Advertisements FMC 2900R

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The l\dotor Coach for 1y75. The FMC. Not a conversion from something else. Nor an adaptation to anything else. Rather, designed from the road up. to be ex?.ctly ry!a! it is: a unique melding of driveability and liveability characteristics. Elegantly appointed, with a multitude of refinements gracing the interior. Plush carpeting, tasteful wall coverings, rich woodgrain cabinetry, harmonious window shadesall a careful coordination of color and style. And everywhere you look, tinted safety glass windows, to bring the sights outside in. At the very rear, the spacious master salon. Then a lavishly-outfitted bath. A complete galley, with double sink, counter-level stove, eyelevel oven, refrig erator / freezer, and acres of counter space. A comfortable dining and enter-

taining center. Air conditioning, stereo, and color TV hook-ups. All in all, the FMC is all splendid living for six. Up front is the driver's world. Designed so the end of a long trip finds you still looking forward to the pleasures ahead. A comfort-swivel seat, two-way adjustable steering wheel and column, power assisted steering and brakes, and a full range of instrumentation, including a unique systems status read-out console. Plus a driver's door, for convenience and safety. At mid-vehicle, there's a passenger's door, too only a single electric step down to the ground. Step back and take a look at the FMC. It looks like no other motor home. Long, low, and a wide stance. Gleaming white fiberglass. Sleek, flowing lines, unmarred by unsightly (and air-resisting) roof-mounted appliances. Beneath it all is a customengineered chassis -fully

integrating the body. Steel beam and roll-resistant cage construction. Sandwiched with polyurethane foam for a quietness inside that lets you speak in whispers. All four wheels are suspended separately, sweeping you over road irregularities in comfort akin to a luxury car. And at the rear, a powerful engine, mounted at the driving wheels. Greater traction and efficiency. No noise, heat, vibration, or engine hump in the driver's area. And completely serviceable from outside the coach. The FMC Motor Coach for L975. Seeing it, driving it is the strongest argument for owning it. Arrange for an appointment to see for yourself. Today.



FMC, Circle 87 on Reader Service Page





The flagship of modern motodromes



d* t


Motor Vacations Unlimited, rNc. NORTH SIDE OF RT. 2A, yz MILE WEST OF RT. 59. ELGIN, ILLINOIS 60120 Phone (312) 695-9413 Just minutes west of Woodfield

16 wooded acres of display.

We are

also exclusive area distributors for Apollo, Diplomat ll by Executivâ‚Ź, Landau, Superior and Travco. Special purpose coaches, too. 58

Motor Vacations, Circle 953 on Reader Service Page

Wbasked RVownersudlat kind of ride and handlingtheywanted.

Thenwebuiltthernin. With 4-wheel independent susoension. Wide-track sthnce. And a tbw centerofgravrty The FMC 2900R rides and handles unlike any other motor coach you've ever driven

because this beauty is built around


revolutionary chassis developed for this coach alone. The chassis rides low to the ground for

a whole new measure of stability. The coach floor is only 18Vz inches off the

road. And its center of g ravity is 1g inches lower than comparable truck

chassis coaches.

Four-wheel independent suspension (like the suspension in Europe's finest luxury sedans) is teamed with rear torsion bars for an entirely new kind of

motor coach ride. The wide track front wheels are placed 81 inches apart, to practically eliminate body sway.

The engine of this 29-foot beauty is in

the rear. So you get extra traction


uphill grades and extra quiet on any run. The FMC 2900R delivers a ride, handling, quiet and convenience you won't

believe- until you see the coach and

drive it. Now's the time to arrange a test drive. To find your nearest dealer, write FMC Corporation, Dept. TL, P. O. Box

664, Santa Clara, California 95052.

Engineering makes the difference


FMC, Circle




on Reader Service


The FMC Motor Coach. A sktffilly


elegandy appointed, limited production touring vehicle.

It rides on 0 custom built

chassis, with


independent suspension, and r rear-engine driven. @iet. Smooth. And responsive" Nof unlike a

nationls foremost designers. And oll the amenities one would rightf"lly expect in a this coliber. motorhome "f Priced from about $54,000. The Motorhome And refned. -redefined. Arran7e for an appointment to see for )lourself. Soon.

Iuxury motor car. Ir{ erv ta stefully - state d interiors, by one tf the

#MCHliff:'fion See

your nearest dealer or write FMC Motor Coach Division, P.O. Box 664, Santa Clara, CA 95052 for complete infomationFMC, Circle 401 on Reader Service Page


The FMC. Standing apart in a world of motor home lookalikes, built-the-sarnes. A totally-engineered approach to elegant on-and-off road travel and liveability. A unifying of performance and luxury. All of the first order. One glance is all that's needed to tell you how different the FMC is. Long, and low, standing wide. The sleek, smooth, moving lines of its all-fiberglass body are unbroken by unsightly (and

air-resisting) roof-mounted appliances. And tinted safety glass all around, everywhere you look, to bring the sights outside in. A driver's door, for convenience and safety. And a mid-vehicle passenger's door, too.

At the rear, a powerful engine, mounted behind the driving wheels. Greater traction, more efficient operation. No noise, heat, vibration, or engine hump in the driver's area. And completely serviceable from outside the coach. Unseen is the custombuilt, fully-integrated body and chassis unit. A sheath of steel beam lower framing and aluminum upper cage construction. Packed with sound absorbing, insulating polyurethane foam. Likewise hidden from view, the independent suspension at all four wheels, for a smoother ride. Power brakes, for a safer ride. And power steering, for an easier ride. A single step up and you're inside the FMC. Luxury Speaks back softly from every inch. Plush carpeting underfoot. Walls in easy-care, vinyl clad aluminum. Cabinetry in rich woodgrain. Elegant seating fabrics and coordinatjng woven window shades. A

FMC, Circle 401 bn Reader Service Page

harmony of color, pleasantly understated. Wander through the ample, sensibly-arranged salon, bath, dining, and entertaining areas - as practical as they are luxurious. Complete living for six. A driver's compartment engineered for comfort and control. Thke command with a full complement of automotive and household instruments, including unique optical display of vehicle functions and systems. All the niceties of life like stereo, color TV hook-up and air-conditioning. And all the necessities of life, too. All fully provided for. Call today for an appointment to test the Motor Coach for 1975. Experience how good being away from home can be.



Wb:rsked Rvorryners what conveniences they wanted.

Thenwe delivered. with whisper-quiet drivirur Anat front deck. And 책 doorfortht driver:

You could trade whispers all day long in the FMC 2900R-if you were cruis-

ing an expressway at T0 m ph, or climbing a steep grade-because the engine is a coach's length away in the rear, where it should be. A special differential keeps things

quiet to begin with, and a heavily

insulated engine compartment keeps ings cool. There's no engine hump separating


the front seats, either" The front deck is f lat and unobstructed, So you and your crew can get into and out of your seats without a struggle. And there's f ull legroom seating for the driver and two f ront-seat passengers. Inside this 29-foot beauty are conveniences like a central hallway that turns into a private dressing room, a

built-in pantry, and convertible rear beds. And there are targe capacity

conditioning systems to cool you on the road or while you're parked.

The FMC 2900R delivers a ride, quiet, handling and convenience you won't believe - u ntil you take a test drive. To locate your FMC dealer, write FMC Corp., Recreational Vehicles Division, Dept. TL, p.O. Box 664, Santa Clara, California g5052.

air Engineering

makesthe difhrence


: ,; r';,,*h,Qck standing ålone in a *oira .å[joat' absorbing bumpers, front and u :or ;p' safety. And :1I.";Pl,:,,h":?iT_"j 9o-"v"1ui"; -, r I'"*'iidi"g,=.i'-.,':.-1tf-ii;;;åt"a';]"rr1'*iil,'r;rå'"??'å1"å",,fl 'ir"n''ffid.#, , ,--=;else. Or pn adaptation -Nåt to'an3/thing els'å.

åruHåili::,:iJ.lii;ff 'fu ;"ioi#i"',*i4.'å'lii'o--*:l';tn;"*:'h,:å o,'-,''.'' epgine. Greater traction because the ",,','A'.re-ar-ryounted sa fe ty.,frii *-a å ;tS.,,,i,,,'-'€ngtne''s w-noere ln'the,reåi it,should it shoutd be. More (n" Mole effieient .rri.iå"i (r llY:,RoaoaW*lt, i.,,elg1n"e$*_-.1i,r._gw!e1e No- en'gine noise, heat, ,; ;it.;ti;; ir'rirå o,tåÆ3-l^"";{:::_rp*p"ii,ii*ltnC,'"1 ;..; ', "1 , ,.:.:,".: .',l,e.1E .arivetrain), li:Tll",?.'l +r -'-*,,å"{iffiå;'*i s;il;;"',;iJ':",å'iå?uiåil",il Fy,c 2900.R is - Lb+g: 6" ),,' to#Er 6ffiu*' å*a--#itjfi wide track stånce (S3").1zv' lili**Urdffi the,c y' to'* bliil; ; ilit :i;*s;;;;; d, n d i,,if;

r in $ 9q".: Ir { : A b ri n gi n g, to ge i h er-o f Depeldability. Luxury., o









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11, fodr spri1gtiypported " N " ind,in luxury cars)31*' in the

rake s avai

's"tee'fiffi'for an easier ier ride. rj



Step inside the FM C 2900R and luxury speaks back softly from every inch. Deep shag carpetine underfoot. Walls in easy-care vinyl claå aluåinum. Ca-binetrv in rich wood grain with safety-padded corners. Color-coårdinated drapes and upholstery. PLUSH Roomy, comfortable dinine, living, and sl,eerrinq are?s, both front and back. A tåvishly-6ppointed^baih, with separate shower and tub, toilet, and, vanitv. A ','chef,'s dream" galle with doublle sink, countef levet Stove, bve level oven,:iefrigeratoi/freez,er, and lots Of count.r ipårc€ A ,custom'dl'iver's ,compartment with a shroudeA AaSh,and a full complement of automotive :and"houieno,ta ,ins1iu-rl ents,' inclu4irg.u unique, optical di:splay,,of ,vehicle,, ,,' ,,' ' tunctioqs and systems. And tinted såfety, ,gla,ss alli åround,, everywhere you, look, brin$ing the outside inside , ' : All the luxuries of: Iife, like AM/FM'stereo,rtape deck,, colortvhook-ups,andairconditioning

All the necessities of life, too, more than adequatelv provided for; like 60 gallons of fresh water, Z0 salion {-PG tank, 65 gallon dual waste-holding system,-30,000 BTU turnace- , a ITv/ 110v electrical system, and 110 cu, ,ft, of


z7gdR f ust gossiply.the best thing to hap;*; r-..-'- t., ::":"f11t Motor Coa:ching since fhe. whbCt,.,,' , ' ' ,l', , Ask 5to'ur dealer abou,t'it. Or write:uS:. Or.both. , ,






O,Bo,x,66-4, Santa Clarå, CA 95052

HerebWhere to See. Test.Dllve and Buyan FTIG

ARIZONA General GMC 2420 W. Bethany Home Road Phoenix, Arizona 85015 (602) 242-4343

INDIANA Liddie PONTIAC - GMC, Inc. Highway 131 at l-65 Cfarksville, Indiana 4713A (812) 282-7501

ARKANSAS Roetzel's Nationwide Motorhomes 8000 Warden Road N. Littfe Rock, Arkansas 72116 (501) 835-7827

KANSAS Collard Chevrolet-RV Center Hofiday Plaza Lansing, Kansas 66043 (el3) 727-32s2 Davis-Moore Oldsmobile 6215 E. Kellogg Box 18047 Wichita, Kansas 67218

CALIFORNIA Hal Watkins RV Country 31 1 Daily Drive Camarillo, California 9301 0 (80s) 484-2756

(316) 685-021


NEBRASKA Columbus Trailer Sales Rt. 2, Box 220 Columbus, Nebraska 68601


(402) 564-7166

(615) e84-2380

Murphy Motor Manors 3163 Airport Highway Alcoa, Tennessee 37701 Tom Hutton, Co. 1710 E. Brooks Road Memphis, Tennessee 381 16


Kevah Konner, Inc. Rt. #46 Pine Brooks, New Jersey 07058 (201) 227-3100

(901) 3e6-3960

TEXAS Friendly Chevrolet Co., Inc. 3363 West N.W. Highway Daffas, Texas 75220

NEW MEXICO Hess Motor Coach Center, Ltd. 13100 Central Avenue, SE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123 (50s) 296-0732

(214') 526-881

Frank Gillman Motor Coaches 7620 Bellaire Road Houston, Texas 77036 (713) 771-3611

Lew Williams Recreation Center 2400 Fulton Avenue P.O. Box 214377 Sacramento, California 95821 (e16) 482-1600

LOUISIANA Coleman RV Center 7070 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 (504) e27-1240

NEW YORK Holiday on Wheels, Inc. 250 Kisco Avenue Mt. Kisco, New York 10549 (914) 241-1224

California Porsche/Audi, Inc. 1701 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, California 94109 (41 5) 771 -4070

MARYLAND Steuart Ford 9020 Lanham-Severn Road Lanham, Maryland 20801

NORTH CAROLINA Mitchell's Motor Coaches 4319 High Point Road Greensboro, North Carolina 27407 (e1e) 855-e337

(301 ) 45e-1 100

COLORADO FMC Farland Motors 7895 E. Prentiss- Avenue Building 43 Englewood, Colorado 801 10 (303) 773-0323 TLLTNOTS

Motor Vacations Unlimited Rt. 1 Box 128 Elgin, lllinois 60120 (312) 6e5-e413


Kellerstrass Brothers, Inc. 2185 Wall Avenue P.O. Box 1067 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801



wrscoNsrN OREGON




Paulson Motor Homes 870 W. Columbia Avenue. Battle Creek, Mi'chigan 49015 (616) e62-8737 MONTANA Magic Carpet RV Sales and Service 5124 Laurel Road Billings, Montana 59101 (406) 252-685s

Engstrom Motor Home Center 17150 Boones Ferry Road Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 (s03) 635-3571 PENNSYLVANIA Quality Coach Division of Rec. V. Inc. Route 309

Montgomeryville, Pa. 18936 (215) 643-2211

Livability, Inc. 18200 W. Bluemound Road Brookfield, Wisconsin 53003 (414) 786-0650 CANADA Hughes Motor Homes Division of Peter Hughes Ltd. The Maples, R.R. #2 Orangeville, Ontario, Canada LgW 2Y9 (51e) e41-07se

Tho abov6 is only a partial list of FMC dealerships. For locations ol additional dealerships contact FMC Motorcoach Division, P.O. Box 6O4, Santa Clara, Calif. 95052 FMC, Circle 401 on Reader Service page

TRAILER LIFE, March 1970


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