March 25, 2013 Issue

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VOL. 52, NO. 10

“If it matters to the USA family, it matters to us.”

MAR. 25, 2013

SGA ELECTIONS 2013-14: WHO DESERVES TO SPEAK FOR YOU? Voting begins Monday through your JagMail account In 100 words or less: The Presidential Candidates I would best serve the University of South Alabama student body as SGA President due to my experience serving on SGA for three years which has allowed me to work with students in all fields and with University officials and administrators. I am a team player and am able to work effectively with others. I am not afraid to ask for help, and when help is given, I give credit where credit is due. I am not afraid to ask questions and I am not afraid of criticism. Voting for President? There’s only one way: Riley Davis for USA!

Riley Davis Presidential Candidate

As a student at USA I have seen tremendous change and improvement. However, there remains a disconnect of sorts. Students feel as if they face a constant uphill struggle for their wants and needs as students. As SGA President I can and will fill that void. I will take the position to new arenas not only within SGA, but local and State as well; promising to always have the best for USA at heart. I will not only be a representative, I will be the advocate to the student body. My job will consist of not only the every day tasks, but I will actively pursue routes to exceed any expectations ever held for the position.

Zakary Gosa-Lewis Presidential Candidate

Turn to page 5 to begin a comprehensive guide to the candidates running for office CASSIE FAMBRO | EDITOR

Students concerned: Is parking ticket frequency rising? By JAYSON CURRY

More on parking tickets: turn to page 4 for the perspective from student ticket writers


he students at the University of South Alabama have expressed dismiss and confusion recently over the USA parking rules and regulations, more specifically why they were given a ticket. While many students complain about parking, one is saying that students need to learn personal responsibility. “Too many people complain about getting tickets after 1:45 p.m. and many of them are misled on the rules that apply there. You still have to have a current parking permit and you must stay in student spaces (white lined). Any variation from this will put you at

risk of a ticket,” USA student Daniel Lowe said. “Don’t just take what people tell you about parking for granted, read the rules and regulations yourself,” Lowe added. Students at USA have come accustomed to this debate over parking at USA and most believe there aren’t enough spots for students to park but the rules for parking have rarely changed. According to USA Parking Services, every vehicle on campus must have a parking permit of some sort. Each student with a permit must park in their correct zone from 7a.m. to 1:45 p.m. every Monday through Friday. Students may only park in teacher spots after 5 p.m. on those same days. Many students vented their frustration

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with heir parking ticket recently on The Vanguard’s Facebook. Some believe the issuing of tickets has risen in the past few weeks and in part because of who is ticketing for USA. “As a part of some departmental realignments last year, student ticket writers have now been hired to assist with the enforcement of the USA’s parking regulations,” USAPD Capt. Keith West said. West added the thought of tickets rising was an inaccurate perception West also serves as the Parking Director for USA. According to the numbers from USAPD there has actually been a decrease in issued tickets from last year to this year. From January 16, 2012 through Feb-

Check out our digital edition

Some students park anywhere...

ruary 17, 2012 there was 6,999 citations issued compared to only 4,871 from January 14 through February 22 this year. Another issue that has come up is students are now finding their cars booted, in other words, their wheels are locked down and rendered immobile. According to the parking policy at USA,

Photo by JT Crabtree

any violation of parking rules and regulations can cause your car to be booted. The rules on parking boots ranges from parking in the wrong zone to parking in an unregulated non-parking area like a sidewalk or on grass. The boot itself will cost you a $20 See TICKET Page 4

In this Issue: Life, Page 11 Sports, Page 15 Opinion, Page 9


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013

2013 SGA candidate’s forum answers student concerns By STUART SOX


he 2013 SGA candidate’s forum was held Wednesday night and was unlike any debate in years past. Complete with TV cameras and a host, JagTV recorded the event and posted the video on Facebook, YouTube and will air this week on JagTV’s channel. At the forum, candidates running for SGA attorney general, treasurer, chief justice, vice president and president answered questions from envelopes presented by the SGA elections committee, from Twitter and Facebook, courtesy of The Vanguard, and from the student audience in attendance at the event. The candidate’s forum was moderated by sophomore and broadcast journalism major Colton Bradford. “We hope to give you an in-depth look at the candidates for our campus’ student government,” Bradford said at the forum. Danielle Watson and Thomas Pearson are the candidates running for the position of attorney general, whose responsibilities include the SGA’s connections with the Stars Committee and

organizing Higher Education Day. Watson is a sophomore and a BMD major and Pearson is senior and a criminal justice major. From The Vanguard’s Facebook page, USA student Phillip Bell commented that the JagTran routes are outdated, especially for engineering students. When asked his opinion on this issue and how he would change it Pearson said, “Going through and mapping out where the JagTrans currently run and updating that system would not be very difficult to do.” On the same topic, Watson said, “I do believe we need to have more routes throughout the campus seeing that there are more buildings being added.” Sidney Jackson, a junior and accounting major, is running for treasurer unopposed this year. When asked by Bradford how he is fit for the job, Jackson said, “I was treasurer for my fraternity, which was a pretty big job, we do very similar things like set up budgets and appropriate money for good causes…also I’m an accounting major.” For the chief justice position Colin

Al-Greene, a graduate student in the MBA program, will be running against Vikash Pernenkil, a sophomore and biomedical sciences major. The chief justice oversees parking ticket appeals, supervises all activities of all judicial courts and keeps up-todate copies of the SGA constitution and code of laws. “Parking has been identified as an issue on campus…what regulation changes do you think would be beneficial to the university?” Bradford asked the candidates. “One of the main things I think can be improved on is improving the JagTran system…I think if it was a more effect system more people will use it and leave their cars parked in a separate location,” Al-Greene answered. “I feel like the SGA has done as much as it can and now it’s the administration’s part…when you go to park there are like 30 or 40 faculty spots empty…maybe transferring those over to student spots, if they’re not being used, would be a good idea,” Pernenkil responded. For the vice president position, William Pearson, a senior and infor-

mation systems major, is running unopposed. This office is responsible for presiding over weekly senate meetings, coordinating SGA related events and serving as editor of the student handbook, The Lowdown. “What do you feel is the biggest challenge at the university and how do you plan to use your role as vice president to impact it?” Bradford asked Pearson. “My main focus right now is getting the student center renovated… it’s going to take a lot of push from the students to get the administration rolling on those renovations,” Pearson responded. When asked about whether or not the campus can be made “wet” again, Pearson said, “I don’t see a problem with this at all…if we could make our campus wet on Friday and Saturday night it would entice students to stay and hangout on campus.” Running for president this is year are Riley Davis, a junior majoring in criminal justice, and Zakary GosaLewis, a junior and political science major. Davis currently serves as the SGA chief justice and Gosa-Lewis

currently serves as the SGA attorney general. The president serves as the official spokesperson for SGA and ensures accurate and updated records of SGA events, funds and inventory. The president also meets with the board of trustees and various other university committees. “Where do you see South Alabama in 10 years and how do you see the role of SGA growing and developing with the future vision of South Alabama?” Bradford asked both candidates. “I see South Alabama in the next 10 years in contest with Auburn as the second biggest university in the state… you’ll see Mobile become a college town and that’s going to improve our retention,” Gosa-Lewis responded. “In 10 years I see South Alabama flourishing…catering to students needs and their specific learning styles,” Davis answered. From the student audience in attendance at the candidate’s forum, Patrick Collins of the college of arts and sciences asked, “With the student forum of SGA, how are you going to drum See SGA DEBATE Page 3


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013

PAGE three

“University of South Alabama’s Student Voice”

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Send letters and guest columns to: The Vanguard University of South Alabama P.O. Drawer U-1057 Mobile, Ala., 36688. Or Letters and guest columns must be received by 7 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication. Submissions should be typed and must include the writer’s name, year, school and telephone number. All submissions become the property of The Vanguard. The Vanguard reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for length and clarity. Letters will be limited to 300 words. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writer. The Staff Editorial represents the consensus opinion of the Editorial Board, which is composed of the Editor in Chief, Copy Editor, Senior Reporter, and Opinion Editor. All members of the Editorial Board have the same weight. The Vanguard has a commitment to accuracy and clarity and will print any corrections or clarifications. To report a mistake, e-mail editor. The Vanguard is published Mondays during the academic year, except for exam periods and vacations, and is published twice each summer. The Vanguard is supported in part by an allocation from student activity fees and operates in the Student Media Department of the Division of Student Affairs. Issues are available at most University buildings and select off-campus locations. The first copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each. Freelance writers will receive payment at the discretion of the section editor and will be notified.

Twitter: StormTeam4g9wx Facebook: Graphic courtesy of student meteorologist Patrick Bigbie

USA Police Blotter 251-460-6312 03/15/2013 14:50 Burglary First Degree The Grove Bld #8 Three individuals unlawfully entered a dwelling in the Grove and unlawfully removed items.

03/16/2013 9:37

Residential Burglary reported in the Delta 2 residence hall.

03/17/2013 5:27 Criminal Trespass Property Damage Two known ind were criminal trespassing in a known location.

Abandoned Vehicle Mitchell Center Parking lot

03/21/2013 8:42

Vehicle was towed from the softball parking lot

Theft of Property Second Degree (Greater than $500to $2,500) Labs of Infectious Disease

03/16/2013 23:08 Burglary- Residence- No Force Delta #2

The crime of theft property in the Second Degree was committed in the construction site of the new Laboratory of Infectious Disease.

SGA cont. from page 2 up more support and actually hear from actual students?” “Being able to be a presence in the student activities arena…I love student activities, I love going to all the meetings,” Gosa-Lewis said in response. “I think the reason a lot of students don’t come is because they don’t know it’s available for them...just letting people know that it is an option,” Davis responded. In her “final words” for why students should vote for her, Davis said, “I’m a team player, I honestly have the best interests of the student body at heart and I have served on SGA for the past three years.” For his “final words,” Gosa-Lewis said, “I think I should serve as a lobbyist to the administration from the student body…at the end of the day what I want is for students to say that Zak Gosa-Lewis stood up for students.” This year’s SGA candidate’s forum can be viewed on YouTube on JagTV’s channel, “jagtvusa.” It will also air on JagTV, channel 63 on the campus cable system, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night at 6 p.m. Primary elections for SGA will begin via JagMail on Monday, March 25 and end on Wednesday, March 27. Run-offs will begin on April first and end April third.

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The Vanguard, the student-run newspaper of the University of South Alabama, serves its readership by reporting the news involving the campus community and surroun ding areas. The Vanguard strives to be impartial in its reporting and believes firmly in its First Amendment rights.


More tickets?

The Vanguard talks to students leading a double life: Student ticket writers

Continued from pg. 1 ticket and the possibility of more if you attempt to move your car or remove the boot. Also currently you must have a balance of less than $250 to register for classes next fall as you did this fall but this number could change. “Currently any student with more than $250 in outstanding fines on their account will not be allowed to register for any class. That figure may be lowered for the fall semester; however, that decision has not been made at this time. We will notify the campus community of any changes to threshold amount, as well as any other changes. If the student has any account balance that is above $0, not just outstanding parking violations, then the registrar places a hold on any transcripts,” Keith West explained. For students who have would like to appeal or pay a ticket you must go to cmn/index.aspx. After following this link you can appeal, pay and order a parking permit from the same page. Any other questions or information can be found at



he Vanguard recently sat down with two South Alabama parking services employees, who are also students at USA, also issue tickets on campus. Per wishes of parking services and the students themselves, they were allowed to remain unnamed. The two students gave interesting accounts and thoughts on parking, and specifically parking tickets on campus. Each had run into students that accosted them verbally as well as many students who claim ignorance about the parking rules and regulations. “We give out tickets and a lot of times we don’t even encounter a ton of students at one time, because they are in class but every now and then you do encounter students in the parking lot. My encounters have overall been decent. I’m not getting cussed out most of the time, but there are a few that will dog-cuss you,” Student A said. “Most of the time they realize they did something wrong but they are

cussing you for whatever reason. Most of the time you have people like “hey why did I get this ticket,” and they usually say they didn’t realize that’s the way it was,” He added. “We just go out and look for tickets. People don’t come up to you very often, usually the people that have problems just yell across the parking lot,” Student B said. “Don’t park wrong and I won’t have to give you a ticket,” He explained. Both students say they have been recognized in their classes but the encounters in class are much better than when they are on duty handing out tickets. “In every one of my classes this semester people have realized I’m the guy that goes out to give tickets,” Student A said. “They make a few jokes but they don’t hammer me too hard.” Both students did agree that the most common tickets they issue are for zone violations and parking in a faculty parking spot before students are allowed. Both students do take as many chances as they can educate anyone that is confused about the rules

and regulations for parking on campus. “Parking in faculty/staff is a big one,” Student A explained. “People think because zone violations stop after 1:45 p.m. that it counts for faculty/staff spaces too but it really doesn’t. Faculty/ staffs are until 5 p.m.” “I have many conversations outside of work because people get misinformed and you just correct rect them and make sure they know,” Student A added. Both students also say they have seen many things posted online about parking services that lead other students to believe things that aren’t true. “A girl I know posted a picture on Facebook that she had gotten a ticket and one of my friends commented that I should take care of it. I can’t take care of it. There is nothing I can do,” Student B said. “Somebody wrote on The Vanguard’s Facebook page that we tell people where we are going to be ticketing. We don’t tell people where were going to be ticketing and we try to tick-

et everywhere. We don’t just go to one particular spot and were not going to get you every time,” Student B added. Also, the two students cleared up the misconception with why some people get tickets and others don’t. “Just because you park somewhere for three weeks and you don’t get a ticket and then the next week you doesn’t mean that’s a reason to argue getting the one ticket,” Student A said. “We can’t be everywhere and you just got lucky for those three weeks.”

‘Match Day’ 2013 a success for USA medical students By Alyssa Kaitlyn Newton


n March 15 South Alabama senior medical students attended the 2013 National Residency Matching Program to learn where they will be doing their residency training. This program, also known as Match Day, isn’t a very complicated process like many would believe. Students interview with several different residency programs and provide a list of their top programs. Then the training programs rank the students. From this the matches are selected for who will go to what residency programs. Sonia Savani, who matched in combined internal medicine and pediatrics, was ecstatic about the result of her experience. “Words cannot express the feeling of relief, happiness, pure thrill and excitement that washed over me when I read those words (the residency program) on the sheet of paper in front of me.” Savani said. Savani will be training at the Medical University of South Carolina in

Charleston, SC. Although many residencies will be sending South students all throughout the country, some were matched in programs that will stay right here in Mobile. Amy Freeman, a medical student who was accepted through South’s Early Acceptance program, was nothing but excited to continue her education at South. “I am thrilled to be doing my residency here,” Freeman said. “I interviewed with ten other residency programs and South Alabama just stood out to me as the best. The attending physicians are patient and just want to see you become the best doctor possible.” Freeman matched into the obstetrics and gynecology residency at USA. This is not her only accomplishment; she is also the first person in her family to graduate college and to pursue medical school. “It was difficult going through Match Day and not be able to have the advice of someone who has done

it before,” Freeman explained. “But I have an amazing group of medical school friends that kept me sane through everything.” Through Match Day over 24, 000 residency positions are competed for

Students await placement. Courtesy of USAMC PR.

across the United States. Savani closed her interview thanking USA for her time here. “USA has given me the absolute best education that I could ever have

wished for, and I will always be proud to be a jaguar.” Wherever the matches may take them, USA is proud of our fellow jaguars for their success.

Meet the Candidates INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Why are you running for this position? 2. Is there a parking problem on campus? Why or why not? 3. Are you a Greek? If so, state your affiliation. 4. What could be improved within SGA? 5. Which is more important; being a student or being an officer/ senator? 6. How important is transparency in SGA on a scale of 1-10? 7. Why is transparency important or not important to you? 8. What is your favorite thing about USA? 9. What is your least favorite thing about USA? 10. What is your favorite USA symbol? 11. What is your favorite USA sport? 12. Where is your favorite study spot? 13. Favorite place to eat on campus? 14. Describe yourself in one word. Senatorial candidates only: Answer in less than 50 words what you would do with $1,000 for your first senate project.

Editor’s note: All interviews were minimally edited for only blantant spelling/grammar errors.

4.Communica ng to the students is the biggest problem that SGA is currently facing. Ge ng the word out about the appropria ons process and events has been a huge problem this past year. Keeping SGA’s website up-to-date will be key. William Pearson Senior Informative Systems Vice President

1.A er having the pleasure of serving on the Senate for 2 years, and as the current Treasurer, I feel that the next step for me to take to help the students out most will be the Vice President Posi on. Aiding the Senate in the appropria on process is crucial for the success of SGA to support the student organiza ons financially. Communica ng to the student body about the appropria on process, and other important events, will also be a strong focus of mine. 2.At a University, students have to walk. However, the Senate is currently working on a project to provide a GPS system to track where each JagTran is on campus. These type of improvements will improve the parking problem.

5.The Student Government Associa on has always, and will con nue to aid student organiza ons financially. The appropria on of funds allows students to host events, a end conferences, and promote their organiza ons. Also, Senate involvement has improved tremendously this year compared to years past, and I hope to keep that mo va on going. 6.Educa on comes first. A er all, that is the reason we are here. Though, being a student should not get in the way of being an officer. A candidate with good me management skills and experience balancing classwork and a couple jobs, will be more than capable of being a successful officer. 7.With 10 being the most important, and 1 being the least important, transparency in SGA is a solid 10.


your elected officials accountable for how they spend YOUR student fees. Improving communica on will improve transparency. 9. Being able to watch a University grow so much over such a short period of me is a privilege that most college students do not get the opportunity to experience. The administra on is revamping the campus even more, and more students from across the country are choosing to call the University of South Alabama their home. This is a great me to be a Jaguar! 10.Currently, the fact that we do not have a Student Center is my least favorite thing about USA. Even with all of the campus improvements have be amazing addi ons to the University, we are missing a place for students to congregate in the center of campus… 11.Moulton Tower 12.Toss-up between basketball and baseball. Volleyball and soccer is pre y cool too. Actually, I like all of USA’s sports. 13.SGA office 14.The food court.

Alabama. Having more involvement in Higher Ed Day would not only benefit our student body, but also show our legislators that their work with higher educa on is important to us.

Thomas Pearson Senior Criminal Justice Attorney General

1.I have no ced a rise in tui on every year since I have been at South Alabama. The A orney Generals primary job is to raise awareness about higher educa on day that connects students with legislatures in power, which in turn, can help keep tui on down for students.

6.10—Students need to be able to know who the Senators are and when SGA meetings are being held.

6.Without doubt, transparency is of utmost importance and should therefore be a 10. 7.SGA is compiled of students for students. SGA operates with the purpose of suppor ng student organiza ons and student interests both financially and physically on campus. 8.Despite increases in tui on, seeing our campus grow both aesthe cally and increased student organiza on involvement leads to an increase in new student enrollment which brings more money back into circula on for the university.

3.Yes, I am the current Historian/ Alumni rela on’s liaison of Tau Kappa Epsilon.

9.My least favorite thing about USA is that some mes I feel that the administrators view USA as a business rather than a place to educate young people and let them grow. 10.Moulton Tower 11.Baseball 12.Library 13.The food court 14.Mo vated

8.Simply put, transparency enables YOU to easily research and hold

that I would embody daily even as a student.

5.Being a student always comes first. Extracurricular ac vi es, such as SGA, are meant as an outlet to experience college outside of the classroom.

2.I do believe there is a parking problem at South. Though I do not think that the problems lie with the number of spots, but in turn, where they are located. The two places on campus with the biggest parking problems are Stokes and Shelby Hall/ Mitchell College of Business.

4.One primary improvement I would like to see within SGA is be er awareness and par cipa on in Higher Educa on Day. I would like to see not only more involvement in the student body, but also more SGA involvement. Awareness of higher educa on and Higher Ed Day are cri cal to the growth of not only our campus, but also campuses across the state of

3.Yes, I am the current President of Tau Kappa Epsilon.

Ashley Danielle Ford Chemistry Senate

7.Transparency is very important because I want my fellow classmates to know me and feel comfortable to come to me with issues they want to see changed or improved.

1.I am running for a senate position because I want to aid in making USA the best university in the state of Alabama and I feel that I have the capabilities to help do so.

8.My favorite thing about USA is the medium to small teacher to student ratio because I am a student that likes to know that her professors realize they exist.

2.I do not believe that there is parking problems on campus; however, I lived on campus and my car was parked during the day which did not lead me to any parking encounters.

9.My least favorite thing about USA is the fresh food cafeteria for several reasons: the workers are not friendly, inadequate amounts of food choices, and the taste fluctuates.

3.Presently, I am not involved with any Greek organizations.

10.The jaguar is my favorite symbol at USA because jags symbolize swiftness, confidence, and diligence; as a student, I believe that every student to strive to embody some of the qualities as a jaguar.

4.Currently, I do not see anything that must be improved within SGA. 5.I am first a student, and then I would be a senator. My education is very important to me, but I am good at balancing my time and representing my school is a trait

11.By far football is my favorite sport because there is always so many more activities during football season than any other.


12.I study more effectively in my dorm room alone; therefore, my own room is my favorite place to study. 13.Einstein Brothers in allied health is my favorite place on campus to eat. 14.Although, I feel that there are many words that may describe me, but diligent is a term that I feel best summarizes my qualities. With 1,000 dollars for my senate project I would want to place more trash cans around campus, but especially around the housing buildings. We do not have enough small trash cans to just throw away small amounts of trash and if money was left I would add another dumpster in the housing area and a recycling dumpster. I would love to promote earth friendly atmosphere and more recycling would be great around campus.


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013

senator, I would like to know what is going on within one of the most involved organiza ons on campus. Being able to look through and actually see what’s happening is great and extremely important to me.

here for, but being a senator can enhance the me I have here as a student. 5. 8

Josef Hobdy Junior Biomedical Science College of Allied Health Senator

1. I am running for the College of Allied Health senator because I feel I am a leader that will adapt to our changing and growing university and work for the changes needed. 2. Due to the increase in student enrollment here at the university it has caused limited parking, pu ng a strain on many students. Certain ac ons should be taken to improve the current condi ons to accommodate our growing student body. 3. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. 4. Which is more important; being a student or a senator? A student, because that is what we all came

6. It is important to maintain the highest level of transparency with the student body, because they deserve to know what is being done for them. 7. I enjoy all the ameni es, and my quality educa on I am a aining here. 8. There is nothing I can say I like the least here at USA, but there is always room for improvement. 9. Jaguar 10. Football 11. My living room 12. Chick-fil-a 13. Ambi ous Given $1,000.00 to do a senate project for my college I would first check to see what can be done or is needed to improve my college and go from there on making a decision on what to do with the money.

because if you don’t then your problems will never be solved. 6. 10

Alex Owen Junior Geology, Composite Sciences Minor College of Arts and Sciences Senator

1.I am running for the posi on of senator, for the college of Arts and Sciences, because I want to have a say in what my college does to help students and I want to help propel my university to the be among the top universi es in the state. 2. There is most definitely a parking problem on campus. South’s campus is way too large to walk to class. Jag Tran is very unreliable and is looked down upon by a majority of the student popula on. If someone lives on campus then they are in trouble. 3. I am a brother of the Sigma Chi fraternity 4. I have not been on SGA before but what I can tell is that there needs to be stronger leaders elected and there needs to be ac ons taken so that more of student’s problems can be solved. 5. It’s not easy to be a good officer but it is more important to be a good student. It is your responsibility to let the officers know if you have any problems

7. Transparency is important because everyone needs to know what is going on. it will create a sense of honesty that will create trust. 8. USA is a honorable ins tu on with rigorous programs that are among some of the best in the south east. 9. There is a drop off from what administra on thinks and what students think. There is not much communica on and there needs to be more students opinions in the decision making process.

Tiffany Le Freshman Elementary Education Senator

1. I am running for this posi on because I feel like I can represent my college well and I also want a say so on campus. By going to some of the SGA mee ngs, I have come to realize that SGA holds a lot of power on campus. I want to be evolved in some of the decisions made that are going to affect my years at South. 2.Some what, Central Parking is awful! The parking lot in front of the Humani es building is always packed around lunch me. I once drove around for over 30 minutes looking for a spot and nothing cleared up. So I then had to park by the Mitchell center and walk to class there. 3.No, I am not Greek 4.Student body presence at mee ngs, not many students come to the mee ngs. And if you are not at the mee ngs, it’s really hard to know what’s going on. 5. Being a student is definitely more important than being a senator. Grades will always come first. Although I will take pride in being a senator and will always do my best, I am a student at South first and foremost. 6.Transparency in SGA is very important, I’d say a 9 on the scale. As SGA we are governing the student body. The student body must know that they can look within SGA and know what we’re doing, and also know that we’re open to things. 7.It’s important to me because in a students point of view who isn’t a

8.Our school spirit is by far the most favorite thing about USA. We JAGSWAG everywhere we go. Students and faculty are always enthused no ma er what’s is going on here at South. Everyone is so happy and proud to be a Jag! 9.My least favorite thing about USA would have to be how far the walks are from class to class! 10.My favorite USA symbol is our mascot SouthPaw! He is always so happy and he represents South very well! He never misses an event on campus. 11.My favorite USA sport is Men’s Basketball. All of their games are always so intense. I get into them way too much. I like basketball because it’s in an air condi oned building versus the outdoors. And we have great players who really try their best to win and represent South. 12. My favorite study spot at South is the library. It adapts to anyway you want to study, either with friends or just by yourself. It never disappoints. And there is always an open spot.

Micah Messer Freshman Computer and Informative Systems, Military Science Minor Senator

1. I believe that I can serve the students at USA best in this posi on. 2. Yes, there is. There is not enough paved resident parking. 3. No, I am not 4. Be er communica on with the students at south. 5. A student is more important. 6. A 10 all the way. 7. If the people you serve don’t know or understand what is going on than they might fear what is in fact going on. They should know. 8. The sense of family that we all share. 9. Parking, no ques on. 10. The School of Compu ng logo, of course.

13) My favorite place to eat on campus is the Delta Deli. I like it because it’s opened really late and not to men on I am a burgers and fries fana c!

11. Soccer but a close second would be football.


13. Favorite place to eat on campus? Chick-Fil-A, no ques ons there.

A lot of my friends bike around campus and they are always complaining about not enough sidewalk to bike on. So with $1000 I would create more sidewalks for those bikers out there. I want to make the campus more bike friendly.

12. I enjoy studying in my room but I also like the library window area.

14. Chris an. I would begin the process of adding more parking to the resident area. Most likely I would start where the old sand volleyball court is located next to Delta 3.

10. The south Alabama football logo

not growing to reflect this.

meal plan.

11. South Alabama football is my favorite USA sport. I’ll be a jag fan for life.

3. I am a Chi Omega.

10. My favorite USA symbol is the Jaguar Marching Band.

4. I feel that SGA could use more diversity within the student representation.

12. In the Sigma Chi fraternity house. 13. No one can argue that Chickfil-a is not the best place to eat on campus. 14. Aspiring I would use $1000 to create a program that inspires academic success. This program will help students during exam week, help students find tutors or supplemental instruc on, and provide benefits for those who make outstanding grades.

Lindsay Brown Sophomore Nursing Nursing Senator

1. I am running for this position to be a voice for other Nursing students at USA. 2. I feel that there is a parking problem because USA is rapidly growing, but our parking lots are

5. I believe that being a student is more important because without students there would be no SGA . 6. 8 7. I feel that since we are representatives of the student body that they should be aware of what we are doing. 8. My favorite thing about USA is the campus size. 9. My least favorite thing about USA is being forced to purchase a

11. My favorite USA sport is football. 12. My favorite place to study is the BMD Library. 13. My favorite place to eat on campus is the student center. 14. Attentive For my senate project I would like to find renowned speakers to bring to South and inform the College of Nursing students and staff on emerging medical topics.


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013

close second is the importance of representing the student body as a current SGA Senator which I take very seriously.

at South more fulfilling and enjoyable for myself and my colleagues. 6. 8

6. 10

Jacob Taylor Junior Informative Studies, Business Minor College of Computer and Information Sciences Senator

1. SGA needs representation that takes action and gets results. I currently do as College of Computer and Information Sciences Senator. If re-elected I will continue to help students and stay committed to tackling campus-wide problems. I consider it an honor to be a voice for the students in SGA. 2. Yes, the residential parking over by Stokes Hall and the Delta dorms. It is frequently full and students have to go into the overflow parking behind the Greek houses and have to walk a long way to their dorm or park in an illegal spot and get a ticket. 3. No. 4. Since I serve on SGA this year one thing that can be improved is getting more students to participate in our student forum. It helps us tremendously since students can tell us about problems on campus so we can discuss them and take action if needed. 5. First and foremost I am a student. Academics are my top priority. Being a student is more important to me because it prepares me for the real world. A

7. It means that we are open with each other in the SGA and the student body as a whole so there is no hidden agenda and we communicate fully. We have proactive meetings, are on the same page, and the student body is aware of SGA’s endeavors. 8. My favorite thing about USA is the campus life. There is always something to do on campus! 9. My least favorite thing about USA is definitely parking. Yuck! 10. My favorite USA symbol is the new Jaguar logo. It is very modern. 11. It’s a three-way tie between football, basketball, and baseball. Go Jags! 12. Definitely Shelby Hall! I like to study in Shelby because it is comfortable and has many different locations inside to study at. 13. My favorite place to eat on campus is the Dining Hall. So many different options for every meal! 14. Well-rounded I would continue my work tackling campus-wide problems and spend the $1,000 on continuing the sidewalk from the Student Center parking lot to the road facing Faculty Court South- which is the route many people take walking to MCOB, Shelby, Laidlaw, etc. and have to walk through the grass.

due to the difficulty of students being able to find parks in close proximity to their classes or dorms. 3. I am not a part of a Greek organization.

Skyla Jones Biomedical Sciences Senator

1. Running for the position of SGA Senator of The College of Allied Health would be an honor and a privilege. The position would allow me to incorporate innovative and helpful ideas suggested by my fellow peers that will contribute to the growth and improvement of the university. 2. With the continuous growth of enrollment, parking availability is a problem. While it is exciting that the university is growing, additional availability of parking should be put into consideration

4. An improvement that could take place within SGA is providing on-campus residence with convenient accessibility to resources such as garbage disposals and laundry rooms. 5. Upon entering college every student has a goal to graduate, to obtain a degree in their desired field of study and to advance towards a career of their interest. It is a privilege to be an officer/ senator, but our first priority on campus is to be a student. 6. On a scale of 1-10 the importunacy of transparency within SGA, I believe should be a 6. 7. I believe transparency is

Nathan Graham Junior Political Science

1. Having served in the senate as Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman and having gained experience by working closely with this year’s Attorney General with many of his responsibilities, I am the candidate that can serve the student body to the fullest extent. 2. Understanding the high commuter culture here at USA, there are several steps that South students, faculty, and administration can take to ensure campus parking efficiency. 3. Tau Kappa Epsilon is one of the many campus and community involvement organization of which I am a member. 4. A higher level of communication between the students and the members of SGA would allow Senators and Officers to more directly address the every day problems of their constituents. 5. First and foremost, I am a student, as we all are, and my primary goal is to excel as academically. That being said, I am driven to take a proactive role, as an SGA Officer, to make the educational experience here

important within SGA because it is more about getting the job done and less about the recognition. SGA is the voice of the students it is not a solitary club that focuses on just itself but the entire student body. 8. My favorite thing about The University of South Alabama is its diversity. I really like that there are students from various backgrounds and places. I enjoy interacting with new people and discovering things that we have in common. 9. My least favorite thing about USA is parking. As an on-campus residence it is so hard to find a park that is in close proximity to my dorm. 10.I would have to say my favorite USA symbol would be the Jaguar. 11. My favorite USA sport would be basketball. I really enjoyed going to watch and support the Men and Women basketball team

7. Students have a right to know what is going on in their governing body. While students’ jagmail accounts should not get flooded with every detail of SGA operations, concerned members of the USA community should have full and uncensored access of the doings of the Senate and Officers. 8. My favorite thing about USA is the small-town vibe of campus. When walking to class I am bound to see a few friends and more friendly faces. 9. The University Main Library could be more accommodating to student’s needs. It should be open later hours and a coffee shop would be nice! 10. Moulton Tower. When I see it towering over the trees while driving north on University, it gets me excited to be headed back home. 11. Football. I am excited to see our new football team taking on more reputable opponents and I have hope that in the near future we will be a heavy contender. 12. Mitchell College of Business Library. It is a very quiet, relaxing environment with an immense amount of resources and tools at hand. 13. Chick-fil-A. Nothing beats that spicy chicken sandwich. 14. Multifarious

Ieshia Smith Computer Engineering, Spanish Minor Senator

1. I want to make a difference not only in my college but on campus as well. The benefit of being a freshman is realizing true change only comes over me in due process. Therefore, I would have more me to make things happen than a rising junior/senior. 2. As much as I would like to say yes because I abhor parking ckets, my answer is no. The guidelines are set, and if people would park within their zones then there would be no problem. 3. No. N/A. 4. The involvement of the current members in the mee ngs every Monday. If membership were based on par cipa on then there would be maybe 5 senators total. 5. The students are most important. The officers and senators are only the voice of the students. It is the students that have the real power. We are just here to serve their needs. 6. It is a 5. 7. It is very important. But senators and officers can be transparent all day and not get any work done because that is what ma ers most. Actually ge ng the job done. 8. The constant growth and addi ons to the campus make me proud to say I am a jaguar.

this season. 12. My favorite place to study is the library. The campus library has a quiet environment that offers various places to study whether you are wanting to study by yourself or study with a group. 13. My favorite place to eat on campus is Chick-Fil-A located in the Student Center. 14. I would say one word that describes me is, reliable. I am always there when needed by my fellow peers or authority figures. If I were given $1,000 for my first senator project I would take into consideration the projects that are presented before me. I would make a decision at that point to invest the money into a project where the money would be the most effective.

9. Some teachers are well versed in their area of study but do not know how to teach all students. 10. The old jaguar that came before the jaguar head. However, if I had to pick one it would be the statue of the jaguar that sits now in front of the Mitchell center. It is a display of in mida on to foes and power to us. 11. Football. It is one of the only mes where students and faculty join together just to eat and talk and get opinions across. All students, not just privileged. 12. Shelby Hall computer labs 13. Obviously the Student Center just like everyone else on campus, that is why the Chick-Fil-A lines are so extremely long between classes. 14. Determined Apply it to the equipment needed for the College so that the senior level classes don’t have to come out of pocket for anything.


VOL. 52, NO. 10/ MAR. 25, 2013

happenings at their school where they live and learn.

7. Transparency is important to me because I have to trust the people I’m working with. If you can’t trust them, the dynamic of the group is thrown off and things will not get accomplished in a mely manner.

Leanza Cousins Freshman Broadcast Journalism, Criminal Justice Minor College of Arts and Sciences Senator

1. I am running for College of Arts and Sciences Senator because I want to make an impact on my college campus. I have had the opportunity of working on First Year Council I feel like the next place for me to make this impact is SGA. 2. I absolutely think there is a parking problem. I no ce it around the housing area. I live on campus and know firsthand that trying to fit three residen al halls into one parking lot isn’t working. We need an area that’s larger and can accommodate the capacity of the residents. 3. No, I am not a Greek. 4. As far as I can tell, SGA does a great job. I can’t think of any specific that needs to be improved. 5. I think both are important. You have to be a good student to be an officer/senator. There is a balance that must be maintained. 6. I would give the importance of transparency a 10.

8. My favorite thing about USA is the size of the campus. I like the fact that I am ge ng to know the people I am going to school with as well as my Professor’s. I like the fact that my Professor’s know my name. 9. My least favorite part of USA is the Dining Hall. I only eat there a few mes a week because I only like certain items. I feel like changing up the menu would help a lot. 10. My favorite USA symbol is the Jaguar! 11. My favorite USA sport is basketball! It’s always been one of my favorite sports! 12. My favorite study spot is my room. I like being somewhere familiar and knowing that it is my own personal space. 13. My favorite place to eat on campus is the Student Center! 14. Headstrong For my first senate project, I would use the $1,000 to provide be er ligh ng in the residen al area. It’s so dark at night which makes it dangerous to get to and from places. I would like to provide lights in between buildings to make peoples walks a li le less frightening.

3. No

Finishing off my MSME degree. Undergrad BSME at USA. Former RA, TBP president, Freshman Leadership Council, President’s Council (engineering),Mortar Board, Student Organiza on Advisory Council, Teachers Assistant, Grad Assistant. 5 year senator/chair for Engineering with a penchant for SGA suffering. 1. I wish to con nue represen ng my college. I find it fun to do SGA and make sure voices are heard. 2. To reiterate red sayings ‘issue, yes, problem no’. I do however believe we need to change when we do residen al hall observa ons, and

1. It would be both a privilege and honor to represent the College of Engineering in SGA. I feel I would be a posi ve influence for the college. I want to help my college grow and be the best it can be in the coming year. 2. Parking is an issue that should be dealt with in a systema c way. South Alabama has a rapid growing campus, and parking is not able to keep up. A more efficient system would need to be analyzed and developed. 3. Yes, I am proud to be a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. 4. I feel that with the growing student body, SGA has the opportunity to be be er than ever. I believe ge ng word out to the students on all things South and how they can help their University grow is most important. 5. Being a student is always first priority. Without students, there wouldn’t be a school or a Student Government. 6. Transparency should be a 10 in SGA. Students should always be very well informed on all the

address East/South

Sean Ramsey Graduate Mechanical Engineering Senator

Hannah Fabbro Senior Civil Engineering College of Engineering Senator

4. It’s outreach to the student body. We’re the one organiza on who can field huge financial sums, and huge poli cal power inside South, but no one ever comes to us. 5. Student. I get a degree in Mechanical Engineering, not senatoring 6. 10 an organiza on who claims to represent people, but don’t allow them to know what we do or how we represent them, is one undeserving of it’s people. 7. To echo #6 an organiza on who claims to represent people, but don’t allow them to know what we do or how we represent them, is one undeserving of it’s people.

7.Transparency is very crucial because I believe the more students know the more they will understand about where they go to school and how their money is efficiently used to be er their campus, and in turn be er there educa on and experience at South. 8. USA is a growing community. Throughout my me here I have seen such progress in making the school a be er learning environment. My me here has been such a posi ve experience for me and I hope to con nue this so that all students can have the same experience. 9. I feel safety should be more impera ve and students no fied more efficiently and effec vely in mes of distress, no ma er how minor. 10. The Jaguar and the College of Engineering Banner.

If I could and only they’d let me, a game area outside Shelby Hall, with horseshoes and volleyball, with a wet bar. Otherwise just the game/ relaxa on area.

3. No 5. Being a student because of the rela onships you build with other students. 6. 10 7. So the administra on can work in a cohesive manner. 8. The campus atmosphere 9. Parking

13. Student Center

10. Bell Tower

14. Posi ve I would like to implement an environmental green project for the school. Throughout my studies, I have seen how truly important it is to have a green eco-friendly community. With a campus this size, it would be a great project for students to get involved while in turn helping their home.

11. Basketball 12. Library 13. Mellow Mushroom 14. Focused I would use $1,000 as a start up for a fundraiser towards developing a plan for a parking deck and create more events for the en re student body to join in. because school is the number priority and without being enrolled into school I wouldn’t be able to join SGA. 6.10.

11. Football

14. Opinionated

2. Yes, because of limited spaces

12. Shelby Hall, 3rd Floor, Room 3205

10. Our ‘figh ng ferret’ logo. (Also known as thunderjag logo)

13. The We Proudly Brew Starbucks in Shelby Hall. They have wonderful white macadamia nut cookies.

1. To make a difference at South Alabama.

11. Football! Go Jags!

who believe their way is right, and is the only way. Who won’t listen to other thoughts, facts of carefully laid advice.

12. Nice try Vanguard... you sly reporter you

Derek Gulsby Sophomore Accounting Senator

Senitra Crutchfield Freshman Nursing

1. I am running for Nursing Senate because I would like to get involved with the student body and I would like to make a difference on campus. 2. Yes, there is a parking problem on campus due to limited parking spots.

7. I think that transparency is important because I would like the student body to know what we are doing in SGA and how SGA is suppor ng them. 8. My favorite thing about USA is that there is a lot of school spirit and the professors are caring. 9. Finding a place to park is my least favorite thing about USA. 10. The statues are my favorite USA symbol. 11. Football is my favorite USA sport.

3. No.

8. It’s unique community, we have so much poten al in our city and our culture, it’s amazing what can uniquely be done here.

4. Improvements of SGA would be to find ways to improve gradua on rates, to decrease the dropout rate and to get more students involved.

9. People and administra on at USA

5. I believe that being a student is more important than being a senator

12. My favorite study spot is the library. 13. My favorite place to eat on campus is at Chick-fil-a 14. I would describe myself as an ambi ous person.




VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013

The Vanguard Viewpoint Vote Only 1 out of 10 USA students usually vote in SGA elections. We’ve provided you with what the candidates have to say in 10 pages. They determine how a great deal of your money is spent. They speak on your behalf. You can afford ten minutes to participate in USA’s future by selecting who speaks for you. Vote, USA.

The end of an era at USA

With President Moulton retiring, everyone at USA should thank him for his dedication to South Alabama


any o f us drive by the Moulton Bell Tower on a daily basis. Student opinions Aldyn Miller on the bell aem1101@jagmail.southtower remain mixed. Some view it as a beautiful addition to our campus. Others believe its construction was a waste of our tuition money, but how often have we stopped to think about the man whose name the tower bares? On March 8, 2013, President Moulton announced his impending retirement at an emotionally charged meeting of USA’s Board of Trustees. His ongoing struggle with a malignant brain tumor has been well documented. In October of 2012, he underwent surgery to remove the tumor. Currently, his cancer has shown no signs of returning. Upon the news of his surgery, students flocked to post get well wishes on The Vanguard’s Facebook page. In 1966, when he was 26 years old, Moulton became a professor at USA’s brand new College of Business. As the years passed, he served as dean of several departments and a 15 year stint as the vice president for planning and services. It was in


Are SGA elections important to you? Why or why not? Zadora Edwards: No, I honestly dont vote because I never know the people who are running and unless you can promise me lower tuition and better financial assisstance you can’t convince me to change. I do like m&ms though. Nick Grondin: I think they would be if students saw SGA more visibly on campus. I am sure most students don’t really know much

about what they do and how they can help us. Khaela C Huey: They haven’t been in the past, but I want this year to be different. I’m watching the forum from the other day trying to get informed. These people will be representing the university. That’s pretty important, especially since people complain that there’s only negative stuff reported about South.

This year could be totally different if people get informed and select good representatives. Jacob Taylor: Yes, because they are our representatives on campus and the ones we can count on to get our issues tackled and resolved and be the voice between students and administration. Being a current SGA Senator I know first-hand how much SGA can do for the student body.

1998 that he assumed the mantle of President of USA. In total, President Moulton has dedicated more than 46 years of life towards the improvement of our school. Students tend to talk about President Moulton in generic terms. We know who he is, but many of us have not met him in person. Those who do know him on a personal level have described him as warm, funny, and generous. Even if you have not met President Moulton personally, the importance of what he has contributed to the University of South Alabama cannot be overstated. Consider these facts. During his presidency: USA enrollment increased by one third to 15,000 students. The number of awarded diplomas doubled to 75,000. The monetary funds allocated to scholarships quadrupled. USA has become a powerhouse for the local Mobile economy, employing more than 5,600 workers. Many of the things we take for granted, like the JagTran system, the intramural fields and the current university library, were just a few of the programs developed under Moulton’s tenure. USA, as we know it, would not exist if it weren’t for President Moulton’s dedication to the improvement of our school. Both he and his wife have contrib-

uted more than $7 million of their personal funds to different institutional priorities on campus. Currently, President Moulton is on a leave of absence, which has been extended to July 1st, the day he will formally retire. On Friday, May 3, USA’s 50th Anniversary Grand Celebration will take place at the Moulton Bell Tower and Alumni Plaza. A special tribute will be given to the Moultons, and I hope all students will take a few moments out of their day to stop by and say thank you to the man who has given us a chance to be educated at one of the best universities in the South.


find us on Facebook “ TheVanguardUSA”



Cassie Fambro > Editor in Chief Noah Logan > Opinion Editor Jake Howell > Life Editor Patrick Herring > Sports Editor JT Crabtree > LOC Editor


VOL. 52, NO. 10/ MAR. 25, 2012

Why Student Government Association matters After a controversial experience with a preacher on campus, First Amendment rights on campus have been put under microscope by students


ationwide, student government bears the stigma of being nothRyan Wallace ing more than Opinion Writer another club, this one for political science majors to role-play as real politicians and meddle in the lives of their fellow students. This is, of course, an unfair characterization of our student government associations across the country; you don’t have to be a political science major to live out your Jefferson Smith fantasies or annoy the living daylights out of your schoolmates. Now that we’ve all had our laugh, let’s take a moment to dispel the notion that our own Student Government Association is staffed with airheads or do-gooders. An old criticism of the efficacy of the SGA is that they do not have the power to really DO anything around campus. If you’re talking about building a shiny new dorm or upgrading physical plant capabilities, you’re probably right. It would be difficult to find someone to argue that twenty-year-

National News 1: The Pakistani Taliban released a video message online promising to assassinate former President Pervez Musharraf if he returns to the country as planned Sunday.

old college students are more capable at handling that kind of business than professional men and women who have served in administrative careers for as long as those students have been alive. But just because the SGA doesn’t get to throw the big bucks around doesn’t mean they’re playing with Monopoly money. If you’re ever been in leadership in a student organization, you know the power and responsibility that the SGA holds over your group’s potential funding. To truly appreciate this, I would encourage anyone who scoffs at the utility of the SGA to simply read the minutes from a meeting. It is clear that real debate goes on over how best to spend the money raised from student fees, something that cannot be said for the supposed adults that do for a living in Congress what the SGA representatives do for fun (if one can call it that). Respect them or not, the money that you as a student pay for the privilege of attending USA goes partly to your SGA, and you should care about whether or not they spend it wisely. Students should also pay attention to the SGA because they are the

voice of the student body. They are the ones who listen to and advocate for your concerns, including everything from the millionth plea for a parking garage to the one weird request for a campus-wide lazy-river tube ride (ball’s in your court on that one, SGA. I’m tired of sending e-mails). Whether or not the big projects get funded and built is entirely up to the administrative leadership of the university; what we as students should be concerned with is whether or not our elected representatives are accurately letting that leadership know about what we as students want from our school. Finally, to all those who are running for elected office this campaign season: go about your campaigning and your potential service honestly. It’s safe to say that the financial incentive to run that exists in the U.S. Congress does not really hold sway in the SGA at South. Being a member of student government won’t make you rich. But running for office for no other reason than to pad a resume or make yourself look “involved” is no more superior a motive. Certainly, you might look better to a potential employer or scholar-

National News 1: Freezing Britain was last night facing the unprecedented prospect of gas rationing.A combination of bitterly cold weather and pipeline failures has left the energy grid at breaking point. If continued, Britain will have to implement gas rationing across the entire country.

Around the Globe in 360 characters or less National News Self-exiled Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky has died in London, his son-in-law, Yegor Shuppe, said Saturday on Facebook. In a statement, Thames Valley Police said it had launched an investigation into the death at a property in Ascot, Berkshire.

National News: Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has survived another attempt to remove her from the job after no challengers emerged to challenge for the leadership of the governing party and the country. MERCHANTCIRCLE.COM

ship board for your participation in SGA, but that should be considered a reward for service well-rendered to the university and not as an end unto itself. Make yourself available during the campaign season and after to your constituents and remember that, like a baseball umpire, there exists a significant chance that nobody in your college or the university at large will know who you are until you make a mistake. Unfortunately, that’s just how politics works. Remember that popularity as a member of student government is a fickle mistress. In nearly seven years as a college student, I’ve seen more than a couple senators or leaders who have engaged in rabblerousing on unnecessarily dividing topics for no other reason than to get their names in the student newspaper and stir up argument (and not debate) amongst the student representatives and the student body as a whole. It can be tempting to reach for the brass ring of notoriety that way, but it is just as easy to leave nothing but a hostile working environment and a personal reputation as a firstclass buffoon behind. Again, take the time to listen and really learn

what it is that the people you are representing want, and you will gain all the genuine respect and admiration that eludes the mudslingers of the world. As for me, all I ask from my representatives is that they show up, pay attention and give thoughtful consideration to both how the resources they are allotted are used and how best to represent the students of South Alabama to the leadership of the university. And, you know, maybe the lazy-river thing too.

“Quidam” brings beauty and message to campus By NOAH LOGAN


his past weekend, Cirque du Soleil performed their hit show “Quidam” in the Mitchell Center several times. I was able to watch the show on opening night and I was also present for the day rehearsal before the opening show. While Cirque du Soleil has a reputation among some people as just an overpriced circus, “Quidam” brought different aspects to an acrabatic show that sets it head and shoulders above the rest. For starters, “Quidam” seperates itself with a story driven show. As an audience member, I didn’t watch acrobats and musicians come on stage and show off athletic skills and overtoned muscles. Instead, a full lineup of Wonderland type characters helped a small 12 year old girl embrace her originality and takes her and the audience along for a spectacular journey while doing so. Singers, instrumentalists and acrobats were all incorporated into the show and a live orchestra that interacts with all the characters. “Quidam” spokersperson Jessica Leboeuf explained the attractiveness

the show brings in an interview with The Vanguard. “It’s still a loose interpretation for everybody. Everybody will draw their own stories and conclusions but it definitely makes you think and it allows you to let you see not only one act after the other but to link those together and see those affect the life of this young girl and let her grow and in the end, find happiness.” The performers also enjoy the theatrical aspect of their sports. Professional Hungarian rope skipper Kata Banhegyi also expressed her satisfaction with performing the show. “I liked competition skipping but I very much enjoy working with other kinds of art and artists to mix with mine put on a show. I’m glad I made the transition from competitor to performer when I did.” With enough symbolism and complexity to make even the most annoying of English professors confused, yet simple enough allow five year olds expereince the effect, “Quidam” was the perfect attraction for the Mitchell Center.

VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013


“Burial at Thebes” star looks ahead to acting career By STUART SOX


here is no such thing as a star in theater according to senior theater production and history major Matt Brewer, who played the lead role of King Creon in the USA Theater Department’s production of “Burial at Thebes.” “Regardless if they speak or not, everyone in the cast and crew has a specific reason to be there and everyone contributes to the process,” Brewer said in an interview with The Vanguard. Brewer added he didn’t expect the amount of praise he has received from his peers for his engaging role as the powerful Theban king. “It’s been a surprise that everyone has said I’ve done so well…it’s really humbling to have that kind of opportunity for people to recognize you,” Brewer said. “He put so much effort into that role…that’s what I think made it so good. He acted with a lot of emotion and energy so the whole audience could get into it,” said Brewer’s roommate sophomore exercise science major Josh Gooch. Acting doesn’t stop with the stage for Matt Brewer, who had the opportunity last semester to play a small role as a detective in the upcoming movie, “Oculus,” which was partly filmed in nearby Fairhope, Ala. “Film is totally different from theater…but it’s still a cool experience. The best thing was I got a lot of cool contacts from agents and made some great connections for the future,” Brewer said. While on the set of “Oculus” Brewer was able to meet the cast and crew from various television shows such as “CSI: Miami.” A notable actress starring in “Oculus” is Karen Gillan, who played Amy Pond in the popular British sci-fi television show “Doctor Who.” “Oculus” is set to be released sometime in 2014. When asked if he preferred film to theater after having acted on the set of a major feature film, Brewer said he enjoyed theater more. Appearing on the big screen is the pinnacle of success for many actors, but Brewer enjoys acting for different reasons. “Honestly I prefer theater over film because you can feel the live audience… it’s an energy you can pull from on stage. I like film and it would be cool to do… but it lacks that emotional attachment to


After graduation, Brewer hopes to continue acting and had the opportunity to play a small role as a detective in an upcoming 2014 film, “Oculus.”

the audience and the opportunity to give a piece of yourself to them in a way you can’t in the movies,” Brewer added. Being an actor wasn’t always in the script for Matt Brewer. He was a sports medicine major at Northeast Alabama Community College before he decided to act in the school’s production of “Death of a Salesman.” “After that, I realized this was something I wanted to do…because in acting, you can become a different a person. But being that different person allows you to connect with people in ways you didn’t think you ever could,” Brewer said. After performing in “Death of a Salesman” Brewer told his family that he wanted to switch from sports medicine to theater production. Brewer said his parents were a bit skeptical of the decision until they saw him perform on stage. “After seeing me in ‘Death of a Salesman’ they understood that this is what I was meant to do…my mom said, ‘After I saw you perform I told your fa-

ther that I think this really is something that he can do,’” Brewer recalled. On his role in “Burial at Thebes,” Brewer said playing King Creon in his last show at USA was “bittersweet.” “Every role that I have ever played helped me play this awesome and powerful character,” said Brewer, who claims to be in his comfort zone when in comedic roles. “Playing Creon was a big stretch…I

had to learn to behave in ways that I personally don’t do and I really had to work hard on the vocals and the movement of the character,” Brewer added. Without the support and motivation from the other cast and crew of “Burial at Thebes,” Brewer says he would have never been able to get through the long weeks of rehearsals and performances. “I give all the credit to my professors and my fellow cast and crew members because everyone was so supportive… everyone in the department was behind me 110 percent,” Brewer said. For Brewer, nerves weren’t a factor in “Burial at Thebes” under the bright stage lights like they are for most actors. “I couldn’t be nervous anymore… I was motivated to do well for everyone else in the production because of all of the work they’ve put in day in and day out…we’re all a big family,” Brewer added. Although he loves acting, Brewer wants to eventually teach history and acting courses at a university. “I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, I can see myself being a college professor of acting or history for sure,” Brewer said. “Hopefully I’ll get set up with a job in acting…but long term, realistically, I have to have something to fall back on,” Brewer said. “I would like to thank the audience around campus and community that came to watch ‘Burial at Thebes’ and give a special shout out to my director Keone Fuqua for allowing me this opportunity,” Brewer said. “I also want to thank the cast and crew and to the theater department for all the good times we’ve had over the years…without those guys I wouldn’t have been able to get through the show,” Brewer added nostalgically. Brewer is set to graduate this May with his bachelor’s degree in theater production and history.



WEEKLY LOWDOWN Monday, Mar. 25 ► 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Pie a Phi

Kapp fundraiser to benefit Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America in the Humanities Courtyard.

► All Week - Registration for Phi Mu’s Hoop-A-Paluza. Contact Sarah Campbell at skc1002@jagmail.

Tuesday, Mar. 26 ►9:30 a.m. - Cooperative

Education and Internship Program Orientation in Meisler Hall, Room 2100.

►7:30 p.m. - Faculty Trumpet

Recital in the Laidlaw Recital Hall. $5 for students/faculty/ staff.

Wednesday, Mar. 27 ►2 p.m. - “WOW” It’s Called a

Breakup Because It’s Broken: How to Cope with a Broken Relationship in the Library, Room 181.

Thursday, Mar. 28 ►3 p.m. - “How to Get Ready

for an Interview” presentation in Meisler Hall, Room 2100.

►5 p.m. - Chi Alpha Bible Study in Java City.

►9 - 9:45 p.m. - “The Beauty of

Islam” presentation in Shelby Hall, Room 2119.

Friday, Mar. 29 ► 6 p.m. - 2 a.m. - Relay for Life and the Moulton Bell Tower.

Want your event featured in the Weekly Lowdown? Email the name, date, time, price, place and a brief tagline (under seven words) to



VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013

Southsounds 2013 to welcome Underhill Family Orchestra


Underhill Family Orchestra is only one of the many bands that will grace the stage at Southsounds 2013. The event kicks off on April 12 in Downtown Mobile.



outhsounds 2013 will mark the return of a band that has built a strong Mobile following, Underhill Family Orchestra. The founders of the band initially met while college students at University of Mobile. Together, they have worked their way from open mics all the way to larger downtown venues.

“Southsounds is so important to Mobile because it brings local and regional bands together and puts them in front of a broad audience that may have never seen them before,” says vocalist, songwriter and tambourine player Joelle Rosen. The original idea for the band started when Rosen, Brian Wattier and Steven Bryte Laney were hanging out, taking pictures of each other. They decided to strike stereotypical poses as if they were

in a rock band. After viewing the photos, the three friends decided starting a band wasn’t such a bad idea. The band has grown to become a true family – at one point the group counted as many as nine members. The orchestra moniker is a reference to the many instruments played by the band, which include guitar, bass, drums, mandolin, violin, banjo, keyboards, tambourine and multiple vocalists. All members contribute to the songwriting process. “You won’t get anywhere by thinking you’re a rockstar and only helping yourself. With Underhill, we’ve met some great people and even made lasting friendships,” says Rosen. The band’s self-titled debut, currently available at, has garnered local praise. Tracks from the album were previewed on JagRadio and the band was chosen as the cover for the premiere issue of “Due South.” Underhill Family Orchestra was a large presence at Southsounds 2012, performing three separate sets at different venues. There was even a surprise set featuring local rapper Venom. “There is nothing you can possibly do that weekend that is going to be more

fun. Downtown is such a welcoming environment, and bands are playing up and down Dauphin Street all day long,” says guitarist, banjo player, vocalist and songwriter Wattier. Promoting the album has taken Underhill Family Orchestra all over the Southeast. The band supported the tour with album sales, paid gigs and savings; lodging was provided by friends and acquaintances kind enough to offer shelter. Now the orchestra is back in Mobile to headline Southsounds 2013. Rumor has it a new album is currently in the works. “Anybody who enjoys seeing live music will absolutely not be disappointed. It wakes you up to what is around you,” says Wattier.


new local band with a retro sound performed their first gig when they opened for The Mowgli’s on March 21. The Vivid Verbs are composed of Nick Chamblee (guitar/vocals), Kyle Coffey (bass), Rachael Fowler (piano/ vocals), Justin Harrison (drums) and Kevin Reagan (guitar/vocals). All of the members are born and raised in Mobile, Ala., with the exception of Reagan who is from northern Virginia. The members of The Vivid Verbs are longtime friends who were, at first, involved in different musical projects. “We finally wised up and determined that the obvious choice was to condense everything down,” Chamblee said. “Nick and I locked ourselves in a studio for a weekend and wound up writing and recording our first song,” Reagan said. Then it came down to determining a name. “I actually came up with the name thanks to my fascination with all things grammar,” Chamblee said. From that point, The Vivid Verbs


The Vivid Verbs will be bringing their unique sound to the Blind Mule on April 5.

was born. The band has a sound that’s a cross between indie and alternative rock with some 60s touches. Bands like The Beatles, the Beach Boys and Something Corporate influenced their sound. “If you compiled the records of Weezer, Something Corporate, Butch Walker and The Format into one, I

think you could get a good feel for our music,” Harrison said. “Our catchy melodies are a real strength in our music, and it gives us a different and unique sound,” said senior English and anthropology major Fowler. Aside from being comprised of local people, the band has another


Into the downtown scene in Mobile? We need a Scene writer. Bars, clubs, and night life articles are welcome. Have bad service at a local restaurant? Excellent service?

This QR code links to an interview the band did with JagRadio that includes three of their songs.

The Vivid Verbs to play at The Blind Mule By MARY BETH LURSEN


unique trait. “We’re also self-produced,” Harrison said. “We do all of our recordings. Nick and Kevin do the mixing in our own studio, Kingmaker.” With a little luck and help from an old friend, The Vivid Verbs planned the show with The Mowgli’s to help them get their name out to the public. The Vivid Verbs’ main goal is to let the local crowd hear what they have to offer. They plan to play more shows and get radio airplay as soon as they can. The band released their first single “Kristina with a K” on their Facebook page on March 15. As well as opening for the Mowgli’s on March 21, the Vivid Verbs also released a three song EP at the show. The EP is also available at their website in digital and hard copies. The band hopes to have a full length album for the spring or summer. More information on the band can be found at or “like” The Vivid Verbs on Facebook at The Vivid Verbs’ next show will be on April 5 at the Blind Mule.

Tell us! Write about it and let your peers know. Email jsh803@ jagmail. Opinion and Sports need writers too, and you can fambro@ jagmail. southalabama. edu to find out how to get involved. Build your resume. Raise your voice. Make a difference.


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013

Pi Kappa Alpha’s Pikefest to benefit Wilmer Hall


Between the crawfish boil and the other events, Pikefest offers fun for the entire campus while also supporting a worthy cause.



uring the week of March 25, the Eta Kappa Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity (Pike) continues their tradition of Pikefest, a week

long event full of activities benefiting a local philanthropy. “We changed our chapter’s philanthropy to the local Wilmer Hall Orphanage in 2010. They no longer receive state funding, so every year we plan the activities of Pikefest in order

to raise as much money as possible to assist them,” said former Pike president Danny Nguyen. Wilmer Hall is a local home for children who are unable to live with their natural families. Each year, the gentlemen of Pike raise money to help support the home. They, along with the help of the sororities of the Panhellenic Council, dedicate many hours at Wilmer Hall working on various service projects. “While we’re at Wilmer Hall, we do yard/maintenance work and help them set up for a couple events. They do a huge rummage sale and a pancake breakfast as well, and we help with all of that. Last year, we also built them a beach volleyball court,” said Zak GosaLewis, Pike’s public relations chair. “Every dime we raise goes to Wilmer Hall,” Gosa-Lewis added. Monday, March 25, sorority members will dress up their favorite Pikes in an event called “Cinderfellar,” a womanless beauty pageant. On Tuesday, the Pikes will be participating in a clean up Wilmer Hall. Wednesday, they will have a penny drop outside the Dining Hall from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Thursday, March 28, the Pikes are having their annual crawfish boil from 6 - 9 p.m. at the Pike house. It is a nonalcoholic event with live music, and all are invited for good food and a great time. Tickets are $5 before the event and $8 at the door. They can be purchased from any Pike brother.

Finally, Pikefest will end with a fun sorority dance-off competition Friday night from 5 - 8 p.m. at Davidson High School’s auditorium. Themed “’Mericuh!” this year, the dance-off is open to the community. “It has been amazing to help Wilmer Hall,” Nguyen said. “It’s an indescribable feeling.”


All proceeds raised throughout Pikefest will be donated to Wilmer Hall Orphanage.

JagLife Spotlight: Walk for Wishes Relaying to find a cure By JAKE HOWELL


Courtesy of Sandra Huynh

ancer never sleeps, and, on March 29, neither will the University of South Alabama as Relay for Life returns to campus. Relay for Life, the American Cancer Society’s largest fundraising outlet, brings together students, faculty, the community and local businesses in order to celebrate the lives of those who are fighting or have fought cancer and their loved ones. Last year’s relay on campus was held at the Moulton Bell Tower and, according to relay event chair Elizabeth Hieb, raised almost $10,000. This figure doubled what was raised the previous year. “Of course we are hoping to continue that increasing trend this year. We are going to have the same kind of fun stuff again at this year’s relay: all night food buffet, Zumba, live performances and a Womanless Beauty Pageant,” Hieb said of the plans for the 2013 Relay. Relay teams comprised of students, faculty, and members of the community have been fundraising for months, trying to top last year’s total. Teams can still be formed, however, by visiting relayforlife. org/USA. Hieb is hoping even more people will

participate and support relay this year, especially the USA family’s faculty and staff. “We are hoping faculty and staff will want to come to our relay too. The students do most of the work on relay, they make up the committee and most of the participants, but Relay for Life is for the entire USA community...It’s a totally family friendly event (no smoking, no alcohol), and it’s just a lot of fun for a great cause,” Hieb said. Even though relay is supposed to be an incredibly fun event, the main purpose of the night is to not only raise money to fight cancer, but also celebrate the lives this disease has touched. “We are seriously pushing to get more survivors to come this year. And caregivers too! The survivors are the reason we do all of this, so we really want to honor them at the relay!” Hieb said. Relay is only a week away, but fundraising is still in high gear. On Tuesday, March 26, mentioning relay at Raising Cane’s when you order will get a portion of the proceeds donated to relay, and from 5-8 p.m. on Wednesday, March 27, Cold Snap will donate 20% of its sales. More information on relay at USA can be found at

Quidam transforms the Mitchell Center





VOL. 52, NO. 10/ MAR. 25, 2013

No. 25 Baseball wins weekend series No. 25 Softball sweeps against UALR to move to 21-4 FIU, improves to 27-5 By PATRICK HERRING



Junior Jordan Patterson is batting .402 on the season, which ranks fourth in the Sun Belt,


After going 6-2 since March 8, the Jags returned home to face Sun Belt Conference foe Arkansas-Little Rock, their first series being ranked No. 25. Over spring break, the Jags opened conference play with a three-game series on the road in Troy. The Jags continued their trend of never-say-die, mounting an amazing five run ninth inning with two outs to come back defeat Troy 1110 on March 15. Down 10-6 in the ninth, the Jags scored two runs to cut the lead to two. Nick Zaharion then hit a three-run, game-winning homer to give the Jags the lead 11-10. Following a 2-1 series win in Troy and a 13-7 win against SE Louisiana, the Jags played Arkansas-Little Rock in their second conference series of the season. The Jags took the first game 4-3. Jordan Patterson and Dustin Dalken led the way on offense. Patterson finished 3-for-4 with a double and two runs scored, while Dalken finished 1-for-4 with two RBI’s. Brandon Boyle started the opening game and worked seven innings, giving up three hits, no runs and striking out seven. Jordan Patterson and Dylan Stamey combined to throw two innings, giving up three runs. Stamey struck all four of the batters that he faced. Boyle was good,” head coach Mark Calvi said. “He settled in, and you can’t

ask any more out of a guy making his first Friday-night start. We’re really proud of him.” Calvi also praised the hitters, who were going against SBC Preseason Pitcher of the Year, Chance Cleveland. “We swung the bats well against arguably one of the Sun Belt Conference’s best Friday-night guys,” said Calvi. “Cleveland made some good pitches, and we did a good job of hanging in there and putting some hits together and scoring some runs. I’m proud of the guys. It’s always great to win, especially on Friday night.” The Jags had to fight off the rain all day in game 2, a game that was scheduled originally to start at 6:30, but was moved for fear of poor weather later in the day. An early rain delay pushed the start time back to 2:50. Trailing the entire game, the Jags tied it in the ninth inning at 4-4 on a Cole Billingsley single to right to score Cole Jarman. Closer Kyle Bartsch then gave up his first earned run of the season in the eleventh inning, a solo home run by UALR’s Ben Crumpton, to put the Jags down 5-4. South quickly got bases loaded when Billingsley was hit by a pitch, driving in Robby Campbell, who had a two-run homer in the fourth inning, his first as a Jag. Bud Collura then hit an infield single to short to drive in Brent Mitchell for the game-winning run. “I give our guys credit because they hung in there when it wasn’t looking

good early,” coach Calvi said. “We gave up three early runs, and battled to come back and tie it up.” The Jags put the Trojans away in the third game, winning by a score of 11-1 (Final/7), completing the sweep. Jarron Cito pitched the complete game one-hitter while striking out a career-high 11 batters. “Cito did a nice job with 11 strikeouts, one walk,” said Calvi. “He had the walk and the hit by pitch in there in the second or third inning and he worked right through it. He settled down and settled down nicely. He did a really nice job and you know we swung the bats well.” Whitt Dorsey led the Jags at the plate, going 4-for-4 with a home run and five RBI’s. Nick Zaharion went 2-for-4 with two RBI’s. Nolan Earley 1-for-3 with a walk, an RBI and four runs scored. “He had a great job at the plate,” said Calvi. “He plays impressive behind the plate. He and Nick Zaharion, he had two RBI’s. We had five different guys with RBI’s, and I’ve said before when we have multiple guys driving runs in we usually win when we have a solid pitching performance and we got those both today.” The Jags will now hit the road and take on Southern Miss on March 26 before playing SBC opponent Florida Atlantic for a three-game series in Boca Raton.

ead coach Becky Clark has instilled a winning mentality into her players since arriving on campus. It showed last season with the team’s Sun Belt Conference tournament title, and it’s showing this season in the team’s will to win. Over the weekend, No. 25 softball went to Miami to play in their second conference series of the season and came home with three more wins to show for it. With those victories, the team improved to 27-5 overall and 5-1 in Sun Belt play. The Jaguars downed host Florida International in a double header on Saturday by scores of 11-5 and 10-0. Then on Sunday, they clinched the sweep with an 8-5 win. With the offensive output over the weekend, it’s hard to pinpoint a high point for the Jaguars, but the top of the fourth inning in game one is certainly up for consideration. On the first pitch of the inning, junior infielder blasted a shot straight down the middle to spark the scoring. Sophomore Kaitlyn Griffith stepped up behind her and knocked another one out of the park. Up next was senior Britany Campbell who also lifted one over the fences, giving USA three homeruns in row. After sophomore Blair Johnson walked, senior Brittany Fowler got in on the action and hit a homerun of her own to give the Jags a 6-0 lead. The four homerun inning accounted for the most USA has hit out of the park in a game all season, let alone an inning. Sophomore pitcher Farrish Beard took the win in game one to improve

her perfect record to 11-0. She kept the Panthers hitless through 5 innings before giving up 5 earned runs in the sixth. Her ERA on the season is now 1.79. Game two was more of the same for South Alabama, with a little less offense from FIU. In the top of the first, Moss doubled with the bases loaded to score three Jags. She would score on a fielding error to give USA the quick 4-0 lead. She doubled again in the second to score two more and make it 6-0. With the bases loaded in the seventh, Fowler powered another shot over the wall, but was penalized by the umpires for not tagging second when rounding the bases, so she was credited with a 3-RBI single to end the scoring at 10-0. The Sunday game was a bit closer than the others, but yielded similar results. Moss hit her second homerun of the series for USA, this one a grand slam, in the top of the third to give the Jaguars a 5-0 lead. Then in the top of the fifth, Griffith hit yet another homerun for USA, the sixth and final of the series, to give South a 7-3 advantage. Sophomore Alex Breeden doubled to bring home the last run of the day for South Alabama. The Panthers would add two runs in the sixth to make it 8-5, but would get no closer. Junior pitcher Hannah Campbell pitched games two and three to win her twelfth and thirteenth games of the season. She now has 5 shutouts and leads the Sun Belt with an ERA of just 0.88. USA will take on LSU at Jaguar Field this Wed. at 7 p.m.


After being names SBC Player of the week, senior infielder Brittany Fowler recorded 6 RBI on 7 hits and scored 5 runs in Miami against the Panthers of FIU.


VOL. 52, NO. 10/ MAR. 25, 2013

Women’s basketball head coach Rick Pietri released after early tournament exit

USA Sports Briefs Courtesy Women’s Tennis Falls to No. 31 Memphis 5-0


Sophomore duo Mariya Krachok and Ramona Ghermani lost just their second match of the season, falling to Memphis’ Alyssa Hibberd and Tiffany Welcher 8-1. Sophomore Emily Newton and freshman Michaela Meszarosova then lost to the No. 44-ranked duo of Courtney Collins and Kelly Gray to shore up the doubles point for Memphis. Welcher beat Krachok 6-0, 6-2 at No. 2 and Hibberd downed freshman Cinta Maria Papke 6-2, 6-1 to give the Tigers the 3-0 lead. Memphis clinched the win when Stefanie Mikesz beat freshman Paula Sanchez 6-1,6-4. Then at No. 6, Collins defeated Meszarosova 6-2, 6-1 to end the evening.

Pietri watches on as his team competes in the Sun Belt Tournament in Hot Springs, Ark.



fter a heartbreaking loss to conference and in-state rival Troy at the Sun Belt Conference Tournament, the women’s basketball team’s bus ride to the hotel was silent. Nary a word was said on the twenty minute ride. The feeling in the air was gloomy to say the least. Head coach Rick Pietri and his squad had just made an early exit from the tournament—the program’s earliest since 1999 and its first time losing in its first game since 2005. With the loss, the team finished 17-15 overall for the third consecutive season. Pietri’s team’s haven’t gotten worse, but they haven’t show enough improvement for Athletic Director Joel Erdmann to have reason to keep him under contract. A week after the 62-49 loss, Erdmann announced that Pietri was relieved of his duties as women’s head basketball coach. “Rick has been a tremendous

colleague and leader in our department for over a decade,” Erdmann said. “We deeply appreciate his efforts and wish him well in all future endeavors.” Pietri leaves the program as its

Rick has been a tremendous colleague and leader in our department for over a decade. -Athletic Director Dr. Joel Erdmann

longest tenured coach after spending 13 years pacing the hardwood sidelines. Over that time he compiled a record of 220-167, including a 111-104 mark in Sun Belt

Conference play, both program bests. In his time at South Alabama, the women’s basketball program has produced 14 All-SBC selections, 1 SBC Freshman of the Year, 1 SBC Newcomer of the Year and 2 SBC All-Tournament selections. Off the court, Pietri has had 40 student athletes named to the Academic Honor Roll and 18 named to the Commissioner’s List. Pietri was at the helm for three of the program’s eight 20-win seasons, with the peak of his coaching career arguably coming in the 2003-2004 season when he led the team to a 22-7 overall record. That year his team made it to the semifinal round of the Sun Belt Conference Tournament for the first time in 14 years. He took the team back to the semifinals in 2009, but never made it to the championship game. Pietri may not have left the University on the brightest note, but he sure left some big shoes to fill.

Upcoming Jaguar athletics home games Friday, Mar. 29:

Wednesday, Mar. 27:

Saturday, Mar. 30:

Softball vs. Western Kentucky 4 p.m. & 6 p.m. at Jaguar Field

Softball vs. Louisiana State 1 p.m. at Jaguar Field

Softball vs. Western Kentucky 12 p.m. at Jaguar Field

Track and Field posts twelve Top10 finishes at John Mitchell Relays On day one of the John Mitchell Relays on the campus of the University of Alabama, the Track and Field team racked up seven top-10 finishes for USA. Shayna McCarver finshed thrid in the women’s triple jump with a distance of 11.90m. Ariel Johnson placed eight with an 11.22m jump. Tyler Agee ran a 54.21 in the men’s 400-meter hurdles, good for fourth, while Spencer Anderson came in eighth with a time of 54.62. In the women’s 400-meter hurdles, Chalandra Gooden set a new personal best with a 1:04.33 time, good for sixth place. Connor Smith cleared 4.75m in the pole vault to take ninth place; and Adam Patterson notched a 53.14m toss in the hammer throw, also good for ninth. Day two was cut short due to inclement weather, but not before USA posted five more top-10 efforst. Jan-Louw Kotze grabbed fifth place in the men’s discus throw with a 53.51m toss. For the women, Phoebe Dowson threw 44.61 and Bobbie Williamson threw 42.41m, good for sixth and eighth places, respectively. Williamson also placed ninth in the hammer throw with a 52.95m hurl. To round out the top-10 finishes, Tahsa Russell posted a time of 14.53 in the women’s 100-meter hurdles for a new personal record and a ninth-place finish.

Want us to follow you? Tweet us @USAVGSports Drew Dearman @DrewDearman: Offensive Lineman Every time I go to the grocery store I miraculously end up in the bakery section. It’s like I blackout and wake up looking at the cupcakes Kyle Bartsch @Kyle_Bartsch: Pitcher So happy to have our fans and for #JagNation ... cause I can safely say troy has the worst fans in America... Derek Westbrook @thedwestbrook25: Steeplechaser If someone falls on a skateboard right in front of me from doing something stupid, is it wrong of me to laugh? Cause I do every single time Rush Hendricks @_RusHen_: Tight end Nothing worse than when you take a page of notes then the teacher saysBut don’t worry, this won’t be on the test... Ben Whiteside @B_Whiteside88: Wide Receiver How many hours I’ve spent in study hall this week for my academic sake is nothing less than remarkable Jacob Noble @JacobLNoble: Pitcher Life motto: buy experiences, not things. Unless that thing is a wave runner. Then buy that. Whitt Dorsey @whittakas5: Catcher If u pinch me I will punch you right in the face DariusTheGawd @BigDdaBasedLord Offensive Lineman I was rushin so i double parked in a handicap spot, barely closed my door. And took off in a sprint. Chris Johnson speed to the turlet



VOL. 52, NO. 10/ MAR. 25, 2013

Jags Invade Hot Springs: Men’s, Women’s Basketball play in SBC Basketball Tournaments Photos by Patrick Herring, Sports Editor Left: Both teams visited a class at Fountain Lake Middle School in Hot Springs, Ark. The men’s team hung out with Mrs. Henson’s class, who decorated their classroom with Jaguar logos and wore some Jag Swag. Bottom: Sun Belt Commisioner Karl Benson (right) presenting junior foward Augustine Rubit with his Player of the Year and First Team All-SBC Awards before the men’s game vs. Western Kentucky

Left: Junior forward Ronneka Robertson elevates for a shot over two Lady Trojan defenders. She finished with 7 points. Right: Senior forward Javier Carter wins the opening tip in the men’s game against WKU. He had 11 points and 5 rebounds for the Jags. Bottom: (from left) Asst. Athl Dir. of Sports Medicine Jinni Frisbey and Athl. Dir. Joel Erdmann on the court with Mansa El, Rachel Cumbo, Breanna Hall, Camille Reynolds and Mary Nixon who were recognized for their efforts on and off the court.

Left: Senior center Veronica Cherizol goes up for the opening tip in the Lady Jags’ contest vs. Troy. She totalled 10 rebounds and 5 points for South Alabama.

Right: Sophomore guard Mychal Ammons throws down a monster dunk on a fastbreak as a WKU defender watches on. Ammons finished with 6 points and 6 rebounds for the Jaguars.




VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013

SBC tournament a unique experience By JT CRABTREE


South Alabama rugby during a mtach at Battleship Park


USA rugby has early success South rugby has gone 5-0 with wins over Troy and SHC



outh Alabama rugby may be one of the youngest sports programs at South Alabama, but you would never think that based on their record. South Alabama rugby now stands tied for first place in the west division of the Deep South Rugby Conference with a 5-0 record. They are currently the only undefeated team in the conference. With a team of only 24 dedicated young men, the Rugby team is finally starting to get more notice from South Alabama and within the conference. After beating teams such as Troy University, Spring Hill College and Louisiana Tech University this year’s rugby team is looking bigger and better with each match. Total through five matches, South Alabama has scored 110 points while giving up 47 points. The Jags have won their matches by

an average final score of 22-9. CJ Leggett, a first year flanker for the team, says the reason for the success lies within the dedication of his teammates. “In years past we have struggled to get guys to even consider coming out to practices,” Leggett explained, “but this year everyone has been dedicated. We are a tighter knit group now than ever.” But the road has not always been a walk in the park for the team. After restarting the program in 2010 rugby has run into multiple obstacles while trying to grow. “For the longest time we have been seen as a liability by the university,” Leggett said. But that seems to be changing quickly for the team. “ This season we have done things like bringing in high school boys and hosting tournaments promoting the school through the rugby. Now we have the school looking at us as a chance to promote South because of the success we’ve had.”

With such success comes an even better opportunity. “We have an amazing opportunity coming up that will no doubt be an epic ending to a great season,” head coach Wes Darwin said. “If we win against University of West Florida, we will advance to the conference finals.” That is not even the best part. “Both matches, including the final, are scheduled to happen on the intramural fields at USA.” The Deep South Rugby Conference’s championship match will be hosted at South Alabama on April 6. With the championship being hosted at home, the rugby team hopes students will come out and experience the sport first hand. Not to mention that there is always a spot on the team for anyone interested in becoming a part of the program. With an undefeated season and more support from the University than ever, rugby is becoming a force to be reckoned with.

n March 7, The Vanguard sports team of Patrick Herring and myself were fortunate enough to travel with the men’s basketball team to Hot Springs, Ark. for the Sun Belt Conference Basketball Tournament. The trip was not the way I had envisioned starting my spring break, but nevertheless I was excited about the idea of seeing the basketball team try to earn a spot in the NCAA Tournament. When we first stepped foot on the bus, we were welcomed by both the coaches and players, and then quickly told to move out of someone’s seat for fear of superstition. I get it, I’m the same way: no one touches my hat on gameday. As we were set to embark on our eight hour bus ride, we were greeted by interim head coach Jeff Price, who took time to get to know us a little bit and also told us if we needed anything to let him know. His wife even baked cookies for everyone on the bus. We stopped in Vicksburg, Miss. for lunch, and as we left Coach Price decided to have some fun. Radio announcer Lee Shirvanian was the only passenger who was not back on the bus, so Coach Price told our driver “When you see Lee walk out the door, just go.” If was all in good fun, everyone got a good laugh out of it and we returned to the second half of our trip. When the day of the men’s game arrived, Patrick and I were running a little late and we missed the bus to

Senior guard Wendell Wright

practice. Fortunately for us, Coach Price was taking his own car and offered to drive us to practice. How many coaches would do that for two students who spent too much time at the breakfast buffet? There was a great sense of family the whole trip. I almost felt like part of the team. Even when Patrick and I went with the team when they visited a local middle school several kids asked for our autographs. It all came crumbling down when the Jags lost in the first round to Western Kentucky. That was quite possibly the most gut-wrenching feeling I’ve ever had. To be less than a minute away from victory and another game in Arkansas to going back to the hotel to pack my bags and leave the next morning was dizzying punch to my pride. It was a rough trip. In no way would I say that I was satisfied with the outcome of the trip, but I still feel very grateful for having the chance to cover the team in the tournament. We were told several times “I can’t remember the last time The Vanguard covered this.” We were also the only local media from Mobile to make the trip to Hot Springs. It was sad to see it end, but it was a great experience. I would like to personally thank Coach Price, Coach Michael Floyd, who talked with me on the bus several times and told me some of the history of Hot Springs, and director of basketball operations Chris Coker for fitting us into the team travel plans. It was a trip I will never forget.



VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013

working with SGA. 6. A 10. If you are not truthful with your student body, which you are represen ng, then there will be no trust among the students their representa ves. Brooke Jackson Junior Nursing Senator

1. I would like to con nue my posi on as a Nursing Senator because I feel that my voice in SGA has been an asset for the College of Nursing at the University of South Alabama. 2. There is absolutely a parking problem on campus. The student body is steadily expanding, and the parking availability is quickly dwindling as our school is becoming more popular.

7. It is important to me because I expect people to be transparent with me, so I will return the level of respect. 8. That is a difficult ques on for me to answer because I enjoy the many aspects of South, but I appreciate the camaraderie between the students and their professors. 9. The parking services, they could stand for some improvement. 10. The Moulton Bell tower 11. Jaguar Football 12. The BMD Library

3. No

13. Chick-Fil-A

4. There is always room for improvement, but I am happy with our Student Government as is.

14. Enthusias c

5. Being a student is most important, because it affords me the opportunity to fulfill my dream of becoming a Nurse, but it also allows me the opportunity to work alongside my fellow students while

I would immediately meet with the administra on of USA Children and Women’s Hospital to iden fy the areas of need. I have a profound respect for Children and Women’s and the work they execute on a daily basis.

Zakary P. Gosa-Lewis Junior Political Science, Criminal Justice Minor President

1. I am running to serve the students and represent their needs and interests. I have worn many ‘hats’ in my me at USA and have garnered a unique skill set that will allow me to effec vely communicate on behalf of and represent our students. 2. I don’t feel that there is a problem zoning or enforcement. Our current system of appeals provides students with a sufficient system to state their case if they feel they have been cketed incorrectly. However, due to USA becoming more residen al there is a need for increased parking capacity. 3. Yes. I am a Brother of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. I am also the current Inter-Fraternity Council President.

a good student prepares me to be a good representa ve of the student body. 6.10

Kristian Kilpatrick Junior Biomedical Sciences Senator

1. My goal in running for the SGA senate is to push for student involvement in extracurricular ac vi es and student support of athle c events. 2. I don’t believe there is a parking problem. They zone parking in order to reduce overcrowding on campus. Jagtrans run to every part of campus, making it easy to get to class no ma er where you park. 3. I am currently a pledge of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. 4. The SGA could do a be er job of ge ng students excited about events happening around campus. 5. Academics always come first, so I would have to say being a student is most important. I think that being

7. Transparency is an essen al part of student-SGA rela ons. If students are kept in the dark, how can they know what kind of job the SGA is doing? 8. The University of South Alabama provides many opportuni es to prepare students for their careers. 9. The lack of student pride. 10. The Moulton Tower. It symbolizes dedica on to excellence and our university as a whole. 11. I would have to say football. GO JAGS! 12. The Biomedical Library does it for me. It’s nice and quiet. 13. Pizza Hut 14. Diligent For my first senate project, I would like to host a student involvement fair. The event would be centered on giving the students opportuni es to get involved in campus ac vi es outside of the classroom.

Jessica Bonner Graduate Secondary Education, Social Sciences Minor Senator 1. I am running for the position of SGA Senator for the College of Education because I feel I represent an overlooked portion of USA’s population: the “non-traditional” student. I am a commuter, married, and often take night or online classes. Many students work and have families in addition to school. I want to make them feel like they have a voice! 2. I think the parking problems only affect certain areas. Yes, we do have lack of parking on campus. However, I think much of the problem could be simply be solved by cutting down on the number of “blue” spaces designated for faculty/staff that are unused, particularly behind the Administration Building in the South parking zone area. 3. I am not affiliated with a Greek organization on campus. 4. Communication between SGA, faculty, administration and students

4. Student par cipa on is something I would love to see increase. SGA’s goal and purpose is to serve the students. In order to do so, students have to a end mee ngs and pose ques ons to both the senate and officers. We, as student representa ves, are elected in order to relay and complete tasks as students see fit.

many costs. Our student body has adapted to change be er than any group I have ever been a part of. This has allowed us to not only grow, but to prosper as a whole.

5. Academia is the reason for us being at USA. Therefore, being a student is more important. Being a well-balanced student-officer allows us to see problems facing students and makes us more effec ve in our roles.

10. The Alumni House. I love the fact that amidst our evermodernizing campus, we have a reminder of our humble routes. Also, the building serves an important func on as a home for all of our alumni returning to campus.

6. It is a definite 10. In order to serve, we must allow the student popula on to know what we are doing. In this, students will be able to gauge our effec veness and determine if we are mee ng their expecta ons.

11. Baseball, without a doubt. I love catching the a ernoon and night games. The great weather on top of the awesome sea ng in right field makes for a fantas c atmosphere.

7. Transparency is vital. It allows for USA students to have a voice in how their SGA is run. Transparency is the key to any form of representa ve government. If the people aren’t able to see the ac ons of their reps, then how are they to know if they are represented? 8. In the changing climate of USA students have been true champions. With expansion come

needs improvement. The purpose of the SGA is to advance and guard student interests. A large part of student interests concern academics and academic policies at the University. Listening to the student body’s concerns and effectively communicating them to faculty and administration should be a top priority. However, I will concede that this problem is a symptom of the lack of student involvement in SGA student forum. 5. Before I can represent other students’ interests affectively, I must first understand their concerns and point of view. Being a student is always more important than any other role you play on campus. Even if I am not a Senator, I am still a member of the SGA because I am a member of the student body. 6. On a scale from 1-10, I would say the importance of transparency in the SGA is a 10. 7. As members of the SGA, we work for the students. Transparency always leads to accountability, which the students of South Alabama deserve. The SGA’s decisions should always accurately reflect the views of the student body. Transparency allows students to make informed decision when electing SGA representatives. 8. My favorite thing about USA is that it has a small-campus feel with bigcampus resources and programs. 9. As an Education major, my least favorite thing about South is the location of the College of Education. It

9. The disconnect between students and the university is something that bothers me, but it is a challenge I will tackle head-on.

12. I love studying in my office at SGA. Right now, it is the closest thing we have to a student center so I can study, but s ll have interac on with my fellow students. 13. I enjoy ea ng at the Fresh Food Company, not necessarily for the food. It’s a great place to meet up with friends and catch up. 14. Zealous.

feels so disconnected from the rest of campus! 10. My favorite symbol of USA would be Moulton Tower. When I think of our University, I see the tower as representing the progress USA has made over the past 50 years. 11. Women’s golf is my favorite sport at South because my cousin will be a part of the team in the Fall. Go Jags! 12. The best spot for studying on campus has to be the fourth floor of the University Library. It’s always quiet and warm. 13. Einstein Bros. Bagels in the Humanities Building is my favorite place to eat on campus. They have the best blueberry muffins! 14. One word to describe me would be motivated. For my senate project for the College of Education I would propose a new printer or printers for the computer labs. Many of the projects/ assignments that Education majors need to complete require printing worksheets and other resource materials. I think this could service a large portion of Education majors.


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR, 25 2013

4. A large improvement needed within the SGA is more senator ac vity. Senator’s need to begin to speak ac vely in all senate discussions but many simply say ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ but do not offer any input during serious discussions.

to the student body is extremely important. 7. Transparency is important to me because it helps me become more open with my communica on towards others. Matthew Printz Sophomore Finance Senator

8. My favorite thing about USA is the people that a end this university. 9. My least favorite thing about USA is the parking problem on campus.

1. I am running for the SGA elec ons to help my university accomplish its’ goals and also to get more involved during my college career. 2. Yes, because students do not have enough space to find parking spots which therefore gives them parking fines. 3. Yes, Sigma Chi. 4. I think the SGA should become more open to the student body. 5. I believe they are both equally important because this campus needs input from students and ac ons from the officers. 6. A 10 because being transparent

10. Moulton Tower is my favorite symbol because is showers how much our campus has grown. 11. Basketball is my favorite USA sport. 12. My favorite study spot is in our fraternity house’s library. 13. Chick-fil-a is my favorite place to eat on campus. 14. Passionate With $1,000, I believe the first senate project should go towards giving a scholarship out to someone on campus who displays great campus life involvement.

Trenton Kaine O’Neal Sophomore Pre-Med, Biology Minor Arts and Sciences Senator

1. I currently hold the posi on of Transfer At Large for the SGA of South Alabama and have decided to use my experience gained from my 2012-2013 term to run for one of the School of Arts and Science Senator posi ons. 2. There are a few parking problems. A large problem is the requirement for Residen al students to only park in Residen al areas and not allowing for any parking for these students closer to educa onal study facili es which in turn can cause for a student to be late for a class or even accumulate several parking ckets. 3. I am proud brother of the Eta Kappa Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha.

Jonathan Hansert Freshman Accounting Senator

1. I am running for senator because I want to be involved in helping better this university for myself, my peers, and future South Alabama students

8. My favorite thing about USA is how devoted the faculty are to doing what they can to help students succeed. 9. My least favorite things about USA is the lack of parking in the residential area.

2. Yes, I do believe there is a parking problem on campus. The main area of concern being the residential area. Students at times have to park pretty far away from their dorm and with the new dorm being built that will only make matters worse.

10. My favorite USA symbol is the Jaguar in front of the Mitchell Center.

3. I am not Greek

13. Pizza Hut and quiznos

4. Encourage members to be more involved

14. Driven

5. I feel that being a student is more important. The whole purpose of coming to college is to learn. However, I also do believe that being a senator is very important. You must pay attention to what the people you are representing desire and make sure you make those desires known.

I would work towards getting more lighting on campus. There are places throughout the residential area and campus as a whole that many people are hesitant to walk through in the dark but must because of night classes and other events. I feel lighting up campus would give people a better sense of security and peace of mind.

6. 10. If the SGA is going to make

11. it’s a tie between football and basketball 12. Top floor of the library

6. With 10 being most transparent, I would have to say an 8.

Riley Davis Junior Criminal Justice, Psychology Minor SGA President

1. I am running for the posi on of SGA President because I want to make a difference on this campus for the benefit of the en re student body. During my me at South, I have served as SGA Freshman-at-Large, SGA College of Engineering Senator, and am currently serving as SGA Chief Jus ce. Over the course of my three years at USA and as a member of SGA, I have witnessed many changes for the be er being made at South, and I want to con nue to be a part of these differences on campus and within the student body. I want to see more students feel the sense of community on campus that I have felt since my first day here. I am running for this posi on because I feel as though I am the most qualified and most experienced candidate with the determina on and mo va on needed to con nue ac vely working to make USA an even be er university. 2. Yes, there is a parking problem on campus. I believe that the issue with parking on South’s campus is not the lack of parking spaces, but the loca on of said parking spaces. While the parking situa on is frustra ng and is a significant problem, it is a sign that our university is booming and our student popula on is steadily growing.

9. The parking zones would have to be my least favorite things about USA. 10. My favorite USA symbol would have to be the crest. 11. My favorite USA sport would defiantly have to be football. GO JAGS! 12. My favorite study spot would have to be the stone tables between the library and humani es building’s. 13. My favorite place to eat on campus would be the balcony located at the Fresh Food Company. 14. Ambi ous.

7. The SGA’s officers and senators should not hold anything form the student body. 8. The various student organiza ons would have to be my favorite thing about USA. No ma er what set of ideas or interest a student has, there is an organiza on that provides a group of like-minded individuals to get the student ac ve on campus and to be more produc ve with

3. Yes, I am a member of Chi Omega. While I know that my membership in Chi Omega has contributed to my leadership abili es, I believe that it is my past three years of serving in mul ple SGA posi ons that makes me the most qualified candidate for this posi on.

decisions that affect the students than i believe the students should know what’s going on inside SGA 7. Transparency is important to me because I feel that people should be able to know what the people they voted for are doing.

5. Being a student is more important but being a senator is more ac ve. A student provides sources of error or area’s in which they seek improvement or aid towards a certain organiza on and this provides the actual posi ons of officer and senator. Without first being a student, a senator would not have an ac ve mind as to what is happening on campus and any idea what the issue on campus are.

helping be er the student life of South Alabama.

4. Improvements within SGA could be made in the areas of morale and commitment. I think one of the biggest problems on SGA that could be improved is the complacency that many members find themselves falling into once school begins and life hits. I think that this is something that can be improved and will take all members of SGA working together to overcome. I think commitment is something that can always be improved and is something that we as an en re en ty can strive for. I think these things can be improved through teamwork and consistent mo va on from our peers. 5. I’ve always believed that being a student comes first. Campus involvements and extracurricular ac vi es are implemented on college campuses to supplement our educa on and college experience, not to override them. When campus involvements begin to take precedence over coursework, we are failing ourselves as students. My primary goal here at South is to receive a higher educa on; however, it is personally important for me to supplement my educa on with extracurricular ac vi es that provide greater opportuni es for personal growth and leadership.

I would suggest that my fellow senators of the School of Arts and Science u lize the $1,000 to add sources of beau fica on to the area around the Chemistry building and between the Chemistry building and Humani es. I would also like to suggest placing benches in the area between the Life Science building and Instruc on Learning Lab.

important to me because SGA is an organiza on comprised of students with the primary inten on of serving students. Without transparency, we, as SGA, are not fulfilling our du es to support the student body to the best of our ability. 8. My favorite thing about USA is the sense of community on campus. There is a familial spirit here at South that I feel contributes significantly to the success of students. Being able to have classes in which an instructor knows every one of his or her students’ names and can interact personally with them in the classroom is one of South’s most invaluable assets. I think the sense of community on campus is what has made my college experience so wonderful. 9. My least favorite thing about USA is the limited library hours. While the library is now open an hour later than last year, I s ll find myself wishing for more me in the evening. I feel as though many students are in the same situa on as I am, where I do not finish my day un l late in the evening, and by that point I do not have much me le to u lize the library as a study loca on. I realize that expanding library hours is difficult due to monetary and me constraints; however, I do feel as though it is something to keep as a poten al future goal. 10. Jaguar/SouthPaw 11. Jaguar Football 12. Outside

6. I believe transparency in SGA should be a 9/10 on a scale of importance.

13. Student Center Food Court

7. Transparency within SGA is

14. Steadfast


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR 25, 2013

6. I’d probably say 9. The student body should be able to see that the SGA is doing something. And see what they are doing so they can become involved with the SGA.

Sana Ozair Junior Biomedical Sciences Senator

Coleman Wolf Senior Audiology, History Minor Senator

1. I wish to be able to make a be er impact on campus, by working on Senate Projects. 2. Yes, however there is li le we can truly do about it at this me. 3. Yes, I’m a proud Brother of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity! 4. We can use our budget for be er Senate projects.

1. To represent the student body, to keep the students informed, and to make sure the voice of the students are heard. 2. Yes, there is a parking problem because the number of students is increasing every year. 3. No 4. Student involvement 5. Both

5. Being a student, we are her to gain an educa on. 6. Around an 8. 7. It is important; however there are some ma ers that just need to be handled within the SGA. 8. Free admission to all USA spor ng events.

Arjen James Meter Freshman Accounting, Business Managment Minor College of Business Senator

1. I wanted to get more involved in campus life. And I feel like I’d have a good input in the student government.

8. University of South Alabama community

9. Parking ckets!!!

9. Crimes at the University of South Alabama

10. The Moulton Bell Tower

10. Paw print

11. Baseball

11. Basketball

12. The SGA Office

12. BMD library

13. The Food Court

13. Einstein’s

14. Determined

14. Hard worker

I would like to try and have bleachers put in at the Track, so the students could watch Track meets.

I would give it to different ac ve student organiza ons that will try to use to money in order to benefit the student body, University of South Alabama, and the community as a whole.

“Like” us on Facebook USAVGSports

8. There is a large diversity of people here and for the most part all of the organiza ons on campus work together. 9. The Jagtran. It is faster for me to walk anywhere than take the Jagtran. 10. The Moulton Tower

2. Yes and no. There is plenty of parking available. I believe a main problem is that peoples parking is not close to a majority of some of their classes.

11. Football

3. Yes, I am a member of Kappa Sigma.

14. Though ul

6.10 7. Transparency is important because it allows communica on and openness between SGA and the students.

7. In order for people to become involved on campus people need to know what’s going on. If someone is out of the loop they won’t care what’s occurring.

4. More involvement with the organiza on. There needs to be people that want to be ac ve rather than people that just want to be in the senate. 5. Both are equally important. School is the main reason why anyone is even at college. But, by being an officer you have more responsibility to the student body.

12. The Library 13. Chick-Fil-A

If I had a thousand dollars to spend on my first senate project, I would probably spend it on a light up sign for the traffic circle or student center. This would serve as a place to inform students on different organiza onal event. A more informed student body would probably create a more involved student body.

6. Transparency is the duty we owe to those who have elected us. We should be their servant leaders. That being said, transparency is a 10 out of 10.

Colin Al-Greene Graduate Student MBA

7. It is important because we have a responsibility to those who have elected us. They should know what we are doing to serve them.

1. It is my career coal to become an a orney. I feel I am the best bit for the job because I served in the posi on as an undergraduate.

8. The thing I have always loved about USA is the students. At USA, you’ll find every sort of person imaginable. Being at USA truly changed by life.

2. The cket appeal process is fair. I do think, however, that the number of spots in certain lots should be increased to meet the current demand.

9. The thing that I like least about USA is that not every student takes the opportunity to become more connected to the school.

3. Yes, I am an alumni of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. 4. From my prior experience, I believe that communica on and engagement with the other campus organiza ons could be improved. 5. Both are important. Your representa ves are here to serve the students, but they must also remember that the are, themselves, students.

10. Southpaw 11. I have been to nearly every USA football game since the program began, 12. I like to study in the MCOB library. 13. Since by freshman year, I have been a fan of the Delta Deli. 14. Driven.

What is SGA? The Student Government Association is the voice and governing body of the students. All South Alabama students are members of the SGA and encouraged to get involved. The purpose of SGA is to protect and advance the students' interests as well as to promote the welfare of the students by providing student services. The SGA operates as a constitutional democracy and is composed of three branches: the Executive Branch, the Judicial Branch, and the Legislative Branch. The SGA meets every Monday night that school is in session at 8:00 PM in the conference room at the Fresh Food Company (new dining facility). Meetings are always open to all students and faculty of the University of South Alabama. For more information, please come by the SGA Office which is located in the Student Resource Center Room 1363 or contact the SGA Office at (251) 460-7191.

What do officers do? President: Chief executive officer of the SGA and is responsible for all aspects of student governance. Vice President: Serves as president of the Student Senate and is responsible for overseeing all legislative processes of student government as well as managing all SGA committees. Treasurer: Responsible for managing the SGA budget and all funds allocated to student organizations. Attorney General: Ensures that all laws and rules of the SGA are enforced and acts as the prosecutor for SGA. In addition, the Attorney General works with the Governmental Affairs Committee to promote STARS & the Higher Education Partnership activities. Chief Justice: Presides over the Student Supreme Court and the University Traffic and Parking Committee. In addition, the Chief Justice is responsible for protecting the rights of the students and upholding the judicial processes of SGA.


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR 25, 2013

5. Being a student is far more important. Officers and senators serve only as a representa ve for the students.

5. Being a student is more important. I’m running for this posi on because I am a student who has some ideas that I believe can flourish and come to light. 6. On a scale of 1-10, transparency is a 7. Nicholas Frazier Sophomore Science/ Economics

1. I am running for this posi on because I feel it is a service. I want to represent the voices of those students in my college and their interest. 2. There is a parking problem on campus. Due to many different ac vi es on camps it is hard to find adequate parking to suffice the growing number of commuter students on this campus. 3. No I am not Greek affiliated 4. I go to the mee ngs o en and the one thing I see is that there is not enough of a student presence from the student popula on. I do not think that it is a SGA problem; I believe that students should come out and see what is being done because it is very interes ng.

7. Transparency is important. Our elected representa ve have to realize that their cons tuents are the ones who elected them and they have the right know what is going on in their government. 8. My favorite thing about South is the people. 9. My least favorite thing about South is the weather. 10. My favorite USA symbol is SouthPaw. 11. My favorite USA sports are football, basketball, and golf. 12. My favorite study spot is outside. 13. Favorite place to eat Chik- fil- a. 14. Ambi ous

6.10 Anthony Hayden Welford Sophomore International Business, Spanish Minor College of Business Senator

1. I am running for MCOB senator as a means of ge ng more involved on campus and giving back to the university. I would like to use my previous experience in other organiza ons to help be er the student body. 2. Yes, there is a parking problem. In my opinion, the university has failed to increase the availability of on campus parking in correspondence with its recent expansion of students. 3. Yes, Sigma Chi. 4. I believe SGA could be more transparent. Improving the transparency would help students further understand and appreciate those governing the student body.

7. Transparency allows the students to be involved and informed about SGA proceedings. 8. The sense of community amongst the students and faculty. 9. Parking seems to be a constant issue on campus. 10. Moulton Tower 11.South Alabama Basketball 12. The study rooms at the library 13. Quizno’s 14. Mo vated I would open up a poll to all students allowing them to vote or make sugges ons on ways that the money could be used to improve the university and proceed to use the money for what idea proved most popular

opportunity to be in SGA.

Meghan Hadley Junior Psychology, Criminal Justice and Political Science Minors Senator

1. I’ve been a senator in SGA for two years now, and I love being involved in campus ac vi es. I want to do anything I can to a make a posi ve difference. 2. There is definitely a parking problem on campus. Many parking lots are overcrowded and some students don’t park in their designated areas. It would be helpful if there were certain areas students can park when running small errands on campus. 3. Yes, I’m a member of Phi Mu. 4. I feel that there is some mes a lack of communica on between SGA and the student body. Only a small percentage of our body even voted in elec ons last year, and I believe some students are unsure of how to get involved or the benefits of being involved. 5. Both are very important to me. Of course, being a student comes first though. Grades have always been important to me, and without that, I would not even have the

6. 10.

6. 10.

7. It is important for students to feel comfortable with the decisions that the SGA is making on their behalf. Their concerns and opinions should be received openly and with respect. Students should feel certain that their thoughts are being heard and taken seriously.

7. It is very important that the SGA actions have full transparency so that the students know what is happening within SGA. We want the students to trust us and know we are doing our best for them.

8. I love that South is con nually growing and improving. 9. With every university, there is room for improvement, but I don’t feel that USA has any major flaws. Overall, it is an excellent school. 10. The jaguar logo. 11. Football. Go Jags! 12. Fourth floor of the library, right in front of the window. 13. I love ea ng Einstein’s in between classes in the morning. It’s a great mid-morning pick me up. 14. Determined. A student brought an excellent point to the senate this past semester. There are not adequate safety measures on campus for students with vision disabili es. Sidewalks and intersec ons on campus can be dangerous. I feel that this would be a great senate project to undertake.

Mary Gillispie Junior Excercise Science Senator

1. I love being a student at South and I wish to see improvement in student life on campus. 2.Yes, many/all students have parking passes but if their lot is full they have no choice but to park where ever they can find a spot, or be late to class. It’s a problem that needs to be addressed. 3. Yes, Phi Mu.

8. It is so easy to get involved on campus and in the community! South gives us so many opportunities to help others. 9. Everything about South is great, except.. the rain. 10. The jaguar head, it’s a symbol that unites us all. Even though we are all different it is a symbol of unity that reminds us that we are all in this together. 11. I can’t say I have a favorite, I enjoy going to all athletic events! Football, baseball, tennis.. you name it!

4. The student body to be more energized about voting for SGA officers and delegates, we are their voice! Also increase the awareness and student body in activities/events that the SGA sponsors.

12. Pool side at the USA recreation center.

5. Being a student is at the top of my list, but while I’m a student I would like to get involved in helping better our campus and our student body.

I would use the $1000 towards an art piece that would show/honor President Moulton’s leadership and dedicated service to South Alabama.

13. Quizno’s in the Market! The Little Italy is AMAZING! 14. Dynamic

Colten Lander Sophomore Nursing Senator

1. I’m running for this posi on to be a voice for all the other nursing students and to represent them in the SGA. 2. Yes, because of the distance students have to walk in the allo ed me is some mes ght and the students are only allowed to park in certain places. 3. I am a brother of Phi Kappa Sigma and the current scholarship chair. 4. I think SGA could be improved by more campus involvement and working more with other organiza ons. 5. Being a student is more important to me. We are all here to get our educa on and without the students there would be no need for officers. 6. 8 it is important because we are the voices of the student body so they have the right to know about the decisions we make that affect them. 7. It is important because we are the voices of the student body so they have the right to know about the decisions we make that affect them. 8. Everything. I love the campus, the students and the programs. 9. The lack of school spirit among a majority of students. 10. My favorite USA symbol is the Bell Tower. It stands for how much South has grown over the years and it can be seen throughout the whole campus. 11. I am a big Jaguar Football fan but I usually a end all the spor ng events. 12. My favorite study spot is under the bell tower by the fountains. 13. My favorite place to eat is at the student center food court. 14. Dedicated If I was a senator I would use the thousand dollars to bring in speakers and hands-on demonstra ons for the pre-nursing students to be er prepare them for nursing school. Also, the current nursing students could help with these demonstra ons to involve both nursing and pre-nursing students.


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR 25, 2013

6. 8

Trey Davis Freshman Pre-Physical Therapy Senator

1. I am running for this posi on to inspire change on campus as well as enhance the college experience of new students that a end the University of South Alabama. 2. Yes. Since Fall 2009 South Alabama has had a record number of student enrollment every year. The growing popula on of students has caused a shortage of parking spaces. With the addi on to the new resident hall, which will hold twice as many students as the previous hall once held before, the parking spaces in campus housing will be limited. 3. No 4. More campus involvement among SGA senators could improve the representa on of the student body. 5. Being a student is more important than being an officer because ge ng your educa on to start a career in the field of your choice is the main the purpose of a ending college.

7. Transparency is important because it allows the student body to see what is being done on campus with their student fees and tui on. Also it gives them a chance to become more involved because they feel that they have a voice in what the SGA is doing for the en re student body and they also play a vital role in the ac vi es and community service events that occur throughout the semester. 8. The living learning communi es are one of my favorite things about USA because they allow you to become connected to the residents you are around and allow you to easily find help in a similar subject. 9. My least favorite thing about USA is the fact that although the football team is only a few years old there is not a stadium on campus. 10. The jaguar head 11. Football 12. On the third floor of the library 13. The market 14. Ambi ous 15. I would first research and study the campus to see what kind of recycling or clean up du es would be needed and invest the money to organize a community service campus clean up event.

1. I am running for a position as Senator of the Mitchell College of Business because I want to be a voice for the students. As that voice, I want to create opportunities for students to be successful and make a positive impact on-campus and in the community. 2. It depends. From my experience, there is adequate parking on-campus. However, during the busy hours, I have observed faculty parking not being utilized in the South Zone by the Mitchell College of Business. These areas could easily be converted to student parking with little cost involved. 3. Yes. I am a member of Kappa Delta Sorority.

1. SGA Treasurer is one of the most important positions the student body will elect. I wouldn’t be running if I didn’t feel I was the most qualified individual for the job. I have been treasurer of my fraternity, made countless budgets for over $25k+ accounts, and spearheaded many fundraising events. 2. ABSOLUTELY! I also wish there was an easy fix. Until the University decides to take measured steps towards addressing the problem there is not much to be done past a logistical standpoint (i.e. balancing the lots). However, it is my wish to ask the administration to create a fund out of ticket fines that goes directly towards more parking. 3. Yes, I am a proud member of Tau Kappa Epsilon. 4. SGA, and especially the office of the Treasurer, needs to make

5. Simply put, being a student and being a member of the SGA are two completely different entities. For example: when making SGA decisions I would have to leave the “student Sidney” at the door and make judgment calls without bias or my previous experiences as a student. On the same note it is important for officers and senators not to forget their places as students. 6. 10. 7. It’s the student’s government. Why should there be secrets from the individuals who elected us and who we serve? 8. My favorite thing about our University is our campus. I love seeing new construction, buildings, and projects. It makes me feel like our campus is becoming something much more than it was when I joined. Our growth makes me very proud to be a Jag. None of it would be possible without awesome Alumni support.

9. Our largest problem is that there are many students that aren’t involved on campus. I would love to see more people not only getting into interest clubs and programs, but also being more involved with SGA (even as students!). 10. Moulton Tower is my favorite USA symbol. It is a symbol of not only prowess and achievement, but also how strong our student family is even after graduation. 11. Participating in athletic events of any sort at USA inspires great school spirit and camaraderie among students. No matter what sport you enjoy, everyone should support! 12. I love the MCOB library. The computer lab is so close and the environment is very relaxed. Definitely the most similar place to studying at home. 13. Burger Studio is very trendy and delicious. 14. To quote Barney Stinson, “Awesome”.


4. SGA could improve its communication by ensuring that all students, faculty, and staff have access to information discussed at meetings and are aware of how to access this information.

Emily LeeAnne Jerkins Sophomore Finance, Economics Concentration Collge of Business Senator

Sidney Jackson Junior Accounting SGA Treasurer

sure to communicate effectively with students. Campus email is a great form of communication, but we could take more steps. Using social media to its fullest extent, physical signs, and direct communication (phone calls etc.) could be used to increase knowledge about SGA happenings like the appropriations processes for student organizations.

5. To be an officer/senator, one must first be a student. The responsibility associated with the position demands that one must understand his/her fellow classmates and be their voice. Without being a student first, this is impossible.

international, so I wish there were more international students to create a more diverse learning environment on-campus. 10. My favorite USA logo is the Jaguar logo. 11. While I love all USA sports, my favorite sport is USA basketball. Go Jags!!! 12. My favorite study spot oncampus is the Mitchell College of Business Library.

6. On a scale of 1-10, the importance of transparency on SGA is a 10, with 10 being very important.

13. My favorite place to eat on campus is Chick-Fil-A.

7. Transparency is important to me because SGA represents the student body at the University of South Alabama, and all students should know what is discussed at SGA meetings and be aware of how to access this information.

I would create a financial literacy program in the Mitchell College of Business for local schools. Along with personal finances, we will demonstrate how a business works and excite students about career opportunities in business. Through service-learning, Mitchell College of Business Students will become socially responsible leaders.

8. My favorite thing about USA is the campus environment. While located in a city, USA’s campus has a small town feel. 9. My least favorite thing about USA is the small number of international students. Only about 5% of our student population is

14. Self-sufficient

7. Transparency is important because that is part of the goal of SGA; to allow for a clear and open dialogue between the students and the university administra on. The students have a right to know what is being discussed. Peter Daigle Junior Political Science, History Minor Political Science Senator

8. My favorite thing about USA is its poten al to be a great University, and also the types of club communi es on campus.

1. I feel like I have the drive, the energy, and the intelligence to aid both my par cular college and my fellow students as a whole.

9. The lack of green program ini a ves, and the lack of some type of daycare for the non-tradi onal students that a end South Alabama.

2. There does seem to be a parking issue on campus, at least where I park, which is Central. In central parking there seems to be a lack of parking spots especially during the peak hours.

10. The one with the Jaguar.

3. I am not a Greek and proud of it! 4. Diversity. Most of the people in posi ons of power are affiliated with Greek organiza ons, not to men on all of them are also white, but I am too I guess. 5. Being a student is more important to me. Being a student is the primary reason I am running for SGA office; I want to improve the academic condi ons of my university. 6. Transparency is extremely important within the SGA so I guess it would be a 10 on the importance

11. Basketball 12. In one of the libraries coveted quiet study rooms. 13. Since they changed their prac ces I would have to say chick-fil-a. 14. Interested If I were given $1000 for my first senate project I would a empt to funnel that money into some type of “make the campus green” program. Perhaps a recycling bin program near the major ea ng or gather spots around campus.


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR 25, 2013

currently brainstorming would be a great idea.

7. Transparency is very important to me because the student body needs to be aware of the projects that going on within SGA. There needs to be a good rela onship established between SGA and the student body.

Molly Miller Freshman Senator

1. This is my first semester here at South, and I would really love to get involved on campus. I feel becoming a part of SGA is a good way to do that. And I feel running for a Senate posi on would be a good way to get involved with the student body. 2. Some mes the assigned parking zones create a problem because there are many students that need to be in so many different places. And having one assigned parking zone can make that inconvenience for them. 3. No. 4. Well I have only been here a semester, so I don’t know much about South’s SGA. I would really love to become a part of it and learn what can be improved. 5. I feel it is very important to be a student. As a student you are the school and there are so many ways to become involved.

8. My favorite thing about USA is that it is home. I am from Mobile and being able to go to school and be at home is awesome. 9. I really like USA and as of right not I do not have a least favorite thing. 10. My favorite USA symbol would have to be the Jaguar. I love seeing all the Jaguar stuff around campus. 11. My favorite USA sport is football. Love me some football! Can’t wait for football season! 12. My favorite study spot is anywhere outside on campus. 13. I do not live on campus so I do not really eat on campus. But if I do eat I normally just go to the caf with some friends. 14. Dependable. For my first senate project I would do anything that is a student concern, whether that involves anything from parking to a good studying environment. I would start my plan by asking the student body what the campus may need to meet their concerns.

6. 9

Vikash Perninkil Sophomore Biomedical Sciences

1. I am running for this posi on because I really just want to do my duty as a student here at South and help my peers. I would like to make sure students have fair dealings with UDC and parking viola ons, and make feel students feel like SGA cares about the student body and wants to do whatever it can do to help. 2. Yes, I wholeheartedly believe so. It is one thing when students park out of zone on purpose just because of laziness, which deserves punishment. However, if a student shows up to their class early, and is late because the parking is full in their zone, then there is definitely an issue that needs correc on. 3. Yes, I am the treasurer of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity here at South Alabama. 4. I feel like the biggest problem is that the students do not know what the SGA is doing, some may not even know it is there. Maybe some sort of SGA newsle er that informs students of how they can get involved, how SGA can help their organiza ons, or just what SGA is

5. Everyone has his or her roles, not everyone can fill every posi on. If a student is extremely busy with work and school, then that is what they have to do. If another student has extra me to contribute to student government, then more power to them. 6. As far as transparency, I will say 8, 10 being most transparent. 7. I choose 8 being because just like in any governing body, not all of the people can make decisions. Some decisions are meant for the elected officials to make and convey to the people, and not all of the people would agree with how the decisions were made. However, the people NEED and HAVE A RIGHT to know what is going on with their government. If the governing body is making decisions without the people opinions, then problems will arise. So my answer would be that transparency is very important in most situa ons, but at mes it is not.

8. My favorite thing about South is how close the student body is. At bigger schools you get lost in a crowd of students, but here at South, you have an opportunity to build be er interpersonal rela onships. Some people may not enjoy this, but I love seeing some of the same people every day and I love having open class discussions, with teachers being able to call on

a jaguar! 5. To me, being a student is more important because I came to South to do just that. A student is my first job. However, if I were to receive this posi on, I would not take it lightly. Courtnie Wood Sophomore Art Senator

1. I am running for this posi on to become more involved with campus to life and to also gain experience in a student lead government. 2. I believe that South would benefit from more parking lots, giving students more chances to park in their zones. This would minimize students parking anywhere they can find a spot. 3. I am not a Greek. 4. More student involvement is always a good thing. Giving them more chances to speak up would be beneficial.

11. My answer might be a li le biased, but my favorite sport is so ball. I played in high school so I know what kind of dedica on and work it takes to make a good team. Go Jags!

8. I like the diversity here. The students are as diverse as the events that they put on, leading to a very entertaining college career. 9. My least favorite thing about South would have to be parking. It works out alright if you have early classes, but around lunch me it gets really congested. 10. My favorite symbol is South Paw. He gets students involved and hyped for all the events he a ends. And he’s

14. Compassionate. If I were to receive $1,000, I would put benches in the traffic circle for students who might want a different study spot. The trees provide a shady, relaxing spot and would be very accessible for students living in oncampus housing.

10. Shelby hall, it is absolutely stunning! 11. My favorite sport at South is football because it brings all the students and alumni together. It is also a sign of progress of South. At one me there was no team, and this year we played an SEC team. It poses as an analogy to the school’s progress. Look at Shelby Hall and our Rec center. Who would have thought, 30 years ago, that The University of South Alabama would come as far as it has! 12. Depending on my mood, it is either at my house in my desk or at the library. I am taking Organic Chemistry and Physics this year, so having the perfect study spot is vital. 13. My favorite place to eat is the Caf, there is always something different, and you always see your friends there! 14.Self-Mo vated

Decei ulness is not in the best interest of the students.

Brittany Pigg Sophomore Psychology, Sociology Minor Senator

12. I live off campus so I don’t do much studying on campus, but I do enjoy si ng out by the bell tower. It’s in the middle of campus but s ll remains a peaceful place. 13. Hands down, my favorite place is Chick-Fil-A. They have the best chicken! And it’s easy to get to.

9. The parking situa on. It needs to be fixed. I think if you ask 10 students this ques on, at least half would say parking. Yes students can walk or take the jag train, but if parking is not available in the student’s designated parking zone, stated by their parking pass, then what are they to do then have to spend a week’s gas money on a parking cket! If South can afford to spend millions on a beau ful recrea onal facility, then they should be able to deal with our parking situa on.

7. I think transparency is required to be trusted by the student body.

6.I would rate transparency at a 9. 7. Transparency is important to me because I believe students should have the right to know what their money is being spent on as well as any future plans that could benefit or harm their me here at South.

each student by their first name.

1. I want to be involved in South Alabama and am interested inbe ering the university. 2. I don’t think there is enough parking on campus. 3. I am an Alpha Gamma Delta. 5. Being a student and being a senator are equally important. Senators are the voice of the students, and that job should be taken seriously. I’m first and foremost a student, though. 6. 10

8. My favorite thing about South Alabama is the sense of community and spirit. 9. My least favorite thing about USA is the lack of involvement of students. 10. My favorite USA symbol is the jaguar head. 11. My favorite USA sport is football. 12. My favorite study spot is the 3rd floor of the library by the windows. 13. My favorite place to eat on campus is chick-fil-a. 14. Goal-oriented For my first senate project, I’d want to get the opinions of students before I decide how to spend $1,000.


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR 25, 2013


Student Health Sudoku For Student Health appointments, please call 460-7151 For Counseling and Testing, please call 460-7051

Mental Health Tip Courtesy of Robert Hanks In the opening paragraph of A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens wrote, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” For many students, that might also be an apt description of college life. The “best” parts can include greater personal freedom, development of long lasting relationships, and enjoyment of a wide range of stimulating and even exciting activities. The “worst” aspects can include time pressures, a seemingly endless stream of examinations, research papers, and presentations, and of course, money worries. To succeed as a college student it is important to learn ways to manage stress. There are many ways that students cope with stress and to some extent, the approach taken needs to be individualized. An appropriate first step is to make a list of current stressors and use

a problem solving approach to either reduce or eliminate those that are under one’s control. A second key step is to take care of the body by eating well, getting adequate sleep (7-9 hours), and engaging in regular exercise. A third important strategy is to find ways to relax through intentional activities such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and/or visual imagery. A fourth idea is to open up to other people that are trustworthy about one’s stresses and strains. Still another facet of stress management is recognizing when one needs professional assistance. The Counseling and Testing Services office is staffed by Licensed Counselors who welcome the opportunity to help students feeling overwhelmed by the demands of college life. To schedule an appointment or speak to a counselor, call our office at 460-7051.


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013


VOL. 52, NO. 10 / MAR. 25, 2013


VOL. 52, NO. 9 / MAR. 11, 2013

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