October 11, 2010

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Vanguard The


Football Rallies From 3-Point Deficit

October 11, 2010

Moulton Tower Celebration

To read more about the Jags’ victory over Missouri S&T, turn to page 10.

Songfest Raises $19k for Charity

To read about which groups won the different Songfest categories, turn to page 4.


Online Students Get ID Cards


Instructor: Service Learning Enhances Studies

Cal Thomas / Daniela Werner

Alex Whalen

SENIOR REPORTER / EDITOR-IN-CHIEF usavanguard.editor@gmail.com

ASSOCIATE EDITOR alexwhalen@gmail.com

Students enrolled in USA’s online academic programs can now buy student ID cards for the same $10 fee the rest of the student body pays. According to Dean of Students Michael Mitchell, the decision was made so that Proctor online students who need IDs could have access to them. Mitchell gave the example of online College of Nursing students who need a USA ID card. But SGA President Kim Proctor was worried these online students were getting benefits they weren’t paying Mitchell for. “It’s an issue about justice and fairness,” Proctor said. “Is it fair that one group of students pays the fees while another group simply has privi-

Colin McGee | Photo Editor

University leaders dedicated the newly built Gordon and Geri Moulton Bell Tower and Alumni Plaza Friday evening in honor of President Moulton’s commitment to USA. “I get a lot of the credit that’s [due] the entire USA family,” he told the crowd of more than 2,500. “I’m the luckiest man I know.” Daniela Werner

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF danielawerner87@gmail.com

USA students, friends and employees gathered Friday evening to watch President Gordon Moulton and other USA leaders dedicate the newly built Moulton Bell Tower and Alumni Plaza. In front of the Moulton Tower, USA’s Jaguar Marching Band and cheerlead-

ers performed for the crowd of more than 2,500, and various USA leaders addressed attendees. “I get a lot of the credit that’s [due] the entire USA family,” Moulton said during the ceremony. “I’m the luckiest man I know.” The bell tower is a landmark created to commemorate University alumni achievements, as well as recognize alumni who contributed funds to the Alumni Plaza.

see ONLINE | 8


Serving USA Since 1965

Police Blotter p. 2

In the second installment of a series of Q&A articles with University President Gordon Moulton, The Vanguard learns why construction doesn’t hurt the University’s budget (see page 2).

Etc. p. 6

Sports p. 10

The APO Jesters and What They are All About See Etc., page 6

Many extracurricular organizations require hours of volunteer work – but since last fall, Kristy Britt, a Spanish professor at USA, has begun incorporating service learning (SL) into her classes. “When I first heard about service learning, I wondered how people could talk about it at a university and not bring in a foreign language. How can you not talk about Spanish with service learning?” she asked. “[Hispanic culture] is such an isolated, underrepresented and underserved part of the community.” SL requires that students volunteer with an organization that pertains to the foreign language that they are learning about. Britt said she first heard about the idea from some other faculty members. Along with four hours’ volunteer work, Britt’s students are expected to write a few detailed journal entries about their interaction with Spanish-speakers. International Studies freshman Judy Blake, said that although her hours were “a bit of a pain” because she drove to Fairhope to complete them, she felt that the required project gives students service work experience they need to be more well-rounded academicians. “Actually talking to people who don’t speak much English forces you to speak more Spanish,” said Blake, who is one of Britt’s students

see TOWER | 8

Opinion p. 12

Why Jaguar Football Deserves a Shot at a BCS Title See Sports, page 10

see SERVICE | 15

Distractions p. 14

Is Euthanasia Mercy Killing or Murder? See Opinion, page 13




Vanguard The

University of South Alabama’s Student Voice Mission The Vanguard, the student-run newspaper of the University of South Alabama, serves its readership by reporting the news involving the campus community and surrounding areas. The Vanguard strives to be impartial in its reporting and believes firmly in its First Amendment rights. Submission and Editorial Policies Send letters and guest columns to: Opinion Editor, USAVanguard.editor@gmail.com or The Vanguard, University of South Alabama, P.O. Drawer U-1057, Mobile, Ala. 36688. Letters and guest columns must be received by 7 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication. Submissions should be typed and must include the writer’s name, year, school and telephone number. All submissions become the property of The Vanguard. Unsigned letters will not be published. The Vanguard reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for length and clarity. Letters will be limited to 300 words. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writer. The Staff Editorial represents the consensus opinion of the Editorial Board, which is composed of the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Associate Editor, Copy Editor, and Opinion Editor. All members of the Editorial Board have the same weight during weekly Editorial Board meetings. The Vanguard has a commitment to accuracy and clarity and will print any corrections or clarifications. To report a mistake, call the Editor-in-Chief at 251-460-6442 or e-mail USAVanguard.Editor@ gmail.com.


10/1- Harassing Communications A female student reported receiving unwanted and threatening e-mails from her sister.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Daniela Werner Managing Editor: Matthew Peterson Associate Editor: Cameron Adkins Etc. Editor: Laura Beth Calcote Arts & Entertainment Editor: Cal Thomas Opinion Editor: Alex Whalen Sports Editor: Matt Weaver Photo Editor: Colin McGee Webmaster: Rodney Thompson DISTRIBUTION Distribution Manager: Johnny Davis ADVERTISING STAFF Advertising Manager: Wesley Jackson Advertising Representative: Regi Allen Advertising Representative: Daniel Fordemwalt Graphic Designer: Brittany Hawkins MANAGEMENT Adviser: Jim Aucoin Accounting: Kathy Brannan

at $530.

10/6- Domestic Violence, 3rd Degree The crime of domestic violence was reported in the University Commons parking lot at 9:28 p.m. The parties involved were not affiliated with the University.

10/1- Harassment At 1:44 p.m. a male reported he was being harassed by another male at The Grove. 10/6- Unlawful Breaking and Entering a Vehicle A laptop and an mp3 player were reported stolen from a vehicle in the south Humanities parking lot at 7:48 p.m. The items were valued

10/7- Theft of Article From Auto A purse with credit cards, cash and a driver’s license was reported stolen from a vehicle in the Student Center parking lot at 1:13 p.m. The items were valued at $300.

www.usavanguard.com Go there.

The Vanguard is a member of Collegiate Presswire and U-Wire, which syndicates to a national audience. The Vanguard is published Mondays during the academic year, except for exam periods and vacations, and is published twice each summer. The Vanguard is supported in part by an allocation from student activity fees and operates in the Student Media Department of the Division of Student Affairs. Issues are available at most University buildings and select off-campus locations. The first copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each.

October 11, 2010

Jag Growl

What You’re Saying About “Students: Bell Tower Difficult to Read” by Managing Editor Matthew Peterson

“Do you not have some idea of what time it is before looking at the clock? I mean, if one hand is up and the other is down, do you have that much trouble discerning if it’s 6 o’clock or 12:30?” -SouthGirl (comments taken from usavanguard.com)

Nothing Going on Vacant Lot by Region’s Cameron Adkins

ASSOCIATE EDITOR cja501@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

The area where Region’s Bank was located at the corner of Old Shell Road and University Boulevard will have new sod laid as the next step of the landscaping for the corner, and it will not have anything built on it, according to the bank’s branch manager John McLean. “The University really doesn’t want us to develop it,” McLean said. “We feel that it’s a plus to compliment all the corners being rehabilitated with the Shelby Center. It is also the western cornerstone for the Village of Springhill.” The University of South Alabama Foundation owns the property, and Region’s has leased the area from the corner to the entrance drive to University Commons since 1974, according to McLean. see REGIONS | 8

The lot by Region’s Bank, located at the intersection of University Boulevard and Old Shell Road and owned by the USA Foundation, is being landscaped but not developed, according to the bank’s branch manager, John McLean. Edward Stratton | Contributing Photographer

Moulton: Construction Doesn’t Hurt Budget

Daniela Werner Web site: http://www.usavanguard.com Mailing Address The Vanguard University of South Alabama P.O. Drawer U-1057 Mobile, Ala. 36688 Phone Number (251) 460-6442 Article XIV, Section 8 of The Lowdown: The editors of the student publications shall be free from any type of censorship and shall be responsible for the form, content and staff of the publication. SPLC Statement: The Vanguard recognizes and affirms the editorial independence and press freedom of all student-edited campus media. Student editors have the authority to make all content decisions and consequently bear the responsibility for the decisions that they make.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF danielawerner87@gmail.com

Editor’s note: This is the second installment in a series of articles from an interview The Vanguard had with University President Gordon Moulton Oct. 1. President Moulton: One of the positive things, if the economy does perk up, then the same volatility that got sales tax and income tax real low will help bring them back down quickly. Ad valorem tax comes back real slowly because you have to get reappraisals of property, and it takes two or three years by the time that gets in place. The minute that sales in the state perk up on sales and tax revenue, we could get some relief quickly.

The Vanguard: Can you explain how construction projects affect the budget? M: The current construction that’s underway, and the projects that we have that we’ll finish, were all planned quite some time ago and for the most part Moulton came out of either bond money, or in the case of Shelby building, out of federal money [or grants], or a state bond issued -- one of those. They’re all capital funds. Number one, [they] wouldn’t be available for operating money. You wouldn’t go borrow money as a

bond and turn around and put it back in your operating budget. Now, we have to pay debt service. That has been in the budget for two or three years since the bonds were sold. [If we said], “Let’s stop construction on the Student Rec Center. Let’s stop it halfway.” The bond money now sitting in the bank -- which we can’t spend for operating -- we’re losing the opportunity of the construction market. At the same time ...you’ve got a half-finished building. Some institutions did do some things almost that foolish simply because they felt pressured that it didn’t look right to be building these structures when you have such short operating money. Look for the continuation of Moulton’s interview in next week’s issue of The Vanguard.

October 11, 2010




4 News in Brief USAPD No Longer Charging for Bike Permits



October 11, 2010

Songfest 2010 Raises $19k for Make-A-Wish Foundation

“It was awesome knowing that we’ve only been practicing for one day a week for six weeks now, and there’s fraternities and sororities who have been doing this for [decades].”

According to USA Chief of Police Normand Gamache, the USAPD is no longer charging a $5 fee to register bikes for oncampus use. There is currently no program in effect to refund the fee to those who have already paid for the permit.

Colin McGee | Photo Editor

Above, the USA Show Choir takes the stage at Songfest this past Friday night. Four University sororities, six fraternities, and three independent student groups danced and sang at Songfest. The annual campus event raised $19,075.25 for the Make-AWish Foundation, which is $7,000 more than last year, according to chairwoman Kate Cooper. Make-A-Wish grants the wishes of children with life-threatening diseases, according to its website. At competition, USA Show Choir won the independent category, Kappa Delta won the sorority category, and Pi Kappa Phi took the fraternity title. The Chi Omegas hosted the event and held several fund raising events prior to it that she felt made the difference in the increased funds this year, Cooper said.

-Brandon Caten, USA Show Choir director

October 11, 2010






6 Colleges Against Cancer Group Rallies This Week


Laura Beth Calcote Etc. Editor


October 11, 2010

APO Jesters:

Reaching the Community Through Theatre

Daniela Werner

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF danielawerner87@gmail.com

Melissa Brooks lost her mother to breast cancer when she was only 8 years old, an experience she said she wouldn’t want anyone else to go through. “It’s a life-changing experience,” said Brooks, a psychology major. “I wish I still had my mom.” To do her part in fighting against cancer, Brooks heads up Colleges Against Cancer (CAC), a 10-to-15-member student group at USA. This week, CAC will “Painting the Campus Purple” to create awareness about cancer at USA. Events include: -Walking around campus with University mascot SouthPaw while passing out information about the week today at 7 p.m. (Oct. 11). -Serving sweet tea and dessert at the week’s official kickoff meeting Tuesday, Oct. 12 at the Student Center Terrace at 7 p.m. -Selling baked good outside of the Humanities Building Wednesday, Oct. 13. -Holding a dance performance by the Jazzin’ Jags, or dancing USA students, at USA’s Amphitheatre at noon Thursday Oct. 14. -Encouraging the USA community to wear purple on Friday, Oct. 15. The best purple outfits will be judged for a prize, Brooks said. For more information, e-mail Brooks at thnkpnk1989@ yahoo.com or call (251) 709-2048. You can friend CAC on Facebook (search for the USA chapter), too.

‘I Am Glam’ Show Attracts More Than 150 Students

Courtesy of Joan Ramos

The USA Communication Association raised about $700 in ticket sales at its fashion show 'I Am Glam' Sept. 23. According to spokeswoman and Communication major Joan Ramos, the 25-or-somember group saw more than 150 students attend. Clothes for the models were donated from Buckle, Fly Times, Hourglass, and Lotus. The stores also gave gift cards for door prizes. Ramos said the money will fund future events for the organization, which often hosts speakers in the Communication field.

Courtesy of Brittany Harrell

The APO Jesters performed the children's show "Beauty is a Beast" at BayFest, one of many venues of their outreach to the community. Laura Beth Calcote

ETC. EDITOR vanguardetceditor@gmail.com

The Alpha Psi Omega Jesters Organization is the Dramatic Arts Department’s student group, made up of theatrically inclined students at South Alabama. Alpha Psi Omega, or APO, is the National Honorary Theatre Society, originally formed in 1925 at Fairmont College in West Virginia. Here at USA, the student group produces student shows in the Black Box Theatre, participates actively in philanthropic events and sponsors students’ trips to acting conferences around the country. The Jesters produce many events around town, including a campus Murder Mystery, theatrical appearances at museum and library events, and around Christmas, they bring Christmas dinner to a family in need. Last Christmas, the Jesters were even able to sponsor Christmas gifts for two children who otherwise might have gone without. Recently, the Jesters produced a children’s show, “Beauty is a Beast,” for BayFest, performing four shows for many excited kids at the festival and bringing in $500 for the Jester organization. The show was directed by theatre major Kenan Burchett and designed and performed by USA theatre students. The group also produced “Extremities” last semester, a play about rape, which was able to donate a large portion of

the proceeds to Lifelines Rape Crisis Center. Also, if you have been lucky enough to catch a show at Laidlaw Performing Arts Center on campus, the delicious concessions sold during intermission were lovingly prepared by the Jesters. You may scoff, but concessions alone bring in a considerable amount of money to the group’s funds. The Jesters, led by theatre major Raven Otis, allow theatre students the opportunity to practice their craft and provide worthwhile services to our community. Jesters’ historian Miranda Culpepper said, “It’s rewarding and really enjoyable being able to represent what we are about.” Shannon Blalack, the group’s vice president of production said, “We’re able to be an example of art in town.” Other officers include Caitlin Jennings (VP Membership), Devin Patrick (Secretary), Paul Furlong (Parliamentary), and Josh Welch (Treasurer). The group’s faculty sponsors are Fulton Burns and Rebecca Britton, both members of the national APO organization. What is APO? According to Britton, “It is the primary outreach arms to the community. It is theatre giving back.” Do you want to be a Jester? There is a required point system involved that includes points being awarded for performance and technical jobs taken on, and there is also a minimum GPA requirement of 2.5. For more information, visit the department or visit the group’s site on Facebook.

Afraid to ask the doctor?

Ask Dr. Cannon!

E-mail your health questions and concerns to Dr. Cannon at usavanguard.editor@gmail.com.

Heather Cannon, M.D. is USA’s recently appointed Student Health Center Medical Director. Anonymous e-mails are welcomed.

October 11, 2010




A Day in the Life

Of Adjunct Sociology Instructor Marie Sheneman

Laura Beth Calcote

ETC. EDITOR vanguardetceditor@gmail.com

Online classes can be a valuable replacement for an actual classroom setting, but only if the professor is dedicated and wholly present. Adjunct Sociology Instructor Marie Sheneman is just that professor, as she currently teaches SY 220 and SY 112 online, and her teaching methods are polished and effective. An online class can quickly lose a student’s attention, but Sheneman’s gumption pushes her students to be equally participatory in the online world of college. Flash back to 1982, on June 20, when Sheneman was born in Monroe, Wash. As a child, she wanted to be a secretary, but only because she had a passion for office supplies. “I would set up my desk with stacks of paper, pens, a stapler and a phone so that I could pretend to take phone calls,” she said. She recalls a favorite park she visited as a child with her father. “I called it the ‘Rainbow Park,’” she said, “because the playground equipment and bricks were all different colors. I always wanted to go there and loved being there … a simple but happy memory.” Sheneman’s dad is her hero. “No matter what happens in our lives he has been true to being a father – always there for me, always proud of me and always loves me,” she said. He also instilled a love of college football, something she did not full appreciate until her adult life. “My dad used to talk about football all the time. As an 8-year old girl it never made sense. Now it does. I understand concepts such as 1st and 10, touchdown, 2-point conversion and quarterback.” Sheneman’s first job was working at a library: “I shelved books 12 hours a week. One of the best parts of that job was being able to check out the new books before everyone else.” Sheneman graduated with an M.A. in Applied Sociology and a graduate certificate in Applied Statistics from Northern Arizona University. This was her proudest moment, she said.

Courtesy of Nick Vankerbum

Meet Marie Sheneman, USA sociology instructor.

“Neither of my parents went to college, and I had to finance my education on my own. So, obtaining both a B.A. and an M.A. are my proudest moments,” she said. She is currently working on her Ph.D. in Sociology, and said she is “focusing on Social Psychology, Family and Statistics.” She counts her sociology instructors as having the most

influence on her life, and said, “Without them I would not be who I am or where I am today. They taught me how to look at the world through a sociological lens and gave me the passion to do the same for other students.” Her favorite part of the job? “I love that I teach something that students can truly relate to on a personal level. My students get me up in the morning. I love interacting with my students and watching their academic growth through each assignment.” It’s not always easy, though, especially when she never actually meets most of her students. The online collegiate world is dependent on both professor and student giving it their all. And while Sheneman puts forth more than enough effort, she said that sometimes it’s hard “getting students to focus on and care about learning the material more than the letter grade.” Teaching online is very time-consuming, and Sheneman admitted that she is continuously checking her e-mail, just to make sure that she is in constant communication with her students. When she is not engrossed in her work, she enjoys coffee, baking, reading on rainy days, traveling, biking, college football and yoga. She loves the early morning hours “right before the sun comes up. The world is peaceful and quiet, which is very relaxing.” Her favorite season is fall, and Sheneman said that it signifies a new beginning. “Since my life revolves around school and the fall season occurs around the first part of the new school year, it represents a time for a fresh start.” At the end of the day, it’s nice to be home with her husband and two cats, Keiko and Crimson. Ideally, the perfect day would also include the music of Joss Stone, a double tall peppermint mocha, the book “The Mozart Season” by Virginia Euwer Wolff, and, on a really perfect day, a personal appearance by Christopher Meloni. A sociology teacher has an understanding of people and what affects society, and Sheneman offers this advice for anyone who needs a real connection with those in their life: “Spend quality time with the ones you love. Text messages and the Internet are useful, but the feeling of a hug or hearing a laugh is priceless.”

Tales of Future Present: Gabe Grimes

STAFF WRITER gag701@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

So what did you do during your fall break? Personally, I renewed my love affair with northern New England. The wife and I decided early October was a great time to watch the leaves turn, get some Ellio’s Pizza Squares and introduce our 6-month old to relatives she would never otherwise meet. During our mini-vacay, the old lady and I lost the key to one of our luggage locks. This brought me to a realization once we were in our hotel room: if a thief has access to anything sharper than a butterknife, and your luggage is mostly made up of canvas, luggage locks are pointless. Seriously, we grabbed a steak knife and had our clothes out in under five minutes. This got me investigating luggage that wasn’t susceptible to a steak knife. Not just regular steak-knife-proof luggage, of course: technologically awesome steak-knife-proof luggage.

Have Technology, Will Travel

The first thing I came across is a vinyl-to-mp3 conversion USB turntable suitcase from buy.com. It comes with editing software, bass and treble control and plays three speeds (33 1/3, 45 and 78). While this luggage IS hard-cased, unless I’m on my way to convert my Gramma’s old drive-in tunes to play on her new computer-box, this luggage would be worthless. The next item I came across was called “Spacepak.” Spacepak is sold by a company called Flight 001 and consists of a series of bags, one for regular clothes, one for undergarments, one for suits, one for shoes, etc. Each bag is over-filled and has one-way air vents on the side, so as you zip the bag up, the air is pushed out and your bag is compressed down to a manageable size. How the bags keep air from coming in through the zipper, I’ll never know. There are videos on Youtube and Vimeo of the notat-all effeminate co-founder demonstrating his product, if you’re so inclined. Unfortunately, Spacepak isn’t luggage, just a system to make more clothes fit better in your current luggage, so it won’t help me out, either.

None of these were helping me in my luggage quest, so after continued searching, I stumbled upon TrendHunter.com’s website, and I think I may have found the answer: the suitcase bicycle. Unfortunately, TrendHunter is a little light on links and even lighter on technical descriptions, but it appears that this “suitcase bike” was shown at the Canton Fair in China by a Chinese inventor. According to the pictures, it looks as if the seat attaches to the top of the suitcase, the pedals attach to posts on the side of the suitcase, the rear tire (with derailleur and chain) pops out of the back while the front set (handlebars down to front fork) and front tire are attached to the front of the suitcase. The suitcase itself is the bicycle frame. This definitely solves my problem: it’s hard-shelled (so thieves can’t get easy access to my unmentionables) while still being somewhat techy (so I’ll be the coolest kid at the airport). Also, I would love to see the look on the faces of the TSA officials as I bike to my terminal. Anyone up for the Tour de Gulfport-Biloxi International?

8 Tower from page 1

USA’s Board of Trustees named it for Moulton and his wife, Geri, in honor of his commitment to USA. It features an amphitheater, water gardens, and a multipurpose activity space that can seat more than 140 people for events. On the Walls of Honor, located in the plaza, names of historical leaders and USA National Alumni Association lifetime members are inscribed. “Students, we are truly the benefactors of these gifts,” SGA President Kimberly Proctor said. “Each day, these bells will sound to mark


Vanguard the moments in our lives as students. Whether they ring while we are in class, or we hear them as we visit with friends, they will mark the memories we will cherish for a lifetime.” Proctor thanked the Moultons for their dedication to bettering the University, calling the plaza USA’s “new cornerstone.” Seeing the bell tower dedication made Moulton “appreciate all the hard work everyone at USA has done,” he said after the ceremony. At the end of the night, fireworks were on display above the Jaguar Track and attendees dined on a free buffet provided by the University.

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I don’t know what kind of credentials Bob Riley sees in President Moulton for him to chair the committee mentioned in last week’s Vanguard. I find it asinine that an Environmental Committee would be chaired by a University President whose university hardly supports plastic recycling. From what I can

Regions from page 2

Online from page 1

leged access without paying any fees?” The building and activity fees that Proctor referred to are ones that online students haven’t had to pay in the past. The issue can be confusing; this is the first time University fees have been lumped together with tuition. So for the first time, online students do, in fact, pay activities and building fees. “We wanted a pricing strategy that was clear to parents and students … so we simplified the pricing structure,” said David Johnson, vice president of Academic Affairs. Because online students now pay these fees, Johnson said administrators thought it was appropriate for these students to have access to student ID

cards if they want. John Smith, vice president of Student Affairs, explained that online students would have access to the Student Recreation Center and other on campus facilities, just like other students. Proctor expressed frustration that the Student Government Association (SGA) wasn’t included in the decision making process. If something concerns students, Proctor said, then the Administration should at least ask for the SGA to give their thoughts on the subject. This new option for online students to buy ID cards has only been available for about a week, so response has not been very high, according to University officials.

October 11, 2010

According to the USA Foundation, the maintenance of the area is Region’s to take care of. Region’s relocated its building after experiencing multiple problems that occur in older buildings and water standing in the building. “We had experienced water in our building three times and we had engineering problems, problems with the various formations settling and sinking around the site,” McLean said. “So rather than spending the money to rehabilitate that and also rehabilitate a building that was very inefficient energy-wise, it made more sense for us to move up the hill, get out of the water and build a building that was more efficient,” he said. Until recently the area appeared to be an unkempt plot with grass more than knee high surrounding the palm trees that were planted in the spring. “I’m just glad they’ve cut the grass,” McLean said. “It was starting to look like a hay field.”

tell, the President has shown no former involvement to show he is worthy of such a spot. If there are any past environmental involvements or experience in environmental disaster relief Gordon Moulton has, please inform me. Thank you, Jeffrey Gill

Send your Letters to the Editor to USAVanguard.Editor@Gmail.com.

October 11, 2010







10 Jags Deserve Shot at BCS Championship (Sort Of)

Matthew Peterson

MANAGING EDITOR mwp601@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

Once again, the football Jaguars rolled to an impressive win, this time over Missouri S&T, 45-6. But will the national media notice? Will USA move into the top 25 after going undefeated last season and a 5-0 record so far this time? No, they won’t notice. Instead, we’ll be lucky to be mentioned on the ESPN scores ticker, and USA will remain outside of the top 25. What do we need to get noticed? A blue field? How much of a rankings boost is that worth? USA has won its five games thus far by an eye-popping differential of 226 points, averaging 45 more points than its opponents. How many more “style points” do you need, AP? The Jags have averaged nearly 250 yards rushing per game with 21 touchdowns while only allowing 57.8 yards per game and a single rushing touchdown. And the passing game is nothing to sneeze at either, with nearly 200 yards per game. How can you argue with the power of the Jag defense when they’ve only allowed 30 points all season, averaging only six points per game? I can hear it now: “But you didn’t play anyone! Those teams are all horrible!” Yeah, I guess we don’t play in a powerhouse like the WAC, where every week means a potential crushing defeat by a top-10 team of championship caliber, wearing down your team with injuries week after week and never giving you a rest. We don’t compete against powerhouses like the Wyoming Cowboys who didn’t win a bowl game from 1966 to 2004. Or maybe we should schedule tough teams like the Toledo Rockets, who allow nearly 30 points per game and actually lost to previously mentioned Wyoming. Then again, the blue field thing may be the best idea.

This Week in Football: South Alabama At Lamar University Oct. 16, 2010 Provost Umphrey Stadium

Matt Weaver Sports Editor jmatthewweaver@aol.com

October 11, 2010

Jags Going Away Party

South Alabama Football Outmans Missouri S&T With 45-6 Victory

Jake Wasdin

SPORTS REPORTER jake-wasdin11@yahoo.com

South Alabama opened the toughest part of the 2010 schedule in impressive fashion Saturday, defeating Missouri S&T 45-6 at Ladd-Peebles Stadium. Enrique Williams finished the contest with a career-high eight tackles and forced the fumble that linebacker Randon Carnathan ran back for a touchdown late in the first quarter as the Jaguars improved to 12-0 to start their march to Division 1 football. “I came free on a twist, where we send the defensive linemen through the gap and I came through free on the other gap,” Williams said. “I came in and made the play.” The Jags won convincingly despite the Miners doing what only Nicholls State has done all season - putting the Jags behind early. The scoring began as Jordan Means kicked a 36-yard field goal to open up the game. The field goal marked Means’ career long which capped off a 41-yard drive, to give the Jags a 3-0 lead. After South received the ball again, they gave possession back to the Miners at the USA 26-yard line. Missouri S&T wasted no time as they scored on a 11-yard pass, to take a 6-0 lead. South Alabama quickly responded when Ross ran up the gut of the defense for a 14yard score. The drive went for 67 yards as the Jags connected with a long pass and a couple of runs, regaining the lead at 10-6. After the kickoff, the Miners faced a 3rd and 8 from the 24-yard line. It was then that Enrique Williams recorded his sack. South Alabama would watch its lead grow to 17-6 after Carnathan’s touchdown return.

Colin McGee | Photo Editor

Senior Wide Receiver Courtney Smith from New Orleans, La., brushes off defenders during Saturday's game. Smith had three catches for 73 yards against the Missouri S&T Miners.

“I thought the defense played very well,” South Alabama head coach Joey Jones said. “Obviously, they made an early drive, but as always our coaches on the sideline made adjustments and our kids adjusted.” In the second quarter, running back Ken Houston scored on a 3-yard touchdown set up by Bryant Lavender’s 38-yard gain. The score climbed to 24-6. Still in the second quarter Houston scored on a 11-yard rush extending the Jaguars lead 31-6.

In the third, Miles Gibbons scored a 1-yard sneak making the lead 38-6. Gibbons had the lone score of the third quarter. Still rolling on offense, the Jag’s Santaun McGee scored a 7 yard touchdown rush, increasing the lead 45-6. South Alabama’s running game contributed 202 yards of their 369-yard total. The Jags will travel to Beaumont, Texas to face Lamar University on Saturday. Kickoff is set for 6 p.m.

USA Faces Toughest Test of Season at Lamar Matt Weaver

SPORTS EDITOR jmatthewweaver@aol.com

The University of South Alabama football program will begin the toughest challenge of its young existence Saturday evening when it travels to Beaumont, Texas for a transitioning-team matchup against Lamar University. South Alabama (5-0) will leave on Friday morning to make the near-7-hour bus ride to Beaumont and will experience only its second-ever road contest. But unlike the nearby Dothan, Ala. contest against Edward Waters, faraway Lamar will be strongest test for the young Jaguar program. “Lamar is a very good team,” South Alabama head coach Joey Jones said. “They are a transitioning program as well but they carry the same drive and values as we do. Our kids are going to have to keep working every day to improve.” Jones has said that the team won’t change anything in practice this week despite such a different game plan. “The next three weeks are going to be

Colin McGee I Photo Editor

Jaguar football head coach Joey Jones. Football plays on the road at Lamar this week.

very tough,” Jones said. “We’ve built a lot of momentum this season so I don’t feel the need to change anything. We’re treating this like we have every other

game and we’ll continue to do so until we’ve stopped responding to it.” The Cardinals (3-3) are coached by former NFL defensive tackle Ray Woodard and is leading Lamar after a 21-year absence from college football. Coming off a win over Langston College, the Cardinals are 1-2 over their past three games and have suffered a mixed bag of results in the first half of the season. Junior quarterback Andre Bevil (Navarro College transfer) was 14-of-25 last week and should again be a passing threat against the usually stout Jaguar secondary. “We moved the ball much better against Langston [than we have lately],” Woodard said. “We played a lot better in the second half than we have in the first where we have been sluggish at times.” South Alabama and Lamar will collide at the newly renovated Provost Umphrey Memorial Stadium in Beaumont. Kickoff is set for 6 p.m. Follow the game live on the Vanguard Sports Twitter @USAVGSPORTS.




October 11, 2010

Maple Bats Has Jeff Gordon Become Just Another Driver? Just Part of the Problem NASCAR

Matt Weaver

SPORTS EDITOR jmatthewweaver@aol.com

Running sixth in the playoffs and with only one win in his past three seasons, has Jeff Gordon become just another face? As a young boy, I was enamored by Gordon’s mystique. The California Kid took NASCAR by storm and by the end of the 90’s, had become a cultural phenom. In what still seems like a passing of the torch, Richard Petty retired on the same day as Gordon’s first start. Fans would later say it was symbolic and fitting - the dawn of a new era. Armed with master crew chief Ray Evernham, Gordon was unstoppable. He would win 47 races and three championships from 1995-1998 and would even dethrone the legendary Dale Earnhardt as NASCAR’s king. By 2000, Evernham had left to start his own race team. But the magic was still there. Gordon and new crew chief Robbie Loomis won 23 races together, even capturing Gordon’s last crown in 2001. But times have changed. Gordon is still popular amongst fans and the media but isn’t the force he once was. The consistency is still there, given his 12 runner-up finishes over the past three seasons. Yet the wins just aren’t coming. Most blame it on current crew chief Steve Letarte. His mechanical miscues have far outweighed his success but a driver of Gordon’s caliber has to be held accountable.

John W. Ferguson/Getty Images for NASCAR

Jeff Gordon, driver of the #24 DuPont car, fields questions during the NASCAR Media Day event at the London Hotel on Sept. 15, 2010 in New York City.

Letarte gave Gordon a winning car for each of those runner-up races but Jeff has been unable to close the door. This is especially true on restarts and

overdrive finishes. Gordon just doesn’t have the aggressive drive that is needed to win in 2010. Things had best change soon. Gordon is still NASCAR’s second most popular driver (behind Dale Earnhardt Jr.) and could even win the 2010 championship without a victory. But short of a fifth title, Gordon’s stock will continue to fall. Just ask Walmart, who turned down the opportunity to take over as Gordon’s primary sponsor for 2011. Walmart had to have seen Gordon as a marketable-but-aging vet who just doesn’t bring a lot to the table without victories. Finances definitely played a part in that deal falling through but the truth is that the Jeff Gordon brand needs a jump-start. It’s obvious to most that Steve Letarte just isn’t working. It’s time to cut ties, especially given the success of Jimmie Johnson and crew chief Chad Knaus. It’s not that Letarte is a failed crew chief. He’s not. Letarte has worked in Hendrick Motorsports since 1996 (at age 16) and has been groomed for the role by both Evernham and Loomis. Letarte’s usually loose set-ups just aren’t working for Gordon. In other words: it’s not you, it’s me. Gordon likely has five more years left in his legendary career. Drastic changes must be made or else something sadder will happen. Jeff will become just another has-been legend.


Vanguard Sports Poll LAST WEEK:

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* Yes * No “As much as I hate to say it, the Braves have no chance! They’ll challenge the Giants in the Division Series but that’s the end of the line for Bobby Cox. Philadelphia is just too strong.” -Aaron Fiveash, USA Junior

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-The Jaguar football notebook is a new semi-regular feature that will provide the latest news and notes on the South Alabama gridiron. -Jag running back Brandon Ross exited Saturday‛s game with what was believed to be a sprained left knee. The Jags leading rusher had an MRI on Sunday and will be thoroughly evaluated on Monday. -The toughest road trip of the season begins on Friday as the Jags head to Beaumont, Texas to play Lamar University. The Vanguard will provide live play-by-play and analysis on Twitter @USAVGSPORTS See you there!

Alex Whalen

ASSOCIATE EDITOR alexwhalen@gmail.com

Major League Baseball has been talking for years about the problem with maple bats. Unlike bats made of ash, maple bats have a higher tendency to explode when they break, sending chunks of sharp wood at players and fans. I wasn’t terribly interested in the debate. But then a maple bat took out one of my Cubbies, and that’s going too far. Chicago Cubs outfielder Tyler Colvin was headed home from third when a shard from his teammate’s bat impaled him, puncturing his lung. But this is old news. Then again, so is the danger of maple bats – yet they’re still around. The problem, as usual, is the Player’s Association, which must approve an equipment ban like this. I can see where the MLBPA is coming from – a player’s bat is a sacred thing. Those players who have fallen in love with their maple bat are understandably hesitant to give up their baby. But I think the problem with maple bats is indicative of a much larger problem that starts in college: the dreaded aluminum bat. College athletes are not what they used to be; they’re so very much more. They’re more athletic, more skilled, more competitive, and much stronger. So why on earth are college baseball players still using aluminum bats? There has also been talk for years about banning aluminum bats in college because balls hit off aluminum bats are supposedly traveling much faster than if they were hit off a wooden bat. In reality, the problem with aluminum bats is they can have long barrels and thin handles and not break, unlike their wooden counterparts. It’s during college that players really tune their swing and begin honing their skills to perfection. Developing a good baseball swing is about repetition and consistency, so it’s understandable why a player would want a wooden bat that has a similar shape and weight. And this is why the Player’s Association is so reluctant to give up their bats. A change in the bat means their swing will suffer, which means their average will drop, and that affects their livelihood. The problem is that when players want a wooden bat that’s similar to the aluminum one he learned on, the wooden bat has a high risk of breaking. A long barrel puts even more stress on an already-too-thin handle, causing it to break. By requiring wooden bats with thicker handles at the collegiate level, resistance to these changes will eventually fade at the major league level. Perhaps the MLBPA will become more receptive to changes in bat construction sometime in the near future. In the meantime, baseball players and fans will benefit from action taken at the collegiate level – something the MLBPA has no say over. Changes are already in place in the minors, but the desire for bats with dangerous proportions must be stopped sooner. And if younger players are already comfortable with swinging a wooden bat, it will decrease the amount of time they spend in the minors. It’s change at the collegiate level that’s needed to get the most out of changes in the majors.





Alex Whalen Opinion Editor AlexWhalen@gmail.com

October 11, 2010


Common Courtesy Not Thing of Past


ith an average age of 25.5, you’d expect USA students to be more courteous than their counterparts at other universities, but we’ve found the opposite is true. For example, the housing staff has offered small trash cans in front of the dormitories for small amounts of trash that may need to be thrown away on the way out of the dorm rooms. In clear disregard for decency, and not to mention the explicit signs, students continue to put their trash bags in those cans, filling them up to the point that others cannot put their small trash in them. Not only that, but then they pile these trash bags on top of and around the cans, all of this while a dumpster is another 25 yards away. Here is where we could say things like “your mother doesn’t work here,” “act your age,” and “you know, people have to clean that up,” but we won’t say that. That should be obvious. USA students also manage to show the depth of their self-centeredness in other arenas, like the cafeteria. Like most grown-up and even grade-school cafeterias, USA’s requires those who eat there to put their dirty dishes up. They don’t even make you

wash them yourself -- only put them somewhere other people can. Instead of performing this simple courtesy, some simply leave their dishes on the table for others to clean up, because, of course, they have better things to do. Others leave them on top of the trash cans in spite of a, you guessed it, explicit sign not to. Additionally, in our brand-new, beautiful, wellstocked recreation center, many students continue to leave their weights on machines for others to take off. Yeah, we’re all impressed you can bench that much, but at least expend a few minutes in your protein-riddled brain in considering that someone else has to deal with those weights. Granted, these three examples don’t apply to all students -- probably not even most. It is common enough to warrant mention, though. We don’t want to belabor the point, but our campus is growing, all for the benefit of current students and those who come after us. Yet those students continue to treat it with such disregard that we’re wondering if many of them even deserve it. And maybe our representatives in the Student Government could set the tone by not trashing the campus in celebration of it, too.

Students only had a three day class week thanks to USA’s first Fall Break. We get your thoughts on its length and timing within the semester. I think Fall Break was perfect. No complaints whatsoever. I still had to work in the afternoon, but it was a nice break from schoolwork.

Cameron Gibson Sophomore Internat’l Studies

I enjoyed it, but the break didn’t seem long enough. But now we have Saturday exams because of Fall Break, but I guess two days is better than none.

Alabama Lottery: Just Another Tax on the Poor Efforts to rejuvenate public school systems in Alabama have become a more prominent issue during the past few months, as Alabama gubernatorial candidate Ron Sparks proposed to develop a state lottery to fund state schools. Laci Alabama public Gagliano schools have seen a dismal past few years, with budget cuts galore affecting the 1,563 public schools in the state under Republican Gov. Bob Riley. In the tax-shy state of Alabama, public schools and universities are often just scraping by. Coupled with misguided spending, as well as funding cuts due to a recent failure on BP’s part to pay claims to the state, the public school systems are facing significant reductions in their budgets. Sparks, a Democratic candidate seeking to replace Riley in the November elections, says that revenue generated from legalizing a state lottery will help fund schools as well as create a scholarship program for the state similar to those currently available in Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee. I most assuredly agree that something should be done to pick up the fall of the state’s public education system, and soon. However, using a gambling system as incentive for individuals to

contribute to the state in order to gather funding for things like public education is an exploitative, inefficient and unfair measure, which typically preys upon the poor and whose merits aren’t as high as many proponents claim. Statistically, low-income and undereducated demographics contribute the most money toward the lottery, often falling into addiction and unfulfilled hopes for a chance at winning a quick fortune. Studies routinely conducted by the South Carolina Education Lottery show that people who hold less than a high school degree and who make under $10,000 per year account for the highest numbers of spending on lottery tickets. It’s certainly debatable the degree to which lotteries target the poor, but numbers in other states’ studies consistently show that the poor and uneducated outnumber the rest and most frequently fall victim to the addictive properties of gambling. One way to account for the seeming lack of ability of some to curb their lottery spending and recognize the exorbitantly low odds of winning is a cognitive phenomenon called “gambler’s fallacy.” Gambler’s fallacy refers to the common illusion that with every loss, the player gets closer to finally winning. This keeps those people who are playing more out of desperation than leisure coming back, hence the accusations that state lotteries prey on the poor. Creating a system in which the

poor and undereducated people in a state are more or less drawn into paying for public facilities to an unbalanced degree just to skirt higher taxation overall is a fallacy in itself. Because mostly people of a low income play the lottery, the lottery tax is considered a regressive tax, which in the long-term cannot properly balance a society and its economy. This means that the people who need access to public institutions the most because of their economic standing are inadvertently paying more money than other income levels, despite the use and need of said institutions by all levels of income. The lottery is, after all, a form of taxation, a small fact which goes ignored, especially with the promise of a reward, however small of a chance there is of actually obtaining that reward. Plus, it is by nature an unstable way of generating revenue, because if the numbers of people playing decline, the amount of money earned will decline as well. While I can recognize the good intentions behind the campaign to use a lottery as an additional source of funding for public schools in Alabama, I think that, ultimately, people will just have to come to terms with the fact that a tax is a tax, and no amount of promises or rewards will change the fact that it’s something we all must pay forward to ensure equal access to things like education for everyone.

Jasmine Clinton Senior Psychology

Fall Break definitely wasn’t long enough, but I thought it was timed pretty well, though. But I had to work the whole time.

Garrett Barry Sophomore Communications

I came from the University of Mobile and they get a whole week. Two days just isn’t long enough.

Lauren Higdon Sophomore Cardiology

Want a soapbox? Well, here you go!

Just e-mail your campus thoughts, complaints, or ideas to usacampuspulse@gmail.com and we’ll print them right here!




October 11, 2010

POINT COUNTERPOINT Euthanasia: Mercy Killing or Murder?

Editor’s Introduction: I’m not sure there’s such as thing as dying with dignity. But for those terminally ill patients who feel the only thing they have to look forward to is suffering, euthanasia may seem like a viable option. For many, though, euthanasia is a moral outrage both for the patient and the professional assisting in the suicide. Because this is such a huge topic, we’re going to limit the debate

Every Available Option

to potential legislation that makes euthanasia only available to those: 1) With terminal illnesses 2) Who undergo counseling prior to the “service” 3) Who go through an approval process. But, as we will see, these conditions in themselves can be problematic. Perhaps legislation like this ignores the core moral issues of the debate. We’ll let you decide.

A Shift of Focus

There is one thing that binds this procedure is far from easy, Euthanasia, like abortion and acknowledging the dignity that all of humanity, from the poorest with many conditions that must stem cell research, is a volatile each person holds within them. In beggar to the richest socialite — be met before a doctor aids the topic, especially when stepping addition, there does seem to be a death. From the day each of us is patient in euthanasia. beyond the ideological rightness universal desire for individual auborn, death is the only thing we For one, a patient must request or wrongness of it and attempting tonomy. But in what context is that can be certain of, and no amount euthanasia on three different to make euthanasia a legislated desire and dignity worked out? of denying, pleading, or bargainoccasions. This ensures that no option of public health care. Governmental legislation does ing, will change that. patient can undergo the proceThe volatility of these issues give a particular context – a legal Eventually the day will come dure on impulse, and that only arises not so much from the act one. However, the very nature of when a medical professional will emotionally stable individuals can concerned (generally involving law and our ability to apply and Imran walk into a hospital examination follow through with the decision. the ending of a life), but from a then enforce it are all limiting Tory room and tell each of us the same Mohiuddin Patients are also required to conflict of foundational presupfactors. It forces legislators to Albertson make rules that must, for the most news: we’re dying. When our time have their case repositions. These begins to dwindle, each of us viewed by a second are the underlypart, be black and white, dealing will have to determine how we’re going to physician, who must also ing notions we each hold with signs and symptoms. This effectively spend our last days on Earth. agree that no life preservthat dictate our approach turns the patient into a biological specimen Some will undeniably continue to fight ing measures can be taken. and response to the world rather than caring for the patient’s needs. the maladies that ravage their bodies until From the time when around us. Types of considerations that must be the end, while others will suspend treatDeath With Dignity was Ethics, and in this made from a governmental perspective ment and spend their remaining days with passed in 1995 to 2008, context bioethics, are the are: those who might qualify for euthanizatheir loved ones. A third group may decide only 401 patients had grounds on which these tion measures, a special type of counseling on euthanasia, choosing to approach death opted for and followed deeply held notions and prior to the procedure and how does this rather than wait for death to approach through with euthanasia foundations surface. For sort of measure become approved? All of them. requests, and euthanasia example, do we as indithese considerations, though, effectively Opponents worry about how euthanasia has resulted in a measly viduals have the right to turn the patient into a subject, ignoring the affects the sanctity of human life when 0.194 percent of the state’s take our own life? If so, person and the needs therein. dailymail.co.uk under what circumstances considering it as a treatment option. They total deaths. An interesting question at this point is, Doctor-assisted suicide is still a hotly is it permissible? If not, feel that if euthanasia becomes readily Under the right cir“So why do we need these rules?” If the available, people dealing with deprescumstances, euthanasia is debated type of euthanasia, both in why not, and are there any ability to end our own lives is a natural sion may turn to it rather than face their not a moral issue. Unlike exceptions? right, why do we need to have some legal the U.S. and abroad. problems. with the case of abortion, For legislation to take act or law that makes it a plausible option? Others believe that euthanasia will be the people affected by the place on an issue of this If euthanasia is some sort of inherent used as an alternative for pricey medical procedure know what’s going to happen nature, there must be a requirement that right, why is the thought of committing treatment and essentially put a price on to them, and it’s something they’ve chosen the government not be neutral. Roe v. suicide something that causes us to hesihuman life. after careful consideration. Wade would be a classic example here. Or- tate? While these are all valid concerns, it Eventually the day will come when we egon’s “Death with Dignity Act” is another More importantly, we seem to feel that takes only one look at Oregon’s Death all have to decide how we’re going to wrap example with a position held simply in the suicide, in many cases, is a violation of the With Dignity Act to establish that these up our lives. Though I don’t know what title. That is, we have a right to die with natural order of things. It’s something to claims are unfounded. Established in the future has in store for me, I hope when dignity. be held in disdain, not defended. 1995, the Act allows doctors to assist in the the time comes I’ll have every possible opThere certainly is something very suicide of terminally ill patients. However, tion available when making my decision. compelling and intuitively acceptable in Continued online at usavanguard.com

Clearing the Air By Alex Whalen alexwhalen@gmail.com

The Game On the rare occasion when my wife and I get to just chill together at home, we like to watch TV. And since cable is a complete rip-off, we find the shows we want to watch online. But it seems like those in power are hellbent on ruining our evenings by trying to make every penny they can out of online content. This indicates a severe misunderstanding of the audience they’re trying to make money from. When Hulu first came out, it was a pretty

sweet deal. At the time, I didn’t even own a TV, so it was nice being able to watch new episodes of shows I enjoyed for free online. At first, Hulu relied on revenue generated by running short commercials. But eventually that revenue stream would plateau, prompting Hulu to start charging a fee to watch many shows that were once free. At about $10 a month, I wasn’t having any part of it. The whole reason my wife and I watch TV online is because we don’t want to have to pay for it. And we’re certainly not alone. We, the users of the Internet, should refuse to pay for intangible goods online. This is our heritage and we must embrace it. I don’t know why there are people online who are willing to pay for services like Hulu Plus. There are plenty of other ways to watch television shows and movies for free. If we support Hulu by paying for content they have no business charging for, then they won’t learn anything. It’s not really Hulu’s fault, though. It’s the copyright holders of the shows we enjoy

who don’t want us to be entertained unless they’re making money. This phenomenon is widespread – copyright holders sniffing the Internet trying to find people who are streaming video of copyrighted material. As expected, those who were streaming this content weren’t going to comply with requests to desist; they just got smarter and harder to find. One technique I’m a big fan of is to stream a reverse image of the program. So now we get to watch Peter Griffin teach Meg how to drive in a right hand drive car on the wrong side of the road. Many of our shows stream as a mirror image now, which instantly makes them into British comedies. Much classier. Yet the fight to take even this away from us continues to rage, while copyright holders continue to shell out money trying to stop this phenomenon. They just haven’t figured it out yet. I was there when Al Gore invented the Internet. I remember using my then superfast 1200 baud rate modem to connect to people hosting bulletin board systems. I

used to love playing silly text-based multi user dungeons (MUDs) for hours on end. And all of this was free. It is from this understanding that the Internet culture developed, and why the distribution of copyrighted material will continue in some form or another. I guess it’s just all part of the game. Software is developed, hackers crack the software and distribute it, developers patch the crack, and the cycle continues. I can understand software developers trying to protect their products. Though their goods aren’t, strictly speaking, tangible, they could lose potential revenue from customers who pirate, rather than buy, software they need. But the copyright holders of TV shows need to focus on their primary medium for revenue: actual television. They aren’t part of the game of hackers vs. software developers. So leave us and our backwards “Family Guy” alone and focus on making money somewhere other than the Internet.





Caption Contest

Do hilarious things come to mind when you see this photo? E-mail your funniest caption for it to usavanguard.editor@gmail.com. The winner will be published next week!

Vanguard Staff Staff usavanguard.editor@gmail.com

October 11, 2010

Caption Contest Results

Winner: “Alabama lottery: The winner gets one minute to grab what they can.” -Stephen Perry


Sudoku puzzles brought to you by USA’s Student Health Center. To make an appointment, call 251-460-7151. Rules: Fill each row, column, and square of nine boxes with the numbers one through nine without repeating any. Answer keys provided on www. usavanguard.com.

October 11, 2010



Service from page 1

this semester. Blake said the SL project is especially useful to her because she wants to teach English as a second language in the future. “So many people think they can only teach Spanish, but then they find out there’s other things they can actually do,” Britt said. Introducing students to real-life use of the language helps the community and gives students an edge in the increasingly competitive job market, she said. Some of last year’s students delivered bread and food to Hispanic families. Some volunteered at the Forest Hill Church of God bread ministry, USA’s Family Medical, and the Mobile County public school system, among others. Students who didn’t deliver food provided translation services for organizations. “At this point,” Britt said, “some services we have been reaching out to are looking for translation. … We can do some basic translations, but these are students in their third year of Spanish.” This year several students, some who study pre-pharmacy and Spanish, may be working with Walgreens, on the “front line” of flu shots, according to Britt. “There’s nothing majorly life-threatening they’re getting involved with – just basics, like name, any allergies – they aren’t translating for an operating room,” Britt laughed. It’s a practically application of the language, she said. So far, the only classes implementing this learning style have been third-year Spanish students of Mirella Chavez, Isabel Brown and Kristy Britt. The three sections worked together last fall for an incredibly successful experience and have been planning together this fall. “We didn’t know until the last day of class how it would turn out. … Out of the 59 students last fall that turned in papers, I do not believe I saw a single negative one,” Britt said. “It was a confidence-builder for their Spanish

15 skills and affirmed their reasons for studying Spanish.” Britt said she was not surprised to hear that some students enjoyed the SL project. Now, some students are studying more Spanish as minors or double majors because of the work, she said. Martez Stewart, a senior Biological Sciences major, said he completed one of Britt’s classes last fall but skipped the SL portion because he lacked the time to complete the hours. If Stewart enrolls in more Spanish classes, he wants to complete the SL project to enhance his learning, he said. Britt said she removed one element from her original syllabus – requiring students to complete 45 journal entries in Spanish – to fit in the SL project without overwhelming students. The German classes and French classes also require students to complete projects outside of class, Britt said, so Spanish students aren’t the only ones doing SL work.




October 11, 2010

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