Callboard Summer 2006

Page 1

PAGE 2 School of Theatre Holds 15th Annual Award Celebration

PAGE 3 In Memoriam — Ritchie M. Spencer

PAGE 4 Focus on Faculty: David Bridel and Oliver Mayer


School of Theatre Offered Exclusive Performance of Spring Musical “Company” for USC Associates

A Challenge to Graduates: Don’t Fit In

By Ted Rabinowitz

Actor/producer Amy Brenneman advises graduates against “the passivity of the performer”


his year’s School of Theatre Comm-

representing the BA,

encement was marked by laughter,

the BFA and the MFA

remembrance and a challenge to

graduates. Nicholas

the graduates by keynote speaker

Rutherford, speaking

actress Amy Brenneman, creator and

for the BA graduates,

star of the long-running hit television show

brought the house

“Judging Amy.”

down with his comedic take on his years

Dean Madeline Puzo opened the ceremony by declaring her “nakhes,” a Yiddish word meaning

Amy Brenneman

at USC and was fol-

Dean Madeline Puzo, Mrs. Katherine B. Loker and Nancy Sinatra, Sr. at the USC Associates event.

The School of Theatre proudly offered an exclusive performance of the spring musical “Company” for the USC Associates on Sunday, April 2. Immediately following the performance, the entire cast joined the Associates for a reception held in Queen’s Court.

lowed by BFA grad

the special kind of joyful pride you feel in some-

Katie Cowan’s heartfelt remembrances. Finally,

The USC Associates, the premier academic sup-

one else’s achievements, for the class of 2006 –

Nancy Ellen Dodd, as the oldest graduate of

port group of USC, is a philanthropic association

the first to enter the school and graduate under

the class of 2006, spoke with enthusiasm and

dedicated to the advancement of knowledge.

her leadership. She then asked for a moment of

encouragement representing the MFAs.

Gifts from USC Associates members provide

silence to honor friend, colleague and teacher

essential support for some of the university’s

Ritchie Spencer, the school’s head of costume

At the start of her keynote speech, Ms. Bren-

design for the past thirty years, who had recently

neman drew rueful laughs by contrasting the

passed away. (See “In Memoriam” on Page 3.)

eagerness of the graduating students with the

They have played a key role in making USC the

The Dean was followed by student speakers

fears of their parents about a life in the arts,

world-class institution that it is today. For nearly

(continued on page 3)

most vital academic programs and initiatives.

(continued on page 3)

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