活腦寧產品簡介 CopaPrime Product Leaflet | USANA Hong Kong

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助您思路清晰 保持腦筋靈活

Keep your mind flexible and clear thinking

#126 HK$340 | 29 SVP

長時間盯著電腦螢幕或使用智能手機不僅會影響視力,還會讓人難以專注思考,對身體和大腦造成傷害。 現在,您可以使用活腦寧來幫助保持專注力,讓腦筋更靈活。 Staring at computer screen or using smartphone for a long time not only affects your vision, it also makes you difficult to focus on thinking and hurts your body and brain. Now you can use CopaPrime+™ to help maintain your alertness and clear thinking.


This powerful nootropic formula provides 5 vital brain health benefits 改善思考清晰度 Enhance mental clarity 增強學習和記憶力 Support learning and memory

集中注意力 Help your focus

對抗壓力的韌性 Support your brains ability to resist stress

保護神經元 Protect neurons

支援神經傳遞路徑來強化發送和接收信息的能力,助您發揮最佳智能表現。 Supports your neural pathways’ ability to send and receive messages to promote peak mental performance. 由假馬齒莧和咖啡果精華所組成的InCelligence®認知支援 複合物可幫助人體自然地提升腦源性神經營養因子(BDNF) 的水平。腦源性神經營養因子是一種對學習、情緒、專注 力和記憶很重要的認知蛋白質,支持很多與神經可塑性有 關的訊號傳遞路徑,對維持健康的認知和神經系統功能 來說十分重要。

InCelligence® Cognitive Support Complex is made up of Bacopa monnieri and coffee fruit extract, which helps the body naturally increase the level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF is a cognitive protein important for learning, emotion, concentration and memory. It supports many signal transmission pathways related to neuroplasticity and is important for maintaining healthy cognitive and nervous system function.

花旗參精華則為神經元和神經遞質提供抗氧化保護,並支援 正面的情緒、增強思維清晰度。

American Ginseng extract provides antioxidant protection for neurons and neurotransmitters, and supports a positive mood and enhances mental clarity.

活腦寧讓您可安心地為大腦補充營養,有助於學習或工作表現,並幫助 您保持大腦和神經系統的健康,對保持思維敏銳和認知功能至關重要。 CopaPrime+™ is an easy way to support your brain with nutrition for studying or performing your best at work. It can also help you maintain a healthy brain and nervous system, which are key to preserving mental sharpness and cognitive function.

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