面乳 (乾性/敏感性肌膚)


Gentle Milk Cleanser (dry/sensitive skin)

Effortlessly removes dirt and impurities while locking in your skin’s natural moisture.



形成豐盈泡沫,潔淨污垢油脂,同時溫和去除角質, 使肌膚更清爽細滑,盡顯青春亮麗。

Creamy Foam Cleanser (combination/oily skin)

Creates a rich lather to remove dirt and oil while gently exfoliating surface cells for refreshingly younger-looking skin.


雙重去角質配方,以黑炭和水凝微粒去除肌膚表面死皮 及雜質,改善膚色均勻度及有助淨化毛孔。

Exfoliating Scrub+Mask

This dual-action formula gently exfoliates while featuring charcoal and hydro-beads to help remove impurities, promote better skin tone and reduce the appearance of pores.


溫和淨化肌膚,幫助平衡 pH 值,打造美麗肌膚。

Perfecting Toner

Gently purifies your complexion and helps balance pH levels for beautiful skin.


透過強效保濕美容護理,讓您疲憊的肌膚在短短 20 分鐘 內獲得滋潤、提升、緊緻。

Hydrating + Lifting Sheet Mask

In just 20 minutes, indulges your skin in an intensely moisturizing beauty treatment to hydrate, lift, firm and smooth the appearance of tired-looking skin.

全效活膚精華 採用以水為基底的創新配方,蘊含 高濃度的活性成分,包括天然植物 營養、胜肽和輔酶 Q10,能促進肌膚 天然再生,使肌膚更顯年輕亮麗。

Vitalizing Serum

Supports your skin’s natural renewal processes with a breakthrough, water-based formula featuring a high concentration of active ingredients including peptides, hibiscus extract, and CoQ10.

緊緻亮眼精華液 採用極致保濕的獨特輕盈配方,使 肌膚更顯亮麗、緊緻和柔滑水嫩,並 消除浮腫,改善眼周的嬌嫩肌膚。

Hydrating Eye Essence

With a lightweight formula featuring ultra-hydrating ingredients designed to improve the appearance of the delicate skin around your eyes.


富含抗氧化物的輕盈精華油蘊含 14 種頂級植物精油,讓肌膚迅速 吸收,滋潤保濕,改善色斑和肌膚 老化現象。同時能支持肌膚天然的 防護功能,鎖住肌膚水分。

Radiant Facial Oil

This lightweight, antioxidant-rich facial oil features 14 nutrient-rich botanical oils that absorb quickly, help skin feel smooth and hydrated while improving the appearance of discoloration and visible skin aging. It supports your skin’s natural barrier to lock in moisture.

爽膚 Tone
強化 Enhance
強化 Enhance


水潤防曬日霜 SPF 30/PA++ (乾性/敏感性肌膚)

滋潤日霜配方能為肌膚 提供深層保濕效果,同時 有助抵禦可導致衰老跡象 提早出現的 UVA/UVB 紫外線傷害。

Protective Day Cream SPF 30/PA++ (dry/sensitive skin)

Defends against harmful UVA/UVB rays that can lead to signs of early skin aging while delivering rich moisture in a luxurious cream formula.

水潤防曬乳液 SPF 30/PA++ (混合性/油性肌膚) 輕柔乳液能為肌膚保濕, 同時 有助抵禦可導致衰 老跡象提早出現的 UVA/ UVB 紫外線傷害。

Protective Day Lotion SPF 30/PA++ (combination/oily skin)

Protects your skin from harmful UVA/ UVB rays that can lead to signs of early skin aging while providing hydration in a lightweight lotion.

極緻賦活晚霜 (乾性/敏感性肌膚) 蘊含天然植物營養和胜肽 的滋潤晚霜,能促進保濕 效果,延緩歲月痕跡的出 現,讓您重現年輕光采。

Replenishing Night Cream (dry/sensitive skin)

Promotes hydrated, radiant skin with a rich, luxurious blend of botanicals from natural sources and peptides to fight appearance of wrinkles and restore the youthful look of complexion.

後生元護膚系列 Postbiotic Skincare Line

後生元保濕潔面乳 (敏感性/ 痘痘 肌) 微泡沫潔面產品,潔淨及 修復肌膚保濕屏障。

Calming Cleanser (sensitive/acne-prone skin)

A micro-foaming cleanser to gently purify the skin while repairing the skin's moisturizing barrier.

極緻賦活晚安凝膠 (混合性/油性肌膚) 蘊含天然植物營養和胜肽 的輕柔凝膠配方,能在晚 間為肌膚保濕,煥發年輕 光采。

Replenishing Night Gel (combination/oily skin)

Enriches your skin with botanicals and peptides in a lightweight gel formula to help moisturize and revitalize skin overnight.

後生元鎮靜調理精華 (敏感性/ 痘痘 肌) 質地輕盈的精華,有助鎮 靜敏感肌膚,減少暗瘡 形成。

Rescue Serum (sensitive/acne-prone skin)

A lightweight serum to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.

後生元舒緩潤膚乳 (敏感性/ 痘痘 肌) 質地輕盈帶有清涼感,舒 緩皮膚,減輕泛紅,令肌 膚重現光澤。

Soothing Moisturizer (sensitive/acne-prone skin)

A lightweight colling gelcream that adds hydration and a dewy finish.

後生元保濕修護霜 (敏感性/ 痘痘 肌) 超級補水霜,猶如第二層 肌膚,鎖緊水分,修護肌 膚屏障。

Barrier Balm (sensitive/acne-prone skin)

Ultra-hydrating balm that acts like a second skin to lock in moisture and replenish your skin’s moisture barrier.

保濕 Hydrate



Second Layer of Skin


All Skin Type


barrier balm

形成保護膜 鎖緊水分

Protect the Skin & Lock in Moisture

修護 肌膚屏障

Repair the Skin Barrier


Postbiotic Skincare is Suitable for Those

乾燥缺水 肌膚、 皮膚保濕屏障 問題

Experiences skin dryness and concerns with moisture barrier health

青春期或成年人 痘痘肌

Teenager and adults with acne problems

皮膚容易 泛紅、痕癢

Has visibly redness and itching

因壓力而引起的 皮膚敏感

Has visibly stressed or sensitive skin

用家見證分享 Testimonials


The Industry

直銷佔美國零售業續高達401億美元,而根據2020年統計,美國投入直銷業的人數估計超過4,180萬人, 表示更多人開展他們的事業,由此掌握他們的人生。

Direct sales in the United States represents $40.1 billion in retail sales. In 2020, the United States had over 41.8 million direct selling customers, which shows more people than ever are starting their own businesses and taking control of their lives.

拓展您的副業 自己的老闆

Step Up Your Side Hustle

透過分享您喜愛的產品賺取額外收入。為自己決定工作時間及工作量——您的成功掌握在自己的手 中。您將不會孤軍奮戰,因為 USANA大家庭為您提供即時的社群支持、創建事業所需的工具及培訓 以幫助您獲得成功。

Earn a little extra cash by sharing the products you love. Work whenever you want, as much or as little as you want - you're in full control of your success. And you'll never go it alone. The USANA family brings you instant accsess to a supportive community, along with businessbuilding tools and trainings to help you succeed.


Be Part of a Community 全球數十萬名USANA直銷商均向同一目標邁進 成就世界上最健康的大家庭。


There are thousands of USANA Distributors around the globe who have a common goal in mind — to create the healthiest family on earth. You’re surrounded by other individuals who are passionate about health and committed to service. We call it the USANA family.


Be Courageous 人生就從走出您的舒適圈開始。探索新的才能,挑戰自己,做不一樣的事,擁抱 新機遇。隨著您發展事業,您將會變得更有自信,您亦會看到您為其他人的人生 所帶來正面的影響。

Life begins right outside your comfort zone. Explore new talents. Challenge yourself. Do something different. Decide to open yourself up to new possibilities and potential. As you develop your business, you’ll become more confident, and you’ll see the impact you are making in the lives of others.

藉USANA 賺取收入的七個途徑

Seven Ways To Earn Income With USANA

零售利潤 Retail Sales


Earn profits on the difference between the Preferred Price and suggested retail price.

每週佣金 Weekly Commissions

每週從您的個人銷售額及團隊銷售額中賺取高達 20%佣金。

Earn a starting commission of up to 20% from your own sales and the sales volume of your team.


Lifetime Matching Bonus

從您保薦的特級白金領航員,您可領取他們終生經營 USANA事業中的 15%佣金分數之對等獎金。

Receive up to 15% match of their commission volume from personally sponsored Premier Platinum PaceSetter for the life of their USANA business.

Celavive 獎金

Celavive Bonus

首次向個人保薦的優惠客戶銷售 Celavive產品時,將獲得其產品價格的 25%現金獎賞。

Earn a 25% cash bonus of the sales price for all Celavive products sold to personally sponsored Preferred Customers on their initial order of Celavive products.




Be rewarded with luxury travel, prizes, and even cash through generous incentive programs.

領袖紅利 Leadership Bonus

分享 USANA每週撥出全球團隊銷售額的 3%。

Participate in 3% worldwide weekly bonus pool.

菁英紅利 Elite Bonus

成為 USANA的頂尖收入者,爭取獲得每季度 100萬美元獎金的一部分。*

Be one of USANA’s top income earners and receive a portion of a quarterly US $1,000,000 bonus.*

請瀏覽 usanaincome.com 了解有關USANA直銷商平均收入的詳情。

Visit usanaincome.com to learn more about the average income of USANA Distributors.

* 每季度的菁英紅利均不同。數據顯示,2023 年每季度平均支付總額接近 170 萬美元。

Elite Bonus varies each quarter. In 2023, the total payout averaged close to US $1,700,000 per quarter.

了解您的USANA事業 Understanding Your USANA Business

第一步 STEP 1 :


Sign Up & Open Your Business Center(s) 在填妥直銷商申請表,並購買一份直銷商創業套裝後,您便成為 USANA 直銷商。要符合領取佣金資格, 您可以為客戶 或自己購買產品,從而累積銷售額分數以啟動一個或三個商務中心。

Once you’ve signed your Distributor Agreement and purchased a Starter Kit, you’ll become a USANA Distributor. To qualify for commissions, start to generate Sales Volume Points through the products you purchase for personal use and products you sell to your customers. You can activate one or three Business Centers with these sales.

第二步 STEP 2 :

充分使用並了解USANA 產品

Utilize and Understand USANA Products

透過自動訂貨能讓您輕鬆購物,每隔四週自動收到一次您訂購的 USANA 產品, 而特定產品更享有優惠價的 10% 折扣。註冊步驟十分簡單,您可在網上/透過客 戶服務部選擇您希望每四週所訂購的產品,您就能擁有保持健康習慣所需的所 有產品。

Sign up for Auto Order (AO) and receive your favorite USANA products every four weeks, you can also receive 10% off the Preferred Price for all eligible products. Signing up is easy, simply select the products you want to order online/ via Customer Service, you’ll have everything you need to keep up your healthy habits.



第三步 STEP3 :

分享您所喜愛 - USANA

Share what you love - USANA

作為 USANA 的創業家,您能透過與朋友、家人或社群追蹤者推薦及銷售產品以賺取額外收入。您的成功與您的 努力成正比,努力分享產品,建立個人目標,並用最適合自己的方式來建立事業。 銷售和分享產品很容易。您無需預先購買任何產品或存貨,只需透過您的個人 USANA 網站連結或建立個人化產品 連結,便可與朋友、家人或在社交媒體上分享您最喜愛的 USANA 產品。每當有人透過您的連結購買產品時,您將可 賺取收入,客戶亦可自行選擇到取或由 USANA 代您寄出。

As a USANA business owner, you can earn a modest supplemental income by recommending and selling products to your friends, family, or social media followers. Your success is based entirely on your effort. You develop your business in a way that works best for you and your personal goals.

Selling and sharing products can be easy. You don’t need to buy any inventory or fulfill any orders. Simply share your favorite USANA products through your personal USANA website link—or create custom product links—with friends and family or on social media. You’ll earn commission each time someone purchases through your link, your customer can choose to collect the product or USANA ships the order for you.

第 四 步



Make The Most Of It

您可以通過多種方式讓您在 USANA事業中獲得最大的收入:

You can leverage the income you make through your USANA business in a number of ways:


Keeping Your Business Centre(s) Open USANA不設團隊銷售額分數的限制,但要符合領取佣金和得到累積分數的資格,您必須保持活躍:

• 每四星期維持 100分的個人銷售額 分數(一個商務中心)

• 每四星期維持 200分的個人銷售額 分數(多於一個商務中心)

No limitation is set on Group Sales Volume (GSV) at USANA. However, to begin to receive a commission from this volume, you must be an active Distributor meeting the sales requirements stipulated in your Distributor Agreement and reaching a minimum PSV as follows:

• Accumulating at least 100 PSV every four-week rolling period (for One Business Centre)

• Accumulating at least 200 PSV every four-week rolling period (for more than One Business Centre)


Earning Weekly Commission

您的 USANA 事業有分左邊和右邊,您將根據自己和團隊於左、右邊取得的分數,即團隊銷售額來賺取每 週佣金*。這包括來自您團隊中的直銷商和優惠客戶之銷售。

當您的商務中心在同一星期內,左、右兩邊累計 5,000分團隊銷售額,該商務中心便會達最高指標**,使您 合符新增商務中心的資格。您可於每個商務中心獲得兩個額外的商務中心。

*每週您將根據您商務中心左邊和右邊的對碰的團隊銷售額 (從 125分開始) 賺取佣金。

**當商務中心達最高指標是,對等後餘下的銷售額分數將累積至下一週,最多可累積 5,000分。

Your USANA business has a right and a left side, and you will earn weekly commission based on the amount of sales you and your team generate on each side (Group Sales Volume)*. This includes sales for personal use and from Preferred Customers.

When you maximize a Business Center by accumulating 5,000 points in Group Sales Volume during one week, you can earn an additional Business Center. You can earn up to two additional Business Centers for each initial Business Center.

*You are paid out each week on the Group Sales Volume that is matched on both your left and right side (starting at 125 CVP)

** Once a Business Center is maxed, unmatched Group Sales Volume points will continue to roll over each week, up to 5,000 points.

獎勵計劃 Compensation Plan



商務中心 Business Center (BC)

發展 USANA事業最簡單的方法就是開設自己的店舖。您啟動愈多商務中心,可賺取的潛在收入愈高。

The easiest way to look at your USANA business is that you’re building your own stores. The more Business Centers you have, the more money you can potentially make.



每一個 USANA產品都附帶分數。這些分數將累計至您所得的銷售額,以及用作計算您賺取到的佣金。

Each USANA product has a point value. These points accumulate to your overall volume which determines your commission.


Group Sales Volume (GSV)

團隊銷售額是您和您團隊累計取得的銷售額(即分數),並每星期結算一次。計劃不設限制您可從 多少個團隊成 員中賺取到團隊銷售額外,亦不設每月團隊銷售額要求。

The cumulative volume of sales (in points) you and your team earn. This is tallied every week, and there is no limit to the number of people in your organization from whom you can earn Group Sales Volume. There are also no monthly Group Sales Volume requirements.


Preferred Customer (PC)

優惠客戶可以優惠價購買 USANA產品,但他們不能領取佣金。優惠客戶的訂單,會加至您團隊 每星期 獲得的團隊銷售額。

A USANA customer who receives Preferred Pricing on USANA’s products, but is not eligible to receive commissions when they share USANA with others. Orders by Preferred Customers in your team add to your total Group Volume each week.




How You Get Paid?

您將根據商務中心左、右兩邊對等之團隊銷售額獲得 20%佣金,在計算佣金時,您只需將左、右兩邊對等的團隊 銷售額,再乘以 20%(或 0.2),所得的數目就是當週的佣金分數。

You’ll earn a 20% commission based on where the Group Sales Volume on the left and right sides of your Business Center match. Find where the Group Sales Volume on your left side matches your right side, and multiply it by 20% (or. 2). This total equals your Commission Volume Points for the week.

按個人努力檢視每週的收入潛力 Potenial Weekly Income Based on Your Efforts 以下圖表能幫助您了解 USANA事業的增長潛力。

This chart shows a few examples to help you visualize the potential growth of your USANA business.

左邊團隊銷售額 Left Group Sales Volume

右邊團隊銷售額 Right Group Sales Volume

對等分數 Matched Volume

佣金分數** Commission Points(CVP)**

**佣金分數為對等分數的 20% ,將按照 USANA 指定匯率轉換為本地貨幣。

Commission Points are 20% of the matched voulme; it will be denominated in Distributor’s local currency according to the rate specified by USANA.

# 任何未能對等而餘下的分數,將會累積至下星期。於此例中,323 分將累積至下一個星期,來計算您賺取到的佣金。

Any points that remain unmatched will rollover to next week. In this example, 323 points will rollover and count toward your next check.

* 您的商務中心已達到最高指標! You’ve maxed your Business Centre!


The circled numbers are matched volume on left or right side, used for calculating commission points.

透過USANA獎勵自己 Reward Yourself With


只要積極與人分享 USANA,那除了每週佣金,您更可以獲得豪華旅遊、獎勵和專屬培訓的機會。

On top of weekly commission checks simply for sharing USANA with others, you can be rewarded with luxurious travel incentives, awards and exclusive training opportunities.


Leadership Summit

只要您是之前未曾參加「黃金之旅」的黃金董事及以下級別的直銷商,並於 資格確認期的任何連續 13 週期間,每週平均取得 600 分佣金分數,即在該 13 週內,合共取得 7,800 分佣金分數以上(每週 設有上限及下限),您將獲得


This reward opens to Gold Director and below who have not previously attended a Gold Retreat. With-in the qualification period of any consecutive 13-week, you must average 600 Commission Volume Points (CVP) per week, totaling 7,800 CVP or higher during the week (with upper and lower limit each week), then you are qualified! Not only be there a luxury surrounding, you will receive special VIP treatment too!


Asia Pacific Growth Incentive Trip

只要您努力擴展事業,便可獲得參加此非凡之旅的資格。您所爭取的資格將 根據您於增長期(本年度)內的佣金分數減去基準期(過去 52週)的佣金分數 來計算。若達到 15,000 CVP或以上的增長,您將獲得不同等級的獨特獎賞。

To qualify for this extraordinary trip, grow your business over the course of next year, based upon your Commission Volume Points (CVP) on qualifying sales. Points are determined from your base period (previous 52 weeks), and subtracted from the growth period (CVP you earned this year). Reach a minimum of 15,000 CVP, and you’ll be rewarded with unique prizes for different point levels.


Global Elite Growth

逐年增長是實現您事業潛力的必經之路。只要您連續兩年達到 30,000 CVP 增長,您將享受頂級旅遊獎賞或禮品。獎品包括往返機票、雙人免費住宿和 專屬活動,在迷人美景中享受近一週的旅程!您亦可選擇以同等價值的豪華 禮品或現金獎勵代替旅遊獎賞。

Year-over-year growth is the key to realizing your entrepreneurial potential. The Global Elite Growth brings you premium rewards when you earn 30,000 CVP growth in 2 consecutive years. Your reward includes airfare, free accommodation and exclusive activities, enjoy nearly a week of leisure and delights. If you prefer not to travel, you may also choose a luxury gift bundle or a cash option worth equal value.

注意:此為 USANA雙向式獎勵計劃之撮要,詳情請參閱創業套裝或瀏覽 www.usana.com

。此處所載之收入水平,並不一定為 USANA直銷商透過 USANA獎勵計劃所賺取 或將賺取的收入。這些數字不應視為一項保證,或實際利潤的推算。任何有關收入的聲明或保證均可造成誤導。只有努力發展,發揮領導才能,才能締造理想的銷售業績, 而成功亦指日可待。

Note: This is a summary of the USANA Binary Compensation Plan. For the full version, please refer to the Business Development System, or log on to www.usana.com. The figures in this publication should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Success with USANA results only from successful sales efforts, which require diligence and leadership. Your success will depend upon how effectively you demonstrate these qualities.

*爭取資格或會變更,請參閱 The Hub樞紐站以獲得最新資訊。

Qualitication is subject to change. Please refer to The Hub for latest update.

基金會致力幫助世界各地有需要人士,提供即時及長期糧食援助, 帶領社區為本的合作夥伴共同解決飢餓等問題。

The USANA Foundation provides immediate and long-term global relief for those in severe need. We lead a network of community-driven partnerships to nourish, equip, and eliminate hunger throughout the world.

Since 2012年起





Meals distributed: Over 40 million

Usanimals delivered: Over 500,000 bottles

34 current and completed projects



For more information about USANA products, contact your local Independent USANA Distributors.

聯絡我 Contact me

直銷商編號 Distributor ID

USANA香港有限公司 USANA Hong Kong Ltd. 香港銅鑼灣告士打道 255-257號信和廣場5樓

5/F, Sino Plaza, 255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

版權所有,翻印必究 | All Right Reserved. Get to know USANA #544 • 09/2024


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