能介紹 USANA Health Sciences 給您,以及期望能與您 發展更長遠深厚的關係。
於 1992年成立的 USANA,其願景是透過獲得真正健康和 財富,改善全球人類的生活質素。憑藉我們對願景的努力 追求,USANA於科學營養補充業界內,已處於領導地位。 再者,USANA 在出色的領袖培訓和堅實的未來願景之 基石上,為各直銷商提供一個全球增長的事業平台。
隨著人類歷史進入新的世紀,追求健康對我們每一個人 亦日漸變得舉足輕重。USANA製造最優質的科研產品, 滿足大家對健康和營養補充的需求。
由USANA世界級科學家研製的營養補充品,由細胞基本 營養素及優化劑組成,前者為 USANA 營養補充系統的 根基,而後者則讓您可以選擇適合您個人需要的營養素。
此外,我們的食品系列,為您提供有益健康而簡單純淨 的途徑,攝取健康的常量營養素。而採用 InCelligence® 技術的 USANA Celavive 全面性護膚系列,除了結合最 優質的自然精華及最卓越的USANA科學,讓您展現更年 輕亮麗的肌膚外,全部USANA Celavive產品均不含刺激 性的化學物質及對羥基苯甲酸酯,並通過皮膚科測試, 讓您可安心使用。
作為擁有USANA事業的您,您除了可享用這些高品質、 獲獎無數的產品外,您更可以透過與您所愛的親朋 好友,分享這些產品而賺取豐厚的收入。透過閱讀創業 套裝內的資料,您會學習到如何幫助其他成千上萬如您 一樣的直銷商發展事業,使他們能夠更健康外,更可以 讓他們活在理想生活中。
我們相信USANA產品能幫助大家活得更長壽、更健康, 我們十分高興可以與其他人分享這個好消息。 USANA 產品在全球已變成家傳戶曉的名字, 亦代表高品質又物超所值的產品。
在您的協助下,我們不但會繼續與 各直銷商建立深厚的關係,更會將 幫助您擁有健康活力生活的承諾 繼續宣揚至全球,我們誠邀您成為 我們的一份子,一起和別人分享 這個宏大的願景。
Welcome and congratulations for choosing to become part of the USANA family! We are pleased to introduce you to USANA Health Sciences and look forward to a long and rewarding relationship.
Founded in 1992, USANA exists to improve the quality of people’s lives through true health and true wealth. With this goal in place, USANA leads the way in the fields of science and nutritional medicine. Additionally, USANA offers every Distributor a foundation of seamless global growth backed by sound leadership and a solid vision for the future.
As we enter a new era in human history, the quest for health and wellness has never been more important for each one of us. And here at USANA, we offer the best of both through outstanding science-based products that meet the health and nutritional needs of everyone.
Formulated by our team of world class scientists, USANA’s Nutritionals are comprised of the CellSentials, the foundation of USANA’s nutritional system, and the Optimisers, which allow you to tailor your nutritional system to your individual needs. Our USANA Foods product line allows you to receive healthy macronutrients in a wholesome, simple, and pure way. And USANA Celavive Skincare is a comprehensive approach featuring InCelligence® technology to beauty in which the best of nature and the very best of USANA science are combined for younger-looking skin. The entire USANA Celavive line also contains no harsh chemicals or parabens, and has been dermatologically tested.
As the new owner of a USANA business, you have the opportunity to not only benefit from these high-quality, award-winning products yourself, but you have the potential to earn a substantial income by sharing them with your loved ones and anyone else you come in contact with. By reading the material you received with your Business Development System, you’ll see how USANA has helped thousands of other Distributors just like you not only enjoy better health but achieve the lifestyle they had been searching for as well.
We believe that with USANA products people can live longer, healthier lives, and we’re excited about sharing this good news with others. USANA products have become a household name that means quality and value for hundreds of thousands of people around the world. With your assistance, we will continue to develop strong relationships with our Distributors, and our commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle of future generations will continue to expand. We invite you to join us in sharing this vision.
Love life and live it!
At USANA, We follow a core set of values—health, excellence, integrity, and community. Each boosts our well-being, inspire, and guide our culture, drives the company toward success.
我們注重建立整體健康觀念, 以支持健康的體魄和堅強的意志。
We cultivate a holistic view of wellness that supports a healthy body and a strong mind.
我們以科研為本,旨在提供創新和建立健康 生活的方法,賦予所有人持續改進的空間。
We rely on scientific research to provide innovative, healthy living solutions, and we empower all individuals to continually improve each day.
我們透過個人行動和企業決策來 展示誠信、責任和承擔的能力。
We demonstrate honesty, responsibility, and accountability through our individual actions and corporate decision-making.
我們支持、關心並鼓勵世界各地的人, 一同活出更幸福、更健康的人生。
We support, care for, and encourage one another—and the world—to live happier, healthier lives.
第一步 | 認識USANA
• 里程碑
• 不斷擴展的國際市場
• 嚴謹製作標準,屢獲第三方認證
第二步 | 認識USANA的產品
• 我們的產品系列
• 卓越的合作機構
• 創新的技術
第三步 | 介紹USANA的獎勵計劃
• 了解USANA事業要訣
• 賺取收入的七個途徑
• 領航員計劃
• 領袖晉級
• 非凡的榮耀
第四步 | 事業起步
• 確定您啟動事業的初衷
• 打造您的個人故事
• 舉辦成功事業分享會
• 制定行動計劃
• 專注於客戶
• 名單、分享、邀請
第五步 | 善用USANA事業工具
• 網上資源
• 四星期運轉週期日曆
USANA(NYSE:USNA) 生產優質營養產品乃建基於一個簡單概念︰給予您體內細胞 其所需營養,便能對健康有所益處。這驅使我們在營養科學方面不斷創新,向前 邁進,以讓所有人均能獲得健康幸福的人生。
現時,USANA 在保健與直銷業界處於領先地位,並於全球擁有25 個市場,已有超過 65 萬位直銷商及客戶。我們認為,健康和幸福並不應只有具備經濟能力的人才可 享有,因此USANA 基金會致力向全世界有需要的人士提供食物和營養。
USANA (NYSE: USNA) creates premium nutritional products built on one simple idea: if you feed the cells in your body exactly what they need, your health will benefit. This concept fuels our endless drive to innovate and advance the science of nutrition — putting a healthy, happy life within reach for all.
Today, USANA is a health and direct-selling industry leader with 25 markets worldwide and more than 650,000 Distributors and customers. And, because health and happiness are not exclusive to those who can afford it, the USANA Foundation provides food and nutrition to those in our global community who are most in need.
• 全年銷售額衝破一億美元
• Surpassed USD$100 million in annual sales
• 推出革命性InCelligence®技術及細胞 基本營養素
• 全年銷售額衝破十億美元
• Launched the revolutionary InCelligence® Technology and CellSentials
• Surpassed USD$1 billion in annual sales 2016
• 推出採用InCelligence® 技術的高效護膚系列 USANA Celavive
• Launched USANA Celavive — high-performance skincare system featuring InCelligence® 2018
• 成立Sanoviv醫療健康中心
• Established Sanoviv Medical Institute
• 成立 USANA 真正健康基金 會,幫助世界各地需要援 助的人
• Founded USANA True Health Foundation, continue to help people in need throughout the world
• USANA真正健康基金會重塑品牌 形象,改名為USANA基金會
• USANA True Health Foundation is rebranded as USANA Foundation
• USANA InCelligence 複合物榮獲 美國專利
• InCelligence Complex formula is U.S. patent granted 2020
• 革命性的個人營養補充套裝 「我的健康套裝」(個人健康包)上市
• Launched USANA’s revolutionary customised nutritional supplement packs “MyHealthPak”
• 正式成為紐約證券交易所上市公司
• 由華斯博士和大衛華斯合著的 《健康家園》成為紐約時報的暢銷書
• Listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
• The Healthy Home, a book written by Dr. Wentz and Dave Wentz, became a New York Times bestseller
• 推出能搭配天然飲食的 暢活營養系列
• Launched Active Nutrition - a product line that can add on to your normal diet
• USANA成立 30 周年
• USANA's 30 th Anniversary
嚴謹製作標準 屢獲第三方認證
USANA 只選用最高品質的原材料,我們是營養補充品業界中,極少數自設先進廠房生產產品的公司。所有產品均經過嚴格的檢 測,以確保其效能、生物利用率(是否易被人體吸收)、純度(是否含污染物)及品質(均一性、色澤、味道),確保為您提 供可靠、經科學驗證和臨床測試,配方全面、安全又均衡之產品。
USANA is one of the few companies in the nutritional supplement industry to manufacture our products at our own state-of-the-art facility where the most advanced technology is used. USANA does not compromise on quality. That’s why all our products undergo cutting-edge tests for proper potency, bioavailability, contaminants, uniformity, color, and taste. We promise each finished tablet is properly measured and tested to meet our specifications. Our commitment to quality is to meet your expectations.
評級 NutriSearch Rating
《NutriSearch營養補充品比較指南》(美國第六版) 比較了北美數百款補充品,來評定最高品質的保健 產品,而 USANA 細胞基本營養素是唯一獲得五星 評級及特級白金獎的營養補充品。
The NutriSearch "Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements™ (for the Americas)" compares hundreds of supplements in North America to determine the highest quality health products, and the USANA CellSentials is the only supplement to have earned a five-star, Platinum Plus rating.
消費者實驗室 (Consumerlab.com) 是一所為健 康和保健產品質量、純度和標籤準確性等測試的 第三方獨立測試機構。要獲得認證標籤, USANA 的產品成分必須百分百與標籤上的含量相符。至 今,細胞基本營養素、活力奧米加、健骼寧II等數 款產品已獲得認證。
Consumerlab.com is an independent tester for quality, purity and label accuracy of health and wellness products. To be awarded a seal of approval, USANA’s product has to contain 100% of the claimed amount of ingredients. By far, USANA CellSentials, BiOmega, Procosa and several other products are certified by Consumerlab.com.products, listed in the 2017 edition of the PDR.
NSF International
USANA 的 生產 設備已獲非牟利的獨 立組織美國國家安全衛生基金會之 膳食補充品認證,符合 NSF/ANSI 標 準 173-2017 中訂定的優質生產規範 (GMP)。
USANA manufacturing facility has been certified to be in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements set forth in NSF/ ANSI Standard 173-2017, Dietary Supplements by NSF International.
The Food and Drug Administration
為美國食品及藥物管理局( FDA )的 註冊藥廠認證。我們生產製作過程的 每一個細節,已經 FDA 驗證,並符合 製造藥物產品的標準。
A registered FDA Drug Establishment. All components of the manufacturing process are evaluated and inspected by the same FDA standards as are used for pharmaceutical products.
USANA 產品通過 Informed-Choice 和HFL Sport Science的嚴格要求, 不含任何世界反運動禁藥機構 (WADA)所列的禁藥及其污染物。
Working in conjunction with UK-based HFL (www.hfl.co.uk), Informed-Choice conducted extensive testing on USANA supplements. All were examined and found to be free of the contaminants targeted by Informed-Choice from the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) listof prohibited substances.
USANA每款產品都標上保證效能 標籤,意味著我們堅持產品設計 和製造的最高標準,並保證我們 銷售的每一種營養品的效能。
美國國家安全衛生基金會-通過運動驗證 NSF International – Certificated for Sport®
產品及生 產 設備已通過檢測,不含 世界反運動禁藥機構(WADA)、 美國職業橄欖球大聯盟/球員協會、 美國職業棒球大聯盟/球員協會所禁 止使用的物質。
Products are tested and facilities are inspected for a wide range of substances prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency, the NFL/NFLPA and MLB/MLBPA.
U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP)
USANA 通過美國藥典( USP )測 試,驗證其產品是否符合USP的溶 化標準,以確保營養素能在正常消 化過程中釋出並吸收。
USANA undergoes trusted USP testing methods to verify products adhere to USP dissolution standards, ensuring the nutrients will be released and made readily available for absorption during the normal digestive process.
Each of USANA products carries a Potency Guarantee, that shows USANA is committed to the highest standards of product design and manufacturing, and we guarantee the potency of every nutritional product we sell.
我們一直致力生產最優質的產品,以幫助您的身體獲得最 佳的營養補充,讓您可透過選用適合您的產品,建立專為 您而設的營養補充方案,創造屬於您的獨特人生。
USANA has a series of quality products including: Nutritionals, Foods, and Skincare. We aim to manufacture the best products for your health. Through picking the right products,you can customise your own nutrition plan as well as one-of-a-kind lifestyle plan.
營養補充品 - 基礎健康
Nutritionals - Fundamental Health
USANA 基礎健康產品旨在為身體提供適量的關鍵營養素以彌補飲食上的不足,從而打好 健康根基。
USANA fundamental Health products ensure you get the proper amount of key nutrients, filling nutritional gaps in your diet in order to support your well-being.
營養補充品 - 優化劑
Nutritionals Optimizers
配合USANA優化劑系列,包括心血管、免疫系統、骨骼與關節、腦部/神經、男女士健康、 消化及排毒、情緒、皮膚及口腔護理,讓您可以因應個人需要,靈活訂制個人化的營養 補充計劃,更能為您帶來長期的健康益處。
USANA's line of nutritionals has a wide range of products for most major body needs: cardiovascular, immune system, bone & joint, brain & nervous, digestive & detox, men's/ women's health, mood, skin and oral care. This allows you to target specific areas of your health based on your personal needs. Moreover, they provide what your body needs for lifelong health.
食品 - 暢活營養系列
Foods - Active Nutrition
USANA 的暢活營養系列產品,透過全面的飲食和營養支援,讓您可以在繁忙的生活中, 開展您的纖形計劃。
USANA Active Nutrition products, offer a holistic approach to diet and nutrition, fit in with your busy lifestyle while needing a nudge in a healthier direction.
護膚產品 - 綻放青春美麗
Skincare - Uncover the Youthful Glow
USANA Celavive護膚系列採用InCelligence®技術,蘊含細胞訊號傳遞複合物,透過促進細胞 溝通,為肌膚深層保濕,幫助維持肌膚的天然保護能力,使您煥發自然的年輕光采。
USANA Celavive skincare — with the help of InCelligence® and the Cell-Signaling Complex — goes further and deeper to moisturize skin and help maintain the skin’s natural barrier function by enhancing cell communication, awakening your skin’s natural youth-preserving radiance.
USANA和全球領先的原料供應商Indena S.p.A.合作,測試Indena的Meriva生物可 利用性綜合薑黃素(一種創新的植物化合物技術,有助穩定和吸收)。
USANA and Indena S.p.A., a leading global ingredient supplier, partnered together to test Indena’s Meriva bioavailable curcumin complex — an innovative phytosome that delivers improved stability and absorption.
Sanoviv Medical Institute
Sanoviv醫療健康中心於2000年由華斯博士創辦,是一所擁有尖端設備、融合最 先進技術和全面性方法進行醫療的健康中心,並為 USANA 直銷商提供實惠的 教育計劃。
In 2000, Dr. Myron Wentz opened Sanoviv Medical Institute, a cutting-edge medical facility, offering state-of-the-art technology with an integrative approach to healing, as well as affordable educational programs for USANA Distributors.
TOSH – The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital
TOSH 骨科醫院是國際公認的骨科、運動醫學和科學的頂級醫院和先驅,也是 全球少數幾所能夠同時提供外科、醫療、運動、和營養科學,以及復健服務的 醫院之一。
TOSH is internationally recognized for being a premier facility and leader in orthopedics, sports medicine and science. It is also one of the few facilities worldwide that provides surgical, medical, sports and nutritional science, along with physical rehabilitation, all under one roof
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM) 是中國首屈一指的中醫藥大學,著重於中醫藥知識和創新技術研究。與 USANA 合作將現代營養科學和中醫藥結合,打造新的健康產品,開發針對性的養生方案。
BUCM is a top-ranking Chinese medicine university in China. It is a research powerhouse for knowledge and technological innovation in Chinese medicine. The collaboration between USANA and BUCM, aims to bring together modern nutritional science and traditional Chinese medicine to create new health products, and developing targeted nutritional regimens.
• USANA InCelligence®技術:融合美國專利USANA InCelligence複合物*,它蘊含的抗氧化成分能針對內源性系統,透過「傳送、 接收、激活」的過程支援細胞能量、恢復和最佳壽命,讓您的細胞維持年輕健康 。
• 營養混成技術:USANA獨創的營養混成技術能將不同配方的成分分離至兩個不同的錠層,製成雙層錠片。這項正在申請專利的 技術使互不相容的成分可以組合在同一錠片上 †。
• 橄欖精華:Olivol™蘊含橄欖獨有的抗氧化多酚,可能是與健康及長壽有關的地中海飲食要素之一。
• 礦物維生素C:獲得專利的礦物抗壞血酸混合物,能提供比抗壞血酸單獨所提供的更好的生物利用度。
• USANA InCelligence® Technology: The U.S. Patented InCelligence Complex* contains antioxidant compounds that target endogenous systems, through the process of "Send, Receive, Activate" helps restore cells youthfulness by supporting cellular energy, resilience, and optimal lifespan.
• Nutritional Hybrid Technology: USANA’s innovative Nutritional Hybrid Technology is a state-of-the-art approach to manufacturing that separates various formula ingredients into two distinct tablet layers. A patent-pending use of this technology allows incompatible ingredients to be combined in a single tablet†.
• Olive Fruit Extract: Olivol™ contains unique antioxidant polyphenols derived exclusively from olives. These antioxidants may be one of the components of the Mediterranean diet associated with health and longevity.
• Poly C: Patented blend of mineral ascorbates that provide better bioavailability than ascorbic acid alone.
USANA的研發團隊由世界級的化學家、分子與細胞生物學家、營養生物化學家、藥劑師及運動科學專家所組成,於自設的高科技 實驗室工作,對研究、設備及人力均作出重大投資,使公司能一直在營養科學處於領先地位。
The commitment to research and development is manifest in the high-tech labs populated by a team of talented chemists, molecular and cellular biologists, nutritional biochemists, pharmacists, and sports science experts. It can also be seen in the investment in studies, equipment, and manpower to keep the company on the forefront of nutritional science.
Extensive research goes into USANA’s products, and to create cutting-edge nutritionals, our in-house scientists have collaborated with numerous distinguished institutions.
* 美國專利號碼 10,632,101
U.S. patent nos. 10,632,101
USANA 獎勵計劃鼓勵團隊合作,並保證佣金能公平地分給 直銷商,以協助大家發展團隊,從而得到穩固且持續的 收入。 USANA 直銷商可為客戶或自己購買產品,每一項 產品(銷售工具、商標商品等除外),也附帶銷售額分數 (SVP),您所賺取的佣金金額將由SVP換算而來。
The USANA Compensation Plan encourages teamwork and ensures a fair distribution of income among Distributors — so you can build a stable residual income as your team grows. As a USANA Distributor, you can purchase any products for yourself and your customers. Each product (except sales tools, logo mechandise, etc.) carries specific Sales Volume Points (SVP) which will be converted into the amount of commission you earn.
阿寶 BOB
要符合領取佣金資格,您需要累積200分個人銷售額分數(PSV)以啟動一個商務中心,或以400分啟動三個商務中心。當您啟動 商務中心後,便可以轉售產品或保薦朋友加入您的團隊。您可把他們放在團隊(圖一)的左、右兩邊空置位置上,以形成雙線 發展。如果您保薦超過兩個人,您可把新人放在阿珍或阿寶的下方,以協助他們開展事業。
Open your Business Centre and become eligible to earn commissions by accumulating 200 points, or 400 points with three Business Centres, of Personal Sales Volume (PSV) through orders for your customers and for your personal use. As a Distributor, you may retail products to your friends, or sponsor them into your team, by placing them on the left or right side of your team (Figure 1). You build only two sides. If you personally sponsor more than two people, you would help Jill or Bob by placing the new people under them.
要訣一 : 啟動三個商務中心
Knack 1: Opening Three Business Centres
選擇啟動三個商務中心,賺取雙倍佣金。如欲啟動三個商務中心,您需於登記成為直銷商起首六星期內,取得400分個人銷售額。 You can begin to build three Business Centres to double your commission. To open three Business Centres, you must achieve 400 points in Personal Sales Volume (PSV) within the first six weeks from the date that you become a Distributor.
要訣二 : 保持活躍
Knack 2: Keeping Your Business Centre(s) Open
• 每四星期維持100分的個人銷售額分數(一個商務中心)
• 每四星期維持200分的個人銷售額分數(多於一個商務中心)
No limitation is set on Group Sales Volume (GSV) at USANA. However, to begin to receive a commission from this volume, you must be an active Distributor meeting the sales requirements stipulated in your Distributor Agreement and reaching a minimum PSV as follows:
• Accumulating at least 100 PSV every four-week rolling period (for One Business Centre)
• Accumulating at least 200 PSV every four-week rolling period (for more than One Business Centre) 參加自動訂貨計劃,除了可以優惠價九折購買產品外,您已選購的產品,會每四星期自動送到您的家裡,確保您和您的客戶隨時 也可享用USANA的產品。
要訣三 : 自動訂貨計劃
Knack 3: Sign up for Auto Order
Having enrolled in the Auto Order program, you can enjoy 10% off the Preferred Price on USANA products and receive your order at your shipping address every four weeks. Auto Order is a convenient way to ensure that you and your customers can enjoy USANA products on the go.
首次訂單回贈優惠:新直銷商及優惠客戶可在設立自動訂貨時根據其首張訂單獲得10%回贈。如要獲得10%回贈,新直銷商及優惠 客戶必須先發出首張訂單,然後通過自動訂貨設定往後的續購訂單。回贈將分兩次發放,並在接下來兩次自動處理的自動訂貨訂單 中發放:5%將在第一個週末處理之自動訂貨時發放,另外5%則會在第二個週末處理之自動訂貨時發放。
Initial Order Reward: New Distributors and Preferred Customers can qualify to receive a 10% reward based on their initial order when they set up an Auto Order. To receive the 10% reward, new Distributors and Preferred Customers must place an initial order, and then set up a reoccurring order through Auto Order. The reward will be split in half and paid during the next two automatically processed Auto Orders: 5% will be paid during the new first weekend-processed Auto Order and 5% will be paid during the second weekend-processed Auto Order.
USANA完善的獎勵計劃,讓您可以透過以下七個途徑賺取收入: Under USANA’s compensation plan, you can maximise your income through 7 ways:
USANA 直銷商可以優惠價購買產品,而當您以零售價銷售 產品給您的客戶,便可即時賺取到利潤。您購入產品的優惠 價與您銷售產品的零售價之間的差額,便是您獲得的利潤。
此外,若您參加自動訂貨計劃,可以優惠價九折*購買產品。 ( * 不包括銷售工具及商標商品。)
USANA Distributors can purchase products at our special Preferred Price, and when you sell these products to your customers at suggested retail price, you earn an immediate profit. The difference between what you pay for the product and the price at which you sell the product is your retail profit. You may also receive 10% off the Preferred Price* by signing up for our Auto Order program. (*Does not include sales tools and logo merchandise.)
02 每週佣金 Commission
當您啟動一個或三個商務中心後,按您團隊中左、右兩邊對等 的團隊銷售額(GSV),賺取每週佣金。您定位下方的直銷商 及優惠客戶,無論層數多少或在何地保薦,均為您的團隊成員, 而他們累積的銷售額分數( SVP ),就是團隊銷售額。
You earn weekly commissions based on the “matched” Group Sales Volume (GSV) of your team. The GSV is the sum of all Sales Volume Points (SVP) from all the Distributors and Preferred Customers down your team, irrespective of how many levels of referrals, and no matter where in the world they enroll.
凡是您保薦的新特級領航員或特級白金領航員,在他們終生 經營的USANA事業期間,只要您符合領取佣金資格,並遵守 直銷商協議之政策與程序,您將可以每週領取他們終生經營 USANA事業中,最高達15%佣金分數之對等獎金。
For each new Distributor you sponsor who becomes a Premier PaceSetter or Premier Platinum PaceSetter, you will receive up to 15% weekly matching bonus on their Commission Volume Point (CVP) for the lifetime of their USANA business, as long as you are commission qualified and in compliance with your Distributor Agreement.
04 Celavive獎金 Celavive Bonus
此獎金計劃無需符合領取佣金資格。當您首次向您個人保薦 的現有或新優惠客戶銷售 Celavive 產品時,其價格的 25% 現金獎賞將累積至您每週的佣金。這筆一次性獎金將直接 向您派發,而不是加至您團隊的累積銷售額,讓您能獲得 即時回報。
You do not have to be commission-qualified to participate in this bonus incentive. When you make your first sale of Celavive products to any existing or new personally sponsored Preferred Customer, a cash bonus of 25% of the price will be added to your weekly commission check. This one-time bonus is paid out directly to you in place of any sales volume rolling up your organization, so you’ll quickly see rewards.
透過USANA多元化的獎勵方式,獲得豪華旅遊、獎品,以及 額外的現金獎賞。
You can be rewarded with luxury travel, prizes, and even extra cash through USANA’s generous incentive programs and contests.
公司每星期撥出全球團隊銷售額的3%,作為領袖紅利,平均 分予所有黃金董事或以上級別的直銷商。您於領袖紅利所佔 的份額,視乎您本星期及上星期有多少個商務中心達致最高 指標。
Each week, 3% of the global GSV is divided among qualifying Gold Directors and above. Your actual share of the pool depends on the number of Business Centres you “maximised” both the previous week and this week.
菁英紅利 Elite Bonus
每一季,公司都會撥出全球銷售額之 1% ,作為全球上一季 最高收入之首60戶直銷商之「菁英紅利」。這60戶直銷商在 上一季的全球收入排名、當季的實際收入和相對去年同一季 的佣金分數增長,將決定他們可獲得的紅利金額。
Each quarter, 1% of the global GSV is divided among the top 60 income earners of the previous quarter. If you qualify, your share will depend on your position (i.e. your rank in the top 60) in the previous quarter, your actual earnings for the current quarter, and the absolute growth in your Commission Volume Points (CVP) over the corresponding quarter in the previous year.
透過 USANA 的領航員計劃,直銷商可以獲取領航員身份,讓他/她可以獲得對等獎金的最大潛在 回報。而直銷商獲取的領航員身份是取決在其加入 USANA 的首八個星期內,保薦的人數及從該新 保薦入會人士(包括新直銷商及優惠客戶)產生的銷售額分數。
A Distributor has the opportunity to qualify for USANA’s PaceSetter program, which allows him or her to maximise potential Matching Bonus earnings. PaceSetter status is determined by the number of Distributors and Preferred Customers, he or she sponsors and Sales Volume Points (SVP) they generate during his or her first eight weeks.
Premier Platinum Pacesetter Requirements
在加入 USANA 的首八個星期內,個人保薦四名或以上的 新直銷商或優惠客戶,並從該新保薦入會人士產生達1,600分 的累積銷售額分數。
Within eight weeks of enrollment, generate 1,600 SVP from four or more personally sponsored Distributors / Preferred Customers.
Premier Pacesetter Requirements
在加入 USANA 的首八個星期內,個人保薦兩名或以上的 新直銷商或優惠客戶,並從該新保薦入會人士產生達800分 的累積銷售額分數。
Within eight weeks of enrollment, generate 800 SVP from two or more personally sponsored Distributors / Preferred Customers.
年度身份重新確認機會 Annual Opportunity
特級身份讓直銷商可享終身優惠,而年度身份重新確認機會則是為未獲取特級身份的直銷商而設。在加入USANA的首八個星期後, 及每年在您加入USANA的週年日起,各直銷商將獲八個星期時間爭取成為白金領航員或領航員的機會。
While Premier status offers lifetime benefits, an annual opportunity is available for Distributors who do not achieve Premier status. Eight weeks after enrollment and subsequently every year on their enrollment anniversary, Distributors are given eight weeks to qualify as Platinum PaceSetters or PaceSetters.
領袖位階是以您所有的商務中心,合共取得之總佣金分數* 而定。以下是各領袖級別的名稱及需取得的佣金分數之要求。每晉升 一級,您便可獲得領袖襟章一枚。當您晉升至更高級別,便不再重返之前的較低級別。
Each leadership level is determined by the total base Commission Volume Points (CVP)* generated in all of your Business Centres. The levels of leadership are defined in progressive order below. Upon reaching the next level, you will receive a pin. Once you advance to a new level, you will not participate at the lower level again.
紅寶石董事 RUBY
黃金董事 GOLD
13 週內共取 得 52,000 佣金分數
52,000 total CVP in a 13-week Cycle
連續四星期每週內取得 4,000 分佣金分數 4,000 CVP for 4 consecutive weeks
13 週內共取 得 39,000 佣金分數
39,000 total CVP in a 13-week Cycle
連續四星期每週內取 得 3,000 分佣金分數 3,000 CVP for 4 consecutive weeks
13 週內共取 得 26,000 分佣金分數 26,000 total CVP in a 13-week Cycle
連續四星期每週內取 得 2,000 分佣金分數 2,000 CVP for 4 consecutive weeks
13 週內共取 得 13,000 分佣金分數 13,000 total CVP in a 13-week Cycle
連續四星期每週內取 得 1,000 分佣金分數 1,000 CVP for 4 consecutive weeks
1 星期內取 得 1,000 分佣金分數 1,000 total CVP for 1 week
1 星期內取 得 800 分佣金分數 800 total CVP for 1 week
1 星期內取 得 600 分佣金分數
600 total CVP for 1 week
1 星期內取 得 400 分佣金分數
400 total CVP for 1 week
1 星期內取 得 200 分佣金分數 200 total CVP for 1 week
1 星期內取 得 100 分佣金分數 100 total CVP for 1 week
1 星期內取 得 50 分佣金分數 50 total CVP for 1 week
* 總佣金分數包括透過自動訂貨達最高指標的商務中心所取得的佣金分數,但不包括領袖紅利、菁英紅利、終生對等獎金等。 The total base Commission Volume Point (CVP) includes Auto Order Maxed Business Center Commissions, but does not include Leadership Bonus, Elite Bonus, Lifetime Matching Bonus etc.
To encourage Distributors to pursue and expand their USANA businesses, USANA offers you various rewards, including the following splendid honors.
Country Vision Award
本獎項受華斯博士創造世界上最健康 大家庭的願景所啟發,目的是表揚在 各市場中致力於造福世界的人士。他 們不但能得到本獎項,也入圍爭奪華 斯博士願景大獎。
Inspired by Dr. Wentz’ vision of creating The Healthiest Family On Earth, this award honors one individual in each market who works to make the world a better place. As winners of this award, they also become finalists for receiving the Dr. Wentz Vision Award.
旅遊獎賞 Incentive
只要積極與人分享 USANA ,那除了 每週佣金,您更可以獲得豪華旅遊、 獎勵和專屬培訓的機會。我們獎勵所 有努力發展 USANA 事業並確切地實現 USANA 生活方式的人。出國旅遊外, 傑出的領袖們還能賺得寶貴的業務 培訓機會。
On top of weekly commission checks simply for sharing USANA with others, you can be rewarded with luxurious travel incentives, awards and exclusive training opportunities. We believe in rewarding those who are growing their USANA businesses and truly living the USANA lifestyle. Those who excel are rewarded with incredible business training in addition to opportunities to travel the globe.
Denis Waitley 卓越商業領袖獎 Leadership Award For Business Excellence
Denis Waitley 是一位美國勵志演說家, 他已在USANA幫助了成千上萬的直銷商 成長,並指引和啟發他人領導團隊。 此獎項為了表揚各市場中一位最能體現 並複製Denis Waitley 領導力及成功願景 的領袖。
Denis Waitley is an American motivational speaker whom his leadership, guidance and wisdom has shaped the lives of thousands at USANA. This award recognizes one leader in each market who best exhibits Denis Waitley’s vision of leadership duplication of success.
在採取行動之前,您需要找到的原因, 具體來說,就是您為什麼建立USANA 事業的原因。
Before taking action, you need to discover your why. Specifically, why are you engaging with USANA?
它可以是很簡單的原因,例如還清學生貸款或為度假而存錢,也可能是為了得到工作自由,脫離傳統朝 九晚五的工作。可能您為了支持USANA真正健康基金會或您想成為社區的領導者。無論您的原因是甚麼,都需要非常具體。想想 您的希望達成的目標並記錄下來。
在您建立事業的過程中,您的初衷將會成為消除每一個障礙的力量。它將讓您充滿信心、克服挫折並實現夢想。您的初衷將成為 建立USANA事業的基礎。
Take time to discover your why. It can be something simple, like paying off student loans or saving for a vacation. It might be the freedom to work for yourself and leave the grind of a traditional 9–5 job. Perhaps it’s to support the USANA True Health Foundation or become a leader in your community. Whatever your why, you need to be very specific as you identify it. Think about what you want to accomplish and write it down.
Your why will be the force to drive you through every obstacle as you build your business. It will give you the confidence to overcome setbacks and achieve your dreams. Your why will become the foundation in which you build the rest of your USANA business.
Write down your why (be specific)
分享個人故事是建立聯繫的最佳方式 當您向他人分享對USANA的熱情時,他們自然希望了解您和您的事業,而最好的答案就是您的親身經歷。您可以告訴他們是甚麼 激勵您成為USANA直銷商,以及使用產品後帶來的好處。
您擁有獨一無二的故事,其他人亦希望知道。隨著USANA的事業發展,您的個人故事將成為最強大的工具之一,所以您必須仔細 創作,練習如何分享,何時分享。將最真實、最具吸引力,以及最簡短(不超過90秒)的方式與人分享。 人們喜歡談論自己,這也讓您有機會了解他們更多。調整您的故事,並分享與他們相關的經驗,以滿足他們的要求。以故事的 方式陳述事實是最有效的,並確保您的故事能打動人心。
Sharing your personal story is the best way to connect with your contacts
As you reveal your excitement about USANA to others, they will naturally want to know more about you and your business. You’ll get questions. The best answers will come from your own experiences. Tell them what inspired you to become a USANA Distributor and what benefits you’ve seen from taking the products.
Your story is unique, and others will want to hear it. As your USANA business grows, your personal story will be one of your most powerful tools. Craft it carefully, practice how you share it, and know when to share it. Make it authentic, captivating, and brief— no more than 90 seconds.
People love to talk about themselves. This also gives you the opportunity to get to know them better. Adjust your story to share experiences they will better relate to—this will satisfy their needs. Facts tell, but stories sell. Make sure your story moves your audience.
Write your short story here
成功事業分享會是與團隊成員召開有關建立事業的策略會議。這是您成功註冊為USANA直銷商後的首要任務。這次會面將與團隊 成員共同列出成功建立事業需要採取的具體步驟。
Two heads are better than one
The Success-Mapping Session is a business-building strategy meeting with your business partner. It’s one of the first things you should do after enrolling in USANA. This face-to-face meeting outlines the steps you need to take to build a successful business. This is a great opportunity to share your list, your story, your plan for your first eight weeks, and to get feedback from your business partner.
在首八週,您的首要任務是 進入行動模式。
Your top priority in the first eight weeks is to get into action mode.
這是重中之重。您的成功將取決於您在高回報率活動上花費的時間。因此,雖然學習很重要,但應該只佔您營運USANA事業大約 10%至20%的時間。至少80%的精力應用於高回報率活動。而這些活動將轉化為收入。
• 通過電話、短訊、分享連結、社交媒體及其他聯絡方式結織新朋友並建立關係
• 致電朋友進行邀約
• 準備演講稿,進行推薦
• 與朋友進行電話會議
• 獲得推薦
• 帶潛在客戶參加USANA活動
This can’t be stressed enough. Your success will be driven by how much time you spend on high-leverage activities. So, while learning is important, it should only represent approximately 10% to 20% of the time you dedicate to USANA. At least 80% of your energy needs to be devoted to high-leverage activities. These activities translate into earning income.
The best way to get into action is to set goals, assign dates, and make an action plan. Share this with your business partner in your Success-Mapping Session.
• Meet new people and build relationships by connecting through phone calls, texts, shareable links, social media, and other means
• Make phone calls and set up presentations
• Give presentations
• Conduct three-way phone calls
• Get referrals
• Bring guests to USANA events
8週目標 8-Week Goals
Premier Platinum PaceSetter
I will achieve this goal by (date) 我將每週執行以下行動以達成我的目標:
I will carry out these actions every week as I work toward this goal:
1) 我會聯絡 位新人並分享產品和/或事業機會。
I will contact new people from my list to share the products and/or business.
2) 我會在聯絡名單上加入 位新人。
I will add new names to my list.
3) 我會保薦 位新直銷商。
I will enrol new Distributors.
4) 我會保薦 位新優惠客戶。
I will enrol new Preferred Customers.
5) 我會達成 銷售額分數。
I will achieve sales volume.
6) 我會支持 位下線直銷商達成白金領航員資格。
I will help support of my Distributors to achieve Premier Platinum PaceSetter.
7) 我會在聯絡名單上跟進 位需要重新聯絡的人。
I will follow up with people from my list I need to reconnect with.
8) 我會跟進團隊內 位成員,了解我能為他們提供什麼支援。
I will follow up with members of my team to see if I can support them.
9) 我會跟進 位客戶以協助他們解決問題和與他們分享其他產品資訊。
I will follow up with customers to see if they have questions and share other product information.
4–6 個月目標 4–6 month goal
After I achieve Premier Platinum PaceSetter, my next goal will be
I will achieve this goal by (date)
Stay on track by revisiting your goals and action plan every few days with your business partner
建立忠實客戶群是強大的 USANA 事業基礎。
Building a loyal customer base is one of the foundations of a strong USANA business.
以下是一些有效建立強大客戶群的方法 Here are some proven ways to build a strong customer base:
Build your product testimonials
您對 USANA 產品的個人體驗將會是最佳的銷售工具。定期 使用產品,分享用後感。您對產品的信任是建立強大客戶群 的關鍵。
Build your product testimonials. Your personal experience with the USANA products will be your best sales tool. Take and use the products regularly to feel a difference you can share. Your belief in the products is key to building a strong customer following.
Share the business with interested customers
對您滿意、會重覆購買的客戶將會成為您下一位團隊成員! 他們信任您也信任產品。詢問他們是否有興趣通過兼職工作 賺取額外收入,並且擁有自己的USANA事業。
Your satisfied, repeat customers could be your next team members! They already believe in you and the products. Reach out and ask if they are interested in earning additional income by working part time with you and having their own USANA business.
Create your personal brand
這是與客戶建立聯繫的重要原素,皆因他們因信任您而購買 產品。您可以參考更多建立品牌的資料,瀏覽 The Hub 樞紐站 > 培訓 > 社交網絡。
This is an important component of your customer connection because people aren’t buying the product—they’re buying you. Learn more through these helpful resources on The Hub > Training > Social Networking.
Get comfortable talking about USANA 朋友、家人、同事都是開展交談的好對象。向他們介紹您的 新公司,了解他們是否對任何產品感興趣。不必等到自己 成為專家,您可以誠實地說明您的事業階段。您亦可以利用 USANA提供的工具於社交媒體上分享給您的朋友及追隨者。 Friends, family, and coworkers are all great places to start. Tell them about the new company you’ve partnered with and see if they’re interested in any of the products you offer. You don’t have to wait until you’re an expert—it’s okay to be honest about where you are in your business. You can also share online with your social media friends and followers using the tools USANA provides.
跟進潛在客戶或您的團隊成員以達成銷售並賺取佣金。 以客戶偏好的方式與他們保持聯繫,有些人喜歡面對面互動 或透過電話交談,有些則偏好發短訊或透過社交媒體發送 私人訊息。您亦可利用我們的「顧客連結」應用程式來檢視 您的工作進度。
Follow up with your potential customers or team members to close sales and earn commission for your work. Contact people the way they prefer to be contacted—some like face-to-face interactions or phone calls, whereas others prefer a quick text message or private message over social media. You can keep track of your efforts using our Customer Connect App.
如何與潛在客戶展開交談 在您與潛在客戶交談期間,您將發現幾種不同類型的人。例如您的新客戶已確切知道他們所需的產品,或者客戶需要一些指導, 或可能完全不知道從何開始使用營養補充品。遵循一些注意事項並學習提問可以讓您輕鬆推薦USANA產品,也讓新客戶獲得最 健康的生活。
When talking with a potential customer, you’ll find you run into a few different types of people. Your new customer may know exactly what they want. They may need a bit of guidance or they could have no idea where to start when it comes to supplementation. Following a few dos and don’ts and learning the best way to ask questions can make it easy to recommend USANA products for your new customers to live their healthiest life.
• 提問並記錄答案。
• 詢問「是」或「否」為答案的問題,讓客戶能夠快速地 作出回應,而無需深思熟慮。
• 當您收集足夠資訊,可以推薦三至四款產品時,便可停止 提問。
• 根據客戶需求創建分享列表,其中包含建議的產品。
• 將分享列表連結以客戶偏好的方式發送-例如透過短訊、 電郵、社交媒體訊息等。
• 用幾句說話快速分析建議這些產品的原因,並重複他們給 您的資訊,讓客戶知道您用心聆聽。
• 詢問客戶是否對護膚或體重管理感興趣,以便開始談論 Celavive護膚及USANA系列食品。
• Ask questions up front and keep track of the answers.
• Ask “yes” or “no” questions to make it easy for your customer to respond quickly and without a lot of thought.
• Stop asking questions once you receive enough information to put together three or four product recommendations.
• Create a custom Share List for the customer that contains your product recommendations based on their needs.
• Send the Share List link to the customer however they prefer— text message, email, direct message on social media, etc.
• Quickly explain (in a few sentences) the reasons for your recommendations and make sure to repeat the information they shared with you so they know you heard them.
• Ask if your customer is interested in skincare or weight management specifically to start conversations about Celavive or USANA’s food products.
• 在新客戶沒有要求的情況下,建議超過三款產品。您不 希望太多選擇讓新客戶無所適從。
• 詢問過於私人或過於詳細的問題。保持簡單的問題,並將 每個問題連繫您想要推薦的產品。
• 在同一時間提出所有問題。即使只是通過 Facebook 或 微信,也要確保與客戶時刻保持對話。
• Recommend more than three or four products for a new customer unless they specifically ask for more products. You don’t want to overwhelm a new customer with too many options to start with.
• Ask too personal or too detailed questions. Keep your questions basic and have each question correlate to one specific product you want to recommend.
• Ask all the questions at once. Make sure you’re having a dialogue, even if it’s just through a messaging service like Facebook or WeChat.
創建聯絡名單,分享 USANA 的優勢,並邀請 您的聯絡人成為優惠客戶或直銷商。
Create your list, share the benefits of USANA, and invite your contacts to enrol as a Preferred Customer or Distributor.
名單 List
您必須每天記錄曾聯繫的人,寫下他們的需求,設定跟進提醒,並繼續觀察聯絡人的狀態和 興趣。您也應每天更新您的聯絡名單,保持活躍。利用名單來跟進各人的對話,如有關他們 的生活或事業等資料。您的潛在客戶和新直銷商將來自這份名單。
Creating and managing your contact list will be a cornerstone to your success at USANA.
Download USANA’s amazing Customer Connect App today to begin to build and manage your list. It’s important to keep a daily record of those you’ve contacted, their needs, follow-up reminders, and to continue to monitor the status and interest of your contacts. Your contact list is a living document. You should add to it daily. Use it to keep track of conversations you have with anyone about their lives or their business. Your future customers and Distributors will come from the names on this list.
分享來自 USANA 社交媒體,包括 What’s Up, USANA? 部落格和詢問科學家網站上的內容。 旨在為朋友和家人提供健康產品和健康知識。利用本手冊內提及的 USANA 事業工具,可以 更輕鬆地完成這個步驟。查找與您的個人品牌最相符的內容,以及您的朋友、家人、追隨 者等將會喜歡並積極分享的內容。
通過社交媒體網站分享健康訊息-例如您正在吃的健康食品,正在使用 的營養補充品,以及您的健康之旅等,以激發他人對 USANA 的興趣,並幫助創造活躍的 市場氛圍。記得也要分享個人產品見證。
使用 分享連結及分享列表 和 USANA 個人網站 來共享產品並贏得客戶。這兩種工具是讓朋友 和家人使用產品並改善他們健康狀況最簡單的方法。
隨著您擴展 USANA 的網絡,您將透過網絡研討會、家庭會議、以及和團隊一起參加更大型 的會議和年會來分享 USANA
。透過與更多人聯繫和分享,便能增加吸引新客戶和直銷商的 機會。永遠記得分享您的個人故事,那是屬於您最強大的銷售工具。
Share content from USANA’s social media sites, the What’s Up, USANA? blog, and Ask the Scientists. Aim to be a resource of healthy products and health knowledge for your friends and family. Utilise the USANA resources detailed later in this booklet to make this step easier. Find the content that most aligns with your personal brand and what your friends, family, and followers will most enjoy, and share it.
Share your own content. Healthy food you’re eating, products you’re taking, your personal health journey—share health through your personal social media sites to garner interest in USANA and to help create a warm market. Share your personal product testimonials.
Use Share Links & Share Lists and your personal USANA.com website to share products and gain customers. These two tools are the easiest ways to get friends and family taking the products they need to better their health.
Share Lists in the Shopping Cart are easy to use and a great way to connect with your customers by sending them a personalized product recommendation.
As your USANA network expands, share USANA via webinars, in-home meetings, and having your team attend larger meetings and conventions. The more people you connect and share with, the greater opportunity you have to attract new customers and Distributors. And remember to always share your story. It’s your most powerful sales tool.
邀約 Invite
當您增加聯絡名單上的人並積極與他人分享 USANA 時,自然會有對產品有興趣的人接觸 您並開始商討事業潛力。為推動和創造興趣,您必須學習和練習邀約。
邀約是一種技巧,必須盡快掌握。與您的團隊成員商量和學習最適合您風格的邀約技巧。 最好的技巧就是您對產品和事業最自然、最真誠的態度,識別客戶需求並分享您的熱情和 興趣。
As you work through your list and share your excitement about USANA, you will naturally have people interested in trying the products and discussing the business potential. To drive and create further interest, you must learn and practice to invite.
Inviting is a skill. One that’s important to develop as quickly as possible. Work with your business leaders to discuss and learn inviting techniques that best match your style. The best inviting technique is your natural, honest enthusiasm for the products and business. Inviting involves identifying the needs of your customers and sharing your natural passion and interest. Be confident, ask questions, be yourself, and practice. It’s a skill learned through experience and with time.
THE HUB – www.usana.com/hub
The Hub樞紐站是您的網上辦公室,每週安排五分鐘的時間:
• 瀏覽標題
• 使用購物車購買產品及事業工具
• 創建自動訂貨,確保按照常規的四週計劃收到產品
• 進行網上登記入會
• 尋找培訓資料
• 查看銷售記錄
• 了解推廣活動和會議
• 下載表格,包括價目表及運轉週期日曆,有助您確認達成 佣金資格
ASK THE SCIENTISTS – www.askthescientists.com
The Hub is your online business office. Stay informed by scheduling five minutes each week to:
• Scan the headlines
• Access the Shopping Cart to purchase product or sales tools
• Create your Auto Order, which ensures you receive your products on a regular four-week schedule
• Access online enrolment
• Find training information
• Review your business records
• Learn about upcoming contests and events
• Download useful forms, including price lists and the rolling calendar, which helps you confirm your commission eligibility through your purchases
Visit Ask the Scientists for answers to your USANA product and health questions. Share these articles with friends and family who are interested in the science behind health and USANA’s products.
ASK USANA – www.askusana.com
Your sponsor isn’t available 24/7, but Ask USANA is. Visit Ask USANA for answers to all your business-related questions.
部落格 BLOG – www.whatsupusana.com
What’s Up, USANA? 是USANA的官方部落格。訂閱每週一次的社交媒體速報(英文),並與親友分享文章,宣傳健康的生活方式。 What’s Up, USANA? is the official blog for USANA. Subscribe to receive a social media newsletter once a week (English only). Share blog articles with friends and family to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Add us to your address book! Watch you inbox for any messages from USANA about products, new incentives, and more!
分享USANA媒體中心 Share USANA Media Centre
登錄The Hub樞紐站 > 我的事業 > 分享USANA媒體中心,瀏覽社交媒體共享資源、銷售工具的電子版等。毋須從頭開始建立, 即可快速與您的社交媒體用戶分享USANA。
Logon to The Hub > My Business > Share USANA Media Centre and access media shareables, digital versions of our print tools, and more. Share USANA with your online network quickly and easily without having to create anything from scratch.
社交媒體 Social Media
Connect with us to share USANA - created content with your friends and family.
Facebook: /OfficialUSANAHongKong/
WeChat: USANAHK_Official
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/USANAHongKong
Instagram: USANAhongkongOfficial
客戶服務 Customer Service
電話:(852) 2162 1888
每個週期: 由直銷商發出第一張100分個人銷售額分數(PSV)或以上的訂單 或開始「自動訂貨計劃」之日起計算。這將會成為直銷商的四星期運轉 週期,直至直銷商發出不屬於週期規律的訂單或更改自動訂貨計劃日期 為止。查詢詳細資料請致電客戶服務熱線。
自動訂貨是按照四星期運轉週期來處理的。舉例來說:如果「自動訂貨」 是在2024年7月20日的週期(黃色週期)發出和處理的,下一張自動訂貨單 將於 2024年 8月 17日的週期處理(直銷商可毋須改動週期,而發出不按照 週期的訂單)。
要維持業務活躍: 直銷商必須每四個星期發出一張100分PSV訂單(一個商務 中心)或200分PSV訂單(多個商務中心)。首先在日曆上找出發出訂單日期。 留意該週期的顏色。要維持業務活躍,下一張訂單必須在下一個相同顏色 的週期內發出。例如:新直銷商是在2024年8月24日(紅色週期)遞交申請 表和首次訂單,以開始啟動他/她的商務中心。下一張訂單(最少100分PSV) 必須最遲於下一個紅色週期的星期五前發出(即2024年9月21日)。
Cycles: begin the date a Distributor places the first order of 100 Personal Sales Volume (PSV) points or starts an Auto Order. This will remain their four-week rolling cycle until the Distributor places an odd cycle order or changes the Auto Order dates. For more information, please call Customer Service Hotline. Auto Orders are processed on four-week rolling period. For example, if an Auto Order is placed and processed during the week of July 20, 2024 (yellow cycle), the next Auto Order would be processed the week of August 17, 2024. (Off cycle orders may be placed without changing the cycle.)
To remain active: Distributors must place either a 100 PSV points order (for one Business Center) or 200 PSV points order (for multiple Business Centers) every four weeks. Find the date the order was placed. Note the color of the cycle. To remain active, the next order must be placed in the next same color cycle. For example: A new Distributor sends in an application and an order to initially activate his/her Business Centre(s) on August 24, 2024 (red cycle). The next activation of at least 100 PSV points must be placed by Friday of the next red cycle (September 21, 2024).
USANA香港有限公司 USANA Hong Kong Ltd. 香港銅鑼灣告士打道 255-257號信和廣場5樓
5/F, Sino Plaza, 255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
版權所有,翻印必究 | All Right Reserved. Business Information #580 • 05/2024